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Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4

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RESEARCH Open Access

Strength training versus robot-assisted gait training

after incomplete spinal cord injury: a randomized
pilot study in patients depending on walking
Rob Labruyère1,2* and Hubertus J A van Hedel1,3

Background: Task-specific locomotor training has been promoted to improve walking-related outcome after
incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). However, there is also evidence that lower extremity strength training might
lead to such improvements. The aim of this randomized cross-over pilot study was to compare changes in a broad
spectrum of walking-related outcome measures and pain between robot-assisted gait training (RAGT) and strength
training in patients with chronic iSCI, who depended on walking assistance. We hypothesized that task-specific
locomotor training would result in better improvements compared to strength training.
Methods: Nine participants with a chronic iSCI were randomized to group 1 or 2. Group 1 received 16 sessions of
RAGT (45 min each) within 4 weeks followed by 16 sessions of strength training (45 min each) within 4 weeks.
Group 2 received the same interventions in reversed order. Main outcome measures were the 10 m Walk Test
(10MWT) at preferred and maximal speed. Furthermore, we assessed several measures such as walking speed under
different conditions, balance, strength, and 2 questionnaires that evaluate risk of falling and pain. Data were
collected at baseline, between interventions after 4 weeks, directly after the interventions and at follow-up 6 months
after the interventions. Pain was assessed repeatedly throughout the study.
Results: There were no significant differences in changes in scores between the 2 interventions, except for maximal
walking speed (10MWT), which improved significantly more after strength training than after RAGT. Pain reduced after
both interventions.
Conclusion: In patients with chronic iSCI dependent on walking assistance, RAGT was not more effective in improving
walking-related outcome compared to lower extremity strength training. However, the low sample size limits
generalizability and precision of data interpretation.
Trial registration: This study was registered at Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT01087918).
Keywords: Rehabilitation, Spinal lesion, Training study, Paraplegia, Lokomat, Randomized clinical trial, Walking, Pain

* Correspondence: [email protected]
Spinal Cord Injury Center, Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2014 Labruyère and van Hedel; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 2 of 12

Introduction “unaffected” leg [18]. However, these studies investigated

In a recent Point of View, it was highlighted that neither single joint movement tasks, and it is unclear whether
body weight-supported treadmill training (BWSTT) nor these findings can be translated into more functional
robot-assisted gait training (RAGT) have fulfilled the movements like walking. Therefore, the primary aim of
high expectations that were raised by researchers and this study was to compare gait-related outcomes of lower
clinicians in the field of neurorehabilitation [1]. There is extremity strength training and task-specific locomotor
no evidence yet that these methods are superior to over- training in patients with chronic iSCI, especially since
ground training to improve ambulation in neurological recent publications failed to demonstrate superiority of
patients, even if they were thought to have a large poten- one intervention over another one [19-21]. Additionally,
tial to advance gait rehabilitation [2,3]. as many patients with spinal cord injury experience
Nevertheless, driven gait orthoses like the Lokomat chronic pain [22] and already single sessions of BWSTT
(Hocoma AG, Volketswil, Switzerland) [4,5] have been can lead to pain reduction [23], we investigated the im-
introduced in numerous rehabilitation settings to treat pa- mediate and longitudinal effects of both interventions
tients with locomotor dysfunction [6]. A trend has been on pain intensity.
described that robot-assisted gait training (RAGT) might
even replace rather than complement conventional phy- Methods
siotherapeutic interventions [7]. This is undesirable as Design overview
superiority of task-specific locomotor training - mean- This study was a randomized cross-over open label clin-
ing training the task we want the patients to get better ical pilot study. The main outcome measures were video-
at (in this case walking) - has not been proven sufficiently. taped and separately scored by a blinded assessor.
Additionally, recent studies and reviews have also shown
the limitations of RAGT compared to BWSTT in different Setting and participants
patient populations [1,8,9]. Inclusion criteria were: aged 18-70 years, chronic iSCI
After years of promoting task-specific training com- (time after injury >1 y) and sensorimotor incomplete
bined with the popularity of applying BWSTT, it seems (grade C or D on the American Spinal Cord Injury Asso-
logical that task-specific locomotor training, such as ciation [ASIA] Impairment Scale [AIS] [24]). The motor
RAGT, might improve ambulatory function more than level of the lesion was between C4 and T11 to exclude
lower extremity muscle strength training. One of the patients with peripheral lesions. Furthermore, partici-
main reasons therefor is that task-specific training pro- pants had to walk with at most moderate assistance at
vides locomotion-relevant afferent input to spinal central the time of inclusion (i.e. a score of <6 in the “mobility
circuitries that generate rhythmic stepping behavior [10]. outdoors” item of the Spinal Cord Independence Measure
While such input is not provided during strength train- [SCIM] [25]). Cognitive capacity to follow verbal instruc-
ing of the lower limbs (without training walking), im- tions was tested with the Mini Mental State Examination
provements in ambulatory function have been shown (required score: ≥26) [26].
after stroke or incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI), since Participants were excluded if they presented contra-
locomotor capacity correlates well with strength of leg indications for training in the Lokomat system (according
muscles, like hip flexors or extensors [11,12]. Accord- to the manual), had injuries limiting training, as well as
ingly, data obtained from 3 patients with iSCI suggested orthopedic, psychiatric or neurological diseases, except for
that a 12-week resistance and plyometric training pro- the iSCI.
gram (plyometric exercises consist of powerful move- Participant enrollment started in March 2009, and the
ments where muscles are rapidly and repeatedly stretched final participant completed training in April 2011. We
and contracted) led to increased walking speeds in the intended to include as many participants as possible.
10 m Walk Test (10MWT) at preferred and maximal The research database of our hospital was screened for
speed [13]. possible candidates. A total of 97 entries were found to
While task-specific locomotor training appeared super- approximately match inclusion and exclusion criteria.
ior over strength training for a long time in patients with These patients were contacted and invited. Out of 10
stroke [14,15], the LEAPS trial recently concluded that a patients who were screened on site, 1 did not meet the
home-exercise program, with the aim of enhancing flexi- inclusion criteria. The other 9 (all AIS D) participated
bility, strength, coordination or balance, was equivalent to and completed the intervention. Figure 1 shows the
locomotor training [16]. Recent studies also showed that CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials)
after iSCI, complex muscle coordination and motor pro- diagram. Characteristics of the participants are displayed
grams appear intact while muscle strength is affected in Table 1. Participants were asked to maintain their regular
[17,18]. This is different compared to stroke, where com- medication scheme and inform the principal investigator
plex muscle coordination was disturbed even in the about any changes or extraordinary events. Two participants
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 3 of 12

Figure 1 Consolidated standards of reporting trials diagram. Abbreviations: RAGT = robot-assisted gait training; ST = strength training.

(P03&P05) wore ankle-foot orthoses, and these were kept RAGT within 4 weeks followed by 16 sessions of strength
on during all training sessions and assessments. training within 4 weeks. Group 2 received the same inter-
All training sessions and assessments took place at the vention in reversed order.
spinal cord injury center of our hospital. This study was RAGT was performed with the Lokomat System (for de-
registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT01087918). tails see references [4,5]). However, in the present study,
we used customized software that, besides the position-
Ethics statement controlled mode (standard Lokomat software), had 2 add-
All participants gave written informed consent to par- itional modes. In position-controlled mode, the end point
ticipate and to have their anonymized data published, of the robotic leg is exactly defined for each particular
and the study protocol was approved by the ethics com- time point during the gait cycle. In path control mode,
mittee of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. The study however, there is a virtual tunnel around the prepro-
was conducted according to the principles expressed in grammed gait trajectory and within this tunnel, the par-
the Declaration of Helsinki. ticipant can freely move his leg. If the participant’s leg
deviates from this virtual tunnel, the Lokomat pushes the
Randomization and interventions leg back into the tunnel [27,28]. With this control mode,
The aim of the study was to compare RAGT with strength the participant trains a more functional gait pattern that
training in patients with chronic iSCI. Randomization for better represents “over ground walking” compared to the
group assignment was performed by dice-rolling before standard position-controlled mode. Path control mode
pretests were performed. Group 1 received 16 sessions of allows individual variability within the gait cycle, which is

Table 1 Subjects’ characteristics

ID IG Age (years) Height (cm) Weight (kg) Sex Months p. injury Level of lesion Etiology WISCI CA Pain
P01 2 69 178 68 m 16 C4 Trauma 13 Yes npb
P02 1 69 178 80 m 13 T8 Tumor 16 Yes None
P03 1 43 163 54 f 84 T11 Trauma 12 Yes nap & nbp
P04 2 60 166 75 f 21 T4 Abscess 16 Yes nap & ms
P05 1 60 179 92 m 44 T11 Herniation 9 No ms
P06 2 41 161 48 f 189 C6 Trauma 16 Yes nbp & ms
P07 1 53 183 85 m 29 C5 Herniation 13 Yes nap & nbp
P08 2 67 164 89 f 27 C5 Herniation 16 Yes nap & nbp
P09 1 69 179 93 m 26 C4 Trauma 16 Yes nbp & ms
Mean ± SD 59 ± 11 172 ± 9 76 ± 16 50 ± 56 14 ± 3
Median 60 178 80 27 16
Abbreviations: AIS ASIA Impairment Scale, C cervical, CA community ambulator, f female, ID identification, IG intervention group, m male, ms musculoskeletal pain,
nap neuropathic at level pain, nbp neuropathic below level pain, p post, T thoracic, WISCI Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury.
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 4 of 12

relevant for motor learning. For the most difficult training These exercises were put together individually; examples
mode, we added treadmill speed control to the path con- of exercises that were performed by all participants were
trol mode. Here, participants additionally could control isotonic leg press in supine position and isotonic hip ad-
the speed of the belt with their body posture. By slightly duction, abduction, flexion and extension at the wall pulley
moving their trunk forward (increase in speed) or back- (standing, with/without resistance) or on the examination
ward (decrease in speed), they could control treadmill table (lying, with/without additional weights).
belt speed within a defined range. These modes enabled
us matching training intensity to the participants’ cap- Outcomes and follow-up
abilities and guaranteed active participation, whereas in We chose the 10MWT at preferred and maximal speed
earlier clinical trials with the conventional system, the- as primary outcome measures. Additionally, on a hypothesis-
oretically, participants could just be passive [21,29]. generating basis, we explored a broad range of secondary
Speed was limited to 4.0 km/h (=1.11 m/s) in every outcome measures and we investigated the longitudinal
mode (average training speed in these patients usually is course of general pain by assessing it before and after each
around 1.5-2.0 km/h). training session. All outcome measures were applied
Training duration per session was 45 min for both inter- according to Figure 2. Follow-up assessments were per-
ventions (actual training time, including maximally 2 formed to investigate the sustainability of potentially in-
breaks of 1-2 min during RAGT, and including warming- duced changes in outcomes. Given the cross-over nature
up during strength training and breaks to change from of this study, it was not possible to make statements about
one exercise to the next). All trainings were executed sustainability for each intervention specifically.
under the supervision of a movement scientist. The first
session of RAGT focused on adjusting the system to the Primary outcome measures
participant. To allow participants to familiarize themselves Walking speed was evaluated with the 10MWT [30].
with the system, training started with approximately 30% Participants were instructed to walk at their preferred
bodyweight support and a treadmill speed of 1-2 km/h. and maximal speed, but were not given verbal encourage-
All participants initially started training using foot lifters ment. The 10MWT was performed with a “flying start”
to ensure foot clearance during swing phase. If control (while participants walked about 14 m, the time was mea-
and strength of ankle dorsiflexion improved, the tension sured for the intermediate 10 m) [31]. Results were con-
of the foot lifters was decreased until active dorsiflexion verted to walking speed (m/s).
was sufficient to remove the foot lifters. In subsequent
sessions, training intensity was increased progressively by Secondary outcome measures
changing walking speed, level of bodyweight support, ro- General Selected items of the International Spinal Cord
botic support or by applying the next higher training Injury Core Data Set [32] were collected (demographic
mode. Modes were easily switchable; therefore, different and iSCI-specific data of interest, Table 1), and the
training modes were not applied exclusively, but rather al- motor score of the neurological examination according
ternately, where time spent training in the more difficult to the ASIA International Standards [24] was evaluated
mode steadily increased according to the participant’s cap- (upper extremity motor score [UEMS] in participants
abilities. All but one participant (P05, see Table 1) trained with tetraplegia only, lower extremity motor score
in interactive mode most of the time and 2 participants [LEMS] in all participants). Furthermore, we applied the
managed to walk in interactive mode with control of SCIM to assess independence and evaluated several out-
treadmill speed (P02&P04). The amount of body-weight come measures of walking and balance.
support was adjusted individually to achieve adequate
knee extension during stance phase and toe clearance dur- Walking We applied the WISCI [33] to assess which kind
ing swing phase. of assistive devices or personal assistance the participants
Strength training was aimed particularly at lower limb needed to cover 10 m.
muscles without performing task-specific walking exer- To test the participants’ ability to adapt their gait to
cises. The first session of strength training focused on several circumstances, we applied the Figure Eight Test
the configuration of a set of feasible exercises, and this (FET), which was previously described in more detail
set was adapted throughout the intervention period to and shown to be valid [34]. The test required participants
meet the participant’s needs, capabilities and progress. to traverse a 10 m long figure of eight-shaped track 6
One training session consisted of 10 min of warming up times, each time under a different condition, including:
on a bicycle, rowing ergometer or cross trainer, followed
by approximately 4-6 exercises, where we aimed for 3 – FET preferred: at preferred walking speed.
bouts of 10-12 repetitions at 70% of maximal voluntary – FET maximal: at maximal safe walking speed.
contraction, which was determined in the first session. – FET vision: subjects wore vision-blurring glasses.
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 5 of 12

Figure 2 Application scheme of outcome measures. Abbreviations: 10MWT = 10 m Walk Test; BBS = Berg Balance Scale; FES-I = Falls Efficacy
Scale – International Version; FET = Figure Eight Test; LEMS = lower extremity motor score; MMS = Mini Mental State Examination; PCI = Physiological
Cost Index; RAGT = robot-assisted gait training; SCIM = Spinal Cord Independence Measure; UEMS = upper extremity motor score; WISCI = Walking
Index for Spinal Cord Injury.

– FET obstacle: Two obstacles, one in each curve, had Gait symmetry was measured by comparing lengths of
to be overstepped. stance and swing phases of each single leg (by dividing
– FET foam: Subjects wore foamed soles under their stance time [in % of whole step] right by stance time
shoes. left) with portable insoles. If the value was >1, it was
– FET dual task: During walking, a list of questions inverted to ensure comparability. Gait symmetry was mea-
had to be answered as quickly as possible. sured in 8 participants only, due to infrastructural issues.

The time needed for each condition was recorded and Balance To cover the risk of falling, which is increased
converted to walking speed (m/s). Except for FET max- up to 75% after iSCI [38,39], we measured balance,
imal, participants were directed to walk at self-selected which is considered important for functional ambulation
speed corresponding to their preferred comfortable after iSCI [40]. Barbeau and Visintin showed that man-
walking speed in everyday life. ual BWSTT improves balance in patients with stroke
We estimated energy expenditure with the Physiological [41]. However, as participants are strongly fixated in the
Cost Index (PCI) [35]. The PCI was assessed on a tread- robot, it remains questionable whether balance becomes
mill. First, participants stood still for 2 min and the mean trained during RAGT, as recently discussed for patients
heart rate of the last 10 s was used as heart rate at rest. with stroke [9,42]. As a performance-based measure of
Then they walked for 3 min at the same speed as previ- balance, we used the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) [43]. As a
ously determined in their first 10MWT at preferred speed. marker of static balance, we measured the maximal
The PCI was calculated as follows: PCI = (steady-state mediolateral amplitude of the center of pressure move-
heart rate – heart rate at rest)/ambulatory velocity. ment over 30 s on a force plate (Kistler Instrumente AG,
We assessed symmetry of gait, which has been shown Winterthur, Switzerland). Participants were asked to
to improve after locomotor-specific training in patients stand as still as possible and to fixate a given object with
with iSCI [20]. It is an important marker for the quality their eyes. The distance between their feet was 10 cm.
of gait and an accurate indicator of changes in the walk- The test was done twice, and the best try counted. To
ing pattern, even on a sub-clinical level [36]. There is assess fear of falling while performing different activities
evidence that gait symmetry also improves after lower of daily living, we applied the international version of
extremity strength training in patients with stroke [37]. the Falls Efficacy Scale (FES-I) [44].
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 6 of 12

Pain To assess the influence of the interventions on characteristics of cross-over designs. As carry-over and
general pain intensity, participants were asked to rate treatment by period interaction are unlikely to be separ-
their current pain immediately before and 5 min after able [45], we did one analysis for both combined.
each training session on a 100 mm visual analog scale To evaluate the longitudinal influence of the interven-
(VAS) that was confined by the terms “no pain” on the tions on pain intensity, we plotted the mean VAS-scores
left side (0%) and “unbearable pain” (100%) on the right before and after training against time for all 16 sessions
side. The instructions were: “Please rate the general pain for each intervention and performed linear regression ana-
you are experiencing at this moment”. To avoid the in- lyses. We considered a longitudinal decrease in pain inten-
fluence of circadian pain patterns, trainings were always sity to be significant, when the regression coefficient was
performed on the same time of the day. One participant significantly smaller than zero. Additionally, we investi-
did not suffer from pain at all, and, therefore, pain as- gated the short-term effect of training on pain intensity by
sessments were done in 8 participants. subtracting the mean VAS-scores after training from those
before training for each intervention and compared these
Statistical analyses change scores with a Paired-Samples T Test.
Given our interest in the impact of 2 training interven- For all outcome measures, intention-to-treat analysis
tions on different outcomes in patients with iSCI, statis- was performed using the last observation carried forward
tical analyses were applied to quantify differences in method to account for missing data. Only 1 participant re-
change scores between the two interventions for each fused to take part in the follow-up measurement, and this
outcome. The use of a cross-over design was chosen to was treated as missing data. Alpha was set at 0.05.
reduce the impact of inter-individual variability by hav-
ing each participant act as its own control [45]. To allow Results
an upfront interpretation, we adopted parametric testing, All participants completed both interventions and no
as only a few secondary outcome measures did not show adverse events occurred. Age and time since injury were
normally distributed within-subject change scores (tested comparable in both groups. During RAGT, participants
with the Shapiro-Wilk Test), namely SCIM, WISCI, walked on average 1731 ± 265 m per session. During
UEMS and LEMS. This approach allows including the strength training, mean resistance was increased in all
data in future meta-analyses. Figure 3 displays an overview the exercises that were performed by all participants.
of the applied statistical analyses, accounting for the For leg press with both legs, mean increase of resistance

Figure 3 Overview of the protocol and the statistical methods applied. Pain assessments are not included in this figure, as they were
not performed at the indicated measurements but during the interventions themselves. Abbreviations: RAGT = robot-assisted gait training;
ΔF1 = improvement during follow-up in group 1; ΔF2 = improvement during follow-up in group 2; ΔR1 = improvement during robot-assisted gait
training in group 1; ΔR2 = improvement during robot-assisted gait training in group 2; ΔST1 = improvement during strength training in
group 1; ΔST2 = improvement during strength training in group 2.
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 7 of 12

from the first to the last session was 17 ± 11 kg. Also for results of follow-up measurements are displayed in Table 2).
one-legged exercises, resistance could be increased (hip However, there were outcome measures that were better at
adduction: 4 ± 2 kg, hip abduction: 2 ± 1 kg, hip flexion: follow-up compared to baseline (two-sided Paired-Samples
3 ± 1 kg and hip extension: 3 ± 2 kg). T Test; p = 0.05 for 10MWT at preferred speed, p = 0.02
for SCIM and p < 0.01 for LEMS).
Treatment effects
Main outcome measures Pain assessments
Improvements of changes in scores of the 10MWT at Overall, 16 sessions of Lokomat training reduced pain
maximal speed were larger due to strength training com- intensity over time. The regression coefficient calculated
pared to RAGT (Figure 4 based on onset and end data over the mean VAS-scores (before training) was -0.33
from Table 2). There was no statistical difference be- (p = 0.04, 95% confidence interval (CI): [-0.02, -0.63],
tween the interventions with respect to the changes in Figure 5). For the pain scores derived after training,
scores of the 10MWT at preferred speed (Figure 4). the regression coefficient was -0.54 (p < 0.01, 95% CI:
[-0.28, -0.80], Figure 5). During the strength training
Secondary outcome measures intervention, pain reduced as well, but only significantly
There were no significant differences in changes in after training (before training: regression coefficient = -0.23,
scores between the two interventions for all secondary p = 0.12, 95% CI: [-0.52, 0.06]; after training: regression co-
outcome measures (Figure 4). However, tests like the efficient = -0.50, p < 0.01, 95% CI: [-0.17, -0.83], Figure 5).
FET maximal, FET foam and the BBS showed a ten- The interventions caused an immediate reduction of pain
dency (0.05 < p-value < 0.10) toward greater improve- that was slightly but significantly larger after strength train-
ments after strength training (Figure 4). ing (-6.8 ± 2.5%) than after RAGT (-4.5 ± 2.2%, p < 0.01).

Period and carry-over effects and follow-up results Discussion

There was no statistically significant period effect for The applied outcome measures covered practically all
any outcome measure. Furthermore, we could not find domains of the International Classification of Functioning,
any statistically relevant carry-over/treatment by period Disability and Health [46] on which RAGT or strength
interaction. No outcome measure at the end of the second training could have an effect. Results of the 10MWT at
intervention was significantly different from outcome maximal speed and trends in other outcome measures sug-
measures at follow-up 6 months later (ranging from p = gested that strength training was associated with greater
0.14 for LEMS to p = 0.93 for 10MWT at preferred speed, improvements compared to RAGT. However, due to low

Figure 4 Overview of treatment effects on changes in scores of all outcome measures. The white dots correspond to the mean difference
between mean change score due to strength training and mean change score due to robot-assisted gait training in raw units and the grey bars
depict the associated 95% confidence interval. P-values ≤ 0.05 are bold. Abbreviations: 10MWT = 10 m Walk Test; BBS = Berg Balance Scale; FES-I = Falls
Efficacy Scale – International Version; FET = Figure Eight Test; LEMS = lower extremity motor score; PCI = Physiological Cost Index; RAGT = robot-assisted
gait training; SCIM = Spinal Cord Independence Measure; UEMS = upper extremity motor score; WISCI = Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury.
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 8 of 12

Table 2 Mean values ± standard deviations of all participants

Outcome measure Onset RAGT End RAGT Onset strength training End strength training Follow-upc
10MWT preferred (m/s) 0.62 ± 0.23 0.66 ± 0.29 0.58 ± 0.19 0.64 ± 0.23* 0.66 ± 0.26
10MWT maximal (m/s) 0.79 ± 0.31 0.80 ± 0.35 0.66 ± 022 0.80 ± 0.28* 0.78 ± 0.28
FET preferred (m/s) 0.52 ± 0.20 0.53 ± 0.20 0.50 ± 0.16 0.54 ± 0.21 0.53 ± 0.18
FET maximal (m/s) 0.62 ± 0.21 0.63 ± 0.23 0.60 ± 0.20 0.65 ± 0.22* 0.64 ± 0.22
FET vision (m/s) 0.49 ± 0.21 0.50 ± 0.21 0.48 ± 0.20 0.50 ± 0.20 0.43 ± 0.17
FET obstacle (m/s) 0.42 ± 0.19 0.41 ± 0.20 0.39 ± 0.19 0.43 ± 0.20* 0.40 ± 0.20
FET foam (m/s) 0.42 ± 0.19 0.42 ± 0.20 0.39 ± 0.18 0.45 ± 0.20* 0.41 ± 0.13
FET dual task (m/s) 0.45 ± 0.19 0.48 ± 0.18 0.44 ± 0.15 0.48 ± 0.18 0.43 ± 0.17
Gait symmetrya 0.91 ± 0.18 0.93 ± 0.13 0.93 ± 0.13 0.96 ± 0.09 0.92 ± 0.09
WISCI 14.1 ± 2.5 14.9 ± 3.1 14.4 ± 2.6 14.8 ± 2.9 15.5 ± 2.7
PCI (beats/m) 0.76 ± 0.40 0.88 ± 0.70 0.84 ± 0.74 0.65 ± 0.41 1.04 ± 1.14
Sway (cm) 2.09 ± 1.40 2.13 ± 1.98 2.48 ± 1.88 2.60 ± 2.19 2.66 ± 2.21
BBS 43.3 ± 14.7 44.4 ± 14.7 42.7 ± 14.0 45.4 ± 14.7* 42.9 ± 16.3
FES-I 26.6 ± 8.7 26.4 ± 9.2 25.6 ± 7.3 25.1 ± 5.5 23.8 ± 6.7
UEMSb 43.0 ± 2.5 43.4 ± 3.2 42.4 ± 2.1 43.4 ± 2.6 44.3 ± 1.9
LEMS 40.9 ± 7.5 41.6 ± 7.3 40.4 ± 6.6 41.4 ± 6.9* 41.0 ± 7.0
SCIM 88.4 ± 7.9 89.2 ± 7.6 87.9 ± 8.1 89.2 ± 7.9 88.9 ± 6.5
Please note that data were pooled from group 1 and group 2, meaning that e.g. data from onset RAGT cannot directly be compared with data from onset strength training.
*Denotes a significant (p ≤ 0.05) intra-intervention before-after difference as determined by a Paired-Samples T Test. an = 8 (n = 7 for follow up data). bn = 5
(n = 4 for follow up data). cOne participant did not attend follow-up measurements. Abbreviations: 10MWT 10 m Walk Test, FET Figure Eight Test, WISCI Walking Index for
Spinal Cord Injury, PCI Physiological Cost Index, BBS Berg Balance Scale, FES-I Falls Efficacy Scale – International Version, UEMS upper extremity motor score, LEMS lower
extremity motor score, SCIM Spinal Cord Independence Measure.

statistical power, a statement of superiority of strength specifically trained fast walking. However, Field-Fote
training to RAGT cannot be made. Additionally, clinically et al. already reported that treadmill speed in RAGT
meaningful changes (CMC), were rarely reached. does not seem to be an essential factor for locomotor
outcomes in subjects with iSCI [20]. On the other hand,
Walking Kim et al. showed that muscle strength correlates with
Results of the 10MWT already point out that RAGT was walking speed [12]. Since leg muscle strength improved
not superior compared to strength training. Especially after strength training (Table 2) this might have led to
the changes in scores of the 10MWT at maximal speed higher walking speeds. Also, preferred walking speed did
were better after strength training compared to RAGT. not change significantly after RAGT, which is in line
One the one hand, this was unexpected as the walking with results of studies published earlier [20,29]. How-
speed in the Lokomat at the end of the intervention ever, the main difference to these studies is that, due to
exceeded over-ground walking speed in the 10MWT at the new Lokomat control strategies applied in this study,
maximal speed in 6 of 9 subjects, meaning that we participants had to contribute actively, thus eliminating

Figure 5 Course of pain rating on a 100 mm visual analog scale from before and after each training session for both interventions.
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 9 of 12

passiveness as a reason for the performance of RAGT. and they are secured from falling by different mechanisms
Yet, there are also studies where RAGT led to improve- (body weight support, hand rails, foot lifters).
ments of preferred walking speed [47,48]. To summarize, it seems that if there is adequate residual
Efficacy of RAGT seems to depend on the initial walk- muscle strength (to perform walking with some assist-
ing function of the participant. Those with lower initial ance) after iSCI, strength training certainly does not per-
walking speeds are likely to profit more from this inter- form worse compared to RAGT when it comes to
vention compared to those with higher walking speeds improving ambulatory function. Further studies are neces-
[20,47]. Preferred walking speed before intervention was sary to determine what level of muscle strength (motor
around 0.4 m/s in the study of Wirz et al. [47] and score) is needed to recommend strength training (in com-
0.45 m/s in the study of Hornby et al. [48], whereas bination with over-ground gait training) to produce better
participants in this study walked considerably faster clinical outcome, as an extension to the work done by
when they entered the study (0.57 ± 0.20 m/s). Never- Behrman et al. in the field of BWSTT [52]. Nevertheless,
theless, none of the participants reached the speed of RAGT might play an important role during the acute
0.7 m/s, which has been described to distinguish bet- phase, when patients have little residual muscle strength.
ween the categories “walker with aid” and “walker with-
out aid” [49]. Clinically meaningful changes
Figure 4 depicts that strength training could have a greater To make a statement about the relevance of the differ-
impact on ambulatory function compared to RAGT in the ences between both interventions, we compared them
sampled population. A possible reason might be that pre- with available CMCs from literature. For the 10MWT at
dominantly strength is affected in subjects with iSCI, while preferred speed, we found a CMC of 0.04-0.06 m/s for
accurate muscle activation remains largely unaffected [18]. healthy elderly [53], which lies well within the 95% confi-
This is also reflected in the consistent improvement in dence interval of the between-group difference in the
walking speed these subjects experienced after strength present study (Figure 4). This is not the case for the CMC
training, irrespective of which FET condition we applied for patients with Parkinson’s disease, which was estimated
(Table 2). to be 0.18 m/s [54]. The latter publication also provides a
There was no difference between the interventions with CMC of 0.25 m/s for the 10MWT at maximal speed,
respect to PCI. Differences between resting and walking which builds the edge of the 95% confidence interval of
heart rate were very small indicating that walking for the between-group difference in this study.
3 min at preferred speed was not a very energy- Furthermore, we found a CMC of 1 point for the WISCI
demanding load in the present sample. Additionally, [55], a CMC of 6 points for the BBS [56] and a CMC of 4
low walking speeds compared to those of the non- points for the SCIM [57]. Of these, only the CMC of the
disabled population led to a large statistical data spread. WISCI lies within the 95% confidence interval of the dif-
Therefore, the PCI must be looked at critically after iSCI ference between interventions.
which has been noted earlier [35].
Gait symmetry did not change, and this is in line with Period and carry-over effects and follow-up results
results of another study [21]. It must be noted that all Statistical analyses did not reveal significant period effects.
but one (P05) subject had no relevant strength differ- Against the background of limited statistical power, this
ences between their right and left leg. indicates that the general state of the participants during
the intervention did not considerably change. As all par-
Balance ticipants were in a chronic stage of their iSCI, this result
There were no statistical differences between the changes was anticipated.
in scores due to RAGT and strength training for balance Statistically, we could also not detect any carry-over or
measures. However, keeping the low statistical power in treatment by period interaction. This means that either
mind, improvements in the BBS tended to be larger after there is no carry-over, which is very unlikely since the
strength training compared to RAGT. At least the effect- intermediate measurement results differed from baseline
iveness of strength training could be anticipated, as it was measurement results, meaning that “baseline” values be-
observed in other populations, such as patients with fore the second intervention were different from baseline
stroke [50] or healthy elderly [51]. measures before the first intervention; or it means that
While RAGT improved the BBS score in patients with carry-over was comparable for both interventions, and,
stroke [9], its effect on static balance has herewith been therefore, insignificant for the interpretation of the achieved
investigated for the first time. Neither intervention had results.
an influence on static balance. With the current hardware The results of the follow-up measurement were double-
of the Lokomat, one can assume that static balance cannot edged. On the one hand, there were only a few outcome
really be trained; subjects are firmly attached to the device measures that improved over the course of the whole
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 10 of 12

study (from baseline to follow-up). On the other hand, no to type I and type II errors. Generalizability of the find-
outcome measure got worse from the end of interventions ings is limited to people with the narrowly defined cri-
to follow-up. This would be especially valuable for those teria applied in this study and as all participants agreed
outcome measures that improved during the training to take part in this intensive training program, we can-
phase, which are outcomes reflecting increased motor not exclude a motivational bias. In anticipation of the
capacity and performance (10MWT at preferred speed, low number of participants, we chose a cross-over de-
LEMS and SCIM). However, the inability to detect clear sign. This has the advantage that each participant acts as
differences could be due to the low power of this study. its own control, which is specifically valuable in a group
Please note that the follow-up results do not allow a dif- with high inter-individual variation. However, there is
ferentiation between the 2 interventions. the disadvantage of possible carry-over. Carry-over and
treatment by period interaction are generally thought to
Pain assessments be hard to objectify in training studies (especially in this
Overall, both interventions led to an alleviation of pain study with its small statistical power) and are highly
intensity over time, reflected in steadily decreasing VAS- inter-individual. Therefore, we abstained from introdu-
scores before and after training. This has already been cing a wash-out period, which reduced the load for par-
shown for strength training interventions [58] and is ticipants, but this might have also influenced the results.
herewith presented for the first time for RAGT. If pain The absolute effectiveness of the interventions could be
intensity was averaged over all sessions and subjects overestimated, as repeated exposure to the testing proto-
(RAGT: before training: 28.6 ± 3.0% and after training: col or natural recovery over time might have induced
24.1 ± 3.3%; strength training: before training: 29.6 ± functional improvements, despite including patients with
2.6% and after training: 22.8 ± 3.6%), this equaled in a a chronic iSCI only.
mean short-term pain reduction of 15-23%. It must be We did not blind the assessors for the treatment of the
noted though that in this gait-unrelated outcome meas- participants. However, all 10MWTs were recorded on
ure, strength training seems to have had a larger impact video and a blinded assessor scored the videotaped
compared to RAGT as there was a significant difference 10MWTs. The un-blinded original scores and the blinded
between the changes in scores of mean pain intensity. videotaped tests matched excellently (linear regression
Nevertheless, we can conclude that neither strength analysis: y = 0.98x + 0.009 m/s; R2 = 0.99). Nevertheless, we
training nor RAGT worsened the general perception of cannot exclude assessor-bias for other outcome measures.
pain. This is particularly important for the Lokomat as it It might be that the participants in this study were
obviously can be adapted to the physiology of the users clinically too good for the Lokomat. However, we tried
without overstraining their musculoskeletal system. to accommodate this flaw by applying different training
We did not investigate pain-relieving effects within a modes, and there were only 2 participants, who were able
specific type of pain because we had only a small num- to acceptably manage the most difficult training mode.
ber of subjects, and some of these subjects experienced Nevertheless, strength training is customizable to a much
both musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain. In our opin- higher extent than RAGT and the therapist can specifically
ion, it might be less relevant as there is evidence that address weaknesses that result in straight improvements
physical activity can have positive effects on neuropathic of function.
as well as on musculoskeletal pain. With respect to Participants did not perform other physical exercises
neuropathic pain, several studies suggest that physical besides the interventions within this study. However, all
activity could have a positive influence on impaired sen- but one participant (P05) were community ambulators
sory function [14,59-61]. It has been shown in animals (with assistive devices) and ambulatory activity besides
that treadmill running has positive effects on nerve re- our trainings was not monitored.
generation and functional recovery after peripheral nerve The average intensity of pain in this sample varied much,
injuries [62,63], which are known to cause neuropathic and it remains speculative whether RAGT could alleviate
pain [64]. Further literature shows that physical activity pain more in participants who experience weaker or in
can also reduce musculoskeletal pain [65,66]. those with stronger pain. While one participant in our
study with strong pain profited from the training (P04),
Limitations the participant who reported the highest pain intensity
Sample sizes are known to be rather small in exercise (P09) did not show any change in pain intensity due to
training studies involving subjects with chronic spinal the training.
cord injury [67]. This study unfortunately is no excep- Optimal training dosage still is unknown. The number
tion. Larger sample sizes would have led to greater stat- of training sessions and the duration of each training
istical power. Additionally, due to the high number of session were chosen according to clinical experience and
(exploratory) outcome measures, this study is also prone no participant complained about physical overload.
Labruyère and van Hedel Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2014, 11:4 Page 11 of 12

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