Post Office Job Application

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Registration Print


Department of Posts - India

GDS Engagement - Registra�on Date & Time: 24/05/2022 10:58:58

Registra�on Number: SR6F43D5EBCFAA
Father/Mother Name: NARAYANAN
Date of Birth: 07/03/1984
Gender: Male
Community: OBC
PWD Category: Category - C (One Leg)
Circle in which 10th Class Passed: Tamilnadu
Year in which 10th Class Passed: 2001
Languages studied in 10th class Tamil
Can you ride a BiCycle Yes
Whether Employed No
Whether Employer NOC available No

I have studied and understood the no�fica�on and found myself eligible for applying to this post. This is not a duplicate Registra�on. If found
duplicate my en�re candidature will be cancelled.

Based on the languages studied in 10th class, you are eligible for applying to the vacancies (if any) of the following circles

Instruc�ons to the Candidate

1. Please keep the Registra�on Number for future references.
2. Department of Posts does not make phone calls for any purpose. Be guarded against any unscrupulous phone calls.
3. UR/OBC Male/Transmale candidates have to make payment of Rs. 100/- for applying online.
4. Fee can be paid at any Head Post Office/Online.
5. It is the responsibility of the candidate to check whether he/she is eligible for applying to the post/circle at the �me of Payment, since fee
once paid cannot be refunded.
6. The Registra�on Data is Candidate's permanent data and should be entered only once during the cycle. Furnishing the informa�on like
Candidate's original community, DOB, name, father's name as per SSC records and all other data should tally with the document supported and
Registra�on once made will not be allowed to change. Hence Candidates are requested to check and confirm the Preview before submission of
Registra�on Data. Reregistra�on with different data will be treated as falsifica�on of informa�on and duplica�on of Registra�on, and is liable for
removal of candidature for applying to any of the posts.


1 of 1 24-05-2022, 11:31

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