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Environmental Sciences

Final Project



Group 4


Llontop Calosi, Rodrigo


For the last century many people, scientists, companies and also governments have been
worrying about how the climate has been changing a lot in a short period of time. That
made them question if the burning of fossil fuels had been causing that increase. The
answer was yes, thanks to that they put this issue as an environmental problem.  The
explanation is simple: because when fossil fuels are burned they emit carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gasses such as methane or nitrous oxide. This greenhouse catches the
worm that is in our atmosphere that is traduced in more global warming, in other word they
are the principal agents that causes the higher and faster increase of global warming and
also the climate change. Coal combustion is primarily responsible for 44% of carbon
dioxide emissions worldwide, causing the largest increase in global temperature. Although
in countries like the United States its use has decreased due to competition with natural gas
and concern for the environment and health, its demand is expected to increase in places
like India until 2023. On the other hand, the burning of Oil emits air pollution and has
caused serious environmental damage in the past from drilling and shipping accidents, such
as the Exxon Valdez spill and the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Despite this, the demand for
oil continues to rise due to the need for mobility and the production of petrochemicals, such
as plastics, which are derived from oil and gas. In the United States, oil is responsible for
almost half of carbon emissions, and globally, about a third.

The consumption of fossil fuels, such as coal, has significant environmental and public
health consequences. Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels have increased by 62%
between 1990 and 2019. In Mexico, 64% of air pollutants come from the consumption of
fossil fuels. Poor air quality attributable to air pollution causes the premature deaths of
approximately 3.7 billion people worldwide, according to the WHO. In Mexico, at least
1,680 girls and boys under the age of 5 die each year due to illnesses related to poor air
quality. The annual costs of these health impacts amount to MXN 577,698 million,
equivalent to 3.2% of GDP. Thermal power plants that generate electricity from fossil fuels,
such as coal, also have serious health consequences. Coal combustion in China causes
250,000 deaths per year, while in the EU, coal is responsible for the death of 18,200 people.
Health costs associated with coal combustion reach nearly EUR 43 billion per year. The
harmful effects of inhaling fine particles of heavy metals can generate chronic
inflammation of the lungs, impair lung reflexes and reduce lung function, and increase the
risk of diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer. Children are the most
affected as they are particularly susceptible to the harmful effects of lead, mercury,
cadmium, and arsenic emitted by coal-fired power plants. Substituting fuel oil with natural
gas could prevent the premature deaths of between 8,900 and 14,000 people in the Tula
basin and the Valle de Mexico basin. Moreover, women are the most affected population by
exposure to the smallest particles of CN at a global level.

To beginning with this problematic, we have to introduce talking about the carbon cycle.
Carbon is one of the principal components for the life that means that everything is made
by it: human beings, civilizations, houses transport, energy, etc. As you can notice carbon
is everywhere in anything we need carbon to subsist and that necessity is accompanied with
a huge problem that every nation and human being is facing now a day “Global climate
Carbon, the fourth most abundant element in the Universe, is created in aging stars. On
Earth, most of the carbon, which amounts to 65,500 billion metric tons, is stored in rocks.
The rest is found in different places such as the ocean, atmosphere, plants, soil, and fossil
fuels. The carbon cycle is responsible for the flow of carbon between these reservoirs, and
it has both slow and fast components. If the cycle is altered and carbon is moved out of one
reservoir, it will be added to other reservoirs. When carbon gases are released into the
atmosphere, this causes the Earth's temperature to rise, resulting in warmer temperatures.

(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

The carbon cycle is a fundamental process for regulating the global carbon balance, with
carbon flowing between different reservoirs such as the atmosphere, oceans, biosphere, and
lithosphere. The carbon cycle operates on both slow and fast time scales, and any
alterations to the cycle can result in significant changes to the global carbon balance.
Over the long-term, the carbon cycle plays a crucial role in maintaining a balance that
prevents an excess of Earth's carbon from entering the atmosphere, as observed on Venus,
or being entirely sequestered in rocks. This balance, akin to a thermostat, helps to keep
Earth's temperature relatively stable, mitigating the impact of short-term temperature
fluctuations. However, while the carbon cycle functions to stabilize Earth's climate over
timescales of several hundred thousand years, it also operates on shorter timescales of tens
to hundreds of thousands of years, which contribute to variations in the Earth's temperature.
Indeed, the carbon cycle can even amplify these short-term temperature changes, leading to
shifts between ice ages and warmer interglacial periods. As such, understanding the
complex interplay between the slow and fast components of the carbon cycle is essential for
modeling and predicting Earth's climate and its response to anthropogenic carbon

(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

Over the course of geological time, the Earth's climate has undergone significant
transformations that have been attributed to shifts in the global carbon balance. These
changes occur on extended timescales, spanning millions to tens of millions of years, and
are driven by a range of complex factors, including the movement of tectonic plates and
variations in the rate of carbon sequestration and release from the Earth's interior.
Indeed, the Earth's thermostat, which operates over these prolonged timescales, can be
sensitive to shifts in these factors, resulting in significant variations in the planet's
temperature and climate. Over the last 50 million years, the Earth has experienced a notable
transition from the warm and humid climates of the Cretaceous period, approximately 145
to 65 million years ago, to the cold and glaciated conditions of the Pleistocene epoch,
spanning roughly 1.8 million to 11,500 years ago. Understanding the complex dynamics
and feedbacks between the Earth's carbon cycle, tectonic processes, and climate on these
extended timescales is critical for elucidating the mechanisms and drivers of long-term
climate variability and predicting the Earth's response to future environmental changes.

The intricate interplay between geological and chemical processes is central to the
movement of carbon between its various reservoirs on Earth. Specifically, the slow carbon
cycle, which encompasses a series of chemical reactions and tectonic activity, entails a
timescale of 100-200 million years for carbon to transition between rocks, soil, the ocean,
and the atmosphere. On an annual basis, an estimated 1013 to 1014 grams (10–100 million
metric tons) of carbon are involved in this gradual cycle, in contrast to human-induced
emissions of carbon to the atmosphere that amount to approximately 1015 grams.
By comparison, the fast carbon cycle operates on a much shorter timescale and moves a
much greater quantity of carbon, ranging from 1016 to 1017 grams per year. The slow
carbon cycle begins with rain, as atmospheric carbon combines with water to form carbonic
acid, which is a relatively weak acid. When rain falls on the Earth's surface, the acid
initiates the process of chemical weathering, causing rocks to dissolve and release ions such
as calcium, magnesium, potassium, or sodium. Ultimately, these ions are transported to the
ocean via rivers, thereby completing the slow carbon cycle's movement of carbon from the
atmosphere to the lithosphere.
In the ocean, calcium and bicarbonate ions combine to create calcium carbonate. Most of
this substance is produced by shell-building organisms and plankton, such as corals,
coccolithophores, and foraminifera. When these organisms die, their remains sink to the
seafloor, where layers of shells and sediment eventually fuse together to form rock, storing
carbon in the form of limestone and its derivatives.
Presently, only 80% of rock that contains carbon is formed through the process described
above. The remaining 20% comprises of organic carbon from living beings that gets
trapped in layers of mud. The combination of heat and pressure over millions of years
compresses the mud and carbon, leading to the formation of sedimentary rock such as
shale. In certain unique circumstances, when dead plant matter accumulates more quickly
than it decomposes, the layers of organic carbon transform into oil, coal, or natural gas,
instead of becoming sedimentary rock like shale.
(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

Volcanic activity returns carbon to the atmosphere via eruptions, releasing carbon dioxide
and fresh silicate rock to start the slow cycle anew. Volcanoes currently emit around 130 to
380 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, while humans release roughly 30
billion tons of carbon dioxide per year by burning fossil fuels, exceeding volcanic
emissions by 100-300 times. Chemistry plays a critical role in regulating the carbon cycle
between the ocean, land, and atmosphere. For example, when carbon dioxide levels rise due
to increased volcanic activity, temperatures rise, leading to increased rain, more rock
dissolution, more ions, and ultimately more carbon deposited on the ocean floor. This
rebalancing process takes hundreds of thousands of years through chemical weathering.
However, the ocean also plays a slightly faster role in the slow carbon cycle. Carbon
dioxide gas dissolves in and out of the ocean at the surface in a steady exchange with the
atmosphere, and once in the ocean, it reacts with water to release hydrogen, increasing
ocean acidity. The hydrogen reacts with rock weathering carbonate to produce bicarbonate
ions. Before the industrial age, the ocean vented carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in
balance with the carbon it received from rock weathering. However, since atmospheric
carbon concentrations have increased, the ocean absorbs more carbon than it releases, but
the process is slow due to water movement from the ocean's surface to its depths. In the
meantime, winds, currents, and temperature influence the rate at which the ocean absorbs
carbon dioxide. The ice ages' onset and conclusion may have been aided by changes in
ocean temperature and currents that helped remove and then restore carbon to the
atmosphere over several thousand years.

(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

The fast carbon cycle, which involves the movement of carbon through life forms on Earth
or the biosphere, is responsible for cycling between 10¹⁵ and 10¹⁷ grams of carbon annually,
and its duration is measured in terms of a lifespan. Carbon plays a crucial role in biological
processes, as its ability to form up to four bonds per atom allows it to create complex
organic molecules. These molecules, such as DNA, often feature lengthy chains and rings
formed by carbon atoms, providing the foundation for living cells.

Carbon molecules also have high-energy bonds that are released when they break apart,
making them an excellent source of fuel for living organisms. The fast carbon cycle is
largely powered by plants and phytoplankton, which extract carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere, incorporating it into their cells. They convert carbon dioxide and water into
sugar and oxygen using solar energy, as represented by the chemical reaction CO2 + H2O +
energy = CH2O + O2.

Carbon can be returned to the atmosphere from a plant through one of four processes, all of
which are based on the same chemical reaction. Plants use sugar to grow, while animals and
humans consume plants or plankton and break down the plant sugar to obtain energy. Plants
and phytoplankton decompose at the end of the growing season or are consumed by
bacteria, and fires can also burn plants. In each case, oxygen binds with sugar to release
water, carbon dioxide, and energy, with carbon dioxide typically released into the
atmosphere. Carbon dioxide concentration fluctuations are closely tied to plant growth,
with concentrations rising during the Northern Hemisphere winter when few land plants are
growing and many are decaying, and falling during spring when plants begin to grow again.
The Earth’s breathing cycle can thus be seen through these changes in atmospheric carbon
(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.
When undisturbed, the rapid and gradual carbon cycles uphold a relatively constant carbon
concentration in the atmosphere, land, vegetation, and ocean. However, any alterations to
the amount of carbon in one reservoir result in a domino effect throughout the others.

Throughout Earth's history, the carbon cycle has undergone changes in response to climate
variations. Variations in Earth's orbit lead to fluctuations in the amount of solar energy
received, which causes a cycle of ice ages and warm periods, similar to the current climate
on Earth. The onset of ice ages occurred when summers in the Northern Hemisphere
cooled, leading to the formation of land ice, which caused a slowdown in the carbon cycle.
Additionally, cooler temperatures and greater phytoplankton growth could have contributed
to an increase in the amount of carbon absorbed by the ocean from the atmosphere. This
decrease in atmospheric carbon then led to further cooling. Conversely, at the conclusion of
the last ice age approximately 10,000 years ago, rising temperatures caused a significant
increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

Alterations in Earth's orbital pattern are continuously occurring, following a predictable
cycle. Within approximately 30,000 years, the orbit will have transformed sufficiently to
decrease sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere to the degree that resulted in the previous ice
age. Currently, humans are causing transformations in the carbon cycle. We interfere with
the cycle by clearing land and burning fossil fuels.
When we remove forests, we eliminate a dense cluster of plants that previously stored
carbon in their stems, leaves, and wood. By clearing the forest, we get rid of plants that
absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow. Often, we substitute the cleared
land with crops or pastures that store less carbon. Furthermore, we expose the soil, which
discharges carbon from decomposed plants into the atmosphere. Human activity is
responsible for releasing almost one billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere yearly
through land use changes. If we had not interfered, the carbon in fossil fuels would have
gradually escaped into the atmosphere through volcanic activity over several million years,
in the slow carbon cycle. However, by burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural
gas, we hasten the process, discharging enormous quantities of carbon that took millions of
years to accumulate into the atmosphere every year. Thus, we move the carbon from the
slow cycle to the fast cycle. In 2009, humans released approximately 8.4 billion tons of
carbon into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. Since the Industrial Revolution, which
marked the initial period when humans began burning fossil fuels, carbon dioxide
concentrations in the atmosphere have risen from around 280 parts per million to 387 parts
per million, signifying a 39 percent increase. This implies that, for every million particles in
the atmosphere, 387 of them are now carbon dioxide - the highest level in two million
years. Methane concentrations have also increased from 715 parts per billion in 1750 to
1,774 parts per billion in 2005 - the highest level in at least 650,000 years.

(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

The sequestration of excess carbon remains a critical challenge for our planet. Presently,
terrestrial vegetation and the ocean have absorbed approximately 55% of the anthropogenic
carbon emissions, with the remainder persisting in the atmosphere. Over time, the terrestrial
and marine sinks will likely absorb most of the excess carbon dioxide, although up to 20%
may persist in the atmosphere for millennia.
The alteration of the carbon cycle has significant repercussions on each of its reservoirs.
Surplus carbon in the atmosphere induces global warming, stimulating land-based plant
growth. Conversely, surplus carbon in the ocean leads to acidification, posing a perilous
threat to marine biota.
It is of utmost importance to note that the extended retention of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere assumes significance as CO2 is the most influential gas in regulating the
planet's temperature. Greenhouse gases such as CO2, methane, and halocarbons absorb a
broad spectrum of energy, encompassing infrared radiation, which is then re-radiated. The
re-radiated energy disperses in all directions, a portion of which is subsequently directed
back towards the Earth's surface, augmenting its temperature. In the absence of greenhouse
gases, the Earth's temperature would be around -18 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Fahrenheit).
However, an excessive concentration of greenhouse gases may lead to Earth's conditions
resembling those of Venus, where the greenhouse effect sustains the surface temperature at
approximately 400 degrees Celsius (750 Fahrenheit).

Scientists are able to estimate the contribution of each greenhouse gas to global warming by
identifying the wavelengths of energy that are absorbed by each gas, and determining their
concentrations in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is responsible for approximately
20% of Earth's greenhouse effect, with water vapor accounting for approximately 50% and
clouds contributing 25%. The remaining fraction is attributed to minor greenhouse gases,
such as methane, and small particles known as aerosols.
The concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere is dependent on the temperature of the
Earth. Higher temperatures lead to greater evaporation of water from the oceans, which in
turn results in increased humidity in the air. Conversely, cooler temperatures cause water
vapor to condense and fall back to the surface as precipitation.
Unlike water vapor, carbon dioxide remains a gas across a wider range of atmospheric
temperatures. It is also responsible for the initial greenhouse heating required to maintain
water vapor concentrations. Decreases in carbon dioxide concentration result in a cooling
effect, causing some water vapor to fall out of the atmosphere and leading to a reduction in
greenhouse warming caused by water vapor. Conversely, an increase in carbon dioxide
concentration results in elevated temperatures, prompting greater evaporation of water
vapor into the atmosphere, and ultimately leading to a strengthening of the greenhouse
Although water vapor contributes more to the overall greenhouse effect than carbon
dioxide, research has demonstrated that CO2 is the primary gas responsible for setting
Earth's temperature. Carbon dioxide levels influence the amount of water vapor present in
the atmosphere, and thus determine the magnitude of the greenhouse effect.
The rise in carbon dioxide concentrations has already led to an increase in global
temperatures, with the average temperature increasing by 0.8 degrees Celsius (1.4 degrees
Fahrenheit) since 1880, coinciding with the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.
(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.
The current concentration of carbon dioxide has led to a rise in temperature, but this is not
the only warming effect that we will witness. The ocean's heat absorption capacity means
that greenhouse warming does not occur immediately. As a result, Earth's temperature is
expected to increase by at least 0.6 degrees Celsius (1 degree Fahrenheit) due to the
presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The extent to which temperatures will rise
beyond this point will depend, in part, on the amount of carbon emissions released into the
atmosphere by human activities in the future.
Ocean acidification affects marine organisms in two ways. Firstly, carbonic acid reacts with
carbonate ions in the water to produce bicarbonate. However, these same carbonate ions are
essential for the formation of calcium carbonate shells in shell-building animals such as
coral. With less carbonate available, these animals must expend more energy to construct
their shells, resulting in thinner and more fragile shells.
Secondly, more acidic water dissolves calcium carbonate more effectively. Eventually, this
reaction will enable the ocean to absorb excess carbon dioxide by dissolving more rock,
releasing more carbonate ions, and enhancing the ocean's carbon dioxide absorption
capacity. In the interim, however, more acidic water will dissolve the carbonate shells of
marine organisms, causing them to become pitted and weak.
Warmer oceans, a consequence of the greenhouse effect, may also reduce the abundance of
phytoplankton, which thrives in cooler, nutrient-rich waters. This could restrict the ocean's
ability to remove carbon from the atmosphere through the fast carbon cycle.
On the other hand, carbon dioxide is critical for plant and phytoplankton growth. An
increase in carbon dioxide levels could enhance growth by fertilizing those few species of
phytoplankton and ocean plants (such as sea grasses) that extract carbon dioxide directly
from the water. However, most species do not benefit from the increased availability of
carbon dioxide.
Plants on land have already absorbed about 25% of the carbon dioxide that humans have
emitted into the atmosphere. The amount of carbon that plants take up varies significantly
from year to year, but overall, the world's plants have increased the amount of carbon
dioxide they absorb since 1960. However, only a portion of this increase resulted directly
from fossil fuel emissions.
With more atmospheric carbon dioxide available for photosynthesis, plants have been able
to grow more due to carbon fertilization. Models project that if atmospheric carbon dioxide
is doubled, plants could grow anywhere from 12% to 76% more, as long as no other
factors, such as water scarcity, limit their growth. Nevertheless, it remains unknown how
much carbon dioxide contributes to plant growth in reality, since plants require more than
just carbon dioxide to thrive.
Plants also require water, sunlight, and nutrients, particularly nitrogen. If a plant lacks one
of these, it will not grow, irrespective of the abundance of the other essentials. There is a
limit to how much carbon plants can extract from the atmosphere, and this limit varies by
region. Thus far, carbon dioxide fertilization has increased plant growth until the plant
reaches the limit of available water or nitrogen.
Some of the changes in carbon absorption result from land use decisions. Agriculture has
become much more intensive, enabling us to produce more food on less land. In high and
mid-latitudes, abandoned farmland is reverting to forest, and these forests store much more
carbon, both in wood and soil, than crops would. In many areas, we prevent plant carbon
from entering the atmosphere by extinguishing wildfires. This allows woody material
(which stores carbon) to accumulate. All of these land use decisions are aiding in the
absorption of human-released carbon in the Northern Hemisphere.
In the tropics, however, forests are being cleared, frequently by fire, releasing carbon
dioxide. Deforestation accounted for about 2100.

Numerous scientific inquiries remain unresolved regarding the carbon cycle, particularly its
dynamic evolution. The current state of the atmosphere indicates a substantial increase in
carbon concentration, unprecedented for at least two million years. The alteration of each
reservoir within the cycle is inevitable, as the carbon traverses through the complex system.

(NASA Earth Observatory. (n.d.). The Carbon Cycle.

Other agent that causes pollution is the use and extraction of petroleum. This fossil fuel that
is a mixed of hydrocarbons and other chemical process are the responsible of the climate
change and global warming. The activities that involves extraction not only of fossil fuels
and also to create energy causes pollution on air. But what is air pollution?

Air pollution is a critical environmental issue with severe impacts on ecosystems and
human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost all of the global
population (99%) breathe air that exceeds WHO guideline limits and contains high levels of
pollutants, with low- and middle-income countries experiencing the highest exposures.
Ambient (outdoor) air pollution in both cities and rural areas causes fine particulate matter
that results in strokes, heart diseases, lung cancer, acute and chronic respiratory diseases,
and is associated with approximately 7 million premature deaths annually when combined
with household air pollution.

Furthermore, air quality is closely linked to the earth’s climate and ecosystems globally, as
many of the drivers of air pollution are also sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Policies
to reduce air pollution present a win-win strategy for both climate and health, contributing
to the near- and long-term mitigation of climate change while lowering the burden of
disease attributable to air pollution.

Sources of air pollution are multiple and context-specific, with major outdoor pollution
sources including residential energy for cooking and heating, vehicles, power generation,
agriculture/waste incineration, and industry. Effective policies and investments that support
sustainable land use, cleaner household energy and transport, energy-efficient housing,
power generation, industry, and better municipal waste management can significantly
reduce key sources of ambient air pollution.

The National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) provides an informative web page about
air pollution, covering everything from its definition to its causes and consequences. It
offers actionable tips and resources for individuals and communities to take action to
reduce air pollution. The page stresses the importance of advocating for stronger
environmental regulations, promoting clean energy solutions, and supporting sustainable
transportation and urban planning practices to address air pollution.

WHO plays a critical role in monitoring and reporting on global trends and changes in
health outcomes associated with actions taken to address air pollution at the national,
regional, and global levels. The organization provides technical support to WHO’s Member
States in the development of normative guidance, tools, and authoritative advice on health
issues related to air pollution and its sources. WHO has also developed and implemented a
strategy for raising awareness of the risk of air pollution and the available solutions to
mitigate the risks of exposure to air pollution. Through digital outreach and partnerships,
WHO has helped enrich the value proposition of addressing air pollution for health and
environment ministries, city governments, and other stakeholders from sectors with
significant emissions.

In conclusion, addressing air pollution requires a multifaceted approach that involves

implementing stricter environmental regulations, developing cleaner technologies, and
promoting sustainable practices. The negative impacts on ecosystems and human health are
clear, and reducing air pollution presents an opportunity to simultaneously mitigate climate
change and improve public health outcomes. The NRDC web page provides valuable
information and resources to encourage individuals and communities to take action and
advocate for cleaner air.

(Air Pollution: Everything You Need to Know, 2021b)

(World Health Organization: WHO, 2019b)
A Peruvian report shows how the climate change had impact the Peruvian environment in
that country and how that would affect the region and ecosystem of the region.
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today, and its impacts
are being felt around the world. In Peru, the effects of climate change are particularly
significant, with consequences that are already affecting various sectors of the economy,
including agriculture, fishing, biodiversity, and water supply.

The report available in the repository is a valuable source of information for understanding
the impacts of climate change in Peru and the policies and strategies that have been
implemented to address this challenge. The report highlights the importance of adopting a
comprehensive approach to tackle the various challenges posed by climate change.

One of the key findings of the report is the urgent need to address the impacts of climate
change in Peru. The consequences are already becoming increasingly evident and are
affecting the country's economy, natural resources, and society. In particular, the report
notes that the country's agricultural sector is vulnerable to the effects of climate change,
including droughts, floods, and extreme weather events. This vulnerability is of particular
concern given the importance of the agricultural sector to the country's economy.

To address these challenges, the report notes that Peru has adopted several measures,
including the development of a national climate change strategy and the approval of a
climate change law that establishes targets and strategies to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Additionally, the country is implementing concrete actions, such as the
promotion of renewable energy, waste management, and protection of ecosystems.

However, the report also emphasizes the need to continue strengthening institutional
capacities and promoting greater participation of various actors in the implementation of
policies and strategies to address climate change in Peru. This is particularly important
given the complex and multifaceted nature of climate change, which requires a coordinated
and comprehensive approach.

Moreover, the report highlights the importance of international cooperation in addressing

the global challenge of climate change. Climate change is a global issue that affects all
countries, and addressing it requires concerted efforts from all nations. In this regard, the
report notes that Peru has been actively involved in international initiatives, including the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris
The report's findings highlight the need for continued action to address the impacts of
climate change in Peru and around the world. In particular, the report emphasizes the
importance of adopting a comprehensive and integrated approach that involves various
stakeholders and addresses the complex and multifaceted nature of climate change.

Furthermore, the report highlights the opportunities that exist for addressing climate
change. Climate change presents an opportunity to transition to a more sustainable and
resilient economy, one that is less dependent on fossil fuels and more focused on renewable
energy sources, sustainable agriculture practices, and conservation of natural resources.

In conclusion, the report available in the repository provides a valuable source of

information on the impacts of climate change in Peru and the policies and strategies that
have been implemented to address this challenge. The report highlights the importance of
adopting a comprehensive approach that involves various stakeholders and addresses the
complex and multifaceted nature of climate change. Additionally, the report emphasizes the
need for continued action to address the impacts of climate change, both in Peru and around
the world.

Climate change is a global issue that requires concerted efforts from all nations, and Peru's
actions serve as an example of the types of measures that can be taken to address this
challenge. While there is much work to be done, the opportunities presented by climate
change to transition to a more sustainable and resilient economy should be embraced, and
efforts to address this challenge should continue to be a priority for governments and
societies around the world.
(Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - BCR, 2009)

(Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - BCR, 2009)

(Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - BCR, 2009)
(Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - BCR, 2009)

(Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - BCR, 2009)

To advance this research, we will now illustrate several accidents and human activities that
have been identified as the primary sources of air pollution, responsible for disrupting the
carbon cycle, altering the Earth's climate, causing global warming, and generating
greenhouse gases that exacerbate climate change. These activities and events have been
identified as significant culprits of environmental degradation and pose a serious threat to
the health of ecosystems and human populations around the world. Therefore, it is crucial
to carefully analyze and understand these sources of pollution to develop effective
strategies and policies to mitigate their impact and promote a sustainable future.

The oil spill that occurred in Ventanilla, Peru, a year ago continues to have severe impacts
on the environment and local communities. According to a report by the Ministry of
Environment (MINAM), the effects of the spill are still not fully resolved. The spill, caused
by a leak in the pipeline of the Talara-Piura oil duct, which is operated by Repsol, resulted
in the contamination of the coastline, marine ecosystems, and surrounding areas.

The environmental and social consequences of oil spills are complex and long-lasting, and
require urgent attention and action. The impacts of oil spills can be devastating for marine
and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as for human health and livelihoods. The long-term
effects of oil spills can include the destruction of habitats, the loss of biodiversity, and the
contamination of water and soil.

In the case of the Ventanilla oil spill, the contamination has affected the livelihoods of local
communities who depend on fishing and tourism, and who have seen their incomes and
quality of life severely impacted. The spill has also had a significant impact on the health of
local residents, who have reported respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other health

The cleanup efforts following the oil spill have been slow and ineffective, and there is still
much work to be done to fully address the environmental and social impacts of the spill.
The Ministry of Environment has called for greater accountability from Repsol and other
companies responsible for the spill, and has emphasized the need for stronger
environmental regulations and enforcement.
The effects of oil spills on marine ecosystems are particularly severe, as they can disrupt
the delicate balance of marine ecosystems and cause long-term damage to marine life. The
Ventanilla oil spill has resulted in the death of a large number of marine animals, including
fish, birds, and sea turtles, as well as the destruction of coral reefs and other important
marine habitats.

The impacts of oil spills on human health are also significant, as exposure to oil and other
contaminants can cause a range of health problems, including respiratory problems, skin
irritation, and other health issues. The cleanup efforts following the oil spill have also
exposed workers and local residents to hazardous materials and chemicals, further
exacerbating the health risks associated with the spill.

The environmental and social impacts of the Ventanilla oil spill highlight the need for
stronger regulations and enforcement of environmental laws, as well as the importance of
corporate responsibility and accountability. Companies that operate in sensitive ecosystems
must take greater care to prevent spills and mitigate the impacts of spills when they occur.

The impacts of oil spills on local economies can be significant, particularly in communities
that rely on fishing and tourism. The Ventanilla oil spill has had a severe impact on the
local fishing industry, with many fishermen unable to continue their work due to the
contamination of the coastline and surrounding waters.

The long-term impacts of oil spills on marine ecosystems can be particularly severe, as they
can result in the loss of biodiversity and the destruction of important habitats. The
Ventanilla oil spill has had a devastating impact on marine life, including the death of a
large number of fish and other marine animals.

The cleanup efforts following the Ventanilla oil spill have been slow and ineffective, and
there is still much work to be done to fully address the environmental and social impacts of
the spill. The Ministry of Environment has called for greater accountability from Repsol
and other companies responsible for the spill, and has emphasized the need for stronger
environmental regulations and enforcement.

The impacts of oil spills on human health can be significant, particularly for workers
involved in the cleanup efforts and for local residents who are exposed to the contaminants.
The Ventanilla oil spill has exposed workers and residents to hazardous materials and
chemicals, further exacerbating the health risks associated with the spill.

The environmental and social impacts of oil spills underscore the need for stronger
regulations and enforcement of environmental laws.

(Vicente, 2023)
(Minam: efectos del derrame de petróleo en Ventanilla aún no están resueltos, s. f.)

(Minam: efectos del derrame de petróleo en Ventanilla aún no están resueltos, s. f.)
(Minam: efectos del derrame de petróleo en Ventanilla aún no están resueltos, s. f.)
The use of coal as a source of energy has long been a controversial topic due to its harmful
environmental impacts. However, little attention has been given to the toxic waste that is
generated from burning coal: coal ash. Coal ash is a hazardous byproduct of coal
combustion that contains heavy metals and toxins that can cause severe health problems if
released into the environment. This essay will examine the impact of coal ash on the
environment and human health, as well as potential solutions to this problem.

Coal ash contains high levels of arsenic, lead, mercury, and other heavy metals that are
toxic to humans and the environment. When coal ash is not disposed of properly, it can
leach into nearby water sources, contaminating drinking water and harming aquatic life.
Additionally, coal ash can be released into the air as a fine dust, causing respiratory
problems for nearby residents. The impacts of coal ash are not limited to just the immediate
area surrounding coal plants, as it can travel long distances through water and air, affecting
communities far beyond the plant's location.

To address this issue, regulations and standards have been established to govern the
disposal and storage of coal ash. However, these regulations are often insufficient and not
properly enforced, leading to continued environmental and health risks. One potential
solution is the development of cleaner, more sustainable energy sources that do not produce
hazardous waste products like coal ash. Additionally, there is a need for increased
transparency and accountability from coal companies to ensure that they are properly
disposing of coal ash and not putting nearby communities at risk.

In conclusion, coal ash is a significant environmental and health concern that requires
immediate action to prevent further harm. While regulations and standards have been
established, they are often insufficient, and the continued use of coal as a source of energy
perpetuates this issue. The development of cleaner energy sources and increased
transparency and accountability from coal companies are necessary steps to mitigate the
impact of coal ash on the environment and human health.
El otro lado oscuro del carbón: su ceniza puede envenenar el agua y a las personas. (s. f.).
El otro lado oscuro del carbón: su ceniza puede envenenar el agua y a las personas. (s. f.).
El otro lado oscuro del carbón: su ceniza puede envenenar el agua y a las personas. (s. f.).
El otro lado oscuro del carbón: su ceniza puede envenenar el agua y a las personas. (s. f.).
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was one of the worst environmental
disasters in history, and its effects are still being felt nearly a decade later. Despite
significant cleanup efforts, a large amount of oil remains in the environment, posing a
threat to marine life and coastal communities. This essay will examine the long-term impact
of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the challenges of cleanup efforts, and potential solutions
to this ongoing environmental crisis.

The Deepwater Horizon spill released an estimated 210 million gallons of oil into the Gulf
of Mexico over the course of several months. This oil contaminated large swaths of the
ocean and coastline, killing marine life and damaging local economies that rely on fishing
and tourism. The spill had immediate and long-term impacts on the environment, including
the destruction of habitats, the disruption of food webs, and the alteration of ecosystem

Despite significant efforts to clean up the spill, a large amount of oil remains in the
environment, particularly in sediment and marshes. The persistence of this oil can be
attributed to a variety of factors, including the deep and complex nature of the ocean and
the use of chemical dispersants that can spread the oil further. This oil can continue to have
negative impacts on marine life and coastal communities for years to come.

The cleanup efforts themselves have been a challenge due to the sheer scale of the spill and
the difficulty of accessing and removing the oil from remote areas. In addition, the use of
chemical dispersants has been controversial, as their effectiveness and potential long-term
impact on the environment are not fully understood. The use of controlled burning and
mechanical methods to remove oil from the surface of the ocean have also been utilized,
but these methods have their own limitations and challenges.

The oil spill had significant economic impacts on the Gulf region, particularly on the
fishing and tourism industries. The loss of these industries has had ripple effects throughout
the region, with businesses and communities struggling to recover. In addition, the negative
impacts on wildlife and the environment have long-term implications for the health and
wellbeing of coastal communities.
The oil spill also highlighted the risks and dangers associated with offshore drilling
operations. The lack of oversight and regulation in the oil industry has been a concern for
years, and the Deepwater Horizon disaster brought this issue to the forefront. The need for
increased regulations and safety standards for oil companies is clear, as is the need for
improved monitoring and surveillance of offshore drilling operations.

In addition to increased regulation, there is a need for greater investment in clean energy
sources. The continued reliance on fossil fuels has significant environmental and economic
costs, and the development of alternative energy sources is crucial for a sustainable future.
Investing in clean energy sources can also create new jobs and stimulate economic growth.

To address this ongoing environmental crisis, there is a need for increased research and
development of innovative cleanup technologies that can safely and effectively remove oil
from the environment. This includes the development of new methods for detecting and
monitoring oil spills, as well as new techniques for removing oil from the ocean and
coastline. These technologies can be crucial in mitigating the negative impacts of oil spills
and preventing future disasters.

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill also highlights the need for increased public awareness
and education about environmental issues. The impacts of the spill on the environment and
local communities underscore the need for greater understanding and action on
environmental issues. This includes individual actions such as reducing energy
consumption and supporting clean energy initiatives, as well as advocating for government
action on environmental issues.

In conclusion, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is an ongoing
environmental crisis that requires immediate attention and action. The persistence of oil in
the environment, the challenges of cleanup efforts, and the potential long-term impacts on
marine life and coastal communities underscore the need for continued efforts to mitigate
this disaster. Improved regulation and oversight of oil companies, increased investment in
clean energy, and oversight of oil companies, increased investment in clean energy, and the
development of innovative cleanup technologies are all potential solutions to this ongoing
environmental crisis.
Por qué el vertido de petróleo del Golfo de México no desaparece.
(s. f.).
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) of the United States is one of the largest oil
reserves in the world. Established in 1975 as a response to the oil crisis that affected the
country in the 1970s, its main objective is to provide a safe and reliable supply of oil to the
United States in the event of supply interruptions. This paper aims to provide an in-depth
analysis of the history, function, and importance of the SPR.

The SPR is owned by the Federal Government of the United States and is located in four
different sites on the Gulf Coast, two in Louisiana, one in Texas, and one in Mississippi.
The total capacity of the SPR is approximately 727 million barrels of oil, representing more
than 30 days of the United States' daily oil consumption.

The creation of the SPR emerged during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, when Arab OPEC
countries imposed an oil embargo on the United States in retaliation for its support of
Israel. The oil crisis that followed led to the creation of the SPR as a national security
measure to ensure that the United States had access to oil in the event of supply

Since its creation, the SPR has been used on several occasions to mitigate the effects of oil
supply interruptions. In 1991, during the Gulf War, 17 million barrels of oil were released
from the SPR to compensate for the loss of oil production in Kuwait. In 2005, after
Hurricane Katrina, 11 million barrels of oil were released from the SPR to help stabilize oil
prices and ensure an adequate supply of gasoline and diesel.

The SPR has been the subject of controversy and criticism. Some argue that the SPR is no
longer necessary because the United States now produces enough oil to supply itself.
Others argue that the SPR should be used more frequently to keep oil prices low and
stabilize the market.

In 2018, the Trump administration proposed selling part of the SPR to reduce the country's
fiscal deficit, which generated criticism from SPR advocates and those who argued that
selling the strategic oil reserve could undermine US energy security.

In 2020, the United States government purchased oil at low prices to fill the SPR, taking
advantage of the fall in oil prices due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the price war
between Russia and Saudi Arabia. However, some critics argue that buying oil for the SPR
was unnecessary because the United States had enough onshore oil storage capacity.

Despite controversies and criticisms, the SPR remains an important measure of energy
security for the United States. In addition to providing a safe and reliable oil supply, the
SPR also helps to mitigate the effects of oil supply interruptions, stabilize oil prices, and
ensure an adequate supply of gasoline and diesel.

In conclusion, the SPR has played a vital role in safeguarding the United States' energy
security since its inception in 1975. Although the reserve has been the subject of
controversy and criticism, its importance cannot be overstated, particularly in times of
crisis. As the United States continues to rely on oil as a major source of energy, the SPR
will continue to play a crucial role in ensuring that the country has access to oil in times of

Images, L. S. B. G. (2022c)
Images, L. S. B. G. (2022c)
Now that we put in contexts how the fossil fuels and it uses can hugely impact in the
environment with many of their problems, damages, accidents and disasters that they can
make not only using or burning it. Also to recollect and extracting they from the earth.
Thankfully many scientist, governments, companies now are looking and investing in
replacing that types of energy and change it into more clean and friendly with the
environment. This new alternative is called Renewable sources that are using in this new
type of energy that is “Renewable energy”. This type of energy pretends to use the natural
sources that are renewable and not causes big damages as the fossil fuels are causing now.
Renewable energies have emerged as a promising and sustainable alternative to
conventional energy sources, which are finite and depleting rapidly. These sources of
energy are derived from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, water, and biomass,
which are continually renewed, making them an inexhaustible source of energy. The
benefits of renewable energies are manifold, and they have a significant role to play in
mitigating climate change, promoting sustainable economic development, and reducing
dependency on imported fossil fuels. Furthermore, renewable energy technologies do not
emit greenhouse gases or other atmospheric pollutants, making them environmentally

The use of renewable energies has become increasingly important in recent years due to
concerns about climate change and the depletion of non-renewable resources. Renewable
energy sources are a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional fossil fuels, and
they can be used to power a variety of applications, including transportation, heating and
cooling, and electricity generation. There are several types of renewable energies that exist,
including solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass. Solar energy is harnessed
through the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. Wind
energy is generated through the use of wind turbines, which capture the kinetic energy of
wind and convert it into electricity. Hydropower is generated through the use of turbines
that are powered by the flow of water. Geothermal energy is harnessed by capturing the
heat that is produced by the earth's core. Biomass energy is generated by converting organic
matter into biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel. Each of these sources of renewable
energy has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which type to
use will depend on a variety of factors, including location, cost, and energy needs. Despite
these differences, all forms of renewable energy play an important role in reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development.
The fight against climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. The
increase in greenhouse gas emissions has led to a rise in global temperatures, which is
causing drastic climate changes around the world. Renewable energies are a crucial tool in
the fight against climate change as they help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which are
the primary drivers of climate change. These sources of energy are playing an increasingly
important role in the transition to a low-carbon economy, where renewable energies will
replace fossil fuels as the dominant energy source.

The adoption of renewable energies also contributes to job creation and sustainable
economic development. The adoption of these technologies requires investment in
infrastructure, manufacturing, and installation, leading to the creation of new job
opportunities. Renewable energies have the potential to drive economic growth and reduce
energy poverty in developing countries. Moreover, the use of renewable energies reduces
the volatility of oil prices, which can destabilize economies that are heavily dependent on
fossil fuel exports.

The benefits of renewable energies extend beyond environmental and economic

considerations. By reducing our dependence on non-renewable energy sources, we can
increase energy security and reduce geopolitical tensions that arise from the control and
distribution of energy resources. In addition, renewable energy technologies can improve
the resilience of our energy systems, making them less susceptible to power outages and
other disruptions.

However, despite the many benefits of renewable energies, there are still significant barriers
to their widespread adoption. The cost of renewable energy technologies is still high
compared to conventional energy sources, making them unaffordable for many people.
Furthermore, the intermittency of some renewable energies, such as wind and solar power,
makes it challenging to provide a stable supply of electricity. To overcome these barriers,
governments need to implement policies that support the development of renewable
energies, such as tax incentives, feed-in tariffs, and renewable portfolio standards.

In conclusion, the use of renewable energy sources is critical for sustainable development
and addressing climate change. The benefits of renewable energy sources are many and
varied, including their cost-effectiveness, inexhaustible supply, and lack of emissions.
Despite the significant advantages of renewable energy sources, there are still challenges to
their widespread adoption, including high initial costs and intermittency issues. However,
continued investment in research and development, as well as government policies that
support the development of renewable energy sources, can help to overcome these
In conclusion, the use of renewable energy sources is critical for sustainable development
and addressing climate change. The benefits of renewable energy sources are many and
varied, including their cost-effectiveness, inexhaustible supply, and lack of emissions.
Despite the significant advantages of renewable energy sources, there are still challenges to
their widespread adoption, including high initial costs and intermittency issues. However,
continued investment in research and development, as well as government policies that
support the development of renewable energy sources, can help to overcome these

Moreover, education and awareness-raising among the population are crucial to promote
the use of renewable energies. Governments, academic institutions, and private companies
must collaborate to develop new technologies that are more efficient, cost-effective, and
environmentally friendly. Educating people on the benefits of renewable energies and the
impact of climate change can help to create a culture of sustainability and promote a more
significant transition to a low-carbon economy. Therefore, it is essential to continue
investing in renewable energy and raising awareness of their benefits to ensure a
sustainable future for generations to come.
(Communications, 2022)
(United Nations, s. f.)

(United Nations, s. f.)

(United Nations, s. f.)

(United Nations, s. f.)

(United Nations, s. f.)

(United Nations, s. f.)

Geothermal energy is an exemplary form of renewable energy that harnesses the natural
heat of the Earth's interior. This form of energy has been utilized for centuries to heat
buildings and public baths, but in recent times, it has been primarily used for electricity
generation. The process of generating geothermal energy involves drilling wells into the
Earth's surface to access the hotter layers of the Earth's crust, where the temperature is high
enough to heat water and transform it into steam. This steam is collected and used to drive
turbines in a power plant to generate electricity.

Geothermal energy has several advantages over conventional energy sources, such as it is
renewable, clean, and sustainable. Unlike fossil fuels, which have a finite supply,
geothermal energy is renewable and has a virtually unlimited supply. Geothermal energy is
also clean as it does not produce harmful emissions, such as carbon dioxide and other
pollutants that contribute to global warming and air pollution. Additionally, geothermal
energy is sustainable because it does not require the extraction or burning of non-renewable
resources, thereby reducing the dependence on fossil fuels.

Geothermal energy can be classified into two primary categories, high enthalpy geothermal
energy, and low enthalpy geothermal energy. High enthalpy geothermal energy is used for
electricity generation and is found in regions with very high temperatures. Low enthalpy
geothermal energy is used for heating and cooling buildings and is found in areas with
lower temperatures. The difference between the two is the temperature of the geothermal

One of the main advantages of geothermal energy is that it is a constant source of energy
that is not affected by weather changes. Unlike solar or wind power, geothermal energy is
available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Moreover, it is not influenced by seasonal
changes, which makes it a more reliable source of energy. However, there are some
drawbacks to geothermal energy, such as the high upfront costs of building geothermal
power plants. Additionally, the drilling process can cause seismic activity in some regions,
which could be detrimental to the local ecosystem.

Geothermal energy has been used for centuries worldwide, but today, it is primarily used
for electricity generation. The process of generating electricity from geothermal energy
involves drilling wells into the Earth's surface to access the hotter layers of the Earth's
crust, where the temperature is high enough to heat water and transform it into steam. This
steam is collected and used to drive turbines in a power plant to generate electricity.

The use of geothermal energy has several benefits for the environment. Firstly, geothermal
energy is a clean and sustainable source of energy that does not produce any emissions.
Secondly, it reduces the dependence on fossil fuels, which are a finite resource and have a
harmful impact on the environment. Thirdly, geothermal energy is a reliable source of
energy that is not affected by weather changes, which makes it an excellent option for
electricity generation.

Despite the advantages of geothermal energy, there are also some drawbacks that need to be
addressed. One of the main drawbacks is the high upfront costs associated with building
geothermal power plants. Additionally, geothermal energy may not be available in all
regions, as it requires specific geological conditions to harness the heat from the Earth's
interior. Furthermore, the drilling process can cause seismic activity in some regions, which
can be detrimental to the local ecosystem.

In conclusion, geothermal energy is a fascinating and promising form of renewable energy

that has the potential to provide sustainable and clean power to millions of people around
the world. With its long history of use and development, geothermal energy represents a
reliable and dependable source of energy that can help to reduce our dependence on fossil
fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change.

As we continue to explore new and innovative ways to harness geothermal energy, it is

important that we do so in a responsible and sustainable manner. While geothermal energy
is a relatively clean and low-emission energy source, it is not without its challenges and
environmental concerns. Careful management of the resource is needed to avoid
over-extraction, and we must be mindful of the potential environmental impacts of
geothermal power plants.

Despite these challenges, there is no doubt that geothermal energy has the potential to play
a critical role in our transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon future. By investing in
research and development, and by promoting the wider adoption of geothermal energy
technologies, we can help to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and cleaner
energy future.

In the end, the success of geothermal energy will depend on the willingness of
governments, businesses, and individuals to embrace this promising technology and to
invest in its growth and development. But with its many benefits and potential applications,
geothermal energy is sure to play an important role in shaping our energy future for decades
to come.
(Taylor, 2022)

As a society, we are facing a crucial moment in history where we must take responsibility
for our actions and the impact they have on the environment. The excessive use of fossil
fuels as the primary source of energy has led to the emission of greenhouse gases and the
consequent global warming, which poses a significant threat to the future of our planet.
However, it is not just the responsibility of governments or companies to address this issue.
Each individual has a role to play in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and
transitioning towards renewable sources of energy.

The transition towards renewable energy sources is a critical step in mitigating the negative
impacts of climate change. One such renewable energy source is geothermal energy.
Geothermal energy is a form of energy that is produced by harnessing the natural heat
generated by the Earth's core. It is a clean and sustainable source of energy that has been
used for centuries to heat buildings and baths but is now also being used to generate

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of geothermal
energy in the transition towards a low carbon economy. This recognition has led to an
increase in investment in geothermal energy projects and research aimed at improving the
efficiency and reducing the costs of geothermal energy production.

Geothermal energy can be divided into two main categories: high enthalpy geothermal
energy and low enthalpy geothermal energy. High enthalpy geothermal energy is used for
electricity production and is found in areas with very high temperatures. Low enthalpy
geothermal energy, on the other hand, is used for heating and cooling buildings and is
found in areas with lower temperatures.

The production of geothermal energy involves drilling wells into the Earth's surface to
access the layers of the Earth's crust where the temperature is higher. The water in the
subsoil is heated by the heat of the subsoil and is transformed into steam. This steam is
collected and used to drive turbines in a power plant. The turbines generate electricity that
is distributed to the power grid. After passing through the turbines, the steam cools and
condenses to turn back into water. The condensed water is injected back into the subsoil,
and the cycle begins again.

Geothermal energy has several advantages over other renewable energy sources, such as
wind and solar. Unlike these sources, geothermal energy is not affected by weather
conditions, making it a more reliable source of energy. Additionally, geothermal energy is a
constant source of energy and can provide baseload power, which means it can provide a
stable source of energy to the power grid.

Despite its advantages, geothermal energy also has some drawbacks. One such drawback is
that it is location-specific, and not all areas have the geothermal resources necessary to
produce energy. Additionally, the construction and maintenance of geothermal power plants
can be costly and require significant capital investment.

As a society, we must continue to explore and develop new technologies to improve the
efficiency and reduce the costs of geothermal energy production. Furthermore, we must
take a more proactive approach towards the transition to renewable sources of energy,
which requires a concerted effort from governments, companies, and individuals. The use
of renewable energy sources is essential to mitigate the impacts of climate change and
reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

In conclusion, it is clear that the transition to a sustainable future is a shared responsibility

that requires collective action from individuals, businesses, and governments. While it is
easy to shift the burden onto larger entities, it is important to recognize that every
individual has a role to play in this transition. It is not enough to simply demand change;
we must also be willing to make changes in our own lives and behavior.

As the world continues to grapple with the devastating effects of climate change, it is
imperative that we prioritize the development and adoption of renewable energy
technologies such as solar, wind, and geothermal. By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels
and investing in clean energy, we can mitigate the harmful effects of climate change and
pave the way for a more sustainable future.

Ultimately, the decision to move towards renewable energy sources rests in the hands of
each individual. We must educate ourselves and others about the importance of
transitioning to a low-carbon economy, and take action to reduce our own carbon footprint.
By working together towards a common goal, we can create a more equitable and
sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.


· Times/Redux, L. S. N. Y. (2023). Gran parte de la energía del mundo procede de

materiales formados hace cientos de millones de años, y ello tiene consecuencias
medioambientales. National Geographic.

· Greenpeace México. (s. f.). ¿Cómo afectan los combustibles fósiles a la salud humana? -
Greenpeace México.

● NASA Earth Observatory. (s. f.). The Carbon Cycle.

● World Health Organization: WHO. (2019). Air pollution.

● Air Pollution: Everything You Need to Know. (2021, 22 junio).

● Banco Central de Reserva del Perú - BCR. (2009, agosto). Investigación: El

Cambio Climático y sus efectos en el Perú. Sistema Nacional de Información

● Vicente, C. (2023, 24 enero). A un año del derrame de Repsol - IDEHPUCP.


● Griffith, D. (2019, 20 febrero). Los trabajadores que limpiaron el vertido de un

tanque de almacenamiento de ceniza de carbón en Tennessee en 2008 todavía sufren
las consecuencias, a veces mortales. Estados Unidos alberga 1.400 depósitos de
ceniza. National Geographic.
● Por qué el vertido de petróleo del Golfo de México no desaparece. (2017). National

● Minam: efectos del derrame de petróleo en Ventanilla aún no están resueltos. (s. f.).
Noticias - Ministerio del Ambiente - Plataforma del Estado Peruano.

● Images, L. S. B. G. (2022c). Impulsado por un embargo petrolífero devastador en la

década de 1970, Estados Unidos creó la mayor reserva de petróleo del planeta. Pero
en un mundo cambiante hacia las energías renovables para combatir el cambio
climático, su futuro es incierto. National Geographic.

● United Nations. (s. f.). ¿Qué son las energías renovables? | Naciones Unidas.

● Communications. (2022, 29 noviembre). ¿Qué tipos de energías renovables existen

y qué papel juegan? BBVA NOTICIAS.

● Taylor, M. (2022). Los depósitos subterráneos de vapor y agua caliente pueden

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