Sales Factors

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Sales Factors

Branch Selling
Sales ADV Exp R&D Exp
(i) Price
1 166 150 16 18.5
2 200 161 13 17
3 151 60 17.5 13.5
4 190 192 14.5 20.5
5 130 85 16.5 15
6 168 70 17 14
7 201 140 13 21
8 155 111 19 17.5
9 199 189 13 18
10 189 101 13 19.5
11 168 150 17.5 18.5
12 210 163 14 17
13 160 70 16.5 14
14 220 145 13 21
15 200 195 15.5 20.5
16 135 85 16.5 15
17 202 141 13 21.5
18 156 111 19 17.5
19 221 199 13 18.5
20 189 101 15 19.5
21 168 150 16 18.5
22 210 163 14 17
23 160 70 16.5 14
24 220 145 13 21
25 200 195 15 20.5
26 168 70 16 14
27 201 140 14 21
28 155 111 19 17.5
29 199 189 13 18
20 189 101 15 19.5
31 135 85 16.5 15
32 202 141 16 21.5
33 156 111 13 17.5
34 221 199 17.5 18.5
35 189 101 14.5 19.5
36 166 150 16.5 18.5
37 200 161 13 17
38 151 60 17.5 13.5
39 190 192 14.5 20.5
40 130 85 16.5 15

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.833443
R Square 0.694628
Adjusted R Square 0.66918
Standard Error 15.39764
Observations 40

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 3 19414.85 6471.618 27.29634 2.196E-09
Residual 36 8535.146 237.0874
Total 39 27950

Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95%Lower 95.0%
Upper 95.0%
Intercept 179.9498 36.94646 4.870555 2.23E-05 105.0189 254.8807 105.0189 254.8807
X Variable 1 0.230819 0.076308 3.024851 0.004569 0.07606 0.385578 0.07606 0.385578
X Variable 2 -5.165706 1.514459 -3.410924 0.001612 -8.237172 -2.09424 -8.237172 -2.09424
X Variable 3 2.764998 1.37256 2.014482 0.051476 -0.018683 5.54868 -0.018683 5.54868


Observation Predicted Y Residuals

Standard Residuals Percentile Y
1 183.0738 -17.07381 -1.154136 1.25 130
2 196.9624 3.037563 0.20533 3.75 130
3 140.7265 10.27347 0.694455 6.25 135
4 206.0468 -16.04677 -1.084712 8.75 135
5 155.8102 -25.81021 -1.744691 11.25 151
6 147.0001 20.99992 1.41953 13.75 151
7 203.1752 -2.175228 -0.147039 16.25 155
8 155.8097 -0.809742 -0.054736 18.75 155
9 206.1904 -7.190372 -0.486047 21.25 156
10 190.0258 -1.025784 -0.06934 23.75 156
11 175.3252 -7.325247 -0.495164 26.25 160
12 192.2584 17.74163 1.199279 28.75 160
13 149.5829 10.41707 0.704162 31.25 166
14 204.3293 15.67068 1.059289 33.75 166
15 201.5735 -1.573518 -0.106365 36.25 168
16 155.8102 -20.81021 -1.406706 38.75 168
17 204.7885 -2.788546 -0.188497 41.25 168
18 155.8097 0.190258 0.012861 43.75 168
19 209.8811 11.11894 0.751606 46.25 189
20 179.6944 9.305628 0.629032 48.75 189
21 183.0738 -15.07381 -1.018943 51.25 189
22 192.2584 17.74163 1.199279 53.75 189
23 149.5829 10.41707 0.704162 56.25 190
24 204.3293 15.67068 1.059289 58.75 190
25 204.1564 -4.156371 -0.280958 61.25 199
26 152.1658 15.83422 1.070344 63.75 199
27 198.0095 2.990478 0.202147 66.25 200
28 155.8097 -0.809742 -0.054736 68.75 200
29 206.1904 -7.190372 -0.486047 71.25 200
30 179.6944 9.305628 0.629032 73.75 200
31 155.8102 -20.81021 -1.406706 76.25 201
32 189.2914 12.70857 0.85906 78.75 201
33 186.804 -30.80398 -2.082254 81.25 202
34 186.6354 34.36461 2.322942 83.75 202
35 182.2772 6.722775 0.454439 86.25 210
36 180.491 -14.49095 -0.979544 88.75 210
37 196.9624 3.037563 0.20533 91.25 220
38 140.7265 10.27347 0.694455 93.75 220
39 206.0468 -16.04677 -1.084712 96.25 221
40 155.8102 -25.81021 -1.744691 98.75 221
X Variable 1 Residual Plot
X Variable 2 Residual Plot

40 60 20 80
X Variable 3 Residual Plot
100 120 140 160 180 200 220

12 1320 14 15
X Variable 1 Line Fit Plot
16 17 18 19 20
X Variable 1250
200 X Variable 2 Line Fit Plot
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
-20 150
X Variable 2250 Y
100 X Variable 3 Line Fit Plot
Predicted Y
-40 200
X Variable 3250 Y
100 Normal Probability Plot
Predicted Y
40 60 80 100 120200 140 160 180 200 220
Upper 95.0% 150 Y
0 X Variable 1 250
100 Predicted Y

12 13 14 15 16 200 17 18 19 20
0 X Variable 2

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
0 X Variable 3
0 20 40 60 80 100
Sample Percentile
e Fit Plot
Probability Plot
Predicted Y
Predicted Y

20 21 22

40 60 80 100 120
Sample Percentile
Conduct regression analysis for the following data

The data given is sales factors which are advertisement expenses, selling price and R&D Expenses of the sales.  

From the data given:

1. Identify the independent and dependent variables

2. Interpret the regression result
3. Which of the variable has significant relationship with dependent variables
4. Write the equation for Y

1.independent variable is ADV exp , selling price , R&D , dependent variables is sales .
2.the value of R2 is 69.46% which is explained of DV explained by IV1,IV2,IV3 . The 30.54% explained by other factors . The ad
3.all three variable has sign relationship with dependent variable because p value is 0.00 less thn 0.05 sign fvalue .
s of the sales.  

ained by other factors . The adjusted R2 is 0.66918 . F-value is 27.2934 and sign fvalue is 0.00 less than 0.05
n 0.05 sign fvalue .

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