Neoen Equity Report
Neoen Equity Report
Neoen Equity Report
NEOEN is a French producer of exclusively renewable energy headquarter in Paris, France. It was
founded in 2008 and is listed on Euronext Paris since October 2018, traded as a CAC Mid 60 Component.
The company has leveraged opportunities from divestments of different forms of renewable energy
business to expand its portfolio. It is present in 16 countries across three geographic regions: Australia
(48% of capacity in operation and under construction), America (16%), and Europe/Africa (36%).
NEOEN operations can be categorized mainly into 2 broad segments, energy production and energy
storage. It develops, finances, builds and operates solar power plants, wind farms and energy storage
solutions. Historically, revenues are mainly generated from solar and wind power. As at 31 December
2021, the company's total capacity was 5.4 GW made up of 50% solar, 38% wind and 12% battery
storage. In the same year, it recorded a turnover of 333.6 million, made up of 49% solar power (€162.3
million, +13%), 41% wind power (€135.1 million, +11%) and 10% storage (€34.4 million, +5%). Also, the
company’s capacity in operation and under construction was 5.4 GW and it aims to attain 10 GW in operation
and under construction by 2025.
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Total energy supply in France (graph)
Total renewable energy supply (graph)
Revenue by geographical area (graph)
Revenue by products (graph)
Share of energy production by country (graph)
France is one of the largest producers and consumers of electricity both in Europe and the
world, making the country a major player in the energy sector. The country is also among the
world’s biggest net exporter of electricity. Energy is France is generated from five primary
sources: coal, natural gas, liquid fuels, nuclear power and renewables. In 2019, the energy
sector represented 2% of the French GDP. The energy was responsible for €44 billion
(approximately $48 billion) of France’s 2019 trade deficit. Empirical analysis in 2018 revealed
that energy represented 9% of monthly budget of an average household.
The French renewable energy market is expected to witness a CAGR of greater than 7.4%
during the forecast period, 2022-2027. Renewable energy is taking a growing share in the
country’s energy mix, representing a target of 25.3% of France’s gross final energy consumption
for 2022. This subsector of the energy sector is of strategic importance to the economic growth
and development of the French economy contricbuting 23% of France’s national electricity
consumption in 2019. and by aligning with the EU’s low-carbon target of 55% 2050. In 2020,
renewables accounted for 19.1% of energy consumption, and the country is increasingly
investing in renewables energy and has set a target of 32% by 2030. The Renewable energy
sector is very diverse, covering ten different sub-sectors: Wood energy: 35.2 % - Hydraulic 17.3
% - Biofuels 12.1 % - Wind 10.4 % - Heat pumps 9.6 % - Renewable waste 4.8 % - Biogas 3.4 %
Solar 3.4 % Others (geothermic, agriculture, marine) 3.6 %. The most developed renewable
energies are still wood energy and hydropower, but onshore windfarms and heat pumps are
two sectors that have progressed the most in the last few years with offshore windfarms
currently under development. The IEA in 2021 warned the country is recording delays in terms
of meeting its own energy and climate goals.
Share and consumption are different.
The French renewable energy market is expected to witness a CAGR of greater than 7.4%
during the forecast period, 2022-2027. France has been one of the worst affected countries due
to the COVID-19 pandemic and was the first to implement large-scale lockdowns and enact
bans on the freedom of movement. As a result, renewable energy manufacturers and service
providers reduced output significantly, and manufacturers further slowed down the value chain
and felt the economic impact of the pandemic. Even though the country did not meet its
specified renewable energy targets in 2020, there was an increase of 2 GW of renewable energy
installed capacity. However, in October 2021, the French Recovery Plan from COVID-19 was
formulated, and the government announced a EUR 30 billion investment plan for 2030,
including EUR 8 billion dedicated to energy technology investment in the decarbonization of
industry. This has made a positive impact on the renewable energy market in the country.
Green energy is a centerpiece of France’s Plan de Relance economic recovery efforts.
However, there are some signs that France is ready to ramp up progress on renewables. In July 2015 the French
government adopted an energy transition law that, among other things, aims to: Reduce the proportion of nuclear
energy from 75% of the energy mix to 50% by 2025,
Reduce the proportion of fossil fuels in France’s energy mix to 30%, and increase renewables to 32% by 2030
Government policy aims to increase renewable energy use; in 2015, the French parliament passed a
comprehensive energy and climate law that includes a mandatory renewable energy target requiring 40% of
national electricity production to come from renewable sources by 2030.[19] A related provision of the 2015 law
was the planned reduction of nuclear energy's share in power production from 75% (2016-2017 data) to 50% by
2025, but this was later delayed by ten years, to 2035, over concerns of carbon emissions, energy security, and
The scope of the French renewable energy market report inclues solar wind hydrogen
Demand Drivers
The shift to cleaner energy, climate protection, increase in energy consumption, technological
development (electric cars), dependency on and availability of fossils fuels are the key demand
drivers of growth in the industry. We believe NEOEN is well-positioned to capitalize on these
drivers for long-term value creation.
Dependency on nuclear energy and fossil fuels:
Climate Protection: An international interest in reducing CO2 output and protecting climate is a
driving force can to a transition to renewable energy in France. The French government
established a decarburization framework anchored in the Energy transition law of 2015 of
national low-carbon (net zero) strategy by 2050 (Strategie National Bas-Carbone, SNBC), with
targets for the reduction of fossil fuel use and emission by sectors. Aiming for an 85% reduction
by 2050 compared to 1990 levels.
In 2019, France enacted into law its goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050.
Shift to cleaner energy: Increasing demand for clean energy sources is one of the primary
drivers for the solar energy market in the country. The solar power capacity is set to continue
expanding with a target of around 18–20 GW installed by 2023. France has ambitious targets
and incentives, such as the bonus/malus system and conversion bonus to support the switch to
electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. The Mobility Strategy and 2019 Law on Mobility Orientation
require all sales of new passenger cars to be zero emission in 2040. The Climate and Resilience
Law of 2021 also includes a ban of the sale of the most polluting vehicles from 2030 onwards.
France wants to build 40GW of offshore wind by 2050 spread over 50 wind farms.
Declining lithium-ion battery prices: One of the challenges of the transition to renewable
energy has always been the cost of storage. The continuous decrease in the cost of lithium-ion
batteries by more than 70% since 2012 has led to the increase in energy story deployment in
many countries.
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Technological development: Digitalization and repaid adoption of electric vehicles are enabling
renewable energy integration. Analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are helping plant owners
and operators optimize their renewable energy output. For example, the National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR) developed AI software to improve wind forecasting and is
working on the same for solar forecasting. Plug-in hybrids and electric cars have increased in
popularity in France, rising from 2.5% of all vehicles sold in 2019 to 7.5% in 2021. The electric
vehicle market in France is projected to grow by 14.6% (2022-2027).
in-past-two-years/ ,
renewable-energy-market/, ).
Connection of RES to national grid: In 2011, The French legal framework provided general
obligation of the grid operator to connect RES systems to the grid. The so-called Regional
Connection Schemes to Renewable Energy Networks (S3RenR scheme) to share the costs at the
regional level among the renewable project operators and for a small part by the transmission
and distribution system operators. In 2021, France had 17.7 GW of onshore wind energy
connected to the grid and 3.6 GW of offshore wind projects awarded through tenders and calls
for projects (no project is online yet).
Increased in energy consumption: The French economy is expected to grow to around $4.705
trillion. With a population of 67.59 million by 2050. Based on the recent trends domestically, we
expect the renewable energy, to continuously being integrated in national grids and moderately
start replacing fossil fuels.
Industry Supply
Competitive Positioning
Globally: EDF Renewables, Engie SA, Vestas, TotalEnergies SA and Siamens Gamesa Renewable Energy
EDF has been able to dominate the French electricity market for a long time. EDF is also
a major market player in the field of electricity generation from renewable assets under its
new arm “EDF Energies nouvelles”. The nuclear developer Framatome, which is another
Subsidiary (page 130). EDF remains the largest electricity generator and retailer in France, owning and
operating all nuclear generation capacity and most hydropower generation capacity, for a total of 80% of all
generation capacity.
In France: The French renewable energy market is moderately fragmented. Some of the major
companies operating in the market included…
As the European Union implements its 55% emissions reduction target, France will need to increase its
2030 targets for emissions reductions, share of renewables and sector-by-sector energy efficiency.
1. The solar energy segment is expected to dominate the market during the forecast
period, owing to increasing solar PV installations across the country.
2. Plans to integrate renewable energy with the national grids are expected to create a
significant amount of opportunity for the renewable energy market in the near future.
3. Electricity generation from nuclear energy is expected to restrain France's renewable
energy market during the forecast period.
4. Russian and Ukraine war to stimulate and bring awareness on dependency of fossil fuels
and non-renewable sources of energy.
1. 3 or 4 major financial statement (Balance sheet, cash flow, change of equity, P&L)
2. What is found in FP statement ( total assets, liabilities)
3. Is the BS view only the year? A screenshot of assets and liabilities from the inception till
4. P&L shows the revenue and expenses for only thus year: Performance of company
during a specific period of time usually a year. (Difference between P&l and FP is timing)
5. Main subtotal of cash flow statement: operating, financing, investing; how the opening
cash balance, change in cash and closing cash balance.
6. Change in equity: what led to change in equity: dividend payments, etc…)
7. Users of financial statements: stakeholders (employees, banks, government,..)
8. Other sources of information we can use to access the performance of the company
(notes, registration documents, press release, management commentary and
discussion, proxy statement- specific events that require voting of members, analyst
9. 4 types of audit report: independent auditor report, qualified opinion, adverse opinion,
disclaimer of opinion)
10. Standard that deals with hyperinflation: IFRS 29
11. Standard sectors of IFRS gaps in US gap: FAFB, IASB
12. Conceptual framework of financial reporting: steps to follow
13. Framework of financial reporting
14. Accrual accounting
15. Going concern: Why report like the company will exist forever?
16. Relationship between FP, P&L
17. Value measurement: Fair and nominal value.