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Kiumars Zolfaghari for the degree of Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

presented on November 21, 2014

Title: Medical Diagnosis: A Functional Model and Diagnostic Aid

Abstract approved:
Kenneth H. Funk II

Improving the quality of the medical system has always been of great

importance but has not always made the largest advances. A significant percentage of

medical errors are due to wrong, missed, or delayed medical diagnosis. Diagnostic

errors are among the most preventable categories of medical errors, but when an error

is made it is harder to overcome the harmful effects on a patient, in contrast to other

types of medical errors. Through this research the flaws of the clinical diagnostic

process were explored and addressed by designing a means to present medical

information. Cognitive biases are a major cue in diagnostic errors, and the challenge

of finding their potential countermeasures were also addressed. A systems

engineering approach consisting of problem analysis, modeling, requirements

development, design, and testing was followed to find a solution. Being aware of the

changing state of healthcare, one understands that little effort is currently devoted to

designing appropriate visualization and navigation techniques for presenting medical

history records, in contrast to developing standards for gathering medical records,

which receives substantial attention. This lack of effort worked as a motivation to

develop a solution to the problem.

The Diagnostic Aid was developed according to a formal IDEF0 model of the

diagnostic process, requirements derived from the model, and information

visualization principals. The effectiveness of the Diagnostic Aid in presenting

medical information, preventing cognitive errors, and matching physicians’ need was

tested. A quantitative questionnaire and a qualitative interview were used to evaluate

the subjects’ perceptions about the system and to verify requirements. The users’

overall perceptions of the system were positive and they found the system potentially

helpful. The system did not interfere with their decision making process, at least in

the context that was tested. The Diagnostic Aid was found to be as efficient as the

paper format in presenting medical information, yet it could be improved. Most of the

requirements were evaluated positively and new requirements developed for the next

generation of the Diagnostic Aid.

©Copyright by Kiumars Zolfaghari
November 21, 2014
All Rights Reserved
Medical Diagnosis: A Functional Model and Diagnostic Aid

Kiumars Zolfaghari


submitted to

Oregon State University

in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the
degree of

Master of Science

Presented November 21, 2014

Commencement June 2015
Master of Science thesis of Kiumars Zolfaghari presented on November 21, 2014


Major Professor, representing Industrial Engineering

Head of the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

Dean of the Graduate School

I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon
State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any
reader upon request.

Kiumars Zolfaghari, Author


I would like to express my special appreciation to my advisor, Dr. Funk, for his intellectual

support and patience in guiding me over the years. I would like to thank my graduate

committee members, Dr. Haapala, Dr. Eseonu and, Dr. Pavol for serving as my committee

members and for reviewing this work. Many thanks go to Dr. Lisa Madsen from the

Department of Statistics, who is a great teacher with a wonderful personality.


1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Motivation ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................. 4
2 Literature Review.............................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Medical Diagnosis .................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Diagnostic Reasoning and its Challenges ................................................................. 8
2.3 Medical Errors .......................................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Diagnostic Errors ................................................................................................ 10
2.4 Systems Engineering............................................................................................... 19
2.5 Modeling ................................................................................................................. 20
2.5.1 IDEF0 Modeling ................................................................................................. 21
2.6 Requirements .......................................................................................................... 22
2.6.1 Validation and Verification................................................................................. 23
2.7 Information Visualization ....................................................................................... 24
2.7.1 Mapping Data to Visual Form ............................................................................ 26
2.7.2 General Design Principles................................................................................... 27
2.7.3 Using Visualization to Navigate Patient Records ............................................... 28
3 Development of the Diagnostic Aid ............................................................................... 30
3.1 Model Description .................................................................................................. 30
3.1.1 The A-0 and A0 Diagrams .................................................................................. 31
3.1.2 The A2 Diagram ................................................................................................. 33
3.1.3 A21 node- Evaluate Patient’s History, Medical Sign and Symptoms ................ 34
3.1.4 A22 node- Generate Hypotheses ........................................................................ 36
3.1.5 A23 node- Compare, Reject, and Finalize Hypothesis ....................................... 37

3.2 Developing Requirements....................................................................................... 39
3.2.1 Functional Requirements .................................................................................... 41
3.2.2 User Interface Requirements............................................................................... 43
3.2.3 Debiasing Tools .................................................................................................. 46
3.3 Design ..................................................................................................................... 50
3.3.1 Diagnostic Aid Development .............................................................................. 50
4 Test and Results .............................................................................................................. 59
4.1 Participants.............................................................................................................. 59
4.2 Apparatus ................................................................................................................ 60
4.3 Procedure ................................................................................................................ 63
4.4 Results ..................................................................................................................... 65
4.4.1 Technical Questions Results ............................................................................... 65
4.4.2 Usability Questions Results ................................................................................ 67
4.4.3 System Attributes Questions Results .................................................................. 69
4.4.4 Qualitative Interview .......................................................................................... 71
5 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 77
5.1 System Usability Experience .................................................................................. 77
5.2 Randomized Experiment......................................................................................... 80
5.3 Requirements Verification ...................................................................................... 82
5.4 Positives and Negatives .......................................................................................... 87
5.5 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 88
5.6 Limitations .............................................................................................................. 90
6 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 93
6.1 Summary ................................................................................................................. 94
6.2 Future research ........................................................................................................ 94
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................... 98
Appendices ............................................................................................................................ 101

Figure Page
Figure 2.1. IDEF0 Semantics……………………………………………………………..…22
Figure 2.2. Reference model for visualization……………………………………………....27
Figure 3.1. IDEF0 Model – A-0 Diagram: Conduct medical encounter.………….......…….32
Figure 3.2. IDEF0 Model – A0 Diagram: Conduct medical encounter sub processes...…....32
Figure 3.3. IDEF0 Model – A2 Diagram: Diagnose the patient problem…………………...33
Figure 3.4. IDEF0 Model – A21 Diagram: Evaluate patient’s history, medical sign and
Figure 3.5. IDEF0 Model – A22 Diagram: Generate hypotheses..……………..…….……..37
Figure 3.6. IDEF0 Model – A22 Diagram: Compare, reject, and finalize hypotheses……...39
Figure 3.7. Patient’s medical history screen..……………………………………..…………53
Figure 3.8. Hypothesis generation screen.………………………………….……....………..55
Figure 3.9. Final diagnosis screen.……………..……...……………………….……………57
Figure 5.1. Usability question results for each participant.…………....……….……………78

Table Page
Table 4.1. Demographic characteristics of the participant……….……...………………......60
Table 4.2. Results of technical questions for each question………….…..………….……....66
Table 4.3. Results of technical questions for each participant…...……….……..………..…67
Table 4.4. Results of usability questions 1-6 and 12……………..…………………….…....68
Table 4.5. Results of usability questions 7-11 and 13…...……….……..…………….….….69
Table 4.6. Results of system requirements verification……...……….……..…….…………70

Appendix Page
Appendix 1. Entire IDEF0 Diagram ……………...……………………………...……......102
Appendix 2. Requirements….……………………………..…………………………..…..105
Appendix 3. Diagnostic Aid Screens …...………...…………………………………...…..111
Appendix 4. Research Protocol Submitted to IRB.……………..……………….…...........120
Appendix 5. Informed Consent Form……………………………………………………...125
Appendix 6. Clinical Scenarios …...…………..…………….….…………………………128
Appendix 7. Questionnaire …...…………..…….……………………………….……..….132
Appendix 8. Frequency table of Usability Questions 7-11 and 13…...………….……..….142

Appendix Page
Figure A.1. Conduct medical encounter ............................................................................... 102
Figure A.2. Conduct medical encounter sub processes ........................................................ 102
Figure A.3. Diagnose the patient problem ............................................................................ 103
Figure A.4. Evaluate patient's history, medical signs and symptoms ................................... 103
Figure A.5. Generate hypotheses .......................................................................................... 104
Figure A.6. Compare, reject and finalize hypotheses ........................................................... 104
Figure A.7. Refute hypotheses not consistent with context of the problem ......................... 105
Figure A.8. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 1 ............................................................. 112
Figure A.9. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 2 ............................................................. 113
Figure A.10. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 3 ........................................................... 114
Figure A.11. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 4 ........................................................... 115
Figure A.12. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 5 ........................................................... 116
Figure A.13. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 6 ........................................................... 117
Figure A.14. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 7 ........................................................... 118
Figure A.15. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 8 ........................................................... 119
Figure A.16. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 9 ........................................................... 119
Figure A.17. Participants’ results for usability Questions 7-11 and 13 ................................ 143

Lovingly dedicated to my Mom.

1 Introduction

A great deal of mortality in the health care system is the result of medical error.

According to a report by US Institute of Medicine in 2000, medical error was the 8th

leading cause of death in the United States (Kohn, Corrigan, & Donaldson, 2000).

However, an updated estimate that was developed form more recent studies indicates that

the severity of medical errors is more than twofold what was approximated before. James

(2013) concludes that preventable medical errors contribute to the death of at least 210,000

patients annually. This study captured only a fraction of all medical errors and the actual

number is estimated to be more than 400,000 per year, he reasoned, due to the limitations

of the study such as incompleteness of medical records. The severity of medical errors’

outcomes requires immediate and effective action toward patient safety.

1.1 Background

It is important to deliver the most efficient form of treatment to reduce the costs

while increasing patient satisfaction. Various factors of different natures contribute to

medical errors such as poor performance of the clinician, wrong drug treatment, failure in

the process of diagnosis, system errors, and even characteristics of the patient (Kohn et al.,

2000). Neither all medical errors lead to adverse events, nor are all those medical errors

that result in adverse events preventable. According to Leape, Lawthers, Brennan, and

Johnson, (1993), more than sixty six percent of adverse events in healthcare are preventable

and diagnostic errors are contributing factors in approximately thirty percent of


these adverse events. However, the absence of considerations of diagnostic errors from

patient safety activities is notable.

There are three different categories of diagnostic errors: no-fault errors, system

errors, and cognitive errors. The advance of medical knowledge over long-term and

system-level improvements is the potential solution for no-fault errors and system errors

respectively. However, the greatest challenge is eliminating or even reducing cognitive

errors, specifically diagnostic errors resulting from cognitive biases (Graber, Gordon, &

Franklin, 2002). Croskerry (2003) provides a reasonably complete list of cognitive biases

that may lead to diagnostic errors and suggests debiasing strategies to reduce them.

Nevertheless, he clarifies that practical solutions to the problem of diagnostic errors are still

unknown. Graber, et al. (2002), explain potential methods for reducing diagnostic errors in

a more generalized way than that of Croskerry, although Graber mentions that the

possibility of decreasing diagnostic errors by the means of heuristics and debiasing

methods should be further explored.

1.2 Motivation

Decision-support systems are usually computerized systems that support humans in

their decision making process. According to Schiff and Bates (2010), ways of improving

diagnostic accuracy should be found other than decision-support systems. They believe that

presenting clinical information, facilitating provider-to-provider communication, and

implementing diagnostic checklists would be more efficient ways to reduce diagnostic


Decision-support systems as an additional backup is welcomed by most physicians

provided that the system does not make the physician slower, does not interfere with their

practice, be customizable to fit the physician’s need, and preferably takes advantage of new

technologies. Therefore, a system that considers all the above factors could be of great help

in increasing the quality of clinical diagnosis.

1.3 Objectives

The primary purpose of this research was to reduce cognitive errors in the

diagnostic process and therefore improve patient safety. To achieve this objective a

Diagnostic Aid for a tablet computer was developed that represents key clinical information

visually and implements cognitive and systematic solutions to diagnostic errors. In this

regard, among the features of the Diagnostic Aid is representing medical history

graphically, tracking medical tests, providing personalized feedback, and supporting the

clinician with a list of diagnoses not considered initially. It was deemed essential

beforehand to identify the important steps and characteristics of the clinical diagnostic

process by developing a functional model and establishing requirements for developing a

Diagnostic Aid. What happens in the clinical encounter process and especially in the

diagnostic process were the key points to learn about diagnostic errors and to find ways to

reduce these errors. The final step to achieve this goal was to validate and test the

effectiveness of the Diagnostic Aid through a usability study and a randomized experiment.

So the main objectives of the study were to:

 Understand the clinical diagnostic process, develop a model of the process, and

establish the requirements for the Diagnostic Aid.


 Reduce the chance of cognitive errors and facilitate the clinical diagnostic process

by developing a prototype of the Diagnostic Aid for a tablet computer.

 Investigate the effectiveness of the Diagnostic Aid through user experience

evaluation, verify the requirements, and generate new requirements for the next

generations of the Diagnostic Aid.

1.4 Methodology

A functional model of the diagnostic process was developed employing knowledge

from experts, medical informatics literature, and the medical diagnosis literature. This

model represents clinician-patient and clinician-system interactions in the process of

diagnosis so that common diagnostic errors can be explained and anticipated and

countermeasures could be developed. This model demonstrates a clear picture of what is

happening during the process of diagnosis, and helps to explain diagnostic errors. Next, a

set of requirements for designing and developing a Diagnostic Aid was established based

mainly on the model of the diagnostic process, information visualization literature, and

talking to subject matter experts. The set of requirements considered development of the

Diagnostic Aid from human factors and cognitive science viewpoint and that the

Diagnostic Aid provided potential countermeasures to diagnostic errors in the diagnostic

process. Then, the effectiveness of the Diagnostic Aid and its advantage over the traditional

presentation of clinical scenarios in paper were tested through a randomized experiment

using a prototype. The participants’ general opinion about the Diagnostic Aid and their

specific viewpoint regarding future development of the Diagnostic Aid were collected.

The following chapters cover the following topics in order: literature review, design

methodology, results of the experiment, analysis of the results and discussion, and


2 Literature Review

This study focuses on facilitating the diagnostic process by reducing diagnostic

errors in a clinical process. This chapter presents a comprehensive literature review of the

disciplines consulted for this research. First, medical diagnosis, diagnostic errors,

cognitive errors, and solutions to these errors are presented. Second, a modified systems

engineering approach for this study and its subsystems such as modeling and

requirements development are introduced. Finally, a review of information visualization

as well as its functions and attributes are presented.

2.1 Medical Diagnosis

The clinician-patient encounter, the interaction between the clinician and the

patient—provider and receiver of care respectively—could be considered as the most

important aspect of the healthcare system. The more accurately and respectfully the

clinician does his1 job, as evaluated by its outcome, the more satisfied the patient would

be. A successful encounter is likely if different steps of the clinician-patient encounter

work integrally. The clinician-patient encounter consists of four steps: interview,

examination, diagnosis, and treatment. This research has its focus on differential

diagnosis which has examination as an integrated segment as well. The terms diagnosis

and differential diagnosis are used interchangeably in this research.

Masculine pronouns are used in this thesis to refer to the physician for the purpose of
avoiding ungrammatical prose, knowing that many physicians and patients are females.

Differential diagnosis is a systematic method of identifying the existence of an

entity among multiple alternatives. This method is a process of elimination or at least

reducing the candidates to small numbers. In a clinical context, this procedure is used by

clinicians and other medical professionals to consider all possible causes of a problem

and diagnose the specific disease, or, at least, eliminate the potentially life-threatening

conditions (Sox, Blatt, Higgins, & Marton, 2006). Different definitions and models for

diagnosis have been introduced up to the present; however, they all agree that diagnosis

involves both logical reasoning and pattern recognition. A step by step thinking model of

differential diagnosis that has three repeating steps lead to a fourth step, that of a

treatment plan. These steps are listening and generating hypotheses, gathering data to test

hypotheses, evaluating hypotheses, and selecting a course of action. Defining diagnostic

possibilities and estimating their relative probability is the core of the diagnostic process.

Many differences exist between novice and experienced clinicians regarding the

reasoning phase of diagnosis. Experts are capable of grouping their findings into different

clusters or biological, psychological, or sociological clinical problems which are objects

of differential diagnosis. The clinician starts working on these clusters and the patient’s

narrative to reach the potential diagnosis Sox et al. (2006) .

Having identified the context of the problem, the clinician checks his assumptions

with specific medical tests. Collecting more information results in enhancing the

probability and accuracy of the potential diagnosis, eliminating other possibilities, and

finally choosing the most likely diagnosis. Each of these steps of differential diagnosis

has its own clinical reasoning strategies (Baerheim, 2001; Richardson, Wilson, & Guyatt,


2.2 Diagnostic Reasoning and its Challenges

To understand the difficulties in the process of diagnosis, the process is explained

through an example. A patient visits his doctor because of the appearance of a sign. She

wants his problem to be solved fast and with minimum discomfort, thereafter she wants

to know about the reason. In responding to this, the clinician might have difficulty

especially when there is more than one reason for a single sign or symptom. In a

diagnostic hypothesis, the physician has a hard job to recall typical features of the disease

and also might find that these features are common in other diseases. Moreover, the cost

of gathering all necessary data is often unacceptable. The overall encounter might not be

successful enough due to poor management and communication problems. These

numerous issues bother clinicians, especially the newcomers with less practical

experience (Sox et al., 2006).

So why are diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision making so complicated,

ambiguous, and time consuming? The answer is that uncertainty is inherent in medical

knowledge and, therefore, medical decision making. Mamede, Schmidt, and Rikers

(2007) discussed some facts about this uncertainty. First, medical knowledge is

incomplete and will change and progress with new findings as time passes. Second,

although medical knowledge has grown significantly, complexity, insufficiency,

individual differences, and patients’ preferences do not allow it to be definite knowledge.

Third, a doctor as a body of knowledge is the result of several disciplines, beliefs,

experiences, and other sociological and psychological factors that bring subjectivity to

the diagnostic process. Therefore, clinical decision making is not merely an unbiased,

rational application of scientific knowledge and rules, but it is a complex process


encompassing multiple dimensions characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. As a

result, medical errors are more common than what is desired in the practice of medicine.

2.3 Medical Errors

Medical errors cover a broad range of definitions; however, they can be defined as

any human error in the healthcare system. Medical errors include misdiagnosis or an

inaccurate treatment of a disease or other ailment. For the purpose of this research a few

terms are explicitly defined (Kohn et al., 2000).

An error is the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended (i.e., error of

execution) or the use of the wrong plan to achieve an aim (i.e., error of planning).
An adverse event is an injury [to a patient] caused by medical management rather
than the underlying condition of the patient. An adverse event attributable to error is
a “preventable adverse event.”
Negligent adverse events represent a subset of preventable adverse events that
satisfy legal criteria used in determining negligence (i.e., whether the care provided
failed to meet the standard of care reasonably expected of an average physician
qualified to take care of the patient in question). (p. 28).

“How frequently do medical errors occur?” and “What are the contributing

factors?” are two critical questions that should be discussed. James (2013) predicted that

400,000-plus deaths per year are associated with preventable adverse events (PAEs). He

extended the definition of the PAEs to errors of commission, omission, communication,

context, and diagnostic errors. This would make the medical errors the third-leading

cause of death in the US, right after heart disease and cancer. These results are

significantly more dreadful than the results published by US Institute of Medicine in

2000, which estimated the death of 44,000 to 98,000 patients associated with preventable

medical errors each year. These statistics clarify the noteworthiness of errors in the US

healthcare system and state the importance of enhancing patient safety. This research has

its focus on preventable adverse events caused by medical diagnostic errors.

2.3.1 Diagnostic Errors

Diagnostic errors account for a substantial portion of all medical errors.

According to Leape et al. (1991) who investigated the state of New York hospitals’

records in 1984, 69.6% of adverse events were found to be preventable (both negligent

and non-negligent errors). More importantly, the second most common type of

preventable errors was diagnostic errors (21.9%), and about 70% of errors in diagnosis

were deemed negligent. Due to the fact that preventable adverse events cost patients in

New York hospitals alone $739 million per year, 71% of the total compensable cost, it

can be estimated that the expenditure of preventable adverse events for the nation was

over $10 billion in 1984. According to a similar study, physicians were more susceptible

to diagnostic errors than drug related errors, and misdiagnoses were more likely to be

considered negligent (Leape et al., 1993).

In order to find strategies to prevent diagnostic errors, the origin of these types of

errors should be clarified. Graber, Gordon, and Franklin (2002) proposed probably the

most comprehensive framework for diagnostic errors and categorized diagnostic errors in

three major groups. First, ‘no-fault errors’ occur when the illness is silent or masked,

resembles another disease, or appears in such an atypical fashion that finding the right

diagnosis is hardly expected. Patient-related errors such as a patient’s non-compliance are

also categorized in this group. Second, ‘system errors’ are flaws in the healthcare system

such as weak policies, inadequate supervision, defective communication, or any other

system factor that can affect the diagnostician in the healthcare system. Finally,

‘cognitive errors’, the focus area of this research, can be directly attributed to the doctor

and his failings. Cognitive errors include inaccurate clinical reasoning, inadequate

knowledge, and faulty data gathering and verification. Failing to perceive a lung nodule

on a chest X-ray is an instance of cognitive error. Inattention to Diagnostic Errors

Despite the fact that diagnostic errors cause notable suffering, the subject of

diagnostic errors has been almost absent from patient safety studies. Graber (2005) put

forward three factors for the ignorance of diagnostic errors. First, diagnostic errors are

fundamentally obscure; in other words, diagnostic errors are complicated in nature, hard

to understand, and consequently difficult to identify. Making a diagnosis is a cognitive

process and is influenced by the feelings and attitudes of the clinician. Additionally,

compared to other medical errors, diagnostic errors are subtle and difficult to identify due

to a lack of clear standards for detecting unacceptable failings. Second, healthcare

organizations view diagnostic errors as physician failure rather than as a system problem.

The available data, however, suggest that system-related errors contribute to a substantial

proportion of diagnostic errors. Wachter (2010) argued that we cannot hold a hospital

responsible for diagnostic errors of its medical staff when no convincingly effective

solution has yet been demonstrated. Third, even though clinicians are keenly aware that

diagnostic errors occur, they hardly ever correctly perceive their rate of problematic

diagnoses. Clinicians mostly believe that their diagnoses are correct and errors are made

by others. Lack of feedback and overconfidence are factors that mislead clinicians about

the accuracy of their decisions.

12 Cognitive Errors

Humans have limitations in their ability to process information and therefore use

heuristics. These limitations guarantee the persistence of cognitive errors that reflect

misdiagnosis from inadequate knowledge or faulty data gathering, inaccurate clinical

reasoning, or faulty verification. Graber et al. (2002) explain how cognitive errors happen

during different stages of the diagnostic process, such as perception, hypothesis

generation, data interpretation, and verification. The majority of diagnostic errors result

from the individual’s cognitive process. According to a study of diagnostic errors in three

medical centers, cognitive errors occurred in 74% of error cases, making them more

common than system-related errors and no-fault errors (Graber, Franklin, & Gordon,

2005). The same study concludes that diagnostic error is multifactorial in origin, due to

the fact that cognitive and system-related factors tend to co-occur. The root causes of

diagnostic errors lie in the three areas of attitudes, skills, and knowledge; cognitive skill

errors (cognitive biases) are considered to be a lack of skill and are more common than

errors caused by knowledge gaps. Graber et al. (2005) stated that faulty information

processing, faulty verification, faulty data gathering, and inadequate knowledge are

cognitive contributors to diagnostic errors, in descending order. Cognitive Biases

Heuristics, self educating and problem solving by experience and trial and error

usually work well, facilitate clinical decision making, and are considered economical, and

effective; however, when they fail, they are described as cognitive biases. “Bias” simply

is a person’s propensity to behave and respond in a particular way, but it carries a


negative meaning of prejudice (Croskerry, 2002). Croskerry (2003) provides a list of

about thirty failed heuristics and biases involved in diagnostic errors and proposes

strategies to reduce them. Several studies provide and explain dominant and frequent

cognitive biases in the diagnostic process (Croskerry, 2000; J. P. Kassirer & Kopelman,

1989; Norman & Eva, 2010). According to these studies the most prevalent cognitive

biases in clinical decision making are as follows.

 Availability bias: This heuristic involves assessing events or outcomes based on

similar events that are available and come to mind easily. An impressive or

striking event is easy to recall because a combination of findings or certain causal

connections bring it readily to mind. Recent experience with a disease may

increase the chance of its being diagnosed; conversely, if a disease has not been

detected for a while, it may be underdiagnosed. For example, if an emergency

room physician sees a patient with a headache that proved to be a subarachnoid

hemorrhage, it would be more likely to bring subarachnoid hemorrhage to mind

when the next headache comes along (Tversky & Kahneman, 1973; Reason,


 Anchoring bias: This heuristic involves assessing the likelihood of events or

outcomes based on information available at the outset (i.e., first impression gained

on first exposure). Adhering to salient features of the patient’s initial presentation

might lead to a premature closure of thinking and prevent the physician from

adjusting the initial hypothesis based on further information gained. Thus, the

patient may be labeled very early with an incorrect diagnosis, which is difficult to

remove once attached. This cognitive bias usually compounds with confirmation

bias (Kassirer & Kopelman, 1991; Tversky & Kahneman, 1974).

 Representativeness bias: This heuristic is a technique used in probability

assessment and results from finding an event similar to other well-defined events.

In clinical language, it refers to estimating the probability of a disease by judging

how similar it is to a disease category or physician mental templates.

Representativeness is a powerful heuristic for emergency room physicians since it

accentuates the pattern recognition strategy (Croskerry, 2002; Tversky &

Kahneman, 1974).

 Confirmation bias: This heuristic, effective in information processing, is the

tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that verifies one’s beliefs.

In a diagnostic context, it is looking for confirming evidence to support an

existing hypothesis instead of trying to find disconfirming evidence to refute it,

despite the fact that the latter is often more definitive (Reason, 1990; Yates,


 Premature Closure: This is the leading cognitive bias and has a broader definition

than other biases. The tendency to stop considering other possibilities after

reaching a diagnosis is counted as premature closure. Not taking the medical

history of the patient completely, failing to do a full physical examination if

necessary, refraining from ordering critical tests, and failing to consider the

correct diagnosis are all examples of premature closure. Premature closure could

be the result of failing to use other heuristics appropriately (Kassirer &

Kopelman, 1991; Voytovich, Rippey, & Suffredini, 1985).


These biases may mislead diagnostic reasoning throughout the process. Some of

them, including availability, representativeness, and anchoring, have their effects mostly

in hypothesis generation. Others, such as confirmation bias, anchoring, and premature

closure, affect particularly hypothesis refinement (Mamede et al., 2007). These are the

biases that many sources support as the most prevalent biases in clinical diagnosis,

however, there are other biases such as base rate neglect or overconfidence bias that are

also common in clinical decision making process.

Norman and Eva (2010) provided a clinical scenario to illustrate these biases in a

clinical context for further clarification. In their scenario the physician diagnoses a

migraine in a patient with a headache that is actually caused by a tumor. The physician

might be affected by the bias of representativeness if the patient shows some symptoms

consistent with migraine presentation, or by that of availability because he may have seen

a patient with a migraine problem recently. The physician might be accused of

confirmation bias if he only looks for information consistent with migraines, and forgets

to collect the data that match other diagnoses, or he might be accused of premature

closure and anchoring because he did not order a CT scan to look for a potential tumor.

However, if the patient does in fact have a migraine, these heuristic approaches will lead

to a correct diagnosis, and whether or not the physician was affected by cognitive biases

will never be revealed. This example brings out three serious issues about the notion of

cognitive bias. Norman and Eva (2010) stated three important facts about heuristics and

biases in practice. First, heuristics and biases are mental abilities that deal efficiently with

uncertainties in the real world; they are basically good, although they occasionally fail.

Second, it is hard to observe biases in situations where the biases lead to the correct

diagnosis, even though cognitive biases have been established experimentally under

carefully manipulated conditions. Third, not considering the correct diagnosis and hence

not gathering the relevant data are indications of premature closure that could be mainly

because of a knowledge deficit rather than a reasoning error. Reducing Cognitive Errors

The greatest challenge in reducing diagnostic errors is the minimization of

cognitive errors, biases, and failed heuristics that underlie them. The unconquerable

obstacle in getting rid of cognitive errors is the impossibility of knowing all of the

relevant facts, and also the inability to process the known facts quickly. Graber et al.

(2002) proposed two approaches to enhance the quality of thinking, perception, and

reasoning, and therefore to reduce cognitive errors: cognitive solutions and system-

related solutions.

Cognitive Solutions: The idea is to reduce cognitive errors and improve clinical

decision making skills by improving cognition. Training is one of the verified methods

that have direct and positive impact on the outcome of the clinical reasoning; however,

effective ways of teaching clinicians to avoid biased judgment is yet to be determined

(Regehr & Norman, 1996). Nevertheless, medical trainees instructed about the pitfalls of

heuristics had better performance confronting different cases than those who were not

similarly trained.

Beside knowledge and skills, attaining accurate diagnoses requires awareness of

one’s thinking, which is achievable through metacognitive training. Metacognition is a

process that involves stepping back from the immediate problem to examine and reflect

on the thinking process. One of the applications of metacognitive training is to maintain

open-mindedness regarding cases that require searching for more possibilities and

evidence. Individuals who practice this process tend to fall into the trap of cognitive

biases less and produce better decisions. Briefly speaking, cognitive solutions reduce the

rate of diagnostic errors by directly improving cognition (Baron, 2008; Graber, 2003).

Croskerry (2003), an expert in the domain of cognitive biases, proposed a list of

debiasing strategies for reducing cognitive diagnostic errors. He believed that

metacognition is the mainstay of this approach, which works more efficiently if the

clinician becomes aware of various cognitive pitfalls. Those of his strategies that are

different from what Graber et al. (2002) suggested, and fit to the scope of this research

are as follows:

 Feedback: Provide rapid and dependable feedback to decision makers for

recognition and correction of errors.

 Cognitive forcing strategies: Develop strategies to stay away from expected biases

in particular problems.

 Decrease reliance on memory: Improve the quality of judgment through cognitive

aids such as mnemonics, checklists, guidelines, and hand-held computers.

 Consider alternatives: Initiate forced consideration of other possibilities such as

starting and working through a different diagnosis.

 Minimize time pressure: Provide adequate time for decision making.

On the other hand, Graber (2003) acknowledged that diagnostic accuracy can be

improved if clinicians can be “debiased” by metacognitive training, but he doubted

whether this improvement can be accomplished in real practice. He believed that a few

laboratory setting training exercises that were successful in debiasing the learners do not

guarantee the same results in the unique setting of medical decision making. Moreover,

he mentioned that biases are integral components of human information processing, and

awareness does not prevent clinicians from being susceptible to the effects of their biases.

System Solutions: The idea here is to compensate for errors caused by a biased

mind through changes at the system level. The quality of data presentation has a

significant influence on enhancing perception that leads to detecting abnormalities more

easily. Perception can be enhanced by graphic presentations, presentations that facilitate

trend recognition, computer-aided diagnosis implementation, or any other technology that

embraces human factors engineering principles for supplementing perception (Graber et

al., 2003).

According to the same study, another beneficial strategy for reducing cognitive

errors is the use of a second opinion that the clinician obtains either through double-

checking the medical treatment or by asking for help from another expert. Graber and his

team suggested clinical guidelines and clinical decision-support systems for improving

diagnostic accuracy. Guidelines are themselves heuristics, and so they cannot provide a

full solution; however, they can improve the accuracy of diagnosis by standardizing the

approaches to clinical problems and minimizing the variability in response patterns

(Graber et al., 2002). According to a study by (Hunt, Haynes, Hanna, & Smith, 1998),

clinical decision-support systems improved the clinical performance for drug dosing,

preventive care, and the general process of care, but the results were not positive for

clinical diagnosis. The most potentially valuable approach is probably to integrate

decision aids directly with the active practice of medicine.


The first step in solving the problem of clinical diagnostic errors involves careful

scrutiny of the problem, its facets as well as the framework in which the problem is

defined. This scrutiny often suggests a well-ordered cognitive and systematic approach

for considering all relevant factors to explain determinants of a diagnostic problem. After

understanding the problem, potential solutions could be considered in respect to the

system’s limitations and strengths. Proposing the idea of the Diagnostic Aid and its

characteristics would be the next stage. In accordance, a systems engineering method was

selected for the methodology part of this research.

2.4 Systems Engineering

According to (Chapanis, 1996), systems engineering is the process by which

systems are analyzed, designed, and constructed. Budurka (1984) defined this concept in

more detail:

Systems engineering is the iterative but controlled process in which user needs are
understood and evolved, through incremental development of requirements
specifications and system design, to an operational system. Systems engineering
includes the control and integration of all disciplines throughout the system life
cycle in a manner so as to assure that all user requirements are satisfied. (p. 41).

To contribute effectively to the diagnostic process from an engineering viewpoint,

a systems engineering approach was used in this research. Budurka’s definition calls

attention to serving human purposes or fulfilling human needs. The need to improve

patient safety through facilitating the diagnostic process defines the reason to develop a

new system. Budurka’s definition first emphasizes the iterative nature of system

development. In the IDEF0 modeling phase of system development, ideas are tried,

modified, and abandoned in favor of other alternatives. Next, the definition takes notice

of specifications. Engineers and human factors professionals are required to prepare

specifications. Therefore, requirements, in the current project, have been derived from the

medical diagnosis literature with the benefit of human factors inputs. Finally, Budurka’s

definition indicates that system development is a multidisciplinary activity and requires a

team with members from different disciplines with various points of view. Human factors

engineering, cognitive psychology, medicine, and information visualization are among

the specialties that played a role in establishing the requirements for the Diagnostic Aid

in the current research project. This Diagnostic Aid aims to improve the physician

performance in the diagnostic process through visualizing medical information and

providing features to prevent or reduce the effect of cognitive biases. With a little change

in systems engineering approach developed by (Chapanis, 1996), the current research

involved analysis, modeling, requirements development, design and test as its main steps.

These concepts are explained in more detail in the following sections.

2.5 Modeling

A systematic approach is required to understand the diagnostic process as the

major component of a healthcare system and from that understanding derive requirements

for a means to facilitate and improve diagnosis. Such an approach raises the necessity of

a comprehensive modeling language to model a very complex process in detail. It has

been shown that the IDEF0 language is capable of representing a wide variety of

healthcare services, is very easy to learn, is efficient in precise expression, and is flexible

enough to facilitate interaction between humans and processes (Mutic, Brame, Oddiraju,

Michalski, & Wu, 2010).


IDEF0 is based on a graphical language known as Structured Analysis and Design

Technique (SADT), developed for the US Department of Defense. IDEF0, as a function

modeling tool, was first designed to model manufacturing and logistics processes. IDEF0

is structured to represent complex processes by means of a set of rules and techniques for

creating graphical representation and enhances communication between systems analysts,

developers and users (Gaithersburg, 1993; Kim & Jang, 2002).

2.5.1 IDEF0 Modeling

An IDEF0 model provides shared understanding among different parties working

on the system. IDEF0 is a top-down graphical modeling language that describes the scope

of the system at the highest level; at lower levels the model can be decomposed into

details gradually. In an IDEF0 diagram, the flow of information cascades from the upper

left to lower right from the most dominating tasks to lesser ones. As shown in Figure 2.1,

IDEF0 has a simple syntax of boxes and arrows with five elements. A box contains a

verb or verb phrase and represents an activity, process, or function. Inputs shown as

arrows entering the left side of the activity box are anything that is transformed by the

activity such as matter, energy, information, or the state of the system or some

subsystems; outputs shown as arrows exiting from the right side of the activity box are

the result of the process; controls or constraints are represented by arrows that flow into

the box from the top and define how the process works; and the mechanisms that carry

out the activity are represented by arrows that flow into the box from the bottom.

There is a parent and child relationship between different diagrams at subsequent

levels of an IDEF0 model that continues as far as needed to show the information in

appropriate detail. Reading an IDEF0 diagram starts with the highest level that contains

the general purpose of the model. Then, at the next level, all activities decomposed from

the main process and the arrows define their relationships. Diagrams should be read from

the upper left to lower right to understand how arrows interact with activities. Usually a

critical path of important information that consists of the main inputs, outputs, and

controls is identifiable in the diagram (Whitman, Huff, & Presley, 1997; Kim & Jang,

2002; Mutic et al., 2010).


Input Function Name Output


Figure 2.1. IDEF0 Semantics

2.6 Requirements

A requirement describes something that is needed or desired in a system (or

product or process) that is to be designed and implemented. One of the primary focuses

of this research was to determine the requirements for developing an aid to facilitate

correct diagnosis. Developing requirements helps in understanding the scope of the

system and identifying its features and constraints. A good requirement states something

that is necessary, verifiable, and attainable and these attributes could be verified in the

prototype by examination, analysis, test, or demonstration. Requirements should be in the

form of simple sentences to be unambiguous and not become complicated by unnecessary

explanations of operations, design, or other related but unnecessary information. A well-

written requirement only states what the system needs to do and be. Requirements can be

elaborated by using the IDEF0 model or a similar flow chart of the process (Hooks,


2.6.1 Validation and Verification

Validation is the process of confirming the completeness and correctness of

requirements. Validation ensures that requirements meet certain quality characteristics

and are clear and understood by the developers and that the requirements truly address

the customers’ or users’ needs.

Verification is the process of confirming that the designed and built product fully

meets documented requirements. Among the reasons that might prevent the requirements

to be verifiable are using ambiguous terms and over-specifying. Ambiguous terms are

subjective and could be interpreted differently by different individuals. For example, the

terms “rapid”, “user-friendly”, “sufficient”, and “easy” are examples of ambiguous,

unverifiable terms. Over-specifying is caused because of either stating unnecessary or

overly stringent requirements (Debbabi, Hassaïne, Jarraya, Soeanu, & Alawneh, 2010).

Some of the requirements for developing the Diagnostic Aid must address the

way the information is displayed, and one way of doing that is through information


2.7 Information Visualization

The systems engineering approach consists of analysis, modeling, requirements

development, design and refinement. Since the requirements are developed for a tablet

computer they use visualization concepts inherently. However, the importance of

information visualization and why they are crucial part of developing the Diagnostic Aid

are explained below.

Visualization, meant as the “The act or process of interpreting in visual terms or

of putting into visible form” (Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, n.d.), expanded

greatly in recent years due to the advancement of inexpensive technologies. Ruddle,

Brodlie, and Dimitrova (2002) believe that visualization, facilitated by graphical external

representations, is a cognitive activity from which people construct internal mental


The discipline of Information Visualization (IV) as a branch of the Human-

Computer Interaction field, was introduced in the late 1980’s with basic principal of

deploying computers to generate interactive, visual representation of data and to use

human perceptual abilities for their interpretation. Information Visualization literally is:

“The use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to

amplify cognition” (Card, Mackinlay, & Shneiderman, 1999). To understand why this

field can be considered helpful in developing a Diagnostic Aid, some terms should be


Visual Representation: There are many situations in the real world where

phenomena are understood better through graphics rather than text. Graphical

representation of data, compared to textual representation, exploits human visual


perception to convey large amounts of data to our mind and allow us to make inferences.

Diagrams can be effective in reducing the search required by grouping related

information together, avoiding the need to match symbolic labels by using location to

group information about a single element, and supporting a large number of perceptual

inferences (Larkin & Simon, 1987).

Information Graphics: Information graphics is the use of graphics to present

information in such a way as to make the retrieval of specific information quick and

efficient. Information graphics can present data in a compact, schematic, and efficient

way. It is also useful since it can facilitate the finding of relationships and trends among

data entities (Card et al. 1999).

Cognitive Amplification: Graphics, in this context, uses visual representation to

amplify cognition. Implementation of graphics in certain ways increases the memory and

processing resources available to users, so the user will be able to detect patterns, and

perform inferences more easily.

The amount and complexity of information available to clinical staff are

constantly increasing as a result of information technology advancements. Regrettably,

the amount of information that a user can process at a given instant is very limited due to

cognitive limitations and, therefore, users will not be able to take advantage of these large

amounts of data and might even be overwhelmed by them. The answer to this problem is

through IV that presents information effectively and interactively (Chittaro, 2001). IV has

become a rapidly growing discipline since it is a useful tool in facilitating the way we

present and understand complex datasets. In summary, Card et al. (1999, p16) state six

principles that show how visualization can amplify cognition:


1. Increase the memory and processing resources available to the users;

2. Reduce the cost of searching information;

3. Enhance data pattern detection;

4. Enable perceptual inference operations;

5. Use perceptual attention mechanisms for monitoring; and

6. Encode information in a customizable medium.

IV aims at making the user an active element of pattern recognition and can play

an important role in developing most kinds of medical systems. From this viewpoint, IV

components and data mining components can have synergistic roles inside the same

application to achieve several goals in the development of a medical system. These goals

can be organized in three major groups (Chittaro, 2001):

1. Present medical data visually in easy to understand, learn, navigate, and manage


2. Visually intensify subtle facets of the diagnostic, therapeutic, and healing process

which otherwise could be difficult to notice.

3. Prevent clinical staff to be overwhelmed by huge quantities of information.

The challenge is how to convert abstract data into a graphical representation that

keeps the meaning of the data and also improves the human perception.

2.7.1 Mapping Data to Visual Form

Card et al. (1999, p17) propose a reference model for visualization. Using this

model simplifies the understanding of transformation of data through IV. Figure 2.2

shows the model of mapping data to visual form to the human perceiver. In brief, arrows

from left to the right indicate a series of data transformation while arrows from the user to

the left indicate the adjustments to the transformations. This process starts with

transforming raw data into a well-organized data format followed by mapping the data set

into visual structures. The next step embeds this visual form into views by specifying

graphical parameters. Finally, views will be presented to the user through the human

visual system. The user interprets the view to reconstruct the underlying information and

can interact with all previous steps to make changes to the resulting visualization, and

make further interpretations.

Figure 2.2. Reference model for visualization

2.7.2 General Design Principles

A good display, dependent on the creativity of the designer, should consider the

nature of the data, the information to be represented, and its use. Graphics should follow

some basic principles to build effective representations of data. A graphic should show

the data, avoid distorting what the data says, show large data sets coherently in a small

space, encourage inferential processes, and give different perspectives on the data – from

broad overview to the fine structure. Graphics facilitate IV, but a number of issues must

be considered (Card et al., 1999; Tufte, 2001):

 Data is nearly always multidimensional, while graphics represented on a

computer screen or on a paper are presented on a 2D dimensional surface;

 Sometimes we need to represent a huge dataset, while the amount of data

representable on a computer screen or on a paper is limited;

 Data may vary over time, while graphics are static;

 Humans, in general, have remarkable abilities to select, manipulate and rearrange

data, so the graphical representations should provide users with these features.

2.7.3 Using Visualization to Navigate Patient Records

Plaisant et al. (1998) provided a visualization environment for personal medical

history named LifeLines that can be applied to medical records. The medical version of

LifeLines is capable of representing patient records, problems, diagnoses, test results, and

medications. A one-screen overview showing multiple facets of the records and filtering

tools allows users to focus on part of the record. In LifeLines, the medical record is

summarized as a set of lines and events on a scalable timeline. Line color and thickness

illustrate relationships or significance of events. LifeLines uses graphical time series that

facilitates making comparisons and relationships between quantities displayed. Highly

interactive interfaces enable the graphed data to show time evolution of quantitative data

and access to whatever data is needed and hence is a great example of cognitive

amplification. Lifelines can also reduce the chances of missing information, facilitate the

recognition of abnormalities, and streamline access to details. This paper mentions that

the data encoding is very subjective and a single robust design would be hard to be

agreed on. Overall, LineLines concentrated on the visualization aspects of the record and

not the data entry issues.


3 Development of the Diagnostic Aid

The purpose of this study was to design a Diagnostic Aid for the iPad or other

mobile computing platforms that can be helpful in reducing diagnostic errors by reducing

the mental workload of the physician during the diagnosis, by visualizing the patient’s

medical information, and by providing the physician with debiasing tools. This chapter

explains the process of creating the IDEF0 model for the diagnosis process, establishing

requirements for the design of the Diagnostic Aid, and also developing a prototype of the

Diagnostic Aid for the iPad.

The IDEF0 model helps to understand the process of diagnosis in more detail and

also to clarify at which stage each of the influential cognitive biases might interfere

within this process. Requirements worked as a guideline and standard for creating the

Diagnostic Aid. The design of the Diagnostic Aid was based on LifeLines, the IDEF0

model, standards required by the established requirements, design guidelines from

information visualization, and also the suggestions of subject matter experts.

3.1 Model Description

The modeling phase of this research was started by gathering essential

information regarding the diagnostic process to gain a deep understanding of it. Various

sources of information were used for generating the desired model of the diagnostic

process. As discussed in the previous chapter, the literature on approaching medical cases

and medical decision making was reviewed to obtain a comprehensive view of the

diagnostic process. Then, subject matter experts evaluated the model and gave their

feedback on the model. The model changed continuously during an approximately

yearlong period of meetings and revisions; however, it still might not reflect the full

insight of the reviewers individually. Physicians take different approaches in medical

decision making based on their backgrounds and experience levels. This variation could

be in the form of decision making and inferential methods or the sequence and repetition

of steps undertaken by the physician. The IDEF0 language easily resolves this potential

problem since the flow of information and box positions are not necessarily in

chronological order.

3.1.1 The A-0 and A0 Diagrams

Tong (2011) developed an IDEF0 model of the whole process of a patient-

physician encounter that was used to outline the activities in this process. Her model has

the top-level A-0 node of “Conduct medical encounter” that has five sub processes

(Figure 3.1). The IDEF0 model of this research is integrated in her model and expands

the A2 node “Diagnose the patient problem”. The A0 diagram (Figure 3.2) demonstrates

the relationship between the diagnostic activity and other activities of the encounter

model, as well as the effective elements. By conducting a single medical encounter (A-0),

the physician diagnoses the patient problem and reaches the final diagnosis or diagnoses

(output O7) based on the information provided by the chief complaint, history of present

illness, signs and symptoms, and physical examination.


Medical guidelines
Clinician's factors
Environment/system factors
Patient medical condition
I_Patient's medical history
I_Medical test results
I_Chronological account of illness
I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms
Patient perceived problems

Existing patient-clinician relationship Healing patient

Clinician's initial understanding of patient's problems Updated medical records
New/returning patient Follow-up schedule
Clinician's updated understanding of patient's problem aft
Patient's enhanced understanding of problems
Conduct medical encounter
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Final diagnosis(es)
Final treatment plan
Updated patient's medical history
Medical tests ordered

Information System
Medical equipment

Figure 3.1. IDEF0 Model – A-0 Diagram: Conduct medical encounter

C4 C9 C3 C2 C1 C6 C7 C8 C5
Patient medical condition Medical guidelines
Patient perceived problems Hypothetical-Deductive strategy
Environment/system factors Pattern Recognition
Clinician's factors I_Medical test results
I_Chronological account of illness
I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms

I_Patient's medical history

Existing patient-clinician relationship Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
I1 Establish & O6
Clinician's initial understanding of patient's problems Patient's
Clinician's updated understanding of patient-clinician factors
relationship Clinician's updated understanding of patient's problem after the encounter
I2 maintain O4

Medical tests ordered


Physical examination result Updated patient's medical history


Diagnose the patient problem Final diagnosis(es)


Clinician's understanding of final diagnosis

Discussion about the final diagnosis


Patient in treatment Healing patient

New/returning patient Updated medical records
I3 O2
Treat patient Final treatment plan
Clinician's understanding after implementing the treatment.
Discussion about treatment plan

Clinician's understanding with discussed follow-up plan

Plan follow-up Follow-up schedule

Patient's enhanced understanding of problems
Discussion of follow-up plan

Patient Medical equipment

Clinician Facilities Information System
M1 M3 M2 M4 M5

Figure 3.2. IDEF0 Model – A0 Diagram: Conduct medical encounter sub processes

3.1.2 The A2 Diagram

The A2 diagram (Figure 3.3) defines the nodes and elements of the diagnostic

process and represents the scope of this research.

C12C10C9 C2 C4 C11C3 C1 C5 C8 C6 C7
I_Patient's medical history The rule of parsimony
I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms Hypothetical-Deductive strategy
I_Chronological account of illness Pattern Recognition
Environment/system factors
Patient medical condition
Patient's factors
Clinician's factors
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Medical guidelines
I_Medical test results

Clinician's updated understanding of patient-clinician relationship Evaluate patient's history, medical Context of the problem
I1 signs and symptoms


Diagnostic information need

Physical examination result Generate Updated context of the problem

I2 hypotheses
Initial set of hypotheses

Updated patient's medical history

Discussion about the final diagnosis
Compare, reject and finalize Clinician's understanding of final diagnosis
hypotheses O4
Final diagnosis(es)
Medical tests ordered

Facilities Medical equipment
M3 M2 M1 M4

Figure 3.3. IDEF0 Model – A2 Diagram: Diagnose the patient problem

The IDEF0 model of the diagnostic process is mostly based on the medical encounter

explained by Sox et al. (2006) and modified by the findings of Toy and Patlan (2012),

other clinical diagnostic literature, and feedback from subject matter experts (Hunink et

al., 2014; Mutic et al., 2010). Differential diagnosis has three steps in this model:

 A21 “Evaluate patient’s history, medical signs, and symptoms”.

 A22 “Generate hypothesis”.

 A23 “Compare, reject and finalize hypothesis”.


The elements attributed to each of the activities change progressively according to

the model flow. For example, the state of the input “Clinician’s updated understanding of

patient-clinician relationship”, input 1, changes through the A21, A22, and A23 nodes to

the “Clinician’s understanding of final diagnoses” (output O4). Also, mechanisms and

controls usually affect the activities and inputs, for example, the clinicians, as a

mechanism, and medical guidelines, as a control, have an effect on evaluating patient

medical information.

The mechanisms that play a role in the process of diagnosis are the clinician,

patient, medical equipment, and facilities. The corresponding controls to the patient are

the “Patient’s medical signs and symptoms,” the “Patient’s medical history,” “Medical

test results,” and “Chronological account of illness.” The “Clinician’s factors” that can

affect the process are the clinician’s specialty, knowledge, experience, attitude, fatigue,

personality, etc. The “Patient’s factors” that affect the diagnostic process are age, gender,

anatomy, family history, personality, ability to speak, and so on. Influential factors

related to the environment, “Environment/system factors”, include lighting, temperature,

humidity, equipment used, functional limitations, etc. “Medical guidelines,” which

provide supportive information and diagnostic reasoning methods, are also considered as

effective controls.

3.1.3 A21 node- Evaluate Patient’s History, Medical Sign and Symptoms

In the A21 node, “Evaluate patient’s history, medical signs, and symptoms”, the

clinician interacts with the patient and employs the factors that serve as controls to

evaluate the patient’s condition and to develop the “Context of the problem”. Some of the

influential controls such as “Medical guidelines” are very general for many medical cases

and some of them, such as “Chronological account of illness” or the “Patient’s medical

test results”, vary from case to case. Evaluating the patient’s medical information is

shown in more detail in Figure 3.4; the clinician starts by reviewing the patient’s medical

history and lab results, listening to the chief complaint of the patient, and analyzing signs

and symptoms.

C5 C1 C10C6 C8 C9 C7 C4 C2 C3
Patient medical condition I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms
I_Chronological account of illness Anchoring cognitive bias
I_Patient's medical history Representativeness cognitive bias
I_Medical test results Availability cognitive bias
Patient's factors
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Medical guidelines
Clinician's factors
Environment/system factors

Clinician's updated understanding of patient-clinician relationship Clinician's underestanding of patient medical test results
Review patient's medical
history and test results
Clinician's understanding of patient's medical history


Analyze medical signs & Clinician's understanding of patient medical signs & symptoms


Listen to patient's illness Clinician's understanding of patient account of illness(HPI)



Context of the problem


Develop a cognitive representation

of the problem


M2 M1 M3

Figure 3.4. IDEF0 Model – A21 Diagram: Evaluate patient’s history, medical signs and

The clinician collects all key information about past medications, hospitalizations,

diagnoses, family history, allergies, or any other necessary information. Then, according

to this information and other effective controls, the clinician obtains an understanding of

the patient’s problem; however, it is possible that the clinician’s understanding is


influenced by cognitive biases shown in the diagram such as the “anchoring cognitive

bias” that works as a control for the A214 node, “Develop a cognitive representation of

the problem.” The more information the clinician collects at this stage, the less

susceptible he will be to error in decision making.

3.1.4 A22 node- Generate Hypotheses

In the A22 node, ”Generate Hypothesis” which is broken down into its sub-

activities in Figure 3.5, the clinician comes to an initial set of hypotheses by integrating

his understanding of the patient’s problem derived from medical information and by

conducting a physical examination. After developing some potential hypotheses, the

physician conducts the physical examination to find more about the patient’s condition

and verify, refute, and prioritize his list of hypotheses. Conducting physical examination,

A222 node, is complex, varied, and influenced by the potential diagnosis in the mind of

the clinician. However, the physical examination is not necessarily performed at this

stage and might be executed sooner or later in the diagnostic process based on the

clinician’s experience and findings. After developing some hypotheses, the clinician, if

not convinced yet by his findings, might request additional information through

laboratory tests or other resources. The decisions made at this level are also affected by

cognitive biases. Anchoring, representativeness, and availability are cognitive biases that

affect the clinician in generating hypothesis, and the clinician might display confirmation

bias in defining additional required information.


C3 C5 C4 C2 C1
Anchoring cognitive bias Environment/system factors Confirmation cognitive bias
Availability cognitive bias
Representativeness cognitive bias
Patient's factors
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Clinician's factors
Patient medical condition

Context of the problem Generate hypotheses based Initial generated hypotheses list
I1 on aggregated knowledge


Clinician's understanding of the patient's problem

Conduct physical
Physical examination result Updated context of the problem
I2 O2

Prioritize list of initial Initial set of hypotheses

hypotheses O3


Identify additional
information needed for Diagnostic information need
consistency check


Patient Medical equipment
M2 M1 M3 M4

Figure 3.5. IDEF0 Model – A22 Diagram: Generate hypotheses

3.1.5 A23 node- Compare, Reject, and Finalize Hypothesis

The diagnostic process then continues with node A23, “Compare, reject, and

finalize hypothesis” as the final stage of differential diagnosis (Figure 3.6). It starts with

strategies (hypothetical-deductive and pattern recognition) to refute the hypotheses that

are not consistent with the context of the problem. Node A231 compares the signs and

outcomes of the potential hypothesis with the patient’s medical condition. If the

outcomes are far from the current state of the problem then the hypothesis will probably

be rejected from the list. If more than one hypothesis remains, then the next step is to

choose one or more hypotheses that best match the patient’s medical condition. Those

hypotheses that have the same treatment can be categorized in one group at this stage.

After the rejection of unlikely hypotheses, the clinician prioritizes the remaining

hypotheses and gathers additional required information. At this stage, the clinician might

ask for further medical lab tests, or even conduct a physical examination if he cannot

decide confidently from what he has in hand. After collecting all key clinical information

the clinician will probably come to the final diagnosis or diagnoses by doing a pairwise

comparison among the remaining hypotheses and rejecting the less likely one according

to the rule of parsimony. Confirmation bias plays an important role in the final decision

of the clinician at this level. Premature closure is also prevalent at this level if the

clinician is not likely to consider all relevant and necessary information before finalizing

his decision. An “Updated patient medical history,” “Final diagnoses,” a “Discussion

about the final diagnosis,” and “Clinician’s understanding of final diagnoses” are outputs

of the process. The entire IDEF0 model of the diagnosis process is represented in

Appendix 1.

C10C6 I1 C1 C5 C4 C2 C9 C3 C7 C8
Pattern Recognition Premature closure error I_Medical test results The rule of parsimony
Medical guidelines
Updated context of the problem

Diagnostic information need

Patient's factors
Clinician's factors cognitive bias
Environment/system factors
Hypothetical-Deductive strategy
Patient medical condition

Initial set of hypotheses Selected hypotheses that match patient's condition


Refute hypotheses not consistent with

context of the problem

Physical examination result



Additional information needed

Prioritize hypotheses and identify

additional information needed

Prioritized list of hypotheses


Medical tests ordered


Order required medical tests Updated Context of The Problem

Remained hypotheses

Compare hypotheses one by one Final hypotheses

and refute the unlikely ones

Updated patient's medical history
Explain the O1
Final diagnosis(es)
patient's problem O4
Discussion about the final diagnosis
with final O2
hypothesis(es) Clinician's understanding of final diagnosis
Plan a follow up visit


Medical equipment
M1 M4 M2 M3

Figure 3.6. IDEF0 Model – A22 Diagram: Compare, reject, and finalize hypotheses

3.2 Developing Requirements

For this research, requirements were produced based on the IDEF0 model, clinical

and information visualization literature, user-centered design principles, previous work

on a comprehensive physician patient encounter model, and brainstorming. From the

activities indicated in the IDEF0 model, the user’s needs are addressed and requirements

to better serve the user are defined. Cognitive errors that might happen during the

diagnostic process are also addressed in the IDEF0 model as controls, so analysis of

errors during the requirement development aided in prevention of errors and

enhancement of the Diagnostic Aid performance.


Requirements provide guidance with regard to the interface features and how the

Diagnostic Aid’s screens look, features and functionalities of the Diagnostic Aid, and

memory tools that aim to prevent cognitive biases. Requirements should explain all the

functions of the diagnostic process in an easily understood way, describing exactly what

each aspect of the Diagnostic Aid should do.

A few key requirements are described in the following sections: user interface,

functional, and debiasing tools. A full list of the requirements, their categories, their

specific action area, the source from which they were derived, and whether they were met

is presented in Appendix 2.

User interface requirements represent a display or control feature of the

Diagnostic Aid, while functional ones relate to what the Diagnostic Aid does. For

instance, “the Diagnostic Aid shall present patient’s vital signs and allergies” is an

example of a user interface requirement, while “the Diagnostic Aid shall provide means

to share the patient’s problem with remote specialists” is a functional requirement. The

user interface category contains a wide variety of requirements that support the entire

Diagnostic Aid design, for example, “the Diagnostic Aid shall present the patient's

personal information on all pages”. The last category, debiasing tools, is applied to

indicate the most appropriate ways of conveying required information to reduce the

effects of prevalent cognitive biases in the diagnostic process. Requirements were

iteratively refined and verified during the modeling and design process since one of the

methods of requirements verification is through implementing them in the design.


3.2.1 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements refer to the capabilities of the Diagnostic Aid regarding

required medical actions. For example, that the clinician should be able to easily move

among different pages of the Diagnostic Aid to reduce information access cost is a

general requirement. Some authors claim that information availability should be

customizable according to the user’s need. Physicians as subject matter experts consulted

in the research also believed that records should be filtered to remove uninteresting

results. Moreover, adding the ability of entering data to improve the overall functionality

of the system was proposed. To streamline documentation, implementing tools such as

voice recognition have also been suggested (Schiff & Bates, 2010). Considering these

findings, the user of the Diagnostic Aid should be able to take notes at all stages of the

diagnosis. This is consistent with A214 node, “Develop a cognitive representation of the

problem”; and A235 node, “Explain the patient’s problem with final hypothesis.” The

clinician should also be capable of highlighting especially significant information and

filtering out negligible information. Conducting the physical examination, node A222, is

essential in nearly every instance of the diagnostic process. The Diagnostic Aid must

allow the clinician to store the information and findings of the physical examination.

Having access to medical journal articles, diagnostic cues, the latest possible

treatments and so on in a short amount of time can dramatically enhance the quality of

health services (Wachter, 2010; Schiff & Bates, 2010). Besides providing access to

information sources, offering a second opinion or consultation that the clinician can take

full advantage of are useful tools that should be considered. Graber (2008) suggested

providing physicians with access to the Internet, electronic medical reference texts, and

journals as potential sources to improve clinical decision making. He also encouraged

providing a second opinion and enhanced feedback. Therefore, among the Diagnostic Aid

requirements is to provide means to share the patient’s problem with remote specialists

for a second opinion. The A22 node in the IDEF0 model requires the clinician to generate

a list of hypotheses and prioritize them according to his findings. The clinician should be

able to cover these criteria and also should have access to search engines and electronic

medical references such as PubMed.com and Uptodate.com. The list of functional

requirements includes:

1. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to take record of clinician's final

understanding of the problem.

2. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to share the patient’s problem with

remote specialists.

3. The Diagnostic Aid should provide feedback of the clinician final diagnosis(es).

4. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to access electronic medical references.

5. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to list the clinician’s hypotheses.

6. The clinician shall be able to take notes of his physical examination findings.

7. The clinician shall be able to add to and remove from the hypotheses list and

prioritize hypotheses.

8. The Diagnostic Aid shall allow the clinician to take and save notes at all of the

stages of the diagnostic process.

9. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means for the user to highlight especially

significant information.

10. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to filter out all but the highlighted


11. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to move among different pages easily.

3.2.2 User Interface Requirements

According to (Haines, n.d.) in developing a Tracking Board Prototype, the

patient’s medical information should be available on all pages of a multipage Diagnostic

Aid to reduce information access cost. She also suggested locating related patient medical

information close together.

Schiff and Bates (2010) investigated the effects of electronic medical records

(EMR) on quality of care and believed that electronic documentation is a key to this

effort and suggested a rational approach in designing documentation databases. Some of

their findings and recommendations were used to develop requirements for the

Diagnostic Aid. One of their suggestions that was implemented is some means be

included to document clinicians’ thoughts rather than just using usual point-and-click

methods. Due to human memory limitations, providing a practical checklist that calls up

important medical questions, diagnoses, and diseases probabilities was proposed. From

these considerations and the IDEF0 A21 node, “Evaluate patient’s history, medical signs

and symptoms,” three requirements were developed.

 The patient’s medical information shall be readily accessible from all pages.

 The Diagnostic Aid shall present the history of present illness, history of

hospitalizations and previous illnesses, family history, and medications patient is

taking, in chronological order.


 The Diagnostic Aid shall present related pieces of information close together to

reduce information access cost.

Displaying the patient’s vital signs was also a requirement developed according to

Schiff and Bates’ recommendations and the A212 node in the IDEF0 model. In the A231

node, the clinician compares the expected symptoms of each potential hypothesis with

the patient’s condition and rejects the unlikely hypothesis if any discrepancy arises.

Therefore, the Diagnostic Aid must present all symptoms associated with each diagnosis

in the hypotheses list. Coding should be employed to make more important aspects of a

patient’s information salient.

Sawyer et al. (1996) investigated the impact of design upon effective use of

medical devices, and discussed design-induced errors and mistakes in the use of such

devices. According to them, in designing the user interface, accepted symbols, colors,

and icons should be used to facilitate the comprehension of information. In addition,

labels should be unambiguous, corresponding to the conventions of the user population,

so they can easily be read and understood. Some design principles were derived from

rules of thumb and are spread over different pages of the Diagnostic Aid. For example,

“Information shall be represented consistently across the Diagnostic Aid,” or “The

Diagnostic Aid shall help the clinician keep track of the diagnostic process by showing

the current step in the process.” A full list of user interface requirements includes:

1. The Diagnostic Aid design shall be consistent with the way the physician

conducts diagnosis.

2. The Diagnostic Aid shall present the patient's personal information on all pages.

3. The patient’s medical information shall be readily accessible from all pages.

4. The Diagnostic Aid shall present the history of present illness, history of

hospitalizations and previous illnesses, family history, and medications patient is

taking, in chronological order.

5. The Diagnostic Aid shall present the patient’s vital signs and allergies.

6. The Diagnostic Aid shall present all symptoms associated with each diagnosis in

the hypothesis list.

7. The Diagnostic Aid shall present a list of suggested diagnoses after the clinician

has reviewed the patient's data.

8. The Diagnostic Aid shall utilize a standard format for every page.

9. The Diagnostic Aid shall use coding corresponding to established conventions.

10. The Diagnostic Aid shall help the clinician keep track of the diagnostic process by

showing the current step in the process.

11. The Diagnostic Aid shall present related pieces of information close together to

reduce information access cost.

12. The Diagnostic Aid shall utilize accepted symbols, icons, colors and


13. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide unambiguous labels for objects so they can be

easily read (symbol size, contrast, color).

14. The Diagnostic Aid shall present diagnostically significant relations and trends

among data.

15. The Diagnostic Aid shall minimize the cost of retrieving information.

16. Information shall be represented consistently across the Diagnostic Aid.

17. Symbols should be easily recognizable by the operator.


18. The salience of cues should be consistent with their value.

19. The Diagnostic Aid shall make the user capable of processing different cues


20. The Diagnostic Aid should use constraints to prevent possible errors.

3.2.3 Debiasing Tools

In the diagnostic process, the clinician generates a list of potential hypotheses

based on the patient’s condition, refutes the unlikely ones by gathering clinical

information, and eventually forms the final diagnosis. Due to the complexity of diagnosis

and the amount of mental workload involved, human errors inevitably occur. The

Diagnostic Aid is to promote a systematic decision process while improving the quality

of decisions by reducing the prevalent cognitive diagnostic biases. As mentioned earlier,

prevalent cognitive errors in clinical diagnosis are anchoring, availability,

representativeness, confirmation, and premature closure. It is noteworthy that these

cognitive biases affect the clinician in different stages of the decision making. As shown

in the IDEF0 A214 node, “Develop a cognitive representation of the problem,” and A221

node, “Generate hypothesis based on aggregated knowledge,” the availability, anchoring,

and representativeness biases are influential in forming an understanding of the problem

and generating hypotheses and are therefore shown as controls. Confirmation bias affects

the clinician at the A224 node, “Identify additional information for consistency check,”

and A233 node, “Order required medical test.” Confirmation bias occurs because there is

a tendency to seek confirming information rather than to find disconfirming data to test

the competing hypothesis. In addition, ordering additional laboratory tests may increase

the clinician’s confidence in his decision, even though additional sets of data do not alter

the probability of the diagnosis. Anchoring bias, besides in hypothesis generation, plays a

role in finalizing the hypotheses, so it is shown as a control in the A232 node, “Prioritize

hypotheses and identify additional information needed,” and A234 node, “Compare the

hypotheses one by one and refute the unlikely ones.” Finally, premature closure is a

general heuristic, which mostly prevents the clinician from collecting additional

information in the final stages of the diagnosis. Thus, it acts as a control in the A232

node, which involves identifying additional information needed.

The idea of the Diagnostic Aid is to call cognitive biases to the attention of the

clinician, so that the clinician’s awareness of potential pitfalls in information processing

prevent him from making inaccurate decisions. The Diagnostic Aid should provide

debiasing tools to reduce the likelihood of cognitive biases. Requirements in this part can

be categorized into two general and specific groups. Examples of general requirements


 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means (cognitive debiasing tools) to reduce the

likelihood that cognitive biases interfere with diagnosis.

 Debiasing tools shall not interfere with the process of decision making.

 Debiasing tools shall be specifically attributed to different stages of diagnostic


On the other hand, there are requirements that are individually ascribed to specific

cognitive biases considering the debiasing methods mentioned before. For example, for

anchoring bias, the Diagnostic Aid should provide means to encourage the clinician to

review all the patient’s information before making a final decision. For preventing the

availability bias, the debiasing tool should encourage the clinician to consider the history

of recent diagnoses. The representativeness bias usually happens when the patient’s

condition is atypical of a diagnosis, so to prevent this tendency, the clinician must search

for inconsistencies between the patient’s symptoms and the potential diagnosis.

Informing the clinician of the probability of a diagnosis might also be helpful in raising

awareness of the representativeness effects. Looking for disconfirming data, being alert

to the absence of supporting evidence, and early switching between hypotheses are

potential countermeasures of confirmation bias that should be supported by the

Diagnostic Aid. In general, premature closure happens when the clinician is in a rush and

avoids collecting all key clinical information. To prevent the harmful effects of this

tendency, debiasing tools should encourage the clinician to gather more data before

making a final decision. A full list of debiasing tools requirements is presented below.

1. The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means (cognitive debiasing tools) to reduce the

likelihood that cognitive biases interfere with diagnosis.

2. Design of debiasing tools shall be consistent with the rest of the Diagnostic Aid


3. Subtle but clear visible feedback shall be implemented for debiasing tools.

4. Debiasing tools shall not increase the user’s cognitive burden.

5. Appropriate labels shall be used to convey the functionality of the memory tools


6. Debiasing tools shall not interfere with the process of decision making.

7. Debiasing tools shall be specifically attributed to different stages of diagnostic


8. Debiasing tools shall help the clinician to reach the correct diagnosis more


9. Debiasing tools shall help the clinician to reach the correct diagnosis more


10. The anchoring debiasing tool shall encourage the clinician to review all the

patient’s information before making a decision.

11. The availability debiasing tool shall encourage the clinician to consider the

history of recent diagnoses.

12. The availability debiasing tool shall encourage the clinician to consider

hypotheses with higher absolute probability rather than those easily brought to


13. The representativeness debiasing tool shall encourage the clinician to search for

inconsistencies between patient’s symptoms and the potential diagnosis.

14. The Diagnostic Aid shall inform the clinician about the probability of a potential


15. The confirmation bias debiasing tool shall encourage the clinician to look for

more data that provide disconfirming evidence.

16. The Diagnostic Aid should be able to notify the clinician of absence of crucial

supporting evidence to prevent confirmation bias.

17. The Diagnostic Aid shall make the user capable of switching among hypotheses

with minimal mental effort.

18. The debiasing tool shall reduce the likelihood of physician being subject to

cognitive biases.

19. The Diagnostic Aid shall encourage the clinician to search for more evidence to

decrease the chance of overconfidence bias.

20. The Diagnostic Aid shall encourage the clinician to collect more data and

consider more hypotheses before making final decision.

3.3 Design

The objective of this part of the research was to develop a Diagnostic Aid to

facilitate the diagnostic process. The Diagnostic Aid benefits from visualized information

to assist the clinician to find and analyze information more easily due to increasing the

unused memory resources. One strategy to minimize the effect of cognitive biases in

diagnostic reasoning is to call these processes to the attention of clinicians, therefore,

clinicians might be more willing to use tools to help to overcome these tendencies.

However, it is unreasonable to expect every clinician to become a decision analyst, but it

is not unrealistic to ask clinicians to revise a diagnosis by considering the clinical story in

reverse order. Since heuristics and therefore biases are integral components of human

information processing, efforts in this domain have not been very successful so far.

Nevertheless, more thoughtful consideration of the limitation of information processing

will enhance the quality of decision making (Elstein, 1999).

3.3.1 Diagnostic Aid Development

The IDEF0 model defined the general outline of the Diagnostic Aid and

established requirements, and subject matters experts’ thoughts guided the design of it.

The Diagnostic Aid that was designed, for example, has three different main screens

based on three sub-processes of the diagnosis, A21, A22, and A23 in the IDEF0 model.

The design process mainly followed the requirements and human factors principals, so

that each functional, interface design, or debiasing feature of the Diagnostic Aid, was

sourced from a requirement. Then, the design was modified several times after being

reviewed by subject matter experts at different levels. It is notable that, besides the

mentioned factors, designing a new thing is always a matter of creativity and innovation.

Therefore, having the same IDEF0 model and requirements, two different designers

would definitely develop two graphically different presentations. The Diagnostic Aid

developed for this project is designed for the iPad, and Keynotopia as a rapid prototyping

application was utilized to develop the Diagnostic Aid prototype. Medical History Screen

To better explain the envisioned, fully functional Diagnostic Aid and its

characteristics, a partly functional prototype was developed based on the diagnosis

process for Sarcoidosis (a chronic disease of unknown cause that affects lungs, lymph

nodes, liver, or other tissues). The three main screens of the Diagnostic Aid are medical

history, hypothesis generation, and final diagnosis. The medical history screen presents

demographic information such as the patient’s name, date of birth, sex, race and

ethnicity. This information is also available from other screens of the prototype. To fulfill

the requirements regarding clinical information, the Diagnostic Aid presents the

following information:

 The reason for admission for care as the chief complaint.

 The patient’s vital signs and other information regarding patient’s background.

 The history of prevalent illnesses in the patient’s family.

 Any allergies to food or medications.

 The patient’s initial diagnostic impressions and conditions as symptoms.

 Physical examination results.

 Any diagnoses or consultations reports.

 Results of diagnostic tests.

 Hospitalizations, treatment and services provided to the patient before his arrival.

 Medication administered, including the dose and frequency.

The Patient’s medical history is represented using a graphical time scale, which

has proven to be advantageous to data interpretation (Plaisant et al., 1998). As shown in

Figure 3.7, the medical records are displayed as a set of lines and events on a scalable

data span of 12 months. Lines display varying status conditions such as symptoms, while

icons indicate discrete events, such as laboratory test results. The time scale clarifies the

relation among quantities displayed. Line color and thickness illustrate the severity of

events. The icons’ location record their occurrence in the time frame. A quick glance at

the medical history of this patient reveals that this patient has suffered from a

nonproductive cough for 4 months. She also suffers from dyspnea (shortness of breath),

fatigue and malaise (generalized feeling of discomfort), for a few months, while her

fatigue and malaise has been more intense during the last month. She visited an

ophthalmologist about six months ago; by clicking on the icon of that visit a detailed

information window appears on the right hand side containing the reason of the visit and

the diagnosis. Vital signs measures are demonstrated by making the normal ranges clear,

so if an indication is out of normal range, it would be recognized easily.


Figure 3.7. Patient’s medical history screen

As users touch an event on the screen, a window with detailed information pops

up in the right margin of the screen. In this case, it seems that bumps (a swelling on the

skin) appeared on her skin about 2 weeks prior to this visit. One can glance down from

the bumps line to the medication section and see that the appearances of bumps were

soon after she changed her contraceptive pills. So, the user does not need to remember

the duration and starting point of events, making it easier to detect concurrent events.

Connecting to external resources is also possible from this page. The physician can also

connect to remote specialists and ask for their opinions through this feature. Finally, the

user can take notes on any findings that he wants and save them. Ideally the physician

will switch to the second page of the Diagnostic Aid, hypothesis generation, after

reviewing all the essential information of the patient in the medical history screen. All

screens for a single scenario are provided in Appendix 3. Hypothesis generation screen

After collecting the patient’s medical information and listening to the illness

chronology, the clinician would be able to provide a list of possible causes while

prioritizing them in his head. The clinician is also able to highlight selected information

that he believes plays an important role in diagnosing the disease. However, he can have

access to full medical information by going back to the first screen. The main difference

between the first two stages of diagnosis, as represented in the Diagnostic Aid, is the

effect of cognitive biases in the hypothesis generation phase. As is seen in the debiasing

tools section, there are three questions that address anchoring, availability, and

representativeness heuristics, respectively (Figure 3.8). The idea behind these questions is

to remind the user of pitfalls related to cognitive biases. Addressing the anchoring bias by

asking the user “Is your first diagnosis your final diagnosis? If so, what is your next most

probable diagnosis?” makes the user think of how considering the first hypothesis as the

final one involves the tendency of relying too heavily on the initial piece of information

and first inferential hypothesis. So, informing the clinicians that anchoring might

contaminate their decisions hopefully makes them adjust their decision making process.

The second question, “Have you considered this diagnosis more than one time

recently? If so, reconsider and review other possible diagnosis”, tries to call the attention

to the availability bias. This heuristics occurs when something is recalled very easily then

considered disproportionately important. In this context, if the clinician diagnoses a

problem for the second time in a short period of time, it might be because of recalling it

easily and considering it important. If the clinician were cautious that considering a

diagnosis even more than one time might be due to the availability heuristic, he might

reevaluate his way of thinking and analyzing the patient’s information.

Figure 3.8. Hypothesis generation screen

The third question, “Could this be an atypical manifestation of another condition?

If so, consider another diagnosis”, addresses the potential threat of representativeness


bias in generating hypothesis. The Representativeness debiasing tool tries to alert the

clinician that when a patient’s condition reflect the salient characteristics of a group of

illnesses does not necessarily mean that the problem is definitely belongs to that group. Final diagnosis screen

After providing a list of potential hypotheses by the clinician, it is time to finalize

the case by coming to a final diagnosis or diagnoses. The last screen looks very much the

same as the hypothesis generation screen except that the debiasing tools address

confirmation bias and the premature closure error, and the presentation of all symptoms

associated with each diagnosis (Figure 3.9). The Diagnostic Aid also provides a list of

hypotheses that the clinician has not considered yet according to the patient’s medical

information. This, however, requires the Diagnostic Aid to either be connected to clinical

databases or has these types of information in itself. Providing a list of unconsidered

hypotheses and associated symptoms for both considered and unconsidered hypotheses

would be a valuable tool for the clinician in the hypothetical deductive strategy. The

clinician could easily compare the patient condition with each hypothesis outcome and

refute from or keep the hypothesis in the list.

The first question in the debiasing tools part, “Have you looked for disconfirming

information? If no, try a disconfirming test?”, tries to suppress the effects of confirmation

bias. Confirmation bias is a tendency to favor information that confirms one’s hypothesis

and in the clinical context would mostly appear as trying to gather and remember

information selectively. In an attempt to confirm the initial hypothesis, this debiasing tool

aims to persuade the clinician to look for additional information, either through physical

examination, laboratory test, or any other form that rejects the most anticipated


Figure 3.9. Final diagnosis screen

The final debiasing question, “What else can it be? What is your next priority?” is

designed to avoid a premature closure error. Premature closure is very common in

differential diagnosis and happens when the clinician fails to consider reasonable

alternatives after an initial diagnosis is made. Premature closure can also be considered as

a type of anchoring heuristic error. The debiasing question tries to make the clinician take

time to go through differential diagnosis and consider other alternatives.


The section that provides the hypothesis list and associated symptoms is intended

to be helpful in preventing all possible sorts of biases that might lead to premature

closure. A symptom for a hypothesis that is not seen in the patient might act as powerful

disconfirming evidence and providing a list of unconsidered hypotheses can be a good

hint for preventing premature closure.

As mentioned before, the Diagnostic Aid prototype was developed with a

prototyping tool for the Apple iPad iOS operating systems. The prototype Diagnostic Aid

functionalities are limited and it does not have all the capabilities that were listed in the

requirements list. However, the Diagnostic Aid is partially operative and adequate for

testing in a controlled experiment for its major features.


4 Test and Results

In line with the general purpose of this research to develop a model of the

diagnosis and to introduce a Diagnostic Aid tool to reduce physician-related diagnostic

errors, this chapter describes the process used to test the effectiveness, evaluate the

usability and general fit of the Diagnostic Aid, and verify whether the requirements were

met or not. The terms “system” and “Diagnostic Aid” are used interchangeably in this


4.1 Participants

The sample of physicians as participants for this study was selected from among

Oregon clinicians and residents that have been involved in the process of diagnosis in

their careers. Clinicians were contacted after Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval

and finally six clinicians were recruited for this experiment through a chain referral

process. The research protocol submitted to the IRB and the informed consent signed by

the participants are shown in Appendices 4 and 5 respectively. The sample recruited for

this study was relatively small and not a perfect representative of all practicing physicians

nationally. All participants can be categorized in the experienced class of physicians with

at least ten years of being professionally active. The design and findings of the study

might direct future similar studies. The self reported demographics of physicians are

shown in Table 4.1.


Table 4.1. Demographic characteristics of the participants

Job Title #
Family Nurse Practitioner 1
Family Medicine Physician 1
Physician (MD) 2
Pediatric Physician 1
Retired Obstetrician/Gynecologist 1
Work Experience
10 to 20 years 2
20 years or more 4
Involved in Differential Diagnosis on a Daily Basis
Yes 6
No 0
46-55 4
56 or older 2

4.2 Apparatus

Equipment used during data collection are explained in this section.

Clinical Scenarios: Three different but equivalent fake medical scenarios were

adapted from standard medical cases for medical exams and developed for this study. All

of these scenarios were about the same length, had the chief complaint of fatigue in

common, covered the same medical background information of the patients, and had

similar lab tests results reported. A short version of one of the clinical scenarios includes:

A 36-year-old woman presents to her physician’s office due to 4 months

of non- productive cough and fatigue. Her medical record shows that she

was referred to an ophthalmologist because of blurred vision six month ago

which was diagnosed as anterior uveitis. Her father died with the diagnosis

of small cell lung cancer at the age of 67 years, and her mother died at the

age of 61 due to myocardial infarction. Vital signs showed T: 99 F, and

blood pressure of 142/87 mmHg. She has tender red papules over her shins.

EKG reveals occasional PR interval prolongation. Lung examination

revealed diffusely decreased lung sound. Laboratory findings are:

WBC count: 5100/mm3

Hemoglobin: 13.7 mg/dL

PPD test showed induration of 3 mm after 72 hours. Culture of

bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was negative.

These scenarios were represented both visually as in the Diagnostic Aid form and

also traditionally as in scripts. One of the scenarios was only used as a training scenario

to familiarize participant with the Diagnostic Aid. The other two scenario scripts used for

testing are presented in Appendix 6.

iPad/visualized scenario: Keynote was used to develop the clinical scenarios in a

visualized format for the iPad. How to work through the scenarios on the iPad was

explained to the participants.

Questionnaire: The questionnaire consisted of an introduction and four different

sections (Appendix 7). The first section, technical questions, consisted of mostly open-

ended ones and asked about the details of the scenario and the participant’s decision

about the problem of the patient. For example, “What is/are the chief complaints of the

patient?” or “What is/are your final diagnosis(es)?” are among the questions in this

section. The next two sections assessed the participant’s level of agreement regarding

usability and the extent to which the requirements were met in the design. The usability

questions, in the 1-7 Likert scale, were designed in order to provide a measure of the

system’s ease of use according to the score gained. Some of the usability questions were

modified versions of those of the System Usability Scale (SUS) method and some of

them were developed specifically according to the design of the Diagnostic Aid (Brooke,

1996). Examples of these questions are:

 The application is easy to use generally.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

 The system is too inconsistent.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

 The presentation of patient vital signs is effective.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

The system attribute questions, also in the Likert scale, were developed to validate

the requirements in the design of the Diagnostic Aid. Participants could also clarify their

opinions by writing comments. Some of these questions were:

 The debiasing tools reduced the likelihood of me being subject to cognitive


Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

 It is NOT easy to retrieve the desired information by using this application.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

 The application effectively encouraged me to collect more data and consider more

hypotheses before making my final decision.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree


A few questions from this part were eliminated from the analysis part since they

were very close to questions in the usability sections.

The last section was a short demographic survey that asked about participants’ title, age,

and working experience.

Interview: A qualitative interview was conducted with each participant. The

interview questions were designed to derive more detailed information regarding the user

experience with the system. The questions addressed what the participants liked or

disliked about the Diagnostic Aid, assessed whether or not the tools and features of the

Diagnostic Aid were helpful, and evaluated the satisfaction with the product as an

everyday tool. The interview guide included the following questions:

 Would you like to use this system every day if it were fully functional

 What do you like most and least about the system?

 What functionalities of the system were useful? What were not? What should be

added to it? What should be removed?

 What is your recommendation regarding future development of this application?

 How did the debiasing tools affect your decision making process?

 Were the debiasing tools helpful in any way? How they could be improved?

4.3 Procedure

First, the objectives of the study were explained to each participant. Then, as a

preparation for data collection, the researcher introduced the Diagnostic Aid and taught

the participant to use the device to review the test clinical scenario and to become

familiar with working with the Diagnostic Aid. Thereafter, the questions regarding the

use of the Diagnostic Aid were answered. After the participants reviewed the test

scenario by using the Diagnostic Aid for 10-15 minutes, they worked on one of the

scenarios designed for the actual test (A or B). After reviewing the patient’s information

and going over different pages of the Diagnostic Aid, the subject answered the technical

questions and also the usability and system attributes questions in the questionnaire.

Next, another scenario presented in script format was provided to the participant. The

participant worked on this scenario for about 10 minutes and then answered similar

technical questions designed for the new scenario (excluding the usability and

requirements development questions). Finally, in a semi formal interview the participant

was asked questions about his or her experience with the Diagnostic Aid. The second

group of participants did the script format scenario first, and the visualized one

afterwards, but the rest of the experimental procedure was as described above.

The design of this study was a two-factor cross-over design. To counterbalance

the learning effect, participants were randomly assigned to two treatment groups:

1. First working on the Diagnostic Aid scenario and then working on the script


2. First working on the script scenario and then working on the Diagnostic Aid


In this study, two different clinical scenarios were required during each setting of

the study to reduce the learning effect. The alternation between the scenarios and their

presentation method was intended to reduce the effect of practice, fatigue, or any other

confounding variables.

4.4 Results

The results for different sections of the study including technical questions,

usability questions, and system attribute questions, and also interview analysis is

represented in this subsection. The analysis of the results and corresponding conclusions

are presented in the following chapters.

4.4.1 Technical Questions Results

The technical questions were either open ended or multiple choice questions

about certain facts in the clinical scenarios. This section investigated whether the

visualized format of clinical scenarios helped the participants to better memorize and

recall the patient’s medical information and also to better finalize their decision regarding

the patient’s problem. The responses’ correctness categorized by the paper/Diagnostic

Aid format for each question and each participants are shown in Table 4.2 and 4.3.

Table 4.2. Results of technical questions for each question

# of
# of Paper
Questions Incorrect
Aid Incorrect
1 What is/are the chief complaint(s) of the patient? 0 0
Which vital sign(s) is/are not in the normal range, if
2 1 2
Which of these conditions are not among the
3 1 2
patient’s medical symptoms?
How many months did swollen feet /nonproductive
4 1 3
cough last?
What does the physical exam reveal about the
5 0 0
6 What is the WBC count? 3 3
Are there any abnormalities in the patient’s lab
7 4 2
8 What medication(s) is/are the patient taking? 0 0
9 Which symptom(s) started soonest? 3 0
10 Which symptoms are most severe? 2
11 What is/are your final diagnosis(es)? 1 0
≅ 2.3 (out of ≅ 2.1 (out of
10 questions) 11 questions)

Most of these questions were only testing whether the Diagnostic Aid helped the

participant to memorize and recall the information more accurately while a few others,

such as questions 7 and 11, required some knowledge in a specific medical area as well.

Question 10 was only measurable through the Diagnostic Aid and was not counted

toward paper results.


Table 4.3. Results of technical questions for each participant

Paper Incorrect Diagnostic Aid

Answers Incorrect Answers
1 4 3
2 1 2
3 2 3
4 2 1
5 2 2
6 3 3

The participants performed equally well on the technical questions, therefore

neither of the presentations showed any advantage over the other. The average number of

wrong answers for paper format was 2.3 questions versus 2.1 for the Diagnostic Aid. The

question — which symptoms are most severe? — was only included in the Diagnostic

Aid question set since it could only be perceived through the Diagnostic Aid’s graphs and

it could not be highlighted in the paper presentation. Since the total number of questions

in the two presentations were different and sometimes the participants did not answer the

questions appropriately, such as choosing more than one answer in a multiple choice

question, the participants’ scores are an estimation of the incorrect answers identified.

4.4.2 Usability Questions Results

The usability questions mainly evaluated the participant’s level of agreement

regarding the usability of the system and the effective presentation of the patient’s

medical information. Questions 1-6 and 12 were related to the user’s general perception

of the system and the rest of the questions in this section focused more on the quality of

data presentation and the ease of navigation through the system. The first set of questions

was combined into a single composite score during the data analysis (Likert scale data),

while the rest of the questions were considered as single questions and were analyzed

individually (Likert-type). For the Likert scale data (Questions 1-6 and 12), the mean and

standard deviation for each participant was reported (Table 4.4). On the other hand, for

the other questions the mean and standard deviation for each item over all the participants

were considered for analysis (Table 4.5). The range of the possible responses was from 1

to 7, where 1 indicated strong disagreement while 7 indicated strongly agreement toward

the usability of the Diagnostic Aid.

Table 4.4. Results of usability questions 1-6 and 12

Questions 1-6 ,12 Questions 1-6 ,12

Mean Standard Deviation
1 6 0.82
2 5 0.82
3 6.7 0.49
4 4.4 0.53
5 6.3 0.49
6 5.9 0.9
Total 5.7 1.02

Almost all participants found the system usable and easy to work with (mean

response >5); however, three participants (mean response >=6) had a higher degree of

agreement than the other two.


Table 4.5. Results of usability questions 7-11 and 13

Questions Mean
7 It is easy to find specific information 5.8 1.3
8 Navigation through the application is easy 6.2 1
9 The presentation of patient medical history is effective 4.7 1.4
10 The presentation of patient laboratory tests is effective 6.2 1.2
11 The presentation of patient vital signs is effective 6.7 0.5
13 The application would be more beneficial for cases that are
5.3 1.9
more complex than the one that I just did

Participants agreed that finding information and navigating through the

Diagnostic Aid was easy. They also found the presentation of vital signs (mean=6.7) and

laboratory results (mean=6.2) more effective than that of medical history (mean=4.7).

They also believed that in more complicated clinical scenarios the Diagnostic Aid would

be of more help. The frequency table of these questions for different participants is also

presented in Appendix 8.

4.4.3 System Attributes Questions Results

In this section of the questionnaire, participants responded with their level of

agreement that each individual requirement was met. The most important requirements

were addressed through the requirement verification questions. However, one of the

questions was very similar to one of the usability questions and was omitted from the

analysis. The response range varied from 1 to 7 for strong disagreement to strong

agreement toward meeting these requirements. The mean and standard deviation of

participants’ results for each of the questions are presented in the Table 4.6 below.

Table 4.6. Results of system requirements verification

Requirements Mean
The application design is consistent with the way I think about
1 5.5 0.55
and conduct diagnosis
2 The labels are unambiguous and easy to understand 6.2 1.17
The debiasing tools reduced the likelihood of me being subject
3 5.6 1.2
to cognitive biases
The debiasing tools helped me reach the correct diagnosis more
4 4.8 0.75
The debiasing tools helped me reach the correct diagnosis more
5 4.5 0.84
The debiasing tools interfered with the process of decision
6 1.8 0.98
It is NOT easy to retrieve the desired information by using this
7 2.5 0.55
The application benefited me to balance my speed and accuracy
8 5.5 1.38
in order to come to a timely and correct diagnosis
The application helped me understand relationships and trends
9 4.5 1.51
in the data
The anchoring debiasing tool effectively encouraged me to
10 5.2 1.72
consider other alternatives before making a decision
The availability debiasing tool effectively encouraged me to
11 4.5 1.64
consider other alternatives before making a decision
The representativeness debiasing tool effectively encouraged
12 me to search for inconsistencies between the patient’s 5.2 .6
symptoms and my potential diagnosis
The confirmation bias debiasing tool effectively encouraged me
13 5 1.79
to look for disconfirming data
The application effectively encouraged me to collect more data
14 6 1.26
and consider more hypotheses before making my final decision

Results were categorized by mean response for each requirement:

 High positive degree of agreement (≥ 80%, mean ≥ 5.6)

 Positive degree of agreement (60% - 80%, mean: 4.2 - 5.5 )

 Low degree of agreement (40% - 60%, mean 2.8 - 4.1)


 Negative degree of agreement (≤ 40%, mean ≤ 2.8)

Overall, four requirements received a high positive degree of agreement. All the

other requirements received a positive degree of agreement.

4.4.4 Qualitative Interview

As mentioned before, an interview with each participant was conducted after

he/she finished answering the Likert-scale questions. As the most important part of the

evaluation, the purpose of the interview was to gather participants’ feedback regarding

their overall experience with the Diagnostic Aid, their general perception of the system,

and their opinion on its overlooked aspects. In the interview the participants could openly

make their recommendations regarding future developments of the system.

The first interview question asked whether the physician would be willing to use

this system every day if it was fully functional. All participants expressed that they would

use this system if it were fully functional, but they had some concerns about the system

too. Four participants expressed their concern about entering the information in this

system; they would be willing to use the system if information input is easy and efficient.

I might [use the system], but I can’t tell how easy it is to enter the data and who
is entering the data. Technology doesn’t make you faster, it actually probably
makes you a little slower.

The next question asked what participant liked and disliked about the system, and

the third question asked what was useful and what was not, as well as what should be

added to the system and what should be removed. Since these questions were somewhat

similar to each other and the participants’ responses for these two questions overlapped

with each other, the results were combined in this section. The elements that participants

liked and the functions they found useful were:

 The ability to go from one part of the system to another easily

 The ability to pull up information such as laboratory data quickly and succinctly

on the margin

 The ability to access external resources

 The ability to go back in time if needed

 The separation of information

 Differential diagnoses and their associated symptoms suggested by the system

 Having medical information on different screens

 The visual graphics of the symptoms plotted against time

 The arrangement of the symptoms, their ranges, and the different colors used to

show the symptoms’ severity

 Using different colors in the overall design

 Having reference ranges for vital signs

The participants lauded two of these aspects more frequently, indicating these

features’ relative importance. One was the organization of patient information that made

it easier to review and navigate. The other was the list of hypotheses and associated

symptoms suggested by the system. Participants found it very beneficial when the system

synthesized the symptoms and suggested diagnoses according to the patient’s condition.

They mentioned that this feature reminded them whether they had considered all of the

differential diagnoses or not. A less experienced participant found the suggested


hypotheses very helpful since she realized that she had not considered some of the

diagnoses at all.

A few participants believed that the information was presented in an order that

was not their preferred order and it was aggravating to jump from one part of the system

to the one that they expected to go to next. A participant made a very critical point when

the interviewer asked him whether or not a system based on his model of thinking would

likely be different from another physician’s.

…Not only [would one] physician perhaps have a different order of sequence of
areas that he would think about, that might be different from mine, I would not
use the same sequence of thinking reliably with each patient.

Accordingly, the most satisfactory design as suggested by a participant would be

a customizable layout so that each physician could configure it the way he/she naturally


There were some more subtle refinements that participants believed should be


 The ability to take notes, underline, and highlight the data on the laboratory


 The ability to have access to external resources at the final page

 To include the normal range for laboratory results

 To have different reference range of vital signs for different patients

 To have chief complaint under the interview box and allergies in the medication


 To have negative symptoms, such as not having fever, as well as symptoms in the

condition section

 To have medication and hospitalization precede the physical examination in the

order of presentation

In another question the participants were asked about their suggestions regarding

future developments of the system. They believed that refinements in the design of the

system should be applied according to the subject matter experts’ opinion and then tested

by physicians to come up with the most acceptable design. One of the physicians

suggested that this process could be done in a mock clinic by having people pretend to be

fake patients with fake complaints. Data entry was still one of the concerns, so that two

participants suggested the system be tested in an office setting to see whether it makes the

physician slower or not. However, one participant suggested that it should be embedded

in an EMR system to have access to existing information. The other thing that was

mentioned was that the system should be able to cover all contingencies that might

happen during a clinical encounter so that the physician does not have to jump back and

forth if, for example, the patient is presenting a very odd case or the patient is reluctant to

provide answers to the physician’s questions. A participant suggested that if any of the

patient’s symptoms appeared in the associated symptoms of suggested differential

diagnoses, then they should be highlighted. Another participant proposed that the system

should remind the physician to check the most common symptoms based on the chief

complaint at the reviewing medical information stage. She also added that it would be

very beneficial if the system could suggest essential lab tests at the very beginning steps

of the diagnosis. One participant mentioned that the spelling and terminology should

pertain to how a physician is educated and thinks. The last thing worth mentioning is that

it was suggested that the system by default should present the information in an

acceptable format for most physicians, while also allowing the physician to arrange the

information in a more individualized format if he wants.

You don’t want the software program to only make your data entry more
difficult and give you no help at all, and at the other extreme you do not want
the software package to be so dominant that it essentially dictates the patient
and doctor can only think the way the software engineer thinks and no other order
and therefore arrive at a predetermined conclusion that the software engineer
thought of.

The last two questions of the interview part asked the participants whether

debiasing tools were effective and how they could be improved to be more beneficial.

Participants expressed that the debiasing questions had effects on them to some extent

that reminded them not to jump to the first diagnosis. It was also mentioned that

debiasing tools force experienced physicians, who are likely to skip steps of differential

diagnosis, to rethink and go step by step through the process. Although the participants

found the debiasing questions helpful in expanding their thinking, they believed that

debiasing tool were too generic to secure the attention and involvement of the user.

Moreover, a participant mentioned that the debiasing tools could possibly be even more

beneficial for residents that do not have years of experience.

Participants suggested various ways to improve the debiasing tools:

 More interactive tool that offers alternatives in the process of hypothesis


 More visually stimulating

 Better wording for debiasing questions

 Mnemonics can be used as reminders


Participants indicated that the debiasing tools might be more effective if the tools

suggest alternative hypotheses while the physician enters his hypothesis list in the

Diagnostic Aid. This feature would remind the physician of certain unconsidered

differential diagnoses while encouraging him to be open-minded and also make the

physician to rethink more carefully about the diagnosis that he/she landed on. Two

participants that self-identified as auditory learner and visual learner believed that the

debiasing tool could be more engaging by using different graphics, brighter colors, or

having it on a separate page that obliges the physician to go through it. Another

participant did not find the second question (availability bias) as helpful as the other

questions, arguing that “common things are common”, meaning a physician must

consider common diagnoses before rare ones. Two other participants mentioned that the

wording of the first question is vague and should be altered. It was also suggested that the

familiar medical mnemonics (such as SIGECAPS – sleep change, interest (loss), guilt,

energy (lack), concentration problem, appetite loss, psychomotor, and suicide – for

depression diagnosis) be used in the embedded debiasing tool so that it forces the

physician to think through all known steps of differential diagnosis for at least particular

problems and therefore for the physicians be able to rule in and rule out other diagnoses.

5 Discussion

The results that were presented in the previous chapter are reviewed, analyzed,

and discussed in this chapter. The general outcomes of the experiment conducted are

emphasized and recommendations are also offered. Limitations of the study are covered

at the end of this chapter as well.

5.1 System Usability Experience

Participants’ overall perception of the system was positive and they found the

system usable and functional. An overall average rating of 5.7 out of the 7-point Likert-

scale with the standard deviation of about one for usability questions indicates that

participants found the Diagnostic Aid easy to use on average. Only one participant had an

average score of 4.4, which was considerably less than the total average over all

participants (Figure 5.1). Even though the Diagnostic Aid was not completely functional,

the majority of participants easily learned how to work with it and evaluated it as reliable

in usability questions. Participants were also positive about using this system on a daily

basis if the system works correctly and the data entry does not make them slower;

however, the physician’s inclination to adopt a new system couldn’t be completely

evaluated without a fully functional system.


7 6.7
6 5.9

Total Average

Figure 5.1. Usability question results for each participant

It was observed that the physicians were very open to the idea of new

technologies in the medical system and were inclined to the idea of having a Diagnostic

Aid as a decision aid tool. However, the fact that the sample size was relatively small and

the participants were not selected randomly favors the hypothesis that more individuals

more accepting of new technology agreed to participate in this study. Nevertheless, the

high ratings are of interest considering the fact that all participants were over forty years

old and had at least ten years of medical experience. If the participants were selected

independently and a bigger sample was obtained, a stronger conclusion could be formed

regarding the tendency of more experienced physicians to use new technologies in their

daily practice. It seemed that data entry in current EMR systems is complex and time

consuming since all participants’ first concern regarding the Diagnostic Aid was about

the difficulty of inputting the data. However, improving the quality of diagnosis by

amplifying cognition through reducing mental workload was of more of interest in this

study than the data entry difficulties. Therefore, attention was more on developing the

standards for medical information presentation, and data entry issues were not addressed.

As a result, the Diagnostic Aid should be considered as an isolated system designed only

for facilitating diagnosis that is embedded in an EMR system. A complete

implementation of the Diagnostic Aid would require more thought on mechanisms of

data capture and data entry.

According to the usability questionnaire results, finding information and

navigation through the system was uncomplicated and the presentation of vital signs and

laboratory tests was effectual due to different sections, colors, and graphs. Nevertheless,

participants found the presentation of medical history less efficient while they desired a

more complete and concise history portion. One of the participants mentioned that the

physicians are accustomed to a different order for medical information presentation

which starts by chief complaint followed by history of present illness (HPI), review of

systems (ROS), past medical history (PMH), social history, family history and so on.

Therefore, the inconsistency between the Diagnostic Aid’s presentation of medical

history and what the physicians are using in their everyday practices was the main reason

that they found the medical history section not effective.

In general, positive opinions of the participants regarding the Diagnostic Aid

reveals that this system is potentially a good platform for implementing ideas regarding

improving the diagnosis.


5.2 Randomized Experiment

One of the objectives of this research was to find the effectiveness of the

Diagnostic Aid in facilitating the diagnostic process. Besides the usability study, a

randomized experiment was conducted to explore the differences of the Diagnostic Aid

and paper format presentation of the data. As mentioned in the literature review, among

the solutions for reducing cognitive errors are decreasing reliance on memory, and

improving data presentation quality. The Diagnostic Aid implemented these solutions

along with other features that make it a potential solution to the problem since the

technical questions were mostly about measuring the memory and recall abilities of the

participants. Therefore, more accurate answers on the technical questions when using the

Diagnostic Aid could have been interpreted as demonstrating the effectiveness of this

system in decreasing the physician’s memory workload, and therefore increasing the

quality of diagnosis.

The scenarios used for the study were very brief and designed in order to

represent medical information visually. This was probably the major reason that the

participants performed almost equally well in the technical questions section for both

formats. In addition, the multiple-choice questions or even open-ended questions could

not adequately evaluate the effectiveness of information presentation. One reason is that

the participants had a tendency to choose more than one answer in a few of the multiple-

choice questions. Additionally, a careful scrutiny of each participant’s results revealed

that the second test taken was affected by the first test due to the fact that the medical

scenarios’ content were very similar.


On a few questions the participants did very close on both formats while on the

other questions there were some difference in the accuracy of responses. Questions 4 —

How many months did swollen feet /nonproductive cough last? — and 6 — What is the

WBC count? — received the most wrong answers among the Diagnostic Aid format

while questions 6 and 7 — Are there any abnormalities in the patient’s lab results? — and

9 — Which symptom started soonest? — had the same situation for the paper format. For

questions 4 and 6 the presentation of information in the paper format was more

straightforward and salient than that of the Diagnostic Aid, and it could be a reason why

the paper format was superior in question 4; however, in question 6, the results were

quite the same and also for question 7 which was similar to the question 6, the

participants did better with the Diagnostic Aid. This defied expectations that the paper

format should be superior regarding the results of these two questions; however, it should

be considered that question 7 required some medical knowledge while question 6 did not.

The similarity of cases and subjectivity of the correct answers were among the reasons

that make the outcome of this part inconclusive. Probably the most interesting result was

for question 9 that the participants did significantly better on Diagnostic Aid since the

answer was easily recognizable in the Diagnostic Aid format due to the graphic bars but

not so evidently in the paper format. This is consistent with the findings of Plaisant et al.

(1998) in efficiency of the timeline for recalling interval comparisons and inter-

categorical connections. Overall, the small sample size had its most negative effect on

this part of the study since for getting a statistically significant result a bigger sample size

and a more randomly selection of subjects would be required. Since the scenarios were

very similar in content, a bigger time interval between executing the two parts of the

experiment could have guaranteed more independent results. Even with the same set of

questions and a bigger sample size, a greater distinction between the Diagnostic Aid and

paper format on specific details, such as question 9, would be expected even if not on the

overall average for all questions. It also can be concluded that the Diagnostic Aid

presentation of information is at least as good as the paper presentation and might be

more advantageous in more intricate cases.

With the current result we cannot conclude that the Diagnostic Aid design and its

debiasing features were effective in improving the quality of the diagnostic process.

However, all participants except one agreed that such a system could be even more

beneficial for more complex scenarios. In more complex cases or in real practice the

physicians face cases that require gathering and analyzing information to a great extent

and therefore the physicians would be more vulnerable to heuristic errors.

5.3 Requirements Verification

Requirements were initially developed for a system that is fully functional and

interactive and were partly verified in the development process of the system through

talking to physicians as subject matter experts. Moreover, physicians used the system

attributes questionnaire for evaluation of the requirements. Due to the fact that the

Diagnostic Aid was not fully functional, not all the requirements could be verified.

Jordan (2002) indicates that if at least 80% of participants have a positive opinion

regarding a system attribute, then that requirement could be considered verified. The

nature of requirements used in this study is different from his field of attention but still a

similar approach is justifiable. Since the participants were six in total, at least 80% is

achieved with five participants; with a bigger sample size the verification results would

be more valid. After data analysis, the requirements could be grouped into three

categories: verified, not verified, and not evaluated. If responses of equal and greater than

five out of seven are perceived as the positive agreement, then seven requirements could

be considered verified. These requirements, and one other requirement that was verified

through the usability questions, include:

User interface (1): The Diagnostic Aid design shall be consistent with the way

that physician conduct diagnosis.

User interface (10): The Diagnostic Aid shall provide unambiguous labels for

objects so they can be easily read.

User interface (15): The Diagnostic Aid shall minimize the cost of retrieving


Debiasing tools (6): Debiasing tools shall not interfere with the process of

decision making.

Debiasing tools (10): The anchoring debiasing tool shall encourage the

clinician to review all the patient’s information before making a decision.

Debiasing tools (13): The representativeness debiasing tool shall encourage the

clinician to search for inconsistencies between patient’s symptoms and the

potential diagnosis.

Debiasing tools (18): The debiasing tools reduced the likelihood of me being

subject to cognitive biases.

Debiasing tools (20): The Diagnostic Aid shall encourage the clinician to collect

more data and consider more hypotheses before making final decision.

Requirements regarding the Diagnostic Aid’s design, information presentation,

navigation, and effective encouragement for more data collection were strongly approved

by participants. Requirements about the anchoring and representativeness biases were

also verified with a lesser degree of confidence. If the mean response for each question is

considered for verification (> 80%, mean= 5.6 out of 7) instead of the number of

participants that approved the requirement, then two requirements regarding the

anchoring and representativeness debiasing tool could not be considered verified.

A few other requirements were verified through the interview section, when

participants found a specific feature helpful or mentioned the necessity of a feature that

was considered in the initial requirements list, but was not implemented in the current

Diagnostic Aid. These potentially verified requirements include:

Functional (2): The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to share the patient’s

problem with remote specialists.

Functional (3): The Diagnostic Aid should provide feedback of the clinician

final diagnosis(es).

Functional (9): The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means for the user to

highlight especially significant information.

Functional (11): The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to move among

different pages easily.

User interface (3): The patient’s medical information shall be readily

accessible from all pages.

User interface (5): The Diagnostic Aid shall present the patient’s vital signs

and allergies.

User interface (6): The Diagnostic Aid shall present all symptoms associated

with each diagnosis in the hypothesis list.

User interface (7): The Diagnostic Aid shall present a list of suggested

diagnoses after the clinician has reviewed the patient's data.

User interface (20): The Diagnostic Aid should use constraints to prevent

possible errors.

Debiasing tools(3): Subtle but clear visible feedback shall be implemented for

debiasing tools.

A list of requirements that were not verified includes:

Debiasing tools(8): The debiasing tools shall help the clinician to reach the

correct diagnosis more accurately.

Debiasing tools(9): The debiasing tools shall help the clinician to reach the

correct diagnosis more quickly.

Debiasing tools(14): The Diagnostic Aid shall present diagnostically

significant relations and trends among data.

Debiasing tools(12): The availability debiasing tool shall encourage the clinician

to consider other alternatives rather than those easily brought to mind.

Debiasing tools(15): The confirmation bias debiasing tool shall encourage the

clinician to look for more data that provide disconfirming evidence.

Most of the non-verified requirements were related to the debiasing tools. The

participants did not find the debiasing tools helpful to come up with a final diagnosis

more accurately and quickly. The availability and confirmation bias requirements also did

not seem to encourage additional data collection. In general, the debiasing tool section

was not a good implementation of the debiasing techniques for diagnostic process. The

physicians ignored it easily during the process since its design and presentation was not

salient enough to demand their attention. However, that the participants mentioned that it

reminded them of the possibility of cognitive biases, so it would not be overoptimistic to

conclude that debiasing questions could be helpful if designed to be more salient and

more specific to the case under consideration. As mentioned in previous chapters,

reminding the physicians of the pitfalls of heuristics is the first step in the process of

debiasing and the debiasing questions were partially effective in this regard. The rest of

the requirements were not evaluated for verification, yet some of them were verified

through the design process. The requirements regarding the design of the Diagnostic Aid

that were implemented during the development of the system were considered verified.

The following requirements are based on the interviews with participants and

were not considered before. The participants’ needs validated the necessity of these

requirements and therefore they should be considered for the future generations of the

Diagnostic Aid.

 The Diagnostic Aid shall make the physician capable of customizing the layout of

the information presented.

 The Diagnostic Aid shall present negative symptoms as well as positive ones.

 The Diagnostic Aid shall present lab results with a reference range.

 The Diagnostic Aid shall implement different vital signs’ reference range for

different patients.

 The Diagnostic Aid shall make the physician capable of accessing to external

resources on all pages.

 Debiasing tools shall be presented visually stimulating.

 Debiasing tools shall be interactive and help the physician when heuristics are

likely to fail.

5.4 Positives and Negatives

According to the quantitative and qualitative analysis, there were a few of the

system’s characteristics that were highlighted by the participants as positive. A list of the

most commended positive features and functions include:

 Presentation of essential information on different screens.

 The visual presentation of the symptoms and medication against time using bar


 The visual presentation of vital signs with a reference range.

 The utilization of different colors in information presentation.

 Easy navigation through the system to find different information.

 Synthesizing the symptoms and offering differential diagnosis.

 The ability to retrieve medical information quickly on the right hand column of

the display.

 The links to external resources.

 The debiasing questions segment.


On the other hand, the most cited drawbacks to the system were identified as:

 Unconventional presentation of medical history information.

 Lack of reference range for lab results.

 Generic and not adequately stimulating debiasing questions.

5.5 Recommendations

The overall results of this study reveal where the most effort should be placed for

future developments of the Diagnostic Aid. The elements that were recognized as helpful

should be kept and improved in the system and the less useful ones should be removed or

significantly altered. Some new features also should be added to the system to improve

system usability, functionality, and effectiveness. For instance, the normal range for

laboratory results is very crucial, especially for uncommon laboratory tests. Mnemonics

or checklists should be used to explore all the serious symptoms, to remind the physician

of all the diagnostic process steps, and to propose all possible differentials. The

presentation of negative symptoms in a different color under the list of all other

symptoms would probably make the list of symptoms more complete and informative.

Regardless of whether the Diagnostic Aid achieved the goals of this research, these

refinement will increase the chance of having a more efficient and reliable system in the


One of the most-mentioned drawbacks of the Diagnostic Aid was the presentation

of medical history. The physicians are accustomed to another format and order of medical

history presentation and were not very comfortable with the information display.

Therefore, for future developments of the Diagnostic Aid, the medical history

presentation should be more consistent with current EMR formats. Additionally, the

layout of data presentation should be customizable for each physician since not a single

format would match all physicians’ expectations and mindsets. So, the medical history

should be presented in a modifiable way that is aligned with the current EMR’s format of

presentation so that the information could be retrieved with less effort. On the other hand,

physicians found the presentation of medical information over a timeline very interesting,

while unconventional. Although the idea of timeline for presenting medical records is not

original to this research and was presented by Powsner and Tufte (1994) and other studies

showing its advantages in better recall and faster response time, it has not been tried in

the current EMR systems used by medical professionals (Plaisant et al., 1998). This

feature should be kept and improved so that the physician could search for medical

conditions over time by expanding the timeline.

One of the main objectives of this study was to introduce an aid for facilitating the

diagnosis and reducing common cognitive biases. The debiasing section was designed so

as not to interfere with the decision making process of the physician. The researcher was

cautious to make the debiasing tool, as an unconventional section, as unobtrusive as

possible, while the physicians were more willing to work with a more engaging decision

aid tool. Since the debiasing section was one of the main original ideas presented by this

effort, it would have been more valuable if the participants found it interfering and made

comments about it rather than ignorable. The total experiment manifested that physicians

were open to a more interactive debiasing tool that reminds them of all the possible

pitfalls during the diagnostic process and directs them through that process. Regehr and

Norman, (1996) indicate that just the awareness of the biases is not enough to avoid them

and neither is passive training. But recognizing the situations where the heuristics are

likely to fail would be more helpful. Therefore, first, the debiasing section should be

more stimulating and engaging by incorporating brighter colors and/or interactive

buttons. It was suggested to implement debiasing tools in a completely separate page that

the physician has to go through, forcing him to think about all possibilities. Second, the

debiasing tools, embedded in the Diagnostic Aid, should consider the patient’s

information and suggest useful directions to take. For example, it might remind the

physician to consider certain differential diagnoses or suggest doing specific lab tests; a

participant suggested that the system should also ask about the existence of serious

symptoms according to the chief complaint. Since cognitive biases affect the physician

from the early stages of the process, it would be more beneficial that the differential

diagnoses be offered sooner in that process.

5.6 Limitations

This study was a combination of a usability study and a randomized experiment.

The small sample size and the not fully functional Diagnostic Aid caused some

limitations in the study. The non-functionality of the Diagnostic Aid reduced the

participants’ level of perception of the system. For instance, there were a few potential

functionalities that were not fully interactive in the prototype developed; the Diagnostic

Aid was supposed to let the physician take notes, enter an initial list of hypotheses, and

also connect to medical and non-medical external resources. Since these functions were

not fully functional in the Diagnostic Aid prototype, they were not used in the experiment

and therefore were not evaluated by the participants, except by means of a few comments

in the interview section.

The sample size of participants was not particularly small for a usability study,

and the participants probably uncovered most of the obvious issues, but it was quite small

for a randomized experiment. To report a significant statistical result and make causal

inference, a larger sample of participants would be required. Difficulties in recruiting

busy physicians2 prevented acquiring of a bigger sample. Although the participants were

randomly assigned to four different groups to minimize the effect of unwanted factors,

they were not a representative enough sample of medical professionals since they were

selected through career connections. In addition, all participants were in the experienced

stratum of their profession and therefore were not representative of a less experienced

population of physicians. Therefore, the results of the study could not be generalized to a

bigger population of physicians.

The medical scenarios developed for the training and for the experiment were

very similar to each other and caused confusion in answering some of the technical

questions. The scenarios and the associated technical questions were not adequate for the

participants to distinguish the Diagnostic Aid from the paper if there was any advantage

of the former. Likely, more complicated scenarios with similar levels of difficulty but

differentiated content would have provided better results for the experiment. The

questionnaire was also not designed in the best way. The analysis of Likert-type

questions without having a reference score is usually a very subjective task. Using

standard systems such as SUS with a reference score would make the interpretation of the

It took six months to recruit only six participants.

result much easier. Due to the presence of the researcher, the participants might have

been subject to response bias and provided desirable responses rather than choosing

answers that were reflective of their true opinion. Using indirect questioning or methods

that do not require the presence of the interviewer could be helpful in overcoming this

bias (Fisher, 1993). Online surveys for questionnaire parts might also be beneficial since

respondents feel more anonymous in online surveys and less susceptible to social

desirability bias (Joinson, 1999).

The analysis of the survey questions was very subjective due to the lack of a

baseline for inference. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed only by the

researcher and therefore the results might be subject to measurement bias. To remove this

bias, the interview voice records, could be independently transcribed by an additional

person and the results compared to the researcher’s.


6 Conclusion

The main purpose of this research was to improve patient safety by reducing

cognitive errors in the clinical diagnostic process. To achieve this goal, understanding the

clinical diagnostic process and developing a model of this process was the initial step.

The literature on clinical diagnosis and conversations with subject matter experts helped

to understand the process up to a level that an IDEF0 model could be developed for the

diagnostic process. The IDEF0 model demonstrated most of the influential factors in this

process. Next, the requirements were established for the development of the Diagnostic

Aid. Overall, the literature review, IDEF0 model of the diagnosis, and requirements

formed the structure for the development of the Diagnostic Aid.

The Diagnostic Aid is the semi functional application for the Apple iPad used for

facilitating the diagnostic process and reducing the chance of cognitive errors. The

Diagnostic Aid visualized information and provided features that tried to amplify

physicians’ cognition through reducing their mental workload. In the randomized

experiment, the Diagnostic Aid was found to be as effective as the paper format

regarding information presentation, yet not significantly better. So it cannot be concluded

that Diagnostic Aid facilitated the diagnosis process. However, the physicians accepted

the overall Diagnostic Aid’s design and evaluated its features positively.

The last objective of this research was to verify the requirements through the

experiment and surveys. The majority of the requirements tested were verified and some

new requirements were generated. The Diagnostic Aid addressed numerous needs of the

physicians, while participant’ articulated demands and preferences that had not been

previously considered shed light on the necessity of new requirements.

6.1 Summary

The Diagnostic Aid was not effective enough in improving the quality of care

through reducing cognitive errors. Yet although the system as a whole did not meet

expectations for facilitating diagnosis, its specific features for information presentation,

suggesting alternatives, reminding of potential biases, etc. were evaluated positively by

the physician participants. Therefore, it is still possible that the effectiveness of the

Diagnostic Aid could be established using a more complete implementation of the design

and a better setting for the experiment.

Participated physicians seemed very open to the adoption of new systems with

new technologies as decision-support systems as long as these systems do not just make

them slower with no particularly added advantage. The physicians most desired a system

immune to biases and intelligent enough to guide them through the diagnostic process

while they enter the information in the system.

6.2 Future research

This study provides insight into the physician’s expectations of a decision-support

system that would be beneficial in the process of diagnosis. The results of this study are

limited to the sample of participants while the methods used could be extended to larger

sample sizes for further studies. A larger sample of participants with more diverse

specialties and skills would make the results more generalizable. Relevant studies should

benefit from a fully functional system for increasing the validity of the evaluations.

The IDEF0 model of the diagnostic process and the requirements developed could

be used for further studies and references regarding the clinical diagnostic process. The

partially functional Diagnostic Aid would be a robust framework for future studies that

continue with the development of decision aid tools. In the fully functional Diagnostic

Aid the physician should be able to easily enter and edit the essential information. The

debiasing tools require substantial change in function and design as just general strategies

toward caution are unlikely to be helpful in reducing the chance of biases occurring.

Therefore, the debiasing tools should be more specific, more engaging, and better

integrated into the system.

A system that could reduce the mental workload of physicians by providing

essential information and guides at the right time would be valuable. Developing such a

complicated system would likely require the collaboration of very different specialties

such as medicine, psychology, information systems, data mining, artificial intelligence,

and so on. The core of such a system is expected to be an intelligent and powerful

computation system that has the capability of learning from entered data. In addition,

according to what the physicians expected from such a system, a single system could not

be effective enough for all medical areas, indicating that customized systems within each

discipline are required. Therefore, with the current state of the technology and established

medical policies, effectively reminding the physicians of the potential errors seems to be

the most promising way of reducing medical diagnosis errors.



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Appendix 1- Entire IDEF0 Diagram

Medical guidelines
Clinician's factors
Environment/system factors
Patient medical condition
I_Patient's medical history
I_Medical test results
I_Chronological account of illness
I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms
Patient perceived problems

Existing patient-clinician relationship Healing patient

Clinician's initial understanding of patient's problems Updated medical records
New/returning patient Follow-up schedule
Clinician's updated understanding of patient's problem after the encounter
Patient's enhanced understanding of problems
Conduct medical encounter
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Final diagnosis(es)
Final treatment plan
Updated patient's medical history
Medical tests ordered

Information System
Medical equipment

Figure A.1. Conduct medical encounter

C4 C9 C3 C2 C1 C6 C7 C8 C5
Patient medical condition Medical guidelines
Patient perceived problems Hypothetical-Deductive strategy
Environment/system factors Pattern Recognition
Clinician's factors I_Medical test results
I_Chronological account of illness
I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms

I_Patient's medical history

Existing patient-clinician relationship Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
I1 Establish & O6
Clinician's initial understanding of patient's problems Patient's
Clinician's updated understanding of patient-clinician factors
relationship Clinician's updated understanding of patient's problem after the encounter
I2 maintain O4

Medical tests ordered


Physical examination result Updated patient's medical history


Diagnose the patient problem Final diagnosis(es)


Clinician's understanding of final diagnosis

Discussion about the final diagnosis


Patient in treatment Healing patient

New/returning patient Updated medical records
I3 O2
Treat patient Final treatment plan
Clinician's understanding after implementing the treatment.
Discussion about treatment plan

Clinician's understanding with discussed follow-up plan

Plan follow-up Follow-up schedule

Patient's enhanced understanding of problems
Discussion of follow-up plan

Patient Medical equipment

Clinician Facilities Information System
M1 M3 M2 M4 M5

Figure A.2. Conduct medical encounter encounter sub processes


C12C10C9 C2 C4 C11C3 C1 C5 C8 C6 C7
I_Patient's medical history The rule of parsimony
I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms Hypothetical-Deductive strategy
I_Chronological account of illness Pattern Recognition
Environment/system factors
Patient medical condition
Patient's factors
Clinician's factors
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Medical guidelines
I_Medical test results

Clinician's updated understanding of patient-clinician relationship Evaluate patient's history, medical Context of the problem
I1 signs and symptoms


Diagnostic information need

Physical examination result Generate Updated context of the problem

I2 hypotheses
Initial set of hypotheses

Updated patient's medical history

Discussion about the final diagnosis
Compare, reject and finalize Clinician's understanding of final diagnosis
hypotheses O4
Final diagnosis(es)
Medical tests ordered

Facilities Medical equipment
M3 M2 M1 M4

Figure A.3. Diagnose the patient problem

C5 C1 C10C6 C8 C9 C7 C4 C2 C3
Patient medical condition I_Patient's medical signs & symptoms
I_Chronological account of illness Anchoring cognitive bias
I_Patient's medical history Representativeness cognitive bias
I_Medical test results Availability cognitive bias
Patient's factors
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Medical guidelines
Clinician's factors
Environment/system factors

Clinician's updated understanding of patient-clinician relationship Clinician's underestanding of patient medical test results
Review patient's medical
history and test results
Clinician's understanding of patient's medical history


Analyze medical signs & Clinician's understanding of patient medical signs & symptoms


Listen to patient's illness Clinician's understanding of patient account of illness(HPI)



Context of the problem


Develop a cognitive representation

of the problem


M2 M1 M3

Figure A.4. Evaluate patient's history, medical signs and symptoms


C3 C5 C4 C2 C1
Anchoring cognitive bias Environment/system factors Confirmation cognitive bias
Availability cognitive bias
Representativeness cognitive bias
Patient's factors
Ongoing patient-clinician relationship
Clinician's factors
Patient medical condition

Context of the problem Generate hypotheses based Initial generated hypotheses list
I1 on aggregated knowledge


Clinician's understanding of the patient's problem

Conduct physical
Physical examination result Updated context of the problem
I2 O2

Prioritize list of initial Initial set of hypotheses

hypotheses O3


Identify additional
information needed for Diagnostic information need
consistency check


Patient Medical equipment
M2 M1 M3 M4

Figure A.5. Generate hypotheses

C10C6 I1 C1 C5 C4 C2 C9 C3 C7 C8
Pattern Recognition Premature closure error I_Medical test results The rule of parsimony
Medical guidelines
Updated context of the problem

Diagnostic information need

Patient's factors
Clinician's factors cognitive bias
Environment/system factors
Hypothetical-Deductive strategy
Patient medical condition

Initial set of hypotheses Selected hypotheses that match patient's condition


Refute hypotheses not consistent with

context of the problem

Physical examination result



Additional information needed

Prioritize hypotheses and identify

additional information needed

Prioritized list of hypotheses


Medical tests ordered


Order required medical tests Updated Context of The Problem

Remained hypotheses

Compare hypotheses one by one Final hypotheses

and refute the unlikely ones

Updated patient's medical history
Explain the O1
Final diagnosis(es)
patient's problem O4
Discussion about the final diagnosis
with final O2
hypothesis(es) Clinician's understanding of final diagnosis
Plan a follow up visit


Medical equipment
M1 M4 M2 M3

Figure A.6. Compare, reject and finalize hypotheses


C4 C5 C9 C8 C6 C2 C1 C7 C10 C3
Diagnostic information need Confirmation cognitive bias
Clinician's factors Patient medical condition
Hypothetical-Deductive strategy Pathognomonic strategy
Updated context of the problem
Patient's factors factors
Medical guidelines
Pattern Recognition

Initial set of hypotheses Identify expected outcomes Expected outcome of each hypothesis
I1 of each hypothesis


Matched hypothesis(es)

Compare each hypothesis outcome with

patient's condition and reject the
unlikely ones
Physical examination result


Refute hypotheses that don't match Selected hypotheses that match patient's condition
patient condition O1


Patient Medical equipment
M3 M1 M4 M2

Figure A.7. Refute hypotheses not consistent with context of the problem

Appendix 2 – Requirements

Table A.1. Complete list of requirements, their action area, and sources

Functional Action area Source Verification

1 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to take Explain the patient’s problem IDEF0 Model – Verified by
record of clinician's final understanding of the with final hypothesis(es) A235 design
2 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to share the General (Wachter, 2010) Verified by
patient’s problem with remote specialists. questionnaire
3 The Diagnostic Aid should provide feedback of the General (Graber, 2008) Verified by
clinician final diagnosis(es). questionnaire
4 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to access Generate hypotheses (Graber, 2008) Verified by
electronic medical references. Compare, reject, and finalize design
5 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to list the Generate hypotheses bases on IDEF0 Model – Verified by
clinician’s hypotheses. aggregated knowledge A221 design
6 The clinician shall be able to take notes of his Conduct physical examination IDEF0 Model – Verified by
physical examination findings. A222 design
7 The clinician shall be able to add to and remove Prioritize list of initial IDEF0 Model – Verified by
from the hypotheses list and prioritize hypotheses. hypotheses A223 design
Refute Hypotheses that don’t IDEF0 Model –
match patient condition A2313
8 The Diagnostic Aid shall allow the clinician to take Develop a cognitive IDEF0 Model – Verified by
and save notes at all of the stages of the diagnostic representation of the problem A214 design

Table A.1. Complete list of requirements, their action area, and sources (Continued)

9 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means for the user General (Haines, n.d.) Verified by
to highlight especially significant information. interview
10 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to filter out Evaluate patient’s history, Subject matter Not evaluated
all but the highlighted information. medical signs and symptoms experts
IDEF0 Model –
11 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means to move General (Sawyer et al. Verified by
among different pages easily. 1996) interview

User Interface Action area Source Verification

1 The Diagnostic Aid design shall be consistent with General Verified by

the way the physician conducts diagnosis. questionnaire
2 The Diagnostic Aid shall present the patient's Evaluate patient’s history, (Ginsburg, 2007) Not evaluated
personal information on all pages. medical signs and symptoms IDEF0 Model –
3 The patient’s medical information shall be readily General (Haines, n.d.) Verified by
accessible from all pages. interview
4 The Diagnostic Aid shall present the history of General (Schiff & Bates, Not evaluated
present illness, history of hospitalizations and 2010)
previous illnesses, family history, and medications IDEF0 Model –
patient is taking, in chronological order. A21
5 The Diagnostic Aid shall present the patient’s vital Analyze medical signs & (Schiff & Bates, Verified by
signs and allergies. symptoms 2010) interview
IDEF0 Model –

Table A.1. Complete list of requirements, their action area, and sources (Continued)

6 The Diagnostic Aid shall present all symptoms Identify expected outcomes of IDEF0 Model – Verified by
associated with each diagnosis in the hypothesis list. each hypothesis A2311 interview
7 The Diagnostic Aid shall present a list of suggested Prioritize hypotheses and Subject matter Verified by
diagnoses after the clinician has reviewed the identify additional information experts interview
patient's data. needed IDEF0 Model –
8 The Diagnostic Aid shall utilize a standard format General (Wickens, Lee, Not evaluated
for every page. Liu, & Gordon-
Becker, 2003)
9 The Diagnostic Aid shall use coding corresponding General Sawyer et al., Not evaluated
to established conventions. (1996).
10 The Diagnostic Aid shall help the clinician keep General Sawyer et al., Not evaluated
track of the diagnostic process by showing the (1996).
current step in the process.
11 The Diagnostic Aid shall present related pieces of General Sawyer et al., Not evaluated
information close together to reduce information (1996).
access cost.
12 The Diagnostic Aid shall utilize accepted symbols, General Sawyer et al., Not evaluated
icons, colors and abbreviations. (1996).
13 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide unambiguous General Sawyer et al., Verified by
labels for objects so they can be easily read (symbol (1996). questionnaire
size, contrast, color).
14 The Diagnostic Aid shall present diagnostically General Subject matter Not verified
significant relations and trends among data. experts

15 The Diagnostic Aid shall minimize the cost of General Subject matter Verified by
retrieving information. experts questionnaire

Table A.1. Complete list of requirements, their action area, and sources (Continued)

16 Information shall be represented consistently across General Sawyer et al., Not evaluated
the Diagnostic Aid. (1996).
17 Symbols should be easily recognizable by the General (Wickens, Lee, Not evaluated
operator. Liu, & Gordon-
Becker, 2003)
18 The salience of cues should be consistent with their General (Wickens, Lee, Not evaluated
value. Liu, & Gordon-
Becker, 2003)
19 The Diagnostic Aid shall make the user capable of General Not evaluated
processing different cues equally.
20 The Diagnostic Aid should use constraints to General (Wickens, Lee, Verified
prevent possible errors. Liu, & Gordon-
Becker, 2003)

Debiasing Tools Action area Source Verification

1 The Diagnostic Aid shall provide means (debiasing General Not evaluated
tools) to reduce the likelihood that cognitive biases
interfere with diagnosis.
2 Design of debiasing tools shall be consistent with General Not evaluated
the rest of the Diagnostic Aid standards.
3 Subtle but clear visible feedback shall be General Verified
implemented for debiasing tools.
4 Debiasing tools shall not increase the user’s General Not evaluated
cognitive burden.

Table A.1. Complete list of requirements, their action area, and sources (Continued)

5 Appropriate labels shall be used to convey the General Not evaluated

functionality of the memory tools quickly.
6 Debiasing tools shall not interfere with the process General Verified
of decision making.
7 Debiasing tools shall be specifically attributed to General Verified by
different stages of diagnostic reasoning. design
8 Debiasing tools shall help the clinician to reach the General Not verified
correct diagnosis more accurately.
9 Debiasing tools shall help the clinician to reach the General Not verified
correct diagnosis more quickly.
10 The anchoring debiasing tool shall encourage the Anchoring bias IDEF0 Model – Verified with
clinician to review all the patient’s information A212 & A221 less degree of
before making a decision. confidence
11 The availability debiasing tool shall encourage the Availability bias IDEF0 Model – Not evaluated
clinician to consider the history of recent diagnoses. A212 & A221
12 The availability debiasing tool shall encourage the Availability bias IDEF0 Model – Not verified
clinician to consider hypotheses with higher A212 & A221
absolute probability rather than those easily brought
to mind.
13 The representativeness debiasing tool shall Representativeness bias IDEF0 Model – Verified with
encourage the clinician to search for inconsistencies A212 & A221 less degree of
between patient’s symptoms and the potential confidence
14 The Diagnostic Aid shall inform the clinician about Representativeness bias IDEF0 Model – Not evaluated
the probability of a potential hypothesis. A212 & A221

Table A.1. Complete list of requirements, their action area, and sources (Continued)

15 The confirmation bias debiasing tool shall encourage Confirmation bias IDEF0 Model – Not verified
the clinician to look for more data that provide A224 & A231-
disconfirming evidence. A234 & A2312
16 The Diagnostic Aid should be able to notify the Confirmation bias IDEF0 Model – Not evaluated
clinician of absence of crucial supporting evidence A224 & A231-
to prevent confirmation bias. A234 & A2312
17 The Diagnostic Aid shall make the user capable of General Not evaluated
switching among hypotheses with minimal mental
18 The debiasing tool shall reduce the likelihood of General IDEF0 Model – Verified
physician being subject to cognitive biases. A232 & A233 &
19 The Diagnostic Aid shall encourage the clinician to Overconfidence bias Not evaluated
search for more evidence to decrease the chance of
overconfidence bias.
20 The Diagnostic Aid shall encourage the clinician to Premature closure Verified
collect more data and consider more hypotheses
before making final decision.

Appendix 3- Diagnostic Aid Screens

Figure A.8. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 1


Figure A.9. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 2


Figure A.10. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 3


Figure A.11. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 4


Figure A.12. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 5


Figure A.13. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 6


Figure A.14. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 7


Figure A.15. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 8


Figure A.16. Final Diagnostic Aid screen example 9


Appendix 4 – Research Protocol Submitted to IRB

Sep 20, 2013

1. Protocol Title: Designing a medical diagnostic mockup that helps the clinician to improve the
quality of diagnosis.
2. Principal Investigator Kenneth H. Funk II
3. Student Researcher(s) Kiumars Zolfaghari
4. Co-investigator(s) N/A
5. Study Staff N/A
6. Investigator Qualifications
Kenneth Funk (PI) is Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical, Industrial, and
Manufacturing Engineering. Dr. Funk specializes in human factors engineering, especially in
the healthcare, military, aviation, and manufacturing domains. His primary research addresses
human performance in complex, high risk systems, like submarines, surface warships,
airplanes, and operating rooms.

Kiumars Zolfaghari (Student Researcher) has a B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and is a M.Sc.
student in Industrial Engineering at OSU. His research focus is human factors and cognitive
psychology in designing new systems. He completed the NIH online training course
“Protecting Human Research Participants” and has done coursework projects that involved
human subjects at Oregon State University.

7. Training and Oversight

Dr. Funk will supervise the study at all times, including the recruitment of subjects, data
collection and storage, and submissions of IRB documents. He has supervised many students
conducting experiments involving human subjects and will meet with the Student Researcher
on a weekly basis to supervise all aspects of this project. Kiumars Zolfaghari developed the
methodology for this research and the PI has approved it. He has completed the online
training “Responsible Conduct of Research” offered by the Collaborative Institutional
Training Initiative (CITI). Dr. Funk will continue in his role through the completion of the
8. Sources of Support for this project (unfunded, pending, or awarded)
This study is unfunded.
9. Description of Research
This research aims to study the effect of medical data visualization on physicians’ diagnostic
performance through a diagnostic mockup (non-functional). The objective of this research is
to develop and validate a mockup for an iPad that represents key clinical information visually
and implements cognitive and system features to reduce cognitive errors in the diagnostic

process. In this regard, among the features of the mockup will be representing medical history
graphically, tracking medical tests, providing personalized feedback, and supporting the
clinician with a list of diagnoses not considered initially. The focus of this project will be 1)
to represent patient’s clinical information on a tablet computer, 2) to earmark cognitive biases
that are prevalent in the diagnostic process, and 3) to reduce the mental effort of the clinician
while making decision regarding a patient’s problem.
The products of the research include a formal model of the diagnostic process, a set of
requirements to develop a visual, interactive, and graphical aid for the diagnostic process, and
a mockup of that aid. Clinician feedback on the use of the mockup will provide knowledge
for better mockups and prototypes in the future. The mockup will also be useful for training
and quality studies.
This study is part of Kiumars Zolfaghari’s master’s thesis and it will be published as a thesis
at OSU and as journal articles in medical and human factors journals.

10. Background Justification

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, medical error is the 8th
leading cause of death in the United States. Various factors with different natures contribute
to medical errors such as poor performance of the clinician, wrong drug treatment, failure in
the process of diagnosis, system errors, and even characteristics of the patient. More than
66% of adverse events in healthcare are preventable and diagnostic errors are contributing
factors in approximately 30% of these adverse events. However, diagnostic errors have been
largely unaddressed in patient safety activities.
According to Schiff and Bates (2010), ways of improving diagnostic accuracy should be found
other than decision-support (e.g., automated diagnosis) systems. They believe that presenting
clinical information, facilitating provider-to-provider communication, and implementing
diagnostic checklists would be more efficient ways to reduce diagnostic errors.
In this research, the development of a mockup diagnostic aid aims to find a new way to
improve patient safety through implementation of both already discussed methods plus some
new innovative techniques.

11. Multi-center Study

OSU is the only institution conducting this study.

12. External Research or Recruitment Site(s)


13. Subject Population

The subject population of this study consists of physicians, interns, residents, and other
trained medical professionals experienced enough to perform differential diagnosis. The
subject population is not restricted to any gender or ethnic group. Ideally, participants will
represent different ages, medical experience and levels of expertise in performing differential
Total target enrollment is 25.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria:

Inclusion: Any medical expert who has finished his/her third year of studies in the field
of medicine and who has enough knowledge to perform differential diagnosis.
Exclusion: Anyone who does not have enough medical knowledge and has never been in
charge of making differential diagnosis. Non-English Speakers. Children.
Recruitment: Participants will be recruited by email (attached). Initial contact will be to
personal contacts and to Oregon medical professionals who are listed in public information
sources (telephone book, internet search). Contacts will be expanded through chain referrals;
initial contacts will be asked to forward the emailed invitation to other possible participants.
Those who respond to the invitation to participate will be contacted back to confirm that they
meet the inclusion criteria and to schedule the study.

14. Consent Process

All relevant elements of the consent are included in the Informed Consent document
(attached). The consent form will be reviewed and signed by the participant at the place of the
study before starting any activity related to this study. No audio recording will be taken prior
to this. This consent form informs the participants of the nature of the research activity and
provides them with information about the survey, the potential risks and benefits associated
with participation, and contact information for the principal investigator, and student
researcher. To ensure comprehension of the consent, the researcher will ask the following
open-ended questions to the participants:
o What questions can I answer for you?
o So that I am sure that you understand what the study involves, would you
please tell me what you think we are asking you to do?
o In your own words, can you tell me what the biggest risk to you might be if
you enroll in this study?

Signatures on the consent form. Subjects who consent to the study will sign the consent
form, which indicates the study has been explained to them, all their questions have been
answered, and that they agree to be in the study. The researcher will also sign the consent
form indicating that the study was explained to the subject, comprehension was assessed and
found to be sufficient, and the subject provided consent to participate in the study.

15. Assent Process


16. Eligibility Screening

The inclusion criteria will be presented in the recruitment email. If participants’
characteristics match the inclusion criteria and they are willing to participate, they will be
invited to schedule a time to conduct the study. Since the inclusion criteria will be explained
before obtaining informed consent, there will be no need for screening process.

17. Methods and Procedures


Clinical scenario
Internal medicine clinical scenarios will be used to test the effectiveness and usability of the
mockup. Three case scenarios were developed by clinical experts and will be implemented in
the mockup for test purposes. These scenarios describe different patients who suffer from
fatigue and malaise problems for different reasons. The clinician participant will interact with
the mockup, as much as it is functional, collect information, analyze the patient’s problem
and, after developing a diagnosis, evaluate how the system would fit his/her needs.

Each participant will answer a questionnaire (attached) after interacting with the mockup.
This questionnaire consists of three different parts. The first part, technical questions, consists
of mostly open-ended ones and asks about the clinical details of the scenario. The next two
parts assess the participants’ level of agreement regarding usability and compliance with
design requirements by Likert-scale questions. Participants can also clarify their opinions by
writing comments.

A qualitative interview will be conducted with each participant following a written guide.
The interview questions are designed to derive more detailed information regarding the user
experience with the system. The interview will last about 10 minutes and will be audio

Participants will be divided to two groups randomly for the purpose of this study. After
signing the informed consent, the student researcher will introduce the mockup and train
participants to use the mockup. Questions regarding the use of the mockup will be answered.
This will be a training stage of the experiment, so the participants become familiar with how
the mockup works.
Then the participants will review the first scenario by using the mockup for 10-15 minutes
and reviewing the patient information on it. Then they will answer the questionnaire. The
student researcher will remain close to clarify any possible questions.
Then, another scenario presented in paper format will be provided to the participants.
Participants will work on the scenario in the paper format for about 10 minutes and then
answer the same technical questions with different multiple-choice answers (excluding the
usability and requirements questions). Finally they will be interviewed and asked questions
about their experience with the mockup and how they compare it with the paper presentation.
Questions will address participants’ perception of the usability and satisfaction with the
system, what they like or dislike about it, and whether the tools and features of the mockup
were helpful or not.
The second group of participants will do the paper format scenario first, but the rest of the
experiment will be in the same order and format.
The experiment will take place either at Oregon State University or at the participants' places
of employment. In the latter case, or in case the experiment is conducted during the
participants’ work hours, permission will be obtained from the participants’ employers prior
to conducting the research.

Data Analysis
Data from the Likert scale questions will be analyzed using descriptive statistics. Each
specific question will be analyzed separately, and also summed with other related items to
create a score for usability, pleasureability, and so on. We will also analyze the technical

questions for the paper format and the mockup format and compare the quality of results;
looking to see if the mockup format has any advantageous over paper format or not. Another
category for the analysis will be the experience of participants and their familiarity with
differential diagnosis.

18. Compensation
All the participants who complete the experiment will receive a $20 gift card.
19. Costs
There are no costs associated with this study for the participants.
20. Drugs or Biologics
21. Dietary Supplements or Food
22. Radiation
23. Biological Samples
24. Anonymity or Confidentiality

Documents, including consent forms, questionnaires, audio recordings, and notes will be
stored in a secure location (student researcher’s locked office for paper documents and
password-protected computer for digital audio files ) during the study. Each participant will
be assigned a number randomly, not associated with the participant’s name, to identify the
participant’s group. However, there is a chance that we could accidentally disclose
information that identifies a participant. All the documents from the study will only include
the participant identification number and not the participant’s name. No list linking
participant numbers to names will be kept. After the study is completed, all the paper
documents will be kept in in the PI’s locked office and the digital data will be saved to the
PI’s password-protected computer and will be kept for three years.
25. Risks
The research is considered to be minimal risk. This is not a web-based research and no
information will be collected online during the time of the study.

26. Benefits
We do not believe there are any direct benefits to individuals who participate in the study.
But, the findings of this study could be used in development of diagnostic applications,
ultimately beneficial to both clinicians and patients.

27. Assessment of Risk: Benefit ratio

The contribution of the study to the healthcare research outweighs the minimal risk. In line
with this way of thinking, fewer diagnostic errors in clinical context may be expected in the
future as a result of this work.

Appendix 5 – Informed Consent Form


Project Title: Evaluating a medical diagnostic mockup designed to help

improve the quality of diagnosis by reducing the chance of
diagnostic errors.
Principal Investigator: Kenneth H. Funk II, Ph.D.
Student Researcher: Kiumars Zolfaghari
Version Date: 22 October 2013


This form contains information you will need to help you decide whether to be in this
study or not. Please read the form carefully and ask the study team member(s) questions
about anything that is not clear.


This study tries to find ways to reduce diagnostic errors that happen during the
differential diagnosis process, specifically, the cognitive errors that have root in the
common fallibilities of human beings. We designed a mockup application for the iPad
that presents medical information visually and has tools and features that support the
human’s memory and decision-making heuristics. The usability and effectiveness of the
mockup will be evaluated through this experiment.
Kiumars Zolfaghari is conducting this study for his Master’s thesis research.


You are being asked to take part in a research study. The subject population of this study
consists of physicians, interns, residents, and other trained medical professionals
experienced enough to perform differential diagnosis.


The study activities include two phases. In one of them, we will ask you to read a one
page scenario of a patient, analyze his/her condition, make your decision about final
diagnosis(es), and answer a few questions based on your interpretation of patient’s
In the other phase you will work on another scenario represented by the diagnostic
mockup. This time, you will interact with the mockup and its features on an iPad to
finalize your decision. The same questions plus a group of questions about the
functionality of the mockup will be asked after this part. At the end, a short interview will
be performed regarding your experience with the mock up.

Study duration: Your participation in this study will last about one hour. The paper
scenario phase will take about 15-20 minutes and the mockup scenario will take 20-25
minutes. The final short interview will also last about 10 minutes.

Recordings: An audio recording will be made only during your interview part. You still
can enroll to participate in this study if you do not want your opinions to be audio

______I agree to be audio recorded.


______I do not agree to be audio recorded.


Randomization: This study involves a process called randomization. Randomization

means that you are put into one of the groups by chance. It is like flipping a coin. Neither
you nor the people doing the study will choose what group you will be in. You will have
an equal chance of being placed in any group. The difference between these groups is the
order of doing a paper or a mockup scenario first.


We believe there are no foreseeable risks to participants.


This study is not designed to benefit you directly. However, your participation would be
part of an effort to improve the clinical diagnostic quality in the US medical centers.


You will receive a $20 gift card.


The information you provide during this research study will be kept confidential to the
extent permitted by law. Research records will be stored securely and only researchers
will have access to the records. Federal regulatory agencies and the Oregon State
University Institutional Review Board (a committee that reviews and approves research
studies) may inspect and copy records pertaining to this research. Some of these records
could contain information that personally identifies you.
Every precaution will be taken that the information you share will not be identified with
you personally. However, there is a chance that we could accidentally disclose
information that identifies you.
Only the researchers will have access to your tape recordings and the data will only be
used for data analysis. To help ensure confidentiality, your name will not be associated
with any information that you provide and if the results of this project are published, your
identity will not be made public. All data will be stored in password-protected electronic
files whose access is restricted to the researchers.


Participation in this study is voluntary. If you decide to participate, you are free to
withdraw at any time without penalty. You will not be treated differently if you decide to
stop taking part in the study. If you choose to withdraw from this project before it ends,
the researchers may keep information collected about you and this information may be
included in study reports.
Optional Questions: In the questionnaire and in the interview, you are free to skip any
questions that you would prefer not to answer.


If you have any questions about this research project, please contact:

Kenneth H. Funk II, Principal Investigator

School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
204 Rogers Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-6001
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 541-737-2357

If you have questions about your rights or welfare as a participant, please contact the
Oregon State University Institutional Review Board (IRB) Office, at (541) 737-8008 or
by email at [email protected]


Your signature indicates that this study has been explained to you, that your questions have
been answered, and that you agree to take part in this study. You will receive a copy of this

Do not sign after the expiration date:

Participant's Name (printed): ____________________________________________

_________________________________________ __________________________
(Signature of Participant) (Date)

_________________________________________ __________________________
(Signature of Person Obtaining Consent) (Date)

Appendix 6 – Clinical Scenarios

Scenario A

A 36-year-old woman presents to her physician’s office due to 4 months of non-

productive cough and fatigue. Her medical record shows that she was referred to an

ophthalmologist because of blurred vision six month ago which was diagnosed as anterior

uveitis. She was under omeprazole 20 mg daily for suspicious gastrointestinal reflux

disease (GERD) since 1 year ago. She complains that since two month ago she has

developed dyspnea while going up stairs, which she had not before. Simultaneously she

complains of some fatigue and malaise which have been more intense during the last

month. She had weight loss of 4 Lbs. during the last 3 months but denies any fever,

chills, sweats, recent travel, or sick contacts. She was a smoker for two years and quit

smoking 8 years ago. She consumes alcohol occasionally while partying with her friends.

Her father died with the diagnosis of small cell lung cancer at the age of 67 years, and her

mother died at the age of 61 due to myocardial infarction. Her sister has been diagnosed

as diabetic and is on metformin bid. She works on the assembly line of an electronics

plant. She has allergy to peanuts, but no allergy to penicillin. She has complete

vaccination and her vaccination history is up to date. Vital signs showed T: 99 F, blood

pressure of 142/87 mmHg, heart rate: 80/min and respiratory rate of 16/min. Physical

examination reveals a young woman who seems anxious. She has tender red papules over

her shins. The patient said she first noticed the bumps when she changed oral

contraceptive pills, but assumed they would disappear. Heart examination reveals

decreased S2 in the apex, but without murmur. EKG reveals occasional PR interval

prolongation. Lung examination revealed diffusely decreased lung sound. X-ray of the

chest shows bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy with pulmonary infiltrates. Laboratory

findings are:

WBC count: 5100/mm3

Hemoglobin: 13.7 mg/dL

Platelet count: 276,000/mm3

Na+: 143 mEq/L

K+: 4.3 mEq/L

CL-: 111 mEq/L

Ca2+: 14.5 mg/dL

CO2: 27 mmol/L

Blood urea nitrogen: 9 mg/dL

Creatinine: 1.1 mg/dL

Thyroid function test was normal. Parathyroid hormone was in the normal limit. PPD test

showed induration of 3 mm after 72 hours. Culture of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was


Scenario B

A 33-year old woman with sarcoidosis presents to her primary care physician

complaining of progressive fatigue and shortness of breath over the past 2 months. She

had fatigue and some occasionally shortness of breath during last 6 months, but the recent

shortness of breath is somehow different from the old one in terms of intensity. She also

reports that her socks and shoes do not fit the way they used to for the last four months

and that she fainted a few weeks ago for the first time in many years. She had regular

annually appointments with an ophthalmologist, and the last visit around 5 months ago

showed normal vision, and a mild anterior uveitis. She denies any recent illness and only

takes medications (prednisolone) to control her sarcoidosis. She states that she is more

comfortable sitting than lying down. Her father died due to stroke at the age of 65, and

her mother died of congestive heart failure at the age of 67. Her sister and brother have

diabetes, and are on insulin. She had a complete vaccination history, and did not report

any serious disease during childhood. She denies any drug or food allergy. The physical

examination reveals a young lady who seems tired. Her blood pressure is 134/87 mm Hg,

respiratory rate is 17/min, plus is 96/min, and temperature is 98.9F. She has jugular

venous distension, which increases with inspiration. Heart auscultation showed a

decreased S1 and S2, but without any audible murmur. She also has decreased breath

sounds bilaterally at the bases. Chest X-ray showed bilateral perihilar lymph node

enlargement, along with the bilateral reticulonodular appearance especially in lung bases.

Laboratory chemistry showed

WBC count: 4500/mm3

Hemoglobin: 11.5 mg/dL

Platelet count: 312,000/mm3

Na+ : 141 mEq/L

K+: 3.7 mEq/L

CL-: 111 mEq/L

Ca2+: 12.3 mg/dL

Blood urea nitrogen: 11 mg/dL

Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dL


All other chemistries were within the normal ranges. ECG shows decreased QRS voltage

in all the leads. An echocardiogram shows an ejection fraction of 45%, decreased to

normal end diastolic volume, normal right ventricle, and thick left ventricle.

Appendix 7 – Questionnaire

Phase One (Paper):

You are supposed to find the problem of a patient with the chief complaint of fatigue
through differential diagnosis. A clinical scenario will be provided for you in one page
which includes essential clinical information. Then you will decide on the most accurate

Phase Two (Mockup):

During the pilot study, you will work with the iPad application and a clinical scenario for
about 10 minutes. The mockup has some specific features that you will find out about in
the pilot study. Then, you are supposed to find the problem of another patient with chief
complaint of fatigue through differential diagnosis. Essential patient’s clinical
information including medical history, signs and symptoms, laboratory results,
medications, physical examination results, and so on will be provided by the mockup in
different screens.
Please complete the following tasks:
 Start using the mockup on the iPad.
 Go through different screens of the mockup and gather information as needed.
 Compare your potential hypotheses with mockup’s suggested ones
 Decide on the most accurate diagnosis.

Phase one (Paper)

This is a research project and for this project you are asked to complete a short
questionnaire. This questionnaire aims to gather information about your experience with
the paper format of the medical scenario you have used today. Your answers will not be
released to anyone and will remain anonymous. Your name will not be written on the
questionnaire or be kept in any other records. If you have any questions, please ask the
student researcher. Thank you for your time.

Technical Questions

1. What is is/are the chief complaint(s) of the patient?


2. Which vital sign(s) is/are not in the normal range, if any?

A. Temperature
B. Blood Pressure
C. Respiratory rate
D. Pulse
F. None

3. Which of these conditions are not among the patient’s medical symptoms?
A. Cough
B. Night Sweats
C. Dyspnea
D. Malaise

4. How many months did the nonproductive cough last?


5. What does the physical exam reveal about the patient?

A. Tender red papules over her shins

B. Sleep deprivation

C. Massive enlargement of liver

D. Tiredness

6. What is the WBC count?


7. Are there any abnormalities in the patient’s lab results?


8. What medication(s) is/are the patient taking?


9. Which symptom(s) started soonest?


10. What is/are your final differential diagnosis(es)?

1. Berylliosis
2. Fungal infection
3. Lymphoma
4. Sarcoidosis
5. Tuberculosis
6. Other:________________

Phase Two (Mockup)

This is a research project and for this project you are asked to complete a short
questionnaire. This questionnaire aims to gather information about your experience with
the mockup you have used today. Your answers will not be released to anyone and will
remain anonymous. Your name will not be written on the questionnaire or be kept in any
other records. If you have any questions, please ask the student researcher. Thank you for
your time.

Technical Questions
1. What is/are the chief complaint(s) of the patient?

2. Which vital sign(s) is/are not in the normal range, if any?

A. Temperature
B. Blood Pressure
C. Respiratory rate
D. Pulse
F. None

3. Which of these conditions are not among the patient’s medical symptoms?
A. Breast Shortness
B. Fainting
C. Weight loss
D. Fatigue

4. How many months did swollen feet last?


5. What does the physical exam reveal about the patient?

A. Massive enlargement of liver
B. Decreased S1 and S2, without any audible murmur
C. Sleep deprivation
D. Anxiousness

6. What is the WBC count?

7. Are there any abnormalities in the patient’s lab results?
8. What medication(s) is/are the patient taking?
9. Which symptom(s) started soonest?
10. Which symptoms are most severe?
11. Which, if any, of the application’s recommended diagnoses did you not consider at

12. What is/are your final diagnosis(es)?

1. Aortic stenosis
2. Cardiac tamponade
3. Hypertensive heart disease
4. Pericarditis
5. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
6. Other:________________

Usability Questions

The following questions are related to your experience with the system. To answer them
please imagine that the system is fully functional.

1.The application is easy to use generally.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

2. I would like to use this system frequently.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

3. I would be able to rely on the system.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

4. The information presented on screens is easy to comprehend quickly.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

5. The system is too inconsistent.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

6. I would have confidence in this system.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

7. It is easy to find specific information.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

8. Navigation through the application is easy.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

9. The presentation of patient medical history is effective.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

10. The presentation of patient laboratory tests is effective.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

11. The presentation of patient vital signs is effective.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

12. The application performed the way that I expected.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

13. The application would be more beneficial for cases that are more complex than the
one that I just did.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

System Attributes Questions

The following statements are related to characteristics of the system. To answer them,
please imagine that the system is fully functional.

1. The application presents patient medical history effectively.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

2. The application design is consistent with the way I think about and conduct diagnosis.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

3. The labels are unambiguous and easy to understand.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

4. The debiasing tools reduced the likelihood of me being subject to cognitive biases.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

5. The debiasing tools helped me reach the correct diagnosis more accurately.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

6. The debiasing tools helped me reach the correct diagnosis more quickly.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

7. The debiasing tools interfered with the process of decision making.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

8. It is NOT easy to retrieve the desired information by using this application.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

9. The application benefited me to balance my speed and accuracy in order to come to a

timely and correct diagnosis.

Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

10. The application helped me understand relationships and trends in the data.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

11. The anchoring debiasing tool effectively encouraged me to consider other alternatives
before making a decision.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

12. The availability debiasing tool effectively encouraged me to consider other

alternatives before making a decision.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

13. The representativeness debiasing tool effectively encouraged me to search for

inconsistencies between the patient’s symptoms and my potential diagnosis.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

14. The confirmation bias debiasing tool effectively encouraged me to look for
disconfirming data.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

15. The application effectively encouraged me to collect more data and consider more
hypotheses before making my final decision.
Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Strongly Agree

Personal Questions
1. What is your job title or profession?

2. How long have you been in a practicing physician?

 0 to 2 years
 2 to 5 years
 5 to 10 years
 10 to 20 years
 20 years or more

3. Does your work require performing differential diagnosis on a daily basis?


4. What is your age?

 22-25 years old

 26-35 years old
 36-45 years old
 46-55 years old
 56 years or older

Appendix 8 – Frequency Table of Usability Questions 7-11 and 13

6 Participant 1
5 Participant 2
4 Participant 3

3 Participant 4
Participant 5
Participant 6
Question 7 Question 8 Question 9 Question 10 Question 11 Question 13

Figure A.17. Participants’ results for usability Questions 7-11 and 13

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