The Door - The Secret Behind
The Door - The Secret Behind
The Door - The Secret Behind
he Door
hidden secret
I reside in Singapore and started to worship
at New Creation Church (NCC) since 2008
after being water baptized in the year 2000. It
took some 23 years of preparation to write
this book.
2 the door
3 right standing
4 no condemnation
6 the separation
The Holy Bible comprises the Old and New
Testaments. The Old Testament is written in
Hebrew and the New, Greek.
foreword 1
Greek, on the other hand, is intrinsically
expressive. For example, there are seven
nuances of the word “love” to express its
various degree of intensity:
foreword 2
Each and every of the 22 Hebrew letter points
to Jesus. In this eBook, we will look at the
fourth Hebrew letter “dalet”, which is
symbolized by a door or gate.
foreword 3
The fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is
“dalet” with a numeric value of 4.
“Dalet” is spelt as:
dalet 5
The Hebrew word for “door/gate” is “delet”.
the door 7
Jesus did no sin. He knew no sin. In Him was
no sin. Yet God made Him to be sin for us (1
Peter 2:22, 1 John 3:5, 2 Corinthians 5:21).
He was the Innocent Who died for us the
guilty (1 Peter 3:18, Amplified Bible).
the door 8
By His grace, God has freely made us right in
His sight through Christ crucified (Romans
3:24-25, Romans 5:1, 9, 16, 21, New Living
Translation). We are accepted in Christ Jesus,
the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6, KJV).
right standing 9
The Law is the power of sin (1 Corinthians
15:56). Therefore, to be dead to the power of
sin is to be dead to the Law. The devil uses
what is holy, righteous and good to condemn
and kill (John 10:10; Romans 7:12). By that,
the Law becomes the ministry of death.
(Romans 7:8-12; 2 Corinthians 3:7-10).
right standing 10
Believers will still sin every now and then
(footnote to 1 Corinthians 6:9, Amplified
Bible). It is not a licence to sin because there is
no need for any licence to sin (Romans 3:23).
Yet, the power to sin not is not found in
trying not to sin. On the contrary, it makes us
sin even more (Romans 7:15-20). The power
to overcome sin is found in focusing on the
love of God that is seen and proven by Christ
crucified (Romans 5:8, 6:14, 8:3-4,
Amplified Bible). When we begin to see just
how much God values, cherishes, and loves us,
sin loses its appeal.
right standing 11
Christ crucified has overcame sin as well as
removed its penalty and power (Romans 8:3-
4, Amplified Bible). Consequently,
no condemnation 12
This is evident from the account of the woman
caught in adultery as recorded in John 8:2-
precedes sin
no more.
no condemnation 13
We live in a corruptible body that is attracted
to what is seen (1 Corinthians 15:53-54). As a
result, sinful thoughts and desires will
definitely arise. Yet, when we beat ourselves
over those negative emotions, we are
effectively giving power to the devil to stir
those fleshy impulses even more such that we
eventually end up fulfilling those very lusts
(Romans 7:7-12).
no condemnation 14
When we accept the condemnation that the
devil heaves on us through the Law or our
conscience, we become ensnared in a vicious
downward spiral of more sins, leading to
depression and even death.
no condemnation 15
Our acceptance is based solely on what Jesus
Christ has done and not what we have done or
otherwise. Even when we have succumbed to
the lust of the flesh, we still thank God for the
forgiveness that is wrought by the blood of
Jesus. In that way, the devil is without any
power to condemn us. When Satan finds that
we cannot be condemned, he will look for
others whom he could devour (1 Peter 5:8).
It is
no condemnation 16
ing in
Jesus said in John 8:12,
Is he
walking in the light 18
The Cross of Jesus Christ made all the
difference between death and life. When the
Law was given, 3,000 people died (Exodus
32:28). But on the Day of Pentecost when the
gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit was sent
after the passion, death, burial, resurrection
and ascension of Jesus, 3,000 souls were saved
(Acts 2:40-41). It goes to show that the Law
kills but the Spirit gives life (2 Corinthians
the separation 20
In the third period of creation, God
commanded the waters below be gathered into
one place; separated from dry land (Genesis
the separation 21
God said in Deuteronomy 30:19,
the separation 22
Jesus said in John 10:9,
the separation 23
In Him was life, and the life was the light of
men (John 1:4). Hence, Jesus was referring to
the door of separation that was alluded to in
the very beginning when God created the
entire cosmos.
the separation 24
The word “salvation” in that passage of
scriptures is “Yeshua”, the Hebrew name of
the separation 25
It is written in Matthew 7:13-14,
I am the elite
specially selected
by God to be
afterword 30
The beloved Son of God came in the flesh
from God the loving Father to dwell among
men (John 1:14). He walked the earth to
show mankind that He is the door or way to
God the Father by being the Man nailed as a
weapon and a shield or fence of protection
against the devil (John 10:9, 14:6;
Colossians 2:15; Ephesians 6:10-18).
afterword 31
He was crushed on the Cross for our sins but
raised to life and is right now seated at the
right hand of God the Father as the Firstborn
from the dead (2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans
4:25; Colossians 1:18, 3:1).
afterword 32
I hope to have been able to whet your appetite
for the Word of God.
God bless!
afterword 33
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew
alphabet which are essentially very
graphical in nature. Each and every of
the 22 Hebrew letter points to Jesus.