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ISP500 Report Assignment

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Group: M3CS2663A

Submit To:
Ms Anis Afiqah Sharip

Speaker Name:
TS. Jamal Abdul Nasser Bin Zakaria, CEO of SAE Malaysia SDN BHD.

Student Details:
Haris Bin Jamaludin (2021849886)
Aiman Bin Sharizal (2021471132)

Due Date: 4 January 2023


1. Introduction
 Background of the seminar 3
 Description of the objective of the visit / seminar

2. Content – Experience & Networking

 Describe the experience of the visit / seminar based on observation
and relate it to the practical knowledge / skills gained.
 Describe how topic(s) are being discussed – focusing on 4-5
how networking skills (communication, active listening, social skills)
are established during the event as well as the feedback from given
from the industry.

3. Content – Theoretical knowledge

 Discussion on theoretical knowledge applied during the visit / seminar.
 Knowledge related to area/topic in ISP500 e.g e-business strategy, IS trend 6

4. Conclusion 6
1. Introduction
On 12th December, there was a Seminar held in the auditorium that was organized by
College of Computing, Informatics and Media, UITM Jasin. The title of this seminar
was “Business Intelligence” that been given talk by TS. Jamal Abdul Nasser Bin
Zakaria, CEO of SAE Malaysia SDN BHD. Background of the SAE Malaysia SDN
BHD is this company provides solution for SCADA (supervisory control and data
acquisition), Electrical automation, and Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) for
industrial applications and power utility services provider. The objective of this
Seminar is:
i) Show the direct relevance of the courses involved with the practice in
ii) Expose the students with the current developments of Field of Information
Systems and Information Technology in the industry.
iii) Provide a platform for Industry expertise to share their experiences and
knowledge to students.
iv) Strengthen collaboration between industry partners and Faculty of
Computer Science and Mathematics students.
v) Increase the confidence of the student to continue learning and graduate
with excellent results.
There was a lot of information shared to student such as What is Business
Intelligence? hidden opportunities in IT industry, Platform to perform data mining,
Experience in the industry, soft skills to be developed during internship and many more.
Hence, we believe the talk that been shared by a big character such as TS. Jamal Abdul
Nasser Bin Zakaria achieve the objective that been set by College of Computing,
Informatics and Media, UITM Jasin.
2. Information Sharing and Experiences.
Business Intelligence (BI)
As Speaker said SAE Malaysia performing Business Intelligence in their field of work.
Business Intelligence (BI) is a process of data analysis that organizations use to gain
insight into business performance and improve operational decision-making. A real-
life example experiences by SAE in terms of power transmission is the company needed
to give executives and managers a greater visibility of National Grid performance,
equipment reliability, and failure rate of equipment to improve decision-making.
So, how the application of BI can create visibility in short periods of time?
Firstly, the data will be gathered by the sensors and instrumentation in their department
to be transmitted to data centre by radio, fibre optics, public mobile network
(GSM/4G/5G), Modbus /IEC Standard (104/101)/MQTT/DNP3.0. Example of data
centre is data lake cloud, data lake on premise, SCADA datacentre. Then from this data
centre, the data will be used by load dispatch centre to be monitored and controlled by
grid provided. Other than that, the data will be used for making a Dashboard that
containing with data visualization and detail analyzation to help higher-ups make the
decision accurately.
In this current high pace world, the application of BI is taken largely by IT
industries as BI can optimize the business process due to less reporting preparation
time, optimize manhours at the same time increase the productivity, cost savings due
to accurate information enable the decision-making process quickly and increase
business revenue as the weakness can be identified and rectified immediately. Without
us realising, we as public citizens are also the user of BI as same as worker in the
industry such as field engineers, information technologist, executives’ level for
operation and management level. Example of the use of BI as citizen in daily life is the
utility bills the record and calculate the energy usage for analysis and living cost saving.
Other than that, for the people in the industry, BI is use for scheduling the maintenance,
measure company performance, checking the sustainability of energy supply to client
and optimizing financial of the company.
Speaker also told the IT industry of our nation are focusing on reinforcing Net-
Zero at 2050. What is Net-Zero? Net-Zero is an effort to emerge renewable energy
generation and accelerate decarbonisation in industry. This vision or intention is to
reduce carbon footprint and accomplish the net zero emissions and be-coal-free. He
also said this Grid Division targets to achieve zero pollution impact on nature and 30%
reduction in deforestation in forest reserve. This effort shows the concern of industry
to make a better and viable world despite working for the advancement.

Data Mining
Mr speaker suggested to the student to discover about data mining as the industry
nowadays demand their people capable to analyse the data accurately and effectively.
From his view, he believes the ability of data mining able to give graduate bright
opportunity to works in the industry and not many realize the importance and benefits
from this knowledge. Data mining is the process of analysing a large batch of raw data
into useful information to discern trends and patterns. Data mining also is the
application of BI for analysing the data. There are many tools that we can discover to
practice data mining such as Oracle Data Mining, Excels, Power BI, Orange and
Knime. Then we can apply 7 main techniques - Clustering, Association Data, Cleaning
Data Visualization, Classification, Machine Learning, Prediction Neural Networks to
analyse and understand relationship and patterns in data.
There are many departments that apply data mining such as sales, marketing,
manufacturing, human resources, fraud detection, and customer service. Benefits of
data mining is it helps business or company to collect and analyse reliable data thus
formulate the best solution alongside discover hidden trends that potentially helps
company progress in profitable and efficient more than other company in industry.

Advisement and Suggestion

Mr Jamal also advice when we are graduate from the university, don’t expect degree is
enough to understand about everything and how industry works. He said be open to
yourself to gain a new knowledge despite learning from the university only. Most of
the company tends to find graduate that are half cup of water that are capable to fill
more water inside it rather than full cup of water to be accepted as their employee. Other
than that, we must develop a better communication with our surrounding to ensure
people can work with us easily in our workplace later. When we are easy to work with,
we can avoid miscommunication and misunderstanding between our workmate and
managers. Being not able to communicate to each other clearly will lead us to a lot of
misunderstanding such as when managers delivered some information regarding to our
task and somehow, we misinterpreted that info, or we were not clearly understood about
that info, and we do not want to ask thus we will complete the task based on what we
understand and not what the manager want as a result. Being good communicate to
other give big advantages to us. It will create a good working environment.

3. Theoretical Knowledge.
Information system is combination of people, business processes, and information
technology to collects, processes, stores, analyses, disseminates information for
specific purposes. Therefore, Business Intelligence is process of data analysis that been
used to benefit the information system. In the process of decision-making, it is vital to
manager make the accurate and important decision for the company. Managers will be
involved in many roles such as interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles. So,
with approach Business Intelligence will help them to come out with finest strategy and
resolution in their business.
Nowadays, more people using technology pursuing the advancement so more
data that need to be analysed and resolved hence it will increase the quality of the
services provided. The deeper understanding in Business Intelligence in Information
Systems will maximise the use of Information Technology (IT) effectively so we will
be able to prevent bad impact to user in our daily life.

4. Conclusion
In conclusion, attended the industrial sharing talked give us a lot of new information
regarding industrial. This knowledge we will be used when we want to start our industrial
training or for work. Some advice from the speakers, Mr Jamal, helped us to prepare ourselves
on how to adapt the situation in industrial training or work. We also being exposed more details
about the Business Intelligence (BI). Mr. Jamal shared a little with us on what business
intelligence is. How business intelligence operate in industrial.

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