Ford Ranger Ev Workshop Manual 2001

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Ford Ranger Ev Workshop Manual 2001

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NOTE: Refer to the 2001 Ranger Workshop Manual for all Non-Electric Vehicle (EV) Specific
POWERTRAIN..............................................Volume I
Basic Motor/Transaxle................................................... 303-01
Engine Cooling............................................................. 303-03
GENERAL INFORMATION ...........................Volume I
Electric Motor Management ....................................... 303-14
General Information..................................................... 100-00
Identification Codes..................................................... 100-01 Automatic Transaxle External Controls.................... 307-05
Jacking, Towing and Lifting........................................ 100-02 FUEL SYSTEM
Noise, Vibration and Harshness................................ 100-04 Acceleration Control.................................................... 310-02
Standard Service Procedures.................................... 100-05
Pre-Delivery Form.... .................................................... 100-06 ELECTRICAL................................................Volume I
Electric Vehicle (EV) Diagnostic Direction....................100-07 CLIMATE CONTROL SYSTEM
Powertrain Diagnostic Routines Identification......... 100-09 Air Distribution and Filtering....................................... 412-01
Heating and Ventilation............................................... 412-02
CHASSIS .....................................................Volume I Air Conditioning............................................................ 412-03
SUSPENSION Control Components ................................................... 412-04
Rear Suspension ........................................................ 204-02 INSTRUMENTATION AND WARNING SYSTEMS
Wheels and Tires......................................................... 204-04 Instrument Cluster ....................................................... 413-01
Rear Drive Halfshafts .................................................. 205-05 Auxiliary Battery Charging.......................................... 414-02
BRAKE SYSTEM High Voltage/Traction Battery..................................414-03A
Rear Disc Brake........................................................... 206-04 High Voltage/Traction Battery—Nickel Metal
Parking Brake and Actuation ..................................... 206-05 Hydride ........................................................................414-03B
Power Brake Actuation ............................................... 206-07 ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION
Anti-Lock Control ......................................................... 206-09 Module Communications Network ............................ 418-00
Power Steering ............................................................ 211-02
Steering Column Switches......................................... 211-05

NOTE: The descriptions and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time this manual was approved for printing. Ford Motor
Company reserves the right to discontinue models at any time, or change specifications or design without notice and without incurring any


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Manual Table of Contents


General Information 1
General Information ................................................................................................................... 100-00-1
Identification Codes ................................................................................................................... 100-01-1
Jacking, Towing and Lifting ..................................................................................................... 100-02-1
Noise, Vibration and Harshness............................................................................................... 100-04-1
Standard Service Procedures................................................................................................... 100-05-1
Pre-Delivery Instructions........................................................................................................... 100-06-1
Electric Vehicle (EV) Diagnostic Direction.............................................................................. 100-07-1
Powertrain Diagnostic Routines Identification ....................................................................... 100-09-1

SECTION 100-00 General Information




General Information................................................................................... 100-00-2

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-00-2 General Information 100-00-2


WARNING: Batteries normally produce
General Information explosive gases which can cause personal injury
or death. Do not allow flames, sparks or lighted
Format and Usage substances to come near the batteries. When
The Electric Ranger is a combination of charging or working near the batteries, always
conventional and unique electric vehicle (EV) shield your face and protect your eyes. Always
components and systems. The following procedures provide adequate ventilation.
are designed to supplement the standard Ranger
Workshop Manual for the EV specific components. Electric Shock
This supplement is designed to be the primary WARNING: The battery pack assembly
manual when working on the EV. All of the EV can deliver in excess of 312 volts of DC power.
specific components are covered in this supplement. Improper handling of the battery pack can result
If a procedure is not outlined in this supplement, in injury or fatality. Only authorized personnel
refer to the standard Ranger Workshop Manual. trained to work with battery pack components
Because the EV uses an electric motor rather than a are permitted to handle the batteries.
gasoline engine, there are different and unique There are two electrical systems on the EV. A high
warnings and cautions. The procedures outlined are voltage system is used to power the motor/transaxle
designed to encourage safe repair of the vehicle and and many auxiliary loads such as the A/C system,
should be carefully followed. The EV uses many power steering pump, heater and certain control
electronic components that can be easily damaged if components. High voltage wiring is identified by its
the procedures are not followed. orange color or orange wrapping on the harness.
Components that have larger connectors, orange
coverings on the wires, or warning labels contain
WARNING: Lead-acid batteries contain high voltage. The second voltage system is used to
sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or operate the standard Ranger systems such as
clothing. Also, shield your eyes when working interior/exterior lighting, radio, blower motor and
near batteries to protect against possible instrumentation. These components should be
splashing of the acid solution. In case of acid treated with extreme caution. Do not perform any
contact with the skin or eyes, flush immediately service on them until all high voltage power has
with water for a minimum of fifteen minutes and been disconnected.
get prompt medical attention. If acid is
swallowed, drink large quantities of milk or EV-Specific Precautions
water, followed by milk of magnesia, a beaten When working on the traction battery the following
egg, or vegetable oil. Call a physician precautions must be taken.
immediately. 1. A buffer zone must be placed around the
The drive battery pack for the Electric Ranger is vehicle or traction battery.
composed of 39 8-volt lead acid battery modules 2. Rubber insulating gloves must be worn.
which are wired in series. These batteries are
similar in design to the battery in a gasoline 3. A face shield must be worn to shield the face
powered vehicle. The batteries contain sulfuric acid and protect the eyes from electric arc.
which can cause severe skin or eye damage if
allowed to contact these areas. Follow all safety
precautions outlined in EV-Specific Precautions
prior to working on the drive battery pack.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-00-3 General Information 100-00-3


Welding Precautions 4. Remove any electrical modules within 300 mm
The EV requires special care when welding is (12 in) of the welding area.
performed. The sensitive electric components can be 5. Disarm the passive restraint system. Follow the
damaged by the heat associated with gas welding procedures outlined in the standard Ranger
and the electrical current from electric resistance Workshop Manual.
welding. The following steps must be taken before 6. Verify that the ignition is in the OFF position.
any welding is done on the EV.
The traction battery can be stored out of the vehicle
1. Disconnect the 12 volt battery ground cable. for up to 30 days without the serious damage to the
2. If welding within 300 mm (12 in) of the battery. If possible, the traction battery should be
traction battery, remove the traction battery fully charged prior to storage. After thirty days of
3. If welding more than 300 mm (12 in) away storage, the battery should be fully charged. Proper
from the traction battery, disconnect the 76 pin storage will maximize traction battery life.
low voltage connector.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-01-1 Identification Codes 100-01-1
Manual Table of Contents

SECTION 100-01 Identification Codes




Identification Codes ................................................................................... 100-01-2
Warnings ............................................................................................... 100-01-2

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-01-2 Identification Codes 100-01-2


The Traction Battery Tray warning label is located
Identification Codes
on the left and right sides of the traction battery.
NOTE: For Electric Ranger Only. The label warns of the potential for electric shock if
an unauthorized person attempts to service the
traction battery. The label also cautions against
lifting the vehicle by the traction battery.

High Voltage Warning Label

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is located

on a tab on the driver’s side dashboard and on the
Vehicle Certification Label. The Electric Vehicle
(EV) can be identified by checking the engine
identification number on the VIN tag. This is the
The High Voltage warning label has three icons that
eighth digit on the tag, which indicates the battery
contain a general warning, a high voltage warning,
pack that is installed in the Electric Vehicle. A
and an icon to inform technicians that the proper
number 7 indicates a Lead Acid Battery Pack (PbA)
service information should be used prior to
and a number 1 indicates a Nickel Metal Hydride
servicing the vehicle.
Battery Pack (NiMH). For other VIN information,
refer to the Ranger Workshop Manual. High-Voltage Label - High-Voltage Power
Distribution Box
The Electric Ranger contains many unique electrical
components. The components that operate using
high voltage are labeled to warn of the potential
danger for electric shock. In addition to the high
voltage, some of the components also generate high
levels of heat. These are labeled to protect people
from possible burns.

Traction Battery Tray Label

The High-Voltage - High-Voltage Power

Distribution Box warning label is located on the
high- voltage power distribution box (HVPDB)
below the HVPDB cover. This label warns of the
need to allow the vehicle to discharge electrically
for one minute before removing the inner HVPDB

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-01-3 Identification Codes 100-01-3


Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery Pack
This label indicates a Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH)
battery pack.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-02-1 Jacking, Towing and Lifting 100-02-1
Manual Table of Contents

SECTION 100-02 Jacking, Towing and Lifting



Jacking.................................................................................................. 100-02-2
Towing .................................................................................................. 100-02-3

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-02-2 Jacking, Towing and Lifting 100-02-2

Jacking Points — Front

1. Set the parking brake and block the rear


2. Position the jack under the front A arms and

lift the vehicle.

Jacking Point — Rear

1. Block the front wheels.

CAUTION: Do not lift the vehicle from any

point on the axle other than the pads as axle
damage may result.

2. NOTE: LH pad shown, RH similar.

Position the jack under the rear axle pad(s) and
lift the vehicle. The pads are part of the rear
shock absorber mounting points.

3. Lift the vehicle.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-02-3 Jacking, Towing and Lifting 100-02-3


Pre-Towing Instructions

WARNING: Tow truck operators should

not attempt to service, recharge or operate the
vehicle under any circumstances. This vehicle is
made up of complex electrical systems, and these
operations must be performed by authorized
personnel only. Improper handling could result
in vehicle damage, personal injury, or death.

WARNING: If the vehicle does not operate

properly, do not attempt to jump-start the
12-volt battery or push the vehicle. This could
result in vehicle damage, personal injury, or

WARNING: Failure to turn the vehicle off

before servicing may result in personal injury or

CAUTION: Do not disconnect the

halfshafts if the motor/transaxle is inoperable.
This may result in damage to the

1. Verify that the key is in the OFF position.

2. Position the front wheels straight ahead and

lock the steering wheel in place using a steering
wheel locking device.

3. Depress the brake pedal and release the parking

Approved Towing Methods

Front Wheel Lift Towing

CAUTION: There are three approved

methods for towing the Electric Ranger. Use of
other than the specified methods may cause
vehicle damage.

1. Place the gear selector in neutral (N).

2. Lock the front wheels in a straight ahead

position with a steering wheel locking device.
Do not rely on the column lock to hold the

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-02-4 Jacking, Towing and Lifting 100-02-4


3. Secure the tires to the wheel lift.

4. On normal roads, limit speed to 88km/hr

(55mph). On rough roads, limit speed to
56km/hr (35 mph).
Rear Wheel Lift Towing

1. Lock the front wheels in a straight ahead

position with a steering wheel locking device.
Do not rely on the column lock to hold the
wheels. If a front wheel locking device is not
available, position wheel dollies underneath the
front wheels.

2. Secure the tires to the wheel lift.

3. On normal roads, limit speed to 88km/hr

(55mph). On rough roads, limit speed to
56km/hr (35 mph).
Flatbed Towing

CAUTION: Do not pull the vehicle onto the

flatbed by the rear axle.

1. Position the vehicle on the flatbed.

2. Secure the vehicle to the flatbed before towing.


CAUTION: Do not allow the hoist to

contact the traction battery pack.

1. Position the vehicle over a side post hoist.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-02-5 Jacking, Towing and Lifting 100-02-5


2. Position the hoist pad extensions.

1 Locate the rear hoist pad extensions on the
front of the rear leaf spring hanger eyes.
2 Locate the front hoist pad extensions on the
front cab mount extensions.

3. Carefully lift the vehicle.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-04-1 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-1
Manual Table of Contents

SECTION 100-04 Noise, Vibration and Harshness




Condenser Fan ........................................................................................ 100-04-2
Condenser Fan —Postal Ranger EV .............................................................. 100-04-2
Power Steering Pump ................................................................................ 100-04-2
Traction Battery Cooling/Ventilation Fan .......................................................... 100-04-2
Transaxle ............................................................................................... 100-04-2
Vacuum Pump ......................................................................................... 100-04-2

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-04-2 Noise, Vibration and Harshness 100-04-2


The power steering pump will create a whine when
Condenser Fan operated. This whine can be identified by turning
the vehicle on and turning the steering wheel with
WARNING: Disconnect the cooling fan the vehicle stationary. This will cause the pump
prior to performing any underhood repairs motor to increase speed, which will increase the
because the fan could cycle. volume and pitch of the whine. Once the steering
The two-speed cooling fan is located behind the wheel has been turned and the wheel is released, the
radiator, attached to the fan shroud. The cooling fan pump motor will decrease to minimum speed.
is controlled by the interface adapter assembly
(IAA) that will energize the cooling fan under the
Traction Battery Cooling/Ventilation
following conditions:
• Coolant temperature is higher than normal. The NiMH traction battery has a recirculation fan
• A/C compressor is on in A/C and Defrost modes and a cooling fan that operate independently of each
when the vehicle speed does not provide enough other to cool the traction battery. The cooling fan
airflow through the condensor. exchanges warm air from inside the traction battery
Cooling fan noise will be noticed when the vehicle with cooler outside air, while the recirculation fan
is turned on and the coolant is hot or the A/C is circulates the cool air around the battery modules.
turned on. The fan operation can be verified The fans will operate during charging or during
visually. vehicle usage if the temperature of the modules
becomes too high. The sound of the fans when
operating is similar to that of an electric radiator
Condenser Fan —Postal Ranger EV cooling fan.
WARNING: Disconnect the cooling fan
prior to performing any underhood repairs Transaxle
because the fan could cycle.
The transaxle is located in the rear of the vehicle
The two-speed cooling fan is located behind the between the rear wheels and contains the electric
radiator, attached to the fan shroud. The cooling fan motor that powers the vehicle. A faint whine may
is controlled by the interface adapter assembly be heard from the transaxle while the vehicle is in
(IAA) that will energize the cooling fan under the motion. The transaxle produces a low-level gear
following conditions: whine directly related to the vehicle speed.
• Coolant temperature is higher than normal.
Cooling fan noise will be noticed when the vehicle Vacuum Pump
is turned on and the coolant is hot . The fan The vacuum necessary for operation of the Electric
operation can be verified visually. Vehicle brake and climate control systems is
provided by an electrically driven vacuum pump.
Power Steering Pump This pump is located in the underhood compartment
underneath the card table and is visible from the
The power steering pump is located in the bottom of the vehicle.
underhood compartment between the card table and
the inner fender. The power steering pump operates Upon start-up of the Electric Vehicle, the first
whenever the vehicle is turned on. Pump operation prominent noise that is heard is the vacuum pump.
is controlled based upon vehicle speed and steering The vacuum pump noise is identified as a buzzing
demands. that occurs when the vehicle is first turned on. With
the vehicle on and stationary, pump operation will
be noticed when the brakes are applied or if the
climate control is being operated. The pump will
activate to maintain a preset range of vacuum in the
system. Constant vacuum pump operation may
indicate a vacuum leak.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-05-1 Standard Service Procedures 100-05-1
Manual Table of Contents

SECTION 100-05 Standard Service Procedures



Buffer Zone ............................................................................................ 100-05-2
Rubber Insulating Gloves Testing .................................................................. 100-05-2
Traction Battery Auxiliary Load High-Voltage Connector ....................................... 100-05-6
Traction Battery Charging............................................................................ 100-05-3
Traction Battery Two-Pin High-Voltage Connector............................................... 100-05-7
Traction Inverter Module (TIM) Capacitor Discharge ............................................ 100-05-9

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-05-2 Standard Service Procedures 100-05-2

Rubber Insulating Gloves Testing
NOTE: The rubber insulating gloves that are to be
worn while working on all high-voltage systems on
the Ranger and the Postal Ranger EV are rated for
use on equipment of up to 1000 volts. They must be
inspected before use and must always be worn in
conjunction with the leather outer glove. Any hole
in the rubber insulating glove is a potential entry
point for high voltage.

1. Roll the glove up from the open end until the

lower portion of the glove begins to balloon
from the resulting air pressure. If the glove
leaks any air it must not be used.

2. The gloves should not be used if they exhibit

any signs of wear and tear.

3. The leather gloves must always be worn over

the rubber insulating gloves in order to protect

4. The rubber insulating gloves must be class

‘‘O’’ and meet all of the American Safety
Testing Materials Standards.

Buffer Zone

1. NOTE: The buffer zone is required only when

working with the high-voltage systems on the
Electric Vehicle.
Position the vehicle in the service bay.

2. NOTE: For Electric Ranger.

Position four orange cones around the corners
of the vehicle to mark off a one meter (three
feet) perimeter around the vehicle.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-05-3 Standard Service Procedures 100-05-3


3. NOTE: For Postal Ranger EV.

Position four orange cones around the corners
of the vehicle to mark off a one meter (three
feet) perimeter around the vehicle.

4. Do not allow any unauthorized personnel into

the buffer zone during repairs involving
high-voltage. Only personnel trained for service
on the high voltage systems of the EV are to be
permitted in the buffer zone.

Traction Battery Charging

1. Pull the vehicle up to a power control station


2. Place the gear selector in the park (P) position

and remove the key from the ignition.

3. NOTE: For Electric Ranger.

Open the charger inlet access door.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-05-4 Standard Service Procedures 100-05-4


4. NOTE: For Postal Ranger EV.

Open the charger inlet access door.

5. NOTE: Electric Ranger shown, Postal Ranger

EV similar.
Insert the PCS connector into the charger inlet
and push the connector down until it locks into

6. If using the EVI PCS and immediate charging

of the vehicle is desired, press the Charge Now
button. If the economy mode is desired, no
further steps are necessary. The EVI unit is
equipped with an autostart feature. If the unit is
in the economy mode when it is connected to
the vehicle, charging will begin automatically.

7. NOTE: For Electric Ranger.

The SCI PCS will autostart in either the
immediate or economy modes. If using the SCI
PCS, press the select button to choose either
immediate or economy charging. Charging will
begin automatically.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

100-05-5 Standard Service Procedures 100-05-5


8. NOTE: For Postal Ranger EV.

The SCI PCS will autostart in either the
immediate or economy modes. If using the SCI
PCS, press the select button to choose either
immediate or economy charging. Charging will
begin automatically.

9. If vehicle charging verification is necessary,

connect the New Generation STAR (NGS)
Tester to the vehicle and monitor the battery
control module (BCM) PID OPSTATE with the
ignition key in the OFF position and the vehicle
connected to the PCS. To determine what the
PID OPSTATE indicates, refer to Section

10. If the vehicle is not charging, refer to Traction

Battery Charging Diagnosis and Testing,
Section 414-03A or Section 414-03B.

11. NOTE: Electric Ranger shown, Postal Ranger

EV similar.
After charging, disconnect the PCS connector.
1 Press and hold the release button.
2 Lift and disconnect the PCS connector.

12. Close the charger inlet access door.

2001 Ranger EV, 01/2001

Ford Ranger Ev Workshop Manual 2001
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100-05-6 Standard Service Procedures 100-05-6


13. NOTE: For Postal Ranger EV.

Close the charger inlet access door.

Traction Battery Auxiliary Load High-Voltage Connector


1. WARNING: The nominal traction

battery voltage is 300 volts DC. The buffer
zone must be set up and insulated rubber
gloves and a face shield must be worn.
Failure to follow these precautions may
result in severe personal injury of death.
Observe the EV-specific precautions. Refer to
Section 100-00.
1 Set up the buffer zone.
2 Test and wear the rubber insulating gloves.
3 Wear the face shield.

2. If connected, disconnect the vehicle from the

power control station (PCS).

3. Disconnect the auxiliary battery ground cable.

4. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Section


5. NOTE: The connector is located at the front of

the traction battery on the right side.
Disconnect the four-pin high-voltage auxiliary
load connector.
• Pull out the red locking clip while pulling
apart the connector.

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