Reviewer Devpsy
Reviewer Devpsy
Reviewer Devpsy
Discontinuity but no stages; critical or Generativity vs. Stagnation - stage in Psychosocial Stages which occurs during middle
Ethological sensitive periods emphasized; early Strong biological view adulthood that is concerned with the younger generation to develop and lead useful lives
experiences very important.
and having negative feelings otherwise.
Little attention to Identity vs. Role Confusion - it is the stage in Psychosocial Stages that explore roles in a
Ecological continuity/discontinuity; change Strong environmental view healthy manner to know the path to take in life and if they do not, confusion reigns.
emphasized more than stability. Right Order: Psychosocial Stages
1. Initiative vs. Guilt
Erik Erikson - his theory includes 8 stages of human development. Each stage consists of a 2. Industry vs. Inferiority
unique developmental task that confronts individuals with a crisis that must be resolved. 3. Identity vs. Role Confusion
4. Intimacy vs. Isolation
THE FOUR IDENTITY STATUSES Identity-diffused individuals When asked about his
lack clear direction. They are attitude toward
IDENTITY STATUSES DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE not committed to values and nontraditional gender
Identity diffusion goals, nor are they actively roles, Justin responded,
Having already explored When asked how willing
LE, LC trying to reach them. They may “Oh, I don’t know. It
alternatives, identity-achieved she would be to give up
never have explored doesn’t make much
individuals are committed to a going into her chosen
alternatives or may have found difference to me.
Identity achievement clearly formulated set of occupation if something
the task too threatening and
HE,HC self-chosen values and goals. better came along. Lauren
They feel a sense of responded, “Well, I might,
psychological well-being of but I doubt it. I’ve thought
sameness through time, and of long and hard about law as During adolescence, striving for autonomy is a vital aspect of one’s development. The
knowing where they are going. a career. I’m pretty certain following are the two important components of autonomy:
it’s for me.”
● Emotional Component
Moratorium means “delay or When asked whether he ● Behavioral Component
holding pattern.” These had never had doubts
individuals have not yet made about his religious beliefs,
Identity moratorium definite commitments. They Ramon said, “Yes, I guess Emotional Component Behavioral Component
HE, LC are in the process of exploring - I’m going through that
Making decisions independently by
gathering information and right now. I just don’t see
Relying more on oneself and less on parents carefully weighing one’s own judgment and
trying out activities, with the how there can be a God
for support and guidance. the suggestions of others to arrive at a
desire to find values and goals and yet so much evil in the
well-reasoned course of action.
to guide their lives. world.”
Cliques - peer groups who are about five to seven members who are friends and usually
Adolescence Puberty
resemble one another in family background, attitudes, and values.
The transition between childhood and Flood of biological events leading to an
adulthood. adult-sized body and sexual maturity.
Cliques Crowds
Groups of about five to seven members who Characterized more by shared reputations
are friends and, therefore, usually resemble or images than actual interactions. They Early Adolescence Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence
one another in family background, attitudes, are larger and more loosely organized.
11-12 to 14 years period of 14 to 16 years Pubertal 16 to 18 years the young
and values.
rapid pubertal change changes are now nearly person achieves full adult
complete. appearance and anticipates
*Zia, a grade 1 student was instructed to arrange the stickers of different sticks from shortest assumption of adult roles.
to longest. Zia successfully arranged the sticks depending on its length. If you will explain this
using JEan Piaget’s approach. Zia already developed Seriation. *Luna, a toddler, is smiling every time she sees her mother smiling at her. At times, she is
also seen as sticking her tongue out since she sees it from her father whenever playing with
SOME CONCEPTS FROM JEAN PIAGET her. She also taps her own thighs during sleep time as seen from her parents. This special
Seriation form of communication is called Interactional Synchrony.
The ability to order items along a quantitative dimensions, such as length or weight. *The conflict of toddlerhood, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, is resolved favorably when
Reversibility parents provide young children with suitable guidance and reasonable choices.
The capacity to think through a series of steps and then mentally reverse direction, returning
Ego Centrism
Approximate Age Psychosocial Crisis/Task Virtue Developed
Young children struggle to see things from other’s perspective.
Conservation Infant - 18 months Trust vs. Mistrust Hope
Children discover that changes in appearance do not necessarily correspond in changes in
weight, volume, etc. 18 months - 3 years Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Will
*The Midlife transition in which fertility declines is called Climacteric. In women, it brings an Cooing - is the first sound growing out of reflexes by babies during 2-4 months (like “oaoo”).
end to reproductive capacity which is called Menopause. Babbling - alternate vowel consonant sounds (like “ba-ba-ba,” “da-da-da'') made by babies
*In Piagetian theory, a component of adaptation [process of modification in thinking during 5-11 months.
(schemes) that takes place when old ways of understanding something no longer fit rather
than fitting new information into his or her existing way of thinking is known as? A correct sequential rendering of the prenatal development stages are the following:
Accommodation. ● Germinal
● Embryonic
● When the child sees a cow for the first time, she will assimilate it to her schema of
“doggy” as a four-legged animal. *Which of the following are true?
● When the mother told her that it is a cow, she will accommodate this new 1. Cephalocaudal principle is a principle of physical growth that states structures nearest the
information and will refer to that animal as “cow” not a “doggy.” head develop first.
● The child will learn that not all four-legged animals are called “doggy.” 2. Proximodistal principle is a principle of physical growth that states structures nearest the
center of the body develop first.
Latency Stage - in Freud's psychosexual theory he has given the least importance. ● Both statements are true.
Parentese - the tendency of some parents to talk to young children with a raised tone of *The following are risk factor for mother during pregnancy, EXCEPT
voice and an exaggerated pattern of speaking. ● None of the above
* It involves the use of the smaller muscle of the hands, commonly in activities like using
The three factors that reciprocally influence development according to Albert Bandura are pencils, scissors, construction with lego or duplo, doing up buttons and opening lunch boxes.
the following: ● Fine motor skills
* Liza can correctly name the primary and the secondary colors. She can also understand the
● Behavior - Actions and Decisions concept of counting and may know a few numbers from 1-20 and she is turning 3 years old.
● Person - Internal Competencies (Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical) Liza has: Advanced cognitive skills.
● Environment - External (Spaces, Laws, Objects)
*Lalaine is a 3-year-old girl who shows more independence compared to her age. She most
likely wants to please and be with friends. She always agrees to the rules and loves to show
her talents like singing and dancing in front of an audience.
She is mostly to have: Advance Psychosocial skills.
*Raya is 6 years old, his mother observes that he has limitations in holding objects using his
palm in both hands. Raya has a possible delay in: Psychomotor skills.
*The following are issues of Young Adult:
● Identity development
● Relationship (Intimate relationships, separation, divorce)
*Kai is a 22 years old college student who has an emerging interest in romantic relationships
and sexuality. She shows more independence from her parents and feels a lot of sadness or
depression, which can lead to poor grades at school, alcohol or drug use, unsafe sex, and
other problems whenever she encounters life challenges.
Kai has: Delayed psychosocial development.
* Shiro is a 45 years old admin staff in a reputable BPO company. According to him, he is
experiencing a midlife crisis. The following are the symptoms of a midlife crisis:
● Deep sadness, regret, and frequent restlessness and daydreaming
● Feeling like past decisions have boxed you in
● Increase impulsivity, indulgent behavior