1 s2.0 S0048969718341883 Main
1 s2.0 S0048969718341883 Main
1 s2.0 S0048969718341883 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and paper waste was successfully operated with a 0% to
Received 19 August 2018 70% fraction of paper waste. The variation of functional microbial community was investigated by 16S rRNA
Received in revised form 17 October 2018 gene analysis. The results indicated that the hydrolyzing bacterial community changed from carbohydrate/
Accepted 21 October 2018
protein-degrading bacteria to cellulose-degrading bacteria when the paper waste ratio was higher than 50%. Sig-
Available online 22 October 2018
nificant changes in the taxon responsible for cellulose degradation were found depending on the paper waste
Editor: Jay Gan fraction. Cellulose-degrading bacteria outcompeted lactic acid bacteria in the degradation of monosaccharide,
resulting in a decline in the proportion of lactic acid bacteria and the absence of an accumulation of lactic acid.
Keywords: At high paper waste ratios, because the cellulose-degrading bacteria, such as Defluviitoga tunisiensis, were
Thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion more likely to degrade monosaccharides directly to acetate and hydrogen rather than to propionate and butyrate,
Food waste the abundance of syntrophs was reduced. The variation of those bacteria with high H2-producing ability signifi-
Paper waste cantly influenced the proportion of hydrogenotrophic archaea. The change in the microbial community as the
Microbial community paper waste fraction increased was illustrated with regard to anaerobic degradation steps.
Cellulose degradation
© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0048-9697/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
710 L. Li et al. / Science of the Total Environment 652 (2019) 709–717
of paper waste (PW), one of the biggest components of municipal solid metabolic pathway for the co-digestion of FW and PW in the thermo-
waste, has been shown to be difficult (Jokela et al., 1997; Kamali et al., philic anaerobic digestion system was proposed.
2016). While PW contains a large amount of carbohydrate, it lacks nutri-
ents: an excessive dosage of PW in the anaerobic digestion system in-
creases the C/N ratio. Because of the lack of basic raw materials for the 2. Materials and methods
synthesis of amino acids and proteins (McCarty, 1964), this increase in
the PW ratio significantly inhibits the assimilation of microorganisms. 2.1. Experimental apparatus and preparation of feedstock
On the other hand, the carbohydrate in PW is in the form of cellulose
and hemicellulose: unlike starch or glucose, these are referred to as re- A thermophilic anaerobic digestion system was operated for the
fractory carbohydrates due to their high degree of polymerization co-digestion of FW and PW. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the system con-
(Leschine, 1995). Besides, lignin, another major component in PW, has tains a substrate tank in which the substrate was stored at 4 °C,
also been classified as a refractory organic matter for degradation. and a continuously stirred tank reactor with an effective volume of
These factors make it difficult for PW to be degraded anaerobically 3 L. The reactor was operated under the thermophilic condition of
and to be consumed by microorganisms. 55 °C, an organic loading rate of approximately 14.0 g COD L−1 d−1
Conversely, food waste (FW) is classified as a nitrogen-rich biomass and a hydraulic retention time of 30 days. Biogas was collected and
due to its high protein and amino acid content (Banks et al., 2011). It is measured by a wet tip gas meter (W-NK-0.5B, Shinagawa, Japan).
therefore reasonable to assume that a supply of essential nitrogen ele- Water bath circulations were introduced into the system to main-
ment from FW has potential to foster higher effectiveness in the anaer- tain the temperature for the substrate tank and the reactor. Seed
obic co-digestion of PW and FW, with a higher harvest than the sole sludge was collected from a local wastewater treatment plant
digestion of PW. As a matter of fact, when collecting municipal waste, which deals with municipal wastewater. This system was operated
PW and FW are always mixed; for example, a mixture waste of food re- for 485 days and the PW ratio in substrate was changed at the
siduals and tissue is the common garbage from public restaurants. Be- 127th, 202nd, 279th, 366th and 404th day.
cause the separation of these two organic wastes is difficult, the direct Initially, the reactor was dosed with FW as the sole substrate. When
co-digestion of these two wastes provides a convenient way to treat the monitoring parameters of the system became stable, the PW ratio in
both PW and FW. the mixture substrate was elevated to 20% and then to 40%, 50%, 60%,
Although most previous studies on anaerobic digestion have been 70% of the total solid (TS) in the following runs. The artificial FW was
performed under the mesophilic condition of 35 °C (Kong et al., 2018), prepared monthly and contained the mixture of fruit (30%), vegetables
attention is increasingly turning towards thermophilic digestion (36%), staple food (20%), meat and eggs, and all of the organic waste
(Micolucci et al., 2016; Riya et al., 2018). The reported advantages of was crushed into the slurry with a TS of approximately 100 g L−1. The
thermophilic digestion include the much higher permissible organic PW was prepared by mixing office paper, newsprint paper and toilet
loading rate and a higher methane production than that of mesophilic paper at a 1:1:1 ratio according to their air-dried weights. The office
digestion (Jang et al., 2016; Labatut et al., 2014). As the degradation of paper and newsprint paper had been cut into tatters approximately
cellulose is considered the most important point in the anaerobic diges- 2 mm × 10 mm in size by a paper shredder. The mixed PW was stirred
tion of PW (Valdez-Vazquez et al., 2005; Yuan et al., 2014), it is well- with water to make a bucket of PW slurry with the same TS of 100 g L−1.
understood that to improve the cellulose-degrading rate, the optimum In order to maintain the stable growth of microorganisms, FeCl2·H2O,
temperature must be determined. It was recently reported that the CoCl2·6H2O and NiCl2·6H2O were added to the substrate to maintain
highest hydrogen production activity of microorganisms using cellulose the trace elements of 10 mg L−1 Fe, 1 mg L−1 Co and 1 mg L−1 Ni
was at a thermophilic temperature of 55 °C rather than the mesophilic (Qiang et al., 2012).
temperature of 35 °C or a hyper-thermophilic temperature of 70 °C
(Gadow et al., 2016). The results of this comparative study also indi-
2.2. Chemical analysis and calculation
cated that the activation energy of cellulose reached its lowest point
when the cellulose-degrading consortium was cultured at a tempera-
The pH was measured by an HM-30R pH meter (TOA-DKK, Japan).
ture of 55 °C.
Alkalinity was measured by the titrimetric method and the ammonia ni-
Because of the principal role played by anaerobic microorganisms
trogen concentration was determined by 7100 Capillary Electrophoresis
in methane fermentation, an investigation of the composition and
(Agilent Technologies, USA). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was ana-
variation of microorganisms can lead to a better understanding of
lyzed according to standard methods (Franson et al., 1994). Carbohy-
the mechanisms of co-digestion of FW and PW. While the archaeal
drate, protein and lipid concentrations in both the substrate tank and
communities in anaerobic digestion have been revealed, the specific
the reactor were determined with the same method described in a pre-
functions of bacteria in the co-digestion system of FW and PW re-
vious study (Qin et al., 2018). The concentrations of VFAs (acetate, pro-
main largely unknown. While the variations in the microbial com-
pionate, butyrate, isobutyrate, valerate, isovalerate and hexanoate) and
munity of thermophilic digestion with FW or PW feed as the mono-
lactic acid were measured by a 6890 Series GC system (Agilent, USA). El-
substrate have been investigated (Kamali et al., 2016; Li et al.,
ement components of FW and PW were analyzed by Elementar system
2011; Zamanzadeh et al., 2016; Zamorano-López et al., 2018), no fur-
and all the analytical reagents were purchased from Wako Co. Ltd.,
ther detailed studies have been published on the variations of bacte-
Japan. The volume of generated gas was recorded by a wet gas-meter
rial and archaeal communities as the PW ratio in the thermophilic
and then calculated to the standard condition of 273.15 K, 101325 Pa.
anaerobic digestion system increases for the co-digestion of high-
Biogas components were measured by a GC-8A gas chromatograph
strength FW and PW.
(Shimadzu, Japan) with a 0.4 mL injection volume.
In this study, a thermophilic reactor was set up for the co-digestion
Remove efficiency was calculated based on the following equation:
of FW and PW. One of the objectives of this work was to investigate
the shift in the structure of the microbial community in response to
the long-term performance of the reactor with the increase in the PW C sub −C rea
ratio. Another aim was to seek and identify the functional microorgan- Removal efficiency ð%Þ ¼ 100% ð1Þ
C sub
isms which play important roles in cellulose degradation, protein degra-
dation, lactic acid production and together with the syntrophs,
homoacetogens and methanogens which work in the process of me- where Csub: the concentration of composition in the substrate tank; Crea:
thanogenic degradation. Based on these outcomes, a reasonable the concentration of composition in the reactor.
L. Li et al. / Science of the Total Environment 652 (2019) 709–717 711
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of lab-scale thermophilic continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) system.
Hydrolysis efficiency was calculated based on the following equa- to the manufacturers' instructions. Purified DNA was measured by
tion: Qubit 3.0 ® (Life technologies, USA) and diluted to 4 nmol L−1. Barcode
added PCR products were sequenced by Illumina Miseq platform.
Hydrolysis efficiency g COD L−1 d
ðC −SC sub Þ−ðC rea −SC rea Þ 2.4. Sequencing data analysis
¼ sub 100% ð2Þ
ðC sub −SC sub Þ
The sequence reads were processed with QIIME (version 1.8.0)
where Csub: the concentration of composition in the substrate tank; (Caporaso et al., 2010), which is widely used in bioinformatics. Raw
SCsub: the concentration of soluble part composition in the substrate data were filtered to remove poor-quality sequences, including se-
tank; Crea: the concentration of composition in the reactor; SCrea: the quences which were longer than 480 bp or shorter than 400 bp based
concentration of soluble part composition in the reactor. on our primers. Operation taxonomic units (OTUs) were generated
The hydrolysis rate was calculated based on the following equation: based on 97% similarity, and the clean sequences were aligned against
the most recent vision of the Greengenes database, 13_8, (http://
Hydrolysis rate g COD L−1 d qiime.org/home_static/dataFiles.html) before removing the Chimeras
ðTCODsub −SCODsub Þ−ðTCODrea −SCODrea Þ with ChimeraSlayer. Singleton OTUs, which only appeared once in all
¼ 100% ð3Þ of the samples, were removed, and sequences were randomly selected
to unify the sequence number of each sample to 26,000 to remove the
where TCODsub: total COD of substrate; SCODsub: soluble COD of sub- bias of sequencing depth. The Chao1 richness index, the Shannon diver-
strate, TCODrea: total COD of reactor; SCODrea: soluble COD of reactor. sity index and the Simpson diversity index were calculated based on
When the hydrolysis rate of carbohydrate and protein was calculated, clustered sequence data.
the COD was conformed from the corresponding concentration with
the conversion factors of 1.07 and 1.51. 3. Results and discussions
2.3. Microbial population analysis 3.1. Variation of parameters and performance of reactor
15 mL of sludge samples were collected from the outlet of the reac- Based on the results of the elemental analysis, the molecular formu-
tor during the stable phase of each run, respectively on Day 97 (Run I), las of FW and PW in this study were calibrated as C20H33O12N and
181 (Run II), 275 (Run III), 350 (Run IV), 396 (Run V) and 453 (Run VI) C324H497O308N with a C/N ratio of 17.1 and 277.9, respectively. As the
for microbial analysis. Samples were centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for PW ratio increased, the nitrogen in the substrate decreased correspond-
10 min at 4 °C, and 0.15 g of the sediment was used for DNA extraction ingly, resulting in an increase in the C/N ratio from 17.1 to 45.0 as the
by ISOIL for Beads Beating kit (Nippon gene, Japan), then concentrations PW ratio increased from 0% to 70%. The reactor parameters during the
and quality were measured with NanoDrop 2000 (Nanodrop Inc., USA) long-term operation also showed significant variations with the in-
and diluted to 10 ng μL−1 for PCR. V3-V4 fragment of 16S rRNA gene creased PW content. As shown in Table 1, pH decreased from 8.33 to
were amplified with former primer 341F (5′-CCT AYG GGR BGC ASC 7.11, and the concentration of total ammonia nitrogen reduced greatly
AG-3′) and mixed reverse primer 806R & 806R-P (5′-GGA CTA CHV from 2.25 g N L−1 to 0.11 g N L−1, which resulted in a lowering of the
GGG THT CTA AT-3′ & 5′-GGA CTA CCA GGG TAT CTA AG-3′ in ratio of alkalinity from 8.31 g CaCO3 L−1 to 2.02 g CaCO3 L−1. A gradual increase
30:1) (Matsubayashi et al., 2017). The PCR condition was as follows: in the concentration of COD and carbohydrate in the reactor was noted,
30 cycles at 94 °C for 5 s, 50 °C for 5 s, 68 °C for 10 s, and a final extension while the concentration of protein decreased. The lipid concentration of
at 68 °C for 7 min with Low DNA Ex Taq® (TaKaRa, Japan). The purity all the samples was under 0.19 g L−1, the VFAs were under 991 mg L−1
and concentration of the amplified DNA was verified by DNA chip and the gradual decrease in VFAs indicated no accumulation. No lactic
with Bioanalyzer 7500 (Agilent Technologies, USA) and then purified acid was detected from the reactor. The total refractory carbohydrate
with Agencourt® AMPure® XP (Beckman Coulter, Inc., USA) according (including hemicellulose and cellulose) and lignin content accounted
712 L. Li et al. / Science of the Total Environment 652 (2019) 709–717
Table 1
Summary of the important operational parameters in thermophilic anaerobic digestion reactor.
0 20 40 50 60 70
COD: total chemical oxygen demand; VFA: volatile fatty acids; GPR: gas production rate.
N.D. means not detected.
for 23.38% of the TS in FW, while it was as high as 88.68% of the TS in the total of 25 phyla (account for 98.7% in total sequence) and 40 classes
PW (Table S1). A high gas production rate of 2.46 L L−1 d−1 was ob- (account for 98.7% in total sequence) were obtained and classified
served when the PW ratio was 0%, and this was maintained at above from all the samples: 24 phyla were bacteria while only 1 phylum was
2.07 L L−1 d−1 when the PW ratio was 70%. identified as archaea. The relative proportion of archaea ranged be-
As shown in Fig. 2, the removal efficiency of COD maintained at tween 3.6% and 7.3%, as shown in Table S3.
around 80% in each PW ratio. Carbohydrate removal efficiency was
high at 95.78% when the PW ratio was 0%, and while it slightly de- 3.2.1. Changes in functional bacterial groups
creased with increasing PW ratio, it did not fall below 88.67%. The hy- The community variation trend of bacteria differed significantly be-
drolysis efficiency of COD and carbohydrate slightly fluctuated. tween PW40 and PW50, as shown in Fig. 3. Based on the Student's t-test
However, the protein removal efficiency, around 50% at first, fell to of these two groups (Group 1 include PW0, PW20 and PW40, Group2
just 15% when the PW ratio was 70%. It should be noted that despite include PW50, PW60 and PW70), the p-value is 0.013, which is b0.05,
the slight decrease in the removal efficiencies of carbohydrate, the hy- indicating a statistically significant difference between the low PW
drolysis rate of carbohydrate rose from 1.96 g COD L−1 d−1 to ratio sample group (b50%) and the high PW ratio sample group
2.53 g COD L−1 d−1 along with the increase in the PW ratio. (≥50%). Phylum Firmicutes was overwhelmingly predominant in all
samples, accounting for over 70% in the low PW ratio samples, but rap-
3.2. Overall analysis of bacterial and archaea community idly reduced to about 40% in high PW ratio samples. A decreasing trend
in the relative abundances of the major orders in Firmicutes was noted,
High-throughput sequencing technology based on an Illumina including Thermoanaerobacterales, MBA08, Clostridiales, Lactobacillales
MiSeq platform was used to reveal the overall taxonomic composition and OPB54, the exception was SHA98, which increased greatly in high
of the microbial community. As shown in Table S2, the coverage of PW ratio samples. The second predominant phylum, Thermotogae,
each sample was over 99.3%, exhibiting good coverage in this study. which accounted for about 10% in low PW ratio samples increased to
The Chao1 index, Shannon diversity index and Simpson diversity about 20% in high PW ratio samples. These two phyla have been re-
index were calculated. Among them, the Shannon diversity index de- ported to be predominant in thermophilic anaerobic digestion (Jang
creased from 4.71 to 3.86 with the increase of the PW ratio from 0% to et al., 2016). The third predominant candidate phylum, ‘Atribacteria’,
60% and eventually increased to 4.38 when PW ratio was 70%. The also increased from 5.4% to 24.3% before decreasing to 11.8% in the
changes in the Simpson diversity index exhibited the same trend. A last run. The phylum Synergistetes changed from 3.6% to 8.5%, without
Fig. 2. (a) Removal efficiencies of COD, carbohydrate and protein; (b) hydrolysis efficiencies of COD, carbohydrate and protein; (c) hydrolysis rates of COD, carbohydrate and protein.
L. Li et al. / Science of the Total Environment 652 (2019) 709–717 713
Fig. 3. Relative proportions of predominant bacterial phyla and predominant orders in phylum Firmicutes.
showing a regular trend. The fifth most abundant phylum in the sam- ethanol (Sekiguchi et al., 2006). The total relative proportion of
ples, Bacteroidetes, increased from 0.3% to 8.7% across the runs. Other syntrophs slightly decreased from 2.7% to 0.9%.
phyla in this study were Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Planctomycetes,
Armatimonadetes, Spirochaetes, Caldiserica, Cyanobacteria, Chlorobi,
Fusobacteria, Nitrospirae and some other candidatus phyla. Because all 3.2.2. Changes of methanogenic archaea
of these phyla had an abundance of b0.05% in all the sequences, they The archaeal community structure was much simpler than the bac-
were included in the “Others” category. teria community, since all the sequences were identified as only 6 OTUs
In order to illustrate the ecological function of the community in and all of them belonged to phylum Euryarchaeota as given in Table S5.
more detail, the OTUs which accounted for N0.5% in each sample (se- Among them, denovo3242 was the most predominant OTU, accounting
quence number N 130) were selected and aligned with the NCBI data- for N79.6% of the total archaea, and had 100% similarity with the
base and the Greengenes database. The sum of all of the revealed hydrogenotrophic archaea Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus
genera accounted for N90% in each sample. These bacterial genera (Wasserfallen et al., 2000). Beside this OTU, there were 4 other OTUs,
were divided into several functional groups according to the role played Methanothermobacter tenebrarum, Methanoculleus thermophilus,
in the hydrolysis, acidogenesis and acetogenesis processes. The details Methanolinea mesophila and Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, which
are listed in Table 2. A total of 9 genera belonging to the phylum have been classified as hydrogenotrophic archaea (Dridi et al., 2012;
Firmicutes and Thermotogae were classified as cellulose-degrading bac- Nakamura et al., 2013; Sakai et al., 2012; Zhu et al., 2011). The relative
teria (CDB) based on a sequence identity of above 95% with the cultured proportion of hydrogenotrophic archaea decreased from 6.0% to 2.9%
strains. As shown in Fig. S1(a), the abundance of CDB was at its lowest at at low PW ratios and increased from 2.9% to 6.8% at high PW ratios, as
20.0% in PW20 and peaked at 30.5% in PW50. It has been reported that shown in Fig. S1(b). The predominance of hydrogenotrophic species
all of these genera have (hemi) cellulose-degrading ability (Ben Hania in the archaea community in this study is in good agreement with the
et al., 2012a; Park et al., 2014; Shiratori et al., 2009). Worthy of particu- results reported from previous studies focused on thermophilic meth-
lar attention is that the great increase in the population of denovo975 ane fermentation (Chachkhiani et al., 2004; Hori et al., 2006; Yu et al.,
and denovo6440 with the increasing PW ratio, from 0% to 19.4% and 2014). The second most predominant species was Methanosarcina
from 4.7% to 10.9% respectively (referencing to Table S4). Denovo975 thermophila, which can utilize both acetate and methyl compounds
had an identity of 90% with the species of Caloranaerobacter azorensis, (Aceti and Ferry, 1988). The relative abundance of Methanosarcina
and denovo6440 had an identity of 91% with the strain Candidatus thermophila was stable at each PW ratio and ranged from 0.4% to 0.6%.
OP9 SCG 110722-44 according to the BLAST results. Note that both of
the Caloranaerobacter azorensis species and the strain Candidatus OP9
SCG 110722-44 have been confirmed to have cellulose-degrading abil- 3.3. CDB and protein-degrading bacteria responding to the increased PW
ity (Dodsworth et al., 2013; Wery et al., 2001). Thus, we inferred that ratio
these two OTUs are also responsible for cellulose degradation, and clas-
sified them as putative CDB. Genera of Coprothermobacter in phylum The predominant hydrolyzing groups, which play the important
Firmicutes and Anaerobaculum in phylum Synergistetes were identified roles in the hydrolysis step, were the CDB and the protein-degrading
as protein- or peptides-degrading bacteria. With the decline in the pro- bacteria. The relative abundance of both shifted significantly. The in-
tein concentration in the substrate, the total abundance of protein- crease of PW not only elevated the amount of carbohydrates in the
degrading bacteria decreased steadily from 23.6% to 10.5%, as expected. substrate, but also raised the refractory proportion of carbohy-
Genera Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc were identified as lactic acid bac- drates, such as cellulose. A 25.6% increase in the relative abundance
teria and their total proportions decreased from 7.7% to 1.0% throughout of the putative CDB resulting in a 28.2% increase in the total CDB.
the whole process. As an essential group in anaerobic digestion, Conversely, because the sole contribution of protein was the FW in
syntrophs, which are symbiotic with hydrogenotrophic archaea, play a this study, when the dosage of FW decreased, the protein concentra-
role in oxidizing fatty-acid and generating acetate and hydrogen simul- tion in the substrate also dropped, which led to a 12.7% reduction in
taneously. These were identified as Pelotomaculum, Syntrophaceticus the proteolyzer. The increase in the CDB and decrease in the
and Tepidanaerobacter in this study. Among them, S. schinkii can only proteolyzers resulted in a shift of the metabolism type in the entire
use acetate as an electron donor to generate hydrogen (Westerholm anaerobic digestion system from carbohydrate/protein-degradation
et al., 2010) while T. syntrophicus can also use both lactic acid and to cellulose-degradation.
714 L. Li et al. / Science of the Total Environment 652 (2019) 709–717
3.4. Variation of CDB effecting on the lactic acid bacteria and syntrophs
Optimum pH
Unlike previous studies on the mono-digestion of cellulose or lignin
(Callaghan et al., 2002; Yen and Brune, 2007), stable operation was
achieved in the co-digestion of PW and FW in this study with a high car-
was mainly attributed to the overwhelmingly predominance of CDB in
creased from 0% to 70%. The high occupancy of CDB ensured the hydro-
H2 + CO2
PW ratio was elevated from 40% to 50% greatly influenced the following
Lactic acid
putrefaciens, Ruminiclostridium sp., Herbinix hemicellulosilytica and
Defluviitalea sp. were predominant at low PW ratios, the predominant
Function of closest relatives
while at low PW ratios, the optimum pH for the predominant CDB has
been reported to be relative alkalinity, and over 7.0 (Bouanane-
to correspond with the decrease in the pH value from 8.3 to 7.1 in this
The variation of the CDB affected the abundance of lactic acid bacte-
ria. All the lactic acid bacteria in this study were reported to use mono-
Accession number
saccharide as the sole carbon source, while the CDB in this study were
all reported to have monosaccharide-degrading ability. The increase in
the CDB led to competition with lactic acid bacteria because the CDB
Tepidanaerobacter syntrophicus
Ruminiclostridium stercorarium
Pelotomaculum isophthalicicum
Syntrophaceticus schinkii
Clostridium putrefaciens
CDB: cellulose-degrading bacteria. The sequence number of each sample was unified to 26,000.
Anaerobaculum mobile
Herbivorax saccincola
Lactobacillus hilgardii
Leuconostoc gelidum
Lactobacillus rossiae
ducing propionate and butyrate (Ben Hania et al., 2012a) than the CDB
Table 2
Fig. 4. Variation of the main identified bacterial and archaea species along with the increase in the paper waste ratio.
butyrate, thus enabling them to produce more hydrogen. This is based perspectives, both the H2-producing and H2-consuming processes
on the following equation: were enhanced at high PW ratios.
C 6 H12 O6 þ 2H 2 O→2CH3 COOH þ 4H2 þ 2CO2 ð4Þ 3.6. Variation of metabolic pathways
C 6 H12 O6 þ 2H 2 →C 2 H 5 COOH þ 2H 2 O ð5Þ In this study, great differences were found in the metabolic path-
ways for low PW ratios and high PW ratios due to the change of the cor-
C 6 H12 O6 →C 3 H7 COOH þ 2H2 þ 2CO2 ð6Þ responding functional bacteria and archaea. The details are provided in
Fig. 5, where the microorganisms which increased in abundance are
This was especially relevant to Defluviitoga tunisiensis, which has been marked in red and those which decreased in abundance are marked in
reported to have high H2-producing ability when fed with cellulose green. Note that the abundance of the microorganisms is roughly indi-
(Maus et al., 2015). With the increase in the total number of H2- cated by the size of the wording. As the condition changed from a low
producing bacteria, the hydrogen production capacity of the system was PW ratio to a high PW ratio, bacteria evolved either in the direction of
increased, and the hydrogenotrophic archaea increased correspondingly. degrading cellulose rather than carbohydrate and protein, or by
It was reported that with the increasing content of H2 in the anaero- degrading monosaccharides directly to acetate and hydrogen. The ar-
bic digestion system, the metabolic pathway from propionate to acetate chaea community changed along with the H2-producing bacteria. That
becomes inhibited, leading to VFA accumulation (Lin, 2004). In this re- is, due to the formation of a new colony structure, when the PW ratio
search, the increasing abundance of hydrogenotrophic archaea elimi- ≥ 50%, the thermophilic anaerobic digestion system obtained apprecia-
nates the adverse effects of excessively produced H2 from cellulose, ble stability and high cellulose tolerance. The microbial community
ensuring that the operation of the system remains stable. From these has been reported to maintain a functional redundancy which can
Fig. 5. Functional groups of microorganisms in the hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis processes. The microorganisms which increased in abundance are marked in
red and those which decreased in abundance are marked in green.
716 L. Li et al. / Science of the Total Environment 652 (2019) 709–717
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