9721/22, 8:08 AM
® Ministry of Education Sesion | UUNE 2022) National Testing Agency
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Papert EIT aper24 Arey # oper 2 (B.Planning)
Subject NTA Score'™” Subject NTA Score” Subject
— sro0T%s | Mathemas Mithemaes*
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Mathematics 76.5540161 Drawing Test Planning Based
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“NTA Serf ame aja unde ops ie Ahn B Pain ny il smb of ands ppeadin wo
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Date of declaration of result
Senior Director, NTA
NTA Scores are normalized scores across multsossion papers and are based on the relative performance ofall those whe 3
‘examination n one session, The marke obtained are converted Info a scale ranging fram 100 to 0 foreach session
ared for the
1..NTA score isnot the same as percentage of marks obtained
2. The NTA Score incicates the porcenlage of canldates wh have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or wer raw scores) a partcuar candidat in
that session
3. The NTA scores of a Candidate have boon calculated as ols:
{100 Number of candidates appeared n the ‘Session’ with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate
“Total numberof the candidates appeared in the Sesion"
4 The NTA Scor of tho Total is NOT an aggrogato or average ofthe NTA Score of individual subjoct
'5.Candiato's paricularsincusing Category and Person with Disatilty (PwD) have been indicated as mentioned by the candidate inthe online application
‘6.Aftr the JEE (MAIN) - 2022 Session 2, the ranks ofthe candidates wil be released taking into consideration the best ofthe two NTA Scores,
7.RL means Result Later