08department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicolog

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Patrak- A

Name of Department: Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

Faculty Profile:

Name Designati E-Mail Phone No. Joining Quali Exper No. of

on Year ficati ience Publica
on tions
Dr. S. K. Professor skbhavsar@ka 09825768508 2017 Ph.D. 30 150
Bhavsar and Head mdhenuuni.edu Years

Dr. K. A. Assistant kasadariya@ka 09427180817 2012 Ph.D. 9 79

Sadariya Professor mdhenuuni.edu Years
Dr. V. N. Assistant vaidehisarvaiya 09427892672 2016 Ph.D. 5.5 27
Sarvaiya Professor @kamdhenuuni (SKNagar) years
.edu.in 2022

Name of Department: Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology

About the Department (Profile):

Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology is considering as bridge between basic and

clinical veterinary science. Pharmacology and toxicology are translational sciences.
Pharmacology translates fundamental insights into drug action and fate into clinical therapy.
Toxicology translates and transfer knowledge from fundamental science into practical
application to safe guard animal health, human health and environment. The Department of
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology came in existence in 1965 during the second year of
inception of the College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand. The department
progressed steadily giving thrust on quality education and Research. The department has
nurtured post-graduate and doctoral students who have attained higher positions by becoming
teachers, scientists and entrepreneurs in India and abroad. The department was pioneer to
conduct research on Indigenous medicinal plants, Pharmacokinetics of drugs and Toxicology
of pesticides for benefit of animals. The name and fame of the department today owes to
following stalwarts who dedicated their life for the development of Veterinary Pharmacology
and Toxicology discipline.

Sr. Name of Head of the Period

No. Department From To
1. Dr. J. V. Anjaria 01/06/1964 31/12/1984
2. Dr. M. R. Dave 01/01/1985 31/07/1986
3. Dr. J. K. Malik 01/08/1986 30/09/1995
4. Dr. M. P. Verma 01/10/1995 31/03/2001
5. Dr. P. R. Patel 01/04/2001 06/06/2003
6. Dr. A. M. Thaker 07/06/2003 14/10/2015
7. Dr. S. K. Raval 15/10/2015 05/10/2017
8. Dr. S. K. Bhavsar 06/10/2017 Till date

Research Area:

 Pharmacokinetics \ Pharmacodynamics
 Ethno-pharmacology
 Toxicology / Toxicokinetics
 Pharmacogenomics/ Toxicogenomics
 Preclinical toxicity and safety studies

Research Projects:
A. Research Projects Completed

Sr. Funding Budget PI/ Co-PI

Title Duration
No. Agency Amount
Toxicological studies of Rayon
1. During 1981 ---------- Professor & Head
some fungicides Corporation,
PI : Dr. A. M. Thaker
Network Project on CO- PI:
Ethno-veterinary Dr. D. S. Nauriyal
2 2006 – 2008 ICAR 24.82 lakh
Medicine under AP cess Dr. J. G. Sarvaiya
fund Dr. D. J. Ghodasara
Dr. S. K. Bhavsar
PI : Dr. A. M. Thaker
Outreach Programme on
Dr. D. S. Nauriyal
3 Ethno-veterinary 2009-2012 ICAR 80.00 lakh
Dr. D. B. Patil
Dr. D. J. Ghodasara
Dr. S. K. Bhavsar
PI : Dr. S. K. Bhavsar
Evaluation of Efficacy of
Homeopathic Formulation Other
4 2017-2018 1.30 Lakh Dr. S. K. Raval
in Clinical/ Subclinical Agency
Dr. S. V. Shah
Mastitis in Cattle
Dr. B. B. Bhanderi

B. Research Projects on-going

Start Date Budget PI/ Co-PI

Sr. No. Title Agency
(period) Amount
Animal Research related
to investigation of University Professor & Head
1. Medicinal plant/weeds 1980 -----------
and genetic variation in funded
Livestock (Non-plan).
Dr. A. M. Thaker
(2012 - June 2013)
Dr. S. K. Raval
(July 2013- March 2020)
Outreach Programme on
2012 to till Dr. S. K. Bhavsar
2 Ethno-veterinary ICAR 58.40 lakh
date (April-2020 to till date)
Dr. S. K. Raval
Dr. P.V. Parikh
Dr. D. J. Ghodasara
Dr. K. A. Sadariya

1. “Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal Award” (2008) - Dr. K.A. Sadariya
2. Awards of Merit Certificate (2008) - Dr. K.A. Sadariya
3. "Prof. J.P. Trivedi Award (2012)" - Dr. S.K. Bhavsar
4. "Best Poster Presentation Award" (2013) - K.A. Sadariya, S.D. Patel, J.B. Patel, S.K.
Bhavsar and A.M. Thaker
5. “Best Gujarati Article Award” (2014) - Dr. Kamlesh Sadariya, Dr. Shailesh Bhavsar
and Dr. Ghanshyam Mandali
6. “Best Poster Presentation Award (2016)- Sarvaiya, V. N.; Sadariya, K. A.; Ghodasara,
D. J. and Thaker, A. M.
7. “GAAS Award-2016” for Best Ph.D. Thesis research work - Dr. K.A. sadariya
8. Fellow of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (FISVPT)” -
Dr. A.M.Thaker and Dr. S.K.Bhavsar
9. “Best Teacher Award - 2017” - Dr. K.A. Sadariya
10. Oral Paper Presentation Award- 2018 (Second position) - Kapuriya P.B., Sadariya
K.A., Bhavsar S.K., Patel Bhavisha R. and Thaker A.M.
11. Oral Paper Presentation Award- 2018 (First position) - Maradiya J.J., Patel Bhavisha
R., Sadariya K. A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A. M.
12. Oral Paper Presentation Award-2018 (First position) - Maradiya J.J., Gohel R.H.,
Sadariya K. A., Bhavsar S.K., Patel Bhavisha R. and Thaker A.M.
13. Poster Presentation Award-2018 (Second position)- Sarvaiya Vaidehi N., Sadariya
K.A. and Thaker A.M.
14. Oral Paper Presentation Award- 2019 (First prize)- B.R. Humbal, J.A. Prajapati,
K.A. Sadariya, S.K. Bhavsar and A.M. Thaker
15. Oral Presentation Award- 2019 (First prize)- Prajapati, J.A., Humbal, B.R., Sadariya,
K.A., Bhavsar, S.K. and Thaker, A.M.
16. Head Quarter of “Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
(ISVPT)”. Currently Dr. A.M.Thaker is acting as President and Dr. S.K. Bhavsar as
Secretary Finance of the society.

List of Research Publications (2019 Onwards):

1 Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A., Prajapati J.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019).
Safety evaluation of Syzygium aromaticum oil in male and female wistar rats. Journal
of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(4): 3027-3032.
2 Prajapati J.A., Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019).
Experimental evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Cinnamomum zeylanicum oil
in male wistar rats. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(4): 2483-2486.
3 Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A., Prajapati J.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019).
Evaluation of in-vivo anti-inflammatory activity of Syzygium aromaticum oil in male
wistar rats. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 8(7): 540-543.
4 Prajapati J.A., Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019).
Determination of in-vivo anti-inflammatory potential of Cinnamomum zeylanicum oil
in female wistar rats. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 8(7): 544-547.
5 Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A., Prajapati J.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019).
Anti-inflammatory activity of Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merrill & Perry oil in

carrageenan-induced paw edema in female rats. Annals of phytomedicine, 8(2): 167-
6 Prajapati J.A., Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019).
Safety assessment of Cinnamomum zeylanicum oil in male and female wistar rats.
Annals of phytomedicine, 8(2): 172-178.
7 Patel J.H., Vihol P.D., Sadariya K.A., Patel U.D., Varia R.D., Bhavsar S.K., Thaker,
A.M. and Raval J.K. (2019). Pretreatment with trikatu augments pharmacokinetic
profile and bioavailability of orally administered levofloxacin in goat. Annals of
phytomedicine, 8(1): 172-177.
8 Modi F.D., Bhavsar S.K., Patel J.H., Varia R.D., Modi L.C., Modi Megha and Kale N.
(2019). Pharmacokinetic profile of rutin after intramuscular administration in rats
favours its in vivo antiinflammatory activity in carrageenan-induced rodent model of
inflammation. Annals of phytomedicine, 8(1): 185-192.
9 Patel U.D., Bhavsar S.K., Thaker A.M., Patel S.D., Singh R.D. and Patel J.H. (2019).
Pharmacokinetics of levofloxacin after oral administration in normal and ketoprofen-
treated sheep. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 8(6): 729-733.

10 Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019). Evaluation of antiurolithic
activity of ethanolic extract of Tribulus terrestris in wistar rats. Journal of Veterinary
Pharmacology and Toxicology, 18(1): 38-43.
11 Patel U.D., Thaker A.M. and Bhavsar S.K. (2019). Disposition of orally administered
levofloxacin in Lipopolysaccharide induced febrile model of sheep. Journal of
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 18(1): 22-25.
12 Maradiya J.J., Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2019). Safety evaluation
of repeated oral administration o gemifloxacin and piperine in layer birds. Journal of
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 18(2): 81-84
13 Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2020). Antiurolithiatic potential of
Tribulus terrestris on ethanolic extract in ethylene glycol induced urolithisis in rats.
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 18(1): 38-43.
14 Patel S.G., Raval S.K., Dhami A.J. and Bhavsar S.K. (2020). Prophylactic effect of
biherbal extract of Boerhavia diffusa and Tribulus terrestris in wistar rats against
adenine induced chronic kideny disease: haemato-biochemical profile. The Indian
Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 16(2,3&4): 58-61.
15 Varia R.D., Patel J.H., Modi F.D., Vihol P.D. and Bhavsar S.K. (2020). In vitro and in
vivo antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of linalool. International Journal of
Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 9(9): 1481-1489.
16 Varia R.D., Patel J.H., Modi F.D., Vihol P.D. and Bhavsar, S.K. (2021). In-vitro and
in-vivo antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of catechin including
pharmacokinetic profile in rat. Annals of Phytomedicine, 10(2): 472-478.
17 Parmar J.K., Goswami B.G., Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2021).
Evaluation of immunomodulatory activities of clove oil in broiler. Journal of
Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 20(1): 18-26.
18 Baria T.R., Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A., Patel B.R. and Bhavsar S.K. (2021).
Assessment of in vitro antibacterial activity and MIC of thyme oil against gram positive

and gram negative bacteria. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology,
20(1): 37-41.
19 Goswami B.G., Parmar J.K., Sadariya K.A. and Bhavsar S.K. (2021). Evaluation of
cinnamon oil as antibiotic growth promoter substitutions on growth performance in
broiler. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, 20(2): 38-45.
20 Bhavsar S.K., Humbal B.R., Sadariya K.A. and Baria T.R. (2022). Evaluation of the in
vitro antibacterial activity and minimum inhibitory concentration of Curcuma longa L.,
Ocimum sanctum L. and Piper nigrum L. ethanolic and aqueous extracts. Annals of
phytomedicine, 11(1): 455-464.
21 Sarvaiya V.N., Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K., Thaker A.M. and Pathan M.M. (2022).
Effects of multiple intramuscular administrations of cefpirome and flunixin meglumine
on hemato-biochemical parameters in sheep. The Pharma Innovation Journal, 11(8S):
22 Sarvaiya V.N., Sadariya K.A., Bhavsar S.K. and Thaker A.M. (2022). Plasma
pharmacokinetics and dosage regimen of cefpirome sulfate in ewes. Veterinarski Arhiv,
92(4): 411-420.

Media Gallery
Photo Gallery:

Under-Graduate Students making Pharmacy Preparations

Post-Graduate Students working in laboratories

Organization of ISVPT-2018 conference Visitors

Contact Us:
Dr. S.K. Bhavsar
Professor & Head,
Department of Vet. Pharmacology & Toxicology
College of Veterinary Science and A.H.
Kamdhenu University,
Anand - 388 001 (Gujarat, India)
E-Mail: [email protected]

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