Dom Equ and Sys Eng Sol v5r18 en

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IBM Product Lifecycle Management

Equipment and Systems Engineering solutions


CATIA V5 is the leading product CATIA V5 is the only solution capable CATIA products are based on the open,
development solution for all of addressing the complete product scalable V5 architecture.
manufacturing organizations, from development process, from product
OEMs, through their supply chains, concept specifications through By enabling enterprises to reuse
to small independent producers. product‑in-service, in a fully integrated product design knowledge and
The range of its capabilities allows and associative manner. It facilitates accelerate development cycles,
CATIA V5 to be applied in a wide true collaborative engineering across CATIA helps companies speed-up
variety of industries, such as aerospace, the multi-disciplinary extended their responses to market needs and
automotive, industrial machinery, enterprise, including: frees end-users to focus on creativity
electrical, electronics, shipbuilding, and innovation.
plant design, and consumer goods, • Style and form design
including design for such diverse • Mechanical design and equipment
products as jewelry and clothing. and systems engineering
• Managing digital mock-up
• Machining
• Analysis
• Simulation.

Equipment and Systems Engineering solutions

CATIA V5 Equipment and Systems • An advanced common platform • High productivity focus on ship
Engineering solutions provides a set for all CATIA V5 diagramming design and systems integration—

of products allowing simultaneous applications—Based on CATIA The consistent and scalable nature of

design and integration of electrical, Piping and Instrumentation diagrams the CATIA V5 solution set delivers

fluid and mechanical systems within and CATIA HVAC diagrams as the unprecedented capability to

a 3D digital mock-up while optimizing common platform for all 2D logical large‑scale projects. It supports

space allocation. It includes products schematic tools (including tubing, shipbuilding with specific applications

for optimizing plant layouts, creation of waveguide, electrical connectivity), for key processes in the ship design

circuit boards and design of structural these applications are a base for all lifecycle. Many CATIA V5 applications

products. These solutions enrich diagramming systems. Integrated into also include features that support

your product design in any industry. the rest of the CATIA V5 platform, they requirements specific to the industry.

For example, fuel/brake systems for allow the user to define relationships Specification-driven design ensures

aircraft and automotive, HVAC/piping between the 2D logical design and compliance with project standards

for shipbuilding and chemical and 3D allocation. and 2D logical design can drive

petroleum industries, tooling structure the 3D definitions. Use these

for industrial machinery and circuit • Solutions to create, manage specification-driven design features

boards for electronics. and analyze documents, equipment to prevent using 3D equipment if it
and systems— is not part of the 2D P&ID diagram,

Product highlights include: CATIA V5 provides a complete for example.

set of tools to satisfy the lifecycle

• A set of electrical products to requirements of manufacturing plant • Tools that can be used from virtual
address 2D and 3D requirements— equipment designs and tubing, piping product to virtual plant—

CATIA V5 electrical products provide and HVAC designs. Plant layout tools in this solution

the necessary tools for managing the set combine the disciplines

electrical behavior of components and • The ability to manage and of civil engineering and

their integration into a 3D digital mock- optimize space allocation for manufacturing engineering in

up. A bi-directional interface between equipment and systems— one seamless approach.

CATIA V5 and CAD-based electrical Users can create and manage their

systems defines the electrical system pathways to ensure space

behavior of mechanical parts and reservations and allocations.

assemblies for electrical devices. Using these products customers

They also manage the definition can optimize their electrical

of electrical wires within the digital system routing layouts for them to

mock‑up. A relationship can automatically follow functionally

be set between 2D logical design defined pathways.

and 3D digital mock-up to ensure

consistency of both schematic and
physical representations.


CATIA—Systems Diagrams 2 (DI2) CATIA—Electrical System Functional

Provides the necessary infrastructure Definition 2 (EF2)
in one seat for designers involved in Provides all the necessary tools in one
piping and instrumentation engineering, seat for designers involved in the design
tubing, waveguide, HVAC and and management of functional electrical
electrical cable definition. As a CATIA systems and their integration in a digital
P2 configuration, this solution offers mock-up environment. It also addresses
integration tools that are compatible the first stage in the electrical system
with CATIA—CADAM Drafting (CCD) engineering process.
CATIA—Systems Diagrams 2 (DI2)
and CATIA V4. It includes the CATIA—
System Diagram 2 (SDI) product with CATIA—Electrical Wire Harness
its intelligent diagram applications and Installation 2 (EI2)
CATIA—Interactive Drafting product Provides all the necessary tools
(ID1) for enhanced diagram drawing to create and manage electrical
capabilities. This configuration is wires and harnesses in one seat.
designed for use together with CATIA— Its comprehensive package of 3D
Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams 2 advanced products allows the user to
(PID), CATIA—Tubing (TUD), CATIA— design physical harnesses within a 3D
CATIA—Electrical System Functional Waveguide (WGD), CATIA—HVAC mock-up environment. At the same time,
Definition 2 (EF2)
Diagrams 2 (HVD) or CATIA Electrical it manages the definition of electrical
Connectivity Definition (ELD) products. wires within the digital mock‑up
according to the functional definition
of electrical signals. Its Electrical
Library provides mechanical parts and
assemblies with electrical behaviors for
the user to define electrical devices.
This, in turn, ensures a tight relationship
between 3D physical implementation
and its logical electrical representation.

This configuration also makes up a CATIA—Electrical Signal Routing 2 (ER2)

set of core CATIA tools that perform Provides all the necessary tools in
advanced 3D design of parts and one seat for designers and specialists
assemblies in a full-scale digital involved in the advanced integration
mock‑up environment and generate of electrical system engineering
production drawings. In addition, products or processes. These mainly
it includes integrated realtime rendering include electrical processes, from
capabilities. Basic knowledge functional design to wiring management
capabilities provided through CATIA— and integration. As a CATIA P2 CATIA—Electrical Wire Harness
Knowledge Expert 1 (KE1) enable configuration, this solution offers Installation 2 (EI2)

designers to import and use corporate integration tools that are compatible with
knowledge stored in rule databases to CATIA V4.
ensure design consistency and quality.
As a CATIA P2 configuration, this CATIA—Plant Layout 2 (PL2)
solution offers integration tools that are Provides all the necessary tools in one
compatible with CATIA V4. It also seat to produce and validate plant
includes data interfaces to the most layout designs in a 3D digital mock-up
frequently used industry standards, environment for plant layout and routing
including IGES and CADAM drawings systems. It allows for easy and constant CATIA—Electrical Signal Routing 2 (ER2)
for smooth and seamless collaboration. evolution from 2D drawings to 3D
layouts (thus protecting previous work)
and from preliminary designs to the
realization of their actual geometry.
It delivers a quick and easy-to-use
solution for companies to optimize their
factory production and output. As a
CATIA P2 configuration, this solution
offers integration tools that are
CATIA—Plant Layout 2 (PL2)
compatible with CATIA V4. It also
includes data interfaces to most
frequently used industry standards,
including CADAM drawings.

P1 Products

CATIA—Circuit Board Design 1 (CBD) Integration with schematic data insures The provided functionality and the
Enables the user to design circuit that physical 3D Design is compliant integrated concept of Electrical 3D
boards in the context of the overall with Electrical specifications and allows Design and Documentation 1 (EC1)
mechanical design. Through the to automatically compute wire length in makes it a dedicated toolset for the
bi‑directional interface (Intermediate order to start manufacturing without any Consumer Goods and F&A industries
Data Format (IDF)) with industry physical mock-up and to generate the providing the right tools for their specific
standard electrical CAD systems, correct harness diameter based on the electrical requirements.
the user can retrieve the design of wire content of the bundle.
its electronic components to create a CATIA—Plant Layout 1 (PLO)
complete digital mock-up of the Printed CATIA—Electrical 3D Design and Enables organizations to optimize
Circuit Boards (PCB). This enables him Documentation 1 (EC1) takes full their manufacturing plant layout.
to analyze if the design of the PCB fits advantage of its integration within This product is one piece of Dassault’s
inside its mechanical environment. mechanical assembly, improves integrated Digital Manufacturing
The interface also enables the user to productivity by allowing users to Solutions. It deals specifically with the
send pertinent information, such as automatically update Electrical wiring ‘spatial organization’ and components
‘board outlines’ and ‘keep out’ areas of data. Accurate definition of the 3D of the plant, allowing quick easy layout
spatial and technological constraints, Electrical systems guarantees that all and downstream evolution of the
back to the electrical CAD system. installation constraints (for example, layout design. Through the CATIA V5
clashes) are solved in the DMU, integrated product environment, users
CATIA—Electrical 3D Design and providing huge gains as there is no have a seamless solution to address
Documentation 1 (EC1) more needs of Physical mock-up. all their manufacturing environment
Provides to F&A and Consumer Goods needs. They have the tools necessary
markets a powerful dedicated 3D All design changes in 3D Harness to optimize production facility layout,
harness design and documentation are automatically propagated in leading to optimized factory production
toolset. Based on functional documentation allowing time saving and output.
specifications imported from schematic to maintain up to date documentation.
systems the user can easily define Fully integrated with CATIA 2D drafting
the electrical system in the 3D digital capabilities, CATIA—Electrical 3D
mock-up. Out of this the user can Design and Documentation 1 (EC1)
easily generate harness manufacturing allows user to generate a dedicated
documentation. This new end-to-end representation of electrical components
product enables the user to reduced in 2D.
time and cost for creating its electrical
system both in the DMU to avoid
interferences and to create up to date
manufacturing documentation.

CATIA—Circuit Board Design 1 (CBD)

CATIA—Plant Layout 1 (PLO) provides CATIA—Systems Routing 1 (SRT)

an accessible solution for departments Is a conceptual design application that
of small and medium enterprises. enables system planners to reserve the
Its friendliness, intuitiveness, and space needed for eventual functional
ease of use makes it possible for and detail layouts of HVAC, raceways,
inexperienced users to use the system piping and tubing. One can reserve CATIA—Electrical 3D Design and
with a minimal cost of implementation. the proper volumes and then let other Documentation 1 (EC1)

The complete layout of the facility can groups and suppliers further define
be driven almost completely with the and route their systems within the
mouse and the product has a user limits. Interferences are avoided and
interface that helps users make the different disciplines can be free to
transition from traditional 2D layout optimize their designs knowing that their
to 3D. spatial needs and manufacturing and
erection sequences have been taken
With the intelligence behind the V5 into account. CATIA—Systems Routing CATIA—Plant Layout 1 (PLO)

Plant Layout model, plant designers 1 (SRT) product gives users the power
and systems layout design teams can to manage their system components
identify and solve problems with the from initial design to plant operations, in
layout or production process long a way that is completely adapted to the
before equipment is installed or moved way you work.
inside the plant. The software enables
users to not only complete designs
CATIA—Systems Routing 1 (SRT)
faster, but also to significantly improve
the quality of their designs. Today, every
manufacturing company is looking for
new methods to reduce the time it
takes to ramp-up, reduce the number
of problems on the production floor
including downtime, and get products
to market faster. Dassault’s Digital
Manufacturing Solutions, which include
the CATIA—Plant Layout 1 (PLO)
product line, assist companies in
achieving these objectives.


CATIA—Electrical System CATIA—Electrical Library 2 (ELB) CATIA—Electrical Harness

Functional Definition 2 (EFD) Allows users to create and manage Installation 2 (EHI)
Is dedicated to the functional design catalogs containing electrical Is a product dedicated to the design
of electrical systems and addresses components. This product extends of physical harnesses within the
the first stage in the electrical mechanical parts and assemblies with context of the 3D digital mock-up.
system engineering process. electrical behaviors to define electrical Natively, the mechanical context is
This product is a light weight, portable, components, such as connectors and used as an input for electrical design
multi‑platform application. It provides equipments. These devices can be and then to obtain a complete
an open architecture to integrate stored in catalogs in the same way as integration. Easy modifications
customer‑defined commands and mechanical parts/assemblies. and associations between the 3D
dynamically display customer environment and the harness are
defined attributes. This includes electrical properties and available. For instance, CATIA—
attributes. When the components are Electrical Harness Installation 2 (EHI)
EFD allows engineers to design and placed from the catalog in the 3D provides unique slack management
formalize electrical systems using digital mock-up, it takes into account capabilities and an unconstrained
Excel‑like form views. It also provides all pre‑defined mechanical constraints, derivation point. Complete integration
users with the ability to pre-visualize this allowing a correct use/placement of between the functional and physical
system assemblies. the devices. Typically this product will definitions of the electrical harness is
be used together with CATIA—Electrical provided. Due to the integration with
Neutral ASCII formats (CSV like format) Harness Installation 2 (EHI) to provide mechanical assemblies, electrical
can be imported and exported, and the electrical designer a comprehensive harnesses can be connected either to
EFD provides advanced navigation 3D bundle definition. mechanical parts or electrical devices.
capabilities. It also features links to
physical V4 libraries, with access driven
by functional specifications. In addition,
users can analyze and resolve external
intersystem links.

CATIA—Electrical System Functional

Definition 2 (EFD)

CATIA—Electrical Wire Routing 2 (EWR) CATIA—Electrical Harness

Generates electrical wires within the Flattening 2 (EHF)
digital mock-up, according to the Provides user with flattening of
functional or wiring specifications. 3D Electrical Harnesses created
The wires are routed according to with CATIA—Electrical Harness
specifications coming from external Installation 2 (EHI) to produce 2D
CATIA—Electrical Library 2 (ELB)
electrical CAD systems or the functional associative drawings for inspection
definition coming from the CATIA— and documentation purpose.
Electrical Functional Definition (EFD) CATIA—Electrical Harness Flattening
product. The wires are generated in 2 (EHF) extracts 3D Electrical data
a bundle network designed with the and provides a flattened view of the
CATIA Electrical Harness Installation 2 Electrical Harness. User is provided
or through a space reservation network with a set of tools to manipulate bundle
defined by CATIA—System Space segments in term of position to reach
CATIA—Electrical Harness
Reservation 2 (SSR). CATIA— the adequate solution. Installation 2 (EHI)
Electrical Wire Routing 2 (EWR) allows
users to capture and reuse corporate CATIA—Electrical Harness Flattening
know-how during the routing process. 2 (EHF) enables users to generate
Analysis capabilities such as bundle 3D flattened view of his harness.
content are provided as well as Therefore, he can decide that a
reports about wire routing for bundle segment that is very rigid
harness manufacturing. must keep its original bended shape.
3D Mechanical constraints defined CATIA—Electrical Wire Routing 2 (EWR)
with CATIA—Electrical Harness
Installation 2 (EHI) are preserved,
so that bend radius and length of
bundle segment are still constrained.
The product is fully integrated with
CATIA—Electrical Harness Installation
2 (EHI). Besides, the natural integration
with Interactive Drafting 1 (ID1) allows CATIA—Electrical Harness
Flattening 2 (EHF)
user to define and manage the relevant
set of annotations and dimensions to
create full reports for documentation.


CATIA—Structure Functional CATIA—Compartment and objects includes both a geometric

Design 2 (SFD) Access 2 (CNA) representation and a technological
Provides a set of tools for structure Is dedicated to the definition of representation (type and attributes)
designers who must complete their compartment and access objects of the object. This allows both
preliminary-draft before getting into within a ship design. CATIA— geometry and technological query
the detailed design operations. Structural Preliminary Layout 2 (SPL) and analysis on compartment and
is the primary input design for the access related objects.
CATIA—Structure Functional Design compartment and access operations.
2 (SFD) enriches CATIA—Structure Specifically, the hull wrapping surface As part of the design process, the
Conceptual Design 2 (SCD) supporting and molded forms (decks and structural user may also define and generate
the initial structural definition of the bulkheads) from the SPL Design will reports based on any compartment
interior of 3D volumes. For shipbuilders, be used/required for several of the and access objects and use the
these tools are used to develop the CATIA—Compartment and Access 2 standard CATIA V5 Drafting tools to
ships scantling, (for example, the (CNA) commands. generate detailed drawings.
way the ship is stiffened). For large
equipment designers, these tools are CATIA—Compartment and Access The integration with CATIA V5
used to define the initial materials to 2 (CNA) workbench provides the applications give the user the benefit
build vessels, tanks or other interior user with the ability to define wall of a comprehensive solution for the
elements. CATIA—Structures Functional systems/non‑structural bulkheads complete Compartment design process.
Design 2 (SFD) functions define plate within their design. From these wall The compartment definitions are defined
thickness, adding stiffeners and pillars systems, the user can generate as part of the conceptual design of the
or stanchions. extensive compartment definitions ship and may be used by downstream
including compartment boundary design processes to help define and
Users can then calculate the strength of definitions. In addition, the user organize further refinement of the
the structure, to get required approval of may place access objects such as design. This integration gives the user a
the basic design to extract early weight, closures, stairs or ladders within their powerful set of tools to help contribute
material and labor estimates. design. The compartment and access to the overall ship design process.

CATIA—Structure Functional
Design 2 (SFD)

CATIA—Ship Structure When used in concurrent engineering

Detail Design 2 (SDD) with CATIA—Structure Functional
Is used to complete design of heavy Design 2 (SFD) and CATIA—
structures with realistic plating and Structure Preliminary Design 2 (SPL),
stiffening elements. It provides industry CATIA—Ship Structure Detail Design 2
specific features to create hull structure (SDD) delivers ship builders with CATIA—Compartment and
detailed parts. an end‑to‑end solution that covers Access 2 (CNA)

the industrial process from concept

The full integration of CATIA— to manufacturing.
Structure Functional Design 2 (SFD)
and CATIA—Ship Structure Detail
Design 2 (SDD) allows user to retrieve
Design block information, that was
previously defined and assessed,
CATIA—Ship Structure
to perform the detailed design of the Detail Design 2 (SDD)
structure. The application provides
productive tools and environment in
order to manage structural systems
and connections and to create physical
plates and shapes.


CATIA—Electrical Connectivity ECR automatically manages CATIA—HVAC Diagrams 2 (HVD)

Diagrams 2 (ELD) creation of reservation items and supports the definition of HVAC
Is designed to allow customers to create placement according to electrical diagrams. This involves general layout
and manage logical designs of power connectivity information (diagrams) tools to place and locate equipment and
distribution and command systems and compartment definition. the creation and management of duct
using industry standard conventions, Users can solve complex cable lines. In addition, full capabilities are
terminology and practices. In addition, routing problems within the context provided to quickly annotate diagrams
captured intelligence, in the form of the digital mock-up. with intelligent annotation, query design
of smart diagrams, can be reused information, and generate appropriate
for downstream design processes, Using CATIA—Electrical Cableway report information. All these design tools
providing additional benefits to Routing 2 (ECR), designers employ a highly intuitive and productive
customers’ overall design processes. can integrate both electrical user interface that allows users to,
and mechanical behaviors, modify, and manage their designs
CATIA—Electrical Connectivity capitalizing on CATIA V5 quickly and easily.
Diagrams 2 (ELD) can be used to create knowledge‑based applications.
and manage logical 3D Plant and Ship CATIA—HVAC Diagrams 2 (HVD)
designs, such as Atomic power plants, CATIA—HVAC Diagrams 2 (HVD) product is integrated with the 3D HVAC
electrical distribution (EDF, SNCF), Product provides customers with a Design 2 product. This function enables
special machines, automation lines and complete set of tools to create and the designer to use a HVAC Diagrams
robot integration. manage logical designs of HVAC design to directly drive the creation of
systems using industry standard the 3D detailed design using the HVAC
A CAA partnership with EDSA conventions, terminology, and product. The overall integration between
Micro Corporation provides add-on practices. The tools are focused the 2D and 3D products provides
capabilities to the schematic to satisfy on creating an intelligent diagram tremendous benefit to a customer’s
quality and reliability requirements. that captures all appropriate design design process because it ensures the
information. This intelligent diagram quality of the design and significantly
CATIA—Electrical Cableway capability enables the user to improves user productivity.
Routing 2 (ECR) create and validate their designs
Add-on of CATIA—Systems Space more productively. Additionally, Together with Dassault’s Data
Reservation 2 (SSR), allows user to the captured intelligence can Management offerings, the CATIA—
define 3D implementation for all existing be reused for downstream design HVAC Diagrams 2 (HVD) products
electrical components defined in the processes, providing further give users the power to manage their
electrical diagrams. benefits to the customer’s overall systems from initial design to ship or
business processes. plant operations, in a way that is easily
adapted to how the customer works.

CATIA—Electrical Connectivity
Diagrams 2 (ELD)

CATIA—HVAC Design 2 (HVA) Easy to use validation tools allows the

Product creates and manages physical designer to highlight the consistency
designs of HVAC systems using industry between functional and physical
standard conventions, terminology, design. This level of integration delivers
and practices. The tools are focused tremendous benefits to a customer’s
on creating an intelligent HVAC design process as it not only ensures
CATIA—Electrical Cableway
layout that captures all appropriate the quality of the design but significantly Routing 2 (ECR)
design information. This intelligent improves productivity and reduces
HVAC design capability enables cycle time.
users to create and validate their
designs more productively. In addition, CATIA—HVAC Design 2 (HVA) provides
the captured intelligence can be general layout tools for intelligent
reused for downstream design placement of parts and automatic
processes, providing further placement of components as well as the
benefits to the customer’s overall creation and management of duct lines. CATIA—HVAC Diagrams 2 (HVD)

business processes. A full set of routing and parts placement

methods allow users to choose the
CATIA—HVAC Design 2 (HVA) one that is right for a given context.
features 2D/3D integration and this Specification-driven design is used
new capability optimizes the design where required to ensure compliance
process by providing the ability to with project standards. Function-driven
propagate and streamline the data design is used to assure that the design
from the functional diagram to the intent is available for any modification CATIA—HVAC Design 2 (HVA)

3D detailed design. Additionally, scenario. Integration with a design rules

it integrates the two design stages engine allows automation of the design
and ensures that the design intent is process, and guarantees that company
captured at the detail design phase. standards are followed throughout
Users can also access HVAC lines the design process. This integration
and parts for 3D specification-driven will also provide high productivity and
design. HVAC schematic-driven design will reduce cycle time. In addition, full
dynamically maintains the consistency capabilities are provided to quickly
between the information in the HVAC query design information, and generate
schematic and the 3D design. appropriate reports.


The product’s comprehensive and This intelligent diagram capability CATIA—Piping & Instrumentation
flexible setup functions include an enables users to create and validate Diagrams 2 (PID) allows when
easy way to define project standards their 3D piping designs more integrated with the CATIA Piping
and catalogs that help users get into productively. Additionally, the captured Design 2 (PIP) product automatic parts
production rapidly. The product comes intelligence in the diagram can be selection and placement, as well as
with a starter HVAC parametric parts reused for downstream during the check resulting designs, for compliance
catalog. All these design tools employ design processes thus providing further with the PID diagram. Pipe lines can
a highly intuitive and productive user benefits by reusing data, automating be re-specified in PID and the 3D
interface that allows users to create, part selection from catalogs and Piping Design updated. The overall
modify, and manage their designs providing a functional check that integration between the 2D and 3D
quickly and easily. the 3D design complies with the 2D products provides tremendous benefit
logical specification. CATIA—Piping to a customer’s design process
Together with CATIA Version 5’s data & Instrumentation Diagrams 2 (PID) because it ensures design quality,
management offerings, CATIA—HVAC provides general diagramming tools facilitates update and significantly
Design 2 (HVA) gives users the power to place and locate equipment, and to improves user productivity.
to manage their systems from initial define and manage piping line definition.
design to ship or plant operations in a In addition, instrument control loops CATIA—Piping Design 2 (PIP)
way that is easily adapted to how the on pipelines can be defined, created Product creates and manages
customer works. and managed. physical designs of piping systems
using industry standard conventions,
CATIA—Piping & Instrumentation PID functions provided methods to terminology, and practices.
Diagrams 2 (PID) create intelligent annotations.
Provides customers with a complete They can be used to query design The tools are focused on creating an
set of tools to create and manage information, and to generate custom intelligent piping layout that captures
logical diagrams of piping systems reports. All these design tools employ all appropriate design information.
using industry standard conventions, a highly intuitive and productive user This intelligent piping design capability
terminology, and practices. The tools interface that allows users to, modify, enables the user to create and validate
are focused on creating intelligent and manage their designs quickly their designs more productively.
diagrams that capture the design and easily. In addition, the captured intelligence
standard and connectivity (for example, can be reused for downstream
equipment to equipment) of pipe routes. design processes, providing further
benefits to the customer’s overall
business processes.

CATIA—Piping & Instrumentation

Diagrams 2 (PID)

CATIA—Piping Design 2 (PIP) features CATIA—Piping Design 2 (PIP)

2D/3D integration with CATIA—Piping provides general layout tools for
and Instrumentation Diagrams 2 (PID). intelligent placement of parts, automatic
This new capability optimizes the placement of components such as
physical design and layout process bends, elbows, tees, and reducers.
by providing the ability to propagate A full set of routing and parts placement
CATIA—Piping Design 2 (PIP)
and streamline the data from the methods allow users to choose the
functional PID diagram to the 3D one that is right for a given context.
detailed design developed with PIP. Specification-driven design is employed
Additionally, CATIA—Piping Design where required to ensure compliance
2 integrates the two design stages with project standards. Function-driven
(logical and physical) and ensures that design is used to ensure that the design
the design intent is captured from the intent is available for any modification
diagram at the detail design phase. scenario. Integration with a design rules
Users can also access piping and engine allows automation of the design
instrumentation diagram lines and parts process and ensures that company
to automate the 3D Piping Design. standards are followed throughout
When 3D Piping Design is driven from the design process. In addition, full
Piping and Instrument Diagrams, the capabilities are provided to quickly
consistency between the 3D piping query design information and generate
and 2D piping diagrams is maintained. appropriate reports. The product’s
CATIA—Piping Design 2 (PIP) offers comprehensive and flexible set-up
easy to use validation tools that highlight functions include an easy way to define
inconsistencies between functional and project standards and catalogs that
physical design. This level of integration help users get into production rapidly.
delivers tremendous benefits to a The product comes with a starter piping
customer’s design process as it not only parts catalog based on American
ensures the quality of the design but National Standard Institute (ANSI).
significantly improves productivity and All these design tools employ a highly
reduces cycle time. intuitive and productive user interface
that allows the user to create, modify,
and manage their designs quickly
and easily.


Together with CATIA Version 5’s data CATIA—Tubing Design 2 (TUB) CATIA—Waveguide Diagrams 2 (WGD)
management offerings, gives users the Creates and manages physical Product creates and manages logical
power to manage their systems from designs of tubing lines/systems schematics of waveguide systems.
initial design to ship or plant operations using industry standard conventions, CATIA—Waveguide Diagrams 2 (WGD)
in a way that is easily adapted to how terminology, practices and company is an intelligent diagram application
the customer works. standards. Provided industry-oriented enabling users to create and validate
functionalities give users the ability waveguide logical designs more
CATIA—Tubing Diagrams 2 (TUD) to design the tubing systems in a productively. When used with the
Creates and manages logical designs realistic way. When the product is CATIA—Waveguide Design 2 (WAV)
of tubing systems using industry used with CATIA—Tubing Diagrams application, users can automatically
standard conventions, terminology 2 (TUD) product, users optimize the input specification data captured in
and practices. This intelligent diagram design process by propagating and the diagram and use it to automate
design capability enables the user streamlining data and design intent, equipment placement, the selection
to create and validate their designs. from the functional diagram to the 3D of 3D components from catalogs,
TUD supports the definition of Tubing detailed design. Integrating the two check waveguide schematic lines
Diagrams by providing general layout design stages ensures the design for completion, query parts and
tools for equipment placement and intent is captured at the detailed check that all components are
location. It also allows users to create design phase. Tubing lines and parts functionally and physically correct.
and manage tubing lines, annotate can be accessed for 3D specification/ CATIA—Waveguide Diagrams 2 (WGD)
diagrams, query design information, schematic-driven design, dynamically provides general diagramming tools
and generate appropriate report maintaining consistency between the with industry standard symbols for
information. These tools employ an schematic and 3D design. defining all components, connections
intuitive, productive user interface. and sub-assemblies. Diagramming
When integrated with the CATIA— One can annotate and validate the functions provide line, equipment and
Tubing Design 2 (TUB) product, the model, query data and generate component definition, graphic editing,
designer is allowed to use a Tubing appropriate report information with an specification entry, quick copy, and
Diagram design to directly drive the intuitive an productive user interface. off‑page connectors for managing large
creation of the 3D detailed design. diagrams. Customization tools adapt
CATIA—Waveguide Diagrams 2 (WGD)
to company graphic standards and
project naming conventions.

CATIA—Tubing Diagrams 2 (TUD)

CATIA—Waveguide Design 2 (WAV) CATIA—Systems Diagrams 2 (SDI)

Product creates and manages the Product provides a common platform
physical designs of waveguide systems. for CATIA diagram applications.
Waveguide functions support the This common platform encapsulates
design of these electro-mechanical diagram functionality that is common
devices used to transmit and receive to the various diagram applications.
CATIA—Tubing Design 2 (TUB)
communication microwave signals. This common functionality is based on
CATIA—Waveguide Design 2 (WAV) the concept of an intelligent diagram
provides design tools that can detail where appropriate design information is
both the mechanical guide components captured. CATIA—Systems Diagrams
as well as the electrical and radio 2 (SDI) Product is not a stand-alone
frequency cables. 3D design and 2D product. Specifically, this product
specification-driven functions facilitate by itself does not provide end user
the selection and detailing of castings, functionality. This product is used as
CATIA—Waveguide Diagrams 2 (WGD)
tubing, flanges, fittings and other a base for the:
sub-assembly hardware that define a
complete waveguide system. A full • CATIA Piping and Instrumentation
set of routing and parts placement Diagrams 2 (PID)
methods allow users to choose the • HVAC Diagrams 2 (HVD)
one that is right for a given context. • Waveguide Diagrams 2 (WGD)
CATIA—Waveguide Design 2 (WAV) • Tubing Diagrams 2 (TUD)
is fully integrated with the CATIA— • Electrical Connectivity
CATIA—Waveguide Design 2 (WAV)
Waveguide Diagrams 2 (WVD) Diagrams 2 (ELD).
application. CATIA—Waveguide Design
2 (WAV) provides general layout tools These products require this product
for intelligent placement of parts and for operation. Together with Dassault’s
automatic placement of waveguide diagram offerings, the Systems Diagram
components as well as the creation Product gives users the power to
and management of waveguide lines. manage their complete diagram design
and development.
CATIA—Systems Diagrams 2 (SDI)


CATIA—Equipment Arrangement 2 (EQT) CATIA—Hanger Design 2 (HGR) This captured intelligence can
Is used to build and manage all types Provides customers with a complete set then be reused for downstream
of equipment and systems found of tools to build and manage hangers design processes, providing further
in several products and production needed to support 3D Systems, such as benefits to the customer’s overall
facilities. It uses standard conventions, HVAC, piping, and electrical systems, business processes. The product’s
terminology, and practices of those including cable routing through comprehensive and flexible setup
industries. CATIA—Equipment hangers, using industry standard functions include an easy way to define
Arrangement 2 can be used to build conventions, terminology, and practices. project standards and catalogs that
and manage equipment such as boilers, This product is tightly integrated with help users get into production rapidly.
pumps, and heat exchangers as well the Electrical Cable Routing product The product comes with a starter
as brake units, valves and several that provides the capability to easily parametric hanger parts catalog.
control systems. The tools are focused route cables through a predefined All these design tools employ a highly
on creating intelligent representations hanger arrangement. Additionally, it is intuitive and productive user interface
and arrangements of equipment with integrated with the pathway reservation that enables designers to create,
attached attribute data, allowing full product that permits the user to define modify, and manage their hanger
specification, within the context of the the required space claim needed for arrangement quickly and easily.
overall system. interference checking.
Together with CATIA Version 5’s data
The product allows users to create, Intelligent and powerful placement and management offerings, the Hanger
modify, manage and validate designs of modification tools are furnished allowing Design 2 product gives users the
associated systems more productively. the user to define the necessary hanger power to manage their systems from
Users can annotate the 3D model, arrangement required for supporting initial design to operations in a way
query design data, and generate 3D Systems. Comprehensive tools that is easily adapted to how the
appropriate report information, are provided enabling the designer to customer works.
using an intuitive and productive user customize hanger data model such as
interface. This capability, integrated attributes and classes of hangers.
with PDM, can be used for downstream This grants the ability to standardize
product management processes attribute data required for query,
throughout the product lifecycle. extraction and reporting such as
Integrated with the 2D Diagram material take-off. Integration with
applications it provides a powerful the knowledge rules engine allows
tool to place and manage your 3D design validation, and guarantees
equipments and systems. that company standards are followed
throughout the entire design process.

CATIA—Equipment Arrangement 2 (EQT)

CATIA—Raceway & Conduit CATIA—System Space

Design 2 (RCD) Reservation 2 (SSR)
Provides layout tools for intelligent Provides an efficient and cost-effective
placement of parts and automatic way to create space for tubing and
placement of components. It also electrical systems. It enables the user
allows users to create and manage to easily define a space reservation
CATIA—Hanger Design 2 (HGR)
specification/function-driven physical network, including components and
designs of raceway and conduit pathways and to segregate space
systems, using industry standard networks. The entire process is
conventions, terminology, and practices. accomplished through a simple,
The product includes a raceway highly intuitive interface, combining
and conduit design parametric parts traditional 2D layout paradigms with
catalog. It is integrated with electrical full 3D capabilities for building a 3D
cable routing, through the defined digital representation of the design.
CATIA—Raceway & Conduit
Raceway and Conduit network, to
Design 2 (RCD)
provide an intelligent layout that The product also enables the user to
captures design information. define lofted pathways that can be
Integration with a design rules engine created dynamically in free space and
allows automation of the design on the fly. This powerful capability
process, and guarantees compliance allows the designer to create pathway
with company standards. The captured transitions among any combination
design information and intelligence can of sections types, such as round to
be queried, extracted and reused for rectangular shapes. CATIA—System Space
Reservation 2 (SSR)
downstream processes In conjunction
with PDM, RCD gives users the power
to manage their systems, from initial
design to ship or IES/Plant operations,
in a way that is easily adapted to how
the customer works.
IBM Eurocoordination
For more information contact your IBM Representative, Product Lifecycle Management
Tour Descartes
IBM Business Partner, or visit the IBM PLM Web site at: La Defense 5
2, avenue Gambetta 92066 Paris La Defense Cedex


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This publication is for general guidance only.

Information is subject to change without notice.
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© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007.

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07-0182-US (08/07) DG

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