Havmsa 10
Havmsa 10
Havmsa 10
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Product legal
notices” on page 283.
This edition applies to Version 13 Release 1 of IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS and to all subsequent releases
and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
Last updated: 2023-03-30
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2017, 2021.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
© Rocket Software, Inc. 2017, 2021.
About this information
This information supports IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS (5698-DVM) and contains information
about the messages and codes issued by the product.
Types of messages
The Data Virtualization Manager server produces many useful messages during the course of its
operation. The type of message produced depends on which component is issuing the message. The
types of messages that Data Virtualization Manager issues are as follows:
The ISPF/xDy application is the only component of the Data Virtualization Manager server that
produces ISPF messages. ISPF messages appear in the upper right hand corner of a display. These
messages are not documented in this manual. If you require additional information on an ISPF
message, use PF1 to display the long version of the message.
The main address space of the Data Virtualization Manager server produces Write-To-Operator
messages. These messages appear on the system console and in the system log. Most of the
messages produced by the Data Virtualization Manager server fall into this category.
The ISPF/xDy application and the Data Virtualization Manager DSN and Data Virtualization Manager
CAF components produce Write-To-Programmer messages. These messages appear on the user's
TSO terminal in line mode. Both the WTO and WTP type messages are included in this documentation.
The Data Virtualization Manager server messages have a format that is consistent with the Data
Virtualization Manager subsystem ID format, xVZy, where x can be any alphabetic letter, and y can be
any alphanumeric character (A-Z and 0-9). The following example shows the standard makeup of a Data
Virtualization Manager message:
xDynnnns text
• x: Indicates the first letter of the Data Virtualization Manager subsystem ID.
• D: Indicates the product code.
• y: Indicates the last (fourth) alphanumeric character of the Data Virtualization Manager subsystem ID.
• nnnn: Specifies the message serial number.
• s: Indicates severity code of the message. The following values are possible:
– I: Informational message. No action required.
– W: Warning message. Processing continues, but some assumptions (perhaps erroneous) are made.
– E: Error message. Some product functionality is lost.
– S: Severe error message. The functionality of a product sub-component is lost.
– H: Hardcopy messages.
– R: Reply (WTOR) messages.
– T: Trace messages. Trace messages also appear in the Trace Browse log.
– U: Very severe error, indicating Data Virtualization Manager is probably not functioning correctly any
– O: Error is related to a TSO SERVER associated with Data Virtualization Manager Web Server.
where CONMSGFORMAT specifies whether or not all Latin letters in messages will be converted to upper
case prior to routing the message to its final output destination. Setting this parameter to UPPER is
recommended when Data Virtualization Manager executes on certain non US-supported operating system
utilizing a console code page in which the lower-case Latin letters display as Katakana characters (for
example, IBM EBCDIC SBCS code pages 290 and 1030).
Note: The setting of this parameter affects all numbered messages produced by the server; even when
the message text is being routed to a destination other than the console or hardcopy log.
Numbered product messages are those which have an 8-character prefix such as xDy3253I. Most often,
numbered messages are routed to a console, but internal shunting may cause these messages, under
various conditions to be written to trace browse or some other output destination.
The values for this parameter are:
• U for Upper Case
• A for As Is
The default is A for As Is.
Local variable information
Local variable information is specific to a particular message. The definitions for local variables may be
found in the message entries themselves.
2 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Viewing details about an error message
You can view information such as severity, explanation, and action item about an error message.
To display more information about an error message:
1. From the IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS's Primary Option Menu, enter the option C AVZ
Admin.. and press ENTER
2. From the Server Management Menu, select 2 AVZ Parms and press ENTER.
3. Scroll down and find the parameter group PRODMESSAGES.
4. Type D to display the information about the group.
The information such as description, severity/parameter value of the error messages under the group
is displayed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
------------------------------- Parameters --------------- Scr 1 Row 1 of 1777
LCs: D Display E Edit F Format P Print CB S Show CB
Parameter Parameter
Description Value
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
• Type D next to the corresponding error message to view information such as description and action
item about the message: . In the following example, information about the error message 0194 is
• Type F next to an error message to view the configured values of the message. In the following
example, information about the error message 0193 is given below.
The following table Table 1 on page 4 describes the description of the message.
Related concepts
Messages and codes
4 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Sorting an error message
You can sort an error message based on the description and the parameter value in an ascending order or
a descending order.
To sort:
1. From the IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS's Primary Option Menu, select the option C AVZ
Admin. and press ENTER.
2. From the Server Management Menu, select 2 AVZ Parms and press ENTER.
3. Scroll down and find the parameter group PRODMESSAGES.
4. Type D to display the information about the group.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
------------------------------- Parameters --------------- Scr 1 Row 1 of 1777
LCs: D Display E Edit F Format P Print CB S Show CB
Parameter Parameter
Description Value
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
5. To sort:
• Based on the description: type sort description desc or sort description asc to sort in a descending
order or in an ascending order, respectively.
• Based on the severity value or the parameter value: type sort value desc or sort value asc to sort in
a descending order or in an ascending order, respectively.
1. From the IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS's Primary Option Menu, select the option C AVZ
Admin.. and press ENTER.
2. From the Server Management Menu, select 2 AVZ Parms and press ENTER.
3. Scroll down and find the parameter group PRODMESSAGES.
4. Type D to display the information about the group.
Parameter Parameter
Description Value
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
0X00BAD003 Network buffer underflow Indicates that a DRDA protocol error occurred during the
request processing.
Processing: Fails and request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD004 String conversion During Code Page Conversion from a source CCSID to a target
truncation CCSID, a string conversion error has occurred which caused a
truncation of data.
Processing: Current request may or may not continue
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
6 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD005 String conversion During Code Page Conversion from a source CCSID to a target
character substitution CCSID, a string conversion error has occurred where a character
substitution occurs.
Processing: Current request may or may not continue
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD006 String conversion error During Code Page Conversion from a source CCSID to a target
CCSID, a string conversion error has occurred where a character
substitution occurs.
Processing: Current request may or may not continue
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Server
xVZyIN00 may require DEFINE CONV entries to provide Source
CCSID to Target CCSID conversions
0X00BAD007 String conversion table During Code Page Conversion from a source CCSID to a target
corrupt CCSID, the conversion table is not usable.
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD008 String conversion During Code Page Conversion from a source CCSID to a target
unknown code page CCSID, either the source or target CCSID is not valid.
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD009 Connection dead During TCP/IP processing, the TCP/IP connection has failed.
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD00A Unknown Datatype During processing of a SQL request, the DRDA protocol has
returned a column or result set data type that is not known to
the DRDA VRF code base.
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD00B Abnormal end unit of work DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point ABNUOWRM
condition occurred indicating an abnormal unit of work was encountered by the
DB Server. For example, the reply message ABNUOWRM may
be chained to an SQLCARD data object that carries the name
of a resource involved in a deadlock that generated a relational
database rollback operation.
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD00D Not Authorized To Use DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point CMDATHRM
Command indicating the currently authenticated USERID is not authorized
to issue the current command. The error may occur on Open
Query or other commands.
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD00E Command Check Error DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point CMDCHKRM. Reply
Message indicates that the requested command encountered
an unarchitected condition for which there is no architected
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD00F Command Not Supported DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point CMDNSPRM.
Reply Message indicates that the specified command is not
recognized or not supported for the specified target object. This
reply message can be returned only in accordance with the
architected rules for DDM sub-setting.
Processing: Current request is terminated
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD010 Manager Level Conflict DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SQLAM or MGRLVLRM
that is not supported by the DRDA VRF code base. By default
the DRDA VRF requests SQLAM level 8 and the target DRDA AR
should indicate if the DRDA AS supports the requested SQLAM
or drops down to a supported SQLAM value. This should not
occur unless there is a mismatch in the DRDA AS and the DRDA
Processing: Current request is terminated and normally will
only occur during the initial DRDA connection.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. If the
SQLAM is used on the DEFINE DATABASE be sure to use a value
supported by the DRDA AS.
8 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD011 Manager Dependency DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point MGRDEPRM. Reply
Error Message indicates that a request has been made to use a
manager, but the requested manager requires specific support
from some other manager that is not present.
Processing: Current request is terminated and normally will
only occur during the initial DRDA connection.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD012 Unexpected Server Reply DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point PRCCNVRM.
(%s (PRCCNVCD)) Reply Message indicates that a conversational protocol error
occurred. The response displayed is the DRDA AS Server reply
code that is not expected.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD013 Parameter Not Supported DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point PRMNSPRM.
(%s) Reply Message indicates that the specified parameter is not
recognized or not supported for the specified command. The
response displayed is the DRDA AS Server parameter code that
is not expected/supported.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD014 Resource Limits DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point RSCLMTRM. Reply
Reached(%s). Diagnostic Message indicates that the requested command could not be
Info: %s completed due to insufficient target server resources. Examples
of resource limitations are as follows:
• The target agent has insufficient memory to keep track of
DCLFIL collections.
• The lock manager cannot obtain another lock.
• The communications manager send or receive buffer
• The target server lacks the memory or storage resource to
create the instance of the manager requested. For example,
an ACCRDB command could not create a target SQLAM
manager because of the target server resource limitations.
The message provide details on the limit reached followed by
some Diagnostic information.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error.
0X00BAD017 Incorrect object length DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates a length error for an object.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD018 Incorrect large object DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
length Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates a length error for an large object.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD019 Object index not DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
supported Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates an index value for an object is invalid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
10 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD01A Required object not found DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates a required object was not provided in the
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD01B Too many command DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
objects Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that more objects were provided in the request
than expected.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD01C Mutually exclusive objects DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
present Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that objects were provided in the request that
mutually exclusive.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD01D Too few command objects DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that the objects were provided in the request
are less than the expected number.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD01F Invalid request correlator DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that the request correlator provided is not valid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD020 Required value not found DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that a required value was not provided in the
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD021 Reserved value not DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
allowed to be set Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that setting of a reserved value is not valid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
12 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD022 DSS continuation less DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
than two Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that the DRDA DSS continuation is not valid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD023 Objects not in required DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
order Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that the request objects are not provided in the
required order.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD024 DSS chaining and DSSFMT DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
not correct Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that the DRDA DSS chaining is not valid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD025 Different request DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
correlators Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that the request correlator is not the expected
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD027 Mutually exclusive DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
parameter values Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
specified does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error indicates that the request has sent Mutually exclusive
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD028 Server cannot handle this DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
command Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the
DDM architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the
DSS when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected.
The error indicates that the DRDA AS does not support the
requested command.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD029 No detailed information DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SYNTAXRM. Reply
available Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent
does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM
architecture. The target agent terminated parsing of the DSS
when the condition SYNERRCD specified was detected. The
error that the DRDA AR (VRF) code base does not have code
to display the SYNERRCD returned.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
14 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD02A Target Not Supported DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point TRGNSPRM. Reply
Message indicates that the object specified as a command
target parameter is not an object of a class that the target
server supports. This condition can arise when a target server
can address objects of classes that DDM or product extensions
to DDM cannot support. It can also arise for valid DDM classes
that the target server does not support. For example, the
TRGNSPRM is returned if the name of the object a FILNAM
(command target) parameter specifies is either not a file (for
instance, a program library) or is not of a DDM file class (for
instance, a file class the target system does not support).
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD02B Remote Database Not DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point RDBNFNRM. Reply
Found: %s Message indicates that the target server cannot find the
specified relational database. The message provides the name
of the remote DB that could not be located on the Target DRDA
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: Verify that the expected database exists on the DB
Server or that host IPADDR/DOMAIN and/or port used in the
0X00BAD02D Failed to access database DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point RDBNACRM.
%s Reply Message indicates that the access relational database
command (ACCRDB) was not issued prior to a command
requesting RDB services. The message provides the name of
the remote DB that failed to be accessed on the Target DRDA
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD02E Connection to application DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point RDBAFLRM. Reply
server %s would exceed Message specifies that the relational database (RDB) failed
limit the attempted connection. The DRDA VRF code base returns
this error via the SQLCARD object that follows the RDBAFLRM
code point. The message will explain why the RDB failed the
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error and the
SQLCODE following the error. Normally indicates the target DB
Server cannot accept any new connections.
0X00BAD030 Descriptor received does DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point DTAMCHRM. Reply
not match associated data Message which indicates that:
• The descriptor received did not violate any Formatted Data
Object Content Architecture (FD:OCA) or (DRDA) rules and
was successfully assembled.
• The data received did not match the received descriptor. That
is, the amount of data received did not match the amount of
data expected.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD031 Invalid data descriptor DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point DSCINVRM. Reply
Message specifies that a target server manager was unable to
assemble a valid Formatted Data Object Content Architecture
(FD:OCA) descriptor for the data being sent. The DSCERRCD
DRDA code point specifies the reason for the error. This
reply message indicates that the FD:OCA descriptor is invalid
either because it violates FD:OCA rules or (DRDA) rules for
the construction of an FD:OCA descriptor. The DRDA code
point offsets for the parameters FDODSCOFF, FDOTRPOFF, and
FDOPRMOFF specify the descriptor components that are in
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
16 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD032 Unhandled CodePoint: %s DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point that is not know to
the DRDA VRF or is not expected at the DRDA protocol code
point currently active.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD033 Codepoint too big DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point that is larger than
the expected for the DRDA protocol code point currently being
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD037 SECMEC value not The authentication DRDA code point SECMEC that was returned
supported, check for or requested via the DEFINE DATABASE SECMEC(...) setting is
missing user/password not supported by either the DRDA AS or the DRDA AR code
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Select
a valid SECMEC setting for the DB Server or modify the DB
Server to accept the requested SECMEC value. Refer to the
documentation on the DB Server authentication methods.
0X00BAD038 DCE Informational Status The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
issued (VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD03A DCE non-retryable error The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
(VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD03B GSSAPI Informational The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
Status issued (VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
18 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD03C GSSAPI retryable error The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
(VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD03D GSSAPI non-retryable The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
error (VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD03E Local Security Service The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
Informational Status (VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
issued request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD041 SECTKN missing on The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
ACCSEC when required, or (VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
it is invalid request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
This message normally indicates that the encrypted token was
not found when expected or is invalid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD042 Password expired The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
(VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
This message indicates that the supplied password has expired.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. Correct the password expired
problem and retry the request. If correcting the password does
not resolve the authentication error. Contact software supplier
with full trace of the error along with version of the Db2 and
any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/WRITE tracing will
provide best diagnostic information.
20 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD043 User / Password invalid The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
(VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
This message indicates that the supplied USERID or password
is invalid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. Correct the USERID and or
password and retry the request. If correcting the request does
not resolve the authentication error. Contact software supplier
with full trace of the error along with version of the Db2 and
any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/WRITE tracing will
provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD053 No more available The error indicates an internal error occurred during the BIND
statements; need more of a package.
sections in package
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD055 Unknown FDOCA The descriptor received did not match the expected. Formatted
descriptor: %s Data Object Content Architecture (FD:OCA) or (DRDA) rules for
the expected descriptor.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
22 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD060 An invalid package Name DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point VALNSPRM. Reply
was specified Message indicates that the parameter value specified is either
not recognized or not supported for the specified parameter.
The codepoint of the command parameter in error is returned
as a parameter in this message. Normally indicates an invalid
package name.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD067 Server does not support DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point VALNSPRM. Reply
client's code page (IBM Message which indicates the target CCSID provided to the DB
cp-%d) Server is not supported.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Select
a valid CCSID for the DEFINE DATABASE. If the CCSID is valid
or must be supported: Contact software supplier with full trace
of the error along with version of the Db2 and any SQL that
is processed. Full DRDA READ/WRITE tracing will provide best
diagnostic information.
0X00BAD068 Specified security DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECMEC and
mechanism (%s) associated SRVCOD to indicate the selected DEFINE DATABASE
unsupported by server SECMEC(...) is not supported by the DB Server.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Select
a supported SECMEC or modify the DB Server to support the
required SECMEC(...) if a valid SECMEC cannot be selected.
Contact software supplier with full trace of the error along with
version of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA
READ/WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00BAD06D zEDC Requested and zEDC An attempt has been made to connect a DRDA DEFINE
is: ( %s ) (%s) DATABASE setup with a zEDC proxy and zEDC is not active for
the Server.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Ensure
zEDC is activated at Server Start-up and does not have any
errors. Otherwise, contact software supplier with full trace of
the error along with version of the Db2 and any SQL that is
processed. Full DRDA READ/WRITE tracing will provide best
diagnostic information.
0X00BAD06E %s - Access to Distributed This error is returned when Server is not authorized to access
is not authorized (%s) Distributed data sources. This message is deprecated for
current code base.
0X00BAD06F Authentication for request DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point RDBATHRM. Reply
is not authorized to access Message specifies that the requester is not authorized to access
the specified relational the specified relational database.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Ensure
USERID is authorized to access the Database. Otherwise,
contact software supplier with full trace of the error along with
version of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA
READ/WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
24 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X00BAD070 Package Isolation level is During package BIND the cursor isolation level was found to be
invalid invalid.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X00C10205 RLI TRANSLATE function The requested function is not valid for DRDA connections.
unsupported for DRDA
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C12201 IDENTIFY invalid in The requested function is not valid for DRDA connections which
already-connected state are in a connected state.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C12202 CREATE THREAD invalid Cannot create a thread when thread is already active for the
with thread already open DRDA connection.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C12203 TERMINATE THREAD Cannot terminate a thread when thread is not active for the
invalid, no active thread DRDA connection.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C12204 Only an IDENTIFY request Only IDENTIFY may be issued when a connection does not
is valid without a prior exist.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C12205 SWITCH TO request for Cannot issue SWITCH to a DRDA SUBSYSTEM that is not already
unidentified subsystem defined.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C12217 CREATE THREAD Internal error occurred during CREATE THREAD processing.
invalid before SIGNON
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C12221 SET_CLIENT_ID invalid Internal error occurred during CREATE THREAD processing.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C19998 SET_CLIENT_ID WLM Internal setup processing for Work Load Management failed
setup processing failed during SET_CLIENT_ID process.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X00C19999 DEFERRED WLM setup Internal setup processing for Work Load Management failed
processing for DRDA link during DEFERRED WLM process.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X0FF30011 DRDA RLI request failed, DRDA RLI processing failed due to the target Db2 being inactive.
target subsystem inactive
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
26 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Reason codes Short description Detailed description
0X0FF30013 No authorization for The message indicates an error occurred while the DRDA AR
CL(DSNR) subsys.DIST (VRF) and the DB Server were processing the authentication
resource request. DRDA AS has returned a DRDA code point SECCHKCD
which String codifies the security information and condition
for the SECCHKRM. The DRDA protocol documentation
provides details about the relationship between the SECCHKCD
parameter and the DRDA SVRCOD parameter in the SECCHKRM.
This message normally indicated the authentication is valid, but
the USERID is not allowed access.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error as the
DRDA VRF code will display additional Server trace messages
during authentication errors. If the additional information does
not resolve the reason for the authentication error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed. Full DRDA READ/
WRITE tracing will provide best diagnostic information.
0X0FF30049 DRDA RLI request failed, DRDA RLI processing failed due to the connection already being
LDU is already connected active.
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X0FF30093 TERMINATE THREAD/ Termination of Thread with open unit of work is not valid.
IDENTIFY invalid with
Processing: Current request is terminated.
open unit-of-work
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
0X0FF3EEEE Connection setup for The connection processing for the DRDA LINK failed.
DRDA link failed
Processing: Current request is terminated.
Action: See Server Trace for additional details of error. Contact
software supplier with full trace of the error along with version
of the Db2 and any SQL that is processed.
28 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response AVZ0015S %PX-js subsystem subsys waiting
for execution ENQ
There is no action for this message. This message is
only used for trace and debugging purposes.
AVZ0011W STSI instruction failed with %1 -
feedback = %2 Each active copy of the product must use a different
subsystem ID. This restriction is enforced using the
product execution enqueue. The product execution
Explanation enqueue contains the current subsystem ID, so that
This message contains variables that are resolved at multiple copies of the product can execute if each
run-time and emitted by the server as it processes. copy uses a different subsystem ID. A new copy of the
subsystem (subsys) has been started and is attempting
to get the execution enqueue. The execution enqueue
User response for subsystem is already held by a copy of the product.
Review the messages just before and after this
message to understand the context. User response
AVZ0012W CSRSI service returned RC=rcode Either cancel the newly started subsystem that is
for CPU H/W identification request waiting on the execution enqueue or stop the currently
- product validation may be active copy of the subsystem. Stopping the currently
affected. active copy of the subsystem will allow the new copy
of the subsystem to complete initialization and start
Explanation execution. The new copy of the subsystem may have
to be stopped using the ASID keyword of the CANCEL
None. command.
AVZ0016S Execution ENQ error - contact
User response systems programming
Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ0013S SSCT locate error - contact Explanation
systems programming Each active copy of the product must use a different
subsystem ID. This restriction is enforced using the
Explanation product execution enqueue. The product execution
enqueue contains the current subsystem ID, so that
The product tried to find the current subsystem ID in multiple copies of the product can execute if each
the subsystem control block chain. A loop was found in copy uses a different subsystem ID. The product tried
the subsystem control block chain. to obtain the execution enqueue. The ENQ macro
User response
This is a serious error that may cause other User response
components of the system to fail. If the system Check the error messages associated with this
is having other problems (such as loop errors), problem. There may be one or more ENQ/DEQ error
try to resolve the other problems before restarting messages referring to the current problem. If possible,
the product. If the product is the only component fix the problem identified by the error messages, and
experiencing any difficulty, contact Software Support. restart the product. If the problem cannot be resolved,
AVZ0014S var1: var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 contact Software Support.
Explanation var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8.
This message contains variables that are resolved at
run-time and emitted by the server as it processes. Explanation
This message contains variables that are resolved at
User response run-time and emitted by the server as it processes.
Review the messages just before and after this
message to understand the context.
User response
User response
Review the messages just before and after this
Fix the subsystem ID string used to start the product
message to understand the context.
by modifying the product started task procedure or
AVZ0020S First character of subsystem name by changing the product start command. Restart the
must be an alphabetic character product using a valid subsystem ID string.
AVZ0023S Subsystem name must be four (4)
characters long
Each copy of the product must use a unique Explanation
subsystem ID string. The default subsystem ID is
Each copy of the product must use a unique
specified in the started task procedure or in the START
subsystem ID string. The default subsystem ID is
command used to start the product. In either case,
specified in the started task procedure or in the START
the subsystem ID string must always be exactly four
command used to start the product. In either case,
characters long, and the first characters must be one
the subsystem ID string must always be exactly four
of the alphabetic characters A-Z.
characters long.
User response
User response
Fix the subsystem ID string used to start the product
Fix the subsystem ID string used to start the product
by modifying the product started task procedure or
by modifying the product started task procedure or
by changing the product start command. Restart the
by changing the product start command. Restart the
product using a valid subsystem ID string.
product using a valid subsystem ID string.
AVZ0024S Last character of subsystem name
rsncode AT modname+offset
must be alphanumeric
A serious abend occurred during product initialization,
Each copy of the product must use a unique
execution, or termination. The abend was not
subsystem ID string. The default subsystem ID is
recoverable, and the product was forced to terminate.
specified in the started task procedure or in the START
command used to start the product. In either case,
30 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
the subsystem ID string must always be exactly four AVZ0029S Configuration issue detected; ss
characters long. The last character can be one of the not configured for CPU var1,
alphanumeric characters A-Z or 0-9. execution continues
Explanation Explanation
The product checked the host system and found that None.
the host system is some version of MVS/370. The
product does not support MVS/370.
User response
User response Contact Rocket Software Support.
The product only supports z/OS®. z/OS must be AVZ0033S CONFIGURATION FROM 'var2'
installed before the product can be used. PARAM. DOES NOT SUPPORT
AVZ0028S Product code pcode is invalid. TERMINATING.
Explanation Explanation
None. None.
This is a generic error message used to describe
This is a generic error message used to describe a
a wide variety of product initialization, execution,
wide variety of product initialization, execution, and
and termination errors. The message text provides
termination errors. The message text provides the
the current operation (service) and what the current
current operation and what the current operation was
operation was trying to do, such as GETMAIN,
trying to do.
FREEMAIN, ATTACH, and so on.
Explanation Explanation
This message is used to describe control block errors.
Some type of service routine (rout) (operating
The error may be an invalid tag, invalid length, or some
system or product specific) failed. The error message
other error. The control block (cb) could not be used
identifies the service routine and the type of error.
because of the error.
User response
User response
Check the full text of the error message, and fix the
Check the error messages associated with this
program that calls the application program interface, if
problem. There may be one or more error messages
referring to the current problem. If possible, fix the
AVZ0038S service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode, problem identified by the error messages, and restart
REASON=rsncode, DETECTED AT the product. If the problem cannot be resolved,
addr, %SK contact Software Support.
32 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ0042I %PX ver/lvl initializing User response
on processor
cpuID.model.modelno.manuf This error should only occur during product
PCCAcount flag. termination or if the main product address space is
not executing. If this error occurs at any other time,
contact Software Support. The main product address
Explanation space will have to be restarted if this error is reported.
This message is issued during early start-up and AVZ0046W Initialization procedure procedure
displays information about the hardware on which or IRXJCL ended with condition
the product is executed. This message provides code rcode - processing continues
information helpful to support personnel should some
configuration difficulty arise.
User response IRXJCL was attached to execute the initialization
procedure. The reported non-zero condition code was
No action is required. If later messages indicate a set after execution.
configuration problem has been encountered, this
message may aid in the swift resolution of the rcode (the return code) may in this case also be a
problem. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact condition code.
IBM Software Support.
AVZ0043H msgtext
User response
Check the initialization exec for REXX-language errors
Explanation which might cause the return code to be set. It may
be impossible to distinguish between IRXJCL's return
This message is used to print out various internal code and the return code set by the procedure.
control blocks, the contents of processor registers, and
other hexadecimal information. AVZ0047I DATASPACE procedure CREATED
TIME = t2 BY %PM
User response
If there are other messages indicating an error, use
this message in conjunction with them to determine DSPSERV system service routine was invoked at
the cause of the problem. If there is a problem and you initialization. A dataspace has been created.
are unable to resolve it, contact Software Support.
User response
None required. This is an informational message.
Storage release error. The product was unable to free a rcode. t2 %PM
section of storage.
User response DSPSERV system service routine was invoked at
Check the abend code to determine the cause of initialization to create a dataspace. However, it
the error. Make any needed changes to resolve the received a non-zero return. The dataspace was not
problem, and restart the product. created.
User response
Review the messages just before and after this
message to understand the context.
User response
AVZ0058W var1 refresh required in var2 days.
Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ0054H var1 Configuration installed until Explanation
var2 (var3 parameter).
User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
34 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
Information written to trace when a new latch set is Interval recording encountered an internal control
created within the address space block error while creating an interval summary record.
Explanation Explanation
The product checked the host system and found that The product failed to create a security environment for
the host system is not running at z/OS 1.13 or higher. a task using the userid specified in SSLUSERID.
The product does not support z/OS levels below 1.13.
User response
User response
There may be one or more additional error messages
The product only supports z/OS 1.13 and higher. z/OS or abends referring to the problem. If possible, fix
1.13 or higher will have to be installed before the the problem identified by the error messages, and
product can be fully supported. restart the product. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact Software Support.
AVZ0064T Interval summary operation. SMLH
at addr1 SMLG at addr2. Tag: AVZ0068T Logon of user ID userID failed.
Logon failed for user ID specified in Services request.
This message is issued when TSOSRVACTIVE(YES)
The product was not able to identify the host operating
has been specified as a start-up parameter, but the
system by its product name.
product is running in test mode under TSO. The
outboard facility cannot be enabled/managed without
User response being authorized to operate in supervisor state and
operating as an MVS started task.
Ensure that the version of the host (z/OS) operating
system is supported by the product. If the operating
system is supported by the product, check for User response
any other error messages that refer to the current
The outboard TSO server facility is not activated.
problem. If possible, fix the problem identified by the
Outboard TSO server facilities will be simulated using
error messages, and restart the server. If the problem
TSO/E (if available) within the current address space.
cannot be resolved or if the operating system is not
You should re-test applications developed under
supported, contact Software Support.
TSO/E when moving them to an authorized copy of
AVZ0082I count1 online CPs and count2 the subsystem, because some operations (such as
online zIIPs detected time limit processing, CPU time monitoring) cannot be
simulated properly within a test copy of the product
running in problem state.
36 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ0091E service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode and termination errors. The message text provides
the current operation (service) and what the current
operation was trying to do.
This is a generic error message used to describe User response
a wide variety of TSO/SRV initialization, execution,
and termination errors. The message text provides Check the error messages and the return code
the current operation (service) and what the current associated with this problem. There may be one or
operation was trying to do. more error messages referring to the current problem.
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product.
User response
Check the error messages and the return code
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more additional error messages or abends referring
to the current TSO/SRV problem. If possible, fix the
problem identified by the error messages, and restart Explanation
the product.
The product main task timed out while waiting to
AVZ0092E CANCEL of server jobname be posted by the TSO/SRV subtask. The TSO/SRV
(ASID=asid) failed subtask has either terminated abnormally or is hung.
The product may or may not be able to continue
Server address spaces which will not shutdown in a User response
normal way (e.g. a long running server task that is still
executing) are canceled. If the cancel is not accepted Check for other abends or product messages related
for any reason, this message is issued. to this one. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact
Software Support.
User response AVZ0096S TSO/SRV ABEND abcode
OCCURRED AT modname+offset
If the server address space survives product
termination you may attempt to cancel it manually or
possibly even force it. The fact that a server address
space (asid) remains in the system when the product Explanation
is restarted will have no harmful effect on product
This error message describes an abend that occurred
execution and can be ignored.
during TSO/SRV execute queue processing termination
AVZ0093I Waiting for TSO server termination processing (desc).
to complete
User response
Explanation There may be one or more error messages related
Inactive servers have been posted to shutdown. The to the current problem. If possible, fix the problem
termination process will wait for a short time to allow identified by the error messages, and restart the
the servers to shutdown normally. If, at the end of product. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact
this period, any servers are still active, they will be Software Support.
AVZ0097I service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode
User response
None required. This is an informational message.
During server termination, product ow found that
AVZ0094S service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode a busy TSO server did not respond to an internal
shutdown request. An attempt to issue an MVS
CANCEL command to terminate the server failed.
This is a generic error message used to describe a
wide variety of TSO/SRV execute queue initialization
Explanation Explanation
None. None.
User response:
User response Contact Rocket Software Support.
Contact Rocket Software Support. AVZ0107S Server parameter required,
contact Software Support.
var1, DRIVER TYPES: var2, HOST
BUSINESS SYSTEMS: var3 Explanation
None. User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
User response
Contact Rocket Software Support. INTERFACE FAILED, VERIFY
AVZ0103H Access restricted to TCP/IP - LU STATUS
6.2 support not activated
This message shows that the product was unable to
None. initialize the QUICKREF interface.
38 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Specify a valid Db2 subsystem for logging using the Specify a valid default Db2 subsystem ID via the
LOGDB2SUBSYS parameter. If logging is not desired startup DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS parameter, or specify
specify 'NONE' for LOGDB2SUBSYS. You may also 'NONE' for this parameter if Db2 should not be used.
leave LOGDB2SUBSYS unset in which case the default Product initialization continues. Note that the Db2
Db2 subsystem set for the server automatically or by subsystem need not be active (up) when the Server
the DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS parameter will be used, if is started, however, it must have been successfully
valid. Product initialization is terminated. installed and started on the system at least once prior
to server startup.
AVZ0112S Invalid default DB2
subsystem subsys set by AVZ0114W DB2 logging will not be activated
DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS parameter - requires valid default DB2
subsystem ID
A default Db2 subsystem ID was explicitly specified
via the DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS parameter, but does The default Db2 subsystem ID set automatically by the
not designate a valid Db2 subsystem ID. When the server (from the DSNHDECP load module) is not valid
DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS parameter is explicitly set (to and no explicit value was set for the LOGDB2SUBSYS
any value except 'NONE'), the target Db2 subsystem parameter. Since Db2 logging requires a valid default
ID is verified. The ID will fail validation if the target Db2 ID, the value 'NONE' is forced for LOGDB2SUBSYS
Db2 subsystem does not exist or has never been and Db2 logging is not activated.
successfully activated in the system since the last IPL.
User response
User response
Specify a valid Db2 subsystem ID as the default Db2
The product terminates if an explicitly specified ID is using the DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS parameter. If you do
invalid, but will allow startup to continue if it selected not wish to set a global default Db2 subsystem ID for
the default subsystem ID automatically. (The server all operations, but desire Db2 logging to be activated,
uses the default Db2 ID from the DSNHDECP load specify a valid ID for LOGDB2SUBSYS instead. Db2
module or the standard string, 'DSN ', if no explicit logging will not be activated during the current server
setting is provided for the DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS startup.
parameter). Product initialization is discontinued and
the server terminates. Specify a valid default Db2 AVZ0115E LE/370 INTERFACE MODULE
parameter unset to allow an automatically assigned IS REQUIRED FOR SSL SUPPORT
default value to be used.
(subsys) FROM DSNHDECP IS During initialization, it was determined that the MVS
INVALID, CONTINUING Language Environment® interfaces are needed for
execution of the subsystem. SSL support requires
the use of LE/370 interfaces. The interface module,
CEEPIPI, was not found in STEPLIB or the link list.
The default Db2 subsystem ID selected automatically
by the server is not a valid Db2 subsystem ID. User response
The server has selected the Db2 subsystem ID
automatically because no value was set for the Product initialization is abandoned. To restart the
DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS parameter. The server uses the subsystem, ensure that either the LE/370 runtime
default Db2 ID from the DSNHDECP load module, or, if libraries are available in STEPLIB or the link list, or turn
DSNHDECP cannot be loaded, uses the standard value off the SSL support option.
'DSN ' as the default ID. Db2 operations which do not
AVZ0116W DB2 logging cannot be activated
explicitly send a Db2 subsystem ID will fail because
when DB2 SUBSYS default is
the default subsystem ID is invalid. In addition,
'NONE', logging deactivated
MSG0114W may be issued following this message if
Db2 logging is inhibited because of it's dependency
upon the default Db2 subsystem ID validity.
User response
User response
Check the error messages and the return code
Specify a valid default Db2 subsystem ID for
associated with this problem. There may be one or
DEFAULTDB2SUBSYS or leave that parameter
more additional error messages or abends referring
unset (if unset, the default value is fetched
to the current SEF initialization problem. Check for
from the DSNHDECP load module). Product
open errors, such as security product related abends.
initialization continues with NONE set for both
Also, check for storage allocation errors or abends.
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
AVZ0117S type TCP/IP port number is messages, and restart the product. If the problem
invalid - type TCP/IP processing cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
AVZ0121W SEF - service OF desc FAILED,
The TCP/IP port number specified for one of the types Explanation
of TCP/IP (type) supported by the product is invalid.
The product tried to initialize or terminate SEF
The main product address space cannot complete
during product initialization or termination. An internal
initialization if an invalid TCP/IP port number has been
service routine called during SEF initialization or
specified for any type of TCP/IP.
termination exited with a non-zero return code.
40 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Check the error messages and the abend code Check for other abends or product messages related
associated with this problem. There may be one or to this one. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact
more additional error messages or abends referring to Software Support.
the current SEF initialization or termination problem.
AVZ0128S Dynamic definition of ddname
Check for open errors, such as security product
related abends. Also, check for storage allocation library failed
errors or abends. If possible, fix the problem identified
by the error messages, and restart the product. If Explanation
the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software
The mapping data set could not be defined properly to
allow for caching of map data members.
AVZ0123T SEF initialization complete
User response
Check for other abends or product messages related
The product has completed SEF initialization. All to this one, and contact Software Support.
triggers and events will now be passed to the SEF for
AVZ0130H Initializing secur release rel
security environment
User response
No action is required in response to this message.
This message shows that the product was able to
However, this message can be used to activate one or
successfully initialize the security environment for the
more event handling procedures.
interface between the product and ACF2 or RACF®.
AVZ0126S service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode The message shows the security product (secur)
and release level (rel) to which the interface was
This is a generic error message used to describe User response
a wide variety of SEF execute queue initialization
and termination errors. The message text provides No action is required unless the customer is not
the current operation (service) and what the current running any security package and one was identified
operation was trying to do. or the release level is incorrect. Contact Software
Support if such an error is detected.
User response AVZ0131S subsysID SSCT chain scanning
Check the error messages and the return code
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. Explanation
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
The SSCT chain was scanned by the security interface
messages, and restart the product. If the problem
routines looking for ACF2 or RACF. Some error exists in
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
the SSCT chain and the search could not be continued.
subtask SUBTASK
Examine the SSCT chain for an invalid chain or SSCT
control blocks. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact Software Support.
The product main task timed out while waiting to be
AVZ0132W No security package found
posted by an SEF subtask. The SEF subtask has either
terminated abnormally or is hung. The product may or
may not be able to continue processing. Explanation
The SSCT chain was scanned by the security interface
routine looking for one of the known security
packages: RACF, CA ACF2 or CA Top Secret. No known
Explanation Explanation
The product attempted to recognize the release level An error occurred while attempting to verify a new
(relno) of ACF2 and did not find a release level that USERID for the logging task. This is a security
it recognized or that is supported. As of this date, all environment error.
CA-supported releases of ACF2 are supported by the This message contains two return codes; rcode1
product. represents the security module return code, and
rcode2 represents the RACF (SAF) return code.
User response
If your release of ACF2 is supported by CA, contact User response
Software Support to request that support be added for Product logging continues with the previous USERID
that release of ACF2. If the release number appears to used for logging. Correct the value in the LOGUSERID
be in error, contact Software Support for assistance. parameter.
initialization failed - sharing of OCCURRED AT modname+offset
RUNAUTH USERIDs now disabled DURING SOM desc.
Explanation Explanation
During start-up, the SHARERUNAUTHACEES option An ABEND occurred during initialization or termination
was set to ON, but an error occurred while initializing of the Security Optimization Management feature.
the cached RUNAUTH userid table. This is likely due to
a GETMAIN failure.
User response
User response Check the error messages and the abend code
associated with this problem. There may be one or
Product initialization continues with the more additional error messages or abends referring
SHARERUNAUTHACEES option set to OFF. Examine to the current initialization or termination problem.
the wraparound trace and console messages for an Check for security product related abends and storage
explanation of the error. If you are unable to locate the allocation errors or abends. If possible, fix the problem
reason for the failure, contact Software Support. identified by the error messages, and restart the
AVZ0135W Security routine failed attempting product. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact
to validate the LOGUSERID userID. Software Support.
RC=rcode. AVZ0138W SOM facility is not available for
pkg. Processing continues.
The internal security service routine failed while Explanation
attempting to verify a new USERID for the logging task. Security Optimization Management (SOM) was
requested, but the security package (pkg) is not RACF.
SOM can only be enabled for RACF.
42 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response up manual rules, prevent all catch-up manual rules
from firing, or specify the type of catch-up processing
None. This message is for informational purposes only. for each individual rule. It follows messages 0140I and
AVZ0139W Dynamic service services are not 0141I. If more than two minutes expire while waiting
available for your reply or three invalid replies are made, the
default action of NO will be taken.
User response
An MVS dynamic LPA service is not available.
Reply YES to cause all catch-up manual rules to
fire. Reply NO to prevent all catch-up manual rules
User response from firing. Reply MANUAL and you will be prompted
None. This message is for informational purposes only. to specify the type of catch-up processing for each
individual rule.
AVZ0140I The following catch-up rules
require a final catch-up AVZ0143R Reply 'YES' to catch-up
disposition rsname.rulename rule or 'NO' to
This message is issued when there are catch-up
manual rules which did not fire during the previous This message is issued when there are catch-up
execution of the product. It is followed by message manual rules which did not fire during the previous
0141I, which documents the unfired rules. execution of the product and you selected MANUAL in
your reply to message 0142R. The name of the rule
you are being prompted for is in the format ruleset.rule
User response name. If more than two minutes expire while waiting
No action is required in response to this message. for your reply or three invalid replies are made, the
However, this message can be used to activate one or default action of NO will be taken.
more event handling procedures.
AVZ0141I rule.rsname1, rule.rsname2 … User response
rule.rsname7 Reply YES to cause the rule to fire. Reply NO to prevent
catch-up firing for the rule.
Explanation AVZ0144E Invalid catch-up manual reply:
This message is issued when there are catch-up reply
manual rules which did not fire during the previous
execution of the product. It lists up to seven rules Explanation
that did not fire, using the format ruleset.rule. Multiple
messages may be issued so that all catch-up manual An invalid reply was specified to one of the catch-
rules may be listed. up manual console messages. The message causing
the error will be reissued so that you can correctly
reply. After three invalid replies for the same message,
User response default action will be taken. For a description of the
No action is required in response to this message. default action, see the explanation of the original
However, this message can be used to activate one or message.
more event handling procedures.
AVZ0142R Reply 'YES' to catch-up all User response
rules, 'NO' to bypasscatch-up, Determine the proper reply from the text of the
or 'MANUAL' for rule by rule message, and reply correctly.
AVZ0145E Catch-up reply wait exceeded 2
minutes. Default used
This message is issued when there are catch-up
manual rules which did not fire during the previous
execution of the product. It allows you to fire all catch-
44 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ0152S service OF dsname FAILED, User response
CODE=rsncode There is no action required in response to this
message. This message should only be displayed once
when you install the first release of the product that
Explanation supports the upgraded data area format. You may also
This error message describes an abend that occurred see this message again if a prior version of the product
during trace initialization, execution, or termination is used after the Trace Browse data area has been
while using the DIV (Data In Virtual) system service. upgraded. The message will be deleted as soon as
The abend codes and reason codes from the DIV the Trace Browse data area upgrade is completed. The
macro are documented in the IBM manual z/OS upgrade requires about 3 minutes for every 100,000
Programming: Assembler Services Reference. messages. If this message recurs, contact Software
Support for additional assistance.
Explanation Explanation
This error message describes an abend that occurred This error message describes errors that occurred
during trace initialization, execution, or termination during global variable initialization, execution, or
while using the DIV (Data In Virtual) system service. termination while using the DIV (Data In Virtual)
The abend codes and reason codes from the DIV system service. For a list of the return codes and
macro are documented in the IBM manual z/OS reason codes from the DIV macro see the appropriate
Programming: Assembler Services Reference. documentation.
User response
Services startup was unable to build the environment
to interface to the SEF task. The return code is given. Check the DIV abend and reason codes associated
with this problem. There may be one or more error
messages referring to the current problem. If possible,
User response fix the problem identified by the error messages, and
Check the return code and look for other error restart the product. If the problem cannot be resolved,
messages which may explain the error. contact Software Support.
AVZ0167E Ruleset rule specifies DSN AVZ0173W ddname data set not allocated
dsname, should be dsname for
VirtualDirectory dir. Explanation
The product has detected that the SYSCHK1 DD card is
Explanation not present in the JCL used to start the main product
Services startup found a Virtual Directory with a address space.
Ruleset whose dataset name did not match the
46 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Modify the JCL, and specify an appropriate DD card Check for other abends or messages related to
after validating that the necessary DIV data set is the product prior to this one, and contact Software
allocated. Support.
AVZ0174S Any existing global variables data AVZ0178S errdesc DETECTED IN GLOBAL
Explanation Explanation
The product detected this error. While building/rebuilding the global variable AVL tree,
one of the following (errdesc) occurred: (1) an infinite
User response loop was detected in the sequential list, (2) an invalid
entry was detected in the sequential list, or (3) an
Contact Software Support. invalid offset was detected in the sequential list. The
tree rebuild is terminated at this point. The product
AVZ0175I Global variable upgrade vartext
will attempt to reconstruct the entire global variable
data set. Some global variables may be discarded.
Prior to version 02.01.01 of the product, global User response
variables were maintained in a linked list. As of version
Report this message to Software Support. This
02.01.01, they are kept in an AVL tree structure for
situation has occurred due to a prior logic error
improved performance. This message indicates that
or storage overlay. The product should continue to
the global variable pool is being upgraded to the new
function normally after the global variable data set has
format. This message may also be issued as a result
been successfully reconstructed.
of setting the GLOBALREBUILD parameter to YES or
when the global variable database has been corrupted. AVZ0179I Global variable conversion from
version vartext version
User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
Prior to version 02.02.00 of the product, global
AVZ0176S Duplicate global variable found,
variables were limited to 256 bytes in size. As of
version 02.02.00, this restriction is removed. Prior to
version 03.02.00 of the product, the key size was
Explanation limited to 50 bytes. As of version 03.02.00, the key
size limit is increased to 84 bytes. This message
While building/rebuilding the global variable AVL tree,
indicates that the global variables are being converted
an attempt was made to add a node to the tree, and
to a new format.
the node already existed in the tree. The second value
is ignored, and the tree build/rebuild continues.
User response
User response None. This message is for informational purposes only.
Report this message to Software Support. This AVZ0180I GLOBAL VARIABLE CHAIN
situation has occurred due to a prior logic error. REBUILD vartext, count GLOBALS
AVZ0177S Main task timed out while waiting
to be posted by the global variable Explanation
checkpoint subtask
While doing a global variable tree rebuild, it was found
that the chained list was incomplete and needed to be
Explanation rebuilt. This message indicates the status of the chain
rebuild process.
The product main task timed out while waiting to
be posted by the global variable checkpoint subtask.
The global variable checkpoint subtask has either User response
terminated abnormally or is hung. The product may or
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
may not be able to to continue processing.
User response
Shut down the product, and allocate a larger SYSCHK1
A logical error was encountered while validating data
data set. This may not be necessary if you already
prior to a global variable checkpoint. The checkpoint
have a large data set but are only using a part of it due
will be aborted, and the product will be terminated
to a small GLOBALMAX value. Use the IDCAMS REPRO
48 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
command to copy the existing database to the new User response
larger one, if necessary. Increase the value assigned
to the GLOBALMAX parameter in your initial parameter SEF service task initialization ends with an error
settings, and restart the product. Adding this value will causing the server to begin shutdown processing.
not leave any free space in the SYSCHK1 data set. You Determine the cause of the error and correct
should leave enough free space to account for growth the problem or conflict. If the problem cannot
in your system. be understood and resolved from the messages
produced, contact Software Support.
COUNT - val. var2 ... var9
Explanation Explanation
This informational message indicates how many A configuration parameter or environmental error was
blocks of storage were being used in the SYSCHK1 detected during activation, termination, or processing
database prior to the conversion to the 03.02.00 by the System Web Interface (SWI) facility. The SWI
format and how many blocks of storage will now be facility continues operation adjusting to the reported
used following the conversion. condition.
Explanation Explanation
A configuration parameter or environmental error The SEFACTIVE parameter is set to "NO", so rule
was found during SEF service task initialization. The enablement will not be performed during server
problem is related in some way to the enhanced startup. You can enable rules later by manually issuing
implementation of the System Web Interface (SWI) ENABLE SEF commands against defined rulesets.
facility. Either parameters used to configure the SWI
facility conflict, or new restrictions that this version of
the Server imposes have not been met.
50 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response main operating system control block. The product
updated the overall count value.
Check if the return code or any other messages
provide additional information about the storage
management error. Also, check if the operating system User response
is short on storage in CSA or ECSA. Start or restart This is not an error message, and no action is required.
the product if the storage management problem can
be resolved. Contact Software Support if the problem AVZ0206E servrout errdesc FAILED, RC=rcode,
cannot be resolved. DETECTED AT addr
52 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
- CMP=ccode,RS=rsncode, The table now has 25 free entries, and the server is
AT=modname+offset restoring normal HRECALL processing.
54 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response to the current SSL initialization problem. Check for
open errors, such as security product related abends.
Contact Rocket Software Support. Also, check for storage allocation errors or abends.
AVZ0271W ACI internal service had to If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
GETMAIN buffers messages, and restart the product. If the problem
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
User response
The SSL resource manager could not initialize because
The HTTP-API initialization process is aborted. Ensure the server's private key or certificate file contains an
that the userid specified by the SSLUSERID start-up invalid key or certificate.
parameter is correct. Refer to message AVZ2107 for
more information about the failure.
User response
AVZ0285I SSL manager user ID userID
logged on to server. Check for other abends or product messages related
to this one. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact
Software Support.
The SSL manager userid specified by SSLUSERID ENABLED - DDNAME ddname IS
system parameter has been logged on to the system. NOT ALLOCATED
User response
This is a generic error message used to describe
a wide variety of SEF execute queue initialization The server will terminate. Check the start-up JCL to
and termination errors. The message text provides ensure that the certificate file and/or private key files
the current operation (service) and what the current are allocated to the correct ddnames.
operation was trying to do. AVZ0290S SSL ERROR: msgtext
56 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response AVZ0321S Subroutine subrout at offset
offset1 in module modname is out
The server initialization process is aborted. Ensure of sequence and should be offset
that the correct server name and port number are offset2
specified with the SSLLDAPSERVER and SSLLDAPPORT
BE ENABLED - SSLKEYPATH The subroutine is not defined in the correct position.
Contact Software Support to obtain assistance.
AVZ0322S Vector and list table offsets for
The SSL resource manager could not initialize GSK subroutine subrout in module
SSL because the SSLKEYPATH parameter was not modname do not match
specified. GSK SSL requires this parameter. The
product will attempt to use SSLEAY SSL support.
User response The offset into the vector table for the subroutine does
not match the offset defined in the list table.
The GSK SSL support will not be enabled. If possible,
SSLEAY SSL support will be used. If GSK SSL is
desired, code the SSLKEYPATH parameter and restart User response
the product. Contact Software Support to obtain assistance.
AVZ0293I A CALL TO THE SET_DUB_DEFAULT AVZ0323S Vector at offset offset in module
UNIX SYSTEM SERVICE FAILED. modname points to subrout1 but
RC=rcode RS=rsncode should point to subrout2
Explanation Explanation
Product initialization received an error return code The subroutine pointed to by the list table is not the
from a call to the set_dbu_default service. one that was defined. The OPCOS% module vector
table entries do not agree with OPSBCL.
User response
Product initialization is terminated. Refer to the IBM User response
UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual Contact Software Support to obtain assistance.
for an explanation of the return and reason codes. It
is possible that an OMVS segment was not created AVZ0324I service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode,
for the product USERID. Refer to the the product REASON=rsncode, DETECTED AT
Server Installation Guide for more information on addr
creating the product USERID and the security that the
USERID requires. If the problem cannot be resolved, Explanation
then contact Software Support to obtain additional
assistance. An attempt was made to use zEDC services for
compression. If no zEDC engine was available or zEDC
AVZ0320S Subroutine subrout was found is not configured, this message may appear.
in modname1 but belongs in
modname2 at offset offset
User response
Explanation If zEDC compression is not required, this message may
be ignored. Otherwise, the return code and reason
The subroutine definition is in the wrong module. code will indicate the problem using zEDC.
AVZ0325I service OF desc SUCCEEDED,
User response DETECTED AT addr
Contact Software Support to obtain assistance.
User response
User response
Check the error messages and the return code
None. associated with this problem. There may be one or
AVZ0326T additinfo1, additinfo2 ... more error messages referring to the current problem.
additinfo3, PGM=%SK If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem
cannot be resolved, contact IBM Software Support.
AVZ0337E desc service ERROR RC=rcode
A zEDC function call was made. The results are traced.
User response
Some type of process block pool error occurred
None. during product initialization or product termination.
AVZ0334I STOP command detected during The message text provides the current operation
initialization (service) and what the current operation was trying to
User response
A STOP command has been detected by the product
during early product initialization. The initialization Check the error messages and the return code
exec (SxxxxIN00) may or may not have completed associated with this problem. There may be one or
successfully. STOP commands issued after the more error messages referring to the current problem.
completion of the initialization exec will not be If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
honored until initialization has completed. messages, and restart the product. If the problem
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
User response AVZ0338S INVALID desc LOCATED AT addr
TAG IS tag
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
AVZ0335S ESTAE service ERROR RC=rcode Explanation
The product found an invalid control block during
Explanation product termination. The control block tag (tag)
The product tried to create an ESTAE recovery contained an invalid character string.
environment. The ESTAE macro (service) failed.
User response
User response Check the error messages associated with this
Check the error messages and the return code problem. There may be one or more error messages
associated with this problem. There may be one or referring to the current problem. If possible, fix
more ESTAE error messages referring to the current the problem identified by the error messages,
problem. If possible, fix the problem identified by and restart the product. If the problem cannot
the error messages, and restart the product. If be resolved, contact Software Support to obtain
the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software additional assistance.
Support. AVZ0339E count process block(s) still in use
AVZ0336S service of desc failed, RC=rcode.
Detected at addr. stack: stkinfo. Explanation
The product uses a pool of stack control blocks to
Explanation process messages and other events. The stack blocks
This is a generic error message used to describe are obtained and released as required by a variety of
a wide variety of product initialization, execution,
58 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
product routines. In some cases, a product routine Explanation
may fail to release a process block.
User response
User response
No action is required to resolve this problem. The
product will release all of the space used by the stack Contact Rocket Software Support.
control blocks even if they appear to still be in use. AVZ0344T %PM configuration needs refresh
If the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software on this system.
AVZ0340I msgtext Explanation
This message is not an error message. The current User response
message is used to display the output from the
product initialization exec (SxxxxIN00) on the system Contact Rocket Software Support.
consoles. AVZ0345S DD allocation required in start-up
JCL for proper execution of TSO/E
User response REXX procedures.
Explanation Explanation
The load module DSNREXX for REXX interface to Db2 This is a generic error message used to describe
was not found. Support for this API is not activated. a wide variety of CICS initialization and termination
Initialization continues normally. errors. The message text provides the current
operation (service) and what data (valid or invalid) was
User response passed to the current operation.
60 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error User response
messages, and restart the product. If the problem
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support. Follow the course of action recommended for the error
messages which preceded this error message, and if
AVZ0354S CICS rsrc NAME MISSING the product EXCI support continues to terminate due
to a fatal error condition, contact Software Support for
Explanation further assistance.
A resource (rsrc) name needed by the CICS product AVZ0358I EXCI support activated
feature is missing. The current operation will be
terminated. The message text contains the name of Explanation
the missing resource.
This message is issued when the product EXCI server
has received a notification that the connection(s) to
User response the EXCI region(s) have been established successfully.
Check the resource name in the error message. Set the
resource name using a product parameter. User response
AVZ0355I CICS support terminating No action required. This is an informational message
Explanation AVZ0359T msgtext
This is an informational message that is issued when
the product terminates its CICS support. If the CICS Explanation
support is being terminated due to a fatal error
condition, this message will have been preceded by This is a general purpose message that may or may not
error messages which depict the exact error condition indicate some type of EXCI error.
User response
User response Read the message text carefully. Some messages
Follow the course of action recommended for the error produced under this message ID are actually error
messages which preceded this error message, and if messages. If the message indicates an error, check
the product CICS support continues to terminate due for any associated EXCI-produced error messages. If
to a fatal error condition, contact Software Support for the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software
further assistance. Support.
This message is issued when the product CICS server
has received a notification that the connection(s) to A DEFINE SESSION statement in the initialization exec
the CICS region(s) have been established successfully. specified a CONNECTION name for which there is no
corresponding DEFINE CONNECTION statement. The
message text contains the name of the erroneous
User response DEFINE SESSION name.
No action required. This is an informational message
only. User response
AVZ0357I EXCI support terminating Check the session name in the error message. Correct
the DEFINE SESSION statement.
Explanation AVZ0361I %1 of %2 sessions connected to
This is an informational message that is issued when %3
the product terminates its EXCI support. If the EXCI
support is being terminated due to a fatal error Explanation
condition, this message will have been preceded by
error messages which depict the exact error condition This message specifies the number of active sessions
encountered. to the specified CICS.
User response
The exit should have disabled itself. Contact Rocket
This message specifies that there is currently no active Software Support..
session to the specified CICS.
User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
An error occurred in module SDAITRUE, the CICS
AVZ0363T Acquisition of session to %1 failed TRUE for Actional Agent connector.
An error occurred when attempting to create a variable
An error or unexpected condition was detected in an
name for a REXX procedure. This will be followed by an
Actional support facility routine (func).
S0C3 abend.
62 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Check the error messages and the return code The named-token return code is sent to the routine
associated with this problem. There may be one or which requested the service, and processing continues
more error messages referring to the current problem. as dictated by the routine which requested the server.
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
AVZ0391E func ROUTINE ERROR: error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem
additinfo1, additinfo2 ... additinfo7
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
The variable fields of the message text are: request
request type func function that failed rc function return
code rscd function reason code An error or unexpected condition was detected in a
Services support facility routine.
FAILED FOR modname.
RETURN CODE=rcode. REASON User response
CODE=rsncode. For initialization error, the server will terminate. For
termination time errors, server shutdown continues.
Explanation Look for related messages indicating the cause of
the error and correct the underlying problem. Contact
An error occurred when attempting to use MVS
Software Support if the problem cannot be found or
dynamic LPA services, CSVDYLPA. The request type,
return code and reason code associated with this
failure are listed in this message. AVZ0392W func ROUTINE WARNING: error
additinfo1, additinfo2 … additinfo7
User response
Check the error messages and the return code
associated with this problem. There may be one or An unexpected condition was detected in a Services
more error messages referring to the current problem. support facility routine.
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem
User response
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
For initialization error, the server attempts to correct
AVZ0389E DYNAMIC LPA reqtype the condition and continue. Errors detected during
FUNCTION=func RC=rcode termination are bypassed.
AVZ0393S Services PARM parmname
Explanation additinfo1, additnfo2 ... additinfo7
64 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem
If the message reports a non-zero return code, look cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
for other conditions which may be inhibiting E-O-T
cleanup and correct. Or contact Software Support. AVZ0403S RRS rsrc NAME MISSING
Check the error messages and the return code AVZ0404I RRS support terminating
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. Explanation
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem This is an informational message that is issued when
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support. the product terminates its RRS support. If the RRS
support is being terminated due to a fatal error
AVZ0401S service PASSED desc - code condition, this message will have been preceded by
error messages which depict the exact error condition
Explanation encountered.
Check the error messages and the return code AVZ0405I RRS support activated
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. Explanation
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem This message is issued when the product RRS server
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support. has received a notification that the connection(s) to
the RRS region(s) have been established successfully.
AVZ0402S service TO desc FAILED, RC=rcode
User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
This is a generic error message used to describe
a wide variety of RRS initialization and termination AVZ0406H msgtext
errors. The message text provides the current
operation and what the current operation was trying Explanation
to do.
This is a general purpose message that may or may not
indicate some type of RRS error.
User response
Check the error messages and the return code User response
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. Read the message text carefully. Some messages
produced under this message ID are actually error
User response
User response
Ensure that the RRS subsystem is up and running. If
the RRS subsystem is not up and running, start it. This situation may need to be corrected manually.
The data that was committed on MVS may need
AVZ0409E RRS %1 EXIT MANAGER to be backed out, and the data sources may need
UNAVAILABLE to be restored to their state before the transaction.
Note that the committed data may have already been
Explanation accessed by later programs and transactions.
This message is issued when RRS alerts the product AVZ0413E THE DB2ATTACHFACILITY
that an IBM exit manager for RRS has become PARAMETER IS NOT SET
unavailable. This causes the product to lose its TO RRSAF, RRS SUPPORT
connection to RRS immediately. The product will try TERMINATED'
to reconnect again when it hears RRS is up and
running. RRS support and two-phase commit support Explanation
will not be available until the product can successfully
reconnect to RRS. The product DB2ATTACHFACILITY must be set to use
the Recoverable Resources Attach Facility (RRSAF) for
RRS support to work properly.
User response
Ensure that the RRS subsystem is up and running. If User response
the RRS subsystem is not up and running, start it.
Modify the product parameter data set member.
AVZ0410E Product RRS exits have been unset
66 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
The RRS Recovery Table size was exceeded. A The RRS parameter was set to NO, or RRS initialization
transaction was aborted, which will be indicated in failed. Two-phase commit cannot be supported unless
another message. RRS is active.
Explanation Explanation
An incompatible product-supplied driver was Two-phase commit was requested for all transactions
encountered on the client system. from this task. RRS returned an error code indicating
that the commit was not successful.
User response indicator indicates "COMMIT" or "BACKOUT"
Contact Software Support.
User response
PREPARE - ERROR IN SYSTEM Check the return code from the RRS ATRCMIT function
in the IBM manual titled z/OS Programming: Resource
Zero columns were returned from PREPARE. This is
most likely due to an error in z/OS, RRS, and/or Db2.
User response
If the initialization parameters specify that RRS is
to be activated, review the messages created when
this server was initialized and correct any associated
problems. User response
AVZ0420E TWO-PHASE COMMIT SUPPORT Contact Rocket Software Support.
68 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
Check the error messages and the return code None.
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. User response
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem Contact Rocket Software Support.
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
AVZ0507E %1 product PC reset failed.
AVZ0502E subsys directory table entry exists.
During initialization, the server directory table was
found to contain an entry with the same subsystem ID User response
as the one being started. Most likely, a server address
space is active on this MVS image with this subsystem Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ0508E %1 server software PC entry
User response
Determine if a server address space is currently Explanation
active with this subsystem name. If so, change the
subsystem name and restart (if it is necessary to start
another server address space). If the problem cannot
be resolved, contact IBM Software Support.. User response
AVZ0503E No ERLY exists for DB2 %1 Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ0509E %1 DB2 server init error.
None. Explanation
User response
Contact Rocket Software Support. User response
AVZ0504E %1 DB2 owned by another server. Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ0510E %1 DB2 server %2 error.
None. Explanation
The server main task for the named Db2 system
User response encountered an error from the common subroutine.
Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ0505E %1 DB2 search error. User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ0506E %1 server software PC reset User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
70 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation termination errors. The message text provides the
current operation and what the current operation was
This warning indicates that private R-and-D utility trying to do.
functions are activated within the system. Customer
copies of the product should never produce this
message during start-up processing. User response
Check the error messages and the return code
User response associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem.
If this message appears during start-up, terminate the If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
server and contact Software Support. The execution messages, and restart the product. If the problem
of internal developer utilities off-site may produce cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
damaging side effects.
AVZ0602I IMS/OTMA server waiting OTMA
Explanation This message indicates that the IMS/OTMA
Transaction Server is waiting for initialization of
This warning indicates that the special E/SQA-resident the selected IMS subsystem. This message is
SRASTC routine will be rebuilt. The existing pointer to informational and issued periodically when OTMA
the routine, or the routine itself, appears to have been support is waiting for IMS subsystem startup to occur.
User response
User response
Determine why the IMS subsystem is unavailable.
Start-up processing clears the existing pointer and Start the IMS subsystem to allow OTMA support to
builds a new copy of the needed routine into E/SQA be enabled. If this message is issued in error, contact
storage. The storage, if any, previously anchored by Software Support.
the OPVN vendor CSR table control block is orphaned.
Contact Software Support. AVZ0603I IMS/OTMA server INIT in progress
for IMS SSID=subsysID
RC=rcode RS=rsncode IMS=imsID
Explanation This message indicates that the IMS/OTMA
Transaction Server initialization is in progress for the
This is a generic error message used to describe selected IMS subsystem.
a wide variety of IMS/OTMA initialization and
termination errors. The message text provides the
current operation and what the current operation was User response
trying to do. None. This message is for informational purposes only.
AVZ0604I IMS/OTMA server INIT complete
User response for IMS SSID=imsID using XCF
Check the error messages and the return code member xcfID
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. Explanation
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and restart the product. If the problem This message indicates that the IMS/OTMA
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support. Transaction Server initialization has been successfully
completed for the selected IMS subsystem.
AVZ0601S service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode
User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
This is a generic error message used to describe
a wide variety of IMS/OTMA initialization and
72 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
Determine why the SIS/XCF manager is unavailable. This message indicates that the SIS/XCF Server is
Start the SIS/XCF manager to allow SIS/XCF support terminating for the selected SIS subsystem. This
to be enabled. If this message is issued in error, message is issued during product termination.
contact Software Support.
AVZ0623I SIS/XCF %1 INIT in progress for User response
member=%2 None. This message is for informational purposes only.
AVZ0627I SIS/XCF %1 TERM complete for
This message indicates that the SIS/XCF Server
initialization is in progress for the selected SIS Explanation
This message indicates that the SIS/XCF Transaction
Server has completed termination for the selected
User response
SIS subsystem. This message is issued during product
None. This message is for informational purposes only. termination.
AVZ0624I SIS/XCF server INIT complete for
SIS SSID=sisID using XCF member User response
xcfID None. This message is for informational purposes only.
This message indicates that the SIS/XCF Server
initialization has been successfully completed for the Explanation
selected SIS subsystem.
This message indicates that WLM initialization found
too many matching report classes. Only six periods
User response
are allowed, and more than that matched the naming
None. This message is for informational purposes only. convention.
AVZ0625I SIS/XCF %1 instance has detected
termination of %2 instance User response
member %3 Delete the extra report classes.
This message indicates that the SIS/XCF Transaction EXIST, class2
Server has detected SIS terminating SIS/XCF support.
This message is issued when it has been determined Explanation
that SIS is leaving the XCF OTMA group. This
may be due to SIS termination, or OTMA abnormal This message indicates that WLM initialization found a
termination. The SIS/XCF server will wait for SIS to class that referenced a ZIIPCLASS that could not be
restart SIS/XCF support and continue processing SIS found.
request activity.
User response
User response
Correct the indicated WLM Class to reference an
None. This message is for informational purposes only. existing WLM pseudo-class.
AVZ0626I SIS/XCF %1 TERM in progress for AVZ0703W ZIIPCLASS=class CONTAINS
This message indicates that WLM initialization found a
ZIIPCLASS report class definition with invalid parms.
74 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ0712E 3 INVALID REPLIES. CANCEL AVZ0716R Enter name of Service Policy to
ASSUMED activate, 'LIST', or 'CANCEL' to
terminate server initialization
Three invalid replies were made to the product
WLM initialization message. Since no correct response This message is issued when product WLM
was received, CANCEL was assumed and server initialization has updated the Service Definition and
initialization terminated. needs to know which Service Policy should be
User response
User response
None. Reply as required next time.
Enter a name to activate Service Policy with that name.
AVZ0713S WLM administration user ID Reply LIST to get a list of available Policies. Reply
userID logon failed. CANCEL to terminate server initialization
User response
Server initialization processing continues.
The server WLM enclave classification was successful.
AVZ0726S RACF administration USERID
User response (userID) logon failed
AVZ0722I Unable to classify transaction
The RACF admin USERID specified by the SERVERID
trans for subsystem subsys
system parameter failed logon processing during start-
The server was unable to classify the named User response
The server initialization process is aborted. Ensure
that the USERID specified by the SERVERID start-up
User response parameter is correct. If possible, fix the problem
identified by the error messages and restart the
Look for preceding error messages in the system log.
product.If the problem cannot be resolved, contact
AVZ0723I WLM enclave create successful for IBM Software Support.
Service Class class
The server WLM enclave classification was successful. Explanation
This message indicates that the IDMS initialization is in
User response progress for the selected IDMS connection name.
User response
AVZ0724I subsys WLM health changed from
subsystem%% to oper1%% oper2 None. This message is for informational purposes only.
Explanation FOR CONNECTION=target USING
The WLM health value for the specified product
subsystem was changed from the first value to the
second. Explanation
This message indicates that the IDMS initialization has
User response been successfully completed for the selected IDMS
target using the defined connection (connID).
If the health value decreases, look for abends or
timeouts in the Server. Currently only ACI abends and
76 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only. Ensure that the given library is a PDS similar by
definition to the other REXX libraries. Check the
message and codes manuals for the abend code. Most
likely, either the member does not exist or the data
set attributes are in error (sequential DSORG or the
LRECL and BLKSIZE are not compatible). If a system
Explanation 913 abend code is reported, data set access has been
disallowed by your security subsystem.
This message indicates that the IDMS connection
has been broken for the selected IDMS connection AVZ0902E Cannot find program program
(connID) ddname.
78 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
Reduce the length of the parameter string. Contact THE REXX interpreter (AVZICOMP, AVZXCOMP,
Software Support to obtain additional assistance. SWSICOMP or SWSXCOMP commands) was successful
in compiling and saving the REXX program.
AVZ0916E routine built-in function not found
- called by caller.
User response
Explanation No action is required.
A compatibility problem exists between the product AVZ0920E REBUILD FAILED FOR COMPILED
subsystem in use and the pre-compiled REXX program REXX PROGRAM - program
being re-loaded. A product built-in function that was to
be used by the pre-compiled REXX program no longer Explanation
The REXX interpreter command processor was
attempting to rebuild a REXX program from a
User response
previously compiled PDS member when the failure
Check the subsystem release levels used when the occurred.
REXX program was compiled. It may be necessary to
recompile the REXX program again under the current User response
product subsystem (AVZICOMP).
Check for other accompanying error messages. You
AVZ0917E ERROR SAVING THE COMPILED may have to delete the compiled version of the
OUTPUT IN %1 program and recompile it again, or execute the REXX
source program.
An error occurred while attempting to save a pre- LIBRARY (dsname) FAILED
compiled program. This message is accompanied by
an earlier message detailing the cause of the error. Explanation
The product attempted to allocate the library with the
User response
compiled versions of REXX programs. The dynamic
Check the previous error message for possible actions. allocation failed.
OBJECT obj.obj2 TO DS(dsname) User response
additinfo Make sure that the data set name specified in the first
panel of this application is valid. Contact the person at
Explanation your installation who is responsible for the product to
get the proper data set name.
SEF is unable to save an executable object binary
image or data area because of a runtime problem. AVZ0922W ITRACE KEYWORD NOT ALLOWED
The source rule or data file are named, along with the DURING COMPILE ONLY REQUEST
target dataset.
obj1 may indicate a ruleset or a datafile Explanation
Based on the value of obj1, obj2 may indicate a rule or Setting the initial trace value for a COMPILE ONLY
data member request is not allowed.
This error should only occur when executing a pre- AVZ0999E STAX calltype MACRO FAILED -
compiled, saved version of a program or rule. In that RC=rcode
case, the program or rule should be recompiled and
then re-executed. If the error occurred in any other Explanation
case, contact Software Support for assistance.
The STAX macro failed with the indicated return
AVZ0991E RUNNING program: INTERNAL code while the Product REXX compiler was trying to
ERROR DETECTED AT addr initialize or terminate execution of a REXX program.
calltype can be "ON" or "OFF"
The REXX interface module detected an internal error. User response
Record the error message and return code. Contact
User response Software Support.
There may be other error messages related to this The STAX macro failed with the indicated return
condition. This error may be caused by a REXX code while the Product REXX compiler was trying to
workspace overflow condition. If this is the case, initialize or terminate execution of a REXX program.
refer to message 0998E for additional information.
If the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software AVZ1000I msgtext
The product message used for REXX SAY statements.
User response
Informational message only. This message gives the
output from the REXX TRACE command when used in None. This message is for informational purposes only.
a rule.
AVZ1004I ERROR 4 process program, LINE
80 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation this message results. This is commonly caused
by forgetting the DO and END around the list of
The system halted the execution of a REXX program instructions following a WHEN.
because of some error or by user request. Unless
trapped by SIGNAL ON HALT, this message will process may be "compiling" or "running"
force the language processor to immediately cease
execution. User response
process may be "compiling" or "running" Examine the REXX program, and correct the error.
AVZ1008I ERROR 8 process program, LINE
User response lineno: UNEXPECTED THEN OR
None. This message is for informational purposes only. ELSE
The program includes a character outside the literal
A SIGNAL instruction has been executed, or an event
quoted string that neither alphanumeric nor one of the
occurred for which a trap was set, and the label
acceptable special characters.
specified cannot be found in the program.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
User response
Examine the line in error, and correct the invalid
Correct the error, and rerun the program.
82 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ1017I ERROR 17 process program, LINE process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
Explanation Correct the REXX program, and rerun.
A PROCEDURE instruction was encountered which
AVZ1021I ERROR 21 process program, LINE
was not the first instruction executed after a call
or function invocation. A possible cause of this is
dropping through into an internal routine rather than
invoking it properly.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
A clause such as SELECT or NOP is followed by some
token other than a comment.
User response
process may be "compiling" or "running"
Examine the line, correct the problem, and rerun the
User response
AVZ1018I ERROR 18 process program, LINE
lineno: THEN EXPECTED Correct the line, and rerun the REXX program.
AVZ1022I ERROR 22 process program,
Explanation LINE lineno: INVALID CHARACTER
All IF and WHEN clauses in REXX must be followed by
a THEN clause. Some other clause was found when a
THEN was expected. Explanation
process may be "compiling" or "running" This error results if a literal string contains character
codes that are not valid in a particular implementation.
This might be because some characters are impossible
User response
or because the character set is extended in some way
Examine the line, and correct the error. and certain character combinations are not allowed.
AVZ1019I ERROR 19 process program, process may be "compiling" or "running"
EXPECTED User response
Examine the line, and correct the error.
AVZ1024I ERROR 24 process program, LINE
Following either the keyword call or the sequence
SIGNAL ON or SIGNAL OFF, a literal string or a symbol
was expected but neither was found.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
The setting specified on a trace instruction or as the
argument to the trace built-in function starts with a
User response
character that does not match one of the valid trace
Add the literal string or symbol that is needed. settings. This error is also raised if an attempt is made
to request trace scan when inside any kind of control
AVZ1020I ERROR 20 process program, LINE construct.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
PARSE, and PROCEDURE, a symbol can be expected. Contact Software Support to obtain additional
Either it was not present when required or some other assistance.
token was found. Alternately, DROP and the EXPOSE
AVZ1025I ERROR 25 process program, LINE
option of PROCEDURE expect a list of symbols. Some
other token was found.
84 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
The result of an expression in an instruction was found Examine the line, fix the problem, and then rerun.
to be invalid in the particular context it was used.
AVZ1037I ERROR 37 process program, LINE
This may be due to an illegal fuzz or digits value in a
lineno: UNEXPECTED "," OR ")"
numeric instruction (fuzz may not become larger than
process may be "compiling" or "running"
Either a comma has been found outside a function
User response invocation or there are too many right parentheses in
an expression.
Contact Software Support.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
AVZ1034I ERROR 34 process program, LINE
lineno: LOGICAL VALUE NOT 0 OR User response
Examine the line, fix the problem, and then rerun.
Explanation AVZ1038I ERROR 38 process program, LINE
The expression in an IF, WHEN, DO WHILE, or DO lineno: INVALID TEMPLATE OR
UNTIL phrase must result in a 0 or a 1, as must any PATTERN
term operated on by a logical operator.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
Within a parsing template, either a special character
User response that is not allowed has been found or the syntax of
a variable pattern is incorrect. This error may also be
Fix the bug, and rerun the program. raised if the WITH sub-keyword is omitted in a parse
value instruction.
AVZ1035I ERROR 35 process program, LINE
lineno: INVALID EXPRESSION process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
User response
Examine the program, and correct the error.
Examine the statement calling the routine, and correct
it. AVZ1044I ERROR 44 process program,
AVZ1041I ERROR 41 process program, RETURN DATA
Explanation An external function has been invoked within an
expression, but even though it appeared to end
Either one of the terms involved in an arithmetic without error, it did not return data for use within the
operation is not a valid number or its exponent expression.
exceeds the implementation limit.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
User response
Examine the program, and correct the error.
Examine the program, and correct the problem.
AVZ1045I ERROR 45 process program, LINE
AVZ1042I ERROR 42 process program, LINE lineno: NO DATA SPECIFIED IN
The program has been called as a function, but an
The result of an arithmetic operation requires an attempt is being made (by RETURN) to return without
exponent that is outside the range supported by the passing back any data.
implementation. This can happen during evaluation
of an expression (commonly an attempt to divide a process may be "compiling" or "running"
number by 0) or possibly during the stepping of a DO
loop control variable. User response
process may be "compiling" or "running" Examine the program, and correct the error.
AVZ1046I ERROR 46 process program,
User response LINE lineno: INVALID VARIABLE
Examine the program, and correct the error. REFERENCE
86 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
Examine the program, and correct the error. The program has used the ampersand as a prefix to a
symbol. The REXX interpreter does not allow this.
AVZ1048I ERROR 48 process program,
LINE lineno: FAILURE IN SYSTEM process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
Explanation Contact Software Support.
Some system service used by the REXX language
AVZ1067I ERROR 67 process program, LINE
processor (such as stream input or output) has failed
to work correctly; hence, normal execution cannot
process may be "compiling" or "running"
The program has defined the same label name twice.
User response process may be "compiling" or "running"
Examine the program, and correct the error.
User response
AVZ1049I ERROR 49 process program, LINE
lineno: INTERPRETATION ERROR Change the label on one of the two statements.
AVZ1068I ERROR 68 process program, LINE
Explanation lineno: FUNCTION NAME > 32
Implementations of the REXX language will normally
carry out internal self-consistency checks during
execution. This message indicates that some kind of Explanation
severe error has been detected within the language
The program has defined or referenced a function
processor or execution process.
whose name exceeds the maximum function name
process may be "compiling" or "running" length of 32 characters.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
Contact Software Support for further assistance. User response
AVZ1064I ERROR 64 process program, Change the function name to a shorter name.
AVZ1069I ERROR 69 process program, LINE
The program has used a REXX language feature Explanation
which is not supported by this version of the REXX
The program has called a function that requires more
interpreter. Code 64 is an extended error code used
arguments than specified on the function call.
only by REXX.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
User response
Add the necessary arguments to the function call.
Check documentation for support of the feature.
Check the documentation for the specified function.
Change the REXX program to bypass use of the
feature. AVZ1070I ERROR 70 process program, LINE
AVZ1066I ERROR 66 process program, LINE
This error should not occur.
The REXX program was compiled with a version of the
REXX interpreter which is lower than the version used process may be "compiling" or "running"
to execute the program.
process may be "compiling" or "running" User response
Contact Software Support for further assistance.
User response AVZ1076I ERROR 76 process program, LINE
This error should only occur when executing a pre- lineno: VARIABLE VALUE TOO
compiled, saved version of a program or rule. In this LONG
case, the program or rule should be recompiled and
then re-executed. In all other cases, contact Software Explanation
Support for further assistance.
The REXX program attempted to assign a value to
AVZ1072I ERROR 72 process program, LINE a variable. The string value exceeded the maximum
lineno: FUNCTION RETURNED allowed length.
process may be "compiling" or "running"
User response
A REXX function written in assembler has returned
incorrect data. Shorten the string value.
88 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ1080I ERROR 80 process program, process may be "compiling" or "running"
QUEUE User response
Reduce the complexity of the structure flagged, and
Explanation retry the compile. If the problem cannot be resolved,
This error should not occur. A null string is returned contact Software Support.
instead for compatibility with older releases of Product
AVZ1084I ERROR 84 process program, LINE
REXX. Contact Software Support for further assistance.
process may be "compiling" or "running" SYMBOL TABLE FULL
90 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
free RXGV's could not be found on the free parameters. These limits may be overridden using
or there was insufficient un-allocated space at OPTIONS statement.
the end of the workspace (RXWSLN / GLOBALSIZE
process may be "compiling" or "running"
freespace blocks are required for allocation of
the value storage area. Note that the parameters User response
Determine whether this problem was caused by a
apply ONLY to the shared/permanent workspace.
looping program or whether the limits are too low. The
For the temporary workspace, you must examine
limits that affect all rules/programs can be modified
the RXWS field value using the ISPF C.3 "RXWS
by changing the xxxPARM limits (SEFMAXSECONDS
GLVEVENT. WORK SPACE" block display. No product
and/or REXXMAXSECONDS). The limits for the
parameters map these values for the temporary
individual program can be overridden by using the
workspace. The word "TEMP" is inserted into the
REXX OPTIONS statement as described in the product
message as the last word (within final parentheses)
Reference Manual.
if the TEMPORARY global workspace has overflowed.
GLVEVENT. stem and internal-use global stem AVZ1095E ERROR 95 process program,
variables are allocated within the temporary global LINE lineno: OVER maxno HOST
workspace. Otherwise, the word "TEMP" is not present COMMANDS ISSUED
in the message and it is the shared/permanent
global workspace that has overflowed. GLOBAL., and
GLOBAL0. through GLOBAL9. stem variables are in the
shared/permanent workspace area. A rule or REXX program exceeded its host
command limits as set by SEFMAXCOMMANDS (rule)
process may be "compiling" or "running"
or REXXMAXCOMMANDS (REXX program) product
parameters. These limits may be overridden using
User response NOMAXCOMMANDS or MAXCOMMANDS=nnnn on the
REXX OPTIONS statement.
You may need to analyze the contents of the
global variable database using the global variables process may be "compiling" or "running"
application, product parameters, or the ISPF
C.3 RXWS displays. Use the ISPF E.1 panel
User response
to remove unneeded permanent GLOBAL. stem
variables. Otherwise, increase the GLOBALMAX Determine whether this problem was caused by a
or GLOBALTEMPMAX start-up parameters. If looping program or whether the limits are too low. The
the workspace is too small, you may also limits that affect all rules/programs can be modified
need to (re) allocate a larger global variable by changing the xxxPARM limits (SEFMAXCOMMANDS
checkpoint DIV dataset and copy the original and/or REXXMAXCOMMANDS). The limits for the
DIV into the new one using Access Method individual program can be overridden by using the
Services REPRO. To prevent future out-of-space REXX OPTIONS statement as described in the product
hard failures, set the warning threshold percent Reference Manual.
AVZ1096E ERROR 96 process program,
LINE lineno: OVER maxno "SAY"
GLOBALTEMPWARNIV) so that a threshold is
established and reported periodically via MSG 4290.
Automate this message so that sufficient notification
is given to prevent the out-of-space hard failure limit Explanation
from being reached before the workspaces can be
A rule or REXX program exceeded its SAY/TRACE limits
AVZ1094E ERROR 94 process program, LINE program) product parameters. These limits may be
lineno: OVER sec SECONDS USED overridden using NOMAXSAYS or MAXSAYS=nnnn on
process may be "compiling" or "running"
A rule or REXX program exceeded its wall clock
time limits as set by SEFMAXSECONDS (rule)
or REXXMAXSECONDS (REXX program) product
92 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
was not found, the product will attempt to use the User response
standard IBM default subsystem, DSN. For further
assistance in providing the product with the correct Determine if the product may have started and
subsystem name value, contact Software Support. terminated abnormally. If so, review the accompanying
messages in the SYSLOG. If the product did not
AVZ1104S Subsystem subsys is not a valid terminate abnormally, issue the appropriate start
DB2 subsystem command. If necessary, contact Software Support for
further assistance.
Explanation AVZ1110S CONNECTION FAILURE RC = rcode
The SSCT located for the subsystem name that was REASON = rsncode
extracted is neither a valid product SSCT nor a valid
Db2 SSCT. Explanation
The attempt to connect to the remote Db2 subsystem
User response failed.
If the subsystem name was specified on the SYSTEM()
command argument, review the name, and revise the User response
SYSTEM() specification, if necessary. If a SYSTEM()
command line argument was not specified, the Review the return code and the reason code values
product provided default value may not be appropriate contained in the error message. Compare the return
for your installation. This value was obtained from the code and reason code with those listed in the IBM
local copy of the DSNHDECP Db2 parameters module, SQL Application Programming Manual, and take the
if one could be found. If a local copy of the DSNHDECP appropriate action. If all attempts to correct the
parameters module contains an invalid value, run the problem fail, contact Software Support for further
JCL jobstream contained in the S__ CNTL data set assistance.
member ZAPDECP after updating the REP control card. AVZ1112S DISCONNECT FAILURE RC = rcode
If a local copy of the DSNHDECP parameters module REASON = rsncode
was not found, the product will attempt to use the
standard IBM default subsystem, DSN. If the problem
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support. Explanation
AVZ1105S LOAD FOR DSNECP00 FAILURE The attempt to disconnect from the remote Db2
subsystem has failed.
User response
The attempt to load the renamed version of DSNECP00
has failed. Review the return code and the reason code values
contained in the error message. Compare the return
code and reason code with those listed in the IBM
User response SQL Application Programming Manual, and take the
Ensure that the product installation process was appropriate action. If all attempts to correct the
completed successfully. Ensure that the load library problem fail, contact Software Support for further
containing the renamed version of DSNECP00 is assistance.
accessible by the product. If all attempts to correct AVZ1113S COMMAND REJECTED - cmd CMD
the problem situation fail, contact Software Support NOT SUPPORTED UNDER DSN
for further assistance.
AVZ1106S subsys NOT OPERATIONAL, RETRY Explanation
The subcommand specified (cmd) is not supported
under the DSN command.
The SSCT for the product indicated that the product is User response
not currently active.
Review the command string entered. Revise the
command string, if appropriate. Re-enter the revised
command string. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact Software Support.
User response
User response
Contact Software Support for further assistance.
Review the return code and the reason code values
AVZ1117S COMMAND BUFFER SCAN ERROR - contained in the error message. Compare the return
RC = rcode code and reason code with those listed in the IBM
SQL Application Programming Manual, and take the
Explanation appropriate action. If all attempts to correct the
problem fail, contact Software Support for further
An attempt to scan the command buffer utilizing the assistance
services of IKJSCAN failed.
User response
Review the command string entered. Revise the Explanation
command string, if appropriate. Re-enter the revised
command string. If the problem cannot be resolved, The remote Db2 subsystem is currently not active and
contact Software Support. a RETRY() value greater than one (1) was specified.
The connection request will be retried.
User response
No action required.
subcommand are mutually exclusive. EXIST
94 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Respond with a valid TSO command name.
96 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
The message ID used to display parameter value The value of the ROLLBACKPOSITIVERC parameter
requested with an xxxPARM command. cannot be set to 'YES' because IGNOREPOSITIVESC
parameter is set to YES. ROLLBACKS for positive SQL
User response codes cannot be performed if they are being ignored.
User response
Update the initialization REXX exec xxxxIN00. These
The value of the ROLLBACKPOSITIVERC parameter
changes will take effect the next time the product is
was changed to 'NO' because the IGNOREPOSITIVESC
parameter was set to YES. ROLLBACKS for positive
SQL codes cannot be performed if they are being The variable fields of the message text are: parm
ignored. parameter name
AVZ1257E parmname - cannot be displayed
User response
None. This message is informational only. If Explanation
ROLLBACKS are required for positive SQL codes,
The parameter you selected cannot be displayed.
then set IGNOREPOSITIVESC to 'YES', then set
User response
ROLLBACKPOSITIVERC CANNOT Check the manual to see if the parameter you
BE CHANGED TO 'YES' BECAUSE requested is spelled correctly.
Explanation Explanation
This message is never meant to be seen. It is used The host domain name parameter contains a dot-
by OPPAFU to convert product parameters to printable notation format IP address. Browser anomalies may
character strings. arise that cause HTTP cookies to be stored improperly
or retransmitted incorrectly when using a dot-notation
host domain name value.
98 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response cannot be resolved, contact Software Support for
further assistance.
The parameter is accepted. The server's built-in
browser-based administration utilities require HTTP AVZ1290H jb parmname parmval
cookies for proper operation. These administration
utilities may not function correctly using the host Explanation
domain name string now set.
This message logs a change to the product parameters
AVZ1275S ABEND abcode IN via the ADDRESS AVZ MODIFY command. The
AUTHORIZATION ROUTINE message contains the name of the product parameter
modname+offset and its new value.
Check the error messages and the return code AVZ1293E errdesc
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. Explanation
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and retry the operation. If the problem An attempt to set a product parameter has failed. The
error message describes the reason for the failure.
100 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software
While building a WTO or WTOR parameter list, the
product detected that the combined message ID and AVZ1370H jobname rcode desccode mcscno
message text exceeds the system limits. The limit for a time msgID msgtext
WTO is 125 characters, and the limit for a WTOR is 122
characters. Explanation
This message is used to document an internally
User response generated WTO. It is written to the hardcopy log to
This could indicate an internal logic error within identify the source of the message issued.
the product. Contact Software Support for further msc represents the MCS flags
cno represents the console number
TIMER EXPIRED time represents a wait time if the REPLY keyword is
User response
A timeout has occurred prior to receiving the response
to a WTO/WTOR. None.
AVZ1400S TSO/E is not installed
User response
This could indicate an internal logic error within Explanation
the product. Contact Software Support for further TSO/E (IBM's program product number 5665-293) is
assistance. required to support the use of ISPF/AVZ.
NUMBER IS wtoID User response
Verify that this product is available at your installation.
AVZ1401S service CMD(modname) FAILED,
This message is simply an echo of the message RC=rcode
identification number returned by the WTO/WTOR to
identify the message.
User response AVZ called TSO to execute ISPSTART and received a
non-zero return code. The ISPF initiation attempt is
None. The WTO ID can be used to DOM a highlighted aborted.
AVZ1364S sysserv RETURN CODE = rcode User response
Review the message text, and check why the
Explanation request did not complete successfully. Review your
Some type of error occurred either in the system ISPF/AVZ environment, and take corrective action. If
management routines of the product or by invoking a the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software
system service (sysserv) directly. See the actual text Support.
of the message for an explanation. The error was AVZ1402S Dialog Manager service service
probably caused by a failure in an operating system error, RC=rcode
User response
A product internal routine called TSO to execute
Check if any other error messages were generated ISPSTART and got a dialog manager service error.
along with the error message above. If the combined
error messages are sufficient to explain the problem,
take whatever corrective action is appropriate. If
102 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ1444S parmname PARAMETER
The version of the load library allocated to ISPF is at a ARCHTYPE(parmval)
different release than that of the server.
User response
The Trace Browse/view program was invoked with
The product ISPF application continues. The invalid parameters.
inconsistency between the Server and the ISPF load
libraries should be resolved.
User response
AVZ1441S ABEND abcode IN
AUTHORIZATION ROUTINE Review the command string entered. Revise the
modname+offset command string, if appropriate. Re-enter the revised
command string. If the error condition persists
despite correcting errors in the command string that
Explanation was entered, contact Software Support for further
An abend occurred in the authorization checking assistance.
service ERROR, RC=rcode
User response
Contact the person at your installation who installs and Explanation
maintains your installation security product. The product browse subroutine requested
AVZ1442S COMMAND BUFFER PARSE authorization in order to validate your request and
RC=rcode did not find the necessary control blocks for this
validation. The request is aborted.
User response
The IBM TSO parse routine, IKJPARS, returned a
non-zero return code after attempting to parse a This message indicates a possible product ISPF
command string. The parse process for the command interface error. Gather the data, and contact your local
is terminated. systems programming support group.
AVZ1446S ISPF service service error, return
User response code = rcode
Gather the relevant problem data, and contact
your local product systems programming group for Explanation
assistance. AVZ invoked an ISPF service routine to accomplish the
AVZ1443S COMMAND BUFFER INTERNAL ISPF-related task indicated in the error message and
FORMAT ERROR received a non-zero return code.
104 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
The specified subsystem is not active The product-related Db2 interface module tried to
communicate with the main product (not Db2) address
User response space. The main product address space was not
active. This error normally occurs at the start of SQL
Start the specified subsystem and then restart the application program execution.
ISPF application or choose another subsystem ID to
start the ISPF application with
User response
AVZ1456S ISPF service service error, return Ensure that the main product address space is active.
code = rcode. Unable to start ISPF Start or restart the main product address space, if
dialog. necessary. Rerun the SQL application program from
the beginning.
AVZ1602E Product failed while SQL
AVZ invoked an ISPF service routine to start the ISPF application program executing
dialog and received a terminating return code.
User response
The product-related Db2 interface module tried to
Review the message text, and check why the request communicate with the main product (not Db2) address
did not complete successfully. Review your ISPF/AVZ space. The main product address space was not
environment, specifically the DEFINE ISPFCONCAT active. This error normally occurs at the start of SQL
statements in the xxxxIN00 EXEC, and take corrective application program execution.
action. If the error persists, contact Software Support.
AVZ1457W Subsystem subsys not active User response
Ensure that the main product address space is active.
Explanation Start or restart the main product address space, if
necessary. Rerun the SQL application program from
The specified subsystem is not active
the beginning.
An error has occurred while attempting to send a
record to a product queue. The most likely cause An invocation of the SubSystem Interface (SSI) macro
for this message is that the queue is full - which IEFSSREQ has completed, and the resulting return
is indicated by an error code of 4. In the case of code is displayed in the message. This message is
either product load balancing queue, a queue full traced, following each SSI service request invocation
condition results in no further sessions being sent to when the SSITRACE command option is in effect.
this server by the Group Director until the pending
work on the queue has been significantly reduced. For User response
any other error code, no additional work will be sent
to this server and the server must be terminated and None. The SSI gateway interface has returned with the
restarted. IEFSSREQ return code shown in the message in R15.
User response RETURN CODE IS rcode
106 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response The Host Command being processed will be failed with
a severe error signal.
None. A WAIT is entered for more SYSOUT output
which will expire after the indicated number of
seconds User response
AVZ1744T WAIT TIMELIMIT EXPIRED - END- Make additional workspace available for execution of
OF-DATA FOR SYSOUT the product REXX procedure. If the problem persists
and cannot be resolved by increasing the allocated
workspace, contact Software Support for assistance.
A Sysout Application Programming Interface SSI ABEND CC=ccode, RS=rsncode
service request routine had entered a WAIT until AT modname+offset, PSW=psw,
additional SYSOUT output became available, following RETRY BY addr
receipt of an END-OF-DATA signal. The timelimit
for waiting on additional SYSOUT output to become
available has expired and the request routine will Explanation
now process the END-OF-DATA signal. This message The ADDRESS SPOOL Host Command Interface
is traced when the SSITRACE command option is in encountered an ABEND while processing the current
effect. request. The ADDRESS SPOOL host command will be
terminated with a failure signal.
User response
None. The WAIT for new SYSOUT output is terminated User response
and the procedure continues by recognizing the END- Check for other messages which may provide insight
OF-DATA signal. into the cause of the ABEND. Correct the Host
AVZ1745T NEW SYSOUT FILE NOW Command, or other conditional as applicable. If
AVAILABLE unresolved, contact Software Support for assistance.
AVZ1748T ABEND CC=ccode, RS=rsncode
Explanation AT modname+offset, PSW=psw,
A Sysout Application Programming Interface SSI RETRY BY addr
service request routine had entered a WAIT until
additional SYSOUT output became available. The
primary subsystem has posted the requestor ready Explanation
and indicated the additional SYSOUT output is now The ADDRESS SPOOL JOBSTATUS command
available. This message is traced when the SSITRACE encountered an ABEND while processing the indicated
command option is in effect. Because another process extended status information DSECT. The command
or writer may select the same SYSOUT file for abandons further processing of the extended status
processing, there is no guarantee that the file will be information returned by the SSI service.
available when selection is requested.
User response
User response
Check for other messages which may provide insight
None. The WAIT for new SYSOUT output has into the cause of the ABEND. Correct the Host
completed and the procedure continues by attempting Command, or other condition as applicable. If
to select the new SYSOUT file for processing. unresolved, contact Software Support.
AVZ1746T IRXEXCOM action REQUEST AVZ1749T SSI ABEND CC=ccode, RS=rsncode
FOR varname FAILED WITH RC/ AT modname+offset, PSW=psw,
Explanation Explanation
The ADDRESS SPOOL Host Command Interface An SSI service request call to the IEFSSREQ interface
encountered an error while attempting to set, change, ABENDed. The ABEND completion code and reason
or drop (action) a variable in the S/REXX variable pool. are displayed in this message. The ABEND may be due
to some error in parameters passed on the service
108 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software
None. Processing continues.
AVZ2020S dsname FAILURE RC=rcode
AVZ1840E errdesc
An attempt to obtain or release storage on behalf of a
A syntax error (errdesc) has been detected while product subsystem data set (dsname) failed.
analyzing the EXECIO command.
User response
User response
Ensure that the address space requesting product
Correct the EXECIO command syntax errors, and subsystem data set services has a large enough region.
attempt to execute the REXX program again.
AVZ1841E errdesc, RC=rcode ALLOCATIONS
Explanation Explanation
Some type of service routine (operating system or The product has detected that a system address space
product specific) failed. The error message identifies (e.g. *master*) or a TSO user has requested that a
the type of error . product subsystem data set be opened. This is not
User response desc describes, for example, system tasks
Check the full text of the error message, and attempt
to correct the error. User response
AVZ1842E errdesc1 ddname errdesc2 The subsystem data set interface may only be used by
normal (non-system) started tasks and batch jobs.
The ddname specified on the EXECIO command is not ENVIRONMENT ASID asid
allocated to the current job.
The error description has two parts, errdesc1 and Explanation
errdesc2. The product received an OPEN request for a
subsystem data set and is unable to determine what
User response environment the requesting address space (asid) is
running in.
Allocate the appropriate data set to the ddname, or
change the ddname. Then, rerun the REXX program.
User response
AVZ1843E ddname io FAILED, RC=rcode,
DETECTED AT addr The subsystem data set interface may only be used by
TSO server started tasks.
Explanation Explanation
The product has detected an error validating system A request for service has been made to server subtask
control blocks while processing an OPEN request (req) either inside or outside the main product address
for a product subsystem data set control block. space. The requesting task has attempted to revoke
the request due to timeout or shutdown, but the server
User response has not acknowledged. The request for service has
been forcibly revoked.
Gather the available problem data, and contact
your local product systems programming group for
User response
Depending on the nature of the request, either
AVZ2030S ABEND abcode IN USER EXIT the requesting task or the server task TCB will be
modname+offset cancelled.
110 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
This is a diagnostic message issued by the service This is a diagnostic message issued by the service
requestor/provider interface. requestor/provider interface.
word1 and word2 represent control words before and word1 and word2 represent control words before and
after image, respectively after image, respectively
tb represents a trace back point tb represents a traceback point
112 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response AVZ2121S io FAILED,
RC=rcode, MEMBER=member,
Check the security error for the userid. Correct the DDNAME=ddname,
access problem, or contact your security administrator DSNAME=dsname
for further assistance.
AVZ2106H userID init FOR conID AT t2 ON d2 Explanation
The product copy utility was copying members from
Explanation one PDS to another, and the copy failed.
Product security function routine issued this io represents the current I/O operation
informational message for the TSO address spaces.
init represents the initialization type User response
Check the return codes and related MVS error
User response messages. Ensure that the data sets have enough
None. This message is for informational purposes only. space. Take action as recommended for the return
AVZ2107H LOGON FAILED FOR userID. rcode1
rcode2 rsncode - errtext. AVZ2122I MEMBER member RECORD recno
Product received a non-zero return code from a
LOGON request for an internal task. The product VB to FB conversion program found a
record with an invalid length.
The message has two return codes; rcode1 represents
the security module return code, and rcode2
represents the RACF (SAF) return code User response
Fix the invalid record, and rerun the VB to FB
User response conversion program.
Check the security error for the userid. Correct the AVZ2200E service desc FAILED RC=rcode,
access problem, or contact your security administrator DETECTED AT addr
for further assistance.
AVZ2108E errmsg1 errmsg2 FAILED - Explanation
RC=rcode This is a generic error message used to describe
a wide variety of errors. The message text gives a
Explanation description of the current operation (service) and what
the current operation was trying to do.
The product failed to extract the security product user
User response
User response Check the error messages and the return code
associated with this problem. There may be one or
Validate the current system situation. Ensure that the more error messages referring to the current problem.
security package initialization is complete before the If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
product is started. messages, and retry the operation. If the problem
AVZ2120I MEMBER member - additinfo cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
Explanation ABEND abcode, RS=rsncode AT
The product copy utility has started copying members
between PDSs.
User response The NLS service routine detected an abend while
processing a request.
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
User response
This is probably a logic error. Contact Software
114 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
The NLS service routine was invoked to look up an NLS The NLS service routine was invoked to decode data
EBCDIC to ASCII or ASCII TO EBCDIC translation table which contains multi-byte character sets including
(tblname). The requested table was not found. escape sequences. The escape sequence (seq)
reported in the message is not supported by the
User response server.
meth represents the character encoding method
Ensure that valid values are set for the server
parameters. Check for other messages which indicate User response
whether a non-default setting was selected during
The decode routine copies the escape sequence and
processing of the current transaction. Also, check
converts it to SBCS EBCDIC.
the ISPF 5.19 display for a list of coded character
sets that are defined to the system. The server AVZ2311I UTF-8 ind NOT SUPPORTED FOR
will continue the operation using the built-in ENU NLS page - ASSUMING HOST CODE
ASCIIEBCDICMAPPING table for SBCS operations and PAGE IS "ENU"
will set the CHARACTERENCODING to ISO-8859-1.
FOR scheme (tblname)
The NLS service routine was invoked to decode or
encode a UTF-8 data stream. The server does not
Explanation support UTF-8 data streams for the selected EBCDIC
host code page (page).
The NLS service routine was invoked to encode or
decode data which contains a multi-byte character ind indicates either "decoding" or "encoding"
set algorithm. A built-in NLS character set conversion
table was not present. User response
scheme represents the character encoding scheme
The routine assumes the EBCDIC host code page is set
to ENU (IBM-1047). This may lead to incorrect results
User response when the input or output stream has been processed.
The encode/decode operation is aborted by deliberate AVZ2312I BYTE byte IS AN INVALID UTF-8
generation of an S0C3 abend. Check for reasons BYTE - SKIPPING TO NEXT BYTE
why the built-in table described in the message is OF STREAM
undefined to the system.
AVZ2309I UNPAIRED scheme DBCS LEAD- Explanation
The NLS service routine was invoked to decode a
UTF-8 data stream. An invalid lead-byte value has
Explanation been found in the UTF-8 stream (x80-xBF, or xF8-xFF).
The decoder will skip over the offending byte and
The NLS service routine was invoked to decode data
ATTEMPT to re-orient at the next input byte position.
which contains a multi-byte character set algorithm. A
single byte was found which should be the first byte
of a two-byte DBCS character sequence; however, no User response
more input bytes were present.
The decode operation continues at the next input
scheme represents the character encoding scheme stream position. This may lead to additional errors or
incorrect decoding of the stream.
User response AVZ2320T DBCS conversion bypassed for
The decode routine skips the invalid DBCS lead-byte parameter parmno: rsn
and omits it from the EBCDIC result.
User response
Db2 Streams Collector received a return code 4 and
The Streams routine is aborted. Ensure that the userid
reason code 00C10823 attempting to create a CAF or
specified is correct.
RRSAF connection to the specified Db2.
AVZ2408E Streams plan plan not defined TO
User response db2ID
User response
The Streams source task is aborted. Ensure that the
Db2 Streams Collector received a return code 8 and
specified plan is bound.
reason code 00F30013 attempting to create a CAF or
RRSAF connection to the specified Db2.
116 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ2409I srctype %2 Streams source task Explanation
now starting
This message emits information related to the Trace
Streams Db2 routines.
The DEFINE PUBLISH TYPE(DB2) task is starting. User response
User response
This message is for informational purposes only. FOR DDNAME ddname
AVZ2410I Streams destination task for
destination starting Explanation
Streams destination is unable to access the Dataset
Explanation name for the listed DD name, which contains XML
DEFINE PUBLISH DESTINATION task starting formatting information.
Explanation Explanation
The product tried to initialize or a Publish task It appears that another copy of the product is using
during product initialization or termination. An internal the same Event Publisher Db2 tables that this copy of
service routine called during Publish task initialization the product is attempting to use.
or termination exited with a non-zero return code.
User response
User response No action is required.
Check the error messages and the return code AVZ2416S Streams support not configured -
associated with this problem. There may be one or it cannot be initialized
more additional error messages or abends referring to
the current Publish task initialization or termination
problem. Also, check for storage allocation errors Explanation
or abends. If possible, fix the problem identified by None.
the error messages, and restart the product. If the
problem cannot be resolved, contact Software Support
to obtain additional assistance. User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ2412I Streams tasktype task for
destination terminating AVZ2417E Invalid return from Streams rule
rulename rval
DEFINE PUBLISH task terminating Explanation
An SEF rule (rulename) for a Streams event provided a
User response syntactically invalid return value (rval). The event was
not Published.
AVZ2413T data1 data2 data3 data4 data5 User response
data6 data7 data8 data9 %SK
Correct the SEF rule and retry.
118 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Have the client process reissue the Ensure that the MQREPLYQNAME was properly defined
ENABLETRANSMISSIONS ODBC call. If problem in the MQSeries catalog.
persists contact Software Support to obtain additional
AVZ2431I jobname Streams exit exit enabled
AVZ2427E Task task not started - not licensed Explanation
for feature.
The Streams CICS Global User Exit has been enabled
during CICS PLTPI phase three initialization.
None. User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ2428E task SOURCE TASK PARAMETER mqreplyqname (corrID)
MQREPLYQNAME mqreplyqname
An MQSeries report message had an unrecognized
correlation ID value (corrID).
None. User response
Ensure that the MQREPLYQNAME MQSeries Q is
User response
not used for anything other than Streams as an
Contact Rocket Software Support. MQREPLYQNAME.
RECEIVED ON mqreplyqname FOR source event datamap
(start) - IGNORED
Streams source task initialization failed while
An MQSeries message other than a status report was attempting to build an event definition from the a data
received on the MQREPLYQNAME. map.
start represents the start of the text
User response
User response Ensure that the data map used in the event definition
is correct and matches the layout of the data to be
Ensure that the MQREPLYQNAME MQSeries Q is
captured. in the case of an IMS/DB map, make sure
not used for anything other than Streams as an
that a COBOL map that defines the data fields has
been successfully merged.
AVZ2434W tskname tsktype DB2 EVENT
ON mqreplyqname RC=rcode
REASON=rsncode - errdesc
The specified publish task EVENT table,
An unexpected MQSeries failure occurred when
DTRIGGERTABLE, column name ROWNUM has a value
attempting to record report messages to the WorkFile.
that is nearing the end of its available range. It must
be reset before it runs out of available numbers in its
range. The range is 1 to 2147483647. The percent
specified in the message shows how much of that
range has been used.
120 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Check that the exit program has been correctly defined Return and reason codes can be found in msg
to CICS. IDC3009I
AVZ2446I jobname enabling Streams exit AVZ2450I Unable to allocate capture file file,
program program for exit exit RC = rcode, REC = rsncode
Explanation Explanation
The Streams PLTPI program is about to enable the exit An error occurred trying to allocate the VSAM capture
program. file.
The capture file is non-sms, but SMS management is
The Streams global user exit program has been started
required for the capture file.
or stopped.
operation indicates "STARTED" or "STOPPED" User response
Alter SMS ACS rules as required to SMS manage the
User response
data set.
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
AVZ2453S Streams work file not allocated -
AVZ2449I Unable to create capture file file, Streams source task terminated
RC = rcode1, REC = rsncode, SSIRC
= rcode2 Explanation
The Streams global user exit is about to write an event
record to the event file.
An error occurred trying to create the VSAM capture
file. User response
The message contains two return codes; rcode1
Check that the file has been correctly allocated and
represents the catalog management return code, and
defined to CICS.
rcode2 represents the SMS SSI call return code.
The variable fields of the message text are: Streams
CICS Source name
AVZ2454E tskname tsktype TASK NOT
Ensure that MQSeries is active on the system and AVZ2458E SOURCE NAME tskname NOT
that the Streams initialization exec sets the MQACTIVE ACTIVE OR NOT FOUND
parameter to YES.
AVZ2455E tskname tsktype filetype FILE,
NAME filename VERSION No active publish source task with the specified
MISMATCH, EXPECTED verno1, name has been found. The requested action was not
FOUND verno2 completed.
122 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ2465I Streams native VSAM capture not
The Streams PLT program encountered an error trying
to load the named program.
User response VSAM event capture has not been enabled by this
product subsystem.
Check that the program has been correctly defined to
CICS. Sample CICS definitions are distributed in the
CNTL library CICSCSD member. User response
The variable fields of the message text are: program Informational.
AVZ2466W tskname tsktype WORK FILE,
source event datamap NOW percent FULL
Explanation Explanation
Streams source task initialization failed while The specified publish task WORK file has records
attempting to build an event definition (event) from the that use the specified percent of available space.
a data map. The percent used has decreased, indicating that the
dataset has been extended.
User response
User response
Ensure that the data map used in the event definition
is correct and matches the layout of the data to be Ensure that the volume containing the WORK file has
captured. in the case of an IMS/DB map, make sure sufficient free space to allow any additional extension
that a COBOL map that defines the data fields has of the WORK file needed to continue normal operation.
been successfully merged.
DEFINED FOR event tblqual tskname. ALL ACTIVE EVENT
Explanation Explanation
Streams source task initialization failed while A Streams source task has more than one Event Table
attempting to build an event definition (event) for a marked active. Only one Event Table may be marked
Db2 table. active at any time. A list of active Event Tables follows.
Explanation Explanation
Streams Db2 IFI source task user ID requires Db2 The specified publish source task has this Event Table
SYSOPR authority to issue a START MONITOR TRACE marked active. Only one Event Table may be marked
command. active at any one time.
124 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
Logstream debugging message issued by Streams Probable CICS error. Check the system log for errors.
event capture (routine). The presence of the
AVZ2480I Streams server version ver1 does
SDPHDBUG load module in the capture process load
not match DB2 function version
library will cause these debug messages to be issued.
To create SDPHDBUG, edit member ZEVDBUG from
the product sample library to set desired debug trace
options and assemble and link as SDPHDBUG. Explanation
The Streams server that has been configured to
User response publish Db2 events does not match the version of the
Remove member SDPHDBUG to prevent these Streams Db2 wake_publish function.
User response
AVZ2477I routine text1 text2 text3 text4
Check that the correct version of the wake publish
function load module (SDD2PCRU) is in the Db2
RUNLIB, and check that the Streams server is at the
This message tracks the generic debugging message same level.
issued by Streams event capture (routine). The
AVZ2481I jobname Streams version ver
presence of the SDPHDBUG load module in the
SFVXno date time
capture process load library will cause these debug
messages to be issued. To create SDPHDBUG, edit
member ZEVDBUG from the product sample library to Explanation
set desired debug trace options and assemble and link
Streams CICS load library maintenance level
User response
User response
Remove member SDPHDBUG to prevent these
AVZ2478E tskname tsktype TASK NOT
- RC=rcode1 REAS=rsncode
- ENCLAVE RC=rcode2
The specified publish task could not be started Explanation
because there were not enough VSAM strings
An attempt to send a message to a Tibco Rendezvous
allocated at startup.
destination failed.
User response
None. If a reply was desired, you will need to speed
The PUBLISH LOGON failed for the following reason.
your response to the message.
126 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
None. Reply as required next time. Check other MQSeries activity to be sure messages or
responses have not been inadvertently discarded.
AVZ2492I Streams not active on this server
AVZ2496W TASK task LOG logstream
Explanation RECORD WITH STATUS statcode,
DEST. dest., KEY timestamp,
An attempt was made to access the Streams control CONFIRMATION ARRIVED,
task and it was not active. RECORD MISSING
Explanation Explanation
A Streams task found a record in its MVS logstream Tibco Rendezvous destinations are not supported.
with an invalid status (scode) and destination (dest)
name. The record is discarded. User response
Delete Tibco Rendezvous destinations.
User response
Check other Logstream activity to be sure data has not AVZ2499T Streams does not support Oracle
been corrupted with data from some other program. destinations
AVZ2501T source RUNRULES
Streams trace record. Old Publish records (counted by
count) are being pruned from the Workfile.
Streams trace record. The Event processor is running User response
SEF rules for records in the Work file.
128 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
Streams trace record. The Streams task is doing Streams trace record. The Streams capture process
postprocessing for an update. (capture) has captured an event. Data associated with
the event has been saved in a dataspace owned by the
User response Streams server.
operation represents the change type
Explanation AVZ2541T srctsk capture EVENT BUILD
datatype operation mapname
Streams trace record. The Streams is enabling
transmissions to a dynamic destination for the JCA 1.5
interface. Explanation
Streams trace record. The Streams capture process
User response (capture) has built an event record in a dataspace
owned by the Streams server.
operation represents the change type
User response
Explanation None
Streams trace record. The Streams is disabling AVZ2542T srctsk capture EVENT POST
transmissions to a dynamic destination for the JCA 1.5 datatype operation mapname
User response
Streams trace record. The Streams capture process
None (capture) has posted the source task in the Streams
AVZ2530T ADDCOLUMN colname colval
operation represents the change type
User response
Streams trace record. The Streams JCA 1.5 Adapter
interface is adding a column of Publish data. None
AVZ2543T srctsk capture EVENT BACKOUT
User response datatype operation mapname
Streams trace record. The Streams capture process
(capture) has backed out the data saved for an event.
The event is discarded.
Streams trace record. The Streams JCA 1.5 Adapter
operation represents the change type
interface is adding a topic for MQ Broker processing.
A request by Security Optimization to listen for AVZ2622I User ID userID was not located by
event notification facility signal 71 (RACF user profile the security optimizer.
130 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
A request to expire a security optimizer entry could not This message is issued when the product is activating
be processed because the user ID was not located. the support for connections to z/OS Connect.
132 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ2772T Zconnect Server %1 registered User response
with WOLA
None. CODE 1 = OPC3 address 2 = information 3
= information 4 = information 5 = information 6
Explanation = information 7 = information 8 = information 9 =
This message is issued when a Zconnect facility server information 10 = information 11 = information 12 =
connects to WOLA. It is a trace message only. information 13 = information
AVZ2777T Zconnect Server %1 WOLA Req:
User response %2 Rc: %3 Rs: %4
User response
The CQDHLITF program was being run in a software
None. environment that is not valid. This program requires at
AVZ2784T END least z/OS 1.13.
134 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ2920E UNABLE TO OPEN %1 FILE
(DDNAME: %2)
a parameter provided to the CQDHLITF program via
the JCL PARM (or equivalent) was not followed by an
"=" sign. The position in the PARM string where the Explanation
parameter starts is shown. The CQDHLITF program was unable to open a file. the
file name and dd name are shown. The file may not be
User response in the JCL or it may have invalid attributes.
Correct the PARM value. CODE 1 = position in PARM
string. User response
AVZ2912E PARM NAME NOT RECOGNIZED - Correct and/or supply the relevant file definition. Refer
POS %1 to the documentation for file definition information.
CODE 1 = file name. 'PRINT', 'INPUT', or 'TRACE' 2 =
dd name. The standard values are 'SYSPRINT', 'SYSIN',
Explanation or 'SYSTRACE'.
a parameter provided to the CQDHLITF program via AVZ2925E INPUT FILE LINE HAS INVALID
the JCL PARM (or equivalent) was not recognized, The SYNTAX. LINE %1
position in the PARM string where the parameter starts
is shown.
User response The input control file for CQDHLITF had a syntax error.
The line number of the line in error is shown.
Correct the PARM name. Refer to the documentation
for valid parameter names. CODE 1 = position in PARM
string. User response
AVZ2913E PARM VALUE INVALID LENGTH - Correct the syntax of the control file line. Refer to the
POS %1 documentation for control file syntax. CODE 1 = line
number. The line number (starting at 1)
a parameter provided to the CQDHLITF program via LINE %1
the JCL PARM (or equivalent) had a bad length. The
position in the PARM string where the parameter starts
is shown. Explanation
The input control file for CQDHLITF had an unknown
User response option name or an invalid value for a known option
name. The line number of the line in error is shown.
Correct the PARM value. CODE 1 = position in PARM
User response
POS %1 Correct the syntax of the control file line. Refer to the
documentation for control file syntax. CODE 1 = line
number. The line number (starting at 1)
a parameter provided to the CQDHLITF program via CODE. RECORD NUMBER: %1
the JCL PARM (or equivalent) had an invalid value. The COD+ E (HEX): %2
position in the PARM string where the parameter starts
is shown.
User response The trace file input to CQDHLITF had an invalid record
code (Byte 1 of a record on the file). The record
Correct the PARM value. Refer to the documentation number of the record in error is shown. The record
for parameter value types. CODE 1 = position in PARM code is shown.
User response
The product detected an abend error. The current
Check that the correct trace file has been specified. If message provides some information about the abend.
the error persists, contact support. CODE 1 = record This message, along with other messages, should
number. The record number on the trace file. provide a detailed description of the current abend
recovery may indicate "ESTAE", "FRR", or "ARR"
Explanation rsn may also be the text "UNKNOWN"
The CQDHLITF program was unable to obtain working
storage. User response
Check if any other error messages were generated
User response along with the error message above. If the combined
Increase the region size. error messages are sufficient to explain the problem,
take whatever corrective action is appropriate.
AVZ2950E NO SESSIONS FOUND ON TRACE Otherwise, contact Software Support for assistance
FILE with this problem.
AVZ3001S func errdesc, ABEND abcode AT
Explanation modname+offset
The CQDHLITF program found no sessions on the trace
file. Explanation
The product ESTAE routine detected an abend in a
User response routine called by it. The message describes the abend
Check that the correct trace file has been specified. error. The product ESTAE routine will continue to
attempt recovery from the original error.
ION User response
Check if any other error messages were generated
Explanation along with the error message above. If the
combined error messages are sufficient to explain
The CQDHLITF program could not locate the 'session the problem, take whatever corrective action is
start' internal trace record for at least 1 session on the appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with
trace file. this problem.
AVZ3002T Data at PSW PSWdata
User response
Check that the correct trace file has been specified.
136 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation is part of the mini-dump used to describe the current
abend error.
The product detected an abend error. The current
message provides some information about the abend.
This message, along with other messages, should User response
provide a detailed description of the current abend Check if any other error messages (other than the
error. mini-dump) were generated along with the error
PSWdata contains the PSW address and PSW data message above. If the combined error messages
are sufficient to explain the problem, take whatever
corrective action is appropriate. Otherwise, contact
User response Software Support for assistance with this problem.
Check if any other error messages were generated AVZ3008T ind register
along with the error message above. If the combined
error messages are sufficient to explain the problem,
take whatever corrective action is appropriate. If Explanation
the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software The product ESTAE routine detected an abend error.
Support. There is no product specific recovery for this error.
AVZ3005S ESTAE level lvl ESTAE func error The ESTAE routine tries to document the abend error
RC=rcode by displaying the failing PSW and register content
(register). This message is part of the mini-dump used
to describe the current abend error.
ind indicates "AR/GR" or ""GR
The product ESTAE routine tried to protect itself by
issuing an ESTAE macro. The ESTAE failed with a non-
zero return code. User response
AVZ3006T PSW at time of error fPSW ILC ilc Check if any other error messages (other than the
INTC intc mini-dump) were generated along with the error
message above. If the combined error messages
are sufficient to explain the problem, take whatever
Explanation corrective action is appropriate. If the problem cannot
The product ESTAE routine detected an abend error. be resolved, contact Software Support.
There is no product specific recovery for this error. The AVZ3009T modname calltype
ESTAE routine tries to document the abend error by modname+offset
displaying the failing PSW. This message is part of the
mini-dump used to describe the current abend error.
ilc represents an instruction length code
The product ESTAE routine detected an abend error.
intc represents an interrupt code There is no product specific recovery for this error. The
ESTAE routine tries to document the abend error by
User response displaying the calling module sequence of the current
routine. This message is part of the mini-dump used to
Check if any other error messages (other than the describe the current abend error.
mini-dump) were generated along with the error
message above. If the combined error messages
are sufficient to explain the problem, take whatever User response
corrective action is appropriate. Otherwise, contact Check if any other error messages (other than the
Software Support with this problem. mini-dump) were generated along with the error
AVZ3007T Current routine name=modname message above. If the combined error messages
address=addr offset=offset are sufficient to explain the problem, take whatever
corrective action is appropriate. Otherwise, contact
Software Support for assistance with this problem.
AVZ3010T Too many entries
The product ESTAE routine detected an abend error.
There is no product specific recovery for this error. The
ESTAE routine tries to document the abend error by
displaying the failing PSW and registers. This message
Explanation Explanation
A request to the tokenization routine passed a string An abend was detected in one of the product common
length that exceeds the maximum string length subroutines. The abend code and service routine are
allowed. described in the message text. The error was probably
caused by a failure in an operating system service
User response requested by the subroutine.
138 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
An invalid buffer prefix was read in from a client None. This message is for informational purposes only.
application. The buffer prefix was either negative or
exceeded the maximum input buffer size.
NAME=dspname, RETURN
User response rsncode,CALLED BY cs
The connection to the client system is terminated. The
client application will probably report an error. Check Explanation
for any client system error messages. If the failure
continues, contact Software Support. A dataspace function failed. The return code and
reason code are displayed. The space token is
NAME=dspname, CALLED BY cs
User response
Installation limits may have caused the failure.
An MVS dataspace was created for temporary storage Examine the limits set by the installation's IEFUSI exit
of data. The space name (dspname) is displayed. to determine if they caused the failure. If the problem
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
User response AVZ3038T ALET CREATED, NAME=dspname,
None. This message is for informational purposes only. ALET=alet, CALLED BY cs
None. This message is for informational purposes only. AVZ3039T ALET DELETED, NAME=dspname,
NAME=dspname, CALLED BY cs
Explanation An ALET for accessing a dataspace was deleted.
The space token is displayed. The deleted ALET is
An MVS dataspace was extended. The storage in the displayed.
dataspace was used up and more was allocated to it.
The space token is displayed.
User response
User response None. This message is for informational purposes only.
None. This message is for informational purposes only. AVZ3040T ALESERV func FAILED,
NAME=dspname, RETURN
NAME=dspname, CALLED BY cs rsncode,CALLED BY cs
Explanation Explanation
Storage in an MVS dataspace was released. The An ALESERV function failed. The return code and
storage is no longer required. The space token is reason code are displayed. The space token is
displayed. displayed.
140 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Otherwise, contact Software Support to obtain AVZ3071T func (funcode) SERVICE
additional assistance. errdesc ccode rsncode errloc
modname+offset creg15
AVZ3062E service desc FAILED RC=rcode,
Explanation The product stacking PC function (func) has been
invoked in an invalid manner, has been invoked in an
This is a generic error message used to describe
invalid environmental state, or has abended during
a wide variety of errors. The message text gives a
execution. This is a duplicate of message 3070S but
description of the current operation (service) and what
is written to the trace.
the current operation was trying to do.
creg15 represents control register 15, if avail, or
User response zeroes
Explanation Explanation
The space switch PC routine is attempting to copy A logoff to the current server address space was
(action) a parameter list (plist) passed by its caller into attempted by a user other than the one currently
storage that can be accessed in space switch mode logged on. The current server address space is
and has found that the target storage area is not large terminated, and a new one will be started.
User response
User response
If problems are encountered with servers, the product
This is an internal product error condition. Contact cancels them and restarts them. This is normal
Software Support. Software Support. product operation. Check if the current ABEND was an
independent one or if it was caused by the product,
AVZ3070S func (funcode) SERVICE and resolve the problem accordingly.
errdesc ccode rsncode errloc
modname+offset creg15 AVZ3081T TSO SERVER IN ASID asid
traceinfo1 traceinfo2 traceinfo3
Explanation traceinfo4
142 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ3101S Message number msgno not found Explanation
- modname+offset
The product message formatting routine could not
process the length part of a substitution variable
Explanation ("%()") found in a message skeleton. Because the
The product message formatting routine could not substitution variable could not be processed, a
find a message number passed to it in the product product message cannot be sent. This means that
message table. Because the message number could some other error may have occurred, but the error
not be found, a product message cannot be sent. This message was not sent because of the current error.
means that some other error may have occurred, but The error is caused by a programming error in the
the error message was not sent because of the current message table. The offset is the location of the calling
error. The error is caused by either a calling routine routine that invoked the message formatting routine.
passing an invalid message number or an error in the
message table. The offset is the location of the calling User response
routine that passed the message number that could
not be found. Ensure that the product is properly installed. Check
the message table assembly time, date, and version
number. Check if any other error messages were
User response generated along with the error message above. If the
Ensure that the product is properly installed. Check combined error messages are sufficient to explain
the message table assembly time, date, and version the problem, take whatever corrective action is
number. Check if any other error messages were appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support for
generated along with the error message above. assistance with this problem.
If the combined error messages are sufficient to AVZ3104S Invalid text insertion data type -
explain the problem, take whatever corrective action msgno modname+offset
is appropriate. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact Software Support.
AVZ3102S Invalid message text variable -
msgno varname modname+offset The product message formatting routine detected an
invalid data type value passed to it by a calling routine.
Because of the invalid data type value, a product
Explanation message cannot be sent. This means that some other
The product message formatting routine could not error may have occurred, but the error message was
process a substitution variable found in a message not sent because of the current error. The error is
skeleton. Because the substitution variable could not caused by a programming error in the calling routine.
be processed, a product message cannot be sent. This The offset is the location of the calling routine that
means that some other error may have occurred, but passed the invalid data type value.
the error message was not sent because of the current
error. The error is caused by a programming error in User response
the message table. The offset is the location of the
calling routine that invoked the message formatting Ensure that the product is properly installed. Check
routine. the message table assembly time, date, and version
number. Check if any other error messages were
generated along with the error message above.
User response If the combined error messages are sufficient to
Ensure that the product is properly installed. Check explain the problem, take whatever corrective action
the message table assembly time, date, and version is appropriate. If the problem cannot be resolved,
number. Check if any other error messages were contact Software Support.
generated along with the error message above. AVZ3105S Output message buffer overflow -
If the combined error messages are sufficient to msgno modname+offset
explain the problem, take whatever corrective action
is appropriate. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact Software Support. Explanation
AVZ3103S Invalid text insertion data length - The product message formatting routine found that
msgno modname+offset the current message will not fit in the output buffer.
Because of the buffer overflow condition, a product
message cannot be sent. This means that some other
144 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
above. If the combined error messages are sufficient Explanation
to explain the problem, take whatever corrective
action is appropriate. If the problem cannot be During a WRITE/PUT operation, the product I/O
resolved, contact Software Support. routines have been passed a record with an invalid
record size. The record size is either 0 or greater than
AVZ3110I data1 data2 data3 data4 data5 the maximum logical record size (LRECL) allowed for
data6 data7 data8 data9 data10 the indicated data set.
None. This message is for informational purposes only. AVZ3122S VSAM service FAILED,
RC=rcode, fldname
AVZ3111I errdesc for dsname not found for FIELD=fldval, DDNAME=ddname,
cmd command. DSNAME=dsname
Explanation Explanation
An error was encountered in processing a VSAM file A product generalized input/output processing routine
command. tried to open a VSAM data set. The VSAM OPEN
(service) failed.
User response fldname and fldval represent the ACB/RPL field name
Correct the command and reenter it. and value respectively
146 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
RC=rcode RSN=rsncode - ddname-
index:dsname While attempting to read a PDS(E) dataset directory,
the I/O services routines discovered that the PDS(E)
directory is empty.
While issuing the DESERV macro to obtain directory User response
entry information, the system returned an unexpected
return code and reason code. An empty PDS(E) directory may be normal or may
represent a problem, depending on the library being
index represents the concatenation index where the accessed. If a problem results because the empty
error occurred directory is an abnormality, this informational message
may aid in resolution.
Contact Software Support. FAILED, RC=rcode, ERROR
CODE=errcode, INFO
AVZ3132E HFS service FAILED FOR path - CODE=rsncode, DDNAME=ddname,
RC=rcode (name1), RSN=rsncode DSNAME=dsname
(name2) - desc1 / desc2
An attempt to dynamically free a data set failed. The
While invoking an Open Edition HFS Service for the error message contains the information associated
entity identified by path, the system returned an with the failed request.
unexpected return code and reason code.
name1 and desc1 refer to ERRNO names and User response
Review the information contained in the message, and
name2 and desc2 refer to JERRNO names and attempt to correct the problem. Information on the
descriptions codes may be obtained from the documentation. If,
after reviewing this information, you are still unable to
User response correct the problem, contact Software Support.
Review the appropriate Open Edition manual for the AVZ3136T User record exits cannot be loaded
meaning of the return and reason codes. If the cause because DDNAME ddname is not
of the error cannot be readily determined, contact allocated. Exits: program1 and
Software Support. program2
148 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ3144E rsrc sysserv FAILED, RC=rcode, User response
DETECTED AT routine+offset
Check if any other error messages were generated
along with the error message above. If the combined
Explanation error messages are sufficient to explain the problem,
Some type of error occurred in the system take whatever corrective action is appropriate. If
management routines of the product. See the actual the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software
text of the message for an explanation. The error was Support.
probably caused by a failure in an operating system AVZ3147T rsrc sysserv FAILED, RC=rcode,
service requested by a product system management DETECTED AT routine+offset
User response
Some type of error occurred in the system
Check if any other error messages were generated management routines of the product. See the actual
along with the error message above. If the text of the message for an explanation. The error was
combined error messages are sufficient to explain probably caused by a failure in an operating system
the problem, take whatever corrective action is service (sysserv) requested by a product system
appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with management routine.
this problem.
AVZ3145S cblk ERROR SUBSYS =subsys User response
Check if any other error messages were generated
Explanation along with the error message above. If the
The product detected a serious operating system combined error messages are sufficient to explain
control block (cblk) error. The operating system control the problem, take whatever corrective action is
block error prevented the system management routine appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with
from performing some request on behalf of a caller. this problem.
This control block error may cause other system errors AVZ3148E Main product address space not
and may cause the operating system to fail. active
150 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
the problem, take whatever corrective action is Explanation
appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with
this problem. A GETMAIN or FREEMAIN request failed with a non-
zero return code. The error message gives the storage
AVZ3157E func ABEND abcode AT addr request type (GET or FREE), the return code, and the
location of the calling routine. This failure may have
Explanation been caused by a programming error in the calling
routine or in the storage management routine. This
An abend failure occurred when a system failure can also be caused by product installation and
management routine called an MVS service routine. maintenance errors.
The abend occurred in the MVS service routine.
The error message provides the abend code and subp represents the requested subpool
abend location. This failure was probably caused by a
programming error in the calling routine, in the system User response
management module, or possibly in the IBM service
routine. This failure can also be caused by product Check if some type of operating system problem
installation and maintenance errors. (such as storage shortage) may have caused the
problem. Check if any other error messages were
generated along with the error message above. If the
User response combined error messages are sufficient to explain
Check if any other error messages were generated the problem, take whatever corrective action is
along with the error message above. If the appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with
combined error messages are sufficient to explain this problem.
the problem, take whatever corrective action is AVZ3204T modname+offset func stortype
appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with spno stg1 stg2 token
this problem.
REQUESTED BY modname+offset
This is a storage trace message generated by the
product storage management routine. Storage traces
Explanation are used to analyze product storage utilization and to
The storage management routine detected an invalid find storage management bugs. This is not an error
subpool number (spno) in a parameter list passed message. The message gives the calling module name,
by a caller. The subpool number is not supported calling module offset, current function (GET or FREE),
by the storage management routine. The storage storage type, subpool number (spno), storage area size
management module cannot perform the service (stg1), old storage total (stg2), and new storage total.
requested by the caller. The error message gives
the invalid subpool number and the location of the User response
calling routine. This failure may have been caused
by a programming error in the calling routine or in Check if storage trace was activated for some reason.
the storage management routine. This failure can also If storage trace is active, ignore this message.
be caused by product installation and maintenance Otherwise, storage trace has been inadvertently
errors. activated by a memory overlay. Contact Software
Support with this problem.
User response The variable fields of the message text are: mod
module name off module offset func current function
Check if any other error messages were generated stype storage type (E/CSA or E/Private) subp storage
along with the error message above. If the subpool number stg1 storage area size or amount stg2
combined error messages are sufficient to explain storage area size or amount token storage token if any
the problem, take whatever corrective action is
appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with AVZ3205E STORAGE ROUTINE ABEND CODE
this problem. abcode AT modname+offset
152 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response freeing all storage within the specified subpool (subp).
The requestor has either inadvertently specified the
Check if any other error messages were generated FREEMAIN storage address as zero, or a legitimate
along with the error message above. If the FREEPOOL request was coded incorrectly.
combined error messages are sufficient to explain
the problem, take whatever corrective action is
appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with User response
this problem. The storage management routine generates an
AVZ3210S reqtype XFORM SP=subp S0C3 to abnormally end the calling procedure.
LEN=lgth A=addr FROM This is done to prevent errors which are likely to
modname+offset,failrsn occur subsequently after an entire subpool is freed
inadvertently. If the problem cannot be resolved,
contact Software Support.
AVZ3250S service ERROR RC=rcode
The storage management routine determined that an
SRB-mode memory GETMAIN or FREEMAIN request
could not be internally converted to an appropriate Explanation
branch-entry request. Without transformation, the This message describes a variety of errors
request cannot execute in SRB-mode. encountered while using the QEDIT supervisor service.
subp represents the subpool of original request
User response
User response This problem may be caused by a failure either in
The request to get or free storage is rejected. Check the product or in the operating system. If possible,
if any other error messages were generated along fix the problem identified by the error messages, and
with the error message above. If the combined error restart the product. If the problem cannot be resolved,
messages are sufficient to explain the problem, take contact Software Support.
whatever corrective action is appropriate. Otherwise, AVZ3251I cmd msgtext
contact Software Support for assistance with this
2**reqal BOUNDARY ALIGNED This message is only issued when the product is in
REQUESTED BY modname+offset debugging mode. It echoes commands sent to the
User response
The storage management routine determined that
obtained storage was not aligned on the requested None. This message is for informational purposes only.
boundary (reqal). AVZ3252S component initialization timeout
User response
The storage management routine generates an S0C3 Explanation
to abnormally end the calling procedure. This is This message is issued when the product attempted
done to prevent errors which are likely to occur to initialize full SEF (component) support, but SEF
subsequently if the incorrectly aligned storage is used. initialization did not complete in the allowed time
Contact Software Support with this problem. period. This is a serious error, and product initialization
REQUESTED BY modname+offset User response
Check if any other error messages were generated
Explanation along with the error message above. If the combined
The storage management routine determined that a error messages are sufficient to explain the problem,
product storage FREEMAIN request has been made take whatever corrective action is appropriate. If
with a zero address. Such a request results in
This message is issued when the SQL engine map
build process does not complete in the allowed time This message is displayed on running multiple
period (five minutes). This is a serious error, and major connection tests, load tests, or a large number of SQL
parts of the product may not function correctly. statements. In this case, the user loses the connection
and the SQL Engine fails to obtain the memory.
154 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
caused by a programming error in the calling routine. User response
This failure can also be caused by product installation
and maintenance errors. Examine the data set and any other messages that
may accompany this one. If you are able to resolve the
problem, restart the product.
User response
AVZ3304E Member dbrm not found in DBRM
Check if any other error messages were generated library
along with the error message above. If the
combined error messages are sufficient to explain
the problem, take whatever corrective action is Explanation
appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with A BLDL for the DBRM member failed.
this problem.
AVZ3301E PLAN plan DBRM dbrm User response
time2 Determine why the DBRM is missing from the DBRM
library. If necessary, change the library specified in
the JCL for the main address space, and restart the
Explanation product.
The timestamp associated with the SQL statement AVZ3305E func failed for
plist does not match the timestamp in the DBRM. The MEMBER=dbrm DDNAME=ddname
exact SQL statement cannot be displayed. DSNAME=dsname RC=rcode
This message contains two timestamps; time1
represents the plist timestamp, and time2 represents Explanation
the DBRM timestamp
An I/O operation (func) failed while attempting to
access the DBRM library.
User response
Verify that the DBRM library specified in the JCL of User response
the main product library is synchronized with the
application program load library (i.e. both the load and Use this message in conjunction with any other
the DBRM were produced from the same version of messages that may accompany it to resolve the
the source). Correct any mismatch, and restart the problem. You may also want to examine the data set
product. for problems. Once the problem is corrected, restart
the product.
AVZ3302E ddname DDNAME not allocated -
SQL source not available AVZ3306E DBRM MEMBER dbrm TOO LARGE,
The DBRM DD statement is not present in the JCL used
to start the main product address space. The current DBRM is too large for AVZ to handle.
User response
The SQL statement identified by the application appropriate value.
program's plist could not be found in the
corresponding DBRM member. AVZ3313T DB2 subsystem with ASID subsys
was not found
User response
The plist's statement number (stno) should match one
of statements in the DBRM. Verify that the application The ERLY control block for the Db2 subsystem was not
program load module and the DBRM are synchronized found.
(i.e. they were produced at same time from the same
version of the source). Correct any mismatches, and User response
restart the product.
The product was not able to find the ERLY control
AVZ3310E DBRM close FAILED block for the Db2 subsystem using the ASID. The
FOR DDNAME=ddname routine cannot proceed because of this error. This can
DSNAME=dsname RC=rcode occur when the Db2 subsystem ends with a system
AVZ3314S DB2 subsystem with ASID subsys
AVZ tried to close the DBRM library and the close was not found
operation failed. Resources may not have been
completely released. Explanation
The ERLY control block for the Db2 subsystem was not
User response
Examine the data set and any other messages that
may accompany this one. If you are able to resolve the User response
problem, restart the product.
The product was not able to find the ERLY control
AVZ3311T ASSIGN AND CONCATENATE LOB block for the Db2 subsystem using the ASID. The
156 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
routine cannot proceed because of this error. This can User response
occur when the Db2 subsystem ends with a system
04F ABEND. Check the error messages and the return code
associated with this problem. There may be one or
AVZ3315W Operational mode for DB2 more error messages referring to the current problem.
subsystem subsys could not be If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
determined messages, and restart the product.
AVZ3702H TSO/SRV started server
Explanation jobname,ASID=asid
The product is not aware of the version of Db2
executing in the Db2 subsystem and cannot determine Explanation
the operational mode.
The product has issued a START command to create a
new TSO/SRV server address space, and the address
User response space has been created.
Processing continues. Contact Software Support to
report this message. User response
AVZ3316T Operational mode for DB2 None. This message is for informational purposes only.
subsystem subsys could not be
Explanation CODES=(abcode/pcode)
The product is not aware of the version of Db2
executing in the Db2 subsystem and cannot determine Explanation
the operational mode.
The product TSO/SRV execute queue processing
function detected an abend or error while attempting
User response to schedule a command into an external TSO server
Processing continues. Contact Software Support to address space. This message is returned to the original
report this message. requestor.
The product has allocated a new server descriptor AVZ3704H TSO/SRV cancelled server
control block and will start a new TSO/SRV server jobname,ASID=asid
address space.
parmval1 represents the value of CGIMIN, and Explanation
parmval2 represents the value of CGIMAX The product has issued a CANCEL command to
eliminate a TSO/SRV server address space (asid). This
User response may occur either because of a change (reduction)
in the value of the TSOMINSERVERS parameter or
None. This message is for informational purposes only. because of a server command exceeding its execution
AVZ3701I service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode limits.
User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
After issuing an internal START command for a
TSO/SRV address space, the product attempted to AVZ3712W TSOMAXSERVERS value
validate the returned ASID and found it to be invalid. (parmval1) invalid. Set to
This error indicates one of the following conditions: (1) TSOMINSERVERS (parmval2).
the ASID is negative, (2) the ASID is greater than the
system MAXUSER value, or (3) the associated ASVT
entry is currently not in use.
The product Server processing has detected that the
User response TSOMAXSERVERS value has been set to a value that is
lower than the TSOMINSERVERS value. This is invalid
This condition is extremely unlikely to occur. - the maximum number of servers can never be lower
than the minimum number of servers. The maximum
AVZ3709W TSO server canceled - max
value is changed to the minimum value.
transaction time exceeded
158 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
parmval1 represents the value of TSOMAXSERVERS, contains the abend code, current operation, and abend
and parmval2 represents the value of location.
User response
User response
Check if any other error messages were generated
If the incorrect values are set via the startup along with the error message above. If the combined
exec or any other program, correct the program(s). error messages are sufficient to explain the problem,
You may also adjust the TSOMINSERVERS and take whatever corrective action is appropriate.
TSOMAXSERVERS values using the ISPF parameter
AVZ3716O Cancelled TSO server jobname
stepname (ASID=asid), has not
AVZ3713I TSO/SRV server added due to terminated
excessive queue depth (qdep)
The product has issued a CANCEL command to
The number of requests on the TSO/SRV server terminate a TSO server. More than one (1) minute has
execute queue currently exceeds the threshold set elapsed since the CANCEL command was issued, but
by the user specified TSOSRVQUEUEADDDEPTH. The the server address space has not terminated.
number of servers is being increased by one since the
number of servers is still below the maximum number User response
of servers limit as specified by the TSOMAXSERVERS
value. First, attempt another CANCEL command using the
STEP NAME from the message. If this does not cause
the server to terminate, use the MVS FORCE command
User response
or attempt to kill the server address space using any
None. This message is for informational purposes only. other means at your disposal.
AVZ3714H TSO/SRV terminated server AVZ3717H TSO server execute queue reset
A control command has caused the TSO/SRV execute
The product has terminated a TSO server address queue to be cleared. All pending TSO transactions
space. The server has been terminated because have been discarded.
either the current number of servers exceeds
the TSOMAXSERVERS limit, or the current number User response
of servers exceeds the TSOMINSERVERS value
and the current server has been idle more than None. This message is for informational purposes only.
TSOSRVDORMANTTIMEOUT seconds. This message
may also occur when a control command requested
server termination. The server address space may
= rsncode
not terminate immediately if it is currently running
a transaction. If the server does not terminate
voluntarily within a limited time period, the server will Explanation
be cancelled by the product.
A failure occurred in the service routine that schedules
an address space CREATE. The TSO address space will
User response not be created. The return and reason codes in the
message are from the MVS ASCRE service routine.
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
AVZ3715H TSO/SRV SUBTASK ABEND abcode User response
IN func modname+offset
Check the return code in the message. If the return
code is 52 or higher, this error is most likely a
system related problem, and you should report this to
The product TSO/SRV execute queue processing your system programming staff. If necessary, set the
function detected an abend. The message text TSOSRVUSEASCRE to NO so that START commands
This message indicates that a server has received
This message indicates that a command has been
a command (cmd). The program or ruleset.rulename
removed from the TSO execute queue and has been
(name) indicates where the command originated.
sent to a product TSO server address space. This
message is only issued when DEBUG is set ON.
User response
qdep represents queue depth
No action is required.
qtime represents time spent on TSO execute queue in
100ths of a second AVZ3725T TSO execute processor posted by
User response
None. This message is used for debugging and analysis
purposes only. This message indicates that the TSO execute
processor has received a signal from another
ASID=asid, ETIME=etime,
User response
Explanation None. This message is used for debugging and analysis
purposes only.
This message indicates that a server has received a
command. The delay between the time (etime) the AVZ3729T msgtext var2 var3
TSO command dispatch message is issued and the
time this message is issued is due to operating system
scheduling factors. This message is only issued when
DEBUG is set ON. This message is for TSO debugging and trace purposes
User response
User response
None. This message is used for debugging and analysis
purposes only. None. This message is for informational purposes only.
AVZ3750H SEF var1 var2
160 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
This message indicates that the product execute There was an error within the SEF rule processor.
processor has terminated.
User response
User response
Review the messages just before and after this
This message is for informational purposes only unless message to understand the context.
it indicates that the SEF command queue has not
been allocated. In that case, you should check for any AVZ3754I SEF command syntax error: cmd
other messages that appeared on the console during
product initialization that may assist you in resolving Explanation
this problem. If you are unable to resolve the problem,
The SEF execution processor detected a command
contact Software Support for further assistance.
with invalid syntax for the ADDRESS SEF environment.
AVZ3751I SEF service OF desc FAILED, Normally, the syntax error should have been detected
RC=rcode at rule enabled or program compile time.
162 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
A problem was encountered while opening or Check your initialization procedure, SWSxIN00, to be
refreshing a product data set. The message sure it defines ONE master WWW ruleset using the
indicates that a duplicate entity was detected. The "WWWCLASS(MASTER)" keyword.
DUPLICATING entity will be ignored.
Variables in this message (src, type, and ID) refer to DOES NOT SUPPORT THE func
the duplicating entity FUNCTION
Explanation Explanation
An error occurred while processing an SEF request A failure occurred in the service routine (func)
and the status of a ruleset is effected. This message that schedules an address space create. The global
follows the original error message to warn of variable backup will not execute. The return and
additional/on-going ramifications from the error. reason codes in the message are from the MVS ASCRE
service routine.
User response
User response
The server takes the action reported in this message
in order to recover from the previously reported error Check the return code in the message. If the return
cause. code is 52 or higher, the error is most likely a system
related problem, and you should report this to your
AVZ3888E Required master WWW ruleset
system programming staff. If the problem cannot be
not defined - HTTP processing
resolved, contact Software Support for assistance.
AVZ3792I Global Variable Backup address
Explanation space procedure has been created
164 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
None. This is an informational message only. The SEF request is rejected because the ruleset status
prevents execution of the request.
AVZ3854I %%INCLUDE processing ignored
when ISPF EDIT source being
compiled, line lineno User response
Examine previously reported conditions to determine
Explanation the cause of the problem.
A %INCLUDE statement was detected in the source AVZ3887I RULESET rsname additinfo1,
of the Product REXX program being compiled. The additinfo2 … additinfo8
procedure source is being fetched from the current
ISPF Edit session and %INCLUDE is not supported in Explanation
this environment.
An error occurred while processing an SEF request
and the status of a ruleset is effected. This message
User response
follows the original error message to warn of
The %INCLUDE statement, with its including comment additional/on-going ramifications from the error.
delimiters is not processed. The original text is
preserved in the procedure source being fetched from User response
the current edit session.
The server takes the action reported in this message
AVZ3855I %%INCLUDE statement syntax in order to recover from the previously reported error
invalid, line lineno cause.
AVZ3888E Required master WWW ruleset
not defined - HTTP processing
A %INCLUDE statement was detected in the source impossible
of the Product REXX program being compiled, but the
statement was incomplete. /*%INCLUDE, the named Explanation
member, and */ must all be present on a single source
line. The member name must be less than or equal to SEF Rule manager did not find a Master WWW ruleset
8 bytes in length. definition. The rule manager will not enable ANY WWW
User response
User response
The %INCLUDE statement is rejected
Check your initialization procedure, SWSxIN00, to be
AVZ3856I %%INCLUDE member (member) sure it defines ONE master WWW ruleset using the
not found, line lineno "WWWCLASS(MASTER)" keyword.
A %INCLUDE statement was detected in the source FUNCTION
of the Product REXX program being compiled, but the
member named in the statement cannot be found in Explanation
either the library dataset where the source member
resides or in the SYSEXEC library concatenation. SEF rule manager received a command which it
does not support when operating in the indicated
operational mode.
User response
The %INCLUDE statement is rejected User response
AVZ3886E RULESET rsname additinfo1, Correct the command, and re-issue.
additinfo2 … additinfo8
AVZ3890I msgs
166 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response AVZ3902E var1 var2 SECTION IN RULE var3
The second ruleset defined as a master WWW
ruleset will not be processed. It is flagged with Explanation
STATUS(OFFLINE) and stopped so that no processing The SEF rule manager did not find a matching section
of the data set will occur until the RULESET definition header table entry. The processing of the current rule
has been changed. is terminated.
AVZ3899W No SEF rulesets have been defined
User response
Explanation Ensure that the rule sections are properly coded and
When the SEF rule manager attempted to process the valid. Review the rule for obvious coding errors. Refer
list of rulesets defined to the system, it found that no to the product Server Administration Guide for more
valid rulesets had been defined. details on rule coding. Correct the above problem, and
User response AVZ3903E INVALID CRITERION crit IN
ruletype rule rulename
The current message is a rule status report message
and may not require any response. If rulesets should
be defined, check your start-up procedure for errors Explanation
which might have occurred while processing DEFINE SEF rule manager detected an invalid criterion (crit)
RULESET statements. when processing the current rule. Only a single
AVZ3900T RULE rsname.rulename FOR wildcard is allowed in the rule criterion. Rule
ruletype pc status processing is terminated.
168 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ3916I TOD RULE rsname.rulename HAS AVZ3921W Rule rulename contains no
BEEN DISABLED - ALL TIME executable sections
SEF rule manager found no executable sections in the
SEF rule manager disabled the current rule (TOD) after current rule.
all time criteria expired. This may or may not be an
error. User response
Review the current rule code to make sure it is
User response
executable code (e.g. RETURN SUPPRESS in PROC
The current TOD rule time criterion is not valid beyond section if this is a message rule). Without any
the last fire time. If rule was intended to go beyond the executable sections, the current rule cannot be
last fire time, ensure that the next TOD rule is created processed by the SEF manager.
with the required start/stop/interval or time criteria
desired. AVZ3922I MATCH TABLE LIST - d1 t2
Explanation Explanation
The product rule manager did not find a match for this SEF rule manager detected an input buffer overflow.
rule. The program is too large to be loaded in the current
User response
User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
Check the current program for input size, and correct
AVZ3928E RULESET rsname rsprefix IS that, if possible. Contact your local product systems
errmsg programming group for help.
AVZ3932E service OF table FAILED, RC=rcode
SEF rule manager checked the ruleset prefix string and Explanation
found it to be blank.
SEF rule manager could not setup the Product REXX
external routine table. The GETMAIN failed.
User response
Ensure that the ruleset prefix string is not blank. User response
Refer to the product Server Administration Guide for
information on specifying rules data sets and related Determine why the GETMAIN of the required storage
prefixes. Correct the above problem, and restart. to create the above table failed. Check any MVS
messages for their return codes. Ensure that no exits
AVZ3929E Maximum ruleset count (count) limit the acquiring of the given storage by any ASID.
exceeded Review the current error text, and correct the problem.
Explanation PROCESSING DURING func
SEF rule manager's internal list of SEF rulesets has
overflowed. Too many SEF rulesets are defined. Explanation
An abend occurred during cell pool processing
User response initiated by the SEF rule manager.
If the defined ruleset count exceeds the maximum
supported number of rulesets when the server is
170 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response DSORG or incompatibility in LRECL and BLKSIZE). If a
system 913 abend code is reported, data set access
If the error occurred during a GET, check the product has been disallowed by your security subsystem.
region size. If the error did not occur during a GET,
contact Software Support. AVZ3937E LISTCOMP FOR RULESET rsname
rsname.rulename Explanation
The LISTCOMP command for an individual ruleset
Explanation failed. No saved compile rule was found in the
compiled rule library.
SEF rule manager found the current rule header not
applicable for storage in the current ruleset.
User response
User response Ensure that the given ruleset for the LISTCOMP
command is the valid one, and re-issue the command.
Security rules can only be stored in the security ruleset
(if security rules are found). Also, non-security rules AVZ3938E RULESET- rsname UNABLE TO
cannot be stored in the security ruleset. Ensure that ACCESS COMPILED RULES
the current rule is stored in the appropriate ruleset
environment. Explanation
abcode AT modname+offset) failed.
Ensure that the given library is a PDS, similar by AVZ3939E SEF COMPILE PROCESSING OF
definition to the other product supplied pre-compiled name FAILED
libraries. Check the message and codes manuals for
the abend code. Most likely, the member does not Explanation
exist or the data set attributes are in error (sequential
DSORG or incompatibility in LRECL and BLKSIZE). If a The COMPILE, LISTCOMP, or DELCOMP SEF command
system 913 abend code is reported, data set access failed.
has been disallowed by your security subsystem. name will be a rule name or a ruleset name
AVZ3936E cmdtype FAILED FOR
rsname.rulename - service OF User response
ddname FAILED
This message should have been accompanied by other
User response
An AUTOENABLE command was issued for a member
Ensure that the given library is properly allocated. of a ruleset that is actually a Product REXX external
Also, ensure that the given library is a PDS, similar by routine.
definition to the other product supplied pre-compiled
libraries. Check the message and codes manuals for name will be a rule name or a ruleset name
the abend code. Most likely, the member does not
exist or the data set attributes are in error (sequential
172 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ3949I ruletype WWW RULE Explanation
rsname.rulename ALREADY
DEFINES THE URL val SEF rule manager attempted to open a data set for the
processing of /*FILE sections. The data set could not
be opened.
A duplicate URL criterion value (val) is specified on User response
more than one WWW rule at the same administrative
level. Duplicate URL processing rules may only be Ensure that the ddname specified in the message is
activated when one of the pair resides within the allocated to a data set in the subsystem started task
master WWW ruleset and one resides in a subordinate JCL, or ensure that the correct ddname value has been
ruleset. In such a case, the master rule is always specified within the /*FILE section header.
processed before the subordinate rule, and the AVZ3953T msgtext
subordinate rule is only processed when the master
rule is a header-only, generic rule. If the master rule
contains a procedural specification, such as a REXX, Explanation
FILE, or PROGRAM section, the subordinate rule will The Web transaction invoked an ADDRESS SEF
never be processed. command for intermediate processing. The ADDRESS
ruletype may be MASTER or SUBORDINATE SEF command failed. Messages issued by the
ADDRESS SEF command are logged to the trace using
this message ID.
User response
Disable the duplicate rule before activating the current User response
rule, or change the URL criterion value in the current
rule to a unique value. Examine the messages to see why the original /*FILE
request was rejected.
AVZ3950I output
DATA SET ddname
SEF rule manager issued the current message to list Explanation
the data set statistics and status.
The indicated member was not found within the
referenced PDS data set. The file-related process is
User response terminated with a member not found error.
The current message is statistical and lists the data set
information. No response is required to this message. User response
Check the PDS output listing, and make choices
accordingly. Examine the messages to see why the original /*FILE
request was rejected.
DATA SET ddname
SEF rule manager attempted to open a data set for the Explanation
processing of /*FILE sections. The data set could not
be opened because the ddname is unassigned. The indicated member was not found within
referenced PDS data set. The file-related process is
terminated with a member not found error.
User response
Ensure that the ddname specified in the message is User response
allocated to a data set in the subsystem started task
JCL, or ensure that the correct ddname value has been Examine the messages to see why the original /*FILE
specified within the /*FILE section header. request was rejected.
AVZ3952E DDNAME ddname COULD NOT BE AVZ3956I FILE ddname NOW status
OPENED (rcode) additinfo
User response
User response
Ensure that the dsname specified in the message
None. The message is traced to indicate /*FILE related
exists, or ensure that the correct dsname value has
activation or deactivation of a shared PDS file.
been specified within the /*FILE section header.
AVZ3957I output
SEF rule manager issued the current message to list Explanation
the PDS member statistics.
The indicated dsname has been allocated to the
indicated ddname.
User response
The current message is statistical and lists the PDS User response
data set member information. No response is required
None. The message is traced to indicate /*FILE related
to this message.
AVZ3958E ABEND abcode (rsn) IN
modname+offset DURING service
NOT BE status Explanation
The indicated ddname has been deallocated.
An abend occurred during file open or close processing User response
at initialization or termination time. Some files may not
None. The message is traced to indicate ddname
have been processed.
174 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
Issue the member list function only for PDS or PDSE SEF rule manager issued the current message to list
data sets. the next concatenated dataset for a single shared-file
DD name or next concatenated dataset for an SEF
REQUEST - HTTP RESP PROTOCOL concat represents the concatenation index, relative to
User response
Explanation The current message is statistical and lists the data set
When SWSFILE(SEND) or /*FILE was invoked to information. No response is required to this message.
transmit a file to the HTTP client, the server found Check the PDS output listing, and make choices
that output data had previously been flushed for accordingly.
transmission to the client. The server proceeds with
the file request after issuing this warning message.
Because the server's file routines generate HTTP
response protocol headers (such as Content-Type,
Content-Length, Expires, etc.), any data preceding Explanation
these headers will LIKELY cause some unpredictable
SEF rule manager issued the message due to a failure
result at the client. For example, the data sent by
in a system service.
the file routines may not be visible or interpreted
incorrectly (i.e. the client may attempt to process
HTML text as a GIF image), or the client may close User response
the communications session. This problem is generated due to a file processing
error. Correct the file, and re-process your request.
User response
If the output which precedes the file request FAILED - INVALID IDENTIFIER val
was generated by a customer-written transaction
procedure, you can correct this condition by
eliminating the preceding output, foregoing the
use of /*FILE or SWSFILE(SEND) within the same An invalid or unmatched identifier value (val) was
transaction, or ensuring that no SWSSEND(FLUSH) specified for an internal FMTSFILE command. Either
operation occurs. the identifier was invalid or the corresponding shared
file block no longer exists.
AVZ3966T External data queue full
User response
The shared file block is not formatted and processing
When an SWSFILE operation outputs its results to the continues.
external data queue (QUEUE and MBRLIST functions)
and the external data queue fills before all of the AVZ3970E MATCH CRITERION MUST BEGIN
information can be written, this message is traced. WITH /set - %2.%3
User response
Correct the error, and re-enable the event procedure.
Explanation Explanation
The DPRTY operand value was invalid for the reason
During event procedure enablement, a WWW
specified in the message.
procedure header statement was found to be coded
incorrectly. The indicated keyword may only be coded
on header statements in the master WWW ruleset. The User response
master WWW ruleset must be designated as such by
The WWW rule is not enabled. Correct the WWW rule
which specified the invalid DPRTY operand, and re-
statement that defines the ruleset.
enable it.
176 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ3979E ATH LOGON rule must exit with tb represents a trace back value
'ACCEPT' if ACEE is created for
subtask User response
If the error recurs, contact Software Support.
AVZ3983E RULESET rsname action REJECTED
An ATH logon procedure has caused the TCBSENV
BY SEF - additinfo
pointer for the current subtask to be set to a non-zero
value. If an ATH logon rule creates an ACEE block,
it must also return with a code indicating that logon Explanation
processing is complete. This prevents ACEE blocks
The indicated ruleset definition or modification
from being inadvertently orphaned or destroyed by
(action) could not be processed into the SEF
intrinsic server security processing.
The indicated ruleset definition or modification
The RUNAUTH userID specified by the
(action) was processed by SEF and placed into the
WWWDEFAULTRUNAUTH system parameter failed
active configuration.
logon processing during start-up.
User response
User response
The HTTP-API initialization process is aborted.
Check to ensure that the userid specified by AVZ3985E XO DATASET dsname ERROR -
the WWWDEFAULTRUNAUTH start-up parameter is additinfo
correct. Check the joblog for related messages about
the userID.
AVZ3981I Default RUNAUTH USERID userID An error was encountered while processing the
logged onto system indicated executable object (XO) dataset
User response
Correct the original request and resubmit.
The indicated rule could not be deleted from the
indexes of the internal rule search tree. The rule is not AVZ3987H Shared file ddname SEF
deleted, but it will be disabled. configuration action accepted
crit represents the rule criterion
178 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ4003H service
SEF rule manager uses this message to list formatted
control block output messages for shared files, Explanation
represented here by data. This message is used for tracing certain VTAM-related
events within the product.
User response
These messages contain the formatted control block User response
image. No action is required unless the trace messages are
AVZ4000H errtext appearing without your requesting tracing.
AVZ4004H service - luname
This is a general purpose message for certain VTAM® Explanation
errors. This message is used for tracing certain VTAM-related
events within the product.
User response
Not every condition reported by this message is really User response
an error. Read the text of the message carefully to No action is required unless the trace messages are
determine whether an error has occurred or not. If an appearing without your requesting tracing.
error has occurred and you cannot resolve it, contact
Software Support for assistance. AVZ4005H service - lu/mode
AVZ4001H UNKNOWN service CODES - R0=R0
R15=R15 Explanation
This message is used for tracing certain VTAM-related
Explanation events within the product.
This message reports VTAM return and reason codes
(R0 and R15) that are unknown to SAVZ. User response
No action is required, unless the trace messages are
User response appearing without your requesting tracing.
This may indicate some type of internal error. It is also AVZ4006H VTAM APPLID NOT SET - LU 6.2
possible that you are running a version of VTAM that is SUPPORT NOT ACTIVATED
not yet supported by SAVZ. If the version of VTAM that
you are running DOES appear to be supported, contact Explanation
Software Support.
The local VTAM applid has not been set. VTAM
AVZ4002H UNKNOWN service CODES - processing on this copy of AVZ is impossible.
RCPR=code1 RCSC=code2
User response
The VTAM task of the main address space shuts down.
This message appears in conjunction with the 4001H This is not an error unless you actually did specify
message. the VTAM applid in the xxxxxIN00 EXEC. Note that
code1 and code2 represent primary and secondary rpl other communication protocols may be activated even
extension codes, respectively though VTAM LU6.2 is not being used.
User response RECEIVED FROM luname
This may indicate some type of internal error. It is also
possible that you are running a version of VTAM that Explanation
is not yet supported by the product. If the version An invalid FMH-5 control block was received from
of VTAM that you are running DOES appear to be a peer LU (luname). The invalid FMH-5 block will
supported, contact Software Support..
180 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
The termination routine returns to the calling routine. Generic Userid (TLS) support is disabled when a DRDA
This message serves as notification of a potential backend connection is in use. The generic userID sent
logic error in End-of-Task cleanup processing since by the client is ignored for Db2 processing. It will still
the routine was entered to process LDU termination be used when creating SMF log records, etc..
for a subtask that cannot support this kind of Logical
Dispatchable Unit processing. AVZ4022T CONNECT TO DDF HOST=dom/ip,
PORT=portno, CMIDADR=addr
AVZ4018I count New SRB schedule CMID=image
(IEAMSCHD) failures encountered
This message is traced when a DRDA connection has
This message is issued when a change is noted in been successfully opened.
the number of SRBs that were not scheduled, due to
failures returned by the IEAMSCHD service. The cause User response
of these failures MAY be that the WLM enclave, into
which the SRB is being scheduled, is no longer valid. None
AVZ4023T calltype CALL TRACE: crlist
User response
Contact Software Support for further analysis. Explanation
AVZ4019T Session lost (hung) due to type-4 This message produces a calling routine (crlist) trace
LDU schedule failure
User response
This message is traced if a TYPE-4 LDU cannot be
AVZ4024T Passticket generation failed for
constructed or scheduled to close the communication
USERID=userID, APPL=appl, with
session. The session is orphaned and remains hung
RC = rcode
until the server is recycled.
User response
ind indicates that 1) A ROLLBACK is being issued
automatically because the client ODBC/JDBC session The session will be terminated.
has been idle for an extended period. A ROLLBACK AVZ4041T service buffer size lgth1, address
is issued to release PREPAREd statements so that addr, length lgth2
the DRDA connection can be put into INACTIVE state
before DRDA terminates the idle connection at the
end of the IDTHOIN time limit. OR 2) , a SNDPKT Explanation
(ping) request is being issued automatically because An error occurred processing a partner ACI session for
transmission of the current response to the client is this connection.
taking longer than the DDF idle time limit. Exchanging
a SNDPKT (ping) request/response reset the idle service may indicate GET or FREE
connection time limit DRDA imposes on active but idle The message contains two length values; lgth1
connections. represents requested buffer length, and lgth2
represents returned buffer length
User response
A ROLLBACK is issued once before awaiting additional User response
client input. A SNDPKT request is issued periodically The session will be terminated.
while transmission of a large response to the client is
underway. AVZ4042E Parallel I/O ACI processing
AVZ4030T errdesc TCP/IP
An error occurred during initialization of ACI support
Setup of a new session failed for the reason reported for Parallel I/O processing.
in the message. Normally, the failure is due to a lost
connection or timeout while attempting to receive the
182 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
Parallel I/O processing is disabled. MapReduce is tracing information about the session.
AVZ4043T errdesc additinfo
User response
Explanation MAP REDUCE processing of this request continues.
MAP REDUCE was unable to process this VSAM data AVZ4048S BRFRSV unable to decrement
set. If the VSAM KSDS is too small, it cannot be OPDM active count. Service
subdivided for parallel processing by ACI tasks. At a name,class,service
minimum, the VSAM KSDS must have two sequence
set records. The size of such a file will depend upon Explanation
the CI size of the index, and upon how keys get
compressed in the sequence set records. Service map for ACI service not found by free server
routine Monitor ACI service to ensure that it does not
reach Maximum Active servers.
User response
We recommend disabling MapReduce for the data map User response
for this data set to eliminate the overhead of starting
and stopping unneeded ACI processing tasks. The Schedule a restart of the Server at your earliest
VSAM file will be processed by a single task, and MAP convenience.
REDUCE will not be used for this file.
AVZ4050E Invalid HTTP headers - errdesc -
AVZ4044E Map Reduce processing disabled received from TCP/IP
Explanation Explanation
An error occurred during initialization of ACI support Invalid HTTP headers were received from a remote
for MAP REDUCE processing. system. The invalid HTTP headers could not be
User response
User response
MAP REDUCE processing is disabled.
The connection to the client system is terminated. The
AVZ4045E ACI FUNCTION func FAILED, client application will probably report an error. Check
RC=rcode errdesc for any client system error messages. If the failure
continues, contact Software Support.
An error occurred processing a MAP REDUCE ACI errdesc - RECEIVED FROM TCP/IP
User response
A client application attempted to establish a
The session will be terminated. connection to the host using SSL. The connection
could not be created for some reason related to SSL
AVZ4046T errdesc additinfo processing.
184 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Contact Rocket Software Support. USING EXTENDED CURSOR POOLS
AVZ4085T Transaction Level Security is not (EXCU=YES).
activated on the server. Session
rejected. Explanation
The product does not support stored procedure calls
Explanation when the client is connected to the server with
None. extended cursor pool support enabled (EXCU=YES).
The product is not enabled for use with IDMS from AVZ4092T Access to CICS is not activated.
client applications. The current request to use client to
connect to IDMS on the host has been rejected. The Explanation
current host session will be terminated.
User response
User response
If access to IDMS from client applications is needed,
enable IDMS by setting the appropriate IDMS Contact Rocket Software Support.
connectivity parameters. You may use APPC/IDMS as AVZ4093T Maximum number of type (count)
the transport for communication to IDMS from the already connected, connection
product server address space. rejected.
Contact Rocket Software Support. AVZ4098T No active started task copy of the
product located
AVZ4094T Access to Adabas is not activated.
The userid and password provided by the client
None. application can not be validated because there is no
active started task copy of the product. A started
User response task copy of the product is required for userid
and password validation if the client application is
Contact Rocket Software Support. connecting to a test copy of the product running under
TSO. This error can only occur while attempting to
AVZ4095T Access to Adabas is not enabled,
connect to a test copy of the host code running under
enable access by setting the
ADABAS parameter value to YES
186 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response a userid/password validation. This form is used for
unsuccessful userid/password validations.
The bind process has failed. No communication with
the remote system is possible. Note that it is NOT a
VTAM bind that has failed. The bind referred to by this User response
message is a n AVZ-to-AVZ bind. Retry the process. If The session is not permitted to proceed. The client
the failure continues, contact Software Support. must supply a valid userid/password combination (for
AVZ4101T Password validated for USERID the host) in order for a session to proceed. Ensure that
userID from rtype rhost the client's classification as untrusted is valid. If it is
not, use the ADDRESS AVZ MODIFY LINK command to
change its status.
AVZ4105E Bind failed - no matching
The userID/password combination from a remote (and compression type
untrusted) client was successfully validated.
User response
The bind with the remote system failed because
No action is required. Processing continues. the local and remote systems could not agree on a
AVZ4102T LOGON attempt failed for USERID compression type.
userID from rtype rhost
User response
Explanation The bind process has failed. No communication with
A remote client was unable to connect for one of the the remote system is possible. Note that it is NOT a
reasons: (1) the userid/password combination may not VTAM bind that has failed. The bind referred to by this
have been valid or (2) the System Event Facility (SEF) message is an AVZ-to-AVZ bind. Retry the process. If
may have rejected the logon attempt. the failure continues, contact Software Support.
The session is not permitted to proceed. The client
must supply a valid userid/password combination (for Explanation
the host) in order for a session to proceed. Ensure that The bind with the remote system failed because the
the client's classification as untrusted is valid. If it is local and remote systems could not agree on a pointer
not, use the ADDRESS AVZ MODIFY LINK command encoding type.
to change its status. If the client was rejected by the
System Event Facility (SEF), the SEF ATH event logon
rule may need to be modified. User response
AVZ4103T msgtext The bind process has failed. No communication with
the remote system is possible. Note that it is NOT a
VTAM bind that has failed. The bind referred to by this
Explanation message is an AVZ-to-AVZ bind. Retry the process. If
This message is used to display any ACF2/RACF the failure continues, contact Software Support.
message that may have been created as a result of AVZ4107E BIND FAILED - NO MATCHING
a userid/password validation. This form is used for DATA ENCODING TYPE
successful userid/password validations.
User response
The bind with the remote system failed because the
None. This message is for informational purposes only. local and remote systems could not agree on a data
AVZ4104T msgtext encoding type.
The bind with the remote system failed because
the local and remote systems could not agree on A connection is rejected for one of the following
processing functions. reasons:
• The maximum number of concurrent users has been
User response reached.
• Some sort of virtual storage resource shortage has
The bind process has failed. No communication with
been detected. The current request to connect to the
the remote system is possible. Note that it is NOT a
host has been rejected.
VTAM bind that has failed. The bind referred to by this
message is an S__-to-S__ bind. Retry the process. If • A compressed buffer has been received on the
the failure continues, contact Software Support. port designated as the PIO port. PIO does not
support compressed buffers. The connection has
luname ROUTINE routine
User response
Depending on the message, either contact the person
The LU 6.2 processing routine detected an invalid responsible for administering the product server to
mode string. The mode string cannot be used for explore the possibility of raising the current maximum
further processing. user count or the product has detected that the
current virtual storage utilization is too high to
User response allow additional connections. Change to use the
standard ODBC port, or change the connection to send
Report the error to Software Support. The complete uncompressed buffers.
message will be needed to diagnose the problem. One
or more connection attempts may fail and have to be AVZ4114T Dynamic SQL is not allowed by this
retried. instance of the server
188 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response reduced, or (3) the load must be spread across
multiple copies of the product.
Contact the person responsible for administering the
product Server for the product Server(s) available that AVZ4119T REXX VARIABLE ERROR rcode1-
support dynamic SQL. fbcode rcode2 DURING FETCH OF
varname FOR SEF rule procedure
(count) EXCEEDS MAXIMUM (max)
Explanation The product REXX processor encountered a failure
during termination processing for a product REXX
The actual number of secondary userids for the exec. A REXX variable value could not be fetched
current task exceeds the maximum number of and returned to the product's internal SEF routines
supported secondary userids. Because of this during the termination process. Because a truncated
problem, the secondary userid list can not be utilized or missing value may cause critical errors within the
and the current session will be terminated. rule processing facility, the product generates an S0C3
User response: abend. The SOC3 abend forces termination of the
product REXX interpreter. It also stops the processing
AVZ4116T Access to DB2 is not activated. of the current SEF rule in which the procedure was
defined. NOTE: For SHVRET code X'01-(New/Dropped
Explanation Variable), the most likely cause of this error is an
EXIT from a subroutine of the main Product REXX
None. procedure. If the subroutine contains a PROCEDURE
{EXPOSE} statement, some or all of the server's built-
User response in variables are hidden during EXIT processing and are
not available for post-REXX-execution interrogation by
Contact Rocket Software Support. the rule facility. Ensure that the product REXX routine
AVZ4117T Connection mode is not activated. does not deliberately specify an EXIT from an internal
PROCEDURE. For other SHVRET error codes, the most
likely cause of the error is an internal server error.
The message contains two return code values; rcode1
None. represents the SHVRET return code value as defined
in IRXSHVB control block for IRXEXCOM, and rcode2
User response represents the R15 return code from IRXEXCOM.
No action is required. fbcode represents a feedback code
190 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ4134E rsrc sysserv FAILED, RC=rcode,
SEF event processing encountered too many internally
generated compound symbols (security related),
or the length of one of the internally generated Explanation
compound symbol names exceeds an internal product Some type of error occurred in a product service
limit. Further processing of this rule is terminated. routine. See the actual text of the message for an
explanation. The error was probably caused by a
User response failure in an operating system service requested by a
product service routine.
This is an internal product error condition. Report this
error condition to Software Support immediately.
User response
AVZ4130E Rule rule disabled for exceeding
firing limit of lim Check if any other error messages were generated
along with the error message above. If the
combined error messages are sufficient to explain
Explanation the problem, take whatever corrective action is
SEF event processing detected excessive firing of the appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with
rule named in the message. As a result, the rule has this problem.
been disabled. AVZ4135E SEF rule processor entered by
csect for invalid event type -
User response typecode
If appropriate, increase the firing limit, and enable the
rule. Explanation
AVZ4131E Rule rule has exceeded the SEF The SEF rule processing facility was invoked with an
firing limit of lim invalid event type. This is probably an internal error.
The host rejects the encryption method requested by AVZ4142T ENCRYPTION METHOD CANNOT
the client. The client may continue without encryption BE NEGOTIATED, DIFFIE-
or may terminate the session. HELLMAN MODULE NOT LOADED,
REJECTED - method additinfo
Explanation This message is sent to client's when the requested
key exchange and encryption method cannot be
This message is traced when a client's requested successfully negotiated at the host due to absence
key exchange and encryption method cannot be of the Diffie-Hellman key exchange and decryption
successfully negotiated at the host during bind routines.
User response
User response
The host rejects the encryption method requested by
The host rejects the encryption method requested by the client. The client may continue without encryption
the client. The client may continue without encryption or may terminate the session.
or may terminate the session. MSG4138T, MSG4142T,
MSG4143T, or MSG4144T are sent to the client. AVZ4143T ENCRYPTION METHOD CANNOT
Explanation Explanation
This message is sent to the client when logon This message is sent to client's when the requested
credentials cannot be decrypted. The client logon key exchange and encryption method cannot be
is rejected because the userid, password, and new successfully negotiated at the host due to failure of
password fields cannot be converted to clear text
192 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
the Diffie-Hellman key exchange routine to calculate a AVZ4148T MISSING OR INVALID
valid shared secret. PARAMETERS IN SQL CALL RULE
rsname.rulename ,failrsn
User response
The host rejects the encryption method requested by
the client. The client may continue without encryption This message is traced when an SQL CALL RULE
or may terminate the session. cannot be processed due because not all the
parameters were supplied or the parameters were too
long to fit in the new buffer.
The updates to the SQL CALL statement are discarded.
Explanation Correct the SQL CALL rule based on the reason given.
This message is sent to client's when the requested AVZ4149T Connection from ipaddr TCP/IP,
key exchange and encryption method cannot be host name host, is using
successfully negotiated at the host. The requested unsupported driver version version
encryption method is unknown to the host.
User response
A remote client connection is using a version of the
The host rejects the encryption method requested by product driver that is not supported by the server. This
the client. The client may continue without encryption is an informational message. Transaction processing
or may terminate the session. continues.
FOR VCID VCID, NEW KEY User response
You should upgrade the application driver to a level
that is supported by the server.
AVZ4150T desc addr size PLAN pln %SK
This message is traced when when client Diffie-
Hellman logon credential encryption is in use for a re-
connecting VCF session, and the VCF security artifact
for the session. has expired or been invalidated. This is a trace message that is produced whenever the
TRACECURSOR parameter has been set to YES. This
User response message provides information related to the product's
SQL plist and status area.
The host rejects the logon request by the client.
The VCF client is obliged to re-inaugurate Diffie-
User response
hellman key exchange and re-transmit encrypted
logon credentials. MSG4141T is sent to the client. No action required.
AVZ4146T LOGON CREDENTIALS CANNOT BE The variable fields of the message text are: desc
DECRYPTED - failrsn control block description addr address of the control
block size size of the control block in hex pln the plan
name stack stack trace information
This message is traced when a client's logon AVZ4151T desc addr1 size DBRM dbrm
credentials cannot be decrypted. The client logon CURSOR num1 DATA addr2 cnt
is reject because the userid, password, and new QUERY length num2 TYPE stmt
password fields cannot be rendered in clear text form. FLAGS tf %SK
This is a trace message that is produced whenever the AVZ4177T SQL tracing for RPC transactions is
TRACECURSOR parameter has been set to YES. This not available
message is used to trace the product's data blocks.
There may be multiple data blocks for each product Explanation
cursor block.
SQL tracing for RPC transactions can not be performed
because the Db2 DSNACAB module could not be
User response validated.
No action required.
The variable fields of the message text are: desc User response
control block description addr address of the control The product sets the TRACERPCSQL and
block size size of the control block in hex value1 next TRACESQLERRORS parameters to 'NO'. Contact
offset value (hex) value2 last offset value (hex) stack Software Support.
stack trace information
AVZ4178W SQL tracing for RPC transactions is
AVZ4153T desc data length1 length2 col %SK not available
Explanation Explanation
This is a trace message that is produced whenever SQL tracing for RPC transactions can not be performed
the TRACECURSOR parameter has been set to YES. because the Db2 DSNACAB module could not be
This message is used to trace the columns of the validated.
SQLDA. There may be multiple columns described by
the SQLDA.
User response
User response The product sets the TRACERPCSQL and
TRACESQLERRORS parameters to 'NO'. Contact
No action required. Software Support.
The variable fields of the message text are: desc AVZ4179W count New RPC tasks timed
control block description data type of data for the out before redispatch by RPC
column (integer) length1 length of the data in the concurrent execution facilty
column (hex) length2 length of the column name
(integer) col column name (up to 30 characters) stack
stack trace information Explanation
AVZ4154T desc addr1 size DBRM dbrm This message is issued when a change is noted in the
CURSOR num1 DATA addr2 cnt number (count) of suspended RPC tasks that timed out
QUERY length num2 TYPE stmt before they were re-dispatched by the RPC concurrent
FLAGS tf %SK execution facility. Tasks suspended while awaiting
194 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
their turn to execute an RPC program will re-awake Explanation
if not re-dispatched within the time period set by
the RPCSLEEPINTERVAL parameter. Tasks which re- This message is produced once every 60 seconds
awake due to a timeout may execute the RPC program, when the currently executing number of rpc's is equal
regardless the RPCMAX limit, or may bypass execution to or greater than 80 percent of the max allowable
by generating a -438 error return code. The action specified by RPCMAX parameter. The first value is the
taken is governed by the RPCSTALLACTION parameter. max number observed during the life of the server. The
second value is the observed value at the time of the
User response
No action is normally required and some sites may User response
receive these notifications with regular frequency;
other sites may rarely or never receive these None. This message is for informational purposes only.
notifications. If you note an increase in the number The variable fields of the message text are: value
of time out failures, check the active tasks display current percentage of max setting / value current max
to verify that RPC programs are completing. This setting / value number concurrently executing
message could indicate that one or more in-flight RPC
programs are stalled preventing new RPC program AVZ4183I Max concurrent RPC execution
executions from being dispatched. Adjust the RPCMAX less than value percent of max
and/or RPCSLEEPINTERVAL parameter, as necessary, setting value, value
to prevent timeouts.
AVZ4180S Invalid buffer received from a Explanation
client system This message is produced when the number of
concurrently executing RPC's drops below the
Explanation percent threshold and message 4182 was previously
issued reporting that RPC executions exceeded this
This message is issued if an invalid communication threshold. The percentage of RPCMAX at which
buffer is received from a client system. The buffer reporting occurs is set by RPCMAXMSGPCENT.
should have contained a request for additional RPC
data. However, it did not contain such a request.
User response
User response None. This message is for informational purposes only.
The session fails. Retry the session. If the problem The variable fields of the message text are: value
persists, check to see if there are other messages that current max setting value number concurrently
may indicate another problem. If there are no other executing value percent of RPCMAX to report
messages, contact Software Support. (RPCMAXMSGPCENT)
BUFFER DETECTED AT modname+offset
routine recovery additinfo
This message is issued if an RPC data item of some Explanation
kind will not fit into the communication buffer. This
error should never occur. An ABEND was intercepted while one of the
Concurrent RPC execution routines was in control.
Information about the ABEND is logged in this
User response message.
The session fails. Retry the session. If the problem
persists, check to see if there are other messages that User response
may indicate another problem. If there are no other
messages, contact Software Support. The RPC concurrency routines may produce additional
trace messages and/or produce an SDUMP in response
AVZ4182I percent percent of max concurrent to the ABEND. They will recover and continue, if
RPC threshold achieved, value, possible. The message may give an indication of
value the recovery action (recovery) to be taken or other
information identifying the cause of the ABEND.
196 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
normal operating condition for some system work User response
loads. RPC termination, End-Of-Task, or cancelled-
task cleanup may be lagging a bit behind mainline Check the text of the message to determine the
RPCMAX limit processing, rendering certain predictive cause of the logon failure. You may need additional
health checks unable to confirm that in-flight recovery authorization.
actions will be able to complete successfully. However, AVZ4192T service - error - errdesc
a large count of PARTIAL-RECOVERY events, issued
frequently, probably indicates that resources are not
being recovered in all cases. These event traces can be Explanation
used to determine the originating cause of a downward An error occurred while processing an ODBC request.
spiral in many cases.
type may be ABEND, FAILURE, or PARTIAL-RECOVERY User response
This error message is a generalized message to
User response identify user interface errors.
If these messages appear frequently, or for any The variable fields of the message text are: service1
message reporting FAILURE-IMMINENT events, check ODBC service being called (IMSTM, CICSEXCI)
the state of the concurrent RPC execution facility, service2 element/operation in error desc error
along with Trace Browse activity. The trace may description
indicate the cause of a building problem early enough
that it can be corrected prior to facility failure. If the AVZ4193T Access to DB2 LUW is not
facility has become or is rapidly becoming inoperable, activated.
set the RPCMAX parameter to zero, which will turn
off most processing within the facility for new RPC Explanation
execution requests. If the cause of degradation or
failure cannot be corrected contact Software Support. None.
For certain types of events, the system will generate
an SDUMP of the product address space. SDUMPs are User response
generated no more frequently than once per minute.
Retain and forward the dumps to Software Support if Contact Rocket Software Support.
the immediate cause of a problem cannot be resolved AVZ4200I host: cmd
AVZ4190E BIND WITH rtype rhost FAILED - Explanation
This message is issued as a result of a host
command being sent to the product REXX MESSAGE
Explanation environment.
This message is produced when the local system is
unable to negotiate a bind with the remote system. User response
Note that this is not a VTAM bind. It is an AVZspecific
bind. This message is informational. No response required.
The variable fields of the message text are: host
User response host environment name string (message) cmd host
command insert
The session fails. Retry the session. If the problem
persists, check to see if there are other messages that AVZ4201E BIND WITH msgtext %2 FAILED -
may indicate another problem. If there are no other NO MATCHING %3
messages, contact Software Support.
AVZ4191E msgtext Explanation
This message indicates a logon failure. The text of the
Explanation message is produced by the security package (RACF,
This message indicates a logon failure. The text of the
message is produced by the security package (RACF,
198 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ4266I Data Server Client services AVZ4272H vendor TCP/IP component FOR
resumed. SUBSYSTEM subsys status
An auxiliary storage event has expired or has been Explanation
relieved. DS Client will resume full services.
This message is used to indicate incomplete
User response: INTERLINK TCP/IP initialization.
No action is required.
AVZ4267W Data Server Client refusing new User response
requests due to auxiliary storage No action is required. When TCP/IP completes
event initialization, AVZ will complete its own TCP/IP-related
Explanation: initialization.
An auxiliary storage event has been signaled, where
AVZ4273H protvend protcomp support is
event is one of: warning, shortage, or critical shortage.
being activated
DS Client immediately stops accepting new requests.
User response: Explanation
Investigate the reason for the auxiliary storage
shortage. Use the PAGEADD command to add auxiliary This message is issued by each of the four
storage. available communication protocol tasks when the
corresponding protocol support is being activated.
Other messages are issued if support for a particular
protocol is not being made active during start-up.
User response
No action is required.
The name of the OEM vendor TCP/IP subsystem has
not been set. TCP/IP processing using this copy of the AVZ4274S Non-load balancing TCP/IP port
product is not possible using the OEM vendor's TCP/IP matches normal port or SSL port,
stack. server terminating.
200 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ4284S Process block pool is empty, size is
This message is issued when a task has exceeded a
warning limit of some kind. The limit (limtype) may
have been either a CPU time limit or a wait time limit. Explanation
This message is issued when the process block pool
User response is found to be empty. This can happen if all of the
process blocks are in use or if process blocks are being
No action is required. However, an automated lost (allocated and not freed).
response to this message may be needed.
AVZ4281T limtype TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED User response
FOR userid FROM nodetype NODE
node PLAN plan CNID connid TP This is a very serious error. Terminate the main
progname product address space as soon as possible, and raise
the number of process blocks using the PROCESS
product parameter in the product initialization exec.
Explanation The number of process blocks must be at least as
This message is issued when a task has exceeded an large as the number of IMS/DRA threads plus 5. If
error limit of some kind. The limit (limtype) may have the error persists, contact Software Support for further
been either a CPU time limit or a wait time limit. assistance.
AVZ4285S no process block allocation
User response failures have been detected
No action is required. However, an automated
response to this message may be needed. Explanation
AVZ4282T limtype TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED This message is issued when a number (no) of process
FOR userid FROM nodetype NODE block allocation failures are detected. This can happen
node PLAN plan CNID connid TP if all of the process blocks are in use or if process
progname blocks are being lost (allocated and not freed).
202 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
None. During an attempt to access global variable pool
storage, a failure in the lock or unlock serialization
AVZ4292E POSSIBLE wstype GLOBAL routine was encountered. The current global variable
VARIABLE WORKSPACE operation will be abandoned with a failure return
INTEGRITY PROBLEM DETECTED code. The return code field will contain a non-zero
(errtype - flag). REBUILD value in byte 3 if the SETLOCK or ENQ service failed.
SCHEDULED. It will contain a non-zero value in bytes 1 or 2 for
environmental errors.
mode can be PROB or SUP.
An abend occurred while updating critical control
blocks in either the global or temporary global variable User response
workspace. The global variable workspace will be
rebuilt at the next checkpoint interval. Until the rebuild The current global variable pool operation is failed.
is complete, attempts to access or update global Check for other messages which might indicate the
variables may possibly fail. cause of the error, and contact Software Support for
further assistance.
The error (errtype) may be SYNC or DELAYED.
AVZ4298S GLOBAL VARIABLE lock/unlock
flag represents the integrity flag byte, in hexadecimal.
User response
In most cases, no problem has actually occurred. The Explanation
rebuild will simply validate and recover all of the data.
During an attempt to access global variable pool
If the 0180I messages associated with the rebuild
storage, a failure in the lock or unlock serialization
indicate any loss of data, perform the following: (1)
routine was encountered.
print any LOGREC software records created by the
product, (2) print the relevant sections of the Trace
Browse leading up to the issuance of this message, (3) User response
record the exact text of this message, and (4) contact
The current global variable pool operation is failed.
Software Support for further assistance.
Check for other messages which might indicate the
AVZ4296S GLV subtask has terminated. cause of the error, and contact Software Support.
Zeroing workspace pointers.
AVZ4300I SEF command rejected -
subsystem subsys is not active
During an attempt to access a global variable, it was Explanation
detected that the global variable subtask had already
The current program or routine requires the services
terminated. The workspace pointers will be zeroed to
of the main product address space. However, the main
prevent any future attempts to access this data. All
product address space is not active.
future AVZVALUE or SWSVALUE requests will result in
REXX error 48 (failure in system service).
User response
User response Start or restart the main product address space
If the product does not shut itself down automatically, AVZ4301S service - desc FAILED, RC=rcode
attempt to shut it down manually using the MVS STOP
command. If the product still does not terminate,
attempt to CANCEL it.
This is a generic error message used to describe a
AVZ4297S lock/unlock OF GLOBAL wide variety of internal errors that occur as a result of
VARIABLE POOL FAILED: calling a product system management service.
HASN=asid1, PASN=asid2,
SASN=asid3, MODE=mode,
RC=rcode, CALLER=callername
User response
Ensure that the correct product load library is
An abend occurred while the current program or allocated to your TSO environment, or address the SEF
routine was using the services of the main product request to a copy of the product that is running the a
address space. The message provides a detailed compatible version.
explanation of what type of abend occurred and at
what location it occurred. AVZ4307E SUBSYS SEF command cannot be
issued in a rule
User response
Check the full text of the error message, and
take whatever corrective action is appropriate. For The SUBSYS SEF command cannot be issued from
further assistance with this problem, contact Software within an SEF rule environment
AVZ4303E SEF command timed out before all User response
responses received. Force this section of code to run in a server using
AVZ4308E errdesc, RC=rcode
The SEF command timed out after waiting for
a significant period of time without receiving the Explanation
complete response from the SEF.
Some type of service routine (operating system or
product specific) failed. The error message identifies
User response
the type of error.
Ensure that the product is still active. If the product
is still active, check the status of the SEF execute User response
queue using AVZ/SWS. If there is a backlog of SEF
requests, try to determine what caused the backlog, Check the full text of the error message, and attempt
and attempt to resolve the problem. If the problem to correct the error.
cannot be resolved, contact IBM Software Support.
AVZ4304E SEF COMMAND errdesc: cmdname CODE=ccode, REASON=rsncode AT
An invalid SEF verb or an invalid SEF command has
been detected by the ADDRESS SEF environment An abend occurred within the ADDRESS SWSSEND
syntax checker. host environment.
204 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
This message logs the use of SEF host commands to A command passed to the ADDRESS TSO or ADDRESS
the hardcopy console. The FROM keyword contains the TSOSRV environment is invalid for the reason given.
job name and user ID used for authorization purposes. The system rejects the command, with RC=-3
indicating an invalid host command environment
User response command.
Explanation Explanation
An SEF command was invalid or has failed for the An ADDRESS TSO or ADDRESS TSOSRV host command
reason indicated in the message. has been directed to a product subsystem that is not
currently active.
User response
User response
Correct and re-submit the SEF command.
Start or restart the product subsystem whose
AVZ4337T THE TSO COMMAND IS INVALID subsystem ID appears in the message, or correct
DUE TO errdesc the program to specify the ID of an active product
AVZ4341S TSO/E is not installed
Some type of error occurred during invocation of a
product service routine associated with the ADDRESS
206 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
TSO or ADDRESS OSF environment. The error occurred Explanation
while attempting to set up the environment for
executing a TSO command via the TSO/E command This message is issued when the product DRA control
service routine. exit receives notification of a DRA failure but is passed
an unrecognized subfunction code.
User response
User response
Check if any other error messages were generated
along with the error message above. If the No action required. The product will attempt to restore
combined error messages are sufficient to explain a connection with the IMS control region. Note that
the problem, take whatever corrective action is this error message may be followed by other, more
appropriate. Otherwise, contact Software Support with descriptive error messages as the product attempts to
this problem. reconnect to the IMS DBCTL.
QUEUE FAILED, RC=rcode, function = funcd
Explanation This message is issued when the product DRA control
The product has attempted to send a command to the exit receives an unrecognized function code.
TSO server execute queue in a product Server address
space, and the attempt has failed. If the return code User response
in the message is 4, then the TSO execute queue is
full. Any one or some combination of the following No action required. The product will attempt to restore
conditions may be true: (1) there is a rule or some a connection with the IMS control region. Note that
combination of rules that is looping, (2) there is a loop this error message may be followed by other, more
in an application that is causing TSO commands to be descriptive error messages as the product attempts to
issued very frequently, (3) there are too few servers reconnect to the IMS DBCTL.
or the servers may be tied up running relatively long AVZ4353I IMS CCTL support activated
processes, or (4) the TSO execute queue may be too
small for your server workload.
User response This message is issued when the product DRA control
exit receives a notification that the connection to the
Review the contents of the message and any IMS control region has been established successfully.
associated messages, and attempt to resolve the
problem. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact
Software Support to obtain additional assistance. User response
AVZ4350I Load for module modname failed, No action required. This is an informational message
CCTL initialization error only.
AVZ4354I IMS CCTL support terminating
This message is issued if a module needed to initialize Explanation
the CCTL interface to IMS could not be loaded. The This is an informational message that is issued when
message contains the module name. The module is the product terminates its IMS CCTL support. If the
either missing or some other error has occurred. IMS CCTL support is being terminated due to a
fatal error condition, this message will have been
User response preceded by error messages which depict the exact
error condition encountered.
Check if any other messages were issued. Check if the
named module is in the search sequence. Note that
this problem can be resolved without restarting the User response
main product address space. Follow the course of action recommended for the error
AVZ4351I DRA control exit invalid PAPL messages that preceded this error message. If the
subfunction = sfcd product CCTL support continues to terminate due to
User response
User response
Check the MVS system log for any IMS messages
occurring around the time of this failure. Correct any Check the program logic in the client-side application
IMS problems that may have occurred, and restart to ensure that the "CC" message was sent prior to
the AVZ address space. If the problem continues issuing DL/I requests or the "TERM" message. If
to persist, contact Software Support for further the problem continues to persist, contact Software
assistance. Support for further assistance.
AVZ4357I Invalid request, IMS CCTL feature AVZ4362I Invalid buffer function code funcd
not enabled
Explanation The buffer function code passed to this routine was
None. invalid. The host transaction program could not handle
the buffer function code passed by the client.
User response
User response
Contact Rocket Software Support.
Verify that the host application requested by the client
AVZ4358I Request failed product not matches the current call to the host. Contact Software
identified to IMS Support for further assistance, if necessary.
AVZ4363I Previous CCTL termination failed,
Explanation initialization will use previous
The product has made one or more attempts identify session PAPLCTOK value
itself to the IMS DBCTL region, but the attempts have
failed. There is currently no active connection between
the product address space and the IMS DBCTL region.
208 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
This is an informational message that is issued during This OE Sockets task of the main address space shuts
product initialization when the CCTL initialization down. Startup continues without Services support.
routine determines that the previous CCTL termination
AVZ4376W MongoDB support services TCP/IP
did not complete successfully.
port(s) conflict with other port
number assignments - Mongo
User response terminating
No action is required. This message is for informational
purposes only. Explanation
AVZ4370T Access to Services is not The port number(s) assigned for MongoDB server
activated. support conflicts with other non-zero port number
assignments for other product support services.
User response
The MongoDB listener task will terminate and Mongo
User response support will be deactivated.
Contact Rocket Software Support. AVZ4377W MongoDB listener ports not set
- MongoDB support willnot be
AVZ4371T Services is not active on the server activated
Explanation Explanation
Services is not started on the server and cannot be The port numbers for MongoDB client connections
used by client applications. The current request to use have not been set. MongoDB support, requested by
client to execute a web service is rejected. The current the MongoDB start-up parameter cannot be activated.
host session will be terminated.
User response
User response
The MongoDB listener task shuts down, and start-up
If access to Services is needed, enable Services by continues without MongoDB support.
setting the correct parameters on the server.
AVZ4378W OE sockets HTTP port
AVZ4372H WEB SERVICE %1 UNDER (WSOEPORT) conflicts with main
BEEN %3 listener terminating
Explanation Explanation
A web service has been enabled or disabled. The port number for OE Sockets HTTP and Services
access is set to the same non-zero value as the normal
User response (ODBC) port. Services HTTP listener task will terminate
and HTTP access to this server will be unavailable.
No action is required. This message is for informational
purposes only.
User response
AVZ4375W OE sockets WSOEPORT conflict
This OE Sockets task of the main address space shuts
with PIO port - zervices HTTP
down. Startup continues without HTTP and Services
listener terminating
User response
An error occurred when trying to open a socket for a
Verify that the port number is correct.
non load-balanced port.
AVZ4386S SSL port number required -
User response OE sockets TCP/IP processing
Verify that the port number is correct.
AVZ4383H OE sockets TCP/IP DubProcess Explanation
failed. RC=rcode. Reason
SSL processing has been requested. However, the SSL
port number has not been set or has been set to zero.
OE Sockets was terminated.
An error occurred when trying to set the DUBPROCESS User response
option for OE Sockets processing.
Set the SSL port number in the initialization exec,
and restart the product. If this does not resolve
210 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
the problem, contact Software Support for additional to use is not valid. Dynamic VIPA support will be
assistance. disabled.
AVZ4387S PIO and ODBC ports match - OE
sockets PIO port is reset to zero User response
Either delete the Dynamic VIPA IP address or properly
Explanation specify an IP address using dotted-decimal notation.
PIO processing has been requested. However, the PIO AVZ4391I OE stack binding port portno to IP
port number is the same as the ODBC port number. address ipaddr
The OEPIOPORTNUMBER is set to zero. Parallel I/O
support will be disabled. Explanation
The Open Edition support is binding the product to the
User response
indicated port and the indicated IP address.
Change the OEPIOPORTNUMBER to be different from
the OEPORTNUMBER value. User response
AVZ4388S SSL and non-SSL ports match - OE None. This is an informational message only.
sockets SSL port is reset to zero
AVZ4392I OE stack returning invalid results
when sockets are ready
SSL processing has been requested. However, the Explanation
SSL port number is the same as the non-SSL port
number. The OESSLPORTNUMBER is set to zero. The This message is issued when the OE main task detects
non-SSL port number will accept both SSL and non- that select() returned a zero return value even though
SSL inbound requests. there were sockets ready in the returned socket mask.
This could lead to a loop occuring in OPMAOT trying to
process a listening socket.
User response
None required. To eliminate the message, remove the User response
OESSLPORTNUMBER parameter from the initialization
exec. Cyour sales representative for instructions on
gathering documentation for this problem in IBM Open
AVZ4389S OE stack oestack can not be used Edition code.
- OE sockets TCP/IP processing
terminated AVZ4393I OE stack returning too soon from
select when no sockets are ready
The name of a specific OE stack was specified using
the TCPNAME product parameter. However, this OE This message is issued when the OE main task detects
stack cannot be used for some reason. OE Sockets was that select() returned sooner than expected when a
terminated. timeout value was specified and there were no sockets
ready for processing. This could lead to wasted time in
OPMAOT when there is not work to do.
User response
Correct the name of the OE stack by modifying User response
the TCPNAME product parameter. Restart the main
product address space. Contact Software Support for instructions on gathering
documentation for this problem.
AVZ4390E Invalid dynamic VIPA IP address
%1 specified AVZ4400T msgtext
Explanation Explanation
Dynamic VIPA support has been configured, however This is a general purpose message that may or may not
the IP address specified for Dynamic VIPA support indicate some type of TCP/IP error.
212 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
This may indicate some type of internal error. It is also Probable CICS error. Check the system log for errors.
possible that you are running a version of ITC/IP not
AVZ4453S jobname error starting client exit
yet supported by AVZ. If the version of ITC/IP that
program progname - EIBRESP:
you are running DOES appear to be supported, contact
Software Support.
AVZ4423H UNKNOWN service CODES - Explanation
ERCD=errcd DGCD=diagcd
The client PLT program encountered an error starting
the user exit program.
This message appears in conjunction with the 4421H User response
Check that the exit program has been correctly defined
to CICS.
User response
This may indicate some type of internal error. It is also AVZ4454I jobname client exit program
possible that you are running a version of ITC/IP not progname started
yet supported by AVZ. If the version of ITC/IP that
you are running DOES appear to be supported, contact Explanation
Software Support.
The client task-related user exit program has been
AVZ4450S jobname error inquiring CICS started.
system information for client -
EIBRESP: respcd User response
None. This message is for informational purposes only.
AVZ4455S jobname GWA length not as
The client PLTPI program encountered an error
expected for client exit program
inquiring CICS system information.
progname - explength: explength,
returned: GWA
User response
Probable CICS error. Check the system log for errors. Explanation
AVZ4451S jobname error enabling client exit The GWA length returned by CICS for the client TRUE
program progname - EIBRESP: is not the expected length.
User response
Check that the exit program has been correctly defined
The client PLTPI program encountered an error to CICS.
enabling a client exit program.
AVZ4456I jobname program creation date:
User response
Check that the exit program has been correctly defined Explanation
to CICS.
This message provides the creation date of the client
AVZ4452S jobname error extracting GWA TRUE exit program.
address for client program
progname - EIBRESP: respcd User response
No action is required.
AVZ4457S jobname Program load failed -
The client PLTPI program encountered an error
EIBRESP: respcd
extracting the Global Work Area address for the exit
User response
User response
No action is required.
Correct the internal logic error in the user-written RPC
AVZ4470S IMS CCTL FEATURE MUST BE program, and invoke the RPC program again.
None. Explanation
Insufficient storage. The product was unable to obtain
User response enough storage to allocate the initial program stack.
Contact Rocket Software Support.
214 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
Check the abend code to determine if the region size Some type of error occurred in the system
should be increased. If necessary, increase the region management routines of the product. See the actual
size, and restart the product. text of the message for an explanation. The error was
probably caused by a failure in an operating system
AVZ4501U desc UNABLE TO LOCATE THE service requested by a product system management
This message is issued if the product was unable to
This message is issued if the product was unable to
connect to IMS/ODBA for the Startup Table Identifier
implant its ODBA interface routine. The return code is
in the message.
User response
User response
Check if any other messages were issued. Call
Software Support. Check if any other messages were issued and IMS/DB
is active. If the Startup Table does not exist, generate
AVZ4522W UNABLE TO CONNECT TO IMS/ it. The next ODBA request for this startup table
ODBA FOR STARTUP TABLE ID: identifier will retry this operation.
tblid, RETURN CODE: rcode,
216 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
This message is issued if the product was unable to DURING ODBA/RPC CLEANUP. RC:
connect to IMS/ODBA because the maximum number rcode, RE: rsncode
of simultaneous connections was reached a number
(no) of times.
User response This message is issued if an RPC that was using the
IMS/DB ODBA Interface terminated, left some PSBs
Raise the MAXODBACONNECT parameter. Default is 8 allocated, and product cleanup encountered an error
if it was not specified. deallocating them.
User response
Fix the error in the RPC that caused it to terminate
This message is issued if the product ODBA without deallocating these PSBs.
Connection Entry table cleanup routine was able to
free some previously allocated entries. This message AVZ4530I IMS/DB ODBA INTERFACE
is a warning of a table full condition that will begin TERMINATED
denying connections.
User response This message is issued when the product has
Raise the MAXODBACONNECT parameter. Default is 8 terminated the IMS/DB ODBA Interface.
if it was not specified.
AVZ4527T ODBA interface not type User response
This message is issued if the product ODBA Interface ODBA INTERFACE. RC: rcode, RE:
is not either initialized or enabled. rsncode
type can be initialized or enabled.
User response This message is issued when the product has
terminated the IMS/DB ODBA Interface.
If it has not been initialized, contact Software Support.
If it is not enabled, check initialization parameters.
User response
AVZ4528I Load for module modname failed,
ODBA interface disabled None.
Explanation modname - IS NOT RE-ENTRANT.
This message is issued if a module needed to initialize
the ODBA interface to IMS could not be loaded. The
message contains the module name. The module is Explanation
either missing or some other error has occurred. This message is issued when an IMS/ODBA
Connection is requested, but the startup table module
User response is not marked re-entrant. the product cannot modify
the module with server userid if required nor merge
If IMS/ODBA support is not desired, then no action DEFINE IMSODBA parameters.
is needed. Otherwise check if other messages were
issued. Check if the named module is in the search
sequence. Resolve the problem and restart the server. User response
Re-generate the DFSxxxx0 module indicated and link it
as re-entrant.
User response Note that sectno1 represents the new OPRXSQ section
number, and sectno2 represents the original OPRXSQ
Re-enter the Modify command after dealing with the section number.
errors indicated by the other messages.
AVZ4550T OPRXSQ - USER userid User response
PLAN plan None
218 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
None This message contains the second of each two-line
response to the TSOSRV_LIST command. Each two-
AVZ4556T PLAN plan WILL USE PACKAGE line response group shows the status of the TSO
PROCESSING server and the command being executed.
User response
This informational message is issued when SQL
section number translation is done for the product Db2 AVZ4604I SERVER POSTED TO FREE TSSD AT
Explanation Explanation
The TSOSRV_EXECSTATS command returns This message follows the 4680T message when a
information using this message. subroutine invocation was underway. The subroutine
CEEPIPI table index value and its external name are
User response reported.
User response
Explanation FEEDBACK(feedback)
220 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
Following a call to the LE/370 CEEPIPI routine, normal See the contents of the message and the trace
supervisor state operation of the enclave manager surrounding this condition, and correct the problem.
could not be restored. Contact Software Support with this error.
Contact Software Support. TERMINATED
User response
This may indicate some type of internal error. It is also
possible that you are running a version of IBM/MQ not
The IDCAMS utility has generated SYSPRINT output.
The output line is given in the message text. IDCAMS An internally generated SEF command cannot be
has been invoked using the product's AVZRXID scheduled at the present time, because the system
interface. The message is issued in response to an allows only one request of this type to be processed at
IDCxxxx message condition detected by IDCAMS. once.
222 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
An SEF command service processing subtask abended The system recalculates the BROWSEARCHIVECOUNT
while processing the indicated command. value as one-third of the BROWSEMAX value.
User response parameter has been set to val
Check for other messages which might indicate the - was above maximum (maxval)
cause of this failure. allowed
The BROWSEARCHIVE option is set to MESSAGE, and AVZ4814I cmdname command cannot be
the system has detected that a backup archive of the scheduled at this time - all SEF
trace should now be created. service subtasks are busy
224 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
An ARCHIVE STATUS request has been issued. This An asynchronous command procedure subtask was
message is part of the response. terminated forcibly by product shutdown. This
message is sent to the requestor as notification of the
User response shutdown.
User response
LASTTRIGGERED msgno DSNAME AVZ4821T Service subtask subtask forcibly
word1 CTLS word2 %6 detached at shutdown - cmdname
command sent by userid -
Explanation RC=rcode
Explanation Explanation
An asynchronous command procedure subtask has
A new archive data set has been successfully created.
This message logs the dsname, the first and last
message recorded in the archive, and the count of
User response messages.
User response
AVZ4820E Processing of cmdname command
by subtask subtask terminated by None.
product shutdown - RC=rcode
AVZ4824H count messages beginning at
number msgno cannot be backed
up due to Trace wraparound
User response
User response
The messages produced by S_ARCHIV are logged by
Processing continues. Check and adjust
this message.
BROWSEARCHIVECUSHION parameters to ensure that AVZ4828E procedure REXX PROCEDURE
the trace does not wrap around without allowing RETURNED INVALID/INCORRECT
backup operations to complete. This message is RESULT FOR ARCHIVE DATA SET
normal if you activate automatic archives against an calltype REQUEST
existing trace file that has been in use for some time.
AVZ4825H NO WORK TO DO - ARCHIVE Explanation
The S_ARCHIV REXX procedure was executed but it
either did not return a result or it returned a result
that was formatted improperly. The REXX procedure is
Explanation assumed to have failed.
A backup-type archive of the Trace Browse data has
been scheduled. There are no messages that can User response
currently be backed up within the range allowed by
The current archive-related operation is terminated.
User response FAILED FOR calltype REQUEST -
Processing ends. Check and adjust the rcode
BROWSEARCHIVECUSHION parameters to ensure that
the trace does not wrap around without allowing
backup operations to complete, or explicitly request The S_ARCHIV REXX procedure was executed but
an ARCHIVE BACKUP, TOEND operation to bypass returned with a failure return code value set.
processing of the storage cushion value.
DUE TO SUBSYSTEM OR SEF The current archive-related operation is terminated.
An archive process is being aborted either because a
subsystem shutdown is underway or because SEF has
requested early termination of the procedure.
The S_ARCHIV REXX procedure was executed but
User response returned without passing back an MVS data set name,
as required for the sub-function request.
Processing ends as quickly as possible. Some resource
cleanup may be deferred until subsystem restart.
User response
AVZ4827I msgdata The current archive-related operation is terminated.
ERROR=errcd REASON=rsncode
226 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ4835S service OF dsname FAILED,
RC=rcode, REASON CODE=rsncode
Dynamic allocation failure occurred while building an
archive of the Trace Browse. The archival process
terminates. Explanation
desc describes the DYNALLOC operation. This error message describes errors that occurred
while using the DIV (Data In Virtual) system service
(service) during archive initialization, execution, or
User response termination. For a list of the return codes and reason
Check other messages indicating the cause of the codes from the DIV macro see the appropriate
failure. documentation.
User response
User response
Check the DIV abend and reason codes associated
None. with this problem. There may be one or more error
AVZ4834S service OF desc FAILED, RC=rcode messages referring to the current problem. If possible,
fix the problem identified by the error messages, and
restart the product. If the problem cannot be resolved,
Explanation contact Software Support.
This is a generic error message used to describe AVZ4837S Possible shortage of storage,
a wide variety of archive data set initialization and storsize bytes required to build
termination errors. The message text provides the archive output data set
current operation (service) and what the current
operation was trying to do, such as GETMAIN,
FREEMAIN, ATTACH, and so on. Explanation
This is a follow-up message to message 4834S when a
User response GETMAIN has failed. This message indicates the size,
in bytes, of the area requested by the GETMAIN.
Check the error messages and the return code
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. User response
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error If the GETMAIN return code indicates insufficient
messages, and restart the product. If the problem storage to complete the GETMAIN request, please
cannot be resolved, contact Software Support. increase your available storage (above the 16MB line)
by the indicated amount.
Explanation Explanation
A ddname deallocation was processed for an archive This message follows message 4840H and logs the
data set. recovery information that is being cleared.
AVZ4839W Archive file: count invalid/overlaid AVZ4843I cmdname command from userid
messages detected during completed successfully
Explanation The SEF command service processing routine has
While the archive data set was being created, ended successfully.
messages were detected that had been overlaid or
were otherwise invalid. User response
User response
AVZ4844H Archive backup of trace has
successfully completed
INFORMATION BEING CLEARED A checkpointing-type backup of the Trace Browse has
been completed successfully.
User response
During subsystem startup, the
CLEARARCHIVERECOVERY parameter was set. In- None.
flight recovery information will be deleted for the
AVZ4845H Trace: current message is msgno -
indicated archive type.
count messages since last archive
228 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ4847I cmdname CMD NOT SCHEDULED User response
AVZ4854E THE DIV OBJECT, dsname,
An SEF service request cannot be processed BACKLEVEL AND INCOMPATIBLE
because internal controls indicate another operation
is already in-flight. However, no subtask is currently
processing the request. This error can occur when Explanation
certain commands fail and require separate recovery The archive data set review request cannot be
procedures to be scheduled. For brief moments, serviced because DIV reports one size for the object
a "race" condition may occur, where the recovery but LISTCAT reports another.
command has priority.
User response
User response
Contact Software Support.
Wait until the previous process is recovered. If the
condition persists, manually request recovery. AVZ4855E THE DIV OBJECT, dsname,
Explanation Explanation
See message 4847I. This message is hard-copied for The archive data set review request cannot be
internally issued requests. serviced because DIV reports one size for the object
but LISTCAT reports another.
User response
See message 4847I. User response
AVZ4849I PARAMETERS: OPTION parval1 Contact Software Support for assistance.
COUNT parmal2 CUSHION parval3 AVZ4856E THE DIV OBJECT, dsname,
An ARCHIVE STATUS request has been issued. This
message is part of the response.
The parmval values represents
BROWSEARCHIVE, BROWSEARCHIVECOUNT, and The archive data set review request cannot be
BROWSEARCHIVECUSHION values, respectively. serviced because the first page of the linear data set
object does not contain required control information.
User response
User response
The probable cause of this error is that you are
AVZ4850I desc TYPE archtyp USER userid attempting to review an archive data set that is still
STARTMSG msgno MSGCOUNT being created or that was not closed properly.
count DSNAME dsname
AVZ4857E THE DIV OBJECT, dsname,
An archive status request has been issued. This INFORMATION (size1/size2) DOES
message is part of the response. NOT MATCH THE DIV OPEN STATS
230 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation statement failed to be processed through the IDCAMS
utility. The SYSPRINT output of the IDCAMS utility, if
An ARCHIVE STATUS request has been issued. This any, follows this message.
message is part of the response. This message reports
the output data set allocation related parameter
values set for building archive EXTRACT data sets. User response
parmvals 1-5 represent the values The current archive-related operation is terminated.
User response This message follows message 4867E when an
None. statement failed to be processed through the IDCAMS
AVZ4865E Trace Browse archiving disabled utility. The SYSPRINT output of the IDCAMS utility
because 'ARCHIVEDSNPREFIX' (msgdata) follows this message.
parameter is not set
User response
Explanation The current archive-related operation is terminated.
Trace Browse archive support has been turned off AVZ4869E TRACE BROWSE
because the output data set name prefix parameter EXTRACTS DISABLED
User response
Examine the console hardcopy log and the Trace
The indicated keyword is required but was not coded.
Browse to determine why the previous automatic
backup operation has failed. Correct the situation.
Once the cause of the failure has been corrected, issue User response
an ARCHIVE CLEANUP command via the SEF interface
Recode the AVZ command using the keyword, and
to reset the in-flight failure indicators. You can issue
this command using the ISPF E.3 application.
AVZ5005S value is not a valid value for the
keyword keyword.
The value you have coded is not valid value for the
This message is issued whenever an undefined
message number is encountered.
User response
User response
Recode the value, and rerun the AVZ command.
This probably indicates an internal product error.
Contact Software Support. AVZ5006S keyword IS ONLY VALID FOR TYPE
= ktype
Explanation The keyword indicated is not valid for the given value
of the type of keyword.
You have tried to DEFINE/MODIFY an unknown AVZ
User response
User response Remove the erroneous keyword (or change the type),
and rerun the command.
Correct the DEFINE/MODIFY command, and rerun.
AVZ5007S LINK host already exists.
AVZ5002S cmdname is an invalid %PX
Explanation The indicated link has already been defined.
The command you have coded is unknown to Note that host is the host keyword.
User response
User response
Determine which definition is correct, and rerun.
Enter the correct AVZ command, and rerun.
AVZ5003S keyword is an invalid keyword. SEVERE ERROR RC = rcode
232 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
An internal component of ADDRESS AVZ has failed. The indicated subsystem is not running. The ADDRESS
AVZ host environment command cannot be processed.
User response
User response
Contact Software Support.
Start the subsystem (or use the SUBSYS command to
AVZ5009S MODIFY CONTAINS FIELDS NOT identify another subsystem), and rerun the command.
AVZ5014S subsystem IS AN INVALID
You cannot modify fields that are undefined for this
The subsystem name coded is not valid.
type of link.
User response:
User response Subsystem names must begin with an alpha (a-
z) character, and all other characters can be
Remove the keywords in error, and rerun the alphanumeric. Also, the name can only be four (4)
command. characters long.
The link defined by the host is not yet defined;
therefore, it cannot be modified. The indicated database subsystem has already been
User response
User response
Either define the link, or remove the MODIFY.
Determine which definition is correct, and rerun.
rcode AVZ5016E DATABASE = subsys DOES NOT
The display of the object failed severely.
The database defined by name (subsys) is not yet
User response defined; therefore, it cannot be modified.
User response
The indicated connection has already been defined.
Correct the value, and rerun.
AVZ5019E subsys IS A DB2 DATABASE User response
Determine which definition is correct, and rerun.
Explanation AVZ5024E SESSION session IS ALREADY
The database subsystem can not be defined because
the subsystem is an actual Db2 subsystem.
User response The indicated session has already been defined.
Change the database subsystem name, and rerun.
User response
USES DATABASE SUBSYSTEM Determine which definition is correct, and rerun.
NAME subsys AVZ5025I DDNAME ddname IS NOT
The database subsystem cannot be defined because
another copy of the product is using the database Explanation
subsystem. The indicated ddname is not allocated to the product
address space.
User response
Change the database subsystem name, and rerun. User response
AVZ5021E DATABASE SUBSYSTEM subsys The attempt to define the file fails. Add a DD
COULD NOT BE CREATED statement to the product start-up JCL for the indicated
file, and restart the product.
Explanation AVZ5026T MEASURED USAGE reqtype
The database subsystem control blocks could not be
User response This message indicates that Measured Usage Request
completed successfully.
Fix any related errors, and rerun.
subsys No action required.
The database subsystem cannot be defined because
another product is using the database subsystem.
User response This message indicates that Measured Usage Request
may have failed. Please check return code and request
Change the database subsystem name, and rerun. type.
234 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
No action required. This is an informational message. No action is
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been
turned on at the request of Software Support, please
contact Software Support for further instructions.
This diagnostic trace message is issued to indicate that TO OPDSN10 SUBCOMMAND
control has entered a particular product module. HANDLER
User response
This diagnostic trace message is issued after
This is an informational message. No action is determining that the subcommand entered by the
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been user is neither one of the set of valid subcommands
turned on at the request of Software Support, please supported by OPDSN10 nor one of the set of TSO
contact Software Support for further instructions. commands not supported by OPDSN10.
This is an informational message. No action is
Explanation required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been
This diagnostic trace message is issued after turned on at the request of Software Support, please
successfully establishing the STAX exit for module contact Software Support for further instructions.
COMMAND subcmd
User response
This is an informational message. No action is Explanation
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been This diagnostic trace message is issued just prior
turned on at the request of Software Support, please to linking to the TSO command specified as a DSN
contact Software Support for further instructions. subcommand.
This is an informational message. No action is
Explanation required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been
This diagnostic trace message is issued after turned on at the request of Software Support, please
successfully removing the STAX exit for module contact Software Support for further instructions.
COMMAND subcmd
User response
This is an informational message. No action is Explanation
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been This diagnostic trace message is issued on return
turned on at the request of Software Support, please from linking to the TSO command specified as a DSN
contact Software Support for further instructions. subcommand.
236 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response Explanation
This is an informational message. No action is This diagnostic trace message is issued after
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been successfully allocating the data set specified on the
turned on at the request of Software Support, please LIBRARY() parameter of the RUN subcommand.
contact Software Support for further instructions.
COMMAND subcmd This is an informational message. No action is
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been
Explanation turned on at the request of Software Support, please
contact Software Support for further instructions.
This diagnostic trace message is issued just prior
to attaching the TSO command specified as a DSN AVZ6024T SUCCESSFULLY DEALLOCATED
subcommand. DATA SET dsname
238 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
This diagnostic trace message is issued prior to
processing the terminate Db2 request.
User response This diagnostic trace message is issued if the
application program fails with any type of abend code.
This is an informational message. No action is This message is generated both when the application
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been program is attached and when it is linked to.
turned on at the request of Software Support, please
contact Software Support for further instructions.
User response
=========================== This is an informational message. No action is
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been
turned on at the request of Software Support, please
Explanation contact Software Support for further instructions.
This diagnostic trace message is issued after AVZ6042T RRSAF func function RC rcode
processing the terminate Db2 request. Reason rsncode was converted to
RC 0 Reason 0.
User response
This is an informational message. No action is Explanation
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been This message is issued when the product has ignored
turned on at the request of Software Support, please certain error reason codes from RRSAF function calls.
contact Software Support for further instructions.
This is an informational message. No action is
required. However, if this action contributes to thread
Explanation errors later in the process, please contact Software
This diagnostic trace message is issued just prior to Support for further instructions.
linking to the program specified on the PROGRAM() AVZ6500S ABEND abcode RS=rsncode
parameter of the RUN subcommand. OCCURRED AT modname+offset
DURING DMF func entityid
User response
This is an informational message. No action is Explanation
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been An ABEND occurred while processing a Data Mapping
turned on at the request of Software Support, please Facility (DMF) request.
contact Software Support for further instructions.
PROGRAM progname
The routine signals an error to the caller and
processing continues, when possible.
AVZ6501W DMF operation WARNING: rsn item
This diagnostic trace message is issued on return from
linking to the program specified on the PROGRAM()
parameter of the RUN subcommand. Explanation
A correctable condition was encountered while
User response processing a Data Mapping Facility (DMF) request.
This is an informational message. No action is item represents the item being processed at the time
required. However, if diagnostic tracing has been of warning detection.
turned on at the request of Software Support, please
contact Software Support for further instructions.
Explanation Explanation
A DMF IMPORT request has refreshed the in-storage A DMF request has completed processing. This will
data map images following import of new or changed be the last message related to the current DMF
data maps. command.
240 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ6520H DMF Data-In-Virtual cache is AVZ6523H Existing DMF DIV cache being
being initialized for revision level discarded due to window
lvl support relocation problem
Explanation Explanation
During initialization the Data Mapping Facility (DMF) During initialization the Data Mapping Facility
determined that it's data-in-virtual cache is empty, (DMF) found the DIV linear dataset cache dataset
contains errors, or is formatted for operation at (@#$MAPL) could not be placed online because a
a different revision level. The DIV object is being problem occurred while attempting to relocate maps
initialized or re-initialized for use at the current and map pointers within the DIV windows. The cache
software support revision level. must be discarded and re-loaded in order to remove
the erroneous/problematic information.
User response
User response
This DMF DIV data-in-virtual cache will be initialized
for use and placed online. DMF cached data maps will be discarded and the DIV
dataset re-initialized. DMF will reload data maps into
AVZ6521H Existing DMF DIV cache at revision the cache as these are read into storage from the
level lvl must be re-initialized at @#$MAPP PDS library.
current level
AVZ6524H Existing DMF DIV cache being
Explanation discarded due to unknown object
type (%1)
During initialization the Data Mapping Facility
(DMF) found the DIV linear dataset cache dataset
(@#$MAPL) contained information formatted for an
older/different revision level than the server software During initialization the Data Mapping Facility
now supports. The cache must be discarded and re- (DMF) found the DIV linear dataset cache dataset
loaded in order to switch to the current software (@#$MAPL) contains a DMF block area in which
support revision level. garbage or an unknown element block resides. The
cache must be discarded and re-loaded in order to
User response remove the corrupted data block.
242 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation User response
The command used to invoke the system function Reenter the corrected command.
could not be parsed because it contains extraneous,
AVZ7009I Syntax error: operand of keyword
undefined operands or duplicate keyword operands.
is invalid or missing
User response
Reenter the corrected command.
The operand coded for the indicated keyword is not
AVZ7005I Syntax error: positional param. valid or was omitted.
parmno of parmname - errdesc
User response
Reenter the corrected command.
The command used to invoke the system function
AVZ7010I Syntax error: errdesc
could not be parsed because it contains an error in
a positional parameter. the full text of the message
explains which parameter number and what portion Explanation
of the command contains the error. the message also
The input was invalid for the reason (errdesc) indicated
contains an explanation as to why the parameter is
in the message.
A required keyword was not entered on the command
A syntax error was detected while a text file was
scanned for HTML extension statements. The source
file line number and offset within the line where the
User response error was found is noted in the message.
Reenter the corrected command.
User response
AVZ7008I keyword
Examine the source file, and correct the html
extension statement syntax error.
The variable fields of the message text are: lineno line
This message lists the keywords from which a choice
number in source file where error found loff offset in
must be made.
source line where error detected
244 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
file line number and offset within the line where the Explanation
error was found is noted in the message.
A syntax error was detected while a text file was
scanned for HTML extension statements. the source
User response file line number and offset within the line where the
Examine the source file, and correct the html error was found is noted in the message.
extension statement syntax error.
AVZ7110T Error 10 @(lineno/offset) - invalid
User response
exit statement operand value. Examine the source file, and correct the HTML
extension statement syntax error.
Explanation AVZ7114T Error 14 @(lineno/offset) - number
A syntax error was detected while a text file was of nested if/endif statement pairs
scanned for HTML extension statements. the source exceeds compiler maximum.
file line number and offset within the line where the
error was found is noted in the message. Explanation
A syntax error was detected while a text file was
User response scanned for HTML extension statements. the source
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML file line number and offset within the line where the
extension statement syntax error. error was found is noted in the message.
246 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation AVZ7128T Error 28 @(lineno/offset) - one
or more do statements has no
A syntax error was detected while a text file was matching enddo.
scanned for HTML extension statements. the source
file line number and offset within the line where the
error was found is noted in the message. Explanation
A syntax error was detected while a text file was
User response scanned for HTML extension statements. the source
file line number and offset within the line where the
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML error was found is noted in the message.
extension statement syntax error.
AVZ7125T Error 25 @(lineno/offset) - one or User response
more referenced statement labels
are undefined in source file. Examine the source file, and correct the HTML
extension statement syntax error.
Explanation AVZ7129T ERROR 29 @(lineno/offset) -
A syntax error was detected while a text file was DETECTED IN SOURCE FILE -
scanned for HTML extension statements. the source FIRST 5 REPORTED.
file line number and offset within the line where the
error was found is noted in the message.
User response A syntax error was detected while a text file was
scanned for HTML extension statements. The source
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML file line number and offset within the line where the
extension statement syntax error. error was found is noted in the message.
AVZ7126T Error 26 @(lineno/offset) -
compiler area overflow - source User response
fIle too complex.
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML
extension statement syntax error.
AVZ7130T ERROR 30 @(lineno/offset)
A syntax error was detected while a text file was - INVALID SWSINFO()
scanned for HTML extension statements. the source PSEUDO=FUNCTION OPERAND
file line number and offset within the line where the VALUE.
error was found is noted in the message.
User response
A syntax error was detected while a text file was
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML scanned for HTML extension statements. The source
extension statement syntax error. file line number and offset within the line where the
AVZ7127T Error 27 @(lineno/offset) - one error was found is noted in the message.
or more if statements has no
matching endif. User response
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML
Explanation extension statement syntax error.
A syntax error was detected while a text file was AVZ7131T ERROR 31 @(lineno/offset)
scanned for HTML extension statements. the source - HTXINDEX. STEM SYNTAX
file line number and offset within the line where the INVALID.
error was found is noted in the message.
User response
A syntax error was detected while a text file was
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML scanned for HTML extension statements. The source
extension statement syntax error.
248 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ7139T ERROR 39 @(lineno/offset) User response
EMBEDDED RULE. Examine the source file, and correct the HTML
extension statement syntax error.
User response
User response
Examine the source file, and correct the HTML
extension statement syntax error. The associated vendor library must be concatenated
with the S__RPCLB library.
AVZ7149T ERROR 49 @(lineno/offset) -
Explanation Explanation
A syntax error was detected while processing a Your license code does not authorize you to execute
statement. The deprecated IMSATTR statement is no utility routines.
longer supported by this version of the server.
250 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Contact Rocket Software Support.
AVZ7160T LINE lineno - HTML EVALUATION Explanation
ERROR (errdesc) - additinfo
A runtime error was detected while a text file was
being processed by the HTML extension processor.
Explanation The source file line number where the error was
While processing file information that contains HTML detected is noted in the message. Note that an HTX
extensions, evaluation of a statement failed. executable RESCAN statement may also generate
this error because RESCAN is only allowed where
embedded rules are authorized.
User response
Examine the source file to determine why the error User response
The server aborts processing of the current file and
AVZ7161E ABEND abcode, REASON rsncode generates an error message output page (HTML or text
DURING HTX PROCESSING form). The HTML expansion request fails, with RC=16.
Remove the rule or RESCAN statement that caused
Explanation this condition to be raised, or authorize execution
of embedded rules within this file. You authorize
While processing HTML extension processing, an embedded rule execution by (1) requesting the file via
abend occurred. the /*FILE process section or via /*WWW PATH() (from
the HFS) and (2) specifying the RULE(YES) keyword
User response for /*FILE.
Examine the source file to determine why the error AVZ7165T RUNTIME ERROR (LINE lineno)
occurred. Check for other messages that may indicate - ASSIGNMENT STMT FAILED -
the cause of the error. errdesc - lval
AVZ7162E var
Explanation A runtime error was detected while a text file was
being processed by the HTML extension processor.
This message is used internally by OPHTXPR to build The source file line number where the error was
abend error reporting pages (HTML or text form). detected is noted in the message. A variable
assignment statement failed for the reason indicated
User response in the message.
252 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response refreshing the data map after the HTML generation is
If there are other messages indicating an error, use
this message in conjunction with them to determine AVZ7183E /*EXECIMS STMT - errtext
the cause of the problem.
AVZ7179E DATA MAPPING - map FIELD field Explanation
IS TOO LONG During event procedure enablement, a /*EXECIMS
section was not enabled due to the error given.
During processing of a data map, a field was defined User response
that was too long for processing. Fields of 3074 bytes Correct the error, and re-enable the event procedure.
are currently the longest fields allowed.
AVZ7184T /*EXECIMS STMT - errmsg -
User response
Recreate the map with shorter fields, or disable this Explanation
During execution of an /*EXECIMS statement, the
AVZ7180E /*EXECSQL STMT - errtext statement was determined to be invalid or non-
During event procedure enablement, a /*SQL section User response
was not enabled due to the error given. If the IMS statement text is invalid, correct the IMS
statement text. Otherwise, contact Software Support
User response with this problem.
Correct the error, and re-enable the event procedure. AVZ7185E UNABLE TO OBTAIN INPUT
AVZ7181T /*EXECSQL STMT - errmsg - %1
While processing an input request, there was
During execution of an /*EXECSQL statement, the insufficient storage to build the input message based
SQL statement was determined to be invalid or non- upon the the product Mapping Facility definition of the
executable. input map.
Explanation Explanation
During execution of an output file SEND, the HTML While processing an input URL, the /*EXECIMS expects
member name was not specified in the data map or certain query variables: SWSINMAP, SWSCNVID and
the HTML member name was invalid. PFKIN. One or more of these variables was missing.
User response
Correct the error, and re-enable the event procedure.
254 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Explanation Explanation
Issued if TRACEURLREAD option is on, this message A pending SSL connection could not be accepted by
indicates that the reception of an inbound HTTP the server due to a validation failure or a failure within
request is being processed and indicates the progress. the SSL connection handling engine. This error reports
the failure.
User response Note that there are two return codes in the message.
rcd1 represents the SSL acceptance return code, and
None. This message indicates processing performed
rcd2 represents the LE/370 enclave manager return
during HTTP request receive operations.
feedback contains the LE/370 enclave termination
feedback codes.
User response
Check for other messages indicating the cause of the
Issued if TRACEURLREAD option is on, this message
termination, and resolve the problem, if possible.
indicates that the reception of an inbound HTTP
request is being processed and indicates the progress, AVZ7206T SSL READ FAILED RC=rcd1
so far. REAS=rsncode - ENCLAVE RC=rcd3
User response
None. This message indicates processing performed
during HTTP request receive operations. A RECEIVE request on an SSL connection failed due
to a validation failure or a failure within the SSL
connection engine. This error reports the failure.
LENGTH: clval
Note that the message contains two return codes,
rcd1 represents the SSL read return code, and rcd2
represents the LE/370 enclave manager return code.
Issued if TRACEURLREAD option is on, this message
feedback contains the LE/370 enclave termination
indicates that the reception of an inbound HTTP
feedback codes.
request is being traced.
A WWW. event variable was not built during URL
A SEND request on an SSL connection failed due to a
parsing for the reason indicated.
validation failure or a failure within the SSL connection
engine. This error reports the failure.
User response
Note that the message contains two return codes;
Correct the HTML input form used to transmit the rcd1 represents the SSL read return code, and rcd2
inbound data, and re-submit. represents the LE/370 enclave manager return code.
AVZ7205T SSL ACCEPT FAILED - RC=rcd1 feedback contains the LE/370 enclave termination
REAS=rsncode - ENCLAVE RC=rcd2 feedback codes.
256 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Issued if TRACEURLREAD option is on, this message
indicates that the reception of an inbound HTTP
Explanation request is being traced.
This message indicates that the inbound HTTP request
contains more query variable name/value pairs than User response
the server is able to parse. The maximum number of
variables that can effectively be handled is given in the None. This message indicates processing performed
message. during HTTP request receive operations.
User response CHUNK LENGTH: val
The server aborts parsing of the current HTTP request
and responds with an HTTP 400 status message, Explanation
indicating that the inbound request message is invalid. Issued if TRACEURLREAD option is on, this message
In order to correct the problem, you will need to indicates that the reception of an inbound HTTP
redesign your application so that it transmits fewer request is being traced.
query variables with any single inbound request.
DATA data
None. This message indicates processing performed
during HTTP request receive operations.
This message indicates that the inbound HTTP request IN X-MEM MODE BY
contains an ASCII encoded string (data) that could not modname+offset
be decoded by the server and converted to EBCDIC.
User response
A Web transaction program has issued a flush request
The query data is set to include only the portion of to transmit outbound response buffers. The caller is
the string that could be converted to EBCDIC. Set operating in cross-memory mode, and the request
the DECODETRACE parameter to YES, and rerun the cannot be serviced. The buffer flush request is
transaction. Contact Software Support if you cannot ignored.
determine the reason (invalid ISO-2022-JP or Shift-
JIS encoding) for the failure.
User response
UNCONSUMED LOOK-AHEAD Check for other messages that might indicate the
BYTES - REJECTING SESSION cause of the error.
This message indicates that the SSL accept processing REQUEST
completed normally, except that some (count)
received bytes were unconsumed from the look-ahead
receive buffer during acceptance processing. Since Explanation
SSL Accept processing involves real-time certificate A Web transaction program has issued a request to
and key negotiation, no look-ahead bytes should have buffer additional outbound response data, but this
remained. request follows completion of an SWSFILE(SEND)
operation. Because SWSFILE(SEND) has generated
User response HTTP response headers specifying total response size,
no additional data can be output unless the file-send
This is probably due to a logic error in the server. request is first purged from the output buffers or
Contact Software Support. flushed to the client.
258 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
each invalid cookie field prior to the issuing of this Explanation
The subsystem name coded is not valid.
User response
User response
None. This is a warning message. The invalid cookie
field(s) are ignored, and the product default(s) for the Subsystem names must be four characters long and
field(s) are used. must begin with the correct product ID. The fourth
character can be any character in the range A-Z.
RFC1123, RFC850 OR ANSI C AVZ7302I Parser routine (OPSXPR) failed
ASCTIME() FORMAT time with RC=rcode
Explanation Explanation
While parsing an HTTP request or response header, A host command statement was invalid because the
the timestamp value could not be parsed to yield a general text parsing routines failed without returning a
valid timestamp. This may be a browser dependency reason for the failure.
beyond the server's control.
User response
User response Contact Software Support.
None. The server assumes no value is specified for the AVZ7303S object IS AN INVALID OBJECT FOR
corresponding request or response header. verb
AVZ7255T VALUE OF varname IS
IMPROPERLY ENCODED: reason Explanation
You have entered an invalid command / object
Explanation combination for the verb from the SAVZ statement.
While parsing an HTTP request, an SWSECRET_
query value was detected. The server cannot decrypt User response
the information for the reason indicated. Note that
query variables sent out to a browser before a Correct the command, and rerun.
product restart become stale and cannot be decrypted AVZ7304I operand KEYWORD MUST BE
following a restart. SPECIFIED FOR verb entity
User response
None. The server rejects the badly formed or Explanation
invalid query variable and subsequently rejects the A host command statement was invalid because an
transaction with a 400 (bad request) HTTP status operand that is required for this type of command
message. statement was omitted.
AVZ7300I Invalid command syntax:
syntaxerr User response
Correct the command statement, and re-submit.
AVZ7305I operand KEYWORD MUST reason -
A host command statement was invalid or could not SHOULD BE opertype
be parsed for the reason indicated. The error was
detected during initial command syntax scanning.
User response A host command statement was invalid because an
operand value was invalid.
Correct the command statement and re-submit.
AVZ7301S subsys is an invalid subsystem User response
Correct the command statement, and re-submit.
260 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Correct the parameter name, and rerun. The attempt to define the file fails. Add a DD
statement to the product start-up JCL for the indicated
AVZ7315S parmval is not a valid value for
file, and restart the product.
Explanation PDS(E) DATA SET
262 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response User response
Check the variables of the error message text for the Remove the update attempt for the variable.
command statement whose access is denied. Ensure
that the current user has the required access. Contact
your security systems administrator for further help, if
AVZ7400T varname INVALID GLVSTATE. Explanation
VARIABLE - rsn additinfo
The indicated variable does not belong to an active
named state information set. The GLVSTATE. group has
expired or has never been created.
The indicated variable is not a valid GLVSTATE. prefix
variable. See information on the automated state User response
management facility for information on proper variable
name formats. Create the set before attempting to set the variable.
User response VALUE - FOUND val
Correct the variable name, and rerun the exec or
program. Explanation
AVZ7401T setname DOES NOT EXIST AND The indicated variable requires a numeric value in
CANNOT BE service order to update its value.
Explanation Explanation
An internal-use diagnostic trace is being produced.
During Web transaction initialization, an HTML query
Various internal state-related control blocks will be
variable and/or HTTP request header cookie that
formatted and written to Trace Browse.
contains built-in management information for a
GLVSTATE. information set was found. Information for
User response this GLVSTATE. set has already been received from
another query variable or cookie within this inbound
None. For use by Software Support.
SERVICE FAILED RC=rcode - User response
FAIL The server bypasses built-in handling for this
variable and uses only the first GLVSTATE. restoration
information. Note that this can occur if you include
Explanation the same GLVSTATE.xxxxxxxx information in both an
An internal service failed to create/delete a server HTML form field and an HTTP cookie or if the browser
token needed to manage a GLVSTATE. variable set. transmits two HTTP cookies with the same name.
The current GLVSTATE. update request will be failed in
one of two ways: (1) as though the update were to an
invalid variable field name or (2) as a HALT error. The
ID - rsn
failure method depends on the type of update.
264 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
User response However, a server-side token could not be retrieved
due to an internal error, and this GLVSTATE. set is
The erroneous information is not used, the inbound being bypassed.
query or cookie information is ignored, and no
GLVSTATE. information set is created.
User response
CONTAIN VALID INFORMATION TO This could be due to a storage shortage or other
RECONSTRUCT GLVSTATE.setname problem. The state information is handled as though
- rsn the token has expired.
PLIST plist
During Web transaction initialization, an HTML cookie
variable was found with a name beginning with
SWSSTATE_. The value data, however, does not appear Explanation
to be formatted as expected for restoration of a The automated state management routine, OPASMF,
GLVSTATE. set. Note that this can occur for incorrect was invoked with an invalid parameter list (plist).
length information, bad encoding of the data, or some
other input anomaly.
User response
User response The module generates an S0C3 abend to terminate the
request. Contact Software Support.
The erroneous information is not used, the inbound
cookie information is ignored, and no GLVSTATE. AVZ7418T 'GLVSTATE.setname' MUST EXIST
information set is created for this variable. BEFORE UPDATE TO varname
266 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
GLVSTATE.setname - RC=rcode Explanation
This is a generic message used for severe level
messages from RPC programs using the SWSWTO
An error was encountered while building an outbound function.
Set-cookie: response header for the indicated state
information set. User response
User response
Buffer flush processing continues. AVZ7503H msgtext
Explanation Explanation
This is a generic message used for informational level
Unable to get the JVM Profile List from the Local
messages from RPC programs using the SWSWTO
User response
User response
Make sure the Registry is defined to the product.
AVZ8003E Unable to build JVM Profile List.
AVZ7501W msgtext
Unable to build JVM Profile List.
This is a generic message used for warning level
messages from RPC programs using the SWSWTO
function. User response
Contact Software Support.
User response
AVZ8004E Unable to allocate latch for JVM
None. profile.
268 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
As a consequence, normal product termination was Explanation
not possible.
This is a generic error message used to describe
a wide variety of internal errors. The message
User response text provides a description of the current operation
Check for any error messages issued during (service) and what the current operation was
termination. If possible, fix the problem identified attempting to do, such as GETMAIN, FREEMAIN, and
by the error messages, and restart the product. If so on.
the problem cannot be resolved, contact Software
Support. Please note the exact contents of the User response
above error message and any other error messages
associated with the product termination error. Check the error messages and the return code
associated with this problem. There may be one or
AVZ9008S ABEND ERROR abcode-rsncode AT more error messages referring to the current problem.
modname+offset If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
messages, and retry the operation. If the problem
Explanation cannot be resolved, contact Software Support.
A failure occurred during an OBTAIN of a data set. The
This is a generic message used to format information
data set volser is set to MIGRAT, indicating the data
relating to abends detected by the product. The abend
set has been migrated offline.
module, abend offset, abend code, and registers at
the time of abend are all formatted for debugging
User response purposes. In the case of internal errors, the reason for
Check the error messages and the return code the internal abend is also indicated.
associated with this problem. There may be one or
more error messages referring to the current problem. User response
If possible, fix the problem identified by the error
Record all of the information, and report the problem
messages, and retry the operation. For some server
to Software Support.
functions, you may need to manually recall the data
set before retrying the operation. If the problem
270 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
AVZ9998S TEXTMERGE (MSGID=M998) AVZ9999S msgtext
REASON=rsncode Explanation
This message is for internal product testing.
Invalid parameters were passed to the message send User response
routine for a special textmerge function call. This is
likely due to a logic error on the part of the calling No action is required.
User response
Contact Software Support with this problem
"Errmsg": "AVZ2700E Error bb-ccc ddd Processing request. Extra information: eee",
"Result": -99bbccc
• AVZ is the message prefix, as set by a Data Virtualization Manager server region startup parameter
• bb is a major error number. See “Code categories” on page 273.
• ccc is a minor error number
• ddd is a short description of the error
• Extra Information: eee provides extra information, if available.
Note: Extra Information: eee appears only if extra information is available.
The Result number will be a negative number from -9901001 to -9909005. The number has the major
and minor error codes in it.
Code categories
The major error codes group the error codes based on processing phases. The following table lists the
major error code categories:
Error codes
The tables in this section list the possible errors codes and messages. Corrective action is provided where
available. When considering corrective action, note the following points:
• The Data Virtualization Manager server region parameters can be changed. While the region is running,
permanent changes will require changes to be made to the AVZIN00 member.
• The Data Virtualization Manager server region must be restarted after making changes to the JCL and/or
the AVZIN00 member.
Note that with the Data Virtualization Manager service provider in use, the user does not provide the
JSON input directly, but rather the service provider will build the input JSON string from the parameters
provided by the user. However, the Data Virtualization Manager server interface does not see the original
Note: There are no minor error codes associated with the input data error.
274 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Table 5. Input vectors error (03) (continued)
Error code Message Description or corrective action Extra
03-018 Req values vector already seen Offset in I/P
03-019 Req values vector bad length Offset in I/P
03-020 Req values vector bad data Offset in I/P
03-021 Refr url vector already seen Offset in I/P
03-022 Refr url vector bad length Offset in I/P
03-023 Refr url vector bad data Offset in I/P
03-024 Sp cap l vector already seen Offset in I/P
03-025 Sp cap l vector bad length Offset in I/P
03-026 Sp cap l vector bad data Offset in I/P
03-027 Req name vector already seen Offset in I/P
03-028 Req name vector bad length Offset in I/P
03-029 Req name vector bad data Offset in I/P
03-030 Lst ip @ vector already seen Offset in I/P
03-031 Lst ip @ vector bad data Offset in I/P
03-032 Usr ip @ vector already seen Offset in I/P
03-033 Usr ip @ vector bad data Offset in I/P
276 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Table 7. Input JSON interpretation errors (05)
Error code Message Description or corrective action Extra
05-001 Root node is not an object Field name
05-002 Request object not found Field name
05-003 Request is not an object Field name
05-004 Duplicate field found in request Field name
05-005 Unknown field found in request Field name
05-006 Field operation not found Field name
05-007 Field fields not found Field name
05-008 Field operation found Field name
05-009 Field fields found Field name
05-010 Not a json value Field name
05-011 Not a json string Field name
05-012 Not a json number Field name
05-013 Not an integer Field name
05-014 Bad value (e.g. not in range or Field name
05-020 Field fields has children Field name
05-021 Field fields is not an object Field name
05-022 Field fields child is not a json value Field name
05-031 Field operation invalid length (1) Field name
05-032 Field operation has blanks in the Field name
05-033 Field operation invalid length (2) Field name
05-034 Field operation first character is not / Field name
05-035 Field operation has less than 3 segs Field name
05-036 Field operation has a bad virt dir Field name
05-037 Field operation has a bad web Field name
service name
05-038 Field operation has a bad operation Field name
05-061 Lookup operation - virt dir not found Field name
05-062 Lookup operation - virt dir not auth Field name
05-063 Lookup operation - web service not Field name
278 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Table 7. Input JSON interpretation errors (05) (continued)
Error code Message Description or corrective action Extra
05-096 Input field - tgt bin float length not Field name
05-097 Input field - tgt dec float length not Field name
05-098 Input field - character lob not Field name
05-099 Input field - binary lob not supported Field name
05-100 Input field - graphic lob not Field name
05-101 Input field - unknown internal format Field name
05-111 Input field - ccsid not supported Field name
05-112 Return field - ccsid not supported Field name
05-120 SQL verb/HTTP verb mismatch Field name
280 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
Accessibility features
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited
vision, to use a software product successfully.
The major accessibility features in this product enable users to perform the following activities:
• Use assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifier software. Consult the assistive
technology documentation for specific information when using it to access z/OS interfaces.
• Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size.
• Operate specific or equivalent features by using only the keyboard. Refer to the following publications
for information about accessing ISPF interfaces:
– z/OS ISPF User's Guide, Volume 1
– z/OS TSO/E Primer
– z/OS TSO/E User's Guide
These guides describe how to use the ISPF interface, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or
function keys (PF keys), include the default settings for the PF keys, and explain how to modify their
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284 IBM Data Virtualization Manager for z/OS: Data Virtualization Manager Messages and Codes
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