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Preliminary Staff Accountability Report in case of NPAs with aggregate outstanding above Rs.

lac to be submitted by the Branch to Zonal Office within 60 days from date of NPA.


Name of the Branch: ……….......... Zone: …….................. Circle: …………….....

Part - I
(Amt. in Rs lacs)
1. Name of the Borrower/Account
2. Business Activity
3. Address where Unit /Office is
4. Name of the Proprietors / Names of Proprietor, Partner/ N.W. at the Present N.W.
Partners / Directors with their Directors with Contact Tel. time of
Net Worth and contact Nos. Nos. sanction

5. Name of the Guarantor (s) with

their Net Worth and Contact
6. Details of Present Limits & Limits Outstanding Balance as
outstanding Balance. on................................
a) Funded (Mention separately
for each type of credit facility)
b) Non Funded: L/ C
B/ G
No. of L/C Amount not yet No. of B/G Amount not yet
c) Details of L/C and / or B/G devolved devolved
issued but not yet devolved with
details of beneficiary
d)Date upto which interest
applied in the Account
7. In case of consortium :
a) Name of the Leader and other
b) Each member’s share, both in
absolute terms as well as in %
terms, with outstanding
c) Status of the Asset with them
8. Details of Sanction Date Aggregate sanction Sanctioning
limits Authority
Funded Funded
Details of very first sanction
Details of latest Enhancement
Details of latest Review /Renew
9. Date of NPA and Amount Date of NPA
outstanding Amount Outstanding
10. Whether unit running /closed/
operative/ operative on low
11. Brief Reasons for the Account
turning NPA
12. Name of the Group / Associate
firms / Companies: their
outstanding liability with us
including status of their A/Cs
13. Security Available in the Account as on date .........................................
(Details like location, (B)COLLATERAL SECURITY
measurement etc and Nature of (Details like location, measurement etc. (of all the properties
charge to be mentioned) separately) and Nature of charge to be mentioned) (Mention value of
(Mention value with date of each property with date of valuation)
In case of consortium financing, our share (Property wise &Amount wise) in the security vis-à-vis share of
other members of the consortium, nature of charge must be mentioned very clearly.
Value Date Remarks Full details Value Date Remarks
Full details of Collateral
Primary Security
Is there any devaluation of the charged
securities? (Primary & Collateral both) if
yes, please specify the reasons
Details of Securities adjusted in Loan
Account, after date of NPA.

Part II
A) Comments on Role of Appraising/Processing/Recommending Officials at the branch level:
Yes or No. (If no, details to be furnished).
1. Whether identification of borrower,
compliance of KYC norms, due diligence of
the borrower/promoters has been done.
2. Whether basic information like borrower’s
standard etc. as per the bank’s extant loan
policy guidelines has been incorporated in
the proposal.
3. Whether visit to the borrower/unit/collateral
security has been done.
4. Whether verification of CIBIL, RBI/ECGC
Defaulter list has been done.
5. Whether the proposal is cleared by New
Business Committee.
6. Whether scrutiny of financial
statements/projections and verification of its
correctness has been done.
7. Whether status and credentials of the
borrower/promoter has been obtained from
the market or other sources.
8. Whether scrutiny as to the acceptability of
the proposal within the framework of the
policy/guidelines of the bank and adhering to

the norms prescribed in this regard has been
9. Whether verification of compliance of RBIs
policy/other agencies has been done.
10. If the borrower is maintaining account with
other bank, whether credit report from such
banks on conduct of the account has been
11. Whether policy deviation, if any, has been
incorporated in the proposal and justification,
if recommended for acceptance of such
policy deviation, is incorporated in the
12. Whether legal search report, valuation report,
wherever applicable from bank’s empanelled
advocate/valuer, as per bank’s guidelines, has
been obtained.

B) Comments on Role of Branch Head as sanctioning authority:

1. Whether credit decisions are taken within the
laid down procedure/lending
policy/guidelines of the bank.
2. Whether justifiable grounds to overrule the
observation of the processing/recommending
officials, if any has been recorded.
3. Whether reporting has been done to higher
authorities about sanction made.

C) Comments on Documentation/Disbursement/Post sanction follow up:

1. Whether valid and enforceable documents, as

per bank’s guidelines ha s been obtained.
2. Whether securities as per sanction terms and
valid charge on the securities has been
3. Whether charge with CERSAI/ROC,
wherever applicable has been lodged in time.
If not, details thereof.
4. Whether any deficiencies in
documentation/creation of charge on
securities have been observed.
5. Whether pre disbursement sanction terms has
been complied with before disbursement of
the loan and other post disbursement sanction
terms are complied with.
6. If the account was taken over from other
bank, whether all terms and conditions as per
bank’s guidelines has been complied with.
7. Whether it is a case of Quick Mortality
account? (i.e. the account becoming NPA
within 1 year from 1st disbursement or even
1st instalment; if T/L instalment not paid,
whichever is later)
8. Any lapses observed in disbursement of the
loan (details to be furnished).
9. Whether end use of the funds and verification
of assets created out of bank’s finance has
been ensured.
10. Whether post sanction inspection of the
unit/securities at the periodic intervals has
been undertaken.
11. Whether stock statement and updation of
drawing power has been done, as per
sanction terms/bank’s extant guidelines.
12. Whether stock inspection/verification at
regular intervals in line of sanction
terms/bank’s extant guidelines has been
13. Whether study of Early Warning Signals, in
line with bank’s extant guidelines and its
reporting to higher authority in eligible
accounts (Presently Rs. 50 cr & above) has
been done.
14. Whether consortium/JLF meetings,
review/renewal has been undertaken
regularly /in time.
15. Whether identification of symptoms of
sickness, if any in the account and its
remedial measures has been initiated in time.
16. Whether timely approval of adhoc/over
drawings allowed in the account has been
17. Whether MCMR are submitted regularly by
the branch.

Part III
1. Specific adverse comments in Internal /
External Audit are made. If yes, details to be
2. Whether the branch has complied with
observations made by various
internal/external auditors.
3. Whether any deviation/ deficiency have been
found in compliance of audit observation,
please specify.
4. Whether legal audit has been undertaken in
the account, as per bank’s norms. Any case
of any deficiency in the legal audit, status of
its rectification/ compliance to be furnished.
4. Present status of SARFAESI action.
Present status of Legal Action, besides
SARFAESI, initiated in the account. Also
mention date of expiry of limitation for
filling suit.
Whether borrower has come forward for
settling the account through compromise. If
yes, present status to be furnished.
5. Whether two successive internal audit/
inspection of the branch/ account or 4 years
from the date of cause of action have taken
place/ elapsed.
6. Any other information.

Date: Signature of Branch Head/Examining Authority

 Where present Branch Head and the sanctioning authority are one & the same person, an official deputed
from Zonal Office, will submit preliminary examination report.
 For overseas Centres, Chief Executive of the respective centres will submit the report to Head Office,
Recovery Department for placing the same to COE at Head Office.

Part IV - [For Committee of Executives (COE) at Head Office level]:-

1. Comments of Zonal Head.

(In case prima facie any actionable lapses is

visible, Zonal Head may decide for
conducting detailed examination in the
account to identify individual lapses,
otherwise the report to be submitted to Head
Office along with comments of the Zonal

Date: Signature of Zonal Head

Part V - [For Committee of Executives (COE) at Head Office level]:

a) Comments on Role of Appraising/Processing/Recommending officials of Credit Department officials at Zonal
Office/Circle Office/Head Office level:

1. Whether scrutiny as to the acceptability of

the proposal within the framework of
RBI/bank’s extant policy guidelines has been
2. Whether policy deviation, if any & its
justification for acceptance of such deviation
has been incorporated in the proposal.
3. Whether compliance of regulatory prudential
norms like single/group exposure, counter
party exposure etc. has been incorporated in
the proposal.
4. Whether irregularities of serious nature, if
any along with justification/mitigants of the
same has been incorporated in the proposal
while recommending the same.

b) Comments on Role of Credit Appraisal Grid (CAG) at Zonal Office/Circle Office/Head Office level:

1. Whether the proposal has been vetted by the

CAG from various risk angles.

c) Comments on the Role of Credit Approval Committee (Sanctioning Authority) at Zonal Office/Circle
Office/Head Office level:

1. Whether decision has been taken

collectively/unanimously as per bank’s
policy guidelines.
2. Whether the reason for disagreement, if any
and the basis for decision in such situation
have been recorded while sanctioning the

 Respective Credit Monitoring Department of Zonal/ Circle/ Head Office will submit the report as per
Part V.
 Head Office, Recovery Department will obtain the report from respective Credit Monitoring
Department and place the same to COE at Head Office.
 For Overseas Centres, this aspect will be examined by International Wing, Head Office.

Date: Signature of Head of the Credit Monitoring Department.

Part VI - [Comments of Inspecting Officer, undertaking detailed examination on the accountability

aspect, in the account]:-

1. Reasons for account turning NPA.

 Wilful Default by the borrower.
 Non compliance of bank’s loan policy
at the time of sanction/enhancement.
 Poor monitoring and supervision of the
 External factors.
2. Officials, if any found accountable for lapses, as per Staff Accountability Policy of the bank. (Specific
lapses as per Staff Accountability Policy, attributable to staff to be furnished)

Name of official Designation Period Irregularities Type of lapses and whether it has
with Employee attributed against contributed to the A/c becoming
No. each official and NPA and/or difficulty in recovery
nature of lapse of the loan amount

3. Comments of the Inspecting Officer:

Date: Signature of Inspecting Officer

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