CCW Yr8 Assessment Planning
CCW Yr8 Assessment Planning
CCW Yr8 Assessment Planning
Year 8 English
Hunt for the Wilderpeople Text Study
Name: _____________
INSTRUCTIONS: Write an introduction, three paragraphs and a conclusion using the TEEEEL format in
response to ONE of the prompts below. PLAN and DRAFT your essay carefully using the planning tools
given to you by your teacher.
▪ Introduction
▪ Paragraph 1
▪ Paragraph 2
▪ Paragraph 3
▪ Conclusion
Proofread your responses carefully using the ‘Essay Checklist’.
Note: Your responses must be written in your own words . If you submit plagiarised (copied) work you will
receive a 0% for this assessment task and you will be required to resubmit.
1. Hunt for the Wilderpeople shows that change always results in positive outcomes. Discuss.
1. The characters in Hunt for the Wilderpeople are often judged unfairly. Discuss.
2. Hunt for the Wilderpeople shows that you can only find belonging with those that you are
related to by blood. Discuss.
1. Hunt for the Wilderpeople shows that change is always welcomed. Discuss.
2. The characters in Hunt for the Wilderpeople are often judged unfairly. Discuss.
3. Hunt for the Wilderpeople shows that you can only find belonging with those that you are
related to by blood. Discuss.
Step 1: Choose ONE of the essay prompts outlined above. Delete the others.
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Year 8 English
Hunt for the Wilderpeople Text Study
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Step 6: UNDERLINE words that modify the question e.g., more than, always, only, none.
Which characters/events come to mind when you think of this prompt? Why?
Step 8: Group your examples under 3 different IDEAS. Think about what your examples have in
common. These IDEAS will be the basis of your paragraphs.
Idea #1: Some characters find belonging with those that they ARE related to. E.g. Kahu and her dad.
Idea #2: Some characters find belonging with people they are NOT related to. E.g. Bella, Hec, Ricky.
Idea #3: Some characters find belonging in themselves and their environment. E.g. Psycho Sam and
Your ideas:
Idea #1:
Idea #2:
Idea #3:
Step 9: Form a contention. The contention is the main thing that you are arguing (your point of view
on the topic).
While Hunt for the Wilderpeople shows the connection that can exist in those related by blood,
Waititi suggests that people can find belonging with people they are not related to.
Your contention:
Topic: (Paste the topic here)
Instructions: Use the information in the left hand column to draft your introduction, body paragraphs
and conclusions. At this stage your focus should be on getting ideas down. You can adjust your
wording during the editing process.
Introduce the film and topic by Waititi’s Hunt for the Wilderpeople explores ___________
using some of the key words (or
synonyms) from the prompt. This
should be a ‘big picture’
statement about what the text
shows us.
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
TOPIC SENTENCE Waititi __(insert verb)__ that ____________
Write a topic sentence that clearly outlines the key IDEA
you are going to explore in this paragraph.
Body Paragraph 3
TOPIC SENTENCE Waititi __(insert verb)__ that ____________
Write a topic sentence that clearly outlines the key IDEA
you are going to explore in this paragraph.
Reinforce your overall contention Ultimately, the film suggests that ___________________
once again.
Make a strong statement about the While Hunt for the Wilderpeople shows ________________, Waititi
text as a whole which has also suggests that _____________________.
developed from the discussion.
Type your final essay here…
Editing Checklist
Body ▪ My paragraphs contain an insightful topic sentence. ▪ My paragraphs contain a clear topic sentence. ▪ My paragraphs contain a topic sentence. ▪ My paragraphs do not contain a topic
Paragraphs ▪ My paragraphs link back to the essay topic superbly. ▪ My paragraphs clearly link back to the essay topic. ▪ My paragraphs link back to the essay topic. sentence.
- Use of textual evidence to ▪ I used quotes and examples from the film in an ▪ I used quotes and examples from the film very well. ▪ I used quotes and examples from the film.. ▪ My paragraphs do not link back to the essay
support the interpretation. excellent manner to support my contentions. topic.
▪ My writing is clear and understandable. ▪ My writing is at times hard to follow and my ideas
▪ My writing makes complete sense. are confusing at some points. ▪ I had very few or no examples from the film to
▪ I have used the TEEL technique in the body of my essay. support arguments/discussion.
▪ I used the TEEL technique extremely well in the body ▪ I made a good attempt to use the TEEL technique
of my essay. in the body of my essay. ▪ The reader will not be able to understand my
▪ My writing is hard to follow.
▪ I made a poor attempt to use the TEEL
technique in the body of my essay.
Written Expression ▪ My sentences flow together beautifully. Excellent use ▪ Most of the sentences flow together very well. Good use of ▪ My paragraph does not flow in places. Some ideas ▪ My paragraph does not flow. My ideas are
- Control & effectiveness of of connectives. connectives. are unconnected. Some connectives used. unconnected. No connectives used.
language use, as appropriate ▪ I edited my writing and it has less than 4 spelling, ▪ I edited my writing and it contains very few spelling, grammar, ▪ I edited my writing however it contains a lot of ▪ I still have many spelling, grammar and
to the task. grammar and punctuation errors. and punctuation errors. spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. punctuation errors in my writing.
▪ My writing is clear and easy to understand. ▪ Consistent use of tense. ▪ Some swapping of tenses. ▪ I swapped between tenses.
▪ Consistent use of tense. ▪ Some interesting vocabulary. ▪ Reasonable use of vocabulary. ▪ Limited vocabulary.
▪ Outstanding vocabulary.
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