Deviant Devoted Companion Final Download
Deviant Devoted Companion Final Download
Deviant Devoted Companion Final Download
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“But these weren’t the kind of monsters that
had tentacles and rotting skin, the kind a
seven-year-old might be able to wrap his mind
around — they were monsters with human faces,
in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so
banal you don’t recognize them for what they
are until it’s too late.”
— Ransom Riggs
The Devoted walk the hallways of the conspiracy’s power. They sit in its brightly lit
offices and lecture halls. They lurk in its secret laboratories in dark sewers and abandoned
hospitals. They are its eyes, its hands, its heart, and its very soul. The conspiracy may have
strapped these Broken to operating tables and altars to reshape them, but the Devoted
reshape the conspiracy in turn — creating ripples and waves in power structures meant to
smother their freedom.
Theme: Fanaticism
Devoted have free will, which they turn toward the next objective in their current project.
They put their Variations at the disposal of the conspiracy even if it demands they kill or die in
the service of the cause. Devoted can question the conspiracy’s tactical and strategic decisions,
and they can nurse grudges against other conspirators that would make the most cutthroat office
politics seem tame, but at the end of the day, they are true believers who seek out opportunities
to prove the depth of their devotion to the conspiracy and those who serve it alongside them.
attachment is attachment without boundaries or mitiga- player’s character shifts from Devoted to Renegade (or vice
tion, an all-consuming passion to serve — to adore those versa), or to flesh out antagonists for a Renegade-focused
the conspiracy tells them to adore, and to hate those the Deviant: The Renegades chronicle.
conspiracy tells them to hate.
Spliced Cells and
How to Use Grotesque Appendages
This Book This companion to Deviant: The Renegades contains
The Devoted Companion is a supplement for Deviant: four core segments, each complimenting the other to make
The Renegades that allows players to engage with the a complete, horrifying body.
Devoted as protagonists. As with Renegades, this does The first discusses how to play Devoted, exploring po-
not necessarily mean they are heroes. Renegades lead lives tential reasons why they serve a conspiracy. It offers new
characterized by vengeance and violence directed against Merits, Forms, Variations, and Scars that are particularly
antagonists that seek to exploit them. They are trapped in appropriate for Devoted characters and provides new
a desperate cycle of bloodshed that promises to end only systems for Devoted and Linchpins.
with their deaths. The second expands the conspiracy mechanics detailed
Whether as willing agents or dupes, Devoted serve the in Deviant, including guidance on conspiracy actions,
same system the Renegades rebel against. Most can rely on Nodes, Icons, and Projects. Additionally, it introduces
the conspiracy to meet their basic physical and emotional Privileges — Merit-like benefits that flow from a conspir-
needs — food, shelter, medical care, and people who at acy’s Structural and Hierarchical Nodes — and provides
least seem to care about them. But that security comes a means for a conspiracy to grow in power and influence
with a price. Sometimes the trusted friend who soothes over the course of the chronicle.
their hurts today will order them to recruit test subjects or Thirdly, this book offers valuable storytelling advice for
kill tomorrow, and the Devoted are ill-equipped to refuse Devoted chronicles. It provides additional storytelling axes
these requests —a psychological vulnerability conspiracies and common stories in Devoted chronicles, including ones
and their agents do not hesitate to exploit. that focus on Remade who create their own conspiracies.
A Storyteller can use this book to run a chronicle fo- This companion concludes with a selection of
cused on a Devoted cohort, to handle stories in which a Conspiracy Conditions that Devoted often receive.
Any discriminating Progenitor regards a Deviant that empathizes with him for once. It hurt to implant himself with
goes Feral or Renegade shortly after the Divergence as a the injector, and he’s sure the men who hand-delivered it and
failure. Better by far are the subjects who do not resist check up on him once a week want something from him other
examination and further experimentation, the ones who than test results. But it worked. It worked. Look out world,
forge deep bonds with obedient conspiracy agents and here he comes.
so become obedient themselves, the ones who eagerly She grew up in the arms of the Enlightened Family of the
master their newfound abilities and adapt to their Scars. Fourth Wave. The loving embrace of the Family’s home was
Although flawed experiments and unfortunate twists of all she knew, until she underwent the Becoming. Only those
fortune can yield Ferals and Renegades, the conspiracies who survived the Becoming could go Outside, and only those
of the Web of Pain much prefer to produce Devoted, for who proved themselves could undergo the Becoming. She wept
these Remade live up to their name. tears of joy as they fixed her to the iron cross and placed the
electrodes on her head. The powers of the Waves channeled
Transcendent through her tore her mortal form asunder and built her anew,
creating a beautiful and powerful new being. She would be the
Devotion Enlightened Family’s warrior and prophet on the Outside. Yet
nothing about the Becoming prepared her for the Outside, how
She was the black sheep of her family. Her brain didn’t loud and cruel it is. She hates it. She wants to see it remade,
work right, they complained. Why can’t you just be normal? like her.
The doctors diagnosed her with ADHD, with Bipolar II, with Life in prison, or the operating theatre and freedom: pick
C-PTSD with Borderline traits. One said he could help her. one. He knew which one he’d pick, wouldn’t you? It wasn’t so
There’s an experimental study. Come with me. She did. Now bad. Yeah, the anesthesia wore off once, and they had to give
she thinks like how a missile must think — quietly and harm- him a Dilaudid drip in addition to the knockout drugs, but
ing no one, until the arming switch is thrown. She loves it. It’s he was only under for what, six hours? Less than one percent
so peaceful here. She has her own room done in cool colors, she of his combined sentences for extortion, fraud, embezzlement,
can play her own music, and no one storms in to disrupt her and conspiracy to commit murder. That didn’t make him a
when she’s relaxing. They always knock to give her her next bad guy, of course. He was just trying to provide for his wife
target. and mistress, both of them with their expensive tastes. The
He was weak. No matter how much he tried, he could Dilaudid hooked him, and that wasn’t so bad either. Just
never grow muscles or a beard. That rage built inside him. He meant that he had a new boss who paid him in opiates, and
learned about NoNutNovember and how women would be at- he had to learn to become the hitman rather than hiring one.
tracted to his buildup of hormones not released by jacking off. Not his fault, of course. Nothing personal. It’s just business.
That didn’t work either. He got angrier. His anger darkened. Renegades, if they’re lucky, have small groups of equally
He deserved attention and a beautiful girl to give it to him. fucked-up Broken with whom they can find some irregular
Wasn’t he a man, after all? He heard the advertisement for solace from the outside world. Even being around other
the YFU-9000 Virility Self-Implant on one of those late-night Remade can be stressful. Renegades all have their own
radio shows, the ones with the shock jocks who scream about Scars and issues that can’t be fixed by simple kindness, and
school shootings being false flags for government takeovers. He sometimes their relationships shatter because someone
likes those shows a lot. They make him feel like he has a right said something nominally harmless at the wrong time.
to this deep pit of resentment in his stomach, that someone
Devoted 9
It could be something else entirely. She fears and hates
the conspiracy — but the outside is worse. The outside is
full of dangerous people who want to hurt her: kidnap-
pers, terrorists, perverted politicians, people with advanced
weaponry. She doesn’t like the conspiracy either; the way
they treat her makes her weep at night, but it’s the best
she’ll get. They’re the only ones who can help her — as
long as she helps them, of course.
Whether through genuine love, a sense of obligation,
fear of the outside world, abandonment anxiety, or some-
thing else, the Devoted pack-bonds tightly to members of
her conspiracy. She lives for them and would die for them.
She’s part of the conspiracy’s machine — whether it is the
Cephalist negotiating for rare artifacts or the Invasive
protecting them. Devoted given a job will go to terrifying
lengths to do it.
It all comes down to wanting to have a place. The
Divergence brings with it a profound identity crisis, and
most Broken soon lose friends, family, homes, and careers
— in addition to whatever price their Scars exact. This loss
causes a certain hyper-suggestibility: Anything that gives her
a sense of belonging and peace becomes her new normal.
This is quite common in even Baseline cults and new reli-
gious movements, and that’s without the experimentation
on body and soul that Remade undergo.
Conspiracies keep Devoted in line through some
combination of love-bombing, absolutist principles, and
threats. The conspiracy gives the Devoted dangerous or
difficult jobs, reminding them that it’s for the greater good.
Those who complete their tasks receive praise, raises, and
other rewards that inspire them to continue and improve.
Devoted who fail? Well, they can expect write-ups at the
very least, but often they are locked up and sedated, used
as guinea pigs for further experiments “to find out what
went wrong” or, to put it gently, disassembled for parts.
The worst part is that many “failed” Devoted believe they
deserve it; after all, they couldn’t do what the people who
care for them asked them to do.
Such fanatical devotion to the people they care about
defines Devoted as surely as an unquenchable thirst for
vengeance defines Renegades. Devoted are capable of tap-
ping into that same bottomless well of hatred, but most
allow their Loyalty Touchstones tell them whom to hate.
However, Devoted assassins seldom pick off their targets
from a safe distance without ever revealing themselves. Like
all Deviants, Devoted crave a personal connection to their
victims to cement their rage (and affirm the Touchstone),
whether it means arranging a chance meeting or “playing
with their food” before moving in for the kill.
Devoted 11
Suggested Modifiers (cannot exceed net +/–5): No to benefit from their Variations or use them as watchdogs
Overt Variation/Scar used during the current story (–5). keeping an eye on potentially rebellious Linchpins.
None of the cohort’s actions last chapter called upon the
conspiracy’s Power (–2) or any conspiracy resources (–3). Devoted Linchpins
Checked into a hospital outside of a conspiracy facility (+2). Although not all conspiracies trust Remade with real
Recently arrested (+3) or escaped custody (+5), unless au- power within their organization, Devoted make potent
thority is allied with the conspiracy. Created a public scene Linchpins. Their intensity and passion usually more than
while calling upon the conspiracy’s Power (+1) or multiple make up for their frailties and failings.
such incidents (+3). Created a public scene involving Overt
Variations/Scars (+3) or multiple such incidents (+5). • Devoted may begin play as the Linchpin of a Node
by purchasing the Linchpin Merit (p. 18). This may
Roll Results also be purchased during play, with Storyteller ap-
Success: The Remade incur some kind of PR incident. proval — typically after a crisis point would cause
This deals a point of bashing damage to the conspiracy’s the dismissal of the current Linchpin (Deviant, p.
Association. 231).
Exceptional Success: Choose one of the following
• If the conspiracy suffers a crisis point or performs
a purge that would result in the replacement of
• The characters’ actions spark a major internal crisis a Linchpin or the destruction of a Node, the co-
or reorganization. Deal a point of lethal damage to hort may choose to take the fall, resulting in the
the conspiracy’s Association. termination of one or more of their members as
Linchpins. The terminated Remade take a Beat
• The conspiracy must waste time cleaning up the and a Conspiracy Beat. The Sanctity of Merits also
Devoted’s mess. It loses one of its conspiracy actions applies.
for this chapter.
Devoted 13
might be conspiracy members — the support staff who so on. It’s all in the name of the ever-forward march of
help the Devoted deal with the ravages of their Scars, the science, art, and technology after all. However, Devoted
ambitious conspirators whom the Devoted have stepped with this Form have been made for one purpose only: war.
on while climbing the ladder, or the like — but they’re Conspiracies craft their supersoldiers with violence
more likely the Renegades the cohort hunts, the people in mind. Every change made to the Devoted’s physiology
around the Devoted’s targets who have to put their lives has been done with the goal of making their creation a
back together afterwards, rivals in other conspiracies, and living weapon. Only the most loyal (or the most compliant)
so forth. candidates receive this kind of reshaping. The last thing a
The players play out a brief conversation or encounter conspiracy wants is a laser-focused killing machine going
involving these characters, perhaps highlighting rising rogue and turning on them.
Instability, determining a Renegade or rival conspiracy’s To this end, Devoted with the Supersoldier Form
plan of attack for the future, or showing reactions to the receive preferential treatment. While conspiracies make
Devoted’s exploits and highlighting how they’re seen as he- it clear who owns whom, they will listen to the Devoted’s
roes, problem-solvers, or monsters by Baseline characters. demands — within reason, of course. Any Supersoldier
who asks for too much finds themselves sedated and
Made-to-Order Tools imprisoned, or locked away in cold storage until it’s time
to use them again.
The following Forms, Merits, Variations, and Scars are System: The Supersoldier Form confers the following
especially appropriate for Devoted, although some rare mechanical benefits:
Renegades have them. • Once per chapter, as an instant action, the
Supersolder may redistribute up to (Acclimation
New Form: Supersoldier + 3) dots from Mental and/or Social Attributes to
All Devoted are made with purpose. Rarely do the Physical Attributes until the end of the scene. This
Progenitors toy with a subject for cruel, aimless reasons. cannot reduce an Attribute to less than 1 nor more
There’s always a goal in mind: limits to test, new formulae than double the rating of a Physical Attribute, and
to experiment with, new serums in their trial period, and it doesn’t affect Scar Power/Finesse/Resistance.
• If the Supersoldier is Devoted, some or all of this • Resilient: Once per chapter when using the
Magnitude may be assigned to a Node, in which Magnitude •• effect, the Deviant heals a minor
case any assigned Variations may only be used in Instability or downgrades a medium or major
service of the conspiracy’s Objectives. Instability by one step. This target Instability must
be one absorbed by the healer using this Variation.
• If a Touchstone or Node which has assigned
Magnitude is destroyed, those dots are banked and • Soothing: Allow the target to ignore a number
the Remade may assign them to another Touchstone of medium Instabilities equal to the healer’s Scar
or Node at the beginning of any subsequent chapter. Power or a single major Instability for the purposes
of increasing the Magnitude of their Scars and/or
• If the Loyalty Touchstone to which the bonus dots gaining new Scars.
of Variations is attached becomes Wavering, the
Supersoldier suffers a minor Instability at the end • Stabilizing: Reduce the Magnitude of one of the tar-
of any scene in which she activated one or more of get’s Scars and Variation Magnitude by the healer’s
the Variations assigned to that Touchstone. Scar Power. If this would reduce a Scar’s Magnitude
to 0, it also disables all entangled Variations.
• If the Loyalty Touchstone with attached Variations At Magnitude ••••, as Magnitude •••, but choose
converts to a Conviction Touchstone instead (or two effects instead of one.
a Devoted with Magnitude assigned to a Node
At Magnitude •••••, as Magnitude ••••, and the
becomes a Renegade), any assigned Magnitude
Remade enjoys all three Magnitude ••• effects.
remains assigned and can only be used to oppose
the Touchstone or Node. The Cephalist lays her hands upon her target and absorbs
their mental trauma through psychokinetic contact. This touch
Devoted 15
leaves her mind in a haze for hours after (Persistent Drawback • Destructive: Whatever the Broken desires, it is
[Glitch]; Controlled; Wits). harmful to her body. Whenever she indulges her
The Coactive syncs the uncontrollable energy of his body to philia, it inflicts 1 lethal damage to her.
his target’s alpha waves to soothe them at the cost of his own
• Routine: The Deviant must indulge her philia
mental stability (Suppression [Resolve]; Persistent).
regularly and suffers a minor Instability at the end
The Mutant opens pores in her skin and secretes a serum of any chapter in which she did not do so.
that settles the target’s mind at the cost of damage to herself
(Perilous Variation; Controlled; Dexterity). At Magnitude ••••, as Magnitude •••, but choose
two effects instead.
New Persistent Scar: At Magnitude •••••, as Magnitude •••, but all
three effects apply.
Philia (• to •••••)
Keywords: Mental; Subtle; Repeatable
• Rare (–1 Magnitude): The Remade craves some-
The Broken has a bizarre, unbreakable desire or fasci- thing bizarre and uncommon, like tasting the fur
nation for a particular thing. A Deviant transformed in of a werewolf, a very specific fruit found only on
a sensory deprivation tank may yearn for the noiseless, the opposite side of the globe, or near-death experi-
saline floating, while another forced to stay awake for days ences. It is unusual for her to trigger her philia more
might actively seek sleeplessness. than once per story.
By default, the philia comes into play no more often
than once per chapter — such as a strange craving, a desire • Common (+1 Magnitude): The Broken desires
to avoid sleeping, an obsessive need to perform a particular something commonplace and easy to acquire:
action, and so on. chewing on aluminum foil, prescription painkill-
Each instance of Philia pertains to a desire for some- ers, eating sawdust, aerosol fumes, teratophiliac
thing different. pornography, and so on. This can be triggered
At Magnitude •, the Remade’s philia drives her to multiple times per chapter, but no more than once
abandon missions, act irrationally, or betray or scam her per scene.
cohort in order to get what she craves. Take a Beat when-
ever the Deviant indulges the urge in a way that creates New Persistent Scar:
problems or complications.
Trusting (• to •••••)
At Magnitude ••, as Magnitude •, but whenever the
Remade encounters an opportunity to satisfy her philia, Keywords: Social; Subtle
she suffers a (6 – Scar Resistance) penalty to actions in the The Deviant believes that everyone she meets is hon-
scene other than those that help her indulge it. Once she est and has her best intentions at heart. She also believes
indulges in the urge, it consumes her entire attention for (6 that honesty is the best policy when dealing with others.
– Scar Resistance) minutes (or turns, during action scenes) She does this without considering that she might be ma-
unless someone or something interrupts her indulgence. nipulated or that whatever they ask of her might not be
At Magnitude •••, as Magnitude ••, and choose one: in her best interests.
• Consuming: Once the Remade indulges, tearing At Magnitude •, the player may accept a Beat whenever
herself away from the obsession becomes nearly her willingness to believe the best of people or her desire
impossible. In action scenes, when she pulls away to handle things with frank honesty causes a setback.
from her fixation, she must make a Scar Resistance At Magnitude ••, as Magnitude •, and choose one:
roll each turn to keep herself from abandoning the
• Credulous: The Remade suffers a (6 – Scar
fight to dive back in. In other scenes, she cannot do
Resistance) penalty to contested Empathy rolls to
so unless someone interrupts her with something
read another character’s intentions or detect decep-
urgent (a dear friend begging the Remade to stop,
tion, which the Storyteller rolls in secret. A failure
for example, or an imminent threat that demands
on such a roll invariably paints a rosy picture of the
her attention), in which case she may make another
subject’s perceived motives.
Scar Resistance roll to pull away.
Devoted 17
System: No more often than once per scene, when System: The character enjoys a +2 bonus whenever
the character violates conspiracy Principles in order to she uses Intimidation, Persuasion, or Subterfuge to win
further an Objective, she regains a point of Willpower, a target to the conspiracy’s side or to convince them to
and the resultant Conspiracy Beat still converts to Effort embrace its Principles.
even if a member of the cohort has the Devoted Shackles
Condition (p. 42). Linchpin (••• or •••••)
Prerequisites: Status (Conspiracy) • (or ••• for the
Moral Compass (••) five-dot version)
Prerequisite: Deviant-Only, Devoted Form The Devoted is a key member of his conspiracy, com-
The character with this Merit is the moral lodestone manding the resources of one of its Nodes and directing
of her group. She sets an example for her fellows, who its activities on the conspiracy’s behalf.
find inspiration in her righteous actions. Whenever she Effect: The character is the Linchpin of an Exploitative,
provides moral direction and her friends adhere to it, Structural, or Temporal Node, which comes with both
everyone benefits. benefits and responsibilities. With the five-dot version, the
System: Once per chapter, when the character acts in character is instead the Linchpin of a Hierarchical Node.
accordance with one of the conspiracy’s Principles or its Note: Purchase of this Merit after character creation
Virtue, or spends an action encouraging others to do so, requires a vacancy for the Devoted to fill — either as a result
the Devoted may call upon this Merit. Devoted and other of the prior Linchpin’s demotion or reassignment, or a
agents of the conspiracy in the scene gain the Inspired Node whose Linchpin the Storyteller has not yet defined.
Condition related to furthering the designated Principle
or Virtue. Staff (• to •••••) (Overt)
Your character has a crew of workers or assistants
Social Merits at his disposal. They may be housekeepers, designers,
research assistants, animators, cheap thugs, or whatever
The Company Line (••) else makes sense.
Every conspiracy has its poster child, the Devoted that Effect: For every dot in this Merit, choose one type
everyone else looks up to as a paragon of the conspiracy’s of assistant and one Skill. At any reasonable time, his
mission statement. She delivers every line of propaganda staff can take actions using that Skill. These actions
with a flawless, photogenic smile and makes other people automatically garner a single success. While not useful
wish they were her and that they could have what she has. in contested actions, this guarantees success on minor,
mundane activities.
Conspiracy 19
penalties can exceed –5, but the conspiracy cannot choose • If the Linchpin is a Devoted or controls a
to allocate a penalty that is greater than its dice pool after Hierarchical Node, this bonus is 2 instead — or
applying other circumstantial modifiers. 3 if the Linchpin is a Devoted and controls a
For example, a conspiracy with Power 8 wishes to use Hierarchical Node.
an Exploitative Node to kidnap a journalist who has been To bestow this benefit, she must be present when the
exposing its bad acts. It suffers a –2 circumstantial penalty conspiracy action takes effect. She must lead the group of
for the inappropriate Node, leaving it with 6 dice. If it agents attempting to capture the Renegades, for example,
wishes to increase the scale of its action (such as by kidnap- or hers must be the voice on the other end of any threat-
ping multiple targets), it can choose to suffer penalties to ening phone call.
the remaining 6-die pool. However, the voluntary penalty
cannot exceed –6 (leaving the conspiracy with exactly a Common Conspiracy
chance die with which to attempt the action). Actions
Conspiracy Actions The following conspiracy actions are the most com-
and Linchpins mon. All can be taken multiple times, using one conspiracy
action each.
Most Linchpins control their Nodes from behind the
scenes. Not many will risk themselves lightly on the front lines Accelerate Project
of the conspiracy’s conflicts with Renegades, rival conspiracies, Ordinarily, a conspiracy generates Effort to advance
and other enemies. However, in a structure that too often en- Projects during downtime at the end of each chapter, and
courages groupthink and bureaucratic adherence to procedure a completed Project does not take effect until the end of
and protocol, a Linchpin’s direct leadership can force a Node’s the next chapter. However, unanticipated external compli-
agents out of their complacency and achieve dramatic results. cations can force them to unleash a new capability before
• If a Linchpin takes a direct hand in a conspiracy it is completely ready. This conspiracy action must be in
action originating from her Node or one adjacent response to enemy action aimed at disrupting a Project —
to it (see below), she increases the conspiracy’s ef- such as a Renegade attack on a Node. The conspiracy uses
fective Power or Finesse rating by 1 for that scene. its action to generate and spend Effort no greater than half
Conspiracy 21
Create Distraction: The conspiracy orchestrates an event other supernatural ally (–2), one defined by a Social Merit
that distracts the attention of a few victims away from things (–4), or a Loyalty Touchstone (–6).
it would prefer remain hidden. This could be a fire alarm, for Turn Traitor: The conspiracy turns someone against
example, or a loud argument between two strangers. Inattentive the target, whether by bribery, coercion, or appeals to
victims fall for this ruse automatically, while alert targets suffer the traitor’s nature. This traitor is a Baseline acquainted
the Distracted Condition until the end of the scene. with but not intimately familiar with the victim — such as
Modifiers: The distraction affects dozens (–2), hundreds a neighbor, coworker, or service provider. The traitor will
(–4), or thousands (–6) of targets. The distraction lasts perform one act of betrayal against the target in the current
until the end of the chapter (–2). Baselines automatically chapter — from reporting her activities, to opening a door
fall for the ruse (–2). to her enemies, to making a desperate attempt on her life.
Intimidating Call: The conspiracy flaunts its surveil- Modifiers: The conspiracy is calling on Power instead of
lance capabilities by making contact with a target in the Finesse (–2). The traitor is a friend (–2, –4 if defined by a
current scene. An agent of the conspiracy calls the phone Social Merit, –6 if a Loyalty Touchstone). The traitor per-
nearest the target and instructs whomever answers it to forms minor acts of betrayal against the target (up to once
deliver a message or hand the phone to the target. Nothing per chapter) for as long as he is capable of doing so (–4).
prevents the target from refusing the call or hanging up,
but the real message is clear: “We know exactly where you Send Agents
are.” This may impose the Shaken Condition. Agents of the conspiracy are already present or soon
Modifiers: The target is one of the conspiracy’s agents arrive at the scene. This is up to four Baselines with access
(+2). Several phones in the area ring at the same time to gear of up to Availability 3 (or with an Equipment bonus
(–2). The conspiracy instead intercepts a call as the target of +2). If the conspiracy has Devoted assigned to the origi-
makes it (–2). The call comes to a burner phone (–4). Calls nating Node (or to an adjacent Node), it may deploy any
“follow” the victim wherever she goes until the end of the number of these specialized agents along with the Baselines.
chapter (–4). The threat arrives via broadcast media, such If calling upon Power, the agents are witting pawns
as a news anchor suddenly addressing the target directly of the conspiracy, even if they don’t have a big-picture
from every TV screen in the BestBuy she happens to be understanding of its goals or reach. They don’t risk break-
walking through (–4). The target is in a safe place that the ing points for merely witnessing Overt Variations. On the
conspiracy shouldn’t know about (–4). other hand, if properly motivated, they can yield informa-
Resource Denial: By hacking her bank accounts, tion about their Node’s Linchpin, and some know or carry
abducting her allies, or terrorizing her contacts, the con- credentials that could grant others access to it. Temporal
spiracy renders one of the target’s relevant Social Merits agents often benefit from specialized or experimental
inaccessible until the end of the chapter. This affects Allies, equipment useful in dealing with enemy Remade.
Contacts, Manticore Companion, Mentor, Resources, If calling upon Finesse, Baseline agents are unwitting
Retainer, Staff, or Status. pawns of the conspiracy. They have an awareness of their
Modifiers: It affects the same Merit for the entire cohort source Node but don’t realize its connection to a larger con-
(–2). It affects multiple Merits (–2 per doubling). It tem- spiracy. Even under interrogation, they likely can’t point a
porarily compromises her Safe Place (–2, –4 if a shared finger at the Node’s Linchpin. Devoted among Exploitative
Safe Place). It permanently eliminates the relevant Merit, agents keep their natures hidden from their Baseline compan-
although the Sanctity of Merits applies (–4). ions, who are as vulnerable to breaking points from witness-
Silence Enemy: The conspiracy attempts to rid itself of ing Overt Variations as anyone else. Exploitative agents often
an inconvenient witness, investigator, or enemy — whether afford a conspiracy an additional layer of plausible deniability.
by means of abduction, accident, arrest, or assassination. A scene involving conspiracy agents can escalate, espe-
Used against a Baseline with no supernatural allies to call cially in the case of Exploitative agents. If Renegades open
upon, it succeeds automatically, removing the target from fire on a couple police with a search warrant, for example,
the action until at least the end of the current story (if the prompt arrival of more squad cars (and possibly a
not permanently). Others suffer the Hunted Condition. S.W.A.T. team) at the scene is a foregone conclusion.
Although long-lasting, this complication does not suffer
the usual –2 penalty for using Power; in fact, calling upon Send Agent Modifiers
Power is more effective than calling upon Finesse. Armory (–2 or more): The conspiracy splashes out
Modifiers: Calling upon Finesse instead of Power (–2). on expensive equipment for its agents. Increase the
Automatically silence a Baseline target with a Deviant or
Conspiracy 23
• The destruction of a Node also destroys any Node #3, because the only indirect connection it has is broken
Privileges attached to that Node. by another active Node. Active Node #2, on the other hand,
Privileges enhance certain conspiracy actions that origi- would enjoy the Privileges of all three connective Nodes, since
nate from adjacent Temporal and Exploitative Nodes. A it has direct connections to Connective Nodes #2 and #3,
Temporal or Exploitative Node (active Node) is adjacent and an indirect connection to Connective Node #1 along an
to a Hierarchical or Structural Node (connective Node) if: unbroken line of other connective Nodes.
• The active Node has a direct connection to the The Spoils of Privilege
connective Node with the Privilege. The benefit a Privilege grants depends on the number
of direct connections the connective Node has to other
• The active Node has an indirect connection to
Nodes (regardless of whether they are active or connective).
the connective Node with the Privilege along an
unbroken line of other connective Nodes. Five or More Direct Connections: Choose a single,
narrow conspiracy action effect (such as Armory, False
Front, or Suppression) when creating this Privilege. All
adjacent Nodes enjoy a +1 bonus on conspiracy actions
that include that effect. This has no effect on the Focused
Action or Accelerate Project actions.
Four or Fewer Direct Connections: Choose one:
NODE NODE • As the effect for five or more direct connections,
but the bonus is instead +2.
In this example, the active Node would benefit from
the Privilege granted by the connective Node, since the • Choose a single, broad conspiracy action
two share a direct connection. (Accelerate Project, Focused Action, Manufacture
Complication, or Send Agents) when creating this
Privilege. All adjacent Nodes enjoy a +1 bonus on
these conspiracy actions. In the case of Focused
Action, the conspiracy action grants a +3 bonus to
another conspiracy action instead of a +2 bonus.
ACTIVE Note that in both cases, a Privilege does not increase the
conspiracy’s Power or Finesse Attribute. Privileges therefore
CONNECTIVE NODES do not allow a conspiracy to exceed the normal limits of
In this example, the active Node would benefit from its conspiracy actions. It only increases the likelihood that
the Privileges granted by all three connective Nodes, since more potent conspiracy actions of that type will succeed.
it has a direct connection to Connective Node #1 and an A conspiracy can have multiple connective Nodes that
indirect connection to both Connective Node #2 and #3 provide the same Privilege. Multiple Privileges that grant a
along an unbroken line of other connective Nodes. bonus to the same types of conspiracy actions stack. Using
the third example above, if both Connective Node #1 and
Connective Node #3 provided a +2 bonus to conspiracy
actions calling upon the Armory effect, then Active Node
#2 would enjoy a +4 bonus to these conspiracy actions.
If a connective Node with fewer than five direct con-
nections forges a fifth direct connection, the conspiracy
must downgrade its Privileges to bring them in line with
a connective Node with five or more direct connections.
CONNECTIVE NODES If a connective Node with five or more direct connections
drops to fewer than five (whether because a directly con-
In this example, Active Node #1 benefits from the nected Node is destroyed or because a direct connection
Privileges of Connective Nodes #1 and #2, since it has a direct is severed as part of a Project), the conspiracy may upgrade
connection to the former and an indirect connection to the that Node’s Privileges to reflect the reduced number of
latter along an unbroken line of connective Nodes. However, direct connections.
it would not benefit from the Privileges from Connective
Conspiracy 25
• The advantage only applies to certain, narrow uses of • When targeted by a rival conspiracy’s sabotage or war
the Skill (–1) or to rarely relevant uses of the Skill (–2). action, reduce the damage the rival inflicts by 1.
The Icon allows the conspiracy to complete certain of • When a rival conspiracy targets one of its Nodes
its Projects more efficiently. Choose one: for a subversion action, increase the Complexity of
• Select a narrowly defined type of Project — such the action by 2.
as Recruit Devoted or Move Icon (see below) — • Select a narrowly defined conspiracy action (not
with Complexity no greater than the conspiracy’s Focused Action or Accelerate Project). The con-
Standing. Once per chapter, when the conspiracy spiracy may take that action once per chapter
completes a Project of this sort, it may complete without it counting against its maximum number
it twice (recruiting two Devoted, for example, or of conspiracy actions.
moving two different Icons).
• Select a broadly defined conspiracy action
• Select a narrowly defined type of Project with a (Accelerate Project, Focused Action, Manufacture
Complexity of 2 or more. Once per chapter, halve Complication, or Send Agents). Once per chapter,
the Complexity of one Project of that type, rounded under narrowly defined circumstances (when the
up (Complexity 2 becomes 1, Complexity 3 and 4 Icon’s Node is attacked, for example), the conspiracy
become 2, and so forth). If this is only permitted un- may take that action without it counting against its
der certain unusual, pre-determined circumstances, maximum number of conspiracy actions.
Conspiracy 27
Divergence Projects: When to Roll
The purpose of assigning dice to these Projects is to emphasize the inherent uncertainty of dabbling in
Divergence. It assumes that some troupes will at least consider initiating Divergence Projects of their own,
and puts the risk of mass casualties on the players. The Storyteller, of course, need not roll (or call for a
roll) in cases where the Divergence Project’s success or failure furthers the narrative.
Conspiracy 29
Reprogram Devoted Standing 2, the conspiracy would need to have at least 7
(Complexity 1-10) Nodes, 1 Icon, and 14 Attribute points.
Complexity X: The conspiracy attempts to modify Acquire Icon
one of its Devoted’s Variations or Scars. Unlike other (Complexity 3, 5, or 10)
Divergence Projects, the exceptional success effect cannot
The conspiracy acquires, develops, or creates a new
be baked into this type of Project.
Icon. The Complexity of the Project depends on the num-
Roll Results ber of Icons the conspiracy has relative to its Standing. It
Success: Replace one Variation or Scar (including is Complexity 3 if the conspiracy has fewer than its usual
its Deviations) the Deviant possesses with one of equal number of Icons (such as a Standing 3 conspiracy with
Magnitude. This can instead adjust the specifics of a vari- only 1 existent Icon). It is Complexity 5 if the conspiracy
able Scar or Variation — such as the Deviations of a Phobia has exactly as many Icons as is normal for its Standing
or the triggers and responses of Subliminal Conditioning. (i.e. a Standing 3 conspiracy that already has 2 Icons). It
is Complexity 10 if the conspiracy’s collection of Icons
Exceptional Success: As a success, and the conspiracy
already exceeds its normal number (i.e. a Standing 3
may reduce the Magnitude of a Scar by 1. If this would
conspiracy that has 3 or more Icons but wishes to acquire
result in an illegal number of entangled Variations, the
Broken loses enough Variation Magnitude to make it
legal. If this reduces a Scar’s Magnitude to 0, the Scar is Assimilate/ Establish/
eliminated (as are any entangled Variations). This cannot Replace Node (Complexity
cure Divergence; even if it removes all a Deviant’s Scars, 1, 5, 7, or 10)
the damage to his soul remains.
Failure: The attempt fails, inflicting a medium Complexity 1: Assimilate a rival conspiracy’s aban-
Instability on the Remade. doned Node, an orphaned Node, or Node within an
orphaned cluster. The acquiring conspiracy may choose
Dramatic Failure: As a failure, but it inflicts a major
a new Linchpin for the Node. If two conspiracies attempt
Instability instead.
to assimilate the same Node, both make a contested Power
Expansion Projects roll to determine which succeeds; on a tie, neither suc-
ceeds, although they may continue to contest in future
Conspiracies crave power, and many of the Projects chapters by spending more Effort.
they undertake focus on expanding that power. A con-
Complexity 5: Replace a previously destroyed
spiracy cannot directly increase its Standing through
Temporal, Exploitative, or Structural Node, complete with
such Projects, and it must remain within the maximum
Linchpin and Privilege (if applicable).
Attribute ratings and number of Hierarchical Nodes for
Complexity 7: Replace a previously destroyed
its Standing, but it otherwise suffers no limits to the
Hierarchical Node, complete with Linchpin and Privileges.
number of Nodes, Icons, Privileges, or Attribute dots it
can purchase. In a Devoted-focused chronicle, if a con- Complexity 10: Establish a new Node, complete with
spiracy’s number of Nodes and Icons, as well as its total Linchpin and Privileges (if applicable). The number
Attribute points, equals or exceeds that of a conspiracy of Hierarchical Nodes cannot exceed the conspiracy’s
of a higher Standing, the conspiracy immediately gains Standing.
a point of Standing. Increase Attribute
For example, a Standing 1 conspiracy in a Devoted- (Complexity 10)
focused chronicle that has 3 Nodes, 1 Icon, and 8 Attribute
points automatically expands itself to Standing 2 as soon Increase Power, Finesse, or Resistance by 1.
as it has at least 5 Nodes, 1 Icon, and 10 Attribute points. Purchase Privilege
In a Renegade-focused chronicle, conspiracies can (Complexity 3)
advance themselves in this way, but take the number of
additional Deviants into consideration when calculating The conspiracy grants a new Privilege to one of its
this minimum. connective Nodes.
For example, a Standing 1 conspiracy in a Renegade-
focused chronicle with 2 additional Deviants begins with 5
Management Projects
Nodes, 1 Icon, and 12 Attribute points. In order to reach Conspiracies reconfigure the resources at their disposal.
Conspiracy 31
Complexity 1: Heal a point of bashing damage to Most have an impact on several chapters’ events, usually
Association. until the end of the story. Once a conspiracy completes a
Complexity 3: Downgrade a point of lethal damage to Narrative Project, it cannot begin a new Narrative Project
Association to bashing. until the effects of its current Narrative Project subside.
Complexity 5: Downgrade a point of aggravated dam- Local Projects affect a small area within the same city
age to Association to lethal. as the originating Node. Regional Projects affect up to a
city-sized area within the same region as the originating
Transfer/Exchange/Promote Node. Global Projects affect a region-sized area anywhere
Linchpin (Complexity 1 or 3) in the world or a small area within the same otherworld as
The conspiracy reassigns one of its Linchpins (includ- the originating Node. Otherworldly Projects affect a city-
ing Devoted) from one Node to another or exchanges sized area within the same otherworld as the originating
two Linchpins. Node or establish contact with a new otherworld (allow-
Complexity 1: Transfer or exchange from one ing the conspiracy to place a Node there, with a separate
Temporal, Exploitative, or Structural Node to another (or Establish Node Project).
from one Hierarchical Node to another). Icons that reduce the Complexity of a narrow Project
Complexity 3: Reassign from a Temporal, Exploitative, can affect a Narrative Project, but the conspiracy must
or Structural Node to a Hierarchical Node (or vice versa). define the exact nature of the Narrative Project the Icon
affects. An Icon that causes random natural disasters can-
Transfer Icon (Complexity 1) not also trigger wars, for example.
The conspiracy moves one of its Icons from its current Complexity 1: The Project produces a minor narrative
Node to another Node. event (lasting a chapter instead of a story) of a scale one
step lower than what the conspiracy’s Standing permits
Narrative Projects (global if Standing 9-10, regional if Standing 6-8, or local
Narrative Projects trigger events that shape the current if Standing 3-5).
direction of the chronicle. Most are abstract, rather than Complexity 3: The Project produces either a minor
having hard mechanics to guide them, and they are gener- narrative event (shaping the events of a chapter) or a story-
ally longer-lasting than a conspiracy action can achieve. A length one of lower scale (global if Standing 9-10, regional
conspiracy action could bring an Environmental Tilt into if Standing 6-8, or local if Standing 3-5).
play for the duration of a single scene, for example, but Complexity 5: The Project produces a typical narra-
it takes a Narrative Project to cause a hurricane to make tive event.
landfall, with all the initial impact of such a catastrophe, Complexity 7: The Project creates a minor narrative
as well as the secondary effects once the storm passes. event (lasting a chapter) that impacts an area one greater
Most Narrative Projects have an impact of a scale com- than its Standing normally permits (regional if Standing
mensurate with the Standing of the conspiracy executing 1-2, global if Standing 3-5, or otherworldly if Standing 6-8).
them — local at Standing 1-2, regional at Standing 3-5, Complexity 10: As Complexity 7, but it produces a sig-
global at Standing 6-8, and otherworldly at Standing 9-10. nificant narrative event (lasting until the end of the story).
Synergy 33
the Devoted keep true to themselves or break when denied inspiration for a conspiracy attempting to train up
freedom and ordered to submit to a greater purpose. its Devoted and encourage the flourishing of their
Controlled stories test the actual devotion of the Remade to powers. It very much focuses on who these young
a cause — just how great is their faith in the conspiracy, and people might become and what deeds might they
what sacrifices are they willing to shoulder on its behalf? accomplish with their devotion to heroism.
Examples in Media • Ghost in the Shell: Many of Section 9 would work well
as Invasive Remade, but they’re devoted to the cause
• Neon Genesis Evangelion: A horrific tale of control of Section 9 and its goals of maintaining security
at every level. The young protagonists have to con- in an increasingly chaotic cyberpunk world. The
form to a callously demanding regimen with no various incarnations of the franchise showcase all
allowances for childhood because the consequences manner of human awfulness but set the protagonists
of failure are even worse, while the eponymous against it on the basis of their beliefs and loyalties.
constructs themselves must be rigidly constrained
within armor and programming lest they lose them-
selves in berserk fury.
The darkest side of devotion, and perhaps the most
• Equilibrium: Elite clerics capable of nigh-superhu- typical presentation of Devoted in regular Renegade
man focus and agility serve a dystopian govern- chronicles, a Destructive story positions the cohort as a
ment but are just as rigorously controlled as the source of harm for the world. The characters sow chaos
population they watch over. It’s a good example of and death for reasons that are ultimately selfish, irrational,
an arc that leads to a Devoted turning Renegade, or monstrous, even if they lie to themselves about being
although one scene also showcases the possibility justified in their actions. Sacrifices are made for the
for a Devoted to end up deciding they know best and “greater good,” innocents suffer, and those in positions of
take control from the conspiracy’s earlier leader. power, whether institutional or immediate, indulge their
vices. Destructive tales can be extremely dark and must be
Constructive handled with even more care than a normal chronicle,
especially where they tread around sensitive topics. A
Conspiracies often believe they’re the good guys of destructive tale can be an opportunity, like a Controlled
the story, even if through the distorted lens of “hard chronicle, to test characters’ devotion and principles — and
men making hard decisions” or in service to a “greater to tell a story of Devoted who step back from the brink,
good.” In a Constructive chronicle, though, a belief in say no more, and turn against their creators. Destructive
the righteousness of the conspiracy’s cause is likely to be chronicles invite the Devoted to tear things down and
heartfelt and may even be backed up with evidence. The then examine the cost to both Remade and their victims
Devoted in this tale are able to take heroic actions and amid the aftermath and the rubble.
have a positive impact on the world, to struggle against
darkness and try to make things better. They go up against Examples in Media
genuine threats to innocence, freedom, or order, or take
down other conspiracies that pursue malevolent goals. • Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Bucky is a fine
In the Chronicles of Darkness, even a Constructive story example of a controlled but destructive Devoted,
likely features troubling choices, moral complications, wielded as a weapon by people who believe they
and outright horror, but it comes with a sense of hope are on the right side of history but who ultimately
and the possibility for a better tomorrow — or at least one don’t hesitate to strip a human being down to a
that is no worse than today. Constructive chronicles offer tool of murder.
Devoted the chance to build something and to explore what
legacy they will leave behind after Instability or violence • Serenity: The Operative is a terrifying example of a
claims them. true believer Devoted who is absolutely convinced
he acts for the greater good but who is, ultimately, a
Examples in Media total monster. He believes that his destructive path
will clear the way for others to later build something
• My Hero Academia: Although wildly more optimistic new, and he’s totally at peace with the fact that he’ll
and bright in tone than the Chronicles of Darkness never be one of those creators.
at even the show’s grimmest moments, it can be fun
Synergy 35
foils if they have powers that reflect or contrast against the
player characters’, and if the conflict’s already underway,
the Storyteller may even be able to justify Devoted who are
quite literally tailored to fight the cohort.
Renegades are something of an afterthought in a
chronicle like this, but there are interesting stories around
allied Devoted who can’t take it anymore and flee because
they want out of the struggle, as well as Renegades who
formerly served the other side — and who might be recruited
to fight against their erstwhile masters.
Men in Black
A men in black chronicle sets the Devoted up as the
bulwark between the conspiracy and discovery. They’re
leg-breakers, cleaners, and covert agents whose job is to
maintain the veil behind which the conspiracy operates.
Synergy 37
opportunity for the Storyteller to reveal those dangerous on each other and on whatever tenuous threads back to
secrets to the player characters themselves. Place vital their conspiracy they may still retain. The worst betrayal
information in the hands of the Devoted, and leave it up to comes from within, after all, and a cohort cut loose by
the players how they choose to use the blackmail material, their conspirator-handler is fertile ground for a twist into
discoveries about the conspiracy’s origin, or truth about a Renegade chronicle. Well-chosen and well-portrayed
their own Divergences. Let them knock the house of cards Loyalty and Conviction Touchstones are a crucial element
down, fortify its pillars, or haul themselves up to its apex. here, as they dictate whom the Devoted will feel the strain
In order for internal policing of this kind to work, the of being separated from and whom the Devoted will feel
conspiracy needs corruption and secrets to root out in an incentive to risk lashing out at.
the first place. The Storyteller can focus on Nodes and A spinning the web chronicle might involve some of the
Linchpins, using the relationships between each to fuel old ultra-violence — especially when loyalties are tested
a story arc. Set the various elements in conflict with one or infiltrators revealed — but it’s likely to focus more
another, place them in competition over limited resources, on social interactions and cunning ploys. As a result,
and make it personal. The story will have more weight if the Storyteller needs to flesh out an interesting cast of
the Director of the Office of Sclerotic Metamorphosis characters from other conspiracies and work to give those
has betrayed the conspiracy because she still bears an conspiracies distinct flavor and depth so that each feels like
unrelenting grudge over the fact it was her rival’s research a character in its own right. It isn’t necessary to map out
into Divergence, not her own, that was used to create all the Nodes of a conspiracy, whether prey or potential
Devoted — who now rub salt in the wound by investigating ally — rather, what matters is a solid narrative spine of its
her. Fill the roster with likely suspects who have a litany of most outrageous Linchpins and most extreme schemes,
flaws, grievances, or ambitions, so the Devoted always have the kinds of things that the players will remember the
a surfeit of targets and can pry apart the social tapestry of conspiracy for long after the story arc is over.
the conspiracy. Keep the hand of the conspiracy’s authority If the Devoted are infiltrators and spies, this chronicle
hovering close by, ready to yank the cohort’s leash and fill can give them a taste of Renegade life without requiring
them with greater paranoia about the people above them rebellion. Once they’re working a deep cover, they’ll be
in the hierarchy. living a paranoid existence where any mistake could reveal
This tale can offer a close-to-home view on the process their deception. If they’re envoys or go-betweens, the story
of going Renegade by presenting the player characters with could instead be one of tension and high stakes if the
a story arc focused around a Devoted who is about to go conspiracy has a lot riding on the success or failure of a
rogue. An investigation that leads towards a Renegade-in- pact, so that mistakes have real bite and the Devoted take
the-making can dig into why that character is about to slip increasingly extreme measures to seal the deal.
the leash and seeing how the player characters react to that
knowledge. Let them reflect on the similarities with their Devoted Among
own situation, and see whether the roots of disobedience
grow or if the Devoted affirm their dedication through Renegades
opposition to the Renegade’s tale. Despite the apparent conflict between Devoted and
Renegade positions, it’s quite workable for a cohort to
Spinning the Web include members of both “sides.” The Web of Pain is far
from monolithic. It’s a tangled mess of competing interests
In a spinning the web chronicle, the Devoted leave the
riven by institutional feuds and grudges that can go back
safety and comfort of their mother conspiracy to walk
decades or even centuries, and plenty of conspiracies feel
the dangerous threads of the Web of Pain. They may be
their success is mutually exclusive with that of their peers.
infiltrators or saboteurs, injecting themselves into other
A Renegade can join purposes with a Devoted whose
conspiracies to tear apart fragile social fabric, steal plans
conspiracy is highly motivated to go after the same people
and Divergence research, and parasitically drain a rival
she blames for her situation. It’s also valid for a Devoted
of its strength. They may instead be envoys and proxies,
to seek Renegades outside her group, whether because her
spokespeople of their conspiracy to its peers, and explorers
own conspiracy simply lacks enough Remade to go toe-to-
of hidden society.
toe with a target, or because she wants people whom the
This chronicle focuses on trust and, conversely,
target isn’t going to see coming.
suspicion. The Devoted are out there in the Web of Pain,
Mixed chronicles are likely to see mistrust, and it
away from the foundation of their strength and essentially
may even bloom into outright treachery. Deviants are an
operating behind enemy lines. They need to be able to rely
Synergy 39
• Establish (10 Effort): The cohort creates a Node • Each Node must have a Linchpin and may have
from scratch using an Establish Node Project. Devoted assigned to it. A member of the cohort
This typically requires significant legwork (and may purchase the Linchpin Merit (ignoring the
comparatively monumental Effort), but it avoids Status prerequisite); otherwise, the Linchpin is a
entanglements with rival conspiracies, which can Storyteller character loyal to the conspiracy (not
make it more likely that the new conspiracy reaches necessarily to its founders).
critical mass.
• The cohort gains appropriate Conspiracy
A proto-conspiracy with a single Node counts as having Conditions (p. 41) based on their role within the
Finesse, Power, and Resistance of 1 and Standing 1 for proto-conspiracy.
the purpose of calculating Association, resisting enemy
attacks, and recovering from damage. It still does not
generate its own conspiracy actions, but it can take them Step Four:
as though they were excess actions (damaging Association).
The Node has no classification and so is always considered
The Third Node
inappropriate for the actions it takes, does not grant Once the founders successfully establish a third Node,
Privileges, etc. they complete the process of establishing a Standing 1
Step Three: • The cohort assigns two additional dots to its
Attributes, reaching a total of eight (plus any pur-
The Second Node chased with Effort during the previous steps).
The founders establish a second Node using any of the
methods above, and the conspiracy begins to take shape. • The conspiracy is capable of conspiracy actions and
surveillance within its purview.
• The cohort assigns three additional dots to the
conspiracy’s Attributes. • Any cohort member with the Linchpin Merit gains
free dots of Status in the new conspiracy sufficient
• The Nodes acquire classification, and one of them to meet the normal prerequisite.
must be Hierarchical.
Conspiracy Conditions 41
Devoted Influence Devoted Shackles
Your character has some pull or rank within the Your character has her influence within the conspiracy
conspiracy. She can expend this Condition to achieve one uprooted or curtailed. The cohort cannot exchange any of
of the following effects: their Conspiracy Beats for Effort while any cohort member
has this Condition.
• When the cohort would be assigned a new
She can expend this Condition in one of two ways:
Objective, you may choose it instead. This Objective
must be in line with one or more of the conspiracy’s • You may suggest a significant complication for her in
Principles and must involve the Node to which your the current scene that crucially affects the cohort’s
character is assigned. chances of success. If the Storyteller introduces this
complication, it resolves this Condition.
• You may choose one of the conspiracy’s actions for
the chapter. It must be one that involves the Node • You may convert a successful conspiracy action roll
to which your character is assigned, and you can- into a failure (or a failure into a dramatic failure) in
not initiate a conspiracy action that would take the a scene in which she is involved.
conspiracy over its chapter limit. Resolution: The character expends the Condition as
Resolution: The character spends the Condition for described above (resolving it only for herself), or the cohort
control over the conspiracy or its assets. achieves one of its Objectives (resolving this Condition
Beat: The character chooses to further an Objective for all cohort members who have it).
at the expense of a Touchstone or personal Aspiration. Beat: The character suffers significant physical,
psychological, or moral trauma in the service of an