4th Quarter Sci 7
4th Quarter Sci 7
4th Quarter Sci 7
1. What do you call the horizontal lines found in the globe? 14. The leather industry uses skins or hides of cows, goats, and
A. Equator B. Latitude sheep to create leather products such as shoes, bags, and
C. Longitude D. Prime Meridian apparel. The raw materials used for these products are examples
2. What do you call to the great circle that is halfway between the of ______________.
Northern and Southern Hemisphere? A. nonrenewable B. recyclable
A. Equator B. Latitude C. renewable D. reusable
C. Longitude D. Prime Meridian 15. In which layer of the atmosphere where nearly all-weather
3. What is the climate experienced by countries that are located phenomena occur?
within or near the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn? A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere
A. Desert B. Polar C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere
C. Temperate D. Tropical 16. Which layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays?
4. Ruby Jean was asked by her science teacher on how to A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere
measure the lines of latitude. She answered to always begin with C. Troposphere D. Ozone layer
the equator. Is her answer correct? 17. What are the most abundant gases in Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Yes, because it represents 0 degrees. A. Nitrogen and Oxygen
B. Yes, because it represents 90 degrees. B. Nitrogen and Hydrogen
C. No, because it must begin in the tropic of cancer. C. Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
D. No, because it must begin in the prime meridian. D. Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen
5. In a report presented by Ethan, he explained that the 18. In which layer of the atmosphere do planes fly to get out from
Philippines experiences a colder climate for it is just nearly above the weather disturbances?
the equator. Do you think Ethan is correct about his explanation? A. Exosphere B. Mesosphere
A. Yes, because the closer the area to the equator, the C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere
colder the climate. 19. What happens to the temperature as you go higher in the
B. Yes, because the farther the area from the equator, troposphere?
the warmer the climate. A. It increases.
C. No, because areas that are closer to the equator will B. It decreases.
experience colder climate. C. It stays the same.
D. No, because areas that are nearly above the equator D. It increases then decreases.
will experience the tropical climate. 20. In which layer of the earth’s atmosphere does meteoroids
6. Our environment has many bodies of water and landforms. burn up?
The things that we take and use from the environment to survive A. Mesosphere B. Stratosphere
are called _______. C. Thermosphere D. Troposphere
A. raw materials B. chemical energy 21. Why is the presence of ozone important for the survival of
C. natural resources D. rocks and minerals living things on Earth?
7. Resources that can be replaced after using them again and A. It warms Earth’s surface.
again are called _______. B. It helps in cloud formation.
A. nonrenewable B. recyclable C. It makes jets flying more comfortable.
C. renewable D. reusable D. It offers protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet
8. The following natural resources can be replaced easily, rays.
EXCEPT 22. Which of the following describes the temperature in the
A. animals B. coal troposphere and stratosphere?
C. plants D. water A. The stratosphere is hotter than the troposphere.
9. Which of the following resources takes a very long time to B. The troposphere is hotter than the stratosphere.
replace? C. Low temperature exists in the troposphere and
A. Crops B. Oil stratosphere.
C. Trees D. Water D. The temperature in the troposphere is equal to the
10. . What do you call the resources that require long years stratosphere.
before they can be replenished? 23. Which of the following correctly describes the stratosphere?
A. Nonrenewable B. Recyclable A. It is an atmospheric ozone layer.
C. Renewable D. Reusable B. It has high concentration of ionized particles.
11. Which of the following is correctly matched? C. It is a layer important to telecommunications.
A. Coal: Renewable D. It is a layer extending to a height of about 8 km.
B. Cotton: Nonrenewable 24. How does energy from the sun enter the atmosphere?
C. Aluminum: Renewable A. It reaches Earth and enters the atmosphere through
D. Minerals: Nonrenewable radiation.
12. Which of the following is TRUE about natural resources? B. The sun’s energy enters anywhere in the space
A. Natural resources are created by humans. including Earth.
B. Natural resources are used by humans only. C. It enters the atmosphere by vibrating through air
C. Natural resources are produced through scientific particles of the atmosphere.
experiments. D. The plants in the Earth attract the sun’s energy
D. Natural resources exist in nature and sustain the making it enter the Earth’s atmosphere.
needs of all living things.
25. Layers of the atmosphere are classified according to changes 35. Meteors make it through exosphere and thermosphere
in temperature. Is the statement correct? without much trouble but not the same case when they start to
A. No, because it depends on the events that is enter the mesosphere because of the gases that cause friction
happening on that layer. and create heat. Would it be better if meteors can freely enter the
B. Yes, because from troposphere to exosphere the Earth’s surface?
temperature is gradually increasing. A. No, because it affects our ozone layer.
C. No, because layers of the atmosphere were classified B. Yes, because meteors cause no harm at all.
based on their altitude alone. C. No, because it may lead to destruction of lives.
D. Yes, because there is a significant change in D. Yes, because meteors are of great importance to the
temperature in each layers of the atmosphere. Earth’s surface.
26. Edmar, a pilot of a large jet chose to fly in the stratosphere to 36. What is the greenhouse effect?
avoid the weather systems. Is his decision correct? A. The thinning of the ozone layer
A.Yes, because the temperature in the stratosphere is B. The heating of a solid, such as a rock
increasing. C. The cooling of Earth due to air pollution
B.Yes, because weather phenomenon exists only in the D. The warming of a planet due to trapped radiation
troposphere. 37. Which of the following causes global warming?
C.No, because weather system occurs in all layers of A. Helium B. Oxygen
the atmosphere. C. Urethane D. Carbon Dioxide
D.No, because most of the weather phenomenon occurs 38. Which of the following does NOT causes global warming?
at the stratosphere. A. Planting new trees
27. That do you call to a mixture of gases and particles that B. Burning fossil fuels
surround a planet, held by gravity? C. Building new factories
A. Atmosphere B. Blanket D. Having too many farm animals
C. Greenhouse D. Ozone 39. Which of the following is described as the gradual increase in
28. In which atmospheric layer is Aurora borealis found? temperature?
A. Troposphere B. Stratosphere A. Radiation B. Global Warming
C. Mesosphere D. Thermosphere C. Greenhouse Effect D. Ionization
29. What is the most abundant element in the Earth's 40. Which of the following may happen without greenhouse
atmosphere? gases?
A. Argon B. Carbon dioxide A. Earth would catch on fire.
C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen B. The atmosphere would leave.
30. What is meant by ‘trace’ gases? C. Earth would heat up drastically.
A. They are not harmful. D. Overnight temperature would drop.
B. They are emitted by trees.
C. They are naturally occurring on Earth. Message nyo kay Sir Ada: 10 points
D. They are present in very small amounts.
31. What is the basis for the division of the layers of the
A. Changing temperature
B. Changing amount of oxygen
C. Changing weather patterns
D. Changing composition of gases
32. Why do hikers put on thicker clothes when climbing high
A. To protect them against insect bites
B. To survive the low temperature as they go higher
C. To be easily be located when they get lost
D. To add more weight so they will not be pushed by the
33. What is the correct order of Earth's atmospheric layers from
bottom to top?
A. Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere,
Thermosphere, Exosphere
B. Stratosphere, Troposphere, Thermosphere,
Mesosphere, Exosphere
C. Troposphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere,
Thermosphere, Exosphere
D. Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere,
Thermosphere, Exosphere
34. Life on Earth would be impossible without the presence of
atmosphere. Is the statement correct?
A. No, because even without atmosphere living things
can still survive.
B. Yes, because most of the carbon dioxide is released
in the atmosphere.
C. No, because life has existed on Earth even before
the formation of the atmosphere.
D. Yes, because it protects life on Earth by absorbing
UV radiation and regulating the planet’s temperature.