Format III
Format III
Format III
lac to be submitted by the Branch to Zonal Office within 60 days from date of NPA.
Name of the Branch: ……….......... Zone: …….................. Circle: …………….....
Part - I
(Amt. in Rs lacs)
1. Name of the Borrower/Account
2. Business Activity
3. Address where Unit /Office is
4. Name of the Proprietors / Names of Proprietor, Partner/ N.W. at the Present N.W.
Partners / Directors with their Directors with Contact Tel. time of
Net Worth and contact Nos. Nos. sanction
Part II
A) Comments on Role of Appraising/Processing/Recommending Officials at the branch level:
Yes or No. (If no, details to be furnished).
1. Whether identification of borrower,
compliance of KYC norms, due diligence of
the borrower/promoters has been done.
2. Whether basic information like borrower’s
standard etc. as per the bank’s extant loan
policy guidelines has been incorporated in
the proposal.
3. Whether visit to the borrower/unit/collateral
security has been done.
4. Whether verification of CIBIL, RBI/ECGC
Defaulter list has been done.
5. Whether the proposal is cleared by New
Business Committee.
6. Whether scrutiny of financial
statements/projections and verification of its
correctness has been done.
7. Whether status and credentials of the
borrower/promoter has been obtained from
the market or other sources.
8. Whether scrutiny as to the acceptability of
the proposal within the framework of the
policy/guidelines of the bank and adhering to
the norms prescribed in this regard has been
9. Whether verification of compliance of RBIs
policy/other agencies has been done.
10. If the borrower is maintaining account with
other bank, whether credit report from such
banks on conduct of the account has been
11. Whether policy deviation, if any, has been
incorporated in the proposal and justification,
if recommended for acceptance of such
policy deviation, is incorporated in the
12. Whether legal search report, valuation report,
wherever applicable from bank’s empanelled
advocate/valuer, as per bank’s guidelines, has
been obtained.
Part III
1. Specific adverse comments in Internal /
External Audit are made. If yes, details to be
2. Whether the branch has complied with
observations made by various
internal/external auditors.
3. Whether any deviation/ deficiency have been
found in compliance of audit observation,
please specify.
4. Whether legal audit has been undertaken in
the account, as per bank’s norms. Any case
of any deficiency in the legal audit, status of
its rectification/ compliance to be furnished.
4. Present status of SARFAESI action.
Present status of Legal Action, besides
SARFAESI, initiated in the account. Also
mention date of expiry of limitation for
filling suit.
Whether borrower has come forward for
settling the account through compromise. If
yes, present status to be furnished.
5. Whether two successive internal audit/
inspection of the branch/ account or 4 years
from the date of cause of action have taken
place/ elapsed.
6. Any other information.
b) Comments on Role of Credit Appraisal Grid (CAG) at Zonal Office/Circle Office/Head Office level:
c) Comments on the Role of Credit Approval Committee (Sanctioning Authority) at Zonal Office/Circle
Office/Head Office level:
Respective Credit Monitoring Department of Zonal/ Circle/ Head Office will submit the report as per
Part V.
Head Office, Recovery Department will obtain the report from respective Credit Monitoring
Department and place the same to COE at Head Office.
For Overseas Centres, this aspect will be examined by International Wing, Head Office.
Name of official Designation Period Irregularities Type of lapses and whether it has
with Employee attributed against contributed to the A/c becoming
No. each official and NPA and/or difficulty in recovery
nature of lapse of the loan amount