EBIO Terrestrial Eco Sci Paper 3

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Laboratory No.



Matina, Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

EBIO314L (6608): Terrestrial Ecology






MARCH 2023

I. Introduction

Soil refers to the loose surface material that covers most land and consists of inorganic
particles as well as organic matter. Soil provides structural support to plants used in
agriculture and is the source of water and nutrients (Agriculture Victoria, 2022). Soil has
numerous properties, both physical and chemical. The physical properties of soil include
color, texture, size, air space, water availability, and permeability while its chemical
properties include the inorganic matter and minerals present in the soil itself. Soil is an
essential material not only for the flora of an ecosystem, but also for providing us with food,
water, and protection, and regulating the Earth's climate by storing vast amounts of carbon.

Soil comprises a mixture of individual components, which give each soil type distinctive
characteristics and structure. Soil composition is an essential aspect for the propagation of life
on Earth, therefore being an integral part of the overall biosphere. Nutrient management is
one of the important features of soil composition, as soil contains differentiated percentages
of nutrient composition. According to an article from the Soil Nutrient Management for Maui
County (2023), the typical soil consists of approximately 45% mineral, 5% organic matter,
20-30% water, and 20-30% air, however, these percentages are general estimations at best.
There are various ways for the determination of soil composition. Because some soil
generally contains the three types of soil texture, this being sand, silt, and clay, to evaluate
their composition, it is generally done by measuring the percentages of each texture using a
simple jar, according to an article by Jeffers (2018), which explained the “Jar Test.”
Similarly, this paper aims to determine the properties and composition of certain types of soil
found in different areas of given premises using similar methodology. In addition, this will
also determine the water-holding capacity and pH levels of the given soil in order to
determine their reactions and overall general composition.


To determine the properties and composition of certain types of soil.

II. Materials and Procedures


 Soil samples from a garden plot,  Iron stand

and vacant lot  6 jars or bottles

 Clean jars to hold the soil samples  Rubber stopper

 Distilled water  Glass tube

 Beam balance  Labelling Materials

 Litmus paper or pH paper  Watch glass

 Alcohol lamp  Graduated cylinder

 Stirring rod  Ruler


1. Collection of soil samples/group

Obtain 2 soil samples from the designated places. Dig about 6 inches and lift out a small cube

of soil. Get 3 samples for each type and label each sample. Dry 1 set of the soil sample.

2. Determine the organic content of the soil

Weigh equal amounts of soil sample. Place each on a tin plate (or petri dish) and heat for 10

minutes. Weigh each again and record the results in Table 1. Reheat each until a red hot,

stirring constantly while heating. Re-weigh the sample. Note the differences in results.

3. Determine the water-holding capacity of the soil

Prepare 6 jars or bottles, each with one-hole rubber stopper with short glass tube inserted

through it. Label each jar. Weigh equal amounts of the dried soil sample, enough to fill the jar

up to 1/3. Add equal amounts of water and shake vigorously. Allow the jars to stand for 15

minutes. After 15 minutes, the soil will have separated into 3 distinct layers- a bottom sandy

layer, a middle layer of clay, and a top layer of humus. Measure the thickness of each layer

and record the weight in Table 2.

After measuring the thickness of the layers, invert jars over a beaker so that the water drips

through. Leave till the following day. Measure the water that has dripped through and then

calculate the amount that remains in the soil. Record the results in Table 2.

4. Reaction of the soil

Place strips of blue and red litmus paper (or pH paper) on a watch glass. Place moist soil over

the litmus paper. Let stand for 10-15 minutes. Wash off the mud from the pH paper and

examine any change in color. Record the results in Table 2.

5. Photo documentation

Take photo documentation (at least 3 photos) for each procedure. Put all photos in the

Appendices part of your scientific paper.

III. Data and Observation

Table 1. The organic content of the soil.

Soil sample Initial Weight after Difference in Weight after Difference

weight heating weight heating in weight

Vacant lot sample 38.96 g 34.47 g 4.49 g 31.47 g 3g


Vacant lot sample 38.96 g 35.29 g 3.67 g 31.58 g 3.71 g


Vacant lot sample 38.96 g 35.57 g 3.39 g 32.77 g 2.8 g


Garden plot 38.96 g 34.29 g 4.67 g 32.37 g 1.92 g

sample 1

Garden plot 38.96 g 36.77 g 2.19 g 31.77 g 5g

sample 2

Garden plot 38.96 g 36.77 g 2.19 g 34.46 2.31 g

sample 3

Table 1 provides the measurement of the organic content of each soil sample. Three

(3) samples are gathered in the vacant lot area, as well as three (3) samples that were gathered

in the garden plot area. All soil sample displayed the exact same initial weight at 38.96 g.

The unit weight of soil depends on the composition of the soil particles, the amount of water

in the soil, and how well compacted the soil is (ABG Geosynthetics 2023). However, there

are drastic changes after the first heating, such as in the case with vacant sample 1 and garden

sample 1, particularly with the garden sample which has the lowest weight, and took a 4 g
difference from its initial weight. The rest also decreased in weight. After the second heating,

all soil samples showed significant decrease in weight, particularly with vacant sample 1,

which has the lowest weight. The table showed that the initial weight of soil samples differs

from the difference in weight. The mass of the soil sample after heating is changed because

when the soil is heated, water converts into water vapor (Brown, M., 2018).

Table 2. Composition and properties of soil.

Soil Amount Amount Amount Thick- Thick- Thick- pH Acid,

sample of water of water of water ness of ness of ness of reading Base or
added caught left sand clay humus Neutral

Vacant 80 mL 18 mL 13.5 mL 12 cm 28 cm 35 cm 8 Acid

sample 1

Vacant 80 mL 13 mL 25 mL 10 cm 25 cm 30 cm 7 Neutral
sample 2

Vacant 80 mL 19.3 mL 11 mL 12 cm 26 cm 33 cm 8 Acid

sample 3

Garden 80 mL 9.8 mL 16 mL 10 cm 25 cm 31 cm 9 Acid

sample 1
Garden 80 mL 11.2 mL 16 mL 10 cm 15 cm 22 cm 9 Acid
sample 2


Garden 80 mL 6.5 mL 35 mL 10 cm 14 cm 20 cm 8 Acid

sample 3

Table 2 above provides the composition and properties of the soil samples. 80 mL of

water is added to all soil samples. On the other side, the amount of water caught is measured

after filtration. The amount of water caught is differentiated from each of the soil samples,

with vacant sample 3 having caught the most water volume at 19.3 mL. The leftover and

unabsorbed water is the difference of the amount of water added and the amount caught.

Because garden sample 3 caught the least amount of water, it has the most volume of leftover

water. The soil captures and stores water which results in to decrease in water filtered

(Monica D, 2015). Each individual soil thickness is also measured in terms of their individual

texture composition such as sand, clay, and humus. Both vacant sample 1 and 3 have the

thickest sand texture at 12 cm. Vacant sample 1 also has thicker clay texture at 28 cm, as well

as thicker humus level at 35 cm. pH readings of each soil sample displayed differentiating

results, with vacant sample 2 being the only neutral sample at a pH level of 7, while the rest

displayed acidic content levels above neutral. The availability of nutrients to plants as well as

how the nutrients interact with one another will be influenced by the pH of the soil.

IV. Answer to Questions

1. What type of soil would be best for supporting a wide variety of living things? Why?

The best type of soil for supporting a wide variety of living things is a loam soil. Loam

soil is a combination of clay, sand, and silt soil that contains more organic matter and is

particularly productive when compared to other types of soil. It also has the capacity to store

moisture and nutrients, which means that loam soil maintains nutrients and has a texture that

retains water long enough for plant roots to reach it, but it drains well which also means that

the water ultimately drains out, preventing plant roots from rotting. As a result, gardeners,

farmers, and homeowners adore loam since it is ideal for producing vegetables, fruits,

flowers, grass, trees, bushes, and other plants. Loam soil gives medium-textured soil to

plants, providing air to circulate plant roots; air circulation protects against illnesses common

in poorly draining compacted soils. The texture of the soil enables roots to spread fast, retain

moisture, and get nutrients (Iannotti, 2023).

V. Conclusion

1a.) Which among the soil samples contain plenty of organic matter? Justify your

choice. The least amount of organic matter? Justify your choice.

The soil samples that contain plenty of organic matter are the garden soil samples.

The diverse microorganisms that inhabit gardens play a significant role in the formation and

decomposition of organic matter. Organic matter in soil is made up of living or dead plants,

microscopic animals, and microorganisms that are consuming other organisms. Things like

brown, withered leaves, which we generally associate with death, are actually teeming with

microscopic life and have an impact on good soil. One sign that the soil was rich in organic

matter was the presence of several hardy plants in the garden area. The black hue of the soil

in the garden area indicates that the soil is rich in humus and organic matter. The soil
becomes darker as more organic matter breaks down into humus. The bare patch of soil

contains the least quantity of organic stuff. The soil sample that has the least organic matter is

from the vacant area. Compared to the garden soil samples, the vacant soil samples contain

fewer plants. Additionally, the soil color in a vacant lot is a grayish form, not a darker color,

which is a sign of having plenty of organic matter. A mottled, rusty, or streaked appearance

in a grayish matrix may indicate variably or improperly drained soils (Nadia, 2022).

Furthermore, the capacity of the soil to retain hazardous substances and deliver vital nutrients

(such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium) is greatly enhanced by

soil organic matter. It helps soil minerals break down more quickly and enables the soil to

adapt to fluctuations in soil acidity.

1b.) Which type of soil holds plenty of water? Little water? Justify your choice.

Vacant soil sample 3 holds the most amount of water among the list of gathered soil

samples. According to an article by Jeff Ball (2001), water-holding capacity is controlled

primarily by soil texture and organic matter. Soils with smaller particles (silt and clay) have a

larger surface area than those with larger sand particles, and a large surface area allows a soil

to hold more water. This suggests that vacant soil sample 3 contained soils with smaller

particles, explaining its edge in the amount of water it absorbed compared to the other


In contrast, garden plot sample 3 holds the least amount of water due to the presence

of larger soil particles, as suggested by the article mentioned. Additionally, as clay content

increases, the soil water content increases for a given soil moisture potential. The reason for

this is that clayey soils have a higher porosity, and can hold on to more water at a given soil

water potential. (Mooberg et. al, 2017)

2. Which type of soil has plenty of humus? Little humus? Justify your choice.
Humus is the soil's black organic material that results from the breakdown of plant

and animal debris. It is a type of organic material for soil that contains nutrients and keeps the

soil moist. In two areas, the garden soil sample has plenty of humus because of its dark color.

It builds up on the ground when plants scatter leaves, twigs, and other debris. Earthworms

often help mix humus with minerals in the soil. The more plants planted in an area, the better

the chances of gaining plenty of humus. On the other side, vacant soil samples appear to have

less humus content because of their grayish color. Additionally, in vacant area, there were a

small population of plants lived there which influences less utilization of decomposing.

3. What seems to be the relation between the humus content and the water holding

capacity of soil?

Humus is organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matter decays,

whereas the water holding capacity of soil refers to the quantity of water kept in the soil

against gravity, or the total volume of water in the soil at field capacity. Aggregates are

considered to develop by the clumping and cohesion of mineral particles and organic

materials, which adds to their stability. According to Minnesota Crop News (2020), this soil

organic matter (humus) is necessary for the formation of aggregates, and aggregates are

necessary for the retention of water. For two reasons, soil aggregates are essential for

retaining water in the soil. A well-aggregated soil contains big holes between aggregates that

allow water to enter the soil profile and microscopic holes inside aggregates retain water

securely enough to keep it in place, yet loosely enough for plant roots to absorb it.

4. Which constitute of the soil is responsible for its water holding capacity? Give your


Water Holding Capacity refers to a soil texture's capacity to physically hold water

against the force of gravity. This occurs when soil particles bind water molecules together by
the force of cohesion (Koops, 2013). Soil texture and organic matter are the key components

that determine soil water holding capacity. With regard to soil texture, those with smaller

particle sizes, such as silt and clay, have a higher surface area. The greater the surface area,

the simpler it is for the soil to retain water, resulting in a higher water retention capacity.

Sand, on the other hand, has enormous particle sizes, resulting in a reduced surface area.

Sand has a limited water retention capacity. Soil organic matter (SOM) is another factor that

can help increase water holding capacity. Soil organic matter has a natural attraction to water.

If the farm increases the amount of organic matter in the soil, the soil's water-holding

capacity will increase. SOM is decaying matter that emerged from a living organism. It may

also increase by adding plant or animal material. (Curell, 2011)

5. Which type of soil is basic? acidic?

Vacant lot 1 and 3, and garden plot 1, 2, and 3 sample soils displayed acidic pH

levels, with vacant lot 2 being the only sample showing neutral pH lavels. However, there

were no basic type of soil sample recorded.


Brown, M. (2018) Effects of soil temperature on some soil properties and plant growth -
MedCrave online. https://medcraveonline.com/APAR/effects-of-soil-temperature-on-

Curell, C. (2011, November 11). Why is soil water holding capacity important.

Davidson & Janssens (2006) Effects of soil temperature on some soil properties and plant
growth - MedCrave online. Retrieved from
properties-and plant growth.

Iannotti, M. (2023, March 18). What Does Loam Soil Mean to a Gardener?. The Spruce.
Jeffers, A. (2018) Soil Texture Analysis "The Jar Test." Published by Home & Garden
Information Center. Retrieved from https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/soil-texture-
analysis-the-jartest/#:~:text=To%20 evaluate%20soil%20texture %2C% 20use,to%20
determine %20the %20soil%20type.

Koops, D. (2013, July 15). Know Your Water Holding Capacity.


Minnesota Crop News (2020). The connection between soil organic matter and soil water
Retrieved from https://blog-crop-news.extension.umn.edu/2020/03/the-connection-

Monica D., (2015) Want clean water? Filter with soil. Published by Michigan State
University Extension. Retrieved from
https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/want_clean_water _ filter_ with_soil#:~:text=When
%20water%20passes%20through%20soil,them%20out%20of %20 the%20water.

Nadia, H. (2022). What Is Organic Matter and What Does It Do for My Garden Soil.
Retrieved from: https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-organic-matter-1401911

Onwuka, B. M. (2018) Effects of Soil Temperature on some Soil Properties and Plant
Growth. Published MedCrave online. Retrieved from

Richard J., (2002) The Meaning and Importance of Soil pH. Published by Iowa State
University. Retrieved from

Soil Composition (2023) Soil Nutrient Management for Maui County. Retrieved from

Unit Weight – Soil Properties (2023). Published by ABG Geosyntheics. Retrieved from

What is soil? (2022) Published by Agriculture Victoria. Retrieved from


Appendix 1. Collecting soil Appendix 2. Collecting soil

samples from garden plot samples from vacant plot
Appendix 3. Weighing collected Appendix 4. Heating weighed soil
soil samples samples for 10 minutes

Appendix 5. Measuring the Appendix 6. Observing filtered

thickness of layers (Humus, clay, soil samples mixed with water

Appendix 7. Measuring the Appendix 8. Testing the reaction of

remaining water soil through litmus and pH paper
Appendix 9. Observation of the reactions of
soil through litmus and pH paper

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