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Development of Fruit Jam From Indian Jujube Berries

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A project report submit to,

Department Of Food Science And Quality Control
Jaysingpur Collage , Jaysingpur.
For the Degree of Bachelor Of Science In Food Science And Quality Control.
Mr. Mobin Hamid Mujawar
Mr.Varad Avinash Ainapure
Under The Guidance Of ,
Mr. Umesh K. Kharade
Miss. Ashiya.S.Nadaf.
Mrs. Rutuja.S.Shedshale.
This is to certify that Mr. Mobin Hamid Mujawar, Roll no.. : 155 , Mr. Varad Avinash Ainapure Roll no :
159 has successfully completed the project on “ Development Of Fruit Jam From Jujube Berries ” in
my supervision as per rules and regulations of Shivaji University, Kolhapur during the academic year
2022-23 and submitted the same this works represents the bonafide work of students.
Project Guide By :
Mr. Kharade.U.K. , Miss. Nadaf.A.S. Mrs. Shedshale.R.S

As we seen today people don’t get daily essential nutrition on from their food this
cause many severe diseases. Ex.
Mental stress, Before time ageing
Cancer, Belly fat
Low immunity Anaemia
So we research on this problem and start seaching to resolve this problem.
Then we understand this all diseases are covered in one fruit that is jujube.
But we seen indians are not wakeful about jujube. Jujube is seasonal fruit so daily intake
of jujubes is not possible , so to resolve this we processed a ne w product from this jujube
that is jam. It has long shelf life and people can add jam in their daily diet easily. So we made
this product. . Jujube anti-cancer properties. It has rich in vitamin b complex which is good
for mental health and it is good source of vitamin c which improve immunity. It also help in
antiageing and boost energy.And it help in curing anaemia. So we choose this product for

In 1853, both “ju ju paste” and “ju ju drops” were sold by confectioners. Later,
recipes used various flavourings instead of jujube fruits.Today, Jujubes are sold and kept
popular by the Heide Candy Company . Jujube belong to Rhamnaceae family and is a
popular fruit worldwide. . It originated from the middle and lower reaches of the yellow
river, the mother river of the Chinese people . It ids distributed in at least 48 countries .It is
extensively cultivating in tropical and subtropical regions especially in East Asia [China and
India], North Africa and Middle Eastern Countries. The fruit is native to China, and it has
been cultivated there since ancient time the Chinese have used jujube fruits both as food and
as a traditional medicine for thousands of years. Its spreads all over in China with cultivation
area of ~2 millions farmers in China. Jujube
is become increasingly important in arid and semiarid marginal lands because of its outstanding
endurance and adaptability to drought as well as barren and salty soil and deserves to be
considered a superfruit for the future due to its distinct advantages.
The jujube was introduced other parts of the world thorough trade and migration. It was
brought to India, where it was grown and used as herb. From there, it spread other parts of Asia
including Korea and Japan.
It belongs to the Rhamnaceae family and refered as ziziphus [genus ziziphus].most
of the species of jujube are native to China. Jujube has different names according to the
cultivation region.
In China it is known as “Chinese Dates”. In Iran and India, it is known as “Ber”, In Arabian
countries it is known as “sedra” and edible fruits is called as “Nbeg” or “Ennab’’.
Planting : Planting : Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the root system. Bare root tress
should be planted the same depth as in the nursery row (or no more 1 inch below ) . jujubes should be
set out 10-15 feet apart since they require high intensities for good production. Indian jujube is found
from sea level up to an altitude of in India , through it is mostly cultivated under1000m. It grows
where annual rainfall ranges from 150mm to 4000mm. Fruits need hot, sunny and dry conditions but
moisture is necessary to support growth and flowering
There are different food products developed from jujube fruits, that is Jujube jelly, jam,
brandy, vinegar, candied jujube, jujube juice, jujube fermented juice. Jujube jam is typically
made by cooking the jujube fruit with sugar and water reaches a thick spreadable
consistency.The resulting jam has unique and pleasant flavour. jam is often used as a
topping for toast, pancakes, or waffles, or as feeling for cakes, pastries, and other baked
• Classification

• Kingdom: Plantae
• Class : Magnoliopsida
• Order : Rosales
• Family : Rhamnaceae
Genus : Ziziphus
Species : Z.zizyphus
Binomial Name : Ziziphus zizyphus
Common Name : Jujube
Jujube contain high nutritional value . The peel and pulp considered as main
part of which contains most of the Bioactive compound. Which are ascorbic acid ,triterpenic
acids ,phenolic acids ,amino acids , cerebrosides , Saponines ,flavonoids and
polysaccharides .These phytoconstituents play important roles to suppress different
diseases, exerting the antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, antiobesity, anti-cardiovascular
diseases, hepatoprotective antidiabetic and anti-microbial ,anticancer and gastrointestinal
protective effects.
Jujube jam is typically made by cooking the jujube fruit with
sugar and water reaches a thick spreadable consistency. The resulting
jam has unique and pleasant flavour that both sweet and tangy, with
slightly nutty undertone. Jujube jam is often used as a topping for
toast, pancakes, or waffles, or as feeling for cakes, pastries, and other
baked goods. It is also sometimes added to savory dishes to provides a
sweet and sour flavour contrast.
• Jujube jam is a nutritious and delicious way to enjoy this versatile and
flavourful fruit. Jujube jam contains nutrition per 100 gm, calories 79gm,
protein:1gm, carbs: 20gm,fiber:10gm,vita C : 77%, potassium: 5%. Jujube
jam made from three main ingredient that are Jujube pulp, water, sugar,
citric acid and pectin powder. The jujube jam prepared by cooking or
heating of jujube fruit pulp and then addition of clean drinking water
then addition of sugar and cooking or heating upto 68 Brix obtained.
• The PH of jujube jam should 3.8 [3.5to3.9 as per rule ] and acidity
should be 0.5% , calcium 9.01% ,phosphorus 4.02 % .Jujube have more
health benefits that because of its nutrition value , it is good in vitamin c
that is good for skin and improve immunity, protect from cancer cell .

• Harvesting of fruit from plant. The fruit should be well ripened and should not be contaminated
with any disease microbs and any insect.
• After harvesting Wash the fruits with clean water. After washing dip the fruits in water for 15
min ,for soaking . Because soaking improve the juiciness in the fruit and active all vitamin and
enzymes .
• After soaking strain the water and separate out the core and seeds of the fruit to make pulp .
• After separation fruit core ,grind it and make a pulp.
• Add the 100 water in heating pan then add 300gm of pulp and heat it .
• After sometime add 300 gm of sugar in the heating pulp , to dissolve
sugar in the pulp and occur the perfect brix .
• Boil this mixture until 70’ brix occurs

After the brix occurs the add 10 gm of pectin powder in mixture go get
perfect texture of jam like gelatinous structure and citric acid as to lower
the pH and improve acidity and give the perfect taste and flavor.
• Turn off heating utility and pour hot prepared jam in sterilized glass bottle.
Seal the cap of bottle and store at room temp.
• The prepared jam has shelf life 3 months at room temprature .and in Refrigerator
for 9 months.


• Prepare 1 N NaOH solutio for titration.

• Take beaker add dilute sample at 50 ml distiled water and By5 gram sample.
• Take diltluted sample 5 ml add phenolphthalein indicator 1 drop.
• Titrate against NaOH until pink (lite) colour occured .
• Take 3 reading Same.And take a mean of burette reading
• Calculate by formula
• CBR ×Normality of NaOH ×molecular weight of NaOH ÷ weight of sample

Date PH Acidity
23/3/2023 3.9 0.05%
25/3/2023 3.9 0.05%
27/3/2023 3.9 0.05%
29/3/2023 3.9 0.05%

3/4/2023 3.9 0.05%

8/4/2023 3.9 0.05%
10/4/2023 3.9 0.05%
17/4/2023 3.9 0.05%
27/4/2023 3.8 0.05%
5/5/2023 3.8 0.05%

• Benefits of Jujube jam :

• It has anti-aging properties because of vitamin C present in high amount.

• It contain B complex vitamin which help in health benefits and also useful for skin.

• It contains anti-cancer properties.

• It maintain blood glucose level in the body , wwhich control extra belly fat ,
• It contains many minerals like magnesium , copper b, potassium , manganese which
improves osteoporosis and overall bone health.
• Fiber in jujube improve gut health and improve inflammatory bowl disease(IBD)
condition. Vitamin b complex is good for brain and mental health .
• Flavonoid kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside in jujube fruit protect neural cells from oxidative
stress and various neurological degenerative diseases . Jujube jam has anti
depressant and neuro-protective action.
• Jujube contains high amount of potassium which helps in Vasodilation and maintain
blood pressure optically.
• Jujube fruit contain betulinic acid that has antiinflammatory and has antibacterial
• -This date contain a bromalein enzyme that reduces mucus build-up clears
respiratory pathway.
• Jujube fruit has alkaloids and saponins that help in the detoxification of blood.

• SY student tasted the jam and gave review very good and rate
product 5/5
• Ty student tasted jam and gave review good and rate product

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