Mini Tafseer Book Series 79 - Suratun-Naaziaat3

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Copyright © 2016 Ad-Duha Institute, Inc.

3rd Edition
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
[email protected]

All Rights Reserved

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any

retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of Ad-Duha Institute,
Inc. Any right not specifically mentioned herein is reserved by
Ad-Duha Institute.

Ad-Duha's mission is to help Muslim families provide their

children with quality Islamic materials. Therefore, we ask that
our customers help us in this task by honoring the copyright
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This copyright is intended to ensure that the school can stay

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ISBN 978-1467972673

Printed in the United States of America

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How to Use These Books

The Mini Tafseer Book Series is designed to teach children the
Tafseer (exegesis) of all the suwaar (chapters) in the 30th Part
of the Qur'aan. Each book in this 38 book series covers a
different surah. The books feature:

• Special facts about the surah

• Arabic text of the surah
• English transliteration (to assist non-Arabic speakers)
• English translation
• Simplified Tafseer
• Illustrations/Coloring pages (no animals/humans)
• Highlighted Arabic vocabulary
• Sahih Ahadith
• One sentence summary of what the surah is about
• Review section
• Notes on the text (additional facts and information)

Teaching Tips:

If your younger child has trouble going through the whole

book in one sitting, or does not retain all of the information
taught, then just focus on the Tafseer pages first (i.e. those that
explain the verses of the surah) and save the additional
information contained in the Quick Facts, What's Special,
Asbaab An-Noozool, and Vocabulary sections* for later when
your child has mastered the Tafseer.

For older or advanced students who need more of a challenge,

you can take time to go through all sections and discuss the
lesson notes for that section (located at the end of the text).
This will make lessons more challenging and provide a deeper
understanding of the Tafseer, and Allah knows best.

*Some books may not contain all of these sections.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Mini Tafseer Book Series


[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Quick Facts about

Suratun-Naazi'aat was revealed
in Makkah. Thus, Suratun-Naazi'aat (like
all other suwaar revealed in Makkah) is
called a "Makki" surah.

Suratun-Naazi'aat gets its name from

the word "An-Naazi'aatee", meaning
"those that tear out" used in the first
ayah of the surah.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

What is Suratun-Naazi'aat
all about?
Suratun-Naazi'aat tells us about the
jobs of the angels, what will happen on
Yowmul-Qiyaamah, and how those who
reject Allah's message (like the Quraysh
and Phirown), will be punished in this life
and the next.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Now let’s learn what makes

Suratun-Naazi'aat so…

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023


Suratun-Naazi'aat is so
special because…

It is the only surah in the Qur'aan

named after...

...and it talks more about angels than
hardly any other surah in the Qur'aan.

After reading Suratun-Naazi'aat, you

will want to find out more about angels,
and the more you know, the more
fascinating the world of angels

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Now let’s get ready to learn what

Suratun-Naazi'aat is all about!

We will start by learning 8 new words

from the Qur’aan.

The more words you know from the

Qur’aan, the better you will understand
each surah that you learn insha-Allah.

Understanding the Qur’aan is what Allah

wants us to do!

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

So let’s get started

right now!


[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

those that tear out

(i.e. angels who take the
souls of the wicked)

those that gently draw out

(i.e. angels who take the ÏM≈sÜϱ≈¨Ζ9$#
souls of the righteous)

those that glide

(i.e. angels)

those that race

(i.e. angels)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

commotion èπx Å_#§9$#




return î留x.
(kar-ra toon)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Now that we are ready,

we need to start the right way…

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

There are two things we should say before

we start reading a surah from the Qur’aan,
can you remember what they are?

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

#1 We say the Isti’aathah … 1

I seek refuge with Allah from the cursed Shaytaan.


ِ ِ
‫أَﻋُﻮذُ ِ ﻣ َﻦ‬
ِ‫ﺎن اﻟﱠﺮِﺟﻴﻢ‬
ِ َ‫اﻟﺸﱠﻴﻄ‬
We start reading Qur’aan by asking
Allah to protect us from Shaytaan

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

#2 We say the Basmallah … 2

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.


ِ ‫ﺑِ ۟ﺴ ـ ـ ِﻢ ٱ‬
‫ٱﻟﱠﺮﲪَـ ــٰـ ِﻦ ٱﻟﱠﺮِﺣﻴـ ـ ـ ِﻢ‬
We remember Allah and say how
great He is for giving us so many
wonderful blessings!

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023


We are ready to go now! You know your

new words and you’ve said the
Isti’aathah and Basmallah…

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Now it is time to learn what

Suratun-Naazi'aat says…

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“By those (angels) who extract with violence (i.e. tear out the souls of
the wicked);”
(Wan-naa-zee-‘aa-tee ghar-qaa)

∩⊇∪ $]%öxî ÏM≈tãÌ“≈¨Ψ9$# uρ

“And (by) those who remove with ease (i.e. the souls of the blessed);”
(Wan-naa-shee-taa-tee nash-taa)

∩⊄∪ $VÜô±nΣ ÏM≈sÜϱ≈¨Ζ9$# uρ

“And (by) those who glide (as if) swimming (i.e. on errands of mercy),”
(Was-saa-bee-haa-tee sab-haa)

∩⊂∪ $[sö7y™ ÏM≈ysÎ7≈¡¡9$# uρ

“And those who race each other in a race (i.e. to deliver the souls of the good
to Paradise),”
(Fas-saa-bee-qaa-tee sab-qaa)

∩⊆∪ $Z)ö7y™ ÏM≈s)Î7≈¡¡9$$sù

“And those who arrange (each) matter (i.e. the Commands of their Lord),”
(Fal-moo-dab-bee-raa-tee am-rah)

∩∈∪ #X÷ö∆r& ÏN≡tÎn/y‰ßϑø9$$sù

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Allah swears by the angels...

Allah swears by things that are very
true and real, that what is to come is
just as true and real.

In these ayaat Allah swears by angels

that perform important jobs that
Yowmul-Qiyaamah is definitely going
to happen.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

The World of Angels

Beleiving in the angels is one of the
Arkaanul-Imaan (Six Articles of Faith3)
required of a Muslim. So, as believers,
we know that the angels are true and
real, and swearing by them increases
us in faith.

But what if someone does not know

about angels, or has an incorrect
understanding of angels?

For those people, Suratun-Naazi'aat

gives a quick and important lesson.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Some people think angels don't exist,

others say they only do good things,
and others think that angels are the
children or partners of Allah,

But Allah sets the record straight by

telling us the truth; angels are His servants.
They do what they are told, and they do
tasks that are both pleasant and

Let's learn about the five types of

angels (and their jobs) that Allah has
sworn by in Suratun-Naazi'aat...

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Angels that tear out with violence...

Angels remove our souls from our

bodies at the moment of death.
But how they take the soul is based on
how we lived our lives...

The wicked souls will not want to leave

their body (because they know they will
face punishment when they go to
Allah), so they will struggle to stay.

The angels who take these souls are

terrible and terrifying! They will come in
the most frightening form, and they will
violently tear the soul out of its body
without any mercy. The struggle will be
like the person who is drowning and
struggling to survive.4

The soul will thrash about and try to

avoid coming out, it will only come out
with great suffering and pain.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Angels that remove with ease...

The righteous souls will be eager to

leave their body (because they know
they will be meeting Allah, whom they
dedicated their lives to), so they will
easily come out of their body.

The angels who take these souls are

compassionate and caring. They will
come in the most beautiful form, greet
the soul warmly, and then gently ease it
out of its body. The gentleness will be
like when someone is unraveling a
thread and it comes loose effortlessly.5

The soul will smoothly leave its body,

coming out with ease and comfort.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

3, 4 , & 5
Angels that glide, race, and arrange...

These angels are dispatched all around

the heavens and earth as they are
directed by Allah.

They quickly move about, easily

accomplishing all the tasks Allah has
assigned to them.

At the end of this book you will

learn more about angels and their jobs,
right now let's get back to

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“On the Day the blast (of the horn) will convulse (creation),”

(Yow-ma tar-joo-foor-raa-jee-fah)

∩∉∪ èπx Å_#§9$# ß#ã_ös? tΠöθtƒ

“There will follow it the subsequent (one):”


∩∠∪ èπsùÏŠ#§9$# $yγãèt7÷Ks?

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

One more angel

At the beginning of Suratun-Naazi'aat
Allah swore by the angels, now He tells
us about the job of one more angel.

This angel, named Israfeel, was created

to blow the horn that will signal the start
of Yowmul-Qiyaamah, and that is his
only job. He stands ready even now,
with his lips on the horn, ready to blow it
at the moment Allah commands. He
will blow the horn a total of two times. 6

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

The start of Yowmul-Qiyaamah!

The first time Angel Israfeel will blow
the horn, it will be so terrifying and
deafening, that every living thing in the
heavens and on the earth will be
startled to death.

After a period of time only known to

Allah, Israfeel will be commanded to
blow the horn a second time. This time
all of creation will be resurrected, the
mountains will be turned to dust, and
the earth will become a level plain, all
in preparation for Yowmul-Qiyaamah. 7

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“Hearts that Day will tremble;”

(Qoo-loo-boon yow-ma-ee-thin waa-jee-fah)

∩∇∪ îπx Å_#uρ 7‹Í×tΒöθtƒ Ò>θè=è%

“Their eyes humbled.”

(Ab-saa-roo-haa khaa-shee-‘ah)

∩∪ ×πyèϱ≈yz $yδã≈|Áö/r&

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

What the wicked people will do…

Allah tells us that when Yowmul-
Qiyaamah comes, the wicked people
will be looking down and fear will shake
their hearts.

They will finally realize that Yowmul-

Qiyaamah is real, but this knowledge
will be of no use to them at that time.

Their only concern that day will be the

impending doom. They will know there
is no escape, but they will be looking
for any way to reduce the punishment
that is to come...

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“They are (presently) saying, 'Will we indeed be returned to (our) former

state (of life)?' ”

(Ya-qoo-loo-na a-in-naa la-mar-doo-doo-na fil-haa-fee-rah)

∩⊇⊃∪ ÍοtÏù$ptø:$# ’Îû tβρߊρߊöyϑs9 $¯ΡÏr& tβθä9θà)tƒ

“Even if we should be decayed bones?”

(A-ee-thaa koon-naa ee-thaa-mun-na-khee-rah)

∩⊇⊇∪ ZοtÏƒªΥ $Vϑ≈sàÏã $¨Ζä. #sŒÏr&

“They say, 'That then would be a losing return.' ”

(Qaa-loo til-ka ee-than kar-ra-toon khaa-see-rah)

∩⊇⊄∪ ×οuŽÅ %s{ î留x. #]ŒÎ) y7ù=Ï? (#θä9$s%

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

What the wicked people are

doing now…
Allah tells us in these ayaat, that the
wicked people are not at all worried
about Yowmul-Qiyaamah now (in this
life). They think that resurrection is

The wicked people are happy now,

joking about the warnings that the
righteous give. Their hearts are filled with

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

You see, at the time of Rasulullah‫ﷺ‬, the

Quraysh (the ruling tribe of Makkah),
said the same things to him.

They reasoned that once the body was

buried and decayed, there was
nothing but old hollow bones that
could never be brought back to life.8

They further said that if the person did

come back, they would be incomplete
because nothing but scraps of bone
would be left to construct his body.

They thought they were very clever in

figuring this out, the only problem is
they were dead wrong...

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“Indeed, it will be but one shout,”

(Fa-in-na-maa hee-ya zaj-ra-tun waa-hee-dah)

∩⊇⊂∪ ×οy‰Ïn≡uρ ×οtô_y— }‘Ïδ $oÿ©ςÎ*sù

“And suddenly they will be (alert) upon the earth's surface.”

(Fa-ee-thaa hoom bis-saa-he-rah)

∩⊇⊆∪ ÍοtÏδ$¡¡9$$Î/ Νèδ #sŒÎ*sù

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

The truth is that when Yowmul-

Qiyaamah comes, there will just the
sound of Angel Israfeel blowing his horn
for the second and final time, and
every single person will be resurrected
(recreated, and fully formed as they
were in this life), from Prophet Adam
to the last human being.

We will awaken suddenly, as if from

sleep, looking around, realizing that the
day has finally come.

Rasulullah‫ ﷺ‬told this to the Quraysh, but

they still denied Yowmul-Qiyaamah.

So, Allah decided to tell them, and us,

a story. For the believers, the story will
be a reminder of benefit to them, for
the disbelievers, it is a warning...

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“Has there reached you the story Moses?”

(Hal a-taa-ka ha-dee-thoo moo-sa)

∩⊇∈∪ #y›θãΒ ß]ƒÏ‰ym y79s?r& ö≅yδ

“When his Lord called to him in the sacred valley of Tuwa:”

(Ith naa-daa-hoo rab-boo-hoo bil-waa-dil-moo-qad-da-si too-waa)

∩⊇∉∪ “·θèÛ Ä¨£‰s)çRùQ$# ÏŠ#uθø9$$Î/ …絚/u‘ çµ1yŠ$tΡ øŒÎ)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Allah asks a question...

"Have we heard the story of Musa ,
when Allah called him in the
Valley of Tuwa?"

Allah knows human beings like a good

story to teach them a lesson, and no
story is more compelling than that of
Musa when he went to teach the
most famous denier of Yowmul-


[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Here is how the story goes...

Prophet Musa came to the Valley of
Tuwa to investigate a burning bush that
he saw while on a journey with his
family through the desert. 9

When he came to the entrance of the

valley, he heard the voice of Allah
instructing him to take off his shoes10
(because it was a sacred valley). Then
Allah proceeded to explain the
prophetic mission to Musa .

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“Go to Pharaoh, indeed he has transgressed:”

(Ith-hab ee-laa fir-‘aw-na in-na-hoo ta-ghaa)

∩⊇∠∪ 4xösÛ …絯ΡÎ) tβöθtãóÏù 4’n<Î) ó=yδøŒ$#

“And say to him, 'Would you (be willing to) purify yourself?”

(Fa-qool hal la-ka ee-laa an ta-zak-kaa)

∩⊇∇∪ 4’ª1t“s? βr& #’n<Î) y7©9 ≅yδ ö≅à)sù

“And let me guide you to your Lord so you would fear (Him)?”

(Wa-ah-dee-ya-ka ee-laa rab-bee-ka fa-takh-shaa)

∩⊇∪ 4y´÷‚tFsù y7În/u‘ 4’n<Î) y7tƒÏ‰÷δr&uρ

“And he (Moses) showed him the greatest sign.”


∩⊄⊃∪ 3“uŽö9ä3ø9$# sπtƒFψ$# çµ1u‘r'sù

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Allah sent Musa to Phir’own…

Prophet Musa was to go back to
Egypt, seek an audience with Phir'own,
and offer the message of Islaam.

Prophet Musa , who had trouble

speaking clearly, requested that his
brother, Haroon , who was eloquent,
accompany him on the mission. Allah
agreed that they should go together. 11

Allah also gave Prophet Musa

nine miraculous signs12 to help him
convince Phir'own of the message.

But what do you think happened when

Prophet Musa showed Phir'own one
of the greatest of these signs, by
throwing his staff down, and it
changing into a real, live serpent (by
the permission of Allah)?

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“But he (i.e. Pharaoh) denied and disobeyed.”

(Fa-kath-tha-ba wa-‘a-saa)

∩⊄⊇∪ 4|Âtãuρ z>¤‹s3sù

“Then he turned his back, striving (i.e. plotting).”

(Thoom-ma ad-ba-ra yas-‘aa)

∩⊄⊄∪ 4tëó¡o„ tt/÷Šr& §ΝèO

“And he gathered (his people) and called out,”

(Fa-ha-sha-ra fa-naa-da)

∩⊄⊂∪ 3“yŠ$oΨsù uŽ|³yssù

“And said,'I am your most exalted lord!' ”

(Fa-qaa-la a-naa rab-boo-koo-mool-a’laa)

∩⊄⊆∪ 4’n?ôãF{$# ãΝä3š/u‘ O$tΡr& tΑ$s)sù

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Phir’own denied the message...

He turned away from Allah in
arrogance and spite, even though
what Musa was saying was true.

Phir’own did not want to give up his

power; he wanted to be worshipped as
the god of his people.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

So, He called his advisors, came up with

a plan, gathered all of his people, and
appointed magicians to have a battle
of magic with Musa in front of the
entire kingdom.

That is not all, Phir’own also told his

people, “I am your Lord, Most high!”

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“So Allah seized him in exemplary punishment for the last and the
first (transgression).”

(Fa-a-kha-tha-hool-laa-hoo na-kaa-lal-aa-khee-ra-tee wal-oo-laa)

∩⊄∈∪ #’n<ρW{$#uρ ÍοtÅzFψ$# tΑ%s3tΡ ª!$# çνx‹s{r'sù

“Indeed in that is a lesson (i.e. warning) for whoever would fear (Allah).”

(In-na fee thaa-lee-ka la-‘ib-ra-tal-lee-may-yakh-shaa)

∩⊄∉∪ #y´øƒs† yϑÏj9 ZοuŽö9Ïès9 y7Ï9≡sŒ ’Îû ¨βÎ)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Do you think that Allah would let

Phirown get away with that?
No! Allah punished Phir’own in this life,
and Allah will punish him in the
hereafter, too.

Allah made an example of Phir’own,

preserving his body13, so that no one
would ever forget what happens to
those who deny the message of Allah.

Allah tells us this story as a reminder and

a warning; those who deny Yowmul-
Qiyaamah will be punished in this life as
well as the next.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“Are you a more difficult creation, or is the heaven? He (Allah)

constructed it:”

(A-an-toom a-shad-doo khal-qan a-mis-sa-maa-oo ba-naa-haa)

∩⊄∠∪ $yγ8oΨt/ 4 â!$uΚ¡¡9$# ÏΘr& $¸)ù=yz ‘‰x©r& ÷ΛäΡr&u

“He raised its ceiling and proportioned it.”

(Ra-fa-‘a sum-ka-haa fa-sow-waa-haa)

∩⊄∇∪ $yγ1§θ|¡sù $yγs3ôϑy™ yìsùu‘

“And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness.”

(Wa-agh-ta-sha lay-la-haa wa-akh-ra-ja doo-haa-haa)

∩⊄∪ $yγ9ptéÏ ylt÷zr&uρ $yγn=ø‹s9 |·sÜøîr&uρ

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“And after that He spread the earth;”

(Wal-ar-da ba’-da thaa-lee-ka da-haa-haa)

∩⊂⊃∪ !$yγ8ymyŠ y7Ï9≡sŒ y‰÷èt/ uÚö‘F{$#uρ

“He extracted from it its water and its pasture;”

(Akh-ra-ja min-haa maa-a-haa wa-mar-‘aa-haa)

∩⊂⊇∪ $yγ8tãötΒuρ $yδu!$tΒ $pκ÷]ÏΒ ylt÷zr&

“And the mountains He set firmly;”

(Wal-jee-baa-la ar-saa-haa)

∩⊂⊄∪ $yγ9y™ö‘r& tΑ$t7Ågø:$#uρ

“As enjoyment (i.e. provision) for you and your grazing livestock.”

(Ma-ta’al-la-koom wa-lee-an’aa-mee-koom)

∩⊂⊂∪ ö/ä3Ïϑ≈yè÷ΡL{uρ ö/ä3©9 $Yè≈tGtΒ

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Allah asks another question...

Which is harder to make human beings
or the heavens?

Just by this simple question we realize

our own lack of knowledge, and lack
of understanding Allah's creation.

Allah created us, but He also created

greater things than us like the sky and
earth, day and night, water and
pastures, and mountains standing

If we look at these magnificent parts of

Allah's creation, it is easy to see how
bringing us back to life again on
Yowmul-Qiyaamah is not hard at all.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“But when there comes the greatest Overwhelming Calamity,”

(Fa-ee-tha jaa-a-tit-taam-ma-tool-koob-raa)

∩⊂⊆∪ 3“uŽö9ä3ø9$# èπ¨Β!$©Ü9$# ÏNu!%y` #sŒÎ*sù

“The Day when man will remember

that for which he strove,

(Yow-ma ya-ta-thak-ka-rool-in-saa-noo maa sa-‘aa)

∩⊂∈∪ 4tëy™ $tΒ ß≈|¡ΡM}$# ㍩.x‹tGtƒ tΠöθtƒ

“And Hell-Fire will be exposed for (all) to see,”

(Wa-boor-ree-za-til-ja-hee-moo lee-may ya-raa)

∩⊂∉∪ 3“ttƒ yϑÏ9 ÞΟŠÅspgø:$# ÏNy—Ìhç/uρ

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Back to Yowmul-Qiyaamah...
Now we come to the final section of
Suratun-Naazi'aat, where Allah returns
to the events of Yowmul-Qiyaamah.

Jahannam will be brought in front of

everyone on that day, so we can see
that the punishment of Allah is real.

The people will remember their lives

and what actions they did.

For those who were righteous, they will

feel happiness for the preparations they
made, but for the wicked there will be
only overwhelming regret.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“So as for he who transgressed,”

(Fa-am-maa man ta-ghaa)

∩⊂∠∪ 4xösÛ tΒ $¨Βr'sù

“And had preferred the life of the world,”


∩⊂∇∪ $u‹÷Ρ‘‰9$# nο4θuŠptø:$# trO#uuρ

“Then indeed, Hellfire will be (his) refuge;”

(Fa-in-nal-ja-hee-ma hee-yal-ma’-waa)

∩⊂∪ 3“uρù'yϑø9$# }‘Ïδ tΛÅspgø:$# ¨βÎ*sù

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented
the soul from (unlawful) inclination,”

(Wa-am-maa man khaa-fa ma-qaa-ma rab-bee-hee

wa-na-han-naf-sa ‘a-nil-ha-waa)

‘yγtΡuρ ϵÎn/u‘ tΠ$s)tΒ t∃%s{ ôtΒ $¨Βr&uρ

∩⊆⊃∪ 3“uθoλù;$# Çtã }§ø ¨Ζ9$#

“Then indeed, Paradise will be (his) refuge.”

(Fa-in-nal-jan-na-ta hee-yal-ma’-waa)

∩⊆⊇∪ 3“uρù'yϑø9$# }‘Ïδ sπ¨Ψpgø:$# ¨βÎ*sù

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

For those who committed sins freely,

and loved this worldly life, like the
Quraysh and Phir'own, they will have
only Jahannam as their reward.

For those who restrained their souls

from sin, and feared standing in front of
Allah on Yowmul-Qiyaamah, they will
have Jannah as their reward.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

“They ask you, (Oh Muhammed) about the Hour,-'When is its arrival?' ”
(Yas-a-loo-na-ka ‘a-nis-saa-‘a-tee ay-yaa-na moor-saa-haa)

∩⊆⊄∪ $yγ9y™öãΒ tβ$−ƒr& Ïπtã$¡¡9$# Çtã y7tΡθè=t↔ó¡o„

“In what (position) are you that you should mention it?”
(Fee-ma an-ta min thik-raa-haa)

∩⊆⊂∪ !$yγ1tø.ÏŒ ÏΒ |MΡr& tΛÏù

“To your Lord is its finality.”
(Ee-laa rab-bee-ka moon-ta-haa-haa)

∩⊆⊆∪ !$yγ9pκtJΨãΒ y7În/u‘ 4’n<Î)

“You are only a warner for those who fear it.”
(In-na-maa an-ta moon-thee-roo may-yakh-shaa-haa)

∩⊆∈∪ $yγ9t±øƒs† tΒ â‘É‹ΖãΒ |MΡr& !$yϑ¯ΡÎ)

“It will be, on the Day they see it, as though they had not remained
(in the world) except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.”
(Ka-an-na-hoom yow-ma ya-row-na-haa lam yal-ba-thoo il-la
‘a-sheey-ya- tun ow doo-haa-haa)

÷ρr& ºπ§‹Ï±tã āωÎ) (#þθèWt7ù=tƒ óΟs9 $pκtΞ÷ρttƒ tΠöθtƒ öΝåκ¨Ξr(x.

∩⊆∉∪ $yγ9ptéÏ
[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

So when will it happen?

Some people asked Rasulullah‫ ﷺ‬to tell
them exactly when Yowmul-Qiyaamah
would happen.

They did not really want to know when

it would be; rather they wanted to
make fun of Rasulullah‫ﷺ‬.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

But Allah responded to their question.

He told them only He knows when the
hour will be, and they better
get ready for it, instead of worrying
about the exact time.

Rasulullah's job is to warn us about the

coming judgment, and his warning will
only benefit those who fear the
meeting with Allah.

When Yowmul-Qiyaamah does come,

it will be sudden and the people will
feel like their lives were very short (like
the time between sunrise and noon).

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Let's Review!
Allah swears by the angles that remove
the souls of the dead, and those that
manage the creation, that Yowmul-
Qiyaamah will come.

It will start with Angel Israfeel blowing a

horn once so that every living thing on
earth dies, and then a second time to
bring everyone back to life.

The wicked people will be scared on

that day realizing they are doomed,
but in this life they joked and laughed
without care. They thought Yowmul-
Qiyaamah could not happen, just like
the Quraysh and Phir'own thought it
could not happen.

They thought that once a person is

dead and their bones are dry, that
making them again would be too hard.
But Allah says that is easy for Him.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Allah tells us that day will be hard, and

the wicked will be scared. They will look
down and their hearts will tremble.

The righteous people, who stopped

their souls from doing sins and feared
standing in front of Allah, will go to

The wicked who committed sins freely

without a care for being judged, will go
to Jahannam.

So the people who disbelieve ask,

"When will Yowmul-Qiyaamah come?"
But they do not really believe that it will

Allah answers them by saying that the

knowledge of the hour is with Him
alone, so they better get ready for it.

When it comes, they will feel like only

the time between sunrise and noon has

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

The End!

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

So what is Suratun-Naazi'aat
all about?
Suratun-Naazi'aat tells us about the
jobs of the angels, what will happen on
Yowmul-Qiyaamah, and how those who
reject Allah's message (like the Quraysh
and Phirown), will be punished in this life
and the next.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Angels 101
A quick guide to all things angelic!

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Angels' Jobs
Let's take a moment to learn about some of the
jobs of the angels (only Allah knows all of them).14

Angel Type Job Description

Write down our good and

Kiraaman Kaateebeen15
bad deeds.
(Qur'aan 82:10-12)
An-Naazi'aat Tear out the souls of the
(Qur'aan 79:1) wicked at death.

An-Naashitaat Ease out the souls of the

(Qur'aan 79:2) righteous at death.

As-Saabihaat Glide and carry out the

(Qur'aan 79:3) commands of Allah.

As-Saabiqaat Race to carry out the

(Qur'aan 79:4) commands of Allah.

Al-Moodubbeeraat Arrange affairs by the

(Qur'aan 79:5) command of Allah.

Az-Zabaaniyah 19 guards of Jahannam

(Qur'aan 97:17-18 & that punish the wicked.
Al-Moo'aqibaat Protectors who go in front
(Qur'aan 13:10-11) and behind each human.

As-Safarah Ambassadors that guard

(Qur'aan 80:15) the Qur'aan.

Hamalaat Al-Arsh Carry the throne of Allah.

(Qur'aan 40:7)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Angels' Names
Angels' names often rhyme, especially when
they work together in pairs.

Gibreel The highest ranking angel in

(Qur'aan 2:97-98) charge of the other angels, and
the one appointed to bring
revelation to the prophets.

Mikaeel The angel in charge of clouds,

(Qur'aan 2:97-98) rain, and crops on the earth.

Israfeel 16 The angel who will blow the horn

to start Yowmul-Qiyaamah.

Malik Al-Mowt17 The angel of death, who is in

(Qur'aan 32:11) charge of taking the souls at

Maalik The angel in charge of Jahannam.

(Qur'aan 43:37, 74-77)

Munkar & Nakir 18 The two angels that question us in

the grave.

Haroot & Maaroot 19 The two angels that were sent by

(Qur'aan 2:102) Allah to Babylon to unveil the
magicians' secrets, so that the
people would not grant power to,
or practice, magic themselves.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Angels' Physical Characteristics 20

We know that angels are created from
light, that they are unseen (to us), and
that they can change form by the will
of Allah.

In their natural form, angels have

2, 3, or 4 pairs of wings. However, the
greatest angels (like Angel Gibreel)
have up to 600 wings!

Angels can be extremely large, they

are not male or female, and they
cannot commit sins. They also do not
eat, sleep, use the bathroom, get
married, or have children.

Angels can look very beautiful and

happy, but they can also look terrifying
like monsters when dealing with the

When angels come in human form they

come as young men who are
exceedingly handsome, and look very
neat (no signs of dust from travelling, or
wrinkled clothes etc.)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

So now you know!

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Suratun-Naazi'aat Review
What is Suratun-Naazi'aat about?

Suratun-Naazi'aat tells us about the

jobs of the angels, what will happen
on Yowmul-Qiyaamah, and how
those who reject Allah's message (like
the Quraysh and Phirown), will be
punished in this life and the next.

In what city was Suratun-Naazi'aat



What is so special about Suratun-Naazi'aat?

It is the only surah in the Qur'aan

named after angels, and it talks
more about angels than hardly any
other surah in the Qur'aan.

What does Allah swear by in this surah?

Five types of angels.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

What are the five types of angels?

1. Those that tear out

2. Those that ease out
3. Those that glide
4. Those that race
5. Those that arrange

Are there any other angels mentioned in


Yes, the angel that will blow the horn

on Yowmul-Qiyaamah.

What is this angel's name?


How many times will he blow the horn?

Twice. Once so that every living thing

on the earth will die, and then a
second time to resurrect everyone
on Yowmul-Qiyaamah.

Do we have to believe in angels?

Yes, it is one of the Arkaanul-Imaan

(Six Pillars of Faith)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

How will the souls of the wicked be taken out

of their bodies?

They will struggle as if they are

drowning. It will be painful and

How will the souls of the righteous be taken

out of their bodies?

They will ease out gently like a thread

being unraveled.

What will the wicked people be doing on


Looking down, their hearts will be


What are the wicked people doing in this


They are laughing and enjoying this

life, not thinking about the judgment
to come.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Why did the Quraysh think that human

beings cannot be resurrected on Yowmul-

They thought that once a person was

decayed, and nothing was left but
hollow bones, that they could not be

Which is harder to create for Allah, the

heavens or human beings?

The heavens are more amazing, and

Allah created them, so recreating us
will not be hard for Him.

Who is the most famous denier of Yowmul-

Qiyaamah mentioned in the Qur'aan?


Which prophets were sent to Phir'own to teach

him about Islaam?

Musa and his brother, Haroon .

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Where did Allah talk to Musa ?

The Valley of Tuwa

How many miraculous signs did Allah grant

to Musa ?


What was the greatest sign?

Turning Musa's staff into a huge

living serpent.

What did Phir'own do when Musa told him

about Allah?

He denied, gathered his people, set his

magicians to challenge Musa , and
told his people, "I am your Lord, Most

What did Allah do to Phir'own for this?

Destroyed him and his nation, and left

the remains of his body and
monuments as a lesson for those who
come after.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Where will the wicked people, who committed

sins freely, go on Yowmul-Qiyaamah?


Where will the righteous people, who

restrained their souls from sin, go on


What did the Quraysh want to know from

Rasulullah‫ ﷺ‬about Yowmul-Qiyaamah?

The exact time.

What did Allah tell them?

Only Allah knows the exact time,

Rasulullah's‫ ﷺ‬job is to warn people to
get ready for it.

How long will it feel like between our lives and


Like the time from sunrise until noon,

not very long at all.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Notes to the text

1 Allahhas said that we should seek refuge with

Him from Shaytaan before reciting Qur’aan by
saying, “A-oo-thoo-bill-laa-he-min-nash-shay-

(So when you) want to recite the Qur'an,

seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan, the
outcast (the cursed one). (Qur’aan 16:98)

The majority of scholars state that reciting this

phrase, known as the Isti'aathah in Arabic
(pronounced Is-ti-`aa-thah), is recommended
and not required, and therefore, not reciting it
does not constitute a sin. However, Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬
always said the Isti`aathah. In addition, the
Isti`aathah wards off the evil of Shaytaan,
which is necessary; the rule is that the means
needed to implement a requirement of the
religion is itself also required. And when one
says, "I seek refuge with Allah from the cursed
devil.'' Then this will suffice.
(Tafseer Ibn Kathir)
2 Saying the Basmallah, “Bis-mil-laa-hir-rah-maa-
nir-ra-heem” before reciting any surah, except
for the ninth, Suratut-Towba, which does not
have the Basmallah in the beginning, is agreed
upon by all scholars past and present.
3The Arkaanul-Immaan (Six Articles of Faith) are
as follows. All are required to be a Muslim, if any
one of the six is missing, a person cannot be

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

considered a Muslim. Of these, the first five are

mentioned together in the Qur'aan (2:285).

1. Belief in Allah
2. Belief in the Angels
3. Belief in Divine Books
4. Belief in the Prophets
5. Belief in the Day of Judgment
6. Belief in Allah's predestination

4 "Ibn Mas`ud, Ibn `Abbas, Masruq, Sa`id bin

Jubayr, Abu Salih, Abu Ad-Duha and As-Suddi all
said, (By those who pull out, drowning.) 'These are
the angels who remove the souls from the
Children of Adam.' Among them are those
whose souls are removed by the angels with
difficulty, as if he is being drowned during its
removal. There are those people whose souls the
angels remove with ease, as if they were
unraveling him (i.e. his soul from him) due to their
(Tafseer Ibn Kathir)

5 See note above.

6 Some scholars say that the horn will be blown
three times, however, the majority say two times
based on the following ayaat...
“And the Trumpet will be blown, and all who are
in the heavens and all who are on the earth will
swoon away, except him whom Allah wills. Then it
will be blown a second time, and behold they will
[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

be standing, looking on (waiting)”

(Qur'aan 39:68)
The two blows of the horn are also mentioned in
the ahadeeth as well...
Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah‫ﷺ‬
said: “Between the two blowings of the Trumpet
there will be forty.” The people said, “O Abu
Hurayrah! Forty days?” I said: “I am not sure.”
They said, “Forty years?” I said: “I am not sure.”
They said, “Forty months?” I said: “I am not sure.
Then Allaah will send rain down from the sky and
they will grow as herbs grow. There is no part of a
man which will not decay except a single bone
at the base of the coccyx (tail bone at the end
of the spine), from which he will be re-created on
the Day of Resurrection.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr said: The Messenger of
Allah‫ ﷺ‬said: “… then the Trumpet will be blown
and no one will hear it but he will bend his neck
to one side and raise it from the other side. The
first one who will hear it will be a man who is busy
in setting right the cistern meant for supplying
water to the camels. He will swoon and the other
people will also swoon. Then Allah will send or He
will send down rain which will be like dew and
there will grow out of it the bodies of people.
Then the trumpet will be blown again, and they
will stand up and begin to look around.”
(Sahih Muslim)

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

7 "ThenAllah says, (On the Day the Rajifah shakes,

followed by the Radifah.) Ibn `Abbas said, "These
are the two blasts (of the Trumpet) -- the first and
the second..."
(Tafseer Ibn Kathir)

"And they ask you concerning the mountains:

say, "My Lord will blast them and scatter them as
particles of dust. Then He shall leave them as a
level smooth plain. You will see therein nothing
crooked or curved."
(Qur'aan 20:105-107)

8 "...the idolators of the Quraysh and whoever

rejects the Hereafter as they did. They consider
the occurrence of the resurrection after being
placed in Al-Hafirah -- which are the graves -- as
something farfetched. This has been said by
Mujahid. They feel that this is something
impossible after the destruction of their physical
bodies and the disintegration of their bones and
their decaying...Muhammad bin Ka`b said that
the Quraysh said, 'If Allah brings us back to life
after we die, then surely we will be losers.' "
(Tafseer Ibn Kathir)

9 Qur'aan 20:9-36
10 See note above.
11 Qur'aan 20:27-30

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

12 The "nine signs" are mentioned in the Qur'aan

(17:101). The scholars differ as to which of the
miracles described in the Qur'aan is part of the
nine, as there are more than nine mentioned.
Allah knows best, but is seems that the strongest
opinion is the one that states the signs were
meant for Phir'own and his people, so any
miracle that was not seen by them is not
included (i.e. Musa hitting the rock and 12
springs gushing forth, and Allah sending Manna
and Salwa to Bani Israel in the desert, were not
witnessed by Phir'own and his people). The nine
signs witnessed by Phir'own are as follows...

1. The staff turning into a serpent (7:107)

2. Musa's hand becoming bright white (7:108)
3. Pharaoh and his people see years of drought
and shortage of crops (7:130)
4. Musa fearless and Pharaoh rendered
powerless to harm him (28:32-35)
5. Flooding (7:133)
6. Swarming locust (7:133)
7. Lice infestation (7:133)
8. Swarming frogs (7:133)
9. Water turning to blood (7:133)

13"What! Now! After having rebelled before and

you were one of the corruptors? Today, We will
preserve your body, so that you serve as a sign
for those to come after you." Indeed, many

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

people are oblivious of Our signs.”

(Qur'aan 10:91-92)

14 Thenames in the list are those that have been

included in the Qur'aan or ahadeeth. There are
many more jobs that the angels carry out, which
are not given a specific name, but rather or
described in the Qur'aan and Sunnah. Below are
a few of these...

1. Looking for assemblies of dhikr (remembrance

of Allah)

Abu Hurayrah said: "The Messenger of Allah‫ﷺ‬

said: ‘Allah, be He blessed and exalted, has
angels who travel the highways seeking out the
people of dhikr. When they find people
remembering Allah, the Mighty and Majestic,
they call out to one another, "Come to what you
hunger for!" and they enfold them with their
wings, stretching up to the lowest heaven. Their
Lord asks them, and He knows better than them,
"What are My slaves saying?" They say: "They are
glorifying, magnifying, praising and extolling You."
He asks, "Have they seen Me?" They say, "No, by
Allah, they have not seen You." He asks, "And
how would it be if they saw Me?" They say, "They
would be even more fervent and devoted in
their praise and worship." He asks, "What are they
asking me for?" They say, "They ask You for
Paradise." He asks, "And have they seen it?" They
say, "No, by Allah, O Lord, they have not seen it."
He asks, "And how would it be if they saw it?"
They say: "They would be even more eager for it

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

and they would beseech You even more

earnestly." He asks, "And what do they seek My
protection from?" They say, "From the Fire of Hell."
He asks, "Have they seen it?" They say, "No, by
Allah, they have not seen it." He asks, "And how
would it be if they saw it?" They say: "They would
be even more afraid and anxious to escape it."
Allah says: "You are My witnesses that I have
forgiven them." One of the angels says: "So-and-
so is not really one of them; he came (to the
gathering) for some other reason." Allah says,
"They were all in the gathering, and one of them
will not be excluded (from forgiveness)."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

2. Watching over the development of the fetus.

Narrated Anas bin Malik , the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬said,

"At every womb Allah appoints an angel who
says, 'O Lord! A drop of semen, O Lord! A clot. O
Lord! A little lump of flesh." Then if Allah wishes (to
complete) its creation, the angel asks, (O Lord!)
Will it be a male or female, a wretched or a
blessed, and how much will his provision be? And
what will his age be?' So all that is written while
the child is still in the mother's womb."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

3. Participating in jihaad.

Mu'aadh ibn Rifa‘ah al-Zuraqi related from his

father, who had been one of the people present
at Badr. He said: "Gibreel came to the Prophet‫ﷺ‬
and asked, ‘How do you rate the people among

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

you who were present at Badr?’ He said: ‘They

are the best of the Muslims,’ or something similar.
[Gibreel] said: ‘So it is with the angels who were
present at Badr.’"
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

15 Some state that the Kiraaman Kaateebeen are

only two angels with the names Raqib and Atid.
The evidence they give for this is in Surat Qaaf,
17-18 where the words raqib (observer) and atid
(ready) are used to describe the angels who
write our deeds down. However, these are just
descriptions and not proper names.

Additionally, the term Kiraaman Kateebeen

(used to describe these angels in the Qur'aan) is
plural, indicating three or many, not dual,
meaning only two. Therefore, the number of
angels that belong to this category are definitely
more than two, but only Allah knows their true
number. The proper names of these angels have
not been recorded in the Qur'aan or any
authentic ahadeeth, and Allah knows best.

16 The name Israfeel is not specifically mentioned

in the Qur'aan, but rather in the ahadeeth.

Abu Salamah ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf ,

who said, "I asked ‘Aishah , the Mother of the
Believers, about what the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬used to start
his prayer with when he got up to pray at night
(qiyam al-layl). She said: ‘When he got up to pray
at night, he would start his prayer (with the
words): ‘O Allah, Lord of Gibreel, Mikaeel and

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Israfeel, Creator of heaven and earth, Knower of

the unseen and the seen, You are the Judge of
the matters in which Your slaves differ; guide me
with regard to disputed matters of truth by Your
permission, for You guide whomever You will to
the straight path.’"
(Sahih Muslim)

17 Itis widely taught that the name of the angel

of death is Israeel, but there is no evidence of this
in the Qur'aan or authentic ahadeeth. This name
comes from the Christian or Jewish traditions
which name the angel as Azreal, and Allah
knows best.

18 Abu Hurayrah who said: "The Messenger of

Allah‫ ﷺ‬said: ‘When the deceased is buried (or he
said: when one of you is buried), there come to
him two blue-black angels, one of whom is
called Munkar and the other Nakeer. They ask
him, ‘What did you used to say about this man?’
and he says what he used to say: ‘He is the slave
and Messenger of Allah‫ﷺ‬: I bear witness that
there is no god except Allah and that
Muhammad is the slave and Messenger of Allah.
They say, ‘We knew beforehand that you used to
say this.’ Then his grave will be widened for him to
a size of seventy cubits by seventy cubits and it
will be illuminated for him. Then they tell him,
‘Sleep.’ He says, ‘Go back to my family and tell
them.’ They tell him, ‘Sleep like a bridegroom
whom no-one will wake up except his most
beloved,’ until Allah raises him up. If (the
deceased) was a hypocrite, he says, ‘I heard the
[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

people saying something so I said something

similar; I do not know.’ They say: ‘We knew
beforehand that you used to say this.’ The earth
will be told to squeeze him, so he will be crushed
until his ribs are interlocked, and he will remain
like that until Allah raises him up.’"

19 There is some difference of opinion about the

status of Haroot and Maroot. Some say they
taught magic because they were fallen angels,
others say they were tempted by Allah and
failed, still others say that the ayah has been
translated incorrectly and that the true ayah says
the angels did not teach magic, but rather the
Shayaateen did.

The most convincing interpretation, which takes

into account the impeccable nature of angels,
the correct translation of the ayah, and the
understanding that practicing magic is haraam,
has been put forward by Sheikh Al-Baani. In his
interpretation of this ayah, he states that the
angels did teach magic, but not so people
would practice it. Rather, because magic was
widespread at the time, and Allah wanted the
people not to be fooled by the magicians,
Haroot and Maroot were sent to reveal the
secrets of magic to the people so they would not
be fooled. However, there is danger in doing this,
as is mentioned in the ayah, because knowledge
can always be used for good or evil.

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

For example, someone may know how to

construct an idol, but how he uses that
information is vital. If he uses it to make an idol for
worship this is haraam, but if he uses it to
dismantle idols, or to teach people that idols are
nothing but wood and stone, then this is not
haraam at all.

The same could be said about the knowledge

about any skill or activity. If it is used for good
then it is not haraam, but if used for evil it is
haraam, and Allah knows best.

20 Below are some of the Qur'aanic ayaat and

authentic ahadeeth that detail the physical
description of the angels that we have included
in this text, and Allah knows best.

1. Their number of wings:

"Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing)

the heavens and the earth, Who made the
angels messengers with wings - two, or three, or
four (pairs) adds to Creation as He pleases: for
Allah has power over all things."
(Qur'aan 35:1)
Narrated Abu Ishaq-Ash-Shaibani, Zir bin Hubaish
said, "Ibn Mas'ud informed us that the Prophet‫ﷺ‬
had seen Gabriel having 600 wings."
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

2. Their great size:

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The Messenger of Allah‫ ﷺ‬said, describing Gibreel,

"I saw Gibreel descending from heaven, and his
great size filled the space between heaven and
(Sahih Muslim)

Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah reported from the

Prophet‫ﷺ‬, who said: "I have been given
permission to speak about one of the angels of
Allah who carry the Throne. The distance
between his ear-lobes and his shoulders is
equivalent to a seven-hundred-year journey."
(Abu Dawood)

3. They don't eat, sleep, or get tired:

"Then he (Prophet Ibraheem ) turned quickly to

his household, brought out a fatted calf, and
placed it before them. He said, ‘Will you not
eat?’ (When they did not eat), he conceived a
fear of them. They said: ‘Fear not,’ and they
gave him glad tidings of a son endowed with
(Qur'aan 51:26-28)

"For in the presence of your Lord are those who

celebrate His praises by night and by day. And
they never flag (i.e. get tired nor feel themselves
above it)."
(Qur'aan 41:38)

4. Created from light:

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Aishah reported: "The Messenger of Allah‫ﷺ‬

said: ‘The angels are created from light, just as
the jinn are created from smokeless fire and
mankind is created from what you have been
told about.’"
(Sahih Muslim)

5. They can change into human form:

"She (Maryam) placed a screen (to screen

herself) from them; then we sent her our angel,
and He appeared before her as a man in all
respects. She said: "I seek refuge from thee to
(Allah) Most gracious: (come not near) if thou
dost fear Allah." He said: "Nay, I am only a
messenger (i.e. angel) from thy Lord, (to
announce) to thee the gift of a holy son."
(Qur'aan 19:17-19)

7. They are not male or female:

“And they make the angels who themselves are

slaves of the Most Gracious (Allah) females. Did
they witness their creation? Their testimony will
be recorded, and they will be questioned.”
(Qur'aan 43:19)
“Or did We create the angels female while they
were witnesses?”
(Qur'aan 37:150)

8. They cannot sin:

"They, (angels) disobey not, the commands they

receive from Allah, but do that which they are
[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

(Qur'aan 66:6)

9. They do not have children or get married

This is agreed upon by the scholars, as there is no

evidence to the contrary. By their nature (not
having male or female distinction) and their jobs
(to obey Allah and worship at all times), it would
not be possible for them to get married or have
children, and Allah knows best.

10. They are very handsome and clean:

Angel Gibreel is described as "Dhoo Marra" in the

Qur'aan, 53:6. This term in Arabic is known to
mean handsome, tall, and without defects.

It is also recorded in Sahih Muslim and Tirmidhi

that Angel Gibreel (when he appeared in human
form) ressembled Dihyah Ibn Khaleefah , a
Sahaabah that was known for being extremely

'Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab said: "One day while

we were sitting with the Messenger of
Allah‫ ﷺ‬there appeared before us a man whose
clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair
was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying
were to be seen on him and none of us knew
him. He walked up and sat down by the
Prophet‫ﷺ‬. Resting his knees against his and
placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he
said: 'O Muhammad, tell me about

[email protected] 21 Mar 2023

Islam….After asking the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬other

questions, the visitor left and the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬said
to 'Umar: 'O 'Umar, do you know who the
questioner was?' 'Umar said: 'Allah and His
Messenger know best'. He‫ ﷺ‬said: 'He was
Gibreel; he came to teach you your religion.' "
(Sahih Muslim)

11. They can look terrifying:

Abu Hurayrah reported: Abu Jahl asked,

“Does Muhammad rub his face in the dust (i.e.
does he prostrates when he prays at the Kabah)
when he is among you?” He was told, “Yes.” He
said, “By al-Laat and al-‘Uzza, if I see him doing
that, I will step on his neck or I will rub his face in
the dust.” Then the Messenger of Allah‫ ﷺ‬came
and prayed. He (Abu Jahl) had claimed that he
would step on his neck, but suddenly all they saw
was that he was running away, raising his hands
to protect himself. It was said to him, “What is the
matter with you?” He said, “There is a ditch of fire
and terror and wings between me and him. The
Messenger of Allah‫ ﷺ‬said: “If he had come near
me, the angels would have snatched him piece
by piece.”
(Sahih Muslim)

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1. Tafseer Ibn Kathir (Abridged), English translation

by Shaykh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri,
Darussalam Publishers, 2000

2. Sahih Al-Bukhari, English translation by Dr.

Muhammed Muhsin Khan, Islamic University, Al-
Medina Al-Munawwara, Kazi Publications, 1986

3. Sahih Muslim, English translation by Abdul

Hamid Siddiqi, Shaykh Muhammad Ashraf
Publishers, 1990

4. The Qur'aan (English translation), Saheeh

International, Almunatada Alislami, Abul Qasim
Publishing House, 1997

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