Industrial Building

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1 Distribution

Land Use Zone (2020)

2 Industrial
Technology Park
Activities Most Likely Will Create Nuisance or
Generate Pollution
Motorcycle and Motorcar Repairs, Service Centres
3 and Workshops
Manufacturing Industry
Printing and Publication
Service Industry

Dilapitated Industrial Area at Chan Sow Lin (North &

4 South)

Area (Hectares): 132.24

Description of Zone

Class A3 – Workers Quarters

Class B2 - Food and Drink


Class B10 – Funeral Homes & Services

Class C3 – Recycling Operations

Class D2 – Religious Facilities

Class D6 – Sports and Recreational Facilities

Class D10 – Infrastructure and Utilities


Area (Hectares) %
Permitted Zone Permitted with Conditions

Industrial Park Mixed Use Commercial and Industry

Industrial Park Mixed Use Commercial and Industry
Industrial Park Mixed Use Commercial and Industry
Industrial Park Mixed Use Commercial and Industry
Existing Use Proposed Use
Neighbourhood centre
Open space, industry, commercial, public facilities,
residential, sport & recreation facilities Commercial
Mixed use residential
Mixed use commercial & industry
High density residential
Area designated and zoned for manufacturing and its associated activities in the Zoning
On purpose built premises.
• Located along public transport route and pedestrian routes.
• Sufficient buffers eg. Roads, car parking spaces, other uses that are non-conflicting such as
shop houses, should be provided to reduce any risk or impact of any uncontrolled level of
• Community facilities required to be provided in accordance to requirement of the
Supplementary Development Control Guidelines of provision of Community Facilities
• Ancillary activity to serve workers and visitors of the Industrial Area.
• To be located at ground level of building to ensure high pedestrian activities and street
retail frontages. However it shall be confined to indoor or in purpose built buildings. Solid
waste disposal must comply to requirements of KLCH.
• Public entrance for activities must not be in conflict with the main use activities.
The scale, intensity and operation of the use shall not generate traffic congestion or other
potential nuisances
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has to be submitted to KLCH before planning
permission is granted for such activities.
Ancillary activity to serve workers and visitors of the Technology Park Zone.
• Activity as ancillary use to main activity and must support appropriate workers catchments
within the Industrial zone.
Activity as ancillary use to main activity and must support appropriate workers catchments
within the Industrial zone.
• Infrastructure and utilities are allowed in accordance to the technical requirements of the
utility providers

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