Dear Liza Banks

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Sydney Banks

Lone Pine Publishing

© 2004 by Sydney Banks
First printed in 2004 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in Canada

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for photocopying, recording, taping or storage on information retrieval sys-
tems of any part of this work shall be directed in writing to the publisher.

This novel is a work of fiction. All names, characters and incidents are the
product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The Publisher: Lone Pine Publishing

10145 - 81 Avenue 1808 B Street NW, Suite 140
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6E 1W9 Auburn, WA, USA 98001


Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Banks, Sydney

Dear Liza : a novel / by Sydney Banks.

ISBN-13: 978-1-55105-332-5.-ISBN-10: 1-55105-332-2

I. Title.

PS8553.A57D42 2004 C813'.54 C2004-906378-2

Editorial Director: Nancy Foulds

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for our publishing activities.

Table of Contents
Chapter One Meeting Liza .......................... 5

Chapter Two Laura's Reaction ..................13

Chapter Three Returning to the Bridge ........20

Chapter Four Meeting Jenny...................... 24

Chapter Five 38

Chapter Six Laura's Awakening ............... 49

Chapter Seven The Millers ...........................57

Chapter Eight A New Home ........................63

Chapter Nine Liza Falls Ill .............................77

Chapter 1

Meeting Liza

October of the year 1834 arrived London,

bringing with it the sort of weather one
would normally expect a bit later in the
year—damp, mercilessly cold and downright
miserable. A heavy fog shrouded the city. The
fine mist that filled the air wormed its way down
collars, into boots and through coats, wetting
those unfortunate enough to be abroad on the
streets as surely as a downpour.
As Major David Rutherford stepped out of his
carriage, a doorman in the dark livery of a London
gentlemen's club approached him with an
umbrella. "Good morning, Sir. Mind the steps,
they're a might slippery."
Dear Liza.

The Major slipped quickly through the heavy,

oak door of the club premises and removed his
wrap. As he made his way toward his favourite
armchair, Colonel George Oliver Michael, an old
acquaintance he hadn't seen for a considerable
time, greeted him. Extending his hand, the Colonel
smiled, "Jolly good to see you again, David. You're
looking well."
They sat before the fire and talked for some
time. Then the Colonel enquired, "How are your
parents these days?"
"I'm afraid both my parents died six months
ago in a boating accident."
A look of deep concern passed over the
Colonel's face. "Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that, old
man. What in heaven's name happened?"
"Nobody really knows for sure. Apparently, they
were out on the lake when a sudden storm blew in, and
we imagine that their boat was swamped."
"Jolly bad luck, old man," said the Colonel,
shaking his head. "Damned shame, if you ask me.
f had heard you gave up your commission and are
now Major David Rutherford, Retired. I presume
your leaving His Majesty's service is related to your
parents' untimely death?"
"Yes, I had to take over the family business
when my father died, and it takes all my time to
run the estate. To tell you the truth, I was about
ready to say goodbye to the army and spend some
time enjoying England.
"Laura is going to be pleased when she learns
Meeting Liza

we met at the club and that you're here for a

while," Major Rutherford continued. "You must
come see us one afternoon. Our grandchildren will
be delighted to meet Colonel George Oliver
Michael of His Majesty's Royal Guards."
The Colonel asked, "And those children of
yours, how old are they now?"
"Elizabeth is twenty-six and Roger was thirty
years old last June."
"By George, how time flies," said the Colonel. "It
seems like just yesterday that Elizabeth was born.
Damn good celebration in the mess that night. I
shall never forget how we hid the old Colonel's horse
and he was so outraged he swore he'd put the culprit
or culprits up against the wall and shoot them.
"And what about that good-looking younger
sister of yours, David, how is she doing?"
"Alice is still happily married to a barrister here
in London," replied the Major. "As a matter of fact,
I have an appointment with my brother-in-law
and I'm afraid I'm already ten minutes late."
The Major got up to leave. "Why don't you pop
'round some day and have tea with us, Colonel?
You know where we live, and I'm certain that
Laura will be overjoyed to see you again."
"Delighted! I'll try for next week, old man."

The appointment with his brother-in-law lasted

longer than the Major expected, and listening to
Dear Liza

what he considered to be legal gibberish left him

thoroughly exhausted. At best he was lucky if he
could understand fifty percent of what the lawyer
said. After what seemed an eternity, the church
bells chimed two o'clock. The business meeting
concluded and he was looking forward to the
hour's ride home. The Major stepped out of the
law offices to find his coachman, Robert, waiting
with the carriage. They set off without delay, but
as they approached London Bridge the horse
threw a shoe, sending Robert into a state of anxi-
ety bordering on panic.
"Sorry, Sir, but we'll have to take Nell to a black-
smith and have him fix her shoe."
"Have you any idea how long that will take?"
the Major asked.
"No more than an hour, Sir, if the smithy isn't
busy. Perhaps I can get you another carriage to
take you home."
"Don't worry about it, Robert. Tell me, would
you know if there is a tavern nearby where I can
get some food and ale?"
"Yes, Sir, there's one just up the way called The
Old Cock Pheasant, but Major, Sir, it isn't the kind
of place that a gentleman would frequent."
Ignoring Robert's warning, the Major informed
him that he wanted to stretch his legs a little and
get some fresh air.
Reaching into a box beneath the driver's seat,
Robert pulled out a pistol and offered it to the
Major, explaining that the neighbourhood was full
Meeting Liza

of undesirable and unscrupulous people.

"I don't think I'll require that. Just pick me up at
The Old Cock Pheasant when you are finished."
As the Major made his way through the
crowded street and walked toward the River
Thames, he was forced to veer first right then left
to miss the muddier sections and to avoid colli-
sions with the horse carts and hand barrows hur-
rying along the busy street. Suddenly, he realized
that for the first time in his life he was afoot on the
mean streets of London near the Thames. After a
short walk, he came upon The Old Cock Pheasant
Inn and was delighted to discover an establish-
ment far more pleasant and comfortable than
Robert had described. Seating himself at a table, he
called to the landlord his order of ale, bread and
cheese. An hour passed with no sign of Robert.
Assuming there must have been complications at
the blacksmith's, the Major asked the innkeeper to
inform his coachman that he had taken a stroll and
to wait at the tavern until he returned.
The Major set out once again to explore the
busy backstreets of the city near the river. He was
horrified by the appalling appearance of some of
the local inhabitants. Suddenly he felt something
tugging at his jacket sleeve. Looking down, he saw
a little girl with a magnificent head of shiny blond
hair that surrounded and enhanced her bright
blue eyes. The rest of her appearance, however, was
not nearly so appealing. Her frock, which seemed
to have been made for a much larger child, hung
Dear Liza

down to her ankles. It was clean, but showed years

of wear, the colours had faded to a motley brown
and her mud-spattered shoes were worn beyond
In a gentle voice she asked the Major, "Sir,
would you like to buy my beautiful brass candle-
stick? Only a penny ha'penny?"
Before he could answer, someone grabbed the
child's arm. It was Robert.
"Away with you, you young guttersnipe, away
with you or I'll give you the back of my hand."
Robert turned to the Major, "Don't trust her, Sir,
she probably stole it; they're all the same in this
neighbourhood. I tell you, Sir, you have to be care-
ful around these parts."
Pulling herself up to her full height, the girl chal-
lenged Robert. "You have no right to say such a
thing! I didn't steal the candlestick. I am an honest
girl, I am. My mother always told me to be honest,
and you have no right to accuse me of stealing. I
found it on the mudflats and it took me two whole
days to get it so shiny." With these words she pro-
ceeded to polish the candlestick on her dress.
Looking at the poor little soul, the Major felt in his
heart that the child was telling the truth. Reaching
into his pocket he handed her two pennies. The sight
of the money made her eyes light up like blue candles.
"Thank you Sir, thank you, but all I have is a
farthing, I don't have enough change."
"Just keep the change," the Major replied.
Robert was greatly disturbed by the Major's

Meeting Liza

purchase, especially his generosity when he gave

her the extra halfpenny, and couldn't resist speak-
ing. "If you don't mind me saying so, Sir, that's a
lot of money to give to someone like her and I'd
bet a king's ransom that the little street urchin has
a halfpenny change somewhere."
Ignoring Robert's cynical remarks, the Major
asked the girl, "What is your name, child?"
"Liza, Sir. Liza Adams."
"Do your parents live around here?"
"I have no parents, Sir, they are both in heaven."
Her answer surprised the Major, and for a
moment he remained speechless, then he asked
her, "Who takes care of you?"
"Nobody, Sir, I take care of myself and Jenny."
"And who is Jenny?" the Major enquired.
"Jenny is my little sister. I found her wandering
along the riverbank two years ago when she was
only three years old. At least I think she was three."
This reply took the Major completely by sur-
prise. "What about her parents, where are they?"
"Don't rightly know, Sir. Her mother either
died or deserted her, I expect. After I found Jenny,
I went back to the place every day for a whole
month, just in case her mum had lost her, but no
one wanted her. God sent her to me and now she
is my little sister."
Her answer sent cold shivers down the Major's
spine, and he found himself wondering why this
little girl appeared so different from others her age.
"How old are you, Liza?"
Dear Liza

"I'm twelve years old on December tenth, Sir."

"Are you expecting me to believe that you live
alone, that you have been taking care of another
little girl for the past two years on your own, and
you are only eleven years old?"
Robert appeared annoyed by Liza's story and
sternly assured the Major, "Told you, Sir, these lit-
tle mudlarks live in dishonesty. I wouldn't trust
what she says; it's only another way to beg for more
Liza glared at the driver, her blue eyes clouded.
It seemed as if she felt hurt by Robert's remarks
and resented his slur regarding her honesty.
The Major disagreed with Robert's cynical
views and sympathized with the little girl's plight.
He was moved to compassion by the horrendous
conditions of her life, "Please take back your can-
dlestick, I really don't want it."
"But, Sir, you bought it, and it really is a nice
candlestick," begged Liza.
The Major reassured her, "It is alright, child,
you may keep the money."
Even though his heart went out to her, he found
it very difficult to believe that such a young girl
had actually cared for a younger child for the
past two years without adult help or
supervision. Perhaps Robert was correct in
thinking that her story was a ruse to get more
money. Suddenly, the Major felt truly grateful to
God that his own children weren't in the same
predicament as Liza, whatever that might
actually be.

Chapter 2

Laura's Reaction
After he returned home to his mansion, the
Major enjoyed a delightful evening meal with his
family. Then he took his six-year-old granddaugh-
ter, Pamela, and his grandson, James, who was
four, over to the stables to see the horses.
Pamela was especially interested in the horses
since her parents had promised her a pony for
her upcoming birthday. They visited each stall,
offering small handfuls of hay to the horses and
ponies while the grooms went about their
business of watering and brushing the animals.
Pointing to the Major's

Dear Liza

splendid white stallion, Pamela announced, "That's

my favourite."
"I'm afraid he's a little too much horse for you,
just yet, young lady," said the Major. "Perhaps
some day when you're a little older you will be able
to manage him. Just now, you should be looking at
something more like one of these ponies. What do
you say if we go back now, and see if we can find
us something hot to drink?"

Later that evening as they prepared for bed, the

Major told his wife, Laura, all about his encounter
with the little orphan girl and the unbelievable
story she had told about taking care of another
homeless youngster for the past two years.
Laura sat at her dressing table, and then said in
a voice more aggrieved than dismayed. "Never
have I heard such a story in all my life. I wonder
where their parents are?"
"I asked her that very same question," the
Major replied, "and she told me her parents were
in heaven. She didn't say much about the other
child except that she found her two years ago, that
she had tried in vain to find the child's mother and
that she has looked after her ever since."
"That certainly is an unusual story. Perhaps
Robert is correct that the girl was just trying to
look for pity so that it would be easier to sell what-
ever it was she was selling."

Laura's Reaction

"I really don't think so, Laura. I can't explain why

but when I looked into her clear blue eyes, I just
knew she was honest; and the way she spoke up to
Robert was not like your average eleven year old."
"You surprise me, David, I've never seen you so
upset over a little street urchin. You know, dear, the
vicar and his wife are coming for tea tomorrow.
Why don't you tell them about your encounter with
the child? I'm certain they will know more about
what should be done than we do. Now why don't
you forget all about street orphans and go to sleep?"
The Major marvelled that Laura could be so mat-
ter-of-fact about the children's situation and that she
hadn't been more sympathetic toward them. He had
noticed lately that Laura appeared to have lost some
of her gentler feelings of caring and compassion that
she had displayed when she was younger. Not for the
first time, whiffs of guilt entered his head, prompt-
ing him to wonder if his career in the army had been
the cause of their losing the beautiful feelings of love
they had once shared.
For the next two hours the Major lay awake as
he wondered how he and Laura could recapture
their lost love and affection. It was becoming more
and more apparent to him every day just how
much they had drifted apart.

The following morning during breakfast, Laura

and the Major watched the heavy rain beating on the

Dear Liza

stone walks and dashing against the windowpanes

as the blustery wind threw itself at everything in
its path. They agreed that the weather was more
typical of late November.
As the Major listened to the pounding rain and
looked around his snug and warm dining room
with its oak panelling and its highly polished floors
covered with Persian rugs, his thoughts settled on
his family. Waves of gratitude for having such a
beautiful wife and two wonderful children swept
over him. Such emotions were virtually unknown
to the Major. Then he realized it was only since he
had met the little street orphan, a child who, in his
opinion, had so little to be grateful for, that such
feelings of gratefulness had emerged.
Laura and the Major spent the early part of the
day in the parlour, contentedly reading by the fire
as the rain continued to beat down, saturating the
ground, turning roads treacherous with mud and
creating a small, temporary lake in the lower
At two o'clock, the maid announced that the
vicar and his wife had arrived and then she ushered
them into the parlour. After the formalities of wel-
coming the guests had been completed, Laura rang
for tea, which was served along with the usual top-
ics of conversation. The Major found it all singu-
larly dull—refurbishing the church; the following
year's planned congregational events, including
picnics and outings; the need to help the poor; and
how they were chronically short of funds.

Laura's Reaction

"Speaking of the poor," Laura interjected,

"David had the most extraordinary experience yes-
terday." She then related to the vicar and his wife
her husband's entire experience of the day before—
how and where he had met a little street urchin
who tried to sell her candleholder to him, and her
claim of caring for a little sister on her own.
The vicar sat up straight and stiff in his chair.
"That must have been a rather frightening experi-
ence for you! I believe there are many children living
in the streets of London; in fact I have heard them
referred to as little guttersnipes by those who have to
deal with them. I just can't imagine how we have all
this poverty; after all this is England, 1834, and we are
supposed to be a civilized country."
"But what do you think might be done to help
them?" asked the Major. "Surely there must be
somewhere they could be cared for!"
The vicar's wife responded, "There are work-
houses that would probably take the older girl but the
other child is too young and she could be quite a
problem. She should really be sent to an orphanage."
The very thought of putting a child in the
workhouse appalled the Major, and he remarked,
"I hear that they work the children ten hours a day
just for their food."
The vicar stated that in his parish he was not
used to such problems and felt quite inadequate to
handle such a task, but that he would see what
could be done.
The Major then explained to the vicar and his

Dear Liza

wife that the child had opened his eyes to some

feelings he had not experienced for some time.
"I tell you, Vicar, if you could have seen how
joyful she was when she had her candlestick
returned and was still allowed to keep the two
pence. It was an inspiring feeling. I felt it was good
for my soul.
"Until witnessing that child's behaviour yester-
day, I couldn't have imagined anyone getting so
much pleasure out of an old two-penny candle-
stick. And yet I keep wondering if she was as gen-
uine in her display of joy as she appeared to be. If
so, she must have an extraordinarily positive out-
look on life and I'd love to know where it comes
The vicar smiled pompously. "It appears to me,
Major, you must have had some kind of inspira-
tional revelation. You know, the Good Book tells
us that appreciation is a wonderful thing."
Laura quickly agreed with the vicar, then went
on to explain, "Our coachman felt certain the child
was just putting on a show to appeal to David's
The vicar immediately responded, "I have
heard it said that around the waterfront area some
beggars are very proficient at their craft. Perhaps it
is true that the girl was performing for your bene-
fit, Major Rutherford."
The more the Major listened to the conversa-
tion, the more it became apparent to him that
nobody really cared enough about the child to give

Laura's Reaction

her the benefit of the doubt or even to look into

the truthfulness of her story. Gradually the talk
reverted to the financial needs of the parish and
how much Major Rutherford could be counted on
to donate. After a sip of port wine and the Major's
promise of a substantial donation, the vicar and
his wife departed.
Once their guests had taken their leave, Laura
challenged the Major, "I have never seen you so
obsessed about anything as you are with those two
little urchins. I suggest you just forget them for a
while. After all, we can't be responsible for every
stray in London."

Chapter 3

Returning to
the Bridge
jr ~r

The more the Major thought about it, the

more he knew in his heart that he had to return
to talk to the child, Liza.
One week later, following an appointment at
his club, the Major instructed Robert to drive him
to the place where they had first met the little
street urchin. When they arrived at the spot,
Robert drove up and down the street for the
greater part of twenty minutes, but to the Major's
disappointment, they saw no sign of the child.

Returning to the Bridge

"Maybe the girl doesn't live around these parts,

Sir. It's possible she could live anywhere in
"All right, Robert, you may as well take me
home," the Major sighed.
Five minutes later Robert stopped the carriage.
"There she is, Sir, over there, down by the wall."
"I see her. Drive over! I want to talk with her."
As the carriage approached, Liza appeared a lit-
tle nervous until she recognized the Major and
greeted him with a warm smile and a curtsy.
"Good afternoon, Sir."
"Good afternoon, Liza. How are you?"
"Very well, thank you, Sir."
"And your little sister, Jenny, how is she doing?"
"Not so well, sir. She is very poorly, she has a
very bad cold." The words were no sooner out of
her mouth than she began to cough uncontrol-
lably herself.
"Do you live nearby, Liza?"
"Yes, Sir, just over there."
"Can you show us where you stay?" Robert
asked suspiciously.
Liza stared at the Major, then at Robert. "That
way," she said, pointing down a street lined with
old, derelict buildings.
The Major dismounted from the carriage and
asked Robert to wait for him, "I want to see where
she lives." As they walked off, the Major tried to
reassure Liza that he hoped to be able to help Jenny.
At first the streets were very busy and they had

Dear Liza

to dodge horses and carts rumbling over the old

cobblestones and weave their way through foot
traffic, but soon the streets became narrow lanes
and dark alleyways with fewer and fewer people in
sight. Major Rutherford started to feel a little
uneasy about the district and the appearance of
some of the local residents.
"Just a minute, Liza, how much farther is it to
where you live?" the Major asked.
Pointing her finger she replied, "Not far, Sir, just
over there."
"You said that some minutes ago."
She directed her blue gaze straight into Major
Rutherford's eyes and asked, "Are you afraid?"
"To be quite truthful with you, young lady, I
don't feel at all secure in this neighbourhood."
With a smile on her face, Liza offered the Major
her hand, saying, "As long as you hold my hand
you will be safe."
Her words took the Major by surprise. He
thought to himself: What an unusual remark for
such a small child to make; it should be the adult who
reassures the child. I can't imagine why I'd be safer
holding her hand. Regardless of his thoughts, he
clasped her hand and continued to follow along.
After another twenty steps, the strongest feeling
came over him that he was being led to evil deeds.
He quickly released her hand and at the same time
wondered to himself: Was Robert correct all along
about our young street urchin play acting? Within a
split second of letting go of her hand, he turned to

Returning to the Bridge

question her but she was gone. It was as if she had

simply vanished into thin air.
The Major hurriedly retraced his steps, and as
he approached the carriage, Robert let out a great
sigh of relief, pleased to find that the Major had
returned unscathed from his adventure into the
backstreets. Then, after the Major had recounted a
brief description of the events, Robert felt a little
smug that he had been justified in his opinion of
the child, thinking that perhaps now the Major
would come to his senses and see the little gutter-
snipe for what she really was.
All the way home, the Major couldn't get the
child out of his mind and repeatedly asked himself
if he may have overreacted. Perhaps the child was
telling the truth.

Chapter 4

Meeting Jenny

The following morning over breakfast, the

Major discussed with Laura his experience of
the previous afternoon. "You would be
appalled by the living conditions in that area, Laura.
Liza claimed that many people live in abandoned
buildings, and I saw with my own eyes people
apparently making their homes in any number of
decrepit hovels. It's absolutely deplorable that any
small child should have to live in such poverty."
With a tone of haughty self-righteousness, Laura
remarked, "When you think about it, dear, there

Meeting Jenny

have to be some poor so that there can be some rich,

and we should be grateful that we are the rich."
Laura's callous words and indifferent manner
surprised the Major. It was obvious that she had
missed his point.
"Perhaps that's the problem, my dear. We say
we appreciate our affluent life, but we don't feel it
or show it. Tell me, Laura, how long is it since you
honestly felt grateful for what you have and how
you live?"
With a hint of annoyance in her voice, Laura
replied, "I really don't understand your question,
dear. I've always been grateful for what we have!"
It was clear to the Major that, indeed, Laura
didn't understand what he was feeling. He remem-
bered when he first met Laura; she had been not
only the most beautiful but also the most caring
and compassionate person he had ever known.
Often he wondered what had happened to change
her so much. Deep in his heart he hoped that some
day the lost feelings that Laura had once displayed
to him would return.

Weeks went by, and by the time of October's

passing everyone had forgotten all about the
encounter with the little street urchin. The icy,
finger-numbing winds of November brought
with them more torrential rain. The estate agent
and farm hands were busily preparing the barn

Dear Liza

and stables for the winter, ensuring that Major

Rutherford's animals would have warm, dry
quarters. In the first stall was a very important
young filly the Major had bought for his grand-
daughter Pamela's birthday, which was now only
one day away. The Major stopped by to speak
with the head groom, then visited the pony to see
how she was getting on, as she had arrived at his
stables only a few days earlier. She was a beautiful
little animal, gracefully proportioned, a rich
chestnut colour with a white blaze on her fore-
head. When he approached, she raised her head
and eyed him cautiously, then nickered gently as
though welcoming an old friend. He felt assured
that she was settling in nicely.
The following morning, the sun appeared as if
to celebrate Pamela's special day and the house was
a bustle of activity as the servants prepared for the
day's festivities. Overseeing the preparations in the
kitchen was a joyful, buxom woman who had been
the family cook for the past twenty years, and who
was affectionately known as Cookie by the staff
and the children of the house. She had spent much
of the morning making a beautiful birthday cake
for the occasion.
In the afternoon, the entire family, plus the
numerous children who constituted Pamela's circle
of friends, gathered together for her party. The cake
was appreciated by all and the gift of the little
chestnut-coloured filly was an overwhelming
success. The Major and Laura watched as the

Meeting Jenny

children played and rode the new filly, which by

now had been named Lady.
But amidst the gaiety of Pamela's party with all
the happy young faces, the Major somehow had
troubling memories of the little street urchin, and
doubts started to enter his mind. He recalled the
feelings of fear and apprehension he had suffered
when Liza had taken him to see her little sister,
Jenny, and he wondered whether he had mis-
judged the child and her intentions. He asked him-
self again if there even was such a person as Jenny.
Perhaps it was his army training that had taught
him that once you take on a job, you finish it—and
one way or another the Major was determined to
discover the truth about Liza and her little "sister."
Early the following morning the skies were clear
and it looked like it would be another sunny day, so
he saddled the grey mare and rode toward London
Bridge, hoping to find the place where he had first
come across the urchin. From there it would only
be a couple of minutes' ride to where he last saw the
On arriving at the place he recognized as the
site of their first meeting, he headed toward the
street along which Liza had led him. What he first
took to be bundles of rags and cast-off clothing in
many doorways turned out, as he drew closer, to
be sleeping people. Some were so meagrely dressed
that he wondered how they could survive the
nights with so little shelter. There was an uneasy
feeling to the place; as a matter of fact, it reminded

Dear Liza

Major Rutherford of many places he had been in

India where people would slit your throat for a six-
pence. Finally he came upon the spot where they
had parted, but there was no sign of the child.
Determined to find her, he asked an elderly man
passing by if he knew a young girl named Liza who
lived somewhere close by.
"What's it to ye?" he snapped.
"She has a little sister who may be sick and I'd
like to help her if I possibly can."
"Are ye a doctor or sumfing?" the old man
asked suspiciously.
"No, I'm not a doctor. I'm just a friend."
"You must be right rich to have an 'orse like
that," the man growled.
Ignoring his comment, the Major repeated,
"Do you know such a girl?"
"There's plenty young gels about! What's she
look like?"
The Major described Liza briefly, "She's a bright
little thing, blond hair, blue eyes, about eleven
years old, but mature for her age."
"Do ye have any money? Could ye spare a
penny fer a poor soul like me?"
The old man looked like he hadn't had a good
meal for weeks. Bending down toward him, the
Major handed him two pennies, suggesting he get
himself a meal.
"Thank ye kindly, Sir, ye're a kind gentleman,
ye are, but I haven't 'card of a wench in these parts
that fits them descriptions." And with these words

Meeting Jenny

he hurried away.
A young woman carrying a squirming baby
approached the Major and asked, "You looking fer
someone special, Mister, or can I help?"
"Yes, I'm looking for someone who might live
in this neighbourhood, a little girl called Liza." He
told her the same story he had told the old man
and described Liza's appearance and the clothing
he had last seen her wearing.
"Can't rightly say, Sir, could be any one of the
dozens of little blighters that lives in these parts. I
can't say as I ever seen 'er."
Doubts that Liza even lived in the neighbour-
hood flooded the Major's head, but just as he was
about to head home he heard a gentle voice call-
ing, "Sir?" Turning, he saw Liza.
He dismounted and approached her, explain-
ing that since their last meeting he had often won-
dered what had happened to her. "It was as if you
had just vanished."
Dropping her head Liza said that she had felt
there was a lot of distrust in his heart and that he
had doubted her word. "When I offered you my
hand for safety, again you lacked faith in me."
The Major couldn't believe what the girl was
saying. That she was talking to him in such a man-
ner astounded him, but before he could respond
Liza continued, "It was nice of you to show such
concern and caring for me and Jenny. Now I feel I
can trust you. You have kind eyes; my mum had
kind eyes. She always talked about people's eyes.

Dear Liza

She used to tell me that our eyes are the windows

to our soul."
"I'm afraid, Liza, I have little idea of what you
are trying to say," the Major replied. Then noticing
how lightly she was dressed, "Aren't you cold wear-
ing that thin shawl at this time of year?"
"This is my favourite shawl! It belonged to
my mum and it helps me to keep warm. And it's
so pretty."
The fact that the child could express joy at the
beauty of her threadbare shawl as she stood shiv-
ering in the biting wind astonished the Major. It
was difficult for him to comprehend her attitude
under such conditions, and waves of gratitude
flowed though every vein in his body as he realized
just how kind life had been to him.
"How is your little sister Jenny?"
"Much better now. Her sickness is almost gone.
Many people around here died with the same sick-
ness, but Jenny and me, we prayed, and God made
her all better."
The sky had clouded over as the Major and Liza
talked, and soon a fine drizzle started. The poor
child looked so cold the Major asked her if she
would like to join him for some hot food. Liza
stood with a shy look on her face as she debated
whether or not to go with him, but the very
thought of hot food was irresistible to her.
"Yes, Sir, I'd be grateful."
"Why don't we fetch Jenny and take her along
with us?"

Meeting Jenny

"Well, Sir, I don't think Jenny is well enough to

join us. When I left her she was sleeping and usu-
ally Jenny sleeps for hours."
Doubts and suspicions again made the Major
wonder if Liza was making excuses about a sister
she never had as a ploy to gain more for her efforts.
They walked to the nearest inn and inquired
about the possibility of obtaining a hot meal. The
bustling innkeeper said he had nothing left but
chicken, but he could provide them with that and
some bread and cheese. "Oh, Sir, chicken is my
favourite," said Liza.
Never had the Major seen a child her age eat so
much. When she was finished, she started to pick
over the remains and put pieces of food in a cloth
she carried in her dress pocket. Observing that the
Major had noticed her actions, she sheepishly
remarked, "This is for Jenny."
He nodded sympathetically as she collected
every last scrap of food. Major Rutherford settled
with the landlord and he and Liza left the inn and
returned to the street. The rain had finally
stopped but streams of water still ran over the
"Come, Liza, jump up behind me on my horse
and I'll take you home."
Following Liza's directions, the Major soon
found himself in a narrow street lined with
time-worn houses and abandoned buildings.
Pointing to a ramshackle old building, Liza
announced, "That is where I live."

Dear Liza

"Where?" the Major asked, looking around

incredulously as Liza slid off the horse.
"Over there." Just as she said that a little girl,
pale faced, redheaded and dressed in a collection
of hand-me-down clothing, came skipping out of
the condemned building and gave Liza a big hug.
"Jenny, this is the man I told you about, the one
who bought our candlestick."
The Major was impressed by the little one's
manners as she curtsied, "Pleased to meet you, Sir."
Liza invited the Major into the cellar of the
dilapidated house she and her sister called home.
It had a single room with an uneven stone floor
and a pocket-sized window high up on the wall
that let in little light but plenty of cold air. The tiny
room was surprisingly clean but very chilly. The
furnishings were sparse—an old table, two
straight-backed wooden chairs and one padded
armchair. On the table sat a candleholder with a
half-burnt candle. Next to it, but safely against the
wall, rested a delicate music box with a miniature
ballerina gracefully posed on top. The mantle
above the fireplace held the candlestick Liza had
tried to sell to the Major. In front of the fireplace
was a scrap of torn rug and in the corner were two
beds made up with a single blanket each. The
room smelled musty and damp.
Liza brought out the cloth containing the food
from the inn and spread it before Jenny, who
started to eat it as if she hadn't seen such astonish-
ing riches for some time.

Meeting Jenny

Liza invited the Major to take a seat in the old

padded chair in front of the fireplace. The tiny fire
it contained was barely large enough to heat a pot
of water.
"Jenny and me, we don't get many visitors; would
you like a cup of tea, Sir? We have lots of tea."
"No thank you, Liza. I think I've had quite suf-
ficient for now."
"My mum always said it was good manners to
give guests a cup of tea."
"Your mum must have been a wonderful per-
son, Liza. What happened to her?"
"She died three years ago with a very big cold in
her chest. I think the doctor said it was consump-
tion or some name like that."
"May I ask about your father, Liza, what hap-
pened to him?"
"My dad was killed in an accident down a coal
mine when I was five."
"What about your grandparents? Do they know
where you are?"
"My mum told me that my grandma and
granddad told her never to come back to their
house if she married my dad."
Shocked by her story, the Major asked her if she
knew why her grandfather and grandmother
would say such a thing.
"Something to do with my granddad and
grandma being posh and my dad wasn't.
"My mum and dad had a wonderful life
together; our house was always full of love and

Dear Liza

happy times. They loved each other and Mum was

always acting funny and Dad and me would laugh.
"When my dad died, Mum and me went back
home to Granddad and Grandma's for help but
they told us to go away and that they wanted noth-
ing to do with us, so we found a little place in
George Street. Then, after my mum went to heaven
I found this place on my own. Nobody was using
it so I stayed here."
Little Jenny finished every scrap of her meal
then beamed at the Major. "That was the best food
I've had in all my life. It's just like a party, isn't it
Liza," she declared, and snuggled closer to the fire,
rubbing herself as if she were trying to keep warm.
Major Rutherford thought to himself how
ghastly it was for two small children to live under
such conditions, yet they appeared happier than
most he knew within his circle of friends. For the
world, he couldn't see the remotest chance of him-
self or any of his friends saying that they would be
happy under such dreadful circumstances. The
Major was lost for words and had no idea how to
communicate with these children, especially when
Liza started to tell him with great pride about her
possessions she had inherited from her mother
and how grateful both she and Jenny felt at having
a place of their own.
The Major was astounded by how little it took
to please the two youngsters: a few meagre posses-
sions and a spartan shelter. He recalled his experience
in India where the poverty and living conditions

Meeting Jenny

were often pathetic, yet many of the people

appeared happier than he was, even though he was
an officer in His Majesty's army. For many years he
had been fascinated by this situation and had tried
in vain to figure out what makes poor people
happy under such vile circumstances while many
wealthy people can be unhappy with ideal living
Little Jenny stood up and went over to her bed
where she retrieved a little rag doll. With great
pride she showed it to the Major, told him that its
name was Molly, and then said, "I'm taking Molly
over to the fire to keep her warm."
As she said this, a particularly strong gust of
harsh November wind blew under the ill-fitting
door and reached across the floor toward the fire
where the children huddled to keep warm.
When the Major had been abroad in the army,
the poverty he had seen hadn't concerned him, but
there was something about the plight of Liza and
her little sister that was different, making him feel
obligated to help them in some way. Perhaps his
conscience was starting to bother him, since he
had so much in life while they had so little.
Informing Liza that he had to go but would be
back to see her and her little sister again, he
handed her a six-penny piece.
Liza, amazed at the thought of being given so
much money, immediately responded, "Sir, I can't
take all that money. Mum and Dad always said it
just wasn't right to accept money without earning it.

Dear Liza

They always said that if I had enough faith God

would take care of me."
With the greatest admiration the Major listened
intently to the child's words, then answered,
"That's a nice way to look at it, Liza, so why don't
you accept my gift as if it were God helping you
and your little sister? Please, Liza, it would make
me feel good if you would accept this money and
buy some food for you and Jenny."
Liza then said, "It was God that sent you to
Jenny and me—for a purpose. I knew the first time
we met that you were sent to help me with Jenny."
Surprised by her remark, the Major asked,
"How did you know that God sent me?"
"Because I know these things. It was meant to
be that you help me with Jenny."
The Major stood absolutely flabbergasted by
what he was hearing. "But how could you be so
sure that I was sent to help you with Jenny?"
"When Jenny was sick I prayed for a guardian
angel and that day you were sent to me. That was
the day you bought my candlestick."
"Liza, just because I bought your candlestick
doesn't make me a guardian angel."
With the most beautiful smile Liza said, "My
mum said guardian angels come in lots of differ-
ent shapes and sizes."
Secretly the Major was pleased at the thought
of Liza calling him a guardian angel, though he
knew better than to call himself one.

Meeting Jenny

Finally, Liza reluctantly accepted the money

and, just as the Major was leaving, little Jenny
came over and gave him a big hug, kissed him on
the cheek and thanked him for the food.
Her action brought tears to his eyes while his
mind scrambled to ascertain what was happening
to him and why he was having such unusual feel-
ings of gratitude toward life.

Chapter 5


That evening, the Major discussed the

children's situation with Laura. "The reactions of
those two children to the slightest kindness made
me experience overwhelming feelings of
appreciation for the life I've been given, feelings
I've never had before. Tell me, Laura, can you
suggest any way we might be able to help Liza and
her sister?"
Laura displayed an air of indifference. "Why are
you suddenly so interested in two stray orphans?
What possible difference could it make to you how
they live?"
"I can't explain it, Laura, but there's something
special about the older one, Liza. The way she


accepts life without complaint fascinates me.

"There's something about the way the child
talks. I tell you, my dear, never have I felt this way.
She has opened my eyes to a new way of seeing life."
"Come dear, let's not exaggerate what the child
may have done," Laura cautioned.
"It's something I can't explain intellectually; it's
more of a good feeling. It's as if I'm seeing life for
the first time—since I met that young street urchin
my life hasn't been the same."
Laura didn't know how to answer her husband's
words, other than to say sharply, "I haven't any idea
what in heaven's name you are talking about."
Although it had nothing to do with what they
were talking about, Laura began to feel the way she
did when she thought about the Major's time in
the military. Laura couldn't forgive the Major for
being in the army and always felt that their mar-
riage was secondary to him. Being a soldier's wife
had never appealed to her and she had always been
jealous of all the time he devoted to the army
instead of her. And now he was beginning to spend
more and more time on these two little street
urchins. It was like the army all over again.
The Major wasn't surprised by her uncaring
remarks and he knew Laura didn't understand his
feelings. How could she when he didn't under-
stand them himself?
In an effort to put an end to the conversation,
Laura finally suggested that he get in touch with
the vicar again to see if he could offer a solution to

Dear Liza

the dilemma of the two young orphans.

The following afternoon the Major went to talk
with the vicar. But when he arrived at the vicarage,
he was informed by the vicar's wife that her hus-
band had a fundraising campaign to organize and
wouldn't be back for several hours.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" she
The Major again described the children's situa-
tion to her, finishing with the hope that she might
be able to offer some solution to the problem. The
vicar's wife explained that both she and her hus-
band had asked a few people about the problem,
but other than the workhouse for the elder of the
two children they hadn't been able to come up
with any suitable solutions. "As far as the smaller
one is concerned, we have no idea what can be
done about her, but we will certainly keep our eyes
open. Sometimes if a child is lucky, someone can
be found to take it in," she said, as though she were
speaking about a stray dog.
The Major felt frustrated that nobody seemed
to take the situation of Liza and her little sister
very seriously. He thanked the vicar's wife for her
time and left as soon as politeness would allow.
On the ride home, the Major couldn't get Liza
and her little sister out of his mind. Then he
remembered that if any of his own children had
wanted comforting when Laura and he were not
available, they wouldn't go to their nanny, they
would go to the cook, Mrs. Smith. Cookie, as she


was known throughout the household, had a

warm and loving nature, and a good helping of
common sense. That evening after supper the
Major asked the cook into his study and explained
the children's situation to her.
Cookie sat silent for the longest time, and then
she finally replied, "It just ain't right that them lit-
tle ones should live like that, but I have no idea
how I could possibly help you, Sir. But I'll certainly
keep my ears open and maybe we can find some-
one that will take care of the poor little mites.
"In the meantime we could send them some
food, Sir."
"Splendid idea, Mrs. Smith. The next time I go
to see them you can make up a picnic basket. As a
matter of fact, if I remember correctly, the elder of
the two will soon have a birthday and I could take
it tomorrow."

The next day the wind blew with special feroc-

ity and the temperature dropped to below freez-
ing; icicles hung from the eaves and the
windowsills shone like sparkling diamonds.
After finishing her breakfast duties for the fam-
ily, and before becoming involved with lunch
preparations, Cookie filled a picnic basket with all
sorts of delicious treats for the children. She
included chicken, bread, winter pears, thick, nour-
ishing soup and sweets, all of which the Major had

Dear Liza

previously approved. Then she handed Robert a

used but warm coat for each of the children and
two pairs of used shoes, saying, "These are too
small for my son's children and I thought the little
mites could get some use from them."
At this point, the maid included two pairs of
used gloves.
Robert said nothing as Cookie packed the food
for the children. Finally, his pessimistic outlook on
life showed itself as he snarled at Cookie, "Spoiling
the little beggars, I'd say. Giving them meat ain't
healthy for them. Their stomachs ain't used to it
and it can drive them mad in the head."
Shocked by his words, Cookie asked him, "Who
told you such rubbish?"
"It was one of them posh doctors at the Major's
club. I overheard him talking to one of his col-
leagues and he said meat can drive some poor peo-
ple mad in the head and the best thing for them is
bread and milk."
The Major came in to check on the preparations,
and then Laura made an unexpected entrance car-
rying two blankets and two pillows, saying she
hoped they would be of use to the children.
Overwhelmed with pleasure by Laura's change
of heart toward the children, the Major smiled
broadly. Then Laura suggested it might be better if
Robert delivered the gifts to the children by him-
self. "It's such a dreadful day, my dear, I wonder if
you shouldn't stay at home."
"I'm afraid, Laura, this is something I have to


do. There's something so unusual about that child,

and whatever it is, I want to discover it for myself."
Within minutes, Robert had pulled the carriage
outside the kitchen door and loaded all the food
and gifts. An icy rain began falling as the tempera-
ture continued to drop, and the Major couldn't
help but wonder how the children were managing
in such bone-chilling weather.
When the Major stuck his head out of the car-
riage window to guide Robert toward the chil-
dren's home, the relentless rain bit into his skin
like tiny razor cuts, making him realize the
uncomfortable situation Robert was in when driv-
ing in such dreadful weather.
It was around one in the afternoon when they
arrived. Robert dismounted from the carriage and
knocked on the door where the children lived, but
there was no answer.
"Nobody home, Sir."
"Try again," the Major demanded.
The second time Robert knocked, Liza cau-
tiously answered the door and not recognizing
him asked, "What do you want?"
Robert pointed to the carriage, "Beg your par-
don, Miss, but the Major would like to call on you."
The moment Liza saw who it was she broke
into a lovely smile and called little Jenny. As usual
the room was cold and damp. Robert started to
unload all the gifts, which almost overwhelmed
the children. Robert stood at the doorway in
silence as the children joyfully sprang to unpack

Dear Liza

their bounty, then he said, "Beg your pardon, Sir,

with your permission I would like to return to the
"By all means, Robert, I won't be long."
Little Jenny spotted the pound cake that Cookie
had made for the special occasion and asked Liza
if she could have a piece. Liza sliced the cake into
pieces and asked the Major, "Would you like a cup
of tea and a piece of cake, sir?"
"I would love to join you in a cup of tea, but I
won't have any cake," he said, not wanting to
deprive the children of even a morsel of their
While they waited for the kettle to boil, the chil-
dren huddled near the tiny flames, trying to keep
warm. With such a dismally small fire the kettle
seemed to take forever to boil. Finally, the kettle
began to sing and Liza made the tea. She poured it
into two chipped china cups and a small crockery
bowl, then passed 'round the cake.
Liza didn't look too well and regularly turned
her head aside to cough, an incessant, wracking
cough that seemed to come from deep within her
"Perhaps it would be advisable for you to see a
doctor, Liza," said the Major. "Your cough sounds
quite bad to me and if you want I will have my
doctor examine you and Jenny."
"I'm sure this little cold will soon go away," Liza
replied, not wanting to embarrass her new friend
by pointing out that doctors charged more for


their services than she could make in a month's

hard work.
There was a knock at the door and to the
Major's amazement it was Robert showing his
sorter side. He carried three canvas bags filled with
chopped wood, which he had placed in the back of
the carriage before leaving the house. Stacking
most of the wood beside the fireplace, he then
built up the fire and within minutes it was blazing
cheerily and the little room was comfortably
"Oh, thank you, Sir!" Liza exclaimed, and then
asked Robert if he would like a piece of cake and
some tea.
Robert hesitated and looked over at the Major,
as if to ask permission. The Major picked up
Robert's concern. "Yes, Robert, why don't you join
the party?" he invited.
The visit lasted about an hour, and then little
Jenny, her stomach filled with cake, fell sound
asleep. The major watched Liza help Jenny to bed
and once again wondered how it was that Liza
could be so happy with her life under such
appalling conditions. He asked Liza why she
always appeared so happy with her life.
Liza replied, "My mum always said 'Happiness
comes from our hearts, and if we can keep our
hearts and heads full of nice thoughts we will
always live in contentment.'"
Liza's words surprised the Major and he won-
dered what kind of woman this child's mother had

Dear Liza

been, to think in such a manner.

"It sounds like you loved your mum."
"Yes Sir, she was a very gentle person who
helped lots of people until she went to heaven.
Some people used to call my mum an angel."
"In what way did she help others?" asked the
Liza thought for a while before answering his
question. "Sometimes she would sit all night with
people who were sick and talk to them about God
and that would help them. When people were sad
and unhappy, my mum would explain to them
how sometimes it was only their own thoughts
that were making them unhappy and if they could
understand what she was saying, it would help
make them feel well."
"Your mother must have been hurt by your
granddad and grandma refusing to help her when
she was in need." And to himself he thought that
the fact that they wouldn't make peace and forget
old wounds was rather petty under the
"My mum told me she felt sorry for them not
allowing themselves to know my daddy and me.
She said they were lost and weren't thinking right,
and they just didn't know any better.
"My mum often said, 'We have to learn to for-
give people who don't understand.'"
"That was very Christian of your mother to
think that way, Liza. Many people I know would
have been hurt and resentful in such a situation.


Tell me, have you been in contact with your grand-

father or grandmother since you lost your
"No, Sir, I felt it would be better if I stayed
alone. Sometimes I'd think about going to see
them, but then I'd wonder if they would ever
accept Jenny, and I would never want to be sepa-
rated from my little sister."
"With your permission, Liza, I would willingly
contact your grandparents and talk with them."
"No, all I want is a nice home for Jenny and I
know in my heart that it will happen soon."
"My dear child, you don't understand—your
grandparents should be contacted. After all, they
do have some responsibility in this situation."
Liza looked at the Major, paused, and then said
with overwhelming certainty, "Soon Jenny will
find her new home. Then I will talk to my grand-
dad and grandma."
Never had the Major heard any child, or adult
for that matter, talk with such assurance. "How can
you be so certain?" he asked.
"Because I know," she replied, not in an arro-
gant way, but as if it had already been arranged.
The time came to depart and so the Major and
Robert said their goodbyes. When they left, the fire
was ablaze and the entire room was cosy and
warm. Once outside, Robert and the Major agreed
that it was a satisfying feeling to know the children
had plenty of food in their little stomachs, a warm
fire and enough firewood for a few days.

Dear Liza

As the Major climbed into the carriage, Robert

apologized for his behaviour and his previous mis-
judgement of Liza.
"I'm afraid, Robert, we are both guilty of mis-
judging the poor child, but let's not dwell on our
mistakes. Instead, let us see how you and I can help
the children."

Chapter 6


To the Major's delight, Laura was more than

pleased to hear about the success of the mission
with the children and to know that the presents had
been so well appreciated. The Major had always
stood in awe of Laura's beauty and admired the ele-
gant way she had matured. And now, as Laura soft-
ened her attitude toward helping the children, the
effect of this showed in her face, revealing a
renewed gentleness that was very apparent to him.

Dear Liza

There was a general softening of her appearance,

and small lines of irritation and frustration
seemed to be melting away. Even the way she stood
seemed less stiff and irritated.
That evening was one they would never forget,
as Laura asked for details of the Major's visit with
the youngsters and shared his enthusiasm in look-
ing for possible means of easing their lives.
The following morning at breakfast, Laura
explained how the conversation of the previous
evening had made her do some soul searching on
gratefulness. "I have just realized that, like many
others, I have been taking my luxurious life for
granted. I simply never realized how easy it was to
slip into feelings of indifference for those who are
less fortunate."
The Major realised that, in all the years they had
been married, this was the first time he had heard
Laura talk with such empathy or concern for others.
With tears in her eyes, Laura remarked that the
young strays were affecting her as they did him.
Then she noted that not only Cookie but the entire
household staff was involved in trying to ease the
plight of the children.
Then, with deep tenderness in her voice, Laura
asked the Major to tell her more about the children
and what he found so special about them.
"There's definitely something unique about the
way those two children appreciate the smallest
things. And the way they talk and act is not a nor-
mal, childlike way. For example, when I asked Liza

Laura's Awakening

why she was always so happy, do you know what

she replied? She said her mum told her that 'Happy
thoughts bring happy days and sad thoughts bring
sad days.' I tell you, Laura, there's a beautiful sim-
plicity to her mother's words and when Liza
quoted those words, something in me stirred.
"I could see that you and I had drifted apart
because of all the stress of military life, with my
being away much of the time. When I retired from
the military I thought we would somehow work
out our differences and renew some of the old feel-
ings we used to have for each other.
"Now I can see clearly that all those old wounds
in our marriage were yesterday's problems, so why
don't we start anew? Let's take the little mudlark's
advice and try to forgive each other for anything
done or said in the past and try to rekindle the old
love we had for each other."
Laura stood up from the table, threw her arms
around the Major's neck and began to weep.
When she had recovered her composure, she
said, "My dear, you have no idea how delighted I
am to hear you say those words. Why don't we go
on a voyage somewhere, just you and I and get to
know each other all over again?"
"Splendid idea, Laura, splendid! Have you any
idea where you'd like to go?"
"Yes, I'd love to see all the wonders of Greece.
Imagine seeing the Parthenon for ourselves, and
maybe I could try some watercolours. I've heard the
sea is such a brilliant shade of blue that it rivals the

Dear Liza

sky. Just sitting in the sun together would be such a

treat. Oh! Let's do it, David, it will be such fun."
"I've always wanted to see Greece," he replied.
"Once we figure out where and when we want to
go, I'll make the necessary arrangements. I imag-
ine February would be a good time to sail away
from our bitterly cold English weather."
Although Christmas was still some weeks away,
Laura was enthusiastic at the thought of going on
such a vacation and exhibited the most beautiful
smile, saying, "What a superb Christmas gift for
both of us. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to see our
lives coming together again? And have you noticed
how everyone in the household appears to be in a
very pleasant mood these days?"
"I don't know about the rest of the servants, but
Robert appears to be a new man. I couldn't believe
the empathy he exhibited for the children. I'm see-
ing a different side of him every day and most def-
initely for the better!"

Weeks later, Laura was still filled with excite-

ment over their proposed trip. There was so much
to be done. She had countless fittings with her
dressmaker and long conferences with her friends
deciding what to take and what to leave behind.
But even with all these extra preparations and
everything that had to be done to get ready for
Christmas, she noticed that all she heard about in

Laura's Awakening

the house was Liza and her little sister. She men-
tioned it to the Major, and then said, "Just this
morning I went down to the kitchen to talk to the
cook, and both she and the maid were in a very
jovial mood talking about the children. The more
I hear about this Liza, the more intriguing she
becomes. Some day I must meet her in person."
"You will, and when you do, you will see what
I mean. She is a very wise young lady, far beyond
her years. At times the way she looks at me makes
even me feel quite insecure. I know it sounds
rather absurd, but it's as if she knows what I'm
thinking. I know that she knew we were having
problems in our marriage, and yet I said not one
word to her about our personal life."
Laura was stunned by her husband's remark.
"What makes you believe such a thing? That is
simply impossible for anyone to know!"
"That's what I thought, but I can assure you she
did know," the Major replied.
"Robert and I visited her again recently, and at
that time she told us how her mother had taught
her to forgive those who had harmed her in the
past. Believe it or not, this eleven-year-old child
started to explain to Robert how he lacked trust
and faith and how this had a lot to do with his
being so unhappy."
Laura smiled at that and asked, "And what was
Robert's reaction to Liza's observation?"
"Surprisingly, he didn't say a word, but just stood
there with a shocked expression on his face!"

Dear Liza

"What else did this little urchin speak of?"

"Well, for instance, she explained to Robert and
me the benefits of being grateful for even the small
things in life. Both Robert and I were dumb-
founded by her words. Here I am, a wealthy man
and unhappy, yet this little girl, who has so little,
appears satisfied with her entire life. Again I had to
ask myself, what are the secret ingredients that
make people such as Liza and her little sister so
content with life?
"Curiosity got the better of me so again I asked
Liza why she was so pleased with her life. This is
how she answered, 'Sir, may I be so bold as to sug-
gest to you that perhaps you are looking in the
wrong place for your happiness. My mum always
said that all the wealth in the world could never
buy you happiness and that happiness can only be
found from your own heart.'"
Laura remarked, "Well, that child appears to
have had a very wise, philosophical mother who
taught her well."
"I know she talks about her mother with great
reverence and respect. One thing that puzzles me,
though, is the forgiveness and understanding she
has for her grandparents—who refused to help her
mother when she was in trouble."
"What about her grandparents on her father's
side, can't they help?" Laura asked.
"I asked Liza that very same question and she
said both her father's parents were dead."
"Poor little souls. When you think about it,

Laura's Awakening

David, we are very lucky to be in the position we

are in, and you were right that we have become less
appreciative for what we have in life. Can you
imagine what it would be like if our children had
been born into the same circumstances as Liza and
her little sister? I'll say one thing, David, young
Liza certainly does make you grateful for what you
have, and she certainly makes you think."
At that point Laura changed the subject.
"Incidentally, David, the cook asked if she could
see you about something private." "What did she
want to talk about?" "I don't know, but it sounded
quite important." "Very well, let her know I'll see
her in my study tomorrow morning at

At precisely nine-thirty the next morning, Mrs.

Smith arrived at the Major's study. She appeared
very excited, as though her news was of such great
importance it might burst forth momentarily on
its own.
Before the Major could even ask her what she
wanted, she eagerly announced that she had talked
to her daughter and her son-in-law, the Millers,
about the predicament of Liza and her little sister.
"Sir, I talked to them for over two hours about
the children and, they being childless, said they
might consider taking them in as their own for a
while, and see how they get on together."

Dear Liza

"That is very Christian of them to even con-

sider such a thing!" said the Major. "Have they any
idea of the responsibility that such a decision
would place upon them?"
"Yes, Sir, they do. I tell you, Sir, both of them
have kind hearts, and they have wanted children
for many, many years, but haven't been blessed
with any, least-wise not yet.
"The way they see it, sir, adopting them chil-
dren would be a godsend."
"Well, Mrs. Smith, this is a pleasant surprise! I
will discuss the matter with Mrs. Rutherford, and
then let you know if we can help in some way."
"Thank you, Sir, I just thought you and Madam
would like to know."
"Mrs. Smith, I am overjoyed to hear such

The Major was delighted by Laura's reaction

when he recounted his conversation with Mrs.
Smith. She was overjoyed! "I'm sure that if Mrs.
Miller is anything like Cookie, the children could
not have found a finer home!"

Chapter 7

The Millers

Three days later as arranged, Robert took

the Millers to meet the children.
While Laura and the Major waited impatiently
for Robert to return with his report about that
meeting, they speculated on what Cookie's daugh-
ter and son-in-law would think about the children,
and on what Liza and Jenny might think of the
Millers. It was not until seven o'clock that evening
that Robert was shown into the parlour.
"I beg your pardon, but I thought you would
like to hear the good news about the children."

Dear Liza

"Yes, of course, Robert," Laura said. "What can

you tell us?"
"About the children, Madam, Mrs. Smith's
daughter and her son-in-law fell in love with both
the little blighters, they did."
"Tell us everything, right to the last detail,"
Laura requested.
Robert told them how they had come across Liza
and Jenny playing with a group of children taking
full advantage of the little bit of sunshine to be
found in London at this time of year. "When they
saw me they came running to meet us and greeted
us with huge smiles! Little Jenny was fine but the bit
of extra running made Liza cough somethin' terri-
ble. She didn't sound too good to me, Madam,
sounded like her lungs was bothering her again.
"Anyway, Sir, I introduced Mr. and Mrs. Miller
to the children and explained to Liza the reason for
their visit. Liza immediately invited us in. 'Would
you like a cup of tea?' she asked us, just like she was
a fine lady.
"Then Mrs. Miller says, 'We'd love a cup o' tea,
wouldn't we luv?' And Mr. Miller answers her, he
says, 'Of course we would, a good cup o' tea never
hurt no one.'
"Liza said her mum used to say when someone
who was sick asked for a cup of tea it was a sure
sign that they were on the road to recovery.
"As you suggested, Sir, I took them some more
chopped wood and some coal and got the fire
going for them."

The Millers

"Good for you, Robert. Now, tell us more about

what happened at the meeting," Laura prompted.
"Well, Madam, Mr. and Mrs. Miller took me
aside only one-half hour after we arrived and said
they would love to look after both of the chil-
dren—at least temporarily to see if they were com-
"They explained to Liza the benefits to be
expected if she and her sister were brought up in a
proper home.
"Liza agreed with them, saying it was a wonder-
ful opportunity for both of them. However, Liza
had quite a few questions of her own. She asked
Cookie's daughter why she wanted to help her and
"Such a direct question caught them off guard
and it was quite a while before Mrs. Miller finally
answered, 'Because we don't have children of our
own and both my husband and I have a lot of love
in our hearts that we would like to share with two
children such as yourselves.'
"Then Mrs. Miller said, 'The way I see it, Liza,
both you and Jenny would have a new father and
mother to love you, and in turn we would be get-
ting two beautiful children. Then we could be a
proper family.'
"Then Mr. Miller joined in and said, 'Mrs.
Miller and I would be honoured to share our
home with you two girls. At least we could try it for
a time and if you don't like living with us, Liza, you
can always come back to where you live now.'

Dear Liza

"Before Liza could answer, little Jenny piped

up, 'Can we go out and play in the sun, now?' 'Of
course,' Liza replied. 'Let's go play in the sun.'
"And that's just what we all did for about two
hours. I tell you, Sir, Madam, it was a sight for sore
eyes, it was. It touched something in my soul, to
see them little blighters playing so happy!"
The Major had never seen Robert so animated
and emotional, and shook his head in disbelief,
wondering what had happened to this man.
Robert was not his usual scornful self! He
appeared to have lost his habitual skepticism and
distrust, and his behaviour no longer reflected an
attitude of disgust for humanity, an attitude that
had in the past resulted in much self-inflicted pain.
And believe it or not, he was now regularly seen
going about his duties with a smile on his face. In
the past this had been a very rare event, indeed.
It struck the Major that he'd never seen Laura
so intensely interested in anything as she asked
Robert to continue recounting his experiences of
the day with the children.
"Well, Madam, Mr. and Mrs. Miller played with
the children for a good two hours, then Mrs. Miller
produced a cloth bundle of food and pastries from
a basket she had brought with her and suggested
they share a meal before they left. Those two little
tykes really tucked into it, especially little Jenny."
"Do you think the children liked the Millers?"
asked the Major.
"Oh yes, Sir. They took to 'em like a duck to

The Millers

water and little Jenny took a fancy to both of the

Millers right away."
"What about Liza, how did she handle such an
experience?" Laura enquired. "It must have been
difficult for her."
"Well, during supper Mrs. Miller explained to
Liza that her husband had his own bakery shop
and how they weren't too well off financially, but
always made enough to make ends meet.
"Then Mr. Miller explained that the girls
would each have their own bedroom and how his
wife was not only full of love, but was the best cook
in the whole of England."
"How did Liza react to that?" the Major
enquired with a smile.
" Liza said she could see that both Mr. and Mrs.
Miller had good hearts and agreed that an educa-
tion for Jenny was most important. Then Liza
mentioned to the Millers that her mum had been
schooling her before she died and that she also felt
that Jenny should learn to read and write. She told
them that her mum always said, 'An education is
good because it expands our minds and lets us see
beyond what we already know.'
"Apparently she has quite a few of her mum's
writings," Robert continued.
"What kind of writings?" the Major enquired.
"It appears, Sir, that Liza's mother was some
kind of poet."
"Then what happened?" Laura asked.
"Well, Madam, Mrs. Miller held Liza's hand and

Dear Liza

said, 'By the sound of it, Luv, your mum trained

you well. Anyone can see at a glance that you're a
good lass. Your mum must have been proud of
you, bless her heart.'
"Then Mrs. Miller asked Liza if she and Jenny
would like to come and see what could be their
new home. Little Jenny pulled at Liza's dress, mak-
ing it very clear that she definitely wanted to do
that. Liza accepted trie invitation and as far as I
know, Sir, they are getting together this coming
"That is jolly good news, Robert. If they need
transportation, please see to it they get the spare
"Thank you, Sir, and good night, Madam."

Chapter 8

A New Home

The following Sunday, the thirteenth of

December 1834, was a typical winter day in
London—bitterly cold with just a touch of frost on
the ground. Robert had readied the carriage and
was taking Liza and her little sister to see what they
hoped would be their new home. As the carriage
turned the corner into the Millers' street, the girls
could see Mr. and Mrs. Miller eagerly waiting out-
side the door to greet them. Mrs. Miller gave both
girls big, welcoming hugs as they alighted from the

Dear Liza

carriage, then ushered them into a lovely, well-fur-

nished living room with an enormous coal fire
hissing and spitting in the fireplace.
As they took in their surroundings, Liza smiled
sweetly, but Jenny grinned from ear to ear. Then
the Millers asked Li/a and the little one up to see
their new bedrooms. Holding Mrs. Miller's hand,
Jenny skipped up the well-polished wooden stair-
case with Liza right behind them. Robert, caught
up in the whole proceeding, followed along. The
first bedroom was Jenny's. It was a good-sized
room with a bay window facing out to the fields
and a few small buildings beyond. It was clean, and
it had a four-poster bed with a colourful feather
quilt and two plump, goosedown pillows. In the
centre of the bed lay a brown, stuffed bear that
Jenny noticed straight away. She asked Mrs. Miller
if she could touch it.
"Of course, Luv, it's yours," Mrs. Miller replied.
"Mr. Miller and me want you to have it, it's some-
thing we've had for a long time and we've been
waiting for a little one just like you to give it to."
Later, when Robert reported the events of the
day to the Rutherfords, he told them, "Little Jenny
clutched at the bear like you wouldn't believe, and
tears began to roll down her little cheeks. It was
heartwarming to see the little mite so happy."
The Major was pleasantly taken aback by
Laura's reaction as she sat crying softly and con-
stantly wiping her eyes. Sitting and watching her,
he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Laura was

A New Home

changing in front of his very eyes; the girls were

affecting Laura just as they had affected both
Robert and himself. It had been many years since
he had seen Laura so happy and content with her
life. The Major's wish that the old Laura would
return some day was coming true. Then it struck
him like a five-pound cannonball: he realized that
he didn't want the old Laura and that he would
rather have the one he was seeing now.
With tears streaming from her eyes, Laura
broke the silence and asked Robert to continue his
report, and to not miss the slightest detail.
Robert continued to relate the events of the
day: Jenny's whispering into Liza's ear, "Is this
really to be my room?" and Liza's assurance, "Yes,
it's your bedroom if you really wish it." Then the
little one crying, "I do, Liza, I do."
"How lovely," Laura commented as she wiped
away tears with her handkerchief. "What about
Liza's room. Tell us everything!"
"Liza's room was quite similar to Jenny's, only
it was a bit larger."
Laura gasped, "Oh! How wonderful for the
poor little souls."
Robert continued his story. "After the children
had settled, Mrs. Miller asked them if they were
hungry. Both said yes and Mrs. Miller gave them
the feast of their lives."
Taking some papers from his pocket, Robert
handed them to the Major explaining they were
some of Liza's mother's writings. "Liza said I

Dear Liza

should give them to you, but made me promise

that I would return them after you have read
"You mean there are a number of writings?" the
Major asked.
"Yes, Sir, she said she had nearly a hundred of
them, but because they remind her of her mother,
and she takes such comfort in them, she couldn't
bear to part with more than a few of them at one
"Thank you, Robert, I will make sure the papers
are returned to Liza when we are finished. Good
night, Robert, and thank you for your report."
"Good night, Sir, Madam."
All that evening Laura and the Major talked
about the children's situation and both felt in their
hearts that the Millers would provide a good home
for the children.
The conversation also turned to the letters and
writings that Liza's mother had left her. "It's obvi-
ous that Liza values them very highly and guards
them very closely," the Major commented, "so
much so she would only loan us a few.
"Shall I read one or two to you?" he asked Laura.
Laura straightened in her chair. "Please do, I'd
love to hear them."
The Major opened the first letter. The paper
was discoloured by time and, though Liza had
preserved it as carefully as she could, it showed
the signs of being frequently opened and refolded.
He read:

A New Home

My darling daughter Liza,

I leave you neither silver nor gold but something
fur richer than A kings ransom. I leave to you the
knowledge that I had the good fortune to be
blessed with.
Read carefully, my child, for this knowledge
will guide you through, life as it has me. There letters I
Leave you are all I have to give you apart from the few
possessionr we have in our home. "But worry not,
my dear child, within these writings there is
knowledge beyond anything you could ever imagine;
knowledge that will assist and guide you through life,
Since the beginnings of time such knowledge has been
sought in many different ways in many different lands.
This knowledge I leave to you cannot be bought-for silver
or gold. This knowledge I speak of lies within the very
soul of all human beings. I know deep in my heart that
you have had but a glimmer of this knowledge.
As you grow each day, this wisdom I speak of will
grow with you and guide you to wonders beyond
Your imagination.
This I can tell you, my dear Liza. Those who have
the ears to hear and eyes to see the true value these
writings have been blessed.

Dear Liza

Guard them. With your life, my child, and

never let anyone destroy them, or alter them. in
any way.
Your Loing Mum

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Laura remarked,

"How wonderful," then asked her husband to con-
tinue reading the other letters.
The Major's voice quavered as he began to read
the second letter.

My dearest daughter,
I know deep in my heart that you are a born
seer and in our short life together I have taught
you, as well as I am able, to use your gift wisely.
If you do these things I have taught you, if you
continue to use your gift wisely as I have shown
you, I know in my heart you will be well guided
through this life and you will know the true
meaning of peace and contentment.
Sweet dreams my child and always
remember: It is never too late to dream, and if
your heart and thoughts are pure your dreams
can come true.
Your loving Mum

A New Home

Trying to stifle her sobs, Laura asked her husband

to continue with another letter.

My dearest daughter Liza,

The moment you were: born I knew you were

blessed. In your short life I saw you grow ahead
of your years and shine with the light of
spiritual wisdom. Use your knowledge
wisely my daughter and always remember:
Happiness does not depend on worldly possessions.
Nay, my daughter, happiness lies deep in the recesses of
your soul and emerges as a gift from heaven.

Never forget, one of the most fascinating and

beautiful things in this life is realizing the powerful
knowledge that lies within every person. Such
knowledge turns the mere natural into the superior
natural where all you happiness lies.

When you understand these things I say to you, my

daughter, you will indeed be a queen.

Your Loving Mum

At this point the Major had to stop reading to

gain control of the overwhelming emotions he was
experiencing. Once he had regained his composure,
he continued with the next letter.

Dear Liza

My dear child,
One of the most beautiful things I can
bestow upon you is the knowledge that
love is the mystical key that opens the
doors to the beauty and happiness you
Love, my dear Liza, is a feeling that
comes in many disguises. It may be caring for
someone in need, loving your husband, loving
your children, caring for and helping your
neighbours and friends. Or it may be bringing a
little joy to others who are less fortunate.
There is no end to the different ways to
use this beautiful gift called love.
Love Mum.

The Major and Laura sat in silence

for the longest time, not saying a
single word, then Laura held her
husband's hand as he continued
reading the letters.

A New Home

My dearest daughter Liza

In your short life you have seen many things and have
learned much. Since you were but an infant I have seen
you grow wiser and wiser each day of your life. You are
indeed a joy to be with, you are the love of my life.

On thing that I would impress upon you, my dear

daughter. No matter what conditions you may live in,
always remember, with love and compassion in your
heart you will be as rich as anyone on earth.

Again I tell you, look very closely, my daughter at love

and compassion for they are two magical feelings that
will help guide you through life. Such feelings are more
powerful than any king's army.

Always cast away bad memories that dwell in your heart

from your past, for they will torment your soul. But if
you can keep your mind clear of negative thoughts, such
a state will fill your heart with the joys of living and
guide you through life.

Love Mum

At this point, the Major's voice broke and he

could no longer continue reading. Laura gently
placed her arms around him and held him tight.
David had never before felt this way and he cer-
tainly had never allowed himself to lose control in

Dear Liza

front of another. He worked to control his emo-

tions and after a considerable time he heaved a
great sigh, wiped his eyes and asked Laura if he
should continue.
"Please do," she replied softly.

My dear Liza,

Open your eyes and ears and immerse yourself in

the spirit daily; let it guide you through the path of
life and you will never stray.

When you do these things I ask of you, it is then you

will understand how to do with doing and seek with

This, Liza, is a mystical state beyond the

intelligence you now possess. I know you have had
only a glimmer of its existence, yet it has bestowed
upon you a very special gift. Never forget, always
try to remember to be grateful for what you have,
and then you will never miss that which you have
not. This, dear daughter, is the pathway to
contentment in this life.

I realize these words make no sense to you at this

moment. But of this I am sure: some day you will
understand and when you do, it will be a joyous day
for both of us.

All my love,Mum

A New Home

Scanning through the last letter, the Major said

to Laura, "This one seems to pertain particularly
to us, and contains wisdom we really should heed."
Dear Liza,
I think you know that I believe you to be very
special. I would suggest to you that your own
inner beauty will increase and grow as you
recognize the beauty in others. This quality may
not always seem evident, but I believe you are
wise enough to know that everyone has a spark
of the divine spirit, which the need only allow to
come forth. Try, my dear, if you can, to be kind
and considerate to those individuals who have
not been graced as you have. Know that
although you may not always agree with their
ways and their thoughts, they are probably
struggling, in their own way, to achieve
happiness. Your unexpected kindness may be
the light they require to guide them to their own
inner peace.
With much love, Mum
Dear Liza

Laura commented, "How profound the woman's

words are. Liza's mother must have been a very
unusual person, though I don't maintain I under-
stand her words completely. I would certainly like
to read them again some time."
"That's precisely what I was thinking," replied
the Major. "I have a feeling her words are trying to
convey something which at the moment eludes
me; at the same time they make me feel
light-hearted and joyful."
Laura asked the Major if he had asked Liza any
personal particulars regarding her mother.
"Yes, I did, and she answered, 'I don't rightly
know, but some people claim my mother was
gifted.' Of course, I made no reply to Liza's state-
ment, fearing to harm a little girl's memories of
her mother."

The following morning, the Major sent for

Cookie. When she arrived in his study, all ruddy
from the heat of the kitchen and puffing a little
from the climb up the back stairs, he asked her to
get in touch with her daughter and son-in-law.
"Ask them if they would be kind enough to come
to the house as I have a few details regarding the
children I would like to discuss with them."
Two days later, Mr. and Mrs. Miller arrived at
the mansion and they were immediately ushered
into the study where the Major and Laura awaited

A New Home

them. The introductions were accompanied by

much blushing and shuffling of feet by the Millers,
who were a little uncomfortable. The Major made
a few preliminary comments regarding the weather
in an attempt to ease the situation. He then con-
veyed his and Laura's pleasure on learning that
they wished to adopt Liza and Jenny. "It's
admirable of you both to undertake such a thing."
"Well, Sir, Mrs. Miller and I see it as a gift from
"Can you afford such a gift from heaven?"
asked the Major.
Mr. Miller explained, "I have my own bakery,
Sir, and we always manage to make ends meet."
The Major continued, "Mr. Miller, what you are
doing for the children is commendable and it
shows me that both you and Mrs. Miller have gen-
uinely warm and tender feelings for Liza and
Jenny. It is because of your feelings toward them
that Mrs. Rutherford and I would like to help you
in some way with the children, and so we have
decided we would like to give you the sum of fif-
teen guineas per annum for each of the children.
We feel this will be sufficient money to help both
the children get an education as well as assist you
in their upbringing."
The Millers stared at Major Rutherford and
Laura in surprise; Mr. Miller looked shocked while
Mrs. Miller reacted with open-mouthed disbelief.
Quickly regaining his composure, Mr. Miller
replied, "We thank you for your generous offer

Dear Liza

Major Rutherford, but I can assure you it is quite

unnecessary. I am absolutely certain that Mrs.
Miller and I can manage to support the children
quite nicely from the bakery's income."
The Major acknowledged his belief that what Mr.
Miller said was no doubt true, but went on to say, "I
feel very strongly about this, Mr. Miller. It is kind of
you and Mrs. Miller to assume responsibility for
these children, but Mrs. Rutherford and I would be
honoured if you would allow us to be of some little
help, also. I'll have my lawyer make all the necessary
arrangements within the next few days."
The Millers sat in silence as they considered the
enormity of the Major's generosity. Finally Mrs.
Miller spoke, tears overflowing her eyes and rolling
down her cheeks, "It is very kind of you, Sir, to
even consider such an offer. I can assure you we
will do everything possible to make a good life for
Liza and Jenny. Both Mr. Miller and I feel it a bless-
ing that they have come into our lives."
"I know in my heart you will," answered the
Major, "and that is why it is our privilege and hon-
our to help you."
With that, the Major and Mr. Miller ended the
discussion with a hearty handshake, and the two
ladies shared a heartfelt hug.

Chapter 9

Liza Falls Ill

One week later, Robert was finally on his

way to pick up the children and take them
to their new home and new life. There was
a slight dusting of snow on the ground that
muffled the sound of the horse's hooves as they
trotted over the uneven cobblestones. December's
icy winds were relentless and the steam from
Nell's nostrils made her nose appear to be on fire.
As he approached the derelict building that the
children lived in, Robert became aware of an eerie

Dear Liza

silence, and the hair on the back of his neck stood

on end. He dismounted and his feelings of uneasi-
ness became stronger and stronger. Robert
knocked on the door, but there was no answer. His
feeling that something was wrong increased as he
called out Liza's name and knocked a second time.
Finally the door squeaked open and there stood
little Jenny, shivering with cold.
"Liza is not feeling well, Sir; she couldn't get out
of bed this morning."
Robert entered the room and went over to
Liza's bed. One look and it was obvious that the
child was extremely ill. Immediately Robert bun-
dled Liza up in her blankets and directed little
Jenny to collect their few possessions while he
carried the older child to the carriage. Then, as
quickly as possible, he made his way to the
Millers' home where Mr. and Mrs. Miller waited
Robert hurried into the house carrying Liza
and informed the Millers of the state of her health.
Without hesitation Mrs. Miller gathered Liza into
her arms and took her to the upstairs bedroom
while Mr. Miller donned his overcoat and hurried
out to fetch the doctor. Robert, in his own gruff
way, tried to comfort Jenny as she sat close to the
fire to warm herself. "She's in good hands now, lit-
tle one," he assured her. A quarter of an hour later,
Mr. Miller puffed into sight with the doctor in tow
and immediately showed him the way to Liza's

Liza Falls II!

Nervously, the Millers and Robert waited for

the doctor's report on Liza's condition, trying to
distract Jenny by asking her to see if she could
make out pictures in the coal fire. It wasn't clear
how much Jenny understood of what was going
on, but she was certainly aware that it was some-
thing out of the ordinary, as she kept asking, "Mrs.
Miller, when can I go see Liza?"
After what seemed an eternity, the doctor
appeared at the top of the stairs and asked Mrs.
Miller if she would take Jenny to her room, but she
simply took the child's hand while the doctor
Shaking his head from side to side, he said, "I'm
afraid it is not looking well at all. The child's lungs
are terribly congested and she is burning up with
fever. I'm afraid it won't be too long, now. She's
such a frail little thing, and I don't see how her
body can take much more.
"I'm sorry, but I've done everything I can and
there isn't much more we can do for her except
When the doctor had finished speaking, Mrs.
Miller led Jenny into Liza's bedroom and left the
two girls alone together.
Liza held Jenny's hand. She smiled weakly and
spoke quietly to Jenny. "My dear sister, you and I
were blessed when God sent us an angel in the
form of the Major who guided us to Mr. and Mrs.
Miller who want to be your new mum and dad.
"I know they have lots of love in their hearts,

Dear Liza

and will take good care of you. I want you to

promise me that you will love them with all your
heart and always be grateful to God for what he
has bestowed upon us."
"Are they your mum and dad too, Liza?"
"No, my dear sister. Soon I will leave you and
have a deep sleep for I must go on a long journey
that will take me to my mum and dad who are in
Sobbing uncontrollably Jenny said, "I don't
want you to leave. Can't we just go back to our own
place? Everything would be all right like before."
"No, Jenny, you must stay here with your new
mum and dad. And do you know, I heard your new
mum say she was going to get you a puppy for
Christmas? Isn't that wonderful Jenny? Imagine,
you will have your very own puppy to play with."
With tears streaming down her cheeks, Jenny
sobbed, "I don't want a puppy. I want to stay with
you, Liza."
Holding Jenny tightly against her, Liza
explained, "The love we have for each other will
never really allow us to be separated. In spirit we
shall always be together as long as you live."
While Jenny sat with Liza, pleading with her
not to leave, the Millers saw the doctor off, and
thanking Robert, told him he may as well go home
too, as there was nothing more to be done.
Mrs. Miller then returned to Liza's room.
Within minutes Liza had fallen into a deep sleep
and appeared to be barely breathing. Mrs. Miller

Liza Falls 111

took Jenny downstairs and left Liza to rest. They

sat quietly, not knowing what to say to each other,
and then slowly, bit-by-bit, Mrs. Miller coaxed
Jenny into a conversation about her life with Liza.
They talked for a bit, and then Mrs. Miller put
Jenny to bed.
As soon as Robert returned to the Rutherford
house, Cookie bustled up to ask how the move had
gone. She was horrified to hear of Liza's condition
and immediately begged permission to have the
evening off to help her daughter with Liza.
All that evening, Cookie sat with Liza and con-
stantly sponged her forehead in an attempt to
reduce the fever, but her temperature climbed
higher and an eerie silence, broken only by the
child's racking cough, settled over the house.
As the clock in the hallway struck eleven o'clock
little Jenny came out of her room and crept down
the stairs to sit on Mrs. Miller's knee. "I can't sleep,
why can't I be with Liza?" she asked plaintively.
Giving her a big hug, Mrs. Miller explained that
Liza wasn't feeling well and that she really shouldn't
be disturbed.
Jenny jumped off her knee, insisting, "I have to
talk with her, please!" then ran up the stairs into
Liza's room where Cookie still sat, sponging Liza's
forehead with a cool cloth. When Cookie saw
Jenny she opened her arms to embrace the little
girl. "Child, you should be in bed, do you know it
is eleven o'clock and little ones like you should be
in bed at this hour?"

Dear Liza

"I want to be with Liza," Jenny insisted.

Wrapping a blanket around Jenny and giving
her a big hug, Cookie suggested that she could go
to sleep close to her sister. "Just mind you don't
disturb her," she whispered as she watched the
youngster settle in.
Mrs. Miller appeared shortly. "Do you think it
will be alright for her to stay?" she whispered to
her mother, indicating Jenny.
"Poor little soul doesn't know what's going on.
Let's just leave her here; I'm sure she will soon be
fast asleep."
After the two women left the room, Jenny held
her sister's hand and kissed her cheek, repeating,
"Liza wake up, please wake up. I feel afraid and
lonely. I want to go home with you where we can
be together again in our own place."
Liza's eyes opened and she squeezed Jenny's
hand weakly, "My dear Jenny, this is your home
now and I'm afraid we can't turn back the clock."
"But Liza, you promised me you would never
leave me and if I stay here you must stay with me.
You told me that our mum always said, 'If your
heart was pure you could wish for anything and it
will come true.' And my wish is, we can stay
together forever."
With very little strength left, Liza squeezed
Jenny's hand and once again fell into a deep slum-
ber. At this point Mr. Miller entered. He scooped
Jenny up, blanket and all, and sat her on his knee
to comfort her until she was asleep, then took the

Liza Falls III

sleeping child to her own bed.

Mr. Miller joined his wife and Cookie at Liza's
bedside knowing there was nothing they could do
now but wait. Mrs. Miller leaned over Liza's bed
and held her hand, which was absolutely limp. The
profound effect of Liza's condition was obvious in
the sad set of her face and tear-filled eyes. Even Mr.
Miller's usually jolly countenance was over-
whelmed with concern.
A half hour went by with no improvement in
Liza's state. None of them wanted to bring up the
subject of the inevitable outcome of Liza's sickness
and not a word was said on that account. Mrs.
Miller, continuously wiping tears from her eyes,
finally murmured, "Bless her little heart, I'm glad
she's asleep."
Cookie announced, "I think a good, hot cup of
tea is in order! Sleep is the best thing for Liza now,
and I think she can be safely left alone for a bit.
Why don't the two of you go down to the living
room and relax in front of the fire while I put the
kettle on and fetch the tea?"
As they sat waiting for the tea, Mrs. Miller held
her husband's hand, and said, "I feel so sad for that
poor little blighter upstairs, and poor wee Jenny
really has no idea what is happening."
Squeezing his wife's hand, Mr. Miller replied,
"Jenny isn't simple minded, Luv. I think she has a
very good idea what is happening. She's just not
ready to give up."
As Cookie made the tea, she thought about the

Dear Liza

manor house and how the staff would normally be

getting into a happy Christmas spirit by now.
However, as soon as Robert had reported Liza's ill-
ness to the Major, the repercussions had been felt
throughout the entire house.
Cookie served the tea in absolute silence, then,
before they drank, the Millers and Cookie held
hands for a few moments of silent prayer. Mrs.
Miller's soft sobbing was all that broke the quiet.
Then, with a quavering voice, Cookie began,
"Please Lord. As you are already aware, I don't ask
you for very much, but this time I would be ever
so grateful if you could spare this little child, Liza,
who has brought so much love into the lives of so
many people. With your help she has been guided
into our lives and has a whole new life ahead of
her. If you would grant me this one prayer I would
never ask you for anything again. Never." Now
both mother and daughter wept uncontrollably
until they gradually calmed and again the house
was quiet.
Cookie and the Millers fell into a quiet reverie,
then were startled from their stupor by the grand-
father clock as it chimed twelve o'clock midnight.
On the twelfth chime they heard a slight noise on
the staircase and, looking up, were amazed by the
sight that met their eyes. Frail as a wraith, Liza
stood near the top of the stairs in her long, white
nightgown. Her voice was faint, but lucid, as she
asked, "May I have a cup of tea, please?"
Mrs. Miller rushed toward her saying, "My

Liza Falls III

goodness, child, you should be in bed."

Mr. Miller was staggered by the sight of Liza
standing there, asking for a cup of tea. But within
seconds he regained his composure, went upstairs
and snatched a blanket from the bed, then sped
back to Liza, wrapped her up, and sat her on his
knee in front of the fireplace, saying, "A good
cuppa's on its way, m'luv." Overcome, he held Liza's
light weight close; tears of joy welled in his eyes,
then overflowed and streamed unashamedly down
his face.
Mrs. Miller's face glowed with joy as she
repeated over and over again, "Thank the Lord her
fever has broken." Then she whispered, "I just
knew, deep in my heart, that all would be well. I
just knew it."
Cookie returned from the kitchen with Liza's
tea and sat close to her as the child slowly sipped
it. Not a word was said as the Millers and Cookie
sat, stunned, trying to comprehend the blessing of
Liza's sudden and unexpected recovery that had
been bestowed upon them.
Liza drank half her tea then closed her eyes and
fell into a deep peaceful sleep in Mr. Miller's arms.
"Here, Luv, give her to me and I'll take her up
to bed," Mrs. Miller said. Just as she uttered these
words a door upstairs opened and little Jenny
appeared on the landing, asking in a hushed tone,
"Why is everyone crying?"
Mrs. Miller put her arms out to Jenny and went
to gather her up in her arms, explaining that they

Dear Liza

were tears of joy. "Do you know what, Jenny? Liza

is going to get better; her sickness is almost gone."
Jenny's eyes opened wide and then she asked,
"Is she really going to get better?" She quickly
added, "I knew she would."
"Yes, Luv, your sister will soon get well, once we
put some meat on her bones."
Jenny and the two women followed Mr. Miller
up the stairs and into Liza's bedroom. Mrs. Miller
tucked the blankets around Liza then kissed her
forehead, saying, "Welcome home, beautiful one."
Then Mr. Miller kissed Liza's forehead and qui-
etly said, "Sleep tight, Luv."
Cookie approached Liza's bedside and held
her hand. "You are a very special young lady
and, as sure as this is the year 1834, there was a
miracle in this house tonight."
Cookie continued to hold Liza's hand as little
Jenny held her sister's other hand. Bending over
Liza she kissed her cheeks and told her, "Oh, Liza,
our new mum says you're almost all better." By this
time, little Jenny's emotions got the better of her
and she began to sob again. But Liza had wakened
as Jenny spoke. She lifted her arm, placed it around
Jenny's neck, and kissed her little sister's cheek,
saying, "Tomorrow we will talk." Then, exhausted,
Liza again fell into a deep slumber.

Liza Falls III

Breakfast was served as usual at the mansion

the next morning, but it was not the same. Neither
the Major nor his wife felt like eating the fine meal
before them—they were undergoing such feelings
of intense helplessness. Their appetites had been
destroyed by knowing that even with all their
wealth, there was little they could do to help Liza.
With her eyes swollen from crying, Laura said,
"It's so unfair, a little child like Liza shouldn't have
to go through all this suffering."
Suddenly, there was a tremendous turmoil
throughout the house. People could be heard
rushing back and forth, footsteps sounded up and
down the halls, hurried conversations could be
overheard and sudden exclamations were quickly
stifled to prevent disturbing the family.
"What in heaven's name is going on?" the Major
asked his bewildered wife as they rose to their feet.
The Major flung open the dining room door, and
there stood Cookie, beaming with unreserved joy.
Wiping the tears that suddenly spilled from her
eyes, her voice jubilant, she informed the Major
and Mrs. Rutherford that Liza's fever had broken
around midnight and that she was surely going to
be well, adding, "She even asked for a cup of tea."
Laura threw her arms around the Major's neck
and addressed Cookie through her sobs, saying, "I
know it's a few days early, but you have just given
me the best Christmas present I've ever had."

Dear Liza

The Major thanked Cookie for bringing the

good news and, following Laura's lead, wished her
a very merry Christmas.
"Oh! By the way, Mrs. Smith, I take it that all
that noise and commotion we heard just a few
minutes ago was the servants' reaction to the
"Yes, Sir, they were all so happy to hear that Liza
would be well, they just couldn't control them-
selves. I'll remind them their behaviour should be
a little more seemly."
"On the contrary, Mrs. Smith. I think their
reaction entirely appropriate. And perhaps you
could do me a little favour before you take your
well-deserved rest. The estate agent will be giving
out a little Christmas bonus for each of the staff,
and I would appreciate your passing on that infor-
mation for me."
"Thank you kindly, Sir. You are such a good,
kind gentleman. Merry Christmas to you, Sir,
Madam, and God bless."


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