Section 12 - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Section 12 - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Section 12 - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Welding Consumables
Carbon Steels
Carbon Steels 1
MMA Electrodes 24
MIG/MAG Wires 44
MIG & TIG Wires for CMn & Low Alloy Steels 49
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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 2
Welding Consumables
This effect can be overcome by preheat combined with the
Weldability of Steel use of a low hydrogen process or low hydrogen welding
Weldability is a term used to describe the relative ease or consumables. Calculation of preheat is usually based on
difficulty with which a metal or alloy can be welded. The better carbon equivalent (derived from steel composition), combined
the weldability, the easier it is to weld. However, weldability thickness of the components, and heat input from the welding
is a complicated property, as it encompasses the metallurgical process. It also takes account of the amount of hydrogen likely
compatibility of the metal or alloy with a specific welding to be introduced into the weld metal by the welding process.
process, its ability to be welded with mechanical soundness, If welding under high restraint, extra preheat may need to be
and the capacity of the resulting weld to perform satisfactorily applied. Some high carbon steels and low alloy steels may also
under the intended service conditions. need a post weld stress relief or tempering.
Before attempting to weld any material, it is essential to know Hardenability and Hardness
how easy it is to weld and to be aware of any problems that
might arise. One of the main problems likely to be encountered To become harder, steel must undergo a phase change. The
when welding carbon and alloy steels is hydrogen cracking. starting point is austenite, so the steel must first be heated into
For hydrogen cracking to occur, it is necessary to have a supply the austenitic temperature range (see diagram on left).
of hydrogen to the weld and a heat affected zone (HAZ), a Austenite, quenched rapidly, will be transformed into
susceptible hardened microstructure, and tensile stress. If any martensite, a hard but brittle phase.
one of these three components is eliminated, then hydrogen
cracking will not happen. Solidification cracking and lamellar A slower cooling rate will promote formation of bainite
tearing are other potential problems associated with welding and/or other softer phases.
Cooled even more slowly, a soft structure of ferrite plus
The main problem when welding steel is hardenability. As long cementite, called perlite, results.
as the steel contains sufficient carbon when it is cooled rapidly
from high temperature, a phase transformation takes place.
The phase transformation from austenite to martensite causes
the material to harden and become brittle. It is then liable to
crack on cooling, due to restraint, or later under the action of
Temperature distribution across Iron carbon equilibrium diagram
half the weld
Martensite, tempered martensite and heavily tempered martensite
c Hardenability is the potential for any particular steel to harden
b on cooling and, as the carbon content of the steel increases
towards 0,8%, so the potential of the steel to harden increases.
Ferrite +
Increasing the alloy content of the steel also increases the
Cementile hardenability.
While hardness and strength may be desirable in a welded
0,2% Carbon
steel structure, martensite can be brittle and susceptible to
cracking, and it should be noted that the potential brittleness of
the material also increases as hardenability increases.
Hardenability describes the potential of steel to form hard
microstructures. What hardness is actually achieved in steel with
Variation in temperature from the centre
of the weld to the base material known hardenability depends on the maximum temperature to
which it is heated and the cooling rate from that temperature.
The weldability of steel depends primarily on its hardenability During welding, the parent material close to the weld will be
and this, in turn, depends largely on its composition (most heated to temperatures near melting point, while further away
importantly its carbon content). Steels with carbon content it will remain at ambient temperature. The cooling rate depends
under 0,3% are reasonably easy to weld, while steels with over on the mass of material, its temperature, and the welding heat
0,5% are difficult. Other alloying elements that have an effect input. Therefore, when welding any given hardenable steel, the
on the hardenability of steel, but to a much lesser extent than hardness in the HAZ depends on the cooling rate – the faster the
carbon, are manganese, molybdenum, chromium, vanadium, cooling rate, the harder the microstructure produced and the
nickel and silicon. These, together with carbon, are all generally more susceptible it is to cracking.
expressed as a single value (the carbon equivalent). The higher
the carbon equivalent, the higher the hardenability, the more
difficult the steel is to weld, and the more susceptible the
microstructure is likely to be to hydrogen cracking.
3 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Weldability describes the relative ease or difficulty with which
a metal or alloy can be welded.
The relative weldability of carbon and low alloy steels are
summarised here.
As has already been stated, weldability varies with the
chemistry of the steel, particularly with reference to its carbon
After welding, the hardness in the HAZ may range from less
than 300 HV to more than 550 HV, depending on the parent The majority of carbon steels are weldable, but some grades
steel composition and the other factors described above. As have better weldability and, therefore, are more easily welded
the hardness of the HAZ increases, so does its susceptibility than others. As the carbon content increases, weldability
to hydrogen cracking. However, as a rule of thumb, if the tends to decrease as the hardenability increases and the steel
maximum hardness in the HAZ is maintained below 350 HV, becomes more prone to cracking.
then hydrogen cracking will be avoided. Low carbon steels containing <0,15% carbon and <0,6%
manganese generally have good weldability, as the
Carbon Equivalent composition is too lean to give any significant hardening effect
Carbon has the greatest effect on the hardenability of steel, during welding. However, steels with <0,12% carbon and low
but other alloying elements may be added to increase its levels of manganese can be prone to porosity, although they
hardenability. The addition effectively reduces the critical are not susceptible to hydrogen cracking.
cooling rate and the temperature at which the austenite to Steels with carbon contents between 0,15 and 0,3% carbon
martensite transformation takes place, making it easier for and up to 0,9% manganese, have good weldability, particularly
martensite to form at slower cooling rates. those with carbon content below 0,22%. These are mild steels
Alloying elements that have the greatest influence on the and rarely present problems, as long as impurity levels are
hardenability of steel are manganese, molybdenum, chromium, kept low. They are all weldable without preheat, using any
vanadium, nickel, copper and silicon, but they have a much of the common welding processes. Those at the top end of
smaller effect than carbon. the composition range, above about 0,25% carbon, may be
prone to cracking under certain circumstances. They may be
The effect of these elements on the tendency to form HAZ welded using any of the common welding processes, but are
martensite, and hence the likelihood of hydrogen cracking, best welded with a low hydrogen process such as MIG or low
is expressed conveniently as a carbon equivalent (CE). hydrogen consumables. Thick sections may require preheating
This basically describes the influence of each element on to reduce the cooling rate.
hardenability in terms of the effect that carbon has. There
have been many different formulae derived to express carbon Medium carbon steels containing between 0,25 and 0,5%
equivalent, but the one quoted here is the International carbon, with generally <1% manganese, are hardenable by
Institute of Welding (IIW) equation that is applicable to carbon heat treatment and so are prone to cracking when welded.
steel and is widely used: They can be welded, but require suitable welding procedures,
specifying preheat and interpass temperature control to
Carbon equivalent (CE) = account for the carbon content or carbon equivalent and the
combined thickness of the joint being produced. These steels
%Mn (%Ni + %Cu) (%Cr + %Mo + %V) should always be welded using a low hydrogen welding
%C + + +
6 15 5 process or controlled hydrogen consumables.
The equation is only valid for certain maximum percentages Steels with even higher carbon levels, between 0,5 and
of each element and these percentages can be found in the 1,0%, with <1% manganese, are used where their higher
technical literature. hardness and strength can be exploited. However, their high
hardenability means that they have poor weldability and are
The carbon equivalent is used mainly for estimating preheat. difficult to weld without cracking. They are generally welded
Preheat is necessary to slow down the cooling rate sufficiently in the hardened condition and so require preheating, interpass
to reduce hardening in the HAZ of welds in susceptible carbon temperature control and post weld stress relief to give any
and low alloy steels. This, in turn, helps to prevent subsequent chance or avoiding cracking. Low hydrogen processes, such
HAZ hydrogen cracking. The overall effect is to improve the as MIG and TIG welding or low hydrogen consumables, such
weldability of the steel being welded, or at least to overcome as low hydrogen MMA electrodes will always be required when
the weldability problems presented by it. welding these steels.
CE is calculated from the composition of the steel in question Carbon-manganese steels have carbon typically between
and is used – together with welding heat input, potential 0,15 and 0,5%, and manganese levels between 1,0 and 1,7%.
hydrogen from the consumable, and combined thickness, or For structural purposes, carbon is normally held below 0,3%,
Welding Consumables
Those at the higher end of the carbon range also benefit from
the use of low hydrogen welding processes or controlled
hydrogen consumables.
Structural steels often have limits imposed on maximum carbon
equivalent to ensure good weldability and ease of welding for
the fabricator.
Weldable high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels have weldability
similar to the low carbon steels, and so do not usually present
problems. Heat affected zone (cold cracking)
Most quenched and tempered steels can be welded, but they There are published guidelines and standards that contain
rely on relatively high cooling rates for the strong martensitic welding procedures to avoid hydrogen cracking. For hydrogen
structures to form. Careful control of preheat, heat input cracking to occur, it is necessary to have a supply of hydrogen
and interpass temperature is required to achieve the correct to the weld and HAZ, a susceptible hardened microstructure,
structure without cracking. Welding must be carried out using and tensile stress. If any one of these three components is
a low hydrogen process, or hydrogen-controlled consumables, eliminated, then hydrogen cracking will not happen.
and welding procedures need to be tested and approved. To avoid cold cracking, the following points should be noted:
Weld and HAZ Cracking The lower the carbon equivalent, the lower the
potential for cracking.
With steel, poor weldability often manifests in a reduction of
the resistance of the steel to cracking after welding. Limit the hydrogen content of weld metal and HAZ by
using a low hydrogen process or low hydrogen
Keep joint restraint to a minimum by careful joint
Reduce the cooling rate of the weld area by preheat and
suitable welding heat input.
Eliminating hydrogen after the weld is completed by
Base metal keeping the weld hot (hydrogen release treatment).
Heat affected zone
Ensure impurities are kept at a low level.
The above guide is of a very general nature. If in doubt, seek
The main causes of cracking in steel are: expert technical advice.
High levels of carbon and other alloy elements, resulting Factors Influencing Weldability
in brittle zones around the weld.
In terms of avoiding weldability problems, particularly hydrogen
High cooling rates after welding increasing the hardness, cracking, when welding carbon or low alloy steels there are
which increases the susceptibility to cold cracking. several factors that demand consideration. These include
Joint restraint preventing contraction after welding, the amount of hydrogen generated by the welding process
leading to cracking. or consumable, the heat input into the weld, the combined
thickness (heat sink) of the joint, and the level of preheat
Hydrogen in the weld bead or HAZ, leading to hydrogen- applied to the components prior to welding. Joint configuration
induced cold cracking. and restraint are also important factors when considering
Contaminants like sulphur and phosphorous, resulting in
solidification cracking.
Process Hydrogen
Lamellar tearing due to inclusions layering during rolling,
resulting in deterioration of the through-thickness One of the three key components necessary for hydrogen
properties. cracking is a source of hydrogen. During welding, the most
likely sources of hydrogen are the welding consumables
The most common cause of cracking in steel is the presence of or contaminants on the parent material. Here we consider
hydrogen. Hydrogen (or cold) cracking is usually considered the hydrogen from the welding process and consumables only.
most serious potential problem with modern steels. Hydrogen
cracking is most frequently a HAZ phenomenon, but it can also The amount of hydrogen put into the weld will vary from one
occur in weld metal, particularly in high alloy steels. Hydrogen, welding process to another and may also vary within a process
like carbon, is more soluble in austenite than ferrite and can from one consumable type to another. The risk of hydrogen
easily be picked up by the weld metal. When ferrite is formed cracking increases as the amount of hydrogen from the process
as the material cools, hydrogen solubility decreases and or consumable gets larger.
hydrogen diffuses to the HAZ, where it becomes trapped and Solid wire processes, such as MIG and TIG, are capable of giving
can cause crack propagation. hydrogen levels below 5 ml/100 g of weld metal. These are
generally thought to be low hydrogen processes, provided
the MIG wire is clean.
5 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
The manual metal arc process can give a wide range of Combined Thickness
Welding Consumables
0,8 x V x I x 60
Q = kJ/mm
S x 1 000
Welding heat input will vary with process and consumable
type and size. With small diameter electrodes, low current and
fast welding speeds, heat inputs below 1,0 kJ/mm are readily
attained. With large diameter electrodes, high currents and
slower welding speeds, heat inputs in excess of 6,0 kJ/mm can
be reached.
Note that a weld made using a stringer bead technique will
have a lower heat input than a weld made with the same
size electrode at the same current but using a weave bead
12 technique.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 6
Recommendations for the Storage, temperature as an accurate indication of the actual baking
Welding Consumables
temperature reached by the electrodes and hence a guide to
Handling and Treatment of Afrox the time at temperature.
Hydrogen Controlled Basic Carbon
Steel Electrodes Unless the temperature during baking is timed on the basis of
the electrode temperature, the electrodes cannot be considered
Handling properly re-baked prior to use.
Afrox electrodes are packed in cardboard cartons with a If possible, it is recommended that fabricators carry out checks
moisture resistant polythene wrapping. Further protection is on their re-drying ovens to establish the correct conditions for
provided by shrinking these rigid cartons into packs of three. actual electrode re-baking temperatures and times as compared
to oven temperatures and times.
The packs are stacked to a maximum of eight high on wooden
pallets. It is important to note that if the electrodes are maintained at
the re-bake temperature for long periods of time, the coating
This is the recommended maximum height to avoid crushing and may become brittle. Coating brittleness may also result if the
hence possible damage during storage. electrode is re-baked above the maximum recommended
Basic low hydrogen electrodes should be stored in dry Number of Re-bakes
conditions, off the floor on pallets or racks in their unopened Repeated re-baking has an adverse effect on electrode coating
containers. The rate of moisture re-absorption which takes strength and adhesion to the core wire. From tests carried out
place is determined by the resistance of the electrode to the by Afrox, it is recommended that:
atmospheric conditions of relative humidity and temperature
prevailing during storage. Re-baking at 370-400°C be limited to two times and
re-baking at 250-270°C be limited to three times.
Storage is not really the most important issue in determining (This does not include the factory bake).
subsequent weld metal hydrogen content of low hydrogen
electrodes, but rather, the rate at which moisture is lost during Holding Conditions
re-baking of electrodes prior to use.
Immediately after baking, the electrodes should be
Storage under the correct conditions will provide indefinite transferred to a holding oven alongside the baking oven.
product shelf-life. The recommended holding temperature is 150°C ± 20°C.
The holding time is virtually indefinite with a working limit
Re-baking suggested as 120 hours. Any electrodes inadvertently exposed
It is essential that hydrogen-controlled electrodes be to excessive moisture, rain, etc. or damaged, should be removed
re-baked prior to use. The re-baking temperature from the work site and destroyed.
recommendations depend on the maximum permissible
hydrogen content tolerable in the deposited weld metal and the Quivers
hardenability of the parent material. Electrodes drawn from holding ovens should be held in heated
quivers at a minimum temperature of 75°C. The suggested
Standard Re-baking Temperatures period for the electrodes to remain in the quivers is eight hours.
Product 5-10 ml H2/ <5 ml H2/100 g After this time, any remaining electrodes should be returned for
100 g re-baking.
Welding Consumables
reduce the shrinkage stresses in the weld and in the adjacent
parent material.
When welding wrought materials in highly restrained joints,
preheat is normally applied locally in the weld area.
When welding castings, the preheat applied may be ‘local’
(heating in the area of the weld only), ‘total’ (the whole casting
is heated), or ‘indirect’ (heating a part of the casting away
from the weld area to balance the effects of expansion and
Promote Fusion
Some alloy systems (e.g. copper and aluminium) have very high
thermal conductivity, and if a weld is attempted on thick, cold
Residual stresses present in a welded joint
plate, the parent material could chill the deposited weld metal
so quickly that it does not fuse with the parent metal. This may
be referred to as a ‘cold start’. The heat conduction away from
the joint area can be such that a weld may be impossible using a
conventional arc welding process.
Preheat is used in this case to raise the initial temperature of the
material sufficiently to ensure full weld fusion from the start. This
is particularly important when using a welding process / plate
thickness combination that is likely to produce a cold start.
Remove Moisture
Any metallic components left overnight in a cold workshop or
brought in from outside are likely to be damp or even wet. If they
are welded in that condition, problems can arise in the resultant
welds. For example, if the components are made of steel, then
the moisture will act as a source of hydrogen and the result could
be hydrogen cracking. Aluminium has a porous oxide layer, which
will absorb moisture from the atmosphere, and, if not removed
before welding, this can result in weld metal porosity and
subsequent rejection of the weld.
While not normally the main objective of preheating, its use for
removal of surface moisture prior to welding is not only advisable,
but very often essential.
9 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
possible, particularly with some low alloy steels with high
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 10
Welding Consumables
Name AWS Application
(MMA) Welding Afrox 7018-1 E7018-1 A premium quality,
all positional
Welding Technique
Successful MMA welding depends on the following factors: electrode for carbon
steels in pressure
Selection of the correct electrode vessel applications
Selection of the correct size of the electrode for the job and where high
integrity welding
Correct welding current is required; and for
free-machining steels
Correct arc length
containing sulphur
Correct angle of electrode to work
Correct travel speed Electrode Size
Correct preparation of work to be welded. The size of the electrode generally depends on the thickness of
the section being welded, and the thicker the section the larger
Electrode Selection the electrode required. In the case of light sheet, the electrode
size used is generally slightly larger than the work being
As a general rule, the selection of an electrode is straight- welded. This means that, if 2,0 mm sheet is being welded,
forward, in that it is only a matter of selecting an electrode of 2,5 mm diameter electrode is the recommended size.
similar composition to the parent metal. However, for some
metals there is a choice of several electrodes, each of which The following table gives the maximum size of electrodes that
has particular properties to suit specific classes of work. Often, may be used for various thicknesses of section.
one electrode in the group will be more suitable for general
applications due to its all round qualities. Recommended Electrode Sizes
Afrox Afrolux E7024 An iron powder In the case of welding machines with separate terminals
electrode for high for different size electrodes, ensure that the welding lead is
speed welding of connected to the correct terminal for the size electrode being
H-V fillets and flat used. When using machines with adjustable current, set on
butt joints. Medium the current range specified. The limits of this range should not
to heavy structural normally be exceeded. The following table shows the current
applications in low ranges generally recommended for Vitemax®.
carbon steels
11 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Generally Recommended Current Range for Afrox In all cases, edges should be prepared for the joints that suit
Welding Consumables
Run Length per Electrode – Afrox Used on plate of 12 mm and over
in thickness when welding can be
Electrode Size Electrode Run Length (mm) applied from both sides. It allows
(mm) Length (mm) faster welding and greater economy
Min Max of electrodes than a single ‘V’
4,0 350 175 300 preparation on the same thickness of
steel and also has less tendency to
3,2 350 125 225
distortion as weld contraction can be
2,5 350 100 225 equalised
Butt Weld with Backing Material
Correct Work Preparation
When square butt welds or single ‘V’
The method of preparation of components to be welded will welds cannot be welded from both
depend on equipment available and relative costs. Methods sides, it is desirable to use a backing
may include sawing, punching, shearing, machining, flame bar to ensure complete fusion
12 cutting and others.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 12
Welding Consumables
Single ‘U’ Butt Weld Bead Sequence for 1st and 2nd Layers
Used on thick plates as an alternative Weld beads
to a single ‘V’ preparation. It has
Weld beads
advantages in speed of welding.
It takes less weld metal than a
single ‘V’, there is less contraction
and there is, therefore, a lessened
tendency to distortion. Preparation Layers
General notes on butt welds 1 4
Weld beads
The first run in a prepared butt weld should be deposited with
an electrode not larger than 4,0 mm. The angle of the electrode
for the various runs in a butt weld is shown opposite.
It is necessary to maintain the root gap by tacking at intervals or
by other means, as it will tend to close during welding.
All single ‘V’, single ‘U’ and square butt welds should have a Fillet welds
70˚ - 85˚
backing run deposited on the undersideWeld of the joint, otherwise
Weld beads pool A fillet weld is approximately triangular in section, joining two
50% may be deducted from the permissible
Slag working stress of
surfaces not in the same plane and forming a lap joint, ‘T’ joint
the joint. Arc
Weld beads Weld metal or corner joint. Joints made with fillet welds do not require
Before proceeding with a run on the underside of a weld, it is extensive edge preparation, as is the case with butt welded
necessary to back-gouge or grind that side of the joint. joints, since the weld does not necessarily penetrate the full
thickness of either member. It is, however, important that the
Butt welds should be overfilled to a certain Direction
extentofby building
parts to be joined be clean, close fitting, and that all the edges
up the weld until it is above the surface of the plate. Excessive on which welding is to be carried out are square. On sheared
reinforcement, however,
should be avoided. plate, it is advisable to entirely remove any ‘false cut’ on the
In multi-run butt welds, it is necessary to 70˚remove
- 85˚ all slag and edges prior to welding.
Weld beads
surplus weld metal before a start is made on additional runs.
Weld pool
This is particularly
Slag important with the first run, which tends to
form sharp
Weld metal
corners that cannot be penetrated
Arc with subsequent
runs. Electrodes larger than 4,0 mm are not generally used for
vertical or overhead butt welds.
The diagrams opposite
of welding the correct procedure for
welding thick plate when using multiple runs.
70˚ - 85˚
Weld pool
Direction of welding
13 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Fillet welds are used in the following types of joints: Throat thickness
Welding Consumables
‘T’ Joints A measurement taken through the centre of a weld from the
root to the face, along the line that bisects the angle formed by
A fillet weld may be placed the members to be joined. Many countries use throat thickness
either on one or both sides, rather than leg length.
depending on the requirements
Effective throat thickness is a measurement on which the
of the work. The weld metal
strength of a weld is calculated. The effective throat thickness
should fuse into or penetrate the
is based on a mitre fillet (concave fillet weld), which has a
corner formed between the two
throat thickness equal to 70% of the leg length. For example, in
members. Where possible, the
the case of a 20 mm fillet, the effective throat thickness will be
joint should be placed in such a
14 mm.
position as to form a ‘natural V’
fillet since this is the easiest and
fastest method of fillet welding Convex fillet weld
A fillet weld in which the contour of the weld metal lies outside
Lap Joints a straight line joining the toes of the weld. A convex fillet weld
of specified leg length has a throat thickness in excess of the
In this case, a fillet weld effective measurement.
may be placed either on one
or both sides of the joint,
Convex Fillet Weld
depending on accessibility and
the requirements of the joint. 1 1 Actual throat
However, lap joints, where only 2 3 2 Effective throat
one weld is accessible, should 3 Convexity
be avoided where possible and 4 Leg
5 Size
must never constitute the joints 6 Theoretical throat
of tanks or other fabrications 5
where corrosion is likely to occur
behind the lapped plates. In
4 5
applying fillet welds to lapped
joints, it is important that the
amount of overlap of the plates
be not less than five times the
thickness of the thinner part. 6
Leg length
A fusion face of a fillet weld, as shown on the right.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 14
The size of a fillet weld is affected by the electrode size, Vertical fillet welds can be carried out using the upwards or
Welding Consumables
welding speed or run length, welding current and electrode downwards technique. The characteristics of each are: Upwards
angle. Welding speed and run length have an important effect – current used is low, penetration is good, surface is slightly
on the size and shape of the fillet, and on the tendency to convex and irregular. For multiple run fillets, large single-
undercut. pass weaving runs can be used. Downwards – current used is
medium, penetration is poor, each run is small, concave and
Insufficient speed causes the molten metal to pile up behind smooth.
the arc and eventually to collapse. Conversely, excessive speed
will produce a narrow irregular run having poor penetration, The downwards method should be used for making welds
and where larger electrodes and high currents are used, on thin material only. Electrodes larger than 4,0 mm are not
undercut is likely to occur. recommended for vertical-down welding. All strength joints
in vertical plates 10,0 mm thick or more should be welded
Fillet weld data using the upward technique. This method is used because of
its good penetration and weld metal quality. The first run of a
Nominal Min.Throat Plate Electrode vertical-up fillet weld should be a straight sealing run made
Fillet Size Thickness Thickness Size with 3,2 mm or 4,0 mm diameter electrode. Subsequent runs
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
for large fillets may be either numerous straight runs or several
5,0 3,5 5,0 – 6,3 3,2 wide weaving runs.
6,3 4,5 6,3 – 12,0 4,0 Correct selection of electrodes is important for vertical welding.
8,0 5,5 8,0 – 12,0 and 5,0 In overhead fillet welds, careful attention to technique is
over necessary to obtain a sound weld of good profile. Medium
10,0 7,0 10,0 and over 4,0 current is required for best results. High current will cause
undercutting and bad shape of the weld, while low current
Selection of welding current is important. If it is too high, the will cause slag inclusions. To produce a weld having good
weld surface will be flattened and undercut accompanied by penetration and of good profile, a short arc length is necessary.
excessive spatter is likely to occur. Alternatively, a current Angles of electrode for overhead fillets is illustrated below.
which is too low will produce a rounded narrow bead with
poor penetration at the root. The first run in the corner of a
joint requires a suitably high current to achieve maximum Recommended Electrode Angles for Overhead
penetration at the root. A short arc length is recommended Fillet Welds
for fillet welding. The maximum size fillet which should be
attempted with one pass of a large electrode is 8,0 mm. Efforts
to obtain larger leg lengths usually result in collapse of the
metal at the vertical plate and serious undercutting. For large
leg lengths, multiple run fillets are necessary. These are built up
as shown below. The angle of the electrode for various runs in
a downhand fillet weld is also shown.
Too wide a weaving motion Rust, grease, oil or dirt on the surface of the base metal
Slag left on the previous weld pass Excessive moisture in the electrode coatings
Letting slag run ahead of the arc. Too short an arc length, except when using low hydrogen
or stainless steel electrodes
This defect can be prevented by:
Travel speed too high, which causes freezing of
A uniform travel speed the weld puddle before gases can escape.
A tighter weaving motion This problem can be prevented by:
Complete slag removal before welding Lowering the welding current
Using a smaller electrode Cleaning the surface of the base metal
Keeping the slag behind the arc, which is done by Re-drying electrodes
shortening the arc, increasing the travel speed or
changing the electrode angle. Changing to a different base metal with a different
Wagon tracks Using a slightly longer arc length
Lowering the travel speed to let the gases escape
Preheating the base metal, using a different type of
electrode, or both.
Undercutting Overlapping
Welding Consumables
Undercutting is a groove melted in the base metal Overlapping is the protrusion of the weld metal over the edge
next to the toe or root of a weld that is not filled by or toe of the weld bead. This defect can cause an area of lack
the weld metal. Undercutting causes a weaker joint of fusion and create a notch, which can lead to crack initiation.
and it can cause cracking. This defect is caused by: Overlapping is often produced by:
Excessive welding current Too slow a travel speed, which permits the weld puddle
to get ahead of the electrode
Too long an arc length
An incorrect electrode angle.
Excessive weaving speed
Excessive travel speed.
Legend to Welding Position Abbreviations
On vertical and horizontal welds, it can also be caused by too
large an electrode size and incorrect electrode angles. This Symbol Abbreviation Description
defect can be prevented by:
F Flat
Choosing the proper welding current for the type
and size of electrode and the welding position
Holding the arc as short as possible H-V FILLET Horizontal-Vertical Fillet
Pausing at each side of the weld bead when a weaving
technique is used
Using a travel speed slow enough so that the weld metal H Horizontal
can completely fill all of the melted out areas of the base
V Vertical
Lack of fusion
V-DOWN Vertical-Down
Lack of fusion is when the weld metal is not fused to the base OH Overhead
metal. This can occur between the weld metal and the base
metal or between passes in a multiple-pass weld. Causes of
this defect can be:
Excessive travel speed Coating Types
Electrode size too large It is the composition of the coating that differentiates one
Welding current too low type of electrode from another and, to a degree, what type
of application it can be used for. MMA electrodes, with a solid
Poor joint preparation wire core, are generally categorised by the type of flux coating
they employ. There are three main groups of electrode coating:
Letting the weld metal get ahead of the arc.
rutile, basic and cellulosic, plus a less widely used acid type.
Lack of fusion can usually be prevented by: The name of each group is a description of the main constituent
of the coating. Although not strictly a coating type, iron
Reducing the travel speed powder electrodes are often considered as a separate group.
Using a smaller diameter electrode Electrodes for cutting, grooving and gouging, plus those for
Increasing the welding current hard surfacing, including tubular MMA electrodes, are not
classified by coating type.
Better joint preparation
Using a proper electrode angle. Rutile Electrodes
Rutile electrodes have a coating that contains about 50%
rutile sand (a pure form of titanium dioxide), plus additions
of ferro-manganese, mineral carbonates and silicates, held
together with approximately 15% sodium silicate, also known
as waterglass. The rutile’s characteristics include easy striking,
stable arc, low spatter, good bead profile and, generally, easy
slag removal from the electrode.
17 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
The electrode can operate on both AC and DC currents and they are much more welder-friendly. They strike and re-strike
Welding Consumables
can operate in all positions if the formulation of the coating is readily and will operate on AC and DC current. They produce
so designed. low spatter levels and an easily removed slag. However, they
are prone to ‘start porosity’ and need re-drying before use to
One negative aspect of these electrodes is that they produce a avoid this.
high level of hydrogen, typically greater than 15 ml/100 g of
deposited weld metal. This cannot be avoided, because they
Iron Powder Electrodes
rely on a certain amount of moisture being present in the coating
to operate properly. If the electrodes are dried too much, they Iron powder electrodes are often considered an independent
will fail to function properly. group of consumables. As their name suggests, these
electrodes contain high levels of iron powder held within the
Rutile coated electrodes are manufactured for welding mild
coating – as the coating melts, the iron powder creates more
and low carbon steels. In this context, they are often referred
weld metal. This effectively improves the productivity from the
to as general purpose or GP electrodes. Some low alloy
electrode, allowing either larger or longer welds to be created
grades also use rutile coatings. Rutile type coatings, which are
from a single rod. The amount of iron powder added depends
modifications of those used for ferritic steels, are also used on
on the consumable being produced, but it is not uncommon for
many austenitic stainless steel electrodes.
75% of the core weight to be added.
Basic Electrodes The addition of the iron powder to the coating has the effect of
increasing the overall diameter of the electrode and reducing
Basic, or low hydrogen electrodes contain calcium carbonate the amount of fluxing agent present in the coating. With less
and calcium fluoride in place of the rutile sand and mineral fluxing agent available, the slag coating tends to be thinner, so
silicates. This makes them less easy to strike and more difficult many of the MMA electrode’s positional welding characteristics
to re-strike, due to the very deep cup formed at the tip during are lost. This means that many of the electrodes can only be
operation. They also have a poorer, more convex bead profile used in the flat or horizontal-vertical (H-V) positions.
than rutile electrodes. The slag is more difficult to remove than
the rutile types, but they do give better weld metal properties Coatings for iron powder electrodes may be based on either the
than rutile types, with a higher metallurgical quality. rutile or basic systems.
Basic electrodes are capable of being used on AC or DC
currents and can be used in multi-pass welds on materials of all
Basic electrodes do not rely on moisture to function properly,
and for the more critical applications should be used completely
dry. It is important to note that basic electrodes are only low
hydrogen electrodes if they have been correctly dried before
use. This conventionally involves re-drying in ovens on site in
accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations. Drying can
reduce weld metal hydrogen to less than 5 ml/100 g, as can
vacuum‑packing the electrodes.
Cellulosic Electrodes
Cellulosic electrodes contain a high proportion of organic
material, replacing all or some of the rutile sand. This produces
a fierce, deep penetrating arc and a faster burn-off rate.
Cellulosic electrodes are more prone to spatter than rutile
types. Only carbon and some low alloy steels are made with a
cellulosic coating and most run only on DC+ polarity, but some
are made that will also operate on AC and DC-. They are truly
all-positional electrodes in all sizes and even larger diameters
up to 6 mm will operate vertical‑down. Cellulosic electrodes are
used for root passes and pipeline welding.
It should be noted that cellulosic electrodes generate high
amounts of hydrogen. This presents a risk of hydrogen-induced
cracking if correct welding procedures are not followed.
Acid Electrodes
Acid electrodes for mild steels have been largely replaced
by rutile types, but some are still produced by a few
manufacturers. These electrodes contain high amounts of iron
oxide, are relatively easy to use and give a voluminous glassy
slag that detaches easily. They are lower-strength products, so
they are confined to use on non-structural components.
Acid-rutile electrodes for stainless steel are now replacing
12 conventional rutile types. They are higher in silicon, which
gives improved operating and wetting characteristics, and
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 18
Welding Consumables
Gas (MIG) Welding Power sources for MIG/MAG welding are selected on a number
of different criteria, including:
Welding Technique Maximum output of the machine
Successful welding depends on the following factors: Duty cycle
Selection of correct consumables Output control (voltage selection, wire feed speed
Selection of the correct power source
Selection of the correct shielding gas
The following table and diagram gives an indication of the
Selection of the correct application techniques:
operating amperage for different size wires.
- Correct angle of electrode to work
- Correct electrical stick out Wire Size (mm) Amperage Range (A)
0,8 60 – 180
- Correct travel speed
0,9 70 – 250
Selection of the welding preparation.
1,0 90 – 280
Selection of Correct Consumables 1,2 120 – 340
Chemical composition
Selection of the Correct Shielding Gas
As a general rule, the selection of a wire is straightforward,
in that it is only a matter of selecting an electrode of similar The selection of the shielding gas has a direct influence on the
composition to the parent material. However, there are certain appearance and quality of the weldbead.
applications for which electrodes will be selected on the basis
The type and thickness of the material to be welded will
of mechanical properties or the level of residual hydrogen in the
determine the type of shielding gas that is selected. As a
weld metal. Solid MIG wires are all considered to be of the ‘low
general rule, the thicker the material (CMn and alloy steels), the
hydrogen type’ consumables.
higher the percentage of CO2 in the shielding gas mixture.
Physical condition
Surface condition
The welding wire must be free from any surface contamination,
including mechanical damage such as scratch marks.
A simple test for checking the surface condition is to run the wire
through a cloth that has been dampened with acetone for 20
seconds. If a black residue is found on the cloth, the surface of
the wire is not properly cleaned.
19 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Welding Consumables
Defect-free zone
0,9 mm 1,0 mm
Electrode (wire) stubbing and spatter
0,8 mm
Defect zone
No working condition
0 1 2 3 4 5
Dip transfer [steel thickness (mm)]
0 1 2 3 4 5
Torch perpendicular to workpiece. Narrow bead width with When welding fillet welds, the torch should be positioned at
increased reinforcement. an angle of 45° from the bottom plate, with the wire pointing
into the fillet corner. Welding is still performed in the push
10° technique.
Torch positioned at a drag angle of 10°. Narrow bead width
with excessive reinforcement.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 20
Welding Consumables
1 Gas nozzle
2 Contact tube setback
4 Workpiece
1 6 5 Standoff distance
6 Contact tube
2 7 Visible stick out
8 Arc length
9 Electrical stick out
7 9
The travel speed will influence the weldbead profile and the
reinforcement height.
If the travel speed is too slow, a wide weldbead with excessive
rollover will result. Conversely, if the travel speed is too high, a
narrow weldbead with excessive reinforcement will result.
21 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Fundamentals of Flux and Metal The following table gives an indication of the operating
Welding Consumables
Selection of the welding preparation. The selection of the shielding gas has a direct influence on the
appearance and quality of the weldbead.
Selection of Correct Consumables Flux cored wires are manufactured to be welded with either
Chemical composition 100% CO2 or an argon-CO2 gas mixture.
Physical condition
Surface condition
The wire must be free from any surface contamination, including
surface rust. Most flux and metal cored wires have a thin film of
graphite on the surface of the wire to assist with feedability.
Cast and helix
The AWS standard for flux cored wires does not specify a cast or
helix, other than to stipulate that it should be of such a nature
that the wire can be fed uninterrupted.
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 22
Welding Consumables
Current/Voltage Envelope for Argoshield 52
Defect-free zone
Electrode stubbing and spatter
Defect zone
No working 0 10 20
15 condition
Plate thickness (mm) positional welding
0 5 10 15 20
Correct Application Techniques When welding butt welds with flux or metal cored wires, the
torch should be positioned within the centre of the groove and
Direction of travel tilted at an angle of ±20°. Flux cored welding is still performed
Flux cored welding is normally performed using a ‘drag’ with the ‘drag’ technique and metal cored welding with the
technique. The welding gun is tilted to a 50–60° backhand ‘push’ technique.
angle. If, however, a flatter bead profile is required, the
backhand angle can be reduced. Torch position for butt welds
Metal cored wire, because of its similarity to solid wires (no
slag formers added to the core mainly metallic powders), are
normally welded with the ‘push’ technique.
When welding horizontal-vertical fillet welds, the wire tip
must be aimed exactly in the corner of the joint. For the first
bead, the welding gun is tilted at an angle of 30–40° from the
horizontal plane. Flux cored welding is still performed with
the ‘drag’ technique and metal cored welding with the ‘push’
23 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Welding Consumables
The electrical stick out is the distance between the end of the Travel speed too fast
contact tip and the end of the wire. An increase in the electrical Weld bead too small
stick out results in an increase in the electrical resistance. The
Inadequate sidewall fusion
resultant increase in temperature has a positive influence in
the melt-off rate of the wire that will have an influence on the Lack of root penetration
weldbead profile.
Travel speed
The construction of flux and metal cored wires ensures the highest
current density for a given current setting compared to all other
welding processes.
Back to contents
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 24
MMA Electrodes
Welding Consumables
AWS A5.1 E6013
SABS 455 E4313/0315
EN 2560 E 38 O RC 11
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade DXVuO,BF,2m,NR
American Bureau of Shipping Grade 2
Germanischer Lloyd Grade 2
South African Bureau of Standards
Det Norske Veritas (DNV)
25 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Welding Consumables
Deposition Data
1) The deposition data given was established at the
optimum current rating which would be approximately
in the middle of the specified range.
2) The mass of weld metal deposited per arc hour is
a theoretical value which does not take into account
welder efficiency.
Diameter Mass of an Burn-off Mass of Metal Mass of Weld No. Electrodes kg Weld Metal per
(mm) Electrode Time Deposited per Metal Deposited per kg of Weld kg of Electrodes
(g) (sec) Electrode (g) per Arc Hour (g) Metal
2,0 11,2 54,2 5,6 371 180 0,49
2,5 19,9 68,0 11,1 552 91 0,55
3,15 29,7 72,2 17,6 931 57 0,59
4,0 48,7 86,7 28,2 1 172 36 0,58
5,0 87,9 120,2 56,9 1 703 18 0,64
6,3 138,1 138,5 88,7 2 306 12 0,64
Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Item Number Item Number Pack Mass Approx. No.
(mm) Length (mm) (1 kg pack) (multi-kg pack) (kg) Electrodes/kg
2,0 300 W072001 W075001 3 x 4,0 89
2,5 350 W072002 W075002 3 x 5,0 50
3,15 350 W072003 W075003 3 x 5,0 34
4,0 350 W072004 W075004 3 x 5,0 21
5,0 450 – W075005 3 x 6,0 11
6,3 450 – W075007 3 x 6,0 7
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 26
Superweld Speedcraft
Welding Consumables
Speedcraft is a standard grade general-purpose rutile type Technique
electrode, suitable for welding mild steel in all positions using
Either the touch or free arc technique can be used when
AC or DC power sources. It has a coating composition that
welding with Speedcraft.
promotes a smooth arc action, low spatter loss and easily
removable slag. Good strike and restrike characteristics at 50
OCV make it suitable for use on home welders and industrial Re-drying Procedure
equipment. It has a rapid burn-off rate and deposits a smooth Rutile coated electrodes do not normally require re-drying prior
convex weld bead with fine ripples. to use, however, if suspected of being damp as shown by an
erratic arc behaviour, the electrodes should be re-dried at 100-
Applications 120˚C for 1-2 hours.
Speedcraft is recommended for welding a wide variety of
carbon-manganese steels and commercial mild steels having a
tensile strength up to approximately 530 MPa.
AWS A5.1 E6013
SABS 455 E4313/0315
EN ISO 2560 E 38 O RC 11
South African Bureau of Standards
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade DXVuO,BF,1m,No
27 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Deposition Data
Welding Consumables
1) The deposition data given was established at the
optimum current rating which would be approximately
in the middle of the specified range.
2) The mass of weld metal deposited per arc hour is
a theoretical value which does not take into account
welder efficiency.
Diameter Mass of an Burn-off Mass of Metal Mass of Weld No. Electrodes per kg Weld Metal
(mm) Electrode Time Deposited per Metal Deposited kg of Weld Metal per kg of
(g) (sec) Electrode (g) per Arc Hour (g) Electrodes
2,5 20,0 58,8 10,1 600 98 0,51
3,15 29,3 63,8 16,7 900 59 0,57
4,0 45,9 76,4 26,1 1 600 38 0,57
Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Item Number Item Number Pack Mass Approx. No.
(mm) Length (mm) (1 kg pack) (multi-kg pack) (kg) Electrodes/kg
2,5 350 W072122 W075122 3 x 5,0 50
3,15 350 W072123 W075123 3 x 5,0 34
4,0 350 W072124 W075124 3 x 5,0 22
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 28
Transarc® 6013
Welding Consumables
Transarc® 6013 is a newly developed electrode from Afrox, Applications
produced locally at the world class manufacturing facility in Brits.
The Brits consumables factory adopts the best manufacturing Suitable electrode for mild steel welding, fillet, tack and butt
practices and standards and undergoes regular audits from welding, and for bridging large joint gaps and welding that
approval bodies such as TÜV and SABS, ensuring that quality is requires a smooth and clean bead appearance.
not compromised and the highest standards are maintained on
all the products.
AWS A5.1 E6013
SANS 2560 E 350 RC 11
EN ISO 2560 E 350 RC 11
Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Item Number Item Number Pack Mass
(mm) Length (mm) (1 kg pack) (multi-kg pack) (kg)
2,5 350 W072132 W075132 5,0
3,15 350 W072133 W075133 5,0
4,0 350 W072134 W075134 5,0
29 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox Afrolux
Welding Consumables
Afrolux is a heavily coated rutile iron powder electrode for high Technique
speed welding of H-V fillets and flat butt joints. Using the touch
The best results are obtained using the touch welding technique
or free arc techniques, the electrode deposits a very neat, finely
with the electrode held at a sufficient angle to prevent the
rippled weld from which the slag is easily removed. The arc is
molten slag from crowding the arc. AC is recommended as it
smooth and stable with very little spatter. Striking and restriking
reduces arc blow, particularly at the high currents required with
qualities are excellent. Afrolux has a weld metal recovery of
large diameter electrodes.
approximately 160%.
Re-drying Procedure
Normally re-drying of Afrolux is not necessary, however the
Afrolux is eminently suitable for welding fillet and butt welds in
molten slag of damp electrodes will tend to crowd the arc even
mild steel for general fabrication work.
when the correct technique is used. Damp electrodes should be
re-dried at 100-120˚C for 1-2 hours.
AWS A5.1 E7024-1
SABS 455 E5124/-2345
EN ISO 2560 E 42 0 RR 13
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade D,BF,2m,2Ym,No
American Bureau of Shipping Grade 2
Germanischer Lloyd Grade 2
South African Bureau of Standards
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 30
Deposition Data
Welding Consumables
1) The deposition data given was established at the
optimum current rating which would be approximately
in the middle of the specified range.
2) The mass of weld metal deposited per arc hour is
a theoretical value which does not take into account
welder efficiency.
Diameter Mass of an Burn-off Mass of Metal Mass of Weld No. Electrodes kg Weld Metal
(mm) Electrode Time Deposited per Metal Deposited per kg of Weld per kg of
(g) (sec) Electrode (g) per Arc Hour (g) Metal Electrodes
2,5 30,3 63,2 32,7 1 139 48 0,61
3,15 66,9 77,0 54,1 1 944 25 0,61
4,0 102,4 84,9 108,4 2 755 16 0,62
5,0 157,7 91,0 164,3 3 694 8 0,63
6,3 248,0 125,5 250,9 4 735 7 0,66
Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Approx. No. Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Length (mm) Electrodes/kg (kg) (multi-kg pack)
2,5 350 30,0 3 x 4,0 W075202
3,15 450 16,0 3 x 5,0 W075203
4,0 450 11,0 3 x 5,0 W075204
5,0 450 7,0 3 x 5,0 W075205
6,3 450 4,0 3 x 5,0 W075207
31 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox 7018-1
Welding Consumables
Afrox 7018-1 is an AC/DC all-position basic coated hydrogen- size joints, several stringer beads should be used where
controlled electrode of premium quality. It was designed for possible in preference to one large weaved bead to ensure
applications where fracture toughness and the most severe optimum mechanical properties. DC- should be used for root
X-ray requirements in all positions are required. This electrode passes where poor fit-up is a factor to be taken into account.
combines outstanding all-positional welding characteristics,
excellent bead profile and appearance in both root and capping Re-drying Procedure
passes with a smooth stable arc and quick freezing weld metal.
Its ability to operate at lower than normal currents and give a Hydrogen-controlled electrodes must be re-baked prior to
fully penetrating weld bead is of particular significance for root use, the baking temperature required being governed by the
runs which are inaccessible for back gouging. These properties maximum hydrogen content tolerable in the deposited weld
give the electrode outstanding welder appeal. metal. For a maximum of 5-10 ml H2/100 g, re-bake at a
temperature of 350-370˚C for 1-2 hours. (Please consult the
section regarding the storage, handling and treatment of low
hydrogen electrodes).
Afrox 7018-1 is used for the welding of a variety of carbon-
Afrox 7018-1 is manufactured and tested in accordance with
manganese and low alloy steels used in the fabrication of
the requirements of AWS A5.01. Different class and schedules
pressure vessels, pipe work and in general structural fabrication
can be provided upon request.
work. It is recommended for applications where severe X-ray
requirements and mechanical properties have to be met.
As with all basic hydrogen-controlled electrodes, as short an
arc as possible should be kept at all times. When starting with
a new electrode, the arc should be initiated a short distance
ahead of the start or crater and worked back over this distance
before continuing the weld in the required direction. On larger
AWS A5.1 E7018-1 H8
SABS 455 E5118/-4427H
EN 2560 E 42 4 B 32 H5
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade DXVuO,BF,3m,3Ym,H15
American Bureau of Shipping Grade 3Y,3H
Germanischer Lloyd Grade 3YH10
South African Bureau of Standards
Welding Consumables
Typical Current Values
(DC+/- for root welds or AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter (mm) Downhand Vertical-up Overhead
2,5 70 - 100 75 - 85 80 - 90
3,15 90 - 135 95 - 110 100 - 110
4,0 135 - 200 140 - 155 145 - 155
5,0 180 - 260 – –
6,3 245 - 380 – –
Deposition Data
1) The deposition data given was established at the 2) The mass of weld metal deposited per arc hour is
optimum current rating which would be approximately a theoretical value which does not take into account
in the middle of the specified range. welder efficiency.
Diameter Mass of an Burn-off Mass of Metal Mass of Weld No. Electrodes kg Weld Metal
(mm) Electrode Time Deposited per Metal Deposited per kg of Weld per kg of
(g) (sec) Electrode (g) per Arc Hour (g) Metal Electrodes
2,5 21,6 64,2 13,6 761 74 0,62
3,15 33,4 70,0 21,3 1 094 47 0,63
4,0 52,0 71,9 34,0 1 700 30 0,65
5,0 100,3 100,3 67,7 2 428 15 0,67
6,3 150,6 110,5 104,2 3 394 10 0,69
Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Approx. No. Pack mass Item Number
(mm) Length (mm) Electrodes/kg (kg) (multi-kg pack)
2,5 350 46 3 x 4,0 W075282
3,15 350 30 3 x 4,0 W075283
4,0 350 19 3 x 4,0 W075284
5,0 450 10 3 x 6,0 W075285
6,3 450 7 3 x 6,0 W075287
6,3 450 245 - 380 - - W075487
33 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox 78MR
Welding Consumables
AWS A5.1 E7018-1 H4 R
SABS 455 E5118/-4427H
SANS 2560 E 424 B 12 H10
EN ISO 2560 AE 424 B 12 H10
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade DXVuO,BF,3m,3Ym,H15
American Bureau of Shipping Grade 3Y,3H
Germanischer Lloyd Grade 3YH10
South African Bureau of Standards
Welding Consumables
Typical Current Values
(DC+/- or AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter (mm) Current (A)
2,5 70 - 100
3,15 100 - 150
4,0 140 - 200
5,0 160 - 285
6,3 250 - 390
Deposition Data
1) The deposition data given was established at the
optimum current rating which would be approximately
in the middle of the specified range.
2) The mass of weld metal deposited per arc hour is
a theoretical value which does not take into account
welder efficiency.
Diameter Mass of an Burn-off Mass of Metal Mass of Weld No. Electrodes kg Weld Metal
(mm) Electrode Time Deposited per Metal Deposited per kg of Weld per kg of
(g) (sec) Electrode (g) per Arc Hour (g) Metal Electrodes
2,5 22,2 66,5 13,7 742 73 0,61
3,15 34,3 71,3 21,5 1 084 47 0,62
4,0 54,6 78,5 34,5 1 582 29 0,63
5,0 108,5 114,3 72,0 2 270 14 0,66
6,3 155,5 116,0 106,9 3 312 10 0,68
Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Item Number Approx. No. Pack mass Item Number
(mm) Length (mm) (1 kg pack) Electrodes/kg (kg) (multi-kg pack)
2,5 350 W072272 45 3 x 4,0 W075272
3,15 350 W072273 29 3 x 4,0 W075273
4,0 350 - 18 3 x 4,0 W075274
5,0 450 - 9 3 x 6,0 W075275
6,3 450 - 6 3 x 6,0 W075277
35 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox Ferron 1
Welding Consumables
A basic coated AC/DC hydrogen-controlled electrode for use ahead of the start or crater and worked back over this distance
in all positions. Afrox Ferron 1 has a smooth, stable arc with before continuing the weld in the required direction. On larger
good striking qualities, a slag which is easily removed and an size joints, several stringer beads should be used where
excellent weld bead profile and appearance. The weld metal possible in preference to one large weaved bead to ensure
deposited is of high metallurgical and radiographic quality and optimum mechanical properties.
complies with the requirements of the radiographic standard of
Re-drying Procedure
AWS A5.1 grade 1.
Hydrogen-controlled electrodes must be re-baked prior to
Applications use, the baking temperature required being governed by the
maximum hydrogen content tolerable in the deposited weld
Ferron 1 deposits weld metal capable of resisting cracking
metal. For a maximum of 5-10 ml H2/100 g, re-bake at a
under conditions of high restraint and is suitable for welding
temperature of 350-370˚C for 1-2 hours. (Please consult the
CMn steels and low alloy steels in structural fabrications. The
section regarding the storage, handling and treatment of low
electrode is suitable for welding sulphur bearing steels and
hydrogen electrodes).
components to be vitreously enamelled.
Ferron 1 is manufactured and tested in accordance with the
Technique requirements of AWS A5.1.
As with all basic hydrogen-controlled electrodes, as short an
arc as possible should be kept at all times. When starting with
a new electrode, the arc should be initiated a short distance
AWS A5.1 E7018 H8
SABS 455 E5118/-3427H
EN 2560 E 42 3 B 32 H5
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade DXVudO,BF,3m,3Ym,H15
American Bureau of Shipping Grade 3Y, 3H
South African Bureau of Standards
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 36
Welding Consumables
Typical Current Values
(DC+/- or AC 70 OCV min)
Diameter (mm) Current (A)
2,5 70 - 100
3,15 100 - 140
4,0 145 - 180
5,0 190 - 280
6,3 260 - 370
Deposition Data
1) The deposition data given was established at the
optimum current rating which would be approximately
in the middle of the specified range.
2) The mass of weld metal deposited per arc hour is
a theoretical value which does not take into account
welder efficiency.
Diameter Mass of an Burn-off Mass of Metal Mass of Weld No. Electrodes kg Weld Metal
(mm) Electrode Time Deposited per Metal Deposited per kg of Weld per kg of
(g) (sec) Electrode (g) per Arc Hour (g) Metal Electrodes
2,5 22,4 70,3 14,0 716 72 0,62
3,15 35,6 79,9 22,3 1 002 45 0,62
4,0 50,6 71,1 33,3 1 686 31 0,65
5,0 99,8 101,5 69,0 2 447 15 0,69
6,3 157,6 116,9 108,8 3 351 10 0,69
Packing Data
Diameter Electrode Approx. No. Pack mass Item Number
(mm) Length (mm) Electrodes/kg (kg) (multi-kg pack)
2,5 350 45 3 x 4,0 W075312
3,15 350 28 3 x 4,0 W075313
4,0 350 20 3 x 4,0 W075314
5,0 450 10 3 x 6,0 W075315
6,3 450 6 3 x 6,0 W075317
37 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Oerlikon Ferromatic
Welding Consumables
Re-drying Procedure
Provided that electrodes are stored in dry conditions, re-drying
is not necessary.
AWS/ASME SF A 5.1 E7024
EN 2560 E 38 O RR 73
Electrode Marking
OER 7024
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade D,BF,1m,NR
Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Pack Mass Pieces per Carton Item Number
(mm) (A) Length (mm) (kg) (approx.)
2,5 90 - 120 350 5,0 155 W111042
3,15 130 - 160 450 5,0 73 W111043
4,0 180 - 220 450 5,0 46 W111044
5,0 270 - 320 450 5,0 30 W111045
6,3 300 - 360 450 5,0 20 W111046
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 38
Oerlikon Tenacito
Welding Consumables
Tenacito 7018-1 is a low hydrogen, basic covered electrode for
welding medium tensile strength structural and fine grained steels.
It has excellent positional weldability and stable arc characteristics.
Re-drying Procedure
Use dry electrodes only. Re-drying should be carried out at 300-
350ºC for 2 hours.
AWS A 5.1 7018-1
EN 2560 E 42 6B 42 H5
Electrode Marking
Tenacito 7018-1
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade DXVuO,BF,3m,3Ym,H15
Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Pack Mass Item Number Item Number
(mm) (A) Length (mm) (kg) (Tenacito C5) (Tenacito)
2,5 65 - 95 350 5,0 W111472 W075372
3,15 90 - 140 350 5,0 W111473 W075373
4,0 140 - 185 450 5,0 W111474 W075374
5,0 185 - 240 450 5,0 W111475 W075375
6,3 240 - 340 450 5,0 - W111066
39 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Oerlikon Fincord M
Welding Consumables
Re-drying Procedure
Provided that electrodes are stored in dry conditions, re-drying is
not necessary.
AWS/ASME SF A 5.1 E6013
EN 2560 E35 A R 11
Electrode Marking
OER 6013
Packing Data
Diameter Current Electrode Pack Mass Pieces per Carton Item Number
(mm) (A) Length (mm) (kg) (approx.)
2,5 60 - 90 350 5,0 250 W111002
3,15 90 - 140 350 5,0 170 W111003
4,0 120 - 190 350 5,0 106 W111004
5,0 160 - 240 450 5,0 69 W111005
6,3 200 - 290 450 5,0 32 W111006
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 40
Welding Consumables
Heavy-coated rutile type electrode with outstanding welding
characteristics. Suitable for the welding of light gauge steel sheets.
Automatic re-striking, self-detaching slag, smooth bead appearance.
Re-drying Procedure
Provided that electrodes are stored in dry conditions, re-drying is
not necessary.
AWS/ASME SF A 5.1 E6013
EN 2560 E35 A R 11
Electrode Marking
OER P 6013
Packing Data
(42 V OCV min)
Diameter Current Electrode Pack Mass Pieces per Carton Item Number
(mm) (A) Length (mm) (kg) (approx.)
2,0 50 - 70 300 5,0 446 W111012
3,15 100 - 140 350 5,0 140 W111013
4,0 140 - 180 450 5,0 72 W111014
5,0 190 - 240 450 5,0 46 W111015
41 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Oerlikon Supercord
Welding Consumables
Re-drying Procedure
Provided that electrodes are stored in dry conditions, re-drying is
not necessary.
AWS/ASME SF A 5.1 E6013
EN 2560 E35 A R 11
SABS 455 E4313 / 0415
Electrode Marking
Packing Data
(42 V OCV min)
Diameter Current Electrode Pack Mass Pieces per Carton Item Number
(mm) (A) Length (mm) (kg) (approx.)
2,5 60 - 90 350 5,0 277 W111022
3,15 90 - 140 350 5,0 179 W111023
4,0 140 - 180 350 5,0 110 W111024
5,0 180 - 240 350 5,0 71 W111025
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 42
Oerlikon Overcord
Welding Consumables
Rutile-cellulosic type electrode for the welding of a large variety
of components. It is particularly suitable for the welding of root
runs in pipe, for tight joint preparations and for the welding of
storage vessels and oil tanks. Overcord has excellent all-position
weldability including vertical-up and down and is ideal for
fillet welding in the vertical-down position. It has a deposition
efficiency of 60%.
Re-drying Procedure
Provided that electrodes are stored in dry conditions, re-drying is
not necessary.
AWS/ASME SF A 5.1 E6012
EN 2560 E35 A RC 11
Electrode Marking
Packing Data
(42 V OCV min)
Diameter Current Electrode Pack Mass Pieces per Carton Item Number
(mm) (A) Length (mm) (kg) (approx.)
2,5 60 - 90 350 5,0 277 W111312
3,15 90 - 140 350 5,0 179 W111313
4,0 140 - 180 350 5,0 110 W111314
5,0 180 - 240 350 5,0 71 W111315
43 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
AWS A5.1 Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc
Welding Consumables
The welding electrodes covered by this specification are Digits 1 and 2
classified in terms of the following:
The minimum tensile strength of the weld metal in the as
Type of current welded condition (x1 000), e.g. as follows:
Type of covering E60XX
Welding position 60 000 psi minimum (460 MPa min)
Mechanical properties of the weld metal in the as E70XX
welded condition.
70 000 psi mininum (500 MPa min)*
The method of classifying the electrodes is based on the use of
*Disparity exists between these two values. Please refer to specification.
a four-digit code preceded by a letter.
The digits signify the following: Digits 3 and 4
This indicates the position of welding, the type of flux covering
First letter
and the kind of welding current. For complete identification of
‘E’ designates an arc welding electrode. the electrode, it is necessary to read these two digits together
as detailed in the table below:
Certain of the low hydrogen electrodes may also have optional An optional supplemental designator ‘HZ’ indicates an
designators as detailed below: average diffusible hydrogen content of not more that 4, 8,
or 16 ml H2/100 g of deposited metal when tested.
A letter ‘M’ is used to specify electrodes with greater
toughness, low moisture content both in the as Electrodes with the following optional supplemental
received and exposed condition and specific diffusible designation shall meet the lower temperature Charpy
hydrogen contents. V-Notch impact requirements specified.
A letter ‘R’ is used to identify electrodes that meet
the requirements of the specified absorbed moisture test.
Back to contents
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 44
Welding Consumables
Afrox MIG 6000/6000 Cert
Afrox TIG 70S-6
Afrox MIG 6000 and Afrox TIG 70S-6 are produced from high Argoshield® Light, Argoshield® Heavy and Argoshield® Universal
quality deoxidised rod. The products are copper coated for as well as CO2. Gas flow rates of 15 l/min at low currents rising
increased shelf life, which in the case of MIG/MAG wires, also to 20 l/min at high currents should be used. TIG 70S-6 rods
facilitates good electrical conductivity and pick-up with reduced should be used with a 2% thoriated non-consumable electrode
friction during high speed welding. MIG 6000 is a premium with pure argon as a shielding gas at flow rates of 10-15 l/min.
quality wire which is precision layer wound to provide positive
uninterrupted feeding in semi-automatic and automated Identification
TIG 70S-6 – Red colour tip and hard stamped 70S-6.
Welding Procedure MIG 6000 Cert in 1,0 and 1,2 mm & TIG 70S-6 are manufactured
and tested in accordance with the requirements of AWS A5.01.
MIG 6000 is suitable for dip (short arc), spray arc and pulsed arc
transfer welding using shielding gases such as Argoshield® 5,
AWS A5.18 ER 70S-6
SABS 145 Grade A
EN 14341 G42 2 C G4Si1
EN 636-A W 42 3 W4Si1
EN 636-B W 49 A 4 W4Si1
MIG 6000
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade DXVud,BF,2S,2YS,H15
American Bureau of Shipping Grade 2SA
South African Bureau of Standards
45 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Welding Consumables
Packing Data
MIG 6000
Diameter Approx. Length Item Number
(mm) of Wire/kg (m)
0,8 245 W033900
0,9 186 W033901
1,0 160 W033902
1,2 110 W033903
1,6 63 W033905
MIG 6000 Cert
1,0 160 W033912
1,2 110 W033913
The wire is layer wound onto wire basket spools having a nominal mass of 18 kg
Packing Data
TIG 70S-6
Diameter Consumable Item Number
(mm) Length (mm)
1,6 950 W030501
2,0 950 W030502
2,4 950 W030503
TIG rods are supplied in 5 kg tubes
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 46
Afrox Megapac
Welding Consumables
Afrox Megapac is a bulk MIG/MAG wire system designed spools. With an estimated changeover time of 15 minutes a
specifically to enhance the performance of automated welding spool, this amounts to an added three hours production time for
systems. The wire is introduced into the drum by using a unique every Megapac used. Afrox Megapac not only offers reduced
reverse twist coiling method, which ensures that the wire equipment downtime, but also vastly improves production
emerges from the container virtually straight. This facilitates efficiency. Megapac containers, which are 820 mm high with
the precise positioning of the robot, which in turn enhances a diameter of 510 mm, occupy only a small area on the shop
weldability and accuracy, while reducing wear on liners and floor. The hood, through which the wire is fed from the drum,
contact tips. In addition, the negative effects of the cast and/ not only keeps the wire free from dust and dirt but also obviates
or helix which can be experienced with conventionally spooled the need for pay-off devices which are essential when other
reels is eliminated. Each Megapac contains approximately 230 bulk packages are used. Megapac contains copper coated wire
kg of wire, which is equivalent to approximately 13 standard identical to MIG 6000.
AWS A5.18 ER 70S-6
SABS 145 Grade A
EN 14341 G42 2 C G4Si1
Lloyds Register of Shipping DxVud,BF,2S,2YS,H15
American Bureau of Shipping 2SA
South African Bureau of Standards
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
0,9 W033951
1,0 W033952
1,2 W033953
Packing Data
Description Item Number
Megapac Liner (per metre) W033982
Megapac Liner Connection Kit W033983
Megapac Hood 510 W033985 12
47 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox MIG 3000 PLUS is a mild steel welding wire produced from
high quality double deoxidised rod. The wire is copper coated for
increased shelf life.
Welding Procedure
MIG 3000 PLUS exhibits a low spatter volume and is suitable for
dip, spray arc and pulsed arc transfer welding using shielding
gases such as Argoshield® 5, Argoshield® Light, Argoshield®
Heavy and Argoshield® Universal or CO2. Shielding gas flow rates
of 15-20 l/min should be used.
AWS A5.18 ER 70S-6
SABS 145 Grade A
BS EN 14341 G42 2 C G4Si1
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
0,9 (plastic spool) W033931
1,0 (plastic spool) W033942
1,2 (plastic spool) W033943
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 48
Welding Consumables
Afrox 250 kg ER70S-6 is a mild steel welding wire produced from Argoshield® Heavy and Argoshield® Universal, or CO2. Shielding
high quality double deoxidised rod. The wire is copper coated gas flow rates of 15-20 l/min should be used.
for increased shelf life. Available in a 250 kg drum for increased
Welding Procedure
Afrox 250 kg ER70S-6 exhibits a low spatter volume and is
suitable for dip, spray arc and pulsed arc transfer welding
using shielding gases such as Argoshield® 5, Argoshield® Light,
AWS A5.18 ER 70S-6
SABS 145 Grade A
BS EN 14341 G42 2 C G4Si1
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
1,0 (250 kg drum) W033962
1,2 (250 kg drum) W033963
Back to contents
49 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
MIG & TIG Wires for CMn & Low Alloy Steels
Welding Consumables
Oerlikon Carbofil 1
Keep dry and avoid condensation.
AWS A5.18 ER 70S-6
EN 14341 G 42 4 M G4Si1
EN 14341 G 42 3 C G4Si1
Germanischer Lloyd
Lloyds Register of Shipping
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 50
Welding Consumables
Packing Data
Diameter Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Drums (kg)
1,0 150,0 W122103
1,2 150,0 W122104
1,0 300,0 W122113
1,2 300,0 W122114
1,0 500,0 W122123
1,2 500,0 W122124
Packing Data
Diameter Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Spools (kg)
0,8 15,0 W122001
0,9 15,0 W122002
1,0 15,0 W122003
1,2 15,0 W122004
1,6 15,0 W122005
51 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
AWS A5.18 Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas
Welding Consumables
Classification Designators
ER Indicates a solid wire
70 or 48 The minimum tensile strength of the deposited weld metal. In all specified products in this
standard, the minimum tensile strength is 70 000 psi or 480 MPa
S Solid electrode/wire, a ‘C’ would indicate a metal cored wire
Y This can be 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or ‘G’ as detailed in the table below
X This final ‘X’ shown in the classification represents a ‘C’ or ‘M’ which corresponds to the shielding
gas with which the metal cored wire is classified. The use of ‘C’ designates 100% CO2 shielding, ‘M’
designates 75-80% Ar/CO2. Solid wires are classified using CO2
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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 52
Welding Consumables
Afrox TM-791
TM-791 is a gas shielded flux cored wire for welding carbon- welder appeal with superior mechanical properties. It has a
manganese steels having a tensile strength up to 620 MPa quiet soft arc with very low spatter and fume levels. Deposited
and where impact properties at sub-zero temperatures may be weld metal has similar mechanical properties to that of a 7018
required. It also has low spatter levels and the slag is easy to type MMA electrode. These features, along with the high
remove. The wire is recommended for single- and multi-pass deposition rates inherent in out-of-position welding, make
welding in all positions using a 75% Ar/25% CO2 argon-based TM-791 an excellent choice for shipbuilding, pressure vessel
mixed gas (Afrox Fluxshield®) or CO2. TM-791 has excellent fabrication and structural welding.
AWS A5.20 E7IT-1, E71T-1M
AWS A5.20 E71T-9, E71T-9M
Lloyds Register of Shipping Grade 3YSH 10
American Bureau of Shipping 3SA, 3YSA HH,(75Ar/25CO2),3YSA HH (CO2)
Det Norske Veritas 111Y40MS (H10)
Bureau Veritas SA 3YM HH
Germanischer Lloyd 3YH10S
53 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Welding Consumables
Welding Data
(DC+) Shielding Gas: Fluxshield®
Diameter Position Current Deposition Rates Electrode
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/h) Stick Out (mm)
Welding Data
(DC+) Shielding Gas: CO2
Diameter Position Current Deposition Rates Electrode
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/h) Stick Out (mm)
Packing Data
Diameter Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Drums (kg)
1,2 15,0 W081051
1,6 15,0 W081052
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 54
Afrox Coremax 71
Welding Consumables
Coremax 71 is a rutile type CO2 shielded flux cored wire for the
welding of carbon-manganese steels. It is recommended for the
all-positional welding of mild and low alloy steels with a tensile
strength of up to 620 MPa for general-purpose fabrication.
Coremax 71 also provides increased toughness at sub-zero
AWS A5.20 E71T-1
Det Norske Veritas
Bureau Veritas
Welding Data
(DC+) Shielding Gas: CO2
Diameter Position Current Deposition Rates Electrode
(mm) (kg/h) Stick Out (mm)
Amps (A) Volts (V)
1,2 Flat/horizontal 260 27 4,1 12,0
1,2 Vertical-up/ 170 - 220 23 - 25 2,0 - 3,4 12,0
1,6 Flat 360 29 5,5 25,0
1,6 Horizontal 280 26 3,6 25,0
1,6 Vertical-up/ 215 - 245 24 - 25 2,6 - 3,0 25,0
Typical Values
Packing Data
Diameter Spool Mass Item Number
(mm) (kg)
1,2 15,0 W081130
1,6 15,0 W081131
55 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
AWS A5.20 E71T-1M
Det Norske Veritas
Bureau Veritas
Welding Data
(DC+) Shielding Gas: 75% Ar/25% CO2 or CO2
Diameter Position Current Deposition Rates Electrode
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/h) Stick Out (mm)
Packing Data
Diameter Spool Mass Item Number
(mm) (kg)
1,2 15,0 W081230
1,6 15,0 W081231
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 56
Afrox S71T-11
Welding Consumables
S71T-11 is an open-arc (no shielding gas required) tubular wire
which is exceptionally easy to use. It is recommended for use
with smaller MIG machines or in areas where the provision of
gas cylinders is not practical. S71T-11 has little tendency to burn
through and is well suited for butt, fillet and lap joints on steel
thicknesses of 1,6 mm to 10 mm. It is not recommended for
welding steel thicknesses greater than 12 mm.
AWS A5.20 E71T-11
EN 17632-A T 42 Z W N 1 H10
Welding Data
(DC+) Shielding Gas: CO2
Diameter Current
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V)
0,8 50 - 200 12 - 24
0,9 70 - 220 13 - 27
1,2 90 - 310 16 - 35
Typical Values
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Spool Mass (kg) Item Number
0,8 4,5 W081004
0,9 4,5 W081009
1,2 4,5 W081016
57 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox TM-44
Welding Consumables
TM-44 is an outstanding high deposition self-shielded tubular produces a globular type transfer with an arc that is not
wire that is used to weld mild and medium carbon steels. It affected by drafts or moderate wind. It is specifically designed
is ideal for either single- or multi-pass welding, and provides to desulphurise the weld metal and resist cracking. The product
outstanding performance with deposition rates of up to 20 kg/h is recommended for applications such as machine fabrication,
and deposition efficiencies of 84% or better. This electrode certain ship equipment, industrial and heavy equipment repair.
AWS A5.20 E70T-4
EN 17632-A T 46 Z W N 4 H10
American Bureau of Shipping E70T-4 (AWS A5.20)
Canadian Welding Bureau E4802T-4-CH
Welding Data
Diameter Position Current Optimum Settings Deposition Electrode
(mm) Rates Stick Out
Amps (A) Volts (V) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/h) (mm)
2,0 Flat/horizontal 290 - 370 31 330 30 5,0 - 7,3 50,0
2,4 Flat/horizontal 250 - 500 28 - 34 400 31 4,0 - 12,7 65,0
Packing Data
Diameter Pack Mass Package Item Number
(mm) (kg)
2,0 22,0 Coil W081033
2,4 22,0 Coil W081011
2,4 270,0 Drum W081012
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 58
Afrox TM-121
Welding Consumables
TM-121 is a versatile tubular wire with excellent operator appeal on steel thicknesses from 1,6-10 mm. It is not recommended
because of its smooth arc, low spatter and overall ease of for welding steel thicknesses greater than 12,7 mm. When
handling. With no shielding gas needed, it is a good choice for welding on steels in the 10-19 mm thickness range, a preheat
welding in hard-to-reach locations or where the provision of gas temperature of 160˚C is advisable. The wire is recommended for
cylinders is not practical. It is a good wire for applications where single-pass and limited multiple-pass welding in all positions,
windy or other adverse conditions prevail and where mechanical using no shielding gas.
properties are of less concern. TM-121 has little tendency to
burn through and is well suited for butt, fillet and lap joints
AWS A5.20 E71T-11
EN 17632-A T 42 Z W N 1 H10
American Bureau of Shipping E71T-11 (AWS A5.20)
Welding Data
Diameter Position Current Optimum Settings Deposition Electrode
(mm) Rates Stick Out
Amps (A) Volts (V) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/h) (mm)
1,6 Flat/horizontal 125 - 300 19 - 20 230 17 0,5 - 3,3 12,0 - 19,0
1,6 Vertical/ 125 - 250 15 - 19 175 16 0,7 - 2,1 12,0 - 19,0
2,0 Flat/horizontal 175 - 350 16 - 22 275 19 1,1 - 3,0 12,0 - 19,0
Packing Data
Diameter Pack Mass Package Item Number
(mm) (kg)
1,6 15,0 Spool W081013
2,0 15,0 Spool W081015
2,0 22,0 Coil W081014
59 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox Metalloy 76
Welding Consumables
Metalloy 76 is a gas shielded metal cored wire designed for The product features lower spatter and higher strength levels.
semi-automatic, automatic and robotic welding of low and The higher manganese content gives increased deoxidisation
medium carbon steels. The wire is recommended for single and and greater tolerance to mill scale and paint primers on the
limited multi-pass welding in the flat and horizontal positions. workpiece. Penetration is superior to that of solid wires, thereby
The recommended shielding gas is Afrox Fluxshield® (75% minimising the cold lap problem on heavier sections of steels.
Ar, 25% CO2) at a gas flow rate of 17-24 l/min. Metalloy 76 Low spatter and low slag volume combine to greatly reduce
produces high quality welds with virtually no residual slag. clean-up costs.
AWS A5.18 E70C-6M H4
EN 17632-A T 50 Z M M 2 H5
Lloyds Register of Shipping 3S,3440SH15
American Bureau of Shipping 3SA, 3YSM
Det Norske Veritas 111 Y40MS
Bureau Veritas SA 3YM
Germanischer Lloyd 3Y40H5S
Canadian Welding Bureau E4801C-6-CH
Welding Data
Diameter Position Current Optimum Settings Deposition Electrode
(mm) Rates Stick Out
Amps (A) Volts (V) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg/h) (mm)
1,2 Flat/horizontal 200 - 350 27 - 35 300 32 2,7 - 7,0 12,0 - 19,0
1,6 Flat/horizontal 300 - 450 29 - 34 400 32 5,0 - 9,5 25,0 - 30,0
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Spool Mass (kg) Item Number
1,2 15,0 W081029
1,6 15,0 W081028
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 60
Coremax 70
Welding Consumables
Coremax 70 is a metallic flux cored wire designed to be used with Multi-layer welding can be performed without removing slag. It is
Ar/CO2 (Afrox Fluxshield®) for mild steel and 490 N/mm2 high suitable for the multi-layer welding of thick plate welding in such
tensile steel. Its deposition rate is 10-30% higher than a solid applications as: steel structures, bridges, shipbuilding, vehicles
wire. and storage tanks, etc.
AWS A5.18 E70C-6M
EN 499 E 42 3 B 3 2 H10
Welding Data
Diameter Current Flow Rate Pack Mass Item
(mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (l/min) (kg) Number
Back to contents
61 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Oerlikon Fluxofil 14 HD
Fluxofil 14 HD is a seamless copper coated rutile flux cored gas be used and is characterised by low spatter loss, good slag
wire with a higher filling degree resulting in a higher current removal and finely rippled, pore-free welds without undercut.
carrying capacity and high deposition rate. The welding speed
is increased which leads to a saving of time and reduction of Storage
costs. It can be used in all positions with only one welding
parameter setting (24 V, wire feed = 9 m/min, wire dia. 1,2 Keep dry and avoid condensation.
mm). Fluxofil 14 HD is used for manual welding, as well as in
fully mechanised. It is recommended that a mixed shielding
AWS A5.20 E71T-1 H4 / E71T-1M H4
EN 17632-A T 46 2 P M 1 H5
American Bureau of Shipping Lloyds Register of Shipping
Bureau Veritas PRS
Det Norske Veritas TÜV
Germanischer Lloyd UDT
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
1,2 W125133
1,6 W125134
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 62
Oerlikon Fluxofil 19 HD
Welding Consumables
Fluxofil 19 HD is a seamless copper coated rutile flux cored wire to a saving of time and costs. Low spatter loss, easy slag
with an enhanced degree of fill. Due to its easily controllable removal, smooth and finely rippled welds are produced without
weld pool, the welding characteristics are outstanding. It can be undercut into the base metal.
welded in all positions with only one parameter setting (24 V,
wire feed 9 m/min, wire diameter 1,2 mm). The enhanced Storage
degree of filling results in increased current carrying capacity
and deposition rate, thus increasing welding speed and leading Keep dry and avoid condensation.
AWS A5.20 E71T-1 H4
EN 17632-A T 46 2 P C 1 H5
American Bureau of Shipping Lloyds Register of Shipping
Bureau Veritas PRS
Det Norske Veritas RS
Germanischer Lloyd TÜV
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number
1,2 W125150
1,6 W125152
63 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
AWS A5.20 Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc
Welding Consumables
In this specification, electrodes are classified on the basis of: Welding position
Whether CO2 is used as a shielding gas Mechanical properties of the deposited weld metal.
Suitability for single or multiple-pass application The system for identifying the electrode classification in AWS
A5.20 follows, for the most part, the standard pattern used in
Type of current
other AWS filler metal specification.
Classification Designators
E Designates an electrode
First X This designator is either 6 or 7. It indicates the minimum tensile strength (in psi x 10 000) of the weld metal
when the sample is prepared in the manner prescribed by AWS A5.20
Second X Indicates the primary welding position for which the electrode is designed:
0 - flat and horizontal positions
1 - all positions
T This designator indicates that the electrode is a flux cored electrode
W This designator is a number from 1 through 14 or the letter ‘G’ with or without an ‘S’ following. The
number refers to the usability of the electrode. The ‘G’ indicates that the external shielding, polarity and
impact properties are not specified. The ‘S’ indicates that the electrode is suitable for single-pass welding
only. Please see table below for details
M An ‘M’ designator in this position indicates that the electrode is classified using 75-80% Ar-CO2 shielding gas.
When this designator does not appear, it signifies that the shielding gas used for classification is CO2 or that
the product is a self-shielded type
J Optional supplementary designator. Designates that the electrode meets the requirements for improved
toughness by meeting a Charpy impact value of 27 J at -40˚C. Absence of the ‘J’ indicates normal impact
HZ Optional supplementary designator. Designates that the electrode meets the requirements of the diffusible
hydrogen test, (i.e 4, 8 or 16 ml of H2 per 100 g of deposited weld metal)
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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 64
Welding Consumables
Afrox Sub 70-1
AWS A5.20 EL12
EN 756 Sl
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number (25 kg coil)
2,0 W080011
2,4 W080012
3,15 W080013
4,0 W080014
65 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
AWS A5.17 EM12K
EN 756 S2
Packing Data
Diameter Item Number Item Number Item Number Item Number
(mm) (25 kg coil) (68 kg coils) (450 kg pay-off (300 kg pay-off
spools) drums)
2,0 W080051 - W080056 W080061
2,5 W080052 - W080057 W080062
3,15 W080053 W080067 W080058 W080063
4,0 W080054 W080068 W080059 W080064
5,0 W080055 - W080060 -
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 66
Welding Consumables
Subarc S3Si is a copper coated submerged arc welding
wire containing 1,5% manganese and 0,3% silicon. It is
recommended for use with basic fluxes such as HPF-N90 where
exceptional sub-zero impact properties are required.
EN 756 S3Si
AWS A5.17 EH12K
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Item Number (27 kg coil)
2,4 W078116
3,2 W078118
4,0 W078120
67 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox Subarc Detron M1B is a copper coated CMn submerged arc fillet joints where higher mechanical properties are required. The
welding wire for joining carbon-manganese steels. It is widely higher silicon content improves weld pool fluidity. The wire can
used in structural steelwork, shipbuilding, pressure vessel be used with basic, neutral and active fluxes. When used with
manufacture and construction. The wire is suitable for both active Mn and Si alloyed fluxes, it is limited to thicknesses below
single-pass and multi-pass welding and for welding butt and 25 mm.
AWS A5.17-89 EM 12K
EN 756 S2Si
Packing Data
SAW Wire Current Pack Mass Item Number
Diameter (mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 68
AWS A5.17 Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Flux for
Welding Consumables
Submerged Arc Welding
The welding electrodes and fluxes covered by the specification The condition of heat treatment in which those
are classified according to the following attributes: properties are obtained
The mechanical properties of the weld metal obtained The chemical composition of the electrode produced with
with a combination of a particular flux and a particular a particular flux.
classification of electrode
Classification Designators
F Indicates a submerged arc welding flux
S Indicates the flux contains crushed slag
X Indicates the minimum tensile strength of weld metal made in accordance with the welding conditions
given in the specification
Y Designates the condition of heat treatment in which the tests were conducted. ‘A’ for as welded and
‘P’ for post weld heat treated
Z Indicates the lowest temperature at which the impact strength of the weld metal meets or exceeds 27 J
i.e. Z No impact requirements
0 0˚C
2 -20˚C
3 -30˚C
4 -40˚C
5 -50˚C
6 -60˚C
E Indicates a solid electrode; EC indicates a composite electrode
XXX Classification of the electrode used in producing the weld and given in the table below
Example of AWS Classification: under the conditions called for in this specification. The absence
of a ‘S’ in the second position indicates that the flux being
F43 A2-EM12K is a complete designation for a flux-electrode
classified is a virgin flux.
combination. It refers to a flux that will produce weld metal
which, in the as welded condition, will have a tensile strength Please note: AWS now makes provision for metric values. The
of 430 to 560 MPa and Charpy V-Notch impact strength of at specification containing equivalent metric values is indicated by
least 27 J at -20˚C when produced with an EM12K electrode AWS A5.17M
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69 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Tri-Mark HPF-A72 is used to weld gas bottles, truck wheels,
structural shapes, pipes, joining plates, light boilermaking and
parts with small diameters.
AWS A5.17/ASME SFA 5.17 F7A2-EM12K
Flux Characteristics
Maximum Welding Current 1 000 A
Polarity DC or AC
Welding Speed 1 300 mm/min
Packing Data
Pack Mass (bags/kg) Item Number
25,0 W071403
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 70
Welding Consumables
Tri-Mark HPF-N90 and N90F are semi-basic agglomerated fluxes the N90 and can be used to rebuild small diameter shafts and
producing weld deposits with good mechanical properties at low journals such as those found on crankshafts.
temperatures. HPF-N90 and N90F have excellent weldability,
easy slag removal in deep grooves, good resistance to cracking Storage and Re-baking
and porosity and excellent bead appearance. HPF-N90 and
N90F flux can be used on multi-pass applications on unlimited The higher the basicity index of agglomerated fluxes, the more
thickness, with very little change in the chemical composititon hygroscopic such a flux would be. All agglomerated fluxes
of the weld metal. should therefore be stored in conditions of less than 70%
relative humidity. Welding with damp flux can cause porosity.
Applications Re-drying of flux suspected of being moist should be done for
approximately two hours at about 300°C at a flux depth of about
Tri-Mark HPF-N90 and N90F can be used on structural steel, 25 mm. For many applications, it is not necessary to re-dry the
CrMo steel, high strength low alloy (HSLA) steels and quenched flux.
and tempered steels. The N90F grade has a finer particle size to
AWS A5.17/ASME SFA 5.17
F6A2-EM12K F9A2-EA 3-A3
F7P2-EM13K F9P2-EA 3-A3
71 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
McKay MK-N is totally neutral agglomerated flux, designed for Storage and Re-baking
welding with solid and tubular wires of the 400 series stainless
steels. It can also be used with low alloy steel wires. It features The higher the basicity index of agglomerated fluxes, the more
clean slag removal with wires containing Nb and V, excellent hygroscopic such a flux would be. All agglomerated fluxes
recovery of the alloying elements from the tubular wires, such should therefore be stored in conditions of less than 70%
as Cr, Ni, Mo, Nb and V and accepts welding with twin-arc and relative humidity. Welding with damp flux can cause porosity.
oscillating technique, with currents up to 1 000 A. McKay MK-N Re-drying of flux suspected of being moist should be done
flux should be used with wires containing at least 0,20% Si, in for approximately two hours at about 300°C at a flux depth of
order to avoid porosity. about 25 mm.
The main application of McKay MK-N flux is the rebuilding of
steel mill roll with tubular and solid wires of the 400 series
stainless steels. It can also be used to rebuild shafts, wheels
and journals.
Packing Data
Pack Mass (bags/kg) Item Number
25,0 W071406
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Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 72
Welding Consumables
Subarc Sub 70-1 Subarc Sub 70-1/HPF-N90
Subarc Sub 70-1/MK-N Subarc Sub 70-1/HPF-A72
Afrox Sub 70-1 is a copper coated CMn submerged arc welding
wire for joining carbon-manganese steels. It is widely used in
structural steel work, i.e. shipbuilding, construction work, etc.
The wire is suitable for both single-pass and multi-pass welding,
and for welding butt and fillet joints where maximum ductility is
AWS A5.17-89 EL 12
EN 756 S1
Packing Data
SAW Wire Current (DC+/AC) Pack Mass Item Number
Diameter (mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)
73 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Afrox Sub 70-2 is a copper coated CMn submerged arc welding multi-pass welding and for welding butt and fillet joints where
wire for joining carbon-manganese steels. It is widely used in higher mechanical properties are required. The wire can be used
structural steelwork, shipbuilding, pressure vessel manufacture with basic, neutral and active fluxes. When used with active Mn
and construction. The wire is suitable for both single-pass and and Si alloyed fluxes, it is limited to thicknesses below 25 mm.
AWS A5.17-89 EH 12 K
EN 756 S2
Packing Data
SAW Wire Current (DC+/AC) Item Number Item Number Item Number Item Number
(25 kg spools) (68 kg coils) (450 kg bobbins) (300 kg drums)
Diameter Amps Volts
(mm) (A) (A)
2,0 400 28 W080051 - - -
2,4 450 28 W080052 - - W080062
3,2 500 28 W080053 W080067 - W080063
4,0 550 28 W080054 W080068 W080059 W080064
5,0 600 28 W080055 - W080060 -
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 74
Welding Consumables
Subarc Sub S3Si/HPF-A72 Subarc S3Si/MK-N
Subarc S3Si/HPF-N11X
AWS A5.17-89 EM12K
EN 756 S3Si
Packing Data
SAW Wire Current (DC+/AC) Pack Mass Item Number
Diameter (mm) Amps (A) Volts (V) (kg)
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75 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Brazing/Welding Parameters
Process Oxy-acetylene
Flame Setting Neutral
Flux Not required
Packing Data
Diameter Consumable Pack Mass Item Number
(mm) Length (mm) (kg)
1,6 750 5,0 W000040
2,5 750 5,0 W000045
3,2 750 5,0 W000041
5,0 750 5,0 W000042
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 76
Afrox R60
Welding Consumables
Afrox R60 is a solid wire electrode for oxy-fuel welding of mild
steels. For best results, use a neutral flame setting.
AWS A5.4 R60
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Pack Mass (kg) Item Number
2,0 5,0 W078368
77 Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels
Mechanically certified electrodes and wires are required by Flux and metal cored wires
fabricators building and repairing components destined primarily
Fluxes for submerged arc welding and brazing.
for the petrochemical industry. Certification takes place in
terms of the American ANSI/AWS A5.01 specification. A short
description of the requirements is detailed below. Lot Classification (Class)
The certification of the consumable is based on two aspects: The lot classification basically specifies a number of aspects
which take place during the manufacturing operation to
The lot classification closely monitor the quality and to be able to clearly identify a
production batch of consumables. The classification system is
The level of testing.
given in the table below:
The consumables are broken into four primary groups:
Coated manual metal arc electrodes
Solid wires and rods
MMA Electrodes C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
Solid Wires S1 S2 S3 S4
Cored Wires T1 T2 T3 T4
Fluxes F1 F2
Generally, MMA electrodes produced by Afrox are manufactured Level of Testing (Schedule)
to class C3, and MIG and TIG wires to class S1 and S3
The level of testing is selected by the purchaser and there
are six levels or schedules, i.e. F, G, H, I, J and K. The most
The definition for class C3 is: commonly used for both electrodes and wires is Schedule I.
Schedule I requires the following tests to be carried out and
A class C3 lot of electrodes is the quantity, not exceeding
certified for MMA electrodes:
45 000 kg, of any one size and classification (i.e. 7018-1)
produced in 24 hours of consecutively scheduled production Chemical analysis
(consecutive normal working shifts). Class C3 electrodes shall
Tensile properties (i.e. 0,2% proof stress, tensile strength
be produced from covering (i.e. flux) identified by wet mix or
and % elongation)
controlled chemical composition and core wire identified by
heat or cast number or chemically controlled composition. Charpy V-Notch impact properties
The definition for class S1 is: X-ray soundness
A class S1 lot of bare solid wires and rods is the manufacturer’s Moisture content (of the flux coating).
standard lot, as defined in the manufacturer’s QA programme
(this in the case of Afrox is the heat or cast number which refers The purchaser would therefore specify consumables to be
in terms of MIG 6000 and TIG 70S-6 to 100 000 kg of material). supplied in terms of for example class C3 schedule I or class C4
schedule J, etc.
The definition for class S3 is:
A list detailing the Afrox products currently mechanically
A class S3 lot of bare solid electrodes and rods, brazing and certified in terms of ANSI/AWS A5,01 is given in the table
braze welding filler metal, and consumable inserts is the below:
quantity of one size produced in one production cycle from one
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Class Schedule Package Type Item Number
2,5 C3 I Box W075282
3,15 C3 I Box W075283
4,0 C3 I Box W075284
5,0 C3 I Box W075285
Afrox Product Reference Manual - Welding Consumables - Carbon Steels 78
Welding Consumables
Packing Data
Diameter (mm) Class Schedule Package Type Item Number
2,5 C5 K Box W087382
3,15 C5 K Box W087383
4,0 C5 K Box W087384
5,0 C5 K Box W087385
Packing Data
(MIG 6000 Cert)
Diameter (mm) Class Schedule Package Type Item Number
1,0 S1 I Box W033912
1,2 S1 I Box W033913
Packing Data
(TIG 70S-6)
Diameter (mm) Class Schedule Package Type Item Number
1,6 S3 K Cardboard tube W087501
2,0 S3 K Cardboard tube W087502
2,4 S3 K Cardboard tube W087503