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Investigation of the relationship between � psikologi terapan

Jurnal Ilmiah

authoritarian personality and marriage p-ISSN 2301-8267; e-ISSN 2540-8291
2023, Vol 11(1):48–57
readiness of emerging adult women DOI:10.22219/jipt.v11i1.20050
©The Author(s) 2023
c b a 4.0 International license

Yasmin Adlina Heraputri Utami, 2 Darmawan Muttaqin, and 3 Sri Wahyuningsih

Emerging adulthood will experience a phase of self-exploration and enter married life. Therefore, individuals must have
an authoritarian personality to adapt to changing roles and rules. Authoritarian personality supports individuals’ married
life because they must be submissive and obey the rules, values, norms, etc. This research investigated the relationship
between authoritarian personality and marriage readiness in emerging adult women (Respondents number (N) = 196).
The technique employed was purposive sampling. The research instruments used the Authoritarian Personality Scale
and the Marriage Readiness Scale. This study applied the Pearson Product-Moment hypothesis testing method. The
results revealed a positive correlation between authoritarian personality and marriage readiness (r=0.415, p=0.000).
Besides, an authoritarian personality was also correlated with all aspects of marriage readiness. For individuals in
emerging adulthood, it is necessary to understand that a submissive and obedient attitude can help them to be better
prepared to face a new life, namely marriage.

authoritarian personality, emerging adult, female, marriage readiness

Introduction marriage (Karunia & Rahaju, 2019). It is because marriage

readiness turns out to be one of the primary keys to satisfaction
Marriage readiness is one of the main factors in deciding to in a household (Karunia & Rahaju, 2019).
marry. Besides, it also can predict marital satisfaction in the Besides the low level of satisfaction or happiness, the
future (Ghalili et al., 2012). Marriage is an important rule number of divorces in Indonesia also increased. As reported
or norm in almost all societies. It is because marriage is the by BPS, there were 344.237 divorce cases raised in 2014.
correct way to unite a sense of belonging and build a family In 2015, the number increased to 347.256 cases and then
to raise and create new generations for the future (Ghalili et augmented significantly to 365,633 in 2016. One of the
al., 2012). If marriage readiness can predict satisfaction in a primary causes of these divorce cases is a lack of satisfaction
marriage life, it can also see the risk of divorce in a marriage or happiness (Karunia & Rahaju, 2019).
relationship. Marriage readiness is one of the keys to marital satisfaction
According to previous studies, the lower the age at which (Karunia & Rahaju, 2019). A marriage that is only based on
individuals marry, the higher the divorce rate. Badruzaman feelings of love without any readiness, such as mental and
(2021) mentioned that individuals married under the age of 21 material readiness, may hurt the household, such as divorce
would be very vulnerable to experiencing divorce. Generally, (Dewi et al., 2019).
this is because they tend to be less mature and less prepared. Sunarti et al. (2012) mentioned that three conditions must
This phenomenon is supported by Aini & Afdal (2020), be met before marriage. First, individuals must be able to earn
mentioning that psychological readiness is also an essential income for basic needs. Second, they must be able to manage
factor that must be prepared before marriage, especially the their family. Third, they must be personally mature to face life
level of emotional maturity. changes and new challenges. When individuals are not ready
One of the reasons why this research is vital to raise the to marry and have not met these requirements, it is feared that
topic of marriage readiness in Indonesia is because many it will cause conflict in their marriage. For example, changes
married individuals have lower satisfaction or happiness or new habits will appear when an individual has started a
than unmarried individuals. According to data from the marriage relationship with his partner. The new habit can be
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), in 2014, 68.74% of a woman who must obey her husband’s household rules.
married individuals felt satisfied and happy, while 68.77% Matondang (2014) reported that several factors could cause
of unmarried individuals also felt the same. In 2017, the divorce in marriage, one of which is age. Those who marry at
satisfaction percentage of married individuals was 71.09%,
while for unmarried individuals was 71.53% (Badan Pusat
Statistik, 2021). Although the satisfaction percentages were 1,2,3 The University of Surabaya, Indonesia
close during the years, the number was consistently higher
Corresponding author:
for unmarried than married individuals. Their readiness can Darmawan Muttaqin, Faculty of Psychology, The University of Surabaya
predict a sense of satisfaction for married individuals before Email: [email protected]

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a young age experience psychological changes in themselves, a commitment to a partner in the long term. The data found
which can cause anxiety in building a household. The National also supported a theory from a study stating that individuals
Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) provides a who are obedient and subject to authority have an authoritarian
legal age limit for marriage, which is 21 years for women and character or an authoritarian personality (Duckitt, 2015).
25 years for men. According to medical science, the ideal age The attitude and behavior of individual adherence to
for psychologically and biologically mature individuals is 20- existing norms and values can express an authoritarian
25 years for women and 25-30 years for men. Those ages can personality. This obedience can be said to be inflexible
be considered decent ages to marry or have a family (BKKBN, towards the existing culture and makes authoritarian figures
2017). According to the Marriage Law (UU), Number 16 or leaders models (Campo, 2017). Individuals with this
of 2019 in Article 7 Paragraph 1, the minimum marriage personality tend to separate themselves from the various
age for women and men is 19 years (Pemerintah Indonesia, value systems within or outside their group (Campo, 2017).
2019). Based on the applicable law in Indonesia, individuals Authoritarian individuals tend to perform habits or rules that
in emerging adulthood are the most likely age to start married have existed for a long time rather than following newly
life. developed values or rules. Thus, an authoritarian personality
However, some traits of newly developed maturity in is a personality in individuals who adhere more to things
emerging adults are quite the opposite of marriage. One considered dominant in their lives, such as surrounding norms,
of them is when emerging adults are in the exploration religious teachings, family, and applied laws.
phase of life, including romantic relationships. They tend Adorno (in Duckitt (2015)) mentioned nine characteristics
to express new self-characteristics and behaviours (Wood et of the authoritarian personality: conventionalism, authoritar-
al., 2018). It can become a new problem when they start a ian submission, authoritarian aggression, anti-interception,
marriage relationship if there is no tolerance and obedience superstition and stereotype, power and toughness, destruc-
from their partner. Not infrequently, during the exploration tiveness and cynicism, projectivity, and sex. These nine
phase, emerging adult individuals exhibit negative behaviour traits were later developed by Altemeyer (1981), who then
related to sexual matters, drug use, and alcohol consumption mentioned three traits of authoritarian personality: convention-
(Wood et al., 2018). This characteristic is certainly the alism, authoritarian submission, and authoritarian aggression
opposite of marriage because a marriage relationship requires (Duckitt, 2015).
a commitment between partners and obedience to the norms The results of previous research demonstrated that marriage
that apply as the basis of life (Karunia & Rahaju, 2019). readiness with several criteria could influence the decision
Therefore, knowing the marriage readiness that appears in to marry. Several criteria for marriage require adjustment
emerging adulthood is crucial. and adherence to certain things, such as; moral readiness
According to Arnett (2014), the age range of 18 - 25 emphasising the willingness to follow cultural and religious
years is considered emerging adults or early adults. Emerging values; interpersonal readiness emphasising the willingness to
adulthood is a new phase or stage from late adolescence to the understand, respect, and obey a partner; and contextual-social
20s, a year or a period of significant and vital changes (Arnett, readiness emphasising the willingness to follow social rules
2014). In this period, individuals are no longer said to be (Karunia et al., 2018). Willingness or obedience to follow
teenagers but also cannot be said to have the responsibilities certain rules can be described as an authoritarian personality.
that adults should have because they are at the stage of Further, an authoritarian personality is a personality that is full
building a stable life (Wood et al., 2018). Essential criteria of obedience and is still used to maintain cultural traditions
for emerging adulthood include independence, adherence (Peterson et al., 2011).
to norms, interdependence, role transitions, and biological Based on the description, this study aimed to examine the
transitions (Galanaki & Sideridis, 2018). Another criterion is relationship between authoritarian personality and marriage
to become financially independent. Problems of self-identity readiness. The selection of these variables was also based on
in young adults can also be seen from the three main areas of various considerations from phenomena and previous studies.
identity exploration: love, work, and worldview. In emerging Research by Peterson & Zurbriggen (2010) strongly
adulthood, romantic relationships can last longer, exploring described women who had authoritarian personalities. The
more potential, emotional, and physical intimacy until living research also revealed that women had different characteristics
together or married (Arnett, 2014). compared to men. The authoritarian personality is considered
Based on the sampling of female students at Surabaya to be synonymous with women. Women are submissive,
University, Indonesia, it was found that 80% of female emotional, and dependent on others, while men are more
students were not yet ready to marry, and 20% felt sufficiently dominant and independent (Peterson & Zurbriggen, 2010).
ready. Further, 60% of the students agreed that surrounding Furthermore, an authoritarian personality also positively
norms influence marriage readiness. Then, 80% of the female correlates with traditional gender roles requiring women to
students believed that religious teachings, family, and law stay home after marriage. It means that women will not have
in Indonesia could influence marriage readiness. According time for other work after starting a marriage. Authoritarian
to Ghalili et al. (2012), there are nine criteria for marriage women will also focus more on responsibilities related to
readiness. Those are age readiness, physical readiness, mental married life (Peterson & Zurbriggen, 2010).
readiness, financial readiness, moral readiness, emotional Peterson & Zurbriggen (2010) described women’s gender
readiness, contextual readiness, interpersonal readiness, and roles as similar to Indonesia’s conditions and cultures. Women
marital life skills. These are in line with the conditions of the in Indonesia are still closely associated with patriarchal
female students stating that the criteria for marriage readiness cultural values. Patriarchy is a belief that demonstrates men’s
were financial, mental, physical, and emotional readiness and position is higher than women’s (Retnowulandari, 2010). In

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50 Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan 2023, Vol 11(1)

Indonesia, it is still often judged that married women must six aspects were determined spread across 34 items of the
obey their husbands, perform all household duties, and take Marriage Readiness Scale, including mental readiness, moral
care of children. readiness, emotional readiness, socio-contextual readiness,
Besides cultural and gender factors, the existence of a interpersonal readiness, and life skills household readiness.
schedule of life tasks (social clocks) is also the reason for Mental readiness is related to an individual’s readiness to
this research. Life tasks that must be fulfilled, such as getting plan life in the future, have logical expectations, and have
married, having children, having a career, and so on, are a positive attitude toward marriage. There were five items
referred to as social clocks by Neugarten (in Sand). According in mental readiness, for example, ”accept all circumstances
to this concept, women should marry at 19-24 years, an that will be faced in marriage.” Moral readiness is related
emerging adult phase. However, the target age will also adjust to religious values and cultural background. There were
to Indonesia’s culture. five items in moral readiness, for example, ”commitment
Differences in culture and habits in each country or to establish long-term husband and wife relationships long.”
region also make different thinking patterns. Several Emotional readiness is the condition of individual emotional
previous studies have indeed discussed marriage readiness in stability in fostering and maintaining marital relations. It
emerging adulthood. One example is research explaining that contained six items, for instance, ”not emotionally attached to
women’s attitudes, such as being obedient, emotional, and not parents.” Social-contextual readiness is an individual’s ability
independent, strongly described authoritarian personalities to form and maintain a marriage. It consisted of 5 items, for
(Peterson & Zurbriggen, 2010). Additionally, other research example, ”have a steady job.” Interpersonal readiness is the
stated that traditional gender roles were related to authoritarian individual’s ability to listen and understand other people. It
personalities reflected in the demands for women to always be was composed of 8 items, for instance, ”consider the couple’s
at home and focus on housework when married (Peterson & needs and others.” Finally, life skills and household readiness
Zurbriggen, 2010). Based on these studies, it can be illustrated are required to fulfil certain roles in the family. It had five
that a woman’s readiness to marry can be influenced items, for example, “parenting and raising children.” The
by authoritarian personality, gender roles as women, and Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.950 for the Marriage Readiness
traditional perceptions. Scale.
The investigation and description of the relationship The procedure for filling out the marriage readiness
between authoritarian personality and marriage readiness instrument was done by ticking (V) on the answer choice that
have rarely been discussed in previous studies, especially was most appropriate to the respondents. MRS instrument
those focused on emerging adult women in Indonesia. used a Likert scale with four answer choices, including (1)
Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between very unprepared, (2) not ready, (3) ready, and (4) very ready.
authoritarian personality and marriage readiness in emerging The scoring of instrument results was finished by observing
adult women in Indonesia. Besides, this study also aimed the total score. The higher score obtained indicated the more
to provide an overview of unmarried emerging adult marriage readiness of individuals.
individuals. Furthermore, this research is crucial for early
education for emerging adulthood and significant persons Authoritarian Personality Instrument In previous studies
in assisting marriage readiness, considering that individuals (Peterson et al., 2011), authoritarian personality was usually
with authoritarian personalities will comply more with measured using the Right Wing Authoritarian Anism Scale
considerations and rules from their surroundings. (RWAS). However, the items in RWAS are not in line with the
conditions and culture in Indonesia. Hence, in this study, the
instrument employed to measure authoritarian personality was
the Authoritarian Personality Scale (APS), compiled using
Research design aspects from Altemeyer (Duckitt, 2015). The Authoritarian
Personality Scale consisted of 3 aspects spread over 15 items:
The research respondents were active female students from the
conventionalism, authoritarian submission, and authoritarian
Faculty of Psychology, aged 18-25 years old, who had never
aggression. Conventionalism is an individual’s tendency to
been married. The choice of female subjects was because
obey and adhere rigidly to existing conventional values. It
most women are obedient and involve various considerations
consisted of 5 items, for example, “following the rule of law
in marriage readiness. The sampling technique was purposive,
in this country is essential to me.” Authoritarian submission
with certain regards or criteria (Sugiyono, 2019).
is the obedience or attitude of an individual who submits to
a party or figure who is considered to be above himself, has
Method of collecting data power, and is respected. It had five items: ”parental rules
Marriage Readiness Instrument The instrument used to are very attached to me.” Authoritarian aggression is the
measure marriage readiness was the Marriage Readiness tendency to be aggressive, blame, and punish people who
Scale (MRS), compiled using the definitions and aspects from violate conventional values. It was composed of 5 items, for
Ghalili et al. (2012). Determination of aspects and items was example, ”I will stay away from other people who don’t follow
the modification results of the theoretical concept of Ghalili et the norms in society”. The Cronbach’s Alpha value is 0.817
al. (2012), also by adjusting the results of the initial interviews for the Authoritarian Personality Scale.
with many participants with the same criteria as the research The procedure for filling in the authoritarian personality
respondents. instrument was by placing a check mark (V) on the answer
Furthermore, the selected aspects were aspects that could be choice that best suits the respondents. APS instrument used a
measured psychologically. Based on the elimination results, Likert scale with four answer choices, including (1) strongly

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disagree, (2) disagree, (3) agree, and (4) strongly agree. Table 1. Demographic Data
Scoring of instrument results was done by observing the total Characteristics N %
score. The higher score indicated the stronger individual’s Gender
authoritarian personality, or it could also be said that the Woman 196 100
individual is more obedient.
18 years 54 27.6
Data analysis technique 19 years 52 26.5
20 years 32 16.3
The data analysis technique employed correlational analysis 21 years 52 26.5
using the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation parametric 22 years 6 3.1
test. It was employed to test the relationship between variables Relationship status
using SPSS statistical data processing software version 25.0 Currently Not Dating 129 65.8
for Windows. The research hypothesis could be accepted if Dating 67 34.2
the sig value showed (p <0.0%).
Age Desired to Marry
20 – 22 Years 11 5.6
23 – 25 Years 129 65.8
Result 26 – 28 Years 51 26
In this study, the total number of female respondents was 196. 29 – 31 Years 5 2.6
The characteristics of respondents exhibited good diversity Age considered Ideal for Marriage (Generally)
from various ethnicities, religions, and lecture generations. 20 – 22 Years 13 6.6
Besides demographic data, several other questions aimed 23 – 25 Years 145 74
26 – 28 Years 36 18.4
to see an overview of marriage readiness and respondents’
29 – 31 Years 2 1
opinion of the marriage age.
Several questions in the questionnaire were related to; (1) N = Number of Respondents, in a total of 196 people
marriage readiness questions, ”do you think you are ready
Table 2. Categorisation of Authoritarian Personality
to marry?” This question had two answer choices, ”yes” and Marriage Readiness Levels
and ”no,” and a column was provided for the respondents
to give reasons for the answer they chose; (2) the desired Variable Category N %
age for marriage, ”at what age do you want to get married? Authoritarian personality Very high 7 3.6
(Write down the answer in years, and give reasons!). In this High 89 45.4
question, the respondents could write answers freely; (3) the Moderate 93 47.4
respondents’ opinions of the ideal age for marriage. In this Low 7 3.6
Very low 0 0
question, the respondents were asked to write the ideal age (in
numbers) for men and women married; (4) dating status, ”do Marriage Readiness Very high 44 22.4
you currently have a partner (boyfriend)? The respondents High 97 49.5
Moderate 50 25.5
could choose the answer ”yes” or ”no.” According to the
Low 4 2
questions, the demographic data of the research respondents Very low 1 0.5
could be drawn, as seen in Table 1.
Besides demographic data, the questionnaire results
displayed in Table 2 also demonstrated that most respondents Based on the results of the main hypothesis testing, there
had an authoritarian personality, categorized as moderate was a positive correlation between authoritarian personality
(47.4%), while marriage readiness was classified as high and marriage readiness (p=0.000 > 0.05). The results revealed
(49.5%). The statistical analysis with ideal norms was that the higher a person’s authoritarian personality, the higher
employed to determine the categorization of authoritarian their marriage readiness. Nevertheless, the large value of the
personality and marriage readiness levels from the correlation coefficient indicated that authoritarian personality
respondents. had a relatively small correlation with marriage readiness (r=
Table 3 presents the categorization results using ideal norms 0.415). It denoted that there are still other factors that may
describing the respondents regarding aspects of marriage affect marriage readiness in emerging adult women.
readiness and authoritarian personalities. When viewed from
the six aspects of MRS, most respondents had mental, moral,
interpersonal, and emotional readiness, which were in the high
category. Regarding social-contextual readiness and marriage
life skills, most respondents were in the very high category.
The results also indicated that almost none were in the very
low category for each aspect of MRS. It denoted that all
respondents had at least some readiness to marry based on
all MRS aspects. On the three aspects of the authoritarian
personality (APS), most respondents were in the high category
for conventionalism and authoritarian aggression. Contrarily,
most respondents demonstrated the moderate category for
authoritarian aggression

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Table 3. Categorization of Marriage Readiness and Authoritarian Personality of

Variable Category N %
Aspect of Mental Readiness (MRS) Very high 75 38.3
High 83 42.3
Moderate 34 17.3
Low 4 2
Very low 0 0
Aspect of Moral Readiness (MRS) Very high 87 44.4
High 90 45.9
Moderate 16 8.2
Low 3 1.5
Very low 0 0
Aspect of Contextual-Social Readiness (MRS) Very high 82 41.8
High 73 37.2
Moderate 30 15.3
Low 10 5.1
Very low 1 5
Aspect of Interpersonal Readiness (MRS) Very high 77 39.3
High 92 46.9
Moderate 20 10.2
Low 6 3.1
Very low 1 0.5
Aspects of Marriage Life Skills Readiness (MRS) Very high 82 41.8
High 74 37.8
Moderate 31 15.8
Low 8 4.1
Very low 1 5
Emotional Readiness Aspect (MRS) Very high 61 31.1
High 116 59.2
Moderate 19 9.7
Low 0 0
Very low 0 0
Aspects of Conventionalism (APS) Very high 42 21.4
High 110 56.1
Moderate 40 20.4
Low 4 2
Very low 0 0
Aspect of Authoritarian Submission (APS) Very high 34 17.3
High 123 62.8
Moderate 38 19.4
Low 1 0.5
Very low 0 0
Aspect of Authoritarian Aggression (APS) Very high 5 2.6
High 24 12.2
Moderate 109 55.6
Low 49 25
Very low 9 4.6

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Utami et al.
Table 4. Results of correlation test between aspects of each variable
a b c d e f g h i Total MRS Total APS
a r 1 0.729** 0.681** 0.814** 0.828** 0.715** 0.423** 0.428** 0.085 0.903** 0.375**
p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.234 0.000 0.000
b r 1.000 0.636** 0.699** 0.687** 0.675** 0.437** 0.440** 0.132 0.820** 0.407**
p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.066 0.000 0.000
c r 1.000 0.691** 0.740** 0.614** 0.378** 0.369** 0.124 0.855** 0.353**
p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.083 0.000 0.000
d r 1 0.782** 0.711** 0.402** 0.395** 0.095 0.895** 0.359**
p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.185 0.000 0.000
e r 1.000 0.677** 0.390** 0.416** 0.181* 0.905** 0.402**
p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.000
f r 1.000 0.239** 0.336** 0.107 0.806** 0.274**
p 1.000 0.000 0.135 0.000 0.000
g r 1.000 0.612** 0.402** 0.426** 0.836**
p 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
h r 1.000 0.346** 0.442** 0.786**
p 0.000 0.000 0.000
i r 1.000 0.143** 0.766**
p 0.000 0.000
Total MRS r 1.000 0.415**
p 0.000
Total APS r 1.000
r = Correlation Coefficient, p = Significant Pearson, a = Mental Readiness, b = Moral Readiness, c = Contextual-Social Readiness, d = Interpersonal Readiness, e = Marriage
Life Skills Readiness, f = Emotional Readiness, g = Conventionalism, h = Authoritarian submissions, i = Authoritarian Aggression, MRS = Marriage Readiness Scale, APS =
Authoritarian Personality Scale

54 Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan 2023, Vol 11(1)

As seen from Table 4, the correlation test results to live with a partner after marriage, assessing family life,
between each aspect of authoritarian personality and marriage caring for children, managing the household, starting to work,
readiness and the total scale results revealed a positive being responsible as a citizen, and finding a suitable social
correlation (p <0.05). Based on the results of the correlation group. These developmental tasks reinforce the importance
test between the six aspects of the Marriage Readiness Scale of marriage readiness because married life is not just about
(MRS) and the total Authoritarian Personality Scale (APS), being married to a partner. Life after marriage will be even
it could be said that all aspects had a significant positive more challenging, especially with children.
correlation (p=.000) but had a low correlation coefficient Considering that this research was conducted in Indonesia,
value. The greatest correlation between the 6 MRS aspects cultural factors and habits in Indonesia also affect individual
and the total APS was found on the Moral Readiness scale readiness for marriage, especially regarding age. In Indonesia,
(r=0.407), while the lowest correlation coefficient value came the ideal age for marriage is 21 years for women and 25 years
from the Emotional Readiness aspect (r=0.274). Similar to the for men (BKKBN, 2017). Based on this age, it can be said
correlation test results between the APS’s three aspects and that the marriage age in Indonesia follows the concept of the
the total MRS, the Authoritarian Submission aspect had the social clock. However, patriarchal culture is sometimes still
highest correlation coefficient (r=0.442). The Authoritarian attached to Indonesian society, which can later affect marriage
Aggression aspect had the lowest correlation coefficient readiness and individual married life.
(r=0.143) compared to the three APS aspects. Authoritarian personality can be closely related to the
The correlation test between aspects of each scale was marriage readiness of emerging adult women because
also conducted 4. If seen from the correlation between individuals who obey and adhere to various religious, social,
aspects of the Marriage readiness scale, the six aspects had and community norms are considered to be better prepared
a significant positive correlation (p = 0.000). Almost all to face the world of marriage with all its risks. It is in line
correlations between MRS aspects also showed a reasonably with the study by Peterson et al. (2011) that people with
good correlation coefficient (r=0.614 - 0.828). Similar to the an authoritarian personality were more prepared to face
correlation results between APS aspects, the three aspects numerous possible risks in their life events. An authoritarian
of APS exhibited a significant positive correlation (p=0.000). personality is necessary to maintain the prevailing cultural
However, the value of the correlation coefficient between the traditions. The research also explained that in preparing
three aspects of APS was lower (r=0.346 - 0.612) compared for a marriage, individuals must still follow morals and
to the correlation between MRS. According to the correlation culture or traditions in the family, religion, or societal norms
test between each aspect of the MRS and APS, most of them (Peterson et al., 2011). It is in line with this research results
had a significant positive correlation (p=0.000). However, the demonstrating that the moral readiness of respondents had the
six aspects of MRS and two aspects of APS (conventionalism highest correlation with authoritarian personality compared
and authoritarian submission) had no significant correlation to other aspects of marriage readiness. These results were
with the APS aspect, authoritarian aggression (p >0.05). also corroborated by other studies explaining that personality
Besides, the value of the correlation coefficient was also characteristics play a role in a marital relationship which
classified as very low compared to the correlation between can determine marital satisfaction (Javanmard & Garegozlo,
other aspects. 2013). Previous research also revealed that personality and
adherence to surrounding rules had a role in marital relations,
one of which is an authoritarian personality.
Marriage is about one individual and the relationship
The results revealed that the hypothesis was accepted that between individuals or partners. Thus, the person must be
there was a relationship between authoritarian personality able to see the partner’s needs (such as social needs, economic
and marriage readiness in emerging adult women. The needs, etc.) and follow religious regulations, legal regulations,
respondents in this study were female students aged 18 – and existing norms and customs in society. An individual
22 years, and most of them currently did not have a partner or with an authoritarian personality will tend to obey things
were not in a dating relationship. Nevertheless, the marriage considered dominant and influential in their life (Campo,
readiness of most respondents already had high readiness 2017). It denotes that an individual with an authoritarian
for marriage. Santrock (2012) explained that individuals personality will abide by items that will later be related to
have certain targets expected to fulfil their life tasks, called married life.
Social Clocks. These include getting married, having children, According to Holman and Li, one of the crucial factors
establishing a career, etc. Each individual will have awareness influencing marriage readiness is interaction with a partner
within themselves when their age reaches the scheduled (Bintari & Suprapti, 2019). The interaction is not only related
targets. According to the Social Clock concept, the best age for to how to communicate but also requires the individual’s
men to marry is 20-25 years, while for women is 19-24 years ability to follow or adjust to the expectations and desires of
(Santrock, 2019). At those ages, the individual also enters the partner. Considering that marriage unites two individuals
the emerging adulthood phase, meaning that the individual who may have different characteristics, personalities, cultures,
should be aware of getting married, which is also related to etc., individuals who are ready to marry should also be ready
self-readiness for marriage (Santrock, 2019). to obey and accept the rules that have been set together.
Emerging adulthood with the concept of a social clock The attitude of obeying and accepting rules, especially
does seem to be in line with the developmental tasks put from a partner or husband, is one of the characteristics or
forward by Elfira (2018). The eight developmental tasks of descriptions of the personality possessed by women (Peterson
emerging adulthood include choosing a life partner, learning & Zurbriggen, 2010). How individuals express opinions and

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obey the rules made can also show individual readiness for leading to authoritarianism, such as being submissive or
marriage. If the individual can communicate with their partner obedient, more emotional, and not independent (Peterson
correctly, it will be easier to interact with them. & Zurbriggen, 2010). Christopher and Wojda explained
Authoritarian individuals will also be affected by how that authoritarianism positively correlated with traditional
they build relationships with their partners. The more gender roles requiring women to stay home after marriage.
obedient a person is, the easier it will be for the individual It also means that married women do not have time for
to communicate and relate to their partner. Obedience other work (Peterson & Zurbriggen, 2010). This research
can be regarded as a form of submissive behaviour. The was also conducted since no prior research had shown
characteristics raised by obedient individuals are trying to an authoritarian relationship between Indonesian women
please others and not offend or hurt them, having difficulty and marriage readiness. It exhibited that there are gender
saying ”no,” often saying ”yes,” always needing approval, and and cultural factors that influence an individual’s marriage
being unable to hold on to their thoughts (Sardogan et al., readiness. If authoritarian personality is related to marriage
2015). readiness, several things or factors bridge the two variables.
Obedience is also related to interpersonal skills such
as communicating and relating to partners. An obedient
individual can be described as someone submissive and
willing to follow the orders of their partner. When individuals Research Limitations and suggestions
have obedience, they can minimise rejection or loss in
The use of modified and compiled instruments by researchers
their interpersonal relationships (Sardogan et al., 2015).
could be a limitation of this research. Their usage had only
Interpersonal skills are one of the criteria for marriage
been tested on a limited sample or population. The instrument
readiness, including listening to other people, discussing
still must be studied and tested for use in a larger sample size
problems with partners, and respecting differences (Ghalili
and a more diverse age range. In addition, the distribution of
et al., 2012). If the individual has good interpersonal skills,
data related to the age of emerging adult respondents was also
it will make marriage life easier. Thus the individual will be
uneven. Emerging adulthood should be in the age range of
ready to get married.
18-25 years. However, in this study, the respondents were only
In addition, the approval of the closest people can also 18-22. This study also did not involve male respondents, so
demonstrate individual obedience. Approval from significant this study’s results were only focused and useful for women.
people such as family, relatives, and friends can also determine Therefore, the results of this study cannot be generalised to
an individual’s marriage readiness. Individuals with an men.
authoritarian personality usually tend to have authoritarian
For further research, it is better to employ other sampling
parents, so attitudes, teachings, and decisions from parents
techniques so that the number of respondents is even in age
or family will be obeyed (Primerianti et al., 2018). If an
and gender. Then, the research results can be generalised
individual lacks or even does not have obedience to those
and considered for comparison. Additionally, the number and
closest to them, then even though there is approval, the
criteria for sample size also must be deliberated in future
individual cannot be said to be ready to marry.
studies by adjusting the sampling population and sample
Personal obedience to approval and direction from those conditions.
closest to them is also related to the role of parents. Every
Another thing that must be considered and developed
parent desires to develop their children to achieve life
in subsequent research is related to the factors influencing
goals, adjust themselves, and be accepted by social norms
similar variables to be studied—considering that this research
(Onyekuru, 2015). The parenting style applied also plays a
showed that there were still other factors that could affect
role in their children’s lives. The authoritative parenting style
individual readiness to marry. Besides, further research that
significantly correlates with marital adjustment (Onyekuru,
measures marriage readiness must deliberate the antecedents
2015). When parents provide guidance and set a standard
of marriage readiness and the instruments used. Future
while still providing direction and supervision, their children
researchers must also deliberate the usage of standard
are more likely to be ready for married life.
instruments or those that previous studies have frequently
Besides an authoritarian personality, it should be noted used. It can be considered and adjusted to the background and
that adjustment is an essential factor determining partner conditions of the research sample.
satisfaction in a marriage relationship. It must also be
possessed along with marriage readiness (Rumondor, 2013).
Adjustment is described as a willingness and agreement to Conclusion and Implication
follow changes in marriage. For example, for women, the Based on this study’s results, it could be concluded that the
adjustment in marriage can be illustrated by the willingness marriage readiness of a woman in the emerging adulthood
to stop working to focus on taking care of their children and phase will be influenced by various factors of readiness and
household (Rumondor, 2013). It denotes that adjustment also obedience or her authoritarian personality. One of the critical
requires obedience. In other words, it is necessary to have marriage readiness was moral readiness. It also supported
an authoritarian personality, namely the willingness to obey the influence of the authoritarian personality of an individual.
authority figures (Chien, 2016). In this context, the authority Individuals who are morally prepared and obedient to the
figure can be interpreted or exemplified as a husband or male rules, culture, and habits surrounding them can be more ready
partner. to decide on marriage.
This research was only aimed at women since previous Individual obedience performed and applied in everyday
research reported that women had gender characteristics life will make individuals feel more ready to marry. It includes

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56 Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan 2023, Vol 11(1)

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voluntary participations in this research of marriage perception and married readiness in women’s
adolescents in Makassar City. IOSR Journal Of Humanities
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Yasmin Adlina Heraputri Utami, Darwaman Muttaqin, and Sri
Duckitt, J. (2015). Authoritarian personality. In International
Wahyuningsih is responsible for article content by designing
Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second
the study, preparing measurement tools, collecting data,
Edition (Second Edi, Vol. 2). Elsevier.
analyzing data, and write this article.
Elfira, N. (2018). Students marriage readiness based on cultural
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research. 17509/jomsign.v2i2.10830
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