As4 RW Q4 G11 Ortinez

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PROJECT CLAID (Contextualized and Localized Activities Intended for Distance Learning)

Name : ___________________________________ Date: ___________ Score:____


Quarter 4 – Week 4
Competency: Determine the unique features and
requirements of a research report
Lesson: Research Report

1. Recognize the parts of a research report

2. Understand various problems and solutions using research skills

3. Draft a research report.

There is always new information being introduced to this modern
world. For an individual to keep up with the time, he must not only be
a critical thinker, but also a good researcher. Research is a systematic
and scientific venture towards knowing and understanding a certain
phenomenon, ascertain the existence of an actual phenomena, or
discovering a new phenomenon. The process of researching includes
collection, presentation, analysis an interpretation of facts that connect
to a man’s scope of reality.

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report

Getting Started
Directions: Research or browse the net to be familiar with the following parts
of a research report. Match the definitions in Column A to its parts in Column
B. Write the letter of the correct answer in column A.

1. Abstract
2. Research Problem
3. Significance of the Study
4. Scope and Delimitation
5. Results and Discussion
6. Related Studies
7. Methodology
8. Instrumentation
9. Sample
10. Recommendation

a. Details the procedures in gathering the data for the study.
b. Gives the things that should or should not dwell upon.
c. Discusses the importance and benefits of the study.
d. Tells the instruments used.
e. Details about the participants’ information and background.
f. Summarizes the undertakings for the whole research
g. Explains the gathered data.
h. Adds some background by stating previous researches.
i. Jumpstarts the whole process of researching.
j. Adds suggestions for the future continuation of the study.
k. Details about the material, such as the title, author,
publishing date and significance of writing.

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report

Research Report is a type of academic paper which follows a combined

process of a formal investigation and scientific inquiry. It comprises factual
evidences, detailed explanations and procedures, with substantial results and
interpretations. Researching is done in many fields such as in agriculture,
arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, technology and health


Getting it Right
Directions: Analyze the situations below, then answer the questions that

SITUATION 1: Suppose that the researcher has observed that students who
spent most of their hours on studying a particular subject received a higher
score on the examination.

1. What would be the main aim of the study?

A. To correlate between the numbers of hours spent in studying and

the score in the examination.

B. To determine the effects of studying on a particular subject.

C. To punctuate the importance of having a high score.

D. To define time management.

2. Who would benefit the most from the study?

A. doctors B. engineers C. farmers D. teachers

3. The respondents of the study are ________.

A. adults B. babies C. elders D. teenagers

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report
4. What field of study will this research contribute the most?

A. Education C. Language

B. Liberal Arts D. Social Science

5. Among the following, which is the main variable for this research?

A. The hours of study spent by a student in a particular subject

B. The general attitude of a student in terms of the subject

C. The schedule of meals of the students

D. The study habits of the students

SITUATION 2: Suppose that the researcher wished to evaluate the effectiveness

of the implemented reading program in a certain school.

6. In terms of practicality, why should this study be conducted?

A. Identify the students’ level of reading comprehension.

B. Know if the program must still be continued for the next year.

C. Monitor the school’s progress in terms of reading.

D. Update students about the current trends in reading.

7. What is the best method to be employed for this study?

A. descriptive C. historical
B. experimental D. situational
SITUATION 3: Suppose that the researcher wished to know the level of
awareness of college graduates in terms of prevailing social conditions on the

8. What is the best instrument to be used for this study?

A. checklist C. interview

B. observation D. survey

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report
9. How would the researcher able to determine the sample size needed to
satisfy the requirement of the study?
A. The researcher may think of a number randomly as a sample size.
B. The researcher may place a sample size without any supporting
basis, as long as, the population is large.
C. The researcher may locate first the general population which
meets the characteristics needed for the study and then, proceed
with identifying the sample size.
D. There is no need to determine the sample size.
10. Which of the following is best to suggest if the study shows that a
majority of the college graduates are not aware of the prevailing social
conditions on the county?
A. Conduct a set of very strict and rigorous trainings in terms of
recognizing and understanding various social conditions.
B. Emphasize on the curriculum about these social conditions and
make discussions about related problems and solutions.
C. Remove any information which highlight prevailing social conditions
from textbooks and other learning materials.
D. Limit the concept of socialization on any forms.



Directions: Observe your family members and think about the problems that
they have usually encountered during the quarantine period. Afterwards,
choose from the following problems and draft a solution to solve it. Fill in the
following format of a Research Report.

Title: _______________________________________________________________
Research Problem:

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report
Results and Discussion:



Directions: Analyze the situation and answer the questions that follow.

An entrepreneur had a farm and owned a company that sells ice cream.
However, due to the pandemic, he was left with only root crops. He decided to
make an ice cream out of them and had the following flavours: turnips, potatoes
and red beets. He conducted a survey with the nearby villagers, asking them
in terms of acceptability, saleability and profitability of the said-flavours. Few
did not like the turnips, and many said that the potatoes tasted bland and the
red beats were almost acceptable. However, the entrepreneur received average
scores of all three flavours in terms of saleability and profitability.

1. What is the stated main problem of the entrepreneur?

A. He faced difficulty in his business due to the pandemic.
B. He had a lot of ice cream that he could not sell anymore.
C. He needed to fix the damages caused by the recent pandemic.
D. He had no other means but to sell his farm to other businesses.

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report
2. What is the solution thought by the entrepreneur?
A. Ask for donations from the government and other agencies.
B. Make an ice-cream out of the remaining root crops in his farm.
C. Sell his farm and think of another business.
D. Wait for other people to give him the solution.
3. What was the specific focus of the study conducted by the entrepreneur?
A. Compare the newly created ice cream in terms of texture.
B. Understand the real meanings of ice-cream to a community.
C. Collate the impressions of the neighborhood about the ice cream
made out of root crops.
D. Identify the acceptability, salability and profitability of the flavors
from the root crops which are available in his farm.
4. What is the instrument used by the entrepreneur for the study?
A. Checklist B. Interview C. Observation D. Survey

5 - 7. From the result, do you think that the entrepreneur will still continue
with his plan on selling the ice cream made out of turnips, potatoes and red
beets? Explain your answer. (3 points – if the answer is well-thought out,
correct and very clear; 1 point if the solution is partially thought, correct and

8 -10. Suggest some possible solutions to solve the entrepreneur’s problem.

(3 points – if the answer is well-thought out, correct and very clear; 1 point if
the solution is partially thought, correct and clear)

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report
Barrot, Jessie S., and Sipacio, Philippe John F. Communicate Today English
for Academic and Professional Purposes for Senior High School. Quezon: C &
E Publishing Inc. 2016.

Paler-Camorin, Laurentina. Research and Statistics with Computer.

Mandaluyong: National Book Store, 2010.

Prepared by:

Highway Hills Integrated School
SDO Mandaluyong



Master Teacher II, MHS Master Teacher II, ABIS Master Teacher II, MPNAG
Content Language Layout



Education Program Supervisor, English

Q4 Week No.4 Competency Code: EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12
Competency: Determine the unique features and requirements of a research report

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