2.3 Safety and Environmental Issues
2.3 Safety and Environmental Issues
2.3 Safety and Environmental Issues
○ Excessive distortion
● Failure Frequency Estimation - based on reported failures from past service
experience which concentrates much more on the system level than the component
level. Therefore, the experience-based service makes estimates have more
advantage than evaluations of frequent failure modes having small leaks.
2.3.2. Safety assessment and environmental issues
With the growth of green energy technologies and along with the concern about
climate change, the pressure vessel-industrial reactors become a better choice for
developing in many countries to ensure energy security and sustainable development as
well as tackling environmental issues. The key risks referred to the pressure vessels
pointed out are the explosion due to the rupture of the enclosure of the vessel or one of its
components and the leakage of the confined fluid product. With the help of the study of the
scientific literature review and a variety of reports about referenced accidents, they allow
us to determine and try to solve many different causes or cases of these types of
Due to the common failures of pressure vessels design listed above, it is known to
have two options of pressurized system repair or modification are damage evaluation and
repair by welding. These procedural guidelines are needed when the assessment
indicates the severity of deterioration or cracks revealed by inservice inspection in order to
ensure the operation of pressure vessels work well and restore structural integrity.
Damage evaluation is the proposed suggestion for the consequences of large-scale
cracking. Based on the depth of cracking or damage which is less than the corrosion
allowance, this method is utilized to carefully remove the crack and blend the cavity with
the surrounding. On the other hand, when the depth of crack is greater than the corrosion
allowance, detailed engineering analysis is needed in order to remove the damage without
restoring or repairing, evaluate the alternatives of allowing continued operation along the
damage for some intervals of service. Repair by welding is another optional guideline
about technical evaluation indicating the repair required to restore the structural integrity.
Repair by welds is taken by two codes including NBIC and API. Both codes need the
repair and restoration plan to be reviewed and qualified by either a registered or
experienced engineer in advance. The method of repairing welds must take into
consideration all aspects of the welding in order to avoid a condition which may be more
likely to damage and deteriorate.4
Another two factors to consider when operating pressurized systems are in small-
scale laboratory setups and large-scale laboratory setups. The safety guidelines for small-
scale laboratories are required to limit the maximum allowable working pressure and
temperature to that of the lowest rated component in the system; reduce the amount of
energy stored in the system by using the minimum size system possible and use pressure
relief instruments set at or below the maximum allowable working pressure of the system if
it is possible to be over pressurized. Moreover, it is needed to pay particular attention
when using glass equipment to be subject to pressure above atmospheric, excluding
specially constructed glassware rated for pressure use and that is either thoroughly
shielded or barricaded on all sides. Isolating hazardous substances, components, and
operation using barricades, shielding, gas cabinets, or remote operation in case that the
effect of component failure or leak of a process gas are unacceptable. The next
procedures for safety in large-scale laboratories using large scale pressure are
considered. The requirement, first and foremost, is that all pressure vessels and piping
needed to be constructed, repaired, altered, and tested as stated in ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code. And every component of the system is rated at or above maximum
allowable pressure. It is also necessary to protect all pressure devices by installing
pressure-relieving devices that vent to a safe location. When installing a valve, do not put it
between a safety valve or similar equipment and the vessel being protected by it.
Checking safety valves at frequent intervals and the capacity of the pressure-relieving
device enough to carry off the maximum quantity of liquid or gas which can be either
created or supplied to the attached devices without permitting an increase in pressure in
the vessel to more than 10 percent above the maximum allowable working pressure to
make sure the system functions properly. Next one to consider is to locate apparatus to be
used under pressure only in which areas specially designed for that purpose. Pay attention
not to subject pressure equipment to any pressure exceeding the maximum allowable
working pressure as stated in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or as
suggested by the manufacturer. Finally, do follow the manufacturer's recommended
maintenance and inspection procedures.5
1. https://gfa2017.gesellschaft-fuer-arbeitswissenschaft.de/inhalt/G.1.5.pdf
2. https://www.desware.net/sample-chapters/D09/E6-165-07-00.pdf
3. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GOVPUB-C13-
4. https://www.ehss.vt.edu/programs/BPV_gen_smallscale.php