Question Bank Consti-I
Question Bank Consti-I
Question Bank Consti-I
Constitutional law-I
Q. 3. Define Constitution and Constitutional Law. On what basis you will classify the Indian
Q. 4. "Though the executive power is vested in the President but he exercises this power with the aid
and advice of Council of Ministers". Justify this statement. Also explain the various powers of
President in detail.
Why it is said that Supreme Court of India is the Guardian of the Constitution? Also discuss about the
Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India.
Q. 6. The Constitution of India makes two- fold distributions of legislative powers. Elucidate by
explaining Legislative Relations between Union and State.
Q. 7. "No system can be successful unless both Union and the States have at their disposal adequate
financial resources to enable them to discharge their respective responsibilities under the
Constitution". Justify.
Q.9. "Emergency Provisions vest a very great power in the Executive". Discuss the statement in detail.
Q. 2. Discuss the extent to which the federal principles have been incorporated into the Indian
Constitution. Refer to its operationalisation with the help of case law.
Q.3. What are the salient features of Indian Constitution? Discuss the case law to explain the judicial
approach in preserving the basic structure of the Constitution.
Q. 4. "The issue of Parliamentary privileges has been bone of contention and conflict between the
parliament and judiciary." Critically examine in the light of the decided cases.
Q. 5. Discuss the powers of the executive to legislate through Ordinances and the limitations placed
in the constitution on this power.
Q. 6. Explain and illustrate the legislative relations between union and the states with the help of
decided cases
Q. 7. (a) Discuss the doctrine of Harmonious Construction. (b) Write short note on doctrine of
Colourable Legislation.
Q. 8. What are the grounds, duration and consequences of the proclamation issued by the president
of India pertaining to the failure of constitutional machinery in states?
Q. 9. Define 'Customs' and explain how do they become basis of law. Give an analytical view on the
role of customs in regulating
Q. 2. Explain the salient features of Federalism. Is the Indian constitution Federal in nature? What are
the challenges faced by the India Federalism?
Q.5. The jurisdiction of Supreme Court is plenary and wide ranging, however the ambit of the
jurisdiction of the High Court is more as compared to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Elucidate
Q.6. Critically examine the distribution of administrative powers between the Union and the States
under Indian Constitution.
Q. 7. Define and explain the rule of territorial nexus with the help of decided case law on the point.
Q.8. What is the impact of 'National Emergency' on fundamental rights? Explain and elucidate with
the help of decided case law.
Q.9. The provisions relating to amendment process in the Constitution have undergone substantial
changes in course of time. Explain the scheme of constitutional amendments and the change that
have been introduced therein.
Q.1. Discuss the scope of the Original and Advisory Jurisdiction of the SC of India.
.8. What is the meaning of 'failure of constitutional machinery in a State? To what extent the
Supreme Court has put a check on motivated and arbitrary dismissal of state governments by the
centre under Article 356? Discuss.
Q.9. Explain the procedure of the amendment of the Constitution. What are the scope of the
amending power of the Parliament vis-a-vis the Fundamental Rights of the citizen. Support your
answer with help of case law.
(c) Constitutionalism