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Counter Ticket

15-JUN-2023 [08:53:16 IS T]

Canc e llation De tails Counte r Tic ke t Canc e llation Proc e dure

Ticket has been successfully cancelled. Please deposit the original ticket and collect your 1. Ente r PNR Num be r, Train num be r along with Captc ha.
refund from journey commencing station or nearby satellite PRS counter within prescribed 2. S e le c t c he c k box to c onfirm that rule s and proc e dure
are re ad.
notified time.Refund amount may change at the time of surrendering of ticket as per 3. Afte r c lic k on subm it an OTP will be se nt on m obile
cancelation location. num be r give n at the tim e of booking, e nte r the
re c e ive d OTP and c lic k subm it.
PNR Numbe r 8404163109 Journe y Date 15-06-2023 4. Afte r the OTP is validate d PNR de tails will be
Train Numbe r 11059 Train Name CHHAPRA EXPRES S displaye d on the sc re e n.
5. Afte r ve rifying the de tails Clic k on ‘Canc e l Tic ke t’ for
full c anc e llation. Re fund am ount due will be
Quota PQ Journe y Clas s 3A displaye d on the sc re e n.
Boarding S tation LOKMANYATILAK T Re s e rvation Upto AZAMGARH 6. An S MS will be se nt with PNR and re fund de tails.
S ample format: “Your PNR xxxxxxxxxx has be e n
Booking Amount 6820 De duc te d Amount 260
c anc e lle d. Colle c t re fund amt xxxxx from journe y
Re fund Amount 6560 No. of Canc e l Pas s e nge r 4 c omme nc ing s tation or ne arby s ate llite PRS
Vouc he r Amount 0 numbe r of Pas s e nge r 4 loc ations . Re f. Te rms & c onditions ”
RTC Amount 0 Canc e llation Date 15-06-2023 8:53:16 7. For tic ke ts c anc e lle d (inc luding re turn journe y
Pas s e nge r De tails tic ke ts ) be fore 24 hours of s c he dule d train de parture
time :
S l.No Name Age Ge nde r Booking S tatus Curre nt S tatus Re fund of fare as pe rm issible c an be
c olle c te d on subm ission of original PRS
1 S IDDIQUA MOEN 42 F PQWL/45 CAN/ c ounte r tic ke t from any PRS c ounte r of Indian
Railways upto 4 hours be fore the sc he dule d
de parture tim e of the train in c ase of
3 JAVARIA WAS EEM 12 F PQWL/47 CAN/ c onfirm e d tic ke ts and upto thirty m inute s
be fore the sc he dule d de parture tim e of train
4 ZUMRZ FATIMA 12 F PQWL/48 CAN/ in c ase of RAC/waitliste d tic ke ts.
8. For tic ke ts c anc e lle d (inc luding re turn journe y
tic ke ts ) be twe e n 24 hours and upto 4 hours for the
c onfirme d tic ke ts and upto thirty minute s for
RAC/waitlis te d tic ke ts be fore the s c he dule d
Print Tic ke t Bac k de parture time : Re fund of c anc e lle d PRS c ounte r
tic ke ts through IRCTC we bs ite or 139 at pre s e nt is
pe rmitte d only at the journe y c omme nc ing s tation or
ne arby s ate llite PRS loc ations by s urre nde ring
original journe y tic ke t. Ple as e c he c k the
c onve nie nc e of c olle c ting re fund from journe y
c omme nc ing s tation be fore c anc e lling your tic ke t
During first two hours of the ope ning of PRS
c ounte rs on the ne xt day for the tic ke ts for the
trains whose sc he dule d de parture as unde r:-
tim e is (i) be twe e n 1801 hours and 0600 hours.
Upto 4 hours afte r the sc he dule d de parture of
the train during the working hours of PRS
c ounte rs/c urre nt c ounte rs/spe c ial c ounte rs
whe re c anc e llation is pe rm itte d round the
c loc k on the tic ke ts for the trains whose
sc he dule d de parture tim e is (i) be twe e n 0601
hours and 1800 hours.

Counte r Tic ke t Canc e llation Rule s

1. This m ay be applic able only in c ase valid m obile

num be r has be e n give n at the tim e of booking.
2. Canc e llation of tic ke ts and re fund of fare m ay be
pe rm itte d for PRS c ounte r tic ke ts in norm al
c irc um stanc e s only and not in c ase of late running of
trains/c anc e llation of train e tc .
3. Online c anc e llation shall be pe rm itte d only upto 4
hours be fore the sc he dule d de parture of the train if
tic ke t is fully c onfirm e d.
4. Online c anc e llation shall be pe rm itte d only upto 30
m inute s be fore the sc he dule d de parture of the train
if tic ke t is RAC/Waitlist.
5. For tic ke ts c anc e lle d (inc luding re turn journe y
tic ke ts ) be fore 24 hours of s c he dule d train de parture
time :
Re fund of fare as pe rm issible c an be
c olle c te d on subm ission of original PRS
c ounte r tic ke t from any PRS c ounte r of Indian
Railways upto 4 hours be fore the sc he dule d
de parture tim e of the train in c ase of
c onfirm e d tic ke ts and upto thirty m inute s
be fore the sc he dule d de parture tim e of train
in c ase of RAC/waitliste d tic ke ts.
6. For tic ke ts c anc e lle d (inc luding re turn journe y
tic ke ts ) be twe e n 24 hours and upto 4 hours for the
c onfirme d tic ke ts and upto thirty minute s for
RAC/waitlis te d tic ke ts be fore the s c he dule d
de parture time : Re fund of c anc e lle d PRS c ounte r
tic ke ts through IRCTC we bs ite or 139 at pre s e nt is
pe rmitte d only at the journe y c omme nc ing s tation or
ne arby s ate llite PRS loc ations by s urre nde ring
original journe y tic ke t. Ple as e c he c k the
c onve nie nc e of c olle c ting re fund from journe y
c omme nc ing s tation be fore c anc e lling your tic ke t
During first two hours of the ope ning of PRS
c ounte rs on the ne xt day for the tic ke ts for the
trains whose sc he dule d de parture as unde r:-
tim e is (i) be twe e n 1801 hours and 0600 hours.
Upto 4 hours afte r the sc he dule d de parture of
the train during the working hours of PRS
c ounte rs/c urre nt c ounte rs/spe c ial c ounte rs
whe re c anc e llation is pe rm itte d round the
c loc k on the tic ke ts for the trains whose
sc he dule d de parture tim e is (i) be twe e n 0601
hours and 1800 hours.
7. Passe nge r de tails (Viz.nam e , age , ge nde r, booking
status, c urre nt status) and journey de tails will be
displaye d on the we bsite .
8. Onc e the passe nge r c onfirm s full c anc e llation of
PNR will be done and PNR will be m arke d as
Canc e lle d but not re funde d in the syste m . S e at/be rth
will be re le ase d. Re fund am ount due will also be
displaye d to the passe nge r on we bsite
9. All the privile ge /duty pass/PTOs/c om plim e ntary pass
tic ke ts m ay be allowe d to be c anc e lle d through
we bsite . In the c ase of pass ze ro re fund is
pe rm issible howeve r, for validity of the pass for fre sh
booking the passe nge r shall approac h the c ounte r to
ge t the pass re -validate d by m arking the sam e
c anc e lle d against the e arlie r booke d tic ke ts as pe r
pre sc ribe d rule .

PTO’s tic ke ts are issue d on 1/3rd of the total basic fare s and
norm al c anc e llation c harge is applic able in the se tic ke ts
also. The re fore in m any c ase s tic ke t value on PTOs is le ss
than the c anc e llation c harge s the re fore passe nge rs m ay or
m ay not c anc e l the tic ke ts the re fore c anc e llation ac ross
IRCTC we bsite m ay be allowe d in the c ase of PTOs also.

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