The Door - The Secret Behind

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he Door
hidden secret

By Lee Kah Wor

he Door
hidden secret
Copyright © by Lee Kah Wor

Please feel free to pass this

eBook to anyone whom you
believe will be blessed by it.
All scriptures are quoted
from the New King James
Version Bible unless otherwise

Graphics are adapted from

I reside in Singapore and started to worship
at New Creation Church (NCC) since 2008
after being water baptized in the year 2000. It
took some 23 years of preparation to write
this book.

Many years ago, our church gathered at the

Rock. Today, we gather at the Star.
Therefore, it makes all of us at NCC Rock
Stars! Relag okay (Chill in Singlish). Just a

about the author

Every church in the world rocks because it is
founded on the ROCK Himself; Jesus the
Christ, the beloved Son of God (Matthew

I am proud to be a Singaporean just as I take

pride in how God has fashioned me. Hence,
the garnishes of Singlish and shades of the
multilingual Singaporean culture peppered
throughout the pages of the book.

I have written several eBooks with the

purpose of whetting the appetite of the
readers for the written Word of God. You can
download them for free at .

about the author

You may also wish to follow me on my
YouTube channel at and/or become
a patron at .

Last but not least, I thank my loving Father

God for planting me under the anointed
teaching and preaching of Pastor Joseph
Prince and his pastoral team. They have
opened my eyes to Christianity being an
intimate and loving relationship with a God
Who loves me with all of Himself instead of
just a stone cold religion.

In this the love of God was

manifested toward us
1 John 4:9

about the author

co le
nt of
1 dalet

2 the door

3 right standing

4 no condemnation

5 walking in the light

6 the separation

7 the narrow gate

The Holy Bible comprises the Old and New
Testaments. The Old Testament is written in
Hebrew and the New, Greek.

There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet

which are essentially very graphical in nature
in that each letter is a picture. For instance,
the first letter “aleph” (‫ )א‬is a picture of an
ox that represents strength.

foreword 1
Greek, on the other hand, is intrinsically
expressive. For example, there are seven
nuances of the word “love” to express its
various degree of intensity:

1.Eros – Romantic & passionate love (sexual);

2.Philia – Affectionate & friendly love;
3.Storge – Unconditional & familial love;
4.Agape – Selfless & universal love;
5.Ludus – Playful & flirtatious love;
6.Pragma – Committed, & long-Lasting love;
7.Philautia – Self-love.

foreword 2
Each and every of the 22 Hebrew letter points
to Jesus. In this eBook, we will look at the
fourth Hebrew letter “dalet”, which is
symbolized by a door or gate.

As you embark on this exhilarating spiritual

journey, witness for yourself how God the
Father has hidden the Gospel of His beloved
Son as Jesus the Christ in those very letters.

foreword 3
The fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is
“dalet” with a numeric value of 4.

Hebrew Letter Numeric Value



The letter is represented by the picture of a

doorpost or lintel. The Passover comes to
mind immediately,
“And they shall take
some of the blood and
put it on the two
doorposts and on the
lintel of the houses
where they eat it.”
-Exodus 12:7
dalet 4
When the Angel of death saw the blood, he
passed over the house (Exodus 12:23). The
Israelites who were under the blood were
spared. It alluded to the blood of Jesus.

“Dalet” is spelt as:

tav lamed dalet

Cross Staff/Rod Doorpost/lintel

The staff or rod is the hallmark of a shepherd.

Jesus the Christ is the Good Shepherd Who
willingly laid down His life for His sheep
(John 10:11, 18). From the pictogram of the
Hebrew letters, we can see that the door is the
Good Shepherd crucified.

dalet 5
The Hebrew word for “door/gate” is “delet”.

tav lamed dalet

Cross Staff/Rod Doorpost/lintel

The spelling for “dalet” and “delet” is the

same. Therefore, the idea behind the Hebrew
letter “dalet” is a door or gate. It is not just
an entrance but also refers to a barrier. It
brings to mind the very thick veil that
separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy
Place in the tabernacle of Moses.

Jesus said in John 10:9,

“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he

will be saved, and will go in and out and find
the door 6
When Jesus dismissed His Spirit after letting
out the victory cry over sin, that very thick
veil in the temple was torn from top to
bottom (Matthew 27:50-51; John 19:30). It
pointed to Hebrews 10:19-22,

“Therefore, brethren, having boldness to

enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a
new and living way which He consecrated for
us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and
having a High Priest over the house of God,
let us draw near with a true heart in full
assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled
from an evil conscience and our bodies washed
with pure water.”

the door 7
Jesus did no sin. He knew no sin. In Him was
no sin. Yet God made Him to be sin for us (1
Peter 2:22, 1 John 3:5, 2 Corinthians 5:21).
He was the Innocent Who died for us the
guilty (1 Peter 3:18, Amplified Bible).

Christ crucified has efficaciously satisfied

every righteous demand for the punishment of
sin in His Body such that the veil of sin that
separated us from God has been torn down
(Hebrews 10:10, 14, 18). Today, we can
boldly approach God to find help in time of
need (Hebrews 4:16).

Hence, to hell with all the religious mumbo

jumbo of having to get right first before
coming to God.

the door 8
By His grace, God has freely made us right in
His sight through Christ crucified (Romans
3:24-25, Romans 5:1, 9, 16, 21, New Living
Translation). We are accepted in Christ Jesus,
the Beloved (Ephesians 1:6, KJV).

As we pass through the door of Christ

crucified, we effectively leave one area to cross
over to another. It is akin to the wilderness
wandering Israelites crossing over the Jordan
into the Promised Land.

Believers leave the area of sin to cross over to

the area of life in Christ Jesus. In other words,
we are dead to the power of sin but alive to
God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:1-11).

right standing 9
The Law is the power of sin (1 Corinthians
15:56). Therefore, to be dead to the power of
sin is to be dead to the Law. The devil uses
what is holy, righteous and good to condemn
and kill (John 10:10; Romans 7:12). By that,
the Law becomes the ministry of death.
(Romans 7:8-12; 2 Corinthians 3:7-10).

right standing 10
Believers will still sin every now and then
(footnote to 1 Corinthians 6:9, Amplified
Bible). It is not a licence to sin because there is
no need for any licence to sin (Romans 3:23).
Yet, the power to sin not is not found in
trying not to sin. On the contrary, it makes us
sin even more (Romans 7:15-20). The power
to overcome sin is found in focusing on the
love of God that is seen and proven by Christ
crucified (Romans 5:8, 6:14, 8:3-4,
Amplified Bible). When we begin to see just
how much God values, cherishes, and loves us,
sin loses its appeal.

right standing 11
Christ crucified has overcame sin as well as
removed its penalty and power (Romans 8:3-
4, Amplified Bible). Consequently,

“There is therefore now no condemnation to

those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk
according to the flesh, but according to the
-Romans 8:1

The second part of the verse is not in the

original text. I believe the translators found
the gift of no condemnation too good to be
true that they just had to add a caveat to it.
Yet, Jesus has demonstrated to us that it is
that very same gift that will enable us to go
and sin no more.

no condemnation 12
This is evident from the account of the woman
caught in adultery as recorded in John 8:2-

“…He said to her, “Woman, where are those

accusers of yours? Has no one condemned
you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus
said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go
and sin no more…”

precedes sin
no more.

no condemnation 13
We live in a corruptible body that is attracted
to what is seen (1 Corinthians 15:53-54). As a
result, sinful thoughts and desires will
definitely arise. Yet, when we beat ourselves
over those negative emotions, we are
effectively giving power to the devil to stir
those fleshy impulses even more such that we
eventually end up fulfilling those very lusts
(Romans 7:7-12).

no condemnation 14
When we accept the condemnation that the
devil heaves on us through the Law or our
conscience, we become ensnared in a vicious
downward spiral of more sins, leading to
depression and even death.

Therefore, whenever fleshly lust rear its ugly

head in us, we thank God for the blood of
Jesus that continually cleanses us from all sin.
We walk in the light when we are ever
conscious of just how accepted we are in the
Beloved; Christ Jesus (Ephesians 1:6; 1 John
1:7, KJV).

no condemnation 15
Our acceptance is based solely on what Jesus
Christ has done and not what we have done or
otherwise. Even when we have succumbed to
the lust of the flesh, we still thank God for the
forgiveness that is wrought by the blood of
Jesus. In that way, the devil is without any
power to condemn us. When Satan finds that
we cannot be condemned, he will look for
others whom he could devour (1 Peter 5:8).

It is

no condemnation 16
ing in
Jesus said in John 8:12,

“I am the light of the world. He who follows

Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the
light of life.”

Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the definitive

display and proof of God’s love for us. God
sent His beloved Son to die for us while we
were still sinners (Romans 5:8). Hence, even
when we sin, God still loves us. It is in the
light of God’s love that we will not walk in
the darkness of condemnation.

No loving parents would ever want to see

their beloved children living in guilt and
condemnation for their entire life. If we being
evil would not want that for our children,
what more our loving Father God (Genesis
walking in the light 17
The mocker: It is very abundantly clear from
the Old Testament that God punishes sinners!
Do not reinterpret the Bible to hide an
inconvenient truth. The Bible does not lie!
Say it as it is!

God did not sweep sin under the carpet when

He forgave sinners of all sins; past, present
and future (Hebrews 10:10-12, Amplified
Bible). But instead of punishing us, God
unleashed full throttle the divine punishment
for sin in the Body of His beloved Son as Jesus
Christ and Him crucified.
God punishes
sinners! Period. I am
right! Dun argue
with me! The Bible
does not lie!

Is he

walking in the light 18
The Cross of Jesus Christ made all the
difference between death and life. When the
Law was given, 3,000 people died (Exodus
32:28). But on the Day of Pentecost when the
gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit was sent
after the passion, death, burial, resurrection
and ascension of Jesus, 3,000 souls were saved
(Acts 2:40-41). It goes to show that the Law
kills but the Spirit gives life (2 Corinthians

To those who insist on embracing

condemnation, go sleep with it. But for
crying out loud, do not bring that into the
lives of others (Matthew 23:13)!

walking in the light 19

God created the sun, moon, and stars in the
fourth period of creation. It corresponds to
the fourth letter “dalet”; the door or gate. As
stated in Genesis 1:17-18,

“God set them in the firmament of the heavens

to give light on the earth, and to rule over the
day and over the night, and to divide the light
from the darkness. And God saw that it was

God created light in the first period of

creation. He divided the light from the
darkness (Genesis 1:3).

In the second period of creation, God

separated the waters below from the waters
above (Genesis 1:6-7).

the separation 20
In the third period of creation, God
commanded the waters below be gathered into
one place; separated from dry land (Genesis

In the fourth period of creation, God

commanded the sun, moon, and stars be set in
place so as to separate the light from the
darkness (Genesis 1:18).

The theme of separation from one space to

another is evidently obvious. A door separates
the two spaces. A person on either side cannot
see what is on the other space. However, the
door as the means of crossing over is clearly
visible. One has to approach the door, reach
out and open it. It is a matter of choice.

the separation 21
God said in Deuteronomy 30:19,

“I call heaven and earth as

witnesses today against you,
that I have set before you life
and death, blessing and
cursing; therefore choose life,
that both you and your
descendants may live.”

the separation 22
Jesus said in John 10:9,

“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he

will be saved, and will go in and out and find

Jesus was effectively saying that He is the

means of crossing over from darkness into
light; from death to life.

As recorded in Acts 16:31,

“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you

will be saved, you and your household.”

the separation 23
In Him was life, and the life was the light of
men (John 1:4). Hence, Jesus was referring to
the door of separation that was alluded to in
the very beginning when God created the
entire cosmos.

As stated in the Messianic Psalm,

“Open to me the gates of righteousness;

I will go through them,
And I will praise the Lord.
This is the gate of the Lord,
Through which the righteous shall enter.
I will praise You,
For You have answered me,
And have become my salvation.”
-Psalm 118:19-21

the separation 24
The word “salvation” in that passage of
scriptures is “Yeshua”, the Hebrew name of

Therefore, Jesus is the door or gate of the


The door is now

through me -
Lai ah!


The Gospel is about Jesus Christ, the beloved

Son of God (Romans 1:1-3). In that Gospel is
the righteousness of God revealed from faith
to faith (Romans 1:17). In it, we find the

the separation 25
It is written in Matthew 7:13-14,

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the

gate and broad is the way that leads to
destruction, and there are many who go in by
it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is
the way which leads to life, and there are few
who find it.”

This passage of scriptures has so often been

interpreted as the doctrine of predestination
where God only allows the selected ones to be
saved. Nothing can be further from the truth.

I am the elite
specially selected
by God to be

the narrow gate 26

A few verses before that, Jesus said,

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and

you will find; knock, and it will be opened to
you. For everyone who asks receives, and he
who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will
be opened.”
-Matthew 7:7-8

God the loving Father has made salvation

available to anyone who asks (Romans 10:13,
Acts 16:31). Believe on Jesus.
You & your
household shall be

the narrow gate 27

The gate or door is narrow in that it is only
by faith in Jesus the Christ. As stated in Acts

“Nor is there salvation in any other, for there

is no other name under heaven given among
men by which we must be saved.”

Jesus is the door that separates salvation from

destruction. The life of faith in Jesus is hard
because we live by what God said He has done
for us through Christ crucified while the
world live by sight. We believe in the Word of
God and therefore speak (Zechariah 4:6; 2
Corinthians 4:13; Romans 1:17; Galatians
3:11; Hebrews 10:38). The rest of the world
believe in what can be seen before speaking;
seeing is believing.

the narrow gate 28

We believe that what is seen is temporal while
what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18).
It runs against the very grain of the world. As
such, believers will encounter prosecution of
insult, ridicule, and even rejection. Yet, we
are like the stars shinning in a dark and
perverse world; which is getter darker and
darker (Isaiah 60:1-2). It is the root of God’s
love and goodness shining in and through us
and not so much the fruit of our good
behaviour. As stated in Philippians 2:15
(New International Version),

“…you will shine among them

like stars in the sky”

the narrow gate 29

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is evident from the
22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet, which
reads from right to left.

afterword 30
The beloved Son of God came in the flesh
from God the loving Father to dwell among
men (John 1:14). He walked the earth to
show mankind that He is the door or way to
God the Father by being the Man nailed as a
weapon and a shield or fence of protection
against the devil (John 10:9, 14:6;
Colossians 2:15; Ephesians 6:10-18).

By the work of His open palm as the Good

Shepherd Who willingly laid down His life for
His sheep, the water and blood that came
from His pierced side became the seed that
removed the thorn in the eye and mouth
(John 10:10, 19:34; 2 Corinthians 4:4). This
is so that we may see and confess our desire for
the ascended Jesus Christ as our Lord and
Saviour (Romans 10:13).

afterword 31
He was crushed on the Cross for our sins but
raised to life and is right now seated at the
right hand of God the Father as the Firstborn
from the dead (2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans
4:25; Colossians 1:18, 3:1).

afterword 32
I hope to have been able to whet your appetite
for the Word of God.

To reiterate, you can download my other free

eBooks at .

This is part of my upcoming series on

unveiling Jesus in the 22 Hebrew letters. For
the latest update (s), please visit my YouTube
channel at
and/or my patron website at .

Till we meet again.

God bless!

afterword 33
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew
alphabet which are essentially very
graphical in nature. Each and every of
the 22 Hebrew letter points to Jesus.

In this eBook, we will look at the fourth

Hebrew letter, “dalet”, which is
symbolized by a door or gate. As you
embark on this exhilarating spiritual
journey, witness for yourself the hidden
secret in and behind the door.

May my Lord Jesus Christ deems it fit to

touch your heart with this eBook.

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