Journal of Animal Science: Editor-in-Chief: Steven A. Zinn
Journal of Animal Science: Editor-in-Chief: Steven A. Zinn
Journal of Animal Science: Editor-in-Chief: Steven A. Zinn
Editorial Board
Ken Bondioli (2010) Michael Hume (2011) Richard Reynnells (2011)
Terry Brandebourg (2010) Brad Isler (2011) Mikelle Roeder (2011)
Jason Bruemmer (2011) Shanna Ivey (2011) Gary Rohrer (2010)
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Thomas Crenshaw (2010) Elizabeth Koutsos (2011) Patricia Schoknecht (2011)
Gary Cromwell (2010) Larry Kuehn (2011) Kathy Soder (2011)
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ST Ding (2010) Kichoon Lee (2011) Lee Southern (2010)
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Rhonda Hoffman (2011) Scott Pratt (2010) Cathleen Williams (2011)
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Colin G. Scanes (2010)
Environment, Well-Being,
and Behavior
Inma Estevez (2011) ASSOCIATE EDITORS (2009–2010)
Genetics S. E. Aggrey (2012) G. B. Havenstein (2012) H. Pavlidis (2011)
P. B. Siegel (2010) C. Alvarado (2012) P. M. Hocking (2010) R. L. Payne (2012)
Immunology, Health, N. B. Anthony (2011) G. Huff (2011) G. M. Pesti (2012)
and Disease T. Applegate (2012) W. E. Huff (2010) J. Petitte (2010)
M. R. Bakst (2011) B. Hughes (2010) M. Pines (2011)
W. E. Huff (2010)
A. B. Batal (2010) M. Hume (2012) R. Ramachandran (2012)
Metabolism and Nutrition G. Y. Bedecarrats (2010) B. D. Humphrey (2012) V. Ravindran (2012)
R. G. Elkin (2011) L. Berghman (2011) P. Iji (2010) M. P. Richards (2010)
L. L. Southern (2011) W. D. Berry Jr. (2010) A. Johnson (2010) F. E. Robinson (2010)
K. Bregendahl (2011) S. E. Johnson (2010) M. Rodehutscord (2012)
Molecular, Cellular, J. Buyse (2011) M. Katanbaf (2010) J. Sands (2010)
and Developmental Biology J. A. Byrd II (2010) K. M. Keener (2010) H. Sang (2010)
T. E. Porter (2010) A. Cahaner (2010) M. D. Koci (2010) M. W. Schilling (2010)
Physiology, Endocrinology, J. A. Cason (2010) M. H. Kogut (2011) T. Scott (2011)
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A. Collin (2011) D. Korver (2012) R. L. Taylor Jr. (2011)
F. C. Leung (2012) M. E. Cook (2011) E. Koutsos (2012) S. Tesseraud (2011)
Processing, Products, C. N. Coon (2010) S. J. Lamont (2011) K. Tona (2011)
and Food Safety R. A. Dalloul (2010) J. D. Latshaw (2012) H. van den Brand (2011)
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B. D. Fairchild (2010) M. T. Musgrove (2011) N. Yang (2010)
C. G. Scanes (2010)
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Organized 1908
Table of Contents
American Dairy Science Association®
Poultry Science Association
Asociación Mexicana de Producción Animal
Canadian Society of Animal Science
Western Section American Society of Animal Science
American Society of Animal Science
Author Index.........................................................................................................................................................................877
Key Word Index....................................................................................................................................................................919
1 Vitamin D mediated phosphate homeostasis—Implications for 2 Effects of polymeric carbohydrates on growth and develop-
skeleton growth and mineralization. T. D. Crenshaw,* University ment. K. E. Bach Knudsen,* Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricul-
of Wisconsin, Madison. tural Sciences, Department of Animal Health and Bioscience, Tjele,
Foundational roles of vitamin D (D) in skeletal growth involve interrela-
tionships between Ca, PTH, and conversion of D to the active hormone, The main objective of the presentation is to provide insight into the role
1α, 25-(OH)2 D3. Until the past decade relatively little research focused of polymeric carbohydrates in growth and development of pigs. Poly-
on these interrelationships and P homeostasis. A focus on Ca was driven, meric carbohydrates—starch and non-starch polysaccharides (NSP)—
in part, by the limiting amount of Ca and abundance of P in human diets. quantitatively represent the largest portion of the diets for pigs and are
Most ingredients used in monogastric animal diets are limiting in Ca and therefore the largest energy contributor. The 2 types of polysaccharides,
P. Ca and P have been typically supplied in excess of requirements from however, have different fates and functions in the gastrointestinal tract
inorganic sources with minor incentives to improve nutrient efficiency. and lead to different metabolites upon digestion. Pancreatic and mucosal
Constraints on amounts of supplemental P are driven by ingredient costs enzymes in the small intestine break down the majority of starch, while
and environmental concerns. Thus P, not Ca, is typically more limit- NSP primarily are degraded by the microflora in the large intestine.
ing in monogastric diets. The introduction of phytase supplements has Starch degradation leads to the release of glucose which is absorbed by
only exasperated the need to understand P homeostasis. In the past 5 yr, an active absorption process that triggers the release of insulin from the
discovery of novel pathways for P homeostasis offer opportunities to pancreas, whereas the fermentation of NSP to short-chain fatty acids
improve P efficiency without compromising skeletal growth and animal (SCFA: acetate, propionate and butyrate) occurs at a slower and more
well-being. The objective of this review is to summarize interrelations constant rate and with SCFA being absorbed by passive diffusion. Type
of dietary P, D and the role of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) in and levels of polymeric carbohydrates influence growth and develop-
P homeostasis. FGF23 directly affects P homeostasis via action on a ment through different mechanisms; first, the proportion of starch to NSP
renal Na-P transport protein and renal 1 α-hydroxylase activity. FGF23 plays an important role for the content of available energy (digestible,
is produced primarily in osteocytes which allow localized osteocyte metabolized and net energy); available energy relative to protein is
regulation of osteoblast-mediated bone formation and regulation of crucial for performance and carcass quality; second, the proportion of
systemic renal P excretion relative to needs for bone mineralization. In starch to NSP will influence rate and type of metabolites (glucose vs.
transgenic mice, overexpression of FGF23 led to hypophosphatemia SCFA) deriving from carbohydrate assimilation, and finally, type of
and urinary P wasting. In contrast FGF23 knockout mice displayed starch (types A, B, and C) and soluble NSP will influence the release
hyperphosphatemia and renal P conservation. Current studies in our lab of insulin, the hormone that facilitate nutrient uptake by tissues, organs
have shown that deletion of D supplements in diets fed to sows during and cells, and thus play a critical and essential role in protein synthesis
gestation and lactation compromised (P < 0.05) skeletal bone mineral and muscle growth as well as lipid synthesis and adipose tissue growth.
content in offspring at 13 wk of age and decreased the age at which In conclusion, polymeric carbohydrates influences growth and develop-
pigs displayed kyphosis. These responses appear to be mediated by the ment through events in the gut and direct and indirect effects of different
efficiency of dietary P use. In summary, development of dietary inputs metabolites deriving from carbohydrate assimilation.
to balance both Ca and P homeostasis are needed to improve skeletal
Key Words: polymeric carbohydrates, pigs, growth
growth and nutrient efficiency.
Key Words: FGF23, kyphosis, Na-P transport
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 1
3 Effect of feed additives on cattle growth and development. R. 5 Neural regulation of feed intake: Modification by hormones,
A. Zinn*1, P. Garces-Yepez2, and J. Salinas-Chavira3,1University of fasting and disease. J. L. Sartin*1, B. K. Whitlock2, and J. A. Daniel3,
California, Davis, 2UNAM, Mexico City, DF, Mexico, 3UAT, Ciudad 1Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Feed additives are of themselves largely non-nutritive materials that are Appetite is a complex process that results from the integration of mul-
included in diet formulations to enhance health and growth performance. tiple signals at the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus receives hormonal
This presentation will focus on use of additives intended to enhance signals such as insulin, leptin and ghrelin to nutrient molecules such as
growth performance of feedlot cattle. They include: alkalizers (e.g., glucose, free fatty acids, amino acids and volatile fatty acids. This effect
sodium bicarbonate, potassium carbonate, calcium carbonate, magne- is processed by a specific sequence of neurotransmitters beginning with
sium hydroxide), ionophores (e.g., laidlomycin, lasalocid, monensin, the arcuate nucleus and orexigenic cells containing neuropeptide Y or
salinomycin), non-ionophore “mycin’s” (e.g., bambermycins, virgin- agouti-related protein and anorexigenic cells containing proopiomelano-
iamycin), subtherapeutic antibiotics (e.g., chlortetracycline, tylosin), cortin (POMC, yielding the neurotransmitter α-melanocyte stimulating
probiotics (e.g., Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces), essen- hormone) or cells expressing cocaine amphetamine related transcript.
tial oils (e.g., cinnamonaldehyde, eugenol, limonene, terpinen, thymol, These so called first order neurons end on second order orexigenic neu-
vanillin), enzymes (e.g., amylase, xylanase, cellulase), hormones (e.g., rons containing either melanin concentrating hormone or orexin. The
melengestrol acetate), and β-agonists (ractopamine, zilpaterol). This activity of these neuronal pathways are altered externally by nutritional
presentation will provide a brief overview of various additive classes, alterations such as fasting or severe catabolic circumstances such as
including possible modes of action, and practical measures of efficacy disease. In addition, there are other pathways from within the brain
(growth performance and digestive function). that may interact to dictate feed consumption patterns in farm animals.
This review will begin with the central hypothalamic pathways and
Key Words: additive, cattle, growth
then discuss the ways in which hormones and metabolites may alter
the process to impact on feed intake.
4 Host targeted antibody strategies for preventing growth Key Words: appetite, leptin, NPY
depression due to microbial colonization. M. E. Cook*1,2 and S.
M. Huebner2, 1University of Wisconsin, Department of Animal Sci-
ences, Madison, 2University of Wisconsin, Department of Nutritional 6 Leucine acts as a nutrient signal to stimulate protein synthe-
Sciences, Madison. sis. T. A. Davis,* A. Suryawan, R. A. Orellana, and M. L. Fiorotto,
USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pedi-
The growth rate and feed efficiency of chicks and pigs colonized with
atrics, Baylor College of Medicine.
commensal bacteria is only 80 to 90% of germ-free housed animals.
Reduced growth of conventionally housed animals, when compared The postprandial rise in amino acids and insulin independently stimulates
with germ-free animals, is the result of inflammatory processes. New protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of piglets. Leucine is an important
information on the signaling pathways of inflammatory processes has mediator of the response to amino acids. We have shown that the post-
provided scientists with new targets to improve animal growth and feed prandial rise in leucine, but not isoleucine or valine, acutely stimulates
efficiency. It has become evident that inflammation can be regulated muscle protein synthesis in piglets. Leucine increases muscle protein
at the intestinal lumen/mucosa interface. Secretory phospholipase A2 synthesis by modulating the activation of signaling components of trans-
(sPLA2) has emerged as a host target worthy of study. sPLA2 is secreted lation initiation. Thus, leucine increases the phosphorylation of mamma-
into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) during systemic inflam- lian target of rapamycin (mTOR), 70-kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase,
mation. Following sPLA2 release, GIT permeability is increased, and eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF)4E-binding protein-1, and eIF4G,
sPLA2 action on phospholipids permit intracellular signal transduction decreases the phosphorylation of eIF2 α, and increases the association
for inflammatory mediator production (e.g., eicosanoids and cytokines). of eIF4E with eIF4G. However, leucine does not affect the canonical
In addition, sPLA2 lipid products, such as lysophosphatidylcholine, can upstream activators of mTOR, i.e., protein kinase B, AMP-activated
signal natural killer T cell (NKTC) cytokine production via the CD1d protein kinase, and tuberous sclerosis complex 1/2, or the translation
molecule on antigen presenting cells. Egg antibodies specific to host elongation regulator, eukaryotic elongation factor 2. The acute leucine-
sPLA2 decreased lipopolysacchride-induced PGE2 and tumor necrosis induced stimulation of muscle protein synthesis is not maintained for
factor release in macrophages and reduced cytokine production by prolonged periods, despite continued activation of the mTOR signaling
NKTC. Egg anti-sPLA2 was tested in chick growth trials and found pathway, because circulating essential amino acids fall as they are uti-
to improve growth and feed efficiency approximately 5%. Feeding lized as substrates for protein synthesis. However, if circulating amino
anti-sPLA2 to pigs, calves, fish species resulted in improved growth. acids levels are maintained, the leucine-induced stimulation of muscle
Studies were also conducted in animals with bacteria and protozoan protein synthesis can be maintained for prolonged periods. The activa-
challenges, and anti-SPLA2 was found to be protective in some diseased tion of the mTOR signaling pathway by leucine does not appear to be
states or to have no beneficial or adverse effect on animal health. The affected by the circulating levels of other amino acids. Supplementation
anti-sPLA2 example suggests that inflammatory products and pathways of low protein diets with leucine stimulates protein synthesis in muscle
are useful host targets for improving animal growth. Orally delivered and most visceral tissues to a rate similar to that achieved by feeding
antibodies, such as egg antibody, may serve as useful tools for discov- high protein diets and this stimulation involves activation of the mTOR
ering key mechanisms for increasing the efficiency for production of downstream effectors. Together, these studies indicate that leucine acts
animal products. as a nutrient signal to stimulate translation initiation but whether this
translates into a sustained increase in protein synthesis depends on the
Key Words: growth, inflammation, egg antibody
sustained availability of dietary amino acids.
Key Words: muscle, protein synthesis, amino acids
2 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
7 Important roles for l -glutamine in swine nutrition and and a key regulator of gene expression. Additionally, Gln participates in
growth. G. Wu,* F. W. Bazer, G. A. Johnson, R. C. Burghardt, D. A. cell signaling via the mammalian target of rapamycin pathway, AMP-
Knabe, T. E. Spencer, X. L. Li, and J. J. Wang,Texas A&M University, activated protein kinase, extracellular signal-related kinase, Jun kinase,
College Station. mitogen-activated protein kinase, and nitric oxide. Exquisite integration
of these regulatory networks has profound effects on cell proliferation,
L-Glutamine (Gln) has traditionally not been considered as a nutri-
differentiation, metabolism, homeostasis, survival, and function. As a
ent needed in diets for livestock species or even mentioned in animal
result of translating basic research into practice, dietary supplementation
nutrition textbooks. This is due to previous technical difficulties in the
with 1% Gln maintains gut health and prevents intestinal dysfunction in
analysis of Gln (free and protein-bound) and the unsubstantiated assump-
low-birth-weight piglets and early-weaned piglets, while increasing their
tion that animals can synthesize sufficient amounts of Gln to meet their
growth performance and survival. Also, supplementing 0.6% Gln to a
needs. Consequently, the current 10th version of NRC (1998) does not
corn- and soybean meal-based diet between d 30 and 114 of gestation
recommend dietary Gln requirements for growing, gestating or lactat-
ameliorates fetal growth retardation in gilts. Furthermore, adding 1% Gln
ing swine. This lack of knowledge about Gln nutrition has contributed
to a conventional diet enhances milk production by lactating sows. Thus,
to suboptimal efficiency of global pig production. Because of recent
adequate amounts of Gln in diets are necessary to support maximum
advances in analytical methods and biochemical research, Gln is now
growth, development and production performance of swine.
known to be an abundant amino acid in physiological fluids (e.g., milk
and fetal fluids) and proteins (both plant and animal), as well as a major Key Words: growth, physiology, requirement
fuel for rapidly dividing cells (including enterocytes and lymphocytes)
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 3
ASAS Western Section Graduate Paper Competition
8 Feedlot performance and carcass quality of conventionally raised ultrasonography was used to determine ovarian hemodynamics. Ewes
lambs implanted with zeranol versus naturally raised lambs. S. fed 360 ARG had greater serum arginine concentration than CON, 90
R. Eckerman*1,2, G. P. Lardy1, M. M. Thompson2, B. W. Neville1, M. ARG, and 180 ARG on d 11 (175.5 vs. 153.2, 132.3, and 145.4 ± 8.6
L. Van Emon1,2, P. T. Berg1, and C. S. Schauer2, 1North Dakota State nmol/mL, respectively; P = 0.01) and d 12 (166.4 vs. 142.7, 121.7, and
University, Department of Animal Sciences, Fargo, 2Hettinger Research 128.2 ± 7.4 nmol/mL, respectively; P = 0.002). On d 11, arginine as a
Extension Center, Hettinger, ND. percent of total amino acid concentration was increased in 360 ARG
compared with CON and 90 ARG (7.16 vs. 6.19, 5.70 ± 0.34 nmol/mL,
Our objectives were to compare feedlot performance and carcass quality
respectively; P = 0.04). Total essential amino acid concentration was
of conventional and naturally raised lambs. Two-hundred 88 crossbred
elevated in 360 ARG compared with 90 ARG and 180 ARG (P = 0.08)
lambs (34 ± 0.1 kg) were assigned randomly to one of 12 pens (6 pens/
on d 12. Arginine supplementation increased peak systolic velocity in
treatment) and fed a finishing ration for 112 d. Treatments were con-
the corpus luteum for 360 ARG and 90 ARG compared with CON (30.53
ventional (CONV) or naturally raised (NAT). Naturally raised lambs
and 32.59 vs. 22.63 ± 2.48 cm/s, respectively; P < 0.07). Flow time
were fed 80% corn and 20% commercial supplement ad libitum (DM
(milliseconds) in the ovarian hilus and corpus luteum was increased in
basis; 87.9% TDN and 15.8% CP) with decoquinate included. The NR
360 ARG compared with all other treatments (P ≤ 0.02 and P ≤ 0.06,
lambs were not treated with antibiotics nor given growth promoting
respectively). Supplemental rumen-protected arginine had no effect on
implants. Conventional lambs were fed a similar ration, with decoqui-
serum concentration of progesterone (P > 0.50). Results indicate that
nate, chlortetracycline and lasalocid included in the ration and were
rumen-protected arginine supplemented to ewes at the rate of 360 mg/kg
implanted with 36 mg zeranol on d 28 and treated with antibiotics as
BW may increase circulating serum arginine concentration, in addition
necessary, primarily for treatment of prolapse. Lambs were weighed
to increasing ovarian blood flow.
and feed refusals collected every 28 d. Lambs were harvested on d 117
and carcass data collected 24 h post chill. Data were analyzed using Key Words: arginine, ovarian hemodynamics, sheep
the mixed procedures of SAS. Repeated measures was used to analyze
period effects for ADG, DMI, and G:F. Treatment x period interactions
were observed for ADG, DMI, and G:F (P < 0.01). From d 29 to 56, 10 Effect of wet distillers grains with solubles on rumen bacterial
CONV lambs had increased ADG, DMI, and G:F (P ≤ 0.01) compared community profiles in individually fed cattle. L. N. Tracey*1, J.
with NAT lambs. However, ADG, DMI, and G:F were not different Browne-Silva1, C. H. Ponce2, J. B. Osterstock3, J. C. MacDonald2,3,
between treatments (P ≥ 0.06) for d 0 to 112. Naturally raised lambs M. Brown2,3, and S. L. Lodge-Ivey1,1New Mexico State University,
had greater rib eye area (P = 0.03), decreased body wall thickness (P = Las Cruces, 2West Texas A&M, Canyon, 3Texas AgriLife Research,
0.05), and a greater percentage boneless, closely trimmed retail cuts (P Amarillo.
= 0.05). More CONV lambs prolapsed rectally or vaginally (P = 0.001; Despite the growing use of wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS)
8.3 vs 0%) which increased mortality (P = 0.01; 2.8 vs 0%). Lambs in the US, very few data are available that describe potential rumen
managed utilizing antibiotics, implants, and ionophores may have fermentation and microbial ecology alterations that may occur by feed-
increased growth performance compared with lambs raised naturally, ing higher concentrations of WDGS. The objective of this experiment
but may have diminished carcass quality and are more susceptible to was to evaluate the effects of WDGS on ruminal bacterial communities.
prolapse and mortality. Twenty-three steers that had been acclimated to steam-flaked corn finish-
Key Words: lamb, zeranol, naturally raised ing ration (average BW = 340 ± 29.6 kg) were randomized and assigned
to one of 3 treatment groups. Cattle were individually fed via calan gates
once per day. Treatments were replacement of steam-flaked corn with 0,
9 Effects of rumen protected arginine supplementation on ewe 30, or 60% WDGS (DM basis; n = 7, 8, and 8, respectively). Ruminal
serum amino acid concentration, circulating progesterone, and fluid was collected once per wk for 5 wk via esophageal tubing before
ovarian blood flow. C. S. Saevre*1,2, J. S. Caton1, J. S. Luther3, A. M. feeding. Samples were frozen and stored at −20°C for further analysis.
Meyer1, D. V. Dhuyvetter4, R. Musser5, J. D. Kirsch1, M. Kapphahn1, D. Ruminal fluid community DNA and 16S rDNA was amplified and
A. Redmer1, and C. S. Schauer2,1Department of Animal Sciences, North analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Cluster-
Dakota State University, Fargo, 2Hettinger Research Extension Center, ing of DGGE banding patterns was normalized to an external standard
North Dakota State University, Hettinger,3University of Wisconsin River and compared based on binary and numerical coefficients of Dice and
Falls, River Falls,4Ridley Block Operations, Mankato, MN, 5SODA Feed Pearson, respectively. Binary banding patterns for all samples were
Ingredients, LLC, Mankato, MN. 59.8% similar and total number of bands per sample was not influenced
by treatment (P = 0.96). Analysis of treatment dendrograms for binary
Objectives were to determine if rumen-protected arginine supplemented
banding pattern revealed a decrease in similarity from 30 to 60% WDGS,
to ewes on d 8 to 13 of the estrous cycle affected serum amino acid con-
with 0% being intermediate (68.5, 71.2, and 59.2 ± 7.09% for 0, 30, and
centration, ovarian blood flow, and circulating progesterone. Nineteen
60% WDGS, respectively). Banding pattern similarity decreased during
multiparous Dorset ewes (63.8 ± 1.1 kg initial BW) were individually
the duration of the experiment (73.4, 80.4, 72.8, 60.0, and 61.9 ± 8.65%
housed and randomly allocated to 1 of 4 rumen-protected arginine
for wk 1–5, respectively). Construction of dendrograms based on band
treatments: 0 (CON, n = 5), 90 (90 ARG, n = 4), 180 (180 ARG, n = 5),
intensity resulted in a dramatic reduction (19.2 ± 12.32%) of similarity
or 360 mg/kg BW supplemental arginine (360 ARG, n = 5). Following
across treatments. These results indicate feeding high levels of WDGS
estrous synchronization, ewes were individually fed rumen-protected
does not decrease the richness of the bacterial population but shifts in
arginine blended into 150 g ground corn, which was immediately fol-
individual bacterial community members do occur.
lowed with 650 g of a pelleted diet (2.40 Mcal ME/kg and 12.9% CP,
DM basis) on d 8 to 13 of the estrous cycle. Jugular blood samples were Key Words: wet distillers grains with solubles, cattle, bacteria
taken for amino acid and progesterone analysis. On d 12, color Doppler
4 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
11 Forage selection preferences by multiparous and primiparous an additional 5 d for collection of feces (Exp. 2). Grab samples were
beef cows grazing native tallgrass range during winter. N. A. Sproul,* collected daily at 0600 and 1800, and indigestible ADF was used to
L. W. Murray, J. R. Jaeger, D. A. Blasi, L. N. Edwards, G. J. Eckerle, L. estimate DM digestibility. Residual feed intake was negatively correlated
A. Pacheco, and K. C. Olson, Kansas State University, Manhattan. with DM digestibility (r = −0.51, P = 0.03, range = 62.6% to 74.2%)
but had no relationship with digestible DMI (P = 0.32). Results showed
Our objective was to evaluate diet selection preferences of 18 experi-
that DM intakes were repeatable over parities, and as RFI increased,
enced multiparous and 20 naive primiparous beef cows (9 and 2 yr old,
DM digestibility of a forage-based diet decreased.
respectively) grazing dormant, native tallgrass pastures during winter.
The study was analyzed as a 4-period, 8-pasture (average size = 28 ha) Key Words: residual feed intake, gestation, digestibility
Latin rectangle. Predominant pasture forage species were Andropogon
geradii and Schizachyrium scoparium, which were grouped together for
analysis (BL); Bouteloua curtipendula (SO); Bouteloua gracillis, (BG); 13 The relative importance of weaning management and vacci-
Panicum virgatum (SG); Sorghastrum nutans (IG); Amorpha canescensi nation history on performance by ranch-direct beef calves during
(LP); Symphyotrichum ericoides (HA); Liatris punctata (DG); and Dalea weaning and receiving. M. J. Macek*1, J. W. Iliff1, K. C. Olson1, J. R.
purpurea (PP). Animals were grouped randomly by parity status (n = Jaeger2, T. B. Schmidt3, D. U. Thomson1, and L. A. Pacheco1, 1Kansas
4 or 5) and grazed 1 of 4 assigned pastures during 4 consecutive 48-h State University, Manhattan, 2Western Kansas Agricultural Research
periods. Fecal samples were collected from each animal at the end of Center, Hays, 3Missisippi State University, Starkville.
each period. Range-plant fragments in fecal samples were quantified Angus × Hereford calves (n = 437; average initial BW = 208 ± 25 kg)
using a modified microhistological technique; plant fragment prevalence were stratified by BW, sex, and age and assigned randomly to 1 of 3
in fecal material was assumed to be equivalent to diet composition on treatments that corresponded to length of time between weaning and
a DM basis. Primiparous cows selected more forbs and fewer grasses shipping to a feedlot: 45, 15 or 0 d. Within each weaning period length,
(main effect of parity; P = 0.09) than multiparous cows. Multiparous calves were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 bovine respiratory disease
cows ate more (P = 0.07) BL and less DG (P = 0.05) than primiparous (BRD)-vaccination treatments: vaccinated 14 d before weaning and
cows. Consumption of all forbs, PP, LP, and DG by both classes of cows again at weaning (PRE) or vaccinated on the d of arrival at the feedlot
declined (P ≤ 0.04) over time, while consumption of all grasses, BL, and again 14 d later (POST). On a common shipping date, calves were
and BG increased over time (P ≤ 0.02), possibly indicating that forb transported 3 h to an auction market and held for 12 h. Calves were
availability diminished over time. Occasional differences in consump- then transported 1 h to a feedlot. Calves were fed the same diets ad
tion of IG, SG, SO, and HA between primiparous and multiparous cows libitum throughout the study. Incidence of undifferentiated fever 15
occurred; however, differences were inconsistent (parity × period effect; d after weaning was greater (P < 0.01) for calves weaned 45 d before
P ≤ 0.02) over time. Differences in diet selection patterns between mul- shipping than for calves weaned 15 d before shipping; however, ADG
tiparous and primiparous cows during a short-term winter grazing period before shipping was greater (P < 0.01) for calves weaned 45 d than
could be indicative of differences in long-term foraging strategies. We those weaned 15 d. Incidence of undifferentiated fever and ADG before
interpreted these data to suggest that foraging strategies associated with shipping were similar (P > 0.66) between PRE and POST. Average
cow stayability may be related to selection preferences during periods DMI before shipping by 45-d calves was less (P < 0.01) than that by
of poor forage quality. 15-d calves. Also, DMI by PRE calves was less (P = 0.03) than that
Key Words: botanical composition, beef cows, grazing by POST calves. Incidence of undifferentiated fever during receiving
was similar (P ≥ 0.73) between weaning and vaccination treatments.
Calf ADG during receiving tended to be greater (P < 0.07) for 45- and
12 Dry matter intake is repeatable over parities and residual feed 15-d calves than for 0-d calves. Receiving DMI increased (P < 0.01)
intake is negatively correlated with dry matter digestibility in ges- as number of d between weaning and shipping increased. Conversely,
tating cows. T. J. McDonald,* B. M. Nichols, M. M. Harbac, T. M. the timing of vaccination did not affect (P ≥ 0.51) ADG or DMI during
Norvell, and J. A. Paterson, Montana State University, Bozeman. receiving. Growth efficiency was similar (P ≥ 0.36) among weaning
and vaccination treatments. Weaning more than 15 d before shipping
Feed costs account for approximately two-thirds of total cash inputs for
did not improve health or growth of cattle that were moved from their
cow/calf producers. Selecting cows that consume less DM, but maintain
ranch of origin to a feedlot within 16 h and were not commingled with
production, would lower breakeven costs. The objectives of these 2
market-sourced cattle. Pre-shipment BRD vaccination may not change
experiments were to determine repeatability of DMI over parities, cal-
health or performance of ranch-direct cattle relative to BRD vaccination
culate residual feed intake (RFI), and examine the relationships between
deferred until feedlot arrival.
RFI and diet DM digestibility. Nichols et al. (2010, these proceedings)
previously determined individual DMI for 120 gestating, primiparous Key Words: health, preconditioning, weaning
heifers in 2008. Twenty-four of these heifers that had the highest and
lowest DMI were selected for this 2009 experiment. Cows (3-yr-old, BW
= 593 ± 50 kg, second trimester gestation) were fed a diet composed of 14 Effects of sun-curing and harvest maturity on concentration and
74% grass hay and 26% grain-based supplement (104% of MP require- protein-binding capacity of condensed tannins in sericea lespedeza
ment) to determine the correlation of DMI per BW.75 between 2008 and (Lespedeza cuneata). G. J. Eckerle*1, K. C. Olson1, J. R. Jaeger2, J.
2009 when cows were in a similar gestational state. Diets were limit fed L. Davidson3, T. K. Kraft1, and L. A. Pacheco1, 1Kansas State Univer-
at 12.7 kg DM•cow−1•d−1 using a GrowSafe system. Cows were adapted sity, Manhattan, 2Western Kansas Agricultural Research Center, Hays,
3Greenwood County Extension, Eureka, KS.
to the diet for 10 d, followed by a 70-d trial to determine individual
feed intakes and weight gain. Residual feed intake was calculated as A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of sun-curing and harvest
the residual from the linear regression of DMI on BW.75 and ADG. maturity on concentrations of condensed tannins (CT) and protein-pre-
Dry matter intake per BW.75 was highly correlated (r = 0.71, P < 0.01) cipitable phenolics (PPP) in sericea lespedeza (SL). Samples of SL (n =
between first and second parities. Residual feed intake ranged from 4.46 200 plants/sample) were collected from a single native tallgrass pasture
kg/d to −4.58 kg/d. Immediately following Exp. 1, cows were fed for at 1 to 4-wk intervals from June 24 to October 11 that corresponded to
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 5
single-stem, branched-stem, budding, flowering, and senescent stages of 16 Sampling bias when estimating adipocyte cellularity. G. D.
plant phenology. Samples were divided randomly into 2 equal portions Cruz*1, J. A. Oliveira2, T. R. Famula1, and J. G. Fadel1, 1University of
that were either dried via sun-curing or were frozen immediately after California, Davis, 2Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás,
harvest and later freeze-dried. Total phenolics were extracted from dried, Brazil.
ground SL samples using a modified methanol-extraction technique
The objective of this study is to determine if a random adipose sample
and were analyzed for CT and PPP. Concentrations of CT in sun-cured
would represent the overall cellularity mean within the Longissimus
SL were less (main effect of treatment, P < 0.01) than that in fresh SL.
dorsi at the 12th rib. Marbling is a major factor in the determination of
Concentration of CT in SL responded cubically (P < 0.01) over time;
beef quality grades and is evaluated by appraisal of the Longissimus
CT was least during June and October and peaked from late July to
dorsi at the 12–13th rib interface in the United States. Thus, a goal is to
mid September. Peak CT concentration corresponded to the budding
increase marbling without negatively affecting carcass characteristics.
and flowering stages of the SL life cycle. Concentrations of PPP in SL
A common measurement of the development and distribution of adipo-
also changed over time but the magnitude of the effect was influenced
cytes is through cellularity, which involves measurements of size and
by treatment (treatment × period, P < 0.01). Concentrations of PPP in
number of adipocytes. Current estimates rely on one sample obtained
sun-cured SL responded cubically (P < 0.01) as the growing season
from the muscle. To evaluate sampling bias, one muscle (2.54cm thick)
advanced; PPP was least during June and October and peaked during
was divided horizontally into halves of 1.22cm and each half was
July and August. In contrast, PPP in fresh SL increased quadratically
vertically divided in approximately 10 strips of various lengths for a
(P < 0.01) over time, indicating that significant concentrations of PPP
total of 20 strips. These 20 strips were placed next to each other and 10
remained in SL late into the growing season. Concentration of CT and
were selected by choosing every other one. These strips were evenly
PPP in SL decreased dramatically during drying and storage. These
divided horizontally into a total of 89 samples. Twenty-five milligrams
data may explain why sharp avoidance of SL by grazing livestock is
of marbling fat were dissected from each sample and osmium tetrox-
not generally observed when SL is fed in the form of sun-cured hay.
ide technique was applied to estimate adipocyte cellularity. A random
Understanding how drying and plant growth stage influence tannins in
number generator was used to choose 5 samples to represent the muscle.
SL could lead to more effective research models for the study of SL
The mean diameters of the samples were 72.4, 90.7, 77.0, 93.4, and
intake by ruminants.
94.2 μm and the overall mean diameter was 81.6 μm. The mean number
Key Words: condensed tannin, noxious weed, sericea lespedeza of cells for each sample was 2.73, 6.36, 1.38, 5.41, and 1.40 cells/g ×
10−5 and the overall mean number was 2.59 cells/g × 10−5. The mean
diameter of each of the 5 samples was different (P < 0.01) from the
15 Effects of gestational dietary metabolizable protein level and overall mean. Also, 3 of the 5 samples were different ((P < 0.01) from
dry matter intake on subsequent production traits in primiparous the overall mean number of cells. In conclusion, sampling bias is the
heifers. B. M. Nichols*1, T. J. McDonald1, M. M. Harbac1, A. J. major source of variation when estimating adipocyte size and number.
Roberts2, and J. A. Paterson1, 1Department of Animal and Range Sci- A sampling technique should be developed to reduce sampling bias and
ences, Montana State University, Bozeman, 2USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh increase the precision when estimating adipocyte cellularity. Currently
Livestock and Range Research Laboratory, Miles City, MT. our laboratory is developing such technique.
The objective of this experiment was to determine if feeding 2 levels of Key Words: adipocyte cellularity, sampling bias, beef cattle
dietary metabolizable protein (102% vs. 119% of NRC requirements)
and biological variation in feed intake during the second and third
trimesters of gestation influenced subsequent production traits in prim- 17 Effect of forage energy intake and supplementation on marbling
iparous heifers. Two-yr-old Angus and Simmental x Angus heifers (n = deposition in growing beef cattle. E. D. Sharman,* P. A. Lancaster,
120, initial BW = 448 ± 36 kg) had individual DMI determined using a G. G. Hilton, C. R. Krehbiel, and G. W. Horn, Oklahoma Agricultural
GrowSafe feeding system. Dietary treatments were based on approxi- Experiment Station, Stillwater.
mately 85% grass hay and 15% supplement. Supplements contained
Glucose is the primary carbon source for fatty acid synthesis in intramus-
whole soybeans plus corn (102% MP) or dried distillers grains plus
cular fat, whereas, acetate is primarily utilized by subcutaneous fat. Our
soybean meal (119% MP) and each supplement was assigned to 2 pens.
objective was to examine the effect of forage energy intake and type of
Heifers were randomly assigned to one of 3 periods (P; 40 heifers/P)
fermentation on marbling deposition by stocker cattle grazing dormant
followed by random assignment to one of 4 pens (10 heifers/pen). Diets
native range (DNR) or winter wheat pasture (WP). Angus steer calves
were fed at approximately 10.3 kg DM•heifer−1•d−1. After 35 d of intake
(n = 68; 258 ± 29 kg) were used in a completely randomized design
measurement, heifers were placed into adjacent pens and fed their diets
comparing 4 winter grazing treatments: (1) control, 1.02 kg•hd−1•d−1
for an additional 50 (P1 and 2) or 82 d (P3). The next 40 heifers (P2)
of a 40% CP supplement to meet their DIP requirement while grazing
were placed in the facility and DMI was again determined over 35 d.
DNR; (2) control plus corn-based supplement at 1% BW while grazing
Upon completion of the feeding trial, heifers were returned to the ranch,
DNR; (3) WP at a high stocking rate (3.2 steers/ha) to achieve a low
managed as a single group, and production data were measured. Level
rate of BW gain; and (4) WP at a low stocking rate (2.2 steers/ha) to
of dietary MP had no effect (P > 0.17) on calf birth weight, adjusted
achieve a high rate of BW gain. Supplements were fed individually 5
205 d weight, ADG, age at weaning, cow BW at calving, proportion of
d/wk during the 138-d winter grazing phase. Following winter grazing,
cows cycling at bull turnout, or proportion of cows which conceived.
3 steers per treatment were randomly selected for intermediate harvest.
Dry matter intake per unit of BW0.75 (range = 0.057 - 0.187 kg/kg) did
The remaining wheat pasture steers were transitioned to the finishing
not affect (P > 0.17) any of the variables measured. Under the conditions
phase, while the DNR treatments remained on summer pasture for 115
of this study, feeding MP in excess of NRC recommendations during
d before finishing. Steers were fed to a predicted backfat end point of
mid- to late-gestation did not enhance subsequent heifer productivity.
1.27 cm. During winter grazing, ADG was 0.19, 0.52, 0.68, and 1.37 ±
Heifers that consumed less DM/kg BW0.75 produced similarly to heifers
0.03 kg/d (P < 0.01) for treatments 1–4, respectively. Steers that grazed
that consumed more DM/kg BW0.75.
WP had heavier HCW and larger REA (P < 0.01) at intermediate harvest
Key Words: metabolizable protein, dry matter intake than steers supplemented on DNR. Backfat was 0.03, 0.10, 0.17, and
6 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
0.85 ± 0.07 cm (P < 0.01) and marbling scores were 180, 217, 280, and and urine collection. Steers were fed a diet (12.9% CP, 0.99 Mcal/kg
340 ± 11.67 (P < 0.01) for treatments 1–4, respectively. At harvest after NEg) at 1.5% BW. Treatments (2 × 2 factorial) were AA solutions with
finishing, treatment 3 had a thicker backfat and smaller REA resulting in no Arg (-ARG) or 10 g/d Arg (+ARG), and sterile saline with no LPS
higher YG (P < 0.02) compared with the other treatments. There were no (-LPS) or 1 μg LPS (+LPS; E. coli 055:B5) per kg BW. The AA solutions
differences in final marbling scores (423, 428, 427, and 425 ± 14.92; P = were abomasally infused (720 mL/d) from d 7 to 20; LPS solutions (100
0.99, respectively). These data indicate that growing programs differing mL) were intravenously infused (1 mL/min) on d 15. Rectal temperature
in forage energy intake and type of fermentation can influence marbling (RT) and blood samples were collected 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h after LPS
deposition at the end of winter grazing; however, final marbling scores infusion on d 15. No LPS × Arg × h or LPS × Arg interactions occurred
may not be affected when cattle are fed to a common fat end point. (P > 0.24). Cortisol, IL-6, and RT were greater (LPS × h, P < 0.01) for
+LPS vs -LPS at 2, 4 (peak), 8 and 12 h (cortisol, IL-6). Tumor necrosis
Key Words: growing beef cattle, forage energy intake, marbling
factor-α was greater at 2 h, and haptoglobin was greater at 24 h in +LPS
vs -LPS steers (LPS × h, P < 0.01). Plasma Ala was greater (LPS × h,
P = 0.04) for +LPS vs -LPS at 2, 12, and 24 h. Plasma Met, Leu, Val,
18 Grazing patterns of Angus, Brangus and Brahman cows in the Gln, and Orn of +LPS vs -LPS steers were greater (Met, Leu) or not
Chihuahuan Desert. M. L. Russell,* D. W. Bailey, M. G. Thomas, different (Val, Gln, Orn) at 0 h, not different at 2 and 4 h, lower at 8
B. K. Witmore, and C. C. Bailey, New Mexico State University, Las (all) and 12 h (Met, Val, Gln, Orn), and either not different (Met, Val,
Cruces. Orn) or greater (Leu, Gln) at 24 h (LPS × h, P < 0.01). Plasma Thr, Ser,
Asp, Asn, and Glu were lower (LPS × h, P ≤ 0.02) for +LPS vs -LPS
In extensive pastures, forage utilization may decrease due to limited at 2 (Asn), 4, 8, 12, and 24 h (Thr, Ser, Asp, Glu). Plasma Ile and Pro
water sources. However, adapted breeds of cattle may facilitate an were lower (LPS × h, P < 0.01) for +LPS vs -LPS at 4, 8, and 12 h (Ile).
improvement in grazing distribution by utilizing distant portions of Plasma Lys, Tyr, and Trp were lower (P < 0.05) for +LPS vs -LPS, and
extensive pastures. A 2-yr study was conducted to evaluate grazing plasma Ala, Pro, and Orn were greater (P < 0.05) for +ARG vs -ARG.
distribution and quality of diet for Angus, Brangus and Brahman cows The +LPS vs -LPS steers tended to have greater (P = 0.13) urinary N
in the Chihuahuan Desert during 3 seasons (winter, early summer and excretion and lower (P = 0.11) N retention, and steers infused with
late summer) using 3 pastures varying in terrain. Cows were tracked Arg had greater (P < 0.01) digested N and tended to have greater (P =
with GPS technologies every 10 min for 10- to 14-d periods in each 0.15) N retention. Abomasal infusion of Arg does not alter the effects
pasture (3 periods per season). Pooled data from 7 cows of each breed of LPS on N metabolism.
were evaluated in 2008 utilizing a Latin square design with breed as
the treatment and period and pasture as blocking factors (n = 9). Breeds Key Words: arginine, lipopolysaccharide, steer
were kept together during 2009 and evaluated for 10 to 14 d in each of
3 pastures during each season using breed and pasture as fixed effects.
20 Calcium and phosphorus metabolism in finishing steers
When cows were rotated among pastures, fecal samples were collected
supplemented with vitamin D3. J. S. Schutz*1, M. R. Genho2, J. A.
and analyzed using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to estimate diet
Scanga3, K. E. Belk1, G. C. Smith1, and T. E. Engle1, 1Colorado State
quality. In 2008, CP content of diets was similar (P > 0.31) among
University, Fort Collins, 2Ascendant Partners, Inc., Greenwood Village,
breeds during all seasons. Brahman cows regularly traveled greater
CO, 3Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN.
distances per day than Angus or Brangus cows during early and late
summer seasons in 2008 and 2009 (P < 0.05). Brahman cows traveled Twelve Angus steers (435kg ± 5.01) were used to determine the effect
12.4 ± 0.6 km/d while Angus and Brangus traveled 7.2 ± 0.6 and 8.3 ± of high dietary vitamin D3 (Vit D3) on Ca and P metabolism in feedlot
0.6 km/d, respectively, during late summer 2009. In contrast, average cattle. Steers were randomly assigned to one of 2 treatments: 1) 0.5 × 106
distance from water was similar (P > 0.59) among breeds during both IU of Vit D3•hd−1•d−1 (0.5 Vit D3) or 2) 5.0 × 106 IU of Vit D3•hd−1•d−1
2008 and 2009, which suggests that distribution patters were similar. (5.0 Vit D3) for 8 consecutive days. Steers were maintained on a basal
Diurnal movement patterns sometimes differed among breeds. In late ration for 7 d, followed by 8 d of Vit D3 supplementation and then 5 d
summer 2009, Brahman cows (1.81 ± 0.11) made more (P = 0.03) trips of basal ration. Vitamin D3 was administered via a premix carrier imme-
to water each day than Angus (1.15 ± 0.11) or Brangus (1.36 ± 0.11); diately before feeding the basal diet to assure complete consumption
however, during the winter and early summer in 2008 and 2009, trips of Vit D3. Individual daily DMI, 24-h urine volume and fecal excretion
to water each day were similar (P > 0.48) among breeds. Spatial move- were recorded and sub-sampled daily for subsequent Ca and P apparent
ment patterns of Brahmans appeared to differ from Angus and Brangus, absorption and retention determination. Jugular blood samples were
however, no clear advantage in grazing distribution was observed for obtained before initiation of Vit D3 supplementation, at the end of Vit D3
any breed. supplementation, and 5 d following Vit D3 supplementation. Vitamin D3
supplementation increased (P < 0.05) serum concentrations of 25-OH2-
Key Words: breed, distribution, telemetry
Vit D3 in both treatments. Steers supplemented with 5.0 Vit D3 had
greater (P < 0.05) serum concentrations of 25-OH2-Vit D3 than 0.5 Vit
19 Arginine supplementation does not alter nitrogen metabolism D3 supplemented steers. Serum Ca concentrations were higher in steers
of beef steers during a lipopolysaccharide challenge. B. H. Carter*1, supplemented with 5.0 Vit D3 compared with 0.5 Vit D3 supplemented
C. A. Löest1, G. G. Gilliam1, B. C. Graham1, J. A. Carroll2, C. T. Col- steers. Relative to baseline measurements for each treatment, apparent
lier2, and D. M. Hallford1, 1New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, absorption and retention of Ca were reduced (P < 0.05) in steers supple-
2USDA ARS, Lubbock, TX. mented with 5.0 Vit D3 but not altered in steers supplemented with 0.5
Vit D3. Apparent absorption and retention of dietary P were similar for
Demand for Arg is reported to increase during immune challenges. This both treatments. Daily urine excretion increased (P < 0.05) from the pre-
study evaluated effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and abomasal Arg supplementation period to the end of the Vit D3 supplementation period
infusion on N metabolism and immune response of 20 ruminally can- and remained greater (P < 0.05) throughout the subsequent 5 d non-Vit
nulated steers (369 ± 46 kg BW) in a randomized block design. Each D3 supplementation period relative to baseline excretion volumes in
block consisted of a 14-d adaptation, 1-d blood collection, and 5-d fecal
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 7
5.0 Vit D3 supplemented steers. Supplementation of feedlot steers with of CP + 80 g calcium propionate; PROP). Ruminal fluid was collected
5.0 million IU of Vit D3•hd−1•d−1 increased serum Ca concentrations, and analyzed for VFA, ammonia, pH and community DNA was extracted
decreased Ca absorption, and decreased retention of Ca. for denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Glucogenic poten-
tial of treatment was evaluated with an acetate tolerance test on d 49.
Key Words: vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus
In Exp. 1, IVDMD, total VFA, acetate, propionate, and A:P increased
(P < 0 0.001) in both extrusa and 50:50 with P169 addition. In Exp.
21 Genetic and environmental influences on distribution patterns 2, the only effect of P169 on rumen parameters was a 4.3% increase
of beef cattle grazing foothill rangeland. D. W. Bailey1, S. Marta*1, in propionate (P < 0.02) over CON. Calcium-propionate supplement
D. Jensen2, D. L. Boss2, and M. G. Thomas1, 1New Mexico State Uni- increased propionate and decreased A:P by 7.8% and 5.9% respectively
versity, Las Cruces, 2Montana State University, Havre. (P < 0.004) over CON. Similarity of bacterial populations between treat-
ments was evaluated with construction of a DGGE dendrogram using
A study was conducted in foothill rangelands of northern Montana to the Dice coefficient and samples were 73.9 ± 6.38% similar. Acetate
determine the relative effects of genotype and environment (or early half-life did not differ by treatment (P = 0.49). These data indicate that
learning) on grazing distribution. Based on 5 years of observations, 5 addition of propionate-producing bacteria to low quality forage diets
of 180 Hereford and Tarentaise crossed cows that used the highest and could be as beneficial as supplementing with a propionic salt.
steepest terrain (hill climbers) and 5 cows that used the most gentle
terrain near water (bottom dwellers) were used as donors for embryo Key Words: cattle, propionate, Propionibacterium acidipropionici
transfer. A single AI sire was used in these matings. Crossbred recipient
cows were classified as hill climbers (HC) and bottom dwellers (BD)
23 Effects of supplemental docosahexaenoic acid to ewes on lamb
based on 4 years of observation from a separate herd of 98 cows. This
production, immunocompetence, serum metabolites, and thermo-
resulted in 2x2 factorial study with donor and recipient as the 2 factors
genesis. J. I. Keithly,* R. W. Kott, J. G. Berardinelli, S. Moreaux, and
and HC and BD as the 2 levels within each factor. A total of 28 of these
P. G. Hatfield, Montana State University, Bozeman.
cows were observed in late summer of 2009 when they were mature (4 to
6 years of age). Horseback riders recorded positions of cows during the Eighty twin-bearing Targhee ewes (ages 2 to 5 yr; 68.5 ± 3 kg) were
early morning when they were gazing for 10 d during the 6 weeks cows stratified by age and assigned randomly to 1 of 2 supplemental treatments
were in the 336 ha study pasture. Elevation in the pasture ranged from to determine the effects of feeding algae containing docosahexaenoic
1184 to 1398 m and the average slope was 34%. Horizontal distance to acid (DHA) to ewes during late gestation and early lactation on lamb
water, elevation, and slope of the recorded positions of each cow were growth (from birth to 38 d), passive immunity (anti-Parainfluenza Type
averaged together resulting in one value for each trait for each cow. 3 titers), serum metabolites, and thermogenesis. Treatment supplements
Donor (genotype), recipient (environment) and the donor*recipient were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous, and when fed at
interaction were used as fixed effects in the statistical analyses. Distance the rate of 0.9 kg daily with a 10% CP and 58.1% TDN hay met the
from water and slope use were not affected by donors, recipients or the CP and TDN requirements of a 70-kg twin-bearing ewe during late
donor*recipient interaction (P > 0.20). Daughters of HC donors (1314 gestation. Supplement treatments were: 1) 12 g/ewe daily of DHA Gold
± 7 m) used higher elevations (P = 0.04) than those from BD (1290 ± (Advanced Bionutrition Corporation, Columbia, MD), in the form of
8 m), and cows raised by HC recipients (1315 ± 7 m) also used higher algal biomass (ALGAE), and 2) no DHA (CONTROL). Diets were indi-
elevations (P = 0.04) than cows from BD recipients (1290 ± 8 m). Cattle vidually fed (40 ewes/treatment) daily during the last 30 d of gestation
use of higher elevations in foothill rangeland appears to be influenced and pen fed (6 pens/treatment, and 6 or 7 ewes/pen) during the first 38
to at least some degree by both genetic (donor dam -daughter relation- d of lactation. One hour after lambing, twin-born lambs were weighed,
ships) and environmental factors such as early learning (recipient dam bled via jugular puncture, and placed in a 0°C dry cold chamber for
- daughter relationships). 30 min. Lamb rectal temperature was recorded every 1 min. After cold
exposure, lambs were removed from the cold chamber, bled via jugular
Key Words: genotype, early learning, behavior
puncture, and returned to their dam. Lambs were weighed and bled via
jugular puncture on the final day of the trial (38 d of age ± 7 d). Lamb
22 Propionibacterium acidipropionici P169 and glucogenic pre- sera were assayed for glucose, NEFA, cortisol, and anti-Parainfluenza
cursors to improve rumen parameters associated with low quality Type 3 (PI3) titers. There was a treatment by time interaction (P < 0.01)
forage. P. H. Sanchez,* L. Tracey, J. Browne-Silva, and S. L. Lodge- for lamb rectal temperature. Lambs born to ALGAE ewes had higher
Ivey, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. (P = 0.09) rectal temperatures at 0 min compared with CONTROL
lambs, but rectal temperature did not differ (P ≥ 0.11) at any other time
Cattle grazing dormant western rangelands tend to have a high ruminal during cold exposure. Glucose, cortisol, NEFA, anti-PI3 titers, and birth
acetate to propionate ratio (A:P) and may have low tissue clearance of weights did not differ between treatments. Lamb 38-d BW was greater
acetate. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of P. acidi- (P = 0.03) in lambs born to CONTROL ewes than in lambs born to
propionici, P169 (P169) on VFA production, forage digestibility, and ALGAE ewes. Supplementation of DHA during late gestation and early
rumen bacterial ecology. In Exp. 1, in vitro effect of P169 on IVDMD lactation did not appear to benefit lamb production, or factors that may
and VFA production was evaluated in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of impact production.
treatments. Factors were substrate (dormant warm-season grass extrusa
or 50:50 Sudan:corn, DM basis) and P169 (with or without). In Exp. Key Words: docosahexaenoic acid, lamb production, thermogenesis
2, 12 2-yr old, pregnant Brangus heifers (BW = 416 ± 85 kg) were
assigned to 1 of 3 treatment (n = 4). All cattle were fed a basal ration
24 Sustainability implications of feedlot management prac-
consisting Old World Blue stem hay at 1.5% BW 10 d before initiation
tices. K. L. Cooprider,* F. M. Mitloehner, and A. L. Van Eenennaam,
of treatment and for the duration of the experiment. Treatments were 1)
University of California, Davis.
protein supplement (36% CP, 35% UIP of CP, DM basis, fed at 454 g/hd
per d; CON), 2) CON plus P169 (6 × 1010 cfu/hd, twice per d; P169), 3) There is an increased consumer demand for animal products that have
calcium-propionate supplement fed at 454 g/hd per d (36% CP, 53% UIP been raised sustainably. This term has many definitions, but generally
8 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
refers to some balance of environmental, social, and economic goals. for BW change. Change in BW did not differ among NE and RE ewes
The use of biotechnologies that increase units of output (e.g., pounds with medium or inefficient RFI scores. However, RE ewe with efficient
of meat) with the same or fewer inputs should be included in sustain- RFI scores showed a greater increase in BW over the 20-d experiment
ability assessments. The objective of this project was to quantify the than NE ewes with efficient RFI scores. Exposing 18-mo-old ewes to
inputs (days on feed, kg feed fed and refused, ADG, health treatments) rams accelerated resumption of luteal activity and altered T4 and PRL
and outputs (carcass measurements, greenhouse gas emissions) associ- concentrations during the transition into the breeding season. Further-
ated with 2 feedlot cattle management regimens: Never Ever 3 (NE3) more, the ram effect appears to alter BW change in ewes with efficient
and conventional cattle (CON). The former treatment group received RFI scores differently than in ewes of lower RFI scores.
no feed additives or implants, whereas the latter were implanted with
Key Words: ram biostimulation, seasonal anestrus, metabolic hor-
Synovex Choice (Fort Dodge) on d 1 and d 70, and were additionally
fed Elanco’s Rumensin (330 mg/head/day), Tylan (90 mg/head/day),
and for the 29 d before shipping Optaflexx β-agonist (254 mg/head/
day). Angus-cross steers were stratified by BW (n = 104; 337 kg ± 17) 26 Conjugated linoleic acid decreases prostaglandin synthesis in
and randomly assigned to 4 pens per treatment group. Amount of feed bovine luteal cells. K. C. P. May,* G. Bobe, C. J. Mueller, and M. J.
fed per pen and refusals were recorded daily. Animals were shipped on Cannon, Oregon State University, Corvallis.
a constant average pen weight basis (Target 590 kg; actual 596 kg ±
32 BW). The CON cattle had higher ADG (1.81 vs. 1.35 kg, P < 0.01), Feeding conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) improves reproductive per-
and were on feed fewer days (146 vs. 188 d, P < 0.01) than NE3. No formance in dairy cows; however, the molecular mechanisms by which
significant differences were observed in HCW or dressing percentage CLA improves reproduction are not well understood. Therefore, we
between groups (P > 0.05), however CON carcasses had larger ribeyes evaluated whether the CLA isomers, trans-10, cis-12 CLA and cis-9,
(87 vs. 80 cm2, P < 0.01), lower USDA marbling score (5.4 vs. 6.2, P trans-11 CLA altered synthesis of steroidogenic hormones in bovine
< 0.01), backfat thickness (1.64 vs. 1.84 cm, P < 0.05) and yield grade luteal cells by measuring concentrations of progesterone, PGE2, and
(3.38 vs. 3.95, P < 0.01) as compared with NE3. Overall, CON cattle PGF2α in conditioned medium and expression of genes involved in their
consumed 393 kg less feed in the feedlot (1250 vs. 1643 kg, P < 0.05). synthesis. Confluent luteal cells from each of 4 cows were cultured in
Although additives resulted in additional costs in CON steers, cost of 0 μM (control) or 0.1 μM solutions of trans-10, cis-12 CLA and cis-9,
feed per kg of gain was significantly lower ($1.12 vs. $1.35/kg, P < trans-11 CLA in varying ratios (1:0, 0:1, 1:1, 2:1, 1:2, 5:1, 1:5, 9:1,
0.05) relative to NE3. The use of implants and feed additives reduced or 1:9) for 48 h in the presence and absence of 1 μM of the adenylate
feed inputs and production resources required to produce a fixed amount cyclase activator forskolin. Independent of CLA isomer and ratio, CLA
of output, with resultant environmental and economic sustainability decreased, compared with control, hormone concentrations of prosta-
advantages. glandin F2α (62.6 ± 10.5 vs. 50.4 ± 9.9 pg/mL; P = 0.003) and, in the
absence of forskolin, prostaglandin E2 (61.2 ± 11.3 vs. 36.1 ± 10.1 pg/
Key Words: feedlot, sustainability, biotechnology mL; P < 0.001) in cultured luteal cells, while no effect was observed
for progesterone (P = 0.94). Compared with control, CLA decreased
relative levels of COX-2 mRNA, a rate limiting enzyme in prostaglandin
25 Effect of ram exposure on temporal patterns of progesterone
synthesis, by 1.7 fold (P < 0.001) and 3 β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
and metabolic hormones concentrations in 18-mo-old virgin Tar-
mRNA, a rate limiting enzyme in progesterone synthesis, by 1.4 fold (P
ghee ewes during the transition into the breeding season. R. B.
= 0.008). Relative levels of PGE synthase and PGE2 9-keto-reductase
McCosh*1, E. M. Berry1, M. E. Wehrman1, R. R. Redden1, R. W. Kott1,
mRNA, both involved in prostaglandin synthesis, and steroid acute
D. Hallford2, and J. G. Berardinelli1, 1Montana State University, Boze-
regulatory protein and cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage mRNA,
man, 2New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
both involved in progesterone synthesis, were not significantly altered
The objective was to determine if ram exposure during the transition by CLA. In conclusion, a potential mechanism by which trans-10, cis-12
into the breeding season altered progesterone (P4), cortisol, triiodothy- CLA and cis-9, trans-11 CLA may improve reproductive performance
ronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), T3:T4 ratios, prolactin (PRL) or IGF-1 in dairy cows, is by suppressing PGF2α synthesis in luteal cells through
concentrations in 18-mo-old Targhee ewes. Anestrous ewes were strati- attenuating COX-2 gene expression.
fied by residual feed intake (RFI) score (efficient; n = 12); middle; n =
Key Words: cattle, corpus luteum, progesterone
12; inefficient; n = 12) and assigned randomly to be exposed to rams
(RE; n = 18) or wethers (NE; n = 18). Ewes within exposure type were
assigned to one of 2 pens (1 male/9 ewes/pen); with 33 m separation 27 Camelina meal and crude glycerin as feed supplements for
between RE and NE pens. Blood samples were collected from each developing replacement beef heifers. P. Moriel,* B. I. Cappel-
ewe by jugular venipuncture every other day for 20 d, beginning on the lozza, V. Nayigihugu, K. M. Cammack, and B. W. Hess, University of
first d of exposure. Samples were assayed for P4, cortisol, T3, T4, PRL, Wyoming, Laramie.
and IGF-1. Resumption of luteal activity began earlier (P < 0.05) in RE
than in NE ewes. There were no differences in patterns of cortisol, T3 Two hundred and 4 (n = 99, yr 1; n = 105, yr 2) Angus × Gelbvieh
or IGF-1 concentrations, or T3:T4 ratios between RE and NE ewes or rotationally crossbred heifers were used in a 2-yr randomized complete
among ewes with efficient, middle, or inefficient RFI scores. There was block designed (RCBD) experiment to determine the effect of feeding
a treatment by day interaction (P < 0.05) for T4 and PRL concentrations. camelina biodiesel co-products (meal and crude glycerin) on serum
Concentrations of T4 in RE ewes decreased less rapidly and over a concentrations of thyroid hormones and glucose, as well as on growth
longer interval before increasing by the end of the sampling period than and reproductive performance. Heifers were stratified by BW (297 ±
those in NE ewes. Concentrations of PRL were greater in RE than in NE 5.8 kg) and randomly allocated to a pen that received bromegrass hay
ewes 4 d after exposure but decreased over the next 12 d; whereas, PRL plus 1 of 3 supplements (12.6% CP): control (50% ground corn and
decreased in NE ewes during the first 6 d then increased over the next 50% soybean meal, as-fed); camelina meal (mechanically extracted);
14 d. There was an exposure type by RFI score interaction (P < 0.05) glycerin (50% soybean meal, 33% ground corn, 15% crude glycerin, 2%
corn gluten meal; as-fed) for a 60-d period. Preprandial blood samples
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 9
were collected via the jugular at d 0, 30 and 60 of the experimental a split-plot design was used to investigate the effects of implant type
feeding period. On d 60, heifers were synchronized for estrus using a and protein source on performance of steers grazing summer pasture.
2-shot PGF2α protocol; any heifer exhibiting estrus was bred via AI 12 h Crossbred steers (n = 392; BW = 212 ± 24 kg) were ranked by weight
after standing heat. Heifers not exhibiting estrus were given GnRH and and randomly assigned to 1 of 15 pastures and then randomly allotted to
bred by AI on d 74. Data were analyzed as a RCBD using the MIXED implant treatment, within pasture. Supplement treatments were control
procedure of SAS with pen as a random effect for BW and reproduction (no supplement), dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS; 33% CP),
traits; serum parameters were analyzed as repeated measures. Dietary and cottonseed meal (CSM; 33% CP). Implant treatments were control
treatment × sampling period interactions were not detected (P = 0.17 to (no implant), Ralgro and Component TE-G. The grazing season was
0.87). Dietary treatment did not affect serum T4 (P = 0.96), glucose (P 126 d with supplementation beginning in late July. Steers were group
= 0.59) or BW at d 30 or 60 (P ≥ 0.40), but increased (P = 0.05) T3 in fed, within pasture, each wk on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at a rate
heifers fed camelina meal. Additionally, dietary treatment did not affect of 0.95 kg•steer−1•feeding−1. Data were analyzed using PROC MIXED
the percentage of heifers detected in estrus before timed AI (P = 0.82), procedure of SAS where supplement treatment served as the whole-plot
first service conception rates of those heifers detected in estrus (P = and implant treatment served as the sub-plot. Orthogonal contrasts
0.87), conception rates to timed AI (P = 0.19), or overall first conception were used to determine the effects of supplementation, supplement
rates (P = 0.65). Heifers fed camelina co-products maintained growth type, implantation and implant type. Protein supplementation increased
and reproductive performance comparable to heifers fed the control (P < 0.05) BW and ADG by 12 and 0.16 kg, respectively. Compared
supplement. Therefore, camelina co-products can replace conventional with CSM, DDGS improved (P < 0.05) ADG by 0.05 kg resulting in
corn-soybean meal supplements. improved supplement efficiency (2.39 vs. 3.49 kg of supplement per
kg of additional ADG for DDGS and CSM, respectively). Implantation
Key Words: beef heifers, supplementation, biodiesel co-products
increased final BW (P = 0.02) and improved ADG 8.1% (P < 0.05)
during the first ~95 d, but implant type had no influence on rate of BW
28 Use of a portable near infrared spectrophotometer to predict gain during this period. During the final ~31 d of the grazing season
nutrient composition of feces from Holstein cattle fed high-concen- there was no difference in ADG for Ralgro and non-implanted steers,
trate diets. J. D. Allen,* D. R. Tolleson, L. W. Hall, C. D. Burrows, while Component TE-G increased (P < 0.05) ADG by 0.08 kg. Steer
G. Xie, and G. C. Duff, University of Arizona, Tucson. performance was enhanced when supplemental CSM was replaced by
DDGS. Furthermore, Component TE-G implants enhanced weight gain
Our objective was to evaluate the application of a chute-side near infra- further into the grazing season than Ralgro.
red spectrophotometer (NIRS) analysis to predict nutrient composition
of feces from Holstein cattle. Growing Holstein cattle (42 steers and 2 Key Words: implants, supplementation, grazing steers
freemartin heifers; average initial BW = 220 kg) were fed either 86 or
90% steam-flaked corn-based concentrate diets (3 pens/diet with 7 to 8
30 The effect of morbidity on feedlot performance and carcass
animals/pen). Fecal samples were collected in plastic bags and scanned
quality in feedlot steers. K. J. Austin*1, J. L. Seabrook1, T. E. Engle1,
within 2 h after collection using an ASD Field Spec NIRS unit (Boulder,
R. K. Peel1, C. M. McAllister1, B. W. Brigham1, R. M. Enns1, R. L.
CO). Spectra were collected under ambient conditions using a contact
Weaber2, H. Van Campen1, G. H. Loneran3, J. L. Salak-Johnson4, and C.
probe. Samples were then dried at 60°C, ground in a Wiley mill to pass
C. L. Chase5, 1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 2University of
a 1 mm screen and analyzed for DM, CP, NDF and ADF. Calibrations
Missouri, Columbia, 3West Texas A & M University, Canyon, 4University
were developed using samples collected on d 0 and 28 with log 1/R
of Illinois, Urbana, 5South Dakota State University, Brookings.
spectra in the 1,100 to 2,400 nm range. Partial least squares (PLS)
regression in SAS was used to develop calibrations. Cross validation The objective of this project was to examine the effects of morbidity in
was employed to determine the number of PLS factors to use. Simple feedlot cattle on animal performance, carcass quality, and subsequent
regression was used to evaluate the relationship between observed and carcass value. Performance and morbidity data were collected over a 2
predicted constituent values. Although regression values were moder- year period (year 1 n = 1551; year 2 n = 1319). Steers were randomly
ate for predicting CP (R2 = 0.88) and fair for DM (R2 = 0.68) and NDF assigned to 9-head pens and fed a commercial feedlot ration for 230 ± 5 d
(R2 = 0.62), prediction regression values for ADF were statistically (year 1 and year 2) with an average entry weight of 224 kg or 219 kg for
significant (P < 0.01) but not predictive (R2 = 0.34). Our data indicate year one or 2, respectively. Body weight and ultrasound measurements
that while our calibrations were variably successful, validations were of ribeye area (REA), intramuscular fat (IMF) and backfat (BF) were
mostly unsuccessful (R2 < 0.4). Lack of validation success is most likely collected at 6day intervals between d0 and d180. Animal performance
due to small sample number and limited range of values. However, data in conjunction with yield and quality grade measurements at the
this project has illustrated a relationship between NIR spectra and the time of slaughter were analyzed to determine impacts on performance
observed laboratory values for these constituents, and that the use of a resulting from feedlot morbidity. Morbidity was defined as behavioral
portable NIRS on-site may improve the nutritional management of a and/or physical abnormalities observed during daily rounds (between
commercial feedlot. 0700 and 0900), severe enough to warrant pharmaceutical treatment and/
or isolation pens from designated treatment pens. For year one, morbid-
Key Words: NIRS, Holstein, nutrient composition
ity was a source of variation for ultrasound BF and REA measurements
(P < 0.01, P = 0.02, respectively), and resulted in lower final live body
29 Effects of implant type and protein source on growth perfor- weight (P = 0.01). For year 2, morbidity was a source of variation for
mance of steers grazing summer pasture. C. P. McMurphy,* E. D. final live body weight and hot carcass weight (HCW) (P < 0.01), and
Sharman, D. A. Cox, G. W. Horn, and D. L. Lalman, Oklahoma State calculated yield grade was marginally lower in morbid steers (P = 0.08).
University, Stillwater. Feedlot morbidity was a factor in reducing the performance and ultimate
carcass yield from the steers in this experiment.
Implants consistently increase performance 10 to 15% in grazing
cattle and supplemental protein is necessary in late summer when Key Words: carcass characteristics, feedlot performance, morbidity
forage is maturing and rumen ammonia-N is first limiting. Therefore,
10 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
31 Changes in hepatic gene expression in steers administered analysis, RNA was extracted from liver tissues of 8 randomly selected
high-S water with or without supplemental Mo. K. L. Kessler*1, steers within each treatment. Genes selected for analysis included Reg1,
K. C. Olson2, C. L. Wright2, K. J. Austin1, and K. M. Cammack1, TGFβ1, INHβA, Iβ2, TG2, and APP, all of which were affected by high-S
1University of Wyoming, Laramie, 2South Dakota State University, water in a previous study. Relative expression values were tested for
Brookings. treatment differences using the GLM procedure of SAS. Expression of
TG2 tended to be greater in HS steers than LS (P = 0.08) and HSMO
High-S water is associated with reduced performance, poor health, and
(P = 0.06) steers. However, TG2 expression was not different between
an increased incidence of polioencephalomalacia (PEM) in ruminant
LS and HSMO steers, indicating that Mo prevented the change in TG2
livestock. Changes in expression of immune function and inflammatory
expression induced by high-S water. Expression of APP was lower
response genes have been shown in steers administered high-S water.
in HSMO steers than both LS (P < 0.001) and HS (P = 0.04) steers.
Our objective was to determine changes in hepatic gene expression
No differences in APP expression were detected between LS and HS
in steers administered low-S water or high-S water with or without
steers, indicating that the downregulation of APP in the HSMO steers
supplemental Mo. Yearling steers (n = 96) were randomly assigned to a
was due to the Mo treatment, not the high-S water. No other changes
low-S water (LS; 375 mg SO4/L), high-S water (HS; 2,218 mg SO4/L),
in gene expression were observed. Results from this study indicate
or high-S water plus Mo (HSMO; 2,218 mg SO4/L; 100 mg Mo/kg DM)
that hepatic gene expression is altered in response to high-S water
treatment for 56 d. Body weights were recorded on d −1, 29, and 57,
and possibly Mo treatment. Further work is needed to determine other
and liver biopsies were conducted on d 57. Feed intake (as-fed basis)
genes and metabolic pathways affected by high-S water consumption
was lower in HSMO steers than HS (P = 0.018) and LS (P = 0.002)
in ruminant livestock.
steers. Also, ADG was lower (P < 0.001) in HSMO steers than LS and
HS steers, with HS steers being intermediate. For real-time RT-PCR Key Words: gene expression, sulfate water, beef cattle
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 11
Symposium: National Extension Workshop: The Impact of Major Food Policy
Shifts on the US Food Supply and its Producers: Animal Welfare Issues
32 Washington Update. R. D. Reynnells,* USDA/NIFA/PAS, 34 Animal agricultural conflict as competing worldviews. W.
Washington, DC. Jamison,* Cornerstone Public Relations, LLC, Tequesta, FL.
The 2010 Extension Special Recognition Award is presented to Greg Animal Agriculture in industrialized nations has become the locus of
Martin, The Pennsylvania State University. Greg has been an inte- intense conflict regarding the proper role and treatment of animals. Most
gral part of the planning for the Poultry Science Association (PSA) analysis of the related animal welfare issues involves physiological,
National Extension Workshop, member and Chair of the PSA Exten- behavioral, or economic research focused on confinement systems and
sion Committee and made significant other contributions to extension their impacts on the animal. Nonetheless, all of these analytic constructs
programming. On October 1, 2009 the National Institute of Food and are socially derived in that the larger social and political context defines
Agriculture replaced the Cooperative State Research, Education and what constitutes acceptable research and valid questions. However, this
Extension Service. Multi-state research committees are creating inno- paper argues that animal welfare can be better understood as a social
vative programs: the NCCC209 (Agricultural Bioethics) and NC1029 conflict between the competing worldviews regarding animals and their
(Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare) collaborated on a USDA edu- roles in human life. Consumptive-instrumentalist worldviews accept
cational grant. A 5 year portfolio review for Plant and Animal Systems that animals and animal products will be slaughtered and consumed for
was completed in 2009, but otherwise are conducted internally each human benefit; hence animal welfare becomes a function of that reality.
year. Areas of primary responsibility are: (Knowledge Area (KA) 306, Aesthetic-instrumentalist worldviews conversely understand the role of
Environmental Stress in Animals; KA308, Improved Animal Products animals as companions or in other aesthetic roles for human benefit,
(Before Harvest); KA315, Animal Welfare). The 2009 Southern Region hence animals are protected from consumptive uses. These 2 views are
(Quadrennial) Poultry Extension Workshop, was held in Raleigh, NC, irreconcilable in that consumptive-instrumentalism results in animal
(contact Ken Anderson, NC). Edgar Oviedo (NC) is the coordinator of death, while the goal of aesthetic-instrumentalism is the perpetuation
the 2010 National Poultry Waste Management Symposium. The 2009 of animals for human benefit.
Future Trends in Animal Agriculture symposium provided a balanced
discussion on what animal production and processing would and should
look like in 2030, and other animal welfare (AW) issues. The Council 35 Update on the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals
for Agricultural Science and Technology scheduled their Food Animal in Research and Teaching. J. J. McGlone*1 and J. Swanson2, 1Texas
Agriculture Symposium for June, 2010. The annual Animal Welfare Tech University, Lubbock, 2Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Assessment Contest is open to undergraduate, graduate and veterinary In January 2010, the third edition of the Ag Guide was published. The
students at Land Grant and other universities, and was held at Michigan first edition was in 1988 and the first revision was in 1999. The third
State University. The contest focuses on AW and animal behavior areas, edition of the Ag Guide had 62 authors with expertise in each common
and emphasizes the importance of collaboration between disciplines species of farm animal and from each major discipline of the animal
and commodities to address AW and related issues. Bioethics (ethics as sciences. In addition, the authors represented the diversity of the FASS
applied to biological systems) is an important component of discussions membership and Veterinarians and Agricultural Engineers. This updated
of AW and animal rights concepts and issues. Bioethics discussions help Ag Guide is different in some meaningful ways. Previous editions used
us understand value-driven perspectives of members of society, and the title of agricultural animals in agricultural teaching and research. The
proposed mandated restrictions regarding animal use. title was changed by deleting the second use of the word agricultural. The
Key Words: special recognition award, animal welfare, bioethics authors concluded that this Guide applies to care of agricultural animals
in any type of research and teaching (biomedical or agricultural). Two
new chapters were added: farm animal handling and transport, and envi-
33 The impact of major food policy shifts on the US food supply ronmental enrichment. The husbandry and animal health chapters were
and its producers: Animal welfare issues. J. Reynolds,* University reorganized and expanded. Information on biosecurity and genetically
of California, Davis. engineered animals was added. The scientific literature was updated in
each species chapter. The veal chapter was deleted and information in
Major governmental policy shifts that have impacted the welfare of farm
calf husbandry was added to the beef and dairy chapters. The revised
animals in the US have included changes in farm subsidy programs,
Ag Guide suggests that all animal uses be understood and managed by
milk price supports, subsidizing ethanol production and increasing
the institution, including field studies on commercial farms. The revised
environmental regulations. These have had effect on the consolidation
Ag Guide will be a useful resource to people that conduct and oversee
of farm production and subsequent changes in animal housing and man-
research and teaching using agricultural animals.
agement. In the US many policies are determined by the private sector,
not the government. This has been the case with farm welfare issues. Key Words: animal care, animal welfare, animal research
Because our society prefers industries to set standards or regulations
the trend in the US has been for retailers of food products to work to
develop welfare standards tolerated by consumers. Examples using the 36 Update on horse slaughter. K. Martinson*1 and T. Lenz2, 1Uni-
housing of poultry and sows and cattle tail docking and dehorning will versity of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2Pfizer Animal Health, Louisburg, KS.
be discussed to illustrate the effects of governmental policy driving Slaughter is the humane ending of an animal’s life under federal regula-
consolidation and production efficiency and the attempts by retailers tion when the carcass is processed for food. Legislation surrounding
to counteract the dissonance in animal welfare experienced by animals horse slaughter began in 2001 when a bill prohibiting the transport of
and consumers. horses to slaughter was introduced. This bill was never taken up by the
House. In 2003 and 2004, The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act
12 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(HR 857) was introduced to prohibit the slaughter of horses for human remaining horse processing plants in the US. In 2008, The Prevention
consumption. A similar bill was introduced in the Senate (S 2352). of Equine Cruelty Act (HR 6598) was introduced and aimed to impose
Both limited the methods available for euthanasia of horses, including a fine or prison term for possessing, shipping, or transporting horses
penetrating captive bolt, the method used at processing plants. Neither or horse parts for human consumption. The bill was reintroduced in
bill moved out of committee. The Horse Slaughter Prohibition Bill (HR 2009 (HR 503) but has not been taken up by the House. In 2009, the
503) was introduced in the House in 2005 and aimed to prohibit the Senate ordered an investigation into the impact that banning US horse
sale or transportation of horses to slaughter for human consumption. slaughter has had on horse welfare and farm income. The study should
A similar bill was introduced in the Senate (S 1915). In 2006, HR 503 be released by March 2010. Some states have also introduced horse
passed the House, but was not taken up by the Senate. In 2007, HR 503 slaughter bills. A consequence of banning equine processing has been
was reintroduced along with a new Senate bill (S 311). Both bills aimed an increase in unwanted horses. In MN, the number of horses involved
to end slaughter of the US horse for human consumption and prohibited in humane cases increased 411% between 2003 and 2008. This issue is
export to other countries. Neither bill has moved forward. In 2007, a likely to influence development and content of future equine Extension
1949 TX law that prohibited the slaughter of horses was discovered programs across the US.
and enforced. That same year, IL bill HB 1711 was passed and banned
Key Words: horse, slaughter, legislation
slaughter of horses for human consumption in IL. Both bills closed the
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 13
Monday, July 12, 2010
Animal Behavior and Well-Being: Livestock
M1 Rubber flooring impact on health of dairy cows. S. D. Eicher*1, tions cows remained in a straw bedded-pack dry-cow pen. Production
D. C. Lay Jr.1, J. D. Arthington2, and M. M. Schutz3, 1USDA-ARS, West and health data were recorded throughout both lactations. Date left was
Lafayette, IN, 2University of Florida, Ona, 3Purdue University, West recorded for each cow or considered to be 4 years after first calving for
Lafayette, IN. cows still in the herd. Milk, fat, and protein; somatic cell scores (SCS);
and numbers of days open and inseminations were analyzed as linear
Rubber flooring in dairies has become popular because of perceived
models using Proc Mixed of SAS. Explanatory variables in models
cow comfort. The objective of this longitudinal study was to evaluate
included fixed effects of treatment, age and year-season of calving,
locomotion, stress, and immunity over the first 180d of each of the 1st
and number of days open. Days from calving to exiting the herd were
and 2nd lactations of cows assigned to free-stall housing with either
analyzed separately by parity. RUB increased mature equivalent (ME)
rubber (RUB) or concrete (CON) at the feed-alley of their housing.
fat (488 vs 432 kg), ME protein (364 vs 326 kg), and protein % (2.99
Cows entered the experiment at d −60 before 1st (n = 30) lactation and
vs 2.81%) and persistency of the milk lactation curve (114 vs 106%)
were observed over 2 lactations. Between lactations cows remained in a
(P < 0.04) and tended to increase fat % (4.02 vs 3.70%) (P < 0.10) in
straw bedded-pack dry-cow pen. Locomotion scores and blood samples
first parity. However, for second parity, CON increased ME fat (524 vs
were obtained at approximately −60, −30, 0, +7 and weekly through d
432 kg) (P < 0.04) and tended to increase fat % (3.95 vs 3.49%) (P <
+189 relative to calving throughout 2 lactations. Data were analyzed as
0.08). Treatment did not affect days of herd life from first calving, but
a completely randomized design with repeated measures. Chi Square
those cows calving a second time tended to remain in the herd more
analysis was used to evaluate hoof pathologies. Cortisol responses were
days after second calving on CON (660 vs 368 d) (P < 0.08). Treatment
only affected by d (P = 0.05). White blood cell (WBC) counts increased
by parity interactions were confirmed in repeated records analyses.
for CON cows compared with RUB cows after d 63 through 182. WBC
These data indicate that flooring can influence production and herd life.
counts returned to similar counts of RUB cows over the dry period, but
Rubber flooring for cow comfort may not be justified solely in terms
quickly became greater than those of CON cows after parturition (9.0,
of yields and herd life.
9.5, and 7.8, and 11.0, 8.8, and 13.0 × 106 cells/mL for RUB and CON
cows at d 142, parturition, and d 142 of 2nd lactation; treatment by d Key Words: housing, production, rubber flooring
interaction, P < 0.01). Neutrophil counts only tended to be affected by
d (P = 0.10) and a weak trend (P = 0.13) for a treatment by d interaction
was detected. Lymphocyte counts followed the pattern of WBC counts, M3 Motivation to walk affects speed but not gait score in dairy
but only had a trend (P = 0.08) for a treatment by d effect (4.9, 5.1, and cattle. A. K. Barrientos*, M. A. G. von Keyserlingk, and D. M. Weary,
5.3, and 6.8, 5.1, and 8.4 × 106 cells/mL for RUB and CON cows at d University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
142, parturition, and d 142 of 2nd lactation; treatment by d interaction, Gait scoring systems have been developed as a tool to improve early
P < 0.01). Monocytes counts were not affected by treatment or time (P detection and treatment of lameness; however, a variety of confounding
> 0.10). Haptoglobin (treatment by d interaction, P = 0.15) and cerulo- factors including motivation to walk to toward an attractive resource
plasmin (week effect, P = 0.08) were not affected by treatment. Hoof (such as fresh feed) may affect the way cows walk. Our aim was to vary
pathology was different by number of treatments that were required motivation to walk (by providing a food reward) testing the prediction
(RUB = 2.1 and CON = 1.4; P = 0.03). Lame and sound classifications that increased motivation will a) increase walking speed and b) reduce
were not different between treatments (P = 0.13). These data show that gait score (i.e., make lame cows appear sound). Eleven cows, scored
flooring affected cow hoof and leg health and altered immune cell counts, for presence and severity of hoof lesions and balanced for lameness,
which may indicate an underlying chronic inflammation. were trained to walk individually down a 16 m test alley. Cows received
Key Words: innate immunity, rubber flooring, stress 4 training sessions per day; during each session cows were randomly
assigned to either receive a food reward (from a feed bin visible from the
end of the alley) or not. After 5 d of training cows were tested using the
M2 Rubber flooring impact on production and herdlife of dairy same procedure. Walking speed (m/s) was recorded electronically using
cows. M. M. Schutz*1 and S. D. Eicher2, 1Purdue University, West light sensors. Gait was scored using a 1-to-5 numerical rating system
Lafayette, IN, 2USDA- ARS, West Lafayette, IN. (NRS; 1 = sound, 5 = severely lame) and a continuous 100-unit visual
analog scale (VAS) of 6 gait attributes (back arch, head bob, tracking-up,
Use of rubber flooring in dairies has become popular because of per-
joint flexion, asymmetric steps, and reluctance to bear weight). Cows
ceived cow comfort. The overall objective of this longitudinal study was
walked faster when they were given a reward than when they were
to evaluate production, reproduction, and retention of first and second
not rewarded (1.22 ± 0.02 m/s vs. 1.01 ± 0.02 m/s, P < 0.001). This
lactations of cows assigned to either rubber (RUB) or concrete (CON)
increase in walking speed tended to be lower for cows with sole ulcers,
flooring at the feed alley. Feeding system included headlocks; and cows
interdigital hyperplasia or both than for cows without these conditions
were fed once daily, with feed pushed up 5 times daily. Grooved concrete
(0.16 ± 0.04 m/s vs. 0.28 ± 0.05 m/s, P = 0.08). Provision of a reward
cow alleys provided access to 2 rows of free stalls in each pen. Cows
had no effect on NRS (3.26 ± 0.04 vs. 3.34 ± 0.04, P = 0.20). However,
entered the experiment at d −60 before 1st (n = 13 for CON and n = 17
the food reward affected certain gait characteristics; cows had greater
for RUB) lactation and were observed over 2 lactations. Between lacta-
back arch (54 ± 1 vs. 50 ± 1, P = 0.01), but better tracking up (44 ± 3
14 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
vs. 53 ± 3, P = 0.05), when provided a food reward. These results show barn. Pens were balanced for parity, milk production, days in milk, and
that motivation to walk affects walking speed and gait attributes likely somatic cell count. Treatments were imposed for 14 d using a 4 × 4 Latin
affected by speed (back arch and tracking up), but that overall gait score square design. DMI was assessed at the pen-level over the final 3 d of
remains consistent. each period. Fecal cortisol metabolites were measured from samples
collected from the focal cows (n = 12) in each pen on d 13 and d 14 of
Key Words: lameness, locomotion, reliability
each period. Udder and leg hygiene was assessed using a scale of 1-to-4
on the focal cows, who were groomed on d 1 of each period and scored
M4 Resting patterns of dairy cows and housing characteristics. A. on d 14. Data were analyzed using MIXED procedure of SAS. DMI (26.4
Bach*1,2 and I. Guasch1, 1Department of Ruminant Production, IRTA, ± 0.6 kg/d) was unaffected by treatment (P > 0.10). Cortisol metabolites
Caldes de Montbui, Spain, 2ICREA, Barcelona, Spain. (3.2 ± 0.2 ng/g; P = 0.21) and udder hygiene score (1.8 ± 0.1; P = 0.99)
did not differ among treatments. Leg hygiene scores differed between
One hundred and 41 lactating Holstein cows (milk yield = 37.1 ± 7.6 131 (2.5 ± 0.2) and 142% (2.8 ± 0.2; P = 0.03). The mean score when
kg/d, DIM = 136 ± 67 d) wearing a pedometer able to record daily housed at 100 and 113% (2.6 ± 0.2) indicated this observed difference
number of lying bouts and lying time were monitored for a period of 6 mo was not biologically meaningful. Overall, the results suggest that well-
to evaluate whether resting behavior was affected by the characteristics being, as defined within this experiment, was not affected by short-term
of different pens within a farm. Cows were distributed in 8 different overcrowding. However, further research is needed to determine if the
pens holding an average of 67 ± 14 cows with about 25% of the cows same responses are observed over longer durations.
in each pen wearing a pedometer. All cows received the same ration and
were milked 3 times daily. Average ratios of stalls and feedbunk per cow Key Words: dairy cow, overcrowding, well-being
were 1.0 ± 0.22 and 1.12 ± 0.17, respectively. Average distance from
the neck rail to end the of the stall was 186 ± 12.2 cm, and the diagonal
M6 Greater feed bin stocking density increases the social aggres-
from the top of the neck rail to rear of the stall was 226 ± 7.3 cm. Stall
sion of postpartum dairy cows. P. D. Krawczel*1,2, D. M. Weary3, R.
design was not confounded with DIM, as several pens with different stall
J. Grant1, and M. A. G. von Keyserlingk3, 1William H. Miner Agricultural
designs had the same number of DIM. Resting activities were averaged
Research Institute, Chazy, NY, 2The University of Vermont, Department
within pen, and a weighted regression analysis (including the proportion
of Animal Science, Burlington, 3Animal Welfare Program, University
of animals wearing a pedometer in each pen as a weighting variable)
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
with DIM as a covariate was used to determine associations between
different housing parameters and lying time across pens. Average resting Beyond dry matter intake, feed bunk management practices that affect
time was 11.4 ± 0.98 h/d distributed in 15.5 ± 2.2 bouts/d. Lying time feeding-related behaviors may influence the welfare of postpartum dairy
tended (P < 0.10) to be positively correlated with DIM. The numbers of cows. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of feed
stalls and feed bunk spaces per cow were positively correlated (r = 0.98 bin stocking densities of 100% (1:1, bin:cow), 133% (1: 1.33), 150%
and 0.74, respectively) with resting time. The distance between the neck (1:1.5), and 200% (1:2) on the feeding and social behavior of dairy cows
rail and the end of the stall and the diagonal from the top of the neck during the 3 wk after parturition. Two groups of multiparous, Holstein
rail to the end of the stall were also positively correlated (r = 0.69 and cows (n = 24) with no clinical illness were housed sequentially in a pen
0.72, respectively) with lying time. Stall curb height was negatively cor- containing 36 freestalls (freestall stocking density was 67%) and 18 feed
related (r = −0.87) with lying. Cows lying on stalls with 25 cm or lower bins. The pen was managed as a dynamic group to keep stocking density
curb heights (50% of the pens) rested for 12.3 ± 0.67 h/d and those on constant. Daily visits to the feed bin were recorded by an electronic
stalls with curb heights above 25 cm rested 10.3 ± 0.33 h/d. Providing feeding system. Meals and total meal time (defined as time feeding
sufficient number of stalls and feedbunk space should improve lying from bin plus time of within meal intervals) were calculated from the
time. In addition, when designing stalls, an attempt should be made to bimodal distribution of the frequency of the intervals between visits to
minimizing curb height and maximizing the diagonal between the end the feed bins. Social behavior was defined as the number of successful
the top of the neck rail and the rear end of the cubicle. displacements from the feed bin. Displacements were recorded for 3
h following 6 consecutive deliveries of a total mix ration during wk 2
Key Words: behavior, lying, housing
of each cow’s lactation. Data were analyzed as a randomized design
using the mixed procedure of SAS. The model included week as the
repeated measure for feeding behavior. Feed bin visits decreased after
M5 Short-term overcrowding did not affect the feed intake, wk 1 (P < 0.001) and a treatment by week interaction was evident (P
hygiene, or stress response of Holstein dairy cows. P. D. Krawc- = 0.03). Meals decreased (from 8.4 ± 0.2 to 7.5 ± 0.2 per day; P <
zel*1,2, L. B. Klaiber1, R. E. Butzler1, L. M. Klaiber1, M. P. Carter1, 0.001) and total meal time increased (from 3.8 ± 0.1 to 4.9 ± 0.1 h/d;
H. M. Dann1, C. S. Mooney1, and R. J. Grant1, 1William H. Miner P < 0.001) from wk 1 to wk 3, but were not affected by treatment (P
Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY, 2The University of Vermont, > 0.80) or treatment by day interaction (P > 0.10). At 200%, cows
Department of Animal Science, Burlington. initiated more displacements (P < 0.03) and were involved in a greater
Access to feeding and resting resources is critical to the welfare of dairy total number of interactions (P ≤ 0.05) than the other treatments, but
cows. The objective of this study was to determine whether housing were only displaced more (P = 0.04) than the 100% cows. These results
Holstein dairy cows at stocking densities of 100 (1 cow per stall and are consistent with earlier work on transition cows showing increased
headlock), 113, 131, and 142% would affect the well-being (assessed aggressive interactions with overcrowding. Future work should consider
from dry matter intake (DMI), fecal cortisol metabolites and udder and the role of freestall overcrowding or clinical illness on the response to
leg hygiene). Multiparous cows (n = 96) and primiparous cows (n = feed bunk competition.
40) were assigned to 1 of 4 pens (34 cows per pen) in a 4-row freestall Key Words: dairy cow, behavior, competition
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 15
M7 Lying and standing behavior on farms using deep-bedded TMR-0.34 (13.2), and TMR-S (15.1) treatments. For the TMR-S treat-
versus mattress freestalls. K. Ito*, M. A. G. von Keyserlingk, and D. ment, heifers displaced each other 8.7 times per day during the rest of
M. Weary, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. the day while consuming straw. As result, there was more competition
at the feed bunk on the TMR-S treatment over the course of the day as
Freestall dairy herds using mattresses experience a higher prevalence of
compared with the other treatments (23.8 vs. 13.1; SE = 2.9; P = 0.05).
lameness than do herds using deep-bedded stalls. This difference may be
The results suggest that neither increased feed bunk space, nor provi-
due to reduced comfort of mattresses as a lying surface, but the effects
sion of a low nutritive feedstuff, will reduce competition for, or slow
of mattresses on lying and standing behaviors are not well understood.
consumption rates of, a limit-fed TMR.
The aim of this study was to compare lying and standing behavior on
commercial farms using mattresses with minimal bedding (MAT; n = Key Words: limit-feeding, dairy heifer, feed bunk space
17) versus those using deep-bedded stalls with sand or sawdust bedding
(DB; n = 12). We have previously reported lameness prevalence for
these 29 freestall herds: 10.3% severe lameness (score ≥4 on a 5-point M9 Effect of feed type exposure on diet selection behavior of dairy
gait scoring system) on MAT farms versus 4.6% on DB farms. Using calves. E. K. Miller-Cushon* and T. J. DeVries, Dept. of Animal and
electronic data loggers attached to the hind leg, lying behavior of 48 Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus, Kemptville,
± 2 focal cows/farm were recorded at 1-min intervals for 5 d, from ON, Canada.
which mean lying time (h/d) and the SD of lying time (h/d) among Dairy cattle exhibit characteristic feeding behavior patterns which may
cows within farm were calculated. Numbers of cows that were standing be influenced by early experiences. The objective of this study was to
fully inside stall, perching with only 2 feet inside stall, lying down in determine how early exposure to different feed types affects diet selec-
stall, and feeding were counted on each farm during one farm visit 2 tion behavior (sorting) of dairy calves once fed a mixed ration. Eight
h before afternoon milking. Stall Standing Index (SSI) was calculated Holstein bull calves were randomly assigned at birth to a feed exposure
as the percentage of cows in the pen not feeding that are standing or treatment: 1) concentrate (CONC) or 2) hay (HAY), offered ad libitum.
perching in the freestall. Effect of stall base on each behavioral variable All calves received 8L/d of milk, incrementally reduced after 4 weeks to
was tested using a t-test. Lying time averaged 11.0 ± 0.7 (mean ± SD) enable weaning by the end of wk 7. After milk weaning, all calves were
h/d, and did not differ with stall base (P = 0.5). However, the variation fed a mixed ration containing 60% concentrate and 40% chopped hay
(SD) in lying time was greater on MAT farms compared with DB farms (as is basis) for 9 weeks. Intake was recorded and calves were weighed
(2.1 ± 0.07 h/d vs. 1.8 ± 0.08 h/d, respectively, P = 0.005). SSI at the 3x/week. Daily samples of fresh feed and orts from each calf were taken
time of assessment was 21.6 ± 1.9% on MAT farms compared with 12.0 biweekly to determine dry matter intake (DMI), and duplicate samples
± 1.2% on DB farms (P < 0.001). In summary, farms using mattresses were taken on wk 8, 12, and 16 for particle size analysis. The separator
have more variable lying times, and cows on these farms spend more had 3 screens (19, 8, and 1.18mm), producing long, medium, short, and
time standing and perching in the freestall. fine particle fractions. Sorting of each fraction was calculated as actual
Key Words: lameness, cow comfort, stall design intake as a percentage of predicted intake. Sorting values >100% indicate
sorting for, while values <100% indicate sorting against. Data were
analyzed using a repeated measures mixed model. CONC calves tended
M8 Limit-feeding dairy heifers: Effects of feed bunk space and to have higher DMI than HAY both pre-weaning (0.49 vs. 0.16kg/d; SE
provision of a low nutritive feedstuff. K. Stevenson, B. L. Kitts, A. M. = 0.12; P = 0.09) and post-weaning (3.3 vs. 2.6 kg/d; SE = 0.21; P =
Greter, and T. J. DeVries*, Dept. Animal and Poultry Science, University 0.06). Pre-weaning weights were similar (P = 0.4) but CONC calves had
of Guelph, Kemptville Campus, Kemptville, ON, Canada. higher weights post-weaning (118.1 vs. 104.6 kg; SE = 4.0; P = 0.05).
Initially after weaning, calves sorted for familiar feed; CONC calves
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of feed bunk space
sorted for short particles (126.4 ± 4.6%; P < 0.01), which were mainly
and provision of a low nutritive feedstuff on the behavior of limit-fed
concentrate, while HAY did not (94.2 ± 8.5%; P = 0.3). HAY calves
dairy heifers. Twelve Holstein dairy heifers (391.1 ± 44.8 d of age; 415.4
tended to sort for long particles (113.4 ± 10.6%; P = 0.08), which were
± 47.2 kg), divided in groups of 3, were exposed to each of 3 treatments
solely hay, while CONC calves sorted against them (56.4 ± 12.6%; P
in a Latin square design with 7-d periods. The treatments were: 1) 0.68m
< 0.01). By wk 12, sorting was similar between treatments (P > 0.15),
of feed bunk space/heifer (TMR-0.68), 2) 0.34m of feed bunk space/
with both CONC and HAY calves sorting (P < 0.01) for short (117.4 ±
heifer (TMR-0.34), and 3) 0.34m of feed bunk space/heifer with straw
3.0, 120.5 ± 2.7%) and against long particles (62.4 ± 6.8, 54.4 ± 4.9%).
(up to 2kg/animal/d) provided (TMR-S). All heifers were fed a TMR
The results indicated that feed familiarity affected initial diet selection
at a restricted level (1.9% of BW), which contained (DM basis) 19.9%
post-weaning, but did not have any lasting effect.
haylage, 20.1% corn silage, 49.6% high moisture corn, and 10.4% pro-
tein supplement. Group DMI was recorded daily. Feeding behavior and Key Words: feed selection, dairy calves
displacements from the feed bunk were recorded for the last 4 d of each
period. Data were analyzed in a general linear mixed model. Heifers
consumed more DM on the TMR-S treatment provided compared with M10 Lying time and animal activity after surgical castration of
the TMR-0.68 and TMR-0.34 treatments (9.4 vs 7.8kg/d; SE = 0.07, P Holstein bulls recorded with pedometers. S. Marti*1, M. Devant1,
= 0.001). Feeding time was also longer on the TMR-S treatment (147.7 and A. Bach1,2, 1Department of Ruminant Production, IRTA, Barcelona,
min/d) compared with the TMR-0.68 and TMR-0.34 treatments (64.5 Spain, 2ICREA, Barcelona, Spain.
min/d; SE = 5.5; P = 0.005). Within the TMR-S treatment, feeding time The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of surgical castration on
on straw was 80.4 min/d, thus the rate of consumption of only the TMR lying time and animal activity. A pedometer was placed in the left hind
was similar across all treatments. During the first 90 min following feed leg of 86 animals (27 bulls, 29 steers castrated at 3 mo of age, and 30
delivery, when all TMR consumption occurred, very little time (4.0 ± bulls castrated at 8 mo of age during the study) randomly chosen from a
1.6 min) was spent consuming straw on the TMR-S treatment. During total of 132 animals (initial age = 232 ± 4.4 d). Animals were allocated
that 90-min time period, the frequency of displacements from the feed in 6 pens (2 pens for each treatment). The study started 5 d before bulls
bunk was similar (SE = 2.4; P = 0.5) between the TMR-0.68 (13.0), were surgically castrated and finished 10 d after. Each pen had one
16 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
computerized concentrate feeder (GEA SurgeWestfalia, Germany), one M12 Correlations between production traits and dairy cattle
straw feeder, and one drinker. Animals received concentrate and straw welfare indicators in 19 farms in southern Brazil. G. B. Bond*1, A.
ad libitum. Daily lying time and average number of steps per hour were Ostrensky2, R. Almeida1, and C. F. M. Molento1, 1Universidade Federal
automatically recorded using a pedometer (E.N.G.S. Systems, Alma- do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil, 2Pontifícia Universidade Católica do
gor, Israel). The statistical model included gender, day and their 2-way Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
interaction, as fixed effects, and pen as a random effect. An interaction
The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between animal
(P < 0.05) was observed between treatment and day in lying time. From
welfare and production indicators for lactating cows in 19 dairy farms
castration day until 5 d later, surgically castrated bulls spent a lesser
in southern Brazil, during the winter of 2009. The studied farms used
amount of time lying (10.1 ± 1.88 h) than bulls and steers (12.7 ± 0.65
confined or semi-confined systems, and had a median of 211 (max. 480,
h and 13.2 ± 0.89 h, respectively). Steers activity (48 ± 5.0 steps/h) was
min. 80) lactating Holstein cows with a mean daily production of 33.6
54% lesser (P < 0.01) than that of bulls (106 ± 5.0 steps/h). Activity
± 10.4 kg/cow. The visits occurred during the morning or afternoon
was also affected (P < 0.001) by an interaction between treatment and
milking. A sample of 50 lactating cows per herd was selected, according
day. Bulls castrated at 8 mo of age showed a reduced activity above
to their position in the milking parlor, for locomotion scoring (0-good,
the first 3 d after castration (69 ± 5.5 steps/h) being lesser than that of
1-imperfect, 2-impaired, 3-severely impaired). After milking, another
bulls (109 ± 22.7 steps/h) but greater than that of steers castrated at 3
sample of 50 lactating cows was selected at the free stall. The animals
mo of age (43 ± 6.2 steps/h). Lying time is reduced during the 5 d fol-
were then scored for claw overgrowth (0–normal, 1–mildly overgrown,
lowing surgical castration. Bulls are more active (steps/h) than steers,
2-severely overgrown), hock lesions (0–healthy, 1–hair loss, 2-abrasion),
and activity of steers decreases immediately after castration and for at
hock swelling (0–healthy, 1–mildly swollen, 2-severely swollen) and
least 10 d after castration remains lesser than that of bulls.
hygiene score (1–clean, 2-slight manure splashes, 3-demarcated plaques
Key Words: beef, behavior, pedometers of manure, 4-confluent plaques of manure). The correlations were ana-
lyzed through Kendall Tau-b correlations in SAS (the CORR procedure).
The correlations show that low BCS was associated to overgrown claws
M11 Dairy cattle welfare assessment in 25 farms in southern and to higher milk yield (−0.153, P < 0.01 and −0.186, P < 0.01). Also,
Brazil. G. B. Bond*1, A. Ostrensky2, R. Almeida1, and C. F. M. later lactation was associated to higher BCS (0.184, P < 0.01). Severe
Molento1, 1Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil, hock lesions were associated to swollen hocks (0.402, P < 0.01). The
2Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil.
cow hygiene indicators for 3 separate body parts are highly correlated.
The objective of this study was to assess the main welfare indicators The correlations between cow dirtiness (side, hind limb and udder) and
for lactating cows in 25 dairy farms in southern Brazil. The participat- milk production were positive (0.132, 0.164 and 0.136, respectively, P
ing farms used confined or semi-confined systems, and had a median < 0.01). Later lactation was associated to less milk yield (−0.308, P <
of 164 (min. 78, max. 480) lactating Holstein cows with a mean daily 0.01) and to cleaner sides and hind limbs (−0.123 with sides, −0.124
production of 28.5 ± 4.1 kg/cow. The visits occurred during the morn- with hind limbs, P < 0.01). There was no clear association between lame-
ing or afternoon milking, when a sample of 20% of the lactating cows ness and milk production. Higher locomotion scores were associated to
was selected for locomotion scoring for locomotion scoring (0-good, more lactations in lifetime (0.229, P < 0.01). The correlations between
1-imperfect, 2-impaired, 3-severely impaired). After milking, other animal welfare indicators and productive traits were generally low, but
sample of 20% of the lactating cows was selected at the free stall. The many are statistically significant. Other studies are needed, correlating
animals were then observed for claw overgrowth (0 = normal, 1 = mildly indicators such as lameness and cow hygiene.
overgrown, 2 = severely overgrown), hock lesions (0 = healthy, 1 = hair Key Words: dairy cows, milk yield, lameness
loss, 2 = abrasion), hock swelling (0 = healthy, 1 = mildly swollen, 2
= severely swollen) and hygiene score (1 = clean, 2 = slight manure
splashes, 3 = demarcated plaques of manure, 4 = confluent plaques of M13 Effect of food restriction on the behavior of penned goats
manure). The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics using the kids. D. Oliveira, I. A. M. A. Teixeira*, S. F. Souza, M. J. R. Paranhos
FREQ procedure of SAS. Most animals (47.7%, min. 0, max. 63.9%) da Costa, K. T. Resende, A. G. Pascoa, O. Boaventura Neto, and T. F.
had imperfect locomotion and 7.6% (min. 0, max. 20%) presented V. Bompadre, Universidade Estadual Paulista/UNESP, Jaboticabal,
the most severe degree. Some of them (6.1%, min. 0, max. 30%) had SP 14884900, Brazil.
overgrown claws, and hock lesions were observed in 41.7% (min. 15%,
The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior and welfare of pre-
max. 65.4%) of the cows; 7.2% (min. 0, max. 34,8%) of the animals had
weaned goat kids submitted to feed restriction. To adjust the period of
severely swollen hocks. Regarding the hygiene score, 10.7% (min.0,
observation, a preliminary trial was carried out to evaluate the circadian
max. 52.9%) had excessively dirty sides (scores 3 and 4), 40.9% (min.
rhythm of 3 male Saanen kids. Direct way (video cameras) observations
0, max. 81%) had excessively dirty hind limbs and 19.3% (min. 0, max.
were conducted to evaluate the frequency and length of the behaviors.
50%) of the cows showed excessively dirty udders. The welfare indica-
Data were analyzed using Rayleigh’s Test of Uniformity (Oriana
tors recognized internationally can also be used in Brazilian intensive
software). Based on the analyses of the circadian rhythm trial, 6 h of
dairy farms. The animals studied face important animal welfare issues,
observation were defined per day: 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 a.m., 1 p.m., 3
and preventive measures should be taken to avoid them. Further studies
p.m., and 4 p.m. Once established the hours for behavioral evaluation,
are needed investigating the causes of the specified problems to improve
27 35 d-old goat kids (males, females, castrates) were subjected to 3
animal welfare assessment.
nutritional levels: without restriction (ad libitum), intermediate restric-
Key Words: cows, lameness, incidence tion (25%) and severe restriction (50%). The individual feed intake
was daily recorded and the behavior observations were determined
considering 11 categories (feeder, water drinker and pen interaction;
reaction to human; active and passive social interaction; standing;
lying; movement; bipedal and self-grooming). The evaluations were
based on the frequency and length of the behaviors, totalizing 702 h
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 17
of observation. Data were analyzed as a 3x3x3 factorial arrangement bunk visits for 10 heifers over 3 consecutive d. Bunk visit frequency
(period of observation x nutritional level x sex) using PROC MIXED. (BVF) and duration (BVD) were computed using software (DAQ4000E
DMI was lower than what is commonly reported for kids at similar age ver. 9.22) at parameter settings (PS) of 30, 60, 100, 150 and 300 s,
(8 g/day of DM), and there were not significant differences between which defines maximum duration between transponder hits for a new
nutritional levels (P = 0.47) and sex (P = 0.27). Kids subjected to severe event (default = 300 s). Meal frequency (MF) and duration (MD) were
feed restriction were less reactive to human and showed less reaction computed from BV data using a meal criteria as 5 min. Daily BVF and
to external stimuli, staying in standing position for longer periods (F = BVD data were split into 4 6-h periods for statistical comparison with
3.71; P = 0.04). Kids in this treatment also showed apathy and depres- observed video data using r2, mean square error of prediction (MSEP),
sion, indicating impaired welfare. All animals presented stereotypes. mean bias (MB), accuracy (Cb), and corrected Akaike’s Information
However, females were more sensitive to restrictive conditions, biting Criterion (AIC). Observed BVF and BVD (mean ± SD) were 12.8 ± 9.1
pen bars more often and for longer periods than other animals. This events and 18.0 ± 12.1 min/6-h period. As PS increased from 30 to 300 s,
study showed that feed restriction affected animal welfare, which calls BVF decreased (16.6, 12.7, 11.9, 11.6 and 11.4 events/6-h, respectively)
attention to the consequences in adopting such technique. and BVD increased (13.4, 16.0, 17.0, 17.7 and 18.3 min, respectively).
Statistical analyses revealed that PS of 60 and 100 s generated predicted
Key Words: behavior stereotype, chronobiology, dairy goat
BVF data most similar to observed data (0.91 and 0.88, 0.1 and 0.2,
0.01 and 0.13, 1.0 and 0.9, and −218 and −192 for r2, MSEP, MB, Cb,
M14 Effect of metabolizable energy levels on the feeding behavior and AIC, respectively), while PS of 100 and 150 s generated predicted
of Santa Inês sheep. R. M. Fontenele*, E. S. Pereira, P. G. Pimentel, BVD data that were most similar to observed data (0.91 and 0.91, 0.2
M. S. de Souza Carneiro, A. B. Selaive Villarroel, and J. G. L. R. Filho, and 0.2, 0.13 and 0.01, 1.0 and 1.0, and −203 and −201 for r2, MSEP,
Federal University Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. MB, Cb, and AIC, respectively). Meal frequency and duration computed
from BV data was minimally affected by PS. These results suggest that
The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding behavior of Santa BVF and BVD computed with a PS of 100 s most accurately predicted
Inês sheep fed different levels of energy (2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/ observed feeding behavior traits, which were on average 94 and 95%
kg DM) in diets. Twenty lambs, average weight of 13 kg ± 0.56 kg and of observed BVF and BVD, respectively.
age 50 d, confined in individual pens with concrete floor and provided
with feeders and drinkers. The animals were weighed, identified and Key Words: feeding behavior, intake
treated for ecto and endoparasites, then distributed in 4 experimental
treatments with different levels of metabolizable energy (2.08, 2.28, 2.47
M16 Feeding behavior and ruminal acidosis in beef cattle offered a
and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM) in a randomized block design with 5 replica-
total mixed ration or dietary components separately. D. Moya*1, A.
tions. The roughage used was the Tifton 85 hay. Since the experimental
Mazzenga2, L. Holtshausen3, G. Cozzi2, L. González4, S. Calsamiglia1,
variables were subjected to ANOVA and regression using the Statistical
D. Gibb3, T. McAllister3, K. Beauchemin3, and K. Schwartzkopf-
Analysis System and Genetic - SAEG. Feeding time, expressed in h/
Genswein3, 1UAB, Barcelona, Spain, 2UP, Padova, Italy, 3Agriculture
day, decreased linearly (P = 0.02) with the increase in energy levels of
Canada, Lethbridge, Canada, 4U of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
experimental diets (5.83, 5.87, 4.85 and 4.77 min/day, levels 2.08, 2.28,
2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively). With regard to leisure time, Eighty continental crossbred beef heifers (414.9 ± 37.9 kg BW), includ-
there was a linear increase (P = 0.03), recording the values of 5.10, 5.65, ing 16 ruminally cannulated, were used in a 52-d experiment conducted
6.14 and 6.50 min/day, to levels 2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, as a complete randomized block design, to asses if, when allowed to
respectively. However, rumination, feeding efficiency (g DM/h and g select their own diet, heifers would choose a proportion of ingredients
NDF/h), and rumination efficiency (g NDF/h), were not affected (P > that prevents drops in ruminal pH and improves the rumen environ-
0.05) by levels of energy in diets. However, the efficiency of rumina- ment. Treatments were: TMR (85% barley-grain, 10% corn silage);
tion (g DM/h), decreased linearly (P = 0.007) with increasing energy free-choice diet (FCD) (BGCS) of barley-grain (BG) and corn silage
levels in diets, recording values of 5.10, 5.65, 6.14 and 6.50 h/day, for (CS); FCD (BGDG) of BG and wheat distillers grain (DG); and FCD
the levels of 2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively. It was (CSDG) of CS and DG. Animals were housed in groups of 10 in 8 pens
observed that the total mastication time (min/day), too, was influenced equipped for automatic recording of feeding events 24 h/d, allowing
(P = 0.02) the energy levels of the experimental diets, with linear effect, for the calculation of individual feeding behavior. Cannulated heifers
with values of 15.56, 14.63, 13, 78 and 13.08 min/day, for the levels were fitted with an indwelling pH probe to record ruminal pH every 60s.
2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively. As for variables Data were summarized as mean pH, and area under the curve (AUC)
such as frequency of regurgitation, frequency of mastication, frequency with pH lower than 5.8. Ruminal samples were taken from cannulated
of mastication and regurgitation of mastication time per regurgitation animals 2 h post-feeding on d 4 and 42, for determination of VFA.
were not affected (P > 0.05) by levels of energy in the diets. Data were analyzed with a mixed model which included treatment,
time and their interactions as fixed effects and pen as a random factor.
Key Words: lamb, roughage:concentrate ratio, ruminants
Heifers fed TMR had lower (P < 0.05) meal length, time, and size than
those fed FCD. Cattle fed BGCS and BGDG increased (P < 0.05) the
M15 Evaluation of feed behavior traits in beef heifers using a proportion of BG intake over the trial up to 80 and 70%, respectively,
GrowSafe intake measurement system. E. Mendes*, G. Cartens, by increasing (P < 0.05) eating rate and maintaining (P > 0.10) feeding
and L. Tedeschi, Texas A&M University, College Station. duration of BG, and increasing (P < 0.05) eating rate but decreasing (P
< 0.05) feeding duration of either CS or DG. Even with these changes,
The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of an electronic feed ruminal pH and VFA profile was not different (P > 0.10) over the trial
intake system to quantify feeding behavior traits in beef heifers. Feed or compared with TMR. Cattle fed CSDG (P > 0.10) maintained DG
intake and feeding behavior data were recorded in 32 heifers (initial BW intake at 60% over the trial, and had greater (P < 0.05) mean ruminal
= 285 kg) fed a high grain diet (3.1 Mcal ME/kg DM) for 81 d while pH, AUC, and acetate to propionate ratio than those fed other treatments.
confined to a pen equipped with 4 GrowSafe 4000E feedbunks (2-s read Finishing feedlot cattle fed FCD including BG as an option consume
rate). Time-lapse video was used to record observations of individual
18 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
similar ingredients and have intake and ruminal fermentation profiles (1) time and breed, within temperament, or (2) time and temperament,
similar to those fed TMR. within breed, effects on hormone concentrations throughout the duration
of blood sampling. Additionally, the GLM was utilized for ANOVA of
Key Words: beef cattle, acidosis, feeding behavior
adrenal response parameters. During the initial 3 h of sampling an effect
(P < 0.01) of breed was present in only the calm animals, as the A steers
M17 Association between facial hair whorl and temperament in maintained higher cortisol concentrations than the B steers. Baseline
noncastrated male cattle Bos taurus and Bos indicus. R. Rivas*1,2, cortisol concentrations were affected (P < 0.01) by both breed (A = 16.7
A. Schmidek2, E. N. Andrade3,2, F. D. Resende2, G. R. Siqueira2, M. H. ± 2.7; B = 9.7 ± 1.2 ng/ml) and temperament (t = 18.2 ± 2.5; C = 8.7 ±
Faria2, and R. O. Roça3, 1Centro Universitário da Fundação Educacional 1.3 ng/ml); no breed by temperament interaction was present. During
de Barretos - UNIFEB, Barretos, SP, Brazil, 2Agência Paulista de Tecno- the post-challenge sampling period there was a time by temperament
logia do Agronegócio - APTA, Colina, SP,Brazil, 3Universidade Estadual interaction (P < 0.005) observed within each breed. Only a breed effect
Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil. (P < 0.005) on peak stimulated-cortisol concentrations (A = 35.1 ±
1.7; B = 28 ± 1.3 ng/ml) was observed. However, only temperament
Studies have associated cattle temperament with the presence and loca- influenced (P < 0.01) the amplitude of the cortisol response (C = 22.3 ±
tion of facial hair whorls in these animals. The objective of this work was 2.1; t = 14.1 ± 2.0 ng/ml). Thus, cattle characterized as temperamental
to investigate the relationship between facial hair whorl and temperament exhibit an endophenotype of a higher basal secretion of cortisol coupled
during weighing crate. Seventy-three noncastrated males were used (Bos with a blunted adrenal response to exogenous CRH. The genetic bases
taurus and Bos indicus – Angus and Nelore), aged between 20 to 22 mo. of variation in endophenotype and temperament warrant investigation
The animals were classified into 4 categories according to the location in cattle.
and presence of hair whorl: above the eye, at eye level, below the eye
or absent upon entry into a handling crush. All animals were submitted Key Words: adrenal, cortisol, temperament
to the same type of housing and handling. The first weighing crate was
done 21 d after at the beginning of feedlot. Later, they were done every
M19 Evaluation of temperament on pregnancy rate in beef embryo
21 d, always after a 12 h fasting period. Temperament was evaluated
recipient cows. S. S. Jennings*1, K. J. Stutts1, C. R. Looney2, and T.
during weighing crate, according to the tension shown in the first 5 s
H. Welsh Jr.3, 1Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, 2OvaGenix,
after closing the gates to the scale. The animals were classified as relaxed
Inc., Bryan, TX, 3Texas AgriLife Research, College Station.
or tense, based on the speed of movements and muscle tone. Response
variables of hair whorl and temperament were evaluated through Spear- The objective of this study was to determine if temperament had an effect
man correlation in SAS. There was no significant association between on pregnancy rate (PR) of recipient females to embryo transfer (ET).
facial hair whorl and temperament (P ≥ 0.05). Most animals (90.4%) Multiparous cows (n = 57) of various breed compositions were used as
were classified as tense during evaluations. The absence of whorl was recipient females. Donor and recipient females were synchronized using
observed in 57.1% of relaxed animals and 43.9% of tense animals did a vaginal insert containing progesterone in combination with estradiol
not show hair whorls. Hair whorl at eye level was observed in 42.9% 17β and prostaglandin F2α. Embryos were non-surgically collected 7
of relaxed animals and 31.8% of tense animals. There were no relaxed d after insemination and transferred to recipients the same day as fresh
animals among those with hair whorls above and below the eye. The embryos, or were frozen-thawed embryos preserved in ethylene glycol.
location of facial hair whorls did not prove to be an applicable tool At the time of ET, cows were assigned a temperament score of 1 to 5 (1
in the identification of temperament in noncastrated male cattle (Bos = docile and 5 = aggressive) based on the cow’s behavior while being
taurus and Bos indicus). confined in the chute. Following transfer of the embryo, 10 mL of blood
was collected via coccygeal venipuncture to determine serum cortisol
Key Words: bovine, Nelore and Angus, temperament
concentration to assess each cow’s stress response to handling at the
time of ET. Serum concentration of cortisol was quantified by RIA.
M18 Comparison of adrenal responsiveness to corticotropin- Pregnancy exams were conducted using transrectal ultrasonography at
releasing hormone (CRH) in Angus and Brahman steers of divergent least 21 d post transfer to determine PR. Cortisol data were analyzed
temperament. K. O. Curley Jr.*1,2, J. A. Carroll3, R. C. Vann4, R. D. using one-way ANOVA and PR was analyzed by chi-squared analysis
Randel1, and T. H. Welsh Jr.1, 1Texas AgriLife Research, College Sta- using the frequency procedure. Pearson correlation coefficients were
tion, 2Texas AgriLife Research, Overton, 3USDA ARS, Lubbock, TX, used to determine the relationship between PR and cortisol concentra-
4MAFES, Raymond, MS. tion. There was no effect of temperament score (P = 0.36) on PR to
ET and no relationship between PR and serum cortisol concentration
The objective of this study was to compare adrenal activity after pitu- (r = 0.18). Recipients that were assigned temperament scores of 4 or
itary stimulation with exogenous CRH, in cattle of differing tempera- 5 had a higher mean serum cortisol concentration (31.1 ng/mL) than
ment and breedtype. Using a combination of exit velocity, the rate at recipients assigned scores of 1 to 3 (22.9 ng/mL) but this difference
which cattle exit a squeeze chute and traverse a fixed distance (1.83 was not significant. Results of this study indicate that temperament of
m), and pen score, a subjective assessment of cattle’s behavior toward recipient females does not have a significant effect on PR to ET nor is
a handler, we identified the 10 calmest (C) and 10 most temperamental there a correlation between PR and stress response of the recipient at
(T) weaned calves from a Brahman (B) and an Angus (A) herd. Blood the time of ET as indicated by serum cortisol concentration immediately
samples were collected via indwelling jugular cannula for a period of 6 following ET.
h pre- and 6 h post- administration of CRH (0.1 μg/kg BW). Sampling
intervals were 15 min throughout the 12 h except for the initial 30 min Key Words: temperament, recipient females, embryo transfer
of the post-challenge period when the sampling intervals were 5 min.
Serum cortisol concentrations were determined by RIA. MIXED model
repeated measures ANOVA was conducted for a factorial analysis of
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 19
M20 Ingestive behavior and physiological parameters of cross- M22 Lack of magnetic orientation of beef cattle. M. Erikson*, E.
breed heifers under different feeding schedules. R. A. S. Pessoa*1, F. Leduc, R. Prince, and G. Gallagher, Berry College, Mount Berry, GA.
M. Silva1, M. A. Ferreira1, M. Azevedo1, L. H. S. Gomes1, E. C. Silva1,
Recently published research suggests cattle and deer orient themselves
J. G. R. Cunha1, A. S. S. Filho2, D. C. Santos2, and J. C. V. Oliveira2,
1Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, toward the magnetic poles when grazing or at rest. However, this study
was based on evaluation of satellite images with stringent criterion
Brasil, 2Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco,
for data inclusion. We hypothesize that if orientation of cattle was not
random, it could be due to environmental influences. Therefore, the
The objective was to evaluate the physiology variables and ingestive objective of this study was to determine if pastured cattle exhibited
behavior in heifers under different feeding schedules. The maximal orientation preferences and if that orientation could be attributed to
and minimal temperatures in the period ranged from 25.8 to 31.4°C environmental factors. Photographs of beef cattle (n = 585) on the
and 21.3 to 23°C, respectively. Five crossbreed housed heifers were Berry College campus pastures, were taken twice per week from Jan
used, with average live weight of 250 kg and age of 24 mo, in a 5 × 5 20, 2009 – Feb 21, 2009, during the day between 0700h – 1100h (n =
Latin square design. Each experimental period lasted 15 d, 10 d being 283) by digital camera and at night between 2000h – 2200h (n = 279)
for the adaptation of the animals to the diet and 5 d for data collecting. using a FLIR thermal camera. Compass readings were obtained for
The animals were fed a TMR twice daily, and the diet was composed each photograph using visible landmarks as points of reference to verify
of 70% forage (41% of cactus pear and 29% bermudagrass hay) and orientation of each photograph. Temperature, wind speed, and humidity
30% concentrate (14% soybean meal, 13.5% of corn meal and 1.5% were also recorded for all photographic events. Cattle orientation was
mineral mixture) twice a day. The first meal was provided at 7:00 for determined by placing a transparent 360° grid, divided into 8 sectors
all animals. The treatments consisted by different feeding schedules of on each image. Each sector was comprised of a 45° region bisecting
the second meal (12:00; 14:00; 16:00; 18:00 or 20:00 h). The physiol- respective primary directions of N (Sector 1), E (Sector 3), S (Sector
ogy variables were record 2 h before and 2 h later of the second meal 5) and W (Sector 7). Remaining sectors represented NE (Sector 2), SE
(treatment). The ingestive behavior was record in a period of 24 h, in (Sector 4), SW (Sector 6) and NW (Sector 8). Orientation of each animal
intervals of 10 min. The data were submitted to ANOVA using the SAS. was assigned to a sector based on the direction of the head relative to the
The different feeding schedules affect the respiratory frequency and the longitudinal direction of the body. Chi-squared analyses were conducted
rectal temperature after the meal, which decreased with the hours (61.0 under the assumption that animal orientation within each sector would
to 40.8 movements/minute and 39.0 to 38.5°C for respiratory frequency be similar (12.5%) among the 8 sectors. Results indicated a larger (P <
and rectal temperature, respectively). The ingestive behavior was not 0.05) than expected (21.0%) orientation in Sector 2 (NE) and less than
affected by the treatments, with average of 822, 396 and 222 min/day expected (6.6%; P < 0.05) in Sector 1 (N). No differences (P > 0.05) were
for total time resting, total time ruminating and total time feeding, found in orientation among the other sectors. These results suggest little
respectively. Overall, different times of feeding changed respiratory evidence to support the concept of North – South cattle orientation as a
frequency and rectal temperature, whereas it did not affect the ingestive result of the earth magnetic field or local environmental conditions.
behavior of the crossbreed heifers.
Key Words: magnetic poles, cattle orientation
Key Words: heifers, meal, feed management
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 21
Animal Health: Inflammation, Infection, and Stress
M24 Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (Nramp1) The protein spots were subjected to in gel trypsin digestion followed
and goat health. Y. Ahmed, M. Worku*, H. Mukhtar, and R. Noble, by MALDI peptide mass fingerprinting for protein identification. The
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greens- results showed that proteominer resulted in enrichment of several new
boro. protein spots and depletion of some of the high abundant proteins. The
Coomassie stained gel showed 50 protein spots of which 21 spots were
The objective of this study was to determine how Nramp1 expression
identified. Melanie analysis showed 4 differentially regulated proteins
may be associated with disease states in the goat. Natural resistance-
in the diseased condition. Two spots corresponding to immunoglobulin
associated macrophage protein (Nramp1) is expressed exclusively in
G (IgG) were upregulated while the other 2 protein spots were down-
professional phagocytes. Expression of Nramp1 affects host innate
regulated. It is not known whether the pathogenesis of TD is related to
immunity to intracellular bacteria because of its ability to transport
immunity; however, our results show that the IgG levels are upregulated
divalent cations in late endosome/lysosomes. Studying the association
suggesting the role of immunity in TD.
of the NRAMP1 gene and innate immune response to pathogens may
aid in understanding and enhancement of goat genetic resistance to Key Words: tibial dyschondroplasia, serum, proteomics
pathogens. Clinically healthy Boer, Spanish and Spanish-Boer cross
goats (n = 60) from the NC A&T Small ruminant unit were used. Fecal
samples were evaluated for the levels of Hemonchus and Coccidia using M26 The detection of bovine respiratory disease in low risk cattle
McMaster slides. Blood samples were evaluated for packed cell volume using infrared thermography. A. L. Schaefer*1, N. J. Cook2, C.
and white blood cells Differential count. The FAMACHA score body Bench3, J. Colyn1, B. Chabot1, T. Liu1, P. Lepage1, D. Froehlich2, L.
condition score, body weight, body temperature, and age were recorded. Holt-Klimek1, S. Marchand1, J. Basarab2, and E. Okine3, 1Agriculture
Genomic DNA was extracted from blood (n = 12 goats)on FTA cards and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, Alberta,
2Alberta Agriculture, Lacombe Alberta, 3Department of AFNS, Univer-
according to the manufacturer’s protocol. RNA was extracted using the
ZR Whole-Blood Total RNA Kit. RNA samples were reverse-transcribed sity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
and the cDNA was obtained using the Ambion-Retroscript as per the Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) causes significant harm to the cattle
manufacturer protocol. Specific primers for Nramp1 and GAPDH as industry. Clinical methods can identify BRD once the symptoms are
loading control were used for RT PCR. Data were analyzed using SAS advanced. However, identifying symptoms earlier in low risk cattle
ANOVA and an independent sample t-test. Nramp1 was expressed with is more challenging yet important to avoid missing false negatives.
variability among animals. Identification of Nramp1 in genomic DNA The objective of the present study was to examine whether infrared
was not affected by breed. However, Nramp1 expression was signifi- thermography (IRT) of the eye could identify BRD in low risk calves
cantly increased with increased fecal coccidia egg counts (P < 0.05) but more effectively than conventional methods. Sixty 5 crossbred calves
was not affected by fecal Hemonchus egg counts (P = 0.0677). averaging 220 kg were used. The calves were from Agriculture and
Key Words: NRAMP-1, goat, pathogen Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) herds. The calves were weaned and trans-
ported approximately 1h to an auction and held over night. The animals
were transported back to an AAFC feedlot facility, offloaded, weighed,
M25 Identification of serum biomarkers in poultry with leg blood sampled, examined for rectal temperature (RT) and placed into
problems. K. S. Rasaputra*1,2, R. Liyanage1, J. O. Lay Jr.1, and N. a feedlot pen with free access to cereal silage and water. Daily clini-
C. Rath2, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2Agricultural Research cal scores were conducted by pen checkers and an automated, RFID
Service/ USDA, Fayetteville, AR. triggered IRT camera (FLIR S60) was mounted at the water station
to record eye temperatures. All calves were again monitored 2 weeks
Disease induced changes in tissue metabolism is often reflected in the
later. Hematology analysis included white blood cell counts (WBC)
blood; therefore, serum chemistry is conventionally used for diagnosis
and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratios (N/L). A true positive animal (TP)
of health problems. Being the structural and functional basis of tissues,
for BRD needed to display 2 or more of; RT > °104 C, WBC >11 or <7
changes in the serum protein profiles are of considerable interest as bio-
X 1000 /µL, Clinical Score values (CS) > 3 or N/L ratios >0.8 or <0.1
markers. Tibial dyschondroplasia (TD), caused by the failure of growth
. No calves were identified by clinical pen checking as in need of treat-
plate to form bone results in lameness causing significant economic loss
ment. However, hematology, CS and RT identified 11 of the 65 calves
to the poultry industry. Serum markers could identify poultry susceptible
as TP with 7 of these TP at both blood sampling dates. Values for TP
to these problems aiding in better genetic selection. Thus, the objec-
calves for RT, CS, WBC and N/L ratios were 103.6 ± 0.74 (SD), 4.5 ±
tive of our study was to identify serum protein differences in normal
1.1, 11.16 ± 2.65 and 0.13 ± 0.7 respectively while for calves display-
and diseased birds for use as biomarkers. Similar to other applications
ing true negative values (TN) at both sample periods were 102.1 ± 0.5,
involving serum, identification of serum protein biomarkers is hindered
2.11 ± 1.02, 8.97 ± 1.15 and 0.21 ± 0.1 (P < 0.01). Of interest was the
because of few high abundant proteins. We used combinatorial peptide
observation that the average IRT value for the TP calves was higher
ligand library based “Proteominer” beads to enrich low abundant
throughout the 2 week period (35.44 ± 0.58 C) compared with the TN
proteins and study their differential expressions in serum. Serum was
calves (34.7 ± 0.57 C, P < 0.01). Data from this study suggests that the
collected from 6 wk-old chickens with and without leg problems and
use of non invasively collected eye IRT data may be useful in early
processed through the proteominer column to deplete the high abundant
identifying calves displaying BRD.
and enrich the low abundant proteins. Equal amounts of proteins from
both groups were subjected to 2D gel electrophoresis. The Coomassie Key Words: bovine respiratory disease, infrared thermography, cattle
blue stained protein spots in the gels were analyzed using Melanie
software to identify differentially expressed proteins in both groups.
22 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M27 Feeding Lactobacillus spp. and Bacillus spp. does not improve mic from 4 to 12h after the challenge with the degree of hypoglycemia
growth or survival of channel catfish experimentally challenged with inversely related to the dose of the E. coli. There were treatment x time
Edwardsiella ictaluri. B. C. Peterson*1, M. L. Wood1, N. J. Booth1, interactions (P < 0.01) on rectal temperatures following the challenge.
M. Morgan2, N. Pumford2, G. Tellez2, and B. M. Hargis2, 1USDA/ARS, All calves challenged with E. coli developed a febrile response, but the
Stoneville, MS, 2University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. intensity and duration of the response were dependent on the challenge
dose. These data indicate that calves intravenously challenged with 108
A major problem in the channel catfish industry has been high disease
and 109 CFU of an E. coli showed immediate clinical and biochemical
loss to enteric septicemia of catfish, caused by the bacterium Edward-
signs indicative of septicemia. However, calves administered 107 or less
siella ictaluri. Feeding probiotics may prove beneficial in improving
of the E. coli had febrile responses, but did not develop septicemia.
disease resistance. The first study examined the effects of a Lactobacil-
lus probiotic (FloraMax-B11; Ivesco, LLC, Springdale, AR) (poultry Key Words: calf, E. coli, septicemia
origin) on growth and resistance to E. ictaluri. Two hundred catfish
(23.5 ± 0.3 g) were assigned to 2 treatments with 5 replicates each:
1.) Control (36% CP diet) and 2.) FloraMax-B11 (11 Lactobacillus M29 Eimeria tenella oocyst output in cecal or fecal material fol-
spp., sprayed on feed at 106 cfu/g of diet). The fish were fed for 6 wks lowing challenge in restrict-fed broilers. A. Jordan*1, D. Caldwell1,
and then experimentally challenged with E. ictaluri. The second study J. Klein1, J. Coppedge1, S. Pohl1, K. Jessen1, S. Fitz-Coy2, and J. Lee1,
1Texas A&M University, College Station, 2Intervet/Schering-Plough
examined the effects of 3 spores of Bacillus spp. on growth and disease
resistance. Bacillus subtilis-1 (environmental sample) and B. subtilis Animal Health, Summit, NJ.
-2 (catfish origin) were previously shown to have antibacterial in vitro The current experiment was conducted to compare Eimeria tenella
activity against Escherichia coli and E. ictaluri. Bacillus pumilus of oocyst shedding in fecal or cecal contents in restrict-fed broilers follow-
catfish origin, which did not show in vitro antibacterial activity, was also ing experimental challenge in brooder batteries. Ninety-six Cobb 500
tested in this study. Five hundred catfish (11.2 ± 0.1 g) were assigned by-product males were placed in battery pens with 8 chicks per pen. On
to 4 treatments with 5 replicates each: 1) Control (36% CP diet); 2) d 14, restrict feeding was initiated and chicks were challenged with one
BS-1 (B. subtillis at 107 cfu/g of diet); 3) BS-2 (B. subtilis at 107 cfu/g of 3 challenge levels (1,000, 5,000, and 20,000 oocysts). Total 24 h col-
of diet); and 4) BP (B. pumilus at 106 cfu/g of diet). Fish were fed for lections of cecal and fecal material were obtained separately beginning
9 wks and challenged with E. ictaluri. Data were subjected to ANOVA on d 4 post-challenge through d 10 post-challenge for oocysts per gram
with tank as the experimental unit. Addition of Lactobacillus spp. and and total output determination. Six days post-challenge, 4 broilers from
Bacillus spp. to the diet of catfish had no effect on weight gain, FE, or each pen were removed and subjected to necropsy for lesion assessment.
survival after challenge with E. ictaluri (P > 0.10). The results of these Data was subjected to a one-way ANOVA using the GLM procedure.
studies suggest that neither the Lactobacillus based probiotic nor any of Means were deemed significantly different at P < 0.05 and means were
the 3 spore base probiotic candidates improved growth performance or separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Body weight gain was
resistance against E. ictaluri . Identifying other catfish specific bacteria not affected due to challenge level throughout the experimental period.
and understanding how they may manipulate the microflora of the GI Increases (P < 0.05) in both gross and microscopic lesion development
tract will be key in determining whether probiotics have a benefit in were observed with each increase in challenge level. Oocyst output
improving catfish aquaculture. peaked on d 8 post-challenge. Oocyst concentration was higher (P <
Key Words: probiotics, disease, catfish 0.05) in cecal droppings as compared with fecal material throughout
peak shedding. However, total output of Eimeria tenella oocysts was
similar (P > 0.05) in fecal and cecal material. These data indicate that
M28 Effects of intravenous Escherichia coli (E. coli) dose on the total oocyst output during an experimental challenge are similar in fecal
pathophysiological response of colostrum-fed Jersey calves. M. A. and cecal material, however concentrations are significantly lower in
Ballou*1, J. W. Dailey2, L. E. Hulbert1,2, C. J. Cobb1, and J. A. Car- fecal material compared with cecal material when compared on a output
roll2, 1Texas Tech University, Department of Animal Science, Lubbock, per gram basis.
2Livestock Issues Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX.
Key Words: Eimeria, broiler, oocyst shedding
Objective was to determine the effects of E. coli dose on the pathophysi-
ological response of dairy calves following an intravenous challenge.
Eighteen 3-wk-old colostrum-fed Jersey calves were completely ran- M30 Effect of aqueous iodine supplementation on growth and
domized to 1 of 6 doses of E. coli. The challenge doses included 0, 105, dental condition of newly weaned piglets. A. L. Tucker* and R. M.
106, 107, 108, and 109 colony-forming units (CFU) given as a bolus in 5 Friendship, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
mL of sterile isotonic saline. Peripheral blood samples were collected at Weaning is a stressful event and many pigs experience poor growth in
0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48h relative to the challenge for blood metabolite, their first weeks in the nursery. The use of antibiotics to improve growth
total white blood cell count and differential analyses. Rectal tempera- and health has come under increasing scrutiny and alternative means of
tures were collected via indwelling rectal probes at 1-min intervals, and reducing bacterial load are desirable. Iodine, a broad-spectrum antiseptic,
hourly averages calculated from 2d before the challenge till 2d after the shows potential as a therapeutic agent because it has low potential for
challenge. All calves survived the 48h observation period following the resistance and is inexpensive. It is also used to prevent oral disease, a
challenge. The attitude of calves given 108 and 109 CFU was altered condition that can develop in nursery age piglets. Recently, premolar
(P < 0.01) beginning 0.5h after the challenge and returned to that of eruption and the presence of poor oral conditions have been shown
the control calves by 8 and 48h for calves challenged with 108 and 109 to affect weight gain in weaned piglets. The aim of this study was to
CFU, respectively. There were treatment x time interactions (P < 0.01) examine the efficacy of an aqueous iodine supplement for improving
on total white blood cell counts and plasma glucose concentrations. piglet weight gain and oral condition. Across 3 trials, 624 piglets on a
Calves administered 108 and 109 CFU had leucopenia and neutropenia commercial farrow-wean farm were examined. An iodine-based sanitizer
beginning 2h after the challenge and returning to counts similar to the containing 1.75% titratable iodine was added to the water supply to a
control calves within 24h. Additionally, those calves were hypoglyce- final concentration of 1 ppm. Water was supplied to via nipple drinkers
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 23
with testing confirming mean concentrations of 0.96, 0.68 and 0.91 M32 Effects of neomycin and oxytetracycline (N/T) fed at treatment
ppm in trials 1, 2 and 3. Piglets were weighed and given oral exams rate for 14 days in calf milk replacer (CMR) on calf performance
within 24 h of weaning and again 3 and 6 wks later. Deciduous teeth and health. D. Shields*1, R. Blome2, D. Wood2, and J. Sowinski2,
were recorded as being erupted (vs not erupted) if any portion of the 1Merrick’s, Inc., Middleton, WI, 2Animix, Juneau, WI.
tooth crown penetrated the gingiva. Dental staining and caries (cavities)
New government regulations for the treatment of bacterial scours levels
on incisors, gingivitis around any teeth and oral lesions on the gingiva,
of the new combination (1:1) for neomycin/oxytetracycline of 10mg/lb
tongue, cheeks or throat were recorded. A repeated measures ANOVA
BW for 14 d are now in effect. There is minimal calf data for feeding
(SAS Proc MIXED) was used to examine how iodine supplementation
this new level. The objective of this study was to evaluate calf health
influenced growth and oral condition. Overall, the presence of staining
and performance under the new federal guidelines. Auction sourced
and caries on the primary incisors increased between weaning and wk
Holstein bull calves (n = 48, 3–5 d old) were stratified by weight into
3 (P < 0.05), while the incidence of both oral lesions and gingivitis
2 treatment groups (24 calves/trt). Calves were weighed 1×/wk during
increased between wks 3 and 6 (P < 0.05). There were no significant
the 8 wk trial. Calves were housed in individual hutches and fed 284 g
treatment differences in piglet growth or oral condition during the period
reconstituted CMR (20% C.P., 20% fat, all milk protein) via individual
that iodine was supplemented (P > 0.05). These results indicate that del-
nipple bottles at 0600 and 1700 h. Trt 1 received the treatment rate for
eterious oral conditions do develop and increase throughout the weaning
bacterial scours for 14 d, and trt 2 received a non-medicated control
period, but, at 1 ppm, an aqueous iodine supplement does not provide
formula. Water and a commercial textured calf starter (18% CP, 2.5% fat,
an advantage for weight gain or oral condition in nursery piglets.
Decoquinate) was offered daily for ad libitum consumption. Orts were
Key Words: growth, dentition, swine collected and weighed daily and no hay fed. Straw-bedded hutches held
a consistent nesting score ≥ 3. Subjective fecal scores (FS) were recorded
1×/d using 1–4 scale with 1 being normal and 4 severe scours. FS ≥ 3
M31 Interaction of breed and quantity of milk replacer on innate were given electrolyte therapy. Weaning occurred at 42 d if starter intake
immune competence of dairy calves. M. A. Ballou* and C. J. Cobb, (SI) was ≥ 454 g for 3 d and non-weaned calves were reduced to 1×/d
Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University, CMR to promote SI. During the first 3 wks, ADG tended (P ≤ 0.09) to
Lubbock. improve with N/T (0.40 vs. 0.34 kg/d) and total SI was higher (3.7 vs.
Objective was to determine the influence of breed and quantity of milk 2.1 kg). From wk 3– 6 opposite trends were observed as ADG tended (P
replacer fed on the immune competence of dairy calves. Forty 2 bull ≤ 0.09) to be higher for control calves (0.81 vs. 0.89 kg/d) and F/E was
calves (n = 20 Holstein and n = 22 Jersey, 2 ± 1 d old) were studied in a 2 improved 11.7% (P ≤ 0.02) at 0.58 vs. 0.65. Overall in the 56 d study
× 2 factorial arrangement. Holstein and Jersey calves on the lower plane no differences noted in growth, SI or F/E. However, N/T reduced calves
of nutrition (LPN) were fed 454 g /d of a 20/20 milk replacer. Holstein that scoured 38% (P ≤ 0.06), calves that required health treatments 36%
calves on the higher plan of nutrition (HPN) were fed 810 and 1,180 g (P ≤ 0.07) and treatment d 28.6% (P ≤ 0.07). Under conditions of this
/ d of a 28/20 milk replacer for wk 1 and wk 2 – 6, respectively. Jersey study N/T reduced incidence of scours, treatment days of calves treated
calves on the HPN were fed 568 and 680 g / d of a 28/25 milk replacer and improved early SI but did not affect ADG, total SI or FS.
for wk 1 and wk 2 – 6, respectively. On d 4, 42, and 77 peripheral blood Key Words: calf, medication
was collected for ex vivo immunological analyses, and on d 7 all calves
were challenged subcutaneously with LPS (4 μg/kgBW) and clinical and
biochemical responses evaluated at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 72 h. M33 The effect of adding the organic complex of zinc, copper,
There was a breed x plane of nutrition interaction (P < 0.04) on serum manganese and cobalt on hoof health and performance in feedlot
glucose concentrations following the LPS challenge; whereas Holsteins cattle. G. R. Noori1, H. Amanlou1, D. Zahmatkesh1, E. Mahjoubi*1,
on the HPN had higher glucose concentrations than the other treatments. and Y. Mokhtabad2, 1Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran, 2Azad University,
There were no breed or plane of nutrition interactions with time fol- Mazandaran, Iran.
lowing the LPS challenge. Isolated mononuclear cells from Holstein
It has been shown that Zn, Mn, Cu and Co are essential for protein
calves when stimulated ex vivo with LPS on d 42 and 77 synthesized
synthesis, vitamin metabolism, connective tissue synthesis and immune
more tumor necrosis factor-α than cells from Jersey calves (2149 and
system function. There is, however, little evidence in finishing cattle. A
1527 pg/mL ± 149.9; P < 0.01). There were breed x day (P < 0.05) and
study was conducted to investigate the effects of micro-mineral organic
plane of nutrition x day (P < 0.07) interactions on the intensity of the
complex on lameness occurrence and performance in Holstein bull
oxidative burst produced in response to a pathogenic E. coli; whereas
calves. Ninety-three Holstein bull calves (250.21 ± 4.21) were used
Jersey calves fed LPN had a reduced intensity on d 77 when compared
in a completely randomized design. Calves were group fed a similar
with the other treatments. Additionally, on d 77 Jerseys fed LPN had a
basal diet during 42 d experimental period. Used treatments included
reduced (P < 0.04) whole blood killing capacity when incubated with
1) control treatment without feed additive, and 2) experimental diet
the E. coli for 60 min. When whole blood was incubated with the E. coli
that calves consumed 7 g/d micro-mineral complex (Availa 4, an amino
for 10 min, Jersey calves consistently had reduced (P < 0.03) killing
acid mineral complex available from ZinPro Corporation, Eden Prairie,
capacities over the entire study period. These data indicate that Jersey
MN), that supplied 360 mg Zn, 200 mg Mn, 125 mg Cu and 12 mg Co.
calves had lower measures of many innate immune variables and HPN
Results showed that the effect of experimental diet on dry matter intake
may improve aspects of the innate immune competence in a breed and
was significant (7.02 vs. 7.22 kg/d, P < 0.001) but feed conversion ratio
immune variable specific manner.
was not significant (7.36 vs. 7.23, P < 0.21). A tendency was detected for
Key Words: breed, calf, immune average daily gain (0.96 vs. 1.04 kg/d, P < 0.11) and weight gain during
the trial (40.3 vs. 43.6 kg, P < 0.11). The consumption of micro-mineral
organic complex influenced plasma concentration of globulin (2.96
vs. 3.98 g/dL, P < 0.03) and albumin (3.26 vs. 2.44 g/dL, P < 0.002)
significantly. The prevalence of lameness was higher in control group
than organic complex supplemented treatment (23% vs. 11%; odds ratio
24 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
= 2.5). Generally, our results show that feeding micro-mineral organic 9%; odds ratio = 2.6). Generally, results showed that feeding of sodium
complex can have an efficient role in reducing lameness occurrence and bicarbonate as a top-dress can have an efficient role in reducing laminitis
increasing profitability in feedlot farms. occurrence and increasing profitability in feedlot farms.
Key Words: lameness, trace mineral, Holstein bull calves Key Words: laminitis, feedlot, sodium bicarbonate
M34 The effect of early feeding on blood factors, immune system, M36 Expression of members of the wingless gene family in
digestive tract and intestinal morphology of broiler chicks. M. goats. M. Worku*, H. Mukhtar, and N. Mikiashvili, North Carolina
Asgari1, S. Rahimi*1, M. Kiaei2, and M. A. Karimi Torshizi1, 1Tarbiat Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro.
Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 2University of Tehran, Tehran,
The objectives of this study were to identify members of the wingless
(Wnt) signaling pathway (Wnt gene family) in the goat genome and to
In this study 560 male broiler chicks (ROSS 308) were used to study the evaluate expression of genes involved in Wnt signaling in blood. The
effect of early feeding on blood factors, immune system, digestive tract Wnt gene family encodes secreted members of the wingless family of
and intestinal morphology. Birds were divided into 5 treatments with 4 signaling molecules that control cell fate, specification, proliferation,
replicates (112 chicks per treatment) as follows: 1. Control group (were polarity, and movement in animal development and diseases. Wnt gene
fed starter diet 48 h after hatch); 2. Vitagel group (received 5g per bird expression impacts production traits in farm animals as well as meat
jelly feed for the first 48 h after hatch and then starter diet); 3. Chick- quality and is reported to be crucial for myogenesis and adipogenesis.
mix group (were administered with starter diet); 4.Wet feed (with10% Blood was collected from meat (4 Boer) and milk (4 Alpine) goats on
moisture for first 48 h after hatch and then starter diet); 5. Saline (1mL FTA elute cards (Whatman Inc.) for DNA isolation. For RNA isolation
sterile saline were injected via subcutaneous in neck of each bird in this PAXgene Blood RNA tubes were used. Genomic DNA was extracted
group after hatch and they were fed starter diet 48 h later). Body weight, from the FTA card according to the manufacturer’s protocol. RNA was
feed intake, feed conversion, weight of liver, Proventriculus, gizzard, extracted using the ZR Whole-Blood Total RNA Kit. RNA samples
small intestine, bursa of Fabricius, spleen, pancreas, yolk sac, digestive were reverse-transcribed and the cDNA was obtained using the Ambion-
tract, and length of small intestine were measured for all groups. New- Retroscript as per the manufacturer protocol. Specific primers for Wnt1,
castle disease (NDV) and SRBC antibody titer, glucose, triglyceride, Frizzeled and secreted frizzeled were used for PCR amplification.
and cholesterol of serum were determined. The number of villi, length Amplified products were run on a 1% agarose gel with PCR markers.
and width of villi, depth of crypt and percentage of different villi (leaf, Gels were stained with ethidium bromide and visualized using a Gel
tongue, bridge and finger shape) in small intestine were measured for documentation system. GAPDH was used as loading control and primers
all groups. At end of the experiment (40 d), weight of different parts in the absence of DNA were used as negative controls. Variability was
of carcass and productive index were measured. The production index, observed among animals in detection of Wnt-1 in genomic DNA. Genes
GUT weight, intestine length, villi height and crypt depth were higher were detected in blood. Wnt-1 and Frizzeled genes were expressed in
in early fed groups compared with other groups (P < 0.05). There were goats. Differential gene expression and animal to animal variability were
no significant differences in BW, FCR, and antibody titer against NDV observed. Both Wnt and Frizzeled family genes appear to be conserved
and SRBC between different treatments. Serum glucose, relative weight in goats. This simple method for detection of Wnt-1 gene expression
of liver, proventriculus, pancreas, intestine, bursa of Fabricius, spleen, in goat blood will aid in the deciphering of the underlying mechanisms
length of small intestine were higher in early fed groups (P < 0.05). In involved in animal development and disease impacting production traits
conclusion, early feeding of broiler chicks can be recommended to have in farm animals.
better performance and immune response in these birds.
Key Words: goat, Wnt family, gene expression
Key Words: broiler chicks, early feeding, blood factors
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 25
HS1 and HS2. However, there was no relationship between Tr and Ta M39 Taguchi approach for anti-heat stress prescription compat-
for RO during HS1 and HS2. RO had lower RR during TN and HS1 (α ibility in mice spleen lymphocytes in vitro. X. Zhu*1, G. Cheng2,3,
= 0.05), but were not different from Angus during HS2 to suggest an F. Liu2,3, J. Yu2, Y. Wang1, T. Yu2, J. Xu1, and M. Wang1, 1TCVM
adaptive response. Interestingly, relationships between RR and Ta for Laboratory, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching & Research Team, College of
RO were equal to Angus during HS1 and HS2, indicating no group dif- Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China,
ference in the RR relationship. Skin temperatures at trunk or peripheral 2Department of Animal Science and Technology, Beijing University of
sites were affected by hour of day during all 3 temperature treatments Agriculture, Beijing, China, 3Beijing Key Laboratory of TCVM, CAU-
(P < 0.03 – 0.0001). There was also an hour x group effect on trunk BUA TCVM Teaching & Research Team, Beijing, China.
temperature during all 3 periods (P < 0.05), with no effect on peripheral
The study was to evaluate the possible immune function of Agastache
sites. Geographic origin of Angus did not affect the heat stress response.
rugosa, Atractylodes lancea, Cortex Phellodendri, and Gypsum Fibrosum
Romosinuano steers exhibited characteristic heat tolerance, but showed
on spleen lymphocytes under heat stress. The Taguchi Design, which
some temporal shifts in response to prolonged heat exposure.
allows rapid and high efficiency to select the best conditions for the
Key Words: heat stress, cattle, diurnal composition, was used to investigate the compatibility of the herbs.
The extracts from herbs in various dilutions were added to previously
cultured cells with final concentrations of 10, 50, 100, 200 μg/mL to give
M38 Patterns of heat response and adaptation on summer pasture: a total volume of 100 μL/well. Then lymphocytes exposed with extracts
A comparison of heat sensitive (Angus) and tolerant (Romosinuano) were incubated at 37°C for 24 h, heated at 42°C for 2 h and recovered
cattle. J. S. Johnson*, B. Scharf, R. L. Weaber, P. A. Eichen, and D. to 37°C for 22 h. As a heat shock group (HS), lymphocytes (with ConA,
E. Spiers, University of Missouri, Columbia. 10 μg/mL or LPS, 2.5 μg/mL) were treated at 37°C for 24 h, heated at
Heat stress in Bos taurus cattle is a problem that affects many regions of 42°C for 2 h and recovered to 37°C for 22 h. As a control, lymphocytes
the world. Numerous studies have focused on heat stress in feedlots or (with ConA, 10 μg/mL or LPS, 2.5 μg/mL) were treated at 37°C for 48
environmental chambers; but few have looked at undisturbed cattle on h. Lymphocyte proliferation was evaluated by MTT assay. The optical
pasture. The present study followed 2 cattle breeds throughout a mid- density (OD, 570nm) of HS was significantly lower than the control
Missouri summer to determine thermoregulatory responses to fluctuating group (P < 0.05). Under heat stress the OD of higher concentrations of
summer air temperature (Ta). Breeds included 22 Angus grouped into Agastache rugosa (200 μg/ml and 100 μg/ml), Atractylodes lancea (200
10 Missouri Angus (468 ± 11 kg BW) and 12 Oklahoma Angus (490 ± μg/ml and 100 μg/ml), Cortex Phellodendri (100 μg/ml and 50 μg/ml)
9 kg BW). These were compared with 11 heat tolerant Romosinuano and Gypsum Fibrosum (200 μg/ml and 100 μg/ml) caused a significant
(RO; 352 ± 6 kg BW) steers from Florida. Animals were monitored increase on ConA/LPS-induced proliferation of lymphocytes than HS (P
on 16 d from June 8 through August 9 of 2009 on endophyte free tall < 0.05). The Taguchi results demonstrated that Agastache rugosa (200
fescue at the University of Missouri South Farm. For analysis, the data μg/ml), Atractylodes lancea (200 μg/ml), Cortex Phellodendri (100 μg/
was divided into 2 periods that consisted of the first 11 d (Period 1; 9 ml) and Gypsum Fibrosum (100 μg/ml) were the optimal conditions for
d; Ta range = 19.8–34.3°C) and the last 27 d (Period 2; 7 d; Ta range = the composition of herbs. The validation experiment results confirmed
15.5–33.4°C). Periods were determined by comparing respiration rate that our composition in optimum extraction conditions has enhancing
(RR) to Ta. Periods 1 and 2 were the times at which RR response to Ta effects on ConA or LPS-induced lymphocytes under heat stress. The
was significantly different at (P < 0.05). RR was measured (counting 4 herbal extracts may recover from the immunosuppression induced
1 min flank movement) at 0800 and 1500 h, and ruminal temperature by heat stress. Taguchi optimization approach is a suitable method for
(Trum) was monitored hourly as an indication of core body tempera- optimization of the composition of herbs.
ture using a telemetric temperature transmitter (SmartStock, Pawnee, Key Words: heat stress, spleen lymphocytes, taguchi approach
OK). Relationships between RR, Trum, and Ta were determined using
linear regression for both breeds and groups within breeds. RR and
Trum showed no significant differences between Angus groups (P = M40 Effect of heat stress on the rat small intestine: A morphologi-
0.05), however breed differences were found between Angus and RO cal and gene expression study. A. Lu*1, G. Cheng1,2, W. Luan1, B.
(P < 0.05) steers. Slopes of RR to Ta from Periods 1 to 2 decreased Zhou1, F. Liu1,2, and J. Xu3, 1Department of Animal Science and Tech-
from 2.55 to 1.13 bpm/°C and 2.27 to 0.49 bpm/°C for Angus and RO, nology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China, 2Beijing Key
respectively. Slopes of Trum to Ta also decreased from Periods 1 to Laboratory of TCVM, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching & Research Team,
2 from 0.12 to 0.01°C /°C and 0.02 to 0.01°C /°C for Angus and RO, Beijing, PR China, 3TCVM Laboratory, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching &
respectively. Correlations of Trum to Ta in Period 2 were insignificant Research Team, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural
(P > 0.05). Although Romosinuano have a lower respiration rate and University, Beijing, PR China.
ruminal temperature than Angus, they share a similar pattern of adapta-
The aim of the current study was to investigate changes in morphology
tion from early to late summer periods.
and gene expression in the rat small intestine in response to heat stress.
Key Words: cattle, heat stress, adaptation Forty-eight male SD rats (200 ± 20 g) were randomly divided into
control or heat-stressed groups. Rats in control group housed with the
environment of 25°C, while rats in heat-stressed group were subjected
to 40°C for 5 h each day for 10 successive days. Rats were sacrificed
on 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 10th day after heat treatment and sections of the
small intestine epithelial tissue were excised for morphological exami-
nation and microarray analyses. During the microarray examination,
each group contain 3 chips, 3 rats’ cRNA were pooled and hybridized
to each chip. The rat rectal and body surface temperature and serum
cortisol levels were all significantly increased after heat treatment (P
< 0.01). The duodenum and jejunum were significant damaged after 3
26 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
d of treatment, and the damage was recovered gradually as time went M42 Study of the mechanism of heat stress-induced IEC-6 cell
on. Microarray analysis found 289 genes upregulated (log 2ratio > 1, apoptosis. W. Luan1, K. Guo1, G. Cheng1,2, J. Yu1, F. Liu*1,2, and J.
P < 0.01) and 133 genes downregulated (log2ratio < −1, P < 0.01) in Xu3, 1Department of Animal Science and Technology, Beijing Univer-
response to heat stress. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis (including sity of Agriculture, Beijing, China, 2Beijing Key Laboratory of TCVM,
gene ontology and KEGG pathway analysis) revealed the genes altered CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching & Research Team, Beijing, China, 3TCVM
in response to heat stress mainly related to apical part of cell, oxidation Laboratory, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching & Research Team, College of
reduction, response to stress, tetrapyrrole binding, rhythmic process, Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.
oxidoreductase activity, oxygen binding, transcription factor activity.
The aim of the study was to study the effects of heat stress on apoptotic
The pathway mainly involve in Antigen processing and presentation,
of IEC-6 in rat. The IEC-6 cell were divided into control group and
MAPK signaling pathway, Circadian rhythm-mammal, “Glycine, serine
heat stress group, both cultured for 4 h with the condition of 37°C and
and threonine metabolism” and Retinol metabolism. Heat stress caused
42°C respectively. The morphological changes of IEC-6 was observed
significant damage to the rat small intestine and altered gene expression
by acridine orange (AO) fluorescence staining; reverse transcription-
in the rat jejunum. The results of the bioinformatic analysis from the
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to determine the mRNA
present study will be beneficial to further investigate the mechanisms
expression of apoptosis-related gene, such as caspase-3, caspase-8,
involved in heat stress-induced damage in the rat small intestine.
caspase-9, bax and bcl-2; the early and late apoptotic rate of the 2 groups
Key Words: heat stress, morphology, microarray was detected by flow cytometry; the activity of terminal execute enzyme
caspase-3 was detected by the UV spectrophotometry. In contrast to con-
trol group, the apoptotic cells were stained by AO and showed densely
M41 Study of immune expression profile of heat stress-induced green yellow or fragment in heat stress group. The percentage of early
rat using gene microarray. A. Lu*1, G. Cheng1,2, W. Luan1, J. Yu1, and late apoptotic cells in heat stress group was significantly higher than
B. Zhou1, F. Liu1,2, and J. Xu3, 1Department of Animal Science and that of control group (P < 0.05). After heat stress, mRNA expression
Technology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China, 2Beijing level of the bax, caspase-3, caspase-9 were significantly increased (P <
Key Laboratory of TCVM, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching & Research 0.01), mRNA expression level of the bcl-2 was significantly decreased
Team, Beijing, China, 3TCVM Laboratory, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching (P < 0.01); and activation of Caspase-3 was significantly enhanced (P
& Research Team, College of Veterinary Medicine, Beijing, China. < 0.01). In conclusion, our results revealed that heat stress could trig-
The aim of the current study was to investigate the changes in morphol- ger IEC-6 cell apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis,
ogy of intestine mucosa and gene expression of mucosal immune in the depending upon the activation of caspase-9.
rat small intestine in response to heat stress. Forty-eight male SD rats Key Words: IEC-6 apoptosis, mitochondrion, bax, bcl-2, caspase-3,
(200 ± 20 g) were randomly divided into control or heat-stressed groups. caspase-9
Rats in the control group were housed with the environment of 25°C
and 60% humidity daily for 10days; while heat-stressed group were
housed under control group conditions, but exposed to 40°C and 60% M43 Coagulase-negative staphylococci mastitis management. T.
humidity for 5h each day for 10 consecutive days. Rats were sacrificed E. Quirk*, L. K. Fox, J. L. Capper, D. D. Hancock, and J. R. Wenz,
on 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 10th day after heat treatment. Hematoxylin and Washington State University, Pullman.
eosin (HE) and periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining method was used
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) are the most common patho-
to observe the Morphology changes and the numbers of immune cells.
gens associated with intramammary infections (IMI) in dairy cows. We
The gene expression profile was analyzed using Agilent microarray.
hypothesize that post-milking teat disinfection, teat dip, would reduce the
Quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) was carried out for interesting genes
microbial colonization of the streak canal and thus reduce the prevalence
that upregulated and downregulated more than 2 times to validate the
of IMI caused by CNS species. The efficacy of iodine post-milking
reliability of microarray analysis. Structural changes of the mucosa
teat dip was tested against CNS colonization of the streak canal, and
included atrophy of some villi and a reduction in the size of crypts.
incidence of IMI was measured. Using an udder-half model, 43 Holstein
In contrast to control group, the numbers of lymphocyte and chalice
cows at the Washington State University Dairy were enrolled in the
cell were both significantly decreased (P < 0.01). There were approxi-
trial; teat dip was only applied after milking to one udder-half. Streak
mately 3152 expressed genes (P < 0.01) among total 41012 genes set
canal swab solutions and mammary quarter milk samples were taken in
in the microarray plate, and 56 immune related genes including 14
duplicate once a week for 16 weeks for microbial culture. A CNS IMI
upregulated and 42 downregulated genes (P < 0.01). Some genes were
was identified when 2 of 3 consecutive duplicate quarter milk samples
assayed by qRT-PCR and demonstrated the same alteration tendency
were identified with the same CNS species containing > 120 cfu/ml.
as in microarray analysis. Subsequent bioinformatic analysis (including
The isolates were speciated using PCR-RFLP and gel electrophoresis.
gene ontology and KEGG pathway analysis) revealed the immune genes
Colonization of the streak canal and IMI by CNS were assessed. Twenty-
altered in response to heat stress were related to Positive regulation of
five CNS IMI were diagnosed; prevalence of IMI in control quarters and
immune system process, regulation of immune system, immune system
treated quarters were 8.1% and 19.7%, respectively. Isolation of CNS
development, leukocyte activation and migration, and genes involved
in milk was less likely in treated than control quarters (Odds Ratio =
in signal transduction. Heat stress caused significant effect to the rat
0.704, P = 0.0113, 95% CI = 0.536–0.925). The majority of CNS IMI
small intestine mucosa and altered immune related gene expression in
was by Staphylococcus chromogenes (44%) and appeared to be linked to
the rat jejunum.
streak canal colonization. Conversely, the second most prevalent cause
Key Words: heat stress, immune, microarray of CNS IMI was by Staphylococcus xylosus (36%), but did not appear to
be linked to colonization of the streak canal. In conclusion, post-milking
teat dip was efficacious for reducing IMI caused by CNS, but CNS IMI
was not necessarily linked to streak canal colonization.
Key Words: coagulase-negative staphylococci, mastitis, teat dip
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 27
M44 Morphometric evaluation of udders in Gir cows and the support the hypothesis that BN milk samples result from infection with
prevalence of subclinical mastitis. M. A. F. Porcionato1, M. V. unculturable bacterial agents.
Santos*1, C. B. M. Reis1, M. M. Stradiotto2, C. S. Cortinhas1, and W. V.B
Key Words: 16S r RNA gene sequence, clinical mastitis, aerobic
Soares3, 1Department of Nutrition and Animal Production, FMVZ/USP,
Pirassununga, Brazil, 2Department of Basic Science, FZEA/USP, Piras-
sununga, Brazil, 3Institute of Zootecny, IZ/APTA, Mococa, Brazil.
This trial aimed to evaluate the relation between morphological teats M46 Hyphenated mass spectrometry investigations applied to
characteristics of Gir cows evaluated by ultrasound and the prevalence the characterization of organic chelates. A. Yiannikouris*1, C.
of subclinical mastitis. Eighty lactating Gir cows with 90 to 200 d of Connolly2, R. Power1, and R. Lobinski3, 1Alltech Inc., Nicholasville,
the 2nd or 3rd lactation were grouped according with their milk flow: KY, 2Alltech Ireland, Dunboyne, County Meath, Ireland, 3CNRS UMR
fast or slow and milked twice a day with mechanical milker. The teats 5254, Pau, France.
characteristics were measured by ultrasound and external morpho- This work focused on the development of a method to screen for the
metrical measurements. Somatic cell count (SCC) was determined by presence of metal-complexes in organic chelates using hyphenated
the fluoro-opto-electronic method (Somacount 300, Bentley Instrument techniques of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Inc., Chaska, MN, USA). Samples were considered positive for subclini- Identification and characterization of metal-peptide interactions was
cal mastitis with SCC > 200,000 cells/mL and the pathogens identified achieved using hyphenated techniques of mass spectrometry (ESI-MS).
in microbiological culture. Data were analyzed using GLM procedure The ICP-MS detection in HPLC formed the basis of the methods devel-
(SAS, version 8.2) and differences were considered significant at P < oped because of its sensitivity regardless of the matrix, which allowed
0.05. Ultrasonography images showed higher (P < 0.05) teat channel the optimization of the analyte purification before ESI-MS/MS. Analyses
in slow flow (25.68 mm) than in fast flow (22.31 mm) groups. No indicate that using size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) 5 peaks were
significant correlation (P > 0.05) was observed between Log(SCC) characterized for the organic mineral. Chromatogram intensity was a
and morphological teats characteristics. The infrared thermography linear function of the total area under the curve indicating the repro-
technique was used to the evaluate udder temperature variation in cows ducibility of extraction (R2 = 0.999 and RSD ≤3.25%). Application to
with subclinical mastitis, but no differences (P > 0.05) were observed batch-to-batch reproducibility on 6 samples injected in triplicate showed
for type of microorganism or Log(SCC). The channel length and the that the morphology of the Cu elution pattern was identical and repro-
distance for the teat to floor had influence on the prevalence of subclinical ducible with significant overlapping of the chromatograms (P ≤ 0.05).
mastitis, as well as the mastitis-causing pathogens in Gir cows. Coefficient of variation of the area under the curves ranked between
Key Words: mastitis, morphology, thermography 0.007 and 0.012. SEC ICP-MS detection is thus a valid technique to
monitor the molecular mass distribution of metal-binding molecules
to assess product quality and the unique fingerprinting per proteinate
M45 Comparison of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and aerobic investigated, with a detection limit below 1 μg/g. This procedure offers
culture results performed on milk samples from cows with clinical a novel application to the detection of the complexes in premixes and
mastitis. J. R. Wenz*, T. E. Besser, and L. K. Fox, Washington State feed samples. The fine characterization of the metal-peptides complexes
University, Pullman formed through parallel ICP MS and ESI MS/MS detection enabled the
identification of the ones stable enough to survive the ionization process.
The hypothesis tested in this study was that 16S rRNA gene sequencing
The precursor proteins were identified by means of the ExPASy Pro-
(16S) performed on DNA from quarter milk samples of cows with clini-
teomics Server of the Swiss Institute of bioinformatics data on soybean
cal mastitis (CM) would identify the same bacteria found by aerobic milk
genome. In silico molecular modeling using a force-field adapted to the
culture. To test this hypothesis duplicate milk samples were collected
protein and ligand interactions studies (CVFF) clarified the coordina-
from cows with CM. Aerobic milk culture was performed on 100 μL of
tion of the amino acids surrounding the mineral by the evaluation of a
milk for presumptive bacterial identification and cfu/ml determination.
potential energy according to environmental settings.
Cows with the same milk culture result on duplicate milk samples (n
= 31) were included. Common mastitis pathogens were cultured from Key Words: organic minerals, chelates, speciation
24 samples and 7 were bacteriologically negative (BN). DNA was
harvested from each 2 mL milk sample and quantitated. A variable
region of the small ribosomal subunit gene was amplified using PCR M47 Methods to predict true disease prevalence in beef cattle. C.
primers complementary to flanking regions shared among eubacteria M. McAllister*1, B. W. Brigham1, R. K. Peel1, H. Van Campen1, G. H.
and cloned. Sequences of 12 clones from each sample were determined Loneragan2, R. L. Weaber3, J. L. Salak-Johnson4, and C. C. L. Chase5,
1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 2West Texas A&M University,
and GenBank searches used to identify bacterial species with the most
similar sequences (>99% identity). For 18 of 24 (75%) of the samples, Canyon, 3University of Missouri, Columbia, 4University of Illinois,
16S results agreed with culture results. These samples all had >250 cfu/ Urbana, 5South Dakota State University, Brookings.
mL (median 13,650; range 290 to > 30,000 cfu/mL) bacteria on culture Inherent complications arise during the evaluation of disease data for
and >40ng/mL of DNA (median 444; range 45.4 to 1730 ng/mL). In the genetic improvement of disease susceptibility and immune response
contrast, the remaining 6 samples had lower bacterial counts (median including the imperfect diagnosis of infection, time of infection, sever-
40 cfu/mL; range 10 to 520) and lower DNA yields (median 44 ng/mL; ity of disease challenge, level of disease challenge of clinically normal
range 0.70 to 756). In 4/6 samples where culture and 16S results differed, individuals, and variation in prevalence across years. The objective of
culture identified low numbers of coagulase negative staphylococci and this study was to identify alternative methods for classifying diseased
no consistent clone was revealed by 16S. Similarly, BN samples had versus healthy individuals to improve the accuracy of which bovine
low DNA yields and no consistent clone identification (and no clone respiratory disease (BRD) prevalence (Pr) is estimated. Data for this
consistent with common mastitis pathogens) was revealed by 16S. The study included feedlot treatment records (TR), lung lesion scores (LS),
results of this study suggest 16S and culture results are consistent when early (eADG) (80 d.) and overall average daily gain (ADG) on 2,434
bacterial numbers are ≥ 300 cfu/mL. Furthermore, these results do not crossbred steers. Disease prevalence was 24.9 and 58.6% for TR and
28 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
LS, respectively. Cluster analysis was performed to group animals with M49 Microbial diversity in the ileal and cecal contents of broilers
similar performance based on TR, mean lung score (MLS), and eADG using pyrosequencing. S. J. Eom*1, H. J. Kim1, C. J. Cha2, and G.
or ADG to estimate prevalence. A k-means method was implemented B. Kim1, 1Department of Animal Science and Technology, Chung-Ang
in R which utilizes an Euclidean distance matrix to form cluster groups. University, Anseong 456-756, South Korea, 2Department of Biotech-
Principal components (PC) of the individual cluster components were nology (BK21 Program), Chung-Ang University, Anseong 456-756,
used to determine the point variation explained by TR, LS, and clustered South Korea.
groups. Cluster 1 (C1) grouped animals on TR, MLS, and ADG. The
The microbiota in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of animal plays a piv-
Pr for C1 was 39.2%, recategorizing 725 animals between TRT and C1
otal role in the animal′s overall health. However, there is a scarcity of
and 477 animals between LS and C1. The first 2 PC were able to explain
information on the microbial diversity in the gut of livestock animals
72.94% of the point variation associated with TR, LS, and C1. Cluster
including broilers and layer hens. Recent developments in microbial
2 (C2) was formed by replacing ADG with eADG. The Pr of C2 was
ecology have utilized rapid sequencing technologies such as pyrose-
estimated to be 58.6%, recategorizing 1,202 animals between TR and
quencing to investigate the microbial diversity of the human and animal
C2, and no animals between LS and C2. The first 2 PC from the C2
gut. The present study was designed to evaluate differences in the ileal
analysis were able to explain 74.8% of the point variation of TRT, LS,
and cecal microbial communities of adult broilers (5 wks old, n = 6)
BRD, and C2. The amount of point variation explained by the first 2 PC
using a bacterial barcoded pyrosequencing strategy. The V1-V3 region
suggest that eADG is more accurate than ADG in predicting true BRD
of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR using bar-coded universal
prevalence. The increased predictive power of eADG can be attributed
primers of 27F and 518R. The amplicons were combined in a single
to the majority of animals being diagnosed with BRD occurring early
region of the picotiter plate such that approximately 5,000 sequences
in the feeding period. Comparison of categorical groups indicates that
were obtained from each animal. Taxonomic assignment was performed
LS is most sufficient at estimating true BRD prevalence during the
using the EzTaxon database ( and the quantita-
postweaning phase.
tive analyses was carried out based on the number of sequence reads of
Key Words: beef cattle, bovine respiratory disease, health each bacterial taxon. Lactobacilli were found to be predominant in the
upper gastrointestinal tract and the most abundant Lactobacillus species
in the ileum were L. salivarius, L. crispatus, and L. aviarius. Another
M48 A research model for inducing leg problems in broilers. R. 12 Lactobacillus species were also detected at different levels. In addi-
F. Wideman*1, F. Khajali2, K. R. Hamal1, A. F. Wideman1, and H. tion, Enterococcus cecorum were also abundant in the ileum of adult
Lester1, 1University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, Fayetteville, broilers. In the ceca, the microbial community was highly diverse and
2Shahrekord University, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrekord, Iran.
Lactobacillus species were not found. Clostridia were the most abundant,
Leg problems increasingly affect fast growing broiler chickens world- representing 79% of the total reads. The most common genus detected
wide. Studies investigating practical methods for reducing lameness in the ceca was Clostridium and other genera found in the ceca were
have been hampered by the sporadic onset and variable incidence of leg Dorea, Alistipes, Bacteriodes, and Roseburia. Pyrosequencing used
problems within experimental flocks. Our objective was to develop a in this study was proven to be a useful tool for the evaluation of the
model for inducing a reliably high incidence of lameness in fast grow- microbial diversity in the GI tract. Further studies using this tool should
ing broilers. To accomplish this we constructed wire floors to create be done to better understand the normal microbiome associated with
sporadic unstable footing in broiler pens. Rectangular frameworks were efficient productivity, as well as the impact of changes made in the diet
constructed from 5 cm x 5 cm lumber. Each frame was 3.05 m long including probiotics supplementation for hens or broilers.
and 1.52 m wide, with 5 cm x 5 cm cross members added for support. Key Words: broilers, microbiota, pyrosequencing
Hardware cloth (1.3 cm x 2.54 cm mesh) was fastened to the frame and
cross-members. Ten pens (3.05 m x 3.05 m) were set up with floor litter
only and 10 pens were set up with half litter and half wire-frame floors. M50 Use of infrared thermography to monitor risk factors in new-
Initially the wire frame was placed flat on the pen floor. Tube feeders born piglets. J. Morales1, A. Manso1, M. Aparicio1,2, and C. Pineiro*1,
were positioned on one side of the pen and the nipples were positioned 1PigCHAMP Pro Europa, Segovia, Spain, 2Centro de Experimentación
above the wire frame on the opposite side of the pen. When the chicks y Formación en Porcino, Segovia, Spain.
reached 2 weeks of age the wire floor was elevated to a 20% slope
Hypothermia is one of the most important factors affecting perinatal
(Experiment 1) or a 30% slope (Experiment 2), forcing the chicks to walk
mortality. In this study, infrared thermography was used as a new tool to
up and down the sloping wire to drink. Chicks were placed at densities
determine hypothermia and its evolution in newborn piglets. Thermogra-
of 50 or 100 per pen in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively. Cumulative
phy might provide high advantages in swine clinical practice, revealing
incidences of lameness were compared for 2 to 8 wk old broilers using a
lesions and risk factors that would remain hidden with other diagnostic
z-test, with significance declared at P ≤ 0.05. The incidence of lameness
systems. Twenty-two piglets from 2 different litters entered the study at
induced in Experiment 1 by the 20% sloping wire floor (6.8%; 34/500
birth time. In each litter, half of the piglets were immediately dried with
birds) did not differ from the spontaneous occurrence of lameness on
an absorbent material (cut paper). The other half was not manipulated
litter alone (5.8%; 29/500 birds). The incidence of lameness induced
at birth. Skin temperature on the back was recorded from each piglet at
in Experiment 2 by the 30% sloping wire floor (26.7%; 111/416 birds)
birth and every 10 min time during 1.5 h using a thermographic camera
was significantly higher (P = 0.01) than the spontaneous occurrence
(Fluke Ti45). Piglets were weighed at birth and at 2, 4 and 9 d of life.
of lameness on litter alone (10.7%; 43/400 birds). Sloping wire floors
Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (v 9.00).
can be used to reliably induce reasonably high incidences of lameness,
The statistical model for the temperature analysis included the fixed
thereby permitting future assessments of practical strategies for reducing
effects of treatment (control vs drying), time (10 min intervals) and
leg problems during broiler production.
their interaction and the block effect of litter within treatment. Drying
Key Words: lameness, model, broilers piglets immediately after birth increased the skin temperature in the first
90 min of life (39.3°C vs 37.8°C in dried and control piglets, respec-
tively; P < 0.05). Evolution of the skin temperature was also different
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 29
between treatment (P treatment x time = 0.0001). Initial temperature M52 Proteomics analysis of plasma and milk protein between
was 39.3 ± 0.79°C and was kept almost constant in the dried-piglets in healthy dairy cows and Staphylococcus aureus infected-subclinical
the 90 min-interval, while in the control group immediately decreased cows. Y. X. Yang*, G. L. Cheng, H. L. Zhao, X. C. Jiang, and S. Chen,
after birth and then increased progressively until 90 min after farrow- Anhui Academy of Agricultural sciences, Hefei Anhui, China.
ing, when skin temperature did not differ between groups (P = 0.27).
Mastitis caused by Staphylococcus aureus that are most often the conta-
Body weight evolution did not differ between treatments (2.71 kg at 9
gious type remains the largest problem on dairy farms. The purpose of
d of life). Drying piglets immediately after birth was effective to keep
our study was to investigate the dynamic changes of plasma and milk
the body temperature, confirming it as a good management practice to
protein from healthy and S. aureus infected cows. Plasma and milk
prevent perinatal hypothermia. Infrared thermography demonstrated
was collected from dairy cows on d 8 ± 2 and d 50 ± 2 with following
enough accuracy to be considered as a new tool to complement other
diagnosis of acute subclinical mastitis (n = 6) and negative control
diagnostic tools.
cows (n = 10) according to the bacteriological culture of milk from
Key Words: infrared thermography, newborn piglet, hypothermia all 4 quarters and somatic cell count. Plasma and milk proteins were
separated by 2-dimensional electrophoresis; differentially expressed pro-
teins were analyzed by PDQuest 8.0 software, and identified by HPLC
M51 Relationship between lying patterns, feeding management, equipped with ion trap mass spectrometer. Expression of haptoglobin
and incidence of intramammary infection in dairy cows milked in an was abruptly upregulated on d 8 ± 2, and similarly on d 50 ± 2, while
automated system. T. J. DeVries*1, K. E. Leslie2, H. W. Barkema3, J. α 1 acid glycoprotein was upregulated on d 50 ± 2 in plasma of cows
Rodenburg4, and G. Seguin5, 1University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus, subclinically infected with S. aureus mastitis. Expression of albumin
Kemptville, ON, Canada, 2University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, and β-casein variant was increased on d 8 ± 2 and continuously on d 50
3University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 4DairyLogix Consulting,
± 2 in milk protein of S. aureus infected cows, in addition, albumin and
Woodstock, ON, Canada, 5Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Casselman, ON, β-casein fragments were more variation on d 50 ± 2 than control milk
Canada. and on d 8 ± 2 in milk protein. The results indicated that expression
The objectives of this study were to investigate whether feed manipula- abundance of plasma and milk proteins were altered and participated
tion affects post-milking standing time in cows milked in an automated in the principal effects of the inflammatory response during dairy cows
milking system (AMS) and to determine if this time relates to the infected with S. aureus subclinical mastitis. Moreover, milk proteins
incidence of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) intramammary from S. aureus infected cows had much larger variation as time goes
infection (IMI). Over a 4-mo period, 111 lactating Holstein dairy cows, on. The findings may be useful to provide evidence for treatment the S.
kept in a sand-bedded freestall barn with 2 pens, each with a free traffic aureus subclinical mastitis in the early stage of infection to minimize
AMS, were monitored. Feed was delivered once daily, and pushed up 2–3 production losses.
times per day. Quarter milk samples were collected for bacteriological Research was supported by the Natural Science Fund of Anhui
culture from each cow, once every 4 wks. A new IMI was defined as Province (090411024).
a positive culture sample following a negative culture. For 7 d before
each of the last 3 milk samplings, lying behavior, and times of milking Key Words: dairy cow, Staphylococcus aureus mastitis, proteome
and feed manipulation (feed delivery and push up) were recorded. A
logistic regression model was used to assess the relationship between
M53 Developmental changes in plasma proteins during the transi-
post-milking standing time and occurrence of a new CNS IMI. Feed
tion period in dairy cows. Y. X. Yang1,2, S. S. Li1, J. Q. Wang*1, D.
manipulation around the time cows were milked (1 h before 2 h after)
P. Bu1, L. Y. Zhang1, and L. Y. Zhou1, 1State Key Laboratory of Animal
resulted in the longest post-milking standing times (86.9 ± 4.3 min; P <
Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
0.001). The shortest post-milking standing times (50.9 ± 4.6 min) were
Sciences, Beijing, China, 2Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary
seen in those cows that were milked >4 h before feed manipulation.
Medicine, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei, China.
Over the study period, 58 new CNS IMI were detected, resulting in a
herd incidence rate of 0.94 CNS IMI/quarter-year at risk. A non-linear Plasma proteins undergo programmed changes in response to parturition-
relationship between post-milking standing time and CNS IMI incidence induced immunosuppression during the transition period. In this study
was found (P < 0.04). Compared with those cows that lie down <120 blood samples were collected at 21 d before calving, 1 d and 21 d after
min after milking, those cows that lie down for the first time 120–150 calving from healthy Chinese Holstein heifers (n = 6) considered free
min after milking had lower risk (OR = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.04, 1.98), of mastitis, milk fever, and endometriosis based on the somatic cell
while those cows that lie down for the first time >150 min after milking count and clinical diagnosis. Developmental changes of plasma were
had higher risk (OR = 2.70, 95% CI = 1.08, 6.78) of a new CNS IMI. examined using integrated proteomic approaches consisting of minor
These results suggest that despite being able to manage post-milking abundance protein enrichment by ProteoMiner, protein separation by
standing time of cows milked in an AMS by providing fresh feed, as 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and protein identification by HPLC
well as by pushing up feed, frequently throughout the day, the use equipped with ion trap mass spectrometer. Of the 4 proteins identified,
of such a feeding management strategy in AMS will not necessarily expression of serum amyloid A isoform was altered at parturition,
prevent new CNS IMI. while apolipoprotein E and clusterin were upregulated in minor abun-
dance plasma on d 1 and d 21 after calving compared with d 21 before
Key Words: intramammary infection, automated milking, lying
calving. In addition, IgG, which exerts antimicrobial function, was
downregulated on d 1 after calving when compared with other time
points during the transition period. Quantitative determination of IgG
in plasma was performed using a sandwich ELISA method. Levels of
plasma IgG on d 1 after calving were 2.04 ± 0.64 mg/mL, slightly less
than IgG concentrations of 2.56 ± 0.87 mg/mL and 3.45 ± 0.96 on d 21
before and after calving, respectively. The IgG concentrations detected
30 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
by ELISA were not in complete agreement with the 2-dimensional gel to ILTV, but the titers produced were low levels (~10 plaque form-
electrophoresis and mass spectrometer expression data. This discrepancy ing units/ml). To further characterize epigenetic states for CELi cells,
possibly related to IgG polymorphisms. These results may be useful in alterations of mRNA expression for cell cycle regulatory genes were
guiding future studies to investigate mechanisms of the plasma protein determined at passages of 30, 50, 70, and 90 for all 3 CELi cell lines
secretion during the transition period and to elucidate immune system by quantitative reverse transcription PCR. Throughout all passages in
response at the protein level. 3 CELi cell lines, the mRNA expression of both p53, (function for cell
cycle arrest) and its transcriptional target gene, p21WAF1, were down-
Key Words: periparturient, dairy cow, plasma proteome
regulated showing 10 to 20% expression levels compared with those
in primary CEL counterpart. The mRNA expression of E2F1 (function
M54 Effects of single and combined Mycoplasma gallisepticums for cell cycle progression), was increased 5.3 - 7.1 fold in all 3 CELi
vaccination on blood electrolytes and acid–base balance in com- cell lines compared with primary CEL cell counterpart. These results
mercial egg-laying hens. H. A. Olanrewaju*, S. D. Collier, and S. L. are correlated with mRNA expressions shown in previously established
Branton, USDA–ARS, Starkville, MS. immortal chicken embryo fibroblast cell lines, that efficiently propagate
Marek’s disease virus (MDV). Though newly established CELi cell lines
Previous study on F-strain Mycoplasma gallisepticum (FMG) inoculated produced only low ILTV titers, those can be utilized for cell culture
layers from our laboratory showed a significant increase in arterial based vaccine production against other avian viruses, such as MDV or
partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), which is generally associated with avian metapneumovirus.
an oxygen-dependent improvement in tissue oxygenation to improve
the layer chicken’s ability to withstand the harmful effects of stressors This work was supported by US Poultry and Egg Association.
on their performance and well–being. The aim of this study was to Key Words: immortal chicken liver cell lines, cell cycle regulation,
determine whether Bacterin (killed vaccine) and TS-11 (Live vaccine) virus propagation
treatment combination could enhance the arterial (pO2) levels in layer
chickens. The experiment was conducted in 2 trials and arranged in a
completely randomized experimental design with 4 treatments. The M56 Effect of rabbit sacculus rotundus antimicrobial peptides on
treatments consisted of Control (MG-Clean), Bacterin, TS-11, and serum antibody titers of AIV and NDV in chicken. R. P. She*1, K. Z.
Bacterin + TS-11 combined. In each of the 2 trials, 160 1-day-old Wang2, W. M. Ma1, Y. Ding1, and J. Tang1, 1College of Veterinary Medi-
Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) free pullets were raised to 10 week of cine, China Agricultural University, Beijing,100193,China, 2Research
age (WOA) and were transported to a poultry disease isolation facility. Center of Laboratory Animal, Jinan, 250002, Shandong, China.
Sixteen isolation units were divided in 4 treatments and each of the 4
Multicellular organisms express numerous antimicrobial peptides
treatments had 4 replications with 10 birds/unit (40 birds/treatment).
(AMP), which have received increased attention over the past decade;
Venous blood samples were collected at the termination of the study.
over 400 AMP have been identified to date in insects, plants, and ani-
TS-11 vaccinated chickens had significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher blood
mals. AMP have the capacity to kill or inactivate a particular spectrum
(pO2) and significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2)
of bacteria, fungi, and some enveloped viruses in vitro. Our previous
when compared with control and combined MG vaccinated groups.
research demonstrated that Rabbits Sacculus Rotundus (RSRP) AMP
However, no significant differences were observed between Bacterin
have been shown to improve the structure of intestine and promote
and TS-11 treatment groups. Hematocrit and blood concentrations of
intestinal mucosal immunity during the chicken growth period. The
hemoglobin were not statistically affected among treatments, but were
purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of RSRP on serum
slightly higher in TS-11 treatment group. There was a significant (P ≤
antibody titers against Avian Influenza virus (AIV) and Newcastle
0.05) effect on blood concentrations of Na+, Ca2+, and anion, but no
disease (NDV) in chickens and to investigate the potential use of AMP
significant effect on glucose, cholesterone, triglyceride, and osmolal-
in modulation of the immune response for animal health. Ninety one-
ity. These data suggest that inoculation of layers with TS-11 was more
day-old healthy Xinza chicks were randomly divided into 2 groups: 40
effective in elevating (pO2), than inoculation with Bacterin or TS-11 +
chickens in the control group, and 50 chickens in the experimental group
Bacterin combined.
and control group. AMP from RSRP was injected (I.M.) at doses of 0.1,
Key Words: Mycoplasma gallisepticum, vaccine, acid–base balance 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 mg, at the ages of 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and
49d. Chickens in control groups were given the same doses of sterile
saline, respectively. Blood was drawn from chickens at the ages of 7,
M55 Continuously growing chicken liver cell lines for the vaccine 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 56d, and serum separated. The hemagglutination
production against poultry viruses. J. Y. Lee* and B.-W. Kong, inhibition titers of NDV and AIV serum antibody were detected in the
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. serum samples of 10 chickens, which were selected randomly from each
A continuously growing, immortal cell line can serve as a stable sub- group. Results: The results were as follows, serum antibody titers of
strate to produce a cell culture based viral vaccine. The objective of this NDV and AIV in the chickens of experimental group were significantly
study is to develop an immortal chicken cell line that can efficiently higher than that of the control group (P < 0.01) at ages of 21, 28, 35, 42
propagate avian infectious viruses, such as infectious laryngotracheitis and 56d. The present observation investigated that AMP of the RSRP
virus (ILTV), which causes acute upper respiratory disease in chickens. could enhance significantly the serum antibody titers of ND live vaccine
Primary chicken embryo liver (CEL) cells, which were permissive to and AI inactivate vaccine.
ILTV, were transfected with various ectopic expression constructs and/ Key Words: antibacterial peptide, Newcastle disease, avian influenza,
or small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) for cell cycle regulatory genes. serum antibody titers
As results, 3 immortal chicken embryonic liver (CELi) cell lines were
established. The CELi-si-p53 was transfected with the expression
construct for siRNA against p53, the CELi-Vector was transfected
with the expression vector control, and CELi-im was immortalized
spontaneously without transfection. All 3 CELi lines are permissive
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 31
Animal Health-Johne’s Disease (JDIP): Johne’s Disease
M57 Results from the US National Johne’s Disease Demonstra- fecal culture negative or derived from free herds and from 1 sample no
tion Herd Project: Most important areas from the Johne’s risk culture result was available. Fecal culture for M. paratuberculosis was
assessment. C. Fossler* and J. Lombard, USDA:APHIS:VS, Fort performed by the TREK ESP para-JEM Culture System II. Parachek2
Collins, CO. has a sensitivity of 56% (95% CI of 32% - 81%) and a specificity of 98%
(95% CI of 92% - 100%). A comparison of the improved Parachek 2
The National Johne’s Demonstration Herd Project (NJDDHP) in the with the currently used Parachek2 showed an almost perfect agreement
United States was initiated to evaluate the long-term feasibility and with a Cohen′s kappa value of 0.93. To enhance throughput Parachek2
effectiveness of management-related practices designed to control was automated on a Beckman Coulter Biomek FXP. The Laboratory
Johne’s disease on dairy and beef cattle operations. The NJDDHP began Automation Workstation was equipped with a 96-well plate washer and
in 2003 and includes 62 dairy herds and 20 beef herds in 17 states. All a plate reader which allows for a throughput of up to 16 plates in one
herds began with culture-confirmed Mycobacterium avium subspecies working day (8.5 h) starting from serum or milk samples. Comparison
paratuberculosis (MAP) on the operation, and all herd owners agreed of the fully automated system with manual processing showed almost
to make efforts to control Johne’s disease on the operation. Risk assess- perfect agreement with a kappa value of 0.96. These results demonstrate
ments, management plans, and testing of herds were completed on an that Parachek2 can be easily run on an automated system with the same
annual basis. Results to date indicate that, for both beef and dairy herds, excellent performance as with manual processing of the samples using
prevalence of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) the Parachek and thus enabling laboratories to save time and freeing
in the third, fourth, and fifth years of participation was significantly staff for other work.
lower than prevalence during the first year of participation. An analysis
using Poisson regression was undertaken to identify areas from the risk Key Words: Johne’s disease, ELISA, milk
assessment most important with regard to MAP prevalence. Among
the main areas from the risk assessment (which included calving area, M59 Analysis of the immune response to a major membrane pro-
preweaned heifers, postweaned heifers, bred heifers, cows and bulls, tein of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis in experimentally
and additions/replacements), preliminary results indicate that for dairy and naturally infected cattle. G. S. Abdellrazeq*1, H. M. Rihan2, M.
and beef herds, the calving and preweaned heifer areas appeared to be J. Hamilton3, A. J. Allen3, K. T. Park3, J. P. Bannantine4, J. R. Stabel4,
most important with regard to risk of cattle being MAP-positive. Specific and W. C. Davis3, 1Faculty of Vet Med, Alexandria Univ, Edfina, Rosetta-
factors related to the calving and preweaned heifer areas will be further line, Behera Province, Alexandria University, Egypt, 2Faculty of Vet
assessed to identify practices associated with a greater risk for cattle Med, Mansoura Univ, El Mansoura, Egypt, 3Wash State Univ, Pullman,
to be MAP-positive. For dairy herds, preliminary results indicate that 4USDA-ARS National Animal Disease Center, Ames IA.
making sure udders and legs of cows in the calving area are clean, using
individual animal calving areas (or allowing fewer animals in the calving The 35 kDa major membrane protein (MMP) of Mycobacterium avium
area), and preventing Johne’s disease clinical or suspect animals from ssp. paratuberculosis was studied to determine the potential of using
entering the calving area were most important with regard to control of MMP to develop a subunit vaccine. A flow cytometric (FC) assay was
Johne’s disease on dairy operations. developed to conduct the study. Comparison of the immune responses
to MMP, purified protein derivative (PPD) and soluble antigen (SAg)
Key Words: Johne’s, control, demonstration herds in experimentally (n = 5) infected calves revealed the CD4 response
was stronger than the CD8 response to MMP at 3 mo (P < 0.05). No
M58 Evaluation of the next-generation Parachek ELISA for significant differences were observed in the CD4 response to MMP
high-throughput detection of Johne’s disease in milk and serum compared with PPD and SAg. A significant difference was observed
samples. P. Schacher1, A. Zurfluh1, D. Zwald1, T. Byrem2, and A. between CD8 response to MMP compared with PPD and SAg (P <
J. Raeber*1, 1Prionics AG, Schlieren, Switzerland, 2AntelBioSystems 0.05). At 12 mo the CD4 response to MMP was still stronger than the
Inc, Lansing, MI. CD8 response. The CD4 response to PPD and SAg was significantly
Frequent testing of milk samples for antibodies to Mycobacterium stronger than the response to MMP (P < 0.05). No significant difference
avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) by ELISA has become an important was observed in the CD8 response to MMP compared with PPD and
tool in managing control of Johne’s disease in dairy cattle operations. SAg. The CD4 and CD8 response to MMP, PPD, and SAg was signifi-
Originally developed for serum samples, Parachek ELISA (also mar- cantly higher in naturally infected cows compared with the response in
keted as AntelBio Johne’s Milk ELISA) has been validated with bovine experimentally infected calves, at the preclinical (n = 3) and clinical (n
milk samples for which it received approval from the USDA in 2006 = 5) stage of disease (P < 0.05). The findings show the cell-mediated
and is currently marketed in the US by AntelBio. In the last 10 years, immune response to MMP develops slowly, as detected by FC, and is
Parachek, also known as the AntelBio Johne’s Milk ELISA, has been not diminished at any stage of infection. These findings indicate that
used successfully on more than 750,000 samples within the labora- MMP does not elicit a protective immune response in its native form.
tory network of the Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA). To A strategy is needed to modify MMP so that it elicits a strong early
simplify the use and increase throughput, we have further improved response, essential for blocking the capacity of Map to dysregulate the
Parachek to make it more user-friendly and allow full automation. The immune response and cause disease.
performance of the improved Parachek2 was evaluated on a set of 368 Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, MMP,
bovine milk samples of which 16 were fecal culture positive, 351 were immune response
32 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M60 Flow cytometric and in-house ELISA methods of milk testing infection by all methods resulted in increased (P < 0.05) expression of
for Johne’s disease diagnosis. A. Wadhwa*1, J. P. Bannantine2, B. A. CD25+B cells and CD45RO+ B cells early in the study but the most
Elliot1, M. C. Scott1, and S. Eda1, 1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, significant results were observed at 12 mo for calves pre-treated with
2United States Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA. dexamethasone before oral inoculation with strain K-10 (Oral/DXM)
and Oral/M calves. Immunoblot analyses demonstrated the greatest
Use of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in dairy herds
reactivity to a whole-cell sonicate of MAP in sera from IP calves and
is recommended as a Johne’s disease (JD) control measure; however,
the lowest was observed in calves orally inoculated with strain K-10.
current ELISA tests suffer low sensitivity. The long-term goal of this
Further evidence of strong MAP-specific antibody responses in the IP
project is to develop a sensitive ELISA method of testing milk samples
calves was demonstrated using the EvELISA method. In summary, the
for JD diagnosis. By using a flow cytometric method (FCM), we dem-
method of experimental inoculation with MAP did affect the induction
onstrated previously that Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis
of B cell subpopulations and the appearance of MAP-specific antibody
(MAP)-infected cattle produced serum antibodies against surface anti-
during the 12-mo study period.
gens of MAP. Also, an in-house ELISA test developed using surface
antigens of MAP showed a higher level of sensitivity in detecting MAP Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, cattle, B
infections than that of current ELISA tests. The objective of this study is cells
to demonstrate a “proof-of-concept” that surface antigens of MAP can
be used for detection of anti-MAP antibodies in milk as well as serum
samples. FCM-Intact MAP bacilli were incubated with 48 bovine serum M62 Deletion of relA attenuates in vivo survival of Mycobacterium
and milk samples and subsequently with fluorescein-labeled anti-bovine avium ssp. paratuberculosis. K. T. Park*1, A. J. Allen2, M. J. Hamil-
IgG secondary antibody. Antibody binding to the surface of MAP was ton1, A. Grimm1, H. M. Rihan3, G. S. Abdellrazeq4, and W. C. Davis1,
1Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, Washington
detected by using a flow cytometer. In-house ELISA-Surface antigens
of MAP were extracted by a brief treatment of the bacteria with 80% State University, Pullman, 2Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences,
ethanol, coated on a microtiter plate, and reacted with bovine milk Washington State University, Pullman, 3Department of Bacteriology,
samples. Antibody binding to the immobilized MAP surface antigens Mycology and Immunology, Mansoura University, Egypt, 4Department
was detected in an ELISA format by using a horseradish peroxidase– of Microbiology, Alexandria University, Egypt.
labeled secondary antibody and its substrate. The following conditions Extensive effort is underway to develop a mutant Mycobacterium avium
were optimized: concentrations of antigen, milk, and secondary antibody ssp. paratuberculosis that can be used as a vaccine to control paratu-
for better differentiation of milk samples obtained from JD-positive and berculosis in cattle. Studies in mice have shown that deletion of relA
JD-negative herds and 6 different mycobacteria were tested as absorbent in M. tuberculosis attenuates survival in vivo. Mice infected with the
of cross reactive antibodies. In FCM, a high level of correlation (r2 = relA mutant survived longer with a reduction in bacterial burden and
0.79) between antibody binding levels of serum and milk was observed. pathology. The objective of the present study was to test the hypothesis
In the optimized in-house ELISA test, 9 out of 10 JD-positive milk that deletion of relA also attenuates survival of Map in vitro and in vivo.
samples showed positive antibody reactions. These results suggest that To test the hypothesis we generated a deletion mutant (relA) in the K10
MAP-infected cattle produce milk antibodies against surface antigens strain of Map, tagged with the green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) and
of MAP. Further study may reveal whether a sensitive ELISA test can infected calves (n = 5). Wild type K10-gfp was used as a control (n = 3).
be developed based on the surface antigens of MAP. Analysis in an in vitro assay revealed deletion of relA reduced survival
Key Words: Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, antigen, diagnosis in monocyte derived macrophages compared with survival of wild type
K10 at 6 d post infection (12.5% ± 6.3 SD vs. 29.4% ± 3.6 SD) (P <
0.05 by Kruskal-Wallis test). Analysis in vivo using a calf cannulated
M61 Induction of B cell responses upon experimental infection of ileum model showed that deletion attenuated survival without altering
neonatal calves with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis. J. the immune response to Map 3 mo PI. At necropsy, 9 different tissue
R. Stabel*1, J. P. Bannantine1, S. Eda2, and S. Robbe-Austerman3, sites were processed for Map culture. No bacteria were detected in any
1USDA-ARS-NADC, Ames, IA, 2University of Tennessee, Knoxville, tissue sample (n = 45) from calves infected with the mutant at 3 mo
3USDA-APHIS-NVSL, Ames, IA. PI. In contrast, bacteria were detected in 13 of 27 tissue sites obtained
from calves infected with wild type K10 (all 3 animals had at least 4
Animal models are useful for studying host responses to infection and
positive tissues) (P < 0.05 by chi-squared test). The findings show that
aid in the development of diagnostic tools and vaccines. The current
further studies are warranted to determine if a relA deletion mutant can
study was designed to compare the effects of different methods of
be used as a vaccine.
experimental infection: Oral (Mycobacterium avium ssp. paraubercu-
losis (MAP) strain K-10; Oral/DXM (pretreatment with dexamethasone Key Words: live vaccine, paratuberculosis
before oral inoculation with strain K-10); IP (intraperitoneal inoculation
with strain K-10); and Oral/M (oral inoculation with mucosal scrapings
from a clinical cow) in neonatal calves. The objective of this study was M63 Microfluidic system for serodiagnosis of Johne’s disease. S.
to determine if infection with MAP over 12-mo period would invoke Eda*1, A. Wadhwa1, J. P. Bannantine2, M. C. Scott1, R. W. Shaw3,
changes in the percentages of total B cells in the peripheral blood mono- and R. S. Foote3, 1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2United States
nuclear cell population and in subpopulations of B cells as determined Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA, 3Oak Ridge National Labora-
by CD5, CD25, and CD45RO markers. Over the course of the study, the tory, Oak Ridge, TN.
percentage of total B cells in nonstimulated and antigen-stimulated cell Microfluidics (Lab-on-a-chip) technology has been used in various
cultures increased (P < 0.01) for orally and intraperitoneally infected analytical processes, including electrophoresis, single-cell analysis,
calves, with the highest percentages noted at 3 and 6 mo post-infection. biochemical assays, and immune assays. The technology offers opportu-
Oral infection of calves with a clinical strain of MAP (Oral/M) resulted in nities for the development of point-of-care diagnostic devices for various
increased (P < 0.05) percentages of CD5dim and CD5bright B cells, regard- infectious diseases. Diagnosis of Johne’s disease (JD) is currently con-
less of in vitro stimulation, by 9 and 12 mo post-infection. Experimental ducted in diagnostic laboratories, creating dairy farmers costly expenses
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 33
for veterinary service, sample handling, and shipping. An automated is an interaction between Map strains and ss86341066 associated with
point-of-care diagnostic device for JD would reduce diagnosis-related tissue infection. Further studies with larger sample sizes will be needed
costs and also may improve the accuracy of testing because it would to confirm and further characterize this interaction.
require a minimum of examiner intervention. The long-term goal of this
Key Words: Johne’s, strains, locus
project is to develop a point-of-care serological diagnostic device for JD.
For this report, we tested serum antibodies against Mycobacterium avium
ssp. paratuberculosis, the causative agent of JD, using a microfluidic M65 Genome sequence of a Mycobacterium avium subspecies
system. In this project, magnetic micro-beads were used as the solid paratuberculosis isolate from a patient with Crohn’s Disease. L.
phase for antibody binding reactions. Magnetic micro-beads were treated Li*1, A. Amonsin2, S. Sreevatsan3, and V. Kapur1, 1Penn State Univer-
with ethanol-extracted antigens of M. paratuberculosis, serum sample, sity, University Park, 2Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,
and then a fluorescently labeled secondary antibody. Antibody binding 3University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
was subsequently detected by using a flow cytometer. Assay conditions
were optimized for higher analytical sensitivity and specificity of the Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) has been
bead-based flow cytometric test. Using the optimized conditions, we associated with human Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel
then tested JD-negative and JD-positive serum samples in a microfluidic disease. To identify polymorphic sequences with potential relevance
system. Using a well-classified set of 155 serum samples, diagnostic to host specificity and evolution, an isolate recovered from a Crohn’s
sensitivity and specificity of the flow cytometric test were estimated disease patient, MAP4 has been sequenced. Second-generation sequenc-
to be 60.0% and 98.0%, respectively. Five serum samples were tested ing approaches were used to generate a total of 88.5 million base pairs
using a microfluidic system we designed and the results were compared of finished sequence, representing an 18-fold coverage of the genome.
with those of the flow cytometric test on the same set of samples. As a Currently, the genome has been assembled into ~60 contiguous pieces
result, a high level of correlation (linear regression, r2 = 0.994) between accounting for ~98% of the K10 genome. Whole-genome comparison
the results of flow cytometric and microfluidic tests was observed. Our of MAP4 with K10 revealed a lack of major large-sequence polymor-
data demonstrated a ’proof-of-the-concept’ that JD can be diagnosed phisms. A total 171 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were
by employing a test based on microfluidics technology. identified, with 152 in coding regions, which is ~6-fold lower than
SNPs found in genome comparison of 2 Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Key Words: paratuberculosis, diagnosis, microfluidics strains. Two-thirds of the SNPs in coding regions were non-synonymous
and were primarily found in genes encoding metabolic pathways,
cell envelope, and virulence genes involved in invading mammalian
M64 Evaluation of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculo-
cells. Fifty-eight synonymous SNPs were identified and the pattern
sis strains and a locus associated with tissue infection. H. L.
of synonymous nucleotide substitution between 2 genomes at 4,350
Neibergs*1, Y. Schukken2, R. H. Whitlock3, A. Pradhan2, J. M. Smith4,
putatively orthologous loci showed a synonymous substitution rate of
and E. Hovingh5, 1Washington State University, Pullman, 2Cornell
3.7 × 10−5, suggesting a relatively recent divergence between MAP4
University, Ithaca, NY, 3University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square,
4Unversity of Vermont, Burlington, 5Pennsylvania State University, and K10. Many of the SNPs identified in MAP4 were verified in 10
isolates from human and cattle and the results indicate that these were
University Park.
not specific in isolates from human hosts. Overall, the comparison of
Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (Map) strains vary by the 2 genome sequences confirmed restricted allelic variation in Map, and
presence of multiple copies of fatty acid metabolism genes which are clearly showed the considerable similarity in sequences between Map
thought to increase the virulence of the mycobacterium and potentially isolates recovered from cattle and humans.
increase the incidence of Johne’s disease. We previously identified a
Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, genome
locus on chromosome 3 (ss86341066) that showed that animals with
sequence, single-nucleotide polymorphism
an A allele were 3 times less likely to be tissue infected with Map than
those with a C allele (Settles et al. 2009, Animal Genetics, 40, 655–662).
The objective of this study was to determine if there was an interaction M66 Impact of vaccination against Johne’s disease on lactation
between Map strains and the genotypes of hosts with Map-infected performance of dairy cows: Milk production, reproduction and
tissue. Map strain types were identified by multilocus short sequence overall culling. J. R. Lima*1, E. Patton2, B. Knust1, J. Bohn3, and S.
repeat analysis from ileo-cecal lymph nodes, ileo-cecal valve, or ileum J. Wells1, 1University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2Wisconsin Department of
and fecal samples from19 Holstein cows representing 3 herds. Map Agriculture, Madison, 3Veterinary Clinic, Amery, WI.
strain types coded as 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 12 were identified in 10, 1,
4, 4, 1, 1, and 1 sample, respectively. Three animals had 2 different Our objective was to evaluate the impact of vaccination against Johne’s
strains isolated from their tissue and feces (2 animals-type 2 and 4; 1 disease on lactation performance measured by milk production, repro-
animal-type 3 and 6). Map strains 3, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 12 were combined ductive outcomes and overall culling rate. Three dairy herds in the
into one group for analysis due to the small number of observations. A state of Wisconsin previously identified with Mycobacterium avium
Fishers exact test compared the ss86341066 allele frequencies with the ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection, by a combination of diagnostic
Map strain that infected each animal. For animals infected with Map tests (serum ELISA and TREK fecal culture) and presence of clinical
strain types 3, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 12 the frequency of the minor protective disease were enrolled in this study. Within each herd, heifer calves at
allele (A) was 0.0 and the frequency was 1.0 for the major allele (C). birth were systematically allocated to a vaccination or control group,
For animals with Map strain type 2, the frequency of the minor allele until 2 cohorts of 50 animals or 10% of the adult cow herd was formed,
(A) was 0.25 and the frequency was 0.75 for the major allele (C). The establishing an overall sample size across herds of 307 animals (vac-
frequency of the ss86341066 alleles differed (P < 0.05) between animals cinated = 162 vs. control = 145). Vaccination was performed up to 35
with Map strain type 2 and Map strains type 3, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 12. These d of age. From each of the study cows a fecal sample was collected at
data suggest that Map strain type 2 may be more virulent in the Holstein first freshening, at 90 d of pregnancy in the first lactation, at 90 d of
animals tested than Map strain types 3, 4, 6, 9, 11 and 12 and that there pregnancy for all following lactations and at time of culling to assess
MAP infection. Milk production, reproductive performance and culling
34 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
data, from the year 2005 until 2009, were obtained from the dairy herd and cause new infections. Infection is a result of ingesting Map from
records and fecal culture results were collected from the laboratory. contaminated feed, water, or manure. The study objective was to evaluate
Animals were classified positive for MAP if the TREK fecal culture the ability of Map to survive low pH and high organic acid concentra-
score was ≥ 1. Mixed modeling was used to analyze differences in total tions encountered as part of ensiling. Three experiments were conducted
milk production per lactation between the 2 groups. Logistic regression to evaluate survivability and the ability to differentiate live and dead
was used to evaluate conception at first breeding and Cox regression bacteria. Study 1 evaluated survivability in grass silage fermented in
was used to estimate days in milk (DIM) to conception and days from vacuum bags. Forage was inoculated with live Map, dead Map, or no
birth until culling. Vaccination against Johne’s disease had no effect Map (control) and incubated for 25, 50, 75, or 100d. Fermented forage
on total milk production across lactations, conception at first breeding averaged 4.7 ± 0.11 pH, 8.3 ± 2.1 lactic acid (% DM), 3.5 ± 0.9 acetic
and DIM to conception. Time to test positive for Johne’s disease was acid (% DM), and 0.05 ± 0.03 propionic acid (% DM). Study 2 evaluated
statistically significantly longer among vaccinates but no difference survivability in buffered citric acid solutions of pH 4, 5, 6, and 7. Live
was observed in overall culling rate between groups. In this study, Map bacteria were added to solutions and bacterial concentrations were
vaccination against Johne’s disease had no improvement on overall measured at 0, 5, 15, 20, 30, and 35 d. Study 3 evaluated survivability in
lactation performance. exudates from control silage in study 1. Exudates were filter sterilized
to eliminate background population interference and pure live Map was
Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, Johne’s
exposed to exudates for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 d. Study 1 found no
disease, lactation performance
changes in concentration of Map regardless of number of fermentation
days or viability/presence of MAP inoculated. After exposure to citric
M67 Effect of Tri-Lution (T), a synbiotic, on milk production and acid in study 2, samples were analyzed for Map concentration by PCR
shedding of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in a (total bacteria) and propidium monoazide (PMA; live bacteria). Study
commercial dairy herd. D. M. Albin*, C. Jones-Anding, D. P. Casper, 2 found that live MAP concentration decreased as pH decreased and
D. A. Spangler, and G. A. Ayangbile, Agri-King, Inc., Fulton, IL. exposure time increased with a 2-fold log reduction for pH 4 at 37d. In
study 3, no change in Map concentration was found when bacteria were
The effects of feeding T (synbiotic) in a dairy herd with Johne’s disease exposed to exudates. These results indicate that while Map is sensitive
on milk production and shedding of MAP (causative agent of Johne’s) to low pH, this only occurs with concentrations of acid higher than
was evaluated for 10 mos. Thirty-six lactating Holsteins on a commercial experienced with proper forage fermentation. Map present in manure
dairy farm were divided into 2 groups, T (n = 19) and control (C, n = and applied to forage grasses may survive ensilaging process and silage
17), based on days in milk and fecal shedding of MAP. Tri-Lution was may therefore be a potential route of infection.
added to a corn silage, haylage, and high-moisture corn diet. Tri-Lution
was included at 56.7 g/cow/d for 22 weeks, and then 113.4 g until the Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, silage,
end. Milk production and composition data were obtained monthly via quantitative PCR
Dairy Herd Improvement Association sampling. Fecal samples were col-
lected every other week. Samples were used to assess MAP shedding via
M69 A membrane associated serine protease of Mycobacterium
polymerase chain reaction. Fat-corrected milk (3.5%, FCM) production
avium subspecies paratuberculosis plays a role in resistance to pha-
was increased for cows fed 56.7 g T within 5 mos compared with cows
gosomal acid stress. A. Kugadas*1, H. K. Janagama1, E. A. Lamont1,
fed C (33.2 ± 4.3 vs 26.8 ± 2.4 kg/d for T and C, respectively). Cows
and S. Sreevatsan1,2, 1Department of Veterinary Population Medicine,
fed 113.4 g T within 3 mos (8 mos total) had greater FCM production
University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, 2Department of Veterinary Biomedi-
than cows fed C (33.0 ± 3.9 and 25.1 ± 4.5 kg/d). In addition, when
cal Sciences, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul.
cows were fed 56.7 g T, the decline in milk production was slower than
C (−0.6 vs −1.2 kg FCM/cow/mo) and less linear (r2 = 0.56 for T, 0.81 Pathogenic mycobacteria successfully survive in the acidic micro-envi-
for C). For cows fed T, milk shedding of MAP was reduced by 39%, ronment of the phagosome. We hypothesize that Mycobacterium avium
and incidence of shedding (number of positive samples) was reduced ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) expresses a membrane associated serine
16%, with 56.7 g T vs C. When cows were fed 113.4 g T, following protease encoded by MAP0403, in response to phagosomal acidification
56.7, MAP shedding in milk was further reduced 9%, while incidence and is vital for the intracellular survival. Expression of serine protease by
was further reduced 1%. For cows fed 56.7 g/d T fecal shedding of MAP MAP K-10 was studied at 10, 30, and 120-min. post infection of bovine
was reduced by 18%, while incidence was reduced 5%. With 113.4 g monocyte derived macrophages treated with or without bafilomycin to
T, fecal shedding was further reduced 3%, while incidence was further block phagosomal acidification. MAP serine protease was significantly
reduced 8% vs C. Relative standard error of shedding data ranged from upregulated exclusively in the acidified phagosomes. Highest level of
8.7 to 30%. Tri-Lution improved milk production, and reduced milk MAP0403 expression coincided with the timing of peak phagosome
and fecal shedding of MAP (Johne’s), over a 10-mo period. Tri-Lution acidification in the macrophages. Inasmuch as Mycobacterium smeg-
can be a beneficial management practice on commercial dairy farms matis mc2 155 cannot resist and persist in the acidified phagosome, we
with Johne’s disease. cloned the open reading frame of MAP0403 via a pSM417 vector into
M. smegmatis mc2 155. Compared with controls, M. smegmatis mc2
Key Words: synbiotic, Johne’s disease, milk production
155 transformants carrying the MAP serine protease show a temporal
survival advantage during the in vitro acid stress for 30 and 120min. Our
M68 Survivability of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis studies suggest that MAP serine protease is critical in resisting the pha-
in grass silage after fermentation and exposure to low pH and high gosomal acid stress by MAP. Further establishment of this mechanism
organic acids. S. A. Flis*1, K. L. Cook2, and C. S. Ballard3, 1Bourdeau will lead to better understanding of a proximal step in the pathogenesis
Bros., Middlebury, VT, 2USDA–ARS, Bowling Green, KY, 3W. H. Miner of mycobacterial infections to establish an intracellular niche.
Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY.
Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (Map) is a pathogen of con-
cern in dairy production due to its ability to withstand harsh conditions
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 35
M70 Quantifying Johne’s disease infectivity in Indiana dairy M71 Preliminary observation of an indigenous Johne’s disease vac-
herds. C. C. Wu*, T. L. Lin, A. Storm, C. A. Alinovi, and M. P. Ward, cine study in infected cattle herd in India. S. V. Singh*, A. Srivastva,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. B. Singh, A. Kumar, and A. V. Singh, and P. K. Singh, Central Institute
for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura (UP), India.
Analysis of fecal culture and ELISA serology for Johne’s disease (JD)
was conducted on 5 dairy herds to quantify infectivity of JD from 2004 Ineffective control strategies of Johne’s disease (JD) by ‘test and cull’
to 2009. Various positive management practices and risk assessment have method, banned on culling of cows due to social issue, high presence
been employed in these herds. Spearman′s coefficient was calculated for of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in livestock,
the relationship between fecal shedding level and ELISA score. In a large humans and in environment, difficulties in early diagnosis etc. were
open Holstein herd (900 milking) prevalence of JD by semiquantitative major challenges to successful JD control program in India. An indig-
fecal culture was 36.1% in 2004, 18.5% in 2005, and 18.7% in 2006. In enous JD vaccine has been developed using a native MAP strain of
a small closed herd (50 milking) none of the tested cows were positive ‘Indian Bison type’ of goat origin and found very effective in preventing
for JD by fecal culture in 2004. This herd did have one cow that was and also curing of JD in goats and sheep. In present study the status of
fecal culture positive in 2005 (0.9%), though all cows were negative MAP infection and the efficacy of indigenous vaccine for the control
for JD when tested in 2006. Two small open herds were studied. In one of JD in a naturally infected cattle herd (based on preliminary data)
herd (80 milking) 19% of cows were positive for JD by fecal culture were described. Fecal, blood and serum samples from 135 cows (100
in 2004, 9.4% in 2005, and only 3.3% of cows were positive in 2006. adult and 35 calves), showing moderate to advanced symptoms of JD
The herd prevalence for JD went up to 24.6% in 2007 with new unvac- were processed for assessing the status of MAP infection before vac-
cinated cows added to the herd, but reduced to 4.2% in 2008. In the other cination by microscopy, PCR and ELISA test, respectively. A total of
small herd (60 milking), 4.2% of the cows were positive for JD by fecal 60 and 31.85% cows were positive by ELISA and blood PCR. Positive
culture in 2005, 4.5% in 2006, and all tested animals were negative for samples by PCR were further genotyped as MAP Bison type by IS 1311
JD in 2007 (0.0%). The fifth herd is a medium-sized (300 milking) open PCR-REA. Out of 32 calves and 51 adult cows, 65.6 and 84.3% were
dairy herd where 10% of cows were fecal positive for JD in 2003 and positive in microscopy of fecal smear, respectively. Necropsy of few
herd prevalence had risen to 31.7% when tested in 2005. In subsequent died cows showed advanced gross lesions of JD. All the cows were
years, the herd prevalence of JD decreased to 14.8% in 2006 and 9.8% vaccinated, sampled (20%) and monitored for improvement in physical
in 2007. Vaccination against JD was practiced in all herds except the condition, reduction in MAP shedding, morbidity, mortality and immune
small closed herd (50 milking). Between 2003 and 2007, mean ELISA response. Sample results and other data recorded before and 2 mo post
values increased in herds practicing vaccination with little change in vaccination showed reduction in number of MAP shedder/positive cows
the non-vaccinated herds. In conclusion, ELISA testing alone cannot as well as shedding level, reduced morbidity and mortality despite of
be used to identify positive and shedding animals for culling program. extreme winter condition, accelerated sero-conversion, checked diar-
ELISA is best used to screen the status of JD in herd and fecal culture rhea, increased appetite, no untoward reaction etc. were recorded.
remains the most accurate ante-mortem method to identify animals that Conclusively, developed indigenous vaccine may perform equally (as
are mycobacterial shedders. in previous study on goat and sheep) in controlling the clinical cases
of JD in cattle.
Key Words: Johne’s disease, infectivity, culture
Key Words: indigenous vaccine, Johne’s disease, Mycobacterium avium
ssp. paratuberculosis
36 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Breeding and Genetics: Beef Cattle
M72 Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism of calpain d (1.15 and 0.57 kg, respectively; P < 0.05); 4-yr-old yak GG/AA had
1 gene with meat tenderness of the yak. X. J. Wu1, L. Yang1, H. lesser shear force than GA/GA at aging times of 7 and 14 d (0.64 and
L. Wang1, L. P. Zhang1, J. H. Wang1, M. A. Brown*2, and J. P. Wu1, 0.49 kg, respectively; P < 0.05). Genotype had little effect (P > 0.05) on
1Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China, 2USDA-ARS, shear force in 2-yr- and 3-yr-old yak averaged over aging time. In 4-yr-
Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK. old yak, GG/AA had 0.40 kg lesser shear force than GA/GA (P < 0.05)
averaged over aging time. Therefore, it was concluded that the CAST
The association of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of calpain SNPs affect (P < 0.10) shear force of M. longissimus dorsi depending
1 (CAPN1) gene with shear force of 2.54 cm steaks from M. longis- on age of yak and aging time of the meat. Further study should focus
simus dorsi from Gannan yaks (Bos grunniens, n = 181) was studied. on the ontogeny of CAST gene mRNA expression.
The experimental design was a repeated measures with the main unit
in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of Key Words: yak, calpastatin, tenderness
treatments (age at harvest x SNP) and the repeated subunit was aging
days. Individual animal was used as the experimental unit. Yaks were M74 Estimation of inbreeding and effective population size of
harvested at 2, 3, and 4 yr of age (n = 51, 59, and 71, respectively), and fullblood Wagyu cattle registered with the American Wagyu Asso-
samples of each yak carcass were aged at 4°C for 0, 1, 3, 7, 14 or 21d. ciation. H. L. Neibergs*1, R. Zanella1, J. F. Taylor2, C. T. Gaskins1, J.
Shear force for each sample was determined at each of 6 postmortem J. Reeves1, and J. M. de Avila1, 1Washington State University, Pullman,
aging times using Warner-Bratzler shear force methodology. Fragments 2University
of the yak CAPN1 gene including exon 9 and intron 9 were amplified of Missouri, Columbia.
and subjected to single strand conformation polymorphism analysis. A The founders of the American Wagyu herds were imported from Japan
SNP was found within intron 9 of the CAPN1 gene G5837A, and there during a period when inbreeding was high and the effective population
were 2 genotypes of GG and GA identified, respectively. The genotypic size of the Japanese Wagyu was low. The effective population size
frequency of GG was 82.87% compared with 17.13% for GA. Statistical represents the number of breeding animals in an ideal population where
analysis was done using SAS PROC MIXED. Interaction of SNP × age each male and female has an equal chance of contributing to the next
at harvest × aging days was demonstrated (P < 0.10) for shear force. In generation. The objectives of this research were to estimate the inbreed-
2-yr-old yak, genotype GG had lesser shear force than that of GA at the ing and effective population size of the Wagyu breed using pedigree
aging times of 0, 3, and 7 d (0.78, 0.92, and 0.65 kg, respectively; P < information from 2504 fullblood animals registered with the American
0.05); however, in 3-yr- and 4-yr-old yak, genotype GG had lesser shear Wagyu Association and from genotypes of 50 fullblood Wagyu animals
force than GA at aging time of 14 d (0.71 and 0.58 kg, respectively; P representing 8 prominent sire lines. The Illumina BovineSNP50 BeadAr-
< 0.05). Genotype had little effect (P > 0.05) on shear force for 3- and ray was used to genotype the Wagyu samples. Excess homozygosity was
4-yr-old yaks averaged over aging time. In 2-yr-old yak, genotype GG used to estimate inbreeding by genotype using PLINK (Purcell et al.
had 0.57 kg lesser shear force than yaks with genotype GA (P < 0.05) 2007) while inbreeding based on pedigree was estimated with FSpeed
averaged over aging time. Therefore, results from this research suggest Pro ( The effective popula-
that the CAPN1 SNP affected shear force of M. longissimus dorsi but the tion size was estimated for the period of 1990 to 2007 as described by
effect differed depending on age of yak and aging time of the meat. Nomura et al. (2001) where the annual rate of inbreeding (ΔFST,y) was
Key Words: yak, calpain, genotype used to estimate the annual effective population size (Ne). The estimated
level of inbreeding for American Wagyu based on pedigrees was 5.8%
which reflects that inbreeding is underestimated for foundation animals
M73 The effects of single nucleotide polymorphisms of calpastatin with shallow pedigrees. The estimated inbreeding based on pedigrees
gene on meat tenderness of the yak. J. H. Wang1, J. P. Wu*1, H. L. and genotypes in the 8 sire lines are shown in Table 1. The effective
Wan1, L. Yang1, X. J. Wu1, M. A. Brown2, and L. P. Zhang1, 1Gansu population size averaged 8.8 between 1990 and 2007, with a low of 1.5
Agricultural University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China, 2USDA-ARS, Graz- in 1991 and a high of 16 in 2007. Wagyu in America are the result of a
inglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK. small number of cattle imported from Japan between 1976 and 1999 and
additional importations in the near future are not expected. Strategies
The association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of calpasta- to increase genetic diversity and limit inbreeding should be considered
tin (CAST) gene with shear force of 2.54 cm steaks from M. longissimus to maintain this unique breed of cattle.
dorsi from Gannan yaks (Bos grunniens, n = 181) was studied. Yaks
were harvested at 2, 3, and 4 yr of age (n = 51, 59, and 71, respectively),
and samples of each yak carcass were aged at 4°C for 0, 1, 3, 7, 14 Table 1. The percent inbreeding for each of 8 sires based on their 5
or 21d. Shear force for each sample was determined at each of the 6 generation pedigree and genotypes from the SNP50 BeadArray
postmortem aging-day using Warner-Bratzler shear force methodology. Sires %Inbreeding: Pedigree %Inbreeding: Genotype
Fragments of the yak CAST gene including exon 3 were amplified and TF Itomichi 1/2 0 25
subjected to single strand conformation polymorphism analysis. Two Kitaguni Junior 0 18.4
linkage SNPs were found within exon 3 of the CAST gene: G40455A TF Kikuhana 18.7 39.1
and G40463A, and there were 2 genotypes of GG/AA and GA/GA dem- Kitateruyasudoi 9.4 27.3
onstrated respectively. The genotypic frequency of GG/AA was 72.93% Michifuku 6.2 28.1
compared with 27.07% for GA/GA. Statistical analysis was done using Sanjirou 12.9 33.1
SAS PROC MIXED. Interaction of genotype × age at harvest × aging Takazakura 12.5 31.2
time was demonstrated (P < 0.05) for shear force. In 2-yr-old yak, GG/ JVP Fukutsuru 068 9.4 21.9
AA had lesser shear force than GA/GA at the aging times of 1 and 7 Key Words: Wagyu, inbreeding, population
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 37
M75 Genetic network update for economically important traits M77 Multivariate analyses of weight traits fitting reduced rank
in a Wagyu x Limousin reference population. Z. Jiang*1, J. J. and factor analytic models in Nellore cattle. A. A. Boligon*1, A.
Michal1, T. F. Daniels1, J. Chen1, Z. X. Pan1, T. Kunej1, M. D. Garcia2, B. Bignardi1, M. E. Z. Mercadante2, and L. G. Albuquerque1, 1FCAV/
C. T. Gaskins1, J. R. Busboom1, L. J. Alexander3, R. W. Wright Jr.1, and UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, 2Instituto de Zootecnia, Sertãoz-
M. D. MacNeil3, 1Washington State University, Pullman, 2Louisiana inho, São Paulo, Brazil.
State University, Baton Rouge, 3USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh Livestock and
A total of 61.528 records from 12,246 animals from the Nellore Cattle
Range Research Laboratory, Miles City, MT.
Breeding Program were used to estimate genetic parameters using
In the present study, 84 genes representing 6 different biological path- multivariate analysis (MV). Reduced rank analyses fitting the first m
ways were investigated for their associations with 5 carcass, 6 eating = 2, 3, 4 and 5 genetic principal components (RR) and analyses that
quality and 8 fatty acid composition traits in a Wagyu × Limousin refer- fitted a factor analytic structure considering m = 2, 3, 4 and 5 factors
ence population, including 6 F1 bulls, 113 F1 dams, and 246 F2 progeny. (FA), were carried out. The traits evaluated were: birth weight (BW),
A total of 157 mutations, mainly single nucleotide polymorphisms were weaning weight (WW), weight at 365 (W365) and 550 d of age (W550),
genotyped using a Sequenom assay, but only 135 tagged mutations were and weight at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 year of age (W2Y, W3Y, W4Y, W5Y and
selected by the HAPLOVIEW analysis for the association study. Single W6Y, respectively). Genetic additive direct effects and residual effects
marker-trait association runs revealed 153 significant associations (P < were considered as random. For BW and WW, the genetic maternal
0.05), which were then placed into 3 groups of quantitative trait modes and maternal permanent environment effects were included as random
(QTMs) with additive, dominant and overdominant effects if a marker effect. Contemporary group (farm, sex, year, and month of birth) was
had 3 genotypes with at least 9 animals for each group of genotypes. included as a fixed effect. Linear and quadratic effects of animal age at
All significant markers and their QTMs associated with each of these recording (except BW), and dam age at calving (for BW, WW, W365
19 traits were involved in a linear regression model analysis, which and W550) were included as covariables. The residual, genetic maternal
confirmed single-gene associations for 4 traits, but revealed 2-gene and permanent environment covariance matrix was assumed to have
networks for 9 traits and 3-gene networks for 4 traits. Such genetic full rank throughout. Models were compared by Akaike’s Information
networks involving both genotypes and QTMs resulted in high correla- Criterion (AIC) and Schwarz’s Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).
tions between predicted and actual values of performance, thus providing The model containing the largest number of parameters - MV (96
evidence that the classical Mendelian principles of inheritance can be parameters) showed the worst fit. For models with the factor number
applied in understanding the genetic complexity of complex phenotypes. equal to the principal component number, the value of log L was very
Our present study also indicated that carcass, eating quality and fatty similar. In general, the results indicate that RR models with 3 principal
acid composition traits rarely share genetic networks. Therefore, marker- components (RR-PC3) are sufficient to model the genetic covariance
assisted selection for improvement of one category of these traits would structure among the weight traits. The 3 principal components explained
not interfere with improvement of another. more than 90% of the genetic variation. Genetic correlation estimates
between weights traits ranged from 0.42 to 0.96. Results from RR-PC3
Key Words: quantitative traits, genetic networks, beef cattle
agreed closely with estimates from MV analyses and literature results.
The RR estimation decreased computational requirements relative to
M76 Genetic trends for image analysis traits in Japanese Black MV analyses.
cattle. Y. Nakahashi*, S. Ido, and K. Kuchida, Obihiro University of Key Words: growth traits, genetic parameters, principal component
A & VM, Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido, Japan. analysis
Intramuscular fat has been a concern in genetic improvement of Japa-
nese Black cattle. Beef Marbling Standard (BMS) has been used as an
M78 Genetic parameters for weight traits from birth to 630 days
indicator of the amount of marbling. However, there are factors other
of age in Guzera cattle by random regression models. I. S. Silva*1,
than marbling that are known to affect BMS, such as the coarseness or
I. U. Packer2, L. O. C. Silva3, C. M. R. Melo4, and R. A. A. Torres
fineness of marbling flecks. In the present study, we investigated genetic
Junior3, 1University of Brasília - UnB, Brasília /DF, Brazil, 2University
trends and the relationships between traits related to BMS. A total of
of São Paulo - USP/ESALQ, Piracicaba/SP, Brazil, 3Embrapa Gado
10,556 of Japanese Black cattle that were shipped to a meat processing
de Corte, Campo Grande/MS, Brazil, 4Federal University of Santa
plant in Hokkaido, Japan, were used in the study. High quality digital
Catarina - UFSC, Florianópolis/SC, Brazil.
images were collected and analyzed to calculate the marbling percent
(MP) and coarseness index of marbling (CIM). The AIREMLF90 A total of 60,782 body weight records belonging to Guzera breed from
program was used for estimation of genetic parameters. Genetic trends birth to 630 d of age were analyzed to estimate the variance components
were calculated as the average of standardized breeding values (BV) and the genetic parameters by random regression models and the REML
of the dams by birth year for every trait. Regression coefficients (β) methodology. Ten regression models were analyzed with contempo-
were used to compare the genetic trends. The estimated heritabilities rary group as fixed effect and age of dam as a covariate. Covariance
of BMS, MP, and CIM were 0.63 ± 0.04, 0.74 ± 0.04, and 0.51 ± 0.04, functions of different order were analyzed for direct additive genetic
respectively. The genetic correlation coefficients of BMS with MP and random (kA), animal permanent environmental (kC), maternal perma-
CIM were 0.58 and 0.96, respectively. The trend in average BMS BV nent environmental (kQ) and residual effects with homogeneous (r1)
was flat from 1937 to 1970 (β = −0.01), increasing from 1970 to 1990 and heterogeneous variance structures, with 5 (r5) or 10 (r10) residual
(β = 0.04), and accelerating after 1990 (β = 0.18). Similarly, the genetic variance classes. Models were compared by the Likelihood Ratio Test,
trends for MP and CIM also increased. These results indicated that the the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the Schwarz’s Bayesian
genetic improvement of BMS is occurring, but at the same time genetic Information Criterion (BIC). The variance estimates in the analyses
merit for the undesirable trait of marbling coarseness is also increas- by the regression models were relatively similar. AIC values showed
ing. To achieve improvement of BMS without increasing coarseness of that the adjustment of the model with order of covariance functions
marbling, it is suggested to utilize image analysis in genetic evaluation, of 6 for kA, kC, kQ (Reg666) and r10, was superior in relation to the
as this technology can indicate detailed characteristics of marbling. other models. BIC values showed that the most parsimonious model
Key Words: genetic trend, image analysis, Japanese Black cattle
38 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
had order of covariance functions of 6 for kA, 5 for kC and 3 for kQ M80 Allelic frequencies of polymorphisms associated with feed
(Reg653), and r10, was optimal among the models with 10 residual efficiency in Aberdeen Angus cattle in Uruguay. A. I. Trujillo, P.
variance classes. The heritability estimates for weights at birth (WB), Grignola, I. Pandulli, P. Nicolini, A. Casal, A. Espasandin, F. Peñaga-
205 (W205), 365 (W365) and 550 (W550) days of age were 0.13, 0.43, ricano, and M. Carriquiry*, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo,
0.46, 0.48 for the model Reg666-r10, and 0.13, 0.46, 0.54, 0.56, for Montevideo, Uruguay.
the model Reg653–10. The phenotypic, genetic, animal and maternal
We are interested in selecting cattle with improved feed efficiency by
permanent environmental correlations were all positive and were similar
searching for residual feed intake (RFI) candidate genes. In confine-
for all models. Considering the most parsimonious model, Reg653 and
ment systems, neuropeptide Y (NPY), leptin (LEP) and insulin growth
r10, the genetic correlations between WB/W205, WB/W365, WB/W550,
factor-1 (IGF-1) have shown association with feed efficiency. Since
W205/W365, W205/W550 and W365/W550 were 0.40, 0.40, 0.42, 0.68,
frequencies of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of NPY, LEP
0.74 and 0.81, respectively. Models with variance homogeneity were
and IGF-1 are unknown in beef cattle population in Uruguay, our
inadequate. It was observed that division of the residual variance into
objective was to study the distribution of these SNP in the Aberdeen
10 distinct classes was the most suitable model for describing variation
Angus breed. This is a first step in evaluating the associations of these
in the weights studied herein.
SNP with RFI and investigating their use as molecular markers for
Key Words: beef cattle, variance components, random regression assisted selection in pasture-based system. A totally of 130 genetically
unrelated calves from 5 Aberdeen Angus herds (the major contributors
to the national genetic pool) were sampled. DNA was extracted from
M79 Principal component analysis of traits contributing to genetic fresh blood using the “salting out” procedure. High resolution melting
evaluation of Brahman bulls in Brazil. J. C. Souza*1, L. O. C. Silva2, (HRM) of PCR small amplicons in presence of SYBR Green dye was
A. Gondo2, P. B. Ferraz Filho3, J. A. Freitas4, C. H. M. Malhado5,7, R. L. used to genotype. An A/G SNP located in intron 2 of the NPY gene, a
Weaber6, and W. L. Lamberson6, 1Mato Grosso do Sul Federal Univer- C/T SNP located in exon 2 of the LEP gene and a C/T SNP located in
sity - UFMS, Aquidauana, MS, Brazil, 2Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa the promoter region of IGF-1 gene, were the markers genotyped. The
Agropecuaria - EMBRAPA, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, 3Mato Grosso allelic frequencies of SNP were 0.76 and 0.24 (A and G) for NPY, 0.46
do Sul Federal University - UFMS, Tres Lagoas, MS, Brazil, 4Parana and 0.54 (C and T) for LEP, and 0.61 and 0.39 (C and T) for IGF-1.
Federal University - UFPR, Palotina, PR, Brazil, 5UESB, Jequie, BA, The SNP frequencies distributions were similar across different herds
Brazil, 6Animal Sciences, MU - USA, Columbia, MO, 7Scholarship of (P ≥ 0.05, Chi-squared test). This data shows that the frequency of
CNPq, Brazilia, DF - Brazil. “favorable” alleles is lower than the “unfavorable” alleles in Aberdeen
The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of each Angus cattle in Uruguay. These results support our proposal that it is
trait contributing to genetic evaluation of Brahman sires. The data were possible to improve feed efficiency by using marker-assisted selection
from the 2006 summary of Brahman bulls published by EMBRAPA/ in the context of a national program.
CNPGC. Estimates of EPD were obtained using a multiple trait animal Key Words: SNP NPY LEP IGF-1, feed efficiency, Aberdeen Angus
model including: weight to maternal phase – 120 d (PM); weight total breed
maternal phase (TMMP); weaning weight (WW); total maternal wean-
ing weight (TMW); yearling weight (YW); pre-weaning gain (GNW)
(g/day); total maternal pre-weaning gain (TMPG); post-weaning gain M81 Techniques for sifting inconsistent data points from repeatedly
(YGP); age (days) at first calving (IPP); interval between the 1st and 2nd weighed beef cattle. S. E. Speidel*, C. M. McAllister, D. H. Crews
calving (I2P); interval and other calving (IOP); scrotal circumference Jr., and R. M. Enns, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
measurements (SC); and genetic qualification index (IQG = 10% * PM
Prior to their inclusion in genetic evaluations, phenotypic records are
+ 15% * WW + 20%*TMW + 30% * YW + 10% * IPP + 10% * I2P
typically sifted following Beef Improvement Federation guidelines to
+ 5% * SC)) of 542 bulls. The characteristics were evaluated by using
exclude erroneous data points. Random regression techniques allow the
the PRINCOMP procedure of SAS. The eigenvalues and proportions of
use of data points regardless of age at measurement. Given the range of
the first 5 principal components were 6.72, 0.52; 1.78, 0.14; 1.49, 011;
ages typically seen in field data sets, it can be challenging to identify
1.18, 0.09; 0.61, 0.05, respectively; the first eigenvalue totaled 0.52;
problematic observations. The objective of this study was to compare
first 2 0.65; the first 3 0.77, the first 4 0.86, and a total of 5 0.91. The
data sifting procedures that can be implemented on a large scale for
estimated contribution of the first principal component for each trait
the purpose of identifying individual data points inconsistent within an
was WW (0.3757); IQG (0.3749); YGP (0.3724), YW (0.3573); TMW
individual animal’s growth curve. The data set consisted of 1372 animals
(0.3569); TMPG (0.3526); TMMP (0.3161); YGP (0.2316), SC (0.1515),
with an average of 10.98 weight observations per animal ranging from
IOP (0.1347), IPP (0.0527), PM (−0.0060); and I2P (−0.0528). The traits
0 to 519 d of age. Three methods were used to identify inconsistent data
that most contributed were weaning weight, genetic qualification index
within a given animal. First individual animals with R2 values less than
and post-weaning gain. The traits which contributed least were weight
0.90 for the linear regression of weight on age were examined. Second,
to maternal phase and interval between 1st and 2nd calving. The largest
residuals from this regression were compared with residuals on all
genetic correlations were between weaning weight and post-weaning
animals, to identify observations with residuals greater than 4, 5, and
gain (0.96); yearling weight (0.97); and IQG (0.9556).
6 standard deviations (SD) from 0. Finally, each weight was compared
Key Words: gain, principal components, Zebu with the overall variability of weight within age window across years,
to identify those greater than 4, 5, and 6 SD from the mean. This last
method was the least robust of all 3 failing to identify any erroneous
data points. The R2 method was not sensitive enough in this data set
given that only 5 animals possessed an R2 less than 0.90, although one
individual animal was identified with a data point not consistent with his
remaining values. The most sensitive method compared each individual
residual value to the overall residual variability. Here, a total of 10, 2
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 39
and 0 animals were identified with residuals greater than 4, 5, and 6 SD group variance (CG: 0.25 and 1.00). Three different models (M) (linear,
from the mean, respectively. For this data set, the inclusion of birth and threshold, and linear with transformed data) were used for the analysis.
weaning weights along with the test weights gave better predictions of Herds with 40 sires and 1,200 dams, mated at random, were simulated
average daily gain by more precisely estimating the intercept for each for 20 years. Direct and maternal BV, maternal permanent environmen-
regression line. Since the R2 values were so high the residual method tal, CG, and age of dam effects were generated and combined with an
easily found those observations inconsistent with the remaining records independent error term to form the phenotype in the USC. The USC
on the individuals. were assigned, as a function of CG, according to normal relative (Y1)
and normal fixed (Y2) distributions. The BVs were estimated using the
Key Words: beef cattle, data sifting, longitudinal data
GIBBS2F90 and THRGIBBS1F90 programs with previously estimated
variance components. The procedure was repeated 10 times for each
M82 Use of principal component approach to predict direct combination. Correlations (R) between estimated and true BV were
genomic breeding values for meat traits in Italian Simmental obtained for each animal class (sires, dams and offspring). Significant
Bulls. M. A. Pintus1, G. Gaspa1, N. P. P. Macciotta*1, P. Carnier2, E. L. effects of Y on R for all animal classes were found. The Y1 distribution
Nicolazzi3, C. Dimauro1, D. Vicario4, P. Ajmone-Marsan3, A. Nardone5, presented better estimates than Y2 distribution for all animal classes
and A. Valentini5, 1Università di Sassari, Sassari, Italia, 2Università (sires: 0.92 vs 0.91; dams: 0.61 vs 0.60; offspring: 0.69 vs 0.68). For
di Padova, Padova, Italia, 3Università di Piacenza, Piacenza Italia, dams and offspring, significant effect of h2 on R was found, where high
4ANAPRI, Udine, Italia, 5Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italia. level of h2 provided greater correlation between true and estimated BV
(dams: 0.67 vs 0.55; offspring: 0.74 vs 0.63). For sires, significant effects
In the current study, principal component (PC) analysis was used to of h2 x CG interaction on R were found (at h2 = 0.49 no differences
reduce the number of predictors in the estimation of direct genomic were found between levels of CG, but at h2 = 0.25 greater R values were
breeding values (DGV) for meat traits in a sample of 457 Italian Sim- found with a low level of CG). M had no effect on R. The results indicate
mental bulls. SNP marker genotypes were determined with the 54K slightly better performance of the Y1 way of assigning VS to US values,
Illumina beadchip. After edits, 40,179 SNPs were retained. PC extraction and all M yielded consistent results for VS evaluation.
was carried out separately for each chromosome and 2,466 new variables
able to explain 70% of total variance were obtained. Bulls were divided Key Words: breeding value, threshold model, transformed data
into reference and validation population. Three scenarios of the ratio
reference/validation were tested: 70:30, 80:20, 90:10. Effect of PC scores
M84 Multibreed genetic evaluation of calving ease and birth weight
on polygenic EBVs was estimated in the reference population with a
using a threshold-linear model in Gelbvieh cattle. S. Tsuruta*, A. H.
BLUP model. Traits analyzed were daily live weight gain, size score,
Nelson, J. K. Bertrand, and I. Misztal, University of Georgia, Athens.
muscularity score, feet and legs score, beef index (economic index),
calving ease direct effect, and cow muscularity. Accuracy was calcu- Multibreed genetic evaluation (MBE) was implemented for calving ease
lated as correlation between DGV and polygenic EBV in the validation (CE) and birth weight (BW) using a threshold-linear model applied to
bulls. Muscularity, feet and legs, and the beef index show the highest data from the American Gelbvieh Association. Data included 138,072
accuracies (Table 1), calving ease the lowest. In general, accuracies are CE records (3 categories) and 941,811 BW records from 1972 to 2008.
slightly higher (Table 1) when reference animals are selected at random The pedigree file contained 1,204,867 animals. Heterosis priors of CE
and the best scenario is 90:10. were not available from the literature, so they were constructed by
making them proportional (0.02) to the BW priors. Priors of unknown
parent group within breeds (breed effects) for CE were also constructed
Table 1. Accuracy of GEBV for 7 meat traits
in proportion to those for BW. Priors of external BW and CE EPD for
Scenarios Angus sires in the Gelbvieh data set were provided by the American
Sorted by birth year Random Angus Association. The computer program used a preconditioned con-
Trait 70:30 80:20 90:10 70:30 80:20 90:10 jugate gradient and iteration on data method. The MBE converged when
Daily live weight gain 0.38 0.35 0.53 0.47 0.37 0.63 priors for heterosis and breed effects were used without considering prior
Size score 0.44 0.47 0.54 0.49 0.47 0.47 external EPD information; however, analyses did not converge when
Muscularity score 0.71 0.67 0.80 0.71 0.70 0.79 the external EPD priors were included. Correlations between EPD with
Feet and leg score 0.72 0.74 0.85 0.76 0.77 0.83 and without heterosis and breed effect priors were 0.95 and 0.99 for CE
Beef index 0.63 0.57 0.74 0.63 0.60 0.77 and BW, respectively. Correlations of the Angus sire EPD computed in
Calving ease direct effect 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.34 0.26 0.29 the Gelbvieh MBE with the external EPD of the same Angus sires were
Cow muscularity 0.80 0.85 0.83 0.82 0.84 0.82 0.23 and 0.33 for CE and BW, respectively, indicating that the external
Key Words: principal component analysis, genomic selection, meat EPD for Angus sires were not good priors in the Gelbvieh data. When
trait low accuracies were assumed for the external Angus EPD for CE and
BW, the program converged. This indicates that CE provided from an
Angus sire mated to a Gelbvieh female may not be representative of the
M83 Genetic analysis of visual score data with different distribu- Angus sire’s performance based on external EPD, which were the result
tions and genetic parameters using linear and nonlinear models. F. of mating Angus sires to Angus dams. This result may suggest that the
Barichello*1, M. M. Alencar2, and R. A. A. Torres Júnior3, 1Unesp, external EPD priors for BW only should be used in the MBE because
Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, 2Embrapa Southeast Livestock, São Carlos, SP, informative external EPD priors may not be available for CE.
Brazil, 3Embrapa Beef Cattle, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil.
Key Words: multibreed evaluation, calving ease, threshold-linear
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the way (Y) of assign- model
ing discrete visual scores (VS, 6 levels) for the values of a continuous
underlying scale (USC) on the estimated breeding values (BV) for 2
heritability values (h2: 0.25 and 0.49) and 2 magnitudes of contemporary
40 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M85 Comparison of a feed efficiency measure for steer progeny cessing 3 (150d). US measurements included ribeye area (UREA, cm2),
produced from divergently mated sires and dams phenotyped for backfat thickness (UFAT, cm) and percent intramuscular fat (UIMF, %).
residual feed intake. N. O. Minton*, R. L. Weaber, R. L. Kallenbach, Morbidity data were collected over the entire 240d feeding period and
and M. S. Kerley, University of Missouri, Columbia. classified as a binary observation, 1 for treated and 0 for non-treated,
respectively. Data included 796 morbidity records; 2,848 first; 2,682
Objectives of this research were to determine feed efficiency of progeny
s; and 2,444 third US measurements with a sire pedigree (n = 3,255).
produced from mating RFI phenotyped sires and dams and the effect of
(Co)Variance components were estimated for each individual processing
test duration (0 to 70 d, 0 to 120 d, and 70 to 120 d) on RFI values of
period using a multivariate sire model and average information REML
calves. We hypothesized that parent RFI would influence progeny feed
procedures to obtain estimates of heritability and genetic correlations.
efficiency. We further hypothesized that an increase in test duration for
Model fixed effects included contemporary group for all traits and pro-
RFI is necessary to accommodate for pre-test effects that could alter
cessing weight as a linear covariate for US traits. Contemporary groups
RFI values of calves. Simmental crossbred heifers (n = 12 RFI- and n
were comprised of year, ranch of origin and feedlot pen. An additional
= 12 RFI+) were mated with RFI- (n = 2) and RFI+ (n = 2) bulls. Sire
factor of US date was added to the definition for each respective pro-
was used as an independent variable to measure the effect of sire on
cessing period. Heritability estimates of morbidity, UREA, UFAT and
progeny performance. Three dam groups were formed by assigning one
UIMF at first, second and third processing were 0.15, 0.10, 0.06, 0.20;
SD greater than (INEFF) and one SD less than (EFF) average (AVG)
0.16, 0.11, 0.09, 0.12; and 0.15, 0.14, 0.11, 0.06 respectively. Morbid-
RFI. Steer progeny were placed on feed post weaning where intake
ity had a negative genetic correlation with all US measurements. The
and BW were measured over 120 d. Intake and weight data were used
genetic correlations with the greatest magnitude were between morbidity
to calculate ADG, intake, FCR and RFI. Progeny performance differed
and UREA, UFAT, and UIMF taken at receiving of −0.15, −0.58, and
among sire groups. Progeny from RFI- sires were more efficient than
−0.11 respectively. These results imply those individuals with smaller
progeny from RFI+ sires on test durations 0 to 70 d (−0.50 v −0.06; P <
ribeye area and less backfat upon arrival to the feedlot have the highest
0.12) and 0 to 120 d (−0.51 v −0.05; P < 0.15). Unexpectedly, one RFI+
probability of suffering from a BRD incidence.
sire’s progeny performed similar to progeny of 2 RFI- sires. Progeny
from INEFF dams had greater RFI’s (0.5 v −0.63; P < 0.03) from 0 Key Words: beef cattle, health, carcass ultrasound
to 70 d and from 0 to 120 d (0.55 v −0.72; P < 0.03) than progeny of
EFF dams. Progeny RFI values were not significantly different from
70 to 120 d between sire and dam groups. Correlations for RFI were M87 Performance and live-ultrasound traits of beef cattle breeds
high between test durations of 0 to 70 d and 0 to 120 d (0.87) and 0 to associated with DNA commercial markers. F. Loya-Olguín*1, M.
120 d and 70 to 120 d (0.88). Correlations were low for RFI between Encinias2, R. E. Kirksey2, L. Lauriault2, and L. Avendaño-Reyes1,
1Universidad Autonoma d Baja California, Ejido Nuevo Leon, Valle
0 to 70 d and 70 to 120 d (0.54). We concluded selecting against the
lower third of INEFF dams within a population will improve progeny de Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico, 2New Mexico State University,
feed efficiency. Furthermore, extending the test duration is required Las Cruces.
for progeny that are not acclimated to the test facility or ration before The commercially available DNA markers, such as GeneSTAR Mark-
intake collection. ers, provide prediction of phenotypic performance of tested animals.
Key Words: residual feed intake, feed efficiency, beef The objective of the present study was to evaluate performance and
live-ultrasound traits of 4 beef cattle breeds using commercial DNA
markers. Seventy 2 bulls from breeds Angus (n = 30), Charolais (n =
M86 The relationship of bovine respiratory disease and carcass 20), Hereford (n = 8), and Maine-Anjou (n = 15) were utilized. Initial
ultrasound measures. B. W. Brigham*1, C. M. McAllister1, R. K. BW for Angus, Charolais, Hereford, Maine-Anjou were 326.31, 360.66,
Peel1, H. Van Campen2, R. L. Weaber3, G. H. Loneragan4, J. L. Salak- 306.94, and 330.48 kg, respectively. The performance test lasted 112 d.
Johnson5, C. C. L. Chase6, E. J. Pollak7, and R. M. Enns1, 1Department All bulls were live-ultrasound for rumpfat (RF), ribfat (RBF), rib-eye
of Animal Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 2Depart- (RE), and intramuscular fat (IMF). Also, were recorded average daily
ment of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State gain (ADG), weight per day of age (WDA); and genetic progeny dif-
University, Fort Collins, 3Department of Animal Science, University of ference on feed efficiency (GPDFE), tenderness (GPDT) and quality
Missouri, Columbia, 4Department of Agricultural Sciences, West Texas grade (GPDQG). The Charolais bulls had higher average number of
A&M University, Canyon, 5Department of Animal Sciences, University stars, RE, WDA and GPDFE (11.32 ± 0.41, 14.73 ± 0.28 cm2, 1.50 ±
of Illinois, Urbana, 6Department of Biology and Microbiology, South 0.03 kg, - 3.44 ± 0.11 kg, respectively) than (P < 0.05) Angus, Maine-
Dakota State University, Brookings, 7Department of Animal Science, Anjou and Hereford bulls. Average of stars, RE and WDA of Angus
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 8Department of Agricultural Sciences, and Maine-Anjou (10.30 ± 0.35, 13.37 ± 0.24 cm2, 1.42 ± 0.02 kg and
West Texas A&M University. 10.13 ± 0.47, 13.25 ± 0.32 cm2, 1.39 ± 0.03 kg, respectively) bulls
were similar. Meanwhile, Angus bulls had higher (P < 0.05) RF, RBF,
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) has been identified as an economi-
IMF, ADG, and GPDT (0.36 ± 0.01 cm, 0.28 ± 0.009 cm, 4.56 ± 0.12%,
cally relevant trait which lacks selection tools to reduce post-weaning
1.97 ± 0.03 kg, and −1.42 ± 0.08 kg, respectively) than the Charolais,
incidence. The lack of sufficient field morbidity data has been a major
Maine-Anjou and Hereford bulls. The use of ultrasound technology in
obstruction to development of tools for genetic improvement. The objec-
live animals and commercial markers data can be useful tools to select
tive of this study was to investigate the genetic associations among real
a potential genetically superior breed, and within the breed, can sort
time carcass ultrasound (US) measures and probability of treatment for
and predict a potential bull.
BRD. Phenotypes of 2,870 crossbred steers were collected over 2 years
(1,551 yr 1; 1,319 yr 2). The US measurements were collected at 3 times Key Words: molecular value predictions, rib-eye area, Charolais
during the feeding period; receiving (0d), processing 2 (80d) and pro-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 41
M88 No evidence for association between leptin polymorphism Moreover, at 240 d, CG/CT animals were heavier than GG/CT and GG/
C.73 C>T and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) vaccine TT, and at slaughter CG/CT weighed more (P < 0.05) than GG/CT only.
response. X. Fang*1, L. A. Hoff1, J. A. Walker1, K. C. Olson1, G. A. For carcass and meat quality traits (CG/CT, n = 9; GG/CT, n = 6; GG/TT,
Perry1, J. X. Wu1, C. Maltecca2, and M. G. Gonda1, 1South Dakota State n = 5), CG/CT bulls presented greater tenderness (P < 0.05) at 0 d (24 h
University, Brookings, 2North Carolina State University, Raleigh. aging period) than GG/CT, as determined by sensory evaluation of the
loin. After 14 d of aging, beef from CG/CT was classified as moderately
We have previously reported that sire affected humoral Bovine Viral
tender while GG/CT improved from moderately tough to slightly tender
Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) vaccine response in beef calves, suggesting that
(hedonic scale; 1 = extremely tough/8 = extremely tender). In addition,
genetics may contribute to BVDV vaccine variation. In this study, we
in that same period, differences in sensory tenderness between CG/
hypothesized that a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) within the
CT and GG/TT (less tender) were significant (P < 0.01). However, the
leptin gene (LEP C.73 C > T) may be associated with BVDV vaccine
longissimus dorsi and bicep femoris muscle weights were lower (P <
response. To test this hypothesis, humoral BVDV vaccine response
0.05) in the double heterozygous. The results of this study suggest that
was measured in 209 Angus and Angus-cross calves. Calves were born
the double heterozygous for CAPN1 (316 = CG, 4751 = CT) presented
between February and May 2009 at the South Dakota State University
more desirable growth, carcass, and meat quality traits. Therefore, the
Antelope, Cottonwood and Cow-calf research herds. All individuals
usefulness of these markers seems to be beyond its exclusive associa-
were vaccinated with Bovi-Shield GOLD-10 or −5, which includes
tion with meat tenderness.
modified-live BVDV strains type 1 and 2 (Pfizer, Inc., Exton, PA).
Blood samples were collected at time of vaccination (d = 0) and post- Key Words: CAPN1, growth, heterozygous
vaccination (d = 21). Samples collected on d 0 were used to measure
maternal BVDV antibody and to test for persistently infected (PI)
BVDV calves, while samples collected on d 21 were used to measure M90 An insertion/deletion polymorphism at the bovine Cal-
humoral BVDV response to the vaccine. Real-time RT-PCR for BVDV pastatin locus is associated with economically important traits. N.
on RNA isolated from plasma samples (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) revealed Vega*1, D. Velez1, A. Casas1, D. Cianzio1, C. W. Ernst2, and M. Pagan1,
1University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR, 2Michigan State University,
that none of the calves were PI with BVDV. A BVDV antibody ELISA
(Idexx, Inc., Westbrook, ME) was used to measure total BVDV-specific East Lansing.
antibody present on d 0 and 21. Antibody concentrations were converted A total of 126 bulls (50% to purebred Senepol and Charolais) were geno-
to sample-to-positive (S/P) ratios, and maternal antibody S/P ratios (d = typed for a cytosine insertion/deletion identified at intron 2 of the bovine
0) were subtracted from d = 21 S/P ratios to calculate vaccine response. Calpastatin locus to determine its segregation and potential associations
A PCR-RFLP assay was used to genotype the leptin polymorphism. To with growth and meat quality traits. Overall, the frequency of the allele
investigate a possible effect of the leptin polymorphism on BVDV vac- labeled as A (cytosine deletion) was higher (0.84) than the B (cytosine
cine response, an ANOVA model including effects of leptin genotype, insertion) allele (0.16). In bulls of Senepol descent, allele frequencies
month of birth, gender, and herd was fitted. Herd was significantly were 0.90A/0.10B, whereas in those with Charolais blood, frequencies
associated with vaccine response (P < 0.05) and gender approached were 0.68A/0.32B. Genotypic frequencies were 0.82AA, 0.17AB,
significance (P < 0.10). Leptin genotype and month of birth were not 0.01BB and 0.45AA, 0.47AB, 0.08BB for Senepol and Charolais bulls,
significantly associated with BVDV vaccine response. Our results sug- respectively. Because the BB genotype was only observed in one Senepol
gest that selection on the leptin genotype to improve beef cattle carcass bull and 3 Charolais bulls, it was excluded for corresponding statistical
quality will not have a pleiotropic effect on BVDV vaccine response. analyses (n = 55 for growth; n = 24 for meat quality traits). At birth, AB
Key Words: BVDV, leptin, vaccine response genotype bulls were heavier than AA bulls (P < 0.05). However, the AA
bulls presented higher body weights and weight gain at 205 and 240 d
(P < 0.05). After a 24 h aging period, lower Warner Bratzler shear force
M89 A genotype combination approach using μ-calpain as a (WBS) was found in AA bulls (4.48 kg) than AB bulls (6.05 kg) in the
candidate gene for growth, carcass, and meat quality in bulls of longissimus dorsi muscle for a difference between genotypes of 1.57
Senepol and Charolais inheritance. P. Rivera*, J. Bosques, A. Casas, kg (P < 0.01). The difference in WBS after 14 d of aging was 0.60 kg
D. Cianzio, and M. Pagan, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, (AA = 3.13 kg, AB = 3.73 kg; P > 0.05). These results indicate that the
Mayaguez, PR. Senepol breed has a higher AA genotype frequency than the Charolais
breed, and may imply a tendency for Senepol animals to gain weight
A cytosine/guanine transversion in the μ-calpain regulatory subunit
efficiently and produce tender beef. Therefore, this study suggests that
(CAPN1–316) and cytosine/ thymine transition in catalytic subunit
this calpastatin polymorphism might be useful in animal selection due
(CAPN1–4751) were organized as combined genotypes to investigate
to its significant relationship with important beef traits.
its potential associations with growth, carcass, and meat quality traits.
Senepol, Charolais, and Senepol × Charolais bulls grown under grazing Key Words: Calpastatin, Senepol, polymorphism
conditions were genotyped (n = 94) for each individual single nucleotide
polymorphisms and organized in a total of 9 combinations (CC/CC, CC/
TT, CC/CT, GG/CC, GG/TT, GG/CT, CG/CC, CG/TT, and CG/CT). For M91 Partial characterization of bovine complement receptor-2
growth traits, a subset of 36 animals were used for the correspondent (CR2) in Angus cattle. S. A. Olenich*, X. Fang, L. A. Hoff, J. A.
statistical analyses using the more representative CG/CT (n = 16), GG/ Walker, K. C. Olson, G. A. Perry, and M. G. Gonda, South Dakota State
CT (n = 10), and GG/TT (n = 10) bulls. CAPN1 was associated with University, Brookings.
heavier body weights: at birth, 205 d, 240 d, and daily weight gain at 205
and 240 d. At birth, animals with the GG/CT combination were heavier Complement receptor-2 (CR2, or CD21), found on T-helper cells,
(P < 0.05) than those with CG/CT. However, CG/CT bulls were heavier assists in antigen recognition of B cells by reducing the threshold for
(P < 0.05) at 205 d, and gain at both 205 and 240 d than the GG/TT. antigen receptor stimulation. Antigen receptor stimulation is impor-
tant for developing an effective vaccine response; therefore, CR2 is
a candidate gene that could be associated with vaccine response in
42 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cattle. Thus, our objective was to characterize genetic variation in CR2 a 1,180 bp sequence tagged site of the insulin-like growth factor bind-
among beef cattle using a DNA-pooling sequencing approach. Blood ing protein-2 (IGFBP-2) gene locus (GenBank Accession Number:
samples were collected from 300 Angus and Angus-cross calves from BV680048). These SNPs have been identified as C/G (nt 162), G/A (nt
3 research herds in South Dakota: the SDSU Cow-Calf Unit, Cotton- 254), G/C (nt 259, 822) C/T (nt 345, 433, 448), A/G (nt 719), and T/C
wood Research Station, and Antelope Research Station. The DNA was (nt 1109) substitutions. In addition, an insertion/deletion polymorphism
extracted from white blood cells by phenol and chloroform extraction. creates an alternative allele that lacks the base at position 443 and has
Pools of equal amounts of DNA (n = 50) were formed (6 pools total) and a GG insertion between bases 449 and 450. Additional genotyping was
CR2 exon sequences were amplified using pooled DNA. Forward and performed for a recently identified SNP located at position 245 (A/T)
reverse primers were designed in CR2 introns to ensure that the entire and a trinucleotide insertion/deletion (TGT) at nt 1103–1105. The
exon coding region would be amplified. Amplicons were sequenced in presence of C at nt 443 was linked to the insertion of TGT at nt 1103
both the forward and reverse direction with the same primers used for in these animals. The majority of animals genotyped exhibited dele-
amplification. Polymorphisms were identified by visually inspecting tions at both nt 443 and nt 1103–1105 (frequency 0.78), which were
sequence traces. To date, we have characterized exons 1–4 and partial in linkage disequilibrium with homozygous SNP genotypes at nt 448
intron sequences flanking these exons. We have putatively identified a (TT/0.77), 433 (CC/0.85), 345 (TT/0.61), 259 (CC/0.83), 254 (AA/0.77),
SNP in intron 1 (CR2 c.58+36 t > G) and an SSR within intron 2 (CR2 245 (AA/0.62) and 162 (GG/0.73). A limited number of animals were
c.181–34T[12_13]). We have not found any polymorphisms within heterozygous for the insertion/deletions (frequency 0.17 and 0.13 for
exons 1–4. This study reports the identification of 2 novel, putative nt 443 and nt 1103–1105, respectively). For these animals, because of
intronic CR2 polymorphisms in Angus influenced beef cattle. The poly- different allele lengths, genotypes for SNP’s at nt 822 and 719 could not
morphisms discovered in this study will be used to test for association be determined. Most of the IGFBP2 polymorphisms were segregating
between CR2 polymorphisms and vaccine response in cattle. at very low frequencies in the purebred Senepol, purebred Charolais
and crossbred Charolais animals. With the exception of SNPs at nt
Key Words: CR2, CD21, polymorphisms
245 (AT frequency 0.54) and 345 (CT frequency 0.62), most markers
were also not segregating in the Senepol crossbred cattle. The SNPs at
M92 Evaluation of insertion/deletion and single nucleotide poly- these 2 positions were associated with ribeye area (AA > AT for nt 245;
morphisms identified at the bovine insulin like growth factor binding TT > CT for nt 345; P < 0.05). Therefore, further evaluation of these
protein-2 locus. D. Velez*1, C. W. Ernst2, and M. Pagan1, 1University IGFBP2 polymorphisms and polymorphism combinations in additional
of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, animals is needed.
2Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Key Words: IGFBP-2, SNP, bovine
A total of 54 bulls of Senepol and Charolais inheritance were genotyped
for 9 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) previously identified in
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 43
Food Safety 1
M93 Residue of melamine and cyanuric acid in milk and tissues size showed a positive linear trend for milk volume, protein, TS, NFS
of dairy cows fed with different doses of melamine. J. S. Shen, J. and cryoscopy. Water hardness influenced microbiological character-
Q. Wang*, H. Y. Wei, D. P. Bu, P. Sun, G. C. Luan, and Z. F. Zhou, istics, resulting in higher CFU and SCC by using medium-hard water
State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, compared with soft-water (196 × 106 vs. 126 × 106 for CFU and 748 ×
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. 106 vs. 631 × 106 SCC, respectively). Furthermore, soft-water hardness
significantly affected fat, lactose TS, and NFS in milk. Finally, season
Melamine (MEL) may be degraded into cyanuric acid (CYA) and some
of the year affected SCC (summer: 877 × 106 vs. autumn: 709 × 106;
other analogs by rumen microorganism. This study was conducted to
P > 0.05), and had no effect on CFU. In conclusion, factors evaluated
investigate the residue of MEL and CYA in milk and tissues of dairy
confirmed the need to improved sanitary conditions and to monitor water
cows fed with different doses of MEL. Forty mid-lactation dairy cows
hardness. It became evident the need to implement preventive medicine
(157 ± 43 DIM, 20.8 ± 1.4 kg of milk/d) were divided into 4 groups (n =
programs and stricter health controls for milking during periods with
10/group) in a completely randomized design. The cows of the 4 groups
elevated incidence of subclinical mastitis especially in big herds.
were dosed with MEL (purity ≥99.5%) at 0 (Control), 300 (TRT 1), 500
(TRT 2) and 1000 (TRT 3) mg/d per cow, respectively. The whole trial Key Words: milk, microbiologic, physicochemical
lasted for 18 d (12 d feeding period, followed by 6 d clearance period).
Milk samples were collected at d 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18. On
d 13, 3 cows of TRT 2 and TRT 3 were chosen randomly to slaughter, M95 Determination of Cd and Pb content on tissues of beef cattle
and tissue samples (kidney, liver, mammary, bladder, gluteus medius raised in a tropical pasture based system in Brazil. J. R. Lima*1,
and longissimus dorsi) were collected. Milk and tissue samples were M. B. M. Teixeira2, J. L. B. Silva2, E. F. Silva2, R. G. Reis2, L. R. D.
analyzed for MEL and CYA simultaneously by liquid chromatography A. Neto1, H. M. Queiroz2, and L. G. Nussio1, 1University of São Paulo/
tandem mass spectrometry (LS-MS/MS). Minor MEL was detected in ESALQ, Piracicaba, Brazil, 2Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food
concentrated feed background (6.23 ± 1.26 mg/kg), however, no CYA Supply, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.
was detected. In MEL treated groups, milk MEL concentration increased To satisfy the requirements of the international market it is necessary
quickly and reached a stable concentration at d 4, 8 and 12 after the to monitor several quality traits in meat products such as heavy metals.
first administration of MEL. Milk MEL concentration of treated groups The purpose of this study was to determine Cd and Pb in liver and Pb
in steady-state condition (0.18, 0.27 and 0.50 mg/L for TRT1, TRT2, in kidney tissues of 27 beef steers pasture raised in a tropical grazing
TRT3, respectively) was significantly affected by MEL feeding dose system to compare the accumulation of Cd and Pb at the same tissue and
(P < 0.05), with a linearly relationship between MEL intake and milk Pb in 2 different tissues. The animals were fed at Brachiaria brizantha
MEL concentration (R 2 = 0.91). No CYA was detected in milk of all (palisade grass) pastures stocked under a rotational grazing system for
groups. MEL residue in tissues of TRT 4 was about 2-fold higher than 8 mo receiving energy and mineral supplementation sources. They were
TRT 3, with the highest concentration in the kidney. The difference of allocated in 3 treatments with 3 replications up to the finishing period
CYA residue in tissues of TRT 4 and TRT 3 was not very obvious. Liver, which was taken at feedlot in a random block design. The supplements
kidney and bladder has higher CYA residue than other tissue. The CYA supplied on pasture were: 1) mineral supplementation (MS) ad libitum;
may come from the degradation of MEL in rumen. 2) MS + ground corn (0.3% of BW); 3) MS + ground corn (0.6% of
Key Words: melamine, cyanuric acid, dairy cow BW). There was no intentional contamination with Cd and Pb of animal
feed, soil or water to provide a positive control and the analyzed heavy
metals were checked for all of them. Livers and kidneys samples were
M94 Factors affecting microbiological and physicochemical char- taken at slaughter and immediately frozen. The analysis method utilized
acteristics of milk produced in dairies located in central Mexico was previously validated according to Commission Decision 2002/657/
(Altos de Jalisco). A. S. Aguilar, M. A. Lopez-Carlos, C. F. Arechiga*, EC and Regulation 2007/333/EC and accredited, in accordance with
J. I. Aguilera, F. Mendez-Llorente, H. Rodriguez, M. Rincon, and C. ISO/IEC 17025/2005. Duplicates samples of about 10 g of each tissue
Diaz-Mora, University of Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico. were weighted and twice burned at 500°C in a muffle furnace and ashes
were washed with HNO3. The concentration was determined with a
Factors affecting physicochemical and microbiological characteristics
graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) technique
of milk from 54 dairies located in 2 regions of central Mexico were
with quantification limits for Cd and Pb of 22μg/kg and 75μg/kg,
evaluated. Effects of region, month, season, farm sanitary conditions;
respectively. Mean levels for Cd and Pb content in all samples of the
farm size and water hardness were evaluated. Variables measured were:
liver and Pb in the kidney were bellow acceptable levels (Cd - 500μg/kg
protein, lactose, total solids (TS), non-fat solids (NFS), reductase,
and Pb - 500μg/kg on wet basis) established by European Community
temperature, acidity, cryoscopy, and density; and the microbiological
(Regulation 2006/1881/EC) and bellow the quantification limits too.
characteristics: CFU and SCC. Data was analyzed by SAS (proc- mixed).
The lack of contamination of beef livers and kidneys with Cd and Pb
Fat, protein and lactose decreased in January and February. Northeast
suggests the meat from a typical grazing system in Brazil is considered
region scored higher values of milk quality compared with West region.
safe based on the European Community regulations.
Moreover, microbiological and physicochemical characteristics showed
a quadratic trend with farm sanitary conditions. Whereas, physicochemi- Support: FAPESP, CNPq
cal conditions showed a linear trend for volume, fat, protein, and lactose.
Key Words: heavy metals, beef cattle, graphite furnace atomic absorp-
A quadratic effect was observed for SCC in herds over 101 cows. Herd
tion spectrometry
44 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M96 Effects of iodine intake and teat dipping practices on milk milk were collected. The iodine offered on each of the farms was esti-
iodine concentrations. S. I. Borucki Castro*1, R. Berthiaume1, A. mated using the amount recommended by the software Ration′L and the
Fouquet2, A. Robichaud2, F. Beraldin2, and P. Lacasse1, 1Dairy and iodine concentration in the feed sampled and analyzed using inductively
Swine Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Milk iodine concentrations aver-
Canada, Sherbrooke, Québec., 2Food Directorate, Health Products and aged 146 (±13.9) μg/kg (Low) and 487 (±44.6) μg/kg (High). Dietary
Food Branch, Health Canada, Montréal, Québec. concentrations of iodine offered daily were 33% lower (P < 0.01) for
the group Low compared with the group High, 1.20 (±0.099) vs. 1.81
A study was conducted to determine the effects of different iodine levels
(±0.195) mg/ kg DM, respectively. A linear relationship (P < 0.01) was
in lactating cow diets and different post dip practices on the concentra-
found between dietary iodine concentration and milk iodine levels: (y)
tion of milk iodine. Sixty 3 cows in mid-lactation were assigned to a 3
Milk iodine (μg/kg) = 145 (±66.9) + 113 (±39.4) x (dietary iodine con-
× 3 factorial with: 0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 mg dietary iodine / kg DM and 3
centration, mg/kg DM). However, the low R2 (0.15) indicates that other
different post dip managements: chlorhexidine with dip cup, 1% iodine
factors such as milking management and the presence of goitrogens,
dip cup and 1% iodine spray, for a total of 9 treatments. During the 13-d
must have affected the concentrations of iodine in milk. Forages supplied
pre-experimental and the 17-d experimental period, non-iodized sani-
approximately 17% of iodine requirements in the average lactating cow
tizers were used in premilking management or flushing of the milking
diet. Therefore, variation in the iodine content of forages are unlikely
units. At the end of the pre-experimental period, where all cows were
to cause iodine overfeeding. Conversely, 27% of mineral mix samples
fed 0.5 mg iodine/ kg DM and chlorhexidine was used as post dip, the
presented iodine concentrations above 100,000 μg/kg DM (and up to
levels of milk iodine averaged 299.5 (±11.55) μg/kg and no relationship
322,000 μg/kg DM). More than 80% of the farms tested fed higher
was found with lactation number, days of lactation or milk production.
iodine levels than dietary iodine recommendations (0.50 mg iodine/kg
Dietary iodine and milking management both affected milk iodine
DM; NRC, 2001). Our results suggest that iodine supplements should
concentrations (P < 0.001). Although teat dipping with 1% iodine had
be used with caution in lactating cow diets.
no effect on milk iodine concentration, the same solution applied by
spraying greatly increased milk iodine levels (P < 0.05). The results Key Words: iodine, milk iodine, feed ingredients
from this study confirm that iodine should not be overfed to preserve
the safety of milk. Spraying iodine-based teat dipping solutions result
in large increases of milk iodine contents and should be avoided. M98 European Union principles for the risk assessment of feed
additives. M. Anguita*, J. Galobart, and C. Roncancio-Peña, European
Food Safety Authority, Parma I43121, Italy.
Table 1. Least square means (LSM) of milk iodine concentrations at
the end of 17-d treatment (μg/kg) In the European Union (EU), all feed additives before being placed on
the market undergo an authorization procedure as established in the
Post milking (SEM=42.6)
Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003. In this procedure the European Food
Safety Authority (EFSA), and in particular the Panel on additives and
Dietary iodine Diet
Chlorhexidine 1% Iodine 1% Iodine products or substances used in animal feed (FEEDAP), is the responsible
(mg/kg DM; (SEM
- dip - dip - spray of assessing the safety and the efficacy of the additive. Feed additives
SEM 42.5) = 24.3)1
are substances, microorganisms or preparations, other than feed mate-
Low (0.28) 143 201 593 312a
rial and premixtures, which are intentionally added to feed or water to
261 289 700 417b perform one or more of the following functions: favorably affect the
characteristics of feed or animal products, favorably affect the color
High (0.99) 325 386 665 459b
of ornamental fish and birds, satisfy the nutritional needs of animals,
Post dip
243a 292a 653b favorably affect the environmental consequences of animal production,
favorably affect animal production, performance or welfare or have a
1LSM in the column with different subscripts differ (P < 0.05). coccidiostatic or histomonostatic effect. To be authorized, feed addi-
2LSM in the row with different subscripts differ (P < 0.001). tives should be safe, and therefore should not have (i) an adverse effect
on the animal health, human health or the environment, and (ii) should
Key Words: iodine intake, milk iodine, teat dip not be presented in a manner which may mislead the user; the additives
should also be efficacious. Any person seeking the authorization of an
additive should submit an application to the European Commission and
M97 Iodine concentrations in feeds in farms with contrasting levels
a technical dossier to EFSA. The dossier should be compiled following
of iodine in milk. S. I. Borucki Castro*1, P. Lacasse1, A. Fouquet2,
Commission Regulation (EC) No 429/2008 and the guidance documents
A. Robichaud2, F. Beraldin2, and R. Berthiaume1, 1Dairy and Swine
that EFSA has prepared to help the applicants. The data provided in the
Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
technical dossier should allow a complete assessment of (i) the identity
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2Food Directorate. Health Products and
of the additive, (ii) the safety for the target animals, for the consumers
Food Branch, Health Canada, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
of food products derived from animals fed diets containing the addi-
In a previous study, iodine concentration of bulk-tank milk in Canada tive, for those persons handling the additive and for the environment
(n = 501 farms) was found to vary considerably and appeared to be and (iii) the efficacy of the additive, according to the claim made. The
influenced by feeding practices. A subset of 200 participating farms was scientific assessment carried out by the FEEDAP Panel finishes with
used to determine the relationship between milk iodine concentrations the adoption of a scientific opinion which will be the basis for the Com-
and concentration of this mineral in different feeds and diets of lactating mission to grant or deny the authorization of the product for its use in
dairy cows. The 30 farms with the lowest (Low) and the 30 farms with the EU market.
the highest (High) levels of iodine in milk were selected. Each of them
Key Words: additives, assessment, European Union
completed a questionnaire providing information about the feeding
management and samples of all feed ingredients, water and bulk tank
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 45
M99 Development an on-farm technique using lactic acid bacteria and fecal coliform count, and S. aureus count. After 24h, 10-min boil-
as a biomarker to detect of toxins in milk. M. H. Hathurusinghe*1, ing were sufficient to reduce TBC in the center of the cheese from 3.5
A. AbuGhazaleh2, M. R. Reddy1, S. A. Ibrahim1, M. Tajkarimi1, and × 103 to 102 cfu/g. After 48h, 10-min boiling reduced TBC from 1.10
D. Song1, 1North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, × 106 to 6.30 × 104 cfu/g, whereas 20 min were necessary to reduce
Greensboro, NC, 2Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. TBC to 101 cfu/g. The proteolytic profiles of Wagashi cheese obtained
before and after boiling treatment were in overlapping, confirming the
Because many dairy farms lack adequate biosecurity there is a risk of
low proteolytic activity. The results showed how the temperature during
intentional contamination of milk with harmful chemicals. Such con-
cheese making is an important factor for the microbiological food safety
tamination has potential health risk to the human consumers as well as
and in addition the re-boiling process for 20 min each 48h guarantee its
major economic losses to the country. Most of the existing methods to
shelf-life for several days.
detect toxins are expensive and time consuming. Thus, there is an urgent
need for developing simple on-farm techniques that can detect toxins Key Words: food safety, proteolysis, Wagashi cheese
in raw milk. The objective of this study was to determine the effect
of brodifacoum, bromadiolon, strychnine, and sodium cyanide on the
growth of selected strains of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and to test the M101 Stress-induced adaptive tolerance response influences viru-
potential of LAB as a biomarker for early detection of toxins in milk. lence in Campylobacter jejuni. G. S. Kumar*, I. Hanning, Y. Ma, and
Three strains of bifidobacteria, one strain of Lactobacillus rhamnosus M. Slavik, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
GG and a commercially available yogurt culture were used to detect Campylobacter jejuni, the major cause of human gastroenteritis, is a
their sensitivity to selected toxins. Toxins at different concentrations fragile bacterium requiring special conditions in the laboratory for its
were added into separate tubes containing different strains of bacteria. growth. In nature, however, this organism is able to survive in very
Samples were incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Milk samples without toxins diverse and hostile environments and produce disease in humans. The
were used as the control. The turbidity of the sample was recorded at 3, mechanisms that the organism has evolved for its survival in stressful
9 and 24 h intervals. Results showed that B. longum was not sensitive conditions are not fully understood. To determine the effect of acid
to the tested toxins. B. adolescentis and B. breve were sensitive to the stress on C. jejuni, 4 different strains of C. jejuni were exposed to an
toxins and the inhibition was observed after 24 h. The yogurt culture acid pH of 5.5 and then re-challenged with a pH of 4.5. Acid-adapted
and L. rhamnosus GG were the most sensitive to all the toxins at levels cells were found to have higher viability to survive further acid stress,
of 1µg/ml and 2µg/ml respectively, except for sodium cyanide which but adaptation and survival were time-dependent. The effects of starva-
was 0.1µg/ml for both yogurt culture and L. rhamnosus GG after 3 h of tion stress also were studied. Expression of virulence gene cadF was
incubation. These findings suggest that a highly sensitive, environmen- upregulated by starvation stress, while virulence genes cdtB and ciaB
tally safe, fast and accurate test kit could be developed using selected were downregulated. Adhesion and invasion are thought to be important
LAB as a universal biomarker. factors for the colonization of C. jejuni in the intestinal tract of host. In
Key Words: toxin, lactic acid bacteria, biomarker vitro studies with INT 407 tissue culture model (mammalian intestinal
cells) were conducted with different times of exposure to acid (2h and
3h), to determine the effects of stress on adhesion and invasion of C.
M100 Food safety in developing countries using no technology: jejuni. All the tissue culture experiments were performed in replicates
The Wagashi study case. F. La Terra1, G. Belvedere1, M. Manenti1, of 3. Results indicated that acid-adapted bacteria had increased adhesion
C. Pediliggieri1, S. Mirabella1, J. C. Codjia2, S. Doko3, and G. Lici- and invasiveness, but varied with the strains and the time of exposure to
tra*1,4, 1CoRFiLaC, Regione Siciliana, Ragusa, Italy, 2University of the acid. Exposure of acid-adapted C. jejuni to further stress of starva-
Abomey-Calavi, Benin, 3University of Parakou, Benin, 4DACPA, Catania tion for 24 h did not have any significant difference in the adhesion and
University, Catania, Italy. invasion abilities as compared with cells exposed to starvation stress
only. These results indicate that C.jejuni surviving stress may be more
The Wagashi cheese, produced in Benin from Peuhl communities, is a
resistant to further stress such as passage through the human gastro-
cheese that has a homogeneous structure and can be found usually in
intestinal tract and that stress may be a significant factor in inducing
round shaped 300 to 800 g pieces. To produce Wagashi cheese, milk
some virulence genes.
coagulation occurs at temperatures higher than 70°C. This allows a
first thermic treatment of milk extremely important when production Key Words: C. jejuni, stress, acid-adapted
hygiene conditions cannot be controlled. Fresh milk is first heated at
60°C for 5 min. After, a vegetal coagulant extracted from the latex
of Calotropis procera leaves is added and temperature is raised and M102 Salmonella Enteritidis challenge in chicks of different
maintained at 95°C for 3 to 5 min until curd separates from whey. The genotypes. P. E. N. Givisiez*1, E. G. Santos1, F. G. P. Costa1, J. H. V.
latex of Calotropis procera is used to produce the Wagashi cheese with Silva1, and A. Berchieri Jr.2, 1Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Areia,
very low proteolytic activity that allows boiling the cheese over and PB, Brazil, 2Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil.
over again, every 2 d, for about 20–30 d since it has been produced. Alternative poultry production is a promising business for small farmers,
This simple practice makes the cheese safe. Alternatively, cheese can who should choose breeds based on robustness, consumer concerns and
be sun-dried to extend shelf life. The aim of this study was to assess health issues. This study evaluated the resistance of Cobb and Naked
variations of chemical, biochemical, and microbiological properties of Neck birds fed 2 threonine levels and challenged with Salmonella
Wagashi cheese, to evaluate the food security conditions. Production Enteritidis at 2 d of age. Twenty Cobb chicks (CC) and 20 naked neck
conditions and processes were reproduced and monitored in a labora- chicks (NN) were distributed into a completely randomized design
tory trial. Eleven 500-g cheeses were produced using cow raw milk. according to a 2 × 2 factorial (2 genotypes and 2 threonine levels) and
Cheeses were sampled after cheese making process and, after 24h and 8 repetitions. Antibiotic-free corn-soybean diets with 0.821 and 0.917%
48h, before and after boiling for 10, 20, and 40 min. Cheese samples digestible threonine were used. The birds were inoculated with Salmo-
were analyzed for pH, soluble proteins (TCA 12%), soluble proteins nella Enteritidis Nal++ (1.2 × 108 CFU.mL−1) and killed at 10 d of age
pH 4.6, fat, total nitrogen, urea PAGE, total bacteria count (TBC), total for performance evaluation and bacterial counts (CFU.g−1), which were
46 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
transformed into Log10. Data were subjected to ANOVA and means need of Salmonella control during the first week of rearing, since birds
were compared using Tukey’s multiple comparison test (P < 0.05). There contaminated during this period may be infected until slaughter and
was no interaction between genotype and threonine level (P > 0.05). there is potential risk for consumers. NN was best fitted for alternative
Lower Salmonella counts (P > 0.01) were seen for NN compared with production, considering the higher resistance to infection by Salmonella
CC (1.37 vs 6.91). Furthermore, 94% of CC (15/16) and 25% (4/16) and slower growth rate. In conclusion, naked neck chicks were more
of NN were positive for salmonella counts. Body weight and weight resistant to Salmonella Enteritidis than Cobb independent of threonine
gain were higher (P < 0.01) for CC (250.13 vs 120.19 g and 206 vs dietary levels.
77.75 g, respectively). Although threonine has been suggested to help
Key Words: alternative poultry, salmonellosis, nutrition
diminishing enteric pathogen infection, higher threonine levels had no
effect on salmonella counts or performance. The results corroborate the
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 47
Forages and Pastures: Dairy Forages and Forage Quality
M103 Effect of feeding distillers dried grains to lactating cows had higher CP content than grasses as expected. The findings of the
on farms in the southern dairy region of Chile. R. Shaver*1, R. study corroborate that grasses (S-2 and RCV) produced more biomass
Ehrenfeld2, M. Olivares2, J. Cuellar3, and F. Inostroza1, 1University of than legumes and that a mixture of both is a way to improve the yield
Wisconsin, Madison, 2Cooprinsem, Osorno, Chile, 3US Grains Council, of the legume alone and the quality of the grass alone.
Bogota, Columbia.
A field trial was conducted on 5 farms to determine the effect of feed- Table 1. Yield and quality of grasses and legumes
ing distillers dried grains (DDGS) on milk production in the southern Available DM, DM, CP, NDF, ADF,
dairy region of Chile. The trial was repeated on each farm during winter Forage
kg/ha % % % %
(July and August; primarily silage-based rations) and spring (November Sorghum
and December; pasture-based rations). Only for one farm could the S-2 15970.8a 17.9a 10.2d 67.3c 44.0bc
treatments be applied concurrently by feeding different isonitrogenous RCV 8941.1c 16.3ab 11.5cd 71.5a 42.4e
concentrate mixes to randomly assigned cows in the milking parlor Legume
with data analyzed as a randomized complete block design. Milk yield Canavalia 6133.5d 16.2ab 17.4a 56.3f 45.2a
tended (P < 0.07) to be greater for cows fed DDGS (2.0 kg/cow per d) Vigna 3146.8e 10.0c 16.9a 52.7g 39.3f
by 1.9 kg/d in winter and 1.8 kg/d in spring. In winter, milk protein yield Mixture
was (P < 0.02) greater for cows fed DDGS by 73 g/d. Milk fat content S2_Canavalia 12938.9b 18.1a 11.7cd 67.8c 42.9de
was (P < 0.01) lower for cows fed DDGS by 0.26%-units in the spring, S2_Vigna 12102.6b 15.4b 14.6b 68.7b 44.6ab
however, milk fat yield was unaffected by treatment. The 4 farms that RCV_Canavalia 9500.8c 17.0ab 14.6b 66.0d 43.5cd
could not apply the treatments concurrently were randomly assigned RCV_Vigna 8978.2 c 15.1b 13.7bc 63.4e 39.4f
to either a control to DDGS or a DDGS to control isonitrogenous con-
a-g P < 0.01, comparing least squares means within column.
centrate treatment sequence in a crossover design with monthly feeding
periods during the winter and spring. Data were analyzed as a crossover
Key Words: grasses, legumes, forages
design with farm as the experimental unit. Milk yield was (P < 0.05)
greater for farms fed DDGS (2.5 kg/cow per d) by 0.9 kg/d in winter.
We conclude that DDGS was an effective dairy concentrate ingredient M105 Quality of ensiled grasses and legumes for dairy cattle
in the southern dairy region of Chile. feeding. E. E. Corea Guillén*1, J. M. Flores Tensos1, F. M. Salinas
Key Words: pasture, dairy cows, distillers grains Munguia1, E. A. Crespin Payés1, and J. A. Elizondo-Salazar2, 1Depar-
tamento de Zootecnia. Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad
de El Salvador, El Salvador, 2Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio
M104 Yield and quality of grasses and legumes for dairy cattle Mata. Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias, Universidad de Costa
feeding. E. E. Corea Guillén*1, J. M. Flores Tensos1, F. M. Salinas Rica, Costa Rica.
Munguia1, E. A. Crespin Payés1, and J. A. Elizondo-Salazar2, 1Depar-
Silage is an excellent way to preserve forages at the optimum stage
tamento de Zootecnia, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad
of growth for use during a time when it is unavailable. This is very
de El Salvador, El Salvador, 2Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio
important in all Central American countries in which there is a very
Mata, Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias, Universidad de Costa
marked dry season. However, it is well known that nutritional quality
Rica, Costa Rica.
of grasses is not high and studies have demonstrated the superiority of
Forages used in a cut-and-carry system are a very important feed grass-legume silages in comparison with grass silages. There is also a
resource for dairy cattle in El Salvador and many areas of Central growing interest in organic and low-input production systems. A study
America. However, forages are extremely variable in terms of yield was conducted to assess the nutritional value and quality of micro-
and quality and they are usually low in CP content. Planting legumes silages prepared from different combinations of grasses and legumes.
mixed with grasses is a management practice to take advantage of their A completely randomized design was used with 2 varieties of Sorghum
unique ability to bind atmospheric N and to improve the quality of the (Sorghum bicolor var. CENTA S-2 and Sorghum bicolor var. RCV) and
forage when harvested. This study was conducted to determine yield 2 legumes Canavalia (Canavalia ensiformis) and Vigna (Vigna sinensis).
and quality of 2 forages, 2 legumes and a 1:1 sward mixture between Forages were harvested at maturity age (75, 70, 80, and 60 d for S-2,
them. Two varieties of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. CENTA S-2 RCV, Canavalia and Vigna, respectively). Seven kg of fresh-chopped
and Sorghum bicolor var. RCV) and the legumes Canavalia (Canavalia forages in the proportions of 100:0, 70:30, and 50:50% w/w for grass
ensiformis) and Vigna (Vigna sinensis) were used in the study. Forages and legume respectively, were placed in plastic bags in triplicate. Air was
were established in 12 × 12-m plots with 3 replications in a randomized extracted by compacting the forage mass and bags were tightly sealed.
block design. Seeding rate was 250000, 250000, 50000, and 75000 Microsilages were open after a 21 d period and a sample was taken to
plants/ha for S-2, RCV, Canavalia and Vigna, respectively. They were determine pH, and for DM, CP, NDF, and ADF concentration. Variables
planted in different days so that they would be harvested at maturity age were analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS 9.1. Separation of means
(75, 70, 80, and 60 d for S-2, RCV, Canavalia and Vigna, respectively). was done using the Duncan’s multiple comparison procedure. There
Samples were taken at maturity age to estimate yield and for determi- were significant differences (P < 0.01) for the variables studied among
nation of DM yield, DM, CP, NDF, and ADF concentration. Variables the different mixtures. pH was among accepted values. Dry matter
were analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS 9.1. Separation of means content was highest when grasses were ensiled alone. CP values were
was done using the Duncan’s multiple comparison procedure. There higher when a 50:50 proportion was used. Differences in the chemical
were differences (P < 0.01) between treatments for all variables studied. composition of these silages reflect variations in the proportion of each
Grasses produced more available DM (kg/ha) than legumes. Legumes forage type.
48 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Table 1. pH and quality of ensiled forages used to evaluate the effects of silo type and sample location on CS nutri-
Proportion pH DM, % CP, % NDF, % ADF, % ent composition in 12 commercial dairy and beef farms. Corn silage was
100:0 manufactured in either bunker (n = 6) or bag (n = 6) silos, was inoculated
S2_Canavalia 3.7a 23.1a 8.4a 61.7a 38.6a with 5g/ton of Sil-All and sealed with plastic for 45d before feed out.
RCV_Canavalia 3.6b 24.0a 8.0a 52.1b 33.5b The feed out rate was 0.2 to 0.3m twice daily for all bags and bunkers.
70:30 Composite samples for analysis were collected from 3 locations: Depth
S2_Canavalia 3.8ab 23.1ab 10.9a 57.1b 37.8b = sample taken at 1m depth from the exposed face; Face = sample taken
S2_Vigna 3.9a 21.0b 9.7b 61.1a 40.4a from the surface of the exposed face; and Feed bunk (FB) = sample taken
RCV_Canavalia 3.8ab 23.4a 10.8a 56.1bc 37.6b from the FB after exposure to air for 3 to 4 h. Samples from the center
RCV_Vigna 3.7 b 21.7 ab 9.9b 55.9c 35.3c of the silo were collected using a forage sampler at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 m
50:50 from the floor. Sub samples were hand-mixed, divided into equal quar-
S2_Canavalia 4.1a 21.5a 12.7ab 62.6a 42.3a ters, with 2 opposite quarters selected to obtain the composite sample
S2_Vigna 4.0b 18.5b 11.6b 60.9b 42.4a including the fines. Samples were analyzed for DM, OM, NDF, WSC,
RCV_Canavalia 4.0b 21.3a 13.3a 57.9c 40.3b CP, Starch, pH and in vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD). Although no
RCV_Vigna 4.1a 19.0b 13.8a 54.3d 34.7c effects of sampling location were detected for most variables, IVDMD
tended (P = 0.07) to be reduced from Depth to FB, independently of
a-cP < 0.01, comparing LSM. silo type. This reduction seemed to be associated with a higher pH (P
= 0.09) from depth to FB. These results suggest that CS extraction and
Key Words: microsilage, grasses, legumes
distribution negatively affect the nutritional quality and this change
should be considered for a more accurate diet formulation.
M106 Chewing and ruminating with various forage qualities in
non-lactating dairy cows. M. Fustini*1, A. Palmonari1, A. J. Hei- Table 1. Corn silage quality by sampling site or type of silo
nrichs2, and A. Formigoni1, 1Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy,
2Department of Dairy and Animal Science, The Pennsylvania State Sampling site (n=12) Type of silo (n=18)
Variable Depth Face FB SE Bunker Bag SE
University, University Park.
DM, % 31.9 30.7 32.3 2.32 33.1 30.1 1.89
In Parmigiano Reggiano cheese area use of silages is not allowed. Thus, % on DM
hay is the sole source of fiber in these diets. Forage quality strongly basis
affects eating behavior, in particular if hay is represented by alfalfa. OM 93.5 93.1 92.5 0.66 92.7 93.4 0.54
This study investigated typical dry forage diets used in the Parmigiano NDF 44.2 46.6 48.2 2.21 48.4a 44.3b 1.81
Reggiano area. Six multiparous, non-lactating Holstein cows were used WSC 6.7 5.6 5.6 0.86 5.8 6.1 0.70
in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square to evaluate 3 different cuts of alfalfa CP 5.9 5.9 6.2 0.41 5.9 6.2 0.34
hay fed as the sole forage source. First diet contained a first cut forage, Starch 16.9 13.2 13.5 3.51 15.0 14.0 2.87
while a second cut (poorly digestible) and a fifth cut (highly digestible) IVDMD 70.9a 68.4b 67.5c 1.49 69.5 68.5 1.21
were used in the second and third diet. Eating and ruminating behavior pH 3.88b 3.87b 4.03a 0.08 3.98 3.88 0.06
were studied to investigate forage properties related to chewing activity.
abcMeans within a row with unlike letters differ (P < 0.09). SE=
Digestibility was evaluated in vitro using the Tilley and Terry technique.
Statistical analysis was conducted using PROC MIXED of SAS. No standard error (diff. of 2 means).
differences were found in eating time (average value 220.5, 261.7, Key Words: corn silage, management, quality
235.5 min/d for 1st, 2nd and 3rd diet respectively, P > 0.05); however,
ruminating time per kilogram of physically effective neutral detergent
fiber was greater when cows were fed first cut alfalfa than second or M108 Whole-plant corn quality parameters for ensiled and unen-
fifth cut (average value 136.1, 111.2, 107.1 min/d for 1st, 2nd and 3rd siled samples: Effects of hybrid and length of fermentation. C. M.
diet respectively, P < 0.05), despite not different digestibility and diet Fish*1,2, R. D. Shaver1, D. C. Weakley2, J. G. Lauer1, and T. E. Piper2,
particle size of first and third diet (% dNDF 24h average values 50.44, 1University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2Land O’ Lakes Inc., Shoreview,
48.38 for 1st and 3rd diet respectively, P > 0.05). In summary, this MN.
study found no differences in eating time for the 3 hays fed. Ruminat-
Most corn hybrid trials use unensiled samples for laboratory analysis of
ing time was not related to overall nutrient composition or digestibility
forage quality parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine
of the hay, but varied by cutting with first cutting hay promoting more
the effect of ensiling on ranking hybrids for silage quality. Twenty-nine
corn hybrids of differing genetic backgrounds from early, mid, and
Key Words: eating behavior, ruminating, forage quality late relative maturity groups were planted in replicated field test plots
using a randomized complete block design at Lancaster, Plymouth and
West Salem, WI. During harvest at 30–35% whole-plant DM content,
M107 The effect of management on corn silage quality. L. O. 3 400-g samples were obtained from each field test plot; one sample
Abdelhadi*1, C. A. Malaspina2, W. R. Barneix2, P. A. Saravia2, and C. was immediately refrigerated (0 d fermentation) for no more than 48 h
de Elia3, 1Est. El Encuentro, Research & Extension in Ruminant Nutri- before drying and 2 were ensiled in 25 cm by 33 cm vacuum-sealed bags
tion, Cnel. Brandsen, Bs.As., Argentina, 2CACF, Argentina, 3Alltech stored at room temperature at the Land O′Lakes warehouse in Vincent, IA
Biotechnology, Argentina. for 30 d or 120 d fermentation times. Refrigerated and ensiled samples
When formulating diets, corn silage quality is usually evaluated from were dried in a forced-air oven at 43–46°C for 48 h, ground on a Wiley
samples taken before feedout and exposure to air, underestimating the mill to pass a 6mm screen, and analyzed using the Perten Diode Array
losses related to exposure, extraction, mixing and feeding. A completely 7200 NIR Analyzer. Parameters analyzed were starch, NDF, ivNDFD
randomized design with a 3x2 factorial arrangement of treatments was (30 h; % of NDF), and an index of in vitro starch digestibility (GPN).
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 49
Quality data were used to calculate milk per ton (MPT; kg per US as the proportion of lablab increased in the mixture at both locations.
ton; MILK2006). Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed in SAS with Mixing lablab bean with corn for silage can potentially reduce protein
fixed effects of fermentation, hybrid and their interaction, and random supplementation requirements in dairy cow rations.
effects of location, replication, and location interactions. Maturity
Key Words: corn, lablab bean, silage fermentation
trial averages and P-values for quality parameters are presented in the
Table. Hybrid differences were detected for most parameters. There
was a significant effect of fermentation on NDF, ivNDFD, GPN and M110 Fermentation characteristics of forage sorghum-lablab
MPT. However, interactions between hybrid and fermentation were bean silage mixtures. F. E. Contreras-Govea*1, M. A. Marsalis2,
not detected. Unensiled sample data may be used in quality evaluation S. V. Angadi3, G. R. Smith4, and L. M. Lauriault5, 1New Mexico State
trials for ranking corn silage hybrids, but fermentation influences silage University, Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, Artesia,
quality parameter results. 2New Mexico State University, Extension Plant Sciences Department,
50 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
where TB is the base temperature, considered 8 for that region. Pairs M113 Gas production profiles of two varieties of alfalfa harvested
of DM% and GDD originated a linear regression equation to estimate on different stages of maturity. O. Serna-Beltran1,2, C. Arzola*1,
the required GDD for plants of each experimental unit reach 33% dry E. Santellano-Estrada1, J. A. Payan-Garcia2, A. Corral-Luna3,1, O.
matter (GDD33). From the 72 equations, only 5 presented P value higher Ruiz1, C. Rodriguez-Muela1, and J. Salinas4, 1Universidad Autonoma
than 0.01 for parameter b. The GDD33 of only one of the 6 hybrids de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico, 2Instituto Nacional de Investi-
was affected (P < 0.05) by planting date. Also, GDD33 average was gaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias, Delicias, Chihuahua,
different (P < 0.05) between hybrids. Considering 80% precision, the Mexico, 3Department of Animal Sciences-University of Illinois at
error when using GDD33 to estimate 33% of DM varied from ± 2 (one Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 4Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas,
hybrid) to ± 3 (5 hybrids) DM% units. Because DM content for ensiling Reynosa, Tams. Mexico.
must be in a range and not a fixed value, GDD seems to be a reliable
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) dry matter is readily fermented in the rumen.
tool to predict the proper time for corn silage harvest. This information
Even though this phenomenon has been extensively studied in relation
should be included by seed companies when recommending a corn
to the effects of the conservation method, there are not many studies
hybrid for silage.
regarding the effect of maturity upon the rumen degradability of alfalfa
Funded by FAPEMIG. hay. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of maturity,
expressed as time of harvest over a range of sampling periods (0, 5, 10,
Key Words: growing degree units, dry matter, hybrids
15, and 20 d following Stage 2, (when stem length was > 0.40 m, but no
buds, flowers, or seedpods were visible) of 2 varieties (“Excellent 9HQ
M112 Production and quality of alfalfa harvested at different and “Excelent multifoliar 9HQ ML,” AgriBioTech) on 4 seasons (spring,
stages of maturity. R. Copado1, C. Arzola*1, J. A. Payan2, J. Sali- early and late summer, and fall). An exclosure was sub-divided on 5
nas3, O. Ruiz1, C. Rodriguez-Muela1, E. Rodriguez1, J. A. Ortega1, and stripes on each of 8 locations of Delicias, Chih., Mexico, and sampled
O. Serna2, 1Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Chih., within 5 d intervals after an initial cut. Data were analyzed with a sub-
Mexico, 2INIFAP, Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico, 3Universidad Autonoma plot design, with variety and period as main effects and day of cutting
de Tamaulipas, Cd. Victoria, Tams., Mexico. as sub-plot term. Statistical analysis used the GLM procedure of SAS.
Gas production data were adjusted with the monophasic model of Groot,
To evaluate the effect of maturity upon the nutritional quality of 2 using proc NLIN of SAS. Linear, quadratic, cubic and quartic effects
varieties of alfalfa (“Cuff-101” and “Excellent multileaf”) harvested tests were performed for forage composition traits and gas production
on 2 seasons (summer and fall), the production (kg/ha) and quality of kinetics parameters within each maturity stage. There were not differ-
forage was characterized. There were determined the leaf/stem ratio of ences among varieties (P > 0.05) in the content of crude protein (CP),
biomass and its content of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid
fiber, acid detergent fiber and lignin over a range of maturity following detergent lignin (ADL). As maturity advanced, CP decreased linearly
an initial phenologic stage characterized by an average stem length of (P < 0.001), yet NDF, ADF, and ADL increased (P < 0.001) linearly.
about 0.3 m, (but not visible buds, flowers, or seedpods) within the Maturity had also a strong effect upon the ruminal degradability of alfalfa
2 seasons. Within each season, plots were clipped initially (d 0) and as assessed with gas production profiles. A significant linear tendency (P
then additional sampling dates were scheduled at 5-d intervals for the < 0.01) was found for both A (gas production asymptote) and B (time
next 20 d, resulting in a total of 5 clipping dates (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 after incubation at which half of the asymptotic amount of gas has been
d). Data were analyzed as a split-plot experiment, the plots arranged formed) parameters increasing as maturity advanced. Parameter C (a
factorially in a randomized complete block design, being the alfalfa constant determining the sharpness of the switching characteristic of
varieties and season the main effects, and maturity the subplot term. the profile) declined, showing linear (P < 0.01) effects.
Season influenced both production and forage quality, so during the fall
the production of dry matter was lower (P < 0.01). On d 20 in summer Key Words: alfalfa, degradability, maturity
a yield of 5.8 ton MS/ha was registered and in fall only 4.9 ton MS/
ha, without differences among varieties (P > 0.05). Dry matter crude
M114 Can different ME estimation methods give different values
protein (CP) content of leaves in fall in growing stage was 35.0% on d 0,
for tanniferous forages? H. Khalilvandi-Behroozyar*1,2, M. Deh-
whereas stem’s was 25.3% and whole plant was 31.8%. In summer, CP
ghan-Banadaky1, and K. Reza Yazdi1, 1Department of Animal Science,
was 32.7% in leaves, 22.6% in stems and 29.3% in the whole plant. On
University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, I.R. Iran, 2Department of Animal
the 20 d (flowering stage) of fall the leaves had 25.4% CP, stems 20.2%
Science, University of Urmia, Urmia, West Azerbaijan, I.R. Iran.
and whole plant 23.7%, compared with 23.5%, 19.1% y 21.6% CP in
summer, respectively. Contents of FDN and FDA diminished (P < 0.01) Condensed tannins (CT) are antinutritional factors, reduced nutrient
in fall, due to a dilution effect or an observed diminution of fiber for a digestibility by binding them and probably can disrupt digestibility
rapid accumulation of biomass. In summer, the accumulation of biomass estimation methods. To determine any possible effects, experiments
on both varieties was larger than 4 ton/ha of DM. It was concluded that carried out with different methods for estimating metabolizable energy
the best quality of forage is obtained during fall regardless of variety, of sainfoin. Forages were taken from farms in Isfahan and representative
but yield is lower. With the advancement of maturity, nutritional quality dry samples were analyzed for DM, OM and CT. For gas production
of alfalfa diminished, whereas production increased. test, 2 mm sieved samples, were used in Triplicates and 2 separated runs.
Rumen fluid was obtained from 2 maintenance level fed, rumen fistulated
Key Words: alfalfa, stage of maturity, nutritional quality
Taleshi cows. 24h gas production data were used for calculation of ME
content by follow equations: 1) ME = 2.2 + 0.1357GP 24 + 0.0057CP
+ 0.0002859CP2, 2) ME = 2.2 + 0.136GP24 + 0.057CP + 0.0029CF2 &
3)%OMD = 14.88 + 0.8893GP24 + 0.0448CP + 0.0651ash. For in vitro
digestion trial, samples milled through a 1 mm sieve. Two separated
runs, each in triplicates and 3 jars as blank, applied. ME estimated using
ME = 0.0157 × DOMD. Also, an in vivo digestibility trial (17 d, with7
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 51
d for fecal collection) was done using 3 ruminally fistulated Holstein Table 1. In situ degradation parameters of sainfoin (g/g)
cows. Forages were fed as sole diet at 10% above maintenance energy a b c(h−1) ED
requirements. Total fecal collection and marker assay including AIA DM 0.334±0 0.363±0.01 0.07±0.02 0.540±0.02
and Cr2O3 (5 gr infused from ruminal fistula, d 8 to 14) were done for OM 0.316±0 0.387±0.01 0.09±0.02 0.548±0.02
determining OM digestibility. Data were analyzed by GLM procedure CP 0.171±0 0.459±0.05 0.04±0.01 0.379±0.02
of SAS 9.1 with CRD design and Duncan test (P ≤ 0.05). CT content NDF 0.014±0 0.518±0.01 0.05±0.01 0.271±0.03
was 21.3 g/kg DM. Estimated ME from in vitro digestion trial was 10.11 NDFOM 0.042±0 0.505±0.02 0.05±0.01 0.265±0.02
and mean estimations from gas production and in vivo trial was 7.19
and 8.75 MJ kg−1 DM. No significant differences were exist between Reported values are means ± standard deviations.
different ME estimates of gas production or between in vivo methods.
Also, OM digestibility in in vitro was higher than values determined by Key Words: sainfoin, tannin, degradability
in vivo and gas production profiles. Higher OM digestibility values for
filtration based methods can be explained by rapid passing of phenols
throughout filter paper that take part in digestible fraction. It seems that M116 A survey of molds and yeasts in Canadian corn silage. H.
in vitro digestibility trial overestimate OM digestibility of tanniferous V. L. N. Swamy*, A. M. A. Heeg, and A. B. Rae, Alltech Canada,
forages and cannot be used efficaciously and precisely for estimation Guelph, ON, Canada.
of ME in high tannin forages. Penicillium mycotoxins from silage have been implicated in various
Key Words: sainfoin, tannin, ME disorders in ruminant animals, especially dairy cows. Commercial
facilities to analyze silage Penicillium mycotoxins, except PR toxin, are
currently not available in North America. Mold count and identification
M115 Ruminal degradability of nutrients in Sainfoin, a tannifer- in silage have been used to indirectly assess the potential toxicity of
ous legume forage. H. Khalilvandi-Behroozyar*1,2, K. Reza Yazdi1, Penicillium mycotoxins. Such information, however, is not available
and M. Dehghan-Banadaki1, 1Department of animal Science, University for Canadian silage. A survey, therefore, was conducted in the summer
of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, I. R. Iran, 2Department of animal Science, of 2008 wherein 34 corn silage bunks in Ontario were sampled for
University of Urmia, Urmia, West Azerbaijan, I.R. Iran. mold and yeast counts. Samples with mold count exceeding 1000 col/
gm were further subjected to mold identification. All the samples were
Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.), a nonbloating member of the analyzed at Dairyland Laboratories, Inc., WI, USA. The samples were
Fabaceae family. Information regarding nutritive value of sainfoin is frozen immediately after collection and were shifted to USA in dry ice.
scarce, that limit its use in balanced rations. This experiment was done The average mold count was 65,000 col/gm and the average yeast count
using second cut, mid bloom forage samples taken from farms in Isfahan, was 3.2 million col/g. Twenty 4 samples were above 1000 col/gm and
Iran for determining degradability of sainfoin nutrients. Representa- they were subsequently subjected to mold identification. Penicillium
tive samples obtained from at least 30 bales. An In situ experiment mold represented 50% of mold spectrum while Mucor and Fusarium
designed for evaluating sainfoin hay for DM, OM, CP, NDF and NDFOM were at 15 and 14%, respectively. Penicillium mold was the dominant
degradability, by 3 ruminally fistulated Holstein cows (multiparous, species among all in contrast to the conventional thinking. Given the
680 ± 20kg of BW), fed 2 equal meals (0800 and 1800) of a balanced temperate climate in Canada, Fusarium molds were thought to be the
ration with CNCPS V5 for 10% above maintenance requirements with primary molds in Canadian feedstuffs. This survey for the first time
forage:concentrate ratio of 60:40.Samples were ground to pass 2 mm indicated that Canadian silages should be tested for Penicillium molds
screen size (Wiley mill) and then sieved to remove particles less than and/or mycotoxins along with Fusarium mycotoxins to assess the total
50μ. Five gram samples were weighed into nylon bags (10 × 20 cm) animal toxicity.
with 50μ pore size, to create sample size: surface area of 12.5 mg/cm2.
Duplicate samples were incubated for 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96h in Key Words: silage, Penicillium, mycotoxins
ventral rumen, just before morning meal. After incubation, bags were
removed and rinsed with cold tap water, until the rinsed water remained
clear. To obtain the 0 h values triplicates were rinsed by 39°C water for M117 A survey of mold count and identification in Pennsylvanian
20 min. bags were dried at 60°C for 48 h in a forced air oven and then dairy feed ingredients. H. V. L. N. Swamy*1, J. M. Lawrence2, and N.
weighed. Aliquots were used for ash, CP, NDF and NDFom determina- J. Adams2, 1Alltech Canada, Guelph, ON, Canada, 2Alltech California,
tion. Degradation profiles were calculated by the nonlinear model. The Fresno, CA.
effective degradability (ED) in the rumen with digesta passage rate of Penicillium mycotoxins from silage have been implicated in various dis-
0.05 h−1 was calculated using NEWAY computer package. Total tannin orders in ruminant animals, especially dairy cows. Commercial facilities
and Condensed tannin contents were 38.5 and 21.3 g/kg DM. Low CP to analyze silage Penicillium mycotoxins, except PR toxin, are currently
degradability can be explained by formation of tannin-protein complexes not available in North America. Mold count and identification in feed
that are not available for microbial degradation. Tannins extracted from ingredients have been used to indirectly assess the potential toxicity of
sainfoin can inhibit proteolysis by rumen major proteolitic bacteria. Penicillium mycotoxins. Such information, however, is not published
Lower cell wall degradability can be explained by formation of unbear- specific to Pennsylvania region in USA. A survey, therefore, was con-
able tannin complexes with plant cell wall that can recovered as ADL ducted in 2009 wherein 278 feed ingredients, collected from commercial
(during digestion) and preventing microbial attachment, condensed dairy farms in PA, were sampled for mold and yeast counts. Samples
tannins can prevent microbial cellulase activity and deactivation of β with mold count exceeding 1000 col/gm were further subjected to mold
endoglucanases. identification. The major ingredients tested included corn silage (n =
107), haylage (n = 45), high moisture corn (n = 40), TMR (n = 30) and
hay (n = 8). All the samples were analyzed at Dairyland Laboratories,
Inc., WI, USA. The samples were frozen immediately after collection
and were shifted to lab in dry ice. The samples with mold count more
52 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
than 1000 col/gm were considered positive and this was amounted to percentages need not have to add up to 100% as some samples can be
74.5%. Among these 39.6, 40.6, 11.1, and 8.7% samples had mold counts contaminated with more than one mold type. Penicillium mold was the
between 1001 and 10,000, 10,001 and 100,000, 100,001 and 1 million, dominant species among all in contrast to the conventional thinking.
and more than 1 million col/gm, respectively. Mold count more than Given the temperate climate in Pennsylvania, Fusarium molds were
10,000 col/gm has potential to cause production losses and this was thought to be the primary molds in dairy feedstuffs. This survey indicated
amounted to 60.4% of positive samples. Mold identification revealed that silages should be tested for Penicillium molds and/or mycotoxins
that Penicillium mold represented 62.3% of mold spectrum while along with Fusarium mycotoxins to assess the total animal toxicity.
Mucor, Aspergillus, Fusarium and Cladosporium were at 46.4, 7.7, 7.7
Key Words: silage, Penicillium, mycotoxins
and 6.3%, respectively. It is important to note that mold identification
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 53
Forages and Pastures: Grazing and Forage Management
M118 Summer annuals for fall grazing in the high elevation Na and PRL concentrations at the end of breeding were greater (P <
Intermountain West. J. B. Hall*, B. R. Johnson, R. H. Stokes, and 0.05) for S vs. F. Serum Ca, Mg, and Fe concentrations at breeding
R. Ambrosek, University of Idaho, Moscow. and serum Fe, Zn, Cu, and NEFA concentrations at the end of breeding
were greater (P < 0.05) for F vs. S. Serum P and PRL concentrations at
The objective of this study was to compare summer annuals for fall
breeding were greater (P < 0.05) for S75 and F75 vs. S100 and F100;
and winter grazing on irrigated pastures in the Intermountain West. The
serum NEFA concentrations at the end of breeding were greater (P <
cool desert areas of this region have short growing seasons (≤120 d)
0.05) for S100 and F100 vs. S75 and F75. At breeding, serum NEFA
with high daytime temperatures and cool nights resulting in sufficent
concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) for NE100 vs. S75, and serum
growing degree days, but impaired production on cool season forages
PRL concentrations at the end of breeding were greater (P < 0.05) for
during late summer. Five species were planted in Carmen, ID (45°17′N,
NE100 vs. S75. Calf serum Zn concentrations at weaning were greater
113°53′W; 1155 m elevation) in 0.10 ha plots with 3 plot replicates per
(P < 0.05) for F vs. S, but serum Fe and Cu concentrations at weaning
species. Four species were planted in yr 1 and 2: CORN (Zea mays),
were greater (P < 0.05) for S vs. F. Serum Fe concentrations at wean-
sorghum x sudangrass (Sorghum spp; SUDEX), TEFF (Eragrostis tef),
ing were also greater (P < 0.05) for S75 and F75 vs. S100 and F100.
and GERMAN foxtail (Setaria italica). PEARL millet (Pennisetum
Therefore, calving season may alter biological parameters for cows
glaucum) planted in yr 1 was replaced by PROSO millet (Panicum
grazing E+ during critical stages of production. Limited access to NE+
miliaceum) in yr 2. All species except TEFF were planted no-till from
may improve cow PRL concentrations at breeding, and may affect calf
June 25 to July 2. TEFF was planted after minimum tillage. Three
serum Zn concentrations at weaning.
1/1000 ha yield samples were taken from each plot. Pooled samples
for each species were analyzed for CP, ADF, NDF, Ca and P. TEFF was This project was supported by the National Research Initiative
sampled at 50 d post planting (haying) with all species sampled after of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA, grant
killing frost (September 8 and 16, yr 1 and 2, respectively). Heifers #2006–55618–17114.
grazed the plots during November and December, and animal grazing
Key Words: cow, fescue
days were recorded. Yield data were analyzed by ANOVA with means
compared using a t-test. Data for each yr were analyzed separately. Spe-
cies affected DM yield (P = 0.10 yr 1; P < 0.02 yr 2). Yields (DM; Mg M120 Immune function responses by spring and fall-born
ha−1) were not different (P = 0.22) for CORN (5.5 ± 1.6, 10.7 ± 1.0), calves weaned from wild-type or non-toxic endophyte-infected tall
GERMAN (5.4 ± 0.4, 5.8 ± 1.0), and SUDEX (7.0 ± 0.7, 7.1 ± 1.8) in fescue. M. A. Ata*1, K. P. Coffey1, J. D. Caldwell1, E. B. Kegley1,
yr 1 and 2, respectively, and TEFF (6.1 ± 0.2; yr 1 only). In yr 1, yields M. L. Looper2, A. N. Young1, D. Philipp1, C. P. West1, G. F. Erf1, D.
of SUDEX and TEFF exceeded (P < 0.01) PEARL (3.9 ± 1.2 Mg ha−1). S. Hubbell III1, and C. F. Rosenkrans Jr.1, 1University of Arkansas,
CORN yields were greater (P < 0.01) than GERMAN or PROSO (3.9 Fayetteville, 2USDA-ARS, Booneville, AR.
± 1.6 Mg ha−1) in yr 2. Nutrient content of all forages exceeded NRC
requirements for cows in mid-gestation. TEFF, PROSO, and PEARL Cattle grazing Neotyphodium coenophialum infected tall fescue (E+)
produced fewer (P = 0.10) animal grazing days than the other species. may have reduced immune function. Recently, non-toxic endophyte-
In conclusion, CORN, SUDEX, and GERMAN produce acceptable fall infected fescues (NE+) were shown to enhance cattle performance. A
and winter grazing for the Intermountain West. 3-years study (2007–2009) was conducted using Gelbvieh x Angus
calves (558 ± 9.2 lb, n = 500) to determine how limited access to NE+
Key Words: cattle, grazing, fall affects immune function in calves weaned from E+ pastures. Prior to
weaning, groups of spring (S) and fall-born calves (F) grazed E+ con-
tinuously (S100 and F100, respectively), or E+ for much of the year,
M119 Biological parameters by spring and fall-calving cows
but grazed NE+ for 1 mo. before weaning (S75 and F75, respectively).
grazing with full access, limited access, or no access to endophyte-
Groups of spring-born calves also grazed NE+ continuously (NE100).
infected tall fescue–2 year summary. J. Caldwell*1, K. Coffey1, M.
Blood samples were collected at weaning for all 3 years and analyzed
Looper2, D. Kreider1, E. Kegley1, J. Jennings3, C. West1, D. Hubbell
for whole blood cell counts (K/μl). Starting in 2008, calves (1 fall and 2
III1, J. Tucker1, A. Young1, T. Hess1, M. Popp1, M. Savin1, D. Philipp1,
spring groups, n = 266) were injected at weaning with 200 μ g of phyto-
C. Rosenkrans Jr.1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2USDA-ARS,
hemagglutinin (PHA) in the caudal fold underneath the tail head. Blood
Booneville, AR, 3University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service,
samples were collected for serum prolactin (PRL) analysis. Skinfold
Little Rock.
thickness was measured before injection (0 h) and at 6, 12, 24, 48 h
Cattle consuming Neotyphodium coenophialum-infected tall fescue (E+) after injection. Statistical analyses performed by using PROC MIXED
may have altered physiological responses. Replacing E+ with non-toxic procedure of SAS. Concentrations of neutrophils, hemoglobin, and
endophyte-infected fescue (NE+) may help this problem, but acceptance hematocrit were greater (P < 0.05), while concentrations of eosinophils
of NE+ by producers has been slow. Our objective was to determine and basophils were lower (P < 0.05) for F vs. S. lymphocytes Concentra-
the extent limited access to NE+ will alter biological parameters by tions were greater (P < 0.05), and that of red blood cells were lower (P
spring (S) and fall-calving (F) cows grazing E+ or NE+ at different < 0.05) for NE100 vs. S75. Concentrations of total white blood cells and
percentages of the total pasture area. Crossbred cows (n = 178) were neutrophils were greater (P < 0.05) for S75 and F75 vs.S100 and F100.
stratified by BW and age within calving season and allocated randomly Within spring-born calves, skinfold thickness was greater (P < 0.05)
within calving season to 1 of 14 groups representing 5 treatments: 1) for NE100 vs. S75 at 0h, and 6, 12, and 24 h after injection with PHA.
F on 100% E+ (F100; n = 3); 2) S on 100% E+ (S100; n = 3); 3) F on Serum PRL concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) for S75 vs. S100 at
75% E+ and 25% NE+ (F75; n = 3); 4) S on 75% E+ and 25% NE+ 24 h post-weaning. Within fall-born calves, serum PRL concentrations
(S75; n = 3); and 5) S on 100% NE+ (NE100; n = 2). Cow serum K, were greater (P < 0.05) for F75 vs. F100 at weaning. Therefore, allow-
Cu, NEFA, and prolactin (PRL) concentrations at breeding, and serum
54 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ing calves limited access to NE+ before weaning may enhance certain Vessels were separated, cleaned of excess connective and adipose
aspects of immune function. tissue, divided into 2–3 mm cross-sections and suspended in a multi-
myograph chamber with continuously oxygenated Krebs-Henseleit
This project supported by the National Research Initiative of
buffer (95%O2/5%CO2; pH = 7.4; 37°C). Following a 90-min equilibra-
the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA, grant # 2006–
tion and recovery from a 1x10−4 M NE reference addition, additions of
ergotamine (ERT), ergonovine (ERN), ergocryptine (ERP), ergocristine
Key Words: fescue, immunity, calves (ERS), ergocornine (ERO), lysergic acid (LSA), norepinephrine (NE)
and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) occurred every 15 or 20 min for PV
and PA, respectively. Data were normalized as a % contractile response
M121 Antagonism of 5-hydroxytryptamine2A receptor results in induced by the 10−4 M NE addition and analyzed as a completely ran-
decreased contractile response of bovine lateral saphenous vein to domized design with significance set at P = 0.05. Response between
tall fescue alkaloids. J. L. Klotz*1, J. R. Strickland1, L. P. Bush2, PA and PV for alkaloid or biogenic amine did not differ. All alkaloids
B. H. Kirch1, K. R. Brown1, and G. E. Aiken1, 1USDA-ARS, FAPRU, produced a contractile response, except neither PA nor PV responded to
Lexington, KY, 2University of Kentucky, Lexington. LSA. Both NE and 5HT had a 2-fold greater (P < 0.05) maximal response
Pharmacologic profiling of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) receptors of than all alkaloids in both PA and PV, ERN had the greatest PV response
bovine lateral saphenous vein has shown that cattle grazing endophyte- (P < 0.05), and ERN and ERO had greatest PA maximal responses (P
infected (Neotyphodium coenophialum) tall fescue (Lolium arundina- < 0.05). Although horses do not outwardly appear to be affected by
ceum) have altered responses to ergovaline (ERV), 5HT, 5HT2A and peripheral vasoconstriction as observed in cattle, these data indicate that
5HT7 agonists. To determine if 5HT receptor binding of tall fescue tall fescue alkaloids are vasoactive and suggest that potential exists for
alkaloids is affected by grazing endophyte-free (EF), wild type (WT), peripheral vascular effects of tall fescue alkaloids in horses.
or novel endophyte-infected (NE) tall fescue, contractile responses of Key Words: alkaloids, equine, vasoconstriction
lateral saphenous veins biopsied from cattle grazing these different
fescue-endophyte combinations were evaluated in presence or absence
of antagonists for 5HT2A (ketanserin; KET) or 5HT7 (SB-269970; M123 Comparison of management strategies commonly used to
SB). Biopsies were conducted over 2 years on 35 mixed breed steers lessen or alleviate the symptoms of fescue toxicosis in cattle using
(361.5 ± 6.3 kg) grazing KY31 (WT; n = 12), EF (n = 12), MAXQ (NE meta-analysis. J. Hawley*, J. D. Caldwell, E. B. Kegley, and K. P.
AR542; n = 6) or KYFA9301 (NE AR584; n = 5) pasture treatments (3 Coffey, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
ha) between 84 and 98 d (Yr 1) or 108–124 d (Yr 2). Segments (2–3
Cattle consuming toxic endophyte-infected fescue (E+) may develop
cm) of vein were surgically biopsied, sliced into 2–3 mm cross-sections,
fescue toxicosis, causing production losses exceeding $600 million annu-
and suspended in a myograph chamber containing 5 mL of oxygenated
ally. Currently, there is no cure for fescue toxicosis; however, manage-
Krebs-Henseleit buffer (95% O2/5% CO2; pH = 7.4; 37°C). Veins were
ment strategies that are primarily designed to limit the amount of toxin
exposed to increasing concentrations of 5HT, ERV, and ERV+1 × 10−5
ingested by the animal are available to producers. This review of data
M KET, or +1 × 10−6 M SB in Yr 1. In Yr 2, ergotamine (ERT) and
compared cattle performance effects (ADG and DMI) of management
ergocornine (ERO) were evaluated in presence or absence of 10−5 M
strategies used to lessen or alleviate the symptoms of fescue toxicosis.
KET. Data were normalized to a reference addition of 1x10−4 M nor-
Management strategies evaluated were novel endophytes (NE), diet
epinephrine and analyzed as a CRD factorial with steer as experimental
supplementation, interseeding, and other inventive remedies. For inclu-
unit. In Yr 1, contractile response to 5HT and ERV were lowest in WT
sion in the analysis, studies (n = 38) were conducted in the United States
KY31 pastures (P < 0.05) and the presence of KET greatly reduced
from 1985 to present, reported randomization to treatment and untreated
the response to ERV in all pastures (P < 0.05). The presence of SB did
control groups, used cattle, were sourced from peer-reviewed journals,
not alter contractile response to ERV. In Yr 2, there was no difference
and reported sufficient information to calculate correlation coefficients
in response to ERO or ERT across pastures, but KET again reduced
(r). Dot plots were used to examine the data for trends toward a uniform
the contractile response (P < 0.05). The 5HT2A receptor is involved
effect of management strategy on cattle performance. Management
in alkaloid-induced vascular contraction and alkaloid binding may be
strategies displaying a uniform response on the dot plot compared with
affected by exposure to different endophyte-fescue combinations.
negative controls were analyzed using mixed models. Examination of
Key Words: alkaloid, bovine, 5-hydroxytryptamine dot plots for NE, diet supplementation, and other inventive remedies
revealed performance advantages for treated cattle relative to cattle
in negative control groups. An insufficient number of studies met the
M122 Tall fescue alkaloids cause vasoconstriction in equine medial inclusion criteria to conduct meta-analyses comparing interseeding with
palmar artery and vein. J. L. Klotz*1 and K. J. McDowell2, 1USDA- negative controls. Studies comparing NE to E+ indicated a large (r and
ARS, FAPRU, Lexington, KY, 2University of Kentucky, Lexington. 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.63 [0.52, 0.75], P < 0.05) effect on
Mares grazing endophyte-infected (Neotyphodium coenophialum) tall cattle performance. Studies comparing diet supplementation to no diet
fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) typically exhibit reproductive dysfunc- supplementation indicated a medium (r and 95% CI = 0.35 [0.24, 0.46],
tion rather than peripheral vasoconstriction as a primary sign of the P < 0.05) effect on cattle performance. Similarly, studies comparing
fescue toxicosis syndrome. Recent work using Doppler ultrasonography other inventive remedies to no other inventive remedies indicated a
demonstrated that consumption of endophyte-infected tall fescue seed medium (r and 95% CI = 0.35 [0.24, 0.46], P < 0.05) effect on cattle
causes measurable vasoconstriction in the medial palmar artery (PA). performance. The data discussed herein illustrate that the negative effects
The objective of this study was to evaluate contractile responses of of fescue toxicosis on cattle performance may be mitigated by altering
medial palmar artery and vein (PV) to increasing concentrations of tall management strategies.
fescue alkaloids. Medial PA and PV were collected immediately fol- Key Words: cattle, fescue toxicosis, meta-analysis
lowing euthanasia from 18 horses of mixed breed, age and gender along
the third metacarpal proximal to the fetlock joint from both forelimbs.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 55
M124 Yield potential of eastern gamagrass in central Wiscon- ics. Increasing bale moisture led to increased bale temperature (140.4,
sin. W. K. Coblentz*1, W. E. Jokela1, M. G. Bertram2, and P. C. Hoff- 365.3, and 840.8 HDD; P < 0.01). Crude protein concentration was
man2, 1US Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI, 2University not affected (P > 0.1) by moisture or sampling depth, but increasing
of Wisconsin, Madison. moisture tended (P = 0.07) to affect NDF, OM, and ADF negatively.
Increasing moisture increased (P < 0.05) NDIN (40.8, 47.5, and 49.8%
Recently, perennial warm-season grasses have received considerable
of total N), ADIN (7.0, 9.5, 22.8% of total N), and ADL (3.0, 2.9, and
interest, largely through bioenergy initiatives, but their suitability for
6.0% DM); however, hemicellulose decreased (P < 0.05) with increasing
limiting caloric intake by ruminants has not been explored. Our objec-
moisture (31, 31, and 25% DM). Increasing bale moisture also reduced
tive was to assess the yield potential of eastern gamagrass [Tripsacum
the rate of DM disappearance (Kd; 0.047, 0.043, 0.036 h−1; P = 0.03).
dactyloides (L.) L.] for potential incorporation into dairy-heifer diets
Sampling depth did not affect (P > 0.1) any of the digestion variables,
offered throughout the north-central US. Replicated plots of ‘Pete’
but the immediately degradable fraction (A), potentially degradable
eastern gamagrass were arranged in a split-plot design, where 9 harvest
fraction (B), and effective disappearance were affected (P < 0.05) by
systems (wholeplots) and 4 N fertilization regimens (subplots) were
a moisture × sampling depth interaction. Storing pearl millet at high
evaluated over a 3-yr period. Harvest systems included one-time cuts
moisture concentrations appeared to result in heat damage and reduced
on 1 June, 15 June, 1 July, 15 July, 1 August, and 15 August, plus 3
forage quality and digestibility.
2-cut systems with harvests spaced at 45-d intervals (1 June/15 July,
15 June/1 August, and 1 July/15 August). Nitrogen fertilization was Key Words: pearl millet, moisture and sampling depth, nutritive
applied as ammonium nitrate (34–0-0) at rates of 0, 67, 134, or 202 value
kg N/ha annually. For 1-cut harvest systems, yields of DM increased
across harvest dates, reaching numerical maximums of 7192, 9764,
and 7554 kg/ha by mid-August of 2007, 2008, and 2009, respectively. M126 Characterization of plant cuticular wax markers in native
During each year, there was a strong linear (P < 0.001) effect of harvest grazing pastures of southwest Virginia. A. E. Tanner*1, S. R.
date; however, higher-ordered effects varied within year. Relatively Blevins1, E. Green2, R. W. Mayes2, and R. M. Lewis1, 1Virginia Tech,
large yield increases (≥1812 kg/ha) between 1 and 15 August during Blacksburg, 2The Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aberdeen,
2008 and 2009 suggested that improved yields could be achieved by Scotland, UK.
delaying 1-cut harvests beyond 15 August. Yields of DM from 2-cut Plants contain cuticular wax compounds in varied concentrations,
harvest systems were not competitive with 1-cut harvest systems timed and can be used to estimate intake and diet composition of grazing
in mid-August. Nitrogen fertilization rate affected (P < 0.001) yields animals. Native plant species available to pasture-raised beef cattle
of DM, but did not interact with other treatment effects (P ≥ 0.082). were evaluated during the production season on a southwest Virginia
Overall, yields of DM increased with N fertilization, exhibiting both farm. Our objectives were to: i) determine forage heterogeneity; ii)
linear (P < 0.001) and quadratic (P = 0.027) effects, but efficiencies quantify n-alkane and long chain alcohol (LCOH) concentrations; and
were reduced at greater application rates. Current recommendations for iii) investigate changes over time. Six 0.73 ha paddocks were selected
eastern gamagrass generally adopt a conservative philosophy concerning randomly and sampled bi-monthly (April to September 2009). A 0.5m
growth-reserve status; therefore, delaying a 1-cut harvest closer to first- x 0.5m quadrat was thrown in random directions within each paddock.
frost may improve yields, but also could negatively affect persistence. Plants within quadrats were harvested and separated according to spe-
This approach for further increasing yields of DM might be viable, but cies. Milled oven-dried (85°C) samples were heated with ethanolic
it needs to be evaluated critically. KOH (90°C, 16h), extracted into heptane and separated into n-alkane
Key Words: eastern gamagrass, N fertilization, DM yield and LCOH fractions before being quantified by GC. Patterns of n-alkane
and LCOH concentrations were analyzed for 3 plant categories: grass,
legume, and weed, with ANOVA. Plant species, carbon chain length,
M125 Nutritive value of pearl millet hay as affected by moisture their interaction, and sampling period were fitted as fixed effects. Plant
concentration and bale sampling depth. J. Kanani*, D. Philipp, n-alkane C29 and C31 concentrations were higher in May (294 ± 8
K. P. Coffey, A. N. Young, R. Rhein, and J. D. Caldwell, University of mg/kg DM; P < 0.001) then declined to 1/3 that amount. Plants dif-
Arkansas, Fayetteville. fered in C27, C29, C31 and C33 concentration (P < 0.001), although
orchardgrass and dandelion were difficult to differentiate. N-alkane pat-
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of moisture (15, 21, and
terns were not specific to a plant category. Orchardgrass had extremely
28% DM) and sampling depth (0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 m) on chemical com-
high concentrations of 1-C26-OH from July onward (18447 to 19670
position and in situ disappearance of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum
mg/kg DM), 10 times that of other plants, inflating variance. There
(L.) R. Br.] hay stored for 71 d. Seven ha of pearl millet were divided
was no change in LCOH over time (P = 0.09) for other species. Plants
into 3 blocks and 3 subplots to assign moisture treatments of which 3
differed in 1-C26-OH, 1-C28-OH, and 1-C30-OH concentrations (P <
round bales (1.2 × 1.5 m) were obtained and stored (n = 27). Heating
0.001), but LCOH patterns were not specific to a plant category. Plant
degree days (HDD) were calculated as summation of the daily internal
total LCOH concentration was more consistent than n-alkane concen-
bale temperature above 35°C. Duplicate sample bags for in situ (10 ×
tration (CV 17.9% and 69.9%, respectively), suggesting greater utility
20 cm) analysis were incubated in 6 ruminally cannulated cows (BW =
to delineate plant species. Plant heterogeneity limits the usefulness of
585 ± 37.8 kg) for 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h. Data for
grouping plants by category. Combined n-alkane and LCOH data delin-
bale temperature and forage chemical composition were analyzed as
eates plants. Plant patterns remain fairly static over time, which will be
a randomized complete block design using Proc Mixed procedures of
important for investigating foraging patterns in cattle.
SAS and tested for moisture, depth, and their interactions. Residual DM
weight for each in situ sampling time was fit to a non-linear statistical Key Words: cuticular wax, n-alkane, LCOH
model using PROC NLIN of SAS to determine DM degradation kinet-
56 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M127 Statistical variation in predicting dry matter intake of Brah- 9–11th rib section (RIB) was removed from the left carcass. Lean, fat,
man bulls using the n-alkane technique. A. D. Aguiar*1,4, L. O. and bone were physically separated. Fat and lean tissues were analyzed
Tedeschi1, F. M. Rouquette2, T. D. A. Forbes3, C. M. Hensarling3, and for moisture and fat. Independent variables were expressed as amount
R. D. Randel2, 1Texas A&M University, College Station, 2Texas AgriLife and percent of SBW. Data were analyzed using a split-plot design in a
Research, Overton, 3Texas AgriLife Research, Uvalde, 4University of 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with pastures within SR as random factors.
Florida, Gainesville. There was no effect of RFI (P = 0.74) or SR (P = 0.74) on initial BW.
Low RFI bulls had heavier SBW (P = 0.04) and HCW (P = 0.01) (393
The objectives of this study were to determine the variation structure
and 217 kg, respectively) than HRFI bulls (381 and 203 kg, respectively).
within and across days when determining DMI using C32 alkane as an
There was no effect of RFI (P = 0.09) on ADG (0.66 and 0.50 kg/d for
external marker, to determine the optimum fecal collection periods, and
LRFI and HRFI, respectively). There was a tendency (P = 0.08) for an
to compare C31 and C33 as plant markers in estimating DMI. Brahman
interaction between RFI and SR for fat thickness (FT). Low RFI bulls at
bulls (n = 16) stratified by previous residual feed intake (RFI) rankings
LSR had less FT compared with LRFI bulls at HSR (1.7 vs 2.94 mm).
were placed in 4 groups. Each group had 2 high (inefficient) and 2
There was an interaction between RFI and SR (P = 0.02) on the lipid
low (efficient) RFI bulls. Groups were randomly assigned to 4 Coastal
content of the RIB which was greater (17.9%) in LRFI bulls at HSR.
bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] pastures and stocked at
Low SR bulls had greater (P = 0.03) liver % BW than HSR bulls while
moderate to low grazing pressure. Corn gluten was marked with C32
HRFI tended to have greater (P = 0.07) liver % BW than LRFI bulls.
n-alkane and bulls were individually fed 400 g twice daily to estimate
Low RFI bulls had lighter (P = 0.02) small intestine % BW and more (P
DMI. There were 3 periods (P1, P2, P3) of collection from mid-July
= 0.06) internal fat % BW than HRFI bulls. These initial results suggest
to late-Aug; each period was divided into 2 sub-periods in which fecal
that efficient bulls tend to gain more and may deposit more fat when
samples were collected 4 times a day for 5 d (0700, 1100, 1500, and
forage availability does not limit DMI, but when forage is limited there
1900 h). Gas chromatography was used to determine n-alkanes. A double
may be no influence of RFI on carcass composition.
repeated measure design in a completely randomized block design was
used. During P1 and P2, the prediction of DMI using C33 had a better Key Words: cattle, efficiency, carcass
fit (smaller −2 × Log) than C31 either with or without adjustments for
forage C32. The variation in DMI decreased when adjustments for
forage C32 were not used. The variances of DMI were similar using C31 M129 Cenchrus ciliaris in a silvopastoral system with Prosopis
across days, but the correlations between days were low, suggesting that juliflora. T. Clavero* and R. Razz, Centro de Transferencia de Tecno-
several days of collection were needed to accurately predict DMI. Cor- logia en Pastos y Forrajes. Universidad del Zulia., Maracaibo, Estado
relations between times of fecal collection were medium to high for all Zulia, Venezuela.
periods and varied from 0.65 to 0.97 for C31 and from 0.26 to 0.96 for Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris) planted under and outside the canopies
C33. When all periods were analyzed together, estimates of DMI using of mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) in Venezuela’s semi- arid region were
either C31 or C33 had low correlations between days of collection. In evaluated to determine dry matter production, forage quality, and soil
addition, the adjustment for forage C32 did not improve the variance chemical characteristics. Harvested buffelgrass was analyzed for dry
and (co)variance matrix. In conclusion, C33/C32 had the lowest varia- matter yield (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF),
tion in predicting DMI and at least 5 d of continuous fecal collection acid detergent fiber (ADF), and lignin. Transects extending from the tree
were needed to decrease the variability of DMI. The optimum times for trunk to open grass areas were established and soil samples (0–15 cm)
fecal collection were 0700 and 1500 h and it was important to adjust and buffelgrass cv. Biloela (standing live biomass in one square meters
for forage C32 concentration to predict DMI of Brahman bulls grazing plots) samples were taken at 5 sites (0, 20, 80, 150, 200% of the aver-
Coastal bermudagrass. age canopy radius) during growing season. A randomized block design
Key Words: cattle, correlation, grazing was used with 5 replications. The results showed that DM decreased as
shading increased (P ≤ 0.05). The DM production was about 21% lower
in the understory areas. The shaded plants exhibited a trend for larger,
M128 A comparison of anatomical and compositional differences thinner, wider leaves and developed larger leaf area (P ≤ 0.05). Tree
of residual feed intake (RFI)-indexed Brahman bulls under grazing canopies had a positive effect on CP content on buffelgrass (P ≤ 0.05).
conditions. T. D. A. Forbes*1, F. M. Rouquette2, L. O. Tedeschi3, R. Overall, soil moisture content was greater (P ≤ 0.05) under mesquite,
D. Randel2, and F. R. B. Ribeiro4, 1Texas AgriLife Research, Uvalde, and leaf blade increased, which is highly correlated to CP (r = 0.87)
2Texas AgriLife Research, Overton, 3Texas A&M University, College . Grass samples showed no significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) in NDF,
Station, 4Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce. ADF, and lignin under mesquite compare with open pasture. Greater
levels of soil C, N, P, Ca, Mg and K were found under the canopies of
This study compared gastrointestinal tract (GIT) measures, carcass
mesquite (P ≤ 0.05), with differences of 0.64% C, 0.46% N, 2.40 ppm
composition, and ADG of Brahman bulls grazing Coastal bermudagrass
P, 2.10 ppm Ca, 1.27 mEq/100 g Mg and 0.57 mEq/100 g K. Soil analy-
at 2 stocking rates (SR) for 60 d. Prior to the grazing trial, bulls were
ses showed no significant differences (P ≥ 0.05) in Na and Mn under
fed a high roughage diet for 70 d, stratified as efficient (LRFI) or inef-
mesquite compared with open grassland. Results suggest that mesquite
ficient (HRFI), and randomly assigned to high (HSR) or low (LSR) SR
has a lot of potential for use in a silvopastoral system with buffelgrass.
pastures. Shrunk BW (SBW) was recorded after animals fasted for 18
Fodder availability of buffelgrass was lower under the trees; however,
h before harvest. Carcass was weighed; KPH and internal organs were
canopies had a positive effect on nutritional value and improved soil
separated; the GIT was dissected and emptied; small and large intestine
chemical conditions.
lengths were recorded, and internal fat (excluding KPH) was separated
from the GIT; all components were then weighed. After a 48 h chill, the Key Words: Prosopis juliflora, Cenchrus ciliaris, silvopastoral
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 57
M130 Quantifying terpenes in rumen fluid, serum, and plasma and minerals pressed together to form a brick. Mesquite twigs include
from sheep. R. E. Estell*1, S. A. Utsumi2, and A. F. Cibils3, 1USDA, small branches and leaves of Prosopis farcta and Celtis spinosa. ANOVA
ARS, Jornada Experimental Range, Las Cruces, NM, 2Michigan State was used to compare means and significance was set to P < 0.05. Higher
University, Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, 3New Mexico gains were observed in steers supplemented with something more than
State University, Las Cruces. hay because they had 14 to 21% of crude protein (CP) whereas hay
had only 4.4 to 14% of CP with 30% digestibility. The highest gain
Determining the fate of terpenes consumed by browsing ruminants
was observed in group 4 probably because Celtis spinosa may have up
require methods to quantify their presence in blood and rumen fluid.
to 21% CP and digestibility of 46% while nutritional blocks only have
Our objective was to modify an existing procedure for plasma terpenes
14% CP and silage 14.6% of CP. There was no effect of corn type or
to quantify 25 structurally diverse mono- and sesquiterpenes in serum,
rising method on total gain of steers (Table 1). Since all these parameters
plasma, and rumen fluid from sheep. The terpenes examined were tri-
(coming exclusively out of the simulation model) are similar to those
cyclene, α-pinene, camphene, sabinene, β-pinene, myrcene, 2-carene,
obtained in the field by several researches, we can conclude that simula-
3-carene, α-terpinene, p-cymene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, cis-β-ocimene,
tion models are useful for predicting beef production scenarios.
γ-terpinene, cis-sabinene hydrate, terpinolene, linalool, camphor, bor-
neol, terpin-4-ol, α-terpineol, longifolene, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene,
and caryophyllene oxide. Terpenes were extracted with SPE columns Table 1. Total gain of 48-month steers with several types of feed
and quantified using gas chromatography (n = 8 per terpene/fluid com- regimen
bination). Data were analyzed with the MIXED procedure of SAS with Total gain of steers
fluid as the independent factor, and means were separated by LSD in Treatment Cycles1
(kg, mean ± SE)
the event of a significant F test (α = 0.05). Recovery estimates were 100 Hay only 20 144.91 ± 16.92c
± 5% for 14, 7, and 4 terpenes from serum, plasma, and rumen fluid, Hay + corn silage 20 182.30 ± 17.71b
respectively. Recovery from plasma and serum differed for 12 terpenes Hay + corn blocks 20 179.29 ± 35.95b
(P < 0.05), although typically differences were <10%. Recovery from Hay + mesquite twigs 20 224.80 ± 9.60a
rumen fluid differed (P < 0.05) from both serum and plasma for 16
compounds (lower in each case except linalool). Recovery did not differ 1All values evaluated for each treatment representing a cycle of 48
(P > 0.05) among the 3 matrices for only 2 compounds (p-cymene and months totalizing 80 years of evaluation.
terpinolene). Greater recovery was generally observed for oxygenated a–cDifferent letters in the same column differs significantly (P < 0.05).
58 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Immunology and Pathology: Poultry Immunology and Pathology
M132 Effects of dietary beta-glucan on the T helper cytokine bal- vaccinated against coccidiosis at d 1. BW, BWG, FCR were recorded.
ance in the intestine of broiler chicks. C. M. Cox*1, L. H. Stuard1, S. Data were analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS. Before the challenge,
Kim1, A. P. McElroy1, M. Bedford2, and R. A. Dalloul1, 1Virginia Tech, there was no difference between treatments in FCR (P = 0.23). After the
Blacksburg, 2AB Vista Feed Ingredients, Marlborough, UK. challenge, FCR of T1 was lower than T4 (−3.4%, P = 0.02) and tended
to be lower than T2 (−2.6%, P = 0.08). FCR was similar between T1
Immunomodulators like β-glucans have attracted considerable attention
and T3 (2.50 kg/kg, P = 0.93). No difference between treatments was
as potential alternatives to the prophylactic use of antibiotics. Despite
observed in terms of BWG (P = 0.65) and final BW (P = 0.68). In spite
increasing research, little is known about their regulatory influence on
of different modes of action, anticoccidials or vaccine combined to PF
immune function in poultry. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the
and BE lead to similar performance. These results show that a mixture
effects of a yeast-derived β-glucan (Auxoferm YGT) on gene expression
of capsicum and turmeric oleoresins with 500 ppm of BE can be used
of T helper cytokines in the intestine. Day old chicks were fed a diet
associated to vaccination to maintain broiler performance in case of
containing 0, 0.02, or 0.1% β-glucan. For the first study, small intestinal
coccidiosis infection.
sections were collected on d 7 and d 14 to evaluate gene expression by
quantitative real-time PCR. On d 7, interleukin (IL)-18 expression was Key Words: essential oils, betaine, coccidiosis
upregulated in the jejunum but decreased on d 14 in the duodenum of
the 0.02% β-glucan birds. Expression of IL-18 also decreased on d14
in the ileum of both β-glucan groups when compared with control. M134 Excess dietary amino acids reduce splenic pro-inflamma-
On d 7, IL-4 expression was downregulated in both β-glucan treated tory cytokine mRNA abundance and increase anti-inflammatory
groups in the duodenum and in the 0.1% treated group in the jejunum cytokine mRNA abundance during an acute phase response. A.
and ileum. In contrast, IL-4 was upregulated in the duodenum of treated Diaz1, N. Hamel1, K. Martorana1, R. Angel2, and B. D. Humphrey*1,
1California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 2University
birds and in the ileum of 0.1% fed birds on d 14. Similarly, IL-13 was
downregulated in all intestinal sections of 0.1% β-glucan fed birds on of Maryland, College Park.
d 7. The second study included a mixed Eimeria infection on d 8 and The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of dietary
samples were collected on d 10, 14, and 21 post-hatch. Despite the fact amino acid levels on the catabolic response to infection. Catabolic
that no significant differences were seen among treatment groups, IL-18 responses to infection are coordinated through the pleiotropic effects of
expression was consistently upregulated in the Eimeria challenged birds cytokines, thus mRNA abundance of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-18,
due to β-glucan exposure. IL-4 expression was downregulated in the IL-4, IL-13 and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β4 were quantified
non-challenged birds fed the 0.1% β-glucan diet. Mucin-1 expression in the spleen. Male Cobb 500 hatchlings were raised in pens (n = 15/
was significantly decreased due to 0.1% β-glucan supplementation. On pen) for 14 d and were fed a diet that met NRC requirements. On d
d 14, mucin-2 expression was decreased due to the Eimeria infection 14, birds were fed 1 of 2 diets (n = 20/diet) that contained adequate
in the 0.1% β-glucan fed birds. Though not significant, there was a (A) or excess (E) amino acid levels. The E diet contained excess Phe
tendency for birds fed 0.1% β-glucan to express lower levels of IL-13 (+0.43%), Trp (+0.14%), Thr (+0.30%) and Arg (+0.35%). On d 21,
than the control birds. Taken together, the data provided from these trials half of the pens per dietary treatment (n = 10) were either not injected
strongly suggest that β-glucans downregulate T helper type 2 cytokines or injected with 1 mg/kg BW of E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The
and thus favor a T helper type 1 cell response. spleen from one bird per pen was collected at 3, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 168
Key Words: β-glucan, poultry, cytokines h post-injection for measurement of cytokine mRNA abundance using
quantitative real-time PCR. IL-4 and IL-13 mRNA were not detected
at any time point. At 3 h, LPS-injected chicks fed the E diet had 2.6-
M133 Effect of capsicum and turmeric oleoresins with betaine on fold higher TGF-β4 mRNA abundance compared with LPS-injected
the performance of broilers challenged with coccidiosis. V. Brito1, C. chicks fed the A diet (P < 0.05). At 12 and 168 h, LPS-injected chicks
Moynat*2, A. Casarin3, M. Forat3, and D. Bravo1, 1Euronutec, Queretaro, fed the A diet had 2-fold and 7.8-fold higher IL-1β mRNA abundance
Mexico, 2Pancosma, Geneva, Switzerland, 3Instituto Internacional de compared with LPS-injected chicks fed the E diet, respectively (P <
Investigacion Animal, Mexico. 0.05). At 24 h, LPS-injected chicks fed the E diet had 3-fold higher
IL-18 mRNA abundance compared with LPS-injected chicks fed A diet
During coccidiosis, vaccination acquired immunity is insufficient to keep
(P < 0.05). At 168 h, LPS-injected chicks fed the A diet had 12.6-fold
broiler performance. Studies showed that betaine (BE), capsicum (CA)
higher IL-6 mRNA compared with LPS-injected chicks fed the E diet
and turmeric (TU) positively impact innate immunity. The combination
(P < 0.05). Taken together, the changes in cytokine profiles in response
of these 3 products should positively affect immunity and therefore
to LPS-injected birds fed the E diet indicate that feeding specific amino
improve performance of birds infected with coccidiosis. The objective
acids in excess of their growth requirement may mitigate the catabolic
was to evaluate the efficiency of a mixture of CA and TU oleoresins (PF
response to LPS-injection.
= Proflora / XT 6986) combined with 2 levels of BE on performance of
vaccinated broilers challenged with coccidiosis. Day-old broilers were Key Words: amino acid, cytokine, inflammation
allotted to 4 treatments and challenged with Eimeria spp. at d 14 (48
birds * 10 cages/treatment). The treatments were set as follow, doses in
ppm, with bacitracin (BA), Nicarbazin (NI), salinomycin (SA), nitro- M135 Effects of repeated intravenous lipopolysaccharide injection
furan (NO). Starter Diet (d 1 to 14): T1 = 55 BA + 125 NI; T2 = 50 PF; on hematological characteristics of chicken blood. O. T. Bowen, R.
T3 = 50 PF; T4 = 50 PF. Grower diet (d 15 to 42): T1 = 55 BA + 65 SA F. Wideman, R. L. Dienglewicz, and G. F. Erf*, Department of Poultry
+ 50 NO; T2 = 50 PF; T3 = 50 PF + 500 BE; T4 = 50 PF + 1000 BE. Science, Division of Agriculture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Finisher (d 43 to 52): T1 = 55 BA + 65 SA + 50 NO; T2 = 100 PF; T3 = Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a cell-wall component of gram-negative
100 PF + 500 BE; T4 = 100 PF + 1000 BE. All birds except in T1 were bacteria and an important pathogen-associated molecular pattern
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 59
recognized by pattern-recognition receptors of innate immunity. LPS influence on phagocytic functions and the secretion of NO and cytokines
stimulates monocytes/macrophages via Toll-like receptor-4 to produce of macrophages. These results suggest that the dietary supplementation
vasoactive factors including nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator. In previ- of 2% CLA alleviates the suppressive effects of CY on macrophage
ous in vivo studies we established that in chickens, intravenously (i.v.) phagocytic functions and has the effects of bidirectional regulation on
administered LPS induced a transient pulmonary hypertensive response the secretion of NO and IL-1 of macrophages in broilers.
within 1 h, increased plasma nitric oxide (NO) reaching peak levels by
Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, macrophage function, broilers
6 h, and resulted in greatly reduced monocyte levels in blood samples
collected 1 h post-LPS injection. Examination of the effects of a repeat
i.v. injection of LPS revealed a lack of response of the pulmonary M137 Broiler breeder feeding programs and trace minerals on
vasculature to a second LPS injection that lasted 5 d post-primary LPS cytokine gene expression response in progeny. N. M. Leandro1,2,
injection. The objective of this study was to examine in vivo effects of R. Ali1, M. Koci1, V. Moraes1, M. J. Wineland1, J. Brake1, and E. O.
a second i.v. LPS injection on cells in the systemic circulation using Oviedo-Rondón*1,3, 1North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2Univer-
the 6 h peak in plasma NO levels and the 1 h drop in monocytes as sidade Federal de Goiás, Goiania, GO, Brasil, 3Universidade Estadual
end-point measurements of in vivo LPS effects. The second i.v. LPS Paulista, UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil.
injection was administered at 1 (24 h), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 d post-initial LPS
injection. Additionally, LPS-specific antibody titers in the plasma were This study examined how feed allocation programs during breeder
also monitored post-primary LPS injection. While the drop in monocyte pullet rearing and dietary trace mineral (TM) sources during lay could
concentrations at 1 h and the increase in plasma NO at 6 h were observed affect the immune response of broiler progeny. Cobb 500 breeders
with all second LPS administrations, the LPS-stimulated rise in plasma were fed according to 2 feed allocation programs, either sigmoid late
NO levels was, however, attenuated when LPS was injected at 5- or 6-d fast (LF) or sigmoid late slow (LS) until peak of production. From 56
post-initial LPS injection. This attenuation in the increase in plasma NO to 62 wk of age, breeders were fed corn-soybean diets with 5% DDGS
following a second LPS administration at 5- and 6-d post-primary LPS with either inorganic TM or an organic source (Mintrex P) to replace
injection may be explained by the presence of LPS-specific antibodies 30% of Cu, Zn, and Mn. Total dietary levels of the TM evaluated were
which reached peak plasma levels 4- to 6-d post-primary LPS injec- 25, 125, and 125 ppm, respectively. Fertile eggs were collected for 4
tion. Hence, it appears that unlike the pulmonary vasculature, cells in d, incubated, and placed in pedigree bags at 19 d of incubation. Thirty
the systemic circulation continue to be responsive to LPS stimulation 6 chicks/treatment were identified with neck tags to track hen effects,
administered 24 h to 7 d post-primary LPS injection. and placed in 2 isolation rooms, each with 6 floor pens. Three broilers
per treatment were placed in each pen for 12 broilers per pen total.
This research was funded by an Arkansas Experiment Station All broilers were fed the same diet. At 7 d of age, La Sota Newcastle
Animal Health grant. disease virus (NDV) vaccine was applied by ocular route in one room
Key Words: lipopolysaccharide, nitric oxide, chicken leukocytes only. Whole blood cells were collected at 4 d after vaccination to assay
for cytokine (interleukin (IL)-2, IL-4, and interferon-γ) gene expression
and serum was collected at 14 d post vaccination to assay for humoral
M136 Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on macrophage response to NDV. Data were analyzed as a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design
functions in broilers immunosuppressed with cyclophosph- considering breeder feeding programs, TM sources in breeder diet, and
amide. D. Liu*, F. Y. Long, Y. M. Guo, Z. Wang, and J. M. Yuan, broiler vaccination as main factors. Broiler vaccination increased gene
China Agriculture University, Beijing, China. expression of all cytokines evaluated. Broiler progeny from breeders
fed diets with 30% organic TM increased IL-4 expression after NDV
This study was carried out to investigate the effects of conjugated linoleic
vaccination, while vaccination did not cause significant upregulation of
acid (CLA) on macrophage functions in broilers immunosuppressed
this gene in broiler progeny when breeders were fed 100% inorganic.
with cyclophosphamide (CY). The experiment was designed as a 3 × 2
Expression of IL-2 was found to be increased following vaccination in
factorial arrangement, i.e., 3 CLA levels (0, 1.0% and 2.0%) in the diet
broilers from LF breeders fed diets with 30% organic TM. However,
and with or without CY injection as an immunosuppressive challenge.
there was no significant change in IL-2 expression post vaccination
Two hundred and 16 1-d-old male Arbor Acres broiler chickens were
in broilers from LS breeders fed the same diet. It was concluded that
randomly allocated into 6 treatments with 6 replicates. CLA was the
breeder feeding programs during rearing and dietary TM source during
mixture of 2 CLA isomers (c9,t11-CLA:t10,c12-CLA = 20:80). CY
egg production influences the type and magnitude of cytokine expres-
was injected into the femoral muscle of broilers at a dose of 80 mg/kg
sion in broiler progeny.
of body weight for 3 consecutive days (14, 15 and 16). On d 21, the
peritoneal exudate macrophages from 12 broilers per treatment were Key Words: breeder effects, trace minerals, cytokines
collected for in vitro culture. Phagocytic rate and phagocytic index of
macrophages were detected through ingesting sheep red blood cells.
The levels of nitric oxide (NO) and the cytokine interleukin (IL)-1 in M138 Copy number variants in two genetically distinct chicken
the culture supernatants of macrophages were assayed by Griess reagent lines. X. Li*1, W. Chou1, S. J. Lamont2, R. Croomjmas3, and H.
and bioassay method, respectively. Statistical analysis of all data was Zhou1, 1Texas A&M University, College Station, 2Iowa State University,
performed by 2-way ANOVA with SPSS. Individual treatment means Ames, 3Wageningen University, PO Box 338, 6700 AH, Wageningen,
were compared using Duncan′s multiple comparison when the significant the Netherlands.
(P < 0.05) interaction between the main effects was observed. The results Genomic copy number variation (CNV) is another important source of
showed that the immunosuppressive challenge with CY significantly genetic variation besides single nucleotide polymorphisms and micro-
decreased the phagocytic rate and index of macrophages (P < 0.05), and satellites. In humans, CNVs are associated with Mendelian disease and
the addition of 2% CLA significantly increased the phagocytic rate and complex traits. The high-throughput array has provided a powerful tool
index of macrophages (P < 0.05). There was a significant interaction to discover copy number variation at the genome level. Two genetically
between CLA levels and immunosuppressive challenge on the secretion distinct highly inbred chicken lines (Fayoumi and Leghorn G-B1) were
of NO and IL-1 of macrophages (P < 0.05). But 1% dietary CLA had no used in this study. Previous study has shown that Fayoumi is resistant,
60 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
while Leghorn is susceptible, to avian influenza virus (AIV) infection. its function and potential in poultry health applications. The full-length
The Agilent 244K chicken CGH array was utilized to identify the poten- avian MIF gene was amplified from stimulated chicken lymphocytes and
tial CNVs associated with host response to pathogen. Six biological cloned into a prokaryotic expression vector. The confirmed 115 amino
replicates from each line, in total, 12 biological replicates, were used. acid sequence of avian MIF has 71% identity with human and murine
Red Jungle fowl was used as a reference to normalize the microarray MIF. The bacterially expressed avian recombinant MIF (rChMIF) was
data. There were 241 and 269 CNVs identified in Fayoumi and Leghorn, purified, the endotoxins removed, and a 4 h-chemotactic assay performed
respectively, of which 116 and 119 were located in known chicken QTLs using a 48-well chemotaxis chamber. Diff-Quick staining results showed
based on chicken QTLdb database. The CNVs identified in this study sharply decreased migration of macrophages in the presence of 10 ng/
have also generated strong candidate CNVs potentially associated with ml rChMIF. Further, the expression of various cytokines was measured
host response to AIV infection in chickens. in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) or splenocytes using
quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Isolated PBMCs or splenocytes
Key Words: copy number variation, host response, avian influenza
were cultured in the presence or absence of rChMIF, with or without
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or Concanavalin A (Con A) for 6 or 12 h. qRT-
PCR analysis revealed that rChMIF alone did not induce transcription of
M139 Phage display selection and characterization of a single- interleukin (IL)-1β or induced-nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). However,
chain antibody (scFv) against chicken CD40. D. Abi-Ghanem*1, the presence of rChMIF enhanced levels of IL-1β and iNOS during
C-H. Chen1, L. Njongmeta1, J. Bray1, W. Mwangi1, S. D. Waghela1, J. PBMCs stimulation with LPS. Similarly, there was no effect of rChMIF
L. McReynolds2, and L. R. Berghman1, 1Texas A&M University, Col- alone on splenocytes; however, the Con A-stimulated lymphocytes
lege Station, 2U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research showed enhanced interferon (IFN)-γ and IL-2 transcripts in the presence
Service, College Station, TX. of rChMIF. Interestingly, addition of rChMIF to the stimulated PBMCs,
in the presence of lymphocytes, showed anti-inflammatory function of
CD40, an integral membrane glycoprotein of the tumor necrosis factor- rChMIF. To our knowledge, this study represents the first report for the
receptor super family, is mainly expressed on antigen-presenting cells functional characterization of avian MIF, which inhibits migration of
(APCs), including B-cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. The inter- macrophages similarly to mammalian MIF, and it also mediates inflam-
action between CD40 and its ligand CD154 (CD40L) mediates specific matory responses during antigenic stimulations.
CD4+ T-cell help to APCs in response to T-cell dependent antigens, and
provides crucial signals for antigen-specific T-cell priming and expan- Key Words: MIF, avian immunity, real-time PCR
sion, as well as heightened antibody production and immunoglobulin
class switching in B-cells. In contrast to the extensive characterization
M141 US Veterinary Immune Reagent Network. H. Lillehoj*1,
of mammalian CD40 by use of agonistic anti-CD40 monoclonal anti-
S.-H. Lee1, D.-K. Kim1, M.-S. Park1, D. Tompkins2, C. Baldwin2, J.
bodies, which can mimic CD4+ T-cell help to APCs, investigation of
LaBresh3, and B. Wagner4, 1USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD, 2University of
chicken CD40 (cCD40) has been limited. In this study, we describe the
Massachusetts, Amherst, 3Kingfisher Biotech, St. Paul, MN, 4Cornell
production of a dimeric single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) against
University, Ithaca, NY.
cCD40. An immune antibody library against cCD40 was constructed
by phage display. Following 3 rounds of panning against cCD40, spe- To advance veterinary immunology and animal disease research, a
cific, likely high-affinity antibodies were obtained. Soluble anti-cCD40 CSREES-funded NRI consortium grant (#2005–01812) was established
scFv (~35 KDa) was purified by nickel affinity chromatography and in 2005 to develop immunological reagents specific for poultry, rumi-
characterized by immunoblotting. This scFv recognized cCD40 in nants, swine, equine and aquaculture species (
ELISA, and agglutinated chicken DT40 B-cells in vitro. We are cur- vetimm). Immunological reagents to be developed through this grant
rently investigating the biological activities of this scFv, particularly include monoclonal antibodies (mAb) and polyclonal antibodies that
the induction of nitric oxide synthesis in chicken HD11 macrophages identify the major leukocyte subpopulations (T and B lymphocytes,
and proliferative stimulation of serum-starved chicken DT40 B-cells. NK cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells) for many
These activities will evaluate the extent to which the anti-cCD40 scFv animal species including fish. In addition, recombinant cytokines and
can mimic the effects of CD40L, providing the signals needed to induce chemokines as well as antibodies to them and to their receptors, will be
activation of chicken APCs in vitro. Such an agonistic anti-cCD40 scFv developed and these immune reagents will be valuable in research to
may therefore constitute a powerful tool to study the role of CD40 in understand the major components of immune system which are involved
the chicken immune system. in inflammation, innate and adaptive immunity. These immunological
reagents will be used to (1) evaluate changes associated with diseases
Key Words: chicken CD40, single-chain antibody fragment, co-
and vaccination, and (2) manipulate various lymphocyte subpopulations
to evaluate their roles in protective immunity as well as in immunopa-
thology. In this report, progress in poultry immune reagent development
M140 Functional characterization of the avian macrophage migra- will be discussed.
tion inhibitory factor (MIF). S. Kim*1, K. B. Miska2, M. C. Jenkins2, This project is funded by USDA-CSREES proposal 2005-01812
R. H. Fetterer2, C. M. Cox1, L. H. Stuard1, and R. A. Dalloul1, 1Animal & and was carried out as part of the US Veterinary Immune Reagent
Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, 2Animal Parasitic Diseases Network. For commercially available immune reagents from this
Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD. consortium, go to
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is recognized as a soluble Key Words: poultry, immune reagent, diseases
factor produced by sensitized T lymphocytes and inhibits the random
migration of macrophages. Recent research shows a more prominent
role of MIF as a multi-functional cytokine mediating both innate and
adaptive immune responses. This study describes the cloning and func-
tional characterization of avian MIF in an effort to better understand
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 61
Lactation Biology 1
M142 Expression of the development gene CAMK2G in the virgin and 1 μmol/L) and T4 (0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 μmol/L) (P > 0.05); HSP70
mammary gland of the dairy goat. L. N. Wang, C. Li, Q. Z. Li*, and increased markedly with 0.005 and 1 μmol/L insulin (P < 0.05), and did
C. Y. Yuan, Key Laboratory of Dairy Science of Education Ministry, not change markedly with 0.01, 0.1 and 0.5 μmol/L insulin (P > 0.05);
Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China. However, other treatments all significantly decreased the mRNA levels
of HSP27, 70, 90 and heat shock factor-1 (HSF-1) (P < 0.05). (2) The
Identification of the key genes related to mammary gland development
mRNA levels of HSP27, 70, 90 & HSF-1 were all significantly lower
in the dairy goat is important for optimizing milk production. In this
after cells were cultured with different concentrations of T4, glucagon
research, after comparing the expression of ESTs in 7 Long-SAGE
and insulin separately at 42°C for 12 h (P < 0.01). In conclusion, T4,
libraries corresponding to different stages of development (early virgin,
glucagon and insulin could inhibit mRNA levels of HSPs in mammary
late virgin, early pregnancy, late pregnancy, middle lactation, early
epithelial cells under heat stress.
involution and late involution) and sequence alignment with BLAST
in the sheep library, we found the gene CAMK2G to be an important Key Words: bovine mammary gland epithelial cells, heat shock pro-
gene that affected the development of the mammary gland in virgin dairy teins, FQ-PCR
goats. mRNA was extracted from healthy virgin mammary glands of
dairy goat, and then amplified by RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA
ends). We synthesized the 3′- and 5′-RACE-fragments by using the M144 Immunodetection of the secreted forms of osteopontin in
CAMK2G’s EST from the virgin mammary gland long-SAGE library bovine milk. N. Bissonnette1,3, C. Thibault1, and G. Robitaille*2, 1Agri-
as the gene-specific primer, then cloned and sequenced RACE fragments culture and Agri-Food Canada, Dairy and Swine Research and Devel-
to obtain the full-length gene. The anticipated length of the 3′cDNA opment Centre, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food
of gene CAMK2G was about 500 bp, and 5′cDNA was about 1500 Canada, Food Research and Development Centre, Saint-Hyacinthe, Qc,
bp. Comparing the homology with the sheep EST library provided by Canada, 3Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada.
NCBI GenBank confirmed that the cloned gene was CAMK2G. We next Osteopontin (OPN), a phosphoglycoprotein, presents in human a
performed an RNAi (RNA interference) experiment. The synthesized complex pattern of gene expression (splicing variants) which is tissue
siRNA was based on the full-length of the gene CAMK2G and trans- and physiological state-dependent. The concentration reaches 1 g/L
fected into cells that were subcultured from primary epithelial cells of and varies during lactation. Bovine OPN is secreted in lower but sub-
the virgin mammary gland. After the detection of cell viability analyzer stantial amounts (10 mg/L) in bovine milk. The aim of this study was
and flow cytometry, both the proliferation and the activity of mammary to monitor bovine OPN and to identify the different isoforms in milk.
epithelial cells were inhibited (P < 0.05). Real-time PCR showed that Four human and one mouse commercial anti-OPN targeting different
the expression of CAMK2G was lower after RNAi (P < 0.01). Addition, portions of the human OPN were tested on bovine OPN. In addition, 2
Western blotting showed that the expression of β-casein was decreased antisera were raised against synthetic peptides designed from the NCBI
(P < 0.05). The experiments above were repeated 3 times. Thus, the refseq bovine sequence and one was raised against the protein that was
gene CAMK2G may be important in mammary gland development of purified from milk by HPLC; the purification method allows the isola-
the virgin goat. tion of a significant amount of pure protein. Purified and commercial
This work was supported by the National High Technology bovine OPN were characterized by silver coloration and ECL Western
Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. blot analysis. The signature of both sources was identical as detected
2006AA10Z1A4). by silver coloration. One of the 3 human anti-OPN, which targeted the
N-terminal part of the protein, profiled 2 bovine OPN isoforms at 65 and
Key Words: dairy goat, mammary gland development, CAMK2G 40 kDa, whereas 3 human anti-OPN failed to detect purified OPN. The
bovine anti-OPN (synthetic peptide) and the anti-mouse-OPN, which are
highly specific to the C-terminal part of the protein, detected only the 65
M143 Effects of thyroxine, glucagon and insulin on mRNA levels
kDa isoform. The bovine antisera (purified OPN from milk) recognized
of heat shock proteins in bovine mammary epithelial cells under
both forms and other forms in milk. Preliminary ELISA assays allowed
heat stress in vitro. R. L. Cui1, J. Q. Wang*1, H. Y. Wei1, D. P. Bu1,
a specific detection of bovine OPN. Using these antibody preparations
H. Hu1,2, and L. Y. Zhou1, 1State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition,
it is possible to determine the abundance of each of these isoforms in
Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
milk. In conclusion, analysis of the bovine OPN reveals the presence of
Beijing, China, 2Faculty of Animal Science & Technology, Gansu Agri-
2 isoforms. The immunodetection of the respective isoforms will allow
culture University, Lanzhou, China.
to determine their relative abundance during lactation and to speculate
The objective of this study was to establish the effects of thyroxine on their local bioactivity.
(T4), glucagon and insulin on the mRNA levels of heat shock proteins
Key Words: osteopontin, bovine, milk
(HSPs) in bovine mammary epithelial cells under heat stress in vitro.
The mammary epithelial cells were cultured in DMEM/F12 media
containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at 38°C until they reached M145 Differentiated immortalized porcine mammary epithelial
80% confluence. T4 (0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 μmol/L), glucagon (0, cells grown on polysulfone hollow fiber provide a potential cell
0.01, 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 μmol/L) and insulin (0, 0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 and culture system for expression of recombinant proteins. T. C.
1 μmol/L) were separately added into the media then cells were exposed Kuan*1, Y. L. Sun2, C. Y. Yen1, and C. S. Lin1, 1Department of Biologi-
at 42°C for 12 h as a heat stress model and 38°C for 12 h as the control. cal Science and Technology, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu,
Levels of HSP mRNA were detected by RT-qPCR. Each treatment had Taiwan, 2Division of Biotechnology, Animal Technology Institute Taiwan,
3 replicates in this experiment, and one-way ANOVA of SAS was used Miaoli, Taiwan.
to analyze the experimental data. The results indicated that (1) At 38°C,
HSP90 did not significantly change with insulin (0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 Spontaneously immortalized porcine mammary epithelial cells (PMEC)
isolated from the mammary gland of lactating sows can express milk
62 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
proteins following differentiation into mammary gland-like structures conclusion, nutrient restriction resulted in a lower MY in lactating dairy
(gland ducts, lateral buds, and alveoli). Hollow fiber bioreactors have cows. This was partly due to a modulation of mammary epithelial cells
been used for large-scale mammalian cell culture to produce monoclonal activity regulated at mRNA level.
antibodies or recombinant proteins. The hollow fibers provide a culture
Key Words: nutrient restriction, mammary epithelial cell, prolactin
system with a high surface to volume ratio. The system allows extremely
efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products across the fiber wall.
Therefore, we attempted to culture PMEC transformed with recombinant M147 Effects of incremental sunflower seed supplementation on
DNA in these hollow fiber bioreactors to produce recombinant pro- milk composition and mammary expression of genes regulating fatty
teins. In the present study, we investigated the optimum conditions for acid uptake and lipogenesis. J. W. Møller, T. Bjørn, P. K. Theil, M.
culturing the PMEC onto polysulfone hollow fibers (PHF). The results T. Sørensen, and K. Sejrsen*, Faculty of Agricultural Science, Aarhus
showed that the seeded PMEC could attach, grow and form monolayers University, Tjele, Denmark.
on the surface of PHF. The PMEC could differentiate into mammary
gland-like structures when the cells were grown on PHF coated with Dietary supplementation with unsaturated fatty acids is a well-estab-
Matrigel. The regulatory region of the milk gene, α lactalbumin, was lished strategy for enhancing milk fat content of unsaturated fatty acids.
inserted upstream of luciferase cDNA to generate a recombinant DNA, The objective was to examine the effects of increased sunflower seed
pAL-luc. The pAL-luc was transformed into PMEC and used to test supplementation (SFS) on milk fat composition and mammary expres-
the potential for recombinant protein production by PMEC cultured on sion of genes regulating fatty acid uptake and lipogenesis. Twenty 4
PHF. Luciferase activity expressed from the PMEC grown on the PHF lactating Holstein Friesian cows (186 ± 20 DIM; 25.3 ± 2.5 kg/d) were
coated with 2.5 mg/ml and 5 mg/ml Matrigel were increased by 2.7-fold randomly assigned to 4 groups and fed a control diet or diets supple-
and 7.0-fold compared with that of the cells grown on the PHF without mented with 5%, 10%, or 15% sunflower seeds (% of DM) for a 5 week
Matrigel (n = 3). Moreover, prolactin supplementation enhanced the experimental period. DM intake and milk yield was reduced in cows
luciferase expression. In this established PHF-cell culture approach, fed 10% and 15% SFS when compared with control, whereas 5% SFS
the PMEC could be continuously cultured for one week and potentially did not differ from control. All levels of SFS tended to increase milk
express recombinant protein. In conclusion, we have provided a potential fat content (P = 0.08). SFS decreased content of C4–14 (P = 0,008) and
PHF-cell culture approach in which PMEC can differentiate and express C16 fatty acids (P = 0.014). Content of ≥ C18 fatty acids was increased
recombinant protein. (P = 0.015). SFS increased the level of unsaturated fatty acids (P <
0.001) when compared with control and increased in a linear manner
Key Words: mammary epithelial cells, polysulfone hollow fiber, (P < 0.001) the content of rumenic acid (C18:2 c9t11) from 0.3% to
recombinant protein 0,9%. Gene expression was analyzed by RT-PCR on RNA from mam-
mary biopsies using the ΔΔCT method. SFS (5–15%) reduced mRNA
abundance of SREBP-1 (P = 0.034), SCAP (P = 0.0075), FASN (P =
M146 Effects of nutrient restriction on mammary cell activity and
0.035), FADS1 (P = 0.006), and SCD (P = 0.046). mRNA abundance
hormonal statement in lactating dairy cows. F. Dessauge*1,2, V.
of ACC tended to be reduced (P = 0.06). SFS did not affect expression
Lollivier1,2, E. Cutullic1,2, J. Portanguen1,2, C. Disenhaus1,2, S. Barbey3,
of the lipid uptake and transport genes LPL (P = 0.189), FABP3 (P =
B. Ponchon1,2, and M. Boutinaud1,2, 1INRA UMR 1080 Dairy Production,
0.862), and FAT (P = 0.403). In conclusion, our results show that dietary
35590, Saint Gilles, France, 2Agrocampus UMR 1080 Dairy Production,
supplementation with high levels of unsaturated fatty acids in form of
35000, Rennes, France, 3INRA UE 326 Domaine Experimental du Pin
sunflower seeds leads to increased milk fat content in spite of decreased
au Haras, 61310, Le Pin au Haras, France.
de novo milk fat synthesis as substantiated by a reduction in lipogenic
Feed restriction results in milk yield (MY) decrease. However the genes. Furthermore, the expression of genes regulating fatty acid uptake
consequences on mammary activity and the involvement of prolactin and transport were unaffected although the amount of dietary fat present
(PRL) in the lower mammary synthesis are not known. The aim of the in milk was increased.
study was to investigate the effects of nutrient restriction on mammary
Key Words: dietary supplementation, mammary gene expression,
epithelial cell activity in lactating dairy cows. We used 15 Holstein ×
conjugated linoleic acid
Normande crossbred dairy cows, divided into 2 groups submitted to
2 feeding levels. From calving to wk 11 postpartum, the cows were
fed a total mixed ration composed either of 55% maize silage, 15% M148 Principal component analysis of milk fatty acid composition
dehydrated alfalfa and 30% concentrate (Basal diet-group as control, and the relationships between stearoyl CoA desaturase genotype and
n = 7) or of 60% grass silage and 40% hay (Restricted diet-group, conjugated linoleic acid production in dairy cattle. J. Thomson*,
n = 8). Cows were milked twice daily. MY and composition were L. Clark, M. Oba, and S. Moore, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
measured. Blood samples were harvested at wk 11 postpartum for the Canada.
determination of PRL concentration. After 11 weeks of lactation, cows
were slaughtered and mammary glands were removed and weighted. The objectives of this study were to assess the relationships between
Expression of proteins involved in secretory activity was evaluated on individual milk fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) con-
mammary tissue by real-time qPCR and immunohistochemical staining centration in bovine milk fat and to assess the relationship between a
was performed. Restricted diet-group cows had lower 11-week average single nucleotide polymorphism in the stearoyl CoA desaturase gene
daily MY (20.5 kg/d vs. 35.5, P < 0.001) and lower milk protein and and CLA production using principal component analysis (PCA). 215
lactose content from calving to slaughter than Basal diet-group cows. cows from an Alberta commercial dairy farm were genotyped and milk
The size of the mammary acini were lower (−41%, P < 0.01) in the samples were collected for milk fatty acid analysis. Forty-three variables
Restricted diet-group. Nutrient restriction decreased kappa-casein (P < including milk production parameters, individual fatty acid concentra-
0.01) and α-lactalbumin (P < 0.01) mRNA levels in the mammary gland. tions, and indices of desaturation were analyzed. The first 3 principal
The decrease in mean PRL concentration was not significant (−27%, components explained 47.61% of the total variance (PC 1, 24.13%; PC
P = 0.15) in Restricted diet-group compared with Basal diet-group. In 2, 13.95%; and PC 3, 9.53%). The first PC had high loadings for most of
the short chain fatty acids, the second PC had high loadings for the yield
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 63
measurements, and the third PC had high loadings for long chain fatty hypothesis was that GH treatment would increase milk production or
acids. Thus, the majority of the variables were described by 3 principal alter milk composition through effects on signaling pathways regulating
components. There was a positive correlation among the short chain or protein synthesis or mitochondrial biogenesis. To test this hypothesis
de novo synthesized fatty acids (C4-C16) (P < 0.05), and a negative cor- we compared milk concentrations of fat, protein, and lactose, mam-
relation between the de novo synthesized fatty acids and the long chain mary mitochondrial (mt) DNA copy number, and the phosphorylation
fatty acids which primarily come from peripheral circulation (C18 and of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and AMP kinase (AMPK)
C20 isomers) (P < 0.05). CLA concentration had a positive correlation in mammary tissue from lactating mice treated (n = 6/treatment) with
with C18:1 t6–8, C18:1 t9, C18:1 t10, C18:1 t12, C18:1 t13–14 and either saline (SAL) or recombinant murine GH (18 mg/kg/day) under
18:1 t11 (P < 0.05). CLA was negatively correlated with C18:1 c9 (P < conditions of either AL or 4X nursing frequency during prolonged
0.05). A high positive correlation between the concentration of C12:0 lactation. GH treatment increased (main effect, P < 0.05) milk triglyc-
with CLA yield (coefficient of 0.85, P < 0.0001) was observed. The CLA eride (172.47 ± 25.42, 321.50 ± 33.33, 185.27 ± 51.75, and 271.45 ±
desaturation index (CLA /18:1t11 + CLA) was positively correlated 52.07 mM for AL-SAL, AL-GH, 4X-SAL, and 4X-GH, respectively),
to C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C14:1, and C16. This relationship may and protein concentrations (93.68 ± 7.02, 109.63 ± 9.84, 81.68 ±
warrant further research. Genotype did not explain a significant amount 6.32, 106.64 ± 9.78 mg/mL for AL-SAL, AL-GH, 4X-SAL,4X-GH,
of the variation in these data. This suggests that fatty acid origin (de respectively). Mitochondrial DNA copy number, measured as the ratio
novo synthesized fatty acids vs. fatty acids from circulation) had a much of cytochrome-B to β-Actin by real time qPCR, was not significantly
bigger impact than genotype on fatty acid variation in milk. impacted by nursing frequency or GH treatment. Immunofluorescent
staining for Phospho-mTOR and phospho-AMPK were also not signifi-
Key Words: stearoyl CoA desaturase, milk fatty acids
cantly affected by nursing frequency or GH treatment. Staining for total
mTOR, however, was higher in GH treated animals than SAL (main
M149 Improved lactation persistence and altered milk composition effect, P < 0.01). These results support the conclusion that although GH
in growth hormone-treated mice is not linked to dramatic changes treatment increases milk production and alters milk composition during
in mammary mitochondrial biogenesis or the degree of mTOR or prolonged lactation in mice, this response is not mediated through dra-
AMP kinase phosphorylation. W. Olea*1, A. Parlow2, R. Collier3, and matic alterations in the phosphorylation of mTOR or AMPK or through
D. Hadsell1, 1Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, 2Harbor-UCLA affects on mitochondrial biogenesis.
Medical Center, Torrance, CA, 3University of Arizona, Tucson. This project supported by National Research Initiative
Previous work in our lab has shown that mice treated with growth Competitive Grant no.2007–35206–17831 from the USDA CSREES.
hormone (GH) under both ad-libitum (AL) and reduced (4X) nursing Key Words: growth hormone, persistence, mitochondria
frequency can support greater litter gain during prolonged lactation.
However, the mechanism of this response is not well understood. Our
64 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Meat Science and Muscle Biology: Beef Quality
M150 Beef quality of bovines supplemented with vitamin E. G. 77 d. They were vaccinated against Clostridium, dewormed, vitamined,
Aranda-Osorio*1, H. Barragan-Gonzalez 1, M. Huerta-Bravo 1, O. implanted and individually penned (2 × 2 m). The diet was based on corn
Hernandez-Mendo2, E. Maldonado-Siman1, and J. C. Garcia-Ortiz1, (42.2%), bakery waste (24.6%), barley straw (22.9%), soybean meal
1Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Chapingo, Mexico, 2Colegio de (7.93%), minerals (2%), and CaCO3 (0.4%), with 13.1% crude protein,
Posgraduados, Montecillos, Mexico. 1.79 Mcal ENm, 1.16 Mcal ENg and 11.6% crude fiber. The animals
were slaughtered the d after they finished their fattening period. Data
The aim of this study was to establish the feeding duration and dietary
were analyzed as a randomized block (E1) and completely randomized
level of vitamin E offered to young bulls which does not affect perfor-
(E2) design using PROC GLM of SAS. In E 1, vitamin E supplementa-
mance but positively improve shelf-life of beef. Three experiments were
tion for 37 d enhanced (P ≤ 0.05) DMI, ADG, FC, FE, BFD, and TF but
carried out: E1) 1,000 IU vitamin E/animal per d fed during 37, 49, and
decreased (P ≤ 0.05) HYC. However, vitamin E supplementation for 49
63 d; E2) 2,000 IU vitamin E/animal per d fed for 77 d and E3) 3,000
or 63 d enhanced (P ≤ 0.05) DMI but affected (P ≤ 0.05) ADG, FC, FE,
IU vitamin E/animal per d fed for 55 d. In E1, E2 and E3 a total of 36
BFD, and HCY. In E 2, 2000 IU vitamin E supplementation improved
(12, 549 ± 22.44; 12, 510.42 ± 27.48; and 12, 480.25 ± 19.99 kg), 24
(P ≤ 0.05) feedlot performance but decreased (P ≤ 0.05) FC. However,
(396.21 ± 24.39), and 24 (432.50 ± 23.81 kg) crossbred (Bos taurus ×
due to the high costs of dietary vitamin E profitability was reduced. It
Bos indicus) young bulls were used, respectively. Average daily weight
is concluded that vitamin E supplementation in the finishing period of
gain (ADG), dressing percentage (DP) as well as pH, water retention
young bulls did not negatively affect animal performance and therefore
capacity (WRC), L* and chroma values and hue angle (hue°) of the rib
can be used to improve beef quality.
eye (obtained between the 12th and 13th rib) were determined. Data
were analyzed as a randomized block (E1) and completely randomized Key Words: young bulls, vitamin E, performance
(E2 and E3) design using PROC GLM of SAS. Neither ADG nor DP
were negatively affected (P ≤ 0.05) by the feeding duration or the dietary
vitamin E level (E1, E2 or E3). Differences (P ≤ 0.05) in pH, L*, chroma M152 Influence of different forms of lipid supplements on physi-
and hue° in beef until d 63 (E1) of supplementation were observed in cal characteristics of heifers’ meat fed on feedlot system. M. C.
animals offered vitamin E. There were no (P ≥ 0.05) differences in beef A. Santana*1, T. T. Berchielli1, R. A. Reis1, G. T. Pereira1, and R. C.
quality traits on d 1 post-mortem, but differences (P ≤ 0.05) were found Canesin1, 1São Paulo State University, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil,
2Bellman Animal Nutrition Mineral Supplements, Jaboticabal, São
on d 8 and 16 post-mortem (E2), when the beef color was more stable. In
E3 the beef quality traits were similar to those found in E2, suggesting Paulo, Brazil.
that supplementing 3,000 IU of vitamin E/animal per day during 55 d Physical quality of meat products can be influenced by the feed offered
had a similar effect than supplementing 2,000 IU vitamin E/animal per to the animal. The evaluation of beef quality indicators is important
d during 77 d. In conclusion, it is feasible to supplement 1,000, 2,000, or because it is able of determining the product which will be offered to
3,000 IU of vitamin E/animal per d without compromising the finishing the consumer. The focus areas in this experiment are colors (a, b, L),
performance. However, the vitamin E supplement has to be offered for shear force (WBSF), water-holding capacity (WHC), pH and cooking
at least 45 d before the slaughter to improve beef quality. loss percentage (CLoss) in meat from heifers fed under different lipid
Key Words: beef cattle, vitamin E, meat traits supplements in feedlot system. The experiment design was completely
random, using 3 supplements. The supplements came from soya lipid-
based supplements, offered in different forms (soybean grain, soybean
M151 Effect of vitamin E supplementation on the finishing of beef oil and protected fat - Megalac-E), 60:40 concentrate:corn silage. The
cattle. G. Aranda-Osorio*1, P. De la Cruz-Honorato1, R. Hernadez- treatments were compared by analyzing variables using the GLM
Arrieta1, O. Hernandez-Mendo2, and J. C. Garcia-Ortiz1, 1Universidad procedure (SAS 9.1, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). Mean values were
Autonoma Chapingo, Chapingo, Mexico, 2Colegio de Posgraduados, compared using the Tukey test at a significance level of 0.05. Using a
Montecillos, Mexico. colorimeter, the color of the longissimus muscle (LM) at the 12th and
13th rib interface in the L*a*b* color space (CIE system) was deter-
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of vitamin E
mined. A time span of 30 min was awaited before color analysis. The
supplementation on performance (dry matter intake (DMI), average daily
WBSF was obtained from steaks previously thawed and roasted using an
gain (ADG), feed conversion (FC), feed efficiency (FE), backfat depth
insert thermometer until 70°C was obtained. Later, the samples were cut
(BFD), trimming fat (TF), hot carcass yield (HCY), and profitability of
into cubes; the data collected was achieved using a Warner-Bratzler shear
finishing young bulls. Two experiments were carried out. In experiment
machine. The muscle pH measurements were taken from the interior
1 (E1), 36 young bulls (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) were assigned to 3
of the LM at 24 h and 48h postmortem using a portable pH meter. The
BW blocks (549.50 ± 22.44, 510.42 ± 27.48 and 480.25 ± 19.99 kg)
water holding capacity was obtained by determining the difference of
and offered 1000 IU vitamin E /head per d for 37, 49 or 63 d during the
the sample weights under 10 kg of pressure for 5 min. The cooking loss
finishing period. To each BW block 12 animals were assigned (6 with and
value was determined according to the reduced percentage rate before
6 without vitamin E supplementation). Each bull was the experimental
and after the meat was cooked. The results of this research suggest
unit, with 6 replicates per treatment. In experiment 2 (E2) 24 young
that the physical indicators of meat quality were not influenced by the
bulls (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) with an ILW of 396.21 ± 24.39 were
supplements, offered in different forms (soybean grain, soybean oil and
used. Half of them were offered 2000 IU vitamin E/head per d during
protected fat - Megalac-E).
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 65
Table 1. Means for the colors a, b and L, meat pH, water-holding M154 Nutrient restriction during early prenatal growth and
capacity (WHC), and percentage cooking loss (CLoss) and shear carcass characteristics of beef steers. T. A. Pye*, B. H. Boehmer,
force (WBSF) of heifer’s meat from feedlot. R. P. Wettemann, and G. W. Horn, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment
Soybean Soybean Protected Station, Stillwater.
Mean CV (%)
grain oil fat To evaluate the effect of prenatal nutritional restriction on carcass
WBSF characteristics, Angus heifers (15 mo of age) were AI, and after 32 ± 1
6.5 8.2 7.9 7.6 21.7NS
(kgf/cm3) d, pregnancy was determined. Heifers were stratified by BW and BCS
WHC (%) 73.8 71.8 71.2 72.2 6.6NS and allotted to low (L, 55% of NRC requirements) or moderate nutri-
CLoss (%) 34.7 33.7 32.7 33.6 5.1NS tional (M, > 100% NRC requirements) treatment groups. After 86 d of
Color L treatment (128 d of gestation), heifers were managed in a single pasture
35.0 34.0 34.7 34.5 7.4NS
(%) and received a common diet (>100% of NRC requirements). Bulls were
Color A
16.6 16.7 16.4 16.5 13.5NS castrated at birth, weaned at 230 d, and maintained as a group before
and after weaning. At 14 (rep 1) or 18 mo (rep 2) of age, L (n = 13) and
Color B
3,5 3.5 3.6 3.6 33.6NS M (n = 10) steers were fed a high-energy finishing diet and gained 2.1
± 0.2 kg/d to a BW of 592 ± 7 (rep 1) or 631 ± 6 kg (rep 2). Steers were
pH (48 h) 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.1 3.2NS
harvested at 1.3 ± 0.2 cm backfat. Data were analyzed using PROC
pH (24 h) 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.6 2.2NS
GLM procedures of SAS. There was no treatment × rep effects (P >
0.32). At onset of treatment, BW (P = 0.37) and BCS (P = 0.30) were
NS = nonsignificant.
similar for L and M heifers. During early gestation M heifers gained
Key Words: soybean grain, soybean oil, protected fat 68 ± 7 kg and L heifers lost 54 ± 8 kg (P < 0.001). After treatment, M
heifers had greater BCS (5.5 ± 0.1) compared with L heifers (4.3 ± 1;
P < 0.001). Hot carcass weight (P < 0.001), dressing percentage (P <
M153 Effect of maternal nutritional status on muscle development 0.001), REA (P < 0.02), marbling (P < 0.001) and KPH fat (P < 0.001)
and carcass characteristics in heifer progeny. L. V. Nicodemus*, were influenced by replication but not by prenatal nutritional treatment
K. R. Underwood, J. F. Tong, P. L. Price, B. W. Hess, S. I. Paisley, W. (P > 0.15). Neither treatment nor replication influenced yield grade or fat
J. Means, R. J. McCormick, and M. Du, Department of Animal Science, thickness at the 12th rib. Major nutritional restriction of young bovine
University of Wyoming, Laramie. dams during 32 to 118 d of gestation, that resulted in 1.2 BCS units
In the Western United States, cow herds commonly experience nutrient difference, did not influence carcass characteristics of steer progeny at
deficiency due to frequent drought conditions. Mid to late gestation is an normal harvest weights.
important time for skeletal muscle and adipose tissue development. The Key Words: beef cattle, carcass characteristics, prenatal program-
objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of maternal nutrient ming
deficiency during mid gestation on the growth performance and carcass
traits of heifer progeny. Thirty-two heifers, born to crossbred cows from
2 years were evaluated for the effects of dietary treatments from d 45 M155 Residual feed intake in three-cross beef heifers: color and
through d 180 of gestation on muscle development, meat quality, and chemical composition of Longissumus dorsi muscle. S. F. Reis1, P.
carcass characteristics. At d 45 of gestation cows were randomly allotted V. R. Paulino*1, S. R. Medeiros2, S. C. Valadares Filho1, G. L. D. Feijó2,
to 1 of 3 dietary treatments consisting of individually fed native grass hay R. A. A. Torres Júnior2, R. O. Cristaldo2, R. A. Silva2, D. A. Fausto3,
plus a soybean meal-based supplement: control (C, 100% NRC require- and J. Cavali1, 1Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil,
ments), nutrient restricted (NR, 70% NRC requirements), and nutrient 2EMBRAPA Gado de Corte, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, 3Universidade
restricted plus ruminally undegradable protein supplementation (NRP, de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
70% NRC requirements with essential amino acids supplemented to the
Residual feed intake (RFI), as an index for feed efficiency selection,
control level), and that 11 C, 7 NR and 14 NRP offspring heifers were
is promising because it is independent of growth traits of the animal.
produced from the herd. Following weaning, heifers from all treatments
However, studies have shown that efficient animals (low RFI) tend
were back-grounded, and then place in the feedlot where they received
to produce beef with less intramuscular fat (IMF). This trial aimed to
a high concentrate diet until slaughter. Carcass characteristics were
evaluate the color and chemical composition of Longissumus dorsi
measured at 48 h postmortem. Steaks were removed 14 d postmortem
(LD) muscle of 31 3-cross beef heifers. The same diet (ME = 2.73
for Warner-Bratzler Shear Force and proximate analysis. The 12th
Mcal/kg DM, CP = 11.90% DM) was fed during 84 d. The experiment
rib fat thickness of C heifers was less (P ≤ 0.05) than that of NR. The
was conducted according to a completely randomized design. The
Semitendinosus muscle weight was reduced in NR compared with C
animals were classified in 3 groups according to their RFI value (high,
carcasses (P ≤ 0.05). There was no difference in LM area, percent KPH
medium or low). The RFI was calculated as the difference between an
fat, or marbling scores between treatments. Data show that a low plane
animal’s actual and predicted feed intake – Predicted DMI = −3.82593
maternal nutrition during early to mid-gestation increased fatness and
+ 0.15438 × MBW + 1.09531 × ADG. At the end of the trial all animals
reduced muscling of heifer progeny, and protein supplementation had
were slaughtered. After 18 h of chilling, color (L*, a *, b *) of the LD
no major impact on carcass composition of offspring heifers.
was evaluated, according to CIELAB system. A sample of the LD was
Key Words: maternal nutrition, beef, fetal development collected to assess the chemical composition. Data were analyzed using
the PROC GLM of SAS and the effects of treatments were considered
significant at P < 0.05. Chemical composition and color of the LD was
similar (P > 0.05) among RFI groups. The mean chemical composition
of the LD obtained was 4.28% fat; 18.3% CP and 77.42% moisture. The
mean L*, a* and b* values were 40.47, 24.74 and 16.13, respectively.
The L* and a* values were greater than those commonly reported for
66 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
beef (35.00 – 38.00 and 18 – 22, respectively). The b* value found in feedlot during 96 d during which 5 dietary fat sources were tested: con-
this study (16.13) was greater than the values reported for cattle under trol (without oil), soybean oil, soybean oil rumen-protected, linseed oil
feedlot conditions (3.00 to 5.00). The yellow intensity is related to the and linseed oil rumen-protected. Sugarcane was the exclusive roughage
amount and color of IMF in the meat. Thus, one can hypothesize that source for all diets. Sections of loin meat (2.5 cm of thickness) were
it might have been influenced by the high proportion of IMF (4.28%) removed from each left half-carcass, vacuum packed and submitted to
found in this study as well as to a greater carotene incorporation, once aging for 7, 14 and 21 d, followed by lyophilization, lipid extraction and
the animals were raised on pasture for approximately 2 years before methylation. Fatty acid methyl esters were analyzed using gas chroma-
being placed in a feedlot. We conclude that efficient animals (low RFI) tography. All data were subjected to ANOVA and Student’s t-test. The
produce beef with color attributes and chemical composition similar to interaction treatment × aging period was not significant in this experi-
that produced by less efficient animals (high RFI). ment. There were no (P > 0.05) differences for variables related to total
amount of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, neither for the saturated/
Key Words: feedlot, feed efficiency, meat color
unsaturated fatty acids ratio when comparing aging periods and in natura
meat. Aged meat monounsaturated fatty acids values (46.66, 46.76 and
M156 Residual feed intake in three-cross beef heifers: Sensorial 47.23%), monounsaturated:saturated ratio (1.04; 1.03; 1.04) and omega-
traits of Longissimus dorsi muscle. S. F. Reis1, P. V. R. Paulino*1, 6:omega-3 ratio (3.85; 3.76 and 3.99) for 7, 14, and 21 d, respectively,
R. A. Silva3, S. R. Medeiros2, S. C. Valadares Filho1, G. L. D. Feijó2, R. were lower (P < 0.05) when compared with non-aged meat (48.29%,
A. A. Torres Júnior2, F. A. Curci2, and M. A. Rezende2, 1Universidade 1.08, 4.12). However, the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids was
Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2EMBRAPA Gado de Corte, higher (P < 0.05) in aged (8.62, 7.89 and 7.44%, respectively) than in
Campo Grande, MS, Brazil, 3Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso non-aged meat (6.18%). Aged meat values for omega-3 (1.24, 1.70 and
do Sul, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. 1.57%), omega-6 (6.14, 5.56 and 5.23%) and polyunsaturated:saturated
ratio (0.19; 0.17 and 0.16) were also higher (P < 0.05) than in non-aged
Studies have indicated that animals selected for residual feed intake meat (1.44%, 4.88% and 0.13, respectively). Independently of the oil
(RFI) may produce lean carcasses which can result in changes in sensory source, oil supplementation improves the fatty acid composition of
traits of meat. This trial aimed to evaluate sensorial traits (flavor, texture meat aged for 7 and 14 d.
and juiciness) of Longissumus dorsi (LD) muscle of 31 3 cross beef
heifers. A same diet (ME = 2.73 Mcal/kg DM, CP = 11.90% DM) with Key Words: fatty acids ratio, saturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty
roughage:concentrate ratio of 40:60 was fed during 84 d. The experiment acids
was conducted under a completely randomized design. The animals were
classified in 3 groups according to its RFI value (high, medium or low).
M158 Feeding flaxseed to beef cows increases concentrations of
RFI was calculated as the difference between an animal′s actual and
omega-3 fatty acids and linolenic acid biohydrogenation intermedi-
predicted feed intake – Predicted DMI = −3.82593 + 0.15438 × MBW
ates in subcutaneous fat. M. L. He1,3, T. A. McAllister*1, J. P. Kas-
+ 1.09531 × ADG. At the end of the trial all animals were slaughtered
telic1, Y.-H. Chung1, K. A. Beauchemin1, P. S. Mir1, J. L. Aalhus2, M.
and the carcasses chilled for about 18 h. After chilling, a sample was
E. R. Dugan2, and N. Aldai2, 1Lethbridge Research Centre, Agriculture
removed from LD muscle to evaluate sensorial traits and shear force
and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 2Lacombe Research
(SF). The sensorial panel was composed by trained individuals (regular
Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe, AB, Canada,
consumers of beef, up to 3 times / week). The sensory panel scores 3University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
were attributed for each sample, following a scale ranging from 1 (low
meat quality) to 9 (high meat quality). Data were analyzed using the
GLM procedure of SAS. No differences (P > 0.05) between classes of This study was conducted to investigate changes in fat deposition and
efficiency for the sensorial traits and SF of LD muscle were detected. fatty acid profiles in beef cows fed hay or silage based diets, with or
Sensory panel score means for flavor, texture and juiciness were 5.6; without flaxseed supplementation. Crossbred cull beef cows (64, >
6.1 and 5.4. As all traits were analyzed by a subjective method (sensory 30 mo of age, 620 ± 5 kg) were removed from grassland pastures,
panel), only very contrasting results would be detected as different. In randomly assigned to 16 pens and given ad libitum access to 50:50
this study, animals with low RFI produced meat tenderness similar to (wt:wt, DM basis) forage:concentrate diets containing 0 or 15% ground
those from other classes of efficiency. The mean value of SF was 5.3 flaxseed (DM basis, 5.2% added fat). The diets were: hay control, HC;
kg, which was above those usually reported to crossbred animals (about hay+flaxseed, HF; silage control, SC; silage+flaxseed, SF. Flaxseed
4.0 kg) and it may be accounted to the fact that the heifers had 25% improved (P < 0.01) feed conversion ratio and tended to increase body
of zebu breeds in their composition. The hypothesis that animals with weight gain (P = 0.10) and back fat thickness (P = 0.07), as assessed by
better RFI produce tougher and less desirable meat was not proven in ultrasonography. Compared with hay, silage increased (P < 0.01) feed
this study, thus RFI is as an interesting tool to select animals in breed- intake, body weight gain, fat thickness (P = 0.07) and improved (P <
ing programs. 0.01) feed conversion. Subcutaneous fat contained 0.65% omega-3 fatty
acids (wt:wt) at arrival, which reached concentrations of 0.69, 0.81,
Key Words: feed efficiency, feedlot, tenderness
and 0.93% in HF cows, and 0.65, 0.77, and 0.90% in SF cows, after
6 wk, 12 wk, and at slaughter, respectively. In contrast, at these same
M157 Ageing process influence on fatty acids relations in yearling sampling points, omega-3 fatty acids had decreased in HC and SC cows,
bulls fed different sources of omega-3 and omega-6. A. A. M. Sam- to 0.50, 0.47, and 0.43%, and to 0.39, 0.36, and 0.33%, respectively.
paio1, T. M. Pivaro1, E. A. Oliveira*1, W. Henrique2, B. L. Rosa1, and A. Flaxseed also improved (P < 0.01) wt:wt of conjugated linoleic acids
R. M. Fernandes3, 1FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, 2APTA, São in plasma and fat and resulted in an accumulation of non-conjugated,
José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil, 3UFGD, Dourados, MS, Brazil. non-methylene interrupted dienes in fat. This was more pronounced
(P < 0.01) in cows fed with hay- than with silage-based diet. In sum-
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of oil supplemented mary, a 15% flax supplement in hay- or silage-based diets fed to cows
diets on the fatty acids levels of bovine Longissimus thoracis muscle coming off fall pastures increased omega-3 fatty acid concentrations,
aged for different days. Thirty-five yearling Nellore bulls were kept in
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 67
which was accompanied by increased concentrations of linolenic acid supplemented diets, there was no (P > 0.05) difference for CLA when
biohydrogenation intermediates. comparing soybean and linseed oil (0.77% and 0.67%, respectively).
However, the LT of animals fed linseed oil had higher (P < 0.05) levels
Key Words: cull beef cow, flaxseed, omega-3 fatty acids
of LLA (1.21% vs. 0.44%). There was no (P > 0.05) difference between
control and other diets concerning saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
M159 Effect of finishing system on subcutaneous fat melting concentrations. Omega6:omega3 ratio was lower (P < 0.05) and closer to
point and fatty acid composition. S. K. Duckett*1, J. P. S. Neel2, W. ideal for linseed oil when compared with the other diets (2.36 vs. 3.77,
S. Swecker3, J. P. Fontenot3, and W. Clapham2, 1Clemson University, respectively). Soybean or linseed oils supplementation to feedlot cattle
Clemson, SC, 2USDA-ARS, Beaver, WV, 3Virginia Tech University, provides better fatty acids composition and improve their relationship,
Blacksburg. leading to a healthier and more balanced meat, independently of being
protected or not.
Angus-cross steers (n = 69) were used to determine the effect of finishing
system on subcutaneous fat melting point and fatty acid composition. Key Words: beef, fatty acids, health
Three finishing systems were evaluated: 1) mixed pasture for 134 d
[MP], 2) mixed pasture for 93 d and alfalfa for 41 d [AL], or 3) con-
M161 Fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat of young bulls
centrate finishing for 134 d [CONC], in a 2-yr study. Subcutaneous fat
grazing tropical pasture and supplemented with different strate-
samples at the 12th rib were obtained at 24 h postmortem. Melting point
gies. J. Cavali1, P. V. R. Paulino*1, I. M. Oliveira1, M. M. C. Silva1,
was determined using the OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System.
H. J. Fernandes2, R. Mezzomo1, J. F. H. Rodrigues1, É. E. L. Valente1,
Total saturated fatty acid (SFA) and omega-3 fatty acid contents were
S. F. Reis1, and L. A. M. Gomide1, 1Universidade Federal de Viçosa,
greater (P < 0.05) for AL and MP than CONC. Monounsaturated fatty
Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul,
acid and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid contents were greater (P
Aquidauana, MS, Brazil.
< 0.05) for CONC than AL and MP. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3
fatty acids was higher for CONC (8.81) than forages (1.64), regardless Grass fed beef gathers desirable nutritional characteristics that are valu-
of forage species grazed. Average temperature for onset point, start of able to the final consumer. The objective of this study was to evaluate
melting point where liquid first appears, was higher (P < 0.05) for MP the fatty acid profile of intramuscular fat (IMF) of young bulls graz-
and AL than CONC. Average temperature for clear point, melting point ing Brachiaria decumbens pastures and supplemented with different
where fat is completely liquid, was higher (P < 0.05) for MP and AL strategies. Fifty 2 Nellore young bulls were used, being distributed,
than CONC. Melting point was highly, positively correlated with SFA in a completely randomized design, into 4 treatments (13 replicates):
(r = 0.73) and highly, negatively correlated with MUFA (r = −0.78) control, when the animals had free access only to mineral mixture
and omega-6 (r = - 0.60). Prediction equations for s.c. fat melting point throughout the experiment; and 3 protein supplementation strategies,
included MUFA and SFA contents, and explained 83% or 93% of the when the animals were creep-fed with supplements containing 10, 20
variation for AL and MP, respectively. Prediction equations for s.c. and 30% CP, respectively. After weaning the creep-fed animals received
fat melting point included omega-3, omega-6 and SFA, and explained isonitrogenous supplements designed to supply 0.50 and 0.66 g of CP/
57% of the variation for CONC. Finishing system altered subcutaneous day during growing and finishing, respectively. After 580 d, the animals
fat composition and melting point. Finishing on forages (MP and AL) were slaughtered and a sample of the Longissimus dorsi was taken at the
increased SFA by 17% and decreased MUFA by 24%, which translated level of the last rib and the fatty acid profile of the IMF was determined
to a higher subcutaneous fat melting point (42.35 vs. 38.64 C). by gas chromatography. IMF of bulls of the control group (pasture +
mineral mixture) had greater (P < 0.10) contents of palmitic (C16:0),
Key Words: beef, forages, fatty acids
oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), more
monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and lower estearic acid (C18:0)
M160 Effects of supplemental dietary lipid sources on fatty when compared with the other groups, but did not differ (P > 0.10) from
acids compositions of Longissimus muscle in yearling bulls. E. A. the supplemented counterparts regarding total saturated fatty acids (SFA)
Oliveira*1, A. A. M. Sampaio1, W. Henrique2, B. L. Rosa1, T. M. Pivaro1, content. Protein supplementation improved (P < 0.10) the amount of
and A. R. M. Fernandes3, 1FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, 2APTA, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and n-6/n-3 ratio of the IMF of the
São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil, 3UFGD, Dourados, MS, Brazil. animals, when compared with the control group. However, the MUFA
and EPA content of the IMF of the supplemented animals were lower
The aim of this study was to improve fatty acids composition of bovine (P < 0.10) than the values observed in the animals that received only
Longissimus muscle by adding different sources of fat in the diet of mineral mixture. Different strategies of protein supplementation of
Nellore yearling bulls. Thirty-five animals, averaging 18 mo of age young bulls grazing tropical pastures can modify the fatty acid profile
(402.69 ± 14.90Kg), were housed during 96 d in individual pens at of intramuscular fat and thus be used as a tool to produce beef that meets
Jaboticabal Campus of São Paulo State University. Five different diets specific niche markets.
were tested: control (without oil), soybean oil (3.8% of diet), rumen-
protected soybean oil (4.5% of diet), linseed oil (3.8% of diet) and Key Words: beef cattle, pasture, protein supplementation
rumen-protected linseed oil (4.5% of diet). All diets included sugarcane
as exclusive roughage source. The experiment was a randomized block
M162 How do n-3 fatty acids affect human perception of ground
design with 7 blocks and 5 replications and means were compared by
beef? T. Jiang*, J. R. Busboom, M. L. Nelson, and R. Mengarelli,
orthogonal contrasts. After 24 h of carcass cooling process, Longissimus
Washington State University, Pullman.
thoracis (<b < LT) muscle sections were removed at the 12–13th rib
level and submitted to lyophilization, lipid extraction and methylation. Our objective was to determine the impact of increasing levels of
Samples were analyzed by gas chromatography. The LT of animals fed Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; C20:5n-3) and Docosahexaenoic acid
the oil-supplemented diets had higher (P < 0.05) levels of conjugated (DHA; C22:6n-3) on beef palatability. Two commercial supplements
linoleic (CLA) (0.72% vs 0.35%) and linolenic acid (LLA) (0.66% vs. of EPA and DHA (GNC DHA 250 with DHA: EPA = 2.5:1 and GNC
0.32%) and lower levels (P < 0.05) of saturated fatty acid. Among oil- Triple Strength Fish Oil with EPA: DHA = 2.6:1) were added to patties
68 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(176.2 ± 3.76 g) made from 85% lean ground beef with different levels Animals slaughtered at lighter weights had higher cis-9 trans-11 C18:2
(0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 1% as-is). Olive oil was added so that a (CLA, 0.50) and cis-6,9,12 C18:3 (γ = n-6, 0.13) levels in the subcu-
total of 1% lipids were added to all treatments. A control treatment was taneous fat than animals slaughtered at heavier weights (0.32 and 0.10
prepared with no fatty acid supplement or olive oil. Patties were aged respectively).
for 72 h at 3°C, frozen at –20°C and vacuum packaged. A 9-member
Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, fatty acids, trans stereoisomer
trained sensory panel was conducted to evaluate beef aroma, off-aroma,
beef flavor, off-flavor, tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptability
of ground beef on a 10-cm unstructured line scale labeled at each M164 Fatty acid profiles of subcutaneous adipose tissue from
end. Six tasting sessions were conducted with 6 patties served in each cross young bulls produced by different genetic groups sires and
session. Patties were assigned across the sessions in a randomized slaughtered with distinct weights. R. Mello*1, A. C. de Queiroz2, F.
complete block design, with the first 3 sessions as block 1 and the next Dutra de Resende3, D. P. D. Lanna4, M. H. de Faria3, and E. da Costa
3 as block 2. Control and 0% supplement (1% olive oil) patties were Eifert4, 1Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil,
served in each session. Results indicated that increasing levels of DHA 2Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 3Agência Paulista
did not impact ground beef palatability. Similarly, increasing levels of de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Colina, SP, Brazil, 4Universidade de
EPA had no impacts on most sensory attributes. However, off-aroma São Paulo – Escola Superior de Agricultura ‘Luiz de Queiroz’, Piraci-
and off-flavor scores vs. EPA levels fit a non-linear plateau model (P < caba, SP, Brazil.
0.0001). The slopes (β1) of the models for off-aroma and off-flavor were
4.4 ± 0.62 and 9.0 ± 0.95, respectively. The maximum scores (D) were In the present study the aim was to investigate fatty acid profiles of
1.9 ± 0.35 and 4.2 ± 0.53 for off-aroma and off-flavor, respectively. In subcutaneous adipose tissue from Longissimus dorsi muscle at 13th
conclusion, n-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid EPA had a greater rib of crossbred bulls at different body masses. Thirty 6 young (20 mo)
negative impact on ground beef palatability than DHA. Furthermore, bulls, 18 crossbred F1 Red Angus × Nellore (1/2 RA 1/2 N) at 447.7 ±
the panelists seemed to be more sensitive to EPA in off-flavor percep- 5.8 kg of shrunk body weight (SBW) and 18 F1 Blonde D′Aquitaine
tion than off-aroma. × Nellore (1/2 BA 1/2 N) at 444.3 ± 6.5 kg of SBW were used. The
animals were in compensatory growth. The young bulls were feedlot
Key Words: EPA, DHA, ground beef palatability finished and slaughtered at 480, 520 and 560 kg of SBW. A completely
randomized experimental design in a 2 × 3 (2 genetic groups × 3
slaughter weights) factorial arrangement with 6 replicates was used.
M163 Geometrical isomers of octadecenoic, octadecadienoic and
Data were analyzed with SAS software using initial SBW as a covariate.
octadecatrienoic acids from subcutaneous fat of British or Conti-
The table below shows the least squares means of dependent variables.
nental versus Nellore crossbred cattle slaughtered at different end
The backfat thickness increased (P < 0.05) as slaughter weight raised,
points. R. Mello*1, A. C. de Queiroz2, F. D. de Resende3, D. P. D.
being 2.1, 2.7 and 4.4 mm, respectively, for animals slaughtered at
Lanna4, M. H. de Faria3, and E. da Costa Eifert4, 1Universidade Fed-
480, 520 and 560 kg. The 1/2 RA 1/2 N young bulls had a higher (P <
eral de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal
0.05) content of long-chain fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and
de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 3Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos
n-6 than 1/2 BA 1/2 N young bulls. On the other hand, the 1/2 BA 1/2
Agronegócios, Colina, SP, Brazil, 4Universidade de São Paulo – Escola
N young bulls had a higher (P < 0.05) content of medium-chain fatty
Superior de Agricultura ‘Luiz de Queiroz’, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
acids than 1/2 RA 1/2 N young bulls. As the slaughter weight raised
The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of genetic group (GG) the content of odd-chain fatty acids decreased (P < 0.05); whereas the
and slaughter weight on C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3 fatty acids isomers in animals slaughtered at 520 kg had a smaller (P < 0.05) content of n-3.
subcutaneous fat sampled at the 13th rib. Thirty 6 young (20 mo) bulls, The interaction between genetic group (GG) and slaughter weight (SW)
18 crossbred F1 Red Angus × Nellore (1/2 RA 1/2 N) at 447.7 ± 5.8 kg was significant (P > 0.05) for saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated
of shrunk body weight (SBW) and 18 F1 Blonde D′Aquitaine × Nellore fatty acids (data not shown). The 1/2 BA 1/2 N young bulls slaughtered
(1/2 BA 1/2 N) at 444.3 ± 6.5 kg of SBW were used. The animals were at 520 kg had smaller content of saturated fatty acids, while 1/2 RA 1/2
in compensatory growth. The young bulls were feedlot finished and N young bulls slaughtered at 520 kg had smaller content of monoun-
slaughtered at 480, 520 and 560 kg of SBW. A completely randomized saturated fatty acids than others. Thereby, crossbred F1 Red Angus ×
experimental design in a 2 × 3 (2 genetic groups × 3 slaughter weights) Nellore young bulls and lighter animals had better fatty acid profiles
factorial arrangement with 6 replicates was used. Data were analyzed in the subcutaneous fat than F1 Blonde D′Aquitaine × Nellore young
with SAS software using initial SBW as a covariate. The backfat thick- bulls and heavier animals.
ness increased (P < 0.05) as slaughter weight rised, being 2.1, 2.7 and
4.4 mm, respectively, for animals slaughtered at 480, 520 and 560 kg.
Table 1. Least squares means
The 1/2 RA 1/2 N young bulls had a higher (P < 0.05) cis-12 C18:1,
cis-9,12 C18:2, and cis-9,12,15 C18:3 levels than 1/2 BA 1/2 N young Genetic Group Slaughter Weight
bulls. As the slaughter weight rised the cis-15, trans-9, trans-11, and Fatty acids ½ RA ½ N ½ BA ½ N 480 520 560
trans-12 C18:1 levels decreased (P < 0.05); while cis-11 C18:1 level Short-chain 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
increased. The trans-11 cis-15 C18:2, cis-9 trans-11 C18:2 (CLA), Medium-chain 41.0B 43.4A 42.7 42.9 41.0
and cis-6,9,12 C18:3 levels also decreased (P < 0.05) as the slaughter Long-chain 56.4A 54.0B 54.4 54.6 56.6
weight increased. The interaction between GG and SW was significant Very long-chain 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
(P > 0.05) for cis-9, cis-13 and trans-16 C18:1 levels. The 1/2 RA 1/2 Odd-chain 2.3 2.4 2.7a 2.2b 2.2b
N young bulls slaughtered at 520 kg had lower cis-9 and cis-13 C18:1 Saturated 49.2 49.3 50.0 49.1 48.6
levels and the 1/2 RA 1/2 N slaughtered at 560 kg had lower trans-16 Monounsaturated 47.3 47.7 46.9 47.6 48.1
C18:1 level than others. Thus, crossbred F1 Red Angus × Nellore young Polyunsaturated 3.4A 3.0B 3.1 3.3 3.3
bulls had higher cis-9,12,15 C18:3 (α = n-3) level in the subcutaneous n-3 0.8 0.7 0.8a 0.7b 0.8a
fat (0.41) than F1 Blonde D′Aquitaine × Nellore young bulls (0.37). n-6 3.0A 2.5B 2.5 2.8 2.8
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 69
Within a row, means followed by different capital and small letters a modulation of intermediate muscle fibers (type IIA) into glycolitic
differ (P < 0.05), respectively, among GG and SW by Tukey test. fibers (IIB) occurred, as the increase in the proportion of IIB muscle
fiber observed in T1 and T2 treatments was accompanied by a decrease
Key Words: beef cattle, feedlot, Longissimus dorsi
(P < 0.10) in the frequency of IIA muscle fibers (31.17a; 31.03a; 27.57b
and 25.32% for control, T1, T2 and T3 treatments, respectively). The
M165 Meat quality of Nellore heifers finished at pasture, in frequency of type I muscle fiber was equal (P > 0.10) among treatments
tropical conditions, supplemented with crushed sunflower. S. (19.50%). Probably, the protein supplementation strategies T2 and T3
L. N. Cerilo*, R. H. de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes, H. L. Lima, A. might have provided a higher energy intake by the animals, leading to
R. M. Fernandes, K. A. de Souza, D. de Faria Pereira, K. C. da Silva muscle modulation into more glycolitic fibers. The change observed in
Brabes, and A. F. Marquez, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, muscle fiber metabolism due to the different protein supplementation
Dourados, MS, Brasil. strategies can alter important beef quality attributes. However, it still
has to be investigated in beef cattle grazing tropical pastures.
Meat quality traits of Nellore Heifers finished on pasture of Brachiaria
humidicola and fed crushed sunflower, in partial substitution of soybean Key Words: muscle fiber, protein supplementation, tropical grass
meal, were evaluated. Twenty animals, slaughtered at a 378.5 kg BW
were used. The supplements contained 20% CP and was composed of
M167 Effect of concentrate- vs. forage-based finishing diet on
corn, soybean meal and minerals. The soybean meal was replaced by
carcass traits, beef palatability, and color stability of longissimus
crushed sunflower in the proportions of 0, 20, 40 and 60% and its lipid
muscle from Angus heifers. A. J. Garmyn*, D. L. VanOverbeke, R. G.
content was 2.5, 4.7, 7.0 and 9.2%, respectively. The supplement was
Mateescu, and G. G. Hilton, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
offered at 0.8% BW/animal per d, which corresponded to 3.31, 3.35, 3.28
and 3.25 kg of supplement/d. The experimental design was completely The objective of the study was to determine the effect of finishing diet
randomized and mean values were compared using the Tukey’s test at P on carcass traits, beef palatability, and color stability of longissimus
< 0.05. After slaughter the carcasses were cooled for 20 h. Subsequently, from Angus heifers. Half-siblings were obtained from a herd involved
from the left carcass at the 12nd to 13rd rib level, a 2.5 cm thick LM in selection for increased intramuscular fat, ribeye area, and retail
sample was removed and pH, L*a*b*-values, water holding capacity, product, and decreased back fat and alternatively assigned to a forage-
cooking loss, and shear force were determined. There was no (P > 0.05) or concentrate-based finishing diet. Longissimus muscle samples (n =
effect of replacing soybean meal by crushed sunflower for pH, L*, a* 155) were obtained and fabricated into steaks for trained sensory panel,
and b* values, water holding capacity, cooking loss and shear force. The Warner-Bratzler Shear force (WBS), thiobarbituric acid reactive sub-
mean values were for pH = 5.59, L* = 37.48, a* = 18.42, b* = 10.01, stances (TBARS), and simulated retail display. ANOVA was conducted
water holding capacity = 65.86%, cooking loss = 31.94% and shear through the MIXED procedure of SAS using harvest age as a covariate.
force = 7.70 kg/cm2. Partial substitution of soybean meal by crushed Carcasses from heifers finished on concentrate had greater adjusted fat
sunflower does not alter the qualitative characteristics of meat from thickness (1.86 vs. 0.87 cm), higher percentage KPH (2.14 vs. 1.35%),
Nellore heifers finished on pasture under tropical conditions. higher numerical yield grades (3.38 vs. 2.25), and higher marbling scores
(modest 90 vs. traces 70; P < 0.05) than forage-finished heifers. There
Key Words: shear force, luminosity, pH
was no difference in longissimus muscle area between diets (P > 0.05).
Steaks from concentrate-fed heifers had lower WBS values (3.67 vs.
M166 Longissimus dorsi muscle fiber profile in young bulls graz- 5.05 kg), higher tenderness ratings, higher beef flavor intensity, lower
ing tropical pasture and supplemented with different strategies. J. grassy/cowy flavor intensity, and higher painty/fishy flavor intensity
Cavali*1, P. V. R. Paulino1, I. Lage2, C. A. Neves1, M. V. Santos1, M. than steaks from forage-fed heifers (P < 0.05). There was no difference
F. Paulino1, R. Justino3, J. F. H. Rodrigues4, and D. Melo1, 1Universi- (P > 0.05) between diets for initial or sustained juiciness and livery/
dade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal metallic flavor intensity. Initial TBARS were higher (P < 0.05) in steaks
dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, MG, Brazil, 3JBS from concentrate-fed heifers when compared with grass-fed heifers,
Friboi, Barretos, SP, Brazil, 4Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboti- but TBARS were not different (P > 0.05) between diets following 7 d
cabal, SP, Brazil. in retail display. Diet did not have an effect on instrumental or subjec-
tive color, except L* values (0 = black and 100 = white) were higher
The objective of this study was to evaluate the muscle fiber profile of (38.36 vs. 32.25; P < 0.05) for steaks from concentrate-fed heifers than
young bulls grazing Brachiaria decumbens pastures and supplemented from forage-fed heifers. This study points to several disadvantages of
with different strategies. Fifty 2 Nellore young bulls were used, being forage-based finishing diets in relation to beef palatability, especially
distributed, in a completely randomized design, into 4 treatments (13 tenderness and beef flavor.
replicates): control, when the animals had free access only to mineral
mixture throughout the experiment; and 3 protein supplementation Key Words: beef palatability, color stability, diet
strategies (T1, T2 and T3), when the animals were creep-fed with supple-
ments containing 10, 20 and 30% crude protein (CP), respectively. After
M168 Does creep feed and backgrounding energy source affect
weaning the creep-fed animals received isonitrogenous supplements
lifetime growth performance and carcass characteristics of nursing
designed to supply 0.50 and 0.66 g of CP/day during the growing and
calves pastured on annual ryegrass? M. S. Gadberry*1, P. A. Beck2,
finishing phases, respectively. The supplements used during growing
B. Barham1, W. Whitworth3, and J. Apple4, 1University of Arkansas,
and finishing contained different urea levels: 0; 4.0; 8.0 and 0; 3.0;
Little Rock, 2University of Arkansas, Hope, 3University of Arkansas,
6.0% for T1, T2 and T3 respectively. After 580 d, the animals were
Monticello, 4University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
slaughtered and a sample of LD muscle was taken at the last rib, frozen
at −80°C. Later on histological cuts were obtained to assess the muscle Angus sired, fall born steer (n = 36) and heifer (n = 24) calves (BW =
fiber profile. T2 and T3 supplementation strategy elicited an increase (P 153 kg) with their dams were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 creep feed-
< 0.10) in the frequency of IIB muscle fiber (61.00 and 59.80%) when ing treatment pastures (2 pastures/treatment) 93 d before weaning.
compared with control and T1 treatments (54.00 and 56.15%). Probably, Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) pastures were stocked at 2.47
70 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cow/calf pair per ha. Treatments included no creep (NC), soybean hull end of feedlot finishing. In addition, creep feeding showed no beneficial
(SC) based creep, or corn (CC) based creep offered at 1% BW (as-fed). effect on carcass characteristics.
After weaning, calves were allocated to 1 of 12 backgrounding pens
Key Words: creep feed, backgrounding, carcass characteristics
receiving either a soybean hull or corn based diet for 63 d. Following
the backgrounding phase, calves were fed a common finishing diet for
133 d. Pasture and pen were considered the experimental units. Post- M170 Genetic group and slaughter weight influence on meat qual-
weaning data were analyzed as a split-plot with pre-weaning treatments ity of feedlot cattle. R. Mello*1, F. D. de Resende2, A. C. de Queiroz3,
as the whole plot and backgrounding treatments and pre-weaning by M. H. de Faria2, R. A. Possenti2, and G. F. Alleoni2, 1Universidade
backgrounding interaction as the subplot. Creep feed did not affect ADG Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, 2Agência Paulista de
pre-weaning (P = 0.41). Pre-weaning ADG averaged 1.3, 1.4, and 1.4 Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Colina, SP, Brazil, 3Universidade Federal
kg/d for NC, SC, and CC, respectively. Backgrounding BW gain was de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil.
not affected by pre-weaning diet (P = 0.14), backgrounding diet (P =
0.38), or their interaction (P = 0.54). Backgrounding ADG averaged 1.2 The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic group and
kg/d among treatments. Over the 133 d finishing period, calves aver- slaughter weight influence on meat quality of the cattle. Thirty 6 young
aged 1.8 kg/d BW gain which was not affected by pre-weaning diet (P (20 mo) bulls, 18 crossbred F1 Red Angus × Nellore (1/2 RA 1/2 N)
= 0.88), backgrounding diet (P = 0.52), or their interaction (P = 0.86). and 18 F1 Blonde D′Aquitaine × Nellore (1/2 BA 1/2 N) were used.
Calves were harvested with an average back fat thickness of 1.6 cm. The young bulls were finished in a feedlot and slaughtered at 480, 520
Hot carcass weight (339 kg), back fat thickness, calculated yield grade and 560 kg of shrunk body weight (SBW). A completely randomized
(3.6), and percentage USDA Choice (56.4%) were not significantly experimental design of a 2 × 3 (2 genetic groups × 3 slaughter weights)
affected by pre-weaning diet, backgrounding diet, or their interaction. factorial arrangement with 6 replicates was used. The animals were
These results suggest that neither creep feed nor source of energy in slaughtered in a commercial slaughter-house. Data were analyzed with
creep or backgrounding diets affect lifetime performance when calves SAS software using initial SBW as a covariate. The table below shows
are developed on a high plain of nutrition beginning pre-weaning. the least squares means of pH at 24 h after slaughter in the Longissimus
dorsi muscle (LM), tenderness (WBSF) and cooking loss in the LM at
Key Words: creep feed, backgrounding, carcass characteristics 12th rib, and chemical composition (humidity, ash, crude protein, crude
fat) in the LM at 13th rib. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of genetic
group (GG) and the interaction between GG and slaughter weight (SW)
M169 Does creep feed and backgrounding energy source affect
was not significant (P > 0.05) for all measured traits. The tenderness,
lifetime growth performance and carcass characteristics of nursing
cooking loss, and chemical composition (humidity, ash, crude protein,
calves pastured on improved warm-season grasses? B. Barham*1,
crude fat) of meat were similar for all treatments. On the other hand, as
P. A. Beck2, M. S. Gadberry1, W. Whitworth3, and J. Apple4, 1University
the slaughter weight raised the pH 24 h increased (P < 0.05). Therefore,
of Arkansas, Little Rock, 2University of Arkansas, Hope, 3University of
finishing of crossbred F1 Blonde D′Aquitaine or Red Angus versus
Arkansas, Monticello, 4University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Nellore young bulls on feedlot and slaughtered at 480, 520 and 560 kg
Angus sired, spring born steer (n = 78) and heifer (n = 42) calves (BW = produced meat with similar and suitable quality.
141 kg) with their dams were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 creep feeding
treatment pastures (2 pastures/treatment) 90 d before weaning. Mixed
Table 1. Least squares means
warm-season, grass pastures were stocked at 2.47 cow/calf pair per ha.
Treatments included no creep (NC), soybean hull (SC) based creep, or Genetic Group (GG) Slaughter Weight (SW)
corn (CC) based creep offered at 1% BW, as-fed basis. After weaning, ½ RA ½ N ½ BA ½ N 480 520 560
calves were allocated to 1 of 12 backgrounding pens receiving either pH 24 hours 5.8 5.8 5.7c 5.8b 5.9a
a soybean hull or corn based diet for 45 d. Following the background- Shear (WBSF),
4.41 4.72 4.88 4.47 4.35
ing phase, calves were fed a common finishing diet for either 147 or kgf/cm 2
183 d. Pasture and pen were considered the experimental units. Post- Cooking loss, % 26.0 24.3 23.3 25.0 27.2
weaning data were analyzed as a split-plot with pre-weaning treatments Humidity, % 75.3 74.5 75.4 75.1 74.1
as the whole plot and backgrounding treatment and pre-weaning by Ashes, % 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0
backgrounding interaction as the subplot. Creep fed calves gained 0.3 Crude protein, % 19.5 20.0 19.2 20.0 20.1
kg/d more than NC calves (P = 0.002); however, there was no differ- Crude fat, % 4.3 4.5 4.4 3.9 4.8
ence between SC and CC (P = 0.28). Creep feed conversion averaged
Within a row, means followed by different capital and small letters
5.2 kg feed per kg additional BW gain. Average daily gain during the
differ (P<0.05), respectively, among GG and SW by Tukey test.
backgrounding phase was not affected by creep diet (P = 0.45), back-
grounding diet (P = 0.93), or their interaction (P = 0.46). At feedlot Key Words: chemical composition, Longissimus dorsi, young bulls
entry, creep fed calves continued to weigh more than NC calves (P =
0.03); however, by the conclusion of the finishing phase, there were no
significant treatment effects on finished BW. Calves were finished at an M171 Animal health effects on carcass quality. T. M. Jeske*, R. J.
average back fat thickness of 1.4 cm after an average 173 d finishing Maddock, and K. R. Carlin, North Dakota State University, Fargo.
period. Hot carcass weight (319 kg), days on feed, back fat thickness, The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of medical
calculated yield grade (3.7), and percentage USDA Choice (73.6%) treatment and lung condemnations on carcass quality of feedlot cattle.
were not significantly affected by pre-weaning diet, backgrounding Steers and heifers (n = 1974) were individually identified in one of 3
diet, or their interaction. These results suggest that improvements in cooperating feedlots, and all health issues and treatments were noted.
BW gain may occur with calves offered creep feed during summer When cattle reached market weight, they were slaughtered at one loca-
months; however, the benefit of additional BW may diminish by the tion and USDA yield and quality grade was obtained for all carcasses. In
addition, complete carcass traits were recorded from 276 head. Data were
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 71
analyzed using ANOVA to compare between carcasses with or without were investigated during storage. Beef rounds were ground, added
condemned lungs, and to compare between treated and untreated. Dif- with none (control), 0.1% garlic or 0.5% onion, packaged in oxygen
ference in grading percentages were evaluated using chi-squared. Lung permeable bags, irradiated at 0 or 2.5 kGy, and cooked to an internal
condemnations were noted for 1297 carcasses at slaughter, of which temperature of 75°C. Data was analyzed by the procedures of general-
109 lungs (8.4%) were condemned for some defect related to the heart, ized linear model (GLM) of SAS (2000). SNK (Student-Newman-Keuls)
lung or trachea. USDA Quality grades of cattle with condemned lungs multiple-range test was used to compare the mean values of treatments.
were 0% Prime, 69.7% Choice, 27.5% Select and 2.7% as No Rolls. Differences in sensory values were compared using the Tukey’s honestly
Complete carcass data on 38 of the carcasses with condemned lungs significant differences. Irradiated ground beef had significantly higher
found an average ribeye area of 80 cm2 (SD = 3.4) marbling score of TBARS values than nonirradiated ones regardless control and garlic
459 (Sm59) (SD = 28), fat thickness of 1.26 cm (SD = 0.12). Cattle treatment at 3 d. However, at d 5, the TBARS values of irradiated ground
with lungs not condemned (n = 1185) had a USDA Quality grade break- beef with 0.5% onion (0.78) sample was lower than nonirradiated control
down with 1% Prime, 68% Choice, 28% Select and 2.1% as No Rolls. (1.04 mg malonaldehyde/kg meat) (P < 0.05). Addition of garlic greatly
Average carcass data for carcasses without lung condemnations was a increased the amounts of all sulfur compounds. In control beef, carbon
ribeye area of 83 cm2 (SD = 4.1) marbling score of 437 (Sm37) (SD = disulfide was not detected, but methanethiol, dimethyl disulfide, and
41) and a fat thickness of 1.17 cm (SD = 0.16). No significant differ- dimethyl trisulfide were newly produced after irradiation. During stor-
ences in carcass traits were noted between carcasses with or without age, the amounts of all S-compounds in ground beef decreased rapidly,
condemned lungs. Cattle treated at the feedyard consisted of 84 out of and carbon disulfide, 2-propen-1-thiol, 3,3-thiobis-1-propene, methyl
1974 head or 4.25%. USDA Quality grades for treated cattle were 0% 2-propenyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide and di-2-propenyl disulfide were
Prime, 56% Choice, 37% Select and 7% as No Roll, and an average not detected from the irradiated ground beef with 0.5% onion treatment
USDA Yield grade of 2.54. Comparatively, overall carcass data was after 3 d storage and no S-compounds were found in both onion alone
1.1% Prime, 67.3% Choice, 29.5% Select, 2% as No Rolls, and aver- and control ground beef after 5 d storage. Although, addition of garlic
age USDA Yield grade was 2.51. A strong trend (P = 0.08) was found produced large amounts of S-compounds, the intensity of irradiation
for treated cattle to have inferior USDA quality grading percentages. aroma and flavor in irradiated cooked ground beef with garlic or onion
These data indicate that health status may be related to USDA Quality was similar to that of the nonirradiated control (P > 0.05). Therefore,
grade of steer and heifers. addition of 0.5% onion or 0.1% garlic is recommended to mask or
prevent off-odor in irradiated ground beef.
Key Words: beef, health, carcass quality
Key Words: irradiated, ground beef, garlic and onion
M172 Effect of garlic and onion on the thiobarbituric acid reactive
substances (TBARS), volatile compounds and sensory evaluations of
irradiated cooked ground beef. H. S. Yang*, G. D. Kim, K. Y. Seo, E.
Y. Jung, and S. T. Joo, Division of Applied Life Science (BK21 Program),
Graduate School of Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Gyeongnam
660-701, Republic of Korea.
The effects of adding garlic and onion on the lipid oxidation, volatile
compounds, and sensory evaluations of irradiated ground beef patties
72 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Graduate Student Poster Competition: National ADSA Dairy Foods Poster
M173 Angiostatin-like peptides in milk: Potential development for and ST fortified gels had almost identical syneresis rates as control, while
dairy products capable of cancer prevention. E. Stefanutti* and R. XL and HPX fortified gels showed slower syneresis rates, especially at
Jiménez-Flores, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis 3% inulin concentration. A modified HPLC method using an evapora-
Obispo. tive light scattering detector was used to analyze the amount of inulin
present in the whey. Majority of CLR and ST (~90 ± 2–4%) were loss
Angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessels from pre-existing
into the whey, while XL and HPX retained ~50 ± 2–4% in gels. The
vascularization, represents one of cancer’s hallmarks. Blood supply is
results indicated that high DP inulins were more retained in the gel than
essential for a tumor to progress toward a malignant condition since
low DP inulins, but they also affected the gelling properties of caseins
this allows the delivery of nutrients and oxygen necessary to support
and network formation.
cancerous cells’ growth as well as entrance into the circulation causing
metastasis to arise. Study on angiogenesis inhibitors has shown promis- Key Words: inulin, rennet curd, rheological properties
ing results on animal models. Blocking cancerous cells’ blood access
resulted in a reduction on primary tumor size and number of metastatic
colonies. One of the peptides that showed interesting results on this M175 Impact of temperature and fat content on bleaching of liquid
study was angiostatin, the internal fragment of the fibrinolytic enzyme whey. M. A. D. Listiyani*1, R. E. Campbell1, R. E. Miracle1, D. M.
plasminogen in blood. It is well known that bovine plasminogen gets Barbano2, and M. A. Drake1, 1North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
2Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
transferred into milk during lactation. The objective of this research
was to investigate enzymes capable of releasing the antiangiogenic The use of whey protein as an ingredient in foods and beverages is
peptide from bovine plasminogen and compare the anticancer activity increasing, and thus demands for colorless and mild tasting whey
of the fragment with that of human angiostatin. We tested enzymes such protein are also rising. Bleaching is commonly applied to fluid colored
as Lactobacillus (L. casei, L. reuteri, L. acidophilus) and Bacillus (B. cheese whey to decrease color, and different temperatures and bleach
subtilis, B. cereus, B. coagulans) originated proteases, Bacillus poly- concentrations are applied. The objectives of this study were to compare
myxa metalloprotease dispase as well as elastase. Techniques such as the effects of hot and cold bleaching and the point of bleaching (before
SDS-PAGE, column chromatography, MALDI-TOF, and Western blot and after fat separation) on bleaching efficacy and volatile components
were utilized. After hydrolysis, results from electrophoresis showed of liquid Cheddar whey. Liquid colored Cheddar whey was produced
bands in the molecular range of 37 kDa, which were confirmed through in triplicate and pasteurized. Part of the whey was collected (no separa-
sequence analysis to belong to the kringle 1–4 region of plasminogen. tion, NSE) and the rest was subjected to fat separation (FSE). NSE and
Test for anticancer activity on melanoma and colon malignant cells, FSE whey were then subdivided and bleaching treatments (benzoyl
demonstrated a reduced proliferation of cancerous cells for samples peroxide (BPO) 50 or 100 mg/kg and hydrogen peroxide (HP) 250 or
treated with angiostatin and plasminogen; interestingly highest inhibi- 500 mg/kg) at 68C for 30 min or 4C for 16 h were applied. Control
tion was obtained for treatments from bovine sources. We believe that NSE and FSE with no added bleach were also subjected to each time
these results represent a starting point for future development of novel temperature combination. Volatile compounds from wheys were evalu-
dairy products capable of cancer prevention. ated by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) and norbixin
Key Words: plasminogen, angiostatin, proteases (annatto) was extracted and quantified to compare bleaching efficacy.
Proximate analysis, including total solids, protein, and fat content
were also conducted. Liquid whey subjected to hot bleaching at both
M174 The effect of different inulin types on the formation of rennet- concentrations of HP or 100 mg/kg BPO had significantly higher lipid
induced gels. A. Foo*, A. R. Hill, and M. Corredig, University of oxidation products (aldehydes) compared with unbleached wheys, 50
Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. mg/kg BPO hot-bleached whey, or cold-bleached wheys. Fat separa-
tion had no impact on the relative abundance of volatile lipid oxidation
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the prebiotic
products (P > 0.05). Wheys bleached with BPO had lower norbixin
fiber inulin on rennet induced gelation of skim milk, and to determine
recovery compared with wheys bleached with HP (P < 0.05). HP bleach-
the potential for utilization of inulin in rennet cheese applications. Four
ing efficacy was decreased at 4C compared with 68C (P < 0.05), BPO
chicory inulin types (CLR, ST, XL, and HPX) with different degree of
bleaching efficacy was not impacted by temperature (P > 0.05). These
polymerization (DP) were studied. Inulin was added to untreated milk
results suggest that fat separation has no impact on bleaching efficacy
at concentration up to 3% (w/v) and the rennet-induced gelation was
or lipid oxidation and that hot bleaching may result in increased lipid
followed using dynamic oscillatory rheology and confocal microscopy.
oxidation in fluid whey.
Experiments were performed in triplicates and differences were deter-
mined statistically using 2-way ANOVA and Tukey (P < 0.05). Gelation Key Words: whey, bleach, flavor
time, gel stiffness and strain at break changed depending on type and
concentration of inulin. XL, and HPX (high DP molecules) significantly
increased gelation time at 2 and 3% compared with the control sample. M176 Bleaching liquid Cheddar whey using ultraviolet radiation. E.
All inulin-fortified gels were stiffer and were less brittle than control J. Kang* and M. A. Drake, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
milk gels. Rennet-induced gels containing 0.02% FITC were observed Two of the desirable attributes of whey protein (WP) are a neutral color
after 3h incubation at 30°C with confocal laser scanning microscope, and bland flavor. The residual annatto colorant from Cheddar cheese
and results showed that type and concentration of inulin affected the gel production, therefore, has to be removed by bleaching. Currently, in the
structure formation. Low DP inulins (CLR and ST) produced similar United States, hydrogen peroxide and benzoyl peroxide are the only
structures as control, while high DP inulins (XL and HPX) produced bleaching agents approved to bleach colored whey. Recent studies have
more branched structures. The degree of branching seemed to increase demonstrated that peroxide bleaching can negatively impact WP flavor.
with concentration. Syneresis was tested after gel formation at 3h. CLR
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 73
Alternative bleaching methods may be valuable to the dairy industry. The M178 Identification of bioactive peptides derived from fermentation
objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of UV radiation of organic milk. S. R. Pritchard*, M. Phillips, and K. Kailasapathy,
on bleaching of liquid Cheddar whey. Fluid colored Cheddar whey was University of Western Sydney, East Richmond, New South Wales,
manufactured on duplicate occasions. Following pasteurization and fat Australia.
separation, whey was subjected to UV radiation for 30, 60, 90 or 120
The aim was to identify peptides isolated from bacterial fermentations
min or cooled with no bleaching (control). The UV reactor consisted
of organic milk that may have antimicrobial, antihypertensive and
of a stainless steel feed tank (4 L), peristaltic pump, and a UV reactor.
antioxidant properties. Organic milk was fermented in duplicate with
A 385 mm length low pressure mercury lamp was enclosed in a 24 mm
Lactobacillus acidophilus LAFTI L10, Lactobacillus casei 2603, Lac-
diameter glass tube inside the stainless steel UV reactor. This UV reactor
tobacillus rhamnosus 2625 (2, 6 and 9 d) and Lactobacillus helveticus
had a 151 mL working volume. Liquid whey circulated through the UV
(10% v/v) (2, 4 and 6 h). The pH was adjusted to 4.6 and soluble and
reactor, back into the feed tank and then re-circulated while the feed
insoluble peptide fractions were extracted by centrifugation followed by
tank was held at 60°C. Wheys were then subjected to norbixin extraction
filtration. The extracts were screened for the presence of antimicrobial,
and quantitation to measure bleaching efficacy. Control Cheddar whey
antihypertensive and antioxidant activity. All analysis was carried out
with no UV treatment had 4.12 ppm of norbixin. Whey exposed to UV
in triplicate. Antioxidant activity was measured by the inhibition of the
radiation for 30, 60, 90 or 120 min had 0.65ppm, 0.39ppm, 0.52ppm,
free radical 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The soluble frac-
and 0.37ppm norbixin, respectively. Norbixin decreased (P < 0.05)
tions had the greatest inhibition of DPPH compared with the insoluble
compared with control whey when exposed to UV light for 30 min;
fractions. The peptides extract that inhibited DPPH the greatest were
but increasing time up to 2 h did not increase the bleaching effect (P >
derived from organic milk fermented by L. rhamnosus for 6 d (42.83% ±
0.05). Overall norbixin concentration in fluid whey was reduced 84~91%
1.26 standard deviation (SD)), followed by the peptide extracts derived
when treated with UV radiation. UV radiation may be an alternative to
from milk fermented by L. helveticus for 2 h (34% ± 3.45) and L. helve-
peroxide bleaching of fluid whey.
ticus for 4 h (32% ± 0.45). Antimicrobial peptides were determined by
Key Words: UV radiation, liquid whey, bleach inhibition of 3 bacteria namely Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, Bacillus
cereus ATCC 11778 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538. Overall, E.
coli was inhibited the greatest by soluble peptide fractions including the
M177 Development and analysis of a dairy-based nutrient dense gel peptide extracts derived from organic milk fermented by L. acidophilus
food rich in milk bioactives. M. Cleveland* and R. Jiménez-Flores, for 9 d (108.38% ± 8.85 SD), with L. rhamnosus for 6 d (101.13%
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. ± 1.95) and with L. casei for 9 d (90.04% ± 3.52). Antihypertensive
Milk products are a rich source of nutrients and bioactive compounds activity was determined by the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting
beneficial to human health. Some of these include immunoglobulins, enzyme (ACE) using RP-HPLC to detect the amount of hippuric acid
phospholipids, casein and whey proteins and peptides, and components produced. Overall, the soluble fractions had the lowest IC50 values. The
of the milk fat globule membrane (MFGM). These products although peptide extract derived from organic milk fermented for 9 d by L. casei
originally in milk, can be found in higher concentrations in other prod- had the lowest IC50 value (0.124mg/ml ± 0.008 SD). This research has
ucts, such as colostrum, buttermilk, and whey protein powders. Addition shown that peptide extracts derived from fermented organic milk have
of ingredients such as probiotics add additional value and are apt to be antimicrobial, antihypertensive and antioxidant properties.
easily incorporated into a dairy system due to their natural residence in Key Words: bioactive peptide, milk, fermentation
milk. The application of dairy ingredients in product development has
great potential to create a strong nutrition delivery system with benefits
beyond those of fluid milk. Exploitation of dairy ingredients in this way M179 Increasing stringiness of low fat mozzarella cheese using
is economical and promotes use of products that still have untapped polysaccharides. E. N. Oberg*1, K. M. Larsen1, D. A. Irish1, M.
potential in the marketplace. Development of dairy-based ready-to-eat M. Motawee2,1, and D. J. McMahon1, 1Western Dairy Center, Utah
foods is an excellent way to provide a rich source of the aforementioned State University, Logan, 2National Organization for Drug Control and
milk bioactives. These products would serve as a compact, convenient Research, Cairo, Egypt.
source of energy and specialized nutrition. The health benefits include
Removing fat from mozzarella cheese decreases fiber formation because
immune system development and function, stimulation of gastrointesti-
protein strands fuse together during stretching and extruding. This study
nal function, and probiotic activity. We have created and biochemically
examined the ability of polysaccharides to act as fat mimetics and aid
analyzed a dairy-based high nutrient density gel food. It has a pleasing
in fiber formation in manufacture of string cheese. Low fat mozzarella
sensory profile, provides significant whey protein, and due to its ingredi-
cheese curd made from 273 kg of 0.7%-fat milk was salted at a rate of
ent profile is an excellent source of milk bioactives. The protein quality
10 g/kg then divided into 2.7-kg batches that were hand-stretched in 5%
and quantity were designed to promote satiety and healthy muscle mass.
(wt/wt) hot brine (80°C) and formed into a homogeneous mass. The hot
We have analyzed the gel for immunoglobulin concentration (ELISA),
cheese was hand mixed with a hot (80°C) polysaccharide slurry and then
phospholipid content (HPLC method), probiotic survival and binding
placed into a small piston-driven extruder and cheese forced through a
preference to phospholipids, and basic macronutrient content (FTIR).
16-mm die to form the string cheese and cut manually into about 15-cm
The results of these assessments show a significantly higher level of milk
lengths. Cheeses were analyzed for fat, salt, pH, and moisture. After
bioactivity in the gel than in an equivalent gram quantity of fluid milk.
1 wk of storage at 4°C, extent of stringiness was measured by pulling
From our studies, we conclude that we have created a highly valuable,
apart the cheese longitudinally, visually observing and photographing
convenient dairy-based nutrition delivery system with potentially great
size and appearance of individual strings of cheese, and measuring their
health benefits. Future work includes design of large-scale manufacture
length. In one trial, 3 starches (waxy corn, waxy rice, and instant tapioca
and studies of bioactivity in cell culture.
starches) were tested using 8% (wt/vol) slurries at a ratio 7% (wt/wt)
Key Words: milk bioactives, nutrition, dairy foods of stretched curd. Waxy rice and waxy corn starches did not mix well
with hot cheese and in a second trial, xanthan gum and guar gum slur-
ries were added at a ratio of 2% (wt/wt), and polydextrose and instant
74 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
tapioca starch added at 7%. In the control low fat cheese there was no milk. The current objective was to modify the BGMM for the determi-
apparent fiber formation and the cheese was homogeneous in texture. nation of lactose in PC. The previous method was modified by utilizing
All cheeses made with added polysaccharides had substantial fiber a phosphate buffer to dilute the sample and used a new generation of
formation and were more similar to regular commercial string cheese. glucose meter for analysis. For sample preparation, 1 g of PC was added
Low fat cheese with added xanthan gum had the most pronounced fiber to 20 g of 0.01 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and mixed vigorously at
formation with the longest strings (i.e., the full length of the cheese stick) 60°C. Five milliliters of the mixture was transferred to a test tube, and
and best string separation. Adding polydextrose produced cheese with 0.01 mL of β-galactosidase was added. The solution was incubated at
the least string formation and was only slightly better than the control. 40°C for 10 min to hydrolyze the lactose into glucose and galactose,
Overall, extent of stringiness was greatest immediately after extrusion and then analyzed for glucose in duplicate using the ReliOn Confirm
and tended to decrease during storage with string diameter increasing glucose meter and its compatible test strips. To evaluate the variation
and string length decreasing. between different test strip lots, 4 lots of test strips were utilized. For
all 4 lots of test strips an individual calibration curve was developed
Key Words: mozzarella, string cheese, low fat
using PC with known lactose concentrations between 3.2 and 8.2%. A
universal calibration curve was also computed by pooling the data from
M180 Enrichment of low fat Cheddar cheese with dietary fiber. R. all 4 lots of test strips. A sample of the original dilution of PC and buffer
Wadhwani*, D. J. McMahon, and D. A. Irish, Utah State University, was also analyzed for lactose using an HPLC based method. The new
Logan. rapid method was validated using 10 PC. The slopes and intercepts of
individual calibration curves ranged from 1.23 to 1.37 and from −105
Dietary fiber intake of 20 to 35 g/d is recommended for lowering coro- to −60, respectively. The slope and intercept of the universal curve
nary heart disease, cancer, and other health benefits such as satiety and were 1.32 and 88, respectively. The mean absolute bias was found to
improved digestion. However, the average American daily intake is only be between 0.11 – 0.32% for individual calibration and 0.15 – 0.24%
12 to 18 g/d. Fiber intake can be increased by enriching more foods and for the universal calibration curve. The observed moderately high bias
this study examines the feasibility of enriching low fat Cheddar cheese could be caused by variability in the test strip lots and intrinsic com-
(6% fat) with dietary fibers and their effect on cheese organoleptic ponents of PC. Overall the novel rapid method is promising. However,
acceptability. Low fat Cheddar was made and stored for 15 d, then com- modifications in sample preparation and calibration need to be developed
minuted to 1.5 mm particle size. Then, inulin, pectin, polydextrose, or to improve the method.
resistant starch were mixed into 1.82 kg batches of comminuted cheese
at 50 g/kg with or without addition of 50 g/kg of water. The comminuted Key Words: lactose, glucose meter, process cheese
batches were then repressed individually in cheese molds, vacuum
packaged and stored at 4°C. All cheese samples were analyzed at 90 d
M182 Monitoring changes in the non-casein nitrogen fraction of raw
for composition and fiber was calculated by difference. Texture profile
milk during storage using casein/fat standardizer (CFS). P. Salunke*,
analysis was performed at 90 and 180 d of storage. Sensory flavor analy-
J. Amamcharla, and L. E. Metzger, Midwest Dairy Foods Research
sis was performed at 180 d with a full fat Cheddar cheese comparison.
Center, South Dakota State University, Brookings.
Chewiness was evaluated by counting the number of bites before swal-
lowing cheese. No liquid expulsion from repressed cheese mixed with Prolonged storage at refrigerated temperatures causes changes in the
fiber was observed which resulted in 100% retention of fiber in cheese nitrogen distribution of raw and pasteurized milk. An increase in the
except for polydextrose which experienced liquid expulsion of < 0.5%. non-casein nitrogen (NCN) fraction during storage is the result of psy-
When added with water, cheese mixed with inulin or pectin resulted chrotrophic microorganisms and proteolytic enzymes. This phenomenon
in better knitting and uniform mixing of cheese particulates which was has direct implications on both cheese yield and quality. The Casein-
confirmed by increased cohesiveness from 0.48 to 0.65 for inulin with Fat-Standardizer (CFS; Tetra Pak CPS, MN and Metron Instruments,
water and 0.50 for pectin with water. Hardness for inulin (46.41N) and OH) is being used as an on-line tool for standardizing the casein and
pectin (55.87N) cheeses were significantly lower than non-repressed fat of cheese milk. CFS uses a patented Brewster analysis method of
control cheeses (80.94N) and chewiness was also significantly reduced laser light scattering to measure the casein and fat in the cheese milk.
from 44.18N to 12.45N. Polydextrose and resistant starch cheese were The objective of this study was to determine if the CFS can be used to
poor in appeal and lacked smooth texture. Chewdown method showed follow the increase in the NCN fraction of cheese milk during refriger-
that full fat cheese and comminuted cheeses required 12 bites before ated storage. Four raw milk samples (1 L) were collected immediately
swallow whereas non-comminuted cheese control was reported 24 bites after milking. Each of the 4 samples was divided into 6 sub-samples
by trained panel which is clearly double the number. This study indicated and stored at 4°C. On each experimental day (for 6 consecutive days),
a feasibility to enrich comminuted low fat cheese with fiber contributing one of the 6 sub-samples was withdrawn and tempered to 40°C. The
to better texture and no impact on overall flavor. sample was analyzed for fat, total protein (TP) and NCN in triplicate
using the respective standard methods. The sample was also analyzed
Key Words: fiber, Cheddar, texture
using the CFS to measure the casein and fat. It was found that there
was no significant (P > 0.05) effect of storage time on the TP and fat
M181 Development of a rapid method for determination of lactose in of raw milk as analyzed by the standard methods. However, the NCN
process cheese using blood glucose meter. A. C. Biswas*, J. Amam- fraction of milks significantly (P < 0.05) increased during the storage
charla, and L. E. Metzger, Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center, Dairy period leading to a significant (P > 0.05) decrease in casein content
Science Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings. after 2 d of storage. Similarly, the casein content analyzed by the CFS
also showed significant (P > 0.05) differences after 3 d of refrigerated
The lactose content can influence the functional and textural attributes storage. The fat content measured in CFS also showed a significant (P >
of process cheese (PC). Hence, the development of a rapid and accu- 0.05) decrease from d 0 to d 1, but showed no significant (P < 0.05) dif-
rate method for determination of lactose in PC will be beneficial to ference between the remaining storage period. Paired t-test comparison
the industry. Previously, a blood glucose meter method (BGMM) was between the standard methods and CFS measured fat and casein showed
developed for the determination of lactose in model solutions and raw
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 75
no significant differences for casein (P = 0.76) and fat (P = 0.72). These min, and process cheese was transferred into copper cylinders, sealed
results indicate that the CFS instrument is capable of monitoring changes and kept at 4°C. Process cheese contained 43.28% moisture, 23.7% fat,
in the NCN content of milk during refrigerated storage. 18.9% protein, and 2.1% salt. No difference in composition was seen
between the JFR-PCF and DVS-PCF (P > 0.05).The texture profile
Key Words: NCN, raw milk storage, CFS
analysis showed that JFR-PCF was softer, and less gummy and chewy
(P ≤ 0.05) than DVS-PCF. The end apparent viscosity and meltability
M183 Impact of xylitol on the functional properties of low fat process in JFR-PCF were higher (P ≤ 0.05) than those in DVS-PCF, whereas
cheese. A Kommineni*, J Amamcharla, and L. E. Metzger, Midwest the emulsification time was shorter (P ≤ 0.05) in the former cheese.
Dairy Foods Research Center, South Dakota State University. In conclusion, process cheese, containing up to 13% salt whey, with
improved textural and melting properties could be made from young
Process cheese is a dairy food made by blending natural cheese, salt, EPS-positive Cheddar cheese.
emulsifying salts and other dairy and non dairy ingredients, and heating
with continuous agitation to produce a homogeneous product. Due to Key Words: process cheese, salt whey, exopolysaccharides producing
increased health concerns the demand for low fat products has increased. cultures
Fat is a critical component of process cheese and plays an important role
in its functional characteristics. Reducing or lowering the fat content of
M185 Prediction of water activity of natural cheese using a model
process cheese results in poor functional properties. The objective of
cheese system. J. Grummer* and T. C. Schoenfuss, University of
the current study was to evaluate the effect of xylitol on the functional
Minnesota, St. Paul.
properties of low fat PC. Three different low fat PC formulations were
made with 0%, 2% and 4% xylitol. All PC formulations contained 5% The ability to predict the water activity of natural cheese in modified
fat and 55% moisture and each treatment was manufactured in triplicate. formulas is critical in developing products such as reduced or low
Rheological characteristics including elastic modulus (G′), Viscous sodium cheese. In published attempts to develop reduced sodium
modulus (G′′) and Temperature at Tanδ = 1 were determined using cheese, replacement salts have been added at levels too low to create
Dynamic Stress rheometry (DSR). The DSR was carried out at 1.5Hz the equivalent microbial and enzymatic stability of full sodium controls.
frequency and 400 Pa stress levels using a temperature sweep from 200C The objective of this study was to develop a model system that could
to 900C. The hardness of the samples was also determined with texture be used to measure Aw directly to verify samples formulated using
profile analysis (TPA). Compositional analysis indicated that all treat- predictive equations. Flour, butter and water were blended at levels
ments had a similar fat, protein, and moisture content. The elastic (G′) that represented typical solids, fat, and water levels in Cheddar cheese.
and viscous (G′′) modulus results obtained with DSR decreased with Predictive equations were used to calculate the levels of the various salt
increasing xylitol addition. The meltability index temperature was not replacers needed to achieve the same water activity as samples with
significantly (P > 0.05) different between all treatments. TPA analysis 600 mg sodium/100g. Sodium chloride and salt replacers (potassium
demonstrated that xylitol addition significantly (P < 0.05) decreased chloride, modified potassium chloride (Nu-tek Products, Minnetonka,
the hardness of low fat process cheese. Based on the results obtained MN), magnesium chloride hexahydrate, and calcium chloride dehydrate)
with DSR and TPA this study has demonstrated that xylitol addition were added to the model blends to produce cheese with less than 300 mg
improves the functional properties of low fat PC. sodium/100g of cheese. The measured water activities did not match the
predicted values in some cases. This could have been due to differences
Key Words: process cheese, low fat, xylitol
in purity and moisture levels between the salts or the solubility of the
salts at the percent moisture tested. The discrepancy demonstrated the
M184 Application of salt whey in process cheese food made from benefit of using this model system for direct testing of water activity in
young Cheddar cheese containing exopolysaccharides. O. Janevski*, a model system before producing batches of cheese.
A. N. Hassan, and L. Metzger, South Dakota State University, Brook- Key Words: water activity, prediction, cheese
The objective of this study was to utilize salt whey in making process
M186 Optimization of a CO2 injection method for increasing the
cheese food (PCF) from young (3-week-old) Cheddar cheese. To maxi-
permeate flux in cold microfiltration of skim milk. T. J. Tan*, A. Sauer,
mize the level of salt whey in process cheese, low salt (0.6%) Cheddar
and C. I. Moraru, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
cheese was utilized. Since salt reduction causes undesirable physico-
chemical changes during extended cheese ripening, young Cheddar Cold microfiltration (MF) was proven effective for microbial removal
cheese was used in making process cheese. An exopolysaccharides (EPS) from skim milk. One of the challenges associated with MF is the low
producing culture (JFR) was used to reduce rigidity and improve melt- permeate flux, caused by fouling. To address this, a CO2 injection
ability of young Cheddar cheese. A non-EPS-producing culture (DVS) technique capable to counteract membrane fouling was developed and
was applied in making the control cheese. To obtain similar composition optimized. The experimental MF unit consisted of a feed tank connected
in the EPS-positive and negative Cheddar cheeses, the making protocol to a variable-speed centrifugal pump, a tubular heat exchanger and a
was modified in the later cheese to increase its moisture level. The com- tubular ceramic membrane of Tami design, placed inside a stainless steel
position of Cheddar cheese was determined and used to formulate the housing. The membrane had a nominal pore size of 1.4 µm and total
corresponding PCF (JFR-PCF and DVS-PCF). Three-week-old Cheddar membrane area of 0.35 m2. Three portable CO2 injection ports were
cheese containing 41.4% moisture, 31% fat, and 21.2% protein, was attached to the membrane housing. The combinations tested included: no
shredded, and stored frozen until used for PCF manufacture. No dif- CO2 injection (control), 1 port, and 3 ports. Four combinations of CO2
ferences in pH and level of water-soluble nitrogen were seen between injection frequencies and durations were tested: no injection (control),
the EPS-positive and negative Cheddar cheeses. The utilization of low 60s frequency with 2s duration (60s/2s), 60s frequency with 1s duration
salt Cheddar cheese allowed up to 13% of salt whey containing 9.1% (60s/1s), and 120s frequency with 1s duration (120s/1s). The MF experi-
salt to be used in process cheese making. The preblend was mixed in ments were performed at a temperature of 6°C, a cross-flow velocity
the Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) at 1000 rpm, heated at 95°C for 3 of 7 m/s and a transmembrane pressure of 83 kPa. A data acquisition
76 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
port was used to collect the temperature, pressure and permeate weight behavior of these protein concentrates under various processing condi-
data; the latter was then used to calculate the permeate flux. In all runs, tions such as temperature and shear. This work focused on evaluating the
permeate flux showed an initial rapid decrease followed by a long and rheological properties of micellar casein and on understanding how they
gradual decline. A series of 45min experiments were first performed. are affected by concentration, temperature and shear. MCC with 95%
At similar water flux values of the membrane (1500 ± 50 L/m2h), the SP reduced were obtained from skim milk by microfiltration followed
combination of 3 ports with 120s/1s produced the highest flux (46.09 by spray drying. MCC preparations of concentrations ranging from 5%
L/m2h at 45min) followed by 3 ports with 60s/1s (41.32 L/m2h) and to 12.5% were obtained by dispersing the MCC powders in deionized
3 ports with 60s/2s (39.41 L/m2h). Three hour experiments were then water, under vigorous stirring. Large amplitude and small amplitude
conducted: without injection (control), and with optimal CO2 injection rheological analyses were performed to evaluate the viscosity and flow
(3 ports, 120s/1s). After 3 h, the flux for the control was 26.36 ± 3.38 L/ behavior, as well as the network structure of these protein preparations.
m2h, while for the optimized CO2 injection experiment, a flux of 33.65 ± Steady shear experiments at temperature ranging from 0C to 80C were
3.68 L/m2h was obtained. In addition, a smaller drop in flux was observed performed using an ARES strain controlled rheometer (TA Instruments).
for the CO2 injection experiment (23% after 3h) as compared with the The viscosity vs. shear rate curves were used to evaluate the effect
control (31.5% after 3h). The developed method is effective and can be of shear on viscosity, and apparent viscosity at a shear rate of 100s-1
used to increase the flux in microfiltration applications. was used to make direct comparison between various concentrations
and temperature conditions. All protein preparations displayed a shear
Key Words: microfiltration, fouling, CO2 injection
thinning behavior, which was more pronounced as casein concentration
increased. The apparent viscosity of MCC increased exponentially with
M187 Polysaccharide addition to lowfat Cheddar cheese to casein concentration and decreased with temperature. The dependency
improve texture. R. Kumar* and T. C. Schoenfuss, University of of apparent viscosity on temperature followed an Arrhenius relationship.
Minnesota, St. Paul. The activation energy for viscous flow (Ea) in the Arrhenius relationship
increased with concentration. Ea values of 21280 kJ/mol, 26730 kJ/
Fat plays a role in cheese texture by acting as a plasticizer and inhibit- mol and 40167 kJ/mol were obtained for MCC concentrations of 5%,
ing cross-linking between protein chains. Reductions in fat to produce 7.5% and 10%, respectively. The relationships developed will allow
lowfat cheese (less than 3 g fat/50 g cheese) results in texture defects. the prediction of rheological properties under desired temperature and
The objective of this study was to improve the texture of lowfat cheese concentration conditions, which will provide the dairy and food industry
by incorporating a polysaccharide gel as a filler to disrupt protein with critical rheological data necessary for developing applications of
cross-links. Polysaccharides examined were alginate, xanthan, pectin, micellar casein preparations.
carageenan (Danisco USA Inc., New Century, KS) and Novagel RCN
15 (FMC Biopolymer, Philadelphia, PA). The level of polysaccharide Key Words: micellar casein, rheology, viscosity
needed to produce a soft gel was mixed with whey protein concentrate
(Avonlac 180, Glanbia Nutritionals, Monroe, WI) on a high shear mixer.
M189 Formation of bacterial biofilms on spiral wound reverse osmosis
The gel (calculated at 10% of the pressed cheese if all was retained)
whey concentration membranes and its influence on retentate qual-
was homogenized (Niro panda, GEA, Hudson, WI) at 160 bar with all
ity. M. Avadhanula*, A. C. Biswas, S. Anand, and A. Hassan, Midwest
the cream and a portion of the skim milk. It was then blended with the
Dairy Foods Research Center, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota
remaining skim. Control lowfat cheese was made with homogenized
State University, Brookings.
cream without polysaccharides. The cheesemaking procedure used a
stirred curd method with pre-acidification to pH 6.2, and a final curd Fouling is a major operational hurdle in the membrane processing of
pH of 5.7 at salting. Curds were pressed in 0.7 kg Wilson-style hoops whey. In addition to the deposition of organic matter, bacterial biofilm
overnight. Cheeses were evaluated at 2 mo of age by sensory and texture formation on membranes may play a role in their reduced performance.
profile analysis. Untrained panelists were instructed to place cheese The present investigation was conducted to study the formation of bacte-
samples (treatments and controls presented blindly) spatially on a 61 × rial biofilms on spiral wound, reverse osmosis (RO) whey concentration
61 cm sheet of paper based on differences they perceived in texture and membranes using the standards plate counting technique. Membrane
flavor. The distance of each sample from a full-fat sample was measured cartridges from a commercial whey RO system were drawn at intervals
in cm. Novagel and pectin treatments were placed significantly closer of 2 mo up to a total duration of 12 mo to evaluate the effect of membrane
(P < 0.05) to the full fat cheese than low fat control. Samples measured aging on biofilm formation. Swab samples were taken from 1x1cm2
on a TA.XT-Plus Texture Analyzer (Texture Technologies, Scarsdale, membrane pieces drawn randomly from each cartridge. Counts of dif-
NY) showed pectin and carageenan samples were significantly lower in ferent bacterial groups were monitored in the feed, retentate and on the
percent energy recovered (P < 0.05) than lowfat control. Moistures of surface of membranes using selective media. The results confirmed the
the lowfat samples were not significantly different, (52 to 54%). It was presence of multispecies bacterial biofilms on the whey RO membranes.
concluded that pectin, carageenan and Novagel had a positive effect on Considerable variations were noticed in the distribution pattern of bacte-
cheese texture using this method. rial constituents in biofilms as the membranes aged. The average colony
forming units (cfu/cm2) for mesophiles, coliforms, lactic acid bacteria,
Key Words: lowfat, Cheddar, polysaccharides
staphylococci, and β-hemolytic colonies were 1.16, Nil, 0.78, 0.72, and
1.26 on the 2 mo old membrane, 4.11, 3.15, 4.05, 1.4, and 3.0 on the
M188 Effect of concentration and temperature on the rheological 6 mo old membrane, and 3.86, 2.38, 4.04, 1.91 and 2.86 on the 12 mo
properties of 95% serum protein (SP) reduced micellar casein con- old membrane, respectively. The average log count (cfu/ml) in the feed
centrates (MCC). A. Sauer*, C. Beliciu, and C. I. Moraru, Cornell whey was 5.44, which increased to 7.67 at the end of a 24 h cycle. In
University, Ithaca, NY. comparison to that, the average retentate count (cfu/ml) increased from
log 5.30 to log 7.93. The higher increase in the retentate counts than that
The use of casein preparations obtained by membrane separation is in the feed may be due to contamination from the membrane biofilms.
receiving increasing interest from the dairy industry, as well as other This study provides a qualitative analysis of bacterial constituents of the
industries. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the flow
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 77
biofilm consortia obtained from whey concentration membranes from 9.5% (w/v) protein content. Mixtures were heated to 90°C for 25min
active industrial processes and its influence on retentate quality. (including come-up time). After cooling, samples were homogenized 5
times at 9500 psi. Aggregated material was separated by centrifugation
Key Words: whey retentate, reverse osmosis membrane, multispecies
at 15000g for 20 min. Protein aggregation was calculated from protein
content in the supernatant and water holding capacity (WHC) was
determined on the pellet. Heat denaturation was also applied to protein
M190 Thermal aggregation of whey proteins in the presence of but- mixtures containing thiol blocker (N-ethylmaleimide) to understand the
termilk. M. Saffon*1, M. Britten2, and Y. Pouliot1, 1STELA Dairy impact of disulfide bonds on the formation of aggregates. All the heating
Research Center, Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Food experiments were repeated 3 times, statistical analysis of the data was
(INAF), Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, 2Food Research and performed using ANOVA and the results were considered significantly
Development Center (FRDC), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, St- when P < 0.05. Increasing temperature significantly increased protein
Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada. aggregation from 58% to 75% when heating temperature was raised
from 80°C to 90°C. Decreasing heating pH significantly decrease
Reincorporating heat-denatured whey proteins in cheese milk is WHC. Minimum WHC being observed at pH 4.6. Increasing the frac-
widely used in the cheese industry. The use of buttermilk is however tion of buttermilk protein in the mixture increased significantly protein
limited because it increases cheese moisture. It was hypothesized that aggregation and reduced WHC up to a ratio of 25:75 (78% and 1.80 g
a co-denaturation process involving a mixture of whey and buttermilk water/g protein. The use of NEM significantly increased protein aggre-
proteins increases the use of buttermilk in cheesemaking. In prelimi- gation by 6.2% and decreased WHC by 0.73 g water/g protein. Overall,
nary experiments, mixed dispersions were prepared from powdered our results show that increasing buttermilk fraction resulted in higher
concentrates acidified to pH: 4.6; 5.4 and 6.2 using HCl 1N and heated protein aggregation and lower WHC and suggest that disulfide bonds
at 2 temperatures (80°C and 90°C). From these trials, heating the mixed are formed in the early stages of aggregation.
dispersions to 90°C and pH 4.6 showed the best results and this condi-
tion was chosen to test different ratios of whey to buttermilk protein. Key Words: cheese whey, buttermilk, aggregation
Cheese whey and buttermilk were concentrated by ultrafiltration up to
78 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Graduate Student Poster Competition: National ADSA Production MS Poster
M191 Assessment of tannin-free and tanniniferous legumes in lactating sp. (25), CNS (4); Staph. aureus (1); Staph. ag (1), other gram-positives
dairy diets using continuous culture. C. M. Williams*1, C. M. Dschaak1, (9), and culture negative (60). The first case of CM was 8 times more
J.-S. Eun1, J. W. MacAdam2, and A. J. Young1, 1Department of Animal, likely to result in BCURE compared with cases preceded by CM (P <
Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences, Utah State University, Logan, 2Depart- 0.001). Cases that were culture positive were 3–5 times less likely to
ment of Plants, Soils, and Climate, Utah State University, Logan. experience BCURE as compared with cases that were culture negative
(P = 0.05). Occurrence of a previous case of CM, parity, and DIM were
Dual-flow continuous culture fermentors (700 mL) were used to deter- associated with the probability of RECUR (P < 0.04). Older cows and
mine the effects of feeding tannin-free (alfalfa and cicer milkvetch) cows in earlier lactation were more likely to RECUR. The odds of
and tanniniferous (birdsfoot trefoils and sainfoin) legumes in lactating RECUR were 5 times greater for the first case of CM as compared with
dairy diets on in vitro methane production and ruminal fermentation second or greater cases. Greater milk yield (P < 0.001) was the most
characteristics by mixed ruminal microbiota. We hypothesized that important predictor for PERM. Farm, severity, milk yield and BCURE
methane and ammonia-N production would be reduced when alfalfa were associated with probability of SCCURE. SCCURE was more likely
hay was replaced by cicer milkvetch and tanniniferous legumes as main to occur when cows presented mild symptoms of CM (Odds ratio = 20)
forages in TMR diets. Fermentors were inoculated with filtered ruminal as compared with cows with moderate symptoms and cases that resulted
contents and allowed to adapt to experimental diets for 6 d, followed in BCURE were 29 times more likely to result in SCCURE.
by 3 d of sample collection. All dietary treatments were formulated for
lactating dairy cows in early lactation. Five TMR diets were evaluated, Key Words: mastitis, dairy, treatment
each containing a different forage source as hay: 1) alfalfa (ALF) as a
control, 2) cicer milkvetch (CMV), 3) Norcen birdsfoot trefoil (NBFT), M193 Assessment of prior grazing experiences on adaption to pasture
4) Oberhaunstadter birdsfoot trefoil (OBFT), and 5) sainfoin (SF). The and performance of dairy heifers. F. Lopes*1, D. K Combs1, P. C.
experiment was conducted as a 5 × 5 Latin square design, and all data Hoffman1, N. M Esser1, and W. Coblentz2,1, 1University of Wisconsin,
were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Culture pH was Madison, 2USDA/ARS, US- Department of Agriculture/Agricultural
not influenced when replacing ALF with CMV, NBFT, and OBFT, but Research Service, Marshfield, WI.
increased when feeding SF (P < 0.01). Ammonia-N concentration was
reduced when feeding CMV and SF (P < 0.01), but was not affected The objective of this study was to evaluate how previous grazing
when replacing ALF with NBFT and OBFT. Total VFA production and experience affects animal behavior on pasture. Animal behavior was
acetate molar proportion were not influenced by treatments. However, monitored in 32 Holstein (n = 21) and Holstein-Jersey (n = 11) year-
molar proportion of propionate increased by feeding CMV, NBFT, and lings. Two heifer groups (n = 8 per group) had been exposed to pasture
OBFT (P < 0.01). Acetate to propionate ratio decreased in cultures from August through October 2008, while the other 2 groups had been
offered CMV and OBFT, but increased by SF when compared with continuously housed in a bedding pack barn since weaning. All 4 groups
ALF (P < 0.01). Methane production, as measured in headspace gas, were housed in the same bedding pack barn from November 2008
decreased when replacing ALF with all other treatments (P = 0.01). The until the start of the experiment. In June 2009, heifers were assigned to
decrease of in vitro methane production when feeding cicer milkvetch, one of 4 Italian ryegrass pastures. The experimental unit was paddock
birdsfoot trefoils, and sainfoin may make these forages suitable for and the experimental design was a randomized complete block. Each
mitigating enteric methane emissions by lactating dairy cows, and group was allocated approximately 50kg pasture DM/head initially.
maintaining potential productive performance. Animal activity was assessed by visual observation. The same person
recorded the activity of each heifer every 15 min from 0700h to1600h
Key Words: tanniniferous legumes, continuous culture, methane during the first 5 d of the study. Heifer’s activities were categorized
as: walking, drinking water, grazing, lying down or standing but not
M192 Post treatment outcomes of clinical mastitis on commercial dairy grazing. Behavior of heifers that grazed in 2008 initially differed from
farms. C. Pinzón-Sánchez*, C. Hulland, and P. L. Ruegg, University those with no previous grazing experience. During the first day, heifers
of Wisconsin, Madison. with grazing experience spent more time grazing than heifers that had
no prior grazing experience (57 vs. 43% of the time, P < 0.05). By the
The objective was to characterize 60 d outcomes after treatment of mild fourth day no difference between treatments group was observed. After
(abnormal milk) and moderate (abnormal milk and abnormal udder) the first week, behavior was monitored every 2 weeks through August
cases of clinical mastitis (CM) occurring on WI farms (n = 4). Duplicate 2009 (7 periods, 2 consecutive days per period). After the initial week
milk samples were collected for microbiological analysis at onset of CM on pasture, both groups spent approximately 60 percent of the time
(PRE) and 20 d later (POST). Cows were treated with an intramammary grazing (60 vs. 59% of the time, P > 0.05). At the end of the grazing
product containing 125mg ceftiofur. Bacteriological cure (BCURE) season animal body weight was not different between experienced and
was defined as absence of pathogens in POST sample, whether or not a inexperienced animals (451 vs. 442 kg, P > 0.05). The data suggests that
causative pathogen was isolated in PRE sample. Recurrence (RECUR) prior grazing experience initially affected animal behavior on pasture.
was defined when CM occurred after the milk withholding period. Per- Time spent grazing increased for both experienced and inexperienced
manence (PERM) was defined as cows remaining in the herd. Somatic heifers over the first few days of the grazing period. Both groups of heif-
Cell Cure (SCCURE) was defined as SCC at first test after CM below ers adapted to the pastures within one week and there was no evidence
200,000 cells/ml. Effects of farm, DIM, parity, severity, PRE outcome, that grazing behavior or weight gain were affected after the first week
BCURE, previous milk yield, previous SCC, previous occurrence of of pasture adaptation.
CM and treatment duration were assessed using Chi-squared analysis
and logistic regression. Distribution of cases was: E. coli (14), Klebsiella Key Words: grazing, heifers, behavior
sp. (11), Enterobacter sp. (8), Serratia sp. (7), other gram neg. (3), Strep
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 79
M194 Seasonal variation of nutrients and in vitro dry matter degrad- M195 Performance of Holstein heifers supplemented with probiot-
ability of forage hay. L. Shi*, N. Li, T. Shenkoru, W. Yang, S. McCo- ics. J. Graves*1, S. Hill1, E. Suever1, B. Rude1, J. Brett2, and Y.
nahey, and T. Wuliji, University of Nevada, Reno. Vizzier-Thaxton3, 1Department of Animal and Dairy Science, Mississippi
State University, Mississippi State, 2College of Veterinary Medicine,
Nutrient composition and digestibility change from season to season.
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, 3Department of Poultry
It is advantageous to determine which month of the growing season is
Science, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.
most nutritious for the forage hay production. The objective of this study
is to determine the seasonal variation in the feed composition and in Sixty (n = 12) Holstein heifers were used to evaluate growth and health
vitro dry matter degradability of forage hay harvested from the irrigated when supplemented with coccidiostat, mannanoligosaccharide (MOS)
pastures. The forage hay samples were collected at 3 intervals during the or β-glucan in milk replacer. Calves were randomly assigned to one of
growing seasons from the irrigated grazing pastures, namely for interval 5 treatments at birth: CX (1 g/d Deccox), MOS (10 g/d MOS), β-g (0.5
I, II and III respectively at the end of June, August and October on the g/d β-glucan), CX + MOS (1 g/d Deccox + 10 g/d MOS) and MOS
Rafter 7 Ranch, Yerington, Nevada. Organic matter (OM), ash, neutral + β-g (10 g/d MOS + 0.5 g/d β-glucan). Heifers received 3.8L milk
detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and crude protein replacer (22% CP, 20% Fat) once daily until 6 wks of age, but remained
(CP) were estimated. The in vitro dry matter degradability (IVDMD) on trial for 56d. Calves were fed a non-medicated starter (18% CP) at
was determined by incubating dried ground samples in tubes with cattle 0.9 kg/d and increased by 0.9 kg/d when orts = 0. Orts were collected
rumen fluid (Tilley and Terry, 1963). The OM and CP of interval I were and weighed daily and pooled by week within treatment. Calves had
higher than II and III; Ash, NDF and ADF were increased from June (I) ad lib access to clean water. At birth, calves were fed colostrum via
to October (III), except NDF was lower in II than I and III. But ADF was esophageal tube, weighed, and measured. Fecal and respiratory scores
remained the same for both I and II sampling intervals. The IVDMD was were recorded daily; body measurements, blood and fecal samples were
significantly (P < 0.05) higher for interval I than II and III. The IVDMD collected weekly. Fecal samples analyzed for coccidia bi-weekly after
of interval II was lower (P < 0.05) than III. Data of feed composition 21 d; at 2, 4, and 8 wks fecal samples were analyzed for E. coli. Blood
were analyzed for mean and standard errors whereas data of IVDMD samples were analyzed for CBC w/differential. There were no signifi-
were analyzed for ANOVA and t Tests (LSD) procedures of SAS. The cant differences in DMI (P < 0.93), FE (P < 0.95), ADG (P < 0.79) or
results showed that forage hay nutrients and IVDMD estimates are blood analysis (P > 0.10) among treatment groups. Given similar diets
highest at June interval, which is also more suitable to produce a high fed, no changes in growth or intake were expected. No differences in
quality forage hay production from grazing pastures. fecal or respiratory scores, CBC, or other health measures indicated that
supplementation with MOS, β-g, or a combination supported immune
function similarly to CX. Fecal shedding of E. coli was not different
Table 1. Nutrient composition (mean±SE) and IVDMD (%) of forage
across treatments (P < 0.23), however, orthogonal contrasts showed
hay from Rafter 7 Ranch, Yerington
greater E. coli from MOS + β-g (80.4 × 104 CFU/μl feces) compared
Interval OM% ASH% NDF% ADF% CP% IVDMD%
І 89.2±0.01 10.8±0.01 52.3±0.19 33.7±0.44 15.7±0.14 66.3c
with β-g (23.2 × 104 CFU/μl feces; P < 0.04). There was also a trend
ІІ 86.9±0.02 13.2±0.02 48.8±0.19 33.1±0.05 14.5±0.04 51.2a for calves fed MOS to shed more E. coli compared with the calves fed
ІІІ 83.6±0.01 16.4±0.01 58.4±0.33 40.1±0.38 12.2±0.03 53.6b β-g (70.3 vs. 23.2 × 104 CFU/μl feces, respectively, P < 0.06). E. coli
shedding decreased over time (114.6, 49.4 and 5.0 × 104 CFU/μl feces
abcMean with a different superscript differs significantly at P < 0.05 at wk 2, 4 and 8, respectively; P < 0.01).
in column.
Key Words: probiotics, growth, Holstein heifers
Key Words: degradability, in vitro, forage hay
80 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Graduate Student Poster Competition: National ADSA Production PhD Poster
M196 Effects of condensed tannins supplementation on ruminal NELI (P = 0.66) or DISE (P = 0.20). Similarly, NAIC (n = 212) was not
fermentation and lactational performance of dairy cows when fed high influenced by NELI (P = 0.50) or DISE (P = 0.45). Inferences related
or low forage diet. C. M. Dschaak*, C. M. Williams, M. S. Holt, J.-S. to DTC and NAIC should be reevaluated when these results can be
Eun, and A. J. Young, Department of Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary incorporated with those of similar experiments, to increase sample size.
Sciences, Utah State University, Logan. Based on the variances of DTFAI, DTC and NAIC in these experiments,
the suggested number of cows needed to detect a 10% difference in these
A lactating dairy trial was conducted to determine the influence of water-
variables at a 95% confidence level are 88, 257, and 294, respectively.
soluble Quebracho extract containing approximately 75% condensed
In conclusion, prepartum NEL intake affected DTFAI.
tannins (CT; DM basis) with 99% solubility (Chemtan Company Inc.,
Exeter, NH) on intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and lactational Key Words: transition cow, energy intake, reproduction
performance of dairy cows. The cows were fed high forage (HF) or low
forage (LF) diet with forage to concentrate ratio of 59:41 and 41:59 on
DM basis, respectively. Eight lactating Holstein cows (DIM = 62 ± 8.8) M198 Effectiveness of an herbal remedy compared to control or tradi-
were used, and 4 cows were surgically fitted with ruminal cannulas. The tional therapy in dry off treatments. K. A. E. Mullen*, K. L. Anderson,
design of the experiment was a double 4 × 4 Latin square with a 2 × 2 and S. P. Washburn, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
factorial arrangement of treatments, and each period lasted 21 d (14 d Dry cow therapy, administered at the end of lactation, is aimed at elimi-
of treatment adaptation and 7 d of data collection). Four dietary treat- nating current and preventing future intramammary bacterial infections.
ments were tested: HF without CT (HF−CT), HF with CT (HF+CT), Dry cow therapy conventionally uses antibiotics. Certified organic dair-
LF without CT (LF–CT), and LF with CT (LF+CT). The Quebracho ies are restricted from antibiotic use and thus must use an alternative
extract was added to the HF+CT and the LF+CT diets at a rate of 3% or no dry cow therapy. The current study used 150 Holstein, Jersey,
of dietary DM. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of and crossbred cattle to compare an herbal treatment (Phyto-Mast) to
SAS. Supplementing CT on HF diet decreased DM intake, but not on conventional (Quartermaster and Orbeseal) or no dry cow therapy. Each
LF diet. Digestibilities of DM and nutrients were not affected by CT treatment (conventional, Phyto-Mast, or none) was balanced by breed,
supplementation on HF and LF diets. Milk yield was not influence by age, and due date and included 40 cows and 10 heifers. Milk weights
CT supplementation, but milk true protein decreased by supplementing and somatic cell scores (SCS) from the first test date in the first month
CT in HF diet. Milk urea N concentration decreased with CT supple- postpartum were compared among treatment groups; no significant
mentation regardless of diet type, whereas efficiency of N use for milk difference was observed between treatments. SCS average from the
N production was not affected by CT supplementation. Supplementing previous lactation was also recorded. Mean milk production was 22.7
CT decreased total VFA production in HF and LF diets. Molar propor- ± 1.2 kg for conventional cows (CC), 14.7 ± 1.9 kg for conventional
tions of acetate (P = 0.07) and butyrate (P = 0.06) tended to increase heifers (CH), 21.1 ± 1.0 kg for no treatment cows (NC), 14.5 ± 1.1 kg
by CT supplementation. Acetate to propionate ratio decreased with CT for no treatment heifers (NH), 22.9 ± 1.1 kg for Phyto-Mast cows (PC)
supplementation in HF diet, while conversely increasing the ratio in and 17.1 ± 1.43 kg for Phyto-Mast heifers (PH). Milk production at the
LF diet with CT supplementation. Ruminal ammonia-N concentration first test day postpartum was similar among multiparous cows, but the
did not differ across treatments. Supplementing Quebracho extract in first-calf heifers in the Phyto-Mast group tended to have higher milk
lactating dairy diets can improve dietary use of N as indicated by lower production at the first test than heifers in other groups. SCS were 1.89
milk urea N, therefore N excretion can be reduced. ± 0.23 for CC, 3.33 ± 0.83 for CH, 2.15 ± 0.38 for NC, 3.73 ± 0.37 for
Key Words: condensed tannins, lactating dairy cows, milk urea nitro- NH, 2.17 ± 0.32 for PC, and 3.73 ± 0.85 for PH. SCS averages from
gen the previous lactation were 3.74 ± 2.9 for CC, 3.63 ± 2.93 for NC, and
2.94 ± 2.72 for PC. Differences from previous lactation SCS for cows
were not significant and remained similar across treatment groups at
M197 Relationships between prepartum energy intake and reproduc- the start of the subsequent lactation. Also, SCS among first lactation
tive parameters in Holstein cows. F. C. Cardoso*, M. R. Murphy, and heifers did not differ in early lactation but tended to be higher than for
J. K. Drackley, University of Illinois, Urbana. older cows. Neither lack of treatment nor the use of an herbal treatment
differed from a conventional dry treatment for milk production or SCS
A meta-analysis was conducted to determine the effect of prepartum
at the start of lactation. More information on specific mastitic organ-
energy intake on days to first artificial insemination (DTFAI), days to
isms in cows of various treatment groups is needed before definitive
conception (DTC), and number of artificial inseminations per concep-
conclusions can be made.
tion (NAIC). The database was developed from 6 different experiments
completed in our group from 1993 to 2006. Net energy lactation (NEL) Key Words: dry cow therapy, mastitis, organic dairy
values in the diets varied from 1.21 Mcal/kg to 1.73 Mcal/kg DM. A
total of 304 cows (281 multiparous and 23 primiparous) were included
in the analyses. Prepartum dry matter intake (DMI) was recorded daily M199 Serum pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) and proges-
in all experiments. The NEL intake (NELI) was calculated from the terone concentrations after induction of pregnancy loss at day 39 of
cow’s respective dietary NEL and average prepartum DMI. Full models gestation in lactating dairy cows. J. O. Giordano*1, J. N. Guenther1, G.
were reduced by removing terms that did not contribute significantly to Lopes Jr.1, M. F. McGrath2, and P. M. Fricke1, 1University of Wisconsin,
the model. Such terms included body condition score at calving (P = Madison, 2Monsanto Agricultural Company, St. Louis, MO.
0.81), season of the year at first artificial insemination (P = 0.40), and Pregnancy status was evaluated in lactating crossbred (75% Holstein,
parity (P = 0.62). The DTFAI (n = 258) was lower for cows with higher 25% Jersey) dairy cows (n = 29) by ultrasonography 39 d after TAI,
NELI (P = 0.057) and was not influenced (P = 0.39) by postpartal health and pregnant cows were randomly assigned to one of 3 treatments: 1)
problems (DISE). In this analysis, DTC (n = 212) was not influenced by
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 81
control cows (CON, n = 10) received an injection of saline (5 mL, i.m.); Further investigation is required to characterize the metabolic changes
2) PGF cows (PGF, n = 10) received an injection of PGF2α (25 mg, i.m.); produced by TZD treatment in transition dairy cattle.
and 3) infusion cows (INF, n = 9) received an intrauterine infusion of
Key Words: transition cow, thiazolidinedione, leptin
120 mL hypertonic saline (25%, v/v) into the uterine horn containing
the embryo. Blood samples were collected every 12 h for 6.5 d after
treatment and daily from 6.5 to 10 d after treatment to assess serum M201 Effects of cobalt supplementation and vitamin B12 injections
PAG and progesterone (P4) concentrations. Uterine contents were evalu- on energy metabolism of dairy cows. M. S. Akins*1, S. J. Bertics1,
ated using ultrasonography every 12 h to determine embryo presence M. T. Socha2, and R. D. Shaver1, 1University of Wisconsin, Madison,
and viability. All embryos from CON cows remained viable based on 2Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN.
embryonic heart beat throughout the experiment. Time from treatment
to cessation of embryonic heart beat was greater (P < 0.001) for PGF The objective of this study was to determine metabolic responses of
than for INF cows (36.0 ± 1.3 vs. 0.3 ± 1.4 h, respectively), and time primi- and multiparous dairy cows fed different levels and sources
from treatment to conceptus expulsion was greater (P < 0.001) for INF (inorganic and organic) of cobalt or given weekly vitamin B12 injections.
than for PGF cows (7.1 ± 0.8 vs. 1.9 ± 0.7 d, respectively). There was Forty-five primi- and multiparous cows 60 d prepartum were blocked
a treatment by day interaction (P < 0.001) for serum P4 concentrations by parity (1 or > 1) and expected calving date, and then randomly
in which P4 concentrations were greater for CON and INF than for PGF assigned to 1 of 5 treatments in a randomized complete block design.
cows (8.7 ± 0.6, 8.1 ± 0.6, and 0.9 ± 0.6 ng/ml, respectively). Beginning The treatments were: no supplemental Co (Control), 25 mg Co from Co
12 h after treatment, PGF cows had lower P4 concentrations than CON carbonate (CoCarb), 25 mg (LcoGH) or 75 mg (HCoGH) Co from Co
and INF cows. There was a treatment by day interaction (P < 0.001) for glucoheptonate, and Control with weekly 10 mg vitamin B12 injections.
serum PAG concentrations in which mean PAG was greater for CON Cows were on trial until 150 DIM. Cobalt (ppm DM) in the lactating
(3.5 ± 0.3 ng/ml) than for PGF (1.4 ± 0.3 ng/ml) and INF (1.4 ± 0.3 ng/ diet was 1.0, 1.9, 2.3, and 5.2 for Control and IB12, CoCarb, LCoGH,
ml) cows. Serum PAG concentrations differed among CON cows and and HCoGH, respectively. Far-off, close-up, and lactating diets were
PGF and INF cows beginning 60 h after treatment. We conclude that 13.8, 15.1, and 18.0% CP and 48.8, 40.2, and 32.9% NDF (DM basis),
although timing of conceptus expulsion occurred 5.2 d later for INF respectively. Intake was not affected (P > 0.10) by treatment and was
than for PGF cows, serum PAG concentrations for INF and PGF cows 19.4 ± 0.5 and 23.1 ± 0.8 kg DM/d for primi- and multiparous cows,
decreased at a similar rate from the onset of treatment respectively. Body weight and condition score and calculated energy
balance were not affected by treatment (P > 0.10). Plasma glucose,
Key Words: PAG, pregnancy loss, embryo non-esterified fatty acids, and β-hydroxybutyrate were not affected by
treatment (P > 0.10). Effect of sampling day was significant (P < 0.001).
Glucose decreased from 60 d prepartum (65 ± 1.1 mg/dL) to 30 DIM
M200 Prepartum 2,4-thiazolidinedione alters gene expression of per-
(55 ± 1.0 mg/dL), and increased at 90 DIM (60 ± 1.0 mg/dL); however,
oxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and leptin in the adipose
primiparous cows had a larger decrease at 30 DIM and smaller increase
tissue of dairy cows. K. M. Schoenberg*, K. L. Perfield, S. L. Giesy,
thereafter. Non-esterified fatty acids increased from 60 d prepartum
Y. R. Boisclair, and T. R. Overton, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
(249 ± 39.8 mmol/L) to 1 DIM (724 ± 40.7 mmol/L), then decreased at
Thiazolidinediones (TZD) are potent ligands for peroxisome prolifera- 30 DIM (398 ± 40.1 mmol/L), with multiparous cows having a larger
tor-activated gamma (PPARγ). Administration of TZD has been shown increase at 1 DIM. Beta-hydroxybutyrate increased from 60 d prepartum
to alter lipid metabolism and energy status in transition dairy cows. The (4.2 ± 0.95 mg/dL) to 30 DIM (15.9 ± 0.95 mg/dL). Addition of Co
objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of prepartum above requirements or vitamin B12 did not improve energy metabolism
TZD administration on mRNA expression of PPARγ, leptin, fatty acid of dairy cows, because vitamin B12 status was likely adequate.
synthase (FAS), and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in adipose tissue. Holstein
Key Words: cobalt, vitamin B12, dairy cow
cows entering second or greater lactation were administered 0 (n = 6),
2.0 (n = 5), or 4.0 (n = 4) mg TZD/kg BW by intrajugular infusion once
daily from 21 d before expected parturition until parturition. Adipose M202 Genetic analysis of type traits in the Holstein population of
tissue was collected on d −7 before expected parturition. After 14 d of Iran. M. R. Bakhtiarizadeh*, M. M. Shahr Babak, and A. Pakdel,
TZD administration, PPARγ expression was increased (P = 0.01) by Tehran University, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
24% (2.0 mg TZD/kg BW) and 10% (4.0 mg TZD/kg BW) over control
cows. Increased expression of PPARγ is a marker of improved energy The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for
status and is consistent with previous data from this study on improved 13 linear type traits, in Holstein population of Iran. Type traits records
insulin sensitivity, decreased plasma non-esterified fatty acids, and generated for first lactation Holstein dairy cows from 1991 to 2007
decreased liver triglycerides with TZD administration. Leptin expres- over 220 herds, 13 type traits were analyzed: stature (ST), body depth
sion was decreased (−34%) in cows administered the 2.0 mg dose, but (BD), rump width (RW), chest width (CW), udder depth (UD), fore
increased (+7%) in cows administered the 4.0 mg dose (P = 0.07); also udder attachment (FU), udder width (UW), udder height (UH), fore
corresponding with previous data. There were no significant changes in teat placement (FTP), rear teat placement (RTP), suspensory ligament
expression of LPL or FAS. It is likely that these results are confounded (SL), foot angle (FA) and rear leg, side view (RLS). For the analysis of
by changes in body condition scores and variation in time relative to type traits, herd, year and season of calving, age at Classification, age at
actual calving dates. However, these results offer additional evidence calving, effect of classifier and days in milk effects were included in the
that TZD treatment alters leptin expression. These data indicate that TZD model. The genetic parameters were estimated by ASREML software.
administration increases PPARγ expression in transition dairy cattle. Heritabilities ranged from 0.03 to 0.29. The largest value was for ST,
the smallest for FA. The largest positive correlations were between ST
82 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and CW (0.83), FTP and RTP (0.64), FU and UD (0.61). The largest spermatozoa during storage (~21°C) using a CASA system (IVOS,
negative correlations were between RLS and FA (−0.56), RLS and UD Hamilton Thorne, Beverly, MA). Diluted semen from several boars
(−0.48), RLS and SL (−0.46). The genetic parameters estimate for type was centrifuged and Nidacon products (Mölndal, Sweden) were used to
traits was consistent with other studies in different populations. The purify spermatozoa. Motile sperm were selected through a discontinuous
phenotypic correlations tended to be weaker than their corresponding percoll gradient, washed twice, counted and diluted with BoviExtend
genetic correlations although the signs of the correlations were generally to a final concentration of 75x106 sperm/ml. Samples were incubated
the same. ST, BD, RW and CW seem to be strongly genetically cor- for 60 min at 37°C with 0, 25, 50 or 100 ng/ml pRLX. Three μl of each
related in the positive direction. Larger cows (taller, deeper cows with treatment group were loaded into 4-chamber Leja slides for CASA
more rump width) tended to have stronger SL and more UH. Within the analysis. Experiments were conducted on 3 consecutive days using
udder traits, FTP, RTP and SL were positively genetically correlated. the same batch of semen. Four independent replicates were used and
The highest genetic correlation was between FU and UD. The highest pRLX effects assessed in triplicate for each treatment. All data were
negative genetic correlations were between UW and UH. Cows with analyzed using ANOVA-2 or −3. The threshold of significance was P
shallow udders possess tighter FU. Animals with genetically stronger, < 0.05. The ANOVA-3 analysis showed that pRLX and storage time
shallower udders with superior udder support tended to have more sick- affected the proportion of motile, progressive, and rapid spermatozoa
led rear legs. A strong negative genetic correlation existed between FA (P < 0.05). Similar effects were observed on the amplitude of lateral
and RLS indicating that cows with a steep FA tended to have straighter head displacement (ALH), straightness (STR) and linearity (LIN) (P
rear legs. The results from this study indicate that considerable genetic < 0.05). Using ANOVA-2, we found no significant effect of pRLX on
variation existed for some type traits within this sample in the Holstein proportion of motile cells on d 1 and d 3, but a significant increase on
population of Iran. d 2 (P < 0.05). The presence of 100 ng/ml pRLX increased the propor-
tion of progressive and rapid spermatozoa on all days, while the ALH
Key Words: genetic parameters, type traits, genetic correlation
was decreased on d 2 and d 3 (P < 0.05). There was no effect on beat
cross frequency (BCF) at all times (P > 0.05). Moreover, 100 ng/ml
M203 Effects of porcine relaxin on motility characteristics of boar pRLX significantly increased the STR on all days, while 50 and 100
sperm as assessed by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). J. C. ng/ml enhanced the LIN on d 2 and d 3 (P < 0.05). Overall, our study
Rodriguez-Munoz*, J. M. Feugang, M. Crenshaw, S. T. Willard, and P. indicates a beneficial effect of relaxin on motility of boar spermatozoa
L. Ryan, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State. during storage, in particular the proportion of progressive and rapid
spermatozoa. Relaxin positively affects STR, LIN, and ALH which are
Relaxin is a small peptide found in both female and male reproductive indices of rapid sperm movement.
tissue. Relaxin is detected in the seminal plasma of various mammals,
but its effect on sperm motility is still unclear. Here, we evaluated the Key Words: boar, sperm motility, relaxin
role of porcine relaxin (pRLX) on the motility characteristics of boar
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 83
Nonruminant Nutrition: Amino Acids
M204 Response surface model for broiler chickens performance fed Statements of significance are based on testing at P < 0.05. No differ-
diets varying in digestible protein and amino acids. H. Ahmadi and ences in breast weight or the number of days of enrichment between
A. Golian*, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan groups were determined. The 13C-lysine enrichment in breast muscle
Razavi, Iran. was not significantly higher than in control hens, however 15N-lysine
enrichment was higher in groups 1 and 2 compared with the control.
Response surface methodology (RSM) and 5-level-4-factor central
The 15N-lysine enrichment of the egg increased significantly by the
composite design (CCD) were used to evaluate the response of broil-
3rd egg (Group 2). The 13C-lysine enrichment of the egg did not differ
ers (BWG and FCR) to dietary digestible protein (dP), lysine (dLys),
from the control eggs. In summary, skeletal tissue appears to play an
methionine+cysteine (dTSAA), and threonine (dThr). Eighty 4 cages
increasingly important role in supplying amino acids for egg formation
of 5 birds each were assigned to feed diets contained 5 levels of dP (18,
during hen maturation.
19, 20, 21 and 22%), dLys (1.06, 1.12, 1.18, 1.24 and 1.30%), dTSAA
(0.81 to 0.86, 0.91, 0.96 and 1.01%), and dThr (0.66, 0.71, 0.76, 0.81 Key Words: broiler breeders, amino acids, nutrient partitioning
and 0.86%) from 11 to 17 d of age. Diets were prepared using corn,
soybean meal (45.2% CP), and corn gluten meal (48.6% CP). Protein
and amino acid analyses were performed for these ingredients. All diets M206 Varying levels of dietary methionine inclusion on the hematol-
were formulated to have 3050 kcal/kg. The experimental results of CCD ogy and serum biochemistry of broilers. G. O. Adeyemo* and A. D.
were fitted with the second-order polynomial equation. A ridge analysis Ologhobo, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.
was utilized to compute the optimum response for maximizing BWG The influences on hematology and serum biochemistry of graded
and minimizing FCR. The fitted second-order polynomial equations levels of methionine inclusion in the diets of broilers were researched.
for BWG and FCR are produced as follows: BWG (g/bird/d) = 1222.2 One hundred and fifty broiler chicks were divided into 5 treatments
−76.7 dP −2.4 dP2 −1468.0 dLys −260.0 dLys2 +675.2 dTSAA −522.0 consisting of 6 replicates of 5 chicks each. The chicks were kept in
dTSAA2+ 404.0 dThr −793.5 dThr2 +77.6 dP*dLys +41.6 dP*dTSAA floor pens. The study lasted for 56 d at the teaching and research farm
+51.5 dP*dThr +145.8 dLys*dTSAA +556.5 dLys*dThr −958.3 of the university of Ibadan Nigeria. No significant differences (P >
dTSAA*dThr; R 2 = 0.70; Root MS error = 4.97. FCR = −124.3 +12.8 0.05) were observed in the packed cell volumes (PCV), red blood cells
dP +0.2 dP2 +70.8 dLys +44.7 dLys2 −86.5 dTSAA +60.8 dTSAA2 (RBC) and white blood cells (WBC) values of broilers fed the different
−18.6 dThr +64.3 dThr2 −9.7 dP*dLys −4.5 dP*dTSAA −4.0 dP*dThr levels of methionine inclusion, at the finisher phase, but at starter phase
+34.3 dLys*dTSAA −24.8 dLys*dThr +34.3 dTSAA*dThr; R2 = 0.71; significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed, with the WBC values
Root MS error = 0.53. The ridge max analysis on BWG and ridge min increasing as the inclusion rate of methionine increased. Total protein
analysis on FCR models revealed that the maximum BWG may be value of 4.80 g/dl and 4.48 g/dl were obtained for treatments 4 and 5
obtained with dP 18.5%, dLys 1.10, dTSAA 0.89, and dThr 0.73 and respectively which were not significantly (P > 0.05) different from
minimum FCR may be obtained with dP 19.44%, dLys 1.18, dTSAA each other. There were wide variations in the glucose concentration of
0.90, and dThr 0.75. At the optimum point, the predicted BWG and FCR the birds. The highest glucose concentration was observed from birds
were 40.2 g/bird/d and 1.09, respectively. The combination of CCD and on diet 2 (220.90 g/dl) while the least was observed for birds fed the
RSM techniques consider simultaneously all investigating factors and control diet though significant differences (P < 0.05) were observed, it
their possible interactions. Thus, it appears that the platform may be did not follow a particular order.
used to describe relationship between dietary concentration of nutrients
and broiler performance to achieve optimal target. Key Words: broilers, methionine, serum biochemistry
84 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
500). Body weights by pen were obtained at 1 and 18 d of age with feed consumption determined during the test period. The ANOVA considered
levels of Lys and Met and their interaction. There was significant (P < 0.05) effect of the dietary Lys level on feed intake, body weight gain and
feed conversion ratio, with optimal level close to 1.2% of digestible Lys for both body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. There was no sig-
nificant (P < 0.05) effect of the added Met level on feed intake, body from d 12 to 14 and 19 to 21 and on d 22, ileal digesta were collected.
weight and feed conversion ratio, indicating that the Met level in the Regressions of CM-associated digestible AA intake against AA intake
basal diet of this study might be sufficient to support body weight and without or with phytase were used for determination of true ileal AA
feed conversion ratio. No significant interactions were observed between digestibility of CM. There was a significant phytase effect (P < 0.05)
Lys and Met for these 3 parameters. Results of this study suggest that for true ileal digestibility of all indispensable AA except for histidine.
the response to variation in Lys is a response to itself but not to Met in On d 15 and 22, there was a linear increase (P < 0.05) in N retention as
broiler starter diets. CM increased from 0 to 375 g/kg, whereas there was a linear decrease
(P < 0.05) in P retention, regardless of phytase addition. Weight gain
Key Words: broilers, lysine, methionine
(WG), feed intake, protein gain (PG), and protein intake (PI) linearly
increased (P < 0.01) with increasing CM level regardless of phytase
M208 Effect of crude protein and essential:nonessential amino acids supplementation and experimental period. There were phytase effects
ratio on nitrogen balance in broiler. C. C. Goulart1, F. G. P. Costa*1, (P < 0.05) on WG and protein efficiency ratio (PER) on d 15, whereas
E. T. Nogueira2, M. Kutschenko2, H. S. Rostagno3, C. F. S. Oliveira1, there were phytase effects (P < 0.05) on WG and PG on d 22.On d 15,
R. C. L. Neto1, and V. P. Rodrigues1, 1Federal University of Paraiba, there was a linear increase (P < 0.01) in net protein utilization (NPU) of
Areia, PB, Brazil, 2Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, the diets with phytase, whereas on d 22, there was a linear increase (P
3Federal University of Viçosa, MG, Brazil. < 0.05) in NPU regardless of phytase supplementation. In conclusion,
the result of this study indicated that phytase supplementation improves
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of crude protein (CP) and for the true ileal digestibility of indispensable AA and WG, whereas PER
essential amino acids:nonessential amino acids (EAA:NEAA) diet on was only improved on d 15 by addition of phytase.
nitrogen balance in broiler chickens from 18 to 21 d. A total of 480
Cobb broiler chicks, males, distributed in a completely randomized Key Words: phytase, true ileal digestibility, protein utilization
design with 4 treatments and 6 replicates of 20 birds. Was formulated
a diet with 18% CP supplemented with lysine, methionine, threonine,
M210 Separate response to lysine and methionine in broiler grower
arginine, valine, isoleucine, glycine and tryptophan, to meet the require-
diets. C. Lu*1, C. A. Coto1, A. Karimi2, J. H. Park1, Y. Min1, and P.
ments of amino acids (AA) digestible. After the formulation, there was
W. Waldroup1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2University of
the delivery of EAA in total AA (TAA). Added to the total amount of
Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran.
EAA was calculated and compared with the level of dietary protein,
considering this value as AAT. Were considered EAA: lysine, methionine A study was conducted to evaluate the separate response to Lysine (Lys)
+ cystine, threonine, arginine, valine, tryptophan, isoleucine, leucine, and to Methionine (Met) in diets on live performance of young broiler
phenylalanine, histidine and glycine. The other treatments were formed chickens during the grower period of 14–35 d. Corn and soybean meal
from glutamate supplementation to achieve levels of 19, 20 and 21% CP. were used to formulate basal diets to provide 0.80 to 1.30% digestible
Starch, oil and gravel were used in animal feed to make them isocaloric. Lys in increments of 0.10%. The mean of suggested amino acid ratios
Relations EAA:NEAA diets with 18, 19, 20 and 21% CP were 55:45, to Lys suggested by literature values was used in formulation according
52:48, 49:51 and 47:53, respectively. In the period of 18 to 21 d were to the ideal protein concept. All amino acids other than Met and TSAA
collecting excreta and feed intake was measured for the determination were calculated to meet or exceed the expected ratio to Lys. Experimen-
of consumption, excretion and retention of N. It was observed linear tal diets were prepared by addition of variable amounts of MHA (84%
increase in the consumption and excretion of N with increasing levels of Met) and cornstarch to the Lys basal diets to provide increments of
of dietary CP. No significant levels of CP level on N retention by the 0.03% up to 0.21% supplemental Met activity for each level of digest-
birds, however, the retention efficiency of N responded quadratically ible Lys. Two consecutive trials using the same experimental diets were
with increasing CP, being higher in the diet with 19% CP (y = −403.77 conducted with identical design. Each of the 48 test diets was fed to 2
+ 49.414x − 1.3025x2; r2 = 0.98). Diet with 19% CP and EAA:NEAA replicate pens of each trial at 14 d. Body weights by pen were obtained
ratio of 52:48 is recommended in diets for broilers from 8 to 21 d. at 14, 28 and 35 d of age with feed consumption determined during the
test period. During the period of 14 to 28 d, there were significant effects
Key Words: ideal protein, N excretion, N retention
of the dietary Lys and added Met levels on BWG and FCR, with optimal
digestible Lys level ≥0.90% for BWG and ≥ 1.30% for FCR. The optimal
M209 True ileal amino acid digestibility and protein utilization in level of added Met during this period is ≥0.09% (total Met ≥ 0.33) and
broilers fed various levels of canola meal and phytase. C. Kong* and ≥ 0.12% (total Met ≥ 0.43) for BWG and FCR, respectively. During the
O. Adeola, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. period of 28 to 35 d, there were significant effects of the dietary Lys and
added Met levels on BWG and FCR, with optimal digestible Lys level
A total of 384 broiler chicks were used in a 14-d trial to examine the ≥1.00% for BWG and ≥ 1.30% for FCR. The optimal level of added
effect of levels of canola meal (CM, 387.5 g/kg CP) and microbial Met during this period is ≥ 0.18% for both BWG (total Met ≥ 0.38) and
phytase on ileal amino acid (AA) digestibility and protein utilization FCR (total Met ≥ 0.49). No significant interactions between Lys and Met
of broilers. Experimental treatments consisted of 2 factors including were observed based on BWG and FCR during each of the 2 periods.
phytase at 2 levels (0 or 1500 FTU/kg) and CM at 3 levels (125, 250, or Results of this study suggest that the response to variation in Lys is a
375 g/kg). The birds received standard starter diet from d 1 to 7 and the response to itself but not to Met in broiler grower diets.
assay diet from d 8 to 22. On d 8, birds were allocated to 6 dietary treat-
ments in a randomized complete block design and excreta were collected Key Words: broilers, lysine, methionine
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 85
M211 Digestible arginine:lysine ratios for broilers during the starter M213 Performance of white commercial layers fed with different of
and finisher periods. A. Campos1, E. T. Nogueira2, L. F. Albino1, and H. threonine: lysine ratio. F. G. P. Costa*1, M. R. Lima1, E. T. Nogueira2,
S. Rostagno*1, 1Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2Aji- L. Sá2, J. H. V. Silva1, H. S. Rostagno3, C. C. Goulart1, R. B. Souza1, S.
nomoto of Brazil/Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. A. N. Morais1, and G. S. Lima1, 1Federal University of Paraiba, Areia,
PB, Brazil, 2Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, 3Federal
The ideal protein concept requires all amino acids to be present in exact
University of Viçosa, MG, Brazil.
levels to provide for maintenance and protein deposition. Arginine
(Arg) is an essential amino acid for poultry and also related to immune The reduction of the crude protein levels of the diets of the commercial
functions. Little information has been reported on digestible Argl:Lys layers causes damages to the productive performance, therefore it can
ratios for starter and finisher broilers. Two experiments were carried make with that other amino acids if become considerably with limits
out to evaluate digestible Arg:Lys ratios for male Cobb 500 broilers in of performance, as the threonine and the tryptophan, for example, thus
2 periods: 7 – 21 (starter) and 28 – 40 (finisher) days of age. A total of compelling a supplementation with industrial sources of these amino
1000 starter and 800 finisher broilers were distributed in a completely acids. On the basis of this, this study intended to evaluate the nutritional
randomized experimental design with 5 digestible Arg:Lys ratios and 8 requirements in digestible threonine for white layer in initial phase of
replicates of 25 and 20 birds per experimental unit (pen) in the starter and production, being used itself diets with different relations threonine
finisher period, respectively. Diets were formulated to meet or exceed digestible: digestible lysine on the basis of the parameters of productive
the nutritional requirements in both periods, except for digestible Lys performance of white commercial layers. A total of 288 chickens with
(1.08% and 0.98% for the starter and finisher periods, respectively). 29 weeks, distributed in delineation randomized, with 6 treatments, 6
Digestible Arg:Lys ratios of 95 (1,026% dig Arg), 100, 105, 110, and repetitions, with 8 birds for experimental unit. The diets had consisted
115% were used in the starter period, whereas ratios of 91 (0.892% dig of a basal diet, where the evaluated levels had been 0.446, 0.486,
Arg), 98, 105, 112, and 119% were used in the finisher period. Statistical 0.526, 0.565, 0.605 and 0.645% of digestible threonine, generating the
analysis using different models (quadratic, 95% of the quadratic peak, threonine digestible: digestible lysine ratios 56, 61, 66, 71, 76 and 81%.
broken line and quadratic and plateau) were applied to the performance With a quadratic behavior, the egg production improved until relation
data. In the starter period, weight gain and feed conversion presented 76%, in accordance with the regression (Ŷ = −0.0112x2 + 1.6896x +
a quadratic response (P < 0.05) to Arg:Lys ratios, as described by the 30.352; r2 = 95), the maximum point, that is, the best digestible threo-
equations Y = −1530.57 + 39.174 Arg − 0.1742 Arg2 (R2 = 0.96) and Y nine: digestible lysine was 75.43%. For the egg weight (EW), egg mass
= 5.047 − 0.0649 Arg + 0.00029 Arg2 (R2 = 0.98), respectively. In the (EM) and egg mass conversion (EMC), the behavior was similar to the
finisher period, there was a quadratic effect (P < 0.05) on weight gain (Y one of the egg production, where its regressions (EW: Ŷ = −0.006x2 +
= −926.96 + 38.09 Arg − 0.172 Arg2; R2 = 0.94) and feed conversion (Y 0.8728x + 33.256; r2 = 86; EM: Ŷ = −0.0149x2 + 2.1964x – 19.562; r2
= 4.323 − 0.0468 Arg + 0.000205 Arg2; R2 = 0.95). These results suggest = 80; EMC: Ŷ = 0.0005x2 – 0.0728x + 4.5332; r2 = 96), had esteem the
that a dietary Arg:Lys ratio of 108% is adequate for optimal performance best relations in 72.73, 73.70 and 72.80%, respectively. These results
of broiler chickens during the starter and finisher periods. corroborate with research that evidences the importance of the threonine
in the metabolism of the chickens and that its daily necessities of this
Key Words: arginine, lysine, performance
amino acid had grown with passing of the years and this, conclude that
the excellent digestible threonine: digestible lysine ratio for white com-
M212 Effect of a mono component protease on true amino acid digest- mercial layers in initial phase of production is of 75%.
ibility of a corn and soybean meal diet for chicks. R. K. G. Messias1, Key Words: amino acid, ideal protein, performance
L. F. T. Albino1, J. O. B. Sorbara2, and H. S. Rostagno*1, 1Universidade
Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2DSM Nutritional Products, São
Paulo, SP, Brazil. M214 Digestible valine:lysine and isoleucine:lysine ratios for brown
egg laying hens. G. Lelis1, E. T. Nogueira2, L. F. Albino1, and H. Ros-
Today the utilization of feed additives that improve performance and
tagno*1, 1Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2Ajinomoto
reduce the impact of pollution generated by intensive broiler chicken
of Brazil/ Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
production is a concern of every poultry nutritionist. A digestibility trial
was conducted to determine the effect of a mono component protease on When formulating minimum cost diets for laying hens it is essential
true ileal amino acid digestibility (TAAD) of a corn and soybean meal to supply enough valine (Val) and isoleucine (Iso) to allow the hens
diet. The trial was conducted with 168 male chickens placed on 28 wire to express their maximum genetic potential. Val or Iso deficiency may
cages from 12 to 22 d of age, in a complete randomized experimental decrease the efficiency of the utilization of methionine + cystine and
design with 4 treatments (a corn soy diet and a protein free diet with and lysine (Lys), which are the first and second limiting amino acids in layer
without protease supplementation) with 6 replicates of 7 birds each. The diets. Two experiments were carried out simultaneously to evaluate
mono component protease used was RONOZYME ProAct with 75000 3 digestible Val:Lys and Iso:Lys ratios for brown egg laying hens. In
Prot Units/g product (dose of 200 ppm). Acid insoluble ash (Celite) each trial a total of 180 Dekalb Brown layers (25– to 37–wk–old) were
was added to all diets as inert marker. Feed and water were provided evaluated during 3 periods of 28 d with 3 treatments and 10 replicates
ad libitum. At 22 d of age all birds were sacrificed and ileum content of 6 birds per experimental unit. The following digestible Val:Lys ratios
collected. Digesta samples were freeze-dried at −40°C for 72 h. The were tested: 84 (0.554% dig Val), 90 and 96%. The Iso:Lys ratios evalu-
protease improved (P < 0.05) TAAD by 4%, 2%, 6%, 11%, 11%, 10%, ated were 67 (0.442%), 75 and 83%. To prevent excess, digestible Lys
6%, 6%, 1%. 5%, 17%, 9%, 6%, 6% and 9% for Lys, Met, M+C, Thr, level (0,660%) was calculated to supply 93% of the Brazilian Tables
Val, His, Arg, Ile, Phe, Gly+Ser, Asp, Glu, Ala, Pro and Tyr, respectively. (Rostagno et al., 2005) recommendation. A positive control treatment
The essential TAAD of the corn soybean basal diet was increased on (60 layers; 0.706% dig Lys; 0.633% dig Val and 0.548% dig Iso) was
average 6% by the enzyme supplementation. included to show that Lys was the second limiting amino acid in both
experiments. Layers fed the positive control diet presented the best
Key Words: enzyme, broiler, digestibility
performance when compared with those fed the Val:Lys and Iso:Lys
diets. During the period of 25 to 37 weeks, there was a linear response
86 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
to the dietary Val:Lys ratios as to egg production (P < 0.002) (%/bird/ formulated. Chromic oxide was included in all diets as an indigestible
day Y = 31.445 + 62.135 Val; R2 = 0.99) and egg mass (P < 0.001) (g marker. All pigs were fed each diet for 7 d and ileal digesta were col-
egg/bird/day Y = 12.056 + 41.562 Val, R2 = 0.93). Laying hens fed lected during the last 2 d of each period. Samples were lyophilized and
diets containing different Iso:Lys ratios presented quadratic response analyzed for CP and AA and the SID of all AA were calculated according
(P < 0,05) for the following parameters: egg production (%/bird/day) to standardized procedures (Table 1). It is concluded that the SID of
and egg mass (g egg/bird/day). Based on the evaluated parameters, the all AA in corn gluten meal is similar to that in soybean meal, but high
digestible Val:Lys and Iso:Lys ratios recommended for brown egg laying protein distillers dried grains have SID values for AA that are less than
hens are 96% and 79%, respectively. in both corn and soybean meal.
Key Words: valine, isoleucine, brown egg hens
Table 1. Standardized ileal digestibility of AA in corn, soybean meal,
corn gluten meal, high protein distillers dried grains, and field peas
M215 Influence of diet formulation technique on requirements of
High protein
sulfur amino acids and lysine to brown egg laying hens. J. H. V. Da
Soybean Corn gluten distillers dried
Silva*1,2, P. B. Lacerda1, D. V. Gonçalves Vieira2, C. T. Silva2, J. J.
Corn meal meal grains Field peas
Filho1, M. L. G. Ribeiro1, J. M. B. De Souza1, J. A. De Araújo1, E. L.
Ile 81.6b 87.0ab 88.2a 72.0c 82.2b
Da Silva1, and F. G. Perazzo Costa2, 1CCHSA-Universidade Federal da
Lys 75.9b 86.6a 84.5ab 56.0c 85.1a
Paraíba, Bananeiras, Paraíba, Brazil, 2CCA-Universidade Federal da
Met 86.4a 88.2a 90.4a 80.9b 79.7b
Paraíba, Areia, Paraíba, Brazil. b ab a c
Thr 75.7 83.7 86.5 64.9 79.0ab
Trp 85.0 ab 88.1 a 88.9 a 75.6 c 78.9bc
Three trials were carried out to evaluate the influence of 2 techniques of
diet formulation on the requirements of amino acids and the relationship Val 81.4b 86.3ab 88.0a 70.8c 81.2b
Met+Cys: Lys utilizing brown egg laying hens as biologic model. The
abcMeans lacking common superscript in same row are different (P <
first technique consisted of simultaneous supplementation of a refer-
ence diet (RD) deficient in Met+Cys and Lys with industrials sources 0.05).
of these amino acids, maintaining a constant relationship between these Key Words: corn co-products, pigs, standardized ileal amino acid
amino acids in 0,85 and the second technique consisted of RD deficient digestibility
in one amino acid. Each trial was developed in a completely random-
ized design and involved 180 birds with 18 weeks of age and initial
live weight of 1.64 kg. In trial one a RD deficient in Met+Cys and Lys M217 Pyrolic infusion of arginine increases portal vein blood flow in
was supplemented to provide levels of these amino acids of 0.55 and growing pigs. S. W. Kim*1, M. I. Perret-Gentil2, M. W. Hart3, and R.
0.64%; 0.62 and 0.72%; 0.69 and 0.81%; 0.76 and 0.88%; and 0.83 and D. Mateo4, 1North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2The University
0.96%. In trial 2 the RD deficient only in Met+Cys was supplemented of Texas at San Antonio, 3Georgia State University, Atlanta, 4Texas Tech
to provide 0.55; 0.62; 0.69; 0.76 and 0.83% Met+Cys, and in trial 3, the University, Lubbock.
RD deficient only in Lys was supplemented to provide 0.64; 0.68; 0.72;
This study was conducted to test if dietary arginine would affect portal
0.76; 0.80; 0.84 and 0.88 of Lys. All trials were divided into 6 periods
vein blood flow (PVBF) in growing pigs. Two pigs (26.3 ± 0.6 kg BW),
of 28 d. In trial one the requirements of Met+Cys were 0.67% and Lys
surgically fitted with catheters into the carotid artery (CA), portal vein
0.79%. In trial 2 the requirement of Met+Cys was 0.65% and in trial 3
(PV), mesenteric vein (MV), and pyloric region of the stomach (PL),
Lys was 0.76%. According the results Met+Cys and Lys requirements
were allotted to 2 × 2 Latin square design with 2 treatments: Injection
increased when the relationships between amino acids was maintained
of arginine-HCl (ARG); and injection of L-alanine (CON) through the
at 0.85. However, the relationship Met+Cys: Lys remained unchanged
PL catheter and with 2 periods (72-h intervals). Alanine was used as
considering the estimates values from trials 2 and 3. These results sug-
a non-specific nitrogen source in CON matching the contribution of
gest that the technique of formulating diets influences the amino acid
nitrogen from arginine in ARG. Each period was composed of 48-h
requirements of birds but not the Met+Cys: Lys relationship.
feeding (0.09 kg x BW0.75), 19.5-h fasting, and 4.5-h infusion. A corn-
Key Words: egg production, experimental method, nutritional inter- soybean meal based diet with 18.2% CP and 3.35 Mcal ME/kg but
relation without supplemental arginine was fed to pigs for 48 h before fasting.
Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) was infused (3.2 mg/min) into MV for
a 4.5 h period. l-arginine-HCl (19 g) and L-alanine (32 g) was mixed
M216 Amino acid digestibility in corn, soybean meal, field peas, and with 100 mL distilled water and injected into the lumen of PL catheter
corn co-products fed to weanling pigs. G. I. Petersen* and H. H. Stein, 60 min after beginning the PAH infusion period. Blood samples (3
University of Illinois, Urbana. mL) were collected simultaneously from CA and PV catheters at −60,
Several alternative feedstuffs are available for use in weanling pig diets, −30, 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 210 min relative to injection
but the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA in most ingredients to measure PAH concentration in the plasma. The PVBF rate (L/min)
have not been measured in weanling pigs. The objective of the present was calculated by PAH infusion rate (mg/min) / ([PAH]PV–[PAH]CA)
experiment, therefore, was to measure the SID of AA in corn, soybean (mg/L). Blood flow before the injection was averaged 1.85 ± 0.23 L/
meal, corn gluten meal, high protein distillers dried grains, and field min. After injection, average increase in PVBF of ARG (1.66) tended to
peas fed to weanling pigs. Twelve weanling barrows (initial BW: be greater (P = 0.09) than PVBF of CON (−0.14) during the entire 210
10.3 ± 0.9 kg) were prepared with a cannula in the distal ileum and min. Increase in PVBF of ARG was greater (P < 0.05) than PVBF of
randomly allotted to a replicated 6 × 6 Latin square design with 6 diets CON at 60 (6.05 vs. −0.20) and 90 (3.40 vs. −0.77) min after the injec-
and 6 periods in each square. Five diets were formulated using corn, tion. Increase in PVBF occurred (P < 0.05) at 60 min and maintained
soybean meal, corn gluten meal, high protein distillers dried grains, or until 90 min after injection of arginine whereas injection of alanine did
field peas as the sole source of protein and AA. An N-free diet that was not increase PVBF during the 210 min period. This study suggests that
used to calculate basal endogenous losses of AA and protein was also
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 87
one time dose of arginine can have a short-term increase in PVBF in weight and yield of carcass and main lean cuts but fat thickness at the
growing pigs. GM muscle tended to increase (P < 0.10). Meat characteristics were
not affected by dietary treatment but saturated fatty acids tended (P <
Key Words: arginine, blood flow, pigs
0.10) to increase and monounsaturated fatty acids tended (P < 0.10)
to reduce as lysine content reduced. It is concluded that any effect of
M218 Apparent and standardized ileal digestibilities of amino acids dietary treatment was independent of gender. The effect of reducing
for pigs fed corn-soybean meal-based diets at varying crude protein total lysine content provided during the finishing diet on carcass, meat
levels. H. Zhai* and L. Adeola, Purdue University, West Lafayette, and fat quality of pigs were scarce. However, a decrease of lysine levels
IN. from 0.70 to 0.60% could be interesting in the case of pigs intended for
dry-cured products when a minimum carcass fat thickness is a criterion
A study was conducted to determine the effect of CP level on apparent to choose the carcasses.
(AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA. Six pigs (initial
BW 47.1 ± 0.97 kg) fitted with T-cannula at distal ileum were fed 6 diets Key Words: lysine, carcass and meat quality, pigs
for 6 periods in a 6 × 6 Latin square design. The 6 diets consisted of a
nitrogen-free diet and 5 corn-soybean meal-based diets that contained 5
M220 Comparison of amino acid digestibility of corn, corn distillers
CP levels at 6.8, 10.5, 14.1, 17.7, and 21.4%. Each period consisted of
dried grains with solubles (DDGS), meat and bone meal (MBM), and
a 5 d of adjustment period and 2 of ileal digesta collection for 10 h on
poultry-by-product meal (PBPM) determined with the precision-fed
each of d 6 and d 7. The ratio of corn:soybean meal was fixed at 3 to 2 by
cecectomized rooster assay and the standardized ileal amino acid digest-
weight and cornstarch was added to dilute the CP concentration. Chro-
ibility chick assay. E. J. Kim*1, P. L. Utterback1, T. J. Applegate2, and
mic oxide was included at 0.5% as an indigestible marker. The results
C. M. Parsons1, 1University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana,
showed basal endogenous loss ranged from 65 mg/kg DMI for Met to 2Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
3,104 mg/kg DMI for Pro. Proline and Gly (1,053 mg/kg DMI) were
the 2 most abundant endogenous AA in endogenous flow and together The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the standardized
accounted for approximately 43% of the total endogenous AA flow. The amino acid digestibility (SAAD) of several feedstuffs using 2 commonly
AID were 80.9 to 84.7%, 85.1 to 87.4%, 72.9 to 79.5%, and 86.5 to accepted methods; the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay (PFR)
87.9% for Lys, Met, Thr, and Trp individually with corresponding SID and the standardized ileal amino acid chick assay (SID). To carry out
being 86.6 to 88.6%, 87.5 to 90.3%, 82.7 to 86.8%, and 90.2 to 93.6% these objectives, 17 different feedstuffs were obtained. These samples
as dietary CP increased from 6.8 to 21.4%. There were linear increases included 6 corn, 6 corn distillers dried grains with or without solubles
in AID of N, Arg, Ile,Val, Thr, Gly and Tyr (P < 0.05) as CP increased (DDGS/DDG), 2 meat and bone meal (MBM) and a poultry-by-product
and linear decreases in SID of Leu, Trp, Asp, Cys, and Glu (P < 0.05). meal. The SAAD varied among the feed ingredients and among samples
Both linear and quadratic effects were observed in AID and SID for Pro of the same ingredient. For corn, there were generally no differences in
(P < 0.05). In conclusion, the protein levels in corn-soybean meal diets SAAD between the 2 bio-assay methods. When differences did occur,
evaluated in the current study affected SID of the indispensable AA Leu, there was no consistent pattern among the individual amino acids due to
Phe, and Thr and the dispensable AA Gly, Pro, and Tyr. bio-assay methods. The SAAD was not different between the 2 methods
for the 4 DDGS samples; however, the PFR did yield greater SAAD for
Key Words: amino acid, apparent ileal digestibility, standardized ileal
a high protein DDG and a conventionally processed DDGS. The PFR
yielded greater SAAD values than the SID for several amino acids in
one MBM and the poultry-by-product meal, but it yielded lower SAAD
M219 Influence of total lysine level provided during the finishing values for the other MBM. Overall, there were no consistent differences
period on carcass, meat and fat characteristics of heavy barrows and between methods for SAAD values.
gilts. M. A. Latorre*1, J. A. Rodríguez-Sánchez2, M. Blanco2, M. A. Key Words: amino acid digestibility methods, roosters, chicks
Sanz2, and M. Joy2, 1Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain, 2CITA de Aragón,
Zaragoza, Spain.
M221 Feeding a diet containing specific excess amino acids mini-
A total of 120 Duroc × (Landrace × Large White) pigs were used to
mizes the reduction in performance and carcass traits associated with
study the influence of gender and lysine content during the finishing
an inflammatory response. A. Diaz1, M. Raymond1, R. Angel2, and
period on carcass, meat and fat characteristics. The experimental diets
B. D. Humphrey*1, 1California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
were based on corn, barley, wheat, and soybean meal diets, contained
Obispo, 2University of Maryland, College Park.
2,280 Kcal NE/kg and 13.5% CP and were provided from 100 to 130
kg BW. There were 6 treatments with 2 genders (barrows and gilts) The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of feeding
and 3 total lysine levels (0.70, 0.65 and 0.60%). Each treatment was specific amino acids in excess of their growth requirement on perfor-
replicated 4 times and the experimental unit was the pen constituted mance and carcass traits during an inflammatory response. Male Cobb
by 5 pigs allocated together. No significant interaction between gender 500 hatchlings were raised in pens (n = 15 chicks/pen) for 14 d and were
and dietary treatment was detected. Carcasses from barrows had similar fed a diet that met NRC requirements. On d 14, birds were fed 1 of 2
(P > 0.05) carcass yield but were (P < 0.001) heavier and fatter at the diets (n = 20/diet) that contained either adequate (A) or excess (E) amino
level of gluteus medius muscle (GM) than carcasses from gilts. The total acid levels. A and E diets were similar, except the E diet contained excess
weight of trimmed lean cuts (shoulder+ham+loin+sirloin) were heavier Phe (+0.43%), Trp (+0.14%), Thr (+0.30%) and Arg (+0.35%). On d 21
(P < 0.01) in barrows than in gilts but the yield was similar (P > 0.05). (0 h), half of the pens per dietary treatment (n = 10) were not injected
Meat from barrows had higher (P < 0.05) intramuscular fat content but or injected with 1 mg/kg BW of E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). At
lower (P < 0.05) protein content than meat from gilts. Subcutaneous 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 h pen and
fat from barrows had higher (P < 0.05) content in saturated fatty acids feeder weights were measured and one bird per pen was sampled for
and lower (P < 0.01) in unsaturated fatty acids than that from gilts. The determination of organ and carcass traits. LPS-injected chicks fed the E
reduction in total lysine content in diet did not modify (P > 0.05) the diet consumed 6.3% more feed from 0 to 168 h compared with chicks fed
88 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
the A diet (P < 0.05). LPS-injected chicks fed the E diet had 28% higher (VAL) and metabolizable energy (ME) levels of diet on nitrogen (N)
gain from 0 to 168 h compared with LPS-injected chicks fed the A diet intake, retention and apparent excretion in broilers from 1 to 42 d. Seven
(P < 0.05). LPS-injected chicks fed the E diet had lower feed conversion hundred and 20 male broiler chicks were distributed in completely ran-
from 0 to 164 h compared with A chicks (P < 0.05). LPS-injected chicks domized design, in factorial scheme 2 × 3 (without or with VAL × 3 ME
fed the E diet had 7.4% higher body weights at 168 h compared with levels). To the treatments 1, 2 and 3, only L-lysine, DL-methionine and
LPS-injected chicks fed the A diet (P < 0.05). Relative visceral weight L-threonine were added, which allowed CP to attend digestible amino
was 12.2% higher in LPS-injected chicks fed the E diet compared with acids ratio, and the ME varied −50, 0 and +50 kcal/kg, respectively,
LPS-injected chicks fed the A diet (P < 0.05). At 168 h, absolute and according to the requirements for each stage of creation. In treatments
relative pectoralis weight were higher in LPS-injected chicks fed the E 4, 5 and 6 was also added VAL, resulting in a CP reduction, and ME was
diet compared with LPS-injected chicks fed the A diet (P < 0.05). These similar to that in the previous treatments. N retention was determined
data indicate that feeding specific amino acids in excess of the growth by the difference in body N content of the birds at 42 d (2 birds per pen,
requirement may help to mitigate the reductions in performance and ground whole, with feathers) and an additional group with 15 chicks 1
carcass traits associated with an inflammatory response. d old, used to determine the initial N content. The apparent N excretion
was determined by the difference between N intake (N content of diet
Key Words: amino acid, inflammation, pectoralis
x feed intake) and N retention. The N retention was always higher in
birds fed diet with VAL (79.6 vs 75.2 g/bird). Assessing the levels of
M222 Amino acid digestibility of various feedstuffs of plant and ME within each diet, it was found that for birds fed diets without VAL,
animal origin using three different methods. E. J. Kim*, C. M. Jacobs, the diet with −50 kcal/kg reduced N retention. However, when the VAL
P. L. Utterback, and C. M. Parsons, University of Illinois at Urbana- was used the greater N retention was observed with the highest ME
Champaign, Urbana. level. The apparent N excretion was lower with the diet with VAL, for
any ME levels evaluated (46.3 vs. 56.7 g/bird). For the VAL-free diet,
The objective of this study was to determine and compare amino acid the lowest N excretion was observed at the intermediate ME level and
(AA) digestibility of 3 distillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS), a for the diet with VAL, the lowest N excretion was observed with the
corn gluten meal (CGM), canola meal, and a fish meal samples using the diet with +50 kcal. It is concluded that the use of VAL and increase of
precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay (PFR), the standardized ileal 50 kcal of ME/kg in diet improves N retention and reduces N excretion
assay (SID), and a newly developed precision-fed chick assay (PFC). to the environment.
For the PFR, after a 24 h feed withdrawal period, cecectomized roosters
were precision-fed approximately 30 g of feed sample and excreta were Key Words: amino acids, body protein, ideal protein
collected for 48 h post-feeding. For the SID, 16 d-old broiler chicks
were fed a semi-purified diet containing the feed samples from 17 to
M224 Effect of the use of L-valine and metabolizable energy levels
21 d, with ileal digesta collected at 21 d. For the PFC, after a period
of diet on body composition of broilers. F. G. P. Costa*1, C. C. Gou-
overnight feed withdrawal, 22 d-old chicks were precision-fed 10 g of
lart1, E. T. Nogueira2, M. Kutschenko2, J. H. V. Silva1, V. P. Rodrigues1,
sample mixed with chromic oxide and ileal digesta were collected at
and R. C. L. Neto1, 1Federal University of Paraiba, Areia, PB, Brazil,
4 h post-feeding. Digestibility coefficients were standardized using a 2Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.
nitrogen-free diet (NFD) for the SID and PFC and using fasted roosters
for the PFR. When 3 DDGS samples were evaluated, the PFR produced The experiment was conducted at the Agrarian Sciences Center of UFPB,
higher digestibilities than the PFC for all 3 DDGS samples for most Brazil. The aim was to evaluate the effect of the use of L-valine (VAL)
of the amino acids. When comparing the PFR and the SID, the PFR and metabolizable energy (ME) levels of diet on body composition of
yielded higher values than the SID for one DDGS, whereas there was broilers at 42 d old. Seven hundred and 20 male broiler chicks were
no significant difference between the 2 methods for the other 2 DDGS distributed in completely randomized design, in factorial scheme 2 ×
samples. For the CGM, the PFR yielded significantly higher amino 3 (without or with VAL × 3 ME levels). To the treatments 1, 2 and 3,
acid digestibilities than the SID and PFC for the majority of the amino only L-Lysine, DL-Methionine and L-Threonine were added, which
acids. For canola meal, the PFR generally yielded greater amino acid allowed CP to attend digestible amino acids ratio, and the ME varied
digestibilities than the PFC with the SID yielding intermediary values. −50, 0 and +50 kcal/kg, respectively, according to the requirements for
Differences did occur among methods for amino acid digestibility in fish each stage of creation. In treatments 4, 5 and 6 was also added VAL,
meal; however, these differences were not consistent among methods or resulting in a CP reduction, and ME was similar to that in the previous
amino acids. The results of this study indicated there were differences treatments. At 42 d 2 birds per pen were selected, killed by cervical
among standardized amino acid digestibility values for the PFR, SID, dislocation after fasting for 24 h and ground whole (with feathers) to
and PFC in some instances but that the differences were not consistent body composition analysis. There was an interaction between the use
among methods. of VAL and ME levels for percentages of protein (%CP), fat (%EE) and
water body, while the percentage of ash was not influenced by treat-
Key Words: amino acid digestibility methods, ileal digestibility, roost-
ments (expressed in % as-fed). In diets without VAL the largest body
ers and chicks
%CP (17.1%) was found with the intermediate ME level and lower
%CP (15.9%) with the lowest ME level. At the lowest ME level the
M223 Effect of the use of L-valine and metabolizable energy levels of body %CP was higher in birds fed diets with VAL in relation to those
diet on nitrogen intake, retention and apparent excretion in broilers. F. fed diets without VAL (17.5 vs. 15.9%), with no differences between
G. P. Costa*1, C. C. Goulart1, E. T. Nogueira2, M. Kutschenko2, J. H. V. the higher ME levels. This shows that in birds fed diets with VAL, the
Silva1, V. P. Rodrigues1, G. B. V. Lobato1, and R. C. L. Neto1, 1Federal lowest level of CP and consequent reduction of excess amino acids to
University of Paraiba, Areia, PB, Brazil, 2Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition, be excreted, resulting in less need of ME that diets without VAL. At
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. the intermediate ME level, body %EE was higher when using a diet
with VAL (12.8 vs. 10.3%). Using diets without VAL the lowest %EE
The experiment was conducted at the Agrarian Sciences Center of (10.3%) was observed in intermediate ME level. It is concluded that
UFPB, Brazil. The aim was to evaluate the effect of the use of L-valine
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 89
VAL can be used in diets with a reduction of 50 kcal in ME without differ among treatments. Hot carcass weights of birds in A (1.89 kg), G
harming the body composition of broiler chickens. (1.75 kg), and T (1.88 kg) were greater (P < 0.05) than birds in C (1.56
kg). Cold carcass weights of birds in A (1.97 kg) and T (1.98 kg) were
Key Words: body fat, body protein, ideal protein
greater (P < 0.05) than birds in C (1.64 kg). Weights of breast meat and
thigh meat of birds in A (451 and 296 g, respectively), G (427 and 267
M225 Different protein and conjugated linolenic acid levels on broilers g), and T (451 and 277 g) were greater (P < 0.05) than birds in C (361
diets. T. Previero1, C. J. C. Castillo2, N. B. Petroli1, R. Albuquerque3, and 263 g). The pH of breast meat of birds in T (6.43) was higher (P <
C. S. S. Araujo*4, and L. F. Araujo1, 1Universtiy of Sao Paulo, Piras- 0.05) than birds in C (5.94), G (6.02), and T (5.97). Collectively, dietary
sununga, SP, Brazil, 2University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, supplementation of L-Arg, L-Trp, and L-Gln at 0.5% improves growth
3University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, 4Poultry Nutritionist, and carcass gain of birds when fed for 6 wk period.
Pirassununga, SP, Brazil. Key Words: amino acids, broilers, growth
The objective of this research was to study the effects of the conjugated
linoleic acid, known as CLA, associated with reduction of crude protein
M227 Dietary supplementation of L-glutamine and L-glutamate or
(CP) level in broiler diets. An experiment was conducted from 21 to 41 d,
sodium butyrate during early growth of female broilers. Y. Avel-
using 1440 male broilers Ross, with the same weight initial, which were
laneda*1, J. Hernandez1, C. Ariza-Nieto2, and G. Afanador1,2, 1Uni-
allocated according to a completely randomized design, with factorial
versidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, 2CORPOICA,
model 3x3, corresponding in 3 CLA inclusions levels (0%, 0,5% and
Bogota, Colombia.
1,0%) and 3 CP levels (19%,17%,15%). Data were statistically evaluated
by GLM. Weight gain reduction and increased feed conversion were only This study determined the effects of dietary supplementation of a com-
related to decrease of CP level. Carcass and breast meat yields decreased mercial mixture of L-glutamine and L-glutamate (GlnGlu) and sodium
due to the reduction of CP addition in diets (P < 0.05). The interaction butyrate (SB) for female broiler on nutrients digestibility, intestinal
between CLA and CP factors modified liver size, and both elevated the morphometry and performance. Three hundred twenty-five 1-d COBB
abdominal fat (P < 0.05). In relation to parameters analyzed in breast females broiler were randomly allocated to one of the 5 treatments: 0,
samples, the pH elevated proportionally to CP inclusion, the redness 0.5, 1.0, 1.5% of GlnGlu and 0.07% of BS. In every treatment there
and yellowness were modified by CP or CLA addition and interaction were 5 replicate pens. Body weight and feed intake were record at 1, 8,
of both were detected to luminosity parameter (P < 0.05). About fatty 15 and 25 d of age. Three broilers from each treatment were randomly
acid composition, the addition of CP only elevated the stearic acid and selected and sacrificed on d 8, 15 and 25 d. Intestinal tissues were col-
CLA inclusion improved the saturated fatty acid levels and reduced lected at the middle part of duodenum, jejunum and ileum to measure
the monounsaturated fatty acid levels (P < 0.05). An improvement on crypt depth, villus height and width. During a 4-d balance period
incorporation of CLA isomers was verified due to more inclusion of (21–24 d), the chicken received a diet with 0.5% chromium oxide and
this product in 19% or 17% CP diets (P < 0.05). In the case of 15% CP excreta were collected twice a day. Protein digestibility and apparent
diets, the incorporation of CLA isomers had a maxim limit. Reduction metabolize energy (AME) value were calculated. Data were analyzed
on CP can affect negatively and CLA can improve carcass parameters as a completely randomized design. Dietary protein digestibility was
and carcass quality, respectively. higher (P < 0.05) in birds fed 1.5% of GlnGlu (64.2%) compared with
control group (58.3%). AME was 3170 Kcal/Kg and 3161 Kcal/Kg for
Acknowledgment: FAPESP (Financial Support: 2006/05128–1).
broilers fed with 1.0 and 1.5% Gln+Glu, respectively. These values
Key Words: carcass quality, fatty acids, performance were higher compared with the control group (2979 Kcal/Kg, P < 0.05).
Digestibility of organic matter was directly related to EMA values. At d
25, broilers fed 1.5% of GlnGlu showed a villi of the duodenum larger
M226 Effect of dietary arginine, glutamine, and tryptophan on growth compared with the control group (1347 vs 1080 um) and supplemented
performance, gut morphology, and meat quality of broilers. S. J. Park*1, with GlnGlu (1127 and 1116 um, 0.5 and 1.0% of GlnGlu, respectively)
C. Z. Alvarado1, and S. W. Kim2, 1Texas Tech University, Lubbock, (P < 0.05). Female broilers fed 1.5% of GlnGlu showed a higher body
2North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
weight gain compared with both control and BS groups (36, 34.0 g
This study was conducted to evaluate the supplemental effects of Arg, and 32.3 g/d, respectively). BS group presented the lowest feed intake
Gln, and Trp on growth performance, gut morphology, metabolic (42.4 g/d) compared with the other treatments (49.7 g/d, on average)
response, and meat quality of broilers. Newly hatched birds were allotted (P < 0.05). Feed conversion ratio of BS and 1.5% GlnGlu groups were
to 4 dietary treatments (6 replicates per treatment and 6 birds per cage): significantly lower compared with the control and 0.5% GlnGlu (P <
C (Control); A (a diet with 0.5% L-Arg); G (a diet with 0.5% L-Gln); 0.05). It can be concluded that the supplementation with biomolecules
and T (a diet with 0.5% L-Trp). Corn and soybean meals were the major as L-glutamine and L-glutamate showed positive effects on female
ingredients in the diets. All diets were isonitrogenous using L-Ala and broiler performance.
isocaloric using corn oil. Birds were fed the diets for 6 wk based on a 3 Key Words: L-glutamine, L-glutamate, sodium butyrate, female
phase feeding program (2 wk each). Body weight and feed intake were broiler
measured at the end of each phase. On d 11, 2 birds from each pen were
killed to measure gut morphology and serum immunoglobulins (Ig).
At 6 wk of age, 2 birds from each pen were killed to measure carcass M228 Evaluation of the fixed crude protein conversion factor (6.25)
characteristics. On d 11, serum IgA and IgG were not different among versus ingredient-specific conversion factors. N. Sriperm*1, G. M.
treatments. Heights of villus in jejunum of birds in C (65.9 μm), A (69.8 Pesti1, and P. B. Tillman2, 1University of Georgia, Athens, 2Ajinomoto
μm), and G (64.4 μm) were greater (P < 0.05) than birds in T (59.3 μm). Heartland LLC, Chicago, IL.
Depths of crypts did not differ among treatments. At the end of wk 6,
This study examines the validity of the historical nitrogen to crude
birds in A (2.55 kg), G (2.40 kg), and T (2.53 kg) were heavier (P <
protein conversion factor of 6.25 based upon assay values of commonly
0.05) than birds in C (2.14 kg). Feed intake and feed:gain ratio did not
used feed ingredients, analyzed during 2009. A calculated protein level
90 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
for an ingredient should provide an indication of the amino acid content M230 Tryptophan, niacin and insulin metabolism in weaned pigs? J.
of that ingredient. Since laboratory methods for determining nitrogen J. Matte*1, Y. Primot2, and N. LeFloc’h3, 1Agriculture & Agri-Food
content report both nitrogen from ammonia (NH3) and from non-amino Canada, Dairy & Swine R & D Centre, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada,
acid sources (nucleic acids, etc.), the determined crude protein value 2Ajinomoto-Eurolysine SAS, Paris, France, 3Institut National de la
is typically over-estimated, relative to the nitrogen strictly from amino Recherche Agronomique (INRA), UMR-SENAH, St-Gilles, France.
acids, the true protein. Amino acid values were collected from the Ajino-
The present experiment aimed to better define the role of an active
moto Heartland LLC laboratory analysis database. Ingredients evaluated
metabolite of tryptophan (Try) oxidation, niacin (vitamin B3), on post-
included ground corn, soybean meal (dehulled, solvent extracted), corn
meal insulin response in weanling piglets. A group of 24 weaned piglets
distillers dried grains with solubles, poultry by-product meal and meat
were distributed, at 4 wks of age, in 4 factorial dietary treatments: 2
& bone meal. Data for ammonia (NH3) and 18 individual amino acids
additions of Try, 0 (-Try) vs. 0.10% (+Try) for Try/Lys ratios of 0.16
were included in the determination of ingredient specific conversion
vs. 0.23, respectively, and 2 additions of dietary niacin, 15 mg/kg (LB3)
factors. Using the nitrogen content for NH3 and of each amino acid,
vs. LB3 + 45 mg/kg (HB3). Animals were fed ad libitum up to 10 wks
along with the analyzed content of NH3 and each amino acid within
of age and were trained to restricted feeding (1 kg/d) in one morning
each ingredient, the average nitrogen content of each ingredient was
meal during one wk. At 11 wk of age, repeated blood samples were col-
calculated. Using these values, ingredient specific conversion factors:
lected during 6 h following initiation of the meal (0.5 kg) to determine
KA, KP and K (average of KA and KP) were determined as outlined by
profiles of plasma C-peptide, insulin, glucose, Try, kynurenin (Kyn),
Mosse′ (1990). It should be noted that the determined ingredient specific
an intermediate metabolite of Try oxidation and nicotinamide (Nam),
conversion factors were not equal to the standard 6.25% factor. Plant
an indicator of niacin status. There was no treatment effect on either
protein sources had higher conversion factors than animal based protein
the peak or the area under the curve of C-peptide or glucose after the
sources. An ingredient specific true protein conversion factor is proposed
meal (P > 0.12). However, for insulin, the postprandial peak was lower
as being more applicable than a standard fixed factor, especially when
in +Try piglets especially within LB3 piglets (Try effect and interac-
the determined true protein content is based upon nitrogen from amino
tion Try*niacin, P < 0.05); values were 1.3, 1.0, 0.7 and 1.0 nM (SE:
acid analysis.
0.1) in -Try LB3, -Try HB3, +Try LB3 and +Try HB3, respectively. The
molar ratio insulin:C-peptide during the 0–90 postprandial period was
Table 1. Ingredient-specific nitrogen to crude protein conversion lower (P < 0.02) in +Try vs -Try piglets (0.47 vs 0.57, SE:0.03). The
factors post-meal plasma Try (96.2 vs. 72.3 μM, SE:0.1) and Kyn (1.7 vs. 1.3
Ingredient n KA KP K μM, SE:0.1) were higher (P < 0.01) in +Try vs -Try piglets. Post-meal
Ground corn 75 5.65 5.02 5.33 plasma Nam was higher in +Try vs -Try (P < 0.01) and in HB3 vs LB3
Soybean meal 230 5.64 5.13 5.38 piglets (P < 0.01) with overall values of 1.0, 2.7, 2.7 and 4.0 μM (SE:
Corn DDGS 188 5.74 4.98 5.36 0.4) in -Try LB3, -Try HB3, +Try LB3 and +Try HB3, respectively. The
Poultry by-product meal 45 5.45 4.81 5.13 present results on C-peptide, insulin and molar ratio insulin:C-peptide
Meat and bone meal 156 5.37 4.77 5.07 suggest that the Try action is exerted mainly on insulin clearance
(catabolism and/or cellular uptake in target tissues) rather than on
Key Words: crude protein, amino acid, corn soybean meal
insulin secretion in piglets. However, the postprandial responses of the
different plasma metabolites to dietary treatments suggest that the Try
M229 Effect of dietary probiotic and prebiotic on ileal nutrient digest- effect on insulinemia in piglets is unlikely modulated by either Nam or
ibility of Ross broiler chickens. H. Ziaie*1, A. Zeinali2, M. Bashtani3, Kyn homeostasis after a meal.
M. A. Karimi Torshizi4, G. H. Hadarbadi1, H. Farhangfar3, and A. Nasr Key Words: tryptophan, insulin, piglets
Abad1, 1Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center, Birjand,
South Khorasan, Iran, 2Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, 3Birjand
University, Birjand, Khorasan, Iran, 4Tarbiat Moddares university, M231 Effect of glutamine and temperature on performance of broiler
Tehran, Iran. chickens. S. Cerrate*, R. Ekmay, C. Salas, and C. Coon, University
of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
An experiment was conducted using 240 one-day old male Ross broiler
chickens to evaluate the effect of dietary probiotic and prebiotic on ileal The effect of glutamine and 2 ambient temperatures were evaluated
nutrient digestibility of Ross broiler chickens. Chicks were allocated to during the finisher period of broiler chickens, from 36 to 50 d of age. A
a randomized complete block design with 4 replicate pens (15 birds per corn-soy control and a corn-soy-glutamine diet (1% inclusion) were fed
pen). The experimental treatments were: T1 = control, T2 = control + 15 to broilers housed in one of 2 ambient temperatures: 21 ± 1°C (normal
ppm of Virginiamycin, T3 = control + 100 mg probiotic (Protexin) per temperature) and 30 ± 0.6°C (heat stress). Data were analyzed as a 2
kg diet and T4 = control diet + 100 mg prebiotic (Immnuwall) per kg × 2 factorial design. Ten male birds housed individually were placed
diet. At age 21 and 42 d, ileal digestibility of nutrients was measured by for each treatment. Broilers housed at 21°C showed greater BW gain
Titanium oxide marker. Data was statistically analyzed using the GLM and feed intake than did birds housed in 30°C. There were interactions
models of SAS. Duncan’s multiple range test was used for pair-wise between dietary treatments and temperature on BW gain (P = 0.018)
comparisons of treatment means. The results showed that supplemental and feed conversion (P = 0.006). Birds housed at 21°C showed similar
diets significantly (P < 0.05) improved bioavailability of energy and ileal BW gain, feed intake and feed conversion between the control and
digestibility of protein. At 21 d of age, broiler fed with treatments 3 and glutamine diets, whereas broilers fed the glutamine diet housed at 30°C
4 had lower bioavailability of energy and ileal digestibility of protein as had greater BW gain and a more efficient feed conversion than did birds
compared with treatment 2, but their differences were not significant at fed the control diet. These data indicate that glutamine inclusion may
42 d of age. The experimental diets had no effect on ileal digestibility be beneficial during heat stress.
of fat. In conclusion, using probiotic and prebiotic in broiler diets could
Key Words: broiler, glutamine, housing temperature
improve nutrient digestibility indicating that these compounds may be
an alternative to antibiotics.
Key Words: broiler, antibiotic alternative, nutrient digestibility
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 91
M232 Effect of dietary protein content on cecal microbial ecosystem J and LM (P < 0.05). Because of lysine addition the expression of b0,+
and mortality of young rabbits. S. Chamorro1, R. Carabaño2, J. García2, in LM increased (P < 0.05), but in SM decreased and tended to decrease
I. Badiola3, G. G. Mateos*2, and C. de Blas2, 1Instituto del Frío-ICTAN, in L (P < 0.10). Leucine increased but lysine decreased CAT1 expres-
CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, sion in SM; in L there was an opposite response (P < 0.05). These data
Spain, 3CReSA (UAB-IRTA), Bellaterra, Spain. indicate that dietary AA levels affect the expression of their transporter
proteins, and their effects are variable, depending on the AA and the
The aim of this work was to study the effect of dietary CP content
animal tissue studied.
on cecal microbial ecosystem and mortality of young rabbits weaned
at 25 d. Two (HP and LP) isoenergetic (3,200 kcal DE/kg DM) diets Key Words: swine, amino acids, transporters
differing in the CP content (175 and 159 g/kg DM, respectively), were
formulated. Rabbits (240/treatment) weaned at 25 d were fed experi-
mental diets during 10 d, and mortality incidence from 25 to 35 d was M234 Effect of high lysine and leucine levels in wheat-based diets
recorded. At 35 d-old, 30 5 rabbits per treatment were slaughtered and on performance and muscle expression of myosin mRNA in growing
cecal contents were taken to characterize the microbial population by pigs. M. A. Barrera1, M. Cervantes*1, A. Morales1, A. Araiza1, D.
restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The biodiversity Cervantes1, V. Méndez1, and H. Bernal1, 1ICA, Universidad Autónoma
degree (BD) defined as the number of fragments obtained by RFLP, and de Baja California, Mexicali, BC, México, 2Universidad Autónoma de
frequency of detection (FD) defined as the percentage of animals that Nuevo León, Monterrey, NL, México.
had a fragment compatible with the presence of a certain bacteria, were Lysine is the first limiting amino acid (AA) in wheat-based diets for
recorded. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design using pigs; leucine is recognized as an activator of mTOR, which regulates
type of diet as main effect. Mean comparisons of mortality and FD were protein synthesis in muscle cells. An experiment was conducted to
made using a chi-squared test. A decrease of dietary CP content tended evaluate the effect of adding lysine and leucine, above the NRC (1998)
to reduce the mortality rate from 15 to 10% (P = 0.09). Animals fed LP requirement levels, to wheat-based diets on the performance of growing
diets showed a lower BD than those fed HP diets (1,905 vs. 2,561, P pigs and the expression of myosin mRNA in the longissimus (LM) and
= 0.04). A reduction of dietary CP content led to a lower FD of several semitendinosus (SM) muscles. Twenty crossbred pigs (Landrace-Ham-
potential pathogens as Helicobacter spp. (from 80.0 to 57.1%, P = 0.04) Duroc; BW of 16.4 ± 1.7 kg) were used in a Randomized Complete
and Leptospira spp. (from 77.1 to 57.1%, P = 0.07), and the FD of other Block design. Treatments (T) were: T1, basal wheat-based diet fortified
intestinal bacteria as Escherichia spp. (from 45.7 to 20.0%, P = 0.02), with crystalline lysine, threonine, and methionine; T2, basal plus 0.35%
and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens (from 57.1 to 22.9%, P = 0.003). In conclu- lysine; T3, basal plus 0.15% leucine; and T4, basal plus 0.35% lysine
sion, a reduction in dietary CP from 175 to 159 g/kg DM reduced the and 0.15% leucine. All diets were added with vitamins and trace min-
mortality rate, the biodiversity degree, the presence of several potential erals. At the end of the 28-d trial, 16 pigs were sacrificed and samples
harmful bacteria at cecum, and should be contemplated as a strategy to from LM and SM were collected to analyze the expression of myosin
increase the intestinal health in young rabbits. mRNA. The effects of lysine, leucine and their interaction were tested.
Key Words: dietary protein, intestinal microbiota, rabbits Also, 3 contrasts were constructed to analyze the effect of the single or
combined AA addition. The pig performance results were: weight gain,
0.607, 0.560, 0.492, 0.573 kg/d; feed intake, 1.24, 1.18, 1.11, 1.20 kg/d;
M233 Effect of lysine and leucine levels in wheat-based diets on the feed conversion, 2.05, 2.14, 2.27, 2.11, for T1 to T4, respectively. There
expression of two cationic amino acid-transporter proteins in growing was a lysine x leucine interaction for weight gain and feed conversion
pigs. M. A. Barrera, A. Morales*, M. Cervantes, A. B. Araiza, E. (P < 0.05). Adding leucine alone decreased weight gain and depressed
Avelar, and D. González, ICA, Universidad Autónoma de Baja Cali- feed conversion (P < 0.05). Lysine addition to the leucine added diet
fornia, Mexicali. tended to restore the daily gain (P < 0.10) and feed conversion (P <
0.05). The results of myosin mRNA relative expression (arbitrary units:
Dietary amino acid (AA) content may affect the AA absorption. Lysine
ratios of myosin mRNA molecules:18S rRNA molecules) were: LM,
is the first limiting AA in wheat for pigs, and leucine is recognized as an
3.6, 3.3, 1.7, 0.12; SM, 1.46, 1.46, 0.59, 1.15, for T1 to T4, respectively.
activator of mTOR, the protein synthesis regulator in muscle cells. An
Leucine alone decreased myosin mRNA in both muscles (P < 0.01)
experiment was conducted to determine if adding lysine and leucine,
and, combined with lysine, leucine further reduced myosin mRNA in
above the NRC (1998) requirement level, to wheat-based diets affects
LM (P < 0.01). These data indicate that excess of leucine negatively
the expression of b0,+ and CAT1 mRNA in 2 muscles (longissimus-LM
affects the expression of myosin mRNA, which was associated with a
and semitendinosus-SM), jejunum (J), and liver (L). Twenty crossbred
growth depression in pigs.
pigs (Landrace-Ham-Duroc; BW of 16.4 ± 1.7 kg) were used. Treatments
(T) were: T1, basal wheat-based diet fortified with crystalline lysine, Key Words: swine, myosin, amino acids
threonine, and methionine; T2, basal plus 0.35% lysine; T3, basal plus
0.15% leucine; and T4, basal plus 0.35% lysine and 0.15% leucine. All
diets were added with vitamins and trace minerals. At the end of a 28-d M235 The effect of different animal and vegetable protein sources on
trial, 16 pigs were sacrificed and samples from LM, SM, L, and J were the feed intake and weight gain of piglets. D. Solà-Oriol1, J. Figueroa1,
collected to analyze the expression of b0,+ and CAT1 mRNA. The effects E. Borda*2, C. Chetrit2, and J. F. Pérez1, 1Universitat Autònoma de
of lysine, leucine, and their interaction were tested. Also, 3 contrasts Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain, 2Bioiberica, Palafolls, Spain.
were constructed to analyze the effect of the single or combined AA Porcine Digestible Peptides (PDP; Palbio 50RD) is a highly digestible
addition. The relative expression results (arbitrary units: ratios of b0,+ and economic protein source for weanling diets. The aim of the present
or CAT1 mRNA molecules:18S rRNA molecules) were: for b0,+; J, work was to study the effect of PDP (52.8%CP) in the diet as compared
1.84, 2.48, 0.43, 0.12; LM, 1.23, 3.71, 1.89, 1.50; SM, 0.80, 0.45, 0.81, with Peruvian fish meal (FM; 68.5%CP), spray dried animal plasma
0.42; L, 1.41, 0.95, 4.26, 0.49; for CAT1; J, 0.10, 0.18, 0.13, 0.21; LM, (SDAP; 75.0%CP), potato protein (PP; 79.5%CP) and soybean pro-
0.69, 1.38, 0.68, 1.08; SM, 0.33, 0.10, 0.54, 0.38; L, 0.92, 19.1, 0.36, tein concentrate (SBP; 56.0%CP) on the early performance of weaned
3.12, for T1 to T4, respectively. Leucine decreased b0,+ expression in piglets. A total of 1540 26-d-old piglets (mixed sexes) were used in 4
92 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
consecutive trials conducted in the same commercial facility. Animals influenced by levels of AFL; however, strain A breeders produced the
were distributed into 20 pens (18–20 piglets/ pen) according to the heaviest eggs during the study period. The productive performance of
initial BW. Experimental treatments were formulated to meet or exceed broiler breeders was depressed by AFL. Strain A breeders were more
piglet requirements with the same energy, protein, Lys, Met+Cys, Thr susceptible to 0.5 mg AFL/kg diet than those of strain B.
and Trp content. Control diet was formulated to contain 5% of PDP;
Key Words: egg production, breeders, strains
and Test diet was obtained by replacing PDP by celite plus either FM
(3.82%), SDAP (3.52%), PP (3.32%) or SBP (4.72%) according to their
protein content. Feed was offered ad libitum in mash form. Individual M237 Progeny of broiler breeders from two genotypes intoxicated with
animal weight and feed disappearance were recorded at 0, 7 and 14d aflatoxins. A. Scher*1, A. P. Rosa1, J. M. Santurio2, A. Londero1, G.
post-weaning (PW) to calculate the average daily feed intake (ADFI) Farina1, and J. A. G. Ferreira Jr.1, 1Poultry Science Lab – Universidade
and average daily gain (ADG). Feed intake was not different (P > 0.10) Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, 2Lapemi– Universi-
between PDP, FM, SDAP or PP, but tended to be higher for PDP than dade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
SBP from 7 to 14d PW (324.8 vs 297.9 g/d; P = 0.066). The ADG of
piglets fed on PDP tended to be higher (P < 0.10) than those fed FM The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of the
or PP from 0 to 7d post-weaning, and was higher than those fed FM progenies of 2 broiler breeder genotypes intoxicated with aflatoxins
and SBP from 7 to 14d post-weaning (160.6 vs 128.0 g/d; and 200.0 vs (AFL). This study was carried out at Poultry Laboratory at The Federal
183.0 g/d; P < 0.01). However, no differences were observed on body University of Santa Maria – Brazil. Were performed 3 experiments, from
weight at 14 d PW (P > 0.10). Lower feed conversion ratio (FCR) was 1 to 21 d, each using 600 chicks. In the first (Experiment 1), were used
observed for PDP compared with FM from 7 to 14d PW (1.714 vs chicks from eggs produced by hens with 32 wk of age, the second and
2.044; P < 0.05) but, higher compared with SDAP for the same period third evaluations were carried out with chicks produced by breeders
(2.272 vs 1.909; P < 0.05). Moreover, better FCR was also observed for with 48 (Exp.2) and 64 wk of age (Exp.3), respectively. The progenies
PDP than FM during the entire starter phase (0 to 14dPW). Compared were housed in batteries, located in an environment controlled room.
with the common protein sources, PDP may be considered as suitable For each experiment was used a CRD factorial arrangement 3x2 (0.0,
source of protein for piglet diets improving the economic balance of 0.5 and 1.0mg of AFL/kg in breeders diets and 2 genotypes: A and B),
the post-weaning phase. totalizing 6 treatments with 10 repetitions of 10 males each. The feed
and water were provided ad libitum. In the Experiment 1, hens fed diets
Key Words: porcine digestible peptides, protein sources, piglets containing AFL produced chicks with lower body weight (BW) (P ≤
0.0001). The addition of 0, 0.5 and 1.0mg AFL/kg resulted in chicks with
41.83g, 41.48 and 41.09g of BW, respectively. In Experiments 2 and 3,
M236 Aflatoxins and productive performance of two broiler breeder
only the addition of 1.0mg/kg AFL in breeders diets depressed chicks’
genotypes. A. Scher*1, A. P. Rosa1, J. M. Santurio2, A. Londero1, T. N.
BW (P = 0.0704 and P = 0.0341). In all experiments, chicks produced
N. Vieira1, and J. A. G. Ferreira Jr.1, 1Poultry Laboratory – Universidade
by breeders submitted to diets containing 1mg AFL/kg had lower body
Federal de Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, 2Lapemi– Universidade Federal
weight at 21 d. Progeny from genotype A breeders had higher BW, at 1
de Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.
and 21d, than genotype B progeny. Studying the interaction among the
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of aflatoxins AFL levels and the genotypes, it was observed that genotype B breeder’s
(AFL) exposure on productive aspects of 2 broiler breeder genotypes. exposure to AFL did not affect the progeny’s initial weight, however, in
The experiment was carried out at The Federal University of Santa Maria genotype A, there was a decreased progeny initial weight from breeders
– Brazil. 660 broiler breeder females and 60 males were submitted to exposed to AFL. The addition of 1 mg AFL/kg in broiler breeder’s diets
intoxication with AFL (AFB1:86%, AFB2: 8.5%, AFG1:3.8%, AFG2: resulted in negative effect on the progenies weights.
1.7%) from the 24th to 64th week. From 65th to 68th week, all birds were
Key Words: progeny, breeders, strains
fed with AFL free diets to evaluate residual effects. The estimated param-
eters were egg production and egg weight. The experimental design was
in a CRD in factorial arrangement with 3 levels of AFL (0.0, 0.50 and
1.0 mg/kg diet) and 2 breeders’ strains (A and B), totaling 6 treatments
with 5 replicate pens of 22 females and 2 males each. The laying rate
was depreciated by the addition AFL in the diet. The addition of 1.0mg
AFL/kg of diet was more harmful than 0.5mg AFL/kg, indicating a dose
dependent effect. Breeders fed diets containing 0.0; 0.5 and 1.0mg AFL/
kg had average laying rates of 63.93; 61.54 and 58.53% respectively (P
≤ 0.0001) during the intoxication period. It was observed that strain B
breeders had a laying rate of 61.72%, and strain A laying rate that was
60.94% (P = 0.0018). There was interaction among the levels of AFL
and the strains (P = 0.0779). Birds of genotype B, when subjected to
0.5 and 1.0mg AFL/ kg diet, showed eggs productions 3.03 and 8.73%
lower than not intoxicated. In strain A, the reduction in egg production
was 4.45 and 8.16% when the birds were intoxicated with 0.5 and 1.0mg
AFL/kg diet, respectively. There was no recovery in the laying rate of
birds intoxicated after withdrawal of the AFL. The eggs weight was not
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 93
Nonruminant Nutrition: Feed Ingredients
M238 The effects of the dietary supplementation with essential were shown due to the inclusion of crude glycerin. Diets containing up
oils from selected species of the Lamiaceae family on the perfor- to 4% of crude glycerin maximizes performance of female broilers at
mance of growing broilers chickens. L. Roldan*1, C. Ariza-Nieto2, high altitude during growing-finishing phase.
G. Diaz1, and G. Afanador1,2, 1Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
Key Words: glycerin, female broilers, high altitude
Bogota, Colombia, 2CORPOICA, Bogota, Colombia.
The effects of essential oils (EO) obtained from 3 Lamiaceae plants
(Thymus vulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis and Ocimum basilicum) on M240 Vitamin E, herbs and spices in broilers diets: Evaluation of
the performance of growing broilers were investigated. A total of 210 oxidative stability of pre-cooked meat balls. A. M. C. Racanicci*1,
one-day-old Ross male broiler chicks were placed in 30 brooder cages J. F. M. Menten2, and M. Nascente1, 1University of Brasília (UnB),
and were randomly assigned to the 5 experimental groups: 1) control; Brasília, DF, Brazil, 2University of São Paulo (ESALQ), Piracicaba,
2) growth promoter antibiotic, 500 ppm Bacitracin; 3) 600 ppm of SP, Brazil.
thyme EO; 4) 600 ppm of rosemary EO, and 5) 600 ppm of basil EO. The dietary utilization of natural antioxidants has been reported to
Throughout the experimental period of 21 d, body weight gain and feed improve oxidative stability of chicken meat and meat products. The
intake were recorded at 7, 14, and 21 d of age, and feed conversion objective of this study was to evaluate the dietary supplementation of
ratios were calculated. Data were analyzed as repeated measures under resin oils from previously selected herbs and spices on oxidative stability
a completely randomized design using the MIXED procedure of SAS of stored pre-cooked meat. Resin oil from 6 herbs (H: rosemary, thyme,
(Ver. 9.0, SAS Institute, Cary, NC).The statistical model included the oregano, sage, bay, and basil) and 3 spices (S: cinnamon, clove, and
fixed effects of EO supplementation, age and the interaction. Random ginger) were microencapsulated (20% of resin oil) and fed to 80 male
intercepts and slopes were included to account for within pen effect. A one-day-old Cobb chicks raised in 20 cages, randomly assigned to 8
likelihood ratio test (LRT) was used to test which variance/covariance treatments with 2 replications of 5 birds. Experimental treatments were
(compound symmetry, unstructured) structure fit better to the data using CONT (basal diet with tocopherol from premix and feed ingredients);
the residual maximum likelihood (REML) algorithm. Additionally, LRT VITE (basal diet + 200 mg α-tocopheryl acetate/kg); H500 (basal diet
was performed using the maximum likelihood (ML) estimating method + 100 mg of herbs/kg); H250 (basal diet + 50 mg of herbs/kg); S500
to eliminate nonsignificant factors from the model. The final model (basal diet + 100 mg of spices/kg); S250 (basal diet + 50 mg of spices/
was run using REML. Least squares means adjusted by Tukey method kg); HS500 (basal diet + 100 mg of herbs and spices/kg) and HS250
were used to compare means. Body weight gain and feed consumption (basal diet + 50 mg of herbs and spices/kg). At 41 d of age, 5 birds of
were not significantly affected (P > 0.05) by EO supplementation. The each treatment were slaughtered and breast meat collected, minced,
supplementation of dietary basil EO resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) pooled, and mixed to 0.1% of salt to produce meat balls (±30g). After
lower feed conversion ratio (1.18) compared with the other groups; vacuum-packaging, the balls were cooked, re-packed and stored in a cold
growth promoter antibiotic (1.26), control (1.25), rosemary EO (1.24) and dark room for up to 8 d. TBARS were determined in duplicate in 3
and thyme EO (1.28). This parameter indicated that basil EO exerted a samples per treatment on d 0, 1, 3, 6 and 8 to assess the degree of lipid
growth promoter effect in broiler chickens. oxidation during chilled storage. The supplementation of α-tocopherol
Key Words: essential oils, Lamiaceae, broilers (VITE) protected meat balls against lipid oxidation as shown by statis-
tically lower (P < 0.0001) TBARS values at d 8 (30.3 μmol MDA/kg
of meat) compared with all treatments (CONT 56.7, H500 70.0, S500
M239 Effect of crude glycerin on the performance of female broil- 56.3, HS500 65.0, H250 61.1, S250 62.7 and HS250 71.4 μmol MDA/
ers chickens at high altitude. C. Ariza-Nieto*1, Y. Avellaneda1, and kg of meat). However, the supplementation of natural antioxidants (H,
G. Afanador1,2, 1CORPOICA, Bogota, Colombia, 2Universidad Nacional S or HS) showed an unpredicted prooxidant effect demonstrated by the
de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia. increase (P < 0.0001) in TBARS values compared with CONT for both
concentrations, except S500.
This study evaluated the use of crude glycerin, a co-product of biodiesel
production, in a feeding program for female broilers chickens maintained Key Words: natural antioxidants, tocopherol, TBARS
at high altitude. Six hundred forty 24-d-old Ross female broilers were
randomly assigned to 1 of 4 glycerin levels (0, 3, 6, and 9% of the diet).
The birds were placed in 16 pens during growth-finishing phase and their M241 Effect of technical grade glycerin on the performance of
performance was determined every other week until slaughter. Data were brown laying hens at high altitude. Y. Avellaneda*1, D. Cifuentes1,
analyzed under a completely randomized design as repeated measures on G Afanador1,2, and C. Ariza-Nieto1, 1CORPOICA, Bogota, Colombia,
2Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.
time using the MIXED procedure of SAS (Ver. 9.0, SAS Institute, Cary,
NC, USA). The shadow price of crude glycerin was established using Biodiesel production processes generate about 10% glycerin by volume
linear programming. Glycerin levels did not affect feed intake (average as a waste co-product. In recent years production has increased exponen-
during the 18 d period female broilers was 135.6 ± 16.6 g/bird). Body tially, which have led to a reduction of its price, making this co-product
weight gain was lower (P = 0.0799) in female broilers chickens fed 9% an opportunity to reduce production costs of feed in the poultry industry.
glycerin (64.9 g), compared those receiving 3% (68.3 g) or 6% (69.4 g), The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of technical grade glycerin
respectively. The level of inclusion of glycerin showed a quadratic effect (99.5% purity) in brown layer hens at high altitude. Eighty 24-wk-old
(P = 0.0177), an inclusion level of 4.2% of crude glycerin maximizes Babcock Brown laying hens were randomly assigned to one of the 4
body weight gain. Feed conversion of birds fed glycerin at 3% and 6% glycerin levels (0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5%). Hens were placed in 40 cages
of inclusion were significantly lower (P < 0.05) compared with the during 20 weeks and their performance was record every other week
control and 9% group. This ratio showed a quadratic effect and 3.88% and during the study, they were fed ad libitum with a feed meal (2800
of crude glycerin was the optimum. No significant effects on mortality kcal AMEn/ kg, 19% CP, 0.86% digestible lysine, 4.0% Ca and 0.42%
94 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
P available) and drinking water was also available ad libitum. Data were A 42 d trail with 60 [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc] pigs (79.66 ± 1.42
analyzed under a completely randomized design as repeated measures kg) was conducted to investigate the effects of bamboo vinegar (Bio-BV)
on time using the MIXED procedure of SAS (Ver. 9.0, SAS Institute, supplementation in diets on growth performance, blood characteristics,
Cary, NC). Feed intake, egg production, egg mass, feed conversion meat quality, fatty acid and fecal malodor emission in finishing pigs.
per dozen and feed conversion on an egg mass were not affected (P > Pigs were randomly allotted to 1 of 3 dietary treatments in a randomized
0.05) due to the inclusion of technical grade glycerin. On average feed complete block design according to their sex and body weight (BW) (5
intake, egg production, egg weight, feed conversion per dozen, and feed replicates with 4 pigs per pen). The experimental treatments included:
conversion on an egg mass basis were 111.5 g/d, 93.2%, 58.9 g, 2.4, and 1) CON (basal diet), 2) BV1 (CON + 0.1% Bio–BV), and 3) BV2 (CON
1.5, respectively. In terms of quality of the eggs, the albumen height + 0.2% Bio-BV). BV1 and BV2 supplementation had higher ADG (P <
was not affected due to the inclusion of glycerin (6.21 ± 1.08 mm), but 0.05) than CON group during 0–3 weeks as well as the overall period.
the eggs of hens 2.5% group showed a thicker eggshell compared with Pigs fed diets with BV2 increased pH and sensory score (firmness) (P
the 5 and 7.5% (P < 0.05). Pale-yolks were observed in eggs from hens < 0.05) compared with the other groups. Moreover, the BV2 treatment
fed 5.0 or 7.5% glycerin compared with the control. It is concluded that improved sensory color and a* value (P < 0.05) compared with the
technical grade glycerin in diets for brown laying hens up to 7.5% did control group. L* value was significantly improved (P < 0.05) when
not affect productive performance, but egg quality related to the color of pig received control diet compared with BV2 treatment. In term of fatty
the yolk can adversely be affected when the inclusion level of glycerin acid, the total SFA level and stearic acid (C18:0) were improved (P <
increases from 5.0 to 7.5%. 0.05) in BV groups compared with CON group. Bio-BV supplementation
decreased the total UFA and UFA/SFA ratio (P < 0.05) when compared
Key Words: technical glycerin, performance, laying hen
with those fed CON diet. Pigs fed Bio-BV supplementation improved
(P < 0.05) linoleic acid (C18:2n–6) concentration compared with CON.
M242 Effects of Korean herb supplementation (Paeniae radix, In fecal malodor emission, NH3 emission was significantly reduced (P
Angelicae gigantis radix, Cnidium rhizome, and Polygoni multiflori < 0.05) in BV2 group compared with CON and BV1 groups on the first
radix) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood char- and 5th day. On 10th day, CON treatment showed greater NH3 emis-
acteristics, meat quality and fatty acid content of meat of growing sion (P < 0.05) than BV1 treatment. BV1 group had higher (P < 0.05)
pigs. Q. W. Meng*, J. S. Yoo, H. J. Kim, J. P. Wang, J. H. Jung, and NH3 emission than BV2 group. Pigs fed control diet had higher (P <
I. H. Kim, Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook 0.05) H2S and total mercaptan concentration than those fed BV2 diet.
University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea. In conclusion, Bio-BV supplementation can exhibit beneficial effects
on growth performance and meat quality, and concomitantly decreases
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Korean herb mix- NH3, H2S and Total mercaptan emission. Besides, Bio-BV administra-
ture supplementation (Paeniae radix, Angelicae gigantis radix, Cnidium tion increased certain unsaturated fatty acids while decreasing some
rhizome, and Polygoni multiflori radix) on growth performance, nutrient saturated fatty acids.
digestibility, meat quality and fatty acid content of meat produced by
growing pigs. A total of 64 pigs (40.19 ± 1.42kg) were evaluated over 84 Key Words: bamboo vinegar, meat quality, finishing pigs
d. Dietary treatments included: 1) CON (basal diet), 2) KH (basal diet +
1% Korean herb mixture), 3) HKH (basal diet + 1% Korean herb mixture
M244 The effects of caper (Capparis ovata Desf.) on some hema-
with heat treatment), and 4) HKHE (HKH + 0.2% β-mannanase). Each
tological parameters and organs of Lohmann roosters. O. Yildiz-
treatment consisted of 4 replicates with 4 pigs per pen in a randomized
Gulay*1, M. S. Gulay1, A. Balic2, and A. Ata1, 1Mehmet Akif Ersoy
complete block design. The highest ADG, digestibility of dry matter
University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Burdur, Turkey, 2Sakarya
(DM), nitrogen (N) and energy (P < 0.05) was observed in the HKHE
Toyota Hospital, Sakarya, Turkey.
group during wk 0–6. A decreased DM, N and energy digestibility were
observed in the KH group when compared with other groups during wk Caper (Capparis genus in the Capparaceae family) is a plant found in
0–6. Moreover, dietary HKHE resulted in a higher HDL-cholesterol tropical/subtropical areas. Caper is consumed widely in most Mediter-
(P < 0.05) and lower LDL-cholesterol than the CON treatment at the ranean countries and can be consumed for long time periods. However,
end of the experiment. The meat pH was highest in the HKHE group no detailed study has been performed concerning consumption of
and lowest in the KH group (P < 0.05). Pigs fed the KH diet showed capers. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of
the lowest marbling (P < 0.05) among treatments. The drip loss on the caper (Capparis ovata Desf.) on blood parameters, body weight (BW)
fifth day was higher (P < 0.05) in the CON group than the KH group. changes, and organs of Lohmann roosters. Twenty-four week-old roost-
Of the fatty acids, the saturated fatty acid (SFA) levels were higher in ers were randomly assigned to control (C) and caper treatment (TR)
the CON group (P < 0.05) than in the HKHE group. Polyunsaturated groups (8 per group) and fed a standard diet (14% crude protein and
fatty acid (PUFA) was shown to be higher in the HKHE group (P < 3000 kcal/kg metabolizable energy). Roosters in C received 10 mL of
0.05) than in the CON group. In conclusion, supplementation of the tap water, whereas roosters in TR received 1 g of caper per 1 kg of BW
diet with Korean herb mixture improved growth performance, nutrient suspended in 10 mL of tap water. Experiment was lasted for 39 d and
digestibility and meat quality. treatments were given by oral gavages. Roosters were weighed at the
end of caper treatments and blood was taken from the vena brachialis.
Key Words: Korean herb mixture, meat quality, growing pigs
Organ weights were recorded after sacrifice. No negative effect of caper
treatment was observed on hemoglobin (C = 15.6 ± 0.58 vs. TR = 15.2
M243 Effects of dietary bamboo vinegar supplementation on ± 0.35 g/dL), hematocrit (C = 38.3 ± 1.13 vs. TR = 37.1 ± 1.21%),
growth performance, blood characteristics, meat quality, fatty plasma protein (C = 5.3 ± 0.21 vs. TR = 5.6 ± 0.39 g/dL), red blood
acid content and fecal malodor emission in finishing pigs. Q. W. cell count (C = 2.97 ± 0.14 vs. TR = 3.18 ± 0.11 × 106/μL), white blood
Meng*, J. H. Lee, H. D. Jang, T. X. Zhou, L. Yan, and I. H. Kim, Depart- cell count (C = 27.1 ± 0.98 vs. TR = 25.6 ± 0.89 × 103/μL), BW (C =
ment of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University, Choenan, 2070.6 ± 35.8 vs. TR = 2022.8 ± 56.4 g), liver weight (C = 25.8 ± 0.88
Choongnam, Korea. vs. TR = 26.5 ± 1.63 g), kidney weight (C = 5.12 ± 0.24 vs TR = 5.14 ±
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 95
0.24 g), testis weight (C = 10.4 ± 1.33 vs TR = 10.9 ± 1.08g), pancreas to assess the effect of a plant extract based on garlic (GAR) in weaned
weight (C = 3.83 ± 0.13 vs. TR = 3.91 ± 0.21 g) or heart weight (C = piglets. Three different dietary doses of GAR were assessed (50, 100,
9.65 ± 0.60 vs. TR = 9.45 ± 0.52 g). In addition, no apparent changes and 150 ppm) in a 3-wk period, and compared with a negative control
in liver, kidney, testis, pancreas and heart were detected by gross post group and with a positive control group supplemented with gentamycin
mortem and histopathological examination to suggest toxic effects of (20 ppm). For the experiment, 280 piglets were used (10.3 ± 1.81 kg
oral use of caper for 39 d. Interestingly, Caper treatment increased the BW) and allotted in 40 pens (8 per treatment). Average daily gain (ADG),
thrombocyte levels in treated roosters (C = 0.244 ± 0.26 vs TR = 0.377 feed intake (FI) and feed efficiency were controlled in the starter phase
± 0.21× 105/μL; P < 0.01). In conclusion, the results suggest no toxic (42 to 70 d of age). A linear and quadratic effects were observed with
effect of capers in roosters. Moreover, high thrombocyte count due to GAR supplementation and groups supplemented with 50 and 100 ppm
caper treatment should be evaluated further for use in diseases causing of GAR showed higher average daily gain (ADG) and final BW than
low thrombocyte counts. the negative control and 150 ppm groups (532, 592, 592, 559 g/d ADG;
P < 0.01 in control, 50, 100 and 150 ppm groups, respectively). Feed
Key Words: rooster, hematological parameters, histopathology
intake tended to be higher in GAR groups than in the control group (P
< 0.10), while feed efficiency did not differ among groups. In compari-
M245 Safety evaluation of Event 5307 transgenic corn in broiler son with gentamycin, productive performance was not different in the
chickens. A. Sauvé2 and J. T. Brake*1, 1North Carolina State Uni- GAR supplemented piglets, being numerically higher performance in
versity, Department of Poultry Science, Scott Hall, Raleigh, 2Syngenta 50- and 100-ppm GAR than in gentamycin-supplemented piglets. No
Biotechnology, RTP, Raleigh, NC. differences were found in feed efficiency between antibiotic and GAR
groups. We conclude that GAR supplementation improved ADG, FI and,
A 49-d feeding study evaluated whether broiler diets prepared with Event consequently, final BW in the nursery period, especially supplemented
5307 transgenic maize (corn) had an effect on broiler livability, BW, at 50- and 100-ppm. Furthermore, productive performance obtained
feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed consumption, or carcass yield when by the GAR supplementation was as consistent as the one obtained by
compared with diets prepared with either non-transgenic, near-isogenic the dietary gentamycin.
control corn or commercially available control corn (NC2007). The 5307
corn contained eCry3.1Ab and phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) trans- Key Words: plant extracts, phytogenic additives, pigs
genic proteins. The eCry3.1Ab protein is a chimera of modified Cry3A
and Cry1Ab proteins and has insecticidal activity against certain corn
M247 Effect of different levels of substitution of maniçoba hay on
rootworm species. The PMI protein acts as a selectable marker enabling
the performance of free-range birds in the semi-arid region. P. E.
the selection of positive transformants. Broiler males had a 49-d BW
N. Givisiez*1, M. A. S. F. Campos2, C. C. Goulart1, F. G. P. Costa1, and
of 3,543 g while females weighed 2,898 g. Overall livability was 98%.
J. H. V. Silva1, 1Universidade Federal da Paraiba, Areia, PB, Brazil,
Final 49-d BW, adjusted FCR, feed consumption, and livability of the 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil.
5307 transgenic, non-transgenic, and NC2007 groups did not differ.
There were no statistically significant differences other than during Local resources should be evaluated as potential ingredients to be used
the grower diet period, when the 5307 transgenic group had a lower in poultry feeding in alternative or organic systems. This study evaluated
FCR compared with the NC2007 group, with the non-transgenic group the effect of partial substitution of conventional corn-soybean meal diet
being intermediate. This difference was small in magnitude, resolved by maniçoba hay (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) on the performance and cut
by the finisher diet period and was not considered adverse. There were yields of free-range birds in the semi-arid region of Brazil. Eighty-four
no differences in carcass yield between groups on a gross BW basis. Paraiso Pedres birds were randomly distributed into 3 treatments and
When compared on a percentage BW basis, the thighs of males in the 4 repetitions of 7 birds (4 males and 3 females). Diets for the growing
non-transgenic group weighed more than those in the 5307 transgenic (30 to 42 d) and final (43 to 73 d) phases were partially substituted
and NC2007 groups and the thighs and Pectoralis minor of females in by 0, 10 and 20% of maniçoba hay. Body weight (BW), weight gain
the non-transgenic and NC2007 groups weighed more than those in (WG) and feed:gain ratio (F:G) were determined for each phase. Two
the 5307 transgenic group. However, due to the lack of differences in birds per repetition were killed at 73 d to determine carcass weight,
other carcass parts these were considered incidental. Diets prepared absolute (g) and relative weight (%) of cuts and abdominal fat. Data
with 5307 transgenic corn supported rapid broiler growth and excellent were submitted to ANOVA in a completely randomized design, with 3
FCR without a significant impact on overall carcass yield. The results treatments and 4 repetitions for performance parameters and 8 repeti-
clearly indicate that the transgenic corn had no deleterious effects on tions for carcass and cuts analyses. Means were compared by Tukey’s
bird health in this study. test at 5% probability. BW, FI and WG were not affected by the use of
maniçoba hay until 42 d. Conversely, weight gain (42 to 73 and 30 to 73
Key Words: transgenic corn, transgenic maize, 6307 corn
d), body weight at 73 d and FC were negatively affected by increasing
maniçoba levels, probably as a result of higher crude fiber levels in the
M246 Effect of garlic extract (Garlicon) on piglet productive diet and lower AME and AMEn. Carcass, breast and drumstick weights
performance in the nursery period. J. Morales1, R. López2, P. (g) were decreased (P < 0.05) by increasing levels of maniçoba, as well
Coscojuela2, and C. Piñeiro*1, 1PigCHAMP Pro Europa, Segovia, Spain, as breast yield (%). Therefore, maniçoba hay should not be used if cuts
2Prebia Feed Extracts, Toledo, Spain. are to be commercialized. On the other hand, the majority of free-range
birds are commercialized as live birds or whole carcasses, and levels
Intensive research has focused on the potential of phytogenic feed up to 10% would not impair gain. In conclusion, maniçoba hay may
additives to replace antibiotics in piglet diets, mainly based on their be used up to 10% for free-range birds reared in the semi-arid region
potential to promote a beneficial gut microflora which protects the host without affecting profit.
against pathogens and helps to alleviate periods of stress. In vitro, the
antimicrobial effect of some plant extracts, as in the case of garlic, is Key Words: dietary fiber, free-range birds, performance
as consistent as the effect of antibiotics. However, their effect in vivo
is not consistent compared with antibiotics. The aim of this study was
96 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M248 Performance of broilers fed mash or pellet diets containing treatments in all ages. While the chlorella treatments in compare with the
whole or ground pearl millet. T. R. Torres1, M. C. M. M. Ludke*1, control treatment had numeral increasing in this trait. Feed conversion
J. V. Ludke2, C. B. V. RAbello1, M. A. M. Faria1, E. M. S. R. Andrade1, ratio significantly decreased by adding the chlorella and commercial
E. J. O. Souza1, and M. R. Lima1, 1Universidade Federal Rural de prebiotic to the basal diet at 42 d of age (P < 0.05). Evaluation of ceca
Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, 2Embrapa Suínos e Aves, content showed an increasing in lactobacillus population and improv-
Concordia, Santa Catarina, Brasil. ing the ratio of lactobacillus to coliform population by increasing the
chlorella in the basal diet. The results of this experiment indicated that
The effect of whole or ground millet grain inclusion at level of 20%
chlorella have prebiotic properties and even have better performance
into mash or pellet diets on performance of male broilers reared during
in some quality to compare the commercial prebiotics.
21 d was evaluated. The trial was established in 2 nutritional phases:
from 1 to 7 and 8 to 21 d of age. A randomized block design in a facto- Key Words: broiler, chlorella, prebiotic
rial 3 × 2 with 3 diets (without millet -CSBM, with whole -WMG or
ground millet grain -GMG) and 2 physical forms (mash, m, or pellet, p)
were established containing 5 replicates per treatment and 10 birds per M250 Effects of mung bean waste on pelleting characteristics,
experimental unit. Parameters evaluated were feed intake, weight gain growth performance, nutrient digestibility and carcass quality
-WG, feed to gain ratio -F:G and feed efficiency (energetic - FE and in broilers. N. Amornthewaphat*, P. Rungcharoen, Y. Ruangpanit,
proteic - EP) in both phases and during entire trial. Broilers fed mash S. Rattanatabtimthong, and S. Attamangkune, Kasetsart University,
diets had higher feed consumption than those fed pellet diets: 153 g x Bangkok, Thailand.
144 g in period 1 to 7 d (P < 0.05, CV = 4.46%), 986 g x 944 g in period Series of experiments were conducted to determine the apparent
8 to 21 d (P < 0.05, CV = 3.57%), 1170 g x 1117 g in total period (P < metabolizable energy of mung bean waste in broilers and effects of
0.05, CV = 3.18%). Feed to gain ratios were better for pellet diets than mung bean waste inclusion in broiler diets on growth performance
for mash diets: 1.24 × 1.33 in period 8 to 21 d (P < 0.05, CV = 2.62) and nutrient digestibility. In Exp. 1, 120 male broilers (28-d of age; 10
and 1.27 × 1.18 in total period (P < 0.05, CV = 2.13). The proteic effi- chicks per metabolic cage; 6 cages per treatment) were randomly fed 2
ciency was higher for pellet diets than for mash diets in period 8 to 21 experimental diets consisting of corn soybean basal diet and 20% mung
d: 3.82 × 3.57 g/g (P < 0.05, CV = 2.64%). In Table 1 were presented bean waste substituted basal diet. The apparent metabolizable energy
the mean values of parameters whose interactions between factors were of mung bean waste for broilers was 1,844.71 ± 130.71 kcal/kg. In
significant (P < 0.05). Pearl millet may be used either in whole grain or Exp. 2, a total of 1,200 broilers were used in a 42-d growth assay with
ground when fed in pellet diets. 3 phase-feeding programs (50 chicks per pen; 6 pens per treatment).
Treatments were mung bean waste inclusion of 0%, 5%, 10% and
Table 1. Mean values of the evaluated parameters with significant 15% in the experimental pelleted diets and arranged in a randomized
interaction between physical form of diets and diet type completely block design. Sex was a block factor. Increasing mung
bean waste resulted in increased palm oil inclusion in the diets. These
From 1 to 7 days Physical form WMG GMG CSBM
resulted in linearly decreased pelleting energy consumption and pellet
F:G g/g mash 1.07a 1.03a 1.03a
durability index (P ≤ 0.001). Increasing mung bean waste in the diets
pellet 0.94b 0.98b 0.94b
decreased (P ≤ 0.05) body weight gain of starter chicks from 612 to
WG, g mash 141.5b 151.1 147.8
583 g and linearly suppressed (P ≤ 0.001) feed conversion from 2.25
pellet 154.5a 148.9 150.8
to 2.35. There was no difference in growth performance for a grower
EE, g/g mash 0.314b 0.322b 0.323b
and a finisher period. For the carcass quality, decreased abdominal fat
pellet 0.356a 0.340a 0.359a
(P ≤ 0.001) and increased gizzard weight (P ≤ 0.05) were observed in
PE, g/g mash 4.24b 4.40b 4.40b
chicks fed mung bean waste diets. In Exp. 3, 96 male broilers were used
pellet 4.80AB,a 4.62B,a 4.86A,a
in a 10-d total excreta collection assay (6 broilers per metabolic cage;
a,bDifferent lowercase letters within a column were different (P < 0.05). 4 cages per treatment). Treatments used were the same as in Exp. 2.
A,BDifferent uppercase letters within a row were different (P < 0.05). There was linear decrease (P ≤ 0.05) dry matter from 80.07 to 77.41%
and fiber utilization from 26.83 to 13.59% with increasing mung bean
Key Words: diet physical form, feed efficiency, poultry waste. In conclusion, the recommendation of mung bean waste inclu-
sion in the broiler diets should less than 5% to achieve optimum growth
M249 Using marine algae Chlorella vulgaris as a prebiotic alterna- performance and nutrient digestibility of broilers.
tive on broiler chicks. M. Rezvani*, M. Zaghari, M. Shivazad, and Key Words: mung bean waste, broilers, growth performance
H. Moravej, University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
To evaluate the effects of chlorella on broiler chick performance, an M251 Effects of dietary grape seed polyphenols on plasma lipid
experiment was conducted by using 80 Ross 308 male broiler chicks. and mineral contents, and intestinal microflora in broiler chicks. A.
The experiment was accomplished in completely randomized design Viveros*1, S. Chamorro2, A. Brenes2, C. Romero3, I. Arija1, and C.
including 5 treatments with 4 replication and 4 mail chicks in each. Centeno2, 1Facultad de Veterinaria, UCM, Madrid, Spain, 2Instituto
The basal diet based on corn-soybean meal and without any additives del Frio-ICTAN, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 3Escuela Tecnica Superior de
was formulated. A graded level of chlorella (0.07, 0.14, and 0.21%) Ingenieros Agronomos, UPM, Madrid, Spain.
was added to basal diet to formulating diets 2, 3 and 4 respectively. To
comparing the effects of chlorella with commercial prebiotics an extra Grapes contain a large array of phenolic compounds which have been
diet (diet 5) was formulate by adding a commercial prebiotic to the showed to have hypolipidemic and anti-microbial effects as well as to
basal diet. Data was analyzed by using GLM procedure of SAS software act as antioxidant by scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) and
means were compared by Duncan multiple range test. Results showed chelating metal ions which promote the generation of ROS. An experi-
that there were no significant differences in weight gain between the ment was conducted to study the effect of the inclusion of grape seed
extract (GSE) and vitamin E in broiler chicks diets on performance,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 97
plasma lipid and mineral contents, and ileal and cecal microflora at Key Words: cumin essential oil, humoral immune response, chickens
21 d of age. Experimental diets were as follows: 1) Control wheat- performance
soybean diet (WS); 2) WS + vitamin E (200 mg/kg); 3) WS + 50 mg/
kg tetracycline; 4, 5, 6 and 7) WS + 0.025, 0.25, 2.5 and 5.0 g/kg GSE,
respectively. Each treatment was randomly assigned to 7 pen replicates M253 Effect of ginger root and ginger oil on antioxidant status
(5 birds each). Performance was not affected by dietary treatments except and meat quality of broilers. G. F. Zhang1, Z. B. Yang*1, Y. Wang2,
in the case of birds fed the highest GSE diet which showed a decrease W. R. Yang1, and S. Z. Jiang1, 1Shandong Agricultural University, Tai-
of body weight. The inclusion of graded concentrations of GSE in the an, Shandong, China, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge
chicken diets lowered the concentration of plasma cholesterol and Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, Canada T1J 4B1.
LDL-cholesterol and increased the content of plasma triglycerides and A total of 720 broilers were used to investigate the effects of ginger root
HDL-cholesterol in a dose-dependent manner. Plasma VLDL-cholesterol and ginger oil on antioxidant status and meat quality of broilers. The
was not affected by dietary treatment. Compared with the vitamin E diet, birds were randomly distributed into 6 treatments with 3 pens of 40 each.
the GSE diet increased the concentration of plasma triglycerides and Dietary treatment included 1) BD(basal diet), 2) BD+ antibiotics (40 mg/
reduced the contents of plasma HDL and LDL-cholesterol. Regarding kg bacitracin zinc and 8 mg/kg colistin sulfate), 3) BD+5 g/kg ginger
plasma mineral contents, the addition of increasing concentrations of root, 4) BD+10 g/kg ginger powder, 5)BD+20 g/kg ginger powder, 6)
GSE in the chicken diets reduced the concentrations of copper, iron BD+100 mg/kg ginger oil (essential oil from ginger). Broilers were fed
and zinc compared with those fed the control and vitamin E diets. In starter rations from d1 to 21 and finisher rations from d22 to 42. Blood
the ileal content, birds fed the lowest concentration of GSE had a lower and liver samples were obtained to determine the antioxidant status.
population of E. coli than in any other treatment group. Compared with Breast muscle samples were collected to determine meat quality of broil-
the control diet, the GSE diet reduced the populations of E. coli and ers. Supplementation of ginger powder or ginger oil all increased (P <
coliformes in the cecal digesta. In conclusion, dietary GSE reduced the 0.05) the activities of total superoxide dismutase (TSOD), glutathione
iron and copper status of broiler chick which could play an important peroxidase (GSH-Px), as well as total antioxidant capability (TAOC),
role in the antioxidant processes. GSE has showed to have hypocho- and decreased (P < 0.05) the MDA content in serum of chickens com-
lesterolemic effect and caused a decrease in the populations of E. coli pared with the control group at 21 and 42 d of age. Broilers addition
in the intestinal microflora. of 10 or 20 g/kg of ginger had higher (P < 0.05) serum TSOD (145.37,
Key Words: chicks, grape polyphenols, blood parameters and intestinal 141.73 vs. 129.10 U/mL at 42d) and GSH-Px activities and lower MDA
microflora. content (6.25, 6.17 vs. 8.86 nmol/mL at 21d) than the antibiotics group.
In liver, addition of ginger significantly elevated (P < 0.05) TSOD (21d)
and GSH-Px (21d) activities and improved the TAOC (21d and 42d)
M252 Comparison of dietary supplementation of cumin essential in contrast to the control. Significant increases (P < 0.05) of Hunter a*
oil and prebiotic on humoral immune response, blood metabolites values and decreases (P < 0.05) of drip loss and water loss rate of breast
and performance of broiler chickens. M. Aami-Azghadi, A. Golian*, muscle were observed in broilers supplemented with ginger powder and
H. Kermanshahi, and M. Sedghi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, ginger oil in contrast to the control or the antibiotics group. There was
Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran. no effect on pH value. It was concluded that diets supplemented with
ginger could improve meat quality by increasing the antioxidant status
Five hundred day-old male Ross broiler chicks were divided into 50
of broilers. Ginger powder and ginger oil can be used as a potential
groups of 10 birds each and randomly assigned to 10 dietary treatments
additive substituted for antibiotics.
with 5 replicates each. Two corn-soybean meal-based diets were first
provided to meet 100% and 95% of recommended digestible amino acids Key Words: ginger, broilers, antioxidant status
(RDAA) for starter (1–14 d), grower (15–35 d) and/or finisher (36–49 d)
periods. Each starter diet was subdivided into 5 parts and supplemented
with 0 and 2 g/kg Fermacto and 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8 g/kg cumin essential oil M254 Utilization of Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia,
(CEO). The grower diets contained half of the same supplementation in Hemsley A gray) leaf meal on the average production cost and
the starter diets and each of the un-supplemented finisher diet was fed to returns of broiler chicks. A. H. Ekeocha*1, A. Akinfemi1, O. A.
the corresponding birds. The performance parameters were determined Adu1, and O. A. Adebiyi1, 1Department of Animal Science University of
during all periods and carcass yields and relative organ weights measured Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, 2Faculty of Agriculture P.M.B.135,
on d 28 and 49. The blood metabolites, cell differentiation and total Nasarawa State University, Shabu - Lafia Campus, Nasarawa State,
anti-SRBC, IgG and IgM titers measured on d 26 in birds fed 100% Nigeria, 3Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal Univer-
RDAA diets. The CEO and Fermacto did not have a significant effect sity of Technology, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria, 4Department of Animal
(P > 0.05) on performance in the starter and finisher periods but higher Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
BWG was observed in birds fed diet with the lowest level of CEO in One hundred and fifty, white, day old Arbor Acre broiler chicks were
the grower period. Birds fed diet with 100% RDAA and Fermacto had used in evaluating the utilization of Mexican sunflower meal on the
higher feed: gain ratio in the growing period compared with those fed economics of broiler chicks. The broiler chicks were randomly assigned
diet of similar AA and 0.2 g/kg of CEO. A 5% decrease in the RDAA to 5 treatments A, B, C, D, and E. Treatment A served as the control and
had no adverse effect (P > 0.05) on the overall FI and BWG, but FCR treatments B, C, D, and E received Mexican sunflower leaf meal at 2.5,
was increased (P > 0.05). Carcass yields and cuts were not influenced 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0% levels replacing maize and soymeal respectively.
(P > 0.05) by CEO, Fermacto or DAA levels. There was not a signifi- Feed and water were provided ad-libitum and routine vaccinations and
cant difference (P > 0.05) in total anti SRBC, IgG and IgM titers The medications administered. Performance characteristics measured were
inclusion of Fermacto or various levels of CEO in diets did not affect feed intake and net profit. The results of the experiment showed that
(P > 0.05) serum metabolite (mg/dL) at d 28, although triglyceride and there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the live weight and feed
VLDL concentrations was lower (P < 0.05) in chicks fed starter diet intake. However, birds on treatment A performed best by attaining a live
contained 0.4 g/kg CEO. weight of 2610.30 g in 8 weeks with feed intake of 4,680.56g per bird.
98 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The same birds yielded the highest net profit of N182.42 or $1.586 per opened, and the degree of yolk discoloration was scored based on egg
bird on dressed weight unlike a deficit of N63.29 or $0.55 per bird on yolk scoring protocol. After determination of albumen spread, the yolk
birds in treatment E (10% MSLM) and N306.75 or $2.667 per bird on was separated from the albumen and the pH of yolk and albumen was
live weight and a profit of N18.74 or $0.163 per bird in treatment E measured. Data were analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS 9.1.
(10%MSLM). Birds in treatments B(2.5% MSLM), C (5.0% MSLM) Tukey’s Studentized Range (HSD) test was used to compare means (P
and D(7.5% MSLM) have appreciable level of profits which suggest that < 0.05).Yolk score significantly (P < 0.01) increased with increasing
in the absence of conventional feed stuff, nonconventional feeds such as of CSM and significantly (P < 0.01) diminished with increasing of
MSLM at 2.5% to 7.5% can be optimized in the diets of broilers. SB in the diet during cold storage. There was no significant effect of
dietary treatments on spread of albumen, but albumen quality gradually
Key Words: lesser known sunflower, production cost, broiler chicks
decreased during 4 weeks. Generally, pH of yolk and albumen increased
after cold storage. There was no significant effect of dietary treatments
M255 Dietary supplementation of medicinal plants and organic on pH of yolk or albumen. Egg discoloration in the current research was
acid on serum lipid profile in Ross broilers. H. Ziaie*1, A. Zeinali2, limited to that associated with gossypol. No eggs were observed to have
G. H. Hadarbadi1, M. A. Karimi Torshizi4, M. Bashtani3, and H. Far- developed pink albumen. In this study, cloudy white was sometimes
hangfar3, 1Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center, Birjand, observed after cold storage in all treatments. The yolks of eggs laid by
South Khorasan, Iran, 2Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, 3Birjand hens consuming CSM became rubbery, viscous, and pasty in appearance
University, Birjand, Khorasan, Iran, 4Tarbiat Moddares University, after cold storage. Under the conditions of this experiment, SB in the
Tehran, Iran. diet was useful for reduction of yolk discoloration.
This study evaluated the supplementation of medicinal plants and Key Words: cottonseed meal, sodium bentonite, internal egg quality
organic acid on the serum lipid profile in a feeding program for broil-
ers maintained at commercial condition. Two hundred and 40 1-d old
M257 Sensory characteristics of table eggs from laying hens fed
Ross male broiler chicks were placed in 16 cages under a completely
diets containing hemp oil or hemp seed. E. Goldberg*, D. Ryland,
randomized design. Cages were randomly assigned to 4 treatments: 1)
N. Gakhar, J. D. House, and M. Aliani, University of Manitoba, Win-
control diet based corn and soybean meal without supplementation; 2)
nipeg, MB, Canada.
control + antibiotic, 150 ppm of Virginiamycin; 3) control + 450 mg
medicinal plants Digestrom /kg diet; and T4) control diet + 400 mg Hemp seed contains approximately 30% oil, and this oil is rich in
organic acid Formycine /kg diet). At d 28 and 42 of the experiment, 4 α-linolenic acid (17% of total fatty acids). As such, hemp seed and its’
birds from each replicate were randomly selected and blood samples oil can be used in poultry diet formulations to produce eggs enriched
taken from the wing vein into syringes. The blood samples were then with these essential fatty acids. Ideally, enriched eggs should maintain
centrifuged at 2,000 × g for 10 min and the serums were transported the characteristic sensory attributes of non-enriched eggs to remain
into aseptically treated vials then at 20°C for further analysis. Serum acceptable to consumers. The concern with omega-3 eggs in the past
samples were analyzed for determining the total cholesterol, triglyc- has been the potentially deleterious effects on sensory attributes includ-
eride, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol by enzymatic diagnostic ing off-flavor and off-odor, and altered texture. The current study was
kit (Sigma kit). Experimental units were treated under T3, which was designed to assess the sensory attributes of eggs procured from hens
found to have the lowest cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL cholesterol consuming diets containing hemp seed products. Forty-eight individu-
concentrations. This treatment also resulted in an increased HDL/LDL ally caged Bovan hens received 1 of 6 isonitrogenous and isoenergetic
ratio compared with T1 and T2. Supplementation diets with medicinal diets containing 0, 4, 8, 12% hemp oil or 10, 20% hemp seed for a 12
plants and organic acid had no significant effect on HDL cholesterol. week period. Trained panelists (n = 8) evaluated 6 aroma and 7 flavor
In addition, treatment 4 reduced serum total cholesterol and LDL cho- attributes of cooked eggs. Attributes that were measured included “egg,”
lesterol concentrations in broilers during 42 d. Generally, the results “salty,” “sour,” “milky,” “creamy” and “buttery,” with “sweet” as the
indicated that the medicinal plants and organic acid as an alternative additional flavor attribute. No significant differences in aroma or flavor
antibiotic have a hypolipidemic effect in broilers. (P > 0.05) were found between eggs from different dietary treatments.
For yolk color, L*, a* and b* values (mean ± SD) for control (0%)
Key Words: hypolipidemic, probiotic, prebiotic
eggs were 61.0 ± 0.3, 1.0 ± 0.1, and 43.2 ± 0.4, respectively. Addition
of either hemp seed or hemp oil led to significant (P < 0.05) reductions
M256 Changes of internal egg quality during cold storage when in L*, and significant (P < 0.05) increases in a* and b*, with the largest
hens fed diets containing cottonseed meal treated with sodium changes observed in the 20% hemp seed treatment (L* = 58.7 ± 0.1; a*
bentonite. A. Gilani, H. Kermanshahi, A. Golian*, and A. Tahmasbi, = 5.3 ± 0.1; b* = 60.0 ± 0.3). The results provide evidence that hemp
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. oil or seed use in poultry diet formulations leads to increased yolk color
intensity, but does not have adverse effects on flavor and aroma profiles
This experiment was designed to determine interactive effects between of the cooked eggs.
dietary sodium bentonite (SB) containing ferric oxide and free gossypol
(FG) on internal egg quality during cold storage. In a 3 × 3 factorial Key Words: sensory, egg, hemp
arrangement in a CRD with 9 dietary treatments in 4 replicates con-
sisting of 3 levels of SB (0, 1, and 2%) and 3 levels of CSM (0, 10,
M258 Effect of guar meal as a source of protein on laying hens
and 20%) were tested. Nine mash diets were fed to 288 commercial
performance. P. Soleimani, A. Golian*, H. Kermanshahi, and M.
Hy-Line W-36 hens from 51 to 62 wk of age after 1 wk of acclimatiza-
Sedghi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi,
tion. Each experimental unit consisted of 2 cages with 4 birds per cage.
The 4 eggs were randomly chosen in each experimental unit from the
eggs laid during the 4 consecutive days at every 28-d period (total 3 An experiment was conducted to evaluate guar meal (GM) as a source
periods) and then were stored at 4°C for 1, 2, 3, and 4 wk to enhance of protein on laying (58 weeks of age) performance and egg quality. Two
yolk discoloration, respectively. After storage, eggs were individually hundred 20 8 laying hens (58 weeks of age) were fed diets containing
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 99
0, 3, 6 and 9% guar meal with/without β-mannanase (Hemicell) for The effects of fermented garlic powder on the production performance,
12 weeks. A complete block randomized design with 4 × 2 factorial egg quality and blood characteristics of laying hens were studied in a
arrangement were used to have 8 diets of each fed to 4 replicate hens 35–d experiment. A total of 240 (ISA brown) 41-wk-old layers were
of 9 each. Daily egg production and weekly egg weight and feed con- allocated into the following 4 treatments: 1) CON (basal diet), 2) G1
sumption were recorded. Three eggs from each replicate were used to (CON + 0.005% fermented garlic powder), 3) G2 (CON + 0.01%
measured egg components each other week. Hen-day egg production was fermented garlic powder), and 4) G3 (CON + 0.02% fermented garlic
significantly decreased when hens fed diets contained 6 and 9% GM in powder). There were no differences (P > 0.05) in the egg production,
first week and only 9% GM at second week of experiment as compared egg weight, eggshell breaking strength and eggshell thickness among
with 0 and 3% GM fed birds. Whereas hen-day egg production was groups throughout the entire experimental period. However, the yolk
not influenced when hens fed up to 9% GM after third week. Egg mass height increased significantly (P < 0.05) in response to the addition of
was significantly lower when hens fed 9% GM during the experimental fermented garlic powder during the 5th week. Additionally, the yolk
periods compared with control and 3% GM fed birds (46.8 vs. 50.8 or color was greater (P < 0.05) in the CON and G3 groups than in the G1
52.4, respectively). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) in 3 initial weeks of and G2 groups during the 5th week. The Haugh unit value was higher (P
experiment was significantly higher in 9% GM fed birds. Feeding of < 0.05) in groups that received the fermented garlic powder treatments
GM did not affect specific gravity, percentage wet albumen and wet during the 5th week than in the CON group. None of the treatments had
yolk based on percentage of whole egg weight and shell weight and a significant effect on the total protein, albumin, and IgG levels in blood
thickness. Feed consumption, hen-day egg production, egg mass, FCR throughout the experimental period (P > 0.05). There was a significant
and egg quality were not affected by Supplementation of β-mannanase (P < 0.05) reduction in the serum cholesterol concentration when the
during the experimental periods. The results of this study showed that dietary level of fermented garlic powder was increased from 0.005 to
6% GM may be added to the diet of laying hens with no adverse effects 0.02%. Overall, this study demonstrated that the addition of fermented
on performance. garlic powder to the diets of laying hens reduced the serum cholesterol
concentration without any adverse effects on production performance. In
Key Words: guar meal, egg production, laying hen
conclusion, dietary fermented garlic powder supplementation improved
yolk height and Haugh unit, and reduced serum cholesterol concentra-
M259 Effect of dietary supplementation of licorice extract on tion laying hens.
egg quality and performance of hens. M. Sedghi, A. Golian*, and Key Words: fermented garlic powder, egg quality, laying hens
P. Soleimani, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan
Razavi, Iran.
M261 Effects of marine algae (Spirulina platensis) on egg yolk
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of various
color and laying hens performance. N. Zahroojian, H. Moravej*,
levels of dietary licorice extract on egg production, egg weight, specific
and M. Shivazd, University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
gravity, feed conversion ratio, egg shell quality and egg yolk color. One
hundred 20 8 laying hens (58 weeks age) were divided to 4 groups with Egg yolk color has always been regarded as an important egg quality
4 replicates (8 hens each) in a complete block randomized design. Data characteristic. There are some synthetic pigments for produce an aes-
were analyzed using ANOVA and means were separated using Tukey’s thetically pleasing yolk color of egg, but consumers often prefer eggs
HSD (P < 0.05). The experimental diets were supplemented with 0, 2, that were enriched by natural materials. It seems that the algae as a
4 or 6 g/kg of diets licorice extract. Daily egg production, weekly egg natural pigment can be useful for produce an aesthetically pleasing yolk
weight and feed consumption were recorded. Three eggs in each rep- color. Therefore, in this experiment, a total of 128 Hy-line W36 hens,
licate were used to measured egg components each other week. Daily 63 weeks of age were used. Hens were put at random into 4 treatment
egg production in hens fed diet supplemented with 4 g/kg of licorice groups (4 replicates and 32 hens per treatment). The hens were fed 4
extract numerically increased (P = 0.06) when compared with the control diets; 3 diets with different levels of spirulina (1.5%, 2% and 2.5%) and
diet in the entire experiment. Hens fed diet 4 g/kg licorice extract had one control group based on wheat and soybean meal that received no
significantly increased (P < 0.05) shell thickness compared with those spirulina in the ration. Egg production, feed conversion ratio, feed intake,
fed diets supplemented with 6 g/kg (389 vs. 374 mm). Percentage of egg weight and yolk color were compared with control group. Egg yolk
abdominal fat pad was significantly decreased (P < 0.05) in birds fed color was measured by the BASF Ovo-color fan. Our Results indicated
diet containing 6 g/kg licorice extract compared with control diet (0.83 that egg production, feed conversion ratio, feed intake and egg weight
vs. 1.49%). Performance parameters (feed consumption, feed conver- did not show any changes with the spirulina addition (P < 0.05), while
sion ratio), egg parameters (egg weight, dry shell weight, egg-specific a significant increase in egg yolk color was observed in the treatments
gravity, percentage of wet albumen and wet yolk based on percentage that received the spirulina comparing to control diet (P < 0.0001). Yolk
of whole egg weight) and organ weights were not influenced (P > 0.05) color scores of control group and different levels of spirulina (1.5, 2, and
by licorice supplementation. It seems that licorice extract at the level of 2.5%) were 1.5, 10.5, 11.4, and 11.6 in BASF color fan, respectively.
4 g/kg may have positive effects on egg production, shell quality and There were no significant differences between the treatments with 2%
decreases abdominal fat pad at 6 g/kg level. and 2.5% of spirulina, so we can suggest using 2% spirulina in the egg
industry to produce an aesthetically pleasing yolk color.
Key Words: licorice extract, egg production, laying hen
100 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Table 1. Effect of treatments on egg production, feed conversion characteristic in growing pigs. Pigs were allotted into 3 dietary treat-
ratio, feed intake, egg weight and yolk color ments in a randomized complete block design according to sex and
Egg Feed initial BW. Dietary treatments included: 1) CON [basal diet], 2) M2
production, conversion Feed Egg Yolk [basal diet + 0.2% meat powder] and 3) M4 [basal diet + 0.4% meat
Spirulina level (%) n ratio intake weight color powder]. Each treatment had 8 replicates with 2 pigs per pen. Pigs
0 (control group) 74.168a 1.562a 100.275a 63.923a 1.55c were housed in an environmental controlled, slatted-floor facility in 24
1.5 78.333a 1.550a 97.803a 63.198a 10.55b adjacent pens (1.80 × 1.80 m2) and were allowed ad libitum access to
2 82.083a 1.520a 96.495a 63.598a 11.43a
feed and water through a self-feeder and nipple waterer throughout the
experimental period. In the current study, dietary meat powder did not
2.5 73.645a 1.532a 97.393a 63.473a 11.66a
affect the growth performance (ADG, ADFI and G/F ratio). Nutrient
P-value 0.2083 0.7552 0.4059 0.8403 <0.0001 digestibility (DM, N and energy) were not affect by the inclusion of the
SEM 2.7 0.03 1.36 0.8 0.11 meat powder, although a numerically increase was observed on the N
CV% 6.98 3.77 2.76 2.53 2.35 digestibility in the M2 treatment compared with the CON treatment. In
a–cMeans in a column with different superscripts differ significantly. addition, pig fed the dietary meat powder diets had a decreased (Linear P
= 0.006) BUN concentration in serum with the increasing meat powder
Key Words: egg yolk color, marine algae (Spirulina platensis), laying level, which suggested that the meat powder could exert positive to the
hen performance protein utilization. However, no effect was observed on the creatinine
concentration among the treatments. In conclusion, dietary meat powder
could improve the protein utilization and have a tendency to increase
M262 Use of salvage pet food in diets of weaned pigs. J. P. Holt
the nutrients digestibility.
and S. J. Gasca*, Illinois State University, Normal.
Key Words: meat powder, growth performance, growing pigs
The United States pet food industry produced over 8 million tonnes of
pet food in 2008 and continues to grow. A by-product of this industry,
salvage pet food (SPF), is often available to swine producers. Two M264 Effects of fermented garlic powder on growth performance
experiments were conducted to determine the effects of adding SPF as and blood profiles of weanling pigs. J. P. Wang*, J. H. Lee, H. J. Kim,
an alternative ingredient in weaned pig diets. SPF, an expired, extruded L. Yan, S. M. Hong, and I. H. Kim, Department of Animal Resource and
dog food product, was ground and added to conventional weaned pig Science, Dankook University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea.
diets at 0 (CON), 10, 25, or 40%, substituting corn and soybean meal.
SPF had the following nutrient composition: 22.7% CP, 3.7% CF, 8.9% The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the growth perfor-
crude fat, and 7.2% ash. Two dietary phases were mixed. Barrows (n = mance and blood profile responses of pigs fed diets supplemented with
24) were placed into metabolism crates and fed phase 2 experimental fermented garlic powder. Garlic (Allium sativum) has several beneficial
diets for 10 d, with 3 d of total feces collection. Feed and fecal samples effects for either human or animals having antimicrobial, antioxidant,
were analyzed for GE using bomb calorimetry and nitrogen using the as well as antihypertensive properties. The growth performance and
combustion method. For a growth assay, 348 pigs, blocked by weight blood profile responses of 144 weanling pigs (5.5 ± 0.4 kg) fed dietary
and sex, were placed into 48 nursery pens. Pigs were fed a common pre- supplementation of fermented garlic powder were evaluated in a
starter for 4 d followed by their respective experimental diets for 28 d (14 5-wk trial. Pigs were randomly allocated to the following 4 dietary
d per phase). Pig weight and feed disappearance were measured weekly treatments: CON (basal diet) and CON with fermented garlic powder
and used to calculate ADG, ADFI, and G:F. Blood samples were col- added at 0.05% (G0.05), 0.10% (G0.1) or 0.20% (G0.2). There were 6
lected weekly, from one pig per pen, for analysis of blood urea nitrogen replications with 6 pigs per pen. Throughout the experimental period,
(BUN). Diets containing 40% SPF were found to have a greater energy no effect on G:F was observed (P > 0.05). However, during wk 1–3,
density than anticipated. However, GE intake of pigs was not different the ADFI was higher (P < 0.05) in the G0.05 group than the other treat-
(P > 0.05) between treatments during the metabolism trial. There was no ment groups. In addition, the ADG was improved during wk 3–5 (P <
effect (P > 0.05) of SPF inclusion on energy and nitrogen digestibility of 0.05) in response to fermented garlic powder treatments, while only the
pigs fed experimental diets. Analysis of growth data revealed that pigs ADFI in the G0.05 group was increased (P < 0.05). Overall (0–5 wk),
fed diets containing 25 and 40% SPF had an increased (P < 0.05) G:F G0.05 treatment increased the ADG by 10% and the ADFI by 12% (P
compared with pigs fed the CON diet. Pigs fed diets containing 40% < 0.05) when compared with the CON group. Furthermore, the IgG,
SPF tended (P = 0.07) to have increased BUN in comparison to pigs RBC and lymphocyte levels were greater (P < 0.05) in the G0.1 and
fed either 0 or 10% SPF. Results of these experiments show that SPF is G0.2 treatment groups at the end of the trial. In conclusion, the addition
a quality ingredient for use in weaned pig diets; when included at high of fermented garlic powder improved the ADG in weanling pigs and
levels, pigs displayed a greater efficiency of feed utilization. partially benefited the immunity.
Key Words: pet food, swine Key Words: fermented garlic powder, growth performance, weanling
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 101
Nannochloropsis oculata for biodiesel production. This algae meal M267 Effects of dietary wild ginseng adventitious root meal on
was included at 10% (DM basis) to a test diet that was isocaloric and egg quality, egg production, and fatty acid content of yolk in egg
isonitrogenous to the control diet (as analyzed by proximate analysis). produced by laying hens. H. J. Kim*, J. S. Yoo, J. P. Wang, Q. W.
Twenty-four adolescent male Sprague-Dawley rats were used (n = 12/ Meng, B. W. Yang, and I. H. Kim, Department of Animal Resource and
treatment). The rats were fed ad-libitum for 36 d and body weights were Science, Dankook University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea.
recorded every 7 d. Blood was drawn via a lateral venous tail puncture,
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary wild ginseng
and analyzed for metabolites on d 0, and 21 of the study. A nutrient
adventitious root meal on the egg quality, egg production and fatty acid
balance trial was conducted from d 21 through d 28, measuring all
content of yolks in egg produced by laying hens. A total of 240 ISA
food and water consumed, as well as all feces and urine produced. On
Brown laying hens 55 wk of age were used in this 5–wk feeding trial.
d 36 of the study, the rats were killed, blood was collected via a heart
Dietary treatments included 1) CON (basal diet), 2) WGR1 (basal diet
puncture, at the same time the organ weights were recorded, and tissue
+ 1% wild–ginseng adventitious root meal), and 3) WGR2 (basal diet +
samples for histology were taken of the kidneys, liver and spleen. The
2% wild–ginseng adventitious root meal). The laying hens were allotted
ADF (11.08 vs. 7.51 g/d) and NDF (25.10 vs. 21.14 g/d) intake of rats
into 3 dietary treatments with 40 replicate pens and 2 laying hens per
fed the algae meal diet was greater (P < 0.01) than those fed the control
pen in a completely randomized design. Evaluation of the egg quality
diet. Subsequently, apparent DM and CP digestibility was slightly lower
revealed that the egg shell thickness, egg yolk color, egg yolk height
(P < 0.03) in the algae fed rats then the controls There were no apparent
and Haugh unit had no significant different among treatment groups (P
differences (P > 0.10) in final body weight, or CP balance. There were
> 0.05). Egg production was also significantly increased in the WGR1
no differences in blood glucose (P = 0.15), base excess (P = 0.79) or
and WGR2 groups when compared with the CON group (P < 0.05).
BUN (P = 0.69). Additionally, there were no apparent differences (P
The fatty acid content of yolk, palmitic acid, stearic acid, saturated fatty
> 0.10) in histology of the kidneys, livers or spleens of rats fed either
acid content and the saturated fatty acid/unsaturated fatty acid ratio were
the control or diet with algae meal. These data indicate that the algae
significantly lower in the WGR1 and WGR2 groups when compared
meal of N. oculata may be a safe alternative protein source for non-
with the CON group (P < 0.05). The linoleic acid, eicosenoic acid and
ruminant animals, yet the digestibility may be limited by the increased
unsaturated fatty acid content in the WGR group was higher than in
fiber content of the algae meal.
the CON group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the addition of wild-ginseng
Key Words: algae, biodiesel, digestibility adventitious root meal improved egg quality, egg production and fatty
acid content of yolk.
M266 The effect of supplementation with ginger on dietary oxi- Key Words: wild ginseng, egg quality, laying hens
dation stability. X. Zhao and Z. B. Yang*, Shandong Agricultural
University, Tai-an, Shandong, PRC.
M268 Effect of a mixture of turmeric and capsicum oleoresins
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplementation and of a garlic botanical on broiler chickens performance and
with ginger on dietary oxidation stability. Treatments included control intestinal histology. D. Bravo*1, T. G. Petrolli2, L. F. T. Albino2, and
diet without ginger supplementation and test diets supplemented with H. S. Rostagno2, 1Pancosma, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Federal University
5, 10, 15, 20 g/kg of ginger. All of the diets were placed in plastic air- of Viçosa, Department of Animal Science, Viçosa, Brazil.
tight envelope that were distributed randomly in a 20°C oven for 60-d
Our objective was to evaluate the effect of a mixture of turmeric and
experimental period. Lipid was extracted from samples at 10-d intervals
capsicum oleoresins (PF, Proflora) and of a garlic botanical (GB) on
using the method of Soxhlet extraction (<45°C). The peroxide value
the performances and small intestine villus height and crypt depth of
(PV) was determined on the extracted oil using the AOCS method Cd
broiler chickens fed a corn soybean meal diet. One day-old male broiler
8–53 (Walker, 1989). The anisidine value (AV) was measured using the
chicks were distributed in a completely randomized block design with 6
official IUPAC method (Paquot, 1979). Supplementation with ginger in
treatments, 8 rep. and 20 birds per rep. (floor pen) in the starter (1–21d)
poultry diets caused a greater (P < 0.05) increase in PV than the control
and grower/finisher (21–40d) phases. T1 was the nonsupplemented
diet during the first 30 d. But after that time, the PV showed no differ-
control (positive control, PC, 3000 kcal/kg ME, 1.263% Lys, 0.574%
ence (P > 0.05) until last except the 0, 5g/kg of ginger supplementation
Met). T2 (negative control, NC) was T1 with reduction of 75 kcal ME/
diets were lower (P < 0.05) at Day 60. In contrast to the PV, the control
kg and 2% AAs. T3 was T2 + 100 ppm of XT. T4 was T2 + 75 ppm
diet caused the fastest (P < 0.05) rate of oxidation, whereas the 20 g/
of GB. T5 was T2 + 150 ppm of GB. Birds and feed were weighted at
kg of ginger supplementation diet showed the lowest (P < 0.05) rate
d1, 21 and 40. At d21, 1 bird of each rep. was sacrificed and a portion
of oxidation during the first 30 d and then no significant differences (P
of jejunum was collected to determine villus height (VH), crypt depth
> 0.05) in AV between the control and the test diets. Further analysis
(CD) and villus/crypt ratio (VC). The data were subjected to one-way
showed that AV of all the diets were linearly (P < 0.05) and tended (P
ANOVA. Treatments effect was tested by the Newman Keul’s Test (P
< 0.05) to quadratically increased. In conclusion, AV and PV of the
< 0.05). From d 1 to 21, BWG and G:F were decreased by NC (−7.9%,
diets were strongly affected by time. Supplementation with ginger in
−5.3%), improved by either XT (+5.3%, +3.6%), or 75 and 150 ppm of
poultry diets can decrease AV but increase PV. As all know, both PV and
GB (BWG = +6.5%, +8.8%; G:F = +3.5%, +4.1%) and similar between
AV are important characteristic of the edible oils quality and appears
T3, T4, T5 and PC. From d1 to 40, BWG and G:F were depressed by NC
as an indicator of the lipid oxidation and oil properties deterioration.
(−4.2%, −2.3%), improved by XT (+1.9%, +1.1%, P > 0.05) and by 150
PV measures the first products, hydroperoxides and peroxides, which
ppm of GB (+5.3%, +3.4%). The NC diet decreased VH (−2.9%) and
are transient and decompose to aldehydes and ketones, whereas AV
increased CD (+3.0%, P > 0.05). When compared with NC, birds fed
measures these secondary oxidation products. Through above analysis,
XT improved VH (+19.5%) and reduced CD (−5.8%, P > 0.05), which
ginger supplementation in poultry diets may effective to restrain the
was a 20.8% improvement of VC ratio. GB improved VH (−12.2% for
conversion of first oxidation products to secondary ones.
150 ppm, P > 0.05) and decreased CD (+8.9% for 75 ppm, P > 0.05).
Key Words: ginger, poultry diets, oxidation stability The results indicated that broilers on the NC diet had poorer performance
and intestinal histology than those fed the PC diets (T1) and the NC plus
102 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
additives (T3, T4, T5). XT, and GB improved chicks BWG, G:F and Key Words: cassava, relative organ weight, Korean native broilers
intestinal histology to values similar to those fed the PC diets.
Key Words: essential oils, gut health, broilers M271 Effects of cassava on production performance and egg
quality in laying hens. J. H. Lee*, H. J. Kim, J. P. Wang, T. X. Zhou,
and I. H. Kim, Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook
M269 Effects of dietary medicinal plants (Artemisia, Acanthopa-
University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea.
nax, and garlic) on productive parameters in pigs. J. H. Jung*1, H.
D. Jang1, T. X. Zhou1, S. H. Oh2, R. C. Noble2, and I. H. Kim1, 1Depart- This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of cassava for energy
ment of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook University, Cheonan, source on the production performance and egg quality in laying hens.
Choongnam, Korea, 2Department of Animal SCience, North Carolina A total of 240 (ISA brown) 47 week old layers were allocated into the
A&T State University, Greensboro, North Carolin, United States. following 4 treatments: 1) CON (basal diet), 2) C5 (5% of cassava diet),
3) C10 (10% of cassava diet), 4) C20 (20% of cassava diet), and 5) C30
This study was conducted to determine the effect of supplemental
(30% of cassava diet). The laying hens were allotted into 5 dietary treat-
medicinal plants (Artemisia, Acanthopanx and garlic) on productive
ments with 24 replicate pens and 2 laying hens per pen in a completely
parameters in pigs. In experiment 1, Three days before parturition, a
randomized design and studied in a 35-d experiment. Egg production
total 90 multiparous (4.5 ± 0.3) sows were used in a 21–d performance
was significantly decreased in the C30 treatment when compared with
assay. Sows fed treatments included 1) CON (basal diet; Control),
other treatments (P < 0.05). Evaluation of the egg quality revealed that
2) BM1 (CON + 0.1% medicinal plants) and 3) BM2 (CON + 0.2%
the egg weight, eggshell thickness, eggshell breaking strength, egg
medicinal plants). We detected the initial, final body weight, backfat and
yolk height and Haugh unit was not affect by treatments (P > 0.05).
estrus interval of sows. Litter’s average of birth and weanling weight
However, in egg yolk color, C20 and C30 treatments were dramatically
and average dairy gain were checked. Backfat thickness difference
decreased from 2nd and 1st week (P < 0.05). In conclusion, this study
from farrowing to weaning was significantly increase (P < 0.05) in
demonstrated that the cassava for energy source in laying hens can be
CON treatment compared with medicinal plants treatments. The piglets
used at up to 20% without negative effects on performance, however
weigh gain was higher (P < 0.05) in the medicinal plants treatments
consider pigment for yolk color.
than in control. In experiment 2, a total of 60 finishing pigs [(Landrace
× Yorkshire) × Duroc, 65.21 ± 1.04 kg average initial body weight] Key Words: cassava, egg quality, laying hens
were used in a 56–d performance assay to determine the effects of
supplemental medicinal plants (Artemisia, Acanthopanx, and garlic) on
growth performance and carcass characteristics in finishing pigs. Finish- M272 Inclusion of shrimp heads meal (Litopenaeus spp.) and
ing pigs fed treatments included 1) CON (basal diet), 2) BM1 (CON + red crab meal (Pleuroncodes planipes) in rations for laying hens,
0.1% medicinal plants) and 3) BM2 (CON + 0.2% medicinal plants). and its effect on the egg physical and sensorial quality, at different
During 4~8weeks and overall period, ADG was higher (P < 0.05) in the time and temperature of storage. E. M. Carranco*1, L. Sangines1,
medicinal plants treatments than in control. CON treatment was higher E. Morales2, E. Avila3, B. Fuente3, R. Ramirez3, S. Carrillo1, C. Calvo1,
pH of loin after 24 h of storage and cooking loss than BM1 treatment and F. Perez-Gil1, 1Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion
(P < 0.05). Water holding capacity and Drip loss after 1 d of storage Salvador Zubiran, Mexico, D.F., Mexico, 2Universidad Autonoma Met-
were affected by the dietary BM treatments (P < 0.05). In conclusion, ropolitana, Mexico, D.F., Mexico, 3Universidad Nacional Autonoma de
the results obtained from this feeding trial suggest that the medicinal Mexico, Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
plants mixture supplementation in diets for finishing pigs improved The aim of this study was to determine if the inclusion of shrimp heads
ADG, water holding capacity, cooking loss and sow decreased backfat meal (SM) and red crab meal (RCM) in laying hen diets has an effect
loss and litter weight gain improved. on the egg physical and sensory characteristics when is stored at 4°C
Key Words: medicinal plants, sow, finishing pigs and 20°C during 15 and 30 d. One hundred thirty-five laying hens were
distributed in 3 treatments: Control diet, SM (20%), and RCM (4%). At
the end of the trial, 250 eggs were taken: 50 fresh eggs were analyzed,
M270 Effects of cassava on production performance and relative 100 eggs were stored at 4°C and 20°C/15 d and another 100 at 4°C and
organ weight in Korean native broilers. J. H. Lee*, H. D. Jang, J. P. 20°C/30 d. Egg physical quality and pH were measured, while the egg
Wang, T. X. Zhou, and I. H. Kim, Department of Animal Resource and flavor and yolk color where evaluated, too. The results were analyzed
Science, Dankook University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea. using a 3 × 3 × 2 factorial design; the comparison among means was
done with the multiple range test of Duncan (P < 0.05). There were no
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of cassava for energy
statistical differences (P > 0.05) in productive parameters, weight of shell
source on the performance and relative organ weight in Korean native
and sensory evaluation. It was found that egg weight decreased at longest
broilers. A total of 528 broilers were allocated into the following 4 treat-
time and lowest temperature (P < 0.05). The albumen height and Haugh
ments: 1) CON (basal diet), 2) C5 (5% of cassava diet), 3) C10 (10%
Units increased in old treatments in egg at 0 d at SM and RCM at 20°C,
of cassava diet), and 4) C20 (20% of cassava diet). The broilers were
but decreased when eggs were stored at 4° and 20°C during 15 and 30
allotted into 4 dietary treatments with 6 replicate pens and 22 chicks per
d. The yolk color decreased with SM and RCM at 15 and 30 d (20°C).
pen in a completely randomized design and studied in a 9-wk experi-
Eggshell thickness presented the great loss at 30 d/4°C (P < 0.05). The
ment. During 9 wk, weight gain and feed intake was not affected by
pH was increased as the time was longer by itself. It was concluded
treatments (P > 0.05), however, feed/gain ratio was higher in C10 and
the inclusion of SM and RCM in laying hen diets did not affect both
C20 treatments compared with C5 treatment (P < 0.05). In liver, abdomi-
productive variables and the sensory characteristics in eggs at 0 and 15
nal fat, leg and carcass percentage were not difference was observed.
d (4° and 20°C) but the physical quality and pH were affected.
However, in breast meat percentage was higher in CON compared with
C10 treatment (P > 0.05). In conclusion, this study demonstrated that Key Words: egg quality, shrimp heads meal, red crab meal
the cassava for energy source in Korean native broilers can be used at
up to 20% without negative effect on performance.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 103
M273 The effect of medicinal plants and plant extracted oils on and GSE diets had the highest population of lactobacilli. Compared with
broiler duodenum morphology and immunological profile. L. the CTL- diet, the CTL+, GPC and GPS diets increased the populations
Stef*1, G. Dumitrescu1, D. Drinceanu1, D. Stef1, D. Mot1, C. Julean1, of enterococci and decreased the counts of C. perfringens in the ileal
R. Tetileanu1, and N. Corcionivoschi2, 1Banat’s University of Agricul- content. There were no differences in the ileal population of E. coli
tural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Science, among all dietary treatments. In the cecal digesta, birds fed GPC and
Timisoara, Romania, 2University College Dublin, Ireland. GSE diets had a higher population of E. coli, lactobacilli, enterococci,
and C. perfringens than in any other treatment group. Based on the
It was previously reported that essential oils from aromatic plants
results of the present study, it can be stated that dietary polyphenol-rich
have antimicrobial activity against many bacterial pathogens. We have
grape products modify the intestinal microflora and gut morphology in
conducted an in vivo experiment to study the effect of some aromatic
broiler chicks.
plants and in particular to investigate the effect of oils extracted from
these plants at the immune level and duodenal morphology. During the Key Words: chicks, grape pholyphenols, gut morphology and intestinal
experiment 90 broiler chicken were divided in 3 experimental groups: microflora
control group (C), group 1 (G1) and group 2 (G2). Broilers from group
G1 had received feed with 0.05% incorporated oils extracted from
savory (Satureja hortenis), mint (Mentha piperita) and sea-buckthorn M275 Effects of hemp oil on the expression of FADS1, FADS2,
(Hippophae rhamnoides). Group G2 received a premix of plants (savory, and ELOVL5 in laying hens. M. Jing*, N. Gakhar, E. Goldberg, and
mint, and sea-buckthorn) during daily feeding. The control group (C) J. D. House, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada.
received normal feed with no supplements. The amount of lysozyme Hemp seed and oil products are rich and balanced sources of omega-3
detected at group G1 was doubled (28.55 µg/cm3; P < 0.05) comparing and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Hemp contains
G2 (13.2 µg/cm3; P < 0.01) and the control (11.42 µg/cm3; P < 0.005). about 17% α-linolenic acid (ALA) and 56% linoleic acid (LA), which
The incorporation of extracted oils in food determine a powerful stimu- are precursors for omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs, respectively. In
lation of intestinal mucous membrane, manifested by development of conjunction with studies designed to evaluate the transfer efficiency
intestinal villi, the hypertrophy of villi, hyperplasic hypertrophy of capil- of dietary ALA to table eggs, the present study investigated the effects
lary network and the stimulation of leukocytes infiltrate. The muscular of dietary hemp oil (HO) inclusion on 3 principal biosynthetic genes
hypertrophic processes and of leukocytes infiltrates are visible in the involved in PUFA metabolism: FADS1 (∆5 desaturase), FADS2 (∆6
endomysium and perimysium of the muscular tunic. The microscopical desaturase), and ELOVL5 (elongation of very long chain fatty acids
images taken from the duodenum sections were sampled from the G2 protein 5). Bovan White laying hens (n = 8 per diet) received wheat-
group suggest the stimulation of angiogenesis (P < 0.05). The processes barley-soy-based diets containing 12% supplemental oil as either corn
are however of smaller intensity comparative with experimental lot G1 oil (CO; 0% HO), blend of 33:67 (4% HO) or 67:33 HO:CO (8% HO),
(P < 0.001). This work shows that essential oils extracted from plants or HO (12% HO), with a gradual decrease in the LA:ALA ratio as HO
improve the immune response and also are able to determine changes inclusion increased. The hens were fed over a period of 12 weeks. All
of the duodenal mucosa with beneficial effects for the animal. the diets were formulated with equal protein and energy. Liver tissue
Key Words: medicinal plants, plant oils, broiler nutrition was freshly harvested at the end of the experiment and used for RNA
isolation. The mRNA expression profile of the 3 genes was assessed by
semiquantitative real-time PCR. Results revealed that the mRNA levels
M274 Effects of dietary polyphenol-rich grape products on gut of FADS1 were significantly reduced by 39.48% (P < 0.05) in hens fed
morphology and intestinal microflora in broiler chicks. A. Vive- the diet containing 12% of HO, and FADS2 mRNA was decreased by
ros*1, S. Chamorro2, M. Pizarro1, W. Siqueira3, C. Centeno2, I. Arija1, 45.18% and 51.32% (P < 0.05) in hens fed the diet containing 8% and
and A. Brenes2, 1Facultad de Veterinaria, UCM, Madrid, Spain, 2Insti- 12% of HO in comparison with the basal diet, respectively. However,
tuto del FRIO-ICTAN, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 3Faculdade de Veterinaria, the expression of ELOVL5 was unaffected (P > 0.05) by the treatment
Universidade Estadual do CEARA, Fortaleza, Brasil. of HO. Overall, this study demonstrates that 2 desaturase genes includ-
ing FADS1 and FADS2 are downregulated by the supplementation of
Grapes have high amounts of phenolic compounds which can modulate
hemp oil in laying hen diets, and these changes may be related to the
the gut activity as well as to modify the structure and function of the
ratio of the prevailing dietary fatty acids.
gastro-intestinal tract. An experiment was conducted to study the effect
of the inclusion of grape pomace concentrate (GPC) and grape seed Key Words: hemp oil, gene expression, laying hens
extract (GSE) in broiler chick diets on performance, intestinal morphol-
ogy (jejunum), and ileal and cecal microflora at 21 d of age. Dietary
treatments included an antibiotic-free diet (CTL-), a positive control M276 Dietary supplementation effects of oregano essential oils
(CTL+, 50 mg/kg of avoparcin), and an antibiotic-free diet containing on intestinal digest microbial community in broilers under high
GPC (60 g/kg) or GSE (7.2 g/kg). Each treatment was randomly assigned altitude conditions. L. Betancourt*1,2, V. Phandanouvong3, F. Rodri-
to 5 pen replicates (5 birds each). Jejunum histology was examined to guez3, C. Ariza-Nieto3, M. Hume4, D. Nisbet4, and G. Afanador-Téllez2,
1Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia, 2Universidad Nacional de
determine the villi height, crypt depth, villi-height-to-crypt depth ratio,
and muscularis layer thickness. Ileal and cecal contents were assayed for Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia, 3CORPOICA, Bogotá, Colombia, 4USDA,
Escherichia coli, lactobacilli, enterococci, and Clostridium perfringens. ARS, FFSRU, College Station, TX.
Performance was not affected by dietary treatments except in the case of Microbiota impact broiler health and production. Essential oils have been
birds fed GSE diet which showed a decrease of weight gain. CTL- fed shown to play a significant role in the modulation of gut microflora and
birds had longer villi and deeper crypt depth than birds in any other the colonization of pathogenic bacteria. The aim of this study was to test
treatment group. The best villi height: crypt depth ratio corresponding the effect of oregano essential oils (OEO) on the microbial community on
to birds fed GPC diet and the worst to those fed CTL- diet. Muscularis broiler chickens reared at high altitude. Seven hundred and fifty 1-d-old
layer thickness was not affected by dietary treatment except in the case Hybro male broiler chicks, maintained at high altitude, were placed in
of CTL- group which was reduced. In the ileal content, birds fed CTL- 30 brooder cages under a completely randomized design. Six treatments
104 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
were evaluated: 200 ppm of OEO from 3 varieties produced and ground was observed for OM and AB in jejunum (21d), ileum (3 and 21d), cecal
in Sabana of Bogota-Colombia 1) O. vulgare H. (OH); 2) O. vulgare (3, 7 and 21d) and colon (7 and 21d). OM and AB presented the highest
L. (OL) and 3) O. majorana (OM); 4) 50 ppm of EO from O. vulgare body weight at 21d. Comparison of bacterial DNA profiles from different
H. ground in Greece (OG); 5) 500 ppm Chlortetracycline (AB) and 6) gut compartments revealed diverse bacterial populations between duo-
control (C). Template DNA was isolated from pooled duodenal, ileal, and denum, jejunum and ileum compared with cecal and colon. The results
cecal contents of 5 chickens in each group, respectively, and analyzed by suggest that digestive microbial populations of these broilers from the
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Dendrogram analysis Sabana of Bogotá (2650 AMSL) can be altered by addition of OEO in
of amplicon profiles from duodenum, ileum and cecal bacterial DNA the diet. O. majorana essential oil was associated with increased body
revealed 2 main groups, OEO-treated chicks and non-treated control weight gain. A possible association was observed between the bacterial
chicks at 14 and 35d. The highest similarity coefficient (CS), CS > 90%, DNA profile of the intestine and body weight of broilers.
Key Words: DGGE, DNA bacterial, gut
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 105
Physiology and Endocrinology: Nutritional Effects on Reproduction
and Development
M277 Effects of body weight loss on serum progesterone concentra- from LOW ewes with fetuses from CON ewes being intermediate. Total
tions of non-lactating dairy cows. R. Rodrigues*1, C. Trevisanuto1, placental wt was not different (P = 0.41) among treatments. Uterine
T. Leiva1, M. Barbosa1, R. Cooke2, and J. Luiz Vasconcelos1, 1FMVZ blood flow had a tendency (P = 0.07) to be greater in the LOW group
- UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil, 2Oregon State University, Burns. compare with HIGH (818.0 vs. 447.3 ± 105.3 mL/min) with CON being
intermediate. Uterine blood flow per fetus wt was increased (P < 0.02)
The objective of this study was to evaluate serum concentrations of
in LOW ewes compare with CON and HIGH (0.42 vs. 0.22 and 0.12
nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), cortisol, insulin, and progesterone
± 0.07 mL/min/g). Umbilical blood flow per fetus wt was not affected
(P4) of dairy cows maintaining or mobilizing body weight (BW). Eleven
(P = 0.14; 0.20, 0.14, and 0.08 ± 0.04 mL/min/g for LOW, CON, and
non-lactating, non-pregnant, and ovariectomized Gir × Holstein cows
HIGH, respectively) by MP supplementation. Maternal blood pressure
were stratified by BW and body condition score (BCS), and randomly
did not differ (P = 0.19) among groups. However, unprotected LSD
assigned to one of 2 treatments on d −7 of the study: 1) BW loss (6
means (used only in blood pressure analysis) showed that LOW ewes
cows; LOSS) and 2) BW maintenance (5 cows; MAINT). Treatments
had increased (P ≤ 0.01; 150.5 ± 13.5 mmHg) blood pressure compared
were achieved through a grazing schedule utilizing 3 different pastures
with HIGH (113.6 ± 11.0 mmHg) and CON (124.8 ± 11.0 mmHg). Fac-
(A, B, and C). From d −7 to d 1 of the study, all cows were maintained
tors influencing uteroplacental blood flow appear to be associated with
in pasture A (adequate forage availability; 12 kg of dry matter/cow
maternal MP intake and have yet to be determined.
daily). From d 2 to d 30, LOSS cows were maintained in pasture B
(minimal forage availability; less than 1.0 kg of dry matter/cow daily), Key Words: metabolizable protein, umbilical blood flow, uterine
whereas MAINT cows were maintained in pasture C (adequate forage blood flow
availability; 12 kg of dry matter/cow daily). From d 3 to d 30 of the
study, cows from both treatments were re-grouped daily into pasture A
from 0600 to 1200 h to allow LOSS cows to consume, on average, 4.5 M279 Effects of maternal protein supply on offspring somatotropic
kg/d of forage dry matter. From d −66 to d 3 of the study, all cows were axis: Serum IGF-binding proteins-2 and -3 in pigs at weaning and
inserted with CIDR to promote P4 uptake by adipose tissues, which market weight. A. Ooster*1, U. Müller1, H. Sauerwein1, I. Lang2, M.
was replaced every 14 d and removed on d 3. Cow BW and BCS were Peters2, C. Rehfeldt2, and C. C. Metges2, 1University of Bonn, Bonn,
assessed on d 0 and 30. Blood samples were collected daily, from d 0 to d Germany, 2Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Dummerstorf,
30, at 0600 and 1200 h. Changes in BW and BCS were greater in LOSS Germany.
cows compared with MAINT cows (−0.95 vs. −0.07 kg of BW/d, SEM Fetal growth is reflected in size at birth possibly associated with post-
= 0.216; −0.30 vs. 0.00 of BCS change, SEM = 0.092). Within samples natal metabolic function and health. The GH/IGF axis is affected by
collected at 0600 h, serum NEFA concentrations were greater in LOSS intrauterine growth retardation and might be permanently readjusted.
cows compared with MAINT. Similarly, serum P4 concentrations were We aimed to characterize the plasma concentrations of IGF binding
typically greater in LOSS cows compared with MAINT. Serum cortisol proteins (IGFBP) 2 and 3 in offspring of gilts fed with diets differing in
concentrations were also greater for LOSS compared with MAINT protein content. Isoenergetic diets with low, adequate or high CP contents
cows, but only on d 6, 28, and 29 of the study. In conclusion, data from (6, 12 or 30%) were fed to a total of 40 gilts throughout pregnancy.
this study indicates that BW loss increases circulating concentrations At birth the piglets were cross fostered to nursing sows fed a 12% CP
of P4 in non-lactating ovariectomized dairy cows, and this outcome can gestation diet and then a standard lactation diet. From weaning (d 28)
be mainly attributed to fat mobilization and consequent release of P4 to slaughter (d 185) offspring received standard fattening diets. Serum
stored in adipose tissues. collected at d 28 and 185 from 144 piglets was assessed for IGFBP using
Key Words: adipose tissues, progesterone, weight loss a non-radioactive Western ligand blotting protocol optimized to yield
quantitative data. The chemiluminescence signals were densitometri-
cally evaluated and the bands corresponding to IGFBP-2 and -3 were
M278 Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supplementation compared. Maternal feeding group, sex, litter size and weight at birth
in late gestation on uterine and umbilical blood flows in sheep. L. classes and the respective interactions were considered fixed. Values
E. Camacho*1, L. A. Lekatz1, M. L. VanEnom2, C. S. Schauer2, K. R. were compared by t-test at d 28 and 185. At d 28 and 185, IGFBP-3
Maddock Carlin1, and K. A. Vonnahme1, 1Center for Nutrition and was not affected by either factor tested. For IGFBP-2, there were trends
Pregnancy, Department of Animal Sciences, North Dakota State Uni- for feeding group and birth weight differences (P = 0.093 and 0.057,
versity, Fargo, 2Hettinger Research Extension Center, North Dakota respectively) on d 28, without any interactions. Piglets from sows fed
State University, Hettinger. 6% CP had less IGFBP-2 than those from the 12% diet (P = 0.037).
At d 185, IGFBP-2 was not affected by either factor tested. IGFBP-3
To examine effects of maternal MP supplementation in late gestation
increased (P < 0.05) from d 28 to 185 in all groups, whereas IGFBP-2
on uterine and umbilical blood flows, multiparous ewes (n = 11) were
was decreased (P < 0.05) solely in pigs from sows fed at 12% but
assigned to receive either 75% (LOW, n = 4), 100% (CON, n = 4),
remained unchanged in offspring from sows fed at 6 or 30% protein.
or 125% (HIGH, n = 3) of MP requirements from d 100 until d 130.
Carry-over effects of maternal feeding during gestation on offspring
At surgery on d 130, uterine blood flow was measured by Transonic
IGFBP-2 resulting in divergent concentrations at weaning and in altered
Doppler flow probes and umbilical blood flow was measured using
patterns of age-related changes are thus indicated.
color-Doppler US. Throughout surgery, maternal blood pressure was
monitored. After determination of blood flow, fetal and placental tissue Key Words: somatotropic axis, IGFBP, pig
were collected and weighed. Data were analyzed with PROC GLM and
means separated with LSMeans. Data were considered significant if (P
< 0.05. Fetuses from HIGH ewes were heavier (P ≤ 0.04) than fetuses
106 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M280 The impact of maternal obesity on offspring hypothalamic- among steers regardless of Stage 1 treatment. The YD calves had higher
pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress. N. M Long*1, A. B. Uth- (P < 0.05) Hct than ND calves during Stage 1. Weight gain was greater
laut1, P. W. Nathanielsz2, and S. P. Ford1, 1Center for the Study of Fetal (P < 0.01) in Group 1 versus Group 2 on d 14–42. Ovalbumin-specific
Programming, Animal Science Department, University of Wyoming, IgG increased (P < 0.01) in all calves by d 10 unrelated to Stage. Both
Laramie, 2Center for Pregnancy and Newborn Research, Department HAP and CER increased (P < 0.01) by d 3 in response to ovalbumin.
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Texas Health Sciences Between d 7 and 10, CER, IFN-γ, and N:L increased (P < 0.05) in ND
Center, San Antonio. but not YD calves. In conclusion, 2-stage weaning may improve calf
well-being when fenceline separation is employed.
Multiparous Ramboullet × Columbia crossbred ewes were fed either
100% of NRC recommendations (Control, C) or 150% of NRC (Obese, Key Words: beef cattle, two-stage weaning, stress
OB) from d 60 d before mating until lambing. Lambs born to these dams
(10 OB, 5 wethers, 5 ewes: and 8 C, 3 wethers and 5 ewes) were main-
tained as a group before and after weaning and fed a similar diet until M282 Effects of dietary n-3 fatty acids on timing of estrus onset
19 mo of age when they received jugular catheters and were subjected to and LH surge in synchronized estrous cycles of dairy cows. M.
a corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH)/arginine vasopressin (AVP) Zachut*1,2, H. Lehrer1, A. Arieli2, L. Livshitz1, and U. Moallem1,
1Agriculture Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel, 2Faculty of
challenge, an ACTH challenge, and an isolation stress test, on separate
occasions. ACTH and cortisol responses to the isolation stress test and Agriculture, Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel.
CRH/AVP challenge and cortisol responses to ACTH challenge were In a previous study conducted in our lab we observed a delay in
determined. Cortisol was quantified via RIA and ACTH was quantified behavioral-estrus manifestation in cows fed flaxseed, which contained
using an Immulite 1000. Hormone data were analyzed using repeated a high proportion of 18:3n-3. The objectives were to examine the
measures analysis utilizing the MIXED procedure of SAS. Offspring effect of dietary extruded flaxseed (EF) on the interval between PGF2α
from OB mothers tended (P = 0.06) to have a greater ACTH response injection and LH surge in synchronized estrous cycles. Multiparous
after an intravenous CRH/AVP injection than offspring from C mothers Israeli-Holstein dry cows (256 d pregnant) were assigned to 2 treat-
(1234 ± 143 vs. 817 ± 157 pg/mL, respectively). The cortisol response ments (i) control (n = 22) were fed a dry cow diet and postpartum (PP)
of offspring to a CRH/AVP or ACTH challenge was not influenced by lactating cow diet, which consisted of 5.8% ether extracts and (ii) EF
maternal nutrition (P < 0.46), and averaged 4.77 ± 0.2 and 1.94 ± 0.01 (n = 22) supplemented prepartum with 1 kg/d per cow of EF providing
µg/dL. The ACTH response following the isolation stress test was also 141 g/d of 18:3n-3, and PP to 100 d in milk (DIM) a diet consisted of
similar (P = 0.82) for OB and C offspring (147 ± 20 pg/ml). Cortisol 9.2% EF providing on average 382 g/d of 18:3n-3. At 40 DIM ova-
response during the isolation stress test was also similar between C ries were monitored by ultrasound to ensure normal cyclicity. Cows
and OB offspring (P = 0.64, 5.25 ± 0.3 µg/dl).These findings suggest received a GnRH analog injection at d 0, and 7 d later were monitored
that maternal obesity before and during gestation does not affect stress by ultrasound for corpus luteum (CL) presence. Cows that had CL
responses by the offspring, but has an impact on hypothalamo-pituitary- were injected with PGF2α (d 7) followed 2 d later (d 9) by GnRH injec-
adrenal sensitivity. The lack of differences in cortisol release under the tion. Seven d later (d 16) cows were injected with PGF2α to stimulate
influence of difference concentrations of ACTH during the CRH/AVP luteolysis and 5-d period of intensive follow-up was conducted. Cows
challenge could indicate adrenal dysfunction in OB offspring. were observed continuously (24 h a day) for onset of behavioral-estrus
Key Words: maternal obesity, offspring, stress response signs and thereafter blood samples were taken every 3 h during 24 h for
LH detection. A total of 38 successful estrous cycles (16 controls and
22 EF) were obtained in 2 sessions. Interval from PGF2α injection to
M281 Effects of two-stage and total vs. fenceline weaning on the behavioral-estrus onset was not significantly different (57.3 and 59.4 h
physiology and performance of beef calves. C. Campistol*1, H. G. for control and EF, respectively). LH peak in the controls occurred on
Kattesh1, J. C. Waller1, E. L. Rawls1, J. D. Arthington2, T. E. Engle3, average 5.8 h after estrus-onset, as compared with 7.6 h in the EF (P <
and J. A. Carroll4, 1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2University of 0.03). Interval from PGF2α injection to LH peak tended to be longer in
Florida - IFAS, Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona, the EF than in controls (67.0 and 62.1 h, respectively; P < 0.07). These
3Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 4Livestock Issues Research
results imply that dietary n-3 fatty acids may delay timing of LH peak,
Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX. perhaps due to changes in the secretion of prostaglandins E2 that are
involved in ovulation control.
Calves weaned using a 2-stage method, where nursing is prevented
between cow-calf pairs before separation (Stage 1), experience less Key Words: omega-3, LH surge
weaning stress after separation (Stage 2) based on behavior and growth
measures. The aim of this study was to document changes in various
physiological measures of stress in calves weaned using the 2-stage M283 The effects of ancient Mediterranean aphrodisiac capari
with total separation or temporary fenceline contact. Steer calves (n = (Capparis ovata Desf.) on some reproductive parameters of Lohmann
48; 314.1 ± 20.5 kg), housed on pasture with their dams, were blocked roosters. A. Ata, M. S. Gulay*, and O. Yildiz-Gulay, Mehmet Akif
by initial BW and assigned randomly during Stage 1 to be fitted with Ersoy University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Burdur, Turkey.
a nose-flap weaning device (YD) or no device (ND) for 7 d prewean- The focus of this research was to determine the effects of dietary supple-
ing. During Stage 2, calves (12 YD and 12 ND/group) were weaned mentation of capari on some spermatological parameters in Lohmann
by fenceline (Group 1) or total separation to a distant pasture (Group roosters. Twenty-four week old roosters were randomly assigned to
2). After 7 d, Group 1 calves were moved to a pasture lot adjoining control and capari treatment groups (8 per group) and fed a standard
Group 2. Calves were weighed and bled on d −7, 0, 3, 7 (d of wean- diet. Roosters in control group received 10 mL of tap water, whereas
ing), 10, 14, 21, and 42, and injected with ovalbumin on d 0. Blood was roosters in treatment group received 1 g/kg of caper in 10cc tap water
analyzed for total cortisol, IgG to ovalbumin, interferon-gamma (IFN- daily by oral gavages for 39 d (3 spermatogenesis duration). Semen
γ), haptoglobin (HAP), ceruloplasmin (CER), hematocrit (Hct), and was collected from each rooster by abdominal massages weekly and
neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio (N:L). Weight gain was similar (P = 0.74) sperm analyses were performed on individual semen samples collected
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 107
39 d after introduction to capari. There were no difference between the progressive motility (85.0 ± 0.84 vs. 87.6 ± 0.70%, P < 0.04) and
control and caper treated roosters on semen volume (44.3 ± 13.4 vs. sperm concentration (3.78 ± 0.59 vs. 5.45 ± 0.41 × 109 mL, P < 0.04).
62.8 ± 11.3 μL), semen pH (8.24 ± 0.11 vs. 8.25 ± 0.14), percent mor- The results indicated that there is a merit to use dietary supplementation
phologically normal sperm (89.2 ± 3.0 vs. 92.3 ± 2.7%), percent live of capari to improve spermatological performance of roosters.
spermatozoa by eosin-nigrosine staining mixture (87.4 ± 1.3 vs. 88.3 ±
Key Words: caper, rooster, spermatological parameters
1.3%), respectively. On the other hand, daily caper treatment increased
108 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Physiology and Endocrinology: Pregnancy
M284 Blood urea nitrogen and nonesterified fatty acid concentra- days until detection of a follicle ≥10 mm in diameter (P = 0.42; 11.53 ±
tions in the umbilical blood of fetal pigs at day 90 and 110 of gesta- 1.0, 11.64 ± 0.9, and 13.23 ± 1.0 d, respectively), diameter of the largest
tion. T. A. Wilmoth*, C. O. Lemley, and M. E. Wilson, West Virginia follicle at first ultrasound (P = 0.92; 10.8 ± 0.91, 10.46 ± 0.8, and 13.11
University, Morgantown. ± 0.9 mm, respectively), and also days open (P = 0.88; 170.25 ± 25.8,
159.10 ± 28.3, and 178.72 ± 27.0 d, respectively). Diameter of the first
Speculation as to why fetal size variation occurs has led to the investi- dominant follicle (P < 0.05; 18.76 ± 1.1, 19.80 ± 1.1, and 14.46 ± 1.1
gation of placental efficiency and function. Unequal nutrient delivery mm, respectively) and diameter of the dominant follicle on d 14 (P <
and usage by the fetus can be a result of fetal or placental inefficiency. 0.05; 13.65 ± 0.8, 12.96 ± 0.7, and 9.95 ± 0.8 mm, respectively) were
Measuring the metabolites of nutrient degradation such as blood urea different among the groups. Results from this experiment demonstrated
nitrogen (BUN) and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) may give insight that dry period length had no apparent effect on most follicular dynamics
to placental and fetal usage of these nutrients. The objective of this study parameters and days open during the subsequent lactation. Meanwhile,
was to determine the concentrations of BUN and NEFA in arterial and a short dry period reduced the diameter of dominant follicle.
venous umbilical blood of fetuses at d 90 and 110 of gestation. Gilts (n
= 13) were randomly assigned to be ovariohysterectomized on d 90 or Key Words: dairy cows, dry period, follicular dynamic
110 of gestation at the time of breeding. Arterial and venous umbilical
blood samples were collected for the determination of BUN and NEFA.
Tissue sections were fixed in paraffin for the determination of placental M286 The application of TARGET bovine CL progesterone test
and endometrial vascular densities. Placental efficiency (fetal weight kit for early pregnancy diagnosis in ewes. W. Chen*, T. Wuliji, H.
divided by placental weight) was determined for each fetus. Means and Wang, N. Li, and A. Qi, Animal Biotechnology, University of Nevada-
correlation coefficients were determined using the correlation procedure Reno, Reno.
of SAS. On d 90 of gestation, arterial BUN concentrations were 198.7 The objective of the experiment was to identify the applicability of
mg/mL, while venous BUN concentrations were 212.2 mg/mL. Arte- TARGET Bovine CL progesterone test kit (TARGET) for early preg-
rial and venous NEFA concentrations were 0.24 mg/mL. A trend for a nancy diagnosis in ewes. TARGET is a commercial test kit to identify
negative correlation between placental efficiency and the arterial venous pregnant cows from non-pregnant cows in field. When the blood or
difference (A-V) in BUN existed (r = −0.34, P < 0.1). On d 110, arterial milk sample progesterone level is high, the test kit shows a white color
and venous BUN were 242.6 mg/mL and 128.6 mg/mL, respectively. and the cow is diagnosed as pregnant, and the dark blue color indicates
Arterial NEFA was 0.23 mg/mL and venous NEFA was 0.18 mg/mL. non-pregnant, whereas the light blue or faint blue indicates that there
A positive correlation between endometrial vascular density and pla- is no definite diagnosis, so a second test is required. Three other meth-
cental efficiency existed (r = 0.28, P < 0.05). A negative correlation ods were applied to verify the accuracy of TARGET. They are ELISA
existed between placental vascular density and the A-V difference in analysis of the blood progesterone level, ultrasound scanning for the
BUN (r = −0.35, P < 0.05). The change in metabolites being delivered pregnancy diagnosis, and the lambing record. 82 ewes were assigned in
to and returning from the placenta changes between d 90 and 110 of a spring breeding flock, of which 52 ewes with the TARGET test, while
gestation suggesting that there is an increased amino acid catabolism 30 ewes were assigned with non-TARGET test group. Blood samples
by the fetus at d 110 of gestation and a greater removal of urea from were collected from ewes on 20d of post-breeding and the serum samples
fetal circulation at d 110. were used for the TARGET test and the ELISA analysis. Sample color
Key Words: placental efficiency, blood urea nitrogen, nonesterified grade readings were assigned to the standard color grade chart pro-
fatty acids vided by TARGET. Ultrasound scanning diagnosis was conducted on
50d of post-breeding. TARGET color grade readings, ELISA analysis,
ultrasound scanning results, and lambing records were analyzed by the
M285 Effect of dry period lengths on follicular dynamics in early CORR procedure of SAS program. The correlation coefficients between
lactation Holstein cows. A. Soleimani*1,2, A. Heravi Moussavi2, M. ELISA analysis and Ultrasound scanning diagnosis was the highest as
Danesh2, G. Golian2, and S. Safa2, 1Islamic Azad University-Kashmar 0.89 (P < 0.001) when the serum progesterone level was 2ng/ml or
Branch, Kashmar, Khorasan Razavi, Iran, 2Ferdowsi University of higher. Therefore, this level is defined as the threshold for the status of
Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran. pregnancy. Six possible color grades recombination within 4 color grades
were evaluated. The correlation analysis was conducted with the results
The study was designed to test the effects of dry period lengths on fol- obtained from all 4 procedures. The combination of the color indicator
licular dynamics parameters during the subsequent lactation in Holstein with the TARGET kit standard chart showed the highest correlation (P
cows. Cows (n = 42) were randomly assigned in 1 of 3 treatments: 1) < 0.01) with ELISA progesterone level, ultrasound scanning diagnosis,
traditional 60 d dry period (DP) (n = 14), 2) 35 d DP (n = 15) and 3) 20 and lambing record which are 0.85, 0.89, and 0.62, respectively (Table
d DP. Holstein cows were blocked in pairs based on their previous 305 1). Therefore, the bovine TARGET test kit is applicable to the early
d milk, parity, and expected calving dates. All cows were fed by routine pregnancy diagnosis in ewes with a high degree of accuracy.
ration of farm (total mixed diet) twice a day and had at all time free access
to water. To monitor follicular parameters, ultrasound measurements of
follicular activity were made on alternate days from d 10 to 35 postpar-
tum to determine the characteristics and fate of the 1st follicular wave.
The data were analyzed using the General Linear Model (GLM) for a
completely randomized design. Number of follicles (≥5 mm in diameter)
on d 10 and 14 postpartum were similar among the groups. Length of
dry period had no effect on days postpartum to first ovulation (P = 0.91;
24.69 ± 2.2, 24.07 ± 2.2, and 23.27 ± 2.4 d, respectively), number of
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 109
Table 1. Correlation coefficients of TARGET kit color grade
assignments for pregnancy diagnosis with three other pregnancy
diagnostic methods
Non- Lambing
Groups Pregnant Unassigned Pregnant ELISA Ultrasound Record
A 1 2,3 4 0.85** 0.89** 0.62**
B 1,2 3 4 0.75** 0.81** 0.56**
C 1,2,3 – 4 0.56** 0.64** 0.44**
D 1 2 3,4 0.74** 0.77** 0.55*
E 1 – 2,3,4 0.45** 0.42** 0.28**
F 1,2 – 3,4 0.65** 0.69** 0.49**
1 = white, 2 = light blue, 3 = faint blue, 4 = dark blue; **P < 0.01, *P <
110 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Physiology and Endocrinology: Reproductive Endocrinology
M287 Endocrine events during the periestrus period and the LH preovulatory peak was different among treatments (P ≤ 0.05). P4
effect of various PMSG on estrus synchronization in shall ewes. T. concentration was higher in ewes without addition of fat compared with
Saberifar, H. Kohram*, and E. Dirandeh, University of Tehran, Karaj, the added group (P ≤ 0.05, 2.74 ± 0.2 vs. 2.58 ± 0.2 ng mL−1). E2 and
Tehran, Iran. INS concentrations increased in ewes with HDF compared with LDF
group (P ≤ 0.05, 15.4 ± 11.8 pg mL−1; 0.37 ± 0.02 ng mL−1 vs. 5.1 ±
The aim of the present study was to investigate the endocrinology 11.8 pg mL−1, 0.25 ± 0.02 ng mL−1, respectively). It is concluded that the
of periestrus period and the days after until estrus in ewes (n = 40) addition of bypass fat did not alter onset and duration of LH preovulatory
synchronized out of breeding season and diagnosing the related preg- peak, but decreased P4 concentration probably due to an early secretion
nancies after laparoscopic insemination comparing to different doses of PGF2α, nevertheless, E2 and INS concentrations increased in ewes
of PMSG that was used. Animals treated for 12 d with CIDR followed with HDF, which is attributed to an improved metabolic, nutritional
by administration with different doses (0, 450, 550, 650, 750, 850 IU) and body animal status.
of PMSG after CIDR withdrawal. Number of ewes in each group was
7 except for control group that was 5. 48 h after CIDR removal, ewes Key Words: ultrasonography, hormones, synchronized estrus.
were inseminated by frozen semen using laparoscopy method. Blood
samples were collected once daily from the jugular vein into heparinized
tubes beginning at day CIDR removal until the day of estrus. Plasma M289 Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin on serum pro-
was harvested and stored at −20°C until progesterone or estradiol assay. gesterone concentrations, embryonic survival and lambing rates in
Concentrations of progesterone (Progesterone RIA, Biosource, Belgium) ewes. L. M. Lankford*1, D. T. Yates2, R. A. Halalsheh1, P. L. Black1,
and estradiol (estradiol RIA, Biosource, Belgium) were determined. D. M. Hallford1, and T. T. Ross1, 1New Mexico State University, Las
Pregnancies were diagnosed using ultrasonography at d 30 following Cruces, 2University of Arizona, Tucson.
insemination in ewes. Progesterone levels did not differ between groups This study was conducted to determine if multiple injections of human
during periestrus period. Estradiol levels also did not differ between chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) will increase circulating concentrations of
groups during the days CIDR removal and one day later. However, progesterone (P4) in sheep following mating and prolong elevated levels
estradiol levels in the control group comparing to groups 550 and 850 through the period of fetal attachment. Fifty-nine nulliparous, primipa-
was significantly lower and higher (control: 12.14 pg/mL, 550:19.91 rous, and multiparous Suffolk ewes (avg BW = 79.7 ± 2.5 kg) received
pg/mL, 850:8.98 pg/mL) at estrus, respectively. Pregnancy diagnosing an intravaginal P4-containing insert (CIDR, 0.3 g P4) for 12 d and
showed that, the number of nonpregnant ewes was lower in group 550 were mated with fertile rams on the second estrus after CIDR removal.
and higher in group 850 comparing to control group (control:3, 550:0, Ewes were randomly assigned to one of 2 treatments. The treated group
850:4). The result of this study demonstrated that 550 IU PMSG would received 200 IU (0.4mL) of hCG im and controls received 0.4 mL saline
be the best dose to increase the plasma estradiol at the onset of estrus im on d 4, 7, and 10, after onset of estrus (d 0; mating). Blood samples
and also for synchronizing Shall ewes out of breeding season and have were taken via jugular venipuncture beginning on d 0 and on alternate
the best lambing rate in this breed. days until d 35. Serum P4 concentrations were similar (P > 0.10) between
Key Words: periestrus period, PMSG, shall ewes treatment groups through d 5. However, beginning on d 7, ewes treated
with hCG had greater (P < 0.01) serum P4 concentration than controls,
and P4 remained higher (P < 0.05) throughout the sampling period (d
M288 Reproductive endocrine profile in ewes with different 35). Of ewes receiving hCG, 68% had 4 or more total CL present com-
thickness of dorsal fat added with bypass fat. R. Nieto1, T. Sán- pared with 33% for controls (P < 0.05; determined by laparoscopy on
chez1, O. Mejía2, L. Olivares3, J. Peralta4, J. Cordero1, P. Molina1, M. d 25). Fetal numbers were determined via flank ultrasound on d 60 and
Cárdenas5, E. García*6, and N. Cedillo4, 1Colegio de Postgraduados, 85% of hCG-treated ewes had multiple fetuses compared with 62% of
Montecillo, Edo. de México, 2CEIEPO, FMVZ. UNAM, Tres Marías controls (P < 0.10). In addition, 82% of hCG-treated ewes gave birth
México, 3Universidad Autónoma del Edo. de México, Edo. de México, to 2 or more lambs compared with 63% of control ewes (P = 0.17). In
4Universidad Autónoma del Edo. de Hidalgo, Tulancingo, México, conclusion, hCG administration on d 4, 7, and 10 after mating resulted
5INNSZ, Mexico City, México, 6CUCSur, Universidad de Guadalajara, in elevated serum P4 concentrations from d 7 through d 35, with more
Autlán, Jalisco, México. ewes carrying multiple fetuses.
To determine the effect of bypass fat in serum concentrations of luteiniz- Key Words: hCG, progesterone, lamb crop
ing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4) and insulin (INS)
during 7d before removal of intravaginal sponges in Dorset ewes, ewes
(n = 59) were classified by thickness of dorsal fat by ultrasonography M290 Administration of genistein does not alter anterior pitu-
with a 7.5-MHz transducer. Ewes with low (LDF, 2mm) and high (HDF, itary concentrations of LH and IGF-I in ovariectomized gilts. C.
4mm) thickness dorsal fat were subdivided in groups: Low thickness Paulson*, A. Taylor, and J. Clapper, South Dakota State University,
without (LDF0, n = 14) and with (LDF1, n = 14) the addition of 150 g Brookings.
of bypass fat; High thickness without (HDF0, n = 15) and with (HDF1, Previously we have shown that administration of genistein to barrows
n = 16) the addition of 150 g of bypass fat, respectively. Estrous cycles increases anterior pituitary (AP) concentrations of IGF-I and LH and
were synchronized with sponges of flugesterone acetate (FGA, 20 increased expression of AP IGF receptor. However, whether similar
mg), for 12 d, 10 d after insertion 15 mg of prostaglandins (PGF2α) changes occur in ovariectomized gilts remains to be determined. There-
were injected. LH was analyzed by PROC GLM and means by Tukey; fore, the objective of this experiment was to determine if short-term
P4, E2 and INS by PROC MIXED and mean values by least squares administration of genistein alters serum and anterior pituitary (AP)
means (SAS). There were no differences (P ≥ 0.05) by addition of fat, concentrations of LH and IGF-I and expression of AP GnRH receptors
in onset, duration, and LH preovulatory peak, however, amplitude of and LHβ subunit. Sixteen cross bred gilts of similar weight (95.5 kg)
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 111
were ovariectomized and assigned to either control (C; n = 8) or genistein M292 Temporal changes during the periparturient period on
(G; n = 8) groups. G pigs received 8oo mg of genistein in DMSO while metabolic and endocrine parameters of spring-calving beef cows
C pigs received an equal volume of DMSO i.m. on d 0, 1, 2, and 3. in grazing conditions. A. L. Astessiano*1, R. Pérez-Clariget1, G.
Blood samples were obtained by jugular venipuncture on d 0, 1, 2, and 3. Quintans2, P. Soca1, and M. Carriquiry1, 1School of Agronomy, UdelaR,
Pigs were slaughtered on d 4 when blood and AP were collected. Serum Uruguay, 2Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agroprcuaria, Treinta y
and AP concentrations of LH and IGF-I were determined in duplicate Tres, Uruguay.
by RIA. Relative expression of GnRH receptor and LHβ subunit were
Primiparous crossbred cows (Hereford/Angus, n = 20), classifiedby
determined by real time RT-PCR, and fold changes analyzed using the
BCS at calving (scale 1-8), were used in a randomizedblock design, to
REST software. Differences in serum and AP concentrations of LH and
study temporal changes on metabolic andendocrine parameters during
IGF-I were determined using the Proc Mixed procedure of SAS. Serum
the peripartum in grazingconditions. Cows grazed together a native
concentrations of LH were not different (P > 0.05) in G pigs compared
pasture paddock (60 ha) with an average forage mass available of 453
with C pigs on d 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Serum concentrations of IGF-I were
kg DM/ha (13.2% CP, 24.4% ADF). Means from repeated measure
not different (P > 0.05) between C and G pigs on d 0 through d 4. AP
analyses were considered to differ when P<0.05. Cow BCS throughout
concentrations of LH and IGF-I did not differ (P > 0.05) between C and
the period evaluated was greater for BCS >3.75 than BCS ≤3.5 calved
G pigs. Relative expression of LHβ subunit and GnRH receptor did not
cows. Concentrations of NEFA were affected (P < 0.01) by day postpar-
differ (P > 0.05) between C and G pigs. These preliminary data suggest
tum (DPP) as NEFA were elevated at −45 DPP, peaked at −7 DPP and
that short-term administration of genistein does not increase serum and
were reduced thereafter for all cows. However, NEFA levels were less
AP concentrations of LH or IGF-I, or expression of GnRH receptors
from −45 to −15 DPP but greater at −7 DPP for BCS >3.75 than BCS
and LHβ subunit in the ovariectomized gilt.
≤3.5 calved cows, while no differences between groups were observed
Key Words: genistein, IGF, pigs during the postpartum. Glucose, urea, and total protein concentrations
were affected (P < 0.01) by DPP and there was an interaction (P <
0.03) between BCS at calving and DPP for urea and total protein levels.
M291 Changes in plasma concentrations of growth hormone Glucose concentrations tended (P = 0.07) to decrease from −7to 30 DPP
and luteinizing hormone in ewes following central and peripheral while urea concentrations were elevated at −45DPP, peaked at −7 DPP
treatment with kisspeptin. B. K. Whitlock*1, J. A. Daniel2, B. P. and decreased thereafter. However, changes in urea were steep around
Steele3, and J. L. Sartin3,4, 1Department of Large Animal Clinical Sci- parturition for BCS >3.75 but not for BCS ≤3.5 calved cows. Total
ences, College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Tennessee, protein concentrations were elevated during the last month of gesta-
Knoxville, 2Department of Animal Science, Berry College, Mt. Berry, tion, decreased at parturition and remained reduced until 45 DPP. Cows
GA, 3Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, College with BCS >3.75 at calving had greater total protein at −15 DPP but less
of Veterianry Medicine, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 4Agricultural around parturition than cows with BCS ≤3.5. There were no differences
Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. in circulatinginsulin levels along the period evaluated, however, insu-
Kisspeptin (KP), a neuroendocrine regulator of gonadotropin releas- linwas less for BCS >3.75 than BCS ≤3.5 calved cows dueto a drastic
ing hormone, has been hypothesized as an integrator of nutrition and increase of insulin levels after 15 DPP in the lastones. Metabolic and
hormones critical to metabolism and regulation of reproduction. Recent endocrine parameters reflected the negative energy balance during the
evidence suggests growth hormone (GH) secretion may be influenced by prepartum of cows grazing native pastures in winter.
KP. The objective of this study was to determine if the GH stimulatory Key Words: peripartum, metabolites, cattle
effect of KP is due to actions on the hypothalamus or anterior pituitary
gland in ewes. Adult ovariectomized ewes (n = 8) were fitted with
intracerebroventricular (ICV) cannula to facilitate central administra- M293 Metabolic measurements in the sow and relationship to
tion of experimental treatments. Ewes received one of 8 treatments [4 post-weaning reproductive performance. L. A. Rempel*, J. L.
intravenously (IV) and 4 ICV]. Peripheral treatments [0 (Veh), 100, 200, Vallet, and D. J. Nonneman, USDA, ARS, USMARC, Clay Center, NE.
or 1000 pmol/kg body weight (BW) KP-10 (human KP 45–54; 4389-v,
Extreme weight (wt) loss during lactation is an indicator ofcatabolism in
Peptide Institute, Inc., Osaka, Japan) in saline] were administered as
exchange for maintaining metabolic output andcan have adverse effects
a bolus via jugular cannula and ICV treatments [Veh, 50, 100, or 200
on reproductive parameters. Creatine is a nonprotein nitrogen that acts
pmol/kg BW KP-10] were administered via the ICV cannula. Blood
as a phosphagen and aids in tissue repair. Creatine may be indicative of
samples were collected from a jugular cannula at −15, 0, 10, 20, 30, 45,
a sow’s ability to support offspring as well as the postpartum uterus. Our
60, and 75 min relative to treatments. Experiments were repeated until
objective was to establish creatine and body condition measurements at
all ewes received each treatment. Plasma GH and luteinizing hormone
periods of physiological changes due to parturition and lactation in the
(LH) concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay. Effects of
sow and how these components related to post-weaning (pw) reproduc-
treatment on plasma concentrations of LH and GH were tested using
tive performance. First and 2nd parity sows were bled and weighed at
procedures for repeated measures (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The
d110 gestation (d110), d1 post-farrowing (d1PF), and at weaning(wn)
200 and 1000 pmol/kg IV KP-10 increased (P < 0.05) plasma concentra-
Plasma was assayed for creatine. Loin eye area (LEA)and 10th rib
tions of LH. However, there was no effect of IV KP-10 on plasma GH.
backfat (bft) were measured by ultrasound atd110, wn, and following
Conversely, 100 and 200 pmol/kg KP-10 administered ICV increased (P
pw estrus (pwE). Weaning to estrus interval (WEI), pwE within 14d,
< 0.05) plasma GH concentrations. Maximum GH responses occurred
and subsequent ovulation rate (OR) were recorded. Day 110 bft and
30 min following ICV KP-10 injection and were greater (P < 0.05) than
change in bft from wn to pwE was negatively associated (-ASSOC;
both Veh and the 50 pg/ml KP-10 ICV. In addition to activating the
P<0.05) with pwE in 1st parity sows. Creatine at d110 tended (P<0.10)
gonadotropic axis, KP can activate the somatotropic axis in ruminants
to be -ASSOC with pwE in 1st parity sows as well. Body wt change in
and present data support a central site of action.
2nd parity sows from d110 to d1PF and d1PF to wn tended (P < 0.10)
Key Words: sheep, kisspeptin, growth hormone to be positively associated (+ASSOC) with pwE, and change in body
wt from d110 to wn was +ASSOC (P < 0.05) with pwE. Creatine at wn
112 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and change in creatine from d1PF to wn were -ASSOC (P < 0.05) with (n = 10) for 4 wk, at which time gilts were killed, urine collected, and
pwE in 2nd parity sows only. 1st parity WEI was -ASSOC (P < 0.05) tissue collected and frozen. Zearalenone, α-zearalenol, and β-zearalenol
with d1PF creatine and +ASSOC (P < 0.05) with change in creatine from were detected at levels of less than 4 µg/kg in urine of C gilts, but were
d1PF to wn. OR was +ASSOC (P < 0.05) with LEA at wn of 1st parity increased (292 ± 76, 113 ± 20, and 15 ± 3 μg/kg, respectively) in pigs
sows whereas OR in 2nd parity sows was +ASSOC (P < 0.05) with wn consuming zearalenone (P < 0.01). No differences were observed in
wt. Creatine at wn in 1st parity sows was -ASSOC (P<0.05) to both wn ADG, ADFI, or G:F between treatments (P > 0.28). Reproductive tract
wt and LEA at wn. Backfat in 1st parity sows was associated with pwE size was increased 1.5-fold (20.9 ± 4.3 vs. 50.6 ± 3.8 g) in zea gilts (P
whereas creatine at wn in 2nd parity sows was coupled with pwE. First < 0.01). Uterine endometrial gland development was increased 50%
parity WEI was related to creatine at d1PF, which may reflect stress in gilts consuming zea (P < 0.01). In uterus, estrogen receptor (ER)-α
events associated with parturition. These data suggest that body wt, bft, mRNA and protein were unchanged (P > 0.28), but gilts consuming
LEA, and creatine contribute to the complex trait of pw reproduction zea had 2- and 3-fold higher abundance of ER-β mRNA and protein,
but may respond differently dependent upon female maturity. respectively, compared with the C group (P < 0.01). No differences were
observed in mTOR and ERK protein phosphorylation or total abundance
Key Words: swine, reproduction, metabolism
in skeletal muscle (P > 0.36). The consumption of zea had no effect on
growth performance or skeletal muscle signaling in prepubertal gilts,
M294 Lipoic acid decreases progesterone clearance rates in ova- but zea increased reproductive tract size and glandular development,
riectomized ewes. R. S. Mottet*1, C. O. Lemley2, E. L. Berg1, E. P. possibly due to altering the expression of ER-β.
Berg1, and K. A. Vonnahme1, 1North Dakota State University, Fargo, Key Words: swine, uterus, zearalenone
2West Virginia University, Morgantown.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 113
Mejía3, M. Cárdenas4, E. García*5, J. Cordero1, J. Peralta6, and R. Molina1, T. Sánchez1, M. E. Ortega1, L. Olivares2, O. Mejía3, M. Cárde-
Nieto1, 1Programa de Ganadería, Colegio de Postgraduados, Texcoco, nas4, E. García*5, J. Cordero1, J. Peralta6, and R. Nieto1, 1Programa
México, 2UAEM, Edo. México, 3CEIEPO, UNAM, Tres Marías, México, de Ganadería, Colegio de Postgraduados, Texcoco, México, 2UAEM,
4INNSZ, Mexico City, 5CUCSUR, Autlán, Jalisco, México, 6ICAP, Edo. México, 3CEIEPO, UNAM, Tres Marías, México, 4INNSZ, México
UAEH, Hidalgo, México. City, 5CUCSUR UADG, Autlán Jal., México, 6ICAP UAEH, Hidalgo,
To evaluate the effect of pre-synchronization and feed restriction in
progesterone concentration and characterization of onset, duration and Dorset ewes in body condition score of 3 (1–5 scale) wererandomly
amplitude of LH peak, 69 Dorset ewes were randomly assigned to 4 assigned to two treatments: In T1 (n=26) eweswere fed with commercial
treatments: Treatment 1 n = 18 (T1): Ewes received 1 kg of commercial supplement and in T2 (n=21)ewes were fed with oat hay to reduce the
supplement (16% protein) for 30 d and were synchronized with FGA body condition ofthese ewes and both groups received this diet for a
sponges (40 mg) for 12 d; Treatment 2 n = 17 (T2) ewes received the month. Then six ewes of each group were superovulated (donors) and
same diet as T1, but they were synchronized with 2 doses of PGF2α, the rest remained as recipient ewes. At the beginning of the superovu-
16 and 8 d before sponges; Treatment 3 n = 17 (T3) ewes were feed lation treatment dorsal fat was 2.5 and 1.97 mm and body weight was
restricted and received 1 kg of oat hay during 30 d, and synchroniza- 69 and 65 kg, for T1 and T2, respectively. During the first 8 days of
tion regimen as T1; and Treatment 4 n = 17 (T4) received the same diet synchronization and superovulation treatment both groups received 100
as T3 and the synchronization regimen as T2. Estrus was determined g of protected fat and same diet as T1, synchronization for donors and
when ewes allowed the ram for mount after sponge removal. All groups receptors was performed by sponges of flugesterone acetate (FGA, 40
showed 100% of estrus. Progesterone concentrations were greater in pre- mg) during 12 days. Recipient ewes received 200 IU of eCG 12 h before
synchronized groups (P ≤ 0.05) compared with non pre-synchronized. sponge removal. Donor ewes were superovulated with decreasing doses
Feed regimen affected onset of LH peak (P ≤ 0.05), with a faster increase of FSHp for 4 d and embryos were obtained and transferred 7 d later. At
on groups with commercial supplement (T1 y T2), compared with groups synchronized estrus ewes of T1 and T2 weighed 72 and 69 kg (P > 0.05)
feed with oat hay (T3 y T4). For synchronization program no differ- and dorsal fat measures were 3.5 and 3.29 mm (P > 0.05) respectively.
ences were observed (P ≥ 0.05). Duration and amplitude of LH were not All ewes from T1 (100%) responded to superovulation, while in T2 only
affected (P ≥ 0.05) for type of feed, synchronization program neither 67% responded. Progesterone and insulin secretion were greater (P <
interaction between effects. Under the present experimental conditions, 0.05) in ewes of the T1 group, compared to those of the T2 group. There
it is concluded that nutrition influenced onset of pre-ovulatory LH peak, were differences in number of corpora lutea present (9.5 vs. 14.7) for T1
while greater P4 concentration was observed in ewes pre-synchronized and T2 groups, respectively, and also in rate of recovered embryos (93
during the luteal phase, as a result of corpus luteum secretion. vs. 71%). There were no differences in gestation rate (P > 0.05), with
35 and 31.5% for T1 and T2 groups, respectively. Based on the present
Key Words: PGF2α, ewes, flugesterone acetate
experimental conditions, it is concluded that previous undernutrition
affects ovulatory rate, and serum concentrations of progesterone and
M298 Progesterone and insulin concentration on ewes with differ- insulin but not pregnancy rate.
ent body condition fed bypass fat in a superovulatory program. P. Key Words: FSH, embryos, Dorset ewes
114 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Physiology and Endocrinology: Reproductive Management
M299 Effect of prepartum somatotropin on milk production, Cushman, and C. L. Ferrell, USDA, ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Research
metabolism and reproduction in primiparous Holstein dairy Center, Clay Center, NE.
cows. A. Schneider*, E. Schwegler, P. Montagner, L. T. Hax, M. M.
Beef producers are advised to develop replacement heifers to 65% of
Antunes, E. Schmitt, F. A. B. Del Pino, I. Bianchi, and M. N. Corrêa,
mature BW, but reports indicate this BW could be reduced to lower
Federal University of Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil.
input costs. To determine whether lower dietary intake impedes ovarian
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of prepartum somatotro- development and fertility in purebred or crossbred heifers, Angus (n =
pin (bST) injection on metabolic adaptation and resumption of ovulatory 60) and MARC II (1/4 Angus, 1/4 Hereford, 1/4 Gelbvieh, and 1/4 Sim-
cycles in primiparous dairy cows. For this study 31 primiparous Holstein mental; n = 60) heifers were fed either a high (HE) or low (LE) energy
cows in a commercial dairy herd were used. The cows had a mean body diet for 180 d postweaning to achieve 65 vs. 53% of mature BW at first
weight (BW) of 568.8 ± 47.8 kg and 3.4 ± 0.4 of body condition score breeding. At 14 mo of age, heifers were housed with fertile bulls for 47
(BCS) at the beginning of the experiment. Cows in the bST group (n d. Estrus was monitored for 21 d, and 12 h after estrus, ovaries were
= 15) received subcutaneous injections of bST (500 mg, Boostin) at ultrasounded in one-half of the heifers to measure ovarian length and
−32.2 ± 6.9 d and −18.9 ± 6.9 d, and, if pertinent, at −4.7 ± 7.1 d from height, preovulatory follicle diam., and total number of antral follicles
calving date. Control cows (n = 16) did not receive any treatment and (AFC); corpus luteum (CL) diam. and blood progesterone were mea-
were managed in the same conditions of treated cows. Blood samples sured 7 to 14 d after estrus. Data were analyzed by SAS PROC GLM or
were collected weekly from −35 d to 45 d after calving for glucose, GLIMMIX with diet and genetic line as independent variables; 2-way
non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) interactions were not significant. Initial BW (282.8 kg) did not differ
and progesterone assays. Postpartum cows were milked twice daily and but, at breeding, HE heifers were heavier (429.4 vs. 344.8 ± 7.1 kg) and
production was recorded. A cow was considered ovulated when blood fatter (6.9 vs. 5.0 ± 0.1 BCS) than LE heifers (P < 0.01); experimental
progesterone exceeded 1 ng/mL after calving. Data was compared ADG was 0.81 vs. 0.35 ± 0.02 kg/d (P < 0.01). Puberty occurred in
between groups by ANOVA for repeated measures. Ovulatory status 93.3% of heifers prebreeding. Size of preovulatory follicle (13.7 ± 0.2
was compared among groups by the Chi-squared test. A value of P < mm), ovary (length = 24.2 ± 0.3 mm; height = 13.3 ± 0.2 mm), CL
0.05 was considered significant. The positive effect of prepartum bST (19.4 ± 0.5 mm), and AFC (23.4 ± 1.3) did not differ between HE and
on milk production and resumption of ovulation could be related to the LE, but follicle diam. (14.3 vs. 13.1 ± 0.3 mm; P < 0.01) and ovarian
better adaptation, as seen by the reduced postpartum BCS loss, and, length (25.1 vs. 23.1 ± 0.7 mm; P = 0.05) were greater for MARC II
also to the exposure of mammary and reproductive tissues to higher vs. Angus heifers. Ovarian size was correlated with AFC (r = 0.64; P
IGF-I concentrations. In conclusion, prepartum somatotropin injection < 0.01). Plasma progesterone was greater for HE vs. LE heifers (5.3
reduced BCS loss, percentage of anovulatory cows, and improved milk vs. 4.3 ± 0.3 ng/mL; P < 0.05), but CL diam. (19.4 ± 0.5 mm) was not
production during the first 45 DIM. affected by diet or line. Pregnancy rate did not differ between diets but
tended (P = 0.07) to be greater for MARC II vs. Angus (80 vs. 65%).
Developing yearling beef heifers to 53% of mature BW did not impede
Table 1. Variables analyzed for control and prepartum somatotropin
ovarian development or heifer pregnancy rate.
treated (bST) groups
Key Words: beef heifers, diet, fertility
Treatment P
Variables Control bST SEM Treat
M301 The pH decreases in the vaginal portion of the cervix
in mares near ovulation. J. J. Parrish*, University of Wisconsin,
BW, kg 568.7 559.7 6.4 0.32 Madison.
BCS 3.1 3.2 0.0 0.36
The objective was to determine if vaginal pH in mares varies during the
Glucose, mmol/L 3.1 3.0 0.1 0.85 estrous cycle and could be a predictor of time to breed. In this study,
NEFA, mmol/L 0.9 1.0 0.0 0.004 wireless transmitting boluses were obtained from Kahne Limited, New
Zealand, that were capable of measuring pH, temperature and pressure.
IGF-I, ng/mL 84.1 127.8 7.3 <0.0001
Boluses of 15 × 3 cm, were originally designed for remote rumen mea-
Postpartum surements but modified in our lab for limited time use in mares. The
BW, kg 532.9 524.7 4.7 0.22 boluses were sterilized in Nolvasan followed by rinsing in distilled water
and calibration with pH standards. The mare’s vulva was disinfected
BCS 2.6 2.8 0.0 <.0001
with 3 washes of detergent as done for artificial insemination. The bolus
Glucose, mmol/L 3.2 3.2 0.1 0.49 was inserted with a lubricated gloved hand into the vagina. The tip of
NEFA, mmol/L 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.28 the bolus was inserted deep into the anterior vagina and into the folds
of the vaginal portion of the cervix. This location was chosen as air
Milk production, kg/day 22.6 25.3 0.5 <0.0001
entering the vagina produced unstable pH readings when the bolus was
Anovulatory at 45 DIM, % 62.5 20.0 - 0.016 left in just the anterior vagina. Pressure measurements demonstrated the
Key Words: dairy cows, prepartum bST, postpartum ovulation vagina was 10 mbar below ambient pressure and influx of air occurred at
unpredictable times. The pH was recorded at 5 s intervals and the aver-
age pH determined over a mean ± SEM of 4.1 ± 0.3 min (225 measure-
M300 Effect of dietary energy on ovarian development and ments) per mare. Data was obtained on 3 mares on days −7, −2, −1 and
fertility in postpuberal beef heifers. S. E. Echternkamp*, R. A. 0 relative to ovulation as detected via ultrasonography. Mares exhibited
estrus on days −2, −1 and 0. The mean ± sem pH across mares was 7.02
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 115
± 0.01, 6.95 ± 0.02, 6.88 ± 0.02, and 6.75 ± 0.07 for days −7, −2, −1 and and IGF-1. This explanation seems confirmed by the good correlation
0 respectively. Using Dunnett’s procedure, days −7 and −2 had greater between glucose recovery and that of insulin and IGF-1 in the 1st month
pH values than d 0 (P < 0.05) but d 0 was not different from day −1 (P of lactation. To conclude, higher milk yield in the 2nd lactation does
> 0.05). Temperature measured along with pH did not vary over stage not seem to be affected by hormonal changes, but it indirectly causes a
of cycle (P > 0.05). If left in the vagina overnight, the boluses were reduction of insulin and IGF-1.
ejected at 12 – 24 h and often damaged. Vaginal pressure changes were
Key Words: milk yield, parity, hormone
detected when an estrus mare was brought into contact with a stallion.
The experiment demonstrated that the pH of the vaginal portion of the
cervix in mare’s is neutral in diestrus and decreases near the time of M303 Effect of thermal preconditioning during the prebreeder
ovulation and thus could be a suitable marker of the time to breed. The period on breeder turkey hens’ reproductive performance. S. W.
boluses were the generous donation of Kahne Limited. Kang*, S. Kosonsiriluk, S. J. Welch, and M. E. El Halawani, University
Key Words: vaginal pH, estrous cycle, ovulation of Minnesota, St. Paul.
Breeder turkey hens photostimulated in the month of May are highly
susceptible to a sudden increase in environmental temperature which
M302 Main endocrine-metabolic differences between 1st and
has a detrimental effect on egg production. The objective of this study
2nd lactation of the dairy cows around calving. G. Bertoni*, R.
was to investigate the effects of thermal preconditioning before photo-
Lombardelli, F. Piccioli-Cappelli, and E. Trevisi, Istituto di Zootecnica,
stimulation on enhancing egg production during the summer months.
Universitá Cattolica S. Cuore, Piacenza, Italy.
Hens were reared under the photoperiod 14L/8D daily with day length
Dairy cows yield less milk in the 1st lactation in comparison to the reduced to 6L/18D from 17 to 30wk. At 30wk, hens were photostimu-
following one and this seems to be mainly due to mammary gland lated (15L/9D). In experiment 1: Hens were subjected to temperature
development, although other factors can be involved (e.g., level of treatments at 20 wks of age (6hrs/day). Treatments included: 1) Control,
DMI, digestive tract development, different experience of stress). With no temperature treatment. 2) 10 wks: subjected to 75°F, increasing by 5°F
the aim to better clarify the influence of metabolic-endocrine changes every 2 wks. 3) 5 wks: same as treatment (2) excepting each temperature
on differences in milk yield between 1st (L1) and 2nd (L2) lactation, cycle was only for one wk. 4) 3 wks: treatment started at 27 wk, starting
8 healthy Italian Frisian cows reared under very similar conditions at 85°F, increasing by 5°F for the next 2 wks. In experiment 2: Treat-
(housing, diet, climate), were checked in their first 2 lactations. Cows ments included: 1) Control, same as experiment 1. 2) 3wks: subjected
were individually fed with corn silage, chopped alfalfa and grass to 85°F at 27 wk, increasing by 5°F every wk. 3) 2 wks: subjected to
hays distributed every 12 h, and concentrate, fed in 2 (dry period) or 90°F at 28 wk, increasing by 5°F at 29 wk. 4) 1 wk: subjected to 95°F
8 (lactating period) meals at regular intervals. Cows have been daily at 29 wk. Peak egg production was comparable among all treatment
checked for milk yield, DMI, and fortnightly for BW and BCS. Blood groups between wk 1–4 of photostimulation. In experiment 1, average
samples were weekly withdrawn, before the morning meal, from −28 egg production was highest in the 3 wks preconditioning group (4.16
to 120 DIM to determine metabolites and hormones. During 1st month eggs/hen/wk) during the 27 wks production period. Lowest average egg
of lactation, L2 showed higher milk yield (40.0 vs. 30.8 kg/d), DMI production was that of hens receiving 10 wks of preconditioning (3.43
(20.5 vs. 17.9 kg/d) and lower BCS (2.36 vs. 2.49 score). The nega- eggs/hen/wk). Control group was 3.86 eggs/hen/wk. In experiment 2,
tive energy balance was more accentuated in L2 as suggested by the average egg production of the 1 wk preconditioning group (3.96 eggs/
lower glucose for 3 weeks (3.43 vs. 3.78 mmol/L; P < 0.01) and higher hen/wk) was 37.5% higher than that of control (2.88 eggs/hen/wk).
BHBA (0.64 vs. 0.89 mmol/L; P < 0.05), despite NEFA were similar. There was no significant difference among treatment groups (1, 2, and
Hormones with an apparent relationship with lactation start were bST 3 wks). The results clearly indicate that thermal preconditioning can be
and glucagon (increased) and IGF-I, insulin and perhaps triiodothyronine beneficial or detrimental to egg production of hens photostimulated in the
(T3) (reduced); nevertheless, in the periparturient period very small dif- month of May depending on the preconditioning temperature schedule
ferences has been observed, according to parity, for bST, glucagon and and age of hens at the time of treatment initiation.
T3. Otherwise, the average values (end pregnancy - first two months of Supported by Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, Willmar Poultry
lactation) were lower in L2 for insulin (5.9 vs. 7.6 mcU/mL; P < 0.01) Co., and Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
and IGF-I (47 vs. 63 ng/mL; P < 0.01). These last differences suggest
Key Words: turkey reproductive performance, heat stress, thermal
that the more negative energy balance of L2, due to higher milk yield,
is the main cause of lower glucose and, consequently, of lower insulin
116 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Production, Management and the Environment: Microbiology
M304 In vitro investigation of anti-Escherichia coli O157:H7 ance value. The impedance of the nanoparticle-virus-RBC complex
effects of free fatty acids under acidic conditions. J. Yang*1,2, X. was measured and compared with the negative control. The change in
Hou1, P. S. Mir2, and T. A. McAllister2, 1Inner Mongolia Agricultural impedance could be correlated with the concentration of AI H5N1 virus.
University, Hohhot, P. R. China, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Using polyclonal anti-N1 along with red blood cell amplification, the
Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, Canada. impedance biosensor was capable of detecting AI H5N1 at levels down
to 100 EID50/ml in less than 3 h. Red blood cell amplification caused a
Preventing acid-tolerant Escherichia coli O157:H7 from colonizing the significant increase (P < 0.001) in impedance change as compared with
lower gut of cattle could reduce fecal shedding of this zoonotic pathogen. antibody immobilization alone.
This study aimed to test the antimicrobial effects of fatty acids (FA)
against E. coli O157:H7 at acidic pH. From 4 strains of E. coli O157:H7 Key Words: avian influenza, biosensor, rapid detection
(E32511, E318N, H4420N and R508N) screened for acid tolerance,
strain H4420N was selected for further study of the influence of pH on
bactericidal activities of 6 FA (capric, lauric, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, M306 Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 incubated with corn-
and linolenic). Strain H4420N was cultured at pH 2.5, 4.3 and 7 for 6 h or wheat-based dried distillers’ grains with solubles in ruminal or
at 37°C in the presence (20 mM) of selected FA in Luria-Bertani broth fecal inoculum. H. E. Yang1,2, W. Z. Yang1, J. J. McKinnon2, T. W.
containing 4% (v/v) Tween 80. Triplicate cultures were prepared for Alexander1, Y. L. Li1, and T. A. McAllister*1, 1Agriculture and Agri-
each FA × pH combination, and the entire experiment was repeated. Food Canada Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 2University
Bacterial numbers were log10 transformed for statistical analysis. Dif- of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
ferences were identified using the Least Squares Means of GLM (SAS Including corn-based dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in
Institute, Cary, NC). None of the FA exhibited bactericidal activity at feedlot diets may increase fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 by cattle. In
pH 7.0. At pH 4.3, capric acid (C10:0) caused a 5 log10 reduction in cfu/ western Canada, wheat-based DDGS is also available to finishing cattle.
mL and both lauric and linoleic acids reduced (P < 0.001) viability of This study investigated whether corn- or wheat-based DDGS (CDDGS,
H4420N. None of the other FA showed bactericidal activity at pH 4.3. WDDGS) replacing 0, 20 or 40% of barley grain in substrate for in vitro
At pH 2.5, oleic (C18:1) and linolenic acids (C18:3) had modest effects batch culture affected survival of E. coli O157:H7 in ruminal content- or
on the H4420N viability, whereas capric (C10:0), lauric (C12:0) and feces-based inoculum. Donors for ruminal and fecal inoculum were 2
linoleic acids (18:2) resulted in ≥ 5 log10 reductions in cfu/mL. Capric ruminally cannulated non-lactating Holstein cows fed diets containing
and lauric acids were examined further at pH 2.5 at concentrations both corn- and wheat-based DDGS, in equal proportions, to ensure that
ranging from 0.15 to 20 mM. After 10 min of exposure, 5 log10 cfu/mL microbial populations associated with digesta from both forms of DDGS
reductions were achieved by lauric acid at 2.5 mM and by capric acid were present in the digestive tract. Triplicate incubation vials (200 mg
at 0.31 mM. Acid stress increased the sensitivity of E. coli O157:H7 to substrate + 20 mL ruminal or fecal inoculum) were prepared for time
FA, particularly capric, lauric and linoleic acids. Thus, the ability of this points 0, 4, 12 and 24 h and each of 5 substrates (ground barley grain
pathogen to survive passage to the lower gut may be reduced if these replaced with 0, 20 or 40% CDDGS or WDDGS). After inoculation with
fatty acids are included in diets for cattle. a 4-strain (E318N, E32511, R508N, and H4420N) mixture of E. coli
Key Words: fatty acids, pH, E. coli O157:H7 O157:H7 (total 108 cfu/mL), vials were sealed and incubated at 39°C.
Neither type nor level of DDGS affected fermentation or survival of E.
coli O157:H7 in ruminal contents. In fecal inoculum, however, a time ×
M305 A more specific and sensitive detection method for avian DDGS interaction (P = 0.05) was observed. At 4 and 12 h of incubation,
influenza H5N1 using antibodies against N1 subtype and red numbers of E. coli O157:H7 in feces were similar across treatments, but
blood cell amplification in an impedance biosensor. J. Lum*1, R. at 24 h, they were greater in 40% WDDGS and 40% CDDGS than in
Wang1, D. Abi-Ghanem2, B. Hargis1, L. Berghman2, S. Tung1, and Y. other treatments. Additionally, E. coli O157:H7 concentrations at 24 h
Li1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2Texas A&M University, were greater in fecal incubations with CDDGS than with WDDGS. Dif-
College Station. ferences in numbers of E. coli O157:H7 were not attributable to changes
in pH or VFA concentrations. These results suggest that inclusion of high
Avian influenza (AI) H5N1 was first discovered in the 1990s and since levels of either corn- or wheat-based DDGS in feedlot diets for cattle
then has become a likely source of a global pandemic and economic may encourage the persistence of E. coli O157:H7 in feces.
loss. Current specific detection methods are time consuming, expensive,
and require special training or facilities. A rapid, sensitive, and specific Key Words: E. coli O157:H7, distillers grains, ruminal contents
screening method is needed for in-field or bedside testing of AI virus to
implement quarantines and medications. An impedance biosensor has
been developed to meet this need, but it is not ready to detect AI H5N1 M307 The effect of fungus myceliated grain supplementation in
subtype at very low concentrations. Therefore, the objective of this different feeding phases on coccidiosis and production performance
study was to improve the specificity and sensitivity of this impedance of broilers. W. L. Willis, O. S. Iskhuemhen, S. L. Hurley, D. Wall*, R.
biosensor for rapid screening of AI H5N1 using secondary antibody C. Minor, and E. I. Ohimain, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical
against N1 subtype and red blood cell (RBC) amplification. Three major State University, Greensboro.
components of the developed biosensor are immunomagnetic nanopar- A 49 d experiment was conducted to evaluate fungus myceliated grain
ticles for separation of AI virus, a microfluidic chip for sample control, (FMG) supplemental inclusion levels in different feed phases on coccidi-
and an interdigitated microelectrode for impedance measurement. In osis and production performance in broiler chickens. This study utilized
this study, polyclonal antibody against N1 subtype was immobilized on 294 straight-run broiler chicks that were randomly weighed and distrib-
the surface of the microelectrode to generate more specific impedance uted into 7 treatment (trt) groups with 3 replications of 14 chicks each
signal, and red blood cells were mixed with the sample to amplify imped- on recycled litter as follows: 1) Control- no myceliated grain, 2) Starter
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 117
feed-FMG 5%, 3) Grower feed-FMG 5%, 4) Starter/grower/finisher from trts 3, 4 and 5 (P > 0.05), but significantly (P < 0.05) different
feeds-FMG 5%, 5) Starter feed-FMG 10%, 6) Grower feed-FMG 10% from trts 1 and 2. Male relative bursa wts were highest in trt 4 (0.021)
and 7) Starter/grower/finisher feeds-FMG 10%. Assessment data were vs the control (0.017), while trt 6 had the lowest (0.013) vs the control
taken on male/female BW, fecal Eimeria sp. egg count, bursa and spleen (0.017). Average feed consumed did not differ greatly among trts. The
wts, and mortality. BW of males and females broilers was significantly results from this study reflect a positive response of fungus myceliated
depressed in trt 5 when compared with the control 2.00 vs. 2.52 kg males grain fed at the 10% inclusion level throughout the entire feeding phases
and 1.83 vs. 2.10 kg females. Treatments 1 and 2 had the highest growth for anticoccidial control and production performance.
of Eimeria sp. with the other trts had varying levels of reduced counts.
Key Words: broilers, fungus myceliated grain, coccidiosis
Trts 6 and 7 had the lowest counts though not significantly different
118 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Production, Management and the Environment: Poultry
M308 Tibial dyschondroplasia in four crosses of male commer- group, they had reduced embryonic metabolism. The study indicates
cial broilers and its relationship to gait score. P. Y. Hester*1, P. N. that reduction in blastodermal cell numbers following egg storage for 14
Talaty1, and M. N. Katanbaf2, 1Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, d is primarily due to events of apoptosis. Examining genes that induce
2Cobb-Vantress, Inc., Monticello, KY. apoptosis in broiler breeders could be used to slow down the events of
apoptosis and increase cell viability, improve embryonic metabolism
The objective of the following study was to determine the incidence of and embryo survival during incubation.
tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) among 4 crosses (crosses A, B, C, and D) of
male meat-type commercial broilers and its relationship to gait score at 6 Key Words: egg storage, viable and apoptotic cells, embryonic
wk of age. At 38 and 39 d of age, 360 birds were evaluated individually metabolism
for gait score. Three male chickens/pen with good walking ability (gait
score of 0 or 1) and 3 male chickens/pen with poorer walking ability
(gait score of 3) were killed and individual BW determined at 6 wk of M310 Influence of hen’s age and phenotypic correlation between
age. Both drumsticks were retrieved and the distal and proximal tibia external and internal traits of eggs. O. T. F. Abanikannda* and A.
were scored for TD lesion (0 = no lesion; 1 = mild lesion; 2 = moderate O. Leigh, Lagos State University, Ojo - Lagos, Nigeria.
lesion; and 3 = severe lesion). Data were analyzed via ANOVA using Table egg remains the cheapest source of animal protein, however
the mixed model procedure of SAS. Very few birds showed TD lesions. competing demands for nutrients by the hen for its maintenance and
The TD scores were similar among crosses even though gait scores production at different stages of lay impact on the quantity and quality
differed among genotypes with cross C having better gait scores than of eggs produced. This study investigates the influence of hen’s age on
crosses A and B but did not differ from cross D. The TD lesion scores quality of egg’s external and internal traits. A total of 300 eggs derived
did not differ between male broilers with a gait score of 0 or 1 (mean from Harco Black layers from 5 ordinal groups based on age [A (22–32),
TD lesion score of 0.03 ± 0.03) as compared with those with a poorer B (33–43), C (44–54), D (55–65) and E (66–76) weeks] consisting
walking ability and a gait score of 3 (mean TD lesion score of 0.08 ± of 60 eggs from each group were sampled and measured. Data were
0.03). The proximal end of the right and left tibia had similar TD lesion analyzed using JMP (7.0.1) statistical software for basic descriptives,
scores. The TD lesions scores were higher for the right proximal tibia correlation, regression and ANOVA. The overall mean ± SE for egg
when compared with the distal ends of the right and left tibia. These weight (EGGWT), egg length (EGGLT), egg width (EGGWD), shape
results suggest the poorer walking ability of male broilers in this study index (SHPINDX), vertical circumference (VTCIRC) and horizontal
was not due to TD lesions. circumference (HTCIRC) are 55.65 ± 0.28 g, 56.09 ± 0.15 mm, 42.40 ±
Key Words: tibial dyschondroplasia, male broiler, gait score 0.08 mm, 75.69 ± 0.19%, 15.67 ± 0.03 cm and 13.41 ± 0.03 cm, respec-
tively. The effect of hen’s age was highly significant (P < 0.01) on all
external traits, and accounted for 0.26, 0.22, 0.16, 0.07, 0.27, and 0.33,
M309 Impact of egg storage on blastodermal cell viability and respectively, of the total variation. Age Group A consistently had the
embryonic metabolism in broiler breeders. J. A. Hamidu*1, Z. least mean values for all external traits except shape index, while group
Uddin1, G. M. Fasenko2, and D. R. Barreda1, 1University of Alberta, D recorded the highest. The internal traits exhibited similar trend as the
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2University of New Mexico, Albuquer- external traits across different age groups, with overall mean values of
que. 15.66 ± 0.12g, 33.53 ± 0.21g, 6.46 ± 0.04g, 28.15 ± 0.17%, 60.93 ±
0.22%, 11.64 ± 0.06%, 46.56 ± 0.41% and 0.36 ± 0.01mm respectively
The objective of the current study was to investigate the impact of short- for yolk weight (YLKWT), albumen weight (ALBWT), shell weight
term (4 d) and long-term (14 d) egg storage on blastodermal cell viability (SHLLWT), yolk ratio (YLKRAT), albumen ratio (ALBRAT), shell
and embryonic metabolism. Two separated experiments were conducted ratio (SHLRAT), yolk:albumen ratio (YKALBRT) and shell thickness
using Ross 308 broiler strains after egg storage (4 d vs. 14 d) at 18°C and (SHLLTKN). Largest correlation was recorded between Albumen
80% RH. Study–1 involved separation of individual blastoderms into weight and all external traits (P < 0.05) except for shape index which
individual cells. The cells were pooled together in each treatment and was low and not significant. Yolk ratio, albumen ratio and yolk:albumen
stained with Annexin V-FITC and propidium iodide. A flow cytometer ratio had very low correlation against all external traits and were not
(BD FACScan) was used to analyze the cell suspensions and separated significant (P > 0.05). The study revealed that hen’s age significantly
into percentages of live cells (Annexin V–/PI–), early apoptotic cells (P < 0.05) affect both external and internal traits of eggs and that some
(Annexin V+/PI–), necrotic cells (Annexin V–/PI+) and late apoptotic/ of the internal traits had moderate to high correlation with most of the
necrotic cells (Annexin V+/PI+). In study–2, eggs from each treatment external traits studied.
were placed in metabolic chambers inside an incubator. Measurements
of O2 consumption and CO2 production were used to calculate embry- Table 1. Phenotypic correlations between external and internal traits
onic heat production. Daily dry embryo weights (4 to 21 d of incuba- of egg
tion) were measured and used to determine heat production/g embryo YLKWT ALBWT SHLLWT YLKRAT ALBRAT SHLRAT YKALBRT SHLLTKN
weight. All data were analyzed by the proc mixed model procedure of EGGWT 0.591* 0.877* 0.603* −0.071 0.017 −0.260* 0.052 0.138*
SAS (P ≤ 0.05). The PDIFF procedure in SAS was applied to separate EGGLT 0.444* 0.621* 0.488* −0.030 0.071 −0.128* 0.040 0.013
LSmeans between storage treatments. The percentage of live cells EGGWD 0.476* 0.701* 0.505* −0.060 0.052 −0.190* 0.062 0.119*
decreased significantly as egg storage duration increased (4 d = 81.17 VTCIRC 0.518* 0.763* 0.546* −0.058 0.109 −0.202* −0.076 0.020
± 2.13% vs. 14 d = 68.18 ± 2.15%). The percentage of early apoptotic HTCIRC 0.499* 0.682* 0.436* −0.017 0.015 −0.252* −0.009 0.130*
cells increased in 14 d (17.88 ± 1.87%) vs. 4 d (4.32 ± 1.89%). While SHPINDX −0.100 −0.109 −0.133* −0.016 −0.027 −0.024 −0.010 0.064
daily embryo weight and heat production decreased with egg storage, *= Statistical Significance (P < 0.05).
the heat production/g embryo weight increased. Though embryos from
14 d stored eggs were metabolizing at a higher rate than 4 d storage Key Words: egg, hen age, phenotypic correlation
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 119
M311 Effects of heat stress on egg production and quality in two two litter types by Day 67. Placing the birds with FPD lesions on fresh
strains of layers. L. A. Mack*1, J. N. Felver-Gant1, R. L. Dennis2, bedding significantly reduced the incidence at 67 days of age (78 and
and H. W. Cheng2, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2LBRU, 50% for used and fresh litter, respectively). Similarly, FPD severity
USDA-ARS, West Lafayette, IN. was also reduced from 42 to 14% with fresh, as compared to used litter.
Wetting treatment did not affect FPD incidence, but reduced mild (P <
Heat stress is a problem for both egg production and bird well-being.
0.06) and severe (P < 0.07) lesions at 67 days of age. Neither litter type
Given a stressor, genetic differences can alter the type and degree of
nor litter wetting influenced FPD incidence or severity in adult birds
birds’ responses and their adaptation. This study examined heat stress
without existing FPD lesions. These findings indicate that FPD may be
responses of 2 strains of White Leghorns: DeKalb XL (DXL), an
occurring early in the grow-out and that improvements in litter quality
individually-selected, commercial strain and a strain of kind, gentle
can reverse the severity of lesions in market age broilers. In addition, in
birds (KGB) genetically-selected on high group productivity and sur-
older broiler chickens, exposure to wet litter conditions for short periods
vivability. Ninety 28wk-old birds (48 DXL, 42 KGB) were randomly
prior to marketing is not sufficient to induce FPD.
paired, housed by strain, and assigned to hot (H) or control (C) treatments
for 14 d (mean: H = 32.6°C, C = 24.3°C). Birds’ egg production (egg Key Words: broiler, foot pad dermatitis, litter moisture
number, EN; egg weight, EW; shell thickness, ST; and percentage of
broken eggs, PB), behavior, and physical variables (BW; ovary weight,
OW; number of mature follicles, FN; and crop feed weight, CF) were M313 Eggshell quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
measured. Data were analyzed in SAS using the mixed models proce- after long-term selection for egg production. M. M. Fathi*1, A.
dures. Compared with C birds, EN, EW, and ST were lower in H birds E. El-Dlebshany2, and M. Bahie El-Deen2, 1Al-Qassim University,
across both strains (P < 0.05). In H birds but not in C birds, both EN Buridah, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia, 2Alexandria University, El-Shatby,
and EW increased over time while ST decreased. The PB tended to be Alex., Egypt.
greatest in the H-DXL, intermediate in the C birds, and lowest in the An experiment was conducted to evaluate egg quality and ultrastuctural
H-KGB birds, but a significant difference was found between H-DXL measurements of eggshell using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and H-KGB only (P < 0.5). Behaviorally, comparing treatments, H in 2 lines (selected and control) of Japanese quails. Selection program
birds spent more time drinking and resting, and less time sitting (P < was applied over 22 consecutive generations for higher egg production
0.05) than C birds. Comparing strains, DXL birds rested more on d 1 and lower broken egg percentage. The results revealed that the females
(P < 0.05) and tended to drink more on d 13 than KGB birds (P < 0.1). of selected line significantly (P < 0.01) produced higher egg mass
C-KGB birds ate more frequently than C-DXL birds on d 6 and 11 (P compared with that of control line. Also, selection procedure resulted
< 0.05) but no strain difference was evident in responding to heat stress in significantly improvement in feed conversion ratio. The eggshell of
(P > 0.05). H-KGB birds tended to have lower CF than C-KGB birds selected line had a higher breaking strength compared with that of control
at both wk 1 and 2, while H-DXL birds tended to have higher CF than line, although there was no difference between them in shell thickness.
C-DXL birds at wk 1 only (P < 0.1). Body weight, d 14 OW and FN Significantly higher wet (P < 0.01) and dry (P < 0.05) eggshell percent-
were all reduced in the H birds compared with relative controls (P < ages were found in selected line. In general, the eggshells of selected
0.05). Although heat stress reduced production variables in both strains line had a lower total score (good) of ultrastructural evaluation compared
of birds, genetic background shaped both the nature and intensity of with control line. According to scanning electron microscopy data, the
the response. incidence of certain structural variants is more common in eggshell of
Key Words: heat stress, egg quality, behavior control line suggesting poor shell strength. Alignment appearance was
more prevalent in control eggshells compared with selected ones, sug-
gesting lower resistance to breakage. Late fusion and large interstitial
M312 Effect of litter type and wetness on foot pad dermatitis in spaces of palisade layer indicating decrease resistance to fracture were
broiler chickens. O. Cengiz*1, J. B. Hess2, and S. F. Bilgili2, 1Adnan observed in control eggshells. It could be concluded that long-term
Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey, 2Auburn University, Auburn, AL. selection for egg production over 22 generations improved mammillary
layer measurements and in turn breaking strength.
An experiment was conducted to determine if wetting fresh or used
litter for a short period of time during the latter part of the grow-out Key Words: Japanese quail, ultrastructural measurements, eggshell
could influence the incidence and severity of foot pad dermatitis (FPD) quality
in broiler chickens with and without existing lesions. A total of 2 hun-
dred male broiler chickens with and without existing FPD lesions were
selected from a 52-d old (Ross 708) flock and reared to 67 d of age in a M314 Effects of ambient temperature on body weight, cloacal tem-
design consisting of 2 × 2 arrangement of litter type (fresh or used) and perature and blood traits in Pekin ducks. J. F. Huang*1, C. H. Su1,
added moisture (with or without added water). Broilers (8 treatments; 5 C. C. Lin2, J. H. Lin1, and S. R. Lee1, 1Ilan Branch, Livestock Research
birds per pen; 40 pens total) were reared in floor pens (3 × 4 ft) prepared Institute, Ilan, Taiwan, 2National Ilan University, Ilan, Taiwan.
with used or fresh pine shavings bedding (8 cm deep). One half of the This study aimed to investigate the effects of ambient temperature on
pens were wetted with a gallon of water daily for 5 d starting on Day body weight, cloacal temperature, and blood traits in Pekin ducks. A
52. Litter samples were collected, pooled and analyzed for moisture at total of 36 Pekin ducks at 10–11 weeks of age were randomly assigned
56 and 67 d of age. FPD incidence and severity were assessed at the into 3 temperature groups: (1) 25 ± 1°C (LT), (2) 30 ± 1°C (MT),
end of the study by using a 3-point scale. A common withdrawal feed and (3) 35 ± 1°C (HT) and raised in an individual cage in a climate
and water were freely available; lighting was continuous throughout the chamber. The relative humidity was 80–85% for all groups. This study
study. Data were analyzed as a factorial design by the GLM procedure lasted for 3 weeks. Body weight, feed intake, cloacal temperature and
of SAS, Inc. Moisture level was higher with used than fresh litter on blood traits were determined once a week. The data was analyzed by
Day 56 (P < 0.05) but not on Day 67 of the trial. Wetting increased the the General Linear Model procedure of the Statistical Analysis System.
moisture level from an average of 24 to 54% on Day 56. Litter moisture The most dramatic decrease in body weight was observed in the HT
remained high in fresh wetted pens, but was equalized between the group, followed by MT and then LT groups. Although there was a trend
120 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
of lower feed intake in the MT and HT groups, no significant differ- untapped potential of industrial hemp. Keeping this in perspective, a
ences among treatments were observed. After one week of treatment, total of sixteen 19-wk-old individually housed Bovan White laying hens
significant differences in cloacal temperature were observed between were fed one of the 2 diets containing 10 and 20% of hemp seed (HS).
the LT and HT groups. However, this significance disappeared after 2 Concurrently, a total of twenty-four 19-wk-old individually housed
weeks of treatment, probably due to adaptation of ducks to high ambient Bovan White laying hens were fed one of the 3 diets containing 4, 8 and
temperature. The cloacal temperatures in the MT and HT groups after 12% of hemp oil (HO). Eight birds fed wheat, soy and corn oil based
2 week of treatment were lower compared with those measured after diets served as control. The diets were fed over a period of 12 weeks. All
one week of treatment. The blood traits showed that levels of calcium, the diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous and isoenergetic. Daily
sodium, magnesium, chloride ions, glucose, and total cholesterol were egg weights, egg production, average daily feed intake (ADFI), feed
decreased in the MT and HT groups after one week of treatment, but efficiency (FE) and weekly body weights were recorded for the entire
were increased thereafter. However, the levels of the blood traits were 12 weeks. Shell thickness and Haugh units (HU) were recorded from
relatively stable in the LT group throughout this study. The high ambient the eggs collected in wk 4, 8 and 12. Data were subjected to statistical
temperature caused the most remarkable decrease in body weight and analysis using Proc Mixed procedure of SAS. Daily egg weights (55.13
blood traits and the most remarkable increase in cloacal temperature vs. 51.49 ± 1.2 g), FE (1.74 vs. 1.88 ± 0.04) and body weights (1.47
in the first week. vs. 1.43 ± 0.02 kg) were higher (P < 0.05) for the birds fed 20% HS in
comparison to the control. ADFI was lower (P < 0.05) in all HO treat-
Key Words: ambient temperature, blood trait, Pekin duck
ments as compared with the control. Hen day egg production (91.12
vs. 96.84 ± 0.07%) and HU (83.8 vs. 86.8 ± 1.53 HU) were lower (P
M315 The study on correlation between the liver enzyme activity < 0.05) in 4% HO group whereas HU increased (P < 0.05) in 8% HO
and dioxin contents in the eggs of laying Brown Tsaiya ducks. C. C. group as compared with the control. FE was higher (P < 0.05) in 12%
Lin*1, T. H. Ueng2, Y. H. Lin1, J. F. Huang3, and S. R. Lee3, 1National HO group (1.70 vs. 1.85 ± 0.04) as compared with the control. In con-
Ilan University, Ilan, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan University, Taipei, clusion, this study allays concerns over the safety of feeding industrial
Taiwan, 3Ilan Branch, Livestock Research Institute, Ilan, Taiwan. hemp to the laying hens and demonstrates the positive impact of feeding
HS on their performance.
The objective of this study was to study the correlation between the liver
enzyme activity and dioxin contents in the eggs of laying Brown Tsaiya Key Words: laying hens, hemp seed, hemp oil
ducks. One hundred Brown Tsaiya ducks (119 d old) were raised in the
Hsiangsi township (dioxin- contaminated area) and Wuchieh township
M317 Duckweed as a feed ingredient in laying hen diet and its
(not dioxin-contaminated area), respectively. In each township, 50 ducks
effect on egg production and composition. K. E. Anderson*, Z.
were raised on the ground and 50 ducks were raised in the cage. This
Lowman, A. Stomp, and J. Chang, North Carolina State University,
study lasted for 7 mo. In each month, we collected duck liver microsomes
to detect 7-ethoxy resorufin O-deethylase (EROD), 7-pentoxyresorufin
O-dealkylase (PROD), and 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD) Duckweed is a native North Carolina aquatic plant that can be used for
activity and also collected the egg samples for analysis and calculation bio-fuels (ethanol) and animal feeds. Researchers at North Carolina
of dioxin toxic equivalency (TEQDF) by high-resolution gas chroma- State University have worked for a decade and have developed a system
tography/mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). Then, the correlation to produce high-protein duckweed biomass utilizing the nutrient-rich
coefficient was calculated between liver enzyme activity and HRGC/ effluent from anaerobic digestion of swine wastewater. This aspect of
HRMS results. An average correlation coefficient of 0.95 was observed the project was to evaluate data generated in a feeding trial utilizing
between duck liver EROD and duck egg dioxin TEQDF. In contrast, a the duckweed biomass as a protein source in laying hen feed. First,
very low correlation coefficient was observed between liver PROD or the nutrient and energy composition of the Duckweed grown in these
ECOD activity and dioxin TEQDF in duck eggs. Furthermore, we used conditions was determined, and found to contain 29.05% CP, 25.08%
real-time PCR to determine CYP1A4 mRNA expression in duck liver. C Fiber, and 695 kcal/kg AMEn based on a feeding trial with marker.
It showed the highest value of CYP1A4 expression was observed in Then a completely randomized design study to evaluate the impact of
the liver of ducks raised on the ground of dioxin-contaminated area duckweed on the performance of a commercial layer egg production and
compared with those in other treatments. The high correlation coef- feed conversion was conducted. Two layer diets were formulated to be
ficient between liver EROD activity and dioxin TEQDF in duck eggs iso-nitrogenous (18.1% crude protein) and Iso-caloric (2930 kcal/kg).
suggests that EROD is a valuable bio-marker of dioxin contamination The Control (C) no Duckweed and Duckweed (D), using the analysis
in Brown Tsaiya ducks. to formulate the diet containing 12.6% duckweed. The study, utilized
60, 76 wk old Hy-Line, W-36 hens that were individually caged such
Key Words: Brown Tsaiya duck, dioxin, EROD
that 30 hens received the C diet and the remaining 30 hens received the
D diet. During the 12 wk study performance criteria were monitored
M316 Safety of industrial hemp as feed ingredient in the diets daily and each week USDA grades, Haugh unit, shell strength, vitelline
of laying hens and its impact on their performance. N. Gakhar*, membrane strength, and yolk color data was collected on 1 d production.
E. Goldberg, and J. D. House, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, The data was analyzed using the Proc T-Test procedure, with significant
Canada. differences of (P < 0.05) determined by t-test. On wk 3, 7, and 11 whole
6 egg pooled samples were collected and sent in for nutrient composi-
Despite the utility of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) as a source tion laboratory analysis. Diet had no impact on the hen-day production.
of fiber and seed, its cultivation in N. America in the past was deemed There was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the percent grade B eggs
illegal, due to concerns over the presence of the psychoactive compound in the hens fed the D by 2% over the C hens. Surprisingly, there was no
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the plant components. Regulatory difference in the nutrient composition of the eggs except for omega-3
changes undertaken by the Canadian government in 1998 permitted fatty acids concentration which were 0.06% higher (P < 0.0001) than
the use of cannabis cultivars containing lower concentrations (<0.3%) in the C hens. The results indicate that duckweed can be fed at a 12.6%
of THC. These changes present an opportunity to exploit the immense
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 121
inclusion rate and not impact the performance of laying hens and may (BF) were collected and weighed. On d 21, cecal contents were used
be a means of enhancing omega-3 fatty acid concentration in eggs. for C. perfringens enumeration. Feed consumption (FC), BW and feed
conversion ratio (FCR) were calculated weekly and cumulatively. Data
Key Words: laying hen, duckweed, egg nutrient composition
were analyzed using GLM of SAS (P < 0.05). The C. perfringens in ceca
were C – 5.88bc, C+CP – 7.26a, PM – 5.35c, PM+CP – 6.19b ± 0.36 log10
M318 Blood lipid concentration and performance parameters cfu/g. No differences were observed for BW, FC, FCR, organ weights,
of broiler was fed by tomato pomace and turmeric powder under or relative organ weights. Further studies are needed to fully ascertain
heat stress condition. S. J. Hosseini-Vashan1,2, A. Golian*1, A. Yag- the potential of using DFM (Primalac) to reduce the colonization of C.
hobfar2, H. Lotfolahian2, and P. Esmaeilinasab3, 1Ferdowsi University perfringens in the gastrointestinal tract of turkey poults.
of Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, IR Iran, 2Animal Science Key Words: Clostridium perfringens, direct fed microbial, turkey
Research Institute, Karaj, Tehran, IR Iran, 3Birjand University, Birjand,
Khorasan Jonobi, IR Iran.
M320 Influence of Bacillus subtilis PB6 (CloSTAT) on the per-
The effects of including tomato pomace and turmeric powder in dietary
formance of Hyline W-98 layers from 68 to 102 weeks of age. M.
broiler chickens, on performance and lipid concentration were evalu-
Elliot1, R. Myers2, A. Lamptey2, and A. G. Yersin*2, 1A&E Nutrition
ated. 440 one-day old Arian broiler were randomly allotted into 20 pens
Services, LLC, Lititz, PA, 2Kemin AgriFoods, Des Moines, IA.
which were assigned to 5 dietary treatments containing 0 (control), 3
or 5% tomato pomace, or 0.4 or 0.8% turmeric powder. Each dietary The microbial population of the gastrointestinal tract is influenced by
treatment was replicated 4 times with 22 broilers per pen. Feed and water several factors, including pH, substrate availability, toxins, antibod-
were offered ad libitum. The ambient temperature was increased from ies, and other bacteria. Birds possess an unstable microbial ecosystem
22 to 32°C for 5 h (10–15 h) on study d 28 to 42 (simulating diurnal and poorly digested nutrients and anti-nutritional factors can lead to
temperature during heat stress). Relative humidity ranged from 50% undesirable microbial growth, often resulting in a negative impact on
to 65%. On study d 42, one bird from each replicate was randomly performance. Periods of stress can cause a shift in the microbial profile
selected, slaughtered and blood samples taken from the jugular vein. from positive to negative. Products, such as CloSTAT Dry Direct-Fed
Data were pooled and analyzed using the general linear model of SAS, Microbial, a DFM based on a patented Bacillus subtilis PB6 organism,
and means were separated by Tukey test when P < 0.05. Dietary treat- assist in maintaining intestinal microbial balance. A study was conducted
ments did not influence (P > 0.05) body weight gain and feed intake. at a commercial laying operation to evaluate the effect of CloSTAT on
Feed conversion (intake/gain) was not affected by dietary treatments the performance of Hyline W-98 layers from 68 to 102 weeks of age.
until d 28, after which it decreased (P < 0.05) in birds fed diets with a One house, utilizing a split feeding system, was utilized in the study. This
high content of tomato pomace and turmeric powder. Total cholesterol arrangement allowed one group of 136,000 hens to be fed the control
and triglyceride content of serum did not differ (P > 0.05) among diet and another group of 136,000 hens to receive the DFM treatment
dietary treatments. Birds fed diets with high contents of tomato pomace under similar housing conditions. CloSTAT was added at 1 lb/ton (0.5
had higher (P < 0.05) concentration of HDL cholesterol in serum and kg/tonne) to normal second cycle diets 2–3 weeks before induction of
no differences were found among birds fed the control diet and diets the molt and fed for an additional 34 weeks. Egg production, egg weight,
containing turmeric powder. The lowest serum LDL cholesterol was body weight, feed intake and mortality were measured weekly. Egg
observed when birds were fed the diet containing 5% tomato pomace. production and mortality tended to be improved in the CloSTAT group
It is concluded that supplementation of 5% tomato pomace and 0.8% throughout the trial, resulting in an increase of 1.9 eggs per hen-housed
of turmeric powder could alleviate the effects of heat stress on feed and 0.57 lb (0.25 kg) of egg per hen-housed and a 1.5% reduction in
conversion and they could modulate the serum concentration of LDL mortality in the CloSTAT group. Feed intake and body weight were
and HDL cholesterol. slightly elevated in the CloSTAT group through approximately 83 weeks
of age, after which there was no discernible difference between treatment
Key Words: tomato pomace, turmeric powder, heat stress
groups. The results of this trial suggest that the use of CloSTAT will
result in improved production, improved hen-housed eggs and decreased
M319 Reduction of Clostridium perfringens colonization in turkey mortality in second cycle Hyline W-98 layers.
poults by feeding Primalac. S. Rahimi1, J. L. Grimes*2, S. Kathariou2, Key Words: Bacillus subtilis, layers, egg yield
and R. Siletzky2, 1Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic
of Iran, 2North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
M321 Do dietary protein:energy ratios modify growth and frame
Clostridium perfringens (CP) is recognized as an enteric pathogen in
size of young broiler breeder females? E. Mba*, R. A. Renema,
humans, domestic animals, and livestock. This organism is associated
A. Pishnamazi, and M. J. Zuidhof, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
with necrotic enteritis, gangrenous dermatitis, clostridial dermatitis
AB, Canada.
(turkeys) and gizzard erosion in poultry. This study was conducted to
evaluate the effectiveness of a direct-fed microbial (DFM), Primalac Feeding practices to minimize muscling of broiler breeder pullets could
(PM), as a preventative or mitigator of intestinal colonization by improve maternal support for early egg production and long-term main-
C. perfringens in turkey poults. One hundred and 20 8 d-old Large tenance of lay. A total of 1,140 Ross 708 broiler breeder females were
White Turkey poults were randomly divided into 4 treatments with divided into 30 pens (38/pen) and fed a common starter ration until 3 wk
4 replicates (8 birds/pen) consisting of 1) basal diet (C); 2) basal diet of age, when experimental diets began. Pens were randomly assigned to
supplemented with PM (1.5 kg/ton); 3) basal diet with poults gavaged a high energy (HE), standard energy (STD) or low energy (LE) treatment
with C. perfringens (C+CP); 4) basal diet supplemented with PM and and a low protein (LP) or high protein (HP) treatment in a 3 × 2 factorial
poults gavaged with C. perfringens (PM+CP). Feed and distilled water with 3 energy (2,600 kcal, 2,800 kcal and 2,950 kcal) and 2 crude protein
were provided ad libitum throughout the trial. On d 3 and 7, each bird levels (14% and 16%). Pen BW was determined 2×/wk to allow feed
in CP groups were gavaged with 1 mL of C. perfringens (108cfu/mL). allocation changes to maintain a common BW target. Individual BW
On d 21, 2 birds per pen were killed. Spleen and bursa of Fabricius was recorded every 2 wk from 3 wk of age and frame size parameters
122 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(shank length, keel length, and thoracic width) measured every 4 wk. 708 pullets were individually caged in 1 of 6 environment chambers,
Results were assessed with the proc MIXED procedure of SAS, with and photostimulated at 23 wk. Birds were fed either a high energy (HE;
significance assessed at the P < 0.05 level. Feed intake varied widely 2900 kcal/kg) or low energy (LE; 2700 kcal/kg) diet. At 41 wk of age,
to achieve BW targets, ranging from 47.9 (HP-HE) to 54.2 g/bird/day individual energetic efficiency was determined through calculation of
(LP-LE) by 9 wk of age. Differences in feeding level did not impact residual MEm (RMEm), which was the difference between observed
growth as measured by shank or keel length. On average, LE birds ate and predicted maintenance requirements relative to ME intake. The
9% more feed than HE or STD birds (P=0.002). Hence, the HE ration highest and lowest efficiency hens (n = 32/group) were inseminated on
provided no growth benefit to the birds compared to the STD diet. Birds 2 consecutive days. Eggs were collected for 21 d to measure duration
fed the LP diet consumed approximately 10% more feed than HP birds of fertility. Results were analyzed with the MIXED procedure of SAS.
to maintain a similar rate of BW gain (P = 0.001). Increased diet density Efficient hens were 266 g heavier than inefficient hens (P<0.0001),
had the potential to improve BW uniformity. The higher density HP/ which did not affect egg size. Though egg numbers were similar, efficient
HE feed resulted in a BW CV of 13.7 compared to 15.1 for birds fed hens produced 1.52 g/d more egg mass than inefficient hens (P = 0.025).
the lower density LP-LE diet. Impact of diets that elevated ME intake At dissection (46 wk of age), inefficient hens had less breast muscle
at the expense of CP were of interest. The HE-LP diet resulted in the (19.8%) than efficient hens (20.8%), but neither % fatpad nor fertility
highest overall ME intake/g feed (0.43/g) while providing average feed were affected by hen efficiency. Egg weight in the LE treatment was 0.9
volume and measures of BW CV. However, when total intake of CP or g more than HE eggs (P = 0.056), likely a result of 0.91 g/d higher CP
ME per g of BW gain was measured, there were no differences among intake with LE feed (P = 0.13). Duration of fertility of hens on the LE
treatments. In this phase of growth, the degree of feed restriction limits diet was 12.8 d compared to 11.8 d in HE treatment (P = 0.034). Hatch
lipid deposition, which may be masking the impact of unbalanced CP of fertile was similar among all treatment groups (mean=92.7 ± 1.5%).
or ME intake. Breast muscle was larger in LE hens (20.7%) vs. HE hens (19.9%) and
fatpad was 0.41% lower (P = 0.0004). These results suggest that the
Key Words: broiler breeders, CP, ME
higher ME:CP ratio may reduce fertility due to lower CP intake.
Key Words: broiler breeder efficiency, metabolizable energy, fertility
M322 Population densities impact on feed intake and growth
performance in Japanese quail. D. Cardoso-Jiménez1, A. Z. M.
Salem*1,2, R. Rojo1, S. R. Rebollar1, and A. Perez-Cháves1, 1Univer- M324 Growth performance of Pearl Grey guinea fowl subjected
sidad Autónoma del Estadode México, Centro Universitario UAEM- to varying floor densities from hatch to fourteen weeks of age. S.
Temascaltepec, Estado de México, México, 2University of Alexandria, Nahashon*, J. Tyus, and D. Wright, Tennessee State University, Nash-
Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture (El-Shatby), ville.
Little is known of the required floor density for optimum performance
Two-hundred seventy-six Japanese quail (Coturnix cournix japónica) of of the Pearl Grey guinea fowl. The objective of this study was to assess
17 d of age were used to investigate the impact of population densities the effect of varying floor densities on growth performance of the Pearl
on quail feed intake and growth performance. A complete random design Grey guinea fowl. In 3 replicates, 786 1-d-old French guinea keets were
of 3 population densities (80 (PD80), 100 (PD100), and 120 (PD120) weighed individually and randomly assigned to floor pens covered
birds/m2) of 4 repetitions were used during 17 d of the experiment in with pine wood shavings at 80, 69, 60 and 53 birds/pen, equivalent to
floor housing system of 4 pens for each population densities type. Dry densities of 18, 15.6, 13.6, and 12 birds/m2, respectively. Birds in these
matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), Feed conversion (FC) floor densities were allowed feeder space of 2.3, 2.7, 3.1, and 3.5 cm/
and mortality were evaluated. DMI was improved (P < 0.05) at PD120 bird, respectively, and water space of 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, and 1.8 cm/bird,
than PD100 or PD80 (380, 313 and 310g DM/bird, respectively). No sig- respectively. All birds received 23 h and 12 h lighting regimen at 0–8
nificant differences were observed among treatments in ADG, whereas and 9–14 weeks of age (WOA) and were fed diets comprising 3,000
the FC was significantly (P < 0.05) improved at PD80 compared with and 3,100 kcal of ME/kg of diet at 0–5 and 6–8 WOA, respectively,
PD100 and PD120 (3.7, 4, 5.6, respectively). A similar mortality of and 24% CP. The birds were fed diets comprising 3,100 kcal ME/kg of
1% was observed at the 3 experimental treatments. Population densi- diet and 18% CP at 9–14 WOA. Feed and water were provided for ad
ties may be a very important factor that could affect on quails growth libitum consumption. Body weight and feed consumption (FC) were
performance. Data suggested that, population sizes at 80 birds/m2 was measured weekly. Overall body weight gains (BWG) were higher (P
better than the other densities used < 0.05) and feed conversion ratios (FCR) were significantly lower in
birds reared on floor density of 18 birds/m2 when compared with birds
Key Words: Japanese quail, population density, growth performance
on floor densities of 12, 13.6 and 15.6 birds/m2 at 0–8 WOA. However
at 9–14 WOA, birds in floor densities of 12 birds/m2 exhibited higher
M323 Effects of dietary energy and broiler breeder hen energetic BWG and feed consumption and significantly lower FCR (P < 0.05)
efficiency on egg production and fertility. T. G. V. Moraes*, M. than those reared on 13.6, 15.6 and 18 birds/m2. Therefore, pearl gray
J. Zuidhof, A. Pishnamazi, and R. A. Renema, University of Alberta, guinea fowl seem to exhibit superior performance when reared at floor
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. densities of 18 birds/m2 at 0–8 WOA and 12 birds/m2 at 9–14 WOA.
The effects of dietary energy and broiler breeder hen efficiency on pro- Key Words: Pearl Grey guinea fowl, floor density, growth perfor-
duction traits and duration of fertility were examined. At 21 wk, 192 Ross mance
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 123
Production, Management and the Environment: Small Ruminant
M325 Feedlot performance and carcass traits of hairsheep d occurred from 2003 to 2005, and weaning time at 90 d from 2005 to
lambs treated with a β-adrenergic agonist during summer. J. 2008. The information was divided based on weaning time, 60 or 90 d.
V. Velázquez-Morales, F. D. Álvarez-Valenzuela, N. G. Torrentera- Two models based on a factorial design, which included fixed effects
Olivera, J. Rodríguez-García, U. Macías-Cruz, A. Correa-Calderón, of lambing year, type of birth (1, 2, or > 3) sire breed (3) and double
and L. Avendaño-Reyes*, Instituto de Ciencias Agricolas, Universidad interactions among them were performed. For 60 d weaning time, sire
Autonoma de Baja California, Ejido Nuevo Leon, Valle de Mexicali, breed did not influence (P > 0.05) litter size or survival rate at lambing;
Baja California, Mexico. but at 30 and 60 d post-lambing, survival rate was greater (P < 0.01) in
litter of ewes mated by Ka sires (0.96 ± 0.05 and 0.95 ± 0.05) than those
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of feeding the mated by Pb sires (0.78 ± 0.05 and 0.68 ± 0.06). Ewes with multiple
β-agonist zilpaterol hydrochloride to female lambs on growth traits and lambing (P < 0.05) had higher litter size (3.20 ± 0.06, 2.44 ± 0.12 and
carcass characteristics during hot ambient temperatures. Twenty female 2.18 ± 0.14 lambs/ewe lambed at 0, 30 and 60 d, respectively) but lower
lambs from hairsheep crossbreeds with an average initial BW of 32.2 ± survival rate (0.78 ± 0.05 and 0.70 ± 0.05 at 30 and 60 d, respectively)
0.58 kg were used in a 33 d feeding study. The lambs were blocked by than those ewes with single or twin lambing during all pre-weaning
initial BW and assigned individually to 20 pens in a closed calf rear- period. For 90 d weaning time, there was higher (P < 0.05) litter size at
ing unit provided with fans during summer. Data were analyzed under 30, 60 and 90 d in ewes with multiple lambing and mated by Dr or Ka
a completely randomized block design. Treatments were: 1) Control sires than all other ewes. At 30, 60 and 90 d, ewes with multiple lamb-
(C: no β-agonist in the diet), comprising a formulation of wheat grain, ing had the lowest (P < 0.05) survival rate than those of single or twin
molasses, alfalfa hay, soybean meal, wheat straw, and a mineral supple- lambing. Survival rates at weaning time (60 and 90 d) were affected
ment; and 2) a treated group supplemented (as fed basis) with 10 mg of (P < 0.05) by lambing year in both models. Collectively, these results
zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH; Zilmax, Intervet, Mexico City, Mexico) suggest that survival rate and litter size of Pb ewes could be improved
per head per day. The ZH feed additive was mixed into 100 gr of wheat through crossbreeding schemes including Dr or Ka. Type of lambing
grain and was offered daily in the morning before offering the finishing had a marked influence on survival rate and litter size.
diet. Climatic conditions during the study revealed a severe heat stress
conditions, with an average ITH of 88.2 units during the study. Lambs Key Words: hair sheep, ewe lambed, weaning
fed ZH had similar (P > 0.05) feedlot performance (daily weight gain,
final weight, fed intake, feed conversion, and gain:feed ratio) than
control lambs. The β-agonist increased hot and chilled carcass weights, M327 Artificial insemination in reindeer using frozen-thawed
with carcasses from ZH lambs being 13% and 12% heavier (P < 0.01) semen. M. P. Shipka*1, J. E. Rowell1, and S. Bychawski2, 1Uni-
than carcasses from C lambs respectively. Dressing percentage was versity of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, 2Optimum Genetics, Regina,
higher in ZH lambs (53.8%; P < 0.01) than in C lambs (46%). The Saskatchewan, Canada.
rib-eye area was larger (P < 0.05) in ZH lambs (18.9 cm2) than in C Traditional practices of extensive reindeer ranching on the Seward Pen-
lambs (15.5 cm2), as well as carcass conformation (7.0 vs 6.0 units for insula, Alaska, are being modified to accommodate a rapidly changing
ZH and C lambs, respectively). There was no difference (P > 0.05) in environment. Holding reindeer in large enclosures during vulnerable
carcass length, fat thickness, kidney, pelvic and heart fat, and shear force times of the year (breeding and calving season) is a practice being
between ZH and C lambs. Hide and head weights, as well as weight of tried by some herders. Enclosing reindeer, even temporarily, requires
several internal organs (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, small intestine, and the adoption of management strategies more typical of traditional agri-
rumen, omasum and abomasum) did not differ between treatments (P > culture. However, such strategies need to be modified to cope with the
0.05). Even though the severe hot ambient conditions observed during extreme logistics imposed by an arctic environment. Artificial insemina-
the study, some carcass traits were improved in hairsheep female lambs tion has been proposed as an alternative to maintaining rutting bulls in
supplemented with zilpaterol hydrochloride. enclosures. Our objective was to evaluate the practicality of using AI
Key Words: female lambs, zilpaterol hydrochloride, heat stress in the Alaska reindeer industry. Semen was collected from a 15 mo-old
reindeer bull in Saskatchewan, Canada, processed to a final dilution of
3.5 × 107 sperm per 0.5cc straw, frozen and shipped to Alaska. Sperm
M326 Genetic factors affecting survival rate and litter size motility was 70% (fresh) and 45% (thawed) with 68% normal sperm.
of Pelibuey ewes under two times of weaning in northwestern We applied a white-tailed deer AI protocol to 8 nulliparous, 2.5 yr-old
Mexico. U. Macías-Cruz1, F. D. Alvarez-Valenzuela1, A. Correa- captive reindeer at the UAF Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Sta-
Calderón1, L. Molina-Ramírez2, and L. Avendaño-Reyes*1, 1Instituto tion. The female reindeer were synchronized with CIDR-b, modified
de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Ejido to fit the smaller reindeer vagina, using a 2 CIDR, 14 d schedule. At
Nuevo León, Valle de Mexicali, Baja Cañifornia, México, 2Centro de removal of the second CIDR, the females received 200 IU PMSG I.M.
Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario No. 41, Poblado Benito Juárez, (either PG 600, n = 4; or PMSG, Sigma Chemicals, n = 4). At the time
Valle de Mexicali, Baja California, México. of breeding, one female’s vagina was too small to accommodate the
speculum and she was dropped from the study. The remaining 7 females
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sire breed, type of exhibited signs of estrus (copious, clear mucus) at insemination. Intra-
birth and lambing year on some traits of Pelibuey ewe productivity in 2 cervical insemination took place 55 h after CIDR removal. PSPB assay of
times of weaning. As part of a hairsheep crossbreeding program between serum collected 11 wks post-insemination indicated 1 pregnant female, 1
Pelibuey (Pb) ewes and Dorper (Dr), Katahdin (Ka) and Pb rams, data female possibly undergoing pregnancy loss and 5 open females. Options
from 250 ewes lambed during 2003 and 2008 were used to character- for increasing pregnancy rate within the context of the logistics imposed
ize Pb ewe productivity with breeds specialized in mutton production. by an arctic reindeer industry require further research.
Response variables were litter size, and survival rate at 0 (lambing),
30, 60 and/or 90 d post-lambing per ewe lambed. Weaning time at 60 Key Words: reindeer, artificial insemination
124 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M328 Constant long artificial days increase milk production in Table 1. Blood selenium levels (ppm) in mule deer does from north
Alpine goats in northern Mexico. R. Rodríguez-Martínez*1, C. A. central eastern Washington
Meza-Herrera2, M. A. De Santiago-Miramontes1, M. Mellado3, and Spring blood Winter blood
F. G. Véliz1, 1Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Tor- Study Spring Se content Winter Se content
reón, Coahuila, Mexico, 2Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Unidad areas Habitat n (ppm) n (ppm)
Regional Universitaria de Zonas Áridas, Bermejillo, Durango, México, Chelan Montane forest 22 0.062±0.012 18 0.124±0.012
3Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Buenavista, Saltillo,
Flagstaff Montane forest 5 0.076±0.028
Okanogan Montane forest 5 0.094±0.023 4 0.088±0.025
The aim of this study was to determine if the use of an artificial long-day Vulcan Montane forest 9 0.060±0.006 7 0.060±0.012
photoperiod scheme during winter and spring improves milk production Cofee pot Shrub-steppe 12 0.048±0.015
in Alpine goat raised in Northern Mexico. Alpine multiparous goats (n Revere Shrub-steppe 13 0.061±0.010
= 40) were randomly assigned to one of 2 experimental groups: Control Colville Shrub-steppe 6 0.047±0.021 17 0.060±0.012
Group (CG; n = 21), exposed to naturals photoperiod variations of the
region during the whole experimental period (10 h and 19 min in the Key Words: deer, selenium, blood
winter solstice), and the Experimental Group (EG; n = 19), subject, from
December 28th to may 12th, to a constant long day photic treatment (16
M330 Breeding performance of rams in two Wyoming producer
h light/8 h dark). Both groups were fed 300 g concentrate/animal/day,
flocks. B. M. Alexander*1, N. Cockett2, T. L. Hadfield2, and G. E.
and alfalfa hay ad libitum. From the beginning of the trial (d 0 = 13 ±
Moss1, 1University of Wyoming, Laramie, 2Utah State University,
0.6 postpartum days) up to d 14 (weaning of kids). Milk yield was daily
recorded and data were analyzed by means of 2 factors ANOVA (time
and treatment) followed by Student’s t-test, to find differences between Poor mating behavior results in increased ram costs, extended lamb-
experimental groups. Milk yield did not differ (P > 0.05) between groups. ing seasons, and decreased genetic progress from sires with desired
However, from 28 d to 112 d, 20% increase of milk yield was observed production traits. Producers recognize the importance of ram libido;
in the EG-group (3.3 ± 0.1 vs. 2.6 ± 0.04 L/day/animal EG vs. CG; P however, time, labor, and facility constraints generally limit its routine
< 0.02). These results show that, during winter and at the beginning of evaluation. Although approximately 23% of all rams were predicted to
spring, exposure to a long day artificial photoperiod scheme induced an exhibit poor-mating behaviors, breeding performance of individual rams
increase in milk production in Alpine goats raised in northern Mexico. in multi-sire flocks typical of Wyoming range operations has not been
Further studies are required to evaluate the effect of a long-day pho- determined. Therefore, goals of the current experiment were to determine
toperiodic scheme upon milk production during the prepartum period the incidence of low- and high sexually performing rams and numbers
as well as how this photoperiodic treatment could affect the hormonal of lambs sired by each ram in 2 representative range flocks. All rams
reproductive status in goats. successfully passed breeding soundness evaluations conducted before
the onset of the breeding season. Blood samples were collected from all
Key Words: milk yield, milk composition, photoperiod
rams, and approximately one-third of the lambs and their dams for pater-
nal genotyping using microsatellite markers. Assuming each ram had
M329 Blood selenium levels in mule deer in eastern Washing- equal opportunity to mate with ewes in estrus, number of lambs expected
ton. E. López-Pérez*1, L. A Shipley2, and W. Myers3, 1Universidad to be sired by each ram was established by calculating 99% confidence
Autónoma Chapingo, México, 2Washington State University, Pullman, intervals for the mean in each flock. In flock one, sires (n = 24) for 290
3Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. lambs (80% of lamb samples) were successfully identified. Of those
rams, 7 (29%) sired less than, 11(46%) equal to, and 6 (25%) sired more
Mule deer have been declining in the western United States over the last lambs than predicted (siring 6.9, 47.6, and 45.5% of the sampled lambs,
few decades, including eastern and north-central Washington. Because respectively) based on the 99% confidence interval. In the second flock,
eastern Washington is naturally deficient in selenium (Se), Se deficien- sires (n = 13) for 170 lambs (85% of lamb samples) were successfully
cies can affect the productivity of ungulates, and little is known about identified. Similar to flock one, 3 (23%) rams sired less than, 7 (54%)
the natural concentration of Se in mule deer, we examined the range and equal to, and 3 (23%) sired more lambs than predicted siring 8.2, 54.4,
spatial distribution of the concentration Se in mule deer across eastern and 39.4% of the sampled lambs, respectively. These data emphasize
Washington. We captured 115 female mule deer by net-gunning from a the importance of identifying and eliminating poor-sexually perform-
helicopter in 2002–2003 in 7 study areas ranging from shrub-steppe to ing rams to reduce sire costs. In addition, the identification and use of
montane coniferous forests. We collected 10 mL of whole blood from high-sexually performing rams with desired genetic traits is a requisite
each animal by jugular venipuncture, and determined the concentration to the timely incorporation of those traits into a flock.
of Se in the blood using neutron activation. Individual blood Se con- Supported by USDA-NRI 2007-55618-18176
centration varied over 4 orders of magnitude, ranging from 0.000084
to 0.497 ppm. Study area means varied from a low of 0.04 ± 0.02 in 2 Key Words: ram, parental genotyping, breeding performance
shrub steppe habitats to a high of 0.090 ± 0.02 and 0.125 ± 0.01 in 2
montane habitats (F = 2.47, P < 0.01, Table 1). Surprisingly, patterns
M331 Breaking resistance of lamb ears according to ear tag
of blood Se did not correspond with soil Se values, which are lower
insertion position and sheep breed. G. Caja*1, H. Xuriguera2, M.
in the more northern and western montane habitats. These values are
A. Rojas-Olivares1, S. González-Martín2, A. A. K. Salama1, S. Carné1,
low when compared with livestock standards of >0.1 ppm which may
and J. J. Ghirardi1, 1Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra,
indicate a potential for Se deficiency. On the other hand, mule deer, may
Barcelona, Spain, 2Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
have a lower Se requirement than do livestock and are adapted for soil
and plant conditions in northeastern Washington. A total of 167 lamb ears tagged with official plastic ear tags were
obtained after harvesting in a commercial slaughterhouse and used
to study the resistance to breakage when submitted to tensile forces
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 125
under laboratory conditions. Ears were washed (cold and warm water) ± 5 N (9.8 N = 1 kgf). No ear tags broke or opened during the test. Ear
and classified according to breed (Lacaune, n = 26; Manchega, n = 45; breaking force varied quadratically (R2 = 0.999, P < 0.001) according
Ripollesa, n = 60; other, n = 36), side (left, right), ear tag insertion posi- to ear tag insertion position (distal, 93 ± 6; central, 188 ± 5; proximal,
tion (distal, central, proximal) and preservation method (fresh, 1-7 d in 251 ± 8 N) and by breed (Lacaune, 205 ± 11; Manchega, 193 ± 8; Rip-
a refrigerator, 2 to 4 wk in a freezer). Breaking force was measured by ollesa, 233 ± 8; other, 107 ± 6 N), but did not vary according to side
submitting the ears to a tensile test using a computer-controlled universal or short-term preservation method (P > 0.05). Freezing reduced the
testing machine (PCM Mecmesin, Horsham, UK). Ears were locked to force to break the ears (P < 0.01). In conclusion, ear tag position was
a fixed clamp at the insertion base and ear tags fixed to a mobile clamp a key factor for ear breakage. New ear tag design, taking into account
to be tested by pulling the ear tag at a constant displacement rate (500 ear resistance may improve sheep welfare and ear tag retention rate for
mm/min) until the ears broke. On average, ears measured 107 ± 1 mm long-term identification.
long and 51 ± 0.4 mm wide, have ear tags adequately inserted (12%
Key Words: identification, eartag, sheep
distal, 40% central and 24% proximal) and broke longitudinally at 191
126 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Production, Management and the Environment: Swine
M332 Animal weight gain in a pastured hog production system. S. sows were scored by a trained person in one or 2 consecutive parities
Pietrosemoli*1,2, J. C. Guevara2, J. Cardona3, W. Maradiaga3, A. Lobo3, at mid-gestation. The total score for each claw area was obtained by
and J. T. Green4,2, 1Animal Science Dept., North Carolina State Uni- adding the scores for that area in different claws. The sows were assessed
versity, Raleigh, 2Alternative Swine Research and Extension Project, for lameness while they were moved for lesion scoring. The scores for
Raleigh, NC, 3Universidad Nacional de Agricultura, Catacamas, lesions in different claw areas among the sows fed ITM or CTM were
Olancho, Honduras., 4Crop Science Dept., North Carolina State Uni- compared using Kruskal-Wallis Test. The proportions of lame sows
versity, Raleigh. among the groups were compared using 2-sample proportion test.
The results indicated that total claw lesion score and total lateral claw
At the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) located in
lesion score were lower (P ≤ 0.05 for both) in the sows fed CTM. The
Goldsboro NC, 60 crossbred (Yorkshire, Landrace, Hamsphire and
total score for horizontal side wall cracks was higher (P ≤ 0.05) for the
Duroc) commercial hogs (35.7 ± 2.1 kg and 125.7 ± 2.3 kg initial and
sows fed CTM. The proportion of lame sows was lower (P ≤ 0.05) in
final live weight, respectively) were used in a 98-d trial (May–August
the sows fed CTM (34.5% vs. 51.0%). The results show a protective
2009) to evaluate the effect of stocking rate (SR; 37, 74, 111, and 148
effect of complexed trace mineral supplementation on claw lesions and
heads/ha) and sexual condition (SC; castrated male [CM] or female [F])
lameness in stall-housed sows.
on average daily weight gain (ADG). Animals were managed under a
continuous grazing system on bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) plots Key Words: claw lesions, lameness, trace mineral supplementation
sized to match the SR, and had ad libitum access to a concentrate feed
(16% CP). The average pig concentrate intake (ACI) was estimated
for each plot. Five hogs were allotted to each one of 12 plots, but data M334 Comparison of the production performance of group-housed
from only 4 (2 CM and 2 F) animals were included in the statistical sows receiving complexed trace minerals. S. S. Anil*1, L. Anil2,
analysis. The experimental design was a randomized complete block, J. Deen1, S. K. Baidoo2, M. E. Wilson3, and T. L. Ward3, 1Veterinary
with 4 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments and 3 field replicates. Population Medicine, University of Minnesota, St Paul, 2Southern
ANCOVA was performed using the PROC GLM procedure of SAS, v. Research and Outreach Center, University of Minnesota, Waseca,
3Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN.
9.1 with initial live weight as a covariate. Differences were observed
for ADG between replicates (P = 0.0009); SR (P = 0.0566) and SC (P Trace minerals are important to maintain the high production perfor-
< 0.0001). Animals in the lowest SR (37 heads/ha) had the lowest ADG mance of the modern sow. The bioavailability of trace minerals depends
(0.85 kg) whereas the other treatments were similar (0.94, 0.96 and 0.90 on both the quantity and form (organic or inorganic). The objective
kg ADG, respectively, for 74, 111 and 148 heads/ha). ADG of CM was of the present study, involving 386 sows housed in group pens with
17.9% higher than of F (0.99 vs 0.84 kg, respectively). ACI differed electronic sow feeders was to compare the production performance of
between replicates (P = 0.0027) and SR (P = 0.0182). The lowest intake sows fed diets containing complexed trace minerals (CTM) with sows
was recorded for pigs in the lowest SR (37 heads/ha, 2.90 kg/head/d) fed diets containing trace minerals in inorganic form (ITM). The CTM
compared with the other SR (2.96; 2.96; 2.94 kg/head/d, for 74, 111 diet contained trace minerals as a partial substitution of inorganic miner-
and 148 heads/ha, respectively). Results indicated that performance of als (Zn, 50 ppm, Mn, 20 ppm and Cu, 10 ppm) fed at isolevels of total
pasture-finishing pigs was influenced by SR and SC. trace mineral supplementation. The ITM diet contained inorganic sulfate
Key Words: outdoor swine, bermudagrass, weight gain minerals, Zn 125 ppm, Mn, 40 ppm and Cu, 15 ppm). The sows were
allocated randomly to CTM (n = 197) and ITM (n = 189) diet groups.
1056 parity records (ITM, n = 527; CTM, n = 529) of these sows per-
M333 Analysis of the effect of complexed trace minerals on the taining to 1, 2, 3 or 4 farrowings were obtained during the study period.
prevalence of lameness and severity of claw lesions in stall-housed Information on farrowing and weaning performances and lactation feed
sows. S. S. Anil*1, L. Anil2, J. Deen1, S. K. Baidoo2, M. E. Wilson3, intake were collected from the PigCHAMP database of the research unit
and C. Rapp4, 1Veterinary Population Medicine, University of Minne- and sow cards, and compared using 2 sample t-test (SAS v. 9.1). Results
sota, St Paul, 2Southern Research and Outreach Center, University of indicated differences (P < 0.05 for all) between the sows fed ITM and
Minnesota, Waseca, 3Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN, 4Zinpro CTM in terms of still born (1.3 in ITM vs. 1.1 in CTM), average piglet
Performance Minerals, Boxmeer, the Netherlands. weight at weaning (14.0 in ITM vs. 14.3 lbs in CTM) and weight of the
sow at weaning (543.4 in ITM vs. 531.6 lbs in CTM). The groups did
When considering the development of claw lesions, mineral nutrition
not differ (P > 0.05) in terms of piglets born alive, mummies, average
is an important factor to examine. Trace minerals such as Cu, Zn and
birth weight of pigs and average lactation feed intake.
Mn are reported to be critical in the keratinization process. Both the
quantity and form (organic or inorganic) determine the bioavailability Key Words: complexed trace minerals, production performance,
of the trace minerals. The objective of the present study involving 229 sows
sows was to evaluate the effect of supplementing complexed trace
minerals on the prevalence of lameness and lesions in different claw
areas (side wall, heel, including overgrown heel, sole, heel-sole junction, M335 Risk factors associated with frequency of abortion in swine
white line, and overgrown dew claw and toe) of stall-housed gestating farms. N. M. Rainho1, M. Aparicio1, M. A. de Andrés1, J. Morales1,
sows. The sows were randomly allocated to 2 groups and fed either a R. Pallás2, V. Rodríguez-Estévez3, and C. Piñeiro*1, 1PigCHAMP Pro
control diet (ITM, inorganic sulfate minerals, n = 113; Zn–125 ppm, Europa, Segovia, Spain, 2Kubus, SA, Madrid, Spain, 3Universidad de
Mn–40 ppm and Cu–15 ppm) or a diet containing complexed trace Córdoba, Spain.
minerals (CTM, n = 116) as a partial substitution of inorganic minerals Current swine production is linked to a proper analysis and monitoring of
Zn-50 ppm, Mn–20 ppm and Cu–10 ppm) fed at isolevels of total trace results. Literature has described references for most of the reproductive
mineral supplementation. The lesions in different claw areas of these factors, but interactions between them have not been studied in depth.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 127
The objectives of the present study were to investigate the relation- part of this variability is explained by changes in pig BW and to a lesser
ship between the relative frequency of abortion (percentage; AP) and extent by the year of the study publication.
number of parity (NP), weaning to first mating interval (WSI), number
Key Words: pig, heat stress, performance
of services (NS), and day of week for service (DW). More than 870,000
mating records through 4 years (2005–2008) corresponding to about
80,000 sows in 161 farms from Spain, Portugal and Italy registered M337 Weight gain of Duroc pigs managed in a Sudangrass
with PigCHAMP software were used. Each factor was categorized in (Sorghum bicolor) pasture. S. Pietrosemoli*1,2, J. C. Guevara2, A.
different groups: NP in 1, 2, 3–6 and ≥ 7 parities; NS in first-serviced Lobo3, J. Cardona3, W. Maradiaga3, and J. T. Green4,2, 1Animal Science
(FS), first re-serviced (FRS) and second-reserviced (SRS); WSI in ≤ 3, Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2Alternative
4–7, 8–11 and ≥ 12 d; and DW in weekday and weekend. Data were Swine Research and Extension Project, Raleigh, NC, 3Universidad
analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (v 9.00). Mean value of Nacional de Agricultura, Catacamas, Olancho, Honduras., 4Crop Sci-
AP was 0.78 ± 0.03%. Among NP, mean AP in parities 1 and ≥ 7 was ence Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
higher than those in parities 2 and 3–6 (P < 0.001), showing a quadratic
effect that explains the higher risks in both gilts and old sows. A lineal To reduce potential upload of soil nutrients in pastured swine systems
effect was found for WSI, when AP in WSI ≤ 7 was lower than those and improve their spatial distribution, producers have the possibility to
of WSI ≥ 8 (P < 0.001). AP also depended on DW, and it was higher implement strategic movements of equipment. Therefore, the impact
for matings during the weekend (P < 0.001). Finally mean AP for NS of either stationary (S) or mobile (M) shade and drinking structures on
increased with the number of estrus repetition, showing 0.45, 2.87, average daily weight gain (ADG) were investigated with female (F) or
4.26% for FS, FRS, SRS respectively (P < 0.001). Some interactions castrated male (CM) pigs. Mobile structures were moved on a weekly
between the main factors studied were found, being the most interesting basis. Seventy-two Duroc pigs (31.9 ± 0.76 and 96.9 ± 1.69 kg initial
one between WSI and DW: sows with ≤ 3 WSI showed no differences and final live weight, respectively) were used in summer 2009 at the
between DW; sows with normal WSI (4–7 d) showed a higher risk Center for Environmental Farming System (CEFS) in Goldsboro, NC.
during weekends (0.63 vs 1.29%; P < 0.001); AP in later mated sows Twelve pigs were randomly assigned to each of 6 sudangrass paddocks
served 8–11 d post weaning was lower in matings during weekend (1.24 (0.16 ha, 74 head/ha) and were managed under a continuous grazing
vs 0.75%; P < 0.001). These results add more information about the system during 12 weeks. Pigs had ad libitum access to a concentrate
relative information of some classical factors as NP, NS or WSI, and feed (16% CP) and water. Individual pig concentrate intake (CI) was
show a new factor as it is DW. estimated from paddock average. Data from only 8 pigs (4 F and 4 CM)
per paddock were included in the statistical analysis. The experimental
Key Words: abortion risk factors, swine, abortion design was a randomized complete block with a 2 × 2 factorial arrange-
ment of treatments (S or M; F or CM) and 3 field replicates. ANOVA was
performed using PROC GLM of SAS v 9.1. Initial weight (IW) was used
M336 Analysis of the effect of high ambient temperature on grow-
as a covariate for ADG . Weekly movements of structures influenced
ing pigs performance: A meta-analysis approach. D. Renaudeau*
CI (P = 0.0572) (2.37 vs 2.25 kg/head/d for S and M, respectively).
and J. L. Gourdine, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique,
Sexual condition (P < 0.0001) and IW affected ADG (0.71 vs 0.84 kg/
UR143, Petit-Bourg, French West Indies.
day for F and CM, respectively). According to the results of this study,
The high ambient temperature has been recognized as the most important weekly movements of shade and drinking structures did not affect pig
climatic factor influencing pig performance during summer heat waves average daily weight gain.
in temperate climate and all the year in tropical climate. However, results
Key Words: outdoor pigs, sudangrass, weight gain
from experiments dealing with the effects of high temperature on pig per-
formance are remarkably variable. In the present work, a meta-analysis
was carried out to analyze the results from different studies designed to M338 Heat challenge effect on peripheral blood mononuclear cells
evaluate the effect of elevated temperature on average daily feed intake viability: comparison of a tropical and a temperate pig breed. J.
(ADFI) and average daily gain (ADG) in growing finishing pigs. Data C. Bambou, R. Grondin, J. L. Gourdine, and D. Renaudeau*, Institut
were extracted from 86 and 80 trials for ADFI and ADG, respectively, National de la Recherche Agronomique, UR143, Petit Bourg, French
from studies published in scientific journals in PubMed, Science direct West Indies, France.
and proceedings of scientific meetings updated trough December 2009.
Data on ADFI and ADG were analyzed with a linear mixed model that Evidence was found that local Caribbean pigs (Creole) are better adapted
included the linear and the quadratic effects of temperature (T) and pig to seasonal climatic changes of tropical climate than exotic breeds
body weight (BW), the interaction between T and BW as covariates. The imported from Europe. We evaluated the effect of heat challenge on
trial has been included as block random variable. The effects of housing peripheral mononuclear blood cells (PBMC) isolated from Creole (CR)
conditions (n = 2; individual vs. group) and the year of publication of and Large White (LW) pigs, on cell viability, concanavalin A– induced
the trial (n = 3; 1970–1989, 1990–1999, and 2000–2009) were tested on proliferation and heat shock proteins (HSPs) mRNA expression. PBMC
the intercept and the linear slope of T. Results showed that high T had a from Creole (CR) and LW growing pigs of 7 to 12 weeks of age were
curvilinear effect of ADFI and ADG and that this effect was highlighted isolated, cultured for 9 h at 37°C, and thereafter subjected to one of the 3
in heavier pigs. Whatever the temperature level, the ADFI was lower trials. In trial 1, cells from 18 CR and 18 LW pigs were exposed to 42°C
when pigs were group-housed. The intercept and the slope for T were or 45°C for 2, 4, 6 and 9 h and cell viability was monitored using the
significantly affected by the year of the study publication. The effect of trypan blue method. In trial 2, we evaluated mitogen–induced prolifera-
elevated T was greater in earlier works suggesting that modern genotypes tion of PBMC from 5 CR and 5 LW pigs after for 2 and 9 h heat exposure
could be more sensitive to heat stress than low growth potential pigs. In at 45°C followed by 24 h-stimulation at 37°C with concanavalin A. The
conclusion, results of this meta-analysis confirm that a large between- aim of trial 3 was to measure induction of HSP70.2 and HSP90 mRNA
study variability exits for the effects of high T on pigs’ performance. A expression in PBMC from 5 CR and 5 LW pigs after a heat challenge at
45°C for 3, 6 and 9 h. Viability was affected by breed and temperature
(P < 0.01) but no effect of breed × temperature or breed × exposure
128 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
time interactions was observed. The decrease in viability caused by heat when compared with the LW pigs. In contrast, the temperature × breed
challenge was greater for LW than for CR pigs. For mitogen-stimulated interaction was not significant for HSP70 mRNA expression. In con-
PBMC, incubation at 45°C reduced lymphoblastogenesis (P < 0.001). clusion, breed differences in resistance to heat challenge at the whole
However, this reduction was not influenced by breed (P > 0.05). When organism scale is also reflected at the cellular level. Neither HSP70.2
compared with PBMC cultured at 37°C, the mRNA expression of nor HSP90 mRNA expression level could explain this effect.
HSP70.2 and HSP90 increased at 45°C. After 9 h exposure at 45°C,
Key Words: pig, breed, heat stress
PBMC from CR pigs showed a decreased expression of HSP90 mRNA
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 129
Ruminant Nutrition: Beef: Additives and Supplements
M339 Manipulation of rumen fermentation and ecology of swamp were not responsible for altering microbial activity. With hops inclusion,
buffalo by coconut oil and garlic powder supplementation. P gas production from barley grain was linearly increased (P = 0.029) but
Kongmun*1,2, M Wanapat1, and Z Yu2, 1Khon Kaen University, Khon from finishing diet, it was linearly (P < 0.001) decreased. Apparent dry
Kaen, Thailand, 40002, 2The Ohio State University. matter disappearance (DMD) from finishing diet and starch disappear-
ance from barley grain increased linearly (P < 0.001) with increasing
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of coconut
hops content. Hops linearly increased (P < 0.001) VFA production
oil (CO) and garlic powder supplementation on digestibility of nutri-
from the finishing diet but with barley grain, VFA were decreased by
ents, ruminal fermentation, ecology, microorganisms and methanogen
hops only at 100 μg/mL. The acetate:propionate ratio was decreased
diversity. Four, 3-year old, rumen fistulated swamp buffalo bulls were
quadratically (P < 0.001; minimum at 800–1600 μg/mL) by hops added
randomly assigned in a 4 × 4 Latin square design to receive 4 dietary
to finishing diet, but A:P was unaffected by hops during incubation with
treatments; 7% CO, 7% CO with 50 g/d of garlic powder, 7% CO with
barley. Methane production from both diets was quadratically reduced
100 g/d of garlic powder and non-supplemented (control). During the
(P < 0.01) by hops. These results suggest that including hops in high-
experiment, concentrate was offered at 0.5% of BW while rice straw
grain diets for ruminants may have potential to improve feed efficiency,
was given on ad libitum basis. It was found that supplementation of 7%
possibly by reducing enteric methane emissions.
CO had significantly influenced on total DM intake, OM, NDF and ADF
digestibilities while supplementation of 7% CO with garlic powder (50 Key Words: barley grain, ruminal methane, β-acids
and 100 g/d) were not significantly different when compared with the
control. Blood urea nitrogen was significantly higher in supplemented
groups. Total VFA concentration, proportion of C2 and C2:C3 ratio was M341 Effects of hops on in vitro ruminal fermentation of high
reduced by supplementation. Proportion of C3 was increased (P < 0.05) forage diets. N. Narvaez*, Y. Wang, Z. Xu, and T. McAllister, Agri-
when supplemented with 7% CO and 7% CO with 100 g/d of garlic culture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada.
powder. Methane production was dramatically reduced (P = 0.005) in Hops (Humulus lupulus) exert selective antimicrobial effects against
supplemented treatments and was 10% reduced in 7% CO supplemen- gram-positive bacteria and may have potential as an alternative to
tation. Amylolytic and proteolytic bacteria were increased (P = 0.007 antimicrobials for growth promotion in livestock. The effects of whole
and P = 0.024) while protozoal population by decreased 68 – 75% (P hops on ruminal fermentation of mixed forage (MF; Exp 1) or a barley
< 0.01) by supplementation. Total bacterial population was increased silage:barley grain-based backgrounding diet (BD; Exp 2) were assessed
by supplementation while total fungi and total methanogens were not during 48 h incubations (n = 4). Hop pellets (var. Tea Maker) were
significantly different among treatments. Percentage of cellulolytic included in cultures (500 mg substrate + 40 mL inoculum) at 0, 50, 100,
bacterial population was not different among treatments. However, 200 and 400 μg/mL in Exp. 1 and at 0, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 μg/mL
dietary supplementations were reduced (P < 0.001) percentage of F. suc- in Exp. 2. In Exp. 1, microbial protein (MP) synthesis was determined
cinogenes population. However, methanogen diversity was not changed using 15(NH4)2SO4, enabling true DM disappearance (TDMD) to be
using PCR-DGGE as technique. Based on this study, supplementation estimated. In Exp. 2, vials were prepared with and without polyethylene
with 7% CO plus 100 g/d of garlic powder could be efficiently utilized glycol (PEG) to bind condensed tannins (CT) and indirectly assess their
in the rumen and thus, could provide good fermentation end-products effects on ruminal fermentation. Lack of any effect of PEG on fermenta-
and improve rumen ecology for the host swamp buffaloes particularly tion suggested that CT in hops do not influence ruminal fermentation.
in reducing 9% methane gas production without changing nutrient Including hops linearly decreased (P < 0.001) gas production from MF
digestibilities. and BD. Whereas true DMD from MF was linearly increased (P < 0.001)
Key Words: garlic powder, coconut oil, swamp buffalo by hops, apparent DMD from BD was linearly decreased (P < 0.001).
In Exp. 1, a quadratic (P < 0.001) response of MP synthesis to hops
was observed. With BD, total VFA content was linearly reduced (P <
M340 Adding whole hops to high concentrate diets enhances 0.001) by hops, but with MF, the response was quadratic (P = 0.002).
in vitro ruminal fermentation. N. Narvaez*, Y. Wang, Z. Xu, and The acetate:propionate ratio was linearly increased (P < 0.001) with MF
T. McAllister, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, but quadratically decreased (P < 0.001) with BD. Hops quadratically
Canada. reduced (P < 0.05) methane emissions from MF and BD. Hops have the
potential to decrease methane production and may improve fermentation
To assess the potential of hops (Humulus lupulus) as an alternative to
efficiency in ruminants consuming forage-based diets.
antimicrobials for improving ruminant production, whole hops (pelleted
and ground) were included in batch culture in vitro ruminal incubations Key Words: hops, methane, β-acid
(500 mg substrate + 40 mL inoculum) of barley grain (Exp 1) and barley
grain:barley silage-finishing diet (Exp 2). Hops were included at 0, 50,
100, 200 and 400 μg/mL in Exp. 1; in Exp. 2, at 0, 200, 400, 800, and M342 Microencapsulation strategies to protect plant extracts
1600 μg/mL, with and without polyethylene glycol (PEG; 250 μg/mL). against heat process of manufacture diets. P. W. Cardozo*1, D.
PEG was included to selectively deactivate condensed tannins (CT). In Ribera1, A. Viso1, H. Mengel2, and M. Coenen3, 1Research and Devel-
Exp. 1, 15N-labeled (NH4)2SO4 was used to measure microbial protein opment Department, Carotech Technologies S.A, Tarragona, Spain,
2KoVet, Coordination Staff for Veterinary Clinical Studies, Faculty of
(MP) synthesis. Gas production and methane concentration were mea-
sured at 3, 6, 12, and 24 h in both Exps. Concentrations of VFA and Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 3Institute
ammonia (NH3-N), starch disappearance and MP synthesis were deter- Animal Nutrition, Nutrition Diseases and Dietetics, Faculty of Veterinary
mined at 3, 6, 12, and 24 h in Exp 1. Total VFA, NH3-N and apparent Medicine, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.
DM disappearance (DMD) were analyzed after 48 h in Exp. 2. Adding The purpose of this study was to evaluate the thermo-stability of standard
PEG did not alter the in vitro rumen fermentation suggesting that hop CT combination of cinnamaldehyde and garlic oil in a protection capsule
130 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(WEC) versus without encapsulation (WOEC) and the possible conse- A 4-wk trial was conducted to investigate the effect of pasture supple-
quences after pellet process. Raw materials were provided by Carote- mentation with a concentrate (300 g/d; 87.1% DM; 29.4% NDF, 16.9%
noid Technologie S.A. (Carotech, Tarragona Spain). Treatments were ADF, 17.6% CP, on a DM basis) containing 3 levels of commercial
mixed at the rate of 5 g/ kg of a typical dairy concentrate diet, and were chestnut hydrolyzable tannin (0, 6 and 12%, on a DM basis; T0, T6, T12,
pelleted for 2 min at 80°C. Samples of both groups were taken before respectively) on rumen activity of dairy ewes. Thirty-six 2- to 4-yr-old
and after the pelleting process and the recovery of active ingredients Sarda ewes (12 per experimental group), in mid lactation (90–120 DIM)
was analyzed by HPLC technique. As expected, before pelleting, the and grazing on pasture of 70% Medicago polymorpha (27.5% DM;
recovery concentration of active ingredients in both treatments was 44.3% NDF, 29.5% ADF, 18.3% CP, on a DM basis) and 30% of Lolium
similar (P > 0.05; average of 2.15 mg cinnamaldehyde/ g of feed, and rigidum (39.6% DM; 58.3% NDF, 31.2% ADF, 9.4% CP, on a DM basis)
average of 0.35 mg garlic oil/ g of feed). However, pelleting process were used. Rumen fluid samples were collected with a stomach tube 3
(2 min at 80°C) affected the stability of active ingredients of WOEC times (every 10 d) during the experimental period from 5 animals/group.
recovering only 79.93% of cinnamaldehyde and 69.70% of garlic oil Concentrate intake was measured daily. The pH, VFA (acetic, propionic
(P < 0.05), respectively. In the case of the encapsulated product, both and butyric acids), ammonia N (NH3-N) and the fatty acid profile of
cinnamaldehyde (98.65%) and garlic oil (95.78%) were not affected the rumen samples were determined. Data were analyzed by ANOVA
by pellet process (P > 0.05). The results of this trial showed that the including tannin level, sampling and their interaction. Concentrate intake
stability was significantly higher in WEC than WOEC. The potential of T6 and T12 were, respectively 10% and 25% lower than that of T0.
contribution of this study is focused on the technology used in this trial Rumen pH was higher in T6 than in T0, being intermediate in T12. The
that allowed incorporating 100% of active ingredients with a percentage T6 group contained the lowest content of acetic acid and the highest
of active compounds recovered of approximately 98% after pelleting of butyric acid. Tannins also influenced the percentages of C18:2 n6
process. Further studies are necessary to determine the effectiveness and C18:3 n3, which were lower in the control group, even if its C18:2
of these active ingredients encapsulated on in vivo rumen microbial n6 content did not differ significantly from T6. The NH3-N tended to
fermentation and animal performance. be reduced by the inclusion of tannin in the diet. These results suggest
that the lack of effect of tannins on rumen activity in T12 was probably
Key Words: plant extracts, encapsulation system, pellet process
related to its lower intake of concentrate.
Research supported by the Ministero dell′Istruzione dell′Università e
M343 Encapsulated combination of cinnamaldehyde and garlic della Ricerca (Project PRIN 2008).
oil as rumen modifiers in early-lactating dairy cows. X. Guozhong1, Key Words: dairy sheep, rumen activity, tannin
X. Junxin1, P. W. Cardozo*2, and D. Yingying2, 1Institute of Shanghai
Dairy Science, Shanghai, China, 2Research and Development Depart-
ment, Tarragona, Spain. M345 Effect of the inclusion of treated apple waste on in vitro
ruminal fermentation of alfalfa hay. Y. Castillo-Castillo1, O. Ruiz-
Two hundred lactating cows (DIM <60 d) were used in a completely
Barrera*2, C. Arzola-Alvarez2, C. Rodriguez-Muela2, A. Elias-Iglesias3,
block design (15 d of adaptation and 60 d for sampling period) to
C. Angulo-Montoya2, O. La O-Leon3, and J. A. Ortega2, 1Universidad
evaluate the effects of encapsulated combination of 129 mg/cow/d of
Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez., Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chih, México,
cinnamaldehyde and 21mg/animal/d of garlic oil (Next Enhance 300; NE 2Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua., Chihuahua, Chih, México,
300). Results obtained during the first 15 d were considered as covariant 3lnstituto de Ciencia Animal., La Habana, Cuba.
in the model. Milk yield was recorded every 15 d. Milk samples were
taken at 15, 30 and 60 d to determine milk protein, fat percentage as Feed produced by solid-state fermentation (SSF) has been satisfactorily
well as milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and somatic cell count (SCC). Dif- added to ruminant fibrous diets due to an improvement on the ruminal
ferences were declared at P < 0.05. Animals fed NE 300 increased (P fermentation patterns, including dry matter digestibility. The objective
< 0.05) milk production (over 1.7 kg/d) compared with control (37.38 of this work was to evaluate the effect of the addition of fermented apple
kg/d vs. 35.73 kg/d). There was no overall effect (P > 0.05) of feeding waste (FAW) on ruminal pH, ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3), volatile fatty
NE 300 in milk fat (average 3.32%) and protein (average 2.95%) con- acids concentration (VFA), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD),
tents compared with control. However, cows fed with NE 300 showed lactic acid content (LA), and microorganisms counting (yeast, total
an important reduction (P < 0.05) in milk urea nitrogen (14.7 mg/ dL) bacteria and protozoa) of good quality alfalfa hay incubated in an in
and SCC (168 × 1000)/mL) compared with control (15.5 mg/dL, and vitro ruminal ecosystem. Four levels of FAW inclusions were evaluated
337 × 1000)/mL, respectively). This study shows that the inclusion of (0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 g DM replacing 1.5 g DM of alfalfa hay and
an encapsulated combination of cinnamaldehyde and garlic oils (Next incubated at several times of fermentation (0, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h.) using
Enhance 300) in the early-lactating dairy diet has potential to influence a completely at random experimental design with repeated measures in
milk production and milk composition, especially reducing MUN when time. Results showed that yeast concentration in the ruminal ecosystem
fed to dairy cows in early lactation. Further studies are necessary to was greater in the treatments with FAW addition up to the 12 h of incuba-
confirm that this encapsulated combination can be as useful as modifiers tion (2.4 × 106, 1.7 × 106 and 3.2 × 106 CFU/mL log10) in relation to the
of rumen fermentation lactating dairy cows. control (1.2 × 106 CFU/mL log10) and 0.75 g FAW addition exhibited
the greatest concentration (P < 0.0001). LA content also increased at 12
Key Words: dairy cows, cinnamaldehyde, garlic oil
h of incubation in response to the addition of FAW (P < 0.001) (13.86,
16.84 and 14.57 µg/ml, respectively) in relation to the control (10.61 µg/
M344 Effect of chestnut tannins on rumen activity of dairy sheep mL). However, other measured variables as ruminal pH, N-NH3, VFA,
grazing on pasture. A. Nudda*1, G. Battacone1, R. Boe1, R. Rubattu1, IVDMD total bacteria and protozoa counting remained unaffected by
A. H. D. Francesconi1, M. Decandia2, and G. Pulina1, 1Dipartimento di the treatments. According to these results, we concluded that substitu-
Scienze Zootecniche, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy, 2Agricultural tion of alfalfa hay by FAW incubated in an in vitro ruminal ecosystem
Research Agency of Sardinia - AGRIS Sardegna, Sassari, Italy. during 24 h only modified positively the population of viable yeast and
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 131
AL content, with no effect on other fermentative and microbiological of non-cellulolytic bacteria (NCB) were species-dependent, and were
parameters of the ruminal environment. also affected by their having been pre-exposed to PT or not. At 24 h of
incubation, growth of all 4 NCB was inhibited (P < 0.01) by as little as
Key Words: fermentation, apple, ruminants
75 µg PT/mL irrespective of their having been pre-exposed. Pre-exposed
P. bryantii exhibited greater (P < 0.01) growth at 24 h in 75 μg PT/mL
M346 Effects of hops on rumen fermentation, growth, carcass medium than did its non-exposed counterpart. At PT concentration of
traits and shedding of Escherichia coli by feedlot cattle. Y. Wang*1, 75 μg PT/mL, Sel. ruminantium and P. bryantii exhibited more growth
A. V. Chaves1,2, F. L. Rigby3, M. L. He1, and T. A. McAllister1, 1Agri- (P < 0.01) between 16 and 24 h of incubation than did Str. bovis or Rb.
culture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, amylophilus. Phlorotannins inhibited digestion of filter paper by all 3
Canada, 2The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 3Yakima, CB, but F. succinogenes was less (P < 0.05) sensitive to PT than were
WA (deceased). Rc. flavefaciens or Rc. albus. Pre-exposure to PT did not affect filter
Hops (Humulus lupulus) have antimicrobial properties, which may paper digestion by the 3 CB. Phlorotannins from A. nodosum inhibit
have potential in livestock production. Experiments were conducted both NCB and CB, but CB exhibit greater sensitivity than NCB. Thus,
to evaluate the effects of hops on ruminal fermentation, fecal shedding PT could negatively affect fiber digestion if brown seaweed is fed to
of Escherichia coli and the growth of feedlot cattle. Sixty individually ruminants.
penned British × Charolais steers were randomly assigned to treatment Key Words: phlorotannins, ruminal bacteria, pure culture
for a 160-d feeding trial (55 d growing + 105 d transition/finishing)
using barley grain:barley silage-based diets (n = 15). Hop cone pellets
M348 Additives (sodium monensin, salinomycin, and virgin-
were added to the growing diet at levels of 0, 119, 238 and 476 mg/kg
iamycin) for Nellore bulls feedlot fed high concentrate finishing
DM and to the finishing diet at 0, 238, 476 and 952 mg/kg DM. Fecal
rations. C. Sitta*, F. A. P. Santos, G. B. Mourão, A. M. Pedroso, R.
samples were collected every 28 d to assess the effects of hops on fecal
Carareto, J. R. R. Dórea, T. G. Neri, and D. A. Rodrigues, University
shedding of E. coli. Feed deliveries were recorded daily and feed refusals
of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
were weighed weekly. The steers were weighed every 28 d and warm
carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, marbling score and saleable The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of different addi-
meat yield were recorded at slaughter for each steer. Including hops in tives on the performance of Nellore bulls fed high concentrate rations.
the diet did not affect (P ≥ 0.05) growth (DMI, ADG or feed conversion One hundred and 30 4 Nellore bulls with initial weight of 330 kg were
efficiency) or carcass characteristics of steers, nor fecal shedding of E. tested in a 102 d finishing trial, of which 21 d comprised adaptation to
coli. During both the growing and finishing periods, however, ADG the high concentrate diet. Animals were grouped according to initial live
was 6% improved (P = 0.11) with the highest levels of hops compared weight and allotted to 24 pens. The final diet contained 12% tifton hay,
with the controls. In corresponding 24-h batch culture incubations of 78.1% finely ground corn, 6% sugar cane molasses, 1.4% urea, 2.5%
the 8 diets (n = 6), hops inclusion with the growing diet increased (P ≥ mineral and vitamin premix and respective additives. Treatments con-
0.001) DM disappearance (IVDMD), gas production, and VFA accumu- sisted in: 1) Control (without additives); 2) Sodium monensin 30ppm; 3)
lation, with linear increases (P ≥ 0.001) of IVDMD and total VFA. The Sodium monensin 20ppm + Virginiamycin 15ppm; 4) Sodium monensin
proportion of propionate in VFA was increased (P < 0.001) and acetate 30ppm + Virginiamycin 15ppm; 5) Virginiamycin 17ppm; 6) Virgin-
proportion and acetate:propionate ratio were decreased (P < 0.001). iamycin 15ppm + Salinomycin 13ppm. Data were analyzed with Proc.
With the finishing diet, a linear increase (P = 0.002) in gas production Mixed from SAS (1999), version 9.2 for Windows, and the pens were
was observed. However, these in vitro improvements were not reflected used as experimental units. Dry matter intake and daily weight gain were
in improved growth or efficiency of feedlot cattle. Inclusion of higher not affected by treatments (P > 0.05). Feed conversion (DMI/ADG) was
levels of hops in the diet may be favorable for ruminant production. lower for the treatments containing monensin (M20 + V15; M30 + V15)
and salinomycin (S13 + V15), both in combination with virginiamycin.
Key Words: growth performance, rumen fermentation, Humulus
Diet net energy for gain was higher for the treatments with monensin,
monensin with virginiamycin, virginiamycin and salinomycin with
virginiamycin (P < 0,05). The combination of monensin 30 ppm and
M347 Effect of phlorotannins from brown seaweed on rumi- virginiamycin 15 ppm resulted in an increase in the energy density of
nal bacteria. Y. Wang*, L. J. Yanke, Z. Xu, and T. A. McAllister, the rations in comparison with the other treatments (Table 1).
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB,
Canada. Table 1. Dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed
conversion (DMI/ADG) and net energy (NE) of finishing Nellore
Brown seaweed has been used as feed additive to mitigate E. coli bulls fed different additives
O157:H7 in feedlot cattle, but its impact on rumen bacteria is not clear.
The effects of phlorotannins (PT) isolated from the brown seaweed, M20 + M30 + S13 +
Ascophyllum nodosum, on ruminal bacteria were investigated in pure Control M 30 V15 V15 V 17 V15 P-value
culture studies. Prevotella bryantii, Ruminobacter amylophilus, Sele- DMI
nomonas ruminantium and Streptococcus bovis were cultured through (kg DM/day) 9.89 9.20 9.29 8.98 9.76 9.85 0.0600
10 serial 24-h transfers in ruminal fluid medium containing 0 or 50 μg ADG
PT/mL. The 4 strains, each non-exposed or pre-exposed to PT, were (kg/day) 1.33 1.33 1.39 1.44 1.45 1.49 0.1784
then inoculated into media containing 0, 75, 150 or 300 μg PT/mL and FC
24-h growth curves were determined (n = 6). The ruminal cellulolytic (DMI/ADG) 7.40a 6.90ab 6.66bc 6.21c 6.72bc 6.62bc 0.0429
bacteria (CB) Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Fibrobacter succinogenes NEg obs
and Ruminococcus albus were also pre-cultured through 10 serial 72-h (Mcal/Kg) 1.05a 1.14ac 1.17bc 1.26bd 1.15ac 1.16bc 0.0428
transfers in ruminal fluid medium containing 0 or 12.5 μg PT/mL and NEg obs/act
then, for 72 h, on Whatman no. 54 filter paper as a sole carbohydrate (Mcal/Kg) 0.78a 0.85ac 0.86bc 0.93bc 0.85ad 0.86bc 0.0413
source in medium containing 0, 25, 50 or 75 μg PT/mL for the deter-
mination of filter paper digestion (n = 4). The effects of PT on growth Key Words: additives, effect, Nellore
132 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M349 In vitro effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil incubation time (h) and P is the volume of gas produced at time t. The
and non-fiber carbohydrates on gas production parameters of alfalfa gas production parameters of the supplemented samples were compared
hay. M. Danesh Mesgaran*1, E. Jani2, A. Vakili1, A. Solaimany2, and with AH as control using Dunnett’s test at P < 0.05. Supplementation of
H. Jahani-Azizabadi1, 1Dept. Animal Science, Ferdowsi University of AH with FE, at both rates applied, reduced the volume of gas produced
Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran. (P < 0.05; 72, 52 and 54 mL/0.3 g DM, respectively), but increased the
fractional rate constant of gas production (P < 0.05; 0.07, 0.12 and 0.10,
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of peppermint essential
respectively). In addition, FE particularly as 40 μL/g DM, reduced (P <
oil (PE) and non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) including sucrose (SUC) and
0.05) the volume of gas produced from the AH samples supplemented
starch (STA) on gas production parameters of alfalfa hay (AH). Treat-
with both SUC and STA. The rate constant of gas produced (c) from
ments were AH, AH plus PE (40 and 80 μl/g DM), AH supplemented
AH supplemented with SUC and STA at both levels (0.09 and 0.08/h,
with SUC or STA at 60 and 90 mg/g DM plus PE (0.0, 40 and 80 μl/g
respectively) was increased (P < 0.05) by the adding of FE as 40 and
DM). Approximately 0.3 g of each sample (n = 4) was placed into a
80 μL/g DM (0.13 and 0.09/h, respectively). It might be concluded that
100 mL glass syringe containing 40 mL of buffered rumen fluid (buffer
FE, as 40 or 80 μL/g, caused an alteration in the fermentation potential
to rumen fluid was 2:1). Rumen fluid was obtained from 2 rumen can-
of AH alone or supplemented with the NFC sources used.
nulated sheep (body weight = 45.5 ± 2 kg) before the morning feeding
and strained through 4 layers of cheesecloth. Animals were fed 1.5 kg Key Words: essential oil, gas production, fennel
DM alfalfa hay and 0.4 kg DM concentrate (165 g CP/ kg DM) per head/
day. Syringes were incubated at 39°C and the volume of gas produced
were recorded at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h. Data were fitted to M351 Effect of individual and mixed natural tree extracts on
an exponential equation of P = b (1-e-ct), where b is the volume of gas in vitro ruminal fermentation profiles in sheep. F. S. Jiménez-
produced, c is the fractional rate constant of gas production (/h), t is the Peralta1, A. Z. M. Salem*1,4, H. Ammar2, M. Ronquio3, and P. B.
incubation time (h) and P is the volume of gas produced at time t. The Albarrán1, 1Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario
gas production parameters of the supplemented samples were compared UAEM-Temascaltepec, Estado de México, C.P. 51300, México, 2Ecole
with AH as control using Dunnett’s test at P < 0.05. The parameters for Supérieure d′Agriculture de Mograne, Zaghouan, 1121 Mograne,
AH were b = 72 mL and c = 0.07/h. Supplementation of AH with PE Tunisia, 3Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Facultad de
reduced the volume of gas produced, however, peppermint essential veterinaria, Toluca, Mexico, 4Alexandria University, Department of
oil caused to reduce (P < 0.05) the volume of gas produced from the Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture (El-Shatby), Egypt.
samples of AH supplemented with the NFC sources. The rate constant Extracts of 2 tree leaves species [Salix babilónica (SB) and Leucaena
of gas produced (c) from AH was significantly (P < 0.05) increased by leucocephala (LL)] and their mixture (SBLL, 1:1, v/v) rich in secondary
the adding of the NFC and PE (except PE as 80 μL/g DM, which had metabolites (ESM, 10 g DM/80 mL of solvent), were in vitro evaluated
no significant effect on c). The fractional rate constant was significantly on ruminal fermentation pattern in 4 levels of 0, 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 mL
increased when PE as 40 μL/g DM was added to the AH supplemented extract/g DM of TMR (50:50 forage:concentrate diet). Animals used
with the SUC and STA (0.13 and 0.10, respectively). However, at 80 for the extraction of rumen liquid (RL) for the in vitro incubations
μL/g DM of PE, c was significantly decreased (P < 0.05) for those were allocated into 2 experimental groups (8 animals/group): control
treatments (0.06 and 0.05, respectively). It was concluded that PE at (CG) and treated (TG) group. Animals of CG were fed daily on TMR,
the both applied rates had a potential to alter the fermentability of AH while those of TG were fed on the same TMR and drenched a daily oral
and AH supplemented with the NFC sources. dose of SBLL (30mL/animal) for 60 d. Concentrations of secondary
Key Words: essential oil, gas production, peppermint metabolites (SM) in terms of total phenolics (TP), saponins (SAP) and
aqueous fraction (AF, lectins, polypeptides and starch) were examined
in each tree extract and gas production was recorded at different incu-
M350 Effect of fennel (Foeniculume vulgare) essential oil on in bation times (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h) of TMR with different
vitro gas production parameters of alfalfa hay supplemented with extracts levels. Short chain fatty acids (SCFA), in vitro organic matter
sucrose or starch. M. Danesh Mesgaran*1, E. Jani2, A. Vakili1, H. degradability (IVD) and metabolizable energy (ME)) were estimated.
Jahani-Azizabadi1, and A. Solaimany2, 1Dept. Animal Science, Ferdowsi As compared with SB, extracts of LL had higher TP, SAP and AF (i.e.,
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2Islamic Azad University, 24, 14 and 116 versus 15, 6 and 74 g/kg DM, respectively). For both
Kashmar, Iran. animal groups, increasing the extracts dose until 1.8mL/g DM improved
(P < 0.05) the ruminal fermentation activities of TMR with increasing
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of fennel essen-
the extracts dose until 1.8mL/g DM in ether TG or CG, probably due
tial oil (FE) on gas production parameters of alfalfa hay (AH) and AH
to a higher extracts -soluble sugars. However, higher fermentation
supplemented with sucrose (SUC) or starch (STA). Treatments were
activities were observed in SB than LL and SBLL extracts. Ruminal
AH, AH plus FE (40 and 80 μL/g DM), AH supplemented with SUC
fermentative activities of TMR were reduced by more than 50% in
or STA at 60 and 90 mg/g DM plus FE (0.0, 40 and 80 μL/g DM).
TG versus to CG during all the incubation times, except the first 2 h.
Approximately 0.3 g of each sample were placed in a 100 mL glass
In conclusion, administration of SBLL during 60 d to animals did not
syringe containing 40 mL of buffered rumen fluid as 2: 1 (n = 4). Rumen
enhance the ruminal fermentation activities of TMR in sheep. Individual
fluid was obtained from 2 rumen canullated sheep (body weight = 45.5
extracts-rich in secondary metabolites at 1.8mL/g DM, in particular SB
± 2 kg) before the morning feeding and immediately strained through
extracts, had the most potential on ruminal microorganism’s activities
4 layers of cheesecloth. Animals were fed 1.5 kg DM alfalfa hay and
and may serve as an alternate to antibiotics and ionophores as a growth
0.4 kg DM concentrate (165 g CP/ kg DM) per head per day. Syringes
promoter of weaned lambs.
were incubated at 39°C and the volume of gas produced were recorded
at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h. Statistical analysis was conducted Key Words: extracts, secondary metabolites, in vitro fermentation,
using SAS (1999) procedure. The gas production data were fitted to sheep
an exponential equation of P = b(1-e-ct), where b is the volume of gas
produced, c is the fractional rate constant of gas production (/h), t is the
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 133
M352 Medium-term orally administration of extracts impacts incubation. The gas production data were fitted using an exponential
on in vitro rumen fermentative activity of some tree leaves in equation of P = b × (1–e–ct), where b is the volume of gas produced, c
sheep. A. Z. M. Salem*1,4, F. S. Jiménez-Peralta1, H. Ammar2, R. is the fractional rate constant of gas production (/h), t is the incubation
R. Rojo1, L. M. Camacho3, and D. Cardoso-Jiménez1, 1Universidad time (h) and P is the volume of gas produced at time t. Statistical analysis
Autónoma del Estado de México, Estado de México, Centro Universi- was conducted using SAS (1999) software. Results demonstrated that
tario UAEM-Temascaltepec, Estado de México, C.P. 51300, México, the gas production parameters of the feed samples (Table 1) were sig-
2Ecole Supérieure d′Agriculture de Mograne, Zaghouan, 1121 Mograne, nificantly different (P < 0.05). In addition, results of the present study
Tunisia, 3Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Facultad de veterinaria, indicate that the gas production parameters of the feed samples were
México, 4University of Alexandria, Department of Animal Production, significantly altered when CEO was included in the medium. Cumin
Faculty of Agriculture (El-Shatby), Egypt. essential oil caused a significant (P < 0.05) decrease of c parameter of
BG and BP. While, when cumin was added to the AH and BP samples,
Four tree leaves species (i.e., Celtis pallid, Ficus trigonata, Fraxinus
the b parameter was decreased (Table 1).
excelsior and Prunus domestica) collected during the dry season were
used to explore medium-term effects of Salix babilónica and Leucaena
leucocephala extract (SBLL, 1:1 v/v) rich in secondary compounds Table 1. Gas production parameters of alfalfa hay, barley grain and
(ESC, 10g dry leaves/80 mL of solvent) on fermentative activity in the sugar beet pulp as untreated or treated with cumin essential oil as 400
rumen of sheep. Sixteen crossbreed male (Katahdin × Pelibuey) sheep mL/g DM
were fed on a TMR (18%CP) and used as a source of rumen liquor. Eight Treatments
animals were fed the TMR with a daily oral dose of 30mL/animals/d of Gas production
SBLL for 60 d and used as the treated group (TG), whereas the other parameters AH BG BP AH+CEO BG+CEO BP+CEO SEM
sheep were not received extract and always fed the same TMR and used b (ml/0.3 g) 49.6d 98.7b 84.0c 20.4f 105.6a 44.9e 2.34
as the control group (CG). The objective was to investigate if adaptation
c (/h) 0.06b 0.04c 0.09a 0.06b 0.02d 0.06b 0.004
to ESC at the rumen level may develop in response to regular consump-
tion of secondary compounds (SC), resulting in an enhanced ability to Key Words: cumin, essential oil, gas production
digest tree leaves. Gas production was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,
24, 48 and 72 h after incubation of leaves samples. Differences in the
fermentative activity (short chain fatty acids (SCFA), in vitro organic M354 Influence of two browse extracts-rich secondary compounds
matter degradability (IVD) and metabolizable energy (ME)) were exam- and their mixture on lamb feed intake and growth performance. A.
ined in batch cultures inoculated with rumen fluid obtained on d 60 from Z. M. Salem*1,4, H. P. Mejia1, H. Ammar2, M. Ronquio3, J. L. Tinoco1,
both groups of sheep. Gas production and other fermentative parameters R. Rojo1, and A. M. Garcia1, 1Universidad Autónoma del Estado de
(i.e., SCFA, IVD and ME) of the 4 leaves species were reduced by more México, Centro Universitario UAEM-Temascaltepec, Estado de México,
than 50% in TG versus CG during the all incubation times, except the C.P. 51300, México, 2Ecole Supérieure d′Agriculture de Mograne, Zag-
first 2 h. The magnitude of this effect may be due to direct negative houan, 1121 Mograne, Tunisia, 3Universidad Autónoma del Estado de
impact of SC in the orally dose on ruminal microorganisms activities México, Departmento de Nutricion Animal, Facultad de Veterinaria,
or the indirect impacts of SC on saliva production composition. High- Toluca, Mexico, 4University of Alexandria, Department of Animal
est fermentation activities (P < 0.05) were in P. domestica while the Production, Faculty of Agriculture (El-Shatby), Egypt.
lowest values (P < 0.05) were in F. excelsior. This effect may be due to Thirty-two crossbreed male (Katahdin × Pelibuey) lambs (3–4 mo
the different SC concentrations as well as ADF and NDF composition old, average LW 24 ± 0.3kg) were used to study effects of daily oral
in leaves samples. In conclusion, administrations of SBLL to animals administration of the extracts-rich secondary compounds (ESC, 10g
do not enhance the ruminal fermentation activities and gas production dry leaves/80 mL of solvent) of either 2 browse species namely Salix
kinetics of tree leaves species. P. domestica demonstrated a higher babilónica (SB) and Leucaena leucocephala (LL) or their mixtures
ruminal digestion than other tree species. (SBLL) during 60 d lamb feed intake and growth performance. Lambs
Key Words: extracts, in vitro fermentation, sheep were randomly assigned into 4 groups (8 animals per group) in a factorial
design: received no ESC (Control –CTR), and the other 3 groups were
submitted to a treatment with ESC (30mL) of either SB, LL or SBLL
M353 Effect of cumin essential oil on in vitro gas production (1:1 v/v) during the experimental period. Feed intake (FE) was recorded
parameters of alfalfa hay, barley grain and sugar beet pulp. M. daily while the body weight of lambs was recorded every 20 d among the
Sadjadian, M. Danesh*, A. R. Vakili, H. Jahani, and J. Amini, Ferdowsi experimental period: 20 (P1), 40 (P2), and 60 d (P3). Animals of different
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. groups were fed ad libitum on a total mixed ration (18% CP) that was
formulated to meet all nutrient requirements for finishing lambs. Oral
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of cumin
administration of ESC improved average daily gain (ADG), feed con-
essential oil (CEO) on in vitro gas production parameters of alfalfa hay
version (FC) and economic efficiency (EE) during all the experimental
(AH), barley grain (BG) or sugar beet pulp (BP). Samples of AH, BG,
periods, without changing in FE. A gradually improvement in growth
and BP were provided as untreated or treated with CEO (400 mL/g
performance (ADG and FC) of ESC treated lambs was observed from
DM). In vitro incubations were carried out using 0.3 g of each sample
P1 to P3, versus CTR lambs. Generally, growth performance of SB and
(4 replicates) which was placed in a 100 mL glass syringe containing
LL lambs was better (P < 0.05) than SBLL lambs. The cost of one kg
40 mL buffered rumen fluid (ratio of buffer to rumen fluid was 2:1).
DG (i.e., EE) was reduced (P < 0.05) by 20.2, 13.3 and 12.88% with
Rumen fluid was obtained from 2 ruminally cannulated sheep (body
ESC administration of SB, LL and SBLL, respectively. This effect may
weight = 45.5 ± 2 kg), before the morning feeding, and immediately
be due to an adaptation of ruminal microorganisms to plant secondary
strained through 4 layers of cheesecloth. Animals were fed 1.5 kg DM
compounds in extracts. Results of our present study revealed that daily
alfalfa hay and 0.4 kg DM concentrate (165 g CP/ kg DM) per head
administration of ESC, particularly of SB, improved lamb performance
per day. Syringes were then incubated at 38.6°C and the volume of gas
rather than LL or SBLL.
produced was determined at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72 and 96 h after the
134 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Key Words: extracts and secondary compounds, growth performance Nine ruminally fistulated cows were used to test an avian-derived
and feed intake, lambs polyclonal antibody preparation against specific ruminal bacteria Strep-
tococcus bovis, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Clostridium aminophi-
lum, Peptostreptococcus anacrobius and Clostridium sticklandii. The
M355 Effect of polyclonal antibody preparation on ruminal experimental design was a 3 × 3 Latin square replicated 3 times with
microbial diversity population in cattle fed three different energetic a factorial arrangement of treatments 3 × 3 regarding 2 feed additives
sources. W. Otero1, C. Marino*2, M. Stradiotto4, C. Barreto3, V. (monensin and PAP) plus control group and 3 energy sources. The energy
Pellizari3, M. Arrigoni2, and P. Rodrigues1, 1University of Sao Paulo, sources utilized were dry-grounded corn grain (CG), high moisture corn
FMVZ, Pirassununga, Brazil, 2University of Sao Paulo State, FMVZ, silage (HMCS) and citrus pulp (CiPu). Sample collection for quantita-
Botucatu, Brazil, 3University of Sao Paulo, ICB II, Sao Paulo, Brazil, tive protozoa analysis were performed at 19 d of each period at 0 and
4University of Sao Paulo, FZEA, Pirassununga, Brazil.
4 h after morning meal collected my manual scanning of rumen floor.
Nine ruminally fistulated cows were used to test an avian-derived Data were submitted to variance analysis by GLM procedure, which
polyclonal antibody preparation (PAP) against specific ruminal bac- separated the effects of interaction between feed additive and energy
teria Streptococcus bovis, Fusobacterium necrophorum, Clostridium source, effect of feed additive, effect of energy source as well as effects
aminophilum, Peptostreptococcus anacrobius and Clostridium stick- of period and animal inside the square. Mean effects were separated by
landii. The experimental design was a 3 × 3 Latin square replicated Duncan test. Differences were declared at P < 0.05. Relative counting
3 times with a factorial arrangement of treatments 3 × 3 regarding 2 of Entodinium was influenced by the type of energy source at 0 h (P
rumen modifiers, monensin (MON) and PAP plus control group and = 0.0091) and 4 h (P = 0.0026). Animals treated with CG and HMCS
3 energy sources. The energetic sources utilized were dry-grounded showed higher values of these protozoa when compared with animals
corn grain (CG), high moisture corn silage (HMCS) and citrus pulp receiving CiPu but do not differ between them. It was observed feed
(CiPu). The ruminal content was collected in the d 21 of each trial at additive effect for Isotricha (P = 0.1008) at 4 h. The group treated with
4 h after feeding for the analysis of microbial ruminal diversity by the PAP showed great values for relative counting compared with CON.
denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Data were submitted to variance The MON group did not differ from the others 2. Also, it was observed
analysis by GLM procedure, which separated the effects of interac- energy source effect for Isotricha at 0 h (P = 0.0008) and 4 h (P =
tion between feed additive and energy source, effect of feed additive, 0.0001), where the animals fed CiPu showed greater relative counting
effect of energy source as well as effects of period and animal inside than animals fed HMCG and CG that did not differ between them.
the square. Mean effects were separated by Duncan test. Differences The utilization of PAP and the addition of CiPu resulted in an increase
were declared at P < 0.05. It was observed energetic source effect (P of total and relative counting of Isotricha which indicate an effect on
= 0.0470) for number of bands amplified in DGGE for Archaea com- ruminal microbial population.
munity. Animals receiving CiPu demonstrated an increase of 1.56 band
(52%) compared with animals receiving CG. Those fed HMCS did not Table 1. Absolute (× 103/mL) and relative (%) counting of protozoa
differ between the other 2 groups. For the total sum of bands amplified obtained with the treatments composed by different feed additives
in DGGE, energetic source effect was observed. The group fed HMCS and energy sources
had more amplified bands than the group fed CG. The group fed CiPu
Feed Additive Energy source
did not differ from the other 2 groups. In general lines, in the present
experiment, it was not possible to assign that there was a pattern in the Variable CON MON PAP CG HMCS CiPu Mean SEM
structures of amplification by Bacteria and Archaea communities of the General Count
ruminal content of animals treated with 2 different rumen modifiers or (x103/mL) 140.5 143.5 268.7 190.1 226.3 136.3 184.2 37.70
3 distinct energetic sources. Isotricha
0h 9.87b 8.93b 21.73a 6.80B 6.67B 27.07A 13.51 3.06
4h 6.46b 8.68ab 12.51a 3.97B 3.84B 19.84A 9.22 1.97
Table 1. Number of amplified bands obtained by DGGE for Bacteria,
Archaea and sum of Bacteria and Archaea communities obtained Entodinium
with treatments composed by different energetic sources 0h 123.5 123.1 239.2 175.2 209.6 100.9 161.9 36.47
Energy sources 4h 87.1 81.5 83.7 89.2A 89.4A 73.7B 84.1 2.50
Variable CG HMCS CiPu Mean SEM Prob. Key Words: additive, passive immunization, ruminant
Bacteria 5.94 9.11 5.94 7.00 0.6400 0.1106
Archaea 3.00B 3.56AB 4.56B 3.70 0.3809 0.0470
M357 Effects of ethanol extracts of two specific mixtures of
Sum 8.94B 12.67A 10.50AB 10.70 0.7123 0.0741 herbs and spices on in vitro rumen microbial fermentation. N.
Key Words: denaturing gradient gel by electrophoresis, ionophore, Narvaez*1, Y. Wang1, T. A. McAllister1, and C. Benchaar2, 1Agricul-
passive imunization ture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, Alberta,
2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Dairy and Swine R&D Centre,
Sherbrooke, Quebec.
M356 Effect of polyclonal antibody preparation on ruminal pro-
tozoa population in cattle fed three different energetic sources. W. Two in vitro batch culture experiments were conducted to assess the
Otero1, C. Marino*2, M. Stradiotto4, C. Barreto3, V. Pellizari3, M. effects of ethanol extracts of 2 different combinations of herbs and spices
Arrigoni2, and P. Rodrigues1, 1University of Sao Paulo, FMVZ, Piras- (ApexRuminant and ApexCalf; Nutri-Ad, Elgin, IL) on rumen microbial
sununga, Brazil, 2University of Sao Paulo State, FMVZ, Botucatu, fermentation. The treatments were control (no additive), monensin (10
Brazil, 3University of Sao Paulo, ICB, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 4University μg/mL), ethanol extract of ApexRuminant (ARe, Exp. 1) and ethanol
of Sao Paulo, FZEA, Pirassununga, Brazil. extract of ApexCalf (ACe, Exp. 2) both supplied at 125, 250, 500, 1000
and 2000 μg/mL. Production of total gas (GP), volatile fatty acids (VFA)
concentration, microbial protein (MN), and true dry matter disappear-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 135
ance (TDMD) were determined after 24 h of incubation. Data were M359 Use of pine sawdust (Pinnus patula) as a fiber source in lamb
analyzed as a completely randomized design and polynomial contrasts finishing rations. E. C. Guerra-Medina1, O. D. Montañez-Valdez*2,
were used to determine linear and quadratic dose-effects. Significance M. A. Cobos-Peralta3, and M. Pérez-Sato4, 1Centro Universitario de la
was declared at P ≤ 0.05. In both experiments, monensin increased pro- Costa Sur de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Autlán, Jalisco, México,
pionate proportion but decreased GP, TDMD, MN synthesis, total VFA 2Centro Universitario del Sur de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Ciudad
production (mmol/g DM), molar proportions of acetate, butyrate, and Guzmán, Jalisco, México, 3Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, Tex-
branched-chain VFA (BCVFA), and the acetate:propionate ratio (A:P). coco, México, 4Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla,
Addition of ARe at levels up to 500 μg/mL and ACe up to 1000 μg/mL Puebla, México.
did no cause substantial modifications of rumen fermentation, whereas
Rations for sheep include 5 to 40% of fibrous sources that can be used
at higher doses it resulted in different effects that in most cases inhibited
as cereal straws, alternate sources of oak (Quercus ilex) or pine (Pinnus
rumen fermentation. These effects were dose-dependent and entailed
patula) sawdust have been used; however its effectiveness has not been
both linear and quadratic trends. When supplied at 1000 or 2000 μg/
researched in depth. With the objective of using an alternative source of
mL, ARe reduced GP, TDMD, and total VFA production, but increased
fiber in diets for sheep in feedlots, 2 treatments were assessed for 4 peri-
butyrate and BCVFA proportions, whereas at 2000 μg/mL, ARe supply
ods of 14 d each. There were 2 treatments, one with 30% pine sawdust
increased MN and A:P ratio. Addition of ACe at 2000 μg/mL reduced
(SD) and another with 30% corn straw (CS). The variables evaluated
GP, TDMD, but increased MN without altering VFA production or A:P
were average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI), ruminal pH,
ratio. Results from this study suggest that the active compounds of
concentration of volatile fatty acids, and concentration of ammonia. A
Apex mixtures are ethanol soluble and exhibited antimicrobial activity
Completely Randomized Design was used and the data were analyzed
at high doses with greater inhibitory effects exerted by ARe compared
using the procedure of repeated measurements. The ADG (246.07 g d−1),
with ACe on ruminal microbial fermentation.
concentration of propionic acid (27.3 mol/100 mol), and the average
Key Words: plant extract, rumen fermentation, ethanol extract ruminal pH (6.28) was higher (P < 0.05) in the SD treatment, while the
average concentration ammonia was higher (P ≤ 0.05) in the CS treat-
ment (33.6 mM). There no were differences in DMI (P ≤ 0.05) between
M358 Assessment of the effects of two herbs and spices mixtures treatments. The results indicate the possibility of using until 30% of pine
and their ethanol extracts on in vitro rumen microbial fermenta- sawdust as a source of fiber in diets for sheep in feedlots.
tion. N. Narvaez*1, Y. Wang1, T. A. McAllister1, and C. Benchaar2,
1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research Centre, Key Words: fiber substitute, average gain, ruminal fermentation
AB,Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Dairy and Swine
R&D Centre, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.
M360 Effect of an inoculum and additive on in situ nutrients
An in vitro batch culture experiment was conducted to determine the digestibility of sugar cane silage. J. A. Reyes-Gutiérrez1,2, O. D.
effects of 2 specific mixtures of herbs and spices (ApexRuminant: AR Montañez-Valdez*1, R. Rodríguez-Macías2, M. A. Ruiz-López2, E.
and ApexCalf: AC; Nutri-Ad, Elgin, IL) and their ethanol extracts (ARe; Salcedo-Pérez2, and M. R. Rodriguez-Ramirez3, 1Centro Universitario
ACe) on rumen microbial fermentation. Treatments were control (no del Sur de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco,
additive), monensin (10 µg/mL), AR, AC, ARe or ACe, supplied at 250, México, 2Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuar-
500, 1000 and 2000 μg/mL. Production of total gas, volatile fatty acid ias de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Las Agujas, Jalisco, México,
(VFA) and ammonia N (NH3-N) concentrations, and apparent dry matter 3Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agricolas y Pecuarias, Tecomán,
136 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Table 1. Coefficients of digestibility in situ of DM and OM of A 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments was used to investigate the
experimental materials (%) interaction between 2 sources of rumen inocula and inclusion of plant
Component T1 T2 T3 SEM extracts on in vitro rumen fermentation and methane. Plant extracts were
Dry Matter control (no extract) a mixture of eugenol and cinnamaldehyde (CIE,
XT 6965, Pancosma,250 mg/L) or an oleoresin of capsicum (CAP, XT
961 56.60c 59.99bc 67.11a 1.15
6933, Pancosma, 250 mg/L). Rumen inocula was obtained from either
72 52.29b 51.04b 58.22a 0.89
dairy cows (50:50 forage:concentrate diet, pH 7.0) or beef cattle (10:90
48 51.45b 51.31b 53.79ab 1.08 forage:concentrate diet, pH 5.0). Each treatment was tested in triplicate
36 44.08b 49.42a 47.46a 0.66 and repeated in 2 periods. Fifty milliliters of a 1:1 ruminal fluid-to-
Organic Matter buffer solution were introduced into polypropylene tubes supplied with
96 47.43b 60.21a 63.16a 2,35 0.5 g of DM of DDGS and incubated for 24 h at 39°C. Samples were
72 56.66b 44.65c 64.28a 0.90 collected for ammonia N, VFA concentrations and methane analysis.
48 45.87c 53.80b 61.90a 1.50
Results were analyzed using SAS, and significant differences declared
at P < 0.05. The beef-type fermentation resulted in lower total VFA
36 47.50c 49.77c 60.30a 1.06
(155.3 mM, −16%), acetate (45.4 mol/100mol, −25%) and butyrate
a,b,cDifferent letters in the same row differ (P < 0.05). (6.8 mol/100mol, −29%) proportions, reduced acetate to propionate
1Hours of incubation. ratio (1.26, −53%), ammonia-N (16.0 mg N/dL, −15%) and methane
(18.7 μL/L, −48%) concentrations, and higher propionate proportion (36
Key Words: sugar cane, digestibility, additive mol/100mol, +61%). Using beef inocula, inclusion of CIE increased total
VFA (+12%) and the proportion of propionate (+24%), and decreased
methane (−18%) concentration. When dairy rumen inocula was used,
M361 The effects of cinnamaldehyde and garlic extract on feed
CIE increased propionate proportion (+25%) and decreased acetate
intake and nutrient digestibility by lambs. T. M. Norvell*, B. M.
proportion (−8%), the acetate to propionate ratio (−25%), and methane
Nichols, T. J. McDonald, M. M. Harbac, and J. A. Paterson, Department
production (−38%). For both inocula environments, CAP had little
of Animal and Range Sciences, Montana State University, Bozeman.
effect, agreeing with earlier research where the main effect for CAP
Three lamb experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of a being reported for DMI and feeding behavior. These results indicated
commercially available feed additive containing cinnamaldehyde and that the mixture CIE reduced methane production in vitro, and that the
garlic (CG) on DM intake, DM, NDF and N digestibilities. Experiment effect was larger in a dairy-type environment without addition of CAP,
one was a 3 × 3 Latin square to determine individual DMI. Twenty-one compared with the beef-type environment.
ewe lambs were randomly assigned to 3 treatments (7 ewes/treatment)
Key Words: essential oils, methane, in vitro
in a GrowSafe facility which measures individual feed intake. Diets
consisted of 85% ground grass hay and 15% supplement. Dietary treat-
ments were control (no CG), 70 ppm CG, and 140 ppm CG. For each M363 Influence of condensed tannin supplementation on intake,
period, individual DMI was measured for 10-d with no adaptation to ruminal and total digestibility, rate of digestion, and urinary excre-
diets. Average DMI was similar (P = 0.82) for the 3 treatments (aver- tion of urea and total nitrogen of beef steers fed high concentrate
age = 2.3 kg/d). For Exp. 2, 24 wether lambs were placed in individual diet. R. Mezzomo*1, P. V. R. Paulino1, S. C. Valadares Filho1, J. P.
metabolism crates and randomly assigned to treatments to measure I. S. Monnerat1, G. S. Viana1, M. G. Machado1, J. C. M. Lima1, T. S.
nutrient digestibility. Wethers were again fed increasing levels of CG. Martins1, P. Lencioni2, and D. Grandini3, 1Universidade Federal de
Diets consisted of 77% ground grass hay and 23% supplement. Treat- Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2Silva Team, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
ments compared were control (no CG) and diets with 20, 40, or 80-ppm 3Nutron, Itapira, SP, Brazil.
dietary CG. Wethers were fed diets at 3.3% of BW for 10-d of adapta-
tion followed by 6-d fecal collection. The CG did not change DM (P This trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of condensed tannin
= 0.99), NDF (P = 0.90) or N digestibilities (P = 0.82). Experiment 3 (TN) associated or not with a true protein source on intake, ruminal and
was designed as a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments using 24 total digestibility, ruminal digestion rate and urinary nitrogen excretion
wethers housed in individual metabolism crates. Main effects evaluated in beef steers fed high concentrate diet (87% of DM). Four crossbred
were 85% roughage (grass hay) vs. 85% concentrate (corn), and 0 vs. 80 steers (407 kg BW) fitted with rumen cannula were assigned to a 4x4
ppm dietary CG. Wethers were offered diets at 2.7% of BW for 18-d of latin square design, arranged in a 2x2 factorial arrangement. Steers were
diet adaptation followed by 5-d of feces collection. There were no CG fed a basal diet based on cracked corn, whole cottonseed, sugar-cane
× forage level interactions and CG did not change DM (P = 0.69), NDF bagasse, mineral mixture and one out of 4 supplements: soybean meal
(P = 0.33), or N digestibilities (P = 0.46). Average DMI was greater (P with condensed tannin (SMT); soybean meal without condensed tannin
< 0.05) for the 85% forage diets compared with 85% concentrate diets. (SM); condensed tannin without soybean meal (TN) and a treatment
Results indicate that at the levels offered, CG did not negatively affect without both soybean meal and condensed tannin (BS). Quebracho
DMI and had no affect on nutrient digestibility. extract were used as tannin source, included to provide 4 g of tannin/100
g of diet DM and all diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous. Intake
Key Words: cinnamaldehyde, garlic, feed intake of DM and nutrients was not affected (P > 0.10) by TN supplementa-
tion. However, there was an effect (P < 0.10) of TN supplementation
on ether extract digestibility. A smaller (P < 0.10) excretion of urinary
M362 Interaction of rumen pH, cinnamaldehyde and eugenol
urea nitrogen (71.94 vs. 53.62 g) and total nitrogen (86.43 vs. 74.07 g)
mixture and capsicum oleoresin on in vitro fermentation pattern and
was observed in the animals supplemented with TN. Serum urea nitro-
methane production. D. Bravo1, S. Calsamiglia*2, N. D. Pyatt3, and
gen concentration did not differ (P > 0.10) among treatments. There
P. H. Doane3, 1Pancosma, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Universitat Autonoma
was an interaction (P < 0.10) between condensed tannin and soybean
de Barcelona, Spain, 3ADM Research, Decatur, IL.
mean on ruminal digestibility and digestion rate of crude protein (CP).
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 137
When soybean meal was provided in the diet TN caused a reduction fermentation of a 50:50 alfalfa hay:concentrate diet. Each fermenter
on CP ruminal digestibility from 46.92 to 33.46%, leading to a smaller received daily 30 g of diet DM. In each run, 2 fermenters received daily
digestion rate of CP. No differences in DM passage rate were observed 100 mg of GAR dissolved in 0.7 mL of ethanol (180 mg of GAR / L of
(P > 0.10) among treatments. Urinary urea nitrogen and total nitrogen fermenter content) and 2 received 0.7 mL of ethanol (control). After 11
excretions were higher in the animals supplemented with soybean d of GAR treatment, the main fermentation parameters were determined
meal. The use of condensed tannin as an additive in cattle fed high during 3 consecutive days. Microbial growth was determined on d 15
concentrate diet using soybean meal as true protein source decreases using 15N as a microbial marker.
the digestion rate and ruminal degradability of crude protein without No effect of GAR (P > 0.05) was observed on dry matter
affecting feed intake. degradability (61.9 vs. 62.3% for control and GAR, respectively),
neutral detergent fiber degradability (44.6 vs. 45.9%) and daily
Key Words: feedlot, protein, RUP
production of total volatile fatty acids (VFA; 100 vs. 103 mmol)
and ammonia-N (210 vs. 221 mg). The GAR increased the molar
M364 Effect of Copaiba (Copaifera sp.) oils on in vitro rumen proportion of propionate (P = 0.02; 17.5 vs. 14.9%), decreased
fermentation of coastcross hay. R. C. Araujo*1, A. V. Pires1, A. L. butyrate proportion (P < 0.001; 14.6 vs. 17.2%), and tended to
Abdalla2, M. R. S. R. Peçanha2, and A. S. Morsy2, 1ESALQ, Universi- decrease the proportion of acetate (P = 0.07; 53.6 vs. 54.5%).
dade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2CENA, Universidade de Fermenters receiving GAR showed greater (P < 0.001) proportions
São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. of isobutyrate, valerate and caproate compared with controls. Daily
production of methane was reduced (P < 0.001) by 10.8% by GAR,
Copaiba oils have antimicrobial properties and are obtained from the resulting in lower (P = 0.002) methane/VFA ratios in GAR treated
trunk of Copaifera sp. trees. A randomized complete block design fermenters compared with controls. Microbial growth tended to be
was used to determine the effects of C. reticulata, C. multijuga, and greater (P = 0.09) in fermenters receiving GAR (247 vs. 237 mg of
C. langsdorfii oils on rumen fermentation of coastcross (Cynodon sp.) microbial N/d), but its efficiency was similar in all fermenters (P =
hay by using an in vitro gas production (GP) system. Treatments were 0.12; 25.5 vs. 23.0 mg of microbial N / g organic matter apparently
control (CTL), pure monensin at 3 µM (MON), and 75 or 150 µL of C. fermented). Supplementation of GAR to fermenters was an effective
reticulata, C. multijuga, or C. langsdorfii oil. In each flask (160 mL), means to reduce methane production without negatively affecting
0.5 g of hay (91.3% DM) was incubated with 50 mL of medium and microbial growth, diets degradability or VFA production.
25 mL of rumen fluid at 39°C for 24h. Replicates were n = 6 for GP
and n = 3 for all other variables. Two inocula (from 3 lambs each) were
used as source of variation. PROC Mixed of SAS was used and differ- Key Words: garlic oil, methane, Rusitec fermenters
ences declared when P < 0.05. By GC/MS analysis, major secondary
compounds in oils were C. reticulata – trans-caryophyllene (50.2%)
M366 Effect of Copaiba (Copaifera sp.) oils on in vitro rumen
and α-humulene (8.1%); C. multijuga – trans-caryophyllene (21.9%),
fermentation of a high-concentrate diet. R. C. Araujo*1, A. V. Pires1,
α-trans-bergamotene (11.4%), and β-bisabolene (9.1%); C. langsdorfii
A. L. Abdalla2, L. A. Castilho2, and R. C. Lucas2, 1ESALQ, Universidade
– trans-caryophyllene (56.5%) and α-humulene (9.4%). MON decreased
de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2CENA, Universidade de São
GP (117.5 vs. 103.7 mL), CH4 production (13.0 vs. 9.8 mL), CH4 to
Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
gas ratio (0.1100 vs. 0.0943), and truly degraded dry matter (TDDM;
57.4 vs. 50.9%) when compared with CTL. MON did not affect total Copaibas (Copaifera sp.) are Brazilian trees whose oil extracted from
SCFA and C2 concentrations, but increased C3 concentration (12.3 vs. the trunk shows antimicrobial properties. A randomized complete
14.0 mM) and decreased C4 concentration (8.6 vs. 7.5 mM) when con- block design was used to determine the effects of C. reticulata, C.
trasted with CTL. All Copaiba oils at 150 µL had lower GP than CTL. multijuga, and C. langsdorfii oils on rumen fermentation of an 80:20
However, TDDM was reduced by all Copaiba oils in both doses. The concentrate:forage diet by using an in vitro gas production (GP) system.
CH4 production and CH4 to gas ratio did not differ between Copaifera Treatments were: control (CTL), pure monensin at 3 µM (MON), and
sp. oils and CTL. Total SCFA, C2, and C3 concentrations, as well as 75 or 150 µL of C. reticulata (RET75 and RET150), C. multijuga
C2 to C3 ratio were also not influenced by Copaifera sp. oils. The only (MLT75 and MLT150), or C. langsdorfii (LNG75 and LNG150) oil. In
exception was C. reticulata oil at 75 µL, which showed a greater C3 each flask (160 mL), 0.5 g of diet (91.4% DM) was incubated with 50
concentration than CTL (12.3 vs.13.0 mM). All treatments showed simi- mL of medium and 25 mL of rumen fluid at 39°C for 16 h. Replicates
lar results for ammonia concentration. Results indicate that Copaifera were n = 6 for GP and n = 3 for all other variables. Two inocula from
sp. oils decreased in vitro DM degradability with minimal effects on lambs (n = 3 each) adapted to the incubated diet were used as source of
fermentation profile of coastcross hay. variation. The PROC Mixed of SAS was used with differences declared
when P < 0.05. By GC/MS analysis, major secondary compounds in
Key Words: methane, plant extracts, plant secondary compounds
oils were RET – trans-caryophyllene (50.2%) and α-humulene (8.1%);
MLT – trans-caryophyllene (21.9%), α-trans-bergamotene (11.4%),
M365 Effects of garlic oil on methane production, microbial and β-bisabolene (9.1%); LNG – trans-caryophyllene (56.5%) and
growth and diet fermentation in Rusitec fermenters. M. D. α-humulene (9.4%). Compared with CTL, MON decreased GP (160.3
Carro*1,2, M. L. Tejido1,2, C. Saro1,2, and M. J. Ranilla1,2, 1Dept. Pro- vs. 147.5 mL) and CH4 production (16.3 vs. 13.8 mL) as well as truly
ducción Animal, Universidad de León, 24071 León, Spain, 2Instituto degraded dry matter (TDDM; 81.5 vs. 77.9%). MON did not affect total
de Ganadería de Montaña (CSIC-ULE), Finca Marzanas, 24346 Grul- SCFA and C2 concentrations, but increased C3 concentration (17.9 vs.
leros, León, Spain. 21.3 mM) and decreased C2 to C3 ratio (2.67 vs. 2.21) when compared
with CTL. MLT75 (164.8 mL), LNG75 (167.7 mL), and LNG150 (165.5
Garlic oil (GAR) has been shown to reduce methane production in the mL) had greater GP than CTL (160.3 mL). No effects were observed
rumen, but little is known about its effects on ruminal microbial growth. for all oils on CH4 production, CH4 to gas ratio, and TDDM. Compared
Two 15-d incubation runs were conducted with 4 Rusitec fermenters with CTL, LNG150 showed greater total SCFA (89.9 vs. 98.7 mM) and
to investigate the effects of GAR on ruminal microbial growth and
138 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
C2 (48.0 vs. 53.9 mM) concentrations. RET75, RET150, and LNG150 To determine the effect of the 3 DFMs on fiber digestion, the %DM
showed greater C3 concentration (19.1, 19.3, 18.9 mM, respectively) and %NDF disappearance of samples of wet (WDG) and dry Distillers
when contrasted with CTL (17.9 mM). All oils did not affect C2 to C3 grains (DDG) (+/− solubles), wet corn gluten (CG), alfalfa hay (AH)
ratio. Copaiba oils affected rumen fermentation of a high-concentrate and the mixed ration (MR) the animals were fed, was measured using
diet without effects on methanogenesis. C. langsdorfii oil at 150 µL the Daisy fermentor. Incubation jars, including a control (no addition)
showed the most positive effects by increasing total SCFA concentra- were set up by mixing SRF with anaerobic buffer (1:4). Each DFM
tion. was added to a jar along with filter bags containing a known amount of
each substrate. Triplicate bags were removed at 0, 3, 6, 12 and 24h and
Key Words: methane, plant extracts, plant secondary compounds
analyzed for fiber content. All incubations were repeated on 2 different
days. Compared with control, all 3 DFMs reduced the accumulation
M367 Effects of supplemental poultry fat on calves grazing ber- of lactate from corn starch at 9 and 24h (P < 0.008) and significantly
mudagrass pasture. J. G. Powell*, T. J. Wistuba, and E. B. Kegley, reduced lactate accumulation from ground corn at 6 h (P < 0.05). No
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. effect of the DFMs on gas production or pH was seen. The effects on fiber
digestion were DFM, substrate and time dependent. MLB significantly
Bermudagrass is a warm season perennial found throughout the south- increased %NDFd of DDGs at 6 and 12h and MR at 3 and 24h (P <
eastern US If fertilized, bermudagrass can contain adequate crude protein 0.05). LSC increased %DMd and %NDFd of CG by 24 h (P < 0.05). All
for growing cattle, but energy is often limiting for maximal growth 3 DFMs increased %NDFd of WDGS (P < 0.05) in the later part of the
rates. Supplementing grain will increase energy intake; although at incubation. No significant effect was observed on the other substrates
high rates of supplementation grain can cause decreased forage intake. tested. To conclude, DFMs may help reduce lactate accumulation and
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of adding improve fiber digestion.
poultry fat to a grain supplement on growth performance of calves
grazing bermudagrass; the supplemental fat could make a more energy Key Words: DFM
dense, beneficial, supplement or alternatively the added fat could impair
rumen fiber digestion and thus reduce forage intake. Sixty calves (228
M369 Effect of a commercial microbial inoculant (Promote) on
± 3.2 kg, 30 heifers and 30 steers) were obtained from a single source.
corn silage and animal performance. C. J. Fruge*, F. M. LeMieux,
Calves were stratified by sex and weight and assigned randomly to 6
W. A. Storer, and T. H. Shields, McNeese State University, Lake
2.4-ha pastures. Pastures were assigned randomly to receive 1 of 2 treat-
Charles, LA.
ments. The 2 treatments were corn-soybean meal supplements with 0
or 5% poultry fat. Supplements were formulated to be isonitrogenous An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a commercial
(17% CP, DM basis). Calves were offered 1.1 kg/d of the appropriate microbial inoculant (Promote) for corn silage and the subsequent effect
supplement for the 140-d trial. Calves were weighed and forage avail- on heifer performance. The 3 experimental treatments were: 1) no
ability in the pastures was measured at 28-d intervals. Cattle growth inoculant (control), 2) inoculant (100,000 CFU per gram of corn silage),
and forage availability were analyzed using the mixed procedures of and 3) inoculant (50,000 CFU per gram of corn silage). Promote was
SAS with pen as the experimental unit. Pregnancy data were analyzed applied to corn silage as a liquid suspension during the ensiling process
using the GENMOD procedures of SAS with heifer as the experimental in horizontal poly bags. Silage samples were collected at d 0, 7, 14, 21,
unit. Supplemental poultry fat did not affect final BW (337 vs. 336 kg, and 61 relative to ensiling. Samples were analyzed (Analab, Fulton,
P = 0.76) or ADG (P = 0.86). No differences were detected in available IL) for chemical composition for each treatment. Levels of lactic acid
forage due to dietary treatment (treatment × day interaction, P = 0.43). increased while pH decreased in both treatments of inoculated silage.
After the trial, heifers were kept as a single group, fed a common diet, A growth study with developing heifers, (n = 225) average initial wt
and bred. There was no effect of supplemental fat during the growing 261 kg, was initiated at d 135 post ensiling. After a 14 d acclimation
phase on the number of heifers that became pregnant (53 vs. 43%, P = to feeding, heifers were randomly allotted (n = 75) to receive one of
0.72). Adding 5% poultry fat to the grain supplement fed to growing the 3 treatments as the forage component of their diet. Heifers were
cattle grazing bermudagrass had no impact on growth. weighed on d −14, 0, 21, 55, and 86 to obtain ADG. Heifers consum-
ing diets treated with Promote had increased (P < 0.01) ADG during
Key Words: growing cattle, poultry fat, bermudagrass
the first month. Subsequently, heifers receiving the untreated silage
excelled. Overall ADG between heifers receiving treatments 1 and 2
M368 Studying the effect of different direct fed microbials on became similar (P > 0.1) by d 86 and were greater than (P < 0.01) heif-
rumen fermentation in vitro. D. Barrau, M. Quintino Cintora, and ers receiving treatment 3.
N. D. Walker*, Lallemand Animal Nutrition, Montreal, QC, Canada. Key Words: silage, inoculant, heifer
Direct-fed microbials (DFMs) are commonly used in the beef feedlot
industry to improve host health and productivity. The aim was to study
M370 Effects of Fibrozyme on in vitro ruminal digestion and
the effect on rumen fermentation of a live yeast DFM Levucell SC (LSC),
fermentation of a corn and wet distillers-based finishing beef diet
and 2 bacterial DFM products; one containing L. buchneri (MLB); the
with and without monensin. J. M. Tricarico, M. A. Witt, and J. S.
other a mixture of L. buchneri and L. acidophilus, (MLB+LA) with
Jennings*, Alltech, Inc., Brookings, SD.
incubations which had no added DFM. Rumen contents were removed
before feeding from 3 steers fed a finishing diet (70% high moisture Two in vitro ruminal fermentation experiments were conducted to ana-
corn, 15% DDGs, 10% alfalfa hay) and pooled. Strained contents (SRF) lyze the effects of a fibrolytic enzyme (Fibrozyme, Alltech Inc.) dose
were mixed with anaerobic buffer (1:1) and used to set up triplicate on digestibility of a corn and wet distillers-based finishing diet with or
batch incubations containing either glucose, corn starch or ground corn, without monensin. Diets were a conventional finishing diet containing
+/− the test DFMs. Bacterial DFMs were added at a final cfu/ml of 1 monensin at 50 μg/g of substrate (CONV) or a natural finishing diet with
× 10e05, yeast at 1 × 10e06. At 0, 3, 6, 9 and 24 h, gas production and no monensin (NAT). The diet substrate (0.5g) was weighed in an Ankom
pH were measured and samples removed for VFA and lactate analysis. bag and placed in a sealed 200 mL glass bottle. Bottles were flushed with
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 139
CO2 and 100 mL of a 20% rumen fluid 80% buffer solution was added M372 Effects of supplementing an exogenous proteolytic enzyme
to begin the 72 h incubation period. Rumen fluid was collected from a on growth performance in growing beef steers. J. M. Vera1, C.
single Holstein cow, receiving a common dairy TMR. During Exp. 1, T. Noviandi*1, Arief2, J.-S. Eun1, and D. R. ZoBell1, 1Department of
the CONV and NAT diets with and without Fibrozyme at 0, 0.6, and 1.2 Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary Sciences, Utah State University, Logan,
mg/mL of inoculum were compared. Fibrozyme was then applied to the 2Faculty of Animal Science, Andalas University, Padang, West Sumatra,
NAT diet at 0, 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 mg/mL of inoculum in Exp. 2. Enzyme Indonesia.
by diet interactions occurred (P < 0.05) for true DM (TDMD) and NDF
An exogenous proteolytic enzyme (EPE) has been previously found
digestibility (NDFD) in Exp. 1. Fibrozyme increased TDMD (87.4, 88.7,
to increase in vitro NDF degradability of dried distillers grains with
and 89.1%) and NDFD (26.1, 33.7, and 36.1%) linearly (P < 0.05) in the
solubles (DDGS). To further investigate the effects of EPE, 48 Angus
CONV diet but only the highest dose increased TDMD (86.0 vs. 87.0%)
crossbred growing beef steers (292 ± 25.2 kg BW) were used to assess
and NDFD (30.3 vs. 35.4%) in the NAT diet. After elevating the dose
the growth performance when fed a DDGS-based TMR diet without
further in the NAT diet (Exp. 2), the increases in TDMD (86.0 vs. 89.0
or with an EPE supplementation in a completely randomized design.
and 89.1%) and NDFD (25.8 vs. 41.8 and 42.3%) were similar for 1.2
The growing TMR diet consisted of 13.6% alfalfa hay, 50.3% corn
and 1.8 mg/mL of supplemental Fibrozyme inclusion. In addition, 1.8
silage, 30.7% DDGS, and 5.4% feedlot supplement (DM basis). The
mg/mL of supplemental Fibrozyme increased (P < 0.05) final culture
EPE contained 38,622 U/g protease activity with negligible fibrolytic
pH (6.51 vs. 6.56) and reduced butyrate molar proportions (0.183 vs.
activities. The EPE was diluted with water and added at a rate of 0.52
0.173). Fibrozyme inclusion also tended (P = 0.06) to increase the
g/kg DM TMR as it was mixing for the group of EPE treatment. Four
fractional rate of degradation linearly (0.065, 0.073, 0.077, and 0.079
animals were placed in each pen, and 6 pens allocated to each treatment.
h-1). These results are consistent with our hypothesis that Fibrozyme
All steers were adapted to the TMR diet for a 2-week period before start
will increase digestibility in finishing feedlot diets with a lower effective
of the trial. Feed was offered for ad libitum consumption once daily at
dose of Fibrozyme in the presence of monensin.
0800 h with free access to water. Feed intake was measured weekly,
Key Words: fibrolytic enzyme, digestibility, finishing diet and individual BW of steers was recorded on 2 consecutive days at
the beginning of trial and wk 4 and 8. The experiment lasted 56 d, and
data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. There were
M371 Influence of condensed tannin supplementation on protein no significant differences (P > 0.10) for final BW (398 vs. 401 kg), BW
efficiency, microbial protein yield, nitrogen balance and ruminal gain (107 vs. 108 kg), and ADG (1.90 vs. 1.93 kg/d) between control
fermentation characteristics in beef steers fed high concentrate and EPE treatment, respectively. Furthermore, EPE supplementation did
diet. R. Mezzomo*1, P. V. R. Paulino1, M. S. Duarte1, L. S. Moura1, not affect DM intake (10.5 vs. 10.0 kg/d) and gain to feed ratio (0.191
L. H. P. Silva1, E. San Vito1, L. D. A. Rufino1, C. Cabral2, D. Grandini3, vs. 0.199). Therefore, supplementation of an EPE product at the dose
and S. C. Valadares Filho1, 1Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, rate used in this study did not alter growth performance of growing beef
MG, Brazil, 2Silva Team, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3Nutron, Itapira, steers fed a DDGS-based TMR diet.
SP, Brazil.
Key Words: exogenous proteolytic enzyme, growing beef steers,
This trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of condensed tannin (TN) growth performance
associated or not with a true protein source on protein efficiency, micro-
bial protein yield, nitrogen balance and ruminal fermentation character-
istics (RFC) in beef steers fed high concentrate diet (87% of DM). Four M373 Effects of zinc and chlortetracycline supplements on growth
crossbred steers (407 kg BW) fitted with rumen cannula were assigned performance, blood metabolites, carcass characteristics, and claw
to a 4x4 latin square design, arranged in a 2x2 factorial arrangement. health in young Holstein bulls. H. Fagari-Nobijari1, H. Amanlou1,
Steers were fed a basal diet based on cracked corn, whole cottonseed, M. Dehghan-Banadaky*2, and M. H. Shahir1, 1University of Zanjan,
sugar-cane bagasse, mineral mixture and one out of 4 supplements: Zanjan, Iran, 2University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
soybean meal with condensed tannin; soybean meal without condensed
This study conducted to evaluate the effects of supplementing finish-
tannin; condensed tannin without soybean meal and a treatment without
ing diet with zinc and/or chlortetracycline on growth performance and
both soybean meal and condensed tannin. Quebracho extract were used
claw health of calves. Holstein bulls (n = 212; initial BW = 375.5 ±
as tannin source, included to provide 4 g of TN/100 g of diet DM and
18.4 kg) were randomly allocated to one of 4 treatments in a completely
the diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous. The nitrogen balance
randomized design as a 2 × 2 factorial experiment for 56 d. Dietary
indicated that the use of TN improved the efficiency of nitrogen utiliza-
treatments include: 1) the basal diet (control); 2) basal diet plus 150
tion (P < 0.10), however, no differences were observed when soybean
mg of Zn/kg of DM as ZnSO4; 3) basal diet plus chlortetracycline (200
meal was added to the diet (P > 0.10). There was an interaction (P <
mg/animal/d; CTC); and 4) basal diet plus 150 mg of Zn/kg of DM +
0.10) between condensed tannin and soybean mean supplementation on
CTC (200 mg/animal/d). Animals received fresh total mixed ration for
the flux of rumen undegradable protein (RUP), metabolizable protein
ad libitum. DMI was measured daily. BWs were recorded and blood
(MP) and on the ratio MP:CP. In the presence of soybean meal the
samples were collected on d 0, 28, and 56. Liver samples were taken
addition of TN increased the flux of RUP (302.24 to 416.02 g/d), MP
on d 56. Ultrasound measurements of backfat thickness (UFAT), rump
(540.23 to 671.03 g/d) and improved the ratio MP:CP (58.69 to 46.54).
fat thickness (URPFAT), and longissimus muscle area (ULMA) were
Microbial protein yield and microbial efficiency did not differ among
made on d 56. All claws of animals were examined every 2 weeks to
treatments (P > 0.10). There was no effect of TN supplementation (P >
identify claw lesions. Data were statistically analyzed using the repeated
0.10) on ruminal pH, VFA and ammonia (N-NH3) concentration. N-NH3
measures option in Proc Mixed of SAS. Zn supplement decreased ADG,
increased and ruminal pH decreased with the inclusion of soybean
G:F, and apparent DM digestibility (P < 0.01); however, DMI was not
meal (P < 0.10) in the diet. The utilization of condensed tannin as an
influenced. Dietary CTC improved G:F on d 28 to 56 and decreased DM
additive in cattle fed high concentrate diet using soybean meal as true
digestibility, but it did not affect ADG and DMI. Dietary CTC increased
protein source implies in positive effects on efficiency of N utilization,
plasma total protein and urea nitrogen. Zinc supplementation decreased
increasing the flux of metabolizable protein.
ULMA. The supplementation of CTC decreased UFAT and URPFAT.
Key Words: Quebracho extract, feedlot, RUP
140 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Serum concentration of Zn, Cu, plasma total protein, albumin, alkaline improve carcass characteristics and growth performance of finishing
phosphatase, and Zn concentration of liver were affected by the inter- bulls, but it may not prevent lameness. However, lameness decreased
action of CTC × Zn. The prevalence of lameness was 14.15% with the when Cu supplementation was used with CTC.
highest odds ratio (OR) for lameness in control and Zn supplemented
Key Words: copper, chlortetracycline, young bulls
groups (OR = 7.2, 2.53, respectively). In summary, CTC supplementa-
tion did not improve ADG and G:F in bulls, however it affected carcass
characteristics and improved claw health. Supplemental Zn decreased M375 Chlortetracycline supplementation affected carcass char-
ADG and G:F and did not decrease lameness. acteristics and claw health in young Holstein bulls. H. Fagari-Nobi-
Key Words: zinc, chlortetracycline, young bulls jari1, M. Dehghan-Banadaky*2, S. H. Hosseini-Sabeghi3, H. Amanlou1,
and A. Shabani4, 1University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran, 2University of
Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran, 3Ghaemshahr Islamic Azad University,
M374 The use of copper and chlortetracycline supplements for Ghaemshahr, Iran, 4Tabriz Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
improving of growth performance, carcass characteristics and claw
One hundred and 6 young Holstein bulls (initial BW = 376 ± 19.5 kg)
health in young Holstein bulls. H. Fagari-Nobijari1, H. Amanlou1, M.
were randomly allocated to 2 treatments in a completely randomized
Dehghan-Banadaky*2, and A. Shabani3, 1University of Zanjan, Zanjan,
design for 56d. Treatment groups received 1) the basal diet with no
Iran, 2University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran, 3Tabriz Islamic Azad
supplemental chlortetracycline (control) and 2) basal diet plus chlortet-
University, Tabriz, Iran.
racycline (100 mg/animal/d; CTC). Animals received fresh total mix
Two hundred 12 young Holstein bulls (initial body weight = 375.4 ± ration for ad libitum allowing 10% orts. Group dry matter intake was
17.1 Kg) were allotted to one of 4 treatments in a completely randomized measured daily. The Body Weights were recorded and Jugular blood
design as a 2 × 2 factorial experiment for 56 d. treatments include: 1) the samples were collected on d 0, 28 and 56. Ultrasound measurements of
basal diet (control); 2) basal diet plus 30 mg of Cu/kg of DM as CuSO4; backfat thickness (UFAT), rump fat thickness (URPFAT), and longis-
3) basal diet plus chlortetracycline (200 mg/animal/d; CTC); and 4) basal simus muscle area (ULMA) were made on d 56. All claws of animals
diet plus 30 mg of Cu/kg of DM + CTC (200 mg/animal/d). Animals examined every 2 weeks for identifying claw lesions. Chlortetracycline
received a fresh total mix ration for ad libitum. DMI was measured supplementation tended to decrease average daily gain (ADG) (P =
daily. The body weights were recorded and jugular blood samples were 0.2) but gain:feed (G:F) did not differ (P = 0.48). Also, URPFAT was
collected on d 0, 28 and 56. Ultrasound measurements of backfat thick- not affected by treatments (P = 0.2). However, CTC tended to decrease
ness (UFAT), rump fat thickness (URPFAT), and longissimus muscle UFAT (P = 0.07). Statically, young bulls supplemented with CTC did
area (ULMA) were made on d 56. All claws of young bulls examined not increase ULMA vs. unsupplemented animals (P = 0.3). Supple-
every 2 weeks for identifying claw lesions. Data were statistically mental CTC improved serum concentrations of Cu (P = 0.04) and Zn
analyzed using the repeated measures option in Proc Mixed of SAS. (P = 0.004) and also, decreased cholesterol (P = 0.05) than control.
Copper supplementation with or without CTC improved average daily There was no difference between treatments on concentration of plasma
gain, gain:feed and it might also influenced carcass characteristics (P IGF-I (P = 0.4). The prevalence of lameness was 19.81%. Lameness
< 0.05). Serum cholesterol decreased with Cu supplementation. Serum was most frequently observed in the control group (OR = 4.08). The
urea nitrogen tended to decrease by CTC supplementation (P < 0.1) prevalence of skin and interdigital space disorders (ID) was the great-
and serum Ca tended to increase by supplemental of Cu (P < 0.1). Cu est cause of lameness in the present study (52.38% of whole lameness)
supplementation decreased UFAT and UPRFAT; however, it increased and was higher in control than the other group (OR = 5.17; 42.85% of
ULMA. Interaction of Cu × CTC affected UPRFAT (P > 0.03); also, whole lameness). Statistically, the prevalence of sole disorders (SD),
UFAT tended to decrease by interaction of Cu × CTC (P < 0.1). Supple- white line disorders (WD), and heel erosion (HE) were not different (P
mental CTC had no effect on ultrasound carcass characteristics. Hip = 0.56, 0.33, and 0.56, respectively). In summary, supplemental CTC
height was similar between treatments. The prevalence of lameness and may decrease growth performance in finishing bulls, however, it may
skin and interdigital space disorders (ID) were high in Cu supplemented successfully prevent lameness and may alter fat metabolism.
bulls compared with CTC group (OR = 2.97 and 1.94, respectively).
Key Words: chlortetracycline, claw health, young bulls
The prevalence of white line disorders, heel erosion, and sole disorders
statistically were not significant. In summary, supplemental Cu may
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 141
Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Forages, Fiber, Grazing
M376 Effect of chestnut tannins supplement on milk production that were used to compare fungal biomass, was quantified by Image
traits of dairy sheep on pasture. A. Nudda*1, G. Battacone1, A. Fenu1, J 1.29x and the data was analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS
M. Decandia2, M. Sitzia2, M. Acciaro2, and G. Pulina1, 1Dipartimento di for a completely randomized design. The result showed that growth of
Scienze Zootecniche, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy, 2Agricultural rumen anaerobic fungi in the medium containing MS treated with NaOH
Research Agency of Sardinia - AGRIS Sardegna, Sassari, Italy. and steam (+0.24, +0.19, respectively) was greater than untreated MS
(−0.61) and the highest fungi growth was for medium containing MS
The use of tannins in grazing ruminants reduces OM digestibility in the
treated with NaOH+steam (+0.63) (P < 0.05). Therefore it is appears that
rumen and increases protein escape. This is particularly desirable when
rumen anaerobic fungi growth and in vitro maize stubble degradation
animals graze on grass with a high content of soluble protein, because
increased by NaOH and steam treatments.
tannins can reduce the production of ammonia in the rumen and increase
the protein available for intestinal digestion. The present study aimed Key Words: maize stubble, rumen fungi, steam
to investigate the milk productive response of dairy ewes, grazing on
pasture composed by 70% of Medicago polymorpha (27.5% dry matter,
DM; 44.3% NDF, 29.5% ADF, 18.3% CP, on a DM basis) and 30% of M378 The in vitro fermentation of sesame straw processed with
Lolium rigidum (39.6% DM; 58.3% NDF, 31.2% ADF, 9.4% CP, on alkali by rumen isolated bacteria. T. Mohammadabadi* and M. Chaji,
a DM basis), to the supplementation of concentrate (300 g/d; 87.1% Department of Animal Science, Ramin (Khuzestan) Agriculture and
DM; 29.4% NDF, 16.9% ADF, 17.6% CP, on a DM basis) containing Natural Resources University, Ahwaz (Molassani), Khuzestan, Iran.
3 levels of commercial chestnut hydrolyzable tannin (0, 6 and 12%, The aim of this study was to determine rumen bacteria fibrolytic activ-
on a DM basis; T0, T6 and T12, respectively). Thirty-six 2- to 4-yr- ity by using disappearance of DM and NDF in rumen isolated bacteria
old Sarda ewes (12 per experimental group), in mid lactation (90–120 culture containing sesame straw (SS) as untreated and or treated with
DIM), and grazing on pasture were used in this one-month trial. Daily sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The experimental samples were including;
milk production was recorded and daily milk samples were collected untreated SS and SS treated with 30, 40 and 50 g/kg DM NaOH; USS,
for analysis of fat, protein, lactose, SCC and urea. Data were analyzed N1SS, N2SS and N3SS, respectively. Rumen fluid collected from 4
by ANOVA including tannin level and sampling as fixed factors and fistulated sheep, centrifuged (1000 rpm, 10 min), and supernatant was
their interaction. Tannin level did not influence milk yield and milk fat used to grow bacteria in medium containing fungicides (benomyle: 500
and protein concentration. Lactose was higher in T12 than in T0, being ppm/mL medium and metalaxyle: 10 mg/ml medium) under anaerobic
T6 intermediate. The urea content was not modified by the addition of conditions at 39°C for 24 h. These isolates were then used as a source
tannin to the diet. The SCC was lowered by the inclusion of tannin in the of inoculum for culturing bacteria in a serum bottle containing 45 mL
diet. These results showed that the dose of tannins used did not modify of culture medium and 1 g of experimental sample under anaerobic
the productive performance of dairy sheep on pasture. conditions (using 3 times subculture) for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. The
Research supported by the Ministero dell′Istruzione dell′Università e residual substrates of each bottle were then filtered and used to determine
della Ricerca (Project PRIN 2008). disappearance of DM and NDF. Data of DM and NDF disappearance
Key Words: dairy sheep, tannins, milk were analyzed as a completely randomized design using the general
linear model procedure of SAS (1990). The result showed disappearance
of DM after 96 h incubation by rumen isolated bacteria will be 67.3,
M377 The estimation of rumen fungi growth on maize stubble 78.3, 86.3 and 92.1 g/100 g for untreated SS and treated with 30, 40
treated with steam and sodium hydroxide by using of quantita- and 50 g/k g DM NaOH, respectively (P < 0.05). The highest increase
tive competitive polymerase chain reaction. M. Chaji* and T. of NDF disappearance after 96 h incubation was for SS treated with
Mohammadabadi, Department of Animal Science, Ramin (Khuzestan) 50 g/kg DM NaOH (452.3 mg/g DM) that fallowed by SS treated with
Agricultural and Natural Resources University, Ahwaz (Molassani), 40 and 30 g/kg DM NaOH (420.2 and 383.3 mg/g DM, respectively)
Khuzestan, Iran. (P < 0.05). Therefore, it appears that the growth and fibrolytic activity
of rumen isolated bacteria on sesame straw is influenced by sodium
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect sodium hydroxide
hydroxide content.
(NaOH) and steam on growth of rumen anaerobic fungi on maize stubble
(MS) using quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction (QC- Key Words: sesame straw, sodium hydroxide, rumen bacteria
PCR) assay. Rumen fungi were isolated from pre-incubated wheat straw
in the rumen of fistulated sheep and then grown by Joblin (1981) method.
These isolates were used (1:9) as a source of fungi inoculums in serum M379 Synergism between cellulolytic and non-cellulolytic rumen
bottles containing fungi culture medium, 1 g maize stubble (as untreated bacteria on different fibrous substrates: Study in semi-defined cul-
or treated with 45 g/ kg DM NaOH, steam at 130°C and 120 min, and or tures. J. Chiquette* and K. Lauzon, Agriculture Canada, Sherbrooke,
NaOH+steam; UMS, T1MS, T2MS and T3MS, respectively) and 1 mL Quebec, Canada.
antibiotic solution at 39°C (3 times sub culturing). Total genomic DNA The objective was to investigate the occurrence of synergistic fibrolysis
was isolated from pure culture samples using guanidine thiocyanate- when cellulolytic bacteria are cocultured with non-cellulolytics in a
silica gel method. A universal PCR primer pair GAF (F): 5′-GAG GAA semi-defined medium in vitro. Cellulolytic bacteria were Fibrobacter
GTA AAA GTC GTT AAC AAG GTT TG-3′ and GAF (R): 5′-GAA succinogenes GC5 and Ruminococcus flavefaciens NJ and the non-
ATT CAC AAA GGG TAG GAT GAT TT-3′ was used to amplify a cellulolytics were Prevotella bryantii 25A and Prevotella ruminicola
specific region of 18S rDNA from rumen anaerobic fungi. Standard 19189. Timothy hay and alfalfa hay were used as substrates to measure
control DNA was constructed to use in the QC-PCR and was shown to NDF disappearance with time (3 and 7 d). Each bacterial population was
amplify under the same reaction condition and the same amplification quantified by real-time PCR when in monoculture or when cocultured
efficiency as the target DNA. The relative intensities of PCR products on the different substrates. Cellulolytic bacteria were grown at 37°C
142 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
for 72 h in basal medium containing 1% (w/v) Avicel (NJ) or 0.3% cel- and protein, dry matter and organic digestibility in batch culture. The
lulose filter paper (GC5). Non-cellulolytic bacteria were grown in basal experiment was performed at 39°C for 24 h. Culture flasks containing
medium containing 0.5% (w/v) cellobiose as a sole carbon source until 3 g of dairy cow diet were added with 120 mL mixture of rumen fluid
the end of the log phase (12h). The OD-adjusted inocula were added in and buffer (1:3). The extraction of Sangyot rice bran (SYE) and Hom
monocultures (0.2 mL) or in cocultures (0.2 mL each for cellulolytics Mali rice bran (MLE) using 95% ethanol had been carried out. Seven
and non-cellulolytics) to tubes containing 10 mL of basal medium with treatments of the 2 extracts were prepared at concentrations of 0.05, 0.5,
100 mg of each substrate. After 7 d of incubation, a greater disappear- 5 mg/ml and the control (without the extract). They were subsequently
ance of timothy NDF was observed when R. flavefaciens was cocultured arranged in CRD and added to the culture flasks in triplicate. The results
with P. ruminicola (18.2%) or P. bryantii (18.1%) compared with the showed that ammonia concentration was decreased (P < 0.05) by SYE
monoculture of R. flavefaciens (16.4%) (P ≤ 0.05). Similarly, when F. 5 mg/ml (6.23 mM) and it was increased (P < 0.05) by MLE 5 mg/L
succinogenes was cocultured on timothy hay with P. ruminicola, NDF (11.54 mM) when compared with the control (9.38 mM). The obtained
disappearance was greater (26.9%) compared with the monoculture results were parallel with the results of protein digestibility which was
of F. succinogenes (24.3%) (P ≤ 0.05). P. ruminicola was in greater decreased (P < 0.05) by SYE 5 mg/mL (39.89%) and increased (P <
number when cocultured with NJ or GC5 on timothy hay (P ≤ 0.05). P. 0.05) by MLE 5 mg/mL (49.11%) when compared with the control
bryantii tended to be in greater number (P ≤ 0.15) when cocultured with (48.04%). Dry matter and organic matter digestibility was decreased
R. flavefaciens. There was no synergistic fibrolysis between the 2 bacte- (P < 0.05) by SYE 5 mg/mL (51.95 and 50.23%, respectively) when
rial groups on alfalfa hay. These results demonstrated that synergistic compared with the control (61.11 and 60.33%, respectively). The rest
fibrolysis was substrate dependent and was accompanied by increased and the control were not significantly different (P > 0.05). The highest
populations of the non-cellulolytic bacteria. OD was MLE 5 mg/mL (2.77) followed by the OD of SYE 5 mg/mL
(2.56). Both were higher (P < 0.05) than the OD of the control (2.27).
Key Words: synergism, fibrolysis, rumen
The lowest concentrations of acetic acid and propionic acid (49.99 and
24.12 mM, respectively) were detected when treated with SYE 5 mg/mL.
M380 Effects of chemical treatments on in situ ruminal degrada- Butyric acid concentrations of all the treatments were not significantly
tion of canola straw in Holstein cows. M. Ghiasvand, M. Dehghan- different (P > 0.05) ranging from 10.62 to 14.09 mM. In conclusion,
Banadaky*, and K. Rezayazdi, Department of Animal Sci., Campus of SYE 5 mg/ml decreased the digestibility of protein, dry matter and
Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran. organic matter whereas MLE 5 mg/L enhances the highest growth of
rumen microbes. None of the extracts were able to increase propionic
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different chemical acid concentration in batch culture.
treatments on canola straw including: T1 urea (3% of DM); T2 urea and
molasses (urea 3% and molasses 2% of DM); T3 ammonium hydroxide Key Words: rice bran extract, rumen, batch culture
(3% of DM); T4 sodium hydroxide (5% of DM); T5 sodium hydroxide
and hydrogen peroxide (NaOH 5% and H2O2 2% of DM); and T6 water
M382 The effect of sewage irrigation on mineral composition
(2.5 L/ Kg DM). All treatments received 2.5 L water/ kg DM of canola
and in vitro digestibility of forage sorghum. E. Yosef*1, J. Miron1,
straw. Chopped straw treated in double plastic bags at room tempera-
E. Zukermann2, M. Nikbachat1, and D. Ben-Ghedalia1, 1ARO Israel,
ture for 21 d then samples of each treatment collected and used for in
Bet-Dagan Israel, 2Extension Service-Ministry of Agriculture, Bet-
situ nylon bags procedure. Three nonlactating, ruminally cannulated
Dagan, Israel.
Holstein cows were used for the in situ experiment. Samples incubated
in rumen for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. Bags residual analyzed for Sorghum is common summer forage cultivated in Israel, and due to lack
dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) to calculate ruminal of summer rainfalls it needs irrigation. Use of sewage water irrigation
disappearance of nutrients. Data were fitted to the nonlinear regression increased in Israel due to regional droughts and the necessity to eliminate
equation: D(t) = a + b(1 – e-ct) where D is percentage disappearance the excess urban waste water. The purpose of this study was to evaluate
of DM or NDF at time t, a the soluble fraction and b the less rapidly the effect of secondary-treated sewage water irrigation on the composi-
degradable fraction which disappears at the constant fractional rate c tion and in vitro digestibility of forage sorghum strain FS5 grown for
per time t. Fraction of a for DM and NDF in T4,5 were greater than summer and sequential autumn harvests. The irrigation treatments were
other treatments. Ruminal degradation rate (c) of DM and NDF were sewage (S) vs. flood (F) water at a level of 1890 m3 /ha during summer
significantly faster in treated compared with untreated straw, but T4 growth and a level of 2400 m3/ha during sequential autumn growth.
and 5 increased degradation rates and degradability compared to other Each treatment consisted of 5 replicate plots and sampled by manual
treatments. Although T4 and T5 had similar actions, T4 is prefer because harvesting at the soft dough stage of maturity. The conductivity of S
of less chemical material usage and cost. and F water was 1.41 and 0.81 ds/m, respectively. The plant morphol-
ogy, crop yields and NDF content were not affected by type of water
Key Words: canola straw, chemical treatments, ruminal degradation
irrigation; however, yields and plant protein content were significantly
lower in autumn cut than in summer cut for both treatments. The S
M381 Effect of rice bran extracts on fermentation, protein, dry treatment had no significant effect on DM digestibility in vitro of both
matter and organic matter digestibility in rumen in vitro. D. harvests (62.9% vs. 61.5% for 1st cut and 60.7% vs. 59.1% for 2nd
Srichana*1 and S. Kondo2, 1Department of Agricultural Technology, cut). The NDF content of autumn cut was higher and dry matter and
Faculty of Science & Technology, Thammasat University, Pathumtani, NDF digestibility lower as compared with summer plants. However, in
Thailand, 2Faculty of Medicne, Thammasat University, Pathumtani, summer harvest, S treatment decreased significantly NDF digestibility as
Thailand. compared with F treatment (43.1% vs. 47.4%). Despite higher mineral
concentrations in S water as compared with F water: Na (x 5.4), S (x
Rice bran consists of γ-oryzanol which has ferulic acid, a phenolic 2.6), K (x 14), P (x 473), Al (x 5.6), B (x 2.4), Mn (x 24.3), Cu (x 31.9),
compound as a component. Phenolic compounds have been known to the mineral content of sorghum plants from both treatments was similar.
change rumen fermentation. Hence this study was conducted to investi- In autumn cut plants, B and Na contents were by 98% and 109% higher
gate the effect of rice bran extracts on rumen fermentation end products
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 143
than in summer cut. In summer plants the nitrate contents were 4 fold O. amyctaea, O. hytiacantha, O. imbricata. O. robusta, O. streptacanta,
higher than in the autumn plants. In this study the minerals content of and O. tomentosa. Consecutive methanolic extractions in triplicate were
secondary-treated sewage water were below the critical level that might realized whether from whole plants, steams, leafs, cladodes, fruits, flow-
damage sorghum quality. ers or a mixture of them. A screening of AA was completed with TLC
method against DPPH+ whereas TP was made with Folin-Ciocalteu
Key Words: sorghum forage, digestibility, minerals
reagent. FV and HA were determined by HPLC. Results showed that
all the extracts displayed AA, though the pronounced effects have a
M383 Kinetics of degradation assessment and prediction of the positive relation with TP content. TP, HA and FV were found in higher
fraction of indigestible neutral detergent fiber by-products. J. G. means on fruits and flowers while the lowest were achieved by stems,
L. Regadas Filho1, E. S. Pereira*2, P. G. Pimentel2, T. S. OLiveira1, M. cladodes and leaves. TP ranged from 0.077 for O. hyatacanta cladodes
R. G. F. Costa2, and I. S. G. Maia2, 1Universidade Federal de Viçosa, to 38.20 g of gallic acid/100g for A. farnesiana fruits. Besides, fruits
MG, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil. of P. laevigata reported the top value of caffeic acid while B. repens
achieved the greatest cinnamic acid mean. Epigallocatequin accounted
The experiment was conducted to estimate the kinetics parameters of the highest concentrations in O. hytiacantha prickly pears. Further
ruminal degradation of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) of by-products of investigations to clarify the possible implications of plant bioactives on
cashew (Anacardium occidentale; pulp and cashew nut), passion fruit animal husbandry and productivity are necessary.
(Passiflora edulis), melon (Cucumis melo), pineapple (Ananas como-
sus L. Merr), west indian cherry (Malpighia emarginata), grape (Vitis Key Words: grazing, antioxidant activity, plant bioactives
vinifera L.), annatto (Bixa orellana L.) and coconut (Cocos nucifera)
submitted to the gravimetric technique of nylon bag, and evaluate the
M385 The effects of high pressure steam treatment on some chemi-
prediction equation of indigestible fraction of neutral detergent fiber
cal and physical characteristics of sugarcane pith. M. Chaji*1, A. A.
(iNDF) adopted by the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System
Naserian2, R. Valizadeh2, and T. Mohammadabadi1, 1Ramin Agricultural
(CNCPS). The feed samples were ground, placed in nylon bags with
and Natural Resources University, Ahwaz, Khuzestan, Iran, 2Ferdowsi
dimensions of 7 × 14 cm and porosity of 50 micron and incubated in
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran.
duplicate in the rumen of a heifer, at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 24, 36, 48, 72,
96 and 144 h. The incubation residues were evaluated for NDF content The nutritional characteristics of the steam treated sugarcane pith were
and interpreted by a non-linear logistic model. The evaluation process determined by physico-chemical properties. High-pressure steam-treated
of predicting the indigestible fraction of NDF was carried out through sugarcane pith was prepared at 19 bar for 3 min (70% moisture) in a
adjustment models of linear regression between values predicted and Monel pressure vessel (Emamkhomeini Co., Khuzestan-Iran). Func-
observed values. There was wide variation in the degradation parameters tional specific gravity (FSG) was measured by pycnometeric method; a
of NDF from by-products. The rate of degradation of NDF ranged from hydration solution prepared from rumen liquor was used. Water holding
0.0267 h−1 and 0.0318 h−1 for grape and pulp cashew to 0.0884 h−1 and capacity (WHC) of feedstuffs was measured using filtration method;
0.0971 h−1 for passion fruit and west Indian cherry, respectively. The the samples were filtered through Whatman No. 1 filter paper. The wet
potentially digestible fraction of NDF (pdNDF) ranged from 4.17 and sample was weighed after letting water decant for 10 min. WHC was
14.13% for the melon and grape to 81.91 and 90.67% for cashew nut the quantity of water retained by the sample and expressed as mg/ml
and coconut respectively. The equation used by CNCPS was able to sample dry matter. A 100 mL glass graduated cylinder was filled with
predict the iNDF of the by-products, however, due to the high value of sample and swirled for 15 s., bulk density (BD) was equal to the weight
the mean square prediction error (291.40), such estimative shown inac- of sample (mg) over the volume occupied (ml). Steam treatment resulted
curate, being preferred the estimation by biological means. in a significant decrease in NDF, 77 vs. 55%; hemicellulose to cellulose
ratio, 0.54 vs. 0.10, and increase degradation of hemicellulose. Using
Key Words: CNCPS, feeds, validation
the steam pressure improved the physical properties of sugarcane pith
by increasing the BD, 0.20 vs. 0.31 mg/ml and FSG, 0.3 vs. 0.57 g/ml
M384 Plant bioactive screening of vegetation browsed/grazed by and decreasing WHC, 2.5 vs. 2.1 mL/g. Steam-pressure treatment may
goats on Mexican semiarid rangelands. H. M. Cuchillo*1, D. C. improve the nutritional value of sugarcane by-product for ruminants, and
Puga1, O. A. Navarro2, and F. R. Perez-Gil1, 1Departamento de Nutrición also the physical properties might explain some behaviors of the feed-
Animal, INCMNSZ, Mexico, Distrito Federal, México, 2Facultad de stuffs in rumen which are not recognizable by the chemical approach.
Química, UNAM, Mexico, Distrito Federal, México. Key Words: functional specific gravity, water holding capacity, bulk
It is well recognized that plants consumed by ruminants, to cope their density
nutritional needs, contain a wide range of non-nutrient phytochemicals.
Many plant bioactive metabolites are linked to antinutritive properties;
M386 Effects of chemical treatment on the digestibility of corn
however some of them are recognized as beneficial compounds which
stover in diets with modified distillers grains with solubles. J. L.
their significance remain unclear. Thus, we evaluated antioxidant activ-
Anderson*1, J. R. Russell1, D. D. Loy1, N. A. Pyatt2, M. J. Cecava2, and
ity (AA), total polyphenols (TP), flavonoids (FV) and hydroxycinnamic
P. H. Doane2, 1Iowa State University, Ames, 2Archer Daniels Midland,
acids (HA) of plants browsed/grazed by goats during summer 2008.
Decatur, IL.
Direct observation of 2 core animals throughout grazing/browsing time
during 3 d was done. Vegetation recollection was performed simulat- Two sheep metabolism trials were conducted to investigate the effects
ing the goats bites. The assessment included Aristida adscensionis, of chemical treatment on the DM digestibility of corn stover in diets
Bouteloua curtipendula, B. repens, Chloris virgata, Leptochloa dubia, with modified distillers grains with solubles (MDGS). Chopped corn
Lippia queretarensis, Pennisetum ciliare, Rhynchelytrum roseum, Uro- stover was either untreated (C) or treated with anhydrous ammonia at 3%
chloa fasciculata, Acacia farnesiana, A. schaffneri, Mimosa biuncifera, (NH3) or calcium oxide at 5% (CaO; DM basis) at either a low (27%;
Prosopis laevigata, Celtis pallida, Jatropha dioica, Psilactis brevilin- LM) or high (36%; HM) moisture concentration and ensiled in 115-l
gulata, Verbasina serrata, Zalazania augusta, Opuntia affasiacantha, barrels for 6 mo at ambient conditions. Post-ensiling, each stover was
144 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ground through a 2.54-cm screen. In Exp 1, wether lambs (42 kg) were M388 Effect of a live yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae I-1077
used in a 6 × 6 Latin-square design to evaluate stover silages at 30% on in situ ruminal degradation of alfalfa hay and fiber-associated
(DM basis) in diets with 65% MDGS and 5% of a corn-based supple- microbes. F. Chaucheyras Durand1,2, A. Ameilbonne1,2, N. D.
ment. In Exp 2, wether lambs (43 kg) were used in a 7 × 7 Latin-square Walker*1, P. Mosoni2, and E. Forano2, 1Lallemand Animal Nutrition,
design to evaluate the effects of stover inclusion level in MDGS diets. Blagnac, France, 2INRA, Saint-Genes Champanelle, France.
The control consisted of 10% corn silage (CS), 40% MDGS, and 50%
In ruminants the digestion of plant material is performed by a complex
of a corn-based supplement (DM basis). Treatments consisted of the
symbiotic relationship of rumen microbiota. However, the chemical
HM-C or HM-CaO stover silages fed at 10, 20, and 35% of diet DM
composition and the physical structure of the plant material limit the
with the balance of the diet as MDGS (40, 50, and 60%) and a corn-
efficacy of degradation. Also, fibrolytic microbial activities may be
based supplement (50, 30, and 5%) of the DM. Both trials had a 10-d
depressed under certain dietary conditions, as with ruminal acidosis. Our
adjustment phase when all diets were limit-fed at 1.5x maintenance for
aim was to investigate effects of a live yeast, S. cerevisiae I-1077, on in
the least digestible diet and a 5-d collection phase when amounts fed
situ ruminal degradation of alfalfa hay under non-acidotic conditions.
were adjusted for orts collected during the adjustment period. Appar-
We also measured the population levels of bacteria and fungi associated
ent DM digestion (g/d and %; P < 0.05) for LM-C, HM-C, LM-NH3,
to feed particles by qPCR. Three rumen cannulated cows were fed with
HM-NH3, LM-CaO, and HM-CaO diets were 473, 67.5; 478, 66.1;
grass silage and meadow hay. A first period of 4 weeks without yeast
572, 70.1; 551, 71.5; 548, 72.3; and 595, 74.3, respectively. In Exp 2,
(-SC) was followed by a second 4 week-period (+SC) during which
apparent DM digestion (g/d and %; P < 0.05) were 760, 83.1; 686, 80.9;
the cows received daily 1010 cfu of S. cerevisiae I-1077. Nylon bags
629, 78.4; 593, 74.5; 682, 78.5; 461, 64.1; and 544, 69.1 for the CS,
containing 5g of chopped alfalfa hay were incubated in the rumen for 2,
10% HM-C, 10% HM-CaO, 20% HM-C, 20% HM-CaO, 35% HM-C,
6, 12 and 24 h. Bags were removed from the rumen, washed, dried and
and 35% HM-CaO diets, respectively. Treatment with 5% CaO at a high
residual NDF determined. F. succinogenes, B. fibrisolvens and anaero-
moisture concentration is more effective than anhydrous 3% NH3 in
bic fungi were quantified by PCR. The live yeast induced a significant
the improvement of corn stover digestibility.
increase in alfalfa DMd and NDFd (Table 1). The rate of degradation
Key Words: corn stover, alkali treatment, digestibility was particularly stimulated. The early colonisation of alfalfa particles
by anaerobic fungi appeared to be improved; the populations of B.
fibrisolvens were greatly promoted whatever the incubation time of
M387 Partial replacement of corn silage and alfalfa silage with the bags, whereas F. succinogenes populations, which were dominant,
Italian ryegrass silage in diets of high producing dairy cows. J. T. were not influenced by yeast supplementation. In conclusion, the daily
Woolever* and D. K. Combs, University of Wisconsin-Madison. distribution of S. cerevisiae I-1077 significantly improves alfalfa hay
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate milk yield and milk com- degradation in the rumen and affects feed particle associated microbial
position when high quality Italian ryegrass silage was used as a source of populations.
digestible fiber and digestible energy in rations of high producing dairy
cows. In experiment I, 6 pens of 8 animals were randomly assigned to Table 1. Effects of S. cerevisiae I-1077 on alfalfa hay degradation
a control diet (n = 3) or a treatment diet (n = 3) in a 6-week crossover and particle associated microorganisms
design (3 weeks/treatment). In experiment II, 10 pens of 8 animals were
2 6 12 24
assigned to the same control diet (n = 5) or the same treatment diet (n =
5) in a randomized complete block design. In both experiments, control
DMD (%) 13.17 26.98* 17.45 32.6* 29.15 40.7* 41.53 50.84*
diet consisted of alfalfa silage (25% of diet DM), corn silage (25% of diet
DM), high moisture corn (30% of diet DM) and concentrate. Treatment
(g/kg NDF) 83.74 211.21* 107.25 237.14* 183.12 261.41* 336.11 363.48
diet included alfalfa silage (16% of diet DM), corn silage (17% of diet
Anaerobic fungi1 3.52 3.56 2.29 3.29 3.73 5.82 11.61 10.87
DM), ryegrass silage (18% of diet DM), high moisture corn (30% of diet
B. fibrisolvens2 4.46 4.88* 5.61 6.66* 5.64 6.66* 6.33 7.45*
DM) and concentrate. Diets were formulated to be iso-nitrogenous and
F.succinogenes2 7.32 7.42 8.05 8.04 8.07 8.29 8.28 7.96*
iso-caloric, but the treatment diet contained less nonfiber carbohydrate
(NFC) (46.5% vs. 48.5%) and more NDF (26.9% vs. 24.8%) as a % of *P-value <0.05.
DM. Milk yield and milk components were collected over the course of 1µg/gDM.
both experiments. In experiment I, cumulative milk yield was unaffected
2log10 of 16S rDNA copy numbers/g DM.
by diet (7,196 kg control vs. 7,003 kg treatment, P > 0.40). Pens of cows
consuming the ryegrass diet had higher milk fat levels in experiment I
Key Words: yeast, fiber
(3.75% vs. 3.60%, P < 0.05). Cumulative 4% fat corrected milk yield was
similar for control and treatment groups (7,321 kg vs. 7,301 kg). Other
milk components did not statistically differ between periods or diets. M389 Evaluating the effect of an active dry yeast on fiber diges-
Cumulative milk yield was similar between treatment groups during tion in vitro and in situ. N. D. Walker* and M. E. Quintino Cintora,
experiment II (118,842 kg vs. 118,724 kg, P > 0.98). Milk composition Lallemand Animal Nutrition, Montreal, QC, Canada.
and 4% fat corrected milk yield did not differ due to treatment in experi-
ment II. Rations including ryegrass silage can produce similar levels of The aim was to measure the effect of adding live yeast CNCM I-1077
milk and fat corrected milk compared with more traditional high NFC (LSC) on fiber digestion kinetics by rumen microorganisms in vitro and
diets containing high levels of corn and alfalfa silages. Including grass in situ. For the in vitro studies, rumen contents were removed from 3
in dairy rations appears to be a feasible method to reduce the NFC level fistulated lactating dairy cows fed 50% forage:50% concentrate, DM
of early lactation diets and increase levels of dietary fiber. basis, pooled and strained (SRF). SRF was mixed with anaerobic buffer
(1:4) and added to 4 jars (2 control, 2 treatment) containing filter bags
Key Words: Italian ryegrass, grass silage, NDF digestibility, NDFD with a known weight of substrate and incubated in a Daisy fermentor.
LSC was added at 1 × 106cfu/mL incubation. Substrates tested were
corn silage (CS), wheat silage (WS), alfalfa silage (AS), grass silage
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 145
(GS), alfalfa hay (AH), hay (H) and straw (S). Bags (3) were removed at M391 Nutrient demand interacts with orchardgrass maturity
0,3,6,12 and 24h and analyzed for %NDFd. Incubations were repeated to affect dry matter intake and yields of milk and milk fat. K. L.
on 2 different days. In vitro data showed that yeast supplementation Kammes* and M. S. Allen, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
significantly increased %NDFd for CS (P < 0.01), WS (P < 0.05), AS
The effect of dry matter intake in the preliminary period (pDMI) on
(P < 0.05), GS (P < 0.05) and AH (P < 0.05). At 12h, %NDFd was
responses to diets containing orchardgrass silage harvested at 2 maturi-
significantly increased for S (P < 0.05), however no significant effect
ties were evaluated. Fifteen ruminally cannulated Holstein cows were
was observed on H. In a second part of the study, nylon bags containing
used in a crossover design experiment with a 14-d preliminary period
the same samples of CS, WS, AS, AH and H, were placed in the rumen
and 2 18-d treatment periods. During the preliminary period, pDMI of
of the donor animals and incubated for 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96h and
individual cows ranged from 22.9 to 33.4 kg/d and 3.5% fat-corrected
analyzed for %DM and %NDF losses. At the same time, rumen contents
milk yield ranged from 30.8 to 58.3 kg/d. Treatments were diets con-
were removed from each animal and used to set up corresponding Daisy
taining orchardgrass silage harvested from one field at either 44.9%
fermentors. Due to limitations with the number of fermentor jars, only
(EARLY) or 54.4% NDF (LATE) as the sole forage. Both diets con-
CS, WS and AS were tested. Animals were then fed LSC (1 × 1010cfu/
tained 22% forage NDF and 27% total NDF. Main effects of maturity
day) for 14 d before the measurements were repeated. Applying Mertens
and their interaction with pDMI were tested by ANOVA. There was
and Loften NDF kinetics model to the in situ data demonstrated that
no main effect of treatment for DMI, however, DMI response to grass
LSC significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the lag time for all except AS. The
maturity tended to depend on pDMI (P = 0.11). While cows with high
extent of fermentable NDF was increased (P < 0.05) for all except WS.
pDMI consumed more EARLY compared with LATE, the reverse was
The fractional rate was increased for AH (P < 0.05), WS (P < 0.01) and
observed for cows with low pDMI. Intakes of organic matter (OM),
AS (P < 0.01) with LSC supplementation, with the rate being doubled
starch, NDF, and nitrogen were greater for LATE compared with EARLY
for WS and AS. No correlation existed between the in vitro and in situ
(P < 0.05). LATE increased yields of milk, milk protein, lactose, and
results at 24 h, however if LSC had increased the rate in vitro it also
solids not fat compared with EARLY. Interactions were detected between
increased it in situ. All the data shows that supplementation with LSC
grass maturity and pDMI for fat-corrected milk and milk fat yield and
can have a positive effect on fiber digestion both in vitro and in situ.
concentration with a greater benefit for EARLY compared with LATE as
Key Words: yeast, fiber pDMI increased. Rumen pool of indigestible NDF (iNDF) was greater
for LATE compared with EARLY (3.63 vs. 2.53 kg, P < 0.001), which
resulted in greater rumen pools of DM, OM, and NDF. Greater rumen
M390 Influence of Rumensin200 and tallow on the rumen param- pool size of iNDF for LATE was because of greater iNDF fraction of
eters and fiber digestion of dairy cows. H. Castillo, M. Rivas*, D. the forage NDF and a longer ruminal turnover time (P < 0.05) compared
Dominguez, L. Durán, M. Arana, G. Villalobos, and J. A. Ortega, Uni- with EARLY. Rates of passage and digestion of potentially digestible
versidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico. NDF were similar for both treatments (P > 0.10). Dry matter intake
The modification of rumen physical-chemical parameters such as pH was likely increasingly limited by rumen fill for LATE compared with
and oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) by addition of Rumensin200 EARLY as nutrient demand increased. Greater starch intake for LATE
and tallow to the TMR of dry and lactating cows was investigated. For compared with EARLY is consistent with greater yield of milk and
this experiment, 4 ruminally fistulated Holstein cows were fed rations decreased yield of milk fat.
based on a 90:10 (dry) and 40:60 (lactating) forage to concentrate Key Words: grass maturity, intake, milk production
ratios. Four treatments were randomly assigned in a 4 × 4 Latin square
experimental design as follows: TMR (T1), TMR + 2/3.3 g Rumensin
200(dry/lactating), (T2), TMR + 3,2% DM tallow (T3) and TMR + M392 High total nonstructural carbohydrates timothy enhanced
2/3.3 g Rumensin 200+ 3.3% DM tallow (T4). The cows were fed ad performance of mid-lactation dairy cows. A. F. Brito*1, G. F. Trem-
libitum (0800 and 1500 h) in individual stalls and milked twice daily blay3, A. Bertrand3, Y. Castonguay3, G. Bélanger3, R. Michaud3, and
(0400 and 1300 h). Each of 4 experimental periods had 12 d of con- R. Berthiaume4, 1University of New Hampshire, Durham, 2Université
ditioning, followed by sampling on d 13 and 15. Samples of ruminal Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, 3Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
content were taken at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 h after morning feed- Québec, QC, Canada, 4Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke,
ing for DM and NDF digestibility evaluation with standard protocols. QC, Canada.
Oxidation-reduction potential and pH were measured in rumen with
We have previously reported that alfalfa cut at sundown [high total
a multiparameter electrode. Statistic analysis of data was done using
nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC)] and harvested as baleage increased
PROC mixed in SAS. Ruminal pH fluctuated considerably during day
milk yield and microbial protein synthesis in late-lactation cows
and showed a quadratic trend for all treatments (P < 0.05), producing
fed only forage. The current study examines the effects of feeding a
wide value ranges as follows: T1 = 6.22–7.02, T2 = 6.27–7.02, T3 =
timothy-based high-TNC TMR on performance of mid-lactation cows.
6.22–6.93, and T4 = 6.03–6.95. However, there were not significant
Diets contained (% of DM): 1) 40% PM-cut timothy baleage and 25%
differences among treatments and between dry and lactating stages (P >
PM-cut timothy silage (High-TNC diet) or 2) 40% AM-cut timothy
0.05). The oxidation-reduction potential changed significantly between
baleage and 25% AM-cut timothy silage (Low-TNC diet). Both TMR
physiological stages and over time (P < 0.05), while exhibiting little
contained a common concentrate (35% on DM basis). The High- and
variation among treatments. Dry matter digestibility and NDF were
Low-TNC TMR contained respectively (% of DM): 16.8 vs. 16.9 CP,
not different among treatments (P > 0.05). This experiment suggested
43.3 vs. 44.1 NDF, and 14.2 vs. 13.3 TNC. Six multiparous (MC) and
that the addition of Rumensin200 and tallow lowered the ORP to more
10 primiparous cows (PC) averaging 135 DIM were blocked by DIM,
negative values and showed a significant difference of this parameter
milk yield, and parity and randomly assigned to treatments in a crossover
between dry and lactating stages.
design. No signicant diet (TNC) x parity interaction was observed. DMI
Key Words: Rumensin, ORP, pH (P = 0.02) and yields of milk fat (P = 0.01), milk protein (P = 0.04), and
milk lactose (P = 0.05) were all higher in cows fed the High- vs. the
Low-TNC diet. Compared with the Low-TNC diet, the High-TNC diet
146 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
increased both milk yield (P = 0.07) and 4% FCM (P = 0.03). Overall, M394 Effect of the level of forage and monensin on trans-18:1
the high-TNC diet enhanced performance of mid-lactation cows fed isomers and CLA in milk. R. Mohammed*1, J. J. Kennelly1, and
35% of dietary concentrate. J. K. G. Kramer2, 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
2Guelph Food Research Centre, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Table 1. Performance of cows fed High- vs. Low-TNC diets
PC MC P Milk fat cis9, trans(t)11-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is well known
High- Low- High- Low-
for its anti-cancer effects in animal models. This study reports the effect
Item TNC TNC SED TNC TNC SED TNC Parity of the level of forage (F), monensin (M) and its interaction (F×M) on
DMI, kg/d 18.0 17.2 0.33 20.7 20.0 0.42 0.02 0.02
t-18:1 isomers and CLA in milk. Forty Holstein cows in mid-lactation
were assigned to 4 diets in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments.
Milk yield, kg/d 21.4 21.0 0.55 25.7 24.3 0.71 0.07 0.04
Treatments were 2 levels of forage (60% or high forage, HF and 40%
4% FCM, kg/d 20.9 20.5 0.41 25.3 23.9 0.53 0.03 0.04 or low forage, LF) and 2 levels of monensin per kg DM (0 ppm or
Fat, % 3.85 3.87 0.05 3.88 3.88 0.07 0.74 0.91 M- and 16 ppm or M+). All diets were supplemented with sunflower
Fat, kg/d 0.82 0.81 0.02 1.00 0.95 0.02 0.01 0.05 seed (3.6% DM). Milk samples were collected at the end of 2nd and
Protein, % 3.28 3.26 0.02 3.25 3.23 0.03 0.43 0.68 4th week during treatment and again at the end of 2nd and 4th week
Protein, kg/d 0.70 0.68 0.02 0.83 0.79 0.02 0.04 0.04 after monensin-withdrawal. During treatment, milk t10–18:1 (% total
Lactose, % 4.50 4.50 0.02 4.38 4.31 0.03 0.13 0.19 FAME) was 0.70b, 0.79b, 0.71b, and 1.2a, for HFM+, HFM-, LFM+ and
LFM- respectively (SEM = 0.09; P-values for F = 0.03, M =< 0.01 and
Lactose, kg/d 0.96 0.94 0.03 1.13 1.06 0.03 0.05 0.12
F×M = 0.04). Milk t11–18:1 content was 1.2, 1.3, 1.2 and 1.7 for HFM+,
Key Words: timothy, dairy cows, TNC HFM-, LFM+ and LFM- respectively (SEM = 0.13; P-values for F =
0.07, M = 0.02 and F×M = 0.08) and CLA content was 0.61, 0.77, 0.70
and 0.98 for HFM+, HFM-, LFM+ and LFM-, respectively (SEM = 0.06;
M393 Modification of the Penn State Particle Separator with 3.18- P-values for F = 0.02, M <0.01 and F×M = 0.34) during treatment. After
or 4.76-mm perforated steel sieves to measure physically effective monensin withdrawal, the main effects and interaction for milk t10–18:1
fiber. K. W. Cotanch*, J. D. Darrah, C. S. Ballard, and R. J. Grant, was not different. Milk t11–18:1 content was 0.94, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 for
William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY. HFM+, HFM-, LFM+ and LFM- respectively (SEM = 0.09; P-values
The Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS) 3-sieve system was modified for F = 0.02, M = 0.14 and F×M = 0.85) and CLA content was 0.50,
in attempts to better predict physical effectiveness factor (pef) of total 0.64, 0.63 and 0.67 for HFM+, HFM-, LFM+ and LFM-, respectively
mixed rations (TMR), corn silage, and haycrop silage with as-is samples (SEM = 0.04; P-values for F = 0.05, M = 0.02 and F×M = 0.15) after
on-farm. The PSPS 1.18-mm wire mesh sieve was replaced with either monensin-withdrawal. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the role
3.18-mm (40% open area) or 4.76-mm (32% open area) perforated steel of low forage diet in enhancing milk CLA and t11–18:1. Monensin
sieve. These sieves are identical to those used in the Z-Box system. supplementation at 16 ppm did not favor greater t11–18:1 and CLA.
Samples were sieved according to standard PSPS protocol using 19-mm, However, its presence reduced the shift to t10–18:1, particularly for
8-mm, and either the 3.18-mm or 4.76-mm sieve. Samples were sieved the LF diet. Monensin effects on milk fat t10- and t11–18:1 did not
in 3 replicates by 2 technicians. Samples were: 25 TMR varying in dry persistent in the monensin-withdrawal period.
matter, forage-to-concentrate ratio, and forage type (dry hay or silage), Key Words: forage level, monensin, CLA
12 corn silages, and 12 haycrop silages. Physical effective factor of
as-is sample determined with modified PSPS was compared with
pef determined with the standard method of dry vertical sieving with M395 Comparison between the Penn State Particle Separator and
RoTap (proportion of DM ≥1.18 mm). Within forage type, mean bias the Z-Box to estimate the peNDF content of dairy cow rations. A. S.
of pef determined using RoTap and PSPS sieve was calculated. The Atzori*, P. Carta, and A. Cannas, Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecniche,
PSPS sieve with the smallest mean bias (expressed as units of pef) and University of Sassari, Sassari, Sardinia, Italy.
narrowest 95% confidence interval encompassing zero was deemed to
most accurately assess pef. Use of 3.18-mm perforated steel sieve in Optimal particle size distribution in TMR requires field monitoring. Two
the PSPS reliably predicts pef of as-is corn silage samples, while the field sieving devices to assess physical effective NDF content (peNDF)
4.76-mm sieve accurately predicts pef of haycrop silage. The 3.18-mm of dairy cattle rations, the Penn State Particle Separator (PSPS), made
sieve is slightly more accurate than the 4.76-mm sieve at predicting pef by 3 sieves, and the Z-Box (ZB), made by 1 sieve, were compared
of TMR samples. Modification of the PSPS with perforated steel sieves with a reference method. Samples from 2 different diets for lactating
accurately predicts pef of as-is samples. cows (34.1 ± 1 and 39.1 ± 1% of NDF on DM basis for rations 1 and
2, respectively) were collected from the beginning, middle and end
Table 1. Mean bias and confidence interval of pef determined using of feeding alleys. The ration peNDF (25.3 ± 1 and 28.1 ± 1% of DM)
RoTap and PSPS sieve was determined by dry sieving the diets with the laboratory reference
Sieve Mean Upper Lower method of Mertens (1997). Rations peNDF were hence obtained by
Forage type n (mm) bias ± SD 95% CI 95% CI sieving the as fed diets using the PSPS (1.5 L sample) and the ZB (0.25
Corn silage 12 3.18 0.020 ± 0.012 0.028 0.013 L sample) following the indications of the producers. TMR distribution
4.76 −0.045± 0.020 −0.032 −0.058 homogeneity was evaluated measuring the differences in peNDF in the 3
points of the feeding alley. Results were compared with a monofactorial
Haycrop silage 12 3.18 0.138 ± 0.061 0.176 0.099
ANOVA. The PSPS and ZB differed in peNDF estimations within diet
4.76 −0.004 ± 0.082 0.048 −0.056
(P < 0.01). The PSPS estimates of peNDF (27.4 ± 1 and 33.6 ± 1% of
TMR 25 3.18 0.042 ± 0.076 0.073 0.011 DM, for rations 1 and 2, respectively) were higher than the laboratory
4.76 −0.047 ± 0.065 −0.020 −0.074 values, but the differences were significant (P < 0.05) only for ration
Key Words: Penn State Particle Separator, physical effective factor 2, the most fibrous. The ZB estimates of peNDF (20.6 ± 1 and 24.6 ±
1% of DM for ration 1 and 2, respectively) were only numerically (P >
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 147
0.1) lower than the laboratory values. For both devices, increasing the of SAS (2002). Animals were kept on a 4.6ha pasture area divided in
quantity of sieved sample (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 L for PSPS; 0.15, 0.35, 0.45 L 25 0.2ha paddocks fertilized with 80 kg N ha/month. All concentrates
for ZB) resulted in increased peNDF concentration. Regarding TMR had 19% crude protein (CP) and were soybean and ground corn based.
distribution homogeneity, both PSPS and ZB were able to detect the SH substituted 20, 50 and 75% of corn on experimental treatments. The
small differences in peNDF content (<8%) that occurred within feeding microbial N was analyzed by HPLC, and VFA by photometry. Treat-
alley. The PSPS was also able to detect, due to the use of 3 sieves, large ments did not affect ruminal VFA (123.5 mM), ammonia (26.9 mg/dL)
differences (>50%) in homogeneity within feeding alley for large par- concentrations, ruminal pH (6.33), and microbial N flux (183.0 g N/day)
ticles (>8 and 19 mm). In conclusion, the 2 field sieving methods tested (Table 1). Results indicate that SH can be utilized as a replacement for
gave different values of peNDF compared with the reference method. corn on lactating cows rations with no effects on rumen fermentation
Their accuracy was also affected by dietary NDF concentration. parameters.
Key Words: peNDF, PSPS, Z-Box
Table 1. Ruminal parameters of dairy cows supplied with different
levels of soybean hulls
M396 Effects of methionine analogues on rumen fibrolytic activi-
ties and fibrolytic microorganisms. E. Devillard*1, C. Martin2, D.
Morgavi2, E. Forano2, and P. Mosoni2, 1Adisseo SAS, 03600 Commentry, Corn 25%SH 50%SH 75%SH Mean Pr(t)
France, 2INRA de Theix, 63122 St Genes Champanelle, France. C2, mM/mL 71.6 76.4 69 71.2 71.3 .87
C3, mM/mL 37.2 31.8 27.4 31.7 32 0.09
Milk performance can be improved by balancing rations with methionine
C4, mM/mL 16 15.8 13.4 13.8 14.8 0.32
(Met) analogs, HMB and HMBi [2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)-butanoic
acid and its isopropyl ester, respectively]. It has been suggested that Iso-C4, mM/mL 1.23 1.33 1.26 1.09 1.23 0.08
all the HMB and part of the HMBi act in the rumen through improving C5, mM/mL 1.7 1.62 1.47 1.57 1.59 0.24
organic matter digestibility and fiber degradation, partially explaining Total VFA, mM/mL 130.6 126.7 115.1 121.6 123.5 0.42
improvements in milk performance. The aim of the present study was to NH3, mg/dL 28.5 25.2 27.1 26.7 27 0.12
investigate the effects of HMB and HMBi on rumen activities and rumen pH 6.41 6.25 6.31 6.36 6.33 0.27
microbial populations, with a special emphasis on fibrolytic activities Microbial N, g of N/day 184 183 183 180 183 0.14
and fibrolytic microorganisms. Six rumen-cannulated Holstein cows fed
a wheat/hay (50/50) diet were used in 3 × 3 Latin square design with 2 Within rows, means followed by different superscripts are significantly dif-
ferent (P < 0.05).
animals per block. Treatments were supplementation or not with HMB or
HMBi (14 g equivalent Met per day). Each period of treatment consisted Key Words: volatile fatty acids, ruminal metabolism, tropical pas-
in 3-week adaptation followed by 8 weeks of experimentation. Under tures
our experimental conditions, supplementation with HMB and HMBi
had no effect on rumen carboxymethylcellulase and xylanase activities,
in sacco degradability of maize grain and maize silage, ammonia and M398 Effects of crude protein levels in the supplementation
total volatile fatty acid concentrations. However, a decrease in acetate/ of dairy cows grazing elephant grass on milk yield and composi-
propionate ratio was observed with both Met analogs (P < 0.05) due to tion. M. A. C. Danes*, F. A. P. Santos, L. J. Chagas, J. R. R. Dorea,
a numerical increase in propionate concentration. The concentrations of and A. M. Pedroso, University of Sao Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil.
total protozoa (counted by microscopy), total bacteria and 2 fibrolytic The experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of crude protein
bacteria Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus albus (quantified (CP) levels in grazing dairy cow rations on milk yield and composition.
by qPCR), were not affected by the supplementations. Conversely, the Thirty-one Holstein and crossbred (Holstein × Jersey) cows averaging
concentration of the fibrolytic bacterium Ruminococcus flavefaciens 120 d in milk (DIM) were fed 3 levels of crude protein in the concentrate
increased by 1.7 fold in the presence of both Met analogs (P = 0.03). In supplement for 72 d. Cows were blocked by breed, parity, DIM and milk
addition, R. flavefaciens was also found to better colonize maize silage yield into 11 incomplete groups of 3 cows and randomly assigned to
and maize grain with HMBi (2 fold, P = 0.01). In conclusion, both Met dietary treatments. Concentrates contained fine ground corn, minerals,
analogs stimulate R. flavefaciens population but only HMBi increases R. vitamins and 3 CP levels (8.7, 13.4 and 18.1% DM) were achieved by
flavefaciens attachment to feeds. The modes of action of the 2 sources replacing corn with soybean meal. Grazing management was intensive,
of Met on fibrolytic populations still require further investigation. with high levels of nitrogen fertilizer and high stocking rate. Cows were
Key Words: rumen, methionine, fibrolytic microorganisms allotted to a new paddock every day, after the afternoon milking, and
received the concentrate individually twice a day before each milking,
at a 1 kg concentrate/3 kg milk ratio. Milk yield was registered weekly,
M397 Effect of soybean hulls levels on ruminal parameters of and milk, concentrates and pasture samples were taken weekly. The data
dairy cows grazing elephant grass. J. C. Martinez*1,3, T. V. Vol- were analyzed as an incomplete randomized blocks design. The average
tolini4, A. V. Pirez2, and F. A. P. Santos2, 1São Paulo State University, crude protein content of the Elephant grass was 18,5% DM. Increasing
Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil, 2São Paulo University, Piracicaba, São the CP level of the concentrate had no effect on milk yield, which was
Paulo, Brazil, 3University of California, Davis, 4Embapa Semi-árido, 19.5, 19.4 and 19.1 kg/d for 8.7, 13.4 and 18.1% CP concentrate respec-
Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil. tively. There was no difference in protein, fat, and casein content of milk
among treatments. Milk fat, protein and casein content average values
The trial evaluated soybean hulls (SH) inclusion on concentrate supple-
were 3.5%, 3.3% and 2.6%, respectively. Milk urea nitrogen (MUN)
ments offered to lactating cows grazing Elephant Grass during the rainy
increased linearly (P < 0.01) from 8.4 to 10.3 and 13.1 mg/dL as the CP
season. Trial was conducted at Animal Sciences Department, USP/
level of the supplement increased from 8.7 to 13.4 and 18.1%. Under
ESALQ, Piracicaba/SP-Brazil. Twelve multiparous Holstein (509 kg
the conditions of this study, yields of milk and milk protein were not
LW, 90 DIM at trial beginning) were used on a replicated 4 × 4 Latin
increased by feeding protein supplement for dairy cows grazing highly
Square design. Data were analyzed by MANOVA and GLM procedures
148 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
fertilized tropical grasses. The linear increase in MUN resulted from an mine the variability of Monsanto corn germplasm on kernel physico-
excessive nitrogen (RDP) supply in the diet. chemical properties and their influence on ruminal starch degradability
(RSTARCHD). Samples (30 hybrids in 2006 and 44 hybrids in 2007)
Key Words: grazing dairy cows, protein supplementation, tropical
for both studies were sourced from various Monsanto locations where
the particular hybrid background is recommended. The decision to
cover diverse germplasm background and different locations ensured
M399 Effect of soybean hulls levels on performance of dairy cows we develop a more robust near infrared reflectance (NIR) calibration.
grazing elephant grass. J. C. Martinez*1,3, T. V. Voltolini4, and F. The hybrids were all harvested at R6 stage (black layer). The samples
A. P. Santos2, 1São Paulo State University, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, were split into 2 sets. One set was used for whole kernel analyses;
Brazil, 2São Paulo State University, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil, vitreousness (visual procedure), 1000-kernel weight, density (water
3University of California, Davis, 4Embrapa Semi-árido, Petrolina, displacement procedure) and NIT predictions of starch and protein. The
Pernambuco, Brazil. other set was ground through a 6 mm Wiley grinder and processed for
determination of in vitro ruminal starch degradability using the Daisy II
The trial evaluated soybean hulls (SH) inclusion on concentrate supple- procedure. Results from these studies showed wide genetic variability
ments offered to lactating cows grazing Elephant grass during the rainy on RSTARCHD and physico-chemical traits. Negative correlations
season. Trial was conducted at Animal Sciences Department, USP/ were observed between RSTARCHD and kernel protein (r = −0.79),
ESALQ, Piracicaba/SP-Brazil. Twelve multiparous Holstein (509kg density (r = −0.30), and vitreousness (r = −0.42). A positive correlation
LW, 90 DIM at trial beginning) were used on a replicated 4 × 4 Latin was observed with extractable starch (r = 0.76). The data generated NIR
Square design. Data were analyzed by GLM procedures of SAS (2002). calibration with RSTARCHD ranging from 50.3 to 66.3% (mean 56.6
Animals were kept on a 4.6-ha pasture area divided in 25 0,2ha pad- ± 3.33%). The calibration statistics were within acceptable range (R2
docks fertilized with 80 kg N ha/month. All concentrates had 19% crude = 0.83; standard error of calibration = 1.36 and standard error of cross
protein (CP) and were soybean and ground corn based. SH substituted validation = 1.67). We are continuing to expand the calibration with
20, 50 and 75% of corn on experimental treatments. Cows received more diverse germplasm and locations.
concentrate according to milk production on a 1:3 basis, fixed at trial
beginning, twice daily after each milking. No differences were observed Key Words: corn starch, rumen degradability, vitreousness
among treatments (P > 0.05) for milk production. Treatments did not
affect milk fat, protein, lactose, total solids and urea concentrations (P
M401 Growth performance of Bluchi female lambs fed by diets
> 0.05) (Table 1). As complement, the live weight (LW) (516 kg), body
containing different levels of date palm leaves. R. Valizade, A.
condition score (BCS) (2.2), plasma urea (31.8 mg/dL) and nonesteri-
Salahi*, and M. Mahmodi, 1Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran.
fied fatty acids (NEFA) (358.2 mEq/L) concentrations were not affected
by treatments (P > 0.05). Results indicate that SH can be utilized as a The objective of present study was to evaluate the effect of diets
replacement for corn on lactating cows rations with no effects on milk containing date palm leaves (DPL) fed to Baluchi female lambs in a
production and composition, LBW and blood composition. completely randomize design on growth performance. The study was
carried out with 24 female Iranian Baluchi lambs of 4–5 mo of age and
average body weight (BW) of 20.48 ± 4.9 kg, and lambs were allocated
Table 1. Milk yield and composition of dairy cows feed with
to 4 dietary treatments in a feedlot condition. All lambs were given a
different levels of soybean hulls
TMR composed of 39% forage (Alfalfa hay (15%), and wheat straw
Treatments or DPL) and 61% concentrate (corn grain 45%, soybean meal 15%,
Corn 25%SH 50%SH 75%SH Mean Pr>(t) limestone 0.4%, premix 0.4%, and salt 0.2%). The dietary treatment
Milk, kg/day 17.8 17.7 17.4 17.3 17.7 0.50 were 1) wheat straw (24%), 2) wheat straw (16%), DPL (8%), 3) wheat
FCM, kg/day 16.5 16.8 16.6 16.3 16.5 0.92 straw (8%), DPL (16%), 4) DPL (24%). The experiment was conducted
Fat, % 3.06 3.21 3.22 3.2 3.14 0.80 for 76 d and data were analyzed using the PROC MIXED procedure
(repeated measurement) of SAS (version 9.1; SAS Institute Inc., Cary,
Fat, kg/day 0.54 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.93
NC). Average daily feed intake by the lambs in different treatment were
Protein, % 2.81 2.92 2.78 2.78 2.82 0.70
857, 918, 986, and 1035 g/d, respectively. The difference between all
Protein, kg/day 0.50 0.52 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.54 means was significant (P < 0.05). Lambs fed by 1 dietary treatment
Urea, mg/dL 15.71 15.94 14.95 14.54 15.78 0.23 were lower average daily body weight gain (g/day) than other groups.
Within rows, means followed by different superscripts are significantly dif- Average daily gains of lambs on dietary treatments of 1, 2, 3 and 4 were
ferent (P < 0.05). 106,143, 156, and 165 g/d, respectively. The best feed conversion ratio
was also recorded for the lambs on diet containing 24% DPL (6.16 kg
Key Words: supplementation, tropical pastures, milk yield and com- feed consumed per kg of weight gain). The obtained data at Feed intake
position on metabolic weight (69.3, 69.1, 75.6 and 74.5 g/kg W0.75) differed
significantly. Ruminal pH (6.64, 6.55, 6.56 and 6.53); ruminal NH3
M400 Evaluation of starch digestibility and physico-chemical (13.12, 12.4, 11.12 and 10.38 mg/100mL); blood urea nitrogen (19.27,
properties of Monsanto corn hybrids. D. Ngonyamo-Majee*1, 20.74, 20.36 and 20.09 mg/dl); blood glucose (71.62, 60.31, 67.2 and
P. Feng2, J. Hinen1, G. Hartnell1, B. Kutzner1, M. Brandt1, and M. 62.6 mg/dl) were into the normal ranges. It was concluded that inclusion
Stephens1, 1Monsanto Company, St. Louis, MO, 2Monsanto Company, of DPL can be beneficial mainly for smallholder farmers during periods
Ankeny, IA. of low rainfall and forage scarcity.
The negative correlation between corn vitreousness vs. starch avail- Key Words: date palm leaves, Bluchi female lambs, growth perfor-
ability and milk production potential has been widely reported in US mance
and Europe. Two studies were conducted in 2006 and 2007 to deter-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 149
M402 Effect of date palm leaves substitution with wheat straw on M404 Effects of an alfalfa feeding strategy in the first week post-
health and rumen parameter of Saanen dairy goats. A. Salahi*, R. partum on feed intake and ketogenic status in transition cows. M.
Valizade, A. Naserian, and A. Tahmasbi, Ferdowsi University, Mash- Larsen* and N. B. Kristensen, Faculty of Agricultural Science, Aarhus
had, Iran. University, Tjele, Denmark.
This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of date palm Feeding additional forage fiber to fresh cows is believed to secure
leaves (DPL) feeding on the blood parameter of Saanen dairy goat. Nine good rumen function. Thirteen multiparous Holstein cows were used
lactating dairy goats were randomly assigned to treatment in a 3 × 3 Latin in a randomized block design to study the effects of an alfalfa feeding
squares design. All goats were given a TMR composed of 40% forage strategy to postpartum transition dairy cows on dry matter intake (DMI)
and 60% concentrate (corn grain 26%, cotton seed meal 15%, sugar beet and ketogenic status. At calving, cows were randomly assigned to 1 of
pulp 15.5, wheat bran 2%, limestone 0.5%, premix 0.5%, salt 0.5%). 2 ad libitum fed total mixed diets: a control lactation diet (CTRL) or
The dietary treatment were 1) alfalfa hay (20%), wheat straw (20%) 2) an alfalfa haylage lactation diet (ALFA) for the first week postpartum.
alfalfa hay (20%), DPL (20%) and 3) alfalfa hay (20%), treated (4% From wk 2 to 4 postpartum, all cows were fed CTRL. The CTRL was
urea) and ensiled DPL (20% DM basis). The experiment lasted for 63 composed of (dry matter basis) 35% corn silage, 25% grass-clover
d (3 periods of 21 d which 15 d for diet adaptation and last 7 d for data silage, 20% rolled barley and 20% concentrate mix. The ALFA diet was
collection). Goats were individually fed twice daily at 07:00 and 15:00. composed of 50% CTRL diet and 50% alfalfa haylage. Forage NDF
Data were analyzed using General Linear Models procedure of SAS 9.1 was 19.1% in CTRL and 30.1% in ALFA. Blood was sampled at 14 d
for ANOVA to evaluate difference among experimental groups, mean prepartum and at 4, 15, and 29 d in milk (DIM). The statistical model
compared with Duncan test. Average dry matter intake by the goats in included block, treatment, DIM and treatment × DIM, where DIM
different treatment were 2055, 2055, and 1794 g/d, respectively. The within cow was considered as a repeated measure. In the first week
difference between there means was significant (P < 0.05). Ruminal postpartum, DMI was unaffected by treatment (P = 0.41) and averaged
pH (6.43, 6.41, 6.24); ruminal NH3 (23.8, 22.9, 19.00 mg/100 mL); 10.5 and 11.5 ± 0.8 kg/d with ALFA and CTRL, respectively. A carry
blood urea nitrogen (20.2, 20.2, 18.9 mg/dL); blood glucose (39.1, 38.5, over effect of ALFA was observed during wk 2 to 4 postpartum, where
40.1 mg/dL); blood Cholesterol (79.7, 79.7, 79.1 mg/dL) were into the DMI was lower (P < 0.01) for cows previously fed AFLA as compared
normal ranges. Although no differences were detected between these with CTRL (14.4 and 16.4 ± 0.4 kg/d, respectively). The orts percent
figures, the obtained data on blood triglyceride (6.9, 12.2, 9.9 mg/dL) was higher (P < 0.01) with ALFA in the first week postpartum, but did
differed significantly. The studied parameters in this experiment support not differ (P = 0.40) in wk 2 to 4 postpartum. Milk yield was unaffected
inclusion of DPL into the diets for dairy goats in a dry area with poor by treatment (P = 0.30). Blood plasma glucose concentration decreased
vegetation and rainfall. more (P = 0.04) from prepartum to 4 DIM with AFLA as compared with
CTRL. Concomitantly, plasma concentrations of acetoactetate+acetone
Key Words: date palm leaves, Saanen dairy goat, blood parameter
and β-OH-butyrate as well as their ratio tended to increase more (P =
0.06 to P = 0.11) from prepartum to 4 DIM with AFLA as compared
M403 Milk production and composition of Saanen dairy goat fed with CTRL. In conclusion, the tested alfalfa haylage feeding strategy
by ration containing date palm leaves. A. Salahi*, R. Valizade, A. did not induce greater DMI in postpartum transition cows. The results
Naserian, and A. Tahmasbi, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran. showed that high forage feeding strategies for fresh cows increase the
risk for hyperketonemia.
Date palm leaves (DPL) is one of the most abundant agricultural by-
products in south of Iran were fed to 9 Saanen dairy goat in a 3 × 3 Latin Key Words: transition, feed intake, forage fiber
square design. All goats were given a TMR composed of 40% forage
and 60% concentrate (corn grain 26%, cotton seed meal 15%, sugar beet
M405 Milk production efficiency improves with addition of an
pulp 15.5, wheat bran 2%, limestone 0.5%, premix 0.5%, salt 0.5%).The
exogenous fibrolytic enzyme to a total mixed ration. L. Holt-
dietary treatment were 1) alfalfa hay (20%), wheat straw (20%) 2) alfalfa
shausen*1, Y.-H. Chung1, H. Gerardo-Cuervo2, M. Oba2, and K. A.
hay (20%), DPL (20%) and 3) alfalfa hay (20%), treated (4% urea) and
Beauchemin1, 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta,
ensiled DPL (20% DM basis). The experiment lasted for 63 d (3 periods
Canada, 2University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
of 21 d which 15 d for diet adaptation and last 7 d for data collection).
Data were analyzed using General Linear Models procedure of SAS 9.1 Ruminant response to feed enzymes remains variable despite it being
for ANOVA to evaluate difference among experimental groups, mean well researched in the last couple of decades. This study aimed to
compared with Duncan test. Average dry matter intake by the goats in determine whether addition of Econase RDE (AB Enzymes, Germany)
different treatment were 2055, 2055, and 1794 g/d, respectively. The to a TMR improves productivity of early-lactation dairy cows. Sixty
difference between the means was significant (P < 0.05). Average milk Holstein dairy cows (46 ± 10 DIM) were blocked by parity and randomly
production by the goats in different treatments were 1375, 1389 and 1381 assigned to one of 3 treatments for a 10-wk period: 1) Control diet (CTL;
g/d, respectively. The difference among there means as well as other no enzyme), 2) Low enzyme (LE; CTL with 0.5 mL Econase RDE/kg
milk constituents (fat, protein, and lactose) was not significant. Although TMR DM) and 3) High enzyme (HE; CTL with 1.0 mL Econase RDE/
no differences were detected between these figures, the obtained data kg TMR DM). Endoglucanase and xylanase activity for Econase RDE
on BUN (11, 11, 15.5 mg/dL) differed significantly. Total solid of the was 722 and 2604 nmol/mg enzyme product, respectively. The CTL
milk produced by goats in different treatments were 10.34, 10.63, and diet had 21% alfalfa silage, 21% barley silage, 11% alfalfa hay and
10.8%, respectively. Total cell counts of the milk samples were 241, 314, 47% concentrate (DM basis). Twenty-four hour in situ DM, NDF and
and 537cell per mL, respectively. The difference among there means ADF degradation of alfalfa and barley silage, with and without enzyme,
also was not significant. It was concluded that DPL can be fed to such were determined using 6 cannulated cows. Cows on the CTL diet had a
animals without any adverse effects. higher DMI (P < 0.01) than cows on the HE diet and tended (P = 0.09)
to have a higher DMI than cows on the LE diet. Fat corrected milk yield
Key Words: date palm leaves, Saanen dairy goat, milk parameter
and milk composition did not differ. Cows on the HE diet had a greater
FCM production efficiency than CTL cows (P < 0.01), with that of LE
150 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cows being intermediate and not different from CTL cows (P = 0.31). Table 1. Effects of treatments on chewing activities of lactating dairy
Enzyme addition did not improve in situ DM or NDF degradation of cows.
alfalfa or barley silage, but there was a tendency (P = 0.10) for greater Treatment
ADF degradation of alfalfa silage. Greater FCM production efficiency T1 T2 T3 T4 SEM
with dietary addition of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes might in part
DMI (kg/day) 19.34 19.63 19.74 18.7 0.34
be a result of greater ADF degradation of some feedstuffs, particularly
min/d 380.63 390.63 373.13 378.13 11.205
min/kg DMI 19.75 19.89 18.92 20.58 0.73
Table 1. Performance of early-lactation dairy cows and in situ
min/kg NDFI 63.1ab 59.04ab 56.31b 64.34a 2.30
degradation of feedstuffs with the addition of an exogenous fibrolytic
min/d 510.63a 460b 452.5ab 490b 16.12
Item CTL LE HE SE P (trt)
min/kg DMI 26.36a 23.46b 22.97b 26.28a 0.803
DMI, kg/d 24.5 22.9 22.2 0.58 0.02
min/kg NDFI 84.23a 69.61b 68.36b 83.44a 2.45
3.5% FCM yield, kg/d 36.5 36.1 36.3 0.66 0.90
Milk fat, % 3.29 3.19 3.26 0.057 0.44
min/d 891.25 a 850.63ab 824.38b 857.5ab 15.1
Milk protein, % 2.95 3.01 3.03 0.027 0.14
mink/g DMI 46.11a 43.35ab 41.82b 46.32a 1.05
FCM Efficiency,
kg FCM/kg DMI 1.50 1.58 1.67 0.041 0.02 min/kg NDFI 147.32a 128.65b 124.48b 147.04a 3.26
Key Words: chewing activities, lactating Holstein cow, pectin feed-
Barley Alfalfa stuffs
24h Degradation CTL Enz CTL Enz
DM 46.1 47.7 68.8 70.0 1.14 0.20 M407 Effect of different sources of pectin feedstuffs on blood
NDF 19,4 20.9 26.7 28.7 1.77 0.34 metabolites in early lactating Holstein cows. M. Kordi*, A. Naserian,
ADF 31.9 32.2 36.6a 40.7b 1.63 0.21 R. Valizade, and A. Tahmasbi, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran.
a,bP = 0.10. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different
Key Words: feed enzymes, production efficiency, dairy cow sources of pectin feedstuffs on blood metabolites in early lactating
Holstein cows. Eight primiparous early lactating Holstein cows (60 ±
23 d postpartum, weighing 530 ± 60 kg) were assigned into a duplicated
M406 Effect of different sources of pectin feedstuffs on chewing 4 × 4 Latin square design with 4 3-wk periods. Cows were allocated
activities in early lactating Holstein cows. M. Kordi*, A. Naserian, into 4 diets whit 1)10% barley grain, 2)10% sugar beet pulp, 3)10%
R. Valizade, and A. Tahmasbi, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, wheat bran and 4) 10% dried citrus pulp . Each experimental period
was 21 d including 14 d adaptation period and 7 d collecting samples.
Eight primiparous early lactating Holstein cows (60 ± 23 d postpartum,
Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein 2h after the morn-
weighing 530 ± 60 kg) were assigned into a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square
ing feeding. Blood serum was collected after centrifuged at 1,500 ×
design for evaluation of different pectin feedstuffs on intake and chew-
g for 20 min, frozen at – 40°C, and later analyzed for glucose, urea
ing activities of lactating dairy cows with 4 3-wk periods. Cows were
N, cholesterol, triglyceride, alkaline phosphate and albumin. Blood
allocated into 4 diets whit 1)10% barley grain, 2)10% sugar beet pulp,
metabolites data and DMI are shown in Table 1.There were no differ-
3)10% wheat bran and 4) 10% dried citrus pulp . Each experimental
ences (P > 0.05) on daily intake of DM (kg/d) (Table 1). Similarly, no
period was 21 d including 14 d adaptation period and 7 d collecting
treatments effects were observed blood metabolites (Table 1). These
samples. Chewing behavior observations were visually recorded every
data suggest that, the addition of sources of pectin feedstuffs at 10%
5 min for 24 h. The time spent for each animal observation was not more
levels (dry matter basis) of the dairy cow ration instead of cereal grain;
than 5 s. Eating, ruminating, and total chewing times were determined
will decrease the cost of milk production without any negative effect
and expressed as minutes per day. Time (expressed in minutes) expended
on DMI and blood metabolites.
in each activity was calculated by the number of observations recorded
multiplied by 5. Total chewing time was considered as the sum of eating
and ruminating times. Eating, ruminating, and total chewing times were Table 1. Blood metabolites of dairy cows
also expressed as minutes per kg of DM and NDF intakes. Chewing Treatment
activities data are shown in Table 1).There were no differences (P > Item T1 T2 T3 T4 SEM
0.05) in the daily intake of DM (kg/d). Eating behavior as minutes per
DMI (kg/day) 19.34 19.63 19.74 18.69 0.348
Kg of DMI were not affected by treatments (P > 0.05) but there were
significant differences in eating behavior as minutes per kg of NDFI Glucose (mg/dL) 55.8 53.8 54.1 53.5 22.902
(P < 0.05). Similarly there were significant differences on ruminating Blood urea nitrogen (mg/dL) 24.37 25.62 25.87 26.25 0.786
and total chewing activities between treatment diets (P < 0.05). These Cholesterol (mg/dL) 186.25 186.88 193.88 185.63 8.142
data suggest that, the addition of sources of pectin feedstuffs at 10% Triglyceride (mg/dL) 9.25 10.625 10.625 12.87 2.69
levels (dry matter basis) of the dairy cow ration instead of cereal grain; Alkaline phosphate (U/L) 68.25 75.5 69.25 71.87 4.212
will decrease the cost of milk production without any negative effect Albumin (g/dL) 4.23 4.25 4.28 4.22 0.047
on chewing activities.
Key Words: barley, lactating Holstein cow, pectin feedstuff
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 151
M408 Effects of forage family (alfalfa vs. orchardgrass) on sugarcane silage and 60% concentrate (DM basis). On d 11 of each
apparent ruminal synthesis of niacin and vitamin B6 in lactating period, at feeding time, all bags were positioned into the ventral sac
dairy cows. M. Seck*1,3, J. A. Voelker Linton2, M. S. Allen2, P. Y. of the rumen during 24 h. Rumen pH was measured each 2 h during
Chouinard3, and C. L. Girard1, 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 24 h on d 13. Dry matter degradation (DEG24) was determined as the
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2Department of Animal Science, Michigan difference between sample and residue weights. Fresh and ensiled sug-
State University, East Lansing, 3Departement de sciences animales, arcane were compared. DEG24 of fresh sugarcane (55%) was higher
Universite Laval, Quebec, Quebec, Canada. (P < 0.01) than that of ensiled sugarcane (39%). It was not detected
effect (P = 0.13) on DEG24 across dietary treatments (averages: 75D
Effects of forage family on apparent ruminal synthesis and post-ruminal
= 48%, 75W = 47%, 40W = 45% of DM). Rumen pH was lower (P <
supply of niacin (B3) and vitamin B6 were evaluated using 8 ruminally
0.01) for the high-concentrate diet (75D: 6.65, 75W: 6.71, 40W: 6.33),
and duodenally cannulated lactating Holstein cows. The experiment
however, all diets kept favorable rumen environment for digestion. The
was a crossover design with 2 15-d treatment periods and a prelimi-
volatile fraction present in sugarcane silage did not improve the ruminal
nary period in which dry matter intake (pDMI) of a diet intermediate
degradation of DM.
in composition between the treatment diets was measured. Treatment
diets were formulated to contain 23% forage NDF and contained as sole Key Words: volatile organic compounds, ethanol, rumen pH
forage, alfalfa (AL, 43% NDF) or orchardgrass (OG, 48% NDF) silages.
Intakes of B3 and B6 were greater (P ≤ 0.01) for AL than OG (B3:
2337 vs. 847 ± 87 mg/d; B6: 75 vs. 55 ± 4 mg/d) but AL decreased (P M410 Performance of lactating crossbreed cows on tropical
≤ 0.03) duodenal flows of B3 and B6 compared with OG (B3: 1702 vs. pasture fed by supplements with soybean meal and Optigen or
2508 ± 175 mg/d; B6: 46 vs. 82 ± 11 mg/d for B6). Ruminal synthesis urea. D. C. Abreu*1, R. P. Lana1, A. S. Oliveira1, F. A. Barbosa2, F.
of B3 and B6 was greater (P ≤ 0.01) for OG compared with AL (B3: L. Andrade1, P. T. Silva1, and F. A. C. Neto3, 1Universidade Federal de
1661 vs. −635 ± 139; B6: 27 vs. −28 ± 9 mg/d). Intakes of B3 and B6 Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brasil, 2Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, DF,
increased with pDMI for AL but not for OG (pDMI × T, P ≤ 0.01) but Brasil, 3Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
duodenal flow of B3 tended to increase with pDMI to a greater extent Sources of nonprotien nitrogen (NPN) are attractive because of their
for OG than for AL (pDMI × T, P = 0.09). With increasing pDMI, B3 low cost relative to vegetable proteins. Urea is the most commonly used
degradation in the rumen increased for AL but synthesis increased for NPN source but is rapidly hydrolysed to ammonia within the rumen and
OG (pDMI × T, P ≤ 0.01). No interactions between pDMI and treatments may therefore be used inefficiently by the rumen microbes. This study
were observed for B6 duodenal flow or ruminal synthesis (P > 0.6). investigated the performance and nutrient utilization response of cross-
B3 intake was correlated negatively with ruminal synthesis (r = −0.9, breed lactating dairy cows to the substitution of soybeans by 2 sources
P < 0.01) and flow (r = −0.52, P = 0.04) while B6 intake and synthesis of non-protein nitrogen. Twenty one crossbreed Holstein-Zebu cows
were correlated negatively (r = −0.48, P = 0.06). Mean ruminal pH was (second or third parity; BW = 499 ± 60,63 kg; DIM = 167 d) grazing
correlated negatively with ruminal synthesis (r = −0.76, P ≤ 0.01) and Brachiaria decumbes pastures were distributed in a 3 × 7 incomplete
flow (r = −0.68, P ≤ 0.01) of B3 (not B6). Microbial nitrogen flow (g/d) Latin squares design. Three periods, with 21 d each (samples collected
was correlated positively with ruminal synthesis (r = 0.48, P = 0.06) and on last 7 d of with period). Within herd, cows were fed by pasture source
flow (r = 0.6, P ≤ 0.01) of B6 (not B3). Forages from different families (ad libitum) and concentrated supplement isonitrogenous with 24%
(alfalfa vs. orchardgrass) altered ruminal fermentation which affected of crude protein, on DM basis (Table 1). The control diet contained a
ruminal synthesis and supply of vitamins B3 and B6 to dairy cows. conventional N source (soybean meal; SBM) and others NPN as urea
Key Words: dairy cow, niacin, pyridoxine and Optigen. Daily milk production was condensed to weekly averages.
Data was analyzed by repeated measures using PROC-MIXED of SAS.
There was no effect (P > 0.05) of difference source of protein (SBM vs.
M409 Effect of the volatile fraction from silage and NPN); interaction of source of NPN and level of NPN; source of NPN
forage:concentrate ratio on ruminal degradation of fresh chopped (urea vs. Optigen) and level of NPN. For crossbreed Holstein-Zebu cows
or ensiled sugarcane. J. L. P. Daniel*1, L. G. Nussio1, R. C. Amaral1, on tropical pasture, the urea or Optigen can be supplemented and add
S. G. Toledo Filho1, J. R. Lima1, E. Cabezas1, and O. C. M. Queiroz2, until 6% of DM of concentrated, without difference in the performance
1University of São Paulo, “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture, of lactating crossbreed cows.
Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2University of Florida, Gainesville.
The objective of this study was to determine whether volatile fermen- Table 1. Composition of ingredients of supplement (%, DM basis)
tation end products from silage and forage:concentrate ratio affect the Source of NPN
in situ ruminal degradation of fresh chopped or ensiled sugarcane. We Ingredients, % control diet Urea, % Optigen, %
hypothesized that ethanol present in the volatile fraction from silage
2 4 6 2 4 6
could increase ruminal degradation, and high-concentrate diet could
decrease it. Sugarcane was mechanically harvested at 21.5 degrees Corn grain 58.50 69.00 79.50 90.00 69.00 79.50 90.00
brix and ensiled in 200 L plastic buckets (experimental silos) without Soybean meal
adding any additive. Samples obtained before and after 90 d of storage, (SBM) 37.50 25.00 12.50 25.00 12.50
were dried at 60oC in a forced air oven, ground at 5 mm, and used to Urea 2.00 4.00 6.00
prepare Dacron bags, in triplicate, keeping the ratio 10–20 mg of sample Optigen 2.00 4.00 6.00
per cm2 of the bag. Six Nelore beef steers were randomly assigned in Mineral/
a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 14-d periods. Steers were supplement mix 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
fed ad libitum once daily at 0800 h. Dietary treatments were balanced
Key Words: nonprotein nitrogen, Optigen, crossbreed dairy cows
to be isonitrogen content: 75D – 75% sugarcane silage without volatile
fraction (dried at 60oC and re-hydrated) and 25% concentrate, 75W –
75% wet sugarcane silage and 25% concentrate, and 40W – 40% wet
152 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M411 Modeling degradation characteristics and nutrient avail- DWS compared with RCE and RWS. DCC had the lowest (P < 0.0084)
ability of anthocyanidin accumulating Lc-Alfalfa and alfalfa selected ruminal proportion of acetic acid respect to RCS and DCS. Propionic
for a low initial rate of degradation in dairy cows. A. Jonker*1,2, M. acid production was higher (P < 0.0235) for DCC on RCS and DCS.
Gruber2, Y. Wang3, and P. Yu1, 1Department of Animal and Poultry Sci- Butyric acid production showed the lowest proportion (P < 0.021) for
ence, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatch- DWS respect RCS and RWS. The ratio acetate: propionate was lower
ewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 2Saskatoon Research Centre, Agriculture (P < 0.0085) for DCC respect the rest of the treatments. The energy
and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 3Lethbridge Research values calculated by replacement for RCS, DWS, RWS and DCS cor-
Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada. responded to 4.58, 3.77, 4.14 and 3.71 ED Mcal/kg, respectively. We
concluded that the method of processing before restore cracked (RCS)
Protein efficiency of dairy cattle eating alfalfa might be improved by
and reconstituted sorghum (RWS) improve their nutritional value due
introducing a gene that stimulates the accumulation of anthocyanidin
to increase post-ruminal digestion of starch and N.
in alfalfa forage. The objective of this study was to determine nutrient
Funded by: DGAPA-PAPIIT IN206006
availability in the rumen and small intestine of newly developed antho-
cyanidin accumulating Lc-alfalfa populations by a modeling approach. Key Words: cattle, digestion, reconstituted sorghum
Three winter hardy alfalfa varieties Rangelander, Rambler and Beaver
were crossed with 3 transgenic T0 Lc-alfalfa populations 88–19, 88–09
and 88–01, respectively. The 3 phenotypic purple Lc-progeny used in this M413 Effect of germinated and ensiling sorghum grain on diges-
study were compared with AC Grazeland (selected for a low initial rate tion and ruminal fermentation by feedlot cattle. F. Rodríguez1, S.
of degradation; LIRD). Alfalfa samples were collected at a vegetative E. Buntinx1, M. E. Ortega2, and L. Corona*1, 1Universidad Nacional
pre-bud stage during the growing season of 2008 (AAFC, Saskatoon, SK, Autónoma de México, Cd. Universitaria, DF,México, 2Colegio de Pos-
Canada). Data from wet chemical analysis and an in situ trail was used graduados, Montecillo, Edo. de México, México.
as input for the Dutch 2007 DVE/OEB protein system and VEM energy Five steers (average BW: 400 kg) with cannulas in the rumen and proxi-
system to determine nutrient availability from tested alfalfa populations mal duodenum were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design to evaluate the
for dairy cows. The results were analyzed in a CRD using the contrast influence of sorghum grain germinated and ensiling on nutrient digestion
statement in Proc Mixed of SAS. The Lc-alfalfa populations had an and ruminal fermentation . Treatments consisted of a basal finished diet
average anthocyanidin concentration of 163.4 µg/g DM. The Lc-alfalfa containing 73% sorghum grain(% DM basis) as: 1) DCS (dry cracked
had a lower (P < 0.05) undegradable NDF fraction and tendency for a sorghum-0h reconstituted); 2) RWS (reconstituted whole sorghum-24h);
higher (P < 0.10) rumen degradable CP and rumen degradable CHO 3) GS2 (germinated sorghum 2d-48h); 4) GS4 (germinated sorghum
and rumen degraded protein balance compared with LIRD-alfalfa. Total 4d-96h); and 5) GS6 (germinated sorghum 6d-144h). The grain germi-
intestinal digestible protein (70.0 vs. 61.9 g/kg DM) tended to be higher nated and ensiling was reconstituted to 30% moisture, germinated for
(P < 0.10) and net energy for lactation was higher (P < 0.05; 1.50 vs. 2, 4, 6 d and ensiling for 21d. Post-ruminal digestion of OM was lower
1.42 Mcal/kg) in Lc-alfalfa compared with LIRD-alfalfa. In conclusion, (5%,P < 0.01) for GS2 than for GS6 and for starch was higher (29.5%P
Lc-alfalfa accumulated anthocyanidin and had a higher nutrient avail- < 0.10) for germinated treatments respect to DCS. Geminated tended
ability for the animal for milk production than LIRD-alfalfa. to increase (linear effect, P < 0.10) post-ruminal starch digestion. Total
Key Words: anthocyanidin-accumulating alfalfa, protein and energy tract digestion was higher for SG6 respect to SG2 for OM (7.22% P <
models, dairy cattle 0.05), starch (3.76, P < 0.10) and nitrogen (4.06%, P < 0.05). DE Mcal/
kg was higher (P < 0.05) for SG6 (3.72) than for SG2 (3.50). The ruminal
pH was lower (P < 0.10) for DCS (6.24) respect to GS2, GS4 and GS6
M412 Influence of reconstituted and silage sorghum grain on (6.6, 6.5, 6.4 respectively). Germinated treatments increased (P < 0.1)
site and extent digestion in finishing cattle. U. A. González1,3, M. molar proportion of acetate (6.73%) and decreased (P < 0.05) molar
González1, A. Plascencia2, and L. Corona*3, 1Universidad Autónoma proportion of butyrate. Germinated tended to increase (linear effect, P
del Estado de México, Toluca, Estado de México,México, 2Universidad < 0.10) molar proportion of acetate. Germinated increased post-ruminal
Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali, BC, México, 3Universidad starch digestion and SG6 had the higher total tract digestion for OM,
Nacional Autónoma de México, Cd. Universitaria, DF, México. starch, N and DE value.
Funded by: DGAPA-PAPIIT IN206006
Five calves (average BW: 190 ± 30 kg) with cannulas in the rumen
and proximal duodenum were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square design to Key Words: cattle, germinated, reconstituted sorghum
evaluate the influence of reconstituted and ensiling sorghum grain on
nutrient digestion with the following treatments: 1) DCC (dry cracked
corn); 2) RCS (reconstituted cracked sorghum); 3) DWS (dried whole M414 Performance of beef heifers finished at pasture in tropical
sorghum); 4) RWS (reconstituted whole sorghum); and 5) DCS (dry conditions and supplemented with sunflower crushed seeds, in dry
cracked sorghum). The diets contained 73% of grain (% DM). Ruminal season. S. L. N. Cerilo*, R. H. de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes, H.
digestion of OM was greater (P < 0.01) for DWS and RWS (60 ± 1%) L. Lima, K. A. de Souza, A. F. Marquez, T. da Cunha Cornélio, K. A.
compared with others treatments. The higher (P < 0.005) ruminal starch Guimarães Nogueira, D. de Faria Pereira, E. R. de Oliveira, and A.
digestion was for DWS and RWS (64 and 65% respectively), while M. de Araújo Gabriel, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados,
N digestion was greater (P < 0.0004) for RWS (48%) compared with Dourados, MS, Brasil.
RCS (40%). Post-ruminal digestion of OM was higher (P < 0.0001) To evaluate the partial substitution of soybean meal for sunflower
for RCS (71%) and starch digestion was greater (P < 0.05) for RCS crushed seeds in the performance of Nellore Heifers, at pastures of B.
(82%) compared with the other treatments. Total tract digestion of OM humidicula during the dry season, we used 24 animals, with initial body
was greater (P < 0.05) for RCS and RWS (87 and 83%) compared with weight (BW) of 310 kg, with body condition score (BC) of 2.25, divided
DCC, RWS and RCS (78 ± 1%); total starch digestion was greater (P into paddocks of 3000 m2, in a completely randomized design. Supple-
< 0.05) for RCS (93%) respect to DCC, RWS and DCS (87 ± 1%), and ments evaluated were supplied collectively at 0.8% BW/animal/day
lower for DWS (83%). The ruminal pH was higher (P < 0.0453) for consisting of corn, soybean meal and mineral, with 20% CP; the soybean
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 153
meal was replaced in the proportions of 0, 20, 40, and 60% for sunflower Table 1. Ingestive behavior of beef steers under increased level of
crushed seeds. The estimated ether extract of the supplements were 2.5, energetic supplementation during rainy season
4.7, 7.0, 9.2%, respectively. The animals were weighed every 21 d and Levels of concentrate
monitored for BC (1–5). The average daily gain of animals showed a (%BW) P-value Contrast SEM1
quadratic response (ADG = 0.2416+0.012x-0.0002x2, r2 = 0.99), and 0 0.3 0.6 0.9 Treatment L Q
the replacement levels of 20 and 40% showed higher daily gains, 0.411 Grazing time2 441 385 372 363 * * ns 9.82
and 0.440 kg/day, while the levels of 0 and 60% had average of 0.242
Ruminating time2 395 399 358 378 ns ns ns 9.38
and 0.320 kg/day. The inclusion of sunflower crushed seeds improved
daily gain (P < 0.10) (average of 0.390 kg/day), this corresponds to an Resting time2 441 515 548 551 ns ns ns 16.37
increase by 60% compared with supplementation with only corn and 1Standard error of the mean.
soybean meal. The efficiency of the use of concentrates (kg gain/kg of 2Minutes; ns = not significant, * = P < 0.05.
supplement) was greater for supplements containing sunflower crushed
seeds, 12.26, 13.42 and 9.87% for the replacement levels of 20, 40 and Key Words: beef cattle, ingestive behavior, supplementation
60% of soybean meal; the supplement without sunflower crushed seeds
was efficient to 7.31%, these values can be related to the inclusion of
sunflower crushed seeds into the concentrate, changing the energy M416 The effect of rumen protozoa of water buffalo and cow on
density. The animal’s BC improved with the sunflower crushed seeds, fiber digestion in vitro. S. Jabbari*, M. Eslami, M. Chaji, T. Moham-
where the animals supplemented had the best initial (2.2, 2.5 and 2.2) madabadi, and M. Bojarpour, Department of Animal Science, Ramin
and final (4.0, 4.0 and 3.7) body condition, for substitution levels of 20, (Khuzestan) Agriculture and Natural Resources University, Ahwaz
40 and 60%. The animals supplemented with corn and soybean, were (Molassani), Khuzestan, Iran.
initial and final body conditions of 2.1 and 3.6. Partial substitution of The objective of this study was to compare the in vitro digestibility
soybean meal with sunflower crushed seeds improves daily gain and of wheat straw by rumen protozoal populations of water buffalo and
body condition of animals on finishing systems on pasture. Holstein cows. There is no information about the fibrolytic activity
Key Words: supplement, concentrated efficiency, daily gain of rumen protozoa of water buffalo of Khuzestan in Iran. In vitro
digestibility of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) was
measured by procedure of Tilley and Terry (1963). Rumen fluid was
M415 Ingestive behavior of grazing Nellore steers supplemented obtained from 2 buffalo and cows, which fed 30:70 concentrate: forage
with increased levels of energetic concentrate. J. R. R. Dorea, F. (corn grain, barley grain and wheat bran: sugarcane silage, corn silage,
A. P. Santos, A. L. Marra, L. R. D. Agostinho Neto, D. C. Balestrin, alfalfa hay and wheat straw). To preparing rumen protozoa, rumen fluid
M. A. C. Danes*, V. N. Gouvea, and A. M. Pedroso, University of Sao was added to antibiotic solution (streptomycin sulfate, penicillin G and
Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil. chloramphenicol, 0.1 mg/ml each) and fungicides (benomyle: 500 ppm/
ml medium and metalaxyle: 10 mg/ml medium), then was mixed with
The objective of this trial was to evaluate the ingestive behavior of graz-
McDougall buffer in a ratio 1:4. After gasifying with CO2, tubes were
ing Nellore steers receiving increased levels of energetic concentrate
incubated at 39°C. After 48 h the fermentation, 6 mL of HCl solution
during rainy season. Eight rumen canulated Nellore steers averaging 380
(20%) and 5 mL pepsin solution were added and the incubated for 48
kg of initial body weight, were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 complete
h simulating post-ruminal degradation. After incubation, the residual
4x4 Latin squares. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 18 d, with
substrates of each tube were filtered and used to determine disappearance
17 d for adaptation and 1 d for data collection. The grass pasture was
of DM and NDF. Data of DM and NDF disappearance were analyzed as a
Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandu. Pastures were rotationally grazed
completely randomized design using the general linear model procedure
using a height-based management, on which 25 cm was the entrance
of SAS. The results of this experiment indicated that the DM digest-
height into the paddocks, that were left when a 15 cm post grazing
ibility of wheat straw by rumen protozoal population of buffalo was
residue was reach. The treatments were 3 levels of energetic supple-
higher than that by rumen protozoa population of cows (25.2 and 21.13
mentation (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9% BW, DM basis), based on fine ground
g/100 g, respectively) (P < 0.05). Neutral detergent fiber digestibility
corn and monensin (20 ppm/animal/d), plus a control treatment, with
of wheat straw was 16.7 and 10.3 g/100 g for protozoal population of
no supplementation. The concentrate was individually fed once daily,
buffalo and cows, respectively (P < 0.05). The DM and NDF digest-
in the morning, and the animals had free access to a mineral premix.
ibility by rumen protozoa from buffalo was 1.19 and 1.62 folds of the
Ingestive behavior was determined by visual observation of individual
rumen protozoa from cows, respectively. Therefore, rumen protozoa of
animals, during 24 h, 5 min intervals, totaling 288 observations. Param-
Khuzestan water buffalo have higher fiber breakdown compared with
eters evaluated were grazing, rumination and resting periods. The data
cows under the same diet.
was tested with t-test at 5% probability. There was a linear decrease (P
< 0.05) in grazing time as the level of the supplementation increased. Key Words: fiber digestion, buffalo, rumen protozoa
There was no difference among treatments for ruminating and resting
periods. The energetic supplementation of animals grazing a high quality
pasture can increase even more the substitution effect, what can result M417 The degradation of alfalfa treated with enzyme and or
in decreased grazing time. sodium hydroxide by rumen anaerobic fungi. T. Mohammadabadi*
and M. Chaji, Department of Animal Science, Ramin (Khuzestan)
Agriculture and Natural Resources University, Ahwaz (Molassani),
Khuzestan, Iran.
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of rumen fungi
on degradation of alfalfa treated with enzyme (30 g/kg DM) or sodium
hydroxide (45 g/ kg DM) by using disappearance of dry matter (DM)
and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and chitin content in pure culture of
154 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
rumen anaerobic fungi for 12 d. Treatments were: untreated alfalfa and M419 Effect of levels of fiber and corn grain processing in diets
treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (45 g/ kg DM), enzyme (30 for finishing Zebu cattle. R. Carareto*, F. A. P. Santos, G. B. Mourão,
g/kg DM) and or NaOH +enzyme. Rumen fluid was collected from A. M. Pedroso, C. Sitta, W. Angolini, and B. Correa, University of Sao
2 fistulated Holstein steers and centrifuged (1000 rpm, 10 min), then Paulo, Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
supernatant was used to grow fungi in medium containing antibiotic
The objective of this trial was to compare 3 levels of grass hay and 2
solution (streptomycin sulfate, penicillin G and chloramphenicol, 0.1
types of corn grain processing in high concentrate diets for finishing
mg/ml each) under anaerobic conditions at 39°C for 24 h, by Joblin
feedlot cattle. Ninety-two Nellore bulls with an average initial SBW of
(1981) method. These isolates were used (1:9), as a source of inoculum
400 kg were used in a 63-d feeding trial after a 21 d period for adap-
for culturing fungi in a serum bottle containing 45 mL of culture medium
tation to high concentrate diets. Animals were blocked by SBW and
and 1g of experimental sample under anaerobic conditions (using 3
randomly allotted to 16 pens. Experimental diets were isonitrogenous
times subculture) for 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. The residual substrates of
and contained (%DM) 10% to 0% hay, 53.6 to 63.6% corn grain, 35%
each bottle were then filtered and used to determine the DM and NDF
wet corn gluten feed, 1.4% of mineral mix with monensin.
concentrations. The chitin content of each medium was determined as
Treatments were: 1) fine ground corn and 10% hay, 2) fine ground
described by Chen and Johnson (1983). The result showed disappear-
corn and 5% hay, 3) fine ground corn and 0% hay, 4) cracked corn and
ance of dry matter after 12 d incubation by rumen fungi will be 43.2,
0% hay. Data were analyzed based on a randomized complete blocks
58.3, 60.3 and 63.3 g/100 g DM for untreated alfalfa and treated with
design, with pens as the experimental units, using the Proc. Mixed of
NaOH, enzyme and or NaOH+enzyme, respectively. Sodium hydroxide
SAS (1999) version 9.2 for Windows. Dry matter intake (DMI) and
and enzyme caused to increase disappearance of NDF and chitin content,
ADG were lower for treatments without hay (P < 0.05) (Table 1). Feed
and the highest increase was for medium containing alfalfa treated with
efficiency (DMI/ADG) was not affect by treatments (P > 0.05) (Table
NaOH+enzyme (168.6 mg/g DM and 5.96 g/kg DM, respectively) (P
1). Although the DMI and ADG were lower, the finishing Nellore bulls
< 0.05). Therfore, it appears that the degradation of alfalfa by rumen
performance was not affected by treatments.
fungi is influenced by NaOH and enzyme treatments.
Key Words: rumen fungi, sodium hydroxide, enzyme Table 1. Dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG) and
feed efficiency (DMI/ADG) of finishing Nelore bulls fed 4 different
M418 Exchanging tropical fiber sources on intake and ingestive
Variables T1 T2 T3 T4 Standard Error Pr>F
behavior of feedlot rations in beef cattle. R. S. Goulart*, V. P. Santos,
G. B. Muraro, J. L. P. Daniel, R. C. Amaral, S. G. Toledo Filho, E. H. ADG (kg /day) 1.55 1.51 1.30 1.36 0.0800 0.032
Cabezas, L. G. Nussio, and A. V. Pires, University of São Paulo–ESALQ, DMI (kg DM/day) 10.32 10.26 8,79 9.00 0.3729 0.0002
Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. DMI/ADG 6.65 6.80 6.75 6.67 0.2365 0.9827
Forage and nonforage tropical fiber sources were evaluated in a 5 × 5 Key Words: Nelore, finishing, feedlot
Latin square trial using Nelore steers within five 19-d periods (10-d
adaptation followed by 9-d data collection). The 5 diets were composed
M420 Influence of daily ingestion of alfalfa treated with quebracho
of fiber sources: 20% NDF from corn silage (CS) (50.2% NDF); and 4
tannins on in vitro fermentative activity of some browse species. H.
diets containing 10% NDF from corn silage added with 10% NDF from
Ammar1,2, S. López2, A. Z. M. Salem*3,4, and J. S. González2, 1Ecole
each of the following sources: sugarcane (SC) (46.8% NDF), sugarcane
Supérieure d′Agriculture de Mograne, Dept. Production Agricole,
bagasse (SCB) (81.0% NDF), soybean hulls (SH) (75.1% NDF) and
1121-Zaghouan, Tunisia, 2Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña (CSIC-
high oil – cottonseed meal (HOCM) (49.2% NDF). Steers were fed
Universidad de León), 24346 León, Spain, 3Universidad Autónoma del
once daily in the morning and allowed ad libitum access to feed in
Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM-Temascaltepec, Estado
tie stall pen. Data from the Latin squares were analyzed using Mixed
de México, C.P. 51300, México, 4Alexandria University, Department of
procedures of SAS. Greater DM intake (9.26 kg/d) was observed for the
Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture (El-Shatby), Egypt.
diet which contained 20% NDF as CS (P < 0.05) compared with diets
containing SC (8.85 kg/d) or SCB (6.86 kg/d). No differences in DM Leaves from 4 shrub species (Erica australis, Cistus laurifolius, Quer-
intake was observed between HOCM diets (9.62 kg/d) and CS diets. cus pyrenaica, and Rosa canina) collected from the mountain of Leon
However, steers fed SH diet (8.44 kg/d) consumed less (P < 0.05) than (northwestern Spain) were used to test the medium-term effects of the
CS. Steers fed SC or SCB diets showed greater capacity (P < 0.01) in intake of quebracho condensed tannins on the fermentative activity in
stimulating rumination (50.0 and 62.3 min/kg DM, respectively) when the rumen of sheep. Leaves from all shrubs were sampled at 3 different
compared with CS (42.5 min/kg DM), SH (26.7 min/kg MD) or HOCM maturity stages (spring, summer and autumn). Eight Merino rumen
diets (38.9 min/kg DM) for the same inclusion of NDF (% DM). This cannulated sheep fed chopped alfalfa hay were used. Four sheep were
variation in feeding behavior affected the amount of acid produced in given alfalfa hay treated with 50 g quebracho/kg DM for 60 d (group Q),
rumen fermentation of each treatment. Greater pH ruminal was observed whereas the other animals were always given untreated alfalfa hay and
for SC (6.21) and SCB (6.30) (P < 0.01) compared with CS (6.08) used as the control group (C). Differences in the fermentative activity
and SH (6.04). Thus, dietary NDF concentration alone from tropical were examined in vitro in batch cultures inoculated with rumen fluid
roughage sources were not correlated to ruminal pH. Even though, it obtained on d 60 from both groups of sheep. In vitro dry matter digest-
might provide a useful tool for exchanging roughages in diets, these ibility (IVD) and gas production kinetics from leaves and flowers of all
results suggested that this fraction should not be considered exclusively shrub species were determined. Except for the flowers of C. laurifolius,
as a predictor for estimate DM intake and ingestive behavior. Further IVD was higher (P < 0.05) when rumen fluid from Q sheep was used.
studies involving physical and chemical traits from tropical roughage Likewise, a significant effect of inoculum source on the dry matter dis-
sources are on the way. appearance after 144 h of incubation was observed for the flowers of E.
australis. For the same substrate, the inoculation with rumen fluid from
Key Words: roughage source, dry matter intake, Nelore steers
Q sheep resulted in a higher gas production at 24 h and faster fractional
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 155
gas production rates. The differences were generally statistically signifi- based high concentrate, lactating diet at 6% of dietary DM. A dual-flow
cant (P < 0.05) in most comparisons and the magnitude of this effect continuous culture system consisting of 4 fermentors was used in a 4 ×
was greater when material with higher tannin contents was incubated 4 Latin square with dietary treatment arranged as 2 × 2 factorial (high
(leaves of E. australis and C. laurifolius). In conclusion, rumen fluid and low pH vs. without CT and with CT). High ruminal pH (HpH) was
from sheep fed a diet supplemented with condensed tannins showed a maintained with normal artificial saliva, while low ruminal pH (LpH)
higher fermentative activity to degrade tannin-rich browse. This could was achieved by diluting 60% of the normal artificial saliva with water.
be due to the appearance and proliferation of tannin-tolerant bacterial The ruminal pH averaged 6.2 and 5.9 to the HpH and the LpH, respec-
species or to the induction of changes in the existing bacteria to enhance tively. The diet used consisted of 33% alfalfa hay, 7% corn silage, 40%
their tolerance to these phenolic compounds. rolled barley grain, and 20% concentrate mixture. The 4 treatments were:
1) TMR with HpH and without CT; 2) TMR with HpH and with CT; 3)
Key Words: shrub, in vitro digestibility and gas production, sheep
TMR with LpH and without CT; and 4) TMR with LpH and with CT.
Filtered ruminal contents were allowed 5 d of adaptation to the treat-
M421 Productive characteristics and chemical composition of ments followed by 3 d of data collection. Culture pH decreased with CT
elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum, cv. Mineiro) sub- supplementation in the HpH, however pH was not affected in the LpH.
mitted to chemical and organic fertilization. T. S. Oliveira*1, J. C. Methane production increased (P < 0.01) in the HpH, but decreased in
Pereira1, R. A. M. Vieira4, J. G. L. Regadas Filho1, and E. F. Aguiar2, the LpH due to CT supplementation. Ammonia-N concentration (P <
1Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2Univer- 0.01) decreased with CT supplementation regardless of type of ruminal
sidade Federal do Vale do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, Minas pH. Total VFA increased (P = 0.02) with CT supplementation in the HpH,
Gerais, Brazil, 3Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Janaúba, but was not affected in the LpH. Molar proportion of acetate increased
Minas Gerais, Brazil, 4Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (P = 0.02) in the HpH, whereas CT supplementation did not affect
Darcy Ribeiro, Campo dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. acetate proportion in the LpH. Propionate proportion was not affected
by CT supplementation in the HpH and the LpH. The supplementation
The objectives of this work were to study the effect of chemical (CF) of CT in the HpH resulted in positive impacts on microbial production,
and organic (OF) fertilization on the forage DM production and chemical as was seen in increased VFA and decreased ammonia-N. However, CT
composition characteristics of elephant grass and to estimate the total net supplementation in the LpH had no benefit on ruminal fermentation.
energy for lactation (NEL) and the total digestible nutrients (TDN). Two
elephant grass stocking piles were formed and 2 fertilization systems Key Words: condensed tannins, continuous culture, ruminal pH
were used. The plant was evaluated in relation to height, age, DM ha-1
production (DMP), DM content and leave: stem ratio. Except for the
M423 Milk fatty acid composition of grazing dairy cows supple-
age, the other values were analyzed in relation to the plant height. Based
mented with soy and fish oils. G. M. Martínez1, G. A. Gagliostro*2,
on the plant age, DM ha day-1 production and growth rate (GR) were
D. A. Garciarena1, V. I. Cejas3, M. A. Rodríguez3, R.A Castañeda3, and
calculated. As for elephant grass nutritive values (chopped forage), the
M Balán4, 1INTA EEA Salta, Salta, Argentina, 2INTA EEA Balcarce,
experiment was carried out in a completely block (6 periods) randomized
Balcarce. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3INTI Lácteos, San Martín, Buenos
design and 3 replicates per forage (CF and OF) per block. Data of CP,
Aires, Argentina, 4Prodeo SRL, Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
NDF, ash, Ca, P, Mg and K were evaluated by F test, at 5% of prob-
ability. Based on the NDF contents, the NEL and TDN of the elephant The effect of feeding soy oil (SO, 55.5% C18:2) or a residue of SO
grass from the 2 fertilization systems were estimated. The best plant extraction (SOR, 61% oil, 55.9% C18:2) combined or not with fish
performance at field was for the elephant grass submitted to organic oil (FO, 9.89% EPA, C20:5 n3 and 20.64% DHA, C22:6 n3) on milk
fertilization, which was higher in water content, growth rate and forage fatty acid (FA) profile was studied on 32 grazing dairy cows (115 ± 28
DM ha day-1 production. Also in the nutritive value aspect, the elephant DIM) in a 2x2 factorial arrangement. Oils were mixed with corn silage
grass submitted to OF showed higher chemical composition values, (CS) immediately before feeding. Treatments (DM basis) were: SO =
which were indicatives of better nutritional quality. In this forage, higher 72.63% CS, 2.79% urea and 24.58% SO; SO-FO = 68.42% CS, 2.63%
contents of CP (17.26%), ash (26%) and P (36.88%) and smaller of NDF urea, 5.79% FO and 23.16% SO; SOR = 62.95% CS, 2.42% urea and
(3.96%) were observed in relation to the elephant grass submitted to CF. 34.63% SOR and SOR-FO = 59.77% CS, 2.30% urea, 5.06% FO and
In the conversion of NPK fertilizer in forage DM, the elephant grass 32,87% SOR. Concentrate (7.3 kg/cow/d) and pasture (8.4 kg/cow/d)
submitted to OF was 41.38% smaller than elephant grass submitted to were also consumed. Milk samples were obtained before (basal) and
CF. The elephant grass cultivated under organic fertilization was harvest then once a week after oils feeding during 35 d. A factorial arrangement
with higher frequency and with better nutritional quality. with repeated measures over time adjusted by covariable was used.
Factor A compared SO vs SOR and factor B examined the effect of
Key Words: elephant grass, chemical fertilization, organic fertiliza-
FO. Comparisons between basal and final milk FA were tested by the
Student t-Test for paired observations. Concentration of C4:0, C6:0 and
C8:0 resulted higher in SOR treatments. C14:0 (g/100g FA) was lower
M422 Effects of condensed tannins supplementation in a lactat- (P < 0.03) in SO (9.15) compared with SOR (10.17). Compared with
ing dairy TMR diet on ruminal fermentation in continuous culture, basal (12.52 g/100g FA) SO-FO showed the most important reduction
maintained at high and low pH. C. M. Dschaak*, C. M. Williams, in C14:0 (−3.55 g/100g FA). The atherogenicity index of milk (2.29 to
J.-S. Eun, and A. J. Young, Department of Animal, Dairy, and Veterinary 2.59) was reduced (1.43) without differences between treatments. Basal
Sciences, Utah State University, Logan. concentrations of 10t C18:1 (0.28 to 0.31 g/100g FA) were increased
particularly with SO (4.55 g/ 100 g FA) instead of SOR (3.9 g/ 100 g FA).
We investigated whether supplementing a water-soluble Quebracho SO-FO showed the highest 10t C18:1 concentration (5.27 g/100g FA).
extract would be beneficial to improve the rumen ecosystem by exam- Increase of 11t C18:1 (VA) over basal (2.56 g/100g FA) resulted higher
ining effects of ruminal pH on ruminal fermentation. The Quebracho in SO-FO (+3g/100g FA) followed by SOR-FO (2.91 and +2.84), SO
extract contained approximately 75% condensed tannins (CT; Chemtan (2.78 and +1.36) and SOR (2.54 and +1.06 g/100g FA). Concentrations
Company Inc., Exeter, NH), and the CT was supplemented to a barley-
156 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(g/100g FA) of 9c, 11t CLA averaged 3.23 (SO-FO), 2.95 (SOR-FO), including FO. Within treatments, comparisons between pre- and final
2.43 (SO) and 2.19 (SOR) resulting higher (P = 0.01) in FO treatments records were performed using the Student t-Test for pairwise observa-
FO (3.14 vs 2.31) without interaction between FO and sources of tions. Intake of ration (kg DM/cow/d) was lower (P < 0.01) in SO-FO
supplementary C18:2. After supplementation, the CLA/11t C18:1 ratio (2.14) and SOR-FO (2.30) compared with SO (2.66) and SOR (2.78).
decreased in all treatments. The SOR may successfully replace SO to Pre-trial milk yield, milk fat and milk protein contents averaged 26.6
modulate milk FA composition. kg/v/d, 35.7 and 34.4 g/kg, respectively. After 35 of oil supplementa-
tion milk yield (SO-FO:-3,18, SO:-2.90, SOR-FO:-1.97 and SOR:-1,62
Key Words: soy oil residue, fish oil, conjugated linoleic acid
kg/cow/d) and milk fat content (SOR: −9.9, SOR-FO: −9.1, SO-FO:
−9 and SO: −6,9 g/kg) decreased (P < 0.01), but milk protein content
M424 Does the in situ ruminal degradation of feeds vary with remained unaffected. FCM was also depressed. Milk yield (kg/cow/d)
the finishing ration fed to beef cattle? Y. L. Li*1,2 and W. Z. Yang1, resulted higher (P < 0.002) in SOR treatments (23.9) compared with that
1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, including SO (22.9). Milk fat content (AxB, P < 0.10) was higher (P
Canada, 2Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural < 0.05) in SO (29.1g/kg) compared with SO-FO (26.1), SOR (26) and
Sciences, Beijing, China. SOR-FO (2.61). FCM resulted higher (P < 0.03) for treatments without
FO (19.75 vs 19.0 kg/cow/d). Yield of FCM (AxB, 0.07) was depressed
An in situ study was conducted to determine degradation of feeds in by SO-FO (18.5 kg/cow/d) compared with SO (19.9), SOR (19.6) and
the rumen of beef cattle fed finishing diets that varied with the amounts SOR-FO (19.5). Milk fat secretion (g/cow/d) resulted higher in SO
of silage, barley grain and wheat DDGS. This study was part of the (698) compared with SO-FO (631) and SOR (622) without differences
measurements in a metabolic study. Eight ruminally fistulated Angus between SO and SOR-FO (640). A lower depression of milk yield and
heifers were assigned in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with milk fat content was observed feeding the SOR supplement.
4 diets that consisted of barley silage, barley concentrate, and wheat
DDGS in ratios of 15:85:0, 10:65:25, 5:65:30 and 0:65:35, respectively, Key Words: soy oil, milk yield, milk composition
for control, low, med and high DDGS. Five grams of the barley silage
(chopped), barley grain (temper-rolled) and wheat DDGS (as fed) fed
M426 Effect of production system on metabolic and endocrine
to the cattle were incubated in situ in the rumen of 8 heifers for 0, 2,
responses of grass fed cows. L. D. Kaufmann1, A. Münger1, H. A. van
4, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h in the first 2 periods of the study. The model y =
Dorland2, R. M. Bruckmaier2, and F. Dohme*1, 1Agroscope Liebefeld-
a+b(1-e-ct) was fitted to determine degradation kinetics of DM, NDF
Posieux, Research Station ALP, Posieux, Switzerland, 2University of
and CP, where y is nutrient degraded, a is soluble fraction, b is slowly
Bern Vetsuisse Faculty, Veterinary Physiology, Bern, Switzerland.
degradable fraction, c is degradation rate constant, t is incubation time.
Effective degradability (ED) was determined by ED = a+[bc/(c+k)], We previously reported that energy expenditure was higher in dairy
where k = 0.06/h. For barley silage, soluble fraction of DM decreased cows on pasture compared with those offered the same grass in a free-
quadratically (P = 0.01). The slowly degradable fraction of DM tended stall barn. Aiming to better understand these differences, the metabolic
to linearly (P = 0.06) decrease, and that of CP quadratically (P = 0.05) and endocrine profile and feed intake of the dairy cows fed grass of the
decreased with increasing amount of DDGS in the diets. For barley grain, same quality either on pasture (P) or in the barn (B) were investigated.
the kinetic parameters of DM, NDF and CP were generally not affected Fourteen dairy cows (milk yield: 44 ± 2.7 kg/d) were randomly assigned
by the diets except for the ED of NDF which was greater (P = 0.01) to a crossover study. The 2 experimental periods lasted 2 wk each and
for med DG (48%) than for the other 3 diets. Finally, for wheat DDGS, consisted of an adaptation and a data collection period of 1 wk each.
the degradation kinetics and ED of DM, NDF and CP were overall not The P cows grazed on pasture whereas B cows had ad libitum access
affected. The results suggest that the effects of finishing diet fed to cattle to grass from the same paddock, fed in a free-stall barn. All cows were
on in situ ruminal degradation kinetics vary with type of feed and nutri- supplemented with a cereal-based concentrate to meet their predicted
ent measured; in situ ruminal degradation of wheat DDGS was the least nutrient requirements. Concentrate was offered in the barn at 0630 and
affected by the diets fed to cattle among 3 feeds evaluated. 1630 h using weighing troughs. Grass intake and nutrient digestibility
were estimated by the double alkane technique. Milk metabolites were
Key Words: In situ ruminal degradation, wheat DDGS, beef cattle
analyzed and BW was recorded daily during the collection periods. On
each day of the collection period, blood was taken at 0530 h from one
M425 Performance of grazing dairy cows supplemented with cow of each treatment group. Samples were centrifuged and stored at
soy and fish oils. G. M. Martínez1, G. A. Gagliostro*2, and D. A. −20°C until further analysis. As expected, grass quality was similar in
Garciarena2, 1INTA EEA Salta, Salta, Argentina, 2INTA EEA Balcarce, both treatment groups (CP, 179 g/kg DM; NDF, 407 g/kg DM). Daily
Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina. grass (15.6 kg DM) and concentrate intake (6.4 kg DM) did not differ
(P > 0.05) and therefore no differences (P > 0.05) were observed in
Feeding soy oil (SO) or a residue of oil extraction (SOR) combined or total DM, OM and NDF intake between treatments. Digestibility of
not with fish oil (FO) may be an inexpensive way to increase vaccenic OM (81.6%) and NDF (78.9%) were similar (P > 0.05) in both experi-
and conjugated linoleic acids in milk. Production responses of dairy mental groups. Milk acetone concentration (1.13 mg/kg) was unaffected
cows fed SO (55.5% C18:2), SOR (61% oil; 55.9% C18:2) and FO were (P > 0.05) while milk urea level tended (P = 0.06) to be lower in P
examined on 32 grazing dairy cows (115 ± 28 DIM) in a DCA with a cows (186 mg/kg) compared with B cows (208 mg/kg). Neither blood
2x2 factorial arrangement over a 35 d period. Oils were mixed to corn metabolites (albumin, BHBA, cholesterol, glucose, NEFA, total pro-
silage (CS) defining 4 treatments: SO = 72.63% CS, 2.79% urea and tein, triglycerides, and urea) nor IGF-1, T3, and T4 differed (P > 0.05)
24.58% SO; SO-FO = 68.42% CS, 2.63% urea, 5.79% FO and 23.16% between treatments. In conclusion, the analyzed blood traits as well as
SO; SOR = 62.95% CS, 2.42% urea and 34.63% SOR and SOR-FO = the nutrient intake do not help explaining the observed differences in
59.77% CS, 2.30% urea, 5.06% FO and 32,87% SOR. Concentrate (7.3 energy expenditure of grazing cows compared with cows fed the same
kg) and pasture (8.4 kg) were also consumed. Results were analyzed as grass in the barn.
a factorial arrangement with repeated measures adjusted by covariable.
Factor A compared SO vs SOR and factor B examined the effect of Key Words: dairy cows, metabolic and endocrine profile, pasture
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 157
M427 Production of dairy cows fed varying levels of total mixed 10% levels (dry matter basis) of the dairy cow ration instead of cereal
ration and pasture. A. Quilaguy-Ayure, G. A. Gagliostro*, D. A. grain; will decrease the cost of milk production without any negative
Garciarena, L. Antonacci, and C. A. Cangiano, INTA EEA Balcarce, effect on dairy cows performance.
Balcarce, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Nine dairy cows were offered combinations of total mixed ration (TMR) Table 1. Dry matter intake, NDF intake, milk production and
and pasture (P) in a triplicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 3 partial composition, and ruminal pH of dairy cows
mixed rations (PMR) targeted at (1) 75% TMR and 25% P, (2) 50% Treatment
TMR and 50% P and (3) 25% TMR and 75% P. All cows were also Item T1 T2 T3 T4 SEM
fed the TMR-100% diet. TMR was composed (DM) by corn silage
DMI (kg /day) 19.34 19.63 19.74 18.69 0.122
(36%), concentrate (49%), soybean meal (6.5%), soybean grain (6.5%)
and feather meal (2%). Data were analyzed by a model that included NDF intake(kg/d) 6.05b 6.61a 6.63 a 5.8 8 b 0.110
treatment, square and period as fixed effects and cow within square as Ruminal pH 6.25 6.36 6. 3 6.26 0.071
random effect. Differences between the TMR-100 and the other treat- Milk yield (kg /day) 28.68 28.3 28.81 27.37 0.201
ments were stated using the t-Test for paired observations. The actual Milk composition (%)
proportions of TMR and P were (1) 79:21, (2) 58:42 and (3) 33:67. TMR Protein 3.1 3.03 3.16 3.12 0.046
intake (kg DM/cow/d) was 20.32, 13.44 and 7.06 for (1), (2) and (3) Lactose 4.92 5.01 5.15 4.98 0.057
treatments, respectively (P < 0.01). Reducing the proportion of TMR
Fat 3.14 3.44 3.36 3.34 0.07
increased (P < 0.01) pasture consumption (5.27, 9.77 and 14.49 kg DM/
SNF 8.27 8.3 8.56 8.36 0.099
cow/d) and reduced (P < 0.01) total DM intake (25.59, 23.21 and 21.55
kg/cow/d for 1, 2 and 3, respectively). Total DM intake (kg/cow/d) for Key Words: barley, lactating dairy cow, pectin rich byproducts
TMR-100 was higher (28.23, P < 0.03) compared with PMR treatments.
Total DM intake (% of BW) was similar between TMR-100 (4.42%)
and PMR-79 (4.26%), but higher (P < 0.01) to PMR-58 (3.82%) and M429 Modification of the Z-Box system for assessing particle
PMR-33 (3.06%). Yields (kg/cow/d) of milk (31.2) or 4%FCM (26.8) distribution of forages and total mixed rations. K. W. Cotanch*1, C.
did not differ between PMR. Milk production (kg/cow/d) in TMR-100 S. Ballard1, J. W. Darrah1, L. M. Klaiber1, R. J. Grant1, and K. Yagi2, 1W.
(32.1) was higher (P < 0.01) than PMR-58 (30.7) and 4%FCM did not H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY, 2Zen-Noh National
differ between TRM and PMR treatments. Milk fat content (g/kg) was Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations, Tokyo, Japan.
similar between TMR-100 (28.5) and TMR-79% (29.6) but lower (P The Z-Box has been proven to be an accurate on-farm tool for determin-
< 0.02) to TMR-58% (31.3) and TMR-33% (32). Milk protein content ing the physical effectiveness factor (pef) of silage-based TMR, corn
(g/kg) resulted higher (P < 0.02) in TMR-100% (33.7) compared with silage, and haycrop silage. It would be advantageous to consultants and
TMR-79% (33.2). Milk fat secretion (0.954 kg/cow/d) did not differ. dairy producers to modify the Z-Box to measure particle distributions
Milk protein yield (kg/cow/d) was similar between PMR diets (1.03) in addition to pef. The objective of this studywas to select perforated
but lower (P < 0.04) to TMR-100% (1.07) for TMR-58 and TMR-33. steel screens for the Z-Box to provide particle size distributions similar
Feed efficiency (kg milk/kg DM) had a tendency (P < 0.08) to increase to the Penn State Particle Separator. Twenty-five kg samples of corn
from 1.13 to 1.42 with increased pasture levels in PMR diets. For cows silage (CS, n = 12), haycrop silage (HCS, n = 12), and total mixed ration
producing between 32 to 30 kg of milk, decreasing the pasture TMR (TMR, n = 41) were sub-sampled and processed using the Penn State
ratio in the diet did not show a clear production benefit. Particle Separator (PSPS) and Z-Box following the accepted methodol-
Key Words: intake, pasture, partial mixed ration ogy for both systems. Three replications of each sample were processed
by 3 technicians. For the Z-Box, samples were processed sequentially
working from the smallest to largest screen (3.18, 4.76, 6.35, 12.70,
M428 Effect of different pectin rich by products on feed intake, and 15.88-mm) following the standard Z-Box vertical-shaking method..
milk production and composition and ruminal pH of lactating dairy The Z-Box method for assessing particle distribution was evaluated for
cows. M. Kordi*, A. Naserian, R. Valizade, and A. Tahmasbi, Ferdowsi accuracy within forage type by calculating the mean bias of particle
University, Mashhad, Iran. distributions determined using PSPS and various Z-Box screens. The
Z-Box screen with the narrowest 95% confidence interval (CI) encom-
Eight primiparous early lactating Holstein cows (60 ± 23 d postpartum,
passing zero most accurately assessed particle distribution. For TMR
weighing 530 ± 60 kg) were assigned into a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin
and HCS, 4.76- and 12.70-mm screens with the Z-Box resulted in the
square design for evaluated of different pectin rich by products on feed
closest agreement with the PSPS method. For CS, the 4.76- and 15.88-
intake, milk production and composition and ruminal pH of lactating
mm screens assessed particle distribution most accurately.
dairy cows with 4 3-wk periods. Cows were allocated into 4 diets whit
1)10% barley grain, 2)10% sugar beet pulp, 3)10% wheat bran and 4)
10% dried citrus pulp . Each experimental period was 21 d including
14 d adaptation period and 7 d collecting samples. Milk yield recorded
daily and milk samples were taken from each milking times during the
last 3 d of each period. Milk samples were subjected to analysis for CP,
lactose, fat and SNF. The dry matter intake (DMI), NDFI, milk yield and
composition and ruminal pH are presented in the Table 1. There were no
differences (P > 0.05) in the daily intake of DM (kg/d), and milk yield
and composition, among treatments (Table 1). Similarly, there were no
significant differences in ruminal pH among treatment diets (P > 0/05).
The NDF intake was significantly different among treatments (P < 0.05).
These data suggest that, the addition of sources of pectin feed stuffs at
158 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Table 1. Mean bias of particles screened using PSPS and radation of LP extracted from orchardgrass (OG) were evaluated. Two
corresponding Z-Box sieves for forages and TMR maturities of OG were harvested from the same field in 2008 with crude
PS protein (CP) concentrations of 17% (immature) and 13% (mature).
Z-Box Screen < Mean bias Upper Lower Grasses (fresh, stored, or wilted) were chopped and protein rich juice
Sample Sieve < (mm) (mm) ± SD 95% CI 95% CI was extracted with a screw press. The juice was chemically treated with
CS 3.18 8 −12.92± 3.0 −11.01 −14.83 concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl, pH 3.3) with or without zinc (Zn,
4.76 8 −4.31± 2.26 −2.88 −5.75 2.085 g zinc chloride per liter) and treated with heat (100 or 140°C for 1
6.35 8 6.28± 1.80 7.42 5.13
h) or without (21°C; control) followed by centrifugation to harvest pre-
cipitated LP. Crude protein concentrations of LP approximately doubled
12.7 19 −11.92± 5.09 −8.69 −15.16
that of the original grass to 34.4 and 25.8% for immature and mature,
15.88 19 0.66± 1.10 1.36 −0.04 respectively for all chemical and heat treatment combinations. In vitro
HCS 3.18 8 −21.49± 6.19 −17.56 −25.42 protein degradation of LP was evaluated using enzymes extracted from
4.76 8 −6.04± 5.45 −2.58 −9.50 rumens of lactating dairy cows. The HCl+Zn, 140°C treatment decreased
6.35 8 11.76± 4.69 14.74 8.78 CP degradation the greatest extent compared with HCl, control for fresh
12.7 19 0.29± 1.85 1.46 −0.88 OG LP (4 vs. 20% degraded in 12 h). An interaction (P < 0.10) between
TMR 3.18 8 −13.03± 3.11 −12.05 −14.01 maturity and Zn was observed with Zn decreasing CP degradation of
immature OG more than mature OG after 4 h incubation. The HCl+Zn
4.76 8 0.20± 3.06 1.17 −0.76
treatment decreased CP degradation more than HCl alone (3.0 vs. 9.9%
12.7 19 −0.38± 4.53 1.05 −1.81
after 4 h and 5.5 vs. 13.8% after 12 h; P < 0.05). Heat also decreased
Key Words: particle distribution, forage, total mixed ration CP degradation with temperatures of 100 and 140°C resulting in similar
degradation, which were lower than control (4.0 vs. 11.3 after 4 h and
7.3 vs. 14.4% after 12 h; P < 0.05). There was an effect of conservation
M430 Zinc and heat treatments reduce ruminal protein degrada- method on HCl+Zn, 140°C treated OG LP with similar degradability for
tion of grass leaf protein. K. L. Kammes*, B. D. Bals, B. E. Dale, stored (7.7%) and wilted (9.8%), which were higher than fresh (1.7%; P
and M. S. Allen, Michigan State University, East Lansing. < 0.01). Leaf protein from fresh OG treated with zinc and heat resulted
Leaf protein (LP) produced as a coproduct of cellulosic ethanol produc- in decreased ruminal CP degradation.
tion can be utilized by ruminants. Effects of grass maturity, chemical Key Words: leaf protein, protein degradation, bypass protein
and heat treatment, and conservation method on ruminal protein deg-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 159
Ruminant Nutrition: Methods, Models, Etc.
M431 Prediction of residual feed intake in beef heifers by infrared kp was assumed to be 4%/h, predicted values had the greatest accuracy
thermography. J. J. Colyn*1, A. L. Schaefer1, J. A. Basarab2, E. K. (Cb = 0.82), the least mean bias (−2.19%), but the least precision (r2
Okine3, T. Liu1, K. L. Robertson2, and S. L. Scott4, 1Agriculture and = 0.59) compared with a published theoretical equation. The predicted
Agrifood Canada, Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, AB, Canada, TDN varied from 48.5 to 59 (P1), 46.6 to 61.5 (P2), and 46 to 59.6%
2Alberta Agriculture, Lacombe, AB, Canada, 3Department AFNS, Uni-
(P3). The predicted DMI by the LRNS was 1.75, 1.99, and 1.86% BW
versity of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 4Agriculture and Agrifood for P1, P2, and P3; respectively, contrasting with literature data of 2.6%
Canada, Brandon, MB, Canada. BW. When the LRNS predicted DMI was used, ME and MP balances
were negative for most months of the year. When 2.6% of BW was used,
The cow herd is estimated to require 65–75% of the total energy required
the ME and MP balances were negative only for May and Jun for P1;
for beef production. Measurements of residual feed intake (RFI) to
Apr (ME) and Apr to Jun (MP) for P2; while cows in P3 had predicted
improve feed efficiency in beef breeding programs have mainly focused
positive ME and MP balances for Jul, Aug, and Sep. The results of
on replacement bulls but potential for improvements exist in replacement
2.6% BW to predict DMI were more consistent with the observed BW
heifer selection. A limitation to the widespread use of measuring RFI is
and BCS changes during these periods (ADG = 0.16 kg/d), suggesting
the cost and complexity of collecting individual daily feed intake. An
that cows had an overall positive MP and ME balances and likely used
alternative method to predicting RFI, which has shown utility in mature
the surplus of nutrients for growth and to increase BCS. The LRNS
cows, growing bulls, and steers, is to measure radiated energy losses by
underpredicted forage DMI given the predicted forage TDN. The use
infrared thermography (IRT). The purpose of the present study was to
of empirical equations to predict DMI of grazing beef cows may not be
investigate the potential of IRT as a predictor of RFI in growing replace-
acceptable in designing supplementation strategies. More integrated and
ment heifers. Sixty-one crossbred beef heifers were fed a balanced
mechanistic nutrition models are needed to predict DMI.
conventional barley silage ration. At Day 0, 94, and 113 a sequence of
IRT images of the head were collected with a FLIR S60 camera. Average Key Words: cattle, requirements, supply
IRT temperature of the cheek region (CHK) was calculated for each date.
Actual feed intake (FI), as measured by the Growsafe feeding system
was regressed against average daily gain, metabolic mid-point weight M433 Estimating rumen microbial crude protein in vitro using
and final ultrasound backfat to obtain expected feed intake (EFI). RFI purine analysis or real-time PCR. E. Castillo-Lopez*, P. J. Kononoff,
was the difference between FI and EFI, and values ranged from −1.55 to and J. L. Miner, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln.
2.19 kg d-1 as-fed (avg = 0.0; sd = 0.777). Heifers were then classified In ruminants, microbial crude protein (MCP) contributes to metabo-
into low, medium, or high RFI groups based on ± 0.5 of the standard lizable protein. Estimation of MCP has traditionally been based on
deviation around the RFI mean. Using CHK for each date in a repeated purine analysis, but it may be confounded by purines not originating
measure analysis, heifers with a low RFI value (n = 17; avg = −0.915 kg from microbial DNA, therefore, a more direct approach is needed. The
d-1; sd = 0.316) or a medium RFI value (n = 27; avg = −0.003 kg d-1; objectives of this experiment were to compare real-time PCR and purine
sd = 0.214) displayed a CHK temperature of 19.98°C (se = 0.230) and analysis on estimates of MCP and to evaluate the impact of fermenta-
20.33°C (se = 0.184) respectively and were significantly different (P < tion time, and lastly to evaluate the impact of dried distillers grains and
0.01) from heifers with a high RFI value (n = 17; avg = 0.919 kg d-1; sd solubles (DDGS) when replacing hay and corn. For each treatment, 1 g
= 0.552) which displayed a CHK temperature of 21.31°C (se = 0.230). of substrate was incubated in 100 mL of rumen inoculum and replicated
Data from this study suggest measurements of IRT may have utility as 3 times. A 3X2X2 factorial design experiment was used to determine the
a rapid screening tool to predict growth efficiency in heifers. impact of 3 fermentation substrates at 2 times estimated with 2 methods
Key Words: feed efficiency, cattle, infrared on MCP. Treatments were as follows, CONTROL (50% grass hay and
50% rolled-corn), LOW DDGS (33% grass hay, 33% rolled-corn and
33% DDGS) and HIGH DDGS (100% DDGS.). At each time point a
M432 Predicting ME and metabolizable protein (MP) balances pellet was isolated and bacterial, protozoal and yeast crude protein was
of Santa Gertrudis cows under grazing conditions using a nutri- estimated using real-time PCR and purine analysis. To do so, microbial
tion model. A. D. Aguiar*1,4, L. O. Tedeschi1, K. McCuistion2, D. markers (primers and probe) were designed from the 16S rRNA, 18S
S. DeLaney3, and S. Moore3, 1Texas A&M University, College Station, rRNA and the second chromosome; for bacteria, protozoa and yeast (Sac-
2Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, 3King Ranch, Kingsville,
charomyces cerevisiae), respectively. Estimates of MCP were different
TX, 4University of Florida, Gainesville. (P < 0.05) and were 221 and 246 (SEM = 6.55) mg/g DM according to
the real-time PCR assay and that based on purine analysis. Fermenta-
Predictions of Santa Gertrudis cow requirements of ME and MP (g/d)
tion substrate affected (P < 0.05) yield of MCP which was 263, 243 and
grazing pastures containing Kleberg bluestem (Dichanthium annulatum)
195 (SEM = 7.77) mg/g DM for CONTROL, LOW DDGS, and HIGH
and Coastal bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers] were performed
DDGS respectively. Fermentation time did not (P = 0.25) affect yield of
using the Large Ruminant Nutrition System (LRNS). Simulations were
MCP which was 229 and 239 (SEM = 6.34) mg/g of DM at 0 and 48h
performed using measured clime, forage, and animal data; and concen-
fermentation respectively. There was no method by diet interaction (P
trate DMI. Forage DMI was predicted by the LRNS. Three reproductive
= 0.44). Inclusion, the real-time PCR estimates of MCP differed from
cycles were evaluated: P1 (05/06 – 04/07), P2 (05/07 – 04/08), and
those obtained with the purine analysis and it may be a feasible approach
P3 (05/08 – 04/09). The fractional fermentation rate (kd) of monthly
for the estimation of MCP. In addition, increasing level of DDGS may
forage NDF was determined using in vitro gas production technique.
affect the in vitro synthesis of MCP.
TDN values were estimated as 0.98 × (100 - NDF - CP - EE - ASH)
+ Digestible CP + 2.25 × (EE - 1) + (NDF - NDIN) × (kd/(kd + kp) Key Words: DDGS, microbial crude protein, purine analysis, real-
+ IDNDF) – 7 in which EE is ether extract, NDIN is N in the NDF, time PCR
IDNDF is indigestible NDF, and kp is fractional passage rate. When
160 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
M434 An in vitro gas production technique to evaluate the effect The amount of gas produced from the fermentable fraction (b ± SEM)
of microwave irradiation on fermentation potential of cottonseed was 48.1 ± 3.8, 43.3 ± 3.56 and 42.6 ± 2.5 for mic4, mic6 and mic8,
hulls using medium of ruminal fungal isolation. A. Faramarzi respectively. The fractional constant rate parameters (c ± SEM) were
Garmroodi, M. Danesh Mesgaran*, H. Jahani-Azizabadi, A. R. Vakili, 0.01 ± 0.001, 0.01 ± 0.002 and 0.01 ± 0.001 for mic4, mic6 and mic8,
A. Tahmasbi, and A. R. Heravi Moussavi, Dept. of Animal Science respectively. Data of the present study demonstrate that there is not
(Excellence Center for Animal Science), Ferdowsi University of Mash- a positive response for enhancing the CH fermentability by ruminal
had, Mashhad, Iran. bacteria when microwave irradiation was applied.
Gas production parameters of microwave irradiated cottonseed hulls Key Words: cottonseed hulls, gas production, microwave irradiation
(CH) were assessed using gas production procedure of medium con-
taining ruminal fungal isolation. Cottonseed hulls were hydrated by
distilled water as 25 g/kg DM, then, irradiated (microwave, 900 W) for M436 The influence of extrusion of low-glucosinolate full-fat
4, 6 and 8 min (mic4, mic6 and mic8, respectively). Approximately, 0.3 rapeseed and whole pea on site and extent of protein digestion in
g of each sample was placed in a 100 mL glass syringes (n = 4), then, dairy cows. C. Bayourthe* and F. Enjalbert, UMR 1289 INRA/INPT/
incubated into 40 mL of buffered protozoa and bacteria free rumen fluid ENVT TANDEM, 31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France.
(ratio of buffer to rumen fluid was 2:1) for 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and The objectives of the study were to develop suitable treated blends for
96 h. Rumen fluid was obtained from 3 sheep (body weight, 49.5 ± 2.5 protection of low-glucosinolate rapeseed (canola) proteins from rumen
kg) fitted by rumen fistulae, before the morning feeding, and strained degradation and to determine the protein quality after rumen exposure.
through 4 layers of cheesecloth. The animals were fed 1 kg/d DM of Full-fat canola seeds (CS) were mixed either with canola meal (CM)
alfalfa hay and 0.3 kg/d DM of concentrate (165 g CP/kg DM). Rumen or with canola meal plus whole pea seeds (PS). The effect of extrusion
fluid was centrifuged (10 min, 3000 rpm) and a solution of penicillin at 130 and 150°C on in situ crude protein (CP) degradability of raw
and streptomycin was added to protozoa free supernatant to remove the and treated blends was measured by the nylon bag technique using 3
bacterial population. Data of gas produced over the incubations were fistulated non-lactating Holstein cows. Ruminal degradation rate of CP
applied to an exponential equation of P = b(1-e)-ct where (b) is the was estimated as percent nitrogen degradation (DgN) from polyester
amount of produced gas from the fermentable fraction, (c) is the frac- bags incubated in rumen for 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 48 h. Data were fitted to
tional constant rate and (t) is time. Data were analyzed using the GLM the nonlinear regression equation: DgN(t) = a + b(1 – e-ct) where DgN is
procedure of SAS 9.1 and the means were compared by the Tukey test percentage disappearance of N at time t, a the soluble fraction and b the
(P < 0.05). The amount of gas produced from the fermentable fraction less rapidly degradable fraction which disappears at the constant frac-
(b ± SEM) was 3.7 ± 2.82, 3.9 ± 2.17 and 4.4 ± 2.98 for mic4, mic6 and tional rate c per time t. Heating the blends at 130 and 150°C decreased
mic8, respectively. The fractional constant rate parameters (c ± SEM) the effective degradability of crude protein (EDCP) when compared
were 0.01 ± 0.011, 0.01 ± 0.011 and 0.01 ± 0.018 for mic4, mic6 and with the raw blend: 37.3 and 33.6 respectively vs 57.2% for CM/CS
mic8, respectively. Present data indicate that the physical procedure used blend; 53.8 and 42.4 respectively vs 62.5% for the CM/CS/PS blend.
has not any benefit on fermentation potential of CH while a medium of Total CP disappearing in the digestive tract was estimated by incubating
isolated ruminal fungal was used. bags in the rumen for 16h, followed by a pepsin bath for 2h and then
Key Words: cottonseed hulls, gas production, microwave irradiation introduced into the duodenum for subsequently recovery in feces. For
the CM/CS blend, amounts of rumen undegraded dietary CP digested
in the intestine were increased from 32.7 (raw blend) to 49.3% at 130°C
M435 The effect of microwave irradiation on gas production and 53.6% at 150°C. Similarly, for the CM/CS/PS blend, correspond-
parameters of cottonseed hulls using medium containing ruminal ing values were 27.9 for the raw blend to 38.2 and 53.3% respectively
bacterial isolation. A. Faramarzi Garmroodi, M. Danesh Mesgaran*, for 130 and 150°C heat treatments. The results showed that PS was the
H. Jahani-Azizabadi, A. R. Vakili, A. Tahmasbi, and A. R. Heravi Mous- most effective carrier of rapeseed during extrusion. The tested blends
savi, Dept. of Animal Science (Excellence Center for Animal Science), and the treatments applied appeared to be a viable and consistent method
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. of increasing the ruminally undegradable protein fraction
Gas production parameters of microwave irradiated cottonseed hulls Key Words: extrusion, canola, ruminal degradation
(CH) were assessed using gas production procedure of medium con-
taining ruminal bacterial isolation. Cottonseed hulls were hydrated by
distilled water as 25 g/kg DM, then, irradiated (microwave, 900 W) for M437 In situ ruminal degradability of dry matter and crude
4, 6 and 8 min (mic4, mic6 and mic8, respectively). Approximately 0.3 protein of soybean meal treated with formaldehyde and extru-
g of each sample was placed in a 100 mL glass syringes (n = 4), then sion. A. A. Naserian* and H. Gholizadeh, Ferdowsi University of
incubated into 40 mL of buffered protozoa and fungi free rumen fluid Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
(ratio of buffer to rumen fluid was 2:1) for 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72 and The objective of this study was to determine effect of formaldehyde
96 h. Rumen fluid was obtained from 3 sheep (body weight, 49.5 ± 2.5 and extrusion on in situ ruminal degradability of DM and CP of soy-
kg) fitted by rumen fistulae, before the morning feeding, and strained beans. Treatments include; untreated soybean meal (USM) treated with
through 4 layers of cheesecloth. The animals were fed 1 kg/d DM of formaldehyde (TF) and extruded soybean (ES). The treated soybean
alfalfa hay and 0.3 kg/d DM of concentrate (165 g CP/kg DM). Rumen meal was sprayed with 2.5 (w/v) formaldehyde at the rate of 0.2 l/kg.
fluid was centrifuged (10 min, 3000 rpm) and a solution of cyclohex- Extrusion was conducted on ground soybeans (EXP 160 KW). Extrusion
imide was added to protozoa free supernatant to remove the fungal temperature and residence time averaged 1550 C and 25 s respectively.
population. Data of gas produced over the incubations were applied to Four ruminally fistulated steers (400 ± 20 kg, body weight) were used.
an exponential equation of P = b(1-e)-ct where (b) is the amount of gas Steers were fed 5.2 kg of alfalfa hay, 1.3 kg of corn silage and 2.6 kg
produced from the fermentable fraction, (c) is the fractional constant of concentrate. Bags (12 × 19 cm, pore size of 48 µm) containing 5 g
rate and (t) is time. Data were analyzed using the GLM procedure of DM of each sample was incubated in the rumen (4 replicates per each
SAS 9.1 and the means were compared by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). animal) for 0.0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48, and 72 h. After removal of the bags
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 161
from the rumen, they were washed using cold water and dried in a forced feedstuffs. R. Zhou, J. Q. Wang*, F. M. Pan, D. P. Bu, H. Y. Wei, and
air oven (60 0C, 48 h), weighed to determination DM disappearance, and L. Y. Zhou, State Key Laboratory, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese
CP of the samples determined. Data was fitted to exponential model to Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, P. R. China.
calculate degradation parameters of CP and DM (Orskove et al.,1980).
The study was to find out the relationship between the degradation and
TF had the lowest in situ quickly degradable (a) fraction (27%, P <
the digestibility and the contents of each protein fractions of 11 feeds
0.05). No difference in (a) fraction of DM was observed between ES
common used in China. Chemical contents were determined according
and USM (42 and 38% respectively, P > 0.05). In situ (a) fraction of CP
to the methods provided by CNCPS Version 5.0. The mobile nylon bag
was highest for USM (27%, P < 0.05) and had no difference between
technique was used to investigate the apparent small intestinal digest-
ES and FT (7 and 11% respectively, P > 0.05). Slowly degradable (b)
ibility of crude protein (CP) and dry matters (DM).Three dairy cows
fraction of DM did differ between treatments (P < 0.05). USM had the
fitted with permanent ruminal cannulas and T-type duodenal cannulas
highest (b) fraction (63%) and did not differ between TF and ES (34
were used to investigate intestinal digestibility of CP and DM by mobile
and 27% respectively, P > 0.05). Slowly degradable (b) fractions of CP
nylon bag technique in soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal (CSM),
had no difference between ES and USM (78 and 72% respectively, P >
rapeseed meal (RSM), peanut meal (PM), flaxseed meal (FSM), linseed
0.05), were higher than TF (34%). Rate of degradation (c) of DM and
meal (LSM), distillers dried grains (DDGS), expanded soybean (ES),
CP were significant (P < 0.05). TF had a lower (c) fraction of DM and
corn grain (CG), brewer’s grains (BG), alfalfa hay (AH), chinese wildrye
CP (3 and 1% respectively) compared with USM (9 and 9%) and ES
(CW) and whole corn silage (WCS). The content of undegraded DM
(12 and 4%) compared with USM. It was concluded that TF decreased
after 16 h incubation was affected by the NDF and PB3 fractions (r2 =
(a) and (b) fraction of DM and CP relative to USM. But, ES led to
0.9088). The content of ruminal undegraded protein (RUP) have a high
decreased (a) and increased (b) fraction.
relationship with contents of the NDF and PA fractions (r2 = 0.6227).
Key Words: soybean, extrusion, formaldehyde The absorbed DM in intestine increased while the feeds have more NDF.
The protein content absorbed in the intestine can be mainly predicted
by the NDF and PC content (r2 = 0.7344). In our result, we can see that
M438 Disappearance of total carotenoids in the rumen and intes- the intestinal absorbed DM and CP have a high relationship with the
tine of steers measured using a mobile nylon bag technique. R. G. content of each protein fractions.
Cruz-Monterrosa*1, I. Guerrero-Legarreta1, and E. Ramirez-Bribiesca2,
1Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, D.F., Mexico, 2Colegio de Key Words: protein fractions, intestinal digestibility, ruminants
Postgraduados, Texococo Mexico.
There are few studies on the disappearance of total carotenoids in M441 Enzymatic activity of microorganisms attached to solid
tropical forages. However, it could be a contributing factor in the wide residues of Festulolium, fermentation variables and in vitro kinetics
variation in bio-availability of carotenoids of natural forages. The dis- of gas production. I. Almaraz-Buendía1, S. S. González-Muñoz*1, O.
appearance of dry matter (DM) and total carotenoids were measured Loera2, L. A. Miranda-Romero3, M. A. Cobos-Peralta1, M. Meneses-
in 4 Holstein steers (312 kg) using a mobile nylon bag technique. In Mayo1, B. Alarcón-Zúñiga3, and R. Bárcena-Gama1, 1Colegio de
situ effects and differences between forage in rumen and intestine, and Postgraduados, Montecillo, Edo. de México, México, 2Universidad
total tract disappearance of DM, and total carotenoids were analyzed Autóoma Metropolitana–Iztapalapa, México D.F., México, 3Universidad
using the GLM procedure of SAS with Tukey multiple range test used Autónoma Chapingo, Chapingo, Edo. de México, México.
for the comparison of means. A higher (P < 0.05) proportion of the dry
The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of
matter and total carotenoids in the Cynodon spp. disappeared drastically
Festulolium, harvested either at 28 (T1) or 35 d, on enzymatic activities
in the rumen during the first 12 h, and after were stabilized from 24 to
from microorganism attached to this fermented substrate [IU/g DM; at
72 h. A similar trend (P < 0.05) was evident in the disappearance of the
39°C and pH 6.8: after 1 h for carboxymethycellulases (CMCases) and
total carotenoids in the Cynodon spp. Correlation value within Cynodon
after 30 min for xylanases], in addition to VFA, N-NH3 and in vitro
spp. between the disappearance of DM and total carotenoids in the
DM disappearance (IVDMD). Samples of enzymatic extract (EE) were
rumen was 0.997 (P < 0.001). 53% of the carotenoids in the Cynodon
obtained at 12, 16, 24 and 48 h of fermentation. Xylanolytic activity
spp. disappeared from the duodenal bags in the lower digestive tract
was determined at substrate concentration ranges ensuring linear release
when it was not incubated in the rumen. Bags with longer incubation
of reducing sugars (R2 = 0.99 for up to 60 min). Maximal gas volume
in the rumen contain less carotenoids and therefore the efficiency of
(Vmax), lag phase (L) and fractional rate (S) were calculated with a
disappearance in the small intestine decreased (P < 0.05). In the total
logistic model and PROC NLIN (SAS). The experimental design was
disappearance of carotenoids content in digestive tract was half when
incomplete randomized blocks with a split-plot arrangement and data
the grass sample was not incubated into the rumen; subsequently, the
was analyzed using PROC MIXED (SAS). Enzymatic activity and
disappearance of total carotenoids in the small intestine increased in
N-NH3 were similar among treatments (P ≥ 0.05). The highest CMCase
forage samples with significant differences between ruminal hours post
activity (P ≤ 0.05) was obtained at 12 (T1:8.19, T2:7.75 IU/g DM) and
incubation (P < 0.05). These results show that apparent availability in
16 h (T1:7.75, T2:7.65 IU/g DM) of fermentation, whereas maximal
the total digestive tract was higher to 0.70 of intake. The concentration
xylanolytic levels (P ≤ 0.05) were observed after 16 (T1:51.09, T2:46.68
of total carotenoids in Cynodon spp. was 627 mg/kg DM. It is concluded
IU/g DM) and 24 h (T1:51.23, T2:46.15 IU/g DM). The highest con-
that degradability of total carotenoids contained in Cynodon spp. is high
centration (P ≤ 0.05) of acetic (30.05 vs 42.92 mM/L), propionic (9.69
and not all absorbed as carotenoids. Thus, the yellow color of beef fat
vs 12.3 mM/L) and butyric acids (8.03 vs 12.04 mM/L) were detected
is caused by accumulation of carotenoids in the fat depots.
(P ≤ 0.05) in T2 after 48 h of fermentation. Both maximal (P ≤ 0.05)
Key Words: carotenoids, Cynodon spp., cattle IVDMD and Vmax were also observed in T2, whereas L and S were
highest (P ≤ 0.05) in T1. According to these results, in vitro CMCases
and xylanases from microorganism attached to Festulolium, harvested
M439 The relationship between intestinal digestibility of crude either at 28 or 35 d, remain unchanged; however IVDMD and gas
protein and dry matters and the protein fractions with ruminant
162 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
production kinetics did show an effect as a function of harvesting date cows fed a 90% concentrate:10% silage diet. Sixteen fermenters (920
of Festulolium. mL capacity; dilution rate 0.029/h) were provided fresh substrate daily
(8 g steam-rolled barley grain + 2 g silage; DM basis). Four ferment-
Key Words: Festulolium, enzymatic activity, microbial attachment
ers per treatment were inoculated with 5 × 1010 cfu/d of the specified
strain or with buffer only. Compared with non-inoculants, L-BT1386
M442 Use of in vitro starch and neutral detergent fiber degrada- increased (P = 0.04) gas production (mL/d) and BT1386 increased (P
tion rates to predict carbohydrate availability. M. A. Brooks*, N. = 0.02) VFA and ammonia production. Methane emissions (mL/d) were
F. Johnson, R. M. Harvey, and M. S. Kerley, University of Missouri, numerically greater (P = 0.09) in inoculated fermenters than in non-
Columbia. inoculants, as were disappearances (at 48 h) of DM, ADF, NDF and N
from barley grain and silage (P = 0.20 to 0.66). Protozoal numbers were
The purpose of this in vitro experiment was to compare degradation rates similar among treatments (P = 0.21) but decreased (P < 0.05) over time
(Kd) of ruminally degradable starch and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (d 9 to 18). Measured fermentation parameters did not differ between
of various feedstuffs, then use these data to predict carbohydrate (CHO) L-BT1386 and BT1386. Studies using strain-specific molecular probes
release. The feedstuffs, ground corn (GC), corn bran (CB), corn starch are underway to determine if exposure to lysozyme increased the num-
(CS), dried distiller’s grains (DDG), soy hulls (SH), and ground alfalfa bers and persistence of BT1386 within the Rusitec.
(AL), were fermented in rumen inoculum. Carbohydrate degradation was
determined at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 36, and 48 h for each feed. Undigested Key Words: direct fed microbials, rumen fermentation, rumen simula-
feed was separated via differential centrifugation (1,000 × g, 15 min) and tion technique
dried at 55°C. Samples were analyzed for total starch and NDF. The time
point at which degradation reached extent (no further starch or NDF was
M444 Development of a PCR assay for the detection of Zymomonas
degraded) was set to 100%. Carbohydrate mass at each time point was
mobilis in distillers grains. M. A. Rasmussen* and F. H. Benahmed,
calculated as proportion of starch or NDF remaining. Data were analyzed
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Veterinary Medicine,
using proportion of potential degradation as the dependent variable with
Office of Research, Laurel, MD.
flask as the experimental unit to determine homogeneity of slope with
the means adjusted to time as a covariate. Pair-wise comparisons for The objective of this project was to develop a PCR assay for the
similarity were then done of each feed using a significance level of P > detection of Zymomonas mobilis (Zm) in distillers grains (DG). This
0.01. Slope of the data was indicative of degradation rate over time. All bacterium can produce ethanol at rates and concentrations exceeding
R2 values were >0.80, and since these data were evaluated as proportions those of yeast. This has made Zm, an attractive alternative or supple-
and were corrected for extent of degradation, all intercepts values were ment to Saccharomyces cervisiae for ethanol production. Naturally
similar to 1.0. The starch Kd values for AL, CB, CS, DDG, GC, and SH occurring Zm can only ferment glucose, fructose and sucrose and as a
were 5.01, 6.08, 4.80, 5.51, 2.31, and 4.14% h−1, respectively. Analysis result there has been an ongoing effort to modify the microbe to broaden
showed GC had a slower Kd (P < 0.01) than all other feeds, which were its substrate range. However, the use of Zm as a primary fermentative
not different from each other (P > 0.01). The NDF Kd values for AL, microorganism may alter the nutritional content of DG and the extent
CB, CS, DDG, GC, and SH were 2.18, 2.24, 2.16, 2.18, 2.44, and 2.31% of its use for ethanol production is currently unknown. Therefore, we
h−1, respectively. Analysis showed no differences in NDF Kd (P > 0.01). developed an assay for DG that can be used to determine if Zm is being
Digestion of CHO in the rumen occurred at similar rates independent of used for ethanol production. PCR is a useful and sensitive technique that
feedstuff. Similarity of starch and NDF Kd across feeds, when adjusted can detect the bacterium even if nonviable or nonculturable. Reference
for passage rate, makes possible prediction of CHO digestibility in the strains of Zm were obtained from the ARS culture collection in Peoria,
rumen by ruminal microbes and prediction of microbial growth and IL and were cultivated in YP media under oxygen limiting conditions.
efficiency potential. Overnight cultures were serially diluted into buffer supplemented with
Tween 20. Zm cells were harvested and tested directly by PCR. Primer
Key Words: starch, NDF, ruminant
sequences specific for Zm targeted a 900 bp rRNA overlapping region
of the 16s gene Z16p3 and the 23s gene Z23p5. For tests in the relevant
M443 Effect of lysozyme-adapted Lactobacillus acidophilus on matrix, the assay was tested on DG samples inoculated with serial dilu-
fermentation in an artificial rumen system (Rusitec). M. L. He1,3, T. tions of Zm cells. A single PCR band was visualized in all Zm strains
A. McAllister*1, and L. M. Rode2, 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, investigated and no band was observed in the negative control DG
Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 2AB Sage Biosciences Inc., matrix. Additionally, plate culture was used for assay optimization and
Edmonton, AB, Canada, 3University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, confirmation. The limit of detection for the PCR assay was determined
Canada. to be 10 cfu/ml of the DG wash/suspension buffer or 100 cfu/g of DG.
Current activities are directed at optimizing the assay for use with DG
Direct-fed microbials are increasingly being used as an alternative field samples to determine if Zm is present. In conclusion, this assay can
to subtherapeutic antibiotics in dairy and beef production because of be used to test for Zm and is more rapid and sensitive than traditional
their potential to enhance animal performance without promoting the culture methods.
emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Lysozyme is an enzyme
that hydrolyzes the 1,4-β-linkages between N-acetylmuramic acid Key Words: distillers grains, Zymomonas, bioethanol
and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in the peptidoglycan of gram-
positive bacteria. The cell wall of lysozyme-adapted bacteria may
M445 Intake prediction using n-alkanes in beef cattle fed a mix-
exhibit increased rigidity and thereby contribute to their perseverance
ture of switchgrass and alfalfa hay. S. J. Chavez*, C. Baum-Lane,
in highly competitive environments such as the rumen ecosystem. The
E. Leonard, J. Burns, and G. B. Huntington, North Carolina State
Rumen Simulation Technique (Rusitec) was used to evaluate the effect
University, Raleigh.
of a lysozyme-adapted (L- BT1386) or a non-adapted strain (BT1386)
of Lactobacillus acidophilus, as well as strain La 14, on ruminal fer- The objectives of the study were to use n-alkanes to predict intake in beef
mentation. Ruminal fluid for the Rusitec was collected from 3 Holstein cattle fed mixed forage and to predict intake of forage constituents based
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 163
on forage alkane concentrations. In May and June 2009, 11 Angus-cross Table 1. The mean (± SD) values for digestible DM and N
steers and 1 heifer (BW = 283 ± 25 kg) were housed under a roof on RDM RNDM TDM1 TNDM1
expanded metal flooring with access to 6 feeding stations. Cattle were n 164 163 159 159
fed 1 kg of a soyhull and corn supplement once daily at one feeding RumDigTime
station that was sprayed with dotriacontane (C32) and hexatriacontane IV12 0.43 ± 0.13a 0.68 ± 0.15a 0.78 ± 0.18 0.98 ± 0.04
(C36). Cattle consumed approximately 300 mg each of C32 and C36. IV24 0.43 ± 0.13† 0.71 ± 0.15a 0.80 ± 0.17 0.98 ± 0.03
Cattle were offered a switchgrass:alfalfa (3:1 as fed) mixed hay at 0.6% IS12 0.43 ± 0.13a 0.59 ± 0.16b 0.82 ± 0.18 0.98 ± 0.05
BW at each feed station. Hay was ground in a hammer mill to minimize IS24 0.53 ± 0.17b† 0.70 ± 0.18a 0.85 ± 0.15 0.98 ± 0.04
sorting. Periods consisted of one week adaptation followed by 14 d of BagPore,µm
feeding supplement with added alkanes. Fecal grab samples were col- 15 0.47 ± 0.13a 0.69 ± 0.14a 0.82 ± 0.17 0.99 ± 0.02
lected between 0800 and 1000 during the last 5 d. Fecal samples were 25 0.39 ± 0.13b 0.58 ± 0.17b 0.78 ± 0.18 0.97 ± 0.05
stored frozen and oven-dried to constant weight at 60°C. Hay and fecal 50 0.52 ± 0.15a 0.74 ± 0.15a 0.84 ± 0.16 0.98 ± 0.04
samples were saponified, alkanes were extracted with heptane, and abMeans with different letters are significant, P < 0.05.
samples analyzed by gas chromatography for alkane concentrations.
†Common superscript show trends, P < 0.10.
One steer was removed from data analysis due to inconsistent eating and
rear leg inflammation and another was removed for highly variable fecal 1Cumulative digestion.
ratios of hentriacontane (C31) and C32. Tetratriacontane (C34) was used
as an internal standard for saponification and extraction with recoveries Key Words: in vitro, in situ, intestinal digestion
ranging from 80 to 90%. When feed and fecal ratios of C31 and C32
were used in prediction equations, predicted daily DMI (5.96 ± 0.70
M447 The role of ADIN in determining nutrient availability in
kg) was not different (P < 0.35) from measured intake (5.51 ± 0.68 kg).
new co-products from bio-ethanol processing. W. G. Nuez-Ortín*
Using simultaneous equations and concentrations of nonacosane (C29)
and P. Yu, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, College of
and C31 in the hays, the predicted ratio of switchgrass:alfalfa (3.09:1)
Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
was similar to the actual ratio. Using C36, predicted digestibility was
SK, Canada.
58.7 ± 2.2% for the switchgrass and alfalfa hay. Alkanes can be used
to predict intake in cattle fed a mixed forage diet and also predict the The objectives of this study were to investigate the role of acid detergent
proportion of each forage consumed. insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) in determining the nutrient availability in the
new co-products of bio-ethanol processing and the relationship between
Key Words: cattle, alkane, intake
ADIN content and nutrient utilization of the bioethanol co-products in
ruminants. The corn DDGS, wheat DDGS and blend DDGS (70% wheat:
M446 A comparison of methods to evaluate in vitro intestinal 30% corn), and wheat and corn samples with 3 to 5 different batches
digestibility. D. A. Ross*, M. M. McCullouch, and M. E. Van were obtained during 2007–2008. The results showed that compared with
Amburgh, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. the grains, DDGS contained higher (P < 0.05) acid detergent insoluble
crude protein (ADICP) level from 1.2 to 7.6%CP vs. 0 to 0.1% crude
Various assays are used to evaluate the intestinal digestibility of dry protein (CP) in the grains. However, all ADICP levels were lower than
matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) in ruminant feeds (Casamiglia and Stern, 13% of total CP across DDGS samples, revealing no effects (P > 0.05)
1995; Gargallo et al. 2006). The objective of this study was to evaluate on protein ruminal digestion with a correlation between ADICP and
in vitro (IV) intestinal digestibility of DM and N of 7 feeds (fishmeal, rumen-degradable protein (RDP): R = −0.08, P = 0.74. However, the
corn silage, alfalfa silage, 2 soy products and 2 DDG) following in situ difference in the ADICP content was reflected in largely numerical dif-
(IS) or ruminal IV procedures. We wanted to determine if ruminal IV or ferences in the intestinal digestibility of rumen-undegradable protein
IS exposure or length of exposure altered the IV intestinal digestibility (RUP) in vitro, which ultimately affected (P < 0.05) the intestinal
and further, if the pore size of the incubation bag affected variation of the availability of RUP (ARUP) as well as the predicted total post-ruminal
assay. Samples (0.5g) were placed in 3 pore size (15, 25 or 50 µm) bags protein supply and availability (the correlation between ADICP and
(5 × 5 cm) and incubated for 12-h or 24-h ruminal digestion either IS or metabolizable protein (MP): R = −0.74, P < 0.05). This suggests a
IV (Daisyincubator, Ankom, Macedon, NY) followed by IV intestinal higher sensitivity to low ADICP levels in the rumen than that in the
digestion (modified Gargallo et al. 2006). Empty bags were incubated small intestine in the DDGS samples.
for correction. Data were analyzed as a factorial design using GLM
in SAS and Tukey’s method to separate means. Incubation time in the Key Words: nutrient utilization and availability, bio-ethanol co-
rumen or rumen fluid affected digestibility, but there was no difference products, ADIN
in IV intestinal digestibility based on ruminal exposure time (Table 1).
Digestibility of DM and N_DM were significantly lower in the 25 µm
M448 A comparison of models used to estimate kinetics of in
pore bags; however no differences among bag pore sizes were detected
vitro degradation of alfalfa hay dry matter. C. A. Old*1 and D.
for IV intestinal digestion parameters. The effect of bag pore size for
A. Sapienza2, 1California Chapter of the American Registry of Profes-
ruminal IV or IS digestion was not linear, due to characteristics of the
sional Animal Scientists, LeGrand, CA, 2Sapienza Analytica, LLC, Des
bag material and will be discussed.
Moines, IA.
To determine more accurately alfalfa hay quality California ARPAS
undertook a project to estimate metabolizable energy, rate, site and
extent of degradability of selected chemical and proximate entities
and use these as part of a set of prediction equations in near infrared
(NIR) spectrophotometry. This study had in vivo, in vitro and in silico
components based on 150 samples of alfalfa hay collected during the
164 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
2008 growing season in California. The diversity of samples can be Weaver*1, R. Ward1, and R. A. Patton2, 1Cumberland Valley Analytical
seen from the range of crude protein and acid detergent fiber content, Services, Maugansville, MD, 2Nittany Dairy Nutrition, Mifflinburg,
the former was 13 percentage points and the latter 30 percentage points. PA.
Samples for in vitro analysis were ground through a 6-mm screen and
It is known that formation of CLA due to consumption of high levels
incubated from 1 to 120 h. Losses of N were calculated from 16-h amino
of linoelic and linolenic acids may have a negative effect on milk fat
acid losses and averaged 63%. Disappearance of individual amino acids
production depending on the rumen environment. Determination of
ranged from a low of 57% (Leu) to a high of 75% (Pro). Variation in
the amounts and types of fatty acids (FA) in total mixed rations (TMR)
losses among samples was less than variation among amino acids. Dry
would allow nutritionists to better control these elements. At present
matter losses, at 120 h, averaged 80.2%. Kinetics of in vitro dry matter
determination of fat and FA percent as well as individual fatty acid
degradation were estimated using a heterogeneous, stochastic model
amounts is expensive and time consuming. We postulated that NIR has
assuming a gamma distribution of rates (HS): Ct = D(1+β[t-τ])-α+I, a
the potential to rapidly and inexpensively predict the amount of fat,
single exponential deterministic model (SE): Ct = C0e-kt and a biexpo-
percentage of FA, and the FA composition of this fat in TMR. A data
nential deterministic model (BE):Ct = C01e-k1t+ C02e-k2t. Ct is the residue
set of 89 individual TMR samples were analyzed for crude fat by the
at time t, D is the degradable fraction, β and α are shape parameters of
AOAC method for feeds (2003.05). Fatty acids were analyzed as methyl
a gamma distribution, τ is lag time, I is the undegradable fraction,C0n
esters on a Restek 30 m capillary column (90% biscyanopropyl / 10%
is compartment n at time 0 and kn is the rate constant for compartment
phenylcyanopropyl polysiloxane) using a Perkin Elmer Autosystems
n. Average residual sum of squares for models HS, SE and BE were
GC with a flame ionization detector using the method of Sukhija and
0.012, 4.29 and 0.160, respectively. As a result of this study, kinetics
Palmquist (1988. J. Agric. Food Chem. 36:1202–1206). Comparisons
of alfalfa hay degradation will be described in the NIR model using a
of observed versus NIR predicted values were by the MSPE method
heterogeneous, stochastic model.
described by Bibby and Toutenburg (1977). NIR predicted crude fat
Key Words: alfalfa hay quality, kinetic models, amino acids values were close to values for chemically defined fat (observed mean
= 4.68, predicted mean = 4.74, RMSPE = 0.45 with 96% random error).
The prediction of total FA was even more precise (observed mean =
M449 Application of near infrared spectroscopy to estimate 3.63, predicted mean = 3.63, RMSPE = 0.2 with 99% random error).
composition of NuPro. G. A. Harrison*, M. D. Meyer, E. C. Taylor, However, predictions of individual unsaturated fatty acids, although
and K. A. Dawson, Alltech, Nicholasville, KY. reasonable for mean values, displayed considerable regression bias. This
The properties of near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) make this technol- suggests that further research may yield better NIR prediction equations
ogy attractive in quality assurance programs. Provided reliable refer- for individual fatty acids.
ence methods are utilized to determine component concentrations in Key Words: fatty acids, TMR, NIR
calibration samples, NIR can potentially replace routine wet chemistry.
The objective of this project was to determine the feasibility of using
NIR to estimate the composition of NuPro (an extract of a select yeast M451 Evaluation of models to predict passage rate in cattle. S.
strain containing a combination of amino acids, peptides, nucleotides, J. Krizsan*1, S. Ahvenjärvi2, and P. Huhtanen1, 1Department of Agricul-
inositol, and glutamic acid) in the Alltech Quality Assurance Program. tural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural
From an initial 239 NuPro samples, 100 calibration samples and 20 test Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, 2MTT-Agrifood Research Finland, Animal
samples were randomly selected with equal representation from each Production Research, Jokioinen, Finland.
of 2 manufacturing sites. Samples were scanned in triplicate using a
The passage rate (kp) prediction equations in the National Research
Bruker MPA FT-NIR Spectrometer (Bruker Optics, Inc., Billerica,
Council (2001) and the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System
MA). For each component, 3 calibration models were developed using
(CNCPS) were evaluated with compiled data of rumen evacuation
cross validation and various spectral preprocessing methods. Multiple
studies. Data were comprised of 172 treatment means from 49 studies
criteria were utilized to determine the best fit model including coeffi-
conducted in Europe and in the USA. A total of 145 diets were fed to
cient of determination (R2), root mean square error of cross validation
dairy cows and 27 to growing cattle. The primary objectives of the trials
(RMSECV), and residual prediction deviation (RPD). Additionally, NIR-
included in the database were to study dietary effects on digestion and
predicted values of test samples were compared with values measured
passage kinetics of fiber fractions. The concentration of indigestible
by reference methods. Bias and percentage of samples with predicted
NDF (iNDF) was determined by long-term ruminal incubations or in
values within 5 and 10% of measured were calculated. A 2-tailed paired
vitro incubations in rumen fluid. National Research Council (NRC) and
t-test was used as the final criterion. The best fit DM model had an R2
CNCPS give separate kp prediction equations for concentrate and forage
of 84.6, RMSECV of 0.479, and RDP of 2.55 with 100% of samples
feed. Therefore, an aggregated kp was calculated according to: kp (%)
were within 5%. The best fit N model had an R2 of 93.0, RMSECV of
= 100 × Flux of indigestible component into the compartment (kg/h) /
0.072, and RDP of 3.77 with 100% of samples within 5%. For total
Rumen pool of indigestible component (kg). Preferably intake of iNDF
nucleotides, the best fit model had an R2 of 86.6, RMSECV of 0.603,
of forage and concentrate (n = 165), else intake of NDF from forages and
and RDP of 2.73 with 60 and 80% of samples within 5 and 10%, respec-
concentrates (n = 7) were used to calculate the aggregated kp. Rumen
tively. Statistical analyses by paired t-test found no difference between
pool sizes of iNDF and NDF were defined separately for concentrate
measured and predicted values for DM, N, C, H or total nucleotides (P
and forage feed and total pool size was estimated from the sum. Mixed
> 0.10). For quality assurance purposes, composition of NuPro can be
model regression analysis including a random study effect was used to
estimated through the use of NIR models.
investigate the relationships between NRC and CNCPS predictions and
Key Words: near infrared spectroscopy, quality assurance observed kp of iNDF. Prediction equations were evaluated by regress-
ing residual values on the predicted values. Relationships between
predicted and observed kp were y = 0.53(±0.187) + 0.41(±0.0373)x and
M450 Ability of NIR to predict crude fat, fatty acids and unsatu- y = 0.58(±0.162) + 0.46(±0.0377)x for the NRC and CNCPS models,
rated fatty acids in total mixed ration fed to dairy cattle. S. respectively. Residual analysis of the NRC and CNCPS models resulted
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 165
in both significant (P < 0.001) mean biases of −2.40 and −1.70% and 3 diets made of 30% hay and 70% of 1 of 3 concentrates, according
linear biases of −0.59 and −0.53, respectively. This evaluation suggested to a Latin Square design. The control diet (C) was designed to offer a
that both the NRC and CNCPS models grossly overestimated ruminal balanced and adequate supply of protein and ME for growing lambs
particulate matter kp. according to INRA allowances. Low nitrogen (LN) and energy (LE)
diets presented a 23% and 20% deficit in protein and ME supply respec-
Key Words: cattle, evaluation, passage rate
tively compared with the C diet. To evaluate the prediction ability of
the models, observed (Y) and predicted NPA (X) was compared using
M452 Net portal absorption of energy nutrients in ruminants: a GLM model including a within-animal effect. The slopes obtained
Assessment of prediction models. C Loncke*1, P Nozière1, G Kraft1, were equal to 0.88 ± 0.13, 0.78 ± 0.21, 1.06 ± 0.22, 0.88 ± 0.22, 0.80 ±
I Savary-Auzeloux1, J Vernet1, H Lapierre2, D Sauvant3, and I Ortigues- 0.25, 1.30 ± 0.50, respectively for total VFA, C2, C3, C4, BHBA and
Marty1, 1INRA, UR 1213, Theix, France, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food lactate NPA and proved not different from 1. Moreover the intercepts
Canada, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 3INRA-AgroParisTech, UMR 791, of all models were not different from 0 (P > 0.2). The slope (12.4 ±
Paris, France. 2.4) of the relation between observed and predicted values of glucose
NPA showed a lower adjustment probably due to larger uncertainties
In ruminant nutrition, the evolution of feed evaluation systems toward on the ruminal starch degradability required for the prediction. In most
nutrient-based systems is an important challenge. Net portal appear- cases the best prediction was observed for the C diet probably because
ance (NPA) of total VFA, acetate (C2), propionate (C3), butyrate (C4), diet compositions of LN and LE were not fully included in the meta-
glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), and lactate can be estimated with design range of validity used to establish the models. In conclusion,
response equations based on ration intake and composition character- this work suggested that the energy nutrients NPA could be predicted
ized according to INRA Feed Tables for Ruminants and derived from with a good accuracy.
meta-analyses on the FLORA database. The present objective was to Financial support from INZO and LIMAGRAIN is acknowledged.
evaluate the models using the results of a recent study, conducted on
6 growing lambs, catheterized at the portal level. The lambs were fed Key Words: meta-analyses, energy nutrients, ruminants
166 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Small Ruminant: Sheep Production 1
M453 Milk yield and composition from dairy ewes fed two sources with NSL group both during suckling period (g/d 645 ± 38 vs 83 ± 38; P
of lipid supplements associated or not with conjugated linoleic acid = 0.000) and during first month after lambs slaughtering (g/d 1494 ± 31
(CLA). M. Baldin1, R. Dresch1, J. Souza1, E. C. Sandri1, F. Batistel1, E. vs 1334 ± 33; P = 0.001). Body weight at slaughter (SL kg 11.4 ± 0.2 vs
Ticiani1, A. Panzera1, L. O. Tedeschi3, M. A. S. Gama2, D. Fernandes1, NSL kg 11.1 ± 0.2; P = 0.563) and daily growth of lambs (SL g/d 267 ± 9
and D. E. Oliveira*1, 1Santa Catarina State University, Chapecó, Brazil, vs NSL g/d 263 ± 9; P = 0.703) were not different between experimental
2National Dairy Catlle Research Center, Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil, groups as well as milk fat (SL 5.46% ± 0.09 vs NSL 5.67% ± 0.09; P
3Texas A&M University, College Station. = 0.087) and milk protein content (SL 5.12% ± 0.05 vs NSL 5.06% ±
0.05; P = 0.323). Therefore, profitability of SL group was higher than
It is known that rumen-protected lipid (RPL) supplements or CLA may NSL group, in particular during suckling period. Indeed, return of the
affect milk fat content in dairy ewes, but their combination has not been SL group is equal to 0.393 €/head/d (gain from milk = production 0.645
fully investigated. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects g/head/d × 0.650 €/kg of milk) minus 0.026 €/lamb/d cost of feeding
of 2 sources of RPL with or without CLA supplement (29% t-10 c-12 lambs (pellet feed consumed 65 g/head/d × 0.40 €/kg of pellet) that is
and 29% c-9 t-11 isomers) on milk yield and milk composition of dairy equal to about 8.0 €/head in 25 d of suckling. Return of the NSL group
ewes. Thirty-six East Friesian ewes (50 to 70 DIM) were used in a 2 is equal to 0.054 €/head/d (no cost for lambs feeding and little gain from
× 2 factorial design and received the following treatments: 1) 30 g of milk) that is equal to about 1.0 €/head on the same period.
calcium salts of long chain fatty acids from soybean oil (LCFAS); 2)
27 g of calcium salts of long chain fatty acids from palm oil (LCFAP); Key Words: sheep, milk, lamb
3) 30 g of LCFAS plus 20 g of CLA; and 4) 27 g of LCFAP plus 20
g of CLA. The lipid supplements were isocaloric. CLA, LCFAS, and
LCFAP were added into a corn-based concentrate (1.0 kg/d, as-fed) and M455 Assessment of milk yield and milk composition in ewes fed
individually fed twice daily after morning and afternoon milkings. Ewes diets with canola, sunflower or castor oil. M. O. Maia*, I. Susin,
were grazing Panicum maximum Jacq. cv. Aruana pasture during the A. V. Pires, E. M. Ferreira, R. S. Gentil, C. Q. Mendes, D. B. Galvani,
experimental period (53 d) of which 5 d were used for adaptation, 40 d and A. L. M. Selegato, University of São Paulo/ESALQ, Piracicaba,
for data collection, and 8 d for residual effects. Data were analyzed in a SP, Brazil.
repeated measure design, including RPL, CLA, d, and their interactions The inclusion of fat sources in ruminant diets is an alternative to achieve
as sources of variation. Milk yield was unaffected by CLA (1.17 kg/d; P nutritional requirements, especially in early lactation. Additionally,
= 0.64) and RPL (1.15 kg/d; P = 0.95). There was an interaction between vegetable oils can modify milk fatty acid profile. Forty-four Santa Inês
CLA and RPL (P = 0.02) for milk fat content. For ewes receiving CLA, ewes (66.6 ± 4.9 kg BW and 14 ± 3 d in milk) were penned individu-
milk fat content was similar (P = 0.49) between LCFAP and LCFAS ally and used in a complete randomized block design to determine the
(4.31 vs. 4.18%, respectively). However, when CLA was not fed, milk effects of adding canola, sunflower or castor oil on DMI, milk produc-
fat content was greater (P = 0.004) for ewes receiving LCFAP compared tion, and milk composition. Ewes were fed a basal diet (14.7 ± 0.1%
with those receiving LCFAS (6.27 vs. 5.52%, respectively). LCFAP CP, DM basis) containing 50% concentrate and 50% coastcross hay. The
increased (P = 0.02) milk protein content compared with LCFAS (4.96 4 treatments included control (0% oil, CONT), canola oil (3%, CAN),
vs. 4.77%, respectively). Even though RPL and CLA did not impact sunflower oil (3%, SUN) or castor oil (3%, CAS). Ewes were fed the
milk yield, the source of RPL may affect milk fat composition when diets from the wk 2 to 8 of lactation. Milk production was determined
CLA is not provided to lactating dairy ewes. every 7 d during the experiment. Ewes were separated from lambs,
Key Words: cojugated linoleic acid, lactating dairy ewes, milk com- oxytocin (10 IU) was infused i.v. to stimulate milk letdown, and ewes
position were mechanically milked. After 3 h, the procedure was repeated and
milk production was recorded and a sample collected for milk composi-
tion analysis. Ewes were weighed for 3 consecutive days at the start and
M454 New management technique in early lactation can improve end of the experiment. Data were analyzed using SAS PROC Mixed
profitability in dairy sheep farms. S. P. G. Rassu, C. Carzedda, A. procedure and means compared by Tukey Test. Dry matter intake was
Mazzette, C. Dimauro, A. Mazza, and G. Pulina*, Dipartimento di greater (P ≤ 0.01) for ewes fed CONT diet (2.48 kg), whereas, no effect
Scienze Zootecniche, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy. was observed on DMI among diets with oil inclusion (2.06, 2.18, and
2.09 ± 0.03 for CAN, SUN, and CAS, respectively). Milk production,
The effect of 2 management techniques on farm profitability of dairy milk protein and milk lactose were not different (P ≥ 0.05) among diets.
Sarda ewes was tested. During the suckling period, i.e., the first month However, milk fat (7.9, 8.2, 7.7, and 9.3 ± 0.12% for CONT, CAN, SUN,
of lactation, 22 Sarda ewes (2–4 year old) were used. Eleven ewes (SL and CAS, respectively) and total solids (18.6, 18.7, 18.6, and 20.0 ±
group) were separated from their lambs, starting from 5 d after birth, 0.12% for CONT, CAN, SUN, and CAS, respectively) concentrations
from 0800 to 1600 h, fed on pasture and milked one time per day before were greater (P ≤ 0.001) for ewes fed the diet containing castor oil. There
to be rejoined with their lambs. The other 11 ewes (NSL group) were was no difference on BW change among treatments. In conclusion, the
fed on pasture, never separated from the lambs, and milked at the same addition of oil regardless of source decreased DMI, but no effect on milk
time of SL group. Lambs of SL group were also supplemented with a production was observed. Milk fat was increased with the inclusion of
commercial feed (0.40 €/kg) to compensate for less available milk. All castor oil in lactation diets.
lambs were slaughtered at 25 d of age. Milk yield of ewes, and body
weight of lambs were recorded during the sucking period. Moreover, Key Words: lipids, oil source, Santa Inês
milk yield, fat and protein contents of ewes were measured during the
month after lamb slaughtering. Data were analyzed by a GLM model,
using management (SL and NSL), date of the measurement sampling and M456 Effect of different vegetable oils fed to lactating ewes on
their interaction as fixed factors. Milk yield was higher in SL compared milk and cheese fatty acid profile. R. Bodas1, P. Gómez-Cortés2, A. R.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 167
Mantecón1, M. Juarez2, M. A. De la Fuente2, and T. Manso*3, 1Instituto and 17.3 ± 0.01% for 0FO, 0.25FO, 0.50FO and 0.75FO, respectively)
de Ganaderia de Montaña (CSIC-ULE), León, Spain, 2Instituto del Frío concentrations decreased (P < 0.01) linearly with fish oil addition. Milk
(CSIC), Madrid, Spain, 3E.T.S. Ingenierías Agrarias (Universidad de lactose (4.6, 4.8, 4.8, 4.8, and 4.8 ± 0.02% for CONT, 0FO, 0.25FO,
Valladolid), Palencia, Spain. 0.50FO and 0.75FO, respectively) concentration was greater (P < 0.05)
for ewes fed the fat-supplemented diets vs. the control. In conclusion,
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different vegetables replacing 4% soybean oil with fish oil up to 0.75% of the diet improved
oils fed to lactating ewes on milk and cheese fatty acid (FA) profile. milk production without detrimental effect on DMI.
After lambing, 48 Churra ewes were fed 2.1 kg of 40:60 (as-fed basis)
lucerne:concentrate total mixed ration (TMR) daily and were milked Key Words: milk production, sheep, fish oil
twice a day. Ewes were assigned to 1 of 4 groups, which received 3%
(as-fed basis) of the corresponding oil added daily to the TMR: hydro-
genated palm oil (Con), olive oil (Oli), soybean oil (Soy) or linseed oil M458 Evaluation of inbreeding depression effect on birth weight
(Lin). On d 55 of lactation, 3 cheeses per treatment were made from the of Baluchi sheep breed of Iran. G. Motaghinia*1, H. Farhangfar1,
milk and samples of milk and cheeses were collected for FA analyses. M. Bashtani1, A. Shadparvar2, H. Saraee1, H. Janati3, and J. Modarresi4,
1Birjand University, Birjand, Iran, 2Guilan University, Rasht, Iran,
The data were subjected to ANOVA according to a 2 (milk and cheese) 3Baluchi Sheep Breeding Station, Mashhad, Iran, 4Agricultural Jihad
by 4 (oils) factorial design using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Regard-
less the type of oil added to the diet, milk and cheese FA profiles were Organisation, Birjand, Iran.
not different (P > 0.10). Cheese and milk samples from Con treatment The main objective of this research was to estimate the effect of inbreed-
had the greatest saturated FA (SFA) contents, but the least long chain ing on birth weight of Baluchi sheep breed of Iran. A total of 13,007
FA (LCFA, > 18C), vaccenic (VA), and rumenic (RA) acid contents (P birth weight records was utilized. The data were collected from 13,007
< 0.001). Milk and cheese from Soy treatment had the least SFA (P < lambs (born from 1984 to 2006) in Baluchi sheep breeding station,
0.001), but the greatest VA, RA and linoleic acid contents and n6/n3 northeast region of Iran. The lambs were born between December and
ratio (P < 0.001). Lin and Soy ewes produced milk and cheese with the April. Birth weight average was 4.27 kg. Inbreeding coefficient was
greatest amount of polyunsaturated FA (P < 0.001). Olive oil supple- calculated for individual lambs using pedigree software. In the data
mentation increased oleic acid and decreased linoleic acid content (P set, minimum and maximum of the inbreeding coefficient were 0 and
< 0.001), whereas Lin gave raise to the greatest linolenic acid content 0.321, respectively. Dependent variable was birth weight and the data
and the least n6/n3 ratio (P < 0.001). From the results observed, it can were analyzed by a Mixed Linear Model applied in SAS software. In
be concluded that supplementing the diet of lactating ewes with oils the model, fixed main effects of herd, year and month of birth, lamb
is a suitable way of modulating naturally the FA profile of their milk sex, birth type, as well as 2-way interactions between herd and month
and cheese. of birth, sex and birth type, year and sex, year and birth type, month and
Key Words: cheese, fatty acids, sheep sex, month and birth type, herd and birth type, and between herd and
lamb sex were included. Dam age and coefficient of inbreeding were
also included in the model as covariables. The results indicated that dam
M457 Milk performance of ewes fed fish oil and soybean oil. E. age (linear and quadratic terms), year and month of birth, sex and birth
M. Ferreira*, A. V. Pires, I. Susin, C. Q. Mendes, S. Gilaverte, R. S. type of lamb, interactions between year and birth type, sex and birth
Gentil, M. O. Maia, D. B. Galvani, and R. C. M. Meneghini, University type and herd and birth type had significant influences on birth weight
of São Paulo/ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. (P < 0.05). Regression coefficient of birth weight on inbreeding was
found to be −343 g but it was not statistically significant.
Dietary fish oil in combination with linoleic or linolenic fatty acid source
consistently increases milk vaccenic and conjugated linoleic fatty acid Key Words: Baluchi sheep, birth weight, inbreeding
concentrations. However, inclusion of fish oil in the diet can decrease
DMI and milk production. Fifty Santa Inês ewes (64.9 ± 5.9 kg BW and
18 ± 2 d in milk) were used in a complete randomized block design and M459 Cubicle use and maternal bonding in sheep: tests of an
assigned to individual pens to determine the effects of replacing soybean alternative lambing management strategy. N. L. Pettifor* and M.
oil with fish oil on lactation performance. The control diet (CONT) L. Thonney, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
contained 29% forage (sugarcane bagasse) and 71% concentrate on Many farm flocks are intensively managed while lambing in barns, where
a DM basis. In the remaining 4 treatments, fish oil replaced soybean ewes are often kept in high-density areas and moved with their lambs
oil (4% on DM basis) at 0, 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75%. Ewes were fed the to claiming pens shortly after lambing. Other methods may improve
diets from wk 2 to 8 of lactation. Milk production was measure every the process of maternal bonding and use less labor. One alternative
7 d during the trial. Ewes were separated from lambs, oxytocin (10 IU) to traditional lambing management uses “cubicles,” open 2.4 × 1.5
was infused i.v. to stimulate milk letdown, and ewes were mechanically m pens in which ewes may choose to isolate themselves at lambing
milked. After 3 h, the procedure was repeated and milk production time. As ewes on pasture will naturally seek isolation at lambing, it
was recorded and a sample collected for milk composition analysis. is expected that more ewes would choose to lamb in the privacy of
Preplanned contrasts were supplemental fat (soybean oil or fish oil) a cubicle. Additionally, time spent on the birth site may increase the
versus no fat and linear, and quadratic contrast of fish oil inclusion. Dry strength of a ewe’s bond with her lambs because lambing in a cubicle
matter intake (2.34, 2.12, 2.13, 2.07, and 2.11 ± 0.02 kg/d for CONT, avoids the disruption of being moved from a lambing area to a claiming
0FO, 0.25FO, 0.50FO and 0.75FO, respectively) was greater (P < 0.01) pen. To test the cubicle concept, 43 Dorset, Finnsheep, and Dorset ×
for ewes fed the CONT diet vs. fat inclusion, whereas, no effect (P > Finnsheep ewes were lambed in a cubicle system. Ewes were regularly
0.05) was observed on DMI with fish oil inclusion. A linear increase (P added to the lambing area to maintain a stocking density of 1.9 to 2.3
< 0.01) for milk production (184.1, 190.2, 207.2, and 220.9 ± 4.5 g/3 m2 per ewe and were video-recorded 24 h per day for the duration of
h for 0FO, 0.25FO, 0.50FO and 0.75FO, respectively) was shown with the lambing season. An additional 110 ewes were managed traditionally,
fish oil inclusion. Milk fat concentration was similar (P < 0.05) for all using claiming pens. After the end of the lambing period, ewes from
diets. Milk protein (4.8, 4.7, 4.5, and 4.5 ± 0.04% for 0FO, 0.25FO, the traditional system were compared with 2 groups of ewes from the
0.50FO and 0.75FO, respectively) and total solids (18.0, 17.5, 17.4,
168 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cubicle system: one set that did use cubicles and another set that did treatment wool re-growth was monitored and compared for the control
not. Two behavioral tests of maternal bonding, also video-recorded, and bio clipped groups. After 5 wk re-growth, wool fiber length (mm)
were used to compare these groups: a 2-choice discrimination task and and weight (mg/cm2) collected from the mid side skin patch area was
a modified maternal behavior score (MMBS, 1 to 5) test. Ewes did not measured, analyzed and compared for differences. Data were analyzed
preferentially lamb in cubicles: 23.3% of recorded ewes were located in for one-way ANOVA and mean values compared using t-tests. Bioclip
cubicles when they lambed; 29.6% of the total lambing area consisted injection resulted a simultaneous and complete shedding of fleeces
of cubicle space. MMBS scores were not statistically different between in all treated animals. There was no difference in post treatment BW,
cubicle-using and non-using experimental ewes (4.33 and 4.05 ± 0.47, weight gain, fiber diameter and wool re-growth rate between control
respectively), but were higher (P = 0.26) than the value of 3.15 ± 0.47 and Bioclip treatment. However, fleece staple length and re-growth fiber
for the traditionally managed group. The cubicle approach appeared length measured significantly (P < 0.01) longer for Bioclip harvested
to result in easier sheep movement and reduced shepherding, and may wool than conventional shorn sheep. The results suggest that Bioclip
have improved maternal behavior. can improve wool clip quality, animal welfare, and farm labor inten-
sity. Therefore, Bioclip may be used as an alternative biological wool
Key Words: behavior, maternal, sheep
harvesting system to the traditional mechanical shearing procedure for
wool sheep flocks.
M460 Selective genotyping using genome-wide association stud- Key Words: biological wool harvest, epidermal growth factor, Merino
ies (GWAS) that are associated with fiber diameter in Merino sheep
sheep. M. Goher*, W. Rauw, D. Thin, and L. Gomez-Raya, University
of Nevada Reno, Reno.
M462 Comparison of two instruments for measuring fiber char-
The objective of this study was to investigate methods and statistical
acteristics of wool. F. A. Pfeiffer*, C. J. Lupton, and D. F. Waldron,
power for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) using selective geno-
Texas AgriLife Research, San Angelo.
typing and Illumina’s 50K BeadChip. A large unrelated population is
recorded for a phenotypic trait. Animals with extreme phenotypes are An experiment was designed to compare an on-farm OFDA2000 instru-
used for genotyping with Illumina’s arrays and QTL are mapped by ment with a lab instrument, the OFDA 100 (BSC Electronics, Ardross, W.
linkage disequilibrium (LD). We carried out computer simulations to Australia). The OFDA 100 measures average fiber diameter (AFD) and
compute statistical power using this approach after varying QTL allele variability (SDFD and CVFD) of animal fiber snippets (2-mm lengths)
frequency, proportion selected in the extremes, and population size. For and was approved for use in standard methods. Cleaned, conditioned
example, power for a population of 1,000 animals after genotyping the (21°C and 65% RH) snippets are measured between 2 glass slides. Aver-
top and bottom 5% (QTL effect of 0.5 phenotypic standard deviations, age fiber curvature (AFC), variability (SDFC and CVFC), and comfort
α of 0.01 and allele frequency of 0.1) and assuming maximum LD, was factor (CF, % fibers <30 μm) are also estimated. The OFDA2000 mea-
0.95. The method was tested in a Merino flock with 979 ewes in which sures greasy fiber staples with corrections being made for non-standard
fiber diameter (FD) was recorded. Illumina 50K BeadChip was used atmospheric conditions, grease, and other contaminants on the raw
for simultaneous genotyping of 54,000 SNPs in selected animals. Three fiber. A retrofitted add-on permits the OFDA2000 to measure cleaned
different approaches were used to rank and to use selective genotyping snippets mounted on glass slides. Two sets of greasy wool staples (n1
of animals: 1) extreme phenotype for FD, 2) extreme estimated breeding = 108, AFD = 22.8 ± 1.5 μm, n2 = 107, AFD = 25.7 ± 2.1 μm) shorn
value for FD, and 3) extreme phenotypes within the year class with the from rapidly growing yearling Rambouillet rams were first measured
highest number of animals. Statistical tests were carried out compar- on the OFDA 2000. Snippets were then guillotined from the base of
ing the number of copies for each of the 2 alleles at each SNP in the 2 each staple, cleaned, conditioned, and spread onto a glass slide. Each
extreme phenotypes (top and bottom 5%). No genome-wide significant slide was measured on the OFDA 100 and then on the OFDA2000. Data
results were obtained when using extreme phenotypes for FD. Analyses were analyzed using the paired t-test, and CORR procedures of SAS.
using extreme estimated breeding values and extreme phenotypes from Results for the finer set only are presented in Table 1. Average snippet
the largest year class are currently in progress. AFD was not different between instruments (P = 0.11) though it was
for the coaser set (Δ AFD = 0.11 μm, SED = 0.02 μm, P < 0.01). All
Key Words: GWAS, statistical power, selective genetyping
other measured traits were different (P < 0.01). Thus, some caution is
required when comparing results from the 2 instruments.
M461 An alternative wool harvesting system for wool sheep
flocks. T. Wuliji*1, T. Watts2, A. Qi1, and T. Filbin3, 1University of Table 1. Means and r values for wool characteristics measured with 2
Nevada, Reno, 2Heiniger Australia Pty, Perth, Western Australia, Aus- instruments
tralia, 3Rafter 7 Ranch, Yerington, NV.
1, 100, 2, 2000, 3, 2000, r, 1 r, 1 r, 2
The objective of this investigation is to evaluate the efficacy of a bio- Item snippet staple snippet vs 2 vs 3 vs 3
logical wool harvesting system-Bioclip as an alternative to mechanical AFD, μm 22.8a 21.6b 22.8a 0.88 0.99 0.87
shearing of the wool sheep flocks in the US, which mostly farmed for SDFD, μm 3.9a 3.6c 3.8b 0.87 0.99 0.89
meat and wool dual production. Bioclip reagent was developed for a CVFD, % 17.0a 16.5b 16.5b 0.81 0.95 0.83
biological wool harvesting in Merino breed or its derived sheep in Aus-
CF, % 95.8c 97.7a 96.1b 0.86 0.96 0.89
tralia. Twenty-two 10-mo-old ewes were selected for Bioclip shearing
AFC, °/mm 100.1a 86.2c 97.8b 0.77 0.97 0.76
comparison experiment. Ewes were weighed and stratified by BW and
breed, and divided into a control (conventional shearing, n = 10) and SDFC, °/mm 57.7a 58.5a 55.8b 0.65 0.93 0.63
Bioclip treatment group (n = 12). Treatment group animals were each CVFC, % 57.8b 68.0a 57.2c 0.26 0.82 0.23
given 2.5 mL Bioclip injection formula (7.5 mg/ml epidermal growth a,b,cWithin a row, means without common superscripts differ (P < 0.01).
factor (EGF) subcutaneously on the inguinal bare skin area, and subse-
quently put fleece retention net on them. Animals were fed alfalfa hay for Key Words: fiber diameter, objective measurement, wool
4 wk under a semi-sheltered pen until fleece removal at 28 d later. Post
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 169
M463 Comparison of Rambouillet sheep with Australian Merino 23.2, 24.6, and 22.5 kg ± 0.7) and 12th-rib back fat thickness (0.5, 0.5,
F1 crosses. C. J. Lupton*1, F. A. Pfeiffer1, W. S. Ramsey2, M. W. 0.6, 0.4 cm ± 0.06) as percentage of DDG increased in the diet, and
Salisbury3, D. F. Waldron1, J. W. Walker1, and T. D. Willingham1, 1Texas backfat thickness was greater (P = 0.04) for lambs fed 0DDG than
AgriLfe Research, San Angelo, 2Texas A&M University, College Station, 75DDG. The LM area was similar (P > 0.14; 14.4, 14.8, 15.6, 14.5 cm2
3Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX.
± 0.54) among lambs. Quadratic trends (P < 0.07) were also observed
for body wall thickness (1.4, 1.7, 1.7, 1.4 cm ± 0.8) and leg circumfer-
The objective of this study is to estimate the differences in wool pro-
ence (30.35, 30.96, 31.61, 30.70 cm ± 0.4). Results suggest that carcass
duction and value between Rambouillet (R) and R × Australian Merino
characteristics are affected by increasing percentage of DDG in lamb
(M) crosses. Semen from the desired type of M sires (n = 5 in 2007, 3
diets; the quadratic trends were unexpected.
in 2008) was located and purchased. The M sires had similar mature
BW but greater fleece weight and finer wool than R rams. R ewes (n = Key Words: carcass characteristics, distillers dried grains, lambs
407, 3–5 yr of age, BW = 61.5 ± 6.9 kg, average fiber diameter [AFD]
= 21.3 ± 2.1 μm) were bred to the M rams via laparoscopic artificial
insemination in June 2007 and October 2008. Contemporary R lambs M465 Nutrient intake in Santa Inês sheep fed different levels of
were produced naturally by exposing R ewes (n = 235) to R rams (n = metabolizable energy in the ration. R. M. Fontenele*, E. S. Pereira,
4 in 2007 and 2008). Lambs born in 2008 and 2009 were weighed at P. G. Pimentel, M. S. de Souza Carneiro, A. B. S. Villarroel, and J. G. L.
5 mo of age. Fleece weights (greasy and clean, GFW and CFW) and Regadas Filho, Federal University Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
fiber characteristics were determined on yearling fleeces. Data were The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutrient intake of Santa
analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. The model included Inês sheep fed different levels of metabolizable energy (2.08, 2.28,
fixed effects of genotype and sex and a random effect of sire within 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM) in diets. Twenty lambs, average weight
genotype. BW at 5 mo of age (27.1 kg) for lambs born in 2008 and 2009 of 13 kg and age 50 d, were distributed in randomized block design
was not different between genotypes. Least squares means of yearling with 5 replications. The roughage used was the Tifton 85 hay. Since
fleece weights and fiber characteristics for lambs born in 2008 are pre- the experimental variables were subjected to ANOVA and regression
sented in Table 1. Fleece weights and average staple length (ASL) did using the Statistical Analysis System and Genetic - SAEG. Was found
not differ between genotypes. The M × R yearlings produced higher among the energy levels on the dry matter intake, g/day (P = 0.002)
yielding and finer (more valuable) wool with less crimp (lower average (695.02, 914.17, 1030.16 and 1287.06, to 2.08, 2.28, 2,47, and 2.69
fiber curvature, AFC) than R sheep. Female yearlings produced coarser Mcal/kg DM, respectively) and g/kg0, 75 (P = 0.02) (80.54, 93.27, 98.70
wool than males. and 107.02, to 2, 08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively).
For the dry matter intake, in %BW, there was no influence (P > 0.05)
Table 1. Fleece and fiber characteristics of yearling sheep of energy levels in diets. Intake in g/day of organic matter (P = 0.002)
(713.50, 946.88, 1071.10 and 1349.90 to 2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/
Genotype Sex
kg DM, respectively), crude protein (P = 0.001) (107.58, 172.19, 205.81
Dependent M×R R Female Male and 253.64 to 2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively),
variable (n = 47) (n = 44) P (n = 45) (n = 46) P
ether extract (P = 0.0001) (11.80, 21.49, 34.96 and 40.28 to 2.08, 2.28,
GFW, kg 4.3 4.1 0.543 4.1 4.2 0.509 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively), non-fibrous carbohydrates
CY, % 60.8a 56.3b 0.005 57.9 59.1 0.119 (P = 0.00001) (148.69, 243.35, 360.52 and 511.00 to 2.08, 2.28, 2.47
CFW, kg 2.6 2.3 0.119 2.4 2.5 0.239 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively) and total digestible nutrients (P =
AFD, μm 17.8b 18.7a 0.015 18.6a 17.9b 0.012 0.001) (695.02, 914.17, 1030.16 and 1287.06, to 2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and
ASL, mm 12.0 11.4 0.429 12.0 11.4 0.077 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively), performed equal to the intake of dry
AFC, deg/mm 87.2b 95.5a 0.019 90.7 92.0 0.519 matter. There was also increased intake of total carbohydrates (P = 0.01),
despite the decrease of this nutrient as increased energy levels in diets
a,bWithin a row and within genotype or sex, means with a different super- (538.38, 671.18, 803.37 and 873.01 to 2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/
script letter differ (P < 0.05).
kg DM, respectively). Observed influence of the energy levels on the
Key Words: Merino, Rambouillet, wool use of neutral detergent fiber, in %BW (P = 0.0004) (44.40, 45.27, 40.27
and 33.77 for 2.08, 2.28, 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively) and
g/kg0.75 (P = 0.009) (44.40, 45.27, 40.27, and 33.77 for 2.08, 2.28, 2.47
M464 Effects of substituting distillers dried grains for cottonseed and 2.69 Mcal/kg DM, respectively). The daily intake of acid detergent
meal and milo on wool and carcass characteristics in lamb finishing fiber were not affected (P > 0.05) by the dietary energy.
diets. T. R. Whitney*, A. E. Lee, M. G. Williamson, C. D. Swening,
and R. L. Noland, Texas AgriLife Research Center, San Angelo. Key Words: lambs, performance, ruminants
170 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
mals were assigned in a randomized block design with 5 replicates per M468 Effects of dietary copper level on serum cholesterol and
block and 4 diets, with increasing metabolizable energy contents (2.08; nonesterified fatty acids in lambs. S. Hasanlou*, A. Zali, M. Gan-
2.28; 2.47 and 2.69 Mcal/kg of DM). The animals were slaughtered at jkhanlou, and M. Dehghan, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
28.00 ± 0.97 kg of BW. The logarithm of heat production (HP) was
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of dietary Cu
regressed against metabolizable energy intake (MEI) and the net energy
on serum cholesterol and NEFA in lambs. Twenty-four castrated male
requirements for maintenance (kcal/kg EBW0.75/d) were estimated by
Lori-Bakhtiary lambs (3 to 4 mo of age; average BW = 26 ± 0.5kg) were
extrapolation, when MEI was set to be zero. Regression equations of the
used in this experiment. Lambs were housed in individual pens and were
logarithm of body fat and body energy on the logarithm of EBW were
assigned randomly to one of 3 treatments. Treatments consisted of 1)
adjusted. The derivatives of these equations allowed the estimation of
control (no additional supplement), 2) lambs received 5 mg Cu/d, and 3)
the fat content of empty body weight gain (EBWG) and the net energy
lambs received 10 mg Cu/d. Treatments were gavaged daily (esophagus
requirement for EBWG, respectively. The net energy requirement for
gun) before AM feeding. Blood samples were collected from the jugular
maintenance obtained was 50.72 ± 1.20 kcal/kg EBW0.75/d. The energy
vein by venipuncture. Serum NEFA concentrations were not affected by
and fat contents of the EBW of the animals increased from 1.91 and
the supplementations (0.15, 0.15, and 0.21mmol/L). Total cholesterol
85.18 to 2.78 Mcal/kg and 221.23 g/kg of EBW, respectively, as the BW
of serum had tendency to be lower in groups received 5 mg Cu/d rela-
increased from 15 to 30 kg. Similarly, the composition of the EBWG
tive to the other supplemented groups (P = 0.06). Animals received 5
consisted of more fat and energy as the animals became heavier. The
mg Cu/d had significantly (P = 0.01) higher serum HDL-cholesterol
net energy requirements for EBWG increased from 2.94 to 4.28 Mcal/
compared with others. Whereas serum LDL-cholesterol concentrations
kg of EBWG for body weights of 15 and 30 kg, respectively. The net
was similar between supplemented groups (19.43, 19.39, and 17.34 mg/
energy requirement for maintenance of Santa Inês lambs is lower than
dL respectively). The Cu concentrations of serum were higher in lambs
values commonly recommended by the main evaluation systems of food
received 10 mg Cu/d compared with the other supplemented lambs (P <
and nutritional requirements of sheep.
0.001). Based on the current results, Cu supplementations had beneficial
Key Words: empty body weight, maintenance, tropical sheep effect on reduction of serum cholesterol in lambs.
Key Words: copper, cholesterol, lambs
M467 Body composition and net protein requirements for Santa
Inês lambs. J. G. L. Regadas Filho2, E. S. Pereira1, P. V. R. Paulino*2,
M469 Effects of dietary copper level on growth, performance, and
A. B. S. Villarroel1, P. G. Pimentel1, R. M. Fontenele1, M. R. G. F. Costa1,
carcass characteristics in lambs. S. Hasanlou*, A. Zali, M. Ganjkhan-
and M. S. Duarte2, 1Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil,
2Universidade Federal de Viçosa, MG, Brazil. lou, and M. Dehghan-Banadaki, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of dietary Cu on
This study was conducted to determine the body composition and
growth, performance, and carcass characteristics in lambs. Twenty-four
protein requirements for maintenance and growth of Santa Inês lambs.
castrated male Lori-Bakhtiary lambs (3 to 4 mo of age; average BW
Twenty-four non-castrated males, 50 d old and with 13.00 ± 0.56 kg
= 26 ± 0.5kg) were used in this experiment. The lambs were housed
of initial body weight were used. Four animals were slaughtered at the
in individual pens and were assigned randomly to 1 of 3 treatments.
beginning of the trial, as a reference group, to estimate the initial empty
Treatments consisted of 1) control (no additional supplement), 2) lambs
body weight (EBW) and body composition. The remaining animals were
received 5 mg Cu/d, and 3) lambs received 10 mg Cu/d. Treatments
assigned in a randomized block design with 5 replicates per block and
were gavaged daily (esophagus gun) before AM feeding. Daily feed
4 diets, with increasing metabolizable energy contents (2.08; 2.28; 2.47
intake and orts were recorded daily. Body weight was measured at the
and 2.69 Mcal/kg of DM) and crude protein (CP) (12.74; 14.36, 15.97
start and the end of experimental period. Least squares means of feed
and 17.65% CP of DM). The animals were slaughtered at 28.00 ± 0.97
intake was similar for Supplemented and control lambs (1.13, 1.13, and
kg of BW. A regression equation of nitrogen intake (g/kg BW0.75/d) on
1.14 kg/d respectively). Lower daily gain observed for lambs received
nitrogen retention (g/kg BW0.75/d) was adjusted. When N intake was set
10 mg Cu/d compared with control and those were fed 5 mg Cu/d (P
to be zero, the negative intercept of regression equation was considered
< 0.05). Gain:feed were affected by Cu level, so that lambs received
as the endogenous N losses, which represents the maintenance require-
10 mg Cu/d had the lowest level. Dressing percentage was not affected
ments. A regression equation of the logarithm of body protein content
by supplementations (45.54, 43.54, and 46.95% respectively). Lambs
on the logarithm of EBW was adjusted. The derivative of this equation
received 10 mg Cu/d had lower back fat versus others (P < 0.05). Based
enabled the estimation of the net protein requirements for gain of empty
on the current results, Cu supplementations had no beneficial effect on
body weight (EBWG). Endogenous nitrogen loss was estimated to be
the performance characteristics of lambs.
277 ± 0.05 mg/kg BW0.75/d, which corresponds to the net protein require-
ment for maintenance of 1.73 ± 0.31 g/kg BW0.75/d. Protein content of Key Words: copper, lambs, carcass
EBW decreased from 157.83 to 144.33 g/kg of EBW as the animals
BW increased from 15 to 30 kg, respectively. The protein deposited in
the EBWG decreased from 137.47 to 125.71 g/kg as the animals BW M470 Effect of zilpaterol and ractopamine feeding program
increased from 15 to 30 kg, respectively. Endogenous nitrogen loss and on growth performance and carcass characteristics of finishing
protein requirement for maintenance of Santa Inês lambs are lower than lambs. M. A. Lopez-Carlos*1,2, R. G. Ramirez2, J. I. Aguilera-Soto1,
the values commonly cited by the main systems of feed evaluation and C. F. Arechiga1, F. Mendez-Llorente1, H. Rodriguez1, and M. Rincon1,
1Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, 2Universidad
nutrient requirements of sheep.
Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Key Words: empty body gain, requirements, tropical sheep
The objective of this trial was to determine the response on growth
and carcass traits when ractopamine (RAC) and zilpaterol (ZIL) were
administered at 3 feeding programs (constant, increasing and decreas-
ing concentration) in the diet of finishing lambs for the last 27 d before
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 171
harvest. Eighty-four lambs (30 ± 1.6 kg) were used in a split-plot design M472 Fatty acid profile and lipid oxidation of meat from Sarda
with 7 treatments, 3 blocks (grouped by weight) and 3 periods (9, 18 lambs managed in different feeding systems. S. P. G. Rassu, C.
and 27 d; subplots). Treatments were: Control, RAC and ZIL constant Carzedda, R. Boe, M. G. Manca, and A. Nudda*, Dipartimento di
(RC and ZC) (0.20 and 0.70 mg/kg BW respectively, main plot), RAC Scienze Zootecniche, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy.
increasing (RI) (0.35, 0.70 and 1.05 mg/kg BW), ZIL increasing (ZI)
Fatty acid composition and the lipid oxidation of raw meat were evalu-
(0.10, 0.20 and 0.30 mg/kg BW), RAC decreasing (RD) (1.05, 0.70 and
ated in suckling lambs managed in 2 different feeding systems. Twenty-
0.35 mg/kg BW), and ZIL decreasing (ZD) (0.30, 0.20 and 0.10 mg/kg
two Sarda male lambs were divided into 2 feeding system groups: 11
BW). Adjustments for RAC and ZIL concentration were made at begin-
lambs (SL group), after 5th day of age, were confined in a fold and every
ning of each evaluation period. Basal diet was 18% CP and 3 Mcal/kg
day separated from their dams from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and then
of ME. The data analysis was performed using the GLM procedure of
rejoined after ewes milking. These lambs were also fed with a suitable
SAS. Differences between treatments were established by Duncan’s test.
pellet feed ad libitum to compensate smaller available milk. Remainine
Total gain (GT), average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI),
11 lambs (NSL group) were never separated from their dams and herded
feed:gain (F:G), hot and cold carcass weights (HCW and CCW), meat
to pasture with them and confined in a fold during the night. At d 25
and fat color (MC and FC), fat thickness (FT), carcass classification
of age, the 5 heavier lambs of each group were slaughtered. Mean BW
(CC) and longissimus muscle area (LM), were determined. During the
and ADG for NSL and SL group were, respectively: 4.70 and 6.08 kg
first period there was a decrease (P < 0.01) for DMI, ADG and feed
at birth (P = 0.012), 11.2 and 13.4 kg at slaughter (P = 0.000) and 270
efficiency (FE) for lambs that consumed ractopamine and zilpaterol
and 287 g/d (P = 0.382). After 24 h of refrigeration at 4°C, the lumbar
respect to Control. However, in subsequent periods, growth variables
region was dissected from each right half-carcass and used for analysis.
were higher (P < 0.05) for ZIL and RAC regardless of dosing schedule.
Fatty acid profile was determined by gas-cromatography while lipid oxi-
Hot carcass weight (HCW), CCW, CC and LM were higher for RI, ZI,
dation was measured by the Thio-Barbituric Acid Reactive Substances
RC and ZC. MC, FC and FT were improved (P < 0.05) with RAC and
(TBARS) method. Data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA using
ZIL administration independently of dosing schedule. In conclusion,
group as the main effect. Lipid oxidation was not significantly influenced
increasing concentration of dietary RAC and ZIL to finishing lambs
by group but was higher in NSL group than SL group (0.42 vs 0.34 mg
prolongs the growth response on time, while constant and increasing
MDA/kg of meat). The content in fat and protein were not significantly
dietary RAC and ZIL improve carcass characteristics.
affected by feeding system (Table 1). Fatty acid composition was not
Key Words: sheep, zilpaterol, ractopamine significantly influenced by group (Table 1).
M471 Use of zeranol and reimplantation on performance of Table 1. Composition of raw meat from suckling lambs raised with 2
finishing hair lambs. D. Domínguez, G. Amaya*, G. Villalobos, H. different feeding system
Castillo, J. A. Ortega, and L. Carlos, Universidad Autónoma de Chi- Group
huahua, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, México. NLS SL
Use of zeranol has improved daily gain and gain efficiency of lambs, Protein 20.32 20.42
leading to a higher profitability in sheep industry. This study evaluated Fat 1.98 2.31
the effect of using different zeranol levels and its reimplantation on dry Fatty acid (g/100g of FAME)
matter intake, body weight, average daily gain and gain efficiency of fin- PUFA n-3 9.98 8.79
ishing hair lambs. Thirty-two weaned intact male lambs (21.2 ± 1.58 kg PUFA n-6 2.79 3.27
and 60 d old) crosses of Dorper × Pelibuey and Kathadin × Pelibuey were
SFA 42.72 44.47
blocked by initial body weight and randomly assigned to 4 treatments (n
UFA 57.28 55.53
= 10, 5 pens and 2 lambs per pen): Z0 (control); Z12 (12 mg of zeranol,
Ralgro), Z24 (24 mg of zeranol in a single application), and Z12–12 (12 MUFA 43.66 43.92
mg of zeranol given twice). Lambs were implanted 12 d before starting n-6/n-3 3.65 2.82
the experiment, and animals of Z12–12 were reimplanted 28 d after SFA/UFA 0.75 0.80
starting the study. Lambs were fed ad libitum a 80:20 concentrate:forage
Key Words: fatty acid, lipid oxidation, lamb
diet (% DM) containing 2.7 Mcal ME/kg DM and 18.2% CP. Dry matter
intake (DMI) was determined daily, while body weight, average daily
gain (ADG) and gain efficiency (GE) were recorded every 14 d during M473 Deciding whether light lambs should be weaned or left with
the 56 d trial. Data were analyzed as a complete random design with the dam until slaughter age. M. Terré1, A. Nudda2, and A. Bach*3,1,
repeated mesarurements on time, using the PROC MIXED. Implanted 1Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries, Barcelona, Spain,
animals had similar DMI vs. non implanted (1.42 vs. 1.47 kg). Final 2University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy, 3Institució Catalana de Recerca
body weight of implanted animals was not improved vs. non implanted i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Spain.
(40.0 vs. 36.9 kg), and was similar among implanted treatments. The
ADG of implanted lambs was 12.4% higher vs. non implanted (0.326 The objective was to compare the performance and meat quality of
vs. 0.290 kg/d; P < 0.05), and it was 6.2% enhanced in lambs of Z24 2 different lamb rearing systems: weaning lambs at 7 wk of age and
compared with lambs of Z12 (0.340 vs. 0.320 kg/d; P < 0.05), and was then either feeding concentrate and forage or rearing lambs with their
similar between Z24 and Z12–12 treatments. Implanted lambs had 17% mother until sacrifice. A total of 22 lambs from 17 ewes were assigned
higher GE (4.4 vs. 5.3; P < 0.05), and it was 8.7% superior in Z24 vs. to weaning (W) treatment and 20 lambs from 16 ewes to unweaning (U)
Z12 (4.2 vs. 4.6), and was similar between Z24 and Z12–12 treatments. treatment. Lambs in U treatment were kept with their mother and fed
Implanting finishing lambs with 24 mg of zeranol in a single dosis a concentrate ad libitum. Lambs in W treatment were weaned at 7 wk
showed the best animal performance. of age and fed concentrate and straw ad libitum. Lambs were weighed
weekly until sacrifice. Carcasses were weighed after slaughter. After
Key Words: implants, finishing lambs, zeranol sacrifice (48 h), Longissimus dorsi (LD) was sampled from 8 male
172 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
lambs per treatment to determine color, texture, fat content and fatty mixed diet or split feeds free-choice. Three treatments were evalu-
acid (FA) composition. Data were analyzed using a fixed effects model ated: mixed diet, or concentrate offered once (C1) or twice (C2) a day
with pen as the experimental unit. Lambs in the U treatment tended (P with roughage provided for ad libitum intake. Mixed diet was 78:22
= 0.09) to weigh more than W lambs 4 wk after weaning (19.7 vs 18.3 concentrate:roughage, concentrate was: 78.53% milo; 10.26% soybean
± 0.06 kg BW, respectively). Lambs in U treatment were 13 d younger meal; 10.18% meat meal poultry; and, 1.03% mineralized salt (estimated
(P < 0.001) at slaughter than the W lambs. Dressing percentage was ME 2.87Mcal/kg). Roughage sourece was ground (1.8 cm screen) corn
greater (P < 0.05) in U than in W lambs (44.9 vs 42.0 ± 1.23%, respec- stover. Experimental design was a completely random with 3 replicates;
tively). Colorimetric parameters of LD indicated that L and a values experimental unit was a pen with 2 lambs. Feeding trial lasted 32 d.
were similar in both treatments, whereas b values were greater (P < Rambouillet lambs with initial weight of 37.7 ± 3.1 kg and less than
0.05) in W than in U lambs (12.9 vs 12.3 ± 0.16, respectively). There one year old were used. Feed offered was adjusted daily to provide 15%
were no differences in texture measurements (WBSF) and total fat in above the day-before intake. Intake was calculated daily by weighing
LD. The LD from U lambs had a greater (P < 0.05) percentage of 16, feed offered and rejected. Mixed diet, corn stover and concentrate of
18:3 n-3 FA and a lower (P < 0.05) percentage of 17, 17:1 FA than LD C1 and half of C2 were given at 7:00 h, the other half of C2 at 18:00
from W lambs. However, the ratio n-6/n-3 was lower (P < 0.01) in U h. Mixed diet and C1 showed the highest and lowest (P < 0.05) of both
than in W lambs (6.47 vs 9.19 ± 0.527, respectively). Rearing lambs daily total and concentrate intakes, respectively. Average daily gain,
with the ewe until sacrifice reduces days to slaughter and improves FA final weight, feed conversion and total time-spent-eating were not dif-
composition of LD. ferent (P > 0.05) among treatments. At the beginning, daily time spent
eating concentrate in C1 lambs was up to 53% higher (P < 0.5) than
Key Words: light lamb, weaning, meat quality
in C2 lambs, but toward to the end of the trial there was no difference
(P > 0.05); C1 lambs decreased 38% in time eating concentrate. Daily
M474 Lamb finalization allowing free-choice intake of roughage rumination time was 38% lower (P < 0.05) in C1 lambs than the rest of
and concentrate. P. Martinez-Hernandez*, C. Sanchez-DelReal, E. the lambs. Incidence of lambs off-feed was 3 times higher (P < 0.05)
Cortes-Diaz, E. Maldonado-Siman, and R. Lazo-Soto, Animal Science in C1 than in the other 2 treatments. It was concluded that controlled
Department, University of Chapingo, Texcoco, Mexico, Mexico. offering of concentrate could allow for feeding roughage and concen-
trate as split feeds.
The objective of this study was to determine performance and feed-
ing behavior of lambs offered roughage and concentrate as either a Key Words: mixed diets, feeding system, lamb performance
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 173
Monday, July 12, 2010
37 Biohydrogenation intermediates of 13C-labeled docosahexanoic = 0.05). Because F-actin polymerization drives neutrophil movement,
acid in ruminal batch cultures. C. M. Klein* and T. C. Jenkins, lower amounts could partly explain reduced migration. In contrast, cell
Clemson University, Clemson, SC. morphology and F-actin distribution was similar between genotypes.
Our second study focused on directed migration of neutrophils toward
There are no reported pathways of docosahexanoic (DHA) biohydroge-
interleukin-8 (IL8). The migration of neutrophils from GG (n = 4) and
nation; however, DHA is metabolized by ruminal microorganisms. In
CC (n = 4) genotypes was captured under a microscope and veloc-
this study a 0.5mg pulse dose of uniformly 13C labeled DHA in ethanol
ity, acceleration, distance of the path, distance from origin, largest X
was injected at 0h as a metabolic tracer. This study did not examine
distance and largest Y distance were analyzed for each individual cell.
every fatty acid metabolite, but rather identified several saturated and
Cells from GG genotype traveled further and more directly compared
trans-18:1 fatty acid metabolites and set a foundation for future work.
with CC genotype cells. Our findings suggest lower F-actin polymer-
Ruminal microorganisms collected from a lactating Holstein cow were
ization in combination with a lower ability to directly and efficiently
incubated in 10 mL batch cultures for 0, 6, 24 and 48 h. Treatment groups
move toward the site of infection could impair neutrophil response to
were 0.5% 13C DHA and 0.5% DHA. Duplicate cultures were methy-
infection in cows with the CC genetic background and may contribute
lated and then separated on a 100-m CP-Sil 88 column. Abundances
to increased mastitis susceptibility.
of the quasimolecular (M) and M+n ions were determined by mass
spectroscopy in chemical ionization mode. Enrichment was calculated Key Words: mastitis, chemotaxis, neutrophil
as {M+n/[M+(M+n)]} × 100 in labeled minus unlabeled cultures and
tested for their difference from zero by t-test (P < 0.01). DHA decreased
from 0.207mg to 0.041mg between 0 and 48h and had an enrichment 39 Effects of different levels of cottonseed hulls on rumen develop-
of 98.1%. Oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids decreased 0.431, 0.962 ment and growth in dairy calves. R. M. Doescher*, C. C. Williams,
and 0.081mg in the same time period. Stearic acid increased 1.37mg C. F. Hutchison, B. F. Jenny, and A. H. Dolejsiova, LSU AgCenter,
and trans-18:1 monenes increased 0.415 mg. Palmitic, eicosanoic, and Baton Rouge.
docosanoic acids increased 0.196, 0.008 and 0.005 mg respectively. A study was conducted to determine the effects of varying levels of
Palmitic, stearic, all trans-18:1, eicosanoic, and docosanoic acids were cottonseed hulls on growth and metabolic indications of rumen devel-
examined for enrichment. Docosanoic acid was highly enriched at 24h opment of dairy calves. Sixty-four Holstein calves (Heifers, n = 40;
and 48h to 20.2% and 16.3% (SE = 0.466; P < 0.01). Neither eicosanoic Bulls, n = 24) were randomly assigned to one of 4 dietary treatments
acid, nor any trans-18:1 monenes were enriched at any time (P < 0.05). which included calf starters containing no cottonseed hulls (control; C),
Low levels of enrichment (<0.1%; P < 0.01) were found in palmitic 10% cottonseed hulls (10% CSH), 15% cottonseed hulls (15% CSH),
and stearic acids. This study clearly identifies docosanoic acid as an or 20% cottonseed hulls (20% CSH). Calves were fed their respective
intermediate of DHA biohydrogenation. It also identifies that, in this treatments beginning on d 8 until d 56 of age. Body weights were
system, eicosanoic acid and trans-18:1 fatty acids were not intermediates. measured at birth and biweekly thereafter until d 56 of age. Wither and
Stearic acid had minor enrichments, but DHA only made up 3.13% of hip heights were measured beginning on d 14 and biweekly thereafter
total fat or 10.3% of metabolized unsaturated fat. until d 56 of age. Feed intake and fecal scores were recorded twice daily
Key Words: docosahexanoic acid, biohydrogenation through d 56. On d 14, 28, 42, and 56, rumen fluid was collected for
analysis of pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA), and ammonia (NH3), and
blood was collected for analysis of plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and
38 Cows genetically more susceptible to mastitis have altered neu- β–hydroxybutyrate (BHBA). There was no treatment effect (P > 0.1)
trophil migration patterns. A. A. Elliott*, S. Minkin, J. Biggerstaff, on average daily starter intake, fecal scores, body weight, wither height,
J. Dunlap, and G. M. Pighetti, University of Tennessee. and hip height. Calves consuming CSH had higher (P < 0.05) rumen pH
than C. Rumen pH also decreased (P < 0.01) as calves aged. There was
The largest loss in profit for dairy farmers occurs with mastitis, an
no treatment effect (P > 0.1) on rumen acetate, propionate, butyrate, and
inflammation of the mammary gland. Our prior research identified a
total VFA concentrations. There was a trend for a treatment by week
marker in the CXCR1 gene associated with mastitis and decreased
interaction (P < 0.1) and a treatment effect (P < 0.1) on NH3 produc-
neutrophil migration in vitro. Because neutrophil migration is critical
tion, with calves consuming 10% CSH having higher concentrations.
for eliminating most infections, our ongoing research seeks to identify
There was no significant treatment effect (P > 0.1) on BHBA, but a main
the specific mechanisms causing impaired migration. The first study
effect of sex (P < 0.05) was observed in which males had higher BHBA
evaluated actin polymerization, one of the first steps in neutrophil
concentrations. There was no significant treatment effect (P > 0.1) on
migration, in cows with different CXCR1+777 genotypes. Neutrophils
PUN concentrations, but a main effect of sex (P < 0.05) was observed
from cows with GG (n = 11) and CC (n = 11) genotypes were isolated
with females having greater concentrations. Overall, incorporating cot-
and stimulated with zymosan activated sera (ZAS). Cells were fixed
tonseed hulls into a calf starter showed no significant effect on growth
and stained for F-actin and subsequently evaluated for F-actin content,
and rumen development in Holstein dairy calves.
distribution, and cell morphology. Neutrophils of the CC cows had
significantly lower average F-actin polymerization than the GG cows (P Key Words: cottonseed hulls, dairy calves, rumen development
174 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Graduate Student Paper Competition: ADSA-ASAS Northeast Section
40 Effects of herbs and essential oils on in vitro batch culture However, 71.4% of respondents stored their manure on an impermeable
ruminal fermentation. J. A. Tekippe*1, A. N. Hristov1, K. S. Heyler1, or permeable surface uncovered, 30.7% allowed horses unlimited access
V. D. Zheljazkov2, J. Ferreira3, and G. A. Varga1, 1Pennsylvania State to surface water, 39.4% did not utilize sacrifice lots to rest pastures, and
University, University Park, 2Mississippi State University, NMREC, more than half (55.4%) of respondents reported soil erosion in their
Verona, 3USDA-ARS, Beaver, WV. pastures. Soil erosion was noted less by respondents operating a farm
for recreation and those with a low stocking density (>0.81 ha horse−1).
Medicinal herbs and essential oils were evaluated in a batch culture in
Only 3 of 10 recommended BMPs were being used correctly by the
vitro screening experiment as potential anti-methanogenic additives
majority (≥51%) of respondents, with proper manure storage, use of
for ruminant diets. A total of 88 essential oils and 14 herbs were tested.
sacrifice lots, and rotational grazing being used by the lowest percentage
Rumen inoculum enriched with particle-associated microorganisms was
of respondents. BMPs with low adoption rates should be the focus of
collected from a lactating dairy cow, 2 h before feeding. Incubation was
future education programs for horse farm operators in MD to minimize
conducted in serum bottles containing 1 g of a feed mixture (0.7 g alfalfa
environmental impact to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
hay, 0.2 g corn starch, and 0.1 g solvent-extracted soybean meal), 1 mL
of essential oils (10, 50, and 100 mg/L, final medium concentration), Key Words: best management practices, horse, survey
19 mL of McDougall’s buffer with 5 g/L glucose and 2.5 g/L acid-
hydrolyzed casein, and 20 mL of ruminal inoculum. Bottles were then
flushed with CO2 and incubated at 39°C for 6 h. Corresponding 50 mL 43 Sources of variation and importance of the quantification of the
tubes were incubated for 24 h for NDF degradability analysis. Herbs in vitro NDF digestibility for estimating rates of NDF digestion. E.
were tested using the same procedure, except a portion of the alfalfa hay Raffrenato* and M. E. Van Amburgh, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
was replaced with 12.5, 50, 100, and 200 mg of plant material (air-dry Accurate and precise estimations of intrinsic NDF digestibility and
basis), and NDF was tested using the DAISY apparatus. Blanks and digestion kinetic parameters have been shown to be important for the
monensin (5 mg/L, final medium concentration) were also incubated. evaluation of forages. Methods for measuring NDFD are more variable
At the end of the incubations, total gas and methane production, VFA than those for NDF and there is no standard method. Within laboratories,
and ammonia concentration, and NDF degradability were measured. the standard deviation (SD) of repeatability for single determinations of
Treatment by application level interactions were not significant for NDFD is 1.5 to 2 times that of the NDF assay. The SD of reproducibility
any of the essential oil treatments. Two of the essential oils increased among laboratories for single in vitro determination is 3 to 5 times that
acetate production, 12 increased propionate production, 10 increased of NDF and can greatly impact the calculations for rate of digestion.
butyrate production, 3 reduced methane production (by 20 to 30%), and Recently a method has been proposed to standardize the inoculum
2 decreased ammonia production. With the herbs, 1 increased acetate (Goeser et al., 2009) and although the CV of multiple runs was reduced,
production, 2 increased propionate production, 1 decreased methane the method appeared to result in lower NDFD values. Our objective was
production (by 30%), and 1 decreased ammonia production. Eight of the to evaluate the sources of and reduce the variability of both NDF and
herbs increased NDF degradability at various inclusion levels. Overall, NDFD assays. Several hundred forages were analyzed for aNDFom
these results indicated that some essential oils and medicinal herbs may (Mertens, 2002), ADL (Van Soest et al., 1991) and NDFD using Goer-
have a significant effect on ruminal fermentation in vivo. ing and Van Soest buffer in 125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks under CO2 using
Key Words: essential oil, medicinal herb, rumen fermentation inoculum from multiple lactating cows within 20 min of collection and
filtered in crucibles. One of the factors impacting the outcome of NDF,
ADL and NDFD was the loss of soluble materials through the Gooch
42 Use of environmental protection best management practices by crucible. The use of glass filters (Whatman, 934-AH, 1.5 µm) improved
Maryland horse farm operators. N. M. Fiorellino*, K. M. Wilson, recoveries from 0 and 4% (P < 0.05) and 0 and 8% (P < 0.05) for NDF
and A. O. Burk, University of Maryland, College Park. and NDFD, respectively, and reduced the CV below 2% for intra-run
and below 3% for inter-runs, among all forages. In vitro (240 h) and in
A survey study was conducted to identify use of environmental protec-
situ (360 h) NDF recovery was improved up to 15% with the use of the
tion best management practices (BMPs) by horse farm operators in
filter and through the use of bags with porosity of 15 µm, respectively.
Maryland (MD). A 35-question survey was mailed to 1,000 MD horse
Further, the use of the filter increased (P < 0.05) recovery of ADL from
farm operators using a multiple wave mailing strategy. Data were col-
3 to 36%. In conclusion improved recovery and inoculum handling
lected from February to March 2009. Survey response rate was 43.9%,
allowed better estimations of NDF, NDFD, ADL and indigestible NDF
with responses received from 91.3% of counties. Respondents housed
and result in a more precise and accurate estimations of the rate of
16.8 ± 1.6 horses on 11.6 ± 1.6 ha of turnout with a mean stocking density
digestion (Van Amburgh et al., 2004). This data will serve to provide
of 0.81 ± 0.04 ha horse−1. Primary use of horse farms was recreational
recommendations for the standardization of the NDFD procedure.
(32.8%), boarding (30.7%), and breeding (14.7%). On a scale from 1
(low) to 5 (high), respondents reported they had the least knowledge of Key Words: NDF, NDFD, ADL
farm cost-share programs (2.0 ± 0.06), grass and weed identification (2.8
± 0.05), and soil conservation plans (3.0 ± 0.05) and the most knowledge
of recommended stocking density (3.6 ± 0.06), rotational grazing (3.6 ± 44 Effect of capsicum oil on feeding behavior and milk produc-
0.05), and manure management (3.5 ± 0.05). Most respondents assessed tion in lactating dairy cattle. L. R. Tager* and K. M. Krause, West
their pasture vegetative cover at >70% (78.5%); however, respondents Virginia University, Morgantown.
operating a farm with a high stocking density (<0.4 ha horse−1) reported A preliminary study was conducted to study the effect of capsicum
lower rates. The majority of respondents used a recommended stocking oil on feeding behavior and milk production in lactating dairy cows.
density of ≥0.61 ha horse−1 (53.9%). Only 15.4% of respondents did not Twenty lactating dairy cows (16 Holstein and 4 Ayrshire) were used in
maintain a proper vegetative buffer between horses and water sources. a crossover design using the Growsafe monitoring system (Growsafe
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 175
Systems Ltd., Airdrie, AB, Canada). After balancing for milk yield and 46 The effect of form of trace mineral supplementation on lacta-
DIM, 10 cows were randomly assigned to each of 2 pens (5 Growsafe tion, neutrophil function, and vaccination response in Holstein
bins/pen). Cows were fed a TMR with a 54:46 forage:concentrate ratio cows. L. M. Nemec*1, J. D. Richards2, C. Atwell2, D. E. Diaz2, and
(DM basis) ad-libitum twice daily. Experimental treatments included: 2 T. F. Gressley1, 1University of Delaware, Newark, 2Novus International
g/cow/d capsicum oil (CAP; XT 6933; Pancosma S.A., France) or no oil Inc., St. Charles, MO.
(CON). Data was collected until 20 d of sound data were accumulated
The aim of this study was to compare inorganic versus chelated forms
for each experimental period. There was no difference in DMI (23.05
of supplemental Cu, Mn, and Zn on production, neutrophil activity,
kg/d vs. 23.17 kg/d; P = 0.91), number of meals/d (12 vs. 12; P = 0.34),
antibody titer, and plasma and milk mineral concentrations. Holstein
total h spent eating/d (3.22 h vs. 3.16 h; P = 0.89), mean meal length
cows (n = 25) averaging 63 d in milk were assigned to a 12-week com-
(17.24 min vs. 17.23; P = 0.96), length of first meal after feeding (43.3
pletely randomized design study in 2 groups. Diets were supplemented
min vs. 46.2 min; P = 0.21), or feeding rate (7.49 kg/h vs. 7.78 kg/h; P
at 100% of NRC requirements either by inorganic trace minerals (ITM)
= 0.80) between CAP and CON. Milk yield did not differ between CAP
in sulfate and oxide forms, or by chelated trace minerals (Mintrex; Zn,
and CON (27.6 kg/d vs. 28.1 kg/d; P = 0.72). Based on this preliminary
Cu and Mn as Mintrex Zn [Zn(HMTBa)2]; Mintrex Cu [Cu(HMTBa)2];
study, feeding CAP at 2 g/cow/d does not change feeding behavior or
Mintrex Mn [Mn(HMTBa)2]; Novus International Inc., St. Charles,
milk production. To add more experimental units and confirm the results
MO). Intake and milk production were recorded daily. Milk composi-
of the preliminary study, this project is currently being replicated.
tion was measured weekly, and milk Cu, Mn, and Zn was determined
Key Words: capsicum, feeding behavior at wk 0 and 8. Blood Cu and Zn concentrations and neutrophil activity
were measured at wk 0, 4, 8, and 12. Neutrophil activity was measured
by in vitro assays of phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species (ROS)
45 Digestive fate of free ferulic acid in lactating dairy cows. M. production, and chemotaxis. A rabies vaccination was administered at
A. Soberon*, D. J. R. Cherney, and D. A. Ross, Cornell University, wk 8, and vaccine titer response at wk 12 was measured by both Rapid
Ithaca, NY. Fluorescent Focus Inhibition Test (RFFIT) and ELISA. Wet chemistry
Ferulic acid (FA), a phenolic compound with antioxidant and anti-cancer analysis of the total mixed rations indicated dietary Cu was 17 and 24
activities, naturally occurs in plants as one of the building blocks of ppm, Mn was 40 and 62 ppm, and Zn was 84 and 138 ppm for the ITM
lignin. Many veins of research have been devoted to releasing FA from and Mintrex diets, respectively. There was no effect of treatment on milk
the lignin complex to improve digestibility of plants fed to livestock. production (42 kg/d), milk composition, plasma minerals, neutrophil
Thus, it is of interest to study the fate of a given dosage of FA in the ROS production, or neutrophil chemotaxis. Dry matter intake tended
dairy cow to determine the likelihood of its transfer from ingested feed to be lower for Mintrex than ITM cows (24.1 vs. 25.3 kg/d, P = 0.06).
to milk when available in free form. Six mid to late lactation Holstein Milk Cu concentration was greater for Mintrex than ITM cows (76 vs
cows at the Cornell Research Farm were given 14 d adaptation to diet 57 ï g/L, P < 0.01). Neutrophil phagocytosis tended to increase for the
and stall. Ad libitum access to a total mixed ration based on haylage Mintrex treatment (P = 0.09). Rabies antibody titer was approximately
and corn silage (31.1% NDF, 5.52 mg/g FA) was provided during the 2.5 fold higher for Mintrex than ITM cows, regardless of assay (P = 0.08
study. A cross over design was used so that each cow alternated weekly for RFFIT; P = 0.009 for ELISA). In summary, the Mintrex treatment
between Treatment (Trt) and Control. On d 1, jugular cannulas and urine increased bioavailability as indicated by increased milk Cu and enhanced
catheters were placed in all cows. On d 2, Trt cows received a single both innate and adaptive immune responses as indicated by increased
dosage of 150 g pure FA powder via their fistula (n = 4) or a balling neutrophil phagocytosis and vaccine titer response, respectively.
gun for nonfistulated cows (n = 2). Plasma, urine, feces, feed, orts, milk Key Words: trace minerals, neutrophils, parity
and rumen fluid were sampled intensively for the next 36 h. On d 8,
the cows crossed over and the experiment was repeated. All samples
were analyzed for FA concentration. FA administration did not have an 47 The effects of length of storage on the composition and nutri-
effect on DMI (P = 0.593), milk yield (P = 0.501), milk fat yield (P = tive value of corn silage. M. C. Der Bedrosian*1, L. Kung Jr.1, and
0.457), milk protein yield (P = 0.959), SCC (P = 0.495), NDF content K. E. Nestor Jr.2, 1University of Delaware, Newark, 2Mycogen Seeds,
of orts (P = 0.462) or NDF content of feces (P = 0.393). The level of FA Indianapolis, IN.
in the feces did not change as a result of Trt (P = 0.399). As expected,
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of length of stor-
[FA] increased dramatically upon FA dosage and decreased over time
age on the composition and nutritive value of corn silage. The primary
until returning to basal levels in rumen fluid (detectable until 4.25 h
treatments were a brown midrib (BMR) and a non-BMR silage hybrid
post-dosage), plasma (detectable until 5.5 h post-dosage), and urine
(nBMR) harvested at a normal DM (32%) and a high DM (41%). Forages
(detectable until 23 h post-dosage). Baseline values for FA in urine
were vacuumed and heat-sealed in quintuplet storage bags and ensiled
and rumen fluid were variable among cows and had an effect on [FA]
for various periods of time between 0 to 360 d before analyses. Nutrient
in Trt cows. FA was detected in the milking following FA dosage (6.5
analysis, fermentation end products and in vitro NDF (NDF-D; 30 h)
h post-dosage) at significantly higher concentrations in Trt cows. From
and starch digestion (starch-D; 7 h) techniques were used to evaluate
this study, it is observed that orally ingested FA can be transported into
the samples. Over both maturities and time of ensiling, compared with
the milk and that the physiological transfer of FA occurs from rumen
nBMR, BMR silage was lower (P < 0.01) in lignin, CP and ADF but
to urine within 1 h and milk within 6.5 h.
higher in starch content. The NDF content of silages was not affected
Key Words: ferulic acid, cow by treatment. Of the fermentation end products, the concentration of
acetic acid increased substantially with length of storage for all treat-
ments specifically increasing as much as 140% between d 45 to d 365
for normal DM BMR silage. The NDF-D was greater overall all times
for BMR (68% DMB) than nBMR (52%) but there was an interaction
(P < 0.01) between hybrid and maturity. Increasing maturity did not
affect NDF-D of nBMR but it decreased for BMR by approximately 5
176 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
percentage units. Fiber digestion did not change substantially between pH, and rumen fill. Treatments consisted of 3 diets differing only in
45 and 365 d regardless of hybrid or DM content. Starch digestibility forage length (geometric mean length, mm): hay (5.40, 8.96 and 77.90,
was highest (P < 0.01) in normal DM nBMR samples at d 0 (about for short (S), medium (M) and long (L) diets, respectively) for Experi-
80%) and lower (65 to 68%) for other treatments. This was most likely ment 1 (E1), and straw (10.16 S, 24.68 M and 80.37 L) for Experiment
due to the fact that normal DM nBMR had a low starch content (21%) 2 (E2). Hay or straw comprised the sole source of forage (50% for E1
compared with other treatments (31 ± 3%). Starch-D increased (P < and 75% for E2). Both experiments used 3 rumen cannulated, non-
0.01) about 6 to 8 percentage units for nBMR silages but increased pregnant Holstein dairy cows, late lactating in E1 and dry in E2, with 3
(P < 0.01) approximately 15 percentage units for BMR silages over × 3 Latin square designs. Chewing behavior was visually monitored for
the ensiling period. Relative to the 2 corn silage hybrids used in this 48 h at 2-min intervals. In E1, DMI (18.3 ± 2.1 kg/d), pH (6.4 ± 0.1),
study, the results show that time of ensiling does not affect NDF-D time spent eating (280 ± 22.5 min/d), time spent ruminating (487 ± 17
but it results in marked increases in starch digestion. The NDF-D of min/d), and total time spent chewing (767 ± 34 min/d) were not differ-
BMR but not the nBMR hybrid was affected by harvesting at a higher ent, while min/kg of DMI and min/kg of NDF intake tended to increase
DM. Allowing corn silage to ensile for prolonged periods of time can linearly (P < 0.1) as forage length increased. Rumen digesta volume
improve its nutritive value. (L; 113.3 S, 117.8 M, and 114.4 L ± 17.1) had a quadratic response (P
< 0.05) and rumen digesta weight tended to respond quadratically (P
Key Words: Silage, BMR
< 0.1); however, differences were numerically small. In E2, DMI (8.3
± 1.3 kg/d), pH (6.7 ± 0.1), time spent eating (236 ± 23.5 min/d), time
48 Effect of forage particle length on rumen fermentation and spent ruminating (468 ± 45.2 min/d), total time spent chewing (704
chewing activity of late lactating and dry dairy cows. F. X. Suarez- ± 67.7min/d) and min/kg NDF intake were not different, while min/
Mena*, G. I. Zanton, and A. J. Heinrichs, The Pennsylvania State kg of DMI had a trend for a quadratic effect (P < 0.1). Rumen digesta
University, University Park. volume (111 ± 18.8 L) and weight (103 ± 17.4 kg) were not different.
Changes in rumen characteristics and chewing in cows in late lactation
The objective of this study was to determine forage particle size effects and dry cows were not detected or were small when the particle size of
on chewing activity, rumen pH, and rumen fill in dairy cattle fed rations the forage was changed.
with similar physically effective NDF but different mean particle length.
Two experiments were conducted to determine chewing behavior, rumen Key Words: particle size, chewing, rumen pH
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 177
Alpharma Beef Cattle Nutrition Symposium: “Parameterizing” Health and
Performance Expectations of Feedlot Cattle
49 Practical relationships between morbidity and growth perfor- BW (range = 227 to 451 kg), sex (steer or heifer), and initial BW ×
mance. V. R. Bremer1, G. E. Erickson*1, T. J. Klopfenstein1, D. R. sex (P < 0.10 for all variables evaluated). As expected, initial BW was
Smith1, K. J. Hanford1, R. E. Peterson2, L. O. Burciaga-Robles2, D. B. positively related to DMI. With intercept and slope adjustments for sex,
Faulkner3, and C. R. Krehbiel4, 1University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2Feed- the R2 was 0.72 for regression of DMI (adjusted for random effects) on
lot Health Management Services, Okotoks, Alberta, Canada, 3University initial BW. Similarly, with adjustments for random effects, regression
of Illinois, Urbana, 4Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. on initial BW with sex adjustments accounted for 46, 82, and 81% of
the variation in ADG, final shrunk BW, and HCW, respectively. Initial
Six trials suggested that bovine respiratory disease (BRD) depresses BW was negatively related to G:F (R2 = 0.22). Analysis of a university
ADG and carcass finish. These studies did not account for DMI or G:F. data set (200 pens of steers; initial BW = 300 to 450 kg) indicated that
Therefore, 5 new data sets were evaluated. Data (n = 978 lots; 276,116 adding ADG from d 0 to 70 of the feeding period increased R2 for
cattle) from 2 Alberta, Canada feedlots with 0 to 70% BRD (CAN) predicting HCW. Similarly, including early DMI data increased R2 and
were used to evaluate impact of BRD on performance. A subset (n = decreased prediction error for DMI, indicating that updating predictions
33,074 cattle) had carcass data. A trial (OSU) was conducted with 193 with interim performance data should prove beneficial. Adding data
heifers fed (6 heifers/pen) based on 0, 1, 2, 3, or 3+ BRD treatments on previous health issues might improve predictions but is difficult to
during receiving, with incidence of 58%. Individual performance of 900 apply to pen settings. Environmental effects (e.g., severe heat or cold
growing and 987 finishing cattle (UNL; 16 and 19% BRD treatment, stress) can greatly affect performance and thereby decrease predict-
respectively) were classified by time of BRD treatment at receiving, < 31 ability. Overall, results suggest that initial BW has considerable value
d on trial, > 30 d on trial, or no treatment. A third data set of 1,940 indi- in predicting growth performance by feedlot cattle.
vidual finishing cattle with 10% BRD treatment (UofI) were analyzed
by time of BRD treatment. The CAN pen level closeout data indicate Key Words: feedlot cattle, initial body weight, predicted perfor-
quadratic decreases (P = 0.03) in DMI and ADG and a trend for linear mance
(P = 0.08) improvement in G:F as % of pen treated for BRD increased.
The CAN carcass data indicates quadratic decreases (P < 0.01) in HCW,
marbling score, and LM area, and a linear decrease (P < 0.01) in fat 51 Applying detection controls in assessing variance in feedlot cattle
thickness as number of BRD treatments increased. In the OSU trial, performance. R. A. Zinn*, University of California, Davis
feeding heifers based on BRD incidence at receiving indicates ADG ADG and DMI of feedlot cattle are predictable functions of gender,
linearly increased (P = 0.01), DMI was unchanged, and G:F increased quality score (QS; values range from 1 to 3, increasing inversely with
as number of BRD treatments increased. Heifers treated 3 or more times frame size), shrunk initial weight (SIW, kg), average shrunk live weight
required more d to reach a common end point. Growing cattle (UNL) (SLW, kg), and dietary NEm and NEg (Mcal/kg):
treated > 30 d on trial had decreased ADG and G:F (P < 0.01) relative
to cattle treated earlier or not at all. Finishing cattle (UNL) treated > 30 MFWsteer, kg = 509.6 + 0.4697 SIW - 46.54 QS,
d on trial had similar DMI, ADG, and G:F (P > 0.16) as cattle treated MFWheifer, kg = 551.5 - 0.2482 SIW + 0.00119 SIW2 - 39.84 QS,
earlier or not at all. The UofI cattle treated for BRD > 30 d on trial had ADGsteer, kg = 1.628 + 0.00287 SIW −0.00000107 SIW 2
decreased (P < 0.01) DMI and ADG and similar (P = 0.51) G:F as other − 0.461 QS,
BRD classes and required more d to reach a common end point. Cattle ADGheifer, kg = 1.265 + 0.00432 SIW - 0.00000425 SIW 2
requiring treatment before 30 d on feed have similar performance to − 0.410 QS,
healthy cohorts; however, cattle requiring treatment after 30 d on feed DMIsteer, kg = (0.0606*((SLW*478/MFW) 0.75 )*ADG 0.905 )/
may require increased d to reach a similar endpoint as healthy cohorts NEg) + (0.077LW0.75/NEm),
due to lower DMI and ADG, but G:F is unaffected. DMIheifer, kg = (0.0618*((SLW*478/MFW) 0.75 )*ADG 0.905 )/
Key Words: bovine respiratory disease, feed efficiency, growth
Variance in observed vs expected feedlot cattle performance occurs for
many reasons, including: inaccurate measures of dietary DM percentage;
50 Predictability of feedlot cattle growth performance. M. L. estimation of dietary NE; unbalanced rations; improper feed mixing;
Galyean*, N. DiLorenzo, J. P. McMeniman, and P. J. Defoor, Texas inadequate grain processing; negative associative effects of dietary
Tech University, Lubbock. ingredients (i.e., too much fat); poor weighing conditions; 3) errors in
recording live weight and DMI; transferences of cattle from one lot
Predicting performance is vital to management and marketing decisions
to another; failure to implant, or improper implanting technique; pen
in commercial feedlots. Agreement between performance predicted
location and/ or orientation; inadequate pen, shade, manger, or drinker
from net energy equations or empirical regression relationships and
allocation; poor pen conditions; environmental extremes; poor health;
actual performance is generally high, suggesting that factors affecting
etc. In this presentation, numerous examples using actual feedlot close-
feedlot performance are fairly well documented. The challenge for
out data will be provided to illustrate how performance expectations
feedlot managers is to predict performance with limited information
(standards of performance) are used in fine-tuning feedlot management
at the start of the feeding period. Sex and initial BW are typically
known with greatest certainty when cattle start on feed. Information
on background and breeding is potentially important but less reliable. Key Words: feedlot, cattle, performance
Relationships between initial BW, sex, and performance were evaluated
using 3,363 pen records collected over 4 yr from 3 commercial feedlots
in the Texas Panhandle. Mixed-model regression was used to account
for random effects of feedlot × season × year and fixed effects of initial
178 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Animal Behavior and Well-Being: Animal Welfare Assurance:
Science and Application
52 Resource-based versus animal-based criteria in on-farm evalu- these challenges and offer some solutions by referring to recent devel-
ation of welfare. A. Butterworth*, University of Bristol, Clinical opments in welfare standards for dairy cattle. On-farm assessment of
Veterinary Science, Langford, N Somerset, UK. animal welfare requires using measures that can be taken by personnel
with limited scientific training, in conditions that vary greatly among
Existing farm assurance schemes tend to assess welfare by examination farms, usually in a short period of time, and often with little technical
of the provision of housing or resources (Resource Based Measures, support. There is a risk that measures are chosen on the basis of fea-
RBM), rather than looking at the animals themselves (Animal Based sibility rather than validity. Although the global assessment of animal
Measures, ABM). Research scientists have for some time suggested that welfare requires us to examine all aspects of animal welfare, these
ABMs could provide valid indicators of animal welfare, since welfare is difficulties in taking measures have resulted in an over-emphasis on
a characteristic of the individual animal, not just of the system in which health based measures. Automated measures of behavior hold promise
animals are farmed. The sorts of questions which are being asked are as a way of addressing some of this imbalance. Stakeholders prefer
Are the animals properly fed and supplied with water? Are the animals that animal welfare standards be science-based, but ensuring that such
properly housed? Are the animals healthy? Can the animals express a standards acknowledge the scientific uncertainty is also challenging.
range of behaviors and emotional states? To implement effective use Balanced input from all scientific disciplines dealing with animal
of animal-based assessment methods on farm, it is necessary to adopt welfare is needed and the process of obtaining scientific input must be
the following steps. Step 1, Measure (ABMs and RBMs) → Step 2, transparent and unbiased. Compliance with animal welfare standards
Analyze risk factors → Step 3, Inform (producer, purchaser) → Step 4, requires buy-in from all stakeholders. The process used in developing
Support management decisions to create improvements in welfare. Once the recent Canadian standards for the welfare of dairy cattle illustrates
measures have been carried out on a farm, it may be possible to create some methods for achieving this.
a range of ‘scores’. The individual measures can be combined to give
aggregate scores which can be presented to the producer and the con- Key Words: animal welfare, dairy cattle
sumer. This requires the attribution of weighted values to the measures,
to assess the impact of each measure with respect to animal welfare. In
the Welfare Quality project, an Integrated European Research initiative 54 Integration of science, regulation and training in animal wel-
carried out under Framework 6, ABM based assessment systems have fare auditing programs. J. C. Swanson*, Michigan State University,
been created for Pigs, Cattle and Poultry. There remain many questions East Lansing.
regarding practical application of ABMs’, - who will carry the cost, Corporate social responsibility policies are employed by food retailers
can the measures be made in a repeatable and reliable way within the to publically convey an internal commitment to address an important
timescale of an routine assessment, how would they work in relation to consumer issue like farm animal welfare. Private sector social respon-
changing seasons, can a single farm-based score provide useful informa- sibility policies, coupled with increasing public scrutiny and calls for
tion, and can ABMs fit into existing assessment frameworks? regulatory oversight of farm animal care practices, have led the US
Key Words: farm assessment, animal based measures, outcome based livestock and poultry industries to create voluntary guidelines and on-
measures farm animal welfare assurance and audit programs. Third party audits,
an audit in which the auditor has no conflict of interest with the farm
he or she is auditing, are becoming a condition of doing business with
53 Developing animal welfare standards: Translating experimental the food retail sector. In addition, recent state legislative actions have
studies to the farm. J. Rushen*1, E. Vasseur2, and A. M. de Passillé1, created requirements for government oversight of standards of farm
1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz, BC, Canada, 2University animal care that have been socially negotiated. Together, these social
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. responsibility and legislative mandates create a need for highly trained
farm animal welfare auditors. The objective of this paper is to examine
Considerable research has successfully developed measures of animal the challenge of successfully integrating science and diverse regulatory
welfare and tested the effect of housing and management variables mandates into an effective animal welfare auditing program.
on welfare within controlled laboratory settings. However, there are
challenges in extending this research onto farms. We illustrate some of Key Words: science, animal welfare, audits
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 179
Animal Health-Johne’s Disease (JDIP): Basic Biology/Immunology/
Vaccine Development
55 A novel approach to evaluate the cost-benefit of use of Johne’s over time, it took longer than would be desired by producers to eliminate
disease vaccine while considering effects on the bovine tuberculosis an endemic MAP infection from a herd. Uncertainty analysis showed
eradication program. F. J. Zagmutt*1, L. A. Espejo2, H Groenendaal1, that, either using annual fecal culture tests and culling only high shed-
J. R. Lima2, E. Patton3, I. A. Gardner4, and S. Wells2, 1Vose Consulting, ding animals or culling of both low and high shedders while delaying
Boulder, CO, 2College of Veterinary Medicine, U. of Minnesota, St. Paul, culling of low shedders for 12 mo, MAP infection persisted in many
3Division of Animal Health, Wisconsin DATCP, Madison, WI, 4School herds beyond 20 years. Using a semi-annual whole-herd fecal culture
of Veterinary Medicine, U. of California Davis, Davis. test and culling of both low and high shedders, with a 6-mo delay in
culling of low shedders, MAP infection in many herds would be extinct
Johne’s disease (JD) vaccination has the potential to reduce losses for within 20 years. Sensitivity analysis of the cumulative density function
individual herds. However, the effectiveness of widespread adoption of of fadeout suggested that combining test-based culling and reduction
JD vaccination on JD control, and the effects of cross-reactivity (CR) of transmission rates, through decreased contact between susceptible
between M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and M. bovis on the calves and shedding animals, may be more effective than either control
control and eradication of each disease is unknown. The objective of this strategy alone in eliminating endemic MAP infection. We also examined
study was to assess the cost-benefit of Johne’s Disease (JD) vaccination the effects of other factors, such as herd size, heifer replacement, and
on MAP infected dairy herds, and its effect on the bovine tuberculosis adult cow infection on the probability of fadeout.
(bTB) eradication program in the USA. The results of 12,957 parallel
fecal culture (HEY media) and serum ELISA (IDEXX) from 8 dairy Key Words: Johne’s disease, test-and-cull, stochastic modeling
herds enrolled in the MN JD Demonstration Herd Program over 9 years,
and 970 fecal culture from 3 JD-vaccinated dairy herds enrolled in the
WI JD Demonstration Herd Program for 4 years were used to build a 57 Unrestricted transmission of highly pathogenic Indian Bison
model for the within-herd spread of JD and estimate its parameters. type of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis in India. S. V.
The uncertainty in the parameters was linked to the progression of the Singh*, B. Singh, A. Tiwari, A. Kumar, P. K. Singh, and A. V. Singh,
disease in each animal based on tests results. Herd and test parameters Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura
estimated with a latent-class Bayesian analysis were used to calculate (UP), India, 281 122.
the confidence in the disease status of each animal in time, and then The aim of present study was to determine the status of MAP infection
the status of animals in each iteration was grouped to calculate spread and its genotype in free ranging wild species, primate, soil, river water,
parameters dynamically. The parameters were used to simulate disease milk and humans to understand the disease transmission for future evalu-
spread in vaccinated and non-vaccinated herds. The model predictions ation of regional and national JD control programs and improvement
using different scenarios of vaccine efficacy and disease spread were in diagnostics and vaccine designing. A total of 74 fecal samples from
used in an economic break-even analysis. As bTB animal prevalence in wildlife species [Monkeys (Primate)-25, Hog Deer-20, Wild bison-7,
the US may change in time, the threshold of bTB prevalence that would Chinkara deer-16, Blue bull-6], 39 stool samples from humans (with/
make JD vaccination not economic was calculated for each scenario. without inflammatory bowel disease; IBD), 51 soil samples (from
Even in scenarios with very high bTB prevalence (1% and higher) grazing land), 8 water samples from different Yamuna river bank, were
and a 10% relative drop in Sp of CFT in vaccinated herds, vaccination collected from North India and screened for the presence of MAP and
provided financial benefits (NPV > 0). However, while vaccination further its genotyping by IS1311 PCR-REA. In 74 fecal samples from
reduced herd-level JD losses at the producer level, the majority of the wild animals 50% and 46.9% were positive by microscopy and PCR
costs of CR due to JD vaccination are borne by the government. This [40.0, 20.0, 42.8, 100.0 and 66.6% (by microscopy) and 4.0, 15.0, 57.1,
economic threshold was highly sensitive to the reduction of JD losses 75.0, and 66.7% (by PCR) Monkeys, Hog deer, Wild Bison, Chinkara
resulting from vaccination. deer and Blue bull, respectively). Of the 51 soil samples, 52.9 and
Key Words: Johne’s, bovine tuberculosis, modeling 29.4% were positive for MAP by microscopy and PCR, respectively.
In 8 samples from Yamuna river 12.5 and 37.5% sample were positive
by microscopy and PCR. Out of 39 stool samples from humans 28.21
56 Stochastic simulations of a multi-group compartmental model and 20.51% samples were positive in microscopy and PCR. There was
for Johne’s disease on US dairy herds with test-based culling significant high occurrence of MAP in samples collected from persons
intervention. Z. Lu*, Y. H. Schukken, R. L. Smith, and Y. T. Gröhn, suffering from IBD. All the PCR positive samples in present study were
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. showed restriction profile of ‘MAP Bison type’ by IS 1311 PCR-REA.
High presence of MAP of same genotype i.e. Bison type in different
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of test- free ranging wild animal species, primate, human, soil and river water
based culling intervention and its impact on fadeout of Johne’s disease indicated host unrestricted and high rate of transmission among differ-
in dairy herds using a stochastic modeling approach. Infection elimina- ent animals species, serious risk to human health and active biohazard
tion may be an important goal of control programs; only in stochastic for environment.
infection models can true infection elimination be observed, as fadeout.
To investigate the stochastic dynamics of Mycobacterium avium ssp. Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, wild rumi-
paratuberculosis (MAP) infection in US dairy herds with test-based nants, environmental samples
culling intervention, we developed a continuous time Markov chain
model with both horizontal and vertical transmission. The stochastic
model predicted fadeout and within-herd prevalence to have a large 58 Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis produces
variance. Although test-based culling generally decreased prevalence endospores. E. A. Lamont*1, J. P. Bannantine4, A. Armién1, D. S.
Ariyakumar3, and S. Sreevatsan1,2, 1Veterinary Population Medicine,
180 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, 2Deptartment of Biomedical Sci- genes that play key regulatory role during invasion and persistence of
ences, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, 3Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, MAP in the ileum.
University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, 4National Animal Disease Center,
Key Words: Johne’s disease
USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Ames, IA.
Achievement of latency represents pathogenic mycobacteria’s ultimate
stratagem for survival, yet it remains one of the least understood and 60 The transcriptome of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratu-
ill-defined aspects of its lifecycle. Two debated viewpoints concern- berculosis during infection. C.-W. Wei and A. M. Talaat*, University
ing latency are that 1) bacilli are in a non-replicating state of chronic of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison.
persistence (dormancy) and 2) replicating bacilli periodically escape Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (M. ap) causes an enteric
from the granuloma and enter adjacent vessels to infect new sites. We infection in cattle, with a great impact on the dairy industry in the United
hypothesize and show that MAP is capable of spore production in one States and worldwide. Before contracting a new host, M. ap are known
year old MB7H9 cultures and AK-sporulation media. Experiments were to survive the harsh intracellular microenvironments, especially those
conducted in triplicate. All MAP endospore samples, including germi- inside activated macrophages. To improve our understanding of the
nated spores, were positive for IS900. All cultures were determined to pathogenesis of M. ap and help in a better control strategy against Johne’s
be free of contamination by absence of growth on BHI plates. In addi- disease, we profiled the transcriptional responses of M. ap mutant or
tion to spore visualization, we have identified several mycobacterial wild type following exposure to variable stress conditions including
candidate genes corresponding to those in the sporulation pathway of macrophage microenvironments. Mycobacterial cultures were exposed
several Bacillus and Streptomyces species. Research investigating Bacil- to heat shock, nitric oxide or H2O2 treatments. Other aliquots were used
lus spp. pathogenicity indicates that the stringent response regulated for infecting J774 cell lines at the 10 MOI (Bacteria: Macrophage). Fol-
by carD is essential to robust spore production. Quantitative real-time lowing each stress, mycobacterial RNA samples were extracted using a
PCR (Qt-RT-PCR) analysis of dormant MAP cultures show a 15-fold Trizol-based protocol. Using DNA microarray analysis, Bayesian statis-
upregulation of carD compared with log-phase controls. MAP cells tics revealed the presence of 123 genes that were significantly regulated
primed by carD may utilize sporulation as an alternate survival tactic to when in vitro samples were compared with samples collected from M.
combat a hostile host environment to achieve latency. The hypothesized ap isolated from 2 h post infection of macrophages. This group of genes
critical roles of carD and sporulation in latent infection is expected to includes sigH (a global gene regulator) and aceA that were shown before
aid in novel mitigation strategies to combat MAP infection, which may to play a role during infection. Further analysis identified additional 67
have far reaching benefits to other mycobacterial infections, including genes that were regulated when IFN-γ treated cells were compared with
M. tuberculosis. naïve cells before infection including genes involved in iron metabolism
(e.g., fdxA). Currently, analysis is underway to generate specific gene
mutants to examine their role in M. ap virulence using the mouse model
59 Transcriptional analysis of MAP genes contributing to invasion
of paratuberculosis. Overall, our analysis indicated a significant change
and persistence in ileal mucosa of cattle. S. Khare*1, K. Drake2, and
in mycobacterial gene expression once they encounter the macrophage
L. G. Adams1, 1Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M
microenvironment. Additionally, the activity status of macrophages
University, College Station, 2Seralogix Inc., Austin, TX.
seems to play a role in directing the mycobacterial transcriptome to a
Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) initiate the disease specific stress-responsive profile.
process by invading and passing through the intestinal epithelium. This
Key Words: M. ap, genomics, pathogenesis
triggering mechanism is generally very rapid and may lead to a per-
sistent infection. MAP undergoes a complex extracellular and intracel-
lular environment. However, little is known about the bacterium-host 61 The response of auxotrophic MAP leuD mutant under environ-
interactions that occur at these stages. We hypothesize that MAP meets ment stresses. J.-W. Chen*, J. Scaria, S. Chandra, and Y. F. Chang,
the challenges of hostile changing environments of ileum as soon as Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
it comes into the contact of the host. We have used the MAP isolated
from ligated ileal loop model to test our hypothesis. The objective of the Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) causes Johne’s
current study was to determine the temporal changes in the MAP gene disease in ruminants. In M. tuberculosis, deletion of leuD gene results
expression during the early invasion in the ileum. Tissue-associated MAP in severely attenuated phenotype. To explore the possibility of using
RNA from MAP infected bovine ligated ileal loop were enriched using leuD mutant strain of MAP as a vaccine candidate for Johne’s disease,
“Prokaryote Enrichment kit” that selectively removes the Eukaryotic and to understand the mechanism of attenuation of MAP leuD deletion,
RNA. This enriched prokaryotic RNA is amplified using MAP-genome a phage-mediated allelic exchange method was used to construct a leuD
derived primers during in vitro transcription. Genomic DNA from in mutant strain in MAP K10 strain. The leuD deletion was confirmed by
vitro grown MAP was labeled with Cy5 and used as the reference RNA. both PCR and DNA sequencing. In the absence of leucine supplementa-
Enriched and amplified tissue-associated MAP was labeled with Cy3. tion, the growth of leuD mutant is completely inhibited in 7H9 medium.
The Cy5 labeled g-DNA and Cy3 labeled tissue-associated cDNA were With supplementation of leucine the growth of mutant is restored but
co-hybridized on the MAP microarray (obtained from JDIP core facil- grows at a slower rate than that of wild type. To analyze the mechanism
ity). After hybridization arrays were washed and dried by centrifugation of leuD attenuation, mutant and wild type were subjected different
and were immediately scanned. We will describe in detail the groups environmental stress and following Agilent protocols. Three ug of RNA
of interrelated genes that as a whole represent the activation (perturba- from mutant and wild types were competitively hybridized against a
tion) of pathways or GO biological processes over the time-course of whole genome Agilent expression array of MAP. Array results were
these experiments (1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, 12h). This approach ranks groups analyzed using Genespring GX 7.3. Arrays were log-transformed and
of genes/proteins across all time points instead of individual genes subjected to lowess normalization and fold change analysis of mutant
in a single time point, to determine differences between experimental vs. wildtype was performed. Expression levels changes 1.5 fold or more
conditions. Using this approach, we have identified several mechanistic were considered significant. The results of array studies demonstrate
that leuD plays an important role in the MAP metabolism and that
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 181
there are more than 500 genes that belong to different pathways that identify the Fn binding domain(s) to antigen 85 complexes. In this study,
are modulated in different stress conditions. These genes are distributed we constructed and overexpressed antigen 85A of MAP in E. coli. Four
across Cluster of Orthologous Gene (COG) categories. The major COG domains of Fn were tested for Ag85-Fn interaction by using native gel
categories include energy production and conversion, lipid transport and electrophoresis and ELISA. Except the 40 kDa domain (including 12,
metabolism, inorganic transport, secondary metabolite production and 13, 14, and v region), no significant binding was observed for other Fn
cell membrane biogenesis. These results indicate that deletion of leuD in domains. Subsequently, the synthesized peptides based on the binding
MAP results in global changes in lipid transport, cell secretion apparatus sequence of Fn were subjected to a competition binding assay. Our data
and changes in cell membrane biochemistry. Mice studies showed that shows that these peptides can partially abolish the interaction between
inoculation of 107 cells of leuD mutant can provide partial protection MAP and host cells. This is the first report to identify the Fn binding
of mice when challenged after 16 weeks with wild type. domain in Ag85.
Key Words: Johne’s disease, LeuD mutant, microarray Key Words: fibronectin, Johne’s disease, adhesin
62 A gene specific to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, 64 MAP induces calcium-dependent phagosome acidification
but only at the transcription-translation level. J. P. Bannantine*1, to enlist IL-1β processing and macrophage recruitment. E. A.
R. E. Briggs1, E. A. Lamont2, J. R. Stabel1, and S. Sreevatsan2, 1National Lamont*1, S. M. O’Grady3, T. Eckstein4, and S. Sreevatsan1,2, 1Vet-
Animal Disease Center, Ames, Iowa, 2University of Minnesota, St. erinary Population Medicine, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul,
Paul. 2Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, University of Min-
182 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
show that most of the infected macrophages are highly resistant to cell the same culture, fluorescent dye was used to label the bacteria before
death while the uninfected macrophages are more likely to undergo infection and cells were examined individually using flow cytometry.
apoptosis. While most of this evidence has arisen from research with After using the Annexin V/ 7-AAD apoptosis stains, we clearly show
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a large scale microarray project recently that MAP-infected macrophages are much less likely to undergo apop-
performed by our group implicated infection with Mycobacterium avium tosis, while uninfected macrophages in the same culture are highly
subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne’s apoptotic. We further demonstrated that MAP-infected macrophages are
disease in cattle and possibly Crohn’s disease in humans, as changing much more likely to undergo necrosis when stimulated with hydrogen
the apoptotic potential of cultures. We hypothesize that MAP-infection peroxide, TNFa, and FASL. Conversely, uninfected macrophages in a
prevents apoptosis in infected macrophages while upregulating apop- MAP-infected culture are much more likely to undergo apoptosis than
tosis in uninfected macrophages in the same culture to prevent proper control macrophages unexposed to MAP after stimulation with these
immune function while increasing bacterial survival. To study the true same agents.
apoptotic status of MAP-infected and MAP-uninfected macrophages in
Key Words: Mycobacterium, paratuberculosis, apoptosis
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 183
Breeding and Genetics: Feed Intake and Utilization
66 Genetic correlations of gross feed efficiency with yield, body and MBW. Breeding values for genetic RFI were then estimated as the
weight, body condition score, and energy balance in dairy cattle. C. difference between EBV for DMI and expected DMI derived using
D. Dechow*1, J. Vallimont1, M. D. Dekleva1, J. M. Daubert1, and J. W. genetic regression. Genetic RFI has the property of independence from
Blüm2,1, 1Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 2Unversity EBV for ADG and MBW whereas traditional EBV for phenotypic RFI
of Bern, Switzerland. could have genetic correlations with ADG and MBW. Genetic RFI EBV
ranged from −0.54 to 0.56 kg/d (SD = 0.08). Phenotypic or genetic RFI
The objective of this study was to estimate genetic correlations of gross
contain no more information than DMI, ADG, and MBW phenotypes
feed efficiency with 305 d fat corrected milk yield (FCM), 305 d protein
or EBV, respectively. Therefore, genetic evaluation of RFI is equivalent
yield, body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), BCS change
to evaluation of a function of the component traits.
(BCSCH) from 5 to 30 d in milk (DIM), and cumulative energy balance
(CEB) from 5 to 30 DIM. Intake, BW and BCS were recorded once Key Words: beef cattle, feed intake, genetic evaluation
per month for 6 consecutive months on 11 Pennsylvania tie-stall dairy
farms. Feed samples were taken at each visit to determine net energy of
lactation intake (NEI) and crude protein intake (CPI). Random regres- 68 Analysis of published genetic parameter estimates for feed
sion models were used to analyze 35,390, 3999, 2195 and 4998 test day utilization traits in beef cattle. C. T. Pendley*, R. M. Enns, and D.
records of yield, intake, BW and BCS, respectively. Daily phenotypic H. Crews Jr., Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
FCM, protein yield, BW, BCS, NELI and CPI were derived from the Increasing profitability of beef production through the reduction of inputs
random regression model solutions. Daily records were used to obtain has been documented by an increasing number of published genetic
305 d totals (FCM, protein yield, NELI, and CPI), 305 d averages (BW parameter estimates for feed intake and utilization traits. The inclusion
and BCS), and BCSCH. Daily energy balance was derived from daily of input traits in genetic improvement programs requires knowledge
FCM, BW and BCS observations and summed from 5 to 30 DIM to of parameters for those traits, but an understanding of these param-
obtain CEB. Net energy efficiency (NEE) was defined as FCM/NEI, eters, especially for feed intake, is limited due to the cost of recording
whereas protein efficiency (PE) was defined as protein yield/CPI. The individual feed intake on cattle and reports are scarce. Fourteen sets
traits were analyzed with multiple-trait animal models that included of estimates involving more than 34,000 cattle and published between
fixed effects of lactation and herd-year-season of calving; random 1995 and 2010 were included in a meta-analysis of genetic parameters
effects included animal, permanent environment, and error. NEE was for feed intake and related traits. Papers were required to include
genetically (0.92) and phenotypically (0.81) correlated with higher FCM. individual feed intake, and computed SE for heritability and genetic
Likewise, genetic and phenotypic correlation estimates between PE and correlation estimates. A generalized least squares approach was used to
protein yield were strong at 0.96 and 0.80, respectively. BCS and BW compute weighted mean heritability and genetic correlation estimates,
were negatively correlated with NEE and PE (genetic correlation range as well as their weighted SE, where weights were a function of inverse
= −0.42 to −0.54). Genetic correlation estimates of CEB with NEE and SE. Weighted heritability estimates for feed conversion ratio (FCR),
PE (−0.51 and −0.52, respectively) and of BCSCH with NEE and PE residual feed intake (RFI), ADG, metabolic body weight (MBW) and
(0.64 and 0.73, respectively) were unfavorable. Genetic variation exists DMI were 0.28 ± 0.08, 0.38 ± 0.08, 0.32 ± 0.08, 0.39 ± 0.08, and 0.41
for feed efficiency, but measures of efficiency not unfavorably correlated ± 0.07, respectively. Weighted genetic correlations of FCR with RFI,
with energy balance should be considered. ADG, MBW, and DMI were 0.60 ± 0.11, −0.31 ± 0.14, 0.03 ± 0.15,
Key Words: feed efficiency, energy balance, genetic correlation and 0.35 ± 0.12, respectively. Weighted genetic correlations of RFI
with ADG, MBW were near zero, but were 0.38 ± 0.09 with DMI. The
phenotypic correlation of RFI with ADG and MBW are forced to zero
67 Genetic characterization of feed intake and utilization in per- by definition. The weighted genetic correlation of ADG with MBW
formance tested beef bulls. D. H. Crews Jr.*1, C. T. Pendley1, G. was 0.45 ± 0.13. These weighted heritability and genetic correlation
E. Carstens2, and E. D. M. Mendes2, 1Colorado State University, Fort estimates may be more useful in the design of genetic improvement
Collins, 2Texas A&M University, College Station. programs than relying on estimates from individual studies with low
numbers of feed intake observations.
Feed intake, growth, and pedigree data from the Midland Bull Test
database were used to estimate parameters required for genetic evalua- Key Words: feed intake, genetic parameters, meta-analysis
tion of feed utilization traits. Length of the feeding period was 70 d, and
test ADG was estimated as the slope of the regression of BW on test d.
Records on DMI, ADG, and estimated mid-test BW raised to the power 69 Heritability and genetic correlations of residual feed intake
of 0.75 (MBW) from bulls (n = 2,346) and heifers (n = 221) representing between Angus and Simmental bulls and resulting steer rela-
11 breeds (1,819 Angus) were included in a multiple trait animal model tives. W. C. Rutherford*, L. A. Kriese-Anderson, and G. S. Hecht,
to estimate variance components using average information REML. The Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
model for all traits included the fixed effects of contemporary group (n = Objectives of this research are to observe breed differences for feed
99) and a linear covariate for age at the start of test, and random animal intake (FI) and trait differences of low, medium and high residual feed
genetic effects (n = 10,327). Heritability estimates for DMI, ADG, and intake (RFI) bulls and steers, estimate h2 in central tested bulls and steers
MBW were 0.45 ± 0.09, 0.35 ± 0.07, and 0.54 ± 0.09, respectively, and and compare RFI in bulls and steers. Individual FI was measured on 1433
genetic correlation estimates (SE <0.13) among the traits were posi- Angus, Simmental and composite Simmental-Angus bulls at the Auburn
tive, ranging from 0.38 to 0.60. Phenotypic residual feed intake (RFI) University Beef Evaluation Center (AUBEC) from 1977 to 2007. Bulls
was defined as the difference between DMI and expected DMI from were consigned by producers and housed at the AUBEC a minimum of
regression on ADG and MBW. A 4 trait model including phenotypic RFI 70 d. Bulls were measured for weight and height biweekly or monthly
failed to converge because of the linear dependence with DMI, ADG, depending on year. SC and ultrasound measurements for carcass traits
184 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
were taken at yearling age (330 to 400 d). FI and carcass trait data from 71 A neural network approach for association between a low-
760 Angus and Simmental-composite steers were acquired courtesy of density whole genome SNP marker panel and residual feed intake
the American Simmental Association Carcass Merit Project. RFI was and dry matter intake. H. Wang*1, X. Liu1, B. Woodward2, S.
determined by regressing metabolic mid-weight and ADG on intake by Bauck2, and R. Rekaya1, 1University of Georgia, Athens, 2Merial
year of test for bulls and by contemporary group (cg) for steers. High Limited, Duluth, GA.
percentage Angus bulls consumed more DM per day, had higher FCR
The predictive ability of a low-density SNP panel derived from the
and RFI than purebred Angus, 50% Angus: 50% Simmental (50:50),
Illumina Bovine SNP50 and developed for marbling, backfat thickness,
high percentage Simmental and Simmental bulls. Angus steers consumed
hot carcass weight, ribeye area, yearling weight, and heifer pregnancy
more DM per day had higher FCR and RFI than high percentage Angus
rate was evaluated for residual feed intake (RFI) and dry matter intake
and 50:50 steers. Heritability was estimated for RFI using a bivariate
(DMI). Data consisted of the genotypes of 1,032 Angus animals and
model and MTDFREML in bulls (0.42 ± 0.05) and in steers (0.20 ±
their corresponding EPDs computed from actual individual weight
0.05). Fixed effects for bulls included year and breed percentage. Fixed
and intake data. Missing genotypes were replaced with the most likely
effects for steers included cg and breed percentage. Covariates of final
genotype. Linear regression (LR) and neural network (NN) approaches
age, final wt or final frame score were used. Genetic correlations between
were implemented and compared. For LR, a cross validation procedure
steer and bull RFI ranged from −0.18 to 0.33 depending on covariate.
was adopted where the data was randomly divided into 5 groups with
Bulls and steers classified as low RFI consumed less DM per day and
equal size. In each one of the 5 replicates, 80% of the data was used for
had more favorable FCR than medium and high RFI animals. Results
training and the remaining 20% for validation. For the NN approach,
indicate RFI is a moderately heritable trait and improvements for FI and
randomly 2/3 and 1/3 of the data were used for training and validation,
FCR should be achievable when selection is made using RFI. However,
respectively. The process was replicated 5 times. A NN is an artificial
selection of bulls based on their RFI in an attempt to sire more efficient
system of massively interconnected neurons. The network architectures
steers may not be practical as the genetic relationships between steer
and the learning algorithm define the manner in which the neurons
RFI and bull RFI were variable and moderate.
are related and structured. In this study, a feed-forward NN with one
Key Words: residual feed intake, heritability, genetic correlations hidden layer was used. The parameters of the NN such as the number
of neurons in the hidden layer, and learning rate were set heuristically.
For RFI, the correlation between the observed and predicted breeding
70 A region on BTA6 is associated with feed intake and gain in values for the validation data was 0.22 and 0.28 for the LR and NN,
beef cattle. A. K. Sexten*1,2, L. A. Kuehn1, T. P. L. Smith1, H. C. respectively. The correlation was 0.23 and 0.36 for DMI using LR and
Freetly1, W. M. Snelling1, and A. K. Lindholm-Perry1, 1USDA, ARS, NN, respectively. These results indicate that, although the low-density
U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE, 2Oklahoma State SNP panel was developed for other traits, it still has some ability to
University, Stillwater. predict RFI and DMI. The lower correlations observed for RFI could
Genetic selection for animals that require less feed while still achieving be due in part to the uncertainty on the trait of RFI compared with DMI
acceptable levels of production could result in substantial cost savings that tends to be more accurately measured. The superiority of the NN
for cattle producers. The purpose of this study was to identify DNA approach could be due to its ability to intrinsically accommodate the
markers with predictive merit for differences among cattle in feed intake non-linear relationship between variables.
and BW gain. Crossbred steers (n = 1,195) were fed a high-corn diet for Key Words: SNP, whole genome, feed efficiency
140 d and ADFI, residual feed intake (RFI), and ADG were measured.
Steers were genotyped with the Illumina Bovine SNP50 BeadChip. An
association analysis of these SNP on each trait was performed using 72 Effects of divergent selection for serum insulin-like growth
MTDFREML, from which 14 SNP clustered in a 1.7Mb region at factor-I concentration on mature weight and growth curves in
BTA6: 37.4 to 39.1 were identified as having significant association (P Angus cattle. Q. Qin* and M. E. Davis, The Ohio State University,
≤ 0.009) with one or more of the 3 traits. All statistical models included Columbus.
fixed effects of year and location; covariates of age, heterosis, and breed
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of divergent
percentage; and a random polygenic effect. To develop markers with
selection for serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentration on
the maximum ability to discriminate favorable alleles and potentially
mature weight estimated using growth curve functions in Angus cattle.
identify the functional variation, 44 additional SNP, not present on the
Multiple serum IGF-I measurements (d 28, d 42, d 56 of the 140-d
BeadChip, were identified in and around potential candidate genes
postweaning period) from a total of 2,514 animals and weight records
in this chromosomal region. These new SNP were genotyped on the
from birth to at least 3 yr of age from a total of 172 animals were col-
same animals and the statistical analysis program Mendel was used
lected from an ongoing divergent selection experiment involving IGF-I
to test for association with feed intake and gain. Four markers located
that was initiated in 1989. Four growth curve functions (Brody, Logistic,
in a 90Kb region on BTA6 were significant for both ADFI and ADG.
Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy) were used to estimate the parameters for
After correction for multiple testing, all markers remained significant
mature weight (A) and maturing rate (k) using the NLIN procedure in
for ADG (P ≤ 0.02) and 2 markers were significant for ADFI (P ≤
SAS (SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). The heritability estimates for serum
0.01). These markers are located in a bovine gene that is homologous
IGF-I at different ages and growth curve parameters from each function
to a human gene that has been associated with skeletal frame size, thus
were estimated using a multiple-trait, derivative-free, REML program.
providing a potential link between the observed bovine variation and
Genetic, environmental, and phenotypic correlations between IGF-I
growth-related traits of ADFI and ADG. Genetic markers predictive for
and growth curve parameters were also obtained. The direct heritability
feed intake and growth in this population of cattle may be useful for the
(hd2) estimates for serum IGF-I at d 28, 42, and 56 were 0.42, 0.42, and
identification and selection of animals that are more efficient, although
0.33, respectively. The hd2 estimates for A from the 4 growth functions
potential impact of marker-assisted selection on all production traits
ranged from 0.72 to 1.00, whereas hd2 estimates for k ranged from 0.01
will need to be assessed.
to 0.21. The genetic correlations between A and k within each growth
Key Words: beef cattle, genomics, feed efficiency curve function ranged from −0.57 to −0.49. The genetic correlations
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 185
between IGF-I (d 28, 42, and 56) and A within each growth curve func- maternal effects. The classic algorithm using the IW to sample from the
tion ranged from −0.46 to −0.01. Although serum IGF-I was negatively conditional posterior of the additive covariance matrix was also fitted
correlated with mature weight genetically, the phenotypic correlation to the data. Convergence was faster for the GIW methods than for the
between these 2 traits was moderate (0.47 to 0.59) due to a highly posi- IW, as samples of the (co)variance components were less dependent.
tive environmental correlation (1.00). The shapes of growth curves from In conclusion, the GIW algorithm allowed the use of different degrees
the 4 functions were almost identical, as were the growth curves for the of belief for the dispersion parameters and converged faster to the
high and low IGF-I selection lines. stationary distribution.
Key Words: Angus cattle, growth curve, insulin-like growth factor Key Words: generalized inverted Wishart, Bayesian estimation, addi-
tive covariance matrix
73 Bayesian estimation of a genetic covariance matrix with differ-
ent degrees of belief via a Generalized Inverted Wishart distribu- 74 A simulation approach for analyzing genomic data using a pack-
tion. R. J. C. Cantet*, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos age of specific FORTRAN 90 functions. P. Faux*1,2 and N. Gengler1,3,
Aires - CONICET, Buenos Aires, CABA, Argentina. 1University of Liège - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium,
2National Research Fund, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 3National Fund
When taking a Bayesian approach for estimating a genetic covariance
for Scientific Research, Brussels, Belgium.
matrix, animal breeders use an Inverted Wishart (IW) prior density.
The advantage of this formulation is that the posterior distribution is A panel of FORTRAN 90 functions was developed to simulate the
in conjugate form, so that the sampling is from an updated IW. Also, distribution of bi-allelic (e.g., SNP) genetic markers along a defined
the degrees of belief are the same for all genetic parameters, i.e., any genome and the distribution of their alleles in a given population. The
(co)variance component is assumed to have the same amount of prior simulation program used 3 parameters, those related to the species
information. However, there are situations where this assumption does studied (number of autosomes, average length of autosomes, average
not hold. Take for example a model with grand-maternal effects. There number of crossovers by chromosome), the number of markers and those
is more prior information and information on the data for the additive related to the studied population (pedigree). The simulation proceeds in
direct variance than for the additive maternal variance and this, in turn, 3 steps: a) random choice of marker positions and allelic frequencies for
has more information than the additive grand-maternal variance. The the minor allele of each marker (range: 0.05 to 0.475), b) simulation of
objective of this research was to develop an algorithm for estimating a genotypes of the ancestors in the pedigree based on randomly chosen
genetic covariance matrix with different degrees of belief for the (co) allelic frequencies and c) planned mating of the ancestors according to
variance components. The method employs the Bartlett decomposition the pedigree and according to the average crossover rate as a genetic
of a matrix to produce a conditional covariance matrix from the gener- recombination parameter. The simulation returns a fully-genotyped
alized inverted Wishart distribution (GIW). As a result, the algorithm population. This method is flexible because it can be applied to a wide
consists of successive samplings from inverted chi-squared (or IW) range of cases (not restricted to a single species) and the FORTRAN
densities for the additive variances, and from normals (or multivariate functions can be extended and used to simulate phenotypes. It is also
normals) for the additive covariances. It should be mentioned that the realistic, because it performs mating plans and selection of animals
genetic parameters have to be ordered within the covariance matrix so based on real pedigrees. Development of this simulation panel was the
that their degrees of belief decrease when going from the first row (or first step in research around advanced methods to compute and invert
column) to the last. The algorithm was employed on a beef cattle data genomic relationship matrices.
set, and the model fitted included additive direct, maternal and grand-
Key Words: genomic prediction, SNP simulation
186 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ASAS-EAAP Global Issues Symposium: Contemporary and Emerging Issues
and International Animal Agriculture Joint Symposium: Global Livestock
Production to 2050: Challenges and Opportunities
75 Perspectives for livestock production in developing coun- accelerate the emergence of new animal diseases and menace animal and
tries – changes in production systems needed to meet projected human health. Both adaptation and mitigation strategies will recognize
demand. R. D. Sainz*1, G. B. Martha, Jr.2,3, and L. G. Barioni4, 1Uni- these challenges and opportunities. Past research reinforced the sector’s
versity of California, Davis, 2Embrapa Cerrados/Embrapa Strategic competitiveness. But we need a ‘vision for tomorrow’ to face these
Studies and Training, Brasília-DF, Brazil, 3Fellow, National Research new grand challenges that will re-design more sustainable, integrated,
Council, Brazil, 4Embrapa Agricultural Informatics, Campinas-SP, resource efficient and environmentally acceptable production systems.
Brazil. This will take new knowledge from research, with efficient innovation,
implementation, and shifts in stakeholder behavior e.g., exploiting
According to the medium growth projections of the United Nations,
new genomic tools for novel multi-trait selection of robust and healthy
the human population should reach 9.15 billion by 2050, an increase of
animals. Renewed attention to the exploitation of feed resources, to
33% over the 6.91 billion today. This increase will take place largely in
improving reproductive efficiency, to more integrated approaches to
developing countries. Additionally, developing countries are projected
disease control and animal welfare, and to generating animal products
to experience a steady increase in per capita income, so that demand
beneficial to human health is also needed. This research agenda needs
for food should increase by close to 70%, and for animal products
to address local issues in a global context, embracing all disciplines and
by perhaps 100%. This scenario raises concerns about use of scarce
stakeholders. Research teams must question past practices, use open
resources, mainly land and water, as well as other environmental, social
thinking to encompass these new dimensions, dialog with other disci-
and economic impacts. Moreover, these changes will be concentrated
plines and network in a constructive manner with society at large.
in developing regions, and the technological advances in tropical
agriculture required to achieve a sustainable path toward food security
over the next decades must take all of these factors into account. In 77 Sustainability of livestock production globally. H. Steinfeld*,
particular, opportunities for expanding agricultural frontiers are limited. UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy.
Clearly, a 100% increase in meat and milk production on the same or
only slightly greater crop and pasture land areas will require substantial The livestock sector is contributing to the globally increasing pressure
improvements in productivity. This paper qualitatively and quantita- on ecosystems and natural resources: land, water and biodiversity.
tively describes several technologies and production systems that show At the same time, the sector is increasingly facing natural resource
promise toward meeting the expected demand. These include genetically constraints and growing competition for resources. Awareness is also
improved crops, pastures and animals, integrated crop-livestock-forestry increasing of the interactions between livestock and climate change,
systems, increased animal feeding (particularly with crop and industrial with the livestock sector both contributing to it and suffering from its
by-products), improved pasture management, and alternative production impacts. Conversely, it is also being recognized that the sector can play
systems (such as improved aquaculture systems). Development and a key role in mitigating climate change through improved technologies.
implementation of these technologies and systems will require major Governments and institutions need to develop and enact appropriate
investments by the private and public sectors. A revitalization of agri- policies that focus on and account for livestock-environment interac-
cultural R&D investments to sustain productivity growth over the long tions. Continued growth in livestock production will otherwise exert
run and a comprehensive program of technology transfer are needed if enormous pressures on the health of ecosystem, biodiversity, land and
economic, social and environmental objectives are to be met. forest resources, and water quality, and will contribute substantially to
global warming. A key policy focus should be on correcting market
distortions and policy failures that encourage environmental degrada-
76 A European perspective on the challenges for livestock farming tion, such as subsidies that directly or indirectly promote overgrazing,
to achieve a sustainable contribution to food security and a reduced land degradation, deforestation, over-use of water, or greenhouse gas
impact on the environment. P. Herpin*1, R. Duijghuisen2, J. Oldham3, emissions. Market-based policies should cause producers to internalize
P. Vriesekoop2, and J. Williams1, 1INRA, France, 2Wageningen UR, the the costs of environmental damages caused by livestock production.
Netherlands, 3Scottish Agricultural College, Scotland. Environmental damage associated with open-access common-property
resources can be addressed by clarifying property rights and promot-
World population forecasts are 9.2 billion by 2050. The daily intake of
ing mechanisms for cooperation. The promotion of technologies that
animal products will continue to rise as economies develop. Over 56%
improve land and feed efficiency can mitigate the negative effects of
of people in the European Union live in rural areas where the livestock
livestock production on biodiversity, ecosystems, and global warm-
sector underpins community cohesion and employment. Its farm gate
ing. Technologies that increase livestock efficiency include improved
production value was 152 billion € in 2008, but its contribution to the
genetics, improved grazing land management, improved herd health
European economy is greater as it supplies other sectors that generate
management, and silvopastoralism. Payments for environmental services
considerable added value. Sustaining and even expanding the animal-
can be an effective means to promote better environmental outcomes.
farming sector to meet the demands for food, to reduce the rural exodus,
The livestock sector has an enormous potential to contribute to climate
is a priority. The European challenge is complex because we must not
change mitigation. Realizing the potential will require new and extensive
only increase efficiency and effectiveness to face very strong global
initiatives at national and international levels, including the promotion of
competition but also accommodate major demands for a positive envi-
research and development on new mitigation technologies; and effective
ronmental impact, improved animal health and welfare and adapt to
and enhanced means for financing.
possible future changes in the Common Agricultural Policy. Climate
change may also alter production capacity differentially across Europe,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 187
Extension Education 1
78 Multi-state Beef Reproduction Task Force provides science agement: Focus on Estrus Synchronization. The curriculum includes
based recommendations for the application of reproductive tech- 3 courses with the following topics. Course 1 provides an overview
nologies. S. K. Johnson*1, R. N. Funston2, J. B. Hall3, D. J. Kesler4, of physiological principles that underlie estrus synchronization, and
J. W. Lauderdale5, G. C. Lamb6, D. J. Patterson7, G. A. Perry8, and a review of commercially available estrus synchronization products.
D. R. Strohbehn9, 1Kansas State University, 2University of Nebraska, Course 2 reviews estrus synchronization protocols recommended for
3University of Idaho, 4University of Illinois, 5Michigan State University, beef heifers and cows. Course 3 reviews management considerations
6University of Florida, 7University of Missouri, 8South Dakota State for implementing an estrus synchronization program and a description
University, 9Iowa State University. of the impact of estrus synchronization on reproductive management.
Each module includes assessment questions to evaluate the student’s
Beef extension personnel met in 2000 to determine how best to com- comprehension of the information. The focus of this Extension education
municate to beef producers the latest information related to reproductive program draws on the fundamental basis upon which extension and the
technologies. Research on estrous cycle control in cattle had expanded Land Grant System were founded: The use and application of what we
to more precise methods that included treatment with progestins, know to create knowledge. This curriculum will enable participants to
manipulation of follicular waves, and control of the lifespan of the effectively implement reproductive strategies into practice. The cur-
corpus luteum. The rapid development of new protocols to synchronize riculum is available through the University of Missouri Division of
estrus and ovulation and their associated acronyms created confusion. Animal Sciences Web site at, and
The Beef Reproductive Task Force was formed to coordinate efforts the NCBA Cattle Learning Center.
to identify effective breeding management protocols and to provide This project was supported by National Research Initiative Competitive
leadership for education. Based on research data and field experience, Grant no. 2005-55203-15750 and 2007-55618-18238 from the USDA
a short list of recommend protocols for synchronization of estrus and Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
ovulation was developed in cooperation with representatives from semen
providers, veterinarians and the animal health industry. These protocols Key Words: curriculum, estrus synchronization, AI
are presented uniformly in sire catalogs from all major semen providers.
Protocol updates occur annually to incorporate appropriate research 80 Transferring reproductive technologies to the field: Fixed-time
findings. In cooperation with the Iowa Beef Center, the Estrus Synch AI and high accuracy sires. D. J. Patterson*, D. A. Mallory, J. L.
Planner software program now reflects the same recommendations. Parcell, S. E. Poock, and M. F. Smith, University of Missouri.
Since 2002 the Beef Reproduction Task Force has hosted 9 educational
workshops in key cow-calf states representing 66% of US beef cows; USDA-NRI integrated projects require a combination of research,
targeted were producers, AI technicians, veterinarians, allied industry education and extension and are expected to generate new knowledge,
and academia. A national media sponsor has provided online coverage coincident with the application of existing knowledge. Project themes
of the last 2 meetings. At the most recent conference, 77% of attendees are required to be outcome oriented, stakeholder driven and problem
indicated that information received at the conference would probably focused. Our goal has been to foster the adoption of reproductive tech-
or definitely increase the profitability of their operation. When asked nologies focused on expanded use of fixed-time artificial insemination,
what changes they would make in how they applied reproductive tech- and coincident with progress in the development of new and more
nologies, 55% provided a response with 15% responding more use of effective methods to synchronize estrus and ovulation in beef cattle.
fixed-timed AI, 13% more use of AI and/or synchronization, and 40% Missouri’s Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program provides
would change something about how they applied the technology such the infrastructure for effective implementation of new reproductive
as specific protocols or management changes. technologies and economic feedback regarding their use. By-products
of adoption of reproductive technologies in beef cattle include enhanced
Key Words: estrous synchronization, fixed-timed AI, beef cattle genetic merit of heifers and steers, and improvements in whole herd
reproductive management. Beef producers interested in implementing
or expanding an AI program are encouraged to identify high accuracy
79 Fundamentals of beef reproduction and management: Focus
sires for use in their AI programs. The Missouri Show-Me-Select
on estrus synchronization. A new web-based curriculum. D. J. Pat-
Replacement Heifer Program recently created a Tier 2 classification
terson*1, R. D. Geisert1, D. C. Busch2, N. R. Leitman3, S. E. Poock1, J.
that distinguishes heifers from high accuracy sires. Economic data col-
L. Parcell1, and M. F. Smith1, 1University of Missouri, Columbia, 2KABA
lected from the program will be used to value heifers based on genetic
Select Sires, Inc., Louisville, KY, 3Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc.,
merit, and economic indexes for heifers will be determined from steer
St. Joseph, MO.
mates based on feedlot performance and carcass merit. Organized on
Reproduction is the major factor impacting profitability in a cow-calf farm demonstrations facilitated the transfer of technology related to
operation. The largest cause of reproductive loss in beef herds is that fixed-time AI to 73 herds in Missouri involving 7028 cows. In addition,
cows fail to become pregnant during the breeding season. Heifers and the Division of Animal Science’s Miller Internship in Reproductive
cows fail to become pregnant because they do not show estrus or fail Management has provided internship opportunities for 140 students that
to conceive after showing estrus. Estrus synchronization protocols have involved breeding programs in 12 states and over 175,000 cows and
been developed that increase the proportion of females that conceive heifers. These efforts have lead to the successful integration of research,
early in the breeding season and facilitate the use of AI. Estrus syn- education and extension programming and are collectively impacting
chronization and AI create the opportunity to add value to a beef cattle reproductive management in Missouri’s beef herds.
enterprise through use of high accuracy sires and enhanced reproduc- This project was supported by National Research Initiative Competitive
tive management. A new web-based curriculum is available for beef Grant no. 2005-55203-15750 and 2007-55618-18238 from the USDA
producers, animal science instructors, veterinarians, allied industry Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
and students entitled Fundamentals of Beef Reproduction and Man-
Key Words: technology transfer, beef, AI
188 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
81 Evaluation of attitudes, knowledge gained and anticipated period. Through better diet formulation, feed preparation, genetic selec-
behaviors of extension clientele completing food defense training tion and management, phosphorus excreted by pigs fed to recommended
conducted regionally in Missouri. R. L. Weaber*, C. L. Lorenzen, levels decreased over 50% per kg of pork produced. In summary, current
M. K. Hendrickson, A. D. Clarke, M. C. Shannon, R. M. Torres, and K. production methods have increased production while reducing the land
L. Savage-Clarke, University of Missouri, Columbia. required for pork production.
Food defense is the prevention of intentional contamination at any point Key Words: production efficiency, swine industry, herd health
during the food production/processing chain. To increase awareness
of food defense government directives and industry initiatives among
food producers and processers, a work book curriculum was developed 84 A survey of the economic, environmental, public policy and
and a series of half-day workshops were conducted in 5 regions of Mis- production issues facing animal agriculture in Louisiana. T. A.
souri. In addition to providing basic information about the importance Lavergne*, S. M. DeRouen, and G. M. Hay, LSU AgCenter.
of food defense as a mechanism to help ensure the safety and security Beef, dairy, and poultry producers/growers, personnel in allied indus-
of the US food supply, the workshop included training on risk assess- tries, state agencies, and LSU AgCenter, as well as other leaders in these
ment, countermeasure development, construction and implementation industries were surveyed on various issues affecting animal agriculture
of a food defense and a response plan. Workshop participants (n = in Louisiana to determine their opinions on these issues. Respondents
81) were surveyed to evaluate the quality of the curriculum, pre- and were asked to rate 10 items within 4 categories of issues: economic,
post-training attitudes, knowledge gain and anticipated behaviors. environmental, public policy, and production issues. The items were
Participants included livestock producers (15%), crop producers (4%), rated from 5 (extremely important) to 1 (not important). Of the 230
food processors (22%), producers targeting production to local food respondents, 85 worked in the beef industry, 71 worked in the dairy
systems (35%), and others (25%) that included animal nutritionists, industry, and 74 worked in the poultry industry. For economic issues, the
and inspectors/regulatory personnel. Two-thirds of respondents (n = 59) overall average ratings ranged from 4.2 to 4.3 for all groups surveyed.
indicated their operation employed only family members or less than “Rising input costs” received the highest rating for economic issues.
6 individuals. Seven percent of operations had > 100 employees. Prior For environmental issues, average ratings ranged from 3.3 to 4.0 for
to the workshops, 22% of respondents (n = 63) were not familiar with all groups surveyed. “Public perception of the environmental effects
the term ′food defense′ while 42% had either written or were familiar of animal agriculture” received the highest rating for environmental
with the basics of a food defense plan. 83% of respondents (n = 74) issues. For public policy issues, the overall average ratings ranged from
indicated the information was valuable to their operation. A 6-point 3.0 to 4.0 for all groups surveyed. “Consumer confidence in food and
Likert scale was used to evaluate knowledge gain. More than 90% of animal product safety” received the highest rating for public policy
participants indicated with scores of 4 or higher (4 = somewhat agree, 5 issues. For production issues, the overall average ratings ranged from
= agree, 6 = strongly agree) that they could assess risks, describe basic 3.7 to 4.0 for all groups surveyed. “Improving production efficiency”
steps, develop a food defense and response plan. Perimeter security received the highest rating for production issues. Respondents rated most
was most often cited (19%) as a vulnerability followed by limiting items as moderately, substantially, or extremely important. Economic
access to internal areas/processes (14%). Following the workshop and issues received the most substantially important and higher ratings.
development of their own food defense plan, 42% of the participants The responses indicate that economic, environmental, public policy,
had an increased awareness of food defense and 50% planned to either and production issues are important to these respondents involved in
implement or maintain their plan. Louisiana’s animal industries.
Key Words: food defense, curriculum, extension Key Words: animal agriculture, environmental issues, economic
82 Documenting a 60-year trend in improved efficiency for the
United States swine industry. M. S. Carlson*, J. A. Lory, R. E. 85 The value of poultry litter to crop producers in South Geor-
Massey, B. Young, J. Zulovich, S. Edwards, R. Plain, and T. J. Safranski, gia. C. S. Dunkley* and D. L. Cunningham, University Of Georgia.
University of Missouri, Columbia.
A survey was conducted to assess the value of poultry litter to crop
Swine production practices have evolved significantly over the past 60 producers in South Georgia. Respondents were asked 23 questions
years. In the mid 1940s, all phases of swine production typically occurred pertaining to poultry litter use and their farming operations. The ques-
outside on dirt lots and pasture; by 2006, 94% of US commercial produc- tions included; the amount of litter they applied each year, the cost of
tion had been moved into buildings. The objective of this project was poultry litter, the cost of inorganic fertilizer, the amount of land they
to use statistical data from state and federal agricultural agencies and applied litter and inorganic fertilizer to and the length of time they have
a literature review to assess the impact of these changes on the cost of been using poultry litter. Of the 165 respondents 75.49% of them grew
production, herd health, feed efficiency and environmental efficiency row crops, specifically peanuts, pecans, cotton and corn. The remaining
for grow-finish pigs. Since 1945, the quantity of pork produced in the respondents grew forage crops and vegetable crops. When asked whether
United States more than doubled from less than 10 to more than 23 or not they used poultry litter, a total 50.3% of the respondents stated
billion pounds annually. Cost of production ($/cwt) has decreased with that they used poultry litter while 49.7% of them did not use it. Of the
decreased feed costs more than compensating for increased housing total respondents who used poultry litter 75.64% of them used poultry
and energy costs. Pig mortality decreased and some parasites such litter and inorganic fertilizers as nutrient sources while 24.26% of them
as lungworm (Metastrongylus spp.) and kidneyworm (Stephanurus used only litter as their nutrient source. When asked about the amount
dentatus), that once infected 55–95% of pigs, are now rarely seen. of soil amendment they added each year, about a half of the respondents
Daily gain (kg/d) and feed efficiency (gain to feed) improved from 0.7 applied up to 500 lbs of inorganic fertilizer per acre while about 93% of
to 0.89 and 3.8 to 2.6, respectively, over the past 60 years. Improved the respondents who used litter applied 2 tons per acre. The amount of
animal efficiency combined with increased crop production per hectare money the growers paid per ton for litter ranged from $10 to $55 com-
increased the pork produced per hectare by more than 200% over the pared with $500 to $1200 per ton for inorganic fertilizer. Approximately
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 189
11% of litter users traveled over 100 miles to obtain the litter compared add-in (Palisade Corp., Ithaca, NY) for Microsoft Excel was utilized to
with 0.78% of inorganic fertilizer users who had to travel a similar account for the stochastic nature of key variables by Monte Carlo simu-
distance. More inorganic fertilizer users (14.63%) applied more than lation. The model comprised a series of modules, which synergistically
once per year when compared with litter users (5.08%). The responses provide the required inputs for profitability analysis. Benefits of ATMS
from this survey indicates that crop producers in South Georgia have were estimated by assessing the impact of its use on estrus, mastitis,
found poultry litter to be of substantial value for their operations and metritis, and respiratory disease detection rates. In addition, the expert
will travel far distances to acquire the product. opinion survey results were used to calculate the associated reductions
in the negative effects of disease for mastitis, metritis, and respiratory
Key Words: poultry, litter use, litter value
disease. Using model assumptions, the mean NPV of investing in this
ATMS was $404,333 ± 208, 474 ranging from -$217,892 to $737,335.
86 Testing foam depopulation equipment in the field. D. P. Hou- The NPV was greater than 0 in 930 of 1000 iterations. Stochastic price
gentogler*, E. R. Benson, R. L. Alphin, and C. A. Kinney, University variables having the most influence on NPV were milk price, corn price,
of Delaware, Newark. slaughter cow price, soybean price, and replacement cow price. More
importantly, the percentage of estrus events identified using the technol-
Foam depopulation is currently one of the available options for mass ogy had a considerable impact on investment profitability. Investment
emergency depopulation of floor reared poultry. Conditions including in an ATMS may be profitable, but results will be herd-specific.
water, foam concentrate, and equipment can change the quality of the
foam. Foam quality impacts depopulation efficacy. A method for evaluat- Key Words: temperature monitoring, investment analysis, precision
ing foam quality in the field was developed and tested. Foam expansion dairy farming
rate, flowability, and drawdown time are key characteristics to making
good foam. These can be evaluated using 2 simple tests. To test foam
83 Missouri Goat Camp: Collaborative effort to enhance success-
expansion in the field, a known amount of water and container of known
ful goat production projects by Missouri youth. E. L. Walker*1, B.
size to generate foam into is required. Expansion rate will vary depend-
Fay2, H. Swartz3, and C. Clifford-Rathert3, 1Missouri State University,
ing on the foam generation equipment used, but should follow USDA
Springfield, 2Univesity of Missouri, Greenfield, 3Lincoln University,
and AVMA standards for foam depopulation. Draw down time and
Jefferson City, MO.
flowability can be tested using flow over time. The field test developed
to evaluate foam using a funnel and graduated cylinder measures the Goat production continues to be the fastest growing segment of Missouri
amount of foam flow over a given time period. This method uses a 1 L livestock production, and is becoming popular for Missouri 4-H and FFA
funnel with a 6.3 mm (1/4 inch) outlet, a stopper, and a 2 to 3 L graduated members. Meat goat participants in Missouri 4-H has increased from 457
cylinder. Once the funnel is filled, unplug the stopper and measure the in 2007 to 748 in 2008. Current numbers show a total of 1171 members
time it takes for 99% of the foam to pass through the discharge hole. A involved in 4-H goat projects. Budget cuts are being proposed for post-
range of good flowability would allow 0.3 L to 0.9 L of foam to flow secondary education which would severely limit educational programs
within 60 and 120 s. Foam flowability was used to develop a simple for youth and adults. As a way to off-set costs and enhance development
go-no go graphic that can be used in the field to evaluate foam quality. of goat production, goat camps (GC) have been designed and established
The impact of water quality was also tested using this procedure. While jointly by Missouri State University (MSU), University of Missouri
testing salt, hard, and brackish water, with this method it showed that Extension/4-H (UME), and Lincoln University (LU). Currently camps
they did not inhibit the production of good quality foam. are held in Jefferson City at the LU Carver Farm and Springfield at the
Darr Agricultural Center. Topics covered include ethics, showmanship
Key Words: foam, mass emergency depopulation, poultry
skills, selection of goats, quality control, marketing, diseases, parasite
management, and reproduction. Promoting more youth-oriented pro-
87 Assessing the potential economic value of an automated tem- grams like these will ensure quality producers will abound in future
perature monitoring system using stochastic simulation. J. M. years. All topics and instruction culminates with 4-H and FFA youth
Bewley*1,2 and M. M. Schutz2, 1University of Kentucky, Lexington, receiving certification for goat quality assurance, at the same time
2Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. the adults are also being educated as an added benefit. Participants of
the most recent joint camp, the 2010 GC-Springfield, were surveyed
Numerous automated temperature monitoring systems (ATMS) are mar- resulting in 119 respondents. The camp lasted approximately 6 h with
keted to dairy producers. However, the economic benefits of ATMS have breaks and lunch provided by the organizers. The structure consisted
not been studied. The primary objective of this research was to identify of 7 instructional, 25 min round robin sessions. Survey respondents
factors that influence the profitability of investment in an ATMS. An included 71 youth and 48 adults. Speakers were rated at an overall mean
expert opinion survey was conducted to provide estimates of potential of 1.05 ± 0.18 (1 = educator seemed prepared, 2 = somewhat prepared,
improvements arising from adoption of this technology. Experts ranked 3 = not prepared) and a 2.78 ± 0.61 regarding length of activities (1
benefits of ATMS as follows: ability to monitor heat stress, mastitis = too short, 2 = too long, 3 = just right) and all respondents reported
detection, estrus detection, metritis detection, pneumonia and respiratory they would recommend the clinic to others. In 2009, 189 participants
disease detection, improved animal well-being and pregnancy detection. attended 2 camps hosted by LU consisting of both youth and adults. As
A stochastic simulation model of a dairy farm was utilized to perform more people become interested in goat production and budgets decline,
a Net Present Value (NPV) analysis. This model was developed to it will become necessary for more joint extension and service activities
evaluate investments in Precision Dairy Farming technologies and was to occur between major educational entities.
constructed to embody the biological and economic complexities of a
dairy farm system within a partial budgeting framework. The @Risk Key Words: goat, youth, Missouri
190 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Food Safety Symposium: Potential Impact of Reduced Antibiotic Use and the
Roles of Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Other Alternatives in
Antibiotic-Free Broiler Production
89 Probiotics and direct-fed microbials: Practical applications and of Bacillus isolates appear to be capable of complete spore-to-spore
real-world needs. J. T. Barton*, The Poultry Federation Lab. life cycle completion within the chicken gut, which may be important
It seems likely that antibiotic treatments of food animals will end, despite for selection. Our studies indicate that for effective administration of
the strong support of antibiotic use by agricultural advocates as well as useful spore-formers in feed, very high concentrations of spores are
scientific evidence that the use of antibiotics in food animals is not the required (~1 × 106 cfu/g finished feed). Therefore, selection of highly
major cause of pathogen resistance in the human population. If the post- efficient thermotolerant spore-formers is necessary for cost-effective
antibiotic farm comes to pass, farmers will still depend on veterinarians development of feed-additive probiotics (DFM).
and scientists to deliver effective therapies that relieve animal suffering Key Words: Bacillus, DFM, probiotic
and protect against financial losses. Probiotics, direct-fed microbials,
and perhaps other types of beneficial bacteria appear to be the most
likely successors to the functional role of antibiotics in meat and poul- 1087 Alternatives to antibiotic treatment for necrotic enteritis. C.
try farming. The perception of farmers regarding beneficial bacterial L. Hofacre*1, M. Lee1, and G. Mathis2, 1The University of Georgia,
applications in food animal husbandry has evolved from skepticism Athens, 2Southern Poultry Research, Athens, GA.
to curiosity to guarded acknowledgment of positive attributes. These Necrotic enteritis (NE) is the reason poultry producers use growth
views have changed due, in part, to publications in scientific journals promoting antibiotics. Our research has shown that it is the subclinical
and well as hands-on experience applying beneficial bacterial products. form of NE that affects the birds’ small intestines to result in the reduced
It is certain that the natural diminution of ineffective, yogurt-sourced growth rate and poorer feed efficiency that is seen when antibiotics are
Lactobacillus sp. and the development of species-targeted probiot- not used. The disease-causing agent is the obligate anaerobic bacteria
ics and direct-fed microbials have caused a major shift in the use of Clostridium perfringens and more specifically a strain that produces an
beneficial bacteria in food animal farming. Future advancement in exotoxin. These are ubiquitous bacteria; therefore, just presence of C.
beneficial bacteria application will depend upon increased knowledge perfringens in the birds’ intestines is not enough to cause disease either
of their mechanism(s) of action as well a continued discovery of novel clinical or subclinical in most cases. There must also be a change in the
microbial species for development. bacterial normal flora of especially the small intestine to allow the C.
Key Words: probiotic, direct-fed microbial, beneficial bacteria perfringens to grow and elaborate the toxin. In the past, we have used
antibiotics to keep the flora in balance and the C. perfringens in check.
One of the major causes for shifts in the normal intestinal flora is coc-
90 Probiotics: Current limitations and future potential in com- cidian infection of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. When the birds’
mercial poultry. B. M. Hargis*1, G. Tellez1, R. E. Wolfenden1, S. intestine responds by producing mucus, this provides the mucolytic
Shivaramaiah1, A. D. Wolfenden1, S. E. Higgins2, and T. E. Porter2, bacteria, C. perfringens, a ready nutrient source which results in rapid
1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2University of Maryland, Col-
growth and elaboration of the toxin(s). This results in further intestinal
lege Park. damage and production of additional mucus and a cycle begins that
During the last 2 decades, we and many colleagues have worked toward would be prevented by antibiotics. The presence of the ubiquitous bac-
development of commercially applicable probiotics (DFM) that could teria C. perfringens in the birds’ intestines does not necessarily mean
consistently replace or ameliorate removal of antibiotic growth promot- N.E. will occur. As long as the normal flora of the small intestine stays
ers from poultry rations. There have been many educational failures in balance, the C. perfringens level will stay low; however if the intes-
along with some striking successes during this odyssey. In several tinal epithelium becomes damaged or the birds experience an extreme
published manuscripts, we have shown that a highly selected group level of stress, C. perfringens can grow rapidly and produce its toxin
of compatible lactic acid bacteria could reduce enteric Salmonella in resulting in most often slower growth, lower body weights and poorer
laboratory and commercial field studies, improve performance in large utilization of feed. In the extreme form of N.E., we see necrosis of the
broiler and turkey field trials, effectively treat idiopathic diarrhea in intestinal epithelium and death. Managing the normal intestinal flora
commercial turkeys, and prevent necrotic enteritis in challenge studies. of the bird can be a highly effective method of preventing both clinical
The effects of treating Salmonella-infected broilers is observed very and subclinical necrotic enteritis.
quickly, between 12 and 24 h, leaving the conventional explanation Key Words: necrotic enteritis, antibiotics
for mechanism of action, that of competitive exclusion, in doubt. Very
recently we have observed very rapid changes in host gene expression
through microarray analysis that could explain the rapidity of these 88 Historical perspective: Prebiotics, probiotics, and other alter-
observations suggesting that elicitation of a host innate immune response natives to antibiotics. M. E. Hume*, USDA, ARS, Food and Feed
may be partially responsible for the beneficial action of this probiotic. Safety Research Unit, College Station, TX.
Because lactic acid bacteria are not stable or thermotolerant, we have European Union food animal producers have moved away from the
also worked toward selection of effective spore-forming Bacillus-based use of selected antibiotic growth promoters. Some poultry producers
probiotics using intense in vitro selection criteria, and ultimately, in in the United States have opted to reduce or remove antibiotic growth
vivo testing. During this more recent experience, we have concluded promoters from their production schedules. Additionally, there is
that in vitro biological activity of Bacillus is not highly predictive of increasing public sentiment in the US toward the complete removal in
isolates with potential to improve performance or to reduce necrotic this country of antibiotic growth promoters from poultry and other food
enteritis or Salmonella infections in vivo. Interestingly, a select subset animal production. The symposium will examine a history of prebiotic,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 191
probiotic, and other antibiotic alternatives; current needs and expecta- certain putrefying toxins created by microbes in the large intestine. He
tions of antibiotic replacements; current limitations of probiotic and went on to state that villagers in eastern Europe who consumed milk
future potential; current experiences with antibiotic-free poultry produc- fermented by lactic-acid bacteria characteristically lived long lives. A
tion; and bacteriocins as potential replacements for antibiotic growth probiotic as redefined in 1989 by Roy Fuller is “A live microbial feed
promoters. The concept of a prebiotic was launched in 1995 by Glenn supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving
Gibson and Marcel Roberfroid. An updated definition of a prebiotic its intestinal microbial balance.” Fuller stressed the need for the pro-
was proposed in 2007 by Marcel Roberfroid as “a selectively fermented biotic organism to be viable. Both concepts recognize the importance
ingredient that allows specific changes, both in the composition and/ of developing, supporting, supplementing, and maintaining a healthy
or activity in the gastrointestinal microflora, that confers benefits upon digestive microflora. The 2 concepts have been the focus of consider-
the host well-being and health.” The notion of a probiotic began at the able research and cover a range of materials and formulations in the
end of the nineteenth and early twentieth century with the observations livestock and human arenas.
of Eli Metchnikoff, who put forth the idea that aging was affected by
Key Words: prebiotic, probiotic, antibiotic growth promoter
192 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Forages and Pastures: Grazing and Forage Management
92 Effects of microclimate and pasture characteristics on tempo- Control lambs manifested a strong preference for AA (75–85% of all
ral/spatial distribution of beef cows in Midwestern pastures. D. scans; P < 0.0001) throughout all testing periods. In contrast, lambs
A. Bear*, J. R. Russell, and D. G. Morrical, Iowa State University, treated with tannins had more scans than Controls on BFT (P = 0.002)
Ames, IA. and TF (P = 0.004). Lambs that received saponins had more scans than
Controls on TF (P = 0.01), and animals treated with ergotamine had
Pastures located on southern Iowa cow/calf farms, from 8 to 125 ha in
more scans than Controls on BFT (P = 0.03). Lambs showed the lowest
size, were used to evaluate the effects of microclimate, shade, botanical
proportion of scans on AA after treatment with saponin (P ≤ 0.09) and
composition, and other pasture characteristics influencing the temporal/
on TF after infusions of ergotamine (P ≤ 0.009). Lambs infused with
spatial distribution of cattle within and outside streamside zones of pas-
PSC thus utilized forage species more evenly than did Controls, and
tures. Cows were Angus and Angus-cross on 4 of the farms, and Mexican
they avoided plants (AA, TF) containing PSC (saponin, ergotamine) that
Corriente on the remaining farm. During spring, summer, and fall of
matched those delivered into their rumens. Treatment lambs also diluted
2007–2009, 2 to 3 cows on each farm were fitted with Global Position-
the effects of the PSC by increasing preference for OG, and selectively
ing Systems (GPS) collars and used to record location within a pasture
increased preference for certain PSC-containing forages such as TF
at 10 min intervals for periods of 5 to 14 d. One hundred 39 data sets
and BFT. Animals offered a diversity of plants with multiple PSC may
were obtained throughout the 2007–2009 grazing seasons. Data loggers
minimize the negative impacts of PSC in their bodies through changes
recorded microclimate variables at 10 min intervals. Water sources and
in their foraging behavior.
fence lines were referenced on a geospatial map and used to establish
zones within the pastures; in the stream or pond (water source), closer or Key Words: forage diversity, foraging, plant secondary compounds
further than 30.5 m (Uplands) from the water source. Farm and seasonal
effects on cow distribution in pastures were analyzed using the GLM
procedure of SAS using years as replicates. LOGISTIC procedure of 94 Grazing behavior of cattle and sheep grazing alone or together
SAS tested microclimate variables effects on the probability of cattle on grass swards differing in plant species diversity. H. M. Cuchillo*
being in or within 30.5 m of the water. Mean proportions of observa- and J. Isselstein, Georg-August University of Goettingen, Institute of
tions when cattle were in the water source differed (P < 0.0001) between Grassland Science, Goettingen. Germany.
seasons. Mean proportion of cattle observations within the streamside Grassland composition and animal species may modify the grazing effi-
zone (defined as being in the water source or within 30.5 m of the water ciency and ingestive behavior of pasture. However, precise knowledge
source) differed (P < 0.0001) between farms. The proportion of time on potential interactions between sward diversity and mixed grazing is
cattle were within the streamside zone increased with decreasing pasture not available. Thus, a trial was conducted to evaluate the main (graz-
size (r2 = 0.40, 0.55, 0.59) and increasing the proportion of streamside ing, walking, and ruminating) and secondary (bites per minute, steps
zone within a pasture (r2 = 0.40, 0.64, 0.39) for the spring, summer, and per minute, and bites per step) animal behavior patterns of cattle and
fall seasons, respectively. Proc LOGISTIC determined the probability sheep grazing alone or together on grass swards differing in botanical
of cattle located in the streamside zone increased with increasing ambi- composition. The study was conducted in Lower Saxony/Germany
ent temperatures. Implementation of grazing management practices for from May to September 2009. Three blocks (A, B and C) individually
the protection of pasture streams will likely be most effective on small arranged into 6 treatments were employed; i.e., low diversity/cattle, low
and/or narrow pastures in which cattle have less opportunity to locate diversity/sheep; low-diversity/cattle-sheep; high diversity/cattle, high
in upland locations. diversity/sheep and high diversity/cattle-sheep. Botanical composition
Key Words: GPS, distribution, water quality of either mixed grass-legume-forb (14 species per 9m2) or grass domi-
nated swards (7 species) was manipulated by the use of herbicides. The
stocking density was 3000 kg of animal weight per plot. Animals were
93 Preference for diverse pastures by sheep in response to intraru- moved to the next block when the compressed sward height decreased
minal administrations of tannins, saponins, and alkaloids. J. J. Vil- from 12 to 6.5 cm. The main behavior patterns of 3 core animals within
lalba*1, F. D. Provenza1, A. K. Clemensen1, R. Larsen2, and J. Juhnke1, each paddock were recorded 7 times by conducting scan sampling
1Utah State University, Logan, 2University of California, Templeton. every 10 min from 0600 to 2200 h. Secondary patterns were obtained
from 15 measurements per core animal and observation day. Results
Plant secondary compounds (PSC) are increasingly recognized as impor-
were analyzed with a Completely Random Variance Analysis in a 2 ×
tant in animal health, welfare and nutrition. We explored how sheep
2 factorial arrangement using the Proc Mixed of SAS. Results show
modify their foraging behavior in pastures with different PSC when
that cattle on high diversity swards spent more time grazing, have the
challenged with a single PSC. Six pairs of lambs received intraruminal
lowest time for ruminating and the lowest mean of bites per minute (P
administration of a PSC (Treatment) in 3 successive periods (1- Con-
< 0.05). Co-grazing increased the rumination time of cattle regardless
densed tannins, 2-Saponins, or 3-Ergotamine) of 5 d each. Six other pairs
of sward composition (P < 0.05). Interestingly, there were no significant
of lambs received just the vehicle (Control). The design was a split-plot
differences on main and secondary behavior patterns of sheep, neither
with pairs of lambs nested within group (Treatment, Control). Day and
due to the type of grazing nor the sward composition (P > 0.05). Com-
period were the repeated measures. Pairs of lambs were allowed to graze
plementary studies of vegetation consumption preferences joined with
a choice of 1) Lotus corniculatus (birdsfoot trefoil - BFT), 2) Medicago
ruminal physiology assessments should be done to evaluate the benefits
sativa (alfalfa - AA), 3) Festuca arundinacea (endophyte-infected tall
and limitations pasturing on rich or poor diversity swards.
fescue - TF) with high concentration of tannins, saponins, and alkaloids,
respectively, and 4) Dactylis glomerata (orchardgrass - OG). Lambs Key Words: grassland, mix-grazing, botanical composition
were observed at 1 min. intervals and their behavior recorded (scans).
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 193
95 Evaluation of dairy heifer performance and pasture com- (Paspalum notatum) pastures. Body weights, blood samples and liver
position when co-grazing heifers and goats. T. S. Dennis*, L. J. biopsies were taken at d 0, d 84 and 148. Plasma was analyzed for Al,
Unruh-Snyder, M. K. Neary, J. E. Tower, and T. D. Nennich, Purdue Ca, Cu, Mg, P and Zn; liver for Al, Cu and P and bone for Al, Ca, P
University, West Lafayette, IN. and Mg. A second objective was to evaluate the effects of the applied
Al-WTR on mineral concentrations of the bahiagrass pastures. Forage
Alternative feeding strategies that reduce costs and maintain animal
samples were taken on d 0 and every 28 d thereafter for 5 mo. The
performance improve the sustainability of livestock operations. The
Al-WTR had little or no effect (P > 0.5) on weight gains and mineral
objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of co-grazing heifers
tissue concentrations. Forage mineral concentrations were generally
and goats supplemented with co-product feeds on heifer performance,
unaffected by treatment but were affected (P < 0.05) by collection dates.
pasture composition, and DM yield. Forty-eight Holstein heifers (BW
Forage P contractions ranged from 0.12 to 0.22%. Most forage samples
= 147.4 kg, BCS = 2.9) were randomly assigned to one of 12 paddocks
were deficient in Na (<0.06%), Cu (<10ppm), Se (<0.1ppm) and Co (0 <
and allocated to a 2 × 2 factorial design with 2 co-product supplements
0.1ppm) and at various collections deficient in Ca (<0.35%), P (<0.18%),
(dried distillers grains (DDGS) or soybean hulls (SBH)) and 2 grazing
Fe (<50ppm) and Zn (<30ppm). In conclusion, Al-WTR applications
strategies (heifers with goats (HG) or heifers without goats (HO)).
had little effect on animal status of P or any other mineral analyzed.
Heifers were intensively grazed on tall fescue/white clover pastures and
Likewise, Al-WTR had little effect on forage mineral concentrations.
supplemented at 0.9% of BW. Body weights were measured biweekly.
Applications of Al-WTR are effective in reducing P contamination
Wither heights (WH), hip heights (HH), and BCS (1 to 5 scale) were
without affecting forage or cattle mineral status.
measured and blood samples were collected for plasma urea nitrogen
(PUN) analysis monthly. Pasture intakes were estimated 2 times/wk. Key Words: cattle, forages, water treatment residuals
Pasture composition, DM yield, and nutrient analysis were determined
monthly. Heifer data were analyzed by paddock as repeated records
using PROC MIXED of SAS. Heifers fed DDGS tended to gain more 97 Effect of maturity and nitrogen fertilization on bahiagrass
weight (P = 0.1) and had greater changes in HH and WH (P = 0.02 and production and nutritive value. N. M. Kenney*, J. E. Sawyer, R.
P = 0.03, respectively). The percent of weeds in the pasture tended to O. Dittmar III, and T. A. Wickersham, Texas A&M University, College
decrease (P = 0.06) for HG. Pasture DM yields for HO and HG did not Station.
differ between treatments (P > 0.1). Heifer growth and feed efficiency Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), a forage resource in the southern
improved when heifers were supplemented with DDGS. Co-grazing United States, often has lower forage quality than cool-season grasses
heifers with goats did not affect heifer performance (P > 0.1). and legumes, but may require fewer nutrient inputs than other avail-
able forage options. Our objectives were to determine the effects of N
Table 1. Effects of supplementation type (SUPP) and grazing strategy (GS) fertilization and maturity on nutritive value, in situ OM digestibility,
over all time periods on intake, growth, feed efficiency, and plasma urea nitro- and yield of bahiagrass. Treatments were arranged as a 4 × 4 factorial
gen in dairy heifers with 4 levels of N fertilization (0, 45, 90, and 135 kg N per ha) and 4
maturities (3, 5, 7, and 9 wk after N fertilization). An established stand
of bahiagrass was divided into 3 blocks with all treatments contained in
SUPP each block. In situ determinations were made with 3 steers fed Bermuda-
grass hay and samples were incubated for 0, 2, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h.
DMI, kg/d 6.1 5.9 5.9 5.8 0.17 0.31 0.43 0.80
Increasing provision of N tended (P = 0.06) to quadratically increase in
ADG, kg/d 0.52 0.55 0.48 0.51 0.02 0.10 0.19 0.82 DM yield (3354, 4386, 4876, and 5182 kg DM per ha for 0, 45, 90, and
G:F 0.67 0.61 0.34 0.36 0.09 0.01 0.80 0.63 135 kg N, respectively). Similarly, advancing maturity increased DM
PUN, mg/dL 11.7 12.8 10.4 11.5 0.31 <0.01 <0.01 0.96 yield quadratically (P < 0.01; 3206, 4580, 4894, and 5119 kg DM per
WH change, cm 2.62 2.08 1.82 1.87 0.19 0.03 0.24 0.16 ha for 3, 5, 7, and 9 wk, respectively). A maturity by N interaction (P =
HH change, cm 2.14 1.92 1.61 1.80 0.11 0.02 0.89 0.11 0.02) was observed for CP concentration. Increasing N resulted in more
Key Words: dairy heifer, co-grazing, goats rapid declines in CP with advancing maturity. At 3 wk CP was 8.0%
for 0 N and 11.6% for 135 N. In contrast, at 9 wk the CP was 5.0% for
0 N and 6.6% for 135 N. In situ OM digestibilities were determined on
96 Effects of aluminum from water-treatment-residual applications samples from wk 5, 7, and 9. A maturity by N interaction (P = 0.03) was
to pastures on mineral status of cattle and forage mineral concen- observed for the rapidly degraded (A) fraction of OM. At 5 wk maturity
trations. R. K. Madison, L. R. McDowell** G. A. O′Connor, N. S. the A fraction decreased with increasing N fertilization, whereas at 9 wk
Wilkinson, P. A. Davis, A. T. Adesogan, T. L. Felix, and M. Brennan, maturity the A fraction increased with increasing N fertilization. The B
University of Florida, Gainesville. fraction was linearly reduced (P < 0.01) and the C fraction was linearly
increased (P < 0.01) with advancing maturity. At a fixed passage rate of
Extensive efforts have been focused on finding ways to reduce soluble 3% per h, the calculated extend of OM degradation was 58.6, 54.9, and
P in manure-impacted soils. Aluminum binds to P and application of Al 53.4% for maturities 5, 7, and 9, respectively (linear, P < 0.01). Overall,
could be one potential solution to the problem. Two experiments (145 additional fertility increased bahiagrass CP content, despite more rapid
and 148d) using Holstein steers were conducted to determine the pasture declines with advancing maturity, and maturity was the primary driver
application of water treatment residuals (Al-WTR) on mineral status of bahiagrass degradability.
(primarily P) and performance of grazing cattle. Experiments (1995
and 1996) began June 1st with cattle initially weighing 306 and 169 kg, Key Words: bahiagrass, in situ, maturity
respectively, on d 0. The experiments were a completely randomized
design with treatments replicated 3 times. Four treatments were with
and without Al-WTR and with and without P-free mineral supplement. 98 Effect of mineral supplementation on the performance by
Total pasture application of Al-WTR over 2 years was 75.8 t dry weight/ stocker cattle grazing winter-wheat pasture. S. A. Gunter*1 and
ha. Steers were allotted (3/pasture) to one of 12 0.81 ha bahiagrass G. F. Combs2, 1USDA-ARS, Southern Plains Range Research Station,
194 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Woodward, OK, 2USDA-ARS, Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research production (sum of stems, leaves, husks and cobs) was different (P =
Center, Grand Forks, ND. 0.02) among hybrids. However, differences also existed in the ratio of
corn grain to total residue production (P < 0.001) and corn grain to leaf
To evaluate the efficacy of mineral supplementing stocker cattle grazing
and husk (P < 0.001), indicating potential differences in plant efficiency.
wheat pasture, 2 experiments were conducted. In Exp 1, 72 steer and
Corn hybrids differ in the amount of residue produced independent of
heifer calves (BW = 228 ± 11.4 kg) were randomly assigned to 12, 4.9-ha
the amount of grain. Since corn hybrids differ in the amount of residue
pastures on November 12 at 1.2 animals/ha (4 pastures), and February 5
they produce, possible differences in amount of residue available for
at 2.5 animals/ha (8 pastures) for 84-d. In Exp 2, 38 steers (BW = 248 ±
cattle to graze, also differs. Using these differences, economic estimates
4.8 kg) were randomly assigned to 12, 2.5-ha wheat pastures on Febru-
of the ranking identify potential value differences.
ary 24 for 84 d at 1.3 steers/ha. In Exp 2, pastures were planted with
conventional tillage or a no-till drill. In Exp 1 and 2, half the pastures Key Words: corn stalks, corn residue, grazing
received a free-choice mineral mixture (Wheat Pasture Pro; Land O
Lakes Purina Feed, LLC; St. Paul, MN; Ca, 16% and P, 4%) provided
in ground-type mineral feeders (Exp 1: completely random design; Exp 100 Replacing synthetic N with clovers or alfalfa in bermudagrass
2: 2 × 2 factorial); feeders were weighed weekly to determine intake. pastures for growing calves. P. Beck*1, D. Hubbell1, T. Hess1, K.
All pastures were drilled the first of September 2008 (67 kg of seed/ Haas2, and J. Jennings1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2Haas
ha) and were fertilized with 50 kg of urea-N/ha. Standing herbage DM Hay & Cattle Co., Gurley, AL.
was determined in pastures when cattle were weighed every 28-d by The objective of this research was to determine the impact of alfalfa
clipping wheat to the ground along 122 cm of drill row at 10 transects. or clover additions to common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.]
Data were analyzed by AOV with treatment as the fixed effect and Pers.) pastures on performance of growing calves and pasture carrying
pasture as the random effect. In Exp 1, cattle offered the minerals had capacity compared with commercial N fertilizer. In October 2008, 0.81
a 45% faster ADG (P < 0.01; 0.75 kg) than cattle not offered minerals ha bermudagrass pastures were interseeded with 1) a mixture of 13 kg/
(0.52 kg); hence, the supplemented cattle weighed 8% more (P < 0.01; ha red clover (Trifolium pretense, cv. Morningstar, Cal/West Seeds,
308 kg) after grazing than non-supplemented cattle (289 kg). In Exp Woodland, CA) and 3.3 kg/ha ladino white clover (Trifolium repens, cv.
2, supplementation did not interact (P ≥ 0.44) with tillage. Also, steers Regal Graze, Cal/West Seeds, n = 4) or 2) 28 kg/ha alfalfa (Medicago
offered the mineral had a 30% faster ADG (P = 0.03; 1.12 kg) than steers sativa, cv. PGI 459, Producers Choice, Woodland, CA, n = 4). The
not offered minerals (0.86 kg) and the supplemented cattle weighed 6% following summer 12 bermudagrass pastures received 0, 56, or 112 kg
more (P = 0.03; 341 kg) after grazing than non-supplemented cattle N/ha as ammonium nitrate. Beef steers (BW = 278 ± 13.6 kg) grazed
(320 kg). In both experiments, daily standing herbage DM averaged pastures from 29 May to 9 September in a put and take experiment.
1,536 kg/animal and never differed (P ≥ 0.13) between treatments. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design with 4 pastures/
Mineral intakes averaged 73 (Exp 1) and 168 (Exp 2) g/d, resulting in treatment using the mixed procedure of SAS. A single df contrast was
cost of supplement to kilogram of added BW gain conversions of $0.26 used to determine the linear N fertilization rate effect, and predicted
and $0.57 assuming a mineral cost of $0.88/kg. Overall, there was an differences separated the effects of alfalfa and clover. Stand counts of
improvement in ADG and the supplement to added BW gain conversion alfalfa pastures decreased from 34 ± 10.6% in May to 15 ± 12.7% in
seemed profitable. October, but remained relatively unchanged in clover pastures 43 ±
Key Words: cattle, grazing, wheat pasture 12.8% in May and 38 ± 5.2% in October. Daily gains and BW tended
(P = 0.08) to increase linearly with increasing N rate. Gains and BW of
steers from alfalfa pastures did not differ (P ≥ 0.91) from 56 kg N rate.
99 Effect of corn hybrid on the amount of residue available for Gains and BW of clover steers was greater (P ≤ 0.02) than alfalfa and
grazing relative to grain yield. J. A. Musgrave*, L. A. Stalker, 56 kg N rate, but did not differ (P = 0.11) from 112 kg N rate. Grazing-
T. J. Klopfenstein, M. C. Stockton, and K. H. Jenkins, University of d/ha and gain/ha increased linearly (P = 0.01) with increasing N rate.
Nebraska, Lincoln. Grazing-d/ha of alfalfa and clover did not differ (P ≥ 0.31) from 56 or
112 kg N/ha rates. Pastures containing clover produced more (P = 0.02)
Utilization of corn crop residue by cattle to extend grazing can have
gain/ha than 56 kg N rate and tended (P = 0.10) to produce more BW
positive economic impacts. Cattle primarily consume the leaf and husk
gain/ha than 112 kg N rate. Gain/ha for alfalfa did not differ (P = 0.95)
portions of the corn residue. Amount of residue available to grazing
from 56 kg N rate. Clovers produce equivalent BW gains and animal
cattle may be influenced by corn hybrid. Ten corn hybrids were evalu-
grazing days to 112 kg/ha N, but stands of alfalfa were not dense enough
ated to determine differences in corn grain yield and crop residue dry
throughout the grazing season to maintain animal performance above
matter. Ten hybrids that best represented a wide range of production
that of 56 kg/ha N.
traits were selected from a total of 40 hybrids grown in a test plot located
near Paxton, Nebraska. The following hybrids were evaluated: Pioneer Key Words: alfalfa, clover, bermudagrass
P0541XR, P1173HR, P1395XR, Dekalb 59–35, 61–04, NK N68B–GT,
N74C–3000GT, Croplan Genetic 5757 VT3, Golden Harvest 8211
3000GT, and Midwest Genetics 76482R. Each sample consisted of 101 Effects of winter swath grazing barley and millet on back-
the complete above ground portion of the corn plant and was collected ground and feedlot performance and rumen metabolism of beef
randomly. Each sample was sorted into the following parts: stems, leaves calves. R. Kumar*1, H. A. Lardner1,2, and J. J. McKinnon1, 1Univer-
(including leaf sheath), husks, cobs, and corn grain. Plant parts were sity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, 2Western Beef Development
dried in a forced air oven at 60°C to determine dry matter yield. Data Centre, Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada.
were analyzed as a completely randomized design. There was no differ- A 2-year winter grazing and feedlot finishing trial (Exp1) and subsequent
ence in corn grain yield among hybrids (13,240 kg/ha ± 788, DMB; P metabolic study (Exp2) were conducted to evaluate the effects of swath
= 0.23). Differences were present between hybrids in amount of stems grazing forage barley (Hordeum vulgare cv. Ranger) and foxtail millet
(P < 0.001), leaves (P = 0.05), husks (P = 0.01), and cobs (P < 0.001). (Setaria italica cv. Golden German) compared with grass-legume hay
Considering these differences, it is not surprising that total residue fed in drylot on beef calf performance and rumen degradation kinetics.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 195
In Exp1, 120 spring born Angus calves (60 steers, 60 heifers) were reached. Forage samples collected every 21 d were analyzed for DM,
fall weaned, stratified by weight, allocated into 20-head groups then CP and digestible energy (DE). Forage dry matter analyses was greatest
assigned randomly to 1 of 3 replicated (n = 2) backgrounding (BG) (P = 0.03) for barley swath (DE = 2.6 Mcal/kg) and lowest (P = 0.03)
systems.. Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed with year as a block. for grass-legume hay (DE = 2.2 Mcal/kg). Calf background ADG was
Systems were (i) field swath graze barley (BR); (ii) field swath graze greatest (P = 0.002) for BR compared with ML or DL, while feedlot
millet (ML); and (iii) bunk fed ground hay drylot (DL). Field calves ADG was not different (P = 0.32) for all calves. In situ degradability
were limit grazed in 8 ha paddocks for 3 d grazing period using electric (Exp2) of barley DM and CP was greater (P = 0.0001) compared with
fencing for 96 d each year, with all groups receiving additional pelleted millet or hay, while millet had greater (P = 0.0001) NDF degradability.
supplement at 0.62% BW. Calves were weighed at start, every 21 d and These findings indicate that swath grazing barley or foxtail millet with
end of background period. Following BG period, calves were placed in beef calves resulted in similar or improved performance compared with
feedlot, separated by sex and BG treatment and fed a similar finishing a traditional dry-lot pen system.
ration and harvested once a targeted endpoint of 12 mm backfat was
Key Words: barley, millet, swath grazing
196 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Graduate Student Symposium: Transitions: Preparing for Your Future
102 Surviving the transition from thesis to published manuscript: home makes life so much easier. Remember that your PhD program has
An editor′s perspective of the review process. J. L. Sartin*, Auburn trained you in many areas that will guarantee success in a tenure track
University. position: excellence in your field of study, how to interact with various
types of people, the ability to gather and analyze data, the ability to
This talk will be oriented to the graduate student with a focus on how organize your studies and your time, the confidence to act on intuition,
the editorial process works behind the scenes. This will range from integrity, and resilience. Continue to hone these skills as you transition
how reviewers are selected to how decisions are made about whether to an associate professor.
to publish or reject a manuscript. Common problems cited by reviewers
will be listed as well as a discussion of how to respond to the reviewers Key Words: career, promotion and tenure, success
comments. The end of the session will be a discussion of the options
for what to do in the event a paper is not published.
104 Animal scientists of the future – Embrace change, challenges
Key Words: journal, review, author and opportunities. M. E. Benson*, Washington State University,
103 Taking the reins: Transitioning from PhD student to associ- Academia and the animal sciences are in a dynamic era and those who
ate professor. K. A. Vonnahme*, Department of Animal Sciences, embrace change and see and create new opportunities are those who
Fargo, ND. will be successful. Academic success will continue to require all of the
technical skills and competencies that have always existed in a chosen
Congratulations! You are ready to begin your own research program! discipline or mission. Changes in funding sources, clientele demograph-
How can you guarantee your success in getting tenure? The journey ics and the increasing role society will play in influencing research and
toward tenure begins before you accept any job offer. Make sure you education priorities and activities will require nimble people capable
start in the right place. Do your homework: Do the values of the institu- of responding to and anticipating challenges. Five attributes that can
tion match your values? What are your future colleagues like? How will help a new faculty or staff member to be successful include: an ability
your research interests fit in with those that will surround you? After to thrive in a changing environment, enjoying and valuing interdisci-
you decide on a place, PLAN. Tenure is just 6 short years away, and you plinary opportunities and relationships, the willingness and ability to
need to have a written game plan that you share with your lab and your be entrepreneurial, the willingness and ability to communicate science
significant other. Here are 6 tidbits that aided my way to obtaining tenure. and its implications, and the ability to be an innovator. With change
1) Surround yourself with good people. Ask the right questions as you also comes the need for individuals to work collectively to accomplish
interview graduate students, post-docs, and technicians. Taking more new tasks, teach new courses, respond to emerging issues and extend
time before the hire makes the time after you get the job more pleasant. knowledge to the public. The reality is that new skills and techniques
2) Motivate those around you. Motivation is different for everyone, but will be required to address tomorrow′s increasingly complex questions.
people will work hard if you show that you care and appreciate their Those who are willing to acquire new skills that can contribute new
efforts. Remember that their successes are your successes, too. 3) Find expertise and who are willing and able to lead interdisciplinary research
a mentor. A formal mentor may be given to you at hiring, but seek out teams will be those best positioned to achieve external funding success.
others whose programs are already successful. They will share their A skilled innovator will find ways to turn challenges into opportunities
successes and headaches. Listen. 4) Begin your promotion and tenure and capitalize on those opportunities. Looking for and finding ways to
document the day you begin. This is a tedious task that is a necessary do the impossible are characteristics tomorrow′s elite animal scientists
evil—embrace it early. 5) Manage your time. Keep one calendar for will possess. We must capitalize on change and those who can will find
both your professional and personal appointments. This leads to greater exciting and rewarding times ahead.
efficiency. Make use of small pieces of time. 6) Having it all. Make sure
you choose your partner wisely. You will take your job home with you Key Words: success, innovation, academia
quite often, and having the support and understanding of someone at
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 197
Growth and Development: Regulatory Mechanisms in Growth
and Development
105 The effect of feeding frequency on circulating thyroid hor- proliferation, and the syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain regulates cell
mones in turkey chicken. A. Towhidi*, A. Yahyabeig, and E. Diran- proliferation and survival in an FGF2-independent manner.
deh, University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
Key Words: turkey, muscle satellite cell, growth and development
A strategy that improves growth efficiency is to reduce basal metabolic
rate, providing additional energy for growth. Thyroid hormones enhance
metabolism and lipolysis. Previous studies have shown that increase 107 Comparative phylogenetic analysis of gut microbiota of broil-
of feeding frequency could change blood hormonal profile affecting ers fed with and without antibiotics. P. Singh*1, A. Karimi2, P. W.
metabolism and growth in some animals. The objective of this study Waldroup1, and Y. M. Kwon1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville,
2University of Kurdistan, Sanadaj, Kurdistan, Iran.
was to investigate the effect of increased feeding frequency on thyroid
hormones status in turkey. Twenty turkey chickens were randomly Antibiotics growth promoters (AGP) have been used for growth pro-
assigned to 2 groups. In control group, turkey chickens were fed ad motion of chickens in poultry industry since 1950. Recently, concerns
libitum, whereas birds in treatment group fed every 4 h and blood have been raised to the use of AGP in livestock due to development
samples were collected at 4 intervals. Data were analyzed with Proc of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. The objective of our study is to
Mixed of SAS. Overall mean plasma concentration of triiodothyronine investigate the effect of AGP in cecal microbiota of broiler chickens.
in treated group was higher than control (4.05 ± 0.34 vs. 2.59 ± 0.30 Two groups (n = 30) of chickens were fed corn-soybean meal diets
ng/mL, P = 0.0001). Mean plasma concentration of thyroxin in treated with (ANT) and without supplementation of Penicillin (CON) at the
group was higher than control (47.50 ± 1.6 vs. 24.08 ± 1.7 µg/dL, P concentration of 55 mg/kg. At 18 d of age, ANT group had significantly
= 0.0001). It was concluded that increasing feeding frequency failed (P < 0.05) higher mean body weight than CON group (668.6 vs. 570.0
to decrease thyroid hormones level. As a result, this kind of feeding g). Cecal samples of 5 randomly selected birds were pooled from each
management may not be efficient to improve growth performance in group and used for genomic DNA isolation and PCR amplification of
turkey chicken. 16S rRNA gene. 454 pyrosequencing of the amplicons resulted in 7,881
Key Words: turkey, thyroid hormones, feeding frequency and 11,214 sequence reads for CON and ANT groups, respectively.
BLAST and phylogenetic analysis using MEGAN-3 indicate that
AGP supplementation in ANT group resulted in elevated proportion of
106 The role of syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain in turkey skeletal phylum Firmicutes from 16.67% to 17.47% and a decreased proportion
muscle growth and development. Y. Song*1, D. C. McFarland2, and of phylum Bacteriodetes from 15.71% to 0.14% as compared with CON
S. G. Velleman1, 1Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, group. Recent studies conducted in humans, pigs and mice have shown
The Ohio State University, Wooster, 2Department of Animal and Range a similar shift in gut microbiota in obese individuals as compared with
Sciences, South Dakota State University, Brookings. lean ones, indicating that this shift could be responsible for increase in
energy harvest and body weight. The results of this study suggest that
Skeletal muscle formation is a complex process involving the interac-
the growth promoting effect of AGP supplementation in broilers may
tions between cells and their extracellular matrix. Syndecan-4 is a cell
be mediated by a similar microbial process. Hence, new and alternative
membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan that passes signals from the
methods for promoting the growth of the birds need to be sought for
extracellular matrix into the cell. Syndecan-4 core protein is composed
that may alter gut microflora in a similar pattern.
of an extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplas-
mic domain. The cytoplasmic domain is important in regulating signal Key Words: antibiotics growth promoter, 16S rRNA gene, cecal
transduction into the cell and the formation of focal adhesion complexes microbiota
which is critical for cell survival. In the current study, the role of the
syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain in muscle cell proliferation, differentia-
tion, fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) responsiveness, and apoptosis 108 Impact of feeding raw materials on intestinal viscosity and
was explored. Turkey wild type syndecan-4 (S4) and syndecan-4 without performance of broilers. F. Nuyens1, I. Somers1, S. Van De Craen1,
the cytoplasmic domain (S4C) were cloned into the pCMS-EGFP vector W. Röser1, C. Chudaske2, and S. Van Dyck*1, 1Kemin AgriFoods
and then subcloned into the pcDNA3.1/V5-His TOPO TA expression Europe, Herentals, Belgium, 2Südzucker AG Mannheim/Ochsenfurt,
vector. Wild type syndecan-4, S4C, and the pCMS-EGFP empty vector Ochsenfurt, Germany.
were transfected into turkey skeletal muscle satellite cells. After transfec- Alternative cereals and cereal by-products can be used to reduce the costs
tion, cell proliferation, differentiation, and FGF2 responsiveness were of poultry diets. However, the application of these new raw materials
measured. Wild type syndecan-4 and S4C subcloned into the pcDNA3.1/ may call for an evaluation of their effect on gut viscosity. This paper
V5-His TOPO TA expression vector were used to test cell apoptosis evaluates the changes that appear in fiber analysis and in vitro viscos-
by a CaspACE assay using CaspACE FITC-VAD-FMK in situ marker ity for diets including 10% of wheat-based distillers dried grains with
which fluorescently labels apoptotic cells. The pcDNA3.1/V5-His TOPO solubles (DDGS). It is the objective of this paper to assess the impact of
TA expression vector was used because it does not express green fluo- feed viscosity changes on broiler performance and intestinal viscosity.
rescence protein as the pCMS-EGFP vector which will interfere with Furthermore, the beneficial effect of feed enzymes will be demonstrated.
the CaspACE assay. Results showed that the overexpression of S4C A broiler growth trial was performed with 200 birds divided over 4
decreased cell proliferation (P < 0.05) but did not change cell differentia- treatments (see Table 1) in a randomized block design. On d 21 of the
tion, or responsiveness to FGF2 during proliferation and differentiation trial, 9 broilers were sacrificed per treatment and viscosity of jejunum
compared with the cells transfected with S4. The cells transfected with and ileum contents was measured (Dusel et al., 1997). The use of feed
S4C had more apoptotic cells compared with those transfected with S4. enzyme in the diet had significant effects (P < 0.05) on the intestinal
These results suggest that syndecan-4 plays a critical role during cell viscosity (Table 1). By use of the feed enzyme in the diets that included
198 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
DDGS, the intestinal viscosity was decreased by 40% in the jejunum adolescent horses did not have a greater effect on the P of the proteins
and 24% in the ileum. The results show that the fiber content in DDGS in the mTOR pathway compared with mature horses. More research is
is much greater than in regular wheat. The DDGS did not induce a necessary to determine whether an effect of age is present in the rapidly
greater viscosity than regular wheat. The bioethanol production process growing equid neonate.
might have reduced part of the soluble, long-chain arabinoxylan fibers
Key Words: mTOR pathway, growth, protein synthesis
that are responsible for the viscosity effect. The low viscosity values of
both wheat and DDGS after treatment with a feed enzyme indicate the
potential to control intestinal viscosity when wheat or DDGS are used 110 Productive performance of pigs vaccinated against gonado-
in the feed formulation. The treatment with highest intestinal viscosity tropin releasing factor compared to surgically castrated males and
showed poorest daily gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR), while the gilts from two different sire lines. J. I. Morales1, M. P. Serrano*2, L.
group with lowest intestinal viscosity showed the best zootechnical Cámara2, C. H. Zúñiga2, J. P. López1, and G. G. Mateos2, 1Copiso S.A.,
performance (Table 1, P < 0.05). Soria, Spain, 2Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
A total of 360 pigs was used to study the influence of gender (immuno-
Table 1. Intestinal viscosities and FCR for broilers fed a regular wheat diet and castrated males, IM; surgically castrated males, CM; intact females, IF)
a modified wheat diet with 10% DDGS. The Feed Enzyme was supplemented
and terminal sire line (Top York; Tempo) on productive performance of
at a dosage of 500 g/tonne.
pigs slaughtered at 125 kg BW. The female line used was Large White
Treatment Jejunum Ileum FCR × Landrace in all cases. Improvac (Pfizer, Madrid, Spain) was used for
Control 3.73a 5.28ab 1.83ab active immunization against GnRH. The IM pigs received a first dose
Control + DDGS 4.67b 6.50b 1.89b of Improvac at 76 d of age (16 d on trial) and a second dose at 124 d of
Control + Feed Enzyme 2.60c 4.14a 1.75a age (64 d on trial; 7 wk before slaughter). There were 6 treatments (6
Control + DDGS + Feed Enzyme 2.81c 4.95a 1.85b
replicates of 10 pigs each) arranged factorially (3 × 2) with 3 genders
and 2 terminal sire lines. From 60 to 76 d of age (IM were still entire
SEM 0.048 0.018 0.001
males), IF and IM had lower ADG than CM (729 and 749 vs. 792 g/d;
p-value 0.0001 0.0039 0.0006 P < 0.001) but no differences were observed for feed intake. From 76
Means in same column with different superscripts are significantly (injection of the first dose of the immune vaccine) to 124 d of age, IM
different (P < 0.05). had lower (P < 0.001) ADFI and ADG than CM with IF being interme-
diate. However, from 124 (injection of the second dose of the immune
Key Words: DDGS, Feed enzyme, intestinal viscosity vaccine) to 172 d of age, IM recovered and in fact, they had better (P
< 0.001) ADG and FCR than IF and CM. For the entire experimental
109 Ontogenic changes in the activation of translation initia- period, IF and IM ate less feed than CM (2.43 and 2.43 vs. 2.59 kg/d;
tion factors post feeding are not seen in adolescent Thoroughbred P < 0.001) whereas IM and CM had higher ADG than IF (952 and 945
mares. A. L. Wagner*, J. C. Gould, R. B. Ennis, and K. L. Urschel, vs. 913 g/d; P < 0.01). Also, IM had better FCR than CM with IF being
University of Kentucky, Lexington. intermediate (2.55 vs. 2.66 vs. 2.74 g/g; P < 0.001). From 60 to 172 d
of age, crossbreds from Tempo sires had better ADG than crossbreds
Following consumption of a protein meal, signaling proteins associated from Top York sires (952 vs. 922 g/d; P < 0.001) but no differences
with the mTOR pathway are activated, triggering muscle protein synthe- were observed for ADFI or FCR. We conclude that IM have better
sis due to increases in both insulin and amino acid (AA) concentrations. ADG and are more efficient than CM. Consequently, based on growth
In neonates, the activation of the mTOR pathway decreases with age performance data, IM are a good alternative to CM for the production
resulting in lower skeletal muscle protein synthesis. The slower growth of 125 kg BW pigs. Also, the Tempo sire line is a good alternative to
seen during the adolescent age has not been studied with regards to the Top York sire line for the production of heavy pigs.
mTOR-related signaling in any species. The purpose of this study was
to determine the effects of an 18h feed witholding period, either with Key Words: immunocastration and gender, sire line, pig performance
(postprandial; PP) or without (post-absorptive; PA) the re-feeding of a
protein meal (t = 0 min), on the activation of translation initiation factors 111 Effects of nutrient balance and implant status on IGF-1 and
in gluteal muscle of yearling, 2y old, and mature Thoroughbred mares PUN concentrations of feedlot calves. T. Lee*, L. K. Mamedova,
(n = 18). Blood samples were taken during the experimental protocol to S. Guillossou, B. J. Bradford, C. D. Reinhardt, and D. U. Thomson,
measure plasma AA via HPLC. A gluteal muscle biopsy was taken after Kansas State University, Manhattan.
the last blood sample (t = 90 min) to measure the phosphorylation (P)
of Akt at Ser473 and Thr308, 4EBP1 at Thr37/46, rpS6 at Ser235/236;240/244, To simulate nutritional conditions in highly stressed feedlot calves with
and p70 S6 Kinase at Thr389 using Western blotting. For all horses, low nutrient intake, 16 predominantly English-breed calves (BW = 293.3
indispensible plasma AA were ~25- 110% higher in the PP versus PA ± 5.41 kg) were used in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment to evaluate the main
period (P < 0.01). There was a significant increase in Akt P-Ser473 (P < and interactive effects of poor vs. adequate nutrient intake and implant
0.01), 4EBP1 P-Thr37/46 (P < 0.01), rpS6 P-Ser235/236 (P < 0.01), rpS6 status on growth and PUN and serum IGF-1 concentrations. All calves
P-Ser240/244 (P < 0.01), and p70 S6 Kinase P-Thr389 (P < 0.01), and a were individually fed a common, pelleted, complete diet (15.3% CP;
trend for higher AktP-Thr308 (P = 0.10) in the PP versus PA state. There 1.44 Mcal NEm /kg DM). After a 28-d period of adaptation to the Calan
was an interaction of age and treatment on the P of 4EBP1 (P = 0.05), gates and the diet, 4 calves each were randomly assigned to receive
and a trend for an interaction for the P of p70 S6 Kinase (P = 0.08). Age either (1) implant + 2× maintenance energy intake; (2) implant + 1×
did not have an effect on the P of any protein (P > 0.05), although there maintenance energy intake; (3) no implant + 2× maintenance energy
was a trend for an age effect on AktP-Thr308 (P = 0.10). Consumption intake; or (4) no implant + 1× maintenance energy intake. Dietary NEm
of a high protein meal, appeared to activate proteins associated with the content was estimated using dietary ingredient concentrations and NRC
mTOR pathway in adolescent and mature horses. However, growth of (1984) nutrient values. Animal NEm requirement was determined based
on d0 BW and NRC (1984) requirement tables; 1× maintenance calves
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 199
were fed to meet their NEm requirement; 2× maintenance calves were Results showed that trenbolone treatment increases the protein contents
fed twice their NEm requirement; intake was subsequently adjusted of MyoD (0.72 ± 0.18 vs. 1.45 ± 0.19 arbitrary units, P < 0.05), myosin
based on d14 BW. Implanted calves were implanted (Revalor-XS; 40 heavy chain (0.22 ± 0.03 vs. 0.38 ± 0.02 arbitrary units, P < 0.05), and
mg estradiol-17β + 200 mg trenbolone acetate) on d0; all calves were androgen receptor (0.92 ± 0.04 vs. 1.18 ± 0.03 arbitrary units, P < 0.05)
weighed and processed through the chute on d0 and fed for 28 d. Blood compared with the control group. The myogenic effect of trenbolone was
samples were drawn on d0, d14, and d28 for analysis of serum IGF-1 blocked by cyproterone acetate, a specific inhibitor of androgen receptor,
(analyzed using ELISA) and plasma urea nitrogen (colorimetric assay). showing that the myogenic effect of trenbolone is mediated by andro-
Data were analyzed as a repeated measures design using the MIXED gen receptor. Immunoprecipitation showed that androgen receptor and
procedure of SAS (v. 9.1). Diet affected (P < 0.05) ADG (1.65 vs. 0.04 β-catenin formed a complex; addition of trenbolone increased interaction
kg/d for 2× vs. 1×), and d28 PUN (6.21 vs. 5.35 mM/L for 2× vs. 1×) between androgen receptor and β-catenin. Both cytoplasmic and nuclear
but there was no effect of implant or any interaction between diet and β-catenin levels were increased following trenbolone treatment. The
implant on weight gain, PUN, or IGF-1 concentrations. These data sug- enhanced translocation of β-catenin to the nuclei following trenbolone
gest that nutrient restriction does not alter IGF-1 response or subsequent treatment was correlated with higher β-catenin/T-cell transcription factor
cellular nutrient uptake response due to implants. 1 (TCF) mediated transcriptional activity compared with that of control
group (11.7 ± 1.6 vs. 6.9 ± 0.9 relative luciferase activity, P < 0.05). In
Key Words: diet, feedlot, implant
conclusion, these data provide evidence that trenbolone promotes the
interaction between androgen receptor and β-catenin, which promotes
112 Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor I have dif- the expression of β-catenin targeted genes and myogenesis in the muscle
ferent effects on bovine myoblasts and myotubes in culture. X. derived stem cells of cattle.
Ge* and H. Jiang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Key Words: catenin, beef, androgen
Growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) are 2
114 Increasing days on the finishing diet equalizes carcass grade
major regulators of skeletal muscle growth in animals. The objective of
distributions of zilpaterol-HCl fed heifers. B. C. Bernhard*1, R. S.
this work was to compare the effects of GH and IGF-I on proliferation
Swingle2, T. E. Lawrence3, W. T. Nichols4, D. A. Yates4, J. P. Hutcheson4,
and fusion of primary bovine myoblasts, and their effects on protein
M. N. Streeter4, J. C. Brooks1, M. F. Miller1, B. J. Johnson1, and R. J.
synthesis and degradation in cultured bovine myotubes. Myoblasts
Rathmann1, 1Texas Tech University, Lubbock, 2Cactus Research Ltd.,
were isolated from extensor carpi radialis of adult cattle by Pronase
Amarillo, Texas, 3West Texas A&M University, Canyon, 4Intervet Scher-
digestion and were allowed to proliferate or induced to form myotubes
ing Plough Animal Health, DeSoto, Kansas.
in culture. Recombinant bovine GH at the concentrations of 10 ng/
mL and 100 ng/mL did not affect myoblast proliferation and fusion. British × Continental heifers (n = 3,382; 307 kg) were serially slaugh-
However, both concentrations of GH increased protein accumulation tered to determine if increasing days on the finishing diet (DOF)
by 15% compared with no-GH control (P < 0.01) without changing mitigates negative consequences of zilpaterol-HCl (ZH) on quality
protein degradation. Although IGF-I at concentrations of 50 ng/mL and grade and tenderness. A 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of treatments in a
500 ng/mL had no effect on myoblast fusion, IGF-I at concentration of completely randomized block design (36 pens; 6 pens/treatment) was
500 ng/mL increased myoblast proliferation by 20%, compared with used. Zilpaterol-HCl (8.33 mg/kg DM) was fed 0 and 20–22 d before
no-IGF-I control (P < 0.05). Both concentrations of IGF-I increased slaughter plus a 3–5 d withdrawal to heifers spending 127, 148, and 167
protein accumulation in bovine myotubes by more than 75% (P < 0.01) DOF. Feedlot and carcass performance data was collected in addition to
and decreased protein degradation by 30% (P < 0.05), compared with Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF) of strip loin steaks aged for 7, 14,
no-IGF-I control. These data indicate that GH and IGF-I have largely and 21 d. No ZH × DOF interactions were detected (P > 0.05). Feeding
different effects on proliferation and fusion of bovine myoblasts and ZH increased ADG, G:F, carcass ADG, carcass G:F, carcass ADG:live
on protein synthesis and degradation in bovine myotubes. These results ADG, HCW, dressing percent, LM area and WBSF at 7, 14, and 21 d;
suggest that GH and IGF-I might stimulate skeletal muscle growth in decreased 12th-rib fat, YG (P < 0.01) and KPH (P = 0.05); and tended
cattle through different mechanisms. to decrease marbling score (P = 0.10). Feeding ZH decreased empty
body fat percentage (EBF) and increased 28% EBF adjusted final BW
Key Words: GH, IGF-I, muscle
(P < 0.01). Analysis of interactive means indicated that the ZH × 148
DOF group had a similar percentage of USDA Prime, Premium Choice,
113 Trenbolone regulates myogenic differentiation via inducing Low Choice and YG 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 carcasses (P > 0.10); an increased
androgen receptors and β-catenin interaction in muscle derived stem percentage of total Choice (P = 0.02); and decreased percentage of Select
cells of cattle. J. X. Zhao*, J. Hu, M. J. Zhu, W. J. Means, and M. Du, (P = 0.03) and Standard (P = 0.05) compared with the Control × 127
Department of Animal Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie. DOF group. The ZH × 148 DOF group was tougher than the Control ×
127 DOF group, but more tender than the ZH × 127 DOF group (P <
Anabolic steroid hormones have been widely used in the beef cattle 0.01) at 21 d. As a result of ZH shifting body composition, an additional
industry for more than 50 years. Trenbolone is a synthetic analog of number of DOF equalizes carcass grade distributions, but ZH mediated
anabolic steroid hormone which can promotes both skeletal muscle and advantages in feedlot and carcass weight gain are sustained.
bone growth; however the underlying mechanisms remain obscure.
Because canonical Wingless and Int (Wnt)/β-catenin signaling is known Key Words: zilpaterol-HCl, beef heifers, serial slaughter
to promote myogenesis, we hypothesized that trenbolone regulates
myogenesis through promoting the interaction of androgen receptor
115 Mitochondrial complex I protein is correlated to residual feed
with β-catenin, increasing the transcription of β-catenin targeted genes.
intake in beef cattle. M. H. Ramos* and M. S. Kerley, University of
Muscle derived stem cells were prepared from male fetal skeletal muscle
Missouri, Columbia.
of cattle at mid-gestation, and treated with or without trenbolone (10
nM) in a myogenic medium consisting of DMEM plus 2% horse serum.
200 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Crossbred beef steers (310kg, n = 48) were fed over a 100 d period where Skeletal formation is highly dependent upon sequential switching on
daily feed intake and weight gain were measured. Diet fed to steers con- and off specific gene activities that control cellular events. Growth
sisted of corn (62.5%), soyhulls (15%), distillers grain (10%), glycerol differentiation factor 11 (GDF11), also known as bone morphogenetic
(10%) and mineral/vitamin supplements (2.5%). Dry matter intake and protein 11 (BMP11), is one of the significant genes that control skeletal
body weight was measured daily using Growsafe feed intake system. formation and development. Complete deficiency of GDF11 function by
Intake was regressed on average metabolic body weight (MBW) and gene targeting caused abnormal patterning of the anterior/posterior axial
average daily gain (ADG) and resultant coefficients used to calculate skeleton. However, all the GDF11-deficient mice died at birth because
predicted feed intake. Difference between actual and predicted intake of serious kidney defect. To obtain live animals with disrupted GDF11
was residual feed intake (RFI). Efficient animals (- RFI) had lower actual function, we developed a novel strategy to block the function of GDF11
intake than predicted while inefficient animals (+ RFI) had higher actual through its propeptide. Using the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
intake than predicted. Blood was collected via jugular vein puncture and technique in combination with piggyBac transposon-mediated gene
mitochondria isolated from lymphocytes. Mitochondria were processed transfer, we produced viable transgenic mice overexpressing GDF11
to measure complex I quantity (CI), complex I enzyme activity (CIE) propeptide under the control of a bone tissue-specific promoter, 2.3kb
and pyruvate dehydrogenase quantity (PDH, as a mitochondria marker). alpha1 type 1 collagen promoter. The transgenic mice exhibited skel-
Efficient animals had higher (P = 0.006) CI compared with average etal abnormalities that appeared to represent homeotic transformation
and inefficient animals (68.4, 39.2 and 28.5, respectively). Correlation of the seventh cervical vertebra into a thoracic vertebra. The GDF11
between RFI and CI was −0.37 (P = 0.03) We concluded that efficient propeptide transgene was detected as early as at 12.5 dpc in embryonic
animals had higher CI. These results agree with previous research skeleton. Over 80% of the transgenic mice from a line expressing high
showing that efficiency is correlated to differences among animals in level of transgene showed ectopic ribs on the seventh cervical vertebra.
mitochondrial protein concentration. The transgene caused expression shifts of Hoxa-4 and 5 genes from
their normal prevertebra locations in embryos. These results strongly
Key Words: RFI, efficiency, mitochondria
suggest that the GDF11 function in the transgenic mice is suppressed
in bone tissue. The transgenic mice with overexpressed GDF11 pro-
116 Bone tissue-specific over-expression of growth differentiation peptide are useful animal models for investigating the role of GDF11
factor 11 propeptide transgene causes homeotic transformation of in skeletal formation and bone metabolism during late embryonic and
the seventh cervical vertebra into a thoracic vertebra in mice. Z. postnatal growth.
Li*, M. Kawassumi, B. Zhao, S. Moisyadi, and J. Yang, University of Key Words: GDF11 propeptide, cervical rib, Hox gene
Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 201
Horse Species 1
117 Soaking hay in water to reduce soluble carbohydrate con- hay at 0700 h. Following a 6 d treatment adaptation, horses were fitted
centrations prior to horse feeding. K Martinson*1, C Sheaffer1, with an indwelling jugular catheter to facilitate a 7 h serial blood draw
and H Jung1,2, 1University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2USDA-ARS, St. in conjunction with the morning feeding. Area under the curve (AUC)
Paul, MN. was calculated by the trapezoidal method for blood insulin and blood
glucose concentrations. Insulin and glucose AUC were compared using
Administering high concentrations of fructan to horses has resulted in the GLM procedure of SAS. No significant differences (P < 0.05) in
laminitis. Cool season grasses accumulate fructan, which is estimated AUC for blood glucose or insulin concentrations were seen between
as the difference between water soluble carbohydrates (WSC; sucrose, warm season and cool season hay. Fasting length did not alter blood
fructose, glucose, fructans) and ethanol soluble carbohydrates (ESC; glucose or insulin AUC concentrations. Fasting length and hay type do
sucrose, fructose, glucose). Reducing fructan content in hay is critical not significantly alter the blood insulin and glucose values in the horse;
for susceptible horses. The objective was to determine loss of WSC, allowing the horse owner to use the method that is most convenient.
ESC, and fructan from different hay types soaked in warm or cold tap
water for various lengths of time. Five hays were evaluated; early bud Key Words: horse, fasting length, hay type
(AB) and full flower (AF) alfalfa, mixed alfalfa orchardgrass (AO), and
vegetative (VO) and mature (MO) orchardgrass. Soaking treatments
119 Effects of endophyte-infested fescue seed consumption on post
included cold (22°C) and warm (39°C) water for 15, 30, and 60 min;
exercise recovery of horses in humid climates. J. A. Ford*, G. W.
cold tap water for 12 h; and a non-soaked control. One ′flake′ from each
Webb, S. P. Webb, H. M. Hurshman, E. L. Walker, and B. Onyango,
of 6 bales was randomly assigned to treatments. Hays were weighed,
Missouri State University, Springfield.
placed in mesh bags, and submerged in 25 L of fresh tap water. After
soaking, flakes were drained for 30 min before drying at 60°C for 72 h. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of endophyte
Each flake was ground and sent to a forage testing laboratory for WSC consumption on horses subject to a standardized exercise test (SET) in
and ESC analysis. Data was analyzed using Proc Mix in SAS. Hays humid conditions. Nine quarter horses (422–568 kg) were assigned into
contained 81, 73, 114, 134, 129 g/kg WSC; 57, 48, 88, 68, and 66 g/kg 2 groups of 5 and 4 to equalized skill level. During the first of 2 28 d
ESC; and 24, 25, 27, 66 and 63 g/kg fructans (AB, AF, AO, VO, and MO, periods, the groups were randomly assigned to E+ (endophyte-infested
respectively). However, alfalfa does not contain fructan and AB and AF seed) or E- treatments (endophyte-free KY-31 seed) and exposed to the
results probably reflect WSC extracted pectin. Soaking reduced WSC, opposite treatment during the second 28 d, which followed immediately
ESC and fructan content in all hays (P < 0.001), except AO fructan. after the first. Horses were fed alfalfa hay, commercial sweet feed and
Except AB WSC and AO fructan, 15 min cold water soaking resulted either E+ or E- ground fescue seed. A molasses-water solution was used
in the least reduction of WSC, ESC, and fructan (P < 0.001), while the to mix the seed with the grain and encourage intake. Diets contained
12 h cold soak had the greatest reductions (P < 0.001). Soaking AF, AO, 12% seed, resulting in 459 ppb ergovaline for the E+ diet. Three days
MO, and VO in warm water for 60 min had greater reductions in WSC a week horses were subjected to a 25 min conditioning program: walk,
compared with 60 min in cold water (P < 0.001). Reductions in MO trot, lope, stops, turns, and suppling exercises. Two days a week horses
fructan content were greater after soaking in warm vs. cold water for 60 were trained on a mechanical cow for 5 min (20–25 turns) except
min (P < 0.001). Forage type, soaking length, and water temperature all on d 14, 28, 42, and 56 when they were ridden on the SET. The SET
affected reductions in WSC, ESC, and fructan. Hay soaking is a viable consisted of 40 turns in 4 min and was designed to raise the horse’s
method to reduce WSC, ESC, and fructan in hays. heart rate (HR) beyond the anaerobic threshold (~150 bpm). During
the SET, humidity averaged 80.3% and temperature averaged 27.3°C.
Key Words: WSC, ESC, fructan, horse, hay soaking
Parameters measured on SET days were HR, respiration rate (RR), rectal
temperature (RTemp), and blood lactate (Lac). Data were analyzed by
118 Fasting length and hay type on metabolic parameters in the ANOVA with treatment considered a fixed effect and all other effects
horse. A. M. Bruce* and E. L. Wagner, Auburn University, Auburn, considered random. Post SET values for Lac confirmed the horses were
AL. performing anaerobic work. Treatment had no effect on Lac, RTemp or
HR at any time measured. There was a horse effect (P ≤ 0.05) on post
Several metabolic disorders in the horse have been associated with SET RR, HR, and Lac but not RTemp. There was no horse x treatment
postprandial fluctuations of insulin and glucose in response to the com- interaction for these variables. RR did not vary by treatment at rest or
position of feedstuffs consumed. Many studies have been conducted on 1 min post SET. During the periods when horses consumed E+ seed,
altering grain form, type or feeding method to minimize the glycemic RR were higher at 5 and 10 min post SET (P ≤ 0.005). There was no
response to a meal; however there is a lack of research focusing on period effect, period x treatment or period x horse interaction. Horses
hay feeding protocols. The objectives of this study were 1) to examine that consumed E+ versus E- seed maintained higher respiration rates
changes in blood glucose and insulin in response to different fasting after a SET in which they were subjected to anaerobic work in humid
intervals and 2) to compare the effects of warm season and cool season conditions.
hays on those same blood parameters. Six mature geldings were uti-
lized in a 2 × 3 factorial design experiment. The horses were fed either Key Words: horse, fescue, exercise
bermudagrass hay (warm season) or fescue hay (cool season) during
each of the fasting treatments. The 3 fasting periods consisted of a no
120 Digestibility of oats in horses using the substitution
fast where the horses would be offered ad libitum hay throughout the
approach. A. D. Woodward*1, A. Willyard1, A. Buckley1, J. Liesman1,
night, a short fast where the animals would receive hay until 2200 h
C. F. M. de Lange2, and N. L. Trottier1, 1Michigan State University, East
with hay re-introduced at 0600 h, and a long fast where the animals
Lansing, 2University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
would be offered hay until 2200 h and not offered any hay until the
0700 h morning feeding. All horses received concentrate and additional
202 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Limited published information regarding apparent whole tract N digest- In addition, there was a treatment by time interaction (P < 0.05) with
ibility of oats fed as a single protein source is available in horses due to PC mares having lower (P < 0.05) E2 concentrations than P mares at d
the dietary obligate requirement for forages. The objective of the study 56 and 70. In summary, these data indicate that dietary DE manipula-
was to estimate the apparent whole tract N digestibility of oats using tion of mares in late gestation influenced BCS and rump fat values, but
the substitution approach. Six mature Arabian geldings (450 kg) were not mare BW. Furthermore, dietary manipulation of DE altered mare
allocated to 6 diets over 6 time periods in a 6 × 6 Latin square design. hormonal response before parturition.
Diets were composed of varying ratios of timothy grass hay and oats fed
Key Words: mares, energy, pregnancy
at 1.6% BW (DM basis), i.e., 1.6:0, 1.45:0.15, 1.3:0.3, 1.15:0.45, 1:0.6,
and 0.85:0.75. Diets were formulated and fed to provide equal amounts
of CP per kg BW (DM basis); percentage dietary CP contribution from 122 Evaluation of the capacity for maternal transfer and foal
hay and oats were 100:0, 91:9, 83:17, 74:26, 66:34, and 55:45, respec- synthesis of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. L. K. Warren*,
tively. Each period consisted of 11-d adaptation to the diet followed J. Kivipelto, and E. Gettinger, University of Florida, Gainesville.
by collection of all feces and urine every 8 h over 3 d. Feed, fecal and
urine samples were analyzed for N. Apparent whole tract N digestibility Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), particularly 20:4ω6
was regressed against the contribution level of CP from oats to the total and 22:6ω3, are necessary for normal neural development and are impor-
diet, i.e., 0, 9, 17, 26, 34, and 45%. As the level of oats inclusion and tant regulators of cell function. Equine diets typically lack LCPUFA, thus
contribution of CP from oats increased, apparent whole tract N digest- foals presumably acquire LCPUFA via placental transfer, milk or through
ibility tended to increase (P = 0.08). The relationship was defined as y bioconversion of 18:2ω6 and 18:3ω3 precursors. Eighteen Thoroughbred
= 0.15 (±0.05)x + 51.90 (±1.45) (R2 = 0.72, P < 0.001), where y is the (n = 11) and Quarter horse (n = 7) mares and foals were used to assess
intercept and represents the apparent N digestibility of timothy grass the capacity for maternal transfer and foal synthesis of LCPUFA. Mares
hay and x represents the level of CP contribution from oats to the diets. were offered Coastal bermudagrass hay ad libitum and individually fed
The apparent N digestibility of oats, estimated with x = 100, was 67%, 1.5% BW/d of concentrate (16.7% CP, 3.8% fat, 10.2% ADF). Fatty
and timothy grass hay, with x = 0, was 52%. In conclusion, apparent acid (FA) composition of colostrum and umbilical cord plasma col-
whole tract N digestibility of oats is 67%. The oats N digestibility value lected at foaling and milk, plasma and red blood cells (RBC) collected
estimated using the substitution approach will allow the formulation of from mares and foals at 5 and 50 d of age was determined. Capacity for
equine diets on a digestible protein basis to more efficiently meet protein LCPUFA bioconversion was estimated as the ratio of 20:3ω6/18:2ω6
requirements of horses receiving oats in addition to forages. (Δ5-desaturase activity) and 20:4ω6/20:3ω6 (Δ6-desaturase) in plasma.
Data were evaluated using the mixed procedure of SAS (v. 9.2). Mare
Key Words: horse, oat nitrogen digestibility, substitution approach diets were devoid of LCPUFA. LCPUFA were not detected in colostrum,
but were present as <1 g/100 g FA in milk. Cord plasma was higher (P
< 0.01) in LCPUFA, and lower (P < 0.01) in18:2ω6, total ω6, 18:3ω3,
121 Effect of dietary energy manipulation on mares and their
and total ω3 than foal and mare plasma at d 5 and 50. Foal plasma and
foals: Performance and hormones of mares in late gestation. K.
RBC were higher (P < 0.01) in LCPUFA, total ω3 and 18:3ω3, and
N. Winsco*1, J. A. Coverdale1, and C. J. Hammer2,3, 1Department of
lower (P < 0.01) in total ω6 and 18:2ω6 than mare plasma and RBC at
Animal Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, 2Department
d 5 and 50. Foal and mare plasma were higher in Δ5-desaturase activ-
of Animal Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, 3Center for
ity (P < 0.01) and lower in Δ6-desaturase (P < 0.01) than cord plasma.
Nutrition and Pregnancy, Fargo, ND.
Higher LCPUFA in cord plasma indicates capacity for synthesis by the
To investigate the effect of dietary DE manipulation on performance mare and selective placental transfer to the foal. Higher LCPUFA in foal
and reproductive hormones of mares in the last third of pregnancy, 30 plasma compared with mare plasma likely reflects mobilization of FA
Quarter Horse mares (538 to 695 kg of BW and 4 to 19 yrs of age) were deposited in utero, intake from milk, and synthesis of LCPUFA from
blocked by expected foaling date. All mares were allowed ad libitum precursors consumed in milk. Greater Δ5-desaturase activity in foal
access to coastal bermudagrass pasture and randomly assigned within compared with cord plasma indicates capacity for 20:4ω6 and 20:5ω3
block to one of 2 dietary treatments: pasture (P) or pasture + concen- synthesis by the foal. However, low Δ6-desaturase activity in foal plasma
trate (PC; concentrate fed at 0.75% BW on an as-fed basis). Treatments suggests fetal stores of LCPUFA are critical to support pre- and postnatal
began 110 d before expected foaling date and terminated at parturition. development of neural tissues.
Blood samples were collected every 14 d until parturition and analyzed
Key Words: DHA, essential fatty acids, horse
for progesterone (P4), estradiol (E2), and cortisol (CORT) concentra-
tions. Mare performance parameters (BW, BCS, and rump fat (RF))
were also recorded every 14 d. Data were analyzed using the PROC 123 Profiling the change in fecal microbial populations of mares
MIXED procedure of SAS. There was no influence of dietary treatment and foals over time. J. E. Earing*1, A. C. Durig1, G. L. Gellin2, M.
on mare BW. However, RF and BCS decreased (P ≤ 0.01) in mares fed D. Flythe2, and L. M. Lawrence1, 1University of Kentucky, Lexington,
P compared with PC. There was no effect of dietary treatment on P4, 2USDA-ARS, Lexington, KY.
E2, or CORT concentrations (P ≥ 0.10). Regardless of diet, plasma P4
concentrations increased steadily over time (P < 0.01) from d 70 to d The gastrointestinal tract of the mature horse contains a complex
112 (2.26 to 8.61 mg/ml). There was a tendency for a treatment by time community of microorganisms, many of which aid in digestion. Little
interaction (P < 0.10) with plasma P4 concentrations rising sharply in information is available concerning the establishment of these microbial
PC mares beginning at d 70 and being greater (P < 0.05) than P mares populations in young horses. The limited research that has been con-
at d 84. Serum CORT was also influenced by time (P < 0.01) with ducted has utilized culture-dependant methods, but culture-independent
concentrations rising sharply before parturition. In addition, there was methods have revealed that cultivation underestimates species diversity.
a treatment by time interaction (P < 0.05) with P mares having a rapid Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
decline in plasma CORT until d 42. Serum E2 concentrations decreased (PCR-DGGE) is a molecular technique that can be used to evaluate
sharply over time (P < 0.01) from d 42 to d 70 (311.23 to 223.98 pg/ml). diversity in microbial communities. The objective of this study was to
compare the microbial profiles of the feces of mares and foals using
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 203
PCR-DGGE in an attempt to describe bacterial colonization in the equine 125 Weight estimation in miniature horses and Shetland
gut. The hypothesis was that foals would be born sterile, and would be ponies. AM Bruce*, EL Wagner, and PJ Tyler, Auburn University,
indistinguishable from mares by 12 wk of age. Nine mare/foal pairs Auburn, AL.
were used for the study. Fecal samples were collected from each mare
Reliable weight estimation in the small breeds of horses is critical to
and foal as the foal matured; samples were subjected to PCR-DGGE.
the animals’ well-being. To properly feed or medicate, bodyweight
Comparisons between mares and foals were made using UPGMA cluster
needs to be as accurate as possible to reduce the risk of error. The 2
analysis and reported as percent similarity. The mean similarity between
common weight estimation practices used for average sized horses are
mares and their foals was 11% on the day of parturition (d 0; n = 2), 51%
commercially available weight tapes and an established formula, where
on d 1 (n = 4), 52% on d 4 (n = 3), 67% at wk 2 (n = 4), 71% at wk 6
estimated weight (lbs), (kg) = (heartgirth2 × body length)/(330 in3),
(n = 5), and 70% at wk 12 (n = 5). These results indicate that most of
(11880 cm3). The objectives of this study were 1) evaluate the accuracy
the colonization events occurred within the first few days of the foal’s
of the weight tape and current formula in estimating body weight of the
life, which is consistent with a study utilizing culture-based techniques.
small breed horse and 2) calculate a more exact formula for miniature
By wk 2, the mean similarity between mares and foals was numerically
horses and Shetlands. Fifty-four miniature horses and 15 Shetland
higher than the mean similarity among mares (61%), suggesting that
ponies of varying ages were measured. Actual weight was determined
by 2 wk of age the bacterial species found in the foal’s gut are similar
via a calibrated electronic livestock scale. Other measurements included
to those found in the mature horse. While PCR-DGGE can be used to
height at the withers, body length as measured from the point of the
examine the diversity of bacteria present in the gut, it does not estimate
shoulder to the point of the buttock, heart girth, and weight tape. Mean
the relative abundance of the bacterial populations. Also, the presence
age of the animals was 4.23 ± 3.47 years, with a mean height of 92.21
of bacterial DNA in feces suggests, but does not prove, colonization of
± 10.36 cm, and a mean body condition score of 6.3 ± 0.85 based on a
the gut by the respective bacterial populations.
9 point scale. Paired t-tests were used to compare the tape weight and
Key Words: DGGE, horse, microbes formula weight with the actual weight. There was a significant difference
(P < 0.05) between the tape weight (112.66 ± 33.99 kg) and the actual
weight (108.71 ± 31.44 kg). The difference between actual weight and
124 Stallion spermatozoal parameters of motility and conception the formula estimated weight (100.52 ± 30.83 kg) was also significant.
rates on a large commercial ranch. A. L. Garcia1, H. A. Brady*1, Linear regression was used to determine a more accurate denominator
M. A. Ballou1, D. D. Varner2, C. C. Love2, and G. Blodgett3, 1Texas for the formula. Using the new denominator of 11061 cm3 (307 in3) a
Tech University, Lubbock, 2Texas A&M University, College Station, new mean estimated weight of 108.12 ± 33.16 kg was calculated, which
36666 Ranch, Guthrie, TX.
was significantly different from weight calculated by the previous equa-
Stallion ejaculate values and variability over a breeding season based tion. The new denominator appears to be a more accurate method of
large numbers are not available for clinical and research use. Further, estimating weight in miniature horses and Shetland ponies. To validate
there are conflicting reports on the predictive value of motility for fertil- the new equation more miniature horses and Shetland ponies need to
ity in the horse. The objectives of this study were to evaluate ejaculates be evaluated.
from a large number of stallions over an entire breeding season with Key Words: weight estimation, body measurements, miniature horse
advanced techniques and to evaluate the relationships of motility to
conception rates of mares. Semen collections (n = 602) from a total of
19 stallions at a ranch in Guthrie, Texas, were evaluated over the 2008 126 Evaluation of body weight estimation methods in horses. E.
breeding season. Ejaculates were evaluated using a new advanced L. Wagner* and P. J. Tyler, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
system, the NucleoCounter (Chemometic, Allerød, Denmark) and the
Weight tapes and body weight estimation formulas are routinely used to
IVOS system (Hamilton Thorne, Beverly, USA). The mean total sperm,
help determine the body weight of a horse when a scale is not available.
concentration, and gel-free volume were 11.25 billion (±2.5), 247.6
The formula incorporates measurements of body length and heart girth
million/ml (±72.1) and 50.42 mL (±15.1), respectively. It was deter-
circumference to estimate body weight in mature horses, where estimated
mined there were high inter- and intra-stallion variability in parameters
weight (lbs), (kg) = (heartgirth2 × body length)/(330 in3), (11880 cm3).
of motility studied. Highest intra-stallion variables were moderately
Two variations of the body length measurement have been published.
progressive cells (cv = 42.7) and total concentration (cv = 37.7) and
One measures the distance from the point of the shoulder to the ischial
the least variable parameters were flagellar beat frequency (BCF) (cv =
tuberosity (point). The other measures the distance from the point of
5.7) and % linearity (cv = 8.0). Highest inter-stallion variables included
the shoulder to the midpoint of the distance between the widest part of
mount attempts (cv = 47.5) and % moderately progressive cells (cv =
the stifle and the tail when viewed from the rear (stifle). The objective
30.5), and the least variable parameters included the BCF (cv = 7.6)
of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a commercial weight tape
and % straightness (cv = 9.6). An odds-ratio procedure and backward
and the body weight estimation formula using both body length mea-
logistical regression procedure was used to calculate the influence of
surements in estimating weight of adult horses. Seventy-one horses of
motility and concentration parameters on the pregnancy outcome. A total
various breeds were weighed on a portable livestock scale. Horses were
of 328 on-the farm mares were bred by A.I. with a 91% pregnancy rate.
measured for height at the withers, heart girth circumference and body
No correlation between motility parameters and the pregnancy binomial
length using the point and stifle measurements. A commercial weight
status was found; however, all stallions were very fertile and the on-site
tape was used to estimate body weight on 36 of the horses. Statistical
breedings were under consistent management. In summary, this study
analysis was performed by paired t-tests and simple linear regression
has provided important clinical standards on ejaculate values based on a
using STATA statistical software with significance set at P < 0.05. Mean
large group of ejaculates using advanced techniques. These values have
height was 159.34 ± 9.27 cm with a mean scale weight of 516.94 ± 81.93
important clinical implications for more accurate standards within the
kg. Point body length was significantly longer than stifle body length
breeding soundness examination of the stallion.
(170.56 ± 9.27 cm and 161.99 ± 8.14 cm, respectively).This resulted
Key Words: stallion, spermatozoa, motility in a significant difference between the formula estimated weights using
the 2 length measurements. The 2 formula weight estimations (n = 71)
204 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and the weight tape estimation (n = 36) were significantly different from 39.74 kg for the stifle measurement. The estimation formula using body
the actual weight and from each other. The mean difference between length measurement with the ischial tuberosity endpoint most closely
actual weight and tape weight (n = 36) was 65.35 ± 46.23 kg, whereas estimates the actual body weight of the horses.
the differences between actual weight and the formula estimations (n
Key Words: horse, weight estimation
= 71) were 19.83 ± 38.99 kg for the point measurement and 43.44 ±
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 205
National ADSA Dairy Foods Oral: Dairy Foods Oral Student Competition
127 The effect of sodium gluconate on pH, lactose, lactic and, and manufactured from whey with starter culture compared with WPC
water soluble Ca changes during Cheddar cheese ripening. C. Pha- from rennet-set whey. WPC with annatto had higher concentrations of
dungath*1 and L. E. Metzger2, 1Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center, p-xylene, diacetyl, pentanal, and decanal (P < 0.05) compared with WPC
University of Minnesota, St Paul, 2Midwest Dairy Foods Research without annatto. Interactions (P < 0.05) were observed between starter
Center, South Dakota State University, Brookings. and annatto for hexanal, suggesting that annatto may have an antioxidant
effect when present in whey made with starter culture.
Sodium gluconate increases the solubility of calcium late in model solu-
tions by forming soluble sodium-lactate-gluconate complexes. However, Key Words: whey, antioxidant, flavor
its effect on the main components responsible for calcium lactate crystals
in Cheddar cheese, which are lactic acid and water soluble calcium,
has not been reported. The objective of this study was to determine the 129 Exopolysaccharides modify the functional properties of whey
effect of sodium gluconate on pH, lactose, lactic acid, and water soluble protein concentrate. G. Deep* and A. Hassan, Midwest Dairy Foods
Ca changes during Cheddar cheese ripening. Six Cheddar cheeses with Research Center, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State Uni-
2 salting levels (2 and 2.5%) and 3 sodium gluconate levels (0, 0.5 versity, Brookings.
and 1%) were manufactured in triplicate. Composition and chemical The objective was to study the effect of exopolysaccharides (EPS) on the
analysis was performed at 1 week of ripening, and at 1 week, 3, 6, 9, functional properties of whey protein concentrate (WPC). Exopolysac-
and 12 mo of ripening. Cheeses were analyzed for pH, lactose and lactic charides producing cultures are used to improve the physical properties
acid, and water soluble calcium (WSC). Compositional analyses at 1 of reduced fat cheeses. It was hypothesized that EPS released in the whey
week indicated that sodium gluconate addition had a significant effect would modify the functional properties of WPC due to their interaction
on cheese pH, moisture, Na, lactose, and lactic acid. Cheddar cheeses with whey proteins. An EPS-producing culture of Lactococcus lactis
from both 2% and 2.5% salt levels with higher concentration of sodium ssp. cremoris (JFR), an EPS-producing culture of Streptococcus ther-
gluconate exhibited higher pH than the control cheeses throughout the mophilus (DP) and an EPS-nonproducing commercial cheese culture
ripening time, which corresponded to the concentration of lactic acid (DVS 850) were used in this study. Cultures were grown overnight in
in the cheeses. HPLC results from Cheddar cheeses from both 2% and reconstituted WPC (10% w/w) which was then added, directly or after
2.5% salt levels indicated that cheeses with higher concentration of overnight cooling, at 2% to rehydrated dry whey (6% w/w). This gave
sodium gluconate addition had higher concentration of lactose, but lower a level of EPS similar to that found in whey from cheese made with
concentration of lactic acid when compared with the control cheeses EPS-producing cultures. Whey was then pasteurized at 75°C for 35 s
throughout the ripening time. WSC results indicated that Cheddar and ultrafiltered 5 times. Ultrafiltered whey (retentate) was spray dried
cheeses from both 2% and 2.5% salt levels with higher concentration at inlet and outlet air temperatures of 200°C and 90°C, respectively.
of sodium gluconate addition had lower WSC concentration when The protein level in WPC was about 32%. Results showed that EPS
compared with the control cheeses throughout the ripening time. From decreased (P < 0.05) the minimum gelling concentration and protein
the results, we concluded that sodium gluconate could have an effect denaturation, and increased emulsifying capacity and gel hardness of
on starter culture activity and could also act as buffering agent, which WPC. Exopolysaccharides from DP culture showed more pronounced
would cause a higher cheese pH. A higher cheese pH resulted in less changes in functionality of WPC than did EPS from the JFR culture.
soluble of calcium in the cheese serum; thus, resulting in less calcium Cooling of the fermented medium containing EPS, before its addition
and lactate ions in the cheese serum. to whey, increased (P < 0.05) gel hardness and emulsifying capacity of
Key Words: calcium lactate crystal, water soluble calcium, sodium WPC. This is possibly due to effect of cooling on interactions within EPS
gluconate molecules and between EPS and proteins. This study demonstrated that
application of EPS-producing cultures in cheese making modified the
functional properties of WPC. Further studies will be directed toward
128 The impact of starter culture and annatto on the flavor and understanding the effect of EPS structure and their interaction with whey
functionality of whey protein concentrate. R. E. Campbell*, R. E. protein on WPC functionality.
Miracle, and M. A. Drake, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
Key Words: exopolysaccharides, whey protein concentrate, functional
The flavor of whey protein can carry through into ingredient applications properties
and negatively influence consumer acceptance. Understanding sources
of flavors in whey protein is crucial to minimize flavor. The objective of
this study was to evaluate the impact of annatto color and starter culture 130 Evaluation of the effects of cheese milk fat content on the
on flavor of whey protein concentrate (WPC). Cheddar cheese whey lipid composition and flavor of liquid whey and whey protein
with and without annatto (15mL/454kg with 3% norbixin content) was concentrate. A. E. Croissant*1, L. Dean2, and M. A. Drake1, 1North
manufactured using a mesophilic lactic starter culture or by addition Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2USDA-ARS, North Carolina State
of lactic acid and rennet (rennet-set). Pasteurized fat-separated whey University, Raleigh.
was then ultrafiltered and spray dried into WPC62. The experiment was Lipid oxidation is generally considered the most important degradation
replicated 4 times. Flavor of liquid wheys was evaluated by sensory and process to food products, and whey products are no exception. Ongo-
instrumental volatile analyses, and sensory and instrumental analyses, ing research has established that lipid oxidation is initiated during the
color analyses (Hunter Lab and norbixin extraction) and functionality cheese make process. A relationship between lipids and phospholipids
(solubility and heat stability) were performed on WPC. Both main effects and flavor and flavor stability of WPC80 has not been established. The
(annatto, starter) and interactions were investigated. No differences objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of 3 milk fat levels in
in sensory properties or functionality were observed among WPC (P cheese milk on the lipid composition of fluid whey and WPC80 and
> 0.05). Lipid oxidation compounds were higher (P < 0.05) in WPC subsequent effects on flavor and flavor stability. WPC80 was manufac-
206 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
tured from uncolored Cheddar whey in triplicate. For each replication, Kethireddipalli*, A. R. Hill, and D. G. Dalgleish, University of Guelph,
pasteurized whole, low fat, and skim milk (3.25, 1, and 0.25% milk fat, Guelph, ON, Canada.
respectively) were acquired from a single batch of milk. Spray dried
Heat-induced complexes of whey protein (WP) and κ-casein (κ-CN)
WPC80 was produced from each milk on successive days and order was
can impair rennet clotting of native casein micelles; coagulation can be
balanced between replications. WPC80 were evaluated by sensory and
mostly restored by dialyzing the complex–laden serum against unheated
instrumental analyses as well as proximate analyses. Lipid concentra-
milk (to be published). The present study investigated the mechanism
tions in WPC80 from whole, low fat, and skim milk were 5.03, 3.90,
of interaction between casein micelles and WP/κ-CN complexes during
and 3.45%, respectively. Whole milk WPC80 was higher in cardboard
renneting of heat-treated milk. Native casein micelles were separated
flavor (P < 0.05) compared with low fat and skim WPC80. WPC80 from
from unheated skim milk and re–suspended in the serum of heated
whole milk also had higher relative abundances of oxidation reaction
(90°C, 10 min) milk, with and without dialysis of the serum against
products including heptanal, hexanal, octanal, nonanal, and 1-octen-3-
unheated milk. Using size exclusion chromatography, it was found that
one (P < 0.05) compared with low fat and skim WPC. Results indicate
in both milk systems, the WP/κ-CN complexes progressively bind to the
that cheese milk lipid concentration does impact the lipid composition
casein micelles as renneting proceeded. At about 85% κ-CN cleavage
of WPC as well as the flavor and volatile compounds associated with
(caseinomacropeptide was quantified), the protein complex peak area
lipid oxidation. Currently, low and reduced-fat cheese whey streams
decreased by 30 ± 5% and at 90% cleavage (prior to onset of clotting),
are combined with full-fat cheese whey streams in WPC manufactur-
peak area reduction was 50 ± 4%. In the absence of micelles, renneting
ing. Reduced-fat cheese production is situated to increase greatly given
of protein complexes in isolation showed no significant self aggrega-
the growing consumer and governmental interest in fat reduction. The
tion, even when 90% κ-CN had been proteolyzed. Enzyme treatment
examination of the impact of reduced-fat cheese production on the flavor
of the dialyzed serum, however, resulted in significant aggregation of
and lipid composition of whey protein concentrates has the potential to
complexes (20 ± 2% at about 90% κ-CN cleavage), but to a much lesser
influence the creation of a value-added whey protein product.
extent than when casein micelles were present. Similar trends were
Key Words: WPC, lipids, low fat noted when casein micelles from milk heated at native pH 6.7 (some
surface-bound WP/κ-CN complexes), pH 7.1 (nearly complex-free
micelle surface) or pH 6.3 (complex-saturated surface) were suspended
131 Growth and production of volatile compounds by Lactobacil- in the serum of heated milk. No matter what the micelle surface was,
lus casei in Cheddar cheese extract under cheddar cheese ripening all micelles were capable of binding more serum protein complexes in
condition. H. Cai*1, M. Budinich1, W. Tan1, E. Miracle2, J. Broadbent3, the course of renneting. These results are strong evidence that impaired
M. A. Drake2, and J. Steele1, 1University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2North rennet clotting of native casein micelles suspended in the serum of heated
Carolina State University, Raleigh, 3Utah State University, Logan. milk is due to the binding of WP/κ–CN complexes to the micelle surface
Lactobacillus casei are commonly used as adjunct cultures for the control prior to the onset of micelle aggregation, thereby sterically impairing
of off-flavors, as well as the intensification and acceleration of beneficial the aggregation process. For reasons possibly related to ionic equilibria,
flavors in bacterial-ripened cheeses. In this study, 22 Lb. casei strains heat-induced protein complexes in serum dialyzed against unheated milk
were screened in a model system for attributes likely to influence their are less detrimental to micelle fusion.
potential to serve as adjunct cultures for the manufacture of Cheddar Key Words: whey protein/κ-casein complexes, heated milk, rennet
cheese. The model system used was 4-mo-old Cheddar cheese extract
supplemented with citrate (4mCCE–cit) and the experiment was con-
ducted under Cheddar cheese ripening condition (pH5.1, 3.1% NaCl, 133 Starter cultures and cattle feed manipulation enhance con-
and 8°C). The attributes screened for were the ability to dominate the jugated linoleic acid levels in Cheddar cheese. M. S. Mohan*,
NSLAB microbiota, produce volatile flavor compounds, and hydrolyze S. Anand, K. F. Kalscheur, and A. N. Hassan, Midwest Dairy Foods
bitter peptides. None of the Lb. casei strains examined could degrade Research Center, South Dakota State University, Brookings.
the model bitter peptide β-CN(f193–209) under the condition examined.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid that provides several
Six strains (A2-309, CRF28, L9, M36, UW1 and UW4) exhibited
health benefits to humans. In our previous research, a CLA-producing
growth parameters in the model system, relatively short lag phase,
starter culture of Lactococcus lactis (CI4b) increased the CLA content
rapid growth rates, and high final cell densities, likely to be associated
in Cheddar cheese. Addition of fish oil to cattle diets has also been
with the ability to dominate the NSLAB microbiota of Cheddar cheese.
reported to increase the CLA content in milk. Thus, it was hypothesized
Significant increases in 2,3-butanedione accumulation was observed
that the use of the CLA-positive starter (CI4b) along with high CLA
with 7 of the Lb. casei strains examined; 2,3-butanedione is strongly
milk (obtained through dietary manipulation in cattle) would enhance
associated with the beneficial buttery note in young Cheddar cheese.
the CLA content in Cheddar cheese. A diet containing fish oil (0.75%
Significant decreases in phenylethanal concentrations were observed
of dry matter) was fed to 32 dairy cows grouped in a pen for 15 d. This
for 9 strains and significant increases in phenylethanol concentrations
increased the CLA cis-9, trans-11 (CLA1) and CLA trans-10, cis-12
were also observed for 9 strains. The use of culture adjuncts that reduce
(CLA2) content from 0.8 and 0.13 g/100 g of fatty acids in the normal
the level of phenylethanal would likely result in Cheddar cheese with
milk to 1.22 and 0.27 g/100g fatty acids in the treatment milk, respec-
a reduced rosy note. The results of this study provided a starting point
tively. A 2 × 2 factorial treatment design was used to test the effect of
for the rational selection of culture adjuncts to control cheese flavor
culture (DVS vs. CI4b) and type of milk (normal vs. treatment milk) on
development in Cheddar cheese.
CLA content in Cheddar Cheese. A commercial cheese starter (DVS)
Key Words: Lactobacillus casei, volatile, Cheddar cheese ripening was selected as the CLA nonproducing culture. Chemical composition
(moisture, salt, fat, protein) of cheese was not affected by the type of
culture used (P > 0.05). The textural properties (hardness, gumminess,
132 Interaction between casein micelles and serum protein/κ– chewiness) showed an interaction between milk and culture (P < 0.05)
casein complexes during renneting of heat–treated skim milk. P. in the 1 mo old cheese. The 1 mo old cheese made from normal milk
with DVS culture, normal milk with CI4b culture, treatment milk with
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 207
DVS culture and treatment milk with CI4b culture contained 0.34, 0.39, the fermentation, a set of genes located in 5 clusters, some of which
1.03, 1.10 (±0.09) of CLA1 concentration and 0.06, 0.10, 0.18, 0.21 have previously been associated with stress protection, were signifi-
(±0.13) of CLA2 concentration (g/100 g of fatty acid), respectively. The cantly expressed. These consisted of the dnaK and ibpA gene clusters,
treatment milk resulted in increased (P < 0.01) CLA1 and CLA2, while groL, a predicted gene BLD_1532, and genes encoding the F0F1-type
the CI4b culture increased only CLA2 levels (P = 0.03) in cheese. The ATP synthase. These 5 gene clusters were defined as the bifidobacteria
results indicated that the combination of a CLA producing starter culture stress regulon for yogurt fermentation and 4 genes were selected for
and dietary manipulated milk could enhance levels of CLA (CLA1 + further analysis using real-time PCR. Primers and TaqMan probes were
CLA2) in Cheddar cheese by up to 3.3 times. designed to monitor the expression of these genes when the culture was
exposed to milk and media supplemented with glucose or lactose and
Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, fish oil, cheddar cheese
when the pH was decreased to 4.5. As the pH dropped in the media, low
upregulation (<2 times) was observed in all the tested genes, except for
134 Transcriptional stress responses to hydrogen peroxide in ibpA, which was 8 times higher at the final pH (4.5) compared with the
Bifidobacterium longum. T. S. Oberg*1, J. L. Steele2, S. C. Ingham2, initial pH (6.4). However, when the cells sensed the pH drop in milk,
and J. R. Broadbent1, 1Utah State University, Logan, 2University of they responded by upregulating ibpA and BLD_1532 by 30 and 5 times
Wisconsin, Madison. respectively. The expression of ibpA is induced by acid stress and milk
components, other than lactose. A low pH in milk upregulates ibpA at a
Commercial application of bifidobacteria probiotics in function foods higher level than the presence of acid by itself and BLD_1532 expres-
has increased dramatically in recent years. Due to the anaerobic nature sion is upregulated at low pH only when milk components are present.
of bifidobacteria, however, oxidative stress can significantly diminish This suggests that the higher expression of these stress-induced genes
viability of bifidobacteria during food production and storage. To better in milk may afford a protective effect on bifidobacteria from acid or
understand mechanisms for oxidative stress resistance in these cells, other stresses.
we examined the transcriptional stress responses to hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) of Bifidobacterium longum NCC2705, a strain that exhibits Key Words: bifidobacteria, probiotics, microarray
oxidative stress resistance, and B. longum D2957, a strain that does
not. Bacteria were grown in MP5 medium to late logarithmic phase
136 Impact of color of low fat Cheddar cheese on consumer prefer-
under anaerobic conditions with pH control, then suspended in MP5
ence. R. Wadhwani*, D. J. McMahon, and C. Maughan, Utah State
with 0.625 mM H2O2 and incubated 5 or 20 min (NCC2705) or for 5
University, Logan.
or 60 min (D2957). mRNA was isolated from each sample, converted
to cDNA, and hybridized to a custom made Affymetrix DNA array. To observe if color impacts low fat cheese consumer preference, 9
Three biological replicates of each treatment were performed. The batches of low fat Cheddar cheeses were manufactured at USU with
microarray data was preprocessed using the RMA-MS method, filtered 3 different levels of annatto (0, 7.34, and 22 g/100 kg) and TiO2 (0,
to only include genes with high signal intensity and a low coefficient 7.67, and 40 g/100 kg) in a 3 × 3 completely randomized block design
of variation, then tested for differential expression using the limma/ and aged 60 d before consumer liking assessment. The IRB approved
eBayes method (P value <0.05). Results showed B. longum NCC2705 consumer panel was conducted with 120 panelists recruited from the
had 316 genes that were differentially expressed after the 5-min treat- vicinity through newspaper advertisements, emails, and flyers. Panel-
ment and 131 differentially expressed genes after the 20-min treatment. ists evaluation and responses were recorded anonymously in computers
In contrast, D2957 had only 24 and 116 differentially expressed genes using SIMS 2000 program. Population studied were 18 to 35 years of
after the 5-and 60-min treatments, respectively. Both strains showed age with >60% were frequent cheese consumers. Among 9 combina-
upregulation of genes associated with an oxidative stress response, tions, cheese with no color, intermediate and maximum level of annatto
including thioredoxin reductase, peroxiredoxin, ferridoxin and glu- and TiO2 combination were rated significantly higher for overall liking
taredoxin. However, NCC2705 showed more extensive upregulation than other combinations (P < 0.05) on a 9-point hedonic scale of degree
of genes involved in transcription regulation, a greater number of of liking. Interestingly, maximum level of TiO2 when added singly,
downregulated genes involved in sugar transport and metabolism, and was rated higher (6.27) along with the combination of both TiO2 and
several other differences. These observations provide a platform for annatto, however, annatto when added singly, was rated significantly
future functional genomics research to determine the molecular basis lower (4.82). Regarding the flavor and appearance liking, exactly same
for differences that are observed in oxidative stress resistance among responses were observed and both intermediate and maximum levels
strains of B. longum. of both colors in combination and maximum level of TiO2 were rated
significantly higher than other levels tested. However, texture rating was
Key Words: probiotics, bifidobacteria, oxidative stress
slightly different than previous attributes. For texture liking, consumers
did not prefer the maximum level of TiO2 and rated significantly lower
135 Positive influence of milk on the expression of some stress- (5.52) than intermediate and maximum levels. Panelists were also asked
induced genes in Bifidobacterium longum. W. Dominguez* and D. to evaluate these samples for the sharpness level on a 4-point scale
J. O’Sullivan, University of Minnesota. where 1 = mild and 4 = extra sharp. The panelists rated maximum level
of TiO2 as significantly milder (1.48) and maximum level of annatto
The objective of this study is to define the genes encompassing the as significantly sharper (2.76) than other levels of color (P < 0.05). All
yogurt fermentation stress regulon in B. longum DJO10A. A genome- panelists unanimously responded that these samples contained 24–26%
wide microarray analysis was conducted on total RNA from samples fat when asked to assume the fat level wherein reality they all contained
taken at different time points during a yogurt fermentation with B. 6% fat. This study clearly indicated a significant impact of color on
longumDJO10A. A control yogurt fermentation revealed that cross- overall liking of Cheddar cheese and consumers’ responses were driven
hybridization of the yogurt starter culture transcripts with the microarray by the appearance of cheese.
was essentially negligible under these fermentation conditions. During
Key Words: color, Cheddar, liking
208 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: Amino Acids 1
137 Dietary supplementation of L-glutamine and L-glutamate to produced (0.71, 0.80, 0.89, 0.97, 1.06, and 1.15%). The minimum
newly hatched broiler chickens. Y. Zhao*1, P. R. Ferket1, G. Wu2, ideal essential amino acid ratios were maintained between the 8 diets;
K. Nakagawa3, and S. W. Kim1, 1North Carolina State University, however, the dietary CP changed by an increment of 1.41% as the level
Raleigh, 2Texas A&M University, College Station, 3Ajinomoto Co. Inc., of dLys changed. Broken-line regression analyses estimated the dLys
Tokyo, Japan. requirement per bird in the withdrawal phase to be 24.45 g for body
weight gain, 28.56 g for feed consumption, 25.61 g for feed conversion,
This study was conducted to evaluate effects of supplemental L-glu- and 25.28 g for total white meat yield (Pectoralis major and minor). The
tamine (Gln) and L-glutamate (Glu) on growth and physiological dLys requirement as a % of diet for body weight, feed consumption,
responses in broiler chickens. Within 8 h after hatching (36.1 ± 1.1 g feed conversion and total white meat was 0.86, 1.07, 0.91 and 0.90,
BW), 480 broiler chickens were allotted randomly to 6 dietary treat- respectively. This study aids in further defining the dLys requirement
ments: NC (without Gln or Glu), GN5 (with 0.5% Gln), GN10 (with of the 35–49 d-old male, Cobb 500 fast-feathering female × Hubbard
1.0% Gln), GU5 (with 0.5% Glu), GU10 (with 1.0% Glu), and AG10 M99 male cross.
(with 1.0% AminoGut, consisting of L-Gln >10% & L-Glu >10%, Aji-
nomoto). Each treatment had 8 replicates with 10 birds per cage. Diets Key Words: broiler performance, meat yield, amino acid requirement
were fed ad libitum for 6 wk. Body weight and feed intake were mea-
sured weekly. At the end of wk 1 and 6, one bird per cage was selected
randomly to measure the weights of gut, breast muscle, thigh muscle, 139 The effect of dietary pea and amino acid levels on the perfor-
liver, and abdominal fat pad, and to obtain blood samples. Jejunum mance of broiler chickens. S. M. Ebsim*1, T. D. Warkentin2, and H.
samples from wk 1 were used to measure villus height and crypt depth. L. Classen1, 1Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University
Blood samples from wk 1 and 6 were used to measure plasma IgG and of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2Crop Develop-
IgA concentration. Initial BW did not differ among treatment groups. ment Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
During the entire period, weight gain of GN10 was greater (P < 0.05) Canada.
than those of GN5, GU5, and NC. The weight gain of AG10 was greater Pea is an important crop in Western Canada with considerable potential
(P < 0.05) than that of NC. Feed intake of birds did not differ among as a feed ingredient for broilers. Pea has also been recognized for its
treatment groups during starter, grower, and finisher phases. There was slowly degraded starch, which has been suggested to reduce the amino
no difference in feed:gain among treatment groups during the entire acid requirement of broilers. Therefore, an experiment was designed
period. At the end of wk1, villus height or crypt depth of birds did not to investigate maximum inclusion levels of pea in broiler diets and
differ among treatment groups. There were no difference in the % weight the interaction of dietary pea and amino acid inclusion. A growth trial
of each tissue among treatment groups when measured at the end of wk with 3,480 broiler chickens was conducted in a 6 × 2 factorial arrange-
1 and wk 6. Plasma IgA concentration of AG10, GN5, and GU5 were ment evaluating 6 levels of pea inclusion (0, 150, 300, 450, 600, 750
greater (P < 0.05) than that of NC at wk 6. Plasma IgG concentration g/kg) and 2 levels of amino acids (100% and 85% of Ross × Ross 308
of AG10 was greater (P < 0.05) than that of other treatment groups at requirement). Each treatment was offered to 5 pens of 58 males from 0
wk 6. This study shows potential benefits of supplemental glutamine to 35 d. No interactions were found between pea inclusion and amino
or AG to broiler chickens. acid level for all studied parameters. The higher level of amino acids
Supported by US Poultry and Egg Association and Ajinomoto Co., increased breast meat (P = 0.0267) and improved mortality corrected
Inc. feed efficiency (P = 0.0437). Pea inclusion level affected performance
in an age dependent manner. Body weight gain from 0 to 10, 10 to 25
Key Words: broilers, glutamate, glutamine and 25 to 35 d decreased when pea level exceeded 300, 600 and 600 g/
kg, respectively. Mortality corrected feed to gain ratio was increased
by pea inclusion when values exceeded 600 and 300 g/kg for 0 to 10
138 The digestible lysine requirement of Cobb 500 x Hubbard M99 and 10 to 25 d periods but was unaffected by pea level from 25 to 35 d.
male broilers from 35 to 49 days. M. D. Dimova*1, R. B. Shirley2, J. Broilers fed pea levels above 450 g/kg had reduced carcass and breast
L. Usry2, P. B. Tilman2, M. E. Freeman1, and A. J. Davis1, 1University weight (P = 0.0001) as a proportion of live weight. High levels of pea
of Georgia, Athens, 2Ajinomoto Heartland, LLC, Chicago, IL. inclusion decreased proportional breast (600 and 750 g/kg) and drum
An experiment was conducted to determine the digestible lysine (dLys) skin (750 g/kg) weight. In conclusion, maximum pea inclusion levels
requirement of the male, Cobb 500 fast-feathering female × Hubbard increase with broiler age and no interactions were found between dietary
M99 male cross during the withdrawal period (35 to 49 d of age). Day- treatments at the levels of amino acids used in this research.
of-hatch birds were randomly allotted to 96 floor pens (4 rooms, 24 pens Key Words: broilers, pea, starch, amino acid
per room, 50 chicks per pen) and reared on used litter from 3 previous
flocks. All chicks were fed the same starter (0 to 7 d), grower (7 to 21 d),
and finisher (21 to 35 d) diets and these diets were formulated to exceed 140 Effect of a mono component protease on true amino acid
the Cobb 500 guidelines. On d 35 the number of birds was adjusted digestibility of full fat soy for broiler chickens using different meth-
to 42 birds per pen and the 96 pens were assigned to one of 8 dietary ods. R. K. G. Messias1, L. F. T. Albino1, J. O. B. Sorbara*2, and H.
treatments (12 replicates per treatment, 3 replicate pens per treatment S. Rostagno1, 1Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil,
in each room). The treatment diets were derived from a common base 2DSM Nutritional Products, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
diet and common summit diet. The common base diet supplied 3,215
kcal/kg, 13.71% crude protein (CP) and 0.62% dLys, and the common Different methods have been used to determine the true amino acid
summit diet supplied 3,215 kcal/kg, 23.59% CP and 1.24% dLys. By digestibility (TAAD) of feed ingredients. All methods were always used
blending the base and summit diets, 6 intermediate levels of dLys were to estimate the TAAD of only one ingredient and were not developed to
determine the effect of an additive (ex. enzymes) on a single ingredient.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 209
Based on this, a digestibility trial was conducted to determine the effect Key Words: soybean meal origin, ileal amino acid digestibility, broil-
of 2 different methods on TAAD of full fat soy (FFS) when using a mono ers
component protease. The trial was conducted with 336 broiler chicks
from 12 to 22 d of age placed on wire cages, in a complete randomized
experimental design with 8 treatments and 6 replicates of 7 birds each. 142 Nutrient density and balanced amino acids to ME ratio
The first 4 treatments were used to evaluate the classic method using a are drivers of growth, feed efficiency and carcass yield in broiler
protein free diet (PFD) where FFS replaced 30% of starch in the PFD chickens. L. F. Romero*1 and V. Ravindran2, 1Danisco Animal Nutri-
with and without the protease addition. Treatments 5 to 8 were used to tion, Marlborough, UK, 2Massey University, Palmerston North, New
evaluate a second method. Treatment 5 was a corn soy basal diet with Zealand.
30% starch and treatment 6 was the basal diet (T5) but FFS replaced Broiler nutritionists typically consider ME, CP (%), and essential amino
the starch. Treatments 7 and 8 were the same T5 and T6 with protease acids (%) as criteria for diet formulation based on a set of recommended
addition. The mono component protease used (dose 200 ppm) was values per unit of feed mass. However, nutrient density, and balanced
RONOZYME ProAct with 75000 Prot Units/g. At 22 d all birds were amino acids to ME ratio may be better explanatory variables of animal
sacrificed and ileal digesta collected. Acid insoluble ash (Celite) was performance. Two 42-d performance trials, each with a total of 480 male
used as inert marker. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. At 22 d broilers (Ross 308) were conducted to evaluate growth, feed efficiency,
of age all birds were sacrificed and ileum content collected. The samples and carcass yield in response to 2 levels of nutrient density (Starter:
were freeze-dried at −40°C for 72 h. No interaction was observed 2,875 or 3,200 kcal ME/kg; Finisher: 3,020 or 3,315 kcal ME/kg; other
between method and protease addition. Protease addition increased (P nutrients proportional to ME), and 3 levels of digestible lysine (dlys) to
< 0.05) TAAD of FFS by 3%, 3%, 9%, 7%, 2%, 7%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 12%, ME ratios (Starter: 3.5, 3.9, 4.3 g dlys/Mcal ME; Finisher: 3.0, 3.5, 3.9
8%, 7%, 8%, 8% for Lys, Met, M+C, Thr, Val, His, Arg, Phe, Gly+Ser, g dlys/Mcal ME). Diets were based on corn, soybean meal, corn gluten
Asp, Glu, Ala, Pro, Tyr, respectively. The method with the basal diet plus ( = <5%), wheat middlings ( = <5%), and A/V fat blend (0.5–7.5%).
FFS showed 18% lower TAAD (mean sum of AAs) as compared with Other amino acids were balanced relative to lysine. Data were analyzed
the PFD method. In conclusion the protease supplementation improved as a factorial design using the Mixed Procedure of SAS. Significance
TAAD of FFS on average 6% independently of the method used. was evaluated at P < 0.05. Birds fed the low density diet exhibited a
Key Words: enzyme, nutrition, method lower BW gain from 0 to 42 d compared with birds on the high density
diet (3,252 g vs. 3,346 g; P < 0.05). Increments of dlys:ME resulted
in significant increments of BW gain from 3,133 to 3,328 and 3,435 g.
141 Ileal digestibility of the amino acids of soybean meals of dif- Increasing dlys:ME resulted in linear reductions of feed per gain, both in
ferent origin in broilers. M. Frikha1, M. P. Serrano1, D. G. Valencia2, high and low density diets, ranging from 1.66 g/g in low dlys:ME x low
C. Centeno3, R. Lázaro1, and G. G. Mateos*1, 1Universidad Politécnica ME to 1.44 g/g in high dlys:ME × high ME diets. High density increased
de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Nutral S.A., Madrid, Spain, 3CSIC, Madrid, caloric intake (16.22 Mcal/bird) versus low density diets (15.29 Mcal/
Spain. bird). Low density diets had reduced caloric conversion (4.71 kcal/g
BW) compared with high density diets (4.85 kcal/g BW). Caloric con-
A trial was conducted to determine the apparent (AID) and standardized
version linearly decreased with increments in dlys:ME (4.97, 4.77 and
(SID) ileal digestibility of CP and AA of 22 soybean meals (SBM) from 3
4.60 kcal/g BW). Carcass and breast yields increased, and abdominal
different origins; USA, Brazil (BRA), and Argentina (ARG) in 21-d-old
fat yield decreased with increasing dlys:ME ratios, in both low and high
broilers. There were 7 to 8 samples of SBM per origin and 6 replicates
ME diets. More predictable responses of broiler performance by the use
(6 chicks each) per each SBM sample. On DM bases, the average CP
of nutrient density and dlys:ME as flexible criteria in diet formulations
was 53.5, 55.3, and 52.3% for USA (n = 8), BRA (n = 7), and ARG
will enable accurate profit optimization of broiler operations.
(n = 7) meals, respectively. The concentration of Lys and Met per unit
of protein was highest (P < 0.01) for the USA meal and lowest for the Key Words: amino acid, broiler chicken, diet optimization
BRA meal with ARG meal being intermediate. The KOH solubility was
higher for USA than for BRA and ARG meals (86.5, 82.8, and 80.0%;
(P < 0.05) but trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) was similar for all origins 143 Digestible lysine requirements of Cobb × Cobb 700 male
(3.0 mg/g DM). Chicks were fed a commercial corn-soybean meal diet broilers from twenty-eight to forty-two days of age. W. A. Dozier
from 1 to 17 d and then, their respective experimental diets, with the III*1, A. Corzo2, M. T. Kidd2, and P. B. Tillman3, 1Auburn University,
SBM tested as the only source of CP (20%), from 18 to 21 d of age. In Auburn, AL, 2Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, 3Ajinomoto
addition, a N-free diet was used to estimate ileal endogenous losses of Heartland LLC, Chicago, IL.
the AA in 6 extra replicates. The AID of the 22 SBM samples ranged Research addressing digestible (dig) Lys requirement data of modern
from 82.9 to 88.0 for CP, from 85.0 to 90.5 for Lys, and from 66.4 to broilers from 4 to 6 wk of age is limited. This study examined growth
75.0 for Cys. In general, the AID of CP and of most indispensable AA and meat yield responses of broilers provided experimental diets vary-
were similar for USA and BRA SBM meals and for both higher ((P < ing in dig Lys, to determine the dig Lys requirements, from 28 to 42 d
0.01) than for ARG meal (i.e., 88.2 and 88.1 vs. 86.7 for Lys and 88.0 of age. Three-thousand male Cobb × Cobb 700 chicks were randomly
and 89.1 vs. 86.6 for Met, respectively). The SID values of the 22 SBM distributed into floor pens at 1 d of age and were fed common starter and
samples ranged from 89.3 to 94.6 for CP, from 90.1 to 94.9 for Lys, and grower diets until 28 d of age. At 28 d of age, all pens were equalized
from 78.5 to 85.4 for Cys. The SID values of most indispensable AA with 23 birds (0.09 m2/bird) and fed the experimental diets until 42 d of
were similar for USA and BRA meals and higher for both ((P < 0.05) age. Two diets (dilution and summit) consisting of corn, soybean meal,
than for the ARG meal (i.e., 93.0 and 92.7 vs. 91.8 for Lys and 95.6 meat and bone meal, and peanut meal were formulated to be adequate
and 96.9 vs. 94.9 for Met). It is concluded that the ileal digestibility in all other amino acids. The dilution and summit diets were blended
of CP and AA varies considerably among commercial SBM samples. to create 7 intermediate diets, for a total of 9 titration diets. A control
In fact, in this study, USA and BRA SBM had a higher AID and SID diet containing adequate dig Lys was used for comparison with the titra-
than ARG SBM. tion diets. Each treatment was represented by 12 replicate pens. Body
210 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
weight gain, feed intake, dig Lys intake, dig Lys intake/BW gain, feed 379, 351, and 344 g/d; P = 0.03) and G:F (0.62, 0.54, 0.56, 0.52, and
conversion, mortality, carcass yields, and physiological parameters were 0.50; P < 0.01) were linearly decreased, but ADFI (615, 718, 682, 675,
assessed during experimentation. Dig Lys requirements were estimated and 696 g/d) was not affected. The results of this research indicate that
using a quadratic broken-line model. Dig Lys requirement for male Cobb up to 0.298% supplemental L-Lys along with supplemental Thr, Met,
× Cobb 700 broilers ranged from 0.965 to 1.030% for BW gain, feed and Trp can be added in diets for 7-kg pigs without affecting ADG, but
conversion, carcass weight, total breast meat weight, and total breast G:F is reduced at levels greater than 0.198% supplemental Lys.
meat yield. Dig Lys requirements for male Cobb × Cobb 700 broilers
Key Words: amino acids, pig, nursery
were estimated at 0.995% based upon averages of live performance
and meat yield responses. These data support a higher dig Lys require-
ment of male broilers from 28 to 42 d of age on a percentage basis than 145 Well-fed piglets prefer amino acids that elicit umami taste. G.
previous research as noted by less feed intake per unit of BW gain and Tedo*1, E. Roura1, M. Reina2, J. L. Ruiz-de la Torre3, and X. Manteca3,
a greater meat accretion rate. 1Lucta SA, Barcelona, Spain, 2Celltec-University of Barcelona, Barce-
Key Words: amino acid, broiler, lysine lona, Spain, 3Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Pigs perceive the umami taste via the pT1r1/pT1r3 receptor present in
their tongue. In vitro studies, using a proprietary cell reporter system
144 Maximizing the use of supplemental amino acids in diets for
(CRS) that expresses this heterodimer, showed that it is tuned to detect
7-kg pigs. V. D. Naranjo*1, T. D. Bidner1, R. L. Payne2, and L. L
amino acids (AA). The objectives of this work were (1) to evaluate
Southern1, 1LSU Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, 2Evonik-Degussa
preferences of piglets for AA and (2) to correlate preference data with
Corporation, Kennesaw, GA.
outcomes from the CRS for the same AA. Forty-eight weaned piglets
Three (14-d) experiments were conducted to determine the Lys require- (10.7 ± 1.20 Kg of BW, mixed sexes) were distributed in pairs/pen, with
ment of 7-kg pigs and then to determine the maximum level of supple- ad libitum access to water and pelleted starter feed (2521Kcal NE/Kg,
mental L-Lys along with DL-Met, L-Thr, and L-Trp that can be added 19.1% CP, 1.32% Lys). Preferences were assessed using a double-choice
in these diets. In all experiments, pigs were fed a common diet during model that consisted of 10-min training sessions conducted twice daily
wk-1 post-weaning. On d 7, pigs were blocked by initial BW and sex, (9AM, 12PM) over 2 consecutive days followed by 2-min test sessions
and littermates were balanced across treatments. In Exp. 1 (5 reps of 3 conducted twice daily (9AM, 12PM) over 5 d. During training, plain
or 4 pigs per pen; initial BW = 7.4 ± 1.2 kg), pigs were fed corn-soybean and sweetened (500mM sucrose) water were offered simultaneously
meal-peanut meal (C-SBM-PM) diets containing 0.754, 0.879, 1.004, in stainless steel containers (250g/container); whereas, in test sessions,
1.129, and 1.254% standardized ileal digestible (SID) Lys. A positive water was offered along with water (control) and 50mM solutions of
control (PC) diet without PM contained 1.254% SID Lys. Daily gain monosodium glutamate (MSG), D,L-Met, Gly, L-Ala, L-Gln, L-Glu,
(257, 329, 364, 399, 440; 449 g/d), ADFI (620, 781, 700, 737, 804; 782 L-Lys, L-Thr and L-Trp. Preference (%) data [g test solution / (g test
g/d), and G:F (0.42, 0.42, 0.52, 0.54, 0.55; 0.57) were linearly increased solution + g water) x 100] were analyzed using a mixed model approach
(P < 0.01) as SID Lys increased. Based on ADG, the SID Lys requirement that included the effects of pen (random), day, time, and treatment. Pre-
was estimated at 1.221% (P = 0.02). In Exp. 2 (5 pens of 4 pigs per pen; ferred solutions (P < 0.01) were MSG (79.6 ± 2.03), Glu (79.8 ± 2.45),
initial BW = 6.30 ± 0.8 kg) and Exp. 3 (5 reps of 4 pigs per pen; initial Lys (77.2 ± 3.91), Gln (73.4 ± 3.37) and Ala (67.6 ± 4.46), whereas
BW = 6.9 ± 1.0 kg), C-SBM diets were formulated to contain 1.221% Trp (25.6 ± 4.40) was rejected. Additionally, solutions of Met (64.4 ±
SID Lys. Only supplemental Met, Thr, and Trp were added to the diets 9.58), Gly (59.9 ± 4.41) and Thr (49.5 ± 10.05) were not different from
to keep a constant ratio to Lys. In Exp.2, dietary treatments included 6 control (46.1 ± 3.18). Results from CRS were positively correlated (R
levels of supplemental L-Lys: 0, 0.049, 0.099, 0.149, 0.198, and 0.248%. = 0.92, P < 0.05) with preferences of Ala, Gln, Glu and MSG. Lys was
There were no linear or quadratic effects (P > 0.10) in ADG (358, 361, also preferred but did not stimulate the umami receptor. In summary,
386, 357, 351, and 356 g/d), ADFI (861, 786, 856, 822, 819, and 893 well-fed piglets mainly preferred AA that stimulated the umami taste
g/d), or G:F (0.42, 0.47, 0.46, 0.44, 0.43, and 0.41) of supplemental receptor expressed in the CRS. Therefore, the umami taste has a positive
L-Lys. In Exp. 3, dietary treatments included 5 levels of supplemental hedonic (pleasant) valence (value) for pigs.
L-Lys: 0.198, 0.248, 0.298, 0.347, and 0.397%. Daily gain (376, 384,
Key Words: umami, amino acids, intake
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 211
Nonruminant Nutrition: Dietary Fat
146 Effect of fat source and levels, with lysophospholipids, on respectively), but fat yield did not differ between the sexes (9.4 and 10.0
broiler performance, fatty acid digestibility and apparent metaboliz- kg/bird, respectively). Similarly, diet did not affect the total amount of
able energy content in feed. B. K. Zhang*1, H. T. Li2, Y. M. Guo1, oil produced after rendering, which averaged 6.8 kg/bird. Analysis of
and D. Q. Zhao1, 1China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 2Kemin fatty composition of the oil is currently underway. These results indicate
Industries Co. Ltd, Zhuhai, China. that, unlike chickens, neither the source nor the level of fat in the diet
affected the amount of fat deposition in emus.
Three fat sources (soybean oil, tallow, and poultry fat), at 2 levels of
addition (24 or 30 g/kg diet) with or without a lysophospholipid emulsi- Key Words: emu, fat production, dietary fat
fier (0 or 500 mg/kg) were incorporated into broiler feed. A total of 504
one day-old male Arbor Acres broiler chickens were randomly allocated
to 12 treatments with 7 replicates of 6 birds each. The experimental 148 Whole body retention of highly unsaturated n-3 fatty acids
period lasted 21 d. The lysophospholipid emulsifier (LPL) was a com- (HUFA) and apparent conversion from 18:3n-3 are independent of
mercial powder preparation mainly containing lysophosphatidylcholine. body weight in pigs fed flaxseed diets. H. R. Martínez Ramírez*1, J.
The performance of the broilers, fatty acid digestibility and apparent K. G. Kramer2, and C. F. M. de Lange1, 1Centre for Nutritional Model-
metabolizable energy (AME) of the feed was studied. The source of fat ing, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph,
had a clear effect (P < 0.01) on body weight gain and feed conversion Guelph, ON, Canada, N1G2W1, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
ratio. Body weight gain was lower (P < 0.01) for broilers fed diets con- Guelph, ON, Canada, N1G5C9.
taining tallow than for those fed diets containing soybean oil or poultry A total of 28 Yorkshire growing gilts were used in a serial slaughter
fat. Levels of fat addition did not significantly influence the body weight study to determine the content of n-3 fatty acid (FA) and the apparent
gain of broilers. The addition of LPL increased the body weight gain of conversion (AC) of 18:3n-3 to HUFAs (18:4n-3, 20:3n-3, 20:5n-3,
broilers (P = 0.030) and also increased the AME (P < 0.05) and AMEn 22:5n-3, 22:6n-3) on a whole body basis, fed 3 feeding programs (n =
(P < 0.05) of the diets. The LPL enhanced body weight gain for chickens 8). Four pigs were slaughtered at 25 kg BW to determine initial body
fed the poultry fat diet (563 g vs. 539.5 g), and to a lesser extent with the composition. Corn-wheat-soy based diets were fed to growing gilts
tallow diet (532.5 vs. 514.5 g), but not for the birds given the soybean oil containing ground flaxseed (FS): T1, FS diet (10%) between 25 and
diet. The sources of fat had a clear effect (P < 0.01) on the digestibility 50 kg BW, and control diets (C, low in n-3 FA) thereafter until 110 kg
of most fatty acids. Addition of LPL increased digestibility of C16:0, BW; T2, C between 25 and 85 kg BW, and FS diet (6%) thereafter until
and C18:0 fatty acids in the starter period (P < 0.05), but had no effect 110 kg BW; and T3, C between 25 and 110 kg BW. Feed intake was
on the digestibility of the other fatty acids under the conditions tested. fixed at 95% of the voluntary feed intake according to NRC (1998).
The AME and AMEn of the diets were not significantly affected by Pigs on T1 and T2 consumed equal amounts of FS (5.1 vs. 5.2 kg, P
sources of fat (P > 0.05), but were significantly improved by LPL (P < > 0.10). The FA content in whole body was expressed as mg/100 g of
0.05). The digestibility of CP and DM were not affected (P > 0.05) by empty BW. No treatment effect was observed for growth performance,
LPL, fat sources or the levels of fat addition. There was no significant composition of growth, and chemical and physical body composition
interaction between growth parameters, digestibility and AME of the across treatments (P > 0.05). Contents of 18:3n-3 and HUFA were
diets (P > 0.05). These data indicated that the effect of LPL on broiler larger in T1 and T2 than T3 (P < 0.05), except for 22:6n-3. Content of
performance was dependent upon the types of dietary fat. 18:3n-3 was lower in T1 than T2 (522 vs. 611; P < 0.01), whereas no
Key Words: lysophospholipids, fats, broiler such effect was observed for either total HUFA (136 vs. 140; P > 0.10)
or n-6/n-3 ratio (4.5 vs. 4.0; P > 0.10). Expressed as a portion of 18:3n-3
intake, the largest AC among n-3 FA in T1 and T2 was to 20:3n-3 (9.1
147 Effect of dietary fat on the production and composition of vs. 10.3%) and 22:5n-3 (3.1 vs. 3.3%), whereas the total AC of n-3 FA
emu oil. D. C. Bennett*, W. E. Code, and K. M. Cheng, University was not affected by previous feeding program (8.7 vs. 13.6%; P > 0.10).
of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. These results suggest that the rate of AC of n-3 FA and HUFA content is
independent of BW which provides flexibility as to when n-3 FA might
Emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) are large flightless birds that are
be fed to produce n-3 enriched pork.
farmed for their meat and fat. The fat from both the subcutaneous and
retroperitoneal adipose depots is rendered into oil, which is purported Key Words: apparent conversion, n-3 fatty acid, pigs
to have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Dietary fatty
acid composition influences the fatty acid composition of the oil, but its
affect on fat deposition or on the amount of oil produced after rendering 149 Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on markers of
has not been reported. Work on broiler chickens has shown that dietary intramuscular adipocytes in pork. K. M. Barnes*1, N. Winslow1,
fatty acid composition influences both the accumulation and fatty acid A. Shelton1, and M. J. Azain2, 1West Virginia University, Morgantown,
2University of Georgia, Athens.
composition of abdominal fat. Therefore, the objective of the present
study is to examine the effect of 2 dietary sources of fat on the amount Dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been reported to decrease
and fatty acid composition of emu oil. Forty 3-year-old emus were fed backfat and increase marbling in hogs. Our objective was to determine
a barley-alfalfa base diet that was supplemented with either tallow or if the increased marbling was related to increased intramuscular adi-
canola oil at 2 levels (4% or 8%; 5 males and 5 females per dietary pocyte development. Barrows (n = 20, 53 kg) were penned in pairs and
group); an additional 10 birds (5 males and 5 females) remained on pens were randomly allotted to receive finishing diets containing 1%
the barley-alfalfa diet as controls. Birds were fed these diets for 6 mo soybean oil (SBO) or 1% CLA oil (60% mixed CLA isomers) for 6 wks.
before being slaughtered in October. Body weight and meat and fat Body weight and feed intake were determined weekly. At slaughter loin
yields were unaffected by the diet and averaged 44.2, 14.1 and 9.7 kg/ samples were obtained and flash frozen for RNA extraction and real time
bird, respectively. Females weighed more than males (45.6 and 42.9 kg, RT-PCR analysis of gene expression. Following a 24 h chill, carcasses
212 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
were ribbed and loin eye area (LEA) and backfat depth were measured, 151 Evaluating the efficacy of OptiCal under varying levels
and subjective marbling and color scores were assigned. Loin, backfat, of dietary fat inclusion. J. D. Hamburg*1, A. B. Batal1, and S.
and belly fat samples were obtained for fatty acid analysis by gas chro- D. Frankenbach2, 1University of Georgia, Athens, 2JBS United Inc.,
matography. Dietary CLA did not affect body weight or feed intake at Indianapolis, IN.
any point, nor did treatment groups differ in hot carcass weight, LEA,
Fat inclusion in diets has been shown to decrease gut transit which
or color. CLA-fed pigs did have less (P < 0.05) backfat than SBO-fed
increases the energy availability of the diet. Thus, the objective of these
pigs (25 vs. 30 mm, respectively) and had a non-significant (P = 0.164)
studies was to determine the efficacy of OptiCal in diets with various
increase in marbling score (3.1 vs. 2.4, respectively). The cis9,trans11
levels of fat inclusion. Two 4 × 2 factorial studies were conducted in
and trans10,cis12 CLA isomers were incorporated (P < 0.001) into back-
which a standard corn-soybean meal-distillers dried grains plus soluble
fat and belly fat but only trans10,cis12 CLA was increased (P < 0.001)
diet was fed to broilers for performance and AME determination and
in the loin of CLA-fed pigs. In all 3 tissues, the proportion of saturated
also to roosters for TMEN determination. There were 4 levels of fat: 0,
fatty acids were increased (P < 0.001) by CLA. Relative gene expres-
1, 2, and 3% and 2 levels of Optical, 0 and 0.25lbs/ton. The diets were
sion for markers of preadipocytes (Pref-1), differentiating adipocytes
formulated to meet digestible amino acid requirements; however the ME
(PPARγ), and mature adipocytes (Ap2 and Perilipin) were determined
of the diets varied with fat inclusion. The calculated ME of the control
and normalized to the expression of acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein.
diet (0% fat and no Optical) was 2,900 kcal/kg and the ME increased 84
No significant differences were detected but the expression of PPARγ
kcal/kg for every 1% inclusion of fat. To determine TMEN, a traditional
(1.49 vs. 1.21, P = 0.374), Perilipin (1.81 vs. 1.44, P = 0.485), and Ap2
precision-fed rooster assay in which 8 birds per diet were fasted for
(1.75 vs. 1.21, P = 0.205) all were numerically greater in CLA-fed pigs
24 h then crop intubated with 35 g of the test diets. Excreta were then
than SBO-fed pigs. These preliminary results indicate that the increase
collected for 48 h. For the chick assay 288 male broiler chicks were
in marbling in pigs fed CLA may be related to increased intramuscular
placed in Petersime battery brooders and fed a standard corn-soybean
meal crumble diet. At 4 d of age, 9 replications of 4 chicks were weighed
Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, marbling, pork and assigned to one of the 8 dietary treatments. Body weight and feed
intake were measured at 9 and 18 d of age. Excreta were collected at d
18 for AME determination. The TMEN values of the diets increased as
150 Effects of dietary polyunsaturation level and genistein supple- the fat inclusion in the diets increased from 0 to 3% fat (3,036 to 3,234
mentation on performance and meat quality in quails reared under kcal/kg, respectively). The efficacy of Optical on releasing energy,
heat stress. N. Sahin* and C. Orhan, Firat University Faculty of increasing the TMEN value improved as the inclusion of fat increased,
Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Nutrition, Elazig, Turkey. on average the TMEN value of the diets with Optical were 57 kcal/kg
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary higher than the diets without Optical. There was no effect of the addi-
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) level (15 vs. 45%) and genistein tion of Optical on the diet without any fat inclusion. The inclusion of
supplementation (GS, 0, 400, and 800 mg/kg) on performance and fat improved the feed:gain ratio as compared with the diets without fat
muscle lipid profile in quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica, n = 360) (1.50 to 1.73, respectively). There was a interaction between fat inclu-
reared under thermoneutral (TN, 22°C) and heat stress (HS, 34°C) sion and enzymes on the feed:gain ratios at 18 d of age. Based on the
conditions. Data were analyzed by 3-way ANOVA using the MIXED results of these studies fat inclusion levels in the diet appears to have
Procedure. Each treatment was replicated in 10 cages, each contain- an effect on enzyme efficacy.
ing 3 birds, from d 10 to 42. HS condition decreased body weigh gain Key Words: fat, enzymes, OptiCal
(BWG, 137 vs. 150 g) and cumulative feed intake (CFI, 657 vs. 708
g) and increased feed conversion ratio (FCR, 4.82 vs. 4.72) compared
with TN condition (P < 0.0001 for all). Increasing dietary PUFA level 152 Fat digestibility in enzymatically treated soybean meal without
was associated with decreases in BWG (5.26%; P < 0.0001) and CFI (6 and with choice white grease and vegetable oil. K. P. Goebel* and
g; P < 0.01) and an increase in FCR (4.61%; P < 0.0001). There were H. H. Stein, University of Illinois, Urbana.
linear increases in BWG from 142 to 145 g and FCR from 4.83 to 4.73,
An experiment was conducted to measure the digestibility of fat by
with increasing GS (P < 0.05). Quails reared under TN condition had
weanling pigs fed enzymatically treated soybean meal and either soybean
greater proportions (g/100 g fat) of PUFA (25 vs. 21), monounsaturated
oil or choice white grease. Two sources of enzymatically treated soybean
fatty acid (MUFA, 45 vs. 43), ω-6 (13 vs. 11), and ω-3 (12 vs. 10.38)
meals were used (HP-300 and HP-350). These meals are similar with
and a less proportion of saturated fatty acid (SFA, 30 vs. 36) than quails
the exception that an emulsifier, lecithin, is included in HP-350, but
reared under HS condition (P < 0.0001 for all). Quails fed diet contain-
not in HP-300. The HP-300 meal contained 57.07% CP, 1.44% acid-
ing 15% PUFA had greater MUFA (52 vs. 35) and SFA (36 vs. 31) and
hydrolyzed ether extract (AEE), and 2.30 trypsin inhibitor units (TIU)
less PUFA (12 vs. 34), ω-6 (10 vs. 14), and ω-3 (2 vs. 20) than quails
per mg, and HP-350 contained 53.60% CP, 3.73% AEE, and 1.50 TIU
fed diet containing 45% PUFA (P < 0.0001 for all). Muscle FA profile
per mg. Two diets were formulated by mixing cornstarch, sugar, and
did not vary by GS. Quails that were reared under HS condition (0.48
each source of soybean meal. Two additional diets that were similar to
vs. 0.29 µg/g) and quails that were fed diet containing 45% PUFA (0.91
the initial 2 diets with the exception that 6% choice white grease or 6%
vs. 0.78 µg/g) had greater muscle malondialdehyde (MDA) content
soybean oil was added to these diets were also formulated. Thirty-two
than their counterparts (P < 0.0001 for both). GS did not affect muscle
weanling barrows (initial BW: 13.3 ± 0.8 kg) were randomly allotted
MDA content. There were variable 2-way treatment interaction effects
to the 4 diets with 8 replicate pigs per diet in a 2 × 2 factorial design.
on response variables. In conclusion, increasing dietary PUFA level and
Pigs were housed in metabolism cages. Pigs were fed experimental
GS may improve performance and meat quality in heat stress.
diets for 14 d with total collections of feces during the final 5 d. Feed
Key Words: PUFA, genistein, quail intake and DM output were not different among treatments. The appar-
ent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of DM and GE were not different
among treatments regardless of soybean meal and fat source. The ATTD
of AEE in HP-300 and HP-350 mixed with soybean oil was not differ-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 213
ent (80.4 and 75.7%, respectively). The ATTD of AEE in HP-300 and DHAGOLD + 3% flaxseed compared with 35.9mg DHA/egg for hens
HP-350 mixed with choice white grease was also not different (80.2% fed the control diet (P < 0.05). The combination of 1% DHA GOLD
and 79.3%, respectively). Results indicated that the added lecithin in and 3% flaxseed also resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) higher total
HP-350 did not increase fat digestibility in pigs fed diets supplemented ω-3s (389mg/egg) compared with hens fed diets supplemented with 0
with soybean oil or choice white grease. or 0.5% DHA GOLD in combination with 0, 3 or 6% flaxseed. Supple-
mentation of 1% DHA GOLD alone with no flaxseed resulted in a
Key Words: fat digestibility, lecithin, soybean meal
deposition of 141mg of DHA/egg whereas 6% flaxseed with no DHA
GOLD resulted in 52mg of DHA/egg. Eggs from hens fed 1% DHA
153 Effect of dietary DHA levels and different sources of oil (fat) GOLD showed an increase of 373% vitamin E compared with eggs
on egg yolk DHA and ω-3 fatty acids levels. M. K. Manangi*, B. from non-DHA GOLD supplemented hens. In summary, DHA GOLD
Wuelling, J. Hux, S. Carter, C. D. Knight, and M. Vazquez-Anon, Novus supplementation was more effective at enriching eggs with DHA than
International, Inc., St. Charles, MO. flaxseed by itself. Combination of 3% flaxseed with 1% DHA GOLD
optimized the deposition of DHA in egg.
A 5 wk experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different
levels of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) as DHA GOLD (a dried whole DHA GOLD is a registered trademark of Martek Biosciences Corpora-
cell algae product, derived from Schizochytrium sp., contains a minimum tion, USA
of 18% DHA by weight) and sources of oil (fat) on egg yolk DHA and Key Words: layer, DHA, ω-3s
ω-3 fatty acids deposition. A total of 216 Hy-Line W-36 commercial
laying hens, 40 wk old, were randomly assigned to 6 treatments with 36
cages/treatment and one hen/cage. The trial design was a 2 × 3 factorial 155 The interaction of dietary fatty acids on the egg yolk fatty
with 2 levels (0 and 1%) of DHA GOLD and 3 sources (canola, flax and acid composition. R. Poureslami*1,4, K. Raes2, and E. Delezie3, G.
corn oil) of oil. Results indicate that DHA GOLD and oil sources had Huyghebaert3, A. B. Batal1, and S. De Smet4, 1University of Georgia,
significant (P < 0.05) interaction on DHA, and total ω-3s fatty acids in Athens, 2University College West-Flanders, Kortrijk, Belgium, 3Insti-
eggs. Supplementation of DHA GOLD to diets with canola, flax and tute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Melle, Belgium, 4Ghent
corn oil increased (P < 0.05) the DHA deposition from 19 to 163, 33 University, Melle, Belgium.
to 158 and 19 to 170 mg/egg, respectively. Supplementation of DHA
Two experiments were conducted to investigate the interaction of
GOLD to diets with canola oil and corn oil increased total ω-3s from
dietary fatty acids (FA) on the egg yolk FA composition. In Exp I, 288
125 to 338 and 111 to 376 mg/egg, respectively. The DHA GOLD and
ISA-brown laying hens (45–50 wk of age) were divided into 32 dietary
flax oil combination did not affect (P > 0.05) total ω-3s. In summary,
treatments in 3 replicates. Diets were prepared mixing a type of fish oil
under present experimental conditions dietary supplementation of DHA
(FO) with 4 vegetable oils in different proportions resulting in a wide
GOLD increased egg DHA content that meets toward recommended
range of diet FA composition. Two levels of fat were introduced to the
daily allowance irrespective of tested oil sources. Total ω-3s in eggs
diets (3 and 6%). In Exp II, 63 hens were assigned to each of 7 dietary
increased in response to supplemental DHA GOLD for canola and corn
groups. A mixture of 2 levels and 3 types (differing in 20:5n-3/22:6n-3
oil diets but not for flax oil.
ratio) of FO in combination with 2 vegetable oils were applied. Stepwise
DHA GOLD is a registered trademark of Martek Biosciences Corpora- multiple regression and ANOVA were used to analyze the data in Exp I
tion, USA and II respectively. In Exp I, dietary saturated (SFA), monounsaturated
(MUFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) FA and the interaction between
Key Words: layer, DHA, ω-3s
them affected SFA and MUFA proportions in the egg. The egg 18:2n-6
proportion was mainly explained by the dietary provision of 18:2n-6
154 Effect of different levels of flaxseed and DHA GOLD on egg (Partial R2 55%) followed by the inverse impact of dietary MUFA. The
yolk DHA deposition. M. K. Manangi*, B. Wuelling, J. Hux, S. 20:4n-6 composition in the egg was inversely related to the dietary n-3
Carter, C. D. Knight, and M. Vazquez-Anon, Novus International, Inc., long chain (LC) PUFA (Partial R2 50%), more than to the dietary level
St. Charles, MO. of the precursor 18:2n-6. The linear effect of dietary 18:3n-3 was very
determinant for the egg 18:3n-3 proportion (Partial R2 93%) while, it
A 5 wk experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different had a negligible impact on the n-3 LC PUFA composition in the egg
levels of flaxseed, and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) as DHA GOLD (Partial R2 7%). About 77% of the variation in the egg yolk 22:6n-3
(a dried whole cell algae product, derived from Schizochytrium sp., composition was explained by 22:6n-3 proportion in the diet. In Exp
contains a minimum of 18% DHA by weight) on egg yolk DHA. A II, the level of FO (2 v. 1%) was more effective than its type on the n-3
total of 216 Hy-Line W-36 commercial laying hens, 24 wk old, were LC PUFA composition in the egg. In conclusion, interactions between
randomly assigned to 9 treatments with 24 individual cages per treat- dietary FA affect SFA and MUFA composition in the egg while, direct
ment and one hen per cage. The trial design was a 3 × 3 factorial with dietary provision is the most crucial factor in achieving high deposition
3 levels (0, 0.5 and 1%) of DHA GOLD and 3 levels (0, 3 and 6%) of of n-3 FA in the egg yolk.
flaxseed. All diets were isolipidic and soybean oil was used to replace
oil from flaxseed. Results indicated a significant (P < 0.05) interaction Key Words: fatty acids, interaction effect, egg yolk
of DHA GOLD and flaxseed levels on DHA, total ω-3 fatty acids, and
vitamin E levels. DHA and ω-3s content in egg increased linearly with
156 The effect of omega-3 fatty acid rich algae biomass supple-
the addition of DHA GOLD by itself or in the presence of flaxseed.
mentation on production and egg and plasma components from
Addition of 3% flaxseed improved DHA egg content from control
61 to 69 weeks of age. H. M. Yakout*1, C. L. Novak2, and Z. Wen3,
but was less effective than DHA GOLD treatments. Further increase 1Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 2Land O’Lakes Purina Feed,
of flaxseed from 3 to 6% did not result in additional DHA deposition
Kansas City, MO, 3Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
in egg, except when 0.5% DHA GOLD was present in the diet. The
optimum DHA level of 173mg/egg was achieved by feeding hens’ 1%
214 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Commercial White Lohmann LSL-Classic hens (n: 192) were randomly dietary treatments had no significant effects on wet egg components.
assigned to one of 4 dietary treatment groups to test the use and response Trt 2 had numerically the best specific gravity value (1.087). Overall,
of omega-3 fatty acid containing algal biomass supplementation on egg increasing dietary biomass resulted in elevated yolk color (P ≤ 0.001)
production parameters and egg components. Biomass was supplemented with the darkest noted in eggs from hens consuming trt 4 (7.2; using a
to a corn-soybean meal based diet at a rate of 0, 2, 4 or 8% establishing Roche Color fan), while trt 1 was the lightest (6.5). Yolk and plasma
treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. All diets were iso-caloric and iso- total lipids, and yolk phospholipids were similar among treatments,
nitrogenous and were fed ad libitum from 61 to 69 wks of age. Cage while plasma phospholipids were reduced (P ≤ 0.06) in hens consum-
was considered the experimental unit (4 hens/ cage) with each treatment ing trt 3 (524.7 mg/dL) as compared with hens fed trt 1 (736.0 mg/dL).
replicated 12 times. Overall, Trt had no affect on feed consumption Yolk DHA content was significantly increased with all dietary biomass
which averaged 117.6 g/ h/ d. Egg production ranged from 89.8 to 91.7% levels up to 8% (2.64%) as compared with the control (0.31%). Based
for all treatments (P ≥ 0.05) with the highest producing hens consuming on the information from this trial, supplementing a corn-soybean meal
diet 1 and lowest consuming diet 4. Additionally, no significant dif- based diet with biomass up to 8% during late first cycle lay resulted in
ferences were observed among trt for feed efficiency which averaged minimal affects on production parameters. Additionally, yolk color and
0.517 g. egg mass /g. feed. Trt 1 had numerically higher egg weights DHA content was increased while plasma phospholipids were reduced
(68.1 g.) compared with biomass supplemented trt with an average of by feeding 4 or 8% biomass.
66.53 g/ egg. Trt 1 had numerically the greatest egg mass (62.4 g.) and
Key Words: biomass, plasma phospholipids, laying hens
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 215
Nonruminant Nutrition Symposium: Nutrigenomics
157 Practical uses of nutrigenomics and gene expression patterns in dietary conditioning the opportunities for nutrition to impact both the
to develop and evaluate nutritional strategies. K. A. Dawson*, animal and its offspring are almost limitless.
Alltech Center for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutri-
tion, Nicholasville, KY.
159 Using nutrigenomics to elucidate interrelationships in trace
In addition to providing information on the regulation of physiological mineral metabolism. S. L. Hansen*1, J. W. Spears2, and R. S.
activities; applications of nutrigenomic and transcriptomic techniques Fry2, 1Iowa State University, Ames, 2North Carolina State University,
are providing new tools for evaluating the value and effectiveness of Raleigh.
nutritional strategies in domestic livestock. Detailed studies of gene
expression patterns associated with different forms and levels of sele- Nutrigenomics is the study of dietary influence on gene expression.
nium in animal diets have begun to elucidate the critical hidden effects This presentation will focus on the area of trace mineral metabolism
of specific mineral forms in several species. While it is clear that diets and the information that can be gained through the use of nutrigenom-
which use selenium incorporated into growing yeast (selenium yeast) can ics. Numerous interactions between certain trace minerals may occur
significantly and uniquely influence the expression of genes associated as minerals compete for intestinal absorption and transport throughout
with recognized antioxidant systems, such materials also have other the body. Because of these interactions it has become apparent that it
significant effects on genes and metabolic pathways that influence basic is no longer appropriate to examine the metabolism of a single mineral
cellular repair mechanisms, the production of stress proteins, energy without consideration for the mineral “ionome” as a whole. Nutrig-
production systems, immunological systems, neurological function and enomics presents a new way of looking at an old problem; while we
reproductive systems. Tissue specific gene expression patterns deter- have known for many years about the antagonistic relationship between
mined with standardized microarrays clearly indicate major differences minerals such as iron, manganese, and copper, it is only in recent years
in various dietary forms of selenium and can be used to differentiate the that specific gene products have been identified as potential points of
effects of selenium yeast from those associated with sodium selenite. interaction between these elements. For example, in 2 experiments where
Such genomics tools have allowed for an understanding of the effects weaned pigs were fed varying levels of dietary iron, a strong negative
of specific nutrients in unprecedented detail and have opened new fron- relationship between dietary iron and tissue manganese concentration
tiers in nutrition and dietary manipulations. Gene expression patterns was observed. Using quantitative-PCR it was found that intestinal
also provide useful tools for initially comparing dietary treatments and expression of divalent metal transporter 1 (dmt1) was depressed in pigs
can be used to rapidly screen for key nutritional effects and to evalu- fed high dietary iron. Elucidating points of interaction, such as dmt1,
ate supplementation strategies. Using these comparison techniques, it which is a transporter for both iron and manganese, allows nutritionists
has been possible to compare alternative antioxidant systems that can to more accurately formulate diets. Utilizing nutrigenomics in the field
partially replace traditional dietary ingredients like vitamin E in animal of mineral metabolism has many potential benefits, including redefin-
feed. In chickens, the value of comparing the effects of diets using gene ing mineral requirements of animals in the face of a new generation of
expression patterns and marker genes has been validated by examining plant and animal genetics, and diminishing environmental impacts by
more traditional methods for determining antioxidant status in the serum decreasing excessive oral supplementation of minerals. In summary,
and by examining meat quality. In the future, Nutrigenomics approaches nutrigenomics provides biological targets at which to aim studies of
will undoubtedly improve the efficiency of techniques for evaluating animal trace mineral metabolism, which should increase our knowl-
dietary formulations and provide basic biochemical information that will edge of mineral interactions and lead to more accurate dietary mineral
lead to a new understanding of basic nutritional principles. recommendations.
Key Words: interactions, minerals, nutrigenomics
158 Early life nutritional conditioning with dietary phospho-
rus. C. M. Ashwell*1 and R. Angel2, 1Department of Poultry Science, 160 A functional genomics view of selenium in energy metabolism,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2Department of Animal and obesity, and diabetes. X. G. Lei*, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Avian Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park.
The trace element Se and Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase-1
The recent technologies that have led to the new field of functional (GPX1) have been considered to protect against diabetes. Intriguingly,
genomics are providing a clearer understanding of how organisms inter- we found a spontaneous development of type 2 diabetes-like phenotypes
act with their environment and in particular their diet. We are beginning in GPX1 overexpressing mice at 6 mo of age. Later, other laboratories
to learn how the diet may have long-term influence on performance and demonstrated similar deleterious effects of overexpression of other anti-
health. A form of epigenetic regulation has been recently described called oxidant proteins on sensitizing mice to diabetes. Most striking, 8 major
fetal “programming.” We have observed similar apparent programming human studies have recently shown hyperglycemic, hypolipidemic, and
by dietary manipulation in the perinatal period of the chicken. When pro-diabetic effects of Se supplement. Because pigs are an excellent
birds are challenged with a diet low in phosphorus (P) for 90 h imme- model for human nutrition, we have conducted a series of experiments
diately post-hatch they obtain the ability to better utilize P later in life. to elucidate functional genomics of porcine selenoproteins in glucose
This increased utilization of P (1.24-fold, P < 0.001) from the diet can and lipid metabolism. We first identified all 25 porcine selenoproteins
partially be explained by an enduring increase (2.4-fold, P < 0.05) in using in silico cloning followed by PCR. We then determined the
the expression of the intestine-specific Na/P cotransporter (NaPcoT) IIb effects of dietary Se deficiency and excess on gene expression of all
gene during programming as well as later in life when fed P restricted 25 selenoproteins in various tissues of pigs using quantitative real-time
diets. The resulting data provide the first evidence for neonatal program- Q-PCR. Recently, we induced obesity in pigs by feeding them with
ming of gene expression in an oviparous species. Studies are ongoing to a high-fat diet and determined effects of obesity on gene expression
determine if the mechanism of persistent responses of gene expression of the 25 selenoproteins. Our results indicate that gene expression of
to stimuli are epigenetic in nature. If epigenetic regulation is involved
216 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
13 selenoproteins was altered by dietary Se deficiency or excess non- genome. Our findings will reveal novel metabolic roles of Se in energy
unilaterally. The induced-obesity enhanced or decreased gene expression metabolism, obesity, and diabetes.
of 17 selenoproteins in various tissues of pigs. Microarray data have been
NIH DK 53018, NSFC Projects 30628019, 30700585, and 30871844,
generated from the dietary Se and fat experiments to establish systems
and the Chang Jiang Scholars Program.
biology related to body energy metabolism, selenogenome, and porcine
Key Words: energy metabolism, gene expression, genomics
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 217
Physiology and Endocrinology: Dairy Cow Synchronization and Fertility
161 Alternative protocols to presynchronize estrous cycles in dairy (OVS) outcome in noncyclic dairy cows. Ultrasonographic examina-
cattle before a timed AI program. J. S. Stevenson*, Kansas State tions were done with 7 d interval to determine cyclicity. Noncyclic cows
University, Manhattan. (n = 157; no CL in each ovary at both examinations) were randomly
divided into 3 groups. In GP group (n = 61), PGF2α was administrated
Our objective was to test potential presynchronization protocols applied 7 d after GnRH injection and OVS was started 11 d after PGF2α admin-
before a timed AI (TAI) protocol to improve the percentage of cows istration (GnRH-7d-PGF2α-11d-OVS). In PR group (n = 54), cows
having a functional CL, high concentrations of progesterone, and suc- were treated for 7 d with an intravaginal P4 implant (PRID; without
cessful ovulation after both GnRH injections. At calving, cows were oestradiol capsule) then 11 d after removing the implant OVS was
assigned randomly to receive either of 5 presynchronization treatments. started (7d PRID-11d-OVS). Control group (n = 42) did not receive
Three Presynch protocols were tested in which 2 injections of PGF2α any presynch protocol and OVS was started at the same time with other
(PGF) were administered 14 d apart, with either 14 d (PRE14; n = 122), groups. Spontaneous recovery in control and presynch rates in GP and
12 d (PRE12; n = 123), or 10 d (PRE10; n = 151) intervening before PR groups (cows became cyclic at the beginning OVS) were found to
initiating a TAI protocol. Two treatments were a progesterone (P4) insert be different (P < 0.004) between control (47.6%; 20/42) and presynch
(CIDR) for 7 d plus PGF at insert removal. Insert removal occurred either groups (72.1%; 44/61 in GP and 77.8%; 42/54 in PR groups). Response
10 d (CIDR10; n = 157) or 3 d (CIDR3; n = 117) before initiating a TAI to first GnRH of OVS did not differ among groups (73.8%; 31/42 in
protocol. The TAI protocol was a standard Cosynch protocol (GnRH control, 73.8%; 45/61 in GP and 70.4%; 38/54 in PR groups). Interest-
7 d before and 72 h after PGF with TAI at 72 h after PGF). Cosynch ingly, response to first GnRH of OVS was higher (P < 0.0007) in cows
was the control (n = 157) with cows starting this protocol at random that did not respond to presynch than cows responded in GP and PR
stages of the estrous cycle. From a subset of cows (49 to 51 cows per groups (96.5%; 28/29 and 47.8%; 55/86). Synchronization rates were
treatment), blood samples were collected at d −28, −14, 0 (onset of TAI similar among groups (78.6%; 33/42 in control, 88.5%; 54/61 in GP and
protocol), 7, 9, 14, and 21 d. Ovarian scans occurred on d 0, 7, 9, and 14. 85.2%; 56/54 in PR). Conception rate (31 d) did not differ among groups
Diameter of follicles and CL were measured at each exam and ovula- (42.9%; 18/42 in control, 47.5%; 29/61 in GP and 46.3%; 25/54 in PR).
tion response to both GnRH injections was determined at d 7 and 14. Embryonic loss (between 31 and 62 d) did not differ among groups (4
Ovulatory incidence after the first and second GnRH injections varied cows in control, 1 cow in GP and 1 cow in PR). However, conception
but did not differ among treatments. Concentrations of P4 were greater rate (31 d) was greater (P < 0.001) in cows that responded to presynch
(P ≤ 0.05) before the first GnRH injection in all treatments compared than those that did not respond in GP and PR groups (55.8%; 48/86 and
with CIDR3. Before the second GnRH injection, P4 was greater (P ≤ 20.7%; 6/29). Although conception rate did not differ among groups,
0.05) in the CIDR3 treatment than in all other treatments. Luteal regres- cows that responded to presynch had higher conception rate than cows
sion and synchronization rate (successful luteolysis and ovulation after that did not respond.
second GnRH injection) did not differ among treatments. Pregnancy
rate per AI (PR/AI) at 60 d post timed AI was less (P ≤ 0.05) in CIDR3 Key Words: Ovsynch, presynchronization, noncyclic dairy cows
cows compared with all other treatments. It was concluded that none of
the Presynch treatments improved key responses (ovulation, luteolysis,
and synchronization rate) known to improve PR/AI compared with a 163 Comparison of estrus and ovulation synchronization protocols:
standard Cosynch protocol without presynchronization. effects on ovarian follicular dynamics, corpus luteum growth, and
circulating steroid concentrations in lactating dairy cows. M. M.
Herlihy*1,2, M. A. Crowe2, M. G. Diskin3, and S. T. Butler1, 1Teagasc
Table 1. Key responses of treated cows during the timed AI ovulation synchro- Moorepark DPRC, Cork, Ireland, 2University College Dublin, Ireland,
nization protocol 3Teagasc Athenry APRC, Galway, Ireland.
First 2nd
GnRH P4 GnRH P4 Luteal Synch 60-d
This study compared estrus and ovulation synchronization protocols
Ovulation, Ovulation, regression, at first service in lactating dairy cows (n = 61) > 42 d postpartum. At
Treatment n % ng/mL % ng/mL % rate, % n PR/AI 10 d before AI animals were randomly assigned to: 1) d −10 GnRH
PRE14 50 62.0 3.9a 86.0 1.0a 93.9 86.0 122 28.7 (10 μg i.m. Buserelin) and CIDR insert (1.38 g P4); d −3 PGF 2α
PRE12 51 60.8 3.7a 88.2 0.5c 100 88.2 123 33.6 (25 mg i.m. dinoprost); d −2 CIDR out and AI at observed estrus
PRE10 49 67.3 2.4b 79.6 0.7ac 95.7 79.6 151 30.5
(CIDR_OBS); 2) same as CIDR_OBS, but GnRH 36h after CIDR out
CIDR10 51 64.7 3.0ab 86.3 0.6ac 100 86.3 157 30.3
and TAI (timed AI) 18h later (CIDR_TAI) or 3) same as CIDR_TAI,
CIDR3 51 47.1 0.9c 90.2 1.5b 83.0 86.3 117 13.9
but no CIDR (OVSYNCH). Transrectal ultrasound was used to assess
Cosynch 50 62.0 3.7a 78.0 0.9ac 93.0 76.0 157 30.6
follicle size before ovulation and on d8 and d15 after AI to measure
a-c Means differ (P ≤ 0.05). the corpus luteum (CL). Blood samples were collected to determine
Key Words: ovulation, luteolysis, timed AI concentrations of estradiol (d −3, d −2, d −1, d0) and progesterone (d
−2, d −1, d0, d1, d4, d6, d8, d11, d15). P4 concentrations immediately
before CIDR removal were greater (P < 0.001) for CIDR_OBS and
162 Effects of presynchronizations with GnRH/PGF2α vs. pro- CIDR_TAI compared with OVSYNCH (1.78, 1.59 and 0.62 ng/mL;
gesterone before Ovsynch in noncyclic dairy cows. G. Yilmazbas- CIDR_OBS, CIDR_TAI and OVSYNCH, respectively). At the time
Mecitoglu*1, A. Keskin1, A. Gumen1, E. Karakaya1, R. Darici2, and H. of the second GnRH, E2 was higher (P < 0.06) for CIDR_OBS and
Okut3, 1University of Uludag, Bursa, Turkey, 2Tarfas Co., Bursa, Turkey, CIDR_TAI compared with OVSYNCH (2.78, 2.57 and 1.69 pg/mL).
3University of Yuzuncu Yil, Van, Turkey. E2 concentrations at the time of expected AI were higher (P < 0.001)
for CIDR_OBS compared with CIDR_TAI and OVSYNCH (1.59, 0.36
The aim of this study was to compare efficiency of GnRH/PGF2α vs. and 0.33 pg/ml). Diameter of the DF before ovulation was greater (P <
progesterone (P4) presynchronizations (Presynch) on overall Ovsynch 0.05) for CIDR_OBS compared with OVSYNCH (18.3 vs. 16.1 mm).
218 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
An interaction (P < 0.05) was observed for P4 concentrations, where 35 d). 2) HGPG, hCG (2000 IU Chorulon on Day 18 after TAI) 7 d
P4 tended to be lower in CIDR_OBS on d4 and 6, but greater on d15 before Resynch–25 (n = 450, IBI = 35d); 3) Double–Ovsynch (DO), a
compared with CIDR_TAI and OVSYNCH. CL diameter and volume modified Ovsynch protocol (d 0, 100 μg GnRH; d 7, 500 μg PGF; d 10,
was not affected by treatment on d8, but both CL volume (9991, 7808, 100 μg GnRH) which was initiated 22 d after a prior TAI followed 7d
and 8186 mm3; P = 0.1) and diameter (27.0, 23.9, and 24.0; P = 0.08) later by Resynch–39 (DO, n = 405, IBI = 49 d). Pregnancy was diag-
on d15 tended to be affected by treatment (CIDR_OBS, CIDR_TAI and nosed 29 d after Resynch TAI using ultrasound and 53 d after Resynch
OVSYNCH, respectively). Both P4 supplementation and GnRH on the TAI using palpation to determine pregnancies per AI (P/AI). Based on
day before TAI impact ovulatory follicle size, E2 concentrations, and logistical regression analysis, P/AI 29 d after TAI was not affected (P
postovulatory P4 profiles. = 0.42) by parity, and HGPG and DO cows had more (P < 0.01) P/AI
than C cows [HGPG = 37.3% (168/282; DO = 35.8% (145/260); C =
Key Words: Ovsynch, CIDR, dairy cow
28.0% (117/301]. When analyzed separately, P/AI did not differ (P =
0.64) between HGPG and DO cows. Pregnancy loss from 29 to 53 d
164 Effects of reducing interval from GnRH to PGF2α in Ovsynch after TAI was not affected (P = 0.88) by lactation and did not differ
protocol on pregnancy rate in cyclic lactating dairy cows. A. (P = 0.34) among treatments [HGPG = 11.0% (18/145); DO = 6.3%
Gumen*1, G. Yilmazbas-Mecitoglu1, A. Keskin1, E. Karakaya1, Y. (9/135); OV = 8.6% (10/106)]. At 53 d after TAI, HGPG and DO cows
Celik2, and H. Okut3, 1University of Uludag, Bursa, Turkey, 2TARFAS continued to have more (P = 0.02) P/AI than C cows [HGPG = 32.6%
Co., Bursa, Turkey, 3University of Yuzuncu Yil, Van, Turkey. (145/300); DO = 33.4% (135/269); OV = 25.4% (106/311)], and P/AI
did not differ (P = 0.80) for HGPG and DO cows. We conclude that
Ovsynch protocol was designed to synchronize ovulation, thereby allow- the HGPG Resynch protocol increased fertility of resynchronized cows
ing timed artificial insemination (TAI) of all cows without detection of similar to that of a Double-Ovsynch Resynch protocol while reducing
estrus and Ovsynch has been proven to be an acceptable alternative to the interbreeding interval by 14 d.
estrus detection programs in large dairy farms. The aims of this study Supported by Hatch project WIS01171.
were 1) to ovulate one day younger follicle by decreasing interval
between first GnRH to PGF2α of Ovsynch 2) to compare pregnancy Key Words: Double-Ovsynch, hCG, resynchronization
rates in Ovsynch vs. Modified Ovsynch (interval between first GnRH
to PGF2α decreased to 6 d) in cycling lactating dairy cows. The day of
166 Comparison of responses to Ovsynch for Holstein–Friesian
first GnRH of Ovsynch was designated d 0. The ovaries of cows were
and Swedish–Red cows. A Keskin*1, G Yilmazbas-Mecitoglu1, A
examined by ultrasonography twice, one week apart, to determine
Gumen1, E Karakaya1, Y Celik2, H Okut3, and M. C. Wiltbank4, 1Uni-
cyclic cows (had Corpus Luteum on either ovary) from −7 to 0 d.
versity of Uludag, Gorukle, Bursa, Turkey, 2TARFAS Co, Karacabey,
Cyclic cows (n = 859) were divided into 2 groups: OVS group (n = 421)
Bursa, Turkey, 3University of Yuzuncu Yil, Van, Turkey, 4University of
received the Ovsynch protocol (GnRH-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-AI)
Wisconcin-Madison, Madison.
and cows in MOV group (n = 438) had a Modified Ovsynch (MOV)
protocol (GnRH-6d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-AI). Ultrasonography The Ovsynch protocol was designed to synchronize ovulation, thereby
were performed at the time of first GnRH and PGF2α administration to allowing timed artificial insemination (TAI) of all cows without detection
detect first ovulatory response, at the time of AI to determine maximal of estrus; however, the effectiveness of Ovsynch in different breeds of
follicle size and 7 d after AI to determine second ovulatory response. dairy cows has not been previously compared. The aim of this study was
Pregnancy diagnosis was performed 30 and 60 d post insemination to compare the response to Ovsynch in cycling lactating dairy cows of
by ultrasonography. Response to first GnRH of Ovsynch was similar 2 different breeds (Holstein–Friesian [HF] vs. Swedish–Red [SR]). A
between OVS (54.2%, 228/421) and MOV (55.3%, 242/438) groups. total of 495 cyclic cows (n = 347 HF, n = 148 SR) were housed together
Synchronization rate (ovulatory response to second GnRH of Ovsynch) and treated with Ovsynch (GnRH–7d–PGF2α–56h–GnRH–18h–TAI).
was higher (P < 0.004) in MOV (90.4%, 396/438) than OVS (83.8%, Cows were not presynchronized before the Ovsynch. Milk production
353/421). Pregnancy rate was similar in OVS (42.5%, 179/421) and was different (P < 0.001) between breeds (40.3 ± 0.5 in HF and 34.9 ±
MOV cows (37.9%, 166/438). Follicle size at the time of AI was greater 0.7 in SR). Ovulatory responses, synchronization rate, maximal follicle
(P < 0.0001) in OVS (16.01 ± 0.1 mm) than MOV (15.3 ± 0.1 mm). size at the time of AI, and percentage pregnant per AI (%P/AI at 31 and
Thus, Modified Ovsynch protocol not only increased synchronization 62 d after AI) were compared between breeds. Ultrasonography was
rate but also decreased follicle size. Unexpectedly, this protocol did not performed during Ovsynch at first GnRH, PGF2α, at time of AI, and
improve pregnancy rate in cycling dairy cows. 7 d after AI. Ovulatory response and synchronization rate were similar
in HF vs. SR cows (60.2% vs. 62.1%; 88.4% vs. 88.5%, respectively).
Key Words: synchronization, Ovsynch, dairy cows
Cows that ovulated to the first GnRH of Ovsynch had reduced (P = 0.02)
follicle size at time of AI (15.9 ± 0.12 vs. 16.4 ± 0.16 mm). Maximal
165 Presynchronization with hCG 7 d before initiation of Resynch follicle size at time of AI was greater (P < 0.004) for HF (16.4 ± 2.2
improves fertility similar to a double–Ovsynch Resynch protocol in mm) than SR (15.5 ± 2.3 mm) cows. The %P/AI tended to be greater
lactating dairy cows. J. O. Giordano*, J. N. Guenther, M. S. Ares, M. for SR than HF cows at the 31 d pregnancy diagnosis (58.1% vs. 51.1%;
C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke, University of Wisconsin, Madison. P = 0.16) and was greater in SR than HF cows at the 62 d pregnancy
diagnosis (56.1% vs. 46.1%; P = 0.04). Embryonic loss was greater (P
Our objective was to compare a Double-Ovsynch protocol for resyn- = 0.04) in HF (10.1%) than SR (3.4%) cows between 31 and 62 d of
chronization of ovulation (Resynch) to a novel Resynch protocol that pregnancy. Hot season significantly decreased %P/AI in HF cows (P
reduces the interbreeding interval (IBI) to 35 d. Lactating Holstein cows < 0.001), but not in SR cows. Thus, although the GnRH treatments of
on a commercial dairy received a Resynch protocol using GnRH and Ovsynch were equally effective in SR and HF cows, there was better
cloprostenol (PGF) as follows: (d 0, 200 μg GnRH; d 7, 750 μg PGF; fertility following Ovsynch in SR than HF cows, probably due to the
56 h, 100 μg GnRH; 16 h, TAI). Cows were blocked by parity and were decrease in fertility during the hot season in HF but not SR cows.
randomly assigned to one of 3 treatments to receive: 1) Resynch–25
(C), Resynch protocol initiated 25 d after a prior TAI (n = 418, IBI = Key Words: Ovsynch, breed, reproduction
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 219
167 Manipulation of protein feed levels during Ovsynch TAI and 0.87) or Pentraxin 3 (P = 0.63) mRNA levels between repeat-breeder
early embryonic development to improve fertility in lactating dairy and control cows when corrected for day (P > 0.0.16) and age (P >
cows. M. B. Gordon* and R. Rajamahendran, University of British 0.44), but embryo recovery rate tended to be greater in control cows (P
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. = 0.06). Regression analysis identified a positive relationship of antral
follicle count to endometrial diameter (P = 0.009) and ovarian size (P
This study compared the effects of feeding 2 levels of crude protein (CP,
< 0.0001). Fewer ovarian antral follicles in repeat-breeder cows may
16% vs. 18.5%) on fertility and milk production in lactating dairy cows
contribute to reduced fertility. The positive relationship between antral
subjected to a timed insemination. To achieve its milk yield potential
follicle count and endometrial diameter suggests that the number of
the modern dairy cow is dependent on a high intake of dietary nitro-
ovarian follicles may influence proliferation of the endometrium in the
gen. However, excessive protein intake, particularly rumen degradable
early luteal phase of the cow.
protein is associated with reductions in fertility, plasma progesterone
concentrations, and exacerbation of negative energy balance. Although Key Words: cow, reproductive tract, fertility
Ovsynch timed artificial insemination (TAI) program allows for the
control of ovarian follicular and corpus luteum development without the
need for estrus detection, pregnancy rates are still far from the satisfac- 169 The effect of supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid
tory rates achieved over 30 years ago. Lactating Holstein dairy cows on the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. I. A.
(n = 180) were synchronized for first service breeding using Ovsynch Hutchinson*1,2, P. Lonergan2, A. C. O. Evans2, R. J. Dewhurst3, and
TAI (2 treatments of GnRH, 9 d apart with a treatment of PGF2α 48 S. T. Butler1, 1Teagasc, Moorepark DPRC, Cork, Ireland, 2University
h before the second GnRH treatment, and TAI 16–18 h later). Cows College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 3Teagasc, Grange, Meath, Ireland.
were blocked for similar parity and DIM. Group 1 (control) was fed Spring-calving dairy cows (n = 389) on a single pasture-based commer-
a diet consisting of 18.5% CP (High). Group 2 was fed a diet consist- cial dairy farm were randomly assigned to one of 2 dietary treatments
ing of 16% CP (Low), which began 7 d before initiation of Ovsynch (lipid encapsulated conjugated linoleic acid (Lutrell, BASF, Germany;
and continued until pregnancy diagnosis at 32 d. Groups were housed CLA, n = 192) or No supplement (Control, n = 197)). The CLA cows
together with access to feed via Insentec electronic feed intake bins. received 50 g/day of a lipid supplement containing 5 g of both trans-10,
Pregnancy per AI was 24.4% and 34.1% (P = 0.08) for High and Low cis-12 and cis-9, trans-11 CLA from 0 to 60 d in milk. Milk samples
groups, respectively. Parity had an affect on pregnancy per AI. A lower were collected 3 times per week, and each sample was analyzed for
average milk production during the 49 d of treatment was observed in progesterone using a competitive ELISA test to determine interval to
multiparous cows in the Low group (47.8 ± 1.05 kg) compared with first ovulation. Milk yield and composition were measured fortnightly.
the High group (50.2 ± 1.03 kg, P = 0.11). However, no differences in Breeding commenced on a fixed calendar mating start date (Apr 8 2009),
milk production were observed in the 3 weeks preceding and following and continued for 16 weeks. Trans-rectal ultrasonography was carried
treatment. Lower milk urea nitrogen was observed on d 7 and d28 in out at 30–36 d and 60–66 d post AI to diagnose pregnancy. Milk yield,
the low group (P = 0.02). No differences in progesterone concentrations milk composition, and interval to first ovulation data were analyzed
were observed between treatments. In summary, feeding a diet with a using mixed model analysis. All other reproductive data was analyzed
slightly lower protein content increased pregnancy to TAI, with minimal using Chi-squared analysis. A reduction in milk fat concentration (36.9
effects on milk production. vs. 30.7 g/kg; P < 0.001) and yield (0.91 vs. 0.84 kg/day; P = 0.031) was
Key Words: Ovsynch, fertility, crude protein observed in CLA cows during supplementation. Milk yield was increased
during CLA supplementation (24.7 vs. 27.2; P = 0.003). There was no
effect of CLA on interval to first ovulation postpartum (40.2 vs. 44.4
168 Reproductive tract differences in repeat-breeder cows. R. d, CLA and control, respectively), conception rate to first service (35.1
A. Cushman*, J. R. Miles, and S. E. Echternkamp, U.S. Meat Animal vs. 37.0%), embryo mortality (14.3% vs. 21.4%) or 6-week in-calf rate
Research Center, Clay Center, NE. (43.6% vs. 37.0%, all P > 0.1). In conclusion, supplementing dairy cows
with CLA reduced milk fat synthesis but did not improve measures of
The objective of the study was to evaluate the reproductive tracts of
reproductive performance, perhaps indicating energy availability was
repeat-breeder cows that failed to calve in 2 consecutive years com-
not the most limiting factor influencing herd fertility in this study.
pared with cows that calved regularly. The hypothesis was that repeat-
breeder cows would have smaller reproductive tracts and fewer antral Key Words: CLA, reproduction, dairy cows
follicles. Beef cows ranging from 3 to 13 years of age were classified
as repeat-breeder (n = 37) or control (n = 34) cows. Cows were exam-
ined twice daily for behavioral estrus and artificially inseminated 12 h 170 The impact on pregnancy rates in dairy cattle artificially
after observed estrus. Three to 8 d after estrus, cows were slaughtered, inseminated with semen prepared by number of progressivley motile
reproductive tracts were recovered and transported to the laboratory. sperm. L. Rabinovitch*1, U. Shalit1, M. Deutsch1, Y. Zeron2, and P.
All visible antral follicles were counted, ovaries were measured and Chenoweth3, 1Medical Electronic Systems, Caesarea, Israel, 2Sion A.I.
weighed, and the diameter of the endometrium was measured in a subset Company, Shikmim, Israel, 3Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga,
of cows (n = 44) at the thickest point on the horn ipsilateral to the corpus New South Wales, Australia.
luteum. The uterus was flushed and embryos were collected. Granulosa The trial objective was to evaluate the pregnancy rates of dairy cattle
cells from small antral follicles (<5 mm) were pooled and frozen for inseminated with varying amounts of progressively motile sperm, post
real-time RT-PCR analysis. Reproductive traits were analyzed using thaw (PMPT). In phase 1, straws were prepared to contain specific
the GLM or GLIMMIX procedure of SAS with group as the indepen- numbers of progressively motile sperm, post thaw. In phase 2, cows
dent variable and day and age as co-variates. Repeat-breeder cows had were inseminated and pregnancy rates were analyzed. All semen testing
smaller ovaries (P ≤ 0.006) when corrected for day (P > 0.13) and age and dosing was performed at an operating AI stud facility (SION A.I.
(P > 0.17), and fewer follicles (P = 0.02) when corrected for day (P Company) using an SQA-Vb, automated sperm quality analyzer for bulls
= 0.0009) and age (P = 0.42). There was no difference in endometrial (Medical Electronic Systems). Forty ejaculates collected from four bulls
diameter (P = 0.46), or granulosa cell anti-Mullerian hormone (P = were split into four groups and 2000 straws per group were targeted
220 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
to contain: Group A, B and C; 1.5, 3.5 and 7.0 million PMPT sperm/ min after administration and concentrations remained low throughout
straw respectively. The target for group D (Control) was 15.0 million the sampling period. Plasma PGFM remained unchanged in saline-
total sperm per straw per the AI stud routine. Two hundred twenty-eight treated cows (150 ± 9.2 pg/mL). Mean P4 concentrations decreased (P
straws from groups A, B and C were quality control tested based on mean < 0.05) during 7 d after treatment; however, the rate of P4 decline over
(+/− SE) values for PMPT sperm and demonstrated: (A) 1.5 (+/− 0.05); time tended (P = 0.09) to be greater for Control compared with FM.
(B) 3.0 (+/− 0.09) and (C) 6.2 (+/− 0.18) million. Seventy-six straws The results suggest that FM decreased plasma PGFM, suggesting FM
from Group D (Control) established a mean (+/− SE) value of 13.6 negatively affects PFG2α secretion in lactating dairy cows during the
(+/− 0.15) million. In total, 6,494 cows in over 500 farms were blindly luteal phase of the estrous cycle. Moreover, FM may enhance luteal
inseminated between January and April 2009. At approximately 42 days function by decreasing PFG2α.
post-insemination, pregnancy rates (per cow per cycle) were determined
Key Words: flunixin meglumine, prostaglandin F2α, dairy cows
per rectal palpation by group as follows: (A) 34.2%; (B) 39.3%; (C)
43.2%; (D) 38.6%. The relative difference in pregnancy rates for groups
A, B and C versus the control (D) were: −11.4%, 1.8% and 11.9%, 172 Development of a mechanistic metabolic model of regulation
respectively. Pregnancy rates in groups A, B and C correlated to the of reproductive processes in dairy cattle. P. Celi2, I. Lean2, H.
number of progressively motile sperm (r = 0.96). It is concluded that the Raadsma2, A. Rabiee2, and J. P. McNamara*1, 1Washington State Uni-
number of progressively motile sperm per AI dose significantly impacts versity, Pullman, 2University of Sydney, Camden, NSW, Australia.
subsequent bovine pregnancy rates. Further, it is possible to accurately
produce AI straws based on the number of PMPT sperm. Use of these The objective was to construct and begin evaluation of a determinis-
findings could help improve bovine AI reproductive performance while tic, mechanistic, dynamic model of nutritional and genetic control of
allowing more effective utilization of superior bulls. reproductive processes in the dairy cow. The objective of this conceptual
research model is to describe control of reproductive processes in dairy
Key Words: bovine semen, SQA-Vb, bull AI cattle at the metabolic level; and to be suitable for evaluation of data,
concepts and hypotheses regarding underlying genetic, nutritional and
physiological control of reproduction. We began with an existing model
171 Effect of flunixin meglumine on prostaglandin metabolites and
of metabolism in the cow, published and validated (Molly, UC Davis),
progesterone in lactating dairy cows. A. Ahmadzadeh*1, S. Read1,
which describes utilization of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids
K. G. Carnahan1, and J. C. Dalton2, 1University of Idaho, Moscow,
2University of Idaho, Caldwell R&E. by muscle, adipose, visceral and mammary tissues at an aggregated
metabolic pathway level. Elements of genetic background, response to
Strategies to inhibit or reduce secretion of PGF2α during early embryonic nutritional environment and metabolic hormones are explicitly embodied
development may reduce embryonic loss and increase reproductive in equation forms and parameter values. Next, a model of reproductive
performance of dairy cattle. The objective was to examine the effect processes was developed that included flux of follicle stimulating hor-
of flunixin meglumine (FM), a non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drug, mone, luteinizing hormone, estrogen and progesterone in cycling and
on PGF2α secretion and luteal function by characterizing plasma pros- pregnant animals; as well as development of the calf to term. The models
taglandin metabolites (PGFM) and progesterone (P4) concentrations are integrated into one system to link genetic elements (for example,
in lactating dairy cows during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle. genetic merit for milk); nutrient use and reproductive processes, with
Starting on d −35, estrous cycles of cows were synchronized using an integration interval of one day. Based on published data, equations
Presynch-Ovsynch. On d −9 (12 d after the second PGF2α injection), describe production of estrogen and LH, breakdown of estrogen and
and after detection of a corpus luteum (CL), Ovsynch was initiated. progesterone by the liver (mass action related to rate of metabolism);
Ultrasonography was performed on d 0, 3, 7 and 15 to confirm ovula- growth of the follicles as a function of glucose, IGFI and growth hor-
tion and presence of a CL. Cows were not inseminated. On d 15 cows mone (Michaelis-Menten); conception and growth of a single calf to
were assigned randomly to 2 groups: 1) FM group (n = 9) received 2.0 term as a function of progesterone, glucose, amino acids and total energy
mg per kg BW (i.m.) of FM, 2) Control group received saline (n = 8). (Michaelis-Menten). Degradation of steroids is related to metabolic rate
Jugular blood samples were collected at 30 and 0 min before treatment through both intake of nutrients and output of milk components and
and at 30 and 60 min and each h thereafter for 6 h. Blood samples were to continuation of pregnancy. The model behavior for these variables
also collected daily from d 15 to d 22. Mean P4 concentrations on the (pattern and direction of response) is consistent with literature values
day of treatment (d 15) were not different between groups (6.3 vs. 7.2 from studies not used in the development. This research model should be
± 0.5 ng/mL). Plasma PGFM concentrations were not different between useful to frame specific hypotheses on control of reproductive processes
groups before treatment. Flunixin meglumine caused a transient decrease by genetic and nutritional driven mechanisms.
(P < 0.05) in plasma PGFM concentrations (58 ± 8.5 pg/mL) within 60
Key Words: reproduction, nutrition, research model
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 221
Production, Management and the Environment: Poultry 1
173 Effect of dietary supplementation of mannan-oligosaccharides length, and weights of the egg, embryo, yolk sac, and embryonic fluids.
and Lactobacillus-based probiotics on indigenous intestinal bacterial Chick BW and length were measured on all chicks at E20.5. A T-test
ecology and intestinal microarchitecture of broilers reared under was used to compare means and variances. Embryo length at E15 was
heat stress. M. U. Sohail*, I. Ahmad, H. Rehman, K. Ashraf, S. Yousaf, greater (P < 0.05) in the 96X treatment but with a greater variance (P <
S. Ashraf, and H. Zaneb, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 0.05) as well as a greater variance (P < 0.05) in relative yolk sac weight
Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, 54000. and embryo weight. However, at hatching (E20.5) chick weight relative
to initial egg weight and chick length was greater (P < 0.05) in the 24X
The present study aims at evaluating the effects of dietary supplemen- treatment but there was greater variance (P<0.05) in the relative chick
tation of prebiotics or probiotics alone or in combination on growth weight. These data indicated that more frequent turning to E15 resulted
performance, relative-weight of viscera, mucosal microarchitecture in a faster growing but less uniform embryo at E15. However, after
and some selected intestinal microbiota in broilers reared under hot the 96X turning frequency was discontinued at E15 the 96X treatment
humid conditions. Day-old broilers (n = 250) were randomly divided regained its uniformity as embryo growth relative to the 24X treatment
into 5 groups. Birds in the control group were reared under standard apparently slowed to E20.5. These data suggest that embryo growth and
management conditions and fed a corn-based basal diet without any development is affected by turning frequency
dietary supplementation. The birds exposed to cyclic-heat stress (35°C
and 75%RH, 8hr/d, 1000–1800 h from d22 to 42), were fed a basal diet Key Words: broilers, incubation, turning
(HS group) alone or supplemented with 0.5% mannan-oligosaccharides
(MOS), or 0.1% Lactobacillus-based probiotics (LP) or combination
175 Effects of arginine, vitamin E and mannanoligosaccharides
of both (symbiotic). On d 42, 15 birds from each group were killed to
after coccidiosis vaccination and challenge in broiler chickens. D.
determine relative-weights of visceral organs, mucosal morphometry
J. Chan-Diaz*1,2, D. Caldwell1, S. Pohl1, G. Casco1, A. Pro2, S. Fitz-
and numeration of jejunum and cecal Clostridium perfringens, coliform
Coy3, and C. A. Ruiz-Feria1, 1Texas A&M University, College Station,
and E. coli. The data were analyzed using ANOVA. Results revealed 2Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillos, Mexico, 3Intervet/Schering-
that heat stress decreased (P < 0.01) body weight gain, feed conversion
Plough Animal Health, Millsboro, DE.
ratio (FCR) and relative weights of organs compared with the control
group. Dietary supplementations increased the FCR (P < 0.05), relative Arginine (ARG), vitamin E (VE) and mannanoligosaccharides (MOS)
weights of spleen (P < 0.01), small intestine (P < 0.01) and cecum (P have immunomodulatory effects. One d old broiler chicks (n = 200)
< 0.01) compared with HS group. However, supplemented diets did were housed in wire cages and assigned to one of 8 treatments in a 2 ×
not affect the relative weights of bursa of Fabricius (P = 0.07) liver, 4 factorial experiment: vaccinated (VA; Coccivac-B, 1X dose / chick
pancreas, gizzard and heart. Heat stress increased the cecal population at d 1) or non-vaccinated (NV) and fed a control diet (CTL, 3100 kcal
of coliform, (P < 0.05) Clostridium perfringens (P < 0.01) and E. coli / kg of EM, 22% CP, 1.4% ARG, and 40 IU of VE / kg of feed) or CTL
(P < 0.05) compared with control group without affecting the jejunal plus ARG and VE (AVE; 0.3% and 40 IU, respectively); CTL plus MOS
(P = 0.61) bacterial count. Supplementation of MOS alone or probiot- (MOS, 0.2%), or CTL plus ARG, VE and MOS (AEM, same levels). At
ics reduced (P < 0.05) the cecal count of Clostridium perfringens. The 24 d, all birds were orally challenged with 2 × 105 oocysts from a mixed
villus height was more (P < 0.05) in supplemented groups compared field-strain Eimeria inoculum (E. acervulina, E. maxima and E. tenella).
with the HS group. In conclusion, supplementation of prebiotics and The BW was recorded weekly; intestinal lesion score (LS) and immune
probiotics is a good tool for maintaining production performance of organ weight (bursa of Fabricius, spleen, and thymus) were measured
broilers during hot humid months. at d 30 (9 birds / treatment); oocyst shedding (OS; oocysts / g of feces)
was measured from d 29 to d 31. Data were analyzed (ANOVA) and
Key Words: broiler, heat stress, prebiotics, probiotics
means separated using the Tukey procedure (P < 0.05). At wk 4, VA birds
were heavier than NV birds, but the effect of diet was not significant.
174 Effects of turning frequency during incubation on broiler The spleen and bursa were not affected by treatment, but birds in the
embryonic development. Y. M. Lin*1, J. T. Brake1, S. Yahav2, and group VA-MOS had the highest thymus weight. Birds in the VA-MOS
O Elibol3, 1North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry and NV-CTL group had the highest LS (1.56 ± 0.2), whereas birds in
Science, Scott Hall, Raleigh, 2Institute of Animal Science, ARO, The the VA-CTL group the lowest LS (0.67 ± 0.2) in the upper intestine
Volcani Center, Bet-Dagan, Israel 50250, 3Department of Animal Sci- (duodenum). The OS was not affected by treatment at d 29 or 31, but
ence, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ankara, Ankara, Turkey. at d 30 VA birds had less oocysts in feces (556,342.5 ± 140,756.2) than
NV birds (1,021,775.0 ± 140,756.2). Thus, MOS supplementation
The effects of turning broiler hatching eggs 24 (24X) or 96 (96X) times increased LS but also increased the thymus weight. Vaccinated birds
daily to E15 was studied. Eggs were obtained from Ross 344 male x were heavier and had lower OS than NV birds irrespective of diet. The
Ross 708 female broiler breeders at 36 wk of age. Freshly laid eggs were beneficial effects of ARG and VE were not noticeable, perhaps because
weighed and selected to provide equal egg weights in each turning treat- birds were kept in cages and oocyst cycling was prevented.
ment before storage for 1 d at 16 C and 60% RH followed by preheating
at 24 C for 12h prior to setting. Each of 180 individually weighed eggs Key Words: arginine, vitamin E, coccidiosis
per turning treatment constituted a replicate. The 24X treatment was
turned 24 times daily to E18, while the second group was turned 96X
176 The effect of double interspiking on fertility, stress, and
from E0 to E15 followed by 24X to E18 before transfer to hatching
hormone levels in broiler breeder males in heat-stressed environ-
baskets in individual pedigree bags. Incubators were operated at 53% RH
ments. K. M. Chung*, M. O. Smith, and H. G. Kattesh, University
at all times and an air temperature of 37.5 C until E12, 37.3 C from E13
of Tennessee, Knoxville.
to E 18, and 36.9 C thereafter in Natureform NMC-1000 incubators. At
E15 of incubation, 30 fertile eggs were necropsied to determine embryo
222 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The male management technique of double interspiking is sometimes thicker shanks in broilers. Shank BMD and BMC was higher in broilers
used to counteract fertility decline experienced by broiler breeders. The from breeders fed OTM compared with those breeders fed only ITM in
objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of this practice the LS and S groups only. It appeared that 30% OTM in breeder diets
on flock fertility, testosterone concentrations, and stress responses of may help to reduce some leg health issues observed in broiler progeny
broiler breeder males undergoing double interspiking in heat stressed influenced by breeder feeding practices.
environments. In a completely randomized design study, 2 hundred
Key Words: breeder nutrition, trace minerals, leg problems
and 88 pullets and 36 roosters (Ross 708) were assigned to 3 groups at
21 weeks of age. All groups were housed on plastic slatted floor pens
and experienced a simulated heat stress environment in which room 178 Dietary vitamin E supplementation and shelf life of ground
temperature cycled from 23.8 to 30°C. Double interspiking was carried broiler chicken meat during refrigerated storage. B. Saenmahayak*,
out among 2 groups at 42 and 52 weeks of age. Beginning when birds M. Singh, J. B. Hess, W. A. Dozier III, and S. F. Bilgili, Auburn Uni-
were 32 weeks of age, eggs were set every 2 weeks, candled at d 12, versity, Auburn, AL.
and percent fertility calculated. Testosterone and corticosterone levels
were measured by RIAs at specific time points, and heterophils (H) and This study was conducted to determine the microbial spoilage and
lymphocytes (L) were counted to calculate H:L ratios. All data were oxidative stability of ground raw and cooked breast and thigh meat
analyzed using the mixed model ANOVA (ANOVA) procedure of SAS from broiler chickens fed graded levels of vitamin E during refrigerated
9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA), and least squares means used to storage. A total of 480 female broilers were assigned to 4 dietary vitamin
determine significance. Introduction of new males resulted in a fertility E treatments (IU/kg of feed): 30 (basal level), 60, 120 and 240. Each
increase (P < 0.01) of 21.8% between control birds and spiked birds after of the 4 dietary treatments was fed in a 3 stage feeding program to 12
the first interspike and a sustainment of fertility levels after the second replicate pens of 10 birds and reared to 49 d of age. Upon processing,
interspike. Testosterone concentration declined (P < 0.0001) from 1.95 one-half of the replicate pens from each dietary treatment were used for
ng/mL to 0.11 ng/mL as the birds aged. The male management practice raw and the other half for cooked meat treatments. Boneless-skinless
of double interspiking shows promise in increasing fertility levels in a breast and thigh meat (5 birds per pen) was ground, pooled by pen,
broiler breeder flock. formed into patties, vacuum packaged (oxygen impermeable) either raw
or cooked (internal temperature of 80°C), and held under 2°C. Samples
Key Words: broiler breeder, double interspiking, heat stress were analyzed for microbial spoilage (aerobic plate counts; APC, lactic
acid bacteria; LAB, and yeast and molds; YAM) and lipid oxidation
(TBARS) following 1, 3, 6, 12 d of refrigerated storage. Microbial
177 Effects of breeder feeding and trace mineral source on leg
numbers increased with storage time in both raw breast and thigh meat
health and bone traits of broiler progeny. P. E. Eusebio-Balcazar*1,
(P < 0.05), with APC counts on thigh meat reaching 7 log10 CFU/g
E. O. Oviedo-Rondón1, A. Mitchell2, J. Brake1, M. J. Wineland1, V.
after 12 d of storage. Cooking reduced microbial counts and slowed the
Moraes1,3, and N. Leandro1,4, 1North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
2USDA-ARS, BARC, Beltsville, MD, 3Universidade Estadual Paulista, rate of microbial growth in breast and thigh meat during refrigerated
storage. Vitamin E supplementation affected microbial counts only for
UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil, 4Universidade Federal de Goiás,
raw (APC on 6 d) and cooked (APC and LAB on 6 and 12 d, and YAM
Goiania, GO, Brasil.
on 12 d) for thigh meat, with levels of 240 IU/kg significantly imped-
This study evaluated the effects of breeder feeding practices and trace ing microbial growth as compared with basal levels. Lipid oxidation
mineral (TM) sources for breeders on leg health and bone traits of increased during refrigerated storage on both raw and cooked ground
broiler progeny at 49 d. Cobb 500 breeders were fed either corn (C) meat (breast < thigh meat). Dietary vitamin E supplementation at levels
or wheat (W) based diets during rearing and production using either > 120 IU/kg significantly reduced the rate of lipid oxidation in cooked
sigmoid late fast (LF) or sigmoid late slow (LS) feed allocation pro- ground breast and thigh meat as compared with the basal level. In this
grams until peak egg production. At 23 wk, 69 females representing study, microbial and oxidative changes that occur during refrigerated
the BW distribution of each pen were placed in a 2/3 slat layer house storage of ground cooked broiler meat appeared to correlate and were
where feeder space remained the same (S) or increased (M). From 56 positively influenced by dietary vitamin E supplementation.
to 62 wk of age, breeders were fed corn-soybean diets with 5% DDGS
Key Words: vitamin E, shelf-life, lipid oxidation
and either inorganic (ITM) or an organic (OTM) source (Mintrex P) to
replace 30% of Cu, Zn, and Mn. Total levels of the TM evaluated were
25, 125, and 125 ppm, respectively. Eggs produced at 62 wk of age 179 Impact of feeding time and photoperiod on egg production
were incubated. Progeny were placed in 64 floor pens with 15 males patterns in broiler breeder females. D. C. Paul*, M. J. Zuidhof,
and 15 females/pen and 4 replicates per breeder treatment. Broiler gait Ali Pishnamazi, and R. A. Renema, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
scores (GS) and prevalence of leg problems were evaluated at 11 and Alberta, Canada.
47 d. Bone mineral density (BMD) and mineral content (BMC) were
determined with DEXA. Data were analyzed as a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 factorial The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of feeding time,
design considering main factors of diet type, feeding program, feeder dietary energy and photoperiod on egg production patterns in broiler
space and TM source. For GS data, the log odds of probabilities were breeder females. A total of 192 Ross 708 broiler breeder females were
modeled within factorial effects to obtain the likelihood of observing housed in 6 light- and temperature-controlled environmental chambers
each leg problem using GLIMMIX. Results indicated that broilers and each chamber containing 32 individual cages. The experiment was
coming from breeders fed diets with 30% OTM were more likely to have a 4 × 2 × 2 factorial of design, with 4 feeding time treatments (morning,
better walking ability than broilers from breeders fed ITM in both GS noon, afternoon, or split feeding with 50% of the daily feed allotment
evaluations. Broilers from breeders fed ITM and having M feeder space split between morning and afternoon); 2 dietary metabolizable energy
in production were more likely to have valgus deformations than the levels (high, 2900 or low, 2700 kcal/kg); and 2 photoperiods (24L:0D
same group fed OTM. Wheat diets fed to breeders and broilers caused or 16L:8D). Standard breeder BW targets were achieved using daily
lower BMD and BMC in broilers at 49d. OTM fed to breeders caused feed restriction throughout the study period. Individual body weight was
measured once per week. SAS Proc mixed was used to analyze the data.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 223
Split feeding had increased egg weight compare to other feeding time (traypads), and in 18% of the litter samples. Water samples were 100%
(P = 0.1). Moreover, the split feeding, high energy (2900 kcal/kg) and positive for Salmonella at Days 1 and 18 in Flocks 1–3. Similarly, Sal-
photoperiod (16L:8D) interaction had the highest egg weight. Hens were monella was detected in high levels (60–100%) in Flocks 1 and 3 on
energy efficient with split (two times) feeding system than one time and Days 1 and 18. However, ceca samples evaluated for Salmonella were
shorter photoperiod. However, the main effects of dietary energy and found under 5% on all days except for Flock 3 which had Salmonella
photoperiod had no significant effect on egg weight and egg production. 95% (Day 1) and 25% (Day 18). Fungal samples tend to decrease as
Efficiency of broiler breeder female can be improved ensuring split the broilers get closer to market. The relationship between Salmonella
feeding, dietary high energy and photoperiod (16L:8D). and fungi will be evaluated. The data demonstrates the importance of
pathogen-free environmental conditions even on new farm. Data from
Key Words: feeding time, photoperiod, egg production
this study may help poultry professionals understand how environmen-
tal factors including fungi may affect foodborne pathogens in poultry
180 Dietary camelina meal for broiler chickens: 1. Growth and the difficulty that may be encountered in making risk management
performance at 0, 5, and 10% inclusion rates. R. M. Hulet*, P. decisions.
H. Patterson, A. Y. Pekel, and T. L. Cravener, The Pennsylvania State Key Words: environmental, Salmonella, fungi
University, University Park.
Camelina sativa is an oilseed plant from the Brassicaceae family. It has
182 Effect of abrupt versus gradual changes to daylength on
recently been grown in N. America for biodiesel production with the
productivity of broilers. K. Schwean-Lardner* and H. L. Classen,
residual meal utilized as a dietary protein supplement with a significant
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
complement of omega-3 fatty acids. An experiment was conducted to
examine the effect of dietary camelina meal (CM) supplementation on With the objective of determining the impact of an abrupt change in
broiler live performance. A total of 864 Ross × Cobb-500 straight run day length and light intensity on productivity and welfare of broilers,
chicks were allocated to control (Con), 5% or 10% CM diet treatments 3 lighting programs were tested using Ross x Ross 308 broilers (2,160
with 8 replicated pens per treatment from 1 to 35d. Data were analyzed male and 2,565 female). Birds were housed within 10 sex-separate
using a 3-way ANOVA design with significance determined at the P ≤ pens in each of 9 rooms at 30 kg/m2. The lighting schemes tested were:
0.05 level. The CM utilized in this study contained 33.6% CP, 15.0% 1. Control (C) - 23Light (L) (20 lx (l)):1Dark (D) (0 l) from d 0–38,
Fat and 4.22% total omega-3 fatty acids. Birds were given water and 2. Abrupt (A) - 23L (20 l):1D (0 l) to d 10, then an abrupt change to
feed ad libitum. Birds and feed were weighed at 0, 14, 28, and 35 d 14L (1 l):10D (0 l) to d 38, 3. Gradual (G) d 0 - 23L (20 l):1D (0 l);
of age. Body weight, feed intake and conversion were calculated at d 1 - 21L (20l):1 dusk:1D: (0l):1 dawn; followed by gradual changes
each period. Cumulative feed intake was not significantly different in day length and intensity until d 10 - 13.5L (6l): 1 dusk: 8.5D (0l)
between dietary treatments. However, body weight at both 28 and 35 1 dawn. Data were analyzed with a nested design of Proc GLM, and
days, respectively, was significantly less for broilers fed the 10% CM when significant, Duncan’s Multiple Range test for mean separation.
diet (1.38, 2.52 kg) when compared to the broilers fed 5% CM (1.48, Specific comparisons between abrupt and gradual data were analyzed
2.20 kg) and Con (1.46, 2.17 kg) diet. Mean body weight was similar using A Priori contrasts. At 14 and 21 d of age, birds raised under the A
between the broilers on the Con and 5% CM dietary treatments at both and G program were lighter than those raised under the C program, and
28 and 35 d. Therefore, feed conversion for the 0 to 35 day period was contrasts show G birds were heavier than A. Daily feed consumption,
significantly greater for the 10% CM fed broilers (1.783) over the 5% measured from d 7 to d 13, showed a significant drop in intake when
CM (1.702) and Con (1.698) fed broilers. Mortality was not significantly the abrupt lighting change took place, while no decline was noted in the
different at any period or cumulatively with an overall average of 5.44% gradual change. Birds on C ate the most until 21 d and overall. G birds
for the experiment. Based on this study, broiler growth performance ate more than A from 7 to 14 d and 14–21 d, but less from 21 to 38 d.
equal to a Con diet can be achieved by feeding diets with an inclusion Overall, birds on these 2 programs ate similar amounts. Gain to feed
rate of at least 5% CM. ratios were poorest for C birds, and were better for G vs A birds until 14
d and thereafter the ratios were similar. Mortality or uniformity did not
Key Words: Camelina sativa, broiler chickens, biofuel
vary with lighting program. Birds raised on C had a higher percentage
of carcass based on live weight than A, higher breast yield than A or G,
181 Evaluation of a poultry house for the presence of Salmonella and a higher percentage of wings than G birds. In conclusion, abrupt
and fungi at different sites through the broiler production contin- changes to a lighting program cause an immediate and dramatic decline
uum. J. A. Byrd*, C. L. Sheffield, and T. C. Crippen, USDA-ARS-Food in feed intake and feed conversion efficiency that are not noted when
and Feed Safety Research Unit, College Station, TX. the changes are made gradually.
Companies continue to produce safe and wholesome products while Key Words: broiler, daylength
facing increased regulatory pressure to control foodborne pathogens
in poultry. Although many risk factors that contribute to Salmonella
183 Influence of long-bright, increasing-dim, and split-dark-bright
concentrations have been identified, precise identification of the most
lighting programs and strain on broiler performance. R. J. Lien*,
effective sites for intervention have not been established. The present
J. B. Hess, and S. F. Bilgili, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
observational study evaluates a new poultry house with different envi-
ronmental parameters on Salmonella and fungal incidence at different Broilers were provided lighting programs either historically used to
points of production. One broiler house with 4 consecutive flocks was maximize growth, or meeting US National Chicken Council or European
studied. Preharvest sample points included tray pads (2/sample point), Union guidelines, to determine their influence on performance. Forty
litter (12/sample point), water (3/sample point), feed (3/sample point) males of tray pack (TP) or breast yield (BY) strains were placed by strain
and birds (20/sample point) sampled at d 0, 18, 32, 46, and 62. All in each of 2 1.5 by 3.7 m pens in 12 light controlled rooms. Four rooms
samples were evaluated for Salmonella and fungi. Prior to placemen on were provided a long-bright photoperiod treatment (LB) (23L:1D and 2
the farm, Salmonella and fungi was detected in all water, feed, hatchery footcandles [FC]). Four rooms were provided increasing-dim treatment
224 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(ID) (1–7 d, 23L:1D; 8–14 d, 12L:12D; 15–21 d, 14L:10D; 22–28 d, and small-scale producers. Free-choice feeding, where feed ingredients
17L:7D; 29–35 d, 20L:4D; 36–47 d, 23L:1; 1 FC to 7 d and 0.25 FC are provided in separate containers, may offer cost savings, including
thereafter). Four rooms were provided a split dark period and bright the use of on-farm ingredients, reduction in feed transportation, and
intensity treatment (SDB) (16L:4D:2L:2D and 2 FC). Ten birds per pen milling costs. A study was conducted to determine the impact of free-
were processed at 47 d to determine parts weights and yields. Data were choice feeding on performance in free-range meat chickens. Pens of
analyzed by GLM of SAS at a significance of P < 0.05 for live and P < slow-growing chickens (20 birds per pen) were randomly assigned to
0.10 for processing variables. Feed consumption and BW were reduced one of 2 treatments: fully formulated diet (FF; control) or free-choice
in ID relative to LB and SDB at 15 and 21 d (all Ps < 0.0001). BW were (FC) diet. There were 5 replications of these treatments. Birds were
greater (P = 0.036) in ID and SDB than LB at 47 d. Feed conversion raised in floor pens in a naturally ventilated house; popholes provided
was improved (P = 0.006) at 15 d in ID relative to LB and SDB, but access to grassy yards during the day. During the starter period (wk
otherwise unaffected (P > 0.05). Weight and consumption were usually 0–3), formulated feed was provided to both treatments. During the
more (P < 0.05) in TP than BY, and TP feed conversion was better at 15 grower period (wk 4–6), FC treatment also received formulated feed
(P = 0.011) and 22 d (P = 0.023). Mortality was greater (P = 0.003) in along with free-choice ingredients for training, and during the finisher
TP than BY. Carcass yields were unaffected by treatment (P = 0.75) or period (wk 7–12), FC only received free-choice ingredients. Birds were
strain (P = 0.87). Wing (P = 0.038) and drum (P = 0.028) weights were commercially processed at 83 d. The formulated diet was a commercial
greater in ID than LB and SDB. Total breast (P = 0.08) and fillet (P = product with an average of 20.75% crude protein (1.04% total sulfur
0.086) yields were greater in LB than ID, with SDB intermediate. Tender amino acids); while the free-choice diet chosen by birds at 11 weeks
yields were greater (P = 0.059) in LB than SDB, with ID intermediate. was 13.2% crude protein (0.70% total sulfur amino acids). Final live
Wing yields were greater (P = 0.029) in LB and ID than SDB. All parts weights were analyzed by t-test (SAS 9.2) and did not differ between
were heavier (P < 0.10) in TP than BY and there were no strain effects treatments (P > 0.05); however, ready-to-cook yields and breast yields
(P > 0.10) on parts yields. Fat pad weights (P = 0.033) and yields (P = were higher in the birds from the FF treatment (P < 0.05). These higher
0.002) were greater in BY than TP. These results confirm our previous yields are most likely due to amino acid supplements in the formulated
observations that broiler lighting can influence performance to a greater feed. The diet chosen by FC birds at end of finisher period was less
extent than strain, particularly with respect to breast yield. expensive than the formulated diet ($0.07/kg vs. $0.08/kg). These data
indicate that while free-choice feeding of free-range chickens resulted
Key Words: broiler, lighting, production
in a 1.4% lower breast yield than formulated feeding, FC feed cost was
lower. The USDA National Organic Program is planning to ban synthetic
184 Free-choice feeding of free-range meat chickens. A. C. Fana- methionine, and when that occurs, there may be no difference in yield
tico*1, V. B. Brewer2, C. M. Owens2, and A. M. Donoghue1, 1USDA among birds from formulated and free-choice diets.
Agricultural Research Service, Poultry Production and Product Safety Key Words: dietary self selection, poultry, free-range
Research, Fayetteville, AR, 2University of Arkansas Department of
Poultry Science, Fayetteville.
Specialty poultry production is growing, including free-range, organic,
and small flocks. Feed is a high cost, particularly for organic producers
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 225
Production, Management and the Environment: Poultry 2
185 Omega-3 PUFA and lutein enrichment: Different feeding P = 0.007) while Bak was downregulated but not significant (0.37 fold,
strategies and effect on storage stability. S. Nain* and R. A. Renema, P = 0.0628). Moreover, the genes associated with anti-apoptotic events
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. were upregulated (Bcl-2, 1.34 fold, P = 0.3026; Bcl-xL, 1.23 fold, P =
0.0003). However, the expression of Bcl-2 was not statistically differ-
Enrichment diets high in ground flax may cause irritation to the gut,
ent between treatments. These genes were identified to be involved in
which may affect absorption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
different KEGG pathways of apoptosis: mitochondrial pathway or p53
(ω-3 PUFA) from flax as well as other dietary enrichment ingredients.
pathway. The Btg1 gene, was also downregulated following egg stor-
This study assessed the egg enrichment with ω-3 PUFA and Lutein when
age for 14 d compared with 4 d (0.54 fold, P = 0.0150). Our findings
provided alone in the diet, in combination, or when fed in alternate day
demonstrate increased expression of apoptosis events and decreased
patterns. A total of 144 individually caged Lohman White Leghorn
response to growth and development at the molecular level following
layers (56 wk) were fed 1 of 6 diets balanced for energy and protein
egg storage for 14 d. This study shows that the probability to control
for 60d as follows: Control (C) = Standard hen ration; Lutein (L) = 500
some of the effects of egg storage commercially is promising if apoptosis
ppm lutein; Flax (F) = 10% flaxseed; Lutein/Flax mix (LF); Alternating
can be controlled.
L and F diets every day (Alt1) or second day (Alt2). Egg traits were
determined and yolks collected at 0d, 14d, 28d and 56d. Eggs from 57d Key Words: egg storage, RNA, gene expression
were stored at 4 C for 30d for assessment of oxidative stability through
TBARS analysis. Data were analyzed using proc Mixed of SAS. Hen
diet did not affect egg production, egg weight, albumin height or shell 187 Body weight change, breast muscle, and reproductive tract
thickness. Although, absolute yolk weight was higher in birds on C development in broiler breeder hens and their effects on fertility
diet as compare to other diets, but % yolk weights were similar. Total and egg production. N. Leksrisompong*, J. T. Brake, and E. O.
ω-3 PUFA in LF and F eggs averaged 13.9 mg/g yolk compared to 11.6 Oviedo-Rondon, North Carolina State University, Department of Poultry
mg/g yolk in Alt1 and Alt 2 eggs and 8.8 mg/g in L and C diets. Lutein Science, Scott Hall, Raleigh.
followed a similar enrichment pattern, with birds fed L or LF having the A study was conducted to determine the effects of the relationship among
highest egg content (25.7 μg/g yolk). While L and LF eggs had 3-fold changes in BW gain, breast muscle, and reproductive tract development
more lutein than C or F eggs (8.4 μg/g), those from alternate day fed hens in broiler breeder females. Pullets were reared in 16 litter floor pens from
had 2-fold more lutein. Including both flax and lutein in the hen ration hatching to 22 wk of age. Females that represented the BW distribution
did not reduce egg lutein enrichment. Inclusion of lutein generated the of each pen were selected and moved at 22 wk to 128 individual cages.
lowest TBARS values (0.60 mg/MDA in L and LF) compared to diets Individual BW was taken at 22, 25, 26, 33, 48, and 53 wk of age. BW
without lutein (0.75 mg/MDA in C and F), demonstrating a potential change between each period was determined. Breast muscle weight was
antioxidant role in the egg. Yolk lutein concentration was positively estimated in vivo with real-time ultrasound (RTU) at 25, 26, 48, and
correlated to canthaxanthin (r= 0.65, P=<.0001) and β-carotene (r= 0.40, 53 wk. A multiple linear regression equation that included BW, area of
P<.0001). Egg storage did not affect yolk lutein and β-carotene amount, breast muscle (BM) taken by RTU and strain was estimated. Fertility was
whereas canthaxanthin was reduced. Lutein enrichment improves the measured at 31 and 48 wk. Total egg production per hen was recorded.
overall carotenoid profile and also enhances stability during storage of At 53 wk, all hens were necropsied to determine weights of BM, ovary,
egg, and was not negatively affected by ω-3 PUFA enrichment using and oviduct segments. Results indicated that RTU can be used to esti-
flaxseed. mate BM weight (r2 = 0.91) in broiler breeders. It was found that BW
Key Words: lutein, ω-3 PUFA, TBARS change between 22 to 26 wk was positively correlated with BM weight
(r = 0.70), but negatively correlated with total egg production (r = 0.37).
Breast muscle at any age was negatively correlated with infundibulum (r
186 Effect of egg storage conditions on gene expression during = 0.25) and with total egg production (r = 0.26). Breast muscle was also
turkey embryonic development. J. A. Hamidu*1, M. Li1, G. M. negatively correlated with fertility when evaluated at 31 wk, but not at
Fasenko2, and L. L. Guan1, 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, 48 wk. Changes in BW in time periods other than 22 to 26 wk were not
Canada, 2University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. correlated with total egg production or fertility. It would appear that,
in the presence of excess feed between 22 and 26 wk, hens developed
Different conditions of avian egg storage before incubation are known
their breast muscle at the expense of their infundibulum, and this may
to cause variation in embryonic mortality in poultry species. We hypoth-
affect fertility, and total egg production.
esized that genes regulating apoptosis (Blc-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, Bak and Bok)
or early embryo development (Btg1) could be differentially expressed Key Words: real-time ultrasound, broiler breeder, oviduct
under different storage conditions which may play a role to control turkey
embryonic development. In this study, eggs from Hybrid turkey flocks
were stored for 4 d and 14 d under standard storage conditions Total 188 Effects of temperature on egg size and quality. A. G. C.
RNA was extracted from pooled embryo samples (n = 5 per treatment) DesLauriers*, M. J. Zuidhof, R. A. Renema, D. Paul, and A. Pishnamazi,
after incubating the eggs for 6 d at 37.5°C and 56% RH. The expression University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
levels of Blc-2, Bcl-xL, Bax, Bak, Bok and Btg1 genes were compared Environmental temperature has a large impact on broiler breeder
using quantitative real time PCR analysis. The data was analyzed by maintenance requirements. Energy for maintenance accounts for up
PROC MIXED model procedure of SAS at P ≤ 0.05. LSmean differ- to 3/4 of total energy intake. Therefore incremental changes in main-
ences between egg storage treatments were separated by PDIFF. The tenance requirements may substantially influence energy available for
results showed that the genes associated with pro-apoptotic processes other processes such as growth or egg production. Thus temperature is
were differentially expressed in 14 d vs. 4 d egg storage treatment: Bax important for egg production, egg size and chick size. An experiment
and Bok were upregulated ((Bax, 1.71 fold, P = 0.0428; Bok, 1.39 fold, was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on egg size and
226 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
quality. A total of 192 individually caged broiler breeders were exposed weekly FC averaged $6,705, $6,599, and $6,671, and, therefore, weekly
to differing environmental temperature treatments (15, 19, 23, and 27°C). EI minus FC (e.g., farm revenue) averaged $6,146, $6,215, and $6,209
The treatments were randomly assigned to 6 individual environmental for CON, D, and D+P diets, respectively.
chambers for 2 week periods, with 15 replicates of each temperature
Key Words: distillers grains, hen performance, manure
treatment over a 20 week trial period. All eggs were collected, weighed
and graded daily. Temperatures were recorded using automated data
loggers positioned at bird head height, on a 30 min interval and were 190 Breeder hen age affects chick early innate immune func-
averaged for the 24 hour period prior to oviposition. Data were analyzed tion. M. L. Johnson* and D. R. Korver, University of Alberta,
as a 2 way ANOVA using the mixed procedure of SAS. Significant dif- Edmonton, Canada.
ferences were reported at P < 0.05. Egg size increased from an average
of 57.5 ± 0.24 g in the 15°C treatment with each increasing temperature Newly hatched broiler chicks do not possess a well-developed acquired
trial up to 23°C (60.0 ± 0.24 g); a further temperature increase to 27°C immune system, therefore they rely to a large extent on innate immunity.
resulted in a drop in egg size (58.0 ± 0.24 g), presumably due to heat As hens age, chick quality is usually considered to increase, however
stress. Temperature was found to have a significant effect on produc- this is typically assessed on physical parameters such as chick weight
tion of grade A eggs with the highest percent of grade A’s in the 19°C and body length, rather than on disease resistance. The objective of this
and 23°C treatment. The 27°C treatment had the lowest percentage of study was to examine the effects of broiler breeder hen age on innate
grade A eggs and the highest incidence of soft shelled eggs. Shelless immune function in young broilers. Hens were fed a commercial-type
eggs were also highest in the 27°C treatment (0.708 ± 0.123%) although diet and fertile eggs were collected and incubated weekly at 3 hen ages:
not significantly different from the 19°C treatment. The 15°C treatment Early (30–33), Mid (44–47) and Late (57–59) wk of hen age. Hen body
had the lowest incidence of misshapen shells (0.302 ± 0.252%). Overall weight, settable egg production, hatchability, chick body weight at hatch
the data suggested that maintenance energy requirements increased with were assessed. Whole blood was collected from chicks at 1 and 4 d of
decreasing environmental temperatures and at the highest environmen- age to assess the ability of chick lymphocytes to kill Escherichia coli in
tal temperature tested, there was indirect evidence of metabolic stress vitro. Data were analyzed as a mixed model ANOVA in SAS. Differences
(reduced egg size and quality). were considered significant at P ≤ 0.05. Hen body weight increased by
12% and settable egg production decreased by 38% from Early to Late
Key Words: temperature, egg size, egg quality production. Hatchability during the Late period was 11 and 9% lower
than the Early and Mid periods, respectively. Hen fertility decreased
from Mid to Late production. Chick body weight at hatch increased by
189 The impact of distillers dried grains plus solubles (DDGS)
21% between the Early and Late production periods. At the Early hen
diets on hen performance, egg quality, and manure nutrients. P.
age, the bactericidal activity of chick immune cells increased by 27%
H. Patterson, A. Y. Pekel, A. Adrizal, H. K. Burley*, T. L. Cravener,
between 1 and 4 days of age; there were no chick age-related differences
E. F. Wheeler, and P. A. Topper, The Pennsylvania State University,
in bactericidal activity at either Mid or Late hen ages. At d 1, chick
University Park.
immune cell bactericidal activity at the Early hen age was 4.6- and 16.1-
Diets including 10% DDGS with (D+P) or without (D) the probiotic fold greater than at the Mid and Late breeder age, respectively; at d 4,
Provalen (500g/1000kg) were compared with a corn-soybean based bactericidal activity at the Early hen age were 3.4- and 4.8-fold greater
control diet (CON) in a commercial hen house. Three groups of 39,800 than at the Mid and Late hen ages, respectively. At the Mid and Late
Lohmann LSL-Lite hens were fed isocaloric, amino acid balanced hen ages, chick immune cell bactericidal activities were not different
research diets from 20 to 65 wk of age with 2 of 6 rows of stacked cages from each other at either chick age. As hens age, chick hatch weight
with manure belts assigned randomly per diet. Replicated monthly data, increases, but chick innate immune cell bactericidal activity is greatest
including hen body wt (BW), egg production (EP) and weight (EW), when hens are at the early stages of the production cycle.
albumen height (AH), Haugh units (HU), yolk color (YC), and shell
Key Words: broiler breeder age, innate immunity, chick quality
strength (SS) and thickness (ST), was collected from 558 hens in a sec-
tion of each cage row. Feed/water intake, BW, EP, case weight, mortality,
feed cost (FC), and egg income (EI) was also tallied weekly by the egg 191 Sperm production and testicular development of broiler
company for each diet. Monthly samples of fresh manure were taken off breeder males reared on shortened growth cycles. J. R. Moyle*, S.
the manure belts (6/treatment) and from the manure storage building (2/ M. Whipple, D. E. Yohoo, and R. K. Bramwell, University of Arkansas,
treatment) and analyzed for moisture and agronomic nutrients. Statistical Fayetteville.
analysis was done with SAS version 9.1 using Tukey’s mean compari-
sons with P ≤ 0.05 deemed significant. Diet did not significantly impact Feed restriction is an important tool used in the rearing of broiler breeds
BW, EW, HU, SS, or ST (P > 0.05); however, CON hens had lower EP, to control growth and maintain body weight. Feed restriction during the
AH, and YC than D and D+P hens (P ≤ 0.05). Manure moisture, total growing phase is typically 60–80% less than what birds would eat ad
nitrogen (N), ammonium-N (NH4-N), organic-N, and total potash (K2O) libitum, resulting in a perceived animal welfare issue. Because males
did not differ significantly by diet, although manure total phosphorus are typically more severely feed restricted than females, this is perceived
(P2O5) was higher for CON samples (P < 0.05). Stored manure samples to be especially stressful to the growing cockerels. During this time the
from CON had greater moisture and less NH4-N than samples from D reproductive systems of the males are going through formative stages
and D+P hens (P < 0.10). Weekly company data summarized for the and improper management can have lifelong effects on their reproduc-
entire study showed that EP averaged 85.8, 85.2, 85.7% and total eggs tive performance. Therefore, the objective of this study was to raise
per hen housed at 65 wk of age were 271, 270 and 271 for CON, D, males under feed management programs that would require less sever
and D+P diets, respectively. Mean feed intake and feed conversion were feed restriction while still rearing replacement breeder males to the
100.0, 100.0, and 104.3 g/hen/d and 1.91, 1.95, 1.95 kg feed/dozen eggs recommended target body weight of 3.060kg at 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24
for the CON, D, and D+P diets, respectively. Weekly EI from selling wks of age, respectively. Males were placed at 3 wk intervals so that all
eggs to the breaker market averaged $12,851, $12,801, and $12,864, males were light stimulated at the same time but at different ages with
the same body weight. There were a total of 5 treatment groups based
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 227
on the age of the male at the time of light simulation. All males were level on truck transport, duration of transport. Ducklings were evaluated
reared in the same light controlled house at the University of Arkansas at unloading at the plant for 2 trials. Thirteen blood parameters were
Research Farm. Males were light stimulated and testes development, measured using an i-Stat Analyzer in both trials. Additionally in the
semen analysis, fertility and mating activity were recorded for each second trial CK and LDH were determined. Parameters were evaluated
group of males. To measure semen production, males were housed in by condition of sitter or normal and by sex of bird in trial 1. In trial 2,
individual cages, with 24 males from each treatment tested. All data sitter and normal ducklings were evaluated on 6 farms, and on 2 of these
were analyzed using ANOVA and means were considered significantly farms the initially sampled ducklings were evaluated 24 h later after
different when P values were less than 0.05. Results found that males being held in the holding pen with feed and water. Data was analyzed
lit at 18 wks of age had the highest semen volume (0.46mL) followed in a factorial design using GLM Procedure of SAS. Sitter ducks were
by males lit at 24 (0.31mL), 15 (0.29mL), 21(0.27mL) and 12 wks more prevalent when transported on the upper levels of the transport
(0.27mL), respectively. Sperm count per ejaculate was highest for the truck where they were required to walk a steeper incline at loading
males lit at 18 wks of age followed by males lit at 21, 24, 15, and 12 and unloading. In the first trial sitter ducks demonstrated significantly
wks, respectively. Males that were 21 wks or older at the time of lighting elevated pCO2, Na+ (30.97 versus 29.41) and (141.27 versus 138.45)
responded quicker to light stimulation than did younger males. respectively and significantly lower K+ (4.10 versus 4.23). In the second
trial Na+, glucose and ionized Ca was significantly elevated. Approach-
Key Words: broiler breeder, sperm production, lighting
ing significance was K+ where it was lower in the sitter than the normal
duckling. CK and LDH was significantly greater in the sitter ducks than
192 Germination of Bacillus subtilis C-3102 in the gut of conven- the normal ducklings (3913 versus 2506 and 861 versus 444 respec-
tional and germ-free chicken. T. Hamaoka*1, N. Otomo1, B. Y. Lee1, tively). Ducklings which were evaluated at unloading and then again 24
Y. Tadano2, T. Marubashi2, J. Marshall3, and A. Van Kessel3, 1Calpis h later in the holding pen demonstrated a reduction in the sitter duckling
U.S.A., Inc., Mt.Prospect, IL, 2Calpis co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 3University to levels comparable to the normal duckling. Evidence suggests that the
of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan, Canada. sitter condition is related to exertion and ramp slope during unloading.
Additionally tissue damage is indicated by the elevated CK and LDH
Bacillus subtilis C-3102(BSC) is utilized in a probiotic product Cal- as well as the elevated plasma Na+ and decreased K+ levels.
sporin (Calpis Co. Ltd., Japan) and made available worldwide. Shifts
in intestinal microbial colonization patterns are observed when there is Key Words: duckling, immobility, blood parameters
an improvement in production performance by BSC. To determine the
mechanism of action of BSC, we have conducted 2 trials to investigate
194 The effects of body weight on production and overall fertility
the germination of BSC spores in gastrointestinal tract of conventional
and duration of fertility in broiler breeder hens. R. K. Bramwell*,
and ex-germfree monoassociated chickens. Ten 28-d old conventional
D. E. Yoho, J. R. Moyle, and S. M. Whipple, Department of Poultry
broilers (Cobb) were assigned to individual cages. A corn-soybean based
Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
diet was fed with 3.0 × 105 CFU/g of BSC spores. At the age of 55-d,
10 birds were killed to collect gut contents from crop, gizzard, jejunum, Evaluating fertility problems in commercial broiler breeder flocks
ileum, cecum and feces. Samples were diluted and plated directly to has traditional been targeted at the management and well being of the
enumerate spores plus vegetative cells (total count). Remaing sample male. However, previous research has shown variation in the ability of
was heat treated (60°C for 30min) and plated again to enumerate spores. individual broiler breeder hens within a flock to become fertilized. This
The total count (log CFU/g) of BSC at each gut location ranged from variability is consistent with specific hens throughout their reproductive
4.85 to 5.47 and was not different. Spore ratio was 61% and 95% of life and may or may not be related to age or body weight. This study
total count in gizzard and cecum, respectively, suggesting germination was designed to evaluate the physiological capacity of broiler breeder
of spores at these locations. Germ-free chickens (Ross308) were reared hens to become fertilized under conditions of age and body weight.
in HEPA-filtered sterilized isolators by methods developed at the Uni- Two hundred pullets from each of 4 broiler breeder hen strains of were
versity of Saskatchewan. Chicks were fed ad libitum a gamma irradiated obtained from a commercial hatchery and reared into production accord-
corn-soybean diet supplemented with 3x105 CFU/g of BSC spores. At ing to industry standards. At 21 wks of age, birds were light stimulated
14-d of age, 10 birds were killed and intestinal contents were collected and separated into one of 2 groups; either at or below target weight (C),
for enumeration of BSC as above. The total count (log CFU/g) increased or heavy or above target weight (H) and housed in individual cages. H
(P < 0.05) from 5.78 in crop to 7.16 in cecum. The spore ratio ranged birds were maintained at +300 g as compared with the C group until
from 59.2% to 82% of total count and is consistent with the conventional 60 wks of age. At 30 wks of age, hens were artificially inseminated
birds which showed lower ratio in gizzard (68.5%) and cecum (59.2%). with 100 million spermatozoa in a 0.05cc volume from a pooled semen
We conclude that BSC spores germinate in the chicken gastrointestinal sample. Inseminations continued at 5 wk intervals until 60 wks of age.
tract, primarily in gizzard and cecum. All eggs were collected daily to determine fertility by day and week
post-insemination. Values were analyzed by breeder hen strain and
Key Words: Bacillus subtilisC-3102, Calsporin, germ-free
body weight group for 3 wks following each single insemination with
all fertility values calculated from the single insemination until fertil-
193 Examining the sitter duck condition. K. Murdoch1, K. Seward1, ity ceased. Data were analyzed using JMP statistical software using
J. Riley1, D. T. Ort2, and M. J. Wineland*2, 1Maple Leaf Farms, Milford, ANOVA with means compared using the LSD method with significance
IN, 2North Carolina State University, Raleigh. determined when P < 0.05. Results from this trial indicate that the C
groups had higher weekly egg production values as compared with the
The sitter duck condition observed in the duck industry can cause down- corresponding H groups. While fertility varied by age, the C group had
grading at the plant. During the loading and unloading process of driving consistently better fertility (48.5% and 40.0% life of flock fertility) and
the ducks onto and off the truck some ducks would sit and not continue average duration of fertility (16.70 and 14.71 d) as compared with the H
walking the ramp during the process resulting in the following ducks groups, respectively. Results indicate that body weight has a significantly
stepping over and on the sitter ducks causing scratches which results
in downgrading of the carcasses. Observations were made pertaining to
228 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
detrimental effect on fertility values and duration of fertility in most nation. Results indicate that when hens are caged and natural mating
breeder hen strains regardless of age. factors are eliminated, fertility values are very similar for the 4 hen
strains included in this study.
Key Words: broiler breeder, fertility, reproduction
Key Words: broiler breeder, fertility, reproduction
195 Comparing the physiological capacity for fertility in caged
broiler breeder hens from four commercial strains. R. K. Bram- 196 Modeling energy utilization of broiler breeder hens is affected
well*, J. R. Moyle, S. M. Whipple, and D. E. Yoho, Department of by environmental temperature and dietary energy. A. Pishnamazi*,
Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. M. J. Zuidhof, R. A. Renema, and D. Paul, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Maintaining fertility in commercial broiler breeder flocks, along with
egg production, is one of the critical factors and goals of the breeder The accurate prediction of energy requirement affects the effectiveness
manager. However, previous research has shown genetic variability of feed allocation decisions. This analysis was conducted to identify
of broiler breeder hen strains to all reproductive characteristics. This a model to estimate partial coefficients of ME partitioning of broiler
variability may be consistent with hen strains, particularly yield type breeder (BB) hens. A total of 288 hens (Ross 708) were individually
strains, but can often be altered with management programs. This study caged in 1 of 6 environmentally controlled chambers at 21 wk. Ten,
was designed to evaluate the physiological capacity of different strains 2-wk temperature treatments were imposed from 21 to 41 wk, with 4
of broiler breeder hens to become fertilized using artificial insemina- randomly rotating temperature treatments (15, 19, 23, and 27 C). Birds
tion, therefore eliminating natural mating and male libido effects. Two in each chamber were fed either a High Energy (HE, 2900 kcal/kg) or
hundred pullets from each strain of broiler breeders were obtained from a Low Energy (LE, 2700 kcal/kg) diet. An energy utilization model was
a commercial hatchery and reared into production according to industry used to account for average daily ME intake twice/wk and calculate
standards. At 21 wks of age, birds were light stimulated and 100 hens maintenance energy requirements (MEm). This model used a metabolic
per strain were separated into blocks of 10 individually caged hens with BW coefficient of 0.67. The nonlinear mixed model employed a normally
10 replicate blocks per strain. Additional hens were housed in floor pens distributed term associated with hen metabolic BW, and exponential
and were used to replace caged hens that had died or ceased egg produc- terms of average daily gain (ADG), egg mass (EM) and temperature. The
tion during the trial. At 30 wks of age all caged hens were artificially MEm at 21 C was 159.38 kcal/kg0.67, with a temperature adjustment
inseminated with 100 million sperm in a 0.05cc volume from a pooled of −0.2995 kcal/C. The ME requirement for gain was 0.4013 kcal/g,
semen sample. Inseminations continued at 5 wk intervals until 60 wks with a temperature adjustment of −0.0234 and EM was 0.6183 kcal/g.
of age. All eggs were recorded and collected daily to determine fertility According to this model, a broiler breeder hen weighing 3.0 kg, gain-
by day post-insemination. Values were analyzed by hen strain until the ing 15g/d and producing 60g egg/d require 382, 376, or 369 kcal/d at
cessation of sperm activity was determined. Data were analyzed using 15, 21, and 28 C, respectively. This translates to 136.4, 134.3, or 131.8
JMP statistical software using ANOVA with means compared using g/d of 2,800 kcal ME/kg feed, respectively. Birds fed HE had a higher
the LSD method with significance determined when P < 0.05. Results ADG coefficient than birds on the LE diet. However, both MEm and
indicate that while each hen strain varied in overall fertility following EM coefficients did not differ. The greatest impact of temperature is on
the single inseminations (from 42.7 to 46.1%), age had little effect on MEm, whereas dietary energy affected growth.
these hens (low of 38.4 and a high of 49.8%). There was no difference
Key Words: energy requirements, broiler breeders, environmental
in overall duration of fertility for any of the hen strains with all strains
averaging a duration of fertility between 15.6 and 15.8 d post- insemi-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 229
Ruminant Nutrition: Beef: By-Product Feeds
198 Use of dried distillers grains throughout a beef production wk. Following the grazing period, pastures within supplement treat-
system: I. Stocker phase. E. K. Buttrey*1,2, F. T. McCollum III1, J. ment were randomly assigned to SFC or 35DDG. Steers were fed once
C. MacDonald2,3, and K. H. Jenkins3, 1Texas AgriLife Extension Ser- daily ad libitum and pens of steers were harvested when estimated fat
vice, Amarillo, 2West Texas A&M University, Canyon, 3Texas AgriLife thickness reached 1.27 cm. A 3-way interaction between supplement,
Research, Amarillo. finishing diet, and yr was detected for HCW (P = 0.08) and carcass-
adjusted total system weight gain (P = 0.04). Wheat pasture ADG was
During the winters of 2008 and 2009, a study was conducted at the greater for DDG steers compared with CON and DRC steers (P < 0.01;
Texas AgriLife Research facilities in Bushland, Texas, to evaluate dried 1.40, 1.30, and 1.29 kg/d for DDG, CON and DRC, respectively). With
distillers grains as a supplement to wheat pasture. Each yr, 60 precon- the exception of carcass-adjusted G:F for which DRC was greater than
ditioned Hereford steers (initial BW = 198 kg ± 3) were revaccinated CON and DDG was intermediate (P = 0.03; 0.161 vs. 0.150, DRC and
against viral and Clostridial pathogens and implanted with 36 mg of CON, respectively, 0.154 DDG), finishing performance and carcass
zeranol. Steers were stratified by BW and randomly assigned to one of traits were not affected by wheat pasture supplement (P ≥ 0.12). Initial
15 2.2-ha wheat pastures (4 steers/pasture). Treatments were assigned and final BW, DMI, and ADG were similar for SFC and 35DDG steers
within 5 blocks of 3 pastures. Treatments were: 1) Control (CON)- no (P ≥ 0.20). Steers receiving SFC had greater carcass-adjusted G:F (P
supplement, 2) dry rolled corn (DRC), and 3) dried distillers grains < 0.01, 0.160 vs. 0.149), dressing percent (P = 0.01, 63.6 vs. 62.8),
(DDG). DRC and DDG were fed at 0.5% BW (DM) daily, pro-rated and twelfth rib fat thickness (P < 0.01, 1.27 vs. 1.12 cm) than 35DDG
and delivered 6 d/wk. Full BW was measured and supplement amounts steers. The use of dried distillers grains as a supplement to wheat pas-
were adjusted every 28d. All steers had ad libitum access to water and ture results in greater ADG on wheat. However dried distillers grains
a monensin-containing mineral supplement throughout grazing. Forage included in steam-flaked corn based finishing diets appears to reduce
mass was measured by clipping at initiation and termination of grazing. G:F and dressing percent.
Across yr, steers grazed an average of 128 d. Initial forage mass was
not different among treatments (P = 0.49; Table 1). However, treatment Key Words: dried distillers grains, stocker, finishing
affected final forage mass. At the end of grazing, DRC pastures had more
(P = 0.02) residual forage mass than CON and DDG was intermediate.
199 Comparison of wheat or corn dried distillers grains with
Gain was greater for DDG steers than CON and DRC (P < 0.01). Final
solubles on rumen fermentation and nutrient digestibility in feedlot
forage mass suggests DRC depressed forage intake, while DDG had
heifers. L. J. Walter*1, T. A. McAllister2, W. Yang2, K. Beauchemin2,
less influence on intake while increasing weight gain.
and J. J. McKinnon1, 1University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK,
Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre, Leth-
Table 1. Effect of stocker treatment on forage mass and steer perfor- bridge, AB, Canada.
A 5 × 5 Latin square design trial was conducted to evaluate rumen
Item CON DRC DDG SE fermentation and apparent nutrient digestibility in 5 rumen cannulated
Initial forage, kg DM/ha 2515 2750 2696 202 heifers (420 ± 6 kg) fed diets supplemented with wheat (WDDGS) or
Final forage, kg DM/haa,1 640 969 848 134 corn (CDDGS) dried distillers grains with solubles. The composition
Gain, kg/db 1.29 1.31 1.40 0.03 of the control diet was 88.7% rolled barley grain, 5.5% supplement
Adjusted gain, kg/db,2 1.30 1.29 1.40 0.03 and 5.8% barley silage (DM basis). Treatments included replacement
of barley grain at 20 or 40% of the diet DM with WDDGS or CDDGS.
effect, P = 0.07; pairwise CON < DRC, P = 0.03.
Contrasts included CDDGS vs. WDDGS; Control vs. CDDGS or
effect, P = 0.003; pairwise DDG > CON, DDG > DRC, P <
WDDGS; 40% WDDGS vs. 40% CDDGS. Rumen pH, duration and
1Initial forage mass used as covariate. area under pH curve thresholds of 5.8, 5.5 and 5.2 were not affected
2Final forage mass used as covariate. (P > 0.05) by treatment. WDDGS increased (P ≤ 0.05) rumen NH3-N
levels relative to the control and CDDGS treatments, but decreased (P
Key Words: dried distillers grains, supplement, wheat pasture = 0.04) propionate relative to the control. Both DDGS sources increased
(P ≤ 0.03) rumen butyrate concentration and the digestibility (P ≤ 0.04)
197 Use of dried distillers grains throughout a beef production of NDF, ADF and ADIN. WDDGS decreased (P ≤ 0.02) DM and GE
system: II. Finishing phase. E. K. Buttrey*1,2, F. T. McCollum III1, digestibility while CDDGS increased (P ≤ 0.001) CP digestibility.
J. C. MacDonald2,3, and K. H. Jenkins3, 1Texas AgriLife Extension Ser- With the exception of ADF (P = 0.78), feeding 40% WDDGS reduced
vice, Amarillo, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, 3Texas AgriLife (P ≤ 0.02) nutrient digestibility relative to 40% CDDGS. Inclusion of
Research, Amarillo. WDDGS and CDDGS increased (P < 0.001) N and P intakes as well as
excretion, with WDDGS having the greatest (P < 0.001) effect. Fecal
To evaluate the effects of feeding dried distillers grains throughout a beef N and P excretion was increased (P < 0.001) for WDDGS, but not for
production system, a 2-yr study was conducted using a 3 × 2 factorial CDDGS (P = 0.56 and 0.27). Both DDGS sources resulted in higher
arrangement of treatments. Factors were wheat pasture supplement (no (P < 0.001) urinary N and P output. Replacement of barley grain with
supplement, dry-rolled corn, and dried distillers grains; CON, DRC, up to 40% WDDGS or CDDGS did not mitigate rumen fermentation
and DDG, respectively) and finishing diet (steam-flaked corn based diet conditions associated with acidosis. CDDGS had the largest beneficial
containing 0 or 35% DDG, SFC and 35DDG, respectively). Each yr, 60 influence on apparent nutrient digestibility, while both DDGS sources
preconditioned Hereford steers (initial BW = 198 kg ± 3) were stratified altered the amount and route of N and P excretion.
by BW and randomly assigned to one of 15 2.2-ha wheat pastures (4
steers/pasture). Supplements were assigned within 5 blocks of 3 pastures. Key Words: corn DDGS, wheat DDGS, nutrient digestibility heifers
Supplements were fed at 0.5% BW daily, pro-rated and delivered 6 d/
230 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
200 Effects of wet distillers grains plus solubles concentration in and marbling score decreased linearly (P < 0.01) with WGDS inclusion
steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets on nutrient digestibility. M. level. Gain efficiency and DMI responded quadratically (P < 0.01) across
K. Luebbe*1, K. H. Jenkins1, J. Patterson1, E. K. Buttrey2, and J. C. WDG inclusion levels. Dressing percent tended to decrease linearly (P =
MacDonald1,3, 1Texas AgriLife Research, Amarillo, 2Texas AgriLife 0.07) with WDG level and LM area was not different (P = 0.31) across
Extension, Amarillo, 3West Texas A&M University, Canyon. WDG inclusion levels. Feeding SFC improved animal performance and
carcass characteristics compared with DRC. The relative energy content
Six ruminally and duodenally cannulated crossbred steers (BW = 481 ± of WDG in SFC-based diets appears to dilute the energy density of the
18 kg) were used to determine effects of corn and sorghum based (<15% diets and negatively impacts animal performance.
sorghum) wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDG) on nutrient digest-
ibility. Seven periods consisted of 17 d of adaptation and 4 d collection
of feces, duodenal and ruminal samples. Steers were fed twice daily in Table 1. Distillers grains and animal performance
equal proportions. Fecal and duodenal samples were collected 3 times
daily with sampling time advancing 1 h to represent every hour between
Final BW, kga 616 614 600 597 581 601 7
feeding. Ruminal fluid samples were collected in the same manner with
DMI, kg 11.3 11.5 11.5 11.4 10.5 11.7 0.2
the addition of samples collected before feeding and 8 h post-feeding
ADG, kga 2.05 2.02 1.91 1.89 1.75 1.92 0.05
each d during the 4 d collection period. Wet distillers grains (0, 15, 30,
45, and 60% dietary inclusion; 0WDG, 15WDG, 30WDG, 45WDG, G:F, g/kga 182 176 166 166 167 163 3
and 60WDG, respectively) replaced cottonseed meal, supplemental aCalculated from HCW divided by a common dressing percentage
fat (yellow grease), urea, and steam-flaked corn (SFC). Additionally, a of 63%.
dry-rolled corn control diet (DRC) was included. Dietary fat was set at
a minimum of 6.5% and alfalfa hay was included at 10% of diet DM. Key Words: wet distillers grains, corn processing, finishing diets
Contrasts included DRC vs. SFC, and linear and quadratic effects of
WDG level. Average ruminal pH was not different (P = 0.99). Change 202 Supplementing modified wet distillers grains with solubles
in ruminal pH was lowest (P < 0.01) for the DRC treatment. Dry matter to long yearling steers grazing native range. K. M. Rolfe*, W. A.
and OM intake were not different (P > 0.15) among WDG level. Intake Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson, University of Nebraska,
of NDF linearly increased (P < 0.01) with WDG level. Starch intake Lincoln.
responded quadratically (P = 0.06) with WDG level. Total tract DM,
OM, and NDF digestibility decreased linearly (P < 0.01) with WDG A 2-yr study was designed to evaluate the effects of supplementing
level. Total tract starch digestibility responded quadratically (P < 0.01) modified wet distillers grains with solubles (MDGS) to long yearling
with WDG level (98.1, 99.0, 98.6, 98.2, and 97.4%; 0WDG, 15WDG, steers while grazing native range (warm season grass). Steers (n =
30WDG, 45WDG, 60WDG, respectively). Dry-matter, OM, and starch 240; BW = 229 ± 16 kg) were backgrounded on cornstalk residue from
intake was not different (P > 0.80) for DRC and SFC whereas intake of late fall to mid-spring (144 d). While grazing cornstalks calves were
NDF was greater (P = 0.04) for DRC compared with SFC. Total tract supplemented 2.27 kg/steer daily of Sweet Bran. Following background-
DM and OM digestibility was not different (P > 0.45) for DRC and ing steers were allowed to graze smooth bromegrass pastures for 21 d.
SFC. Total tract starch and NDF digestibility were greater (P < 0.01) After grazing smooth brome calves were weighed, stratified by BW,
for SFC compared with DRC. Level of WDG concentration and corn assigned randomly to summer grazing treatments, and relocated to
processing method impacts nutrient intake and digestibility. graze Sandhills range. Summer grazing treatments included: grazing
native range with no supplementation (CON); and grazing native range
Key Words: wet distillers grains, digestibility, corn processing with MDGS supplementation at a level of 0.6% BW (SUPP). Modified
wet distillers grains with solubles was fed daily on the ground. Steers
201 Effects of wet distillers grains plus solubles concentration in were allowed to graze Sandhills range for the remainder of the summer
steam-flaked corn-based finishing diets on performance and carcass grazing period (137 d) before entering the feedlot in early fall. Upon
characteristics of beef steers. M. K. Luebbe*1, T. C. Davis1, K. H. Jen- time of harvest cattle were serially slaughtered in 2 groups within each
kins1, F. T. McCollum III2, N. A. Cole3, and J. C. MacDonald1,4, 1Texas summer grazing treatment. At the time of summer treatment assign-
AgriLife Research, Amarillo, 2Texas AgriLife Extension, Amarillo, ment, BW was not different between SUPP and CON steers (P = 0.36).
3USDA-ARS, Bushland, TX, 4West Texas A&M University, Canyon. However at feedlot entry, SUPP steers were 47 kg heavier (P < 0.01)
than CON steers. Therefore, SUPP steers had 0.31 kg greater (P < 0.01)
Six hundred crossbred steers (365 ± 35 kg) were used in a randomized ADG than CON steers. Because SUPP steers were heavier than CON
complete block design to determine effects of a corn and sorghum based steers at feedlot entry, 24 fewer days on feed in the feedlot (P < 0.01)
(<15% sorghum) wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDG) on animal were required to achieve the same final BW (P = 0.85). Feedlot ADG
performance and carcass characteristics in steam-flaked corn (SFC) diets. and DMI were not different between SUPP and CON steers (P > 0.47).
Forty-eight pens were utilized resulting in 8 replications per treatment. Similarly, HCW, LM area, and BF did not differ between the 2 summer
Wet distiller′s grains (0, 15, 30, 45, and 60% dietary inclusion; 0WDG, grazing treatments (P > 0.19). These data show that MDGS can be fed
15WDG, 30WDG, 45WDG, and 60WDG, respectively) replaced cot- on the ground, increase gains during summer grazing, and decrease
tonseed meal, supplemental fat (yellow grease), urea, and SFC. Addition- days on feed in the feedlot.
ally, a dry-rolled corn control diet (DRC) was included. Dietary fat was
set at a minimum of 6.5% with supplemental fat from yellow grease. Key Words: modified wet distiller grains, supplementation, yearling
Alfalfa hay was included at 10% of diet DM. Contrasts included DRC steer
vs. SFC, and linear and quadratic effects of WDG concentration. Final
BW, ADG, G:F, HCW, and fat depth were greater (P ≤ 0.05) for SFC 203 Influence of feeding dried distillers grains plus solubles in
than DRC. Dry-matter intake tended (P = 0.06) to be greater for DRC potato byproduct-based finishing diets. J. I. Szasz*1,4, D. S. Secrist2,
than SFC. Marbling score, dressing percent, and LM area were not dif- K. K. Karges3, C. W. Hunt1, K. A. Johnson4, and T. N. Bodine5, 1Univer-
ferent (P > 0.40) for DRC and SFC. Final BW, ADG, HCW, fat depth,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 231
sity of Idaho, Moscow, 2Agri Beef Co., Moses Lake, WA, 3Poet Nutrition, first period, but was not different in subsequent adaptation diets (P >
Sioux Falls, SD, 4Washington State University, Pullman, 5Performix 0.20). Average pH was lower (P < 0.01) for BYP on adaptation 1 and
Nutrition Systems, Nampa, ID. 2 compared with CON (5.76 vs. 6.18; 5.75 vs. 6.07, respectively). No
difference (P > 0.44) was observed between treatments in ruminal pH
One hundred 44 crossbred yearling beef steers (mean BW = 372 kg) were
for adaptation 3 and 4. Average pH was lower (P < 0.01) for CON on
used in a randomized complete block study to evaluate the influence
the last period when both treatments were being fed the same diet (5.61
of dried distillers grain plus solubles (DDGS; 10, 20, 30, or 40%, DM
vs. 5.80). Both adaptation methods resulted in safe ruminal pH (>5.6)
basis) fed in place of dry-rolled corn in finishing diets containing wet
and H2S concentrations (<36 µmol/L gas). No difference (P > 0.15) was
potato byproduct. Pen served as the experimental unit. Steers were fed
observed for DMD between treatments. Results suggest that decreas-
twice daily in equal proportions using a bunk management approach that
ing inclusion of a combination of distillers grains and gluten feed was
minimized accumulation of refused diet. Final BW (P = 0.05), DMI (P
as effective as the traditional method using forage for adapting feedlot
= 0.05), ADG (P = 0.07), and HCW (P = 0.02) increased quadratically
cattle to high-concentrate diets.
with DDGS level, reaching maximum (636, 11.7, 2.17, and 405 kg, for
final BW, DMI, ADG, and HCW, respectively) at the 20% DDGS level. Key Words: byproducts, grain adaptation, metabolism
Dry feed conversion (DMI/ADG) increased (P = 0.04) linearly from 5.31
to 5.53 for 10 and 40% DDGS, respectively, and performance-based diet
NEg tended (P = 0.11) to decrease linearly from 1.444 to 1.382 Mcal/kg 205 Effects of wet distillers grain and a direct-fed microbial on
for 10 and 40% DDGS, respectively. Similar responses were noted for finishing performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers fed
carcass-adjusted performance, with the exception that dry feed conver- a sorghum-based finishing diet. J. R. Jaeger*1, J. W. Waggoner1, K.
sion was not different between dietary treatments. Dressing percentage C. Olson2, J. W. Bolte1, and S. R. Goodall3, 1Western Kansas Agricul-
and percentage of cattle grading USDA Choice or Prime were similar tural Research Centers, Kansas State University, Hays, 2Kansas State
between dietary treatments; although, marbling score increased (P = University, Manhattan, 3Nova Microbial Technologies, Omaha, NE.
0.07) quadratically with DDGS, reaching maximum (508) at the 20% Angus x calves (n = 406; initial BW = 441 ± 31 kg) were stratified by
DDGS level. Liver abscess incidence and other measures of performance BW and ultrasonically measured longissimus muscle characteristics
were similar across dietary treatments. DDGS fed in place of dry-rolled and assigned randomly to 1 of 4 ration treatments (4 pen replicates per
corn improved ADG when fed up to 20% of the diet DM, yet negative treatment). Ration treatments were: 1) soybean meal protein supple-
effects on feed conversion were realized with increasing DDGS level. ment (CON); 2) control plus direct-fed microbial (CON+DFM); 3)
These results parallel findings from published trials where ADG was wet distiller′s grain plus solubles (WDGS; 15% of diet DM); and 4)
improved between 20 and 30% DDGS, but are in conflict with research WDGS plus direct-fed microbial (WDGS+DFM). Steers were fed for
demonstrating optimized feed conversion near 20% DDGS in the finish- 106 d before harvest. Longissimus muscle characteristics were measured
ing diet. Future research should identify possibilities for this discrepancy ultrasonically on d 0 and 70 of the feeding period. Increase in backfat
as well as evaluate graded levels of DDGS in potato byproduct-based thickness was greater (P < 0.01) for steers receiving WDGS compared
finishing diets containing more aggressively processed grain (e.g., high- those receiving the control diet during the first 70 d on feed. In addi-
moisture, steam-flaked). tion, increase in longissimus muscle depth was greater (P < 0.01) for
Key Words: feedlot, distillers grains, finishing cattle cattle receiving DFM compared those receiving no microbial treatment.
Change in marbling score was similar (P = 0.44) among treatments.
Steer ADG during the entire feeding period was greater (P < 0.01) for
204 Effect of feeding modified distillers grains and wet corn gluten WDGS than for CON (1.66 and 1.43 ± 0.02 kg/d, respectively). Like-
feed compared to forage on ruminal pH, intake and digestibility wise, harvest BW was greater (P < 0.01) for steers receiving WDGS
when adapting cattle to finishing diets. M. G. Dib*1, G. E. Erickson1, compared with steers receiving the control diet. Carcass weight was
T. J. Klopfenstein1, J. O. Sarturi1, R. Lindquist2, K. M. Rolfe1, C. D. greater in steers fed WDGS+DFM compared with WDGS, but was lower
Buckner1, and V. R. Bremer1, 1University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2Archer in steers fed CON+DFM compared with CON (WDGS × DFM; P =
Daniels Midland, Columbus, NE. 0.01). Dressing percent and LM area were similar (P > 0.30) between
treatments. USDA yield grade (P = 0.41) and quality grade (P = 0.45)
A 39-d grain adaptation metabolism study was conducted compar-
were also similar among treatments with 69.0% of steers grading choice
ing a combination of modified distillers grains plus solubles and wet
or better. Under the conditions of our study, these data were interpreted
corn gluten feed (BYP) fed at decreasing levels (87.5% to 35%) to a
to suggest that sorghum-based feeding diets containing WDGS and a
traditional grain adaptation (CON) with decreasing forage (45% to
direct-fed microbial may improve finishing performance and carcass
7.5%). In both adaptation schemes, dry-rolled corn increased (up to
merit compared with diets containing no distiller′s grains. Further
57.5%). Measurements included DMI, ruminal pH, ruminal H2S, and
research is needed to elucidate optimal use conditions of direct-fed
DM digestibility (DMD) for the first adaptation diet and the finishing
microbials in sorghum-based finishing diets.
diet. Six yearling steers (BW = 405 ± 20 kg) were assigned randomly
to 1 of 2 treatments in a CRD with 3 steers per treatment (BYP and Key Words: beef cattle, distillers grains, direct-fed microbial
CON). Cattle were fed ad libitum once daily. Five adaptation diets were
used to increase corn with diets fed 9, 7, 7, 7, and 9 d, respectively.
The last 9-d period consisted of a common finishing diet containing 206 Feeding Lactobacillus acidophilus combined with Propioni-
the combination of gluten feed and distillers grains (30% of diet DM). bacterium freudenreichii to determine performance and carcass
Intake and pH (wireless pH probes) measurements were collected every characteristics in feedlot heifers fed with or without wet distillers
minute during the entire study. Ruminal gas samples were collected 8 grains plus solubles. B. K. Wilson*1, B. P. Holland1, T. G. Nagaraja2,
h post feeding on the last 2 d of each period, and H2S concentrations and C. R. Krehbiel1, 1Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 2Kansas
were analyzed. Data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX procedure State University, Manhattan.
of SAS. During adaptation, DMI expressed as % of BW tended (P = Increasing corn prices related to increased ethanol production have had
0.09) to be greater for steers fed CON compared with BYP during the a significant impact on the cost of gain for cattle producers who rely on
232 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
corn-based diets, and the inclusion of wet distiller’s grains plus solubles dratically (P < 0.01), respectively. Gain decreased linearly (P = 0.02)
(WDGS) in feedlot diets has become a common practice in many regions as wet DGS that was 1.16% S increased in the diet. Other diets did
of the US In addition, direct-fed microbials (DFM) have been shown not result in a similar pattern. Steers fed wet DGS had improved G:F
to improve ADG and feed efficiency, alter ruminal fermentation, and with similar ADG. A quadratic response (P < 0.05) was observed for
decrease fecal shedding of harmful pathogens in feedlot cattle. The G:F when wet DGS increased in the diet, with the greatest values at
objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of Lactobacil- 20 and 30%, regardless of sulfur content. A linear (P < 0.05) decrease
lus acidophilus (LA) combined with Propionibacterium freudenreichii was observed for HCW and fat thickness as wet and dry 1.16% S DGS
(PF) on performance and carcass characteristics in feedlot heifers fed increased in the diet, while no changes were observed for wet and dry
with or without WDGS. Crossbred heifers (n = 288; initial BW = 295 0.82% S DGS diets. High sulfur DGS reduces DMI, ADG, and G:F
± 28 kg) were assigned to 1 of 4 treatments in a randomized complete when fed at high levels in beef cattle finishing diets, but depends on
block design with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Across whether fed wet or dry.
the feeding period, heifers fed 30% WDGS tended (P = 0.09) to have
Key Words: distillers grains plus solubles, feedlot cattle, sulfur
greater ADG and had greater carcass-adjusted ADG (P = 0.05) compared
with heifers fed dry-rolled corn. Dry matter intake was not affected (P
= 0.65) by diet, although carcass adjusted F:G tended (P = 0.08) to be 208 Comparing dry, wet, or modified distillers grains plus solubles
improved for heifers fed WDGS. Heifers fed 30% WDGS tended (P ≤ on feedlot cattle performance. B. L. Nuttelman*, W. A. Griffin, J. R.
0.10) to have greater fat thickness at the 12th rib, lower marbling scores, Benton, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein, University of Nebraska,
and higher yield grades. The inclusion of LA combined with PF in the Lincoln.
diet had no effect (P > 0.10) on performance or carcass merit in the
present experiment. Feeding 30% WDGS to feedlot heifers improved A finishing experiment was conducted to compare dry, wet, and modi-
animal performance. Similar results can be anticipated when a DFM fied (partially dried) distillers grains plus solubles. Crossbred, yearling
is included in the diet. steers (n = 440; initial BW = 353 ± 20 kg) were utilized in a RCBD with
steers stratified within block, and assigned randomly to one of 55 pens
Key Words: beef cattle, direct-fed microbials, wet distillers grains (8 steers/pen). Pens were assigned randomly to one of 10 treatments as
plus solubles a 3x3+1 factorial. Diets contained 3 inclusions (20, 30, or 40%) of 3
different types: wet distillers grains plus soluble (WDGS, 34.8% DM),
modified distillers grains plus soluble (MDGS, 50.6% DM), or dried
207 Growth performance of finishing steers fed dry or wet distillers
distillers grains plus soluble (DDGS, 91.4% DM). The 0% inclusion,
grains plus solubles differing in sulfur content. J. O. Sarturi*, G.
corn control was repeated within replication (10 replications) whereas
E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, J. T. Vasconcelos, W. A. Griffin, and J.
all other treatments had 5 replications. Basal ingredients consisted of
R. Benton, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
high-moisture and dry-rolled corn fed at a 60:40 ratio (DM basis),
A finishing study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary sulfur 15% corn silage, and 5% dry supplement (DM basis). No interactions
on beef cattle finishing diets formulated with wet or dry distillers grains between type and inclusion were observed (P > 0.16) for any variables.
with soluble (DGS). Sulfur concentration in DGS was either 0.82 or No difference was observed in ADG (P = 0.30) between WDGS, MDGS,
1.16% and similar between wet or dry DGS. Steers (n = 120, BW = or DDGS. Steers fed WDGS had 0.73 and 1.04 kg/d less (P < 0.01)
345 ± 34kg) were assigned to 1 of 13 treatments in a RCBD (9 steers/ DMI than MDGS and DDGS, respectively. Steers fed WDGS (0.165)
diet, except 12 steers for control) and fed for 151 d. Cattle were fed had greater G:F (P < 0.01) compared with steers fed MDGS or DDGS
ad libitum once daily using Calan individual bunks. Treatments were (0.158 or 0.150, respectively). Cattle fed MDGS tended (P = 0.06) to
designed with 3 DGS inclusion (20, 30, and 40%), fed either wet or have greater G:F than steers consuming DDGS. Type had no impact (P
dry that consisted of low or high sulfur concentration in DGS as a 3 × > 0.15) on carcass traits. A linear increase (P = 0.01) in DMI, quadratic
2 × 2 factorial. A corn control diet was included resulting in a 3 × 2 × 2 response (P = 0.04) in ADG, and a linear increase (P < 0.01) in G:F were
+1 treatment design. All diets contained 15% corn silage, 5% supple- observed as distillers grains increased from 0 to 40%. Generally, ADG
ment and a blend (60:40) of high-moisture and dry-rolled corn. Initial and G:F increased from 0 to 20% inclusion and little change from 20
BW was based on weighing 3 d following a limit-feeding period of 5 to 40% inclusion. Increased levels of distillers grains increased HCW
d at 2% of BW. Final BW, ADG, and G:F were based on HCW using quadratically (P = 0.05) and increased fat depth (P < 0.01). Based on
a 62% dressing percentage. Data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX G:F, the feeding value of WDGS was 35.4 and 17.8% greater than DDGS
procedures of SAS as a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial. Orthogonal contrasts were and MDGS, respectively. Feeding value of WDGS, MDGS, and DDGS
used for comparing DGS to the control diet. Intake linearly increased were 45.7, 26.5, and 9.3% greater than corn-based diets when included
(P = 0.02) when dry 0.82% S DGS was included in the diet, but DMI at 20, 30, or 40% of the diet DM, respectively.
was not affected when wet 0.82% S DGS was fed. When wet and dry
Key Words: dried distillers grains plus solubles, finishing cattle, wet
1.16% S DGS was added, DMI decreased linearly (P < 0.01) and qua-
distillers grains plus solubles
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 233
Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Protein and Fat
209 Dietary saturated fatty acid source and parity influence lacta- with a P-value of 0.05) Genes that code for enzymes in the anabolic
tional performance of early lactation Holstein dairy cows. M. Hol- pathways (lipid uptake and synthesis) were consistently decreased to
lmann* and D. K. Beede, Michigan State University, East Lansing. only 20 to 50% of prepartum, including thyroid hormone receptor spot
14, lipoprotein lipase, ATP-citrate lyase, acetyl-CoA carboxlyase and
Dietary coconut oil (CO), a source of saturated, predominantly medium- other genes in that pathway. Genes that code for enzymes involved in
chain fatty acids (FA), reduced enteric methane emission, but also lipolysis (hormone sensitive lipase, β-2 adrenergic receptors, perilipin)
reduced DMI and milk yield in our earlier studies. Here, we examined were either unchanged or only moderately increased. Genes involved in
lactational performance of early lactation cows fed 2 sources of saturated synthesis of cellular components and cell cycle control (PPAR gamma,
FA, differing in predominant chain lengths. Dietary treatments were: ADFP, ribosomal proteins) were highly expressed and slightly elevated
no added fat (CTRL); 2.7% of DM as saturated long-chain FA (Energy in early lactation. Additional canonical pathways including cell mor-
Booster 100; EB) or 2.7% CO; or, a 2.7% mixture of equal parts EB phology, intercellular signaling, connective tissue synthesis, and disease
and CO (INT). Primiparous (PP; n = 31) and multiparous (MP; n = 36) states all showed changes during the early lactation period. These data
Holstein cows 10 to 14 d postpartum were fed one of 4 treatments for 16 can be used to help understand the myriad of changes as cows rapidly
wk in a randomized complete block design. CTRL diet contained corn lose body fat and can be integrated into systems models for dairy cattle
and alfalfa silages (53% of DM), dry ground corn, soybean meal, plus metabolism and health.
mineral and vitamin supplement; it was formulated to contain 26.5%
NDF (83% from forages), 17.6% CP, 29.6% starch, and 3.6% fat. Milk Key Words: adipose, transcriptome, lactation
yield and DMI were recorded daily, and blood was collected weekly.
Main effects of diet, parity, time (repeated measures), and relevant
211 Use of omega-3 fatty acid rich algae and their oil as a feed
interactions were tested by least-squares ANOVA. Reported values
supplement for dairy cattle. J. A. Stamey*1, D. M. Shepherd1, M.
differed (P < 0.05). Overall, cows fed CTRL had the greatest DMI. Fat
J. de Veth2, and B. A. Corl1, 1Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
source with greater chain length increased DMI linearly for MP cows
University, Blacksburg, 2Balchem Corp., New Hampton, NY.
(CO: 22.7; INT: 24.7; EB: 27.0 kg/d), and quadratically for PP cows
(18.5; 21.0; 20.3 kg/d). Similar interactions of treatment by parity were Fish oil is used as a ration additive to provide omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids
observed for yields of solids-corrected milk and milk components. CO to dairy cows. Fish do not synthesize n-3 fatty acids; they must consume
reduced milk fat (3.1%) and lactose (4.73%) concentrations compared microscopic algae or other algae-consuming fish. New technology
with EB (3.8% and 4.92%), pooled across time and parity. Plasma allows for the production of algal biomass for use as a ration supple-
glucose concentration did not differ among fat treatments and CTRL ment for dairy cattle. Lipid encapsulation of the algal biomass allows
across the 16 wk. Fat source interacted with parity; INT had the lowest n-3 fatty acids to remain inert in the rumen, avoid biohydrogenation,
glucose concentration for PP, but highest for MP. During wk 1 to 4 of and be available for absorption and utilization. Our objective was to
study, MP had lower plasma glucose than PP (52 vs. 58 mg/dL), which examine use of algal biomass as a source for n-3 fatty acids. Four late-
coincided with greater plasma BHBA (7.0 vs. 4.8 mg/dL) and NEFA lactation Holsteins were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin Square design. Their
(710 vs. 380 µeq/L) concentrations in MP. Body condition loss through rations were supplemented with 1X or 0.5X rumen protected (RP) algal
wk 4 was greater for CO and CTRL than for INT and EB. Overall, biomass supplement, 1X RP algal oil supplement, or no supplement.
dietary CO reduced DMI compared with EB leading to a greater FA Supplements were lipid encapsulated (Balchem Corp., New Hampton,
mobilization in early lactation. NY). The 1X supplements provided 29 g/d docosahexaenoic acid
(DHA) and 0.5X provided half of this amount. Treatments were ana-
Key Words: dairy cow, fatty acid, metabolism
lyzed by orthogonal contrasts. Supplementing dairy rations with rumen
protected algal supplements did not affect feed intake, milk yield, or
210 Adaptations in the transcriptome of adipose tissue in transi- milk composition (P > 0.05). Milk fat yield was 1.0, 1.1, 1.0, and 1.0
tion dairy cattle. S. Rocco1, G. Duncan1, J. Loor2, J. Vierck1, and J. ± 0.07 kg/d for cows fed control, 0.5X RP algae, 1X RP algae, and 1X
P. McNamara*1, 1Washington State University, Pullman, 2University RP oil, respectively. Short- and medium-chain fatty acid yields were
of Illinois, Urbana. not influenced by supplements (P > 0.05). Both 0.5X and 1X RP algae
supplements increased (P < 0.01) daily milk fat yield of DHA (0.5 and
Metabolic adaptations in adipose tissue are a critical part of establish- 0.6 ± 0.10 g/d, respectively) compared with 1X RP oil (0.3 ± 0.10 g/d),
ment and maintenance of lactation. Our objective was to determine but all supplements were greater (P < 0.01) than control (0.1 ± 0.10
changes in the transcriptome of adipose tissue during the transition g/d). Yield of trans-18:1 fatty acids in milk fat was also increased by
period. A total of 48 cows were grouped by their sire PTAM: High supplementation, suggesting supplements may have influenced rumen
Genetic (PTAM = 870 kg), or Low Genetic (PTAM = 378); and half microflora. Trans-11 18:1 yield (13, 20, 27, and 15 ± 3.0 g/d for control,
of each group was fed either to requirements (NE) or to 90% of energy 0.5X RP algae, 1X RP algae, and 1X RP oil, respectively) was greater
requirements (LE), other components fed to requirements. Feed intake for supplements than control (P = 0.05). Rumen protected algal biomass
from 21 to 1 d prepartum was 13.6 (NE) and 12.7 kg (LE) DMI/d for provided better DHA yield than algal oil.
(SE = 1.5): from 1 to 56 DIM it was 21.2 and 17.4 kg/d (SE = 1.4). Milk
production was 36.1 and 33.3 kg/d for HG and LG cows from 27 to 56 Key Words: micro-algae, n-3 fatty acid, rumen protection
DIM (P < 0.05). Adipose tissue biopsies at −21, −7, 7, 28 and 56 d around
parturition extracted from a subset of these animals and the transcriptome
212 Additive effects of propionate, trans10,cis12-CLA and acetate
was determined using the Affymetrix Bovine Gene Array on a subset of
on milk fat production and composition in dairy cows. G. Maxin*1,
21 animals and a total of 28 arrays. Analysis was done using standard
H. Rulquin1, J. L. Peyraud1, and F. Glasser2, 1INRA-Agrocampus ouest,
array statistical techniques and pathway analysis. Further analysis and
Rennes, France, 2INRA, Theix, Saint-Genes-Champanelle, France.
pathway analysis were conducted on genes that changed at least 2-fold
234 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Several nutrients affect dairy cow mammary lipogenesis and thus milk LPL, −57%; ATP-Citrate Lyase, −22% (<0.05) as examples) and no
fat production and composition. The individual effects of these nutrients change or moderate increases in those controlling lipolysis. Lactation
have been long studied by digestive infusions, but it is still not known is supported by coordinated change in gene expression and metabolic
whether they are additive or interactive. The present study aims to inves- rates in adipose over varied dietary and genetic situations.
tigate the effects on milk fat secretion of 3 of these nutrients: propionate
Key Words: lactation, adipose, regulation
(C3), acetate (C2) and trans10,cis12-CLA, supplied alone or together
to dairy cows. Six Holstein cows were used in a 6 × 6 Latin square
design with 14-d periods. The treatments were: control; C2 (ruminal 214 Effects of dietary protein concentration and coconut oil
infusion of 1500 g/d of C2); C3 (ruminal infusion of 800 g/d of C3); supplementation on nitrogen utilization and production in dairy
CLA (duodenal infusion of 1.60 g/d of trans10,cis12-CLA); C2+C3 cows. C. Lee*, A. N. Hristov, K. S. Hyler, T. W. Cassidy, and M.
(ruminal infusion of 400 g/d C3 + 750 g/d C2); and CLA+C3 (ruminal Long, Pennsylvania State University, PA.
infusion of 800 g/d C3 + duodenal infusion of 1.60 g/d trans10,cis12-
CLA). Milk yield and composition were measured at each milking and The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of dietary
milk fatty acids (FA) at the end of each period. Compared with control, protein concentration and coconut oil (CO) on N utilization in lactating
C3 and CLA decreased milk fat content and yield by 9% and 15% on dairy cows. The experiment was conducted for 10 wks with 36 cows
average (P < 0.05). C2 tended to increase milk fat content (P = 0.08), (132 ± 7.0 DIM; 13 primiparous and 23 multiparous) including 6 can-
but did not alter milk fat yield. CLA decreased the yields of all milk FA, nulated cows. Following a 2–wk covariate period, cows were blocked
except trans10,cis12-CLA, which increased. C3 decreased the yields based on DIM and milk yield (average: 38.4 ± 1.2 kg/d) and assigned
of all even-chain FA (P < 0.05) and increased the yields and percent- to the following treatments: 16% CP (DM basis, HighCP, control), 14%
ages of the odd-chain FA (C5 to C17, P < 0.05). C2 did not modify the CP (LowCP) and 14% CP diet supplemented with 600 g/cow/d coconut
secretion of the FA, except C16, which sharply increased (P < 0.01). oil (LowCPCO). The HighCP and LowCP diets contained 2.5% (DM
The interactions between C3 and C2, and C3 and CLA on all the vari- basis) Megalac. Samples (ruminal fermentation, nutrients digestibility,
ables measured were never significant (P > 0.15), whatever the nutrient N losses, and milk production) were collected at wks 5, 6, 7 and 8 of
individual effects. When the 2 nutrients had the same individual effects, the trial. Compared with LowCP and HighCP, LowCPCO decreased
their effects added up when infused together (e.g., CLA+C3 on milk DMI (21.5 vs. 23.7 and 24.7 kg/d; P < 0.003), milk yield (34.7 vs. 36.5
fat content); when they had opposite effects, there was compensation and 39.7 kg/d, P = 0.01) and milk fat content (3.1 vs. 3.6 and 3.7%; P
(e.g., C2+C3 on milk fat content). Under our experimental conditions, = 0.001) and yield (1.1 vs. 1.3 and 1.4 kg/d; P < 0.001, respectively).
C2 and C3, and C3 and trans10,cis12-CLA had thus additive effects on Milk protein content and yield were not affected by diet. Compared
mammary lipogenesis. with HighCP, the LowCP diet decreased milk yield (39.7 vs. 36.5; P
= 0.04). Apparent digestibilities of DM, OM, NDF, ADF and N were
Key Words: dairy cows, milk fat, nutrients greater (P = 0.03 to < 0.001) for HighCP compared with LowCP and
LowCPCO. Ruminal ammonia (P = 0.03), blood urea–N (P < 0.001)
and milk urea–N (P < 0.001) were increased by HighCP compared
213 Regulation of adipose tissue metabolism by coordinated
with LowCP and LowCPCO. Urinary N excretion was greater (P <
changes in gene transcription during the transition period. S.
0.001) for HighCP compared with LowCP and LowCPCO. Cows fed
Rocco*, G. Duncan, J. Kay, R. Bose, J. Vierck, and J. McNamara,
the LowCPCO diet had lower (P = 0.001) fecal N excretion compared
Washington State University, Pullman.
with the other diets and the highest (P < 0.001) milk N efficiency (36%)
Metabolic adaptations in adipose tissue are a critical part of establish- followed by LowCP (32%) and HighCP (28%). In conclusion, the 14%
ment and maintenance of lactation. Adipose tissue not only stores and CP diet decreased urinary N losses and increased feed N efficiency, but
releases energy but also secretes a metabolic regulators and cytokines. decreased milk yield. Coconut oil supplementation decreased feed intake
Previous work determined that several enzymes and pathways adapt in and milk yield, but increased feed N utilization efficiency compared
a coordinated fashion to support establishment and success of lactation. with the control and LowCP diets.
Our objective was to identify specific changes in gene transcription that
Key Words: dietary protein, coconut oil, dairy cow
relate to adaptations in lipogenesis and lipolysis in the adipose tissue
of transition dairy cattle. A total of 48 cows were grouped by their sire
PTAM: High Genetic (PTAM = 870 kg), or Low Genetic (PTAM = 378); 215 The effect of feeding ruminally protected lysine (RPL) on
and half of each group was fed either to requirements (NE) or to 90% of production performance and plasma amino acid profile of early
energy requirements (LE), other components fed to requirements. Feed lactation dairy cattle. J. E. Nocek*1 and I. Shinzato2, 1Spruce Haven
intake from 21 to 1 d prepartum was 13.6 (NE) and 12.7 kg (LE) DMI/d Farm and Research Center, Auburn, NY, 2Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Tokyo,
for (SE = 1.5): from 1 to 56 DIM it was 21.2 and 17.4 kg/d (SE = 1.4). Japan.
Milk production was 36.1 and 33. Three kg/d for HG and LG cows from
27 to 56 DIM (P < 0.05). Adipose tissue biopsies at −21, −7, 7, 28 and Thirty-six lactating Holstein cows were used to examine the effects of
56 days around parturition were used to measure lipolysis, lipogenesis ruminally protected lysine (RPL) supplementation and dosage on pro-
and gene expression by RT-PCR or gene array chips. Rates of lipogenesis duction performance and plasma amino acid profile of high-producing
were lower during lactation and lower in LE cows while lipolysis rates dairy cows. Multiparous cows were balanced across treatments based on
were higher for both conditions (P < 0.05). The mRNA expression of the their 4 week of lactation average milk production as follows: Control,
beta-2 adrenergic receptor, hormone sensitive lipase and the co-lipase, 75, 150, 225 g/d of RPL. These treatments were designed to deliver 0,
perilipin, was several-fold higher (P < 0.05) in animals on restricted 12, 24 and 36 g/cow/d of supplemental intestinally available lysine,
energy. The mRNA for caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 decreased 20 to 40% respectively. Cows started the experimental period on the fifth week
(P < 0.05) in lactation consistent with the increase in lipolysis and HSL post-calving and remained on treatment for 4 weeks. Prior to treatment
activity. The gene expression array showed coordinated decreases in administration, all cows received the control diet for one week, which
genes regulation lipogenesis (TRPSP14, −26%; AcCoCarb, −76%; contained 75% of forage from corn silage. Control diet was fed to all
cows throughout the experimental period, however, in addition, cows
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 235
received 500 g/d of corn meal premix top dressed once daily to deliver A. Broderick*1, S. M. Reynal2, R. A. Patton3, W. Heimbeck4, and P.
0, 75, 150 or 225 g/d of RPL. Blood samples were taken for each cow Lodi5, 1U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI, 2University
before daily feeding on d 0 and 28 of the study for amino acid analysis. of Wisconsin, Madison, 3Nittany Dairy Nutrition, Inc., Mifflinburg, PA,
Dry matter intake was not affected by RPL dose when expressed as 4Evonik Degussa GmbH, Hanau, Germany, 5Universidad Nacional de
a percentage of body weight. Mean milk yield was the highest (P < Rosario, Argentina, Rosario, Argentina.
0.03) for cows receiving 150g RPL than Control or 225g RPL, with
Plasma AA level was used to estimate Met bioavailability in 2 sources
75g RPL not being different than others (47.7, 43.2, 42.7 and 44.6kg,
of rumen-protected Met (RPM): Mepron (RPM1) and Smartamine M
respectively). FCM was higher (P < 0.05) for cows receiving 75g RPL
(RPM2). Eight cows consuming 22 kg DM/d, yielding 34 kg milk/d
compared with control. Fat % was higher (P < 0.05) for 75g and 225g
and fitted with ruminal cannulas were fed a basal TMR containing (DM
RPL compared with Control and 150g RPL, whereas protein %, lactose,
basis) 14% alfalfa silage, 54% corn silage, 7% grass hay, 9% ground
MUN, and SCC were not affected by RPL dose. Protein yields, however,
shelled corn, 13% soybean meal, 3% additives, 15.7% CP and 36%
were the highest (P < 0.01) for 150g RPL and the lowest for 225g RPL.
NDF. The TMR were fed at 6-h intervals in 4 equal portions each day.
At 28d, plasma lysine showed a numeric tendency to be the lowest for
For the calibration phase, cows were blocked by DIM into 2 squares
150g and the highest for 225g RPL, with 225g RPL having a 17.6%
and randomly assigned to balanced 4 × 4 Latin squares with 3-d periods.
increase (P = 0.12) from d 0 to 28. Under the conditions of this study,
Solutions of DL-Met were infused into the abomasa via tubes inserted
75g or 150g RPL provided the most efficient and consistent response
through the ruminal cannulas and omasal orifice to provide 0, 8, 16
in production performance of early lactation dairy cows.
and 24 g Met/d. Amounts actually infused were measured daily. Blood
Key Words: ruminally protected lysine, milk production, plasma AA samples were collected from alternate jugular veins every h over the
last 6 h of the 3-d period. Blood plasma was deproteinized and stored at
–20°C until analyzed. For the feeding phase, cows were re-randomized
216 Effect of Protein Edge on ruminal microbial protein produc- within square and assigned to 4 treatments: 0.24 g Met/d fed as 28.2
tion and performance of lactating dairy cows. S. E. Boucher*1, H. g/d of RPM1 or 31.6 g/d of RPM2, or 24 g DL-Met infused into the
M. Dann1, K. W. Cotanch1, C. S. Ballard1, R. J. Grant1, and K. Yagi2, abomasum. Both RPM1 and RPM2 were fed 4x daily by hand mixing
1William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY, 2ZEN-
1/4 the daily dose into the TMR. Design and blood sampling were
NOH National Federation of Agricultural Co-operative Associations, the same as the calibration phase except periods were 7-d; abomasal
Tokyo, Japan. Met infusion was for the last 72 h of each period. Plasma Met (PMet)
Sixteen lactating Holstein cows (4 ruminally cannulated; mean ± SD) concentrations were determined by ion-exchange chromatography
95 ± 17 d in milk were used in a 4 × 4 replicated Latin square design with ninhydrin detection. Plasma Met concentration was regressed on
with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effects Met infusion levels using Proc GLM in SAS to develop the response
of Protein Edge (PE; Agriformulations, Inc., Waddington, NY) supple- curve used to estimate Met bioavailability after correction for recovery
mentation of diets varying in rumen undegraded protein (RUP) content of DL-Met infused during the feeding phase. The regression equation
on ruminal microbial protein production, ruminal fermentation, and from the calibration phase was: Plasma Met (μM) = 0.498*Met infused
lactation performance. Protein Edge is a blend of bacterial and fungal (g/d) + 3.42 μM (P < 0.0001; r2 = 0.533). Rearranging and applying this
fermentation extracts that was reported previously to increase microbial equation yielded a mean recovery of infused Met of 95%. Mean (±SE)
protein production in vitro. The RUP content of the diets was either bioavailabilities, corrected to 100% recovery of infused Met, were 75
36 (LoRUP) or 40% (HiRUP) of crude protein (CPM v.3.0), and PE (±20)% for RPM1 and 88 (±23)% for RPM2. These bioavailabilities
was added at 0.11% of dry matter (DM). Treatments were: 1) no PE, were not different (P = 0.51) within the precision of this study.
LoRUP, 2) PE, LoRUP, 3) no PE, HiRUP, and 4) PE, HiRUP. Experi- Key Words: methionine, rumen-protection, blood
mental periods were 21 d with a 15-d adaptation. Microbial protein
production was estimated via urinary excretion of purine derivatives.
Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. There was 218 Evaluation of a ruminally protected lysine product to increase
no effect of PE or RUP level (P > 0.10) on ruminal pH (mean ± SE; milk protein production and plasma lysine concentration. S. E.
6.0 ± 0.2) or ruminal concentrations of NH3-N (9.0 ± 0.8 mg/dL), total Boucher*1, H. M. Dann1, K. W. Cotanch1, C. S. Ballard1, R. J. Grant1,
free AA (2.2 ± 0.22 mM), or total VFA (135.6 ± 3.6 mM). Protein Edge and I. Shinzato2, 1W.H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy,
increased ruminal microbial protein production (P < 0.01) with the no NY, 2Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
PE and PE diets averaging 527 ± 20 and 557 ± 20 g of microbial N/d,
Fifteen multiparous Holstein cows (mean ± SD) 122 ± 38 d in milk were
respectively. Protein Edge tended (P = 0.07) to increase milk yield (MY;
used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design to evaluate the efficacy of
no PE = 51.5 ± 1.7 and PE = 52.3 ± 1.7 kg/d). However, there was no
a ruminally protected Lys (RPL; Ajinomoto Co., Inc.) product to increase
effect of PE or RUP level (P > 0.10) on DM intake (26.2 ± 0.4 kg/d),
milk protein production and plasma Lys concentration. Experimental
fat-corrected MY (49.4 ± 1.6 kg/d), milk component yields or content,
periods were 21 d with a 15-d adaptation. Dietary treatments were 1)
feed efficiency (1.99 ± 0.06), or feed-N efficiency (0.34 ± 0.01). Other
control diet adequate in metabolizable protein (MP)-Lys, 2) diet deficient
than a trend for a slight increase in MY, there were no effects of PE on
in MP-Lys, and 3) Lys deficient diet made adequate in MP-Lys with
lactation performance. However, PE may be a useful additive to increase
RPL. The RPL was assumed to contain 20% bio-available Lys and was
metabolizable protein supply because PE increased ruminal microbial
added to the Lys deficient diet at 0.65% of dry matter (DM). The basal
protein production.
diets contained 50% forage and 50% concentrate. The MP-Lys contents
Key Words: Protein Edge, microbial protein production, lactating of the Lys adequate, Lys deficient, and RPL diets were 6.5, 5.7, 6.7%,
cows respectively, and the MP-Met content of the diets was 2.3% (CNCPS
v.6.1; AMTS.Dairy, AMTS LLC, Cortland, NY). Cows were fed once
and milked 3 times daily. Milk samples were collected from 3 consecu-
217 Use of plasma concentrations to estimate bioavailability of tive milkings on d 18 and 19 of each period. Blood was collected on d
methionine in rumen-protected products fed to dairy cows. G. 19 and 20 of each period at 2, 4, 6, and 8 h after feeding and compos-
236 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ited by cow and period for AA analysis. Data were analyzed using the ments can improve milk protein, milk total solid matter, non-fat milk
MIXED procedure of SAS. There was no effect of diet on DM intake solid content and lactose content in lactating water buffalo, compared
(mean ± SE; 29.6 ± 0.76 kg/d), milk yield (49.9 ± 1.64 kg/d), milk fat with control group1, milk protein of RPLys, RPMet and RPLys+ RPMet
% (3.71 ± 0.12%), milk fat yield (1.85 ± 0.07 kg/d), milk true protein supplements increased by 29%, 36.8% and 54.3% (P < 0.05), compared
(TP) % (3.19 ± 0.04%), or milk TP yield (1.59 ± 0.06 kg/d). There was with control group2, Milk protein increased by 3.9%, 10.2% and 24.4%
an effect (P < 0.001) of diet on plasma Lys concentration (% of total (P < 0.05). Only RPLys supplements could increase milk fat in lactating
plasma AA) with the Lys adequate diet resulting in the highest (4.27 water buffalo, and only RPMet supplements could improve milk fat in
± 0.06%), the RPL diet was intermediate (3.74 ± 0.06%), and the Lys lactating water buffalo. Therefore, RPLys and RPMet supplements could
deficient diet was the lowest (3.52 ± 0.06%). Based on the plasma data, improve lactating performance in lactating water buffalo.
the Lys adequate diet and RPL increased MP-Lys supply compared with
Key Words: RPLys, RPMet, lactating water buffalo
the Lys deficient diet. However, improved MP-Lys supply did not result
in increased milk protein production in this experiment.
Key Words: ruminally protected lysine, milk protein, plasma lysine 220 Effect of rumen protected γ-aminobutyric acid on performance
and health status of early lactating dairy cows. D. M. Wang, Z. Liu,
F. Yang, H. Y. Liu, C. Wang*, Y. M. Wang, and J. X. Liu, Institute of
219 Effect of rumen-protected lysine and methionine on lactating Dairy Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029, P. R. China.
performance in lactating water buffalo. C. X. Zou*1, Q. F. Tang2,
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of rumen-pro-
G. S. Qin1, B. Z. Yang1, S. L. Li1, S. J. Wei1, K. Liang1, L. L. Li1, X. W.
tected γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) addition on DMI, milk performance,
Liang1, and Z. S. Xia2, 1Buffalo Research Institute, Nanning 530001,
and plasma metabolites in Chinese Holstein dairy cows. Forty-eight
China, 2College of Animal Science, Guangxi University, Nanning
cows (days in milk = 60 ± 5; average milk yield = 37.3 ± 5.4 kg/d) were
530005, China.
blocked based on days in milk, milk production, and parity and were
The present experiment was undertaken to determine the effects of randomly assigned to one of 4 treatments. Dietary treatments were 4
RPLys (rumen protected lysine) and RPMet (rumen protected methi- adding levels of GABA: 0 (control), 30, 60, and 90 g/day, respectively.
onine) supplements on lactating performance in lactating water buffalo. The experimental period was 7 weeks. Milk yield and milk composition
Fifteen early lactation, healthy lactating water buffaloes were selected, (fat, protein, and lactose) were recorded weekly, and serum parameters
according to species, last lactation milk yield, calving time and similar of antioxidant status, neuropeptide Y, and GABA were analyzed on wk
parity. Animals were randomly divided into 5 group, using 5 × 5 Latin 1, 4, and 7. The DMI of grass hay was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in
square design with 5 periods and 5 treatments, i.e., the control group1 the GABA-added cows than those on control. Milk yield increased (P <
(basal diet CP = 16%), the control group2 (basal diet CP = 20%), treat- 0.05) in 30 g GABA-added cows, but leveled off in 90 g GABA-added
ment 1: basal diet CP = 16% plus RPLys 40g/d; treatment 2: basal diet animals. Milk protein yield was higher (P < 0.05) when 30 or 60 g of
CP = 16% plus RPMet 15g/d; treatment 3: basal diet CP = 16% plus GABA was added but there was no difference (P > 0.05) between con-
RPLys30 g/d plus RPMet 6 g/d. The results showed: (1) Effect of RPLys trol and 90 g GABA-added animals. Milk fat content was not different
and RPMet supplements on lactating performance in lactating water among treatments (P > 0.05). Serum glutathione peroxidase increased
buffalo showed non-significantly difference (P > 0.05), but RPLys and for 60 g group (P < 0.05), and serum malondialdehyde reduced for all
RPMet supplements could improve lactating performance in lactating GABA-added group (P > 0.05) compared with the control. No statistical
water buffalo and RPLys was the better. Compared with control group1 difference was observed in the neuropeptide Y between all the treatments
and control group2, RPLys supplements increased milk yield by 10% and (P > 0.05). In summary, addition of rumen-protected GABA at 30 g
5.9%. (2) Effect of RPLys and RPMet supplements on dry matter intake could increase feed intake, improve milk performance, and is beneficial
(DM) in lactating water buffalo showed non-significantly difference (P to the dairy cow health.
> 0.05), but RPLys and RPMet supplements could reduce dry matter
Key Words: γ-aminobutyric acid, dry matter intake, milk perfor-
intake (DM) in lactating water buffalo. (3) RPLys and RPMet supple-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 237
ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Competition:
Dairy Foods
221 Chocolate milk as a sports recovery drink. H. L. Weeks*, D. adults. Three to 4 servings of dairy products per day not only promote
R. Winston, and R. E. James, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State healthy bone development but may also aid in weight loss. So, stock-
University, Blacksburg. ing the refrigerator with milk, yogurt, and cheese may make it easier
to lose weight without forfeiting calories necessary for proper growth
Exercise depletes muscle tissue of energy and the body of fluids and and development in children and adolescents.
nutrients. Athletes constantly seek the best recovery drink following
exercise. However, which is best? Milk, nature’s most nearly perfect Key Words: dairy foods, childhood obesity
food, must be included in the debate. Water replaces fluids lost during
exercise, but lacks protein, vitamins, and other nutrients that chocolate
milk offers. Sports drinks, like Gatorade and Powerade, replace fluid 223 Understanding the ropy milk test. R. A. Russell* and C. D.
losses from sweat and are a source of electrolytes and energy such as Thompson, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
glucose. However, excess sugar in sports drinks is not easily digested Ropy milk is a stringy or slimy condition of milk that is caused by bac-
immediately after exercise. Fortunately, casein protein in milk is easily teria that contaminate milk after leaving the udder. It also represents a
digested. Milk also contains vitamins A, B2, B12, D and E. Tryptophan in source of much debate and controversy within the dairy industry with
milk helps produce serotonin to reduce stress and relax muscles. Calcium regard to the appropriateness of the test. The 2 most common bacteria
strengthens bones and helps to build muscle, useful after exercise when believed to cause ropiness are Alcaligenes viscolactis and Enterobacter
muscles are depleted of energy. Reduced-fat chocolate milk is superior aerogenes. These bacteria are able to contaminate the milk because of
to plain milk after exercise because it includes other factors, such as improperly cleaned or sanitized areas. The bacteria can originate from
caffeine and sugars. Caffeine decreases fatigue and sugar is a source of both the farm and the plant. Ropiness in milk became a problem before
energy. Two similar studies conducted with 9 trained cyclists show that 1920 and was resolved, but the problem has risen again in recent years.
endurance athletes, like long distance runners and cyclists, were able do A trend to larger dairy farms is reported as one possible reason for
to exercise longer before feeling fatigued. Both studies analyzed cyclists ropiness because it takes more care and precaution to keep facilities
who worked until exhaustion, received one of 3 beverages during a clean. Another potential reason ropiness has reappeared is because of
4-h rest period, and cycled again until exhaustion. Three cyclists were transporting milk longer distances. Ropiness appears in the milk about
assigned to each beverage. Both studies used a fluid replacement drink 12 h after it is removed from the cow. It normally occurs in pasteur-
(Gatorade) and a carbohydrate replacement drink (Endurox R4). One ized milk but is sometimes not observed because it is consumed before
study used low-fat chocolate milk and the other whole chocolate milk, sufficient bacterial growth has taken place. While the milk may be
containing 2% and 3.5% fat respectively. Cyclists consuming low-fat thicker than usual, flavor does not differ. Another reason it may not be
chocolate milk became fatigued at the same time as cyclists consuming detected is that many of the organisms that cause ropiness grow slowly
Gatorade. However, cyclists drinking chocolate milk in the second study at refrigerated temperatures. Testing of milk for ropiness can be done by
easily exceeded the cycling time for athletes drinking Gatorade by 9 min incubating a small sample of the milk at temperatures of 15 to 22°C for
and Endurox R4 by 11 min. Consuming reduced-fat chocolate milk after 24 to 36 h. After the allotted time, to test for ropiness, a wooden stick
exercise is the best way to replenish fluids, carbohydrates and protein. can be inserted into the milk looking for a stringy condition. Instead of
Chocolate milk restores muscle tissue in endurance athletes better than using the wooden stick, the milk could also be slowly poured from the
water, sports drinks or plain milk. vial looking for strands of rope or slime. Bacteria that cause ropy milk
Key Words: sports recovery, chocolate milk have been found in bedding, cooling tanks, barnyards, pastures, pipe
lines, and milk cans. These bacteria may originate from farms or milk
plants. Thus, the key to keeping ropy milk from becoming a problem
222 Dairy foods and the prevention of childhood obesity. J. is proper cleaning and sanitizing of facilities. Controversy around the
E. Anderson* and C. C. Williams, Louisiana State University, Baton ropy milk test centers on concerns that the repeatability of the test, using
Rouge. clean equipment, has been low.
For the past decade, overweight and obesity have been on the rise, with Key Words: ropy milk, ropiness, milk quality
the most significant increase occurring in children and adolescents. Over-
weight and obesity are defined as body mass indexes (BMI) of ≥25 and
≥30, respectively. BMI is calculated using the equation weight/height2, 224 Conjugated linoleic acid in milk is related to the diet of lactat-
and the equation differs slightly for children. Overweight and obesity ing dairy cows. H. L. M. Tucker* and E. L. Karcher, Department of
have also been shown to increase the possibility of certain diseases Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
and health problems. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a naturally occurring fatty acid in milk
Surveys (NHANES; 1976–1980 and 2003–2006) show that for children that has beneficial human health properties. Researchers are interested
aged 2–5 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 12.4%; for those in increasing cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk. Implications to enhance
aged 6–11 years, prevalence increased from 6.5% to 17.0%; and for cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk are to decrease the risk of heart disease,
those aged 12–19 years, prevalence increased from 5.0% to 17.6%. As cancer, and diabetes in humans. Sources of CLA include mixed grains,
a result, the National Dairy Council has partnered with the National vegetable oils, and animal products. However, concentrations of CLA
Football League to start the Fuel Up and Play 60 program. This program are higher in dairy products and products made from other ruminant
incorporates good nutrition and physical activity to help children develop animals (Beaulieu, 1998). Manipulation of the diet of dairy cows may
better lifelong habits. Studies have shown that inadequate consumption be one way to increase concentrations of CLA in milk. The addition of
of nutrient-rich foods, specifically low-fat and fat-free dairy foods, fruits, 0.5% fish oil and 2.5% oil from extruded soybeans to the diet of lactating
and vegetables and whole grains, can contribute to obesity in young dairy cows caused a 3.5-fold increase of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk fat
238 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(AbuGhazaleh et al., 2006). Management practices may also influence milk quality. In summary, combining MF with current technologies
CLA concentrations. For example, pasture grazed cattle produce more can maintain a nutritious, wholesome product while extending milk’s
CLA compared with grain fed cattle. Dairy cows grazing pasture and shelf life.
receiving no supplemental feed had a 500% increase of CLA in milk fat
compared with cows fed typical lactating cow rations (Dhiman et al., Key Words: microfiltration, shelf life
1999). The dairy industry can potentially market products with increased
concentrations of CLA to human consumers. The products made from 226 Reducing milk price volatility through innovative programs
milk with increased CLA have similar properties when compared with at the local and global level. W. Robinson*, Clemson University,
non-enriched products. Butter from enriched milk has comparable spread Clemson, SC
ability and storage temperatures (Jones et al., 2005). The opportunity to
enrich products with CLA without compromising on taste and texture The sustainability of dairy marketing has been the primary question on
represents an opportunity for a niche market. This market may increase the minds of dairy farmers across the globe. Record low milk prices have
revenue for the dairy industry by appealing to consumers who want severely plagued the dairy industry especially during 2009. This trend
healthier products and do not want to change their eating habits. of unstable marketing in the dairy industry has endangered the future
of many dairy producers at an international level. Though decreased
Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, pasture milk prices have exposed many dairy farmers to the possibility of
bankruptcy, many innovative programs have been introduced to the
225 Using microfiltration to extend milk shelf life. E. W. Clon- industry to counteract these causes and therefore prolong the futures
inger*, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. of many dairy producers. The programs created to ensure survivability
of dairy marketing are comprised of both governmental and private
The goal of the United States dairy industry is to sell a wholesome, innovations. Smaller scale, grass-roots, programs are typically con-
nutritious product. To accomplish this goal, the industry must remain structed and operated by private producers and companies within the
economically competitive. Shelf life stability can offer a competitive dairy industry. Some of the practices involved with these small scale
advantage. Pasteurization using the ultra-high-temperature (UHT) programs focus on many aspects of niche marketing such as practicing
method achieves the desired extended shelf life but has the undesir- methods of organic farming, producing products of specialized qual-
able consequence of a cooked flavor. As a result, membrane processes ity, processing and marketing products on-farm, as well as utilizing
such as microfiltration (MF) have led to new advancements in the dairy free-range grazing. The governmental innovations which have been
processing world by providing a lower temperature option that allows discovered and are now practiced to fight the epidemic of unstable milk
for minimal flavor changes while extending shelf life. MF is defined as prices and include both single and united governmental plans which
the passage of products under relatively low pressure through a semi are used internationally. Single governmental plans include such pro-
permeable membrane with pore size ranging from 0.2 to 5 μm. It is grams as Cooperatives Working Together (CWT), Component Pricing,
because of this small pore size that contaminants such as bacteria can as well as the Hayvanciligi Destek program. Furthermore, the united
be filtered out. According to a study conducted at Cornell University, plans regarding governmental innovations to reduce instability in milk
MF was shown to significantly decrease total bacterial counts by 3.79 prices include specialized marketing networks as the North American
logs. The study also found that MF reduced the SCC in the milk perme- Free Trade Agreement as well as marketing techniques currently utilized
ate to undetectable levels. It also showed that microbial shelf life was by the European Union. Through active involvement in one or more
extended to more than 92 d when MF was used in conjunction with HTST of these programs dairy producers are learning how to overcome the
pasteurization. Although MF did decrease the bacterial population, the epidemic of low priced milk and maintain their livelihood in the dairy
rate of proteolysis that contributes to off-flavors during refrigeration industry. These practices also allow for a greater degree of security
was not seen to be reduced. MF has already been commercially used in milk prices and greater opportunity for the marketing of US dairy
by companies in Canada and the United Kingdom. These 2 companies products in the future
promote the fresh taste, nutritional quality, and long-shelf life of their
milk. Additional research will show more uses for MF in improving Key Words: CWT, government programs, milk price
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 239
Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education: Graduate and
Undergraduate Teaching 1
227 The Missouri Pathways Partnership—Inroads in distance 0.0001) than pre-test scores (34 ± 2%), indicative of student learning.
education. E. L. Walker*1, S. P. Webb1, J. D. Ulmer2, and A. Evert3, On Lab Practical 1, students scored higher (P < 0.0001) on questions
1Missouri State University, Springfield, 2Texas Tech University, Lubbock,
from SOR laboratories compared with non-SOR laboratories (77 ± 2%
3Redlands Community College, El Reno, OK.
and 74 ± 2%, resp.). In contrast, on Lab Practical 2, students scored
The Agriculture Pathways Partnership was developed in 2004 to offer higher (P < 0.0001) on questions from non-SOR laboratories compared
place-bound students the opportunity to earn Bachelor’s of Applied with SOR laboratories (86 ± 2% and 83 ± 2%, resp.). In the post-survey,
Science (B.A.S) degree from Missouri State University (MSU). The 62 of 72 (86%) of students believed the SOR was at least somewhat
ultimate goal of the Partnership is to increase the number of 2–year useful for improving their grade; however, student perceptions of the
college students earning B.A.S. degrees and as a result improve the value of SOR to impact their performance were not consistent with
trained workforce in the agriculture industry. Students earn a B.A.S. actual performance. Factors other than SOR may play a greater role in
degree in Agriculture after completing up to 85 h at a community college influencing student performance.
and a minimum of 40 h of upper division hours, with a minimum of 30 Key Words: anatomy, online, supplemental online resources
upper division hours through MSU. Students taking courses through
MSU have the option of taking courses offered via interactive televi-
sion (ITV), internet, weekend, intersession, and internship experiences. 229 APPLAUSE—A tool for improving student presentations. M.
Faculty, staff, and students from 5 Missouri and 2 Oklahoma locations M. Beck* and R. Johnson, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
participate in the program. An evaluation was conducted to determine Increasingly, clear and effective communication skills are sought by
the impact of the program on student learning, satisfaction, and sug- professional schools, potential graduate mentors, and employers; as
gestions for improvement. The mixed–methods evaluation design was educators of both graduate and undergraduate students, we are remiss
used and included student surveys, focus groups, and personal phone if we fail to impart techniques that enhance the ability of our students
interviews. According to student surveys, courses offered via ITV are to communicate effectively. Many resources exist for developing Pow-
perceived as comparable to the face-to-face courses. Over 73% of erPoint presentations with effective use of color schemes and fonts.
student participants agreed or strongly agreed that Pathways courses Fewer resources exist for students to use in developing effective pre-
were successful, that they liked the course format, and felt they would sentation skills and such techniques are typically not a curricular focus.
continue to take other courses through Pathways. Eighty-five percent APPLAUSE is a conceptual framework for students to use in developing
of the faculty participating in Pathways agreed or strongly agreed that and giving effective oral presentations. Using the letters of the acronym
the Pathways courses were as rigorous as traditionally taught courses. as a guide, students have the following prompts: A – Audience analysis;
However, students reported problems in student support ranging from P – Pause then grab; P – Pointer precision; L – Lively voice; A – Adjust
enrolling, gaining access to blackboard, and applying for graduation. in action; U – Use appropriate gestures; S – Simplicity; E – Expect ques-
Students have also reported lack of motivation when no instructor was tions. These simple but straightforward prompts are useful regardless
present in the classroom. Other factors which are challenges to the of the context; most speakers at scientific meetings know their subject
Pathways Program include regional weather variation, non-matching matter well and, with attention to these details, could turn mediocre or
site academic calendars, ITV technology, personal student conflicts, and good presentations into great presentations. Paying particular attention
state–wide differences in degree requirements and regulations. to the 2 P’s – the first at the beginning to better ensure audience con-
Key Words: distance education, teaching, agriculture degree nection and the second, precise use of the pointer – can have immediate
and marked effects on the presentation; misuse of both are among the
most common distractions to effectiveness. Student feedback from 6
228 The effect of supplemental online resources in distance educa- classes of ~15 students each, primarily senior undergraduates, indicates
tion format on undergraduate animal science laboratory instruc- that use of the APPLAUSE framework made a positive difference in
tion. J. Q. Bing*, S. E. Pratt-Phillips, and C. E. Farin, North Carolina the effectiveness of their presentations.
State University, Raleigh.
Key Words: student presentations, communication effectiveness
The objective of this study was to determine if using supplemental online
resources (SOR) in a distance education (DE) format would be effective
in enhancing student learning. Seventy-two students in an undergradu- 230 Student performance is enhanced by pedagogical shift to
ate animal science laboratory course completed a pre-test on anatomy lecture podcasts. J. J. Parrish* and R. L. Monson, University of
as well as completed a pre-survey to determine their experience with, Wisconsin, Madison.
and attitudes toward, SOR. The SOR were made available for randomly The study examines the effects in reproductive physiology of comparing
selected laboratory lessons through online modules. Two laboratory traditional lecture to use of enhanced podcasts. The course was taught
practical exams were administered, one mid-semester and one at the at the junior-senior level and consisted of 2, 50-min lectures and a 2-h
end of the semester, and included questions from labs for which SOR wet lab, for each of 15 weeks in the fall semester. Baseline data from the
was made available as well as labs that had no SOR. Questions from traditional course was from 2006. In 2007, enhanced podcasts replaced
the pre-test were included in the exams and these responses generated traditional lectures, which allowed replaying the broadcast in iTunes
the “post-test” scores. At the end of the semester, students completed a software so that viewing was computer platform independent. No change
post-survey regarding their opinions of the usefulness of SOR. Student was made to the laboratory over the course of the study. Due to a sab-
learning and performance was evaluated using an ANOVA model that batical leave of the instructor in 2007, all students were required to view
included test scores, SOR availability and their interactions. Results are the podcasts for the lecture material. In 2008 and 2009 students had the
presented as mean ± SEM. Post-test scores (87 ± 2%) were higher (P < option of viewing the podcasts or attending live lecture. Scores on 3
240 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
lecture exams were recorded in years 2006 – 2009, with years hereafter overall exam score for each year was examined, the scores were 78.8,
referred to as year 1–4. There were 44, 61, 53 and 67 students completing 82.7, 83.9, and 82.9 for years 1 – 4 with year 1 different (P < 0.05) from
the class in years 1 - 4 respectively. Exams consisted of multiple choice, years 2 - 4 but no difference was found between years 2 - 4 (P > 0.05).
true-false, and essay questions. However no change was made in the Attendance in live lectures was 98%, 0%, 15% and 1% in years 1 – 4
exams over the 4 years and while students could review exam results respectively. In year 2 no live lecture was offered. However, in years
in class, no exams were returned to students during this period. There 3 and 4 a live lecture was offered but attendance was low. The results
were significant effects of exam, year and exam by year interaction, P demonstrate that lectures given via an enhanced podcast improve exam
< 0.05. The lsmean percentage scores on exams over the course of the 4 performance and given the choice, students chose to take the podcast
years were 80.8, 83.1 and 82.2 for exams 1 – 3 respectively. While exams over the live lecture.
scores were different (P < 0.05) and there was some variation over the
Key Words: podcast, learning assessment, reproductive physiology
years (P < 0.05), differences were minor. When the lsmean percentage
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 241
ADSA Southern Section Symposium: Dairy Cattle Grazing
in the Southern USA
231 Why dairy producers are choosing to graze (again) in south- ryegrass plus clovers in winter and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
eastern United States. M. E. Sowerby*, University of Florida, in summer (25.2 kg/d).
Gainesville. Key Words: grazing, dairy, nutrition
Grazing dairy cows between milkings was the norm, not the exception, in
southeastern United States until herd sizes began out-growing available
233 Nutrient management considerations for grazing dairies. S.
pasture and environmental rules forced cows to be confined to ensure
R. Hill*, Department of Animal and Dairy Science, Mississippi State
soil nutrient loads were managed. Free stall barns and total mixed rations
University, Mississippi State.
increased cow comfort, milk production and cost of production. The
current trend to intensive rotational grazing of cows in the Southeast is Waste and nutrient management concerns have grown in recent years as
an adapted version of the New Zealand model, with low requirements people demand a safe food product, but also clean and environmentally
for machinery (tractor and bush hog, minimally) and buildings (milking friendly methods of producing food. Grass based or grazing dairies do
center only). Southeastern dairy producers like their rotational grazing not seem to fit the typical description of a Concentrated Animal Feed-
systems because of: 1) low labor needs, 2) less machinery and build- ing Operation (CAFO). In a true grazing system, cows are not confined
ings to purchase or build and maintain, 3) greater cow longevity, 4) less for more than 45 d of the year and, by definition alone, grazing dairies
herd health problems, 5) flexibility to add more feed (and consequently sustain forage growth for the majority of the year. According to the
more production) when feed and milk prices are favorable, 6) more free Clean Water Act, these are 2 requirements to be considered an Animal
time for owners, and 7) greater return on assets. Challenges noted by Feeding Operation and to be called a CAFO the farm must meet certain
rotational graziers include: 1) optimizing grass growth and quality, 2) size requirements (>700–1000 head). However, State governments have
mud, 3) cow comfort in hot, cold and inclement weather, and 4) cash the ability to restrict these regulations and in some areas farms as small
flow, especially with seasonal milk production. With lower start up costs, as 70 to 100 cows could be considered a CAFO and be required to hold
however, more new dairies are grazing dairies in the Southeast. an NPDES permit. This means that despite not fitting the image of a
CAFO, grass based grazing dairies must also make waste and nutri-
Key Words: rotational, grazing, dairy
ent management a top priority. A case study done in the Netherlands
showed that using more homegrown feeds such as pasture and reducing
232 Nutritional and management strategies for lactating dairy inputs from purchased feeds and organic fertilizers decreased the total
cows housed on pasture-based systems in the southeastern US. C. amounts of N and P surplus at the whole farm level. Certain practices
R. Staples*1, L. E. Sollenberger1, J. H. Fike2, B. Macoon3, and R. S. common on grazing dairies (i.e., irrigation, rotational grazing, watering
Fontaneli4, 1University of Florida, Gainesville, 2Virginia Tech Univer- methods) may increase the potential for surface water contamination.
sity, Blacksburg, 3Mississippi State University, Raymond, 4Embrasa Some grazing dairies also face issues not common to confinement dair-
Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, Brazil. ies, such as protecting wetlands and conserving wildlife areas, where
waste regulations are concerned. Some nutrient budgets for grazing
Well-managed grazing systems for lactating dairy cows in southern animals have been established, but more research is needed to determine
climes offers several advantages including 1) year-around grazing, the effect grazing practices have on waste and nutrient management,
2) forages of comparable or better quality than those mechanically at the whole farm level.
harvested, and 3) substantially reduced farm costs (feed and overhead)
compared with barn housing. During 2 summers of study, lactating Key Words: nutrient management, grazing
Holstein cows (n = 106; 116 DIM) were assigned to treatments in 3
periods examining 2 forage species, 2 rotational stocking rates, and 2
234 Reproduction and genetic programs for seasonal pasture-
supplementation rates. Bermudagrass (BG; Cynodon spp. Cv. ‘Tifton
based dairy production systems. S. P. Washburn*, North Carolina
85’) supported less milk (16.2 vs. 17.3 kg/d) per cow but more milk per
State University, Raleigh.
ha (118 vs. 87 kg/d) than the legume Arachis glabrata. Lower produc-
tion per cow grazing BG was likely due to lower quality of BG (58.8 The objective is to discuss concepts and challenges associated with
vs. 71.2% IVOMD) and lower forage intake (7.6 vs. 11.3 kg/d). Greater reproductive management in seasonal breeding and calving in pasture-
production per land area was due to a greater mean pregraze herbage based dairy production systems. Seasonal breeding and calving as part
mass (7270 vs. 4650 kg of DM/ha), herbage allowance (1.9 vs. 1.5 kg of a pasture-based dairy system is an attractive option for some dairy
of DM/kg of body weight), and optimal stocking rate (10 vs. 5 cows/ producers for reasons of lifestyle as well as for matching cattle nutritional
ha) on BG pastures. Supplementing concentrate at 0.5 vs. 0.33 kg per requirements to forage quality and availability. In hotter climates, sea-
kg of milk increased milk production by 2.1 kg/d, with the increased sonal systems also allow producers to avoid breeding or calving at times
response being more efficient for cows grazing BG vs. legume (0.87 of the year when heat stress would have a more negative impact. Herd
vs. 0.43 kg of milk per d) due to less substitution of forage with con- fertility needs to be high enough to consistently achieve more than 80%
centrate (0.18 vs. 0.51 kg per kg). In winter, concentrate-supplemented of cows and heifers conceiving within breeding seasons of 8 to 12 weeks.
Holstein cows rotationally grazing rye-ryegrass (Secale cereale L. and Such success requires greater than 80% of cows to be cyclic at the start
Lolium multiflorum Lam.) pastures produced more milk (23.5 vs. 20.5 of breeding with conception rates at first insemination typically above
kg/d) at 2.5 vs. 5.0 cows/ha stocking rate. In a 276-d study, Holstein 50%. This corresponds with 21-d pregnancy rates that exceed 40%,
cows housed in cooled free stalls and fed a TMR produced more milk well above rates achieved in confinement systems. Breed differences
(29.8 kg/d) than concentrate-supplemented cows managed on pastures in fertility are evident but improved fertility within breed can likely be
of rye plus ryegrass in winter and BG in summer (25.0 kg/d) or on rye- achieved over time by placing more emphasis on daughter pregnancy
rates in selecting sires to use. Use of crossbreeding is very common in
242 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
pasture-based dairy herds and data from crossbreeding studies have to supplement nutrient requirements during limited period of the year.
documented heterosis for reproduction among crossbred cows. Dairy Grass-based dairies rely on intensively managed pasture grazing to pro-
producers with interests in seasonal breeding and calving may either vide the vast majority of dairy cow nutrient requirements while feeding
choose to use a selection index that places more weighting on fertility or very limited amounts of feed concentrate throughout the year. Economic
choose to avoid use of sires with negative fertility evaluations for their analyses were conducted in 2009 which estimated the costs of producing
daughters. On commercial pasture-based dairy herds, the use of short milk on a dollar per kilogram (kg) basis on a 500-cow conventional dairy
periods of AI followed by use of bulls with natural service is common. and a 1,200-cow grass-based dairy. Findings indicate for the 500-cow
As with any dairy production system, differing strategies will likely be conventional dairy using a 10,435 kg rolling herd average that the cost
optimal for producers with differing resources and goals. Although milk of feed concentrates alone constituted almost 50% of total direct costs, or
production per cow is often less, lower facility and equipment costs, 15.4 cents per kg. Including corn silage, hay, and pasture management,
lower feed costs, improved animal health, and the ability to expand these costs increased to 64% of total direct costs, or 20.1 cents per kg
the herd internally by improved reproductive efficiencies provide the compared with total direct costs of 31.3 cents per kg. Comparing similar
opportunity for well-managed seasonal pasture-based dairy systems to cost categories on a 1,200-cow grass based dairy with a 5,445 kg rolling
be economically competitive. herd average found that feed concentrates accounted for only 25% of
total direct cost, or 6.6 cent per kg. When adding costs for hay, silage
Key Words: reproduction, seasonal, pasture-based
and pasture management, costs increased to 9.0 cents per kg, or 33%
of the 27.1 cents per kg total direct cost. Total direct costs were not the
235 Comparisons of the economics and costs of producing milk same between the 2 types of Mississippi dairies because the grass-based
on conventional versus grass-based “New Zealand style” dairies dairy included salaries of $145,000 for a farm manager, herdsman, and
in Mississippi. C. W. Herndon*, Mississippi State University, Mis- additional staff. These costs clearly show when feed costs escalate, as
sissippi State. has been the case since 2006, conventional dairies face greater risks of
suffering economic losses which threaten the continued survival of this
Enterprise budgets were employed to estimate the costs of producing style of dairy operation. However, a grass-based dairy operation could
milk and income over various costs categories for conventional dairies survive when feed cost increase dramatically due to less reliance on
and compared these costs to grass-based “New Zealand style” dair- feed concentrates for cow nutrient requirements.
ies in Mississippi. Conventional dairies in Mississippi utilize a corn
silage, protein concentrate feed ration along with some pasture grazing Key Words: dairy cost of production, grass based dairy
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 243
ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Competition:
Dairy Production
236 Precision feeding for improved sustainability efforts. V. J. include waste treatment, reducing odors, flies, and pathogens, eliminat-
Eubanks*, Clemson University, Clemson, SC. ing green house gas emissions, conserving nutrients, and recovering a
significant amount of energy in the biogas that is captured. In addition,
With an increase in environmental awareness, sustainable agriculture has
implementation of anaerobic digestion on dairy farms contributes to a
taken a forefront in the minds of Americans. Sustainable agriculture, for
socially desirable “green image” and to compliance with impending air
all aspects, is focused conservation and preservation while maintaining
emission regulations.
economic stability for producers. In relation to dairy farming, this con-
cept is widely centered on the excreta and how to alter contaminants of Key Words: anaerobic digestion, waste management, sustainability
excreta through dietary changes to lower the occasional excess amounts
of certain substances, most notably phosphorous (P) and nitrogen (N).
Excess P and N levels in the soil can lead to groundwater pollution, acid 238 Changing the attitude towards tail docking dairy cattle. B.
rain due to volatilization N into NH3, and formation of algal blooms A. Wenner* and E. L. Karcher, Department of Animal Science, Michigan
which harm ecosystems and contaminate human drinking water. Current State University, East Lansing.
research is investigating the potential of reducing excess production of P A recent survey report listed that over 80% of dairies surveyed practiced
and N through altering the nutrient intake of the dairy cattle and chang- tail docking in Midwestern states (Fulwider et al., 2008) and while this is
ing the excreta without adversely affecting milk production. Precision commonly considered as a sanitary and time saving method among dairy
feeding management (PFM) is being utilized to achieve these efforts. farmers, this process is coming under increasingly harsh criticism. Tail
Nutrient management through PFM is focused on 2 main points: analyz- docking was recently banned by the California legislature on October
ing forages for nutrient content and balancing the diet precisely to NRC 12, 2009, and became official in California on January 1, 2010. This
requirements outlined for P and CP content. While most forages and legislation will likely appear in many states to follow, including another
concentrate mixes are analyzed, many producers choose to feed their big dairy state, New York, following the release of an undercover video
cows more P than necessary due to the correlation previously reported depicting cows being tail docked (AP, 2010). The perceived purpose
between P and reproductive performance. Research has found this only of tail docking is to improve milking comfort and udder health, and to
be true at extremely deficient amounts. According to Ghebremichael decrease disease transmission for the cow by reducing contact between
and colleagues, it was found that decreasing excess dietary P by 22% the tail, manure and the udder during milking. Additionally, the removal
resulted in a 25% reduction of P content in excreta (2008). Nitrogen of the tail helps to prevent employee discomfort and illness from possible
excretion can be reduced by reformulating CP content in the diet, identi- contraction of disease from contact with urine and tail during milking
fying those animals that require additional amounts of CP. Studies have (Stull et al., 2002). In controlled studies, there is no significant impact of
shown that precision feeding for CP led to increased milk production tail docking on udder cleanliness, cow cleanliness or udder health com-
due to more efficient use of dietary nutrients and additionally decreased pared with dairy cattle with intact tails (Tucker et al., 2001). In another
feed costs associated with these animals. Ultimately, PFM is focused on study no significant differences in udder health, bacterial prevalence,
efficiently feeding dairy animals the NRC required diet without feeding and milk production were found between docked or non-docked cattle,
excess P and CP. In addition, this will enhance sustainability for dairy but significant farm differences were observed especially for contagious
productions systems which, in turn, will ease consumer concerns and pathogens present (Schreiner et al., 2002). Further, on a farm research
improve public perception. study in New Zealand, 33% of employees were found to have contracted
Key Words: PFM, nitrogen, phosphorus leptospirosis. However, this was not linked to whether or not dairy cattle
were tail-docked but rather correlated to clinical history of leptospirosis
in the herd (Mackintosh, 1980). Also, the tail is used for communication
237 The benefits of anaerobic digestion as a waste management between cows, vulvular protection, and to avoid insects. Fly counts were
procedure on dairy farms. C. M. Munz*, A. C. Wilkie, and M. E. higher in those animals who were tail docked (Eicher et al., 2001). We
Sowerby, The University of Florida, Gainesville. suggest that cessation of tail docking as an industry practice will have
no negative effects on cows or people and will serve a major positive
The increased urbanization of rural areas in addition to an increase in
public relations effect for the national dairy industry.
the concentration of intensive livestock operations have produced great
awareness and concern for the proper storage, treatment and utiliza- Key Words: tail docking, welfare
tion of livestock manure. The waste management procedures on dairy
farms are thus receiving a great deal of attention. Manure is not only a
valuable source of crop nutrients, it is a substantial bioenergy resource 239 Improving freestall housing to address animal welfare and cow
if processed by anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion refers to the comfort. R. M. Smith*, D. R. Winston, and C. S. Petersson-Wolfe,
decomposition of organic matter in an engineered methanogenic process Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
that involves bacteria which decompose the manure in a way similar to Animal welfare and cow comfort have become very hot topics among
the natural decomposition that occurs in a cow’s stomach. The renewable American dairy farmers. With the airing of a Northern New York dairy
resources produced are part of a closed carbon cycle and do not add to the farm’s “inhumane” treatment of cattle on a national network, consum-
atmospheric concentration of CO2. In addition, quality fertilizer is still ers have been provided with information that is not representative of
derived from the manure after digestion. Anaerobic digestion therefore the entire dairy industry. Animal welfare is important to the producer
boosts environmental quality as a waste management technology and because the better designed and managed facilities reduce the risk that
is a sustainable energy-producing technology. Multiple studies have cows will become sick or lame. Housing facilities such as freestall barns,
been conducted to determine the effects of implementing anaerobic pack barns, as well as conventional access to pasture have all been
digestion as a waste management protocol on dairy operations, as well analyzed for the pros and cons related to cow comfort and well being.
as its economic feasibility. Benefits of using a digester on a dairy farm Bedding types, application rates, and usage have also been examined.
244 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Research has been conducted on freestall design to examine the type The disease is characterized by dark bloody stools, bloody diarrhea,
and size is most desirable for cow comfort. Improving freestall design shock, depression, and acute death. The cow’s extremities become cool,
will improve cow comfort and in return may improve public perception mucous membranes become pale, and rectal temperature is lower than
of the dairy industry. Animals rested an average of 0.7 h less in stalls normal. The disease occurs most frequently in the first 100 d of lactation.
measuring 106 cm than in stalls measuring 116 or 126 cm (Tucker et Sudden death is common, with large blood clots found in the intestinal
al., 2004). A second experiment showed that the difference in lying area. It is estimated that 85% of HBS cases are fatal, and treatment
time was 1.2 h in stalls measuring 112 cm versus 132 cm (Tucker et methods are rarely successful. While the cause of HBS has not been
al., 2004). Overall, animals preferred wider stalls. The amount of fecal specifically identified, there are many possible contributors to its onset.
matter increased 2.4 times in stalls measuring 126 cm, and 1.6 times Several pathogens have been linked to HBS. Clostridium perfringens has
more for 116 cm in width, compared with 106 cm stalls (Tucker et al., been most strongly associated with the condition. According to Colorado
2004). Stocking density, bunk space, surface type, and barrier type all State University, 82% of HBS cases had moderate to heavy growth of
have different effects on the performance and comfort of the animal. C. perfringens from fecal material. An Oregon State study implicated
Time spent lying can comprise 40 to 60% of a cow’s life, and the surface Aspergillus fumigates, a contaminant in fermented feeds, as another
is important for both the health and comfort of the animal (Tucker et associated pathogen. Since treatment of HBS has been largely unsuc-
al., 2003). Although cattle prefer deep bedding, deep bedding is more cessful and its exact cause is unclear, current approaches to control HBS
difficult for the producer to maintain and may cause more mastitis. have included identifying and correcting management and environmental
Research generated by universities, professional organizations, research factors that may impair immunity. Other possible methods of prevention
institutes, as well as personal experience should be considered when include vaccines and feed additives. Careful cost analysis associated with
deciding on improvements or new facilities. Educated decisions on these measures is necessary before implementing expensive methods
facility design will greatly improve cow comfort as well as the overall of HBS prevention that have undetermined effectiveness. The mystery
well-being of the animal. of HBS will be unraveled through further research into the causes and
risk factors associated with this condition.
Key Words: animal welfare, cow comfort, freestall
Key Words: hemorrhagic bowel syndrome, Clostridium perfringens
240 Off to a good start. J. C. Landry* and C. C. Williams, Louisiana
State University, Baton Rouge. 242 Compost bedded pack barns: Opportunities, challenges, and
management considerations. C. M. Sheaffer* and J. M. Bewley,
Calves are the future lactating cows on the farm, so ensuring their health
University of Kentucky, Lexington.
and well-being is vital to the dairy operation. A neonatal calf is born with
an immature immune system, meaning that these animals are not able to A compost bedded pack barn, which relies on a large, open resting area,
produce antibodies when challenged with a disease causing pathogen. usually bedded with sawdust or dry, fine wood shavings, is a relatively
This type of immunity, called active immunity, is acquired and begins new alternative for management of dairy cattle and their waste in a
to develop after the first 2 mo of life. Therefore, the neonatal dairy calf confinement setting. The soft, dirt-like texture of the compost absorbs
relies on passive immunity to fight diseases during this early part of shock, provides safe footing, and provides a comfortable resting surface
life. The passive transfer of immunity is obtained by gut absorption for cows to lie down. Heat detection is improved as compared with con-
of the antibodies present in colostrum. Without this passive transfer crete, because of less concern of slipping. The heating of the compost
of antibodies, or immunoglobulins, into the blood, the calf will be at may kill some harmful bacteria, including mastitis-causing pathogens,
greater risk for many diseases. Colostrum, the first and most important which can help reduce the occurrence of environmental mastitis. When
feed given to a newborn calf, is the primary source of nutrients for the the compost is working properly and dry, it can also be conducive to
calf and also provides essential and irreplaceable antibodies. The 3 cleaner cows. Properly composted material emits little odor and can be
essential factors to consider in colostrum feeding and management are dried and spread onto fields. This may ultimately lead to better nutri-
quality, quantity, and time. The calf′s ability to absorb the antibodies ent utilization and the dried compost is more easily handled than liquid
declines within hours after birth, and by 24 h the intestine is closed to manure. Adequate ventilation, achieved through high, open sidewalls,
absorption. Failure of passive transfer may occur if the calf is not given open-ridges, and appropriately placed fans, is essential. Daily turning
enough high quality colostrum within the first 24 h of life. According to and aeration of the compost is necessary to provide oxygen (12 to 16%)
the latest National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) data, to the microbial population. Most producers use a cultivator, tines, or a
failure of passive transfer of immunity on US dairy farms has dropped rotary tiller attached to the rear of a skid steer or small tractor to stir the
dramatically since 1991–1992′s level of more than 40%. But passive pack. The temperature of the pack should be monitored daily and must
transfer failure still occurs on US dairy farms at the rate of 19.2%. A be maintained between 54 and 66°C to ensure an optimal environment
successful heifer-rearing program begins with the proper management for the bacterial population. For proper function, the amount of moisture
of the newborn calf. The quality, quantity, and timing of colostrum are added by cows through urination and defecation should be limited to
critical for passive transfer of immunity to the neonatal calf. Using rec- 46 to 64% total moisture in the pack. To achieve this, an appropriate
ommended management practices for feeding colostrum to the newborn stocking rate is one cow per 80 to 100 ft2. Bedding particle size is also
calf will get these young animals off to a good start in life. an important factor and should be a balance between coarse wood
chips and sawdust to maximize absorbency and available carbon. New
Key Words: calves, immunity, passive transfer
bedding is added to the pack when existing bedding is moist enough to
stick to the cows when they get up. Though applications for compost
241 Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome: The mysterious killer. B. P. bedded pack barns may be limited because of limited sawdust supplies,
Cashell*, Pennsylvania State University, University Park. they remain a viable alternative for small dairy herds or special needs
groups within larger herds.
Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome (HBS) is an acute sporadic enteric disease
that affects the small intestine of mature dairy cattle. It has been esti- Key Words: compost bedded pack, dairy housing, composting
mated that HBS is responsible for 2% of cattle deaths in North America.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 245
ADSA-SAD Undergraduate Competition:
Undergraduate Original Research
243 The effects of metaphylaxis antibiotics on health and develop- adjusted and fed ad libitum to allow for excess feed. Water was offered
ment of neonatal bull calves. K. G. DeHaan*, G. A. Holub, and M. ad libitum. To determine calf growth, measurements of weight, heart
A. Tomaszewski, Texas A&M University, College Station. girth, pelvic width, pelvic height and wither height were taken on 1,
28, 56 and 84 d. Measurements were taken in the afternoon before new
A study evaluating the effects of metaphylaxis antibiotics and milk feed was presented. There was no difference (P > 0.10) in ADG from
replacer additives on the health and development of Holstein bull calves d 1–28, 28–56 or 1–84. However, from d 56–84 ADG was greater (P =
(n = 52; mean body weight = 42.28 kg + 3 kg; starting age < 3 d) was 0.05) for calves fed AMPLI-CALF (1.30 kg/d) compared with control
conducted. The calves were placed into a completely random 3 × 4 calves (1.10 kg/d). There were no differences (P > 0.10) in body weight,
factorial design with each group receiving either tilmicosin phosphate heart girth, pelvic width, pelvic and whither heights, as-fed feed intake
(TIL), ceftiofur crystalline free acid (CEF), or saline solution (CON) or gain efficiency on d 1–28, 28–56, 56–84 or 1–84. Although overall
injected subcutaneously into the neck area. For the duration of the study, growth was not affected, AMPLI-CALF increased post-weaning ADG
the calves also received a commercial milk replacer powder (22% crude of heifer calves compared with the milled calf starter.
protein / 20% crude fat) fed at 1.1% BW. Within metaphylaxis treatment,
calves were randomly assigned to receive either; 1) 4 g/d for 7 d and then Key Words: calf nutrition, heifer growth, performance
2 g/d for 14 d of an egg-based probiotic (PR); 2) 2 g/d of 96% betaine
(BE); 3) both PR and BE (BP); or 4) no additives . The calves were
housed in individual fiberglass hutches with commercial calf starter and 245 Use of omega-3 fatty acid rich algae and their oil as a feed
water provided ad libitum. The body weight of each calf was recorded supplement for dairy cattle. D. M. Shepherd*1, J. A. Stamey1, B.
twice weekly in addition to daily recordings of fecal scores (1 = firm to 4 A. Corl1, M. J. de Veth2, and D. R. Winston1, 1Virginia Polytechnic
= watery) for 54 d. Medical treatments provided to each calf for scours, Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 2Balchem Corp., New
respiratory distress, or febrile events were recorded daily. The cumula- Hampton, NY.
tive response of these incidences were analyzed and used as an index of Studies have shown that ω-3 fatty acids can improve reproductive per-
morbidity. None of the additive effects were significant for any of the formance in dairy cattle. Microscopic algae are a source of ω-3 fatty
measured variables. The use of metaphylaxis did not significantly affect acids that could be used as a supplement for dairy rations. Availability
the average daily gain (P > 0.60) as the average daily gain was ~0.45 of ω-3 fatty acids from the diet is limited due to their biohydrogenation
kg. However, when examining fecal scores, CEF and TIL significantly in the rumen. A potential solution is to encapsulate the algal biomass
reduced teh average fecal score over the control ((1.85 vs. 1.97 vs. 2.20 in a lipid coating, theoretically allowing ω-3 fatty acids, specifically
respectively) (P < 0.01)). The incidences of fever nor respiratory issues docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in algae, to remain inert in the
(P > 0.20) were influenced dramatically by metaphylaxis. Overall, the rumen for absorption and utilization post-ruminally. To examine the
average daily treatment for fever was only 0.66 events and 0.39 events supply of DHA for incorporation into milk fat by lipid encapsulated
for respiratory distress. Metaphylaxis did not influence the occurrence of algal supplements, 4 late-lactation Holstein cows were assigned to a 4
scours (fecal score > 2) (P > 0.87). Other than fecal score, these results × 4 Latin Square design. Their rations were supplemented with treat-
indicate the use of metaphylaxis did not enhance productivity or reduce ments: 1X rumen-protected algal biomass, 1X rumen protected algal
morbidity of Holstein neonatal bull calves. oil, or 0.5X rumen-protected algal biomass. Supplements were lipid
Key Words: calf, metaphylaxis encapsulated (Balchem Corp., New Hampton, NY). The control treat-
ment was unsupplemented. The 1X supplements supplied 29 g of DHA/d
and the 0.5X supplement supplied half this amount. Data were compared
244 Effects of Purina Cornerstone 20 AMPLI-CALF DX30 on calf using orthogonal contrasts. Supplementation did not affect feed intake,
growth. A. A. Blasi*1, C. C. Stanley2, C. R. Krehbiel1, D. A. Jones2, milk yield, or milk composition. Algal biomass supplements increased
and W. Hurst1, 1Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 2Land O’Lakes DHA content of milk fat (0.47 vs. 0.10 g/d; P < 0.05). Algal biomass
Purina Mills LLC. was more effective at transferring DHA to milk fat than algal oil (0.55
vs. 0.30 g/d; P < 0.05). Supplements increased the milk fat content of
Proper calf nutrition is key life-long productivity of the cow. Investments trans-18:1 fatty acids. The effect on trans-18:1 fatty acids suggests that
in a heifer during the first 12 weeks of life can affect her productive some of the supplemented fatty acids may have influenced the rumen
potential in adulthood. Proper milk replacer and calf starter that meets biohydrogenation microflora. The transfer efficiency of dietary DHA to
all of a calf’s needs is essential for full growth potential. The objective milk fat across treatments ranged from 0.5% to 3%. In conclusion, there
of this study was to compare commercially available Purina Cornerstone was a significant increase in the amount of DHA present in milk fat.
20 AMPLI-CALF DX30 to a mill prepared calf starter (contained 16.3
mg/kg Bovatec 68). Each had a similar composition on a DM basis Key Words: omega-3 fatty acid, algal biomass, milk fat
with AMPLI-CALF containing 21.89% CP and the mill calf starter
containing 21.23% CP. AMPLI-CALF was fed without oat hay until 12
wks of age with oat hay presented starting at 6 wks of age to the milled 246 Effect of rumen sampling on time budget of lactating Holstein
starter group. Twenty Holstein heifer calves born at the OSU dairy were dairy cows. J. Deming*, P. D. Krawczel, and S. E. Boucher, W.H.
placed at random in one of 2 feed treatment groups. Calves were housed Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY.
individually in fiberglass hutches with wire panel runs and given free There is increasing evidence that a relationship exists between a dairy
choice water. All calves received 3.79 L of premium colostrum within cow’s ability to maintain her time budget and her productivity. This sug-
24 h of birth. Calves were fed twice daily with Land O’Lakes 28:20 gests that sampling regimens that alter behavior could potentially mask
Cow’s Match milk replacer. All calves were weaned at 9 wks old. Orts treatment effects in nutrition trials. The objective of this experiment was
were recorded every day at 1600 and appropriate feed amounts were to determine differences in the feeding, ruminating, and lying behaviors
246 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
of ruminally cannulated lactating Holstein dairy cows housed in tie-stalls 248 Evaluation of dairy cattle lying behavior in commercial
during the adjustment and sampling periods of a dairy nutrition experi- freestall barns. C. Gravatte*, C. Coombs, and J. Bewley, University
ment. We hypothesized that sampling would decrease time spent feeding, of Kentucky, Lexington.
ruminating, and lying. Thirteen cows were assigned to the concurrently
Animal activity monitoring sensors have been developed to measure
conducted nutrition trial, and all cows were subject to the same sampling
lying behavior and have been validated using direct visual observations.
schedule. Time spent eating, ruminating, drinking, lying, standing, or
These sensors may prove useful for assessment of facility functionality
in the milking parlor was quantified by direct observation. Behavior
and animal well-being. However, to properly evaluate results, within and
was recorded at 5-min intervals for 24 h during both the adjustment
across herd variations must be understood. The objective of this research
and sampling periods. Data were analyzed as a completely random-
was to describe physiological factors impacting automatically recorded
ized design using the Mixed procedure of SAS. Due to differences in
lying times across multiple commercial dairy farms using freestall barns.
time outside of the pen during sampling period (63.0 ± 0.9 min/d) and
The lying times of 247 Holstein cows were measured using an animal
adjustment period (80.3 ± 0.9 min/d; P < 0.001), feeding, ruminating,
activity monitor in 12 commercial dairy herds in Kentucky. Herds
and lying behaviors were evaluated as percentage of time within the
were categorized by production level (high, medium, and low) using
tie-stall. Feeding (18.7 ± 1.2%) and ruminating (40.3 ± 1.3%) were not
rolling herd average milk. Within herds, project cows were distributed
affected by sampling (P > 0.10). Lying decreased from 55.0 ± 3.2%
equally among lactation stage (60 to 400 DIM, mid and late lactation)
during the adjustment period to 49.3 ± 3.2% during the sampling period
and production level (high, medium, and low) categories. Cows that
(P = 0.003). Ruminating while lying was also reduced by sampling (from
exhibited clinical lameness were excluded. For cows exhibiting estrus,
28.3 ± 2.9 to 24.7 ± 2.9%; P = 0.03). The results of this study suggest
the day of and the day before breeding were removed. When hours
that sampling can impact some aspects of a dairy cow’s time budget.
lying or number of steps taken within an individual day differed from
The number of times cows are disturbed for the collection of samples
an individual cow’s weekly average by 2 or more standard deviations,
should be considered when designing sampling regimens.
these observations were removed. An IceTag animal activity monitoring
Key Words: dairy cow, behavior, sampling sensor (IceRobotics Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland, UK), which measures
posture (lying versus standing) and number of steps, was attached
to the hind leg of each cow above the fetlock for 14 d. The MIXED
247 Effect of coliform mastitis on osteopontin expression in mam- procedure of SAS was used to develop models to describe hours lying.
mary tissues of Holstein dairy cows. K. M. Jackson*1, J. C. Gandy2, Mean lying time (n = 3298) was 11.19 2.70 h/d while mean locomotion
L. M. Sordillo2, and E. L. Karcher1, 1Department of Animal Science, score was 1.37 0.56. Cows that were in mid lactation (11.04 0.39 h/d)
Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2Department of Large Animal had significantly lower lying times than cows in late lactation (12.42
Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing. 0.39 h/d, P < 0.0001). Lying time decreased with increasing milk yield
Mastitis caused by gram-negative bacteria is often characterized by (P = 0.03). Though the difference only approaches significance (P =
uncontrollable inflammation. Osteopontin (Opn) is a proinflammatory 0.11), cows with a locomotion score of 3 spent more time lying (12.31
factor that plays a role in initiating the innate immune response by pro- 0.71 h/d) than cows with a locomotion score of 1 or 2 (11.16 0.14 h/d).
moting cellular adhesion and eliciting proinflammatory cytokines. The Consideration of lactation stage, milk yield, and locomotion score is
objective of this study was to evaluate Opn gene expression in the mam- necessary for interpretation of results obtained from automatic activity
mary tissue of Holstein cows naturally infected with coliform mastitis monitoring sensors.
compared with healthy controls. Parencyhmal tissue was collected from Key Words: lying behavior, activity monitor, precision dairy farming
3 lactating cows killed for reasons relating to natural coliform infection
and 3 lactating cows killed for non-infectious reasons. All animals were
from a commercial herd. Real-time PCR was performed to evaluate 249 Associations of DNA marker profiles for dry matter intake
the expression of the following cytokine genes in parenchymal tissue: and efficiency with DNA marker profiles for fat-corrected milk yield
Opn, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interleukin (IL)-1. Additional and body weight. D. E. Brown*1, C. D. Dechow1, J. M. Daubert1, W.
samples were collected from the external pudendal artery and analyzed Liu1, and S. Bauck2, 1Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
for Opn gene expression. Osteopontin and IL-1 expression did not differ 2IGENITY Livestock Production Unit, Duluth, GA.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 247
BW (−0.15). Correlations of the polygenic effects were also strongly jected to time temperature treatments. Nine straws were sorted for the X
positive between DMI and FCM, DMI and BW, and DME and FCM chromosome (group A), and nine sorted for the Y chromosome (group
and negative polygenic correlation was found between DME and BW. B). Experimental Groups A and B each consisted of three subgroups (1,
This study also showed genetic variation for feed intake and for feed 2, and 3) of three semen straws each, so each subgroup contained three
efficiency. These findings indicate that it may be possible to use DNA semen straws. The straws were incubated in randomly assigned water
markers to select for higher DME. baths after thawing simultaneously for 40 seconds at 34°C according to
the procedure recommended by Genex. The control (subgroups A1 and
Key Words: dry matter efficiency, fat-corrected milk, DNA marker
B1), was incubated at 37.94°C representing the normal internal body
temperature of a cow. Subgroups A2 and B2 were incubated at 38.89°C
and subgroups A3 and B3 at 39.72°C to represent the internal body
250 Evaluating the effectiveness of “cow-side” tests to identify temperature of a cow under increasing heat stress (McGhee et al., 2008).
animals with a dominant follicle at the time of insemination in a One straw was drawn from each subgroup at six hours, representing
TAI protocol. T. L. Crouch* and J. L. Fain, Clemson University, bovine sperm cell capacitation, at nine hours, and at twelve hours for
Clemson, SC. examination of motility using Sperm Vision (minitube, Mt. Horeb, WI).
Data were to be analyzed with an unpaired t-test at P < 0.05.
This study investigated changes in metabolic functions and their The test results at six hours of incubation revealed 10% motility for
tendency to correlate with an adequate preovulatory follicular size all subgroups, with all motile sperm cells labeled nonprogressives.
(>15 mm) and secondary signs of estrus to better determine whether Due to the nature of the data, time temperature treatments were
insemination should be performed in a TAI protocol. A total of 26 stopped for all samples. This study is being revised to examine
non-pregnant lactating Holstein and Jersey dairy cattle (n = 21; n = time temperature differences on fresh bovine unsexed semen. This
5, respectively) of unknown estrous cycle status were synchronized revision will aid in the determination of adjustments necessary for
(PGF2α, d-18; GnRH, d-16; GnRH, d-10; PGF2α, d-3, GnRH,d-1) and continuation and retrial of this experiment.
were inseminated 12 h after the final GnRH injection, d0. Temperature,
urine pH and milk weights were collected at 12 h intervals beginning
48 h before TAI with the final collection occurring at insemination. The Key Words: temperature, sperm, bovine
size of the largest follicle for each animal was determined by transrectal
ultrasonography 12 h before TAI. On d 0, milk samples were collected
252 Corn grain and liquid feed as non-fiber carbohydrate sources
and progesterone concentrations analyzed using a rapid milk P4 test.
in diets for lactating dairy cows: digestibility trial. E. M. Eilen-
The results were qualitatively recorded on a scale from 1 (P4 = 0–1 ng/
feld*, M. L. Eastridge, and J. L. Firkins, The Ohio State University,
mL) to 3 (P4 = 5 ng/mL). Secondary signs of estrus were recorded 12 h
before and at TAI with scoring based on the following observations: 1 =
behavioral change, 2 = mucosal discharge, and 3 = mucosal discharge We hypothesized that sugars in liquid feeds would maintain or improve
and mounting or standing activity. No strong correlations (> ±0.4) were measures of ruminal fermentation and diet digestibility to a greater
realized between any “cow side” sampling method and the incidence of degree when corn grain is processed to have a lower rumen degradable
a dominant follicle or increased estrus expression. No differences (P > starch concentration. Five rumen cannulated cows were used in a 5 × 5
0.05) in parameters were found regardless of the presence of a dominant Latin square design and fed a control diet with steam-flaked corn (SFC)
follicle at TAI. When reproductively inefficient cows, as indicated by > or 4 diets with dry corn that was finely or coarsely ground (FGC or CGC
250 DIM and > 3 previous services, were excluded from the results (n at mean particle sizes of 0.8 or 1.9 mm, respectively) factorialized with-
= 7), a moderate positive correlation of 0.57 was identified with urine out or 3.5% liquid supplement (LF; Quality Liquid Feeds, Dodgeville,
pH increasing in the 24 h before TAI in animals with larger follicles WI) replacing corn grain. All diets contained a constant 24% corn silage
12 h before TAI. Animals with an identifiable dominant follicle also and 16% alfalfa hay and 6% grass hay that were adjusted to maintain
had a greater increase in urine pH 24 h before TAI when compared 36% NDF and 20.3% forage NDF. Diets were formulated to contain 36%
with animals with the largest follicle being <15 mm in diameter (0.32 non-fiber carbohydrates. Each period consisted of 2 wk, cows were fed
and 0.02, respectively; P < 0.05). Anomalies within the data are being and milked twice daily, and chromic oxide was dosed via the rumen as
overcome with additional sampling and correlation with blood serum a digestibility marker. Contrasts were SFC vs. dry corn (SFC vs. the 4
P4 concentrations as well as pregnancy rate data. ground corn diets) and the main effects and interaction of particle size
and LF. The SFC decreased (P < 0.05) ruminal acetate and increased (P
Key Words: cow side
< 0.05) propionate concentrations. Finer particle size reduced (P < 0.05)
ruminal pH (5.99 vs. 6.16), reduced (P < 0.10) ruminal concentration of
251 Effects of temperature on X chromosome carrying com- acetate, and increased (P < 0.05) propionate concentration. Liquid feed
pared to Y chromosome carrying bovine sperm cells: preliminary reduced (P < 0.10) acetate, and there was an interaction for butyrate
results. L. A. Krueger*1, J. L. Herring1, and R. Wilborn2, 1Alabama (LF increased with FGC but no effect with CGC). Finer particle size
A&M University, Normal, 2Auburn University, Auburn, AL. (P < 0.10) and SFC (P < 0.05) reduced ruminal NH3 concentration.
There were no treatment effects on digestibilities of DM (65.9%), OM
Climatic conditions and slight differences in a female’s internal environ- (67.7%), or NDF (54.9%). The DMI was similar (24.6 kg/d), but SFC
ment can influence the gender of her offspring (Cameron et al., 2008; increased (P < 0.10) milk yield (38.0 vs. 35.9 kg/d). Milk fat (3.51%) was
Bonier et al., 2007). An observation by Roche, et al. (2006) revealed similar, but there was an interaction for milk protein - LF reduced (P <
that air temperature raised by 1°C at the time of breeding increased the 0.10) milk protein with CGC but not with FGC. Milk urea N was lower
likelihood of the conception of a male calf by 1%. This observation (P < 0.05) with finer particle size (11.8 vs. 13.0 mg/dl). The SFC and
suggests that X and Y chromosome carrying sperm cells are affected finer particle size appeared to be more rapidly fermented in the rumen,
differently by raised environmental temperature. The purpose of this without adversely affecting intake or apparent diet digestibility. Liquid
experiment was to compare the effects of female body temperature feed appeared to be more beneficial with FGC than CGC.
against X chromosome and Y chromosome carrying sperm. Eighteen
gender sorted bovine semen straws of Genex Bull AN01043 were sub- Key Words: particle size
248 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Animal Behavior and Well-Being: Poultry 1: Ducks, Layers, and Turkeys
253 Who did it and why: Floor laying by Pekin ducks. M. M. the adjacent nest box (Moved). Handled and Moved ducks laid 97.6%
Makagon* and J. A. Mench, University of California, Davis. and 79.8%, respectively, of their eggs in boxes containing the previous
day’s egg. While ducks in the Handled group were consistent in their
Floor eggs, which are eggs laid outside of nest boxes, are a common choice throughout the test, those in the Moved group developed this
problem in poultry production systems. We investigated factors con- preference over time (Wilcoxon S = 17.5, P = 0.039), suggesting that
tributing to the laying of floor eggs by Pekin ducks. In a 2 × 2 factorial the preference for laying in a nest containing an egg may be influenced
design, 16 groups of 18-wk-old ducks (8 per group) were provided by experience. These results indicate that nest box enclosure and the
access to either 2 or 8 closed-topped or open-topped nest boxes in their presence of an egg are important in determining the nesting choices of
pens. Egg locations were recorded daily for 16 weeks following nest Pekin ducks. Incorporating these features into nest boxes may be useful
box introduction. Video analyses were used to determine the sources for increasing consistency of nest use by breeder flocks.
of a sample of floor eggs laid during wk 1–4, 8, 12 and 16. An analy-
sis of nontoxic dye deposition in the egg yolk was conducted on wk Key Words: Pekin duck, nest site selection, nest design
12, 14 and 16 to determine each duck’s contribution to floor laying.
Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that the proportion of floor eggs
255 The effect of human induced stressors on the vocalizations of
decreased over weeks (F3,9 = 29.29, P < 0.0001), and was greater
commercial brown and white egg laying hens. E. Otu-Nyarko*1, J.
among the groups with only 2 nest boxes (F1,11 = 24.09, P = 0.0005),
An3, P. M. Scheifele2, D. B. Miller1, M. T. Johnson3, and M. J. Darre1,
but was not affected by nest box design (F1,11 = 0.08, P = 0.776). Not 1University of Connecticut, Storrs, 2University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati,
all available nest boxes were used on a given day. In 8-box pens, for
OH, 3Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
example, on average only 3 to 4 boxes were used per day. Of the 202
floor eggs identified on video, 65% were laid in the 4 h after the lights A study was conducted at a commercial cage layer poultry farm in
went on (0300–0700). This corresponded to the time of highest nest box Connecticut to determine the effect of human induced stressors on the
use and competition. However, 32% were laid during the dark phase vocalizations of brown and white egg layers of various ages. Vocaliza-
(2100–0300) when nest box activity and competition were low, and 1% tions and behavioral data were collected from 13 groups of 320 hens
were laid in the afternoon. The remaining 2% of floor eggs were ejected per group. A uni-directional Shure 10L Prologue microphone with a
from nest boxes by the ducks. Yolk stain analysis indicated that 67% frequency sensitivity of between 20Hz and 15,000Hz was connected to a
and 52% of ducks housed with 2 and 8 boxes, respectively, laid floor Compaq laptop computer with Cool Edit Pro 2.0 sound analysis software
eggs, although none laid exclusively on the floor. Taken together these to record and edit vocalizations. A Hidden Markov Model modified for
results suggest that floor laying by Pekin ducks may in part be a product use as a speech recognition algorithm and statistical tool was used to clas-
of competition for nests, and can be decreased by optimizing the nest sify the vocalizations. The accuracy of the classification was determined
box to duck ratio. However, since 33% of floor eggs were laid during using a confusion matrix. Three different human induced stressors were
periods of low competition and not all boxes were used each day, other applied to them. These were abrupt noise, touch, and walking through
factors probably also contribute to the problem. the coop in front of the birds. Non-stressed vocalizations were also
obtained for comparison with the treatments. Of the entire vocalization
Key Words: nesting behavior, domestic duck, floor eggs
spectral envelope, the Greenwood Function Cepstral Coefficients were
extracted for the determination of the level of accuracy with the clas-
254 Nest choices of Pekin ducks. M. M. Makagon*, C. B. Tucker, sification of vocalization using the modified Hidden Markov Model and
and J. A. Mench, University of California, Davis. a confusion matrix. It was found that the non-stressful vocalizations were
significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) from the stress induced vocalizations
To encourage nest use by breeder flocks, it is important that nest boxes for both breeds with classification accuracy of 77% and 75% for white
are attractive to hens. Few studies have evaluated factors affecting nest and brown egg layers respectively. For the stress induced vocalizations
attractiveness and nest choices of ducks. We assessed the effects of nest there were significant differences in vocalizations made as a response
box experience and features of nests on nest site selection by sexually to abrupt noise, touching, and walking through the coop at an accuracy
mature Pekin ducks. Hens were tested individually in pens containing level of 81.2%, 74.29% and 36.3% respectively with abrupt noise being
different nest box choices. Nest preferences were determined based on the most stressful to the chickens, resulting in the most recognizable and
the locations of 14 successively laid eggs. Experiment 1 assessed the repeatable vocal response. Both breeds at peak production (28–29weeks)
effects of nest box experience and degree of nest enclosure. Ducks (n = had similar vocalizations under all the conditions as indicated by a
24) were reared with access to either open-top (OP) or closed-top (CL) lower accuracy of about 64% in comparison with all other age groups
nest boxes. They were then allowed to choose between 4 nest boxes for both stress-induced and non-stressed vocalizations. The brown egg
varying in level of enclosure: OP, CL, OP with a nest curtain (OP-C), or strain was less susceptible (89%) to the effect of the stressors than the
CL with a nest curtain (CL-C). Ducks laid twice the expected proportion white leghorn laying hens (92%).
of eggs in the CL-C boxes (t22 = 4.21, P = 0.0004), demonstrating a
preference for a high level of enclosure that was independent of previ- Key Words: vocalization, stress, hidden Markov model
ous nest box experience (t21 = 0.65, P = 0.53). CL boxes were used
as predicted by chance (t22 = −0.33, P = 0.746), while OP and OP-C
256 Influence of environmental management methods on the
contained only half the expected number of eggs (OP t22 = −2.64, P =
expression of glucocorticoid receptors in the laying hen’s ovary. D.
0.015; OP-CL t22 = −2.86, P = 0.009). Experiment 2 assessed the effect
V. Arbona*, L. A. Bola, and J. B. Hoffman, North Carolina State Uni-
of the presence of an egg in the nest. Ducks (n = 24) were provided
versity, Raleigh.
with 2 nest boxes, one of which contained a single egg from the previ-
ous day. Each day, the newly laid egg was marked and either placed In commercial egg production, increasing public scrutiny regarding the
back in the nest box where they were found (Handled) or moved into welfare of laying hens has led to the development of alternative manage-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 249
ment practices including free-range housing in addition to conventional and at processing are more common in conventionally housed laying
battery style cages. To ascertain the effects of layer housing management hens, and that strain differences are apparent.
methods on ovarian susceptibility to corticosterones via expression of
Key Words: laying hen, bone quality, furnished cages
follicular glucocorticoid receptors (GR), ovarian follicles were collected
from 6 Hy-line brown layers reared in a free-range system with access
to a forage covered area divided into 4 paddocks as well as an enclosed 258 Astroturf as a dustbathing substrate for laying hens. G.
range hut with feed, water, and nests. For comparison, ovarian follicles Alvino*, G. Archer, and J. Mench, University of California, Davis.
were collected from 6 Hy-line brown layers reared in conventional bat-
tery style cages stacked directly on top of one another with troughs for During dustbathing bouts, birds distribute a friable substrate like sand
feed and nipple waterers. Separated granulosa and theca tissues from through their feathers. This behavior helps to maintain good plumage
the F1-F4 hierarchical, and combined granulosa and theca tissues from condition and hence the insulative value of the feathers. Many designs
the small yellow and large white non-hierarchical follicles were col- of furnished cages for laying hens contain a dustbathing area comprised
lected by manual dissection for GR characterization. Characterization of an Astroturf (AT) pad, which may be sprinkled with feed with the
of the GR in the ovarian tissues was performed following Total RNA intent of promoting both foraging and dustbathing. We evaluated the
extraction followed by 2-step real-time PCR. Relative quantification of behavior of hens exposed to AT or AT plus feed to determine if these
the GR was completed using the ΔΔ CT method and data was expressed substrates stimulate dustbathing. Hy-Line CV20 laying hens (n = 30)
as the fold-difference relative to the F1T sample. Differences in the that had no prior exposure to friable substrate were housed singly in
expression were determined by ANOVA using the GLM procedure (P 91.4cm x 45.7cm x 45.7cm cages beginning at 34 weeks of age. Groups
< 0.05). No significant differences in non-hierarchical follicular GR of 10 hens were randomly provided with either sand (control); a 33 ×
expression were noted between free-range (0.69 ± 0.11) vs. battery 36.5cm AT pad; or an AT pad of the same size covered each day with
style hens (0.75 ± 0.16) (P < 0.05). However, total GR expression in the 200 g of laying hen feed (ATF). After the hens had been exposed to these
hierarchical follicles was significantly higher in the free-range hens (1.35 substrates for 17 d, behavior was video recorded from 0600 - 2200 h
± 0.05) compared with the battery style hens (0.69 ± 0.04) (P < 0.001). (photophase duration). Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and
These observations combined with previous data showing significantly Dwass-Steel- Critchlow- Fligner non-parametric tests. There were sig-
decreased production of grade A eggs by free-range hens suggest that the nificant differences in the total number of dustbathing bouts (H2 = 8.21,
free-range environment may negatively influence reproductive fitness P = 0.017), with control hens performing fewer bouts (mean = 3) than
due to differences in follicular stress susceptibility caused by altered AT (13); ATF were intermediate (6). The proportion of bouts performed
glucocorticoid receptor expression. on substrate (H2 = 13.94; P = 0.001) and the wire floor of the cage (H2
= 12.68; P = 0.0018) differed, with the control hens that dustbathed
Key Words: glucocorticoid receptor, free-range, battery cages performing a higher proportion in substrate (1.0) and a lower proportion
on wire (0) than both AT (0.13; 0.87) and ATF hens that dustbathed (0;
1.0). There were also differences in total time dustbathing on wire (H2 =
257 The influence of cage housing system and laying hen strain
12.32, P = 0.002) and substrate (H2 = 9.32, P = 0.010), with control hens
on bone quality pre and post slaughter. A. McMillan1, K. Juurlink1,
dustbathing for significantly less time on wire (mean = 0 min) than both
B. Rathgeber2, and M. Jendral*1, 1Nova Scotia Agricultural College,
AT (26) and ATF (28) hens and significantly more time on substrate (19)
Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2Agriculture Agri-food Canada, Truro,
than ATF hens (0). These findings need to be confirmed with additional
Nova Scotia, Canada.
observations, but suggest that an AT pad does not provide an adequate
The influence of cage housing system and laying hen strain on bone substrate even with feed added, since hens with AT dustbathe mainly
quality traits pre and post slaughter was determined for 3 strains of on the wire floor of the cage rather than on the AT.
laying hens (Shaver White (SW), Lohmann Lite (LL), Lohmann Brown
Key Words: Astroturf, sham dustbathing, chicken
(LB)) housed in conventional cages, and furnished colony units, and
processed under commercial conditions. During the laying period, hens
were either housed in conventional cages (60cm × 45cm) (n = 24 cages 259 The behaviour of laying hens in commercial aviary sys-
per strain; 5 hens per cage) or furnished colony cages (240cm × 110cm) tems. M. P. de Villareal*1 and I. Estevez1,2, 1Neiker-Tecnalia, Vitoria-
(n = 12; 4 per strain; 40 hens per cage). Furnished cages contained a Gasteiz, Spain, 2IKERBASQUE, Bilbao, Spain.
nestbox (60cm × 55cm), 3 hardwood, semi-circular perches (240cm ×
5cm) and a dustbathing facility (60cm × 20cm). At 80 weeks, all hens Here we present preliminary results of a larger ongoing study in which
were palpated before slaughter to assess fractures to the furculum, keel, we compare the behavior of laying hens maintained under different
humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia and pubis bones. Post slaughter production conditions. For this part of the study, data were collected
(no evisceration), 25 randomly selected hens per colony cage, and by video footage in 7 single tier aviary commercial farms with and
all 5 hens in 9 randomly selected conventional cages per strain were without access to an outdoor park. Flock sizes ranged between 6,000
re-palpated for fractures of the above bones. Additionally, right femur, to18,000 birds. The lines used were Bovan brown, ISA brown, and
tibia and humerus bones were isolated from 6 randomly selected hens Lohman white. Video recordings took place from 7.00 to 9.00, 11.00 to
per colony cage and all 5 hens in 9 conventional cages per strain and 13.00 and 17.00 to 19.00 for morning, midday and afternoon periods.
frozen for later analysis of bone densitometry and breaking strength. Video sequences were imported into the software The Observer for
Conventionally caged hens exhibited higher incidence of pre slaughter visualization and analysis. From the recordings, behavioral time bud-
humerus and radius fractures (P < 0.05). Furculum breaks occurred most gets and frequency of transitions, defined as the number of behavioral
frequently post slaughter; however, no treatment or strain differences changes per unit of time, were obtained by continuous focal sampling
were determined for the furculum. LL and LB hens exhibited fewer of 3 randomly chosen hens in each video sequence. Data were standard-
wing and leg breaks pre and post slaughter (P = 0.05), however LL ized according to sequence duration. Means per farm, week and time
hens exhibited the highest incidence of keel fractures before slaughter. period were calculated and used for statistical analysis, a mixed model
These results indicate that bone fractures throughout the laying period repeated measures ANOVA (SAS, V 9.1). Results indicate differences
in time budgets across layer line and housing system (P < 0.01), but
250 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
no effect of time period was detected (P > 0.05). Interactions across friendly. To improve the efficiency of the IR system, different interface
factors were non significant (P > 0.05). Lohman whites had the highest plates (25/23C and 27/23C) and lamp power settings (44, 48 and 52)
proportion walking and foraging whereas standing was most prominent were tested in this study. Infrared beak treatment was conducted at the
in Bovan and ISA brown. Problematic behaviors such as aggressive hatchery and HB was performed at 7 to 10 d of age in a commercial
pecks, threats and feather pecking were unusual events for all lines. The setting. Physiological and behavioral measures were taken at 5, 10, 20
differences according to systems were important with higher frequen- and 30 weeks of age after beak trimming (BT). Although all birds fol-
cies of standing and foraging observed in aviaries without access to lowed a similar growth curve, IR birds using 27/23C-48 protocol were
parks, and higher proportions of resting and less standing and foraging the heaviest at 10, 20 and 30 weeks of age. Alternately, birds using
observed in free range. Behavioral transitions varied according to hen the 25/23C-44 protocol were the lightest at 20 and 30 weeks of age.
type and housing system only (P < 0.05). In conclusion, across strains Upper and lower beak growth curves were also established showing
the Lohman white hens were the most active, however no differences birds trimmed with 25/23C interface plates to have a shorter upper and
were detected related to problematic behaviors such as aggressive or lower beak compared with 27/23C or HB trimmed birds. Birds trimmed
pecking behaviors. Contrary to expectations, birds with access to an using 27/23–44 and −48 consistently had the longest upper and lower
outdoor park were less active when indoors as compared with birds in mandibles among all birds. Feed wasted was greatest in HB and 27/23C-
aviaries without access to parks. 52 birds and tended to be less than HB in 27/23–48 and 25/23–48 and
−52 trimmed birds (P < 0.10). Behavior analysis revealed that birds
Key Words: laying hens, behavior, aviary systems
treated using 27/23C protocols walked and drank more than HB birds
(P < 0.05). Feather scores (FS; scored 0–5; 0 = perfect plumage and
260 On-farm survey of beak characteristics in White Leghorns as a 5 = bare with skin damage) taken at 20 and 30 weeks showed higher
result of hot blade or infrared beak trimming. T. Gabrush1, C. Car- breast FS in HB and 25/23C-44 birds compared with 27/23C birds (P
ruthers*1, K. Schwean-Lardner1, T. Knezacek1, C. Bennett2, and H. L. < 0.05). Back FS was the highest in 25/23C-48 birds compared with
Classen1, 1University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK Canada, 2Mani- the birds trimmed using HB or other IR protocols (P < 0.05). At 5 and
toba Agriculture, Food & Rural Initiatives, Winnipeg, MB Canada. 10 weeks of age, 27/23C-44 and −48 birds pecked significantly more at
the novel object (a synthetic feather) than the birds trimmed using HB
Treating the beaks of White Leghorns is a common practice used pri- or other IR protocols (P < 0.05). However, HB and 25/23C birds had
marily to reduce cannibalism. However, opposition to this procedure is the highest synthetic feather damage score (scored 0–5; 0 = no damage
based partially on the assumption that trimming may cause deformities, and 5 = completely stripped shaft; P < 0.05). Our data show evidence
inhibiting the ability of hens to eat and perform normal behaviors. Infra- that welfare and traits affecting feed efficiency can be improved with
red (INF) systems are currently becoming more prevalent in industry, IR over HB in laying hens and that the IR protocol used can be adjusted
replacing hot blade (HB) beak trimming. This on-farm survey examined to optimize these measures.
the effects of HB or INF treatment on beak characteristics in commercial
flocks. Hens on 3 farms were observed between 21 and 24 and between Key Words: beak trim, infrared, laying hen
53 and 60 weeks of age. Two farms housed hens of the same strain that
had been HB trimmed at the hatchery while a third housed 2 strains
262 Brain and skull lesions in turkeys resulting from non-pen-
that had been INF treated at the hatchery. Overall, 91% of the beaks
etrating captive bolt, cervical dislocation, cervical crushing and
measured were 10.0 to 13.9 mm in length, approximately 52 to 73% of
blunt trauma. M. A. Erasmus*, P. V. Turner, S. G. Nykamp, and T.
the expected length of an intact beak. The remaining hens had beaks less
M. Widowski, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
than 10 mm (4%) or ≥14 mm (5%). HB trimmed beaks averaged 12.36
mm (SEM = 0.060) and 12.40 mm (SEM = 0.063) at 21–24 weeks of age, Previously, live observations of brainstem reflexes and time to death
and 12.39 mm (SEM = 0.064) and 12.80 mm (SEM = 0.071) at 53–60 were conducted on different weight classes of turkeys to assess the
weeks of age. INF trimmed beaks averaged 11.33 mm (SEM = 0.058) effectiveness of on-farm killing methods. Three experiments were
and 11.14 mm (SEM = 0.043) at 21–24 weeks of age, and 12.03 mm conducted: 1) a non-penetrating captive bolt (Zephyr) and cervical
(SEM = 0.053) and 11.35 mm (SEM = 0.059) at 53–60 weeks of age. crushing were examined in turkey hens (11.4 ± 0.1 kg) at a research
Deformities were observed at low frequencies, and included abnormal facility; 2) the Zephyr and blunt trauma were examined in turkey toms
re-growth (7.42%), blisters (0.54%), cracks (3.50%), angled beaks (not (13.1 ± 0.2 kg) at 2 commercial farms; 3) the Zephyr, blunt trauma and
perpendicular; 2.88%) and cases where the bottom beak was longer than cervical dislocation were examined in broiler turkeys (4.1 ± 0.3 kg) at
the top (BLTT) (11.63%). Although a direct comparison between HB a commercial farm. Immediate insensibility resulted when the Zephyr
and INF trimming was not possible because the hens were of different or blunt trauma were used, but not with cervical crushing or cervical
strains and were housed in different environments, cracks and abnormal dislocation. Based on these results, the objectives of the present study
re-growth were observed more frequently in HB (6.58% and 11.42%, were to assess brain damage resulting from the different killing methods.
respectively) compared with INF trimmed hens (0.42% and 3.42%, The severity of skull fractures and subcutaneous and subdural hemor-
respectively). HB and INF treatment resulted in similar beak lengths rhage was assessed using post mortem macroscopic scores. Samples
and characteristics, however comparisons of treatment type within strain in each weight category were submitted for CT scans and histology.
and environment is warranted. Macroscopic scores were compared among treatment groups using a
mixed model (Expt. One and 2) and general linear model (Expt. 3);
Key Words: cannibalism, feather pecking, welfare
subcutaneous hemorrhage was greater with the Zephyr (Hens: F = 27.8,
P = 0.01; Toms: F = 5.4, P = 0.02; Broilers: F = 11.6, P = 0.0003) and
261 Effects of different infrared beak treatment protocols on skull fractures were more severe for toms and broilers killed with the
chicken welfare and physiology. R. L. Dennis* and H. W. Cheng, Zephyr vs. blunt trauma (Toms: F = 65.0, P < 0.0001; Broilers: F = 5.4,
LBRU, USDA-ARS, West Lafayette, IN P = 0.03). Subdural hemorrhage was present in all turkeys regardless of
treatment. Microscopic brain damage was present in all turkeys killed
Infrared beak treatment (IR) provides an alternative to conventional with the Zephyr and blunt trauma, but only 1 of 4 turkeys killed with
hot blade beak trimming (HB), which purports to be more welfare
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 251
cervical crushing and 1 of 4 turkeys killed with cervical dislocation. of sensibility and post mortem investigations into the degree of brain
The Zephyr and blunt trauma likely caused death by directly disrupting damage produced, the Zephyr and blunt trauma appear to be effective
brain function, whereas cervical crushing and cervical dislocation likely and humane for on-farm killing of turkeys.
resulted in death from cerebral hypoxia and ischemia. Based on tests
Key Words: turkey, brain damage, humane killing
252 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Animal Health: Immunity, Probiotics and Health Status
263 An experiment in transmission of Mycoplasma bovis in sand than those born from primiparous cows (42.6 vs. 36.5 kg). Concentration
bedding to naive dairy calves. D. J. Wilson*1, A. Justice-Allen1, T. J. of colostral IgG was greater from multiparous cows fed fat than from
Baldwin1, R. T. Skirpstunas1, K. B. Cavender1, and G. Goodell2, 1Utah those not fed fat prepartum (116 vs. 96 g/L) whereas the opposite was
State University, Logan, 2The Dairy Authority, Greeley, CO. true for primiparous cows (83 vs. 101 g/L). As a result intake of IgG
by calves born from multiparous cows fed fat prepartum was greater
The study evaluated possible transmission of Mycoplasma bovis from
than that by calves born to cows not fed fat (459 vs. 383 g). Therefore
sand bedding to naive dairy calves. Screening of a closed herd showed
serum concentrations of IgG tended to be greater (P = 0.10) at 24 h in
99% probability that the herd was free of mycoplasma in calves.
calves born from multiparous cows fed fat compared with those not fed
Neonatal calves (n = 12) from the herd were blocked by weight and
fat (26.7 vs. 21.1 g/L). Concentrations of serum protein did not differ
height and randomly assigned as controls (n = 6) bedded with quarry
among treatments (3.8 and 5.3 g/100 mL at 0 and 24 h, respectively).
sand, or exposed (n = 6) bedded with M. bovis-positive bedding sand
Calves born from cows fed fat prepartum tended to be more efficient at
(confirmed by PCR) from another farm. Calves were housed at Utah
absorption of IgG (26.8 vs. 23.3%). Feeding supplemental fat prepartum
State University in calf hutches, fed commercial milk replacer and calf
to multiparous cows resulted in greater IgG concentration in colostrum
starter, with strict biosecurity and separation between groups. Exposed
and better efficiency of IgG absorption.
group sand cultured positive for Mycoplasma spp. during weeks 1, 5, 6,
7, 11 and negative for the rest of the 15 week study; control group sand Key Words: calves, passive immunity, linoleic acid
was always mycoplasma-negative. Exposed group calves were bedded
on mycoplasmal bedding for 138 total calf-days. All 94 sera tested for
antibody against M. bovis were negative. All 16 tracheal swabs and 265 Effect of a yeast autolysate combined with probiotics on per-
all 67 nasal and ear swabs collected from all calves were mycoplasma formance and gut health of broilers. A. Ganner*1, S. Masching2,
culture-negative. Two calves died and 3 were euthanized before the end N. Reisinger1, G. Schatzmayr1, and T. Applegate3, 1BIOMIN Research
of the study; the remaining 7 calves were euthanized after 15 weeks. All Center, Tulln, Austria, 2BIOMIN Holding GmbH, Herzogenburg, Aus-
calves were necropsied and full diagnostic testing was performed. No tria, 3Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
exposed or control calves had any gross lesions of mycoplasma infec- The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a product,
tion. All post-mortem culture (n = 60) and PCR (n= 48) tests on trachea consisting of yeast autolysate, lactobacilli, Enterococcus sp., Pedio-
(cultured only), deep lung, peri-bronchial lung, retropharyngeal lymph coccus sp. and bidifobacteria, on performance and jejunal structure
node, and carpal or tarsal joint fluid from all 12 calves were negative of broilers. In a 35 d study, 300 1-d-old broilers were distributed to 2
for Mycoplasma spp. The PCR could differentiate M. bovis if positive. experimental groups with 8 replicates: control group A, group B (1 kg
Using test sensitivity and sequential probability, the probability of each yeast autolysate per ton feed combined with probiotic mixture of 108
calf being detected positive at least once if they had become infected CFU/kg feed). Directly after housing the chicks were supplied with
with mycoplasma following 4 weeks of exposure was calculated. For the experimental diets. Feed and water were provided for ad libitum
the 9 calves that survived beyond 25 days of age, probabilities of intake, feeding was done manually several times a day. On d 35 birds
detection were between 96.5% and 99.3%. There was no evidence that were killed and the distal jejunum taken from 8 chickens per group (1/
Mycoplasma bovis-positive bedding sand was a source of infection to pen). Paraffin sections were stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS)
naive dairy calves. Further studies in lactating cows are still indicated and hematoxylin. The length of the villi and the depth of the crypt
because of the possibility of infection through teat ends. were determined with an ocular micrometer via light microscopy. The
Key Words: mastitis, Mycoplasma, bedding goblets cells were counted on 6 villi/ bird as well under the microscope
and an average was taken. Similarly, 12 villi/ bird were measured for
villus length and crypt depth. In the course of the feeding trial a posi-
264 Effect of supplementing fatty acids to prepartum Holstein tive influence could be observed by the product consisting of autolysate
cows on transfer of passive immunity to calves. M. Garcia*, L. and probiotics. Weight on d 14 and daily weight gain (DWG) 1–14
F. Greco, M. G. Favoreto, R. S. Marsola, L. T. Martins, D. Wang, W. were improved (P = 0.0001), as well DWG 15–35 (P = 0.002). Weight
W. Thatcher, J. E. P. Santos, and C. R. Staples, University of Florida, on d 35 (1433g) and DWG 1–35 (39.9g) were slightly improved in
Gainesville. comparison to the control (1381g weight d 35, 38.4g DWG; P = 0.08).
Mortality was reduced in the trial group (2.7%) in comparison to the
The aim of this study was to evaluate supplementing linoleic acid
control (5.3%). The goblet cell number was slightly increased by the
(LA) to cows during the last 2 mo of pregnancy on transfer of passive
trial group with 126 cells/villus (control 98cells/villus, P = 0.1). Villus
immunity to calves. Cows (n = 89) were fed diets formulated to supply
height and crypt depth were not affected. Our results indicate that the
minimum amounts of LA and supplemented without fat, with satu-
product consisting of autolysate and probiotics is able to improve gut
rated fatty acids (SFA; Energy Booster 100, MSC) at 1.75% of dietary
health and to enhance bird performance.
DM, or with Ca salts of unsaturated fatty acids enriched in LA (UFA;
Megalac-R, Church and Dwight, Co.) at 2% of dietary DM. Within 2 Key Words: yeast autolysate, probiotics, gut health, broiler perfor-
h of birth, calves were given 4 L of colostrum from their own dam or mance
from a dam fed the same dietary treatment as the calf′s dam using an
esophageal feeder. Acquisition of passive immunity was assessed by
measuring concentration of IgG in colostrum and in serum, as well as 266 Effect of NuPro supplementation on intestinal Clostridium
total protein concentrations in serum at 0 and 24 h of life. Apparent perfringens levels in broiler chickens. . R. Thanissery*1, J. L.
efficiency of absorption was calculated considering serum as 9.9% of McReynolds2, D. E. Conner1, K. S. Macklin1, P. A. Curtis1, and Y. O.
BW. Body weight at birth did not differ among treatments (39.6 kg), Fasina1, 1Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2SPARC-USDA-ARS, College
however calves born from multiparous cows were heavier (P < 0.05) Station, TX.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 253
Clostridium perfringens (CP) is the causative bacteria for necrotic enteri- Ivermectin concentrations of 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.50, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 6 and 15
tis (NE) in poultry. Yeast extract contain immunomodulatory nucleotides, μg/mL quadratically reduced (P < 0.001) LV; 90.2, 82.6, 73.6, 66.3,
and may therefore serve as a non-antibiotic feed additive for reducing 51.9, 56.5, 43.5, 41.9, 29.3, and 19.9%, respectively. Effects of alter-
intestinal CP in broilers. In a 42-d floor pen trial, the efficacy of NuPro ing in vitro rumen parameters and the use of PEG on LV needs to be
(a yeast extract) in reducing intestinal CP levels in broiler chickens further investigated. Concentrations of QT and ivermectin sufficiently
was evaluated. Chicks (n = 600) obtained from a commercial hatchery decreased LV; thus, can be used in trials evaluating effects of in vitro
were randomly assigned to 6 treatments. Treatment 1 (CX) consisted of rumen treatments on H. contortus viability.
chicks fed corn-soybean meal (SBM) diet without bacitracin methylene
Key Words: juniper, secondary compounds, internal parasites
disalicylate (BMD) or NuPro added. Treatment 2 (MX) consisted of
chicks fed corn-SBM basal into which BMD was added at 0.055g/kg.
Treatment 3 (LN) consisted of chicks fed corn-SBM basal into which 268 Effect of feeding nitarsone medicated ration on the acquisi-
NuPro was added at 2% level throughout experiment. Treatments 4 tion and development of nematode parasites in the chicken. F. D.
(PCX), 5 (PMX), and 6 (PLN) consisted of chicks fed diets similar to Clark*1, C. A. Tucker1, J. Reynolds1, T. A. Yazwinski1, S. Clark2, V.
those given to CX, MX, and LN treatments, respectively, and were addi- Smith2, and K. Dobson2, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2Alp-
tionally challenged with 3.5 mL of CP inoculum (108 CFU/mL) on d 14, harma, Inc, Bridgewater, NJ.
15, and 16 of experiment. Post-challenge (PC) assessment of intestinal
CP levels was done on d 1, 7, and 21 PC. Growth performance (body This study was conducted to investigate the anthelmintic efficacies
weight (BW) and body weight gain (BWG)) was also assessed at 3 and of nitarsone when fed at recommended dietary levels (Histostat at
6 weeks. Results showed that by d 21 PC, the NuPro-containing diet 0.01875%) to artificially infected chickens. Birds were obtained at 1 d
significantly reduced intestinal CP levels (P < 0.05) in PLN treatment of age (experiment d 1), and kept parasite free until artificially infected.
by 1.50 log10 CFU/g compared with NuPro-free PCX treatment. Also, Four experimental groups of chickens were established, 2 pens of 24
the efficacy of BMD antibiotic and NuPro in reducing intestinal CP in birds per pen in each group: TRT 1, non-medicated and uninfected; TRT
PMX and PLN, respectively, was similar throughout the experiment. 2, non-medicated and artificially infected on d 14, 21 and 28; TRT 3,
BW and BWG were similar (P > 0.05) among CP-challenged chicks medicated from d 42 to d 56 and artificially infected on d 14, 21 and
(PCX, PMX, and PLN treatments), indicating that the NuPro-induced 28; and TRT 4, medicated from d 7 to 56 and artificially infected on d
reduction of CP in PLN treatment occurred without any adverse effect 14, 21 and 28. For each day of scheduled artificial infection, each bird
on bird performance. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of NuPro in a pen designated for infection was gavaged with a 1 mL suspension
at 2% level of diet effectively reduced intestinal CP during broiler containing 500 Ascaridia galli, 500 Heterakis gallinarum and 1000
production cycle. Capillaria obsignata eggs that contained infective larvae. Every 7 d from
d 35 to 63, 5 fresh droppings were obtained from each pen, combined
Key Words: Clostridium perfringens, NuPro, broiler chickens by pen and homogenized, and processed 3 times by homogenate for egg
per gram counts (EPG). Additionally, randomly obtained birds from
each pen were necropsied for nematode recoveries and counts on d 42
267 A modified in vitro larvae migration inhibition assay using
(3/pen; 6/exp grp) and 63 (12/pen; 24/exp grp). No ascarid eggs were
rumen fluid to evaluate H. contortus viability. T. R. Whitney*1, D.
found in any droppings during the study. Capillaria eggs were found
R. Klein2, A. E. Lee1, C. B. Scott2, and T. M. Craig3, 1Texas AgriLife
in droppings from birds of treatment groups 2, 3 and 4 from d 35 to 63,
Research, San Angelo, 2Angelo State Univ., San Angelo, TX, 3Texas
with no quantitative effect of treatment on the EPG counts. Heterakis
A&M Univ., College Station.
eggs initially appeared in droppings from birds of treatment groups 3
The objectives of this study were to evaluate how forage material and 4 on d 42, but by d 63, a negative treatment effect was demonstrated
added to an in vitro system affects rumen fluid parameters, which for the respective EPG counts (P < 0.05). Worm counts performed on
may unintentionally affect larvae viability (LV), and define effective birds posted on d 42 and d 63 indicated a lack of treatment effect on total
concentrations of common additives, i.e., polyethylene glycol (PEG), (larval plus adult) worm burdens as Capillaria, Heterakis or Ascaridia.
quebracho tannins (QT), and ivermectin used in this modified in vitro However, for d 63 observations, negative treatment effects were noted
larvae migration inhibition (LMI) assay. Rumen fluid was collected and for adult Ascaridia galli numbers, adult female sizes and the number
pooled from goats (n = 3), mixed with buffer solution and a treatment of fully developed eggs per adult female (P<0.05).
(1 jar per treatment), and placed into an anaerobic incubator for 20 h.
Key Words: nitarsone, chickens, nematode parasitisms
Ensheathed H. contortus larvae (<3 mo old) were then anaerobically
incubated with treatment rumen and buffer fluid (repeated in 2 to 3
runs; 3 cups/treatment) for either 2, 4, or 16 h depending on the Trial; 269 Effect of a Lactobacillus probiotic and nitrate in feed on
pH, ammonia N, and VFA were evaluated just before and after larvae Salmonella colonization in broiler chicks. A. D. Wolfenden*, N. R.
were incubated. Larvae were then transferred into a well (n = 4 to 6 Pumford, M. J. Morgan, S. L. Layton, C. Kremer, G. Tellez, and B. M.
wells per treatment cup) containing treatment rumen fluid, within a Hargis, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Multi-Screen 96-well plate and incubated over night; larvae that passed
through the 20-μm screen were considered viable. Data were analyzed In our previous studies, we have found a consistent reduction of Sal-
using the MIXED procedure with run as the repeated measure and cup monella enteritidis (SE) using a lactic acid probiotic culture (B11) in
(rumen parameters) or well (LV) as the subject. Adding dry or fresh neonatal chicks. In vitro studies suggest that nitrate (NO3) may potentiate
juniper material (representative of 40% of diet DM intake) reduced (P this effect. An in vitro crop assay model was used to evaluate the effect
< 0.05) pH, ammonia N, and isobutyric, butyric, and isovaleric acids, of NO3 in combination with B11 against SE. B11 with NO3 at1000ppm
and increased (P < 0.001) acetic, propionic, and total VFA. The PEG reduced SE by 6.54 log10 as compared with non-treated control during
concentrations of 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.4, and 2% w/v quadratically reduced (P = a 24h incubation at 40C. Two in vivo studies were then initiated to
0.07) LV. The QT concentrations of 0, 0.15. 0.6, and 1.2% w/v quadrati- determine if addition of NO3 in the feed could further reduce SE colo-
cally reduced (P < 0.001) LV; 89.4, 65.5, 22.8, and 9.2%, respectively. nization in the crop and cecal tonsils of broiler chicks. Briefly, 180
d-of–hatch chicks were randomly assigned to 6 groups: control, B11,
254 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
or B11with NO3 at 1, 10, 100 or 1000 ppm. All groups were challenged 271 Genetic line and dietary immunomodulator effects on expres-
by oral gavage with approximately 104 cfu of SE (n = 30/group). One sion of CXCLi2 in chicken heterophils responding to Salmonella
hour later, all groups except control were treated by oral gavage with enteritidis. S. B. Redmond*, P. Chuammitri, D. Palic, C. B. Andreasen,
approximately 107 cfu of B11. Twenty-four hours and 72 h after treat- and S. J. Lamont, Iowa State University, Ames.
ment, chicks were humanely killed (n = 15/group), and crop and cecal
The performance of leukocytes in the response to pathogens is influenced
tonsils were cultured for SE. In exp. 1, at 72h there was a significant
by genetic background and diet. Dietary immune modulation can alter
(P < 0.05) decrease in the percent of SE positive crops from the B11+
the mechanisms by which leukocytes, such as chicken heterophils,
NO3100ppm (57%) and B11+ NO310ppm (67%) as compared with
respond to bacteria. This experiment evaluated the effects of genetic line
the control (93%). A significant reduction in the percent positive cecal
and dietary immune modulation over time on chicken heterophil expres-
tonsils in all groups was observed at 24h, however at 72h, only the B11
sion of interleukin-8 (CXCLi2), an important chemotactic chemokine
(47%) and B11+ NO3100ppm (14%) were different from the control
which recruits leukocytes to the site of an infection. Chickens (n = 64)
(93%). Exp. 2 was similar to exp. 1 with the following exceptions:
from highly inbred Leghorn and Fayoumi lines received basal or immune
chicks assigned to 3 groups (n = 40/group): control, B11, B11+NO3
modulating diets enhanced with 0.1% β-glucans, 0.1% ascorbic acid,
100ppm. In exp. 2, significant reductions of SE positive crops in both
or 0.01% corticosterone from 8 to 11 weeks of age. Heterophils were
treated groups compared with control were noted: control: 24h 100%,
isolated from blood samples pooled within line and diet (n = 4 birds/pool)
72h 100%; B11 24h 10%, 72h 65%; B11+ NO3100ppm 24h 60%, 72h
on d 1, 3, 7, and 21 after the start of diet treatments, and then exposed to
10%. Similar results were noted in the cecal tonsil: control 24h 95%,72h
Salmonella enteritidis (SE) bacteria in vitro for 3 h. Heterophil isolates
95%; B11 24h 10%, 72h 35%; B11+ NO3100ppm 24h 15%, 72h 25%.
were assayed for CXCLi2 expression mRNA by quantitative RT-PCR.
These experiments indicate that the addition of NO3 potentiated the
Cycle threshold values were analyzed by ANOVA for the fixed effects of
effects of the lactic-acid bacteria probiotic in vitro and in vivo. It is
genetic line, diet, and day post treatment, with hatch and plate as random
postulated that this effect is through increased production of nitric oxide
effects. Collection day post treatment was not significant. Leghorn line
by the beneficial bacteria.
heterophils expressed significantly higher levels of CXCLi2 than those
Key Words: Salmonella, nitrate, probiotic from the Fayoumi line (P < 0.01), suggesting that the Leghorn response
to SE relies more heavily on chemotactic signaling. Heterophils from
birds fed the corticosterone diet expressed less CXCLi2 than those of
270 Effect of food additives on intestinal microflora in caeca of birds fed the basal diet (P < 0.05), reflecting corticosterone’s ability
broilers challenged with Eimeria species analyzed using 16S rDNA to inhibit immune response. This result suggests that stress-induced
pyrosequencing. A. Nalian*1, M. Manoharan1, J. Bray1, S. Dowd2, corticosterone increases can inhibit the ability of heterophils to produce
and A. Martynova-Van Kley1, 1Stephen F. Austin State University, chemotactic signals. There was no significant difference in CXCLi2
Nacogdoches, TX, 2Research and Testing Laboratory, Lubbock, TX expression by heterophils of birds fed the β-glucans or ascorbic acid
The effect of food additives (coccidiostat and natustat) on composition enhanced diets, indicating that these immune stimulants likely alter
of cecal microflora of Eimeria challenged broilers was studied using mechanisms other than chemotaxis to enhance immune response.
454 pyrosequencing of 16S rDNA. We collected a total of 36 cecal Key Words: dietary immune modulation, heterophils
samples from pre- and post-challenged birds from 4 treatment groups:
natustat, coccidiostat, combination of both and control (no treatment).
More than 170,000 sequences were obtained from pyrosequencing 272 Nitric oxide synthesis by chicken macrophages results in
(~5000 sequences of an average 450 bp length per sample). The taxo- coordinated changes in the mRNA abundance of multiple arginine
nomical lineage of the sequences was determined using RDP classifier transporters. M. Moulds* and B. D. Humphrey, California Polytech-
and BLAST programs. Absolute majority of the sequences belonged to nic State University, San Luis Obispo.
kingdom Bacteria and only 4 sequences belonged to kingdom Archaea.
Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesized by macrophages when arginine
More than 94% of all the sequences belonged to phylum Firmicutes and
(ARG) is cleaved by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). In mam-
5% belonged to phylum Proteobacteria. Redundancy analysis of the
mals, ARG uptake for NO synthesis is controlled by CAT-2B, but in
relative percent abundance data from pre-challenged birds with Monte
Aves the requisite system(s) are unknown. Therefore, ARG transporter
Carlo permutation test showed that there was no significant difference
mRNA abundance was quantified during a NO response from a chicken
in microflora composition between different treatments. Whereas in
macrophage (HD-11) cell line and peripheral blood monocytes (PBM).
post-challenged birds, we observed significant differences in microflora
PBM were isolated from Hyline W36 white leghorn hens (n = 3). PBM
composition between treatment groups (P = 0.01) and also challenged
were cultured in RPMI complete media at 105/well (n = 3) while HD-11
and control groups (P = 0.03). In pre-challenged birds, the dominant
cells were cultured in IMDM complete media at 4 × 105 HD-11 cells/
taxa were Lachnospiraceae and Faecalibacterium. Generalized additive
well (n = 6). To induce NO production, cells were cultured with 0
model showed that coccidiostat (P = 0.001) and combination of coc-
(control) or 1 μg/ml E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 48 h. NO was
cidiostat with natustat (P = 0.002) significantly lowered the number of
measured indirectly by means of media nitrite concentration. Total RNA
bacterial taxa in ceca of chickens. In addition, in post-challenged birds,
was isolated from cultured macrophages and was reverse transcribed
irrespective of treatment groups, the coccidia challenge lowered the
for measurement of iNOS and ARG transporter mRNA abundance by
relative percent abundance of Faecalibacterium taxa (P = 0.001). Our
quantitative real-time PCR. LPS increased HD-11 nitrite concentration
results show that pyrosequencing could be used to monitor the changes
by 7,600% and PBM by 8.7% (P < 0.05). LPS also increased HD-11
in microflora due to different treatments. We expect that pyrosequencing
and PBM iNOS mRNA abundance 8.5-fold and 2.6-fold, respectively
will be widely used in poultry for studying microbial communities and
(P < 0.05). CAT-2B mRNA was undetectable in both HD-11 and PBM
their interactions with the host and the environment.
cell types. In HD-11 cells, LPS induced CAT-1 and CAT-3 mRNA
Key Words: Eimeria, natustat, pyrosequencing abundance from undetectable levels, and also increased CAT-2A mRNA
abundance 1.6-fold (P < 0.05). The exporter y+LAT1 mRNA abundance
decreased by 71% in HD-11 cells (P < 0.05), but no change occurred in
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 255
y+LAT2 mRNA abundance (P > 0.05). In PBM, LPS increased CAT-1 provides the first immunological evidence that dietary cinnamaldehyde
and CAT-3 mRNA abundance 11-fold and 13-fold, respectively (P < significantly enhances host innate immunity against coccidiosis.
0.05). In LPS treated PBM, mRNA abundance of y+LAT2 decreased
Key Words: Cinnamaldehyde, immunity, broiler
67% (P < 0.05), but y+LAT1 mRNA abundance did not change (P >
0.05). NO production increased ARG transporter mRNA in HD-11 cells
(CAT-1, CAT-2A, CAT-3) and PBM (CAT-1, CAT-3) and decreased 274 Immune system stimulation and sulfur amino acid intake alter
ARG exporter mRNA in HD-11 cells (y+LAT1) and PBM (y+LAT2). the pathways of glutathione metabolism at transcriptional level in
These data indicate that multiple ARG systems may be involved in ARG pigs. A. Rakhshandeh*1, A. Holliss2, N. A. Karrow1, and C. F. M.
uptake for NO production in avian macrophages. de Lange1, 1University of Guelph, Department of Animal and Poultry
Key Words: arginine, macrophage, nitric oxide Science, 2University of Guelph, Advance Analysis Centre, Guelph,
Ontario, Canada.
The synthesis rate of GSH increases during immune system stimula-
273 Dietary cinnamaldehyde enhances intestinal protective immu-
tion (ISS) and is highly dependent on availability of sulfur amino acids
nity against Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima and E. tenella in broiler
(SAA). The expression of key regulatory genes was determined to evalu-
chickens. S.-H. Lee*1, H. Lillehoj1, S.-I. Jang1, K.-W. Lee1, M.-S.
ate the impact of ISS and SAA intake on pathways of GSH metabolism.
Park1, and D. Bravo2, 1Animal and Natural Resources Institute, Agri-
Restricted-fed barrows (BW 21.5 kg) were allotted to one of 2 levels
cultural Research Service-U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville,
of SAA intake (1.1 and 3.2, g/d) and injected with either saline (n = 8)
MD, 2Pancosma S.A., Grand Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland.
or increasing amounts of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (n = 16)
The protective effect of dietary treatment of cinnamaldehyde on chal- every 48 h for 7 d. Pigs were then killed to collect liver tissue for total
lenge infection with E. acervulina (EA), E. maxima (EM), or E. tenella RNA extraction. Liver and an internal standard (KANr) RNA were then
(ET) (20,000 oocysts/bird) was evaluated in broilers. Three days after reverse transcribed, and expression of selected genes was simultane-
hatch, broiler chickens were continuously fed with a standard diet ously determined by multiplex PCR amplification of cDNA from liver,
(20/group) or standard diet supplemented with cinnamaldehyde (20/ the housekeeping gene (β-2-microglobulin) and the internal standard
group) for 4 weeks and challenge infection was given at 2 weeks of in the presence of their corresponding florescent labeled primers. The
age. Body weight gains, antibody titers, and cytokine gene expression interactive effect (ISS × SAA) resulted in lower and higher expression,
were measured following oral challenge infection with EA, EM or ET. respectively, of GSH synthetase (GSH-S) and GSH reductase (GSR)
When body weight gains were measured at 5 and 9 d post infection at the low level of SAA intake in ISS animals (P < 0.04). Increased
(dpi), cinnamaldehyde-fed birds showed 10~30% increases over (P < SAA intake decreased expression of GSH-S and GSR but increased
0.05) the untreated birds following challenge infection with EA, EM expression of GSH peroxidase 3 (GPX3; P < 0.03). Expression of
or ET. Cinnamaldehyde-fed chickens produced 2 folds higher IgY glutamate-cysteine ligase modifier (GCLM) was decreased by ISS
antibody titers (P < 0.05) against coccidia at 9 dpi compared with the (P < 0.01). However, ISS increased expression of glutamate-cysteine
control group. Finally, the levels of intestinal lymphocyte cytokine ligase (GCS), GPX1, GPX3 and GSR (P < 0.4). No treatment effect
transcripts of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-15, and IFN-γ were 2–5 folds higher in the on expression of γ-glutamyl hydrolase (GGH) or GPX4 was observed.
cinnamaldehyde-fed chickens compared with the controls. This study This study demonstrates that ISS and SAA intake alter GSH metabolism
pathways at the transcriptional level in liver of pigs.
Key Words: sulfur amino acids, immune system stimulation, gene
expression, multiplex PCR, glutathione
256 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Animal Health-Johne’s Disease (JDIP): Epidemiology and Transmission
275 Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic strategies to identify Myco- cine and Diagnostic Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell
bacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis super-shedder cows in a University, Ithaca, NY 7Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sci-
large dairy herd. S. S. Aly*1, R. J. Anderson2, R. H. Whitlock3, T. ences, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 8Environmental
L. Fyock3, S. McAdams3, T. M. Byrem4, J. Jiang5, J. M. Adaska6, and Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory, ANRI, USDA-ARS, Beltsville,
I. A. Gardner1, 1Department of Medicine and Epidemiology, School MD, 9Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health, Animal and Plant
of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, 2California Health Inspection Service, USDA, Fort Collins, CO, 10Department of
Department of Food and Agriculture, Animal Health Branch, Sacra- Animal Science, University of Vermont, Burlington.
mento, 3Johne’s Research Laboratory, New Bolton Center, School of
Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) testing for Mycobacterium avium
Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square, 4Antel
subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in fecal samples is a rapid alterna-
BioSystems, Inc, Lansing, MI, 5Department of Statistics, University of
tive to culture on Herrold’s egg yolk medium (HEYM), the traditional
California, Davis, 6California Animal Health and Food Safety Labora-
reference test for MAP. Although the sensitivity and specificity of these
tory, Tulare.
2 tests has been described, the correlation between qPCR cycles-to-
Paratuberculosis-infected cows that shed Mycobacterium avium ssp. threshold (Ct) values and colony-forming units (CFU) on HEYM has
paratuberculosis (MAP) in excess of 10,000 CFU/g of feces have been not been evaluated. The objective of the present study was to estimate
termed super-shedders and contribute the most to MAP bioburden on a the correlation between qPCR and HEYM culture results in fresh and
dairy. Identification of super-shedders in a large dairy herd is challenging frozen pooled fecal and environmental samples and model the associa-
given their low prevalence, cost of MAP diagnostic tests, and hence, tion between results of both assays. Quantitative HEYM culture results
the large sample size needed. Several diagnostic strategies to detect for 1997 pooled fecal samples from cows in 14 herds in 4 states, and
super-shedders are possible given the different MAP organism- and 802 environmental samples from 113 dairies nationwide were correlated
antibody-detection tests and specimens available to test. The objective with their respective qPCR results. The Spearman’s rank correlation
of this cross-sectional study was to compare the cost-effectiveness of between assays was good (−0.66) in both fresh and frozen pooled fecal
diagnostic strategies to detect MAP super-shedders in a large dairy herd. samples and excellent (−0.76) and good (−0.61) in fresh and frozen
The study herd of 3577 Jersey cows had a MAP seroprevalence of 3.5% environmental samples, respectively. Furthermore, the correlation varied
based on routine testing at dry-off. Cows were housed in 14 freestall from good (−0.53) to excellent (−0.90) depending on size of fecal pools.
pens and the herd manager requested not to move cows between pens Truncated linear regression models indicated a significant negative
during the study. A whole herd survey (reference) and 14 other diagnostic association between CFU and Ct in fecal pools of all sizes and in both
strategies were evaluated and their cost-effectiveness calculated. The individual and pooled environmental samples. The use of qPCR instead
reference strategy included quantitative real-time PCR (qrt-PCR) on of HEYM can yield more timely quantitative MAP detection on a herd
fecal pools, followed by qrt-PCR of the individual cow fecal samples basis and allow for incorporation of qPCR in many dairy herd testing
from the positive pools and a random sample of individual cow fecal strategies to reduce the risk of MAP transmission.
samples from suspect and negative pools. The remaining strategies
Key Words: culture PCR correlation, pooled and environmental
included combinations of serum ELISA, milk ELISA and environmental
samples, Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis
and pooled fecal samples tested using qrt-PCR. Twenty super-shedders
(0.5% of the herd; 2% of qrt-PCR MAP positive cows) were identified
and had a mean of 82,040 colony-forming units (CFU)/g of feces. The 277 Fecal culture and direct PCR in determining Mycobacterium
whole herd survey using qrt-PCR was the most sensitive strategy but avium ssp. paratuberculosis infectivity. C. C. Wu*1, J. E. Williams2,
sensitivity was ≤ 80% for all 15 strategies. The most cost-effective T. L. Lin1, and G. R. G. Monif3, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
strategy was to rank lactating cow pens by MAP bioburden, milk ELISA 2University of Florida, Gainesville, 3Infectious Diseases Incorporated,
test cows in pens ≤ 32 CT followed by qrt-PCR testing of fecal samples Bellevue, NE.
from milk ELISA positive cows. Environmental samples collected using
a standardized protocol as part of a diagnostic strategy can improve the The present study was conducted to evaluate the utility of fecal culture,
cost-effectiveness of detecting super-shedders compared to a whole direct fecal real-time PCR, and direct fecal nested PCR in determining
herd survey by qrt-PCR. the status of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (Map) infec-
tivity in dairy herd. Eight hundred and 27 (827) fecal samples were
Key Words: cost-effectiveness, MAP super-shedder collected from 2 dairy herds participating in Johne’s Disease Demon-
stration Herd Program. Fecal culture was carried out by using Trek ESP
system with IS900 PCR confirmation. Direct fecal Map real-time PCR
276 Correlation between culture and quantitative real-time PCR
uses heat shock protein gene (hsp) as the target in PCR (VetAlert TM
results for Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in
Johne’s Real-Time PCR, Tetracore). Direct fecal Map nested PCR is
pooled fecal and environmental samples. S. S. Aly*1, B. L. Man-
based on IS1311 (FecaMap, Infectious Diseases Inc.). The percentages
gold2, R. H. Whitlock3, R. W. Sweeney3, R. J. Anderson4, J. Jiang5, Y.
of fecal samples positive for Map were 13.5% by culture, 11.6% by
H. Shukken6, E. P. Hovingh7, D. R. Wolfgang7, J. S. Van Kessel8, J. S.
real-time PCR, and 21.8% by nested PCR. Using positivity by direct
Karns8, J. E. Lombard9, J. M. Smith10, and I. A. Gardner1, 1Department
fecal culture as the gold standard, 35 samples were positive for Map by
of Medicine and Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Univer-
real-time PCR with 83.3% accuracy and 51positive for Map by nested
sity of California, Davis, 2Tetracore, Inc., Rockville MD, 3Department
PCR with 77.3% accuracy. Using positivity by culture or both PCR as
of Clinical Studies-New Bolton Center, School of Veterinary Medicine,
the gold standard, 112 samples were positive for Map by culture with
University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square, 4California Department of
97.3% accuracy, 49 positive for Map by real-time PCR with 85.0%
Food and Agriculture, Animal Health Branch, Sacramento, 5Department
accuracy, and 65 positive for Map by nested PCR with 78.8% accuracy.
of Statistics, University of California, Davis, 6Section of Epidemiology
The results indicated that using positivity for Map by culture or both
and Quality Milk Production Services, Department of Population Medi-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 257
PCR as the gold standard is a more accurate tool in determining the ELISA (IDEXX) for detection of antibodies to MAP and fecal samples
status of Johne’s disease infectivity in dairy herd. were tested for detection of MAP using bacterial culture (HEY media).
While results from the first year of testing of cattle across multiple ages
Key Words: Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, fecal culture, direct
indicated that dairy cattle raised in JD low risk herds (Level 3 or 4) and
fecal PCR
introduced to Johne’s infected herds were less likely to test positive for
MAP than herdmates raised in infected herds, results over time from
278 Estimation of test parameters for fecal culture and serum survival analyses showed that this difference in risk was reduced later
ELISA for detection of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis in life. The hazard ratio point estimate from Cox regression for exposed
fecal shedding. L. A. Espejo*1, F. J. Zagmutt2, H. Groenendaal2, compared with unexposed cattle was 0.70 (95% CI = 0.40,1.23) and
and S. J. Wells1, 1University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2Vose Consulting, 0.64 (95% CI = 0.33,1.24) for fecal culture and ELISA, respectively.
Boulder, CO. These results suggest risk of MAP infection in adult dairy cattle which
should be considered in development of comprehensive JD control
The objective of this study was to estimate the probability of the programs.
fecal culture and serum ELISA to correctly identify cattle that shed
high, low, and no fecal concentrations of Mycobacterium avium ssp. Key Words: Johne’s disease, susceptibility
paratuberculosis into the environment. The results of 12,957 parallel
fecal culture (HEY media) and serum ELISA (IDEXX) from 8 dairy
280 Importance of latent infected animals in MAP infection
herds enrolled in the Minnesota Johne’s Disease Demonstration Herd
dynamics in dairy herds. Y. H. Schukken*1, A. K. Pradhan1, R. M.
Program over a 9 year period were used for this study. The conditional
Mitchell1, Z. Lu1, R. Smith1, Y. T. Grohn1, R. H. Whitlock2, E, Hov-
probabilities that test results indicate high, low, and no fecal shedding,
ingh3, J. Smith4, J. A. VanKessel5, J. Karns5, and D. Wolfgang3, 1Cornell
given the true shedding status of the animal P(test results|true status)
University, Ithaca, NY, 2University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square,
were estimated using Bayesian Markov-Chain Monte Carlo methods. 3Pennsylvania State University, State College, 4University of Vermont,
The model assumed no gold standard test, independence between both
Burlington, 5ARS-USDA, Beltsville, MD.
tests and Dirichlet distribution for the priors. The shedding levels using
fecal culture were categorized as high with ≥ 50 colonies/slant, low Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is an important
with 0 < colonies/slant < 50, and no fecal shedding with no detectable infectious disease of dairy cattle. Prevalence of test positive cows in dairy
colony growth on the slants. Likewise, levels for serum ELISA were herds is often low. Prevalences between 0 and 10% are most common.
established based on OD values, with ≥ 1.0 (high), ≥ 0.25 and < 1.0 Such low infection prevalences would be expected to result in infec-
(low), and < 0.25 (negative). Informative prior distributions of the con- tion die-out in a proportion of herds due to culling that is unrelated or
ditional probabilities were given by one of the co-authors (SJW). The related to MAP infection status. In reality MAP infection die-out in dairy
probability of the serum ELISA to correctly identify high fecal shedders herds is not observed. At the very least it is not reliably documented.
(P(High| High)) was 69%, while the same probability for fecal culture This would imply that complex mechanisms play a role in MAP infec-
was 59%. The probability of incorrectly identifying animals that were tion maintenance in dairy herds. The objective of this presentation is
high fecal shedders as no shedding (P(No shedding| high)) was 10% to investigate the role of latent infected animals in endemically MAP
for serum ELISA and 3% for fecal culture. The probability of correctly infected dairy herds. Animals with a latent infection are defined as
identifying animals that were not shedding (P(No shedding|no shed- animals that are not detected to shed the organism while being tested
ding)) was 99.8% for serum ELISA and 98.9% for fecal culture. These using common testing schemes used in MAP control programs, but that
posterior conditional distributions improve understanding of the fecal turn out to be tissue positive when sampled and cultured at slaughter.
culture and serum ELISA, and this information can be used to model We studied the potential contribution of latent infected animals to the
the transmission of Johne’s disease on dairy farms taking into account vertical transmission route of infection and the contribution to a low
the uncertainty of these tests. rate of low shedding of these animals while in a high stress period.
High stress periods were assumed to occur when an animal was calving
Key Words: Johne’s disease, diagnostic tests, Bayesian inference
and when severe clinical diseases such as mastitis, DA and lameness
occurred. The importance of latent infected animals was evaluated in
279 Effect of delaying exposure to Johne’s disease until adult- a previously described MAP model. We used simulation modeling to
hood on development of new infections in adult dairy cows. S. evaluate scenarios with intermittent shedding of latent MAP infected
J. Wells*, N. Kubat, L. A. Espejo, and S. M. Godden, University of animals, increased vertical transmission in these animals and shedding
Minnesota, St. Paul. while in high stress periods. Modeling the potential contribution of
latent infected animals resulted in a better description of long-term
Control programs for Johne’s disease (JD) in US dairy cattle are low test prevalence herds and a more accurate prediction of a very low
designed with focus on preventing exposure by Mycobacterium avium probability of infection die-out in dairy farms.
ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in young replacement cattle, as these
cattle are considered to be at highest risk of infection. The objective of Key Words: MAP, modeling, latent infection
this study was to compare rates of subclinical and clinical MAP infec-
tion in cattle raised in an environment presumed free of JD to those of
281 Impact of Johne’s disease vaccines on a dairy herd: a math-
cattle raised in an infected environment. Through a survey of uninfected
ematical modeling approach. Z. Lu*, Y. H. Schukken, R. L. Smith,
Minnesota dairy herds (Levels 3 or 4 of the Voluntary Johne’s Disease
and Y. T. Gröhn, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Herd Status Program for Cattle), we identified JD infected herds that
previously purchased replacement cattle from uninfected herds. Over The objective of this study was to investigate the potential impact of
a 3 year period, blood and fecal samples were collected in infected Johne’s disease vaccines on the dynamics of MAP infection in a dairy
herds from 78 purchased replacement cattle that were raised in unin- herd using a mathematical modeling approach. To reduce the prevalence
fected herds (exposed) and homebred cows of similar age and stage of of MAP infection, vaccination has been applied as a control measure in
lactation (non-exposed controls). Serum samples were tested using an some dairy herds. However, Johne’s disease vaccines are imperfect and
258 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
several types of vaccine efficacy have been observed, i.e., vaccines may Karns7, and Y. H. Schukken1, 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2Utrecht
provide a partial protection for susceptible calves, reduce infectiousness/ University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 3University of Santiago de Com-
shedding level of animals shedding MAP, lengthen the latent period postela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 4University of Pennsylvania,
of infected animals, slow the progression from low shedding to high Kennett Square, 5University of Vermont, Burlington, 6Pennsylvania State
shedding in infectious animals, or reduce clinical disease. To quantita- University, University Park, 7Environmental Microbial and Food Safety
tively study the impacts of Johne’s disease vaccines, we developed a Laboratory, ANRI, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD.
deterministic multi-group vaccination model consisting of 18 nonlinear
The objectives of this study were to evaluate (i) whether low shedders
ordinary differential equations. The model was parameterized using
of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) were passive
data from US dairy herds. An analytical expression of the reproduction
shedding animals or whether they were truly infected, (ii) whether
ratio (R) incorporating several vaccine efficacies was obtained. Our
these animals could have been infected as adults by contemporary
analytical and numerical results show that Johne’s disease vaccines may
high-shedding animals (super-shedders), and (iii) whether animals
have a positive, zero, or negative effect in the reduction of prevalence.
in the herds shared the same MAP strains with that were obtained
Some vaccine efficacies are beneficial to individual animals, but may
from environmental samples. The MAP isolates were obtained from a
not be useful to a herd-level control plan. We also studied the impact
longitudinal study of 3 dairy herds in the northeastern United States.
of multiple vaccine efficacies on the dynamics of MAP transmission.
Selected isolates from fecal samples and tissues from all animals that
This work is helpful to understand various outcomes in field studies
were culture-positive at the same time that super-shedders were present
of Johne’s disease vaccines and to provide a tool to evaluate vaccine
in the herds and all environmental isolates were strain typed using a
efficacies in Johne’s disease control.
multilocus short sequence repeat technique. We found 15 different MAP
Key Words: Johne’s disease, vaccination, modeling strains from a total of 142 isolates from fecal samples and tissues. Eight
different strains were found from a total of 102 environmental isolates;
6 of these strains were present in these selected animal isolates. Results
282 Estimating the efficacy of imperfect paratuberculosis vaccines indicated herd-specific infection patterns; a clonal infection in herd C
in dairy cattle from longitudinal field data with Markov Chain with 89% of animals sharing the same strain, whereas herds A and B
Monte Carlo models. R. L. Smith*, Y. H. Schukken, Z. Lu, and Y. showed several different strains. Shedding levels and MAP strain typing
T. Grohn, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. showed that at least 50% of low shedders have the same strain as that of
The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of vaccination a contemporary super-shedder. About 57, 50, and 94% of environmental
against paratuberculosis in dairy cattle. For this purpose, a statistical samples shared the same strains as super-shedders on Farms A, B, and
model has been developed to analyze longitudinal field data from dairy C, respectively, which suggests that super-shedders may represent a risk
herds with endemic paratuberculosis and control programs involving of spreading MAP-infection among adult herd mates. Results suggested
vaccination. Infection with Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis that in a dairy herd few cows could be classified as passive shedders
(MAP) is difficult to detect, due to the long latent period and imperfect whereas more low-shedding cows are truly infected. The sharing of same
diagnostics. In commercial dairy herds, many animals could be culled strain of low shedders with the contemporary super-shedders suggests
before their infection status can be verified diagnostically. Due to this that low shedders may have been infected as adults by super-shedders.
uncertainty as to true prevalence, it is challenging to obtain an unbiased Sharing of same strains of both environmental and animal samples sug-
estimate of vaccine efficacy. In addition, vaccines can do more than gests the spread of MAP-infection through environment.
just decrease susceptibility to disease; vaccination against MAP may Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, longitudinal
also decrease infectiousness, increase the duration of latency, or slow study, MLSSR analysis
progression of clinical disease. To overcome the observed complexity
of early censoring (culling) and multiple potential vaccine efficacies,
we developed a Markov Chain Monte Carlo model. The potential vac- 284 Field evaluation of TG marker IS1311 PCR-REA for rapid
cine effects are inter-related, but may have different and even opposite differentiation of Indian Bison type Mycobacterium avium ssp. para-
economic impacts. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) models have tuberculosis. J. S. Sohal, S. V. Singh*, P. K. Singh, and A. V. Singh,
been used extensively to estimate parameters for stochastic models from Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura
data sets with missing information. These models allow for simultaneous (UP), India, 281 122.
estimation of several variables in the presence of nonlinear relationships.
The availability of MAP genome in the public database opened various
In this study we developed an MCMC model to estimate 5 different
areas including the analysis of native isolates (comparative genomics).
possible vaccine effects (on vertical transmission probability, horizontal
Comparative genomics studies at our laboratory have identified some
transmission rate, duration of latency, duration of subclinical disease,
key variations in the genome of native MAP. Studies has highlighted
and rate of progression to clinical disease), while correcting for missing
that “Indian Bison type” may represent a new MAP Biotype so far not
information (such as true infection status and time of infection). The
reported outside India. One important variation in the genome of Indian
50% confidence intervals of the model’s posterior distributions contain
Bison type isolates is the deletion of TG in the IS1311 element. Taking
the true value of the parameters of interest when simulated over a wide
advantage of this variation on specific PCR-REA based test using BsaJI
range of vaccine efficacies. This is an effective tool for estimating vac-
restriction enzyme was designed to distinguish Bison type isolates of
cine efficacy from field data.
Indian origin from other isolates. Present study analyzed and evaluated
Key Words: Johne’s disease, vaccine, statistics the use of this new assay for its practical utility in field for molecular
epidemiological investigations. In total 45 previously characterized
Bison type DNA samples of Indian origin from different parts of the
283 Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium avium ssp. country were analyzed. Results of the present study showed that all
paratuberculosis in three dairy herds in the northeastern United isolates belonging to Bison type genotype from different host species
States. A. K. Pradhan*1, R. M. Mitchell1, A. J. Kramer2, J. Dieguez3, and agro-climatic region of the country had TG deletion in the IS 1311
R. H. Whitlock4, J. M. Smith5, E. Hovingh6, J. S. Van Kessel7, J. S. element. Presence of this variation in all the Indian isolates belonging
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 259
to Bison type genotype is indicative of the fact that this variation has suspected animal keepers as compared to not-suspected animal keepers,
been established in all Bison type isolates of Indian origin. Hence this strongly indicated the role of MAP in causing CD.
assay can be used in future molecular epidemiological investigations.
Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, Crohn’s
Also this assay should be used in other parts of the world in order to
disease, inflammatory bowel disease
study the distribution of newly identified MAP biotype.
Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, TG deletion,
IS 1311 PCR-REA 286 Herd-level prevalence of Johne’s disease on dairy farms in
Utah and the surrounding Intermountain West. D. J. Wilson*1,
K. A. Rood1, and J. D. Trujillo2, 1Utah State University, Logan, 2Iowa
285 Rising incidence of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis State University, Ames.
in the North Indian population of animal keepers suspected for IBD/
The objective was to determine dairy herd-level prevalence of Myco-
CD. S. V. Singh*, A. Shishodiya, A. Panwar, B. Singh, and A. Kumar,
bacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection, the causative
Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura
agent of Johne’s disease (JD) in Utah and some surrounding states. A
(UP), India, 281 122.
signed permission slip was required for participation in the study. Two
Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) infection is highly milk samples were collected from each bulk tank on study farms, one
endemic in domestic livestock population in India. However, limited month apart. The farms shipped milk to two major milk buyers in Utah,
information exist on the association of MAP with human’s Inflammatory with all milk collected at one of two milk processors. Milk haulers
bowel disease (IBD)/Crohn’s disease (CD) in the country. Therefore, collected an extra bulk tank milk sample for use in the study. Identity
present study aimed to investigate the association of MAP in animal of the farms was coded for anonymity by milk plant personnel. An
keepers from peri-urban areas of North India (Ghaziabad and Saharanpur ELISA test for IgG1 antibody against MAP and a PCR to detect MAP,
cities) with symptoms of IBD/CD, using multiple diagnostic tests. A total both designed for pooled bulk tank milk were performed on each milk
of 131 samples (25 stool, 53 blood and 53 serum) and 108 samples (14 sample. Each bulk tank was to be tested 4 times, twice on each of the
stool, 47 blood and 47 serum) were collected from 54 animal keepers 2 samples. The number of tank samples tested per farm ranged from
having clinical profiles indistinguishable to IBD (suspected for CD) and 1 to 24 (most farms had 2 or 4 samples from one or two bulk tanks,
from 47 animal keepers without symptoms of IBD (not suspected for respectively). The 2 farms with the most bulk tanks had 6 and 12 tanks,
CD), respectively. Animal keepers were in contact with animals for vari- respectively. JD was detected at least once on 67/170 farms tested
able duration and some of them had habit of raw milk consumption. Stool (39%). The most common positive test results were 1 or 2 positives/4
samples were screened by microscopy and specific IS 1311 PCR-REA. JD tests (n = 28 farms). The lowest proportions of all tests positive for
Blood and serum were screened by IS 1311 PCR-REA and indigenous JD on a given farm were 2/48, 1/8 (n = 3), and 2/12 (n = 2). Highest
ELISA kit, respectively. Of the animal keeper suspected for CD, 36.0 proportions of positive tests were 8/8, 4/4, 10/12, 9/12, 6/8, 7/12, and
(9/25), 28.0 (7/25), 12.9 (7/54), and 12.9% (7/54) samples and of animal 13/24. The finding of 39% of herds positive for JD is similar to other
keepers without symptoms of IBD (not suspected for CD), 14.2 (2/14), recent estimates of herd prevalence, indicating increased levels of the
7.1 (1/14), 2.1 (1/47) and 4.2% (2/47) samples were positive for MAP disease compared with national estimates 15-20 years ago. Some herds
by stool microscopy, stool PCR, blood PCR and indigenous ELISA kit, were enrolled in a demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness
respectively. According to habits of animal keepers, results showed high of using the individual cow JD milk ELISA test and culling to reduce
occurrence of MAP in humans with habit of raw milk consumption and prevalence of the disease. Analysis of data and reporting of results from
smoking. All MAP DNA samples were genotyped as ‘Indian Bison type’ that study will be completed in the future.
(pre-dominant type of MAP in animals of India). Presence of ‘Indian
Key Words: Johne’s disease, MAP, dairy cattle
Bison type’ genotype and higher prevalence of MAP infection in cases of
260 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Breeding & Genetics and Physiology & Endocrinology Symposium:
Bridging the Gap Between Physiology and Genomics
287 Spanning research from QTL to functional unit of a gene. J. transcription, translation, and interactions of the proteins, the variation
M. Reecy*, Iowa State University, Ames. present in the genome is placed in context to the phenotype. Progress
toward solving the basis of complex traits may well begin with the
Since the dawn of modern genetics, researchers have been working
biological process, rather than the QTL. Genetics may be the foundation
toward the elucidation of genetic pathways that control variation in
of animal improvement, but true genetic progress will be made when
traits of interest. Along the way, new breakthroughs in technology have
we expand our field of view to include gene function.
lead to new insights. The determination of the structure of DNA and
the subsequent explosion in molecular biology, enabled researchers to Key Words: functional, genomics
identify genes responsible for many processes in a cell (e.g., glycogen-
esis, transcription, etc). Eventually, geneticists began to utilize these
new molecular techniques to identify regions of the genome that contain 289 Genomic analysis of data from physiological studies. D. J.
genetic variation that was associated with phenotypic variation (quan- Garrick*, Iowa State University, Ames.
titative trait loci; QTL). To date, molecular geneticists have identified Physiologists have long been undertaking research to discover and eluci-
almost 10,000 QTL in cattle, pigs and chickens. The speed with which date the mechanisms involved in particular metabolic processes such as
new QTL are identified is ever increasing. Unfortunately, the identifica- maintenance, growth, reproduction, and disease. Animal breeders have
tion of quantitative trait nucleotides (QTN) lags significantly behind. focused their research endeavors on understanding genetics, the study
However, now that the genomes of all major livestock species have of inheritance, to implement breeding programs that can systematically
been sequenced a new suite of techniques have been unleashed. New advance the genetic merit and phenotypic performance of food animal
genotyping and statistical techniques have made it possible to not only systems, by exploiting selection of above-average candidates to be
identify QTL and fine map them, but to also account for a large amount the parents of the next generation. Prerequisite characterization of the
of total genetic variation associated with a trait of interest. For some genetic merit of selection candidates has principally been achieved by
traits there are a large number of small effect QTL (i.e., infinitesimal visualizing the genomes of the candidates solely through measurement
model), while for other traits there appear to be a limited number of of phenotypes on the candidate itself, or on its close relatives. The result-
QTL. In addition to genotyping and statistical breakthroughs, whole, or ing artificial selection has made use of those genes that are responsible
even partial, genome re-sequencing and transcriptomics (RNA-seq) are for variation in performance, without requiring or taking advantage of
providing new insights into genome and gene structure. We can now any knowledge of causality, in the same manner that natural selection
combine phenotype, genotype and gene expression data to understand can alter populations. Accordingly, selection could rightfully have been
the mechanisms underlying traits of interest in greater detail than ever described as resembling a black-box. Leveraging on sequencing activi-
before. We have entered an era where molecular/quantitative genetic ties undertaken in various livestock genomes, high-density genotyping
techniques need to be directed beyond production to consider animal systems have become available that allow inheritance of individual
health, animal welfare, climate change mitigation, and consumer health genome fragments to be traced from one generation to another and
traits. related to variation in performance by quantifying their substitution
Key Words: genomics, transcriptomics, whole genome association effect. Genomic selection can then be undertaken by predicting merit
by summing up the values of an individual’s chromosome fragments. A
by-product of this approach is that it identifies genomic regions contrib-
288 Advancing toward functional genomics. H. L. Neibergs*, uting to variation in performance that can be queried in bioinformatic
Washington State University, Pullman. databases that accumulate knowledge of gene location and function.
Collectively this information can extend the scope of physiological
Complex traits are difficult to identify at the molecular level. Because
studies beyond the underlying mechanisms of average performance to
many genes are involved, many with modest effects, it is difficult for
explain the causes of variation in performance.
them to be detected in genomic studies. To identify loci responsible for
complex traits, multidisciplinary collaborations between genetics and Key Words: genomic selection
physiology are essential. Integration of computational biology, molecu-
lar biology and physiology enhances the genomics discovery process
because the connections between the functions of the gene products will 290 Genomic information for physiologists. M. G. Thomas*, K. L.
lead us to the genes involved in the phenotype. To make the link between DeAtley, S. O. Peters, G. A. Silver, and A. M. Clayshulte, New Mexico
genome and phenotype, tools such as gene set enrichment combined with State University, Las Cruces.
single nucleotide polymorphism analysis offer approaches to evaluate Furthering knowledge of genes and understanding their mechanistic-role
biological pathways in the context of genomic variation. Evaluation of is a focus of physiology research. Specifically, this research furthers
the unique transcription profiles of a cell at different points in the life understanding of transcripts that are translated into proteins and consid-
of the animal, whether conducted with microarrays or RNA sequenc- ers their relevance in the whole animal. Development of tools to work
ing, adds information about the transcription regulation of the genome. with genomic data have enhanced gene discovery for physiology and
Proteomics extends the transcriptional message to the proteins being molecular biology research. Some of these tools also provide data for
produced in and around the cell and the post-translational modifications estimating genome-assisted breeding values for livestock improvement
that affect the protein′s function. The identification of alternative splic- programs. For example, SNP-chip data can be used for QTL detection
ing of the mRNA transcripts and the interaction of proteins with other as well as genetic prediction. Once a QTL is discovered or queried from
protein and RNA molecules must also be investigated to determine how a database, the process of fine mapping to determine the DNA sequence
a phenotype is expressed. By understanding the biological process of inferring the physiology from the underlying genes involves numerous
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 261
strategies. These include resequencing and denser DNA marker asso- expression of candidate genes with Alpeus. Three genes with differing
ciation studies and (or) investigation of transcriptome and proteome levels of expression were identified and their ontology suggested neuron
reference resources to reveal candidate genes, which can be visualized function and cell signaling. Most importantly, these genes were new
in pathway software to help design studies to investigate their functions. discoveries for this research program and provide opportunity for their
An example of such a process involved detection of a QTL on chromo- visualization in pathways and consideration in design of experiments
some 2 for heifer pregnancy (n = 830 and BovineSNP50 genotypes). to decipher their physiological relevance. These considerations could
Bioinformatic tools ( were used to visualize 10 also include evaluation of allele-specific variation. Advancements in
QTL and 10 annotations in a 4 Mb region flanking the SNP inferring genomics have expanded the ability of physiologist to discover genes
this QTL. Since hypothalamus is part of the reproductive endocrine and explore their functions.
axis, RNA was harvested from this tissue of pre- and post-pubertal
heifers and deep sequenced (RNA-Seq). Transcriptomes were aligned USDA-AFRI 2008–35205–18751.
with the bovine genome (ver. 4.0) to evaluate presence and level of
Key Words: candidate gene, physiology, RNA-Seq
262 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Companion Animals Symposium: Microbes and Health
291 Introduction: Microbes and health. K. S. Swanson*, University to accelerate acquisition of bacterial assemblages that promote health.
of Illinois, Urbana. However, to be effective probiotics must be matched with the unique
GIT environment of each host, and perinatal exposure is essential for
Despite human claims to superiority, it can be legitimately argued colonization and long-term persistence. Prebiotics are an alternative that
that microbes rule the world. Whether it is an ocean reef, a landfill, represent metabolic substrates for specific health promoting bacteria
or a gastrointestinal tract, invisible communities of highly active and and include galactooligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides and other
adaptable microbes prosper. Over time, mammalian species developed a complex carbohydrates.
symbiosis with microbes that are now important inhabitants not only in
the intestines, but also in the mouth, skin, and vaginal tract. In the gut, Key Words: gastrointestinal, neonatal, infant
commensal microbes are a critical element for the development of the
gut-associated lymphoid tissue, pathogen resistance, nutrient digestion
(fermentation), and intestinal epithelial cell gene expression. Proper 293 Microbes and gastrointestinal health of dogs and cats. J.
balance is key, however, as microbial imbalances contribute to inflam- S. Suchodolski*, GI Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Sta-
matory bowel diseases, gastrointestinal cancers, and other intestinal tion.
disorders. Microbial colonization also plays a crucial role in oral disease, Recent molecular studies have revealed a complex microbiota in the
which is now the most common form of disease in dogs and cats. Recent canine and feline intestine, compromising several thousand bacterial,
evidence also suggests a role of intestinal microbiota on the metabolic fungal, and viral phylotypes. The microbiota plays an important role in
phenotype and disease risk (e.g., obesity, metabolic syndrome) of the the development of the immune system. Studies have demonstrated a
host. A significant hindrance to studying gut microbiota has traditionally microbial dysbiosis in humans, cats and dogs with inflammatory bowel
been the inability to effectively identify and quantify microbial species. disease (IBD). In humans, the microbiota is implicated as inflamma-
Researchers have been reliant upon microbial culturing methods that tion develops in areas with the highest bacterial counts and antibiotic
are not only laborious, time-consuming, and often inaccurate, but also therapy improves clinical signs in a subset of patients. In rodent models
greatly limited in scope. High-throughput, DNA-based methods have with genetic susceptibility, intestinal inflammation develops only in the
been developed recently and have changed the research environment presence of bacteria. Current theories for the development of chronic
dramatically. Recent experiments using these techniques have begun intestinal inflammation favor a combination of environmental factors,
to characterize the identity and metabolic activity of the entire gas- the intestinal microbiota, and a genetic susceptibility of the host (e.g.,
trointestinal microbiota and their association with health and disease. polymorphism in the NOD2/CARD15 in Crohn’s disease). New evi-
Despite this recent progress, more research is needed to provide deeper dence suggests that genetic susceptibility predisposes to infection with
coverage of the oral and intestinal microbiomes, evaluate effects of age, enteric organisms. Polymorphisms in specific genes (e.g., interleukin-8,
genetics, or environment (e.g., diet) on its composition and activity, and lactoferrin) have been associated with diarrhea in humans. It is suspected
identify its role in disease. that intestinal inflammation causes a dysbiosis toward gram-negative
Key Words: microbe, gastrointestinal health, oral health bacteria, perpetuating the disease in genetically susceptible hosts. Most
common microbial changes observed in intestinal inflammation are
a decrease in the bacterial phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, with
292 Bacterial influences on mammalian gut development. R. K. concurrent increases in Proteobacteria. Individuals with intestinal
Buddington*, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN. inflammation show a reduced diversity of Clostridium clusters XIVa
and IV (i.e., Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, Faecalibacterium
The interactions between the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the resident prausnitzii), suggesting that these bacterial groups, important produc-
bacteria play critical roles in influencing GIT development and the health ers of short-chain fatty acids, may play an important role in promoting
and nutrition of young mammals and begin at birth when the sterile GIT intestinal health. Similar changes (i.e., reduction in Clostridium clusters
is colonized by bacteria from the environment, particularly the maternal XIVa and IV) have been observed in dogs and cats with IBD. Boxer
urogenital tract. Postnatal changes in the bacterial assemblages continue dogs with histiocytic ulcerative colitis harbor adherent and invasive
for months and are the result of shifts in dietary inputs, maturation of Escherichia coli (AIEC) that share similarities to AIEC isolates obtained
GIT and host physiology, and interactions among the resident bacteria. from ileal tissues of humans with Crohn’s disease. Underlying genetic
The interactions between the bacteria and the developing GIT are evi- susceptibilities are currently an area of intense research in companion
dent from the different patterns of GIT gene expression for gnotobiotic animals with chronic enteropathies.
and conventional animals. Although postnatal development progresses
smoothly for most animals, the overly reactive mucosal immune system Key Words: 16S rRNA gene, pyrosequencing, IBD
of the immature GIT and the unstable assemblages of bacteria increase
the risk of adverse and damaging inflammatory responses, such as neona-
tal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Attempts to identify specific bacteria 294 The oral microflora and periodontal health in dogs. Z.
as causative agents of NEC have been inconclusive. The association of Marshall-Jones*, Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, Waltham-on-the-
NEC with fermentation of undigested components of the diet and altered Wolds, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, UK.
proportions of volatile fatty acids suggest bacterial metabolites may be The microbial ecology of the oral cavity is rich with over 500 species
better predictors of NEC risk than species composition. This presentation estimated to be represented. This diversity may be enhanced by the
describes how the development, health, and disease resistance of the GIT variety of niches available. Biofilms reside both on the dentition, as
are responsive to management of the bacterial assemblages. Antibiotic dental plaque, and the oral mucosa including the buccal mucosa and the
induced disturbances in the developing assemblages of bacteria can tongue with its undulating papillae providing a range of microenviron-
have profound and long-term adverse impacts on the GIT and the host. ments. Salivary microbial populations meanwhile exist in a planktonic
Encouraging results have been achieved by administration of probiotics niche outside of these biofilm communities.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 263
Studies suggest periodontal disease is the most widespread oral 295 Using “humanized” mice to study the effect of diet on the
health disease in dogs with between 56 and 80% of dogs estimated human gut microbiome. P. Turnbaugh*, Harvard University, Cam-
to have periodontal disease. Although the specific organisms or bridge, MA.
processes involved are unclear, the aetiological agent of periodontal
Unraveling the interrelationships between diet, energy harvest, and the
disease is considered to be dental plaque. Virulence determinants
gut microbial community (microbiota) and its gene content (micro-
including enzymes secreted by plaque bacteria are thought to initiate
biome) is confounded by large variations in microbial ecology between
the host immune response, including the activation of host matrix-
individuals. We created an animal model of the human gut ecosystem by
metalloproteinases, which are the major cause of tissue damage and
transplanting fresh or frozen adult human fecal microbial communities
inflammation. Despite the relatively detailed knowledge regarding
into germ-free C57BL/6J mice. Metagenomic analysis of the temporal,
plaque formation and the microorganisms associated with disease in
spatial and intergenerational patterns of bacterial colonization showed
humans, the oral microflora in dogs is relatively undescribed. Several
that these humanized mice were stably colonized, and reproduced
studies have assessed the species in the canine oral cavity and detected
much of the bacterial diversity of the donor’s microbiota. Switching
substantial differences in the oral flora of dogs compared to humans.
from a low-fat, plant polysaccharide-rich diet to a high-fat/high-sugar
Studies of canine plaque and saliva have found as little as 28% of
“Western” diet shifted the structure of the microbiota within a single
organisms identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence are indigenous
day, changed the representation of metabolic pathways in the micro-
to the human oral flora. In one such study over half of the taxa
biome, and altered microbiome gene expression. Reciprocal transplants
cultured were novel species with no similar organisms represented
involving various combinations of donor and recipient diets revealed
in the GenBank database. The classic human periodontal pathogens,
that colonization history influences the initial structure of the microbial
including Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythensis, and
community, but that these effects can be rapidly altered by diet. Human-
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans were not detected in canine
ized mice fed the Western diet have increased adiposity; this trait is
subgingival plaque. Disparity between Porphyromonas isolates from
transmissible via microbiota transplantation. Humanized gnotobiotic
humans and companion animals were initially detected as differences
mice will be useful for conducting proof-of-principle “clinical trials”
in the catalase activity between human P. gingivalis (catalase-negative)
that test the effects of environmental and genetic factors on the gut
and veterinary isolates. The veterinary P. gingivalis-like organisms are
microbiota and host physiology.
now thought to represent a related species Porphyromonas gulae. The
potential of these species in disease causation is however unclear. Key Words: gut, microbes, diet
264 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Dairy Foods Symposium: Microbiology and flavor of cheese: Impact of Lower
Salt-In-Moisture Content of Low Fat and Reduced Sodium Cheeses
296 How model cheese composition, texture and structure influence were noted between starter culture and salt concentration suggesting that
aroma and salt mobility, release and perception. A. Saint-Eve*, strain selection would be beneficial for sodium reduction. Collectively,
M. Panouille, I. Deleris, C. Trelea, and I. Souchon, UMR 782 Genie et these results confirm the complexity of cheese flavor development and
Microbiologie des Procedes Alimentaires, INRA, AgroParisTech, 78850 that a combination of approaches will be required to optimize cheese
Thiverval-Grignon, France. flavor with fat and/or sodium reduction.
To limit the impact of food on health issues as obesity, hypertension, or Key Words: cheese flavor, fat reduction, sodium reduction
coronary diseases, the reduction of salt or fat content in food products
without modifications of organoleptic properties remains a real indus-
trial challenge. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in 298 Influence of salt-in-moisture on starter and nonstarter lactic
release and perception could lead to a better formulation of diet dairy acid bacteria. J. L. Steele*1 and J. R. Broadbent2, 1University of
products. In this context, model dairy products with different contents Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 2Utah State University, Logan.
of ultrafiltration retentate milk powder, milk fat and rennet were studied The microbiota of ripening Cheddar cheese consists of the starter lactic
to better understand and quantify the role of texture and structure on acid bacteria (LAB) and non-starter LAB (NSLAB). Starter LAB are
physicochemical and sensory properties. The characterization of dairy intentionally added to milk at the beginning of cheese manufacture,
products was performed by sensory methods (profile, time-intensity and while non starter LAB (NSLAB) are adventitious microorganisms.
temporal dominance of sensations) and by rheological (small amplitude These organisms have primary roles in the development of cheese flavor.
oscillation tests, compression and texture profile analysis), structural Unfortunately, the mechanisms by which these organisms influence
(confocal microscopy) and physicochemical methods (determination cheese flavor remain, in large part, unknown. This has made the devel-
of aroma and salt partition properties and diffusion coefficients). Salt opment of cheeses with non-traditional compositions difficult, as it has
and aroma releases in mouth (in vivo conditions) were also followed not been possible to predict how changes in cheese composition would
respectively by in-nose measurement (proton transfer reaction-mass influence cheese flavor development. For example, flavor development
spectrometry) or by measuring the evolution of saliva conductivity in low-fat or low-sodium Cheddar cheeses is consistently troubled by a
during consumption. A preponderant effect of fat on aroma and salty lack of desirable or characteristic Cheddar flavor, and by the emergence
perceptions was observed, in agreement with aroma compounds and of pronounced undesirable “off-flavors.” It is interesting to note that
salt behaviour during in vitro and in vivo measurement. in both of these cheeses with non-traditional compositions the salt-in-
However, relating sensory perception and food product properties moisture level is significantly reduced compared with Cheddar cheese
is a complex issue, because of the variety of phenomena occurring with traditional composition. There are 2 primary hypotheses for how
in the mouth during consumption (dilution with saliva, break-down cheese composition can influence the development of cheese flavor: 1)
during mastication etc.). To identify main mechanisms explaining that the microbiota of cheeses with non-traditional composition differs
release in mouth, mechanistic models, based on the description from that of cheeses with traditional composition; 2) that the microbiota
of mass transfer of salt and aroma compounds in the mouth and is similar in both the traditional and non-traditional cheeses, but that the
taking both physiological and physicochemical parameters into physiology of the SLAB and/or NSLAB is significantly different and
account, have been developed. From the predicted release kinetics hence they produced significant flavor compounds. Previous research in
of stimuli (in agreement with experimental data), the respective our groups and other groups worldwide have demonstrated that cheeses
roles of physiological parameters and of product properties can be with intrinsic properties less restrictive to microbial growth accom-
established. modate a wider diversity of NSLAB, supporting the first hypothesis.
Research is currently underway to evaluate the second hypothesis.
Key Words: modeling, release, flavor Key Words: cheese microbiota, cheese flavor, salt-in-moisture
297 Flavor development in low fat cheese. M. A. Drake*, South- 299 Cheesemaking processes and strategies for manufacture
east Dairy Foods Research Center, North Carolina State University, of low fat and reduced sodium cheeses. T. P. Guinee* and K. N.
Raleigh. Kilcawley, Moorepark Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Fermoy, Co.
Flavor and flavor development in Cheddar cheeses with a fat reduction Cork, Ireland.
greater than 50% are markedly altered from full fat cheese. Similar Cheese is a concentrated gelled product that structurally consists of a
alterations in flavor are noted with sodium reductions below 20%. calcium-phosphate casein/para-casein matrix, enclosing fat and mois-
Both a lack of flavor and the presence of off-flavors are generally ture. Both the concentration of the matrix and the level of interaction
noted and these changes are due to differences in flavor release as well between the casein aggregates making up the matrix are key determinants
as changes in the biochemistry of flavor development. Recent studies of the physical properties. The quality of low fat cheese variants is not
have highlighted homofuraneol and phenyl compounds (phenylacetic as acceptable as that of their conventional full-fat counterparts owing to
acid and phenylacetaldehyde) as sources of meaty/burnt/brothy and rosy their higher concentration of protein, higher degree of casein fusion, and
off-flavors in low fat and reduced sodium cheeses. Concentrations and unbalanced flavor. Hence, a key strategy in the manufacture of low-fat
odor activity values of these compounds increased in Cheddar cheese (<6%) fat cheese is to reduce the volume fraction of the casein matrix
with increased fat reduction. Addition of sodium gluconate to low fat and to reduce the extent of casein aggregation. This may be achieved by
cheeses decreased levels of these compounds up to 50% but did not dilution of the protein matrix on increasing moisture via manipulation of
impact sensory perception. Decreasing sodium in low fat Cheddar a range of process variables: including inter alia: heat treatment of milk,
cheeses increased bitterness and aromatic off-flavors but interactions reduction in pH at rennet addition, gel firmness at cut, curd particle size,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 265
scalding rate, scald temperature, length of time in vat, pH at whey drain- of recent illnesses and recalls, we should continue to improve our abil-
age, salting and milling (Cheddar), rate of cheddaring, and pre-salting ity to recover, characterize, and control pathogenic microbes in foods,
before plasticization (pasta-filata cheese). The degree of aggregation is especially for specialty/ethnic products such as lower fat/reduced salt
particularly influenced by the ratio of denatured whey protein-to-casein, cheese. Pathogens of primary concern would include Listeria monocy-
calcium-phosphate to casein, the ionic strength (affected by the level togenes, Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus
of NaCl and time of salting), and pH. Reducing the contents of fat and aureus. Various intrinsic and extrinsic factors can determine whether
salt in cheese adversely affects both the development and release of key or not these microbes die, grow, or merely survive in cheese. A variety
compounds associated with cheese flavor. Moreover, it is important to of biological (e.g., bacteriophage, bacteriocins), physical (e.g., high
ensure that the ratios of degradation products of protein and fat per gram pressure processing, pasteurization), and chemical (e.g., organic acids,
of protein or fat, respectively, in low-fat, low-salt cheese are altered to smoke, oxidizing agents) interventions have been used to better manage
convey flavor perception similar to that of cheeses of normal fat and salt pathogenic microbes in cheese. However, salt, moisture, and fat content,
content. The regulation of these factors are critically influenced by the as well as temperature, quite arguably have the most significant effect on
type of starter culture, the level and proteolytic activity of the rennet, the fate of pathogens in foods. The ability to optimize salt and fat levels
curd washing, ripening condition, and rate of curd cooling. to maintain product safety/quality without causing untoward effects on
the attendant sensory properties of lower fat/reduced salt cheese will be
Key Words: cheese, low-fat, low-sodium
the focus of this presentation. With a trend toward consumption of cheese
that are more convenient, as well as lower in salt, fat, and preservatives,
300 The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the fate of the sole barriers against microbial contamination, persistence, and/or
pathogens in specialty and lower fat/reduced sodium cheese. J. B. proliferation may be adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices, for-
Luchansky*, P. M. Tomasula, D. L. Van Hekken, and A. C. S. Porto-Fett, mulation, and refrigeration, coupled with enhanced awareness.
USDA/ARS Eastern Regional Research Center, Wyndmoor, PA.
Although the United States maintains one of the most abundant and
wholesome food supplies in the world, based on the nature and number
266 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Dairy Foods: Processing
301 Temperature and vacuum conditions for removal of added decrease in TP concentration in each stage’s retentate depending on
carbon dioxide from milk. D. M. Barbano* and J. H. Hotchkiss, whether CF > DF (increasing TP in retentate) or CF < DF (decreasing
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. TP in retentate). Increased rejection of SP by the membrane from a SP
removal factor of 1 to 0.6 caused a 17% reduction in MSPI yield and
Our objective was to determine the temperature and vacuum relation- 3rd stage cumulative SP removal decreased from 97 to 80%. Within the
ships for efficient removal of added CO2 from raw milk. Added CO2 ranges of the factors studied, the TP content of the 3rd stage retentate
in milk and dairy products inhibits the growth of spoilage organisms was most strongly impacted by the target CF and DF and skim milk
during refrigerated storage and shipping. As milk and milk concentrates composition. Cumulative SP removal was strongly impacted by heat
are shipped over longer distances, the use of CO2 is becoming more treatment of skim milk, SP removal factor, and target CF and DF. Yield
common to maintain raw milk quality. In most cases, some or all of of MCC and MSPI was strongly impacted by skim milk composition.
the CO2 needs to be removed from the milk before further processing. Yield of MSPI was also impacted by the heat treatment of milk and SP
Raw milk before CO2 addition typically contained about 100 to 200 removal factor.
ppm CO2 and had a pH of about 6.9 at 4°C. In the present study, about
1600 kg of 4°C raw milk was continuously injected with CO2 with a Key Words: microfiltration, serum protein
holding time of 15 s at 172 kPa to achieve a concentration of 2000 ppm.
Milk containing added CO2 was stored at 4°C for 24 h before initiating
303 Multistage process with ceramic graded permeability (GP)
the CO2 removal process. The cold milk containing CO2 was pumped
microfiltration (MF) membranes to produce high casein content
through a plate heat exchanger at 24.5 kg/min directly into the spray
micellar casein concentrate (MCC) with low lactose. J. Zulewska*2,
nozzle inlet of a pilot-scale APV vacuum deaerator system equipped
M. W. Newbold1, and D. M. Barbano1, 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,
with a spray nozzle that produced a cone shaped spray pattern into a 2University of Warmia adn Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland.
vacuum chamber. Six different milk temperatures (51.5, 57.5, 63, 68,
74, and 79.5°C) and 5 different vacuum levels at each temperature (in The objective was to determine if 0.1 µm Membralox GP membranes
the range of 621 to 1293 mmHg Torr) were evaluated. The CO2 content perform differently than 0.1 µm Membralox uniform transmembrane
(Mocon CO2 analyzer) of milk and milk pH were measured for each pressure (UTP) membranes. The 4th, 5th and final stage were run as
treatment and control milk. The experiment was replicated 3 times with finishing stages with purpose of lowering the lactose content of the
a new milk source each time. The CO2 content of milk decreased and final retentate to < 0.2% and adjusting the final protein concentration
pH increased with increasing temperature and vacuum. As temperature to > 9%. Raw milk was cold (4°C) separated and then the skim milk
increased, less vacuum was required to achieve complete CO2 removal. was pasteurized (72°C, 16 s) and microfiltered (320 kg) in a continu-
Milk pH was highly correlated with CO2 removal and pH can be used ous bleed-and-feed 3X process using 0.1 µm ceramic GP membranes at
as a rapid measurement method to determine if CO2 removal is near 50oC. The retentate from stage 1 was diluted with pasteurized reverse
completion. A linear regression model (r-square 0.98) was developed osmosis (RO) water in 1:2 ratio and microfiltered (stage 2) with GP
that defines the relationship between temperature and vacuum required system. This was repeated 3 more times with total 5 stages (Stage 1 =
to reduce the CO2 content of the milk to a level not significantly different MF; Stage 2 to 5 = diafiltration (DF)) of processing. To bring the protein
form the milk before CO2 addition. content of the retentate to at least 9%, the final retentate from stage 5 was
microfiltered using the same membrane at 1.75X CF without addition
Key Words: carbon dioxide, pH, vacuum
of RO water. The experiment was replicated 3 times. Data for the UTP
system were obtained in a separate experiment from the GP data. Flux
302 Processing factors that influence casein (CN) and serum was significantly higher in GP than UTP system (72.5 vs. 54.0, 84.5 vs.
protein (SP) separation by microfiltration (MF). E. E. Hurt* and 54.0, 92.7 vs. 54.6 kg/m2 per hour in 1st, 2nd and 3rd stages for GP and
D. M. Barbano, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. UTP, respectively). The average retentate recirculation flow for GP and
UTP were 714 and 644 L/min, respectively. The SP removal was higher
Our objective was to demonstrate the impact of skim milk composition, in 1st stage of the UTP system than GP (63.7 vs. 56.0 for UTP and GP,
heat treatment of skim milk, concentration factor (CF) and diafiltration respectively) with 2nd and 3rd stage being higher for GP system (26.7
factor (DF), control of CF and DF, and SP rejection by the membrane vs. 21.9%, 13.8 vs. 9.7%, respectively). No difference in cumulative
on the performance of a MF system designed to process skim milk to percentage of SP removal was detected for GP and UTP membranes,
separate CN from SP. A mathematical model of a skim milk MF process 96.5 and 95.2%, respectively. GP membranes had higher SP removal
was developed with 3 stages, plus a 4th stage to standardize the micellar rate (kg/m2 per hour) for 3 stages than UTP membranes: GP 0.69 and
CN concentrate (MCC) to 9% true protein (TP) and allow calculation UTP 0.46 kg/m2 per hour. Final retentate contained 0.09% lactose and
of yield of MCC (liquid, 9% TP) and milk SP isolate (MSPI) (90% 9.82% of crude protein.
SP on a dry basis). The model predicted the effect of the 5 factors on:
retentate and permeate composition, SP removal, and MCC and MSPI Key Words: microfiltration, graded permeability, micellar casein
yield. When the TP of skim milk increased from 3.2 to 3.8% MCC and concentrate
MSPI yield increased by 19% and 18%, respectively. Increased heat
treatment (73 to 85°C) of skim milk caused CN as a percentage of TP in
304 Functional modification of whey protein concentrate by
skim milk as measured by Kjeldahl analysis to increase from 82 to 86%
microfiltration. H. Somni* and V. V. Mistry, Midwest Dairy Foods
and the yield of MSPI to decrease by 22%. A CF and DF of 2X gave
Research Center, South Dakota State University, Brookings.
a 3rd stage retentate TP concentration of 5.38% compared to 13.13%
for a CF and DF of 5X and 3rd stage cumulative SP removal increased Microfiltration (MF) (0.1 μm) of raw milk results in a permeate stream
from 89 to 99%, respectively. Variation in the balance between CF (MFP) with composition similar to cheese whey. The objective of this
and DF (instead of equal CF and DF) caused a progressive increase or study was to compare (P ≤ 0.05) the functional properties (gelation,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 267
emulsion, and foaming) of whey protein concentrate (WPC) obtained 306 A method for spirulina production using cheese whey. K. M.
from different sources. Clarified Cheddar cheese whey was pasteurized Miranda1,2 and L. M. Fonseca*1, 1Federal University of Minas Gerais,
and split into 2 parts (3 replications); one part was ultrafiltered (UF) to Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2Fundação Centro Tecnológico de Minas
10X concentration and spray dried (CWPC), remaining was MF (0.1 Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
μm) before process like CWPC (DWPC). MWPC was manufactured
Cheese whey is a product with high nutritional value. However,
from MFP by UF and spray drying similar to CWPC and DWPC except
because of processing costs in several countries it has limited use in
that none of the stream was pasteurized (4 replications). The moisture,
the dairy industry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of
protein, fat, and ash content were, respectively, 6.4, 34.8, 2.8, and 5.4%
cheese whey as an alternative media for spirulina production. spirulina
in CWPC, 7.2, 37.2, 1.4, and 5.6% in DWPC, and 6.6, 48.7, 1.6, and
(Arthrospira platensis), a blue-green algae used as a supplement and
4.5% in MWPC. Gelation measured as ‘least concentration endpoint’
as whole food, has a protein content of up to 70% in the dry matter.
was lower for CWPC and DWPC. Emulsion stability of DWPC (1.3%)
One of the media used for spirulina production is the Zarrouk media.
and MWPC (1.6%) was lower than CWPC (5.4%). While CWPC failed
For this experiment, cheese whey reconstituted to 3g/100mL and
to produce stable foam, the overrun of DWPC (1059.7%) was higher than
6g/100mL was clarified by heating and centrifugation, and the pH cor-
MWPC (952.7%). However, the foam stability after 30 min for MWPC
rected to pH 9.0. Samples containing 500 mL of whey, clarified or not,
(51%) was higher than DWPC (29%). Thus, the functional properties
were inoculated with 0.1 g/L and 0.2 g/L of spirulina and submitted to
of WPC were different. In addition, protein solutions of DWPC and
alternated 12-h photoperiod (3.0 Klux) at 25°C, during 10 d. The experi-
MWPC in water were devoid of turbidity unlike WPC manufactured by
ment was repeated in 5 batches. The algae growth was monitored by
conventional process. Such differences are caused by major and minor
turbidimetry (560nm). After growth, the material was filtered, washed,
compounds like glycomacropeptide (GMP), minerals, and MFGM asso-
pressed, and dried (50°C/8 hours). The biomass final composition was
ciated compounds like phospholipids and lipoproteins. While some of
analyzed using standard methods, and the results submitted to analysis
these compounds like MFGM associated compounds could be removed
of variance. Spirulina did not grow well in non-clarified cheese whey,
by MF and removal of minerals depends on their state, substances
due to turbidity and low light transmittance through the medium. The
like GMP are not removed by MF alone. Such compounds affect the
maximum growth of spirulina was obtained with clarified cheese whey
functional properties. Microfiltration also improves shelf stability of
reconstituted to 3g/100mL with production of up to 1.83 g of spirulina
products by removal of microorganisms and suspended matter. This
for 1000 mL of medium. This production was reached in the sixth day,
opens an avenue for WPC in beverage application.
and was approximately 80% higher when compared to standard Zarrouk
Key Words: microfiltration, whey protein concentrate, functional media. It is concluded that spirulina production using cheese whey is a
properties feasible and low cost method, with higher production when compared
to the standard industrial media. However, because of turbidity, a clari-
fication step is necessary.
305 Ultrafiltration of milk at high temperature. M. Lewis*, A.
Grandison, N. On-Nom, and D. Wang, University of Reading, Reading, Acknowledgements: FAPEMIG, CNPq, CETEC-MG, Laboratory for
Berkshire, UK. Milk Quality Analysis (School of Veterinary Medicine, UFMG)
UF of milk has been performed at temperatures between 30 to 120°C to Key Words: cheese whey, spirulina, protein
examine the effects on mineral partitioning, permeation rate (PR) and
membrane fouling. Experimental protocols were developed to measure
PR and fouling of membranes at different temperatures over a period of 307 Investigation on coagulant properties of Calotropis procera
40 min for milk UF, followed by water rinsing for 5 min. These initial and stabilization of its proteolytic enzymes. G. Belvedere1, F. La
UF runs were replicated 3 times. It was found that pH, ionic calcium Terra1, M. Manenti1, S. Lortal2, J. C. Codjia3, S. Doko4, and G. Lici-
and soluble calcium decreased in permeates, as temperature increased, tra*1,5, 1CoRFiLaC, Regione Siciliana, Ragusa, Italy, 2UMR Science et
whereas freezing point depression increased. Similar trends were found Technologie du Lait et de L’Oeuf, Rennes Cedex, France, 3University
when milk was dialyzed at similar temperatures. The initial PR increased of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, 4University of Parakou, Benin, 5DACPA,
as UF temperature increased up to 100°C, but rapid PR decline was Catania University, Catania, Italy.
observed at 80 and 100°C. In contrast, at 50°C there was no noticeable
Coagulant properties present in the latex extracted from Calotropis
decline in PR over a 40 min period. After about 20 min, PR was higher
procera (fam. Asclepiadaceae) are well known. This extract is used
at 50°C compared with 80°C and it was even lower at 100°C, suggesting
by Peuhl community in Benin to produce Wagashi, a cheese known
more severe membrane fouling at higher temperatures. When average
in West African states. From literature it is known that a wide number
PR was measured over a period of 30 min between 50 and 80°C, it was
of chemical compounds were extracted, including cardiac glycosides,
found to increase to a maximum at 60°C and declined thereafter. During
flavonoids, phenol compounds, terpenoids, and 2 proteolytic enzymes:
water rinsing, PR recovered much more quickly at 50°C, compared with
calotropain FI and calotropain FII. Proteolytic enzymes that are present
80 and 100°C. Ultrafiltration at high temperature is a useful tool for mea-
in the latex of Calotropis procera undergo easily oxidizing phenomena
suring pH and ionic calcium of milk at high temperatures and showed
and for this reason their activity declines after 1 or 2 d. The aim of
that pH and ionic calcium of milk were highly temperature dependent.
this study was to investigate whether the proteolytic enzyme present
In contrast, the properties of permeates produced at high temperature,
in Calotropis procera is the only factor influencing milk coagulation,
showed little change of pH and ionic calcium with temperature, but
and finally if it can be stabilized. The extract from Calotropis was
only at temperatures below that which they had been separated by UF.
autoclaved at 100°C to denaturate the proteolytic enzyme used for the
Measurement of pH and ionic calcium at high temperatures will permit
milk coagulation. Its gelation activity was also verified. Several trials
a better understanding of their role in heat stability of milk.
on the stabilization of the proteolytic enzyme, which contained active
Key Words: ultrafiltration, pH, ionic calcium sites of cystein, were performed using extract from potato or natural
flour from tapioca, gari, carob gum, and an antioxidant compound rich
in cystein, glycin, and glutamic acid. The best results were obtained
268 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
with extract from potato tuber and the antioxidant compound. Results Raw milk quality also impacts the shelf-life of pasteurized milk. The
showed clearly that the coagulation process of milk was exclusively shelf-life is the length of time milk retains desirable sensory properties
enzymatic. The proteolytic enzymes calotropain FI and calotropain FII at a specified temperature. In the past 50 years, the shelf-life of com-
present in Calotropis procera were stabilized successfully for several mercial pasteurized milk has increased from 3 or 4 d at 7°C to 21 or
months and preserved their proteolytic activity in both types of trials. more days. Extended shelf-life milk, as well as, ultra high temperature
This would allow in the future to have a proteolytic enzyme readily (UHT) milk can last for many weeks (even under non-refrigerated con-
available to produce Wagashi cheese in a traditional way. ditions for UHT products). How do dairy processing plants determine
a products shelf-life? What are the key factors affecting this shelf life?
Key Words: Wagashi cheese, proteolytic enzymes, Calotropis
Beneficial bacteria, such as certain member of the genera Lactobacil-
lus and Bifidobacterium are routinely added to selected fluid milk for
308 Quality of raw and pasteurized milk (invited Pioneer speaker, the nutritional well being of the consumer. These bacteria are thought
30 min presentation). C. H. White*1,2, 1Mississippi State University, to aid in the digestive processes and are believed to prevent or at least
Mississippi State, 2Randolph Associates, Inc., Birmingham, AL. combat various diseases. These bacteria at least help to ensure a healthy
microflora in the gut, a most desirable situation. What then is the overall
Milk must be safe and of high quality. Fortunately, high quality milk is quality of pasteurized milk? How is this quality determined? Does the
normally safe, especially by microbiological standards. The definition dairy industry have enough new workers entering the field to ensure this
of high quality milk must encompass the various pertinent standards quality? The dairy industry, in general, has well trained people producing
and testing protocols. While raw milk is being sold to consumers under the milk, and is fortunate have a dairy processing industry that been at
certain conditions in some states, from a microbiological standpoint this the foundation of our food supply.
practice is questionable. Raw milk is considered by some to have more
cheese flavor than cheese made from pasteurized milk. Is this a safe Key Words: milk quality, shelf-life, raw milk
and reasonable practice even though it may result in a delicious cheese?
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 269
Growth and Development Symposium: Intestinal Development and Growth
309 Strategies to alter intestinal development, health and func- model. Arachidonic acid (ARA) reduced initial villus denudation and
tion of poultry to improve growth performance. T. J. Applegate*, accelerated acute restitution, measured as increased TER. Restitution
Purdue University, W Lafayette, IN. effects of ARA were attenuated by indomethacin, suggesting possible
prostaglandin mediation. Our collective findings suggest positive (but
The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in chickens, turkeys and ducks is a
modest) effects of selected nutrients on intestinal repair. Further research
dynamic organ system. During early posthatch growth, there is a tre-
is needed to understand better the complex interplay between nutrients,
mendous energetic allocation to GIT growth. While most research has
growth factors, immunological, and bacterial determinants which impact
focused on ontogenic changes to nutrient transporter and/or enzyme
intestinal health and ultimately neonatal vitality.
production, the structural aspects of intestinal maturation often is not
studied in tandem, which may be more limiting to growth. Similarly, Key Words: rotavirus, arachidonic acid, arginine
researchers often use simple morphometric measures of intestinal struc-
ture (villus height, crypt depth, goblet cell numbers). However, these
crude measures may not be as reflective of enterocyte proliferation, 311 Integral role of the gut in growth signal transduction between
migration, apoptosis, and necrosis. Remarkably, the turnover of the the environment and host. D. G. Burrin*, USDA Children’s Nutri-
bird′s intestine ranges from less than 2 to over 5 d, but our knowledge tion Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of
of what factors affect cell cycle and functionality are largely lacking Medicine, Houston, TX.
in poultry. Recent work has noted that appearance of indigestibility by The gut epithelium serves as a vital biological interface between the
the young bird is due in part to changes in the pH of the proventriculus environmental microbiota, luminal dietary factors and the mammalian
and endogenous secretion differences. For example, 60 to 80% of the host. The function of the gut barrier is especially critical during early
apparent digestibility differences in amino acid utilization during the neonatal development and weaning when the diet changes markedly and
first week and later in life are due to differences in basal endogenous the immune system is immature in rapidly growing animals. In addition
amino acid losses. Recent research has also focused on the maintenance to functioning as a physical barrier, the gut epithelium contains special-
needs of the intestine, particularly as it relates to preserving its barrier ized cells and receptors that serve to recognize specific molecules derived
functionality with or without sub-therapeutic antibiotics. The GIT bar- from the diet and microbes. The enteroendocrine cell comprises a small
rier is far from being static and responds to many challenges through proportion (<5%) of gut epithelial cells, but their effects are magnified
changes to: a) peristalsis, b) enterocyte turnover, c) mucin production, via release of several hormones that positively impact animal growth
adaptation of commensal microflora, d) innate immune responsiveness and development. The endocrine L-cell is capable of sensing multiple
(including inflammation and acute phase response), and/or e) altera- luminal molecules, including glucose and bile acids that trigger the
tions to secretions. The extent and duration of each of these responses secretion of gut hormones, such as glucagon-like peptide 1 and 2. These
encompasses the nutrient and growth cost for maintenance of this barrier 2 hormones have an important stimulatory effect on insulin secretion,
function. While most antibiotic replacement strategies are not capable insulin sensitivity, glucose absorption and gut epithelial growth. Recent
of similar physiological and microbiological responses, some probiotic studies also have show that bile acids taken up by enterocytes can acti-
bacteria and plant extracts are able to modify mucin production, pre- vate the nuclear receptor, farnesoid X receptor (FXR), stimulating the
serve intestinal tight junctions and enterocyte cell cycle, as well as alter release of fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19). FGF19 functions as a
inflammatory responses within the intestine. hormone that alters hepatic lipid metabolism and bile acid homeostasis.
Key Words: intestine, poultry In addition to nutritionally significant molecules, the gut epithelium also
senses the presence of the microbiota through toll-like receptors (TLR)
that transmit signals to the underlying cells within the immune and
310 Nutritional support of intestinal health: Insights from a piglet neuroendocrine systems. The activation of TLR by bacterial products
model. J. Odle*, S. K. Jacobi, A. J. Moeser, and A. T. Blikslager, North can result in negative feedback on key elements of growth, such as
Carolina State University, Raleigh. appetite, gut motility, and anabolic hormone signaling. The presentation
will discuss the essential role of the gut in novel aspects of these growth
Early postnatal morbidity and mortality of mammalian neonates rep-
signal transduction pathways in the developing animal.
resent significant challenges to the agricultural and medical sciences.
While many stressors impinge on the newborn, gastrointestinal maladies Key Words: glucagon-like peptides, bile acids, toll-like receptors
predominate. This is not surprising given the quiescent state of the
intestine in utero and the rapid ontogeny that ensues following birth.
Furthermore, the intestinal mucosa, initially sterile, must be protected 312 Nutrient transporters in support of ruminant growth and
from viral and bacterial pathogens that are ubiquitous in the postnatal development: novel and updated findings. J. C. Matthews*, Uni-
environment. Because the intestine is a “supply organ,” overall vitality versity of Kentucky, Lexington.
of the neonate hinges on its proper function. Our studies have employed This literature review summarizes recent findings in cattle (primarily)
rotaviral-gastroenteritis and ischemic-injury models to examine the about urea, SCFA, thyroid hormones, amino acid, and calcium transport-
effects of various nutrients on intestinal restitution and recovery. We ers. In ruminants, the relationship between diet and urea cycling is com-
have been unable to measure beneficial effects of enteral glutamine or plex. Expression of urea transporter-B (UT-B; SLC14A1) is upregulated
alanyl-glutamine. However, supplemental arginine increased intestinal throughout the rumen in response to high vs low concentrate diets, but
protein synthesis via mTOR signaling, increased crypt depth, and apparently not increased levels of rumen ammonia. In growing lambs,
improved transepithelial resistance (TER). Supplemental plasma- the relative tissue content of UT-B in gastrointestinal tract epithelia,
protein also effectively abrogated gastroenteritis following rotaviral liver, kidney, and parotid salivary glands, was not affected by varying
challenge. Most recently we investigated prophylactic intervention with dietary CP. Monocarboxylate transporters (MCT) 1 (SLC16A1) and
dietary long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids using an ischemic-injury 4 (SLC16A3) are expressed throughout the ruminant gastrointestinal
270 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
tract and are likely responsible for the absorption of SCFA across these tions and processes. In the first decade of the 21st Century, microbial
tissues, especially the rumen. However, a recent finding suggests that biology has advanced from the sequencing of individual genomes,
at least rumen tissue content of MCT4 mRNA and fractional rate of to comprehensive assessments of microbial diversity and the genetic
SCFA absorption appear insensitive to increased rumen fluid SCFA potential resident within entire microbial communities. This has been
concentrations in cattle fed high vs low concentrate diets. Regarding the driven largely by the appreciation that culturable microbes represent
fate of absorbed ruminal SCFA during lactation, the cellular localization only a small percentage of the microbial world and advances in high
of MCT1 and 4 in the mammary gland of lactating Holsteins has been throughput sequencing technologies. As such, there has been a renewed
identified, along with a thyroid hormone transporter (MCT8, SLC16A2), interest in the interrogation of rumen and other gut microbiomes via
and the aromatic amino acid transporter TAT1 (SLC16A10). In Belgian (meta)genomic approaches. So, are these efforts resulting in more of
Blue cattle, association mapping has identified a mutation in the neuronal the same, or something “new” in relation to our understanding of the
glycine transporter GLYT2 (SLC6A5) that leads to a decrease in pre- microbial biology underpinning rumen function, nutrient availability,
synaptic accumulation of glycine and is likely the cause of congenital and animal growth and development; and from which, new opportuni-
muscular dystonia 1. Similarly, a mutation in Ca2+ATPase (ATP2A1) ties might emerge? This presentation will examine some of the latest
results in decreased cytosolic Ca2+, thus impaired fast-twitch muscle observations and findings arising from the study of individual rumen
function. In summary, several recent and important findings have been bacteria, as well as rumen microbiomes. The field of rumen microbiol-
made in delineating existing relationships between nutrient transporter ogy still has something to offer the animal industries, as well as other
expression and specific physiological states of cattle. When combined sectors of science and industry.
with results of additional functional capacity studies, these findings
Key Words: rumen microbiology, growth and development, microbial
will lead to a greater understanding of ideal physiological conditions
required to support optimal nutrient use by cattle.
Key Words: biological transport, nutrient-gene interaction, SLC
314 The human intestinal microbiome—Applications to animal
agriculture. D. N. Frank*, University of Colorado, Boulder.
313 Out of the black box and back to the future: New frontiers
Advances in DNA sequence-based technologies now permit genetic
and challenges for rumen microbiology to advance animal growth
analysis of complex microbial populations without the need for prior
and development. M. Morrison*1,2, 1CSIRO, St. Lucia, Queensland,
cultivation. My talk will summarize the molecular methods of culture-
Australia, 2The Ohio State University, Columbus.
independent microbiology (“metagenomics”) as exemplified by their
Ruminant microbiology has been studied for more than a century, application to studies of the human gastrointestinal tract in both health
initially via microscopic examinations of rumen fluid providing mor- and disease. Such culture-independent metagenomic surveys reveal
phological and compositional descriptions of the microbiota. Cultiva- unprecedented microbial biodiversity in the human intestine. Large-
tion techniques for obligate anaerobes were developed in the mid-20th scale shifts in gut commensal populations (“dysbiosis”), rather than
Century, and the principal way of studying rumen microbiology shifted, occurrence of particular microorganisms, are associated with several
to culture and isolate as many species as possible then study select gastroenterological conditions, including antibiotic-associated diarrhea,
physiological processes. In the late ‘80s and ‘90s, with the development Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and obesity. These findings demon-
of tools such as PCR, and the application of reverse transcriptase and strate the importance of commensal microorganisms in maintaining GI
DNA polymerases, the field of rumen microbial ecology was transformed health and suggest that redress of disease-associated imbalances may
to a largely cultivation-independent field of inquiry, using 16S rRNA ameliorate human pathogenic conditions. Metagenomic techniques
and/or the gene encoding that molecule as a semantide. During this are readily applicable to animal agricultural science and are likely to
period, recombinant DNA technologies also made an impact on the provide important new microbiological perspective, as they have in
field of rumen microbiology, principally via a level of reductionism human biomedicine.
that provided deeper knowledge about fewer rumen microbial interac-
Key Words: microbiome
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 271
Lactation Biology Symposium: Novel Mechanisms Regulating Milk Secretion
and Mammary Involution
315 High fat diet suppresses de novo fatty acid synthesis in mam- 317 Stanniocalcin-1 and local control of mammary involution. P.
mary epithelial cells independent of SREBP regulated gene expres- Lacasse*, AAFC-Dairy and Swine R&D Centre, Sherbrooke, QC,
sion. S. M. Anderson*, M. C. Rudolph, E. A. Wellberg, and M. C. Canada.
Neville, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora.
Stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1) is a hormone that was first identified in fish and
The lipid component of milk is an important energy source and a critical recently in mammals. In euryhaline teleost fishes, gill calcium uptake
nutrient for proper development of the newborn. The lactating mouse is decreased by STC-1, an action opposed by prolactin. In mice, some
secretes her entire body weight in fat during a normal lactation period. evidence suggests that STC-1 is implicated in lactation. Indeed, STC-1
Fatty acids in milk triglyceride are blended from preformed sources is only detectable in blood during gestation and lactation, wild-type pups
(dietary and adipose stores), and de novo synthesized fatty acids. Factors suffered growth retardation when fed by transgenic mothers overexpress-
that control lipogenic differentiation of mammary epithelial cells have ing human STC-1, and passive immunization against STC-1 induced an
not been identified. Gene expression profiling has identified potential alteration of milk composition and caused growth retardation of pups.
controller genes including SREBP1c, Src, Spot14 (THRSP), Akt1, and Therefore, we have initiated a research program on the role of STC-1
the long form of the prolactin receptor. Metabolic genes that increase at in the regulation of bovine lactation. We have first demonstrated that
parturition include the glucose transporter GLUT1, citrate synthase (CS), injections of estradiol to lactating cows, while reducing milk produc-
malic enzyme 1 (ME1), citrate transporter (SLC25a1), ATP citrate lyase tion, increased the expression of STC-1 by the mammary cells and
(ACLY), acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1(ACC1), fatty acid synthase (FASN), increased by several fold the concentration of STC-1 in milk. In a second
and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2 (SCD2). SREBP1c regulates transcription experiment, we have measured STC-1 levels in blood and milk during
of several of these genes in the liver; however, SREBP1c knockout mice lactation. We found that, as lactation progressed, STC-1 concentrations
do not display a lactation defect. Mice deficient in SCAP (SREBP Cleav- increased in milk but not in blood. In another experiment, cows were
age Activation Protein) have a significant lactation defect characterized milked differentially for 8 wk, with half of the gland milked 1X and the
by a 25% decrease in de novo synthesized fatty acids in milk and a 50% other half milked 3X daily. Milk production and lactation persistency
decrease in pup growth. Expression of FASN, Insig1, SLC25a1, and were greater in the udder half milked 3X while indicators of mammary
SCD2 in mammary epithelial cells is reduced, but there is no change in involution, such as milk BSA and proteinase activity, increased in the
ACC1 and ACLY. This suggests SREBP-dependent and -independent udder half milked 1X. Milking 1X caused an increase in milk concen-
regulation of lipid biosynthetic enzymes in mouse mammary epithelium. tration of STC-1, an effect that persisted beyond the treatment period.
To compensate for loss of de novo fatty acid biosynthesis in SCAP null Using unilateral milking, we have investigated the role of STC-1 during
dams, we fed them a high fat diet (45% kCal). Although pup growth involution. Milk STC-1 concentration increased in the unmilked quarters
improved, lactation competency was not restored completely. Interest- and was correlated with milk proteinase activity and BSA. Mammary
ingly, the mRNA levels of ACC1, ACLY, FASN, SCD2, and SLC25a1 epithelial cells cultured in the presence of milk from the involuting quar-
did not change, but the protein levels of ACC1, ACLY, and FASN were ters had more apoptotic cells and a reduced metabolic rate as compared
significantly reduced. This implies post-transcriptional regulation of with those cultured in milk from the milked quarters. Interestingly, the
fatty acid biosynthetic enzymes in mammary epithelial cells in response metabolic rate was negatively correlated with the STC-1 concentration
to dietary fat, rather than at the transcriptional level. Current efforts are in milk. These results suggest that STC-1 is implicated in the progression
focused upon understanding aspects of this post-transcriptional regula- of involution. Nevertheless, more research will be needed to determine
tion in mammary epithelial cells. the target and function of this hormone.
Key Words: lactation, triglyceride, SREBP
318 The role of Ca2+-ATPases in milk secretion and involution. T.
316 Serotonin: A homeostatic regulator of bovine lactation. N. A. Reinhardt*, National Animal Disease Center, ARS/USDA, Ames,
Horseman*, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. IA.
Serotonin, a central neurotransmitter and peripheral hormone, was The means by which calcium is transported into the milk is a poorly
discovered in the mammary glands of mice using molecular genetic understood process. An older hypothesis is that calcium arrives in milk
and gene expression profiling approaches. Physiological studies dem- via exocytosis of secretory products from the Golgi pathway. This is
onstrated that serotonin functions as a homeostatic regulator in the consistent with more recent data showing that the secretory pathway
mouse mammary gland. Studies in human and bovine mammary gland Ca2+-ATPases (SPCA1 and 2), are induced in lactating mammary tissue.
experimental systems permitted us to generalize that serotonin is a con- However, greater expression of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase iso-
served homeostatic regulator of lactation among mammals. Based on a form 2bw (PMCA2bw) occurs during lactation. PMCA2bw expression
foundation of basic science that has elucidated fundamental physiologi- is more strongly correlated with increases in milk calcium secretion and
cal, cellular, and molecular aspects of serotonin signaling in lactation, PMCA2bw’s apical location suggested that calcium might be secreted
we have embarked on a variety of studies to understand the practical directly into milk via this pump. This hypothesis was confirmed by
implications of serotonin signaling in human and bovine lactation, and examining calcium secretion in PMCA2 gene knockout mice compared
in breast cancer. An extraordinary variety of drug targets and non-drug with wild type controls. Milk from PMCA2-null mice have 60% less
interventions can selectively impact serotonin signaling, providing a calcium than milk from wild-type mice. Total milk protein concentration
rich resource for modifying mammary gland cell functions. was lower, and an indirect measure of milk production (litter weights)
This project was supported by National Research Initiative Competi- suggested that the PMCA2-null mice produce significantly less milk.
tive Grant no. 2009-35206-05178 from the USDA Cooperative State These data demonstrated that PMCA2bw is required for maximal milk
Research, Education, and Extension Service. production and secretion of much of the calcium in milk. This major
secretory function represents a novel biological role for the PMCA’s,
Key Words: serotonin which were previously regarded as premier regulators of intracellular
272 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ca2+ for cell signaling and general fine control of cell calcium homeo- cessation of lactation, PMCA2 and SPCA1 and 2 expression decreased
stasis. The data available to date suggest that calcium transport into milk 80–95%. The abrupt loss of Ca2+-ATPases, required by the mammary
involves both the Golgi secretory pathway via the activities of SPCA1 gland to maintain cell calcium homeostasis, could lead to accumulation
and 2 as well as a major role for the apical pathway via PMCA2. It fol- of cell calcium, mitochondria Ca2+ overload, calcium mediated cell death
lows that lactating mammary cell calcium homeostasis is maintained by and thus may play a part in early signaling of mammary involution.
the high expression of PMCA2, SPCA1 and 2. Within 24 h after abrupt
Key Words: mammary calcium transport, Ca2+-ATPase, involution
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 273
Meat Science and Muscle Biology: Fresh Meat Quality and Muscle Biology
319 Effect of vitamins E and C on collagen turnover by bovine (PUFA) levels in muscle; however, n-6: n-3 ratio remained the same.
intramuscular fibroblasts. A. C. Archile*2,1, I. B. Mandell1, S. P. SFAs and TFAs, n-6: n-3 ratio, and elongase index were lower (P < 0.05)
Miller1, M. C. Cha1, and P. P. Purslow1, 1University of Guelph, Ontario, in BF than in KPH or VIS. Increased concentrate in the diet increased
Canada, 2University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. (P < 0.05) TFA in BF, KPH, and VIS and linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) and
elongase index in BF. Finishing diet did not impact sensory attributes of
Intramuscular collagen contributes to the variation in background tough- the beef steaks (P > 0.05). All the steaks were acceptable in palatability
ness of meat. Vitamin E may reduce intramuscular collagen maturity, with an initial tenderness score of 6.4 ± 0.2 and a beef flavor score of
while vitamin C has been reported to improve meat texture in beef. The 5.5 ± 0.1 based on a 10 cm scale. In conclusion, fatty acid composition
objective of this study was to investigate whether vitamins E and C are differed depending on fat location in the body. The lower concentrate
able to regulate collagen turnover in bovine intramuscular fibroblasts, diet produced beef with a more health-beneficial fatty acid composition,
the cells responsible for its synthesis and degradation by secretion of without affecting beef eating quality.
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Fibroblasts were isolated from
longissimus dorsi (LD) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles from a yearling Key Words: finishing diet, tissue, fatty acid composition
animal and grown in DMEM + 10% FCS. Fibroblasts were treated with
vitamins E and C for 24 h as follows: 1) with 50 or 100 μM of vitamin
321 Effects of frame size and animal age on beef carcass quality
E, 2) 50 μM of vitamin C, 3) either 50 μM vitamin E+50 μM vitamin
and tenderness. S. K. Duckett*1, J. P. S. Neel2, R. M. Lewis3, W.
C, or 100 μM vitamin E+50 μM vitamin C. Control cells received no
Swecker3, M. L. Wahlberg3, J. P. Fontenot3, and W. Clapham2, 1Clem-
vitamins. After treatment for 24 h, media were collected and analyzed
son University, Clemson, SC, 2USDA-ARS, Beaver, WV, 3Virginia Tech
for MMP-2 activity by zymography. Cell lysates were tested for total
University, Blacksburg.
collagen synthesis (TC) using the Sircol assay. Data were analyzed by
2-way ANOVA, Fisher’s LSD and Pearson bivariate correlation. Vita- Angus-cross steers (n = 96) were used to determine the effects of frame
mins E and C each increased (P < 0.05) the activity of MMP-2 secreted size (medium, MED or small, SM) and animal age on beef carcass quality
by fibroblasts from both muscles, but the effect was stronger (P < 0.05) and tenderness in a forage finishing system. Steers grazed mixed pastures
in cells derived from LD than from ST. A synergistic effect between (bluegrass/white clover) and were slaughtered at 16.6, 18.6, and 20.3 mo
vitamins E and C on MMP-2 activity was observed for cells from both of age in a 2-yr study. At 24 h postmortem, carcass traits were collected
muscles. Both vitamins increased TC in cells from both muscles above and a rib from each carcass obtained for Warner-Bratzler shear force
the controls to a different extent; higher TC values (P < 0.05) were found (WBSF) analysis. In yr 1, postmortem aging treatments included 14 and
for ST cells versus LD cells. There was a strong positive correlation (P 28 d. In yr 2, postmortem aging treatments included 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28 d.
< 0.05) between MMP-2 activity and TC synthesis. These results con- Hot carcass weight, fat thickness, and skeletal maturity scores increased
firm the hypothesis that both vitamins may increase collagen turnover (P < 0.05) with animal age. Marbling scores, quality grades, and yield
in intramuscular fibroblasts, which could have direct implications for grades were greater (P < 0.05) for 20.3 than 16.6 mo. Longissimus
the response of these muscles to the animal’s diet, affecting collagen muscle color was lighter (P < 0.05) and less red (P < 0.05) in 16.6 than
turnover in vivo. A high rate of collagen turnover may lead to increased 20.3 mo. Subcutaneous fat color was lighter (P < 0.05) and yellower (P
collagen solubility in muscles which can affect meat tenderness. < 0.05) for older than younger carcasses. Hot carcass weight and ribeye
area were greater (P < 0.05) for MED than SM. Frame size did not alter
Key Words: vitamins E and C, collagen turnover, meat tenderness
other carcass parameters. In both years, the interaction between animal
age and postmortem aging was significant. In yr 1, WBSF values at d
320 Fatty acid composition of Jersey beef was affected by finishing 14 were lower (P < 0.05), indicating greater tenderness, for 16.6 mo
diet and tissue type. T. Jiang*1, C. J. Mueller2, J. R. Busboom1, M. than 18.6 and 20.3 mo. Extending the postmortem age to 28 d did not
L. Nelson1, J. O′Fallon1, and G. Tishida2, 1Washington State University, change (P > 0.05) WBSF values in young and intermediate ages but did
Pullman, 2Oregon State University, Corvallis. improve tenderness (P < 0.05) for the older age group. In yr 2, WBSF
values were lower (P < 0.05) at d 2 of postmortem aging for 16.6 mo
Our objective was to determine the impacts of finishing diet energy level than 18.6 or 20.3 mo. At 14 d postmortem, steaks from 16.6 and 18.6
and tissue type on fatty acid composition and palatability of Jersey beef. mo were more tender (P < 0.05) than 20.3. By d 28, WBSF values did
Steers (n = 20) were assigned to a randomized complete block (RCB) not differ (P > 0.05) among animal ages. In pasture-based beef finish-
design with initial weight as blocks (Light, 228.0 vs. Heavy, 261.4 ± 0.4 ing systems, increasing animal age results in larger carcasses with
kg) and finishing diet (70 vs. 85% corn) as treatments. Ribeye steaks more external fat and marbling; however tenderness of ribeye steaks
were collected for sensory evaluation and were dissected to obtain decreases with advanced age such that longer postmortem aging times
muscle, seam, and subcutaneous (s.c.) fat. In addition, fat samples are required to achieve similar tenderness level.
were collected from s.c. tissue (BF), kidney (KPH), and the intestinal
tract (VIS). Data for fatty acids and sensory evaluation were analyzed Key Words: beef, forages, tenderness
as a split-plot design and a RCB design, respectively. Saturated fatty
acid (SFA) level was lower (P < 0.05) and monounsaturated fatty acid
322 Effect of skeletal separation and moisture enhancement on
(MUFA) was higher (P < 0.05) in s.c. fat than in muscle or seam fat,
eating quality of cull cow beef. P. Streiter*, C. Campbell, and I.
which could be explained by higher (P < 0.05) myristoleic and vaccenic
Mandell, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
acid levels in s.c. fat. Oleic acid (C18:1) level was higher (P < 0.05) in
s.c. fat than in seam fat, accompanied by a higher (P < 0.05) Δ9 desatu- Sixty-two cull beef cows of known age and breed were slaughtered
rase index in s.c. fat. Trans fatty acid (TFA) and CLA levels were lower without electrical stimulation to investigate skeletal separation and
(P < 0.05) in muscle than in seam or s.c. fat. Increased concentrate in the moisture enhancement effects on eating quality. Carcass sides were
diet decreased (P < 0.05) n-3, n-6 and total polyunsaturated fatty acid designated to one of 4 postmortem processing treatments: 1) No
274 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
additional processing (Control), 2) prerigor skeletal separation (SS) that RTU can be used as a non-invasive technique to accurately measure
after carcass dressing, 3) moisture enhancement (ME) using calcium carcass traits in live lambs.
ascorbate (CaAsc) 24 h postmortem and 4) Combination of SS and ME.
Key Words: ultrasound, carcass composition, lambs
Skeletal separation involved severing the pelvic bone at the narrowest
part of the body of the ilium, and detaching vertebrae and connective
tissue between 6th and 7th thoracic and 5th and 6th lumbar vertebrae. 324 Farming system changes fatty acids profile and lipid oxidation
At 24 h postmortem, longissimus muscle from the ribeye (RE) and loin in meat of Sarda-breed suckling lambs. A. Nudda*, G. Battacone,
along with semimembranosus and semitendinosus (ST) muscles were M. G. Manca, R. Boe, A. Fenu, G. Spanu, and G. Pulina, Dipartimento
excised from each carcass side with designated muscles injected with di Scienze Zootecniche, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy.
CaAsc (11% by wt). All muscles were cut into steaks for subsequent
meat quality evaluation including shear force (SF) determination of A study was carried out to evaluate the fatty acid composition of meat
tenderness for 7, 14, and 21 d aged product. A 10 member trained taste of suckling lambs raised in different breeding systems. Thirty-six
panel assessed treatment differences in palatability attributes for 14 d pregnant ewes grazing on natural pasture (8 h/d) were divided into 2
aged RE steaks as well as comparing sensory findings for cull cow vs. groups supplemented with low (200 g/d; group L) or high (600 g/d;
red branded beef from AA (USDA Select) and AAA (USDA Choice) group H) amounts of concentrate. At lambing the ewes were divided
quality grade carcasses. Skeletal separation reduced SF (P < 0.001) for in 2 subgroups (12 lambs each) balanced for single animals and twins:
RE steaks while moisture enhancement reduced SF (P < 0.021) for RE lambs kept indoor during the grazing time of the ewes (group I) and
and ST. Postmortem aging for 14 vs. 7 d reduced SF to a lesser extent lambs which followed the mother on pasture (group O). Lambs were
for SS vs non-skeletal separated sides, resulting in a SS by postmortem slaughtered at 27 d of age. After 24 h of refrigeration at 4°C, the tight
aging interaction (P < 0.01). Skeletal separation and moisture enhance- muscles were dissected from each right half-carcass. Fatty acid profile
ment improved (P < 0.01) taste panel ratings for tenderness with an and lipid oxidation (thiobarbituric acid test, TBARs) were studied. The
additive effect when combining SS with ME. Moisture enhancement data were analyzed with a linear model that included the fixed effects of
tended to improve (P < 0.07) juiciness scores. While beef flavor was supplementation (L vs H) and management (O vs I) and their interac-
not affected by postmortem processing, ME increased (P < 0.0001) off- tion. In general, lamb meat from L ewes did not (P > 0.10) differ from
flavor scores. The combination of SS and ME may provide an additive the lamb meat from H ewes for the fatty acids analyzed, except for t11
effect for enhancing tenderness in the longissimus but at the expense C18:1 (P < 0.01). Management had relevant effect on the level of several
of undesirable off-flavors. fatty acids. The meat from O lambs had a lower (P < 0.05) content of
C14:0, C16:0 and a higher (P < 0.05) content of C18:2 n6 and C18:3
Key Words: cull cows, skeletal separation, calcium ascorbate n3 than that from I lambs. The content of DHA, PUFA n3 and PUFA
n6 tended (P < 0.10) to be higher in O lambs than I lambs. The TBARs
were not (P > 0.10) influenced by the 4 breeding systems. Interaction
323 Accuracy of real-time ultrasound for body composition traits
effects were significant (P < 0.05) for C18:0, C18:1 t10, C18:1 c9, C18:2
for evaluating carcass traits in medium wool crossbred lambs. F.
n6, PUFA n6, n6/n3 and TBARs. In conclusion, the dose of 600 g/d of
R. B. Ribeiro*1, J. A. Carter1, C. A. Hughes1, W. S. Ramsey2, J. W.
concentrate supplemented to the ewes did not modify the FA profile and
Savell2, R. R. Riley2, C. Sharpton2, and R. G. Tait Jr.3, 1Texas A&M
the lipid oxidation of the meat of their suckling lambs compared with
University-Commerce, Commerce, 2Texas A&M University, College
the dose of 200 g/d of concentrate. Lambs, which followed the mother
Station, 3Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
on pasture, produced meat with a higher content of C18:3 n3, probably
The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of real-time because of the presence of grass in their diet.
ultrasound (RTU) measurements of body composition for evaluating
lamb carcass traits. Data for this study were obtained from 25 medium Research supported by the Fondo di Ateneo per la Ricerca (Univer-
wool crossbred lambs. Animals were scanned 2 to 5 d before harvest. sità di Sassari).
The RTU measured traits were ultrasound BW (uBW, mean = 59.2
Key Words: suckling lamb, fatty acid, farming system
kg), 12–13th rib fat thickness (uBF, mean = 0.50 cm), and 12–13th rib
longissimus lumborum muscle area (uLMA, mean = 18.6 cm2), and
carcass traits were HCW (mean = 35.3 kg), 12–13th rib fat thickness 325 Comparisons of different muscles metabolic enzymes and
(cBF, mean = 0.56 cm), and 12–13th rib longissimus lumborum muscle muscle fiber types in Jinhua and Landrace pigs. J. Guo*, T. Z.
area (cLMA, mean = 19.3 cm2). Measurements were collected using Shan, T. Wu, Y. F. Zhang, and Y. Z. Wang, Institute of Feed Science,
an Aloka 500 with a 12-cm 3.5MHz transducer, each animal′s wool Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
was clipped to no longer than 0.64 cm, and vegetable oil was used as
a coupling agent to increase image quality. In addition to these traits, Western and indigenous Chinese pig breeds show obvious differences
body condition score (BCS), hip height (HH), and ultrasound-measured in muscle growth and meat quality. However, the underlying molecular
rump fat thickness (uRUMP) also were collected. Data were analyzed mechanism remains unclear. The objective of the present study was to
using the PROC REG and PROC CORR procedures of SAS. Accuracy investigate the variations in meat quality, muscle fiber type and enzyme
of RTU was determined by calculating the correlation, mean bias, and activity of local Jinhua and exotic Landrace pigs at the same age (180 d
standard error of prediction (SEP) between RTU measurements and of age, 4 animals individually). Using real-time RT-PCR, we detected
carcass measurements. The correlation, mean bias, and SEP between the mRNA levels of myosin heavy chain isoforms such as oxidative
uBF and cBF were 0.90, −0.06 cm, and 0.09 cm, respectively, and for (type I and type II a), glycolytic (type II b), and intermediate (type II
uLMA and cLMA were 0.66, −0.65 cm2, and 2.12 cm2, respectively. x) fibers in longissimus dorsi and soleus muscles. Furthermore, the
BCS was correlated (P < 0.05) to uLMA, uRUMP, and HH (0.62, 0.43, metabolic enzyme activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), succinic
and 0.43, respectively). HH was correlated (P < 0.05) to uBF, uLMA dehydrogenase (SDH) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH) in longissimus
and uRUMP (0.53, 0.41, and 0.60, respectively). These results suggest dorsi and soleus muscles were also detected. The results showed that
the Jinhua breed exhibited a higher intramuscular fat (P < 0.01) content
and lower drip loss compared with Landrace (P < 0.05). Meanwhile, the
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 275
mRNA levels of oxidative and intermediate fibers were elevated in the treatment). Broilers were fed a corn-soybean meal control diet with no
Jinhua breed, whereas the glycolytic fibers were more highly expressed added Se or Vit. E, supplemented with either 0.3 mg Se/kg diet as Se
in the Landrace (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the Jinhua pigs possessed a yeast (Sel-Plex, Alltech, Inc., Nicholasville, KY), or 30 IU Vit. E/kg as
higher oxidative capacity than did the Landrace (P < 0.05). These results all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate, or a diet supplemented with both Se and
suggested that the elevated expression of the oxidative and intermedi- Vit. E. Broilers were humanely harvested at 49 and 56 d of age (raw
ated fibers in Jinhua breed is related to higher activities of oxidative and marinated portion, respectively) and breast fillets were sampled for
enzymes and meat quality as indicated by a higher intramuscular fat analysis of meat quality characteristics. Marinated breast fillets were
and lower drip loss. These results may provide valuable information for soaked in a 3.2% sodium pyrophosphate and 4% NaCl solution for 13
understanding the molecular mechanism responsible for breed specific h (marinade pH: 9.74). In raw breast fillets, Se yeast supplementation
differences in growth performance and meat quality. significantly decreased drip loss at 3d compared with the control (P =
0.049) and Vit. E (P < 0.01) treatments, however by 7d, the only observed
Key Words: Jinhua pigs, myosin heavy chain, meat quality
improvement was Se yeast compared with Vit. E (P < 0.01). Oxidative
stability at 7d (as indicated by thiobarbituric acid reactive substance
326 Effects of cage versus floor litter environments on blood values) of the raw breast fillets was improved by Se yeast supplementa-
parameters and meat quality in broilers. J. Yuan*, C. H. Huang, B. tion with (P = 0.095) or without added Vit. E (P < 0.01) compared with
Wang, S. H. Zhou, and Y. Guo, State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutri- the control treatment. In the marinated breast fillets, there was no effect
tion, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. of dietary treatment on drip loss, however oxidative stability at 7d was
significantly improved by all 3 antioxidant containing treatments (P <
The study was conducted to determine the effects of cage vs. floor 0.01) compared with the control. Antioxidant supplementation did not
rearing on some blood parameters and meat quality in broilers. At 3-wk affect color stability, carcass yield (WOG, front half, saddle), breast fillet
of age broilers were allocated into 2 pens (9 birds/0.7 m2/pen) of litter pH, cooking loss, and tenderness values in both the raw and marinated
floor pens; one-story cages and battery cages, separately. At the end breast fillets. These results indicate that dietary supplementation of Se
of 7 wk the experiment was terminated. Nine birds of every treatment yeast in broiler diets decrease drip loss and improve oxidative stability
were harvested. Breast muscle yield, muscle fiber characteristics, meat in raw breast fillets, and greatly improve oxidative stability in marinated
quality and blood parameters were determined. We observed that the breast fillets.
breast muscle yield was lowered (P < 0.05) in broilers reared in the
battery cages compared with those on floors. There were no (P > 0.05) Key Words: selenium, meat quality, marination
differences for myofiber density of breast muscle among different rearing
systems. Birds reared in battery cages, however, tended (P < 0.10) to
328 Effect of three different postmortem electrical stimulation
be smaller in diameter of breast myofibers and exhibit lower drip loss
methods on quality of early-deboned broiler breast meat. H.
than birds reared on floor. The pH (24h) of breast muscle was lower (P
Zhuang*, E. M. Savage, and K. C. Lawrence, USDA-ARS, Athens,
< 0.05) in broilers reared in one-story cages than those reared on litter
floors or in battery cages. Higher (P < 0.01) levels of serum Insulin-like
factor-1 (IGF-1) and plasma triglyceride (TG) were observed in broilers The present experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of elec-
reared in one-story cages than birds on litter floor or in battery cages. trical stimulation (ES) immediately pre-scalding (PS), ES immediately
No (P > 0.05) differences were found in the activities of plasma lactate post-defeathering (PD) or PS combined with PD (PSPD) on the quality
dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, glutamic oxalacetic transaminase, of early-deboned (2 h) broiler breast muscles, pectoralis (p.) major (fil-
glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT), concentrations of plasma lets) and p. minor (tenders). No stimulation, early-deboned (2 h) and
pyruvic acid (PA), lactic acid, triglyceride, nonesterified fatty acids, 24 h deboned (24 h) fillets were used for the comparison. The 42-d-old
malonaldehyde, glucose and uric acid and serum corticosterone. Rear- broiler carcasses were electrically stimulated with pulsed current at
ing in one-story cages and battery cages, however, tended (P < 0.10) to 200 V for 30s (1min total for PSPD), and breast meat was deboned 2
lower the concentrations of plasma GPT and PA in boilers. The results h postmortem. Quality indicators evaluated were: CIELAB L*, a* and
suggest that one-story cages do not affect the breast muscle yield and b* color and pH of the raw fillets; Warner-Bratzler (WB) shear force
meat quality of broilers, and the energy, protein and lipid metabolisms (cooked meat) and cook yields of the fillets and tenders. There were
of broilers. Battery cages rearing lowers myofiber diameter and con- no differences in raw fillet color and pH between the 3 ES treatments.
sequently reduces breast muscle yield, which can be attributed to the Effects of different ES methods on meat WB shear force values and cook
lower protein synthesis and negative energy balance. yields varied with breast muscles. For the fillets, the average WB shear
force values of both the PS and PSPD samples, which were not different
Key Words: rearing environment, meat quality, broilers
from each other, were significantly lower than those of the PD samples.
There were no differences in cook yields between the PS and PD, or
327 Effect of dietary selenium yeast (Sel-Plex) and vitamin E between the PS and PSPD, although cook yield of the PD samples was
supplementation to broilers on meat quality characteristics of raw significantly higher than the PSPD samples. For the tenders, there were
and marinated breast fillets. A. D. Quant*1, A. J. Pescatore1, J. L. no differences in the average shear force values and cook yields between
Pierce1, K. M. McClelland2, G. R. Rentfrow2, A. H. Cantor1, M. J. Ford1, the 3 ES treatments. Regardless of ES method and muscle type, early-
and W. D. King1, 1Alltech-University of Kentucky Nutrition Research deboned broiler breast meat from ES carcasses required significantly less
Alliance, Lexington, 2Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Uni- force to shear than the 2 h control, and more force than the 24 h control.
versity of Kentucky, Lexington. These results indicate that ES can tenderize early-deboned poultry breast
muscles; however, the effectiveness of ES tenderization varies with ES
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementa- method for the fillets. Single PS is more effective in reducing fillet shear
tion of selenium (Se) and vitamin E (Vit.E) to broilers on meat quality values than single PD, and there is no further reduction in shear values
characteristics of raw and marinated breast fillets. This study utilized with double PSPD compared with the single PS.
576 Cobb500 broilers that were randomly allotted to 4 treatments
with 48 pens of 12 birds/pen in a 2x2 factorial design (12 replicates/ Key Words: broiler, electrical stimulation, breast meat
276 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
329 Optimization of the time of marination for early deboned 330 Consumer acceptance of visual appearance of broiler breast
broiler breast fillets. V. A. Kuttappan*, V. B. Brewer, J. F. Meullenet, meat with varying degrees of white etriping. V. A. Kuttappan*, J. F.
and C. M. Owens, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Meullenet, and C. M. Owens, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
Marination is an effective method which can be used to improve the White striping is a condition associated with heavier broiler breast fillets
tenderness of the early deboned breast fillets. However, there is little and is observed grossly as white striations seen parallel to the direc-
information available on the impact of the time at which fillets are tion of the muscle fibers. The present study was intended to assess the
marinated. The present study was intended to optimize the time of consumer acceptance of broiler fillets with different degrees of white
marination for chicken fillets deboned at 2h postmortem (PM). In this striping condition. High resolution digital images of fillets, representa-
study, a total of 300 broilers (43–46days) were processed using an tive of varying degrees of white striping, were shown to 75 consumers
in-line system and deboned at 2h PM over 5 replications. Fillets were in a blind study. Individual images were presented using a completely
marinated at either 2.5, 4, 6, 8 or 24h PM. A non-marinated control balanced randomized design. There were 4 replicates of individual
was included. The fillets were vacuum tumbled (20 min) with a 15% fillets within each white striping category (Normal-NORM, Moderate-
marinade (final concentration of 0.5% salt and 0.45% phosphate). The MOD, and Severe-SEV) and one picture of tray pack (3 fillets) for each
left fillets were held for 24h in cooler before freezing while the right category. The consumers were asked to express their overall liking for
fillets were frozen immediately after marination to simulate various appearance with a 9-point hedonic scale (9 = like extremely; 1 = dis-
commercial practices. Marination pickup, retention, thaw loss, cook like extremely), purchase intent using a 5-point scale (5 = definitely
loss and Meullenet Owens Razor Shear energy (MORSE) values were would buy; 1 = definitely would not buy). An open ended comments
measured. There was a significant increase in marinade pickup as the section was also included. The results showed that NORM fillets had a
time of marination increased from 2.5 to 24h PM. Marination retention significantly higher (P < 0.05) hedonic score (6.9) than the MOD fillets
varied slightly among treatments. Thaw loss was significantly higher (6.1) which was also significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the SEV fillets
for fillets marinated and immediately frozen compared with those held (4.5), indicating that as severity of white striping increased, the consumer
until 24h PM before freezing, with the exception of fillets marinated acceptance decreased. From the distribution of the responses, 10.7, 22.4
at 8 and 24h PM. There was a significantly higher cook loss for the and 56.7% of the consumers disliked the NORM, MOD, and SEV fil-
control fillets when compared with all marinated fillets suggesting lets, respectively. Furthermore, the average purchase intent score for the
that marination resulted in better water holding capacity. There was no NORM fillets (3.6) was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those with
significant difference between MORSE values of the non-marinated 2 degrees of white striping (2.4 and 2.5, respectively), suggesting that
control and the fillets marinated at 2.5h PM. However, the MORSE the consumers were more likely to buy NORM fillets. Over 50% of the
values for the marinated fillets significantly decreased as the time of consumers indicated that they would probably/definitely not buy MOD
marination increased from 2.5 to 24h PM. The tenderizing effects of or SEV fillets. The open-ended comments revealed the major reasons
marination were only observed when marinated at 4h PM and later in for the dislike of the white striped meat were that the fillets looked more
this study. The fillets marinated at 8 and 24h PM had significantly lower fatty or marbled and/or that they thought the meat would be “tough.”
MORSE than other treatments. Freezing immediately after marination The results of the study suggest that the white striping does affect the
did not impact MORSE values. The results of this study suggest that consumer acceptance based on the appearance of the fillets.
time of marination can impact marination pickup and quality factors
Key Words: white striping, consumer acceptance, broiler fillets
such as tenderness.
Key Words: marination, early deboned, broiler fillets
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 277
Nonruminant Nutrition: Enzymes 1
331 Efficacy of a thermally processed exogenous enzyme cocktail plus MC supplementation improved (P < 0.05) FCR of the NC diet from
on broiler performance. K. R. Beaman*, K. G. S. Lilly, L. K. Shires, 1.37 to 1.32. Tibia ash content for the NC diet increased (P < 0.05) from
S. A. Loop, and J. S. Moritz, West Virginia University, Morgantown. 38 to 42% due to phytase and a trend (P = 0.136) in its further increase
to 44% was noted for the phytase plus MC diet. Phytase improved (P
Feed ingredient price has influenced nutritionists to maximize diet
< 0.05) ileal digestibility of P from 29 to 43%, and the addition of CA
nutrient availability through use of exogenous enzymes. Poultry are
or MC or both to phytase-supplemented diet further increased (P <
almost exclusively fed pelleted diets that entails feed being subjected
0.05) P digestibility to 52, 53 and 54%, respectively. Phytase addition
to conditions of high moisture, temperature and pressure that could
improved (P < 0.05) diet AMEn content from 2959 to 3068 kcal/kg,
partially denature added enzymes. Exogenous enzyme efficacy may be
which tended (P < 0.06) to increase further following CA (3150 kcal/kg)
decreased or completely lost if enzymes are not able to survive the pel-
or MC (3142 kcal/kg) addition. No interactions were detected between
leting process. The objective of the current studies was to properly assess
CA and MC on all response criteria measured. The results show that
the efficacy of a commercially available exogenous enzyme cocktail
addition of MC to the phytase-supplemented broiler diets can result in
subjected to increasing steam conditioning temperatures during pellet-
improved nutrient utilization and growth performance.
ing (82, 88, 93oC). All studies used male Cobb 500 broilers obtained
from the same commercial hatchery. The experimental period was from Key Words: broiler, enzyme, citric acid
d 3–21 with 8 birds per pen and 8 replications per treatment. Study 1
established significant differences between the Positive Control (PC)
and Negative Control (NC) diets (P < 0.05). However, the exogenous 333 Intestinal histology and amino acid digestibility of broilers fed
enzyme cocktail did not show improved performance. Study 2 was increasing dietary phytic acid during a live coccidia vaccination. R.
designed to improve the opportunity for the exogenous enzyme cocktail N. Lehman*1, A. J. Cowieson2, C. L. Walk1, and A. P. McElroy1, 1Vir-
to demonstrate a benefit. This study utilized increased mixer-added ginia Tech, Blacksburg, 2AB Vista, Wiltshire, Marlborough, UK.
lipid addition in the diet formulation that may decrease frictional heat Day-old Cobb 700 male broilers were obtained from a commercial
production in the pellet die, and a decreased metabolizable energy dif- hatchery, weighed, and half were spray-vaccinated with a live coccidia
ference between the positive and negative control. Again, performance vaccine (Coccivac-B) before placement into one of 72 floor pens with
differences were observed between the PC and NC control diets (P < clean pine shavings (35 chicks/pen). Vaccinated and non-vaccinated
0.05), with no beneficial effect demonstrated for the exogenous enzyme birds were given one of 3 diets with different phytic acid (PA) levels
at any temperature (P > 0.05). In Study 3, diet formulations were similar (low = 0.20% phytate-P; medium = 0.28% phytate-P; high = 0.36%
to Study 2; however, temperatures were decreased (71, 77, 82oC) and phytate-P) for a total of 6 vaccination X diet treatments (12 replications/
an additional unconditioned mash (UCM) treatment was added. Sig- treatment). The non-vaccinated birds received no coccidiosis control. On
nificant differences were obtained between NC diets with and without d 21, ileal digesta was collected for amino acid (AA) digestibility and
exogenous enzyme cocktail in the UCM for live weight gain and feed duodenal, jejunal, and ileal tissue samples were collected for histological
conversion ratio (FCR) and at 82oC for FCR (P < 0.05). However, examination. In the duodenum, there was a significant diet by vaccina-
only numerical differences in performance were shown between the tion interaction (P < 0.05) on villus height (VH) with non-vaccinated
PC and NC diets. birds having a shorter VH than vaccinated birds on the low PA diet, but
Key Words: exogenous enzyme cocktail, enzyme efficacy, broiler a greater VH than the vaccinated birds when fed the medium and high
performance PA diets. The VH to crypt depth (CD) ratio (VCR) remained constant
for the non-vaccinated birds as dietary PA increased, whereas VCR
decreased (P < 0.05) in the vaccinated birds as PA increased. Vaccinated
332 Growth performance and nutrient utilization of broiler chick- birds and birds given the medium PA diet had deeper (P < 0.05) crypts
ens fed diets supplemented with phytase alone or in combination compared with all other treatments. In the jejunum, vaccinated birds
with citric acid and multi-carbohydrase enzyme. T. A. Woyengo*1, had deeper (P < 0.05) crypts and larger VCR. Vaccinated birds fed the
B. A. Slominski1, and R. O. Jones2, 1Department of Animal Science, low PA diet had larger VH than non-vaccinated birds, but a smaller VH
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 2Canadian Bio-Systems than non-vaccinated birds fed the medium and high PA diets. In the
Inc., Calgary, Canada. ileum, vaccination alone caused a larger (P < 0.05) VH, CD, and VCR.
Vaccination caused a decrease in total AA digestibility (P < 0.05), and
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of supplementing
the high PA diet resulted in the highest AA digestibility. These results
a corn-soybean meal-based diet with phytase alone or in combination
suggest that interactions between the level of dietary PA and coccidia
with citric acid (CA) or multi-carbohydrase, a preparation of non-starch
vaccination could alter intestinal morphology and subsequently have an
polysaccharide-degrading enzymes (MC) or both on growth performance
effect on AA digestibility in broilers. An improved AA digestibility seen
and nutrient utilization. A total of 360 one-day-old broiler chicks were
with the high PA diet may be due to exceeding a critical PA:protein ratio
assigned to 6 dietary treatments, each consisting of 12 pens of 5 birds
that may cause protein insolubility at intermediate levels.
each, and were fed experimental diets from 1 to 21 d of age. The diets
included a positive control (PC) (0.46% non-phytate P; 1.1% Ca), a nega- Key Words: phytate, vaccination, histology
tive control (NC) (0.26% non-phytate P; 0.89% Ca), and NC without or
with phytase (600 U/kg) alone, phytase plus CA (5 g/kg), phytase plus
MC (Superzyme OM; 0.6 g/kg), or phytase plus CA and MC. Birds fed 334 Effects of NSP-enzymes on in vitro digestibility and intestinal
the PC diet had higher (P < 0.05) BWG (764 vs. 594 g/21 d) and tibia ash microbiota activity in broilers fed two different wheat cultivars. B.
content (50 vs. 38%) than those fed the NC diet. Phytase improved (P Bouza, C. Clavaud, P. A. Geraert, and E. Devillard*, ADISSEO SAS,
= 0.03) BWG (632 g/21 d), which increased further (P = 0.018) to 673 03600 Commentry, France.
g/21 d for the phytase plus MC diet. In contrast to phytase alone, phytase
278 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) enzymes or carbohydrolases are com- was greater in challenged vs. unchallenged birds. Results indicate that
monly used in poultry diets to improve feed digestibility. These enzymes phytase was ineffective in improving the performance or P utilization
modify substrates reaching the different parts of the gastrointestinal tract of birds vaccinated and/or subjected to a coccidiosis infection.
and thus could have similar effects to that of prebiotics on intestinal
Key Words: Broiler, Eimeria spp., phytase
microflora. The aims of the present study were to determine in vitro the
effects of carbohydrolase complex (Rovabio Excel) on the digestibility
of 2 wheat cultivars, Caphorn (Ca) and Isengrain (Is) differing by their 336 Dietary supplementation of Peniophora lycii phytase improves
NSP composition, and on the consequences on broiler intestinal micro- mineral bioavailability in broiler chickens. A. Kollanoor Johny*1,
biota activities. A first in vitro incubation step was carried out to mimic K. Syam-Mohan1, T. V. Viswanathan1, and A. Jalaludeen2, 1Department
digestion in the upper digestive tract with pepsin/HCl and pancreatin of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Kerala
incubations with supplementation or not with carbohydrolases (Rovabio Agricultural University, Mannuthy, Kerala, India, 2Centre for Advanced
Excel AP at 0.5 mg/g substrate). In vitro digestibilities of energy (dE) of Studies in Poultry Science, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
the 2 cultivars were different, with Ca being less digestible than Is (−3%, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy, Kerala, India.
P < 0.009). The effects of Rovabio depended on wheat cultivars, with
an improvement of dE of 6.4% (P = 0.005) and 2.1% (P = 0.081) for Ca An investigation was carried out to study the effect of dietary Penio-
and Is, respectively. The resulting materials were used in an anaerobic phora lycii phytase on the growth and mineral bioavailability in broiler
incubation with ileal contents from broilers. More gas (+38 mL, P = chickens. Day-old, straight run commercial broiler chicks (n = 96)
0.0004) and more short chain fatty acids (SCFA) (+164 mM, P = 0.025) were randomly divided into 8 identical groups containing 12 birds
were produced with Ca than Is in relation with dE of the wheat cultivars each, reared under deep litter system for 8 weeks. The groups were
(Is > Ca). When carbohydrolases had been used in the first incubation randomly allotted to 2, maize-soy based diets: control and experimental,
step, there was a decrease in gas and SCFA productions. These effects with 4 replicates per treatment. Birds in the control group received a
were more important for Ca than for Is. Finally, the enzymes effects were standard broiler ration (SBR) whereas, the treatment group received
also observed on SCFA profile, with more butyrate and less propionate SBR supplemented with phytase at 750 U/kg diet. Feed and water were
produced from enzyme-treated substrates than from untreated substrates. supplied ad libitum. Body weight and feed intake were recorded, and
In conclusion, this study showed a positive effect of NSP-enzymes on feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were
the in vitro digestibility of energy of both wheat cultivars, which leads calculated. Two birds from each replicate were sacrificed at sixth and
to changes in intestinal microbiota characteristics. There were also dif- eighth week and, liver, spleen, tibia and blood samples were collected
ferences between cultivars, in term of effects of NSP-enzymes, probably for analyses. At the end of 8 weeks, a 3-d metabolism trial was carried
linked to NSP composition of the two substrates. out using 2 birds selected randomly from each replicate, and housed in
individual metabolism cages with facilities for feeding, watering and
Key Words: NSP-enzymes, wheat digestibility, ileal fermentation collection of droppings. Body weight, dry matter (DM) intake, FCR
and PER did not differ significantly between the groups (P > 0.05).
Also, DM and nitrogen retention between the groups were not different.
335 Assessment of phytase in broilers undergoing a coccidiosis
However, the availability of calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium
challenge. A. L. Shaw*, J. P. Blake, and K. S. Macklin, Auburn
(Mg), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) was significantly improved (P < 0.05)
University, Auburn, AL.
with phytase supplementation and were 39, 55, 54, 24, and 65% more,
An experiment was conducted to assess the effects of a phytase enzyme respectively compared with the control. The concentration of Fe in the
on broilers undergoing a coccidiosis challenge through 21 d of age. liver was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the phytase-treated groups
Twenty one days before the experiment, 120 chicks were placed in 24 of at sixth and eighth week of trial, whereas its concentration in the spleen
48 floor pens to produce a coccidia challenge. At 10 d of age they were did not differ between groups. Tibial weight and tibial ash content at
orally dosed with a cocktail containing 100,000 and 5,000 sporulated sixth week were significantly higher (P < 0.05) for the phytase-treated
E. acervulina and E. tenella oocysts, respectively, for litter seeding. groups. However, serum concentrations of Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn
Straight run broiler chicks (1008) were placed across 48 floor pens did not differ between the groups. Results of the study indicate that
(21 birds/pen, 6 reps/trt) on either fresh or seeded litter. All birds were Peniophora lycii phytase could potentially improve the bioavailability
fed a corn-soybean meal diet (22% CP, 3087 kcal/kg) adequate in all of minerals in broiler chicken.
nutrients but Ca and available phosphorus (aP). Treatments were created
Key Words: Peniophora lycii phytase, mineral bioavailability, broiler
using a combination of 2 Ca-aP levels (0.9% Ca, 0.45% aP vs. 0.7%
Ca, 0.25% aP and 500 FTU Optiphos), 2 coccidia challenges (unchal-
lenged vs. challenged), and 2 vaccination strategies (unvaccinated vs.
vaccinated with CoccivacB prior to placement). On d 10, 18, and 21 337 Mineral excretion and bone mineral content as affected by
bodyweight (BW) and feed consumption (FC) were recorded for each phytase and feed additives in broilers. M. R. Dalmagro*1, E. O.
pen. Five birds/trt were sacrificed and intestinal samples were obtained Oviedo-Rondón1, A. Mitchell2, A. B. Leytem3, N. A. Barbosa4, N.
for visual and microscopic lesion scoring on d 10 and 18. At 21 d 18 K. Sakomura4, J. W. Wilson5, and C. Paulus5, 1North Carolina State
birds/trt were selected for removal of left tibia to assess bone strength. University, Raleigh, 2USDA-ARS, BARC, Beltsville, MD, 3USDA-ARS,
BW and FC were unaffected (P>0.05) by inclusion of phytase or vac- Kimberly, ID, 4Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, Jaboticabal,
cination strategy. From 0-10d birds exposed to the seeded litter had a SP, Brasil, 5DSM Nutritional Products Inc., Parsippany, NJ.
higher FCR (P<0.05). Upon conclusion of the experiment, birds exposed
to coccidia had lower BW and FC, as well as a higher feed conversion One broiler study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feed additives
(P<0.05) in comparison to those not challenged. Regardless of treat- (FA) in diets containing phytase on mineral excretion and bone mineral
ment, bone breaking force as well as visual and microscopic scoring content (BMC) for broilers up to 43 d of age. Corn-soybean diets with
of the duodenum and ceca showed no differences (P>0.05). Although 5% inclusion of DDGS were used as basal diets. All diets contained
there were no statistical differences in cocci scoring, incidence of cocci ionophore Coban. The treatments evaluated consist of a control with-
out phytase (C), and 7 treatments that contained phytase Ronozyme P
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 279
formulated to release 0.1% of phytate phosphorus (P) to have an equal 339 The effects of the addition of phytase and an enzyme cocktail
amount of available P compared with C. These 7 treatments included to high and low nutrient density diets with DDGS or MBM in laying
diets without any other FA (PC), GP antibiotic (BMD), 3 probiotics: hens during phase II. D. Hahn*1, S. Scheideler1, E. E. M. Pierson2,
BC30 (B. coagulans), B2B (B. licheniformis, B. subtilis), and Calsporin and C. L. Novak3, 1University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, 2Danisco
(B. subtilis), and 2 EO: Crina POULTRY Plus (CPP) at 300 ppm and Animal Nutrition, St. Louis, MO, 3Land O’ Lakes Purina Feed, LLC,
Crina PoultryAF (CPF) at 100 ppm. Day-old Ross 708 broilers were Kansas City, MO, and Lincoln, NE.
randomly assigned to 96 floor pens with previously used litter. Ten males
The objective was to test the addition of Avizyme 1502, a blend of
and 10 females were placed in each pen. Fresh excreta were collected
protease, amylase and xylanase (Danisco, UK Ltd.) in laying hen diets
at 40 d and one male per pen was sacrificed at 44 d of age to collect
containing dried distillers grains (DDGS) or meat and bone meal (MBM)
bones. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized block design
during phase II of egg production. All diets contained phytase (300
with 12 replicates per treatment. The highest excretion of P (Pex) and
FTU minimum; Phyzyme XP 5000 G Feed Enzyme). Three hundred
water extractable P (WEP) was observed in C chickens. Excreta from
eighty-four Hy-Line W-36 laying hens were used in this study, from
C chickens had the highest moisture, but the lowest K and Mg. These
35 to 52 weeks of age. There were 12 replicate pens with 4 hens per
chickens also had the lowest tibia and femur BMC. The Pex was reduced
pen. The experiment consisted of 8 dietary treatments arranged in a 2
by addition of phytase in all diets. GP and the EO did not cause further
× 2 × 2 factorial design: diets (DDGS or MBM), metabolizable energy
reductions on Pex, but all probiotics reduced Pex. WEP was reduced by
(ME) levels (2880 Kcal/kg or 2800 Kcal/kg), and 2 enzyme levels (0 or
PC, GP and CPP. Excreta of chickens fed diets containing only phytase
0.0375% Avizyme) to provide protease at 8000U/g, amylase at 800U/g
had the highest concentration of Ca, Mn, and Mg. Calcium excretion
and xylanase at 600 U/g of product. All diets contained Phyzyme at 60
was reduced by probiotics and EO. The highest tibia and femur BMC
g MT (~300 FTU) and were formulated to contain 0.30% avP and a Ca
was observed in B2B chickens. The excreta of these B2B chickens had
adjustment as recommended by Phycheck software tool (10% decrease).
the highest concentration of K and the lowest concentrations of Na,
Response variables measured included: daily egg prod, biweekly egg
Zn, and Mn. Concentrations of Cu in the excreta were not affected by
wt, weekly feed intake; body wt, Haugh unit, yolk wt, albumen wt,
treatments. It was concluded that FA may affect mineral metabolism
shell wt, shell strength and specific gravity were taken monthly. There
in chickens fed diets with phytase. Probiotics seem to have a positive
was a significant effect for feed intake between high and low ME diets
effect on P retention and bone mineral deposition.
(P = 0.0349), with diet 3 (2880 Kcal/kg, MBM, Phyzyme) having
Key Words: probiotics, essential oils, growth promotants significantly lower intake when compared with the other 7 treatments.
However, there were no differences noted between treatments for hen
weight, egg production and egg quality parameters (P > 0.05). Thus,
338 Use of the precision-fed rooster assay and a chick AME trial reducing ME, P and Ca with the addition of enzymes had no negative
to determine the best method for enzyme efficacy. J. Brandon* and effect on egg production and quality. Given Nov 2009 commodity prices,
A. B. Batal, The University of Georgia, Athens. there was a cost savings shown in regards to high (2880 Kcal/g) vs low
The beneficial effects of exogenous enzyme addition to poultry diets (2800 Kcal/g) energy diets when MBM was in the diet. There was a
have been well documented. However, the results have been variable cost savings with the addition of Avizyme.
depending on the in vivo method used. The most common methods
employed to assess the bioefficacy of exogenous enzymes in vivo are Table 1. Kg feed cost/Doz. eggs produced
performance trials and metabolism studies, such as the precision-fed
rooster assay. There has been criticism of the use of the precision-fed
ME -Avzym +Avzym -Avzym +Avzym
rooster assay. Thus, the objective of these studies was to compare the
precision-fed rooster assay with the chick AME trial to determine which 2880 $0.253 $0.227 $0.322 $0.240
method best measures enzyme efficacy. In 2 studies 6 different enzymes 2800 $0.251 $0.238 $0.269 $0.261
mixed in a complete diet (as well as a control diet with no enzyme, for Key Words: metabolizable energy, Avizyme1502, laying hens
a total of 7 treatments per study) were evaluated using the precision-
fed rooster TME assay alongside a more conventional chick AME
trial. The rooster assays were traditional precision-fed rooster assays 340 Justifying phytogenic feed additive matrix values in conjunc-
in which 8 birds per diet were fasted for 24 h then crop intubated with tion with exogenous feed enzymes. L. K. Shires*, S. A. Loop, C.
35 g of the test diet and excreta was then collected for 48 h. However, K. Gehring, K. R. Beaman, and J. S. Moritz, West Virginia University,
to keep consistent with the chick AME trial, the roosters were ‘primed’ Morgantown.
on the experimental diets. They were allowed ad libitum access to the Phytogenic feed additives (PFA) are purported to possess antimicrobial
experimental diets for 5 d before the fasting and crop intubation. The properties as well as nutrient sparing characteristics that may aid in
chick AME trials used 728 d old Cobb 500 by-product male chicks (7 alleviating high diet costs; however, in order for PFAs to assist nutri-
replications per treatment, 8 chicks per replication) that were fed the tionists in decreasing diet cost, matrix values must be determined and
same experimental diets for 5 d and excreta was collected at 18 d of age implemented in feed formulation. On d4, 1,344 male Cobb 500 broilers
for the determination of AME. Regardless of the method used, in both were weighed and randomly allotted to 1 of 64 floor pens. Floor pens
studies no significant increase was observed due to exogenous enzyme were located in 2 separate rooms, composed of one block each. Study
supplementation on the TME values determined from the precision-fed 1 evaluated proposed matrix values for a commercially available PFA
rooster assays or the AME values determined from the chick digest- and assessed nutrient sparing when the product was combined with
ibility trials. The determined TME values were significantly higher commercial phytase, carbohydrase and protease. The most remarkable
than the AME values. However, no correlation was observed between proposed matrix values were 14.6 kcal/lb for metabolizable energy and
the determined ME values for the control or enzyme diets between the 0.07% for Ca and AP. The objective of Study 2 was to determine true
rooster and the chick assay, suggesting the assay used could affect the amino acid digestibility (TAAD) and nitrogen corrected true metabo-
measured efficacy of the enzymes. lizable energy (TMEn) using 32 cecectomized SCWL roosters. Dietary
Key Words: enzymes, TME, AME
280 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
treatments for both studies included a basal, basal with phytogenic when supplemented in corn/soybean meal diets low in available phos-
product matrix value, basal with phytogenic product matrix value and phorus. The objective was to determine if NSPase inclusion enhances
phytogenic product, and similar treatments evaluating the phytogenic phytase activity in relation to growth parameters and bone ash in broilers
product matrix with exogenous enzyme products. Decreasing the basal reared in batteries through 14 d of age. Four diets with selected available
diet by the proposed phytogenic matrix values decreased broiler live phosphorus levels of 0.15%, 0.20%, 0.25%, and 0.30% were included
weight gain and increased feed conversion ratio (P ≤ 0.05). However, in the experimental design to develop a dose response curve to calcu-
when the same diet included the phytogenic feed additive, live weight late phosphorus release from experimental treatments. An additional 6
gain and feed conversion ratio were restored to that of the basal diet (P > treatments were evaluated that included 3 levels of phytase (150, 200,
0.05). The proposed matrix values of the specific PFA tested were justi- and 250 FTU/kg) with and without NSPase inclusion in a diet contain-
fied; however, the PFA was not additive or synergistic with exogenous ing 0.15% available phosphorus. Evaluated parameters included body
enzymes. Nitrogen corrected true metabolizable energy and TAAD data weight, feed conversion ratio, mortality and bone ash percentage. Body
did not differ when the diets varied based on the PFA per se (P > 0.05). weight and bone ash percentage were positively influence with increases
However, when the PFA was incorporated using proposed matrix values in available phosphorus levels. Phytase inclusion positively influenced
and used in conjunction with exogenous enzyme matrix values, several growth performance and bone ash percentage. Broilers fed the 200 and
tested TAAD values were decreased (P ≤ 0.05). Decreased nutrient 250 FTU/kg phytase inclusion levels outperformed the broilers fed the
digestibility may involve reductions in gut microflora due to the PFA 150 FTU/kg inclusion level. Addition of NSPase with 150 FTU/kg
as well as simultaneous reduction in substrate concentrations. phytase resulted in increased broiler body weight as compared with the
150 FTU/kg phytase diet alone. Using regression equations determined
Key Words: phytogenic feed additives, matrix values, true amino acid
from dose response treatments for body weight, bone ash (mg), and bone
ash percentage, NSPase inclusion increased phosphorus release at the
150 FTU/kg level from 0.06% to 0.09%. These data indicate that NSPase
341 The effect of phytase and energy enzyme inclusion on growth inclusion may increase phytase effectiveness when co-administered
and bone ash in low phosphorus diets. J. R. Coppedge*1, J. Klein1, during early stages of growth.
K. Jessen1, A. Jordan1, B. Brown2, F. Ruch2, and J. T. Lee1, 1Texas A&M Key Words: bone ash, phytase, broiler
University, College Station, 2Enzyvia LLC, Sheridan, IN.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of varying levels
of phytase with and without NSPase inclusion on broiler performance
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 281
Nonruminant Nutrition: Health 1
342 Transforming coccidiosis mediated lesion score effects into elevate (P = 0.08) Cu/Zn-SOD activity while LPO (lipid peroxidation)
estimates of performance and calorific costs in the form of ADG, was markedly decreased (P < 0.05). For the infected group, tibia Zn
FCR, malabsorption and effective caloric value throughout the retention, bone breaking strength of chicks fed Mintrex-Zn at 40 mg/
broiler growth curve to 48 days of age. R. G. Teeter*1, A. Beker1, kg were highest among the treatments (P < 0.001) and reached the pla-
C. Brown1, C. Broussard2, F. Fitz-Coy2, J. Radu2, and L. Newman2, teau thereafter. The maximum Cu/Zn-SOD and GSH-Px activities and
1Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 2Schering-Plough Animal
decreased LPO were also observed in the chicks fed diet supplemented
Health, Summit, NJ. with Mintrex-Zn vs inorganic corresponding. It can be concluded that
Mintrex-Zn enhanced tibia Zn deposition and could be considered to
Methodologies enabling the conversion of intestinal lesion score into
be more protective than zinc sulfate in terms of reducing the negative
calorific cost estimates have been developed. Coccidiosis, the major
effect of oxidative stress induced by coccidiosis infection.
disease challenge for broilers, reduces ADG and elevates FCR. Birds
normally develop immunity during the production cycle, but uncertain Key Words: organic zinc, antioxidant enzymes, broilers
timing can lead to intestinal lesion scores ranging throughout the growth
curve. Vaccination at hatch speeds immunity development, reduces
lesion score severity and shifts lesion scores to the early weeks. To 344 Effects of type and level of dietary fiber on digestive traits
examine the caloric cost of immunity development 2 groups of birds and nutrients digestibility in broilers. E. Jiménez-Moreno*1, J.
were reared in cocci free environments with one vaccinated at hatch M. González-Alvarado2, S. Chamorro3, C. Romero1, R. Lázaro1, and
(Coccivac-B) and the other maintained as naive to cocci. Birds were G. G. Mateos1, 1Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain,
2Universidad de Tlaxcala, México, 3Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
selected from the 2 backgrounds at 5 weekly intervals for metabolic
chamber placement. The 5 challenge periods consisted of an oral dose Científicas, Madrid, Spain.
of sterile saline or a mixture of 3 Eimeria species as oocysts. Metabolic The effects of inclusion of oat hulls (OH) and sugar beet pulp (SBP) in
costs of cocci challenge included appetite suppression, maintenance the diet on total tract apparent of retention (TTAR) of nutrients were
energy cost, malabsorption as excreta calorie elevation and reduced studied in broilers from 1 to 21 d of age. A control diet based on cooked
performance. Though immunity development occurring early in the pro- rice that contained 3,260 kcal AMEn/kg and 1.6% crude fiber (CF) was
duction cycle, had energy costs, birds with late growth curve immunity diluted with 0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5% of either OH or SBP. Each treatment
development exhibited significantly higher costs in all categories. In this was replicated 6 times (a cage with 12 chicks). Digestive traits and
study coccidiosis mediated lesion scores 6 d post oocysts challenge at nutrient retention were recorded at 7, 14, and 21 d of age, and jejunal
14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 d, exhibited highly significant deleterious impact histology at 14 d of age. Broilers fed additional fiber had heavier gizzards
with marked elevation late in the growth curve (35, 42 d). Lesion score with higher digesta contents and lower pH than those fed the control
1 and 2 reduced the dietary effective caloric value from an initial 3,200 diet (P ≤ 0.001). As the level of fiber increased the relative weight of
kcal/kg ration by 125 and 596 kcal for 800 g broilers and by 625 and the gizzard increased linearly (P ≤ 0.001) and gizzard pH was reduced
2,277 kcal/kg for 3000g birds, respectively. Calorimetry data substanti- (P ≤ 0.05). Broilers fed OH had heavier gizzards (P ≤ 0.001) with less
ated the lesion consequence with increased maintenance energy need, digesta content (P ≤ 0.001) and higher pH (P ≤ 0.01) than those fed
heat production and malabsorption. Timing of immunity development is SBP. Villus height was reduced (P ≤ 0.05) and crypt depth tended to be
critical to performance as late growth curve cocci challenges markedly shorter as the level of fiber increased. Also, the inclusion of SBP but not
exacerbated energy costs for birds lacking immunity. OH, reduced villus height: crypt depth ratio linearly (P ≤ 0.05). Fiber
Key Words: coccidiosis, immune response, energy inclusion affected TTAR of nutrients in different manners depending on
nutrient, type, and level of fiber considered. In general, the inclusion of
2.5% fiber improved nutrient digestibility with the effects being more
343 Mintrex-Zn improves tibia Zn deposition and antioxidant pronounced with OH (P ≤ 0.001 for DM, N, and AMEn). However,
status of broilers under stress with coccidiosis challenge. S. D. Bun* the inclusion of 7.5% fiber reduced nutrient digestibility (P ≤ 0.001),
and Y. M. Guo, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. especially when OH was used. We conclude that the inclusion of up to
7.5% OH or SBP increases the weight the gizzard and reduces its pH.
An experiment was conducted to investigate the beneficial effects of
The inclusion of 2.5% fiber improves TTAR of nutrients. However,
the organic zinc (Mintrex-Zn) vs inorganic zinc for broilers chicks
a further increase to 7.5% has negative effects. Young chicks have a
reared under stress with coccidiosis challenge. Tibia Zn, bone breaking
minimal requirement of at least 2.3% CF in the diet.
strength, and oxidative enzymes were examined during study. A total of
480 one day-old male chicks were randomly placed into 80 cages of 6 Key Words: fiber sources, nutrient digestibility, broiler
chicks each. A corn-soybean meal diet containing Zn 29.64 mg/kg was
used as a basal diet for the negative control group, supplemented with
Zn at 20, 40 and 60 organic Zn per kg of diet, respectively. Treatment 345 The effects of 1.2 ppm T-2 Toxin on performance, lesions, and
2 is the positive control supplemented with reagent-grade zinc sulfate general health of male broilers and the efficiency of an organoa-
at 40 mg/kg while Mintrex-Zn (a methionine hydroxyl analog chelate) luminosilicate (mycotoxin binder). J. C. Medina1, J. A. Fierro*1,
was used as an organic source for the treatment 3, 4 and 5. Half of the J. Lara1, V. Brito2, and M. Forat2, 1NUTEK S.A de C.V., Tehuacan,
chicks in each treatment were inoculated by gavage with 1.5 × 104 E. Puebla, Mexico, 2EURO-NUTEK Premix S.A. de C.V., El Marques,
tenella sporulated oocysts at 21 d of age. For the non-infected group, the Queretaro, Mexico.
tibia Zn deposition and bone breaking strength of chicks fed Mintrex-Zn Mycotoxin presence has become a major problem in the Mexican
was higher (P < 0.05) than those fed inorganic Zn at the same levels livestock industry; thus producers trend is towards the use of binders to
(40 mg/kg). Similar tendency, supplementation of Mintrex-Zn resulted alleviate its effects. T-2 toxin is a mycotoxin that affects broilers health
in significant increase in GSH-Px activity (P < 0.001), and tended to and performance (CAST, 2003). A trial was performed to evaluate the
282 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
toxic effect of a contamination (1.2 ppm) of T-2 and the efficiency of litter and water. An additive x location and an additive × sampling day
a commercial organoaluminosilicate. Ninety Ross 308 male broilers interaction was observed for the presence of Salmonella (P < 0.05).
were randomly allocated in five groups: group 1 (negative control
Key Words: antibiotic alternatives, organic broilers, Salmonella
group), group 2 positive control (1.2 ppm T-2 toxin), group 3 (1.2 ppm
T-2 toxin + 1.5 kg/ton organoaluminosilicate binder), group 4 (1.2 ppm
T-2 toxin + 3.0 kg/ton organoaluminosilicate binder), and group 5 (3.0 347 Cecal microbial populations of young chicks fed several
kg/ton organoaluminosilicate binder). 18 replicates with one bird each. prebiotic-type compounds as determined by DGGE and quantitative
The birds were fed their respective diets from 10 days of age, up to 39 PCR. C. M. Jacobs*, P. L. Utterback, and C. M. Parsons, University
days, date in which they were sacrificed. We recorded the individual of Illinois, Urbana.
weight of the birds at the beginning and end of the experiment. At day
39 consumption and weight gain, feed conversion and mortality were The objective of the current studies were to investigate the prebiotic
calculated. Mean weights were: Group 1: 2307.7 g (a), Group 2: 2031.9 effects of supplementing Grobiotic (GB) and Dairylac-80 (International
g (b), Group 3: 2254.3 g(a), Group 4: 2234.1 g (a), Group 5: 2246.3 g Ingredient Corporation, St. Louis, MO), Temulose (Temple Inland,
(a). Lesions of the oral cavity were scored. The results shown statisti- Diboll, TX), lactose, and Alternan (USDA, Peoria, IL) on cecal micro-
cal significantly differences in weight gain, and numerical differences bial populations in young chicks fed corn-SBM diets using DNA–based
in feed intake, feed conversion and mortality. The effects of the T-2 qualitative (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis; DGGE) and quanti-
toxin in the broilers were practically eliminated by the incorporation of tative (qPCR) techniques. In Experiment 1, 5% GB, 0.5% Temulose, and
any of both doses of the organoaluminosilicate in the diet. The weight combinations thereof were fed for 3 or 7 d post–hatch. In Experiment
difference between the control group and the intoxicated group is of 2, 5% GB, 1% lactose from Dairylac-80 or pure lactose were fed for 3,
11.2%. The weight of the challenge group (organoaluminosilicate + 7, or 21 d post–hatch. In Experiment 3, 1 or 2% Alternan was fed for 3,
T-2 toxin) represents a weight recovery of 83%. We observed that T-2 7, or 21 d post–hatch. In Experiment 1, bacterial enumeration by qPCR
toxin is of dermal toxicity and that the oral lesions reduce feed intake. did not detect any positive significant differences in bifidobacteria, lac-
The organoaluminosilicate in the diet of the animals that were given tobacilli, or E. coli populations when GB, Temulose, or combinations
T-2 toxin, reduced the negative effects caused by the aforementioned thereof were included in the diet for 3 or 7 d, but DGGE dendrograms
mycotoxin. and unrooted trees showed that replicates were clustered together by
diet. In Experiment 2, at 3 and 7 d of age, there was an increase (P <
Key Words: organoaluminosilicate, T-2 Toxin, mycotoxin binder 0.10) in bifidobacteria for all GB, Dairylac–80, and lactose treatments
when compared with the basal diet treatments. At 21 d, 1% lactose
decreased E. coli populations at every collection period. The DGGE
346 Strategies to reduce preharvest Salmonella in organic broil-
indicated that replicates were clustered more by diet than age. In Experi-
ers. K. G. S. Lilly*, K. R. Beaman, B. N. West, L. K. Shires, S. A.
ment 3, the addition of Alternan had no positive effects on any selected
Loop, P. J. Turk, G. K. Bissonnette, and J. S. Moritz, West Virginia
microbial populations across all age periods. Replicates were clustered
University, Morgantown.
both by diet and age. When considering the effect of age for a single
Antibiotics are popularly used to combat bacteria, such as Salmonella. dietary treatment, there was a linear decrease (P < 0.05) for all selected
However, due to the concern of antibiotic resistant bacteria, organic microbial populations with increased age. Our results indicate that cecal
poultry products have gained consumer interest. Outdoor rearing require- microbial populations of young chicks can be affected by the addition
ments for organic poultry could increase exposure to bacteria, including of prebiotic–type compounds to the diet, but the changes in microbial
Salmonella. The objective of this USDA NIFSI funded project was to populations as the birds age is not as clear.
assess the effects of prebiotics and probiotics (Study 1) and acidifying
Key Words: chick, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, polymerase
water treatments (Study 2) on organic broiler performance and the pres-
chain reaction
ence of Salmonella. Study 1: A prebiotic (MAN), 2 probiotics (PRO1
and PRO2) and a control treatment (CON) were implemented. Study 2:
Raw apple cider vinegar (RACV), organic acid blend (OA), hydrogen 348 Turkey response to the inclusion of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae
peroxide (H2O2) and a control treatment (CON) were incorporated into fermentation product, Original XPC, in antibiotic free diets follow-
watering systems. For both studies, 300 1-d-old Cobb 500 male chicks ing a coccidia vaccination. D. M. Paiva*1, C. L. Walk1, R. Lehman1,
were randomly assigned to treatment and pen. On d-21 birds were J. R. Sottosanti1, C. F. Honaker1, D. T. Moore2, and A. P. McElroy1,
weighed and designated to one of 13 weight classes for each treatment 1Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 2Dia-
and allocated 13 per pen within each of the 5 housing locations which mond V Mills, Inc., Cedar Rapids, IA.
included pasture access at the West Virginia University Certified Organic
farm. Data collection occurred from d-21–49. For Study 1, PRO1 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation products are among feed addi-
MAN demonstrated the highest d-21 bird weight (BW), followed by tives with potential to support intestinal integrity and immune defense
CON and then PRO2 (P < 0.05). Study 1 treatments did not affect feed to improve intestinal health of commercial poultry. The objective of
intake, live weight gain, feed conversion or ending BW (P > 0.05). For this study was to evaluate the effect of XPC (a commercially available
Study 2, on d-21, OA were the largest, followed by CON, H2O2 and fermentation product) supplementation on turkey performance to 63d
RACV (P < 0.05). OA consumed more feed than H2O2 and RACV during a mild intestinal challenge from a commercial live coccidia vac-
birds, but the same amount as CON. Water intake was consistent for cine. Day old female, Hybrid Converter turkeys were obtained from a
OA, CON and RACV, while H2O2 consumed the least (P < 0.05). On commercial hatchery, weighed and randomized (22poults/pen) into 8
d-49, OA had higher BW than H2O2 and RACV, but the same as CON treatment groups. The experiment was a 4 × 2 factorial design with 4
(P < 0.05). RACV and CON d-49 BW were the same and H2O2 had dietary treatments and 2 coccidia vaccination treatments (vaccinated
the lowest ending BW (P < 0.05). For both studies, on d-29 and d-50, and non-vaccinated). Vaccinated and non-vaccinated birds were given
samples were taken to determine the presence of Salmonella in feed, one of the 4 diets with different inclusion levels of XPC (no XPC =
negative control; 0.0625% = 0.5X, 0.125% = 1X; 0.250 = 2X), and each
dietary treatment was replicated by 18 pens (9 vaccinated and 9 non-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 283
vaccinated). Body weight (BW) and feed intake were measured on d 0, production of specific protein isoforms. The complexity and diversity
28, 42 and 63 and cumulatively (d0–63), and mortality was recorded of gel-forming mucin isoforms within the gastrointestinal tract are
daily. Adjusted feed conversion was calculated for each of these peri- largely regulated by its primary encoding gene, Mucin 2 (Muc2). We
ods, corresponding to diet changes, and cumulatively. Birds fed with hypothesized that the protein diversity was generated by alternative
XPC had heavier (P < 0.001) BW than control fed birds at d28 and 42 splicing events, particularly within different regions of the intestine.
and increased BW gain during pre-starter (d0–28) and starter (d28–42) Therefore, we isolated total RNA from 4 regions of the chicken intestinal
feeding periods. Vaccinated birds were significantly heavier (P < 0.004) mucosa (duodenum, jejunum, ileum and cecal tonsil; n = 4/each tissue)
than non-vaccinated at d63 and had increased BW gain compared non- and performed RT-PCR across different domains of the Muc2 gene on
vaccinated birds during d42–63 (P < 0.006) and d0–63 (P < 0.004). DNase treated RNA. A hypothetical chicken Muc2 cDNA (XM_421035)
Feed consumption was higher (P < 0.05) for birds fed diets containing localized the gene to Chr 5. Cross species comparisons indicated that the
XPC at 0.5X and 1X during d0–28. Feed conversion was only different chicken gene shows 50 to 67% homology to zebrafish, cattle, mouse,
during the d0 to 28 period with 2X inclusion of XPC resulting in the chimpanzee and human. Based on this sequence, we designed 13 sets
most efficient conversion. These results suggest that XPC was able to of primers to clone the chicken Muc2 gene. These amplicons spanned
promote intestinal health and maintain turkey performance during mild bases 25–7961 of the 7968 bp predicted cDNA. Sequence data from
challenge to the intestine from a live coccidia vaccine. these clones indicated a match with the predicted Muc2 cDNA. PCR
analysis demonstrated that all 13 amplicons were detected across the 4
Key Words: fermentation product, coccidia vaccination, turkey
intestinal tissues. Interestingly, primers that span exons 5 to 9 detected
variably sized products. Ileal and cecal tonsil samples produced slightly
349 Effect of diet on equine gut microbiota. K. Daly*1, C. J. smaller cDNA amplicons than duodenal and jejunal tissues. Further
Proudman1, H. J. Flint2, and S. P. Shirazi-Beechey1, 1University of sequencing and correlation with Muc2 protein would help understand
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 2Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, the role of these tissue-specific alternatively spliced products.
Aberdeen, UK. Key Words: chicken, intestine, mucin
The horse has evolved as a highly adapted hindgut fermenter, with a
voluminous large intestine (LI) containing specialized microbial popula-
351 Differences in carbohydrate composition of barley variet-
tions. Dietary plant fiber is fermented by intestinal microbiota to short
ies influence Salmonella transmission among pen mate weaned
chain fatty acids (SCFA) notably acetate, propionate and butyrate. SCFA,
piglets. J. Bindelle1, R. Pieper2, J. K. Marshall3, G. Malik*3, B. R.
once absorbed, not only provide a significant proportion of horse’s
Rossnagel3, P. Leterme4, and A. G. Van Kessel3, 1University of Liege,
energy requirements, but are also important in regulating physiologi-
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech,, Liege, Wallonia, Belgium, 2Freie Universitat,
cal processes essential for the maintenance of LI health. Today’s horse,
Berlin, Germany, 3University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada,
however, is fed diets supplemented with readily digestible hydrolysable 4Prairie Swine Centre Inc., Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
carbohydrates (hCHO), generally in the form of grain, to provide further
energy for the demands of work and performance. It is proposed that Indigestible carbohydrate (CHO) composition can vary markedly
when horses are introduced abruptly to diets containing high levels of between barley varieties. They induce changes in intestinal ecophysiol-
hCHO, a substantial proportion of starch reaches the LI. There it is fer- ogy and enhance growth of health-promoting bacteria. An experiment
mented to metabolites which can cause drastic alterations in intestinal was undertaken to assess whether these changes could influence Sal-
pH and composition of microbiota, disposing the horse to intestinal monella typhimurium (ST) infection in pigs and transmission between
dysfunction e.g., colic. Using 16S rRNA oligonucleotide hybridization penmates. A challenge study was undertaken using 84 recently weaned
technology, we previously characterized and identified the major bacte- piglets divided in 12 pens, and fed one of the 4 experimental diets (3
rial groups inhabiting the LI of horses maintained on pasture forage. pens/diet), according to the barley variety. Three hullless and one hulled
Aims: to determine changes in microbiota and fermentation products varieties were chosen according to their differing CHO composition
measured in large intestinal content of i) 12 horses fed grain based diets (amylose/amylopectin, β-glucan, and insoluble non-starch polysaccha-
and euthanized for conditions other than gastrointestinal disease and rides). After 14 d of adaptation, 2 pigs per pen (Trojan pigs, TrojP) were
ii) 12 horses suffering from simple colonic obstruction and distension orally infected (8.0 log cfu/animal) with a low virulent, nalidixic acid
(SCOD). Results: In response to grain feeding and in disease, compared and novobiocin resistant ST strain. The other animals were considered
with grass-fed horses, the relative abundance of saccharolytic, lactate as Contact pigs (ConP) to assess ST transmission. Over 5 d following
producing bacteria increased by up to 2-fold (P < 0.05), with a concomi- inoculation, pigs were monitored for detection of ST in the feces using
tant 2–4 fold (P < 0.01) decrease in the relative population abundance plate counts. On d 6, 2 TrojP and 2 ConP per group were killed and
of acid intolerant cellulytic bacteria. Furthermore, there were significant intestinal samples as well as organ samples (liver, spleen, and lymph
increases in the intestinal concentration of lactic acid (up to 8-fold [P < nodes) were analyzed for ST. The results showed that in TrojP, the cereal
0.01]). Changes in both microbial population and fermentation products variety had no influence on ST fecal shedding over time and gastro-
were exaggerated in horses suffering from SCOD. These alterations not intestinal tract (GIT) colonization. All pigs were positively tested for
only result in significant decline in SCFA, but also promote lactic acid ST. Translocation of ST to lymph nodes was observed frequently but not
and gas production, disposing the horse to intestinal dysfunction. to other organs. In ConP, compared with hulled barley, hulless barleys
reduced the number of animals shedding ST (P < 0.05 for d 2) and the
Key Words: horse, diet, gut microbiota
number of ST (cfu/g) in cecum on d 6 (P < 0.01). Although hulless
barleys did not protect against colonization when directly challenged
350 Spatial alternative splicing of Mucin 2 (Muc2) mRNA in at a high oral dose, these barleys may be useful to reduce natural ST
chicken intestine. Z. Jiang*, C. Troche, A. C. Lossie, and T. J. Apple- transmission among penmates.
gate, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. Key Words: barley, pigs, Salmonella
Mucins are a large class of diverse, complex proteins that respond
to their constantly changing intestinal environment by altering their
284 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
352 Histomorphology and small intestinal sodium-dependent 353 Effects of essential oils on Clostridium perfringens infections in
glucose transporter 1 gene expression in piglets fed phytic acid and broilers. T. Steiner*1, F. van Immerseel2, and R. Ducatelle2, 1BIOMIN
phytase-supplemented diets. T. A. Woyengo*1, J. C. Rodriguez- Holding GmbH, Herzogenburg, Austria, 2Department of Pathology, Bac-
Lecompte1, O. Adeola2, and C. M. Nyachoti1, 1University of Manitoba, teriology and Avian Diseases, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2Purdue University, West Lafayette,
Clostridium perfringens-induced necrotic enteritis (NE) has become a
major problem in broiler flocks. Application of essential oils in the drink-
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of dietary phytic ing water was evaluated as potential alternative to reduce the incidence
acid (PA) and phytase supplementation on small intestinal histomor- of NE. Mixed-sex Ross broilers were assigned to 3 dietary treatments
phology and sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1) gene (cages) with 30 birds per treatment: (1) Uninfected, untreated (Nega-
expression in piglets. Twenty-four piglets with an average initial BW of tive Control, NC), (2) Infected, untreated (Positive Control, PC), (3)
7.60 ± 0.73 kg (mean ± SD) were randomly assigned to 3 experimental PC + liquid phytogenic additive containing essential oils from oregano,
diets to give 8 piglets per diet. The diets were a casein-cornstarch-based anise, and citrus peel (Biomin P.E.P. sol) applied in the drinking water
diet that was supplemented with 0, 2% PA (as sodium phytate), or 2% (60 mL/1000 L) from day 15-25. Birds were fed diets based on wheat,
PA plus an Escherichia coli-derived phytase at 500 FTU/kg. The basal rye and soybean meal. From day 17 onwards, the diets contained 30%
diet was formulated to meet NRC (1998) energy, amino acids, minerals fishmeal as protein source. A Gumboro vaccine (Nobilis Gumboro D78,
and vitamins requirements for piglets. After 10 d of feeding, the piglets Intervet, Mechelen, Belgium) was applied in the drinking water at day
were killed for determining histomorphology and small intestinal SGLT1 16 in all treatments. Furthermore, Treatments 2 and 3 were challenged
gene expression. Phytic acid supplementation did not affect (P > 0.05) orally three times a day with 4 × 108 CFU of C. perfringens strain 56
villous height (VH) and VH to crypt depth (CD) ratio, but decreased (P at days 17, 18, 19 and 20. At day 18 all birds were orally inoculated
< 0.05) CD in the jejunum. Phytase supplementation did not affect (P > with a ten-fold dose of Paracox-5 (Schering-Plough Animal Health,
0.05) VH, CD and VH to CD ratio. Phytic acid supplementation reduced Brussels, Belgium). At days 22, 23 and 24, 10 animals of each group
SGLT1 gene expression in duodenum, jejunum and ileum by 1.1, 5.4 were euthanized and intestinal lesions in the duodenum, jejunum and
and 2.4 folds, respectively. Phytase supplementation increased SGLT1 ileum were evaluated using a lesion score (ranging from 0, no gross
gene expression in jejunum by 2.6 folds, but reduced the expression of lesions, to 6, severe necrosis typical of field cases). Lesion scores of 2
the same in the duodenum and ileum by 2.0 and 4.0 folds, respectively. or more were classified as NE-positive. The data were analyzed with
In conclusion, PA reduced the CD in the jejunum and the SGLT1 gene SPSS 16 software using the multivariate logistic regression method to
expression in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, whereas phytase compare the number of NE-positive animals in the test group with the
supplementation increased the expression of the SGLT1 in the jeju- number of NE-positive animals in the Positive Control group. Cage
num. The reduced SGLT1 gene expression by PA implies that the latter was the experimental unit. Birds in the NC had no intestinal lesions,
reduces nutrient utilization in pigs partly through reduced expression whereas the PC had the highest percentage (58.6%) of birds with lesions.
of the SGLT1 that is involved in glucose and sodium absorption. The In comparison with the PC, the percentage of birds with lesions was
increased expression of the SGLT1 in jejunum by phytase supplemen- reduced (P < 0.05) in Treatment 3 (27.6%). Lesions were found in the
tation implies that the latter alleviates the negative effects of PA partly duodenum and jejunum, but not in the ileum, of birds in Treatments 2
through increased expression of the SGLT1. and 3. In conclusion, application of essential oils in the drinking water
has potential to prevent, at least in part, the development of NE infec-
Key Words: phytic acid, phytase, piglets
tions in broilers.
Key Words: broilers, Clostridium perfringens, essential oils
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 285
Nonruminant Nutrition Symposium: Rethinking Equine Nutrition
354 Defining amino acid requirements in horses: Application of tract, with digestive compensation mediated by post-cecal absorption.
the indicator amino acid oxidation technique. K. L. Urschel*1, R. Earlier work demonstrated that protein metabolized by the equine cecum
J. Geor2, and P. A. Harris3, 1University of Kentucky, Lexington, 2Michi- yields amino acids, urea, and ammonia; however, the relative role of
gan State University, East Lansing, 3Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, these N products to total N absorption during large intestinal passage are
Melton Mowbray, UK. largely unknown. Genes known to transport cationic and neutral amino
acids across epithelial cells of other animal species are expressed in the
Relatively little is known about the indispensable amino acid (AA) equine large intestinal epithelium. These transporters may facilitate
requirements of horses and how they are affected by physiological the absorption of microbial and dietary-derived amino acids across the
status. In the 2007 Nutrient Requirements of Horses, only lysine require- epithelium of the large intestine. In conclusion, some evidence points
ments are given and these requirements were not measured, but were to the large intestine as a site for N and amino acid absorption. Unless
extrapolated from the crude protein requirements. Because horses have equids have a requirement for N, such evidence may mitigate the contra-
a requirement for each indispensable AA rather than crude protein itself, diction between the high estimates of maintenance protein requirement
it is important to know the individual AA requirements independent of and the purported absence of large intestinal indispensable amino acid
crude protein. Most equine research has used either average daily gain absorption in the solely forage-fed equid
or nitrogen retention to determine dietary AA adequacy; however, there
are methodological drawbacks for each method. The indicator amino Key Words: horse, intestine, amino acid
acid oxidation (IAAO) technique has been used extensively to determine
AA requirements in pigs and humans and shows promise for use in
horses. This method is based on the principle that indispensable AA are 356 Importance of volatile fatty acid metabolism for horses. J.
partitioned between protein synthesis and oxidation. The IAAO method K. Suagee*, B. A. Corl, and R. J. Geor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
measures the oxidation of an infused 13C-labeled AA (the ‘indicator’) and State University, Blacksburg.
in response to graded levels of intake of another AA (‘test’ AA). As test Horses evolved on sparse grasslands and have thus developed diges-
AA intake increases from deficient to adequate, more protein synthesis tive mechanisms for extracting energy from energy-poor feeds. The
can occur and less indicator is oxidized, until the requirement is met upper portion of the equine digestive system is capable of digesting
and indicator oxidation remains low and constant. The IAAO method non-structural carbohydrates, such as starches and disaccharides to
has 2 key advantages: 1) it is sensitive, reducing the number of subjects monosaccharides, while the cecum and large colon are sites for bacterial
required and 2) it requires only a short adaptation period to each level fermentation of structural carbohydrates. Thus, both diet-derived glucose
of AA intake and therefore each subject can be studied at each level of and fermentation end products such as acetate, propionate, and butyrate
test AA intake over a short period. Work has begun in developing the are available to horses. The assumption that horses evolved on forages
IAAO method for use in horses: isotope infusion and breath sampling rich in structural carbohydrates, such as cellulose and hemicellulose,
methodologies have been established, an isotopic method to measure rather than non-structural carbohydrates, suggests an evolved capacity to
total CO2 production has been validated, and the ‘indicator’ infusion meet energy requirements through volatile fatty acid metabolism. Horses
rate has been verified to result in measureable amounts of 13CO2 in the primarily use acetate to synthesize fatty acids de novo in adipose tissue
exhaled breath samples. Using the IAAO to determine indispensable AA and lack the enzymatic pathway to covert glucose to acetate for fatty
requirements in horses will allow for improved equine diet formulation acid synthesis. The minimal capacity of the liver to synthesize lipids
to more closely meet the AA requirements and minimize the amount may indicate that the horse evolved to rely on hepatic gluconeogenesis.
of excess dietary protein. Estimates suggest that when fed a 100% forage diet, the horse can derive
Key Words: amino acid requirements, equine, indicator amino acid 50–60% of its glucose from propionate. Modern horse diets commonly
oxidation consist of up to 50% grain-based supplemental feeds that are higher in
non-structural carbohydrates. The effect of modern feeding practices
on both hepatic gluconeogenesis and peripheral glucose metabolism is
355 Current knowledge on the relative role of the equine small unknown. Future research should focus on determining how modern
and large intestine in amino acid absorption. N. L. Trottier* and feeding practices alter volatile fatty acid production and metabolism.
A. D. Woodward, Michigan State University, East Lansing. A further step would include investigating the effect of altered volatile
fatty acid metabolism on the development of metabolic disorders that are
The role of the small intestine as main site of amino acid absorption has associated with diets high in supplemental grain-based concentrates.
been demonstrated using both in vivo and in vitro models of monogastric
animals. There is limited information on the large intestine’s contribution Key Words: acetate, propionate, horse
to the host N (nitrogen) homeostasis. Forage-fed equids rely on microbial
fermentation of structural carbohydrates in the cecum and proximal
large intestine; however, the accessibility of plant cell wall proteins 357 Glucose sensing and regulation of equine intestinal glucose
to microbial proteases for amino acid availability and host absorption transport. S. Shirazi-Beechey*, D. Arora, J. Dyer, and K. Daly,
in the aborad gastrointestinal regions remain enigmatic. Knowledge University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
of the small and large intestinal capacity for amino acid absorption Glucose is transported across the luminal membrane of enterocytes by
would further our understanding of amino acid utilization in equids. the sodium/glucose cotransporter 1, SGLT1. This also activates water
Globally, the large intestine appears to significantly supply dietary N absorption in the intestine. Regulation of SGLT1 is essential for the
for absorption. Studies report larger contribution to total apparent N provision of glucose to the body and thus is important for maintenance
digestion from the large intestine compared with the small intestine. The of glucose homeostasis. The major aim of this talk is to report on recent
relatively short time of passage through the small intestine parallels the progress made toward identifying mechanisms involved in regulation
lower digestive efficiency in that segment of the equine gastrointestinal of equine intestinal glucose transport in response to a change in diet.
286 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Cloning and sequencing the cDNA encoding equine SGLT1 and the Furthermore, knocking out either gustducin or T1r3 abolished the
determination of SGLT1 amino acid sequence allowed us to determine ability of mouse intestine to upregulate SGLT1 expression in response
SGLT1 expression in equine small intestine. In the horse, glucose is to increased dietary carbohydrate. Thus the equine intestinal sweet
transported mainly across the brush membrane of enterocytes by SGLT1. taste receptor has the potential to be used as a novel nutritional target
In horses maintained on pasture forage the highest rate of glucose to increase intestinal glucose and water absorption with the attendant
transport was in proximal > mid with little in distal part of the small promise of enhancing performance and overcoming the detrimental
intestine. However, in horses fed controlled diets containing different effects of post exercise dehydration.
ratios of hay and grain, SGLT1 expression is enhanced, with time, in
response to increased dietary hydrolysable carbohydrate, not only in Financial support of Horserace Betting Levy Board is gratefully
the proximal, but also in the distal small intestine. We have shown that acknowledged.
sweet taste receptor, T1r2+T1r3 and its coupled G protein, gustducin,
Key Words: SGLT1, equine, intestine
are expressed in enteroendocrine cells of the intestine of several species
including the horse. Dietary sugars and artificial sweeteners act in the
intestine, on the sweet taste receptor to elicit upregulation of SGLT1.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 287
Physiology and Endocrinology: Poultry Physiology
358 Blue-and-gold Macaw (Ara ararauna) postmortem semen and B) over a range of walking speeds, to quantify the 3D dynamics of
collection. J. M. Silva1, S. K. Cunha1, C. D. Corcini1, A. S. Varela the center of mass and determine how these birds modulate the force
Junior2, A. P. N. Albano1, A. L. S. Valente1, and D. C. Bongalhardo*1, and mechanical work of locomotion. Walking speeds were slow (0.10 –
1Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS, Brazil, 2Universidade 0.99 ms−1) and ranges differed between groups with the fastest walking
Federal de Rio Grande, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. speeds recorded in the broiler population. There was greater variability
in step width than step length, likely linked to increased mediolateral
The blue-and-gold Macaw (Ara ararauna) is a Neotropical parrot from forces and control strategies for stability. We only found right-left
South America. It is rated as Least Concern by Bird Life International; limb asymmetries in the great-grandparent lines, with line B showing
however, there is a very heavy wild-caught trade of this species. In a decrease in step length with speed (P = 0.01) that is not commonly
December 2008, one adult male was brought to the Wildlife Rehabilita- seen in ground birds. Based on current empirical models for cost, the
tion Center from the Federal University of Pelotas shortly after death. differences in locomotor mechanics among lines suggest that Line B is
The main objective of this work was to perform a postmortem semen likely to have a 10% higher cost of locomotion due to significantly higher
collection in this bird, aiming to recover sperm for cryopreservation. stride frequencies (P < 0.001) and shorter step lengths. Thus selection for
As a complement, testicular histology was observed to confirm that the desirable traits in the broiler chicken lineage has carried along different
macaw was sexually active. Necropsy was made approximately 3 h after gait characteristics that we have quantified for the first time.
death; at this time the testes, epididymis and deferent ducts were removed
and placed in a Petri dish. Epididymis and deferent ducts were washed Key Words: broiler chicken, locomotion, lameness
with Lakes diluent and the suspension was brought to the laboratory,
where recovered sperm was evaluated by motility. Dry slides were made
to observe sperm morphology, using 5 different stains: orcein, eosin, 360 Effects of commercial in ovo injection of carbohydrates on
eosin-nigrosin, Giemsa, and Coomassie Blue. The testes were fixed in broiler embryogenesis. W. Zhai*, R. Pulikanti, S. Womack, D. E.
10% buffered formalin; after 24 h they were dehydrated in crescent Rowe, and E. D. Peebles, Mississippi State University, Mississippi
concentrations of alcohol, immersed in xylol at 100%, impregnated in State.
Paraplast Xtra, and sliced (5 μm). The cuts were stained with Harris The effects of in ovo injection of different carbohydrate solutions on
hematoxylin and eosin and observed in optical microscope. Few sperm hatch rate, hatch time, BW, body moisture, yolk sac weight, and yolk
were recovered from the epididimys and deferent ducts and motility was sac moisture of Ross × 708 broiler chicks, hatched from eggs laid by
lower than 1%, therefore it was not possible to proceed with cryopreser- a 34-wk-old breeder flock, were investigated. Eggs containing live
vation. The low motility could be attributed to the time elapsed between embryos were injected in the amnion on d 18.5 of incubation using an
the death and the necropsy. Eosin was the only stain that allowed clear automated multiple-egg injector with 0.1, 0.4, 0.7, or 1.0 mL of commer-
visualization of the sperm cell, which presented normal morphology. cial diluent or a carbohydrate dissolved in diluent. Commercial diluent
Histology of the testes showed intense seminiferous tubules activity; containing 25% of the following carbohydrates were injected into eggs:
a multi stratified epithelium containing sperm in different stages of glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and dextrin. The results showed
development could be observed, as well as polygonal Sertoli cells. The that no carbohydrate type or volume affected hatch time. Absolute and
results show that the testis were fully functional and producing sperm relative BW on hatch day were positively related to injection volume
with normal morphology. It was also demonstrated that it is possible to (P < 0.0001). However, hatch rate was negatively related to injection
collect motile sperm from dead birds, however, to attempt cryopreserva- volume (P < 0.0001). To realize a 90% hatchability of fertilized eggs,
tion, it is still necessary to acquire higher motility. injection volume could not exceed 0.7, 0.4, 0.4, 0.7, and 0.7 mL for
Key Words: Ara ararauna, postmortem semen collection, testis his- glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and dextrin, respectively. Yolk-free
tology BW was negatively related to fructose and sucrose injection volume (P
< 0.004), but was not related to diluent, glucose, maltose, and dextrin
injection volume. Similarly, absolute and proportional yolk sac weights
359 To move or not to move? Gait analysis of the modern broiler were positively related to fructose, sucrose, and dextrin injection volume
and its implications. H. Paxton*, M. A. Daley, S. A. Corr, and J. R. (P < 0.01), but were not related to diluent, glucose, and maltose injection
Hutchinson, Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK. volume. Yolk sac moisture was positively related to injection volume for
all injectables including diluent (P < 0.03). However, body moisture and
Ever since Darwin, it has been well recognized that artificial selection yolk-free body moisture were not related to injection type or volume. In
could bring about changes in animal behavior, physiology and morphol- conclusion, the use of carbohydrates added to commercial diluent for the
ogy by the simple selection of human-desired traits. But what happens in ovo injection of broiler hatching eggs requires the use of appropriate
when these selection pressures begin to alter the locomotion of an animal volumes to promote growth and nutrient utilization without adversely
and potentially result in an increase in musculoskeletal pathologies? The affecting rate of hatch.
modern broiler has changed dramatically reaching its market weight
faster and having an increased meat yield. Research indicates that these Key Words: BW, hatch rate, in ovo injection
changes may predispose some of the broilers to leg pathologies which
are a welfare concern. We therefore investigate whether the modern
broiler and its 2 great-grandparent lines have adopted different locomotor 361 The effect of egg weight loss on embryonic development in
strategies as a result of their altered morphology. We also investigate Chinese painted quail (Coturnix chinensis) exhibiting partheno-
whether any changes might prevent these birds from walking economi- genesis. J. B. Wells, H. M. Parker*, A. S. Kiess, and C. D. McDaniel,
cally or stably and perhaps predispose them to locomotor pathology. We Mississippi State University, Mississippi State.
collected force plate and kinematic data from 27 chickens (350 steps), Parthenogenesis, the development of an unfertilized egg, has been
including a commercial broiler strain and 2 great-grandparent lines (A studied extensively in turkeys. Recently it has been revealed that
288 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
parthenogenesis occurs in the eggs of Chinese painted quail and the 363 NADH oxidase generated superoxide reduces nitric oxide
percentage of eggs exhibiting parthenogenesis is negatively correlated availability in lungs of hypoxic broilers chickens. J. Bautista–
with egg production as well as clutch size. In broiler breeders it has Ortega*, E. A. Ellis, and C. A. Ruiz–Feria, Texas A&M University,
been reported that the first egg of a sequence loses less moisture during College Station.
incubation. Because the incidence of parthenogenesis is greater and
Xanthine (XO) and NADH oxidase (NOX) are important sources of
egg weight loss is less in the first egg of a sequence, it is possible that
superoxide in cardiovascular diseases including pulmonary hyperten-
parthenogenesis is also affected by egg moisture loss. Therefore, the
sion syndrome (PHS). Previously we localized XO and NOX in the
objective of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between
pulmonary artery endothelium of hypoxic broilers. Nitrotyrosine is
egg weight loss and parthenogenesis. In this experiment individual eggs
a biomarker for peroxynitrite which is negatively correlated with the
were collected from 157 hens daily and labeled with hen number and
availability of nitric oxide (NO). Cytochemical localization of XO and
date. Eggs were stored for 0 to 3 d at 20°C before incubation at 37°C. To
NOX (reflectance units), and colloidal gold based immunocytochemical
determine egg weight loss, eggs were weighed on the day of collection
localization of nitrotyrosine (N of colloidal gold particles) were used
and again after 10 d of incubation. Pearson’s correlation coefficients
to determine oxidative and nitrosative (reduced availability of NO)
were used to determine if relationships exist between egg weight loss
stress in lungs of broilers exposed to hypoxia (d 7 to d 36, simulated
and the percentage of eggs exhibiting parthenogenesis, parthenogen size,
3,000 m above sea level) and fed a control diet (CTL), or control plus
egg storage, and clutch position. The percentage of egg weight loss was
arginine (ARG, 0.8% wt/wt), or CTL plus ARG and vitamins C (500
negatively correlated with the incidence of parthenogenesis in eggs (r
mg / L water) and E (200 IU / kg of feed) (AEC). Also, a group of
= −0.56; P < 0.001), parthenogen size(r = −0.49; P < 0.001), and egg
normoxic broilers were fed the CTL diet (NOR). Nitrosative stress was
storage (r = −0.24; P < 0.003). However, the percentage of egg weight
also determined in hypoxic broilers with PHS and in clinically healthy
loss was positively correlated with average clutch position (r = 0.32; P
ones. The XO activity was higher in NOR birds (586 ± 43) than in both
< 0.001). In conclusion, it appears that eggshell quality possibly influ-
AEC (456 ± 39) and ARG birds (394 ± 31), whereas CTL birds had the
ences the incidence of parthenogenesis in Chinese Painted quail eggs
lowest XO activity (313 ± 27). The NOX activity or NO availability
because as the percentage of egg weight loss decreases, the incidence
was not affected by dietary or hypoxia conditions in clinically healthy
of parthenogenesis increases.
birds. Nevertheless, hypoxic birds that developed PHS had higher
Key Words: parthenogenesis, moisture loss, clutch sequence position nitrotyrosine (145 ± 19) than hypoxic but clinically healthy birds (56
± 11). Increased levels of superoxide generated by NOX may have
resulted in decreased availability of NO as measured by nitrotyrosine.
362 Relationships of Ross × 708 broiler post-hatch development to To our knowledge, this is the first time that XO and NOX activity has
embryonic temperature, incubation length, and eggshell water vapor been semi–quantitatively determined in situ in lung samples of hypoxic
conductance. R. Pulikanti, E. D. Peebles*, W. Zhai, A. Bello, C. N. broiler chickens. Supplementation with ARG and antioxidant vitamins
Obi, and A. O. Sokale, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State. C and E tended to produce NOX–derived superoxide levels similar to
To establish relationships between post-hatch broiler development, egg those in the normoxic chickens probably preserving NO in the system
incubation length (IL), and eggshell water vapor conductance (G), Ross but significance was not reached probably due to limited number of
× 708 broiler hatching eggs were randomly set on 8 replicate tray levels birds. The dual role of XO, which produces superoxide and uric acid
of an incubator (20 eggs per replicate). On 10.5 d of incubation, transpon- (antioxidant), may have buffered the effects of superoxides in clinically
ders were implanted in the air cells of 4 embryonated eggs per replicate healthy birds.
for determination of internal egg temperatures (embryo temperatures; Key Words: hypoxia, nitrotyrosine, pulmonary hypertension
IT) through d 18.5. External egg temperatures were determined using
2 water filled vials and 2 infertile eggs containing transponders per
each replicate level. Hatch was monitored every 12 h between 18.5 and 364 Genistein effects on fatty liver syndrome induced by estro-
21.5 d of incubation. The chicks were placed in corresponding replicate gen. L. M. Stevenson*, S. S. Oates, J. B. Hess, and W. D. Berry,
floor pens and grown through 49 d of age. On 28 and 48 d post-hatch, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
at least 2 chicks per pen were necropsied for determination of BW, and
Soy phytoestrogens, such as genistein, have been demonstrated to have
the relative weights and moisture contents of the liver, breast muscle,
a protective effect against fatty liver syndrome in rats. A study was
and left gastrocnemius muscle. Also, IL, G, relative G (RG), and the
performed with old laying hens to determine if genistein had a protec-
conductance constant (C) of each embryonated egg were determined.
tive effect against avian fatty liver syndrome induced by exogenous
Mean IL, G, RG, and C were 20.7 d, 14.2 mg water/d × Torr, 24.6 mg
estrogen. Twenty-four 5 year-old laying hens were randomly selected
water/d × Torr × 100 g egg weight, and 5.05. The IT was negatively
and divided into 6 treatment groups. Each treatment group consisted
correlated with relative chick BW and relative gastrocnemius muscle
of 4 hens. Genistein doses were given by a daily gavage for 14 d. The
weight on d 28 post-hatch. However, IL was positively correlated with
treatments were: Sham Control (gavage and injections of sesame oil),
relative gastrocnemius muscle weight on d 28 but negatively correlated
Estrogen Control (7.5 mg estrogen/kg body weight per dose), Genistein
with gastrocnemius muscle moisture on d 48 post-hatch. Nevertheless,
Control (20 mg genistein/kg body weight daily), Low Genistein (7.5
RG and C were negatively correlated with liver and breast muscle
mg estrogen/kg body weight per dose and 10 mg genistein/kg body
moisture contents on d 28 post-hatch. Correlations were considered
weight daily), Medium Genistein (7.5 mg estrogen/kg body weight per
significant at P ≤ 0.06. Within physiological limits, RG was negatively
dose and 15 mg genistein/kg body weight daily), and High Genistein
associated with chick hydration status on d 28 post-hatch. The observed
(7.5 mg estrogen/kg body weight per dose and 20 mg genistein/kg body
relationships were more pronounced initially during early post-hatch
weight daily). Estrogen doses were estrogen diproprionate and were
life and subsided as the chick reached market age.
given by injection in the subcutaneous tissue in the back of the neck 3
Key Words: broiler, eggshell conductance, embryo temperature times during the experiment. All treatments were dissolved in sesame
oil. Birds were weighed at placement and at the end of the study. There
were no significant differences in body weights for any treatments at
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 289
placement (P > 1.0) or at the end of the study (P > 0.6). Blood samples result in alternative approaches for maximizing growth in broilers. GH
were collected at placement and at the end of the study. Plasma genistein secretion occurs naturally between embryonic day (e) 14 and e16, con-
was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). comitantly with a rise in adrenal corticosterone (CORT) secretion. Treat-
Levels of genistein in the plasma were significantly increased in birds ment of chicken embryonic pituitary (CEP) cells with CORT induces
on the genistein treatments (P < 0.05). Livers were removed, weighed, GH secretion prematurely. Inspection of the regulatory region of the
and samples were collected after the study. There were no significant GH gene reveals no glucocorticoid (GC) response element (GRE). Pre-
differences in liver weights (P > 0.5) or livers as a percent of their final treatment of e11 cells with a protein synthesis inhibitor, CHX, resulted
body (P > 0.4). Pictures were taken of all of the livers and visually scored in blockage of the CORT-induced increase in GH mRNA. This leads to
to determine the degree of fatty liver. Birds in the Estrogen Control the hypothesis that a GC-responsive intermediary protein is necessary
treatment had an increase in yellow coloring of the liver as compared for the CORT induced increase in GH. Characterization of the upstream
with the other treatments. region of the GH gene may identify such a protein. −1727/+48 bp of the
GH gene was cloned into a luciferase reporter plasmid and transfected
Key Words: genistein, estrogen, liver
into e11 CEP cells. Treatment with 100 nM CORT increased luciferase
activity 10-fold (n = 3; P < 0.05). Truncation of this construct to −954
365 Gene expression of thyroid hormone regulating elements in abolished activity. Thirteen additional constructs were tested, revealing
reproductively photosensitive and photorefractory turkey hens. S. an inhibitory region from −1467 to −1430 and a GC-responsive region
W. Kang*, S. Kosonsiriluk, and M. E. El Halawani, University of Min- (GCRR) from −1045 to −954 (P < 0.05; n = 3). Other constructs showed
nesota, St. Paul. that the GCRR is position-, orientation-, and context-dependent. Poten-
tial transcription factor motifs in the GCRR include ETS1, ELK4, and
Thyroid hormones are important in the reproductive neuroendocrine a GC-binding region (GBR). Mutation of the ETS1 site or the GBR in
response to changing photoperiod in birds. Regulation of thyroid hor- the −1045/+48 reporter resulted in a loss of Luciferase activity. Nuclear
mone homeostasis in the brain is mainly determined by thyroid hormone proteins bind to a GCRR probe in a CORT-regulated manner in gel shift
transporter (transthyretin (TTR)), type II iodothyronine deiodinase assays, and unlabeled competitor can compete off binding. In a single
(Dio2), type III iodothyronine deiodinase (Dio3) and thyrotropin- experiment, an ELK4 antibody (ab) did not result in a supershift, but an
releasing hormone (TRH). TTR plays a key role in transporting thyroid ETS1 ab abolished protein binding to the probe. The chicken GH gene is
hormones into the brain via the choroid plexus (CP). Tuberal hypothala- GC responsive and contains a putative ETS1 and GBR site at −1017 to
mus (TuH) is a well known site in the brain where Dio2 is involved in −985. Investigation of protein binding to the GCRR is underway using
converting thyroxin (T4) into triiodothyronine (T3). In this study, to gel shift assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation.
gain insights into seasonal photoperiodic mechanism(s) that govern
reproductive photoresponsiveness and photorefractoriness of turkey Key Words: luciferase, corticosterone, pituitary
hens, we investigated gene expression of thyroid hormone regulating
elements (i.e., TTR, Dio2, Dio3, and TRH) in the brain of photosensitive
367 Detection and expression of the glucocorticoid receptor in the
and photorefractory hens using real-time PCR. The expression of each
laying hen’s oviduct. L. A. Bola*, D. V. Arbona, and J. B. Hoffman,
gene was determined in microdissected brain areas from reproductively
North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
inactive short day photosensitive hens (SD), long day photostimulated
photosensitive hens (LD), and long day photorefractory hens (RF) at 2 The hen’s oviduct is critical in the process of egg formation and ovi-
circadian time points (CT14, CT19). In TuH of LD, Dio2 was signifi- positioning. Specifically, the components of the oviduct including the
cantly greater (2.8 fold, P < 0.01) and Dio3 was repressed (42%, P < infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus/shell-gland, and vagina are
0.05) when compared with that of SD. In LD, TTR was 2.5 fold greater responsible for both interior egg quality as well as exterior shell qual-
relative to that in SD (P < 0.01). And, TTR expression was downregu- ity. Due to the sensitivity of the oviduct during hormonal and cellular
lated (3.5 fold, P < 0.01) in long day RF relative to LD. Also, TTR was changes that occur during the formation of the egg, stress susceptibility
greater (45%, P < 0.05) during the photosensitive phase (CT14) than may have a significant impact on egg quality and formation. Specifically
during the dark phase (CT19). CP Dio2 was significantly higher (2.1 regulation of hormonal action on the oviduct is subject to paracrine
fold, P < 0.01) in LD compared with that of SD and RF. TRH in the modulation by steroids such as glucocorticoids. The presence of glu-
paraventricular nucleus was 2.8 fold greater in LD compared with that cocorticoid receptors (GR) in the oviduct that bind corticosterone, the
of RF (P < 0.01), and the levels in RF were 22% (P < 0.05) lower when avian glucocorticoid, may be an indicator of oviductal tissue sensitivity
compared with SD. In summary, Dio2 in CP as well as TuH appears to to stress. The expression of GR was characterized in the oviducts of 6
be an important gene involved in the expression of photorefractoriness. Leghorns at 27 weeks of age. Tissue samples were removed from the
TTR in CP might be a significant thyroid hormone transporter involved infundibulum, isthmus, magnum, uterus/shell-gland, and vagina from
in photoperiodic response of turkey hens. each hen by manual dissection. Subsequently, RNA extraction and real-
Supported by National Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. time RT-PCR analyses were performed. Our results showed expression
2007–35203–18072 from the USDA CSREES. of the GR in each of the tested regions of the oviduct tissue. These results
suggest that corticosteroids may directly act on the oviduct to influence
Key Words: transthyretin, turkey reproduction, deiodinase 2
the process of egg formation and overall egg quality.
Key Words: glucocorticoid receptor, oviduct, egg quality
366 Identification of a nonclassical glucocorticoid responsive
region of the growth hormone gene during chick embryonic develop-
ment. K. A. Heuck-Knubel* and T. E. Porter, Department of Animal 368 Detection and expression of glucocorticoid receptors in the
& Avian Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park. germinal disc (GD) and non-germinal disc (NGD) regions of the
laying hen’s hierarchical ovarian follicles. J. B. Hoffman*, D. V.
Growth hormone (GH) affects growth and contributes to a lean phe-
Arbona, and L. A. Bola, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
notype in broiler chickens; however, exogenous GH has little effect on
post-hatch growth. Elucidation of the regulation of the GH gene could
290 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The influence of corticosterones on fertilization and developmental designed), we proceeded to examine whether EP1 was present in other
events post-fertilization has yet to be fully characterized in the laying lower vertebrates, such as fish. Three full-length EP1 cDNAs were
hen. Because the left adrenal gland is embedded in the ovary, it is pos- identified from zebrafish (Danio rerio), they were named zEP1a, zEP1b
sible that corticosterones may act through a paracrine mechanism to and zEP1-like (zEP1-L) respectively, based on their corresponding
influence fertilization, sex-ratio distributions, and embryological devel- sequence identities to mammalian EP1 orthologs (from 38% to 42%).
opment. However, paracrine mediation by corticosterones is dependent By semiquantitative reverse transcription (RT-) PCR, zEP1a and zEP1b
upon the presence of glucocorticoid receptors (GR) in the germinal disc were found in all 9 adult tissues examined, while zEP1-L was detected
(GD) region of the F1 hierarchical follicle where fertilization occurs. only in brain and kidney. Subsequent functional assays for the cloned
Additionally, differences in expression of GR in the GD versus the receptors are under way, which, in combination with the above results,
non-germinal disc region (NGD) which is not involved in the process would help to elucidate the physiological roles of PGE2 and PGF2α and
of fertilization may further elucidate the degree to which corticosterones their receptors in target tissues of non-mammalian vertebrate.
are involved in regulating these processes. In this study, the expression
Key Words: chicken, prostaglandins, prostaglandin receptors
of GR was characterized in the granulosa tissue of the GD and NGD
from the F1-F4 hierarchical follicles of 6 Leghorns at 32 weeks of age.
Tissue samples (3 cm x 3 cm) were removed from the GD and NGD 370 Effect of seminal plasma progesterone on sperm hole pen-
by manual dissection. Subsequently, RNA extraction and real-time etration in White Leghorns. E. M. Anderson* and K. J. Navara,
RT-PCR analyses were performed. Our results showed expression of University of Georgia, Athens.
the GR in the GD and NGD regions of the F1-F4 hierarchical follicles
suggesting that corticosterone may influence the process of fertilization While there has been significant interest in identifying the hormonal
and post-fertilization events. contributions passed on with gametes by female birds, the hormone
content of fluids contributed during reproduction by the male remains
Key Words: germinal disc, glucocorticoid receptor, fertilization relatively unstudied. We aimed to characterize the hormone content,
and the potential function of those hormones, in avian seminal plasma.
First, we measured the concentrations of 5 hormones within seminal
369 Molecular cloning and characterization of chicken and
plasma collected from White Leghorn roosters, including progesterone
zebrafish prostaglandin receptors. A. H. Y. Kwok*, Y. Wang, and
(P4), testosterone (T), dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estrogen (E) and cor-
F. C. Leung, The University of Hong Kong.
ticosterone (B). P4 levels were higher in seminal plasma compared with
Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and F2α (PGF2α) are autocrine/paracrine other hormones analyzed, ranging from 0 to 14.8 ng/ml (all other levels
mediators responsible for regulation of vital physiological processes, were <1.1ng/ml). Given this relatively high concentration of seminal
ranging from systemic effects such as fever generation and ACTH-related plasma progesterone, we then attempted to determine how progesterone
stress response, to tissue-localized effects such as inflammation, vascular in seminal plasma may function in fertility. White Leghorn hens were
homeostasis and reproduction. Four receptor subtypes have been identi- assigned to 2 treatment groups: progesterone-treated or control (n = 24
fied for PGE2, namely prostaglandin E receptor subtypes 1 (EP1), EP2, hens per treatment). Semen was collected via abdominal massage from
EP3 and EP4, and prostaglandin F receptor (FP) for PGF2α. Though the 24 White Leghorn roosters. Each semen sample was divided into 2 equal
receptors were extensively studied in mammals, little is known about volumes, one treated with progesterone (0.4 ng/50 μL) and the other with
their functionality and expression in non-mammalian vertebrate spe- a control of diluent and artificially inseminated into each treatment group
cies. Complementing our previous study on chicken EP2 (cEP2), cEP3, of hens. Eggs were collected 2 d after insemination. A perivitelline layer
cEP4 and cFP (including cFPa and a novel middle-truncated isoform, sperm hole assay, a method that can be used as a predictive measure
cFPb) in which full-length cDNAs were first cloned and preliminarily of fertility, was performed for each egg and the number of sperm holes
characterized, in the present study, we furthered our investigation, first, was counted under a microscope. The effects of treatment were then
by quantitative real-time PCR, the relative expression of cFPa and cFPb analyzed and the number of sperm holes were significantly less in the
were detected in 12 adult chicken tissues and hen oviduct, wherein both progesterone treated group compared with the control on the second day
isoforms were found to be widely expressed. Interestingly, the putative after insemination (P = 0.0307). These results suggest that progesterone
functional ortholog cFPa was expressed in abundance in testis, in con- has a detrimental effect on the ability of sperm to penetrate the IPVL,
trast, only minimal signal of cFPb was detected; an inverse expression and that males that deposit more progesterone into seminal plasma may
ratio was observed in ovary. As EP1 appears to be absent in chicken have a decreased capability to fertilize an egg.
(neither found in genome database nor detected by degenerate primers
Key Words: seminal plasma, progesterone, white leghorn
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 291
Processing and Products
371 Salmonella recovery following air chilling for matched neck- due to treatment analyzed by t test. There were no significant (P < 0.05)
skin and whole carcass sampling methodologies. R. J. Buhr*, N. A. differences due to ultrasonication for either Salmonella (mean count
Cox, J. A. Cason, L. L. Rigsby, and D. V. Bourassa, USDA-ARS Russell 4.6 log10 CFU) or E. coli (mean count of 2.8 log10 CFU). Higher STP
Research Center, Athens, GA. significantly reduced Salmonella numbers (from 4.7 to 4.5 log10 CFU)
but had no effect on E. coli. The reduction of Salmonella numbers
The prevalence and serogroups of Salmonella recovered following air was small and would have limited usefulness in practical application.
chilling were determined for both enriched neck skin and matching Ultrasonic treatment during marination was not effective for reducing
enriched whole carcass samples. Commercially processed and eviscer- numbers of Salmonella and E. coli on broiler breast meat.
ated carcasses were air chilled to 4°C before removing the neck skin
(8.3 g) and stomaching in 83 mL buffered peptone water. The remaining Key Words: broiler breast meat, ultrasonic marination, Salmonella
carcass was subjected to whole carcass enrichment in 500 mL buffered
peptone water. Both neck skins and whole carcasses were incubated at
373 The enrichment of breast and thigh meat in broilers for
37°C for 24 h before aliquots were transferred to selective enrichment
DHA using supplemental DHA. M. K. Manangi*, B. Wuelling, J.
broths (RV and TT) and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. Following incuba-
Hux, S. Carter, and M. Vazquez-Anon, Novus International, Inc., St.
tion, BGS and MLIA plates were streaked and incubated at 37°C for 24
Charles, MO.
h. Three typical colonies were individually stabbed into TSI and LIA
slants and incubated at 37°C for 24 h. For neck skin samples, 14/18 A 44-d experiment was conducted to evaluate the enrichment levels of
were Salmonella-positive with 5 identified as serogroup C1, 8 sero- DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) in broiler breast and thigh meat along with
group C3, and 2 serogroup E. For whole carcasses 16/18 carcasses were various other tissues using supplemental source of DHA (DHA GOLD)
Salmonella-positive with 1 identified as serogroup B, 6 serogroup C1, in a corn-SBM based diet. A total of 540 Ross-708 male broiler chicks
9 serogroup C3, and 2 serogroup E. Two Salmonella serogroups were were raised in floor pens up to d 23 of age using starter and grower
detected from one neck skin (C3/E) sample and 2 Salmonella serogroups diets. On d 23, 432 birds were assigned to 3 treatments with 12 pens/
were detected from 2 non-matched carcasses (C1/C3 and C3/E). All 4 treatment and 12 birds/pen under completely randomized block design.
of the Salmonella-negative neck skin samples had Salmonella-positive The 3 treatments were: 1) 0% DHA GOLD; 2) 1% DHA GOLD; 3) 1.5%
matching whole carcasses and the 2 Salmonella-negative whole car- DHA GOLD supplementation. DHA GOLD was supplemented as ‘on-
casses had Salmonella-positive matching neck skin samples. Selecting top’ addition from d 23 to 44. DHA was quantified in various tissues at
3 individual colonies, versus only one, from BGS and MLIA plates d 37 and only for breast meat at d 44. D 37 data indicates significant (P
resulted in 2 additional Salmonella-positive neck skin samples (C1) and < 0.05) increase in DHA content due to supplemental DHA for breast
2 additional Salmonella-positive carcasses (C1 and C3). In this study, and thigh meat and skin, liver, and fat pad. D 44 breast meat data also
individual neck skin enrichment (78%) and whole carcass enrichment indicates a significant (P < 0.05) increase in DHA content. Supplement-
(89%) sampling methodologies were comparable in the prevalence ing broilers diets with 0, 1, and 1.5% DHA GOLD on top for 14 d (d
detection of Salmonella from matched air-chilled carcasses. 23 - 37) resulted in 17, 26 and 34 mg of DHA/100g of breast muscle;
17, 32, and 43 mg of DHA/100 g of thigh muscle; 20, 160, and 274
Key Words: Salmonella serogroups, whole carcass enrichment, neck
mg of DHA/100g of breast skin; 27, 119, and 253 mg of DHA/100 g
skin enrichment
of thigh skin; 4, 80, and 160 mg of DHA/100 g of liver; and 13, 179,
and 289 mg of DHA/100 g of fat pad, respectively. Supplementing
372 Effect of ultrasonication and phosphate level during mari- broilers with diets containing 0, 1, and 1.5% DHA GOLD on top for
nation on numbers of Salmonella and Escherichia coli on broiler the last 21 d (d 23 - 44) resulted in 13, 35, and 54mg of DHA/100g of
breast meat. D. P. Smith*, Poultry Science Dept., North Carolina breast muscle, respectively. Data also indicates that supplementing up
State University, Raleigh. to 1.5% of DHA GOLD on top in the broiler diets does not affect (P
> 0.05) weight gain and F:G. In summary, supplemental DHA GOLD
Four trials were conducted to determine the effect of ultrasonic treatment can be used to enrich broiler meat with levels of DHA to satisfy recom-
and phosphate level during marination on numbers of Salmonella and mended daily allowance. Further increase in enrichment was possible
Escherichia (E.) coli. In each trial 2 whole boneless, skinless chicken by extended period of dietary DHA inclusion. DHA GOLD is a dried
breasts were obtained from a retail store and split into paired fillets. One whole cell algae product, derived from Schizochytrium sp, contains a
fillet from each pair was assigned to marination either with or without minimum of 18% DHA by weight.
ultrasonication for 20 min. Trials 1 and 2 marination solution contained DHA GOLD is a registered trademark of Martek Biosciences Corpora-
91% water, 6% NaCl, and 3% sodium tripolyphosphate (STP); for Trials tion, USA.
3 and 4 the solution consisted of 91% water, 6% STP, and 3% NaCl. Ten
min before marination fillets were inoculated with 1.0 mL of a culture Key Words: broiler, DHA
containing nalidixic acid-resistant strains of Salmonella Typhimurium,
Enteritidis, heidelberg, and montevideo (mean count of 7.1 log10), and
374 Effect of feeding hatchery waste meal processed by different
an E. coli strain (mean count of 6.1 log10). After marination fillets were
techniques on egg quality and productive performance of laying
shaken for 1 min in a 50 mL rinse of 1% BPW. Serial dilutions were
hens. A. Mahmud*1, Saima1, M. A. Jabbar1, A. W. Sahoota1, Z. Ali2,
plated onto BGA with sulfapyridine with 200 ppm nalidixic acid and
and M. Z. U. Khan1, 1University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences,
incubated at 37°C for 24 h, and onto E. coli/coliform Petrifilm and
Lahore, Pakistan, 2Big Feeds (Pvt) Ltd., Lahore, Pakistan.
incubated at 35°C for 24 h. Post-treatment marination solutions were
sampled and average Salmonella counts of 1.7 log10 were recovered; The present experiment was conducted in 2 phases. In the first phase,
no E. coli were recovered. Bacterial counts were transformed to log10 hatchery waste (HW) was subjected to the following processing tech-
CFU/ml, data main effects analyzed by ANOVA, and mean differences niques; cooking, autoclaving and extrusion to prepare hatchery waste
292 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
meal (HWM). Prepared HWM was chemically analyzed. In the second (P > 0.05). Egg weight, shell thickness and shell weight as percentage
phase, an optimum inclusion level for each type of processed HWM of total egg weight were not affected by diet or storage (P > 0.05).
was determined in layer diets. For this purpose, 3 hundred White These data demonstrate that added antioxidant supplementation may
Leghorn hens were randomly distributed to 10 dietary treatments. A be needed in improving the quality parameters during storage in eggs
negative control diet was prepared without HWM, while 9 experimental from hens fed flaxseed.
diets contained 4, 8 or 12% of cooked, autoclaved or extruded HWM,
Key Words: flaxseed, antioxidants, egg quality
respectively. Completely randomized design was used and statistical
analyses were carried out with SAS version 9.1 using Duncan multiple
range test for mean comparisons at 5% probability. Results showed that 376 Quality of shell eggs stored under modified atmosphere pack-
maximum egg production was achieved with 4% HWM processed by aging. T Yalamanchili*, C. Z. Alvarado, L. D. Thompson, and C. J.
autoclaving. Processing of HW with extrusion significantly reduced Brooks, Texas Tech University, Lubbock.
egg production and a more pronounced decrease was found with 12%
of extruded HWM. Egg mass and feed conversion followed the same The processing of shell eggs involves collecting of eggs and transporting
trend observed for egg production. Average egg weight due to different them to a packaging plant where they are cleaned, sorted and packaged.
treatments fell within a very narrow range and showed no difference However, the cooling capacity at the farm, storage, and the transportation
(P > 0.05) among treatments. Shell, yolk and albumen weights, as a trucks as well as time to the retail outlet can decrease egg quality. The
percentage of egg weight, were not significantly affected with the use objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of a modified
of different levels and processing of HWM. Maximum values for albu- atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality of USDA Quality grade
men height as well as Haugh units were obtained by feeding the 4% AA shell eggs placed in a Master bag (Cryovac 33cm × 55.88cm) and
autoclaved HWM. Other egg quality parameters like shell thickness, stored at 4°C. Shell eggs were subjected to one of the 2 packaging treat-
yolk index and color were independent of the dietary treatments. The ments: (1) control–air; (2) 20% CO2 and 80% N2. Packaged eggs were
findings of this study suggest that autoclaving of hatchery waste is better stored for 28 d in the master bag at 4 ± 1°C. A total of 5760 eggs were
than extrusion or cooking techniques and 4% of autoclaved HWM may used in 2 experiments, with 2 trials and 5 replications each. Five master
be included in layer rations to get more production than diets without bags were used for analyses on 1, 7, 14, 21, and 30d. In Experiment 2,
HWM. Nevertheless, layer diets up to 8% HWM could be used to feed and the packages were allowed to sit at 4 ± 1°C for 24h before testing
the laying hens to maintain reasonably good production without detri- for quality attributes. Analyses included albumen pH, Haugh units,
mental effects on egg quality. yolk index, color (hard cooked and raw), foam ability, foam stability
and TBARS. The data were analyzed by ANOVA in a 2 (packaging
Key Words: hatchery wastes, processing, layers treatment) × 5 (time points) × 2 (trial) factorial design. In both the
experiments, pH of the albumen of the eggs stored in MAP was lower
than the eggs stored in air. The albumen of the raw eggs stored in MAP
375 Effect of feeding flaxseed and two types of antioxidants on
was lighter than those stored in air. However, in both the experiments,
quality parameters of omega-3 enriched eggs during storage. Z.
the albumen of the raw eggs stored in MAP were more yellow than the
Hayat*1,2, G. Cherian3, T. N. Pasha2, F. M. Khattak2, and M. A. Jabbar2,
1University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Sar- eggs stored in air. The hard cooked albumen of the eggs stored in MAP
showed increased brightness and intensity in color. The yolk of the eggs
godha-40100, Pakistan, 2University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
stored in MAP maintained a more vivid and lighter yellow color. The
Lahore-54000, Pakistan, 3Department of Animal Sciences, Oregon State
carbon dioxide present in the MAP lowered the pH of the egg and thus
University, Corvallis.
may have prevented the green ring formation. Thus, packaging eggs in a
Inclusion of flaxseed to enhance omega-3 content of eggs is well MAP master bag was effective in reducing egg deterioration and loss of
documented. However, increasing omega-3 fatty acids perpetuates the some functional quality during storage at refrigerated temperatures.
extent of fatty acid unsaturation, leading to oxidative damage of yolk
Key Words: shell eggs, packaging, quality
lipids and reduction in egg quality. This phenomenon is aggravated
during storage, and needs suitable strategies to combat deterioration of
egg quality. Currently, a limited number of antioxidants are available 377 Evaluation of fatty acids and proteins in eggs from cage and
that poses major challenge for the feed industry to use them efficiently. range laying hens. L. K. Kerth*1, P. A. Curtis1, K. R. Willian2, C. R.
Therefore, the aim of present study was to examine the effect of 2 types Kerth1, and K. E. Anderson3, 1Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2Tuskegee
of antioxidants and storage on quality parameters of eggs enriched with University, Tuskegee, AL, 3North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
omega-3 fatty acids. ISA brown layer pullets were fed corn-soybean
meal-based diet with no added antioxidants (Control) or 10% flax seed Consumer trends and new legislation have furthered the transition of
and 2 types of antioxidants (α-tocopherols, butylated hydroxytoluene, caged layers to range. However, little research has evaluated the impact
[BHT] at 0, 50, 100, 150 IU or mg/kg). A total of 384 eggs (48/diet) that these environmental rearing changes will cause to the egg itself.
were collected and stored at 4°C for 60 d. On d 0, 20, 40, and 60 of This study was designed to compare what changes occur in the egg
storage, 2 eggs from each replicate (totaling 12 eggs per treatment) were when layers are raised on a range system versus traditional cage system.
selected randomly. Egg quality parameters such as egg weight, yolk In the 37th North Carolina Layer Performance and Management Test
weight, yolk color, albumen weight, albumen height, shell weight, shell Hy-Line Brown hens were used in both the range environment and the
thickness and Haugh unit were measured. Storage over 20 d affected cage. This strain was selected because it is the current brown egg strain
all the parameters except egg weight, shell weight and shell thickness used in the US. Hens were reared according to what environment they
(P < 0.05). Supplementation of antioxidants at higher levels (150 IU or were going into and all other rearing husbandry was identical. On a
mg/kg) was found to be effective in reducing the drop in egg quality. quarterly basis, eggs were gathered from layers at 17 to 82 wk of age.
This may be at the expense of antioxidants as storage led to over 50% Once collected eggs were pooled into 2 replicates and functional and
reduction in egg tocopherols content (P < 0.05). The interaction of stor- proximate analyses were conducted in duplicate on each pooled set.
age with diet was not significant on all egg quality parameters tested Remaining egg samples were stored for further testing. Initial findings
found that angel food cake volume was significantly higher (P < 0.05)
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 293
for caged eggs when compared with range. However, that difference The frozen samples were tested for fatty acid methyl ester profiles on
could not be attributed to the ph and percent fat of the albumen as neither the yolk samples and SDS-PAGE on the albumen samples to identify
was different (P > 0.05). Upon further investigation it was discovered and quantify fatty acids and proteins. The amount of saturated and
that the percentage of solids and protein were higher (P < 0.05) in omega-3 fatty acids present in the yolk, were highest (P < 0.05) in the
range eggs. When the functional properties of the yolk were evaluated last sampling period. Saturated fatty acids were also found to be higher
range eggs had a stronger (P < 0.05) emulsion in both fresh and stored (P < 0.05) in eggs from caged birds as opposed to a range birds.
mayonnaise. Conversely, there were no differences (P > 0.05) in pH,
Key Words: eggs, fatty acids, proteins
percentage of solids, fat or protein in the yolk from cage or range eggs.
294 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ruminant Nutrition: Beef: Additives
378 Intermittent feeding strategies of ractopamine hydrochlo- 400-RAC supplemented steers (373.5 vs 367.4 ± 2.3 kg). There were
ride on growth performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot no differences between treatment groups for 12th rib fat depth (P >
steers. M. G. Dib*1, G. E. Erickson1, T. J. Klopfenstein1, J. R. Benton1, 0.54) and KPH (P > 0.69). Steers receiving 400-RAC had increased (P
W. A. Griffin1, J. J. Sindt2, and W. T. Choat2, 1University of Nebraska, < 0.007) longissimus muscle area than controls (96.39 vs 91.03 ± 0.19
Lincoln, 2Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN. cm2). Longissimus muscle area expressed per unit hot carcass weight
was greater (P < 0.04) for 400-Rac steers compared with control steers
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate intermittent feeding of
indicating that RAC increased carcass muscling. Yield grades tended
ractopamine hydrochloride (OPT) on growth performance and carcass
(P < 0.19) to be lower RAC-400 steers compared with controls (2.34 vs
characteristics. Crossbred steers (n = 320; initial BW = 480 + 12 kg)
2.52 ± 0.08). No differences in marbling score or carcass quality grade
were used in a randomized complete block design with 4 treatments, 8
were observed between treatments. These data indicate that feeding
pens/treatment, and 2 weight blocks. Treatments consisted of no OPT
RAC in a TD application for the final 42 d of the finishing period will
(NEGCON), OPT fed continuously during the last 35 d prior slaughter
increase rate of gain, final weight, hot carcass weight and gain to feed
(POSCON), OPT fed for 7 d followed by 4 d of withdrawal (4-dINT) and
ratio while maintaining carcass quality.
OPT fed for 7 d followed by 7 d of withdrawal (7-dINT). All treatments
receiving OPT (POSCON, 4-dINT and 7-dINT) received OPT for a total Key Words: steers, ractopamine, top dress
of 35 d but on different days. Before the experiment, each steer was
weighed on 2 consecutive days after feed restriction (decrease of 1 kg/d
of DM) for 3 d in an attempt to minimize variation due to gut fill. Pens 380 Effects of prepartum rumen-protected choline supplementa-
of animals were weighed weekly, with a 4% shrink, throughout the 63 d tion on performance of beef cows and calves. L. A. Pacheco*1, J.
of the experiment before slaughter. Steers were slaughtered on the same R. Jaeger2, L. R. Hibbard1, M. J. Macek1, N. A. Sproul1, G. J. Eckerle1,
day after 165 d on feed, and 63 d of treatment. Data were analyzed using E. A. Bailey1, J. W. Bolte2, and K. C. Olson1, 1Kansas State University,
a mixed model analysis with treatment and block included in the model Manhattan, 2Western Kansas Agricultural Research Center, Hays.
as fixed variables and pen as the experimental unit. Final BW increased The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of prepartum
(P < 0.04) by 6 kg for steers fed OPT compared with NEGCON when ruminally-protected choline (RPC) supplementation on cow and calf
measured on a live basis. Final BW on a carcass-adjusted basis and performance. Angus crossbred cows and heifers (n = 403; average
HCW were not impacted by treatment (P > 0.18). Feed intake was 0.3 initial weight = 533.2 ± 4.0 kg) grazing native range were blocked by
kg greater (P < 0.05) for 7-dINT compared with the other treatments. weight and parity and assigned randomly to 1 of 2 treatments: a 40%
Gain based on live BW was greater for OPT compared with NEGCON, CP soy-corn supplement (CON) or a 40% CP soy-corn supplement
which tended (P = 0.09) to increase G:F for steers fed OPT compared containing RPC. Treatments were applied during a 60 d period that
with NEGCON. Carcass performance or traits were not affected (P > immediately preceded the earliest predicted calving date; each cow
0.18) by feeding OPT compared with NEGCON except for calculated was fed 2.38 kg/hd/d of CON or RPC 6 × per week. The feeding rate
USDA Yield grade. No differences were observed for ADG, G:F, or car- of choline averaged 4.5 g/cow/d. Body weight, BCS, and ultrasonically
cass traits between POSCON, 4-dINT, and 7-dINT in this study. Further measured longissimus muscle characteristics of cows and BW of calves
research may be necessary to determine the response to re-stimulation were recorded at intervals from January to October. Changes in cow
of β-receptors in cattle. BW, BCS, backfat thickness, and intramuscular fat between the outset
Key Words: beef cattle, performance, ractopamine hydrochloride of the trial and pregnancy diagnosis were similar (P ≥ 0.25) between
treatments. Cows fed RPC tended to lose more (P = 0.10) longissimus
muscle depth between the outset of the trial and pregnancy diagnosis.
379 Effectiveness of ractopamine when fed as a top dress in beef Conversely, BW of cows fed RPC tended to be greater (P = 0.07) at
steers. K. L. Neuhold*1, P. T. Grubb1, J. J. Wagner1, T. E. Engle1, R. pregnancy diagnosis than that of cows fed CON. Calf BW at birth,
K. Peel1, and A. L. Schroeder2, 1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, at pregnancy diagnosis, and at weaning were not different (P ≥ 0.39)
2Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN.
between treatments; however, ADG from pregnancy diagnosis to wean-
ing tended (P = 0.06) to be greater for calves of RPC-fed dams than for
A clinical trial was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of racto-
calves of CON-fed dams. Within parity class, timed-AI pregnancy and
pamine (RAC) as a top dress (TD) pellet during the final 42 d of feeding.
overall pregnancy were not affected (P ≥ 0.14) by treatment. Under the
Crossbred yearling steers (n = 144) were selected for the study. Steers
conditions of our study, prepartum RPC supplementation had minimal
were housed in 9 animals per pen with 8 pens per treatment. Treat-
effects on performance of beef cows and calves.
ments consisted of a steam-flaked corn based feedlot diet plus 0.9 kg
per animal per d of TD containing 1) no RAC (Control) or 2) 400 mg/ Key Words: beef cows, choline, supplementation
animal/d of RAC (400-RAC). Steers were fed 3 times daily. Top dress
was applied evenly over the top of the total mixed ration immediately
after the second feeding. Initial steer weights (526.8 kg) were similar 381 Evaluation of ractopamine fed in a top dress feed on growth
(P > 0.94) between treatments. Final steer weight (P < 0.03) and aver- and standard carcass characteristics of crossbred cattle. A. L.
age daily gain (P < 0.02) were greater for 400-RAC when compared Schroeder*1, T. H. TerHune2, M. Edmonds3, R. P. Lemenager4, S.
with control (615.8 vs 605.2 ± 6.3 kg and 2.1 vs 1.86 ± 0.13 kg/day, L. Lake4, F. K. Mckeith5, and J. J. Wagner6, 1Elanco Animal Health,
respectively). Steers consuming 400-RAC had lower daily DMI (P < Greenfield, IN, 2HMS Veterinary Development, Tulare, CA, 3Johnson
0.04) compared with control (10.9 vs 11.4 ± 0.32 kg/animal/day). Gain Research, Parma, ID, 4Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 5Univer-
to feed ratio was greater (P < 0.001) in steers fed 400-RAC (0.194 vs sity of Illinois, Urbana, 6SECRC-Colorado State University, Lamar.
0.164 ± 0.46). Dressing percentages (P > 0.96) were similar across Ractopamine (RAC) was originally approved for feeding continuously
treatments resulting in greater hot carcass weights (P < 0.002) for to cattle during the last 28 to 42 d of the finishing period. Growth per-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 295
formance and standard carcass characteristic effects of feeding RAC amino acid in vitro (P > 0.10). Growth or fermentative end products
one time daily at: 1) 0 mg or 2) 400 mg/h/d (RAC400) in a top dress of pure cultures containing select strains of ruminal bacteria were not
(TD) feed during the last 42 d was evaluated in 560 steers at 4 sites. A affected by the presence of ractopamine hydrochloride.
randomized complete block design was used at each site. Eight repli-
Key Words: ractopamine hydrochloride, ruminal bacteria, fermenta-
cates (blocks) per site resulted in 32 experimental units (8–10 steers/
pen, depending on location) per treatment. Cattle were fed either 2 or 3
times daily with RAC TD fed on top of existing feed in the bunk after
the first or second feeding (depending on feeding frequency) in 0.45 383 Accelerated step-up regimen with 44 mg/kg monensin. C.
or 0.9 kg of TD feed per head per day. Initial weights were similar (P E. Walker*, G.L Parsons, K. A. Miller, L. K. Thompson, J. J. Higgins,
≥ 0.72) between treatments. Final weight (P ≤ 0.02) and average daily and J. S. Drouillard, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
gain (P ≤ 0.006) was increased for the RAC400 treatment compared
with control (613.0 vs. 603.3 ± 9.75 kg and 1.91 vs. 1.68 ± 0.19 kg per Crossbred steers (n = 720; initial BW = 453 kg) were used to evaluate
day, respectively). Dry matter intake (DMI) was not different (P ≥ 0.15) effects of monensin concentration and step-up regimen on feedlot per-
between treatments (11.21 for control and 10.96 ± 0.20 kg for RAC400, formance and carcass traits in a randomized complete block experiment
respectively). Gain to feed ratio was greater (P ≤ 0.006) and DMI to with a 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement. Factor 1 consisted of 33 or
gain ratio was improved (P ≤ 0.02) for RAC400 compared with control 44 mg/kg monensin (MON) fed for the entire 153 d trial; and factor 2
animals (0.174 vs. 0.150 ± 0.016) and 5.28 vs. 6.03 ± 0.15, respectively). was length of the step-up period (10 or 21 d). Cattle from wheat pastures
Dressing percentages were similar (P ≥ 0.78) resulting in heavier hot were received into the feedlot and fed chopped hay and salt for 2 wk.
carcass weights (P ≤ 0.008) for the RAC400 treatment compared with On d 1 of the study, cattle were stratified by BW and allotted to pens of
controls (366.8 vs. 360.4 ± 13.4 kg). No differences existed in 12th rib 15 cattle each, with 12 pens/treatment. Starting d 1, a 3-diet (60, 77, and
fat (P ≥ 0.30) and KPH (P ≥ 0.58). RAC400 supplemented animals 93% concentrate) step-up system was used in which cattle were fed ad
had larger longissimus muscle area (P < 0.008) than controls (91.1 vs. libitum 60% concentrate am (0900 h) and pm (1300 h) for step 1; 60%
87.3 ± 2.89 cm2, respectively). Yield grade was improved (P < 0.02) concentrate am and 77% concentrate pm for step 2; 77% concentrate
for RAC400 carcasses compared with control carcasses (2.47 vs. 2.66 am/pm for step 3; 77% concentrate am and 93% concentrate pm for step
± 0.13, respectively). Marbling score and quality grades were similar 4; and 94% concentrate am/pm for the final finishing diet. Diet changes
(P ≥ 0.10) between treatments. The data demonstrate RAC fed in a TD were implemented on d 6, 11, 16, and 21 for the traditional regimen, and
feed for the last 42 d of the finishing period will increase average daily on d 4, 6, 8, and 10 for the accelerated regimen. BW were determined
gain, live weight, HCW, LM area and yield grade without adversely on d 0, 50, and before shipping to a commercial abattoir on d 153. There
affecting marbling score and carcass quality. were no interactions between level of MON and step-up regimen (P >
0.10) and no effects of step-up regimen on performance or carcass traits
Key Words: cattle, top dress, ractopamine (P > 0.10), but steers on the accelerated regimen consumed less rough-
age (P < 0.05). Increasing MON from 33 to 44 mg/kg decreased DMI
during the first 50 d (P < 0.01) and the entire 153-d study period (P <
382 Ractopamine hydrochloride did not affect growth or fermenta-
0.01), and improved gain efficiency by 8% for the first 50 d (P < 0.10)
tion of ruminal bacteria in pure culture. C. E. Walker*, J. M. Heiden-
and by 3% for the 153-d trial (P < 0.05). Yield grades were lower for
reich, and J. S. Drouillard, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
steers fed 44 mg/kg MON compared with steers fed 33 mg/kg MON (P
Catecholamines have been observed to enhance pure culture bacterial < 0.05), but other carcass traits were not affected (P > 0.10). Steers can
growth in vitro. In this research, effects of the synthetic catecholamine be transitioned to high-concentrate diets in 10 d without compromising
ractopamine hydrochloride (RAC) on bacterial growth were evaluated performance, and less roughage is used. Steers fed 44 mg/kg MON were
in vitro. Representative strains of bacterial species commonly found in more efficient than steers fed 33 mg/kg MON.
the rumens of high-concentrate fed cattle, particularly species involved
Key Words: step-up, monensin, roughage
in proteolysis, were evaluated. Pure cultures of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens,
Clostridium aminophilum, Clostridium sticklandii, Fusobacterium
necrophorum, Megasphaera elsdenii, Prevotella ruminicola, Sele- 384 Effects of Zilmax on blood metabolites in finishing cattle. C.
nomonas ruminantium, and Streptococcus bovis were obtained from L. Van Bibber*, G. L. Parsans, K. A. Miller, L. K. Thompson, and J. S.
the American Type Culture Collection. Cultures were grown in Hobson Drouillard, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
M2 media and incubated at 39°C. Treatments were 0 mg (Control) or
2.26 mg RAC/L added to culture tubes immediately before inoculation Effects of Zilmax (Z) on blood metabolites and carcass traits were
with bacterial cultures. Bacterial growth was evaluated as changes in evaluated in crossbred finishing steers (n = 18) that were stratified by
optical density at 650 nm using a spectrophotometer. Change in pH BW and randomly assigned, within strata (block), to control (C) or Z
and redox potential for each tube were determined after incubation was treatments. Cattle were fed once daily ad libitum in individual feeding
complete. Cultures were then centrifuged and the resulting pellet was pens (9 pens/treatment). Z was fed 23 d and withdrawn 3 d before har-
dried at 105°C to determine impact of RAC on bacterial cell yield. To vest. Blood samples and measures of BW were taken on d 0, 7, 14, and
measure the impact of RAC on fermentation, concentrations of VFA 21. Metabolites were analyzed as repeated measures using Proc Mixed,
and lactate were analyzed using gas chromatography, and ammonia and with fixed effects of treatment, day, and treatment × day, and random
α-amino N were analyzed colorimetrically by an auto analyzer. The effects of block and block × treatment. Performance and carcass traits
Mixed models procedure of SAS was used with fixed effects of RAC, were analyzed with treatment as fixed effect, and block and block × treat-
bacterial strain, and time to assess changes in optical density. A mixed ment as random effects. Concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB),
model including effects of RAC and strain was used to evaluate effects glucose, and lactate were determined in whole blood, and NEFA, urea
on fermentative end products. RAC did not affect pure culture growth, nitrogen (PUN), and long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) were analyzed in
culture pH, redox potential, or bacterial cell yield (P > 0.10). Addition- plasma. Adipose tissue samples were analyzed for LCFA profiles. Feed-
ally, RAC did not affect concentrations of VFA, lactate, ammonia, or ing Z decreased DMI by 8% (P < 0.10), but did not impact BW gain
or efficiency (P > 0.10). Feeding Z resulted in greater HCW and LM
296 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
area (P < 0.10), numerically decreased marbling score and yield grade, 386 Late gestation supplementation of beef cows: Effects on cow
but did not influence other carcass traits (P > 0.10). Z increased plasma and calf performance. D. W. Bohnert*1, R. Mills1, L. A. Stalker3, A.
concentrations of elaidic, vaccenic, and docosapentaenoic acids (P < Nyman1, and S. J. Falck2, 1Oregon State University, Burns, 2ARS-USDA,
0.10), but adipose tissue concentrations of LCFA were unaffected (P > Burns, OR, 3University of Nebraska, North Platte.
0.10), suggesting no preferential oxidation of specific fatty acids. Blood
We conducted a 2-yr study to evaluate the influence of cow BCS and
metabolites for d 0 and 21 of the study are shown in the table.
dried distillers grains (DDGS) supplementation during late gestation
on cow and calf productivity. The experimental design was a 2 × 2
Table 1. Effects of Zilmax on Blood Metabolites factorial; 2 BCS (4 or 6) and supplemented or not supplemented.
Item, mM C d0 Z d0 C d21 Zd21 SEM Approximately 12.7 kg/cow of low quality meadow hay (6.4% CP)
Glucose‡ 3.32 3.39 3.48 3.09 0.24 was provided each day and supplemented cows received 1.81 kg/cow
Lactate 2.83 2.80 2.16 1.54 0.48 of DDGS every Monday and Wednesday and 2.72 kg/cow on Friday. On
NEFA 126 175 140 174 36 each supplementation day, supplemented cows were gathered and sorted
BHB 0,01 0.08 0.02 0.06 0.83 into pens based on their respective blocking structure. After completing
PUN† ‡ 4.15 3.74 4.44 3.26 0.24 consumption of their allocated supplement, cows were returned to a
common pasture. Performance data and binomial data were analyzed as
The symbols † and ‡ denote effects of Z and Z × d interaction, a randomized complete block using PROC MIXED and PROC GLIM-
respectively (P < 0.10). MIX in SAS, respectively. Calf birth weight was greater with BCS 6
Key Words: zilpaterol hydrochloride, plasma urea nitrogen, glucose cows compared with BCS 4 (P = 0.002) and for supplemented compared
with unsupplemented cows (P = 0.05). In addition, weaning weight was
greater for BCS 6 compared with BCS 4 (P = 0.05) and calf weaning
385 Intake and digestion of cotton co-product and distillers grain weight and ADG to weaning were greater for the offspring of supple-
blocks fed as a cattle hay replacement. G. M. Hill* and D. J. Renney, mented compared with unsupplemented cows (P ≤ 0.02). We noted no
University of Georgia, Tifton. differences in post-weaning calf performance or carcass characteristics
A new compressed block product (CPM, 0.34% S; A. G. Daniel Co., (P > 0.10). However, BCS 6 cows had approximately 10% more live
Eastman, GA) that contained cotton gin trash (59%), distillers dried calves at birth and at weaning (P < 0.001) compared with BCS 4 cows.
grains with solubles (DDG, 0.66% S), wheat middlings, a molasses prod- Also, pregnancy rate was 91% for BCS 6 compared with 79% for BCS
uct and minerals, was formulated to replace hay in cow diets. Brangus 4 cows (P = 0.005). Supplementation during late gestation resulted in
and Angus crossbred steers (n = 30; age 2 yr; initial BW 453.6 ± 33.9 an estimated net return of $7/cow if calves were sold at weaning com-
kg) selected to mimic beef cow intake, were ranked by BW, randomly pared with not supplementing. More importantly, because of additional
assigned to treatments, and individually-fed diets for 18 d. Supplements weaned calves, the estimated net return for BCS 6 cows at weaning was
(SUP) were fed with or without free-choice coarsely ground hay (H; $71/cow more than BCS 4. Likewise, with retained ownership, BCS 6
Tifton 85; DM, CP, NDF, TDN, %: 87, 9.3, 77, 52). Treatments were: cows yielded a net return of $130/animal more than BCS 4 cows. This
hay only (HAY); H with whole cottonseed (WCS) fed at 0.5% BW research demonstrates the potential consequences of not maintaining
daily (HWCS), H with DDG (HDG); H with CPM (HCPM); or free- cows in good BCS (>5) at calving; greater calf losses, less weaned calves,
choice CPM (CPMFC). The DM, CP, NDF, crude fat, TDN (% DM), decreased pregnancy rate, and lower economic return.
respectively, were: WCS, 91.4, 23.4, 53.5, 18.1, 71; DDG, 86.7, 31.6, Key Words: supplementation, fetal programming, protein
31.7, 82; CPM, 89.3, 16.4, 56.6, 5.2, 48. Chromic oxide was fed (10
g/steer, d 9 to d 18), and fecal samples (11/steer, d 14 to d 18) were
analyzed to determine apparent digestion. Hay DMI was highest (Table 387 Effect of forage energy intake and supplementation on gene
1; P < 0.01) for HAY, HWCS, and HDG, and lowest for HCPM. Steers expression of adipose tissue in growing beef cattle. P. A. Lancaster*,
had more than double total DMI for HCPM and CPMFC (P < 0.01) E. D. Sharman, G. W. Horn, C. R. Krehbiel, and U. DeSilva, Oklahoma
compared with other treatments. The OM digestibility was highest (P Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater.
< 0.02) for HCPM, and CP digestibility was highest (P < 0.01) for Additional benefit to the stocker cattle production phase could be
HCPM, intermediate for HWCS, HDG, and CPMFC, and lowest for realized by influencing adipose tissue development before finishing.
HAY. Digestibility of ADF and NDF were highest for HAY (P < 0.01); Previous research has indicated that nutritional management can affect
but NDF digestibility was lowest for CPMFC (P < 0.01), and similar fat deposition in growing cattle. Our objective was to evaluate forage
for HWCS, HDG, and HCPM. The CPM treatments demonstrated energy intake and type of fermentation on gene expression of adipose
adequate OM digestibility, but feeding CPM increased DMI compared tissue in growing steers. Angus steer calves (n = 68; 258 ± 29 kg BW)
with traditional cow wintering diets. were randomly allotted by BW to 4 treatments: (1) 1.02 kg•hd−1•d−1
of a 40% CP supplement (CON) to meet their DIP requirement while
Table 1. grazing dormant native range; (2) CON plus corn-based supplement
Item HAY HWCS HDG HCPM CPMFC SE P< at 1% BW (CORN) while grazing dormant native range; (3) grazing
Hay DMI, kg 6.68 5.30 5.15 1.98 0.00 0.23 0.01 wheat pasture at a high stocking rate to achieve a low ADG (LGWP);
SUP DMI, kg 0.00 1.88 1.49 13.09 15.61 and (4) grazing wheat pasture at a low stocking rate to achieve a high
Total DMI, kg 6.77 7.20 6.67 15.51 15.64 0.37 0.01 ADG (HGWP). Supplements were fed individually 5 d per week.
Apparent digestion, % Following winter grazing, 3 steers per treatment were harvested and
OM 70.58 69.13 70.29 74.03 72.25 1.00 0.02 subcutaneous (SC), perirenal (PR), and intramuscular (IM) adipose
CP 63.66 69.78 70.84 73.33 71.15 1.06 0.01 tissue collected. Total RNA was extracted and gene expression deter-
ADF 69.91 57.91 57.55 61.68 57.81 1.41 0.01 mined using qRT-PCR. Performance and carcass data are presented in
NDF 70.66 66.57 66.89 65.70 62.66 1.32 0.01 a companion abstract (Sharman et al., 2010). There were no treatment ×
Key Words: steer, cottonseed, digestion adipose tissue interactions for any genes evaluated indicating that each
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 297
adipose tissue responded similarly to the treatments. mRNA expres- Simmental calves exhibited greater (P < 0.01) liver Mn concentrations
sion of genes involved in triglyceride synthesis (glycerol-3-phosphate on d 15 compared with Angus calves, regardless of treatment. In sum-
dehydrogenase, fatty acid synthase, and diacylglycerol acyltransferase mary, these data suggest that Angus cattle clear Mn from the body at
2) and glucose utilization [ATP citrate lyase (ACLYS) and NADPH a faster rate than Simmental cattle, which may have implications on
malate dehydrogenase (MDH)] were greater (P < 0.05) for HGWP and supplementation strategies.
LGWP compared with CON and CORN. ACLYS mRNA expression was
Key Words: cattle, mineral, breed
greater in SC and PR compared with IM, and MDH mRNA expression
was greater in PR compared with SC and IM. Further analyses will
evaluate genes related to adipogenesis. These data indicate that greater 389 Effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) supplementa-
propionate type of fermentation increased triglyceride synthesis and tion on performance and acute-phase response of transported beef
glucose/lactate utilization for fatty acid synthesis, and SC and PR had steers. R. F. Cooke*1, A. B. Scarpa1, F. M. Nery1, F. N. T. Cooke1, P.
increased glucose/lactate utilization compared with IM irrespective of Moriel2, B. W. Hess2, R. R. Mills3, and D. W. Bohnert1, 1Oregon State
forage energy intake or type of fermentation. University, Burns, 2University of Wyoming, Laramie, 3Oregon State
Key Words: adipose tissue, gene expression, stocker cattle University, Pendleton.
The objective was to compare ADG, DMI, and acute-phase response of
steers supplemented or not with PUFA for 30 d before shipping to the
388 Angus and Simmental calves exhibit differential trace mineral
feedlot. Seventy-two Angus steers weaned at 7 mo of age (d −55) were
metabolism. S. L. Hansen*, E. L. Richter, and M. E. Drewnoski, Iowa
stratified by BW on d −30 of the study, and randomly allocated to 18
State University, Ames.
drylot pens (4 steers/pen). Pens were assigned to receive a grain-based
To examine the effects of cattle breed on the clearance rate of an supplement (avg. 1.4 kg/steer/d) without (CO) or with 0.15 kg/steer/d
injectible mineral 10 Angus and 10 Simmental calves were blocked of a PUFA source (PF; Megalac-R, Church and Dwight, Princeton, NJ)
by breed and initial BW (332 ± 33 kg) and injected with either Multi- or a saturated fatty acid source (SF; Megalac, Church and Dwight).
min90 (MIN) or sterilized saline (CON) at a dose of 1 mL/45 kg BW. Treatment intakes were formulated to be iso-caloric, iso-nitrogenous,
The Multimin90 contained 60 mg Zn/mL (as Zn disodium EDTA), 10 and offered daily from d −30 to d 0. Mixed alfalfa-grass hay was offered
mg Mn/mL (as Mn disodium EDTA), 15 mg Cu/mL (as Cu disodium in amounts to ensure ad libitum access during the same period. On d 0,
EDTA), and 5 mg Se/mL (as sodium selenite). Calves were weight steers were loaded onto a commercial livestock trailer and transported
matched and treatment was balanced within pens (2 head per pen). for approximately 350 km over a 6 h period. However, steers remained
Calves received a corn-silage based diet and Mn, Cu, Zn, and Se were in the truck for a total of 24 h before unloaded into a commercial feedlot
supplemented at NRC recommended levels. Jugular blood for plasma (d 1), where steers were maintained in a single pen, managed similarly,
mineral analysis was collected immediately before injection and at 8 and and received a diet not containing PF or SF. Forage DMI was evaluated
10 h post injection, and on d 1, 8 and 15 post injection. Liver biopsies daily from d −30 to d −1. Shrunk BW was collected on d −33 and 1 for
for mineral analysis were collected 3 d before injection and on d 1, 8 and ADG calculation. Blood samples were collected on d 0, 1, and 3, and
15 post injection. Plasma concentrations of Mn and Se were greater (P analyzed for plasma concentrations of interleukin 1 and 6, tumor necrosis
< 0.001) at 8 and 10 h and d 1 post injection in MIN calves compared factor (TNF)-α, haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, cortisol, and fatty acids. No
with CON calves. Plasma Se remained elevated (P < 0.05) through d treatment effects were detected for ADG (P = 0.54) or F:G (P = 0.56).
8 in MIN calves vs. CON calves. Regardless of treatment, Simmental During the study, DMI was often reduced for PF steers compared with
calves exhibited lower (P = 0.05) plasma Cu at 10 h post injection and CO and SF (treatment × day interaction; P < 0.01). Concentrations of
tended (P = 0.07) to have greater plasma Mn on d 1 compared with PUFA were greater in PF steers compared with CO and SF before and
Angus calves. Plasma concentrations of Cu, Zn and Mn did not differ after transportation (treatment × day interaction P < 0.01). Following
due to treatment by d 8. Liver concentrations of Cu and Se were greater transportation, concentration of TNF-α increased for CO, did not change
(P < 0.01) in MIN calves compared with CON calves on d 1, 8 and 15 for SF, but decreased for PF steers (treatment × day interaction, P <
post injection. Liver Zn concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) on d 1 in 0.01). In conclusion, PUFA supplementation during preconditioning had
MIN calves versus CON calves. Liver Mn concentrations were greater detrimental effects on DMI, but did not impair ADG and reduced plasma
(P < 0.05) on d 8 in MIN calves compared with CON calves, but did concentrations of TNF-α following transportation and feedlot entry.
not differ among treatments on d 1 or 15 post injection. Interestingly,
Key Words: polyunsaturated fatty acids, transportation, beef steers
298 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Calves
390 Effect of feeding polyphenols from pomegranate extract for transcript profiling using a 13,257 bovine oligonucleotide (70-mers)
on health, growth, nutrient digestion, and immunocompetence array. Preliminary ANOVA of wk 10 data revealed 75 differentially
of calves. M. C. Perdomo*1, R. A. Oliveira1, C. D. Narciso1, R. S. expressed genes (DEG, P < 0.01) due to diet. Among DEG, the most
Bisinotto1, M. A. Ballou2, M. Dreher3, and J. E. P. Santos1, 1University enriched biological functions were cellular process (n = 34) and regu-
of Florida, Gainesville, 2Texas Tech University, Lubbock, 3POM Won- lation of biological process (n = 17). In addition, genes with a 2-fold
dersull, Los Angeles, CA. change between treatments were related to physiological processes
including protein degradation (e.g., PGA3, pepsinogen 3, group I A)
Objectives were to evaluate the effects of feeding pomegranate extract
and growth (e.g., RDH10, retinol dehydrogenase 10). Preliminary
(POMx) rich in polyphenols on performance, health, nutrient digestion,
results show that feeding a high-protein/low-fat milk replacer followed
and immunocompetence of calves. Holstein calves (n = 67), at 2 ± 1
by a high-protein starter caused alterations in ruminal epithelium gene
d of age were randomly assigned to 0 (control), 5 (POMx5), or 10 g/d
expression profiles.
(POMx10) of POMx containing 16.9% gallic acid equivalent. Calves
received colostrum in the first 24 h, pasteurized milk thereafter until d Key Words: transcriptomics, development, metabolism
61, and grain was fed ad libitum for the first 70 d of age. Calves were
housed in individual hutches and grain intake, attitude and fecal scores,
incidence and duration of health disorders, and health treatments cost 392 Field evaluation of the effects of free-access feeding of acidi-
were evaluated. Body weight (BW) was measured at 2, 30 and 70 d of fied milk replacer on the growth performance of dairy replacement
age. Concentrations of glucose and 3-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) were heifers and veal calves. C. G. Todd*1, K. E. Leslie1, S. T. Millman2,
measured in plasma. Nutrient digestion was measured using total fecal T. J. DeVries3, N. G. Anderson4, and J. M. Sargeant1, 1Department of
collection. Neutrophil phagocytic and killing activities and antibody Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada,
2Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, Biomedical
response to ovalbumin were measured. Cytokine production by periph-
eral blood mononuclear cells was measured. Feeding POMx had no Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames, 3Department of Animal and
effect on intake or BW gain in the first 30 d of age, but grain intake and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Kemptville Campus, Kemptville,
BW gain reduced (P < 0.05) with increasing addition of POMx after d Ontario, Canada, 4Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural
30, which resulted in calves that were 1.8 and 4.3 kg lighter at 70 d of age Affairs, Elora, Ontario, Canada.
for POMx5 and POMx10, respectively, compared with controls. Feeding The objective of this research was to determine the effects of free-access
POMx did not influence DM, organic matter or starch digestibility, but it feeding of acidified milk replacer on pre and post-weaning growth of
reduced (P < 0.01) protein and tended (P = 0.06) to affect fat digestion. Holstein replacement heifers and veal calves. The study was conducted
Plasma concentrations of glucose and BHBA, attitude and fecal scores, at a commercial dairy operation in central Ontario. Heifer calves were
rectal temperature, incidence of fever, health treatment cost, neutrophil reared as replacement animals and male calves were marketed as grain-
phagocytic and killing activities did not differ among treatments. Feed- fed veal. Calves (n = 495) were randomly assigned at birth to 1 of 2
ing POMx increased (P < 0.05) interferon-γ, interleukin-4, and IgG to milk feeding programs: free-access (ad libitum) feeding of acidified milk
ovalbumin vaccination. These results suggest that feeding POMx top replacer (ACID, n = 250) or conventional (3 L fed twice daily) feeding of
dressed onto the grain suppresses grain intake and digestibility of protein. milk replacer (CONV, n = 245). Calves were fed milk replacer contain-
Nevertheless, POMx enhanced mitogen-induced cytokine production ing 24% crude protein and 18% fat. Formic acid was used to acidify the
and response to vaccination which might benefit immune competence milk replacer for the ACID treatment. The target pH for acidified milk
of calves and potentially health. replacer was between 4.0 and 4.5. Calves were gradually weaned from
Key Words: calf, polyphenols, pomegranate milk replacer at approximately 6 weeks of age (mean ± SD: 41.1 ± 7.7
d of age). Body weight, hip width, hip height, body length and heart
girth were measured at birth and weaning. A post-weaning body weight
391 Effect of high-protein milk replacer followed by high-protein measurement was also collected for each calf (mean ± SD for heifer
starter on transcript profiles in ruminal tissue of Holstein bull calves: 283.3 ± 57.2 d of age; mean ± SD for veal calves: 235.0 ± 25.1
calves. A. Naeem*, J. K. Drackley, J. Stamey, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas, R. d of age). There was no difference between the ACID and CONV calves
E. Everts, H. A. Lewin, and J. J. Loor, University of Illinois, Urbana. for any of the measurements collected at birth. The ACID calves had
significantly higher pre-weaning body weight gain compared with the
The calf must be adapted to its nutrition from milk or milk replacer to
CONV calves (28.2 vs. 21.2 kg, SE = 0.9, P < 0.05), as well as greater
make the metabolic, nutritional, and behavioral changes to become a
change in hip width (3.6 vs. 2.5 cm, SE = 0.1, P < 0.05), hip height (8.5
functional ruminant in a period of 6 to 8 wk after birth. Objective of this
vs. 7.0 cm, SE = 0.4, P < 0.05), body length (11.9 vs. 9.5 cm, SE = 0.7, P
study was to evaluate ruminal epithelium transcriptomics in response
< 0.05) and heart girth (12.4 vs. 9.8 cm, SE = 0.4, P < 0.05). The ACID
to high-protein/low-fat milk replacer followed by high-protein starter
and CONV calves did not differ for post-weaning weight gain (heifer
for 10 wk. From 3 through 42 d of life, male Holstein calves were fed
calves: 224.7 vs. 226.8 kg, SE = 6.0, P > 0.05, respectively; veal calves:
reconstituted control milk replacer (20% CP, 20% fat; 0.567 kg solids/
257.1 vs. 257.2, SE = 2.0, P > 0.05, respectively). These results indicate
calf) or a high-protein/low-fat milk replacer (28.5% CP, 15% fat; at ca.
that free-access feeding of acidified milk replacer supports improved
2% of body weight). All calves were weaned on d 43. Calves in the
body weight gain and structural growth during the pre-weaning period,
control group were then fed a control starter containing 16% CP through
but does not affect post-weaning weight gain.
d 70 of life. In contrast, calves in the high-protein/low-fat group were
fed a starter containing 22% CP through d 70 of life. Groups of calves Key Words: milk replacer, free-access feeding, acidification
in control and high-protein/low-fat treatments were harvested after
43 (wk 5) and 71 d (wk 10) of feeding. Ruminal epithelium samples
harvested from 5 animals in each group at each time point were used 393 Comparison of raw colostrum, colostrum replacer, and pas-
teurized colostrum on IgG, growth, and health of dairy calves. C.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 299
L. Wilson* and L. E. Davis Rincker, Eastern Kentucky University, 0.7687b3X3+ 1.0101b4X4+ 0.8997b5X5-0.3266b6X6- 27.0485b7X7+
Richmond. 1.0142b8X8(SY.X = 0.05691, R2 = 0.9999, P < 0.0001). These results
indicate that in the range of the experiment design, the suitable content
Colostrum consumption is key to the health and survival of dairy
of ingredients in calves starter ration were: soybean meal ≤20%, wheat
calves. However, feeding raw colostrum can spread disease from dam
bran 0–10%, whey powder ≤20%, CaHPO4 ≤2%, limestone ≤2%, salt
to calf. Pasteurized colostrum and colostrum replacer can be used when
0–1.0%, vitamin premix 0–0.04%. There were significant multiple linear
disease spread is a concern. A direct comparison between pasteurized
correlation between the ABC or pH of calves starter ration and content,
colostrum and colostrum replacer is lacking. The primary objective was
ABC or pH of ingredients.
to determine serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration of calves
fed colostrum replacer (CR, 150 g globulin protein/dose), pasteurized Key Words: calves starter ration, acid-binding capacity and pH, math-
colostrum (PC), and raw colostrum (RC). Other objectives were to ematical model
evaluate intake, growth, feed efficiency, and health of calves. Male and
female dairy calves born at Eastern Kentucky University Stateland Dairy
Center were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments (n = 11/trt): RC, 395 Study on in vitro evaluation of acidifier and its effect on growth
PC, or CR and fed their respective treatment twice (1.89 L/feeding) on in calves fed milk replacer. Y. Tu*, Y. Zhou, Q. Yun, Y. Q. Fu, and
d 1 of life. Calvings were monitored so that calves did not suckle the Q. Y. Diao, Feed Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural
dam. High quality (green) colostrum, as measured by a colostrometer, Sciences, Beijing, China.
was pooled for the RC and PC treatment. Blood was collected before This experiment was conducted to study on the in vitro evaluation
colostrum feeding and again between 46 and 60 h for analysis of serum method of acidifiers in calves milk replacer, and then validated the
IgG. Calves were raised similarly after 1 d of age and data was col- effect of the acidifier in calves using feeding trials. In the in vitro test,
lected until weaning at 7 wk of age. Statistical analysis used the GLM antibacterial activity in vitro (Y1), pH of 1% acidifier solution (Y2),
procedure of SAS. Calves fed RC or PC had greater concentrations of buffering capacity of 1% acidifier solution (Y3), volume of acidifier solu-
serum IgG than CR (P < 0.01), but no difference existed between RC tion to reduce the pH of milk replacer solution from 6.3 to 5.0 (Y4) and
and PC. Average fecal scores and rectal temperatures taken daily during buffering capacity of milk replacer solution added acidifier (Y5) were
the first 2 wk of age were not different. Total intake of starter and milk chosen as the indices to evaluate the effect of the tested acids includ-
replacer, initial and final growth parameters, feed efficiency, and average ing formic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid, lactic acid and
daily gain were not different. No major health challenges were noted in hydrochloric acid. Eighteen and 12 healthy neonatal Chinese Holstein
these calves. It is possible that if CR calves had been exposed to major male calves were assigned randomly to Treatment A1, A2, A3 in trial A
illneses, health and growth parameters may have been compromised due and Treatment B1, B2 in trial B, respectively, and each treatment had 6
to low immunity. Results indicate that if properly pasteurized, PC does calves. The pH of milk replacer solution were reduced by hydrochloric
not compromise immunity, health or growth parameters. acid from 6.3 to 5.5 or 5.0 in Treatment A1 or A2, respectively, and
Key Words: colostrum, calf, immunoglobulin was reduced by formic acid from 6.3 to 5.0 in Treatment B2. Body
weight, feed efficiency and the incidence of diarrhea were determined.
The results indicated that, in the in vitro test, Y1 were highest when
394 Effect of the ingredients on acid binding capacity and ph of hydrochloric acid (95.12%) or formic acid (94.19%) was used, Y2 was
calves starter ration. Y. Tu*1, Q. Y. Diao1, S. S. Feng2, Y. Zhou1, and lowest in hydrochloric acid solution, Y3 was best in hydrochloric acid
Q. Yun1, 1Feed Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural solution, Y4 was least when formic acid solution used, and Y5 was
Sciences, Beijing, China, 2Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, best in acetic acid solution. So formic acid and hydrochloric acid were
China. selected to be the acidifier in calf milk replacer. In the feed trails, com-
paring with that in Treatment A1, ADG improved 5.2% and 12.1% in
This experiment was conducted to study on the effects of the ingredients
Treatment A2 and A3. The incidence of diarrhea was 9.7% in Treatment
and its acid binding capacity (ABC) or pH on the ABC or pH of calves
A3, which decreased by 29.7% comparing with the 13.8% in Treatment
starter ration. Nine feed raw ingredients (5–7 samples each) including
A1. ADG of calves was significantly higher in Treatment B2 than that
corn, wheat bran, soybean meal, whey powder, CaHPO4, limestone,
in Treatment B1 (P < 0.05), the incidence of diarrhea decreased by
salt, mineral premix and vitamin premix, which were ordinarily used
37.5% in Treatment B2 (16.2%) than that in Treatment B1 (25.9%). It
in the northern China, were mixed with calves starter rations based on
is concluded that, the growth performance of calves may be improved
L27(313) orthogonal test table. The ABC and pH of the ingredients and
by using hydrochloric acid or formic acid as acidifier in milk replacer,
starter rations were determined, and then multiple regression method
and the in vitro evaluation method of acidifier was viable.
was used to analyze the data. The results showed that, 1) the ABC of
limestone was highest (2040.00), while that of salt was lowest (0.40). Key Words: calf milk replacer, acidifier, in vitro evaluation
The order of ABC from high to low was soybean meal, wheat bran, corn
in plant feed ingredients, which were 47.82 ± 4.51, 27.31 ± 3.47, 7.11
± 0.54, respectively; 2) The pH of minerals were alkaline, and that of 396 Simulated straw bedding intake and effect of high and low
corn, wheat bran and soybean meal were 5.79 ± 0.23, 5.65 ± 0.20 and cereal grain starters on rumen development of neonatal Holstein
5.92 ± 0.11, respectively; 3) All the ingredients had significant effect calves. W. B. Fokkink*1, T. M. Hill1, H. G. Bateman II1, J. M. Aldrich1,
on the ABC and pH of starter ration (P < 0.05). 4) When the ABC of R. L. Schlotterbeck1, and A. F. Kertz2, 1Nurture Calf Research, Provimi
starters was Y1(mmol/100 g), pH of starters were Y2(mmol/100 g), and North America, Lewisburg, OH, 2ANDHIL, LLC, St. Louis, MO.
the proportions in starter and ABC of soybean meal, wheat bran, whey Our hypothesis was that simulated straw bedding intake would be minor
powder, CaHPO4, limestone, salt, vitamin premix, corn were X1-X8 and that calves fed a texturized high cereal grain starter (TEX) would
(%) and a1-a8(mmol/100 g), respectively, the regression equation Y = have greater rumen papillae development than calves fed a fine particle,
f(aiXi) was: Y1 = 1.0944a1X1+0.4817a2X2+ 1.2354a3X3-0.1568a4X4+ pelleted, low cereal grain starter (PEL). Male Holstein calves (initially
0.1136a 5 X 5 + 62.5969a 6 X 6 + 60.2618a 7 X 7 + 0.9150a 8 X 8 (S Y.X = 45 ± 1.1 kg BW, 2 d of age; 4 calves/treatment) were fed TEX or PEL
1.85603,R2 = 0.9945, P < 0.0001); Y2 = 1.0792b1X1+ 0.9830b2X2+ and long-stem wheat straw over a 56-d trial. Starter TEX contained
300 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
37% whole corn, 25% whole oats, 35% supplement pellets (containing use in calf MR is unclear. Non-medicated MR additives that promote
68% soybean meal, 16% wheat middlings, and 16% other ingredients) growth and health should be explored.
and 3% molasses. Starter PEL contained 43% dried distillers grains,
Key Words: dairy calf, neomycin sulfate, oxytetracycline
26% wheat middlings, 15% soybean hulls, 10% fine rolled corn, and
6% other ingredients. Starters contained equal concentrations of CP
(20% DM basis), Ca, P, and salt. Calves were fed a 27% CP, 17% fat 398 Meta-analysis for designing an empirical model to predict
milk replacer at 0.66 kg DM daily and weaned at 35 d. Calves were growth of neonatal Holstein calves through eight weeks of age. H.
fed wheat straw, starter, and water ad libitum and housed in individual G. Bateman II*1, T. M. Hill1, J. M. Aldrich1, R. L. Schlotterbeck1,
pens with geotextile fabric over rock as flooring with no bedding. After and J. L. Firkins2, 1Nurture Research Center, Provimi North America,
sacrifice on d 56, gastro intestinal tracts were divided at the pyloric Lewisburg, OH, 2The Ohio State University, Columbus.
sphincter (stomach and intestine sections) and weighed. Rumen wall
and rumen papillae samples were measured. Data were analyzed as a A data set was constructed from individual animal means gathered in the
completely randomized design. Straw intake averaged 7 g/calf daily or Nurture Research Center (a curtain-sided, naturally ventilated nursery)
0.8% of total intake, and did not differ by starter type. Calves fed TEX and used in a meta-analysis to parameterize an empirical model predict-
had greater final BW and greater ADG than calves fed PEL. Empty ing growth measures. This data set contained 993 observations from
stomach weight was greater for calves fed TEX. Intestine and digesta 20 research trials in all seasons. Growth measures gathered included
weights were lower and stomach and intestine plus digesta weights were average daily gain (ADG) pre-weaning, post-weaning, and through 8
lower for calves fed TEX vs. PEL. Rumen papillae length was greater weeks of age. Independent variables gathered included: age at weaning
for calves fed TEX vs. PEL. Feeding a texturized high cereal grain (WEAN), total starter intake (SI), total milk replacer intake (MRI), milk
diet developed rumen papillae better and contributed to less stomach, replacer CP % (MRCP) and fat % (MRfat) contents, number of days
intestine, and digesta as a percent of BW than feeding a fine particle, with abnormal fecal scores (AFS), average environmental temperature
pelleted low cereal grain diet. pre-weaning (temp-pre), post-weaning (temp-post), and through 8
weeks of age (temp-all), minimum (mintemp) and maximum (maxtemp)
Key Words: calf, rumen, starters during the entire 8 weeks, BW at d 0 (BW0), and initial serum protein
concentration (SERP). Additionally the interactions of SI, MRI, and
MRCP and MRfat were considered for the model. Backward elimina-
397 Growth and health of calves pre- and post-weaning fed milk
tion multiple regressions were conducted using a mixed model with a
replacers with differing levels of neomycin sulfate and oxytetracy-
random effect of trial. Terms least probable to differ from zero were
cline. N. B. Litherland*1, B. Ziegler2, D. Schimek2, D. Carlson3, D.
removed sequentially from the model except that when interactions
Ziegler4, M. L. Raeth-Knight1, G. G. Golombeski1, H. Chester-Jones4,
terms appeared in the model their constituent terms remained regard-
and J. G. Linn1, 1University of Minnesota, St Paul, 2Hubbard Feeds
less of level of significance. When all terms were significant at P < 0.05
Inc., Mankato, MN, 3Milk Products Inc., Chilton, WI, 4University of
variance inflation factor (VIF) was calculated. If VIF was greater than
Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca.
100 the term with the lowest probability of being different from zero
New regulations for the use of medicated milk replacers (MR) containing was removed until the VIF was 100 or less. The final model for total
neomycin sulfate (NEO) and oxytetracycline (OXY) have resulted in a ADG indicated that increasing SI or MRI improves calf growth. Also
need to explore the effects of amount and duration of antibiotic feeding increasing MRCP increased growth but increasing MRfat depressed
on calf growth and health. Previous work by our group showed removal growth due to the interactions among SI, MRI, and MRfat. Growth of
of antibiotics from MR at 14 d reduced growth compared with feeding neonatal dairy calves appears more controlled by nutrient intake and
antibiotics through 42 d. The aims of this study were to evaluate growth their interactions than surrogates for health status of the calves (AFS
and health of calves fed MR containing varying amounts of antibiotics and SERP) or environmental temperature.
for 0, 14, 26, or 42 d. Holstein heifer calves (n = 100, 2 to 4 d of age)
Key Words: calf, growth, meta analysis
were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 MR programs. All calves were fed
20% CP, 20% fat MR at 0.57 kg/d (as-fed powder weight) from d 1–35
and 0.28 kg/d from d 36–42. Four different antibiotic amounts and dura- 399 Effect of different fiber sources on performance and feed
tions were included in the above MR to yield 4 treatments; TRT1 - 400 intake of Holstein calves. L. Castells*1, A. Bach1,2, and M. Terré1,
g NEO/200 g OXY per ton of MR on d 1–42; TRT2 - 0 g NEO/0g OXY 1Department of Ruminant Production, IRTA, Caldes de Montbui, Spain,
per ton of MR on d 1–42; TRT3 - 1600 g NT/1600 g OXY per ton of 2ICREA, Barcelona, Spain.
MR on d 1–14; TRT4 - 1600 g NEO/1600 g OXY per ton of MR on d
1–14 and d 16- 28. Calves were fed MR twice daily from d 1–35, and The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different fiber
once daily from d 36–42. An 18% CP (as-fed) texturized calf starter was sources on performance and feed intake of Holstein calves. Sixty
offered free choice along with water throughout the study. Calves were Holstein male calves (initial BW = 43.9 ± 5.86 kg) were randomly
housed in individual pens within a naturally ventilated barn. Average assigned to one of 3 different dietary treatments that consisted on a
daily gain and total body weight gain was lower (P < 0.05) for TRT2 common starter plus alfalfa hay (A), rye-grass (R), and no access to
when compared with TRT1 and TRT4. Total starter intake and total dry forage (C). All calves were offered 2 L of milk replacer (MR) at 12.5%
matter intake was lower (P < 0.05) for TRT 2 compared with TRT1 and DM twice daily via a bottle until 50 d of age, and then only one daily
TRT 4 through 42 d of age. Dry matter required for gain was higher (P dose of 2 L of MR at 12.5% DM during the week before weaning (57
< 0.05) for TRT2 compared with all other treatments. Fecal scores were d of age). Starter, MR, and forage intakes were recorded daily and BW
not different and averaged 1.3 across treatments. Scouring days (fecal was recorded weekly. Calves were individually housed using wood
score of 4) were significantly higher (P < 0.05) for TRT 2 compared shavings as bedding material. Intake data were transformed using
with TRT 4 through d 42. Calves fed increasing amounts and duration square root to achieve a normal distribution and were analyzed using a
of NT and OT grew more efficiently, ate more starter, and had fewer mixed-effects model with repeated measures that included initial BW
days scouring than calves fed no antibiotics. The future of antibiotic as a covariate, and dietary treatment, week of study and their 2-way
interaction as fixed effects, and the animal as a random effect. Starter
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 301
intake tended to be greater (P = 0.05) in R (1.2 ± 0.03 kg/d) than in A breaths per minute were less for calves cooled with fans than calves
calves (0.9 ± 0.03 kg/d), but no differences were observed between C that were not cooled. Straw bedding was preferred to sand, nursery pens
calves (1.0 ± 0.03 kg/d) and the other 2 treatments. Forage intake was were preferred to hutches, and summer daytime cooling with fans was
greater (P < 0.05) in A (144 ± 0.26 g/d) than in R calves (59 ± 0.26 preferred to no cooling.
g/d) . Total dry matter intake (DMI) tended to be greater (P = 0.10) in
Key Words: bedding, temperature, cooling
R (1.7 ± 0.03 kg/d) than in C (1.4 ± 0.03 kg/d) and A calves (1.5 ± 0.03
kg/d). No differences were observed among treatments on ADG and
feed efficiency. Offering forages to calves does not compromise total 401 The effect of oral supplementation of selenium on passive
DMI, and it may foster consumption of starter, especially when the transfer of immunoglobulins in dairy calves. B. Nelson*1, S. M.
forage offered is rye-grass. Godden2, B. W. McBride1, T. F. Duffield1, and K. E. Leslie1, 1Depart-
Key Words: forage, calves, performance ment of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON,
Canada, 2Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, University
of Minnesota, St. Paul.
400 Effect of housing and management on dairy calves less than
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of oral selenium
two months of age. T. M. Hill*, H. G. Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich,
supplementation by the addition of sodium selenite to colostrum or
R. L. Schlotterbeck, D. L. Carr, and A. B. Chestnut, Nurture Research
colostrum replacer, on the success of passive transfer of immunoglobu-
Center, Provimi North America, Lewisburg, OH.
lin G (IgG) and on whole blood selenium status. During the summer
Housing (hutches, naturally ventilated nursery), bedding (straw, sand), of 2008, a total of 122 Holstein calves were enrolled at the Transition
and summer cooling with fans were management conditions evaluated Management Facility, Emerald, Wisconsin. Calves were randomly
in 3 trials. Holstein calves (42 ± 2 kg BW) initially 2 to 4 d of age were assigned to receive either colostrum from their dam, or a commercially
managed at the Nurture Research Center in southwest Ohio. Calves available colostrum replacer product. Calves were further randomized
were fed milk replacer (27% CP, 17% fat fed at 0.657 kg DM per to receive selenium (sodium selenite) or placebo added to their respec-
calf daily), starter (20% CP DM, textured, fed free-choice), and water tive colostrum treatments, at a concentration of 3 ppm. Blood samples
(free-choice). Measurements were for 56 d. In Trial 1, 28 calves per were collected from every calf at birth, before feeding of colostrum, and
treatment were bedded with straw and housed either in poly hutches again 24 h following feeding of colostrum. Whole blood samples were
or wire mesh nursery pens. This trial was conducted from September analyzed for selenium concentration using a fluorometric method. Serum
to March. The average temperature was 8°C and ranged from −17 to samples were analyzed for IgG concentration using a radial-immunodif-
31°C. In Trial 2, 16 calves per treatment were managed in wire mesh fusion assay. Statistical analysis was conducted using linear regression
nursery pens bedded with straw, in nursery pens bedded with sand, or techniques in STATA. Calves that received colostrum or colostrum
in poly hutches bedded with sand. This trial was conducted from May replacer with selenium had significantly increased whole blood selenium
to September. The average temperature was 21°C and ranged from 7 concentrations compared with placebo calves (µg/mL: 0.31; 0.22 ; P <
to 33°C. In Trial 3, 26 calves per treatment were housed in wire mesh 0.001). Calves fed colostrum from their dam had significantly higher
nursery pens and bedded with straw with or without supplemental cool- serum IgG concentrations 24 h following colostrum feeding than calves
ing with fans between 8AM and 5 p.m. This trial was conducted from fed the colostrum replacer product (g/L: 35.95; 17.6 ; P < 0.001). There
May to September. The average temperature was 22°C and ranged from were no significant differences in serum IgG at 24 h between calves
8 to 34°C. Data were analyzed by trial as completely randomized block fed maternal colostrum with or without selenium supplementation and
designs with calf as the experimental unit. Differences were declared at calves fed colostrum replacer with or without selenium supplementation
P < 0.05. In Trial 1, daily gain of calves in nursery pens was 7% greater (g/L; 36.02, 35.87; 18.72, 16.58, respectively). From the results of this
than that of calves in hutches. In Trial 2, daily gain and starter intake study, selenium supplementation of colostrum or colostrum replacer for
of calves in the nursery with straw bedding were greater and scouring improvement of passive transfer of IgG is not warranted.
was less than calves bedded with sand in the nursery or hutches. In Trial
Key Words: selenium, colostrum, passive transfer
3, daily gain, feed efficiency, and hip width change were greater and
302 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Small Ruminant: Sheep and Goat Production 1
402 Effects of endophyte-infected fescue seed on physiological n = 2) or with 21% molasses-based protein blocks (PT, n = 2). Animals
parameters of mature female meat goats. A. R. Boyer*1, T. L. were weighed and blood samples collected every 2 weeks. Data were
Mays1, G. W. Webb1, M. A. Brown2, and E. L. Walker1, 1Missouri analyzed using proc mixed as a split plot design and the analysis included
State University, Springfield, 2USDA Grazinglands Research Center, the fixed affects of treatment, species, breed nested within species,
El Reno, OK. gender, and all possible interactions. In 2007, serum concentrations of
leptin did not differ by treatment (P = 0.94) or between species (P =
The objectives of the study were to determine if consumption of endo- 0.60) or gender (P = 0.29). There was a breed within species interaction
phyte-infected (E+) fescue seed would affect thermoregulation and DMI (P = 0.01). Serum leptin values tended to decline from June to August
in mature female goats. During a 4 wk study, a total of 18 goats (Boer (P = 0.10). In 2008, serum leptin tended to be greater in PT than NP
type) were assigned to treatments (n = 6 per treatment); endophyte-free animals (P = 0.08) and greater in kids than lambs (P ≤ 0.001). No breed
KY-31 (E-), endophyte-free STF-43 (E43-), or E+ seed. Goats were fed within species interaction was observed (P = 0.49) nor did gender affect
a ration consisting of a 2:1:1 ratio of alfalfa pellets, a commercial sweet serum leptin (P = 0.33). There was a strong association between date
feed, and 1 of 3 types of fescue seed. All goats were fed 2% of BW, and and serum leptin concentrations (P ≤ 0.001) and there was a breed
orts were collected and weighed daily on a DM basis. At the initiation of by date within species interaction (P = 0.009). In both trials, serum
the study, age and BCS were recorded. Temperature loggers designed for leptin values declined from June to August as forage quality decreased
intravaginal insertion were used and temperature (T) collected. Average throughout the summer.
temperatures for 0400, 1000, 1600, 2200 h were recorded. Urine, blood,
and BW were collected weekly. Ergovaline levels in the urine increased Key Words: kids, lambs, leptin
after 1 wk on treatment (P ≤ 0.03). Dry matter intake was affected by
age (P ≤ 0.01). A treatment × week interaction (P ≤ 0.05) occurred in 404 Factors affecting birth, 60-day, and weaning body weights
wk 1 of the study, with E43- having greater DMI than E-, and E+ being of commercial meat goat kids born in two different seasons. K.
intermediate. Seed intake was affected (P ≤ 0.02) in E+ throughout the Andries* and E. Sherrow, Kentucky State University, Frankfort.
study and in E- wk 1 and 4 of study. Treatment (P ≤ 0.03), treatment ×
week (P ≤ 0.01), and age (P ≤ 0.007) also had an effect on seed intake Little information is available on the impact of season of kidding on
for E+ and E- treatments. Intake of alfalfa pellets and sweet feed did growth and performance of meat goat kids. However, seasonal market
not differ (P ≤ 0.56) among treatments. No difference in ADG among trends have many producers kidding in the late fall and winter. Because
treatments (P ≤ 0.22) occurred. A date affect on T occurred at 1600 h of this, a study was designed to evaluate kid performance using 2 kid-
(P ≤ 0.002) in E- and E43- treatments and at 2200 h (P ≤ 0.0003) in ding seasons. The objectives of the study were to evaluate kid growth
E- and E+ treatments. At 0400 h, E43- maintained a greater T than other from birth to weaning by comparing birth, 60 d, and weaning BW; rate
treatment groups (P ≤ 0.03). At 1000 h, there was a treatment × week of gain to weaning; and kid survival to weaning in 2 alternative kidding
interaction (P ≤ 0.01) and E43-maintained a greater (P ≤ 0.06) T than seasons. Five hundred and 40 3 Boer sired commercial meat goat kids
the other treatments. Treatment affected DMI, seed intake, T, and urine born in either fall (October, November, and December) or spring (March,
concentrations of ergovaline. However, goats may handle ergovaline April, and May) of 2005 through 2007 were available for this study.
differently than other species and more research is required to evaluate Data collected included, birth type; sex; and birth, 60 d, and weaning
these potential differences. weight. Data was analyzed using Proc Mixed in SAS. Season of birth
had a significant effect on birth and weaning weight, and ADG between
Key Words: endophyte, goat, intake 60 d and weaning. Birth type was significant for all traits except ADG
between 60 d and weaning. Single born kids were heavier at birth than
403 The effects of protein supplement on leptin concentrations twin or triplet born kids (3.91, 3.47, 3.20 kg, respectively). Spring born
in lambs and meat goat kids grazing bermudagrass pastures in kids were lighter than fall born kids at birth and weaning (3.37 vs. 3.68
central Oklahoma. E. L. Walker*1, S. A. Nusz2, D. H. Keisler3, kg for birth and 16.86 vs. 18.09 kg for weaning, respectively). Fall born
and M. A. Brown4, 1Missouri State University, Springfield, 2Redlands kids gained faster between 60 d and weaning (170 vs. 130 g/d, respec-
Community College, El Reno, OK, 3University of Missouri, Columbia, tively). The interaction between year and birth type was significant for
4USDA Grazinglangs Research Center, El Reno, OK. birth weight and the sex by birth type interaction was significant for 60
d weight and ADG to 60 d. Season of birth did not have an effect (P =
Lambs and kids weaned and pastured on bermudagrass (BG; Cynodon 0.105) on survival to weaning, however type of birth was significant
dactylon) may not receive enough protein to reach maximal growth (P < 0.001) for survival. Single born kids were more likely to survive
during mid to late summer when protein in BG declines. Leptin is an to weaning than all other birth types. Twin born kids were second most
adipocyte-derived hormone that increases as body condition increases likely to survive and triplet and quadruples were similar in survival to
and is involved in body temperature regulation. Our objective was to weaning. This project indicates that season of birth and birth type have
determine the affects of protein supplementation on leptin status in an effect on performance for meat goat kids.
lambs and meat goat kids grazing on summer BG pastures. In 2007, 10
Boer type (BT) and 13 Spanish × Savanna (ST) kids (start bw = 14 ± 5 Key Words: meat goat, preweaning growth, season of birth
kg) and 23 Katahdin (KK), 14 Katahdin × Suffolk (KS), 14 Suffolk ×
Katahdin (SK), and 21 Suffolk (SS) lambs (start bw = 30 ± 5 kg; start 405 Relationship between body measurements and milk yield
age for sheep and goats = 100 ± 10 d) were used. In 2008, 27 BT and and a method to predict the milk production of Saanen goats. S.
28 ST kids (start bw = 18.8 ± 0.6 kg) and 11 KK, 15 KS, 21 SK, and 25 Dikmen*, A. Orman, H. Üstüner, and M. M. Ogan, University of Uludag,
SS lambs (start bw = 25.8 ± 0.7 kg; start age for sheep and goats = 100 Bursa, Turkey.
± 5 d) were used. Animals were allotted by weight, breed, and gender
to one of 2 treatments: 1.22 ha of BG with no protein supplement (NP;
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 303
Type traits are functional traits in dairy goats and have an indirect effect the flock. The results of this study indicate no detrimental effects of ad
on production. Because of moderate to high heritability of these traits, libitum prepubertal feeding of dairy ewe lambs to 5 mo of age.
they are valuable tool in breeding program of dairy cattle. In dairy cattle
these measurements are used for prediction of some production traits. Key Words: lactation, prepubertal, sheep
Despite the wide use of evaluations for type in goats, little is known about
the association between body conformation and production traits. The 407 Milk production and lamb growth of hair sheep weaned at 63
objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between body or 90 d of age in an accelerated lambing system in the tropics. R. W.
measurements and milk yield in Turkish Saanen goats and to develop a Godfrey* and K. Facison, University of the Virgin Islands, St Croix.
method to predict the lactation milk yield. A total of 40 goats were used
for this study. Body condition score (BCS), live weight (LW) and a total This study was designed to evaluate the impact of weaning age on lamb
of 24 body measurements were recorded 7 d after birth. Milk yield was and ewe productivity in an accelerated lambing system. During a fall
recorded fortnightly and 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240 d and lactation and summer lambing, St. Croix White ewes (n = 19 and 22) and lambs
milk yield (LM) were estimated using these records. Lactation milk (n = 30 and 34), and Dorper × St Croix White ewes (n = 18 and 27) and
yield was 689.8 ± 38.0 kg in 298.1 ± 2.3 d. The effects of birth month lambs (n = 31 and 39) were used. Lambs were assigned to be weaned
(February or March), birth type (single or twin), BCS, LW (kg), age at 63 (CTRL; n = 70) or 90 d of age (LATE; n = 64) based on breed,
(month), parity, DIM (day) and all interactions were investigated using sex and litter size. In the summer 8 ewes/group were evaluated for
PROC MIXED of SAS. The correlations between body measurements milk production at 28, 63, 76 and 90 d postpartum (PP) using oxytocin
and milk yield were also determined. The effects of BCS (P < 0.05), and 4 h lamb removal. After weaning lambs were fed concentrate (2%
LW (P < 0.01) and DIM (P = 0.08) on LM were found significant and BW/d) and grazed guinea grass. Ewes grazed guinea grass at all times.
these effects were determined as a base model for regression analysis. Weights were analyzed using breed and weaning age as main effects.
Afterward, LM corrected for age and stepwise regression analysis was Milk production was analyzed using breed, days PP and weaning age
used for identifying the most reliable model which has the highest deter- in a repeated measures model. Season was not significant for any trait
mination coefficient degree (r2 = 0.45) on age corrected LM (CLM) of so data were pooled. Ewe weight at breeding before the first lambing
Saanen goats. The prediction model of CLM was determined as; CLM was the same (P > 0.10) as at the subsequent breeding (40.9 ± 1.1 vs.
= −460.5 + (−379.6 × BCS) + (51.9 × Chest depth) + (−21 × Abdomen 41.9 ± 1.1 kg, respectively). At the start of the subsequent breeding 43%
depth) + (29.9 × Abdomen width) + (31.7 × Shoulder joint - tuber coxae of LATE and 10% of CTRL ewes were nursing lambs (P < 0.0004).
angle) (P < 0.001). Based on these results, this equation could be used Pregnancy rate at the subsequent breeding, determined by ultrasound,
to predict the CLM of Saanen goats. However, more data are needed to was not different (P > 0.10) between LATE and CTRL ewes (97.4
increase the reliability of the model. vs. 97.8%, respectively). At weaning LATE lambs were heavier (P <
0.0001) than CTRL lambs (14.5 ± 0.4 vs. 11.2 ± 0.4 kg, respectively).
Key Words: milk yield, prediction, Saanen There was no breed x weaning age interaction. At 90 d of age LATE and
CTRL lambs had similar (P > 0.10) weights (14.5 ± 0.4 vs. 13.9 ± 0.4
406 Effects of prepubertal growth rate of dairy ewe lambs on their kg, respectively). Milk production on d 63 was not different between
subsequent lamb and milk production. D. L. Thomas* and Y. M. breed or weaning age (P > 0.10). By d 76 and 90 milk production of
Berger, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison. LATE ewes had decreased to 84 (P < 0.07) and 66% (P < 0.0002) of d
28 levels. Weaning at 90 d of age can be done in an accelerated lambing
A study was conducted at the Spooner Ag Research Station of UW- system with no detrimental effect on ewe productivity. Late weaning
Madison with 252 dairy ewe lambs born from 2004 to 06 to determine led to a decrease in the amount of time that lambs received high cost,
if ad libitum feed intake during the prepubertal period would be imported feed without a reduction in their growth. There is potential
detrimental to their subsequent production. The lambs were of East to have a positive impact on the economics of producing hair sheep in
Friesian and/or Lacaune breeding. They were raised on milk replacer the tropics.
and a high concentrate ad libitum diet until 30 d of age. At 50 d of age,
they were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 growth treatments: full (F) or Key Words: hair sheep, weaning, milk production
restricted (R) feed. Both treatment groups were fed a 13% CP grain mix
of whole shelled corn and a high protein pellet in straw-bedded pens. 408 Economic impacts of ram mating behavior. L. K. Gardiner*,
Full treatment lambs received as much of the grain mix as they could B. S. Rashford, J. P. Hewlett, and B. M. Alexander, University of Wyo-
consume, and R lambs received ~70% of the average per head intake ming, Laramie.
of the F lambs. Treatments continued for ~100 d until lambs were ~5
mo of age. Ewe lambs were mated to lamb first at ~1 yr of age, and Little is known about producers’ perceptions of ram performance and
lamb and milk production was recorded through 2008. At the end of ranch-level economic impacts of improved ram management. This
the treatment period, R lambs were 6.5 kg lighter (P < 0.05) than F research combines a survey of Wyoming sheep producers and a partial
lambs. However, R lambs had greater (P < 0.05) ADG from the end of budget analysis to better understand producers’ perceptions and the eco-
the treatment period to their first mating and from their first mating to nomic consequences of ram performance. We used a modified Dillman
their first lambing and were slightly heavier (P < 0.10) than F ewes at sampling design with a stratified random sample based on flock size
first lambing. Ewe fertility and litter size were very similar between the to collect survey data on Wyoming sheep producers. Five strata were
F and R ewes when lambing at 1 yr of age and at older ages. Lactation defined according to the number of bred ewes owned: small operations
traits (lactation length; yield of milk, protein and fat; and % protein (<30 ewes), small to medium (30–49 ewes), medium (50–99 ewes),
and fat) were not significantly different between treatments, but mean medium to large (100–299 ewes), and large operations (>300 ewes).
values were actually slightly higher for F ewes compared with R ewes The National Agricultural Statistics Service administered the survey to
for all lactation traits (e.g., +9.2 kg for lactation milk yield). There were assure a statistically valid stratified sample. The survey′s respondents
no differences between treatments for the proportion of ewes remain- represent approximately 40% of Wyoming sheep producers. The number
ing in the flock on June 30, 2009 or the average age at which ewes left of responses from each stratum is consistent with the actual distribution
of sheep operations in Wyoming. Current ram management practices
304 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and opinions about the importance of ram performance are included ram libido as an important criteria for ram selection. Budget analysis
in the survey. Analysis of the data shows the majority of producers indicated smaller high-performing ram batteries may increase profits.
believe breeding competence is critical to flock productivity (56% of Profit increases are sensitive to the cost of identifying ram performance,
respondents strongly agree) and testing ram performance is important operation type, and the flow of genetic characteristics. Our results sug-
for profitability (45% of respondents strongly agree). Survey data sug- gest a need for producer education and research concerning the economic
gests that producers may not be integrating beliefs into management. impacts of ram performance.
For example, 77% of the respondents listed age and not libido as the
primary reason for culling rams. Less than 10% of respondents listed Key Words: sheep, economics, libido
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 305
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Animal Behavior and Well-Being: Swine and Poultry
T1 Recognition of maternal amniotic fluid by pre-weaning pig- not differ statistically among groups (mean value of 1.028 g/piglet, P =
lets. J. Figueroa*, D. Solà-Oriol, R. Davín, J. F. Pérez, and X. Manteca, 0.9). T2 piglets tended to show higher BW gain after 24h of birth than
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. T1 piglets (78.7 vs. 44.9g ± 62.63; P = 0.08). Piglets rectal temperature
at 24h of life was higher for T2 and T3 compared with T1 (38.8 and 39.1
Pigs have a very developed olfactory system that allows them to rec- vs. 38.2°C ± 0.73; P < 0.05). Compared with T1 (3.624g), treated piglets
ognize cues from the environment within the first days after farrowing. total weight gain from d 0 to d 21 were 8.5 and 14.9% numerically higher
Amniotic fluid is a cue that piglets use to recognize their own mother for T2 and T3, respectively (P = 0.3); meanwhile corresponding values
and guide them to this key resource post-natally. The aim of this study for all piglets improved by 6.1% and 9.7% for T2 and T3, respectively,
was to estimate if sucking piglets of different ages have the ability to over a 4.158 g/piglet for T1 (P = 0.3). Although T-2 had the lowest
discriminate between their own mother’s amniotic fluids versus an numerical mortality (when considering all the piglets) during lactation
alien one. Forty male/female pigs from 10 litters (4 piglets/litter) were compared with T-1 and T-3 (7.9 vs. 10.6 and 9.6%; P = 0.9) it did not
used to test their attraction for 3 olfactory stimuli (triple-choice feed- differ statistically among groups. These results show the importance of
ing test) using a Triple-U-Testing Arena (TUTA), located in an isolated guaranteeing the colostrum intake by small piglets during the first hours
room on d 4, 14 and 21 after farrowing. Olfactory tested cues included of life enhancing its body temperature recovery and tending to improve
strips impregnated with their own maternal amniotic fluid (MAF), alien its weight gain during the first 24h of live.
amniotic fluid (AAF) and water in the middle as a control. The posi-
tion of MAF and AAF were rotated in each test. Piglets were tested in Key Words: piglet, colostrum, body temperature
litter-pairs to avoid fear and distractive behaviors. Each test lasted 7
min, during which, the time spent by piglets in nasal contact with each
strip was measured by direct observation. Data were analyzed using the T3 Comparison of pig restraint and sampling methods on blood
GLM procedure of SAS. Latency time accounted to more than 6 min of lactate concentration. B. Buzzard*1, L. N. Edwards1, R. D. Good-
the 7 min test. Older piglets became increasingly agitated, looking for band1, D. B. Anderson2, T. E. Engle2, and T. Grandin2, 1Kansas State
alternative routes to escape and they also had more play and exploring University, Manhattan, 2Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
behaviors at the TUTA. Piglets showed preferential responses toward The objective of the study was to examine the effects of restraint and
MAF at d 4 (10.32 s/couple) and 14 (2.57 s/couple) as compared with blood sampling method on blood lactate concentration (LAC) in pigs.
AAF (4.75, P < 0.01 and 0.98, P < 0.05 s/couple) and water (0, P < Restraint methods were snaring or restraint with sorting boards. Blood
0.01 and 0.54, P < 0.01 s/couple). No differences were observed at d was sampled from 120 pigs (58 barrows, 62 gilts) at approximately 165
21. These results show that piglets are able to discriminate between d of age (126.1 ± 2.9 kg) over 2 consecutive days. Each day, 30 pigs
their mother′s amniotic fluid and amniotic fluid from other sows during were sampled per method. All pigs were housed in one barn and pigs in
their first weeks of life. This attraction might keep piglets protected near adjacent pens were not sampled simultaneously. Snaring consisted of a
to the sow and also teach them to follow cues of maternal pregnancy trained handler snaring each pig while blood was collected via jugular
feeding. Attraction for amniotic fluid begins to disappear as piglet needs venipuncture (approx. 7 mL). Restraint with sorting boards consisted
and motivation changes with age. of a trained handler restraining each pig with 2 sorting boards and the
Key Words: amniotic fluid, piglets, preference side of the pen to form a 3-sided barrier reducing pig movement. The
distal ear vein was pricked with a 20-gauge needle to obtain several
drops of blood for LAC analysis. LAC was measured using a hand-
T2 The effect of colostrum supplementation on piglets′ body held lactate analyzer. The duration of restraint and a behavior score
temperature recovery and lactation performance. R. Muns*, J. (1–4, 1 = no vocalization or movement and 4 = constant movement,
L. Ruiz de la Torre, P. S. Agostini, X. Manteca, and J. Gasa, SNiBA, vocalization and struggle) for each pig were recorded during sampling.
Departament Ciència Animal i dels Aliments, Universitat Autònoma de LAC was compared between the 2 sampling methods and duration of
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. restraint was used as a covariate in the analysis. Results indicated that
pigs that were snared had greater (P = 0.04) LAC than pigs that were
The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of helping pig- restrained using the sorting board method, 2.4 ± 0.1 and 2.1 ± 0.1 mM
lets′ colostrum intake on lactation performance. Fifteen Danbred sows respectively. Both measurements of LAC were considerably lower than
from a commercial farm were distributed to 3 treatment groups based baseline LAC reported in published literature. There was a positive
on BW, parity and back fat thickness 4 d before farrowing. After far- correlation (r = 0.42, P = 0.001) between duration and LAC for pigs
rowing piglets with less than 1.250 kg BW (n = 56) were treated (T1: that were restrained by snaring; the longer the restraint duration, the
no intervention, n = 24; T-2: administration of manually milked sow’s greater the LAC. Positive correlations were observed between duration
colostum (10 mL/animal), n = 18; T-3: single doses of a commercial and behavior score (r = 0.41, P = 0.001), duration and LAC (r = 0.64,
product (Calostrene/ANIVET) fed on d 0, n = 14). All piglets (n = 172) P < 0.001) and behavior score and LAC (r = 0.26, P = 0.05) in pigs
were weighted on farrowing day (d 0), d 1 and d 21 of lactation; rectal restrained with sorting boards. In the boarded group, longer durations
temperature was measured at birth and d 1. Piglet mortality was also and higher behavior scores were related to increased LAC. Restraint
recorded. Data of treated piglets were analyzed using the GLM procedure duration should be kept at a minimum when both methods are used.
of SAS with piglet being the experimental unit. Piglet′s initial BW did
306 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The sorting board sampling method is a potential technique to use when group (PG) as covariates. When data were analyzed with PG excluded,
sampling small quantities of blood in pigs. there were differences favoring the B stall for birth performance and
weaning performance (P < 0.05). Adjusted weaning weight was greater
Key Words: lactate, restraint, pig
(P < 0.05) in B stalls compared with F stalls (mean = 61.22 ± 10.8 kg
and 57.429 ± 11.56 kg, respectively). Number of pigs crushed was not
T4 The effect of alleyway width on gestating sow welfare in a free- impacted by any independent variable in this study (mean = 1.03 ± 1.24
access stall system. L. A. Mack*1, M. F. Elischer1, S. D. Eicher2, A. and 1.01 ± 1.48 pigs/litter for B and F stalls, respectively). Data analysis
K. Johnson3, D. C. Lay, Jr.2, B. T. Richert1, and E. A. Pajor4, 1Purdue suggested that larger sows may have been allotted to B stalls due to the
University, West Lafayette, IN, 2LBRU, USDA-ARS, West Lafayette, difficulty for them to turnaround in F stalls successfully. Therefore, PG
IN, 3Iowa State University, Ames, 4University of Calgary, Calgary, was included as a covariate to account for sow size, assuming that larger
AB, Canada. sows were multiple parity sows. Consequently, differences between
the stalls became nonsignificant (P > 0.05). These results indicate that
Free-access stalls allow sows to choose the protection of a stall or use success in farrowing stalls may be affected by an interaction between
of a shared alleyway. This study investigated the effect of alleyway sow size and stall design. Stalls which offer increased sow movement
width on production and physiological variables in gestating sows. At can be used without negative effects on piglet performance.
~33 d of gestation, 21 sows (n = 168) were equally assigned to 1 of 3
pens that had 7 free-access stalls. Each pen had a shared alleyway of Key Words: farrowing stall, sow housing
0.91, 2.13, or 3.05 m wide. Sows were moved to farrowing ~5 d before
expected farrowing date. Back fat (BF), BW, BCS, and lameness (LM)
T6 Behavior of Duroc pigs on sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor)
were measured on d 35, 65, and 101. Sows’ body lesions were scored
pastures. S. Pietrosemoli*1,2, J. C. Guevara2, A. Lobo3, J. Cardona3,
weekly. Blood samples were collected on d 30, 66, and 100. Data were
W. Maradiaga3, and J. T. Green4,2, 1Animal Science Department, North
analyzed in SAS using a mixed model with a post-hoc Tukey adjust-
Carolina State University, Raleigh, 2Alternative Swine Research and
ment. Although similar basally, overall BF was greater in 0.91 m sows
Extension Project, Raleigh, NC, 3Universidad Nacional de Agricultura,
than 2.13 m sows (P < 0.05) and increased in all groups over time (P <
Catacamas, Olancho, Honduras, 4Crop Science Department, North
0.05). Sow BW increased over time (P < 0.0001) but did not differ by
Carolina State University, Raleigh.
treatment. BCS showed no overall treatment or time differences, but
on d 35 0.91 m sows had a higher BCS than 3.05 m sows (P < 0.05). To evaluate the effect of weekly movement of shade and drinking struc-
Lameness increased slightly in 2.13 and 3.05 m sows immediately after tures on pig behavior, 72 Duroc pigs (castrated males and females; 32
mixing and decreased afterward in 3.05 m sows (P < 0.05). Upper body and 97 kg initial and final live weight, respectively) were used during
lesions increased immediately after mixing and then decreased in all 5 weeks (July - August 2009) at the Center for Environmental Farming
treatments (P < 0.0001). Lower body lesions showed no differences by System (CEFS) in Goldsboro, NC. Twelve pigs were randomized to
treatment or time. Cortisol increased after mixing and then decreased each of 6 sudangrass 0.16 ha paddocks (135 m2 /pig), and were managed
(P < 0.01), but no treatment differences were observed. Neutrophil under 2 different strategies: Stationary (S) or Mobile (M) shade and
percentage was greater (P < 0.05) and the neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio drinking structures, in M shade and drinkers were moved on a weekly
tended to be greater (P < 0.08) in 0.91 m sows than the 3.05 m sows. basis. Animals were kept under a continuous grazing system, with ad
No other leukocyte populations differed by time or treatment. Overall, libitum access to a concentrated feed (16% PC) and water. Pig behavior
the 3 alleyway widths were similar, but 0.91 m sows had greater back was registered by one trained observer through direct observation (12
fat implying decreased activity and musculation due to space restric- min/paddock) of the activity of the animals from outside the paddock
tions. The sows in 0.91 m alleyway also showed increased neutrophil twice a week, 5 times/day: 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. and 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00
percentage suggesting a slightly greater stress level. p.m. Animals activities were categorized as eating, drinking, lying/rest-
ing, walking, grazing and rooting, and were expressed as percent. The
Key Words: sow housing, welfare, stress
experimental design was a completely randomized block, with 3 field
replicates. Data was square root (x+1) transformed before performing
T5 A comparison of two farrowing environments on piglet per- ANOVA through PROC GLM of SAS v9.1. Pigs spent most of their time
formance. A. R. Hanson*, P. M. Walker, and J. P. Holt, Illinois State lying/resting (65.8 ± 2.1%, eating 8.64 ± 0.9%, drinking 3.02 ± 0.4%,
University, Normal. walking 14.69 ± 1.5% grazing 5.49 ± 0.9% and rooting 2.4 ± 0.4%).
Shade and drinkers movement strategies did not show an effect in any
Traditional farrowing stalls have been designed to maximize piglet of the animal activities. The time of the day influenced animal behavior
survival, with minimal concern regarding sow welfare. Standard litter (P < 0.05), pigs being more active in the morning, as can be observed
data (birth weight, number born alive, etc.) from farm records were from lying/resting pattern 8:00 a.m.: 39.5%; 10:00 a.m.: 47.1%; 12:00
evaluated in an observation study utilizing a 200 sow (Chester White p.m.: 86.9%; 2:00 p.m.: 87.3% and 4:00 p.m.: 68.2%. In conclusion,
cross and Landrace cross) operation over a 6 y period (1449 litters) to these results suggest that pigs are more active during the cooler time
compare 2 stall types, free stalls with movable sides (F), or traditional, of the day and that movement of shade and drinking structures had no
fixed bow-bar stalls (B), on piglet performance and welfare. The F effect on pig behavior.
stalls were closed (in a straight position) ~1d before expected date of
parturition and opened up to a triangular shape at ~3d post farrowing Key Words: outdoor pigs, behavior, sudangrass
giving sows the ability to turnaround. Sows were placed into stalls 3–7
d before their expected date of parturition (n = 740 for B and 709 for F)
T7 Effects of postnatal serotonin agonism on fear response and
and fed the same diet. Data were statistically analyzed, assuming a com-
memory. R. L. Dennis* and H. W. Cheng, Livestock Behavior Research
pletely randomized design, using SPSS ANOVA procedures with year,
Unit, USDA-ARS, West Lafayette, IN.
season and room used as covariates and stall type as the independent
variable. Sow parity was known for a limited number of litters (351), The neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) acts as a neurogenic compound
so a separate test was conducted using year, season, room, and parity in the developing brain. Early administration of a 5-HT agonist alters
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 307
the development of serotonergic circuitry, altering behaviors mediated to lie durations were not affected (P > 0.1) by treatment or strain. In
by 5-HT signaling, such as memory, fear and aggression. The present this study, lighting treatments and broiler strains inconsistently affected
study was designed to investigate the effects of early 5-HT agonism on measures of mobility and physiological or psychological stress.
later behaviors. White leghorn chicks were given an injection of 5-MT
Key Words: broiler, lighting, stress
(5-HT agonist) at 2.5mg/kg (low dose), 10mg/kg (high dose) or saline
(control) on day of hatch and a second dose 24 h later. Chicks (n = 13/
treatment) were tested for fear response and memory at 2 wks of age. T9 The use of lidocaine as an analgesic to study immediate pain
Chicks were subjected to a social isolation fear test for 20 min, time to associated with hot blade beak trimming in 1- and 10-day old White
first vocalization, number of vocalizations, time to first leap and number Leghorn chicks. M. Cho*1, K. Schwean-Lardner1, A. Livingston2, and
of leaps were recorded. ANOVA using SAS proc mixed revealed that H. L. Classen1, 1Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University
chicks injected with low dose of 5-HT agonist had significantly shorter of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2Department of
latency to time of first vocalization and a greater number of vocalizations Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
compared with control birds (P < 0.05). Chicks treated with the high Saskatchewan, Canada.
dose of 5-HT agonist tended to exhibit the same pattern of behavioral
change (P < 0.10). No difference was found in latency to or frequency Hot blade (HB) beak trimming (BT) is commonly used by the poultry
of leaps. In a memory test, chicks were placed in a running wheel and industry to reduce feather pecking and cannibalism. As there is a poor
presented with an imprinted object (white box with a red light) and a understanding of pain immediately post HB trimming, research was
novel object (blue box with a white light). The distance traveled in the conducted using lidocaine as an analgesic and behavioral observation
wheel toward each object was measured. Analysis of variance results as an indicator of a pain response to BT. An initial study used behavioral
revealed that chicks from all groups traveled a similar distance toward observation and the known analgesic effects of lidocaine to select 0.4 mL
a familiar object. However, control chicks walked the least toward a of 0.02% lidocaine with epinephrine (LE) as an effective dose for 1-d old
novel object, low dose chicks tended to walk further toward a novel chicks. Based on 1-d old chick results and body weight, 0.4 mL of 0.04%
object (P < 0.10), and high dose chicks walked significantly farther for LE was set as a suitable dose for 10-d old chicks. Trials with 1- and 10-d
a novel object (P < 0.05). No difference was found between treatments old chicks compared the effect of LE with BT (removal of 1/3 of beak),
in a tonic immobility fear test (P > 0.05). Body weight and fluctuating saline with BT, BT with needle insertion, no BT with needle insertion
asymmetry of the shank, and shank absolute length and width did not and LE without BT on bird behavior for 135 min post HB trimming.
differ among treatments (P > 0.05). Our data show that later behaviors Leghorn chicks (40 1-d, 30 10-d) were assigned to treatment groups
including fear and memory can be altered by early alteration of the 5-HT and 1 chick per treatment was assigned to each of 8 and 6 replications,
system without altering growth development, such as body weight, leg respectively. Behavior was analyzed using the SAS GLM procedure and
size and bilateral symmetry. a priori contrasts to evaluate the effects of liquid injection, LE injection
and BT on chick behavior (% of time; P ≤ 0.10). Less walking behavior
Key Words: serotonin, postnatal, behavior was seen in 1- (2.2 vs. 3.8%) and 10- (2.1 vs. 3.6%) d old chicks with
liquid injection. LE injection to BT chicks did not affect behavior in
contrast to those trimmed with either saline injection or needle insertion
T8 Influence of increasing-dim and bright, and split-dark-bright
indicating that pain is not associated with the period immediately post
lighting on broiler mobility and stress. R. J. Lien*, J. B. Hess, and
treatment in 1- and 10-d old chicks. However, BT decreased standing
S. F. Bilgili, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
(16 vs. 21%) and feed pecking (6.3 vs. 9.4%) and increased resting (66
The objectives were to determine lighting and strain effects on mobility vs. 59%) behavior in 10-d old chicks in comparison to untrimmed chicks
and stress responses for tray pack (TP) and breast yield (BY) broilers suggesting that physical trauma other than pain impacts chick behavior.
exposed to programs meeting either US or EU lighting guidelines. Forty In conclusion, these results suggest a painless phase post HB trimming
males were placed by strain in each of 2 1.5 by 3.7 m pens in 12 light at 1- and 10-d of age but that trimming continues to affect behavior in
controlled rooms. An increasing-dim (ID) treatment (23L:1D, 1–7 d; comparison to untrimmed birds.
12L:12D, 8–14 d; 14L:10d, 15–21 d; 17L:7D, 22–28 d; 20L:4D; 29–35
Key Words: poultry welfare, pain, feather pecking
d; 23L:1D; 36–48 d; 2 FC to 7 d and 0.25 thereafter) was provided in 4
rooms. An increasing-bright (IB) treatment (23L:1D, 1–7 d; 12L:12D,
8–14 d; 14L:10D, 15–21 d; 16L:8D, 22–28 d; 18L:6D, 29–45 d; 23L:1D, T10 Comparison of an enriched and barren environment on
46–48 d; 2 FC throughout) was provided in 4 rooms. A split-dark-bright welfare related fear behaviors of commercial laying hens. C. J.
(SDB) treatment (16L:4D:2L:2D and 2 FC) was provided in 4 rooms. Davis*, H. Taira, M. M. Beck, and P. A. Skewes, Clemson University,
Sitting or standing on 15 cm high raised platforms (decking), the abil- Clemson, SC.
ity to climb onto raised platforms to feed, tonic immobility (TI), and
heterophil:lymphocyte ratios (H:L) were determined at approximately In response to the debate over laying hen welfare, this study was con-
3 and 6 wk. Gait scores and latency to lie durations were determined ducted to determine the effects of housing environment on 2 welfare
during wk 7. Data were analyzed by GLM of SAS with a statistical sig- related fear behaviors of commercial laying hens. Emergence test [EM]
nificance level of P < 0.1. At 3 wk, decking was greatest in IB treatment and tonic immobility test [TI]) were used to determine the fearfulness of
(11.0%), least in SDB (6.7%), and intermediate in ID (8.7%)(P = 0.03). the laying hens. Nine hundred day-old Leghorn chicks were randomly
Decking was greater in the TP (11.5%) than BY (6.7%) strain at 6 wk assigned to either a floor pen environment or a commercial cage housing
(P = 0.001). Feeding on raised platforms was greater in the TP (1.67) environment. The cage chicks were housed in 20 commercial battery
than BY strain (1.34) at 3 wk (P = 0.004). TI was greater in the ID (267 brooder cages (25 per cage) up until 4 weeks of age and then moved to 39
s) and IB (283 s) than the SDB treatment (201 s) at 6 wk (P = 0.09), battery grower cages (10 per cage). At 16 weeks of age, the pullets were
and nearly greater in the TP (194 s) than BY (128 s) strain at 3 wk (P = moved into 39 commercial layer cages (8 per cage) for the remainder
0.13). At 3 wk, H:L was greatest in the IB treatment (0.52), least in SDB of the experiment. The floor pen birds were continuously housed in 14
(0.40), and intermediate in ID (0.43)(P = 0.06). Gait scores and latency individual floor pens (28 per pen) enriched with perches, dust baths, and
nest boxes. Behavioral assessments were conducted at wk 17, 21, 25, 29
308 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and 33. Both behavioral assessments were conducted on 10 hens from T12 Strain differences among six varieties of fowl in two fear
the cage environment and 10 hens from the pen environment. Cages and tests. G. S. Archer* and J. A. Mench, University of California,
pens were selected randomly. The latency to emerge from a box was Davis.
recorded in the EM and the latency to recover from tonic immobility
Fear tests are often used to assess the well-being of chickens. It is
was recorded during TI. Comparison of environmental treatments with
important to examine how genetics may affect behavioral responses
a 2 sample t-test showed a shorter mean EM and TI duration in birds
during fear testing. We conducted 2 fear tests to examine the responses
housed in the enriched environment (P < 0.001). The mean emergence
to induction of tonic immobility (TI) test and inversion after catching
duration for cage birds was 320.6 ± 30.0 s compared with 155.9 ± 30.0
(INV), on 6 different varieties of fowl: red Junglefowl (JF, n = 17),
s for floor pen birds. The mean tonic immobility duration for cage birds
red Junglefowl/Rhode Island Red crosses (JFC, n = 20); 3 different
was 384.3 ± 35.8 compared with 212.2 ± 35.1 for pen birds. In addition
single-comb White Leghorn (SCWL) varieties (HyLine CV20, n =
to the overall treatment difference, there were significant differences
20, a commercial egg layer; UCD-03, n = 20, an inbred line of MHC
at specific sample times. Although previously it was found that the
recombinants; Mono-PNU, n = 20, which lacks the MHC II receptor),
effect of rearing environment was not consistent with fear responses
and featherless chickens (FL, n = 20, derived from multiple crosses).
for chicks and pullets, it appears that the housing environment had a
Data were analyzed using GLM or Kruskal-Wallis. JF and FC required
consistent effect on fear response for the adult laying hens. In this study,
more inductions (P < 0.05) than CV20 and Mono-PNU during TI. The
hens from the enriched environment showed less fear than those from
UCD-03 also required more (P < 0.05) inductions than Mono-PNU.
the barren environment.
Latency to first head movement during TI was longer (P < 0.05) in CV20
Key Words: tonic immobility, emergence test, laying hen welfare (54.3 s) than in all other varieties (15.8 s). Latency to right was longer
(P < 0.05) in CV20 (301 s) and Mono-PNU (517 s) than JF (112 s) and
FL (225 s) varieties. UCD-03 had a shorter (P < 0.05) duration of wing
T11 The behavior of Japanese quail fed diets supplemented with flapping (3.9 s) and fewer total flaps (15.9) than all other varieties during
passionflower. J. D. T. Silva, F. H. Hada, R. H. Marques, R. A. INV (9.4 s, 55.2 flaps). UCD-03 (3 flaps/sec) and Mono-PNU (3.6 flaps/
Gravena, V. K. Silva, S. A. Queiroz, and V. M. B. Moraes*, São Paulo sec) wing flapped less intensely (P < 0.05) than all other varieties (5.9
State University, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. flaps/sec) except JFC (5.2 flaps/sec), while FL flapped (6.8 flaps/sec)
This study evaluated the effect of passionflower (Passiflora alata), more intensely (P < 0.05) than all varieties except JF. Factor analysis
phytotherapic properties with anxiolytic and sedative, on the diet on revealed that there were 2 factor loadings for each variety but that the
the behavior of Japanese quail in the reproductive phase. Twenty-four variables measured loaded differently for each variety. These results
female and 8 male 35-d-old birds were mated in a completely random- demonstrate that different varieties of fowl react differently during
ized design consisting of 2 treatments (0 and 500 mg passionflower/kg different fear tests and different types of fear responses predominate
feed) with 4 replicates of 4 birds (3 female:1 male) for 120 d. During in different varieties.
the observation period, a 4 camera CCTV surveillance system was Key Words: fear, chicken, genetics
mounted in the roof of the facility, that recorded the behavior of quails.
The behavioral parameters (eating, drinking, feather preening, comfort
movement, avoid and escape, aggressiveness, crouching) were tabulated T13 Behavior expression of testosterone treated cockerels in
over 5-h time spans made every 14 d, for a total of 6 observation periods response to social grouping. S. S. Askari Rankouhi*, M. A. Karimi
for each cage. The assessment of focal bird behavior was accomplished Torshizi, R. Vaez Torshizi, A. Niknam, and A. Maghsoudi, Tarbiat
by marking the birds with non-toxic paint. The inclusion of passion- Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
flower in the diet of the breeding quail increased consumatory behaviors
For many years it is demonstrated that testosterone hormone increase
of birds in time spent by eating (from 25.92 to 27.19%), drinking (from
sex secondary
13.45 to 17.26%), feather preening (from 9.10 to 14.95%), comfort
characters and also, enhance aggressive behavior of animals. The
movement (from 13.02 to 17.08%) and crouching (from 7.35 to 14.46%)
objectives of this study were evaluation of sex secondary character
(P < 0.0001). Expressions of avoid and escape (from 14.08 to 6.20%)
expression in testosterone injected birds as affected by un-injected
and aggression (from 17.07 to 2.85%) were reduced (P < 0.0001). It
pen-mates’ behavior. Total of 60 1-d-old male broilers (Arian -
was concluded that passionflower enhances the positive expression of
Iranian Hybrid) were divided into two identical groups (30 birds
behaviors related to the welfare of Japanese quail during breeding.
per group). Chicks of the first group received 25 mg of testosterone
enanthate by intramuscular injection. Birds of the second group
Table 1. Average percent time spent by birds on behaviors as affected were injected by sterile physiological serum and were considered
by diets supplemented with and without passionflower as control group. A week post injection, a third experimental group
was formed by mixing 10 birds form each of the two initial groups,
(mg) Feather Comfort and therefore the three final experimental groups were un-injected
Eating Drinking preening movement escape Aggressiveness Crouching control, testosterone injected and blend of injected and un-injected
0 25.92 b 13.45 b 9.10 b 13.02 b 14.08 a 17.07 a 7.35 b
birds. The length of neck feathers, size of comb (mm) and attack
500 27.19 a 17.26 a 14.95 a 17.08 a 6.20 b 2.85 b 14.46 a
toward wood stick or hand (number of attacks per minute) were
P <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
CV (%) 1.88 4.01 6.47 1.24 7.26 5.38 15.25
evaluated at days 21 and 42 of age. The testosterone injection
caused significant differences in all measured variables compared to
Means followed by same letter in column do not differ by Fisher’s control un-injected birds at 21 days of age (P < 0.05). Interestingly,
test (P ≤ 0.05). at 42 days of age the effects of testosterone on measured variables
Key Words: behavior, Coturnix coturnix japonica, welfare were influenced by the composition of pen-mate individuals. The
testosterone induced changes on above mentioned sex secondary
characters were rapidly restored in those injected birds which had
un-injected pen-mates, while testosterone induced sex secondary
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 309
characters stayed unchanged in all-injected birds group (P < 0.05).
The results of the present study showed the impact of social behavior
of pen-mates on the expression of physiological and behavioral
changes induced by testosterone injection in cockerels.
310 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Animal Health: Viruses, Infections, and Immunity
T14 Results from the Washington State bovine viral diarrhea virus of Mannheimia hemolytica nor neutrophil oxidative burst in response
voluntary control project. J. R. Wenz*, D. A. Moore, H. L. Neibergs, to M. hemolytica were affected by treatments. Rectal temperature fol-
and J. S. Neibergs, Washington State University, Pullman. lowing IBRV peaked 3 d post challenge and returned to baseline by
d 6, but it was not affected by treatment. After switching cattle to the
Control of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in beef cow-calf herds has
50% concentrate diet on d 4 after the IBRV challenge, there were no
been predicated on the identification and removal of persistently infected
differences in DMI while the cattle were individually penned. When
(PI) animals. Calves are born PI following exposure to BVDV during
cattle were group–penned 10 d after the IBRV challenge, the 70RES
approximately 40 to 140 d of gestation and are the primary source of
cattle had greater DMI (P < 0.04). Following the IBRV challenge, serum
BVDV in the herd. The purpose of the BVDV voluntary control project
glucose concentrations did not differ among treatments; however, the
was to educate producers, facilitate herd ear notch testing and implemen-
70AL cattle had greater blood urea N concentrations (P < 0.01). There
tation of control measures. From January 2008 to December 2009, 12
was a treatment × time interaction (P < 0.01) for NEFA; such that cattle
producer meetings were held at county and state beef producer meetings
fed the 70AL had elevated NEFA on d 3 and 5 after IBRV. Data indicate
and a brochure detailing the project was mailed to 1700 members of
that cattle fed higher energy diets and to an extent a higher percentage
the Washington Cattlemen’s Association. Sixty herds from 18 counties
of concentrates had a more pronounced pro-inflammatory response,
enrolled and completed testing. Ear notch samples were screened by
but other aspects of innate immune competence were not influenced
PCR on pools of up to 36 and PI positive samples were identified by a
by level or source of energy.
positive commercial antigen capture ELISA test. All PI animals were
ELISA positive on 2 ear notch samples collected 2 to 3 weeks apart. Of Key Words: bovine, dietary concentrate, immune
the 60 herds tested 13.3% had at least one PI. Prevalence of PI animals
was 0.81% (80/9881). For calves tested, 0.092% (79/8624) were PI and
1/1257 (0.08%) other cattle (yearlings, bulls, open cows) tested were T16 The effects of dam parity and antibiotics on immune param-
PI. Only 2/79 (2.5%) dams of PI calves were PI. Two herds contributed eters and gastrointestinal bacterial diversity in weanling pigs. E.
87% of the PI calves. In one herd 12.7% of 213 calves were PI and 52% E. Hinkle*, H. Tran, J. W. Bundy, R. Moreno, P. S. Miller, J. Walter,
of 83 calves were PI in the other. Excluding these 2 herds resulted in and T. E. Burkey, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
a PI calf prevalence of 0.12%. The herd prevalence was higher than The progeny of first parity (P1) dams may have reduced growth perfor-
previous reports from the US and may have been due to enrollment mance compared with the progeny derived from mature dams (≥P2).
bias (suspected BVD in herd, subsidized testing). The prevalence of PI A 42-d experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of dam parity
in calves, excluding the high prevalence herds, was similar to previous and antibiotics on immune parameters and the gastrointestinal (GIT)
reports. A yearling PI was identified, highlighting the importance of test- microbiota among progeny derived from P1 or P4 dams. Weaned pigs
ing all animals that may contact pregnant cows in the herd. Except for (n = 96, 6.02 ± 0.07 kg) initially derived from P1 or P4 dams were
the herd with 52% PI calves, all PI animals were immediately removed allotted to 2 dietary treatments: control (CTL) or antibiotic (50 g/
from the herd. Three PI positive herds screened the subsequent year’s ton Mecadox; AB). This created a 2 × 2 factorial with the following
calf crop and no PI calves were found. Low enrolment in the project treatments: 1) P1, CTL; 2) P1, AB; 3) P4, CTL; and 4) P4, AB (6 pigs/
suggests cow-calf producers in the state did not perceive sufficient risk pen, 4 pens/trt). Blood samples were collected on d 0 and weekly
posed by BVDV to warrant the cost of whole herd testing. thereafter for quantification of serum immunoglobulin (Ig) G and A
Key Words: BVDV, persistent infection, beef via porcine specific ELISA. There was no effect of parity or AB, or
their interaction (P > 0.05) for IgG concentrations; however, a parity
× AB interaction (P < 0.05) was observed for circulating IgA where
T15 Effects of source and level of energy on the immune com- P1 pigs had decreased serum IgA concentrations when fed AB, while
petence and response to an infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus P4 pigs had greater serum IgA concentrations when fed AB. The fecal
(IBRV) challenge in cattle. L. R. Schwertner*1, L. E. Hulbert1,2, J. microbiota at d 7 and 42 was characterized by denaturing gradient gel
A. Carroll2, M. L. Galyean1, and M. A. Ballou1, 1Department of Animal electrophoresis. Bionumerics software was used to calculate similarity
and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, 2Livestock Issues and diversity indices. The similarity index represents the percentage of
Research Unit, USDA–ARS, Lubbock, TX. the microbial fingerprint that is similar within a group (P1 vs. P4). The
diversity indices (Shannon′s and Simpson′s) of the gut microbiota can
Objectives were to evaluate how dietary energy level and source affect
be inferred from DGGE fingerprints by using Shannon′s and Simpson′s
immune competence and response to an IBRV challenge in cattle.
indices. A greater Shannon′s index signifies a more diverse microbial
Forty–8 crossbred beef steers were stratified by BW within 2 periods
population, while a lower Simpson′s index indicates a greater microbial
and randomized to 1 of 3 dietary treatments (8 steers/treatment within
diversity. No differences were observed in bacterial population similarity
period). Treatments were: a 70% concentrate diet fed ad libitum (70AL);
on d 7 or 42. Significant differences (Shannon′s, P = 0.03; Simpson′s,
a 30% concentrate diet fed ad libitum (30AL); and 70% concentrate
P = 0.09) in bacterial species diversity were observed on d 7 and 42
diet restricted to the NEg intake of 30AL (70RES). Ex vivo immune
among progeny derived from P1 compared with P4 dams, while AB
competences were evaluated after treatments were applied for 28 d,
administration had no effect. The results obtained in our study suggest
after which cattle were moved into individual pens (d 28 to 40) and
that immune parameters and gastrointestinal bacteria may be affected
intranasally challenged with IBRV on d 30. On d 34, all cattle were
by dam parity.
offered a 50% concentrate diet ad libitum until d 50. Both energy source
(P < 0.02) and level (P < 0.04) affected peripheral blood mononuclear Key Words: bacterial diversity, dam parity, immunoglobulins
cell synthesis of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF- α), with cell culture
supernatant concentrations averaging 2,264, 1,887, and 1,241 pg/mL
for 70AL, 70RES, and 30AL, respectively. Neither whole blood killing
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 311
T17 Serum IgG concentrations and performance, incidence of the oviduct and small intestine. Results indicated that there were no
diseases, and risk of death in pre-weaned Holstein calves. M. C. significant treatment differences (P > 0.05) for any of the parameters
Perdomo* and J. E. P. Santos, University of Florida, Gainesville. investigated. Mean relative oviduct weight in control birds with and
without FMG and birds given the combinatorial treatment with and
Holstein calves, 782 females and 200 males, housed in individual
without FMG were 4.18, 4.00, 4.00, 4.23% (SEM = 0.24), respectively.
hutches received 5.7 L of frozen-thawed colostrum in the first 24 h of
In conclusion, the individual or combinatorial use of ts-11 strain MG vac-
life. From d 1 to 21 of age, calves were fed 1.9 L of pasteurized whole
cine and MG-Bacterin, when administered during prelay, are effective
milk 3 times daily, and twice daily thereafter until 60 d of age, when
in preventing possible adverse effects on the reproductive and digestive
they were weaned. Calves were fed grain ad libitum, and amounts
organs in response to a post-peak production challenge of FMG.
offered and refused were measured daily during the first 70 d of age.
Body weights (BW) were measured on d 1, 30 and 70 of age. Blood Key Words: layers, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, vaccine
was sampled 48 h after colostrum feeding and serum was analyzed for
concentrations of total immunoglobulin (Ig) G using a single-radial
immunodiffusion assay. Rectal temperature was taken daily in the first T19 Discovery of differentially expressed microRNAs in porcine
10 d of age, and again at every diagnosis of disease. Feces were scored reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus infected
daily for detection of diarrhea. Respiratory disease was evaluated based alveolar macrophages. J. A. Hicks, N. Trakooljul, and H. C. Liu*,
on respiration rate, nasal discharge, and coughing reflex. Duration of North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
disease events and treatment costs were measured. Hazard of death was Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) has a major
analyzed using the Cox′s proportional model using IgG and gender as impact on the swine industry. PRRS is characterized by abortions in
predictors for survival. Failure of passive transfer (PT; IgG < 1.5 g/dL) pregnant sows and respiratory disease, particularly in young pigs. The
was used as predictor of grain intake, BW, grain conversion into BW, causative agent is the arterivirus, porcine reproductive and respiratory
and treatment cost. Rate of death decreased (P < 0.01) 29% for every 1 syndrome virus (PRRSV). Determination of alterations in host gene
g/dL increase in serum IgG concentration (hazard rate = 0.71, 95% CI expression upon PRRSV infection will provide a better understanding
= 0.56–0.90). Calves with failure (IgG < 1.5 g/dL) or adequate (IgG > of the pathogenesis of the virus. It is now well-established that small
1.5 g/dL) PT had, respectively, 11.9 and 5.7% mortality (P < 0.02), and RNAs are an important class of gene regulators. MicroRNA (miRNA,
45.2 and 35.9% more than 1 disease event (P < 0.05). Disease treat- ~22nt) is a family of small RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate
ment costs ($/calf) were 6.05 and 4.90 for failure and adequate PT (P = gene expression. Studies have found that viral infections induce changes
0.08). For calves with failure and adequate PT, BW gain in the first 30 d in the expression of miRNAs of infected host cells. These miRNAs
(295 vs. 330 g/d, P = 0.02) and BW at d 60 (73.4 vs. 75.5 kg; P = 0.05) often target genes associated with the immune response. The goal of
differed; however, failure of PT did not influence (P > 0.10) BW gain the present study is to determine changes in host miRNA expression
from 30 to 60 d (693 vs. 666 g/d), grain dry matter intake in the first 30 during PRRSV infection. Alveolar macrophages (SAMs) were isolated
d (104 vs. 107 g/d) or from 30 to 60 d (901 vs. 914 g/d), or efficiency from seven 8-wk-old pigs. SAMs were maintained for 24hrs in RPMI
of conversion of grain into BW. Improving IgG absorption decreased 1640 with 10% FBS and then infected with PRRSV strain VR-2332 at
the risk of mortality and treatment costs, and improved weaning weight, an m.o.i. = 10. Infected and uninfected SAMs were collected at 24 or 48
but it did not influence grain intake or feed conversion. h p.i. MiRNA expression analysis was carried out using the miRScript
Key Words: calf, health, IgG RT-PCR system. Over 40 miRNAs were found to be differentially
expressed at either 24 h or 48 h p.i. upon PRRSV infection compared
with non-infected cells. The expression of these miRNAs is dynamic,
T18 Effects of live and killed Mycoplasma gallisepticum vaccines as some miRNAs are altered early (24hrs p.i.) while other miRNAs are
prior to an F-strain Mycoplasma gallisepticum overlay on the differently expressed late (48hrs p.i.) upon infection. Among these are
reproductive and digestive organ characteristics of commercial known immune miRNAs, including miR-146a and members of the miR-
layers. R. Jacob*1, E. D. Peebles1, J. D. Purswell2, and S. L. Branton2, 17–92 cistron, as well as miRNAs which have not previously been asso-
1Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, 2USDA-ARS, Poultry ciated with viral infections, such as miR-130b and miR-342–3p. Target
Research Unit, Mississippi State, MS. prediction and subsequent validation via luciferase assay of selected
miRNAs suggest that these miRNAs target not only immune genes but
The effects of prelay vaccinations of ts-11 strain Mycoplasma gallisep-
also genes associated with intracellular signaling and trafficking. Our
ticum (MG), MG-Bacterin, or their combination, when overlaid with
data indicates that miRNAs play a role(s) during PRRSV infection by
F strain MG (FMG) post-peak production, on the digestive and repro-
affecting gene expression associated with PRRSV pathogenesis.
ductive organ characteristics of commercial layers were investigated.
A total of 160 Single Comb White Leghorn layer hens were used. In Key Words: PRRSV, microRNA, gene regulation
each of 16 isolation units (pens), 10 birds were housed, with 4 replicate
units in each of 4 treatments. The following treatments were utilized at
10 wk of age (woa): 1) Control (no vaccinations); 2) ts-11 strain MG, T20 Development of mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for
(Mycoplasma Gallisepticum Vaccine); 3) MG-Bacterin (MG-Bac); and chicken interleukin-18 (IL-18). Y. H. Hong*1, H. S. Lillehoj2, S.
4) ts-11 strain MG /MG-Bacterin combination. At 45 woa, the birds in 2 H. Lee2, M.-S. Park2, J. LaBresh3, D. Tompkins4, and C. Baldwin4,
1Department of Animal Science and Technology, Chung-Ang Univer-
replicate pens were challenged with a 99th passage of FMG, increasing
the number of treatments to 8. A completely randomized experimental sity, Anseong, Gyeonggi-do Republic of Korea, 2Animal and Natural
design was used. PCR tests using choanal swab samples confirmed the Resources Institute, Agricultural Research Service-USDA, Beltsville,
presence of MG in vaccinated birds and its absence in non-vaccinated MD, 3Kingfisher Biotech, Inc., St. Paul, MN, 4Department of Veterinary
birds. Necropsies were performed at the end of the trial (58 woa), using and Animal Sciences, Paige Laboratory, University of Massachusetts,
2 birds per replicate pen (4 birds per treatment). Parameters examined Amherst.
included BW; liver, ovary, oviduct and small intestine weights; ovarian Two mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which are specific for
follicular hierarchy; and the lengths and weights of the components of chicken interleukin-18 (chIL-18) were produced and characterized
312 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Western blotting, the antioxidant thymol on intracellular and extracellular ROS produc-
quantitative real-time PCR and functional assays. The mAbs specific for tion by bovine neutrophils. Neutrophils were activated with phorbol
chIL-18 identified a 23 kDa yeast-expressed chIL-18 and a 66 kDa E. myristate acetate (PMA) or zymosan in the presence of 0, 0.0001, 0.001,
coli- MBP fusion protein by Western blot analysis. Bioassays for chIL- 0.01 or 0.1 g/L thymol. Neutrophil ROS production was assessed by
18 were carried out to evaluate its ability to induce IFN-γ production measuring luminescence or fluorescence (arbitrary units) every 5 min
in primary chicken spleen cells, and nitric oxide (NO) secretion in the for 75 to 120 min following addition of 1 of 4 reagents: luminol (LUM)
HD11 macrophage cell line. Two mAbs showed neutralizing activity. for measurement of total ROS (intracellular+extracellular); isoluminol
Taken together, we have developed mouse monoclonal antibodies (ISO) for extracellular ROS; methyl cypridina luciferin analog (MCLA)
specific for chicken IL-18. These immune reagents will be useful for extracellular superoxide; 5-(6)-chloromethyl-2′, 7′-dichlorodihydro-
tools to analyze IL-18 secretion during infections and to do basic and fluorescein diacetate, acetyl ester (CMH2) for intracellular ROS. All
applied research for poultry. activator/thymol combinations were assessed using neutrophils isolated
from 4 different cows. Area under the curve (auc) for each activator/
This project is funded by USDA-CSREES proposal 2005-01812 and thymol/cow combination was calculated and log-transformed before
was carried out as part of the US Veterinary Immune Reagent Network, statistical analysis. The MIXED model of SAS included fixed effects of thymol concentration and activator and random effects of assay date
and cow. Least squares means and P-values for overall thymol effect and
Key Words: chicken, IL-18, monoclonal antibody
linear and quadratic thymol contrasts are presented in the table. Overall,
addition of thymol to activated neutrophils decreased extracellular ROS
T21 Influence of two different doses of infectious bovine rhinotra- and increased intracellular ROS, which may reduce tissue damage during
cheitis virus (IBRV) on immune and physiological parameters in mastitis without negatively impacting neutrophil killing.
steers. S. M. Falkenberg*1, T. B. Schmidt1, T. Elsasser4, J. L. Sartin3,
J. O. Buntyn1, and J. A. Carroll2, 1Mississippi State University, Mis- Table 1. Effect of Thymol on Neutrophil ROS Production
sissippi State, 2Livestock Issues Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock,
LUM, ISO, log MCLA, log CMH2, log
TX, 3Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn,
log(auc) (auc) (auc) (auc)
AL, 4Bovine Functional Genomics, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD.
Thymol, g/L
To evaluate the effects of IBRV on immunological and physiological 0 5.61 4.82 4.05 5.35
parameters of cattle, 18 Holstein steers (450.11 ± 75.70 kg) were ran- 0.0001 5.56 4.88 4.25 5.35
domly assigned to either a Control group (Cg) or 1 of 2 IBRV challenged 0.001 5.54 4.73 4.30 5.35
groups. Prior to the challenge, steers were fitted with indwelling rectal 0.01 5.38 4.12 4.49 5.41
probes, BW recorded, and a blood sample obtained. On d 0, steers 0.1 4.80 3.38 3.24 6.20
received either an intra-nasal dose of IBRV [3 mL/nostril (IBR1) or P-values
4mL/nostril (IBR2); Cooper strain, 1 X 107 PFU/ml] or saline (3 mL/ Thymol 0.001 0.001 0.94 0.001
nostril; Cg). IBRV steers were placed in a paddock that was isolated
Linear 0.001 0.001 0.06 0.001
from the Cg as well as all other cattle on the research farm. Blood
Quadratic 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001
samples were collected via jugular venipuncture every 24 h on d 1 and
2, and every 12 h on d 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 post-challenge. All IBRV steers
Key Words: neutrophil, thymol, reactive oxygen species
had elevated rectal temperatures (P < 0.05) as compared with Cg by
d 2, returning to baseline on approximately d 5. Serum was analyzed
for interleukin-6 (IL-6), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-α T23 Bovine hepatic and adipose retinol binding protein gene
(TNF-α), growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF- expression. P. Rezamand*, K. M. Hunt, R. D. Schramm, and M. A.
1). An increase in IFN-γ for the overall effect of IBRV as compared McGuire, University of Idaho, Moscow.
with the Cg (P < 0.05) was observed though no differences were found
for IFN-γ in IBR1 vs. IBR2. Where a numerical increase in the mean Retinol is primarily transported in circulation to target organs by retinol-
concentrations of TNF-α and IL-6 were measured in IBRV vs Cg, the binding protein (RBP). The protein is relatively small (21 kDa), has one
response was not different (P > 0.05). Furthermore, no differences (P binding site for retinol in the all-trans form, is bound to transthyretin
> 0.05) in mean concentrations of GH and IGF-1 were found between (TTR), and primarily synthesized in the liver. Circulating TTR and RBP
Cg and IBRV. Results indicate that both doses of IBRV elicited immune may decrease in response to inflammation. Induction of transcription
responses; however there were no measured differences between the factor NF-IL6 by pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α results in down-
2 dose concentrations. Collectively, the data suggest that measurable regulation of the hepatic synthesis of proteins such as TTR. Our previous
immune responses to IBRV at the doses chosen may be highly selective findings, however, indicated that circulating RBP concentration was
in regard to cytokine and metabolic parameters. greater in cows with a new intramammary infection (IMI) as compared
with cows without a new IMI. Our objective was to determine whether
Key Words: cytokines, IBRV, dose response there was a relation between hepatic and adipose mRNA expressions
of RBP with that of TNF-α. Liver and intestinal adipose tissues were
sampled from dairy cows (n = 28) at slaughter and frozen in liquid
T22 The effect of thymol on reactive oxygen species production by
nitrogen. Total RNA was extracted from each tissue sample and cDNA
bovine neutrophils. L. M. Nemec*, C. Wu, S. Cordova, K. Davison,
was generated using the High Capacity Reverse Transcription Kit.
and T. F. Gressley, University of Delaware, Newark.
Gene expressions of RBP, TNF-α, and β-actin, as a housekeeping gene,
Neutrophils produce intracellular and extracellular reactive oxygen spe- were measured in relative quantification using real time rt-PCR. Data
cies (ROS) to destroy engulfed and extracellular bacteria, respectively. were analyzed using original Ct values, adjusted to β-actin expression,
However, extracellular ROS production during mastitis can also damage in the MIXED and CORR procedures of SAS, and significance was
healthy tissue and impede recovery. This study evaluated the effect of determined at P ≤ 0.05. Expression of RBP and TNF-α was detected in
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 313
all samples and for both genes, variations among cows were significant expressions of RBP and TNF-α were strongly correlated (r = 0.64; P
(P < 0.001). Relative to β-actin expression, RBP and TNF-α were more < 0.001). This implies that regulation of RBP at the transcription level
expressed in intestinal adipose than in liver (P < 0.001). Across tissues, may be independent from that of TTR, which is downregulated by pro-
RBP and TNF-α expressions were positively correlated (r = 0.66; P < inflammatory stimuli via induction of transcription factor NF-IL6.
0.001). Within intestinal adipose, RBP and TNF-α expressions were
Key Words: bovine, retinol-binding protein, TNF-α
weakly correlated (r = 0.38; P < 0.001). In the liver, however, mRNA
314 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Beef Species
T24 Yeast supplementation alters the health status of receiving classes could be profitable when including EU subsidies in the incomes
cattle. J. A. Carroll*1, C. T. Collier1, L. E. Hulbert1,3, J. R. Corley2, of a FARM. Without subsidies, a positive profitable can be reached only
A. G. Estefan2, D. N. Finck3, and B. J. Johnson3, 1USDA-ARS, Live- when keeping small-framed cows (500 to 550 kg). In all modeled pro-
stock Issues Research Unit, Lubbock, TX, 2Lesaffre Feed Additives, duction systems, the most important trait was conception rate of cows
Milwaukee, WI, 3Texas Tech University, Dept. of Animal and Food followed by weaning weight of calves (at 205 d age) for light cows and
Sciences, Lubbock. productive life of cows in systems with heavy cows.
Our objective was to determine if supplementation of yeast products Key Words: beef cow, profitability, marginal and relative economic
during the receiving phase would improve the health status of beef weight
calves before and following a low-dose lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 0.25
μg/kg BW) challenge. Twenty-four crossbred calves (203 ± 1.45 kg BW)
T26 Carcass characteristics and chemical composition of Longis-
were blocked by BW and assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments for 38 d
simus muscle of different genetic groups finished at tropical condi-
before LPS exposure: 1) Control (Cont) calves fed an 83% concentrate
tion. R. H. de Tonissi Buschinelli de Goes*1, D. M. Lambertucci3, K. C.
diet; 2) Live Yeast (LY), calves fed the control diet with the addition
da Silva Brabes1, A. B. Mancio2, C. Mistura4, and D. D. Alves5, 1Univer-
of a LY; 3) Yeast Cell Wall (YCW), calves fed the control diet with the
sidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, MS, Brasil, 2Univer-
addition of a YCW product; and 4) LY plus YCW (LY/YCW). Calves
sidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brasil, 3Faculdade de Ciências
on a common ration were group penned, and diets containing the yeast
Biomédicas de Cacoal, Cacoal, RO, Brasil, 4Universidade do Estado da
products were formulated to deliver 5 g•hd−1•d−1 of either LY or YCW
Bahia, Juazeiro, BA, Brasil, 5Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros,
or 10 g•hd−1•d−1 of the LY/YCW combination. On d 38, calves were
Janaúba, MG, Brasil.
fitted with jugular catheters and indwelling rectal probes, and moved to
individual stanchions. On d 39, blood samples were collected at 30-min The carcass characteristics and chemical composition of Longissimus
intervals from −2 to 8 h and then at 24 h relative to LPS challenge at 0 muscle (LM) of steers at different genetic groups, grazing Brachiaria
h. Rectal temperatures (RT) were collected at 1-min intervals from −24 brizantha cv. Marandu, were evaluated. The animals were finished
to 24 h post-LPS. During the entire trial, basal RT before LPS tended (P during the rainy season, receiving a protein/energetic supplement, of
≤ 0.06) to differ among groups with Cont calves having higher RT com- lower intake, contained corn and soybean meal, with 24% of CP; sup-
pared with LY/YCW (P ≤ 0.01) and LY (P ≤ 0.04) calves. After the LPS plied at 1.1 kg/day. Eighteen beef steers (6 Nellore × Santa Gertrudis-
challenge, an interaction (P ≤ 0.05) was observed such that RT remained SG, 6 Nellore × Simental-SI and 6 Nellore-NE) were slaughtered
higher in the Cont calves compared with all other groups. By 10 h post- at 24 mo of age at 478 ± 6.2 kg. The experiment was analyzed as a
LPS, RT were still greater (P ≤ 0.05) in Cont calves compared with all complete randomized design and the averages compared by Tukey’s
other calves, and remained numerically higher throughout the study. test, at 5% of probability. There was no effect for genetic groups for
Serum cortisol increased in all groups post-LPS with peak concentrations slaughter weight, hot carcass weight (HCW), carcass yield, beef round
observed at 1 h. At 1 h post-LPS, serum cortisol concentrations were 26.5 weight, beef round yield, hind quarter with short ribs weight, spare
ng/mL greater (P ≤ 0.04) in Cont calves compared with LY/YCW calves. rips, loin eye area (LEA), fat thickness (FT), yield grade estimated
An interaction (P ≤ 0.01) was observed for serum interferon-gamma (YG = 72,92–0,489FT-0,02HCW+0,119 LEA), and Brazilian com-
(IFN) such that IFN concentrations tended (P ≤ 0.06) to be greater in ercial cuts (BCC = 60,33–0,015HCW-0,462FT+0,11 LEA), with the
Cont calves compared with YCW calves before LPS exposure. These averages of 478,8kg, 254.2kg, 53.05%, 118.6kg, 46.86%, 95.77kg,
data indicate that supplementing the diet of receiving beef cattle with 13.41kg, 74.02cm2, 4.09mm, 74.61% and 64.45%, respectively. It was
yeast products may improve their health during the early phase of the observed difference (P < 0.05) for the percentages of moisture, ash,
feedlot period, thus allowing for enhanced performance. protein, total lipid and cholesterol between the genetic group, in LM.
Fat for SG steers was of 3.24g/kg, while SI was of 2.58g/kg and NE of
Key Words: cattle, immunity, yeast
2.29g/kg, however the fat thickness possesses lower value, what could
be inferred that fat in the LM. Lipids could explain the low moisture
T25 Impact of mature cow weights on farm profitability and presented by the crossbreeding animals (73.6%). The meat of the NE
economic weights of beef cattle traits. F. Szabó*1, K. Keller1, J. presented moisture of 74.1%, with ash of 1.10% and protein of 24.02%.
Wolf2, and M. Wolfová2, 1University of Pannonia Georgikon Faculty, The crossings of SG and SI of 0.98% and 1.02% for ash, 22.71% and
Keszthely, Hungary, 2Institute of Animal Science, Uhrinéves, Prague, 23.4% for protein, respectively. The SG presented a concentration of
Czech Republic. cholesterol of 48.29 mg/100g of total lipids; while the SI was 46.9 and
the NE 46.44mg/100g. The difference in the cholesterol concentration
The impact of mature cow weight on the profitability of beef cattle in the muscle is probably associated with the structure of the cells that
farming and on the economic importance of 10 performance and func- composes the muscle. The different genetic groups evaluated do not
tional traits was analyzed in Hungary. The examined traits were calving alter the carcass characteristics, but differ in chemical composition of
performance, stillbirth and calf losses till weaning, weight of calves at Longissimus muscle
birth, at 120 and at 205 d of age, mature weight of cows, conception
rates of heifers and cows and productive lifetime of cows. The cow Key Words: yield grade, cholesterol, fat thickness
weight was varied from 500 to 700 kg in 50 intervals. The economic
efficiency of all farming systems was expressed as profit per cow and
T27 Efficacy of day 23 GnRH for CIDR-Select estrus synchroni-
per year. The economic importance of a trait (marginal economic value)
zation for beef heifers bred 12 hours after estrus or by fixed-time
was defined as partial derivate of the profit function with respect to trait
AI. J. L. Seabrook*, R. K. Peel, G. E. Seidel, and J. C. Whittier,
mean. The program package ECOWEIGHT was used for all calcula-
Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
tions. The results showed that beef cattle farming with all cow weight
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 315
The objective of this study was to compare AI pregnancy rates resulting T29 Shelf-life characteristics of longissimus muscle of feedlot
from administration of the CIDR Select synchronization protocol either bullocks supplemented with vitamin D and E. S. R. Baldin*1,2,
with or without administration of d 23 GnRH. Angus and Hereford heif- F. S. Parra1, J. R. Ronchesel1, N. R. B. Consolo3, M. D. B. Arrigoni1,
ers at 4 locations were randomly assigned to treatments, blocking for D. D. Millen1, C. L. Martins1, R. D. L. Pacheco1, R. S. Barducci1, L.
body condition score and frame score. All heifers received 100 μg GnRH M. N. Sarti1, D. Tomazella1, A. L. Campanini1, J. M. P. Silva1, A. S.
i.m. and a CIDR (1.38 g progesterone) d 0 – 14. Heifers assigned to the C. Pereira1, D. P. D. Lanna4, 1FMVZ/UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo,
CIDR Select with GnRH received 100 μg GnRH i.m. on d 23; controls Brazil, 2Apoio FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil, 3USP, Pirassununga, São
were processed through the facilities but did not receive GnRH. All Paulo, Brazil, 4ESALQ, Piracicaba, Sã Paulo, Brazil.
heifers received 25 mg dinoprost tromethamine (PG) i.m. on d 30. The
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of vitamins D
breeding protocol for Experiment 1, conducted at 3 locations (n = 270),
and E supplementation on shelf-life characteristics: color, pH and fatty
was to breed heifers 12 ± 2 h after exhibition of estrus (n = 132); heifers
acid profile of longissimus muscle (LM) of feedlot bullocks. It was
that were not observed in estrus within 60 h from PG received 100 μg
used 36 7-mo-old bullocks: 18 Nellore (NE) and 18 Canchim (CC; 5/8
GnRH i.m. and were fixed-time AI (TAI) 60 ± 2 h after PG administra-
Charolais, 3/8 Nellore), arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial design. During
tion (n = 138). For Experiment 2, heifers at a fourth location (n = 326)
47 d and 10 d before slaughter, 9 bullocks from each breed type were
were fitted with heat detection patches at the time of PG administration,
supplemented daily with vitamin E at 1300 IU and vitamin D at 7.5 ×
which were scored when all were TAI 60 ± 2 h later. Treatment was not
106 IU, respectively. LM samples were harvested between 12th and 13th
a source of variation in conception rates for heifers in Experiment 1:
ribs and placed on polystyrene trays, covered with PVC plastic film
GnRH treated 56.4%, no GnRH 52.9% (P = 0.58). Heifers observed in
and exposed to cooling, all of wich simulated retail display conditions.
estrus within 60 h after PG had a higher conception rate, averaged over
Temperature varied between 0°C and 4°C and light controlled (125 lx),
the d 23 GnRH treatments, than heifers TAI (63.9%, 45.1% respectively;
during 7 d. Daily, samples were unpacked, exposed to the environment
P < 0.01). Conception rates for heifers in Experiment 2 also were not
for 20 min and then, measurements of color and pH were taken. For the
affected by treatment: GnRH treated 57.1%, no GnRH 55.9% (P = 0.83).
fatty acids profile analysis, it was collected subcutaneous fat subsamples
Patch score was correlated with a positive pregnancy diagnosis (P <
at the day zero (PO) and at d 7 (P7). There was no effect (P > 0.10) of
0.01); heifers with pristine patches had lower conception rates (34.8%)
vitamin D and E supplementation for the variables in this study. There
than those with fully worn patches (62.8%). Administering GnRH on
was an effect (P < 0.05) of period on color and pH, but on P3, samples
d 23 of the CIDR-Select synchronization protocol was not associated
of all treatments presented undesirable color for consumption. According
with higher conception rates in these experiments.
to the fatty acids profile (g/100g), there was an effect of genetic group
Key Words: beef heifer, CIDR-Select, GnRH (P < 0.05) for: C14:0 (NE:23.75 vs. CC:25.83), C18:1 (NE:47.31 vs.
CC:43.13), C18:2C9T11 (NE:0.79 vs. CC:0.67), SFA (NE:41.83 vs.
CC:46.60), UFA (NE:56.59 vs. CC:51.77) and MUFA (NE:54.47 vs. CC:
T28 Fatty acid profile of feedlot Brangus bullocks fed with mon- 49.59). Also, there was an effect of period (P < 0.05) on C18:1 (P0:44.78
ensin or polyclonal antibodies. R. S. Barducci*1,2, L. M. N. Sarti1, vs. P7:45.76), C18:2C9T11 (P0:0.69 vs. P7:0.76) and C18:1T10T11T12
M. D. B. Arrigoni1, R. D. L. Pacheco1, D. D. Millen1, C. L. Martins1, (P0:1.21 vs. P7:0.36). All in all, vitamin D and E supplementation did
S. R. Baldin1, F. S. Parra1, J. R. Ronchesel1, T. M. Mariani1, J. P. S. T. not improve shelf-life characteristics in this study.
Bastos1, T. C. Putarov1, D. Tomazella1, and H. D. Rosa1, 1FMVZ/UNESP,
Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, 2Apoio FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil. Key Words: cooling, color, fatty acid profile
316 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
vitamin D and E supplementation on SF, MFI, TL and vitamin D and E heifers (n = 8,342), but also yearling bulls, steers and cows. Data was
meat concentrations. Nevertheless, cattle fed with vitamin D and E had analyzed by SAS proc GLM including origin, breed, sex, year and initial
greater (P < 0.05) plasmatic Ca level in relation to control (189.7 vs. weight as main effects. Feedlot feeding period and average daily gain
152.40 mg/L). However, for genetic group, CC presented greater (P < was 95.2 d and 1.55 kg for cattle consuming forage; 114 d and 1.42 kg
0.05) value of MFI than NE (69.07 vs. 62.61), and NE presented greater for cattle already consuming a mixed ration in another feedlot; 124 d
(P < 0.05) vitamin D and E meat concentrations (mg/kg) in relation to and 1.42 kg for cattle coming from irrigated prairies; 131 d and 1.42
CC (0.19 vs. 0.03 and 2.88 vs. 1.29, respectively). The supplementation kg for cattle coming from commercial reception pens; and 133 d and
of vitamin D and E increased plasmatic Ca concentration, but it was 1.46 kg for cattle coming directly from pasture. Carcass quality was
not effective to enhance attributes of meat quality of 2 different genetic 60.9, 64.7, 61.1, 61.6 and 61.9%, respectively. Breed affected ADG,
groups of feedlot bullocks. FFP, CQ (P < 0.05) whereas sex did not (P > 0.05). Summer season
compromised productivity compared with the other seasons (P < 0.05).
Key Words: vitamin E, vitamin D, meat
Initial weight entering feedlot also affected FFP and ADG. Heavier
animals had a shorter feeding period and a greater weight gain. Thus,
T31 Influence of weaning strategy on growth and immunity in beef we conclude that cattle origin, breed, season and initial weight entering
calves. L. B. Krebs*, A. Loyd, and E. G. Brown, Stephen F. Austin feedlot surely affected feedlot feeding period, average daily gain and
State University, Nacogdoches, TX. dressing percentage.
The prevailing method of weaning calves involves abrupt separation Key Words: beef cattle, feedlot, Mexico
from cows resulting in change in feed and living environment. These
changes result in behavioral and physiological responses indicative of
T33 Number of days to accurately measure individual feed intake
distress that are unfavorable to beef production and animal welfare.
in lactating females. K. A. Gray*, B. L. Winslow, M. H. Poore, and
Twenty-six crossbred beef calves and their dams were used to evaluate
J. P. Cassady, North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
stress and performance responses to 2 weaning strategies (2-stage and
fenceline) independent of each other and in combination compared with The objective of this study was to evaluate relationships among feed
traditional abrupt weaning. Cows and calves were assigned to treatments intake over different periods of time within a 104 d period in Angus
based on calf body weight and parity of the cow. Four days before females. Data were collected at the Upper Piedmont Research Station
weaning, one group of calves (n = 13) were fitted with an antisuckling in Reidsville, NC. In February lactating Angus females (n = 35) began
device (2-stage) while remaining with the herd. At weaning, devices the feeding period weighing 470 ± 7.8 kg at 3 years of age while calves
were removed and half of these calves were moved to a remote location ranged in age from 7 to 70 d of age. All cows in this study were previ-
(abrupt) and half placed in a pasture adjacent to their dam (fenceline). ously trained and adapted to the Calan gates for a period of 98 d when
The calves not fitted with an antisuckling device before weaning (n = they were growing heifers. Cows were assigned the same gate as they
13) were moved to a remote location or placed in a pasture adjacent to had when they were heifers. Cows were allowed a 2-wk period of read-
the dam in the same proportion as the previous group. Blood samples aptation to Calan gates and were fed a roughage-based ration targeted
were collected on all cows and calves on d −4, 0, and 4 to measure to maintain body weight. Following readaptation, cows began a 104 d
white blood cell count, lymphocytes and neutrophils. Cows and calves test. Feed offered was recorded daily and body weights for both cow
were weighed on d −4, 0, and 28. Body condition scores were collected and calf were taken every 14 d. Linear regression of weight on time was
on cows on d −4, 14, and 28. No difference (P = 0.38) was observed used to estimate ADG for cow and calf. Cow ADG was slight at 0.25 ±
for ADG in calves before weaning between treatments, but ADG was 0.025 kg/d and calf ADG was 0.84 ± 0.033. Average daily dry matter
greater (P < 0.001) in fenceline weaned calves compared with abrupt intake (DMI) was estimated for different periods of time within the
separation. No differences (P < 0.25) were observed for white blood 104 d test. Every combination of 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77 and 84 d
cell count, lymphocytes, neutrophils, or lymphocyte:neutrophil ratio period within the 104 d test was used to estimate different DMI for each
in cows or calves. Average daily gain and body condition scores in the period consisting of a total of 146 different periods. Correlations were
cows were not affected (P < 0.20) by weaning strategy. Results suggest then calculated among all combinations of DMI periods to determine if
that fenceline weaning may be an alternative to traditional weaning a shorter test trial would be sufficient to estimate DMI and to determine
practices. if feed intake differed due to stage of lactation. It was found that the
best estimate for the 104 d DMI were the 4 84 d periods specifically the
Key Words: weaning, fenceline weaning, immunity
middle 2 84 d periods (rp = 0.99). As duration of DMI periods decreased
correlation between the period and 104 d DMI slightly decreased, as
T32 Effects of origin, breed, sex and season on productive per- expected. Among the 10 42 d periods it was found that the correlation
formance of cattle arriving to feedlots located in northern Mexico between the 42 d period and the 104 d DMI had only decreased to 0.90
(Mexicali, B.C.). L. C. Muñoz-Salas1, C. F. Arechiga*1, J. I. Aguilera- - 0.95. It was concluded that DMI measured over 104 d and 42 d had a
Soto1, M. A. Lopez-Carlos1, S. Mendez de Lara1, F. Mendez-Llorente1, high correlation making it possible to decrease the duration of the testing
M. Rincon1, F. J. Gutierrez1, C. A. Medina-Flores1, L. Avendaño-Reyes2, time while maintaining accurate estimates of DMI.
and A. Correa-Calderon2, 1Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacate- Key Words: Angus cows, lactating, dry matter intake
cas, Mexico, 2Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Mexicali,
BC, Mexico.
T34 Effect of cutting time and maceration on nitrogen utilization of
Objective of present trial was to determine the effects of place of
trefoil-grass hay by growing steers. A. F. Brito*1, C. Lafrenière2, and
origin and nutritional source, breed, sex, season and initial weight on
R. Berthiaume2, 1University of New Hampshire, Durham, 2Agriculture
productive performance of cattle arriving to feedlots located in northern
and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.
Mexico. Average daily gain (ADG), feedlot feeding period (FFP), and
carcass quality (CQ; i.e, dressing percentage) was evaluated. Cattle (n Feeding forage cut at sundown (PM) has been shown to improve N
= 12,437), were allotted into 236 feedlots. The study included mostly utilization by cattle. However, nutritional value of PM forage may be
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 317
compromised due to rainfall, prolonged wilting time, leaching, and T35 Temperature during summer transport of Canadian feeder
respiration. Maceration can enhance field drying and reduce wilting cattle at high and low loading densities. C. Goldhawk*1,2, E. Janzen1,
time. A birdsfoot trefoil-grass field was divided in 4. Half was cut at L. González4, T. Crowe3, J. Kastelic2, E. Pajor1, and K. Schwartzkopf-
1800 h (PM) with 50% of the PM herbage macerated after 12 h (PMM) Genswein2, 1University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Agricul-
and left to wilt. The other half was cut at 0600 h (AM) the next morning ture and AgriFood Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, 3University
with 50% of the AM herbage macerated after 4 h (AMM) and left to of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 4University of
wilt. The 4 hays were field dried, baled at the same time, and chopped Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
before feeding. Four steers were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square with a
A recent survey of cattle transport in Canada found that despite traveling
2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to investigate the effects of
similar distances, feeder cattle have greater shrink and spend more time
forage cutting time (CT) and maceration (MAC) on N balance. Total
on truck than fat cattle. These results create concern about the conditions
collection of urine and feces were done for 6 consecutive days at the
during transport for feeder cattle. Preliminary temperature results are
end of each 21-d period. Concentration (% DM) of CP averaged 11.6
available from a larger study evaluating the effects of loading density
(PM), 11.2 (AM), 10.2 (PMM), and 10.2 (AMM), while that of water
during feeder cattle transport (700–900 kg BW). The temperature in the
soluble carbohydrates averaged 9.0 (PM), 7.0 (AM), 9.5 (PMM), and
belly (B) and top deck (TD) of 7 commercial loads were monitored over
8.1 (AMM). Intake of N was lowest in the macerated hays reflecting
an 11 h journey. Loading density (H = 0.767 m2/animal; L = 0.876 m2/
hay composition. Fecal N excretion (% of N intake) was greater (P =
animal) was alternated between compartments within loads, yielding 3
0.04) in macerated vs. non macerated hays. Steers fed PM-cut hays
replicates of HB, 4 LB, 4 HTD and 3 LTD. Twelve temperature loggers
had reduced (% of N intake) excretions of urinary N (P = 0.08) and
were placed throughout each compartment, 1 on each side mirror of
manure N (P = 0.03), and enhanced retained N (P = 0.03). Significant
the truck and 1 on the ear tags of 4 focal animals in each compartment.
CT x MAC interactions were observed for manure N and retained N as
Ambient temperature ranged from 10 to 34°C in the am and 24–34°C
% of N intake, showing that non macerated PM-cut hay had the lowest
in the pm. The average temperature at the ceiling of a compartment was
excretion of manure N and the greatest N retention. Maceration had no
2.3°C higher than the ambient temperature. On average, temperatures
effect on N retention by cattle fed trefoil-grass hay.
at the animal level were 0.78°C higher than at the ceiling of the com-
partments during stationary periods and 1.07°C higher than the ceiling
Table 1. Effect of cutting time and maceration on N intake (g/d) and temperature during transit. During transit, temperatures at animal level
N balance (% of N intake) ranged from 13.7 to 29.6°C in the HB treatment and from 8.3 to 29.5°C
Treatments P in the HTD treatment. Similarly, during transit, temperatures at animal
CT x level ranged from 10.5 to 29.8°C in LB and from 12.5 to 31.3°C in
Item PM AM PMM AMM SED CT MAC MAC LTD. The highest temperatures at animal level were recorded during
N intake 129 112 106 108 4.93 0.08 <0.01 0.04 prolonged stationary periods of 1.5–3.5 h (border crossing). During
Fecal N excretion 40 43 46 44 1.77 0.63 0.04 0.08 the first 10 min of the stationary period, before unloading the cattle for
Urinary N excretion 32 37 33 35 2.66 0.08 0.70 0.47
inspection, compartment temperatures at animal level rose by 0.9°C in
the B and 2.4°C in the TD. Upon reloading, compartment temperature
Manure N excretion 72 81 78 79 2.32 0.03 0.24 0.05
at animal level peaked after 20 min at 26–32°C and stayed within this
Retained N 28 19 22 21 2.32 0.03 0.24 0.05
range for the remainder of the stationary time at the border. Given
Key Words: maceration, cutting time, steers the concurrent stressors experienced by cattle during transportation,
the range of temperatures recorded during these loads warrant further
investigation to determine the relationship between trailer microclimate
and cattle well-being.
Key Words: cattle, transportation
318 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Breeding and Genetics: Poultry and Small Ruminants
T36 Comparative genomics: The Guinea Fowl satiety center. N. goal into a broader perspective and consider changes in physiological
Bonner*, J. Tyus, and S. Nahashon, Tennessee State University, Nash- traits in the breeding goal.
Key Words: quail, divergent selection, blood parameters
Genetic influence of the mechanisms driving feeding behavior and
energy homeostasis in avians has not been fully elucidated; hence
there is a paucity of such information in the Guinea Fowl (GF). Recent T38 Genetic variation in physiological responses following heat
advances in genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics have made these stress in laying hens. J. N. Felver-Gant*1, L. A. Mack1, R. L. Dennis2,
mechanisms less difficult to evaluate, but assays aimed at developing GF and H. W. Cheng2, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2Livestock
genetic improvement programs continue to lag. The GF has tremendous Behavior Research Unit, USA-ARS, West Lafayette, IN.
potential as a viable poultry meat species in the US and globally. Generat- Heat stress (HS), also known as hyperthermia, is a major problem
ing genetic information for the GF is essential for its improvement and experienced by poultry during high-temperature conditions. The abil-
in comparative mapping of avian species of economic importance. The ity to manage the detrimental effects of HS can be attributed to many
primary aim of this study was to compile a comprehensive database of factors, including genetics. The objective of the present study was to
genes expressed in GF center of satiety. Messenger RNA was isolated determine the variation of effects that HS poses on the well-being of
from ventromedial hypothalamus and pituitary of adult GF. Following laying hens. Ninety 28-wk-old White Leghorns of 2 strains were used; a
reverse transcription, cDNAs were cloned into the pBluescript plasmid line of individually selected hens for high productivity and survivability,
vector using the Stratagene cDNA Library Construction Kit. Approxi- DeKalb XL (DXL), and a line of group-selected hens, kind gentle bird
mately 1000 clones were selectively screened via blue-white selection, (KGB). Hens were randomly paired, housed by strain and assigned
restriction digestion and PCR. Positive clones were cycle-sequenced by to hot (H) or control (C) treatments for 14 d (mean: C = 24.3°C, H =
PCR and analyzed with the ABI PRISM 3100-Avant Genetic Analyzer. 32.6°C). Physiological measures were collected at d 8 and 14. Behav-
A second objective was to comparatively analyze GF gene fragments ior data was collected at d 1, 2, 6, 9, and 13. Compared with controls,
against homologs from other poultry species. Guinea fowl nucleotide H-hens core temperature (CT) was significantly higher at d 8 and 14
sequences were subjected to sequence homology searches using the (P < 0.05). Heterophil:lymphocyte ratios were significantly higher in
megablast option of NCBI’s Basic Local Alignment Search Tool. Nucle- H-hens at d 14 (P < 0.05). H-hens had significantly reduced liver wt
otide sequence similarity between GF and other avian species averaged (LW) and spleen wt (SW) at d 8 and 14 (P < 0.05) and body wt (BW)
76.5%. Nucleotide sequences exhibiting high homology (~80%) with at d 14 (P < 0.05). H-hens tended to have reduced BW at d 8 (P < 0.10)
other avian species averaged 685.6 bases in length and ranged from and heart wt (HW) at d 14 (P < 0.10). H-DXL had significantly reduced
293 to 1,025 bases. Nearly 12% of the nucleotide sequences analyzed LW than H-KGB at wk 1 (P < 0.05). Behaviorally, H-hens opened their
showed no significant similarity to any available sequence data. Gene wings significantly more than C-hens (P < 0.05). C-hens did not initiate
fragments generated from this work are currently being used to develop thermal panting. H-KGB hens exhibited panting behavior significantly
oligonucleotide primers for quantitative PCR and expressed sequence more than H-DXL (P < 0.05). The data suggest that HS has detrimental
tags for selective breeding. effects on the physiology of laying hens. However, differences can be
Key Words: Guinea Fowl genomics, satiety, hypothalamus observed in the results of this study due to the genetic basis for varia-
tions in heat stress response.
Key Words: heat stress, genetics, laying hen
T37 Divergent selection for 4-week body weight in Japanese quail:
Relationship between blood parameters and carcass characteris-
tics. H. Beiki*, A. Pakdel, and M. Moradi Shahre Babak, University T39 Genome-wide copy number variation and temporal gene
of Tehran, Iran. expression analysis in Marek’s disease-resistant and -susceptible
The current study has been carried out to investigate the relationship inbred chickens. Y. Yu1, A. Mitra1, H. Zhang2, F. Tian1, G. Liu*3, and
between blood parameters and carcass characteristics in Japanese quail. J. Song1, 1University of Maryland, College Park, 2USDA-ARS-ADOL,
Quail lines utilized were 2 lines divergently selected for high (HW) East Lansing, MI, 3USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD.
and low (LW) 4-wk body weight following 7 generations and also a Viruses that cause cancers are a great threat to human and animal
control line (C). To investigate quail blood parameters, 15 quail from health. Marek’s disease (MD) in chickens is a lymphoproliferative
each line were selected randomly at 42-d of age. Blood samples were disease caused by Marek’s disease virus (MDV). The overexpression
taken from the jugular vein just before slaughter and carcasses were of Hodgkin’s disease antigen in MD makes it an ideal model to study
measured individually. The plasma cholesterol content of HW line quail the progression mechanism of Hodgkin’s disease in vivo. Three inbred
were significantly higher than for quail from the LW and C lines. There chicken lines (L63, L72 and LM) with different reactions to MDV
was a significant correlation (0.99) between serum hematocrit level and were used to perform array-based comparative genomic hybridization
breast depth in the HW, LW and control (0.99) lines (P < 0.01). There (CGH) and gene expression microarray experiments at different time
was also a significant correlation between ovary weight and serum points (5dpi, 10dpi and 21dpi) of virus infection, with the objective of
triglyceride level (TG) in the HW (0.82) and LW (0.87) lines (P < 0.01). comparing copy number variation (CNV) with MDV indicator traits.
Liver weight in the LW line was significantly correlated with TG level A total of 43 CNV were found in the 3 chicken lines with the total size
(0.82) (P < 0.01), and the correlation between testis weight and TG in ranging from 1.4 Mb in L72 to 1.6 Mb in LM. While only 22% of the
the LW line (−0.96) was also significant (P < 0.01). The results of cur- sequence found within CNV regions in L63 (MD-resistant) and LM
rent study indicated that carcass characteristics and blood parameters of (intermediate in MD-resistance) is unique, about 62% is unique in L72
Japanese quail were greatly affected by short-term divergent selection. (MD-susceptible) chickens. Several anti-viral pathways, and particularly
Thus, to prevent undesirable side effects of selection in this species, the NF-κB pathway, were found activated in the early cytolytic stage
like those that have occurred in broilers, we must refine the breeding (5dpi) in L63 chickens. The array-CGH and gene expression microarray
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 319
results revealed a CNV loss located on chromosome 4 present in both reciprocal F1 chicks were intermediate in body weight and PepT1 levels.
L63 and LM chickens but absent in L72 chickens that is associated with An F2 generation, produced by random matings of LxH and HxL par-
the expression of a CD8α homolog before and after MDV infection. ents, had a greater range in body weights and PepT1 expression levels
To our knowledge, this is the first time a CNV loss has been found that than the F1 crosses. This 3 generation mating study suggests polygenic
might be related to MD-resistance in chickens. inheritance for PepT1 in chickens
Key Words: copy number variation, microarray, genetics Key Words: chicken, PepT1, transporter
T40 Broiler breeders with an efficient innate immune response T42 Genetic properties of feed utilization efficiency param-
are more resistant to coccidial infections. C. L. Swaggerty*1, K. eters. S. E. Aggrey*1, A. B. Karnuah1, and N. B. Anthony2, 1University
J. Genovese1, H. He1, J. R. Nerren1, I. Y. Pevzner2, and M. H. Kogut1, of Georgia, Athens, 2University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
1United States Department of Agriculture, College Station, TX, 2Cobb-
Feed costs constitute about 70% of the total production costs; however,
Vantress, Inc., Siloam Springs, AR.
the efficiency of feed utilization has not kept up with the growth potential
Coccidial infections cost the poultry industry an estimated $600 million of today’s broilers. Improvement in the efficiency of feed utilization
in low carcass weights and prophylactic drugs per year. For the past will reduce the amount of feed required for growth, which will directly
several years we have characterized the innate immune response of 2 reduce production cost, increase profitability, and subsequently reduce
broiler breeder lines (A and B) and their F1 reciprocal crosses (C [B sire the amount of manure produced. We estimated genetic parameters of
x A dam] and D [A sire x B dam]) and compared their resistance against feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed consumption (RFC) in
Salmonella, Enterococcus, and Campylobacter challenges. In all cases, a random mating broiler control population using DFREML and deter-
line A and cross D are more responsive and more resistant than line B mine nutrient factors that affect both traits. The heritability of FCR
and cross C. Now, we want to determine if the trend is also observed and RFC were 0.22 and 0.11, respectively with genetic correlation of
following separate challenges with the protozoan parasites, Eimeria 0.72. However, when maternal effects were included in the model, the
tenella (ET), E. maxima (EM), or E. acervulina (EA). Fourteen-day-old genetic correlation increased to 0.98, probably suggesting that maternal
chickens from lines A and B and cross C and D were challenged orally components influence feed utilization efficiency and as a result both
with 15–50 × 103 ET, 10–40 × 103 EM or 25–50 × 103 EA oocysts. nuclear and mitochondrial genomes are important in deciphering the
Birds were sacrificed 6 d post-challenge and the appropriate region of genetic factors affecting feed utilization efficiency. Among the nutrient
the gut was removed and scored for lesions (ET in the ceca; EM in the factors, it was determined that protein energy and calcium retentions
mid-gut; EA in the duodenum) and final body weight (BW) compared greatly affected feed efficiency.
with non-infected controls. Regardless of the challenge species or dose
Key Words: feed efficiency, genetic parameters, chicken
administered, line A and cross D birds were more resistant to intestinal
pathology as demonstrated by lower lesion scores compared with B and
C, respectively. As might be expected, the lower lesion scores in line A T43 Analysis of ascites susceptibility using genetic markers in
and cross D chickens were accompanied by higher final BW compared commercial broilers. S. Krishnamoorthy*, N. Anthony, D. Rhoads,
with line B and cross C chickens, thus reducing potential revenue loss R. Wideman, and G. Erf, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
associated with low carcass weights in coccidia-infected birds. The
results from this study showed that in addition to improved resistance Although the ascites syndrome in chickens has been investigated for
against bacterial infections line A and cross D chickens are also more years, it continues to inflict financial losses within the global poultry
resistant to coccidial infections compared with line B and cross C birds. industry. It is estimated that annually 5% of the 40 billion world broiler
Taken together with all of our earlier studies utilizing these lines, an population succumbs to ascites, thus leading to yearly losses of mil-
efficient innate immune response protects against a broad range of food- lions of dollars. Efforts to curb the incidence of ascites are typically
borne and poultry pathogens including costly coccidial infections. designed to slow early growth. This limits the bird’s ability to show its
true genetic potential and impacts later yields. In 1994, lines divergent
Key Words: genetics, coccidia, innate immunity for susceptibility to ascites were established from a commercial sire line
through sibling selection of birds reared at local altitude, after testing
sibs reared under simulated high altitude conditions. We used a whole
T41 Expression of the peptide transporter, PepT1, in chickens from
genome SNP array to identify 7 potential regions associated with sus-
high and low weight-selected lines and their F1 and F2 crosses. B.
ceptibility. After 16 generations of selection, the selected lines changed
Zwarycz*, E. A. Wong, P. B. Seigel, and C. R. Mott, Virginia Polytechnic
in allele frequency for 2 regions on chromosome 9, as compared with
Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
each other and with the line of origin. Changes were consistent with
PepT1, a peptide transporter located in the brush border membrane patterns of susceptibility and resistance to ascites. In addition to the
of the small intestine of chickens, is important in the uptake of amino research populations, we determined that 2 ascites susceptible com-
acids in the form of di- and tri-peptides. Thus, PepT1 plays an important mercial lines are also segregating for resistance related alleles in these
role in growth and feed efficiency. The objective of this study was to regions. The data support the predictive nature of these loci, in that the
determine PepT1 expression and inheritance in the duodenum, jejunum, presence of a specific genotype is associated with resistance to ascites,
and ileum of chickens selected for high or low body weight and their F1 which suggests that one or more genes within these regions might play
and F2 progeny. Parental line chickens selected for 51 generations for an important role in ascites development. Future research will include
high (H) or low (L) 8-week body weight were mated to produce 4 types reducing the incidence of ascites in susceptible commercial lines through
of progeny. These were parental lines (LxL and HxH) and reciprocal marker-assisted selection.
F1 crosses (HxL and LxH). Only males were used in the analysis. On This work has been supported by NIH/NHLBI Grant 1R15HL092517
d7 posthatch, LxL chicks had the lowest body weights and the highest 01 and The Arkansas Biosciences Institute.
levels of PepT1 mRNA in the small intestine, whereas the HxH chicks
Key Words: ascites, genetic markers
had the heaviest body weights and lowest levels of PepT1 mRNA. The
320 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
T44 Using quantitative PCR to investigate three candidate genes current research were collected at the Breeding Station of Moghani sheep
related to pulmonary hypertension in the chicken. A. A. Al- (Ardebil province, Iran) during 1989–2005. Variance components were
Rubaye*, N. B. Anthony, G. F. Erf, R. F. Wideman, and D. D. Rhoads, estimated from a 5-trait analysis, based on the best model of analysis
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. for each trait, using the MTDFREML program. Level of significance
for the inclusion of effects into the model of analysis was declared at P
Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension syndrome (IPAH) is a disease
< 0.05. The final model included the fixed class effects of year-season
of humans and chickens that results from chronic high pulmonary arte-
(68 levels), sex of lamb and parity of dam, birth type (single, twin,
rial pressure. IPAH in broiler chickens results in right-sided congestive
triplet), the linear covariate effect of age of dam (from 2 through 7
heart failure leading to ascites that, if not aggressively treated, will result
years old) and random direct and maternal genetic effects. The most
in death. We have been mapping chicken genes affecting resistance or
suitable model was determined based on likelihood ratio tests for each
susceptibility to IPAH. Previously, we identified 2 regions on Gga9 and
trait. Breeding values of individual animals were predicted with Best
one on Gga27 that show significant linkage disequilibrium to IPAH in
Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) methodology and obtained from a
our lines. Within these regions we identified 3 candidate genes that
multivariate animal model analysis and genetic trends were obtained by
are known to be related to susceptibility to pulmonary hypertension in
regressing the means of predicted breeding values on year of birth for
humans. Those genes are ACE, HTR2B, and AGTR1. We are exam-
each trait. Estimates of direct heritabilities for BW, 3MW, 6MW, 9MW,
ining the expression of these 3 genes in chicken IPAH using reverse
and YW were 0.29, 0.13, 0.14, 0.10, and 0.31, respectively. Estimates of
transcriptase quantitative PCR. Initial analyses have detected significant
maternal heritabilities were 0.29 for BW, 0.08 for 3MW, 0.11 for 6MW,
differences in the expression levels for 2 of the candidate genes in whole
0.06 for 9MW, and 0.10 for YW. Direct genetic trends were positive and
blood RNAs. We are expanding the analyses to include increased num-
significant (P < 0.05) for BW, 3MW, 6MW, 9MW and YW and were
bers of samples and a wider range of tissues.
1.63, 69.20, 79.38, 66.83 and 110.22 g/year, respectively. Also, maternal
genetic trend for BW, 3MW, 6MW, 9MW and YW were positive and
This work was supported by grants from the Arkansas Biosciences
significant (P < 0.05) and were 2.36, 49.18, 37.33, 17.73 and 9.67 g/year,
Institute and NIH/NHLBI Grant 1R15HL092517 01.
respectively. The results showed that improvement of body weights of
Key Words: QPCR, pulmonary hypertension syndrome, chicken Moghani sheep seems feasible in selection programs.
Key Words: Moghani sheep, growth traits, genetic trend
T46 Estimates of genetic trends for body weight traits of Moghani Key Words: Wadi sheep, FecB gene, litter size
sheep obtained by a multivariate animal model analysis. N. Ghavi
Hossein-Zadeh*, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
T48 Inbreeding effects on different weights and population struc-
University of Guilan, Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
ture of Santa Inês sheep. M. L. Santana Júnior*, V. B. Pedrosa, P.
The objective of the present study was to estimate genetic changes for S. Oliveira, J. P. Eler, and J. B. S. Ferraz, Animal Breeding and Bio-
body weights at different ages in Moghani sheep. Traits included were technology Group, Department of Basic Sciences, College of Animal
birth weight (BW, n = 4208), 3 mo weight (3MW, n = 4175), 6 mo Science and Food Engineering, University of São Paulo, C. Postal 23,
weight (6MW, n = 3138), 9 mo weight (9MW, n = 2244), and yearling 13635-970, Pirassununga, SP, Brazil.
weight (YW, n = 1342). The data and pedigree information used in the
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 321
The aim of this study was to describe the population structure and T50 Estimation of additive and non-additive genetic parameters for
inbreeding and to quantify its effect for different weights of Santa growth traits of Moghani sheep. M. Bayeri Yar*1, s. Alijani1, and T.
Inês sheep in Brazil. By this reason, 6,161 production data and 17,097 Farahvash2, 1Univeraity of Tabriz, Tabriz, East Azerbijan, Iran, 2Islamic
animals in the pedigree data, of 6 previous generations were utilized to Azade University, Shabestar Branch, Tabriz, East Azerbijan, Iran.
evaluate birth weight (BW), weight at 60 d (W60) and weight at 180 d
A total 6,758 records from Moghani lambs were collected from 1995 to
(W180). The genetic structure analysis of population was realized by
2006 at the Jafar Abad sheep breeding station in the Ardebil province
the software ENDOG (v.4.6.), resulting in some level of inbreeding for
of Iran. Five traits were considered; birth weight (BW),weaning weight
21.72% of the animals in the pedigree data, with a maximum value of
(WW), 6-mo weight (6W), 9-mo weight (9W), and yearling weight
41.02%, and average of 10.74% for the inbreed individuals. The popula-
(YW). Data were analyzed using a single-trait animal model via the
tion average inbreeding was 2.33%, and the average kinship was 0.73%.
DFREML software. The model was: Y = Xb + Zaa + Zmm + Zpp + e,
The ancestral effective number was 156 animals, and the number of
where Y is a vector of observations; b is a vector of fixed effects; a is a
population founders was 211 individuals. Parameters related to genetic
vector of direct animal genetic effects; m is a vector of maternal genetic
variability in this population must be monitored to prevent a decrease
effects; p is a vector of maternal permanent environmental effects; e is a
in genetic progress. The utilization of a program for directed mating, as
vector of residuals, and X, Za, Zm and Zp are incidence matrices relating
is presently the case in this flock, is an appropriate alternative to keep
records for trait to fixed, direct genetic, maternal genetic, and permanent
the level of inbreeding under control.
environmental effects, respectively. Results of the univariate analyses
Key Words: effective population size, inbreeding, generation interval are shown in Table1. Direct heritability for body weight increased after
weaning. This study showed important effects of maternal effects on
growth traits, which should be considered in genetic evaluations. Direct
T49 Estimates of variances due to direct and maternal effects and maternal heritability estimates obtained in this study indicated that
on birth weight in Moghani sheep. M. Bayeri Yar*1, S. Alijani1, it would be possible to improve growth traits through genetic selection
T. Farahvash2, and A. Rafat1, 1University of Tabriz, Tabriz, East Azer- at all ages.
bijan, Iran, 2Islamik Azad University,Shabestar Branch, Tabriz, East
Azerbijan, Iran.
Table 1. Estimates of (co)variance components, genetic and
Data from a total of 6,758 Moghani lambs were collected from 1995 to phenotypic parameters of growth traits from a univariate analysis
2006 at the Jafar Abad sheep breeding station in the Ardebil province of
Trait h2 (±SE) m2 (±SE) p2 (±SE) ra,m
Iran. Data were analyzed by DFREML using an animal model. The full
BW 0.26(±0.01) 0.18(±0.02) 0.12(±0.01) −0.97
general model used was as follows: Y = Xb + Zaa + Zmm + Zppe + e. In
particular, use of model 1 resulted in high estimates of additive genetic WW 0.23(±0.02) 0.16(±0.01) 0.07(±0.03) −0.95
and direct heritability (0.33). Inclusion of maternal effects (models 2, W6 0.28(±0.07) 0.12(±0.01) 0.06(±0.02) −0.89
4 and 5) resulted in much smaller estimates of h2. Comparing models W9 0.33(±0.07) 0.06(±0.02) 0.024(±0.01) −0.869
with likelihood ratio tests showed that model 5 performed significantly YW 0.3(±0.1) 0.02(±0.005) 0.015(±0.008) −0.79
better than other models. Based on use of the most appropriate model h2: direct heritability; m2: maternal heritability; p2: maternal permanent en-
for birth weight (BW), the estimated ratios of variance components vironmental variance; ra,m: direct-maternal genetic correlation.
(±SE) were: h2= 0.26 (± 0.01), m2 = 0.09 (± 0.009), pe2 = 0.06(±0.01).
Maternal effects therefore included heritable components of phenotypic Key Words: Moghani sheep, genetic parameters, growth
variance that will respond to selection. Although estimates of h2 also
varied between the models with different maternal effect structures, T51 Estimation of variance components for reproductive traits
these differences were minor in comparison. It has been suggested that of Moghani sheep. M. Bayeri Yar*1, s. Alijani1, and T. Farahvash2,
this antagonism will limit the potential for genetic improvement of com- 1Univeraity of Tabriz, Tabriz, East Azerbijan, Iran, 2Islamic Azade
mercial flocks through artificial selection. The idea that an evolutionary University, Shabestar Branch, Tabriz, East Azerbijan, Iran.
response to selection on birth weight could be similarly constrained
through this mechanism is supported by the negative values estimated A total of 3652 records were collected from 1995 to 2006 at the Jafar
for rams. In conclusion, there were important maternal genetic effects Abad sheep breeding station in the Ardebil province of Iran. Four traits
influencing birth weight in this population. were measured, including conception rate (CR), litter size (LS), mean
litter weight per lamb born and mean litter weight of lambs at weaning.
Mixed model methodology was used to analyze all traits using a multi-
Table 1. Estimates of (co)variance components, genetic and ple-trait animal model with repeated records. Covariance components
phenotypic parameters of BW from a univariate analysis and genetic parameters were estimated using the restricted maximum
Models h2 (±SE) m2 (±SE) pe2 (±SE) ram logL likelihood method based on a derivative-free algorithm (DFREML).
1 0.33(±0.01) — — — −796.45 Estimates of direct and maternal heritability, direct-maternal genetic
2 0.31(±0.01) 0.22(±0.01) — — −794.68 correlation and fraction of variance due to permanent environmental
3 0.31(±0.01) — 0.29(±0.01) — −793.78 effect of the ewe and ewe-mate, as well as phenotypic variances for
4 0.28(±0.01) 0.19(±0.009) 0.02(±0.01) — −793.7 each trait are shown in Table1. The low estimates of heritability for LS
5 0.26(±0.01) 0.18(±0.01) 0.12(±0.01) −0.97 −783.85 and CR may be due to the importance of random environmental effects
on variability of the observations and due to the categorical expression
h2: direct heritability; m2: maternal heritability; pe2: maternal permanent en-
of the trait. Because the heritability estimate was quite low, improve-
vironmental variance; ram: direct-maternal genetic correlation.
ment of CR by selection would be difficult even though CR has great
Key Words: Moghani sheep, maternal effects, birth weight economic importance. Results showed that all traits were influenced by
genetic effects and permanent environmental effects, and to improve
these traits one should improve environmental effects in first step.
Estimates of genetic variances and heritability are necessary for genetic
322 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
evaluation of sheep and also for choosing the best selection scheme. NO3- treatment. Relative expression levels were tested for treatment
Economic weights of traits can be determined to build an advantageous differences using the GLM procedure in SAS. No differences (P > 0.05)
overall selection index. in expression before NO3- administration were detected, confirming
that the changes in expression observed post–treatment were due to
the NO3- administration. These results also indicated that selection for
Table 1. Estimates of (co)variance components, genetic and
tolerance to high dietary NO3- cannot be made before exposure based
phenotypic parameters of reproductive traits from a univariate
on differences in expression of genes involved in metabolism or stress.
Instead, differences in microbial populations in the rumen may be key
Traits Mean ± SD h2 (± SE) m2 (± SE) Pe2 (± SE) ram to disparities observed in response to high dietary NO3-.
LS 1.4 (± 0.51) 0.08(± 0.01) 0.038(± 0.01) 0.25(± 0.05) 0.33
CR 0.7(± 0.25) 0.03(± 0.01) — — — Key Words: nitrate toxicity, gene expression, tolerance
LMWLB 4.85(± 0.78) 0.1(± 0.02) 0.03(± 0.02) 0.03(± 0.01) 0.31
LMWLW 22.86(± 5.14) 0.09(± 0.01) 0.05(± 0.01) — 0.1 T53 Genetic parameters for growth traits in the progeny of
Direct (h2) and maternal heritability, direct-maternal genetic correlation Nubian, French Alpine Saanen, Toggenburgh, and Spanish goats
(ram), fraction of variance due to permanent environmental (pe2). mated naturally to Boer sires. A. Pérez*, J. S. Saucedo, L. Aven-
daño, J. F. Ponce, and M. F. Montaño, Universidad Autónoma de Baja
Key Words: Moghani sheep, reproduction
California, México, Instituto de Ciencias Agrícolas, Mexicali, Baja
California, México.
T52 Determination of intrinsic tolerance for high dietary nitrate in Data came from a commercial goat farm at Imperial Valley California.
ewes using hepatic gene expression. R. R. Cockrum*, K. J. Austin, The objectives were to compare the performance of the progeny of goats
and K. M. Cammack, University of Wyoming, Laramie. involving inheritance of Nubian(N), French Alpine (A), Saanen (S)
Ruminants differ in their ability to efficiently reduce nitrate (NO3-) to Toggenburgh (T), and Spanish (SP), (n = 160), and to estimate genetic
nitrite (NO2-). It was hypothesized that these differences may be due to parameters for growth traits. Traits analyzed were weight at birth BWT
intrinsic differences in ability to metabolize NO3-. In a previous study, and weaning WWT, and average daily gain (ADG) from birth to wean-
differentially expressed (P < 0.05) hepatic genes (n = 13) were identified ing. Separate analysis for each trait used least squares mixed model
in ewes determined as highly tolerant (n = 6) and lowly tolerant (n = 6) SAS (1999). The analytical model included: breed of dam, age of dam,
to 300 mg of NO3-/kg BW administered for an 8-d period. The objective sex of the kid, season of parturition as fixed effects; sire × breed of dam
of this study was to determine if those genes were also differentially interaction and the residual as random. The overall mean values for
expressed between highly tolerant and lowly tolerant ewes a priori to weight at birth and weaning were: 1.99 and 12.89 kg, respectively. The
NO3- treatment, indicating a potential for marker–assisted selection. average values for weight at birth were (2.12 ± 0.66, 2.11 ± 0.56, 2.04 ±
Thirteen genes involved in metabolism and stress response were identi- 0.55, 1.95 ± 0.63, 2.10 ± 0.55 and 1.98 ± 0.67, 1.97 ± 0.68, 1.93 ± 0.58,
fied as differentially expressed (P < 0.05) in liver samples from highly 1.83 ± 0.63, 1.96 ± 0.66) for males and females kids, respectively. The
tolerant and lowly tolerant ewes after NO3- treatment using both 24k average values for weaning weight were (13.99 ± 0.59, 13.29 ± 0.53,
bovine oligonucleotide microarray and real–time RT–PCR techniques. 13.25 ± 0.54, 12.67 ± 0.51 and 13.51 ± 0.43, and 12.50 ± 0.59, 12.48
Of those genes, 4 were up–regulated (P ≤ 0.05; HOPX, GPX3, ITIH4, ± 0.50, 11.98 ± 0.58, 12.68 ± 0.56 and 12.60 ± 0.57 kg) for male and
and HP), 8 were down-regulated (P ≤ 0.03; CYP25A1, PFKFB1, AOX1, female kids, respectively. The estimated ADG from birth to weaning
ASL, SCP2, KIK-1, FADS2, and THRSP), and CSAD tended (P = 0.07) to was 181 ± 0.32 g. The average values for daily gain were: 187 ± 0.46
be down–regulated in lowly tolerant ewes compared with highly tolerant and 175 ± 0.49 g for male and female kids, respectively. Estimates of
ewes. Relative expression of those genes was determined in liver samples heritability direct values were (h2 = 0.20 ± 0.67, h2 = 0.15 ± 0.68, and
collected from the same highly tolerant and lowly tolerant ewes before h2 = 0.25 ± 0.64) to BWT, WWT, and ADG, respectively.
Key Words: genetic parameters, growth traits, boer goat
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 323
Companion Animals: Companion Animal Biology
T54 Student organization sponsored dog training classes provide averaged to determine left and right deflection. Six of the 14 unknown
experiential learning opportunity for students and community person tests elicited barking and growling behaviors, indicating that
participants. L. K. Karr-Lilienthal*1 and J. S. Morstad3,2, 1University tests were efficacious. Data were analyzed as a mixed model with
of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, 2Union College, Lincoln, NE, 3Prairie stimulus as a fixed effect and subject as a random block. Orthogonal
Skies Inc., Lincoln, NE. contrasts were used to compare positive with negative stimuli, and to
compare the types of negative stimuli. Dogs’ maximum tail deflections
The goal of this project was to determine the effectiveness of dog train- were markedly different among positive and negative stimuli (P < 0.01;
ing classes organized by a student organization offered to members of 36.1° right, 36.0° left, and 34.6° ± 2.5° left for owner, unknown person,
the community at large. Students contracted a local professional dog and α dog, respectively). Responses to negative stimuli were similar (α
trainer to provide training services. Two different class types were dog with unknown person; P < 0.69). These results suggest that right
offered: an 8-week Canine Good Citizen (CGC) class for dogs taking and left-brain asymmetry is measurable by quantifying maximum tail
a CGC test upon completion of the class and a 4-week basic obedience deflection in canines, and this methodology may be useful in behavioral
course. Using exit surveys, community participants and student orga- studies to estimate positive and negative emotions.
nization members ranked a series of items on a 1 (strongly disagree) to
5 (strongly agree) scale. Students (n = 9) indicated completion of the Key Words: emotional state, tail wagging, canine
course provided a better understanding of dog training (mean = 4.67),
could see the importance of dog training in their future career (mean =
4.44, SD = 0.73), and would be interested in applying similar concepts T56 Galactoglucomannan oligosaccharide (GGMO) supple-
in the training of their own dog (mean = 4.89, SD = 0.33). Students mentation affects nutrient digestibility, fermentation end-product
also indicated an understanding of the need for organizational (mean = production, and large bowel microbiota of the dog. T. A. Faber*1,
4.33, SD = 0.71) and communication skills (mean = 4.56, SD = 0.73) A. C. Hopkins2, I. S. Middelbos1, N. P. Price3, and G. C. Fahey, Jr.1,
1University of Illinois, Urbana, 2Temple-Inland, Diboll, TX, 3National
when working with the public. Students indicated assisting with the
course allowed them to apply class content (mean = 4, SD = 0.87) and Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, USDA, Peoria, IL.
a desire for more hands on opportunities (mean = 4.56, SD = 0.73). The A galactoglucomannan oligosaccharide (GGMO) obtained from fiber-
community dog handlers (n = 12) indicated they felt the class improved board production was evaluated as a dietary supplement for dogs. The
their dog′s behavior (mean = 4.7, SD = 0.6), the bond between them and GGMO substrate contained high concentrations of oligosaccharides
their dog (mean = 4.7), and they would recommend it to others (mean = containing mannose, xylose, and glucose, with the mannose component
4.8). They indicated that they felt the university was providing a valu- typically 46%. Adult dogs assigned to a 6x6 Latin square design were
able service by offering the class (mean = 4.75) and that they enjoyed fed 6 diets, each containing a different concentration of supplemental
interacting with the students (mean = 4.1). Participants in the 8-week GGMO (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8%) that replaced dietary cellulose. Total
course rated their interactions with the students higher than those in the tract dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) apparent digestibilities
4-week course possibly due to both more students attending the 8-week increased (P < 0.0001) linearly, while total tract crude protein (CP)
course sessions and more time for interaction. Overall, providing com- apparent digestibility decreased (P < 0.0001) linearly as the dietary
munity dog training classes improved student learning and improved GGMO substrate concentration increased. Fecal concentrations of
community awareness and support of the companion animal programs acetate, propionate, and total SCFA increased (P ≤ 0.0001) linearly
offered at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. whereas butyrate concentration decreased (P < 0.0009) linearly with
Key Words: dog, experiential learning, undergraduate increasing dietary concentrations of GGMO. Fecal pH decreased (P ≤
0.0003) linearly as dietary GGMO substrate concentration increased
whereas fecal score increased quadratically (P ≤ 0.0001). Fecal phenol
T55 Tail deflection as a measure of emotional state in canines. C. (P ≤ 0.05) and indole (P ≤ 0.01) concentrations decreased linearly with
L. Terrill*, T. H. Friend, and J. E. Sawyer, Texas A&M University, GGMO supplementation. Fecal biogenic amine concentrations were
College Station. not different among treatments except for phenylethylamine, which
decreased (P < 0.0001) linearly as dietary GGMO substrate concentra-
Previous research indicates that negative emotions may be processed in tion increased. Fecal microbial concentrations of E. coli, Lactobacillus
the right hemisphere of the brain and positive emotions in the left; which spp., and Clostridium perfringens were not different among treatments.
may be evident in lateral movement of the tail. Dogs and other species A quadratic increase (P ≤ 0.01) was noted for Bifidobacterium spp. as
could use asymmetry of behavioral displays as a sign of dominance or dietary GGMO substrate concentration increased. Data suggest positive
aggression that is not normally noticed by people. If emotionally linked nutritional properties of supplemental GGMO when incorporated in a
asymmetry of tail movement occurs, it may aid in reducing the nearly high quality dog food.
4.7 million dog bites in the United States each year. The objective of
this study was to determine if lateral tail movement in dogs varies with Key Words: dog, galactoglucomannan oligosaccharide, fermentation
emotional state. Fourteen dogs (7 female, 7 male), ages 2 to 12 years end-products
old were selected for the study. Dogs were held in a wooden test box
(1.83 × 0.91 × 1.22 m) with a 20 cm × 20 cm viewing slot in one end to
reduce distractions until a test stimulus was presented. The dogs were T57 Evaluation of cellulose and beet pulp as dietary fibers for use
individually exposed to 2 negative stimuli (unknown person, α dog) and in raw meat-based diets fed to captive exotic felids. K. R. Kerr*1,
1 positive stimulus (owner) for 0.5 min per stimulus, with a 2 min break C. Morris2, S. Burke2, and K. S. Swanson1,3, 1Division of Nutritional
between each stimulus to mitigate any potential overlap of emotional Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, 2Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha,
response. Still photos of the first 2 full responses of each dog’s tail were NE, 3Department of Animal Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana.
captured from video, and the maximum angle during each response was
324 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The optimal fiber type and level of inclusion in raw meat-based diets < 0.001) over time, but did not differ due to treatment (P = 0.60 and P
for captive exotic felids has not been determined. The effects of fiber = 0.33, respectively). Total ghrelin decreased (P < 0.01) over time, but
type and level on total tract digestibility, fecal characteristics, and fecal did not differ (P = 0.86) due to diet. In phase II, food intake tended to
fermentative end products were evaluated using jaguars (n = 4), cheetahs be greater (P = 0.06) when dogs consumed the beef pre-meal compared
(n = 4), Malayan tigers (n = 4), and Siberian tigers (n = 4) using a facto- with when dogs consumed the pork or pollock pre-meals. Protein source
rial design. Dietary fibers [cellulose (C); beet pulp (BP)] were added appears to influence blood markers of satiety in dogs, but has little effect
to diets at 2% or 4% (as-is). Statistical analyses were conducted using on decreasing food intake.
Mixed Models procedure of SAS. Dry matter (DM) and organic matter
Key Words: satiety, dog, protein source
(OM) digestibilities were lower (P < 0.05) in cats fed 4C (76.7%; 80.6%)
compared with those fed 2C (81.9%; 86.3%), 2BP (80.39%; 85.2%),
and 4BP (82.3%; 87.9%). Fecal DM percentage was higher (P < 0.05) T59 Dietary magnesium alters urinary histamine excretion in
and fecal scores were lower (P < 0.05; i.e., stools were drier) in cats domestic felines. S. K. Martin*1, C. E. Conway1, M. R. C. de Godoy1,
fed C compared with cats fed BP, and in cats fed 2BP compared with D. L. Harmon1, E. S. Vanzant1, S. Zicker2, R. M. Yamka2, and K. R.
cats fed 4BP. The ratio of fecal DM output to DM intake (g DM feces/g McLeod1, 1University of Kentucky, Lexington, 2Hill’s Pet Nutrition,
DM intake) was higher(P < 0.05) in cats fed 4C compared with those Inc., Topeka, KS.
fed 2C, 2BP, and 4BP. The ratio of fecal output as-is to DM intake (g
feces as-is/g DM intake) was higher(P < 0.05) in cats fed C compared Magnesium (Mg) deficiency has been associated with increased his-
with those BP. Fecal acetate, propionate, butyrate, total short chain tamine production in rats. Limitation of Mg with acidifying foods is
fatty acid, and ammonia concentrations were lower (P < 0.05) in cats common practice for management of urinary tract health in domestic
fed C compared with cats fed BP. The proportion of acetate was greater cats. Nine healthy adult female shorthair cats were used in a 3 period
(P < 0.05) and the proportion of butyrate was lower (P < 0.05) in cats random crossover experiment with fixed treatment sequences to test
fed BP compared with cats fed C. Total fecal branched-chain fatty acid the effects of dietary Mg (0.06, 0.12, and 0.18% DM) on histamine
concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) in cats fed 2BP than cats fed 4BP in blood and urine. The dry-extruded test foods were fed in sufficient
and 2C, and higher (P < 0.05) in cats fed 4C compared with cats fed amounts to maintain ideal body weight and obtain a target urine pH of
4BP. To conclude, cellulose at the 4% level decreased diet digestibility 6.3. Each experimental period was preceded by a 7d wash out period,
and increased fecal DM output, thus beet pulp (2% and 4%) or cellulose in which the 0.06% Mg was fed, followed by a 14d feeding period of
(2%) may be preferred dietary fiber options for raw meat-based diets the appropriate food. Two 24h total urine collections were performed
for captive exotic felids. However, cats fed beet pulp had wetter/looser (d13: acidified, d14: unacidified; immediately iced) and blood was col-
stools, increased fecal as-is output, and higher concentrations of fecal lected on d14. Dry matter intake (P = 0.70) and BW (P = 0.30) were
fermentative end products, which may have implications for animal not affected by treatment. Plasma Mg increased linearly with increasing
management and gut health. dietary Mg (0.54, 0.56, 0.58 mM; P = 0.001). Urinary histamine excre-
tion responded quadratically (P = 0.02) to treatment (3483, 3369, 3986
Key Words: exotic felids, digestibility, fiber ng/d), whereas plasma histamine concentration (P = 0.8) was unaffected.
Differences were not detected among treatments in total histamine, cel-
lular + noncellular histamine, (P = 0.70) or antigen-induced (P = 0.21)
T58 The influence of fish versus mammalian and avian protein
histamine release in whole blood. Urine output (P = 0.48), pH (P = 0.95),
sources on satiety hormone response in dogs. B. M. Vester Boler*1,
NH3 (P = 0.21), and titratable acidity of urine (P = 0.78) were similar
T. A. Faber1, L. L. Bauer1, K. S. Swanson1, S. Smiley2, P. J. Bechtel2,3,
across treatments. These data suggest that dietary Mg concentration at
and G. C. Fahey Jr.1, 1University of Illinois, Urbana, 2University of
0.06- 0.12% has little effect on histamine in blood or urine, however,
Alaska, Fairbanks, 3USDA/ARS, Fairbanks, AK.
supplying Mg at 0.18% increased urinary histamine.
Satiety is affected by macronutrient composition of the diet. Proteins,
Key Words: cat, magnesium, histamine
specifically, are the most satiating, and fish proteins have been reported
to be more satiating than meat proteins. The objective of this study was
to determine the effect of beef, chicken, pork, or fish protein pre-meals T60 Dietary effects of dietary cation anion balance on histamine
on postprandial satiety hormone and 24 h food intake responses. Ten metabolism and urine acidity in domestic felines. S. K. Martin*1,
purpose-bred, intact female hounds were used. Pork loin, beef loin, C. E. Conway1, M. R. C. de Godoy1, D. L. Harmon1, E. S. Vanzant1, S.
chicken breast, salmon fillet, and pollock fillet were tested. During Zicker2, R. M. Yamka2, and K. R. McLeod1, 1University of Kentucky,
phase I, dogs were fed 100 g of protein from each substrate mixed with Lexington, 2Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc., Topeka, KS.
200 mL of water. Blood was collected before feeding the substrate (0
min), and at 5, 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min postprandial, and analyzed Dietary cation anion balance (DCAB) has been extensively studied in
for glucose, insulin, total ghrelin, and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP1). relation to urinary pH and stone formation. However, there is a paucity
Dogs were fed 2-times their metabolizable energy (ME) requirement of of data concerning the relationship between DCAB and histamine;
food 3 h following the feeding of the protein substrate, and orts were the latter has been suggested as a mediator of inflammation in human
weighed at 30, 60, and 180 min, and 24 h, after food presentation to interstitial cystitis which displays similarities with feline idiopathic
determine intake. During phase II, dogs were fed 100 g of substrate cystitis. Eight healthy adult female shorthair cats were used in a 3 period
mixed with 200 mL of water. Two-times the ME requirement of food random crossover with fixed treatment sequences to test the effects of
then was offered 3 h following the protein meal and orts were weighed DCAB (6.3, 6.6, and 6.9 target urine pH) on histamine kinetics and
at 30, 60, and 180 min, and 24 h, after food presentation. In phase I, urine acidity. Dry-extruded test foods were fed to maintain ideal body
glucose decreased over time (P < 0.001), but was lowest (P = 0.01) weight. Each experimental period (14d) was preceded by 7d wash out
when dogs were fed pollock or chicken substrates. Insulin increased period in which the low DCAB diet was fed. Two 24hr total urine col-
(P < 0.0001) over time, and tended to be greater (P = 0.09) when dogs lections were performed (d13: acidified, d14: unacidified; immediately
consumed the salmon treatment. Food intake and GLP1 increased (P iced) and blood was collected on d14. Dry matter intake (P = 0.73),
BW (P = 0.62), and urine output (P = 0.50) were similar across treat-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 325
ment. Urinary pH (6.11, 6.37. 6.69) increased linearly (P = 0.004), The experiment consisted of 2 stages. The first stage was the adaptation
while titratable acidity of urine (0.14, 0.13, 0.10 mL 0.1 M NaOH to period which 6–8 mo old rabbits were trained for the semen collection
achieve 7.4 pH) tended to decrease linearly (P = 0.09) with increasing for 15 d. At the end of the first stage rabbits were divided into 2 groups
DCAB. Urine NH3 decreased linearly (P = 0.03) with increasing DCAB of 8; a control and treatment groups administered daily with 10cc tap
(445.7, 418.6, 324.5 mmol/L). Urinary histamine excretion (P = 0.03) water and carob extract by oral gavages, respectively. Second stage of
and concentration (P = 0.02) increased linearly with increasing DCAB the experiment was 49 d (1 spermatogenesis duration). During second
(6164, 8513, 8356 ng/d; 113.8, 129.9, 135.2 ng/mL); where as plasma stage semen samples were collected weekly from all rabbits and samples
histamine concentration (P = 0.42) was unaffected. Differences were taken at wk 1 and wk 7 were analyzed separately. There were no dif-
not detected among treatments in antigen-induced (P = 0.21) histamine ferences in control and treatment groups for ejaculate volume (0.71 ±
release in whole blood, however total, cellular + noncellular histamine 0.06 vs. 0.64 ± 0.03mL), ejaculate pH (7.01 ± 0.02 vs. 7.00 ± 0.01),
release (P = 0.07) demonstrated a quadratic trend with treatment (12.7, sperm concentration (347.5 ± 45.1 vs. 380.9 ± 29.4 × 106 mL), percent
6.9, 11.2 ng/mL). These data indicate that DCAB alters urinary acidity progressive motility (78.9 ± 1.44 vs. 79.1 ± 0.91%), percent live sper-
and histamine excretion, but does not affect circulating plasma concen- matozoa by eosin-nigrosine staining mixture (EET; 82.5 ± 1.25 vs. 78.3
trations or antigen-induced release of histamine. ± 3.06%), percent sperm membrane response by hypo-osmotic swelling
test (HOS; 79.0 ± 1.21 vs. 74.9 ± 2.54%) and seminal plasma protein
Key Words: cat, dietary cation anion balance, histamine
levels (2.6 ± 0.3 vs. 2.9 ± 0.3gr/dL) at the beginning of stage 2 (P > 0.1).
Similarly, there were no differences in control and treatment groups for
T61 The effects of graded arginine levels on nitrogen metabolism ejaculate volume (0.68 ± 0.06 vs. 0.63 ± 0.03 mL), ejaculate pH (7.06 ±
in the lean adult dog. C. E. Conway*1, M. R. C. de Godoy1, S. 0.03 vs. 7.02 ± 0.02), percent progressive motility (78.0 ± 2.9 vs. 84.0
K. Martin1, K. R. McLeod1, N. Z. Frantz2, R. M. Yamka2, and D. L. ± 2.12%), EET (80.1 ± 3.51 vs. 80.4 ± 2.41%), HOS (77.5 ± 2.37 vs.
Harmon1, 1University of Kentucky, Lexington, 2Hill’s Pet Nutrition, 80.9 ± 2.54%) and seminal plasma protein levels (2.6 ± 0.19 vs. 2.4 ±
Inc., Topeka, KS. 0.25 g/dL) at the end of stage 2 (P > 0.1). However, sperm concentra-
tion (337.6 ± 43.4 vs. 460.7 ± 44.1 × 106 mL, P < 0.05) and percent
Arginine (ARG) is considered to be conditionally essential in the diet changes on spermatozoa concentrations between groups (percentage of
of adult omnivores, indicating that addition of supplemental ARG may spermatozoa at the end of stage 2 ÷ percentage of spermatozoa at the
be beneficial. These potential benefits include enhanced hepatic urea beginning of stage 2; 98.9 ± 6.38 vs. 122.9 ± 6.56%, P < 0.02) were
synthesis aiding ammonia clearance and increased glomerular flow rates affected by the treatment at the end of stage 2. Data suggested that use
via the vasodilatory effects of nitric oxide. The objectives of this study of carob cures by boiling the fruit of carob has beneficial influences on
were to determine if feeding increased supplemental ARG affects indices sperm concentration in rabbits.
of renal function, inflammation, and whole body nitrogen metabolism in
the adult dog. Three isocaloric foods were used in this study: a control Key Words: carob, rabbit, spermatological parameters
(0.99% total ARG on a DMB), control plus 0.5% supplemental ARG
(1.42% total ARG on a DMB), and control plus 1.0% supplemental ARG
T63 The effects of carob (Ceratonia siluqua) on some hematological
(1.85% total ARG on a DMB). The foods were fed to maintain ideal
parameters and organs of male New Zealand White rabbits. M.
body condition of 9 adult (ages 2–3 years) spayed Beagles (7.62 ± 0.67
S. Gulay*1, O. Yildiz-Gulay1, A. Ata1, A. Balic2, and A. Demirtas1,
kg) in a replicated 3x3 Latin Square design. Experimental periods were 1Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Burdur,
28 d in length with blood collection on d 14 and 28, and total urine and
Turkey, 2Sakarya Toyota Hospital, Sakarya, Turkey.
fecal collections for the final 6 d of each period. Nitrogen intake was
increased (P < 0.0001) by increasing supplemental ARG. Dry matter Carob, also known as St. John’s Bread, is used locally in many Medi-
digestibility was 1.7% lower (P = 0.0025) for the 1.0% ARG food. terranean countries for its curative properties. However, the long-term
Nitrogen digestibility was greatest (P = 0.0013) for the 0.5% ARG food. use of carob may also have toxic effects. Thus, the present study was
Nitrogen absorbed was greater (P < 0.0001) for both the 0.5% and 1.0% conducted to determine the effects of dietary carob on some hematologi-
ARG foods than control, yet nitrogen retained (P = 0.3188) and urea cal parameters and organs of male New Zealand White rabbits. Rabbits
excretion (P = 0.3153) did not differ between treatments. Inflammatory (6 to 8 mo old) were divided into 2 groups of 8 rabbits. Rabbits in the
biomarkers, PGE2 and HMGB1, hormone IGF1, and kidney markers, control group received 10cc tap water for 49 d. Rabbits in the treatment
ADMA, albumin, and MCP1, were evaluated in urine or serum samples. group received the same amount of carob cures by boiling the fruit of
No differences were detected in any of these biomarkers indicating that carob for 49 d. All treatments were given by oral gavage. At the end of
increased supplemental ARG did not have an anti-inflammatory effect the experiment, 10 mL of blood was withdrawn from the ear arteries
or improve markers of kidney function at the levels tested. Despite of each rabbit and sacrificed. Total erythrocyte, leukocyte, plasma pro-
some subtle changes in N metabolism, it does not appear, based on the tein, percent hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean
variables measured, that addition of dietary arginine to the adult dog at corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration,
maintenance is beneficial. percent neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil lymphocyte and monocyte for
rabbits in control and treatment groups did not differ and were 5.77 ±
Key Words: arginine, dog, nitrogen metabolism
0.22 and 6.37 ± 0.31 × 106/μL, 6.7 ± 0.99 and 7.34 ± 0.34 × 103/μL,
6.51 ± 0.20 and 6.48 ± 0.30 g/dL, 13.8 ± 0.32 and 13.7 ± 0.24 g%, 41.0
T62 The effects of carob (Ceratonia siluqua) on some reproduc- ± 1.59 and 40.8 ± 0.96%, 71.4 ± 2.8 and 64.6 ± 3.3 μm3, 24.0 ± 0.7 and
tive parameters of male New Zealand White rabbits. A. Ata, M. S. 21.8 ± 1.3 μg, 33.8 ± 1.18 and 33.7 ± 0.96%; 33.6 ± 4.54 and 38.4 ±
Gulay*, O. Yildiz-Gulay, and S. Gungor, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, 1.20%, 3 ± 0.89 and 2.8 ± 0.20%, 58.7 ± 4.73 and 53.8 ± 5.14%, and
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Burdur, Turkey. 4.7 ± 1.05 and 5 ± 1.04%, respectively. Liver, kidney, lung, heart and
body weights between control and treatment groups were not significant
Carob is used locally in many Mediterranean countries for its aphrodisiac (P < 0.1). Moreover, no apparent changes in liver, kidney, liver, heart,
properties. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of testis and brain were detected by gross post mortem and histopathologi-
carob on reproductive parameters of male New Zealand White rabbits.
326 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cal examination to suggest toxic effect of oral use of carob extract for T65 Spermatological parameters of male New Zealand White rab-
49 d. Thus, the results suggested no toxic effect subacute use of carob bits supplemented with Pinus pinea seeds. A. Ata, M. S. Gulay*, O.
extract in male New Zealand White rabbits. Yildiz-Gulay, S. Avki, and S. Gungor, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Burdur, Turkey.
Key Words: carob, rabbit, hematological parameters
The experiment was designed to evaluate whether supplementing male
New Zealand White rabbits with Pinus pinea seeds affected spermato-
T64 The effects of feeding Pinus pinea seeds on some blood logical parameters. Six to 8 mo old male rabbits (n = 16) were trained
values in male New Zealand White rabbits. O. Yildiz-Gulay*1, M. for semen collection for 15 d. Rabbits were assigned randomly to control
S. Gulay1, A. Ata1, A. Balic2, and A. Demirtas1, 1Mehmet Akif Ersoy and treatment groups (8 per group). Control and treatment groups were
University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Burdur, Turkey, 2Sakarya administered daily with 10cc tap water and 1 g/kg of Pinus pinea seeds
Toyota Hospital, Sakarya, Turkey. in 10 mL tap water by oral gavage, respectively for 1 spermatogenesis
A trial involving 16 male New Zealand White rabbits was conducted duration (49 d). During the entire experimental period semen samples
to determine whether there is any effect of Pinus pinea seed supple- were collected weekly from all rabbits. During the experiment, 2 semen
mentation on hematological parameters and organs. Rabbits (6 to 8 samples taken at wk 1 and wk 7 were combined and analyzed sepa-
mo old) were divided into 2 groups of 8 rabbits. Rabbits in the control rately. There were no differences in control and treatment groups for
group received 10cc tap water for 49 d. Rabbits in the treatment group initial values for ejaculate volume, ejaculate pH, progressive motility,
received 1 g/kg of Pinus pinea seeds in 10 mL of tap water for 49 d. All head defect, tail defect, sperm concentration, percent live spermatozoa
treatments were given by oral gavage. At the end of the experiment, 10 by eosin-nigrosine staining mixture (EET), percent sperm membrane
mL of blood was withdrawn from the ear arteries of each rabbits and response by hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOS) or seminal plasma
sacrificed. No significant differences were detected in mean hemoglo- protein levels (P > 0.1). Similarly, there were no differences in control
bin (13.8 ± 0.31 vs. 13.5 ± 0.25 g%), hematocrit (41.0 ± 1.59 vs 40.4 and treatment groups for ejaculate volume (1.02 ± 0.13 vs. 0.90 ± 0.18
± 0.87%), red blood cell count (5.8 ± 2.24 vs. 5.7 ± 2.51 × 106/μL), mL), ejaculate pH (7.02 ± 0.04 vs. 7.00 ± 0.02), progressive motility
white blood cell count (6.70 ± 9.94 vs. 6.54 ± 3.54 × 103/µL), plasma (75.7 ± 2.63 vs. 79.8 ± 1.94%), head defect (2.02 ± 0.09 vs 2.12 ±
protein (6.5 ± 0.20 vs. 6.3 ± 0.12 g/dL), mean corpuscular hemoglobin 0.09%), tail defect (13.0 ± 0.99 vs. 10.9 ± 1.22%), EET (73.3 ± 2.26
concentration (33.8 ± 1.18 vs. 33.5 ± 1.20 g/dL) percent neutrophil vs. 81.6 ± 4.98%), HOS (73.1 ± 2.28 vs. 77.1 ± 3.15%) and seminal
(34.5 ± 4.01 vs. 38.5 ± 3.66%), eosinophil (3.0 ± 0.89 vs. 2.0 ± 0.40%), plasma protein levels (2.3 ± 0.23 vs. 2.8 ± 0.34 g/dL) at the end of
basophil (0.60 ± 0.33 vs. 0.50 ± 0.29%), lymphocyte (57.2 ± 4.17 vs. experiment (P > 0.1). However, sperm concentration (327.6 ± 44.3 vs.
53.2 ± 2.92%) and monocyte (4.7 ± 1.05 vs. 5.8 ± 0.85%) of rabbits in 464.7 ± 45.8 × 106 mL, P < 0.05) and percent changes on spermatozoa
control and treatment groups, respectively. Overall blood parameters concentrations between treatment groups (percentage of spermatozoa
remained within the physiological range in both groups. Liver, kidney, at the end of experiment ÷ percentage of spermatozoa at the beginning
lung, heart and body weights between control and treatment groups did of experiment; 97.2 ± 8.05 vs. 124.9 ± 5.74%, P < 0.02) were affected
not differ. Moreover, no apparent changes in liver, kidney, liver, testis by the treatment at the end of experiment. Data suggest the daily dietary
and brain were detected by gross post mortem and histopathological supplementation of Pinus pinea seeds to rabbits may improve sperm
examination to suggest toxic effect of oral use of Pinus pinea seeds for concentration in rabbits.
49 d. In conclusion, 49 d of Pinus pinea seed supplementation did not Key Words: Pinus pinea seeds, rabbit, spermatological parameters
cause any negative effects on the parameters tested in this study.
Key Words: Pinus pinea seeds, hematological parameters, histopa-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 327
Dairy Foods: Cheese
T66 An x-ray system to assess Ragusano PDO quality. G. Impoco1, significant effect on functional properties of imitation cheeses between
C. Pasta1, G. Portelli1, G. Marino1, M. Caccamo*1, S. Carpino1, and G. RVA at 450 rpm and Stephan cooker at 1,500 rpm. The microstructure
Licitra1,2, 1CoRFiLaC, Regione Siciliana, Ragusa, Italy, 2D.A.C.P.A., of imitation cheeses observed by scanning electron microscopy, showed
University of Catania, Catania, Italy. that increasing stirring speed seemed to reduce the fat globules size and
form a uniform protein matrix. In the sensory evaluation, the imitation
Accept/reject judgments in Ragusano Protected Designation of Origin
cheese manufactured by RVA at 450 rpm was not a significant difference
(PDO) quality assessment are highly subjective due to the lack of stan-
with the control made by the Stephan cooker. The RVA can be used as
dard evaluation protocols. Moreover, assessment takes place on aging
a small-scale manufacturing tool for making the imitation cheeses with
centers. X-ray scanning is a mature technology used in the industrial
similar functional properties.
chain to inspect the inner structure of food. The use of x-ray images of
cheese blocks was investigated to judge cheese quality, the main reason Key Words: imitation mozzarella cheeses, rapid visco analyzer (RVA),
being that this technique is non-destructive. Moreover, evaluating quality functional properties
on a common ground would open the possibility of devising quantita-
tive image analysis tools, inspired by objective evaluation protocols.
An evaluation scale was created to objectively score cheese blocks by T68 A sensor technology for monitoring and controlling syneresis
visual inspection of x-ray images. According to inspectors’ suggestions, in the cheese vat. T. G. Ferreira*1, M. Castillo`, F. A. Payne1, C.
7 relevant criteria were chosen. Six inspectors assessed these parameters O’Donnell3, and D. O’Callaghan4, 1University of Kentucky, Lexing-
on a few test images of Ragusano PDO and assigned a weight to each ton, 2Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 3University College
of them. Then, a 7-item on a 9-point semantic differential scale was Dublin, Ireland, 4Moorepark Food Research Center, Teagasc, Fermoy,
created. A data set of 223 images manually evaluated cheese blocks Co. Cork, Ireland.
was collected. From this data set, 64 images were randomly extracted. Cheese quality is affected by curd moisture content which is determined
Images were evaluated using the scale Furthermore, inspectors also during the whey syneresis step. The syneresis step in cheese process-
assessed cheese acceptability only based on images by using a yes/no ing is currently controlled empirically by the processor as there are no
criterion. Two weeks later, inspectors observed the same 64 images on-line sensor technologies available for monitoring curd syneresis. A
only to evaluate cheese block acceptability, with no scale use. Results novel non-destructive optical sensor technology that is able to monitor
of both experiments were compared with the on-field evaluation to both milk coagulation and curd syneresis in a stirred cheese vat has
determine whether the scale was useful for quality assessment. The scale been developed. The objective of this study was to evaluate the per-
presented a final reliability with both Cronbach’s α test and standardized formance of the sensor technology over a wide range of coagulation
Cronbach’s α of about 0.81. Construct validity assessed on all 7 items and syneresis rates. A 5-factor, fully randomized, fractional, factorial
resulted in a 2-factor solution that explained 79.5% of the scale vari- central composite design (CCD) was employed. The 5 experimental
ance. By using the scale, cheese acceptability evaluated by images was factors selected were milk coagulation temperature, milk pH, fat to
consistent with on-field evaluation for 62% of cheese blocks, whereas protein ratio, calcium chloride addition level, and gel cutting time. The
without the scale consistency dropped down to 37%. CCD consisted of a 2k-1 factorial (k = 5) with 2k axial points and 7
Key Words: quality evaluation, cheese, x-ray imaging center points (33 runs). A homogeneous sample of curd and whey was
removed from the cheese vat from 5 until 85 min after cutting on 10
min intervals. Fat, protein and total solids content of whey, curd, and
T67 Effects of rapid visco analyzer on the functional properties of milk were determined. Also, the weight of curd and whey produced was
imitation mozzarella cheese. S. He1,2, X. Li*1,2, Y. Ma3, C. Yao2, and expressed as a percentage of the initial weight of milk to provide the
B.Wu1,2, 1Key Laboratory of Dairy Science, Northeast Agricultural Uni- actual curd and whey yield. A curd aliquot was pressed for determina-
versity, Ministry of Education, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 2College of tion of pressed cheese moisture content. Results confirmed previously
Food Science, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, observations for both curd moisture content and light backscatter ratio
China, 3School of Food Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of changes during curd syneresis. The largest change in curd moisture
Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. content was observed during the first 15–30 min of syneresis. However,
significant moisture content changes were observed in pressed cheese
A small-scale manufacturing method of imitation cheese was developed
samples at all different post-cutting times. These results clearly suggest
by a rapid visco analyzer (RVA). In this work, imitation mozzarella
an important role of syneresis end point selection on moisture content
cheeses with similar chemical compositions, made by RVA at a stir-
consistency of fresh, pressed cheeses. Successful validation and of the
ring speed of 200, 300 or 450 rpm and by the Stephan cooker at 1,500
syneresis sensor technology scale up and subsequent transference to
rpm, were investigated through functional properties, microstructure
the industry will have a large impact on cheese production efficiency
and sensory evaluation. A color measurement instrument (model
and cheese yield. Not only will the sensor have industrial applications,
ZE-6000, Nippon Denshoku Industries CO., Ltd., Japan) revealed
it could also serve as a powerful tool for research.
that the increase of stirring speed in RVA method made the color more
white. Within the range of speeds in the present study, the relationship Key Words: on line sensor, syneresis, moisture content control
between the minimum apparent viscosity (y, cP) and speeds (x, rpm)
was best described by a linear model y = 0.9x + 685.3 (r2 = 0.968).
Through free-oil release analysis, the fat leakage of imitation cheese T69 Method to quantify retention of lipid soluble substances in a
at 450 rpm was significantly higher than the others. On the Texture cheese curd model system. M. Tippetts* and S. Martini, Utah State
profile analysis (TPA), the hardness of imitation cheese significantly University, Logan.
increased, and the adhesiveness sharply decreased while the springiness The purpose of this study was to find a way to quantify how much of an
and cohesiveness values remained unchanged. However, there was not a emulsion′s lipid soluble substances are retained in a cheese curd model
328 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
system by image analysis rather than alternate methods such as HPLC. T71 Effect of addition of calcium chloride and sodium chloride
Soybean oil (SBO) was the oil phase and it was saturated with Nile on aflatoxin M1 content during Egyptian Domiatti cheese process-
red, which is an indicator for liposoluble substances. The oil-in-water ing. M. M. Motawee*1, K. Genedy1, and T. A. Nassib2, 1National
emulsion was made using a 1 wt % protein non-fat dairy powder aque- Organization for Drug Control and Research, Giza, Cairo, Egypt, 2Fac-
ous solution, and a 5 wt% oil phase. The saturated Nile red SBO was ulty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
added to the system as 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of the total SBO.
Aflatoxins are highly toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds
Each emulsion was homogenized using a microfluidizer. After emulsion
producing by some common molds as Aspergillus flavus and Aspergil-
formation 5 mL of the emulsion were pipetted into pre-heated 3.36 wt%
lus parasiticus during their growth on feedstuffs. Domiatti cheese is the
protein milk protein concentrate solution. The ratio of emulsion to milk
most popular soft white pickled cheese in Egypt and makes up about
solution was 1:40. Curd was made and then samples were taken of each
of the 75% of the cheese produced and consumed in our country. The
sample, placed in a mold and under UV light images were taken using
proportion of salt (5 to 14%) depends on the season of manufacture and
an ethium bromide filter, which excited the Nile Red in the curd. The
on the temperature of cheese ripening. The present study was aimed to
images were then analyzed using ImageJ software′s macro for RGB
analyze the level of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) by thin layer chromatogra-
histogram. The intensities of red (histogram) for the mean and mode
phy method in pasteurized milk, curd and whey after spiked milk with
were plotted with respect to the concentration of Nile red. Data was
(AFM1) during Domiatti cheese processing. The results indicated that,
fitted using linear regression with R2 values of 0.994 (mean) and 0.996
the addition of CaCl2 at the different concentration (0.01, 0.02, 0.03,
(mode). The correlation found for each measurement is: y = 0.379x +
0.04 and 0.05%) had slight significant effect of AFM1 content in pas-
7.361 and y = 0.392x + 5.385 for the mean and mode, respectively. These
teurized milk. AFM1 content decreased from 1.4 ppb to 1.26 ppb with
results show that a good linear correlation exists between the amount of
the addition of 0.01 and 0.05% of CaCl2, respectively. While AFM1
Nile red added to the emulsion and the final red intensity found in the
content in curd was significantly (P < 0.5) increased from 6.7 to 7.5 ppb
curd. Correlations found with the mode measurements seem to be more
with the addition of 0.01 and 0.05 of CaCl2 respectively. The increase
sensitive to changes in Nile red concentration due to the slightly steeper
of CaCl2 concentration was accompanied with decrease of AFM1 con-
slope obtained in the linear correlation. Since Nile red is a lipid-soluble
tent in whey of cheese. On the other hands, the addition of different
compound, this technique can be used to quantify the amount of lipid
concentration of NaCl (6, 8, 10 and 12% caused slight decreased of
soluble substances retained in a model system for cheese curd.
AFM1 in pasteurized milk from 1.38 ppb at 6% of NaCl to 1.26 ppb
Key Words: lipids, emulsion, cheese at 12% NaCl. Opposed results was showed in the curd, where AFM1
decreased from 6.7 ppb at 6% NaCl to 6.1 ppb at 12% NaCl. The same
trend was observed in whey.
T70 Effect of storage at ambient temperature on calcium lactate
crystallization in Cheddar cheese. F. Su, P. Rajbhandari, and P. Key Words: aflatoxin M1, NaCl, CaCl2, Domiatti cheese
Kindstedt*, University of Vermont, Burlington.
Supermarkets sometimes hold cheese at ambient temperature in unre- T72 Effect of milk fat content on goat cheese proteolysis elaborated
frigerated aisle displays to enhance sales. Storage temperature is an with the traditional method. D. Sánchez-Macías*, I. Moreno-Indias,
important risk factor in calcium lactate crystal formation, but the effect of L. E. Hernández-Castellano, A. Morales-delaNuez, A. Torres, M. D.
ambient storage followed by refrigerated storage has not been reported. Ruiz-Díaz, A. Argüello, and N. Castro, Department of Animal Sci-
In this study, Cheddar cheese was made at the University pilot plant ence, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Arucas, Las Palmas,
and aged for 3 mo at 5°C. The cheese block (9 kg) was then sectioned España.
into retail-sized (ca. 14.5 × 4.5 × 4.5 cm; 350 g) chunks and 9 chunks
Three different milk fat contents (5%, 1.5% and 0.4%) were used to
were randomly chosen for study. For each of the 9 samples, one of the
manufacture full-fat cheese (FFC), reduced-fat cheese (RFC) and low-fat
large (ca 14.4 × 4.5 cm) surfaces was from the exterior of the 9 kg block
cheese (LFC) goat raw milk cheese according to traditional hand-made
and thus relatively rough due to curd granule junctions and press cloth
cheese practices in Canary Islands (Spain). Cheeses were ripened for
indentations; the opposite surface was cut smooth with a wire cutting
1, 7, 14 and 28 d. Water-soluble proteins were extracted at 1, 7, 14
device. The samples were vacuum packed at 50 mbar and randomly
and 28 d of ripening and they were separated on SDS-PAGE gel. The
assigned to 3 temperature treatments. Two sets of 3 samples were held
SAS PROC MIXED procedure for repeated measurements was used
at 20°C for either 24 or 48 h, respectively, before being stored at 1°C.
to evaluate the effect of differing fat content and ripening time on the
A third set was immediately stored at 1°C, which served as the control.
proteolysis. Tukey’s test was used to evaluate the differences between
Digital photos of rough and smooth surfaces were taken triweekly for
groups. β-casein was the greatest proportion in all type of cheese and
28 wk and the number and area of crystal regions were determined by
at all ripening time. αs2-casein and αs1-casein were the most abundant
image analysis. Data were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA. The
after β-casein. Quantitative analysis showed a general reduction in each
number and area of crystal regions were significantly affected by surface
casein as ripening progressed. In the 3 types of cheese, the degradative
roughness, storage temperature and storage time. Rough surfaces crystal-
rates of intact caseins was higher throughout the period of ripening
lized more profusely than smooth surfaces, and ambient storage for 24
in the αs1-casein (60–70%), followed by β-casein (38–45%) and then
or 48 h caused substantial reductions in crystal formation rates relative
by αs2-casein (25–40%) than d 1 of ripening. Furthermore, the rate of
to control cheeses. The results indicate that short-term ambient storage
degradation during the experimental time was lower as the fat content
rendered cheese surfaces less susceptible to crystallization, especially
decreased. At d 28, the percentage of total principal caseins remain-
the rough surfaces that were heavily predisposed to crystallization.
ing was 62, 66.5 and 70% in FFC, RFC and LFC, respectively. The
The mechanism for this effect is unclear but may involve temperature-
remaining αs2-casein and αs1-casein in FFC and RFC were lower than
induced alteration of the cheese surface and potential nucleation sites.
in LFC. In contrast, β-casein also showed degradation along the ripen-
Key Words: Cheddar cheese, calcium lactate, storage temperature ing, differences in degradation between the 3 types of cheese were not
significant at 28 d. αs1-casein was degraded faster and cheese contained
28–40% at 28 d of ripening. αs2-casein was degraded slower in LFC
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 329
than in FFC and RFC. The electrophoretic bands of degradation prod- 2,6,10,15,19,23-hexamethyl-,(all-E)-2,6,10,14,18,22-tetracosahexaene
ucts increased with the ripening time in all cheeses. The appearance of as alkene were produced only from cream cheese made from whole
these fragments was higher in FFC than RFC and LFC. This statement milk powder. Also 1 imide and 1 alkane were showed only from the
is correlated to previous information, that the degradation rate of caseins sample cheese. The identified flavor components from the whole milk
was increased as cheese was fatter resulting in a greater appearance of powder-made cheese were different from regular cream cheese due to
degradation bands in FFC. heat treatment. However, in rheological properties, hardness, adhesive-
ness, cohesiveness, springiness and gumminess were not significantly
Key Words: cheese, low-fat, proteolysis
(P < 0.05) different between control and sample. In sensory analysis,
appearance, flavor, taste and texture properties were not significantly
T73 Impact of salt substitutes on the sensory characteristics of (P < 0.05) different between control and sample cheese. In addition
reduced sodium process cheese. A. Kommineni*, J. Amamcharla, overall acceptability in the cream cheese made from whole milk powder
and L. E. Metzger, Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center, South Dakota was similar to that in control. On the basis of our results, we conclude
State University. that the cream cheese made from whole milk powder showed almost
no adverse changes in texture and sensory characteristics except few
Process cheese (PC) is an integral part of the American diet. However, identified flavor components.
consumption of PC is limited by its high sodium content (typically 1265
to 1596 mg/100g). A high dietary intake of sodium has been associated Key Words: cream cheese, whole milk powder, flavor, texture, sensory
with hypertension. The major ingredient sources of sodium in PC are evaluation
sodium based emulsifying salts, sodium chloride (NaCl) and natural
cheese, contributing 38%, 39%, and 20% of the total sodium, respec-
T75 Identification of neutral volatile compounds, texture and sen-
tively. As per the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) the sodium con-
sory properties in cholesterol-removed cream cheese. S. S. Jeon*,
tent should be less than 950 to 1100mg/100g to be labeled as “reduced
S. J. Lee, and H. S. Kwak, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea.
sodium” PC. One of the challenges in formulating an acceptable sensory
quality reduced sodium PC is the elimination of bitter-metallic flavor This study was carried out to identify neutral volatile compounds, and
that is typically associated with the potassium based salt substitutes. The examine texture and sensory evaluation in cholesterol-removed cream
objective of this study was to determine if new commercially available cheese which was treated by closslinked β-cyclodextrin and stored at 7°C
salt substitutes improve the flavor and acceptability of reduced sodium for 4 weeks. To identify the volatile compounds, the 4 week-stored cream
PC. Newly available salt substitutes (SOLO, NeutralFres, Modified cheeses were extracted and analyzed by solid-phase microextraction
potassium chloride (Nu-Tek: 14500 and Nu-Tek: 14510), potassium (SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), respec-
chloride) were utilized in the formulations. Metallic blockers and salt tively. Tentatively identified neutral volatile compounds were detected
flavor enhancers were also incorporated in the formulation either in 12 acids, 2 ketones, 1 amine, 1 alcohol, 1 lactone and 1 alkene. The main
combination or alone along with salt substitutes to evaluate their abil- components were acids, such as hexanoic acid, n-hexadecanoic acid,
ity to mask off-flavors. Potassium citrate was used as emulsifying salt tridecanoic acid, octanoic acid, octadec-9-enoic acid, 9,12-octadecadi-
in all the formulations. A triangle test was used to determine if there enoic acid, n-decanoic acid, benzoic acid, dodecanoic acid, tetradecanoic
was any detectable difference in any sensory characteristic between acid, z-11-tetradecenoic acid and oleic acid. Other components were
control PC (1540 mg Na/100g) and reduced sodium PC. The reduced 2-tridecanone and 2-pentadecanone as ketones, 5-(p-aminophenyl)-4-
fat reduced sodium (RFRS) formulation containing NuTek-14510 and (o-tolyl)-2-thiazolamine as amine, 4,6-di(1,1-dimethylethyl)-2-methyl
sodium gluconate was not significantly (P < 0.05) different from control phenol as alcohol, tetrahydro-6-pentyl-2H-pyran-2-one as lactone and
PC. Similarly, low-fat- reduced-sodium (LFRS) formulation contain- 3,7,11,15-tetramethyl 2-hexadecene as alkene. The identified compo-
ing NuTek-14510, xylitol, and sodium gluconate was not significantly nents from cholesterol-removed cream cheese were same as those from
(P < 0.05) different from the control PC. The sodium content of the regular cream cheese. In rheological properties, hardness, adhesiveness,
acceptable RFRS and LFRS were 700 and 710 mg/100g. In conclusion, cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness were not signifi-
Nu-Tek:14510 and sodium gluconate can be used to improve the flavor cantly (P < 0.05) different between control and cholesterol-removed
of reduced sodium PC. cheese during storage at 7°C for 4weeks. In sensory analysis, appear-
ance, flavor, taste and texture properties were also not significantly (P <
Key Words: process cheese, sodium, salt substitutes
0.05) different between control and 4week storage periods. In addition,
overall acceptability in the cholesterol-removed cheese was closely
T74 Comparison of identified flavor compounds, texture and similar to that in control. On the basis of our results, we conclude that
sensory properties in regular cream cheese and cream cheese made the cholesterol-removed cream cheese showed no adverse changes in
from whole milk powder. S. S. Jeon*, C. H. Chung, and H. S. Kwak, flavor, texture and sensory characteristics.
Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea. Key Words: cream cheese, cholesterol removal, identification of flavor,
This study was carried out to compare identified flavor compounds, sensory analysis
texture and sensory analysis in regular cream cheese and cream cheese
made from whole milk powder which were stored at 7°C for 4 weeks. To
T76 Changes of Ragusano cheese aroma due to different levels of
identify the flavor compounds, the cheeses were extracted and analyzed
pasture intake. S. Carpino*1, T. Rapisarda1, I. Schadt1, C. Pasta1, G.
by solid phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography-mass
Belvedere1, and G. Licitra1,2, 1CoRFiLaC, Regione Siciliana, Ragusa,
spectrometry (GC-MS), respectively. Tentatively identified flavor
Italy, 2D.A.C.P.A. Catania University, Catania, Italy.
compounds were mainly 13 from acids, however, octadec-9-enoic acid
and Z-11-tetradecenoic acid was not present. Z-7-tetradecenoic acid In the Hyblean region of Sicily, 3 groups of 15 Holstein cows have
was produced only from the cheese made with whole milk powder. been selected in one dairy farm, during the pasture season. At the
Two ketones, 1 amine, 1 alcohol and 2 alkene were produced from beginning of the experiment, milk production and fat content were not
both cheeses, but 6-heptyltetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-one as lactone and different between groups, averaging 26.1 ± 8.1 (kg/cow/day) and 4.0
330 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
± 0.6 (%), respectively. The control group (CNT) was exclusively fed T78 Seasonal variation in milk composition affects textural
a total mixed ration. The remaining groups had additionally pasture properties of low-moisture part-skim Mozzarella cheese. V. Jai*,
access, either for 6 h (LP) or for 16 h (HP). After a 2 weeks adaption U. Lund, and N. Farkye, California Polytechnic State University, San
period, milk of each group was collected separately, 4 times with a 15 Luis Obispo.
d interval, and 2 Ragusano cheeses were produced. In total, 24 forms
The chemical composition of milk (specifically casein, fat and calcium
were made: 12 aged at 4 (4M) and 12 at 7 (7M) months. The aim of
contents) affects quality and functional properties of Mozzarella cheese.
the study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of pasture intake
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of seasonal
on Ragusano cheeses aroma. Differences in volatile compounds were
variation of milk components on texture properties of low-moisture
detected and analyzed by Smart Nose system (LDZ, Switzerland) with
part-skim (LMPS) Mozzarella in California. Concentrations of protein
principal component analysis (PCA). Odor active compounds were also
fractions (i.e., total protein (TP), true protein (TrP) and casein), fat, Ca,
analyzed by gas chromatography–olfactometry extracted by both, steam
total solids (TS) and pH were measured in silo milk samples collected
distillation and headspace solid-phase microextraction. Odor active
weekly over 15 mo from a dairy plant. LMPS mozzarella from the
compounds were classified into “good” (G): flower, fresh, fruit, green,
same plant was also collected biweekly during the same period. Seven
honey, nut, milk, butter, sweet, vanilla; “bad” (B): animal, broth, burnt,
days post manufacture the cheeses were analyzed for TP, fat, TS, total
plastic, fried, potato, garlic, onion, rancid, and “not good, not bad” (N):
Ca, Ca in cheese filtrate, pH and texture properties e.g., hardness (g),
hay, soil, mushroom, pungent, spicy. Differences between compound
cohesiveness, springiness, aggregation index (AGI) and % loss during
frequencies were evaluated using the Tukey’s HSD test. Mean pasture
shredding. Significant seasonal variation of casein, TP, Ca in milk were
intakes and standard deviation, relative to total dry matter intake, were
explained using a linear regression model equivalent to a basic single
30.6 ± 6.9% in the LP group, and 68.1 ± 2.7% in the HP group. In both,
cosinor model with sine and cosine of week (converted into radians)
4M and 7M cheeses, CNT, LP and HP samples were clearly separated
as predictors (y = βo + β1 cos(time) + β2 sin(time) + ε) with P-values
by PCA analysis, indicating differences in volatile composition. Feed-
<0.05 and R-sq values >0.6. TP in cheese correlated positively with TP,
ing differences had no effect on the numbers of N or B odour active
TrP and casein in milk (Pearson correlation coefficient r >0.6; P <0.001).
compounds, neither in the 4M nor the 7M cheeses. In the 4M cheeses,
Ca in milk correlated positively with total Ca in cheese and cheese
but not in the 7M cheeses, “good” compounds were more frequent when
filtrate (r >0.4; P < 0.05). Positive linear correlation between hardness,
milk derived from the LP or HP compared with CNT (α = 0.05; Q =
springiness and TP, casein in milk and cheese (r >0.3; P < 0.05) were
3.72). Pasture nutrition of cows might have less importance for aroma
significant. Protein fractions and Ca in milk; TP and total Ca in cheese
quality of 7M compared with 4M aged cheeses.
correlated negatively with the loss in shredding (r < −0.5; P < 0.05).
Key Words: Ragusano cheese, pasture, aroma compounds The protein fractions in milk and cheese negatively correlated with AGI
in cheese (r < −0.45; P < 0.05). Total Ca in cheese and milk correlated
positively with springiness of cheese (r >0.4; P < 0.05). Results show that
T77 Enzyme accelerated ripening of Turkish Mihalic hard cheese: concentrations of Ca and protein fractions in cheese milk significantly
proteolysis and lipolysis. T. Ozcan* and E. Kurdal, Uludag University, effect the texture and composition of LMPS mozzarella.
Department of Food Engineering, Bursa, Turkey.
Mihalic cheese, a traditional Turkish hard cheese variety, is mostly pro-
Key Words: low-moisture part-skim Mozzarella, seasonal variation of
duced around Bursa and Balikesir, and also known as Maglic, Mahlic or
milk, textural properties
Kelle cheese. It is white with roundish holes, hard and crusty and made
from high-fat sheep or cow milk. Ripening of hard cheese varieties is a
slow and consequently an expensive process. During manufacturing and T79 A study of bioactive peptides in US Cheddar cheeses of differ-
ripening proteolysis, glycolysis and lipolysis reactions, mainly driven ent ages. Y. Lu*, S. Govindasamy-Lucey, and J. A. Lucey, University
by accelerating agents such as starter culture or enzymes, determine the of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison.
sensory, chemical and textural properties of the cheese. The objective of
the present work was to observe the effect of fungal lipase (Piccantase Bioactive peptides (BP) have been found in fermented dairy products
A from Mucor miehei), and a bacterial neutral protease from Bacillus with various bioactive properties, such as, antihypertensive, angiotensin-
subtilis (Fermizyme B500) alone or combined with a starter culture I-converting-enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory, immunomodulatory, antimicro-
on the acceleration of the ripening process of Mihalic cheese made bial, mineral transport and opioid activities. The objective of this study
from cow’s milk. Cheeses were analyzed at 2, 15, 30, 60 and 90 days was to determine the types and levels of BP produced during ripening
of ripening. Casein fractions of Mihalic cheese samples were analyzed of Cheddar cheese. Water-soluble extracts were prepared from Ched-
by urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and lipolysis dar cheeses. Centrifugation and ultra-filtration were used to remove fat
rates were measured as acid degree value (ADV). The proteolysis and and to fractionate water-soluble extract into 2 fractions with molecular
lipolysis rate of Mihalic cheese samples displayed significant differences weight (MW) between 1000 to 3000 Da and MW ≤1000 Da, respectively.
due to treatment and ripening period (P < 0.01). The highest lipolysis The fractions were subjected to HPLC -tandem mass spectrometry to
rate was noted monitored in lipase added cheese (as 5.56 ADV) with identify peptides. HPLC - electrospray ionization (ESI) - time-of-flight
highest γ-casein ratio and β-casein degradation. Breakdown of casein (TOF) mass spectrometry was also used to identify peptides present in
was higher in starter + protease + lipase added cheese. At the end of the fraction of MW ≤1000 Da. BP were identified by comparison with
ripening period, it was observed that αs-casein ratios decreased in starter already published milk protein derived BP. A range of Cheddar cheeses
added, starter + protease added and protease added cheeses. Breakdown of various ages was studied to identify the specific types and determine
of β-casein continued throughout ripening, and there was an increase the levels of BP produced during ripening. In young (~6 d old) and
at the end of ripening regarding the ratios of other fractions. In view mature (2 years old) Cheddar cheese, 8 and 34 ACE-inhibitory peptides,
of sensorial acceptance, protease added cheeses having bitterness and and 77 and 157 casein phosphopeptides, respectively, were found. With
crumbly textural properties due to intense breakdown of β-casein scored age more potent forms of ACE-inhibitory peptides were found. For some
lower than lipase added samples. of the ACE-inhibitory peptides (including dipeptides, tripeptides, tetra-
peptides and pentapeptides that had high ACE-inhibitory activity or low
Key Words: Mihalic cheese, proteolysis, lipolysis
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 331
IC50 values), the content appeared to increase with age as indicated by Mn2+ ions, and microbial tyrosinase activity are some of the suggested
HPLC-ESI-TOF. Confirmation of the type and quantification of levels of pathways proposed to explain the development of NTB. In the present
BP in a range of different aged commercial Cheddar cheese is ongoing. work, the brown pigments from several Parmesan and Gouda cheese
Aged Cheddar cheese could be a good source of BP. samples exhibiting various degrees of discoloration were extracted using
methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and further separated from the fat frac-
Key Words: bioactive peptide, angiotensin-I-converting-enzyme, mass
tion by TLC. The L*, a* and b* values for the different samples were
measured and ranged from 89.5 to 91.07, −0.923 to −2.14, and 1.14 to
3.99, respectively. The UV-Visible spectra of the colored compounds
T80 Effect of curd milling on the characteristics of Queso Fresco in the isolated fractions were characterized by the presence of unique
during storage. D. L. Van Hekken*1, M. H. Tunick1, N. Y. Farkye2, absorption bands at 425, 451 and 472 nm. Attenuated total reflectance
J. B. Luchanski1, S. Mukhopadhyay1, and P. M. Tomasula1, 1USDA, Infrared analyses (ATR-FT-IR) of the brown pigments revealed the
Agricultural Research Service, Wyndmoor, PA, 2California Polytechnic presence of characteristic bands at 1103 and 1037 cm-1. These results
State University, San Luis Obispo. suggest that the pigments may be comprised of lipid-containing moi-
eties since those bands are very characteristic of in-plane C−H bending
Queso Fresco (QF) is one of the most popular fresh Hispanic-style vibrations.
cheeses in the US Manufacture of QF varies from country to country with
many practicing fine milling of the curd before forming the cheese block. Key Words: browning, FT-IR, cheese pigments
This study was undertaken to determine the effect of milling of the curd
with different sized blades on the chemical, functional, and rheological
T82 Whey ricotta: A scientific reevaluation. J. W.-M. Heick*,
properties of QF. QF was prepared from pasteurized, homogenized milk
R. Jimenez-Flores, and H. Khalil, California Polytechnic University,
containing 0.1% of added CaCl2. It was coagulated with chymosin and
San Luis Obispo.
the curd was cooked at 39°C for 30 min and wet salted at 12.5% salt
(wt salt/wt cheesemilk). Portions of the curds were then finely milled Ricotta cheese is one of the first attempts in the dairy industry to utilize
using different-sized meat grinder blades and hand-packed into molds the whey left over during the manufacturing of chesses. Currently, ricotta
for storage overnight at 4°C. Cheeses were removed from the molds is exclusively made from whole or skim milk and has a low commercial
the next day, sliced into smaller blocks, vacuum packaged, and stored value. However, whey ricotta as made following the classic style (as
at 4°C for up to 8 wks. Fresh QF contained 56.5 to 58.0% moisture, described by Kosikowski) has great modern potential because it utilizes
22.2% fat, 15.7 to 17.6% protein, 2.5% lactose, and 2.4% salt. Moisture the by-product of cheese manufacturing (sweet or acid whey) and has
content decreased with aging (P ≤ 0.05) because of wheying off; control an excellent nutritional profile and organoleptic properties. Our research
QF (not milled or passed through grinder without blade) had the highest focused on manufacturing high protein ricotta from whey while retain-
amount of wheying off (3%), while the finest milled QF had the lowest ing the desired sensory and nutritional profile. An Italian style low acid
amount of wheying off (0.5%). All other properties were not affected cheese was manufactured at the Cal Poly Creamery, and the whey was
significantly (P ≥ 0.05) by the milling treatment or by storage for up collected after cutting at a pH of 6.60. The whey was then skimmed and/
to 8 weeks at 4°C. In QF, the homogenization step, know to alter milk or ultrafiltrated before it was added to the steam kettle for processing.
protein-protein interactions, was sufficient to disrupt the cheese matrix Three treatments were applied to the whey: fat skimming, ultra filtra-
and resulted in a crumbly cheese. The fine milling step did reduce the tion and acidification, and the final ricotta was either pressed or left to
amount of whey lost from the cheese during storage but did not affect drain naturally. Whey and ricotta samples were analyzed qualitatively
other functional or rheological properties of the QF. and quantitatively for total protein before and after protein precipitation.
Total protein was measured using the MilkoScan FT2 from FOSS, and
Key Words: Queso Fresco, milling, wheying-off
the protein profiles were determined using sodium dodecyl sulfate PAGE
(SDS- PAGE). Compositional analysis of the finished ricotta was con-
T81 Pigments from nonthermal browning formed in Gouda and ducted using the Babcock method for percent fat, Elementar rapid-n cube
Parmesan cheeses. A. Lopez-Hernandez*1, L. E. Rodriguez-Saona2, for protein, and CEM LabWave 9000 for moisture. The ricotta curd was
M. M. Giusti2, M. E. Johnson3, D. A. Sommer3, and S. A. Rankin1, analyzed along with the pre/post whey: skimming the whey resulted in
1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 2The Ohio State University, a 80% drop in final fat content while ultrafiltration resulted in a increase
Columbus, 3Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, Madison. in the effectiveness of protein removal from the post whey. Moisture
levels were dependent on the whey treatments: 70–80% in non-pressed
Under certain conditions, some cheeses develop a brown discoloration ricotta and 65–78% in pressed ricotta, protein content also varied with a
during the course of aging thus yielding changes in flavor and color. range of 9–14%. Acidification occurred at 2 levels, high pH target of 5.5
Parmesan and Gouda cheeses are some typical examples of the products resulted in the most neutral flavor while low pH 4.5 had more complete
where excessive browning and the concomitant caramel-like flavor have protein precipitation. The results highlight a practical methodology to
been noted. To date, very little definitive science exists to describe, manufacture a high quality whey cheese from by-product using equip-
define or control the reaction chemistry of non-thermal browning (NTB) ment that is readily available to small cheese makers.
in cheese from either the flavor or pigmentation perspective. Factors
such as redox potential, available oxygen, the type and concentration Key Words: whey, ultrafiltration, ricotta
of α-dicarbonyls, amino acid type and concentration, the presence of
332 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Dairy Foods: Chemistry
T83 Evaluation of the addition of urea to refrigerated raw milk pigment may affect the absorption of infrared radiation by the whey
on the crude protein, milk fat, lactose, and total solids contents constituents. Therefore, infrared spectroscopy based on filters can be
determined by mid-infrared spectrometry. E. G. Esteves1, M. M. used for component analysis of whey from Minas padrao cheese, as
O. P. Cerqueira*2, L. M. Fonseca2, M. O. Leite2, M. R. Souza2, C. F. A. long as a calibration adjustment is used. For Prato cheese whey, the
M. Penna2, R. Rodrigues2, and L. R. Abreu3, 1Ministry of Agriculture, infrared method based on filters did not provide accurate results.
Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil, 2Federal University of Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 3Federal University of Lavras, CNPq, FAPEMIG, Laboratory for Milk Quality Analysis, School of
Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Veterinary Medicine, UFMG
To detect the effect of fraudulent addition of urea to refrigerated raw Table 1. Compositional analysis of cheese whey using standard
milk, 32 samples of milk from 32 samples of milk from bulk tanks were methods and infrared spectroscopy
collected at different dairy farms. A control sample and 3 test samples
Minas Cheese Whey Prato cheese whey
added with different levels of urea (0.0723, 0.1445 and 0.2891 wt%)
were made. Both, the bulk tank and the test samples were analyzed to Standard IR Standard IR
Component Methods Spectroscopy Methods Spectroscopy
determine the crude protein, lactose, milk fat, and total solids contents
by mid-infrared spectrometry. The crude protein, lactose, and total solids Fat
(g/100g±SD) 0.38±0.12 0.33±0.12 0.40±0.08 0.26±0.15
contents increased in 0.110, 0.17, and 0.140 wt%, respectively, on a
0.2891 wt% of urea added to milk. On the same conditions, the milk
(g/100g±SD) 0.78±0.08 0.67±0.11) 0.78±0.08 0.73±0.07
fat content decreased in 0.032 wt%. The equations of linear regression
Total solids
among the urea levels added (in wt%) and the crude protein and the
(g/100g±SD) 6.42±0.21 6.79±0.20 6.19±0.75 6.85±0.54
total solids contents (both in wt%) were established. The changes on
refrigerated raw milk composition submitted to the addition of urea (g/100g±SD) 0.49±0.03 – 0.48±0.05 –
detected by mid-infrared spectrometry analysis show that this fraudulent
addition can increase the profits of the dairy farmer when milk payment (g/100g±SD) 0.20±0.01 – 0.19±0.02 –
is applied by the dairy industry. Freezing point
Key Words: urea, milk composition, mid-infrared spectrometry (°C) −0.507 – −0.492 –
SD-standard deviation.
T84 Cheese whey compositional analysis using infrared spectros- Key Words: cheese whey composition, infrared spectroscopy, infrared
copy. F. A. Pinto1, L. A. Clementino1, D. L. S. Oliveira1, L. R. Abreu2, milk analyzer
L. M. Fonseca*1,3, R. Rodrigues1,3, M. O. Leite1,3, and M. M. O. P.
Cerqueira1,3, 1Federal University of Minas Gerais/Escola de Veterinária/
T85 Comparison of Mojonnier and Gerber methods for analyzing
DTIPOA, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de Lavras/
the fat content of fermented milk beverages. E. H. P. Andrade, M.
DCA, Lavras, MG, Brazil, 3Laboratory for Milk Quality Analysis, Belo
O. Leite, C. F. A. M. Penna, M. R. Souza, L. M. Fonseca*, and M. M.
Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
O. P. Cerqueira, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte,
Compositional analysis of whey is necessary for its best utilization. To Brasil.
perform physicochemical analysis, infrared spectroscopy techniques are
The objective of this study was to compare 2 methods to estimate fat
useful, as they are fast and precise. The objective of this research was to
content in fermented milk beverages. The samples of fermented milk
evaluate infrared spectroscopy for measurement of cheese whey com-
beverages were collected in large supermarket chains from Belo Hori-
position from typical Brazilian cheeses. Twenty-one samples of whey
zonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Both methods are described in Brazilian
from Minas padrao cheese and 22 samples of whey from Prato cheese
legislation, but Mojonnier is the official method to analyze fat content
were analyzed, using standard methods and a filter infrared equipment
in milk beverages and Gerber is the official method to analyze fat
(Combisystem 2300, Bentley). The results for fat, protein and total
content in fluid milk. Gerber is a simpler and easier method to perform
solids using infrared instrument based on filters and standard methods
than Mojonnier method. Thirty samples of fermented milk beverages
were compared by Friedman test for related samples. The mean values
were analyzed using the 2 methods. There was no difference (P > 0.05)
are presented in Table 1.
between Mojonnier and Gerber methods for fat content measurement in
The differences between results from both methods were significant.
these samples. So, both of them could be used to measure the fat content
The pasteurization process can affect the results, as compounds
in fermented milk beverages.
formed during heating may interfere with infrared spectrum readings,
and the whey samples used for equipment calibration were made Key Words: fermented milk beverages, Mojonnier method, Gerber
from raw milk. After a linear transformation of the results with curve method
approximation, measurement of whey composition from Minas padrao
cheese by infrared and standard methods were statistically equivalent.
Therefore, results show that it is necessary to perform an equipment T86 Quantitative analysis of the distribution of fat globules in
calibration for cheese whey analysis using infrared equipment based on milk. G. Impoco1, N. Fucà2, and G. Licitra*1,2, 1CoRFiLaC, Regione
filter. However, for whey from Prato cheese, even after transformation, Siciliana, Ragusa, Italy, 2DACPA, University of Catania, Catania,
the difference was significant. This whey has a water excess, as Italy.
showed by the high freezing point. Moreover, it has a dye that is added This study aims at devising image analysis methods to quantify the
for typical orange color during Prato cheese production. Water and distribution of fat globules in confocal laser scanning microscope
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 333
(CLSM) images. Milk was collected from a local farm and subject of the cheese. In order to utilize the Sprint method for protein analysis
to eight different treatments. Ten images were recorded for each milk of Cheddar cheese the level of protein hydrolysis in the cheese needs
specimen using CLSM at 40X and classified according to five parameters to be controlled.
(small globules count, large globules count, globule density, presence
Key Words: Sprint rapid protein analyzer, Cheddar cheese, total
of clusters, and distribution homogeneity). Each image was classified
through visual inspection by assigning a numeric score to each param-
eter. Visual evaluation provided qualitative, subjective information.
Automatic quantitative analysis was performed onto the same images T88 Determination of true proteins in dairy products: A compara-
to obtain objective, repeatable estimates. Each image was partitioned tive study between Kjeldahl and Sprint protein analyzer. D. Zhao*,
into cells. For each cell, nine numerical descriptors were computed V. Jai, and N. Y. Farkye, California Polytechnic State University, San
(e.g., number of globules in a cell, area covered by globules). For each Luis Obispo.
descriptor, a measurement was obtained at each cell. The variances of
such measurements over all cells were recorded. Nine descriptors were True proteins (TP) in milk play a major role in yield, functionality
thus obtained for each image. Factor analysis on manual evaluation data and nutritional value of dairy products and products containing dairy
revealed that count of small and large globules were strongly inversely components. It is standard practice in milk procurement for milk pro-
correlated (−0.85), as well as density and homogeneity to the presence cessing plants to pay premium for protein content of milk. However,
of clusters (−0.40 and −0.61, respectively). Density and homogeneity in the dairy industry, TP is of greater economic value than total protein
had a moderate correlation factor (0.66). Principal component analysis content hence the need for rapid determination of TP is of significant
showed that the first three components accounted for 80% of the total interest. In this study, the Sprint Rapid Protein analyzer, SPR (CEM
variance in scores. Factor analysis was also performed on software mea- Corporation, Matthews, NC) was compared with the standard Kjeldahl
surements. As expected, several descriptors were highly correlated since method to measure the TP in selected dairy products. The SPR is based
they capture similar aspects of the images. After grouping correlated on the Orange G dye binding method that measures the TP directly
factors, numerical description was consistent with qualitative param- unlike Kjeldahl in which TP is calculated as the difference between
eters. Automatic classifications turned out to be a good interpretation of total nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen multiplied by 6.38. Cheddar
manual annotations. This suggests that quantitative characterization of and mozzarella cheeses, and milk protein powders such as whey protein
dispersed phases of fluids in CLSM micrographs is promising. concentrate 80, milk protein concentrate, milk protein isolate, whole
milk powder, and non fat dry milk were analyzed for true proteins by
Key Words: image analysis, milk treatments, milk microstructure both the methods and the results were compared. The results were not
statistically different for Cheddar cheese (P > 0.05), Mozzarella cheese
(P > 0.05) and the milk protein powders (P > 0.05). The repeatability
T87 Evaluation of Sprint rapid protein analyzer for total protein
within the samples for Cheddar cheese, Mozzarella cheese and milk
analysis of Cheddar cheese. H. M. Zhang*, P. Salunke, J. K. Amam-
powders were similar in both methods (standard deviation 0.02–0.42
charla, and L. M. Metzger, Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center, South
from Kjeldahl; and 0.04–0.49 for SPR). The relative standard deviation
Dakota State University, Brookings.
for all the products measured in both the methods was always less than
The Kjeldahl method is widely used as a reference method for protein 2%. Therefore, the precision and accuracy in measuring true protein by
measurement of numerous dairy products including cheese. However, it SPR in dairy products is comparable to Kjeldahl. The SPR offers rapid
is labor intensive, time consuming, and utilizes hazardous chemicals. A (less than 5 min), easy determination of true proteins in dairy products.
new protein analysis instrument called the Sprint rapid protein analyzer It can be a good alternative to Kjeldahl in a dairy processing plant where
(CEM Corporation) was recently developed. This instrument utilizes faster results are needed
an automated protein-tagging technology and is rapid, easy to operate,
Key Words: true proteins, Kjeldahl, Sprint rapid protein analyzer
and does not utilize hazardous chemicals. In previous research we have
demonstrated that the Sprint method is applicable for analysis of milk
and cream samples. The objective of this study was to evaluate the T89 Application of FTIR spectra for early detection of spore con-
applicability of the Sprint method for the analysis of Cheddar cheese. tamination in fluid milk. J. C. Huber-Rockow* and R. Jimènez-Flores,
In this study 6 Cheddar cheese samples were analyzed for protein in California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.
duplicate using the Sprint method and the Kjeldahl method at 1 week,
3, 6, 9, and 12 mo on ripening. The protein content of each sample FTIR is shown to be a useful tool for the analysis of spores in several
measured by Kjeldahl analysis remained relatively constant throughout food products and processes. This research aims to improve milk safety
ripening (mean difference between 1 week and 12 months was - 0.23%), and processing practices through the development of a fast and reliable
whereas the protein content of each samples measured by the Sprint FTIR method to document and quantify the metabolic changes in spores
method decreased during ripening (mean difference between 1 week in raw milk and milk after a germination-induction heat treatment. In
and 12 months was 2.68%). The average protein differences between the this study, basic FTIR-ATR spectral analysis and principal component
methods (Sprint – Kjeldahl) at 1 week, 3, 6, 9, and 12 month samples analysis properly differentiates 11 reference strains of Bacillus in their
was 2.04, 1.34, 0.90, 0.11, and -0.79%. These results indicate that the 1200–900 cm-1 fingerprint regions (B. megaterium, B. subtilis (2), B.
Sprint method over estimated the protein content during early ripen- pumilus, B. licheniformis (2), B. coagulans, B. circulans, B. amyloliq-
ing and underestimates the protein content after extended ripening. As ufaciens). Subsequently, using the whole spectra generated by the FOSS
Cheddar cheese ages the level of intact protein decreases and the level MilkoScan FT2, we successfully identified individual strains at different
of hydrolyzed protein increases. Since the protein-tagging technology stages of heat-induced germination in a milk system, however no sig-
utilized in the Sprint method is influenced by protein hydrolysis it is nificant difference between strains was identified. Further analysis will
not surprising that the results of this method are influenced by the age improve differentiation between strain variability and natural variability
of milk. Completion of this work will continue to highlight the utility of
FTIR as a tool for safety and quality screening in the dairy industry.
Key Words: FTIR, spores, milk quality
334 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Dairy Foods: Foods and Products
T90 Oxidation stability of milk rich in α-linolenic acid produced 222 + cow’s milk, NGSP DF 222 + cow’s milk. All soy and all dairy
through duodenum infusion of high-linolenic perilla fatty acid into yogurt controls were also included. Proximate analysis of all yogurt
dairy cows. Q. S. Liu, J. Q. Wang*, D. P. Bu, E. Khas, G. Yang, L. Y. samples was conducted according to AOAC procedures. Activity and
Zhou, P. Sun, and K. L. Liu, State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, viability of the lactic acid bacteria was monitored at 7 d intervals over 6
Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, weeks of refrigerated storage at 4°C. MRS, MRS-sorbitol and M17 agar
Beijing, China. were utilized to enumerate Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus,
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Streptococcus salivarius ssp.
Our objective was to determine the effect of storage condition on oxida- thermophilus, respectively. The pH of each yogurt was determined at
tion stability of milk samples which were stored in dark under different time of manufacture and also monitored at 7 d intervals for 6 weeks.
storage conditions. The milk samples came from 4 primiparity Chinese The pH of the yogurts remained constant for up to 5 weeks of refriger-
Holstein cows infused with increasing amounts of high-linolenic perilla ated storage. Cow’s milk yogurt fortified with GSP DF 222 maintained
fatty acid into the duodenum (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 g/d), then stored highest (P < 0.001) activity and viability of lactic acid bacteria during
in dark at either 4°C or 20°C for period of 0, 72, and 120 h. Data were the 6 weeks of the study, >4 × 107 CFU/g. Activity and viability of the
analyzed statistically by using PROC MIXED of SAS. It was observed lactic acid bacteria was lowest in all soy yogurts during the same time
that at 0 h, the activity of total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD), total frame, <2.0 × 106CFU/g.
antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) in milk samples were tended to decrease
linearly (P = 0.21, P = 0.14), but the content of thiobarbituric acid reac- Key Words: yogurt, soy, lactic acid bacteria
tive substances (TBARS) was tended to increase linearly (P = 0.18)
with the infusion increased, the oxidation stability of milk samples
showed the tendency of decreasing at 0 h. Furthermore, the activity of T92 Sensory attributes of yogurt fortified with predigested, non-
T-SOD was not changed, the T-AOC decreased sharply P = 0.0086, the germinated or germinated whole soy powder. U. Nsofor*1,2 and
content of TBARS increased significantly (P = 0.029) with the infusion Z. Ustunol1, 1Michigan State University, E. Lansing, 2Food and Drug
increased, the oxidation stability of milk decreased significantly when Administration, College Park, MD.
them stored at 4°C for 72 h, however, when stored for 120 h, the activ- Fortification of yogurt with soy and soy ingredients has been of inter-
ity of T-SOD, T-AOC and the content of TBARS were not changed, est to combine health benefits of soy with dairy ingredients. We have
which showed the oxidation stability of milk tended to remain stable previously shown that pre-digestion and germination of soybeans hydro-
at 4°C for 120 h. Milk samples stored at 20°C for 72 h, the activity of lyzes the non-bioavailable compounds into bioactive compounds and
T-SOD, T-AOC tended to decrease (P = 0.055, P = 0.07). Content of fermentation during yogurt manufacturing further increases their yield.
TBARS tended to increase linearly (P = 0.082), which indicated that The overall aim of this research was to determine the sensory attributes
the oxidation stability of milk have the tendency of decreasing with of cow’s milk yogurt fortified with predigested and non-germinated,
the increasing amounts of α-linolenic acid, but for 120 h, the activity or germinated soy powder and compare these yogurts to their all soy
of T-SOD did not change significantly, the T-AOC tended to decrease and all dairy counterparts. Swiss style reduced-fat strawberry flavored
quadratically (P = 0.052), the content of TBARS increased sharply (P = cow’s milk yogurts fortified with germinated (GSP) or non-germinated
0.023), therefore, the oxidation stability of the milk was decreased. Our (NGSP) spray dried whole soy powders (50:50 blend) and cultured with
results suggested that the oxidation stability of milk rich in α-linolenic Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii
acid produced through duodenum infusion perilla oil is decreased at the ssp. bulgaricus and a probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM were
different storage conditions. manufactured using standard yogurt manufacturing procedures. The
Key Words: milk samples, storage condition, oxidation stability soybean varieties utilized for yogurt making were Vinton 81 and DF
222. Treatments investigated were 50:50 blends of, GSP Vinton 81 +
cow’s milk, NGSP Vinton 81 + cow’s milk, GSP DF 222 + cow’s milk,
T91 Activity and viability of lactic acid bacteria in yogurts forti- NGSP DF 222 + cow’s milk. All soy and all dairy yogurt controls were
fied with predigested non-germinated or germinated whole soy also included. Proximate analysis of all yogurt samples was conducted
powder. U. Nsofor*1,2 and Z. Ustunol1, 1Michigan State University, according to AOAC procedures. A total of 112 untrained sensory panel-
E. Lansing, 2Food and Drug Administration, College Park, MD. ists evaluated all 6 yogurt samples for appearance, body texture, flavor
and overall acceptance on a 9-point hedonic scale. All yogurts had
We have previously shown that pre-digestion and germination of soy- similar pH of 4.55 at the end of manufacturing. There were no significant
beans hydrolyzes the non-bioavailable compounds into bioactive com- differences in their compositional analysis. Sensory results showed there
pounds and fermentation during yogurt manufacturing further increases were no significant differences in appearance, body texture, flavor and
their yield. The overall goal of this research was to determine the activity overall acceptance between the cow’s milk yogurt and the 50:50 blends
and viability of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt that has been fortified containing germinated or non-germinated soy powder. There were also
with predigested and non-germinated, or germinated soy powder, over no noted differences in sensory attributes investigated between the 2 bean
the 6 week refregerated storage of the product. Swiss style reduced-fat varieties (Vinton 81 and DF 222) studied. However, all soy yogurts were
strawberry flavored cow’s milk yogurts fortified with germinated (GSP) scored significantly lower (P < 0.001) than all other yogurts.
or non-germinated (NGSP) spray dried whole soy powders (50:50
blend) and cultured with Streptococcus salivarius ssp. thermophilus, Key Words: yogurt, soy, sensory
Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and a probiotic Lactobacillus
acidophilus NCFM were manufactured using standard yogurt manufac-
turing procedures. The soybean varieties utilized for yogurt making were T93 Effect of lactose content on the post-acidification of yogurt. V.
Vinton 81 and DF 222. Treatments investigated were 50:50 blends of, Sikand*, P. S. Tong, and S. Roy, California Polytechnic State University,
GSP Vinton 81 + cow’s milk, NGSP Vinton 81 + cow’s milk, GSP DF San Luis Obispo.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 335
The manufacturing of yogurt involves fermentation of milk by Lacto- with storage, the relative decrease in counts was more rapid for the log
bacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Lactobacillus bulgaricus counts. Body/texture scores were significantly
Two important properties of yogurt are that it contains live cultures higher at 3 wk than at 0 wk, while appearance/color scores were sig-
and lactic acid. Because of the high residual lactose content in yogurt, nificantly higher at 0 wk than at 3 wk. Slendesta positively influenced
lactic acid can continue to be produced during its refrigerated storage some characteristics of yogurt.
by Lactobacillus bulgaricus. This phenomenon is called “post-acidifi-
Key Words: satiety, weight management, yogurt
cation.” Yogurt can become too acidic (sour) because of its continued
acidification and negatively affect the properties of the yogurt. The
objective of this research was to control post acidification by reducing T95 Chemical and sensory characteristics of set-type yogurts
the amount of lactose in milk used for preparing yogurt. Two non-fat made from sheep, goat, and their mixed milks during refrigerated
yogurt mixes were formulated to contain 5% protein and varying degrees storage. A. C. Gürsoy-Balci1, Z. Güler1, and Y. W. Park*2, 1Mustafa
of lactose as follows: Control yogurt mix containing 7% lactose made Kemal University, Antakya, Hatay, Turkey, 2Fort Valley State University,
by adding 5.66% w/w nonfat dry milk powder to fluid skim milk and Fort Valley, GA.
experimental yogurt standardized to 2% lactose by adding milk protein
isolate (MPI) containing 87% protein to UF permeate obtained from In the countries of the Mediterranean basin, sheep and goat milk and their
skim milk. The UF permeate was used because of its similar mineral products have formed a vital part of its economy and cultural heritage.
composition to milk. These mixes were stirred for 5 h and kept over- Sheep and goat milk products can provide a profitable alternative to
night in a refrigerator for complete hydration. On the next day, these cow milk products owing to their specific taste, texture, typicality and
yogurt mixes were heated at 85°C for 30 min, cooled to 42°C, mixed healthy image. Six types of yogurts were manufactured from pure goat
with commercial frozen yogurt culture (DVS YC-X11), and incubated milk of Damascus breed, pure sheep milk of Awassi breed, and mixed
until it reached pH 4.6. Basic composition analyses of these yogurt milk (50% each) of the 2 species using CH-1 and YF-3331 yogurt starter
mixes showed similar mean protein values. The control yogurt mix had cultures to study chemical composition and sensory properties of the
0.18% fat content, 7% lactose, and about 13% total solids, while the products in relation to free fatty acids (FFA) and volatile compounds
experimental yogurt mix had 0.31% fat, 1.9% lactose, and 7.9% total (VC) profiles. Upon manufacture, the yogurts were stored at 4oC for 1, 7,
solids. Relative to the experimental yogurt mixes, the control yogurt 14 and 21 d before conducting chemical and sensory analyses. FFA and
mixes showed a significant decrease in pH level from 4.53 to 4.24 (P < VC were determined on a capillary gas chromatography using aluminum
0.001) and an increase in the titratable acidity (TA) from 0.98 to 1.21 (P adsorption and static headspace techniques. Results showed that cul-
< 0.001) over a 21-d refrigerated storage. However, for the experimental tures significantly affected acetaldehyde (P < 0.05), acetone (P < 0.05)
yogurt mixes, the decrease in pH and increase in TA was not significant and diacetyl (P < 0.01) contents, responsible for characteristic yogurt
(P > 0.001). Our results showed that limiting lactose content in the UF flavor, whereas type of milk had no effects. Type of milk influenced
permeate used for yogurt mix help in controlling post-acidification of ethanol level, which was highest in goat yogurt. Significant variations
lactic acid development. occurred in acetaldehyde and diacetyl contents during the storage. FFA
of hexadecanoic, octadecanoic and decanoic acids were significantly
Key Words: yogurt, post-acidification, lactose (P < 0.05) affected by type of milk. Type of culture influenced (P <
0.05) levels of C2 to C15 FFA, while type of milk affected C2 to C14
FFA contents. The mixed milk yogurt contained mean concentrations
T94 Effect of a satiety ingredient on the properties of resulting
of 3.96 µg/g diacetyl, 6.69 µg/g acetoin, 41.43 µg/g acetaldehyde,
yogurts during storage. D. Olson*1, K. Aryana1,2, D. Alexander3,
2.83 µg/g ethanol, 1.77 µg/g ethanoic acid, 1.33 µg/g hexanoic acid,
and T. Emmick3, 1Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton
2.51µg/g decanoic acid, and 1.08 µg/g octanoic acid, respectively. It
Rouge, 2Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 3Kemin Health, Des
was concluded that yogurts made from the mixed milk had the highest
Moines, IA.
sensory scores in taste and smell traits.
Slendesta is an ingredient used for weight management by inducing sati-
Key Words: sheep and goat milk, yogurts, chemical characteristics
ety. The effect of the Slendesta level (0 (control), 150, and 300 mg/227
g yogurt) on the characteristics of the resulting vanilla yogurts during 0,
1, 3, 5, and 7 wk of 4°C storage was investigated. The resulting vanilla T96 Oxidative stability of yogurt from bovine and caprine milks
yogurts were analyzed for color (L*, a*, and b* values), pH, extent of enriched with different levels of n-3 fatty acids. D. Dlders*, A.
syneresis, viscosity, log Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus Mora-Gutierrez, R. Attaie, and G. L. Goodie, Prairie View A&M Uni-
thermophilus counts, and sensory properties (flavor, body/texture, and versity, Prairie View, TX.
appearance/color scores). The Slendesta level was significant for L*
value, pH, extent of syneresis, viscosity, log Lactobacillus bulgaricus Incorporation of n-3 fatty acids into daily diet results in beneficial effects
count, and appearance/color score. Increasing Slendesta level decreased on vision, neural development, and lowers incidents of diseases such
L* value, pH, and extent of syneresis but tended to increase viscos- as coronary heart disease. The intake of n-3 fatty acids is generally low
ity and log Lactobacillus bulgaricus count. The 150 mg Slendesta in the typical Western diet. Dietary intake of yogurt supplemented with
level yogurt had significantly higher appearance/color scores than the physiologically significant amounts of n-3 fatty acid would contribute
control. Age had a highly significant effect on L* value, a* value, pH, to a healthy life. However, the incorporation of n-3 fatty acids in foods
extent of syneresis, viscosity, log Streptococcus thermophilus count, would have to be limited due to their oxidative instability. The objec-
and log Lactobacillus bulgaricus count and a significant effect on both tive of this study was to evaluate the oxidative stability of yogurt from
the body/texture score and the appearance/color score. The highest L* bovine and caprine milks enriched with different level of Menhaden
value and a* value occurred at wk 0 and 1, and the pH decreased after oil containing 38% n-3 fatty acids. Non-fat yogurt from bovine and
wk 0. Both the extent of syneresis and the viscosity had a general ten- caprine milks were supplemented with 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4% Menhaden
dency to increase with storage time. Although both log Streptococcus oil followed by homogenization. Yogurt samples were stored in the dark
thermophilus counts and log Lactobacillus bulgaricus counts decreased for 30 d at 4°C, and oxidative deterioration of samples were assessed
at different intervals using thiobarbituric acid (TBA) test. As the level
336 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
of n-3 fatty acids increased in samples the TBA value also increased, and S. thermophilus counts at the beginning and end of fermentation.
regardless of storage time. Significant chelating activity (P < 0.05) was Three randomized replications were completed and all tests were done
detected in yogurt samples containing iron as a chelating agent at 100 in duplicate and averages were reported. Results showed that CA or LJ
ppm. Furthermore, the yogurt made from caprine milk exhibited stron- added after heat treatment reduced fermentation time by 13% compared
ger chelating activity than the yogurt from bovine milk (P < 0.05). The with the control; whereas, CA and LJ added before heat treatment had
high content of β-casein in yogurt from caprine milk is suggested to be no effect. LA added before or after heat treatment increased fermenta-
involved in protection of n-3 fatty acids against lipid oxidation induced tion time by 16%. Counts of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus were
by iron. Yogurt in general seems to be a suitable vehicle for n-3 fatty similar, with initial counts of 6.9 and 7.7 log CFU/mL respectively,
acid fortification, particularly yogurt made from caprine milk. and end counts of 7.1 and 7.7 log CFU/mL respectively. In addition,
control yogurt and yogurts with CA and LJ added after heat treatment
Key Words: yogurt, oxidative stability, omega fatty acids
were manufactured and fermented in 90 mL sterile cups and assessed for
pH, texture and rheological (G’, G”) characteristics at d 1. Statistically,
T97 Evaluation of non-essential and heavy minerals in three spe- the CA and LJ yogurts had less firmness (202 g and 212 g) and greater
cies milks, Torba yogurts, and whey. H. Sanal1, Z. Guler1, and Y. pH (4.58 and 4.57) compared with the control yogurt (231 g and 4.53).
W. Park*2, 1Mustafa Kemal University, Antakya, Hatay, Turkey, 2Fort Control yogurt had greater G’ and G” values at a frequency of 1 Hz
Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia, USA. than CA and LJ yogurts. These results show that partial acidification of
the yogurt mix with CA or LJ after heat treatment reduced fermentation
Among concentrated yogurts, Torba yogurt is made by straining in a time but some physiochemical parameters, particularly texture, were
special cloth bag, which is the most commonly consumed in Turkey. affected. This new yogurt has potential for success in the marketplace
Mineral contents of milk and dairy products are influenced by many because it appeals to consumers seeking sustainable products and could
factors such as animal species, feeds, environment, milking and be easily implemented by manufacturers.
manufacturing processes. This study was to determine non-essential
and heavy metal concentrations in cow (Holstein), ewe (Awassi) and Key Words: yogurt, fermentation time, sustainable manufacturing
goat (Damascus) milks and their regular yogurts, Torba yogurt and
whey. A Varian Vista-MPX simultaneous inductively coupled plasma
T99 Antioxidative peptides isolated from fermented whey proteins
optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) was used to quantify silver,
by lactobacilli and their effects on aged mice. Y. Bao*1, X. Liang1,
aluminum, arsenic, boron, beryllium, cadmium, nickel, lead, antimony,
L. Qin1, R. Li1, and M. Guo2, 1Northeast Forestry University, Harbin,
titanium, thallium and vanadium in ashed milks and their respective
China, 2University of Vermont, Burlington.
products. Barium was not detected in goat and cow milk and their
products. Among all elements, boron was most abundant, and highest Natural proteins can be partially hydrolyzed to produce peptides that
in the cow milk. Species differences were observed between levels of may have biological functions. The objectives of the study were to
certain health-related elements such as As, B, Ba, Cd, Ni, Sb and Ti in prepare functional peptides from fermented whey protein concentrate
milk and their products. Mean lead contents of all 3 species milks were (WPC) by Lactobacillus plantarum A9 and Streptococcus thermophilus
3.0 ppm. Average contents (ppm) of Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Ni, Pb, S33, and to characterize their antioxidative properties. The optimum
Sb, Ti, Tl and V in cow milk and its Torba yogurt were: 0.27, 0.32; 5.31, conditions for producing antioxidative peptides were: inoculate rate
6.73; 1.91, 3.29; 24.0, 23.3; 0.0, 0.0; 0.04, 0.06; 0.21, 0.18; 2.47, 2.72; 5%, culture ratio 1:1, fermentation temperature at 37°C and pH at 6.4,
3.05, 3.22; 1.27, 2.32; 0.31, 0.47; 7.01, 7.18; 0.72, 1.30, respectively. and fermentation time for 16 h. Two fractions were obtained using
Milk, regular yogurt and Torba yogurt revealed good sources of non- ultrafiltration and their relative molecular weights were 328 and 2,031,
essential elements, especially boron, lead, thallium and vanadium. The respectively. The induced model aged mice were treated by neck back
daily intake of these elements from these milks and yogurts appeared subcutaneous injection of D-galactose every day for 45 d. The mice
to exceed the provisional tolerable daily intake. Daily intake of toxic were given 3 different doses of whey protein peptides (WPP) at 100, 200
elements from milks and yogurts ranged between 2.16% (Be) and 116% and 400 mg/kg body weight per day, respectively. The effects of WPP
(Pb). A long-term exposure of these elements from foods and environ- on the levels of catalase (CAT), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide
ment has to be continuously monitored to maintain at their minimum dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) in serum, liver and
levels for food safety. brain were evaluated after 45 d. The CAT, SOD and GSH-PX activities
in the induced aged group decreased while MDA increased compared
Key Words: cow-sheep-goat milk, Torba yogurt, non-essential ele-
with control mice. However, the activities of CAT, SOD, and GSH-PX
in the organs of induced aged mice fed with the WPP were significantly
increased especially for the higher dose group (P < 0.05). The results
T98 Impact of acidulant addition on yogurt fermentation times showed that antioxidative peptides could be prepared from fermented
and physiochemical properties. T. A. Boomgaarden* and K. A. WPC using Lactobacillus plantarum A9 and Streptococcus thermophilus
Schmidt, Kansas State University, Manhattan. S33 for functional foods applications.
Consumers desire products that minimize their environmental impact; Key Words: peptides, whey protein, fermentation
therefore, in recent years, a greater emphasis has been made for sustain-
able production of agricultural products. This research aimed at devel-
T100 Zinc-binding activity of yak casein hydrolysate and the struc-
oping a yogurt process with reduced fermentation time, thus reducing
tural characteristics of hydrolysate-Zn complex. X. Y. Mao*1, X.
energy needs and creating a more sustainable manufacturing process.
Wang1, J. Zhou1, and P. S. Tong2, 1College of Food Science & Nutritional
Yogurt was manufactured by pre-acidifying nonfat yogurt mix (13.5%
Engineering, Key Laboratory of Functional Dairy of Chinese Ministry
solids) with citric acid, lactic acid or concentrated lemon juice (CA,
of Education, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 2California
LA, LJ) at 200 ppm before or after heat treatment to pH 6.2, followed
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.
by fermentation at 42°C in a BioFlo 3000 (New Brunswick Scientific
Co., Inc.) to a target pH of 4.6. Yogurts were analyzed for L. bulgaricus
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 337
The bioavailability of zinc is very important for its absorption. Many with WPC samples (over pH range 3–7). Furthermore, MSPC made at
factors can affect the bioavailability of dietary zinc in dairy food systems. 5°C had significantly larger foam overrun (>30000%) and greater foam
Some proteins or peptides can form complex with zinc, which makes zinc stability (>2 h) than MSPC made at 23°C (<1200% overrun, stability
soluble and increases its absorption and bioavailability in intestinal basic <15 min). Analysis of volatile content of the powders by SPME-GC/
conditions. The aim of this work was to: 1) determine the Zn-binding MS showed that the number of different types of volatile compounds
activity of yak casein hydrolysate and 2) verify that casein hydrolysate present in both MSPC was significantly lower than the number present
can really form complex which is soluble in a simulated intestinal envi- in WPC samples. In addition, accelerated storage of MSPC at 50°C for
ronment. The capacity of yak casein hydrolysate to form complexes with 28 d resulted in fewer types of volatiles increasing in intensity during
zinc was quantified. Zinc chelation by casein hydrolysate was described storage compared with WPC samples where many volatiles increased in
by means of UV-visible spectrophotometry (UV-vis) and Fourier intensity during storage. MSPC has distinctive flavor and performance
transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Results showed that casein attributes that may result in enhanced functionality in specific types of
hydrolysate prepared with Alcalase and trypsin possessed the highest food applications.
Zn-binding activity compared with casein hydrolysates prepared with
Key Words: milk serum protein, protein concentrate, whey
pepsin, Flavozyme or papain (P < 0.05). The 6h-hydrolysate obtained
with Alcalase, which is an endopeptidase from Bacillus licheniformis,
showed the highest Zn-binding activity and significantly higher than T102 Volatile profiles of commercial starter distillates and diacetyl
that of the native proteins. The UV-vis absorption spectra showed that levels in selected dairy food. M. I. Rincon*, A. Lopez-Hernandez, M.
absorbance spectra changed between yak casein hydrolysate and its S. Surianto, A. R. Rankin, and S. A. Rankin, University of Wisconsin-
zinc complex in the area of 230–300 nm. The absorbance of casein Madison, Madison.
hydrolysate-Zn complex at 270–300 nm was significantly lower than
that of casein hydrolysate itself at the same wavelength. The oxygen Starter distillates are used as ingredients in the formulation of many dairy
atom of the carbonyl group in peptides could chelate with Zn2+ and products such as cottage cheese, margarine, spreads, processed cheese,
lead to the hypochromic shift of its typical bands. Furthermore, FTIR and sour cream to increase the levels of naturally occurring aroma
spectra showed that the absorption at wave numbers between 1 450 compounds associated with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermentation.
cm−1 and 1 000 cm −1 increased when yak casein hydrolysate and Zn2+ Diacetyl is a highly volatile product of the citrate metabolism of certain
formed complexes. Casein hydrolysate-Zn complex exhibited strong LAB including Lactococcus lactis ssp. diacetylactis and Leuconostoc
bands at the wave numbers of 1449 cm−1 and 1406 cm−1 that are the citrovorum that imparts a high level of “buttery” flavor notes. In the
characteristic stretching mode of C = N. The FTIR spectra verify that US, starter distillates are regarded as generally recognized as safe and
some sites of yak casein hydrolysate can bind with zinc, and the formed usage in food products is only limited by good manufacturing practices.
substance is a Zn-binding complex which may be useful and practical Little is known but the volatile composition of starter distillates and the
in the prevention and treatment of Zn deficiency. level of diacetyl in finished products. The objective of this work was
to characterize the volatile constituents of 11 commercial starter distil-
Key Words: yak casein hydrolysate, Zn-binding capacity, character- lates and to quantitate the levels of diacetyl in several commercial dairy
ization products where starter distillates are used as flavorants. The headspace
volatiles were assessed using a solid phase microextraction fiber and
analyzed by GC-MS. The identity of the aroma compounds present in
T101 Functional and volatile properties of milk serum protein
the samples was confirmed by matching the corresponding mass spectra
concentrates. L. E. Coppola*1, S. A. Rankin1, M. S. Molitor2, and J.
with those in a NIST database and by comparing the retention times to
A. Lucey1, 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2Wisconsin Center for
those of authentic standards. The levels of diacetyl in the 11 commer-
Dairy Research, Madison.
cial starter distillates ranged from 5,000 to 30,000 ppm. In addition to
Microfiltration, commonly used in the dairy industry for removal of diacetyl, significant levels of acetoin, acetic acid, acetaldehyde, furfural,
fat and bacteria from milk, can also be an effective tool to isolate milk benzaldehyde, fatty acids, ethyl acetate were found. A total of 10 samples
serum proteins for the production of milk serum protein concentrate of cottage cheeses, margarines, spreads, and butter sprays were found
(MSPC). MSPC has less fat, undergoes fewer heat treatments, and is to contain diacetyl in the range of 10 to 100 ppm. The results obtained
free of rennet and other by-products of the cheese-making process, likely in this work summarize the volatile composition of commercial starter
causing it to have improved functionality over traditional cheese whey distillates and the approximate levels of diacetyl in selected foods.
protein concentrate (WPC). Because solubility, turbidity, foaming, and
Key Words: diacetyl, starter distillates, volatiles in dairy products
volatile composition are vital characteristics for many food applications,
this study compared these features of MSPC and WPC. Milk permeate
was produced from pasteurized, unhomogenized skim milk at tempera- T103 Sensory properties of chocolate flavored, protein fortified,
tures of ~5°C and ~23°C using polymeric, cross-flow microfiltration. fluid milk based recovery beverages produced using indirect and
Permeates were concentrated by ultrafiltration and spray dried to obtain direct thermal processing. A. Lammert*1, A. Olabi2, K. Brooks1, S.
MSPC powders of ~80% protein. The MSPC powders were compared Vink1, and P. Tong1, 1California Polytechnic State University, San Luis
with a traditional WPC80 from Swiss cheese whey made at Babcock Obispo, 2American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.
Dairy Plant and 3 commercial WPC. SDS-PAGE results showed that
protein composition was significantly different with the MSPC made Protein′s role in post exercise muscle recovery is well documented and
at 5°C containing more β-casein than the other MSPC or WPC samples numerous beverages are commercially available. However, fluid milk
(~15% vs. <5%). Both MSPC were significantly (α = 0.05) different is typically not the first ingredient. The objective was to determine
in standard foaming, turbidity, and solubility tests than WPC samples. differences between sensory properties of a chocolate flavored, protein
MSPC generated larger foam overruns (>2000% vs. <800%) and more fortified fluid milk based recovery beverage that contained 25 g of
stable foams (>14 min vs. <5 min), solutions were less turbid (>90% protein per 12 ounce serving using indirect and direct thermal process-
vs. <25% transmission), and powder had higher solubility compared ing methods. Beverages were formulated using milk, whey protein
concentrate (WPC), fructose, sucrose, carrageenan, salts, flavors and
338 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cocoa. WPC was mixed and hydrated for 30 minutes in the milk. The T105 Development of symbiotic milk candy. J. McCarthy*, Z.
remaining dry ingredients were blended and added to the hydrated WPC/ Zhang, and M. Guo, University of Vermont, Burlington.
milk mixture and mixed for an additional 5 minutes. The mixture was
Milk candies made from dried milk are a popular item in Asian countries,
UHT processed at 285°F for 3 seconds using indirect or direct heat and
but are uncommon in the United States. The objectives of this study
bottled in a clean fill hood. Descriptive sensory analysis using a trained
were to develop a technology for making powdered milk based candy
panel was completed on two week old beverages and the characteristics
and analyze its chemical composition. With fortifications of probiotic
evaluated were appearance, odor, flavor, texture, and aftertaste. Results
bacteria as well as the prebiotic compound inulin, a new symbiotic milk
were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. WPC brand had a
candy was developed. A base powder mix was formulated using a com-
significant effect (P < 0.05) on mostly the appearance attributes in
bination of skim milk powder, whole milk powder, sugar, maltodextrin
addition to sweet odor, chalkiness, viscosity and astringent and chalky
and inulin, along with antioxidants and probiotics (L. acidophilus, L.
aftertastes. There was no effect (P > 0.05) on most odor and flavor
rhamnosus, L. casei, and Bifidobacterium ssp.) followed by thorough
attributes. Processing method had a significant effect on two appearance
mixing. The mix was then pressed into hexagon tablets using the Colton
attributes and burnt odor, cooked flavor, chalky texture, and aftertaste.
204 Rotary Tablet Press. Three trials of the prototype were prepared, and
There was a significant WPC brand and processing method interaction
triplicates of each of the trials were analyzed for chemical composition
(P < 0.05) for most appearance, texture and aftertaste attributes. Given
using AOAC standard methods for content of protein, fat, total solids and
the lack of major effects on odor and flavor attributes, our work indicated
ash. Carbohydrate content was determined by difference. Results were
that chocolate protein fortified fluid milk based recovery beverages can
as follows: protein: 17.87 ± 0.19%; fat: 2.44 ± 0.07%; total solids: 96.93
be developed using different WPCs with minimal impact on sensory
± 0.24%; moisture: 3.07 ± 0.24%; ash: 3.31 ± 0.47%; carbohydrates:
73.31 ± 0.37%. Each tablet weighed approximately 2 g and contained
Key Words: fluid milk, descriptive analysis, whey 150 mg of inulin and at least 109 probiotic cells. Results showed that this
product is low in fat content and rich in high quality protein and may be
a good vehicle for delivery of both prebiotics and probiotics.
T104 Physicochemical properties of pomegranate flavored car-
bonated symbiotic beverage. H. Walsh*, J. Cheng, and M. Guo, Key Words: milk candy, symbiotic, milk powder
University of Vermont, Burlington.
Drinkable yogurt is becoming popular in the US and other countries and T106 Physicochemical properties of whey protein-based safe
is considered a functional food. Carbonation of drinkable yogurt may paper glue. J. Wang, J. Cheng*, and M. Guo, University of Vermont,
create a niche in the functional foods market. The objectives of this study Burlington.
were to develop a manufacturing technology for drinkable carbonated
Commercial paper glue products on the market may contain toxic organic
symbiotic yogurts, and to evaluate their physicochemical properties.
compounds harmful to people and bad for the environment. To develop
Two flavors of yogurt drink: pomegranate (P) and vanilla (V) were
safe paper glues, whey protein-based glue prototypes were formulated
formulated, each containing inulin as prebiotic and probiotic bacteria
using polymerized whey proteins (PWP) and other ingredients. Bond-
to produce symbiotic dairy beverages. The products were successfully
ing strength, one of main indexes for glue products, was evaluated,
stabilized with high methoxyl pectin and whey protein concentrate.
along with the physicochemical properties of the prototypes compared
The carbonation process was achieved using a pressurized carbonator
with a commercial control sample. Reconstituted whey protein isolate
for these yogurt drinks with approximately 3 volumes of food-grade
(WPI) solution (10%, pH 7.0) was polymerized at 75°C for 15 min. The
carbon dioxide. The samples were sealed in glass containers to maintain
polymerized whey protein (PWP) was combined with PVA, (20%, w/w),
carbonation levels. Three trials of each product were carried out and
emulsifier (propylene glycol) and antibacterial agent (1,2-benzisothiazo-
3 replicates from each trial were taken for analysis. Protein fat, total
lin-3-one). The best ratio of PWP solution to PVA solution was about 1.7
solids and ash were determined using standard dairy analysis methods.
to 1.0 with 0.5% propylene glycol and 0.2% 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one.
Carbohydrate was determined by difference. Viscosity and pH were
The experimental and control glues were sealed in plastic containers and
also analyzed using standard methods. Bottled samples were held at
held in an environment controlled chamber (23°C, 50% RH) for 6 mo to
refrigerated temperatures (4°C) for 8 weeks to evaluate the stability of
determine the bonding strength and physical properties and to evaluate
the product over time. Chemical composition of the carbonated bever-
the shelf life. Three trials of the glue prototype were carried out and 3
ages were as follows: Protein: 1.58 ± 0.05% (P), 1.59 ± 0.06% (V), Fat:
replicates from each trial were taken for chemical analysis. The bond-
1.24 ± 0.2% (P), 1.18 ± 0.11% (V), Total Solids: 14.78 ± 0.11% (P),
ing strength of the glue was evaluated according to a modified ASTM
14.93 ± 0.05% (V), Ash: 0.49 ± 0.02% (P), 0.46 ± 0.03% (V), Carbo-
procedure (D1002–05) using an Instron Universal Testing Machine.
hydrate: 11.47 ± 0.12% (P), 11.69 ± 0.14% (V). The pH values of the
Physicochemical properties, including viscosity as well as total solids,
beverage were 4.25 ± 0.04 and 4.22 ± 0.04 and viscosity values were
ash and protein content, were analyzed using AOAC standard methods.
23.1 ± 3.2 and 25.8 ± 6.5 mPas, for pomegranate and vanilla samples,
The bonding strength of the glue was 221.5 ± 5.06 N. Viscosity was 675.6
respectively. Intrinsic stability of the prototypes was maintained for at
± 34.6 mPa.s; total solids was 14.38 ± 0.04; ash was 0.27 ± 0.02%; and
least 8 weeks. The new manufacturing technology for these prototypes
protein was 9.15 ± 0.07%. The bonding strength and viscosity of both
may have potential for commercialization of symbiotic carbonated
whey protein-based safe paper glue and the control sample remained
milk-based beverages.
steady during 6-mo storage.
Key Words: symbiotic, carbonation, beverage
Key Words: paper glue, whey protein, physicochemical property
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 339
Forages and Pastures: Forage Quality
T107 Forage yield and quality assessment of tall fescue variet- and CP were greater (P < 0.05), while ADF and NDF were lower (P <
ies. D. J. R. Cherney*1, J. H. Cherney1, and D. Parsons2, 1Cornell 0.05) in the lowest population. Percentages of starch, oil, and dry matter,
University, Ithaca, NY, 2University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, across all seeding rates, increased (P < 0.05) between d 102 (R2) and
Australia. 130 (R5). Dry Matter yield increased (P < 0.05) with time. These results
indicate, contrary to popular opinion with producers, lower seeding
Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) varieties available has
rates may optimize forage cost efficiency and chemical composition.
increased dramatically in the past few years, and comparisons of varieties
Conversely, higher seeding rates would aid in reducing stalk diameter.
for yield and quality are needed. Our objective was to evaluate a method
This study aided in clarification of ideal seeding rate, harvesting date
to compare yield and digestibility of entries cut on the same spring day
and established the potential for production of forage soybeans along
by adjusting yield and digestibility to the same NDF level. Bias occurs
the Gulf Coast.
if varieties are harvested either on the same day or at the same maturity
stage on different days. A system is needed to compare relative yield Key Words: soybean, forage, seeding rate
and forage quality of a group of varieties at the optimum harvest date
for each variety, based on total fiber content. This was accomplished
by determining the linear rate of change of yield and quality over time. T109 Chemical constituents of Cynodon spp. varieties. C. L.
Five separate environments from 2003 to 2009, each with from 3 to 18 Gordin, E. R. de Oliveira*, L. L. Freitas, F. W. Pedroso, R. H. de Tonissi
tall fescue varieties and 2 to 6 replicates, were sampled for yield and e Buschinelli de Goes, B. Lempp, S. F. Luna, W. S. Prado, L. H. X. da
quality using a quadrat (0.06 m or larger) and clippers. Experimental Silva, C. W. S. Gavilan, and A. M. de Araújo Gabriel, Universidade
design was an RCBD with a split plot feature, with varieties as the Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, MS, Brasil.
main plot and sampling dates as the sub plots. Sites were located in The chemical composition of 3 Cynodon spp. varieties (Tifton 68, Tifton
Chazy, Freeville, and Ithaca, NY. Each trial had at least 5 different 85, and Jiggs), in different harvesting ages, were evaluated. The experi-
spring sampling dates separated by 2 to 4 d between mid-May to early ment was carried of December 2008 to February 2010, at the animal
June. Rates of daily change were determined using regression analysis, science sector of Dourados Federal University. Dry Matter, CP, NDF,
and analysis of covariance was used to determine if slopes were equal. and ADF determinations were processed at UFGD’s Animal Nutrition
Rates of change per day of yield and quality were different (P < 0.05) laboratory. The experimental design consisted of random blocks with
across environments, but varieties within a given environment did not treatments organized in a split-plot arrangement that comprised 3 variet-
differ (P > 0.05) in NDF, in vitro NDFD, or yield rate of change per ies (plots) and 4 harvesting ages (subplots) (28, 48, 63, and 79 d), with
day. Across environments NDF concentration increased from 8 to 12 4 replicates. The data were evaluated by the Scott-Knott’s test at 5%
g/kg/day, while digestible fiber decreased from 7 to 12 g/kg/day. Rate probability using the SAS statistical package. Analysis was conducted
of change in CP was very consistent, decreasing an average of 5.6 g/ on whole plant (T), leaf (F), and stem (C) fractions for each variety.
kg/day over all environments. Rate of change in DM yield was rela- There was difference (P < 0.05) for varieties, for NDF, ADF and CP
tively consistent within each environment, but varied from 115 to 275 in whole plant, NDF, ADF in leafs and CP in stem. Jiggs presents for
kg/ha/day across environments. Based on our results, it is possible to whole plant averages of 77.02 ± 4.3, 36.40 ± 3.1 and 10.7% ± 2.6, for
sample representative varieties during a period of linear change start- NDF, ADF and CP, respectively. NDF and ADF for Jiggs leaves were
ing in mid-May and use this information to adjust yield and quality of 78.4% ± 7.9 and 35.5% ± 6.0 and CP of stem was 8.2% ± 2.4. These
all entries in a variety trial to their individual optimum harvest dates data demonstrate that the greater values for fiber and lesser values for
based on NDF content. protein by Jiggs justify the highest value found for Dry Matter of whole
Key Words: tall fescue, digestibility plant (91.38%), this can be explained by age of harvesting and age of
varieties. As for harvesting age, Jiggs variety showed a leaf ADF increase
30.20%, as it increase the harvesting times, with an average of 40.77%
T108 Yield and chemical composition of forage soybeans relative at 79 d. This may have contributed to increase ADF in whole plant for
to seeding rate and stage of harvest. B. G. Buller*, W. A. Storer, Jiggs. As we increase the fiber content of whole plant was reduced by
D. D. Kee, M. M. Fennel, M. A. Idlett, W. B. Brumbaugh, and F. M. 30% in crude protein. There were no differences (P > 0.05) for the other
LeMieux, McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA. Cynodon varieties evaluated, with presents averages 72.9, 35.5, 13.1%,
for NDF, ADF and CP in whole plant, 71.6 and 31.4 for NDF and ADF
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate a glyphosate resistant
in leafs . CP stem in Tifton 85 and Tifton 68, was 10.6%. The harvest
forage soybean (Big Fellow RR) in an effort to identify an alternative
age does not alter chemical compositions of these Cynodon varieties.
high protein forage for cattle producers along the Gulf Coast. The aim
Jiggs variety presents lower nutritional values in relation to the contents
of this study was to identify the seeding rate and harvesting stage that
found in Tifton 85 and Tifton 68.
optimized forage yield and chemical composition of this soybean. “Big
Fellow RR” soybeans were evaluated at different seeding rates and har- Key Words: Jiggs, nutrients, Tifton
vesting dates at 2 locations (Lake Charles and Kinder, LA). Soybeans
were planted in May of 2009. Both experiments were designed in a
complete randomized block arrangement. Seeding rate ranged from T110 Chemical composition evaluation of different Cynodon dac-
148,000 to 445,000 seeds per hectare. Stand counts, stalk diameter, tylon. F. W. Pedroso, E. R. de Oliveira*, L. L. Freitas, C. L. Gordin,
plant height, and growth stage were evaluated at least twice monthly. R. H. de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes, B. Lempp, S. F. Luna, W. S.
Harvesting was conducted from August to mid October to determine Prado, L. V. Moura, F. P. Monção, A. M. de Araújo Gabriel, and C. W.
responses in yield and chemical composition parameters. Seeding rate S. Gavilan, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados,
did not affect (P > 0.1) survival rate or yield in dry matter per hectare. MS, Brasil.
Conversely, individual plant population, height, weight, stalk diameter,
340 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The aimed of this study was to determine which genotype and har- average of 21.97%, 28% higher in relation of values 79 d of harvest.
vesting age among Cynodon dactylon would show the best chemical T-85 and T-68 presents greatest CPF in 28 d of harvest, with values of
characteristics as parameters for feeding ruminant animals in the state of 18.8 and 19.9%. Vaqueiro variety had the best response for chemical
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The experiment was conducted at Agrarian composition in relation to the other varieties, and responded to harvest
Science College of Dourados Federal University, from August 2009 to date differently that T-85 and T-68.
January 2010. A random block design was used and treatments were
Key Words: forage, Vaqueiro, Tifton
arranged in a split-plot scheme with 3 genotypes (Tifton 68, Tifton 85,
and Russell) representing plots, at 4 harvesting frequencies (28, 48, 63,
and 79 d) as subplots, with 4 replicates. Evaluations were done after a T112 Nutrient composition of tropical forages collected from
uniform cut and the materials collected for the laboratory were processed intensively managed rotational grazing systems. J. C. Lopes*1, R.
as DM, NDF, ADF, and CP analyses. The data were evaluated by the B. Reis2, A. L. Miller1, and D. K. Combs1, 1University of Wisconsin,
Scott Knott’s test at 5% probability using the SAS statistical package. Madison, 2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte,
The following variables were analyzed: entire plant (T), leaf (F), and Brazil.
stem (C), within each genotype. There was no difference (P < 0.05)
for harvesting frequencies. There was no difference (P > 0.05) for leaf Tropical grasses are the primary forages grown for pasture in most
and stem DM, where Tifton 85 and Russell presents averages of 91.60; regions of Brazil. They are generally characterized as high-yielding,
91.66; 91.39; and 91.27%, respectively. There was a difference (P < 0.05) low-quality forages for high producing livestock. This study was con-
for NDF and ADF, for whole plant and leaf. Russell presents a higher ducted to characterize the nutritive value and fiber digestibility of 5
values, with averages 80.41 and 37,26% for NDF and ADF, in whole tropical grasses that were produced under intensive rotational grazing
plant, respectively; for leafs the averages was 82.65 and 34.02%, for management in the west of the southeastern region of Brazil. Samples
NDF and ADF, respectively. The others genotypes present averages of of Brachiaria brizanta (cv. Braquiarão, cv. Marandu, cv. MG-5); Cyn-
NDF of 72.9 and 71.6, for whole plant and leaf, respectively; and 35.1 odon dactylon (cv. Coast-cross, cv. Tifton-85); Cynodon nlemfuensis
and 31.4% of ADF for whole plant and leafs. Russell variety presents (cv. Tifton-68); Panicum maximum (cv. Colonião, cv. Mombaça, cv.
higher fiber contents, it is suggested that Tifton 85 and Tifton 68 allow Tanzânia), and Pennisetum purpureum (cv. Cameron, cv. Napier) were
a better use of these nutrients. All the Cynodon dactylon evaluated can collected from paddocks after less than 30 d of re-growth. Cutting height
be used in ruminant feeding of each specie was in accordance with the recommendations using 95%
of sward canopy light interception as the criterion. Data were analyzed
Key Words: forage, genotype, nutrients as a split-plot in time using SAS Proc Mixed. For in vitro NDFD
(IVNDFD) analysis, each sample were analyzed 3 times and digested,
in duplicates, for 24, 30, and 48 h. CP, NDF and ADF ranged from 11
T111 Chemical composition of three grasses of Cynodon dacty-
to 25%; 47 to 74% and 28 to 43% of dry matter, respectively. Means of
lon. L. L. Freitas, E. R. de Oliveira*, F. W. Pedroso, C. L. Gordin, R.
24, 30 and 48 h, in vitro NDF digestibility, were 35 ± 5, 44 ± 6, and 59
H. de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes, B. Lempp, S. F. Luna, W. S. Prado,
± 5% of NDF, respectively across the forages. When averaged across
F. P. Monção, L. V. Moura, and A. M. de Araújo Gabriel, Universidade
24, 30 and 48 h incubations times, IVNDF digestibility was greater for
Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, MS, Brasil.
Cynodon nlemfuensis and Brachiaria brizanta than Panicum maximum,
This experiment aimed to identify which Cynodon dactylon varieties Pennisetum purpureum, and Cynodon dactylon (50 ± 10, 48 ± 11, 46 ±
would have the best harvesting intervals to produce the best chemical 11, 45 ± 12, and 42 ± 10% of NDF, respectively). There were no specie
characteristics as a reference for use in ruminant feeding. The experiment by incubation time interactions for IVNDFD (P > 0.21), which suggests
was conducted at the animal nutrition laboratory located at Agrarian that between 24 and 48 h, rates of IVNDFD disappearance were similar
Science College, of Dourados Federal University, in Mato Grosso do among forages. These results illustrate that when harvested early, tropi-
Sul state, located at latitude: 22°14′S, and longitude: 54°49′W, between cal forages from intensively managed pastures can be relatively high in
August 2009 and January 2010. In the initial period, the experiment crude protein, low in fiber, and high in fiber digestibility.
was installed in the field: 3 varieties of Cynodon dactylon were planted
Key Words: tropical grasses, NDF digestion, in vitro
(Tifton 85, Tifton 68, and Vaqueiro), with 4 replicates for each variety.
Forage was harvested at 28, 48, 63, and 79-d harvest intervals. The
materials collected were taken to UFGD’s animal nutrition laboratory T113 In vitro nutritional evaluation of spiny and spineless Opuntia
and were analyzed for DM, NDF, ADF, and CP analyses. A random cladodes. J. A. Santos-Haliscak1, E. Gutiérrez-Ornelas*1,4, M. A.
block design was adopted, with treatments organized as a split-plot Cerrillo-Soto2,4, H. Bernal-Barragán2,4, and O. La-O3,4, 1Universidad
arrangement. The averages were evaluated by the Scott Knott′s test Autónoma de Nuevo León, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León,
at 5% probability using the SAS statistical package. Analyses were México, 2Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, Durango, Dgo.,
conducted on whole plant (T), leaf (F), and stem (C) for each variety. México, 3Instituto de Ciencia Animal, La Habana, Cuba, 4Red Interna-
There was effect (P < 0.05) for NDFC, ADFT, and CPF, for varieties. cional de Nutrición y Alimentación en Rumiantes, San Nicolás de los
Vaqueiro variety presents averages of 85.31; 35.66; and 17.03%, for Garza, Nuevo León, México.
NDFC, ADFT, and CPF, respectively. Tifton 85 and Tifton 68, presents
values of 77.31, 35.53, 14.76% and 77.23, 34.69 and 15.6% for NDFT, The objective of this study was to evaluate nutritional properties of 3
NDFC, ADFT, and CPF. For NDFT occurred variety x harvest intervals spiny (SO) and 3 spineless (SLO) Opuntia ficus-indica varieties using
interaction, where NDFT from vaqueiro variety increased after 63 d of in vitro gas production (GP), in vitro true DM digestibility (IVTDMD;
harvesting with average of 87.50%, 17% higher at 28 d of harvest, T-85 DAISYII), and chemical composition techniques. Four field blocks with
and T-68, does not change the NDFT when increases the harvesting 10 Cactus cladodes of each variety were planted on September of 2006 at
days, which averages of 71.6 and 74.5%, respectively. These values are a planting distance of 0.5 m between plants and 2.0 m among varieties.
consistent with physiological growth of forages. All varieties, decrease Total cladodes produced from 3 plants in each experimental unit were
CPF with harvesting days (P < 0.05). Vaqueiro in 28 d of harvest presents collected on November of 2007. Samples were chopped, dried on 60°C
oven and ground to pass 1 mm screen. Chemical composition analysis
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 341
included CP, NDF, lignin, ash and EE. Twenty-four Opuntia samples T115 Correlations among shearing force and chemical composi-
(200 mg DM) and one standard sample of alfalfa were incubated, by tions of wheat stems. Z. Yang, Z. Wang*, W. Yang, S. Jiang, and G.
triplicate, in 100-mL calibrated glass syringes with rumen fluid obtained Zhang, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai-an, Shandong, China.
from 3 sheep fed alfalfa hay and concentrate (75:25). Gas volume was
The objectives of this study were to investigate the relationship between
recorded at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96h post-inoculation and data
shearing force and chemical compositions of wheat stems. Shearing
fitted to the model P = a + b (1 - e -ct). The soluble fraction (a), the gas
force, a fracturing property of plant stem, is an important indictor of
produced from the slowly degradable fraction (b) and the constant rate
forage value. Three varieties (YanNong21; JiMai22; ShanNong15),
of GP (c) were estimated using PROC NLIN (SAS), and metabolizable
which were plants from different plots, were collected, and each was
energy (ME, Mcal kg−1 DM) was calculated in accordance to the follow-
divided into 4 treatments (150 replicate stems per treatment) by the
ing equation: ME = (2.20 + 0.136GP24h + 0.057CP + 0.0029EE2)/4.184.
diameter. After seed harvesting, each stem was cut into 3 16 cm seg-
Data were analyzed using a randomized block design, testing the effect
ments for measuring stem diameter and shearing force of top, middle
of SO vs. SLO with orthogonal contrasts. There were no differences (P
and bottom segments of stem. The top segment was measured from the
> 0.05) among Opuntia varieties for CP (8.5% ± 0.61), NDF (27.0% ±
stem apex, the bottom from the harvest base and the middle segment
2.1), lignin (4.0% ± 0.38) and ME (2.04 Mcal ± 0.07). Spineless cactus
extended 8 cm above and below the midpoint of the stem. Each segment
cladodes were higher (P < 0.05) than SO in ash (30.4 vs. 27.6% ± 0.88),
was sheared at the approximate midpoint ensuring that the location was
IVTDMD (90.6 vs. 80.1% ± 1.1) and GP parameters a (13.4 vs. 9.3% ±
between 2 nodes to prevent any influence of nodes on shearing force.
0.50) and b (61.0 vs. 53.9% ± 2.1), but SO were higher (P < 0.05) than
Shearing forces of the 3 segments were averaged as the stem shearing
SLO in their rate constant for GP c (7.7 vs. 4.8% h−1 ± 0.44) and EE
force. Shearing force was measured with a C-LM3 meat shear made by
(0.94 vs. 0.29% ± 0.048). Alfalfa forage standard had similar or lower
the Mechanics Research Center of Dongbei Agricultural University and
GP kinetic values than both Opuntia groups. Except by the rate constant,
commonly used to measure tenderness of meat tissue. Range of shear-
SLO cladodes had better digestion kinetic values than SO varieties but
ing force was 0- 25.0 kg and deformation speed was 5 mm per second.
CP and ME values were similar.
Stems that had been measured for chemical compositions were analyzed
Key Words: Opuntia, fermentation parameters, gas production by the SAS system, including dry matter (DM), neutral detergent fiber
(NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude protein (CP), ether extract
(EE), crude ash (CA), organic matter (OM), Lignin and cellulose. There
T114 Simple sequence repeats markers on the characterization of was a positive relationship between DM and shearing force (r = 0.65),
Lolium and Dactylis accessions. C. J. Aguirre-Robert1, B. Alarcón- and the similar relationship for NDF (r = 0.85) and ADF (r = 0.90).
Zúñiga*1, M. R. Venegas-Ordóñez1, O. Hernández-Mendo2, S. S. Correlations were not found between shearing force and other chemical
González-Muñoz2, and J. Burgueño-Ferreira2, 1Colegio de Postgradu- components such as CP (r = −0.19), EE (r = −0.36), CA (r = −0.29),
ados, Montecillo, Edo. de México, México, 2Universidad Autónoma OM (r = 0.54), Lignin (r = 0.26) and cellulose (r = 0.54). Shearing force
Chapingo, Chapingo, Edo. de México, México. was a direct indicator for estimating forage the chemical compositions,
The objective of this study was to carry out an agronomic and molecu- it can be used to predict forage value of wheat stems. Future research
lar evaluation of 8 accessions of Lolium [Ansyl France, New Zealand, should evaluate correlation between shearing force and digestibility of
Uruguay, Netherland Barenza, USA Manhattan II (UMII), Canada Uri DM, NDF or ADF.
(CU4n), Australia Wimmera 62 and France Itaque]; and 3 of Dactylis Key Words: wheat stems, shearing force, chemical compositions
[Canada Hercules, USA Potomac (UP) and USA Napier], in the Mexican
Highlands. To evaluate morphological traits the experimental design
was randomized complete blocks with a split-plot arrangement; data T116 Adaptation of Brassica spp. and fodder radishes as late season
were analyzed using PROC MIXED and means compared with SLICE forages in the high desert region of Oregon. C. L. Engel*, B. A.
LSMEANS (P ≤ 0.05). Ansyl France surpassed (P ≤ 0.05) for plant Charlton, R. J. Roseberg, and R. A. Bentley, Oregon State University,
height, dry weight, leaf dry weight, and stem weight per plant; CU4n Klamath Basin Research and Extension Center, Klamath Falls.
for % of leaf and stem; UP for % and dry weight of dead material per
The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield potential and viabil-
plant; and UMII for number of stems. For the molecular evaluation, DNA
ity of winter triticale (TRT; n = 1), Brassica spp. (BRS; n = 6), and radish
was extracted (modified CTBA method), then PCR, amplification and
(RAD; n = 3) varieties, as late season forages. In 2009 3 planting dates
electrophoresis. To determine population structure and genetic similarity
(PD1, 2 and 3; July 30, Aug.14, & Aug. 28, respectively) were analyzed
among accesions, as well as the association between loci and morpho-
with 2 harvest dates (HD; approximately 60 and 90 d after planting)
logical traits, data were subjected to cluster analysis (UPGMA), PROC
per PD (4 replications per variety). Plots were arranged in a random-
PLS and Nei’s unbiased genetic estimators (Pop Gen 32). Out of the
ized complete block design with a split plot. Varieties included: winter
13 SSR-loci, 59 alleles were identified (4.5 alleles per locus). Besides,
triticale (TRT; trical102); dwarf Siberian kale, Winfred (WIN, hybrid);
the UPGMA analysis showed 3 groups: per species (D. glomerata),
purple top white globe turnip; Hunter (hybrid); New York turnip; pulsar
per ploidy level (L. hybridum and L. perenne) and per genus (Lolium).
rape (PR); graza radish; colonel radish (CR); and Terranova radish. Plots
This means that SSRs discriminated the genotypes per species, ploidy
were seeded with a modified Great Plains drill at 4.5, 7.9, and 112.3 kg
level and genus. The relationship between genetic distances of the 13
pure live seed/hectare (ha; for BRS, RAD, and TRT; respectively) into
SSR-loci and the morphological characters, estimated by PMS biplots,
glyphosate treated small grain stubble. Plots were fertigated with 67.3
indicated that SSR-loci expressed up to 14.3% of phenotypic variation of
kg nitrogen and 22.4 kg sulfur/ha after plants reached the 2-leaf stage
morphological traits among accessions. Therefore, it may be concluded
and were irrigated through Oct.15. Across all PD, TRT was the lowest
that morphological traits and genetic distances from SSR-loci may be
yielding variety (3.70 ± 0.56, 2.51 ± 0.29, and 1.44 ± 0.49 t dry matter
used for selecting genotypes with the best characteristics to establish
(DM)/ha; PD1, 2, and 3, respectively). The variety with the greatest
a breeding program based on genetic and phenotypic characters, for
yield differed by PD (WIN 7.49 ± 0.47, PR 5.31 ± 0.29, WIN 4.48 ±
Lolium and Dactylis.
0.43 t DM/ha; for PD 1, 2, and 3, respectively). For both PD 1 and 2,
Key Words: Lolium, Dactylis, molecular evaluation CR, BRS hybrids and PR yielded more than turnip and RAD variet-
342 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ies (P ≤ 0.05), but by PD 3 all BRS varieties yielded more than RAD study was to determine if the time variation to reach the predetermined
varieties (P ≤ 0.05), with turnip varieties tending to have higher yields gas pressure affects estimates of IVNDFD. An alfalfa silage was dried
among the BRS group. The 60 d HD yielded less (P < 0.01) than the (60°C), ground (1 mm), and weighed (0.5 g DM) into Ankom F57 fiber
90 d HD for PD 1 and 3, only (5.31 vs. 6.30 ± 0.20 and 2.65 vs. 4.04 bags. Rumen fluid was collected from 2 rumen-cannulated cows and
± 0.19 t DM/ha; for 60 vs.90 d HD, PD 1 and 3; respectively). No PD strained through cheesecloth. Rumen fluid (250 mL), mixed with Van
× HD interaction occurred (P ≥ 0.16). Both BRS and RAD produced Soest buffer (250 mL), reducing solution (40 mL), and carbohydrate/
good late season yields, and seem well-suited to extend the grazing nitrogen nutrient primer (1.25 mg/mL of rumen fluid) was fermented
season. For earlier PD, differences between varieties were as large as in sealed 1000 mL Erlenmeyer flasks until pressure corresponding to
differences between species, but by PD3 the BRAS varieties produced 0.3 mL of gas production/mL of inoculum was attained. Time from
greater yields than other species. inoculum collection to the pre-determined gas pressure was recorded.
The alfalfa samples were then inoculated with the standardized inoculum
Key Words: Brassica spp., forage, fall
and digested, in duplicate, for 24, 30 or 48 h. Residual neutral detergent
fiber was analyzed with a forage fiber analyzer, and NDFD determined.
T117 Effects of age of regrowth and geographical location on forage The procedure was repeated 16 times. Data were analyzed as randomized
protein and carbohydrate fractions, silicon content, and their impact complete block with replication and unequal error variance using SAS
on IVOMD of four tropical grasses. K. A. K. Lee*1, J. R. Carpenter1, Proc Mixed. Alfalfa silage sample was the experimental unit, fermenta-
B. W. Mathews2, M. S. Thorne1, and L. E. Sollenberger3, 1CTAHR, tion time and residual error were random effects, and time point and
University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, 2CAFNRM, University of repetition were fixed effects. IVNDFD estimates differed due to time of
Hawaii at Hilo, Hilo, 3Universtiy of Florida, Gainesville. incubation (25, 34 and 43% of NDF, for 24, 30 or 48 h, respectively: P
< 0.01) but did not differ (P > 0.05) due to time for inoculum to reach
In Hawaii, Kikuyugrass (KG) grown at higher elevations is lower in NDF predetermined gas pressure. Residual variance of IVNDFD estimates
and higher in IVOMD and CP than KG at the same age of regrowth in at each time point did not differ (P > 0.26). These results suggest that
lower elevation sites with warmer climates. The impact of elevation on the time required for the inoculum reach the pre-determined pressure
forage nutritive value may be confounded in part by differences in soil varied widely from run to run but this had no effect on estimates of
silicon (Si) between sites. The objectives of this study were to determine IVNDFD at 24, 30 or 48 h.
the effects of age of regrowth and geographical location on the nutrient
composition, IVOMD, and silicon content of 4 tropical pasture grasses Key Words: NDF digestibility, forage fiber, in vitro
Pennisetum clandestinum, Digitaria decumbens, Pennisetum pur-
pureum, and Pennisetum americanum × Pennisetum purpureum. Grasses
T119 Time course evaluation of NDF digestibility of hay crop
were cultivated (3 plots each) at 2 different geographical locations and
silage and lignin as a predictor of indigestible fiber. R. Ward1 and
harvested repeatedly at 4, 8, and 12 weeks of regrowth. Grass samples
R. A. Patton*2, 1Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Maugansville,
were weighed and dried at 50°C in a forced draft oven then ground by
MD, 2Nittany Dairy Nutrition, Mifflinburg, PA.
a Wiley mill (1-mm mesh stainless steel screen). Nutrient analysis of
forages was determined by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy An investigation was undertaken to determine appropriate incubation
(NIRs) and sub-samples analyzed for silicon (ICPES following sample times for determination of IVNDFD of hay crop silages and to define
preparation by the NaOH fusion and melt dissolution procedure), and lignin based equations that might predict NDF digestibility (NDFd)
48 h IVOMD digestibility (2-stage technique of Moore and Mott). The with high accuracy. Twenty-one hay crop silages were selected from
ranges in percent CP, protein solubility, NDF, ADF, lignin, IVOMD, and Cumberland Valley Analytical Services samples to represent a range of
silicon (ug/g) and digestion rate (%/hr) across the 4 grasses (for both lignin as a percentage of NDF (LigNDF). This data set included these
locations and the 3 ages of regrowth) were 5.3–22.4, 17–54, 52.1–74.5, silages: 3 temperate grass, 5 legume, 6 mixed mainly grass (MMG), 3
31.8–49.2, 1.3–7.8, 39.6–75.4, 407–6703, and 2.65–10.81, respectively. mixed mainly legume (MML), and 4 small grain silages. Three LigNDF
There were differences (P < 0.05) between grass varieties, geographical groups (high, medium and low) were formed with a mean of 17.7%,
locations, and ages of regrowth for the various nutrient components, 13.2% and 7.2% lignin as % NDF. In vitro digestibility was determined
IVOMD, and silicon content. IVOMD was positively correlated with at 4, 12, 18, 24, 30, 48, 96, and 120 h in flasks by the method of Tilley
CP (+0.730), and negatively correlated with NDF (−0.552) and ADF and Terry. Differences among lignin groups and forage types were
(−0.747), and NDF was negatively correlated with CP (−0.789). Silicon assessed using Proc mixed of SAS. Regression equations for IVNDFD
differed (P < 0.01) with geographical location and grasses varied (P < were developed with Proc reg of SAS using stepwise elimination.
0.01) in silicon level within location. These research results indicate Although differences among lignin groups were significant (P < 0.01),
that one must be cautious in using tropical grass data from other regions groups were not homogenous with respect to forage types. Forage type
and growing conditions. was also highly significant (P < 0.01). Hourly digestion rates for vari-
ous forages were: small grain 1.06%, grass 0.97%, MMG 0.68%, MML
Key Words: tropical grasses, nutrient composition, silicon content
0.57% and legume 0.47% (P < 0.01). Across all forage types, NDFd
was linear between 24 and 96 h. Incubation for 120 h was sufficient to
T118 Effect of time from rumen fluid collection to sample inocula- remove digestible NDF. Indigestible NDF (INDF) as % of NDF was
tion on estimates of in vitro NDF digestibility. J. C. Lopes*1, R. B. 10.3% for small grain, 17.6% for grass, 16.2% for MMG, 20.2% MML,
Reis2, and D. K. Combs1, 1University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2Univer- and 23.6% for legume (P < 0.05). Overall, LigNDF was less well cor-
sidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. related ( = 4.555 + (1.027 * LigNDF), R2 = 0.66) with INDF than was
lignin as % DM ( = 1.409 +(2.838 * lignin %DM), R2 = 0.81). However,
Run to run variability of in vitro NDF digestibility (IVNDFD) measures the best equation for predicting 24 h IVNDFD included LigNDF ( =
are reduced when forages are inoculated with a primed rumen inocu- 61.065 - (2.873*LigNDF) + (0.858 * CP%) + (0.48331 * NFC), R2 =
lum that was held in a sealed flask until it reaches a pre-determined 0.92. These data suggest that equations for NDFd might be more accu-
gas pressure. The time for the inoculum to reach this predetermined rate if based on forage type, that there is little evidence for earlier NDF
pressure is variable, ranging from 85 to 325 min. The objective of this
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 343
digestibility time points providing increased sensitivity for evaluation Key Words: wheat hydroponic forage, in vitro gas production, metabo-
of NDF digestibility, and that NIR may offer rapid, accurate assessment lizable energy
of NDFd in hay crop silages.
Key Words: hay crop silage, in vitro NDFd T121 Assessing digestibility of shredded Juniperus monosperma
treated with 5% alkylation or 3% ammoniation. C. A. Roof*,
S. H. Cox, and S. L. Lodge-Ivey, New Mexico State University, Las
T120 Effect of a nutrient solution on the chemical composition and
in vitro fermentation parameters of wheat hydroponic forage. H.
Bernal-Barragán2,5, R. Luevano-Escobedo1, A. Elias-Iglesias4,5, E. Encroaching shrubs such as Juniperus monosperma (JM) typically
Gutiérrez-Ornelas2,5, A. Estrada-Angulo3,5, M. Guerrero-Cervantes1,5, are managed via mechanical removal or treatment with herbicides.
M. A. Cerrillo-Soto1,5, and A. S. Juárez-Reyes*1,5, 1Universidad Juárez Juniperus monosperma leaves have a moderate nutritive value (6.0%
del Estado de Durango, Durango, Durango, México, 2Universidad CP, 71.7% NDF, DM basis) and shredding whole juniper shrubs may
Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, 3Univer- represent a potential drought feed. Traditional supplemental feeds such
sidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Culicán, Sinaloa, México, 4Instituto de as hay or grain may be unavailable or cost-prohibitive during episodes
Ciencia Animal, La Habana, Cuba, 5Red Internacional de Nutrición y of drought, and producers may prefer a less expensive alternative. Lim-
Alimentación en Rumiantes, Durango, Durango, México. ited data exists regarding the use of shredded juniper as a drought feed
resource. Therefore, the objective of the current study was to evaluate
A study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition and the in
in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) of shredded JM. Using
vitro fermentation parameters of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) hydro-
a completely randomized experimental design, approximately 100 g
ponic forage (WHF). Treatments consisted in utilizing either water or an
of JM plus enough water to equalize dry matter at 40% was added to
organic nutrient solution containing 1.5% N, 1.0% P and 1.0% K during
glass jars with sealable lids. Treatments were 1) JM only (C), 2) JM
the process of pre-germination. Seed were soaked for 24 h in one of
plus ammonia sulfate and excess calcium oxide for reaction giving
each solution, drained and allowed to rest for another 24 h. Germinated
3% ammoniation (DM basis; N) and 3) JM plus calcium hydroxide to
seeds (800 g) were then distributed in 40 × 40 cm plastic trays in trip-
provide 5% alkylation (DM basis; A). After treatments were added to
licate and placed in a 5 × 4 m green house. The hydroponic forage was
JM, jars were covered with aluminum foil, sealed and incubated in an
harvested at 8, 10, 12 and 14 d after germination. Samples of each day
anaerobic glove box (approximately 90% CO2 and 10% H2 atmosphere)
were composite, dried and milled and further analyzed for CP, NDF and
for 30 d. After incubation, treated JM was freeze-dried and ground to
ADF. The in vitro fermentation profile was estimated by incubating 200
pass a 2mm screen. The resulting material was used to determine 96 h
mg DM of the hydroponic samples in 100 mL calibrated glass syringes.
IVOMD. Ruminal fluid used was donated from a ruminally canulated
Gas production was registered at 0,3,6, 9,12,24,48, 72 and 96h and the
cow (approximately 600 kg) maintained on sudan hay (11.3% CP,
data fitted to the model P = a+b (1-e-ct), where a is the gas produced
66% NDF, DM basis). Data were analyzed using Proc GLM. In vitro
from the soluble fraction of feed, b is the gas produced from the slowly
organic matter digestibility for each treatment was (10.1, 12.1, 11.9
degradable fraction and c the constant rate of gas production. The ME
± 0.41, A, C, N, respectively) and was influenced by treatment (P <
content was estimated from in vitro gas production at 24 h. In vitro true
0.001). Alkylation decreased digestibility by 16.5% when compared
dry matter digestibility (IVTDMD) was determined following the DaisyII
with control while control and ammoniation did not differ(P = 0.82).
procedure. Data were analyzed according to a completely randomized
Shredded JM includes not only leaf material but woody components
design with factorial arrangement of treatments 2 × 4. The nutritive solu-
resulting in low IVOMD. Although treatments of 5% alkylation or 3%
tion did not affect (P > 0.05) the studied variables, except for the ADF
ammoniation did not benefit overall JM digestibility, selection of the
and IVTDMD where an interaction between factors were registered (P
more desirable fractions, such as leaves and bark, by the animal could
< 0.05). Digestibility of wheat treated with nutritive solution remained
improve digestibility values.
above 70% until d 12, but those treated with water were below 70% from
d 10 on. Differences in CP (%), NDF (%), gas parameters a (ml/200 Key Words: Juniperus monosperma, alkylation, ammoniation
mg DM), b (ml/200 mg DM), ME (Mcal kg−1 DM) and biomass yield
(kg) were registered among harvesting days. An increment (P = 0.06)
was also registered in the constant rate c (% h−1). This study indicated T122 Yield and quality of grasses in three different dairy regions
that the utilization of a nutrient solution on wheat seeds did not affect of El Salvador. E. E. Corea Guillén*1, J. M. Flores Tensos1, L. B.
the nutritive value of wheat hydroponic forage. Leyton Barrientos1, J. F. Alvarado Parameño1, G. O. Castillo Benedetto1,
J. M. Castro Montoya1, and J. A. Elizondo-Salazar2, 1Departamento
de Zootecnia, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de El
Table 1. Nutritive value, in vitro fermentation profile and biomass Salvador, El Salvador, 2Estación Experimental Alfredo Volio Mata,
yield of wheat hydroponic forage Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias, Universidad de Costa Rica,
Harvesting days Costa Rica.
8 10 12 14 SEM Mean Sig Grasses are a very important feed resource for dairy cattle in El Sal-
CP 14 15 16 18 0,7 16 ** vador as well as in all Central America. However, they are extremely
NDF 48 52 55 58 1,0 53 ** variable in terms of yield and quality which depend on age at which
a 9 6 4 1 1.0 5 ** they are grazed and geographical area in which they are grown. Thus
b 56 54 51 50 1.0 53 ** many producers do not know what grasses to grow in a specific area of
c 0.065 0.063 0.053 0.057 0.003 0.060 NS the country and at what age they should be grazed. For these reasons,
a study was conducted to establish the grass that produces the highest
ME 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 0.07 2.2 **
yield and quality in the dairy regions of La Paz, Sonsonate and Chalat-
Biomass yield 3.3 3.2 3.8 3.9 0.09 3.5 **
enango. Star grass (Cynodon plectostachius), Swazi grass (Digitaria
Sig = significance; **(P < 0.01); Mean = overall mean of both treatments. zwazilandensis), and Pangola grass (Digitaria decumbens) were tested.
344 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Grasses were sampled at 21, 28, and 35 d of regrowth to estimate yield wastewater treated in the UASB reactors and pos-treated in aerobic
per grazing period and for determination of DM yield, DM, CP, NDF, SBR showed lower EL and NH3/TN, and the DM was similar that used
and ADF concentration. The experiment was arranged in a split-split-plot chemical fertilization.
design with dairy regions as main plots, grass type as split-plots, and
age of regrowth as split-split-plots. Variables were analyzed using the
Table 1. Fermentative characteristics and losses of corn silage
GLM procedure of SAS 9.1. Separation of means was done using the
Duncan’s multiple comparison procedure. There were differences (P < Treatments GL EL DM % NH3/TN pH
0.01) between regions, grass type and age of grazing for all variables T1 8.72 9.02 a 33.35 a 3.65 a 4.03
studied. The findings of the study suggest that even though there was T2 12.22 6.20 ab 31.00 ab 3.18 ab 4.08
great variability between regions, grasses, and days of regrowth; Star T3 13.81 6.36 ab 29.74 b 3.20 ab 4.03
grass produced the highest yield and presented a higher nutritional value T4 9.86 3.28 b 28.67 b 2.80 b 4.11
when compared with the other grasses.
T5 9.44 5.96 ab 29.99 b 1.95 c 4.03
CV % 40.58 27.44 4.94 12.17 2.05
Table 1. Yield and quality of grasses in three regions of El Salvador Means followed by equal letters do not differ by Tukey test (P > 0.05).
Available DM,
kg/ha DM, % CP, % NDF, % ADF, % Key Words: effluent losses, gas losses, no-tillage system
La Paz 1469.8b 20.5a 8.7a 69.5a 38.7a T124 Tannery sludge as a nutrient source for the tropical grass
Sonsonate 1717.8ab 17.4b 12.7a 67.2b 38.5ab Brachiaria brizantha. C. H. B. Miranda*1,2, 1Embrapa Labex USA,
Chalatenango 1928.3a 20.5a 10.0b 67.9b 39.6b Lincoln, NE, 2Embrapa Beef Cattle, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil.
A field study was conducted to determine the potential value of tan-
Star grass 2239.8a 21.3a 12.0a 71.3a 37.6b nery sludge as nutrient source for Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu.
Swazi 1562.1b 19.8a 9.2b 66.4b 38.1b Five different rates (0, 1.65, 3.3, 6.6 and 13.2 Mg/ha) of air-dried (final
Pangola 1314.0b 17.4b 10.1b 66.9b 39.6a moisture of 40%) and ground (2 mm sieve) sludge were applied to a
Regrowth pasture established in a Red Latosol soil in Campo Grande, Brazil.
21 d 1037.3c 17.4b 11.5a 66.6b 36.6b Sludge was from a tannery plant that recycles water and Cr during the
28 d 1668.7b 18.6b 10.5a 68.5a 38.8a
first processing stages. Its nutrient content was (%) 13.3 Ca, 2.9 N, 0.52
P, 0.1 K, 4.6 Na, and 0.38 Cr. A control treatment with chemical fertil-
35 d 2409.9a 22.4a 9.4b 69.5a 39.4a
izer (2 Mg/ha of Ca, and 100 kg/ha of N, P and K, respectively) was
a-cP < 0.01, comparing least squares means. also included. Treatments were distributed in a completely randomized
block design, with 5 replications (a field plot 5m x4 m wide), and applied
Key Words: grasses, grazing, forage
after cutting and removing the cut biomass. Re-growth material was cut
10 cm above ground 45, 90, 270 and 360 d later and analyzed for total
T123 Effect of fertilization with swine wastewater on fermenta- dry mass production, plant quality (IVDMD, ADF, ADL, NDF, crude
tive characteristics and losses of corn silage. M. T. Cangani, R. A. protein and lignin), and P, K, Ca, Mg, S, and Cr contents. Soil samples
Oliveira, A. C. Ruggieri*, E. Urbinati, and F. C. Basso, Unesp/FCAV, (0 to 20 cm depth) were collected before sludge application, and also
Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil. a year later, and they were analyzed for Ca, P, K, pH and conductivity.
Overall, forage yield was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the rates of
The objective of this trial was to study in no-tillage system, the effect of 6.6 and 13.2 Mg/ha of sludge (2.4 and 3.1 Mg/ha, respectively) than in
sowing and covering fertilization with swine wastewater on fermentative the control without sludge amendment (1.6 Mg/ha), but significantly
characteristics and losses of corn silage. The experimental design was ower (P > 0.05) than that produced in the chemical fertilizer treatment
randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments (3.6 Mg/ha). There was increase in soil Ca contents in these sludge
were: T1 - control without sowing and covering fertilization, T2 - chemi- treatments (0.75 and 1.05 cmol/dm3, respectively) compared with the
cal fertilization (urea, simple superphosphate and potassium chloride), control soil (0.4 cmol/dm3), but not of P (average 0.49 mg/dm3) or K
T3 - raw swine wastewater, T4 - swine wastewater treated in anaerobic content (average 0.08 cmol/dm3). No significant differences (P > 0.05)
system (2 upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors in series) in plant Cr content nor of soil conductivity were observed. Thus, it can
and T5 - swine wastewater from aerobic post-treatment (sequencing be concluded that tannery sludge can be a good source of Ca, but it is a
batch reactor (SBR)). The chopped material was ensiled in plastic buck- poor source of P and K. Further monitoring of Cr chemistry in the plant
ets (7 L) with sand and screen to determine the effluent losses (EL). The and in the soil is needed to assure the use of these sludge materials.
buckets were weighed, sealed and stored at room temperature. After 60
d of fermentation the silos were weighed to quantify the gas losses (GL), Key Words: agrindustrial residues, plant nutrition, forage
opened, spoiled silage discarded and the remainder was homogenized
and sampled to determine dry matter (DM), pH and ammonia nitrogen
T125 Absorption and utilization of nitrogen by Panicum maximum
(NH3/TN). Statistical included ANOVA and Tukey’s test (P < 0.05). The
cv. Massai. C. H. B. Miranda*1,2, 1Embrapa Labex USA, Lincoln,
control silage showed lower gas losses, but did not differ significantly
NE, 2Embrapa Beef Cattle, Campo Grande, MS, Brazil.
from other treatments (P < 0.05). The corn silages produced with swine
wastewater treated in UASB reactors (T4) showed lower effluent losses An experiment was conducted to determine the response of Panicum
(P < 0.05). The DM content not differ significantly among treatments maximum cv. Massai, a tropical forage grass, to increasing levels of N
T2, T3, T4 and T5 (P < 0.05). The treatment T5 showed the lowest fertilizer and harvest date. This is a new variety, suitable for cattle, horses
NH3/TN content (P < 0.05). The pH value did not differ significantly and sheep, that shows some quality constraints, which may be alleviated
among treatments (P < 0.05). The corn silages produced with swine with proper N management. Treatments consisted of 4 N rates (0, 50, 100
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 345
and 200 kg N/ha), supplied as ammonium nitrate, and 5 harvest dates Table 1.
(21, 28, 35, 42, and 49 d after planting - DAP). A set of 20 replications Error
was prepared for each treatment, distributed in a complete factorial Std % Due To
experimental design, with 4 replications per treatment. Each replica- Model Mean Dev RMSPE Mean Bias Regression Random
tion was a pot with 4 kg of a Quartz-sandy soil, typical of the Brazilian
Observed 12.55 2.12 — — — — —
Cerrados (savannah-like area), base of the beef cattle industry in the
country. Nitrogen rates were applied a week before the transplanting of NIR 12.50 1.93 0.83 6.6 0.4 0.1 99.5
4 seedlings per pot. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse. Soil Feed
moisture was kept constant at 80% of soil field capacity throughout the Specific 7.80 4.06 6.71 53.4 50.1 40.1 9.8
experimental period. At every harvest date 4 replications per treatment General 10.90 3.30 3.25 25.9 25.8 44.0 30.2
were collected, and roots and above ground dry mass was separated, Lignin*2.4 6.97 1.32 5.75 45.8 94.3 0.3 5.4
dried at 72°C for 72 h, weighed, and grounded, being analyzed for N
content using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. ANOVA of the experimental Key Words: corn silage, NIR, INDF
results showed that there were significant effects (P < 0.01) of N rates,
harvest date, and their interaction, for above-ground and roots dry mass
T127 Nitrogen lixiviation and uptake by forage maize with differ-
and N accumulation. Plant yield within the harvests dates followed a
ent fertilization and previous soil use. R. D. Améndola-Massiotti*1,
polynomial quadratic pattern, with N uptake increasing up to 42 DAP,
I. Cach-Gómez1, M. E. Álvarez-Sánchez1, J. A. Burgueño-Ferreira2,
and dry matter accumulation increasing up to 49 DAP. On average,
and I. López-Cruz1, 1Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Chapingo,
the efficiency of N utilization was around 4 mg of dry mass per mg of
México, 2Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, México.
N taken per day. Further evaluations on plant quality are necessary to
conclude which would be the best combination of N rate and harvest In crop rotations of forage maize (Zea mays) and pastures, nitrogen (N)
date for this forage grass. content of the soil declines during the maize crop. The present study
was carried out at Chapingo (central temperate Mexico). The aim was
Key Words: plant nutrition, tropical grasses, forage
to estimate the effect of 3 N rates (NF) in combination with 3 previous
soil uses (SU, representing possible phases in the rotation) on the amount
T126 Comparisons among predictive equations and NIR for deter- of N harvested with a forage maize crop and lost by lixiviation during
mination of in vitro indigestible NDF of corn silages. R. Ward*1, that crop. Nine treatments were evaluated, combining NF: 0 (N0), 100
S. Weaver1, and R. A. Patton2, 1Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, (N100) and 200 (N200) kg N/ha and SU: 3.5 years of permanent Medi-
Maugansville, MD, 2Nittany Dairy Nutrition, Mifflinburg, PA. cago sativa and Dactylis glomerata pasture (P); 3.0 years of permanent
pasture and 6.0 mo of annual Avena sativa and Lolium multiflorum pas-
An investigation was undertaken to assess the accuracy of NIR or equa- ture (PA); and 2.5 years of permanent pasture, 6.0 mo of forage maize
tions based on analyzed nutrient content to predict in vitro indigestible crop and 6.0 mo of annual pasture (PMA). A randomized complete
NDF (INDF). A data set of 115 corn silages with indigestible NDF block split-plot design with 3 replicates was used; SU was assigned
determined by 120 h Tilley and Terry incubations was developed. For to whole units and NF to sub-units of 54 m2. Response variables were
application of equations based on forage type, silages were classified as N-uptake by the crop, N lixiviation (not measured at N0 treatments)
BMR (n = 18, mean lignin = 2.06% DM), MED (n = 62, mean lignin = and total N content of the soil at 2 depths, 0–30 and 30–60 cm. Analysis
2.81), and HI (n = 25, mean lignin = 3.51). Using this data, chemically was performed using a mixed model and means were compared using
determined INDF was compared against equations developed from a orthogonal contrasts. The NF had a linear effect (P < 0.05) on N-uptake
smaller data set by Proc Reg of SAS using the stepwise selection. Pre- (274 ± 15 kg N/ha at N0, 44.9% lower than at N200) and lixiviation (98
dictive equations were based on all corn silage types (general equation), ± 19 kg N/ha at N100, 73% lower than at N200); SU did not affect (P
individual corn silage type as well as calculation of INDF as lignin*2.4. > 0.05) those variables. The N content in the top soil layer decreased
The Mean Square Predicted Error statistic of Bibby and Toutenburg was (P < 0.05) with increasing time of annual crops (5461, 5095 and 4685
used to compare predictions with observed values. The general equa- kg N/ha for P, PA and PMA), and it was higher (P < 0.05) in the 0–30
tion was INDF = 2.065 + (1.378 * soluble protein %DM)- (0.352*NDF layer (5080 kg N/ha) than in the 30–60 layer (3437 kg N/ha). Average
%DM) + (6.128 * lignin %DM), R2 = 0.98. For BMR, the equation was N content of soil decreased (P < 0.05) in 775 kg N/ha during the maize
INDF = (28.985 - (6.272 * fat %DM), R2 = 0.99; MED was INDF = crop, due to N harvest, lixiviation and not measured gaseous losses. It
(1.838*ADF) - 36.688, R2 = 0.99; and HI was INDF = 12.285 - (1.550 * is concluded that efficient N management is needed to reduce N losses
Ash %DM),R2 = 0.99. Forcing equations based on lignin and/or lignified during the forage maize phase of the rotation.
NDF content resulted in no significant equations for BMR or HI corn
silage. However, a general equation was better than feed type specific Key Words: pastures, alfalfa, soil nitrogen
equations. Residual analysis indicated that as lignin content increases,
feed type specific and lignin*2.4 equations become less accurate, while
T128 Biological nitrogen fixation in the tropical forage legume
the general equation continues to perform satisfactorily. We conclude
Stylo. C. H. B. Miranda*1,2, J. R. Verzignassi2, and C. D. Fernandes2,
that NIR is a better predictor of INDF than equations and that for corn 1Embrapa Labex USA, Lincoln, NE, 2Embrapa Beef Cattle, Campo
silages, a general equation is better than feed specific equations.
Grande, MS, Brazil.
The forage legume Stylosanthes spp. is an excellent forage legume
alternative for tropical areas because of its adaptation to acidic, low
fertility soils, and, especially, because of its biological nitrogen fixation
(BNF) potential. We compared dry mass production, total N content,
and BNF of 4 field grown advanced genotypes of both S. capitata
and S. guianensis taken from a breeding program being conducted at
346 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Embrapa Beef Cattle, in Brazil, with the objective of selecting materials Rapid decline in cell wall digestibility, due to lignifications, hinders
that represent increased BNF potential through symbiosis with native efficient use of warm-season grasses. The objective was to partially
soil N-fixing bacteria. BNF was evaluated by comparison of their 15N sequence transcripts of the main enzymes involved in monolignol syn-
isotope natural abundance content and that of 5 non-fixing plants species thesis to determine similarity among tropical grasses, and other with
naturally growing among them (15N isotope dilution technique). Geno- more advanced genomic resources (maize and rice). Total RNA was iso-
types were planted in a randomized block experimental design, with 4 lated from bermudagrasss (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers. cv. Coastcross-1),
replications, in a Dark Red Latosol, without inoculation with N-fixing and palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha A. Rich. cv. Marandu) and
bacteria. Three hundred kg/ha of 0–20–20 NPK were applied at planting treated with DNase 1. Degenerated oligonucleotide primers for glyceral-
and re-applied a year latter, after a full harvest. Evaluation of second dehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), 4-coumarate-CoA ligase
year biomass production, harvested at seed grain filling stage, indicated (4CL), cinnamate-4-hydroxylase (C4H), cinnamoyl-CoA-reductase
that genotypes of S. capitata produced (P < 0.05) more dry biomass (CCR), caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT), and phenylalanine
(ranging from 14 to 16 Mg/ha, average 14.9 Mg/ha) than those of S. ammonia lyase (PAL) were designed based on conserved regions of
guianensis (9.8 to 13.1 Mg/ha, average 11.5 Mg/ha). They also showed maize, rice and guineagrass. Treated RNA was reverse transcribed and
larger (P < 0.05) N content (average 256 kg/ha, compared with 238 kg/ amplified with PCR, and PCR products were purified and sequenced in
ha), from which an average 65% (or 167 kg of N/ha) was originated both directions. Quality and alignment of sequences were obtained using
from BNF, compared with 33% in S. guianensis (or 85 kg/ha). Such Phred and Cap3 softwares. Obtained sequences were compared using
BNF may result in a significant contribution to quality improvement and the BLAST program. There was a high degree of similarity between
maintenance of mixed tropical pastures, either by direct contribution as all grasses. Palisade grass and bermudagrass had overall nucleotide
feed or as organic material that would add N to the soil. We conclude that sequence similarity with maize of 94.2 and 93.8, respectively; and
S. capitata genotypes have high BNF potential and should be prioritized aminoacid sequence similarity of 96 and 88%, respectively. Compar-
in a new variety selection program. ing with rice sequence, palisade grass and bermudagrass had overall
sequence similarity of 87.4 and 87.2, respectively; and aminoacid
Key Words: pasture sustainability, plant biomass, plant nutrition
sequence similarity of 88 and 90.7%, respectively. Both tropical grasses
had higher nucleotide and aminoacid sequence similarity with maize
T129 Yield and quality of two tropical leguminous trees in the than with rice, indicating that maize genomic resources could be used
establishment year. E. Cortes-Diaz*, F. Amador-Solano, G. T. Gonza- for gene expression studies in these tropical grasses.
lez-Bonilla, J. L. Zaragoza-Ramirez, and P. Martinez-Hernandez, Animal
Science Department, University of Chapingo, Texcoco, Mexico. Table 1. Similarity among nucleotide and aminoacid sequence of
Leguminous trees planted into tropical grass-pastures can increase tropical grasses, maize and rice
forage yield and quality offered to grazing sheep. The aim of the study Nucleotide, % Aminoacid, %
was to determine forage yield and quality of Leucaena leucocephala Grasses Genes Maize Rice Maize Rice
cv. Cunningham (improved and introduced tree species) and L. col- Palisade grass GAPDH 91 88 92 90
linsii (native tree species) in the establishment year and forage yield 4CL — — — —
of the associated grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Libertad).Treatments
C4H 96 91 98 88
were arranged in a 2 × 3 factorial: 2 leguminous trees, and 3 densities:
5000 (high), 3333 (medium) and 2500 (low) plants/ha; in a completely CCR 95 77 96 81
random design with 3 replications, experimental unit was a 256 m2 COMT 96 90 100 89
plot. Tree seeds were grown in a nursery for 4 mo, then transplanted in PAL 93 91 94 92
early summer (rainy season) into a year-before established grass pasture, Bermuda grass GAPDH 91 87 96 92
planting was in rows 2 m apart and with 1, 1.5 and 2 m between plants 4CL 93 89 95 91
within a row to achieve high, medium and low densities, respectively. C4H 94 89 93 86
At the time of planting grass was cut to a 5 cm stubble. Three harvests
CCR 94 76 96 80
to determine yield and quality were done before the onset of dormancy
COMT 96 90 98 95
season, these were at 47, 83 and 206 d after transplant and after each
harvest ewe-lambs grazed all plots to leave a 5 cm grass stubble. Season PAL 95 92 98 100
yields and mean crude protein concentrations were analyzed. Statistical Key Words: Brachiaria brizantha, Cynodon dactylon, DNA sequenc-
analysis was with a model for a factorial arrangement and 3 replications. ing
Grass yield was 4909 kg DM/ha and similar (P > 0.05) across factors.
L. collinsii gave 36 and 4.9 kg DM and CP/ha, respectively which were
2.6 and 1.8 times higher (P < 0.05) than in L. leucocephala, this last T131 Ovine and caprine in vitro digestibility of Peganum har-
species showed 20.9% CP, 6 percent units higher (P < 0.05) than L. mala. L. N. Tracey*, L. B. Abbott, J. Browne-Silva, and S. L. Lodge-
collinsii. It was concluded that in the establishment year tree density Ivey, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
has no effect on any component while tree forage yield and quality can The possibility of using small ruminants to reduce African rue (Peganum
be different between species. harmala; AR) on New Mexico rangelands is being evaluated. African
Key Words: Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena collinsii, fodder trees rue is known to be toxic to guinea pigs, cattle and sheep; however,
toxicity has not been documented in goats. The objective of this study
was to examine the IVDMD and rumen fermentation of AR by sheep
T130 Sequence similarities of genes from the lignin biosynthesis and goats in vitro. A completely randomized experimental design with
pathway in tropical grasses, maize and rice. D. M. Gerônimo, N. a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments was used. Factors included
S. Oliveira, A. B. S. Machado, and L. F. P. Silva*, Universidade de São ruminal fluid donated from sheep vs goats and 4 levels of AR:Sudan
Paulo, Pirassununga, SP, Brazil. hay (0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 100:0; n = 8; DM basis) as substrate for a 48-h
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 347
Tilley-Terry in vitro digestion trial. Significant treatment (trt) by species T133 Effect of forage species on ruminal fermentation in con-
interactions were observed for IVDMD and 48-h VFA concentrations (P tinuous culture. K. J. Soder*1, M. A. Sanderson1, and G. E. Brink2,
< 0.05). Increasing levels of AR increased IVDMD for both sheep and 1USDA-ARS, University Park, PA, 2US Dairy Forage Research Center,
goats (P = 0.005). However, when 50:50 was added goat IVDMD was Madison, WI.
5.56% greater than sheep (P = 0.03). Sheep IVDMD was 5.72% greater
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of forage
than goat when 100:0 was digested (P = 0.01). Total VFA production
grass species on ruminal fermentation using a dual-flow continuous
varied by trt and species (P < 0.001) with sheep 0:100 and goat 25:75
culture fermenter system. Four grass species [reed canarygrass (RCG,
resulting in the greatest total VFA production (198.5 and 192.3 mM,
Phalaris arundinacea L.); quackgrass (QG, Elytrigia repens);
respectively). Digest of 100:0 resulted in the least total VFA with goat
orchardgrass (OG, Dactylis glomerata L.); and meadow fescue (MF,
being the lowest at 131.1 mM. Acetate levels were highest in goat digests
Festuca pratensis Hud.)] were compared in a 4 × 4 Latin square design.
of 100:0 which was 23.0% greater than the lowest concentration (sheep
Four 10-d periods were conducted, using the first 7 d as adaptation and
50:50). Propionate concentrations differed in both species except in the
the last 3 d for sampling. Fermenters (1120–1140 mL in volume) were
50:50 concentration (P = 0.76). The acetate:propionate ratio differed in
fed 11.25 g forage DM 4 times daily at 0700, 1030, 1430 and 2030 h.
both species at each AR concentration (P < 0.05) with the greatest varia-
A corn-based supplement (8.7% CP, 10.6% NDF) was fed (15 g DM)
tion existing at 100:0 digest where A:P ratio was 48.4% higher in the
twice daily at 0700 and 1430 h. Solids retention time was set at 24 h.
goat digest than in sheep. Overall increase in digestibility with increasing
The pH was measured at each feeding time. Fermenter effluent were
AR concentration and VFA results suggest that rumen microbial activity
collected at 1430 h on d 8 to 10 and subsampled for analyses of VFA,
is undiminished at 50:50 or less AR in small ruminants. Additional in
ammonia, and DM content. Fermenter contents were harvested on d
vivo research is needed to determine the potential to control AR using
10 for analyses of DM and bacterial production. Apparent DM, OM,
targeted grazing with small ruminants.
and NDF digestibilities were not affected (P > 0.05) by forage species,
Key Words: Peganum harmala, ovine, caprine averaging 39.2, 42.6 and 77.0%, respectively, across all forage species.
Apparent ADF digestibility was least (P < 0.05) for QG (53.5%). The
pH was not affected (P > 0.05) by forage species, averaging 6.21 across
T132 Chemical composition and in vitro ruminal fermentation all forage species. Total and individual VFA production and acetate to
activity of three Mexican browse species during dry season. D. propionate ratio (A:P) were not affected (P > 0.05) by forage species
López, R. Rojo*, A. Z. M. Salem, J. L. Tinoco, J. F. Vázquez, B. with the exceptions of isobutyrate, which was greatest (P < 0.05) for
Albarrán, F. González, and D. Cardoso, Centro Universitario UAEM- OG, and isovalerate, which was least (P < 0.05) for MF. Ammonia
Temascaltepec, Temascaltepec, Estado de México, México. production was greatest (P < 0.05) for QG and least for MF. Total N
Browse foliages from Pithecellobium dulce, Heliocarpus velutinus and ammonia flows (expressed as g/d) were greatest (P < 0.05) for QG
and Guazuma ulmifolia natives to the subtropical region of southern and least for MF. Efficiency of bacterial protein synthesis (gN/kd DM
Mexico, were harvested during the dry season to determine chemical truly digested) was greatest (P < 0.05) for RCG and QG. The impact of
composition and some parameters of ruminal fermentation using rumi- individual forage species on ruminal fermentation is critical to gaining
nal inoculum of goats. Crude protein, NDFom, ADFom, in vitro gas a better understanding of digestive and ingestive behavior for improved
production after 24 (GP24), 48 (GP48) and 96h (GP96) of fermentation, pasture management recommendations.
IVDMD and IVOMD were determined while ME was estimated. Data Key Words: canopy structure, digestibility, forage species
were analyzed using the general lineal model (GLM) procedure in SAS
for a completely randomized design and differences among means by
Tukey test. Crude protein (P. dulce: 222.10, H. velutinus: 154.30 and G. T134 Yield, chemical composition and ruminal degradability
ulmifolia: 147.76 g/kg) values were different among browse species (P of winter wheat grown under organic and conventional manage-
< 0.01). P. dulce had the lowest NDFom: 435.22; and ADFom: 305.79), ment. I. Mateos1, M. J. Ranilla1,2, A. Diaz1, C. Palacios1, C. Saro1,2, M.
H. velutinus showed intermediate values (NDFom: 455.80 and ADFom: L. Tejido1,2, and M. D. Carro*1,2, 11Dept. Producción Animal, Universi-
323.57) and G. ulmifolia had the highest values (NDFom: 478.06 and dad de León, 24007 León, Spain, 2Instituto de Ganadería de Montaña
ADFom: 368.46) g/kg. In vitro gas production, IVDMD, IVOMD and (CSIC-ULE), Finca Marzanas, 24346 Grulleros, León, Spain.
ME values varied among browse species (P < 0.001) (Table 1). P. dulce
The objective of this study was to investigate differences in yield and
has the highest potential as a feed protein source in small ruminants
nutritive value of organically and conventionally grown winter wheat
during the dry period.
crops. Each cultivation system was carried out in 3 plots bordering each
other to assure similar soil properties. Whole-plant (WP) yield was
Table 1. In vitro ruminal fermentation parameters (g/kg DM) of some determined in May 2009, and grain and straw yields were determined
browse tree leaves at maturity in July 2009. Samples were dried and chemical composition
Parameters P. dulce H. velutinus G. ulmifolia SEM P-value and in vitro dry matter digestibility were determined. Samples (500 mg)
GP24 90.2a 69.5b 34.2c 8.2 <0.01
of each substrate were incubated with 50 mL of buffered rumen fluid at
39°C, and gas production was measured at 3, 6, 9, 12, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36,
GP48 153.3a 129.3b 81.0c 10.7 <0.01
48, 60, 72, 96, 120 and 144 h to estimate fermentation kinetics. Mean
GP96 184.3a 156.8b 124.6c 8.6 <0.01 yield in conventional plots was 3.12, 1.28 and 1.06 t DM/ ha for WP,
IVDMD 526.0a 528.5ba 460.2b 11.6 <0.04 grain and straw, respectively. Organic cultivation decreased the yield
IVOMD 559.9a 534.9a 464.6c 14.4 <0.01 of WP, grain and straw to 74, 57 and 76% of that in the conventional
ME (MJ/kg DM 9.60a 7.81b 5.37c 0.62 <0.01 cultivation, respectively (P > 0.24). No differences (P > 0.05) in organic
Means in the same row with different superscripts differ (P <0.05). (GP) Gas
matter, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber content of WP
production after 24, 48 and 96 h of fermentation (mL/g DM). or grain were detected between cultivation systems, but crude protein
content was lower (P < 0.01) in organic compared with conventional
Key Words: browse species, chemical composition, ruminal fermenta- cultivars (6.69 vs. 5.23% for WP, and 12.10 vs. 8.56% for grain). No
348 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
differences (P > 0.05) between cultivars were detected in chemical production or the average production rate (calculated as mL of gas/h).
composition of straw. Organic and conventionally grown crops did The results indicate that organic cultivation reduced crop yield and
not differ (P > 0.11) in their in vitro dry matter digestibility (43.6 vs. protein content in WP and wheat grains, but no effects were observed
45.2% for WP, 26.3 vs. 24.8% for straw and 79.6 vs. 78.2% for grains). on ruminal degradation.
The cultivation method did not affect (P > 0.26) either the potential gas
Key Words: organic cultivation, winter wheat, gas production
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 349
Growth and Development 1
T135 Comparison of nonlinear functions for describing the of 0.81 and 0.82, respectively. In conclusion, the results of this study
growth curve of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus var. chitralada demonstrate that QMR is a potentially useful method for measuring the
in a commercial production cycle. D. Rodriguez1, C. Ariza-Nieto2, body composition of chickens. Major advantages of this method are that
A. Munoz1, and G. Afanador*1,2, 1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, no anesthesia is required and no other measurements are needed for the
Bogota, Colombia, 2CORPOICA, Bogota, Colombia. data input or analysis.
Mathematical models in fish nutrition have proven indispensable in Key Words: chickens, body composition, quantitative magnetic reso-
estimating growth and feed requirements. The aim of this study was to nance
make a statistical comparison of the mathematical growth models in Nile
tilapia. The data set used for this analysis was taken from a study that
evaluated the effects of oregano essential oils (OEO) supplementation T137 Estimation of direct and maternal heritability of body
in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.) (males) raised form 10 to weights in Iranian native chickens using a multivariate animal
550 g of weight. Six nonlinear mathematical functions were compared: model. H. Farhangfar*1, M. E. Navidizadeh2, and S. M. Hosseini1,
1Birjand University, Birjand, Iran, 2Agricultural Jihad Organisation,
Gompertz, Logistic, Richard, Janoschek, Michaelis-Menden, and Berta-
lanffy which were fitted to the data using the NLIN procedure of SAS. Mashhad, Iran.
Gauss-Newton method was used through this statistical procedure and The main objective of this research was to estimate direct and mater-
the maximum number of iterations to converge was 11. A quantitative nal heritability of body weights in Iranian native chickens. Generally,
approach of statistical analysis was used to evaluate model adequacy heritability is a key component for predicting breeding value of animals
and the residual variation for each prediction equation was partitioned and few research have been so far undertaken in this respect for native
into 3 components using means square prediction error (MSPE), analysis chickens of Iran. To estimate genetic and environmental variance and
for comparing accuracy among models. The Gompertz, Richards and covariance components for body weight traits, a multivariate animal
Janoscheck were shown to be the most appropriate models for Oreo- model was applied. The traits were body weight at ages of 1 (W1) and
chromis niloticus (4597, 4591 and 4589 MSPE values, respectively). 56 (W56) days. The data were provided by the breeding center of native
Parameters that allowed comparisons between general rates of body chickens located in Khorasan Razavi province of Iran. The total number
weight change (both absolute and relative) as derived by Gompertz of records was 18,253 collected over 3 generations from 18,253 male
model were: average lifetime absolute growth rate (AGR, 2.395 g/day), and female chicks representing 315 sires and 2,141 dams. The average
average lifetime absolute maturing rate, (AMR, 0.00278) and average W1 and W56 were 33.8 g (SD = 3.27 gr) and 557 g (SD = 95.30 g),
lifetime relative growth rate (RGR, 0.0151 g/day). respectively. In the multivariate animal model, combined contemporary
Key Words: nonlinear functions, Nile tilapia, AGR, AMR, RGR fixed effect of generation, hatch and sex (GHS), random effects of direct
additive genetic, maternal additive genetic and maternal permanent were
included. REML estimates of (co)variance components were obtained
T136 In vivo measurement of body composition of chickens using by DMU package. For W1, direct additive genetic, maternal additive
quantitative magnetic resonance (QMR). A. D. Mitchell*1, R. W. genetic, maternal permanent environment and residual variance com-
Rosebrough1, G. Taicher2, and I. Kovner2, 1USDA-ARS, Beltsville, ponents were found to be 1.79, 0.68, 4.64 and 3.16 g2, respectively. The
MD, 2Echo Medical Systems, Houston, TX. corresponding figures for W56 were 2383, 823, 685 and 3553 g2, respec-
tively. Covariance components between direct and maternal additive
QMR is a nuclear magnetic resonance based method for measuring
genetic effects were −0.91 and −1398.8 g for W1 and W56, respectively.
the fat, lean and water content of the total body of the live animal. The
Direct heritabilities of W1 and W56 were 0.2 (P < 0.05) and 0.39 (P <
purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of QMR for measuring the
0.05), respectively. Maternal heritabilities of W1 and W56 were found to
body composition of chickens while comparing QMR results to those
be 0.07 and 0.14, respectively. Correlation between direct and maternal
obtained by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and chemical analysis
additive genetic effects was −0.82 for W1 while it was approximately
(CA). A total of 144 birds, were scanned live (non-anesthetized) by
−1 for W56. The results also indicated that there is a significant additive
QMR, killed, and then scanned by DXA. The birds were Ross 708 broiler
genetic variation in the Iranian native chickens for W56 suggesting that
chickens and ranged in weight from 768 to 2230 g. In addition, 32 of the
genetic selection could be successfully practiced.
carcasses were chemically analyzed for total body lipid, water and ash
content. For the entire group of birds, the QMR and DXA measurements Key Words: Iranian native chicken, genetic parameters, body weight
of total body water and total body lean mass were in good agreement,
with no significant difference (1149 ± 202g vs. 1169 ± 183g and 1395
± 246g vs. 1354 ± 226g, respectively, P > 0.05) and highly correlated T138 Maniçoba hay effects on the gastrointestinal tract of free-
(R2 = 0.96 and 0.96, respectively). However, the QMR measurement range birds. P. E. N. Givisiez*, G. S. G. Bach, J. H. V. Silva, F. G.
of total body fat was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than that measured P. Costa, C. J. B. Oliveira, and R. C. Lima Neto, Universidade Federal
by DXA (94 ± 44g vs. 190 ± 43g, respectively) and poorly correlated da Paraiba, Areia, PB, Brazil.
(R2 = 0.40). Compared with CA, QMR underestimated the percentage This study evaluated the effect of partial substitution of the diet by
of total body fat by 37% while DXA overestimated the percentage of maniçoba hay (Manihot pseudoglaziovii) on gastrointestinal (GIT) mor-
fat by 22% (9.7 ± 3.6 by CA vs. 6.1 ± 4.3 by QMR and 11.8 ± 3.0 by phology of free-range birds at 73 d of age. Eighty-four Paraiso Pedres
DXA, P < 0.05). Both QMR and DXA measurements of percentage total birds were randomly distributed into 3 treatments and 4 repetitions of 7
body fat were highly correlated with the CA measurement (R2 = 0.96 birds each. Corn-soybean meal diet was substituted by maniçoba hay at
and 0.82, respectively). Both QMR and DXA estimates of total body 0, 10 and 20%. At 73 d of age, 2 birds per repetition were slaughtered
water were close to the CA measurement (1153 ± 232g by CA vs. 1199 and liver, gizzard, intestine and its segments were weighed and intestinal
± 239g by QMR and 1202 ± 218g by DXA, P > 0.05), with R2 values and segment lengths were measured. Weight and length were expressed
350 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
as percentages of the live weight (%PV). Fragments of duodenum and menting yeast extract (YE) into the diet may enhance intestinal develop-
jejunum were collected from each bird and routinely processed for his- ment and growth of broiler chicks because, YE contains nucleotides that
tological analysis. Villus height and crypt depth were assessed using a are essential for cellular functions and are also immunomodulatory. A
image analysis software and the villus:crypt ratio was calculated. Data 14-d experiment was conducted with day-old chicks from young (26–27
were submitted to ANOVA in a completely randomized design, with 3 week old) and old (58 to 59 week old) breeder hens. Chicks (384) were
treatments and 8 repetitions for macroscopic parameters and different randomly assigned to 8 dietary treatments. Treatment 1 (YH) consisted
number of repetitions for microscopic parameters. Means were compared of YHC fed corn-soybean meal (SBM) diet without bacitracin methylene
by Tukey’s test at 5% probability. There were no significant differences disalicylate (BMD) or YE added. Treatment 2 (YHB) consisted of YHC
(P < 0.05) between treatments for macroscopic results, except for the fed corn-SBM basal into which BMD was added at 0.055g/kg. Treat-
relative weight of gizzard, which increased in the treatments with ment 3 (YHE) consisted of YHC fed corn-SBM basal into which YE
maniçoba hay (1.82; 2.42 and 2.46% for 0, 10 and 20%, respectively). was added at 0.075% level. Treatment 4 (YHED) consisted of YHC fed
In the duodenum, villus height increased (P < 0.05) when 10% maniçoba corn-SBM basal into which YE was added at 0.15% level. Treatments
was fed (789.18; 1110.3 and 698.90 μm for 0, 10 and 20%) and crypt 5 (OH), 6 (OHB), 7 (OHE), and 8 (OHED) consisted of OHC fed diets
depth decreased (P < 0.05) with 20% maniçoba (65.07; 68.7 and 44.71 similar to those given to YHC in treatments 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
μm for 0, 10 and 20%), but villus: crypt ratio was not affected (P < Intestinal jejunal tissue samples were analyzed for alkaline phosphatase
0.05). No differences were seen in the jejunum. The increase in dietary (ALP) activity as an indicator of intestinal maturation on d 4 and 13 of
fiber probably caused more extrusion of epithelial cells. Considering experiment. Results showed that among YHC treatments, intestinal ALP
that high energy is necessary for GIT maintenance and that the inclusion activity was higher in YHB, YHE, and YHED treatments (P < 0.05; 1.85
of maniçoba hay decreases AME and AMEn, apparently recovery was to 2.61 IU/mg protein) compared with YH (1.06 IU/mg protein) on d 4
possible in the 10% treatment, but not in the 20%. Maniçoba hay may of experiment. Among OHC treatments, only OHB (2.14 IU/mg protein)
be used up to the level of 10% without compromising the epithelium had higher ALP activity than OH (0.89 IU/mg protein; P < 0.05). By
of duodenum and jejunum. d 13, ALP activity became similar for all treatments (P > 0.05). It was
concluded that YE supplemented at 0.075% level of the diet performed
Key Words: free-range birds, intestinal morphology, dietary fiber
similarly to BMD in enhancing early intestinal maturation in YHC, but
had no effect in OHC.
T139 Study on probiotic characteristics of three isolates of lactic Key Words: yeast extract, alkaline phosphatase activity, broiler chick
acid bacteria in in vitro and in vivo condition in broilers. S. intestine
Ghyamyipour1, S. Rahimi*1, M. A. Karimi Torshizi1, and N. Mojgani2,
1Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2Razi Vaccin and
Serum Production Research Institute, Karaj, Tehran, Iran. T141 Growth and organogenesis of progeny chicks from dams fed
different sources of trace minerals. Q. J. Sun*, S. Y. An, and Y. M.
The effect of administration of 3 lactic acid bacteria isolates on broiler
Guo, State Key Lab of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science &
performance and carcass characteristics were investigated. This study
Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.
was done in 2 phases. In first phase the microbiological characteristics of
these 3 isolates such as tolerance to low pH, growth in presence of bile A study was conducted to evaluate growth and organogenesis of prog-
salts, tolerance to some commercial antibiotics, hydrophobicity, ability eny chicks from broiler breeders fed diets supplemented with different
to inhibit the growth of some pathogenic bacteria and their ability to sources of trace minerals. A total of 120 Cobb 48 broiler breeder females
release the hydrolase enzyme of bile salt were examined. Data from first aged 31 wk were given 3 diets with organic or inorganic trace minerals
phase indicated that the isolated bacteria were identified as lactobacilli. at equal levels. The control (CON) was the basal diet supplemented
In the second phase, to determine whether probiotics improve broiler with a combination of inorganic minerals (CuSO4, ZnSO4, MnSO4
growth and carcass characteristics, 3 lactic acid bacterial isolates were and Na2SeO3 separately, i.e., Cu 8 mg/kg, Zn 50 mg/kg, Mn 60 mg/kg
added to drinking water. Day old chicks (n = 320) were distributed to and Se 0.3 mg/kg of diet). The second treatment (ZM) was basal diet
4 experimental groups with 4 replicates with 20 chicks in a completely supplemented with a combination of inorganic Cu, Mn and Se, and
randomized design. Control group (C) did not receive any probiotic organic Zn from Mintrex-Zn. The third treatment (MIX) was basal diet
culture in drinking water; groups A, B and D received one of the 3 lactic supplemented with a combination of Mintrex-Cu Zn Mn (Novus Intl.,
acid bacterial cultures at a concentration of 10.6 log cfu/mL in drinking USA) and yeast-selenium from Sel-Plex (Alltech Inc., USA). Diets were
water from 9 to 49 d of age. Data were analyzed by Duncan’s multiple formulated based on NRC (1994). Trace minerals in basal diets were
range test (SAS, 1990). Administration of B culture resulted the greater Cu 4.6 mg, Mn 30 mg and Zn 47 mg/kg diet based on actual analysis.
BW gain compared with the other groups on d 49 (P < 0.05). Lactic acid All diets were iso-energetic, iso-nitrogenous and iso-methionine. After
bacteria did not influence the feed intake, weight and length of internal 8 wk, eggs laid during 39wk of age were incubated. Hatched chicks
organs and carcass characteristics of chicks and blood factors except were raised for evaluation of growth performance and development
spleen weight, jejunum length and total carcass weight. of organs respectively. Broilers were fed with a common commercial
ration with inorganic minerals (Cu 8 mg, Zn 50 mg, Mn 60 mg and Se
Key Words: lactic acid bacteria, performance, carcass
0.3 mg/kg diet). Results showed that minerals sources in broiler breeder
hens diets did not influence the feed intake of their progeny. Supple-
T140 Utilization of yeast extract and bacitracin for early intestinal mentation of ZM and MIX in the diet increased body weight (BW) (P =
maturation by broiler chicks obtained from breeder hens of differ- 0.121), and decreased feed/gain (P < 0.05) of the chicks. No difference
ent ages. Y. O. Fasina*, R. Thanissery, and S. J. Thomas, Auburn was observed in development of heart, however the liver weight (LW)
University, Auburn, AL. and its relative weight (LW/BW) on d 1 and bursa weight (BAW) on
d 11 were increased with ZM and decreased with MIX (LW, P < 0.05;
The intestine of the newly hatched chick is immature at hatch and hatch- LW/BW, P < 0.10; BAW, P = 0.056). Relative weight of bursa on d 11
lings from young breeder hens (YHC) typically demonstrate reduced was increased when breeders fed ZM (P < 0.05). On d 21, chicks fed
livability compared with those from old breeder hens (OHC). Supple-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 351
inorganic minerals obtained the greatest spleen weight (SW) and its tively) in a dextrin solution mixture of maltodextrin and potato starch
relative weight (RSW) (SW, P < 0.05; RSW, P < 0.10). In conclusion, dextrin (~28%). Two hundred poults each from the Control, IC75 and
organic sources of minerals improved progeny growth performance and IC375 groups were neck tagged, placed in a commercial turkey house
affected organogenesis. within a single brooder ring, and weighed 7 d later. In Exp. 2, 5200 eggs
(2600 per group) were injected with the Control or the IC75 solution.
Key Words: broiler breeder, progeny, mineral
A total of 600 poults (300 per group) were neck-tagged and placed in
a single brooder ring in a commercial house and weighed on d 6 post-
T142 Effect of dietary probiotic and prebiotic on bone charac- hatch. Eggs in Exp. 1 and 2 were obtained from hen flocks that were 33
teristic of Ross broiler chickens. H. Ziaie1, G. H. Hadarbadi*1, A. and 5 wk into the laying cycle, respectively. In Exp. 1, the IC75 injection
Zeinali2, M. A. Karimi Torshizi4, M. Bashtani3, and H. Farhangfar3, resulted in a 1.8% increase (P = 0.03) in hatch weight and numerically
1Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Center, Birjand, South higher hatchability and 7 d BW compared with Controls. In Exp. 2, the
Khorasan, Iran, 2Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran, 3Birjand Uni- IC75 treatment resulted in a 2.4% increase in hatchability (P = 0.01),
versity, Birjand, South Khorasan, Iran, 4Tarbiat Moddares University, a 4.3% increase in hatch weight (P < 0.001), and a 1.8% increase in 6
Tehran, Iran. d poult weights (P < 0.03) compared with Controls. The results of this
study indicate that a solution containing 75 μg/mL iodinated casein in
Weak bones result in breaking during processing and lower meat grade. a dextrin solution injected into turkey eggs at 25 d of incubation may
Also, weak legs often result in reduced feed intake thus affecting weight be used to improve hatchability and early poult weights in commercial
gain and feed conversion ratio. Therefore, the objective of the present turkey production.
study was to determine the effect of dietary probiotic and prebiotic on
bone characteristic and Breaking Strength of Ross broiler chickens. In Key Words: poult hatchability, iodinated casein, in ovo injection
this study, 240 day-old male broiler chickens (Ross strain) were allocated
to 4 treatments in pens (120 × 100 × 90 cm) with 4 replicates (15 birds /
T144 Effect of daily lithium chloride (LiCl) administration on bone
pen) in a block completely randomized design. Experimental diets were
quality and strength in growing broiler chickens. B. M. Harvey*1,
fed: T1 = Control diet based corn and soybean meal without supple-
M. Eschbach2, E. Ackell1, S. Kotha2, M. Darre1, N. Francis1, D. J.
mentation, T2 = Control diet + antibiotic (Virginiamycin) 15 ppm, T3 =
Adams3, R. Ramanathan1, R. Mancini1, and K. E. Govoni1, 1Department
Control diet + probiotic (commercial mixture of lactobacillus, Protexin)
of Animal Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, 2Department of
150g/ton diet and T4 = Control diet + prebiotic (commercial mixture,
Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, 3Orthopedic
Immnuwall) 450g/ton diet).). At the end of the experiment (42 d), 2 birds
Surgery, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington.
from each replicate were randomly selected and killed to evaluate the
tibia bone characteristic (modulus of elasticity, yield stress and percent- Bone fractures and deformities are a serious problem for the broiler
age of ash, calcium and phosphorous). Bone breaking strength analysis industry; therefore, identification of mechanisms to improve bone qual-
was conducted using an Instron Materials Tester (Model 4411, Instron ity and strength would be beneficial. The wnt/β-catenin pathway plays
Corp., Canton, MA) with Automated Materials Test System software a critical role in the bone formation process and this pathway can be
version 8.09. The results of the present study indicated that mechani- stimulated by oral LiCl supplementation in mice. We hypothesized that
cal parameters, ash percentage, Ca and P contents were significantly oral supplementation of LiCl would increase bone strength and quality
improved by the supplementation antibiotic and their alternatives (P < in broiler chickens. 144 broilers were divided into LiCl, control (C) and
0.05) but, the difference between antibiotic diet and treatments 3 and 4 pair-fed (PF) groups. Beginning at 1 or 3 weeks (wk) of age, chickens
was not significant (P > 0.05). In finally, with the prophylactic use of were administered LiCl (20 mg/kg BW) or water daily by oral gavage. At
antibiotic (as growth promoters) in animal feeds probiotic and prebiotic 6 wk of age, chickens were killed and blood, bone and muscle samples
resulted in increase resistance to stress fracture of broiler bones and as were collected. A 24h LiCl (20 mg/kg BW) challenge determined that
a suitable replacement can be proposed. serum LiCl increased within 2h and cleared the system within 24h, thus
demonstrating the effectiveness of our oral gavage to deliver LiCl. We
Key Words: broiler, antibiotic alternative, bone characteristic
did not observe any differences in BW (P ≥ 0.53) or feed intake (P ≥
0.19) between all treatment groups, demonstrating that LiCl treatment
T143 Improved hatchability and post-hatch performance in turkey did not negatively affect growth in these broilers. To evaluate bone
poults receiving iodinated casein in ovo. W. G. Bottje*1, A. Wolfen- composition, we performed morphometric analysis on the tibiae of C and
den1, L. Ding2, M. Morgan1, N. Pumford1, R. Wolfenden1, G. Duncan3, LiCl groups using microCT imaging. We did not observe a difference
T. Smith3, T. Slagel3, K. Lassiter1, and B. Hargis1, 1Dept. of Poultry in cortical or trabecular bone volume, trabecular thickness, number, or
Science, Center of Excellence for Poultry Science, Univ. of Arkansas, spacing (P ≥ 0.52). To determine bone strength, we performed 3-point
Fayetteville, 2Dept. of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science bending on the femora and tibiae of C and LiCl birds from the 1 wk
and Technology, China Agriculture University, Beijing, China, 3Cargill group. We did not measure a difference in bone length or ultimate load
Turkey Division, Springdale, AR. (P ≥ 0.60). However, we did observe a 23% reduction in stiffness (P =
0.02) in the femora and 34% reduction in fracture energy (P = 0.11) in
Iodinated casein has been shown to have thyroid hormone-like proper- the tibiae of the LiCl treated birds, thus suggesting reduced bone qual-
ties, and thyroid hormone has been shown to improve turkey embryo ity in the LiCl birds. We did not observe any effect of LiCl treatment
hatchability. Thus, studies were conducted to investigate the effect of on pectoralis muscle color or lipid oxidation (P > 0.05). In conclusion,
iodinated casein injected in ovo at 25 d of incubation on hatchability, LiCl treatment in broilers did not affect growth or meat quality. Surpris-
hatch weight, and growth (6 or 7 d post-hatch) in turkey poults. Two ingly, we measured a reduction in bone stiffness with LiCl treatment
experiments were conducted with a commercial turkey hatchery using which may be due to the dose of LiCl utilized or a species difference
a commercial egg injection system. In Exp. 1, 3900 turkey eggs (1300 in response to LiCl treatment on bone formation.
per group) were injected at 25 d of incubation with 200 μL of solution
containing either 10 mg/mL of gentamicin (Control) or ones containing Key Words: poultry, bone, broiler
75 μg/mL or 375 μg/mL of iodinated casein (IC75 and IC375, respec-
352 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
T145 The bi-allelic expression of delta-like 1 homolog (Dlk1) and Leghorns are consistent with the faster maturation and growth of
in avian species. S. Shin* and K. Lee, The Ohio State University, broilers relative to Leghorns. Further study of other MyHC isoforms is
Columbus. needed to determine their association with differences in muscle growth
and development of broiler and Leghorn chickens.
Delta-like 1 homolog (Dlk1) is known as an important gene in the
regulation of adipose and muscle differentiation and development. This Key Words: muscle development, myosin heavy chain, chicken
gene is also known as an imprinted gene usually expressed only from
the paternal allele in mammals. To determine the properties of the Dlk1
genes of the avian species, Dlk1 genes for chicken, quail and turkey T147 Growth of internal organs in quail embryo (Coturnix
were cloned and characterized for cDNA and amino acid sequences, japonica) as a function of age. K. L. Arora*, Fort Valley State Uni-
alternative splicing, and genetic distances from other species. In addition, versity, Fort Valley, GA.
the structure of genomic DNA containing the cluster of genes including The Japanese quail embryo is a very valuable model for experimental
Dlk1 was investigated in the chicken and compared with the human. The studies in developmental biology, toxicology, virology, teratology,
allelic expression pattern of the avian Dlk1 gene was also determined endocrinology and drug testing. Various reports in the literature have
here. The coding sequences of the quail and turkey Dlk1 were the same focused on embryonic growth, weight, and developmental defects as
as chicken Dlk1 in their numbers of nucleotides (1,161 bp) and amino a function of age. However, it is important to know the progressive
acids (386 a.a.). The similarities in DNA and amino acid sequence were changes in the growth of different organs which make up the total
more than 96% among the poultry species. The chicken and turkey Dlk1 organism for complete pathological analysis. Eggs of uniform size
were closer than the quail in the phylogenetic analysis. The domains, and weight (10–11g) were collected, between 3 to 6 p.m., from 56d
such as one signal sequence, 6 epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like old birds weighing 130–135g. The birds were housed in cages under
domains and a transmembrane domain were predicted in DLK1. There 14L: 10D lighting system and fed commercial turkey starter. Eggs were
was no alternative splicing of Dlk1 transcripts as in the chicken. Like incubated at 37.8°C and 65–70 R.H. At the end of 10, 12, 14, and 16 d
in mammals, Yy1, Wars, Wdr25, Begain, Dlk1, Dio3, and Ppp2r5c were of incubation, a group of 15 eggs each were removed from the incuba-
found as a syntenic gene cluster in chicken genome. However, Meg3, tor and opened into Petri-dishes containing lukewarm saline solution.
Rtl1, and Meg8 genes located between Dlk1 and Dio3 were not found in The embryos which were devoid of extra-embryonic tissues and spare
the cluster of the chicken genome. There were several single nucleotide yolk, were washed again, blotted with paper towel, organs dissected and
polymorphisms (SNPs) in the fifth exon of Dlk1 genes in chickens and removed and weighed individually using analytical balance. Day old
quail, and the heterozygous SNPs of Dlk1 transcripts were observed in chicks were killed with CO2 and handled in a similar fashion. The fol-
the adipose and muscle, indicating the bi-allelic expression of Dlk1 in the lowing organs were collected: brain, liver, heart, gizzard, proventriculus,
avian species. The data confirmed avian Dlk1 is not imprinted in poultry lungs, eyes and kidneys. Embryonic mass increased rapidly from 1.44
and might be regulated in a different manner from mammals. ± 0.01g at d 10 to 5.38 ± 0.14g at d 16, the time to hatch (P < 0.01). By
Key Words: avian Dlk1, genomic imprinting, biallelic expression d16, the embryonic mass had reached 91.7%, liver 88.2% heart 98%,
kidney 100%, brain 100%, gizzards 89.6%, proventriculus 87.6%, lungs
95.2% and eyes 99.4% of the weight of day-old chick (100%). The
T146 Expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms during muscle embryonic growth accelerated during d10 and 12 and d14 and 16 with
development in Leghorns and broilers. A. Lee*, Y. Suh, and K. Lee, the organs growing at different rates (P < 0.01). The larger and faster
The Ohio State University, Columbus. growing organs in order of growth were: eyes, brain, gizzard and liver.
The smaller and slower growing organs were ranked similarly in order
Myosin heavy chain (MyHC), one of the major components in the con-
of growth: proventriculus, heart, lungs and kidneys. The importance of
tractile machinery of skeletal muscle fibers is found in several isoforms
the relationship between the growth of internal organs, age and stage
during myogenesis. During chicken development embryonic, neonatal,
of development will be discussed.
and adult MyHC isoforms are expressed. Broiler chickens have been
selected for fast and large muscle growth while Leghorn chickens have Key Words: Japanese quail, internal organ, embryo
been selected for egg laying capabilities. This has led to an obvious dif-
ference in muscle growth and development with broilers being much
larger than Leghorns. The objective of this study was to determine if dif- T148 Growth after an innate immune challenge is different between
ferences in muscle growth and development of Leghorns and broilers are broiler strains. L. Xu*1, M. deBeer2, M. Einstein1, A. Schinckel1,
associated with differences in temporal expression of MyHC isoforms and T. J. Applegate1, 1Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN, 2Aviagen,
in skeletal muscle between the 2 breeds. Pectoralis major muscle was Inc., Huntsville, AL.
collected from Leghorns and broilers at embryonic d 15, and 17 and d The acute phase response (APR) is defined as the early set of innate
1, 5, 11, 20, 27, and 33 d post hatch with n = 3 samples per time point immune reactions induced by unfamiliar infectious agents or tissue
and breed. Western blotting using 3 monoclonal antibodies (EB165, injury. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced APR is associated with
2E9, and AB8) was performed to compare the expression patterns of depressed growth and appetite loss. However, the question remains
embryonic/adult, neonatal, and adult isoforms of MyHC, respectively, if there is a difference in the recovery after an APR between broiler
for all time points in both Leghorn and broiler chickens. Pectoralis major strains. Therefore, a 40d feeding study was conducted with 2 broiler
tissue from broiler chickens expressed the adult MyHC isoform as early strains that were challenged between 7 to14 d with LPS. The experi-
as d20 whereas the Leghorn chickens began expressing the adult isoform ment was designed with 3 treatments per strain (n = 8 cages/treatment;
later. Both broiler and Leghorn chickens began expressing the neonatal 6 birds/cage) starting at 7 d of age: an unchallenged positive control,
MyHC isoform on d5 however Leghorn chickens expressed the neonatal LPS-challenged negative control (LPS-NC), and an unchallenged
isoform much longer than broilers. Leghorn chickens had sustained treatment that was pair-fed to LPS-NC. The LPS was injected i.p. Four
expression of the neonatal MyHC isoform through d27 whereas in broiler times at 48-h intervals (1 mg/kg of BW). Body weight was recorded
chickens the neonatal isoform was not expressed at d20. The differences individually at 7, 14, 27, and 40 d of age. The LPS challenge depressed
in the expression of both adult and neonatal MyHC isoforms in broilers BW gain from 7 to 14 d of age by 10% and 12% for strains 1 and 2,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 353
respectively. However, 67 and 74% of growth depression for strains 1 and water intake were controlled daily and BW and backfat at P2 were
and 2, respectively, was attributable to factors other than feed intake measured at farrowing and at weaning. Total number of piglets born
reduction when compared with the pair-fed treatment. No BW differ- alive, death, and mummified, and piglet mortality during lactation were
ences between strains were apparent at the end of the challenge period recorded per litter. Also, piglet body weight was recorded at birth, and
(14 d; P > 0.05); whereas Strain 1 was 5.4% heavier (153.9 g) at 40 at 3, 14, 21, and at 28 d of age. In addition, the interval weaning to first
d of age (P < 0.0001). When 7 to 14 d of age BW gain was used as a estrous and the percentage of sows that did not make next farrowing
covariate, average daily gain was affected by treatment within strain 1 were recorded. Multiparous sows ate more feed (5.64 vs. 4.25 kg/d; P
but not strain 2. In other words, birds given the LPS treatment for strain < 0.001) and drank more water (28.63 vs. 23.07 l/d; P < 0.05) than PRI
1 demonstrated compensatory growth; whereas those for strain 2 did sows but feed:water ratio was not affected. Body weight change from
not. Additionally, the coefficient of variation for 40d BW of strain 1 was farrowing to weaning was similar for both groups. Multiparous sows had
1.3% versus that for strain 2 which was 1.6%. Thus, growth recovery more piglets born alive (11.4 vs. 10.2; P < 0.05) than PRI sows. Piglets
after an APR is different between broiler strains. from MUL sows were heavier (P < 0.05) at birth (1.73 vs. 1.53 kg), 3
(2.14 vs. 1.89 kg; P < 0.01), 14 (4.73 vs. 4.26 kg), 21 (6.45 vs. 5.84
Key Words: broiler strain, innate immune response, lipopolysac-
kg), and 28 (8.61 vs. 7.58 kg) days of age than piglets from PRI sows.
Consequently, from 1 to 28 d of age, piglets from MUL sows had higher
ADG than piglets from PRI sows (260 vs. 229 g/d; P < 0.05). Mortal-
T149 Influence of gender and initial body weight uniformity on ity of piglets during lactation and of sows between farrowings was not
growth performance and carcass quality of pigs slaughtered at 130 affected by sow parity. The interval weaning to positive gestation was
kg BW. L. Cámara*1, M. P. Serrano1, D. G. Valencia2, A. Fuentetaja3, similar for both groups of sows. Sow parity did not affect the number
and G. G. Mateos1, 1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, of piglets born alive or death in the following parity. It is concluded that
Spain, 2Nutral S.A., Madrid, Spain, 3Copese S.A., segovia, Spain. multiparous sows had higher voluntary feed intake and produce more
piglets per litter, which are heavier, than primiparous sows.
A trial was conducted to study the influence of gender (castrated female,
CF vs. castrated male, CM) and initial pen uniformity (BW ± SD, 7.5 Key Words: multiparous, primiparous, piglet productivity
± 0.6 kg vs. 7.5 ± 1.2 kg BW) on performance and carcass quality of
crossbreds pigs resulting from Landrace * Duroc × Large White dams
T151 Effects of L-arginine supplementation to suckling piglets on
mated to Duroc sires pig. Males were castrated at 5 ± 2.0 d of age (2.5
plasma metabolites and skeletal muscle properties at weaning. D.
± 0.57 kg BW) and females at 69 ± 2.6 d of age (22.3 ± 0.83 kg BW).
Loesel*, S. Goers, and C. Rehfeldt, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal
Each treatment was replicated 4 times and the experimental unit was a
Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany.
pen with 30 piglets from 7.5 to 27.3 kg BW and a pen with 14 pigs from
27.1 to 130.4 kg BW for productive traits. For carcass quality traits, 10 Piglets of low birth weight exhibit a lower total number of skeletal
carcasses of the same pen constituted the experimental unit. From 7.5 myofibers at birth and throughout life compared with piglets of middle
to 27.3 kg BW, CF had lower ADFI (P < 0.05) and ADG (P < 0.001) and heavy birth weight, which is associated with impaired (lean) growth,
and poorer FCR (P < 0.001) than CM. Also in this period, uniform pigs carcass and meat quality at market weight. To investigate, whether
tended to be less efficient than less uniform pigs (P < 0.10). From 27.1 l-arginine is effective in stimulating the early postnatal increase in the
to 130.4 kg BW, CF tended to eat less feed and to have better FCR than number of myofibers, piglets of low birth weight (≤1.22 kg) from 5
CM but pen uniformity did not affect performance. Castrated females German Landrace sows received 0.48 g l-arginine-HCl/kg body weight/
had more (P < 0.05) fat thickness at P2 and tended to have more (P < day (n = 12) or an isonitrogenous amount of L-alanine (control; n = 12)
0.10) fat at gluteus medius muscle than CM. Trimmed shoulder yield from d 7 to 28 of age. Piglets were weaned and slaughtered at d 28 of
(P < 0.001) and trimmed primal cut yield (P < 0.01) were higher for age. Supplementation with arginine or alanine increased blood plasma
CM than for CF. Gender did not affect carcass, ham, and loin yields or concentrations of arginine and alanine, respectively (P < 0.001). Live
shrink loss. Pen uniformity had little effect on carcass quality; the only weight gain, final body weight, and body composition by dissection and
effect detected was that uniform pigs tended to have more trimmed chemical analysis were not affected by arginine, except for a reduction
primal cut yield than the less uniform pigs. It is concluded that castrated in relative liver weight (P = 0.05). Plasma concentrations of glucose
females, had higher carcass fat content than castrated males. Therefore, and free fatty acids remained unchanged, whereas urea concentration
castrated females are a good alternative to castrated males for the pro- tended to be smaller in response to arginine supplementation (P = 0.12).
duction of pigs destined to the dry-cured industry. On the other hand, The total number of semitendinosus (ST) myofibers was not affected
the distribution of the pigs to improve pen uniformity does not provide by treatment (P = 0.80). Likewise, fiber area and metabolic fiber type
any advantage in growth performance or carcass quality. composition by red, intermediate, and white fibers were not influenced.
Protein and DNA concentrations remained unchanged, whereas total
Key Words: castration and gender, heavy pig productivity and quality,
DNA amount tended to be greater in ST muscle of arginine-supple-
mented piglets (P = 0.12). Specific activities of CK (P < 0.01) and LDH
(P = 0.05) increased 1.06-fold and 1.08-fold, respectively, in response
T150 Sow and litter productivity as affected by sow age. L. to arginine, whereas ICDH activity was unchanged. The results suggest
Cámara1, M. P. Serrano*1, D. G. Valencia2, A. Fuentetaja3, and G. G. that arginine slightly stimulated muscle differentiation and metabolic
Mateos1, 1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Nutral maturation, but not muscle protein accretion and myofiber formation.
S.A., Madrid, Spain, 3Copese S.A., Segovia, Spain. It remains to be investigated whether modifications in the dosage or
period of arginine supplementation would be more efficient in affecting
A total of 180 sows (crossbred of Landrace × Duroc × Large White) was skeletal muscle growth and metabolism of suckling piglets.
used to study the effect of parity (primiparous, PRI, vs. multiparous in
the 3rd and 4th reproductive cycle, MUL) on productive performance Key Words: body composition, enzyme, pig
and posterior fertility. Each treatment was replicated 5 times and the
experimental unit was a room with 16 sows housed individually. Feed
354 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
T152 Finishing growth and carcass characteristics following were recorded. Within 3 d of slaughter, leaf fat was weighed and loin
reciprocal embryo transfer between Meishan and White crossbred eye color, marbling, and area were determined. All data were analyzed
pigs. J. R. Miles*, J. L. Vallet, B. F. Freking, J. J. Ford, S. D. Shackel- using MIXED model procedures. There were piglet breed effects (P
ford, and T. L. Wheeler, USDA-ARS, US Meat Animal Research Center, < 0.01) for body weight. As a result, average daily gain during grow-
Clay Center, NE. finish was greater (P < 0.001) in WC pigs. In contrast, average back
fat measurements were greater (P < 0.001) in MS pigs. At slaughter, a
Crossbreeding studies between Meishan (MS) and contemporary White
piglet breed effect (P < 0.001) was observed in hot carcass weight in
crossbred (WC) pigs have shown that increased lean, finishing growth of
favor of WC pigs. Conversely, there was a direct breed effect (P < 0.05)
WC pigs is affected by the direct genotype of the piglet. The objective
of leaf fat weight in favor of MS pigs. No significant genotypic effects
of the current study was to determine the contributions of the piglet and
were observed for loin eye marbling between the breeds. However,
maternal genotypes and their interactions on finishing growth and carcass
loin eye color was darker (P < 0.01) in the MS pig. Furthermore, there
characteristics following reciprocal embryo transfers between MS and
was a piglet breed effect (P < 0.001) for loin eye area in favor of WC
WC gilts. Twenty-five pregnancies were produced in 2 farrowing seasons
pigs. This study detected no significant interactions between the piglet
that represented all piglet and maternal genotype combinations; MS ×
and maternal genotypes of MS and WC pigs on finishing growth and
MS (n = 4 litters), WC × WC (n = 7 litters), MS × WC (n = 7 litters),
carcass characteristics, and supports crossbreeding studies illustrating
and WC × MS (n = 7 litters). Starting at d 105 of age, gilts (n = 50)
that differences in finishing growth are attributed to the genotype of
and barrows (n = 40) were weighed and backfat was recorded every 3
the piglet.
weeks. At d 165 of age, pigs were slaughtered and hot carcass weights
Key Words: finishing growth, carcass characteristics, pigs
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 355
Immunology and Pathology
T153 Cytokine gene expression patterns of milk from healthy enterotoxigenic E. coli and the oxidation of dihydrorhodamine, respec-
bovine mammary glands in late and early lactation. D. F. R. tively. Adhesion molecule expressions were also determined using flow
Bruno*1, R. G. S. Bruno3, P. V. Rossitto2, J. S. Cullor2, and J. L. Stott2, cytometry and expressed as the mean fluorescence intensities. In Exp. 1,
1Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, Amarillo,2University neutrophil PG and OB were highly correlated (R2 = 0.50), while adhesion
of California Davis, Davis, 3Texas AgriLife Research and Extension, molecules L and β were moderately correlated (R2 = 0.39). Inter-heifer
Amarillo. coefficients of variation (CV) were low for PG (19.9%) and β (18.5%),
but high for OB (51.1%) and L (38.0%). In Exp. 2, there were day
Cytokines mediate and regulate the immune system and have been stud-
effects (P ≤ 0.01) for PG, OB and β, but not L (P ≥ 0.10). Neutrophil
ied as an alternative non-antibiotic therapy to treat and prevent mastitis
PG intra-heifer CV was the least among all immune parameters (11.0%)
in dairy cows, mainly in critical times as dry-off and early postpartum.
while OB was the most variable at 22.43%. Adhesion intra-heifer CVs
The aim was to compare natural levels of expression of 9 cytokines on
were 17.6% for β and 16.1% for L. These data indicate that neutrophil
late lactation (dry-off) and early lactation (first week postpartum) in
migration into tissue and subsequent phagocytosis of E. coli were more
milk cells from healthy cow mammary glands. Transcriptional levels of
similar between Holstein heifers than either the oxidative killing or sur-
expression of interleukin (IL)2Rα, IL4, IL6, IL8, IL10, IL17, interferon
veillance potential. Therefore, the OB and L expression are more likely
(IFN)γ, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and tumor necrosis factor
to contribute to individual heifer variation in immune competence.
(TNF)α were evaluated in both periods by real time PCR. Milk samples
from 10 Holstein cows were collected aseptically from 2 quarters/cow at Key Words: bovine, granulocytes, immunology
dry-off and again at first week postpartum. Only quarters with somatic
cell count ≤200,000 and absence of bacteria in both time points were
considered for this study. Significance was defined as P < 0.10. Tran- T155 Comparison of the proliferative response of CD8 memory
scripts from IL2Rα, IL8, IL10, IFNγ, iNOS and TNFα were detected in T cells from experimentally and naturally infected cattle shows the
both periods. IL2Rα and IL6 (P < 0.10), and IL8 and IL10 (P < 0.04) response to live Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis stronger
were upregulated in late lactation in comparison with the levels in early than the response to Johnin purified protein derivative (JPPD). H.
lactation. In late lactation, there was a positive correlation of proinflam- M. Rihan*1, G. S. Abdellrazeq2, M. J. Hamilton3, A. J. Allen3, K. T.
matory cytokines IL6 and TNFα with anti-inflammatory cytokine IL10, Park3, and W. C. Davis3, 1Mansoura University, Egypt, 2Alexandria
and chemokine IL8 (P < 0.10). However, a negative correlation was University, Egypt, 3Washington State University, Pullman.
observed between the proinflammatory cytokine IL17 with IL6 and Johnin purified protein derivative (JPPD) is the antigen most frequently
IL8 (P < 0.10). In early lactation, fewer cytokines were correlated. A used to study the T-cell response to Mycobacterium avium ssp. para-
positive correlation among IL8 and TNFα and IL2Rα was observed. tuberculosis (MAP). It has been assumed the response to this antigen
Similar to late lactation, there was a positive correlation between IL6 can be used to characterize the CD4 and CD8 T cell responses to MAP
and IL10, and between TNFα and IL8, which was also correlated to the in experimentally and naturally infected animals. Comparison of the
regulatory mediator iNOS (P < 0.10). In conclusion, cytokine mRNA response to PPD and live MAP, however, has revealed a clear difference,
profiles between late and early lactation showed differences, which can especially in the CD8 T cell response. Flow cytometric analysis of the
be attributed to dramatic changes the mammary gland is subjected to proliferative response of PBMC from experimentally infected calves
during these 2 stages of lactation. Positive correlation and upregulation to JPPD and MAP showed the CD8 memory T cell response to JPPD
of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines account for an was low during the first 3 mo post infection. In contrast, the response to
efficiency of the mammary gland immune system at late lactation and MAP was strong and similar to the response of CD4 memory T cells. A
could be used as markers for health control of the udder. comparable difference in the response to JPPD and MAP was observed
Key Words: cytokine expression, lactation, RT PCR in PBMC from cows at the late stage of infection. The findings show
that further investigation of the mechanisms of immunopathogenesis
of paratuberculosis must include a comparison of the response to JPPD
T154 Intra- and inter-dairy heifer variation of cellular neutrophil and live MAP.
functions. L. E. Hulbert*1,2, L. R. Schwertner1, J. A. Carroll2, and
Key Words: Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis, Johnin puri-
M. A. Ballou1, 1Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech
fied protein derivative, CD8 memory T cell
University, Lubbock, 2Livestock Issues Research Unit, USDA-ARS,
Lubbock, TX.
Immune competence of dairy cattle is difficult to determine as a healthy T156 Tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations from whole blood
immune system requires the resolution of pathogen invasion without cultures correlate with isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cell
excessive host-tissue damage. Neutrophil phagocytosis (PG) is impor- cultures. L. E. Hulbert*1,2, J. A. Carroll2, and M. A. Ballou1, 1Depart-
tant for eliminating pathogens, but PG induces an oxidative burst (OB), ment of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock,
2Livestock Issues Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX.
which helps destroy the pathogen but also can damage the neutrophil
and surrounding tissue. Neutrophil adhesion molecule L-selectin (L) Many cellular immune assays are impractical because they require
mediates neutrophil rolling in the periphery, allowing for “surveillance” labor-intensive isolation of cells from their natural environment. The
of pathogens, while its counterpart, β-integrin (β), allows for neutrophil objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between
anchoring to epithelial cells and migration into tissue from the periphery. cell culture supernatant tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α from isolated
The objectives of these studies were to examine inter-heifer variation peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and whole blood (WB)
(Exp.1, n = 36, 13–16 mo. of age) as well as intra-heifer variation (Exp. when stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS from E. coli O111:B4;
2, n = 12, days = 3) of neutrophil functions. Phagocytosis and OB were 1 and 10 μg/mL for WB; 0.01 and 1 μg/mL for PBMC). Thirty-six dairy
determined by 2-color flow cytometry using propidium iodide labeled heifers (12–16 mo. age) free from any signs of disease were analyzed in
356 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
the study. The PBMCs were isolated using a percoll gradient, washed Table 1. Fold change in gene expression, relative to unstimulated
twice with PBS, counted using a hemacytometer, then resuspended to 2 cells, of various cytokines in a rat intestinal cell line (IEC-6) exposed
× 106 cells/mL in a cell culture RPMI medium with 1% antibiotics, 10% to vegetative or sporulated bacilli with or without lipopolysaccharide
autologous plasma and 5 ng/mL of recombinant bovine interferon-γ. In (LPS) to stimulate inflammation
the WB assay, 200 μL of whole blood were added to 800 µL of RPMI Bacilli None Spores Spores Vegetative Vegetative
with 1% antibiotics. Samples were incubated with their respective LPS LPS + − + − +
doses for 24-h before supernatants were collected and analyzed for
IL-1B 1.0 −0.5 3.1 1.9 1.0
TNF-α using a commercially available sandwich ELISA. Mean TNF-α
concentrations from PBMC and WB were moderately correlated (R2 = IL-6 3.3* 3.4* 5.8* 2.4 2.6
0.40). There were strong correlations between the low and high doses of IL-10 2.9 1.7 1.5 5.5* 3.3
LPS within each assay (R2 = 0.67 and 0.87, for isolated PBMC and WB, TNF-α 25.5* 17.7 35.9* 8.3 7.4
respectively). The WB data were not correlated with either the number MIP-2 43.1* 42.2* 73.0* 9.7 21.4
of leukocytes or the percentages of neutrophils (R2 = 0.15). Inter-heifer *Means are significantly different to untreated control cells (P ≤ 0.05).
coefficients of variation (CV) for the PBMC and WB data were 39.5%
and 57.6%, respectively. In another experiment, using samples from 12 Key Words: probiotic, immunity, DFM
Holstein heifers from 3 consecutive days determined that the intra-heifer
CVs for PBMC and WB data were 25.33% and 26.51%, respectively.
These data indicate the WB assay may serve as a simple but effective T158 Post-weaning intestinal mucin dynamics is influenced by
ex vivo assay for evaluating bovine pro-inflammatory cytokine syn- cereal grain type and commensal microbiota. G. Malik*, M. D.
thesis and secretion potential. Additionally, these data elucidate a large Drew, and A. G. Van Kessel, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
population variation, but if a heifer has a reduced response relative to SK, Canada.
the population at lower LPS concentrations then she will have a reduced Mechanisms by which diet composition and commensal microbiota
response at a higher LPS concentrations, and vice versa. influence post-weaning intestinal mucin dynamics were studied using
Key Words: bovine, innate immunity, immune competence conventional and gnotobiotic pigs in a 2x2 factorial design. Caesarean-
section derived germ-free pigs (n = 16) were reared in HEPA-filtered
isolator units (4 pigs/unit) and fed sterilized sow colostrum (120 mL/
T157 Effect of a Bacillus-based direct-fed microbial on cytokine pig) followed by infant formula (2:1; formula: water) ad libitum. Con-
gene expression in the IEC-6 rat intestinal epithelial cell line. C. ventional (CON) pigs (n = 32) were vaginally delivered and sow-reared.
A. Wehnes*, K. N. Novak, M. Duersteler, E. Davis, and A. H. Smith, At 14 d of age all pigs were weaned to diets formulated to meet nutrient
Danisco USA, Inc., Waukesha, WI. requirements using corn or wheat/barley. At 24 d of age, pigs were killed
and tissue collected at 75% (cranial to caudal) of small intestinal (SI)
Enhanced immune maturation was observed in a previous study where length. Contamination of germ-free pigs resulted in monoassociation
calves were treated with a 3-strain Bacillus-based direct-fed microbial with Enterococcus faecium. Acidic, neutral and total numbers of goblet
(DFM). The objective of this study was to examine the immunomodula- cells were determined in villi and crypts using stained formalin-fixed
tory effects of the combination of bacilli strains in an intestinal epithelial tissue cross-sections taken at 75% of SI length. Expression of membrane
cell line. Treatments were vegetative or sporulated bacilli, applied at associated mucin genes Muc 1, Muc 13 and secreted type Muc 2 was
1 × 107 cfu per well, compared with untreated rat IEC-6 cells (3 × 105 also determined. Data were analyzed as a 2x2 ANOVA using GLM
cells per well). Expression of interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, IL-10, tumor procedure (GLM, SPSS software v. 12.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago IL, USA)
necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and macrophage-inflammatory protein-2 with main effects of cereal grain (corn vs. wheat/barley) and microbial
(MIP-2) was analyzed by quantitative PCR and expressed relative to status (conventional vs. monoassociated) plus interactions as sources
untreated IEC-6 cells. Sporulated bacilli increased IL-6 and MIP-2 gene of variation. Monoassociation reduced (P < 0.01) neutral, acidic and
expression compared with control cells; whereas, vegetative bacilli total goblet cells in crypts and neutral goblet cell in villi and mucin
increased IL-10 gene expression (Table 1). To determine whether the gene expression. Monoassociation tended to increase (P < 0.01) acidic
bacilli would affect inflammation caused by LPS, IEC-6 cells were mucin cells in the villi. Interactive effects were observed only as trends
co-incubated with bacilli and 10 ng LPS per well. LPS increased IL-6, (P < 0.1) such that Muc 2 expression was lower only in monoassociated
TNF-α, and MIP-2 gene expression compared with control cells (Table pigs fed wheat-barley. In conclusion, as expected, monoassociation
1). Vegetative bacilli reduced (P ≤ 0.05) elevated TNF-α gene expres- markedly influenced intestinal physiology. Limited effects of cereal
sion caused by LPS 4-fold; whereas, sporulated bacilli did not (P > grain type were observed.
0.05). These data demonstrate that cytokine gene expression differs
depending on whether bacilli are vegetative or sporulated in both the Key Words: microbiota, mucin, swine
presence and absence of LPS stimulation; furthermore, expression of
inflammatory cytokines induced by LPS was reduced by vegetative
bacilli, but not by spores. T159 Mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) modulates ileal gene expres-
sion in pigs experimentally infected with porcine reproductive and
respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). T. M. Che*1, R. W. Johnson1,
K. W. Kelley1, W. G. Van Alstine2, K. A. Dawson3, C. A. Moran3, and J.
E. Pettigrew1, 1University of Illinois, Urbana, 2Purdue University, West
Lafayette, IN, 3Alltech Biotechnology Center, Nicholasville, KY.
The objective of this study was to investigate ileal gene expression in
control- or mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) (Bio-Mos)-fed pigs with or
without porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)
at d 14 postinfection (PI). Weaned pigs (3 wk old) fed 0% or 0.2% MOS
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 357
diets were intranasally inoculated with PRRSV or medium at 5 wk old. responsive to an immune challenge. Finally, these data further support
Total RNA was extracted from ileal tissue including Peyer’s patches. the role of visceral adipose in inflammatory processes often associated
Double-stranded cDNA was amplified, labeled, and further hybridized with metabolic disorders.
to the Affymetrix GeneChip Porcine Genome Array consisting of 23,937
Key Words: pig, inflammation, adipose
probe sets representing 20,201 genes. Microarray data were analyzed in
R using packages from the Bioconductor project. The MOS x PRRSV
interaction and PRRSV main effect were not significant. Therefore, gene T161 A comparative analysis of galectin-11 gene expression in
expression data from control-fed pigs and MOS-fed pigs were pooled (4 ruminants. N. Mikiashvili, M. Worku*, and H. Muktar, North Carolina
pigs/dietary treatment) for statistical analysis using the LIMMA package. Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro.
Dietary MOS affected (P < 0.05) the expression of thousands of non-
immune probe sets (1151 up and 1571 down). Using a 2-fold change The objective of this study was to assess the expression of galectin-11
difference and P-value cutoff of <0.05, we identified that MOS increased in neutrophils isolated from cow and goat blood. Galectin-11 isolated
the expression of 134 non-immune genes and reduced the expression of form sheep infected with Hemonchus contortus is a member of a family
25 non-immune genes. The greatest mRNA upregulation was observed of proteins that consists of β-galactoside binding lectins. Host galectins
in many important genes involved in absorption of lipid, glucose, and have been shown to be active participants in the recruitment of cells to
glutamate, cellular protection from endogenous or external proteoly- sites of inflammation and modulating the effector function of inflam-
sis, and d-amino acid oxidation. With respect to immune genes, MOS matory cells such as the neutrophil. For example they can serve as
altered (P < 0.05) the expression of 23 immune probe sets (16 up and 7 negative regulators of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) function, to protect the
down). Using a 2-fold change difference and P-value cutoff of <0.05, host from endotoxic shock. The role of galectins in the inflammatory
MOS upregulated 8 genes and downregulated 5 genes. The greatest response in ruminants has not been defined. A comparative analysis was
increases were seen in genes encoding antimicrobial peptide, intestinal conducted to determine expression of galectin-11 in neutrophils and to
lymphocyte recruiting chemokine, and complement component 5. In assess the impact of LPS exposure. Three clinically healthy Holstein
short, PRRSV infection did not affect the ileal gene expression at d 14 Friesian cows and 3 Boer goats pasturing at the North Carolina A&T
PI, but feeding MOS to pigs may be beneficial by enhancing intestinal State University farm were used. Blood was collected from the jugular
uptake of nutrients and mucosal defense against enteric infection. vein in anticoagulant. Neutrophils were isolated from blood samples
by differential centrifugation and hypotonic lysis of red blood cells.
Key Words: ileal gene expression, mannan oligosaccharide, nursery Isolated neutrophils in PBS were treated with 10 or 100 ng E. coli
pigs LPS for 15 or 30 min. Total RNA and DNA isolated using Tri-reagent
method. Reverse transcriptase PCR was performed using Oligo (dT)
primers. Quantitative one step real time PCR was performed with the
T160 Differential gene expression in subcutaneous and visceral
intercalating dye SYBR Green. Expression level in target samples was
adipose depots in response to lipopolysaccharide in the Sinclair
calculated using relative quantification with normalization to a reference
minipig. S. L. Booker*, C. J. Kojima, J. S. Gouffon, and N. Moustaid-
gene. Amplified products were run on a 2.5% agarose gel with PCR
Moussa, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
markers. Primers for GAPDH were used as amplification controls and
The goal of this study was to elucidate depot-specific differences in tran- for calculation with Pfaf method. Neutrophils isolated from cow and
scriptome response of adipose tissue to a pro-inflammatory challenge. goat blood expressed galectin-11. Dose of LPS had an effect on overall
Eight intact male Sinclair minipigs (8 mo of age; 32.3 ± 1.9 kg) were transcription in neutrophils as indicated by increased RNA concentra-
non-surgically cannulated and challenged with 15 μg/kg lipopolysac- tion. Control (untreated) and LPS treated samples showed expression
charide (LPS; n = 4) or saline (n = 4) delivered IM. Blood was collected of target galectin mRNA transcripts. Our study on ruminant neutrophils
every 20 min from −60 to +240 min relative to LPS administration. The may help further understanding of the role of galectins in the inflamma-
following day, pigs received a second IM injection of 5 μg/kg LPS or tory response following host-pathogen interactions.
saline, and were killed 2 h post-injection. Tissues including visceral fat
Key Words: galectin, neutrophil, ruminant
(VF) and subcutaneous fat (SQF) were collected, and RNA was isolated
for transcriptome analysis (Affymetrix). Only transcripts for which
expression differed between treatments by 2-fold or greater with P < T162 Analysis of a transient receptor potential channel 3 (Trpc3)
0.05 were noted. In SQF, 541 transcripts were downregulated and 1,117 gene in myotonic goats: A potential model for human cerebellar
transcripts were upregulated by LPS relative to saline. Upregulated SQF ataxia. M. M. Corley and J. E. Caviness*, Virginia State University,
genes included members of the NFκB inflammation cascade: TLR4 (toll- Petersburg.
like receptor 4), TICAM2 (toll-like receptor adaptor molecule 2), TLR9
(toll-like receptor 9), and MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor). Cerebellar ataxia (CA) is a progressive neurological disorder, manifested
In VF, only 9 transcripts were downregulated and 7 upregulated by LPS by poor coordination of the arms and legs, increased difficulty walking
relative to saline. Thrombospondin (THBS1) and adiponectin (ADIPOQ) or paralysis, slurred speech, depleted hearing and cold feet. Cerebellar
were upregulated in VF, while in SQF, THBS1 was downregulated and ataxia is caused by the degeneration of Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.
ADIPOQ was not affected by LPS. When transcriptomes from SQF More than 50 different inherited forms of CA are known, and evidence
and VF of LPS-treated animals were compared, differentially regulated suggests common pathological pathways (transcriptional regulation,
genes mapped to 3 main pathways: the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) calcium homeostasis) trigger degeneration of Purkinje cells. Myotonia
and transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) signaling pathways (both of congenita (MC) is an inherited neuromuscular disorder characterized by
which are involved in the inflammatory process), and Type 2 Diabetes the inability of muscles to quickly relax after a voluntary contraction.
(T2D). Genes belonging to the AhR and T2D-related pathways were Mutations in calcium cycling genes have been reported to contribute
overall upregulated in VF relative to SQF; genes in the TGFβ pathway to the myotonic state. It has been shown that a point mutation in a
were downregulated in VF relative to SQF. These results indicate that transient receptor potential channel (Trcp) gene that regulates calcium
both SQF and VF depots are metabolically active but are differentially stores, Trpc3 causes abnormal Purkinje cell development and CA in
moonwalker mice. Although genes in the TRPC family have been linked
358 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
to MC, the myotonic goat has not been evaluated as a model for CA, nematode infection (GIN) load are fecal egg counts (FEC), FAMACHA
nor has the Trpc3 gene been isolated in goats. Therefore the objective eye color chart score (FAM), and packed cell volume (PCV). Thus far,
of this study was to identify and characterize the Trpc3 gene in the these detection methods provide the presence of GIN infection, but
myotonic goat. Total RNA was isolated from whole blood samples and cannot predict whether the animals will be resistant to the administered
purified. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) anthelmintic after standard method detection. In Hemonchus contortus,
was performed using cross species primers designed from the human, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the β-tubulin gene (TTC
bovine, and mouse Trpc3 gene alignment. The RT-PCR product was to TAC), causing a phenylalanine to tyrosine amino acid substitution,
visualized via agarose gel electrophoresis. The expected 213 bp RT-PCR has been shown to be involved in many cases of resistance. This study
product was observed, indicating successful amplification of the goat was conducted to demonstrate simultaneous quantitation of Hemonchus
Trpc3 cDNA. The RT-PCR product was purified and sequenced. The contortus load and detection of its resistance to benzimidazole based
goat Trpc3 gene showed 95% and 91% sequence homology to the bovine anthelmintics. Goats exhibiting natural resistance or susceptibility to
and human Trpc3 genes, respectively. Identification and analysis of the Hemonchus contortus infection were selected based on the standard
myotonic goat Trpc3 gene will provide insight into the etiology of CA methods described above. Total RNA and genomic DNA were extracted
in humans and its relationship to MC. from stool samples and subjected to both genomic DNA PCR and
RT-PCR using primers designed to target the Hemonchus contortus
Key Words: myotonic goat, cerebellar, TRPC3
β-tubulin 1 gene SNP. Pearson Correlation coefficient analysis showed
that there was a negative correlation between FAM and PCV (P < 0.05),
T163 Simultaneous detection and quantitation of anthelmintic β-tubulin DNA and a very low positive correlation with FEC (P < 0.05).
resistance and Haemonchus contortus infection in grazing goats. M. The PCV showed strong negative correlation with FAM (P < 0.05), FEC
M. Corley and A. A. Saeed*, Virginia State University, Petersburg. (P < 0.05) and β-tubulin DNA (P < 0.05). These results demonstrate that
the opportunity to detect Hemonchus contortus infection by standard
The most prominent factor currently limiting meat goat producers is methods and at the same time determine whether the animal will be
the blood sucking nematode Hemonchus contortus. This gastrointes- resistant to anthelmintic treatment by DNA detection and quantitation
tinal parasite costs the global livestock industry billions of dollars per will aid in saving the global livestock industry billions of dollars.
annum in lost production and drug costs. Resistance to all the major
anthelmintic classes is now common worldwide, often leading to Key Words: Haemonchus contortus, anthelmintic resistance, DNA
failure of treatment and control. Standard methods of gastrointestinal quantitation
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 359
Meat Science and Muscle Biology: Fresh Meat Quality of Ruminants,
Nonruminants and Poultry
T164 Brazilian commercial cuts yield of crossbred beef bulls The objective in this trial was to assess the basic cuts yield of finished
slaughtered at different body masses. R. Mello*1, A. C. de Queiroz2, crossbred feedlot beef bulls and slaughtered at different body masses.
F. D. de Resende3, M. H. de Faria3, P. V. R. Paulino2, and G. R. Siqueira3, Thirty 6 young (20 mo) bulls, 18 crossbred F1 Red Angus × Nellore
1Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, 2Uni- (1/2 RA 1/2 N) and 18 F1 Blonde D’Aquitaine × Nellore (1/2 BA 1/2 N)
versidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 3Agência Paulista de were used. The young bulls were finished on feedlot and slaughtered at
Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Colina, SP, Brazil. 480, 520 and 560 kg of shrunk body weight (SBW). A completely ran-
domized experimental design in a 2 × 3 (2 genetic groups × 3 slaughter
The aim of the present experiment was to study the effects of genetic weights) factorial arrangement with 6 replicates was used. Primal cuts
groups and slaughter end points on commercial meat cuts yield. Thirty- were predicted for each carcass using separation (forequarter, thin flank,
six young (20 mo) bulls, 18 crossbred F1 Red Angus × Nellore (1/2 RA pistola) on the right side of the carcass. Data were analyzed with SAS
1/2 N) and 18 F1 Blonde D’Aquitaine × Nellore (1/2 BA 1/2 N) were software using initial SBW as a covariate. The table below shows the
used. The young bulls were feedlot finished and slaughtered at 480, 520 least squares means of Brazilian primal cuts yield. Cuts yield ranged
and 560 kg of shrunk body weight (SBW). A completely randomized on average from 40.9 to 42.5% of forequarter, 11.2 to 11.9% of thin
experimental design of a 2 × 3 (2 genetic groups × 3 slaughter weights) flank and 45.7 to 47.8% of pistola. There were no effect (P > 0.05) of
factorial arrangement with 6 replicates was used. The pistola from right genetic group (GG), slaughter weight (SW) and its interaction (GG ×
side of each carcass was dissected into crude and trimmed cuts and SW) on relative yield (%) of the primal cuts. Thus, finishing of crossbred
trimmed fat for predicted commercial cuts yield. Data were analyzed F1 Blonde D’Aquitaine or Red Angus versus Nellore young bulls on
with SAS software using initial SBW as a covariate. The table below feedlot and slaughter at 480, 520 and 560 kg produced carcasses with
shows the least squares means of dependent variables. The 1/2 BA 1/2 the same primal cuts yield.
N young bulls had a higher relative yield (% of pistola) of trimmed top
sirloin butt than 1/2 RA 1/2 N young bulls. As the slaughter weight
increased, the crude loin and top sirloin cap, and trimmed cube roll, Table 1. Least squares means
strip loin, and top sirloin cap increased; however the trimmed fat from Genetic Group (GG) Slaughter Weight (SW)
loin and top sirloin butt increased also. Besides, the interaction between ½ RA ½ N ½ BA ½ N 480 520 560
GG and SW was significant (P > 0.05) for trimmed fat from tenderloin Forequarter, % 41.7 41.1 41.3 40.9 42.0
(data not shown), where the 1/2 BA 1/2 N had increase of trimmed as Thin flank, % 11.7 11.5 11.4 11.6 11.8
the slaughter weight increased, while the 1/2 RA 1/2 N outcome was Pistola, % 46.6 47.4 47.3 47.5 46.2
virtually unchanged. Thereby, crossbred F1 Blonde D’Aquitaine ×
Key Words: bone-in cuts, feedlot, young bulls
Nellore young bulls and heavier animals produced more saleable meat
than F1 Red Angus × Nellore and lighter animals.
T166 Portions of high value cuts in carcasses of different beef
Table 1. Least squares means cattle in the Czech Republic. J. Riha*1, J. Bezdicek1, M. Homola2,
E. Vacatko2, and J. Subrt3, 1Agrovyzkum Rapotin Ltd., Vikyrovice, Czech
Genetic Group (GG) Slaughter Weight (SW) Republic, 2Research Institute for Cattle Breeding, Ltd., Vikyrovice, Czech
½ RA ½ N ½ BA ½ N 480 520 560 Republic, 3Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic.
Crude cuts
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of breed on highly valued
Loin 13.5 13.4 12.1b 14.2a 14.0a
parts of carcasses. The study was carried out with 45 Blonde d’Aquitaine,
Top sirloin cap 2.5 2.5 2.1b 2.7a 2.6a
40 Piemontese, 48 Hereford and 52 Galloway bulls. After slaughter,
Trimmed cuts the following cuts were evaluated: round, strip loin, tender loin and
Cube roll 3.7 3.6 3.2b 3.5b 4.1a shoulder blade (boneless). The age of slaughtered animals, and their
Strip loin 6.7 6.8 6.2b 7.3a 6.6b corresponding BW ranged from 312 to 699 d and 395.2 to 811.9 kg,
Top sirloin butt 4.7B 4.8A 4.8 4.7 4.7 respectively. Highly valued meat was weighed (in kg) and presented in
Top sirloin cap 1.8 1.9 1.6b 2.1a 2.0a percent of carcass halfbodies (HC). General regression models (GRM)
Trimmed fat
design with breed as fixed categorical and slaughter age and BW as
fixed continuous effects were used for statistical analysis. Coefficients
Loin 3.1 3.1 2.6b 3.4a 3.3a
of determination calculated for each model ranged from 0.173 (strip
Top sirloin butt 1.4 1.4 1.2b 1.5a 1.5a loin) to 0.587 (tender loin). According to the model, round percentage
Within a row, means followed by different capital and small letters differ (P was reduced (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.001) in the following ascending order:
< 0.05), respectively, among GG and SW by Tukey test. Piemontese (22.82%) > Blonde d’Aquitaine (20.85%) > **Hereford
(17.64%) > Galloway (16.85%). For strip loin, tender loin and boneless
Key Words: boneless cuts, breeds, saleable meat
shoulder blade the order was Blonde d’Aquitaine (4.41%) > Piemontese
(4.36%) > Galloway (4.08%) > *Hereford (3.58%); Piemontese (1.83%)
T165 Brazilian primal cuts yield of crossbreed beef cattle slaugh- > Blonde d’Aquitaine (1.69%) > **Galloway (1.32%) > **Hereford
tered at different end points. R. Mello*1, F. D. de Resende2, A. C. (1.71%) and Piemontese (8.59%) > Blonde d’Aquitaine (8.01%) >
de Queiroz3, M. H. de Faria2, F. Maldonado2, and G. R. Siqueira2, 1Uni- *Galloway (7.38%) > **Hereford (6.51%), respectively. The highest
versidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, 2Agência percentage of cut with regard to weight and age of bulls was found for
Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Colina, SP, Brazil, 3Univer- Piemontese bulls. From this screening study, it is evident that Piemontese
sidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil. and Blond d’Aquitaine bulls (which however have also more subtle
360 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
constitution) have a higher portion of valued cuts than extensively between length of fore and hind quarter, weight proportion of the LM
kept ones (Hereford and Galloway) with regard to model correction of in the carcass and status (bulls, steers) were put into the model as fixed
weight and age. Selected designed models (e.g., for tender loin) seem effects. We selected the effects to test the hypotheses from the aspects
to be suitable for prediction of high value cuts portion with usage of of beef production and anatomy since the LM is of high value as well
the described effects. as important for constitution. The LM was divided into 4 samples and
individually vacuum packed. One of the samples was analyzed 48 h
Key Words: beef cattle, high value cuts, prediction of cutting parts
post-mortem. The other 3 samples were stored at 2–4°C for 16, 30 and
using GRM
44 d. Cooking loss was determined by weighing the samples before and
directly after cooking in a water bath at 70°C for 1 h. Percentage of
T167 Predicting retail product yield of Nellore bulls using live cooking loss was calculated. Values of the parameters for the basic model
animal measurements. S. L. Silva*1,3, R. C. Gomes1, J. U. Tarouco2, including all animals (n = 46) were R0 = 25.33%, lrc = −2.38, Asym
M. N. Bonin1, P. R. Leme1, and J. B. S. Ferraz1, 1Universidade de Sao = 34.12%. The random effects analyses showed that only the subject
Paulo (FZEA), Pirassununga, SP, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal do affected the Asym and R0 significantly (tested with AIC). Analyses of
Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, 3FAPESP, Sao Paulo, fixed effects produced following results: higher values for age resulted
SP, Brazil. in higher Asym (F = 15.15, P = 0.0002) and R0 (F = 3.59, P = 0.06).
Higher values for length of hind quarter resulted in lower Asym (F =
Information regarding retail product yield (RPY) for beef cattle is of 5.83, P = 0.017). The Asym of extensively fattened animals was 3.88%
great importance for genetic evaluation programs based on carcass merit. higher (F = 5.05, P = 0.026) and the R0 −1.21% lower than for inten-
Equations using carcass or live animal measurements to predict RPY sively fattened animals. Steers had −2.57% lower Asym than bulls (F
have been developed mainly based on steers data with little information = 3.99, P = 0.047). The results revealed that fattening system, age and
about its use for young bulls that are mostly used in genetic evaluation length of animals significantly affect cooking loss in aged beef.
programs. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate the accuracy
of RPY estimates in young Nellore bulls obtained by using an equation Key Words: mixed, non-linear, beef
originally developed in our laboratory based on data of Nellore steers.
Thirty-eight Nellore young bulls (23 mo old) finished in feedlot (485
T169 Epinephrine-induced MMP expression in muscle cells is
± 37kg of shrunk body weight (SBW) at slaughter) were ultrasound
uncorrelated with AMPK signaling. M. C. Cha and P. P. Purslow*,
scanned for 12th-rib Longissimus muscle area (ULMA) and backfat
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
thickness (UBFT), and rump fat (URF) determinations, within 3–5 d
prior slaughter. The left side of each carcass was deboned into retail Acute stress at or around the point of slaughter is known to impact on
cuts according to Brazilian standards, with the excess of fat trimmed post-mortem development of pH and subsequent meat quality. One
to approximately 5 mm. Predicted retail product weight (RPW, kg = signaling pathway involved in the stress response is AMP-activated
–36.28367 + 0.36485*SBW – 0.74324*ULMA; R2 = 0.93; SEP = 7.36) protein kinase (AMPK), which regulates energy metabolism in muscle
and percentage (RPP, % = 70.38312 – 0.00716*SBW + 0.07257*ULMA and post-mortem glycolysis. Elevated levels of epinephrine (adrenaline)
– 0.10939*UBFT – 0.15077*URF; R2 = 0.34; SEP = 1.24) were calcu- in the circulation are also known to increase matrix metalloproteinase
lated and compared with actual RPW and RPP. The averages of actual (MMP) expression in muscle. MMPs are proteases (MMPs) that con-
and predicted RPW and RPP averaged 196.6kg and 192.4kg, and 71.7% trol the degradation of connective tissue. Post-mortem degradation of
and 70.8%, respectively. Prediction equations underestimated both RPW intramuscluar connective tissue by MMPs could affect sub sequent
(bias = –4.2kg) and RPP (bias = –0.91%). Coefficients of determination meat toughness. Using a cell culture model, we have therefore inves-
between predicted and observed RPW and RPP were 0.77 and 0.44, tigated: (1) whether epinephrine increases the expression of MMPs
respectively. These results suggest that prediction equations developed from muscle cells and fibroblasts isolated from muscle, and (2) any
from steers can be used with similar accuracy to predict RPY in Nel- relationship changing MMP expression may have to AMPK signaling.
lore bulls. Further studies including a greater number of RPY data in Mouse skeletal fibroblasts (NOR-10) and myoblasts (C2C12) in plate
young bulls are necessary to verify the accuracy of these models and culture with DMEM medium were treated with or without 11 nmol/L
their usefulness for use in genetic evaluation programs. or 55nmol/L doses of epinephrine for 2 or 6 hours. The intracellular
and secreted expression of MMPs was determined by zymography and
Key Words: beef, ultrasound, zebu
AMPK expression was examined by immune blotting. Intracellular
MMP-3 expression was increased in muscle cells by both the high and
T168 Mixed model analysis of non-linearity between cooking loss low doses of epinephrine at longer (6 hour) treatment times. Intracellular
and aging time plus other effects. A. Dufek*1, J. Subrt2, J. Simeono- MMP-2 and MMP-13 expression were also amplified by the lower dose,
vova2, and M. Homola3, 1Research Institute for Cattle Breeding, Ltd., longer time epinephrine treatment in the myoblasts. AMPK expression
Vikyrovice, Czech Republic, 2Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech was elevated only at the shorter treatment time at both epinephrine dose
Republic, 3Agriresearch Rapotin Ltd., Vikyrovice, Czech Republic. levels and in both cell lines. At the higher epinephrine dose level only
and at short incubation times, fibroblasts also show transient expressions
We used the package nlme in the R software for description and statisti- of MMP-2 and −13.
cal analysis of non-linear relationship between cooking loss and aging The time-course of MMP expression from muscle cells is not well
time. The relationship was described by the asymptotic regression model correlated to the time-course of AMPK activity. Fibroblasts respond
“cooking loss = Asym+(R0-Asym) exp[-exp(lrc)Time]” with 3 physi- only to the higher level of epinephrine and on a much shorter
cally meaningful parameters: R0 = the response at slaughter time, lrc = timescale, better correlated to AMPK activity.
logarithm of the rate constant and Asym = a response that approaches
a horizontal asymptote. After the basic model was formed, we put
random effects into the model at nested levels: i) subject (animal), ii) Key Words: muscle, proteolysis, collagen
subjects within sires and iii) sires within years. Age, fattening system
(extensive vs. intensive), length of hind quarter, weight of carcass, ratio
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 361
T170 Measurement of purge protein composition as an indicator of levels for any muscle and treatment. In general, ROS slightly lowered
beef tenderness. B. C. Bowker*, J. S. Eastridge, and E. W. Paroczay, TC, more so in LD-derived cells than in ST cells. No relation (P > 0.05)
USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD. between Pro-MMP-2 and TC was found for cells from either muscle,
while for LD cells, MMP-2 activity showed a negative correlation (P
The objective of this study is to determine if the protein composition of
< 0.05) with respect to TC. Oxidative stress may decrease net collagen
the purge moisture collected from vacuum-packaged beef can be used
turnover in intramuscular fibroblasts and this could lead to decreased
as a potential indicator of meat tenderness. Frozen beef striploins (n
collagen solubility in some muscles. Thus, oxidative stress is an envi-
= 12) were each divided into 3 sections which were thawed, vacuum
ronmental/dietary factor that might affect meat quality.
packaged, and aged at refrigerated temperatures. After 0, 7, and 14 d
of aging, purge moisture was collected from the vacuum packages and Key Words: oxidative stress, collagen turnover, meat quality
analyzed for protein content using a biuret assay and protein composi-
tion using SDS-PAGE. Steaks were also removed at 0, 7, and 14 d of
aging for Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) determination. With aging T172 Phenotypic differences in MMP activity between fibroblasts
from 0 to 14 d, WBS decreased (P < 0.0001) from 5.8 to 3.4 kg shear from three beef muscles. A. C. Archile*2,1, M. C. Cha1, and P. P.
force. Purge losses at d 7 and 14 were 5.8% and 8.4%, respectively. The Purslow1, 1University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 2University of Zulia,
amount of purge loss between 0 and 14 d was significantly correlated (r Maracaibo, Venezuela.
= −0.3707) to the decrease in WBS from d 0 to 14. The protein content It has been found that muscles from the same beef carcass may respond
of the purge moisture collected after 0, 7, and 14 d was similar, however, differently to the same stimulus. This might cause difficulties when
the protein composition of the purge changed with aging. SDS-PAGE looking for a production system to render meat tender. The aim of this
analysis of collected purge samples demonstrated that 10 protein bands work was to study phenotypic differences in the expression of matrix
increased (P < 0.05) in relative abundance with aging and 4 protein bands metalloproteinases (MMP) among intramuscular fibroblasts from 3
decreased (P < 0.01) with aging. The relative abundance of 5 protein beef skeletal muscles. To our knowledge intramuscular fibroblasts
bands, ranging from 65 to > 250 kDa, were negatively correlated to from beef animals have not previously been characterized. Fibroblasts
WBS (r = −0.5072 to −0.6759). The relative abundance of the 45 and were isolated from longissimus dorsi (LD), semitendinosus (ST) and
38 kDa protein bands were positively correlated to WBS (r = 0.5700 sternomandibularis (SMD) muscles from a yearling animal and grown
and 0.6215, respectively). Furthermore, the relative abundance of the 45 in DMEM + 10% FCS. All cultures were serially sub-cultured and cell
kDa protein band measured in the purge moisture collected at d 0 was behavior studied from passages 1 to 15. Cell lifespan and doubling times
significantly correlated to WBS at d 14 (r = 0.7692). While these data were evaluated for each cell line. After reaching 80% confluence, cells
do not indicate a cause and effect relationship between sarcoplasmic were supplied with fresh DMEM for 24 h. Then, media were collected
proteins and tenderness, the data suggest that purge protein composition and analyzed for MMP-2 activity by zymography. Data were analyzed
may be an indirect indicator of WBS and that the water-soluble protein by 2-way ANOVA and Fisher’s LSD. At all passages, LD-derived cells
fraction of beef muscle may be useful in the development of rapid, non- had the largest (P < 0.0001) doubling time in comparison to SMD and
invasive methodologies for predicting beef tenderness. ST; cells from these last 2 muscles also differed significantly (P < 0.001).
Key Words: beef tenderness, purge, protein composition Cultures derived from ST displayed longer (P < 0.05) lifespan compared
with cells from the other muscles. Cells from ST presented higher (P
< 0.0001) levels of active MMP-2 in comparison to LD and SDM,
T171 Effect of oxidative stress on collagen turnover by bovine which were also different (P < 0.0001) from each other. No statistical
intramuscular fibroblasts. A. C. Archile*2,1, S. P. Miller1, I. B. Man- differences (P > 0.05) in pro-MMP-2 expression were found between
dell1, M. C. Cha1, and P. P. Purslow1, 1University of Guelph, Ontario, any cell lines; however, the total expression of this enzyme was higher
Canada, 2University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. for ST. These results suggest that fibroblasts from different locations
are phenotypically different and so may respond differently to the same
Intramuscular collagen is responsible for the background toughness in
growth or nutrition stimulus in vivo, causing differences in accumula-
cattle. Vitamins E and C may increase collagen turnover, but handling
tion and maturity of collagen, and hence its degree of turnover, which
of cattle may reduce vitamin concentrations in muscles, impeding
may affect meat tenderness. These findings are of significance when
the removal of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and leading to what is
selecting a strategy for improving meat tenderness by manipulation of
known as oxidative stress. Fibroblasts synthesize collagen and regulate
animal growth, as a strategy applied to the whole animal may work for
its turnover by the production of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
some muscles but not for others.
responsible for collagen degradation. The aim of this work was to study
the effect of oxidative stress on the ability of intramuscular fibroblasts Key Words: fibroblast heterogeneity, collagen turnover, matrix metal-
to turnover old collagen and synthesize new collagen. Fibroblasts were loproteinases
isolated from longissimus dorsi (LD) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles
from a yearling animal and grown in DMEM, 10% serum, 5% CO2.
Fibroblasts were treated for 24 h with 1) 0.1 or 0.01 mU/mL xanthine T173 Myofibril fragmentation index of the longissimus muscle of
oxidase /500 μM xanthine (X/XO), and 2) 0.5 or 5 μM of hydrogen Senepol and Charolais crossbred bulls. L. del Valle-Mercado*, A.
peroxide (H2O2). Control group cells received no treatment. MMP-2 Casas, D. Cianzio, M. Pagan, and G. Ortiz-Colón, University of Puerto
activity secreted into the media was analyzed by gelatin zymography. Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, United States.
Total collagen synthesis (TC) in cell lysates was measured using the The objective of this experiment was to determine whether there was a
collagen Sircol assay. Analysis included 2-way ANOVA, Fisher’s LSD difference in the Myofibril Fragmentation Index (MFI) of longissimus
and Pearson bivariate correlation. There was a different pattern in the muscle (LM) samples obtained from Senepol (n = 12) and Charolais (n
response of fibroblasts from the 2 muscles to ROS. Concentrations of = 14) crossbred bulls. Calves were weaned at 9 mo (266.5 kg) and then
0.01 mU/mL X/XO and 5 μM H2O2 induced (P < 0.05) the activation of raised under grazing conditions until harvest at 22 mo (499.6 kg). From
MMP-2 in LD cells, while for ST cells no effect was observed for any each bull 2 LM subsamples were cut in 1 cm 2 pieces and homogenized
treatment. No effect was observed in the inactive Pro-MMP-2 precursor using a Polytron PT1600E homogenizer (30,000 rpm) in cold (4°C)
362 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
homogenizing buffer (100 mM KCl; 7 mM KH2 PO4; 18 mM K2 HPO4 Little information is available on effect of cooking on health-promoting
; 1 mM EDTA; 1 mM NaN3 [pH 7.0]). The Biuret reagent assay was fatty acids (FA) such as cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
use to determine LM homogenates protein concentrations. All muscle and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). The objective of this study
homogenates were diluted to a constant protein concentration of 0.5 was to examine the impact of broiling per se on the FA composition
mg/mL of homogenization buffer. Subsequently, the absorbance of each of ground lamb of 2 different muscles with special emphasis on CLA.
LM homogenate was determined at a specified wavelength of 540 nm Samples were prepared from trimmed, ground steaks of m. Longissimus
(Thermo Spectronic Genesys). Absorbance results were multiplied by lumborum (LL) and m. Semimembranosus (SM) from forage-fed Suf-
200 to determine MFI values. The obtained MFI values were different folk × Katahdin lambs. Patties were broiled in a conventional oven, at
among crossbreds (P = 0.012). Senepol crossbred bulls showed MFI 205°C, for 6.15 min on each side to internal temperature of 71°C. Raw
values of 43.89 (SE 4.52) while Charolais crossbred bulls showed and cooked patties were subjected to proximate and FA analyses. Data
MFI values of 30.09 (SE 2.77). Because previous studies have associ- were analyzed by mixed model procedures with linear models includ-
ated higher MFI values with more tender meat, our data suggests that ing fixed effects of treatment (raw vs. cooked, subunit), muscle type
Senepol crossbred bulls might have more tender meat than Charolais (sub-subunit) and treatment by muscle type. After broiling fat content
crossbred bulls. increased from 2.83 to 4.98% (P < 0.001), and from 3.89 to 6.04% (P
< 0.001), respectively for SM and LL patties, whereas no changes in
Key Words: beef tenderness, MFI, Senepol
levels of total saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FA were
observed for either muscle type. No treatment differences were found in
T174 Effect of brine enhancement and mechanical tenderization percent CLA (0.53–0.58%, raw vs. cooked) or CLA as mg/g fat in SM
on consumer sensory characteristics of cow semimembranosus (6.45–6.72, raw vs. cooked) and in LL (6.2–5.9, raw vs. cooked) patties.
steaks. J. M. Popowski*, R. B. Cox, T. J. McNamara, and P. Nelson, However, content of CLA as mg/100 g of cooked lamb increased from
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, St. Paul. 18.1 (raw) to 33.2 (P < 0.01) and from 24.05 (raw) to 35.8 (P < 0.001),
respectively for SM and LL patties. Average over muscles, a trend (P
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of brine enhance- < 0.1) for lower proportion of vaccenic acid in cooked (1.64%) vs. raw
ment by means of mechanical tenderization on an underutilized cut meat (2.15%) was observed. The ratio ω-6 PUFA/ω-3 PUFA slightly
from the dairy cow carcass. Additionally considered was a comparison increased from 5.7 (raw) to 6.0 (cooked) (P < 0.01) and from 5.8 (raw)
of enhanced and tenderized dairy cow beef to traditional fed beef. Beef to 6.1 (cooked) (P < 0.01), respectively for SM and LL patties. Results
was evaluated from both dairy cull (CUL) carcasses and fed (FED) beef imply that broiling did not cause thermal degradation of CLA levels
carcasses. Processing treatments included a control (CON) and a brine and that a serving portion (100g) of cooked lamb provides over 34
enhancement by means of mechanical tenderization (BRN) of the semi- mg of CLA. Despite the small changes of ω-6 PUFA/ω-3 PUFA ratio
membranosus muscle. Beef semimembranosus from both CUL and FED broiling could be considered as a method preserving the nutritional
beef carcasses were obtained from the University of Minnesota Meat value of lamb.
Laboratory and cut into roasts (60 roasts, 5 per each of 3 replications,
approximately 1kg each). FED and CUL roasts were then randomly Key Words: lamb, cooking, fatty acids
assigned to CON and BRN treatments. BRN roasts were placed in a
commercial meat tumbler with 15% (w/w) brine (water and sodium
T176 Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supplementation
tripolyphosphate) to create an enhanced roast with a phosphate level of
during late gestation on ovine fetal muscle calpain and calpasta-
0.2%. Roasts and brine were tumbled for 30 min. BRN and CON roasts
tin activities. J. D. Magolski*1, W. L. Keller1, T. M. Jeske1, C. A.
were then individually vacuum packaged and allowed to equilibrate at
Schwartz1, L. A. Lekatz1, J. D. Kirsch1, C. S. Schauer2, K. A. Von-
4°C for 24 h before being cut into steaks (2.54 cm thick), individually
nahme1, and K. R. Maddock-Carlin1, 1North Dakota State University,
vacuum packed, and frozen (−20°C) until further use. Steaks were
Fargo, 2Hettinger Research Experiment Center, Hettinger, ND.
thawed at 4°C for 36 h and cooked in an electric oven (180°C) to an
internal temperature of 71°C. Each cooked steak was then cut into cubes To investigate the effects of maternal supplementation of MP during
(1cm –1cm – 1 cm). Sensory evaluation was carried out by an untrained late gestation on calpain and calpastatin activities in fetal muscle, mul-
consumer panel. One–hundred–12 consumers rated overall liking, flavor tiparous ewes (n = 30) were randomized to receive 75% (LOW), 100%
liking, texture liking, off-flavor, juiciness, and toughness of sample from (CON), or 125% (HIGH) of MP requirements from d 100 until d 130 of
all treatments and replications. BRN scores were higher than CON for gestation. On d 130, ewes were slaughtered, and fetuses were necropsied.
overall liking (P < 0.001), flavor liking (P = 0.002), and texture liking Longissimus thoracis (LT) and semimembranosus (SM) were collected
(P < 0.001) for CUL steaks, but not FED. BRN scores were lower than (20 g) and analyzed for calpastatin activity by casein assay and calpain
CON for juiciness (P = 0.001) and off-flavor intensity (P = 0.01) in CUL activity by casein zymograms. μ-Calpain autolysis was evaluated by
steaks, but not FED. Overall liking (P < 0.001) and texture (P < 0.001) Western blotting. Ewes carried singletons and twins; however, only
scores were higher for FED steaks compared with CUL. Results indicate singletons were analyzed. Calpastatin activity did not differ (P ≥ 0.21)
there may be potential to market whole-muscle products from the cow among treatments. Casein zymograms showed no treatment differences
round with mechanical tenderization and enhancement. (P ≥ 0.80) for μ-calpain or m-calpain activities. Autolysis of μ-calpain
in the SM was greater in the HIGH group compared with that in the
Key Words: beef, cull, enhancement
CON group as indicated by smaller percentage of the (P = 0.01) 80
kDa band. Calpastatin activity and specific activity were greater (P <
T175 Fatty acid composition including cis-9, trans-11 CLA of 0.01) in the LT (4.02 units/mL ± 0.10; 58.48 units/mg ± 1.51) than in
cooked ground lamb. G. Davila-El Rassi*1, V. Banskalieva1, and the SM (3.31 units/mL ± 0.10; 47.07 units/mg ± 1.51). Additionally,
M. Brown2, 1R. M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center, Okla- autolysis was occurring at a greater (P < 0.01) extent in the SM than
homa State University, Stillwater, 2USDA-ARS, Grazinglands Research in the LT as indicated by the disappearance of the 80 kDa band (21.72
Laboratory, El Reno, OK. vs. 27.51 ± 1.84) and the accumulation of the 76 kDa autolysis product
(46.27 vs. 39.77 ± 1.66). Therefore, maternal supplementation of MP
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 363
during late gestation did not affect calpastatin activities in fetal skeletal and 7 litters with a low (L: < 1.3 kg) average litter BtW were selected.
muscle, but increased μ-calpain autolysis in HIGH compared with CON At farrowing 2 females/litter were sacrificed: from H-sows those with
may indicate differences in protein accretion. However, there were dif- the medium (HM) and lowest (HL) BtW and from the L-sows those
ferences in calpain and calpastatin activities between muscles during with the medium (LM) and highest (LH) BtW. The mATPase staining
late gestation with the LT having greater calpastatin activity and less after pre-incubation at pH 4.3 or 10.2 was used to identify muscle cross-
μ-calpain autolysis, possibly indicating a difference in rate of protein sectional area (CSA), total number of fibers (TNF), number of primary
accretion between muscles. and secondary fibers of the dark and light (STL) portion of the ST.
ADG during lactation and BW at weaning of the remaining piglets were
Key Words: fetal muscle, metabolizable protein, calpain
determined for each gender. Data were analyzed with PROC MIXED
using BtW groups as fixed factor. Three contrasts were established:
T177 Hyperplastic muscle growth occurs from birth to wean- HM vs. LM and LH, respectively, and HL vs. LH. For H- and L-sows
ing in pigs. J. M. R. López1, C. Pardo2, and G. Bee*2, 1Unidad de the realized average litter weight/piglet was 1.74 and 1.23 kg (13.3 and
nutrición animal, Estación Experimental del Zaidín (CSIC), Granada, 14.8 piglets/litter, respectively). Compared with H-sows, female piglets
Spain, 2Agroscope Liebefeld Posieux, Research station ALP, Posieux, from L-sows grew slower (236 vs. 293 g/d; P < 0.01) and were lighter at
Switzerland. weaning (8.54 vs. 10.34 kg; P < 0.04). At birth HM-piglets were heavier
than LM- and LH-piglets (1.73 vs. 1.27 and 1.57 kg; P < 0.07) whereas
Pig myogenesis is a biphasic phenomenon with the sequential forma- BtW was similar in HL- and LH-progeny (1.42 vs. 1.57 kg; P < 0.15).
tion of 2 generations of fibers termed primary (P) and secondary (S) The STL and by that the ST from HM piglets was larger (CSA: STL =
fibers. Currently, it is believed that total number of fibers (TNF) is 58 vs. 44 mm2; ST = 85 vs. 67 mm2; P ≤ 0.05) and tended to have more
fixed at birth. However, there are indications that at birth between P TNF (STL = 380 vs. 308 × 103; ST = 540 vs. 467 × 103; P < 0.10) than
and S fibers very-small diameter fibers containing embryonic and fetal LM-piglets. In conclusion, low gestation efficiency resulting in a lower
myosin heavy chain isoforms exist. They represent a different popula- total litter weight not only affects the development of low but also of
tion of myotubes, designated tertiary myotubes and might contribute to medium BtW offspring. Interestingly, female but not male progeny from
hyperplastic growth after birth. The goal of this study was to establish L-sows grew slower during lactation than those from H-sows.
if TNF remains constant from birth to weaning. For the trial 8 pairs of
Swiss Large White female littermates with a similar birth weight (1.41 Key Words: birth weight variation, myogenesis, litter weight
± 0.113 kg; P = 0.82) were used. One piglet of each pair was sacrificed
either at birth or at weaning at d 28 of age (BW: 6.93 ± 0.527 kg). Sub-
T179 Influence of genotype and slaughter weight on carcass and
sequently, internal organs and the semitendinosus (ST) muscles were
meat quality of Iberian pigs. M. Sánchez*1, J. Viguera1, M. I. Gracia1,
collected and weighed. Histological analyses were performed on the ST
J. Peinado1, A. Robina2, and J. Ruiz2, 1Imasde Agroalimentaria S.L.,
using the mATPase staining procedure after pre-incubation at pH 10.2.
Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain.
This allowed identifying the muscle cross-sectional area, TNF, number
of P and S fibers and the S/P ratio of the dark (STD) and the TNF of the A total of 48 pigs (50% castrated males and 50% castrated females) were
light (STL) portion of the ST. Relative to slaughter weight, the spleen used to evaluate 2 different genotypes: Duroc1 × Iberian (DR1×IBE)
and ST were 90 and 26% heavier (P < 0.01), respectively, whereas lungs, and Duroc2 × Iberian (DR2×IBE) and 2 slaughter weights: 145 and
liver, heart and kidneys were 17, 16, 30 and 24% lighter (P < 0.06) at 155 kg BW on carcass traits, composition and color of meat, and fatty
weaning than at birth. From birth to d 28 of age TNF increased in the acid profile of subcutaneous fat. Data were analyzed as a completely
STD (151020 vs. 235191; P < 0.01) but not in the STL (395497 vs. randomized design using PROC GLM of SAS. The model included the
405836; P = 0.83). The increase resulted from both a greater number of terminal sire genotype and slaughter weight as main effects. DR1×IBE
P (4597 vs. 6605; P < 0.01) and S fibers (146423 vs. 228586; P < 0.01) pigs showed higher backfat thickness than DR2×IBE pigs (52.7 vs. 46.3
with no changes in the S/P ratio (32 vs. 35; P = 0.25). Overall the TNF mm; P < 0.05). However, no (P > 0.05) differences between genotypes
of the ST was only numerically greater (546517 vs. 641028; P = 013) were found for carcass, ham, shoulder and loin yields, in the composition
in weaned than newborn piglets. This preliminary data suggest that the or the color of meat and the fatty acid profile of the subcutaneous fat. As
TNF of parts of muscles are not fixed at birth. Further studies needs to expected, pigs slaughtered at 155 kg BW had greater backfat thickness
determine whether the potential of an increase in TNF can be already (53.7 vs. 45.3 mm; P < 0.01) and carcass yield (81.52 vs. 79.80%; P <
observed in the muscles of new born pigs and whether the development 0.01), but lower ham and shoulder yields (17.95 vs. 19.16% and 11.64
of these fibers can be stimulated during postnatal growth. vs. 12.37%, respectively; P < 0.01) than pigs slaughtered at 145 kg BW.
Loins from heavier pigs tended to have higher redness value (10.05
Key Words: muscle development, semitendinosus, pigs
vs. 9.26; P = 0.07) than lighter pigs, but no differences were observed
in lightness and yellowness of loin. Finally, the increase in slaughter
T178 Relationship between average litter weight and intralitter weight decreased the level of saturated fatty acids (33.78 vs. 32.14%;
weight variability on myogenesis in newborn piglets. C. Pardo1,2, P < 0.01) and increased that of the monounsaturated fatty acids (54.29
M. Kreuzer2, and G. Bee*1, 1Agroscope Liebefeld Posieux, Posieux, vs. 55.68%; P < 0.01) in the subcutaneous fat. Our data indicate that
Switzerland, 2ETH Zurich, Institute of Plant, Animal and Agroecosystem an increase in the slaughter weight of Iberian pigs from 145 to 155 kg
Sciences (IPAS), Zurich, Switzerland. BW improved carcass yield and positively altered the fatty acid profile
toward a more unsaturated subcutaneous fat.
A high variability in total litter birth weight (BtW) has been reported in
common litter sizes (10–15 piglets). Limitations in uterine efficiency Key Words: Iberian pig, carcass traits, fatty acid profile
may affect the development not only of low BtW piglets but also that of
the entire litter. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship
T180 Effect of birth parity and sex on carcass traits and meat
between average litter BtW and intra-litter variability on semitendinosus
quality characteristics in crossbred pigs. G. D. Kim*1, J. Y. Jeong2,
(ST) development in newborn piglets and postnatal growth from birth
K. Y. Seo1, E. Y. Jung1, H. S. Yang1, and S. T. Joo1, 1Division of Applied
to weaning. From multiparous sows, 7 litters with a high (H: > 1.7 kg)
364 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Life Science (BK21 Program), Graduate School of Gyeongsang National had better carcass quality but poorer meat quality than crossbreds of
University, Jinju, Gyeongnam 660-701, Republic of Korea, 2Swine Tempo sire line.
Scientic Technique Center, Jinju National University, Jinju 660-758,
Key Words: immunocastration, gender, sire line
Republic of Korea.
The effect of birth parity and sex on carcass traits and meat quality
characteristics were studied on crossbred (Landrace × Korean native T182 The influence of cage housing system and laying hen strain
pig) pigs, with age ranging between 182 and 195 d. 182 males and 158 on breast meat quality traits. K. Juurlink*1, A. McMillan1, R. Ofori1,
females of pigs from 3 different birth parities were investigated. The B. Rathgeber2, and M. Jendral1, 1Nova Scotia Agricultural College,
females and third parity pigs grew slower than males and first or second Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2Agriculture Agri-Food Canada, Truro,
parity pigs. However, there are no significant (P > 0.05) differences in Nova Scotia, Canada.
carcass weight (kg) among the different sexes and birth parities. Backfat The influence of cage housing system and laying hen strain on breast
thickness (mm) at 3 points (4th-5th thoracic vertebrae, 11th-12th tho- meat quality traits was determined for 3 strains of laying hens (Shaver
racic vertebrae and vertebrae thoracic-lumber vertebrae) were higher White (SW), Lohmann Lite (LL), Lohmann Brown (LB)) housed in
in females (33.8, 29.3, and 27.0mm, respectively) than in males (31.1, conventional cages, and furnished colony units, and processed under
24.8, and 22.6mm, respectively) (P < 0.01). The third parity pigs had commercial conditions. During the laying period, hens were either
higher loin eye area (22.10cm2) and lower backfat thickness (30.16mm) housed in conventional battery (CONV) (60 cm × 55 cm) (n = 24 cages
at 4th-5th thoracic vertebrae than the others (P < 0.05). The males and per strain; 5 hens per cage) or furnished colony cages (COL) (240 cm ×
third parity pigs had higher pH value (5.83) at 24h postmortem (P < 110 cm) (n = 12; 4 per strain; 40 hens per cage). COL contained a nestbox
0.05). Lightness (L* value) and yellowness (b* value), intramuscular fat (60 cm × 55 cm), 3 hardwood, semi-circular perches (240 cm × 5 cm)
content (%), and sarcomere length (Î1/4m) were higher in females than and a dustbathing facility (60 cm × 20 cm). Hens were slaughtered at
in males, while moisture content (%) was higher in males (P < 0.05). 80 weeks and 25 hens per colony cage, and all 5 hens in 9 conventional
Intramuscular fat content (3.41%), redness (a* value, 7.97) and yellow- cages per strain were randomly selected for 17 and 30 min postmortem
ness (b* value, 3.30) were higher in third parity pigs than in the other determination of right breast (pectoralis major) pH and color (lightness
parities, however, moisture content (73.22%) and drip loss (1.09%) were (L*), redness (a*) and yellowness), respectively. At 24 h post mortem,
lower in third parity pigs (P < 0.05). The results suggest that females left breast (pectoralis major) samples were collected from the same hens
and third parity pigs which exhibited the lowest growth performance, to determine shear force values. Data were analyzed using the Mixed
have higher fat content and lower moisture content. model of SAS with significance accepted at P ≤ 0.05. Breast meat was
Key Words: birth parity, sex, crossbred pig paler in color in CONV than COL (51.69 vs. 56.72; P = 0.02). In Col,
LL and LB hens exhibited higher redness values than SH hens (5.99
and 5.12 vs. 2.73; P = 0.01). These results suggest that breast meat
T181 Carcass quality of pigs vaccinated against gonadotropin color may be affected by bird movement in different housing systems,
releasing factor compared to surgically castrated males and gilts and by genotype.
from two different sire lines. J. I. Morales1, M. P. Serrano*2, L.
Key Words: laying hen, furnished cages, meat quality
Cámara2, J. D. Berrocoso2, J. P. López1, and G. G. Mateos1, 1Copiso S.A.,
Soria, Spain, 2Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
A total of 360 pigs was used to study the influence of gender (immuno- T183 Effect of ultimate pH on the chemical properties of proteins in
castrated males, IM; surgically castrated males, CM; intact females, IF) turkey breast meat. J. Chan*, D. A. Omana, and M. Betti, University
and terminal sire line (Top York; Tempo) on carcass and meat quality of of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
pigs slaughtered at 125 kg BW. The female line used was Large White A major challenge facing the turkey industry is the increasing occur-
× Landrace in all cases. The IM pigs received 2 doses of Improvac (76 rences of pale, soft, exudative (PSE)-like meat. PSE-like meat results
and 124 d of age, 7 wk before slaughter). Backfat thickness (BF) was in paler color and reduced protein functionality. In contrast, dark, firm,
measured the day of slaughter in live pigs, using an ultrasound scanner, dry (DFD)-like meat results in darker color and shorter shelf life. Hence,
and postmortem, using a flexible ruler. Meat samples were taken at m. the objective of this study was to determine the chemical properties of
Longissimus dorsi and analyzed by NIR. Treatments were arranged proteins in turkey breast with different ultimate pH at 24 h postmortem
factorially (3 × 2) with 6 replicates (10 pigs/pen) per treatment. The IM (pH24) so as to improve utilization of these types of meat. Turkey breasts
pigs had less carcass yield than IF and CM (77.2 vs. 79.1 and 78.7%; from Hybrid Toms were collected from a local processing plant at 24
P < 0.001). Also, IM and IF had less BF than CM (P < 0.001) when h postmortem. Sixteen breasts for each class (pale, normal, dark) were
measured by ultrasound scanner or after slaughter. The correlation coef- selected based on lightness (L*) values. Further selection of 8 breasts
ficient between the in vivo and the postmortem methods was r = 73% from each class was made based on pH24. Samples were within values:
(P < 0.001). Fresh (14.8 vs. 14.6 vs. 14.5%) and trimmed (13.2 vs. 13.0 pale (L*>51, pH<5.7), normal (46< L* <51, 5.9< pH <6.0), and dark
vs. 12.9%) ham yields were higher for IF than for CM with IM being (L*<46, pH>6.3) and referred to as low, normal, and high pH meat,
intermediate (P < 0.05). Also, IF had higher loin yield than IM and CM respectively. Analyses were conducted on fresh minced samples. Data
(P < 0.01). Meat from IM and CM had more intramuscular fat (3.93 and were analyzed using analysis of variance and means were separated
4.03 vs. 3.52%; P < 0.01) than meat from IF. No differences between using Tukey’s HSD. The extent of myosin denaturation was similar as
sire lines were observed for carcass yield, BF or pH24. Crossbreds from a function of pH24 as revealed by Ca2+- ATPase enzyme activity. Total
Top York presented higher fresh (14.8 vs. 14.5%; P < 0.05) and trimmed and sarcoplasmic (SP) protein solubility was significantly (P<0.0001)
(13.2 vs. 13.0%; P < 0.05) ham yield but lower loin yield (P < 0.01) higher in high pH meat. SP protein hydrophobicity (Ho) showed only
than crossbreds from Tempo. Meat from Tempo crossbreds had more marginal changes as a function of pH24. However, high pH meat showed
intramuscular fat content than meat from Top York crossbreds (4.01 vs. significantly (P<0.05) higher myofibrillar protein Ho and reactive
3.64%; P < 0.01). We conclude that IM and CM present similar values sulfhydryl groups compared to low pH meat indicating lesser degree of
for carcass and meat quality traits. Crossbreds with Top York sire line protein denaturation. The difference in pH24 had no significant effect on
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 365
total sulfhydryl groups. Protein oxidation was not evident as a function post-mortem. Color, water binding capacity (WBC) and processing cook
of pH24 as shown by carbonyl content. In conclusion, low and normal yield (PCY) were measured. Data were analyzed using ANOVA option
pH meat showed similar chemical properties whereas high pH meat of the GLM procedure of SAS. Classification of breast and thigh meats
was found to have higher solubility and hence expected to have better were based on ultimate pH (pHu) and lightness (L*): normal breast (pHu
functional properties. Thorough understanding of these properties will < 6.1, L* > 46) and thigh (pHu < 6.4, L* > 44); DFD breast (pHu > 6.1,
assist industry in developing strategies to improve meat quality and L* < 46) and thigh (pHu > 6.4, L* < 44). The total AMPK was similar
protein functionality, thus preventing yield losses. for normal and DFD breast, but phosphorylated AMPK, indicative of its
activity, could not be detected. DFD breast meat was darker, higher in
Key Words: pale, dark, pH, chemical properties, turkey
pHu, WBC and PCY (P < 0.05 for each), but not (P > 0.05) different in
initial pH compared with normal meat. DFD thigh meat had higher (P
T184 The effect of turkey breast meat pH on fatty acid profile of < 0.05) initial and ultimate pH, and darker color compared with normal
polar lipids and susceptibility to oxidation. P. K. Hong*, J. Chan, meat. Energy reserve at slaughter (GP) was almost exhausted in DFD
D. A. Omana, and M. Betti, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, (15 μmol/g) compared with normal (76 μmol/g) thigh meat, suggesting
Canada. lack of substrate availability resulted in DFD thigh meat. However, GP
was lower in DFD breast of CS birds (67 μmol/g) compared with DFD
High prevalence of PSE-like turkey meat is one of the major challenges meat of control birds (87 μmol/g), which was not significantly (P < 0.05)
for meat processors. However, there are limited studies on the muscle different from normal meat of CS and control birds (92 and 102 μmol/g
membrane fatty acid content and its oxidative stability in turkey meat respectively), indicating that incomplete post-mortem glycolysis may
with different pH. In this study, fatty acid profile and lipid oxidation level contribute to DFD in breast meat. Thigh and breast meat from CS birds
in polar lipid of turkey (Hybrid Tom) breast meat were investigated. Ini- showed a higher incidence of DFD than that of control birds (85 and
tially, 3 groups (pale, normal & dark) of turkey breasts (16 pieces each) 42% versus 0 and 20%). GP for breast meat, but not for thigh meat, was
were screened in a local processing plant at 24 h postmortem based on time sensitive and showed some fluctuations over time post-mortem.
lightness (L*). Eight breasts from each were further selected based on In addition, GP was more highly correlated to changes in meat quality
the following criteria: pale (L*>51, pH<5.7), normal (46< L* <51, 5.9< of thigh than breast meat.
pH <6.0) and dark (L*<46, pH>6.3) and were referred as low (LpH),
normal (NpH) and high (HpH) pH meat respectively. All samples were Key Words: broilers, meat, energy reserve, DFD, cold
minced and stored at 4°C until use. Total fat was first extracted by the
Folch method; polar lipid was separated by silica gel column followed
T186 Comparison of four methods that measure hydroxypro-
by gas chromatography detection. Lipid oxidation in turkey meat was
line. H. L. Bruce* and A. Chan, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
determined by induced thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS)
Alberta, Canada.
values, expressed as nmol malondialdehyde/mg protein (MDA). Data
were analyzed using One-way ANOVA test and means were separated by Hydroxyproline (HYP) is used to estimate collagen content of meat
Tukey′s HSD. Results showed that polar lipid from each group differed because it is unique to collagen, a protein associated with toughness.
in the fatty acid composition as they were influenced by meat pH. LpH Neuman and Logan (1950)(NL) and Bergman and Loxley (1963)(BL)
polar lipid had significantly lower levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids assays are popular HYP colorimetric methods and the BL assay has
(PUFA) (P < 0.01), particularly linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) (P < 0.001), been modified by Parekh and Jung (1970)(PJ) and Edwards and O’Brien
total n-3 (P < 0.05) and total n-6 fatty acids (P < 0.05). For HpH, the (1980)(EO) to decrease assay volume. Absorbance variability and
highest PUFA level (P < 0.01) including total n-3 (P < 0.05) and n-6 stability of the BL, PJ and NL assays were compared in a randomized
fatty acids (P < 0.05) content were recorded. The TBARS value in LpH complete block design blocked by day with assay order randomized and
meat confirmed that lipid oxidation level was the lowest among the three balanced. Assays were performed 9 times using trans-4-HYP (Sigma
turkey meat groups (0.17-0.37), followed by HpH (0.24-0.51) and NpH Chemical Co., Oakville, Ontario) aqueous standards at 2.5, 5, 10, 20
(0.32-0.85). In conclusion, low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids were and 40 µg HYP/mL. Absorbance of each standard was assessed 15, 30,
found in LpH meat. Our results indicated that different meat pH values 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 min after an initial 0 min reading using a
are more than a function of short-term antemortem stress. Jasco V630 spectrometer. EO assay absorbance stability and variability
were also compared with those of the BL assay in a second randomized
Key Words: turkey, pH, fatty acid, TBARS, lipid oxidation
complete block design experiment identical to the first except that each
assay was performed 8 times. For each experiment, assay variability was
T185 Exploring the biochemical basis of dfd in broiler breast and inferred from absorbance standard deviations calculated using PROC
thigh meat. S. Dadgar*1, H. L. Classen2, T. G. Crowe3, and P. J. Shand1, UNIVARIATE (SAS Version 9.2, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Caro-
1Department of Food and Bioproduct Sciences, 2Department of Animal lina). Change in color stability was determined using repeated measures
and Poultry Sciences, 3Department of Agricultural and Bioresource within PROC MIXED of the same software (P < 0.05). Sources of varia-
Engineering, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. tions included assay, HYP concentration, time after initial assay reading
and their 2- and 3-way interactions. Results showed that assay stability
The effect of acute cold exposure on muscle energy reserve at slaughter declined with time as HYP concentration increased. All assays except
and its relation to post-mortem glycolysis and the incidence of dark, firm EO were stable for the first 90 min at HYP concentrations less than 10
and dry (DFD) breast and thigh meat was investigated. Male broilers µg/mL. At 20 µg HYP/mL, absorbance changed at 15, 30, 30 and 120
(160) were exposed to temperatures of −9 to −15 (cold-stressed; CS), min for the NL, EO, PJ and BL assays, respectively. At 40 µg HYP/mL,
or +20°C (control) for 3 h before slaughter. Glycolytic potential (GP) absorbance was stable for 15 min in the BL assay only. The BL assay
and pH of breast and thigh muscles were determined at different times is most appropriate for high HYP concentration samples or assays with
post-mortem from selected birds. Activity of adenosine monophosphate- large sample numbers and prolonged measurement times.
activated protein kinase (AMPK) in breast meat was assessed at 0 min
Key Words: collagen, meat, hydroxyproline
366 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: DDGS
T187 Effect of the inclusion levels of DDGS to the feeds of broilers level of DDGS during all periods. Dressing percentage was similar (P >
and glucanase, xylanase and phytase addition to low-energy DDGS- 0.05) between levels of DDGS. Breast yield, wing yield and drumstick
added diets. M. L. Angeles*1 and S. Gómez1,2, 1INIFAP, Ajuchitlán, yield as percentage of live or carcass weight were not significantly (P
Colón, Qro, México, 2FESC-UNAM, Ajuchitlán, Colón, Qro. México. > 0.05) different between levels of DDGS. Thigh yield as percent of
live or carcass weight was different (P < 0.05) between levels of DDGS
Three experiments were carried out to evaluate the growth performance
with the highest yield for broilers fed 25% DDGS. In summary, feeding
and breast yield of broiler chickens fed diets with increasing levels of
DDGS at higher levels did not negatively affect chick wt, feed intake,
DDGS and the additions of different enzymes to compensate the energy
feed conversion ratio, wt gain, mortality or dressing percentage com-
reduction in DDGS-added diets. In all the experiments Ross B308 male
pared with a basal diet. Percentage thigh yield was affected by levels
broilers were individually fed. In Exp. 1, 96 broilers from 21 to 35 d of
of DDGS, while breast yield, wing yield, and drumstick yield were not
age were used and assigned to 8 treatments in a factorial combination
influenced by DDGS. Feeding DDGS at 30% had an economical benefit
of 2 diets based either on sorghum (S) or corn (C) and 4 increasing
with an average of $60/ton compare with basal diet (0% DDGS) when
dietary levels of DDGS (0, 5, 10 and 15%). Diets were formulated to
DDGS priced at $146/ton.
meet the nutrient requirements of grower broilers. In Exp. 2, 80 broilers
from 35 to 49 d of age were used and assigned to the same treatments Key Words: DDGS, broiler, dressing percentage
used in Experiment 1, but diets were formulated to meet the nutrient
requirements of finisher broilers. In Exp. 3, 84 broilers from 32 to 49
d of age were used and assigned to 6 dietary treatments in a factorial T189 Effect of pellet quality on utilization of distillers dried grains
combination of 2 cereals: S or C and 3 diets: 1) S or C plus soybean meal with solubles (DDGS) in broiler diets. C. A. Coto*1, C. Lu1, Y. Min1,
(SBM) and 3200 kcal of ME/kg, 2) S or C, SBM, 10% DDGS and 3200 A. J. Karimi2, F. Yan1, and P. W. Waldroup1, 1University of Arkansas,
kcal of ME/kg, and 3) S or C, SBM, 10% DDGS but reductions of 100 Fayetteville, 2University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran.
kcal of ME/kg, 0.12% Ca and 0.12% available P, and added with 200 DDGS can be used in broiler diets but at high levels a loss in perfor-
ppm of phytase (Ronozyme-P [CT]), 175 ppm of glucanase (Ronozyme mance is observed with much attributed to reduction in pellet quality.
VP) and 175 ppm of xylanase (Ronozyme WX). In Exp. 1, the feed A study was conducted to evaluate different types of pellet binders in
intake and weight gain were better when 10% DDGS was included diets with addition of 25% DDGS, a level which provides a marginal
in the diet. In Exp. 2, the weight gain, feed conversion and energetic but detectable reduction in performance. Dietary treatments consisted
efficiency were improved (P < 0.01) at each increment of DDGS in of a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement with 2 levels of DDGS and 4 levels
the diet; the best responses were observed for dietary levels of 10 and of binder for a total of 8 treatments. Two basal diets were formulated
15% DDGS. In Exp. 3, there was not any negative effect on the growth to contain either 0% or 25% DDGS. The binder applications were as
performance of broilers fed a low-energy, low-Ca and low-available P follows: No binder (fed as mash), No binder (fed as pellets), Pel-Stik
diet supplemented with phytase, glucanase and xylanase. In summary, (fed as pellets) and PellTech (fed as pellets). One-day old birds of a
10% and between 10 and 15% of DDGS can be included in the diet of commercial strain were placed in floor pens with 35 birds per pen and
grower and finisher broilers, respectively, without any negative effect 6 replicates per treatment. Pellet quality was determined by quantifying
on the growth performance even in low-energy, Ca and P diets added the amount of fines. Birds were weighed and feed consumption deter-
with phytase, glucanase and xylanase enzymes mined at d 14, 28 and 41 d. At d 41, 5 birds per pen were processed to
Key Words: broiler chickens, DDGS, enzymes determine dressing percentage and parts yield. The inclusion of 25%
DDGS in the diet significantly increased the amount of fines in the diet.
No significant effect of the binder applied in the diet was found for the
T188 High dietary inclusion of dried distillers grains with solubles amount of fines. The amount of fines in the finisher diet was significantly
in broiler rations—Production effects and yields. M. K. Masa’deh* increased in the following order: No binder (mash) > PellTech > Pel-Stik
and S. E. Scheideler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln. > No binder (pellets). Birds fed pellets had BW and FCR than those fed
mash diets. Birds fed 25% DDGS showed higher BW at d 28 with no
A study was conducted to test the effects of feeding high levels of dried
difference during the remaining feeding stages. No difference among
distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in broiler chicks on body wt, feed
pellet binders was observed for BW at 41 d. An improved FCR at 28 and
intake, feed to gain ratio and parts yield. Ross x Ross broiler chicks
41 d was observed when DDGS was included in the diet. The addition
were divided into 6 dietary treatments with different inclusion rates
of Pelltech increased FCR at 41 d. A significantly higher mortality rate
of DDGS (0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0 or 30.0%) from day-old to 50 d of
was observed when birds received diets containing 25% DDGS. The
age. All diets were formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous and 3
addition of 25% DDGS in the diet significantly reduced the dressing
phase-feeding diets were used, starter (0–14 d), grower (14–35 d), and
percentage, no other effect from the addition of DDGS was observed
finisher (35–50 d). Birds were assigned to 24 flour pens with total of 15
for yield. Birds receiving pellet diets regardless of the binder showed a
birds per pen with 4 replicate pens per treatment. Feed intake and body
significantly higher yield for breast, leg quarters and wings than birds
wt were recorded at 14, 35, and 50 d of age. At 53 d of age, 2 birds per
receiving diets in the mash form.
pen were selected for whole carcass processing and parts yield. Birds
were cut into 8 pieces to determine parts yield (breast, wing, drumstick, Key Words: DDGS, broilers, pellets
and thigh yields). Weight gain and feed intake were significantly dif-
ferent (P < 0.05) during the starter period between dietary treatments
with the highest wt gain and feed intake for chicks fed 30% DDGS. T190 Effect of distillers dried grains with solubles and an
However, no differences were observed (P > 0.05) during grower, fin- enzyme supplement on performance and egg quality of brown egg
isher or the whole period between dietary treatments for weight gain layers. A. J. Pescatore*, P. Rossi, A. H. Cantor, J. L. Pierce, T. Ao,
and feed intake. Feed conversion ratio was not affected (P > 0.05) by
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 367
L. M. Macalintal, M. J. Ford, W. D. King, and H. D. Gillespie, Alltech- ibility values, and to predict DM and CP digestibility. DM digestibility
University of Kentucky Nutrition Research Alliance, Lexington. was predicted as y = −0.43(L*ground) + 88.03 (R2 = 0.54, P < 0.0001)
while inclusion of P, K, starch, and CP improved R2 to 0.78. CP digest-
Effects of diets containing 15 or 23% distillers dried grains with solubles
ibility was predicted as y = −0.55(b*) + 106.22 (R2 = 0.49, P < 0.0001)
(DDGS) with and without a naturally occurring enzyme complex
while inclusion of ADIN, CP, starch, and L* improved R2 to 0.69. From
(Allzyme SSF, Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY)was evaluated in brown
the analyzed samples, b* was a better predictor of CP digestibility than
egg laying hens. Egg production and egg quality was evaluated during
L*. These models provide a rapid way to estimate the feeding value of
36 wk of production. At 17 wk of age, 420 Hy-Line Brown hens were
DDGS from simple nutrient and color analyses, but relationships with
randomly assigned to 5 treatments with 7 replicate groups of 12 hens
in vivo measurements still need to be determined.
each. Treatments consisted of feeding: 1) positive control (corn-soybean
meal) formulated to be adequate in all nutrients 2) 15% DDGS, 3) 15% Key Words: DDGS feeding value, pigs, in vitro digestibility
DDGS + enzymes, 4) 23% DDGS, and 5) 23% DDGS + enzymes. Diets
containing DDGS had reduced levels of ME (2800 vs. 2877 Kcal/kg),
Ca (4.1 vs. 4.2%) and available P (0.17% for 15% DDGS or 0.2% for T192 Substitution of sorghum and soybean meal by distill-
23% DDGS vs. 0.29%), compared with the control diet. Six eggs were ers dried grains with solubles in diets for fattening rabbits. H.
collected from each replicate every 4 wk to determine egg quality. Feed Bernal-Barragán*1,4, Y. Vázquez-Pedroso2, M. Valdivie-Navarro2, C.
intake was significantly (P < 0.05) decreased by DDGS during wks 5–8 A. Hernández-Martínez1, M. A. Cerrillo-Soto3,4, A. S. Juárez-Reyes3,4,
and 17–20. Dietary treatment did not affect feed conversion. Allzyme and E. Gutiérrez-Ornelas1,4, 1Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León,
SSF increased HDP during wks 21–24. Egg weight at wk 20 and yolk Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, 2Instituto de Ciencia Animal, La
weight at wk 20 were decreased by DDGS. Percent yolk was not sig- Habana, Cuba, 3Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, Durango,
nificantly affected by the addition of DDGS. The diet with 15% DDGS Durango, México, 4Red Internacional de Nutrición y Alimentación en
+ enzyme increased albumen wt at Week 20. The diet with 23% DDGS Rumiantes, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México.
+ enzyme increased percent shell at wk 36 and shell breaking strength A trial was conducted to evaluate the partial substitution of sorghum
at wks 4, 32 and 36. Haugh unit values were significantly increased by grain and soybean meal by distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)
DDGS at wks 16 and 28. Shell weight, percent shell, specific gravity in diets for fattening rabbits. Fifty-six 35-d old rabbits (Negro Azteca
and shell breaking strength were initially lower for DDGS diets at 4 wks × Chinchilla) of both genders were allocated in cages, according to a
of production. By 36 wks the addition of Allzyme SSF to the DDGS complete randomized design, with 4 treatments (0, 10, 20 and 30% of
diets improved shell weight, percent shell, specific gravity and shell DDGS in diet) and 7 replicates by treatment. Diets were isonitrogenous
breaking strength. Hens fed 15 or 23% DDGS, +/− enzymes, had lower (17.4% CP) and isoenergetic (2.80 Mcal DE/kg) and were formulated
yolk lightness (L*). Hens fed 23% DDGS had higher yolk redness (a*) to meet NRC rabbit requirements. Basal ingredients were alfalfa hay,
and yolk yellowness (b*) values vs. hens fed 15% DDGS or control ground sorghum grain, soybean meal and a commercial vitamin and
diet. This study suggests that DDGS could be included to the diet up mineral mix. Feed and water were offered ad libitum. At an age of 96
to 23% without negative effects on feed efficiency and can be used to d viability was 100% and morbidity 0%. There were no differences (P
improve yolk color. Using Allzyme SSF in DDGS diets increase shell > 0.05) among treatments at final weight (1914, 1961, 1853 and 1810
quality and albumen weight. g), average daily gain (21, 22, 20 and 19 g/day), feed intake (93, 93,
Key Words: DDGS, shell strength, yolk color 92, and 98 g/day) and feed/gain ratios (4.51, 4.32, 4.64, and 5.24) for
the 4 treatments, respectively. Carcass yield varied from 46.6 to 49.7%
and was not different among treatments (P > 0.05). Meat content of
T191 Feeding value of DDGS for pigs: Correlating in vitro dry carcass was lower (P < 0.07) and bone proportion was higher (P < 0.07)
matter digestibility and crude protein digestibility to its nutrient in rabbits fed 20% DDGS in the diet. Results indicate the possibility to
content and color. M. Rudar*, C. F. M. de Lange, I. B. Mandell, include up to 30% DDGS in diets for fattening rabbits without affect-
C. L. Zhu, and P. McEwen, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, ing performance indicators. Effect of DDGS in carcass composition
Canada. warrants further investigation.
Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), a co-product of ethanol Key Words: rabbits, DDGS, carcass traits
production, may be cost effective for supplying energy and protein in
pig diets. However, concerns about the variation in digestible nutrient
content of DDGS prevent more widespread use. Techniques to rapidly T193 Evaluation of in vitro procedures to measure digestibility
evaluate the feeding value of DDGS are necessary to properly formulate of fiber in distillers dried grains with solubles. P. E. Urriola* and
diets. The study was conducted to determine how the feeding value of H. H. Stein, University of Illinois, Urbana.
DDGS can be estimated via product color, nutrient analysis, and in Four experiments were conducted to develop and evaluate an assay for
vitro digestibility assays. Seventy-two DDGS samples were collected measuring in vitro digestibility of dietary fiber in distillers dried grains
from 6 corn-based ethanol plants (12 samples per plant collected over with solubles (DDGS). Exp. 1 was conducted to validate the 3-step in
3 mo) that supply DDGS to Ontario. Each sample was analyzed for dry vitro digestibility assay (pepsin, pancreatin, viscozyme) in our labora-
matter (DM), crude protein (CP), fat, starch, NDF, ADF, acid detergent tory. In vitro apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and in vitro apparent total
insoluble nitrogen (ADIN), ash, P, Na, K, Mg, S, and color (before and tract (ATTD) digestibility of OM in 4 diets and corn (83.7 and 93.1%)
after grinding to < 1mm particle size) using the CIE, L* a* b* scale. were not different from values analyzed at a reference laboratory (82.4
Samples contained (mean ± SD, %): 26.6 ± 1.62 CP, 10.0 ± 0.75 fat, 2.9 and 92.4%) indicating that we were able to repeat the assay. Exp. 2 was
± 1.60 starch, 31.6 ± 2.47 NDF, 2.5 ± 1.13 ADIN, 0.8 ± 0.05 P, and 1.1 conducted with the objective of increasing the amount of sample that
± 0.08 K. Fecal DM and ileal CP digestibility values were determined was used for the in vitro digestibility assay from 0.5 g to 2.0 or 4.0 g.
using in vitro incubations with a series of porcine gastric, enteric, and Results of this experiment showed that ATTD of DM was not different
hindgut enzymes. Step-wise regression analysis was carried out to cor- among the 3 sample sizes (85.1, 83.7, 83.3% for 0.5, 2.0, and 4.0 g,
relate nutrient content and product color to in vitro DM and CP digest- respectively). Exp. 3 was conducted to measure AID and ATTD of NDF
368 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
in DDGS. In vitro AID of NDF was different (P < 0.01) among sources 0.06) staining intensities of L. sobrius/amylovorus than pigs not receive
of DDGS (21.9 to 40.4%). Values for AID of NDF were greater than DDGS. Similarly, decreased (26.36 vs. 40.95%; P = 0.09) staining
expected considering that at this point there were no fiber degrading intensities of L. sobrius/amylovorus were observed in pigs fed lactose
enzymes added to the samples. The ATTD of NDF (32.5 to 52.2%) was compared with non-lactose fed pigs. On d 14, a main effect of lactose
different (P < 0.01) among sources of DDGS. These observations sug- was observed with respect to putative L. reuteri where lactose-fed pigs
gested that the average concentration of NDF in DDGS (40.2%) in the had greater (54.67 vs. 20.07%; P = 0.02) staining intensities of this
current experiment may be overestimated. The objective of Exp. 4 was species compared with pigs not receiving lactose during phase 1. On d
to measure in vitro hindgut fermentation of NDF using purified enzymes 21, DDGS-fed pigs had greater (72.26 vs. 42.02%; P = 0.05) staining
or fecal inoculums in 10 sources of DDGS that had in vivo data avail- intensities of L. reuteri compared with pigs not receiving DDGS in phase
able. Values for hindgut disappearance of DM and NDF obtained after 1. These research findings suggest that feeding lactose and DDGS may
fecal inoculation (23.0 and 54.3%) were greater (P < 0.05) than values affect fecal Lactobacillus ssp. in nursery pigs.
obtained using purified enzymes (6.3 and 5.6%), values obtained using
Key Words: distiller dried grains with solubles, Lactobacillus, lac-
fecal inoculums were also closer to values observed in vivo (23.3%). In
conclusion, modifications to the 3 step in vitro digestibility assay allowed
measuring the in vitro AID and ATTD of DM and NDF in DDGS. Results
obtained with the fecal inoculum are closer to in vivo values than values T195 Bone breaking strength of laying chickens fed increasing
obtained using purified enzymes. Concentration of NDF in DDGS may levels of omega-3 PUFA DHA (22:6) using algae as vehicle of diet
be overestimated if CP contaminates the NDF residue. enrichment. N. P. Johnston*, C. B. Evans, and R. T. Davidson,
Key Words: in vitro digestibility, DDGS, inoculum Brigham Young University, Provo, UT.
In recent years a host of health benefits have been associated with the
intake of omega-3 fatty acids in general and DHA (22:6 n-3) in par-
T194 Effects of distillers dried grains with solubles and lactose on
ticular for both and humans and animals. During a 12-wk feeding trial
fecal Lactobacillus biota of nursery pigs. H. Tran*, R. Moreno, J. W.
60 SCWL pullets were fed omega-3 PUFA-rich diets with increasing
Bundy, E. Hinkle, J. Walter, T. E. Burkey, and P. S. Miller, University
levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 22:6 (n-3) to determine the
of Nebraska, Lincoln.
dietary effects on bone breaking strength (BRS) measured by Young’s
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of distillers dried Modulus (YM). Two of the diets were DHA-free including a corn oil-
grains with solubles (DDGS), lactose, and their interaction on fecal enriched control and a flaxseed-enriched diet and in the remaining 4
Lactobacillus biota of nursery pigs. Ninety-six pigs (age, 23 d; initial diets a portion of the diet was replaced with increasing levels of algae
BW, 6.43 kg) were randomly allotted into each of 16 pens by gender, ranging from 10% to 50%. As a result- dietary DHA ranged from 0
ancestry, and weight (6 pigs/pen; 4 pens/treatment). In phase 1 (wk 1 and to 0.94% of the diet. The birds were evenly divided by treatment and
2), pigs were fed 1 of the 4 treatments: 1) control (no DDGS or lactose), housed in individual cages in environmentally controlled rooms where
2) 15% DDGS, 3) 20% lactose, or 4) 15% DDGS + 20% lactose. In they received feed/water ad libitum and a light-dark cycle of 14L:10D.
phase 2 (wk 3 and 4), all pigs were fed a common diet containing 15% It was hypothesized that with increasing levels of DHA there would be
DDGS and 10% lactose. Fecal samples were randomly collected from 2 a corresponding increase in bone strength. At the conclusion of the feed-
pigs/pen on d 0, 7, 14, and 21. A subsample was taken from 1 pig/pen (4 ing trial the femur, tibia and humerus bones were broken on an Instron
pigs/treatment) for DNA extraction. Lactobacillus specific primers were 3345 to determine bone strength (YM). Diet improved (P < 0.05) the
used for PCR and subsequent denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis strength of the tibia, femur and humerus (3.08, 2.04, 3.13 N/mm2) at
(DGGE). Staining intensities of DGGE bands were determined as a the 50% level and the femur at all added algae levels. In conclusion the
proportion of peak surface area of the entire molecular fingerprint of 10, 20, and 50% algae-fed birds (P < 0.05) had stronger femurs and the
the sample. No interactions of DDGS and lactose on Lactobacillus biota 50% (P < 0.05) stronger humerus and tibias than the controls; hence,
were observed; however, tendencies for a main effect of both DDGS and the replacement of flaxseed with DHA-rich algae had a beneficial effect
lactose were observed with respect to putative L. sobrius/amylovorus on on the bone strength of laying chickens.
d 7. Pigs fed diet containing DDGS had greater (41.95 vs. 25.36%; P =
Key Words: bone breaking strength, omega-3, algae
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 369
Nonruminant Nutrition: Energy
T196 Energy requirement of broiler breeder hens: Egg weight, regression of MBM contribution to apparent ME intake in kilocalories
egg composition and progeny. C. Salas*, R. D. Ekmay, J. England, against amount of MBM intake in grams. Metabolizable energy values
S. Cerrate, and C. N. Coon, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. for meat and bone meal samples derived from the regression analyses
were 3.364 and 3.691 kcal/g DM, for MBM1 and MBM2, respectively.
Under or overfeeding dietary energy to broiler breeders (BB) can lead It is likely that the difference in energy value is due to greater GE and
to a reduction in hatching egg production. The objective of this study fat and lower ash in MBM2 compared with MBM1.
was to evaluate the effects of energy intake (EI) on egg composition,
hatchability, fertility and progeny performance. Cobb 500 BB pullets Key Words: broiler, meat and bone meal, metabolizable energy
were reared in 3 groups as follows: a control group (SBW), a group
20% heavier (HBW) and a group 20% lighter (LBW). At 21 wks, pullets
of each group were moved to cages and fed 1 of 6 diets (each diet had T198 Determination of the chemical composition and true metabo-
2860 kcal ME and 20.8-14.3% CP). The EI for each diet was adjusted lizable energy of high oil poultry by-product meal. M. G. Olyayee*,
to provide 330, 360, 390, 420, 450 and 480 kcal ME/hen/d and 24 g of H. Janmohammadi, A. Taghizadeh, A. Rafat, and S. Ostan, University
ideal protein/d at peak production. Birds fed 390 kcal ME/d produced of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
177.1 hatching eggs, 14 and 16.4 more eggs than the BB fed 330 and 480 Poultry by-product meal (PBPM) is one of the by-products resulting
kcal ME/d, respectively (P < 0.0001). The same BBs produce .4g to 1.5g from poultry meat processing and is produced from slaughter wastes of
heavier eggs than the other groups (P < 0.0001). BBs were inseminated broilers, spent laying hens and breeders. In Iran, the term PBPM refers
every 5 wks to monitor egg fertility, hatchability and chick weight. At only to meals which are produced from viscera, feathers, heads and
hatch, chicks from LBW hens were always lighter; this translated into some feet and blood, and are produced by simple low cost technology.
BW*EI interactions. The LBW and SBW hens fed 330 and 360 kcal The chemical composition of PBPM can vary greatly depending on the
ME/d produced lighter chicks. Chicks from breeders fed 390 to 480 raw material source, storage time of raw material before rendering and
kcal ME/d weighed ≥42g in all hatches. Egg fertility and hatchability processing methods. This product is used mostly in poultry diets but
were ≥90% and 85%, respectively; for all groups. there is not enough data of its chemical composition and True Metabo-
Egg composition was determined every 5 wks for each BB group lizable Energy (TMEn) content. The present study was conducted to
during the production period. In wks 30 and 35 BB fed 480 kcal determine the chemical composition and TMEn content of high oil
ME/d produced eggs with the highest % yolk (P < 0.01). BB fed 480 PBPM from Iran. Three composed samples were obtained from local
kcal ME/d produced eggs with a higher yolk:albumen ratio (0.46 poultry slaughterhouses. The chemical composition of PBPM such as
to 0.65)(P < 0.05), but this had no effect on progeny performance. DM, CP, ether extract (EE) and ash content was determined according
All progeny from the 50 wk hatch was reared in floor pens until 42d to AOAC (1990) methods. Gross energy was measured by Parr adiabatic
and 5 birds/pen were further processed. There were no differences calorimetric bomb and then TMEn was determined by Sibbald precision
between the progeny groups in BW gain, feed:gain ratio or fed assay. Twenty 4 12-wk-old Ross 308 broiler roosters with similar
processing yields. This study shows that BBs in cages perform well body weight (2280 ± 80g) were selected. Each sample was replicated
with an EI of 390 kcal ME/d throughout the production period. 6 times as well as 6 replications for endogenous energy collection.
Key Words: broiler breeders, energy intake, eggs Descriptive statistical responses of all data were obtained by using
proc means of SAS (2003). The results showed that this product in
comparison with standard tables of nutrient composition has high EE
T197 Determination of metabolizable energy content of meat and (23.8 ± 1.6%), low ash (6.53 ± 0.8%) and approximately the same CP
bone meal for broilers using regression method. O. A. Bolarinwa*1, (57 ± 2.6%) contents. Dry matter was 91.5 ± 0.57. The TMEn values
O. A. Olukosi1, R. A. Hamzat2, and O. Adeola1, 1Purdue University, of 3 studied samples were 2798 ± 80, 3518 ± 114.92 and 3220 ± 108.5
West Lafayette, IN, 2South Suburban College, Chicago, IL. kcal/kg. The results showed that TMEn value of high oil PBPM from
Iran poultry rendering plants is relatively variable, therefore should be
An experiment was conducted to determine the ME content of 2 meat considered by users in poultry diet formulation.
and bone meal (MBM) samples by the regression method. Gross energy
of MBM1 and MBM2 were 4.383 and 4.857 kcal/g DM, respectively. Key Words: TMEn, high oil poultry by-product meal
The CP, ash, and crude fat contents for MBM1 or MBM2 were 585 or
614, 272 or 218, and 109 or 120 g/kg DM. A standard corn-soybean meal
diet with GE and ME of 4.601 and 3.310 kcal/g DM, respectively, and T199 Metabolizable energy and nutrient digestibility coefficient
6 test diets were used for the study. In the standard diet, corn, soybean determination of ingredients with nutritional adjustment. A.
meal, corn starch and soy oil were used as the sources of energy. In the G. Bertechini*, V. A. Costa, S. F. Castro, J. C. C. Carvalho, and C.
test diets, each of the 2 MBM samples were added at the rate of 30, 60 Meneghetti, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, MG, Brazil.
or 90 g/kg diet to partly replace corn, soybean meal, corn starch and soy Because of the imbalance of the nutrient supplies to the chickens when
oil such that the ratio of all energy-yielding feedstuffs to one another using the conventional methodology for metabolizable energy and
was the same in all the assay diets. Each of the 7 dietary treatments nutrient digestibility coefficients determination, the results cannot be
had 8 replicates with 6 birds per replicate. Birds received a starter diet appropriate, for that reason different methods must be developed. In
from d 1 to d 15 post-hatch. Birds with an average BW of 397 g at d the present study the effect of nutritional adjustment of basal diets after
15 post-hatch were assigned to 7 diets in a randomized complete block inclusion of the ingredient test (using enzyme) were evaluated. A total
design. Experimental diets were fed for 7 d and excreta were collected of 640 male Cobb 500 broiler chicks from 14 to 21 (n = 400) and 35 to
twice daily on d 20 and 21. Average weight gain and feed efficiency 42 (n = 240) d of age were placed in metabolic cages and assorted into
were between 391 to 424 g and 700 to 757 g/kg, respectively. The ME 10 dietary treatment groups with 5 and 3 birds each to first and second
content of each MBM sample was determined from the slope of the phases, respectively. A 5 × 2 factorial treatment scheme, with 5 dietary
370 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
adjustments and 2 protease levels (0 and 200 ppm) in a completely ran- SRBC (15% suspension in PBS, 1 mL/chick) at d 15 and 25. Blood
domized design with 8 replicates each was used. The dietary adjustments samples were collected at d 5 and 10 of injections. The serum from
were: 1) Corn-soybean meal based diet (C-SBM), 2) C-SBM + vitamin each sample was analyzed for total anti-SRBC antibody as described
+ mineral premix, 3) C-SBM 2 + energy, 4) C-SBM 2+ amino acids and previously (Cheema et al., 2003). The data were transformed and then
5) C-SBM 2 + energy + amino acids .The variables analyzed were the analyzed using the GLM procedures of SAS software (v. 9.1). Total
apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and N corrected (AMEn), the anti-SRBC titers were increased in birds fed low energy diet in both
apparent digestibility of crude protein (CPD), dry matter (DMD) and postprimary (PPI) and postsecondary injections (PSI), but dietary protein
ether extract (EED). The studied ingredient was meat and bone meal contents did not influence antibody titers of birds. Increasing the level
(20% of replacement of C-SBM), using total excreta collection (for 3 of energy and protein in broiler diets improved growth rate which may
consecutive days). Results indicated that from 14 to 21 d of age, higher cause a negative effect on humoral immune response. Broiler bursa
values of AME and AMEn (P < 0.05) were observed on treatment 2, fol- of Fabricius size decreased gradually with increasing dietary energy
lowed by treatments 3 and 4. The CPD, DMD and EED were improved level, which could affect on immune response. It seems that, there is
(P < 0.05) for all treatments where the dietary adjustment was made. a negative phenotypic association between immunocompetence and
Improvements (P < 0.05) on AME, AMEn, CPD, DMD and EED with rapid growth in chickens.
enzyme supplementation was verified. From 35 to 42 d of age highest
values (P < 0,05) of AME and digestibility coefficients were observed
Table 1. Effect of various levels of ME and CP on total anti-SRBC
on treatment 5. It is concluded that conventional methodology (without
titers in postprimary (PPI) and postsecondary (PSI) injections
nutritional adjustments) underestimates the nutritional values assigned
to meat and bone meal in broiler diets. Days PPI Days PSI
Research supported by FAPEMIG, MG. Level 5 10 5 10
ME 2900 5.304a 2.424 6.450 4.894a
Key Words: nutrient adjustment, nutrient imbalance, digestibility
methodology 3000 4.958b 3.060 6.990 4.559ab
3100 5.048ab 3.555 7.410 4.389b
3200 5.132ab 3.630 6.780 4.096
T200 True and apparent metabolizable energy values of various CP 17 5.341 2.968 7.000 4.372
wheat screening samples. M. Mazhari and A. Golian*, Ferdowsi
20 5.233 2.887 6.833 4.508
University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran.
23 4.929 2.876 7.037 4.639
Three trials were conducted to determine the available energy of 26 5 3.166 6.775 4.383
different wheat screening samples collected from different locations Probability
of Khorasan in Iran. In experiment 1, chemical composition and the
ME 0.0152 0.95 0.113 <0.001
nitrogen corrected true metabolisable energy (TMEn) were evaluated.
CP 0.202 0.145 0.831 0.843
A precision-fed rooster assay was used, in which, each wheat screening
sample was tube fed to adult roosters, and the excreta were collected ME×CP 0.766 0.397 0.112 0.179
for 48 h. In exp. 2 and 3, 5 and 2 wheat screening samples-based diet Key Words: humoral immune, energy and protein, broiler chicks
with or without xylanase and phytase were fed to 16 d old battery reared
chicks and total consumption and excreta were measured during 3 next
days. The variable nature of wheat screening varieties led to significant T202 Effect of xylanase supplementation in a pig diet on ileal and
differences in mean TMEn values (P < 0.01). The TMEn values of postileal energy and fiber fraction digestibility. L. Babinszky*1, J.
samples determined with adult roosters varied by ± 5.03% of the mean Tossenberger1, D. Ottó1, and I. Kühn2, 1Kaposvár University, Kaposvár,
value (3097.65 ± 49.32 kcal/kg) and ranged from 2734.90 to 3245.12 Hungary, 2AB Vista, Darmstadt, Germany.
kcal/kg. There was a significant correlation (P < 0.05) between chemical The trials studied the impact of supplementing high grain/high crude
composition (CP, EE, ash and CF) and TMEn. The best equation for fiber (CF) diets with xylanase (Xyl) on ileal [intake-ileal excretion/intake
TMEn yielded an R2 = 0.86, with crude fiber being the most efficient × 100] and postileal [ileal excretion-fecal excretion/ileal excretion × 100]
compound. The average AMEn values of 5 and 2 samples determined digestion of GE, NDF, ADF in growing pigs. Each of 4 treatments (Trt)
with young broiler chickens were 2968.41 ± 25.70 kcal/kg and 2976.38 used 5 hybrid barrows (initial live weight 37.3 ± 2.9 kg) in 2 replicates
± 8.34 kcal/kg in exp2 and exp3 respectively. Addition of xylanase and (10 pigs/Trt). Prior to trial pigs were fitted with PVTC-cannulas. Ileal and
phytase to wheat screenings resulted in significant (P < 0.01) improve- post-ileal digestibilities (DGY) were determined in same animal using
ment in AMEn (4.21 and 2.92% respectively). Cr2O3 as marker. The wheat, barley, rye, wheat bran, DDGS, soybean
Key Words: wheat screening, true and apparent metabolisable energy, hulls based basal diet contained 12.2 MJ MEs, 170.3g CP, 51.1g CF,
xylanase and phytase 223g NDF, 68g ADF, 9.5g LYS, 6.4g M+C / kg. Diets equivalent to 2.6
times maintenance energy requirement (458 KJ MEs/kg0.75/d) were fed.
TrtI diet had no added Xyl (negative control: NC). Trt2 and 3 diets were
T201 Effect of various levels of energy and protein on Humoral supplemented with 8000 BXU/kg and 16000 BXU/kg ECONASE XT
immune response in broiler chicks. M. Pilevar, A. Golian*, and M. (thermostable Xyl from Trichoderma reesei). Trt4 was a wheat-barley
Aami Azghadi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, based positive control diet (PC) with recommended energy level (13.2
Iran. MJ MEs). Data were analyzed by ANOVA (SAS, 2004).Trt2 improved
A complete randomized design experiment with a 4 × 4 factorial arrange- ileal DGY over NC from 61.2% to 67.5% (GE), 30.6% to 38.8% (CF),
ment consisted of 4 levels of energy (2900, 3000, 3100 and 3200 kcal/ 47.3% to 57.2% (NDF), and 24.0% to 35.3% (ADF); postileal DGY
kg) and 4 levels of protein (17, 20, 23 and 26%) was conducted to assess improved from 79.2% to 84.4% (GE), 81.9% to 87.0% (CF), 81.0% to
the effect of dietary energy and protein on humoral immune response of 90.0% (NDF) and 78.0% to 85.5% (ADF) (P≤0.05). Neither ileal, nor
chickens. All birds in each replicate were injected intramuscular with postileal DGY-s increased further in Trt3 (P≥0.05). DGY-s in Xyl trts
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 371
were similar or higher than those in energy balanced Trt4 (PC). Added
Xyl also shifted location of energy absorption. While ileal/postileal
split of total energy absorption was 74.7% / 25.3% in NC group, Trt2
changed this to 81.2% / 18.8%, supporting that added Xyl improves
nutrient DGY in the small intestine. The results show the importance
of improved nutrient absorption caused by Xyl supplementation (8000-
16000 BXU/kg) to high fiber/NDF grain based diets, if the aim is to
provide optimum energy supply for animals.
Key Words: pig, ileal-postileal, digestibility
372 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: Enzymes
T203 Influences of four kinds of exogenous enzymes on per- 5.0–9.0 and showed relatively good thermal stability. After incubation at
formance, jejunal digesta viscosity and litter moisture of broilers the pH 5.0–9.0, 37°C for 1 h, all the residual activities of the rePhyCm
fed wheat-based diet. H. Shirzadi*, H. Moravej, and M. Shivazad, were over 80%. After being exposed to 80°C for 2min in the presence of
University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran. 1mM CaCl2, the rePhyCm retained 80% of the initial enzyme activity.
The intention of this work was to determine the effects of 4 enzyme The rePhyCm exhibited a molecular mass of approximately 42 kDa on
preparations containing xylanase and β-glucanase activities on SDS-PAGE, indicating that the rePhyC was expressed and efficiently
performance of broiler chicks fed wheat-based diet compare with secreted into the growth medium.
those that fed corn-based diet without enzyme. Enzyme A provided
per kilogram of diet (endo-1,4-β-glucanase activity: min 800 units; Key Words: Bacillus licheniformis, phytase, Pichia pastoris
endo-1,(4)-β-glucanase activity: min 1800 units; endo-1,4-β-xylanase
activity: min 2600 units), enzyme B (endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase: 100 T205 Body weight and feed conversion responses in broilers after
AGL; endo-1,4-β-xylanase: 1100 visco units), enzyme C (endo-1,4-β- feeding a lysophospholipid bio-surfactant and β-mannanase based
glucanase: 1500 BGU; endo-1,4-β-xylanase: 3600 FXU), enzyme D feed enzyme. G. Mathis1, B. Lumpkins1, H. Stomp2, A. Lamptey2,
(1420 units; xylanases: 660 units). Two hundred thirty-four male day- and A. G. Yersin*2, 1Southern Poultry Research, Athens, GA, 2Kemin
old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly allocated to 6 treatment AgriFoods, Des Moines, IA.
groups, with 3 replicates and 13 birds per replicate in floor pen. All
data was analyzed through the General Linear Model procedure Energy utilization by poultry is dependent on many factors including
of SAS for a randomized complete block design. The 6 dietary age of the animal, the amount of lipase and bile salt present in the gut
treatments consisted of a 60% corn-based ration without enzyme and overall digestibility of the ration components. The use of emulsifiers
and 5 other rations containing 60% wheat supplemented with and (lecithin) has been shown to improve nutrient utilization. Studies were
without enzyme (A, B, C, and D). All parameters were measured at conducted to evaluate the effects of a lysophospholipid bio-surfactant
42d, except viscosity (at 28d). Body weight was not significantly (P > and β mannanase based feed enzyme in the diets to improve growth
0.05) affected by enzyme addition. Furthermore, feed intake and feed performance in broilers during a 42 d period. Two separate experiments
conversion ratio were also not affected by enzyme supplementation were conducted using a basal corn and soybean meal ration. In study 1,
(P > 0.05), and there were no significant differences between all there were 6 treatments based on different fat levels and the presence
treatment. In addition, litter moisture was not affected by enzyme, of the surfactant (454 g/ton inclusion), enzyme (114g/ton inclusion) or
and these results were similar to results of corn-based diet (P > 0.05). both as adjusted on a caloric basis. In study 2, the enzyme was added
In addition, the results demonstrated that the viscosity of jejunal to all treatments, but the level of fat and surfactant were adjusted based
contents was not significantly (P > 0.05) reduced by enzyme addition, on either a caloric basis or on the feeding phase of the ration (starter,
however, this parameter had decreasing trend. The results of current grower or withdrawal phase). Body weight gain, feed conversion and
study led to the conclusion that xylanase and β-glucanase activities mortality were measured at each dietary feed change in both studies. In
of these enzymes did not seem to positively affect the xylans and study 1, the control (no bio-surfactant, no enzyme) group had a similar
β-glucans content of wheat used in this trial. (P < 0.05) feed conversion and gain response at both 21 and 42 d of age
as compared with treatments with either enzyme alone, bio-surfactant
alone or the combination. However, the cost per pound of live weight
Key Words: enzyme, performance, viscosity was reduced in the bio-surfactant alone treatment compared with all
others. In study 2, the enzyme and bio-surfactant combination group
(fed in all phases) had a significantly better (P < 0.05) feed conversion
T204 Cloning, expression and characterization of a thermostable
and gain response at both 19 (4.9 points, 0.01 kg) and 42 d (3.8 points,
beta-propeller phytase from Bacillus licheniformis. S. J. Fu*1,3, J. Y.
0.073 kg) as compared with all other treatments. The data indicates that
Sun1, X. Y. Weng2, L. C. Qian1, and Z. Q. Shen4, 1Microbiology Division,
both phase of feeding (starter, grower, and withdrawal) as well as the
Institute of Feed Science, College of Animal Science, Zhejiang Univer-
presence of enzyme with a surfactant contribute to overall performance
sity, Hangzhou Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China, 2College of Life
Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Zhejiang, People’s Republic of
China, 3Key Laboratory of Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Animal Key Words: broilers, bio-surfactant, enzyme
Biotechnology, Binzhou Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Research
Institute, Binzhou Shandong, People’s Republic of China, 4Shandong
Lvdu Biological Technology Co., Ltd, Binzhou Shandong, People’s T206 Impact of a new phytase on apparent phosphorus and calcium
Republic of China. availability, bone mineralization and performance of broilers. R.
Angel*1, W. Saylor2, and N. Ward3, 1University of Maryland, College
A novel sabler phytase gene (phyC) was cloned from Bacillus licheni- Park, 2University of Delaware, Newark, 3DSM Nutritional Products,
formis. It was 1146 bp in size and encoded a polypeptide of 381 amino Parsippany, NY.
acids. The mature peptide of phyC was successfully expressed in Pichia
pastoris under the control of AOX1 promoter. The recombinant PhyCm To determine the impact of adding graded levels of a new phytase (IPA,
(rePhyCm) was secreted into culture medium. After 96 h of 0.5% metha- DSM) to corn-soy starter diets and to compare it with an existing com-
nol induction, the activity of the rePhyCm in the culture supernatant mercial phytase, 9 diets with Celite as marker were fed to 8 replicates of
reached the peak, 8.64 U/mg, which was 5.1 times as high as that of 5 broilers each (Ross 708) from 6 to 20d: Positive Control (PC, 0.45%
the native PhyC (1.7 U/mg). Studies on enzymatic properties showed non-phytate phosphorus (nPP); 0.9% Ca); Moderate and Low nPP (MP
that the optimum temperature and pH of the rePhyCm were 70°C and and NC, 0.30 and 0.15% nPP, respectively; 0.7% Ca); NC with 250, 500,
7.5, respectively. The rePhyCm was very stable in a wide pH range of 1000, 2000, and 4000 FYT IPA /kg; and NC with 1850 Ronozyme P CT
(R) (DSM). At 20 d, performance was determined, tibias sampled and
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 373
ileal contents removed for apparent Ca and P availability determination. the effect of a β-Mannanase (CTCZyme) on nutrient digestibility in
Body weight (20 d) and feed efficiency (FE) were similar (P > 0.05) corn-soybean meal diets was investigated. One-day-old chicks received
for birds fed the PC, MP, and the NC plus 1000, 2000 and 4000 IPA a nutritionally complete corn-soybean meal diet for 19 d. At that time
diets. Broilers fed the NC+R diet had greater BW than those fed the birds were randomly allocated to 4 treatments, each of which had 6
NC diet and similar to those fed the NC+ 200 and 500 IPA. Tibia ash replicates of 5 birds housed in battery brooders with wire floors. Aliquots
was lowest (P < 0.01) in broilers fed the NC diet (38.1%) followed by of the basal diet were supplemented with 4 levels of CTCZyme (CTC
those fed the NC+R (41.7%) and highest (P < 0.01) for broilers fed the Bio Inc., Seoul Korea): 0%, 0.025%, 0.05% (recommended level) and
PC (50.85%) and NC+4000 IPA (50.45%). There was a quadratic effect 0.1%. Chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker. Feed was
(P < 0.001; R-squared 0.87) of IPA inclusion on tibia ash. Apparent analyzed for gross energy, Chromium, and amino acid content. After 8
Ca and nPP retentions were lowest (P < 0.001) for broilers fed the PC d of acclimation to the test diets, birds were sacrificed and ileal contents
diet, followed by those fed the NC diet and the NC+R and highest for collected. Analysis of the ileal contents indicated that digestibility of
broilers fed the NC+4000 IPA (51.9 and 42.2; 57.8 and 49.4; 60.7 and Lys, Met, Thr, Trp, Arg, Leu, Ile, Cys, and Val were significantly (P ≤
51.7; and 67.9 and 60.1% for Ca and nPP, respectively). IPA inclusion 0.0001) improved in a linear manner for each increment of CTCZyme
had a quadratic effect (P < 0.01) on Ca and nPP apparent availability. inclusion. Lys digestion was increased 4.6% and Met by 3.1% by the
In vitro analysis of the pH optima curve of IPA showed it has a higher highest level of enzyme. Ileal metabolizable energy also increased with
(P < 0.001) P release per unit at all pHs including the 2 to 3.5 pH range each increment of CTCZyme level. These results show that the enzyme
compared with phytases from Peniophora l.- and an E. coli. improves feed digestibility by making amino acids more available for the
bird and increases energy utilization from the feed. These results sug-
Key Words: broilers, phytase, phosphorus availability
gest that lower levels of protein and energy could be used with the same
results but further studies are required to estimate potential levels.
T207 Effects of co-administration of phytase and energy enzymes Key Words: broilers, mannanase, digestibility
on broiler performance, tibia strength, bone ash, and processing
parameters. J. R. Coppedge*1, J. Klein1, A. Jordan1, K. Jessen1, S.
Pohl1, B. Brown2, F. Ruch2, and J. T. Lee1, 1Texas A&M University, T209 Effect of phytase supplementation on the digestibility of
College Station, 2Enzyvia LLC, Sheridan, IN. crude protein and amino acids of cowpea (Vignia unguiculata) in
broilers. E. A. Iyayi*, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.
An experiment was conducted to determine if dietary NSPase inclusion
enhances phytase activity during a 40-d growout. The experimental Cowpea (Vignia unguiculata) a tropical legume is being promoted for
design included 4 non-supplemented diets including an industry control use in poultry feeding. To determine the digestibility of crude protein
(3090 kcal/kg ME and 0.40 available phosphorus (aP) in the starter (CP) and amino acids (AAs) in the bean, 6 experimental diets were
diet), a low energy (LE) diet (−132 kcal/kg ME), a low phosphorus (LP) formulated containing 0, 150 or 300 g/ kg of heated cowpea in place
(- 0.10% aP), and a low energy and low phosphorus (LEP) diet (−132 of maize starch and 0 or 500 units of phytase enzyme (Natuphos),
kcal/kg of ME and −0.10% aP). Enzyme supplementation treatments according to a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. A total of 288 d old broiler
included phytase inclusion of 200 or 250 FTU/kg into the LP diet. In chicks (Ross strain) were distributed into 36 cages on weight basis.
addition, the LEP diet was supplemented with an NSPase enzyme and Each diet was assigned to 6 cages containing 8 birds each.TiO2 was
200 or 250 FTU/kg phytase. Each of the 8 treatment groups contained added as an indigestible marker in the diets. Increase in cowpea level
8 replicates of 48 chicks/ replicate. Broilers were fed a starter diet had no significant effect on the amount of dietary CP and AAs digested
through 14 d of age, a grower diet from 15 - 26 d of age, and a finisher except for arginine, glutamic acid and phenylalanine which were sig-
diet through termination of the study on d 40. Following each dietary nificantly (P < 0.05) reduced. Supplementation with phytase caused a
phase, 3 broilers from each replicate were killed and tibias removed for significant (P < 0.05) increase in the digestibility of dietary CP and AAs
bone strength and ash determination. On d 40, 10 male broilers from at the terminal ileum. Interaction between cowpea and phytase had no
each replicate were processed for determination of carcass and breast significant effect on CP and AA digestibility in the diets. Digestibility
yield. Average body weight was reduced (P < 0.05) and mortality rates of CP and AAs in cowpea was increased with phytase supplementa-
increased (P < 0.05) in the LP and LEP diets. Phytase inclusion in the tion. The results showed an increase in the digestibility coefficients.
LP diets increased (P < 0.05) body weight, reduced mortality, improved Nevertheless, regression analysis indicated that phytase in this study
feed conversion ratio, and increased bone strength and ash. Phytase affected both the CP and AA losses on the basal level and the digestion
inclusion of 250 FTU/kg outperformed the inclusion at 200 FTU/kg of CP and AAs from cowpea.
in most evaluated parameters regardless of NSPase inclusion. These
Key Words: phytase, CP and AA digestibility, broilers
data confirm that phytase inclusion improves growth performance and
bone strength in diets containing inadequate levels of aP, but NSPase
inclusion did not enhance phytase activity. T210 Effect of phytase supplementation on the digestibility of
Key Words: broiler, phytase phosphorus of cowpea (Vignia unguiculata) in broilers. E. A.
Iyayi*, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.
Cowpea (Vignia unguiculata) a tropical legume rich in phytate phos-
T208 Effect of CTCZyme β-mannanase on broiler nutrient digest-
phorus is being promoted for use in poultry feeding. To determine the
ibility in corn-soybean meal diets. F. Mussini*1, C. A. Coto1, S.
digestibility of P in the bean and the performance of the birds, 6 experi-
Goodgame1, C. Lu1, A. J. Karimi2, J. Lee3, and P. W. Waldroup1, 1Uni-
mental diets were formulated containing 0, 150 or 300 g kg-1 of heated
versity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan,
cowpea in place of maize starch and 0 or 500 units of phytase enzyme
Iran, 3CTC Bio Inc., Seoul, Korea.
(Natuphos), according to a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. A total of 288 d
The possibility of improving digestibility of nonstarch polysaccharides old broiler chicks (Ross strain) were distributed into 36 cages on weight
present in broiler diets by the use of different carbohydrases appears basis. Each diet was assigned to 6 cages containing 8 birds each.TiO2
as an opportunity to enhance feed utilization by the birds. In this study, was added as an indigestible marker in the diets. Phytase supplementa-
374 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
tion had a significant (P < 0.05) improvement on the digestibility of P β-glucanase activity: min 800 units; endo-1,(4)-β-glucanase activity:
in the diets and cowpea at the terminal ileum. The digestibility of P in min 1800 units; endo-1,4-β-xylanase activity: min 2600 units), enzyme
the cowpea increased from 0.55 to 0.67 with phytase supplementation. B (endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase: 100 AGL; endo-1,4-β-xylanase: 1100
The level of cowpea and its interaction with phytase had no significant visco units), enzyme C (endo-1,4-β-glucanase: 1500 BGU; endo-1,4-
effect on P digestibility and reduction in the loss of P at the basal level. β-xylanase: 3600 FXU), enzyme D (1420 units; xylanases: 660 units).
Phytase supplementation caused a significant (P < 0.05) increase in feed One hundred ninety-five male day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were
intake and body weight in the birds but cowpea level or its interaction randomly allocated to 5 treatment groups, with 3 replicates and 13 birds
with phytase had no significant effect on the performance parameters. per replicate in floor pen. All data was analyzed through the General
Results of the study showed that heated cowpea can be included at the Linear Model procedure SAS for a randomized complete block design.
rate of 300 g/kg in diets of broilers and that supplementation of such The 5 dietary treatments consisted of the barley (60%) supplemented
diets with phytase resulted increased P digestibility and better perfor- with and without enzyme (A, B, C, and D added on top to diets). All
mance in broilers. parameters were measured at 42d. Body weight was increased by addi-
tion all enzymes (P < 0.05), and significant differences were not observed
Key Words: phytase, phosphorus digestibility, broilers
among all enzymes. However, feed intake was not significantly affected
by enzyme supplementation. Feed conversion ratio, carcass weight and
T211 Effect of Ronozyme ProAct supplementation on growth and relative weight of the abdominal fat were significantly improved by addi-
meat yield responses of broilers during a forty-two-day production tion all enzymes compared with the barley-based diet without enzyme (P
period. W. A. Dozier III*1, N. E. Ward2, and S. L. Vieira3, 1Auburn < 0.05), and no significant differences were found among all enzymes.
University, Auburn, AL, 2DSM Nutritional Products, Inc., Parsippany, Carcass yield, relative weight of the breast, legs, liver, and gizzard as
NJ, 3Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, percentage of live weight were not affected by enzyme supplementation
Brazil. (P > 0.05). The results of current study led to the conclusion that there
were similar improvements on performance and meat yield of birds fed
Large price differentials between corn and soybean meal have resulted diets with enzyme supplementation. Therefore, choice preference of
in strategies to reduce diet cost for broilers. A novel protease (Ronozyme supplementation should be based on its economic value.
ProAct) has been reported to improve amino acid digestibility of feed
ingredients. This study examined growth and meat yield responses of Key Words: xylanase, β-glucanase, meat yield
broilers provided diets with reduced amino acid density supplemented
with or without Ronozyme ProAct. Sixteen hundred Ross × Ross 708
T213 Effect of high levels of phytase for broilers. C. Meneghetti,
male broilers were randomly distributed into 64 floor pens (25 birds per
A. G. Bertechini*, J. A. G. Brito, and S. F. Castro, Universidade Federal
pen; 0.09 m2/bird) at 1 d of age and fed 5 dietary treatments until 42 d
de Lavras, Lavras, MG, Brazil.
of age. Dietary treatments consisted of a 1) Positive Control (PC), 2)
Negative Control (NC) 4% reduction in amino acid density, 3) Dietary Three trials were carried out to evaluate the effects of supplementation
treatment 2 + 200 ppm of Ronozyme ProAct, 4) NC 6% reduction in of Citrobacter braaki, an E. coli derived phytase preparation (Genophos),
amino acid density, and 5) Dietary treatment 4 + 200 ppm of Ronozyme on the performance, AMEn, retention and excretion of minerals and
ProAct. Dietary amino acid specifications of the PC were considered to bone ash of broiler chickens. Broiler performance was evaluated using
be moderate density. Dietary treatments 2 to 5 had amino acid density 3-phase feeding program (1–21 d, 22–35 d and 36–42 d of age). In trial
reduced by 4 or 6% compared with the PC. Primary ingredients con- 1, a total of 1456 d-old, male Cobb 500 broiler chicks were placed in 56
sisted of corn, soybean meal, distillers dried grains with solubles (5% litter floored pens in a complete randomized design with 8 replicates/
inclusion), and meat and bone meal (5% inclusion). Each treatment was treatment. The treatment diets were: (1) Control (C-SBM based diet and
represented by 12 replicate pens. BW gain, feed intake, feed conver- no added phytase); (2) 1,500; (3) 3,000; (4) 4,500; (5) 6,000; (6) 8,000
sion, mortality, and processing yields were assessed. Ronozyme ProAct and (7) 10,000 FTU/kg of supplemented phytase. All treatments with
supplementation increased (P ≤ 0.001) BW gain from 1 to 14 d of age phytase had reduction in ME of 85 kcal/kg, Ca of 0.2% and available
compared with NC with both 4% and 6% amino acid reductions and P 0.12%. In trial 2, 280 10-d-old male Cobb 500 broiler chicks were
Ronozyme ProAct inclusion improved (P ≤ 0.02) 14 d feed conversion allotted in 56 metabolism cages to obtain the apparent digestibility of
with decreasing amino acid density by 4%. Broilers fed the PC diet had DM, CP, AMEn, Ca and P retention using the same diet from 1 to 21
advantages (P ≤ 0.05) in growth performance, carcass weight, and total d of the trial 1, and the excreta collection from 15 to 17 d of age. For
breast meat weight compared with NC diets. In summary, Ronozyme trial 3, 168 28-d-old male Cobb 500 broiler chicks were placed in the
ProAct supplementation improved growth performance during the same diet from 22 to 35 d of trial 1 and excreta collection between 33
starter period. and 35 d of age. Results showed that bird performance was similar of
controls when 4,500 FTU/kg or higher of phytase inclusion occurred
Key Words: amino acid, broiler, protease
from 1 to 21 d. From 1 to 35 and 1–42 d, the treatments were comparable
to control. A quadratic effect (P < 0.05) was observed (10–17 d) for
T212 Influences of several enzyme containing β-glucanase and AMEn and Ca retention at maximum values obtained with 7,727 and
xylanase on meat yield of broilers fed barley-based diet. H. 5,500 FTU/kg of diet, respectively. A linear (P < 0.05) improvement in
Shirzadi*, H. Moravej, M. Shivazad, and F. Fatehi, Department of P retention was observed with increased phytase supplementation. At
Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Uni- 32–35 d, a quadratic effect (P < 0.05) was observed on Ca retention with
versity of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran. maximum values at 5,000 FTU/kg of diet. P retention increased (linear
effect) with phytase supplementation (P < 0.05). Ash, Ca and P in the
tibia (42 d) were not affected by treatments. Phytase supplementation
The goal of this investigation was to compare the effects of 4 enzyme starting at 4,500 FTU/kg improved broiler performance challenged in
preparations containing β-glucanase and xylanase activities on perfor- ME, Ca and P.
mance and meat yield of broiler chicks fed barley-based diet with and Research supported by FAPEMIG, MG.
without enzyme. Enzyme A provided per kilogram of diet (endo-1,4-
Key Words: available P, Ca retention, nutrient digestibility
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 375
T214 Effect of enzymes in the diet of hens on egg quality. F. G. the manufacturer, the use of carbohidrolase, phytase e protease ensures
P. Costa*1, M. L. Ceccantini2, C. S. Santos1, C. C. Goulart1, C. F. S. the same productivity in the control group, confirming the effectiveness
Oliveira1, G. B. V. Lobato1, J. M. Freire1, V. P. Rodrigues1, R. C. Lima1, of the enzyme complex.
I. S. Nobre1, and R. C. L. Neto1, 1Federal University of Paraiba, Areia,
Key Words: additive, linoleic acid, production
PB, Brazil, 2Adisseo Brazil Animal Nutrition, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.
This study aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility and economic
use of the set of a 6-phytase, 17 Carbohidrolases and 2 proteases (from T216 Dietary supplementation with two types of enzyme prepa-
the supply Rovabio Max AP) in diets for laying hens. The experiment rations improves nutrient digestibility in growing pigs. X. Ao*1,
was divided in 5 periods of 28 d each, which were used 360 hens, S. M. Hong1, H. Y. Park2, K. H. Son3, B. H. Ku3, D. H. Shin3, and
distributed in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and I. H. Kim1, 1Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook
8 replicates of 9 birds per experimental unit. The treatments consisted University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea, 2Korea Research Institute
of 2 diets without enzyme and 3 with the addition of the enzyme. Diets of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon, Korea, 3Insect Biotech Co.
without enzymes were negative and positive controls. The positive Ltd., Daejeon, Korea.
control diet (PC) was formulated to meet the requirements of hens. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of 2 types
The negative control diet (NC) was formulated with nutrient reduction of enzyme preparations (single or complex) on fecal digestibility and
(100 kcal / kg and 0.36, 0.014, 0.012, 0.12, and 0.153% in the levels ileal apparent digestibility (AID) in the hindgut of growing pigs. Three
of CP, lysine, methionine + cystine, calcium and phosphorus available, ileal–cannulated growing barrows (28.56 ± 0.58kg) were housed in
respectively). Diets supplemented with 50 g / ton of Rovabio Max AP individual metabolism crates and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments
were formulated to address different levels of linoleic acid, one with within a 3 × 3 Latin square design. The treatments were as follows: 1)
the linoleic acid diet equal to CN, the other with an intermediate value CON (basal diet), 2) P1 (basal diet + 0.1% protease), and 3) P2 (basal
and the last with linoleic acid equal to diet PC. These diets have been diet + 0.1% complex enzyme including protease, xylanase and lipase).
reformulated considering the nutritional enzyme formulation. Thus, the The 3 feeding periods consisted of 4 d of acclimation to the diet followed
three diets supplemented with enzymes have been reformulated to meet by 5 d of fresh feces samples collection and 6 and 7 d of ileal-digesta
the nutritional levels of the control diet, except for linoleic acid.). All collection. Ileal effluents were continuously collected for the same 12–h
diets based on corn and soybeans. The data were subjected to analysis interval each day. Pigs fed the P1 diet had a higher DM and energy
of variance with means tested with Tukey and orthogonal contrasts. The digestibility (P < 0.05) than pigs fed the CON and P2 diets, while the
weight and percentage of egg specific gravity and pigmentation of the N digestibility was greater (P < 0.05) in the CON and P1 groups than
eggs were influenced (P <0.05) by nutrition and supplementation with in the P2 group. The AID of DM and energy was increased (P < 0.05)
enzymes. Enzyme supplementation Rovabio Max AP proves efficient in the P1 and P2 groups when compared with the CON group, with the
in the availability of nutrients to improve the quality of eggs. P1 treatment showing the highest levels. The AID of N digestibility was
Key Words: additive, linoleic acid, production also greater (P < 0.05) for pigs fed the P1 diet than for those fed other
diets. Pigs fed the P1 diet had a higher AID of total essential AA and
non-essential AA (P < 0.05) than those fed the CON and P2 diets. A
T215 Use of enzyme complex on the performance of layer hens. F. similar tendency was also observed in individual AA ileal digestibility.
G. P. Costa*1, M. L. Ceccantini2, C. S. Santos1, C. C. Goulart1, C. F. In conclusion, these results showed that the single protease addition
S. Oliveira1, G. B. V. Lobato1, and J. M. Freire1, 1Federal University improved nutrient digestibility.
of Paraiba, Areia, PB, Brazil, 2Adisseo Brazil Animal Nutrition, Sao
Key Words: enzyme, nutrient digestibility, growing pigs
Paulo, SP, Brazil.
This study aims to demonstrate the technical feasibility and economic
use of the set of a 6-phytase, 17 Carbohidrolases and 2 proteases (from T217 Effects of dietary Tylan inclusion level on the growth per-
the supply Rovabio Max AP) in diets for laying hens. The experiment formance and carcass characteristics of growing–finishing pigs. C.
was divided in 5 periods of 28 d each, which were used 360 hens, L. Puls*1, M. Mercedes1, M. Ellis1, A. M. Gaines2, B. A. Peterson2,
distributed in a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and B. F. Wolter2, and M. Kocher2, 1University of Illinois, Urbana, 2The
8 replicates of 9 birds per experimental unit. The treatments consisted Maschhoffs, Carlyle, IL.
of 2 diets without enzyme and 3 with the addition of the enzyme. Diets This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of including Tylan in
without enzymes were negative and positive controls. The positive the diet of growing-finishing pigs on growth performance and carcass
control diet (PC) was formulated to meet the requirements of hens. characteristics. The study was carried out from 39.9 ± 1.45 kg to 127.2
The negative control diet (NC) was formulated with nutrient reduction ± 1.13 kg BW and compared 2 Tylan inclusion levels (0 vs. 10 g/ton).
(100 kcal / kg and 0.36, 0.014, 0.012, 0.12, and 0.153% in the levels Diets were formulated to meet or exceed the nutrient requirements
of CP, lysine, methionine + cystine, calcium and phosphorus available, proposed by NRC (1998). The study involved 144 barrows housed in
respectively). Diets supplemented with 50 g / ton of Rovabio Max AP pens of 9 with 8 pens per inclusion level. Pigs had ad libitum access
were formulated to address different levels of linoleic acid, one with to feed and water throughout the study period. At the end of the study
the linoleic acid diet equal to CN, the other with an intermediate value period, pigs were sent to a commercial facility for harvest and carcass
and the last with linoleic acid equal to diet PC. These diets have been evaluation. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of Tylan inclusion level on
reformulated considering the nutritional enzyme formulation. Thus, the overall ADG, ADFI, or G:F ratio. Mortality levels were lower for pigs
three diets supplemented with enzymes have been reformulated to meet fed Tylan compared with the control (0.00 vs. 2.82%, respectively);
the nutritional levels of the control diet, except for linoleic acid. The however, this difference was not significant (P = 0.15). There was a
production and feed conversion per dozen eggs were affected (P <0.05) trend (P = 0.06) for carcass yield to be greater for pigs fed Tylan com-
by nutrition and supplementation with enzymes. The enzyme Rovabio pared with the control (74.9 vs. 74.3%, respectively; SEM 0.42) and
Max AP was effective in providing nutrients from food for birds. this resulted in an improvement (P < 0.01) in carcass G:F ratio for pigs
Despite reductions in nutrient levels are higher than recommended by fed Tylan (0.26 vs. 0.25 kg:kg, respectively; SEM 0.004). There was no
376 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
effect (P > 0.05) of Tylan inclusion level on back fat thickness, Longis- vs. 3.05 g/g) than pigs fed control diet. In addition, pigs fed MP diet
simus muscle depth, or predicted carcass lean content. In conclusion, gained more (P < 0.05; 933 vs. 918 g) when compared with pigs offered
this study suggests that feeding Tylan (at 10 g/ton) to growing-finishing M diet. The ATTD of DM was higher (P < 0.05; 81.29 vs. 80.50%) in pigs
pigs does not affect live weight growth performance but could reduce fed AMP diet when compared with pigs fed M diet; while the ATTD of
mortality, and improve carcass yield and carcass feed efficiency, find- CP was higher (P < 0.05; 76.44 vs. 75.24 and 75.21%) in pigs fed AMP
ings that warrant validation. diet when compared with pigs fed AM and control diets. Additionally,
the blood urea nitrogen concentration was greater (P < 0.05; 17.75 vs.
Key Words: pigs, growth, Tylan
14.15 and 13.50 g/dl) in pigs fed MP diet when compared with pigs fed
AM and control diet. These results indicate supplementation of different
T218 Effect of a protease enzyme on performance of weanling enzymes in combination (mannanase + protease and amylase + man-
piglets fed corn-soybean diets with different protein levels. D. nanase + protease) to be more efficient in improving the performance
Wang1, X. Piao1, F. C. Guo2, H. Cao2, J. Zhao2, and R. J. Harrell*2, and nutrient digestibility in growing pigs.
1China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 2Novus International
Key Words: enzymes, performance and nutrient digestibility, grow-
Inc., St Charles, MO. ing pigs
Application of exogenous enzymes can improve the digestibility of
feedstuffs, lower dietary costs, and improve animal performance. The
T220 Evaluation of the effects of dietary enzyme on growth
objective of the present study was to examine the benefits of supplement-
performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and ileal
ing nursery pig diets with a protease enzyme (NZ) at 2 levels of dietary
digestibility in growing pigs. L. Yan*, H. D. Jang, T. X. Zhou, X. Ao,
protein. A total of 190 pigs (8.31 ± 0.63 kg of BW) were allotted by
J. H. Jung, and I. H. Kim, Department of Animal Resource and Science,
weight and sex to one of 4 treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement
Dankook University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea.
with the factors being high (HP, 20.3% CP) vs. low dietary protein (LP,
18.3% CP) and 0 vs. 500 mg/kg protease (Cibenza DP100, Novus Inter- Two experiments with growing pigs were conducted to investigate
national Inc., St. Charles, MO) for a period of 21 d with 6 replicates (n the effects of 2 distinct multi–enzyme preparations on nutrient digest-
= 7 or 8 pigs/pen). All the diets were formulated according to an ideal ibility, growth performance and blood profiles. In Exp.1, a total of 96
amino acid pattern. CP level did not alter ADFI (P > 0.83), ADG (P > pigs (29.7 ± 0.69 kg) were used in a 42-d performance and digestibility
0.73), or GF (P > 0.57). No differences were observed for the NZ on trial using 4 dietary treatments: CON (control diet), E (control+0.10%
ADG (P > 0.20) or ADFI (P > 0.22). The GF was improved by 17% Endopower), N1 (control+0.10% NSPase) and N2 (control+0.20%
with the addition of NZ (0.623 vs. 0.728 ± 0.016; P < 0.01), regardless NSPase). Endopower is a commercial multi-enzyme preparation that
of dietary CP level. The digestibility of DM, OM, or energy was not contains α-galactosidase, galactomannase, xylanse and β-glucanase.
affected by dietary CP level (P > 0.45). The addition of NZ increased NSPase primarily contained α-1,6-β-galactosidse, β-1,4-mannanase, and
CP digestibility by 3.5% (84.3 vs. 87.2 ± 0.5%, P < 0.01), increased DM β-1,4-mannosidase. There were 6 replication pens per treatment with
digestibility by 2.2% (86.1 vs. 88.0 ± 0.4%, P < 0.01), and energy by 4 pigs per pen. Pigs fed the N1 diet had a higher ADG (P < 0.05) and
2.3% (86.5 vs. 88.5 ± 0.4%, P < 0.01), regardless of dietary CP level. G:F (P < 0.05) than those fed the control diet. There were no significant
Blood urea nitrogen levels were higher in pigs fed HP compared with differences in the ADG and G:F among the multi-enzyme treatments (P
LP (4.0 vs. 2.58 ± 0.21 mmol; P < 0.01). The addition of NZ interacted > 0.05). When compared with the control, the apparent digestibility of
with CP level on BUN levels by increasing BUN in HP, but not in LP DM was increased (P < 0.05) by E treatment. The N digestibility was
dietary CP (P < 0.02). These results indicate that the addition of a pro- improved (P < 0.05) in response to multi-enzyme treatments during
tease enzyme can improve digestibility of feedstuffs and improve feed the experimental period. In addition, BUN was higher (P < 0.05) in
efficiency in nursery pigs. the E treatment group than in the CON and N1 treatment groups at the
end of the experiment, while the level of glucose was improved (P <
Key Words: swine, nursery, protease
0.05) by E and N2 treatments. In Exp.2, 4 ileal-cannulated growing
barrows (20.17 ± 1.31 kg) were housed in individual metabolism crates
T219 Effects of supplementing different enzymes on performance, and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments (same as Exp.1) within
nutrient digestibility and blood metabolites in growing pigs. J. K. a 4 × 4 Latin square design. Enzyme supplementation improved the
Jo1, P. L. Shinde1, J. S. Kim1, Y. W. Kim1, K. H. Kim1, J. D. Lohakare1, majority of apparent ileal AA digestibility (P < 0.05). These findings
C. S. Ra1, J. H. Lee2, and B. J. Chae*1, 1Kangwon National University, demonstrated that supplementation of the diet of these enzymes could
Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Rep. of Korea, 2CTC Bio. improve the feeding values of growing pigs fed a diet based on corn
Inc., CTC Bio. Inc., Seoul, Rep. of Korea. and soybean meal.
A 28-d growth study was conducted to investigate the effects of man- Key Words: enzyme, digestibility, growing pigs
nanase (M), amylase + mannanase (AM), mannanase + protease (MP)
and amylase + mannanase + protease (AMP) supplementation on the
T221 Protease increased in vitro digestibility of various feed
performance, apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of nutrients and
ingredients. F. Yan*, P. Disbennett, M. Schulz, M. Vazquez-Anon,
blood metabolites in growing pigs. A total of 240 growing pigs (initial
N. Odetallah, S. Carter, and D. Dowell, Novus International Inc., St.
BW 55.58 ± 0.85 kg) were randomly allotted to 5 treatments on the
Charles, MO.
basis of BW. Each treatment was comprised of 4 replicates with 12 pigs
in each. A corn-soybean meal based diet (control) was supplemented A protease (CIBENZA DP100, Novus International Inc.) was evalu-
with 0.05% M, AM, MP or AMP as dietary treatments. Pigs fed enzyme ated in an in vitro system to evaluate its ability to degrade proteins in a
supplemented diets had greater (P < 0.05) ADG and ATTD of DM than variety of feed ingredients and it was also compared with a commercial
pigs fed control diet. Moreover, pigs fed AMP diet had higher (P < 0.05; protease, denoted as Protease B. Soybean meal, canola meal, cottonseed
949 vs. 918, 933 and 929 g) ADG than pigs fed M, MP and AM diets. meal, DDGS, corn, wheat, lupin, poultry meal, meat and bone meal,
Pigs offered AMP and MP diets had better F/G (P < 0.05; 2.91 and 2.95 fish meal, feather meal, and blood meal were tested in the study. Each
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 377
test ingredient was solubilized for 4 h at pH 2.4 and protein concentra- T223 Effects of multi-enzyme on nutrients digestibility and
tion of 8 mg/ml, buffered to pH 7.5, and then incubated with either metabolizable energy values of pure corn and wheat diets. G. G.
DP100 or Protease B for 18 h at 37°C, at an enzyme concentration that Zhang*, Z. B. Yang, Q. Q. Zhang, W. R. Yang, and S. Z. Jiang, Shandong
it would encounter in the digesta in vivo when it is used at the recom- Agricultural University, Taian, China.
mendation dose based on the assumption of water intake being twice of
Objectives of this study were to determine effects of enzyme supple-
feed intake. For negative control, deionized water was added. After 18
mentation in pure corn- and wheat-based diets on energy efficiency and
h of incubation, OPA (o-phthaldialdehyde) analysis with UV-vis spec-
nutrients utilization in poultry. By force-fed true metabolizable energy
troscopy was performed to measure β ± -amino groups. All tests were
bioassay (TME Bioassay) method, a metabolic trial was conducted,
performed in quadruplicate. Both DP100 and Protease B demonstrated
90 healthy adult roosters with similar weight were randomly assigned
proteolytic activity for all ingredients tested (P < 0.0001) compared
to 10 dietary groups with 3 replicates of 3 roosters for each, 2 of the
with the negative control, which indicated broad substrate specificity
groups (controls) were not force-fed during experiment for collecting
of these proteases. Their ability to hydrolyze proteins from different
endogenous excreta, other groups were force-fed corn with different
feed ingredients varied where they were most effective in hydrolyzing
levels multi-enzyme (0, 50, 100, and 150 mg/kg of diet), or force-fed
blood meal proteins and less efficient for corn and feather meal proteins.
wheat with different levels multi-enzyme (0, 50, 100, and 150 mg/
Cibenza DP100 outperformed Protease B for all ingredients (P < 0.05)
kg of diet), respectively. The results showed the use of multi-enzyme
except for corn. The percent increase in absorbance of DP100 over Pro-
preparation in corn enhanced the apparent/true digestibility (AD/TD) of
tease B was 23.0% for soybean meal, 27.3% for canola meal, 42.0% for
neutral detergent fiber (NDF) (P < 0.05), dry matter (DM) (P < 0.05),
cottonseed meal, 59.4% for DDGS, 39.5% for wheat, 51.6% for lupin,
and starch (P < 0.05), the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) value
13.4% for poultry meal, 20.9% for meat and bone meal, 12.8% for fish
and true metabolizable energy (TME) value were increased by 6.76%,
meal, 7.3% for feather meal, and 32.1% for blood meal. These results
and 5.86% respectively. Inclusion of multi-enzyme in wheat improved
demonstrated efficacy of CIBENZA DP100 in digesting proteins from
the AD/TD of NDF(P < 0.05), DM(P < 0.05) and starch (P < 0.05),
various feed ingredients and it can be beneficial in improving protein
AME and TME were enhanced by 9.75%and 8.88% respectively.
digestion of animals fed diets containing these ingredients.
Nutrients digestibility and metabolizable energy values showed linear
Key Words: protease enzyme, in vitro, digestibility or quadric increasing trend, with the amount of multi-enzyme added
in corn and wheat. It appears from this study that the nutrients utiliza-
tion of pure corn or wheat diet could be enhanced by using appropriate
T222 Effects of graded levels of phytase on the apparent and multi-enzyme supplement. However, an proper addition is necessary
standardized total tract digestibility of phosphorus in corn and in corn to maximize the nutrients utilization and energy conversion,
corn co-products. F. N Almeida* and H. H. Stein, University of and higher rates of supplementation did not lead to further increase in
Illinois, Urbana. nutrients digestibility and ME values.
An experiment was conducted to measure the effects of graded levels Key Words: multi-enzyme, digestibility, metabolizable energy
of microbial phytase on the standardized total tract digestibility (STTD)
of P in corn, distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), high protein
distillers dried grains (HP-DDG), and corn germ. A second objective was T224 Effect of Rovabio Max on energy and nitrogen utilization in
to develop regression equations to predict the response of adding phytase diets high in distillers dried grains with solubles. A. J. Karimi*2,
to each of these ingredients. Four corn based diets, 4 DDGS based diets, 4 Y. Min1, J. H. Park1, C. A. Coto1, C. Lu1, F. Yan1, and P. W. Waldroup1,
HP-DDG based diets, and 4 corn germ based diets were formulated. The 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2University of Kurdistan, Kurd-
4 diets with each ingredient contained 0, 500, 1,000, or 1,500 phytase istan, Iran.
units (FTU) per kg (Optiphos 2000, Enzyvia, Sheridan, IN). A P-free
The inclusion of DDGS in poultry diets is limited due the reduced con-
diet was also formulated to measure the basal endogenous losses of P.
tent of starch and high levels of Non Starch Polysaccharides (NSP). An
A total of 102 pigs (initial BW: 18.2 ± 2.1 kg) were individually housed
improvement on the nutrient availability through the use of exogenous
in metabolism cages equipped with a feeder and a nipple drinker and a
enzymes represents an alternative to increase its utilization. Rovabio
screen floor that allowed for total collection of feces. Pigs were allotted
Max is a preparation containing xylanases, β-glucanases, pectinases,
to the 17 diets in a randomized complete block design with 6 replicates
mannanases, phytase and α-galactosidase. A study was conducted to
per diet. Supplementation of microbial phytase increased (linear, P <
evaluate the use of Rovabio Max on utilization of diets containing high
0.01; quadratic, P < 0.05) the STTD of P in corn from 40.9 to 67.5,
levels of DDGS. The experimental design consisted of a 2 × 4 factorial
64.5, and 74.9%, tended to increase (linear, P = 0.07) the STTD of P in
arrangement. Two isocaloric (ME = 3020 kcal/kg) basal diets were for-
DDGS from 76.9 to 82.9, 82.5, and 83.0%, increased (linear, P < 0.01;
mulated, one with no DDGS and the second with 30% DDGS of known
quadratic, P < 0.05) the STTD of P in HP-DDG from 77.1 to 88.0, 84.1,
composition. Chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker. Aliquots
and 86.9%, and increased (linear and quadratic, P < 0.01) the STTD of P
of the 2 basal diets were supplemented with no enzyme or 3 levels of
in corn germ from 40.7 to 59.0, 64.4, and 63.2% in diets supplemented
Rovabio: The recommended level (1X), twice (2X) and 4 times (4X) the
with 0, 500, 1,000, or 1,500 FTU/kg of phytase, respectively. Regression
recommended level. One hundred and 90 2 male chicks of a commercial
equations were developed to allow the calculation of the STTD of P with
strain (Cobb 500) were fed a common nutritionally complete diet to 18
any level of phytase (Optiphos 2000, Enzyvia, Sheridan, IN) for each
d at which time they were placed on the study. Each experimental diet
of the test ingredients. Therefore, results of this experiment allow the
was fed to 4 pen replicates of 6 male chicks in wire floor battery cages.
prediction of the amount of digestible P in these ingredients containing
After a 5-d adaptation period, excreta samples were collected and freeze-
any level of phytase between 0 and 1,500 FTU.
dried to determine GE, AME and N retention. Birds were weighed and
Key Words: digestibility, phosphorus, phytase feed consumption determined. The ANOVA considered DDGS level,
enzyme, and interaction. No significant (P > 0.05) effect of Rovabio,
DDGS and their interactions was found on body weight, feed intake,
feed conversion and mortality. No effect of the enzyme was found for
378 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
GE, N in excreta, N retention, AME and AMEn. No interaction between to maintain a target balance between K and Cl. Data were exposed to
DDGS and Rovabio was found for nitrogen and energy utilization. The analyses of variance using GLM of SAS with treatment as the only
inclusion of 30% DDGS in the diet significantly (P < 0.05) increased source of variation; treatment means were compared using orthogonal
the GE and N in excreta with no effect on AME and AMEn values. The contrasts. Diet did not influence feed intake (P > 0.05). For CSBM,
increased concentration of nutrients in excreta deserves consideration adding CaCl2 at both levels improved feed to gain (2.36 vs 2.57; P <
due to environmental implications. 0.01); such response was not seen for Co-prod (P > 0.10). Hot carcass
weight and carcass lean yield did not differ among treatments (P > 0.05).
Key Words: DDGS, enzymes, digestibility
For Co-prod, adding CaCl2 reduced plasma carbon dioxide levels (P
< 0.01). Based on quantitative histology observations, the addition of
T225 Effect feed processing method and enzyme supplementation CaCl2 to Co-prod eliminated damage to walls of glomeruli capillaries.
of wheat- based diets on performance, gastrointestinal and carcass Optimal CaCl2 additions to high K diets are still to be confirmed. These
characteristics in broiler chicks. Z. Qobadi and A. Karimi*, Uni- results suggest that some of the negative effects of feeding high K co-
versity of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran. product containing diets to pigs can be reduced, reducing the reliance
on traditional feed ingredients for pigs.
This study was carried out to compare the effects of feed processing
(pelleted vs. mash) and enzyme supplementation (with and without 0.3g Key Words: pigs, calcium chloride, co-products
Grindazym GP 15000 /kg of wheat in complete diet) in a wheat-based
diet on performance, gastrointestinal and carcass characteristics of
T227 Production and characterization of a thermostable beta-
broiler chicks to 36 d of age. Ross 308 straight-run broiler chicks (n =
propeller phytase from Bacillus licheniformis. S. J. Fu*1,3, J. Y.
336) were randomly allocated to 4 dietary treatments, each replicated
Sun1, X. Y. Weng2, L. C. Qian1, and Z. Q. Shen4, 1Microbiology Division,
4 times (21 chicks per pen) in a completely randomized design in a 2 ×
Institute of Feed Science, College of Animal Science, Zhejiang Univer-
2 factorial arrangements. Measurements included body weight (BW),
sity, Hangzhou Zhejiang, China, 2College of Life Science, Zhejiang
daily gain (DG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) at
University, Hangzhou Zhejiang, China, 3Binzhou Animal Husbandry
20 and 36 d of ages. The relative weights of gastrointestinal organs to
and Veterinary Research Institute, Binzhou Shandong, China, 4Shandong
body weight were determined at 20 and 36 d of ages. The pH of ileum
Lvdu Biological Technology Co., Ltd, Binzhou Shandong, China.
digesta content was also determined at 20 d of age. The results showed
that the broiler chicks fed pelleted diets had significantly improved BW A novel β-propeller phytase producing thermophilic strain of Bacil-
at 36 d of age, DG during 20 to 36 and 0 to 36 d of ages and FI during 0 lus licheniformis was isolated from soil. The optimal fermentation
to 20, 20 to 36 and 0 to 36 d growth period. Feed conversion ratio was parameters for producing phytase by B. licheniformis under shake
significantly increased in pelleted fed treatment during 0–20 and 0 - 36 flask culture were determined by single factor test and the results were
d growth period. Enzyme supplementation had significantly improved as follows: 1.0% dextrose used as carbon source, 0.1% (NH4)2SO4 as
BW at 20 and 36 d of age, DG during 0–20, 20–36 and 0–36 d of ages, nitrogen source, initially pH7.5, incubation temperature 55°C. After
FI during 0 to 20 and 0 to 36 d of ages and FCR during 0–36 d of ages. incubation for 36h under these conditions, the activity of neutral phytase
The interaction between feed processing and enzyme supplementation reached 0.267 U/mL with specific activity 0.701U/mg. The optimum
was only significant on FCR during 20–36d. Neither feed processing temperature and pH of the phytase from B. licheniformis (PhyC) were
nor enzyme supplementation had significant effects on ileum digesta 55°C and 7.0, respectively. After treated at 80°C, pH 7.0 for 10 min,
pH measurements, carcass and gastrointestinal characteristics, except the residual activity of PhyC was 57.36%. Over 80% of PhyC activ-
gizzard relative weight at 36 d of age. In conclusion, the results of this ity was retained after treatment by preincubation over a pH range of
experiment confirmed the beneficial effects of both pelleting and feed 6.5–9.0 for 1 h at 25°C. As for substrate specificity, it was very specific
enzyme supplementation on broiler chicks’ performance. for sodium phytate and showed no activity on other phosphate esters.
Its activity was greatly inhibited by EDTA and metal ions such as Cd2+,
Key Words: wheat, processing, enzyme
Mn2+, Cu2+ and Ba2+.
Key Words: Bacillus licheniformis, phytase, characterization
T226 Calcium chloride reduces the negative impact of feeding
high potassium and co-product containing diets to finishing pigs. J.
Guimaraes*, C. L. Zhu, D. Wey, and C. F. M. de Lange, University of T228 A Lysozyme supplement for piglets: Weaned pigs responses
Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. to Escherichia coli K88+ (ETEC) oral challenge. E. Kiarie*1, S.
Bhandari1, D. O. Krause1, G. Zhang2, and C. M. Nyachoti1, 1Univer-
Co-products from the biofuel and human food industries may serve as
sity of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 2Neova Technologies Inc.,
alternative pig feed ingredients. Previously, we observed a reduction
Abbotsford, BC, Canada.
in animal performance when pigs were liquid-fed high potassium (K)
diets containing corn steep water (CSW) and whey permeate (WP). This Lysozyme is a low-molecular-weight protein with antimicrobial proper-
study was conducted to investigate the addition of calcium chloride ties. An experiment was conducted to investigate response of piglets
(CaCl2) to pig diets to reduce the negative impact of feeding high K receiving Entegard (EG, a water-soluble lysozyme antimicrobial blend)
levels. A total of 192 purebred Yorkshire pigs (average initial BW 45.5 upon oral challenge with ETEC. A total of 36 individually housed
kg; 4 gilts and 4 barrows per pen) were liquid-fed 1 of 6 diets over a 9 weanlings were randomly allotted to 1 of the 4 treatments to give 9
week period: (1) CSBM (Corn and soybean meal based diet with added pens per treatment. Treatments were control (C, no additive), antibiotic
0.9% potassium carbonate; 0.98% K); (2) CSBM/CaCl2-mEq (CSBM (AB, in-feed) and EG (EG1 and EG2, in-water). All pigs received a
with added 0.84% CaCl2); (3) CSBM/CaCl2 (CSBM diet with added basal diet similar in composition and nutrients (NRC, 1998), except AB
1.05% CaCl2); (4) Co-prod (22% WP, 6% CSW, 1.28% K); (5) Co-prod/ pigs which had an added Aureo SP 250. Entegard was delivered in the
CaCl2-mEq (Co-prod diet with added 0.87% CaCl2); (6) Co-prod/CaCl2 drinking water: EG1, 0.1% and EG2, 0.2%. Pigs were acclimatized to
(Co-prod diet with added 0.68% CaCl2). Diets 2 and 5 were formulated treatments for a 7-d period to monitor growth performance. On d 8, each
to an electrolyte balance of 166 mEq/kg; diets 3 and 6 were designed pig was bled to obtain serum and gavaged with 6 mL (2 × 109 cfu/ml) of
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 379
ETEC. Pigs were monitored for another 7 d to assess severity of diar- T230 Effect of phytase application on the calcium and phospho-
rhea using a fecal consistency scoring system and growth performance, rus retention and balance of layers in the last third of the laying
subsequently all pigs were killed to obtain intestinal tissues and digesta cycle. J. Tossenberger1, L. Babinszky*1, and I. Kühn2, 1Kaposvár
samples. Treatments did not influence (P > 0.10) growth performance University, Kaposvár, Hungary, 2AB Vista, Darmstadt, Germany.
throughout the study. More ETEC counts were observed on the ileal (P
Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) retention (RET) and the amount and
= 0.001) and colon (P = 0.025) mucosal scrapings of the C pigs than AB
percentage of Ca and P release via eggs were studied in the last third
and EG1 pigs which in turn showed numerically lower incidences on
of the laying cycle (wk 39 of egg production). A corn–soybean meal
diarrhea than C. Pigs receiving AB and EG1 had higher small intestine
based diet was fed to 96 Hy-Line Brown hybrid layers (3 layers/cage)
weight and ileal villous height than those receiving C, however, ileal villi
distributed over 4 treatments (Trts). Feeds had identical Ca levels (39.3
height to crypt depth ratio for EG1 (1.56) and EG2 (1.38) was similar
g/kg); P levels and phytase activities differed. P content of TrtI was 2.0
to that of AB (1.68) pigs which was in turn higher than that of C (1.34)
g/kg non-phytate P (NPP) (positive control: PC). P content of Trt2 was
pigs. Pigs in the EG1 group showed higher (P < 0.001) serum tumor
1.0 g/kg NPP (negative control: NC). Trts3 and 4 had same P content as
necrosis α (TNF-α) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) before ETEC challenge,
Trt 2 but also had an added 6-phytase, (FINASE EC, from Trichoderma
however, 7-d post-challenge pigs receiving EG2 showed (P < 0.05) the
reesei), at 125 PPU/kg (Trt3) and 250 PPU/kg (Trt4). Data were analyzed
least circulating TNF-α and IL-6. Overall, better intestinal growth and
by ANOVA (SAS, 2004). Ca and P RET was lowest in NC group (Ca:
development as well as lower ETEC counts on the intestinal mucosal and
1686 mg/d, P: 78 mg/d). Adding 125 PPU/kg phytase increased Ca and
serum pro-inflammatory cytokines suggest that Entegard can maintain
P RET to the PC group levels (P ≥ 0.05), i.e. 1888 mg/d and 129 mg/d
gut health and function in piglets commensurate to antibiotics.
(P ≤ 0.05). Ca and P RET increased only numerically in Trt4 (P ≥ 0.05).
Key Words: lysozyme, piglet performance, gut health and function While NC birds secreted 84.6% of retained Ca (1420 mg/d) and 84.9%
of retained P (66 mg/d) with the egg, these values were 98% (1869 mg/d)
and only 67.3% (87 mg/day) for Trt3 birds. In consequence Ca balance
T229 Effect of microbial phytase on growth performance, plasma dropped from +6.9% (NC) to +0.3% (attributable to increased production
phosphorus concentration and tibia mineralization of broilers of birds), while P balance grew from +3.9% to +12.5% (attributable to
according to dietary calcium and phosphorus concentrations. M. relatively low egg P level which offsets increased production) (data not
P. Letourneau Montminy*1, N. Meme2, M. Magnin3, and A. Narcy2, shown). The higher phytase dosage (Trt4) did not lead to further Ca and
1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, 2INRA
P output in the egg, their amount and ratio being close to those found
UR83, Nouzilly, France, 3BNA Nutrition Animale, Chateau-Gontier, in Trt3. The Ca balance of PC birds was at an equilibrium, and their
France. P balance showed a surplus of +6.3%. To conclude, adding the tested
One hundred ninety-two 4-d-old Ross broilers were used to investigate 6-phytase to low P (1.0 g NPP/kg) layer diets at a level of 125 PPU/
the effect of microbial phytase according to various dietary non-phytate kg already improves the Ca and P RET of layers also in the last third
P (NPP) and Ca concentrations on growth performance, plasma P con- of the laying cycle, beside improving their P balance. This should be
centration and bone mineralization. Broilers were fed maize-soybean considered when choosing the P content of the diets and can be used as
meal diets from 4 to 21 d of age in a 4 × 2 x 2 factorial arrangement a tool to reduce P excretion by layers.
with varying concentrations of Ca (0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25%), NPP Key Words: layer, phosphorus/calcium, retention/balance
(0.2, 0.3 and 0.4%) and microbial phytase (Natuphos; 0 and 500 FTU/
kg). The effect of dietary NPP on ADG, ADFI, feed conversion ratio,
plasma P concentration, tibia weight, ash weight and ash concentration T231 Effect of enzyme preparation on nutrient digestibility, diges-
was dependent on dietary concentration of Ca (NPP × Ca, P < 0.001) tive enzyme activities and pancreatic enzyme mRNA expression
and microbial phytase (NPP × Phyt, P < 0.001). Thus, the negative of hens during late laying period. C. Wen*1, L. Wang1, T. Wang1,
impact of decreasing dietary NPP concentration on these variables was Y. Zhou1, G. Hou2, and Z. Zhou2, 1Nanjing Agricultural University,
more important in high than in low Ca diets. Also, the positive impact Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, 2Guangdong VTR Bio-Tech Co., Ltd, Zhuhai,
of phytase on growth performance, plasma P concentration and tibia Guangdong, China.
mineralization was increased when NPP was decreased. Additionally,
This experiment was conducted to study the effect of enzyme prepara-
the impact of phytase on growth performance, plasma P, tibia weight,
tion on nutrient digestibility, digestive enzyme activities and pancreatic
ash weight (P < 0.001) and tibia ash concentration (P < 0.05) is affected
enzyme mRNA expression of hens during late laying period. Thirty-six
by Ca concentration. These results show that broilers are sensitive to P
58-wk-old ISA Brown hens were randomly allocated to 2 groups with 6
deficiency which decreases growth performance, plasma P concentration
replicates (3 birds per replicate), and fed corn-soybean meal based diets
and bone mineralization. However, the impact of P deficiency in animal
with or without an enzyme preparation (including phytase, xylanase,
responses is higher when birds are fed high Ca diets. Furthermore, the
cellulase, α-amylase and acid protease) for 4 weeks. The apparent digest-
response of broilers to phytase was affected by dietary Ca and NPP
ibility coefficients of protein, fat and Ca were increased (P < 0.05) by
concentrations, increasing phytase effects when Ca was increased or
enzyme supplementation. The birds fed diets containing enzyme prepa-
NPP was decreased. Thus, the more severe the P deficiency (high Ca
ration also had a higher (P < 0.05) protease activity in jejunal digesta
or low NPP), the more the response of birds to phytase for the studied
compared with the control group. The pancreatic enzyme activities and
criteria was important. Optimal dietary concentration of NPP should
their mRNA expression were reduced by enzyme supplementation, but
be established according to dietary Ca and phytase addition. It is also
the differences were not significant. The data show that the enzyme
worth noting that these results emphasize the needs to normalize dietary
preparation is effective in improving nutrient digestibility, but may
conditions in which P equivalency of phytase are determined.
depress the synthesis of digestive enzymes in pancreas.
Key Words: calcium, phytase, broilers
Key Words: hen, nutrient digestibility, digestive enzyme activity
380 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
T232 Effects of multi-enzyme and Bacillus subtilis on sow repro- T233 EconomasE decreases sterol carrier protein-2 (SCP2) gene
ductivity. T. X. Zhou*, J. S. Yoo, H. J. Kim, Q. W. Meng, J. H. Jung, expression levels in breast muscle from 6-week-old chickens. K. M.
and I. H. Kim, Department of Animal Resource and Science, Dankook Brennan*, T. Ao, J. L. Pierce, R. F. Power, and K. A. Dawson, Center
University, Cheonan, Choongnam, Korea. for Animal Nutrigenomics and Applied Animal Nutrition, Alltech Inc.,
Nicholasville, KY.
The objective of the experiment was to evaluate the effect of multi-
enzyme (Endopower: α-galactosidase, β-glucanse, galactoamannanase EconomasE (Alltech Inc.) is a proprietary blend of dietary ingredients
and xylanase) and Bacillus subtilis on sow productivity. A total of 100 designed to enhance antioxidant status. Previous studies have shown that
sows (Landrace × Yorkshire) were randomly allotted into 4 dietary supplemental EconomasE increases serum total antioxidant capacity and
treatments and each treatment had 25 sows. The experiment was con- decreases breast meat drip loss compared with birds fed a control diet
ducted from July to August 2009. Sows were fed experiment diets from (Ao et al., 2009). Based on these data, breast muscle gene expression
4 d before farrowing to 21 d of weanling. No crossfostering was done. profiles were compared from birds fed supplemental vitamin E (VE)
Dietary treatments were as followed: 1) CON (basal diet), 2) E (basal and EconomasE. Dietary treatments included 1) corn-soy control diet
diet + 1 g/kg Endopower), 3) B (basal diet + 0.4 g/kg Bacillus subtilis), containing 0.3 ppm Se as selenite, but no VE; 2) Diet 1 plus 50 IU VE /
and 4) EB (basal diet + 1 g/kg Endopower + 0.4 g/kg Bacillus subtilis). kg; 3) Diet 1 plus 100 IU/kg VE; 4) Diet 1 plus 200 g EconomasE /tonne.
Differences among treatments were separated by Duncan’s multiple Birds were house in pens of 22 birds, with 8 replicate pens per treatment.
range test. Sows fed multi-enzyme and Bacillus subtilis had a higher (P Seven chicks from each of 4 dietary treatments were randomly selected
< 0.05) ADFI than that of sows in CON treatment (4.99 kg/d vs. 4.71 and killed after 42d on treatment. Total RNA was isolated from frozen
kg/d). The back fat difference of sows fed multi-enzyme and Bacillus breast muscle and gene expression was measured using the Affymetrix
subtilis was lower (P < 0.05) than that of sows in CON treatment (−5.64 microarray system. Gene expression data showed that a potential target,
mm vs. −3.68 mm). Sows fed multi-enzyme had a higher (P < 0.05) sterol carrier protein 2 (SCP2), decreased with both 50 IU and 100 IU
litter size than sows fed Bacillus subtilis at birth (11.3 vs. 9.6). Sows of VE (−1.92-fold and −1.59 fold, respectively) and with EconomasE
in E treatment had a greater (P < 0.05) number of litters at weanling supplementation (−1.67-fold, P ≤ 0.05). SCP2 plays an important role
than sows in B treatment (9.4 vs. 8.1). No difference was observed on in the cellular metabolism of lipids, but SCP2 overexpression leads to
litter performance among treatments. Estrus was not affected by dietary increased cellular lipid peroxide damage. The decrease in SCP2 mRNA
treatments. In conclusion, multi-enzyme and Bacillus subtilis increased levels was confirmed using real-time PCR. Relative levels of SCP2
the ADFI of sows and reduced the backfat loss. Besides, multi-enzyme mRNA were significantly decreased with both VE treatments (−1.36-fold
reduced the mortality of piglets. and −1.34-fold, respectively) and EconomasE supplementation (−1.42-
fold, P ≤ 0.05). These data show that EconomasE mimics VE in breast
Key Words: multi-enzyme, Bioplus 2B, sow
muscle, potentially through reducing SCP2 levels and peroxidation of
cellular membranes.
Key Words: gene expression, vitamin E, broiler
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 381
Nonruminant Nutrition: Fat
T234 Effects of different dietary sources of n-3 PUFA on reproduc- The area under the response curve (AUC) for Gluc response to the Gluc
tive performance of laying hens. M. Pilevar1, J. Arshami1, A. Heravi infusion (mM Gluc x 30 min) tended to be greater (P < 0.07) in gilts fed
Moussavi1, A. Golian*1, M. R. Basami1, and A. R. Rezaee2, 1Ferdowsi DHA (113.9) compared with Cont gilts (94.0). There was a tendency
University of Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran, 2Mashhad University (P = 0.10) for greater Gluc half-life (min) in gilts fed DHA (9.96) than
of Medical Sciences, Khorasan Razavi, Iran. gilts fed Cont (8.52). The AUC for Ins response to the Gluc infusion
and the AUC for Gluc response to the Ins infusion did not differ for the
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of n-3 polyunsaturated 2 groups and were 1002 and 1266 (uIU insulin/mL x 30 min) for Cont
fatty acids (PUFAs) on reproductive performance in hy-Line W-36 pullet and DHA gilts, respectively, and 182 and 170 (mM Gluc x 90 min) for
chicks at the onset of laying period. Two hundred eighty-eight 1-day-old Cont and DHA gilts, respectively. Lack of response suggests that fish
pullet chicks with initial BW of 40.73 g were used in a CRD design to oil may not increase Ins sensitivity in these pigs, the response observed
a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. The main effects were 2 sources of n-3 due to feeding fish oil is due to EPA rather than DHA, or the presence
(flaxseed or fish oil) and 2 levels of n-3 (1.5% and 0.5%) in the diet. The of DPA diminished the response.
concentration of n-6 PUFA was kept constantly (3% of diet) by soybean
oil in all experimental phases. During the 5 experimental phases (starter, Key Words: DHA, fatty acid, insulin sensitivity
grower, developer, pre-developer and pre-peak), feed and water were
provided ad libitum. Each dietary treatment (fish1.5, fish0.5, flax1.5
and flax0.5) was assigned to 6 replicate cages with 12 newly hatched T236 Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) modifies carcass traits
pullet chicks per cage. The chicks were raised in cages under optimum and fatty acid composition in finishing pigs fed with high linoleic
environmental conditions until 22 wk as recommended by the Hy-line acid diets. G. Cordero1,2, B. Isabel2, J. G. Vicente2, J. Morales1, C.
commercial management guide (2007). On wk 15 of experiment, pullets Piñeiro*1, and C. J. López-Bote2, 1PigCHAMP Pro Europa, Segovia,
were transferred to the laying house and individually placed in standard Spain, 2Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
laying cages to determine the day of sexual maturity (first oviposition). Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in swine nutrition has the potential to
All birds were photostimulated at 18 wk of ages. The weight of first improve feed efficiency and decrease carcass fat. Moreover, it may also
egg at sexual maturity and 22 wk egg production were numerically alter fatty acid synthesis and metabolism, thus leading to more saturated
decreased in birds fed diet fish1.5 (P > 0.05). However, egg production fat. Therefore, CLA supplementation in finishing pigs might ameliorate
was affected by the sources (P = 0.005) and levels of n-3 (P = 0.003) of the deleterious effect that a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty
the diet at 21 wk. At the end of wk 18, no significant differences were acids (PUFA), particularly linoleic acid (LA), produces on carcass and
observed in the BW and FI between sources and levels of n-3 PUFA (P meat consistency. The objectives of this experiment were to study the
> 0.05). In this study, time of sexual maturity was negatively affected effect of a commercial source of CLA (60% of CLA isomers, 30% c9,t11
by the sources (P = 0.029) and interaction between main effects (P = and 30% t10,c12) supplied with 2 high levels of LA on performance,
0.03). Laying hens fed fish oil came into oviposition later, after photo- carcass traits and fatty acid composition of subcutaneous fat. Therefore,
stimulation according to this: fish1.5; 20d, fish0.05; 14d, flax1.5; 11d there were 4 treatments arranged factorially with 2 CLA dietary contents
and flax0.5; 14d. Our results show that high levels of fish oil delay the (0 vs 1%) and 2 LA dietary levels (1.45 vs. 1.17). For the experiment,
time of first oviposition compared with flaxseed. 40 pigs Large White × (Large White × Landrace) with 129.4 (±4.83)
Key Words: n-3 PUFA, first oviposition, laying hen kg live weight were used. Either supplementation with CLA or LA did
not affect average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI)
and feed efficiency. Carcass, ham and foreleg weights were recorded,
T235 Docosahexaenoic acid does not increase insulin sensitivity but were not affected by CLA supplementation. The highest level of LA
in gilts. J. H. Eisemann*, S. Whisnant, and J. Odle, North Carolina tended (P = 0.05) to increase the foreleg weight. No effect of LA was
State University, Raleigh. observed on backfat thickness, but a trend (P = 0.09) to reduce backfat
thickness was shown when pigs received a diet containing CLA. No
Dietary fish oil increased insulin sensitivity in several species includ- difference in intramuscular fat content was observed among treatments.
ing miniature pigs. Fish oil is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5, A marked effect of CLA administration was observed in most fatty
n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6, n-3). The objective was to acids, with an increase in the concentration of saturated fatty acids and
measure insulin sensitivity in gilts consuming diets containing added a decrease in the concentration of total monounsaturated fatty acids, but
DHA. Gilts were fed diets formulated to contain 0% DHA (Control, not effect on PUFA concentration was observed. The highest level of
Cont; n = 5) or 0.54% added DHA provided by DHAgold (Martek LA increased the concentration of C18:2 n-6, C18:3 n-3, C20:3 n-9 and
Biosciences Corp., Columbia, MD; n = 7). Inclusion of DHAgold also total PUFA (P < 0.01). We conclude that 1% of CLA supplementation
provided 0.23% added docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5, n-6). Diets enhance fatty acid saturation, which may help to overcome problems
were fed for 6 wks before measurement of insulin sensitivity. Body of oil and low consistency meat.
weight at the time of sampling was 110.0 kg (SEM 7.3 kg) for gilts fed
Cont and 111.4 kg (SEM = 6.0 kg) for gilts fed DHA. An i.v. glucose Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, linoleic acid, finishing pigs
tolerance test (IVGTT; 1.25 g glucose/kg BW 0.75) and an i.v. insulin
tolerance test (IVITT; 0.30 IU insulin/kg BW 0.75) were conducted on
successive days. Blood samples were taken from indwelling jugular T237 Effects of high oil poultry by-product meal in laying hen per-
catheters at 30, 15, and 5 min before and 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, formance, egg quality, egg components and blood parameters. G.
60, 75, and 90 min after infusion to measure concentrations of Gluc O. Majid*, J. Hossein, T. Akbar, and R. Abass, University of Tabriz,
and Ins (IVGTT) or Gluc only (IVITT). Basal concentrations of Gluc Tabriz, Iran.
and Ins did not differ between diets and were 5.06 and 4.82 mM Gluc; Poultry by-product meal (PBPM) is usually composed of the wastage
and 12.6 and 9.2 uIU/mL Ins for Cont gilts and DHA gilts, respectively. from poultry meat processing. To examine the effects of high oil PBPM
382 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
from Iran on laying hen performance, egg quality, egg components and triglyceride, calcium, phosphorous, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and
blood parameters, 160 HyLine W-36 hens at the age of 42 wk housed high-density lipoprotein (HDL), 2 hens from each treatment replicate
in laying cages with 4 hens per cage. The trial was conducted using the were randomly selected and were determined by using commercial kits.
completely randomized design with 5 experimental diets as treatments The results showed that egg weight, egg production, egg mass and feed
and 4 replications for each treatment. Five experimental diets were intake was significantly decreased and FCR was significantly increased
prepared with inclusion of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% PBPM and all diets by increasing level of PBPM in diets (P < 0.05). Egg shape index, shell
were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Egg weight and egg production was thickness, albumen weight and all blood parameters were unaffected by
recorded daily. Feed intake was recorded every 2 weeks. The egg mass different levels of PBPM in diets (P < 0.05). Increasing level of PBPM in
and feed conversion ratio (FCR) was calculated according to the HyLine diets significantly decreased Yolk weight and shell thickness (P < 0.05).
W-36 2003–2005 commercial management guide. Three eggs from each Results indicated that up to 2% PBPM can be used in laying diets with
treatment replicate were randomly collected for measuring egg shape no negative effects in laying performance and egg quality.
index, Haugh units, shell thickness and egg yolk, shell and albumen
Key Words: laying hen, egg quality, high oil poultry by-product meal
weight. Finally for determining blood parameters such as serum glucose,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 383
Nonruminant Nutrition: Feed Additive
T238 Viability of Lactobacillus plantarum in different protective improved (P < 0.05) over the period 0 to 18 d with the levels of 50 and
agents and its effects on growth performance and immunity of 500 ppm (1.955 and 1.981 respectively) compared to control (2.072)
weaned pigs. J. Wang, H. F. Ji*, R. L. Ge, S. X. Wang, D. Y. Zhang, and 1000 ppm (2.009). The GSH-Px levels were increased by 50 ppm
and Y. M. Wang, Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medi- (2341 IU/L) compared to the other treatments (1436, 1914, 1371 IU/L
cine, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing, for 0, 500, 1000 ppm respectively). The 50 ppm dose reduced mortality
China. associated with cold stress and improved feed conversion and growth
before 30 d, but higher doses were not beneficial. The 50 ppm dose may
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different protec- improve birds’ antioxidant status.
tive agents on the viability of Lactobacillus plantarum after freeze-dried
and the effects of Lactobacillus plantarum on growth performance and Key Words: antioxidant, chicken
immunity of weaned pigs. The strain of Lactobacillus plantarum was
originally isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of healthy weanling
pigs in our laboratory and strains were identified through standard T240 Effects of feeding oregano essential oil to broilers on ileal
morphological, biochemical, physiological tests, and by 16s rRNA gene digestibility and performance under high altitude conditions. L.
sequence analysis by the China Center of Industrial Culture Collection. Betancourt*1,3, C. Ariza-Nieto2, and G. Afanador-Téllez3, 1Universidad
Lactobacillus plantarum were freeze-dried for 24 h in the presence of de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia, 2CORPOICA, Bogotá, Colombia, 3Uni-
10 different combinations of skim milk powder, lactose, soluable starch, versidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
ascorbic acid, sodium glutamate, glycerin, L-cysteine, dextrine, and It has long been acknowledged that some plant essential oils exhibit
sucrose. The viable count of Lactobacillus plantarum reached 1.6 × 1012 diverse functional activities. Oregano essential oil (OEO) has been
cfu/g after freeze-dried under the protective agents of 16% skim milk shown to possess antibacterial activity; however, comparison of ileal
powder + 2% lactose + 10% dextrin + 0.5% L-cysteine + 1.5% sodium digestibility of nutrients due to the supplementation of different varieties
glutamate, showed the highest viability. Sixty-four piglets weaned at 28 of OEO is scarce in the literature. The aim of this study was to test the
d of age (8.13 ± 0.35 kg BW), were divided into 4 groups comprising effect of OEO supplementation on apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of
of control with chlortetracycline at 50 mg/kg, 3 treatments of different energy, protein and fat of broilers diets. Seven hundred fifty 1-day-old
Lactobacillus plantarum levels (freeze-dried; 0.3%, 0.5%, and 0.7% of Hybro male broiler chicks were randomly allotted to one of the 6 treat-
diet). The experiment lasted 30 3 d. The results showed that the supple- ment groups: Control (C), 500 ppm chlortetracycline (AB), 50 ppm
mentation of Lactobacillus plantarum at 0.3% of diet level had the same of OEO from O. vulgare H. ground in Greece (OG) and 3 additional
effect on average daily gain (ADG) (405 vs. 393 g/d), feed/gain (F/G) treatments with 200 ppm of OEO from 3 varieties ground in Sabana
(1.95 vs. 1.98), and mortality rate (0% vs. 0%) (P > 0.05) compared with of Bogota-Colombia (2650 AMSL): O. vulgare H. (OH), O. vulgare
chlortetracycline addition. But the 0.5% and 0.7% of diet level showed L. (OL) and O. majorana (OM). During a 7-d period (14–21 d), the
lower ADG and significant higher F/G and mortality rate compared chicken received a diet with 0.5% chromium oxide as an indigestible
with control (P < 0.05). Lactobacillus plantarum supplementation at marker. On the last day, 20 birds per treatment were slaughtered and
any level showed significant higher antibody titers against classical Ileal digesta samples were collected and stored at −20°C. Dry matter,
swine fever (OD at 630 nm, P < 0.05). The present study implies that protein, fat, energy and chromium were analyzed in feed and ileal
freeze-dried Lactobacillus plantarum at 0.3% of diet may be the most content and nutrients AID were calculated. AB group showed a higher
ideal concentration in ensuring growth performance and immunity of AID of protein compared with control (83.7% vs. 75.3%, P < 0.05), but
weaned pigs compared with chlortetracycline. not significant differences (P > 0.05) were observed among the other
Key Words: Lactobacillus plantarum, growth performance and immu- treatments. Both OM and AB groups showed a higher value of AID for
nity, weaned pigs energy and fat compared with control (92.3%, 91.7% vs.84.2%) (P <
0.05). Additionally, OM and AB presented the highest body weight at
21d. (P < 0.05). These results suggest that the addition of EO from O.
T239 Effect of dietary delivery controlled antioxidant on the per- majorana to broiler diets could enhance their performance.
formances of cold stressed broiler. V. Noirot*, Phodé Laboratories,
Key Words: oregano essential oil, protein digestibility, fat digest-
Albi-Terssac, France.
A product based on the dietary antioxidant curcumin formulated with
delivery vehicles designed to control the release in the digestive tract
(Phodé Laboratories, France), was tested on 4 groups (0, 50, 500, and T241 Utilization of glandless and standard cottonseed meal in
1000 ppm doses in feed) of 6 replicate pens each containing 25 Ross × broiler diets. C. Salas*, R. D. Ekmay, J. England, S. Cerrate, and C.
Ross broiler chickens. Temperature was decreased from 22.5 to 12°C N. Coon, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
beginning on d 18, to induce an oxidative stress. Birds were individu- A 42d study was conducted to determine the field performance and
ally weighed at 7, 18, 30, and 38 d. Feed conversion was evaluated per processing yield of broilers fed corn-soy diets containing glandless cot-
pen at each weighing. Serum glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) was tonseed meal (GCSM), commercial CSM (CCSM), or only corn/SBM
measured on 2 birds per pen at 37 d of age. Performance data were (CSBM). The nutritional value of both CSM samples was determined
subjected to the Mixed model procedure of SAS with treatment as and utilized to formulate grower (11–21d) and finisher (22–42d) diets.
fixed, pen as random and time as repeated factors. Chi-squared tests All broilers were fed a starter corn-soy diet from 1 to 10d. The inclu-
were performed on mortality rates. Mortality rate over the first 30 d sion level of GCSM and CCSM in corn-soy diets was 12.42% based on
tended to be lower (P = 0.10) in birds given 50 ppm (0.6%) compared the gossypol content of the meals to expose the broilers to 200 and 4.1
to control birds (1.9%). After 30 d birds receiving 50 ppm were heavier ppm of free gossypol, respectively. An additional set of all diets was
(2,331 kg) than control birds (2,299 kg) (P < 0.05). Feed conversion was formulated by adding 500 units/kg of phytase and decreasing NPP by
384 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
0.10%. The grower and finisher nutrient contents were based on speci- T243 Effects of coated sodium butyrate on the performance and
fications for Cobb 500 and were formulated based on digestible AA. gut morphology of broiler chickens. Y. Zou1, Z. B. Yang*1, W. R.
Body weight (BW), feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and Yang1, S. Z. Jiang1, G. G. Zhang1, and R. Yu2, 1Shandong Agricultural
mortality were monitored. At 42d, 5 birds/pen were further processed. University, Tai-an, Shandong, China, 2Kangdequan Feed Co., Ltd,
The carcass yield was determined and weight of fillet, tenders, wings, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.
leg quarters and rack were expressed as % of chilled weight.
An experiment was performed to assess the effects of dietary coated
The broilers had significant differences in BW, FI and FCR at 21d
sodium butyrate (CSB) on growth performance and morphological
(P < 0.05). The birds fed the GCSM + phytase diet were the heaviest
aspects of small intestine in broiler chickens at different ages. Three
(946g) followed by the birds fed the CCSM diet (923 g). Broilers fed
hundred sixty 1-d-old Arbor Acres broilers were randomly distributed
the CCSM + phytase diet had the poorest BW gain (886 g) and the
into 3 treatments with 3 pens of 40 each and were fed starter rations from
poorest FCR from 11-21d (1.62) compared to the other treatments
d1 to 21 and finisher rations from d22 to 42. Dietary treatment included
(P = 0.0136). The FCR, BW and mortality were not significantly
1) BD (basal diet), 2) BD+ antibiotics (40 mg/kg bacitracin zinc and 8
different at 42d. The results indicate the protein source did not
mg/kg colistin sulfate), 3) BD+200 mg /kg CSB. Broilers were fed for
produce a significant effect on % carcass yield, but had an effect on
ab libitum intake and had free access to water. Body weight and feed
fillet, tender and leg quarters % yield. The processing data shows
intake of chicks of each pen were measured weekly for determination of
significantly higher (P < 0.01) % yield for breast meat (≥25%) and
average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI), and feed
tenders (≥5%) for broilers fed the GCSM diets compared to the
conversion rate (FCR). Twelve birds of each treatment were slaugh-
CSBM diets. Broilers fed CCSM diets produced a higher (P < 0.01)
tered at d14 and d35 of the experiment and the intestinal samples were
% yield of leg quarters (≥31.5%). These results indicate that broilers
removed to determine gut morphology. All broilers had similar ADFI
can be fed standard CSM in broiler grower and finisher diets if free
over the entire experimental period. However, supplementation with
gossypol in total diet does not exceed 200 ppm.
200 mg/kg coated sodium butyrate increased final weight and ADG (P
< 0.05), but reduced FCR as compared with that of basal and antibiot-
Key Words: broilers, cottonseed meal, performance ics diets. Supplementation of CSB increased (P < 0.05) villus height
of duodunum and jejunum and reduced (P < 0.05) the crypt depth at
14-d of age, but did not affect the morphology of ileum. The antibiot-
T242 TMEn and amino acid digestibility of glandless and commer- ics supplementation significantly increased (P < 0.05) villus height of
cial cottonseed meal for broilers. C. Salas*, D. R. Ekmay, J. England, jejunum and ileum, but had no effect on villus height of duodunum
S. Cerrate, and C. N. Coon, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. and on crypt depth of the 3 segments at 14-d of age. Although broilers
Cottonseed meal (CSM) is an alternative protein source for poultry diets, received butyric acid or antibiotics (zinc bacitracin 40 mg/kg + colistin
but CSM use is limited mainly due to the presence of gossypol. Cotton sulfate 8 mg/kg) as feed additive at 35-d of age had greater villus height
genetic cultivars are presently being developed with a significant lower and lower crypt depth than the control chicks, the tendency were not
concentration of gossypol in the seed. significant among the 3 experimental groups (P > 0.05). In the current
A digestibility study was conducted to determine the TMEn study conducted, the addition of coated sodium butyrate at 200 mg/kg
and amino acid (AA) digestibility of a glandless (GCSM) and a level showed a positive effect on performance and intestinal morphol-
commercial (CCSM) cottonseed meal. Thirty male broilers (42d) in ogy, and coated sodium butyrate can be a possible substance to replace
individual cages were fasted for a 48 hr period and 30 g of GCSM, antibiotics as growth promoters for farm animals.
CCSM, and dextrose were each precision fed to ten broilers. The Key Words: coated sodium butyrate, broiler, performance and gut
dextrose (protein-free) was utilized to estimate endogenous AA morphology
losses. Excreta were quantitatively collected after 48 hr and freeze
dried for further analysis. The chemical composition, gossypol
content, TMEn and digestibility coefficients for AA were obtained T244 Study on the utilization of oregano essentials oils (oeo) by
for both meals. The crude protein and fat content of the GCSM was tilapia Oreochromis niloticus var. chitralada in a commercial pro-
higher than the CCSM (48% and 45%, 5.3 and 1.75%, respectively, duction cycle. D. Rodriguez*1,2, C. Ariza-Nieto2, A. Munoz1, and
as is basis). The CCSM had a higher content of total and free G. Afanador1,2, 1Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colom-
gossypol (1.52% and 0.161%, respectively, %DM) when compared bia, 2CORPOICA, Bogota, Colombia.
to the GCSM (0.02 and .003%, respectively, %DM). The GCSM
Carvacrol and thymol are the 2 main active components of oregano
contained a thousand additional kcal (27% more) of TMEn than
essential oil (OEO). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect
the CCSM (3975 vs 2963 kcal/kg, %DM), because the true DM
of different ratios of carvacrol to thymol on growth performance of
digestibility was 97% compared to 78% for CCSM. The AA content
Nile Tilapia. Five hundred 20 8 10 g tilapia were randomly assigned
was determined for both meals and was higher for the GCSM when
to one of the 4 treatments groups: C) control group; HT) high thymol
compared to the CCSM, but both had higher contents than the reports
(Colombian native oregano); TC) thymol:carvacrol 1:1 ratio (Colom-
in the literature. When compared with the literature, methionine
bian native oregano+Greek Oregano); and HC) high carvacrol (Greek
content was 2-fold higher for both GCSM and CCSM; cystine was
oregano). Fish were placed in 24 tanks during starter-finish phase and
74-84% and 84-93% higher for CCSM and GCSM, respectively. The
their performance was determined every other week until 550g of body
true digestibility coefficients for essential AA ranged from 73.9% for
weight. Data were analyzed under a completely randomized design
isoleucine to 91.8% for arginine, for CCSM, whereas the digestibility
using the GLM procedure of SAS. Specific growth rate (SGR) and
coefficients for GCSM were all higher than 90% for the essential AA.
daily growth coefficient (DGC) of fish fed HT were higher than those
of fish fed both C and TC (1.5929, 1.5187 and 1.5015; 3.186, 3.000 and
Key Words: broilers, cottonseed meal, amino acid digestibility 2.986, %/day, respectively) (P < 0.05). Days to market (550g) of fish
fed HT was lower than that of HC (165.7 vs 186.5) (P < 0.05), but not
significant differences (P > 0.05) were noted among other treatments.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 385
It can be concluded that natural Colombian native oregano, can act as composition was also similar across treatments (P > 0.1). There were
a growth promoter when added to nile tilapia feed. more nucleotides in milk on d 7 than on d 20 of lactation (means ± SD
for AMP, CMP, GMP, IMP and UMP were 12.7 ± 2.8, 9.4 ± 2.1, 14.6 ±
Key Words: Nile tilapia, oregano, carvacrol:thymol
2.8, 2.5 ± 0.7 and 281.3 ± 45.1 µmol/100 mL on d 7 and 6.0 ± 1.1, 3.6
± 0.9, 7.5 ± 1.0, 1.5 ± 0.6 and 138.7 ± 15.4 µmol/100 mL on d 20; P <
T245 Dietary supplementation effects of oregano essential oils and 0.001) but these concentrations were not affected by treatments (P >
two sources of fat on the performance of brown laying hens under 0.1). On d 2 of lactation, circulating concentrations of urea tended to be
high altitude conditions. D. Botero1, F. Silva1, L. Betancourt*1,3, greater for Y60 than CTL sows (P = 0.1). In conclusion, supplementing
C. Ariza-Nieto2, and G. Afanador-Téllez3, 1Universidad de La Salle, the diet of lactating sows with yeast proteins had no beneficial effect on
Bogotá, Colombia, 2CORPOICA, Bogotá, Colombia, 3Universidad sow and piglet performances.
Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Thanks to Alltech for financial support.
Fish oils have been used to the incorporation of n-3 fatty acids into
eggs, but this practice can exert a negative influence on their sensory Key Words: sow, lactation, yeast proteins
properties. On the other hand, Oregano Essential Oil (OEO) has been
shown to possess anti-oxidant activity. Thus, the aim of this study was
T247 Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum and its
to evaluate the effect of OEO carvacrol:thymol ratio and 2 sources of fat
effects on growth performance of weaned pigs. J. Wang, H. F. Ji*,
on production performance of laying hens and eggs sensory properties.
L. J. Lv, S. X. Wang, D. Y. Zhang, and Y. M. Wang, Institute of Animal
One hundred sixty brown laying hens were randomly assigned to one of 8
Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Beijing Academy of Agriculture
treatment combination in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement. Factors included
and Forestry Sciences, Beijing, China.
were, source of fat, fish oil (FO) or palm oil (PO) and carvacrol:thymol
ratio supplemented with 200 ppm of OEO; high carvacrol (HC), high This experiment was carried out to study the most suitable method and
thymol (HT), carvacrol:thymol 1:1 ratio (CT) and control (C) without wall material for microencapsulation of the probiotic bacterium Lacto-
OEO supplementation. Hens were housed in 80 conventional cages bacillus plantarum to maintain cell viability during gastric challenge,
(2 per cage) and the study was conducted over a period of 16 weeks. and the effect of L. plantarum microcapsule on growth performance of
Eggs were collected, numbered and weighed every day. Sensory evalu- weaned pigs. Strains of L. plantarum were individually encapsulated
ation was carried out with 40 tasters. When PO was used as a source using different method of extrusion or emulsion. The optimum wall
of fat, the HC improved production egg, mass egg and feed conversion material formula of making microcapsule was studied through the
ratio; in contrast, HT and CT decreased egg production and egg mass orthogonal experiment. The survival of planktonic cells and encapsu-
(P < 0.05). The supplementation of OEO HC, HT and CT improved lated cells of L. plantarum treated with simulated gastric juice were
production performance (P < 0.05) when the source of fat was FO. HT detected. The results showed that extruded microcapsules were larger
significantly improved egg taste perception when FO was included in and more uniformly shaped. The viable count was reached 7.76 × 1010
the diet; but HC improved it when PO was included (P < 0.05). It can cfu/g under the wall material formula as 3% alginate, 4% skim milk,
be concluded that OEO can enhance laying hen performance and high 6% milk sugar, and 2% calcium chloride. When planktonic cells and
thymol ratio has positive effects on flavor when FO is added to diet for encapsulated cells of L. plantarum were subjected to simulated gastric
functional eggs design. juice challenge at pH 2.1 for 3 h. The survival of L. plantarum cells
treated with simulated gastric juice was significantly better (P < 0.05)
Key Words: fish oil, n-3 FA, egg taste
when microencapsulated. Thirty-two piglets weaned at 28 d of age (8.11
± 0.32 kg BW), were divided into 2 groups comprising of control diet
T246 Effect of supplementing the diet of sows with a source of with L. plantarum (0.5% of diet) and diet with L. plantarum microcap-
yeast-derived proteins during lactation on performances of sows and sule (0.5% of diet). The experiment lasted 30 d. The results showed that
piglets. P.-A. Plante*1,2, J.-P. Laforest2, and C. Farmer1, 1Agriculture the supplementation of L. plantarum microcapsule had higher average
and Agri-Food Canada, Dairy and Swine R&D Centre, Sherbrooke, daily gain (ADG) (390 vs. 326 g/d; P < 0.05) and lower diarrhea rate
QC, Canada, 2Animal Science Dept., Laval University, Québec, QC, (3.25 vs. 6.67) and mortality rate (0 vs. 6.25) compared with control.
Canada. In general, microencapsulation using selected wall material formula by
extrusion was found to provide bacteria significantly greater protection
The impact of supplementing the diet of sows with a source of yeast- (P < 0.05) against simulated gastric juice, and had positive effect on
derived proteins (NuPro) during lactation on the performances of sows growth performance of weaned pigs.
and their piglets was studied. Sixty-five crossbred sows were fed one of
3 levels of yeast proteins (YP) from 0 to 21 d of lactation. Treatments Key Words: Lactobacillus plantarum, microencapsulation, weaned
were: control without YP (CTL, n = 22); 30 g of YP per day (Y30, n pig
= 22) and; 60 g of YP per day (Y60, n = 21). Jugular blood samples
were obtained from sows on d 2, 7 and 20 of lactation to measure urea
T248 Effect of xylo-oligosaccharides on growth performance,
concentrations. Milk samples were obtained on d 7 and 20 of lactation
enzyme activity and volatile fatty acid production of post-weanling
for compositional analyses (fat, lactose, dry matter) and quantification
pigs. H. S. Huang1, S. Zhou1, Z. B. Yang*2, W. R. Yang2, and L. Xiao3,
of 5`monophosphate nucleotides. Litter size was standardized to 10 ± 1 1Qinghai University, Xining, China, 2Shandong Agricultural University,
at 48 h postpartum. Sow BW loss and backfat loss during lactation (from
Taian, Shandong, China, 3Shandong Longlive Bio-technology Co., Ltd,
d 2 to 21) were recorded as well as weights of piglets on d 0, 2, 7, 14,
Dezhou, Shandong, China.
21, 24, 28, 35, 42, 49, and 56. Feed intakes of sows during lactation and
of piglets for 5 wk post-weaning were noted. Statistical analyses were The experiment was conducted to assess the effects of Xylo-oligo-
performed with PROC MIXED using an ANOVA with one factor (3 saccharides (XOS) on growth performance, volatile fatty acid (VFA)
levels) according to a completely randomized design. None of the animal production and intestinal enzyme activity of piglets. A total of 300,
performance data differed between treatments (P > 0.1). Standard milk 28-d-old post-weanling pigs were randomly assigned to one of 6 dietary
386 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
treatments with 5 replicates of 10 piglets each. Treatments included PDV uptake of arterial Val did not differ (P = 0.82) among treatments.
control diet without Xylo-oligosaccharides and test diets supplemented The net hepatic and net splanchnic fluxes of Val were not affected by
with 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 mg XOS /kg DM, respectively. Average treatment (P = 0.61 to P = 0.94). Data indicate that upper gut microbial
daily gain (ADG), average daily feed, intake feed (ADFI) and gain ratio deamination is without quantitative importance to availability of Val in
(F:G) were measured weekly of each replicate. Diarrhea piglets were growing pigs fed a low-protein diet added crystalline Val.
recorded 3 times a day to determine diarrhea rate (DR). Five piglets
Key Words: amino acid, metabolism, pig
of each treatment were slaughtered at d28 of the experiment and the
intestinal contents were removed to determine intestinal VFA (gas
chromatography) and digestive enzyme activities (colorimetric method). T250 Characterization of the gastrointestinal microbiota in
All pigs had similar ADG and ADFI but XOS diet decreased (P < 0.05) neonatal piglets from sows supplemented a Bacillus-based direct
DR. However, Supplementation with 40, 60 and 80 mg XOS /kg DM fed microbial. A. Baker*, E. Davis, and T. Rehberger, Danisco,
had lower (P < 0.05) F:G as compared with that of control. Increasing Waukesha, WI.
supplementation of XOS linearly (P < 0.05) and quadratically (P < 0.05)
increased concentrations of acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid Direct fed microbials (DFMs) supplemented in sow diets may confer
in the jejunum, ileum and cecum. Lipase activity was quadratically (P health benefits to the host and the piglets by reducing pathogens in the
< 0.01) increased in the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, trypsin activity sow and environment. In this study we evaluated the effect of a Bacillus-
was linearly (P < 0.05) increased in duodenum and jejunum, as well based DFM on the gastrointestinal microbiota of neonatal piglets. A
as amylase activity was linearly (P < 0.05) increased in the ileum with total of 208 sows were divided into 2 treatments: a control diet and the
the increasing supplementation of XOS. In conclusion, supplementa- control diet supplemented with a Bacillus-based DFM (3.75 × 105 cfu/g
tion of XOS decreased DR and 40, 60, 80 mg XOS/kg DM reduced feed). Twenty-one piglets sampled from each sow treatment group were
F:G. Concentrations of VFA were linearly (P < 0.05) and quadratically killed on d 3 of lactation as well as 15 piglets per treatment on d 10 of
improved in jejunum, ileum and cecum. Lipase activity and tryptic lactation. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP)
activity were linearly (P < 0.05) and quadratically (P < 0.05) increased was used to characterize the microbiota in the ileum and colon of the
in duodenum and jejunum and lipase activity and amylase activity were piglets using 3 enzymes (MspI, BstUI, and HaeIII) to generate terminal
linearly (P < 0.05) and quadratically (P < 0.05) changed in the ileum restriction fragments (TRFs). The presence and quantity of TRFs were
with the increasing supplementation of XOS. compared between control and DFM pigs and presumptively identified
using the Microbial Community Analysis III (MiCA 3) database. There
Key Words: xylo-oligosaccharides, pigs, volatile fatty acid and enzyme was a greater incidence and quantity of TRFs B423 and H330 (Binary
activity P = 0.01, 0.08; Quantitative P = 0.01, 0.05 respectively), putatively
identified as Lactobacillus gasseri/johnsonii, in the ileum of pigs nursing
sows supplemented with DFM at d 3. TRF peaks B423 and H330 were
T249 Effect of short-term benzoic acid and chlortetracycline treat-
also greater (Binary P = 0.01, 0.08; Quantitative P = 0.01, 0.01 respec-
ment of feed on splanchnic metabolism of valine in growing pigs. N.
tively) in the colon of pigs nursing sows supplemented with DFM at d
B. Kristensen*1, R. G. Engberg1, B. B. Jensen1, J. V. Nørgaard1, H. D.
3. Peaks M495 and B394, putatively identified as E. coli, were greater
Poulsen1, H. D. Zacho2, and N. M. Sloth3, 1Aarhus University, Tjele,
(Binary P = 0.01, 0.04; Quantitative P = 0.01, 0.01 respectively) in the
Denmark, 2Viborg Hospital, Viborg, Denmark, 3Danish Agriculture and
colon of the control pigs at d 3. At d 10, both presence and quantity of
Food Council, Aarhus, Denmark.
Lactobacillus species were greater (P < 0.05) in the colon of the DFM
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of short-term feed treatment. Additionally, there was a tendency for TRFs B227 and H257
treatment with benzoic acid (BA) and chlortetracycline (CTC) on portal- (Binary P = 0.07, 0.07 respectively), putatively identified as Clostridium
drained visceral (PDV) metabolism of arterial [U-13C]Val as well as perfringens, to be present in the ileum of the control pigs at d 10 com-
portal absorption and hepatic uptake of Val in growing pigs fed a low- pared with treated pigs. The results of this study demonstrate the ability
protein diet. Eight female pigs (70 ± 2 kg BW) fitted with permanent of a DFM to influence the gastrointestinal microbiota of a neonatal piglet
indwelling catheters in the abdominal aorta, v. cava, hepatic portal vein, through supplementation of the DFM to the sow.
hepatic vein, and the mesenteric vein were used in the study. Pigs were
Key Words: T-RFLP, swine, direct-fed microbial
fed a diet based on wheat (72%), soybean meal (12%), and barley (10%),
supplemented with crystalline Lys, Met, Thr, Trp, and Val (0.08%), and
containing 14.7% crude protein (as fed). Intake was restricted to 3.6% T251 Cloning of a porcine trypsinogen gene and over-production
of BW/d. Pigs were randomly assigned to either control (CON; basal of the protein as a feed additive. F. Wang1, H. Zhao1, X. J. Xia1, and
diet) or treatment (TRT; basal diet + 10 g BA and 0.7 g CTC/kg feed). X. G. Lei*1,2, 1Int. Ctr. of Future Agriculture for Human Health, Sichuan
Feed was offered in 3 equal sized meals at 8-h intervals and treatments Agri. Univ., Chengdu, China, 2Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
were applied for 24 h. Blood samples were collected hourly during the
last 8 h of the treatment period. Primed continuous infusion of [U-13C] Trypsin is a serine protease that plays a key role in the activation cas-
L-Val (0.085 ± 0.005 mmol/h) into the v. cava was initiated 1 h before cade of pancreatic digestive enzymes, and may be used to improve feed
first sampling. Plasma samples were analyzed for AA by GC/MS and protein digestion by young animals. To produce a recombinant pancre-
C-13 abundance in Val was determined using GC/C/IRMS. Data were atic trypsinogen, we used RT-PCR to amplify the full-length cDNA of
analyzed using the MIXED procedure in SAS by a model including the porcine trypsinogen gene (submitted to GeneBank: FJ969506.1) from
fixed effects of treatment and block and with pig by block designated as the porcine pancreas mRNA and inserted the DNA fragment into the
a random effect. The arterial concentration of Val tended (P = 0.07) to pPICZαA expression vector (Invitrogen, Shanghai, China). The plasmid
increase with TRT (0.47 ± 0.02 mmol/L) compared with CON (0.41 ± construct was transformed into Pichia pastoris X33 cells, and the trans-
0.02 mmol/L). The PDV extraction of arterial Val (4.6 ± 0.4%) did not formants were screened by SYBR-green quantitative real-time RT-PCR
differ (P = 0.21) among treatments. The net portal flux of Val tended (P analysis (ABI 7900HT, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) for high
= 0.10) to be less for TRT, but the portal absorption of Val corrected for levels of expression. After the transformants were induced by 0.5%
methanol for 98 h, the extracellular recombinant trypsinogen contain-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 387
ing a histidine tag in the C terminus was purified using Ni-Sepharose the mesenteric vein were used in the study. Pigs were fed a diet based on
affinity chromatography (GE Healthcare, Piscataway, NJ). The puri- barley and soybean meal with intake restricted to 3.6% of BW/d. Pigs
fied protein exhibited a molecular mass of approximately 30 kDa as were allocated to 4 sampling blocks and randomly assigned to either
determined by SDS-PAGE analysis. The successful expression of the control (CON; basal diet) or BA treatment (B; 10 g benzoic acid as top-
recombinant trypsinogen in P. pastoris enabled us to further study the dress; VevoVitall, DSM Special Products, Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
enzyme function in animal feed. within block. Feed was offered in 3 equal sized meals and blood samples
collected hourly for 8 h with first sampling 0.5 h before feeding. Plasma
Supported by the 863 program (2007AA100602 and 2007AA100601- samples were pooled by catheter and pig and analyzed for individual
6) and by the Chang Jiang Scholars Program of the Chinese Ministry AA by a GC/MS based isotope dilution method following silylation.
of Education (XGL). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure in SAS with a model
including the fixed effects of treatment and block and with pig by block
Key Words: porcine, trypsinogen, feed enzyme, Pichia pastoris, gene
designated as a random effect. Amino acid fluxes were analyzed as the
net flux in grams of AA per kg feed. The net portal flux of Ala and Thr
increased (P < 0.05) and the net portal flux of His and Lys (P < 0.10)
T252 Effects of various cereals on nursery pigs: Specific bacteria tended to increase with B compared with CON. The net hepatic uptake
identified from the gastrointestinal tract. Y. Liu*, M. Rossoni, J. of Gly was not affected by treatment (P = 0.91), but the net hepatic
Barnes, and J. E. Pettigrew, University of Illinois, Urbana. uptake of Ser increased (P = 0.02) with B compared with CON. The net
splanchnic release of Ser tended (P = 0.08) to decrease with B compared
A study was conducted to evaluate the influence of different cereal with CON. No effects of treatment were detected for net splanchnic flux
grains on the bacterial populations in the gastrointestinal tract of young of any AA other than Ser. Impact of benzoic acid supplementation on
weaned pigs. A total of 24 pigs (7.71 kg BW) were weaned at 21 d of AA absorption and metabolism warrants further considerations on AA
age and randomly allotted to one of 4 treatments. Each diet contained nutrition of pigs supplemented with benzoic acid.
corn, barley, rolled oats, or rice as the only cereal. Pigs were allowed
ad libitum access to feed and water throughout the 14-d experimental Key Words: pigs, benzoic acid, amino acid metabolism
period. At the end of the experiment, all pigs were killed to collect
mucosal and digesta samples from ileum and distal colon. Denaturing
T254 Effects of dietary Stafac inclusion level on the growth per-
gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was used to assess the microbial
formance and carcass characteristics of growing–finishing pigs. C.
population structures. In a few cases, specific bands were present in
L. Puls*1, M. Mercedes1, M. Ellis1, A. M. Gaines2, B. A. Peterson2,
most pigs fed one treatment, but absent from most pigs fed other treat-
B. F. Wolter2, and M. Kocher2, 1University of Illinois, Urbana, 2The
ments. Major bands were excised and sequenced to identify the bacterial
Maschhoffs, Carlyle, IL.
species that appear or disappear under different cereal treatments. The
results showed that most pigs fed barley lacked significant populations The effect of dietary Stafac inclusion level on the growth performance
of several species of Sphingomonas that were often present in the distal and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs was evaluated
colon digesta and mucosa of pigs fed the other cereals. Most pigs fed from 40.0 ± 1.45 kg to 127.8 ± 1.13 kg BW. A randomized complete
rice differed from those fed other cereals in having a significant distal block design was used with 1 treatment (Stafac inclusion level) and 2
colon mucosal population of a Corynebacterium species but lacking levels (0 and 10 g/ton). Diets were formulated to meet or exceed NRC
a species of Veillonella. In conclusion, feeding of different cereals as (1998) recommendations for nutrient requirements. A total of 144 bar-
sources of energy altered microbial diversity in the GI tract, especially rows housed in pens of 9 were used with 8 replicates/treatment level.
with regard to Sphingomonas species. Pigs were weighed at the start and end of the study, and every 2 weeks
during the interim period; all feed additions were recorded. At the end
Key Words: cereal, microbial diversity, nursery pigs
of the study, pigs were harvested at a commercial plant and carcass
measures were taken. There was no effect (P > 0.05) of Stafac inclu-
T253 Effects of dietary benzoic acid supplementation on net portal sion level on live weight growth performance. Mortality levels were
absorption and hepatic uptake of amino acids in growing pigs. N. B. 2.8 percentage units lower for pigs fed Stafac compared with controls;
Kristensen*1, H. D. Zacho2, J. V. Nørgaard1, and H. D. Poulsen1, 1Aarhus however, this difference was not significant (P > 0.05). Including Stafac
University, Tjele, Denmark, 2Viborg Hospital, Viborg, Denmark. in the diet increased (P < 0.05) carcass yield by 0.7 percentage units
and, consequently, improved (P < 0.01) carcass G:F ratio by 4%. In
The present study aimed to investigate the effects of adding 1% benzoic conclusion, including Stafac in the diet of growing-finishing pigs (at 10
acid (BA) to a standard finishing diet for growing pigs on net portal, net g/ton) did not improve live weight growth performance in this study;
hepatic, and net splanchnic fluxes of amino acids (AA). It was hypoth- however, the potential reduction in mortality levels and increases in
esized that BA supplementation would increase the portal absorption of carcass yield and carcass feed efficiency are of economic significance
AA, increase hepatic glycine uptake, and decrease splanchnic glycine and need to be verified.
release. Eight female Duroc × (Danish Landrace × Yorkshire) weigh-
ing 63 ± 1 kg at time of sampling and fitted with permanent indwelling Key Words: pigs, growth, Stafac
catheters in the abdominal aorta, hepatic portal vein, hepatic vein and
388 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Physiology and Endocrinology: Adipose and Leptin
T255 Expression of interleukins, neuropeptides, and growth hor- by more than 1.5-fold in both fat depots of the CLA cows (P ≤ 0.01) in
mone receptor (GHR) and leptin receptor (LPR) genes in adipose comparison to the CTR group. Apoptosis may influence the number of
tissue from growing broiler chickens. G. J. Hausman*1, C. R. Barb1, adipocytes in bovine adipose tissue. SC fat as main energy store seems
B. D. Fairchild2, A. Hinton1, and J. A. Cason1, 1USDA-ARS, Athens, GA, to be more affected by mass changes and dietary CLA, thus presumably
2University of Georgia, Athens. showing a higher apoptotic rate than the RP depot.
In this study, total RNA was collected from abdominal adipose tissue Key Words: adipose tissue, apoptosis, cow
samples obtained from 10 broiler chickens at 3, 4, 5, and 6 weeks of
age and prepared for real time RT-PCR analysis with custom-designed
primers and probes. Studies of the gene expression of cytokines and asso- T257 Differences in the mRNA abundance of the adiponectin
ciated genes in chicken adipose tissue were initiated since the discovery system and GPR109A in adipose tissue and liver of the F2 cows of
of leptin has shown in many animal species that adipose tissue derived Charolais x German Holstein crosses. M. Mielenz*1, B. Kuhla2,
factors can dramatically influence growth and physiology. The influence H. Sauerwein1, and H. Hammon2, 1University of Bonn, Bonn, NRW,
of age on the expression of adipose tissue IL-15, IL-18, neuropeptide Germany, 2FBN Dummerstorf, Dummerstorf, MV, Germany.
Y and GHR and LPR genes and several other cytokines was examined. Adiponectin, an adipocyte-derived hormone, is described as an insulin
Between 3 and 6 weeks of age LPR expression decreased (P < 0.05) sensitizing agent in monogastric mammals. Less information is available
with age while expression of IL-15 and GHR increased significantly about influences on the regulation of the adiponectin system in ruminant
(P < 0.05). Furthermore, IL-18 and visfatin expression increased (P < species. As well, the relevance of the β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) sensing
0.001) between 4 and 6 weeks of age. Expression of these cytokines was receptor GPR109A with anti-lypolytic properties is not characterized
detected for the first time in chicken adipose tissue. Consequently, this is yet. We herein tested for differences in diverging phenotypes of the F2
the first demonstration of age related changes in cytokine gene expres- offspring from segregated Charolais x German Holstein crosses exhib-
sion in chicken adipose tissue. Gene expression of several cytokines was iting high differences in body fat accretion (FAT (n = 9) vs. LEAN (n
not detected in chicken adipose tissue including IL-6 and brain derived = 9)). The animals were slaughtered at 100 d into 2nd lactation. The
neurotrophic factor. Future studies are needed to elucidate the role of mRNA abundance of adiponectin (Adi) and its receptors AdiR1 and
adipose tissue cytokines in growth and, possibly, disease resistance. AdiR2 as well as of GPR109A was analyzed via real-time PCR in 3
Furthermore, these studies provide indirect evidence that the adipose different adipose depots and in liver, except for Adi. In liver, AMPK
tissue response to leptin and growth hormone change with age. and phospho-AMPK protein were analyzed as well. Data were analyzed
Key Words: chicken, cytokine, adipose tissue using independent samples t-test or Mann-Whitney U-test (P ≤ 0.05).
Milk production was much lower (P ≤ 0.05) in FAT than LEAN cows.
There was a trend (P ≤ 0.1) for a higher Adi mRNA content in mesen-
T256 Apoptosis in different fat depots of cows treated with conju- teric fat of FAT vs. LEAN cows. AdiR1 mRNA was more abundant in
gated linoleic acids (CLA). S. Haeussler*1, D. Germeroth1, D. von perirenal and mesenteric fat of FAT cows. For AdiR2 mRNA there was
Soosten2, S. Dänicke2, and H. Sauerwein1, 1University of Bonn, Bonn, a trend (P ≤ 0.1) for higher values in subcutaneous fat of FAT cows but
Germany, 2Federal Research Institute of Animal Health, Braunschweig, lower values were observed in liver. The content of GPR109A mRNA
Germany. was lower in perirenial fat and as a trend in liver of FAT cows compared
with LEAN animals. The ratio between phospho-AMPK and AMPK did
Changes in adipose tissue mass may be associated with a change in not show any difference. In conclusion, the mRNA expression profile
adipocyte number and/or a change in adipocyte volume. For develop- of the Adi system in adipose tissue of accretion type cows (FAT cows)
ment and maintenance of homeostasis, apoptosis plays an important role seems related to increased lipid accumulation. Lower AdiR2 abundance
within organisms. In mice, dietary CLA causes apoptosis of adipocytes in liver of FAT cows might be related to specific features of glucose
(Miner et al. 2001, Obesity Res, 9:129). To investigate whether apoptosis metabolism in this family but its relevance needs further characteriza-
occurs in bovine fat and if apoptosis is influenced by CLA, 25 Holstein tion, as there was no activation of AMPK observed. Signal transduction
heifers were divided in a control (CTR) and a CLA group; from d 1 post- by BHB through GPR109A in perirenal fat and liver might be of more
partum (pp) until sample collection, animals from the CLA group were relevance for secretion type LEAN cows.
fed with 100 g CLA (containing 10% each of the cis-9,trans-11- and the
trans-10,cis-12-CLA isomers) per day. On d 1, 42 and 105 pp, 5 animals Key Words: adiponectin system, GPR109A, cattle
of CTR were slaughtered; from CLA, 5 cows each were slaughtered
on d 42 and 105. Retroperitoneal (RP) and subcutaneous (SC) fat from
the tail head were obtained from all cows. For the detection of DNA T258 Changes in plasma concentrations of leptin in ewes during
fragmentation, deparaffinized sections (10 µm) were stained using the pregnancy. J. A. Daniel*1, A. B. Milam1, M. E. Gafnea1, B. K. Whit-
TUNEL method. For positive and negative controls, bovine lymph nodes lock2, and D. H. Keisler3, 1Berry College, Mount Berry, GA, 2University
were treated either with or without DNase after demasking to initiate of Tennessee, Knoxville, 3University of Missouri, Columbia.
DNA strand breaks. The apoptotic cell rate (%) was defined as mean Previous research has demonstrated circulating concentrations of leptin
number of TUNEL-positive cells/mean number of total cells × 100 and increase in ewes during mid pregnancy then decline in late pregnancy
analyzed using the general linear model and Student’s t-test (SPSS). We and early lactation. This study was designed to more narrowly define the
determined TUNEL-positive nuclei within bovine adipocytes. The aver- timing of changes in circulating concentrations of leptin with pregnancy
age value for SC and RP fat in CTR animals was 12.7 ± 1.4% and 5.3 in ewes. Katahdin ewes (n = 19) located at latitude 34.275 and longitude
± 1.0%, respectively. The apoptotic rate in SC depot was twice as high −85.183 (Mount Berry, GA) were utilized. Blood samples were collected
compared to the rate of retroperitoneal fat (P ≤ 0.001), but did not differ weekly via jugular veinpuncture beginning immediately before ram
with time of lactation. On d 105 pp, the apoptosis rate was increased exposure on September 23 and continuing until 4 weeks post-lambing.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 389
Ewes were exposed to a ram fitted with a marking harness for a 63 d T260 Gluconeogenic enzymes are differentially regulated by fatty
breeding season. Breeding marks were recorded daily. Lambing date acid cocktails in Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney cells. H. M. White*,
and number of lambs born was recorded. Week of gestation was cal- S. L. Koser, and S. S. Donkin, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
culated by breeding mark. The blood sample collected before breeding
Increases in serum NEFA levels and changes in serum fatty acid pro-
was considered wk 0. Plasma concentration of leptin was determined
files at calving are characteristic of the transition cow. The objective of
by radioimmunoassay. Data were tested for effects of date of sample,
this study was to examine the effect of 24 h exposure of Madin-Darby
pregnancy status, and date of sample by pregnancy status interaction
Bovine Kidney cells to fatty acid cocktails on expression of pyruvate
using procedures for repeated measures (JMP version 7; SAS Institute
carboxylase (PC), cytosolic and mitochrondrial phosphoenolpyruvate
Inc., Cary, NC). Data were also tested for effects of week of gestation
carboxykinase (PEPCK-C and PEPCK-M), and glucose-6-phosphatase.
and number of lambs. Pregnancy had an effect on plasma concentra-
Cocktails contained C14, C16, C18, C18:1, C18:2, and C18:3 fatty acids
tions of leptin (P = 0.0407; 6.06 ± 0.19 vs 4.67 ± 0.64 ng/ml in pregnant
and were designed to mimic the fatty acid profile and concentration of
vs non-pregnant ewes, respectively). There was also an effect of date
cows pre- and post-calving (PPCALV; 0.25 mM) and at calving (CALV;
of sample (P < 0.0001) on plasma concentrations of leptin. Week of
0.5 mM). An additional cocktail mimicked the profile of cows with
gestation had an effect of plasma concentrations on leptin (P < 0.0001)
induced fatty liver at calving (IFL; 1 mM). Expression of PC mRNA
with ewes having lower plasma concentrations of leptin during wk 12,
tended to increase (P < 0.1) in cells exposed to IFL (6.0 vs. 2.8 ± 1.0
13, 16, and 18–21 of gestation as well as 4 weeks after lambing when
arbitrary units, control vs. IFL, respectively). Expression of PEPCK-C
compared with before breeding. Plasma concentrations of leptin were
mRNA was increased (P < 0.05) in cells exposed to PPCALV compared
higher wk 1–12, 14, 15, and 17 of gestation than after lambing, but did
with all other cells (5.0 vs. 1.2 ± 0.8 arbitrary units, PPCALV vs. control,
not differ from values before lambing. These data confirm a decline
respectively). Exposure to IFL increased (P < 0.05) the ratio of PC to
in circulating concentrations of leptin in the last third of gestation and
PEPCK-C by 8.4 and 2.4 fold compared with PPCALV and CALV expo-
continuing into early lactation in ewes.
sure. Exposure of cells to IFL tended to increase (P < 0.1) PEPCK-M
Key Words: sheep, pregnant, leptin mRNA (3.0 vs. 1.7 ± 0.5 arbitrary units, IFL vs. control, respectively)
and increased (P < 0.05) glucose-6-phosphatase mRNA (3.2 vs. 1.5 ±
0.8 arbitrary units, IFL vs. control, respectively). To elucidate effects of
T259 Nutritional regulation of body condition score at the initia- fatty acid profile from concentration, cells were exposed to each profile
tion of the transition period in dairy cows on grazing conditions: at lower and higher concentrations. Increased concentrations of PPCALV
hepatic expression of fatty acid metabolism genes. M. Carriquiry*1, did not increase (P ≥ 0.05) PEPCK-C mRNA expression as observed
M. L. Adrien2, V. V. Artegoitia2, D. Mattiauda1, and A. Meikle2, 1School at physiological concentrations. Increasing concentration of CALV
of Agronomy, UDELAR, Uruguay, 2School of Veterinary Medicine, decreased (P < 0.05) expression of PEPCK-C and increased (P < 0.05)
UDELAR, Uruguay. expression of PEPCK-M mRNA. Fatty acid profile and concentration
Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 10), blocked by body weight and alters expression of key gluconeogenic enzymes although the magnitude
expected calving date, were used to investigate the effect of different and directionality of the response was not uniform. Regulation of mRNA
body condition score (BCS) at 30 d before calving (−30 d), induced by expression for these enzymes is likely part of the coordinated response
a differential nutritional management from −100 to −30 d, on hepatic in liver during transition to calving.
expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors-α (PPARA), Key Words: transition cow, Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney cells, fatty
carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1 (CPT1A), acyl-CoA dehydrogenase- acids
very long-chain (ACADVL), and acyl-CoA oxidase (ACO) during the
transition period. From −100 to −30 d, cows were offered different
planes of nutritionwith 7, 14 or 20 kg/day/cow of dry matter (DM) of T261 The effects of leptin on phosphorylation of mTOR and rpS6
a long-term pasture to achieve desired BCS –30 d. BCS (scale 1–5) to signal protein synthesis in bovine mammary epithelial cells. E.
was determined every 15 d, and cows had to gain 0.5 points (HI) or to K. Evans*, J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy, and M. D. Hanigan, Department
maintain (LO) BCS at least in 2 subsequent observations to be included of Dairy Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
in the study. From −30 to 45 d cows were managed together. Liver Blacksburg.
biopsies were collected at −15, 15, and 45 d and mRNA abundance
Poor nitrogen utilization efficiency of dairy cows increases the nitrogen
was determined by real time PCR using hypoxanthine phosphoribo-
excretion into the environment. Efficiency of milk protein synthesis is
syltransferase (HPRT) as control gene. Means from repeated measure
regulated through cellular signaling pathways which are responsive to
analyses differed when P < 0.05. Cows had similar BCS at −100 d (2.9
hormones, cellular energy status, and cellular amino acid supply. These
± 0.08) and differed after the nutritional treatment (3.4 vs. 2.8 ± 0.08),
signals result in phosphorylation of various signaling proteins includ-
but groups presented similar BCS at 15 (2.9 vs. 2.7 ± 0.08) and 45 (2.8
ing mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and ribosomal protein S6
vs. 2.7 ± 0.08) d. NEFA concentrations increased around parturition and
(rpS6) which regulate initiation of protein synthesis and control poly-
were greater in LO than HI cows. Expressions of PPAR (2.7 vs. 1.2 ±
peptide elongation. Thin cows are known to produce less milk than well-
0.45), ACADVL (3.0 vs. 0.9 ± 0.5), and ACO (149 vs. 64 ± 28) mRNA
conditioned cows. It was hypothesized that this effect could be mediated
were greater for LO than HI cows along the period evaluated. There was
through leptin actions directly on mammary epithelial cells. The purpose
an effect of day on CPT1A and ACO mRNA as their abundance was
of this experiment was to study the effects of leptin on the phosphoryla-
increased (>2-fold) at 15 d, effect that was more evident in LO cows.
tion status of mTOR and rpS6 in MAC-T cells. Cells were seeded into
There was a trend (P < 0.09) for an interaction of treatment by day for
6-well plates at a density of 90,000 cells per well, starved in media
ACADVL mRNA as its expression was increased at 45 d only in LO
containing 20% of normal DMEM essential amino acid concentrations
cows. Results indicated nutritional plane before the transition period
and devoid of fetal bovine serum (FBS) for 12 h and subsequently cul-
affected regulation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation genes, being these
tured for 2 h in media without or with 160 ng/mL leptin. Each treatment
genes upregulated, in agreement with greater NEFA levels, in cows that
was replicated trice and each replicate consisted of cells in 3 wells. The
maintained BCS from −100 to −30 d.
cells were lysed in the presence of phosphatase and protease inhibitors
Key Words: mRNA, liver, dry period nutrition
390 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and samples were analyzed by Western immunoblotting to determine plasma NEFA analysis was done to confirm the release of free fatty
the phosphorylation status of mTOR(Ser2448) and rpS6 (Ser235/236). acids into the blood. Plasma NEFA increased gradually from 0 to 6 h,
The membranes were first probed for the phosphorylated forms of each and reached statistical significance (Tukey’s Test) at 4 h (concurrent
protein and subsequently probed for the total forms of each. Statistical with mRNA and protein expression of ATGL). These data show that
analysis of immunoblotting results showed no significant difference ATGL expression and activity is positively regulated by glucocorticoid
between the phosphorylation of mTOR in cells treated with or without in a time-dependent manner.
leptin, but leptin treatment did cause a statistically significant increase
Key Words: chicken, lipolysis, glucocorticoid
in phosphorylation of rpS6 (67%). These results suggest that leptin acts
on rpS6 independent of the Ser2448 site on mTOR. Stimulation of rpS6
should stimulate ribosomal biogenesis which would lead to increased T263 Bovine acute-phase response following corticotrophin-
protein synthesis, thus the results are supportive of a direct role of leptin releasing hormone (CRH) infusion. R. F. Cooke*, A. B. Scarpa, F.
on milk protein synthesis. M. Nery, F. N. T. Cooke, and D. W. Bohnert, Oregon State University
Key Words: leptin, protein synthesis, signaling proteins - EOARC, Burns.
The objective of this study was to evaluate plasma concentrations of
cortisol, ACTH, acute-phase proteins, and pro-inflammatory cytokines
T262 Glucocorticoid regulation of chicken adipose triglyceride
in beef steers following CRH infusion. Six weaned, halter-trained
lipase in adipose tissue. J. Serr*, S. Shin, Y. Suh, M. Kim, D. Lat-
Angus steers (BW = 163 ± 7.0 kg; age = 203 ± 5.8 d) were fitted with
shaw, and K. Lee, The Ohio State University, Department of Animal
indwelling jugular catheters on d −1 of the study, and assigned to receive
Sciences, Columbus.
intravenously 0.1 μg of bovine CRH/kg of BW on d 0 of the study. Blood
The mechanism of adipose tissue lipolysis is one that has not been samples were collected every hour via jugular catheters from −2 to 8
fully elucidated. Increasing our understanding of this process would h, and every 6 h via jugular venipuncture from 12 to 72 h relative to
allow for increased feed efficiency and reduced fat content, which CRH infusion (0 h). Steer rectal temperature was assessed concurrently
would lower feeding costs for poultry production. Adipose triglyceride with each blood collection. Samples collected from −2 to 8 h relative to
lipase (ATGL) is an adipose-specific enzyme which cleaves at the Sn-1 CRH infusion were analyzed for plasma concentrations of interleukin
position of triglycerides, releasing non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) (IL)-1 and 6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interferon (IFN)-γ, cortisol,
into the bloodstream. Glucocorticoids have been proven to elevate the ACTH, ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin, whereas samples collected from
level of circulating NEFAs. To determine the regulation of ATGL by 12 to 72 h were analyzed for plasma concentrations of ceruloplasmin
glucocorticoid, 30 Ross 308 broilers received a 200 μL intraperitoneal and haptoglobin only. Data were analyzed with the MIXED procedure
injection of dexamethasone (4 mg/kg). Saline was administered to an of SAS. Plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations peaked (P ≤ 0.02)
additional 12 birds to determine any effect of stress during handling and 1 h following CRH infusion, and returned to basal levels at 2 and 4 h
injection. Another 6 birds received no treatment and were harvested as following infusion (P > 0.15), respectively. Body temperature peaked
a control. Dexamethasone-injected birds were harvested at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, at 2 and 8 h following infusion (P < 0.01), and returned to basal levels
and 6 h after treatment; saline-treated birds were collected at 4 and 6 after 12 h (P = 0.40). Contrasted to all other sampling hours, plasma
h (6 per time point). Adipose tissue was collected from abdominal and IFN-γ concentrations were greater (P = 0.03) at 1 and 5 h, plasma
subcutaneous depots. Blood samples were collected via cardiac puncture. IL-6 concentrations were greater (P = 0.04) from 4 to 6 h, plasma
Gene and protein expression were analyzed via quantitative real-time IL-1 concentrations tended (P = 0.12) to be greater from 6 to 8 h, and
PCR (qRT-PCR) and Western blot, respectively. In comparison with plasma TNF-α concentrations were greater (P = 0.03) from 5 to 7 h
the saline-treated group, ATGL mRNA and protein was increased in following infusion. Plasma ceruloplasmin and haptoglobin concentra-
broilers injected with dexamethasone, demonstrating that any response tions increased linearly (P ≤ 0.01), and peaked at 54 and 66 h following
of ATGL expression to the stress of handling was minimal compared CRH infusion, respectively. In conclusion, infusion of CRH at 0.1 μg/
with that of hormone treatment. When dexamethasone response was kg of BW increased plasma concentrations of ACTH and cortisol, and
observed against the untreated group up to 2 h following injection, an stimulated the acute-phase response in beef steers.
increase in ATGL protein was observed as quickly as 0.5 h and increased
Key Words: acute-phase response, corticotrophin-releasing hormone,
further at 1 and 2 h, demonstrating an acute response. Additionally,
beef cattle
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 391
Physiology and Endocrinology: Hormonal Regulation of the Estrous Cycle
in Beef Cattle
T264 Effects of 72-h temporary calf removal prior to fixed-time For cows having elevated (≥1 ng/mL) progesterone at CIDR insert
AI on pregnancy rates and subsequent calf performance in suckled removal, 97.4% had luteolysis, with 17.3% of cows having low (<1 ng/
beef cows. G. H. L. Marquezini*1, V. R. G. Mercadante1, S. L. Bird2, mL) progesterone at insert removal and at timed AI, and 1.2% having
B. J. Funnell2, and G. C. Lamb1, 1University of Florida, Marianna, increasing progesterone from insert removal to timed AI. Progesterone
2University of Minnesota, Grand Rapids. did not differ on d 35 of pregnancy (6.0 ± 0.3 and 6.4 ± 0.4) or d 67 (6.6
± 0.4 and 6.4 ± 0.3) for eCG and controls, respectively. Unadjusted PR
We determined whether 72 h calf removal (CR) before fixed-time AI
on d 35 was 42.9 vs. 49.8% for eCG vs. controls, respectively. Herd,
(TAI) would increase pregnancy rates or alter subsequent calf perfor-
cycling status, technician, and treatment influenced PR. Cycling cows
mance in suckled, crossbred beef cows. Cows at 2 locations where
were 1.5 times more (P = 0.046; 95% CI = 1.01–2.27) likely to conceive
stratified by days postpartum and parity and randomly assigned to one
than noncycling cows. Control cows were 1.5 times more (P = 0.036;
of 2 treatments: 1) received 100 µg GnRH and a CIDR insert (d −7),
CI = 1.03–2.13) likely to conceive than those treated with eCG. Cows
followed in 7 d by 25 mg PGF2α and CIDR removal (d 0), followed in
in location 3 were 1.8 to 3.5 times more (P = 0.004; CI = 1.1–5.6)
72 h by GnRH and AI (d 3; Control; n = 105). 2) Same as control but
likely to conceive than cows at other locations. Pregnancy loss to d 67
calves were removed from their dams for 72 h between d 0 and d 3 (CR;
did not differ between treatments (3.7 vs. 2.3% for eCG vs. controls),
n = 112). Transrectal ultrasonography was used to follow follicle and
respectively. We conclude that eCG treatment did not increase PR under
corpus luteum development on d 0, 3, and 10 and to determine pregnancy
these experimental conditions.
status on d 28. Blood samples were collected on d −14, −7, 0, 3, 10,
and 28 to determine concentrations of progesterone. Calf weights were Key Words: timed AI, eCG, beef cattle
determined on d 0, 3, 32, and 140. Pregnancy rates tended (P = 0.12) to
differ between Control (33.3%) and CR (43.5%). Calf removal did not
alter follicle size on d 3, but on d 10 noncycling cows exposed to CR T266 Effect of post-insemination GnRH on the pregnancy rate
(3.1 ± 0.3 ng/mL) had greater (P < 0.02) concentrations of progesterone of beef cattle. W. A. Greene* and C. L. Pickworth, The Ohio State
than Controls (2.0 ± 0.3 ng/mL). On d 10, no difference in concentrations University, Wooster.
of progesterone were detect for cycling cows. On d 0 calf weights were The objective of this study was to determine if administering GnRH
similar between Control (96.6 ± 2.4 kg) and CR (96.7 ± 2.4 kg) treat- 7 d after first artificial insemination (AI) would increase pregnancy
ments, whereas on d 3 (99.7 ± 2.4 and 94.0 ± 2.3 for Control and CR, rates (PR) in beef cattle. Ninety–3 beef cattle were blocked for breed,
respectively), 32 (125.3 ± 2.4 and 119.0 ± 2.3 kg for Control and CR, parity, postpartum interval (PPI), postpartum cyclicity (as determined by
respectively) and 140 (226.2 ± 2.4 vs. 212.9 ± 2.3 kg for Control and estrus detection and ultrasonography), and breeding method (bred based
CR, respectively) weights were greater (P < 0.05) for Control than CR on observed estrus or timed–bred). Blocks were randomly assigned
calves. When calves were classified into age ranges of young (25 to 40 to either receive GnRH or saline. On d 0, all cattle received 100 μg
d), medium (41 to 80 d), and old (>80 d) on d 0, young calves lost (P < GnRH i.m. and intra–vaginal 1.38 g progesterone inserts (CIDRs). On
0.001) more weight as a percentage of body weight during 72 h of calf d 7, CIDRs were removed and cattle received 25 mg PGF2α i.m. Estrus
removal than older calves, whereas medium calves were intermediate. was observed at 0700 and 1900 and AI occurred 11 – 13 h after estrus
We conclude that calf removal for 72 h tended to increase pregnancy was observed. If estrus was not observed, cattle were timed AI (TAI)
rates, while having negative impacts on subsequent calf performance. and received 100 μg GnRH i.m. 70 – 72 h after PGF2α. On d 7 post–
Key Words: calf removal, beef cows, estrous synchronization insemination, cattle received either 2 mL GnRH (100 μg) or 2 mL saline
i.m. Blood samples were collected for plasma progesterone (P4) analyses
14 d post–insemination. Following the synchronization period, repeat
T265 Timed AI pregnancy rates in suckled beef cows in response to breedings were done until d 75. Pregnancy status was determined by
equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). L. D. Wallace1, S. L. Pulley*1, ultrasonography on d 110. The estrus detection rate [EDR] was 61.3%.
K. C. Olson1, J. R. Jaeger1, J. W. Bolte1, S. K. Johnson1, L. A. Pacheco1, Cattle bred following an observed estrus had a higher (P < 0.05) PR
K. Bischoff2, T. Loyd2, G. C. Lamb2, and J. S. Stevenson1, 1Kansas State to synchronization than TAI cattle (61.4 vs. 33.3%). GnRH and Saline
University, Manhattan, 2University of Florida, Marianna. groups had similar (P > 0.05) PR to synchronization (46.8 vs. 54.4%),
overall PR (87.2 vs. 97.8%), and mean P4 concentrations (2.6 ± 1.6 vs.
Previously, eCG administered before induced luteolysis stimulated fol-
2.1 ± 1.6 ng/ml). Cycling (n = 49) and anestrous cattle had similar (P >
licle growth and increased progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum
0.05) EDR (57.1 vs. 65.9%), PR to synchronization (44.9 vs. 56.8%),
(CL) formed after ovulation in cattle. Our objective was to monitor timed
and overall PR (91.8 vs. 93.2%). A higher (P < 0.05) PR to synchroni-
AI pregnancy rate (PR) in beef cattle subjected to eCG. Suckled beef
zation was noted for cows with a long PPI (>50 d; n = 42) than cows
cows (n = 513; pure- and crossbred Angus, Simmental, and Hereford)
with a short (≤50 d; n = 29) PPI (61.9 vs. 31.0%). Cycling animals had
were enrolled in a 7-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol (100 μg GnRH at
higher (P < 0.05) P4 concentrations than anestrous animals (2.7 ± 1.9
CIDR insertion [d –7]; 25 mg PGF2α (PGF) at CIDR removal [d 0];
vs. 2.0 ± 1.1). The pregnancy rate of beef cattle was not affected by the
and 100 μg GnRH at AI 66 h after PGF [d 3]) at 3 locations. Cows were
post–insemination administration of GnRH.
assigned randomly to be controls or receive eCG (200 IU i.m.) at the time
of PGF injection and CIDR insert removal. Pregnancy was diagnosed Key Words: GnRH, post-insemination, progesterone
by transrectal ultrasonography at median d 35 and 67 after AI. Serum
progesterone concentration (ng/mL) was determined in blood collected
on d –17, –7, 0, 3, and at both pregnancy diagnoses (pregnant cows T267 Reproductive performance of prepubertal Bos indicus heifers
only) to determine cycling status, luteolysis, and potential differences after progesterone-based treatments. I. Claro Júnior*1, O. Sá Filho1,
in CL function after AI. Pretreatment cycling status differed (P < 0.01) R. Peres1, F. Aono1, M. Day2, and J. L. Vasconcelos1, 1FMVZ-UNESP,
among locations (locations 1 = 76.5%; 2 = 54.3%; and 3 = 27.4%). Botucatu, SP, Brazil, 2Ohio State University, Columbus.
392 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of treatments = 58 ± 5.7 h, and split = 54 ± 5.6 h. Based on the current study, there
with exogenous progesterone (P4) on reproductive performance of was not sufficient evidence to indicate that observed estrus behavior
prepubertal Bos indicus heifers. Prepubertal Nelore heifers (n = 935; and serum P4 concentrations after treatment with 25 mg PGF2α, 37.5
24.0 ± 1.13 mo; 298.0 ± 1.89 Kg; body condition score of 3.2 ± 0.26) mg PGF2α, or 2 injections of 12.5 mg PGF2α 7 h apart was different
were randomly assigned to receive, between experimental Days −12 among treatments.
and 0, no treatments (CIDR0; n = 113), an intravaginal insert contain-
Key Words: beef cows, progesterone, prostaglandin F2α
ing 1.9 g of P4 (CIDR) that had never been previously used (CIDR1;
n = 237), or a CIDR insert that had previously been used 3x, with each
use occurring for 9 d (CIDR4; n = 239). An additional treatment group T269 Pregnancy per AI (P/AI) of dairy cows following presyn-
consisted in pubertal heifers receiving a 12.5 mg im injection of dino- chronization and splitting the prostaglandin (PGF) injection in the
prost tromethamine on Day 0 (PGF; n = 346) to be used as controls for 5d-Cosynch protocol. E. S. Ribeiro*, R. S. Bisinotto, M. Favoreto, L.
evaluation of conception rates. On Day 0, heifers were rectally palpated T. Martins, R. L. A. Cerri, F. T. Silvestre, L. F. Greco, W. W. Thatcher,
for uterine score evaluation (UtS; 1 to 3 scale), blood samples were taken and J. E. P. Santos, University of Florida, Gainesville.
for analysis of P4 and follicular diameter (FD) was measured. The breed-
ing season (BS) started on Day 1 and consisted of artificial insemination Objectives were to compare P/AI of cows subjected to the 5d-Cosynch
after detection of estrus between Days 1 and 45, and natural service protocol either presynchronized or with supplemental progesterone (P4),
between Days 46 and 90. There were effects of treatment (P < 0.05) and with a double dose of PGF either as a single or split injections. In
on serum concentrations of P4 on Day 0 (CIDR0: 0.37 ± 0.16; CIDR1: experiment 1, 730 grazing cows were randomly assigned to: Presynchro-
2.31 ± 0.11; CIDR4: 1.20 ± 0.11 ng/mL), FD on Day 0 (CIDR0: 9.45 nization (G6G; d −8 0.5 mg of cloprostenol, d −6 GnRH) followed by the
± 0.24; CIDR1: 9.72 ± 0.17; CIDR4: 11.42 ± 0.16 mm), UtS on Day 0 5d-Cosynch protocol with 1 mg of cloprostenol as a single (G6G-SI; d
(CIDR0: 1.49 ± 0.06; CIDR1: 1.88 ± 0.04; CIDR4: 2.24 ± 0.04), estrus 0 GnRH, d 5 PGF, d 8 GnRH + AI) or split into 2 injections (G6G-TI; d
detection rates in 7 d (CIDR0: 19.5%; CIDR1: 42.6%; CIDR4: 38.3%) 0 GnRH, d 5 and 6 PGF, d 8 GnRH + AI); or no presynchronization but
and 45 d of BS (CIDR0: 52.2%; CIDR1: 72.1%; CIDR4: 75.3%), and on with an intravaginal P4 insert (CIDR) from the GnRH to PGF with 1 mg
pregnancy rates in 7 d (CIDR0: 5.3%; CIDR1: 14.3%; CIDR4: 18.4%), of cloprostenol as a single (CIDR-SI; d 0 GnRH + CIDR, d 5 remove
45 d (CIDR0: 27.4%; CIDR1: 39.2%; CIDR4: 47.7%) and 90 d of BS CIDR and PGF, d 8 GnRH + AI) or split into 2 injections on d 5 and 6
(CIDR0: 72.6%; CIDR1: 83.5%; CIDR4: 83.7%). Conception rate in 7 (CIDR-TI). Ovaries were scanned on d 0 and 5 and plasma analyzed
d of BS was greater (P < 0.05) in heifers from the CIDR4 (46.8%) and for P4 on d 5 and 8. In experiment 2, 655 cows in a confinement system
PGF (43.8%) than in CIDR0 (27.3%) and CIDR1 (33.7%) treatments. received an injection of 25 mg of dinoprost at 44 and 60 DIM. On d 72
In conclusion, treatments with P4 hastened puberty and improved they were assigned to the 5-d Cosynch with 50 mg of dinoprost as a
pregnancy rates at the beginning of BS, and previously used CIDR single (d 0 GnRH, d 5 PGF, d 8 GnRH + AI) or split into 2 injections (d
inserts are preferable for improvement of reproductive performance in 0 GnRH, d 5 and 6 PGF, d 8 GnRH + AI). Pregnancy was determined
prepubertal Bos indicus heifers. 35 and 60 d after AI. In experiment 1, presynchronization with G6G
increased (P < 0.001) the proportion of cows with a CL on d 0 (80.6
Key Words: Bos indicus heifers, puberty, progesterone vs. 58.8%), ovulation to the first GnRH (64.2 vs. 50.2%), and presence
(95.6 vs. 88.4%) and number of CL at PGF (1.79 vs. 1.30). Luteolysis
was greater (P < 0.001) for the split injection of PGF (95.9 vs. 72.2%),
T268 Comparison of three doses of prostaglandin F2α in a 5-day
especially in G6G cows (96.2 vs. 61.7%). An interaction (P = 0.05) was
CIDR-based synchronization protocol in beef cows. T. Robison*, K.
observed for P/AI. For CIDR cows, method of PGF administration had
Y. Perry, K. G. Carnahan, T. L. Davis, and A. Ahmadzadeh, University
no effect on P/AI (CIDR-SI = 30.2 vs. CIDR-TI = 34.3%), whereas for
of Idaho, Moscow.
G6G cows, splitting the dose into 2 injections improved P/AI (G6G-SI
The most common timed artificial insemination (AI) programs used = 28.7 vs. G6G-TI = 45.4%). In experiment 2, splitting the dose of PGF
are based on the CO-Synch approach which includes the use of an increased (P < 0.04) P/AI on d 35 (44.5 vs. 36.4%) and 60 (40.3% vs.
intravaginal progesterone releasing insert (CIDR) and administration of 32.6%) after AI. Presynchronization and splitting the dose of clopros-
PGF2α to synchronize the estrous cycle in beef cattle. The objective of tenol or dinoprost into 2 injections increases P/AI in cows subjected to
the present study was to compare the effect of various doses of PGF2α the 5d-Cosynch protocol.
on estrus and circulating progesterone (P4) concentrations of beef cattle
Key Words: dairy cow, luteolysis, timed AI
synchronized using a 5 d CIDR protocol. Charolais cows (24 to 94 d
postpartum) received a CIDR (d 0) for 5 d. On d 5 after CIDR removal,
cows were randomly assigned to receive one of 3 treatments; 1) a single T270 Luteal function following a normal versus synchronized
injection of 25 mg PGF2α (control, n = 17), 2) a single injection of estrus in beef heifers. M. F. Smith*1, D. H. Keisler1, and F. Storm-
37.5 mg PGF2α (large, n = 17), or 3) 2 injections of 12.5 mg PGF2α 7 h shak2, 1University of Missouri, Columbia, 2Oregon State University,
apart (split, n = 17). All cows were fitted with estrus detection aids and Corvallis.
observed for behavioral estrus 3 times daily and artificially inseminated
(AI) according to the a.m.- p.m. rule. Animals that were not detected The objective was to characterize changes in plasma concentrations
in estrus received 100 μg GnRH and timed AI 96 h post-PGF2α injec- of oxytocin and progesterone in response to a prostaglandin F2α (PG)
tion. Blood was collected on d 0 (before CIDR insertion) and d 7 (56 injection on d 6 (d 0 = estrus) following a normal or synchronized
h post-PGF2α treatment) to measure serum P4 concentrations. At 56 h estrous cycle. Normally cycling Angus heifers were assigned to the
post-PGF2α treatment, mean P4 concentrations were less than 1ng/ml following groups: 1) Normal Cycle (Normal = 5 heifers were given
for all cows. However, P4 concentrations were lower on d 0 (P < 0.05) PG on d 6 of the cycle immediately following a normal estrous cycle),
for cows ≤40 d postpartum (dpp) compared with cows that were >40 2) Synchronized Cycle (Sync = 5 heifers were given PG on d 6 of the
dpp in all treatments. The interval from PGF2α treatment to estrus was cycle immediately following a synchronized cycle; see below), and
not different among treatments and averaged: control = 67 ± 5.8 h, large 3) Synchronized and Ovariectomized (Sync + Ovx = 4 heifers were
synchronized then unilaterally ovxed (luteal ovary) on d 4 of the ensu-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 393
ing cycle and given PG on d 6). The experiment was a randomized T272 Rumen temperature during the estrous cycle of beef
complete block design with treatment serving as the block. Estrus was cows. B. H. Boehmer*, T. A. Pye, and R. P. Wettemann, Oklahoma
synchronized (Sync and Sync + Ovx groups) as follows: GnRH (100 Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater.
μg, Cystorelin) injection (im) and insertion of a CIDR followed 7d later
The objective of this study was to evaluate rumen temperature (RuT)
with injection (im) of PG (500 μg Estrumate) and CIDR removal. On d
associated with estrus in May to July. Angus cows (n = 46) were
6 of the estrous cycle immediately following a normal or synchronized
administered temperature boluses (SmartStock, LLC) with a bolus
cycle, each heifer received PG (500 μg Estrumate, iv). Jugular blood
gun and estrus was synchronized with PGF2α at 60 to 90 d postpartum.
samples were collected −10, −5, 0 (immediately before PG injection),
Temperature boluses were programmed to transmit RuT every hour.
5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 min following injection. Plasma was collected and
The onset of estrus was determined by HeatWatch (CowChips, LLC).
analyzed for oxytocin and progesterone by RIA. Plasma concentrations
Progesterone was quantified in plasma collected daily to verify stage of
of oxytocin increased within 5 min of PG injection in the Normal and
the estrous cycle. Mean RuT for all cows was 38.19 ± 0.01°C and RuT
Sync heifers but not in the Sync + Ovx heifers indicating an ovarian and
≤35.3°C, which are associated with water consumption, were excluded
likely luteal source of oxytocin in the Normal and Sync heifers. Mean
from analyses. Progesterone and RuT during estrus were analyzed using
plasma concentrations of oxytocin at 30 min after PG injection were
the MIXED procedure (SAS). Ambient temperature ranged from 8 to
lower (P < 0.01) in Sync vs. Normal heifers and plasma concentrations
39°C during the experiment and was not associated with RuT. On the
of progesterone were also lower (P < 0.01) on d 6 (−15 to 30 min) in
day of estrus, RuT was greater (P < 0.05, 38.6 ± 0.1°C) compared with
Sync vs. Normal heifers. In summary, PG-induced secretion of oxytocin
3 d before (38.2 ± 0.1°C) or 3 d after (38.3 ± 0.1°C) estrus. Rumen
from the developing corpus luteum and plasma levels of progesterone
temperature was greater (P < 0.05, 38.8 ± 0.1°C) during the first 8 h
were greater on d 6 of an ensuing cycle following a normal compared
after the onset of estrus compared with the same daily hours the day
with a synchronized cycle.
before (38.2 ± 0.1°C) or after (38.1 ± 0.1°C) onset of estrus. Rumen
Key Words: prostaglandin, oxytocin, corpus luteum temperature was recorded hourly and progesterone in plasma was
quantified daily in cows (n = 20) during an estrous cycle. Concentra-
tions of progesterone in plasma decreased before the increase in RuT at
T271 Evaluation of 5-day versus 7-day CIDR treatment on estrus. On the day of estrus, RuT was greater (P < 0.05, 39.0 ± 0.1°C)
reproductive outcomes of beef heifers using a modified timed-AI compared with the other days of the cycle (38.5 ± 0.1°C). These results
protocol. A. Ahmadzadeh*1, D. Gunn2, J. B. Hall3, and J. B. Glaze support our previous report that RuT can be used for the identification
Jr.4, 1Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, 2Univ. of Idaho, Fort Hall, 3Univ. of Idaho of estrus in beef cows.
R & E, Salmon, 4Univ. of Idaho R & E, Twin Falls.
Key Words: rumen temperature, estrus, beef cows
The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of reduc-
ing the duration of CIDR insert exposure, in a CIDR-based timed
AI protocol, on pregnancy per AI (P/AI) and pregnancy rates in beef T273 Effects of feed supplementation and method of weaning on
heifers. The experiment was conducted in 4 consecutive years. British the physiology and performance of beef calves. C. Campistol*1,
cross-bred heifers (yr 1, n = 82; yr 2, n = 70; yr 3, n = 86; yr 4, n = 54) H. G. Kattesh1, J. C. Waller1, E. L. Rawls1, G. M. Pighetti1, and J. A.
were stratified by BW and age and were assigned randomly to one of Carroll2, 1University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2Livestock Issues Research
2 treatments: 1) CIDR7 heifers (n = 147) received a CIDR insert for Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX.
7 d; and 2) CIDR5 heifers (n = 145) received a CIDR insert for 5 d.
A study was conducted to investigate growth performance and physi-
Heifers in CIDR7 and CIDR5 were given PGF2α upon CIDR removal
ological measures of stress in pre- and post-weaned beef calves provided
followed by GnRH (75 μg) and timed AI 55- 56 h after CIDR removal.
a grain supplement and weaned by fenceline or total separation. Angus
Estrual behavior was monitored following CIDR removal. Heifers were
steer calves (n = 48; 312.2 ± 27.9 kg), housed on pasture with their
inseminated by a single technician. Starting on d 14 after AI, heifers
dams, were blocked by initial BW and assigned randomly on d 0 to
were exposed to fertile bulls for 45 d. Blood samples were collected on
be hand-fed a grain supplement (YS; 4.5 kg/head/d) or no supplement
the day of CIDR insertion. Pregnancy status was determined by ultra-
(NS) for 7 d. On d 7, calves (12 NS and 12 YS/group) were weaned
sonography at d 32 to 35 and d 67 to 85 after AI. Data were analyzed by
by fenceline (Group 1) or total separation to a distant pasture (Group
logistic regression and ANOVA. Percentage of heifers detected in estrus
2). On d 14, Group 1 calves were moved to a pasture lot adjoining
was different (P < 0.05) between years (69%, 44%, 51%, and 51% for
Group 2. All calves were weighed and bled on d 0, 7, 10, 14, and 21,
yr 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively) but not different between treatments. At
and provided access to the grain supplement on d 7–21. Blood was
CIDR insertion, mean serum progesterone (P4) were greater in CIDR7
analyzed for plasma cortisol (CORT) and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ)
heifers than CIDR5; however there was no effect of year or year by
concentration, hematocrit (Hct), red blood cell (RBC) and white blood
treatment interaction on P4 concentrations. There was a treatment by
cell (WBC) total count, and neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio (N:L). By d 7,
year interaction effect on P/AI (P < 0.05). For CIDR7 and CIDR5, in
BW increased (P < 0.001) and RBC and IFN-γ decreased (P < 0.001)
yr 1 P/AI was 39% and 65.8% (P < 0.05); in yr 2, P/AI was 64.7% and
in all calves. However, NS exhibited lower (P < 0.005) N:L (0.16 vs.
41% (P < 0.05), yr 3 P/AI was 59% and 73.8% (P = 0.09) and yr 4 P/
0.27 ± 0.03) and CORT (74.5 vs. 98.4 ± 7.2 nmol/L) compared with YS
AI was 50% and 66% (P = 0.25). Overall P/AI tended (P = 0.09) to
calves. By d 10, Group 2 steers experienced a reduction (P < 0.001) in
be greater for CIDR5 compared with CIDR7 (62.5% vs. 52%). Final
BW compared with animals in Group 1, which was more pronounced in
pregnancy rates were unaffected by the treatment protocols or year (92%
the NS calves. Measures for RBC, WBC, IFN-γ and N:L increased (P
and 95.5% for CIDR7 and CIDR5, respectively). The P/AI results from
< 0.01) in all calves within 3 d following weaning. Compared with NS,
this study suggests that reducing the duration of CIDR treatment from
both Hct and CORT for YS calves decreased (P < 0.01) over this same
7 to 5 d in a CIDR-based TAI protocol may improve P/AI.
period. From d 14–21, Hct decreased (P < 0.01) and IFN-γ increased
Key Words: estrous synchronization, CIDR insert, beef heifer (P < 0.001). These results suggest that providing a grain supplement
394 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
beginning 7 d before weaning may reduce BW loss and temper the of GnRH 56 h after CIDR removal. CH not detected in estrus from T2
animals stress response due to weaning. were reassigned to T4 (n=15), same as T2, but 56 h after CIDR removal
100 μg of GnRH were administered. CC and CH in T1 and T2 were AI
Key Words: beef cattle, pre-weaning supplementation, stress
12h after detected in estrus, and in T3 and T4 were fixed-time AI 56h
after CIDR removal. Blood samples were collected in CC at days 0, 7,
T274 Effect of serum progesterone levels on conception rate 8, 9, 17, 26 through 32, and in CH at days −7, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 after
in Creole Rodeo multiparous cows and heifers. J. A. Ramirez- CIDR insertion. CR was analyzed using PROC CATMOD of SAS. The
Godinez*1, L. V. Beltran-Prieto1, J. Dominguez-Viveros1, A. Flores- variation coefficient of SPL of day 0 and 7 were analyzed with PROC
Mariñelareña1, and A. Quezada-Casasola2, 1Universidad Autonoma de MEANS of SAS. In CC, the CR was higher (P<0.05) in T2 (60%) than
Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico, 2Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad in T1 (27.27%) and T3 (30%). In CH, CR was similar (P > 0.1) being
Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. T4 with 46.67% over T1, T2, and T3 (31.58, 40, and 30%, respectively).
The variation coefficient of SPL of day 0 and 7 in CC were 82.25%
The aim of the present study was to compare the conception rate (CR) and 82.75%, respectively; for CH was 83.16% at day 0. The SPL were
depending on serum progesterone levels (SPL) in Creole Rodeo cows similar between treatments neither in CC nor in CH (P > 0.1), and did
(CC) and heifers (CH) treated with ECP, eCG or hCG, and estradiol not have an effect in CR. These results suggest that the use of eCG after
benzoate (EB), eCG, and GnRH, respectively, in addition to a CIDR+EB CIDR removal might improve the conception rate in multiparous Creole
and PGF2α protocol. Thirty-one multiparous CC and 59 CH were ran- Rodeo cows; in heifers the use of eCG+CIDR+GnRH to induced ovula-
domly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: CC of T1 (n = 11) received 1 mg tion, can improve fertility. In addition, the serum progesterone levels
of ECP and T2 (n=10) 500 IU of eCG 24 h after CIDR removal, and T3 at CIDR insertion and at removal did not have an effect in conception
(n = 10) 2000 IU of hCG 56 h after CIDR removal; CH of T1 (n = 19) rate in multiparous Creole Rodeo cows and heifers.
received 1.38 mg of EB and T2 (n = 5) same as CC, T3 (n =2 0) 100 μg
Key Words: Creole cattle, CIDR, eCG
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 395
Physiology and Endocrinology: Male Reproduction, Gamete Cryopreservation
and Embryos
T275 Validity of sperm penetration assay in boar fertility test- related protein as alpha-tubulin and protein oxidation related protein as
ing. S. A. Oh*, Y. J. Park, S. J. Yoon, W. S. Kwon, Y. H. Kim, E. A. phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxide were highly expressed
Mohamed, Y. A. You, and M. G. Pang, Department of Animal Science in high fertility group. This study will enable further elucidation of the
& Technology and BET Research Institute, Chung-Ang University, molecular mechanisms involved in this particular condition and might
Ansung, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea. shed further light on key sperm proteins involved in fertilization. It is
also important prerequisite to the development of diagnostic tests for
The prediction of sperm fertility is of paramount importance for breeding
bull fertility.
animals. Multiple laboratory approaches have been developed for this
purpose, but they have yielded equivocal results. The objective of this Key Words: sperm, fertility, proteome
study was to develop and standardize to a method for predicting fertil-
ity in vivo in boars using the in vitro penetration assay. To increase the
sensitivity and reduce false-negative results of the assay, each step in T277 Effects of two egg yolk-free commercial extenders and
the procedure was standardized and quality control was applied. Maxi- centrifugation on freezing ability of semen in Mahabadi goat. M.
mum penetration of hamster zona-free oocytes and immature porcine Ansari*1, A. Towhidi1, M. Moradi Shahre Babak1, and M. Bahreini2,
1University of Tehran, Department of Animal Science, Karaj, Tehran,
oocytes was obtained using heparin-treated sperm cells. Hamster zona-
free oocytes showed a significantly higher penetration than immature Iran, 2Animal Breeding Center of Iran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
porcine oocytes. To eliminate interassay variability, 2 frozen bull semen The objective of this study was to determine the effects of 2 egg yolk-free
samples were applied. All possible variables related to the female were extenders (Bioxcell and AndroMed) with or without semen centrifuga-
excluded. The SPA (sperm penetration assay using zona-free oocytes) tion in 2 × 2 factorial design on quality of frozen-thawed semen in goat.
result showed significant correlation with historic average litter size but Five mature Mahabadi bucks were selected for semen collection using
had no significant correlation with farrowing rates. To determine the an artificial vagina. Semen samples were collected, pooled and divided
normal range for the SPA, lower limits of the sperm fertility index were to 4 groups after quality evaluation. The groups consisted of Andromed
established as 1.2 for the small litter sizes (<8 piglets) and 2.5 for the (AC) or Bioxcell (BC) with centrifuged semen; and Andromed (A) and
large litter sizes (≥10 piglets). The overall accuracy was 93.33% and Bioxcell (B) with whole semen (without centrifugation). Percentage of
93.33% respectively, for the small and large litter sizes. Our laboratory motility and progressive motility of sperm were evaluated and recovery
has standardized the procedure for the SPA, resulting in greatly increased rate was calculated using post thaw motility divided by before freezing
sensitivities for small and large litter sizes. The protocol increases the motility. Data was analyzed using proc GLM of SAS. Effect of extender,
ability to discriminate between good and poor fertility groups and it centrifugation and their interaction was significant (P ≤ 0.05). Motility
was highly effective at ranking 30 boars by litter size into large and and progressive motility percentage of B (50.0% ± 3.5; 36.0% ± 3.6)
small litter groups. was significantly higher than BC (28.0% ± 3.5; 17% ± 3.6) and AC
Key Words: sperm, fertility, sperm penetration assay (40.0% ± 3.5 ; 26.0% ± 3.6) (P ≤ 0.05) and tended to be higher than
A (45.0% ± 3.5; 26.0 ± 3.6) (P = 0.07). Recovery rate percentage in B
(71.4 ± 5.0) was significantly higher than BC (40.0% ± 5.0) and AC
T276 Comprehensive proteomic analysis to defining sperm fertility (57.1% ± 5.0) (P ≤ 0.05), with no significant difference between B and
in bovine. Y. J. Park*, S. A. Oh, W. S. Kwon, S. J. Yoon, Y. H. Kim, A (64.3% ± 5.0). It was concluded that extender Bioxcell with whole
E. A. Mohamed, Y. A. You, and M. G. Pang, Department of Animal Sci- semen (without centrifugation) was more efficient for cryopreservation
ence & Technology and BET Research Institute, Chung-Ang University, of goat semen.
Ansung, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea.
Key Words: sperm cryopreservation, extender, centrifugation
The aim of present study was undertaken to determine whether bovine
spermatozoa contained protein markers associated with bull fertility,
and whether these markers were of value in predicting bull fertility. T278 The effect of ethanol supplemented extender on freezing
We undertook differential proteome profiling of spermatozoa from ability of goat semen. M. Ansari*1, A. Towhidi1, M. Moradi Shahre
fertile bulls with extreme non-return rates (NRR): a low fertility group Babak1, and M. Bahreini2, 1University of Tehran, Department of Animal
(45.10±4.95) and a high fertility group (82.45±6.26). Two-dimensional Science, Karaj, Tehran, Iran, 2Animal Breeding Center of Iran, Karaj,
gel electrophoresis (2-DE) was carried out with triplicate samples Tehran, Iran.
of pooled spermatozoa from 3 low and 3 high fertility bulls. Protein Inclusion of fat soluble material to the semen extender or embryo in
expression levels of sperm from low and high fertility were compared vitro culture involves their solution into an appropriate solvent such as
using PD-Quest software. The marked difference in spot intensity was ethanol. Ethanol might have detrimental effects on sperm characteristics.
arbitrarily set as a >3-fold difference following analysis data from the Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of adding
software manufactures. From the different protein spots expressed in ethanol to the Bioxcell extender on goat semen freezing ability. Five
low and high fertility group, only 14 spots showed highly expression mature Mahabadi bucks were selected and semen samples were collected
in low fertility, conversely, 4 spots were highly expression in high using an artificial vagina during 4 weeks. Semen samples were pooled
fertility. Six out of 18 spots detected were identified by LC/MS-MS. and divided into 2 groups after evaluation for qualitative characteristics.
Metabolism related protein as ATP synthase subunit, protein tyrosin Treatment groups were including 1) basal extender as a control and 2)
phosphorylation related protein as cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit basal extender+ ethanol (0.05% v/v). Motility, progressive motility were
2 and sperm motility and cell death pathway related protein as porin evaluated by standard methods and recovery rate was calculated using
were highly expressed in specimen from low fertility group. The other post thaw motility divided by before freezing motility. Data was analyzed
side metabolism related protein as alpha-2-HS glycoprotein, motility using Proc GLM of SAS. Motility percentage and recovery rate were
396 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
significantly higher in control than those in the treated group (44% ± differences showed that in group with 20 mmHg pressure, the number
1.58, 58.01% ± 0.02 vs. 37% ± 1.58, 50.76% ± 0.02, respectively) (P ≤ of oocytes was low but the number of grade C oocytes was more than
0.05) but progressive motility percentage was not affected by treatment other groups (P < 0.05). In 110 pressure treatment, the total number
(33% ± 2.12 vs. 28% ± 2.12, respectively). The result indicated that of oocytes was high but the quality was low. The percentage of grade
ethanol had a toxic effect on sperm characteristics. A and B oocytes in 110 treatment was higher than other groups (P <
0.05). This results showed that the high pressure treatment destroyed
Key Words: sperm, ethanol, extender
the cumulus layer and decreased the qualify oocytes. In group with 70
pressure treatment the number and quality of oocytes were in average.
T279 Natural non-synonymous mutations in the ovine leptin gene The difference between the numbers of oocyte in 110 and 70 mmHg
affect leptin binding affinity and biological activity. S. Reicher*1,2, pressure was not significant however, the qualify oocyte was higher in
A. Gertler2, E. Seroussi1, and E. Gootwine1, 1Institute of Animal Science, 70 pressure treatment (P < 0.05). The results demonstrated that vacuum
ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel, 2The Robert H. Smith pressure during ovine oocyte aspiration affects the number and quality
Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of oocytes. High pressure increase the number of oocytes harvested
of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel. however reduced the qualify oocyte, while low pressure decrease the
number of oocyte and increase the quality. To sum up, it seems that the
The hormone leptin is involved in diverse biological processes, includ- average pressure (70 mmHg) could harvest the qualify oocytes with
ing regulation of feed intake, body-weight homeostasis and energy reasonable numbers.
balance. Polymorphism in the bovine leptin gene has been found to
be associated with variations in carcass fat content and average daily Key Words: aspiration pressure, number and quality, ovine oocyte
gain, as well as in milk yield, milk somatic cell count and several traits
governing reproduction. In the current study, we sequenced genomic
T281 The effect of poly-L-lysine as a new cryoprotectant for
DNA and cDNA samples of individuals from 5 divergent sheep breeds
ovine oocyte vitrification. N. Li*1, T. Wuliji1, A. Qi1, S. H. Hyon2,
and revealed synonymous as well as novel non-synonymous muta-
K. Matsumura2, L. Shi1, and W. Chen1, 1University of Nevada, Reno,
tions at the third exon of the ovine leptin gene (oLEP). In addition, 2 2Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
alternatively spliced (oLEP) transcripts were found in the abdominal fat
tissue. The biochemical and biological significance of these naturally The objective of this study is to evaluate a polyampholyte, poly-L-lysine
occurring mutations was examined by generating recombinant oLEP (PLL), as a new cryoprotectant for ovine oocytes vitrification. The PLL
muteins which carried the corresponding mutations. Surface plasmon was experimented as an alternative cryoprotective reagents to the tra-
resonance experiments revealed reduced affinity of all oLEP muteins ditional dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) protocol. Recently, Matsumura et
examined, namely: Q28 deletion, N78S, R84Q, P99Q, V123L and al. (2009) had demonstrated that PLL effectively protecting L929 stem
R138Q, to chicken leptin-binding domain (chLBD) relative to the wild- cells during cryopreservation. Oocytes were screened and collected
type hormone (0.54, 0.38, 0.36, 0.55, 0.69 and 0.60, respectively). In from fresh ovine tissue, then randomly distributed into 2 developmental
competitive binding assays between biotinylated oLEP and the leptin stages, namely, germinal vesicle (GV) stage oocytes (immature) and
muteins, N78S and R84Q exhibited the lowest affinity to both chLBD metaphase 2 (M2) stage oocytes (mature). GV stage oocytes vitrification
(0.19 and 0.08, respectively) and human LBD (0.18 and 0.41, respec- was carried out immediately upon collection, while M2 stage oocytes
tively) as compared with the wild-type hormone. We then tested the vitrification was made after 24h in vitro culture for oocyte maturation.
muteins’ ability to induce proliferation in Baf-3 cells stably transfected Each developmental group was subjected to comparison of 2 different
with the long form of the human leptin receptor: significant differences vitrification solutions: (1) PLL based formula (5% PLL for 45s, 10%
in proliferative activity were only found for N78S (1.8-fold higher) and for 25s) (2) DMSO based formula (10% DMSO, ethylene glycol, and
R138Q (4.2-fold lower) relative to wild-type oLEP. It is speculated that holding medium for 45s, 20% for 25s), Therefore, following 4 groups
under artificial selection in farm animals, reduced affinity of leptin for comparison were conducted: Group I GV stage, vitrification solution
its receptor may confer a selective advantage. (VS) (1); Group II M2 stage, VS (1); Group III GV stage VS (2) and
Group IV M2 stage, VS (2). There are 5 replicated batches for each
Key Words: leptin, polymorphism, ovine
group, and each batch was processed on the same day under the same
condition. The normality of developing oocytes was examined under
T280 Effect of different aspiration pressure on the number and microscope. Normal oocytes showed the characteristics of homogeneous
quality of ovine oocyte. A. Abedini*, H. Kohram, and R. Salehi, cytoplasm and intact zona pellucida, while abnormal oocytes showed
Tehran University. low density of granular cells. Under confocal microscope, the spindle
and microtubules of normal oocytes are intact and dispersed within
This study was designed to characterize the effects of different aspiration plasma uniformly; the abnormal oocytes displayed a reduced amount
pressure (20, 70, 110 mmHg) during oocyte collection on the number of microtubules. The group mean were compared by t-test procedure.
and quality of ovine oocytes. Ovine ovaries were collected exactly after The preliminary results showed that normal oocyte in group II(82.1) are
slaughter and placed them in a 0.9% NaCl aqueous solution containing significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of group IV (58.0), the normal
penicillin-streptomycin. Cumulus-oocyte complex (COCs) were aspi- oocytes in group IV are significantly (P < 0.05) higher than group III
rated almost from 300 ovaries by aspiration pump with a 20-g needle. (48.1). However, group I (53.6) and II did not differ. Although encourag-
After aspiration per ovary, with same needle was sucked TCM 199 that ing, the advantage of using PLL as an alternative cryoprotectant requires
supplemented with penicillin-streptomycin. The oocytes were observed future investigation.
under microscope. COCs were categorized to 3 groups: A: denature
oocytes, B: oocyte with damaged cumulus, C: qualify oocytes (had Key Words: poly-L-lysine, ovine oocyte, vitrification
more than 3 layers with health cumulus layer). The data of oocytes were
investigated separately in each group of oocytes with different aspira-
T282 Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to
tion pressure. The total numbers of oocytes and grade A, B, C oocytes
embryo transfer (ET) recipients increased ovulation, progesterone,
per group (20, 70, 110 mmHg) were analyzed by ANOVA. Statistical
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 397
and transfer pregnancy rates. L. D. Wallace*1, C. A. Breiner2, R. Table 1. Effects of cAMP regulators during in vitro maturation of
M. Breiner1, and J. S. Stevenson1, 1Kansas State University, Manhat- oocytes
tan, 2Cross Country Genetics North Inc., Westmoreland, KS. 6-23/28h Time
Trt n 0-2h cult 2-6h cult cult of fert Cleav % Blast %
We hypothesized that administration of hCG at ET would induce
accessory corpora lutea (CL), increase circulating progesterone con- A 168 No add No add No add 23h 83.8±5.8 22.0±4.3
centrations, and reduce early embryonic loss. At 2 locations, mature B 187 F+C* No add No add 23h 73.3±6.5 19.4±5.0
lactating (94%) and nonlactating (6%) purebred and crossbred Angus, B 188 F+C No add No add 28h 75.6±10.2 11.3±3.5
Simmental, and Hereford recipients (n = 471) were assigned alternately C 181 F+C Cilostamide No add 23h 78.7±4.7 19.0±2.1
to receive i.m. 1,000 IU hCG or 1 mL saline (control) at ET. Fresh or C 176 F+C Cilostamide No add 28h 87.2±2.4 18.0±3.1
frozen-thawed embryos were transferred on d 5.5 to 8.5 (median = d 7) D 187 F+C Cilostamide Cilostamide 23h 63.9±9.4 13.9±2.4
of the estrous cycle to recipients having a palpable CL (CL grade = 1
D 188 F+C Cilostamide Cilostamide 28h 62.7±6.1 11.9±2.0
or 2). Recipients received a BCS of 1 to 9 at ET. Pregnancy diagnoses
occurred by transrectal ultrasonography 28 to 39 d (median = d 36) and *F+C = Forskolin+Caffeine.
reconfirmed 58 to 77 d (median = d 74) post-estrus. At one location (n Key Words: oocyte maturation, cAMP, bovine
= 108), ovaries were examined to count the number of CL at pregnancy
diagnoses. More (P < 0.001) pregnant hCG-treated cows (69.0%) had
multiple CL than pregnant controls (0%). Serum progesterone (ng/mL) T284 Testicular abnormalities in Gallus gallus var. domesticus
determined at both pregnancy diagnoses in pregnant cows was greater males. J. R. Moyle*, S. M. Whipple, F. D. Clark, and R. K. Bramwell,
(P ≤ 0.05) after hCG treatment than in controls (first: 8.1 ± 0.9 vs. 6.1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
± 0.8; second: 8.8 ± 0.9 vs. 6.6 ± 0.7), respectively. Transfer pregnancy
rates (PR) were analyzed using logistic regression. Unadjusted PR at the In conducting research on testicular development on Gallus gallus var.
first diagnosis was 62.0 vs. 55.6% for hCG vs. controls. At the second domesticus males it was noticed that several the males had nodules
diagnosis, PR was 59.0 vs. 53.0%, respectively. Factors affecting PR on their testes. Further histological investigation showed that these
were CL grade (P = 0.12), number of previous transfers (P = 0.03), nodules were composed of seminiferous tubules that were contained
and BCS (P = 0.02). Odds ratios indicated that greater PR occurred in within the tunica albuginea of the testicular capsule. The seminiferous
recipients having a CL grade 1 vs. 2 (63.8 vs. 58.2%), fewer previous tubules within these nodules contained sperm as well as spermatids at
transfers 1 vs. > 1 (61.3 vs. 43.1%), and when BCS > 5 vs. ≤ 5 (67.1 various stages of development; however, no direct outlet of the sperm
vs. 54.0%). An interaction (P = 0.11) was detected between treatment into the testes was identified or observed. These testicular nodules were
and BCS in which hCG tended to improve PR in recipients having found in all primary breeder males that were investigated (n = 8 flocks),
BCS ≤ 5 than in controls (60 vs. 48%), whereas no treatment effect with occurrences for individual males ranging from 42% to 93%. The
occurred in recipients having BCS > 5 (65.5 vs. 68.5%), respectively. flocks that were investigated consisted of commercial breeder flocks,
We concluded that hCG at ET increased incidence of accessory CL, individually caged males, as well as males used in pen trail. Nodules
increased progesterone in pregnant recipients, and tended to increase were also found in a pure line of French Mottled Houdan chickens, as
PR in thinner recipients (BCS ≤ 5). well as a random bred broiler breeder line from the 1980s. These nodules
occurred only on the left testes in 92% of males, with 1% only on the
Key Words: embryo transfer, hCG, pregnancy rates right, and 7% had nodules on both testes. The number of visible nodules
on the testes ranged from 1 to as many as 18, with the size ranging up
to 4.5mm. Using histological preparations these testicular abnormalities
T283 Effect of addition of cAMP regulators to bovine in vitro were detected in males that were 18 weeks of age, and had not been
oocyte maturation medium. C. Burroughs* and G. Seidel, Colorado light stimulated. No conclusion about the affect of testicular nodules
State University. on fertility was apparent, as all of the flocks investigated had normal or
In vivo, the LH surge before ovulation stimulates resumption of oocyte higher fertility. Therefore, at this time the effects of testicular nodules,
meiosis, but in vitro, resumption occurs due to removal of the oocyte if any, are unknown.
from inhibition in follicular fluid. The objective of this experiment was to Key Words: testes, males, broiler breeders
create an in vitro system with greater resemblance to the in vivo situation
to produce greater numbers of bovine blastocysts. The adenylate cyclase
activator forskolin (100 μM) and the phosphodiesterase inhibitors caf- T285 Effects of hypothermic storage of striped bass (Morone
feine (2 μM) and cilostamide (10 μM), were added to maturation media saxatilis) sperm on intracellular calcium, reactive oxygen species
to increase and maintain cAMP levels. Bovine oocytes were aspirated formation, mitochondrial function, motility, and viability. H. D.
from abattoir-collected ovaries and immediately placed into medium Guthrie*1, L. C. Woods III2, and G. R. Welch1, 1Animal Biosciences
containing forskolin and caffeine. Oocytes were incubated with different and Biotechnology Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, USDA,
combinations of cAMP regulators during maturation as shown in Table Beltsville, MD, 2Department of Animal and Avian Sciences, University
1 for all 6 replicates. All oocytes were moved to new medium at each of Maryland, College Park.
time point. Half of the oocytes in each treatment were fertilized at 23
h of incubation and half at 28 h. Cleavage rates were recorded at 2.5 d Experiments were conducted to determine the effect of hypothermic 24
post-fertilization and blastocyst rates at 7 d post-fertilization. Cleavage h storage of striped bass sperm cells on viability, intracellular Ca2+[Ca2+]
rates in treatment D were lower than the control (A) and those in C (P i, mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm), and reactive oxygen species
< 0.05, Table 1), indicating that prolonged exposure to cilostamide was (ROS) formation (oxidation of hydroethidine to ethidium) as deter-
detrimental to fertilization. There was no effect of time on cleavage rate, mined by flow cytometry; motion activation; and ATP concentration
and no treatments had higher blastocyst rates per oocyte than the control as determined by Luciferin-Luciferase bioluminescence assay. Semen
(P > 0.1). Under the conditions used, there were no added benefits to was stored for 1 or 24 h at 4°C in an O2 atmosphere undiluted (raw);
blastocyst production from the treatments studied. or diluted 1:4 (one volume semen with 3 volumes) with T350 (20 mM
398 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
TRIS base-NaCl, 350 mOsm/mL, pH = 8) or with seminal plasma Broiler breeders are reared using feed restriction to control body weight
(SP) in the presence of various treatments. Viability (% cells excluding and delay sexual maturation. Earlier maturation of breeder males has
propidium iodide) approached 100% after 1 h storage raw or in T350 not been explored with respect to effects on reproductive development.
and SP. After 1 h of storage Fluo-3 fluorescence (marker for [Ca2+]i) The objective of this study was to determine how rearing on a relatively
was detected in only 3% of sperm cells in raw and T350 or SP extended accelerated growth schedule affects broiler breeder testicular develop-
semen. In contrast to storage for 1 h, after 24 h the incidence Fluo-3 ment. In this study, male breeder chicks reared using a conventional
fluorescence intensity was increased in >50% of the viable cells in raw feeding/growth schedule (CON) were compared with males reared on a
and in T350 or SP extended semen along with increased cell death; the growth schedule accelerated by 6 weeks (ACCEL). The ACCEL males
presence of 1 mM EGTA prevented increased Fluo-3 fluorescence and were grown on a linear growth line designed to reach the CON 22-week
attenuated cell death. Activation of sperm motility was 82% after 1 h body weight at 16 weeks. Male broiler breeder chicks in both treatments
in T350 and decreased to 30% after 24 h. However, activation failed were started on a standard starter diet and full fed for 3 weeks. ACCEL
in the presence of EGTA at 1 or 24 h. During storage Δψm and ATP did male chicks were started 5 weeks after CON. The birds were placed
not change significantly between 1 and 24 h; however in the presence in 3 replicates containing 14 chicks per rep at 4 weeks of age. Both
of EGTA ATP, but not Δψm decreased between 1 and 24 h. While ROS treatments were then fed 15% protein grower diet for the remainder of
formation was induced by menadione treatment, there was no evidence the rearing period. The birds received 8 h light/day during rearing. The
of storage-induced ROS formation in the absence of menadione. The birds were transferred to breeder housing at 22 weeks of age (CON) or
increased intracellular calcium found after 24 h indicates a storage- 17 weeks of age (ACCEL). Light was increased to 12 h/day to stimulate
induced defect in the maintenance of cellular calcium homeostasis sexual maturation. Birds in both treatments were then fed to maintain
which may be detrimental to sperm activation. the same body weight until termination of the experiment. Body and
testes weights were recorded throughout the experiment. Testes samples
Key Words: flow cytometry, Fluo-3, sperm viability
were formalin fixed, sectioned, and stained for morphology. Testes areas
and cell numbers were obtained from photomicrographs using Image J
T286 Renin message is up-regulated in spermatogonia and testes software. Body weights did not differ at photostimulation. Body weight
of male mice in response to treatment with aflatoxin B1. K. J. uniformity was the same for the 2 treatments at photostimulation. How-
Austin*, K. L. Speiser, A. M. Kaiser, R. R. Cockrum, and K. M. Cam- ever, ACCEL birds tended to be less uniform. Testes weight at initial
mack, University of Wyoming, Laramie. sexual maturity was higher for ACCEL vs. CON (7.87 ± 0.67 vs. 7.16 ±
0.62). Sertoli cell and interstitial cell numbers as a percent of total cell
Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) has been shown to affect fertility in male mice and numbers were not different between the treatments. It was concluded
numerous livestock species. However, the exact genetic mechanisms that accelerating sexual maturity by 6 weeks does not adversely affect
associated with the disruption are not known. The objective of these testicular development of breeder males.
experiments was to examine the genetic response to AFB1 and determine
which male reproductive cell types are affected by treatment with AFB1. Key Words: breeder, testes, seminiferous
In previous experiments, male mice ≥4 wks of age were administered 50
μg/ kg BW AFB1 by IP injection daily for 45 d. Testes were collected
T288 Hypoxic conditions during the CAM development (E5-E12)
and stored at −80°C until analysis. Mice were further characterized as
effect on embryo development. S. Druyan*, Institute of Animal Sci-
being tolerant or intolerant to the effects of AFB1 based on TUNEL
ence, ARO The Volcani Center, PO Box 6, Bet Dagan, Israel.
staining and the number of pups sired. An Affymetrix array was used
to initially test for gene expression differences between tolerant and Hypoxia is a common situation that vertebrate face during fetal life. It
intolerant males; follow-up gene expression was assessed using real- plays an essential role in embryo development, inducing vasculogenesis,
time RT-PCR. Differences in gene expression were tested for effect of angiogenesis, hematopoiesis and chondrogenesis. Hypoxic conditions at
treatment (tolerant versus intolerant; control versus AFB1 treatment) different time points during embryonic development were found to affect
using the GLM procedures of SAS. Messenger RNA for Renin was both anatomical and physiological morphogenesis. The literature is
found to be upregulated (P = 0.05) in tolerant mice (n = 3) compared unclear about the actual effect of hypoxic conditions on embryo develop-
with intolerant mice (n = 3) by both microarray and real-time RT-PCR ment. Different levels of hypoxia were found to have conflicting effects
analyses. Further experiments using real time RT-PCR to analyze tes- on development, depending on time point and duration of exposure.
ticular RNA showed that Renin expression increased (P = 0.02) 10-fold It is still unknown whether chronic, alternating or acute hypoxia will
in AFB1-treated mice (n = 8) compared with control (placebo) treated induce some degrees of adaptation to hypoxia as a long lasting effect.
mice (n = 8). Spermatogonia treated with 0, 5, 10 or 20 μg/ mL AFB1 (n Fine-tuning (critical period, level and duration) is required. This study
= 6 per treatment) resulted in a 10-fold upregulation of Renin mRNA at was aimed to elucidate the effect of daily exposure to 17% O 2 for 6
the 20 μg/ mL level, while Leydig tumor cells treated similarly showed or 12 hours during the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) development
no difference (P > 0.05) in mRNA for Renin in treated versus control cell on embryogenesis, angiogenesis and hematopoiesis. Data including
cultures. These results demonstrate a genetic response to AFB1 in the hatch time, heart rate, oxygen consumption, embryo weight, hematocrit
testes and spermatogonia through upregulation of Renin and may lead level and hemoglobin concentration were collected from E13 to hatch.
to a better understanding of the mechanisms by which AFB1 disrupts Angiogenesis response was measured in the CAM from E6 to E13 by
fertility in male mice as well as livestock species. analyzing the blood vessels coverage area. The hypoxic exposure had
a mild insignificant effect on embryo weight and relative yolk weight.
Key Words: aflatoxin, Renin, spermatogonia
However, hypoxic exposure was found to affect vascular area that was
significantly higher in the 12h embryos compare to control (e.g. 24.7
T287 Testicular development of breeder males reared on an mm2 vs. 23.3 mm2, measured on E12, P ≤ 0.01). Oxygen consump-
accelerated growth schedule. W. D. Berry*, S. H. Oates, L. M. tion was similar for all 3 treatments although it was slightly lower in
Stevenson, and J. B. Hess, Auburn University Department of Poultry the 12h embryos. Heart rate was found to be relatively constant while
Science, Auburn, AL. hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration were affected by hypoxia on
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 399
several key developmental days (e.g. 41.6%, 41.9% vs. 38.6% for 6h, may lead to an alternative management scheme to improve the quality
12h and control embryos measured on E16, P ≤ 0.01). These observa- of the neonatal chick, which is associated with superior performance
tions indicate that hypoxic exposure during the CAM development may during post hatch.
improved its vascular system. Further exploration of this phenomenon
Key Words: hypoxia, embryogenesis, CAM
400 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Physiology and Endocrinology: Nutritional Physiology
T289 Rumen fluid inhibits proliferation and stimulates expression weight and BCS did not differ between treatments. Insulin and glucose
of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors 1A and 2A in bovine rumen concentrations were not affected by nutritional treatment, but there was
epithelial cells. A. Wang* and H. Jiang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute a trend (P = 0.08) for interaction between treatment and sampling day
and State University, Blacksburg. in glucose concentrations as glucose tended to increase from d 7 to 22
only in SUP cows. Expression of HPRT was similar between treatments.
It has been known for decades that microbial fermentation within There were no differences in hepatic GHR, IGFI, and BP3 mRNA due
the rumen is critical to rumen development and maturation in young to nutritional treatment. However, BP2 mRNA and BP2/BP3 mRNA
ruminants, but the underlying mechanism is largely unknown. In this ratio tended (P < 0.10) to be less in SUP than CON cows. The GHR
study, we determined the effect of rumen fluid, which should contain all mRNA was positively correlated with IGFI (r = 0.62, P = 0.01) and BP3
products from rumen fermentation, on growth of rumen epithelial cells (r = 0.51; P = 0.05). Results could indicate that short-term postpartum
in vitro. Rumen epithelial cells were isolated from newborn Holstein supplementation with rice middlings could improve metabolic status of
calves using the serial tryptic digestion procedure and were cultured spring-calved cows at the initiation of the breeding period.
in minimum essential medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine
medium. After 3 d of initial culturing, the cells were treated with 1% Key Words: liver, mRNA, somatotropic axis
or 10% (v/v) rumen fluid from lactating Holstein cows or phosphate
buffered saline (PBS). Addition of 10% rumen fluid to the culture
medium for 72 h decreased the cell number by 36% (P < 0.05, n = 4), T291 Short-term postpartum supplementation on hepatic gene
while that of 1% rumen fluid had no effect compared with addition of expression in primiparous spring-calved beef cows on grazing
PBS. As revealed by DNA fragmentation analyses, 10% rumen fluid conditions. 2. Lotus subbliflorus cv. Rincon. A. L. Astessiano*1, R.
did not induce apoptosis in the cultured rumen epithelial cells (n = 4). Perez-Clariget1, G. Quintans2, P. Soca1, and M. Carriquiry1, 1School
Flow cytometric assays showed that 10% rumen fluid inhibited the of Agronomy, UdelaR, Uruguay, 2Instituto Nacional de Investigación
transition of rumen epithelial cells from the G1 phase to the S phase Agropecuaria, Treinta y Tres, Uruguay.
during the cell cycle (P < 0.05, n = 3). Real-time RT-PCR analyses of Primiparous suckled crossbred cows (Hereford/Angus) were used in a
mRNA for key cell cycle regulators indicated that 10% rumen fluid randomized block design to evaluate the effect of short-term supple-
did not change the expression of cyclin D1, D2, D3, E1, or E2 mRNA mentation on blood glucose and insulin concentrations and hepatic
or that of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B or 2B mRNA (P > 0.1, gene expression. The experiment was carried in INIA Treinta y Tres
n = 3), but caused nearly 3-fold increase in the expression of cyclin- (Uruguay, 33°15′S, 54°28′W). Cows, blocked by calving date and
dependent kinase inhibitors 1A and 2A mRNA in rumen epithelial cells body condition score (BCS) at calving, were at 48 ± 10 d postpartum,
(P < 0.05, n = 3). These mRNA data support the possibility that rumen randomly assigned to 2 treatments: control (grazing of native pastures,
fluid inhibits proliferation of rumen epithelial cells in vitro by increasing 57 kg DM/ha/d, 12.8%CP, 55.9%NDF; n = 30; CON) and supplementa-
the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors 1A and 2A. The tion (123.8 kg DM/ha/d of grazing native pastures improved with Lotus
result that rumen fluid inhibits proliferation of rumen epithelial cells in subbiflorous cv. Rincon, 13.2%CP, 52.9%NDF; n = 30; SUP) for 23 d.
vitro suggests that the stimulatory effect of rumen fermentation on rumen Glucose and insulin concentrations were measured at −2, 12, and 26 d
development in vivo is mediated by indirect mechanisms. of initiation of the supplementation. Liver biopsies were collected at the
Key Words: cattle, rumen fluid, rumen epithelial cells end of the nutrition treatment (d 23). The amount of mRNA of growth
hormone receptor (GHR), insulin-like growth factor I (IGFI), IGF bind-
ing proteins-2 (BP2),-3 (BP3), insulin receptor (IR) and hypoxanthine
T290 Short-term postpartum supplementation on hepatic gene phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT, endogenous control) were measured
expression in primiparous spring-calved beef cows on grazing condi- by SYBR Green real time RT-PCR. Means from mixed analyses were
tions. I. Whole rice middlings. A. L. Astessiano*, C. López-Mazz, considered to differ when P < 0.05. Cow body weight (BW) and BCS
A. C. Espasandín, P. Soca, R. Pérez-Clariget, and M. Carriquiry, School were increased (P < 0.05) in SUP cows after 7 or 21 d of initiated
of Agronomy, UdelaR, Uruguay. the nutritional treatment, respectively. Calf BW increased at d 21 for
SUP cows. Glucose concentrations along the period evaluated did not
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of short-term supple- differ between treatments but insulin concentrations were greater (P <
mentation of beef cows on blood glucose and insulin concentrations and 0.01) in CON cows. Expression of HPRT mRNA was similar between
hepatic gene expression. The experiment was carried at the Experimental treatments. Although GHR, IGFI, and BP2 mRNA were not affected
Station Bernardo Rosengurtt (Cerro Largo, 32°35′S, 54°15′W). Primipa- by nutritional treatment, abundance of BP3 mRNA was greater (P =
rous suckled crossbred cows (Hereford/Angus), blocked by calving date 0.04) and IR mRNA tended (P = 0.07) to be greater for CON than SUP
and body condition score (BCS) at calving, were at 64 ± 14 d postpartum, cows. Short-term supplementation with improved pastures of suckled
randomly assigned to 2 treatments: control (grazing of native pastures, 20 cows during the early postpartum did not improve hepatic expression
kg DM/animal/d; 8.5% CP, 63%NDF; n = 8; CON) and supplementation of somatotropic axis genes.
(2 kg DM/animal/d of whole rice middlings, 10%CP, 14%NDF, 9%EE; n
= 8; SUP) for a 21 d. Glucose and insulin concentrations were measured Key Words: liver, mRNA, somatotropic axis
at −2, 7, and 22 d of initiation of the nutritional treatment. Liver biopsies
were collected at the end of the nutrition treatment (d 21). The amount
of mRNA for growth hormone receptor (GHR), insulin-like growth T292 Effects of glucose on suckling aggressiveness in newborn
factor-I (IGFI), IGF binding proteins-2 (BP2),-3 (BP3), insulin receptor Holstein and Brown Swiss calves. M. D. DenBeste* and H. D. Tyler,
(IR) and hypoxanthine-phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT, endogenous Iowa State University, Ames.
control) were measured by SYBR Green real time RT-PCR. Means from To determine potential associations between suckling aggressiveness and
mixed analyses were considered to differ when P < 0.05. Cow body glucose concentrations in newborn Brown Swiss (B) and Holstein (H)
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 401
calves, glucose concentrations were altered via intramuscular injection suggests the possibility that butyrate affects rumen development or cell
of insulin (1 mL) or an oral dose of glucose (25 mg) to 19 calves within growth through the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway.
5.35 ± 2.72 min after umbilical cord rupture. Calves born from 19 H
Key Words: butyrate, cAMP, protein kinase A
cows and heifers (9 carrying B embryos) were assigned to treatment
randomly by alternating treatments based on birth order within breed.
Initial blood samples were collected from calves within 3.25 ± 1.52 T294 The effect of forage availability on the somatotropic axis
min and glucose and insulin treatments were administered within 5.35 in free-ranging alaskan moose (Alces alces). A. A. Parillo*1, J. P.
± 2.72 min after umbilical cord rupture. A second blood sample was Richmond1, K. S. White2, J. Crouse3, B. W. Dale4, and S. A. Zinn1, 1Uni-
obtained 57.85 ± 3.17 min after treatments were administered. Samples versity of Connecticut, Storrs, 2Alaska Department of Fish and Game,
were analyzed to determine glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), Juneau, 3Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Soldotna, 4Alaska
leptin, ghrelin, and glutamate (GLU) concentrations. Glucose, NEFA, Department of Fish and Game, Palmer.
leptin, ghrelin, and GLU were analyzed using the General Linear Model
procedures of SAS. Calves were fed 2 quarts of colostrum replacer and To determine if components of the somatotropic axis reflect the avail-
suckling aggressiveness scores were given 1 – weakly, 2 – moderately, ability of forage or nutritional status in adult moose (Alces alces), 3
and 3 – aggressively. The FREQ procedure (CHISQ option) was used to distinct Alaskan populations of free-ranging moose [Gustavus (n = 42),
determine the frequency of suckling aggressiveness scores within each Skwentna (n = 24), and Nelchina (n = 11)] were used. Forage avail-
breed. B calves suckled weakly (P < 0.05) when compared with H calves. ability, low (Gustavus), medium (med; Nelchina) or high (Skwentna)
NEFA, leptin, and ghrelin concentrations did not differ significantly (P varied with population. Moose from each population were captured
> 0.05) between breeds, treatments, or suckling aggressiveness scores once in fall (October–November; high forage availability) and once
either at birth or post-treatment. Glucose concentrations only differed the following winter (March; low forage availability). At capture, blood
significantly (P < 0.05) between treatments post-treatment. Prior to treat- samples were collected via venipuncture to determine if forage avail-
ment, B calves had lower concentrations of GLU (P < 0.05) than H calves ability influenced the somatotropic axis, and rump fat was measured to
and calves that subsequently suckled weakly had higher concentrations assess body condition. Concentrations of GH and IGF-1 were quantified
of GLU (P < 0.10) than calves that subsequently suckled more aggres- by RIA using bovine and human antisera, respectively. Western ligand
sively. Breed differences were still apparent in post-treatment samples. blots were used to quantify IGFBP-2 and −3. Rump fat was greater in
In conclusion, B calves suckled weakly when compared with H calves fall than winter (2.4 ± 0.26 vs. 1.1 ± 0.24 cm; P ≤ 0.01), but was similar
and altering glucose concentrations at birth had no effect on suckling across the 3 populations [1.68 ± 0.16 (low), 1.57 ± 0.27 (med) and 2.1
aggressiveness. However, calves that suckled weakly had higher con- ± 0.18 (high) cm; P ≥ 0.17]. Concentrations of GH averaged 3.4 ± 1.2
centrations of GLU than calves that suckled aggressively. ng/mL and were not different between populations (P ≥ 0.15) or season
(P ≥ 0.12). Average IGF-1 concentrations were greater (P ≤ 0.03) in
Key Words: glucose, suckling aggressiveness, newborn calves high than low (135.4 ± 17.6 vs 89.8 ± 17.1 ng/mL) forage availability
and greater (P ≤ 0.01) in fall [117 ± 20.01 (low), 138 ± 25.1 (med),
and 220 ± 16.4 (high) ng/mL] than in winter [62.5 ± 14.2 (low), 42.2 ±
T293 Butyrate stimulates the cAMP/protein kinase A signaling
30.6 (med), and 50.6 ± 18.7 (high) ng/mL]. Conversely, IGFBP-3 was
pathway. A. Wang*, H. Si, D. Liu, and H. Jiang, Virginia Polytechnic
greater (P ≤ 0.01) in low compared with high (72.1 ± 6.0 vs 43.4 ± 7.4
Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
AU) forage availability, and greater (P ≤ 0.01) in fall compared with
Butyrate is one of the major short chain fatty acids formed by micro- winter (69.2 ± 4.4 vs 34.4 ± 4.6 AU). Similarly, IGFBP-2 was greater
bial fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. Butyrate is known as not (P ≤ 0.01) in low than high (47.1 ± 3.1 vs 24.4 ± 4.0 AU) forage avail-
only an important source of energy for ruminants, but also a signaling ability, and was greater (P ≤ 0.01) in winter than fall (36.9 ± 2.5 vs 32.0
molecule, as it stimulates rumen development and inhibits growth of ± 2.9 AU). Serum IGF-1 concentrations increased, whereas IGFBP-2 and
various types of cells in vitro. However, the signaling pathway induced IGFBP-3 decreased with greater forage availability. These components
by butyrate in cells is unknown. Here, we report that butyrate can acti- of the somatotropic axis may be useful indicators of nutritional status
vate the cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA) signaling pathway in the human in free-ranging populations of Alaskan moose.
epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line Caco-2 cells. The Caco-2
Key Words: somatotropic axis, moose (Alces alces), forage avail-
cells were cultured in minimum essential medium supplemented with
20% fetal bovine serum and were treated with 0.01, 0.1, 1, or 10 mM
of butyrate or phosphate buffered saline (PBS) as a control for 30 min
(for cAMP, ATP, protein phosphorylation, and PKA, phosphodiesterase, T295 Effects of dietary probiotic supplementation and posthatch-
and adenylate cyclase activity assays) or 16 h (for luciferase assay). ing holding time on intestinal pH and microflora of male broil-
All experiments were repeated 3 or 4 times. Compared with PBS, 0.1 ers. H. Unsal1, A. G. Onol1, M. Daskiran2, O. Cengiz*1, O. Tatli1, and
mM or higher concentrations of butyrate increased intracellular cAMP O. Sevim1, 1Adnan Menderes University, Aydin, Turkey, 2Johnson &
accumulation (P < 0.05, n = 4) and PKA activity (P < 0.01, n = 3). The Johnson Corporate Science and Technology, New Brunswick, NJ.
same concentrations of butyrate also induced phosphorylation of the
cAMP response element (CRE)-binding protein (CREB) (P < 0.05, n = A study was conducted to determine the effects of a dietary probiotic,
3) without changing its expression, and increased CRE-driven luciferase a commonly used feed additive, and posthatching holding time (0,
reporter gene expression (P < 0.01, n = 4). Moreover, butyrate at 0.1 mM 12, 24, and 36 h post-hatching) on the intestinal pH and microflora of
or higher concentrations increased intracellular ATP levels (P < 0.05, n = male broiler chicks. A 2 × 4 factorial design was implemented. Eight
4), whereas it had no effect on the activity of phosphodiesterase or that experimental groups were formed by two levels of dietary probiotic
of adenylate cyclase. Taken together, these data indicate that butyrate supplementation (Control and Protexin, 0.5 kg/ton) and four levels of
stimulates the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway in Caco-2 cells and that posthatching holding time. Four posthatching holding times were 0
this stimulation may be due to increased ATP accumulation. This result (chicks were given feed and water immediately after their arrival), 12,
24, and 36 hours. There were 4 replications for each treatment group
and each replication consisted of 20 day-old birds. Chicks were received
402 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
from a commercial hatchery and transferred to the Experimental station T. Socha2, and R. D. Shaver1, 1University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2Zinpro
within 2 hours after feather-sexing procedure. A corn-soybean meal Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN.
based diet was used in the study. Water and feed were available for ad
The objective of this study was to determine metabolic responses of
libitum consumption throughout the study and the experiment lasted 42
primi- and multiparous dairy cows fed different levels and sources
days. A significant decrease in day-10 intestinal pH (P < 0.05) was noted
(inorganic and organic) of cobalt or given weekly vitamin B12 injections.
in groups with dietary probiotic supplementation (6.59 vs. 6.42). Dietary
Forty-five primi- and multiparous cows 60 d prepartum were blocked
probiotic supplementation also numerically increased the number of
by parity (1 or > 1) and expected calving date, and then randomly
colony forming units of lactobacilli at days 10 (7.35 vs. 7.60 cfu) and 21
assigned to 1 of 5 treatments in a randomized complete block design.
(6.74 vs. 7.05 cfu) of the study. The number of colony forming units (cfu)
The treatments were: no supplemental Co (Control), 25 mg Co from Co
of lactobacilli in groups with no feed and water restriction were either
carbonate (CoCarb), 25 mg (LcoGH) or 75 mg (HCoGH) Co from Co
numerically or significantly (12 and 36 hour feed and water restriction
glucoheptonate, and Control with weekly 10 mg vitamin B12 injections.
treatments) higher (7.96 vs. 7.13, 7.28 cfu) than that of the groups with
Cows were on trial until 150 DIM. Cobalt (ppm DM) in the lactating
posthatching holding time prior to feeding (P < 0.01). Total bacteria
diet was 1.0, 1.9, 2.3, and 5.2 for Control and IB12, CoCarb, LCoGH,
count was similar among treatment groups during the experiment. In
and HCoGH, respectively. Far-off, close-up, and lactating diets were
brief, this study indicated that early exposure to lactobacilli, which is
13.8, 15.1, and 18.0% CP and 48.8, 40.2, and 32.9% NDF (DM basis),
found in either a dietary probiotic supplement or in feed naturally helps
respectively. Intake was not affected (P > 0.10) by treatment and was
broiler chicks to develop a healthier gastrointestinal tract environment
19.4 ± 0.5 and 23.1 ± 0.8 kg DM/d for primi- and multiparous cows,
and microflora and this microflora may, in turn, inhibit pathogenic
respectively. Body weight and condition score and calculated energy
microorganisms in broiler gastrointestinal tract.
balance were not affected by treatment (P > 0.10). Plasma glucose,
Key Words: broiler, post-hatching holding time, probiotic non-esterified fatty acids, and β-hydroxybutyrate were not affected by
treatment (P > 0.10). Effect of sampling day was significant (P < 0.001).
Glucose decreased from 60 d prepartum (65 ± 1.1 mg/dL) to 30 DIM
T296 Maintenance energy requirements of gestating beef cows, (55 ± 1.0 mg/dL), and increased at 90 DIM (60 ± 1.0 mg/dL); however,
rumen temperature, and plasma concentration of thyroxine and primiparous cows had a larger decrease at 30 DIM and smaller increase
triiodothyronine. T. A. Pye*, B. H. Boehmer, and R. P. Wettemann, thereafter. Non-esterified fatty acids increased from 60 d prepartum
Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater. (249 ± 39.8 mmol/L) to 1 DIM (724 ± 40.7 mmol/L), then decreased at
Spring calving, Angus cows, (n = 32) were used to determine the 30 DIM (398 ± 40.1 mmol/L), with multiparous cows having a larger
effects of maintenance energy requirement (MR) on rumen temperature increase at 1 DIM. Beta-hydroxybutyrate increased from 60 d prepartum
(RuT), and concentrations of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) (4.2 ± 0.95 mg/dL) to 30 DIM (15.9 ± 0.95 mg/dL). Addition of Co
in plasma. Cows (4 to 7 yr of age) with an initial BCS of 4.4 ± 0.1 and above requirements or vitamin B12 supplementation did not improve
BW of 556 ± 5.9 kg were individually fed a complete ration for 17 wk energy metabolism of dairy cows.
during 4–8 mo of gestation. After 2 wk on a diet calculated to supply Key Words: cobalt, vitamin B12, dairy cow
MR (Model 1, NRC 1996) the diet was adjusted weekly until constant
BW was achieved (regression analyses). BW was maintained for 31 d
for 25 cows and the amount of feed consumed was actual MR. Blood T298 The relationship of tissue copper concentrations and genes
samples were collected before and after consumption of feed on 2 d when involved in copper homeostasis in the cow, pig, and goat. H. So,
cows consumed MR. Rumen temperature was recorded hourly, using E. Domby*, T. Engle, and H. Han, Colorado State University, Fort
rumen boluses (Smart Stock, LLC), for 4 consecutive days when cows Collins.
consumed the MR diet and when cows consumed ad libitum roughage.
Copper (Cu) serves as a cofactor for enzymes involved in a variety of
Cows were classified based on MR as low (>0.5 SD less than mean,
biological functions. Copper transport/distribution within the cell is
LMR), mod (±0.5 SD of the mean, MMR) and high (>0.5 SD greater than
mediated by the expression of the copper transporter (CTR1), ATPase7A
mean, HMR). Average MR was 84.04 (SD = 7.13) Kcal•kg-0.75•day−1.
(ATP7A), ATPase7B (ATP7B) which helps Cu trafficking. Copper is
The difference in MR between the least efficient and the most efficient
also required for activity of lysyl oxidase like 1 (LOXL1) for the pro-
cow was 32%. Rumen temperature during maintenance and during ad
duction of elastin and collagen in arterial tissue. Liver and pulmonary
libitum roughage was not influenced by MR. When cows were exposed
artery tissues tissue from 5 Angus crossbred steers, 6 Nubian goats, and
to warmer temperatures (15°C) plasma T4 was not influenced by MR (P
6 American Landrace pigs were collected. Liver and pulmonary artery
= 0.92). When exposed to cooler temperatures (−5°C), LMR cows had
samples were collected at the time of harvest and snap frozen. Liver and
greater plasma T4 (P = 0.003) compared with HMR. Plasma T3 was
pulmonary artery Cu concentrations were determined via flame atomic
not influenced by MR when cows were exposed cooler ambient tem-
absorption and gene expression was measured by real time PCR. Data
peratures (P = 0.64). When exposed to warmer temperatures, compared
were analyzed using PROC CORR of SAS. Liver Cu concentrations
with LMR, HMR cows had greater plasma T3 (P = 0.007). During late
(ppm ± SE) were higher in cows (396.4 ± 109.1) and goats (181.4 ±
gestation MR were associated with plasma concentrations of T3 and T4,
37.0) than in pigs (19.2 ± 3.5). All liver Cu concentrations were within
but RuT was not influenced by MR. Thyroid hormone may be involved
normal ranges and considered adequate for each species. Liver Cu con-
in the regulation of MR of beef cows during late gestation. Identifica-
centration was more variable in cows and goats compared with pig liver
tion of cows with lower MR and greater efficiency could improve the
Cu concentrations. Real Time PCR revealed that goat liver ATP7A was
profitability of beef production.
positively correlated (r2 = 0.920; P < 0.003) to liver Cu concentrations
Key Words: beef cows, maintenance, thyroxine while cow and pig ATP7A was not correlated to liver Cu concentration.
In the pig, liver ATP7A expression was positively correlated to ATP7B
(r2 = 0.662; P < 0.049). Pulmonary artery Cu concentration was highest
T297 Effects of cobalt supplementation and vitamin B12 injections in cows (14.9 ± 4.7), intermediate in pigs (8.9 ± 3.3), and lowest in goats
on energy metabolism of dairy cows. M. S. Akins*1, S. J. Bertics1, M. (3.9 ± 1.1). Goat pulmonary artery Cu concentration was not correlated
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 403
to CTR1 expression, however, ATP7A expression was positively cor- order of magnitude lower than previously reported, and will allow for
related with CTR1 (r2 = 0.897; P < 0.004). In cow pulmonary artery, greater precision in determining basal TNFα concentrations in bovine
LOXL1 expression was positively correlated to elastin expression (r2 plasma. The improved sensitivity of this ELISA will be critical to assess-
= 0.912; P < 0.012). Pulmonary artery Cu concentration was not cor- ing current hypotheses concerning the metabolic effects of moderately
related to gene expression of Cu homeostatic genes in the pig. This data elevated TNFα concentrations.
indicates that genes involved in Cu homeostasis (CTR1, ATP7A, ATP7B,
Key Words: Tumor necrosis factor alpha, bovine, ELISA
LOXL1 and elastin) are differently regulated in different species. This
may contribute to different responses to elevated pulmonary arterial
pressure in different species. T300 Plasma cortisol, corticosteroid-binding globulin and free
Key Words: copper, liver, pulmonary artery cortisol index in pre-and post-weaned pigs supplemented with
omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. H. G. Kattesh*, C. J. Kojima,
M. P. Roberts, and G. M. Pighetti, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
T299 Modification and validation of a bovine TNFα enzyme-linked
A dietary supplement of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) has
immunosorbent assay with improved sensitivity. J. K. Farney*, L. K.
been shown to decrease corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) response
Mamedova, and B. J. Bradford, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
to an LPS challenge in the post-weaned pig, suggesting a reduction in
Tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) is an inflammatory cytokine that is immune system activation and less of a need for the biologically active
involved in immune function and is proposed to play a role in metabolic free form of cortisol. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of
disorders. Until recently, no bovine-specific antibodies were available PUFA supplementation to lactating sows and their offspring on growth
for detection of TNFα. While some bovine-specific methods have been and indicators of stress in the pre- and post-weaned pig. Upon farrowing
published recently, assays used for determining plasma TNFα concentra- (d 0), sows received either a standard lactation diet (SC; n = 4) or SC
tion in bovine disease models often do not offer acceptable precision supplemented (1.0% by weight) with a commercial PUFA source (SP)
for measurement of basal concentrations in healthy animals. The objec- throughout lactation. At 11–14 d of age, pigs within sow-diet treatment
tive of this work was to develop an effective, low-cost enzyme-linked group were creep-fed a diet similarly supplemented with or without
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) procedure with improved sensitivity. A PUFA. Pigs (n = 6/litter) were weaned at 21–24 d of age into 8 pens in
protocol developed for use with cell culture supernatant was modified a replicated 2 × 2 factorial design and fed a nursery diet with (PP; 12 SC
for use with bovine plasma by optimizing antibody concentrations, and 12 SP) or without (PC) PUFA. Pigs were weighed (BW) and bled
incubation times and temperatures, and standard diluents. The coating on d 14, 21 (before weaning), 22 and 28, for determination of plasma
antibody concentration was decreased from 10 μg/mL to 6.8 μg/mL, cortisol (CORT) and CBG concentrations, free cortisol index (FCI),
while the detection antibody concentration remained 2.5 μg/mL. Sample and neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio (N:L). Pre- and post-weaning BW
incubation was increased from 1 h at room temperature to an overnight was not different (P > 0.10) among pigs regardless of treatment. On d
incubation at 4°C, which increased the sensitivity of the assay. Mul- 21, SP pigs exhibited a lower (P < 0.01) CORT (54.8 ± 7.2 vs. 90.0 ±
tiple matrices were tested for dilution of standards and were assessed 9.0 nmol/L) and higher (P < 0.05) CBG (9.1 ± 0.7 vs. 7.0 ± 0.5 mg/L)
by determining recovery of bovine TNFα spiked into bovine serum compared with SC pigs. The resultant FCI (nmol cortisol/mg CBG)
and plasma. Standard curve matrices were fetal bovine serum (FBS), was lower (P < 0.001) for the SP pigs. On d 22, CORT, CBG and N:L
dialyzed FBS, lyophilized human serum (rehydrated), and phosphate- increased (P < 0.001) but returned to pre-weaning levels by d 28. No
buffered saline (PBS) with 4% bovine serum albumin. Recoveries significant differences were found among the post-weaned treatment
were < 50% when quantified with standards diluted in PBS, FBS, or groups for any of the stress indicators measured. The results suggest
dialyzed FBS. However, recoveries were acceptable in both bovine that PUFA supplementation can reduce the amount of circulating free
serum and plasma (85–120%) when quantified with standards diluted cortisol in the pig before weaning; however, this benefit is negated due
in lyophilized human serum. The modified bovine TNFα ELISA offers to the stress of weaning.
a detection range of 2 to 500 pg/mL. This detection limit is at least an
Key Words: pig, PUFA, stress
404 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Processing and Products
T301 Characterization of omega-3 PUFA enrichment in laying = 0.003). Dietary treatments did not affect egg production, egg weight,
hens. S. Nain* and R. A. Renema, University of Alberta, Edmonton, feed intake, or feed conversion. Total ω-3 PUFA in egg yolk achieved
AB, Canada. plateau of stationary phase at 343.7 mg/egg and 272.0 mg/egg in 6.6
and 5.9 d with High and Moderate diets respectively. In plasma the ω-3
This study explored the effects of feeding linolenic acid and the time
PUFA concentration reached saturation in 7.2 d with 0.93 mg/ml and
required to reach a plateau of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (ω-3
0.67 mg/ ml with High and Moderate diets, respectively. Dietary LNA
PUFA) concentration in blood plasma and egg yolk in laying hens fed
increased yolk LNA and led to increased long-chain ω-3 PUFA while
Linpro, an extruded flax product. Additionally, the efficiency of long
reducing ω-6 PUFA in yolk and blood plasma. Moreover, Moderate and
chain ω-3 fatty acid enzymatic conversion was also investigated. A group
High diets resulted in 64% and 70% increases in yolk DHA, respectively,
of 75, 65 week old Lohman White Leghorn layers divided into 3 groups
while in plasma the increase in DHA was only 13% and 8% in these
(25/group) and subjected to either of one diet, Control diet, or low (Mod-
groups, respectively. The calculated desaturase and elongase enzymatic
erate) or high omega-3 diet (High) for 18 d. Diets had similar ME and
activities for ω-6 PUFA (C20:4/C18:2) were negatively correlated
CP concentrations, and contained 0, 7.5% or 15% Linpro, respectively.
with LNA (r = −0.59). Broken stick analysis indicated that High birds
Baseline values were established for the BW, fatty acid composition in
reached the target threshold of 300 mg of total ω-3 PUFA/egg in 5d.
egg yolk and blood plasma before dietary treatment. Data was analyzed
Individual hen effects on ω-3 PUFA absorption in this project suggest
with Proc Mixed of SAS and broken stick analysis to determine ω-3
further work to optimizing egg enrichment through dietary strategies
PUFA plateau using the NLIN procedure of SAS. Significance was
would be beneficial for the field of egg enrichment.
assessed at the P < 0.05 level. The BW of the hens fed Moderate and
High diets was reduced compared with Control birds during the study (P Key Words: LinPRO, egg yolk, plasma
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 405
Production, Management and the Environment: Dairy
T302 Effects of increased milking frequency on productivity of Table1. Metabolic profiles of cows had different milking frequency
Holstein dairy cows. M. Dehghan-Banadaky*, M. Eslamizad, K. Treatments
Rezayazdi, M. Moradi-Shahrbabak, and H. Bahrami, Department of Metabolites 6x 6x-3x 3x SEM P-value
Animal Science, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Uni- Glucose (mg/dL) 64.36 a 63.44 a 69.02 b 1.910 0.02
versity of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
NEFA (mmol/L) 0.44 a 0.38 ab 0.33 b 0.044 0.015
An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different BHBA (mmol/L) 0.94 a 0.91 a 0.69 b 0.095 0.006
milking frequencies on the performance of Holstein cows. 105 mul- AST(unite/L) 71.14 63.07 64.61 3.830 0.14
tiparous and 15 primiparous Holsteins cows were assigned based on TG (mg/dL) 12.46 12.45 13.77 1.831 0.48
parity at calving to 1 of 3 treatments as follows: 1) milking 6 times
Total protein (g/dL) 8.98 9.19 8.83 0.270 0.23
per day in whole period (6x) ; 2) milking 6 times per day for 90 d and
Phosphorous (mg/dL) 6.88 6.66 6.74 0.201 0.60
switching to 3 times subsequently (6x-3x); and 3) 3 times milking per
day in whole period (3x). Milk production recorded every day for the BUN (mg/dL) 21.27 21.84 21.13 1.150 0.64
first 60 DIM and on 2 consecutive days a week afterward. Cows were a,b LSM within a row not sharing a common superscript differ (P < 0.05).
weighed after parturition and then weighed and scored for their body
condition monthly; milk samples were taken monthly. Data until 150 Key Words: milking frequency, Holstein cows, blood metabolites
DIM were statistically analyzed using the repeated measures option in
Proc Mixed of SAS with cow as a random effect. Overall milk and fat T304 Effect of temperature-humidity index on test day milk yield
corrected milk (FCM 3.5%) yield were higher on 6x and 6x-3x cows of Iranian primiparous Holsteins. H. Farhangfar*1, A. Arab1, S. R.
than 3x cows (41.03, 42.3; 40.11, 40.60 VS 37.97, 38.40 kg/d, respec- Miraee Ashtiani2, A. Riasi3, H. Rashid4, and M. K. Akbari4, 1Birjand
tively). Milk component concentration was not affected by treatment University, Birjand, Iran, 2Karaj University of Agriculture and Natu-
except solids non fat (SNF) that increased in 6x and 6x-3x group (P ral Resources, Karaj, Iran, 3Esfahan Industrial University, Esfahan,
< 0.05). DMI was not different between treatment groups (23.04 and Iran, 4Agricultural Jihad Organisation, Mashhad, Iran.
23.12 vs. 22.45 kg/d for 6x, 6x-3x, and 3x cows respectively). 3x cows
began to gain weight sooner than did 6x and 6x-3x cows but there were This research aimed to investigate the potential effect of temperature-
no significant differences between treatments for body weight change humidity index (THI) on test day milk yield of Iranian Holsteins. The
at the end of 150 DIM. These results indicate that increasing milking data were 95,510 moly test day milk records collected from 11,054
frequency to 6x, increased milk yield during early lactation, but did first parity Holstein cows calved from 1994 to 2008 in 76 herds of
not have carryover effect after switching to 3x in 90 DIM. Relative to Mashhad, Iran. Milk records were augmented with climate information
production and economical aspects, 6x until 90 DIM and then switching gathered by local climate stations. The climatic information was daily
to 3x subsequently was preferred to other treatments. temperature (maximum, minimum and average) and relative humidity
percentage over 2 decades data recording. THI was calculated based
Key Words: milking frequency, milk production, Holstein cows upon the formula which was pointed out by Aguilar et al. (J. Dairy Sci.
2009, 92:5702–5711). Response variable was monthly test day milk
T303 Effects of increasing milking frequency on blood metabo- records for which there was an average 26.92 Kg (SD = 6.91 Kg) in
lites of Holstein cows. M. Eslamizad, K. Rezayazdi, M. Dehghan- the whole data set. A statistical linear model was used to evaluate the
Banadaky*, H. Kohram, and R. Heydari, Department of Animal Science, effects of some environmental factors. In the test day model, fixed effects
Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, of herd, year and month of milk recording, milking times, along with
Karaj, Tehran, Iran. covariables of Holstein genes (linear), age at test day recording (linear
and quadratic), days in milk (linear and quadratic) and THI (linear) were
One hundred five multiparous and 15 primiparous Holsteins cows were included. The model was fit with Mixed Procedure of SAS program.
assigned based on parity into 3 treatment groups immediately after calv- The results indicated that all environmental independent (categorical and
ing. Treatments were: 1) milking 6 times per day in whole period (6x) ; continuous) variables included in the model had statistically significant
2) milking 6 times per day for 90 d and switching to 3 times subsequently (P < 0.01) influence on test day milk yield. The estimate of partial linear
(6x-3x); and 3) 3 times milking per day in the entire period (3x). Blood regression coefficient of test day milk yield on THI was found to be
samples were taken from each cow at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 DIM, 3 7 gr THI-1 indicating that in average daily milk production increases
h after morning meal for metabolic profiling. Data until 150 DIM were as THI increases one unit until reaching the turning point in which it
statistically analyzed using the repeated measures option in Proc Mixed decreases due to heat stress. It can be therefore concluded that THI is
of SAS with cow as a random effect. Blood glucose concentration was needed to be taken into account in genetic evaluation of dairy cows as
higher but blood nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyric an animal model is applied to predict breeding value of the population
acid (BHBA) concentration were lower in 3x than 6x and 6x-3x cows under consideration.
(P < 0.05). Most of the differences were observed 30 initial days of the
experimental period, indicating more severe negative energy balance Key Words: Iranian Holstein, temperature-humidity index, test day
in 6x and 6x-3x than 3x cows in fresh period. Phosphorous, blood urea milk yield
nitrogen (BUN), triglycerides (TG), total protein, aspartate aminotrans-
ferase (AST) concentration were unaffected by treatments (Table 1). T305 Application of mixed linear model to evaluate effects of
Overall, results suggest that metabolic health may be suppressed by temperature and relative humidity on lactation milk yield of Ira-
increasing milking frequency in fresh cows. In respect to metabolic nian primiparous Holsteins. H. Farhangfar*1, H. Roshan1, N. Emam
health aspects, 3x was preferred to other treatments. Jomeh Kashan2, and M. H. Fathi Nasri1, 1Birjand University, Birjand,
Iran, 2Aboureyhan University, Tehran, Iran.
406 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The main aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of tempera- T307 The association between milk urea nitrogen, milk yield,
ture and relative humidity on lactation milk yield of Iranian first parity Somatic Cell Counts and parity in Holstein dairy herds. S. R.
Holstein cows. The data set comprised of 5,323 lactation milk records Heidari Khormizi*, M. Dehghan Banadaki, S. Hasanlou, and F. Fatehi,
obtained from 5,323 primiparous Holsteins calved between 1994 and University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran.
2007 in 64 herds of Mashhad city, Iran. Total number of sires was 660.
This study was conducted using data from Dairy Herd Improvement
In the whole data set, averages of lactation milk yield and age at first
monthly tests to investigate the association between milk urea nitrogen
calving were 7823 kg and 26.35 Months, respectively. Total lactation
concentration (MUN), milk yield, somatic cell counts, milk fat percent-
milk yield of individual cows was predicted based upon using Gompertz
age, milk protein percentage, and order of lactation in 5 commercial dairy
nonlinear function as applied by Fathi Nasri et al. (Journal of Agricul-
herds from Iran. Mean MUN for Holstein cows was 19.78 mg/dl. Mean
tural Science 2008, 146:633–641). A mixed linear model was applied
MUN, categorized by 30-d increments of days in milk (DIM), paralleled
in which fixed effects of herd, year and month of calving, linear covari-
changes in milk values and followed a curvilinear shape. Multivariate
ables of Holstein gene percentage, open days, days in milk, age at first
mixed linear regression (Proc Mixed in SAS) was used to determine
calving (in month), temperature (in Centigrade) and relative humidity
the relationship between MUN (dependent variable) and independent
(%), and random effect of sire were included. Daily temperature and
variables: milk yield, somatic cell counts, milk fat percentage, milk
relative humidity information (obtained from local weather stations)
protein percentage, and order of lactation. The results showed that the
were averaged over the course of the lactation for individual cows. The
highest milk yield (32.65 ± 0.09 kg/d) was associated to higher milk urea
model was run using Mixed Procedure of SAS software. Results showed
nitrogen compare with cows with the lowest daily milk yield. The highest
that herd, year and month of calving, Holstein gene percentage, age at
somatic cell counts (970.56 × 103 cell/ml) was associated to lower milk
first calving, days in milk and average temperature had significant (P <
urea nitrogen compare with cows with the lowest milk urea nitrogen. As
0.01) effects on lactation milk yield. Open days and relative humidity
the milk protein percentage increased, MUN concentration decreased;
were found to be non-significant factors for lactation milk yield. For
Milk fat percentage also decreased so that the higher percentage of milk
all the covariables with significant effect, positive partial regression
fat and protein (3.69 ± 0.01 and 3.31 ± 0.003 respectively) were found
coefficients were detected. The results indicated that total lactation milk
for cows with lower milk urea nitrogen. For cows, concentration of
yield increased by 36.65 kg as the average temperature increased by
milk urea nitrogen was different among lactation groups 1, 2, and 3+.
one centigrade. The findings of this research suggest that temperature
Milk urea nitrogen increased as parity decreased. It was concluded that
information could be taken into account for analyzing milk records
milk urea nitrogen should be evaluated in association with milk yield,
when a test day model is used.
somatic cell counts, milk fat, milk protein, and parity.
Key Words: Iranian Holstein, temperature, Gompertz nonlinear func-
Key Words: milk urea nitrogen, milk yield, dairy herds
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 407
was concluded that CCFA-SS is safe and effective for control of acute protocol was 43.4%, and was greater (P < 0.01) for Region 3 (63%)
postpartum metritis in lactating dairy cattle at high risk of developing than Regions 4 (46%), 1 (24%), and 2 (18%). The overall percentage
metritis following dystocia, stillbirth, twinning and/or retained placenta/ of cows receiving an insemination after an observed estrus was 56.4%,
fetal membranes. and was greater for Region 1 (76%) than Regions 2 (82%), 4 (54%), and
3 (37%). Overall conception rates to first service TAI was 30.5% and
Key Words: metritis, dairy cow, ceftiofur
was greater (P < 0.01) for Region 3 (33.6%) than Regions 1 (28.6%)
and 2 (23.9%), whereas Region 4 (30.8%) was intermediate. Similarly,
T309 Evaluation of ceftiofur crystalline free acid sterile suspen- conception rates to cows inseminated after observed estrus was 34.9%
sion (CCFA-SS) administered to dairy cows exhibiting risk factors and was greater (P < 0.05) for Region 3 (37.2%) than Regions 1 (33.6%),
for acute postpartum metritis. E. Stanisiewski, C. Daugherty*, J. 2 (33.1%), and 4 (33.1%). Whole herd 21-d pregnancy rates (17.8%)
Hallberg, and M. Lucas, Pfizer Animal Health, Kalamazoo, MI. and AI 21-d pregnancy rates (18.5%) were similar among regions. The
mean percentage of cows that became pregnant, relative to the total
The objective was to evaluate incidence of acute postpartum metritis in number of cows eligible to become pregnant in the herd, was 76.9% and
dairy cows after abnormal calving when given a single dose of CCFA-SS did not differ among regions. We conclude that regional differences in
within 24 h following calving (day 0) at 6 commercial dairies. CCFA-SS reproduction exist in US dairies, specifically in the percentage of cows
was administered subcutaneously in the base of the ear. Response was that are inseminated at TAI and following detection of estrus. In addi-
compared with untreated controls (CON) that also exhibited abnormal tion, reproduction responses vary among region in terms of multiple
calving. Abnormal calving was defined as dystocia, twins, retained measures of fertility, which may be attributed to protocol compliance,
membranes (≥12 h), stillbirth or any combination thereof. The study was heat detection efficiency, and differences in herd size.
a randomized block design with cows blocked on order of entry within
herds without regard to parity to 1 of 2 treatments; CON or CCFA-SS Key Words: estrous synchronization, fertility, reproduction
(6.6 mg ceftiofur equivalents/kg). Untreated controls with normal calv-
ing (NTX) were included for observational purposes. Cow (122 NTX,
T311 The effect of soy isolate source in milk replacer on growth and
122 CON and 121 CCFA-SS) was the experimental unit. A generalized
health of calves fed milk replacer. R. C. Musser*, B. L. Miller, T. J.
linear mixed model was used. Daily observations, including rectal
Earleywine, and T. E. Johnson, Land O’Lakes, Inc., Webster City, IA.
temperatures, were performed on days 1 to 21 ± 2 along with physical
examinations on Day 0–2, 7 ± 2, 14 ± 2 and 21 ± 2. A random sub- Forty-eight (48) Holstein bull calves with an average initial weight of
population (about 50% of abnormal calving/at-risk cows) had samples 44.2 kg were employed in a 42 d trial to evaluate 3 different sources of
collected from the uterus by swab on days 3 or 4, 7 ± 2, 14 ± 2 and 21 soy isolate in milk replacer (MR). Calves were allotted to treatment based
± 2 for evaluation of bacteria present. The primary decision variable upon weight and blood gamma globulin status. Calves were fed a 25%
was incidence rate of metritis, defined as rectal temperature ≥ 39.5°C protein / 20% fat MR powder to provide 681 g DM feeding rate daily in
and fetid vaginal discharge. Cows with associated abnormal calving 2 feedings. Calves were offered one feeding (340 g) per day during the
events that received CCFA-SS had lower (P ≤ 0.038) incidence rates week of weaning. Each MR contained soy isolate protein from one of 3
of metritis than CON at all 3 time points on study, with differences of different sources-A, B and C-and were medicated (0.28 g neomycin:0.14
13.7 (day 7 ± 2), 16.8 (day 14 ± 2) and 14.9% (day 21 ± 2). Mean rectal g oxytetracycline/kg). Soy isolate sources replaced 37.5% of the milk
temperature was lower (P = 0.032) in cattle over the first 6 d of study that protein. Calf starter (20% CP as-fed) was fed throughout this 42-d trial.
received CCFA-SS compared with CON. Within day contrasts showed The Mixed procedure of SAS was used to analyze data. Source C was
temperatures were 0.16 to 0.28°C lower (P < 0.05) in CCFA-SS cattle inferior (P < 0.05) in total weight gain, MR intake, starter intake and
on study days 1, 2 and 3 compared with CON. Uterine cultures found feed efficiency when compared with the other soy isolate sources. Soy
Escherichia coli in 80% of samples during the first week postpartum. isolate sources differ in ability to support calf performance.
Incidence of acute postpartum metritis was reduced in dairy cows after
abnormal calving when given a single dose of CCFA-SS within 24 h
Table 1. Soy Isolate Source
following calving.
Item A B C SE
Key Words: metritis, dairy cow, ceftiofur BW gain, kg 19.0b 17.7b 6.0a 1.239
MR (DM), kg 23.3b 22.9b 21.1a 0.526
T310 Evaluating reproductive outcomes in United States Holstein Starter (DM), kg 14.9b 13.6b 8.9a 0.447
dairies. L. M. Moeller*1, N. A. Michael1, J. C. Dalton2, and G. C. Feed/Gain 2.12a 2.12a 5.29b 0.372
Lamb3, 1ABS Global, Inc., DeForest, WI, 2University of Idaho, Caldwell, a,b
3University of Florida, Marianna. Means within a row differ (P < 0.05).
408 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
was visited at least twice. All cows (dry and lactating) were evaluated management has the potential to improve overall future herd profitability
using a 5-point locomotion scoring system by the same observer for by increasing cow longevity.
lameness. Management parameters were gathered through a direct
Key Words: longevity, heifer, development
interview with the herd manager. Reproductive data were derived from
historical records collected for an entire year. Daily milk yield and
composition during the 2 mo before and the month that the farm visit T314 Effects of heat stress and Niashure (NI) supplementation on
took place was collected from the milk processor. Data were analyzed winter acclimated lactating cattle. S. Rungruang*1, R. P. Rhoads1, L.
using linear regression analysis. Overall, average lameness (locomo- H. Baumgard1, M. DeVeth2, J. L. Collier1, and R. J. Collier1, 1University
tion score ≥4) prevalence was 18 ± 9.0%. No relationship was found of Arizona, Tucson, 2Balchem Corp, New Hampton, NY.
between cubicle dimensions and lameness incidence. The frequency
of bedding the cubicles (cushioning) was negatively correlated with A replicated design with 24 multiparous high producing dairy cows (40
lameness. Herds that moved cows between pens in groups of several ± 1.4 kg/d) was utilized to evaluate a dose range of dietary NI (0, 4, 8, or
animals had a lower incidence of lameness (14.2 ± 1.97%) than those 12 g/d) in winter acclimated lactating dairy cows on body temperature
that moved cows individually (21.6 ± 1.88%). Herds with an average indices, sweating rate, feed intake, water intake, production parameters
age at first calving (AFC) > 27 mo had a greater lameness prevalence and blood niacin concentrations under thermoneutral (TN) and heat
(20.8 ± 2.09%) than those with and AFC <27 mo (14.79 ± 1.71%). Herds stress (HS) conditions. Temperature Humidity Index (THI) values for TN
producing more than 27 kg/d had a lower lameness incidence (12.9 ± never exceeded 65 while THI values during HS were above 72 (stress
2.35%) than those producing less than 27 kg/d (20.3 ± 1.64%). Herd threshold) for 12 h/d. The HS environment increased skin, rectal and
milk efficiency (normalized for fat and protein) ranged from 1.03 to 1.52 vaginal temperatures, respiration rate, sweating rate and water intake
kg of milk/kg of DMI and tended (P = 0.06) to decrease as lameness and decreased feed intake (4 kg/d, P < 0.01), milk yield (3.4 kg/d, P
prevalence increased. Heat detection rate ranged from 26.5% to 72.3%, < 0.01) and milk protein (0.18 g/100 mL, P < 0.01). Sweating rate
and decreased as lameness incidence increased. Management aspects increased during HS (13 g/m2 h, P < 0.01) compared with TN, but this
such as moving cows in groups, AFC, and frequency of bedding are increase was 10-fold lower than reported in summer acclimated cattle. NI
highly associated with lameness prevalence. Lameness may decrease supplementation had no effect on sweating rate, dry matter intake, milk
herd profitability by, among other factors, compromising reproduction yield and composition in either environment. Dietary NI increased blood
through poor heat detection and tending to reduce milk efficiency. (P < 0.07) and milk (P < 0.02) niacin concentrations in a linear manner.
Heat stress reduced blood (7.82 vs. 6.63 ug/mL, P < 0.01) but not milk
Key Words: lameness, housing, management niacin concentration. Reduced blood niacin concentration was partially
corrected by dietary NI. Dietary NI linearly increased water intake (P
< 0.02) in both environments but the increase was greater during HS
T313 Associations between several aspects of heifer develop-
conditions (P < 0.03). Dietary NI also increased skin temperature in
ment and dairy cow longevity. A. Bach*1,2, 1ICREA, Barcelona,
both environments (P < 0.01) from both shaved and unshaved skin in a
Spain, 2Department of Ruminant Production, IRTA, Caldes de Montbui,
dose-dependent manner (P < 0.01) but the increase was greatest from
shaved skin (P < 0.04). This suggests skin blood flow was enhanced
A data set from 8,549 heifers born between 2003 and 2006 including with increasing NI dose. Results indicate that HS decreased blood
growth rates since birth until first calving, age and BW of insemination, niacin concentration in lactating dairy cows and that NI supplementa-
and incidence of diarrhea and respiratory problems (RP) was used to tion partially restored blood niacin concentration during HS. Dietary
evaluate potential associations between these factors and cow longev- NI increased water intake and skin temperature. There may be seasonal
ity. All heifers were raised in a contract heifer operation (Rancho Las differences in sweating rate responses to HS and NI.
Nieves, Mallen, Spain) and returned to their herds of origin (133 herds in
Key Words: niacin, heat stress, cattle
total) before calving. Dates of death were provided by the Subdirección
General de Explotaciones y Sistemas de Trazabilidad de los Recursos
Agrícolas y Ganaderos from the Ministry of Environment, and Rural T315 A preliminary investigation of individual variation in N excre-
and Marine Areas of the Spanish Government. At the time of analysis, tion by lactating dairy cows. P. Gregorini*, P. Beukes, A. Romera, C.
3,138 animals out of the 8,549 considered had died. Age and BW before Clark, and D. Clark, DairyNZ, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand.
first calving was 727 ± 41.2 d and 661 ± 43.8 kg, respectively, with an
overall ADG between 10 d of life and first calving of 873 ± 117.3 g/d. Dairy systems are under pressure to reduce their environmental footprint,
Average longevity for the 3,138 heifers that had died was 1,395 ± 407 and N excreted from cows is a primary concern. Three data sets were
d, with 10.4% of total cullings (or deaths) occurring within the first separately analyzed to explore the animal variability in N excretion, and
50 DIM, and 30.9% of total cullings (or deaths) that did not complete associations among genetic merit, live weight, DMI and N excretion
the first lactation. Data were analyzed using a mixed-effects model parameters. This was a preliminary step in evaluating the potential for
accounting for the random effect of the farm of origin (and fate), year genetic selection for reduced urinary N (UN) and milk urea N (MUN)
of calving, and their interaction. The number of RP that heifers experi- concentrations. Data sets consisted of cows fed a) Total mixed ration
enced was the most significant parameter affecting longevity. Heifers (TMR), b) Grazing fresh pasture (GR), and c) fresh pasture indoors
that never incurred an RP had an average longevity of 1,606 ± 126 d, (IG). Data sets contained 372, 144 and 90 measurements, respectively.
and this number progressively (P < 0.001) decreased to 1,511 ± 129 Cows in GR and IG were identified by profit-based genetic evaluation
d in those that had experienced 4 or more RP. Heifers that completed in relation to ability to breed efficient replacements (BE) and produce
the first lactation grew at a greater (P < 0.05) rate (875 ± 1.4 g/d) and efficiently (PE). Data sets were analyzed using mixed models. Cow vari-
were bred with a greater (P < 0.05) BW (62.9 ± 0.16% of calving BW) ance components were estimated using models that included treatment
than those that never finished it (861 ± 3.85 g/d and 60.9 ± 0.26% of and period as fixed effects and cow and period within cow as random
calving BW, respectively). The consideration of these results, especially effects. Associations among the UN, MUN, BE, PE, DMI, and live
recurrences of RP and rate of growth, when making decisions on heifer weight were determined using random coefficient regression for TMR.
For GR and IG, pooled within-treatment regression was used. Analyses
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 409
indicated a significant (P < 0.001) cow variance component for MUN cows from commercial dairy herds. Two high-producing dairy herds
(13 ± 3.9 mM/L) in TMR, MUN (7.7 ± 1.8 mM/L) and UN (1.2 ± 0.4 in the county of Arapoti, Brazil, were monitored from April to July of
g/L) in GR, and UN (7.8 ± 1.0 g/L) in IG, with greater variation between 2009, resulting in data collection from 105 dairy cows (73 multiparous
cows than within-cow for each data set. In TMR, UN was positively and 32 primiparous). Blood was withdrawn on d 1, 2, 5, and 10 after
associated (P < 0.01) with live weight and N intake. In GR, UN was calving, and serum analyzed for non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA),
negatively associated with PE (P < 0.05), but not BE. Live weight was β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), and calcium (Ca). Continuous data was
positively associated (P < 0.01) with UN. With IG, genetic merit, neither analyzed as repeated measures, whereas dichotomous data was analyzed
live weight nor DMI was associated with MUN. None of the experiments with Fisher exact test. The statistical model included the fixed effects
were designed to study within- and between-cow variation in UN or of herd, parity, time, and appropriate interactions. Concentration of
MUN specifically, so caution must be applied when drawing inferences NEFA in serum decreased (P < 0.01) as DIM increased (d1 = 0.73; d5
from these analyses. However, the analyses indicate consistent individual = 0.62; and d10 = 0.51 mmol/L). Concentrations of NEFA were similar
cow variation, suggesting a need for further research to explore the pos- (P > 0.05) between herds, but multiparous cows had higher (P < 0.05)
sibility of genetic selection for variation in N excretion. concentrations of NEFA than primiparous cows (0.71 vs. 0.53 mmol/L).
Concentrations of BHBA were highest (P < 0.05) at d5 (d1 = 0.45; d5 =
Key Words: N excretion, dairy cow, genetics
0.59; d10 = 0.43 mmol/L). There was no (P > 0.05) difference on BHBA
concentrations between first-lactation and mature cows. Concentrations
T316 Repeatability coefficients for dry matter intake and efficiency of Ca in serum were similar (P > 0.05) between farms (10.5 vs. 10.7
of nitrogen utilization for milk production in lactating Holstein mg/dL) and parity (10.7 vs. 10.6 mg/dL). The incidence of dystocia,
cows challenged with low N diets. N. B. Kristensen*, T. Hvelplund, displaced abomasum, clinical hypocalcemia, mastitis and subclinical
M. R. Weisbjerg, P. Lund, and P. Løvendahl, Aarhus University, Tjele, ketosis were similar (P < 0.05) between herds and parity. Incidence of
Denmark. retained placenta was higher in primiparous cows from herd A (P > 0.05)
than herd B (50 vs. 15%), but similar within multiparous cows (28.6 vs.
Data from 63 cows fed 4 different diets varying in nitrogen (N) con- 23.7%). Multiparous cows from herd A had higher incidence of metritis
tent in a multiple Latin square design with 2 tests, 8 blocks per test, than herd B (28.6 vs. 5.1%; P = 0.02). Primiparous cows had higher
4 experimental periods of 14 d, and 4 treatments within block were incidence (P < 0.01) of udder edema than multiparous cows (40.6 vs.
used to estimate repeatability coefficients for dry matter intake, milk 11.0%). Milk production was similar between primiparous cows across
production traits, and efficiency of nitrogen utilization for milk produc- herds (31 vs. 31 kg/d), but multiparous cows from herd A produced
tion (ENU). Cows were blocked according to parity and days in milk. more milk from 14 to 56 DIM (46.5 vs. 39.7 kg/d). Parity and DIM are
Diets were composed of corn silage, rolled barley, grass clover silage, important sources of variation when monitoring metabolic parameters
and N adjusted by substituting soyhulls and cane molasses for soybean and evaluating disease incidence of transition cows.
meal (120, 80, 40, and 0 g/kg DM) with a fixed proportion of soyhulls
to molasses of 4 to 1. Diets contained 167, 150, 134, and 121 g crude Key Words: NEFA, BHBA, calcium
protein/kg DM for the 4 soy levels, respectively. The study included 24,
25, and 14 cows of 1st, 2nd, and +3rd parity and cows were in average
T318 Factors affecting the bulk tank milk quality collected by a
(mean ± SD) 160 ± 28, 180 ± 47, and 136 ± 30 d in milk by the first
dairy industry of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, from 2002 to 2008. C.
sampling period for the 3 parities, respectively. Repeatability coefficients
A. V. Paiva, A. F. Cunha, M. O. Leite, R. Rodrigues, C. F. A. M. Pena,
were estimated in a linear mixed model containing the fixed effects
A. M. Q. Lana, M. Houri Neto, L. M. Fonseca, M. R. Souza, and M.
of treatment, treatment × test, and experimental period × test and the
M. O. P. Cerqueira*, Federal University of Minas Gerais state, Belo
random effect of block × test as well as random intercept, linear- and
Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
quadratic effects of treatment with subject = the individual cow. Repeat-
ability coefficients were calculated as the variance component estimate Objectives were to determine the bulk tank milk quality in compliance
for intercept / intercept + residual. The following repeatability estimates with the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture standards (IN51) and the
were obtained: dry matter intake, 0.77; milk yield, 0.57; energy corrected effect of total bacterial count (TBC) and somatic cell count (SCC) on
milk, 0.38; fat yield, 0.55; protein yield, 0.39; ENU, 0.52. Including BW protein, fat, and solids nonfat solids (SNF) content, as well as on the
and BW x treatment as fixed effects in the model reduced the estimates milk powder yield. A total of 60,243 milk samples were collected on
for energy corrected milk, 0.18 and protein yield, 0.093, however, the farms in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2002 to 2008. The TBC
estimate for ENU (0.55) did not decrease, suggesting that ENU is a and milk composition and SCC were performed using Bactocount IBC
trait of the individual cow without being a function of its body weight. and CombiSystem 2300 (Bentley Instruments Inc.). The results were
The estimated high repeatability coefficient for ENU further suggests a analyzed by Chi-squared . From 2002 to 2008, the volume of milk
possibility for genetic improvement of N efficiency of dairy cows. (%) in compliance with IN51 increased 11.58% for TBC and 1.4% for
protein while it decreased 3.33% for SCC, 2.05% for fat, and 4.07%
Key Words: repeatability coefficients, nitrogen utilization, dairy
for SNF. The frequencies of samples (%) in compliance with IN51
regarding TBC, SCC and contents of fat, and NFS were higher (P <
0.05) during the dry (72.88, 92.63, 96.27, and 90.65, respectively)
T317 Metabolic profile and postpartum health in early lactating than the rainy season (66.55, 90.35, 91.26, and 89.49, respectively).
Holstein cows in southern Brazil. T. A. Frigotto1, S. O. Juchem2, For protein, these frequencies were similar (P > 0.05) during the dry
R. D. Ollhoff3, I. R. Barros Filho1, P. Schmidt1, and R. Almeida*1, (97.72%) and rainy seasons (97.52%). The seasonal variations influenced
1Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brazil, 2University the bulk tank milk quality. TBC and SCC varied more and had lower
of California, Davis, 3Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, means during the dry (5.12 logCFU + 1/mL and 5.41 log SCC + 1/mL,
Curitiba, PR, Brazil. respectively) than the rainy season (5.16 log CFU + 1 and 5.44 log
SCC + 1/mL, respectively). Means (%) of fat, protein and SNF were
Objectives of the study were to describe the concentrations of serum higher during the dry (3.81, 3.30, and 8.82, respectively) than the rainy
metabolites and the occurrence of diseases in a group of parturient
410 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
season (3.61, 3.26, and 8.79, respectively). Seasonality influenced fat and BW of the calves were monitored until 90 d of age. The STEP calves
and protein and at the rainy season, SCC and TBC may have decreased consumed more milk than conventionally fed calves during the pre-STEP
the milk solids. Milk powder yield was higher in the dry season due to (d 1 to 30) and post-STEP (d 31 to 50) periods (P < 0.01). Consumption
the highest solids content of milk. However, the total production of kg of starter in calves provided milk using conventional method compared
of solids was lower due to the lower volume of milk collected in that with STEP-fed calves was greater during the pre-STEP period and there
season. Indeed, seasonality influenced all the studied parameters and it was no significant difference during the post-STEP and postweaning
may have affected milk powder yield. (d 51 to 90) periods. Body weight gain (8.5, 18.7 and 21.3 kg/30 d,
Financial support: FAPEMIG P < 0.001, respectively) and feed efficiency (0.37, 0.49 and 0.55, P
< 0.001, respectively) of calves were greater in those on the STEP
Key Words: milk, quality, factors
method during the pre-STEP period than on the conventional method
and were numerically higher during post-STEP and post-weaning. There
T319 Evolution of milk production and premium payment for was no significant difference in occurrence of diarrhea in calves fed
total bacterial count, somatic cell count, fat and protein contents milk through conventional method compared with STEP-fed method.
in a dairy industry of Minas Gerais state, Brazil. C. A. V. Paiva, Increasing number of milk meals tended to increase body weight gain
A. F. Cunha, M. O. Leite, R. Rodrigues, C. F. A. M. Pena, L. M. Fon- (65.4 vs. 70.7 kg/90 d, P < 0.17). In conclusion, STEP milk feeding
seca, A. M. Q. Lana, M. Houri Neto, M. R. Souza, and M. M . O. P. may prevent the problems of depressed solid feed intake associated with
Cerqueira*, Federal University of Minas Gerais state, Belo Horizonte, ad libitum milk feeding and of poor BW gain with conventional milk
Minas Gerais, Brazil. feeding in dairy calves.
Objectives were to characterize milk quality parameters in the state of Key Words: weaning, starter, Holstein bull calves
Minas Gerais, Brazil, from 2002 to 2008. A total of 60,243 raw bulk
tank milk samples were collected and analyzed for total bacterial count
T321 Differences between expanding and non-expanding Wis-
(TBC), SCC, fat and protein. Results were tabulated according to year
consin dairy farms. J. M. Janowski and V. E. Cabrera*, University
and then related to the volume of milk produced and value paid to the
of Wisconsin, Madison.
producers according to a system of payment for quality established by
the local industry. Descriptive analyses were performed to report results. A survey was administered (September 2009 to January 2010) to a
For all 4 parameters used in the payment for milk quality (TBC, SCC, sample of 1,000 randomly selected Wisconsin dairy producers to discern
fat and protein contents), the value paid to the producer increased. differences between those planning to expand and those not planning
However, not all parameters followed the same pattern. TBC and SSC to expand their operations. A total of 300 dairy producers (30%) across
followed distinct trajectories. The volume of milk that received pre- 33 counties in Wisconsin completed the survey. Results indicated 33%
mium payment for TBC increased 27.18% between 2005 and 2008, and of dairy producers planned to expand their dairies in the future. The
the average premium payment for TBC increased 3.15% in the same majority planned to grow their herds from within. Significant differences
period. In relation to SCC, the volume of milk that received a premium between dairy producers and their operations were found regarding pro-
payment decreased 27.52% between 2005 and 2008, but the premium ducer age, producer experience, farm herd size, and land per cow. Low
payment for SCC increased 58.89% in the same period. The average fat net profit was the top issue hampering growth and modernization for
content decreased, whereas the protein content increased in the period producers planning to expand. Most producers not planning to expand
evaluated. The volume of milk that received premium payment for fat were satisfied with their current operation size and did not feel expan-
content was reduced 0.92% between 2005 and 2008, but the average sion was necessary. Producers planning to expand cited an increase in
premium payment for fat content increased 14.38% in the same period. net farm income as their most important motivation, while producers
The volume of milk that received premium payment for protein content not planning to expand wanted to keep the farm at its best size given
increased 61.86% between 2005 and 2008. The average premium pay- available labor. Dairy producers planning to expand were interested
ment for protein content increased 69.60% between 2005 and 2008. It is in receiving more information about financial planning, profitability
necessary to monitor and to evaluate the parameters used in the payment measures, and financial efficiency. Producers not planning to expand
of milk quality so that it has, in fact, a continuous improvement of the were interested in topics regarding reproduction and financial efficiency.
productive processes and the economic index. Results provide evidence toward development of risk management
and financial management programs tailored for expanding and non-
Key Words: milk, quality, payment system
expanding dairy producers.
T320 Comparison of different methods of rearing management Table 1. Characteristics of expanding and non-expanding dairy
in Holstein dairy calves. F. Niazi, H. Amanlou, E. Qashqayi*, and operations
E. Mahjoubi, Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran.
Planning to Not planning
Milk consumption, dry feed intake, body weight (BW) gain and occur- expand to expand
(n = 78) SD (n = 222) SD P-value
rence of diarrhea were studied in male Holstein calves fed milk either
through conventional or step-down (STEP) methods. A completely Producer age (yr) 47.08 10.70 51.19 10.70 0.01
randomized design was used in this study. In conventional method, the Producer experience (yr) 25.33 12.99 29.15 12.14 0.04
calves (n = 9) were fed colostrum and then milk at the rate of 10% of Farm herd size (#) 247.35 362.97 82.11 117.03 0.00
BW for the entire period of 45 d. In STEP method, the calves (n = 9) Farm land per cow (ha/cow) 0.94 1.06 1.73 2.18 0.00
were given colostrum and then milk for 25 d at the rate of 20% of BW
in 2 meals and another calves (n = 9) in 3 meals for 25 d, which was Key Words: expansion, modernization, survey
reduced (between d 26 to 30) to 10% of BW for the remaining 15 d.
The calves fed through conventional and STEP methods were weaned
gradually by milk diluting with water between d 46 and 50. Feed intake
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 411
T322 Effect of heat stress on pregnancy rate of dairy cows using Mean ± SD interval DM percent ranges were 27.26 ± 0.90 to 29.06 ±
artificial insemination or embryo transfer in commercial dairy 2.19; 22.49 ± 1.57 to 23.36 ± 1.28; and 29.04 ± 2.40 to 30.65 ± 2.10,
farms of central Mexico (Aguascalientes). R. Lozano1, E. Gonzalez- for Dairy 1, 2 and 3, respectively. DM percent of am/pm composites
Padilla2, C. Vazquez2, C. F. Arechiga*3, and J. M. Silva3, 1Instituto were: Dairy 1 (27.74 ± 1.51/29.00 ± 1.62); Dairy 2 (23.72 ± 1.78/22.53
Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias, Pabel- ± 1.39/22.86 ± 1.43); and Dairy 3 (29.71 ± 2.05/31.97 ± 2.18).
lon, AGS, Mexico, 2Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico,
Key Words: regulation, sampling, forage
D.F., 3Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Objective of present study was to evaluate the effect of heat stress on
pregnancy rates of Holstein cows using artificial insemination or embryo T324 Association of production level and calving season with
transfer in commercial dairies from central Mexico (Aguascalientes, reproductive function of Holstein cows from an intensive dairy
Mexico). The study was carried out in 2 commercial dairy herds during 2 production system of central Mexico (Aguascalientes, Mexico). P.
seasons of the year: Warm (May 1 to August 17) and Temperate (January Hernandez-Briano1, C. F. Arechiga*1, J. I. Aguilera-Soto1, M. A. Lopez-
15 to March 27). Cows included in the study were randomly allotted into Carlos1, M. Rincon1, J. M. Silva1, C. A. Medina-Flores1, and R. Lozano2,
1Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, Mexico, 2Instituto
2 groups: 1) artificially inseminated (n = 682) and 2) embryo-recipient
cows (n = 107). Days in milk (DIM), milk estimated production to 305 Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias, Pabel-
d (P305D); and the index temperature-humidity (THI) were recorded lon, Ags, Mexico.
during both seasons. Data was evaluated through descriptive statistics. Objective of present study was to determine factors influencing produc-
Pregnancy rate was evaluated in recipient cows and analyzed through tive and reproductive function of Holstein cows in an intensive dairy
a first-order multiple logistic regression analysis. DIM of cows in study productive system in central Mexico (Aguascalientes, Mexico). Effects
(86.7 ± 2.8) were similar for both times and reproductive techniques (P of calving season (CS) and milk production level (MPL) on number of
> 0.05). P305D in recipient cows (9,261.8 ± 192.3) was higher than the services (NS), interval from calving to conception (ICC) and interval
observed in cows that were inseminated (8,397.9 ± 84.9; P < 0.01). As from calving to next calving (ICNC) of Holstein cows (n = 363) from
expected, THI was higher during warm season (76.7 ± 0.3) compared January 1st 2008 to March 29th 2009 was evaluated. Data was analyzed
with temperate season (70.3 ± 0.3; P < 0.05). Pregnancy rate decreased by SAS proc GLM as fixed effects of CS, parity (PAR), milk production
during the warm season (21.1%) compared with the temperate season level (MPL), age of cow and interactions. High-producing Holstein
(35.9%; P < 0.01) for both AI and ET. Pregnancy rates were similar cows (above 20 kg/d; elevated MPL x = 9,644 kg/lactation), required a
using artificial insemination (32.9%) and embryo transfer (24.9%; P > higher NS (3.4 vs. 2.6), a greater ICC (174.2 vs. 130.9 d), and a greater
0.05). Embryo transfer did not improve pregnancy rate over artificial ICNC (446.9 vs. 401.2 d), compared with low-producing Holstein cows
insemination of Holstein cows exposed to heat stress conditions present (below 20 kg/d; x = 6,410 kg/lactation). According to CS, it was found
during the summer in central Mexico (Aguascalientes). that cows calving during cool season of the year and bred during the
Key Words: heat stress, embryo transfer, pregnancy rate summer presented a greater NS (3.7 vs. 2.8), a greater ICC (187.2 vs.
140.9 d) and a greater ICNC (467.9 vs. 412.7 d) in comparison to cows
calving during the hot season of the year. Probably, due to inseminations
T323 Calculating field nutrient removal rates to comply with Gen- carried out during the hot months of the year. Moreover, 2 years-old
eral Order for Existing Milk Cow Dairies from California’s Central cows (PAR 1), presented a lower ICC compared with cows with PAR
Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. J. M. Heguy*, B. M. 2 and/or greater (P < 00.5). In conclusion, a high MPL, CS and PAR
Karle, P. L. Price, and D. Meyer, University of California, Davis. compromised significantly productive and reproductive parameters of
Holstein cows from an intensive dairy in Central Mexico (Aguascali-
The Dairy General Order requires dairy operators to document total
entes, Mexico).
weight of nutrients removed from fields where manure is applied. A
detailed protocol requires sub-sampling (n = 8) from each 16.19 ha, with Key Words: dairy cow, milk yield, heat stress
additional composites made to represent morning and afternoon harvest
periods for dry matter (DM). Analysis of forage DM forms the basis for
all nutrient removal calculations. A single composite sample for each T325 Bacterial survival rate in sanitizing teat dips for dairy
field is prepared for nutrient analyses. Field observations indicated the cows. S. Retz and S. I. Kehoe*, University of Wisconsin-River Falls,
detailed sampling protocol was not generally followed at dairies. The River Falls.
objective of this study was to determine if differences exist in calculating It is common practice to apply a teat dip before and after milking to
DM removal based on various intensities of sub-sample and composite prevent mammary infections from occurring in dairy cows. Teat dips
collection. Weights were obtained and samples collected for each truck- commonly contain a sanitizer and emollient to reduce bacterial invasion
load (TL) of forage harvested from 3 fields after unloading at the silage and keep teat skin from drying and cracking. Many dairies use a dip cup
pit. Each sample was sealed in a plastic bag and placed on ice. Dry matter which has a container attached where the teat dip is kept to apply pre
was determined for each sub-sample by drying 25–40 g, in triplicate, in and post milking. The person milking squeezes the container to fill the
a 55°C oven for 24 h, then weighing the dry residual. DM is dry weight cup and then dips the cows. To save teat dip, multiple cows are dipped
divided by wet weight. Actual field DM removal was determined by using the same fluid. Because the fluid contains a sanitizing agent, few
summing TL × DM for all samples from the field. Field DM removal people are concerned about bacterial transfer. Therefore, our objective
totals were calculated using 3 composite sampling models (sequence, was to determine whether there were any bacteria surviving after dip-
interval, and period). Sequence values are the average of sample DM ping multiple cows. One teat dip container and cup were cleaned and
within each hour of harvest. Interval values are the average of every 10th filled with 0.1% iodine teat dip. Teat dip was used on 2 cows and then
sample. Period values represent averages of samples collected in am or swabbed on a Minnesota Easy Culture System II triplate (Minneapolis,
pm on each day. Mean ± standard deviation (SD) sequence DM percent MN). This process was redone a total of 6 times over 4 random days.
ranges were 27.23 ± 1.43 to 29.62 ± 1.64; 21.21 ± 1.45 to 24.57 ± 2.04; Results showed a numerically increasing trend (P < 0.09) for growth of
and 27.88 ± 1.03 to 31.71 ± 1.81, for Dairy 1, 2 and 3, respectively. gram-positive species by sampling time (7.98, 8.69, 19.69, 43.13, 21.41,
412 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and 18.96 cfu). Growth of streptococcus and gram-negative species body temperature indices during TN conditions. During HS and com-
were not significant however increased numerically (0.39, 0.39, 0.96, pared with controls, TCR-fed cows tended to have a reduced rectal
1.25, 1.10, and 1.53 cfu for streptococcus spp. and 0.32, 0.14, 0.61, temperature at 1300 h (40.29 vs. 40.11°C; P = 0.08) and a higher shaved
1.75, 0.32, and 1.04 cfu for gram-negative spp.). It can be concluded rump skin temperature at all time points (37.35 vs. 37.67°C; P < 0.01).
that there is some survival of bacteria as well as further growth. These TCR-fed cows also had an increased respiration rate at all time points
results indicate that more research is needed to determine other variables during HS (78 vs. 83 BPM; P < 0.02). Overall, TCR-fed cows tended
such as type of teat dip. to consume less feed (21.9 vs. 22.5 kg/d; P = 0.06) but the decrease
during HS was not as severe in TCR-fed cows compared with controls
Key Words: teat dip, cows, bacteria
(4.8 vs.6.0 kg/d; P < 0.05). Cows fed TCR had an overall (independent
of environment) increase in milk fat content (3.96 vs. 3.67; P < 0.01)
T326 Stage of lactation alters production responses of cows and tended to have increased milk protein levels compared with controls
subjected to feed restriction. V. Bjerre-Harpøth, N. C. Friggens, V. (2.78 vs. 2.71; P = 0.07). Overall TCR-fed cows produced more milk
M. Thorup, K. L. Ingvartsen, and K. M. Moyes*, Aarhus University, (0.5 kg/d; P < 0.05) and the difference became larger when evaluated
Tjele, Denmark. on a FCM and ECM basis. During HS, both groups had a similar milk
yield reduction (6.1 kg/d). TCR-fed cows had improved feed efficiency
Our objective was to determine the effect of stage of lactation on produc- (12%; P < 0.01) and both groups lost a similar amount of BW (21.5 kg)
tion responses of cows during feed restriction (FR). Forty-seven healthy during HS. During HS, plasma NEFA levels did not change but glucose
Holstein dairy cows in early (E; n = 14; 0–90 DIM), mid (M; n = 15; levels decreased (5%; P < 0.05), PUN increased (27%) and TCR-fed
91–220 DIM) and late (L; n = 18; 221–355 DIM) lactation were used. cows had overall increased PUN levels (12.7 vs. 11.6 mg/ml; P < 0.01).
Of these, 26 cows were primiparous and 21 cows were multiparous. At Feeding TCR improved some body temperature indices and production
the beginning of the study, all cows were fed a standard TMR for ad variables in heat-stressed cows.
libitum intake. After 8-d, all cows were FR to provide ~40% of NEL
requirements based on body weight, milk production and composition Key Words: heat stress
by supplementing the standard TMR with 60% wheat straw. After 4-d
of FR, cows returned to full feed. At each milking, milk yield was
T328 Effect of increased omega-3 fatty acids on production and
recorded and composite milk samples were collected automatically and
reproduction in high producing lactating cows during cool season
analyzed for % fat, protein, and lactose and concentration of BHBA and
and hot season conditions. T. Colburn*1, K. D. Murphy1, C. Walhof2,
MUN (mM). For each cow, the change in each variable was calculated
and A. V. Grove3, 1Virtus Nutrition, LLC, Corcoran, CA, 2Valley
as average [before] – [during] FR. The MIXED procedure of SAS was
Veterinarians, Inc., Tulare, CA, 3AG Research, LLC, White Sulphur
used to determine the effect of stage of lactation on production responses
Springs, MT.
during FR. Stage of lactation did not affect (P > 0.05) changes in fat and
MUN but changes in lactose and daily milk yield (kg/d) were greater (P High-producing cow diets contain large quantities of polyunsaturated
< 0.05) in E (0.18 ± 0.02 and 11.6 ± 1.3, respectively) than M (0.08 ± fatty acids, primarily omega-6 fatty acids. This results in a high omega-
0.02 and 8.9 ± 1.2, respectively) or L cows (0.13 ± 0.02 and 8.9 ± 1.1, 6:omega-3 ratio of fatty acids flowing to the small intestine. This elevated
respectively). Changes in protein were greater in both E (0.24 ± 0.03) ratio may reduce optimal production and reproduction. We hypothesize
and M cows (0.28 ± 0.03) than L cows (0.07 ± 0.02). However, greater that increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acids will result in improved
changes in BHBA (log[mM]) were observed in M (0.13 ± 0.06) and L production and reproductive parameters in lactating cows during cool
cows (0.06 ± 0.06) than E cows (−0.33 ± 0.06). One week after FR, season and hot season conditions. Five hundred multiparous Holstein
all cows returned to production levels similar to those observed before cows were used to evaluate the effect of 2 omega fatty acid nutrition
FR. Our results show that cows in early lactation respond differently to programs on milk yield and conception rates during 2 periods (summer
feed restriction than cows in mid or late lactation. These results provide vs. rest of year). Cows were randomly assigned to either control or
insight into the homeorhetic mechanisms controlling the partitioning of treatment diets. All cows were supplemented with 113 g omega-6 fatty
nutrients of dairy cows during early lactation and should be beneficial acid supplement from −21 d prepartum to 21 d postpartum. From 22
for our understanding of how to maintain animal health and productivity to 150 d postpartum, control cows received 225 g calcium salts of long
throughout the lactation cycle. chain fatty acids and cows in the treatment group received 113 g calcium
salts of long-chain fatty acids and 113 g of primarily polyunsaturated
Key Words: cow, stage of lactation, feed restriction
omega-3 eicosopentanoic (EPA) and docosohexanoic (DHA) calcium
salts of fatty acids. Diets were balanced to be isonitrogenous, isolipidic
T327 The effects of dietary ThermalCare-R (TCR) on body and isocaloric. Peak milk production was greater (P = 0.02) in cows
temperature indices, production and metabolism in heat-stressed in the treatment vs. control groups 51.4 vs. 50.1 kg/d, respectively.
lactating cows. R. P. Rhoads*1, M. V. Skrzypek1, S. S. Block2, and Treatment diet tended (P = 0.06) to increase conception rate for the 1st
L. H. Baumgard3, 1University of Arizona, Tucson, 2Archer Daniels insemination during the period covering the entire year, 45.6% for cows
Midland, Decatur, IL, 3Iowa State University, Ames. consuming the treatment diet and 30.7% for the control cows. Concep-
tion rates tended to be associated (P = 0.07) with time of year for cows
Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 22; 115 ± 5 DIM, 582 ± 41 kg BW) inseminated for the combined 1st and 2nd insemination times, 36.7%
housed in climate chambers were individually fed a TMR consisting during the summer vs 29.4% for the rest of the year. Modifying dietary
primarily of alfalfa hay and steam flaked corn. Cows were randomly concentrations of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids had positive effects
assigned to 1 of 2 treatments: a diet containing TCR(a fermentation on production and reproduction in lactating cows.
material and botanical product for heat stress, n = 11, 45.4 g/d) or control
diet (n = 11). Trial length was 21d consisting of a 7d thermal-neutral Key Words: dairy cow, calcium salts of fatty acids, omega-3
(TN) period (18°C, 20% humidity) followed by 14d of heat stress (HS;
cyclical daily temps ranging from 31.1 to 38.9°C and 20% humidity,
maximum heat was at 1300 h). TCR feeding had little or no effect on
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 413
T329 Effect of thermal stress, cistern size, and milking frequency reared heifers received no supplemental feed or minerals. Unimproved
on plasma mineral concentrations in Holstein dairy cows. R. permanent pasture consisted primarily of endophyte-infected tall fescue.
Ben Younes1, M. Caccamo*2, I. Schadt2, M. Ayadi3, T. Najar1, M. Ben Heifers were rotated daily to a new paddock of approximately 0.1 to
M’Rad1, and G. Caja4, 1Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, Tuni- 0.3 ha, based on available DM. Measurements included body weight
sia, 2CoRFiLaC, Regione Siciliana, Ragusa, Italy, 3Institut Superieur (BW), whither height (WH), hip height (HH), and body condition score
de Biologie appliqué de Médenine, Tunisia, 4Universitat Autònoma de (BCS) taken every 2 wk. Data collected for heifers on study for at least
Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain. 70 d was fitted by quadratic regression to generate growth curves by
individual animal. First derivatives of regression equations were used
The study was carried out in 2006, in North Tunisia using 28 Holstein
to estimate average growth rates for BW, WH, and HH. Equations of
cows (169 ± 16 DIM) producing in average 18.0 ± 5.1 L/cow/d. Cows
Heinrichs and Hargrove (J. Dairy Sci. 70:653–660, 1987) were used
were classified according to udder cistern size, using a randomized
to compare actual growth rates to standard expected growth rates for
block design, by ultrasonography to large-cisterned (47 cm2 ± 17; LC)
heifers of this age and breed. Heifers on P had reduced (P < 0.001) ADG
and small-cisterned (23 cm2 ± 8; SC). The experiment was conducted
and BCS while skeletal growth rates (WH, HH) were similar to C. We
in 4 times, April 5 (T1), July 18 (T2), August 18 (T3), and September
conclude that P could be used without effect on skeletal development
18 (T4). In each test day temperature and relative humidity data were
but it did have an impact on BW gain and BCS.
registered hourly and cows′ blood was sampled from the jugular vein to
determine serum concentrates of minerals (P, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl). In Table 1.
T1 and T2, cows were daily milked twice (2X). Immediately after T2, Growth Measure Pasture Conventional SEM P value
within each group, cows were randomly assigned to 2 levels of milking ADG, kg/d 0.42 1.11 0.034 0.001
frequency: 2 times per day (2X) and 3 times per day (3X). To evaluate
Expected ADG, kg/d 0.58 0.59 0.025 0.773
the effects of period and cistern size, only 2X events were considered.
To assess effects of milking frequency, only T3 and T4 were considered. WH gain, cm/d 0.041 0.050 0.004 0.376
Mean THI values were 62 ± 2, 79 ± 2, 84 ± 2, and 77 ± 1 in T1, T2, Expected WH gain, cm/d 0.037 0.036 0.002 0.942
T3, and T4, respectively. The concentration of each single mineral was Mean HH gain, cm/d 0.062 0.044 0.001 0.320
affected by test day (P < 0.02), but neither by cistern size nor milking BCS 2.87 3.11 0.044 0.001
frequency. Minerals concentration least squares means in T1, T2, T3,
Key Words: pasture, heifer growth
and T4, respectively, are reported in Table 1. Some minerals, such as
Fe, P, Mg, and K, seemed to be lowered through heat stress only after
a certain period of exposure to stress. Heat stress should be considered T331 Postpartum reproduction and NEFA changes during early
especially for the nutrition of the close-up dry cows group and of cows lactation in Holsteins, Jerseys and their crosses. K. L. Brown*, B.
within 72 h of calving. G. Cassell, M. L. McGilliard, M. D. Hanigan, and F. C. Gwazdauskas,
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
Table 1. Least squares means of minerals concentrations One hundred sixty-three cows in first and second (n = 111) lactation
Minerals T1 T2 T3 T4 were sampled to determine if reproduction and NEFA differed between
P (mg/L) 64.29a 64.75ab 56.50bc 51.89c breeds. Thirty-four cows were Holstein-Jerseys (HJ) crosses, 49 were
Fe (mg/L) 1.03a 0.98a 1.01a 0.81b Jersey-Holsteins (JH) crosses, 51 were Holsteins (HH), and 29 were
Ca (mg/L) 89.27a 69.17c 79.79b 66.64c Jerseys (JJ). Blood samples were collected weekly for 10 wk postpar-
Mg (mg/L) 22.27a 22.04a 22.93a 19.75b tum. Statistical analyses were by MIXED models. Season were cold
K (mmol/L) 4.91a 4.89a 4.76ab 4.59b (November to May) and hot (June to October). Days open were affected
Na (mmol/L) 140.94a 133.04b 136.73b 127.17c by breed and year-season (P < 0.019). The days open for HH were 151.1
Cl (mmol/L) 101.67a 94.48b 97.75b 89.87c ± 8.4 d and not different for HJ (133.7 ± 14.1 d), or JJ (127.1 ± 12.6 d),
Superscripts within rows differ by P < 0.05. but different from JH (116.5 ± 7.9 d). Services per conception (s/c) were
affected by breed (P < 0.019). HH had more s/c (2.1 ± 0.1) than JH (1.7
Key Words: heat stress, plasma minerals, temperature humidity ± 0.1). NEFA were affected by parity (P < 0.002), year-season, week,
index and breed by parity interaction (P < 0.05). NEFA were higher in parity
2 (0.50 ± 0.02 mEq/L) than parity 1 (0.43 ± 0.02 mEq/L). NEFA were
generally higher in the cold season vs. the hot season, except for yr 3
T330 Body growth of pregnant Holstein heifers reared on pasture
hot season. NEFA for wk 1 was 0.74 ± 0.02 mEq/L, 0.60 ± 0.02 mEq/L
or conventional diet. R. R. Peters*1, S. W. Fultz2, J. W. Semler3, and
in wk 2, 0.54 ± 0.02 mEq/L in wk 3, 0.50 ± 0.02 mEq/L in wk 4, 0.48
R. A. Erdman1, 1University of Maryland, College Park, 2University of
± 0.02 mEq/L in wk 5, 0.39 ± 0.02 mEq/L in wk 6, 0.36 ± 0.02 mEq/L
Maryland Extension, Frederick, 3University of Maryland Extension,
in wk 7, 0.33 ± 0.02 mEq/L in wk 8, 0.28 ± 0.03 mEq/L in wk 9 and
0.39 ± 0.10 in wk 10. The breed by parity effect showed HH in parity
Interest in grazing to reduce feed costs and increase profitability has 2 had 0.56 ± 0.03 mEq/L, which was higher than parity 1 (0.44 ± 0.03
increased in Maryland. To develop internal expertise, grazing work mEq/L; P < 0.0001). HH parity 2 NEFA was higher (P < 0.0001) than
was initiated at our research unit. Study objective was to compare body HJ parity 1 (0.39 ± 0.03 mEq/L) and JH parity 1 (0.43 ± 0.03 mEq/L;
growth of pregnant Holstein heifers on pasture (P) vs. conventional P < 0.001) and parity 2 (0.45 ± 0.03 mEq/L). HH parity 2 NEFA was
(C) diets. Between June 10 and Dec. 1, 2009, heifers were alternately higher than JJ parity 1 (0.45 ± 0.04; P < 0.02). HJ parity 1 and 2 were
assigned to either P or C diets based on date of pregnancy confirmation. different (0.48 ± 0.03 mEq/L; P < 0.002). Even though breed by week
One month before predicted parturition date, animals were moved to interaction was not significant slices analysis revealed differences in wk
maternity pens. Both P (n = 16) and C (n = 15) fed heifers were located 1 (P < 0.03) and wk 2 (P < 0.04). Change in NEFA during the first 2
in adjacent areas. Heifers fed conventional TMR included corn and wk postpartum was most dramatic. Reproductive measures appear more
rye silage, grass hay, and a monensin supplemented grain mix. Pasture
414 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
affected by breed, while week postpartum, season, parity and breed had C-1 and C-2 for any parameter, so they were combined for this period
greater impacts on NEFA. (C). Tasco trt had no effect (P > 0.10) on milk production, even with
occasionally lower (P < 0.05) DMI for 0.25T compared with C and 0.5T.
Key Words: crossbreds, NEFA, reproduction
In Periods 2 and 3, there was a trend (P < 0.10) for a higher Tc for 0.5T
compared with other trt. Linear regression of Tc vs Ta showed that, in
T332 The effect of feed sorting on intakes of fiber and phosphorus Period 2, 0.25T had a slower increase in Tc with the rise in Ta during
in dairy cows. A. C. Huisman, R. L. Kincaid*, J. J. Michal, K. A. the day compared with C, while in Period 3, both 0.25T and 0.5T had a
Johnson, and C. T. Gaskins, Washington State University, Pullman. slower increase in Tc compared with C-1 and C-.5T (P < 0.05). In this
same study, for Period 3, 0.25T had a slower increase in rump and ear
This study examined the impact of diet sorting on intake of NDF and surface temperature than C-1 and C-.5T as Ta increased. These results
P by lactating cows fed one of 2 TMRs that were fed for 10% refusals. revealed that 0.25T maintained lower Tc, rump and ear temperature
Holstein cows (n = 24; 114 DIM) were fed a control TMR (CTMR; with increasing Ta.
27.3% alfalfa haylage, 25.4% alfalfa hay, 6.4% whole cottonseed,
36.4% concentrate, and 4.5% dried distillers grains and soluble) or a Key Words: Tasco, heat stress, dairy cows
TMR in which 40% of the alfalfa hay DM was replaced by bluegrass
straw (BGSTMR). After 3 wk the diets were switched and cows fed for
T334 An update of bulk tank milk quality in California. N.
another 3 wk. Fresh diet was delivered 1X/d with frequent pushups.
Silva-del-Río*1 and C. Collar2, 1University of California Cooperative
Feed sorting by pen was assessed by comparing particle size distribu-
Extension, Tulare County, 2University of California Cooperative Exten-
tion of fresh feed and 24 h refusals for 2 consecutive days for each
sion, Kings County.
treatment and period. Actual intakes of NDF and P were determined
from the nutrient concentration in each particle size fraction for both Information about bulk tank milk (BTM) quality parameters can be
fresh diet and refusals. Total fecal P excretion was estimated using ADL used by dairy producers to compare their milk quality to industry wide
values. Analysis of data was performed using PROC GLM of SAS and benchmarks, and to define achievable goals for their operations. The
the model included the effects of treatment, period, and treatment by objective of this study was to describe BTM quality for the California
period. Cows sorted (P < 0.05) against the long fraction (23 percentage dairy industry. Individual herd information on somatic cell count (SCC),
unit increase in refusals) and for the short fraction (53 percentage unit standard plate count (SPC), laboratory pasteurization count (LPC) and
decrease in refusals) for both treatments. Although sorting occurred, the coliform count (Coli) from Oct-08 to Sep-09 were provided by a large
% NDF in the consumed diet did not differ from the formulated diet dairy cooperative in California. All the milk loads shipped by each
(34% vs. 33% for formulated and consumed CTMR, and 36% vs. 35% dairy were sampled weekly (ranging from 1 to 7 loads per week per
for formulated and consumed BGS TMR, respectively). Similarly, the dairy). Only herds with BTM samples collected throughout the 12 mo
% P (0.41%) in the consumed diet did not differ from the formulated period were included in the final data set (n = 537) which comprised a
diet for either treatment. The feces contained 0.69 and 0.67% P and total of 56,455 BTM observations. BTM samples below the regulatory
total fecal P excretion was 75 and 76 g/d, respectively, for the 2 treat- threshold set by the California Department of Food and Agriculture
ments. However, comparison of particle size fractions of fresh feed to (CDFA) were: 99.4% for SCC (<600,000 cell/mL), 96.5% for SPC
24-h refusals does not consider within day variation of nutrient intake. (<50,000 CFU), 96.1% for LPC (<750 CFU/mL), and 93.0% for Coli
In summary, feed sorting had no effect on daily intakes of NDF and P (<750 CFU/mL). BTM quality parameters were described with Proc
of cows fed these alfalfa-based diets. Univariate of SAS. Season effects (S1 = Jan-Mar, S2 = Apr-Jun, S3 =
Jul-Sep, S4 = Oct-Dec) of log-transformed data were evaluated using
Key Words: sorting, fiber, phosphorus
Proc Mixed of SAS with repeated measurements on herd. Description
of BTM quality parameters for the top 25% herds, the bottom 25%
T333 Effect of Tasco on core body temperature of dairy cows herds and the median counts are presented in Table 1. There was a
exposed to heat stress. L. B. Pompeu1, J. E. Williams*1, D. E. Spiers1, significant effect of season on each of the BTM quality parameters (P
R. L. Weaber1, M. R. Ellersieck1, K. M. Sargent1, N. P. Feyerabend1, H. < 0.001). SCC were lower in S2 than S1-S3-S4. SPC were higher for
L. Vellios1, and F. Evans2, 1University of Missouri, Columbia, 2Acadian S1 than S2-S3-S4. However, SPC and Coli were higher in S1-S4 than
Seaplants, Darmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. in S2-S3. Overall, during the study period, California BTM quality was
within acceptable parameters.
Previous research in our laboratory revealed Tasco (Ascophyllum nodo-
sum) temporarily lowers core body temperature (Tc) in rats and steers
fed diets with endophyte-infected tall fescue during heat challenge. Table 1. SCC, SPC, LPC and Coli counts in California BTM, top
The present study determined the impact of Tasco on Tc in dairy cows 25% herds, bottom 25% herds and median counts from Oct-08 to
exposed to elevated ambient temperature (Ta). Holstein cows (n = 32; Sep-09
DIM 107 ± 43; parity 2.7 ± 1.5) were assigned to treatments (trt) using SCC SPC LPC Coli
a randomized complete block design, with 8 cows per trt. The study (cell/mL) (CFU/mL) (CFU/mL) (CFU/mL)
was divided into 3 periods: Period 1 (7 d) was adaptation to the Calan 25% top herds <156,698 <2,969 <43 <25
gate system; in Period 2 (28 d) trt were: Control-1 (C-1); Control-2 25% bottom herds >252,679 >5,729 >129 >63
(C-2); 0.25% Tasco (0.25T); 0.50% Tasco (0.5T); in Period 3 (28 d) Median 202,208 3,534 74 39
C-2 changed to 0.50% Tasco (C-.5T) to evaluate length of feeding
Tasco. Each cow had a telemetric temperature transmitter (SmartStock, Key Words: bulk tank milk quality, dairy, California
Pawnee, OK) placed in the reticulum, to record Tc every 20 min. Ta was
continuously recorded (Hobo, Onset Computer Corp., Bourne, MA).
T335 Determination of variation in dairy cows response to heat
Daily feed intake and milk production were collected for each cow. For
stress using radiotelemetry. L. B. Pompeu, J. E. Williams, D. E.
Periods 1, 2 and 3 the average maximum Ta was 29.6, 28.0 and 31.0°C,
respectively. In Period 2, no differences (P > 0.10) were found between
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 415
Spiers*, R. L. Weaber, and M. R. Ellersieck, University of Missouri, T336 Corn silage management practices on California dairies. N.
Columbia. Silva-del-Río*1, J. M. Heguy2, and A. Lago3, 1University of Califor-
nia Cooperative Extension, Tulare County,2University of California
Summer heat is a major problem for dairy cattle, which have an elevated
Cooperative Extension, Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties,3APC
body heat production. At air temperature (Ta) above thermoneutral-
Inc., Ankeny, IA.
ity, reduction in feed intake and milk production occur along with
increased core body temperature (Tc). However, individual animals vary The aim of this study was to obtain information on current corn silage
in response to heat stress, which can provide large variance between feed management practices in California’s Central Valley. In summer
groups. To evaluate different levels of animal response to heat stress, a 2009, a feed management survey was mailed to dairy producers in
study was performed utilizing 15 Holstein cows, housed in a free-stall Tulare, Stanislaus, and San Joaquin; the first, third and seventh largest
barn, during June and July (2008). A telemetric temperature transmitter dairy counties in California, respectively. Producers received an enve-
(SmartStock, Pawnee, OK) was placed in the reticulum of each cow to lope containing an invitation letter to participate in the study, a one-
record Tc. Ta was recorded using Hobo loggers (Onset, Bourne, MA). page survey, and a pre-paid return envelope. Response rate was 16.9%
Feed intake and milk production were collected daily. A period of pro- (120/710). Herd size ranged from 160 to 6,600 cows (median = 950).
gressively increasing heat stress (9 d) was chosen to be analyzed (max Corn silage in California was more frequently stored in piles (85.0%) and
Ta: 29.7°C, min Ta: 20.7°C). Tc and milk production relationships to on concrete (75.0%), versus bunkers or dirt. Dairies reported top surface
Ta were assessed by quadratic and linear regressions, respectively, to spoiled forage: <7.5 cm (25%), 7.5 to <15 cm (53.9%), 15 to <23 cm
separate cows into sensitive (S; n = 5) and non-sensitive (NS; n = 5) (15.7%), ≥23 cm (4.9%). Only one producer indicated that silage was not
groups based on R2. Five cows showed an intermediate response and covered. A total of 54.7% (n = 55) of dairies covered silage with oxygen
were removed from analysis. For the analysis, hours 1000 to 1500 were barrier (OB) technology. Top surface spoiled forage was reported to be <
used to assess the major rise in Tc during the day. A 1-h lag in Tc and 15 cm in 89.3% of silages covered with OB technology and in 64.0% of
1-d lag for milk production were utilized for better correlation with Ta. silages covered with conventional plastic material. Bacterial inoculants
Linear regression of Tc vs. Ta showed a difference between regression of various types were used in 54.0% of corn silages. Most respondents
coefficients and slopes of S (R2 = 0.68; slope = 0.12) and NS (R2 = 0.54; (73.4%) considered that silage faces were maintained smooth, but only
slope = 0.08). Daily max, min, and mean Ta were tested against milk 5 producers used face shavers. The entire width of the silage face was
production, with min Ta yielding the best correlation. Milk production removed daily in 41.7% of dairies, and of those, 27% removed less than
also showed a large difference with the linear fit and slope of S (R2 = 15 cm depth per day. Of dairies that did not remove the entire width of
0.75; slope = −0.71) being larger than NS (R2 = 0.27; slope = −0.25). the silage face (1/2 face-24.0%, 1/3 face-26.9%, 1/4 face -7.4%), 15.0%
The greater slopes of sensitive animals indicate a larger response to Ta advanced less than 15 cm depth per day. Determination of silage dry
compared with non-sensitive animals, indicating variations in responses matter (DM) was conducted at least once a month in 52.3% of dairies.
between animals among the same group of cows. Thus, to evaluate Only 8.3% of dairies determined DM weekly, or more often. Most
heat strain, it is essential to analyze animals separately by their level dairies delegated DM determination to an outside nutrition consultant
of response. (86.6%). A total of 25.0% of dairies suspected mycotoxins in 2008. Top
surface spoiled forage was discarded by 70.4% of dairies suspecting
Key Words: heat stress, dairy cow, core temperature
mycotoxins, and by 55.8% of those that did not suspect mycotoxins.
Although dairy owner and manager responses are subjective, results
indicate areas where corn silage management can be improved, such
as removal rate, surface spoilage, and pile size.
Key Words: corn silage, dairy, survey
416 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ruminant Nutrition: Calves and Heifers
T337 Interaction of breed and quantity of milk replacer on the hip width: 0.43; 0.4; 0.36 cm/week for C, MOSF and MOSM, respec-
performance of dairy calves. C. J. Cobb* and M. A. Ballou, Depart- tively). However, there was an age significant effect for all parameters
ment of Animal and Food Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. (P < 0.0001). Fecal scores were not affected by treatments; animals
presented scores considered as diarrhea (>2.0) only during the second
Objective was to determine the influence of breed and quantity of milk week of life. Plasma concentration of glucose (81.4; 82.7; 86.7 mg/dL
replacer fed on the performance of dairy calves. Forty-two bull calves for C, MOSF and MOSM, respectively), PUN (13.7; 14.6; 14.0 mg/dL
(n = 20 Holstein and n = 22 Jersey, 2 ± 1 d old) in a 2 × 2 factorial for C, MOSF and MOSM, respectively) or BHBA (0.203; 0.177; 0.163
arrangement were observed through 11 weeks of age. Holstein and Jersey mmol/L for C, MOSF and MOSM, respectively) were also not affected
calves on the lower plane of nutrition were fed a 20% protein and 20% (P > 0.05) by treatment or the interaction treatment × age. However,
fat milk replacer at a rate of 454 g / d. Holstein calves on the higher PUN and BHBA concentrations were significant increased with age (P
plane of nutrition were fed a 28% protein and 20% fat milk replacer at < 0.05), suggesting adequate rumen development. For the general and
a rate of 810 and 1,180 g / d for wk 1 and wk 2 – 6, respectively. Jersey nutritional management imposed, there were no benefits of providing
calves on the higher plane of nutrition were fed a 28% protein and 25% MOS via liquid or solid diet.
fat milk replacer at a rate of 568 and 680 g / d for wk 1 and wk 2 – 6, Supported by FAPESP.
respectively. At wk 7 all milk intakes were reduced to 50% to stimulate
starter consumption. Calves were weaned when consuming 900 g/d of Key Words: additives, early weaning, fecal score
starter. There were breed × plane of nutrition × time interactions (P <
0.01) for milk refusal, starter intake, and total energy intake. Holstein
T339 Impact of solids level of colostrum replacer formulations on
calves fed the lower plane of nutrition had greater starter intakes from wk
immunoglobulin absorption in calves. J. M. Campbell*1, J. C. Gaw-
4 through wk 8 than Holsteins fed the higher plane of nutrition. Plane of
throp2, A. W. Riad2, L. E. Russell1, J. D. Crenshaw1, and J. Q. Quigley1,
nutrition did not influence starter intake in Jersey calves. Calves fed the 1APC, Inc., Ankeny, IA, 2CalfCare, North Manchester, IN.
higher planes of nutrition had greater total energy intakes before wean-
ing; however, after reducing milk intakes at wk 7 there was no difference The objective was to determine if varying level of solids in a single
within breed. There was an interaction of plane of nutrition and time (P feeding of colostrum replacer (CR) containing IgG derived from bovine
< 0.01) on average daily gain; whereas calves fed the higher planes of serum fractions affected 24-h serum IgG, serum total protein, and the
nutrition had greater gains from wk 1 to 6, but were not different from ability of calves to achieve adequate passive transfer. Forty-eight heifer
the calves fed the lower planes of nutrition from wk 7 to 11. Utilization or bull calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments that included
of energy for body weight gain was greater for calves fed higher planes receiving a single feeding of CR containing 155 g of IgG reconstituted
of nutrition (P < 0.01) and Holsteins (P < 0.02) from wk 1 to 6; however, to 17.4, 20.2, 24.1, or 29.7% solids. Sex was equalized among treat-
from wk 7 to 11 the opposite was observed for plane of nutrition (P < ments. All CR were blended, individually packaged, and irradiated
0.05) and breed (P < 0.01). These data indicate under the current higher before feeding. Colostrum replacers were reconstituted in warm water,
plane of milk feeding schemes both Holstein and Jersey calves performed mixed using a hand blender, and fed with an esophageal feeder at 1 h
well; however, the amount of milk replacer fed to Jersey calves may be of age. Acquisition of passive immunity was assessed by measuring
able to be increased during the pre-weaning period. 24-h serum IgG, serum total protein, apparent efficiency of absorption
(AEA) of IgG, and the ability to prevent failure of passive transfer (FPT).
Key Words: breed, calf, performance
Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design with BW as a
covariate when appropriate. Percentage of calves with FPT was analyzed
T338 Evaluation of mannanoligosaccharides route of administra- by chi-squared analysis. Linear contrasts were used to produce linear
tion for dairy calves: Performance and rumen development. J. T. analysis. As level of solids of the blended CR increased from 17.4 to
Silva1,2, L. S. Ferreira1,2, and C. M. M. Bittar*1,2, 1University of Sao 29.7%, there was a tendency (P < 0.10) for increased 24-h serum IgG,
Paulo/ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2CNPq, Brasília, DF, Brazil. while serum total protein was increased (P < 0.05). No treatment dif-
ferences (P > 0.10) were noted in AEA or percent FPT. In conclusion,
The objective of this study was to evaluate the route of administration a range of solids level from 17.4 to 29.7% offered in a single feeding
of mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) for dairy calves and its effects on of CR containing 155 g IgG from bovine serum fractions can be fed to
performance and plasma parameters indicative of rumen development. calves without impacting AEA or FPT.
Following birth, 24 male Holstein calves were used in a completely
randomized design and assigned to the following treatments: 1) Control; Key Words: calves, immunoglobulin, colostrum replacer
2) MOS (4 g/d Bio-Mos, Alltech Biotech.) via starter feed (MOSF); 3)
MOS (4 g/d Bio-Mos, Alltech Biotech.) via milk replacer (MOSR). The
T340 Effect of yeast β-glucan and antibiotics on growth and intes-
animals were housed in individual hutches, with free access to water, and
tinal microflora in early-weaning calves. Y. Zhou, Q. Diao*, Y. Tu,
fed 4L/d of milk replacer (18.5% CP, 22.5% fat, 12.5% solids; Nattimilk,
and Q. Yun, Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
Auster Animal Nutrition) until weaning at 6 weeks; calves also received
Sciences, Beijing, China.
a 23% CP starter feed ad libitum. Fecal scores were evaluated daily.
Calves were weighted and growth measurements and blood samples This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of yeast β-glucan
for glucose, urea-N (PUN) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) were taken and bacitracin zinc on growth performance and intestinal microflora in
weekly until the eighth week of age. There was no significant (P > 0.05) rectum of early-weaning calves. Twenty neonatal healthy Holstein male
effect of treatment or treatment × age interaction for average starter feed calves were randomly allotted to 4 treatments, each treatment contained
intake (737.4; 842.6; 798.6 g DM/d for C, MOSF and MOSM, respec- 5 replicates with one calf per replicate. All calves were fed with diets
tively), weight gain (352.2; 411.3; 409.6 g/d for C, MOSF and MOSM, supplemented with 0 (Treatment A), 75mg/kg yeast β-glucan (Treatment
respectively) or body growth (heart girth: 1.63; 1.74; 1.75 cm/week; B and C), 60mg/kg bacitracin zinc (Treatment D). The experiment lasted
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 417
for 28 d. On d 21, calves of Treatment A, B and D were challenged orally T342 Performance of calves fed an all-milk or enzymatically
with Escherichia coli (O141:K99). Average daily feed intake (ADFI), modified plant protein containing milk replacer with and without
average daily gain (ADG) and intestinal tract bacterial communities a specific amino acid profile. F. Soberon*, A. M. Severy, and M. E.
were determined. Comparing with Treatment A, the ADG of calves in Van Amburgh, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Treatment B increased by 26.17% and 24.93% in the 2 phases before the
The most nutritionally effective milk replacers (MR) are produced from
Escherichia coli challenged (P < 0.05), the ADG of calves in Treatment
all milk proteins. Supplementing non-milk protein MR with amino
B and D increased by 30.38% and 30.81% after the Escherichia coli
acids (AA) might help overcome some of the performance limitations
challenged(P < 0.05).As for the F/G, which in Treatment B and D were
previously observed with the use of plant proteins. The objectives of
significantly lower than that in Treatment A (P < 0.05). The amount of
this study were to compare the performance of calves fed an all-milk
Escherichia coli in rectum was rapidly increased after the challenge,
containing MR compared with a MR with 50% of the protein replaced
compared with Treatment A, the amount of Escherichia coli in rectum
by a proprietary formulation of enzymatically modified plant proteins
at 12h and 24h in Treatment B and D were significantly decreased (P
(EPP) as formulated or with a specific AA profile calculated from body
< 0.05), and the amount of Lactobacillus was significantly decreased
composition and efficiency of use data. Eighty calves (20 per treatment,
in the Treatment D (P < 0.05). PCR-DGGE of 16S rDNA was used to
TRT) were assigned, as they were born, by 24 h of age. Calves were
investigate the similarity index, the band number in Treatment C was
blocked by birth weight and sex and assigned to one of 4 TRT: Control:
significant higher than that in Treatment A and D (P < 0.05).The degree
all milk protein MR (Excelerate milk replacer, Milk Specialties Global
of similarities of treatments ranged from 50% to 75%. According to
(MSG), Carpentersville, IL); TRT 1: Control plus AA supplied by added
the results, β-glucan could improve the growth of claves and adjust the
crystalline AA; TRT 2: EPP containing MR formulated at 28% CP and
structure of intestinal microflora, thus using β-glucan in calves feed may
15% fat containing proprietary EPP protein (MSG, Carpentersville, IL)
decreased the usage of antibiotics.
representing approx. 50% of the MR protein; TRT 3: EPP containing
Key Words: calves, yeast β-glucan, intestinal microflora MR with supplemental AA. All MR were formulated to be isocaloric
and isonitrogenous. Significance was declared at P < 0.05. Calves were
fed only MR to d 28, offered grain from d 29 to 42, and then weaned
T341 Effects of forage quality traits and access to calf starter on in a step-down manner over 7 d. Growth and starter intakes were mea-
selection between forages in milk-fed calves. N. B. Kristensen*, sured until d 70. ADG (kg/d) data are reported in the table. Calves fed
M. R. Weisbjerg, and M. Vestergaard, Aarhus University, Tjele, Den- the all-milk containing MR had greater ADG up to weaning (P < 0.05)
mark. whereas post-weaning, increased starter intake in calves fed TRT 2 and
The present study aimed to investigate how milk-fed calves selected 3 negated the growth advantage. Calves fed TRT 1 demonstrated greater
among 4 different grass-clover forages [1st cut silage (F1), 1st cut hay hip height by d 49 compared with calves fed TRT 2 and 3 (P < 0.05)
(F2), 2nd cut silage (F3), and 4th cut silage (F4)] and how access to calf and the difference remained until d 70. Prior to weaning performance
starter affected forage selection. Sixteen Holstein bull calves (20 ± 2 d was greater in calves fed milk protein base MR.
of age) offered 4.84 kg/d of skim-milk based milk-replacer (12.3% DM)
were randomly allocated to no starter (CON) or ad libitum access to a Table 1.
barley-based calf starter (START). Calves were housed in individual
TRT Day 28 Day 49 Day 70
pens and offered the 4 forages ad libitum. Calves were harvested at 59
± 2 d of age. Data on DMI and effect of starter on relative intake of Control, kg/d 0.72a 0.74a 0.73a
individual forages were analyzed using the MIXED procedure in SAS TRT 1, kg/d 0.74a 0.73a 0.71a
by a model containing the fixed effects of block, time (day on trial), calf TRT 2, kg/d 0.63b 0.66b 0.70a
starter treatment, and the interaction between treatment and time. Calf TRT 3, kg/d 0.59b 0.63b 0.69a
by treatment was designated as a random effect and time considered a
Values with different superscripts within column differ P < 0.05.
repeated measure. Friedman′s test computed using the FREQ procedure
was used to evaluate selection between forages. The forages had the Key Words: amino acids, calves, milk replacer
following nutrient and fermentation product contents: DM (48 ± 1, 88
± 1, 41 ± 2, and 47 ± 2%), pH (5.33 ± 0.13, 6.01 ± < 0.01, 4.23 ± 0.01,
and 4.34 ± 0.02), DL-lactic acid (17 ± 3, not detectable, 69 ± 2, and T343 Measurement of adaptive and innate immune function
89 ± 3 g/kg DM), and acetic acid (4.6 ± 0.7, 0.7 ± 0.2, 14.6 ± 0.6, and in calves raised under traditional and accelerated growth regi-
13.0 ± 0.4 g/kg DM) for F1, F2, F3, and F4, respectively. The intake mens. B. A. Hengst*1, L. M. Nemec1, R. R. Rastani2, and T. F. Gress-
of the individual forages differed (P < 0.01) by source being 57 ± 3, 29 ley1, 1University of Delaware, Newark, 2Milk Specialties Global Animal
± 3, 4 ± 1, and 10 ± 2% of total forage intake for F1, F2, F3, and F4, Nutrition, Carpentersville, IL.
respectively. Only intake of F4 was affected by calf starter (START: This study compared conventional and accelerated milk replacer feed-
14 ± 2% vs. CON: 6 ± 2%, P = 0.02). Forage intake tended (P = 0.09) ing regimens on growth, respiratory and digestive health, vaccination
to be lower with START compared with CON, but total daily intake response, and neutrophil mRNA levels. Holstein calves (10 male and 5
of calf starter + forage did not differ (P = 0.47) between treatments female) were randomly assigned to a 10-wk study on d 2 of life. Treat-
(39 d average being 714 and 771 ± 55 g DM/d for CON and START, ments were control (CON; n = 8) and accelerated (ACC; n = 7) milk
respectively). Young milk-fed calves showed strong preference for replacer feeding programs. CON calves were fed a 20% crude protein
lightly fermented grass-clover silage compared with both hay and more (CP)/20% fat milk replacer (Advance Calvita Supreme; Milk Specialties
fermented silages, and the preference pattern was unaffected by the Global, Carpentersville, IL) at 1.25% birth body weight (BW) from wk
access to a barley-based calf starter. 1 to 6 and 0.625% birth BW during wk 7. A 28.5% CP/15% fat milk
Key Words: milk-fed calf, forage quality, feed intake replacer (Advance Excelerate; Milk Specialties Global, Carpentersville,
IL) was fed to ACC calves at 1.5% birth BW during wk 1, 2% current
BW from wk 2 to 6, and 1% current BW during wk 7. All calves were
418 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
given milk replacer twice daily during wk 1 to 6, once daily during wk WI, 2Hubbard Feeds, Inc., Mankato, MN, 3University of Minnesota,
7, and were weaned completely during wk 8. Calf starter intake was St. Paul, 4University of Minnesota, Southern Research and Outreach
measured daily through wk 8. BW and wither height were measured Center, Waseca.
weekly. Fecal scores (1 = firm to 4 = liquid) and respiratory scores (1
Holstein heifer calves (n = 100, 2–4 d of age) were assigned randomly to
= normal; 2 = abnormal) were recorded twice daily. Neutrophils were
1 of 4 milk replacer (MR) programs to evaluate the effect of MR feed-
isolated from blood at wk 1, 3, 5 and 8. Quantitative PCR was used to
ing rate and crude protein (CP) intake on calf performance and health
measure neutrophil mRNA levels of 7 functionality genes including
during pre- (d 1–42) and post-weaning (d 43–56) periods. Treatments
the adhesion factor L-selectin (CD62L). Adaptive immune function
(TRT) were: 1) 20% CP, 20% fat MR fed at 0.57 kg/d (as-fed powder
was measured by vaccinating calves against ovalbumin at wk 1, 3 and
weight) from d 1–35 and 0.28 kg/d from d 36–42 (CON); 2) 20% CP,
5 and measuring anti-ovalbumin IgG production at wk 1, 3, 5 and 8.
20% fat MR fed at 0.68 kg/d from d 1–14, 0.45 kg/d from d 15–35, and
There was no treatment effect on wither height, respiratory score, or
0.23 kg/d from d 36–42 (TRT 2); 3) 24% CP, 18% fat MR fed at 0.68
anti-ovalbumin IgG production. BW during wk 4 to 10 was greater for
kg/d from d 1–14, 20% CP, 20% fat MR fed at 0.45 kg/d from d 15–35
ACC than CON calves (P < 0.01). Calf starter intake was greater for
and 0.23 kg/d from d 36–42 (TRT 3), and 4) 28% CP, 16% fat MR fed
CON than ACC calves during wk 4 to 7 (P < 0.01), with no difference
at 0.68 kg/d from d 1–14, 20% CP, 20% fat MR fed at 0.45 kg/d from d
during wk 8. CON calves had firmer feces than ACC calves (fecal score
15–35 and 0.23 kg/d from d 36–42 (TRT 4). Calves were fed MR twice
1.4 vs. 1.7, P = 0.02). Neutrophil L-selectin mRNA levels were 51%
daily from d 1–35, and once daily from d 36–42. Calves were housed
greater in ACC than CON calves (P = 0.03). Feeding calves a 28.5%
in individual calf pens within a naturally ventilated barn with curtain
CP/15% fat milk replacer in an accelerated feeding regimen increased
sidewalls, were fed a texturized calf starter (18% CP), and had access
growth and may enhance innate immune function, as indicated by the
to fresh water. Average daily gain (ADG) during d 1–14 was greater
increased neutrophil mRNA levels of L-selectin.
(P < 0.05) for TRT 2, 3, and 4 versus CON, and TRT 4 had greater (P
Key Words: dairy calf, immune function, milk replacer < 0.05) ADG than TRT 2 and 3. For d 15–28, ADG was lower (P <
0.05) for TRT 2, 3, and 4 compared with CON. Milk replacer feeding
program did not affect ADG from d 29–56, 1–42, or 1–56. Calf starter
T344 Effects of hay intake on calves fed high volumes of milk. M. intake was similar for d 1–14, whereas TRT 4 had greater (P < 0.05)
A. Khan*1, D. M. Weary1, D. M. Veira2, and M. A. G. von Keyserlingk1, starter intake than CON with TRT 2 and 3 being intermediate for d
1University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Agriculture
15–28. For d 29–42, TRT 3 and 4 had greater (P < 0.05) starter intake
and Agri-Food Canada, Agassiz BC, Canada. than CON with TRT 2 intermediate. Health parameters did not differ
Research to date has suggested that access to forage before weaning can among groups. Under the conditions of this study, increasing MR feeding
limit rumen development in calves fed restricted amount of milk, but no rate and feeding 28% CP MR resulted in greater ADG from d 1–14, but
research has addressed the role of forage on calves fed at higher planes of reducing MR feeding rate and CP intake on d 14 resulted in depressed
nutrition. This study compared performance and rumen development of ADG from d 15–28.
calves provided high volumes of milk with and without access to hay. At Key Words: calves, milk replacer, feeding rate
d 3 of age, individually housed calves were randomly assigned to treat-
ment (either ad libitum access to chopped grass hay or no forage; n=15
calves per treatment, 10 heifers and 5 bulls). All calves were provided ad T346 The effect of feeding dairy heifers diets with and without
libitum access to water and starter throughout the study. All calves were supplemental phosphorus for 18 months on growth, reproductive
offered 8 L/d of milk from a nipple bottle from d 3 to 35, 4 L/d from d efficiency and lactation performance. D. W. Bjelland*1, N. M.
36 to 53 and 2 L/d for the next 3 d before weaning at d 56. Solid feed Esser1, K. A. Weigel1, P. C. Hoffman1, and W. K. Coblentz2, 1University
intake and growth were monitored from d3 to d70. At d 70 males from of Wisconsin, Madison, 2USDA-ARS Dairy Forage Research Center,
both treatments were slaughtered and rumen pH and weight of ruminal Marshfield, WI.
contents with and without digesta measured. Overall DMI from solid
The phosphorous (P) requirements for dairy heifers (0.20–0.35%) and
feed did not differ between treatments before weaning. After weaning
endogenous levels (0.20–35%) of P in feeds fed to dairy heifers are
calves provided hay consumed less starter but more total DM (starter
similar, suggesting that the need for supplemental P in dairy heifer
plus hay) than calves that had no access to forage. Over the experimental
diets may be minimal. Because long-term studies are unavailable, 183
period (d 4 to 70), calves fed hay gained approximately 6 kg more than
Holstein heifers and 182 backcross Holstein × Jersey heifers were fed
did control calves (58.14 ± 1.83 vs. 52.04 ± 2.03 kg, respectively; P
diets with (SP = 0.38% of dry matter (DM)) and without (NP = 0.28%
< 0.05). Hip and wither height, heart girth and body barrel at d 35, 56
of DM) supplemental phosphorus from 4 to 22 mo of age in a replicated
and 70 did not differ between treatments. Rumen and reticulum weights
pen design. Heifers were evaluated for body weight (BW), external
with (7.99 ± 0.69 vs.12.77 ± 1.29 kg; P < 0.05) and without digesta
bone/frame growth, dystocia, calf BW, reproductive efficiency, and first
(1.60 ± 0.09 vs. 1.89 ± 0.05 kg; P < 0.05) were heavier in calves fed
lactation performance. Data were analyzed using a mixed model with
hay. Mean rumen pH was higher in calves fed hay compared with those
effects of season of birth, age of dam, pen number as a heifer, sire, sire
fed no forage (5.49 ± 0.08 vs. 5.06 ± 0.04; P < 0.002). In conclusion,
birth year, and days in milk. No breed × diet interactions were observed.
providing hay before weaning resulted in increased weight gain, rumen
Heifers fed NP had similar average daily gain from 170 to 410 (0.86 vs.
weight and rumen pH in calves fed high volumes of milk.
0.83 kg/d) and 410–650 (0.85 vs. 0.86 kg/d) d of age as compared with
Key Words: solid feed, forage, weaning heifers fed SP. At 22 mo of age, heifers fed NP were wider at the hip
but did not differ in BW, hip height, body length, heart girth, cannon
bone circumference or pelvic area as compared with heifers fed SP. As
T345 Influence of milk replacer feeding program on pre- and heifers, services per conception (1.45 vs. 1.39), age at pregnancy (451
post-weaning performance and health of dairy calves. D. Carl- vs. 452 d), and age at first calving (726 vs. 727 d) were not different
son*1, B. Ziegler2, D. Schimek2, M. Raeth-Knight3, G. Golombeski3, J. between heifers fed NP or SP. At parturition, heifers fed NP or SP had
Linn3, D. Ziegler4, and H. Chester-Jones4, 1Milk Products LLC, Chilton, similar dystocia scores and calves were similar in BW. Complete first
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 419
lactation data (305 d) were available for 333 primiparous cows, and either no additives (C), a blend of nonmedicated additives (NM; animal
cows fed NP as heifers produced similar milk (8702 vs. 8714 kg), fat plasma, yeast cell wall extracts, inulin, and a direct-fed microbial), or
(330 vs. 328 kg) and protein (274 vs. 277 kg) as cows fed SP as heif- neomycin and oxytetracycline (MED; 400 g/ton of neomycin; 200 g/
ers. Days open (152 vs. 160 d), days in milk at first breeding (76 vs. ton of oxytetracycline). Two calves from each treatment were slaugh-
76 d), and services per conception (1.82 vs. 1.85) were also similar for tered during their second day of scouring and intestinal tissues were
primiparous cows fed NP or SP as heifers. Data suggest there was no collected for morphological analyses. The surviving calves were fed
growth, reproductive or lactation benefit to feeding dairy heifers diets until 3 weeks of age when they were moved to indoor individual pens
containing 0.38% P as compared with 0.28% P. and grain starter was offered. Weekly growth parameters were recorded
and blood was analyzed for blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and glucose
Key Words: dairy heifers, phosphorous, lactation performance
concentrations. Results indicate there were no significant differences
between treatments for BUN, glucose, and serum protein. Feed intake
T347 The effect of Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB 41125 (Me) on was also not significant (C 652.4g, NM 759.4g, MED 687.5 g) however,
performance of pre-weaned dairy calves. F. M. Hagg*1, C. M. Muya2, hematocrits were highest for C compared with NM and MED (65.9 vs.
and P. H. Henning1, 1MS Biotech, Centurion, South Africa, 2ARC-Irene, 57.5 and 56.3%, respectively; P < 0.005). Fecal scores were significantly
Centurion, South Africa. higher for C than NM and MED (1.9 vs. 1.5 and 1.5, for C, NM and
MED, respectively). Intestinal weights and lengths were not significant
Dairy farmers often aim to wean calves as early as possible. They are except for colon weight which was lower for NM than for MED or C
usually weaned upon reaching a target starter diet intake, so that rapid (P < 0.02). Although not statistically analyzed, fecal results indicate
increase in feed intake becomes an important attribute. Field observa- C had the highest density of E. coli. Growth parameters were also not
tions suggest that dosing pre-weaned calves with Me, as a DFM, has a significant; however, heart girth was lower in C compared with NM and
positive effect on their well-being and performance. The objective of this MED (32.7 vs. 33.1 and 33.5, respectively; P < 0.005). These results
study was to determine if dosing calves with Me could reduce weaning indicate that nonmedicated additives may have some effect in reducing
time by increasing the rate at which intake of dry feed increases in pre- diarrhea and dehydration, and promoting some growth.
weaned calves. Forty pre-weaned Holstein dairy calves entered the trial
14 d after birth, as they became available. The first calf was randomly Key Words: calves, milk replacer, health
allocated to one of the 2 treatments and all subsequent calves were
alternately allocated to one or the other treatment. Me-treated calves
T349 Pre- and post weaning performance and health of calves
received a single oral dose of Me (50 mL, 108 cfu/mL) on d 14. Control
fed milk replacers and calf starters with or without yeast supple-
calves received no Me but were treated similar in all other respects.
mentation (Nupro) and growth performance from 9 to 25 weeks of
Commercial calf starter (18% CP) was fed ad lib while milk supply
age. H. Chester-Jones*1, J. Tricarico2, D. Ziegler1, K. Dawson2, P.
was restricted. Water was supplied ad lib. Feed, water and milk intake
Groenewegen2, M. Raeth-Knight3, and G. Golombeski3, 1University of
were measured daily while calves were weighed once per week. Calves
Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca, 2Alltech
were weaned upon reaching a DMI of 1.0 kg/d. Four additional calves,
Inc., Nicholasville, KY,3University of Minnesota Southern Research and
2 each for treatment and control, and handled similar to the others, were
Outreach Center, St. Paul.
slaughtered 72 h after dosing for rumen and colon samples to measure
Me using Q-PCR. Me-treated calves had a greater (P = 0.11) rate of One hundred seven (2- to 4-d-old) individually housed Holstein heifer
increase in DMI (37.0 vs. 28.6 g/d) and greater (P = 0.02) water intake calves (39.1 ± 0.68kg) were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments to
(3.2 vs. 2.4 kg/d). Milk intake (3.46 and 3.51 kg/d) and ADG (480 and evaluate the effect of supplementing natural yeast (NuPro; NP) in milk
437 g/d), for Me and control respectively, did not differ (P = 0.63 and replacer (MR) and calf starter (CS) on performance and health pre- (d
P = 0.44) significantly. Me treatment decreased (P = 0.21) the number 1–42) and post-weaning (d 43–56). All calves were fed a 20:20 MR
of days from birth to weaning (40 d vs. 44 d) and Me-treated calves had (CP:fat) containing 12.5% solids and an 18% CP starter. Nursery treat-
67% less mortalities than the untreated calves. Me-treated calves had ments were: 1) 0% NP in calf MR and CS (CON); 2) 5% NP in MR and
greater Me levels than controls in both rumen (1.4 × 109 vs. 1.6 × 106 0% in CS (NPMR); 3) 0% NP in MR and 2.5% NP in CS (NPCS); and,
genomes/mL) and colon (1.4 × 107 vs. <1 × 103 genomes/mL). These 4) 5% NP in MR and 2.5% NP in CS (NPMRCS). Milk replacers for
results suggest that dosing calves with Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB all treatments was fed at 0.57 kg/d (as-fed powder weight) twice daily
41125 establish the organism in the GIT and may benefit calves through from d 1 to 35 and at 0.28 kg/d 1X daily from d 36 to 42. Calf growth
increased DMI and earlier weaning. up to 25 wk of age was also monitored in all calves receiving the above
nursery treatments when they were housed in group pens (7 calves/pen)
Key Words: Megasphaera elsdenii, dairy calves, early weaning
and fed a common grower diet from 9 to 25 weeks of age. Pre-weaning
ADG tended to be higher (P = 0.08) for CON calves than those fed the
T348 Influence of nonmedicated additives as alternatives to anti- other treatments. Post weaning gain was lowest for NPMR and NPMRCS
biotics on calf health, growth, and intestinal development. S. I. calves (P < 0.05). Overall 56 d ADG was highest for CON calves (P <
Kehoe*1, D. B. Carlson2, and E. O. Hardwick1, 1University of Wisconsin- 0.05). There were no pre- weaning and overall 56 d differences in CS
River Falls, River Falls, 2Milk Products, Inc., Chilton, WI. and total DMI. Pre-weaning feed/gain (FG) was higher for NPMR vs.
NPMRCS calves (P = 0.04). Post weaning FG was lower (P < 0.05)
Many producers use medicated milk replacers to prevent scours in dairy for CON and NPMR vs. NPCS calves. There were no differences in
calves, however, a commonly added level of neomycin and oxytetracy- pre-weaning scouring days across treatments. There were no effects
cline is no longer approved. The objective of this trial was to determine of nursery feeding programs on calf growth when fed a common diet
whether a milk replacer with a blend of nonmedicated additives would from 9 to 25 wk of age. Under the conditions of this study supplement-
have similar benefits to a milk replacer with added neomycin and ing nursery programs with a natural yeast supplement did not enhance
oxytetracycline. Twelve bull calves were purchased from a local farm individual or group fed heifer calf performance.
3 separate times and were fed one of 3 treatments for a 5 week period.
All treatments used a 20% fat, 20% crude protein milk replacer with Key Words: calf performance, feeds, yeast supplementation
420 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
T350 Pre- and post weaning performance and health of calves fed were limit-fed a common 16% CP grain mix containing monensin (42.9
milk replacers and calf starters with or without essential oils. H. mg/kg d1–84, and 71 mg/kg d 85–112) fed at 2.72 kg for 56 d then 2.27
Chester-Jones*1, T. Steiner2, M. Watkins3, D. Taylor3, D. Ziegler1, kg for an additional 56 d with free choice hay. Overall 112 d ADG in
M. Raeth-Knight4, and G. Golombeski4, 1University of Minnesota, the grower period linearly increased (P = 0.06) for calves fed increas-
Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca, 2BIOMIN Holding ing monensin levels in the nursery. Under the conditions of this study
GmbH, Herzogenburg, Austria, 3BIOMIN America Inc., San Antonio, increasing monensin levels in the CS during the nursery phase did not
TX, 4University of Minnesota, St. Paul. affect daily gain but starter intake decreased. Calves fed increasing levels
of monensin in the nursery tended to show performance compensation
One-hundred thirty (2- to 4-d-old) individually fed Holstein heifer
when fed a common diet in group pens.
calves (40 ± 0.73 kg BW) were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treat-
ments to evaluate the effect of supplementing essential oils (Biomin Key Words: calf performance, calf starters, monensin levels
P.E.P.) in milk replacer (MR) and calf starter (CS) on performance and
health pre-(d 1–42) and post-weaning (d 43–56). Treatments were:
1) Medicated MR and a 18% CP (as-fed) texturized calf starter with T352 Effect on feed sorting of adding plain or flavored water to
rumensin (0.033 mg/kg; CON); 2) Non-medicated MR and CS with a TMR for heifers. A. Mereu1, A. Puddu2, I. R. Ipharraguerre*1, and
no additives (NM); 3) Non-medicated MR with PEP (0.88 g/kg) and A. Bach2,3, 1Lucta SA, Barcelona, Spain, 2IRTA-Ruminant Production,
CS with no additives (NMPEP); 4) Non-medicated MR and CS with Caldes de Montbui, Spain, 3ICREA, Barcelona, Spain.
PEP (0.41 g/kg; CSPEP); and 5) Non-medicated MR and CS with PEP The impact on feed sorting of adding plain or flavored water to a TMR
(MRCSPEP). A 20:20 (CP:fat) milk replacer containing 12.5% solids, was evaluated using 24 Holstein heifers (315 ± 24 kg of BW) in a
was fed at 0.57 kg/d (as-fed powder weight) twice daily from d 1 to replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design with 14-d periods. Once daily,
35 and at 0.28 kg/d 1X daily from d 36 to 42. Pre-weaning ADG was heifers were fed individually for ad libitum intake a TMR (16.5% CP,
higher (P < 0.05) for CON and NMPEP calves vs. those fed NM and 33.8% NDF) composed of 40% ryegrass hay and 60% concentrate.
MRCSPEP. Post weaning ADG was higher (P < 0.05) for CSPEP vs. Treatments resulted from the addition of plain (WET; 55.8% DM) or
CON and NM calves. Overall ADG was lower (P = 0.02) for NM calves flavored water (FLAV; 53.7% DM) to the ryegrass hay of a control diet
vs. NMPEP, CSPEP and MRCSPEP calves. Calves fed NMPEP had (DRY; 90.2% DM). A flavor combined with a sweetener (Luctarom
higher (P = 0.04) overall ADG than MRCSPEP calves. Total calf starter SFS-R) was mixed with tap water and applied to the hay at 250 g/ton
and DMI for NMPEP calves tended to be higher vs. those fed NM (P < of diet. Dietary particle size distribution was measured with the Penn
0.07) and MRCSPEP (P < 0.09). There were no treatment differences State Particle Separator determining 4 fractions (long, medium, short
in total DMI. Pre-weaning feed/gain (FG) was lowest for CON and and fine) at 0, 6, 12 and 24 h after feeding during the last 2 d of each
NMPEP vs. other treatments. Post weaning FG was similar (P > 0.05) period. Data were analyzed using a mixed model with animal (period)
across all treatments. There were no treatment differences in scouring treated as random variable and treatment, period and their interaction
days or health costs. In this study, feeding a non-medicated MR with treated as fixed effects. There were no significant differences on DMI.
PEP and a CS without additives resulted in similar calf performances Both ADG and G:F were numerically greater for FLAV (1.41 kg/d and
compared with a medicated MR and CS with rumensin. There were no 0.18, respectively) when compared with WET (1.19 kg/d and 0.15,
benefits of offering non-medicated MR without PEP and CS with PEP respectively) and DRY (1.34 kg/d and 0.17, respectively). Six hours after
or a combination of non-medicated MR and CS with PEP. feeding, FLAV heifers reduced (P < 0.05) the preferential consumption
Key Words: calf performance, milk replacer, calf starter of fine particles (<1.18 mm) compared with DRY and WET. At 24 h
post-feeding, heifers in the DRY group consumed proportionally less
(P < 0.05) long particles (>19 mm) and tended (P < 0.15) to consume a
T351 Pre- and post weaning performance and health of calves larger proportion of fine particles when compared with those receiving
fed texturized calf starters with different levels of monensin and the WET and FLAV rations. Findings from this study indicate that plain
affect on growth from 9 to 25 weeks of age. H. Chester-Jones*1, B. or flavored water addition to the TMR can contribute to limit the sorting
Ziegler2, D. Schimek2, D. Ziegler1, M. Raeth-Knight3, G. Golombeski3, of long particles by heifers. Furthermore, flavor addition can enhance
and J. Linn3, 1University of Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach hay palatability and thereby minimize the preferential consumption of
Center, Waseca, 2Hubbard Feeds Inc., Mankato, MN, 3University of fine particles within the first 6 h post-feeding.
Minnesota Southern Research and Outreach Center, St. Paul.
Key Words: sorting, palatability, flavor
One-hundred twenty three (2- to 4-d-old) individually fed Holstein heifer
calves (40.3 ± 0.77kg) were randomly assigned to1 of 4 treatments to
evaluate pre- (d 1–42) and post weaning (d 43–56) calf performance T353 Effect of including corn distillers dried grains in calf
and health when fed 18% CP (as-fed) texturized calf starters (CS) with feeds. F. X. Suarez-Mena*1, A. J. Heinrichs1, T. M. Hill2, H. G. Bate-
varying monensin levels. All calves in the nursery were fed a medicated man II2, J. M. Aldrich2, and R. L. Schlotterbeck2, 1The Pennsylvania
20% fat:20% protein milk replacer at 0.284 kg in 1.99 L water (12.5% State University, University Park, 2Nurture Calf Research, Provimi
solids) 2X daily for the first 35 d and 1X daily from d 36 to weaning at North America, Lewisburg, OH.
42 d. Calf starters were fed free choice from d 1 and calves had access A series of 5 trials were conducted to determine the effect of distillers
to fresh water. The formulated CS monensin treatment levels were 1), dried grains with solubles (DG) in calf diets. Trial 1 compared 0 and
none; 2), 33 mg/kg; 3), 49.5 mg/kg; and, 4) 66 mg/kg. Monensin level 49% DG in 18% CP starters (as-fed basis) fed to calves initially 2 to
did not affect (P > 0.05) pre- and post weaning ADG which averaged 3 d old for 56 d. Digestibility was estimated during d 52 to 56 using
0.69 kg/d for 56 d. Overall starter intake decreased linearly (P = 0.02) chromic oxide. Trial 2 compared 0 and 39% DG in 16% CP growers
with increasing dietary monensin. Feed/gain was similar (P < 0.05) fed to calves from 8 to 12 wk of age from 28 d. Trial 3 compared 0,
across CS fed (average 1.9 kg/kg gain). There were no health differences 10, and 20% DG in 18% CP starters fed to calves initially 2 to 3 d old
across treatments. Calves were transitioned to grower pens (7 heifers/ for 56 d. Trial 4 compared 0 and 20% DG in 16% CP growers fed to
pen) and performance was monitored from 9 to 25 wk of age. Calves calves from 8 to 12 wk of age from 28 d. As DG increased in all the
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 421
experiments, ADF, NDF, and fat increased and calculated metabolizable T355 Effect of dietary supplementation of exogenous polysaccha-
energy (ME) was similar but not equalized. In Trials 1 and 3, calves ride-degrading enzymes on blood metabolites and rumen fermen-
(48 calves/trial) housed in individual pens were fed a 26% CP, 17% fat tation and nutrient digestibility for Holstein heifers. C. Y. Guo*,
milk replacer powder and weaned at 28 d. Trials 2 and 4 used calves Q. Y. Diao, N. F. Zhang, and Y. Tu, Chinese Academy of Agricultural
(48 calves per trial) housed in group pens (6 calves/pen) that had been Sciences, Beijing, China.
weaned from 28 d before the trials start. Trial 5 (18 calves) had same
The objective of this job was to investigate the effect of supplementa-
treatments as Trial 3, with calves killed at 35 d to determine DG effects
tion poly-saccharide-degrading enzymes (EPDE) to TMR diets on their
on rumen development. All trials were completely randomized designs.
blood metabolites and rumen fermentation and nutrient digestibility for
Calf was the experimental unit (EU) in Trials 1, 3 and 5, and pen was
12 weeks to 24 week Holstein heifers. The treatments were as follows:
the EU in Trials 2 and 4. In Trial 1, ADG was 6% greater and dry matter
control (no EPDE), EPDE sprayed onto and mixed with the daily ration
digestibility was 10% greater (P < 0.05) for calves 0% vs. 49% DG.
(EF, 20.0 g/d). Feed samples were collected once weekly, feed refus-
In Trial 2, ADG (9%), feed efficiency (10%), and hip width change
als and fecal samples were collected twice weekly. Ruminal fluid was
(19%) were greater (P < 0.05) for calves 0% vs. 39% DG. In Trial 3,
collected from rumen tube. Plasma was collected by centrifugation at
performance measures did not differ among starter treatments. Calf
1800xg for 30 min and stored at −20°C until it was analyzed. We chose
ADG were numerically 4% greater (P > 0.50) in calves fed 0% vs. 10
to measure serum total protein and plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) to
or 20% DG. In Trial 4, ADG (4%), feed efficiency (5%), and hip width
evaluate protein metabolism and triglyceride concentrations as indices
change (19%) were greater (P < 0.05) for calves fed 0% vs. 20% DG.
for fat metabolism. Data were analyzed using the general linear model
Thus, these results suggest that high levels of distillers in calf starters
ANOVA procedures of SAS. The results show that enzyme treatment
and growers reduce calves growth.
increased the concentration of soluble reducing sugars (P < 0.05) and
Key Words: corn distillers dried grains with solubles, calf digestion, decreased NDF content (P < 0.05) in the treated feed. Compared with
rumen development control, ruminal fermentation was affected by EF (P < 0.05), ruminal
VFA patterns were changed. Ruminal carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase)
and xylanase activities were not affected by treatment. In a digestion
T354 Determination of oro-sensorial preferences of protein ingre- trial, heifers were fed EPDE 20g/heifers per day, and total faces were
dients in weaned calves. C. Montoro*1, I. Ipharraguerre2, and A. collected. Compared with control, enzyme treatment increased the appar-
Bach1,3, 1Ruminant Production, IRTA, Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona, ent digestion of DM (P < 0.05), acid detergent fiber (P < 0.05). Crude
Spain, 2Lucta S.A., Barcelona, Spain, 3ICREA, Barcelona, Spain. protein in the diet tend to increase numerically. The results of evaluate
The objective of this study was to determine oro-sensorial preferences lipid metabolism and protein metabolism showed that add EPDE to
among common protein feed ingredients used to manufacture calf start- diet have no significant effect on PUN, total albumin, total cholesterol,
ers. A total of 15 assays involving 160 calves were conducted to rank calf triglyceride. But numerically, supplement of EPDE decreased total
oro-sensorial preferences for wheat distillers dried grains (DDG), corn albumin and total cholesterol in plasma and increased the concentrate
gluten meal (CGM), peas, rapeseed meal (RSM), soybean meal (SBM) of blood glucose in plasma. In conclusion, adding EPDE to diets could
and sunflower meal (SFM). To minimize the effect of feed texture, all improve feed nutrition digestibility, especially enhance NDF and ADF
ingredients were ground at 3 mm. In each assay, 20 naive calves were digestibility (DM basis), change ruminal fermentation, and have no
offered a choice ad libitum of 2 ingredients and feed consumption was effects on lipid metabolism and protein metabolism.
monitored every 30 min for 6 h. Each group of calves was used in 2 dif- Key Words: exogenous enzymes, Holstein heifers, rumen fermenta-
ferent assays which were conducted 3 and 5 d after weaning. No calf was tion
presented twice with the same ingredient. Oro-sensorial preferences were
calculated as the mean difference in feed consumption every 30 min over
a 6-h period. Feed preferences were determined using a mixed-effects T356 Relationships between chewing behavior, digestibility and
model. The most preferred protein ingredients were soybean meal and digesta kinetics parameters in calves fed restricted and ad libitum
DDG, whereas CGM was the least preferred. Soybean meal was the most levels of oat hay. R. S. Dias1, H. O. Patino2, S. López3, E. Prates2,
preferred ingredient in all assays and consumption was clearly greater K. Swanson*1, and J. France1, 1University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,
than for the others ingredients (Table 1). On the other hand, CGM was Canada, 2Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,
the least preferred ingredient in all assays. Results indicate that SBM Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 3IGM, CSIC-Universidad de León, León,
and DDG should be the preferred protein sources and CGM should be Spain.
avoided when formulating starters for calves.
The objective of this study was to elucidate relationships between chew-
ing behavior, digestibility and digesta kinetics parameters in steers fed
Table 1. Ingredient (Ingr) dry matter intake (DMI) per assay (g/30 restricted and ad libitum levels of oat hay. Four male Herefords with an
min) average initial weight of 136 kg were used in an experiment conducted
Ingr 1 DMI 1 Ingr 2 DMI 2 P-value Ingr 1 DMI 1 Ingr 2 DMI 2 P-value as a Latin square with 4 treatments and 4 periods. Animals were fed
DDG 67.77 CGM 11.54 <0.0001 CGM 5.71 PEA 78.02 <0.0001 4 levels of oats hay DM (Avena strigosa L.) namely: 1.5, 2.0, 2.5%
DDG 53.73 PEA 40.90 0.138 CGM 2.06 SBM 159.38 <0.0001 BW/day and ad libitum representing the treatments T1, T2, T3 and
DDG 4.06 SBM 157.17 <0.0001 CGM 2.08 RSM 20.33 <0.0001 T4, respectively. Chewing behavior, digestibility, and digesta kinetics
DDG 59.04 SFM 29.13 <0.0001 CGM 3.21 SFM 145.08 <0.0001 measurements were recorded. Most of the measured parameters were
DDG 49.60 RSM 13.98 <0.0001 PEA 2.31 SBM 63.08 <0.0001 better related to OM intake scaled by metabolic weight. Rumination and
RSM 1.83 SBM 93.04 <0.0001 PEA 8.10 RSM 10.06 0.570 eating chewing rate (chews/min/g OM/kg0.75) decreased with increased
RSM 1.90 SFM 29.08 <0.0001 PEA 12.79 SFM 15.19 0.703 OM intake whereas total chewing and total time spent on each chew-
SFM 26.08 SBM 150.50 <0.0001 ing activity increased. Calculated total energy expended by chewing
activity was 4.2, 4.4, 5.2 and 5.3%, of ME intake for T1, T2, T3 and T4
Key Words: palatability, preferences, intake
respectively. Digestibility of OM, DM, ADF, NDF, hemicellulose and
422 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cellulose decreased with increased OM intake. Retention time (h) was investigated when added to these feeding strategies. A study was con-
strongly related to OM intake (g/kg0.75/day) (r = − 0.85), OM digest- ducted using 40 male and female newborn calves assigned randomly
ibility (r = 0.84) and with ruminating (r = 0.81) and eating chewing rate to a 2 × 2 factorial design to determine the effects on growth in terms
(r = 0.80) highlighting the relationship between chewing behavior and of average daily gain (ADG), and initial/final body weight (BW). The
the digestive process. Fractional outflow rate from the reticulo-rumen treatments consisted of 2 levels of milk replacer: 3 L once a day (3L)
and that from the cecum-colon were positively related to total chews, or 4 L split in 2 feedings daily (4L). The amount of milk replacer (20%
indicating that decrease in particle size facilitates particle flow through CP and 15%Fat) as such was similar (450 g/d), but diluted in the 3L
the digestive tract. In conclusion, the results of this study show that or 4L treatment with (Y) or without (NY) YC addition. Calves were
animals fed a restricted diet altered their chewing behavior when eating weaned at 60 d. BW was measured every 30 d until they were 120 d.
and ruminating by increasing chewing rate (chews/min/g OM/BW0.75), The statistical analysis of this experiment was performed using the
which was also related to retention time and digestibility. MIXED procedure of SAS. 3L or 4L calves had similar initial body
weight (37.37 and 37.42 ± 1.37 kg, respectively; P = 0.98), but calves
Key Words: chewing behavior, digestibility, digesta kinetics
assigned to the Y treatment were significant smaller than NY (34.03
and 40.76 ± 1.37 kg, respectively; P < 0.01). Final weights of animals
T357 Effect of different feeding regimens on growth performance at 120 d followed the same pattern as initial weight. ADG at 60 d of
and health of Sahiwal calves during pre-weaning period. S. A. 3L was similar to 4L calves (0.37 and 0.39 ± 0.03 kg/d, respectively, P
Bhatti*1, M. F. Ahmed1, D. McGill2, M. Sarwar1, M. Afzal3, E. Ullah1, = 0.50), but Y calves had a lower ADG than NY (0.31 vs. 0.44 ± 0.03
M. A. Khan4, M. S. Khan1, R. Bush5, and H. M. Warriach2, 1Univer- kg/d; P = 0.006). There were no effects of milk replacer or YC addition
sity of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 2EH Graham Centre (NSW on ADG at 120 d (0.44 ± 0.02 kg/d). These results suggests that there
Industry and Investment and Charles Sturt University), Wagga Wagga, is no difference between the diluted levels of milk replacer (3L or 4L)
Australia, 3Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Paki- on ADG when grain was offered ad libitum, and that YC-calves had a
stan, 4Livestock Production Research Institute, Bahadurnagar, Okara, lower ADG at 60 d but similar ADG after 120 d.
Pakistan, 5University of Sydney, Camden, Australia. Key Words: calves, milk replacer, yeast culture, average daily gain
The objective of the study was to examine the growth potential of
Sahiwal calves using recommended feeding practices (milk/milk
T359 Utilization of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in dairy
replacer with concentrates and forage) in a clean environment. For this
calf diets. J. A. De Freitas*1, M. S. Schoten1, D. R. Fronchetti1, A.
purpose, Sahiwal calves (n = 48; 24 of each sex 3 ± 2 d of age born
F. Garcez Neto1, and J. C. De Souza2, 1University Federal of Parana,
in January/February 2009) were maintained in raised individual pens
Palotina, Parana, Brazil, 2University Federal of South Mato Grosso,
until weaning at d 84. Four groups each of 12 animals (6 of each sex)
Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
were offered liquid feed as either whole cow′s milk or a commercial
milk replacer (MR; reconstituted to specification; Sprayfo) to 10% of There are few farms that give priority to calf rearing. Most of farms
their body weight (traditional recommendation in Pakistan) from d 3 ± justify that the economic impact of investments in calf rearing does not
2 and solid feed as either a starter ration (SR; prepared at the University provide significant profits. However, feed management practices that
CP = 20%, TDN = 72%) plus Berseem hay (H; Egyptian Clover; CP = can improve animal performance, prevent enteric diseases (diarrhea)
21% TDN = 63%) or H only ad libitum from d 7. The milk or MR was and reduce production costs are of great interest. Among the practices
withdrawn gradually from d 56 until weaned completely by d 84 but not used in food nutrition, the inclusion of some substances (additives)
the solid feed. The data were analyzed using repeated measure analysis in the diet may be responsible for improving digestibility, nutrient
by MIXED procedures of SAS. Calves offered milk grew faster than absorption and thus in the feed conversion. The aim of this study was
those offered MR (357 ± 8 vs. 162 ± 8; P < 0.05) and displayed higher to assess the influence of 3 levels of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
weaning weights (51.6 ± 0.7 vs. 35.2 ± 0.7; P < 0.05). Similarly calves in the Holstein calves diet on the weaning weight (W60), weight gain
offered SR plus H grew faster (311 ± 8 vs. 208 ± 8 g/d; P < 0.05) and from birth to weaning (WG), average daily gain from 0 to 60 d (ADG),
developed higher weaning weights (48.7 ± 0.7 vs. 38.1 ± 0.7 kg; P < concentrate feed conversion (CFC) and diarrhea incidence (ID). Twenty-
0.05) than those fed H alone. Male calves offered milk plus SR and H one Holstein calves were randomly assigned to 3 treatments consist-
showed the highest growth rate and weaning weights (459 ± 16 g/d ing of different levels of yeast in the diet (0, 5 and 10 g/animal/day).
and 62.9 ± 1.4 kg, respectively). The lowest growth rate and weaning Immediately after birth, animals were separated from their mothers and
weights were observed in female calves given MR and H only (108 ± transferred to individual pens where they received 5 L of colostrum for 3
16 g/d and 28.6 ± 1.4 kg, respectively). Calves offered the MR showed d. After that period, the calves received 8 L of colostrum/day divided in
a greater incidence of calf scours than those offered the milk (88 vs. 3 meals. The yeast was mixed with the milk of the first meal. From the
42%, respectively). The feeding of whole milk in combination with 2nd week animals had ad libitum access to concentrate feed containing
starter ration and hay resulted in superior growth rates, higher weaning 18% crude protein and 75% TDN. The amount of concentrate ingested
weights, and healthier calves than the other feeding regimens. was controlled daily. The animals were weighed and had their height
measured at birth and every 15 d (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 d). The data were
Key Words: calf nutrition, milk replacer
analyzed by PROC REG of SAS. It was found a quadratic effect of the
treatments for WG (kg), ADG (kg) and CFC variables. The equations
T358 The effect of feeding different dilution levels of milk replacer and their respective coefficient of determination were: WG = 394167 +
to calves once or twice daily, with or without yeast culture. M. F. 3.8178x - 0.3802x2 (r2 = 0.25), ADG = 0.6567 + 0.0642x - 0.006387x2
Ortega*, H. M. Rodriguez, and M. Vélez, Zamorano University, El (r2 = 0.55) and CFC = 0.4317 + 0.0482x + 0.0046x2 (r2 = 0.55). The
Zamorano, Honduras. addition of yeast culture in the calf diet improved feed conversion into
increased growth.
Conventional feeding in the tropics for calves (2L of milk/milk replacer
twice daily) was compared with a lower intake (3L once daily). Effects Key Words: additives, ruminant nutrition, nutrition efficiency
of live yeast culture (YC; YEA SACC 1026, Alltech, Inc.) addition were
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 423
T360 The effects of feeding fermented soybean meal in calf starter soybean meal as the primary source of protein in the starter diet. Mea-
on growth and performance of dairy calves. T. L. Wolfswinkel*1, sured parameters included weekly weight gains, total weight gained,
H. D. Tyler1, J. E. Cunnick1, T. Waugh2, J. Sewell2, and A. Chestnut3, attitude, appetite, fecal scores, and immunological parameters that
1Iowa State University, Ames, 2Nutra-Flo Protein and Biotech Products, included mitogen proliferation, CD4, CD8, CD45RO, and B-cell counts
Sioux City, IA, 3Vigortone Ag Products, Brookville, OH. which were measured by flow cytometry. None of the measured growth
and health parameters were significantly different between the calves
The use of soybean meal in animal diets is primarily limited to adult ani-
on the control and treatment diets. Weaning age was older for calves on
mals due to the inefficient digestibility of soy proteins by young animals
the fermented soybean meal in comparison to the soybean meal based
and the susceptibility of young animals to antinutritional compounds
starter diet (P = 0.0422). Immunological data showed no differences
in soybeans that are either not properly processed or undercooked.
in the development and responsiveness of the immune system between
The objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of fermented
groups of calves receiving different treatments. This data suggests that
soybean meal for use in dairy calf starter diets in place of soybean
growth and performance of calves fed fermented soybean meal based
meal. The experiment was conducted using 66 dairy bull calves that
starter diets are similar to those fed soybean meal based diets.
were randomly assigned to either the control diet, containing soybean
meal (SBM) as the primary source of protein in the starter diet, or the Key Words: fermented soybean meal, calves, immune system devel-
treatment diet, containing fermented soybean meal (FSBM) in place of opment
424 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Rumen Metabolism
T361 In vitro methane production from increasing levels of corn- or and averaged 46, 27 and 6 (SEM = 3.74) mg/g DM for the CONTROL,
wheat-based dried distillers grains with solubles. M. Hünerberg*1, LOW DDGS and HIGH DDGS. In addition, treatment did not affect (P
L. Holtshausen2, T. A. McAllister2, K. A. Beauchemin2, and E. Okine1, = 0.25) the estimate of yeast crude protein and averaged 0.05, 0.09 and
1University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri- 0.19 (SEM = 0.06) mg/kg DM for the CONTROL, LOW DDGS and
Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada. HIGH DDGS. Fermentation time did not affect (P = 0.66) the estimates
of bacterial crude protein and were 197 and 189 (SEM = 12.38) mg/g
Increasing dietary fat levels have shown to depress ruminal methane
DM at 0 and 48h. However, time affected (P < 0.05) the estimates of
(CH4) production, but the reduction may depend upon the dietary
protozoal crude protein and were 14 and 39 (SEM = 3.14) mg/g DM at
forage to concentrate ratio. The objective of this study was to compare
0 and 48h and the interaction of treatment by time was significant (P <
in vitro CH4 production from wheat- or corn-based dried distillers
0.05). Furthermore, time did not affect (P = 0.66) the estimates of yeast
grains with solubles (WDDGS, CDDGS). The WDDGS (4.9% crude
crude protein and were 0.09 and 0.12 (SEM = 0.04) mg/kg DM at 0 and
fat) and CDDGS (11.5% crude fat) replaced barley silage as substrate
48h. With real-time PCR, it was possible to estimate the variation of
at levels of 0, 20, 40, 60 or 100% (DM basis). Each treatment, dried
ruminal bacterial, protozoal and yeast crude protein. Level of DDGS
and ground through a 1-mm screen, was incubated (n = 5) in Ankom
may affect the in vitro microbial growth.
bags in 125-mL sealed batch culture flasks (0.3 g substrate + 40 mL of
anaerobic medium and 10 mL of inoculum). The inoculum was obtained Key Words: bacteria, protozoa, real-time PCR, yeast
from cows fed a high forage (65% of diet DM) diet. Gas pressures aris-
ing from substrate fermentation were measured at 3, 6, 12 and 24 h post
inoculation. Pressure values, corrected for gas released from 3 negative T363 Effects of low dose of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on metabo-
controls (no substrate) were used to generate volume estimates. Gas lism by ruminal microbes in dual flow continuous culture ferment-
samples collected at the same 4 time points were analyzed for CH4 con- ers. M. Ruiz-Moreno*1, M. D. Stern1, and J. Sullivan2, 1University
centration. Disappearance of DM and VFA concentration in incubation of Minnesota, St Paul, 2Lallemand Animal Nutrition - North America,
liquid were measured at 24 h. Production of CH4 increased linearly (r2 Milwaukee, WI.
= 0.98) for CDDGS from 15.2 to 33.3 mL CH4/g of DM loss at 20 and Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) on rumen fermentation were
100% DDGS, respectively. Production of CH4 was greater (P < 0.01) evaluated using a dual flow continuous culture system. Eight fermenters
for WDDGS (averaging 32.6 ± 0.3 mL/g DM loss) than for CDDGS were inoculated with ruminal fluid from a dairy cow in early lactation
at 20, 40 and 60% of inclusion rates. The percentages of propionate in on d 1 of a 10-d experimental period. Fermenters were provided with
fluid were greater (P < 0.01) for CDDG (22.3, 21.3 and 20.3% of total 75 g of DM/d of a pelleted diet formulated for a high lactating dairy
VFA) than for WDDGS (19.4, 19.4 and 19.5% of total VFA) at 20, 40 cow (40 kg milk/d, 3.8% fat, 3.7% protein). Two levels of SC (Levucell,
and 60% of inclusion. The results suggest: (i) in vitro CH4 production SC20, Lallemand) at 0 or 2 mg/fermenter/day (SC0 and SC2, respec-
as per unit of DM loss is lower at lower DDGS inclusion rates (ii) tively) were infused twice a day at 0900 and 2100 h to the fermenters
including CDDGS, most likely as response to its higher fat content, in a completely randomized arrangement of treatments. The latter
produced less CH4 per unit of DM loss then including WDDG at up to concentration would be equivalent to supplementing 0.5 g/d of SC to
60% of dietary DM. a dairy cow. Apparent and true organic matter degradability were not
Key Words: methane, dried distillers grains with solubles, in vitro affected (P > 0.05) by SC averaging 55.6 vs. 56.0 and 65.5 vs. 64.7%
for SC0 and SC2, respectively. Similarly, no differences were obtained
(P > 0.05) in NDF and ADF digestibility (51.1 vs. 49.4% and 50.3 vs.
T362 The impact of DDGS on presence of ruminal bacteria, 48.1% for SC0 and SC2, respectively). Total VFA concentrations were
ruminal protozoa and yeast during in vitro fermentation. E. not affected (P > 0.05) by treatments (140.2 and 140.8 mM for SC0 and
Castillo-Lopez*, J. L. Miner, and P. J. Kononoff, University of Nebraska- SC2, respectively). There was a trend (P < 0.1) for a higher branched
Lincoln, Lincoln. chain VFA (isobutyrate, isovalerate and 2-methylbutyrate) concentra-
tion in SC0 compared with SC2 (2.34 vs. 1.82 mM, respectively). The
Changes in ruminal microbial populations is of interest because of their
addition of SC resulted in a lower (P < 0.05) NH3-N concentration and
role in feed degradation and metabolizable protein supply to the animal.
NH3-N flow (6.28 vs. 3.85 mg/100 mL and 0.19 vs. 0.12 g/d for SC0
The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of dried
and SC2, respectively), without affecting (P > 0.05) CP degradation and
distillers grains and solubles (DDGS) on presence of ruminal bacteria,
efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (35.7 vs. 29% and 29.1 vs. 25.8
protozoa and yeast during in vitro fermentation. Treatments were,
g of N/kg OM truly digested for SC0 and SC2, respectively). Average
CONTROL (50% grass hay and 50% rolled-corn), LOW DDGS (33%
and minimum pH of fermenters did not differ between treatments (P
grass hay, 33% rolled-corn and 33% DDGS) and HIGH DDGS (100%
> 0.05) but a trend (P < 0.1) for a lower maximum pH was obtained
DDGS). Substrates were incubated in rumen inoculum and replicated
at 5.78 vs. 5.71 for SC0 and SC2, respectively. A low dose of SC may
3 times. At 0 and 48h fermentation a pellet was isolated from each
benefit NH3-N metabolism, without having any negative effects on in
sample, then bacterial, protozoal and yeast crude protein was estimated
vitro rumen fermentation.
by real-time PCR. To do so, microbial markers were designed from
the 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA and the second chromosome; for bacteria, Key Words: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, rumen, continuous ferment-
protozoa and yeast. Data were analyzed as a 3 × 2 factorial design to ers
test the effects of 3 treatments, 2 time points and interaction between
treatment and time. Treatment did not (P = 0.31) affect the estimates of
bacterial crude protein and averaged 206, 200 and 171 (SEM = 16.08) T364 Effects of copper and zinc on in vitro ruminal fermentation
mg/g DM for the CONTROL, LOW DDGS and HIGH DDGS. However, of total mixed ration using goat inoculum. J. F. Vázquez-Armijo1,
treatment affected (P < 0.05) the estimate of protozoal crude protein R. Rojo*1, D. López1, A. Z. M. Salem1, and J. M. González-Alvarado2,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 425
1UniversidadAutónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario in the EF group was negatively correlated with milk fat percentage (r =
UAEM Temascaltepec, Temascaltepec, México, México, 2Universidad −0.91) and yield (r = −0.89). However, no decrease in de novo synthesis
Autónoma de Tlaxcala, Facultad de Agrobiología, Ixtacuixtla, Tlaxcala, of less than 16 carbons FAs was found in the EF group, whereas C16:0
México. yield were markedly decreased. Moreover, C16:0 yield in the EF cows
was negatively correlated with 18:3n-3 content (r = −0.91) and yield (r
One in vitro experiment was conducted to examine the effects of supple-
= −0.65) in milk fat. It appears that the enrichment of 18:3n-3 in milk
mental copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) on ruminal parameters, in vitro dry
fat is limited to ≈2%, and it is negatively correlated with milk fat content
matter degradability (IVDMD), gas production (GP) and metabolizable
and yield. It might also be speculated that C18:3n-3 itself suppresses de
energy (ME) (MJ kg−1 DM). Total mixed ration was incubated in vitro for
novo synthesis of C16:0, but not lower chain FAs, which reduced the
96 h with 4 different supplemental treatments (Control, Cu (860 ppm),
overall milk fat content in milk.
Zn (224 ppm), Cu-Zn (860–224 ppm)) provided as mineral premixed.
Added Zn increased fraction B (ml g−1 DM), but added Zn-Cu treatment Key Words: omega-3, milk fat
decreased fraction B. Supplemental treatments did not alter the initial
delay before gas production begins (L) and IVDMD (g−1 DM). Added
Cu tended to increase the amount of GP (ml g−1 DM) at 24, 48 and 96 T366 Effect of grain source and milling process in ethanol pro-
h (GP24, GP48, and GP96, respectively) of incubation. Cu treatment was duction on nutrient contents and in vitro digestibility of ethanol
the highest value for the fraction the rate of gas production (K) and ME, by-product. W. Z. Yang*1, T. A. McAllister1, J. J. Mckinnon2, K.
while Zn was the lowest values. In conclusion, the addition of Cu to in A. Beauchemin1, and D. Gibb1, 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
vitro ruminal fermentation was found to increase gas production volume Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, Canada, 2Department of Animal
and efficient use of energy. and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK,
Table 1. In vitro ruminal fermentation parameters of total mixed Dried distiller grains with solubles (DDGS) can be derived from ethanol
ration with different supplemental treatments fermentation of varying with type of grains (e.g., corn, wheat, or blend of
the 2) or milling process (traditional and fractional). Traditional DDGS
Parameters Control Zn Cu Zn-Cu SEM
contain the residual components (bran, protein, germ, and minerals) of
B 273.57bc 334.90a 288.80b 241.63c 10.78 0.004
the grain after the majority of the starch has been fermented, whereas,
K 0.014c 0.008d 0.037a 0.019b 0.003 <0.001
fractional DDGS contain no residual bran and germ which are removed
L 0.87 1.32 1.78 0.68 0.19 0.153
before fermentation. The objective of this study was to compare the nutri-
GP24 69.35c 58.51c 169.39a 90.72b 13.22 <0.001 ent content and in vitro digestibility of different DDGS. Sixty DDGS
GP48 140.68bc 114.03c 237.07a 153.22b 14.11 <0.001 samples varying grain source and milling process were collected from
GP96 202.61b 182.96b 291.02a 210.02b 12.84 <0.001 different ethanol plants in Canada and in US. The DDGS samples were
IVDMD 724.30 714.16 707.07 703.33 4.09 0.309 determined for the contents of CP, NDF and fat, and were incubated in
ME 15.14c 14.40c 21.94a 16.59b 0.90 <0.001 a batch culture for 0, 4, 8, 14, 24 and 48 h to measure gas production
and DM digestion (DMD). The CP content (% DM) was different (P
Different superscripts in the same row differ (P<0.05). < 0.01) with the highest (51.8) for fractional corn DDGS, medium for
Key Words: gas production, minerals, goats wheat (37.9) and blend DDGS (35.9), and the lowest for corn DDGS
(30.6). The NDF content (% DM) was lower (P < 0.01) for fractional
DDGS (24.5), but the fat content (% DM) was higher (P < 0.01) for corn
T365 Effects of high rates of extruded flaxseed fed to dairy cows DDGS (10.1) than for other DDGS (mean ± SD; NDF, 32.0 ± 1.4; fat,
on n-3 fatty acids enrichment in milk-fat and the interaction with 4.3 ± 0.4). DMD linearly (P < 0.01) increased with increasing time of
milk fat content and yield. U. Moallem*1, M. Zachut1,2, H. Lehrer1, batch culture, and no plateau was obtained after 48 h of fermentation.
L. Livshitz1, and A. Arieli2, 1Agriculture Research Organization, Bet The DMD were lower (P < 0.01) for fractional corn DDGS after 24
Dagan, Israel, 2Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University, Rehovot, h (33%) and 48 h (42%) of fermentation than for other DDGS (mean
Israel. ± SD; 24h, 44 ± 2.1%; 48h, 54 ± 2.8%). The gas production followed
The objectives were to examine the effects of high rates of dietary the same variation pattern of the DMD. The results indicate that the
extruded flaxseed (EF) containing high proportion of C18:3n-3 on nutrient contents of DDGS and extent of digestion varied with DDGS
fatty acids (FAs) composition in milk fat, and the interaction with milk source. The information on the type of grain used and milling process
fat content and yield. Multiparous Israeli-Holstein dry cows (256 d before ethanol fermentation is needed to choose DDGS for accurately
pregnant) were assigned to 2 treatments: (i) control (n = 22) were fed formulating ruminant diet.
a dry cow diet and postpartum (PP) lactating cow diet, and (ii) EF (n Key Words: distillers grain, nutrient content and digestion, batch
= 22) supplemented prepartum with 1 kg/d per cow of EF providing culture
141 g/d of C18:3n-3, and PP to 100 d in milk a diet consisted of 9.2%
EF providing on average 382 g/d of C18:3n-3. Milk solids content was
determined from 3 consecutive milkings every 2 weeks. Composition T367 In vitro digestion and gas production of two varieties of barley
of FAs in milk fat was determined in 50 milk samples (24 controls and grain sown with different seeding and N fertilization rates in seven
26 EF). Milk production was 6.4% higher and fat percentage was 0.4% sites across Canada. W. Z. Yang*1, T. A. McAllister1, M. Oba2, and
units lower in the EF group than in the control, with no differences in D. Gibb1, 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Research Centre, Leth-
fat yields. Content and yield of C18:3n-3 in milk fat was 5.1 and 4.6 bridge, AB, Canada, 2Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional
times higher in the EF group than in controls, respectively. However, Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
the content of C18:3n-3 in milk fat reached a maximum of ≈2% and Seeding rate (SR) and N fertilizer application rate (NR) have the poten-
increasing the dietary supply of C18:3n-3 did not benefit to enrich milk tial to alter the starch and protein content of the grain as well as the rate
fat. Within group test revealed that the content of C18:3n-3 in milk fat and extent of its digestion. The objective of this study was to determine
426 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
whether SR and NR change DM digestion (DMD) and gas production T369 The effect of body condition at calving and supplementation
(GP) of barley grain in batch culture. Two malting barley varieties, with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on energy status and some reproduc-
Copeland and Metcalfe, were seeded at rates of 200 or 400 plants/m2 tive parameters in early lactation dairy cows. R. M. Al Ibrahim*,
with N fertilizer at rates of 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg/ha, respectively, M. A. Crowe, P. Duffy, L. O`Grady, M. E. Beltman, and F. J. Mulligan,
from 7 sites across Canada. Total 560 samples (i.e., 7 sites × 2 varieties University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland.
× 2 SR × 5 NR × 4 replications) were collected and ground through a
The objective was to examine potential benefits of live yeast culture
6-mm screen. Fermentability was assessed by measuring in vitro GP
(YS) supplementation on postpartum (PP) energy status and fertility
and DMD at 0, 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 h of incubation. The CP content (%
indices of dairy cows managed to have low or high body condition score
DM) of malt barley linearly (P < 0.01) increased from 10.3 to 12.2,
(BCS, 1 – 5 scale) at calving. Forty Holstein dairy cows were randomly
whereas the starch content (% DM) linearly (P < 0.01) decreased from
allocated to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement. Treatments were: BCS at
61.6 to 59.8 with increasing NR. The SR had marginal effect on the
calving (low, L ≤3.5 or high, H ≥3.75; n = 20) and YS supplementation
contents of CP and starch of barley grains. The DMD after 24 h of batch
(2.5 g/cow/d for pre-calving and 10 g/cow/d for post-calving × 109 CFU
fermentation ranged on average from 36 to 42% for both varieties and
of S. cerevisiae/g) (supplemented, Y or control, C; n = 20). Daily milk
were overall not affected by the SR or NR. There were only one of 7
yield was recorded and weekly milk composition, BCS and BW were
sites where the SR decreased (P < 0.01) DMD of Copeland by 12%, but
assessed from calving to wk 10 PP. Estimated energy balance PP was
increased (P < 0.01) the DMD of Metcalfe by 17%. The NR linearly (P
calculated on a weekly basis individually as the difference between the
< 0.01) reduced DMD of Copeland from 2 sites and reduced DMD of
net energy (NE) intake and the sum of NE for maintenance and milk
Metcalfe from one site. There was interaction (P < 0.01) between SR
production. Insulin and IGF-I concentrations were determined on d 14
and NR on GP: the GP was higher (P < 0.01) for 60NR when SR was
and 7 pre-calving and 1, 5, 15, 25 and 35 PP. Daily ovarian ultrasonog-
200, whereas GP was lower (P < 0.01) for 120NR when SR was 400
raphy was performed from d 10 PP to monitor the size and development
compared with other NR, respectively. This work demonstrates that
of the first dominant follicle, first ovulatory follicle and days to first
the NR changed nutrient content of barley grains and would affect its
ovulation PP. Pre-ovulatory peak of serum estradiol concentration was
ruminal degradation rate as shown by the variation of GP.
determined. Data were analyzed using the Mixed procedure in SAS v
Key Words: malt barley grain, DM digestion, batch culture 9.1, 2004. Cows in H group (over-conditioned) at calving ingested less
NE, produced more milk NE output, and consequently had a significantly
(P < 0.05) exacerbated negative energy balance in comparison with L
T368 Impact of monensin on rumen microbiota and its stochastic group (moderately conditioned) during early lactation. Higher (P <
succession. P. Kongmun*1,2, M. Wanapat1, and Z. Yu2, 1Department 0.05) insulin concentrations and a tendency for higher (P = 0.06) preo-
of Animal Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand, vulatory peak estradiol concentrations in L group were detected in the
40002, 2Department of Animal Science, The Ohio State University. early PP period. Feeding YS had no effect on energy status of lactating
This study examined the long-term effects of monensin on rumen dairy cows with high or low BCS at calving, while it improved serum
microbiota and the effect of monensin on the stochasticity of rumen insulin concentration, preovulatory peak of estradiol and the size of first
microbiota using an in vitro model. Rumen fluid samples were collected ovulatory follicle in the early PP period. These observed effects of YS
from 2 Holstein Friesian cows at 6 h post-feeding and constituted into supplementation require to be substantiated with further research.
a composite sample as the inoculum. Two sets of cultures (n = 5 each) Key Words: dairy cows, yeast culture, energy balance, reproduction
were incubated at 39°C under anaerobic condition: the monensin cul-
tures contained 5 ppm monensin, while the control cultures contained
no monensin. The cultures were transferred every 2 d for 15 d. Samples T370 Effect of supplemented diets with sucrose and/or starch on
were collected over the course of the incubation and subjected to analysis ruminal peptide-N concentration of Holstein steers. M. Danesh
for microbiota using both DGGE and sequencing analysis of 16S rRNA Mesgaran*, F. Rezaii, A. R. Heravi Moussavi, and A. Vakili, Dept.
genes. The monensin cultures had fewer bands than the control cultures, Animal Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
especially in the high-denaturant area of the DGGE gel that corresponds
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of diets containing
to bacteria with low GC contact. Principal component analysis (PCA) of
different types of non-fiber carbohydrates [sucrose (Su), starch (St) or
the DGGE profiles also showed clear differences between the monensin
equal mixture of Su and St (Su+St)] on ruminal peptide-N concentra-
and the control cultures, with samples collected at d 9 exhibiting the
tion of Holstein steers. Four ruminally fistulated steers (body weight =
greatest difference. Considerable temporal successions of the microbiota
280 ± 15 kg) were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square with 28 d periods.
were also evident in both sets of cultures, especially during the initial 9 d
The basal diet contained alfalfa hay, barley grain, soybean meal and
of the incubation. Both the DGGE banding patterns and the PCA analysis
sugar beet pulp (400, 290, 190 and 50 g/kg respectively). The non-fiber
of the DGGE profiles showed variations among the 5 replicates within
carbohydrates were added to the basal diet at the rate of 70 g/kg DM.
the same set of cultures. Because all the cultures were grown in identi-
Diets were offered at 2.5 times of the maintenance requirements (7 kg
cal test tubes under identical conditions, we attributed these variations
DM/day). Animals were fed twice daily at 08:30 and 16:30. Samples
among replicates to stochastic succession. It is interesting to note that
of rumen contents were taken, by suction, at 0.0, 2, 4 and 6 h after the
the early monensin cultures had little stochastic succession among the 5
morning feed. Ruminal fluid was prepared for peptide-N analysis using
replicates. A total of 233 random clones were sequenced from individual
sulfate-tungstate precipitation method. Tungstate acid-precipitate nitro-
16S rRNA gene libraries. At 97% sequence identity level, 46 unique
gen was assayed by a standard macro-Kjeldahl procedure. Data were
phylotypes were identified that were assigned to genera of Firmicutes,
analyzed using mixed procedure of SAS (2003) for repeated measures.
Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and uncultured bacteria. PCA analysis
Results of the present experiment indicate that peptide-N concentration
of these phylotypes is concordant with that of the DGGE profiles. The
tended to be lower when steers were fed Su, St and Su+St than BD (P =
observations in this study may help explain, at least partially, the varia-
0.09). Mean Peptide-N concentrations of the sampling times were BD
tions often observed among individual animals fed the same diet.
= 2.1, Su = 1.7, St = 1.4 and Su+St = 1.5 mg/dL. Therefore, it might be
Key Words: monensin, rumen microbiota, stochasticity concluded that the nitrogen metabolism in the rumen is affected by the
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 427
type of non-fiber carbohydrates used in the present diets. The effect of experiment 1, the EPE was added to the DDGS at 0, 0.7, 1.4, and 2.1
sampling time on Peptide-N concentrations was significant (P < 0.05). mg/g DM in a filter bag, and they were incubated for 24 h in gas-tight
Peptide-N concentrations showed a quadratic significant response to culture vials (125-mL capacity) with ruminal fluid. The EPE addition
the sampling time (P < 0.05). Peptide-N concentrations increased after resulted in quadratic responses on degradability of DM, NDF, and ADF,
the morning feeding and declined at 6 h after that. The concentrations and its optimum dose rate was found at 1.4 mg/g DM. In experiment
of peptide-N at 6 h after the morning feeding (BD = 1.8, Su = 1.4, St = 2, efficacy of the EPE added at 1.4 mg/g DM to DDGS was assessed
1.2 and Su+St = 1.3 mg/dL) was less than those of before feeding (BD for 96 h using the Daisy II in vitro fermentation system (Ankom Corp.,
= 1.9, Su = 1.6, St = 1.3 and Su+St = 1.4 mg/dL). Macedon, NY). Degradability of NDF and ADF increased starting at
18 h of incubation. In experiment 3, efficacy of the EPE was further
Key Words: rumen, peptide-N, carbohydrates
investigated using beef growing and finishing TMR diets containing
20% DDGS on a DM basis. Experimental procedures were the same
T371 Effect of diets supplemented by sucrose and/or starch on as those used in experiment 2. Addition of the EPE tended to increase
in vivo ruminal Ruminococcus flavefaciens populations of Holstein (P = 0.07) NDF degradability of growing and finishing diets at 12 h of
steers determined by real time-PCR. M. Danesh Mesgaran*, F. incubation, but the effect of EPE on fiber degradation of beef diets was
Rezaii, A. R. Moussavi Heravi, M. Nassiri, and A. Vakili, Dept. Animal minor at the later hours of incubation. Total VFA production did not
Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. differ due to EPE addition in beef diets. Adding EPE in DDGS as a single
substrate resulted in a sizable increase in DM and fiber degradability,
The objective of the present work was to investigate the effect of diets but its effects were reduced when added in beef growing and finishing
containing different types of non-fiber carbohydrates on Ruminococcus diets containing approximately 20% DDGS. It is recommended that
flavefaciens populations in the rumen fluid of Holstein steers determined the EPE be further evaluated in a beef steer growth study using diets
by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Four ruminally containing relatively high DDGS inclusion rates.
fistulated Holstein steers (body weight = 280 ± 15 kg) were assigned
to a 4x4 Latin square with 28 d of each period. Basal diet (BD) was Key Words: exogenous proteolytic enzyme, dried distillers grains with
formulated to contain of alfalfa hay, barley grain, soybean meal and solubles, in vitro fermentation
sugar beet pulp (400, 290, 190 and 50 g/ kg DM, respectively). Sucrose
(Su), starch (St) or a 1:1 mixture of Su and St (Su+St) was added to the
T373 Effects of eugenol addition on milk fatty acid composition
basal (70 g/ kg DM). Diets were offered as 2.5 times of maintenance
of dairy cows fed high- or low-concentrate diets. C. Benchaar*1,
requirements (7 kg DM/d) at 0830 and 1630 h. Rumen fluid samples
W. Z. Yang2, H. V. Petit1, and P. Y. Chouinard3, 1Agriculture and
were collected before and 4 h after the morning feeding at the last day
Agri-Food Canada, Dairy and Swine R&D Centre, Sherbrooke, QC,
of each period. Samples were analyzed for Ruminococcus flavefaciens
Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethridge Research
quantitation using RT-PCR. The DNA extraction was performed from the
Centre, AB, Canada, 3Université, Département des Sciences Animales,
samples using the QIAamp DNA stool mini kit (Qiagen Ltd, Crawley,
Québec, QC, Canada.
West Sussex, UK). Ruminococcus flavefaciens rDNA concentrations
were measured by RT-PCR relative to the total bacteria amplification Four primiparous lactating cows (BW = 568 kg; DIM = 67) were used
(ΔΔCt). The 16s rRNA gene-targeted primer sets used in the present in a 4 × 4 Latin square design (28-d periods) with a 2 × 2 factorial
study were forward: CGAACGGAGATAATTTGAGTTTACTTAGG arrangement of treatments to determine the effects of eugenol (EUG)
and reverse: CGGTCTCTGTATGTTATGAGGTATTACC. Cycling addition (0 vs. 50 mg/kg of DMI) and concentrate proportion of the
conditions were 95°C for 5 min, 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s, 60°C for 15 diet (high-concentrate: HC vs. low-concentrate: LC; 65 vs. 35%, DM
s and 72°C for 30 s. Data were expressed relative to the quantification basis) on milk fatty acid (FA) composition. Diets contained 17.2% CP
of the total bacterial population, and analyzed using mixed procedure and were formulated to be isocaloric (NEL = 1.65 Mcal/kg DM) using
of SAS (2003) and means were compared by the Tukey test at P < 0.05. a commercial source of calcium salts of long-chain FA (Megalac) in
Present results indicate that the supplementation of the basal diet with LC diets. Analyses of FA were performed on pooled samples collected
Su+St tended to decrease (P = 0.07) the relative population of Rumi- from 4 consecutive milkings (d 22 to 23). Data were analyzed as a 2 ×
nococcus flavefaciens in the rumen samples taken before the morning 2 factorial using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary,
feeding (95 × 10−5 vs. 279 × 10−5). The adding of Su to the basal diet NC). Significance was declared at P ≤ 0.05 and tendency at 0.05 < P
increased the population of Ruminococcus flavefaciens (8689 × 10−5) ≤ 0.10. No interaction concentrate level × EUG was observed for any
compared with BD (P = 0.06; 279 × 10−5) and Su+St (P = 0.05; 307 × of the FA measured. Milk FA profile was not changed by EUG supple-
10−5) in the rumen samples of 4 h after the morning feeding. mentation. Proportions (g/100 g of total FA) of C16:0 (28.2 vs. 24.5%)
and cis-9 C18:1 (19.4 vs. 16.1%) were higher while the proportion of
Key Words: rumen, carbohydrates, Ruminococcus
cis-9, cis-12 C18:2 (2.04 vs. 2.69%) was lower in milk fat of cows fed
LC diets than in that of cows fed HC diets. Milk fat concentrations of
T372 Exogenous proteolytic enzyme increases degradation of trans-10 C18:1 (0.34 vs. 0.30%), trans-11 C18:1 (1.06 vs. 0.96%; P =
dried distillers grains with solubles during in vitro ruminal fermen- 0.08), and cis-9, trans-11 C18:2 (CLA; 0.53 vs. 0.44%) increased in
tation. J. M. Vera, J.-S. Eun*, D. R. ZoBell, and A. J. Young, Utah cows fed LC diets as compared with cows fed HC diets, but the ratio
State University, Logan. trans-11 C18:1 to trans-10 C18:1 was not significantly affected by con-
centrate proportion. These results suggest that under the experimental
We performed a series of in vitro batch culture experiments to assess conditions of this study, neither the addition of EUG (50 mg/kg of DMI)
if an exogenous proteolytic enzyme (EPE) would improve degradation nor the increase in dietary concentrate proportion of the diet modified
of dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) and beef growing and the pathway of biohydrogenation of FA in the rumen.
finishing TMR diets containing DDGS. A commercial enzyme product
(Protex 6L, Genencor Division of Danisco, Rochester, NY) having only Key Words: essential oil/eugenol, concentrate proportion, milk fatty
a protease activity was investigated in this study. In all experiments, acid
strained ruminal fluid was obtained from 2 cannulated beef cows. In
428 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
T374 Effects of sugar beet pulp substituted for ground corn on the + 0.012X + 77.2, R2 = 0.96). Inversely, PPT quadratically increased the
performance and health of Chinese Holstein dairy cows. M. Wang, molar proportion of propionate (Y = 0.0001X2 − 0.006X + 13.1, R2 =
J. Y. Zhang, J. Q. Wang*, D. P. Bu, L. Y. Zhou, and P. Sun, State Key 0.97) with PPT160 producing still less propionate than MON (14.6 vs.
Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese 18.4 mol/100 mol). Increasing doses of PPT quadratically decreased CH4
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. production (Y=-0.0006X2 + 0.042X + 14.61, R2 = 0.97) with PPT160
producing 6.01 μL/L (compared with CON = 14.3 and MON = 1.8 μL/L).
Sixty multiparous Holstein cows (60 ± 22 DIM, 31.2 ± 6.2 kg of milk/d)
Furthermore, in order to take into consideration the parallel reduction
were used to study the effect of sugar beet pulp (SBP) substituted for
in CH4 and VFA, the ratio CH4/VFA was also analyzed, resulting in
ground corn on performance, nutritional status as measured using blood
decrease by PPT dose (Y = −7.10−6X2 = 5.10−4X + 0.174, R2 = 0.94)
metabolites and health. Cows were randomly divided into 2 pens and
with PPT160 being associated with a 50.3% decrease. The present results
within each pen where 3 groups (control, 20SBP or 40SBP) and each
indicated that a garlic extract standardized in thiosulfonates exhibited
group comprised of 10 cows (n = 10). The cows were fed a diet con-
promising effect on reduction of CH4 production in vitro. An in vitro
taining either ground corn (control) or SBP (20% or 40% of the ground
dose between 120 and 160 mg/L may be optimal.
corn replaced with SBP on the basis of corn DM, 20SBP and 40SBP)
as the main energy source. Cows were fed 3 times daily in a tie-stall Key Words: methane, garlic, in vitro
barn. Feed intake was recorded daily. Cows were milked 3 times daily.
Blood samples were collected monthly via venous puncture from coc-
cygeal vein 2 h after morning feeding. Data were analyzed statistically T376 In vitro methane production by ruminal microorganisms
by using PROC MIXED of SAS. The results showed that dry matter is affected by the diet of donor animals. M. L. Tejido1,2, M. J.
intake (21.45, 21.58 and 21.56 kg/d), milk production (28.52, 28.45 and Ranilla*1,2, C. Saro1,2, and M. D. Carro1,2, 1Dpto. Producción Animal,
27.89 kg/d), energy corrected milk (ECM, 28.50, 28.76, 28.33 kg/d) Universidad de León, 24071, León, Spain, 2Instituto de Ganadería de
were not effected by increasing SBP substitution (P > 0.05). The milk Montaña (CSIC-ULE), Finca Marzanas s/n, 24346 Grulleros, León,
protein (2.95, 2.98, 3.04%), milk fat (3.55, 3.65, 3.66%), milk lactose Spain.
(4.73, 4.78, 4.79%), total solids (TS,12.18,12.33,12.43%), and solid Six rumen-fistulated sheep were fed 4 diets in a partially replicated 4 ×
non-fat (SNF, 8.53, 8.58, 8.66%) showed no significant differences 4 Latin square design to investigate the effects of forage to concentrate
among 3 treatments. In blood metabolite, the concentrations of blood ratio (F:C) and type of forage (FOR) in the diet on in vitro methane
urea nitrogen (BUN, 23.39, 19.76, 20.94 mg/dl) and glucose (52.34, production. The diets consisted on either 70:30 (HF) or 30:70 (HC) F:C
44.2, 44.66 mg/dl) decreased when cows fed SBP in the diets (P < 0.01). ratio, and either alfalfa hay (A) or grass hay (G) as FOR. In each period,
Nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) and β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) con- ruminal fluid from each sheep was used to inoculate batch cultures con-
centrations were not significantly different among treatments. Manure taining the same 4 diets as substrate. Cultures were incubated at 39°C for
score was lower (2.97, 2.85, 2.89, respectively) for 20SBP than for the 24 h. There were no F:C x FOR interactions (P > 0.05) for any measured
other treatments (P < 0.05). However, no significant differences existed variable. Methane and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) production was
among 3 treatments on somatic cell counts (SCC), body condition score 17.5 and 10.0% times greater (P < 0.05) with HC-inoculum compared
(BCS), locomotion score, and average body weight (P > 0.05). The with HF-inoculum. Changing the F:C in the diet of sheep did not affect
results indicate that supplemented dried sugar beet pulp is equal to corn (P > 0.05) propionate production for any substrate, but production of
as an energy source for lactating dairy cows when fed at the replacing butyrate was augmented (P < 0.01) as F:C increased. Methane:VFA
20 and 40% of corn the DM. ratio and apparent dry matter digestibility were not affected (P > 0.05)
Key Words: sugar beet pulp, ground corn, performance by F:C in the diet of sheep. For all substrates, inoculum from sheep fed
A diets promoted greater (P < 0.05) production of methane and total
and individual VFA, as well as greater (P < 0.01) acetate:propionate
T375 Garlic botanical reduces methane production in rumen fluid ratios and apparent dry matter digestibility compared with inoculum
determined in vitro. S. Cavini1, D. Bravo2, S. Calsamiglia1, G. F. from sheep fed G diets. Methane:VFA ratio was greater (P < 0.05) with
Schroeder*3, M. Rodriguez1, and A. Ferret1, 1Universitat Autonoma de A-inoculum compared with G-inoculum for HC substrates, but no effect
Barcelona, Spain, 2Pancosma, Geneva, Switzerland, 3Cargill Innovation of FOR was observed for HF substrates.
Campus, Elk River, MN. There were clear differences in methane production among inocula
from different sheep, which persisted across diets and substrates.
The intent of this study was to evaluate the effect of increasing doses
Methane emission estimated from VFA production was about 21%
of a particular garlic extract standardized in propyl propyl thiosulfonate
greater (P < 0.001) than that directly measured, but both values were
(PPT) on rumen fermentation pattern and methane production in vitro.
significantly related (r = 0.612; P < 0.001; n = 128). The results
The effect of PPT on in vitro microbial fermentation using ruminal
indicate that methane production in vitro is affected by both F:C ratio
fluid from a dairy cow was determined using the gas production tech-
and type of forage in the diet of donors, and these variables should be
nique. Thirty milliliters of a 1:4 ruminal fluid-to-buffer solution were
taken into account when conducting in vitro experiments.
introduced into glass polypropylene tubes supplied with 0.5 g of DM
of a 60:40 forage:concentrate diet and incubated for 72 h at 39°C.
Gas production was measured and samples were collected for VFA, Key Words: methane, forage:concentrate ratio, forage
ammonia, and methane (CH4) concentrations. Treatments were control
(CON), 20, 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg/L of PPT (abbreviated PPT20 to
PPT160) and 500 mg/L of Monensin (MON) as positive control. Each T377 Hydrogen sulfide release by ruminal microbes maintained
treatment was tested in duplicate and in 2 replicated periods. Results in batch culture. M. Ruiz-Moreno*1, E. Seitz1, J. Garrett2, and M.
were analyzed with PROC MIXED and PROC REG of SAS. The PPT D. Stern1, 1University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2Quali Tech Inc., Chaska,
linearly decreased total VFA (Y = −0.084X + 86.20, R2=0.76) with MN.
PPT160 producing more VFA (69.7 mM) than MON (57.9 mM). The PPT
quadratically depressed the molar proportion of acetate (Y = −0.0002X2
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 429
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) release in the rumen depends upon ruminal pH, (P = 0.001) between the NP in LAB and that in SAB in Rusitec, but
sulfur availability and its interaction with other minerals. An in vitro no relationship (P = 0.72) was found in sheep; this would indicate that
rumen fluid incubation was conducted using 2 sources of sulfur and 2 dietary effects on bacterial diversity were similar in LAB and SAB in
sources of Zn, Cu and Mn in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments fermenters, but contrasting in sheep. When all samples were analyzed
during 2 consecutive 24-h periods. A synthetic diet consisting of 36% together by clustering analysis, 2 distinct clusters were observed for in
cellulose, 32% starch, 19% CP, 5% fat and 2.4% sugar provided substrate vivo and in vitro BP, which suggests a different structure of the bacterial
for microbial metabolism. Sulfur was added as NaSO4 or sulfur-bound communities in sheep and fermenters.
lignosulfonate to a final concentration of 0.75% of DM. Copper, Zn and
Key Words: rumen, fermenters, bacterial diversity
Mn were added as CuSO4, ZnSO4 and MnSO4 or as protected Cu, Zn and
Mn (SQM protected minerals, Quali Tech Inc.) to a final concentration of
16, 56 and 71 ppm of DM, respectively. Rumen fluid was obtained from T379 Effect of supplemented diet by sucrose or starch on fungi
a ruminal cannulated lactating dairy cow and mixed with McDougall’s populations in rumen fluid as determined by real-time polymerase
artificial saliva to a 1:4 ratio. Treatments were assigned in 6 replicates chain reaction in Holstein steers. A. Vakili*, M. Danesh Mesgaran,
to 120-mL serum bottles containing 40 mL of the inoculum mix and 0.5 H. Jahani Aziz-abadi, F. Rezaii, and S. Ghovvati, Dept. of Animal Sci-
g dietary DM. Serum bottles were flushed with N2, crimp sealed and ence, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
incubated during 24 h at 39.1°C. At the end of incubations, gas volume
was measured, H2S in the headspace of bottles was analyzed and final The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of diets contain-
pH of incubations was recorded. Results were analyzed as a 2 × 2 facto- ing different type of non-fiber carbohydrates (sucrose or starch) on fungi
rial design. An interaction between lignosulfonate and mineral source populations in rumen fluid as determined by real-time polymerase chain
was detected. Addition of SQM minerals and lignosulfonate resulted reaction. Four Holstein steers (BW = 280; SD = 15 kg) were assigned to
in lower pH (P < 0.05) than that without lignosulfonate (5.87 vs. 5.95, a 4 × 4 Latin square with 21-d periods. A basal diet was formulated to
respectively), while absence of SQM minerals resulted in intermediate be contained of alfalfa hay, barley grain, soybean meal and sugar beet
pH of incubations despite lignosulfonate (5.90 ± 0.04). Addition of pulp (400, 290, 190 and 50 g/ kg, respectively). Starch (St) or sucrose
lignosulfonate without SQM minerals decreased total gas production (Su) or a 1:1 mixture of starch and sucrose (St+Su) was added to the
(P < 0.001) compared with the other treatments (173.1 vs. 175.9 mL/g basal diet at the rate of 70g/kg DM. Diets were offered as 2–2.5 times
OM). Lignosulfonate resulted in a lower (P < 0.001) production of of maintenance requirements (7 kg DM/d). Rumen fluid samples were
H2S (416.2 vs. 475 μg/g OM). In contrast, addition of SQM minerals collected before and 4 h after the morning feeding. DNA was extracted
increased (P < 0.001) production of H2S (469.5 vs. 421.5 μg/g OM). from the samples using the QIAamp DNA stool mini kit (Qiagen Ltd,
Results indicate that source of trace mineral can influence the dynamics Crawley, West Sussex, UK) following the manufacturer′s instructions.
of rumen fermentation. Fungi rDNA concentrations were measured by real time PCR relative to
total bacteria amplification (ΔΔCt). The 16s rRNA gene-targeted primer
Key Words: rumen, hydrogen sulfide, in vitro sets used in the present study were forward: GAGGAAGTAAAAGTCG-
GATT. Cycling conditions were 95°C for 5 min, 40 cycles of 95°C for
T378 Comparison of bacterial diversity in the rumen of sheep
15s, 60°C for 15s and 72°C for 30s; fluorescence readings were taken
and in Rusitec fermenters as assessed by ARISA–PCR. M. J.
after each extension step, and a final melting analysis was obtained by
Ranilla*1,2, M. L. Tejido1,2, C. Saro1,2, and M. D. Carro1,2, 1Dpto. Pro-
heating at 0.1°C/s increment from 60 to 95°C, with fluorescence collec-
ducción Animal, Universidad de León, 24071, León, Spain, 2Instituto
tion at 0.2°C at intervals. Data are expressed relative to quantification of
de Ganadería de Montaña (CSIC-ULE), Finca Marzanas s/n, 24346
the total bacterial population. Data were analyzed using mixed procedure
Grulleros, León, Spain.
of SAS (2003). Statistical model was: Yijk = μ+ Ti+ Cj+ Pk+ εijk, where
This study was designed to compare the effects of 4 diets on bacterial Yijk is dependent variable, μ is the overall mean, Ti is treatment effect,
communities in bacterial pellets (BP) isolated from the solid (SAB) Cj is cow effect, Pk is period effect, and εijk is error. The results of this
and liquid phase (LAB) of the rumen of sheep with those observed in experiment showed that different type of non-fiber carbohydrates didn’t
Rusitec fermenters. The 4 experimental diets had forage:concentrate have any effect on fungi populations before or 4 h after the morning
ratios (F:C) of 70:30 (HF) or 30:70 (HC) and alfalfa hay or grass hay feeding[St = 52 and 44,Su = 48 and 45, St+Su = 47 and 42, SEM = 5
as forage (FOR). SAB and LAB were isolated from each sheep (4 per and 3 (10 × −7) fungi relative to total bacteria, respectively].
diet) and fermenter (n = 4) immediately before feeding, and bacterial
Key Words: fungi, real-time PCR, rumen
diversity was analyzed by ARISA-PCR of the 16S ribosomal DNA.
A total of 170 peaks were detected in the ARISA electropherograms
across the full set of 64 BP. The number of peaks (NP) in BP from sheep T380 Sodium acetate/acetic acid as a buffer solution to simulate an
ranged from 42 to 82 for LAB, and from 31 to 81 for SAB (168 peaks acidic in vitro rumen environment. R. C. Araujo*1, A. V. Pires1, and
in total). In fermenters, NP ranged from 53 to 79 for LAB, and from A. L. Abdalla2, 1ESALQ, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP,
21 to 69 for SAB (162 peaks in total). No effect of F:C (P > 0.05) on Brazil, 2CENA, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil.
NP or Shannon index (SI) was observed on LAB in any system. F:C
did not affect SAB profile in fermenters, but NP and SI were greater Incubation media based on NaHCO3 and NH4HCO3 as buffers have a
(P < 0.05) in SAB from sheep fed HF diets compared with those from pH close to 6.8. A low-pH medium would provide a more realistic in
HC-sheep. Feeding grass hay diets promoted greater (P < 0.01) SAB vitro rumen simulation of animals fed feedlot diets. Treatments were:
diversity in both systems compared with alfalfa hay diets. FOR did not CTL6.8 – Theodorou’s medium with a pH of 6.8 based on NaHCO3
(P > 0.05) affect LAB profile in sheep, but grass hay-fed fermenters had (7.28 g/L of medium) and NH4HCO3 (0.83 g/L of medium) as buffers;
greater (P < 0.01) LAB diversity compared with fermenters fed alfalfa CTL5.8 – control acidified with 72% sulfuric acid to achieve a pH of
hay diets. The results indicate that bacterial diversity was more mark- 5.8; NaAc – Theodorou′s medium with Na acetate (56.6 g/L of medium)
edly affected by FOR than by F:C. There was a positive relationship and glacial acetic acid (2.08 mL/L of medium) as buffers to achieve a pH
of 5.8. In each flask (160 mL), 0.5 g of an 80:20 concentrate:forage diet
430 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(91.4% DM) was incubated with 50 mL of medium and 25 mL of rumen T382 Effect of direct-fed microbial (DFM) products on rumen
fluid at 39°C for 16h. A randomized complete block design was used with bacterial communities in Holstein cows at 2 and 6 weeks postcalv-
n = 8 for gas production and n = 4 for all other variables. Two inocula (3 ing. E. A. Galbraith*1, A. H. Smith1, K. J. Mertz1, Z. Wu2, and J. D.
animals each; mean pH = 5.61 ± 0.11) from lambs adapted to the above Ferguson2, 1Danisco, Waukesha, WI, 2University of Pennsylvania School
diet were used as a source of variation. Data were analyzed by PROC of Veterinary Medicine, Kennett Square.
Mixed of SAS with differences declared when P < 0.05. The pH varia-
Increase in performance was measured in a study to determine the
tion after 0, 4, 8, 12, and 16h of incubation was: CTL6.8 – 6.77, 6.57,
efficacy of 3 DFM treatments in dairy production. Treatment with a
6.45, 6.39, 6.31; CTL5.8 – 5.82, 5.51, 5.38, 5.34, 5.31; NaAc – 5.68,
Propionibacterium DFM 2 weeks prepartum followed by a Lactoba-
5.65, 5.61, 5.59, 5.57, respectively. Mean pH was lowest for CTL5.8
cillus DFM through 22 weeks postpartum or Bacillus pumilus 8G-134
(5.47), followed by NaAc (5.62) and CTL6.8 (6.50). CTL6.8 showed
at either 5 × 109 or 1 × 1010 CFU/head/day both pre- and postpartum
the greatest values for gas production (151.1 mL), CH4 production (13.3
resulted in improved milk volume (B. pumilus 8G-134) and milk fat
mL), and truly degraded DM (TDDM; 70.7%). Gas production (86.9
(all DFM treatments). This study investigated if these DFM treatments
vs. 80.2 mL), CH4 production (4.2 vs. 2.1 mL), and TDDM (51.4 vs.
were also associated with changes in ruminal microbial populations at
49.6%) were similar between CTL5.8 and NaAc, respectively. It was
2 and 6 weeks postcalving. At 8 h postfeeding, cows were restrained
not possible to determine C2 concentration for NaAc. Total SCFA (94.0
and rumen fluid collected via stomach tube. The microbial community
vs. 61.4 mM) and C2 (50.5 vs. 21.4 mM) concentrations as well as C2
of rumen fluid samples was monitored by terminal restriction fragment
to C3 ratio (2.20 vs. 0.95) were greater for CTL6.8 than CTL5.8. Con-
length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis of amplified 16S rDNA genes.
centration of C3 was the greatest for CTL6.8 (23.8 mM), intermediary
Peak profiles from all samples using 3 restriction enzymes were between
for CTL5.8 (22.7 mM), and the lowest for NaAc (19.4 mM). In spite of
70% and 93% similar. All samples tended to have several major peaks
less pH variation, Na acetate/acetic acid solution as buffer interfered
and the taxonomic identities of species responsible for these peaks were
in C2 determination and showed similar results in comparison with an
determined by searching 16S databases. Major peaks present in most
acidified NaHCO3/NH4HCO3-based medium.
samples included common rumen species of Prevotella, Bacteroides,
Key Words: buffer, medium, pH Butyrvibrio fibrisolvens, Selenomonas ruminantium, and Clostridium
clostridioforme and coccoides. Analysis of dendrograms indicated
no overall clustering by treatment, sampling date, or lactation, but
T381 Milk selenium content and performance of cows supple- MANOVA analysis did pinpoint several minor TRF peaks which were
mented with selenized yeast. L. Q. Melo1, L. L. Bitencourt1, S. significantly associated (P < 0.1) with treatments. On a CFU per gram
Siécola Júnior1, G. S. Dias Júnior1, N. M. Lopes1, V. A. Silveira1, I. R. basis, the level of DFM treatments fed in this trial would constitute less
Rios1, R. A. N. Pereira2, and M. N. Pereira*1, 1Universidade Federal de than 0.1% of the total rumen bacterial population, therefore below the
Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, 2Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas threshold of detection of microbial ecology techniques such as T-RFLP.
Gerais, Lavras, Brazil. However, even at low concentrations, the DFM treatments affected
This study evaluated the effect of replacing sodium selenite (45.1% of performance and bacterial populations, suggesting an impact on bacte-
Se) with selenized yeast (Selemax, Biorigin, Brazil. 2245 ppm of Se). ria that may be part of a rarer biosphere in the rumen. Examination of
Twenty-eight Holsteins were fed a Se supplement free diet for a 60-d rumen bacterial communities may help elucidate the mode of action of
standardization period (0.08 ppm of Se in the diet), before being paired these direct-fed microbials.
blocked and assigned to a treatment for 105 d: Orally given gelatin cap- Key Words: dairy cows, rumen bacteria, direct-fed microbial
sules containing 2.1 g of Selemax (4.64 mg of Se) or 0.011 g of Selenite
(4.88 mg of Se) daily. Milk yield and DMI were measured daily, and
T383 Effects of a rumen protected B vitamin complex supple-
milk composition on days −1 and 0, 15 to 17, 36 to 38, 57 to 59, and
mented to multiparous Holstein cows on milk production and
99 to 101. Milk Se content was determined on d 0, 4, 8, 16, 37 and 57.
reproductive performance. S. O. Juchem*1,2, P. H. Robinson1, and
Total collection of feces and urine was performed on d 39 to 41 for Se
E. Evans3, 1University of California, Davis, 2California State University,
balance. Blood samples were obtained on d 0, 43 and 106 to determine
Fresno, 3Technical Advisory Services, Bowmanville, ON, Canada.
Se content and glutathione peroxidase activity. Data were analyzed as
repeated measures over time with Mixed of SAS. The model contained Increase in milk yield of dairy cows through supplementation with B
the effects of covariate (measure of the same variable at the end of the vitamins was reported, but the impact on reproductive performance
standardization period), block, treatment, time, and time by treatment of dairy cows in unknown. Objectives were to evaluate the effect of
interaction. Cow within treatment tested the treatment effect. Daily milk supplementation with a complex of rumen protected B vitamins (RPBV)
yield was 26.7 kg for Selemax and 26.9 kg for Selenite (P = 0.84), milk that contained biotin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and
SCC ( × 1,000 cells) was 354 and 352, respectively (P = 0.99), and no pyridoxine to early lactating multiparous cows on milk yield, milk com-
difference in milk solids or DMI were detected (P > 0.22). Selemax position and reproductive performance during the first 170 d of lactation.
increased milk Se content from 8 to 32.3 μg/kg (P < 0.01), observed Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 1243) that calved between November
after 4 d of supplementation and throughout data sampling. Plasma Se of 2007 and April of 2008 were assigned to 2 treatments as cows moved
content was 91.4 and 77.3 μg/L (P = 0.14) for Selemax and Selenite, from fresh to one of the 4 early lactation pens: control diet (CT); and B
respectively. Glutathione peroxidase activity was greater for Selenite vitamin diet (BV), supplementation with 3.6 g/cow/d of RPBV. Early
on d 43 and for Selemax on d 106 (P = 0.05 for the interaction). There lactation diets were identical for CT and BV treatments, except for the
was no difference in Se excreted in urine and feces or retained (P > RPBV supplement fed in the first TMR load to the 2 treatment pens.
0.46). Selenized yeast increased milk Se content shortly after starting Cows were artificially inseminated upon estrous detection every morn-
the supplementation. ing, and pregnancy diagnosis was performed by per rectum palpation
at 42 ± 3 d after breeding. Yields of milk and milk composition were
Key Words: selenium, yeast, glutathione peroxidase
measured monthly. Body condition (BC) was scored from a subgroup
of 170 cows at 40 and 100 DIM. A total of 949 cows provided data for
statistical analysis, 448 CT and 501 BV cows. Cows were moved to
treatment pens at 22.3 DIM. Loss of BC was similar (P = 0.11) for CT
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 431
(−0.055) and BV (−0.034) cows during early lactation, as well as group T385 Population dynamics of protozoa in dairy cows fed with
DMI, 25.4 and 25.0 kg/d, respectively. Milk yield was similar (P = 0.18) Rumensin200 and tallow during dry and lactating stages. H.
for BV and CT during the first 170 d of lactation, 44.9 vs. 44.4 kg/d, Castillo, A. Castillo*, D. Dominguez, G. Villalobos, M. Arana, and
respectively. Milk fat content was reduced by feeding RPBV (3.29 vs. J. A. Ortega, Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Chi-
3.38%; P < 0.01), but milk fat yield was not affected (1464 vs. 1485 huahua, Mexico.
g/d; P > 0.15). Day at first service was not different (P = 0.44) for BV
Addition of Rumensin200 and tallow in TMR for dairy cows on
and CT cows (67.9 vs. 67.2 d), but BV cows had higher (P < 0.05) first
protozoan populations was explored in dry and early-lactating cows.
service conception rate than CT cows (40.8 vs. 35.8%). In summary,
Ionophores have been used in ruminants to decrease acidosis and to
supplementation with a RPBV complex improved first service concep-
mitigate gaseous emissions in dairy operations, by inhibiting growth of
tion rate, whereas milk yield was not affected.
microorganisms such as protozoa. Also, tallow as an energy alternative
Key Words: biotin, folic acid, cyanocobalamin in TMR has shown changes in fiber digestibility and gases production,
mainly due to the interaction of its unsaturated component with rumen
T384 Effect of feeding live yeast on performance of Holstein cows microorganisms. For this experiment, 4 ruminally fistulated Holstein
during summer. R. S. Marsola*, M. Favoreto, F. T. Silvestre, J. H. cows were fed rations based on a 90:10 (dry) and 40:60 (lactating)
Shin, A. T. Adesogan, C. R. Staples, and J. E. P. Santos, University of forage to concentrate ratios. Four treatments were randomly assigned in
Florida, Gainesville. a 4 × 4 Latin Square experimental design as follows: TMR (T1), TMR
+ 2/3.3 g Rumensin 200(dry/lactating), (T2), TMR + 3,2% DM tallow
Objectives were to evaluate the effect of amount of dietary live yeast (T3) and TMR + 2/3,3 g Rumensin 200+ 3,2% DM tallow (T4). Samples
(LY) intake on performance of cows under heat stress. Holstein cows, of ruminal content were taken at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 h after
27 multiparous and 33 primiparous, were blocked by parity and milk feeding, filtered, preserved with an equal volume of 5% formalin and
yield in the first 20 DIM and randomly assigned to receive 0 g/d LY, frozen. Thawed samples were treated with brilliant green and glycerol
0.5 g/d LY (20 billion cells/g, Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain CNCM for direct protozoa count on a Neubauer chamber under a microscope
I-1077, Levucell SC20, Lallemand Animal Nutrition, Milwaukee, WI), at 40X. Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and pH were recorded
or 1 g/d LY in the diet from 30 to 107 DIM. Cows were milked twice in rumen during the same sampling times. Total number of protozoa
daily and DM intake and milk yield were measured daily. Milk compo- at 24 h after feeding did not differ (P > 0.001) among treatments in
nents were measured once weekly. Cows were weighed weekly. Blood lactating cows, whereas the addition of Rumensin200 to TMR for dry
was sampled weekly and analyzed for concentrations of NEFA. Cows cows caused a significant decrease (P > 0.001) in population size (5.05
were fed chromic oxide in the last 2 wk of the study for calculation of vs. 1.065, respectively). Also, protozoa were less diverse in lactating
total tract digestibility of nutrients. Ruminal fluid was collected once compared with dry cows; while the Diplodiniae species were dominant
by rumenocentisis 6 h after feeding for measurement of pH. During the (98%) in lactating cows with any treatment, dry cows fed T3 exhibited
study period, the mean daily temperature was 26.8 C and humidity was a more diverse community formed by 68% Diplodiniae and 29%
83.2%, and the temperature and humidity index ranged from 73 to 81. Entodinium. Monitoring of pH did not show significant differences (P
Data were analyzed by the GLIMMIX procedure of SAS and linear and > 0.001) among treatments in both dry and lactating stages, while ORP
quadratic orthogonal contracsts were used. Rectal temperature was not values suggested a more reduced environment (−241 to –310 mV) in
affected by LY and averaged 38.9 ± 0.04°C. Feeding LY did not influ- lactating than in dry cows (−234 to –294 mV). This experiment showed
ence DMI, yields of milk, 3.5% FCM, energy-corrected milk (ECM), changes in protozoan community composition led by modification of
and milk fat. Feeding LY caused a linear increase in feed efficiency the rumen environment.
(ECM/DMI) and milk true protein yield, and had a quadratic effect
on OM digestibility, but tended to decrease calculated energy balance. Key Words: Rumensin, tallow, protozoa
Mean rumen pH increased, and proportion of cows with low pH (<5.8)
decreased linearly with LY. Feeding 1 g/d of LY increased efficiency
T386 Construction and analysis of metagenomic fosmid library
of feed conversion into ECM, yield of true protein, and rumen pH, and
from rumen microflora of Chinese Holstein dairy cow. D. Li, J.
reduced the risk of sub-acute rumen acidosis.
Q. Wang*, K. L. Liu, D. P. Bu, and W. Feng, State Key Laboratory of
Table 1. Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of
g/d P Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China.
0 0.5 1 SEM Linear Quadratic The vast majority of rumen microbial diversity has been inaccessible
DM intake, kg/d 20.9 20.3 20.3 0.4 0.25 0.61 by culture dependent methods. Recent progress in molecular microbial
Milk, kg/d 37.1 36.9 38.1 0.8 0.36 0.46 ecology has reveled that traditional culturing methods fail to represent
3.5% FCM, kg/d 36.0 35.0 37.4 0.9 0.33 0.12 the scope of microbial diversity in rumen, since only less than 11%
ECM, kg/d 34.8 34.1 36.4 0.9 0.23 0.12 of viable microorganisms are recovered by culturing techniques. To
investigate the full extent of microbial diversity and compare genomic
ECM/DMI 1.66 1.69 1.78 0.04 0.03 0.52
studies among ruminant microflora species by metagenomic method,
Milk fat, kg/d 1.23 1.18 1.27 0.04 0.42 0.12
a fosmid library was constructed with genomic DNA isolated directly
Milk protein, kg/d 0.99 0.99 1.05 0.02 0.03 0.15 from rumen content. Preparation of ruminant genomic DNA for library
Energy balance, Mcal/d 3.33 2.99 1.68 0.61 0.06 0.51 construction was extracted by LMP agarose gel plug. Extracted rumi-
NEFA, mEq/L 84 107 118 12 0.04 0.68 nant genomic DNA was digested with HindIII. Purified DNA of 36–48
BW, kg 612 608 613 4 0.91 0.35 kb length was recovered by pulsed field electrophoresis and ligated
Rumen pH 5.99 6.03 6.30 0.11 0.04 0.40 with pcc2FOS vector and transformed into E. coli EPI300. The fosmid
pH < 5.8, % cows 45.0 36.8 10.5 — 0.02 0.27
genomic library of rumen microbe was successfully constructed with
the capacity of 1050 Mb in which the insert fragment size was about
OM digestibility, % 70.9 72.3 69.5 0.9 0.22 0.06
35 kb, and about 30000 clones. Excluding the 2% of empty clones, the
Key Words: dairy cow, heat stress, live yeast
432 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
coverage of this library is 93% genome equivalents. This fosmid library α-Proteobacteria, Chlorobi with the percent of 7.81%, 4.70%, 0.56%,
offers a new tool for gene screening and cloning, and for comparative respectively. The nifH phylogenetic tree also revealed that there was
genomic studies among ruminant microflora species. a remarkable diversity of nitrogenase genes in the rumen. The study
provided first evidence for the diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Key Words: metagenomics, fosmid library, rumen microflora
from dairy rumen.
Key Words: nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nifH, rumen
T387 Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus niger (fer-
mentation soluble meal extracted) on productivity of Holstein cows
in early lactation. R. Heydari, M. Dehghan-Banadaky*, K. Rezayazdi, T389 Dietary cation-anion difference: Effects on fluid metabolites
and A. Zali, Department of Animal Science, Campus of Agriculture and and health status of transition cows in Karst area. W. X. Wu*,
Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran. College of Animal Science, Guizhou University, Guiyang, China.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of feeding There has little information of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) and Aspergillus niger fermentation mmol/kg DM) on the performance of dairy cows in Karst area, especially
solubles meal extracted (AN) to early lactation cows. Twenty-four in southwest, China. This study is conducted to evaluate the effects of
Holstein lactating cows (8 primiparous and 16 multiparous; 24 ± 7 DIM) DCAD on the fluid metabolites, health status, and subsequent lactation
were assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments as follows: 1) SC (Biosaf performance of transition cows in Karst area. Thirty pregnant, nonlactat-
SC47)10 g/d/cow; 2) AN (Bospro) 30 g/d/cow; 3) SC 10 g/d/cow and ing Holstein multiparous cows were randomly assigned to 3 blocks of
AN 30 g/d/cow; 4) control (no additive). Cows were fed the same total 10 cows based on their age (4 yr), body weight (600 kg), and expected
mixed ration (19.5% alfalfa hay, 19.5% corn silage, 7.1% beet pulp and calving date (21 d). Animals were fed 1 of 3 DCAD diets: control (+81),
53.9% concentrate on dry matter basis) and additives were top-dressed treatment 1 (+20), and treatment 2 (−32), respectively. Anionic salts
during experimental period (75 d). Milk production and DM intake were were included to reduce DCAD. Feeding of reduced DCAD resulted
recorded daily and milk samples were collected weekly from all cows in lower urinary pH than control (P < 0.05). Plasma Ca and Cl levels
for measurement of somatic cell count (SCC) and milk composition. in treatment 2 was higher over those in control (P < 0.05). There were
Blood samples were taken from each cow on the last day of experiment, no significant difference in plasma glucose and urea nitrogen; Na, K,
3 h after morning meal for metabolic profiling. Data (except blood data) and P concentrations for 3 dietary treatments (P > 0.05). Anionic salts
were statistically analyzed using the repeated measures option in Proc supplementation reduced the cases of hypocalcemia (3:1:1) and retained
Mixed of SAS. DMI was similar between treatments (21.44, 20.41, 21.83 placenta (4:2:1). Dry matter intake, milk yield and contents of protein,
and 21.54 kg/d, respectively). Cows fed SC (treatment 1 and 3) produced fat, and lactose were unaffected by DCAD modulation (P > 0.05). These
more milk than other groups, but fat corrected milk (FCM4%) was not results suggested that negative DCAD is beneficial for transition cows in
significantly affected by treatments (P > 0.05). Milk protein percent Karst area. Further study is necessary to investigate the effect of DCAD
significantly increased in cows fed SC as well as milk protein yield. on the reproductive performance.
However, other milk composition percentage and SCC were similar for
Key Words: dietary cation-anion difference, Karst area, transition
all treatments. Changes in body weight and body condition score (BCS)
were not influenced by treatments. Blood metabolites includes: glucose,
nonesterified fatty acids, urea nitrogen, triglycerides and phosphorous
were unaffected by treatments. These results indicate that supplementa- T390 Effects of subacute ruminal acidosis challenges on lipopoly-
tion of SC can improve milk production and milk composition, but AN saccharide endotoxin (LPS) in the rumen, cecum, and feces of
did not affect productivity. dairy cows. S. Li, A. Kroeker, E. Khafipour, J. C. Rodriguez, D. O.
Key Words: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus niger, milk pro- Krause, and J. C. Plaizier*, Department of Animal Science, University
duction of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Feeding high grain diets to cows can cause subacute ruminal acidosis
(SARA) and increase the amount of dietary starch that is digested in
T388 Diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in Holstein dairy cow
the large intestine. Grain-induced SARA can increase free lipopoly-
rumen. S. Zhao, J. Wang*, D. Bu, L. Zhou, and C. Zhang, State Key
saccharide endotoxins (LPS) in the rumen, due to increased lysis of
Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese
gram-negative bacteria. Increased starch in the large intestine may also
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China.
reduce the pH of the digesta, and increase LPS in the large intestine
The rumen has a suitable environment for N2-fixation, because of N2 and in the feces. This could explain symptoms of SARA, as it may be
presence and the presents of some nitrogen fixing bacteria. The gene easier for LPS to translocate into the blood in the large intestine than in
nifH encodes the dinitrogenase reductase, an enzyme for N2 fixation, the rumen. SARA can also be induced by feeding forage pellets. This
is conserved and used to analyze the phylogenetic diversity of the does not increase the content of starch in the diet. Hence, the effects of
nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. To reveal the diversity of nitrogen- this form of SARA on the large intestine may differ from that of grain-
fixing microorganisms in dairy cow rumen, the nifH clone library was induced SARA. To test this, a study was conducted with non-lactating
constructed. Rumen total DNA was extracted based on the method of dairy cows with cannulas in the rumen and in the cecum. A Latin square
freezing/thawing and N-lauroyl sarcosine/proteinase K lysis. Polymerase with 3 4-wk periods was used. In wk 1–3 cows received a control diet
chain reaction was used to amplify the nifH genes from rumen total containing 70% of forage (DM basis) and 30% mixed concentrates. In wk
DNA. PCR products were purified and ligated to pMD19-T vector. NifH 4 cows received either the control diet, a high grain diet for a grain pellet-
gene clones got by transforming ligation product into E.coli JM109 induced SARA challenge (GPI_SARA, 38% wheat-barley pellets, 32%
were sequenced. The sequences were analyzed by Blast on GenBank mixed concentrates, and 30% of forages), or a diet that contained alfalfa
and phylogenetic tree was built by Mega 4.0. In results, a total of 64 pellets for an alfalfa-pellet induced SARA challenge (API_SARA, 45%
nifH gene clones were obtained. Most of the nifH genes belonged to of mixed concentrates, 32% of alfalfa pellets, and 23% of other forages).
Fermicute with the percent of 85.93%, and some belonged to Archaea, During this week, rumen pH was monitored continuously in all cows.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 433
Rumen fluid, digesta from the cecum, and feces were sampled imme- T392 Effects of supplementing Megasphaera elsdenii on pre-
diately before feed delivery and at 6 h after feed delivery. All samples prandial rumen fermentation profile in dairy cows. Q. Zebeli1, S.
were analyzed for LPS. The pH of cecum samples were determined. Iqbal1, A. Mazzolari1, S. M. Dunn1, W. Z. Yang2, and B. N. Ametaj*1,
Both SARA challenges resulted in depressions of rumen pH that were 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-
representative of SARA, and decreased the pH of digesta in the cecum, Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada.
but not as much as the rumen pH. GPI_SARA greatly increased LPS in
Ingestion of large amounts of cereal grains leads to rapid accumulation
the rumen, cecum, and feces. API_SARA increased LPS in the rumen,
of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and lactate in the rumen fluid and major
but not in the cecum and in the feces. Results confirm our hypothesis
changes in their profile. Megasphaera elsdenii, a rumen obligate anaer-
that grain-induced SARA, but not SARA induced by feeding pelleted
obe, has lactate-utilizing properties and the potential to modulate rumen
forages, increases LPS in the large intestine and in the feces.
fermentation profile by converting lactate into VFA. This study sought
to evaluate the effects of supplementing M. elsdenii on VFA concentra-
Table 1. Rumen and cecum pH and LPS in the rumen, cecum and tion and profile in the rumen fluid in mid-lactation dairy cows. Eight
feces rumen-cannulated Holstein cows were used in a paired 2 × 2 crossover
Control API_SARA GPI_SARA SEM P-value design with 2 21-d periods (first 11 d used for adaptation). All cows were
Average rumen pH 6.30a 5.99b 5.98b 0.04 <0.01
offered a total mixed ration containing (dry matter basis) 32% rolled
barley grain, 15% alfalfa hay, 40% barley silage, and 13% protein-, and
Time < rumen pH 6,
min/d 332b 770a 744a 57 <0.01
vitamin-mineral supplement. A culture of 35 mL of M. elsdenii ATCC
25940TM, containing 107 - 109 cfu/mL, was inoculated daily via rumen
Time < rumen pH 5.6,
min/d 56b 255a 299a 30.7 <0.01
fistula to each cow pertaining to the treatment group (TRT), whereas
control cows (CTR) were inoculated with 35 mL of carrier only. Pre-
Cecum pH 7.07a 6.86b 6.79b 0.06 <0.01
prandial rumen samples were collected shortly before morning feeding
Rumen LPS, EU/mL 8,333b 18,425b 124,566a 8,738 <0.01 on d 12, 14, 16, 18, and 21, and VFA were analyzed by GC. ANOVA
Cecum LPS, EU/mL 18,289b 15,631b 128,410a 20,379 <0.01 was conducted with MIXED procedure of SAS accounting for repeated
Feces LPS, EU/mL 13,909b 18,998b 101.555a 16,355 <0.01 measures. Data showed that treatment did not affect the concentration of
a, bMeans with different superscripts in a row differ (P < 0.05). total VFA in the rumen fluid (P > 0.05), but tended to increase the molar
proportion of propionate (19.9 vs. 21.0% of total VFA; P = 0.09), and
Key Words: SARA, LPS, grain lower the acetate to propionate ratio (3.32 vs. 3.09; P = 0.07). The TRT
cows also had lower concentration of valerate (2.4 vs. 1.8 mM; P = 0.04)
and isovalerate (2.7 vs. 2.2 mM; P < 0.01) than their CTR counterparts.
T391 Supplementing Megasphaera elsdenii modulates diurnal
Other VFA such as acetate, butyrate, isobutyrate, and caproate were not
rumen fermentation profile in dairy cows. Q. Zebeli1, S. Iqbal1, A.
affected by the treatment (P > 0.05). In conclusion, results of this study
Mazzolari1, S. M. Dunn1, W. Z. Yang2, and B. N. Ametaj*1, 1University
indicated that supplementation of M. elsdenii slightly modulated the
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,
preprandial fermentation profile in dairy cows.
Lethbridge, AB, Canada.
Key Words: dairy cow, fermentation profile, Megasphaera elsdenii
Megasphaera elsdenii is a direct-fed microbial possessing lactate-utilizing
properties. We hypothesized that its supplementation might modulate
the fermentation profile in the rumen of dairy cows. This study sought to T393 Diagnosis of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) using the
evaluate the effects of supplementing M. elsdenii on diurnal volatile fatty Optium Xceed Diabetes Monitoring System. S. Li1, A. Kroeker1,
acids (VFA) concentration and profile in the rumen fluid of mid-lactation D. O’Gorman2, D. O. Krause1, J. C. Rodriguez1, and J. C. Plaizier*1,
dairy cows. Eight rumen-cannulated Holstein cows were used in a paired 1Department of Animal Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB,
2 × 2 crossover design with 2 21-d periods. All cows were offered a total Canada, 2Marigot Ltd., Carrigaline, Co. Cork, Ireland.
mixed ration containing (dry matter basis) 32% rolled barley grain, 15%
alfalfa hay, 40% barley silage, and 13% protein-, and vitamin-mineral The current diagnosis of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) relies on
supplement. A culture of 35 mL of M. elsdenii ATCC 25940TM, containing measuring the pH of rumen fluid samples, which are difficult to collect
107 - 109 CFU/mL, was inoculated daily via rumen fistula to each cow and may not be representative. Studies have reported that monitoring
pertaining to the treatment group (TRT), whereas control cows (CTR) were of blood glucose may aid in the diagnosis of SARA. However, SARA
inoculated with 35 mL of carrier only. Rumen samples were collected on caused by feeding high grain diets and SARA caused by feeding diets
d 21, shortly before the morning feeding at 0800 and every 2 h up to 2000, with insufficient physically effective fiber, e.g., a diet containing alfalfa
and VFA were analyzed by GC. ANOVA was conducted with MIXED pellets, can affect blood glucose differently. This may affect the accuracy
procedure of SAS accounting for repeated measures. Data showed that of this measurement for the diagnosis of SARA. The Optium Xceed
treatment did not affect the concentration of total VFA (128 vs. 125 mM; Diabetes Monitoring System for glucose measurement was tested for
P > 0.05), but lowered the molar proportion of acetate (61.3 vs. 59.9% the diagnosis of SARA. The study included 6 rumen cannulated non-
of total VFA; P < 0.01) and isobutyrate (1.9 vs. 1.7%; P < 0.01). On the lactating dairy cows in a 3 × 3 Latin square with 4 wk periods. In wk 1–3
other hand, the TRT cows had greater proportions of butyrate (12.7 vs. cows received a control diet (70% forage and 30% mixed concentrates
14.4%; P < 0.01) and valerate (1.9 vs. 2.3%; P < 0.01) than the CTR cows. (DM basis)) . In wk 4, cows received either the control diet, a high
There was an hour by treatment interaction for acetate to propionate ratio grain diet for a grain pellet-induced SARA challenge (GPI_SARA, 38%
(P = 0.03) and the proportion of propionate in the rumen fluid (P = 0.05). wheat-barley pellets, 32% other mixed concentrate, and 30% forages),
Rumen caproate and isovalerate were not affected by treatment (P > 0.05). or a diet that contained alfalfa pellets for an alfalfa-pellet induced SARA
In conclusion, data of this study indicated that supplementation of M. challenge (API_SARA, 45% mixed concentrate, 32% alfalfa pellets,
elsdenii modulated the fermentation in the rumen of dairy cows shifting and 23% other forages). During wk 4, rumen pH was monitored in all
its profile from acetate to the production of butyrate and valerate. cows, and blood was sampled immediately before feed delivery and at
6 h after feed delivery. Glucose in whole blood was measured using
Key Words: dairy cow, fermentation profile, Megasphaera elsdenii
434 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
the Optium Xceed Diabetes Monitoring System, which can be used Effects of forage-to-concentrate ratio and rumen fermentation char-
on farm. The average daily rumen pHs were 6.30, 5.99, and 5.98, for acteristics on apparent ruminal synthesis and post-ruminal supply of
control, API_SARA, and GPI_SARA, respectively. The durations of niacin (B3) and vitamin B6 were evaluated in an experiment using 14
the rumen pH below 5.6 were 56.4, 225.2 and 298.7 min/d for control, ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows. The experiment
API_SARA, and GPI_SARA, respectively. This shows that both forms was a crossover design with 2 15-d treatment periods and a prelimi-
of SARA resulted in similar depressions of rumen pH and that SARA nary period in which dry matter intake (pDMI) of a diet intermediate
was induced. Blood glucose was higher during GPI_SARA than during in composition between the treatments was determined. Treatments
control (4.47 vs. 4.25 mmol/L,), but blood glucose did not differ between were diets containing low-forage (LF; 44.8% forage, 32.8% starch,
the API_SARA and control. This shows that the Optium Xceed Diabetes 24.4% NDF) or high-forage (HF; 64.1% forage, 22.5% starch, 30.7%
Monitoring System can aid in the diagnosis of grain induced SARA, but NDF) concentrations. No interactions between treatment and pDMI
that additional tests may be needed for the diagnosis of SARA caused were observed (P ≥ 0.2). LF decreased B3 intake (1035 vs. 1135 ± 16
by diets with insufficient physical effective fiber. mg/d; P ≤ 0.01) but increased apparent ruminal synthesis (2831 vs.
1885 ± 250 mg/d; P ≤ 0.01) and duodenal flow (3866 vs. 3020 ± 255
Key Words: SARA, diagnosis, blood
mg/d; P ≤ 0.01) of B3 compared with HF. Although B6 intake was not
influenced (91 vs. 89 ± 1; P > 0.1) by treatments, LF decreased appar-
T394 Simplified procedure for quantifying ruminal microbe popu- ent ruminal degradation (−3 vs. −20 ± 3 mg/d; P ≤ 0.01) and increased
lations using real-time PCR. C. R. Mullins*, L. K. Mamedova, and B6 duodenal flow (88 vs. 68 ± 4 mg/d; P ≤ 0.01) compared with HF.
B. J. Bradford, Kansas State University, Manhattan. B3 flow tended to be correlated positively to B3 intake (r = 0.36, P =
0.06) while B6 flow was correlated positively to B6 intake (r = 0.73,
A variety of molecular techniques exist to quantify ruminal microbiota; P < 0.01). Ruminal synthesis and duodenal flow of B3 and B6 were
however, sample processing requirements for most techniques are com- correlated negatively to mean ruminal pH (r = −0.45, P < 0.02 for all)
plex and time consuming. The objective of this work was to use real-time and correlated positively to true ruminally degraded starch (kg/d; r =
PCR to quantify relative abundance of 10 microbial populations while 0.42, P < 0.03 for all). Ruminal synthesis and duodenal flow of B3 and
simplifying the sample preparation process. Our trial utilized ruminal duodenal flow of B6 were correlated positively to microbial N flow
contents from 8 ruminally cannulated Holstein cows used in a 4 × 4 (g/d, r = 0.51, P < 0.01 for all). Niacin and vitamin B6 supply to dairy
Latin square experiment that examined the effect of varying wet corn cows is increased with greater dietary starch concentration and starch
gluten feed inclusion rate (0–36% DM). Rumen samples were collected digestion in the rumen.
every 9 h over a 3-d period so that 8 samples were taken from each cow
each period, representing every 3 h of a 24-h period, thus accounting Key Words: dairy cow, niacin, pyridoxine
for diurnal variation. Digesta and rumen fluid were collected as one
sample to capture the free-floating and particle adherent microbes in
T396 The effect of high inclusion of monensin on lactation per-
similar proportions as found in the rumen. Samples were collected
formance in dairy cows. L. R. Behling*1, K. Perfield2, R. Martin1,
from 5 locations throughout the rumen, mixed, and a representative
R. Greenfield1, and S. Onetti1, 1Vita Plus Corporation, Madison,
subsample (200 g) was collected and frozen at −20°C. Prior to pro-
WI, 2Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN.
cessing, samples were thawed at room temperature until they became
pliant, then composited by cow period. Each composited sample was Three free-stall herds were used to conduct on-farm trials to determine
diluted with distilled, deionized water at a 1:1 ratio and homogenized. A if a high inclusion of monensin (MON) in the lactating cow TMR would
subsample was then obtained from the homogenized mixture and used affect milk fat production. Each herd provided 2 pens each of cows at
for microbial DNA isolation using a commercial kit (Zymo Research similar DIM, parity and age. Herds were fed typical Midwestern diets,
Fecal DNA kit). Quantitative real-time PCR was used to determine composed of alfalfa haylage and corn silage. Diets were formulated for
relative abundance of bacterial populations using previously validated 17.3% CP, 25.6% starch and 22.2% NDF from forage, DM basis. The
primers specific for genes encoding 16S ribosomal RNA. Efficiencies trials were conducted during winter (Dec and Jan) and summer (Jul
were calculated to determine population abundance relative to the total and Aug) in 2009 to evaluate potential interactions between season and
bacterial population. Dietary treatments had few effects, but diets that MON inclusion. All cows were fed MON at an inclusion of 11.4 g/ton
decreased ruminal pH tended to decrease the Butyrovibrio fibrosolvens DM before the start of the trial. At the beginning of the trial, MON was
population (P = 0.09).The relative population densities for most species removed from the diets in the control pens, and increased to 15.3 g/ton
quantified were within the range reported previously; for example, the in the treatment pens, based on formulated DMI of 23.7 kg/d. After
Prevotella genera and Fibrobacter succinogenes accounted for 39.9% 2 weeks, treatment pens were increased to 19.1 g MON/ton. After 4
and 1.0% of the ruminal bacteria, respectively. This procedure offers weeks at 19.1 g/ton, milk samples were collected from the milk line
a simpler and quicker means to quantify relative abundance of rumen for each pen and pen milk weights were recorded. Data were analyzed
microbial populations. using MIXED models of SAS. The model included fixed effects of
treatment, season and their interaction. Herd was the specified term for
Key Words: rumen, real-time PCR, DNA extraction
the random statement. There were no season x treatment interactions on
milk production and components. Inclusion of MON had no effect on
T395 Effects of forage-to-concentrate ratio and rumen fermenta- milk yield, milk fat % or milk fat and protein yield. Milk protein % was
tion characteristics on apparent ruminal synthesis of niacin and significantly decreased by MON inclusion and MUN was significantly
vitamin B6 in lactating dairy cows. M. Seck*1,3, J. A. Voelker lower in the winter. In summary, inclusion of MON at 19.1 g/ton did
Linton2, M. S. Allen2, P. Y. Chouinard3, and C. L. Girard1, 1Agriculture not affect milk fat production.
and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2Department of
Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 3Departement
de sciences animales, Universite Laval, Quebec, Quebec, Canada.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 435
Table 1. Milk production of dairy cows after 4 weeks of High concentrate intake in fresh cows pose an acidosis risk. M. elsdenii
supplementation with 19.1 g MON/ton DM (Me) is a key ruminal lactic acid utilizer, but its numbers may be low
Winter Summer in early lactation. Me was isolated from rumens of cattle adapted to
g MON/ton DM high concentrate diets. The objective of this study was to evaluate use
Variable 0 19.1 0 19.1 of Me as direct fed microbial (DFM) for dairy cows. Sixty multiparous
Milk, kg 36.3 37.1 34.5 36.1 Holstein cows were blocked according to previous milk production and
Fat, % 3.71 3.73 3.80 3.74 BW, and randomly assigned to 4 treatments in a 2x2 factorial design.
Fat, kg 1.33 1.37 1.33 1.37 Treatments were + or - Me and low (L) or high (H) concentrate diet.
Protein, %a 3.21 3.14 3.17 3.09 The +Me cows were orally dosed with Me (1011 cfu once on each of d
Protein, kg 1.15 1.14 1.11 1.15 1, 10 and 20 postpartum). The -Me cows received a placebo. Diets L and
MUN, mg/dLb 11.8 11.7 15.4 15.9 H, respectively, contained (g/kg DM) ground corn (354, 482), alfalfa
hay (319, 196), Eragrostis curvula hay (79, 79), non-fiber carbohydrate
treatment effect at P < 0.05.
(NFC) (448, 504) and neutral detergent fiber) NDF (282, 238). DM
bSignificant seasonal effect at P < 0.05. intake and milk yield (daily), milk composition (weekly) and BW and
BCS (monthly) were measured for the first 80 d of lactation. Data were
Key Words: monensin, milk fat, dairy cows
analyzed as a completely randomized block design (Genstat 5). Contrasts
(+ vs. −Me for all cows, L cows and H cows, respectively) were used to
T397 Effects of a microbial fermentation product on milk pro- determine significance of treatment effects. Since higher-producing cows
duction and blood metabolites on commercial dairies in eastern may be more prone to acidosis results were also analyzed using only
Canada. A. M. Gehman*1, J. D. Johnston2, and J. M. Tricarico1, the 10 highest-producing cows in each treatment group. With all cows
1Alltech, Brookings, SD, 2Ritchie Feed and Seed, Ottawa, Ontario, included, dosing with Me resulted in greater milk production (P = 0.10)
Canada. (35.1 vs. 33.1 kg/d), higher mean BW (P = 0.02) (640 vs. 610 kg) and
better BCS (P = 0.06) (2.63 vs. 2.38), while milk fat % was increased
Three dairy farms located in Ontario and Quebec, Canada, were uti- (P = 0.03) (3.14 vs. 3.07) for L cows. With only highest-producing cows
lized to determine effects of feeding a microbial fermentation product included, dosing with Me increased milk production for the H group
(MFP; CP = 47% DM; soluble CP = 40% CP) on milk production, (P = 0.06) (39.3 vs. 35.9), without a significant increase in DM intake,
components, and blood metabolites of lactating dairy cattle. The study and increased (both P = 0.02) BW (644 vs. 597) and BCS (2.71 vs.
was conducted as a crossover design with 2 21-d periods. Experimental 2.26). Milk fat was again increased (P = 0.06) (3.56 vs. 3.21) for the L
rations were: 1) control, 0 g/d MFP; or 2) MFP, 600 g/d MFP. Diets cows. Results suggest that dosing with Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB
were isonitrogenous and isoenergetic. The MFP ration was formulated 41125 may improve milk production, milk fat, body weight and body
to provide 600 g/head/d MFP (2.1% ration DM) by replacing a portion condition score, with greater benefit likely for higher-producing cows
of plant-based protein. Each farm was assigned to one of 2 treatment on higher concentrate diets.
sequences: control followed by MFP or MFP followed by control. Milk
production and feed intake were recorded for the last 2 d of each period, Key Words: M. elsdenii, acidosis, dairy cows
and blood samples were taken from 15 randomly selected cows on each
farm during the last week of each period. Average DIM for cows that
T399 Effect of soluble yeast protein extract and dietary ferment-
were blood sampled was 200 for control and 147 for MFP. Milk was
able carbohydrate on fermentation, digestion, and N flow in rumen-
analyzed for fat and protein, and blood was analyzed for non-esterified
simulating fermenters. G. A. Harrison*, M. D. Meyer, and K. A.
fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyric acid (BHBA), and blood urea
Dawson, Alltech, Nicholasville, KY.
nitrogen (BUN). Energy-corrected milk tended to be greater (P = 0.09)
for MFP than control (36.1 vs. 33.3 ± 0.8 kg/d), while dry matter intake Effects of addition of soluble yeast protein extract (SYPE) to diets dif-
was not different, ave: 24.0 ± 0.5 kg/d. Milk fat content was and yield fering in fermentable carbohydrate (fCHO) content were investigated
tended to be higher (P = 0.03 and 0.09) for MFP than control (3.96 in single-flow rumen-simulating fermenter cultures. Twelve cultures
vs. 3.86 ± 0.05% and 1.34 vs. 1.22 ± 0.03 kg/d). Milk protein content were used in a 2 × 2 factorial design with 4 dietary treatments and 3
was not different between treatments, ave: 3.34 ± 0.06%, but yield was replications per treatment. Daily feed amounts provided to cultures
greater (P = 0.04) for MFP than control (1.13 vs. 1.05 ± 0.02 kg/d). were 24.1, 24.76, 24.34, and 25 g for low fCHO, low fCHO + SYPE, hi
While BHBA and NEFA were not different between treatments, ave: fCHO, and hi fCHO + SYPE treatments, respectively, with twice daily
0.68 ± 0.03 and 0.17 ± 0.04 mmol/L respectively, BUN was greater (P feeding for 6 d. SYPE was included at 2.64% of diet to raise dietary CP
= 0.02) for MFP than control (4.95 vs. 4.53 ± 0.04 mmol/L). Including to 17.5 from 16.6% (DM basis). Fermentation samples were collected
MFP in a ration at 600 g/d increased energy-corrected milk by 2.8 kg/d from cultures before morning feeding during the last 3 d of experiment.
and both milk fat and protein yield by 0.12 kg/d, while not affecting dry Composite effluent samples from each fermenter were used for DM and
matter intake. Blood metabolites BHBA and NEFA were not affected NDF disappearance and volatile fatty acid (VFA) analyses. Nitrogen
by MFP, suggesting the increase in production and components was not flow measures were estimated by using purine to N ratios for effluent
due to mobilization of body reserves. and bacteria. Data were analyzed for effects of treatment using GLM
procedure of SAS and fCHO and SYPE effects determined by orthogonal
Key Words: dairy cow, microbial fermentation product, milk
contrasts. Culture pH and ammonia concentration before morning feed-
ing were higher in cultures fed low fCHO diets (P < 0.05) and ammonia
T398 Effect of Megasphaera elsdenii NCIMB 41125 (Me) on pro- concentration higher in cultures fed SYPE (P < 0.05). Cultures fed lower
duction of lactating dairy cows. P. H. Henning*1, L. J. Erasmus2, fCHO diets had greater molar proportion of acetate, lower molar propor-
C. H. Horn3, and H. H. Meissner1, 1MS Biotech, Centurion, South tion of butyrate (P < 0.0001), and lower total VFA concentration (P <
Africa, 2University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, 3Biotherapeutics, 0.01). Digestion of true DM was greater when cultures received higher
Centurion, South Africa. fCHO diets (P < 0.05). Bacterial N yield was not affected by fCHO or
436 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
SYPE (P > 0.10) but an interaction between fCHO and SYPE was noted Mean rumen pH as well as bouts, total h, mean bout length, total area,
with an increase in bacterial N yield with SYPE addition to hi fCHO and mean bout area under pH 5.6 did not differ among treatments (P
diets of 9.6% (P < 0.05). Efficiency of bacterial N production based on > 0.05). Total tract digestibility of OM, DM, NDF, ADF, CP, and NSC
fCHO provided was greater in lower fCHO cultures (P < 0.001). The were not affected by EO (P > 0.05). In situ DM disappearance was
effects of soluble yeast protein extract addition were dependent upon not affected by EO (P > 0.05). However, OM disappearance tended
dietary fermentable carbohydrate with positive responses in bacterial to decrease compared with CON (P = 0.08; 60.3% vs. 57.6%) with
yield on higher fCHO diets. CEH. Compared with CON, NDF disappearance (P = 0.05; 41.5% vs.
37.6%) and ADF disappearance (P = 0.04; 44.5% vs. 38.8%) decreased
Key Words: soluble yeast protein extract, fermentable carbohydrate,
with addition of CEH. DMI, number of meals/d, h eating/d, mean meal
ruminal metabolism
length, rumination events/d, h ruminating/d and mean rumination length
were not affected by EO (P > 0.05). However, length of the first meal
T400 Effect of soluble yeast protein extract and culture feed rate after feeding decreased with addition of CEH (47.2 min) and CAP
on fermentation, digestion, and N flow in rumen-simulating fer- (49.4 min) compared with CON (65.4 min; P = 0.01). Milk yield and
menters. G. A. Harrison*, M. D. Meyer, and K. A. Dawson, Alltech, composition did not differ. CEL had no effect on rumen fermentation,
Nicholasville, KY. milk production, or feeding behavior. CAP shortened length of the first
meal without changing rumen fermentation or production, making it a
Effects of soluble yeast protein extract (SYPE) and culture feed rate (FR) possible additive for altering feeding behavior. CEH negatively affected
were investigated in single-flow rumen-simulating fermenter cultures. rumen fermentation and altered feeding behavior, suggesting that a dose
Twelve cultures were used in a 2 × 2 factorial design with 4 dietary of 10 g/d is not beneficial to lactating dairy cows.
treatments and 3 replications per treatment. Dietary treatments were low
FR SBM, low FR SYPE, hi FR SBM, and hi FR SYPE with twice daily Key Words: essential oil, dairy nutrition, rumen fermentation
feeding for 6 d. Culture daily feed rates (as fed) were 20 and 30 g for
low and high FR, respectively, and SYPE was included at 2.64% (DM
T402 Rumen-protected choline affects methionine methyl group
basis) and primarily replaced soybean meal. Fermentation samples were
metabolism in lactating dairy cows. S. L. A. Benoit, B. J. Bequette,
collected from cultures before morning feeding during the last 3 d of
and R. A. Erdman*, University of Maryland, College Park.
experiment. Composite effluent samples from each fermenter were used
for DM and NDF disappearance and volatile fatty acid (VFA) analyses. Methionine (Met) is a precursor for protein synthesis and the primary
Nitrogen flow measures were estimated by using purine to N ratios donor of labile methyl groups. We hypothesized that milk production
for effluent and bacteria. Data were analyzed for effects of treatment responses to rumen protected choline (RPC) relate to choline sparing
using GLM procedure of SAS with FR and SYPE effects determined Met as a methyl donor. The objectives of this study were to determine the
by orthogonal contrasts. Culture pH before morning feeding was lower bio-availability of RPC and whether Met methyl group flux is reduced
in hi FR cultures (P < 0.0001). Mean ammonia concentration before when dairy cows are fed RPC. Four multiparous Holstein cows in mid
morning feeding was not affected by treatment (P > 0.10). Volatile fatty lactation were fed a nutritionally complete basal diet except for Met that
acid pattern was altered by feed rate with molar proportions of acetate was limited to 1.49% of metabolizable protein. Treatments included the
and isoacids being lower (P < 0.05) and molar proportion of butyrate basal diet or the basal diet plus 15g/d RPC as choline chloride (Reashure,
higher with increased feed rate (P < 0.001). Cultures fed more feed had Balchem Corp., New Hampton, NY) in single reversal design with 2
increased total VFA concentration (P < 0.0001). Digestion of true DM wk periods. Metabolic fates of Met were measured by continuous i.v.
and NDF were not affected by treatment (P > 0.10). When feed rate infusion of [1-13C] and [methyl-13C] Met, and [trimethyl-C2H3] choline
was increased, increases were noted in measured g of RDP and bacte- for 12 h on d 14 of each period. Milk was collected at 3 h intervals and
rial N yield (P < 0.01). No differences were detected in fermentation, blood taken over the last 6 h. Supplementation with RPC did not affect
digestion, and N flow due to SYPE (P > 0.10). A numerical increase in total milk yield or milk fat and protein yields which averaged 39 kg/d,
bacterial N yield was observed when SYPE replaced SBM in the higher 1634 g/d and 1110 g/d, respectively. Based on plasma [1-13C] Met and
FR cultures (10.2%) but not in the lower FR cultures (interaction; P [methyl-13C] Met enrichments, total Met flux, irreversible loss, and
> 0.10). Culture feed rate influences fermentation pattern N flow in remethylation were not affected by treatment, averaging 15.2, 11.5, and
rumen-simulating fermenters. 4.2 mmol/h, suggesting that 24% of Met was remethylated. In contrast,
using plasma [1-13C] homocysteine as the true intracellular precursor,
Key Words: soluble yeast protein extract, culture feed rate, ruminal
total Met flux, irreversible loss, and remethylation rates (mmol/h) were
80.1, 67.6 (P = 0.04); 38.3, 33.5; and 41.8, 34.1 (P = 0.07), for control
and RPC, respectively. Differences in plasma vs. casein [methyl-2H3]
T401 Effect of essential oils on rumen fermentation, milk produc- Met labeling, which arises from [trimethyl-C2H3] choline, suggested
tion, and feeding behavior in lactating dairy cows. L. R. Tager* and that ~40% of Met in the mammary gland underwent transmethylation
K. M. Krause, West Virginia University, Morgantown. with choline serving as the methyl donor. Finally, based on treatment
differences in Met methyl flux, the bio-availability of RPC approximated
Eight ruminally cannulated lactating Holstein dairy cows were used in to 72%. These results illustrate the central role of Met and choline in
a Latin rectangle design to assess the effects of 2 commercial essential methyl metabolism and the importance of methyl group transactions in
oil (EO) products on rumen fermentation, milk production, and feeding the high producing dairy cow.
behavior. Cows were fed a TMR with a 42:58 forage:concentrate ratio
(DM basis). Treatments included addition of: 0.5 g/d XT 6965 (CEL; Key Words: methionine, methyl metabolism, dairy cows
85 mg cinnamaldehyde and 140 mg eugenol), 10 g/d XT 6965 (CEH;
1700 mg cinnamaldehyde and 2800 mg eugenol), 0.25 g/d XT 6933
T403 Cloning and identification of novel hydrolase genes from a
(CAP; capsicum), or no oil (CON). Cows were fed ad-libitum twice
metagenomic library of dairy cow rumen microflora and character-
daily for 21 d per period. Total VFA, individual VFA, acetate:propionate
ization of the expressed cellulases. X. Gong*, M. Qi, R. J. Forster, T.
ratio, and ammonia production were not affected by EO (P > 0.05).
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 437
A. McAllister, and R. M. Teather, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada times (0, 12, 24, 48 and 96 h) were used. Variables evaluated were: pH,
Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, Canada. temperature, soluble carbohydrates, yeast count, ammonia and lactic
acid. Data were analyzed as a randomized 4 × 2 factorial design in a
A 6,000-clone metagenomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)
split-plot experiment. Results showed different (P < 0.01) pH behavior
library was constructed from microbial flora DNA extracted from the
among the substrates. Temperature had an increase (P < 0.01) from 0
rumen contents of a grass hay-fed dairy cow and activity-based screen-
h to 12 h in all treatments. Ammonia was different (P < 0.01) among
ing was employed to explore the functional hydrolase genes. Ninety-
treatments and among YS. Lactic acid showed effect (P < 0.01) among
four independent clones specifying distinct hydrolytic activities (51
treatments and among YS. Soluble carbohydrates were different (P <
esterases, 18 xylanases and 25 cellulases) were identified. Subcloning
0.01) among treatments, YS and sampling time. Yeast count of YS D
and sequence analysis of a subset of these hydrolase-positive clones
was higher (P < 0.01) in Tr4 with value of 2.8 × 109 ± 0.05 cell.mL−1
identified 10 endoglucanase genes. Amino acid sequences of 5 of these
at 48 h, versus YS A count of 9.6 ×108 ± 0.05 cell.mL−1 in Tr4 at the
genes indicated less than 55% homology among them, while similarity
96 h. It can be concluded that the use of sugar cane molasses, increases
to the cellulases in the National Center for Biotechnology Information
the growth of yeast, especially K. lactis, during the preparation of a diet
(NCBI) databases averaged 70%. Glycoside hydrolase families 5, 8 and 9
inoculated by submerged solid fermentation.
were represented by 6, one, and 3 of the 10 endoglucanases, respectively.
Subcloning and sequence analysis of a subset of the esterase-positive Key Words: yeasts, fermentation, apple byproduct
clones identified 10 esterase genes. These shared less than 33% homol-
ogy, with an average similarity of 53% to esterases in the databases, as
assessed by predicted amino acid sequence. Preliminary characterization T405 Glycerol can replace corn grain in diets for transition dairy
of the encoded cellulases was carried out using crude extracts of each cows. E. R. Carvalho*, N. S. Schmelz, H. White, and S. S. Donkin,
of the subclones. Zymogram analysis using carboxymethylcellulose as Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
a substrate showed a single positive band for each sample, confirming Expansion of the biofuels industry has increased the availability of
that only one functional cellulase gene was present in each subclone. glycerol as an alternative feed for dairy cows. The objective of this study
Optimal pH for these cellulases ranged from 6.5 to 7.0 and their opti- was to determine the effects of glycerol on feed intake, milk produc-
mal temperatures were 40°C to 50°C. All the endoglucanases could tion, rumen VFA, and metabolic parameters in transition dairy cows.
hydrolyze a wide range of β-1,3-, and β-1,4-linked polysaccharides with Twenty-six multiparous Holstein cows were paired by expected calving
varying activities. The present work revealed an increased diversity of date and fed diets containing either high moisture corn or glycerol from
functional cellulases and esterases in the rumen. −28 through +56 d relative to calving. Glycerol was included at 11.5 and
Key Words: esterase, ruminal microorganisms, BAC library 10.8% of the ration DM for the pre- and postpartum diets, respectively.
Prepartum feed intake was not changed (P ≥ 0.05) by glycerol feeding
(14.6 vs. 14.9 kg/d, glycerol vs. control) nor did postpartum feed intake
T404 Development of a diet inoculate with two substrates by differ (P ≥ 0.05; 20.7 vs. 19.8 kg/d, glycerol vs. control). Overall milk
submerged solid fermentation. D. Díaz-Plascencia*1, C. Rodríguez- yield did not differ (P ≥ 0.05; 37 vs. 35.8 kg/d, glycerol vs. control), but
Muela1, F. Salvador1, J. Jiménez1, H. Rubio2, S. Mena3, and A. Elías4, there was a tendency (P ≤ 0.15) for a treatment × week of lactation effect
1Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, México, 2Instituto that was greater for glycerol. There were no effects of glycerol on milk
Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas Forestales y Pecuarias, Chihua- composition, milk urea nitrogen, somatic cells, and energy balance (P
hua, México, 3Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, 4Instituro ≥ 0.05). During the prepartum period, blood glucose was reduced (P ≤
de Ciencia Animal, La Habana, Cuba. 0.05; 53.4 vs. 59.1 mg/dL, glycerol vs. control) and β-hydroxybutyrate
was increased (P ≤ 0.05; 0.82 vs. 0.58 mmol/L, glycerol vs. control)
To evaluate 2 substrates (apple byproduct (AB) and sugar cane molas-
in cows fed glycerol. Concentrations of blood nonesterified fatty acids
ses (CM)) in the preparation of an inoculate with yeasts for ruminant
did not differ between the treatment groups (P ≥ 0.05), and there was
rations, 2 yeasts strains (YS) were used by submerged solid fermentation
no response (P ≥ 0.05) to glycerol for blood metabolites during the
(YS A, commercial yeast of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae and YS D,
postpartum period. Total rumen VFA (mmol/L) did not differ (P ≥ 0.05;
Kluyveromyces lactis, obtained by apple pomace fermentation) under
85.9 vs. 82.3, glycerol vs. control), but percentage of rumen propionate
aerobic conditions in a liquid medium. Treatments used were Tr1: 200
(28.6 vs. 22.7%, glycerol vs. control) and butyrate (15.3 vs. 11.5%,
mL of AB + 1 g of YS. Tr2: 132 mL of AB + 34 g of CM + 1 g of YS.
glycerol vs. control) were greater (P ≤ 0.05) for cows fed glycerol at
Tr3: 66 mL of AB + 66 g of CM + 1 g of YS. Tr4: 100 g of CM + 1 g of
the expense of acetate (51.5 vs. 61.4%, glycerol vs. control). These data
YS. All treatments were employed for growth of both YS. Treatments
indicate that glycerol is a suitable replacement for corn grain in diets for
were added with 1.2% of urea, 0.2% of ammonium sulfate, 0.5% of
transition dairy cows and suggest that glycerin, a biofuels coproduct, is
mineral supplement. Fermentation was carried out in flasks of 1,000
compatible with transition cow health and productivity.
mL with distilled water. Five replicates by Tr and different sampling
Key Words: biofuels, glycerol, transition cows
438 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ruminant Nutrition: Proteins and Fats
T406 Evaluation of performance of lactating dairy cows supple- experimental rations was, respectively, 27.14; 29.79; 31.15 and 35.41g/
mented with branched chain volatile fatty acids (Nutricattle). E. kgDM, to the levels 0; 7; 14 and 21% of SC inclusion. Dry matter intake
R. Val Neto*1, R. P. Lana1,2, H. N. Val3, M. I. Leão1, and A. B. Mâncio1, of the rations was not affected by the treatments (14.06 kg/day, 2.75%
1Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 2CNPq, Brasília, of live weight and 130.89 g/kg of unit metabolic body weight). The
DF, Brazil, 3Faculdades Associadas de Uberaba (FAZU), Uberaba, intake of the rations without SC and at the level of 21% varied of 0.39
MG, Brazil. to 1.09 and 9.18 to 10.88 g/day, respectively, for EE and total digestive
nutrients, showing linear increase (P = 0.001). The apparent digestibility
Tropical pasture is the main source of cattle feed, but in the dry season of DM and neutral detergent fiber increased linearly with the addition
it is deficient in protein, which is essential for microbial growth. The of the byproduct (69.96 to 72.43 and 59.85 to 64.13%, respectively),
search for technology to increase animal performance may be a feasible while the digestibility of CP and EE showed quadratic behavior (P <
alternative to reduce costs with dairy cattle nutrition. This work aimed 0.05). Sunflower cake can be recommended as a potential alternative
to compare the performance and the efficiency of lactating cows on for feeding dairy cows at the maximum level of inclusion of 21% in
pasture, supplemented with concentrate containing 16% crude protein the concentrate.
(CP) on dry matter basis using cottonseed meal with 38% CP as pro-
tein source, with or without a feed additive containing branched chain Key Words: byproducts, lipids, ruminants
volatile fatty acids (Nutricattle). Twenty-four lactating Holstein × Gir
crossbred cows were evaluated (average body weight = 436.5 kg, days
T408 Milk production and composition from cows with different
in milk = 119, body condition score = 2.75, and average milk yield =
levels of sunflower cake in the ration. E. S. Pereira*1, P. G. Pimentel1,
7.55 L/day). Animals were offered 1.0 kg/animal/day of concentrate
M. R. G. F. Costa1, J. G. L. Regadas Filho2, and J. E. L. Sousa1, 1Uni-
in 2 milking times. In the first week, cows were fed the same diet.
versidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, 2Universidade
After the adaptation period, each lot was randomly assigned to feed
Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
the concentrate with or without 24 g of additive/cow/day. Data were
analyzed in a randomized blocks design, including milk production and The objective of this research was to evaluate the milk production and
body condition score as covariates, using F test. Although there was a composition of dairy cows fed diets containing increasing levels of
reduction in supplement intake in the fourth week, average milk yield sunflower cake. The sunflower cake has an average 164.29 g/kgDM of
of the additive treatment (8.3 L) was higher (P = 0.01) than the average crude protein and 116.28 g/kgDM of ether extract. Eight multiparous
milk yield of the control (7.3 L). There was no difference in the final Holstein x Zebu cows, between 50 and 74 d in milk and 20 ± 2 kg milk/
body condition score between treatments (P = 0.48), but the additive day were allocated in a 4 × 4 double Latin Square Design. Sunflower
increased 0.5 units during the experimental period. In relation to milk cake was fed in the concentrate at the levels of 0; 7; 14 and 21% and
quality, no difference was observed in milk fat (P = 0.21) and cryoscopy Tifton hay was used as main forage in a 60:40 forage to concentrate
(P = 0.71) between treatments. Therefore, although pastures usually ratio. The PROC GLM of SAS was used for the statistical analysis. The
have good quality during the rainy season, according to this result, the milk production increased linearly with the addition of the byproduct
inclusion of Nutricattle additive was nutritionally efficient, increasing (18.88 to 19.29 kg/day), while 4% fat-corrected milk yield showed linear
milk production by 12%. decrease (18.28 to 17.05 kg/day, P < 0.05). The milk fat and protein con-
tent decreased linearly with greater proportions of sunflower cake in the
Key Words: cattle, nutrition, volatile fatty acids
ration (3.79 to 3.23 and 3.28 to 3.17%, respectively). The lactose content
was not affected by increasing levels of sunflower cake in the ration,
T407 Intake and apparent nutrient digestibility in dairy cows but the N-ureic in milk decreased linearly. The palmitic acid (C16:0)
fed with different levels of sunflower cake in the ration. E. S. decreased linearly with the addition levels of the byproduct, although
Pereira*1, P. G. Pimentel1, M. R. G. F. Costa1, J. G. L. Regadas Filho2, for the other saturated fatty acids, as well as to the monounsaturated
and J. E. L. Sousa1, 1Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, and polyunsaturated fatty acids were not observed significant differ-
Ceará, Brasil, 2Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, Minas Gerais, ences (P > 0.05). Sunflower cake can be recommended as a potential
Brasil. alternative for feeding dairy cows at the maximum level of inclusion
of 21% in the concentrate.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the intake and apparent nutrient
digestibility of dairy cows fed rations containing increasing levels of Key Words: byproducts, lipids, ruminants
sunflower cake (SC). The SC has an average 164.29 g/kgDM of crude
protein (CP) and 116.28 g/kgDM of ether extract (EE). Eight multiparous
T409 Supplemental metabolizable lysine delivered with Mega-
Holstein × Zebu cows, between 50 and 74 d in milk and 20 ± 2 kg milk/
mine-L improves productive performance of lactating cows. E.
day were allocated in a 4 × 4 double Latin square design. Sunflower
Block*1, E. Evans2, and N. Clark3, 1Church and Dwight Co., Inc.,
cake was fed in the concentrate at the levels of 0; 7; 14 and 21% and
Princeton, NJ, 2Evans Technical Consulting Services, Bowmanville,
Tifton hay was used as main forage in a 60:40 forage to concentrate ratio.
ON, Canada, 3Atlantic Dairy and Forage Institute, Fredericton Junc-
The PROC GLM of SAS was used for the statistical analysis. Periods
tion, NB, Canada.
were 16 d long; the first 10 d of each period were for dietary adapta-
tion, with weight and samples of diets, refusals and feces taken during Sixteen cows were fed one of 4 diets in a 4 × 4 Latin square treatment
d 11 to 16 of each period to determine the consumption and apparent arrangement designed to evaluate the delivery of intestinally available
digestibility of dry matter (DM) and nutrients. Meals were offered to lysine in a new product, Megamine-L (MEG-L; 16% lysine). The con-
allow 10% refusals according to the calculated ration consumed on the trol diet was formulated using CPM Dairy v3.0 for 35 kg of milk with
previous day. The internal marker indigestible acid detergent fiber was 3.8% fat and 3.1% protein and contained methionine at 2.4% of the
used to estimate the fecal DM excretion. The ether extract content of the metabolizable protein (MP) and lysine at 6.1% of the MP using corn
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 439
and clover silages, corn and barley grain, soybean meal, urea, Megalac, T411 A model to compare the effects of fat sources upon per-
and Smartamine-M. Excess metabolizable protein and energy were at formance and dry matter intake in dairy cows: Effects of trial
zero in the final formulation. MEG-L was substituted for Megalac in duration. E. Block*1 and E. Evans2, 1Church & Dwight Co., Inc.,
the 3 treatment diets at 50, 100 and 150 g/cow/day. Results are shown Princeton, NJ, 2Evans Technical Consulting Services, Bowmanville,
in the table. Supplementing MEG-L in all diets resulted significant (P ON, Canada.
< 0.05) increases in production performance with the 100g/d feeding
Fat contributes to energy balance as well as milk output, and there can
rate being closest to ideal lysine supplied. Using actual productive
be carryover effects in shorter term (ST, <28 d) changeover trials and
performance data and DMI for each cow in CPM Dairy resulted in an
Latin square trials that would lead to erroneous conclusions relative
average metabolizable lysine estimate for MEG-L of 46%.
to long-term (LT) blocked feeding trials. This study was conducted to
model responses to supplemental fat sources (calcium salts, prilled fatty
Table 1. Production responses of dairy cows fed 3 levels of acids, tallow, and vegetable oil) as determined from ST and LT trials.
Megamine-L (MEG-L) Data obtained from full manuscripts published since 1990 were used for
g/d MEG-L model development if diets were typical (protein from 15 to 22%; NDF
Control from 27 to 44%). Data were analyzed using a GLM procedure account-
P≥F ing for experiment and fat source. Treatment values were compared as
(0) 50 100 150
Milk, kg/d 31.1a 34.1b 35.4c 34.8b 0.047 differences from control. A Tukey’s test was conducted to determine
3.5 FCM, kg/d 34.2a 37.5b 40.3c 39.1c 0.035 pairwise differences between treatments and control. In the ST model,
ECM, kg/d 31.2a 34.1b 35.4c 34.8c 0.041 milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), energy corrected milk (ECM) and ECM/
DMI,kg/d 22.2 21.8 21.6 22.4 0.786 DMI increased (P < 0.05) with fat supplements relative to control. The
Fat Yield, kg/d 1.28a 1.40b 1.54c 1.48bc 0.040 increases in MY and ECM/DMI were associated with studies involving
Protein Yield, kg/d 973a 1.15b 1.18b 1.16b 0.038 calcium salts only. Protein yield (PY) was not affected (P > 0.05). DMI
Milk/DMI 1.40a 1.56b 1.64c 1.55b 0.028 and calculated NEI declined (P < 0.05) in ST with added fat and this was
Estimated metabolizable Lys primarily associated with the feeding of tallow. In the LT model there
0 47.2 50.0 43.6
from MEG-L, % of lysine were no trials using prilled fatty acids that fit the criteria for inclusion.
abcValues with different superscripts differ (P ≤ 0.05). In this LT model MY, ECM, NE balance, and ECM/DMI were improved
with fat, with no effects of fat on FY or PY. The increase in NE balance
Key Words: metabolizable lysine, lactating cow, milk production was associated with vegetable oil while the improvement in ECM/DMI
was associated with calcium salts. DMI did not change with added fat
in the LT trials (P > 0.05). The magnitude of effects of feeding fat was
T410 A model to compare effects of supplemental fat sources on
much greater in LT than in ST trials.
performance and dry matter intake in dairy cows: Effects of fat
inclusion level. E. Block*1 and E. Evans2, 1Church and Dwight Co., Key Words: dietary fat, dairy cow, production performance
Inc., Princeton, NJ, 2Evans Technical Consulting Services, Bowmanville,
ON, Canada.
T412 Hourly effective rumen degradation ratio in wheat DDGS,
Experiments conducted to evaluate the addition of fat to diets for dairy Corn DDGS and Blend DDGS from bio-ethanol plants: Effect of
cows have involved a range in the amounts supplied. This study was bio-ethanol plant and DDGS type. W. G. Nuez-Ortín* and P. Yu,
conducted to assess production and dry matter intake responses to differ- Department of Animal and Poultry Science, College of Agriculture and
ent sources of fat (calcium salts, prilled fatty acids, tallow, and vegetable Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
oil) compared with control diets (no added fat) as influenced by level
of dietary fat inclusion (normal levels, defined as lower dietary fat than The objectives of this study were to compare different types of DDGS
milk fat output vs. excessive levels, defined as higher dietary fat than and different bio-ethanol plants on hourly effective rumen degradation
milk fat output). Data obtained from full peer reviewed manuscripts ratio (ED), determined based on the model published by Sinclair et al.
published since 1990 were used for model development if diets were in 1993. The corn DDGS, wheat DDGS and blend DDGS (70% wheat:
considered typical (protein from 15 to 22%; NDF from 27 to 44%). Data 30% corn), and wheat and corn samples with 3 to 5 different batches
were analyzed using a GLM procedure accounting for experiment and fat were obtained. The data was analyzed using a mixed procedure of
source. Treatment values were compared as differences from control. A SAS with a CRD model. In dairy cows, the optimum ratio between the
Tukey’s test was conducted to determine pairwise differences between effective extent of degradability of N and OM to achieve maximum
treatments and control. Milk yield (MY), fat yield (FY), energy corrected microbial synthesis and minimize N loss is 25 g N per kg OM truly
milk (ECM), and ECM/DMI were improved (P < 0.05), protein yield digested in rumen. The results showed that (1) wheat exhibited higher
(PY) was unchanged and DMI was reduced when fat was included in the than optimal ED ratio at all incubation times except at 2 h, ranging from
normal range in diets. The model showed that the improvements in MY, 23 to 991 g N/kg OM, while corn showed less than optimal ratio during
FY and ECM caused by fat inclusion in the normal range were associ- the entire incubation, ranging from 0 to 24 g N/kg OM. (2) Comparing
ated with studies involving calcium salts primarily with little effects of with DDGS, the hourly ED ratios of N/OM for wheat were higher (P <
prills, tallow, and vegetable oils while tallow was primarily responsible 0.05) than those for DDGS samples at 0, 12 and 24 h, however, the ratios
for the decline in DMI when comparing fat additions to control diets. for corn were lower (P < 0.05) at all incubation times. (3) Comparing
When dietary fat was excessive, there were no changes in MY, FY, PY among the 3 types of DDGS, wheat DDGS had the highest (P < 0.05)
or ECM compared with control diets. In diets containing excessive fat, ratios (26–103 g N/kg OM), while ratios for blend DDGS (29–89 g N/
NE intake increased, but DMI decreased relative to the controls. kg OM) were numerically higher (P > 0.05) than those for corn DDGS
(14–56 g N/kg OM). The hourly ED ratios of N/OM tended to rise with
Key Words: dietary fat, dairy cow, production performance increasing incubation time for wheat DDGS and blend DDGS; however,
they remained constant for corn DDGS. This reflects a higher difference
in the hourly effective degradation of N at later stages for blend DDGS
440 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
and wheat DDGS than for corn DDGS rather than differences in the Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand, 2Teagasc, Dunsany, Co. Meath,
hourly effective degradability of OM. (4) The bio-ethanol plant effect Ireland, 3Teagasc, Fermoy, Co. Cork, Ireland.
was significant at the beginning and end of incubations. The hourly ED
This study investigated the potential to use fractionation of N isotopes
ratios of N/OM for wheat DDGS from SK-Plant 1 was greater at 0 h (42
among milk fractions to assess NUE. Nine Holstein-Friesian cows graz-
vs. 16 g N/kg OM) but lesser at 12 h (80 vs. 88 g N/ kg OM) and 24 h
ing on ryegrass and white clover mixture pasture only were used in this
(85 vs. 114 g N/kg OM). The results shown here indicate that DDGS
study. All cows were milked twice daily, one morning and afternoon milk
samples exhibited more than optimal rumen degradation ratio.
samples from each cow were collected for analysis. Milk samples were
Key Words: hourly effective rumen degradation ratio, bioethanol co- defatted by centrifugation and protein was precipitated using acetone
products, dried distillers grains with solubles (4 acetone: 1 milk (vol/vol)). Whole milk, protein pellet (PP) and the
supernatant (NPN) were freeze-dried and analyzed for 15N (delta-15N
units; per ml). The 15N in milk fractions, between am and pm samples,
T413 Production response of Holstein lactating cows to roasted or and the relationship between N isotope fractionation and milk urea N
electron beam irradiated whole soybean. A. Akbarian1, G. Ghor- (MUN; mg/dL) were compared using one-way ANOVA (ANOVA) with
bani1, M. Khorvash1, P. Showrang3, M. Dehghan-Banadaky*2, and M. cow as experimental block and linear regression. The mean 15N in PP
Jafari1, 1Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, 2University of (7.05; SD = 0.248) was significantly (P < 0.001) higher than in whole
Tehran, Karaj, Tehran, Iran, 3Nuclear Science and Technology Research milk (6.81; SD = 0.265), while 15N in NPN was significantly (P < 0.001)
Institute, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran. lower (1.61; SD = 0.448). The correlation between am and pm values
Nine lactating Holstein cows (130 ± 15 DIM, 39 ± 2 kg/d milk yield) was weaker for MUN (P < 0.05) than for 15N in milk fractions (P <
were used in a duplicated 3 × 3 Latin square design experiment with 3 0.001). 15N in NPN was lower for am samples (1.41 vs. 1.91; SED =
21 d periods. Cows were fed with rations with 60% concentrate and 40% 0.172; P < 0.05), while MUN tended to be higher (17.5 vs. 16.1; SED
forage. Treatments consisted of untreated, roasted and electron beam = 0.77; P = 0.07). There was a positive linear relationship (y = 2.58x +
irradiation (63 kGy) formulated to meet energy and protein requirements 12.51; r2 = 0.35; P = 0.05) between MUN (y) and 15N in average NPN
recommended by the NRC (2001). The amount of feed and orts offered (x), but this differed between am and pm samples. This may be related
were measured daily for individual cows to calculate dry matter and to differences in N isotopic discrimination between urea derived from
crude protein intake. Cows were milked 3 times daily. The data were excess N in the rumen or tissues, or differences in the other components
analyzed with Proc Mixed of SAS. The statistical model included fixed of milk NPN. In conclusion, there were consistent differences between
effects of treatment, square and their interaction. The effects of period cows in the 15N content of milk and milk fractions, though further work
and cow within the square were random. Dry matter and crude protein is needed to elucidate the effects of different pathways on N isotopic
intake were not significantly different among treatments (P > 0.05, discrimination.
Table 1). Milk production and energy corrected milk of cows fed ration Key Words: stable nitrogen isotopes, milk urea nitrogen, discrimina-
containing roasted whole soybean tended to increase (P > 0.05). Fat, tion
protein and lactose contents of milk were not differ (P > 0.05) among
treatments. There was a significant effect on milk efficiency of cows fed
different diets (P < 0.05). Results showed that feeding roasted whole T415 Effect of replacing blood meal with rumen-protected
soybean improved milk production efficiency of cows. amino acids on milk production and composition in lactating dairy
cows. G. E. Aines*1, G. F. Schroeder2, M. Messman2, and M. J. de
Veth1, 1Balchem Corporation, New Hampton, NY, 2Cargill Animal
Table 1. Production performance for Holstein cows fed diets
Nutrition, Innovation Campus, Elk River, MN.
contained untreated, roasted or irradiated whole soybean
Diets A study was conducted to determine the effects on milk production and
Irradiated composition when lysine (Lys) and histidine (His) supplied by porcine
Roasted whole blood meal were replaced by lipid-encapsulated rumen-protected forms
Items SEM (Balchem Corporation) of these 2 amino acids. Forty-four Holstein cows
Untreated soybeans soybean
DMI (kg/day) 26.7 24.9 27.1 0.63 (mean 102 DIM) were used in a randomized block design. Treatments
CP Intake (kg/day) 4.5 4.4 4.5 0.2 were: 1) Positive Control (PC) = diet which contained blood meal (0.4%
Milk yield (kg/day) 38.1 39.4 38.6 0.99 of DM) and was balanced to meet metabolizable Lys and His, 2) Nega-
ECM (kg/day) 41.5 41.9 42.5 1.01 tive Control (NC) = similar to PC but removing blood meal, meeting
Milk efficiency a minimum of 80% of the metabolizable Lys and His requirements, 3)
1.4b 1.6a 1.4b 0.04
(milk yield/DMI) NC+His = NC diet supplemented with rumen-protected His to provide
Fat % 4.1 4.1 4.2 0.07 the same total level of His supply as the PC, and 4) NC+His+Lys = simi-
Protein % 3.3 3.2 3.2 0.03 lar to NC+His but supplemented with rumen-protected Lys to provide the
Lactose % 4.6 4.6 4.6 0.05 same levels of the 2 amino acids as the PC. NC and PC diets contained
a,b Means with different letters differ (P < 0.05). 17.0 and 17.8% CP, respectively. His and Lys were top dressed twice
daily. DMI and milk yield were recorded daily and averaged by week.
Key Words: whole soybean, roasted, electron beam irradiated Milk composition was analyzed on the last day of each week. Data
was analyzed using the PROC Mixed procedure of SAS with repeated
measures and pretreatment milk yield was used as a covariate. Cows
T414 The relationship between nitrogen use efficiency and N
on NC treatment produced less milk (40.4 kg) compared with PC (42.5
isotopic fractionation in dairy cows using milk samples collected
kg, P < 0.05). NC+His had similar milk yield (39.9 kg) compared with
in the morning or afternoon. L. Cheng*1, R. Dewhurst2, J. Larkin2,
NC, however, NC+His+Lys increased milk yield (42.6 kg) compared
F. Buckley3, C. Thackaberry3, and G. Edwards1, 1Lincoln University,
with NC and NC+His indicating that Lys was first limiting or co-limiting
with His. PC and NC+His+Lys milk production were not different.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 441
Milk components, DMI and feed efficiency were not different among T417 Partial replacement of soybean meal by encapsulated urea in
treatments. MUN (mg/dl) was significantly (P < 0.01) lower for NC, commercial dairy herds. V. A. Silveira1, N. M. Lopes1, R. C. Oliveira1,
NC+His and NC+His+Lys (11.8, 12.2 and 11.5, respectively) compared B. Gonzales1, A. V. Siqueira1, L. P. P. Bier2, M. S. Zoni3, W. Giardini4,
with PC (16.7), indicating that protein was used more efficiently in the R. Almeida*2, and M. N. Pereira1, 1Universidade Federal de Lavras,
lower protein diets. The results suggest that replacing the essential amino Lavras, MG, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR,
acids Lys and His that are supplied from porcine blood meal with equal Brazil, 3Milkonsult, Castro, PR, Brazil, 4Alltech do Brasil, Brazil.
levels from rumen-protected sources can maintain milk yield despite
Two on-farm trials were conducted to evaluate the partial replacement
lower CP levels.
of soybean meal by encapsulated urea (OptigenII, Alltech do Brasil,
Key Words: blood meal, histidine, lysine Brazil). From a control treatment, 1 kg of soybean meal was replaced
by 160 g of Optigen plus 2.5 kg of corn silage in trial 1 or 150 g of
Optigen plus 0.85 kg of ground corn in trial 2. Researchers were respon-
T416 Fatty acid composition of milk from Holstein cows fed diet sible for manually mixing the treatments in proportion to the offered
supplemented with fish oil and canola oil from transition period to TMR and performing data collection in each farm. Trial 1 started with
early lactation. T. S. Vafa, A. Heravi Moussavi*, A. A. Naserian, M. 68 Holsteins (243 DIM) paired blocked based on parity and yield and
Danesh Mesgaran, and R. Valizadeh, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, allocated to a treatment for 21 d, after a 5-d standardization period. Trial
Excellence Center for Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Mashhad, 2 started with 120 cows (291 DIM), also paired blocked and allocated
Khorasan Razavi, Iran. to a sequence of 2 treatments in a crossover design with 21-d periods.
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of feeding fish oil Seven cows were lost in trial 1 and 23 were lost in trial 2. Response
and canola oil from transition period to early lactation on milk fatty acid variables were measured on d 17 to 21 of treatment allocation, during
composition. Experimental diets were supplemented with either 0% oil which feed offered and orts were sampled daily. Data for trial 1 was
(Control, n = 9), or 2% oil (supplemented, 1% canola oil-1%fish oil, n analyzed with the GLM of SAS with a model containing the effects of
= 9), and fed 2 times a day from day −21 to 50 related to calving. Cows covariate (measure of the same variable at the end of the standardization
were blocked by parity, previous 305–2x milk production and expected period), block and treatment. Data from trial 2 used a model containing
calving time. Milk samples of first, third and sixth week of lactation were the effects of cow, period, and treatment. Orts as a percentage of the
collected for fatty acids analysis using gas chromatography. All milk offered diet fresh matter was 4.7 and 5.3% for trial 1 and 2.7 and 2.3%
fatty acid results were expressed as g/100g of total fatty acids. The data for trial 2, for Control and Optigen treatments, respectively. The DM,
repeated in time were analyzed by using a mixed model for a completely CP and NDF content of the offered diets and orts were similar across
randomized design with repeated measures. Significance was declared treatments, as well as cow′s body weight and body condition score.
at P < 0.05. As revealed in table1, total short (SCFA; C4:0- C8:0) and Milk yield was 38.4 kg for Control and 38.9 kg for Optigen in trial 1
medium (MCFA; C10:0- C16:0) fatty acids decreased and total poly (P = 0.62), and 27.0 kg and 27.2 kg in trial 2 (P = 0.64), respectively.
unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) increased in supplemented diet. The pro- No difference in milk solids secretion was detected (P > 0.44). Optigen
portion of C16:0, C16:1 and C18:0 decreased in supplemented diet. The increased MUN from 16.3 to 17.3 mg/dL in trial 1 (P < 0.01), but did
proportion of trans (t) 10, cis (c) 12–18:2, c9, t11–18:2, c9, c12–18:2, elicit such a response in trial 2 (P = 0.14). Optigen tended to increase
t9, t11–18:2, t-18:1, eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic the group ratio of milk to feed in trial 2 (P = 0.08). Replacing soybean
acid (DHA) increased in supplemented diets, but the proportion of meal by Optigen did not induce lower performance, although increased
c11–18:1 and c9–18:1 were similar between diets. The results of this MUN was observed when Optigen combined with corn silage replaced
study demonstrate that feeding a combination of fish oil and canola oil soybean meal.
had significant effect on milk fatty acids composition. Key Words: non-protein nitrogen, slow-release urea, Optigen
Table 1. Effects of pre- and post calving feeding of fish oil and
T418 The effect of feeding a prototype of ruminally protected
canola oil on milk fatty acids composition (g/ 100 g FA)
lysine (RPL) on production performance and plasma amino acid
Fatty acids Control Supplemented SE P-value profile of early lactation dairy cattle. J. E. Nocek1, M. Miura2, and
16:0 22.72 20.53 1.33 ** I. Shinzato*2, 1Spruce Haven Farm and Research Center, Auburn,
16:1 0.71 0.60 0.01 ** NY, 2Ajinomoto Co., Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
18:0 12.9 11.59 0.32 *
t 18:1 0.15 0.18 0.07 * Thirty-six lactating Holstein cows were used to examine the effects of
c9 18:1 23.81 26.13 1.9 ns ruminally protected lysine (RPL) supplementation and dosage on pro-
t9,t12-18:2 0.16 0.23 0.01 ** duction performance and plasma amino acid profile of high-producing
t9,t11-18:2 0.02 0.05 0.002 *** dairy cows. Multiparous cows were balanced across treatments based on
t10,c12-18:2 0.03 0.05 0.007 ** their 4 week of lactation average milk production as follows: Control,
c9,t11-18:2 0.38 0.65 0.02 *** 75, 150, 225 g/d of RPL. These treatments were designed to deliver 0,
EPA 0.05 0.11 0.01 ** 4.5, 9.0 and 13.5 g/cow/d of supplemental intestinally available lysine,
DHA 0.08 0.14 0.005 ** respectively. Cows started the experimental period on the fifth week
SCFA 7.88 6.92 0.12 ** post-calving and remained on treatment for 4 weeks. Prior to treatment
MCFA 14.59 11.61 0.63 ** administration, all cows received the control diet, which contained 75%
PUFA 3.59 4.76 0.06 *** of forage from corn silage, for one week. Control diet was fed to all
ns = not significant; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.0001. cows throughout the experimental period, however, in addition, cows
received 500 g/d of corn meal premix top dressed once daily to deliver
Key Words: fish oil, canola oil, milk fatty acids 0, 75, 150 or 225 g/d of RPL. Dry matter intake was the highest for cows
receiving 225g RPL compared with Control or 150g RPL. As a percent-
age of body weight, DMI remained higher for cows receiving 225g RPL
442 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
compared with 75g RPL. Mean milk yield was higher (P < 0.05) for significant increase in milk protein output and a reduction in arginine
cows receiving 75g RPL than Control (43.4 vs. 40.2 kg), with 150g and uptake by the mammary gland were observed when proline was infused
225g RPL not being different than either. Fat percentage was higher (P into the duodenum of 2 cows. The objective of this experiment was to
< 0.05) for 150g and 225g RPL compared with 75g (3.83 vs. 3.35%, determine the effects of abomasal infusion of histidine and proline on
respectively), with control not being different. However, fat percentage lactation performance in cows fed more conventional diets and to mea-
for 75g RPL increased with time on treatment. Fat yield reflected this sure amino acid utilization by the mammary gland. Four rumen-fistulated
same numeric tendency (P = 0.08). Protein percentage was higher for Holstein cows (52 ± 19 DIM) with indwelling intercostal arterial
control compared with 75g RPL with 150g and 225g not being different catheters were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square experiment. Experimental
from either. Protein yield, lactose, MUN and SCC were not affected by treatments were continuous abomasal infusion of water (control), His
RPL treatment. There were no significant (P > 0.10) or notable effects (10g/d), Pro (20 g/d), and His (10 g/d) + Pro (20 g/d), with 7-d treatment
of RPL level on plasma AA concentration. These results demonstrated periods. Cows were fed a TMR (14.4% CP, 2.3 Mcal/kg ME) once per
lysine is limiting in high corn silage diets for milk production. day for ad libitum intake and refusals were measured and analyzed. The
CNCPS v6.1 was used to formulate a diet to exceed the metabolizable
Key Words: ruminally protected lysine, milk production, plasma
energy requirement, provide 95% of the predicted metabolizable protein
amino acids
requirement, and supply adequate amounts of all essential amino acids,
except Arg. Fat corrected milk yields were not affected by treatment
T419 Effect of HMBi supplementation on splanchnic methionine (51.8 kg/d, TRT C; 50.6 kg/d, TRT H; 49.0 kg/d TRT H+P; 52.4 kg/d
metabolism in postpartum transition cows. M. Larsen*, K. F. TRT P), however abomasal infusion of Pro decreased feed intake and
Dalbach, B. M. L. Raun, and N. B. Kristensen, Faculty of Agricultural improved feed efficiency by 0.17 kg 3.5% FCM per kg dry matter (P
Sciences, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark. < 0.05). Pro infusion increased lactose percentage (P < 0.05) but not
yield. The lactose response suggests that longer infusions might have
Eight second lactation Holstein cows implanted with permanent indwell- resulted in increased milk yield. A similar effect for lactose and feed
ing catheters in major splanchnic blood vessels were used to study the efficiency was observed for the H+P treatment. In this experiment abo-
effect of dietary supplementation with the methionine hydroxyl analog masal infusion of His resulted in no performance difference or change
(2-hydroxy-4-methylthio butanoic acid isopropyl ester; HMBi; Adis- in efficiency. Our results indicate that postruminal supplementation
seo, France) on splanchnic methionine (Met) metabolism. At calving, of Pro might increase milk fat production and feed efficiency in high
cows were assigned to 1 of 4 diets in a 2 × 2 factorial design with one producing dairy cows.
factor being HMBi supplement (2.6 g/kg dry matter) compared with no
supplement (CTRL). The second factor was source of alcohol (ethanol Key Words: amino acids, feed efficiency, infusion
vs. propanol). Diets were fed ad libitum in equally sized meals at 8 h
intervals. Eight hourly sets of arterial, portal vein, and hepatic vein
T421 Response of dairy cows to the supplementation of fatty acids
samples were obtained at −15 ± 5 d prepartum as well as 4, 15, and 29
from calcium salts of soybean oil or heated soybeans. G. S. Dias
d in milk (DIM). Met was analyzed in pooled plasma by GC-MS. The
Júnior1, N. M. Lopes1, L. L. Bitencourt1, V. A. Silveira1, G. G. S. Salvati1,
statistical model included both factors, DIM and possible interactions,
N. N. Morais Júnior4, E. O. S. Saliba3, R. A. N. Pereira2, and M. N.
where DIM was considered as a repeated measure. No interactions
Pereira*1, 1Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, 2Empresa de
were observed between factors studied. Postpartum, milk yield and dry
Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais, Lavras, Brazil, 3Universidade
matter intake were unaffected by HMBi supplementation (P ≥ 0.32) and
Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 4Instituto Federal de
averaged 34 ± 1 and 18 ± 1 kg/d, respectively. Casein content in milk
Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Espirito Santo, Colatina, Brazil.
tended to decrease at a lower rate with HMBi compared with CTRL as
lactation progressed (interaction, P = 0.06). Milk fat content tended (P This study evaluated the effect of supplementing corn silage based
= 0.07) to be greater with HMBi. The change in arterial Met concentra- diets with fatty acids from calcium salts of soybean oil (Megalac E,
tion from prepartum to 4 DIM differed (P < 0.01) between HMBi (from Química Geral do Nordeste SA, Nova Ponte, Brazil) or from cracked
20 to 23 μM) and CTRL (from 21 to 17 μM). Postpartum, arterial Met whole roasted soybeans (Alfa Nutrisoja, Cooperalfa, Chapecó, Brazil).
concentrations tended (P = 0.09) to remain greater with HMBi. The net The content of Megalac was 1.4% of diet DM and the content of heated
portal and net splanchnic releases of Met were unaffected (P ≥ 0.50) by soybeans was 5.4. The dietary EE content was 4.3% of DM for Con-
HMBi and averaged 7.7 ± 0.3 and 5.3 ± 0.3 mmol/h, respectively. The trol and 6.0 for the fat supplemented diets. Diets contained 42.3% of
net hepatic removal of Met tended (P = 0.08) to be greater with HMBi DM from corn silage, 14.2% from high moisture corn, and 0.9% from
as compared with CTRL (2.7 and 2.0 ± 0.3 mmol/h, respectively). In bicarbonate. The dietary content of soybean meal and citrus pulp were
conclusion, dietary HMBi supplementation to postpartum transition 22.1 and 18.6 for Control, 18.4 and 16.9 for Soybean, and 22.5 and 16.8
cows prevented a decrease in plasma Met in the first week postpartum for Megalac; diets CP content were 16.3, 16.7, and 16.6, respectively.
without requiring time for adaptation to HMBi feeding. The greater Twenty-four Holsteins (638 kg, 216 DIM) received a sequence of the
hepatic removal of Met with HMBi indicates that Met was supplied in treatments in 8 concurrently run 3 × 3 Latin Squares, with 28-d periods,
excess relative to other amino acids. and 21 d of adaptation. Daily milk yield was 31.7 kg for Control, 32.7
for Soybean, and 31.8 for Megalac (P = 0.43). Megalac reduced daily
Key Words: transition, methionine, metabolism
DMI from 21.4 to 20.5 kg compared with Control (P = 0.05). There
was a trend for decreased time of the first daily meal with Megalac (P
T420 The effect of abomasal infusion of histidine and proline = 0.07). Milk to feed ratio was 1.56 for Megalac and 1.48 for Control
on milk composition and amino acid utilization in high producing (P = 0.07). Megalac decreased milk fat content from 3.11 to 2.64% and
lactating dairy cows. M. W. Hofherr*, D. A. Ross, and M. E. Van daily fat yield from 0.986 to 0.828 kg (P < 0.01), resulting in lowered
Amburgh, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. daily milk energy secretion (P = 0.04). Soybean had no effect on milk
solids (P > 0.33). Rumen protozoa count was decreased by both fat
Histidine has been shown to be a limiting amino acid in grass fed lac- supplements (P < 0.01), no difference was detected in MUN (P = 0.92)
tating dairy cows and to alter fat secretion under certain conditions. A
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 443
or the daily excretion of allatoin in urine (P = 0.54). Supplementation salts of LCFA (Megalac; M) and a SMCFA mixture (S) (C8:0- 3.3%,
of corn silage based diets with fatty acids from calcium salts of soybean C10:0- 7.6%, C12:0- 9.85%, C14:0- 32.12% and C16:0- 47.11%) that
oil decreased milk fat secretion and diet intake, and tended to increase contained 0, 200, 400, and 600 g/d S substituted for M (S0, S200, S400,
feed efficiency, while the same fat content from whole roasted soybeans and S600, respectively). No significant changes were observed with dry
did not induce a similar response. matter intake, milk yield, and fat corrected milk (FCM), whereas milk
fat concentration was increased (P = 0.008) by 0.17, 0.25, and 0.33
Key Words: calcium soap, fat, soybean oil
percentage units for the respective S treatments. Fat yield peaked with
S200 and milk protein content and yield were reduced at the higher S
T422 Variability of estimated protected proteins of feather levels due to a trend toward reduced milk yield in the S600 treatment.
meals. J. A. Davidson*, K. B. Cunningham, H. C. Puch, and B. L. In conclusion, SMCFA supplementation increased milk fat content
Miller, LongView Animal Nutrition Center, Land O’Lakes Purina Feed, in a linear fashion but the trend toward reduced feed intake and milk
Gray Summit, MO. production at the highest level of supplementation might have masked
the effects of SMCFA on total milk fat synthesis.
The objective was to evaluate the quality of sources of feather meal in
regard to ruminal undegraded protein and available protein. Nine feather
meal samples along with control samples of SurePro (non-enzymatically Table 1. Production responses to increasing SMCFA
browned soybean meal) and SBM were evaluated utilizing in sacco SMCFA, g/d 0 200 400 600 SEM P-value
techniques. Samples prepared in 51-µm polyester bags were exposed DMI, kg/d 26.5 26.4 26.5 25.5 0.53 0.24
for 12 h within a ruminally-cannulated steer fed a forage:concentrate Milk, kg/d 43.6 43.9 42.7 41.1 1.1 0.08
diet of 60:40 at DMI of 3.5% of BW. Additional subsets of bags were 3.5%FCM, kg/d 45.04 46.75 45.98 44.75 1.8 0.36
utilized to determine a 0-h protein disappearance and protein disappear- Milk fat, % 3.75b 3.92ab 4.0a 4.08a 0.16 0.008
ance after digestion with pepsin (0.1 N HCl) for an additional 12 h. The Milk fat, g/d 1614 1709 1694 1663 89.9 0.28
RUP value was calculated as percent remaining after 12-h exposure in Milk protein,% 3.10ab 3.12a 3.09ab 3.06b 0.05 0.03
rumen and available protein (AP) was the difference between % protein Milk protein, g/d 1351 1373 1318 1257 41.5 0.05
disappearance at 12-h exposure in rumen and 12-h pepsin digestion. The a–bLeast squares means within a row with different superscripts differ.
mean ± SE estimated RUP for the feather meals, SurePro, and SBM
were 78 ± 1.9%, 81 ± 0.6%, and 40%, respectively. The mean ± SE AP Key Words: milk fat, short-chain fatty acids
for the feather meals, SurePro, and SBM were 25 ± 3.9%, 70 ± 0.9%,
and 38%, respectively. In comparison, the NRC 2001 estimates of RUP T424 Effect of feeding varied levels of crude protein and absorb-
as % CP for feather meals were 62 to 65% with a RUP digestibility of able methionine on milk yield in lactating dairy cows. G. A.
65 to 70%; 69 to 79% RUP with 93% digestibility for SurePro; and Broderick*1, R. A. Patton2, W. Heimbeck3, and C. Parys3, 1U.S. Dairy
31 to 43% RUP with 93% digestibility for SBM. Thus, the NRC 2001 Forage Research Center, Madison, WI, 2Nittany Dairy Nutrition, Inc.,
described the AP of feather meal, SurePro, and SBM as 40 to 46%, 64 to Mifflinburg, PA, 3Evonik Degussa GmbH, Hanau, Germany.
73%, and 29 to 40%, respectively. Based on our measurements, the AP
of feather meal is 15% lower than those of NRC 2001, whereas SurePro Supplementing with limiting AA should allow less CP to be fed; reducing
and SBM were within the reported range. In conclusion, this data set dietary CP will decrease urinary N and ameliorate the environmental
demonstrates the need to continually monitor and evaluate protected impact of dairying. Rumen-protected Met (RPM) fed as Mepron to pro-
protein sources. In sacco methods along with pepsin digestion are tools vide 9 g/d of absorbable Met allowed similar milk yield at 15.8% CP as
to characterize the consistency and quality of RUP and AP from multiple at 17.1% CP without RPM (Broderick et al., J. Dairy Sci. 92:2719, 2009).
sources. Feather meal as a source of RUP for lactating cow diets does A lactation trial was conducted to assess response to RPM at different
not consistently have high digestibility and is a poor alternative to other CP levels. TMR were prepared from alfalfa and corn silages, dry and
feed ingredients. high moisture corn, and solvent and expeller soybean meals. Diets were
formulated to 28% NDF and 12, 14, 16 or 18% CP (DM basis); at each
Key Words: protected protein, feather meal, in sacco methods level of CP, RPM provided 0, 4.5, 9.0 and 13.5 g/d of absorbable Met,
assuming 25 kg/d of DMI and 0.6 g absorbed Met/g of Mepron (total
T423 Milk fat responses to dietary short and medium chain fatty = 16 diets). Sixty-four cows were blocked by DIM into 16 squares and
acids in lactating dairy cows. D. Vyas*, B. B. Teter, and R. A. Erdman, randomly assigned to balanced 4 × 4 Latin squares. The 4 levels of RPM
University of Maryland, College Park. were fed at each CP level for 4, 4-wk periods. Data from the last 2-wk
of each period were analyzed for linearity of response to dietary CP and
During diet induced milk fat depression, the short- and medium-chain RPM using the Mixed model of SAS; LS means are reported. Analysis of
fatty acids (SMCFA), synthesized de novo in the mammary gland, are TMR extracts with the Met-nitroprusside reaction confirmed that RPM
reduced to a much greater extent than the long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) was fed in desired amounts but CP was higher than formulated. Dietary
originating from the diet. Our hypothesis was that SMCFA limit milk CP increased DMI, BW gain and yield of milk, 3.5% FCM, fat and
fat synthesis even under conditions when milk fat is not depressed. protein but did not affect milk/DMI. Production was not increased when
Our objective was to test the potential limitation of SMCFA on milk fat diets contained 15.8% or more CP. Although the NRC model indicated
synthesis via dietary supplementation. Sixteen lactating Holstein cows that diets had Lys/Met ratios ranging from 3.3 to 3.7, and observed milk
(86 ± 41 DIM) randomly assigned in groups of 4 per pen and fed corn yield was more than MP-allowable milk on 12.9 and 15.8% CP, more
silage based TMR were supplemented with 1 of 4 dietary fat supplements absorbable Met had no effect on production in this trial.
(600g/d) in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 21-d experimental periods.
Treatments consisted of fat supplements containing mixtures of calcium
444 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Table 1. Production data than the response to Met, suggesting than other amino acids may have
Dietary CP, % been more limiting to milk production.
Item 12.9 15.8 18.2 20.2 P>F Key Words: amino acid, methionine, protein
DMI, kg/d 24.2b 26.6a 27.1a 27.0a 0.04
Milk, kg/d 38.6b 44.8a 45.9a 45.8a 0.04
FCM, kg/d 40.5b 47.5a 50.1a 49.0a 0.03 T426 Effects of level of rumen degradable protein and corn
distillers grains in corn silage-based diets on milk production and
Fat, kg/d 1.47b 1.73 a 1.86a 1.78a 0.06
ruminal fermentation in lactating dairy cows. G. I. Zanton* and A.
Protein, kg/d 1.13b 1.38a 1.39a 1.38a < 0.01 J. Heinrichs, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
MUN, mg/dL 7.3d 12.9c 16.9b 19.3a < 0.01 Two of the potential obstacles precluding inclusion of higher levels of
Absorbable Met, g/d dry distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in corn-based, dairy cow
0 4.5 9.0 13.5 P>F diets are the low levels of rumen degradable protein (RDP) and the
DMI, kg/d 26.5 26.3 26.0 26.2 0.31 fatty acid content and composition of DDGS. Therefore, the objective
Milk, kg/d 44.0 44.1 43.5 43.4 0.27 of this experiment was to evaluate the production and rumen responses
FCM, kg/d 46.8 47.3 46.0 46.9 0.45 to dietary alterations in the level of RDP and DDGS for dairy cows
Fat, kg/d 1.70 1.73 1.68 1.73 0.51 fed a high corn silage diet. The experimental design was a replicated,
Protein, kg/d 1.32 1.33 1.30 1.32 0.51 4 × 4 Latin square with 21 d periods: 14 d of adaptation and 7 d of
MUN, mg/dL 14.2 14.0 14.3 14.0 0.78 sampling; 16 uncannulated cows and 4 rumen cannulated cows were
a–d (P blocked and assigned randomly to treatment sequences. Rations (basal
< 0.05).
ingredients: 47% corn silage, 3% long grass hay, 12% finely ground
Key Words: methionine, rumen-protection, milk yield corn, 4% extruded soybean meal, 7.5% canola meal; mean composition:
17.4% CP, 36% NDF, 36% NFC, 1.69 Mcal NEL/kg) were provided as
total mixed rations and were formulated to be high or low RDP, with
T425 Methionine supplementation to diets varying in rumen or without DDGS replacing soybean-based concentrates: high RDP,
undegradable soy protein. N. N. Morais Júnior3, V. A. Silveira1, N. no DDGS (HDRP0); low RDP, no DDGS (LRDP0); low RDP, 10%
M. Lopes1, G. S. Dias Júnior1, G. Pessoa Júnior1, G. G. S. Salvati1, C. O. DDGS; and low RDP, 20% DDGS. Contrasts of interest were HRDP0
Faria5, R. A. N. Pereira2, N. D. Luchini4, and M. N. Pereira*1, 1Univer- vs. LRDP0 and linear and quadratic effects of level of DDGS; differences
sidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, Brazil, 2Empresa de Pesquisa Agro- were declared at P < 0.05. Body weight (696 kg) and dry matter intake
pecuária de Minas Gerais, Lavras, Brazil, 3Instituto Federal de Educa- (26.6 kg/d) were not affected by treatment (P > 0.50). Rumen ammonia
ção Ciência e Tecnologia do Espirito Santo, Colatina, Brazil, 4Adisseo, concentration was greater for HRDP0 than LRDP0 (P < 0.01), but was
Alpharetta, GA, 5Better Nature Research, Ijaci, Brazil. unaffected by level of DDGS inclusion. Mean and minimum rumen
Methionine (Met) is one of the 2 amino acids (AA) that limits milk pH and time < pH 5.5 was not different between diets (P > 0.25). Milk
production. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of production tended to be lower for cows fed HRDP0 than LRDP0 (P <
supplementing a source of Met to 2 diets with different rumen undegrad- 0.06) and tended to be linearly reduced as DDGS inclusion increased
able protein content. Twenty Holsteins were allocated to 5 4x4 Latin (P < 0.07). Milk protein yield tended to be greater for cows fed LRDP0
Squares in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Each period lasted than HRDP0 (P < 0.07), but was unaffected by DDGS level. Milk fat
21 d of which the last 7 were for data collection. Treatments consisted of production, concentration, and fat corrected milk were linearly reduced
feeding a diet composed of 38.5% corn silage, 7.8% tifton hay, 24.2% by increasing levels of DDGS (P < 0.01).
corn, 5.0% soybean meal, 8.3% citrus pulp, and 13% of raw or roasted Key Words: dry distillers grains with solubles, rumen degradable
soybeans (Alfa Nutrisoja, Cooperalfa). The Met supplement (isopropyl protein, corn silage
ester of 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid. MetaSmart, Adisseo)
was orally given twice a day to the allocated cows. Diet CP content was
15.8% and EE was 6%. No significant results were observed for the T427 Effect of quebracho-chestnut tannin extracts at two dietary
interaction of amino acid and soybean main effects (P > 0.15). Roasted crude protein levels on performance and rumen fermentation of
soybeans increased milk yield from 34.7 to 37.7 kg, protein yield from dairy cows. M. J. Aguerre*1, M. A. Wattiaux1, M. C. Capozzolo1, P.
1.003 to 1.078 kg, and fat yield from 1.060 to 1.162 (P < 0.01). The Lencioni2, and C. Cabral2, 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madi-
milk to feed ratio was 1.49 for raw and 1.59 for roasted soybeans (P son, 2Silvateam, Indunor S. A, Argentina.
< 0.01). MetaSmart induced non-statistically detectable increases in
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of a dietary
milk yield from 36.0 to 36.4 kg (P = 0.46), protein from 1.032 to 1.049
tannin mix on lactating cow performance and rumen fermentation, and
kg (P = 0.29), and fat from 1.101 to 1.120 kg (P = 0.45). Daily DMI
whether any responses were affected by dietary CP. Eight ruminally
was 24.0 kg for cows on MetaSmart and 23.4 for controls (P = 0.13).
cannulated and 16 noncannulated multiparous Holstein cows (669 ±
The milk urea nitrogen was 13.1 mg/dL for raw and 12.5 for roasted
55 kg BW; 89 ± 36 DIM) were randomly assigned to a diet of 15.5 or
soybeans (P = 0.04). There were no detectable treatment effects on total
16.8% CP (%DM) and to 1 of 4 levels of tannins in three 4 × 4 Latin
tract digestibility (P > 0.62) and plasma glucose (P > 0.76). MetaSmart
squares within each level of dietary CP. Rice hull was removed from
decreased the daily excretion of urinary allatoin and the ratio of allantoin
50:50 forage to concentrate ratio (%DM) total mixed rations as a tannin
to digestible OM intake (P = 0.02). Plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) content
extract mixture from Quebracho and Chestnut trees was included at 0
of 10 samples obtained over a 24-h period was analyzed as repeated
(control), 0.45, 0.90 and 1.8% of dietary DM. There was no interaction
measures over time with Mixed of SAS. Raw soybeans increased PUN
between dietary CP and tannin supplementation. Reducing dietary CP
from 14.3 to 15.4 mg/dL (P < 0.01), while MetaSmart decreased it from
had no effect on measurements, except for reducing milk urea N (MUN;
15.1 to 14.6 (P = 0.05). For these soybean based diets, the response to
18.8 vs. 15.6mg/dL, P < 0.05) and ruminal NH3-N (11.0 vs. 9.3 mg/dL,
increased flow of dietary AA in the metabolizable protein was larger
P < 0.05). Overall, milk yield (40.4 kg/d), 3.5%FCM (40.3 kg/d), milk
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 445
fat and lactose content and yield, and ruminal pH were not affected by S. E. Boucher2, D. Sapienza3, N. L. Whitehouse1, and C. G. Schwab1,
tannin. The P-values for a linear increase in BW gain (0.46 kg/d), a 1University of New Hampshire, Durham, 2William H. Miner Agricultural
linear increase in feed efficiency (1.68 kg milk/kg of DMI) and a linear Research Institute, Chazy, NY, 3Sapienza Analytica, LLC, Slater, IA.
decrease in DMI (24.4 kg/d) with incremental levels of tannin extracts
Five corn silage (CS) hybrids were utilized in an evaluation of the modi-
in the diet were 0.11, 0.15 and 0.07, respectively. Relative to control
fied 3-step procedure (mTSP) to estimate intestinal (ID) and total tract
(2.87%), milk true protein content increased to 2.91% (P < 0.05), did
digestibility (TTD) of crude protein (CP) and AA. Samples were ground
not change (2.86%) and decreased to 2.83% (P < 0.05) when tannin
to 2-mm and ruminally incubated in situ for 16 and 24 h in 2 lactating
was 0.45, 0.90 and 1.8% of dietary DM respectively. Also, relative to
cows averaging (mean ± SD) 43 ± 8 d in milk fed a 58% forage, 42%
control (1.14 kg/d), milk protein yield did not change with inclusion
concentrate ration. Two time points were chosen to evaluate differences
of tannin, but it was higher (P < 0.05) at the 0.45 than the 0.9 or 1.8%
in ID due to ruminal incubation time using the MIXED procedure of
inclusion level (1.16, 1.12 and 1.11 kg/d, respectively). Relative to other
SAS. After ruminal incubation, rumen undegraded CS was incubated
treatments, the 1.8% tannin in the diet lowered MUN (13.8 vs. 12.9 mg/
for 1 h in a pepsin-HCl solution and for 24 h in a pancreatin solution.
dL, P < 0.05) and rumen NH3-N (10.6 vs. 8.1 mg/dL, P < 0.05). Results
Estimates of ruminal degradability, ID, and TTD of CP and AA were
indicate that regardless of dietary CP, 0.45% tannin extract in the diet
calculated. In vivo estimates of ruminal degradability, ID, and TTD of
had a small positive effect on milk protein content independently of a
CP and AA were previously determined for the same CS samples using
reduction in ruminal protein degradation, which was observed along
the mobile bag technique (MBT). Coefficients of determination between
with a reduction in MUN, only at the 1.8% level of inclusion.
in vivo and mTSP data were calculated using the REG procedure of
Key Words: tannin, performance, protein SAS. With the mTSP, average ruminal degradability of CP and total AA
for all CS samples (incubated for either 16 or 24 h; n = 10) was 74.0 ±
5.85 and 78.9 ± 3.91%, respectively. Estimates of ruminal degradability
T428 Effect of quebracho-chestnut tannin extracts at two dietary of CP and total AA were 13.3 and 9.5% greater for the mTSP compared
crude protein levels on nitrogen partitioning in lactating dairy with ruminal degradability estimates from the MBT evaluation. No
cows. M. J. Aguerre*1, M. A. Wattiaux1, M. C. Capozzolo1, P. Len- difference was observed (P > 0.05) for in vitro estimates of ID of CP
cioni2, and C. Cabral2, 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 2Sil- and AA ruminally incubated for 16 or 24 h. Intestinal digestibility of
vateam, Indunor S. A., Argentina. CP and total AA measured with the mTSP for all rumen undegraded CS
Our objective was to determine the effects of a dietary tannin mix on samples were 10.6 ± 5.15 and 36.9 ± 8.13%, respectively. Estimates of
nitrogen (N) partitioning and whether responses were affected by the ID obtained using the mTSP and the MBT were not correlated (R2 = 0.07
level of dietary CP. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (708 ± 41 kg of BW; for CP and R2 = 0.23 for total AA). The mTSP tended to under-predict
125 ± 41 DIM) were randomly assigned to a diet of 15.5 or 16.8% CP intestinal digestibility of CP and total AA by 16 and 13%, respectively.
(%DM) and to one of 4 levels of tannin in a 4 × 4 Latin squares within Correlations between the 2 methods were improved for TTD of CP (R2
each level of dietary CP. Rice hull was removed from 50:50 forage to = 0.92), total AA (R2 = 0.82), and essential AA (averaged R2 = 0.72).
concentrate ratio (%DM) total mixed rations as a tannin extract mixture The mTSP may not be an acceptable in vitro method to determine ID
from Quebracho and Chestnut trees was included at 0 (control), 0.45, of AA in rumen undegraded CS, but, it may be suitable to determine
0.90, and 1.8% of dietary DM. Nitrogen mass balance was conducted TTD of AA.
by a 3-d total fecal and urine collection. There was no CP by tannin Key Words: corn silage, amino acid digestibility, modified three-step
interaction for any of the measured variables. Reducing dietary CP had procedure
no effect on DMI (24 kg/d), N intake (613 g/d), milk N (172 g/d) and
N efficiency (milk protein N/N intake; 0.28) but increased fecal N (214
vs. 257 g/d, P = 0.07) and decreased (all Ps < 0.05) urinary N (232 vs. T430 Evaluation of sampling protocols to estimate ruminal micro-
167 g/d), urinary urea N (164 vs. 99 g/d) and apparent N digestibility bial protein production using urinary excretion of purine deriva-
(65.4 vs. 57.2%). Although manure N (fecal N + urinary N; 435 g/d) tives. S. E. Boucher*, H. M. Dann, P. K. Krawczel, H. M. Gauthier,
remained unaltered, lowering dietary CP from 16.8 to 15.5% resulted J. D. Darrah, and R. J. Grant, William H. Miner Agricultural Research
in a 40% reduction in urinary to fecal N ratio (1.10 vs. 0.66; P < 0.05). Institute, Chazy, NY.
Tannin did not affect N intake, milk N, or N efficiency, however, it
Urinary excretion of purine derivatives (PD) is a technique commonly
increased fecal N relative to control (214 vs. 243 g/d; P < 0.05) with
used to estimate ruminal microbial protein production. However, urine
no differences among inclusion levels. In addition, urine N was lower
sampling protocols for this technique reported in the literature vary. The
when tannin inclusion rate was 1.8% of dietary DM compared with 0,
objective of this experiment was to evaluate 2 urine sampling protocols
0.45 and 0.9% inclusion rates (211 vs. 177 g/d; P < 0.05). Inclusion
to estimate ruminal microbial protein production in lactating cows.
of tannin in the diet did not alter manure N, but it lowered the urinary
Sampling protocols (SP) were employed on cows concurrently enrolled
N to fecal N ratio. Relative to control, urinary N to fecal N ratio was
in a 4 × 4 Latin square trial with 21-d periods designed to evaluate the
decreased by 18% in the 2 intermediate tannin inclusion rates (1.05 vs.
effects of a feed additive and dietary rumen undegraded protein content
0.87, respectively; P < 0.05), the latter value being further reduced (P
on ruminal microbial protein production. Urine samples were collected:
< 0.05) to 0.72 at the 1.8% inclusion rate (a 31% reduction compared
1) 4 h post-feeding (1630) on d 18 and 19 of each period and analyzed
with control). Results indicated that reducing dietary CP and inclusion
separately (SP1) or 2) at 0200 and 1630 on d 18, 19, and 20 of each
of tannin extract in the diet had additive effects on altering urinary to
period and composited by cow by period for analysis (SP2). At each time
fecal N ratio.
point a minimum of 40 mL of urine was collected. Aliquots of samples
Key Words: tannin, nitrogen, manure were analyzed for allantoin, uric acid, and creatinine concentrations.
In cattle, allantoin and uric acid are the primary PD excreted in urine,
and creatinine is used as a marker for urine volume. Daily excretion
T429 Digestibility of amino acids in rumen undegraded corn silage of urinary PD and microbial N production calculated by each protocol
determined by the modified three-step procedure. S. M. Fredin*1, were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS to determine least
446 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
squares means (LSM), standard errors, and the variance components east dairy farms. Data from 18 dairy farms (approximately 9300 cows) in
associated with each sampling method. The LSM of microbial N for the 4 Vermont and New York were collected and analyzed to identify associa-
dietary treatments estimated from SP1 and SP2 were 544, 558, 508, and tions with and possible predictors of MUN concentrations. Monthly milk
553 (SE = 19), and 476, 465, 445, and 476 g/d (SE = 18), respectively. production and composition for each farm was collected by local milk
The residual variance as a proportion of total variance for SP1 and SP2 cooperatives. A subset of 8 farms was used to determine the relationship
was 28 and 37%, respectively. The residual variance is the proportion between MUN concentrations and nutritional measures. Across all farms,
of the variance associated with day-to-day variation and measurement MUN levels averaged 11.3 ± 1.2 mg/dl and milk production was 33.8
errors within cows. Based on differences in LSM and variance compo- ± 2.6 kg/d. Concentrations of MUN were affected by time of year (P <
nents with the 2 sampling protocols, standardization of urine sampling 0.01), being highest in the summer and lowest in the late winter. There
protocols when utilizing urinary excretion of PD to estimate microbial was a positive relationship between MUN and milk yield (r = 0.70; P <
protein production in ruminants is needed. 0.08), and a negative relationship between MUN and both fat (r = −0.50;
P < 0.03) and protein (r = −0.70; P < 0.002) percentages. In contrast,
Key Words: microbial protein production, urinary purine derivatives,
there was a positive relationship between MUN and percent other solids
sampling protocols
(r = 0.80; P < 0.04). There was a modest negative relationship between
MUN and forage:concentrate ratio (r = −0.50; P < 0.17). Somatic cell
T431 Determining the difference in the supply of metabolizable count, crude protein, rumen degradable protein, rumen undegradable
methionine to dairy cows fed four methionine supplements using protein, and soluble protein were not correlated with MUN levels in milk
concentrations of selenium in milk. J. E. Plank*, W. P. Weiss, and (P > 0.05). In conclusion, MUN concentrations changed throughout the
N. R. St-Pierre, The Ohio State University, Columbus. year and this should be considered when making nutritional management
decisions based on MUN. In addition, the positive relationship between
Accurately quantifying the amount of metabolizable methionine (Met) MUN and milk production performance of farms in the current study
supplied by Met supplements can be economically beneficial to dairy indicates that dietary protein was not being fed in excess.
producers. A previously developed method to estimate the supply of
metabolizable Met, based on changes in the concentration of Se in milk Key Words: milk urea nitrogen, Northeast dairy farm, production
when Met sources are fed, was used to compare metabolizable Met
supplied from 4 Met supplements: DL-Met, Smartamine, 2-hydroxy-
T433 A critique of dose-response plots that relate changes in con-
4-(methylthio)-butanoic acid (HMB) and the isopropyl ester of HMB
tent and yield of milk protein to predicted concentrations of lysine
(HMBi). Twenty Holstein cows were fed a diet containing 32% corn
in metabolizable protein by the NRC (2001), CPM-Dairy (v.3.0.10),
silage, 17% corn, 14% legume hay, 13% distillers grains and 13% wheat
and AMTS.Cattle (v.2.1.31) models. N. Whitehouse*1, C. Schwab1,
middlings as a percent of dietary dry matter (DM), as well as 0.3 mg of
D. Luchini2, and B. Sloan2, 1University of New Hampshire, Durham,
Se from Se-yeast/kg of dietary DM. Then, in a truncated Latin square 2Adisseo, Atlanta, GA.
experiment (2 blocks, 2 14 d periods), a methionine or control supple-
ment was added to their diet. Methionine supplements were mixed with The objective of this study was to critique the Lys dose-response plots
soyhulls and were fed twice daily as a 500g/day topdressing to provide for the NRC, CPM and AMTS models (Whitehouse et al., 2009) with an
18g of Met/day, while control cows were fed 500g/day of soyhulls. expanded database. To help ensure that Met was not limiting production
Cows were allowed 11 d for adjustment followed by milk sampling on responses to supplemental Lys, regression analysis for NRC was limited
d 12–14 of each period. The specific activity (SA) of milk (the ratio to data where Met was greater than 2.16% of MP; the Met constraint
of Se concentration to milk N concentration) was calculated for each used previously was 2.07%. The resulting data set for NRC contained
treatment. Supplementing Met reduced the SA of milk for cows treated 59 observations; the data sets for CPM and AMTS contained 48 and 37
with HMBi (11.0 μg Se/mg N) and Smartamine (11.1 μg Se/mg N) rela- observations, respectively. Observations were less for CPM and AMTS
tive to control (12.1 μg Se/mg N, P < 0.05), but SA of milk from other because the models, particularly AMTS, predicted lower concentrations
treatments did not differ from control. The SA in milk from treatment of Lys in MP for the high corn-based basal diets without Lys supple-
cows was divided by SA in milk from control cows to determine the mentation than NRC. This created ranges of Lys in MP for more studies
change in supply of metabolizable Met. The digestible met flow for than with NRC where the highest predicted concentration of Lys in MP
control cows, calculated using the Dairy NRC model, was 44 g/day. did not overlap with the ranges of Lys in MP for the rest of the studies.
The calculated flow of metabolizable Met for cows supplemented with This precluded being able to identify a fixed reference concentration
DL-Met, Smartamine, HMB and HMBi was 44.4, 48.3, 45.7 and 45.2 g/ of Lys in MP that was intermediate to the lowest and highest values in
day respectively. DM intake was different only for cows supplemented as many of the Lys studies; a fixed reference concentration is needed to
with HMBi (21.1 kg/day vs. 19.7 kg/day for control, P < 0.01) and the calculate the production responses (plus and minus values) for the y-axis
data were adjusted accordingly. The average milk production was 30.3 of the dose-response plots. The resulting breakpoint estimates for the
kg/day and was not affected by the treatments. required concentrations of Lys in MP for maximal content and yield of
milk protein were 6.89 and 6.95% for NRC, 7.23 and 7.36% for CPM,
Key Words: methionine, milk protein, selenium
and 6.84 and 6.74% for AMTS. Using this expanded database pinpointed
that diets rich in corn protein have very low predicted concentrations
T432 The relationship between milk urea nitrogen concentrations, of Lys in MP when evaluated through AMTS and CPM, due primarily
diet, and milk production on Northeast dairy farms. K. M. Kouri*, to the low Lys concentrations in RUP as estimated by the insoluble
Poulin Grain, Newport, VT. protein method. This not only precluded the use of certain data, but
had consequences on the slopes (0.141 vs. 0.128 vs. 0.105) for NRC,
Previous research has shown that concentrations of milk urea nitrogen CPM and AMTS and the breakpoints determined. It is suggested that
(MUN) can be measured to monitor the efficiency of dietary protein an assessment be undertaken of what database is used for AA profiles
utilization, and to decrease costs associated with feeding excess protein. of ingredients before updating present formulation guidelines.
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between
MUN concentrations, time of year, milk production, and diet on North- Key Words: lactating cows, lysine, methionine
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 447
T434 Fatty acid supplementation to periparturient dairy cows were isonitrogen (16.2% of CP), containing 55% of corn silage (DM
fed diets containing low basal concentrations of fatty acids. L. F. basis). The SFM replaced mixture (37.5% of CP) containing 53.57%
Greco*, M. Garcia, M. G. Favoretto, R. S. Marsola, L. T. Martins, R. of soybean meal and 47.37% of wheat middlings. Fecal samples were
S. Bisinotto, E. S. Ribeiro, F. S. Lima, W. W. Thatcher, C. R. Staples, directly collected once daily at 1600, 1400, 1200, 1000 e 800 h, of 15
and J. E. P. Santos, University of Florida, Gainesville. to 19 d of each period. Indigestible ADF (after 264 h of ruminal incuba-
tion) was used to estimate fecal output. Milk samples were collected on
Objectives were to evaluate the impacts of supplementing diets con-
18 and 19 d of each period at am and pm milking. Data were analyzed
taining low amounts of long chain fatty acids (FA, < 1.8%) with either
using model mixed (PROC MIXED, SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). Was
mostly saturated free FA (SFA) or with Ca salts enriched with poly-
applied Williams test to comparison of means for quantitative data. The
unsaturated FA (PUFA, 27% C18:2n6 and 3.5% C18:3n3 of the total
SFM inclusion increased RDP (10.6, 10.7, 10.9 and 11.1% of DM), NDF
FA) on performance of Holstein cows. Prepartum cows were allocated
(39.9, 40.8, 4. and 42.6), lignin sulfuric acid (2.3, 2.5, 2.8 and 3.1%
randomly to 1 of 3 dietary treatments from 60 d before expected calv-
of DM) and indigestible ADF (8.6, 9.6, 10.6 and 11.6 of DM) of diets.
ing date until 90 d postpartum. Supplementation with FA (% dietary
DM (21.6 kg/d), CP (3.75 kg/d) and NFC (7.8 kg/d) intakes were not
DM) consisted of 0% (CTL, n = 26), 1.7% SFA (n = 25), and 1.7% as
affected by SFM (P > 0.05), but NDF intake (7.9, 7.9, 8.0 and 8.6 kg/d)
Ca salts of PUFA (EFA, n = 25). The DMI was recorded daily from 30
was greater (P < 0.05) to 21% of SFM. DM digestibility (65.1, 64.1,
d pre- to 90 d postpartum. Body weight and BCS were measured at
64.3 amd 62.1%), total carbohydrate digestibility (60.9, 59.2, 59.2 and
60 and 30 d prepartum, at calving and then weekly postpartum. Milk
57.2%) and TDN (63.8, 62.7, 62.7 and 60.5%) of diets were not affected
production was measured daily and composition was evaluated weekly.
(P > 0.05) until 14% of SFM, but were reduced (P < 0.05) with 21% of
Blood samples were collected weekly before calving and then thrice
SFM. Milk yield (29.8, 28.8, 28.7 and 27.4 kg/d) and milk lactose yield
weekly postpartum for 40 d. Prepartum DMI was lower for cows fed
(1.32, 1.28, 1.30 and 1.23 kg/d) were not reduced (P > 0.05) until 14%
EFA (11.3, 11.4 and 10.2 kg/d, respectively for CTL, SFA and EFA).
of SFM, but were reduced (P < 0.05) with 21% of SFM. Milk crude
Feeding EFA reduced postpartum DMI in multiparous but not in prim-
protein (3.22, 3.18, 3.09 and 3.11%) was reduced (P < 0.05) from 7%
iparous cows. Milk and protein yields were greater for primiparous
of SFM. Milk efficiency (1.33 kg of milk/ kg of DM intake), milk fat
cows fed EFA, however, fat yield did not differ. Postpartum BW, BW
(3.61%), milk lactose (4.47%) and milk solids non-fat (8.63%) were not
change, and BCS were not different among treatments. Feed efficiency
affected (P > 0.05) by SFM. The SFM can be included in up to 14% in
was better and mean concentrations of plasma BHBA were greater for
DM diets for dairy cows with production of 30 kg/d without affecting
multiparous cows receiving supplemental EFA. Mean concentrations of
intake, digestibility and productive performance.
plasma NEFA were lower for primiparous cows not fed supplemental fat.
Cows supplemented with EFA had improved efficiency of converting Key Words: milk
feed into milk, and increased concentrations of BHBA despite similar
BW and BW changes.
T436 Metabolism of nitrogen compounds in dairy cows fed with
sunflower meal. A. S. Oliveira*1, J. M. S. Campos2, D. S. Caixeta2,
Table 1. E. P. Viana2, S. C. Valadares Filho2, L. F. do Lago2, A. M. F. Santiago2,
CTL SFA EFA P1 J. P. Giordani2, G. H. Soares2, J. P. do Carmo2, and A. C. S. Souza2,
1Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Sinop, MT, Brazil, 2Universi-
P2 M3 P M P M Parity Fat FA dade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil.
DMI, kg/d 15.1 21.0 16.5 22.1 17.5 18.6 0.01 0.42 0.12
BW, kg 495 641 502 671 515 629 0.37 0.55 0.45 Twelve multiparous Holstein cows (28.7 ± 4 kg/day of yield milk, 128
Milk, kg/d 28.1 35.3 25.8 37.8 30.7 37.5 0.07 0.27 0.06 ± 38 DIM and 627 ± 48 kg BW) were distributed in three 4 × 4 Latin
Milk fat, kg/d 1.0 1.3 0.8 1.3 1.0 1.3 0.17 0.10 0.24 squares by DIM, with 4 periods of 21 d to evaluate the effect of sunflower
Milk protein, kg/d 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.08 0.40 0.05 meal (SFM; 37.5% of CP) in diet (0, 7, 14 and 21% of DM) on metabo-
Milk/DMI, kg/kg 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.8 2.1 0.03 0.94 0.01 lism of nitrogen compounds (N) and efficiency of N utilization for milk
BHBA, mg/100 mL 6.4 8.4 5.6 7.6 5.8 12.3 0.01 0.45 0.01 production. Diets TMR were isonitrogen (16.2% of CP), containing 55%
NEFA, mEq/L 432 468 317 464 341 522 0.04 0.13 0.11
of corn silage (DM basis). The SFM replaced mixture (37.5% of CP)
1TRT = treatment; Fat = CTL vs. EFA+SFA; FA = EFA vs.SFA. containing 53.57% of soybean meal and 47.37% of wheat middlings.
2Primiparous. Milk samples were collected on 18 and 19 d of each period at am and
pm milking. Spot urine samples were obtained approximately 0, 3 and
6 h postfeeding on 17 d of each period. Urine volume was estimated
Key Words: dairy cow, fatty acids, linoleic acid using creatinine concentration as a marker and assuming creatinine
excretion of 24.05 mg/kg of BW/d. Data were analyzed using model
mixed (PROC MIXED, SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). Was applied Williams
T435 Intake, digestibility and productive performance of dairy test to comparison of means for quantitative data. The SFM inclusion
cows fed with sunflower meal. A. S. de Oliveira*1, J. M. S. Campos2, increased RDP (10.6, 10.7, 10.9 and 11.1% of DM). Rumen microbial
E. P. Viana2, D. S. Caixeta2, S. C. Valadares Filho2, A. M. F. Santiago2, crude protein synthesis (MPS, estimated by the derivatives in purine
J. P. do Carmo2, A. C. S. Souza2, G. H. Soares2, J. P. Giordani2, and urinary excretion and secretion of milk; 2.10, 2.01, 2.03 and 1.77 kg/d)
L. F. do Lago2, 1Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Sinop, MT, was not affected (P > 0.05) until 14% of SFM, but was reduced (P <
Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil. 0.05) with 21% of SFM. The g of MPS/kg TDN intake (152.6) was not
affected (P > 0.05) by SFM, but the efficiency of RDP intake used for
Twelve multiparous Holstein cows (128 ± 38 DIM and 627 ± 48 kg BW) MPS (0.90, 0.88, 0.88, 0.73 kg de MPS/kg of RDP intake) was reduced
were distributed in three 4 × 4 Latin squares by DIM, with 4 periods (P < 0.05) with 21% of SFM. Milk urea-N (17.60 mg/dL), blood urea-N
of 21 d (7 d of mensurations) to evaluate the effect of sunflower meal (17.80 mg/dL), urinary N-urea (195.7 g/d), urinary N (240 g/d; 40% of
(SFM; 37.5% of CP) in diet (0, 7, 14 and 21% of DM) on intake, total N intake), feces N (185.2 g/d; 30.9% of N intake) and balance N (32.6
tract apparent digestibility and productive performance. Diets TMR
448 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
g/d; 5.5% of N intake) were not affected (P > 0.05) by SFM. However, t = time of incubation. Effective degradability (ED = a+(b*c)/(c+k)),
because of lower efficiency RDP intake for MPS, the milk N/intake where k = passage rate of 5%/h. DM and CP for crambe, sunflower and
N (24.9, 24.2, 23.5 and 22.0%) was reduced (P < 0.05) from 14% of soybean was 93.5, 93.6, 89.4% and 27, 22.3, 50.3%; for its by-products
SBM. The SFM can be included in up to 7% in DM diets of dairy cows was 70, 87.4, 90.5%, and 52.8, 30.3, 46.8%. The Crambe soluble fraction
without affecting metabolism of nitrogen compounds (N) and efficiency (23.5%) and potentially degradable fraction (74.1%), provided more ED
of N utilization for milk production. (75.4%) for DM. Crambe crushed, showed lower degradability (60.4%)
and soluble fraction (20.1%) and higher rate of degradation (14.7%).
Key Words: blood urea-N, microbial crude protein synthesis, n effi-
The soybean and sunflower had the lowest effective degradability (47.6
and 39.7%), possibly related to low soluble fraction (4.8 and 11.7%),
while its by-products had the highest ED (75.6 and 84.5%), with soluble
T437 A critique of dose-response plots that relate changes in fraction of 23.2 and 22.9%, and potentially degradable fractions of 70.3
content and yield of milk protein to predicted concentrations of and 73.7%. For the CP, the crushed soybean presented a higher effec-
methionine in metabolizable protein by the NRC (2001), CPM-Dairy tive degradability and potentially degradable fraction (70.9 and 89,1%),
(v.3.0.10), and AMTS.Cattle (v.2.1.31) Models. N. Whitehouse*1, C. while the grain presented 38.7 and 55.6%. The sunflower, crambe and
Schwab1, D. Luchini2, and B. Sloan2, 1University of New Hampshire, its by-products presents ED and potentially degradable fraction of 30.7,
Durham, 2Adisseo, Atlanta, GA. 44.0, 45.0, and 35.5% and 41.3, 38.1, 34.6, 22.0%. The soluble fractions
were 8.7, 9.8, 18.3, 7.7, 13.7, and 19.3, for soybean, sunflower, crambe
The objective of this study was to critique the Met dose-response plots and its by-products. The low degradation presented by crambe and sun-
for the NRC, CPM and AMTS models (Whitehouse et al., 2009) with an flower by-products can be associated with the processing of grain for
expanded database. To help ensure that Lys was not limiting production oil extraction, and undegradable fraction (58.7 and 51.7%). The grains
responses to supplemental Met, regression analysis for NRC was limited of crambe, sunflower and soybean and its by-products had a medium
to data where Lys was greater than 6.45% of metabolizable protein degradability for the dry matter and low degradability for crude protein,
(MP); the Lys constraint used previously was 6.16%. The resulting except soybean by-product, that showed high degradability.
data set for NRC and CPM contained 91 observations; the data set for
AMTS contained 82 observations. Observations were less for AMTS Key Words: nylon bags, chemical composition, oil seeds
because the model predicted lower concentrations of Met in MP than
CPM for several of the basal diets without Met supplementation. This
T439 Effects of supplemented high linoleic or linolenic oil in the diet
created ranges of Met in MP where the highest predicted concentrations
on lipid metabolism by rumen microbes in sheep. S. H. Choi*1, G.
of Met in MP in some studies did not overlap with the lowest concen-
W. Jin2, H. G. Lee3, C. W. Choi4, S. S. Chang4, S. B. Smith1, and M. K.
trations of Met in MP for the rest of the studies. This precluded being
Song2, 1Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University, College
able to identify a fixed reference concentration of Met in MP that was
Station, 2Department of Animal Science, ChungBuk National University,
intermediate to the lowest and highest values in all studies; a requisite
Cheong Ju, Chungbuk, Korea, 3Department of Animal Science, Pusan
for calculating the production responses (plus and minus values) for the
National University, Miryang, Gyongnam, Korea, 4National Institute
y-axis of the dose-response plots. The resulting breakpoint estimates for
of Animal Science, RDA, Suwon, Gyunggi, Korea.
the required concentrations of Met in MP for maximal content and yield
of milk protein were 2.23 and 2.38% for NRC and 2.40 and 2.44% for A metabolic trial with 3 ruminally cannulated sheep (60 ± 6 kg) was
CPM. These compare favorably to the respective breakpoint estimates conducted in a 3 × 3 Latin square design to investigate the effects of
of 2.23 and 2.38 for NRC and 2.40 and 2.44 for CPM by Whitehouse et high linoleic (18:2 n-6; soybean oil) or α-linolenic oil (18:3 n-3, perilla
al. (2009). For AMTS, the relationship between changes in content and oil) on the ruminal fermentation, formation of conjugated linoleic acid
yield of milk protein to predicted concentrations of Met in MP was linear, (CLA) in the rumen and apparent digestibilities of nutrients. Sheep were
a result of the more restricted database and differences between AMTS fed 1.3 kg of diet (DM basis) consisting of 60% concentrate and 40%
and CPM in predicted concentrations of Met in MP. It is suggested that chopped alfalfa hay. Oils were supplemented to concentrate at 5% level
an assessment be undertaken of what database is used for AA profiles of the total diet (DM basis). Rumen pH was not influenced by the oil
of ingredients before updating present formulation guidelines for Met supplementation. But ammonia-N concentration significantly decrease
in MP for the models evaluated (P = 0.05) by the feeding the oil supplemented diets. Molar proportion
of each VFA in rumen fluid and whole tract digestibilities of DM, CP,
Key Words: lactating cows, methionine, lysine
EE, NDF and OM were not affected by oil supplementation. The com-
positions of trans-10, cis-12 CLA (from 0.56% to 1.43%) in the rumen
T438 In situ ruminal degradability of crambe, sunflower and fluid were slightly higher than that of cis-9, trans-11 CLA (from 0.27%
soybean grains, and its by-products. R. H. de Tonissi e Buschinelli to 1.47%). Oil supplementation resulted in decreased plasma oleic acid
de Goes*, K. A. de Souza, R. A. Patussi, K. A. G. Nogueira, D. de (18:1 n-9) proportion (P < 0.03) but increased linoleic acid proportion
Faria Pereira, T. da Cunha Cornélio, K. C. da Silva Brabes, and E. R. (P < 0.04) at 1 h before feeding. At 1 h post-feeding, oil supplementa-
de Oliveira, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Dourados, tion resulted in a decreased stearic acid (18:0) proportion (P < 0.02) but
MS, Brasil. increased palmitoleic acid (16:1n-7) proportion (P < 0.01) in plasma.
The proportions of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in plasma was slightly (from
The ruminal degradation of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) of 0.18% to 0.62% ; P = 0.37) increased with oil supplementation at 1 h
crambe (C. abyssinica), sunflower, soybean grains and its by-products post-feeding.
(crushed seeds), were evaluated by the in situ technique, using 3 rumen
fistulated sheeps. The feeds were grounded though a 2mm screen and Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, plant oil, sheep
incubated directly in rumen for 72, 48, 24, 12, 6, 3, and 0 h. Potential
degradation, were adjusted by a no linear regression by Gauss-Newton’s
T440 Effects of increasing amounts of high-linolenic perilla fatty
method, PD = A+B*(1-exp-ct), being A = soluble fraction, B = poten-
acid infused into the duodenum on blood lipids metabolism and
tially degradable fraction, c = degradation rate of the fraction B, and
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 449
their susceptibility to peroxidation in dairy cows. Q. S. Liu1,2, J. ~10.6, 5.4, 2.2 and 1.6 g/cow/d of IAL, Ile, His and Val respectively.
Q. Wang*1, D. P. Bu1, E. Khas1, G. Yang1, L. Y. Zhou1, P. Sun1, and Only milk protein % was increased with RPL. Replacement of RPL with
K. L. Liu1, 1State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of RPAA increased milk and milk lactose yields, while milk protein and
Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, energy outputs tended to increase. Plasma levels of both non-essential
China, 2College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou Univer- and essential AA, including Lys, were not impacted by feeding RPL or
sity, Yangzhou, China. RPAA. Overall, feeding RPL alone caused generally reduced produc-
tive performance, which could be interpreted to suggest that Lys was
Our objective was to determine the effects of increasing amounts of
not supplied in sufficient quantity or that it was not required. Addition
high-linolenic perilla fatty acid (HLPFA) emulsion (82.4% cis-9, cis-
of Ile, His and Val to the RPL increased performance overall, which
12, cis-15 18:3; 14.7% cis-9, cis-12 18:2; 2.8% cis-9 18:1 and 0.1%
supports an overall hypothesis that Lys alone resulted in an imbalance
other fatty acids) infused into the duodenum of dairy cows on blood
and/or deficiency of Ile, His and/or Val which was alleviated by their
lipids metabolism and the susceptibility of blood to oxidation. Four
supplementation. Overall treatment differences, regardless of statistical
primiparous Chinese Holstein cows (BW = 476 ± 6 kg, DIM = 100 ±
significance, were small and of limited practical importance. Neverthe-
2 d) fitted with duodenal cannulas were administered 2 treatments in
less, feeding a complex of RPAA was beneficial beyond supplementation
a crossover design. Treatments were homogenized aqueous mixtures
of RP Lys alone.
of HLPFA emulsion (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 g/d) or control containing
only the emulsifying ingredients. The control infusate consisted of 15 Key Words: amino acids, imbalance, body condition
g/d of xanthan gum, 5 g/d sodium alginate, and 25 g/d of Tween 80
in 10 L of purified water. Each period lasted 5 wk, during period 1,
2 cows received each amount of HLPFA for 1 wk each, and the other T442 Effect of extruded cotton seed and canola seed on the com-
2 cows received only the carrier infusate. In period 2, the procedures position of unsaturated fatty acids in plasma, erythrocytes and liver
were repeated, so that the other 2 cows received the HLPFA doses in of Mehraban male lambs. A. Akbarian1, A. Golian*1, A. Tahmasbi1,
sequentially increasing amounts and the cows that previously received M. H. Ghafari1, and M. Mirzaee2, 1Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
HLPFA received the control infusate. Blood collection was made during Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi, Iran, 2Isfahan University of Technology,
the last day of each infusion amount. Data were analyzed statistically Isfahan, Iran.
by using PROC MIXED of SAS. The concentration of high density An experiment was conducted to study the effects of supplementary
lipoprotein cholesterol and total cholesterol were increased quadrati- extruded cotton seed (ECOS) or canola seed (ECAS) on the composition
cally (P = 0.0036, 0.0013 respectively). The concentration of α-linolenic of unsaturated fatty acids in plasma, erythrocytes and liver of Mehraban
acid in blood increased linearly as infusion increased (P = 0.0001). The male lambs. The treatments included: (1) control (C); (2) diet C+6%
activity of total superoxide dismutase tended to decrease linearly (P = ECAS, (3) diet C+6% ECOS, (4) diet C+12% ECAS, (5) diet C+12%
0.18), and the total antioxidant capacity also tended to decrease quadrati- ECOS, (6) diet C+6% ECAS+6% ECOS, (7) diet C+12% ECAS +6%
cally (P = 0.23), but the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances tended ECOS, (8) diet C+6% ECAS +12% ECOS, (9) diet C+12% ECAS+12%
to increase linearly (P = 0.066), and the content of vitamin E in serum ECOS, (10) diet C+18% ECAS+18% ECOS. A completely randomized
tended to increase quadratically (P = 0.096) as the infusion increased. design experiment was applied to feed the 10 dietary treatments to 60
Infusion with increasing amounts of HLPFA into the duodenum altered individually pen housed lambs, to have 6 lambs per diet. The average
the composition and distribution of blood lipids, but decreased the weight of 5–6 mo lambs at the commence of study was 34.3 ± 2.12
oxidative stability of the blood in dairy cows. kg. The experiment lasted for 90 d. The amount of oleic acid, linoleic
Key Words: high-linolenic perilla fatty acid, blood lipid, oxidation acid and linolenic acid in plasma and oleic acid, and linolenic acid in
stability erythrocytes lipids were higher in lambs fed diet contained either or a
combination of supplemental extruded oil seeds compared with those
fed control diet. The supplementation of 6% or 12% ECAS significantly
T441 Effects of feeding ruminally protected lysine, with or without increased linoleic acid in liver lipids compared with those fed diet
isoleucine, valine and histidine, to lactating dairy cows on produc- containing ECOS. There was a linear (P < 0. 001) correlation between
tive performance and plasma amino acid profiles. P. H. Robinson1, the levels of dietary ECAS or ECOS with linoleic and linolenic acids
S. Juchem1, N. Swanepoel*2, and E. Evans3, 1UC Davis, Davis, CA, content of liver.
2Meadow Feeds, Roodepoort, South Africa, 3Essi Evans Technical
Key Words: lamb, extruded cotton and canola seeds, fatty acids
Advisory Services, Bowmanville, ON, Canada.
The literature on post-ruminal Lys supplementation to diets of lactating
dairy cows shows small negative responses to supplemental intestinally T443 Effects of roasted and electron beam irradiation on ruminal
absorbable Lys (IAL), and our recent survey of California dairy rations and intestinal disappearance of whole soybean. A. Akbarian1, M.
identified other amino acids (AA) that could become co-limiting if sup- Khorvash1, G. Ghorbani1, M. Dehghan-Banadaky*2, P. Shawrang3, and
plies of IAL were met. Objectives were to estimate the rumen escape E. Ghasemi1, 1Isfahan University of technology, Department of Animal
of a ruminally protected (RP) Lys (RPL) product, and an RPL also Sci., Isfahan, Iran, 2University of Tehran, Department of Animal Sci.,
containing Ile, Val and His (RPAA), to determine effects of their feeding Karaj, Tehran, Iran, 3Nuclear Science and Technology Research Insti-
on performance and plasma AA profiles of lactating dairy cows. Three tute, Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
pens of ~310 multiparous early lactation cows were used in a 3 × 3 The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of roasting and electron
Latin square design with 28-d experimental periods in which the basal bean irradiation on in situ ruminal and intestinal dry matter and crude
total mixed ration (TMR) was the same for all groups except for the RP protein degradability of whole soybean. Whole soybeans were roasted
products that were added to the treatment pens at a level designed to in a commercial roaster in 145°C for approximately 30 min. The TT200
deliver an equal amount of IAL to both groups. However rumen stability Rhodotron accelerator was used for irradiation of whole soybean at dose
was slightly higher for the RPL vs. the RPAA, and RPL was calculated of 63 kGy. Three rumen and duodenum fistulated non-lactating Holstein
to deliver ~13.2 g/cow/d of IAL and the RPAA calculated to deliver cows (620 ± 25 kg) were used for in situ study. Rumen degradability of
450 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
dry matter and crude protein were determined using the nylon bag tech- Each of the IF with an effect on the residues was included to generate
nique and mobile nylon bag technique used for intestinal disappearance. a model: Y = α + αi + βNi + γX + ζX2 + ε. Looking for a common IF,
Bags were incubated in the rumen for 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 h and bags RDP:RfOM was selected as the best IF: NPA-AAN = −0.001NS (0.02)
washed without incubation in the rumen for 0 h. Rumen degradation + 0.59***(0.05) × NI - 0.60***(0.16) × RDP:RfOM, RMSE = 0.0373,
(p) was estimated by the curves were fitted using the nonlinear proce- R2adj = 88.4%, with a species effect** on the intercept: Δ = 0.05, 0,
dure (PROC NLIN) of SAS, which yielded the equation parameters a, −0.05 for sheep, cattle and dairy cows; NPA-NH3 = −0.09*(0.04) +
b, and c, each of which is defined as: P = a + b (1-e -ct). The soluble 0.15**(0.06) × NI + 2.05***(0.48) × RDP:RfOM - 3.77***(1.08) ×
fraction (a) and effective degradation (ED, K = 0.05 h-1) decreased RDP:RfOM2, RMSE = 0.0309, R2adj = 92.3%, species × NI interac-
and insoluble potentially degradable fraction (b) increased in roasted tion*: Δ = −0.13, 0.09, 0.04 for sheep, cattle and dairy cows. The ratio
soybeans (Table 1) but irradiation increased fraction of a and ED and RDP:RfOM combining the availability of N and energy in the rumen
decreased the b fraction of DM and CP (P < 0.05). Roasting increased and estimated from dietary characteristics is, in addition to NI, a useful
but e-beam irradiation decreased intestinal digestibility of DM and predictor of NPA of AAN and NH3.
CP. Base on present results, roasting could improve ED and intestinal
Key Words: amino acid, ammonia, ruminants
disappearance of soybean seed but e-beam in 63 kGy could not improve
aggregation of soybean protein to increase by pass protein.
T445 Effect of tannins in pistachio by-product and urea infusion
Table 1. Rumen degradability and intestinal digestibility of untreated, into the rumen on rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Ira-
roasted and irradiated whole soybean nian Balochi sheep. H. Gholizadeh, A. A. Naserian*, R. Valizadeh, and
A. M. Tahmasebi, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
Roasted Irradiated The objective of this study was to determine the effects of tannins in pis-
Parameters SEM
Untreated soybeans soybeans tachio by-product (PB) on ammonia concentrations in rumen, abomasum
DM and blood metabolites in Iranian Balochi sheep. Three rams with ruminal
a 28.6b 20.9c 33.9a 2.05 cannulas and T cannulas in the abomasums were used in a 3 × 3 change
b 71.3b 79a 64.9c 3.01 over design experiment. Rams were maintained in individual metabolism
c(h-1) 8.1b 4.9b 12.9a 0.02 crates (1.3 m × 0.5 m) which access to water at all times. Treatments
Effective degradability 69.5b 64.1b 80.04a 2.3 were including 3 levels of PB (T1 = 0, T2 = 20 and T3 = 40% of DM).
CP Urea was continuously infused into the rumen via peristaltic pump (1
a 22.5b 13.7c 36.8a 2.09 mL/ min). Daily intake was determined. Abomasum samples were taken
b 77.4b 86.2a 62.8c 2.2 simultaneously from all rams twice daily during a period of 4 successive
c(h-1) 8.4b 6.1b 14.3a 0.02 days as follows: d 1, 0900 and 1500 h; d 2, 1000 and 1600 h; d 3, 1100
Effective degradability 70.7b 60.7c 83.1a 3.6 and 1700 h and d 4, 1200 and 2000 h. Ruminal samples were obtained
Intestinal crude protein
73.07b 81.9a 63.1c 0.06 from each ram on d 3 of the 5-d collection period before the morning
digestibility meal and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 h after feeding. Blood samples were collected
a,b,c Means in the same row with different letters differ (P < 0.05). from each rams at the end of experiment via jugular vein 2 h after morn-
ing feeding. Dry matter intake (DMI) decreased for sheep fed PB (0.75,
Key Words: whole soybean, electron beam irradiation, roasted 0.74 and 0.64 kg, respectively). This reduction was significant for T3
and no differences were observed between T1 and T2. The addition of
T444 Meta-analysis for the prediction of net portal absorption PB in the diet reduced ammonia concentration in the rumen. In contrast,
(NPA) of amino acid-N (AAN) and ammonia (NH3) in rumi- ammonia concentration in the abomasum increased (25.01, 26.09 and
nants. C. Côrtes*1, R. Martineau1, D. Sauvant2, D. R. Ouellet1, J. 31.90 mg/dL, respectively). Treatment effects on blood urea nitrogen
Vernet3, I. Ortigues-Marty3, and H. Lapierre1, 1Agriculture and Agri- (BUN) did not differ (P > 0.05), but tended to be greater for sheep fed
Food Canada, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 2AgroParisTech, Paris, the PB (14.66, 16.33 and 17.66 mg/dl, respectively). Blood glucose,
France, 3URH INRA, Theix, France. triglyceride and cholesterol decreased for sheep fed T3 compared with
control (57 vs. 64; 8 vs. 13 and 26 vs. 40 mg/dL, respectively) It was
To improve the efficiency of N utilization in ruminants, the objective of concluded that feeding PB at high levels (40% of DM) led to decreased
this meta-analysis was to predict NPA of AAN and NH3 from feed intake DMI, glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride compared with control, but
and composition. Composition of feed ingredients was estimated from the addition of 20% had no affect.
INRA (1988) tables, except for N and NDF when reported. Selection
of publications (FLORA, Vernet and Ortigues-Marty, 2006) was done Key Words: pistachio by-product, urea, Balochi sheep
on availability of NPA-AAN or NH3, N intake (NI), BW, and feeding
treatments. The final database included 68 publications, 90 experiments T446 The protection of nano-encapsulated conjugated linoleic acid
(sheep n = 44, cattle: beef and dairy breeds n = 29, dairy: lactating (CLA) from biohydrogenation by rumen bacteria. S. D. Cho*1,
cows n = 17) for a total of 216 treatments: NI, NPA of AA-N and NH3 H. G. Park1, H. G. Ji2, E. G. Kweon3, and Y. J. Kim1, 1Department of
averaged (SD): 0.48 (0.20), 0.21 (0.13) and 0.19 (0.12) g N/d per kg Food and Biotechnology, Korea University, Chungnam, Korea, 2Phar-
BW. In addition to NI, dietary interfering factors (IF) were tested on machem, Samjung-dong, Ohjung-gu, Bucheon-city, Kyounggi-do,
sub-groups with a sufficient variation of the IF: NDF, CP, ruminally (R) Korea, 3Hanwoo Experimental Station, National Livestock Research
digestible starch (RdS), R-degradable protein (RDP), R-undegradable Institute, Gangwon, Korea.
protein (RUP), R-fermented organic matter (RfOM), and RfOM minus
RDP (RfOM-RDP) as %DM; RUP and RDP, as %CP; RdSi (g/d per Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) occurs mainly in dairy products because
kg BW), RDP:RfOM, RDP:RfOM-RDP and RdS:RfOM. Seven and 5 it is produced as an intermediate in the ruminal biohydrogenation process
IF had a significant slope with the within-experiment residues of the of linoleic acid, a characteristic biochemical process carried out by some
model Y = α + αi + βNi + ε, on NPA of AAN and NH3, respectively. rumen bacteria. Thus, dietary sources of CLA are not well protected from
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 451
biohydrogenation. In this study, nano-encapsulated CLA; nanosome T448 Partial replacement of common bean by-products (Phaseolus
complex with lecithin was tested as one of the ways to protect CLA vulgaris) with soybean meal impacts on feed intake and apparent
from ruminal biohydrogenation. CLA was emulsified with saturated digestibility in growing lambs. H. P. Mejia1, A. Z. M. Salem*1,2, E. J.
lecithin, capric-capric triglyceride, glycerin, and cholesterol ester using D. Coronado1, J. L. Tinoco1, and F. Avilés1, 1Universidad Autónoma del
microfludizer. Free form of CLA (CLA-FFA), and triglyceride form of Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM-Temascaltepec, Estado
CLA (CLA-TG) were coated with nanosome about the size 100 nm in de México, C.P. 51300, México, 2University of Alexandria, Department
diameter. To test the protection effect, rumen bacteria were cultured in of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture (El-Shatby), Egypt.
rumen fluid media in 500 mL continuous culture fermenter. Fresh media
Four total mixed rations (TMRs) were prepared with supplementary
was supplied at 25 mL/h with 2% fat substrates with 4 different forms
protein supplied by soybean meal (TMR1) being replaced by protein
(CLA-FA, CLA-TG, CLA-FFA nanosome, and CLA-TG nanosome).
from either 50 (TMR2), 75 (TMR3) or 100% (TMR4) of the common
The change in fatty acid profiles by rumen bacteria was monitored during
bean by-products (Phaseolus vulgaris) as the only sources of protein.
the 48 h incubation. Gas chromatography was used to analyze fatty
Six Pelibuey male lambs (29 ± 10kg BW) were allocated into each
acid profiles in each group. In all tested groups, the biohydrogenations
of the dietary treatments in a random complete design of 4 TMRs ×
of CLA were observed during incubation. In CLA-TG and CLA-FFA
6 repetitions (animals) and were fed ad libitum. Nutrients and energy
nanosome groups, the protection effects were not significant compared
composition as well as daily DM intake (DMI) and in vivo apparent
with CLA-FFA group. In CLA-FFA group, most of CLA was hydroge-
digestibility of the treatments were determined. The CP, and energy
nated to vaccenic acid (C18:1) or stearic acid. However, in CLA-TG
contents (i.e., NEm, NEg) content of the all TMRs were approximately
nanosome group, the degree of conversion to vaccenic acid from CLA
13.5%, 1.72 and 1.1 Mcal/kg DM, respectively, while CF was 21% in
was the lowest in all tested groups (P < 0.05). These results showed that
TMR1 and TMR2 and was approximately 18% in TMR3 and TMR4.
nanoemulsification is one of the ways to protect natural form of unsatu-
No significant differences were observed among the 4 treatments in
rated fatty acids from the ruminal biohydrogenation and to increase the
DMI with a tendency to increase in TMR1 (1.15 kg DM, P = 0.590)
accumulation level of CLA in the tissue of ruminants.
than others treatments. Digestibility of DM (DMD, P = 0.838) and CP
Key Words: conjugated linoleic acid, rumen bacteria, biohydrogena- (CPD, P = 0.872) also had tendency to improve from TMR1 to TMR4
tion (73, 74, 74 and 76% for the DMD, and 76, 76, 77 and 78% for the
CPD, and for the 4 treatments, respectively. Digestibility of CF was
not affected by the replacement of P. vulgaris with soybean meal in
T447 Study on the effect of flaxseed and vitamin E supplementa- TMR and all TMRs were approximately the same (72%, P = 0.872).
tion on rumen biohydrogenation by Rumen Simulation Technique In conclusion, P. vulgaris could be used in a partial substitution of the
(RUSITEC). H. Sultana*1, M. L. He1, M. E. R. Dugan2, and T. A. soybean meal and it could be used as an alternative source of protein
McAllister1, 1Agriculture and Agri-Food Research Centre, Lethbridge, in Pelibuey lambs diets.
AB, Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Research Centre, Lacombe,
AB, Canada. Key Words: Phaseolus vulgaris, digestibility, lambs
Supplementation with omega-3 fatty acid (FA)-rich flaxseed, is used to
T449 The effect of partial replacement of soybean meal by Phaseo-
increase poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in meat and milk. High
lus vulgaris byproducts on growth performance in Pelibuey growing
levels of vitamin E (VE) are often included in such diets to reduce oxida-
lambs fed finishing diets. H. P. Mejia1, A. Z. M. Salem*1,2, J. L.
tion of PUFA in ruminant products. In this study, the RUSITEC was used
Tinoco1, R. S. Robollar1, E. J. D. Coronado1, and F. Avilés1, 1Univer-
to assess the effects of flaxseed and/or VE on rumen fermentation, DM
sidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Universitario UAEM-
disappearance, methane emission and FA profile. Inoculum was obtained
Temascaltepec, Estado de México, C.P. 51300, México, 2University of
from 3 ruminally cannulated non-lactating Holstein cows fed a 75:20:5
Alexandria, Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture
diet of barley grain:barley silage:mineral supplement. Fermenters were
(El-Shatby), Egypt.
fed a barley silage (2 g DM) / barley- grain concentrate (8 g DM) diet
daily. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial with ground flaxseed replac- Twenty-four Pelibuey male lambs ((29 ± 10 kg BW) were used to evalu-
ing concentrate at 0 or 15% of DM, along with VE at 0 or 100 IU/kg ate the effect of replacing soybean meal with common bean by-products
DM. Volume of effluent, pH and total gas were determined daily at (PV- Phaseolus vulgaris) as the only sources of protein, on average
feeding. After 8 d of adaptation, 48-h DM disappearance from silage and daily gain (ADG), feed conversion (FC) and economic efficiency (EE).
concentrate were determined on d 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, and 17. Methane in Lambs were fed finishing diets and assigned randomly to one of 4 dietary
gas samples and FA accumulations in 24-h effluent were analyzed on d treatments. Treatment diets were prepared with supplementary protein
12, 13, 14, 18, 19, and 20. Disappearance of DM from concentrate was supplied by soybean meal (CON, n = 6), being replaced by protein from
unaffected (P = 0.93) by VE, but tended to be lower (P = 0.07) with either 50 (PV50, n = 6), 75 (PV75, n = 6) or 100% (PV100, n = 6) of
flaxseed. There was no significant difference in total gas or methane the common bean by-products (P. vulgaris). Crud protein and energy
production among treatments. As a percent of total FA, inclusion of contents (i.e., NEm, NEg) were approximately similar, while crude
flaxseed increased levels of saturated (P = 0.03), including C18:0 (P = fiber was higher in CON and PV50 compared with PV75 or PV100. No
0.001) and decreased (P = 0.03) levels of PUFA. Inclusion of flaxseed differences (P = 0.590) were noticed in feed intake, final weight, total
tended to increase percentage of C18:1 t11 (P = 0.08) and the ratio of gain, and ADG among all treatment diets. FC ratio was numerically (P
C18:1 t11/t10 FA (P = 0.08). Inclusion of VE did not appear to influence = 0.940) increased in PV50 lambs, than the CON or PV75 and PV100
biohydrogenation or the fatty acid profile in effluent. In conclusion, this diets. Cost of one kg gain (i.e., EE) was also numerically decreased in
study indicates that alteration in FA profile arises from the inclusion of PV75 and PV100 lambs when compared with CON or PV50 groups.
flaxseed in the diet with VE having no measurable influence. These data indicate that feeding fattening Pelibuey growing lambs diets
containing 100% of CP diet from the P. vulgaris did not affect feed
Key Words: rumen fermentation, flaxseed, fatty acid
intake or growth performance parameters that could also supported to
reduce the production costs in fattening sheep.
Key Words: Pelibuey lambs, Phaseolus vulgaris, growth perfor-
452 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Small Ruminant: Goat Production
T450 Effect of supplemental grower / finisher ration protein level have higher HCW (P = 0.08) and cold carcass weights (CCW; P = 0.08)
on growth rate, chevon production and cost of gain of crossbred only on d 88. No differences were observed in transportation shrink,
meat goats grazing Joy Chicory pasture. M. Lema*, S. Murray, carcass shrink, dressing percentage, 12th rib fat thickness, and LM area
and B. Barlow, Tennessee State University, Nashville. between 2 breeds. Muscle and fat weights were higher for Boer breed
(P < 0.01) at d 0, but only fat was higher (P < 0.01) on d 88. Although
Chicory (Chicorum intybus) is becoming popular as a warm-season bone, muscle, and fat as a % of CCW remained relatively the same
forage for ruminant livestock in the United States. A study was conducted (P > 0.10) for both breeds up to the 3rd SEP, ratio of fat increased in
with weaned crossbred meat goats to elucidate how growing / finishing Boers (P < 0.002) and muscle ratio increased (P < 0.01) in Kikos by d
meat goats grazing Joy chicory pasture respond to supplementation 88. Breed or SEP did not affect the muscle/bone and muscle/fat ratios.
with varying levels of dietary protein. Thirty 6 weaned crossbred kids Breed type and SEP had no effect on meat color. We concluded that
(26 ± 3 kg) were blocked by body weight and genotype and divided Boer goats had higher ADG and attained higher BW at earlier age, with
into 3 treatment groups. Each treatment group was replicated in 2 0.4 higher grain input. However, Kiko goats had more muscle and less fat
ha Joy chicory and native grass paddocks with 6 kids per paddock and at the later SEP (d 88) with less grain input.
supplemented with isocaloric grower / finisher ration containing 11,
16 or 21% crude protein for 56 d. The data generated from the study Key Words: breed, goats, slaughter endpoint
was subjected to Analysis of Variance for randomized complete block
design. Grower / finisher ration intake (1.13, 1.31 and 1.31 kg / day)
T452 Effects of feeding varying levels of peanut skins on fatty
and cost (0.41, 0.51 and 0.51 dollars / day) for the 11, 16 and 21% pro-
acid profile of growing Kiko crossbred intact male goats. N. K.
tein supplemented groups, respectively) were not affected by protein
Gurung*1, A. R. Stone1, S. G. Solaiman1, D. L. Rankins Jr.2, K. R.
content of the diet. Total live weight gain (7.7 kg) and average daily
Willian1, and W. H. McElhenney1, 1Tuskegee University, Tuskegee,
gain (145.0 g) for the16% protein level were significantly higher (P <
AL, 2Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
0.05) than for the 11% (2.7 kg and 52.0 g, respectively) and 21% (6.0
kg and 113.0 g, respectively) protein levels. Feed cost per kg gain was The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate the effects of feeding
significantly lower (P < 0.05) for the 16% protein level than for the 11 different levels of peanut skins (PS) containing diets on fatty acid profile
and 21% protein levels (3.5 versus 7.8 and 4.5 dollars / day, respectively). in the longissimus muscle (LM), the mesenteric adipose (MA) depot,
Boneless retail cut from the leg, loin, shoulder and rack followed similar and the s.c. adipose (SA) depot of meat goats. Twenty 4 Kiko crossbred
trend as weight gain, being significantly higher (P < 0.05)for the 16% intact male goats (18.2 ± 1.41 kg initial BW and 3 to 4 mo of age) were
protein level than for the 11 and 21% while the 21% level was higher randomly assigned to one of the 4 experimental diets containing 47.3%
than the 11%. Back fat thickness and fat cover over the carcass tended bermudagrass hay plus 52.7% concentrate mix. Diets contained 0, 10, 20,
to increase (P < 0.05) with protein level in the diet. It is concluded that and 30% of PS on as fed basis. Feed offered and refusals were collected
optimum performance and return from meat goats grazing Joy Chicory daily. After 92 d, goats were harvested and carcass characteristics were
is obtained when they are supplemented with 16% protein in the diet as measured. Samples of LM, MA and SA tissues were analyzed for fatty
compared with lower (11%) and higher (21%) levels. acid profile. Data on carcass quality and fatty acid composition of LM,
MA and SA were analyzed as a completely randomized design. Dress-
Key Words: meat goat, chicory, protein level
ing percent, chilled carcass weight and LM area decreased linearly (P <
0.05) with increasing level of PS. We were able to detect 18 fatty acids
T451 Effects of breed and slaughter endpoint on feed intake, in LM and MS, and 13 in SA. No changes (P > 0.10) were detected in
growth performance, and carcass traits of purebred Boer and Kiko the fatty acid composition (on percentage basis) across treatments with
goat kids. S. Solaiman*1, B. R. Min1, N. Gurung1, J. Behrends2, E. the exception of C18:0, stearic acid, which increased linearly in LM
Taha1, and C. Hill1, 1Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, 2Mississippi (P = 0.05), MS (P = 0.06) and SC (P = 0.06) with increasing level of
State University, Mississippi State. PS. Total saturated fatty acid percentage increased linearly (P = 0.05)
in LM fat only. Total C18:1, oleic acid, decreased linearly (P < 0.05)
The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of 2 in LM fat but a quadratic trend (P < 0.05) was observed for MA and
different breeds (Boer vs. Kiko) and 4 slaughter endpoints (SEP; d SA. Monounsaturated fatty acids decreased linearly (P < 0.05) as the
0, 35, 63 and 88) on DMI, ADG and carcass traits of male goat kids level of PS increased in LM fat but was not different among MS and
(n = 6). Forty-eight purebred (BW = 23.9 ± 1.50 kg) kids were used SA fat samples. Polyunsaturated fatty acids were not different (P >
in a completely randomized design experiment with a 2 × 4 factorial 0.05) among treatments for all fat samples. It was concluded that the
arrangement of treatments. Goats were stratified by BW within breed fatty acid composition of carcass can be altered with the addition of
and randomly assign to 4 SEP. Kids were born between March 15 and PS in the diets.
April 7, and were represented by at least 3 sires within each breed.
They were housed indoors in individual pens, had ad libitum access Key Words: goats, fatty acid profile, peanut skins
to water and mineral blocks, and were fed concentrate: hay (80:20%,
respectively) diet once a day. At designated time, goats were transported
T453 Effect of cull-chickpeas on carcass characteristics and
to the Meat Science Lab., MSU, MS and were slaughtered. Performance
commercial cuts of feedlot hair sheep. F. G. Rios*1,4, H. Bernal-
and carcass data were analyzed using PROC MIXED of SAS. There
Barragán2,4, M. A. Cerrillo-Soto3,4, A. Estrada-Angulo1,4, E. Gutiérrez-
were no interactions between breeds and SEP. Both breeds had similar
Ornelas2,4, A. S. Juárez-Reyes3,4, J. F. Obregon1,4, and J. J. Portillo-
DMI; however, the Kiko goats consumed more hay (P < 0.01) and Boer
Loera1,4, 1FMVZ-Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Culiacán, Sinaloa,
goats consumed more concentrate (P < 0.01). There was no different
México, 2FA-Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Nuevo
in initial BW for 2 breeds, but final BW (P < 0.03), ADG (P < 0.001),
León, Mexico, 3FMVZ-Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, Dur-
and G:F (P < 0.001) were higher for Boer breed. Boer goats tended to
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 453
ango, Durango, México, 4Red Internacional de Nutrición y Alimentación AA group, however, there was no significant difference between SSP
en Rumiantes, Culiacán, Sinaloa, México. group and AA group (P > 0.05).
A study was carried out to determine the effect of cull-chickpeas (CCH) Key Words: small peptide, amino acid, dairy goat
on carcass characteristics and their commercial cuts from Katahdin ×
Pelibuey lambs. Forty animals (36.1 ± 2.9 kg initial BW) were fed 5
dietary treatments based on substitution of diet cracked corn grain and T455 Effects of graded intraduodenal soybean small peptide infu-
soybean meal for 0, 15, 30, 45, or 60% of CCH. Animals were allotted sion on absorption of small peptides in the small intestine of dairy
in pens (2/pen) and randomly grouped to 4 blocks of 10 animals. At the goats. L. Wang1,2, S. Li*1, Z. Cao1, and H. Liu1, 1China Agricultural
end of a feeding trial of 84 d, the lambs were humanly slaughtered at a University, Beijing, China, 2Ningxia University, Yinchuan, China.
weight of 50.3 ± 4.2 kg. The left half of the carcass was used for carcass The objective of the study was to investigate the effects of graded
evaluation and dissection according to commercial standards. The fat intraduodenal soybean small peptide (SSP) infusion on absorption of
depth was measured at the level the 12th rib. Single cuts such as neck, small peptides in the small intestine and the net fluxes of mesentetic-
rack, breast, shoulder, foreshank, loin, leg, and flank were also classified. drained viscera (MDV) and portal-drained viscera (PDV). Seven dairy
Data were analyzed according to a completely randomized block design goats (body weight 37.88 ± 3.03kg) were used to a 4 × 4 Latin square
using the GLM procedure; means comparisons were performed using design, fitted with permanent cannulas at the proximal duodenum and
Duncan’s test. Orthogonal polynomial contrasts were used to determine implanted with indwelling catheters in carotid artery, proximal and
lineal effect of treatments. Hot carcass weight (29.1 ± 2.36 kg), dress- distal mesenteric vein and portal vein. Four infused SSP levels, i.e., 0
ing carcass (57.8 ± 2.58%), rib eye area (15.9 ± 2.21 cm2), and backfat g/d (0.9% normal saline, 700 mL/d), 60 g/d, 120 g/d and180 g/d, were
thickness (3.0 ± 1.15 mm) were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. used. Infusions were conducted continuously using a peristaltic pump.
Empty body weight was higher (P < 0.05) in lambs receiving 30% of Each infusion period lasted for 12 d. On the last day, Para-aminohippuric
CCH (48.5 kg), and lowest in those fed 0% (46.4 kg). Kidney, pelvic acid (PAH) was infused into the mammary vein catheter. After 1 h of
and heart fat was modified by the effect of the treatments where a lineal infusing PAH, blood samples were collected from the carotid artery and
pattern (P < 0.01) was observed. Yields of loin (8.5 ± 0.84%), shoulder mammary vein at 1 h intervals into centrifuge tubes containing heparin-
(19.4 ± 1.94%), rack (11.4 ± 0.85%), and foreshank (11.4 ± 1.28%), saline. The results showed that with the increase of SSP infusion level,
were similar (P > 0.05) among treatments. Breast (7.9%) was similar the mesenteric, portal venous and arterial plasma concentration and the
between lambs receiving 15 and 45% CCH, and higher (P < 0.05) than net fluxes of MDV, PDV of peptide amino acids (PAA) were all raised
the other treatments (7.3%). Leg (28.6%) was lower (P < 0.05) in lambs significantly. The total PAA net flux of MDV in group infused with
receiving 60% CCH. Flank (8.2%) was higher (P < 0.05) in lambs fed 180 g/d was higher than that group infused with 60 g/d. The absorption
45% CCH. It is concluded that CCH can be included up to 45% in the rate of total PAA in small intestine was decreased with the increase of
diet of hair lambs. Nonetheless, as the inclusion level of CCH is favored, quantities of SSP infusion into duodenum, the values were 28.43%,
enhanced fat deposition results, while leg yield is reduced. 22.23% and 17.43% respectively. The PDV net fluxes of total FAA
Key Words: hair sheep, cull-chickpeas, carcass characteristics were all lower than the MDV net fluxes of total FAA in 4 groups. The
concentrations of plasma urea nitrogen were significantly increased
with increasing the quantities of SSP infusion, but the concentrations
T454 Effects of intraduodenally infused soybean small peptides and of plasma glucose, insulin, growth hormone, glucagon and IGF-1 had
amino acids on absorption of peptides in the small intestine of dairy not been affected by infusing SSP.
goats. L. Wang1,2, S. Li*1, Z. Cao1, and H. Liu1, 1China Agricultural
Key Words: dairy goats, soybean small peptide
University, Beijing, China, 2Ningxia University, Yinchuan, China.
The object of the study was to investigate the effects of intraduodenally
infused soybean small peptides (SSP) and AA on absorption of peptides T456 Effects of shearing on energy use by growing Angora
in the small intestine and the net fluxes of mesentetic-drained viscera goats. R. Puchala*1, A. Helal1,2, A. L. Goetsch1, and T. Sahlu1, 1Ameri-
(MDV) and portal-drained viscera (PDV). Four dairy goats (BW = can Institute for Goat Research, Langston University, Langston, OK,
2Animal and Poultry Nutrition Department, Desert Research Center,
38.38 ± 3.09kg), fitted with permanent cannulas at the proximal duo-
denum and fitted with indwelling catheters in carotid artery, proximal El Matareya, Cairo, Egypt.
and distal mesenteric vein and portal vein were used in a crossover Eight Angora wethers (initial BW 19.0 ± 1.14 kg) and 8 doelings
treatment design. The treatments were intraduodenal infusion of 60 g/d (initial BW 16.3 ± 1.15 kg), approximately 17 mo of age, were used
SSP (SSP group) or AA (AA group) providing the same daily quanti- to assess effects of shearing on energy expenditure (EE) and heart rate
ties of individual free AA as SSP group . The results showed that the (HR). Animals were fed a pelleted diet at 1100 h to achieve 12.5 g/d
mesenteric, portal venous and arterial plasma concentration of PAA in tissue gain and 7.5 g/d mohair fiber growth. Animals were placed in an
SSP group were higher than in the AA group, but only the concentra- indirect, open-circuit respiration calorimetry system in 4-animal sets
tion of peptide serine, valine, isoleucine and arginine were significant (2 wethers and 2 doelings) for gas exchange measurement 1 d before
higher than in the AA group (P < 0.05). The MDV net fluxes of PAA (d 0) and for 3 d after shearing (d 1, 2, 3). Temperature and relative
in SSP group were significant higher than in the AA group (P < 0.05). humidity were controlled at 20°C and 50%, respectively. Shearing was
The PDV net fluxes of PAA in the SSP group were higher than in the at 0900 h. To avoid effects of feeding on HR and EE, data collected
AA group, but there was no significant difference between the SSP during the daytime (0800 to 1900 h) were omitted. Energy expenditure
group and the AA group (P < 0.05). The mesenteric, portal venous and was greater (P < 0.05) after than before shearing (3.48, 4.30, 4.01, and
arterial plasma concentrations and the MDV and PDV net fluxes of 3.82 MJ/d on d 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively; SEM = 0.142). Similarly, HR
total FAA in AA group were significant higher than in the SSP group (92.6, 104.8 97.5, and 100.0 beats/min; SEM = 3.02) and EE relative
(P < 0.05). The concentration of plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon and to metabolic size (405, 503, 468, and 448 kJ/kg BW0.75 on d 0, 1, 2,
growth hormone were higher in SSP group than in the AA group, the and 3, respectively; SEM = 10.8) were affected (P < 0.05) by shearing.
concentration of PUN and IGF-1 in SSP group were lower than in the The ratio of EE to HR was similar among days after shearing (4.45,
454 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
4.87, 4.87, and 4.52 kJ/kg body weight0.75 per heart beat on d 0, 1, 2, changes at feeder, duration of first meal, and incidence of fighting).
and 3, respectively; SEM = 0.151). A decline (P < 0.05) in respiratory Observations were made for 3 consecutive days at the beginning, middle
quotient after shearing (1.049, 1.034, 1.016, and 1.015 on d 0, 1, 2, and and end of each experiment. Data were analyzed for the effect of pen
3, respectively; SEM = 0.0079) suggests increased body fat catabolism. composition and time of trial in Exp. 1, and pen composition, stocking
Regression analysis indicated that more than 4 d would be required for rate and time of trial in Exp. 2. In Exp. 1 initial time at the feeding sta-
EE and HR to return to pre-shearing levels. In conclusion, even with tion was shorter (P < 0.01), and number of fights and position changes
non-stressful environmental conditions, shearing Angora goats increases at feeder more frequent (P < 0.01) in sheep-only pens (142 ± 32 s, 6.0
energy consumption. ± 0.8 and 14.3 ± 2.4, respectively) than goat-only (381 ± 41 s, 0.3 ±
0.09 and 1.8 ± 0.1, respectively) and mixed pens (380 ± 41 s, 0.1 ± 0.04
Key Words: goats, shearing, energy
and 2.0 ± 0.2, respectively). Number of fights and position changes
increased (P < 0.01) from the start to the end of the trial in sheep-only
T457 Optimum duration of performance testing growing Boer pens (6.6 to 23.1 and 3.6 to 6.1, respectively), but not in goat-only and
bucks for growth rate, feed intake, and feed efficiency. W. Hu*1, mixed pens. In mixed pens, goats initiated feeding more frequently than
T. A. Gipson1, S. P. Hart1, L. J. Dawson1,2, A. L. Goetsch1, and T. sheep (81.8 vs. 18.2%, P < 0.01). In Exp. 2 observations on feeding
Sahlu1, 1American Institute for Goat Research, Langston University, time, fighting and position changes for sheep-only and mixed pens were
Langston, OK, 2College of Veterinary Medicine, Oklahoma State Uni- similar to Exp. 1. However, fighting and position changes increased in
versity, Stillwater. sheep-only, but not mixed pens as stocking rate increased from 2 to 4
animals (stocking rate by pen composition interaction: P < 0.05). Data
Central performance testing of meat goats has increased in popularity suggest that bucks were more dominant than rams, activity levels were
recently, but minimum test length has not been ascertained. This study lower in pens with bucks, and that increasing stocking rate differentially
was conducted to determine the minimum length of time required for affected behavior in the 2 species.
accurate evaluation of growing Boer bucks for ADG, DMI, and feed
efficiency as assessed by ADG:DMI and residual feed intake. Data were Key Words: behavior, goats, sheep
collected from 425 bucks in Langston University tests from 2000 to
2009. Bucks averaged 111 ± 25 d of age and 27 ± 8 kg BW at the begin-
T459 Feeding glucogenic precursors to dairy goats carrying twins
ning of the test, consumed a pelletized 50% concentrate diet ad libitum,
around kidding. S. Cavini1, M. Rodriguez-Prado1, S. Calsamiglia*1,
and were weighed weekly. Daily feed intake was determined with Calan
A. Foskolos1, and M. A. Gomez2, 1Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona,
feeding gates (American Calan, Inc., Northwood, NH) and automated
Bellaterra, Spain, 2NUTEGA, Madrid, Spain.
feeding units (MK3 FIRE, Osborne Industries Inc., Osborne, KS).
Weekly data of 4 performance traits were analyzed using the MIXED Ketosis is the result of an unbalance between energy supply and require-
procedure of SAS with a repeated-measures model. The first-order ante ments. Dairy goats carrying twins are highly susceptible to gestational
dependence [ANTE(1)] structure type was selected as the appropriate ketosis. Monopropylene glycol is a glucogenic precursor that has been
covariance structure based on goodness-of-fit criteria. Residual vari- successfully used to prevent ketosis. The objective of this study was to
ance relative to that at 84 d (%) was 338, 272, 223, 188, 153, 129, 119, compare monopropylene glycol with other glucose precursors to prevent
and 108% for ADG, 167, 159, 149, 141, 130, 119, 112, and 106% for ketosis. Twenty-two pregnant Murciano-Granadina goats carrying twins
DMI, 427, 305, 223, 164, 135, 123, 112, and 105% for ADG:DMI, and were assigned to 4 different treatments in a randomized complete block
156, 138, 131, 118, 107, 103, 102, and 102% for residual feed intake at design, where group was the experimental unit: monopropylene glycol
28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, and 77 d, respectively. Grafted polynomial (MG: 36.9 g/goat/d, 65% purity) considered as positive control; glycerol
break-points determined by nonlinear regression indicated that residual (GLY: 60.0 g/goat/d, 40% purity); monopropylene glycol plus B vita-
variance had stabilized at 63, 63, and 57 d for ADG, ADG:feed intake, mins (MGB: 44.3 g/goat/d, 54% purity); glycerol plus monopropylene
and residual feed intake, respectively. A break-point for DMI was not glycol plus B vitamins plus oligoelements (GMGB: 56.4 g/goat/d, 33
estimable, although the correlation between DMI at 63 and 84 d was and 9.5% purity, respectively). Goats were controlled from 25 before
0.99 (P < 0.01) compared with r of 0.95, 0.96, and 0.97 (P < 0.01) for 30 d after kidding. Goats were group fed, were received an ad libitum
ADG, ADG:DMI, and residual feed intake, respectively. In conclusion, forage diet and were individually supplemented with 400 and 800 g of
under these conditions the duration of Boer buck performance tests could concentrate before and after kidding, respectively. Intake was recorded
be decreased from 84 to 63 d with little loss in accuracy. daily, milk production and composition determined weekly, body weight
and condition score were recorded −15, 0, 15 and 30 d around kidding,
Key Words: goats, performance testing
and blood samples were taken on days −15, −7, −3, −1, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 15
and 30 around kidding to measure insulin, glucose, non-esterified fatty
T458 Feeding behavior of intact yearling hair sheep and meat goat acids, triglycerides and β-hydroxybutyrate. Results were analyzed using
males pen-fed in single- and mixed-species groups. S. Wildeus* the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS and differences declared at P <
and R. A. Stein, Virginia State University, Petersburg. 0.05. No differences were found in body weigh and condition score.
Intake of DM increased (P < 0.04) in GLY compared with MG (1.36
Group size and social hierarchy influence animal performance, and here vs. 1.43 ± 0.02 kg/d) with no effects on milk production (1.93 ± 0.18
we evaluated interactions of yearling rams and bucks housed indoors in L/d). Milk fat and protein tended (P < 0.10) to be higher in GLY (5.69
3 × 2.5 m pens with a single feeding station. Animals were fed chopped vs. 4.83 ± 0.24% and 4.15 vs. 3.55 ± 0.16%, respectively) compared
grass hay mixed with corn and soybean (~14% CP). In Exp. 1, 2 males with MG. There were no differences in blood metabolites among treat-
were allocated to 15 pens either as single- or mixed-species groups (5 ments. Glycerol may be a good alternative to propylene glycol in dairy
replications/grouping; 15 rams and 15 bucks total). In Exp. 2, 2 or 4 goats around kidding.
males were assigned to 16 pens, either as sheep-only, or an equal number
of rams and bucks (4 replications/grouping; 36 rams and 12 bucks total). Key Words: glycerol, glycol, goats
In both experiments animals were fed for 17 d. Immediately after feed
was placed into each pen, behavior was recorded for 10 min (position
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 455
T460 Evaluation of milk serum amyloid A 3 (M–SAA3) protein as 67.8, 57.7, 46.9 and 40.3 g/d; SE = 2.72, respectively). However, the
a potential mammary health indicator in goats. A. Domènech*1, increase in U-CLA dose had no effect on milk yield (2.32, 2.37, 2.41
A. Gómez–Martín2, C. De la Fe2, J. C. Corrales2, and A. Serrano1, and 2.35 kg/d; SE = 0.08), milk protein content (2.76, 2.78, 2.75 and
1Ruminant Production, IRTA, Barcelona, Spain, 2Department of Animal 2.79%; SE = 0.03), milk protein yield (63.7, 65.5, 65.5 and 65.5 g/d; SE
Health, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain. = 1.95), forage intake (2.21, 2.25, 2.15 and 2.19, SE = 0.09) and BCS
(2.75, 2.75, 2.72, 2.78; SE = 0.07).
The objective of this study was to investigate the potential of M–SAA3
protein as a mammary health indicator in caprine milk. For this purpose, Key Words: goat, conjugated linoleic acid, milk
a preliminary study of quantification of SAA3 in half milk samples from
healthy (n = 26) and clinical mastitic (n = 28) Murciano-Granadina goats
was conducted. Clinical mastitis milk samples were characterized in T462 Requirements of magnesium, potassium and sodium for
accordance with bacterial isolation in blood and McConkey agar, Gram maintenance and growth of Boer crossbred kids. M. H. M. R.
staining and catalase and oxidase tests. Gram + and catalase + samples Fernandes1, K. T. Resende1, L. O. Tedeschi2, J. S. Fernandes Jr.1, and
were further characterized with a Staphylococcus aureus agglutination I. A. M. A. Teixeira*1, 1Universidade Estadual Paulista/UNESP and
test. Milk samples from healthy goats were verified by negative bacterial INCT-CA members, Jaboticabal, SP 14870, Brazil, 2Texas A&M Uni-
culture and somatic cell count. Results from bacterial identification in versity, College Station
mastitic milk samples reported 75% of Gram + infections (90.5% Staphy- The requirements of magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) and sodium (Na)
lococcus spp. and 9.5% Streptococcus spp.). 71.5% of the Gram – milk of goats have been assumed to be identical to those for cattle and sheep
infected samples were oxidase + (no enterobacteriae) and Escherichia (3.5, 50, 15 mg/kg of BW, respectively). The objective of this study was
coli was identified in the rest of them (28.5%). Milk levels of SAA3 were to determine the requirements of Mg, K, and Na for maintenance and
measured using a commercial ELISA kit (Mast ID SAA3 kit, Tridelta, growth of 34 intact male crossbred kids (3/4Boer 1/4Saanen), varying
Ireland). Milk levels of SAA3 from healthy and mastitic goats were BW from 20 to 35 kg. The comparative slaughter technique with 3
log-transformed and compared using an ANOVA. Results indicated slaughter periods was used to determine the mineral requirements. A
no significant differences (P = 0.22) in milk SAA3 levels in samples baseline (BL) group was comprised of 7 randomly selected kids, aver-
obtained from mastitic (35.05 ± 0.30μg/mL) or healthy goats (20.36 ± aging 20 kg BW. The intermediate slaughter group was fed ad libitum
0.32μg/mL). However, the CV of SAA3 milk contents was numerically and consisted of 6 randomly selected kids that were slaughtered when
greater in mastitic milk (59%) than in milk from healthy goats (26%). they reached 27.5 kg BW. The remaining kids (n = 21) were allocated
Results indicate that M–SAA3 might not be an accurate indicator of randomly on d 0 to 3 levels of DMI (treatments were ad libitum or
clinical mastitis in goat milk but do not exclude the potential of explor- restricted to 70 or 40% of the ad libitum intake) within 7 slaughter
ing M-SAA3 levels in samples of caprine subclinical mastitis. Further groups. A slaughter group contained 1 kid from each treatment, and
studies with a greater number of samples are being conducted. kids were slaughtered when the kid fed ad libitum reached 35 kg BW.
Key Words: SAA3, caprine, mastitis Body components were weighed, ground, mixed, and subsampled for
chemical analysis. Initial body composition was determined using
equations developed from the composition of the BL kids. The diet DM
T461 Milk fat synthesis is progressively reduced in dairy goats fed consisted of 47% corn hay and 53% concentrate (0.95% Ca, 0.52% P,
increasing levels of an unprotected conjugated linoleic acid (U-CLA) 0.19% Mg, 0.62% K, 0.22% Na). A digestion trial with 15 kids at 3
supplement. D. Fernandes1, J. Souza1, M. Baldin1, R. Dresch1, E. levels of intake was concurrently conducted to determine the apparent
C. Sandri1, J. H. Bruschi2, F. C. F. Lopes2, M. A. S. Gama2, and D. E. absorption coefficient and endogenous fecal and urinary losses. During
Oliveira*1, 1Santa Catarina State University, Chapecó, Brazil, 2National the trial, all kids (n = 34) were fed once daily (0800) in individual pens
Dairy Cattle Research Center, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil. with free access to water. The requirements of Mg, K, and Na for main-
tenance were 7.8 ± 7.0 mg/kg BW, 39.7 ± 0.38 mg/kg BW and 10.4 ±
This objective was to evaluate the dose-response effect of dietary U-CLA
0.35 mg/kg BW, respectively. The net Mg, K and Na requirements for
on milk fat synthesis in dairy goats. Eight Toggenburg goats (4 primipa-
growth ranged from 0.29 to 0.31 g/kg empty weight gain (EWG), 1.18
rous and 4 multiparous; 120 to 150 DIM) received 4 levels of U-CLA in
to 1.05 g/kg EWG and 0.67 to 0.62 g/kg EWG for 20 and 35 kg BW,
a 4 × 4 Latin square (LS) design. The treatments were: 1) Control: 45
respectively. These results indicated that Mg, K, and Na requirements
g/d of calcium salts of soybean oil (CSSO); 2) CLA15: 30 g/d of CSSO
for Boer crossbred, a meat type breed, are less than those recommended
plus 15 g/d of U-CLA; 3) CLA30: 15 g/d of CSSO plus 30 g/d of U-CLA
for cattle and sheep. Further studies are required to confirm these find-
and 4) CLA45: 45 g/d of U-CLA. Each experimental period lasted 12
ings for growing goats.
d, separated by 6 d washout intervals. The U-CLA contained 29% of
trans-10 cis-12 CLA; therefore, it was delivered about 0, 4.5, 9.0 and Key Words: Boer, minerals, net requirement
13.5 g/d of trans-10 cis-12 CLA for control, CLA15, CLA30 and CLA45,
respectively. Lipid supplements were mixed into the concentrate (1.0 kg/
goat/d) and fed twice a day after milking. Corn silage was fed ad libitum T463 Calcium and phosphorous requirements for maintenance
and orts were recorded daily to calculate forage intake. Milk production and growth of Boer crossbred kids. M. H. M. R. Fernandes1, K.
was recorded daily and milk samples were collected in the last 3 d of T. Resende1, L. O. Tedeschi2, J. S. Fernandes Jr.1, and I. A. M. A.
each period (d 10, 11 and 12). Body condition score was recorded on the Teixeira*1, 1Universidade Estadual Paulista/UNESP and INCT-CA
1st and 12th day of each period. Data were subjected to ANOVA and the members, Jaboticabal, SP 14870, Brazil, 2Texas A&M University,
statistical model included animal, period, LS, animal within LS, treat- College Station.
ment and interaction LS x treatment as sources of variation. There was Calcium (Ca) and phosphorous (P) play an important role in several
no interaction LS x treatment for any variable, showing that responses metabolic functions. The net requirements of Ca and P for goat dairy
to U-CLA doses did not differ between primiparous and multiparous. breeds are 2 and 1.4 g/d (BW of 30 kg). The objective of this study was
Milk fat content and yield were linearly reduced (P < 0.0001) in response to determine Ca and P requirements for maintenance and growth of 34
to increased U-CLA dose (2.90, 2.40, 1.94 and 1.72%; SE = 0.08 and intact male crossbred kids (3/4Boer 1/4Saanen) varying BW from 20
456 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
to 35 kg. The comparative slaughter technique with 3 slaughter periods Key Words: adult goats, blood serum, mineral concentration
was used to determine the mineral requirements. A baseline (BL) group
was comprised of 7 randomly selected kids, averaging 20 kg BW. The
intermediate slaughter group was fed ad libitum and consisted of 6 T465 Effect of copper and zinc on in vitro ruminal fermentation
randomly selected kids that were slaughtered when they reached 27.5 of total mixed ration in goats. J. F. Vazquez1, R. Rojo*1, D. Lopez1,
kg BW. The remaining kids (n = 21) were allocated randomly on d 0 A. Z. M. Salem1, J. M. Gonzalez2, D. Colín1, and J. L. Tinoco1, 1Centro
to 3 levels of DMI (treatments were ad libitum or restricted to 70 or Universitario UAEM-Temascaltepec, Temascaltepec, Estado de México,
40% of the ad libitum intake). These kids were pair-fed in 7 slaughter Mexico, 2Facultad de Agrobiología, Universidad Auténoma de Tlaxcala,
groups. A slaughter group contained 1 kid from each treatment, and Ixtacuixtla, Tlaxcala, México.
kids were slaughtered when the ad libitum treatment kid reached 35 kg One in vitro experiment was conducted with the objective of evaluate
BW. Body components were weighed, ground, mixed, and subsampled the effect of copper and zinc addition on some parameters of ruminal
for chemical analysis. Initial body composition was determined using fermentation of total mixed ration (TMR) (14% CP, 25.6% NDF and
equations developed from the composition of the BL kids. The diet DM 18.3% ADF) using ruminal inoculum of goats. The TMR was incubated
consisted of 47% corn hay and 53% concentrate (0.95% Ca, 0.52% P). A during 96 h with 4 different supplementary treatments: Control, Cu
completely randomized design digestion trial was conducted in parallel (860 ppm), Zn (224 ppm), Cu-Zn (860–224 ppm) provided as mineral
with the comparative slaughter trial and used 15 kids at 3 levels of intake premixed at 3 per cent of TMR. One g of TMR with each treatment
to determine apparent absorption coefficient and endogenous fecal and was incubated in serum botles with 90 mL nutritive solution and 10 mL
urinary losses. During the trial, all kids (n = 34) were fed once daily ruminal fluid from goats. In vitro gas production (ml g−1 DM) after 24
(0800) in individual pens with free access to water located in a masonry (GP24), 48 (GP48) and 96 h (GP96) of incubation, dry matter degradability
shed and protected from rain and wind. The Ca and P requirements for (IVDMD: g/kg DM) were determined while b (asymptotic gas produc-
maintenance were 16.1 ± 29.1 mg/kg BW and 31.6 ± 14.3 mg/kg BW, tion (ml g−1 DM)), k (rate of gas production (/h)), lag phase (lag) and
respectively. The net Ca and P requirements for growth ranged from 6.7 metabolizable energy (ME: MJ kg−1 DM) were estimated. Data were
to 7.0 g/kg empty weight gain (EWG) and 5.3 to 5.4 g/kg EWG for 20 analyzed using the general lineal model (GLM) procedure in SAS in a
and 35 kg BW, respectively. These findings suggested that net Ca and complete random design and differences among means by Tukey test.
P requirements for growth of Boer crossbred, a meat type breed, might Addition of Zn increased fraction B, but addition of Zn-Cu decreased
be lower than those requirements published for dairy goats. this fraction. Treatments did not affect the fraction lag and IVDMD.
Key Words: Boer, minerals, net requirement Cu addition tended to increase the volume of GP at 24, 48 and 96 h of
incubation. Cu treatment had the highest value for the fraction K and
ME, while Zn appeared to have the lowest values. Addition of Cu in
T464 Blood mineral concentration of adult goats in a subtropical the diet improved gas production volume and fermentation efficiency
region of southern Mexico during the rainy and dry season. R. in goats.
Rojo*, A. Z. M. Salem, F. Jiménez, S. Rebollar, J. L. Tinoco, B. Albar-
rán, J. F. Vázquez, D. Cardoso, J. Hernández, and F. González, Centro
Table 1. In vitro ruminal fermentation parameters of total mixed
Universitario UAEM-Temascaltepec, Temascaltepec, Estado de México,
ration with four different supplemental treatments
Parameters Control Zn Cu Zn-Cu SEM P<
The aim of work was to evaluate the effects of season (rainy: RS; and b 273.5bc 334.9a 288.8b 241.6c 10.7| 0.01
dry: DS) and sample location of 3 different places (Rio Topilar: RT; El k 0.014c 0.008d 0.037a 0.019b 0.00 0.01
Devanador: ED; y San Pedro Limon: SPL) at the province of Tlatlaya lag 0.87a 1.32a 1.78a 0.68a 0.19 0.15
in Mexico State on mineral status of blood plasma in crossbred adult GP
goats (LW 35 ± 1.5 kg) during transition period under the semiarid 24 69.3c 58.5c 169.3a 90.7b 13.2 0.01
rangeland of southern Mexico. Representative samples of 7 adult Creole 48 140.6bc 114.0c 237.0a 153.2b 14.1 0.01
goats were taken from each production unit (7 animals × 3 production 96 202.6b 182.9b 291.0a 210.0b 12.8 0.01
unit) within each season (dry and rainy). Mineral concentrations (Ca, IVDMD 724.3a 714.1a 707.0a 703.3a 4.09 0.30
P, K, Mg, Na, Zn and Cu) in plasma were assayed using the Atomic ME. 15.1c. 14.4c. 21.9a. 16.5b. 0.90. 0.01.
absorption. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA test; significant Means in the same row with different superscripts differ (P<0.05).
differences between means were tested by Tukey. Higher Ca and P
concentrations were observed during the DS than RS (P < 0.01), with Key Words: copper, goats, ruminal fermentation, zinc
a lowest value in SPL during the DS. No significant differences (P >
0.05) were observed between seasons or production units in concen-
tration of Mg, while Na concentration was affected by the production T466 Nutritional supplementation does not improve the sexual
unit (P 0.05), and the highest values were during the DS. Lowest Zn response of goats managed in northern Mexico. F. G. Véliz*1, C.
concentration was observed during the DS in SPL (0.18 mg/dL), while A. Meza-Herrera2, M. A. De Santiago-Miramontes1, R. Rodríguez-
Cu concentration was significantly (P < 0.01) increased during the Martínez1, and M. Mellado3, 1Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio
same season than in RS (0.07 to 0.10 mg/dL, respectively). Generally, Narro, Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico, 2Universidad Autónoma Chapingo,
the concentration of K, Zn and P in goat plasma was above the recom- Unidad Regional Universitaria de Zonas Áridas, Bermejillo, Durango,
mended levels by NRC (2007), while the concentration of Ca, Mg, Na México, 3Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Buenavista,
and Cu were below. Adult Creole goats during transition period under Saltillo, Coahuila.
the semiarid rangeland of southern Mexico had a deficiency in some The objective was to determine if nutritional supplementation of native
blood minerals such as K, Zn and P, and this maybe due to their native goats under an extensive management system in northern Mexico
grazing behavior on browse shrubs and 3 foliages in the province of improves pregnancy rate in goats. Native multiparous goats (n = 79),
Tlatlaya in México State. were divided in 2 homogenous groups with respect to BW and body
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 457
condition. Both experimental groups grazed (11:00 to 17:00 h) range- T468 Conditions to test electric fence modifications of cattle barb
land and crop residues fields. Five days before and 20 d after breeding, wire fence for goat containment. A. L. Goetsch*, G. D. Detweiler,
the supplemented group (SS, n = 37) received a supplemental ration to R. Puchala, T. Sahlu, and T. A. Gipson, American Institute for Goat
provide 75% of its energy and protein maintenance requirements. The Research, Langston University, Langston, OK.
control group (CC; n = 24) received no supplementation during the
Two 6 × 6 Latin squares, each with 24 yearling meat goat doelings previ-
experimental period. In March 20th, experimental groups were exposed
ously exposed to electric fence, were conducted to identify appropriate
to 4 male bucks, which were induced to an intense sexual activity by
conditions to test electric fence modifications of cattle barb wire fence
means of a photoperiodic treatment of 2.5 mo. Data were analyzed by
for goat containment. After overnight fasting, groups of 4 doelings
means of Chi-squared test. More than 90% of goats in both experimen-
were placed in 2.4 × 2.4 m pens without forage. Pens had 3 metal panel
tal groups showed sexual behavior during the experimental period. In
sides and 1 side with 5 strands of barb wire 31, 56, 81, 107, and 132 cm
fact, during the first 6 d, 91% (38/42) of the CC-group exhibited estrual
from the ground adjacent to a pasture with forage and browse. Intervals
activity, while the SS-group exhibited corresponding values of 95%
between the 6 periods of 2–3 d and 1 wk were assigned to the 2 squares.
(35/37). The observed pregnancy and ovulatory rates were 1.26 and
The 6 treatments in each square were 4 strands 15, 28, 43, and 58 cm
64% and 1.15 and 75% in the CC and SS groups, respectively. Our
from the ground at low voltage of 4–4.5 kV (4S-LV); 2 strands at 15 and
results suggest that native multiparous goats under extensive-range
43 cm and high voltage of 8.5–9 kV (2S-HV); 2 strands at 15.2 and 43.2
production systems in Northern Mexico, receiving or not nutritional
cm and low voltage (2S-LV); 1 strand at low height of 15 cm and low
supplementation before or after breeding season, had similar productive
voltage (1S-LH-LV); 1 strand at 43 cm and low voltage (1S-HH-LV); and
and reproductive outcomes.
1 strand at 23 cm and high voltage (1S-MH-HV). Means were separated
Key Words: nutritional supplementation, goat reproduction, male by least significant difference with a protected F-test. The percentage of
effect doelings exiting after 2 (during continuous visual observation) and 6 h
was similar between intervals (6.3 and 4.2% at 2 h (SE = 2.49) and 9.7
and 6.3% at 6 h (SE = 2.33)) for long and short intervals, respectively).
T467 Seasonal reproductive activity of Nubian, Alpine and Criollo Doelings receiving a first shock in 2 h did not differ between intervals
female goats exposed to natural photoperiod in a semiarid region (16.7 and 19.4% for long and short intervals, respectively; SE = 3.20).
of central-north Mexico. M. T. Rivera1, M. O. Diaz-Gomez1, M. The percentage of doelings exiting at 2 and 6 h was not affected by
Rincon1, F. J. Escobar1, C. F. Arechiga2, H. G. Gamez3, J. Urrutia*3, fencing treatment (P > 0.05). Period of the squares affected (P < 0.05)
and H. Vera-Avila3, 1Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, Zacatecas, the percentage of doelings shocked in 2 h (62.5, 29.2, 6.3, 6.3, 0, and
Mexico, 2Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, San Luis Potosi, 4.2%; SE = 4.92) and exiting pens after 2 (20.8, 8.3, 2.1, 0, 0, and 0%;
Mexico, 3Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agricolas y SE = 3.24) and 6 h (27.1, 10.4, 6.3, 4.2, 0, and 0% for 4S-LV, 2S-HV,
Pecuarias, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. 2S-LV, 1S-LH-LV, 1S-HH-LV, and 1S-MH-HV, respectively; SE = 3.44).
Female goats in a temperate climate have showed a seasonal reproduc- Low pen exit, particularly in latter periods, suggests desirability of more
tion influenced by photoperiod and great differences have been observed thorough prior training to electric fence. Memory of previous exposure
among breeds: Alpine goats have showed a much shorter reproductive to electric fence appeared substantial, implying need to evaluate longer
season than Nubian goats. It is not clear whether this behavior will intervals. The overnight fasting period may not have created an adequate
persist under tropical conditions, where photoperiod variations are impetus to test electric fence for pen exit.
less accentuated. In this study, variation of reproductive activity of Key Words: goats, fence, pasture containment
Nubian, Alpine and Criollo goats was examined in the semiarid region
of central-north Mexico (San Luis Potosi State; 22° N latitude). The
study was conducted at the UASLP-Goat Unit under natural photoperiod T469 Accuracy of calculated distances between consecutive fixes
and temperate conditions during a whole year (from April to April). of GPS collars worn by goats. T. A. Gipson*, G. D. Detweiler, and
Female goats, Alpine, Nubian and Criollo (n = 8 of each breed), were A. L. Goetsch, American Institute for Goat Research, Langston Uni-
included in the study and exposed to presence of 2 Alpine bucks kept versity, Langston, OK.
in a separate barn, but close enough to detect their visual, olfactory
Small ruminants have been fitted with GPS collars to estimate distance
and audible signals. Progesterone concentrations indicate that all goats
traveled in grazing studies; however, accuracy has not been assessed.
showed a great variation in reproductive activity throughout the year,
To do so, a mobile stand was developed to hold 21 Lotek 3300 GPS
showing ovulatory cycles between September and February. Nubian
collars (Lotek Wireless, Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) and was moved
goats showed a shorter breeding season (113.8 d), than Alpine (132.1
a prescribed distance between fixes on 4 azimuthally different courses
d) and Criollo goats (138.5 d; (P = 0.12). A slight variation on live
(NE at 45°, S at 180°, W at 270°, and NW at 315°). Fixes were scheduled
body weight (P > 0.05) throughout the study allowed to assume that
at 5-min intervals. Distances traveled on a course were 0, 10, 20, 30,
BW did not affect reproductive activity. Results indicate that Nubian,
40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 m. Distances were replicated 3 times for
Alpine and Criollo goats kept at 22° N present a wide seasonal variation
each course and the order of the distances was randomized within each
in ovulatory activity, which was not influenced by breed, despite the
replicate. Two courses were run per day and each course was paired with
fact that these breeds have shown great differences in length of their
every other course, for a total of 6 different dates. Fixes were downloaded
reproductive season at higher latitudes. Alpine goats showed a higher
and distances between fixes were calculated using spherical geometry.
number of ovulatory cycles than Criollo and Nubian goats (51 vs. 45
The BIAS was estimated as distance calculated from collars minus true
vs. 40; respectively). Induction of long ovulatory cycles (≥26 d) was
distance and was analyzed using a repeated measures design (PROC
greater for Criollo goats than Nubian or Alpine goats (25.5 vs. 10 vs.
MIXED; SAS). Dependent fixed effects included true distance (0 to 100
2%; respectively). These results demonstrate that the main influence that
m), course (NE, NW, S, W), and the 2-way interactions. Collars and
photoperiod exerts on seasonal reproductive activity of female goats
dates were considered random effects. There was no effect (P > 0.10)
persist under tropical photoperiodic conditions.
of course on BIAS. For true distance, BIAS was greatest for 0 m (7.6
Key Words: goats, seasonal reproduction, photoperiod m ± 0.36) and least for 60 m (0.5 m). Other estimates of BIAS were
458 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
intermediate at 10 (2.9 m), 20 (1.6 m), 30 (0.9 m), 40 (1.7 m), 50 (1.4 ing an interesting perspective of pregnancy management as biometric
m), 70 (0.6 m), 80 (0.8 m), 90 (1.2 m), and 100 m (1.3 m). There were measurements can be further determined using ultrasound, similar to
linear and quadratic (P < 0.01) effects on BIAS when all distances were what has been demonstrated in humans.
analyzed. However, if 0 and 10 m distances were eliminated, the linear Fapesp (2009/10125–0).
effect disappeared (P > 0.10) but the quadratic remained (P < 0.05).
Key Words: biometry, fetal weight
The ability of GPS collars to differentiate between when an animal is
stationary or moving only a short distance between fixes appears very
limited; however, if an animal is moving more than 20 m between GPS T471 The relationship of real-time ultrasound body composition
fixes, collar estimates are within 1.6 m of actual distance traveled. measurements, body weight and hip height with body condition
Key Words: goats, GPS, distance score in mature Boer crossbred does. A. M. Duff*, J. A. Carter,
C. A. Hughes, K. N. Gates, C. S. Ellason, W. S. Stewart, and F. R. B.
Ribeiro, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Commerce.
T470 Use of biometric measurements to estimate fetal mass in
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between
dairy goats. C. J. Härter*, I. A. M. Teixeira, L. D. Lima, H. G. O.
real-time ultrasound (RTU) measurements of body composition, BW,
Silva, A. R. Rivera, and K. T. Resende, Universidade Estadual Paulista,
and hip height (HH), with body condition score (BCS) in mature Boer
Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil.
crossbred does (n = 27). BCS was assessed visually using a 1 to 5 scale.
An understanding of fetal mass is important to check for normal fetal The body composition traits measured by RTU were 12–13th rib longis-
growth. Moreover, it can be helpful for estimating nutritional require- simus lumborum muscle area (uLMA, mean = 9.08 cm2), 12–13th rib
ments of pregnant females. The aim of this study was to estimate fetal fat thickness (uBF, mean = 0.27 cm), and ultrasound rump fat thickness
mass based on biometric measurements. Data were obtained from (uRUMP, mean = 0.24 cm). Ultrasound measurements were taken using
39 dairy female goats with an average BW = 50.59 ± 7.71, and body an Aloka 500 with a 12 cm 3.5 MHz transducer, and each animal′s hair
condition scored as 2.58 ± 0.59. After the pregnancy confirmation, was clipped to no longer than 0.64 cm, and vegetable oil was used as
female goats were distributed to treatments according to a 2 × 2 × 3 a coupling agent to enhance image quality. Data were analyzed using
factorial design as follows: 2 breeds (Oberhasli and Saanen), 2 types of the Proc CORR and Proc REG procedures of SAS. BW was correlated
pregnancy (single and twin) and 3 gestational ages (80, 110 and 140 d). (P < 0.05) to HH, uBF, uLMA and uRUMP (0.55, 0.44, 0.67, and 0.58,
Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the data using SAS PROC respectively). BCS was correlated (P < 0.05) to uBF, uLMA and uRUMP
MIXED. At pre-established pregnancy ages goats were slaughtered and (0.83, 0.77, and 0.92, respectively), and HH was not correlated (P >
the mammary gland and reproductive tract were removed and separated 0.05) to any of the RTU traits measured. Linear regression to predict
from the cervix, and the uterus, fetus, placenta, and placental fluid were BCS was developed using a stepwise selection. The first variable to enter
dissected. After fetal removal, weights, body length in centimeters (BL), the model was uRUMP which accounted for 84% of the variation and
height at withers, height at rump, chest width, rump width, rump length, HH entered next in the model, accounting for an additional 6% of the
hearth girth (HG) and abdominal girth were recorded for fetuses. The variation, with the full model accounting for 90% of the variation in
slaughter procedures followed the recommendations of the ethics com- BCS. Body condition scoring done before breeding is very important to
mittee for animal experimentation. The biometric measurements highly ensure that animals have enough body reserves to go through gestation
correlated with fetal mass (P < 0.001) which allowed the creation of and lactation. Since uBF was not a good predictor of BCS evaluators
predictive equations for fetal mass. The best equations were generated should give more emphasis in palpation of the rump area rather than the
using body length (Y = −549.4 ± 520.4 + 22.14 ± 50.25 BL + 3.296 back of the animal when evaluating goats for BCS in order for a better
± 1.12 BL2 (R2 = 0.89); and hearth girth (Y = 103.0 ± 305.2 - 54.18 ± assessment of total body fat reserves. Results of this study suggest that
30.31 HG + 5.175 ± 0.696 HG2 (R2 = 0.94), whereas Y = fetal mass (g). BCS can be accurately predicted from uRUMP and HH.
Fetal mass can be precisely estimated based on fetus biometry show-
Key Words: ultrasound, body composition, goat
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 459
Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education: Teaching
T472 Relationship between participation in youth equine organiza- promoting collaboration among students and faculty at other colleges
tions and collegiate equine activities. M. Nicodemus*, Mississippi and universities. Students are presented a series of lessons containing
State University, Mississippi State. text, graphics, animation, and audio and video that involve the anatomy
and physiology of the respiratory system in farm animals. Mastery level
Despite current economic uncertainties, youth equine organizations are
of the lessons is assessed using 20 randomly selected multiple-choice
flourishing. While University budgets cuts threaten elimination of equine
questions from the 10 lesson chapters. Three case studies of respira-
programs due to relatively low enrollment, a potential rise in enrollment
tory system abnormalities in animals of agricultural significance were
would justify program continuation. To determine whether a background
documented. Expert prompts, including history and details pertinent to
in youth equine activities influences participation in collegiate equine
each case, are provided in video and text formats to aid the student in
activities, students enrolled in equine courses (n = 95) at Mississippi
documenting initial observations. Upon successful completion of the
State University were asked to fill out a researcher-developed, 10-item
lesson material, the student is permitted to enter conclusions about the
survey instrument with questions focusing on youth and collegiate activi-
nature of the abnormality. This information, along with the student’s
ties. Effect of youth equine activities on percentage of those students
notes and quiz responses, is stored on the Blackboard Web site for sub-
involved in equine collegiate activities was tested using a one-way
sequent review by the instructor. At the end of the program the expert
ANOVA (P < 0.05). Less than half (30%) of surveyed students had
will give a synopsis of the case. We have received favorable comments
participated in youth equine organizations with 4-H (40%) ranking the
from our undergraduate, graduate and professional students regarding
highest for those individuals. The majority (82%) of those with a youth
the program′s quality, format, and innovative nature. Using a designated
background planned on a career in the equine industry with only 58%
Web site, syllabi from participating universities that offer a comparable
for those with no background. As for equine extra-curricular activities,
course in farm animal anatomy and physiology will be solicited and
36% of those with a youth background were active compared with only
published to facilitate interaction among the students and their instruc-
13% of those with no background. The majority (89%) of those with
tors. Each instructor will facilitate discussion forums and web forms
a youth background planned on taking another equine course with the
will be used to collect data on the learning process. Participation in this
other 11% unable to take another course due to graduation, while 39%
collaborative learning community should improve problem-solving
of those with no youth background were not planning to take another
skills of students as they practice applying physiologic concepts to their
equine course with the majority of those students (22%) not graduating.
own observations and, at the same time, form partnerships with other
Even though those with a youth background had a strong equine handling
undergraduate agricultural students to better utilize limited resources.
foundation before college, 79% had taken or were currently taking a
course with a hands-on laboratory. Overall, a youth equine background Key Words: collaborative learning, functional anatomy, respiratory
was found to influence the involvement in collegiate equine activities system
as although these students were the minority their involvement in col-
legiate equine activities (riding teams, judging teams, clubs, hands-on
riding laboratory courses, hands-on non-riding courses, non-hands-on T475 Measuring the impact of varied instructional approaches
laboratory courses, and enrollment in multiple equine courses) was in an introductory animal science course. B. G. Bolt* and K. D.
greater than those without (P < 0.05) suggesting the growth currently Layfield, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.
seen in youth equine organizations will result in a growth of students The objective of this study was to measure the impact of various teaching
active in future collegiate equine activities. formats on a student’s likelihood of correctly answering a knowledge-
Key Words: youth equine organizations, collegiate equine activities based question and to also assess any relationships between knowledge
acquisition and self-perceived levels of engagement. Data were collected
on students in the AVS 150, introductory animal science class (n = 155)
T473 Free web applications for educational purposes. P. A. Curtis* at a southeastern university during the fall of 2008. Ten to 15 min of class
and M. O. Kloepper, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. time were allocated to use of one of 3 teaching formats. The 3 teaching
formats were labeled as traditional lecture, technology-enhanced or
Using free web applications costs you—nothing! This session will focus
Web-enhanced. At the conclusion of allocated time, students were posed
on free applications that the presenters use in face-to-face and distance
a knowledge question, germane to the presented material and they were
education classes, encourage you to invest a little bit of time to learn
also asked to respond with a perceived level of engagement in class-
about them and discover how they might be used for your educational
room activities. The responses were collected via a 5-point Likert-type
purposes. Only free applications will be showcased. Discussion will
scale (1 = completely disaffected to 5 = completely engaged) using the
be encouraged among attendees to suggest and share novel ways the
i-Clicker audience response system. There was a significant difference
various applications might be used.
(P < 0.05) in students reported level of engagement in traditional lecture
(M = 3.41), Web-enhanced (M = 3.52) and technology-enhanced (M =
T474 Applications of functional anatomy in farm animals using 3.70). No significant relationships were identified between a student’s
collaborative learning. H. G. Kattesh*, M. H. Sims, R. B. Reed, and level of engagement and the likelihood of answering a knowledge ques-
F. M. Hopkins, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. tion correctly. This finding suggests that although students indicate a
preference for how material is delivered, this preference did not impact
A multimedia program dedicated to the teaching of fundamental prin- academic performance.
ciples of functional anatomy in farm animals using a problem-oriented
approach was produced and developed for web course distribution in Key Words: student engagement, teaching methods, undergraduate
460 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 461
sows kept in TAS. Mitogen-induced lymphocyte proliferation was sows were allocated to a standard crate (CRATE; control), a width
greater (P < 0.05) for sows kept in TAS than for sows kept in STS. In adjustable crate (FLEX), or free access stall-pen (FREE). Immune and
Exp. 2, Treatment influenced both performance and immune status of endocrine status, body condition and lesion scores, body weight, and
sows; BCS, back fat, and lesion scores all tended to be greater (P < back-fat depth were measured at weaning (d 0), various time points
0.10) for sows kept in TAS-G than for sows kept in STS-G. Neutrophil throughout gestation, and again at d110. Behavior was observed for
phagocytosis and count, and total WBC count were all greater (P < 0.05) 24h on d29, 30, 66, and 87 of gestation for block 1. Data were analyzed
for sows kept in STS-G than for sows in TAS-G. In conclusion, these using Proc MIXED with repeated measures (SAS). Sows in the FREE
data indicate that type of individual stall throughout gestation and before system had greater (P < 0.01) body condition and lesion scores, body
group-pens can affect performance and immune status of the sow, thus weight, and back fat depth than sows in either FLEX or CRATE systems.
affecting sow well-being. Sows in FLEX had greater litter size (P < 0.10) and piglet mortality rate
(P < 0.05) than did sows in CRATE; while sows in FLEX had piglets
Key Words: group, stall
with greater (P < 0.01) wean weight and rate of gain than did sows
kept in either FREE or CRATE systems. Sows in FREE had less (P
412 Effect of alternative accommodations on sow behavior during < 0.05) banded neutrophils than did sows in either FLEX or CRATE.
gestation. A. M. Visconti*1, A. E. DeDecker1, A. R. Hanson2, P. M. On d31 (24 h later), all sows had greater (P < 0.05) lymphocyte and
Walker2, and J. L. Salak-Johnson1, 1University of Illinois, Urbana, neutrophil counts, neutrophil chemotaxis, and concanavalin A- and
2Illinois State University, Normal. lipopolysaccharide-induced lymphocyte proliferative responses than
any other day of gestation. Sows kept in CRATE engaged in more
Currently there is a lack of scientifically-sound data to establish welfare- oral-nasal-facial (ONF) behaviors than sows kept in other systems (P
friendly guidelines on how to effectively manage gestating sows. Thus, < 0.05). Sows in CRATE stood more (P < 0.05) than sows in all other
to improve sow well-being, we must understand the impact that vari- treatments. Also, as day of gestation increased (P < 0.05), duration
ous housing systems have on the behavioral aspects of gestating sows. of ONF, sham-chewing, eating, and drinking behaviors all increased.
The objectives of this study were to determine the impact that keeping These data indicate that alternative housing accommodations can affect
sows in either a standard or turn-around stall throughout gestation has immune status, physiology, performance, productivity and behavior of
on sow behavior (Exp. 1), and to evaluate the effects of keeping sows pregnant sows throughout gestation. Moreover, these data support the
in either a standard or turn-around stall for first 30d of gestation and hypothesis that modifications of specific housing components within
then moving sows to group-pens for remainder of gestation has on sow existing housing systems can affect sow well-being.
behavior (Exp.2). Post-mating, 30 multiparous white crossbred sows
were randomly allotted to 2 treatments (TRT) either a standard tradi- Key Words: behavior, immune
tional stall (STS; n = 5/TRT) or a turn-around stall (TAS; n = 5/TRT)
for entire gestational period (Exp.1), or to a standard stall (STS-G; n =
414 The effect of a repeated prenatal stressor and low-dose Ket-
10/TRT) or turn-around stall (TAS-G; n = 10/TRT) for 30 d and then
amine on the anxiety and social behavior of pigs. B. L. Davis*1 and
moved to group-pen until d107 of gestation (Exp.2). Sow behavior
M. A. Sutherland2, 1Texas Tech University, Lubbock, 2Ruakura Research
was observed continuously from 0800 to 0900 h, 1200 to 1300 h, and
Centre, AgResearch, Hamilton, New Zealand.
1600 to 1700 h on d6, 30, and 90 of gestation for Exp. 1 and on d30,
45, 65 and 90 for Exp. 2. Data were analyzed using Proc MIXED with The fetal programming hypothesis states that exposure to elevated
repeated measures and Chi-squared (SAS). In Exp. 1, stall type and glucocorticoid concentrations in utero can alter offspring develop-
day of gestation affected behaviors. On d90, duration of standing and ment. Animals exposed to stress prenatally have been shown to display
eating was greater (P < 0.01) for sows in TAS than for sows kept in increased anxiety-like behavior coupled with a reduced ability to cope
STS. Duration of eating was greater (P < 0.05) for sows kept in STS with stress. The objective of this research was to determine if exposure
on d30 than for sows in TAS. In Exp. 2, treatment and day of gestation to stress prenatally would affect the social and anxiety-like behavior of
both affected sow behavior. Duration of ONF was greater (P < 0.05) for pigs and whether an anxiolytic drug (Ketamine) would reverse these
sows kept in TAS-G compared with sows kept in STS-G. Frequency of behavioral changes. Sows were allocated to one of 2 treatments; 1) Sows
aggression was greater (P < 0.01) for sows kept in TAS-G than sows in were given an injection of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; 100
STS-G. Duration of lying on d45 and 90 was greater (P < 0.05) for sows IU i.m.) 3 times a wk during the last 5 wk of gestation (ACTH; n = 10),
kept in TAS-G compared with sows kept in STS-G. These data indicate and 2) Sows were control handled (HAN; n = 10). At 6 mo of age, the
that individual stall design throughout gestation and type of stall before female offspring from the ACTH (PNS; n = 20) and HAN (CON; n =
group-housing can influence sow behavior; therefore further assess- 20) sows were tested for 10 min in an open-field test (OFT) to measure
ment of alternative accommodations is needed before implementation anxiety and for 30 min in a social test (ST) to measure social interac-
of alternative systems. tions. The ST involved observing the interactions between 2 pigs; the
experimental pig and a naïve non-experimental pig. Pigs were tested in
Key Words: behavior, sow
each behavioral test twice; 1 wk apart. Two h before testing, pigs were
given either Ketamine (KET; 0.5mg/kg, i.m.) or saline (SAL) at the
413 Effects of alternative housing systems on the well-being of same dose. Videos from behavior tests were analyzed using Observer
gestating sows. A. E. DeDecker* and J. L. Salak-Johnson, University 7.0. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. At 6 mo
of Illinois, Urbana. of age, PNS pigs tended (P = 0.075) to weigh less than CON pigs. In
the OFT, PNS pigs spent more (P < 0.05) time in the middle squares and
Housing systems for gestating sows is one of the most controversial pigs given KET spent less (P < 0.05) time displaying escape behaviors
welfare issues facing the swine industry. New systems are being imple- compared with SAL pigs. In the ST, PNS pigs given KET tended to spend
mented without scientifically evaluating the impact these alternative less time (P = 0.065) fighting and more time (P < 0.05) performing non-
accommodations may have on sow well-being. The objectives were to aggressive social touching than CON pigs given KET. In conclusion,
evaluate the effects of 3 housing systems on sow physiology, perfor- exposure to elevated glucocorticoid concentrations in utero may affect
mance, productivity and behavior. On d30 of gestation 36 multiparous
462 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
offspring growth and anxiety-like behaviors. Furthermore, low-dose Wisconsin slaughter facility to compare the head-only method applied
KET appeared to have anxiolytic effects on pig behavior, especially for 6 s to the head/heart method. The study objective was to evalu-
among prenatally stressed pigs. ate signs of return to sensibility, shackle to bleed time, blood lactate
concentration, muscle pH, drip loss, and fresh meat color to validate
Key Words: stress, pigs, anxiety
the head/heart electrical stunning method for small slaughter plants.
Incidence of corneal reflex was not different (P > 0.05) between head/
415 Heart rate variability—A tool to differentiate positive and heart (93.8%) and head only (85%) stunning. Nose twitching was more
negative affective states in pigs? R. Poletto*1, R. M. Marchant-Forde1, common (P < 0.05) in head only (26.5%) than head/heart (5%) stunning.
J. N. Marchant-Forde1, J. L. Rault1,2, D. F. Hogan3, and D. C. Lay Jr.1, The head/heart method eliminated rhythmic breathing, natural blinking,
1USDA-ARS-Livestock Behavior Research Unit, West Lafayette, IN, eye tracking to a moving object, and righting reflex, which were all
2Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, observed in head-only stunned pigs. Blood lactate was not different (P
3Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. > 0.05) between stunning methods (head only: 8.8 ± 0.7 mmol/L, head/
heart: 7.8 ± 0.7 mmol/L). Shackle to bleed time did not differ (P > 0.05)
Neurophysiological processes, such as autonomic nervous system between stunning methods (head only: 32 ± 1 s, head/heart: 33 ± 1 s).
activity, that mediate behavioral and physiological reactivity to an Mean time to loss of detectable heartbeat with the head-only method
environment have largely been ignored in farm animal research. Heart was 121 ± 5 s. No detectable heartbeat was observed with the head/
rate variability (HRV) analysis is a clinical diagnostic tool used to assess heart method. Longissimus thoracis pH, color, and drip loss were not
affective states (stressful and pleasant) in humans, but its application is different (P > 0.05) between stunning methods. Farm of origin effects
limited in farm animals. This experiment aimed to determine if HRV may were observed in blood lactate, meat color, and drip loss. Farm effects
be used to differentiate affective states in swine. Ten 4-mo-old barrows can be generated by differences in genetics and management, which
and gilts underwent surgery to place an intracardiac ECG lead attached were not investigated in this study. This study determined that the head/
to a biotelemetry device; pigs had a 3-wk recovery period before data heart electrical stunning method reduces the incidence of signs of return
collection. A negative state was induced by restraining pigs for 1 h in to sensibility without significant effect on meat quality, speed of plant
metabolism crates located in the same room, while a positive state was operation, and blood lactate concentration.
induced by allowing pigs′ access to the hallway for 10 min. Behavior
and ECG data were recorded. For data analyses, a 512–beat section of Key Words: swine, stunning, welfare
HR inter-beat intervals was selected per pig while behaviorally inac-
tive during restraint; or while performing a combination of play- and
417 Effects of pen size on the stress response of market weight pigs
exploratory-like behaviors in the hallway. Data were analyzed using time
during loading and unloading. L. M. Gesing*1, A. K. Johnson1, K.
and frequency domain analysis followed by a factorial analysis of test
J. Stalder1, J. T. Selsby1, M. Faga2, A. Whiley2, S. Abrams2, H. Hill2, R.
× sex with mixed models and Tukey’s post hoc test. Average HR was
Bailey3, and M. J. Ritter4, 1Iowa State University, Ames, 2Iowa Select
lower for restraint than the hallway test (121.7 vs. 162.4 ± 4.4 bpm; P
Farms, Iowa Falls, 3JBS Swift and Co., Marshalltown, IA, 4Elanco
< 0.01), while RMSSD, index of vagal cardiac control, was higher for
Animal Health, Greenfield, IN.
restraint than for hallway test (11.0 vs. 7.0 ± 1.0 msec; P < 0.05). Gilts
had higher low frequency (LF) power than barrows (65.1 vs. 43.9 ± 4.0 The objective of this trial was to determine the effects of pen size on
msec2/Hz; P < 0.01). High frequency (HF) power was lower in hallway the stress response and transport losses in market weight pigs. Twenty-
than in restraint (4.2 vs. 14.1 ± 1.9 msec2/Hz; P < 0.01). Sympathovagal six loads (~174 pigs/load) of pigs (n = 4522) were used in a complete
balance (LF/HF) was higher during hallway test compared with restraint randomized block design. Three commercial grow-finish sites were
(P < 0.01). Gilts showed primarily sympathetic modulation of HR; while used over July and August. Each site had 2 rooms with both treatments
over both sexes, restraint resulted in greater parasympathetic control of represented in each room. The small pen (SP) treatment had 36 pigs/pen
cardiac function. Results indicate that HRV can be used to distinguish (0.59 m2·pig−1). The large pen (LP) treatment had 324 pigs/pen (0.59
different degrees of activity/states in pigs. Further research will assist m2·pig−1). To achieve large pens, 8 consecutive swing gates were kept
to identify distinct autonomic response patterns to different well-being open. During loading, all swing gates were closed in LP pens. Pigs from
states in farm animals. both treatments were sorted from pen mates at the time of loading, moved
in groups of 4–6 using sort boards and electric prods if necessary, and
Key Words: swine, heart rate variability, behavior
loaded onto straight deck trailers. Treatments were randomly assigned to
a deck, pigs were provided with ~0.42 m2·pig−1, and transported ~1 h to
416 A combination of head/heart electric stunning is more effective a commercial harvest facility. During loading and unloading, the number
than the head-only method in pigs. K. D. Vogel*1, G. Badtram2,3, of pigs displaying open mouth breathing (OMB), skin discoloration (SD)
J. R. Claus3, T Grandin1, S. Turpin3, R. E. Weyker3, and E. Voogd4, and muscle tremors (MT) were recorded. At the plant, dead and non-
1Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort ambulatory pigs (fatigued and injured) were recorded during unloading
Collins, 2Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer and total losses were defined as the sum of dead and non-ambulatory
Protection, Division of Food Safety, Madison, 3Department of Animal pigs. Data were analyzed using Proc Glimmix of SAS. MT at loading
Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, 4Voogd Consult- and injured and DOA at plant could not be run and will be presented
ing, Inc., West Chicago, IL. descriptively. SP had lower incidences of OMB (P = 0.0015) and SD
(P = 0.0120) during loading than LP. At loading MT was 0.04% SP vs.
Head-only electrical stunning is a reversible procedure that is effec- 0% LP. At the plant, LP had a lower incidence of SD (P < 0.0001) than
tive for approximately 15 s. Shackle to bleed time in small slaughter SP; however, there were no (P > 0.05) differences between treatments
facilities may exceed 30 s, primarily due to slow hoist speed. A 2-stage for OMB, MT, fatigued, total non-ambulatory, or total losses. Incidence
stunning method was proposed where head-only stunning for 3 s was of injured pigs was 0% SP vs. 0.04% LP and there were no DOAs. In
followed by application of the same stunning apparatus to the cardiac summary, pen size did not impact the incidence of transport losses.
region of the animal for 3 s while lying in lateral recumbency (head/
heart). A paired-comparison study was performed on 89 pigs in a small Key Words: pen size, pig, transport loss
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 463
418 Effects of vehicle design on blood stress indicators and cortisol and DHEA concentrations. A mixed model repeated measures
meat quality in pigs of three genotypes for two different travel ANOVA with unstructured covariance determined treatment and time of
distances. A. Vanelli Weschenfelder*1,2, S. Torrey3, N. Devillers2, sampling effects. Overall, stalled horses had significantly higher cortisol
L. Saucier1, and L. Faucitano2, 1Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Québec, concentrations (5.11 ng/mL) than pastured horses (3.62 ng/mL, P <
Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lennoxville, Québec, 0.0001), although no significant differences were observed in DHEA (P =
Canada, 3University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada. 0.08). No significant differences were observed in cortisol concentrations
between treatment groups during the pre-treatment sample periods (P =
This study aimed at evaluating the effects of vehicle design on stress
0.29), however, average cortisol concentration of stalled horses during
response and meat quality traits of 3 different pig genotypes; namely
the treatment period (4.73 ± 1.08 ng/mL) was significantly higher (P <
Piétrain HALNn (A), Piétrain HALNN (B) and Duroc crossbreds
0.0001) than pastured horses (3.23 ± 1.08 ng/mL). In conclusion, dif-
(control; C). A total of 360 pigs (120 pigs/genotype) were transported
ferences between the treatment groups were initially slight, and became
either for a short or long distance (45 min and 7h, respectively) over
more exaggerated over the treatment period. These results suggest that
a 6 weeks period. The vehicles were a 3-decked Pot-Belly (PB) trailer
isolation in an individual stall over an extended period of time causes
equipped with 2 internal ramps and a 3-decked Flat-Deck (FD) trailer
changes in cortisol that merit further investigation.
equipped with moving decks and no internal ramps. For each group,
blood samples were collected at exsanguination from a sub-sample of Key Words: housing, stall, cortisol
144 pigs (4 pigs/genotype/vehicle/week) for the analysis of lactate and
creatine phospho-kinase (CPK) concentrations, while meat quality was
assessed in the Longissimus dorsi (LD) and Semimembranosus (SM) 420 Use of infrared thermography to measure inflammation
muscles of all 360 pigs (10 pigs/genotype/vehicle/week). Data were associated with castration and anti-inflammatory drugs. L. A.
analyzed using the mixed model procedure of SAS. In the short distance González*1, K. S. Schwartzkopf-Genswein2, E. Fierheller3, E. Janzen3,
journeys, CPK levels were higher (P = 0.021) in A pigs transported on N. Caulkett3, and T. A. McAllister2, 1University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
the PB trailer compared with those transported on the FD trailer. Pigs Manitoba, Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge,
transported on the PB trailer had higher (P = 0.02) pHu values in the Alberta, Canada, 3University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
SM muscle than those transported on the FD trailer. Yet, in the short Angus bulls (n = 48; initial BW 301 ± 3 kg) were randomly assigned
distance study group, A pigs had lower (P = 0.008) pHu and higher (P to 1 of 6 treatments according to a 3 × 2 factorial design to study the
< 0.001) drip loss in the LD muscle compared with B and C pigs. Con- effect of castration method and pain medication on eye (ET) and scrotal
currently, the LD muscle of A and B pigs was paler (higher L* value; area temperature (ST). Castration (Cast) treatments consisted of sham
P = 0.002) than that of C pigs. A pigs also had higher L* and drip loss (C), band (B), and surgical (S) castration. Pain medication (Med)
values (P = 0.04 and P < 0.001, respectively) in the SM muscle. In the treatments consisted of either lactated ringer solutions (NM) or pain
long distance transportation, no effect of vehicle type was found on mitigation drugs (M). Drugs used were 2% lidocaine with epinephrine
blood stress indicators (P > 0.05). Nonetheless, A and B pigs had higher injected at 10 mL into each testicle plus 10 mL subcutaneously at the
lactate (P = 0.003) and CPK levels (P < 0.001) than C pigs. Regarding scrotal base, and a subcutaneous injection of flunixin meglumine (2.2
meat quality parameters, differences between genotypes were similar mg/kg BW) in the neck of calves. Maximum ET and ST were measured
to those found in the short distance travel study. Overall, the use of PB with an infrared camera on day −1, 0, 2, 5, 7, 14, 21, and 35 relative to
trailer for short distance transportation and of HALn carrier pigs are castrations. Data were analyzed with a mixed-effects regression model
not recommended from an animal welfare and meat quality improve- considering the fixed effects of covariate (d −1), Cast, Med, and Day
ment perspective. as repeated measure, the random effect of Pen, and all possible interac-
Key Words: transport, pigs, stress tions. Maximum temperature of the scrotal area was affected by Cast (P
< 0.001), Cast × Med (P < 0.05), and Cast × Day (P < 0.001). S calves
had greater temperature than C and B at d 2, 5, and 7 after castration
419 Effects of pasture versus stall housing on cortisol and DHEA (P < 0.05). In contrast, B had greater temperature than S and C at d 21
concentrations in young Quarter Horses. S. M. Garey*, T. H. and 28, and greater than C at d 14 and 35 (P < 0.05). MB calves had
Friend, L. R. Berghman, A. L. Adams, and C. L. Terrill, Texas A&M lower (P < 0.05) ST compared with NMB but this was not the case in
University, College Station. S and C (P > 0.10), values being 36.0, 35.3, 35.2, 35.5, 34.2, and 34.7
± 0.32°C for BNM, BM, SNM, SM, CNM, and SM, respectively. Cast
Adaptation of horses to long-term stall housing has not been thoroughly
and Med did not significantly influence ET (P > 0.10). Based on ST,
investigated. The objective of this study was to determine if cortisol
S produces inflammation during the first week whereas B produced
or dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) differed among groups of young
inflammation during wk 3 and 4 after castration. However, neither Cast
horses when housed in individual stalls versus in a group on pasture.
nor Med resulted in systemic inflammation because no differences in
Eighteen 2- to 3-yr-old Quarter Horses were randomly assigned to either
ET were observed. The medication protocol used in the present study
stall or pasture housing for 21 d. The 3.05 × 3.05 m stalls had solid
reduced local inflammation in band castration only.
concrete side and rear walls with a small ventilation window, while the
front allowed horses to view the alley of the barn. The stalled horses Key Words: bull inflammation, castration method, pain medication
were allowed 15 min of exercise 3 d per week. The 9 pasture horses were
on a novel 0.2 km2 pasture. All horses were fed concentrate 2 times per
day, pastured horses had coastal grass, and stalled horses had coastal 421 Influence of cattle temperament on stress hormones and IgG
hay. After 21 d, all horses were combined on pasture and observed for concentrations in Angus-cross calves. R. C. Vann*1, N. C. Burdick2,
7 d. Jugular blood samples were drawn at 24 h and 0.5 h before treat- J. G. Lyons2, T. H. Welsh, Jr.2, and R. D. Randel3, 1MAFES-Brown Loam
ment, then every 12 h for 3 d, every 24 h for 5 d, and every 48 h for Research Station, Raymond, MS, 2Texas AgriLife Research, College
the final 13 d. On d 22, blood samples were collected at 0.5 h before Station, 3Texas AgriLife Research, Overton.
combining the horses, 12 h and 24 h post-combination, then every 24 The objective of this study was to determine the influence of tempera-
h for the remaining 6 d. Plasma was analyzed by ELISA to determine ment on concentrations of cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and
464 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
IgG in Angus-cross calves. Calves from 2005 and 2006 were selected intermediate (34.2 ± 1.2 ng/mL) and bulls having lower concentrations
based on temperament score measured 28 d before weaning and at (22.7 ± 1.3 ng/mL). Calm had lower (P < 0.001) EPI concentrations (389
weaning. Based on temperament score the 10 calm, 10 intermediate ± 65 pg/mL) than intermediate (613 ± 64 pg/mL) and temperamental
and 10 temperamental calves from each sex (steers and heifers in calves (788 ± 64 pg/mL). Concentrations of EPI declined over the 4
2005, bulls and heifers in 2006) were selected from each calf crop (n collection times (P < 0.002). Temperamental had greater concentrations
= 120). Blood was collected 28 d before weaning, weaning, 28 and (P < 0.001) of NE (754 ± 53 pg/mL) and NE did not differ between calm
56 d post-weaning to determine serum cortisol and IgG, and plasma and intermediate calves (461 ± 53 and 470 ± 53 pg/mL, respectively).
epinephrine (EPI) and norepinephrine (NE) concentrations. Data were Concentrations of NE differed (P = 0.012) over the 4 collection times
analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS specific for repeated and were not influenced by sex. Concentrations of IgG were influenced
measures. Sources of variation included temperament, sex, day and by the following interactions: temperament × sex (P < 0.002) and sex ×
year. Concentrations of EPI and NE were greater in 2005 than 2006 (P day (P < 0.02). In summary, there appears to be a relationship between
= 0.004). Cortisol concentrations were lower in calm (25.9 ± 0.9 ng/ temperament and concentrations of stress hormones. In addition, sex
mL, P < 0.001) compared with intermediate or temperamental calves influenced concentrations of cortisol and EPI whereas, both tempera-
(35.5 ± 0.7 and 32.7 ± 0.9 ng/mL, respectively). Heifers had greater (P ment and sex influenced IgG.
< 0.001) cortisol concentrations (37.2 ± 0.7 mg/mL) with steers being
Key Words: cattle, temperament, stress hormones
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 465
Animal Health Symposium: Accounting for Diseased Animals in Research
Trials (Outliers, Treatments, Interactions)/ Disease Induction by Treatment?
422 Factors influencing onset of disease and subsequent effects on size), item 8 (randomization sequence allocation), item 9 (allocation
feedlot performance. R. M. Enns*1, R. L. Weaber2, H. Van Campen1, concealment), item 10 (randomization implementation), item 11 (blind-
and G. H. Loneragan3, 1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 2Uni- ing/masking), item 12 (statistical methods), item 13 (participant flow),
versity of Missouri, Columbia, 3West Texas A&M University, Canyon. item 15 (recruitment), and item 20 (interpretation). The additional item
proposed was a new sub-item for item 4 (challenge trials). The consensus
Prevention and treatment of disease in the dairy and beef industries
group also proposed terminology to describe study subjects to make the
increases production costs for producers. For researchers, disease
language more consistent with common usage in livestock production.
symptoms often lead to the removal of animals from study outcomes.
Implications of these new standards for trials in dairy herd health and
Removal of these animals from research trials may bias study results if
production medicine will be discussed with a focus on statistical methods
susceptibility to disease is genetically related to outcomes of interest.
to account for censored and missing observations and cluster designs.
Failing to correct performance records for factors that induce phenotypic
variation can downwardly bias heritability estimates and diminish the Key Words: randomized controlled trials, statistical methods, censor-
power to detect quantitative trait loci. A more complete understanding ing
of factors influencing onset of infectious disease, including genetic
contributors, and the resulting influence of these diseases on subsequent
animal performance and recovery time lag is warranted. Due to the 424 Accounting for diseased animals in research trials. G. D.
variable nature of incidence of disease, estimation and quantification of Snowder*, National Center for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease
factors contributing to disease susceptibility is often clouded by issues Defense, College Station, TX.
associated with specificity, sensitivity, and exposure to pathogens. Unfortunately, livestock on research trials frequently experience
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) represents the largest proportion of pathogenic or metabolic diseases. Sick or deceased research animals
disease incidence in feedlot cattle and results from the interactions of often present a dilemma for investigators by influencing the statistical
stress level, immunological status and response, and the presence of power and/or conclusions of the study. A decision tree approach is
infectious organisms. Stress and immunological response have been recommended for determining appropriate handling of data from such
reported to have heritable components. Feedlot personnel rely on animals animals. When the treatment effect is associated with the disease, the
exhibiting clinical signs of BRD for diagnosis and initiation of treat- disease effect should be included in the statistical analyzes. When the
ment. Yet, when lung lesion scores are collected at harvest and combined disease is not associated with the treatment then it must be determined
with treatment records a substantial portion of untreated animals have whether the animal is a statistical outlier which may be adjusted for
lung lesions while a noteworthy portion of calves treated do not exhibit or an anomaly that could be discarded. There are several different
lung damage. Taken alone, diagnosis and treatment of BRD is related to statistical approaches to adjusting data sets to account for outliers, but
lower feedlot ADG, carcass weight, and quality. These effects seem to the interpretation of adjusted data can be difficult to comprehend. The
be dependent upon timing of treatment relative to slaughter with effects most critical factor in accounting for diseased animals is the number of
on recovered animals diminishing with longer periods on feed. A more experimental units (animals) in a treatment or block. In trials with large
complete understanding of the environmental and genetic factors con- numbers of experimental units (n > 30) per treatment, data from a few
tributing to the occurrence of BRD could lead to a reduction in disease sick or deceased animals are frequently deleted. This approach is justi-
frequency and better methodologies for predicting and accounting for fied when statistical tests indicate large differences between treatment
impacts on animal performance in research studies. means and/or measures of variation for the healthy animals. When these
Key Words: cattle, bovine respiratory disease, health statistical differences are small, one may consider inclusion of data from
sick or diseased animals that have been properly adjusted or accounted
for. When the number of experimental units per treatment is small, the
423 Reporting standards for randomized controlled trials in decision to delete sick or deceased animals becomes critical. Depending
cattle: Improving the quality of research. I. A. Gardner*1, A. M. on the response variable(s) measured, covariate analysis or sub-treatment
O’Connor2, J. M. Sargeant3, J. S. Dickson4, and M. E. Torrence5, 1Uni- group analysis may be considered. A decision tree approach with options
versity of California, Davis, 2Iowa State University, Ames, 3University for statistical methods will be presented for various scenarios to handle
of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 4Iowa State University, Ames, data from sick or deceased animals in research trials.
5USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD.
Key Words: statistics, sick, outliers
Design, analysis and reporting of randomized, controlled trials with
production, health, and food safety outcomes in livestock presents
unique challenges that may not be adequately addressed in published
trial reports or in the CONSORT statement (Consolidated Standards of
Reporting Trials of 22 items, available
A consensus meeting of 24 experts (biostatisticians, epidemiologists,
food safety researchers, and livestock production specialists) resulted
in development of an extension of the CONSORT statement. The new
statement is called REFLECT (
Thirteen items on the CONSORT checklist were modified as well as
the inclusion of one additional item: item 1 (title and abstract), item 3
(participants), item 4 (interventions), item 5 (objectives), item 7 (sample
466 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ARPAS-Ruminant Nutrition Joint Symposium:
Nutrition Models–Where Are We Going in the Next Decade?
425 The role of models in animal nutrition: Research and field into non-protein N and true protein has under-estimated the peptide
applications. J. A. Metcalf* and N. S. Ferguson, Nutreco Canada content of the soluble protein fraction of feeds, particularly of forages,
Inc, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. which has confounded not only estimations of rumen available N, but
also metabolizable protein supply. Urea N synthesis is directly related
Mechanistic mathematical models are essential to the interpretation of
to N intake and review of our work and the literature shows the con-
data from scientific experimentation, since they can be used to explain
version of intake N into urea N generally ranges from 50 to 70%. The
and predict outcomes. The more inclusive the theory behind the model,
proportion of N intake that reenters the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) as
the more accurately the outcome can be explained or predicted, while at
urea-N in the dairy cow is on average 30–45%. Microbial capture of
the same time being at risk of error due to inadequacy in the theoretical
the recycled N is of greatest interest and what impacts efficiency of use.
framework or scientific understanding. Nevertheless a sound biological
Other sources of rumen available N are endogenous N and microbial
model offers a powerful tool which requires that the parameters used to
turnover. Measurements of endogenous N flows through the rumen range
design and/or drive the model be fully understood by the user. Modeling
from 5 to 15% of the total N supply, contribute to the rumen available
and experimental design can be used together in research models, with
N supply as peptides, are taken up by the microbes and constitute up
the model used to identify areas where further investigation is required,
to 15% of the microbial protein supply, which is comparable to the
while the experimental results can be used either to validate or further
amount of bacterial N coming from recycled urea N. In addition, the
develop the model. There are many models used in practical animal
use of N by protozoa and the interaction of protozoa with the bacterial
nutrition, usually relating to diet formulation, predicting growth and
pool will also be discussed.
the interaction of nutritional parameters with genetics and environment.
Successful field models are those which have a sound mechanistic basis, Key Words: recycled N, RDP, modeling
allowing the incorporation of new technologies, such as rumen active
feed additives or digestibility analyses. These technologies must be
rigorously tested so that the impact on the model is predictable under 427 Tackling the variable efficiencies in post-absorptive amino
field conditions, and training for the users requires that they understand acid utilization. M. D. Hanigan*1 and E. C. Titgemeyer2, 1Virginia
the limitations of the model. Applied models which incorporate financial Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 2Kansas State
impacts, such as carcass grading or milk composition, as well as the cost University, Manhattan.
of the nutrition, are essential for better decision making on farm. One Productive performance of all animals including ruminants is nutrient
extension of this is the ability to generate multiple solutions by allowing dependent. While excess energy can be stored in times of excess, the
nutritional inputs to vary, in order to demonstrate to the producer the ability to store amino acids (AA) is extremely limited. Thus, performance
cost of changing objectives on milk production or growth. A frequent declines when AA supplies are limiting and excess AA are degraded
failing of applied models is at the user interface. Focusing on the ease when supply exceeds demand. Matching AA supply and tissue needs
of use by providing adequate default settings and a logical approach to thus requires an accurate representation of the efficiency with which
diet formulation or evaluation can increase the usefulness of a model, absorbed AA are utilized. The current NRC ruminant models assume that
and is an area which is undervalued. conversion of absorbed AA to product is high and constant when supply
Key Words: mechanistic modeling, nutritional models, diet formula- is at or below requirements. However, there is significant evidence that
tion efficiency of conversion is moderate and variable. The assumption of
constant efficiency is predicated on the concept of a single limiting nutri-
ent. That paradigm dictates that productive output will increase in a linear
426 Nitrogen recycling and rumen degradable protein require- manner in response to a nutrient until another nutrient becomes limit-
ments: Quantitative updates to describe microbial requirements, ing or genetic potential is reached at which point productive responses
sources, and applications in ration formulation. M. E. Van will abruptly cease. In this scenario, the metabolic machinery remains
Amburgh*, E. B. Recktenwald, D. A. Ross, R. J. Higgs, T. R. Overton, constant and substrate supply dictates the rate of production. However,
and L. E. Chase, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. emerging work on the regulation of protein synthesis within the cell
clearly supports the role of both AA and energy status as regulators of
Estimating the requirements for ruminal nitrogen (N) is a function of
protein synthesis and AA extraction from blood resulting in continuously
microbial demands driven by the availability of rumen fermentable
variable metabolic efficiency and demand. Further these data are not
carbohydrates for microbial growth. To improve overall efficiency of
supportive of the single limiting nutrient approach. We have begun to
use and to reduce the environmental impact of N from cattle, we need
build models representing both the substrate and regulatory effects of
to refine our estimates of ruminal N demand and supply to minimize
AA, energy yielding substrates, and hormones at the tissue level. These
urinary N excretion. The ruminant is an obligate recycler of N designed
lower level models must be aggregated across tissues and consolidated
to conserve N in times of limitations in an effort to maintain an opti-
into a postabsorptive system that is capable of predicting efficiencies
mal microbial population. The objective of this abstract is to present a
for at least the essential AA over a range of conditions. Such a system
quantitative description of the demand and supply of ruminal N for a
should allow diet formulation to achieve animal N efficiencies of 40%
field application model. Recent work has indicated that recycled N to
or greater which will dramatically reduce N loss to the environment
meet ruminal demands are greater and more constant than previously
and may reduce feed costs.
considered, are a function of intake N and are supplied as ammonia N
and peptide N. Further, the current characterization of soluble protein Key Words: amino acid, requirement model, ruminant
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 467
428 VFA production and absorption: Modeling the impacts on 429 Predicting dry matter intake responses: Modeling the influ-
energy availability. A. Bannink*1, J. France2, J. L. Ellis2, and J. ence of cattle management. R. J. Grant*1, T. P. Tylutki2, and P. D.
Dijkstra3, 1Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen UR, Lelystad, the Krawczel1, 1William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy,
Netherlands, 2Centre for Nutrition Modelling, University of Guelph, NY, 2AMTS LLC, Cortland, NY.
Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 3Wageningen University, Wageningen, the
Prediction of dry matter intake (DMI) may be improved by combining
measures of the animal physical and social environment with traditional
Current feed evaluation systems aim to match supply and requirement inputs such as body weight, milk production, stage of lactation, or dietary
for various nutrients. These systems are largely empirically based and energy density. Rudimentary attempts have been made to adjust DMI
fail to address the underlying mechanisms causing variation in feed predictions directly and indirectly based on environmental factors such
digestion and nutrient absorption. Modeling exercises were undertaken as temperature, humidity, wind speed, degree of muddiness, hair coat,
to evaluate these mechanisms with a distinct representation of rumen, and distance walked. In the next decade, nutritional models will increas-
small intestine and large intestine functioning. Volatile fatty acids (VFA) ingly incorporate inputs such as stocking density, grouping strategy, and
are the main source of metabolizable energy and propionic acid the main parity effects that characterize key components of the social environment
glucose precursor. Their accurate estimation is a prerequisite to under- and influence the animal response to diet. For instance, research shows
standing variation in ruminant performance. Published VFA prediction that short-term daily DMI is unaffected by pen stocking density of stalls
methods differ in approach, type of information used, and level of detail and feed manger, but feeding rate within a meal may be increased by up
represented. Substrate fermented (or bypassing rumen fermentation) is to 25%. Consequently, dynamic models will be required to accurately
estimated from rates of outflow and degradation. The type of rumen VFA predict the impact of varying stocking densities on feeding, rumen con-
produced is mostly associated with the type of substrate fermented or ditions, and performance. Commingling primi- and multiparous cows
some general dietary characteristics. But, details of rumen fermentation often reduces the daily DMI of the younger, subordinate animals and
processes or intraluminal conditions are rarely taken into account. Also, also affects feeding rate and meal patterns. An input for parity will be
the concepts used and presumptions made in rumen modeling efforts useful in static and dynamic nutritional models. Time budget analysis
may restrict the possibilities to apply these representations of VFA of eating and resting times will ensure that adequate time is available
production. The large intestine delivers a minor fraction of total VFA for predicted daily DMI. Inputs related to the feeding environment such
production (on average some 10%) but variation in hindgut fermentation as feeding frequency and feed availability also affect DMI. The feed-
is large and should be taken into account to obtain accurate estimates ing environment specifically determines achievable DMI, in contrast
of the total tract VFA production. The absorption of VFA depends on to predicted DMI, and future models must accurately capture the key
the amount of VFA produced as well as on intraluminal conditions and inputs and how these environmental factors influence feeding behavior
rumen wall characteristics. Intraluminal state and VFA absorption rate and DMI. Currently, research that evaluates the effects of the social and
are mutually dependent, rumen epithelia strongly adapt to intraluminal physical environment on behavioral responses as well as DMI is limited,
conditions, and intraluminal state affects rumen fermentation as the but it will be needed to improve nutritional models over the next decade.
source of VFA. This means that for an understanding of the contribution The Cornell Net Carbohydrate Protein System model (version 6.1) will
of enteric fermentation to feed digestion and energy absorbed as VFA, be used to illustrate what may be implemented now and in the future to
these aspects need to be considered simultaneously. better predict DMI with a specific focus on dairy cattle.
Key Words: digestibility, VFA, modeling Key Words: dry matter intake, nutrition models, social and physical
468 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Breeding and Genetics: Crossbreeding
430 Application of a crossbred model reveals additional genetic lupins), 2 feeding levels (1 and 2% BW) and 2 sexes (ewes and weth-
variation in reproduction traits of commercial females. S. ers). SF of the wool was commercially measured at the Australian Wool
Bloemhof*1,2, E. F. Knol1, A. Kause2, and I. Misztal3, 1IPG, Institute Testing Authority. The data were statistically analyzed in SAS using
for Pig Genetics B.V., Beuningen, the Netherlands, 2Animal Breed- MIXED models procedures with sire fitted as a random effect, while
ing and Genomics Centre, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the sire breed, supplement, level of supplementation and gender and their
Netherlands, 3Department of Animal and Dairy Science, University of interactions were fitted as fixed effects. We found highly significant
Georgia, Athens. interactions between sire breed × level of feeding (P < 0.0043) and sire
breed × gender (P < 0.019) on SF that ranged from 22.7 ± 0.16 microns
The objective of our study was to estimate genetic parameters for litter in White Suffolk-sired progeny to 25.1 ± 0.21 in East-Friesian crosses.
size and farrowing rate in a data set of 2 pure lines and the correspond- Coopworth-sired sheep supplemented with either canola or lupins at
ing crossbreds. Data were obtained from the TOPIGS database and 1%BW recorded the highest spinning fineness. There were significant
included 91,461 cycle records from 23,432 sows on 33 farms in Spain correlations between SF and wool fiber diameter (0.93), CV of fiber
and Portugal collected from 2003 to 2008. Sows originated from two diameter (−0.40), wool curvature (−0.12) and wool yield (0.10). We
lines, namely Yorkshire (D) and Large White (I), and from their crosses concluded that the significant interactions between sire genetics and
(DI). Traits studied were litter size (1 to 29) and farrowing rate (0 or nutrition would impact on choices sheep farmers make in selecting
1). Litter size was analyzed using a linear animal model and farrowing sires and supplementary feeding levels to achieve desirable spinning
rate was analyzed using a threshold model. Both models included fixed fineness in their crossbreds. The correlations between spinning fine-
effects of parity and number of inseminations, and random effects of ness and other wool traits should be taken into account when designing
herd-year-month, service sire, permanent environment, and the additive breeding programmes.
animal effect. Within-line and crossbred variance components were
estimated via Gibbs sampling. Within-line heritability estimates for litter Key Words: spinning fineness, wool, sheep
size were 0.05±0.01 for line D, 0.11±0.01 for line I, and 0.08±0.02 for
line DI. Heritability estimates for litter size, obtained from the crossbred
432 Effects of index selection and sire breed on crossbred lamb
model, were 0.06±0.01 for line D, 0.11±0.01 for line I, and 0.14±0.03
growth and finishing. G. C. Márquez*1, W. Haresign2, M. H. Davies3,
for line DI. Genetic correlations for litter size were 0.81±0.15 between
R. Roehe4, L. Bünger4, G. Simm4, and R. M. Lewis1,4, 1Virginia
line D and line DI, and 0.85±0.06 between line I and line DI. Within
Polytechnic Institite and State University, Blacksburg, 2Aberystwyth
line heritability estimates for farrowing rate were 0.06±0.01 for line D,
University, Wales, UK, 3ADAS Rosemaund, Preston Wynne, England,
0.07±0.01 for line I, and 0.02±0.01 for line DI. Heritability estimates
UK, 4Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
for farrowing rate, obtained from the crossbred model, were 0.07±0.01
for line D, 0.07±0.01 for line I, and 0.10±0.04 for line DI. Genetic cor- A lean growth index (LGI) was developed in the UK for terminal sire
relations for farrowing rate were 0.57±0.57 between line D and line DI, sheep to increase carcass lean weight keeping fat constant. High and
and 0.50±0.25 between line I and line DI. low LGI rams were progeny tested to evaluate the effectiveness of the
Estimates for genetic variation in litter size almost doubled (0.76 LGI in improving growth and carcass of their crossbred progeny reared
to 1.36) and for farrowing rate more than quadrupled (0.02 to 0.12) commercially. From 1999 to 2002, Charollais (CH), Suffolk (SF) and
when pure line data were added to the crossbred dataset. Genetic Texel (TX) rams were selected for high or low LGI score, differing 5 SD
correlations between pure line and crossbred data were (considerably) on average. Across years, 15 high and 15 low LGI sires from each breed
less than unity. These results indicate that pig breeders are advised (90 total) were mated to 4,800 crossbred ewes at 3 farms in the UK. Most
to introduce crossbred data in their routine evaluations to increase rams were used for 2 mating seasons, with some rotated among farms to
genetic progress at commercial level. create genetic links. Live weight of 6,515 lambs was recorded at birth
(BWT), 5 weeks (5WK), 10 weeks (10WK), and finishing (FWT) at
approximately 11% subcutaneous fat. Data were analyzed with a mixed
Key Words: pig breeding, crossbred model, reproduction model in SAS to investigate effects of sire index and breed on body
weight and finish age (FAGE). Fixed effects were sire index and breed,
431 Genetics-nutrition interactions influencing wool spinning fine- their interaction, sex, dam breed, dam age, birth-rearing rank, farm and
ness in Australian crossbred sheep. A. E. O. Malau-Aduli* and B. year, and their interaction. Covariates were d within lambing season
Holman, School of Agricultural Science/TIAR, University of Tasmania, for BWT, age for 5WK and 10WK, and subcutaneous fat percentage
Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia. for FAGE and FWT. Rearing dam and residual were fitted as random
effects. Lambs from high vs. low LGI sires were 0.07 ± 0.017, 0.3 ±
Our objective in this study was to investigate the interactions between 0.06, 0.4 ± 0.08, and 1.1 ± 0.1 kg heavier at BWT, 5WK, 10WK, and
sire genetics, supplement and gender on spinning fineness (SF) in FWT, respectively. The SF sired lambs were heavier at BWT, 10WK and
crossbred sheep either grazing or supplemented with dietary protein. FWT (P < 0.05), while SF and TX lambs were heavier than CH lambs
Correlations between SF and other wool traits were also investigated. at 5WK (P < 0.01). High and low LGI sires did not differ for FAGE (P
We utilized 5 sires (Texel, Coopworth, White Suffolk, East-Friesian > 0.1), and TX sired lambs finished faster (P < 0.01). Birth-rearing rank
and Dorset) and mated them with 500 Merino ewes at a ratio of 1:100 influenced FAGE (P < 0.01): single born and reared lambs finished at
in individual paddocks. Five hundred of the F1 progeny were raised on 119 ± 1.9 d, multiple born, single reared at 154 d ± 2.1 d, and multiple
rye grass until weaning at 12 weeks of age. Forty of the weaners with born and reared at 189 ± 1.1 d. Multiple born and reared lambs from
initial BW range of 23–31kg (average of 27 ± 3.2 kg) were subjected to a high LGI sires required 2.5 ± 1.2 more d to finish, with breed differ-
supplementary feeding trial that lasted for 6 weeks. They were randomly ences persisting. Selection of sires on LGI produced lambs that were
assigned to 4 treatment groups in a 5 × 2 × 2 × 2 factorial experimental heavier at all ages, and at finish. Irrespective of sire LGI, lambs reared
design representing 5 sire breeds, 2 supplementary feeds (canola and
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 469
as singles took the same time to finish but offspring of high LGI lambs and to parturition, MH and MJH were similar to HO heifers. Age at first
sires reared as multiples finished significantly later. breeding tended (P < 0.07) to be less for JH (437d) compared with HO
(445d) heifers. MJH (429d) were significantly (P < 0.05) younger at
Key Words: sheep, selection index
first breeding than HO (440d) heifers. For first service conception rate,
MH (63.5%) were significantly higher than HOL (48.4%) heifers. Age
433 Inclusion of the inbreeding coefficient into models for genetic at conception was significantly (P < 0.05) less for JH (462d) than HO
evaluation of dairy cattle. C. A. García-Munguía, A. Ruíz-Flores*, (484) heifers. MJH were significantly (P < 0.01) younger at concep-
R. Núñez-Domínguez, R. Ramírez-Vlaverde, and R. López-Ordaz, tion than HO heifers (457 d versus 480 d). The MH heifers, carrying
Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Chapingo, México, México. Jersey-sired calves, and the MJH heifers, carrying HO-sired calves, had
longer (P < 0.01) gestation length than pure HO heifers (280 d versus
The objective was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of the inbreeding 278 d, respectively).
coefficient (F) into the models to predict breeding values (BV) of Jersey
(J) and Brown Swiss (BS) Mexican dairy cattle. In J the conventional Key Words: crossbreeding, survival, Montbeliarde
model that included the fixed effect of herd-year-season, and the random
genetic additive, permanent environmental, and residual effects; was
435 Productivity over five lactations of Normande, Montbeliarde,
compared with an alternative model that additionally included F. In
and Scandinavian Red crossbreds compared to pure Holsteins in
BS the models also included the linear covariable of upgrading level,
commercial dairies in California. B. J. Heins* and L. B. Hansen,
and the linear and quadratic covariables of age of cow at calving. The
University of Minnesota, Saint Paul.
traits analyzed in J were milk (MY), fat and protein yields per lactation,
and the percentages of fat and protein (%P) in milk. In BS only MY Normande (NM) × Holstein (HO) crossbreds (n = 245), Montbeliarde
was studied. The analyses were done using an animal model and the (MO) × HO crossbreds (n = 494), and Scandinavian Red (SR) × HO
MTDFREML program. The pedigrees for J and BS included 21,026 crossbred (n = 328) cows were compared with pure HO (n = 380) cows
and 101,861 animals. Several criteria to compare the results from the for 305-d milk, fat, and protein production and SCS during their first 5
alternative models were used. The effect of the inclusion of F into the lactations. Cows were housed in 7 commercial dairies in California and
models depended on the criterion of comparison and the trait. The most calved from June 2002 to January 2009. All HO sires and HO maternal
notorious change was for the BV for %P in J; the BV for the other traits grandsires of all cows were required to have a code assigned by the
remained essentially the same with the 2 models in both breeds. The National Association of Animal Breeders to assure they were sired by
percentage of coincidence among the top 100 sires evaluated with the 2 AI bulls. The SR was a mixture of Swedish Red and Norwegian Red.
models ranged from 90 to 98% for all traits. The regression coefficients Best Prediction was used to calculate actual production (milk, fat, and
of BV and their accuracies from the conventional model on the BV and protein) for 305-d lactations. Adjustment was made for age at calving
their accuracies from the alternative model ranged from 0.96 to 1.10, and milking frequency, and records less than 305 d were projected
and from 1.00 to 1.01, respectively. For the 2 alternative models, the to 305 d. Independent variables for statistical analysis were the fixed
variance components and h2 estimates were essentially the same. The effects of parity, herd-year-season (4-mo seasons within the 7 herds)
results suggest that inclusion of F into the models to evaluate genetically nested within parity, the genetic level of HO maternal grandsire (linear),
Jersey and Brown Swiss Mexican dairy cattle is not necessary. genetic group, parity nested within genetic group, and cow within
genetic group, which was a random effect. During first lactation, the
Key Words: inbreeding coefficient, genetic evaluation, Brown Swiss
SR × HO (637 kg) cows were not significantly different from the pure
HO (646 kg) cows for fat plus protein production; however, the NM ×
434 Jersey-sired and Montbeliarde-sired crossbred heifers com- HO (597kg) cows and the MO × HO (623 kg) cows had significantly
pared to pure Holstein heifers for survival and fertility from birth (P < 0.05) lower fat plus protein production than pure HO cows. Pure
to first parturition. A. R. Hazel*, L. B. Hansen, B. J. Heins, A. J. HO cows were significantly (P < 0.05) higher for fat plus protein than
Seykora, D. G. Johnson, and J. G. Linn, University of Minnesota, St. all crossbred cows during second and third lactation. Pure HO (808 kg)
Paul. cows had significantly (P < 0.05) greater fat plus protein than NM ×
HO (723 kg) and SR × HO (774 kg) cows during fourth lactation. The
Jersey x Holstein crossbred (JH) heifers (n = 91) were compared with MO × HO and SR × HO cows were not significantly different from pure
pure Holstein (HO) heifers (n = 87). Also, Montbeliarde × Holstein HO cows for fat plus protein production during fifth lactation. Pure HO
crossbred (MH) heifers (n = 66) and Montbeliarde/(Jersey x Holstein) cows and all crossbred cows were not significantly different for SCS for
crossbred ((MJH) heifers (n = 101) were compared with HO heifers (n first to fourth lactation, however, during fifth lactation the NM × HO
= 188) for survival to 90d, 365d, and to first parturition; days to first (3.70), MO × HO (3.46), and SR × HO (3.74) cows had significantly
service; first service conception rate; interval from first to last service; (P < 0.05) less SCS than pure HO (4.14) cows.
number of services; age at conception; and gestation interval to first
calving. The heifers were born at 2 research facilities of the University Key Words: crossbreeding, heterosis, production
of Minnesota, and JH and HO contemporary heifers were born from
September 2001 to June 2003, and MH, MJH and contemporary HO
436 Death rates, survival rates to 5th lactation, and profitability of
heifers were born from September 2003 to May 2008. JH heifers were
Normande, Montbeliarde, and Scandinavian Red crossbreds com-
mated to Montbeliarde AI sires, MH heifers were mated to Jersey AI
pared to pure Holsteins. B. J. Heins* and L. B. Hansen, University
sires, and MJH and HO heifers were mated to HO AI sires. Independent
of Minnesota, Saint Paul.
variables for all traits included breed group. Also, 2-breed versus 3-breed
crossbreds nested within breed group was an independent variable for the Normande (NM) × Holstein (HO) crossbreds (n = 251), Montbeliarde
MO crossbreds. Additionally, effects of location and year of birth were (MO) × HO crossbreds (n = 503), and Scandinavian Red (SR) × HO
considered. JH and HO heifers did not differ significantly for survival crossbred (n = 321) cows were compared with pure HO (n = 416) cows
to 90d, 365d, or to first parturition. MH (94.2%) and MJH (94.2%) were for death rate and survival to calving a second, third, fourth, and fifth
similar to HO (91.3%) heifers for survival to 90d. For survival to 365d time. Cows were housed in 6 commercial dairies in California and
470 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
calved from June 2002 to January 2009. All HO sires and HO mater- higher incidence of injury (39 vs. 22%) and scours (30 vs. 23%) and a
nal grandsires of cows were required to have a code assigned by the lower incidence of respiratory problems (5 vs. 18%). Holsteins were
National Association of Animal Breeders to assure they were sired by significantly heavier (630 vs. 559kg), with greater hip height (145 vs.
AI bulls. The SR was a mixture of Swedish Red and Norwegian Red. 139 cm), body length (167 vs. 163 cm), heart girth (205 vs. 198 cm), and
All cows had the opportunity to calve at least 3 times. Four cows (2 hip width (55 vs. 53 cm) at 22 mo of age. Results of this study suggest
HO and 2 SR) did not have the opportunity to calve a fourth time, and that backcross Holstein × Jersey have decreased production but fail to
71 cows (10 HO, 4 NM × HO, 33 MO × HO, and 24 SR × HO) cows demonstrate an advantage in health and reproduction when compared
did not have the opportunity to calve a fifth time. A chi-squared test with purebred Holsteins.
was conducted for all traits. Ten of 1,075 crossbred cows (0.9%) died
Key Words: crossbreeding, backcross, Jersey
before first observation for milk recording, however, 15 of 416 pure HO
(3.6%) died before first observation for milk recording. Pure HO (5.3%)
cows had significantly (P < 0.05) higher death rate on farm than NM × 438 Multibreed genomic evaluation of dairy cattle. K. M. Olson*1
HO (1.2%) cows, MO × HO (2.0%) cows, and SR × HO (1.6%) cows and P. M. VanRaden2, 1Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univer-
during the first 305-d of first lactation. All crossbred groups had (P < sity, Blacksburg, 2Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS,
0.01) significantly more cows calving a second, third, fourth, and fifth USDA, Beltsville, MD.
time than pure HO cows. For pure HO cows, 77% calved a second time;
59% calved a third time, 35% calved a 4 time, and 18% calved a fifth Multibreed models are currently used in traditional USDA dairy cattle
time. Percentage of cows calving a second, third, fourth, and fifth time genetic evaluations of yield and health traits, but within-breed models
for NM × HO (88%, 70%, 51%, 28%) cows, MO × HO (88%, 70%, are used in genomic evaluations. Multibreed genomic models were
52%, 32%) cows, and SR × HO (86%, 69%, 50%, 28%) cows were developed and tested using all 19,686 genotyped bulls included in the
significantly higher than pure HO cows in all cases. official August 2009 USDA genomic evaluation. The data were divided
into training and validation sets. The training data set were comprised
Key Words: crossbreeding, heterosis, reproduction of bulls that were proven (had daughter information) as of November
2004 and totaled 5,331, 1,361, and 506 Holstein, Jersey, and Brown
Swiss, respectively. The validation data set had 2,477 Holstein, 410
437 Production, reproduction, health and growth traits in back-
Jersey, and 182 Brown Swiss bulls that were unproven (no daughter
cross Holstein x Jersey and their Holstein contemporaries. D. W.
information) in November 2004 and proven by August 2009. A common
Bjelland*, N. M. Esser, K. A. Weigel, and P. C. Hoffman, University
set of 43,385 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were used for
of Wisconsin, Madison.
all breeds. Three methods of multibreed evaluation were investigated.
A total of 172 purebred Holsteins and 177 backcross Holstein x Jersey Method 1 estimated SNP effects separately within-breed and was
dairy cattle were compared for production, reproduction, health, and tested by multiple regressions to predict daughter deviations of bulls of
growth traits. These animals were born between 2003 and 2006 and were another breed. Method 2 estimated a common set of SNP effects from
housed in the University of Wisconsin - Madison experimental herd. All combined genotypes and phenotypes of all breeds. Method 3 solved
animals had Holstein dams, which had been mated to either Holstein for correlated SNP effects within each breed estimated jointly using a
sires to produce purebred Holsteins or Jersey × Holstein crossbred sires multitrait model. Multiple regressions were used to test across-breed
to produce the backcross animals. Traits were analyzed using a linear genomic predicted transmitting ability (GPTA) with within-breed GPTA
mixed model with effects of season of birth, age of dam, pen number and parent average (PA). A few effects were significant with method 1,
as a heifer, sire, birth year of sire, and days in milk. Holsteins had sig- mostly for Jerseys and Holsteins, but estimates were small compared
nificantly (P < 0.05) greater 305-d milk yield (9230 vs. 8311 kg), 305-d with within-breed GPTA and PA. Across-breed GPTA from method 2
mature equivalent milk yield (10836 vs. 9632 kg), peak daily milk yield were significant for certain traits in some breeds; correlations between
(35 vs. 32 kg), total milk yield (8913 vs. 7682 kg), and total protein within-breed GPTA and across-breed GPTA ranged between 0.91 and
yield (284 vs. 267 kg) compared with the crossbreds. Days open (152 0.93. Results from method 3 were significant and adjusted coefficient
vs. 162 d), services per conception as a heifer (1.43 vs. 1.40) or first of determinations for protein yield (the only trait tested for method 3)
parity cow (1.70 vs. 2.03) did not differ, but the proportion of first parity were highest of all methods for all breeds. However, compared with the
births with calving ease score ≥3 was significantly less in Holsteins than current within-breed genomic model, method 3 increased the adjusted
in crossbreds (11 vs. 32%). Health traits included incidence of scours coefficient of determination by only 0.0097, 0.0042, and 0.0017 for
and respiratory problems as a heifer and incidence of mastitis, feet Brown Swiss, Jerseys, and Holsteins, respectively.
problems and injury during first lactation. Holsteins had a significantly
Key Words: dairy cattle, genomic evaluation, multibreed
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 471
Food Safety: Poultry Aspects
439 Hide and pen floor contamination and transmission of slaughter. Treatments were similar for Trial 2, except caprylic acid was
Escherichia coli O157:H7 among feedlot steers. K. Stanford*1, supplemented for the last 7 d of the trial. On d 14 of age, chicks were
T. P. Stephens1, and T. A. McAllister2, 1Alberta Agriculture and Rural orally challenged with C. jejuni and on d 42, ceca were collected for
Development, Lethbridge, Alberta Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food DGGE and Campylobacter analysis. Caprylic acid supplemented for
Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta Canada. 3 or 7 d at 0.7% reduced Campylobacter compared with the positive
controls (approx. Three log reduction), except for the 7 d treatment
Super-shedders, cattle shedding at least 104 colony forming units (CFU) with a 12 h feed withdrawal period. DGGE profiles of the cecal content
of E. coli O157:H7, elevate risks of contaminating the food chain and showed that caprylic acid had little, if any, effect on the cecal microbial
maintaining the organism in cattle populations. As detecting super- community. The results of this study indicate that caprylic acid′s abil-
shedders in cattle populations is laborious and time-consuming, a study ity to reduce Campylobacter does not appear to be due to changes in
was conducted to evaluate the role of hide and pen-floor contamination cecal microflora.
by model super shedders (MSS) in transmission of E. coli O157:H7 to
penned cattle. Steers (n = 48) negative for E. coli O157:H7 for 3 wks Key Words: Campylobacter, caprylic acid, DGGE
were allocated to 6 pens, with 2 replicate pens per treatment. Treat-
ment A consisted of 3000 g of feces inoculated with 106 CFU spread
441 Evaluating the prevalence and distribution of Campylobacter
in artificial fecal pats on the pen floor for d 0 through 4 and 14 through
in newly constructed broiler houses. K. N. Eberle*1, J. L. Purswell2,
18 of the study. For treatment B, 100 g of the feces was spread on the
J. D. Davis1, C. D. McDaniel1, and A. S. Kiess1, 1Mississippi State
perineum of 1 MSS per pen and the remaining feces spread on the pen
University, Mississippi State, 2USDA-ARS Poultry Research Unit,
floor similar to treatment A. Treatment C differed from B in that 50
Mississippi State.
g of feces was spread on the perineum and 50 g on the brisket of the
MSS. Fecal samples, perineal swabs (500 cm2 area of the rump), freshly In 2009, the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service announced the
voided fecal pats and manila rope samples were collected during the development of new pathogen reduction performance standards for
56 d experimental period. More positive rope samples were found in Salmonella and Campylobacter both on-farm and in the processing
treatments B and C as compared with A (P < 0.05) and steers within plant. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and
treatments B and C were 1.3 times more likely (P < 0.05) to shed E. coli distribution of Campylobacter in 3 newly constructed broiler houses for
O157:H7 in their feces than steers in treatment A. Even though loads the first 4 flocks placed to determine the necessity for on-farm regula-
of E. coli O157:H7 were similar in pens, results indicate a heightened tion. Litter and fecal samples were collected from each house at 0, 28,
importance of hide as compared with pen floor contamination for trans- and 48 d of production. Samples were serially diluted and spread onto
mission of this organism to cattle. As cattle within treatments B and C Campy Cefex agar plates. Two 40-mL water samples were collected each
were persistently colonized with E. coli O157:H7, this model would be production day and filtered through a 0.45 µm membrane before being
suitable for future studies investigating mitigation of E. coli O157:H7 placed onto a Campy Cefex agar plate. All plates were purged with a
transmission by super-shedders. microaerophilic gas and incubated for 36 h at 42°C. Individual plates
were screened for characteristic Campylobacter colonies and suspect
Key Words: Escherichia coli O157:H7, feedlot cattle, super-shedder
colonies were confirmed using a latex agglutination kit. An additional
50 g of litter was collected from the evaporative cooling inlets, middle,
440 Feed supplementation with caprylic acid reduces Campy- and tunnel ventilation fans to determine litter moisture and pH. Inside
lobacter colonization in market aged broiler chickens without and outside temperature and humidity were collected using a weather
altering cecal microbial populations. I. Reyes-Herrera*1, F. Solis station. Out of 2300 litter, 900 fecal, and 45 water samples, only 5, 6 and
de los Santos1, M. Hume2, K. Venkitanarayanan3, A. M. Donoghue4, 1 of the collected samples respectively were confirmed Campylobacter
I. Hanning1, M. F. Slavik1, V. F. Aguiar1, J. H. Metcalf1, P. J. Blore1, positive. Litter moisture was different depending on location: the middle
and D. J. Donoghue1, 1Dept. Poultry Science, University of Arkansas,, contained a higher moisture level (37%) than the evaporative cooling
Fayetteville, 2Food and Feed Safety Research Unit, Southern Plains inlets (33%) and tunnel ventilation fans (34%) (P < 0.05). Litter pH
Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS, College Station, TX, 3Dept. was not different for day, location or flock. Temperature and humidity
Animal Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs,4Poultry Production averaged 26.8°C and 69.3% inside and 27.6°C and 60.6% outside. In
and Product Safety Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Fayetteville, AR. conclusion the newly constructed houses did not show a high prevalence
of Campylobacter. Litter moisture and humidity were at levels conducive
Campylobacter is a leading cause of food-borne illness in the United for Campylobacter growth. The high litter pH and low temperatures,
States and epidemiological evidence indicates that poultry products are along with other on-farm management strategies, may have suppressed
a significant source of human infections. Caprylic acid is an 8-carbon the ability of Campylobacter to colonize the litter.
medium chain fatty acid which has been reported by our laboratories
to reduce Campylobacter colonization in chickens. The mechanism of Key Words: Campylobacter, litter, broiler house
action of caprylic acid, however, has not yet been determined but may
be due to changes in the intestinal microflora. To evaluate this pos-
442 Colonization of marker and field strains of Salmonella
sibility, cecal microbial populations were evaluated using denaturing
Enteritidis and Typhimurium in antibiotic pretreated and non-
gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) in market age broiler chickens fed
pretreated laying hens. J. F. Hannah*1, J. L. Wilson1, N. A. Cox2, L.
caprylic acid. In the first trial (n = 40 per trial) chicks were assigned to
J. Richardson2, J. A. Cason2, and R. J. Buhr2, 1University of Georgia,
4 treatment groups (n = 10 birds per treatment group): Positive controls
Department of Poultry Science, Athens, 2USDA, ARS, Richard Russell
(Campylobacter, no caprylic acid) with or without a 12 h feed with-
Research Center, Athens, GA.
drawal before slaughter; 0.7% caprylic acid supplemented in feed for
the last 3 d of the trial with or without a 12 h feed withdrawal before
472 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of a vancomycin (VNC) monitored for presence of Campylobacter by cloacal swab and cecal
pretreatment on the ability of marker (nalidixic acid-resistant) S. Enter- content swab, respectively. There were no significant differences in
itidis (SEM), field S. Enteritidis (SEF), or marker S. Typhimurium (STM) number of contaminated birds due to challenge route, although this
to colonize within the intestinal and reproductive tracts and translocate to was numerically higher for in ovo treated birds. Only the Antibiotic
other internal tissues of laying hens. In each of 3 trials, caged hens (76, diet caused a significant reduction in Campylobacter at 11 and 18d of
26, and 33 wk-of-age) were divided into 6 groups designated to receive age, the None treated diet was numerically the highest, but not different
SEM, SEF, or STM, and half pretreated with VNC (n = 12). VNC treated from Organic Acid = Adhesive = Probiotic = MCFA.
hens received 0.5 mL for 5 d to inhibit gram-positive bacteria. On d 6,
Key Words: Campylobacter, in ovo challenge, broilers
all hens were challenged orally, intravaginally and intracolonally with
Salmonella and placed into separate floor pens on new wood shavings.
Two wk post-inoculation, all hens were killed and samples aseptically 444 The efficacy of the natural plant extracts, thymol and car-
collected from the ceca, spleen, liver/gallbladder (LGB), upper (URT) vacrol, against Campylobacter colonization in broiler chickens. K.
and lower (LRT) reproductive tracts, and ovarian follicles, and cultured Arsi*1, J. H. Metcalf1, I. Reyes-Herrera1, A. M. Donoghue2, K. Ven-
for Salmonella. Results for the 3 hen ages were combined, and Chi- kitanarayanan3, P. J. Blore1, A. C. Fanatico1, and D. J. Donoghue1,
squared and Fisher’s exact test were used to identify significant differ- 1Dept. Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2Poultry
ences (P < 0.05) in colonization. Among tissues sampled, there were Production and Product Safety Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Fayetteville,
no significant differences in SEM, SEF, and STM colonization between AR,3Dept. Animal Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs.
VNC pretreated and non-pretreated hens. For the ceca, spleen, and LGB
samples, SEF (83, 100, and 100%) and STM (100, 73, and 91%) coloni- Campylobacter is one of the most common causes of foodborne bacte-
zation was significantly greater than SEM (8, 0, and 8%) colonization in rial gastroenteritis in the US. Case control studies have demonstrated
non-pretreated hens. For VNC pretreated hens, SEF (92, 92, and 83%) that consumption or handling of raw or under-cooked poultry products
and STM (100, 75, and 83%) colonization among ceca, spleen, and LGB can be directly linked to human campylobacteriosis. Incidence of
samples was significantly greater than SEM (36, 0, and 0%) colonization. Campylobacter in broiler flocks can range from 70 to 100%, thus a
Overall colonization of Salmonella in the LRT samples was relatively reduction of this pathogen in poultry would greatly reduce the incidence
low, ranging from 8 to 42% and SEF and STM were isolated from 8 of human disease. Unfortunately, most treatments fail to produce con-
and 18% URT samples, respectively. Only SEF (8–17%) was isolated sistent reductions in Campylobacter colonization in chickens. Natural
from the ovarian follicles. In conclusion, the VNC pretreatment had no plant extracts, such as thymol and carvacrol, have been tested against
significant effect on the level of colonization of SEM, SEF, or STM in the pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli, Shigella, Listeria but their ability to
tissues evaluated, and these results may provide further understanding reduce Campylobacter in chickens has not been reported. The objective
of Salmonella ecology within laying hens. of this study was to determine the efficacy of different concentrations
and combinations of thymol and carvacrol in feed to reduce C. jejuni
Key Words: Salmonella colonization, vancomycin, laying hens in broilers. To evaluate in vivo efficacy, day of hatch birds were feed
0% (controls) or 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0% thymol or car-
vacrol or combinations of both (n = 10 chicks/dose). Birds were orally
443 Evaluation of Campylobacter challenge route (in ovo vs. crop)
challenged with 5 different C. jejuni strains at d 3 and at d 10, cecal
and feed additives to reduce cecal Campylobacter in broilers. T.
samples were collected for Campylobacter enumeration. Four different
A. Scott*, J. E. de Oliveira, and E. Hangoor, Provimi Feed Solutions,
trials were conducted. Data were analyzed by ANOVA using the GLM
Sint-Stevens-Woluwe, Belgium.
procedure of SAS and a probability of P < 0.05 was required for statisti-
The objective was to compare challenge route to establish Campy- cal significance. Significant reductions of C. jejuni were observed with
lobacter in the ceca of broilers and then the efficacy of additives to 0.25% or 2% thymol, and for 1% or 2% carvacrol. A 2-log reduction
reduce this reservoir of contamination. Twelve treatment groups (8 was observed with the combination of 0.5% thymol and 0.5% carvacrol.
cages of 7 male Ross 308 broilers) were evaluated, representing 2 chal- However, treatments did not always produce consistent reduction in C.
lenge routes (in ovo E17d; gavage to the crop at 3d post hatch) and 6 jejuni between trials. These results justify the potential application of
additives (None, Antibiotic, Adhesion, Probiotic, MCFA and Organic these compounds to control Campylobacter in chickens, but additional
acid). Based on preliminary experiments the optimum in ovo dose of experiments are required to determine the most consistently effective
Campylobacter jejuni was determined to provide cecal colonization; one concentrations and combinations of these plant extracts.
half of the chicks were thus infected and then randomized in respective
Key Words: Campylobacter, natural plant extracts, carvacrol/thymol
cages separated from other cages by solid plastic sheets 30cm in height.
The remaining cages were housed with chicks from the same egg source,
but hatched in a commercial hatchery to avoid cross contamination. All 445 Probability of identifying different Salmonella serotypes in
chicks were given ad libitum access to feed (6 diets) and water. A basal poultry samples. J. A. Cason*, N. A. Cox, R. J. Buhr, D. V. Bourassa,
mash diet, formulated to meet or exceed the NRC broiler requirements and L. J. Richardson, Russell Research Center, USDA/ARS, Athens,
was divided into 6 groups and remixed with appropriate feed additive, GA.
the chicks were maintained on diets to 18d of age. At 3 d, a excreta
(collected on paper for 4 h) sample from each cage was used to establish Recent work has called attention to the unequal competitive abilities
presence of Campylobacter; all cages from in ovo chicks, except those of different Salmonella serotypes in standard broth culture and plating
fed an antibiotic were 100% positive; only 3 of the 48 non challenged media. Such serotypes include Enteritidis and Typhimurium that are spe-
cages were positive demonstrating low cross contamination. Body cifically targeted in some regulatory and certification programs because
weight (18d) was significantly impacted by challenge route (3d Crop they cause a large proportion of human salmonellosis. Common lab
> in ovo) and additive (Antibiotic > MCFA = Organic Acid = None = methods recommend selecting 3 to 5 colonies per plate, but surveys show
Adhesion > Probiotic), and reflected similar differences in feed intake that many laboratories pick and identify only 1 probable Salmonella
and FCR. At 11 and 18 d of age 4 broilers/cage (32 / treatment) were colony from poultry samples. To explore the implications of Salmonella
serotypes surviving and growing at different rates during culture and
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 473
isolation, spreadsheet formulas were used to calculate binomial and with 0.3 mL of a bacterial suspension containing 108 cfu/mL each of
multinomial probabilities of picking serotypes present at various ratios antibiotic resistant strains of Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhimurium,
on plates, assuming that 100% of picked colonies are Salmonella. When and Campylobacter coli. A 0.1 g portion of the inoculated cecal paste
2 serotypes are present in equal numbers, 6 colonies must be picked to was applied to the skin of each carcass and allowed to dry for 15 min.
have a 95% probability of finding both serotypes. To identify 3 serotypes Inoculated carcasses were then divided into 5 groups of 10 carcasses
under the same conditions, 11 colonies must be picked. If a serotype each, and groups were spray washed with water, 0.25% LA-0.125%
is outnumbered 10 to 1 by another serotype on a plate, a ratio that has KOH, 0.5% LA-0.25% KOH, 1% LA-0.5% KOH, or 2% LA-1% KOH
been reported in the scientific literature, 32 colonies must be picked to at 80 psi (552 kPA) for 15 s. Washed carcasses were rinsed for 15 s
have a 95% probability of finding the minority serotype. Relatively small with sterile, deionized water to remove excess LA-KOH before whole
survival and growth rate differences can produce large changes in the carcass rinses were performed for 2 min in 200 mL of sterile phos-
likelihood of picking a colony of a particular serotype even when that phate buffered saline. Total plate count bacteria (TPC) and antibiotic
serotype was present in the original sample in equal numbers, so pick- resistant E. coli, Salmonella Typhimurium, and C. coli in the rinsates
ing one colony per plate can give a distorted picture of what serotypes were enumerated, and the pH of the rinsates was measured. Findings
are in samples. Given the labor and expense of isolating and serotyping indicated that significantly fewer TPC bacteria, E. coli, and Salmonella
suspect Salmonella colonies, methods are needed for culturing specific Typhimurium were recovered from carcasses washed with 2% LA-1%
serotypes of interest. KOH than from carcasses washed in water. Furthermore, significantly
fewer C. coli were recovered from carcasses washed in 1% LA-0.5%
Key Words: Salmonella, serotypes, colonies
KOH than from carcasses washed in water, and no C. coli were recovered
from carcasses washed in 2% LA-1% KOH. The pH of rinsates from
446 The effect of electrostatic polarization ultraviolet light filters carcasses washed in water, LA-0.125% KOH, 0.5% LA-0.25% KOH,
on Enterobacteriaceae, and Salmonella spp. bacteria in a broiler 1% LA-0.5% KOH, or 2% LA-1% KOH was 7.27, 7.41, 7.57, 8.00, and
processing plant hang room. J. C. Butler*, P. A. Curtis, C. R. Kerth, 9.94, respectively. Findings indicate that the concentration of LA-KOH
D. E. Conner, and L. K. Kerth, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. plays an important role in the ability of this antibacterial surfactant to
reduce bacterial contamination of broiler carcass.
Poultry processing hang rooms are one of the dirtiest areas of a process-
ing plant. To determine the bioaerosols in the hang room of a particular Key Words: lauric acid, potassium hydroxide, spray washing
processing plant, 3 electrostatic polarization light filters utilizing UV
light were mounted on 3 different walls of the hang room. Over a period
448 Antimicrobial effect of sodium metasilicate on Salmonella
of 24 sampling days, the filters were turned on or off and air and settle
enterica serovar Typhimurium and psychrotrophs in ready to cook,
plate samples were taken of the air in the room to test for Glucose- and
skin-on chicken breast meat stored at 4 ± 1°C. C. S. Sharma*, S. K.
Lactose-fermenting Enterobacteriaceae, and Salmonella spp. Rela-
Williams, and G. E. Rodrick, University of Florida, Gainesville.
tive humidity, temperature and wind speed were also taken inside and
outside the hang room and number of workers in the room and number The objectives of this study were to determine the antimicrobial effects
of fans on were also noted. Samples were taken every 0, 3, 6, or 9 h of sodium metasilicate (SMS) against Salmonella Typhimurium and
into the processing shift. Enterobacteriaceae, (Lactose and Glucose) psychrotrophic organisms in fresh ready to cook skin-on chicken breasts,
levels were not affected (P > 0.05) by filter position. Salmonella was and to ascertain the effects of the treatments on pH. The chicken breasts
low in counts sampled for at all positions, but were not different from were inoculated with S. Typhimurium (ATCC 14028), treated with
one another when comparing position location within the bacteria. The 0% SMS and no inoculum (negative control), 0% SMS and inoculum
filters had no impact on airborne Enterobacteriaceae, (Lactose) during (positive control), 1% and 2% SMS (w/w), packaged and stored at 4 ±
sampling hours 0, 3, and 9 (P > 0.05). Results showed a significant 1°C. All samples were analyzed in duplicate after 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 d of
decrease for both Enterobacteriaceae, bacteria at the 9h sampling period. storage for recovery of S. Typhimurium, psychrotrophic organisms and
These results may be indicative of a shift change occurring in between pH measurements. The whole experiment was repeated 3 times. Treat-
the 6 and 9h where new workers were introduced to the environment. ing the breast meat with 1% and 2% SMS resulted in low (P < 0.05)
Salmonella positive counts were not significantly different regardless Salmonella counts when compared with the positive control. Chicken
of filter use or hour. In general, all of the bacterial counts were low, breasts treated with 1% and 2% SMS resulted in 1.1 to 1.4 and 2.5 to
only reaching approximately 2 logs at their highest. The environmental 4.1 log cfu/g reductions of S. Typhimurium, respectively, as compared
factors accounted for did not attribute to a large amount of variation with positive controls. Psychrotrophic counts for breast meat treated
for any bacteria sampled. Although, position of the filters were highly with 2% SMS were lower (P < 0.05) than the control samples on all
correlated for both Enterobacteriaceae, types. sampling days except d 0. The pH values were higher (P < 0.05) for all
SMS treatments when compared with the negative and positive controls.
Key Words: poultry, bioaerosols, Enterobacteriaceae
This study revealed that SMS could function to control the pathogen
S. Typhimurium, and extend the shelf life of poultry by retarding the
447 Role of lauric acid-potassium hydroxide concentration on growth of psychrotrophic bacteria, which are the primary spoilage
bacterial contamination of spray washed broiler carcasses. A. organisms in fresh poultry.
Hinton Jr.*, J. Cason, R. Buhr, and K. Liljebjelke, Russell Research Key Words: sodium metasilicate, Salmonella, psychrotrophs
Center, Athens, GA.
A series of experiments were conducted to examine reductions in
449 Antimicrobial effect of sodium metasilicate marinade on
bacterial contamination of broiler carcasses washed in a spray cabinet
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and psychrotrophs in
with various concentrations of lauric acid (LA)-potassium hydroxide
ready to cook skinless and boneless chicken breast meat stored at 4
(KOH) solutions. Fifty eviscerated carcasses and 5 ceca were obtained
± 1°C. C. S. Sharma*, S. K. Williams, and G. E. Rodrick, University
from the processing line of a commercial poultry processing facility.
of Florida, Gainesville.
An inoculated cecal paste was prepared by mixing 5 g of cecal contents
474 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The objectives of this study were to determine the antimicrobial effects feed intake was measured daily. Pigs were artificially inoculated with
of sodium metasilicate (SMS) marinades against Salmonella Typhimu- 107 CFU S. Typhimurium and fecal samples were collected daily for 5 d
rium and psychrotrophic organisms in fresh marinated ready to cook until sacrifice. Intestinal contents from the rectum, cecum and ileum were
skinless and boneless chicken breast meat, and to ascertain the effects collected, as well as ileocecal lymph nodes. No differences in Salmonella
of the treatments on pH. The chicken breasts were inoculated with S. populations were found in any compartment, though rectal populations
Typhimurium (ATCC 14028), marinated in solutions containing either were reduced in swine fed 30 kg Aviplus/1000 kg feed. Feed efficiency
0% SMS and no inoculum (negative control), 0% SMS and inoculum (feed to gain) in pigs were increased (P < 0.05) by 3 kg Aviplus/1000 kg
(positive control), 1% or 2% SMS, packaged and stored at 4 ± 1°C. All feed treatment, and ADG and BW was increased by 30 kg Aviplus/1000
samples were analyzed in duplicate after 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 d of storage kg feed treatment. Collectively, our results indicate that while Aviplus
for recovery of S. Typhimurium, psychrotrophic organisms and pH does not affect artificially inoculated Salmonella populations in vivo in
measurements. Chicken breasts marinated with 1% and 2% SMS had these short-term studies, Aviplus treatment increased the feed efficiency
lower (P < 0.05) Salmonella counts when compared with the positive of broiler chicks and newly weaned swine.
control at 3 d storage and through 7 d. Chicken breasts treated with 1%
Key Words: food safety, organic acids
and 2% SMS resulted in 0.83 to 0.91 and 1.04 to 1.16 log cfu/g reduc-
tions of S. Typhimurium, respectively, after 3 d through 7 d of storage
as compared with positive controls. The psychrotrophic counts were 451 Aviplus treatment reduces E. coli and Salmonella populations
similar (P > 0.05) for all treatments. The pH values for 1% and 2% SMS in pure and mixed ruminal culture fermentations. T. R. Callaway*1,
treatments were higher (P < 0.05) when compared with the controls. E. Grilli2, and A. Piva2, 1USDA/ARS, Food and Feed Safety Research
This study revealed that SMS could function to control the pathogen Unit, College Station, TX, 2University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
S. Typhimurium, but had no effect on reducing the spoilage microflora
when it was used in the marinade. Foodborne pathogenic bacteria can live in the intestinal tract of cattle,
swine and poultry and can be transmitted to humans through the food
Key Words: sodium metasilicate, Salmonella, psychrotrophs supply or indirectly through animal/fecal contact. Organic acid products
have been used as non-antibiotic modifiers of the gastrointestinal fer-
mentation of food animals to improve animal health and performance.
450 Aviplus treatment improves growth efficiency in broilers and
However, the impact of these organic acid products on foodborne
swine but does not affect intestinal populations of experimentally
pathogens remains unknown. Therefore, this study was designed to
inoculated Salmonella. T. R. Callaway*1, E. Grilli2, T. S. Edrington1,
examine the effects of a commercial organic acid product on populations
N. Krueger1, R. Anderson1, D. W. Pitta3, W. E. Pinchak3, and A. Piva2,
1USDA/ARS, Food and Feed Safety Research Unit, College Station, TX, of the foodborne pathogens, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella
2University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy,3Texas A&M University Agrilife Typhimurium. Pure cultures (2 × 103 CFU/mL) of each pathogen were
added to tubes that contained water-solubilized Aviplus added at of 0,
Research Station, Vernon.
0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10% (w/v; n = 4). Water-solubilized Aviplus reduced
Organic acids improve growth efficiency in food animals, and can (P < 0.05) the growth rate and final populations of E. coli O157:H7 and
impact the microbial ecology of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus it has S. Typhimurium in pure culture at concentrations greater than 2% w/v.
been suggested that they could be used to reduce foodborne pathogenic In further in vitro studies, E. coli O157:H7 and S. Typhimurium were
bacterial populations before animals enter the food chain. This study added to mixed ruminal bacterial fermentations collected from cattle
was undertaken to determine the effect of a commercial microencapsu- fed a pasture-based diet. The in vitro fermentations contained water-
lated organic acid product on populations of experimentally inoculated solubilized Aviplus at concentrations of 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10% (w/v; n =
Salmonella populations in swine and broilers. Broiler chicks (n = 192 in 2) and were incubated for 24 h. Aviplus addition reduced (P < 0.05)
2 replications; 1 d of age) were artificially inoculated with 106 CFU S. final populations of E. coli O157:H7 and S. Typhimurium in the rumi-
Typhimurium and randomly assigned to 0g, 0.2 kg, 2 kg, or 10 kg Avi- nal fluid at concentrations >5% w/v. The A:P ratios from the in vitro
plus/1000 kg feed diets. Feed consumption and weights were measured ruminal fermentations were reduced (P < 0.05) by solubilized Aviplus
daily for 7 d. Salmonella populations were analyzed upon sacrifice but treatment and total VFA production was not affected, but methane and
no differences in cecal Salmonella populations were found. Aviplus treat- ammonia concentrations were decreased. Organic acid products, such as
ment at 0.2 kg/1000 kg feed increased (P < 0.05) pen weight, average Aviplus, can alter the intestinal microbial ecology and enhance animal
body weight and average daily gain across the study. Aviplus inclusion productivity and health. Under in vitro conditions, solubilized Aviplus
at 0.2, 2, and 10 kg/1000 kg feed reduced (P < 0.05) feed to gain ratios can be used to reduce populations of pathogenic bacteria. Intervention
as well. In another study, newly weaned pigs (7 d of age; n = 24) were strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens that can improve animal
blocked by sex and were randomly assigned to either 0g, 3 kg, or 30 performance have the advantage of a food safety intervention that pays
kg Aviplus /1000 kg feed diets and fed for 14 d and were weighed and for itself financially.
Key Words: food safety, Salmonella, organic acids
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 475
Forages and Pastures: Harvested Forages and Forage Quality
452 Lamb and cow performance when fed corn silage that has 5.3% less neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and 32% less acid detergent
reduced ferulate cross linking. H. G. Jung*1,3, D. R. Mertens2, and lignin (P < 0.05) than RM. Treatments had no effect on crude protein
R. L. Phillips3, 1USDA-ARS, St. Paul, MN, 2USDA-ARS, Madison, WI, content, which averaged 130 g kg−1. Asymptotic gas production was
3University of Minnesota, St. Paul. similar between the 2 millet types, while degradation rate was 40%
higher (P < 0.05) for BM than RM. Thus, brown midrib trait reduced
Ferulate-mediated lignin/hemicellulose cross linking in grasses reduces (P < 0.05) time to degrade 50% and 75% of the silage substrate by 2
in vitro NDF digestibility (IVNDFD). Impact of ferulate cross linking and 6 h, respectively. In vitro true dry matter degradability and NDF
on animal performance was examined in lamb digestibility and dairy degradability were 3 and 5% higher (P < 0.05) for BM than RM silage.
cow performance trials using the seedling ferulate ester (sfe) corn mutant Acetic, propionic and butyric acid concentrations in the liquid residue
that reduces cross linking and improves IVNDFD. Digestibility of con- were all higher (P < 0.05) for BM than RM. Microbial protein production
trol (W23) and 2 near-isogenic sfe (M04–4 and M04–21) silages was efficiency per g substrate was 9% higher (P < 0.05) for BM than RM.
determined with lambs fed ad lib and restricted. Each silage was fed to This is supported by post incubation medium ammonia concentration,
4 lambs as the sole ingredient. The same silages were fed to lactating which was higher (P < 0.05) for RM than BM silage. Seeding rate had
cows in 37% corn silage diets formulated for 29% diet NDF and 70% no impact on chemical composition or in vitro gas production parameters
of NDF from corn silage. A 28-d lactation trial was conducted with 14 of millet silage. Quality of BM silage was superior to that of RM silage
cows per diet. Feed intake and milk production were determined. Both by providing more substrate for microbial growth and more volatile fatty
trials were analyzed as a randomized complete block using PROC acids for energy production.
MIXED. Orthogonal contrasts were used to compare W23 to sfe lines
combined and M04–21 only. The sfe silages had fewer ferulate cross Key Words: millet, brown midrib, in vitro gas production
links than W23 (0.96, 0.86, and 0.81% of NDF in W23, M04–4, and
M04–21, respectively), but the sfe mutants had higher NDF and ADL,
and lower starch concentrations than W23. The IVNDFD of MO4–21 454 Exogenous fibrolytic enzyme or anhydrous ammonia effects
silage after 24-, 48-, and 96-h was greater than W23, while M04–4 on digestion kinetics of steers fed bermudagrass harvested at two
IVNDFD was only greater after 24 h. Lamb ad lib silage intake was regrowth intervals. J. J. Romero*, A. T. Adesogan, M. A. Zarate, O.
greater (P < 0.05) for W23 than sfe lines combined, but M04–21 did C M. Queiroz, J. H. Han, J. H. Shin, C. R. Staples, and W. F. Brown,
not differ from W23. Digestibility of DM was greater (P < 0.05) for University of Florida, Gainesville.
W23 than sfe at ad lib but not restricted intake, whereas silages did not The objectives were to compare effects of fibrolytic enzyme (ENZ,
differ for NDF or starch digestibility at either intake. Lambs were less Biocellulase A20) and anhydrous ammonia (AMN, 4% of DM) treat-
selective against NDF when fed sfe silages ad lib (P < 0.05) or restricted ment of 5 and 13-wk regrowths of bermudagrass hay on digestion kinet-
(P < 0.10). Intake (21.8, 23.4, and 23.3 kg/d for W23, M04–4, and ics in steers. Six individually housed, ruminally-cannulated Brangus
M04–21, respectively) and milk production (38.9, 39.3, and 41.6 kg/d steers (BW 216 ± 6 kg) were used in an experiment with a 6 × 6 Latin
for W23, M04–4, and M04–21, respectively) were greater (P < 0.01) for square design with a 3 (additives) x 2 (regrowth intervals, RI) factorial
cows fed the sfe containing diets. Diet refusals indicated cows selected arrangement. Steers were fed hay in ad libitum amounts supplemented
less against NDF in the sfe diets than for W23 diets. The data suggest with 2 kg of sugar cane molasses and 0.8 kg of distillers grains daily.
reduced ferulate cross linking in corn silage had a small positive impact In each period, after 14 d of adaptation, ruminal liquid volume, dilu-
on ruminant performance. tion rate, VFA, NH3-N, and pH were quantified and in situ ruminal DM
Key Words: ferulate, corn silage, NDF degradation was measured in triplicate in steers fed the incubated hay.
The 5-wk hay had a longer (P < 0.001) in situ lag time (2.8 vs. 1.5 h)
and contained less (P < 0.05) soluble (12.7 vs. 13.6%) and indigestible
453 Impact of brown midrib trait and seeding rate on chemical (40.9 vs. 43.5%) fractions and more (P < 0.001) potentially digestible
composition and in vitro gas production of pearl millet silage. F. fraction (46.4 vs. 42.9%) than the 13-wk hay. Proportion (mol / 100 mol)
Hassanat*1, A. Mustafa2, P. Seguin3, and R. Berthiaume1, 1Agriculture of ruminal acetate was greater (P = 0.002; 58.3 vs. 56.5) and butyrate
and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 2Department of was lower (P = 0.001; 16.1 vs. 17.8) for steers fed the 5-wk vs. 13-wk
Animal Science, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Depart- hay. Ammoniation increased (P < 0.05) concentrations of total VFA
ment of Plant Science, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada. (155 vs. 144 mM) and ruminal NH3-N (15.1 vs. 11.4 mg/dl) and the
potentially digestible fraction (50.3 vs. 42.7%) and decreased (P < 0.05)
The impact of brown midrib trait and seeding rate on chemical com- the molar proportion of propionate (17.9 vs. 19.1 mol / 100mol) and
position, and in vitro gas production of millet (Pennisetum glaucum) the indigestible fraction (34.6 vs. 45.3%). Ammoniation also increased
silage was investigated in a 2 × 3 completely randomized factorial the degradation rate of the 13 wk hay (7.4 vs. 5.6% / h; AMN × RI
block design. Regular (RM, variety CFPM101) and brown midrib (BM, interaction, P = 0.04). Enzyme treatment did not affect any of these
variety CFPBMR) millet were seeded at rates of 5, 10, and 15 kg ha−1. measurements. Ruminal fluid volume, dilution rate and turnover time
Forages were harvested at vegetative stage (pre boot, 2m average height, were unaffected by additives or RI. Ammoniation improved the diges-
8 fully developed leaves) and ensiled in mini-silos for 28 d. Chemical tion kinetics of the hays but enzyme application did not.
composition of silages was determined as well as in vitro gas production
profiles using 24 h incubation in AnkomRF gas production monitoring Key Words: forage, enzyme, ammonia
system. Michaelis-Menten model was used to estimate gas production
parameters. Chemical composition of solid and liquid incubation resi-
dues was used for degradability calculations. Results showed that both 455 Effect of chopping or cubing on apparent digestibility of hay
millet cultivars produced well preserved silage with an average pH of when fed to steers. R. Willcutt*1, B. J. Rude1, and J. Davis2, 1Animal
4.2 and 120 g kg−1 lactic acid. Brown midrib millet silage contained & Dairy Sciences, Mississippi State University, Starkville, 2Agricultural
& Biological Engineering, Mississippi State University, Starkville.
476 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Resurged interest in pelleting (cubes) grass has been a result of the push = 0.51). Nevertheless, DMI was 57, 60 and 51% higher (P ≤ 0.007) for
to decrease reliance upon fossil fuels, thereby the cubes can be co-fired PM over AM-cut hay after 2, 4 and 8 h. DMI after 24h was not affected
in coal furnaces to generate energy production. As such, these cubes by cutting time. In both trials, there was no effect of maceration and no
may have a dual function that will allow grass producers to determine interaction between cutting time and maceration. Maceration had no
optimum marketing of cubes based upon economic incentive for either effect on the preference of cattle for trefoil–grass hay whether it was
energy production or animal feed. The objective of this study was to cut in the PM or AM.
evaluate the apparent digestibility of chopped or chopped and cubed
Key Words: feeding preferences, dry matter intake, conditioning
hay and its value as a feedstuff for ruminants. Angus (n = 6), Hereford
(n = 3), and Charolais (n = 3; total n = 12; 226 ± 19.3 kg) steers were
stratified by breed and then randomly assigned into 3 treatment groups: 457 Acceptability of teff hay by horses. S. McCown*, M. Brum-
1) long stem hay; 2) chopped (approx. Fifteen cm) hay; and 3) chopped mer, J. Earing, S. Hayes, and L. Lawrence, University of Kentucky,
and then cubed hay. Steers were adapted to their respective diets for14 d, Lexington.
after which they were placed in metabolism crates for 10 d and allowed
ad-libitum access to diets and water. The first 3 of the 10 d were used Teff hay (Eragrostis tef) is a summer annual forage that has recently
for adaptation to the crates followed by 7 d of data collection. All data been introduced to the equine industry in the United States. Teff hay has
was analyzed using the GLM procedures in SAS. There was no dif- been fed to horses in parts of the US; however, its relative acceptability
ference (P > 0.05) for DM intake of the steers consuming the 3 diets compared with other hays has not been reported. Therefore, a study was
(between 4.0 and 4.3 kg/d; 1.8 and 1.9%BW/d). Apparent digestibility conducted to evaluate the acceptability of 2 different teff hays when
of DM (between 61 and 71%, SEM = 3.3), organic matter (between compared with midmaturity alfalfa (A) or timothy (TIM) hay. Two teff
63 and 73%, SEM = 7.9), NDF (between 63 and 72%, SEM = 3.3), varieties were used: Horse Candi (HCT) and Tiffany (TT). The HCT
ADF (between 60 and 70%, SEM = 3.9), hemicellulose (between 66 was planted June 8, 2009, and harvested August 16, 2009, in the late
and 75%, SEM = 2.8), and energy (63 and 71%, SEM = 3.2) were not heading stage. The TT was planted June 2, 2008, and harvested on July
different (P > 0.05) among the 3 diets. However, steers consuming long 11, 2008, in the early heading stage. The acceptability of both types of
stem hay digested more (P = 0.0302) CP (65%, SEM = 5.6) than those teff was compared with A in experiment 1 (E1) and to TIM in experi-
consuming chopped hay (39%, SEM = 5.6) with those consuming cubed ment 2 (E2) using 2-choice preference tests. Each experiment used 4
hay had an intermediate value (51%, SEM = 5.6). Additionally, Steers mature mares that had been previously acclimated to individual 3 × 15 m
fed long stem and chopped hay (68 and 63%, respectively, SEM = 3.8) partially covered pens. Mares were offered a different combination of 2
digested more (P = 0.0071) fat than those fed cubed hay (47%, SEM hays each day, so each mare received all combinations in the experiment.
= 3.8). For hay producers that are interested in cubing hay for the fuel The 2 hays were offered in side-by-side hay nets in the pens for 2, 1 h
market, it appears that when prices for cubes used as fuel are reduced, periods on 3 consecutive days. In the first period, 4 kg of each hay was
selling cubed hay as a feed may be a viable alternative. offered to the mares. After an hour, the hay nets were taken away for 1
h. The mares were then offered new hay nets for 1 h with the same hay
Key Words: cubed hay, digestibility, beef cattle combination, but with the right-left positions reversed. Hay nets were
weighed to determine intake of each hay. In E1, mares consumed more
A than HCT (1.66 kg A vs 0.24 kg HCT; P < 0.05; SE = 0.25), more A
456 Effect of cutting time and conditioning method on cattle
than TT (1.74 kg A vs 0.16 kg TT; P < 0.05; SE = 0.25), and more TT
preference for trefoil–grass hay. R. Berthiaume*1, A. F. Brito2, and
than HCT (1.08 kg TT vs 0.24 kg HCT; P < 0.05; SE = 0.25). In E2,
C. Lafreniere1, 1Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, QC,
mares consumed more TIM than HCT (1.54 kg TIM vs 0.12 kg HCT;
Canada, 2University of New Hampshire, Durham.
P < 0.05; SE = 0.16), more TIM than TT (1.04 TIM vs 0.66 kg TT; P
Ruminants prefer forages cut in the afternoon. However, PM–cut could < 0.05; SE = 0.16), and more TT than HCT (0.65 kg of TT vs 0.33 kg
increase losses due to rainfall, prolonged wilting time, leaching and HCT; P < 0.05; SE = 0.16). When given a choice, mares chose A and
respiration. Maceration, an intensive mechanical conditioning applied TIM over either variety of teff. The mares did discriminate between the
to herbage, can enhance field drying, reduce wilting time and improve 2 teff hays. The reason for the difference in preference between TT and
animal performance. We hypothesized that maceration would have dif- HCT has yet to be determined.
ferent effects when applied to forages cut in PM vs. AM. A trefoil-grass
Key Words: preference, horse, hay
field was divided in 4. Half was cut at 18:00(PM) with a mower condi-
tioner. Fifty percent of the PM cut herbage was macerated after 12 h and
left to wilt. The other half of the field was cut at 06:00 (AM) the next 458 Nutritive value of North American grasses during establish-
morning with 50% of the AM cut herbage macerated after 4 h and left ment. A. E. Lee*1,4, J. P. Muir3, B. D. Lambert1,3, J. L. Reilley2, and
to wilt. The 4 hays were field dried, baled at the same time, and chopped T. R. Whitney4, 1Tarleton State Univ., Stephenville, TX, 2Kika de La
before their use. Two preference trials were conducted with the same 6 Garza PMC, Kingsville, TX, 3TX AgriLife Research, Stephenville, 4TX
growing steers. The first trial was conducted in October 2008 whereas AgriLife Research, San Angelo.
the second was conducted in February 2009. During adaptation, hays
were offered alone as meals. In the experimental phase, every possible Non-native grass species currently used by ranchers can become inva-
pair of hays (n = 6) was randomly presented for a meal to each of the sive. To promote the use of native warm-season grasses as forage, more
6 steers over 6 consecutive days. Dry matter intake was measured after nutritive information is needed. In the spring of 2007 (establishment
2, 4, 8, and 24 h. Data were analyzed by multidimensional scaling and year), seeds from 3 native grasses [plains bristlegrass (Setaria vulpiseta
by ANOVA with a model including hay and animal effects. During the Scribn. and Merr., PBG); multiflower false rhodesgrass (Chloris plu-
first trial steers showed a preference for PM over AM-cut hay at every riflora Fourn., MFR); and pink pappusgrass (Pappophorum bicolor
time points (P = 0.006). Steers ingested 222, 177, 133 and 38% more Fourn., PPG)] were collected in south Texas. Plants were then grown
DM (P ≤ 0.0001) from PM than AM-cut hay after 2, 4, 8 and 24 h. In in a greenhouse and transplanted into plots (n = 1 to 2/species) within
the second trial steers showed no preference for PM over AM-cut hay (P block (n = 4) located in Stephenville, TX, with either no fertilizer or
a single spring application of N (67 kg/ha) and P (127 kg/ha) fertil-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 477
izer. During July to November (2007) and April to November (2008), SK, Canada, 2Saskatoon Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food
monthly clippings were taken to evaluate effects of fertilization on forage Canada, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 3Lethbridge Research Centre, Agri-
N, NDF, and ADF and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) culture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada.
using fistulated steers and goats. During both years, a species × treat-
Transformed Lc-progeny were previously found to have a decrease
ment × month interaction (P < 0.10) was observed for N. During year
initial rate of N and DM degradation but did not survive winter condi-
1, N in PBG increased (P = 0.04) in September due to fertilization, but
tions in western Canada. Therefore, the objective of this study was to
average species N increased (P = 0.02) due to fertilization in July and
determine the effect of winter hardy Lc-progeny expressing different
September. During year 2, N in PBG increased in July, but unexpect-
phenotypes on in vitro fermentation characteristics. To develop winter
edly decreased in October (P < 0.04) due to fertilization. No species ×
hardy Lc-progeny, 3 non-winter hardy transgenic T0 Lc-alfalfa popula-
month interaction (P = 0.19) was observed for NDF during year 1, but
tions 88–19, 88–09 and 88–01 were crossed with 3 winter hardy alfalfa
was observed (P < 0.001) during year 2. A species × month interaction
varieties Rangelander, Rambler and Beaver, respectively and harvested
(P < 0.001) was observed for ADF during both years. An animal ×
at a vegetative pre-bud stage. The Lc-plants were subsequently pheno-
species x month interaction (P < 0.001) was observed for IVOMD for
typed into 3 groups per population in the field based on colors, green
both years. The IVOMD determined using rumen fluid from goats was
(Gr), light purple-green (LP) and purple-green(PG), Ground (1 mm)
greater (P < 0.02) for all species during July, October, and November of
freeze-dried samples were compared in quad duplicate for their ruminal
year 1 and greater (P < 0.05) for MFR and PPB during April and May
fermentation characteristics with their non-transgenic (NT) parents
of year 2. Differences in nutrient characteristics and digestibility need
using a in vitro gas production technique. The results were analyzed in
to be considered when utilizing these grass species.
a completely randomized design with repeated measurement in Proc
Key Words: fiber, native grasses, digestibility Mixed of SAS. Anthocyanidin concentration was 0, 103.9, 108.4 and
282.5 μg/g DM in NT, Lc-Gr, Lc-LP and Lc-PG alfalfa, respectively.
The NT-alfalfa had the highest (P < 0.05) and Lc-Gr alfalfa the lowest
459 Effects of different manure sources and urea on chemical (P < 0.05) cumulative gas production after 48 h. Average gas production
composition of three tropical pasture grasses. O. M. Arigbede*1,2, per h, fractional degradation rate (Kd) and half time to maximum gas
U. Y. Anele1,2, K.-H. Südekum2, J. A. Olanite1, A. O. Oni1, P. A. Dele1, production were all higher (P < 0.05) in NT-alfalfa compared with the 3
and J. O. Bolaji1, 1University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 2Uni- Lc-alfalfa phenotypes. At 48-h incubation, concentration of methane in
versity of Bonn, Bonn, Germany. total gas was lower (P < 0.05) and concentration of propionic acid was
A study was carried out to investigate the effects of different fertilizer higher (P < 0.05) in Lc-LP alfalfa compared with NT-alfalfa, whereas
types on chemical composition of 3 tropical grasses. The grasses were production of total volatile fatty acids (VFA) was similar between Lc-LP
established in the small ruminant paddocks on the teaching and research and NT-alfalfa. It was also observed that branch chain VFA concentra-
farm, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. The grasses were cut tion was higher (P < 0.05) and NH3 concentration lower (P < 0.05) for
at 10 cm above ground level and sampled 4 weeks before the commence- the 3 Lc-phenotypes compared with NT-alfalfa after 48-h incubation. In
ment of the trial and subsequently on monthly basis. A 4 × 3 factorial conclusion, all 3 Lc-alfalfa phenotypes accumulated anthocyanidin and
design was adopted with 4 treatments (control - no manure, urea - 150 fermentation profiles differed between the 3 phenotypes and between
kg/ha, caged layers droppings - 250 kg/ha, compost manure - 350 kg/ha) non-transgenic alfalfa and Lc-alfalfa.
and 3 grass species (Panicum maximum (local), P. maximum (Ntchisi), Key Words: anthocyanidin-accumulating alfalfa, in vitro ruminal
and Pennisetum purpureum) with 3 field replicates. About 1 kg of each fermentation, methane
grass species from every plot were cut at 10 cm above ground level,
weighed, and oven-dried at 65°C to a constant weight. The plots were
maintained weed-free through manual weeding. Manure application 461 Revisiting heat damaged-protein and ruminal degradation
generally improved (P < 0.05) the chemical composition of the grasses kinetics in heated hays. W. K. Coblentz*1, P. C. Hoffman2, and N.
when compared with the urea fertilized and unfertilized ones. Differ- P. Martin3, 1US Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI, 2Uni-
ences (P < 0.05) existed between the major nutrient contents with the versity of Wisconsin, Madison, 3US Dairy Forage Research Center,
grasses fertilised with caged layer droppings recording the highest Madison, WI.
CP concentration (161, 168, and 150 g/kg DM) and the lowest NDF
Previous studies utilizing conventional (45-kg) hay bales have shown
(ash-free) concentration (388, 363, and 448 g/kg DM) for P. maximum
that acid-detergent insoluble CP (ADICP), ruminal CP degradation
(local), P. maximum (Ntchisi), and P. purpureum, respectively. The
rate (Kd), and rumen degradable protein (RDP) are related to various
nutrient contents of the 3 grasses did not differ (P > 0.05) between
measures of spontaneous heating in simple linear relationships that
grasses fertilized with caged layer droppings or compost manure. There
frequently exhibit relatively high r2 statistics. However, large-round
was also no difference (P > 0.05) in the ash content of grasses from
bales often attain much greater maximum internal bale temperatures
the 4 treatments. The use of organic manure proved more effective in
(MAX) during storage than conventional 45-kg bales, and these greater
enhancing the chemical composition of tropical pasture grasses when
temperatures may persist for longer durations of time. Our objective was
compared with those under urea fertilization. Therefore, based on this
to use regression techniques to relate ADICP, Kd, and RDP to spontane-
study organic manure is recommended as a tool for organic ruminant
ous heating within large-round bales of mixed alfalfa-orchardgrass hay,
livestock production grazing systems.
and then to compare these responses to the simple linear relationships
Key Words: tropical grass, chemical composition, fertilizer observed commonly within conventional 45-kg bale packages. Changes
in concentrations of ADICP (poststorage – prestorage; ΔADICP) during
storage increased with heating degree days >30°C (HDD), and were best
460 In vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics of anthocyani- explained with a nonlinear model [Y = 14.9 – (15.7*(e-0.0000019*x*x)); R2 =
din accumulating Lc-alfalfa. A. Jonker*1,2, M. Gruber2, Y. Wang3, 0.934]. A similar quartic response (Y = −0.000053x4 + 0.012x3 – 1.00x2
and P. Yu1, 1Department of Animal and Poultry Science, College of +35.7x - 470.9; R2 = 0.975) was observed for the regression of ΔADICP
Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, on MAX. Changes in Kd during storage (ΔKd) were best explained with
478 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
cubic models for regressions on both HDD (R2 = 0.939) and MAX (R2 = ences that may result specifically from the 2 methods of estimating
0.876), and these changes represented an approximate 50% rate reduc- truly digestible fiber. During 2006 and 2007, mixed alfalfa (Medicago
tion in severely heated hays relative to prestorage controls. Within ranges sativa L.)-orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) hays were obtained from
of heating most commonly encountered under field conditions, changes 3 harvests at the same 8.2-ha research site. Following storage of the
in RDP during storage (ΔRDP) declined in mostly linear relationships hays, both options for estimating truly digestible fiber (LIG-METHOD
with HDD or MAX. However, when severely heated hays also were or NDFD-METHOD) were then used via the summative approach to
considered, the relationships became cubic (Y = −0.0000000079x3 + estimate the total concentrations of TDN (TDN-LIG or TDN-NDFD,
0.000028x2 – 0.027x +1.1; R2 = 0.802) for HDD and quadratic (Y = respectively). Estimates of both TDN-LIG and TDN-NDFD were related
0.025x2 – 3.04x + 86.5; R2 = 0.734) for MAX. Generally, responses to heating degree days >30°C accumulated during storage by various
for ADICP, Kd, and RDP in large-round bales were consistent with regression techniques. Changes (poststorage – prestorage) in TDN-LIG
the linear nature observed previously within conventional 45-kg bales that occurred during storage (ΔTDN-LIG) were best fitted with a non-
at low-to-modest increments of heating, but exhibited more complex linear decay model in which the independent variable was squared [Y =
relationships when heating became more extreme. (11.7 * e-0.0000033*x*x) – 11.6; R2 = 0.928]. For changes in TDN-NDFD
(ΔTDN-NDFD), a quadratic regression model provided the best fit (Y
Key Words: spontaneous heating, ADICP, ruminal kinetics
= 0.0000027x2 – 0.010x + 0.4; R2 = 0.861). Generally, ΔTDN-LIG was
2.0 to 4.0 percentage units lower (more negative) than ΔTDN-NDFD
462 Effects of spontaneous heating on estimates of energy from when heating degree days >30°C exceeded 500. For regressions on
alfalfa-orchardgrass hays stored in large-round bales. W. K. maximum internal bale temperature, both ΔTDN-LIG (Y = −0.38x +
Coblentz*1 and P. C. Hoffman2, 1US Dairy Forage Research Center, 16.3; r2 = 0.954) and ΔTDN-NDFD (Y = −0.25x + 10.2; r2 = 0.848) were
Marshfield, WI, 2University of Wisconsin, Madison. best fitted by linear models with heterogeneous (P < 0.001) slopes and
intercepts. In general, TDN-NDFD was greater in heated hays than TDN-
Using the summative approach to estimate total digestible nutrients LIG, largely because the relationship between NDFD and spontaneous
(TDN), truly digestible fiber can be estimated from inputs of: i) heating was poor. In contrast, TDN-LIG declined more rapidly with
protein-corrected NDF and acid-detergent lignin (LIG-METHOD); or spontaneous heating, largely because the LIG-METHOD for estimating
ii) protein-corrected NDF and 48-h neutral detergent fiber digestibility truly digestible fiber was sensitive to changes in concentrations of both
(NDFD-METHOD). Our objectives were to assess the relationship protein-corrected NDF and acid-detergent lignin.
between TDN and spontaneous heating, and to describe any differ-
Key Words: alfalfa hay, spontaneous heating, TDN
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 479
Immunology and Pathology Symposium: Immunity, Nutrition, Genomics,
and Gut Microbiota
463 Direct fed microbial supplementation alters hosts’ immune birds fed ionophores in grower feed had the most Clostridiaceae and
response and repartitions energy to the immune system. M. D. least Lactobacillaceae in their GITs while birds not fed ionophores had
Koci* and W. J. Croom, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. the least Clostridiaceae. T-RFLP results showed differences in bacterial
community profiles and individual T-RFLP peaks between treatment
Direct fed microbials (DFMs) are used in animals and humans as dietary
groups. These observed differences may be important to GD disease
supplements to improve health. In recent years, increased scrutiny by
development and clinical expression.
the Food and Drug Administration, regarding the use of subtherapeutic
levels of antibiotics in food animal production has stimulated new Key Words: gangrenous dermatitis, antibiotics, commercial broilers
interest in DFMs. Currently, our understanding of the mechanism(s) of
action of DFMS and the factors that influence their effects on health
and performance is limited. This is due to our incomplete understand- 465 Antibiotics disrupt the microbiota-host-pathogen interac-
ing of how the gut microflora and the hosts’ tissues communicate; the tion. B. Willing*, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
effects of DFMs on host animal metabolism; our limited understanding Canada.
of the dynamics regulating the microbial ecosystem in the gut, and our The mucosal immune system is essential for protecting the host from a
inability to culture and/or identify the majority of the organisms living steady barrage of bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens that it encoun-
in the host′s intestine. In spite of these challenges, contemporary studies, ters. However, proper functioning of the mucosal immune system
using different host species, demonstrate DFMs can, and do, augment requires continual stimulation by a resident gastrointestinal microbiota.
health. Although the extent of biological activity varies among differ- When a healthy microbiota is absent as a consequence of antibiotic
ent model consortia, there appear to be common mechanisms. These therapy or other disturbances, the mucosal immune system fails to
include the prevention of colonization of pathogenic and opportunistic control pathogens allowing the host to become sick. Each bacterium
organisms, enhancement of nutrient digestion and absorption, and affects the immune system in a different way, therefore the effects of
increased immune function. Research in our laboratory suggests DFMs an antibiotic regimen on the mucosal immune system are dependent
can mediate changes in host tissue energy partitioning which may help upon which bacteria the antibiotic targets. Understanding the changes
facilitate enhanced immune response. Collectively, published studies in mucosal immunity and how they relate to deviations in gut bacteria
underscore both the complexity of the DFM/host interaction, and the will be important in the development of strategies to bolster the mucosal
need for a greater understanding of how intestinal physiology and immune system and promote intestinal health.
immunity are interrelated.
Key Words: antibiotics, microbiota, host-pathogen
Key Words: direct fed microbials, immunity, animal health
Gangrenous dermatitis (GD) is a bacterial translocation disease of com- With anticipated human population growth to 9.5 billion in 2050 (2.5
mercial broilers and turkeys caused by Clostridium perfringens (CP) people every second), we need more efficient and safe animal production
and Clostridium septicum (CS). In affected birds, CP/CS that are part system to meet the demands for high-protein meat products. In 2006,
of the normal gut flora of poultry escape from the gut and invade target the European Union banned antibiotics growth promoters in animal feed
tissues of skin, liver and joints producing rapid toxicosis and death. due to increasing concerns with the drug uses and resistances for human
The incidence of GD in a 1.5M birds per week commercial broiler antibiotics. This new constraints for animal and pharmaceutical industry
complex was tracked for 5 years. Increased incidence of GD during the was the driving force for a new thrust in research to find alternative non-
study period was positively correlated to feeding programs containing drug dependant strategies for growth promoting and disease control for
ionophore coccidiostats (polyether antibiotics) included in grower feed farm animals. Recently, there has been increasing interest and research
diets fed to broilers from 19 to 28 d of age. A gastrointestinal (GIT) activities on the nutrition-based strategy to enhance host immunity,
microbiota field study was conducted on 6 GD endemic commercial especially using plant-derived products in clinical medicine. However,
broiler farms. Four farms were fed a diet including ionophore grower there is very limited information on the use of phytonutrients in veteri-
feed (correlated with high incidence of clinical GD) and 2 farms were nary medicine and knowledge on the nutrient-host gene interaction in
fed grower feed without ionophores that is not associated with clinical poultry is scarce. To best utilize the available information in nutrition,
expression of GD. GIT bacterial communities in birds on each farm were immunity and gut microbiota for developing alternative disease control
characterized using molecular techniques of 16S cloning/sequencing strategies against poultry diseases, we are applying new technology in
and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) from nutrigenomics to develop dietary immunomodulation strategy as an
pooled gut samples collected from 6 presumably healthy birds at 16, alternative to antibiotics in poultry disease control.
24, 25 and 41 d of age. Results of 16S cloning/sequencing revealed that
Key Words: nutrigenomics, host-pathogen, poultry
480 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Lactation Biology 1
467 The effect of milk accumulation on gene expression in bovine explain the responses of PERK and p58IPK. Preliminary results suggest
mammary gland. E. H. Wall*1, J. P. Bond2, and T. B. McFadden1, that the mammary gland experiences ER stress at different stages of the
1Department of Animal Science, University of Vermont, Burlington,
lactation cycle. Further studies could explain better the role of XBP1
2Vermont Genetics Network Bioinformatics Core, University of Vermont,
in regulation of the ER stress pathways through splicing mechanisms
Burlington. rather than mRNA expression.
We hypothesized that accumulation of milk would influence gene Key Words: ER stress, lactation cycle, bovine mammary tissue
expression in the mammary gland of lactating dairy cows. To test this
hypothesis, we enrolled 4 multiparous Holstein cows (150 ± 10 DIM)
in a half-udder milk stasis experiment. On d 1 of the experiment, 469 Effect of dexamethasone and age at induction on milk yields
right udder halves were milked at 0430 h and 1430 h. On d 2 of the of heifers induced into lactation. A. L. Magliaro-Macrina*1, A. C.
experiment, right udder halves were milked at 0430 h and mammary W. Kauf1, D. A. Pape-Zambito1, and R. S. Kensinger2, 1The Pennsyl-
biopsies were obtained from both udder halves immediately thereafter. vania State University, University Park, 2Oklahoma State University,
At the time of biopsy, it had been 24 h since left udder halves had last Stillwater.
been milked. Using Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome Arrays, we The objectives of the present study were to determine if age or dex-
identified 32 genes that were differentially expressed between left (full) amethasone administration on d 1 and 2 of milking would affect milk
and right (empty) udder halves (fold change >1.5; P < 0.05). Four of production in heifers induced into lactation using estradiol and proges-
the genes were downregulated in response to milk stasis, whereas 28 terone. Nonpregnant Holstein heifers at 14 (n = 20; 354 ± 38 kg BW)
were upregulated. Differentially expressed genes were associated with and 18 mo of age (n = 20; 456 ± 30 kg BW) were randomly assigned
extracellular matrix remodeling, tight junction formation, regulation of to dexamethasone (DEX) or control (CON) treatment groups in a 2 × 2
blood flow, and apoptosis. In addition, 4 of the differentially expressed factorial arrangement with age and DEX as the 2 factors. Heifers were
genes had been previously identified as candidates for local regulation induced into lactation with daily subcutaneous injections of estradiol–
of milk production in dairy cows. Expression of 2 of these candidates, 17B and progesterone (75 and 250 µg/kg BW/d, respectively) on treat-
early growth response-1 (EGR-1) and thrombospondin-1 (THBS-1), ment d 1 to 7. They also received bST every 14 d beginning on treatment
was validated using real-time quantitative RT-PCR. Consistent with d 1. Milking began on treatment d 18 (= d 1 of lactation). DEX (10 mg)
microarray results, both genes were upregulated in response to 24-h was administered on d 1 and 2 following the a.m. milking. CON heifers
of milk stasis (P < 0.03). Immunofluorescence was used to localize did not receive DEX. Milk yield from d 2 to 15 of lactation of heifers
expression of EGR-1 protein, which was restricted to epithelia and was receiving DEX (7.8 kg/d) was greater (P < 0.05), than that of CON
uniformly distributed. We conclude that accumulation of milk alters heifers (6.0 kg/d) but was similar thereafter until 200 DIM (17.9 kg/d).
gene expression in the bovine mammary gland. In particular, EGR-1 Milk production to d 11 was similar for 14 and 18 mo old heifers, but
and THBS-1 have emerged as strong candidates for local regulation of milk yield was greater for 18 (19.1 kg/d) than for 14 mo animals (16.7
milk production in dairy cows. kg/d) through 200 DIM (P < 0.01). Milk fat percent was greater over
Key Words: gene expression, mammary gland, milk stasis d 1 to 21 of lactation in DEX (4.48) vs. CON heifers (3.49, P < 0.01);
milk lactose percent was higher (P < 0.05) in DEX (4.40) than CON
(4.15) through d 21 of lactation. Day 1 to 7 mean IgG concentration
468 Expression of ER stress pathways genes in bovine mammary and mass were greater (P < 0.05) for 18 (48.1 mg/ml; 41.8 g mass) vs.
tissue during the lactation cycle. G. Invernizzi*1,2, M. Bionaz1, G. 14 mo (32.3 mg/ml; 30.0 g mass) old heifers. DEX treatment did not
Savoini2, and J. Loor1, 1University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, affect IgG content. There were no DEX × age interactions. Administra-
2University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
tion of DEX to heifers induced into lactation increased d 2 to 15 milk
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has a crucial role in cellular metabolism. production compared with heifers that did not receive DEX, but not after
Recent studies uncovered a tight relationship between ER stress path- 15 DIM. DEX appeared to stimulate mammary cell differentiation but
ways and lipogenic transcription factors. Mammary gland is subject to did not change the rate of decline of milk IgG concentrations. Higher
extreme metabolic loads at the onset of lactation. Recently, it was dis- milk yield and IgG content in 18-mo-old heifers might be due to greater
covered that X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1) and eukaryotic translation mammary epithelium and/or increased body mass.
initiation factor 2-α kinase 3 (PERK) play critical roles in regulating Key Words: induced lactation, dexamethasone, dairy heifers
the expression of lipogenic transcription factors such as PPARγ and
SREBF1. Furthermore, evidence from non-ruminant cell systems has
shown that p58IPK ((DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 3 470 Effect of intramammary infusions of fluoxetine (FLX) and
(DNAJC3)) interacts with PERK to inhibit its eIF2α kinase activity. 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) on milk secretion rate and compo-
The latter is induced during the unfolded protein response (UPR) by sition in lactating Holstein cows at dry-off. R. J. Collier*1,3, J.
an ER stress response element in its promoter region. Quantitative L. Collier1, L. L. Hernandez2, and N. D. Horseman2,3, 1University of
real-time RT-PCR of p58IPK, PERK and XBP1 in mammary biopsy Arizona, Tucson, 2University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 3Amelgo,
tissue (n = 5 at each time) was performed at −15, 1, 15, 60 and 240 d Covington, KY.
relative to parturition. Expression of p58IPK showed peaks (P < 0.05) at Serotonin (5-HT), produced in mammary epithelial cells negatively
d 15 and 240 after calving with the highest expression at d 240 (2-fold feeds back on milk secretion via 5-HT receptors in mammary tissue. We
vs. −15 d). Expression of PERK was similar to p58IPK at d 15 and was hypothesized that increasing 5-HT concentration in milk via inhibiting
significantly increased (1.5-fold) at d 240. A possible unfolded protein its reuptake, (FLX) or by increasing the precursor for 5-HT synthesis,
response accompanying the sharp increase in milk production after 5-HTP would accelerate milk yield at dry-off. Multiparous Holstein
calving (d 15) as well as apoptosis at late lactation (240 d) can partly cows (45) milked 3x daily and producing at least 20 kg/d were randomly
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 481
assigned to once a day milking and one of 3 intramammary treatments Project supported by NRI Grant #2007-35206-17898 from USDA-
(15 cows each) for 3 d. Each infusion was followed by prophylactic CSREES.
antibiotic (Today) on d1 and 2 and Quartermaster and Orbeseal on d 3.
Key Words: serotonin, lactation, fluoxetine
The control group (C) received the carrier (sterile H20 and oil at 9:1)
The FLX group received 5 mg of FLX and carrier. The 5-HTP group
received 5 mg of 5-HTP and carrier. Milk yield and composition samples 472 Effects of early ovariectomy on caprine mammary gland
were obtained daily. Blood samples were obtained by tail venipuncture parenchyma during prepuberty. L. Finot1,2, Y. Yart1,2, and F. Des-
on d 2 to 4. Rate of milk yield decline was greater for FLX and 5-HTP sauge*1,2, 1INRA UMR 1080 Dairy Production, 35590, Saint Gilles,
groups (9.5 and 10.0 kg) compared with C (7.5 kg) on d-1 following France, 2Agrocampus UMR 1080 Dairy Production, 35000, Rennes,
initiation of treatments (P < 0.01) and did not differ after. Milk lactose, France.
protein and fat % were unaffected by treatment but milk Na:K ratio
was increased to 2.8 in FLX treated animals d-2 post-infusion com- In ruminants, ovarian hormones (estradiol and progesterone) are
pared with 1.44 in C and 1.78 in 5-HTP treated animals (P < 0.01). absolutely essential for normal mammary development. From birth to
Plasma lactose was increased 2-fold in FLX treated animals on d-1 puberty, the mammary parenchyma undergoes rapid growth character-
post-infusion compared with C and 5-HTP animals (P < 0.001). Udder ized by cell proliferation and expansion of a ductal network into the
surface temperatures declined as milk yield declined in all animals (P < surrounding fat pad. The objectives of this study were to increase the
0.001) and was lower in FLX treated animals than C and 5-HTP treated understanding of biological mechanisms underlying mammary growth
animals (P < 0.003). Rectal temperatures were also reduced in FLX and to investigate the role of ovary secretions during early prepubertal
treated animals (P < 0.03). We conclude that decrease in milk secretion caprine mammogenesis. Alpine young goats were ovariectomized
during the first 24 h after reduction in milking rate from 3x to 1x was (OVX; n = 9) or sham operated (SHAM; n = 9) at 3 periods before
accelerated in FLX treated animals. Increase in the milk Na:K ratio and puberty (P1 = 1 mo, P2 = 2 mo and P3 = 3 mo after birth). Goats were
plasma lactose in the FLX groups suggest these treatments altered tight harvested at 9 mo of age to remove the mammary gland. Ovariectomy
junction function post-dryoff. did not influence mammary gland weight at any experimental period.
Histological observations revealed that adipose tissue was widely rep-
Key Words: serotonin, lactation inhibition, dry-off resented compared with secretory tissue (parenchyma) in OVX goats.
Morphological analysis of mammary tissues indicated that parenchy-
mal structures of OVX goats were negatively affected by ovariectomy
471 Acute fluoxetine administration accelerates mouse mammary
with limited lobules and undeveloped ducts. Ovariectomy at P1 and
gland involution. L. L. Hernandez*1, R. J. Collier2,3, and N. D.
P2 reduced estrogen receptor α at both the transcriptional (P1 = −85%
Horseman1,3, 1University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 2University of
and P2 = −90%) and translational (P1 = −65% and P2 = −70%) levels.
Arizona, Tucson, 3Amelgo, Covington, KY.
In P1 and P2 periods, ovariectomy strongly affected cell-cell adhesion
Serotonin (5-HT) acts via autocrine-paracrine mechanisms on mammary molecules and extracellular matrix protease activities. Lower expression
epithelial cells in a variety of species. In human and bovine mammary of E-Cadherin (P1 = −78%; P2 = −76%), Pan-Cadherin (P1 = −60%; P2
epithelial cells, inhibition of the 5-HT reuptake transporter (SERT) = −43%) and P-Cadherin (P1 = −86%; P2 = −75%) was accompanied
with selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) exhibit disruption of by a decrease of α and β catenins. In addition, the metalloproteinase
tight junctions and decreased milk protein mRNA expression. SSRIs MMP2 activity was significantly reduced in ovariectomized animals (P1
act to increase the cellular exposure to 5-HT by preventing reuptake of = −13% and P2 = −8%). No effects were observed with ovariectomy
5-HT by the cell and eventual degradation. This experiment set out to at 3 mo (P3). In conclusion, ovariectomy at 2 mo of age was the most
determine the in vivo effects of fluoxetine (FLX) treatment on lactation critical for parenchymal development. These findings suggest that ovary
in mice. We utilized 7 ICR mice, approximately at 8–10 d of lactation secretions are required to initiate mammary epithelial cell proliferation
and treated with either a single i.p. injection of sterile saline (CTRL; in prepubertal goats.
n = 3) or 40 mg/kg body weight FLX (n = 4). At the time of injection,
Key Words: caprine mammary gland, ovariectomy, estrogen
the number 1, 3, 5 and 7 glands were sealed and the number 2, 4, 6 and
8 glands were left open. Mothers were then returned to their pups for
24 h. After 24 h, lactating dams were sacrificed and the number 1–8 473 Role of miR–15a in the mammary gland and mammary
glands were collected from all mothers. Mammary glands were stored epithelial cells of dairy cows. H. M. Li, C. M. Wang, and Q. Z. Li*,
in 4% paraformaldehyde overnight, and paraffin embedded and pro- Key Laboratory of Dairy Science of Education Ministry, Northeast
cessed for hematoxylin and eosin staining at the Cincinnati Children’s Agricultural University, Harbin, China.
Hospital Pathology Research Core. Representative photographs were
taken of each gland from each animal and analyzed for alveolar area MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs consisting
and number of epithelial cells shed into the alveolar lumen using NIH of 18–25 nucleotides. They regulate the expression of target genes at
ImageJ software. The alveolar area and number of epithelial cells shed the post-transcriptional level by degradation or translational inhibition
of 6 alveoli per mammary gland were used for the analysis. Alveolar of the complementary mRNA target sequences. The role of miRNA in
area was increased in FLX sealed glands relative to CTRL sealed glands mammary gland development and lactation is relatively unknown. In
(P = 0.0028) and in FLX open glands relative to CTRL open glands (P this study, qRT-PCR was used to detect the expression of miR-15a and
= 0.04). The number of epithelial cells shed into the luminal space was its target gene growth hormone receptor (GHR) in virgin, pregnancy,
increased in FLX sealed glands compared with CTRL sealed glands lactation and involution physiological stages in the mammary gland of
(P = 0.0166) and FLX open glands compared with CTRL open glands Holstein dairy cows, and 3 cows were sampled at each physiological
(P = 0.0395). Results indicate that mammary gland involution was stage. The results revealed that miR-15a and GHR followed the same
accelerated by systemic FLX treatment in both open and sealed glands expression pattern across different physiological states. The expression
compared with CTRL injections. of miR-15a and GHR was only increased significantly in the sixth month
of pregnancy. In the other developmental periods, the expression of
miR-15a and GHR was low. To determine the relationship between miR–
482 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
15a and GHR, bovine miR-15a was transfected into bovine mammary However, cellular mechanisms involved in the mammary response are
epithelial cells (BMEC, a cell culture line established by our laboratory). unclear. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of heat stress during
Experiments were replicated 3 times. After miR-15a was overexpressed the dry period on mammary gland development of multiparous cows.
by transfection, the extent of the miR-15a were 8.4-fold relative to the Cows were dried off 46 d before expected calving and assigned to 2
endogenous miR-15a and the expression of GHR mRNA and protein treatments, heat stress (HT, n = 15) or cooling (CL, n = 14). Average
decreased (P < 0.01 and P > 0.05, respectively). Flow cytometry showed THI during treatment was 76.6 for all cows, but CL cows had sprinklers
that over-expression of miR-15a inhibited the proliferation of mammary and fans that came on when ambient temperatures reached 21.1 0C,
epithelial cells (P < 0.01). In conclusion, these results revealed that miR- whereas HT cows were in the same barn without fans or sprinklers.
15a inhibited the proliferation of mammary epithelial cells as well as the Rectal temperature (RT) was measured twice daily (0730 and 1430
expression of GHR mRNA and protein level. Therefore, this miRNA h) and respiration rates (RR) recorded at 1500 h on a Mon-Wed-Fri
may play an important role in mammary gland physiology. schedule from dry-off to calving. After parturition, all cows were housed
in a free-stall barn with sprinklers and fans. Milk yield was recorded
This work was supported by the National High Technology Research daily to 147 DIM. Mammary biopsies were taken at dry-off, −20, +2
and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA10Z1A4). and +20 d relative to calving from a subset of cows (HT, n = 7, CL, n
= 7) and infiltrated with paraffin. Numbers of Ki67 immunopositive
Key Words: miR-15a, GHR, mammary epithelial cell
epithelial and stromal cells were measured in 4-µm mammary tissue
sections from each animal. Total cell numbers were measured follow-
474 Expression of let–7g in development, lactation and involution ing hematoxylin histology and percent proliferation was calculated
of the murine mammary gland. Y. Li, L. Tian, C. M. Wang, and Q. Z. as Ki67+/ total × 100. Compared with HT cows, CL cows had lower
Li*, Key Laboratory of Dairy Science of Education Ministry, Northeast morning and afternoon RT (38.6 vs. 38.8 0C, 39.0 vs. 39.40C, P < 0.01,
Agricultural University, Harbin, China. respectively) and lower RR (46 vs. 78 breaths/min, P < 0.01). Relative to
HT cows, CL cows produced more milk (36.5 vs. 31.6 kg/d, P < 0.06).
Micro RNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in the development, lacta- Compared with HT, CL cows had a higher percentage of proliferative
tion and involution of the mammary gland. To identify key miRNAs epithelial cells at −20 d relative to calving (3.3 vs. 1.3%, P < 0.05), but
implicated in mammary gland physiology, healthy female kunming mice there was no difference in labeled stromal cells (P > 0.1). We conclude
in different mammary cycle stages were used (12 time points: virgin that heat stress abatement during dry period improves milk production
28d, virgin 35d, virgin 49d, pregnancy 2d, pregnancy 9d, pregnancy in the subsequent lactation possibly by increasing mammary epithelial
13d, lactation 2d, lactation 9d, lactation 13d, involution 2d, involution cell proliferation during the dry period.
5d, involution 10d;and 6 mice were used for each time point). The
fourth pairs of abdominal mammary gland tissues were prepared under Key Words: heat stress, mammary gland, epithelial cell
sterile condition and used for microarray (miRCURY LNA Arrays) and
qRT-PCR analysis. Total RNA isolated from mammary gland tissues
476 Characterization of bovine glucose transporter 1 kinetics and
collected across 12 time points was covalently labeled with Hy3, respec-
substrate specificities in Xenopus laevis oocytes. P. A. Bentley1, Y.
tively, and hybridized to the array. The microarray contained 4 replicate
Misra1, A. D. Morielli2, and F.-Q. Zhao*1, 1Lactation and Mammary
subarrays. The data analysis used Genepix Pro 6.0, and GeneSpring
Gland Biology Group, Department of Animal Science, University of
7.2 was used for further data analysis. qRT-PCR was used to confirm
Vermont, Burlington, 2Department of Pharmacology, College of Medi-
the microarray results. Finally, the data were analyzed with SPSS by
cine, University of Vermont, Burlington.
ANOVA. Expression levels of let-7g changed with the mammary cycle.
Microarray and qRT-PCR produced similar results for the expression of Glucose is essential for milk production as it serves as both a substrate
let-7g, which exhibited significant changes during the mammary cycle. for lactose synthesis and as an energy source. Glucose uptake in the
The microarray showed that let-7g was down-regulated in glands col- bovine mammary gland therefore plays a key role in milk synthesis.
lected during pregnancy compared with virgin and involuting glands Facilitative glucose transporters (GLUTs) mediate glucose uptake in the
(P < 0.05). qRT-PCR showed that the expression of let-7g was lower in mammary gland. GLUT1 is the major facilitative glucose transporter
pregnancy (P < 0.01), and was relatively higher in virgin, lactating and expressed in the bovine gland and has been shown to localize to the
involuting glands. To identify genomic targets of let-7g, an algorithm basolateral membrane of mammary epithelial cells. GLUT1 is therefore
named miRanda and Pic Tar was used. The results showed that let-7g thought to play an important role in glucose uptake during lactation. The
target genes were important transcription factors, such as Myc, Map3k1, objective of this study was to determine the kinetic properties of bovine
Map4k3, and Stat3, which play significant roles in the mammary gland. GLUT1 transport using the Xenopus oocyte model. Bovine GLUT1 was
In conclusion, let-7g was identified as a potential regulator of murine expressed in Xenopus oocytes by microinjection of in vitro transcribed
mammary gland development, lactation and involution. cRNA and was found to be localized to the plasma membrane, which
resulted in increased glucose uptake. This bGLUT1-mediated glucose
This work was supported by the National High Technology Research uptake was dramatically inhibited by specific facilitative glucose trans-
and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA10Z1A4). port inhibitors, cytochalasin B and phloretin. Kinetic analysis of bovine
GLUT1 was conducted under zero-trans conditions using radio-labeled
Key Words: mammary gland, miRNAs, let-7g
2-deoxy-D-glucose and the principles of Michaelis-Menten kinetics.
Bovine GLUT1 exhibited a Km of 7.69 ± 1.7 mM for 2-deoxy-D-
475 Effect of heat stress during the dry period on mammary glucose. Transport by bovine GLUT1 was inhibited by mannose and
gland development of dairy cattle. S. Tao*, J. W. Bubolz, B. C. galactose, but not fructose, indicating that bovine GLUT1 may also be
do Amaral, M. J. Hayen, S. E. Johnson, and G. E. Dahl, University of able to transport mannose and galactose. Our data provide insight into
Florida, Gainesville. potential functional properties of GLUT1 in transporting glucose across
mammary epithelial cells for milk synthesis.
Heat stress during the dry period affects immune status, alters hepatic
metabolism and decreases milk production in the subsequent lactation. Key Words: glucose uptake, milk synthesis, glucose transporter
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 483
Meat Science and Muscle Biology: How Does Pre- and Postnatal Muscle
Development Affect Meat Composition, Quality and Value?
477 Coordinating myogenesis and angiogenesis: a novel role for supply and demand. Moreover, the response to these cues is different
the satellite cell in skeletal muscle growth. R. P. Rhoads*, K. L. in various fiber types and during different phases of growth. AMP
Flann, and R. E. Allen, University of Arizona, Tucson. activated protein kinase (AMPK) may be key in integrating these cues;
it modulates multiple energy production and consumption pathways,
The cellular basis for postnatal muscle growth and hypertrophy has been
and regulates protein turnover. Understanding these mechanisms that
realized over the past several decades. Skeletal muscle is extremely
contribute to regulation of muscle hypertrophy and contractile and
responsive to environmental and physiological cues by modifying
metabolic phenotype are important for optimizing the quantity and
growth and functional characteristics in accordance with the demands
quality of meat.
placed on it. This ability extends to instances of injury or trauma,
where skeletal muscle exhibits the capacity to regenerate despite being Key Words: meat, muscle, energy
largely composed of post-mitotic, multi-nucleated fibers. The plasticity
of skeletal muscle results, in large part, from a population of resident
stem-like cells, often referred to as satellite cells. When needed, satellite 479 How growth and body composition can affect the quality of
cells proceed through a terminal differentiation program culminating in poultry meat? C. Berri*, E. Le Bihan-Duval, and M. J. Duclos, INRA,
fusion competency to participate in myogenic activities. The importance UR083 Recherches Avicoles, Nouzilly, France.
of satellite cell activity to skeletal muscle growth and hypertrophy is Although poultry products are diverse, the general trend is for portioned
underscored when events leading to disruptions in myonuclear accumu- and further processed products to increase their market share. In this
lation occur during critical growth or repair phases leading to muscle context, technological quality of poultry meat is an important aspect.
growth deficits that cannot be overcome. Although traditionally viewed In poultry, the processing ability of meat is highly related to the acidi-
exclusively in a myogenic role, new efforts have revealed novel roles, fication process occurring in muscle post-mortem. This later is mainly
based on spatial, temporal and functional characteristics, ascribed to the determined by the amount of resting glycogen in the muscle at death
satellite cell during muscle growth and repair. For example, the satellite and by the stress susceptibility of the bird before slaughter. Several
cell location within the skeletal muscle niche and ability to produce studies highlighted the great impact of growth rate and body composi-
numerous growth factors suggest communication between myogenic tion on these parameters in chicken. Indeed, selection for greater body
and angiogenic cell types exist. Recent experiments provide evidence weight or muscle development has induced histological and biochemi-
that activated satellite cells initiate a potent pro-angiogenic program that cal modifications of the muscle tissue. More precisely, in fast-growing
may participate in vascularization of skeletal muscle. Coordination of broiler lines, as fiber size increased muscle glycogen reserve at death
myogenesis and angiogenesis may therefore be accomplished through decreased and as a consequence breast meat exhibited higher ultimate
the secretion of soluble factors by activated satellite cells. pH, darker color and reduced drip loss. It has also been observed that
Key Words: skeletal muscle, satellite cell, angiogenesis lean chickens showed a comparatively lower level of glycogen stores
than fat chickens, with again positive consequences on ultimate pH,
color and water holding capacity of breast meat. Even though the genetic
478 The energy metabolism impacts that come along with muscle determinism of meat quality traits as well as the possibility to modulate
fiber type and its effect on postmortem metabolism. T. M. Scheffler, them by nutrition have been established, the molecular mechanisms
J. M. Scheffler, S. Park, A. L. Grant, and D. E. Gerrard*, Department of involved in chicken meat quality variations are still poorly described.
Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. Recently, several genomic programs allowed identifying QTL regions as
well as genes and molecular pathways controlling muscle post-mortem
The meat industry has reduced the variation in product quality through
metabolism and meat quality. These approaches constitute a promising
modifications in animal handling protocols and implemented procedures
way to better control and improve chicken breast meat properties. It
that mask some negative quality attributes. Even so, however, carcasses
would allow developing useful breeding tools, such as molecular mark-
with poor meat quality remain an inefficiency in the food production
ers, to select birds with expected meat properties, and help optimizing
chain. Understanding meat quality development, therefore, is of utmost
rearing practices, via the study of gene regulation.
concern to the animal industry. Meat quality development is largely
impacted by the rate and extent of postmortem metabolism. Recall Key Words: poultry meat, growth, genomics
muscle consists of a heterogeneous population of muscle cells, which
collectively dictate the overall biochemical and contractile nature of
muscle. The relationship between these interdependent muscle character- 480 ASAS Early Career Award Presentation: Prenatal muscle
istics is difficult to separate given their intimate function within muscle development affects beef composition and quality. M. Du*, Depart-
fibers. Yet, depending on the physiological status of the animal, muscle ment of Animal Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
has the ability to modify its functional characteristics to accommodate The quality of beef is determined by its marbling and tenderness.
a myriad of cues. We have studied this “plastic” nature of muscle to Marbling (intramuscular fat) is associated with the number and size
address how muscle fiber type-specific characteristics affect muscle of adipocytes. While the size of adipocytes can be increased during
growth and meat quality development. We have utilized repartitioning the fattening stage, the number of intramuscular adipocytes is largely
agents, transgenic mice, and natural mutations to manipulate muscle to determined during the late fetal and early postnatal stages. Adipogen-
better understand underlying mechanisms controlling growth, adapta- esis inside skeletal muscle which forms intramuscular adipocytes are
tion, and metabolism. The capacity for lean growth may be determined the sites for marbling fat accumulation. On the other hand, connective
by muscle fiber type composition, yet various pathways are responsible tissue which is synthesized by fibroblasts contributes to the background
for this response. Indeed, integration of various signals, such as nutrient toughness of beef. Pre-natal skeletal muscle development involves myo-
availability, energy status, hormones, is necessary to match precisely genesis, adipogenesis and fibrogenesis, all of which are mainly derived
484 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Switching the commitment of of intramuscular fat and connective tissue in offspring skeletal muscle
MSC from myogenesis to adipogenesis will increase intramuscular and thus the quality of beef
adipocytes, but to fibrogenesis will promote intramuscular collagen
accumulation. Maternal nutrition and physiological status such as Supported by USDA-NRI and NIH Wyoming INBRE.
inflammation affects the differentiation of MSC to myogenesis, adi-
Key Words: prenatal, meat, quality
pogenesis and fibrogenesis, which could permanently alter the amount
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 485
Graduate Student Paper Competition: National ADSA Production MS Oral
481 Effect of Origanium vulgare on ruminal fermentation, nutrient reached OD values of 15.6, 8.1, 5.47, and 1.1 ± 0.27, respectively at 24 h
utilization, and production in dairy cows. J. A. Tekippe*1, A. N. post-treatment. All PGF2α treatments also differed (P < 0.05) in mean log
Hristov1, K. S. Heyler1, T. W. Cassidy1, V. D. Zheljazkov2, and G. A. CFU compared with control. Initial log CFU for treatments and control
Varga1, 1Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 2Mississippi averaged 8.12 ± 0.02 at 0 h, and the control reached 10.5 ± 0.04 at 24
State University, NMREC, Verona. h. The 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 and 2.4 mg/mL treatments reached 9.4, 9.0, 8.1, and
1.8 ± 0.04 log CFU, respectively at 24 h post-treatment. The mean log
A lactating cow trial was conducted to study the effects of dietary
CFU, over a 24 h period of time, for 0.3mg/mL and 0.6mg/mL were not
addition of oregano (Origanium vulgare L.; 0, control vs. 500 g/d, OV)
different from each other. However, mean log CFU for 1.2mg/mL and
on ruminal fermentation, total tract digestibility, manure emissions,
2.4mg/mL were different (P < 0.05) when compared with each other and
N losses, milk taste, and dairy cow performance. Eight primiparious
also compared with 0.3mg/mL and 0.6mg/mL treatments. These results
and multiparious Holstein cows (80 ± 30 DIM; 6 of the cows were
provide evidence for the first time, that PGF2α has both bacteriostatic
ruminally cannulated) were used in a switch over design with 2, 21-d
and bactericidal effects on the growth of in vitro.
periods. Cows were fed once daily. The OV material was top-dressed
to the TMR. Intake of DM averaged 26 ± 0.83 kg/d and did not differ Key Words: S. aureus, prostaglandinF2α, mastitis
between treatments. Apparent total tract digestibly of DM, OM, NDF,
ADF, crude protein, and total nonstructural carbohydrates did not
differ between treatments. Rumen pH and concentration of total and 483 Effects of partial replacement of corn grain with high fiber
individual VFA, acetate:propionate ratio, and total free amino acids byproducts in calf starter on growth and ruminal pH in dairy calves
concentration were also not affected by treatment. Ruminal ammonia during weaning transition. A. H. Laarman* and M. Oba, University
concentration was increased by OV compared with the control (5.3 vs. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
4.3 mmol/L; P < 0.001). Blood urea N and glucose concentrations were This study evaluated the effects of partially replacing corn grain with
not affected by treatment. Average milk yield, milk fat, protein, and high fiber byproducts in calf starter on growth and rumen pH in dairy
lactose concentrations, MUN, and SCC were unaffected by diet. Milk calves during the weaning transition. Forty-two 2 wk old Holstein bull
sensory parameters were also not affected by treatment. Fat-corrected calves were blocked by BW and experiment start date, and offered
(3.5%) milk yield and 3.5% FCM feed efficiency were increased (P one of 3 texturized calf starters. Control starter (CON) contained dry
= 0.03 and <0.001) for OV compared with the control (42.2 vs. 40.7 ground corn at 19% of dietary dry matter (DM) in the pellet. For a beet
kg/d and 1.63 vs. 1.53 kg/kg, respectively). Ruminal microbial N flow, pulp starter (BP) and a triticale dried distillers’ grains with solubles
urinary and fecal N losses, and manure ammonia, methane, and carbon (DDGS) starter (DG), dry ground corn was replaced by beet pulp and
dioxide emissions were similar between treatments. Under the current triticale DDGS at 10% dietary DM. All calf starters contained steam
experimental conditions, supplementation of dairy cow diet with 500 flaked corn and steam rolled barley grain at 19 and 10% of dietary DM,
g/d of Origanium vulgare did not affect ruminal fermentation, nutrient and were formulated to contain 21.5% CP. Calf starter was provided
digestibility, and manure gas emissions. However, there is a potential ad libitum up to 2500 g/d. Calves were fed milk replacer (26% CP,
for increased FCM and feed efficiency of FCM. 18% fat) at 1200 g/d until wk 5, and 900 g/d and 600 g/d for wk 6 and
Key Words: Origanium vulgare, rumen fermentation, milk produc- 7, respectively. Starting wk 8, when calves were completely weaned,
tion hay was provided ad libitum. When a calf consumed at least 2450 g
for 3 consecutive days, a small ruminant rumen pH-measuring device
(20.6 mm diameter, 138 mm length, 245 g mass) was inserted orally
482 Effect of prostaglandin F2α on growth of Staphylococcus aureus to measure rumen pH continuously for 4 d. Statistical analysis was
associated with bovine mastitis. C. A. Autran*1, A. Ahmadzadeh1, conducted using mixed procedure of SAS with fixed effects of block
B. Shafii1, M. A. McGuire1, and J. C. Dalton2, 1University of Idaho, and treatment. Average daily gain (1.01 ± 0.02 kg/d) was unaffected by
Moscow,2University of Idaho, Caldwell R & E, ID. treatment. While mean rumen pH (5.78 ± 0.07) and acidosis duration
(857.7 ± 38.7 min/d), time rumen pH was less than 5.8, were not affected
Some fatty acids inhibit the growth of mastitis-causing Staphylococcus
by treatment, calves fed DG had more severe acidosis, indicated by a
aureus. The objective of this study was to determine the bacteriostatic
greater area under pH 5.8, than calves fed CON or BP (487.8 ± 57.8
and bactericidal effects of prostaglandinF2α (PGF2α) on S. aureus. Tryptic
vs 366.4 ± 57.8 and 325.1 ± 52.5 min × pH/d, respectively; P < 0.05).
soy broths were inoculated (1:100) with an S. aureus (Novel) overnight
Mean rumen pH was positively correlated to hay intake (r = 0.416; P
culture and subsequently treated with 0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 and 2.4 mg/mL
< 0.05) but not water intake, indicating that hay intake may play an
of PGF2α (dinoprost tromethamine). Cultures were incubated for 24 h
important role in rumen pH regulation during the weaning transition in
at 37°C (with shaking at 250 rpm), and sampled at 0 h and every 3 h
dairy calves. In conclusion, partially replacing corn grain with high fiber
thereafter to determine growth, as measured by optical density at 600
byproducts does not ameliorate, but may exacerbate, rumen acidosis
nm (OD) and colony forming units (log CFU). Data were analyzed by
during the weaning transition.
ANOVA repeated measures using mixed procedures. Mean OD and log
CFU values were not different between treatments at 0 h. There was an Key Words: rumen pH, calf starter, weaning transition
effect (P < 0.05) of treatment and treatment by time interaction on mean
OD and log CFU. Overall mean OD values for PGF2α treatments were
different (P < 0.05) from control and decreased with increasing concen- 484 Effect of a pre-synchronization injection of prostaglandin
trations of PGF2α in a dose dependent manner. Initial OD for treatments F2α during the voluntary waiting period on dairy cattle. K. D.
and control averaged 0.15 ± 0.11 at 0h, and the control reached 22.6 Baldock*1, M. E. Wilson2, and D. L. Smith1, 1Eastern New Mexico
± 0.27 at 24 h. In contrast, the 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 and 2.4 mg/mL treatments University, Portales, 2West Virginia University, Morgantown.
486 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
It is a common practice on United States dairies to use a prostaglandin increase DMI, NDFD and MPY; however high inclusion of corn silage
F2α (PGF2α) injection, during the voluntary waiting period to improve with 30% DDGS reduces FCM.
reproductive management. It has been hypothesized that PGF2α will
Key Words: corn silage, DDGS, nutrient digestibility
accelerate uterine involution which may decrease the number of days
open, while improving first service conception rates. Our hypothesis
is that PGF2α given during the voluntary waiting period will improve 486 Effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin administration
the reproductive performance of the lactating dairy cow. The objective during the synchronization protocol on luteal volume, progesterone
of this experiment was to administer PGF2α to lactating Holstein dairy concentration and embryo survival in embryo recipient lactating
cattle during the voluntary waiting period and analyze the effects on Holstein cows. A. G. Kenyon*1, G. Lopes Jr.1, L. G. D. Mendonca2,
first service conception rates, number of days open, services per con- J. R. Lima1, R. G. S. Bruno1, and R. C. Chebel1,2, 1Veterinary Medicine
ception, and days to first service. Lactating, Holstein dairy cows (n = Teaching and Research Center, University of California Davis, Tulare,
753) milked 3x per day, were randomly assigned either to the control 2Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, University of Min-
group (n = 374; no injection of PGF2α between d 30 and 36 postpartum) nesota, Saint Paul.
or treatment group (n = 379; injection of PGF2α between d 30 and 36
postpartum). There were no significant differences (P > 0.28) between Objectives were to determine the effects of treating embryo recipient
the treatment and control groups in first service conception rates, number lactating dairy cows with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) during
of days open, services per conception and days to first service. Some the synchronization protocol on luteal volume, progesterone concen-
earlier research suggested a benefit to a pre-synchronization injection of tration (P4) and pregnancy per embryo (P/ET). Cows not inseminated
PGF2α. However, other researchers reported no benefit. In all cases, low received the Presynch-Ovsynch (d −35 PGF, d −28 CIDR, d −21 PGF
animal numbers may have contributed to inconclusive results. Based on and CIDR removal, d −9 GnRH, d −2 PGF, d 0 GnRH) and cows
these findings in a large sample group, the common practice of PGF2α inseminated started the resynchronization protocol (d −16 GnRH, d
administered during the voluntary waiting period of dairy cattle is not −9 GnRH, d −2 PGF, d 0 GnRH) 24 d after AI. Cows were randomly
a beneficial reproductive management tool. assigned to receive (eCG, n = 139) or not receive (control, n = 152)
800 IU of eCG on d −7. Blood was sampled on d −9, −2, 0, 7, and 14
Key Words: dairy cow, prostaglandin F2α, volunteer waiting period and ovaries were examined by ultrasound on d −9, −2, and 7. Cows
bearing a corpus luteum (CL) on d 7 received embryo transfer (ET).
Pregnancy was diagnosed at 23 and 60 d after ET. Cows treated with
485 Effects of feeding brown midrib corn silage and dried distillers
eCG had more (P = 0.03) follicles >10 mm on d −2 than control cows
grains with solubles on performance of lactating dairy cows. H.
(2.3 ± 0.1 vs. 1.9 ± 0.1) and there was (P = 0.04) an interaction between
A. Ramirez Ramirez*1, P. J. Kononoff1, and K. Nestor2, 1University of
treatment and parity because eCG primiparous cows had more follicles
Nebraska-Lincoln, 2Dow AgroSciences LLC, Wooster, OH.
>10 mm in diameter on d −2 than control primiparous cows (2.5 ± 0.1
Thirty-six Holstein cows (4 fitted with a rumen cannula), averaging 111 vs. 1.7 ± 0.1), but there was no difference between multiparous cows
± 35 DIM and 664 ± 76.5 kg BW were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin (2.1 ± 0.1). Proportion of cows with estrous cycle synchronized from
square. The objective was to investigate the effects of 2 corn hybrids, d −9 to d 0 was smaller (P = 0.05) for eCG treatment (61.0 vs. 71.7%)
brown midrib (bm3) and conventional (DP) corn silages, and the inclu- and fewer (P = 0.03) eCG cows received ET (79.1 vs. 87.5%). Among
sion of dried distillers grains and solubles (DDGS) on milk production cows receiving ET, proportion with multiple CL on d 7 was not (P =
and digestibility. In each 28 d period cows were assigned to one of 0.35) affected by treatment. Among cows receiving ET, eCG treatment
4 treatments that differed by corn silage hybrid and inclusion rate of increased (P < 0.01) total CL volume on d 7 (8.4 ± 0.4 vs. 6.6 ± 0.4 cm3)
DDGS; DP corn silage plus 0% DDGS (CON); bm3 corn silage plus 0% and tended (P = 0.12) to increase P4 between d 7 and 14 (4.1 ± 0.2 vs.
DDGS (BMR); DP corn silage plus 30% DDGS (CONDG); and bm3 3.7 ± 0.2 ng/mL). Interaction between treatment and parity tended (P =
corn silage plus 30% DDGS (BMRDG). Dry matter intake was affected 0.07) to affect P/ET at 60 d because eCG increased P/ET in multiparous
by hybrid and DDGS (P < 0.01); and it was higher for cows consuming cows (30.3 vs. 21.3%) and reduced P/ET in eCG primiparous (16.3 vs.
diets with bm3 (25.8 and 24.4 ± 0.47 kg for bm3 and DP), likewise for 27.5%). Treatment with eCG reduced proportion of cows eligible to
cows consuming DDGS (24.3 and 25.9 ± 0.47 kg/d for 0 and 30%). receive ET and only increased P/ET of multiparous cows.
Hybrid and DDGS had an effect (P < 0.01) on total tract digestibility of
Key Words: embryo transfer, equine chorionic gonadotropin, lactating
NDF (NDFD). Compared with DP hybrid, NDFD was higher for bm3
Holstein cow
(32.5 vs. 38.1 ± 1.79%). In diets containing DDGS, NDFD was 37.8 and
42.2 ± 1.79% for CONDG and BMRDG. There was an interaction (P
< 0.01) for total concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and rumen 487 Adjusting milk replacer intake during heat stress and non-
pH as the highly digestible treatment BMRDG resulted in the highest heat stress as a means of improving dairy calf performance. T. M.
concentration of VFA and the lowest pH. Milk yield was not affected by Chavez*, T. A. Wickersham, and G. A. Holub, Texas A&M University,
hybrid nor DDGS (P > 0.05) and averaged 30.6 ± 1.09 kg/d. Compared College Station.
with DP, milk protein yield (MPY) was greater (P < 0.01) for bm3 (0.97
vs. 0.93 ± 0.029 kg/d), similarly MPY was greater (P < 0.01) for diets We evaluated the effects of varying planes of nutrition and heat stress
containing DDGS (0.98 vs. 0.92 ± 0.029 kg/d). There was a hybrid on dairy calf performance. Holstein bull calves < 4 d of age were ran-
by DDGS interaction (P = 0.02) for milk fat yield (MFY) resulting in domly assigned to 1 of 6 treatments arranged as a 2 × 3 factorial. The
1.03, 1.08, 0.84 and 0.78 ± 0.045 kg/d for CON, BMR, CONDG and factorial consisted of 2 locations: inside (INS) or outside (OUT) and 3
BMRDG. Fat corrected milk (FCM) was only affected by DDGS (P < feeding strategies: increasing amounts of milk replacer from 1.1% BW
0.01) and averaged 30.0 and 26.4 ± 1.0kg/d for 0% and 30% inclusions; to 1.5% BW (INC), constant at 1.1% BW (CON), or decreasing from
there was a trend (P = 0.13) to increase FCM when cows were fed bm3 1.6% BW to 1.2% BW (DEC). Provision of milk replacer was increased
without DDGS. These results indicate that bm3 corn silage and DDGS by 0.1% of BW weekly for INC and decreased by 0.1% of BW for DEC.
Prior to initiating milk replacer treatments on d 9 all calves received
1.1% milk replacer per day. The BW used to determine the amount of
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 487
milk replacer fed was determined twice weekly. Calves had ad libitum uterine involution, and resumption of ovarian cycles. Cows (HO = 46
access to commercial starter feed and water. Starter intake, water and MS = 43) were enrolled in the study 45 d before expected calving
intake, and fecal score (1 to 4) were recorded daily. Respiration rates date. Cows were examined daily from 0 to 14 DIM for diagnosis of
and rectal temperatures were collected twice daily at 0600h and 1800h. pyrexia (>39.5°C), retained fetal membranes (RFM), puerperal metritis,
Temperatures averaged 23.0 ± 4.6 and 30.8 ± 8.5°C for INS and OUT, ketosis, and displacement of the abomasum (DA). At 24 DIM cows were
respectively; correspondingly, THI averaged 66.3 and 79.7 for INS and examined by vaginoscopy for diagnosis of clinical endometritis. Starting
OUT, respectively. Over the 42 d study ADG was higher (P < 0.01) for at 14 DIM cows were examined by ultrasound every third day until 42
INS calves compared with OUT (0.77 vs. 0.62 kg/d); however, no sig- DIM and volume of the previous gravid and non-gravid uterine horns
nificant differences among feeding strategies were observed. Calves INS were recorded as well as number and size of corpora lutea (CL) and
consumed more starter than those OUT (1.71 vs. 1.31 kg/d; P < 0.01). follicles class II (5-9 mm) and class III (>9 mm). At 42 DIM cytology
OUT calves had greater water intake than INS (3983 vs. 2228mL/d; P of the uterus was performed for diagnosis of sub-clinical endometritis.
< 0.01). INS had greater AM rectal temperatures (101.74 vs. 101.52; P Incidences of RFM (HO = 6.5, MS = 7.0%; P = 0.89), metritis (HO =
< 0.01) while OUT exhibited greater PM rectal temperatures (102.10 13, MS = 4.7%; P = 0.12), DA (HO = 2.2, MS = 0%; P = 0.95) were
vs. 101.86; P < 0.01). Respiration rates for OUT were greater (P < 0.01) not different between by breed, but HO cows tended (P = 0.07) to be
in the AM and PM than INS (35.78 vs. 33.27 and 46.82 vs. 34.65, AM more likely to have pyrexia (HO = 54.4, MS = 34.9%) and were (P =
and PM, respectively). Alternate milk replacer feeding strategies were 0.03) more likely to have at least one of the diseases described above
not effective in ameliorating the negative effects of heat stress nor did (HO = 56.5, MS = 34.9%). MS cows were (P = 0.01) less likely to have
feeding strategy impact calf performance in animals subject to a more endometritis (HO = 47.8, MS = 22%), consequently MS cows tended (P
favorable environment. = 0.07) to have smaller uterine discharge score (HO = 1.7±0.2, MS = 1.1
± 0.3). There were no (P = 0.97) differences in incidence of sub-clinical
Key Words: heat stress, dairy calves, milk replacer
endometritis (HO = 14.3, MS = 10%). Breed was not associated with
volume of gravid (P = 0.70) and non-gravid (P = 0.27) uterine horns
488 Comparison of postpartum health, uterine involution, and from 14 to 42 DIM. Although HO cows had (P = 0.01) more follicles
resumption of ovarian cycles of Holstein and crossbred dairy class III from 14 to 42 DIM (1.6 ± 0.1 vs. 1.2 ± 0.1), MS cows tended
cows. L. G. D. Mendonca*, C. C. Abade, E. M. da Silva, and R. C. (P = 0.07) to be more likely to ovulate by 42 DIM (75.6 vs. 90.2%).
Chebel, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, Saint Paul, Holstein cows were at higher risk for puerperal disorders and tended to
MN. be less likely to ovulate by 42 DIM.
Objectives were to evaluate whether Holstein (HO) and Montbeliarde Key Words: postpartum health, Holstein, crossbred
sired crossbred dairy cows (MS) differ in regards to postpartum health,
488 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: Amino Acids 2
489 Impact of sulfur amino acid intake and immune system 0.418, 0.448 Kg; +30, +20, +10, +IS respectively; P < 0.05) and PUN
stimulation on pathways of sulfur amino acid metabolism at tran- levels (13.23 vs. 8.55, 8.28, 7.741; IS, +20, +30, +10 respectively; P <
scriptional level in growing pigs. A. Rakhshandeh*1, A. Holliss2, N. 0.05). Also, PUN levels were affected by weight (10.83 vs. 8.07; Heavy
A. Karrow1, and C. F. M. de Lange1, 1University of Guelph, Department vs. Medium respectively; P < 0.05). In phase 3 there was no significant
of Animal and Poultry Science, 2University of Guelph, Advance Analysis effect of treatment on performance or PUN levels. Over the entire trial,
Centre, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. there was a significant effect of treatment on F:G (1.38 vs. 1.42, 1.43,
1.464; +10, +30, +20, IS; respectively; P < 0.05) and PUN was effected
Sulfur amino acid intake (SAA) and immune system stimulation (ISS) by weight (12.707 vs. 10.328; heavy vs. medium; P < 0.05). These results
alter post-translational metabolism of SAA. In this study we investi- indicate that there may be benefit to feeding higher levels of amino acids
gated the impact of SAA intake and ISS on expression of key regulatory to nursery pigs and that medium weight pigs may benefit from increased
genes that control the pathways of SAA metabolism in different tissues amino acid levels compared with heavy weight pigs.
of pigs. Restricted-fed barrows (BW 21.5 kg) were allotted to one of 2
levels of SAA intake (1.1 and 3.2, g/d) and injected with either saline Key Words: swine, nutrition, amino acids
(n = 8) or increasing amounts of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide
(n = 16) every 48 h for 7 d. Pigs were then killed for the collection of
liver, spleen and ileum tissues for total RNA extraction. Tissue and an 491 Amino acid digestibility in heated soybean meal fed to grow-
internal standard (KANr) RNA were then reverse transcribed. Expres- ing pigs. J. C. González*1,2, B. G. Kim2, A. Lemme3, and H. H.
sion was simultaneously determined by multiplex PCR amplification Stein2, 1National University of Colombia, Bogota, Condinamarca,
of cDNA from tissues, the housekeeping gene (β-2-microglobulin) Colombia, 2University of Illinois, Urbana, 3Evonik Degussa GmbH,
and the internal standard in the presence of their corresponding flo- Rodenbacher Chaussee, Hanau, Germany.
rescent labeled primers. The interactive effect (ISS × SAA) resulted Excessive heat treatment during processing may lead to destruction of
in upregulation of adenosylhomocysteinase (AHCY) at higher level AA and the formation of biologically unavailable AA-carbohydrate com-
of SAA intake in liver of ISS pigs (P < 0.01). No interactive effect on plexes (i.e., Maillard formation). The objective of the present experiment
other studied genes was observed. Increased SAA intake upregulated was to determine the effects of heat treatment of soybean meal (SBM)
cysteine dioxygenase (CDO1), 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase on standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of AA by growing pigs. Ten
(MST) and cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSAD) in liver (P < growing barrows (average initial BW: 25.3 ± 2.04 kg) were individually
0.05). Expression of CDO1, MST and cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) in fitted with a T-cannula in the distal ileum and used in the experiment.
liver was upregulated by ISS. However, ISS downregulated methionine Pigs were allotted to a replicated 5 × 5 balanced Latin square design
adenosyltransferase 2 (MAT2) in liver (P < 0.05). Expression of methi- with 5 diets and 5 periods. Four sources of SBM were prepared by 1)
onine synthase (MTR) and cystathionine γ-lyase (CTH) was not affected no heat treatment, 2) autoclaving at 125°C for 15 min, 3) autoclaving
by the treatments. Results of gene expression in spleen and ileum are at 125°C for 30 min, or 4) oven drying at 125°C for 30 min. Four diets
forthcoming. This study suggests that the SAA metabolism pathways contained each of the 4 SBM sources as the sole source of AA. A N-free
are changed at transcriptional level by ISS and SAA intake. diet was used to estimate basal endogenous losses of AA. The SID of
Key Words: sulfur amino acids, immune system stimulation, gene CP and all AA in SBM linearly decreased as the time of autoclaving
expression, multiplex PCR increased from 0 to 30 min (P < 0.01; Table 1). Oven drying at 125°C
for 30 min only tended to reduce the SID of CP and AA in this study.
It is concluded that heat treatment in the form of autoclaving at 125°C
490 The effect of feeding heavy and medium weight nursery pigs impairs the digestibility of AA in SBM.
increased levels of amino acids on pig performance. J. L. Pietig*
and C. E. Hostetler, South Dakota State University, Brookings
Table 1. Standardized ileal digestibility of CP and AA in soybean
A study was conducted to determine the effect of feeding increased levels meal that has either not been heated, autoclaved (AC) or oven-dried
of amino acids to nursery pigs, which were heavy and medium weight (OD)1
at weaning. A total of 144 (n = 144) crossbred, mixed sex pigs (21.7 Soybean meal
d of age) was used in the study. A 3 phase feeding program was used AC at AC at OD at
to mimic industry practice. Treatments consisted of nursery diets with Not 125°C 125°C 125°C
increased levels of lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan. The Item heated for 15 min for 30 min for 30 min SEM P-value
control diet was designed to meet industry standards (IS; n = 36). Dietary CP, % 93.1a 88.8a 84.0b 91.4a 1.48 < 0.01
concentrations of the aforementioned amino acids were increased above Lys, % 93.0a 89.3b 84.2c 91.3ab 1.21 < 0.01
the control diet by 10% (+10; n = 36), 20% (+20; n = 36), and 30% (+30;
Met, % 93.2a 91.1a 88.3b 92.4a 0.91 < 0.01
n = 36) using synthetic amino acids. Pigs were blocked by body weight
Thr, % 89.2a 87.1ab 83.5b 86.1ab 1.45 < 0.01
(Heavy; 7.87 kg BW and Medium; 5.88 kg BW) at weaning. Pigs were
weighed at trial initiation and at each diet change; average daily feed Trp, % 90.9a 88.0ab 83.8b 88.4a 1.37 < 0.01
disappearance (ADFD) was determined for each phase. All pigs were 1Each least squares means represents 10 observations.
bled on d 4, 11, and 28 after initiation of the trial for determination of
plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) levels. In phase 1 there was a significant Key Words: amino acid, digestibility, soybean meal
effect of treatment on ADG (0.177 vs. 0.156, 0.150, 0.144 Kg; +10 vs.
IS, +30, +20 respectively; P < 0.05) and feed to gain efficiency (F:G; 492 Effects of balanced protein level on growth performance and
1.31 vs. 1.19, 1.18, 1.11; +20, +30, IS, +10 respectively; P < 0.05). In carcass composition of growing-finishing pigs. N. W. Shelton1, R.
period 2 there was an effect of treatment on ADFD (0.367 vs. 0.412, D. Goodband1, M. D. Tokach1, S. S. Dritz1, J. L. Nelssen1, J. M. DeR-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 489
ouchey1, M. S. Redshaw2, and J. K. Htoo*2, 1Kansas State University, fact that dietary lysine content was not limiting for growth for this BW
Manhattan, 2Evonik Degussa GmbH, Hanau, Germany. range after 25 kg. For the whole experiment period, ADFI remained
unaffected by diet (P > 0.05) and ADG tended to be higher in pigs fed
A total of 1,003 barrows and gilts (PIC 337; initial BW of 51.5 kg)
high Trp diet (601 vs. 557 g/d; P = 0.06). These results suggested that a
were used in a 88-d study to determine the effects of varied levels of
SID Trp content higher than 0.19 g/100 g or 0.18 g/100 g SID lysine is
balanced protein (BP) on growth performance and carcass characteris-
necessary to maximize growth performance in pigs especially between
tics. Balanced protein refers to balancing dietary AA according to the
10 to 25 kg BW.
ideal protein ratio at least for the first 4 limiting AA. In a completely
randomized design, 3 corn and soybean meal-based experimental diets Key Words: pig, amino acids, tryptophan
were tested over 2 phases, including a growing phase (d 0–28; 51–79
kg BW) and a finishing phase (d 29–88; 79–130 kg BW) using 6 repli-
cate gilt and 7 replicate barrow pens per treatment. Dietary treatments 494 Estimation of optimum tryptophan to lysine ratio in wheat-
included a low BP diet which met the NRC (1998) requirements, a diet barley or corn-soybean meal based diets for 15- to 35-kg pigs. J.
which met Evonik Degussa (ED) recommendations, and a diet which K. Htoo*1, M. Naatjes2, K. H. Tölle3, and A. Susenbeth2, 1Evonik
was formulated to be 10% above the ED recommendations. Diets were Degussa GmbH, Hanau, Germany, 2Christian-Albrechts University,
formulated to contain identical net energy content. No gender × BP Kiel, Germany, 3Training and Research Center Futterkamp, Bleken-
interactions were observed (P > 0.30) for any of the growth performance dorf, Germany.
and carcass responses. During the growing phase, G:F improved (P = A 28-d dose-response assay was conducted with 880 mixed-sex pigs
0.001) and ADG tended to increase (P = 0.07) as the BP level increased (Pietrain × dbNaima; initial BW of 14.4 kg) with 5 pen replicates per
in the diet. The greatest improvements were achieved with the high- treatment to determine the optimum dietary standardized ileal digestible
est BP level containing 0.89% standardized ileal digestible Lys. Gilts (SID) Trp:Lys ratio for 15 to 35 kg pigs fed corn-soybean meal (SBM)
had improved (P < 0.001) G:F from d 0 to 28 compared with barrows. or wheat-barley based diets. Two Trp-deficient basal diets, based on
During the finishing phase, BP levels did not affect (P > 0.05) growth wheat-barley or corn-SBM, were formulated, using analyzed ingredient
performance which may have been confounded by a relatively long AA contents and published SID AA values to meet requirements of AA
duration (60 d) of the finishing phase. Over the entire 88-d period, ADG other than Trp and Lys. The Lys level (1.05% SID Lys) was marginally
and G:F improved (P < 0.02) as the dietary BP levels increased. Gilts limiting in all diets, which corresponds to 91% of requirement (1.15%
had lower ADFI and improved G:F (P < 0.01) than barrows during the SID Lys) recommended for the pigs used in the study. L-Trp was added to
entire period. Carcass characteristics (yield, backfat depth, loin depth, both basal diets at the expense of wheat or corn to create 7 SID Trp:Lys
lean percentage) and income over feed cost were not affected by feeding ratios (13.3, 14.8, 16.3, 17.8, 19.3, 20.8 and 22.3%), and a Lys-adequate
varied levels of BP. These results suggest that today′s pigs with high lean diet (diet 8, equivalent to diet 7 with added L-Lys-HCl to contain 1.15%
potential respond to a higher BP than current recommendations. SID Lys) was also formulated as a control for both diet types. The
Key Words: balanced protein, lysine, pig SID Trp:Lys ratios (based on analyzed AA content) were 13.1, 14.2,
15.3, 16.4, 17.5, 18.6 and 19.7% in diets 1 to 7 of wheat-barley based
diets, and 14.3, 15.4, 16.5, 17.6, 18.7, 19.8 and 20.9% in diets 1 to 7
493 Effect of tryptophan level on growth performance in 10- to of corn-soybean meal based diets, respectively. The ADG and FCR of
50-kg pigs. D. Renaudeau*1, M. Giorgi1, C. Anais1, and Y. Primot2, pigs were improved (P < 0.05) with increasing Trp:Lys ratio for both
1Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, UR143, Petit-Bourg, wheat-barley and corn-SBM based diets. Feed intake was increased
French West Indies, France, 2Ajinomoto Eurolysine, Paris, France. by graded level of Trp:Lys ratio in both wheat-barley (P < 0.05) and
corn-SBM based diets (P < 0.10). The estimated SID Trp:Lys ratios to
The effect of dietary tryptophan (Trp) content and pig density were tested
optimize ADG were > 19.7 and 15.9% in wheat-barley based diets, and
between 10 to 50 kg BW on a total of 80 Large White pigs (40 females
> 20.9 and 17.8% in corn-SBM based diets based on the exponential
and 40 barrows) as a complete randomized block design in a 2 × 2 facto-
(at 95% of plateau) and broken-line regression, respectively. The SID
rial arrangement (2 replicates/treatment). Pigs were randomly assigned
Trp:Lys ratios to optimize FCR were > 19.7 and 17.0% for wheat-barley
to one of 4 treatments in 8 similar pens (3 × 2 m) of 8 or 12 animals
based diets, and > 20.9 and 19.9% for corn-SBM based diets by using
(0.75 or 0.50 pig/m2). In each pen, females and barrows were equally
the respective exponential and broken-line models.
mixed. Dietary treatments consisted of 2 diets with different standard
ileal digestible (SID) Trp content (0.19 or 0.25%), where the SID lysine Key Words: lysine, ratio, tryptophan
content (1.06%), energy level (10.2 MJ NE/kg) and ideal AA patterns
(Lys, Thr, Met, Ile, Val) were kept constant. Data were subjected to an
ANOVA including the effect of diet, pig density, replicate, sex, block 495 Effect of lysine level and curve feeding on the performance and
and interactions (GLM procedure of SAS). There were no interaction carcass characteristics of grow-finish pigs. K. L. Herkelman*1, S.
between dietary Trp content and pig density (P > 0.05). The average Kelley2, S. Bailey1, and E. Engle3, 1Wenger’s Feed Mill, Inc., Rheems,
daily feed intake (ADFI) was not influenced by pig density between 10 PA, 2Country View Family Farms, Lancaster, PA, 3Hatfield Quality
and 25 kg (827 g/d on average; P > 0.05). Between 25 and 50 kg, ADFI Meats, Hatfield, PA.
was reduced when pig density increased from 8 to 12 pig/pen (1600 An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of lysine level and
vs. 1357 g/d; P < 0.05) which resulted in a non-significant reduction curve feeding on the performance and carcass characteristics of grow-
of the average daily gain (ADG) (715 to 646 g/d; P = 0.07). Between finish pigs. Crossbred pigs (n = 1,012; initial BW: 28.4 kg) were blocked
10 to 25 kg, ADFI and ADG were significantly higher in high Trp diet by BW and gender and allotted to 4 treatments with 10 replicate pens/
(863 vs. 790 g/d and 500 vs. 454 g/d; P < 0.05). Feed conversion ratio treatment and 25 or 26 pigs/pen. Treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2
(FCR) was not influenced by diet and averaged 1.7 kg/kg. Between 25 factorial design with 2 levels of lysine (Control or Control + 0.1% dietary
to 50 kg, ADG, ADFI and FCR were not affected by diet and averaged lysine in each phase) and 2 types of feeding systems (Feed Budget or
681 g/d, 1480 g/d and 2.3 kg/kg, respectively. The lack of effect of Curve Feeding). The Control treatment consisted of diets containing
high dietary Trp content from 25 to 50 kg could be explained by the 1.21, 1.10, 1.00, 0.86, and 0.78% dietary lysine fed in 5 phases. Pigs fed
490 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
using a feed budget were fed 23, 34, 46, 57 and 16 kg/pig for phases 1 497 Ileal amino acids digestibility of raw and heat-processed pea
to 5, respectively. Pigs fed on the feed curve started each phase at the protein concentrates in broilers. M. Frikha1, D. G. Valencia*2, M.
lysine level of pigs fed on the feed budget. Lysine level was decreased P. Serrano1, H. M. Safaa3, R. Lázaro1, and G. G. Mateos1, 1Univer-
every 5 lb of feed disappearance/pig using a FeedPro feeding system sidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Nutral S.A., Madrid,
by blending diets containing 1.31 and 0.78% lysine. All pigs were fed a Spain, 3Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, 12613 Giza, Egypt.
Paylean (6.75 g/ton) diet from the end of phase 5 to market weight. Pigs
A trial was conducted to determine the apparent (AID) and standardized
were allowed ad libitum access to feed and water. Pigs were marketed
(SID) ileal digestibility of the AA of 2 different batches of pea protein
by pen at an average slaughter weight of 129.4 kg and carcass AutoFom
concentrate (PPC) either raw or heat processed (HP, autoclaving at 108°C
data was collected. No lysine level × feeding system interactions were
for 8 min at 0.6 bars) as compared with soy protein concentrate (SPC)
observed for any parameter. An increase in dietary lysine improved (P
in 21-d-old broilers. Each of the 5 treatments was replicated 6 times
< 0.05) growth rate (1.01 vs. 0.99 kg/day) and feed disappearance (2.40
(6 cages with 6 chicks per replicate). The 2 PPC and the SPC batches
vs. 2.36 kg/day) of pigs compared with pigs fed the Control. Efficiency
contained 45.6, 44.6, and 52.4% CP, 3.48, 3.29, and 2.69% total Lys,
of feed utilization was similar (P > 0.10) between pigs fed the Control
and 9.4, 9.1, and 0.2 mg/g trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA), respectively.
and diets with increased lysine levels (2.38 kg feed/kg gain). Curve
The diets were based on corn starch and sucrose and the ingredient tested
feeding improved (P < 0.02) the growth rate (1.01 vs. 0.99 kg/day) and
was the only source of CP (20%). In addition, a N-free diet was used in
efficiency of feed utilization (2.37 vs. 2.40 kg feed:kg gain) of pigs
6 extra replicates to estimate the basal ileal endogenous losses. Chicks
compared with pigs fed by feed budget. Carcass characteristic were not
were fed their respective experimental diets ad libitum in mash form
influenced (P > 0.10) by lysine level or feeding system. In conclusion,
from 18 to 21 d of age. Chicks fed the HP PPC had higher (P < 0.001)
increasing dietary lysine increased feed disappearance and improved
AID of CP (87.61, 82.19, and 83.43%) and of most of indispensable AA
the growth rate of grow-finish pigs. Diets fed on a feed curve improved
(i.e, 92.14, 88.80, and 84.69% for Lys) than chicks fed the raw PPC with
the growth rate and efficiency of feed utilization of pigs compared with
chicks fed the SPC being in general intermediate. The SID of most of
using a feed budget.
indispensible AA was similar for the SPC and the HP PPC and higher
Key Words: lysine, pigs, curve feeding for both (P < 0.05) than for the raw PPC. An interaction between type
and HP of the PPC was observed; the beneficial effects of HP on AA
digestibility were more pronounced in one of the 2 PPC samples studied
496 Effects of ileal sample collection strategies on ileal digestibil- (P < 0.05). The different response observed for the 2 PPC types with HP,
ity of CP and the concentration of chromium in ileal digesta. B. was consistent with the higher reduction in TIA in one of the samples
G. Kim*1,2 and H. H. Stein1, 1University of Illinois, Urbana, 2Konkuk (9.4 to 2.8 mg/g vs. 9.1 to 5.8 mg/g, respectively). It is concluded that
University, Seoul, Korea. HP of PPC improves the ileal digestibility of CP and of the AA. Also,
An experiment was conducted to measure the effect of ileal sample HP PPC had higher ileal digestibility of most AA than PPC. Thus, HP
collection time on the concentration and digestibility of CP by grow- PPC is a good alternative to SPC in poultry diets.
ing pigs. Eight barrows with an initial BW of 34.6 kg (SD = 2.1) were Key Words: pea protein concentrate, heat processing, ileal amino acid
individually fitted with a T-cannula in the distal ileum and randomly digestibility broilers
allotted to a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 4 diets and 4 peri-
ods per square. Three diets contained corn, soybean meal, or distillers
dried grains with solubles as the sole source of CP. An N-free diet was 498 Identification of lysine transport systems affiliated with dif-
also prepared. All diets contained 0.5% chromic oxide as an indigest- ferences in chick gain when fed a lysine limiting diet. M. A. Ray-
ible marker. Equal meals were provided at 0800 and 2000. Ileal digesta mond* and B. D. Humphrey, California Polytechnic State University,
samples were collected in 2-h intervals from 0800 to 2000 during the San Luis Obispo.
last 3 d of each 7-d period. The concentrations of Cr (1.22, 1.39, 1.65,
Lysine (Lys) is the first or second limiting amino acid for growth in
1.61, 1.39, and 1.20%; SEM = 0.06) and CP (16.3, 19.0, 23.6, 22.1,
poultry feed, yet the mechanisms controlling Lys utilization within tis-
19.4, and 17.1%; SEM = 0.7) in ileal samples collected in each of the 6
sues are not well understood. Lys transporters facilitate the import and
2-h periods exhibited a quadratic effect (P < 0.001) that increased and
export of Lys within tissues. The objective of this study was to use a Lys
then decreased in pigs fed the 3 CP-containing diets. However, apparent
limiting growth model to better understand the role of Lys transporters in
ileal digestibility of CP (62.2, 59.5, 59.2, 60.7, 61.7, and 59.6; SEM
Lys utilization within the pectoralis, liver, and duodenal mucosa. Male
= 2.2) was unaffected (P = 0.745) by collection time, and the values
broiler chicks (3 d of age) were weighed, randomly assigned to pens
were comparable to the 12-h digestibility (61.6%) calculated using the
and provided a Lys adequate (LA: 1.3% Lys ) or Lys deficient diet (LD:
Cr and CP concentrations of 12-h collection periods. The endogenous
0.66% Lys ). On d 14, chicks were sorted based upon d 3 to 14 gain.
loss of CP tended to decrease (27.4, 25.7, 29.5, 26.0, 22.3, 21.4 g/kg
Chicks consuming the LD diet with the highest gain were designated
DMI; SEM = 4.5; P = 0.099) with collection time. Standardized ileal
as high gain (HG; n = 10) and chicks with the lowest gain were desig-
digestibility values of CP linearly decreased (81.0, 77.1, 79.4, 78.5, 76.9,
nated as low gain (LG; n = 10). LA chicks with average gain served as
and 74.3%; SEM = 2.2; P = 0.008), but values for the third and fourth
the control (C; n = 5). HG, LG and C chicks were housed in individual
2-h periods were comparable to the 12-h standardized ileal digestibility
pens for 3 d. On a BW basis, HG chicks had 134% higher gain and 64%
(78.7%). In conclusion, diurnal variation of Cr and CP concentration
higher breast yield compared with LG chicks (P < 0.05) despite similar
were observed, but the digestibility of CP was largely unaffected by
lysine intake (P > 0.05). Pectoralis, liver and duodenal mucosal scrap-
collection time. We suggest that 2 to 4 h of ileal sample collection from
ings were collected on d 17 for measurement of Lys transporter mRNA
4 h after feeding may provide samples that allow for calculation of a
by real-time qPCR. Overall, HG and LG chicks had higher tissue Lys
representative CP digestibility.
transporter mRNA abundance compared with C chicks. In the pectora-
Key Words: diurnal variation, ileal digestibility, pigs lis, LG chicks had 1.6-fold higher CAT3 and 1.4-fold higher y+LAT1
mRNA abundance compared with HG chicks (P < 0.05). In the liver,
CAT3 mRNA abundance was 1.7-fold higher in LG chicks compared
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 491
with C chicks (P < 0.05). In duodenal mucosa, LG chicks had 1.45-fold formulated to satisfy all nutrient recommendations. An experimental diet
higher y+LAT2 mRNA abundance compared with HG chicks (P < 0.05). was provided to the broilers from 28 to 42 d of age, served as negative
The difference in gain between LG and HG chicks was associated with control (NC), and was formulated to satisfy all nutrient recommenda-
increased mRNA abundance of LYS transporters within the pectoralis tions with the exception of Ile and Val (0.57% dig Ile and 0.66% dig
(CAT3, y+LAT1), liver (CAT-3) and duodenum (CAT3, y+LAT2). These Val). The NC diet was supplemented with L-Ile and L-Val at either 0.05
data indicate that the respective tissue transporters may play an important or 0.10%, alone or in combination. A diet formulated to digestible Val
role in the utilization of dietary Lys. and Ile of 0.76 and 0.67%, respectively, mimicking commercial practice
served as a positive control (PC). Body weight gain was depressed (P <
Key Words: lysine, transport, pectoralis
0.01) with the NC, but was recovered to a weight similar to birds that
were fed the PC when Val was added to the test-diet either alone or in
499 Valine and isoleucine as potential limiting amino acids in combination with Ile. Feed conversion was improved (P < 0.001) when
broiler diets based on corn, soybean meal, and meat and bone L-Val and L-Ile were simultaneously supplemented to the NC. Carcass
meal. L. Mejia*1, W. A. Dozier III2, R. E. Loar II1, M. T. Kidd3, P. B. weight and yield were unaffected (P > 0.05) by the dietary treatments.
Tillman4, and A. Corzo1, 1Mississippi State University, MS, 2Auburn Abdominal fat percentage was reduced (P < 0.05) with the combined
University, Auburn, AL, 3University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, 4Aji- supplementation of L-Val and L-Ile to the NC. Breast meat yield seemed
nomoto Heartland LLC, Chicago, IL. to be more responsive (P < 0.01) to L-Ile supplementation than L-Val.
Results from this study suggest that Val needs may be more sensitive
A randomized complete block design study, using area of the house for live performance while breast meat yield was maximized with L-Ile
as a blocking factor, was designed to evaluate Ile and Val as potential supplementation. However, it seems that under these experimental cir-
fourth and fifth limiting amino acids in diets based on corn, soybean cumstances, a combination of L-Val and L-Ile is required for optimum
meal, and meat and bone meal. Eleven hundred and 52 Ross × Ross growth and meat yield of broilers.
TP16 male broilers were randomly placed across 96 floor pens (12 birds/
pen). Common diets were fed to all broilers from 0 to 28 d of age and Key Words: broiler, isoleucine, valine
492 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: Feed Ingredients
500 Effect of different sorghum varieties on early chick growth. C. 0.05). There was no difference in % phagocytosis between the cells from
M. Rude*1, M. A. Barrios1, R. Rierson1, S. Bean2, and R. S. Beyer1, birds in any H groups with the C treatment, however cells from birds
1Kansas State University, Manhattan, 2ARS, USDA, Grain Marketing in the H2000 group had a 13% greater phagocytic capacity than the C
and Product Research Center, Manhattan, KS. treatment. At 3 wk, H2000 resulted in a 10% lower % phagocytosis
than the C chicks and all levels of I (from 5 to 15%; P < 0.05). At 4
Although corn is the predominant cereal grain used in commercial wk, cells from I2000 and H250 birds had a greater % phagocytosis than
broiler rations in the US, price advantages sometimes allow the use those from C birds (14 and 17% increase, respectively; P < 0.05). Diet
of sorghum in least cost rations. Similar to corn and wheat, sorghum did not affect bactericidal capability at any age. Both the I and H yeast
hybrids exist for human versus animal feed. Besides costs, geographi- increased early innate immune function in broilers relative to C. The H
cal limitations, environmental impacts, grain yields and availability of yeast (>500g/t) was most effective at increasing innate immunity at 2
sorghum by products could allow some of these products to be used in wk, as the broilers aged (>3wk) the difference between the I and H was
poultry rations. An experiment was designed to test the effect of grain less pronounced. This may be a function of changes in the development
sorghum varieties on broiler chick growth. Broiler starter rations were of the immune system and the components present in the different treat-
formulated to NRC recommendations, using sorghum as the cereal grain. ments to activate it as the bird ages.
Chicks were fed one of 4 different white sorghums: Macia, straight run
sorghum grown almost exclusively in Africa; F 1000, popular com- Key Words: broiler, hydrolyzed yeast, innate immune function
mercial hybrid for food; Sp3303 new food hybrid; and MMR 315–10,
relatively new food hybrid grown extensively in Russia. All sorghums
502 Influence of pea hulls inclusion in the diet on digestive traits
were grown on the same farm in western Kansas. Diets were fed to 21
and nutrient retention in broilers. E. Jiménez-Moreno*1, J. M.
d of age, with feed and BW recorded on d 0 and 21, with FC calculated
González-Alvarado2, S. Chamorro3, C. Centeno3, R. Lázaro1, and G.
from this data. Each treatment had 8 replications, with 6 birds per pen
G. Mateos1, 1Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Uni-
housed in Petersime battery cages. Feed and water were provided ab
versidad de Tlaxcala, México, 3Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
libitum. Differences were observed between sorghums in BWG and FC
Científicas, Madrid, Spain.
(P < 0.05). Sorghum hybrid F1000 had the lowest BWG with 484 g, fol-
lowed by Macia at 532 g. Highest BWG of 765 g was observed with the The effects of inclusion of pea hulls (PH; 47% neutral detergent fiber
MMR 315–10 hybrid and which was statistically similar to Sp3303 with and 9% starch) in the diet on the digestive traits and total tract apparent
a BWG of 747 g. Two sorghums were statistically similar, F1000 and of retention (TTAR) of nutrients were studied in broilers from 1 to 21
Macia, had lower feed consumption than the other 2 sorghums, Sp3303 d of age. A control diet based on cooked rice, soy protein concentrate,
and R315–10, who were also statistically similar. Feed conversion was and fish meal that contained 3,260 kcal AMEn/kg, and 1.25% digestible
0.744, 0.752, 0.767, and 0.783 for the Macia, F1000, Sp3303 and MMR Lys was diluted with 0, 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5% PH (1.6, 2.6, 3.5, and 4.5%
315–10 varieties, respectively. Differences in growth are attributed to CF, respectively). Each treatment was replicated 6 times (a cage with
differences in the sorghums characteristics. Hybrid F1000 is widely used 12 chicks). Digestive traits and nutrient retention were recorded at 7,
in the food industry for its high dough viscosity, an attribute that could 14, and 21 d of age, and jejunal histology was measured at 14 d of age.
reduce broiler performance. Macia is grown for its drought hardiness The relative weight (% BW) of proventriculus (P ≤ 0.01), gizzard (P
and disease resistance. These results indicate that caution is required ≤ 0.001), and ceca (P ≤ 0.05) increased as the level of PH in the diet
when using varieties of sorghum that have been developed for other increased. Digesta content of the gizzard was increased (P ≤ 0.001) and
markets than animal feeding. gizzard pH was reduced (P ≤ 0.001) with 2.5% PH. No further changes
were observed with 5% and 7.5% inclusion. Crypt depth decreased
Key Words: sorghum, broiler, hybrid
linearly (P ≤ 0.05) with PH inclusion. However, villus height and villus
height:crypt depth ratio were not affected. The TTAR of soluble ash and
501 Dietary hydrolyzed yeast extract enhances early innate N increased with up to 5% PH inclusion (P ≤ 0.001). Also, TTAR of DM
immune function in broiler chicks. J. L. Saunders-Blades*, K. L. and OM, as well as the AMEn of the diet (P ≤ 0.001) were improved
Nadeau, and D. R. Korver, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. with 2.5% PH inclusion; however, a further increase to 5% reduced
TTAR of these nutrients. We conclude that an increase in dietary PH
The effects of dietary yeast on growth and immune function of broiler increases proventriculus, gizzard, and ceca weight in broilers from 1 to
chicks were studied. A bioethanol process derived yeast product was 21 d of age. Also, the inclusion of 2.5% PH increases digesta content
fed as either intact (I) or hydrolyzed by a 1–3 β-glucanase (H), at 4 and reduces the pH of the gizzard. The inclusion of up to 5.0% PH
levels (250, 500, 1000 or 2000 g/t) plus a control diet (C) with no yeast in the diet (3.5% CF) improves N retention but reduces the AMEn of
for a total of 9 diets (n = 6 pens/treatment). BW and feed intake were the diets. A further increase to 7.5% PH (4.5% CF in the diet) impairs
measured for the starter (0 to 10 d) and grower (11 to 28 d) periods. digestibility of all nutrients studied. The optimal requirement of CF in
Whole blood was obtained weekly from 10 chicks/treatment to make diets for young chicks might be between 2.6% and 3.5%.
in vitro assessments on the number of cells able to engulf at least one
Escherichia coli (% phagocytosis), average number of E. coli/cell Key Words: pea hulls, nutrient digestibility, broiler
(phagocytic capacity), and E.coli bactericidal capacity. There were no
diet effects on broiler production traits during the starter period. During
503 Dietary camelina meal for broiler chickens: 2. Thigh meat fatty
the grower phase, lower feed intake among birds fed 500 or 2000 g/t
acid profile and sensory evaluation. P. H. Patterson*1, R. M. Hulet1,
of H (P < 0.05) resulted in a marginally lower BW gain (P = 0.056)
T. L. Cravener1, A. Y. Pekel2, and J. E. Hayes1, 1The Pennsylvania State
and overall BW (P = 0.058); feed efficiency was not affected. At 2 wk,
University, University Park, 2Istanbul University, Turkey.
cells from H birds had a greater % phagocytosis (11–13% increase) and
phagocytic capacity (15–31% increase) than those in the I group (P <
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 493
Camelina is an oilseed plant from the Brassicaceae family. It has recently 505 Effect of feeding Mexican sunflower leaf (Tithonia diversifo-
been grown for biodiesel production with the meal utilized as a dietary lia, Hemsley A Gray) on carcass characteristics of broilers. A. H.
protein supplement with a residual complement of omega-3 fatty acids. Ekeocha*1, O. A. Adu2, K. D Afolabi1, and E. J Ubah3, 1Department
An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of dietary camelina of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria,
meal (CM) supplementation on broiler live performance and meat qual- 2Department of Animal Production and Health, Federal University of
ity. A total of 864 Ross x Cobb-500 straight run chicks were allocated to Technology, Akure, Nigeria, 3Department of Animal Science, Wagen-
control (Con), 5% or 10% CM diet treatments with 8 pens per treatment ingen University, Wageningen, Netherlands.
from 1 to 35d. The CM utilized in this study contained 33.6% CP, 15.0%
A study was conducted for 8 weeks to investigate the effect of feeding
fat and 4.22% total omega-3 fatty acids. At the conclusion of the study,
Mexican Sunflower Leaf Tithonia diversifolia on carcass characteristics
the birds were processed, cut up and meat frozen for further fatty acid
of broilers. One hundred and fifty white day-old Abor Acre broiler chicks
analysis and sensory evaluation. Frozen thigh samples were thawed,
were used. The broiler chicks were randomly assigned to 5 treatments A,
skin was removed and then de-boned. The meat (270–280g portions)
B, C, D and E. Treatment A served as control while birds in treatments
was placed in vacuum pouches, sealed under vacuum and held at 3.3C
B, C, D and E received Mexican Sunflower Leaf (MSL) at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5,
overnight before sensory evaluation. The meat was cooked sous-vide at
and 10.0% respectively. Feeds and water were provided ad-libitum and
73.8C in a water bath for 50m. Cooked and cut meat (15–20g) was placed
the routine vaccination / medication followed the standard procedures.
in insulated bowls and presented to 59 participants in a 2 triangle test
The results shows a significant (P > 0.05) decrease in all the parameters
sensory evaluation. Each participant received 6 bowls, 3 for test 1 and 3
measured for carcass characteristics (shank, gizzard, head, crop, thigh,
for test 2. Two samples in each test were the same and participants were
drumstick, wings, breast, back, neck, abdominal fat, spleen, heart,
asked to choose the different sample. Dietary treatments significantly
lung, liver, intestine and proventriculus) except for the neck weight
influenced thigh meat fatty acid profiles. Feeding the 10% CM diet
where birds on treatment B (2.50 MSL) obtained the highest neck
increased thigh meat 18:3, 20:3, 20:5 (EPA), 22:5 (DPA), 22:6 (DHA)
weight (182.31g) and the spleen with highest weight (3.60g) obtained
and total omega-3 fatty acids compared with meat from the Con and
in treatment C (5.0 MSL). The carcass quality were also significantly
5% CM fed birds which were not significantly different. Thigh muscle
decreased (P > 0.05) except for the neck and spleen weights. The result
linoleic (18:3), EPA and DHA levels were increased 180, 100, and 128%
of this study shows that inclusion of MSL at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0% has
by the 10% CM treatment respectively above the Con samples. Sensory
almost no effect on both the carcass characteristics and carcass quality
evaluation showed participants were not able to distinguish between
of the broilers under study.
the Con and 5% CM thigh samples, yet 36 of 59 where able to identify
the different sample when presented the Con and 10% CM meat (P < Key Words: sunflower, carcass characteristics, Tithonia diversifolia
0.05). However, it should be noted that discrimination does not imply
a preference by consumers and further acceptability trials would be
required for preference determination. 506 A 42-day floor pen evaluation of broiler chickens fed stan-
dard energy and low energy diets supplemented with a blend of
Key Words: Camelina sativa, sensory evaluation, omega-3 fatty carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde and capsicum oleoresin with or without
acids bacitracin. M. Sims*1, D. Bravo2, and A. Vikari2, 1Virginia Diversi-
fied Research Corporation, Harrisonburg, VA, 2Pancosma, Geneva,
504 Effect of feeding Mexican sunflower leaf (Tithonia diversi-
folia, Hemsley A Gray) on performance of broiler chicks. A. H. A 42-d, 30 bird/pen, 6 treatment, 8 rep. (48 pens) broiler study was
Ekeocha*1, A. A. Mako2, T. J. Williams3, and A. Aderiye1, 1Department conducted to compare the performance, carcass/breast yield, breast
of Animal Science University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nige- moisture loss and Salmonella shedding of broiler chickens fed standard
ria, 2Department of Agricultural Production and Management Sciences, (S) or low (L) ME feeds with either a blend of carvacrol, cinnamal-
Tai Solarin University of Education, Ijagun Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, dehyde and capsicum oleoresin (XT, Xtract 6930) 125 ppm in starter
Nigeria, 3Department of Animal Physiology, University of Agriculture, feeds, 100 ppm in grower feeds (S/XT, L/XT) or BMD 50 ppm (S/B,
Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. L/B) or a combination of BMD 25 ppm + XT 100 ppm (S/B+XT, L/
B+XT). Pen and feed weights collected at 21d and 42d, Salmonella
One hundred and fifty (150) day old Abor Acre broiler chicks were ran-
shedding at 20d and 41d and carcass/breast yield at 43d. Each paired
domly allocated to 5 experimental diets of 30 birds each. The first diet
treatments means were analyzed by use of a 2-tailed distribution basic
was the standard (basal) starter and finisher diet and served as control.
t-test model with equal variances assumed and P = 5%. At 21d, BW
The other rations contained 2.5%, 5.0%, 7.5% and 10.0% Mexican
of S/XT (2.02 kg) and S/B+XT (2.01 kg) were higher than L/XT (1.92
sunflower leaf (MSL) respectively as graded replacement (w/w) for
kg), with other groups intermediate. The 42d BW of the S/XT group
maize and Soya meal. The study investigated the performance and
(2.34 kg) was greater than each of the Low ME groups (mean = 2.24
hematological responses of the birds to the diets. Mexican sunflower leaf
kg) and not different from S/B (2.31 kg). FCR at 42d was lower for S/
meal supplementation did not improve performance characteristics over
XT (1.69) than for the S/B (1.79), L/B (1.77), or L/XT group (1.75).
basal diets and significantly (P < 0.05) retarded feed intake, growth rate,
The 0-42 day mortality with culls removed of S/XT (2.5%) was lower
feed conversion except for its inclusion at 5.0%, while hematological
than L/B+XT (5.4%). Salmonella shedding at 41d was lower for S/
parameters were significantly (P > 0.05) enhanced except for eosinophil
B+XT (0%) than S/B (16.7%), S/XT (12.5%), L/XT (12.5%) and L/B
and lymphocytes concentration. Mexican sunflower leaf is therefore a
(25.0%). Carcass yields were not different by pens, males, or females.
promising feed ingredient that could be cheaply incorporated into poultry
Pen breast yield of S/B group (33.7%) was greater than S/XT (32.6%)
rations at 5.0% level when convectional feeds are inadequate.
and S/B+XT groups (32.0%). Pen breast moisture loss of S/XT was
Key Words: lesser known sunflower, feed intake, daily weight gain lower (6.9%) than all other groups (mean = 9.6%) with S/B (10.0%)
and L/BMD (10.4%) being the highest. Breast yields after moisture loss
means were similar for S/XT and S/B (30.3%). These data show that
broilers fed diets supplemented with XT have final BW, FCR, carcass
494 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
yield, breast yield, feed cost/bird and returns on investment similar to complete block design using the GLM procedures of SAS. Feeding GM
broilers fed standard diets supplemented with BMD 50 ppm. maize had no observed effect on fecal Lactobacillus or total culturable
anaerobe counts or ileal and cecal counts of Lactobacillus, Enterobac-
Key Words: essential oils, broiler, carcass yield
teriaceae or total anaerobes. Fecal Enterobacteriaceae counts in GM
maize-fed pigs tended to be reduced on d 30 (P = 0.10) compared with
507 Effects of mung bean waste inclusion on mash diet charac- control pigs. Feeding GM maize had no effect on duodenal, jejunal,
teristic, growth performance and nutrient digestibility in pigs. P. ileal villus height or crypt depth. However, non-GM fed pigs tended
Rungcharoen*, N. Amornthewaphat, Y. Ruangpanit, S. Rattana- (P = 0.10) to have more goblet cells/μm of duodenal villus compared
tabtimthong, and S. Attamangkune, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, with GM fed pigs. Phorbol myristate acetate stimulated PBMCs isolated
Thailand. from pigs fed GM maize tended (P = 0.10) to produce less IL-12 than
control PBMCs on d 30. There was no effect of treatment on IL-10,
Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the apparent metaboliz- IL-6, IL-4, TNFα or IFNγ production from resting or stimulated PBMCs.
able energy of mung bean waste in pigs and effects of mung bean waste In conclusion, short-term feeding of GM maize to weanling pigs has
inclusion in pig diets on growth performance and nutrient digestibility. demonstrated no observed adverse effects on intestinal morphology or
In Exp 1, 2 consecutive trials were performed in starter (BW of 20 kg) systemic immunity while it was associated with a reduction in potential
and grower pigs (BW of 50 kg) in the determination of the apparent pathogens in the feces.
metabolizable energy of mung bean waste. Twenty 4 crossbred barrows
(Large white × Duroc × Landrace) were enrolled in each trail (one pig Key Words: pigs, MON810 maize, microbiota
in each cage; 12 metabolic cages per treatment). Treatments were corn
soybean basal diet and 20% mung bean waste substituted basal diet.
509 Effects of dietary oat hulls and sugar beet pulp on productive
The apparent metabolizable energy of mung bean waste for a starter
performance and nutrient digestibility of broilers from 1 to 42 d of
pig and a grower pig were 2,132.3 ± 137.83 and 2,557.1 ± 50.39 kcal/
age. J. M. Gonzalez-Alvarado1, E. Jiménez-Moreno2, F. D. Royón2, R.
kg. In Exp 2, 2 trials were conducted in nursery phase (5 to 9 wk) and
Lázaro2, and G. G. Mateos*2, 1Universidad de Tlaxcala, México, 2Uni-
starter to finisher phase (11 to 24 wk) in a growth assay. A total of
versidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
192 pigs in each trial was allotted to a randomized completely block
design (8 pigs per pen; 6 pens per treatment with 3 pens of gilts and 3 The effects of the inclusion of additional fiber in the diet on growth
pens of barrows). Sex was a block factor. Treatments were mung bean performance and digestive traits were studied in broilers from 1 to 42
waste inclusion of 0%, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% in the experimental mash d of age. The control diet was based on rice and contained 3,120 kcal
diets. Mung bean waste inclusion linearly decreased bulk density for AMEn/kg, 1.12% digestible Lys, and 1.5% crude fiber content. The 2
all diets (P ≤ 0.001) of both trials. There was no difference in growth experimental diets included 3% of either oat hulls (OH) or sugar beet
performance of pigs in nursery phase and starter to grower phase. For pulp (SBP). Growth performance was measured from 1 to 42 d, total-
finisher phase, however, there was decreased ADG from 712g to 597g tract apparent retention (TTAR) of nutrients were determined at 32 d,
in pigs fed mung bean waste diets (P ≤ 0.05). In Exp 3, 24 barrows and the relative weight (RW; g/kg BW) of the GIT and the gizzard was
(BW of 7.5 kg) were used in the determination of nutrient digestibility measured at 42 d of age. Cumulatively, broilers fed OH had higher (P
(one pig in each cage; 6 metabolic cages per treatment). Treatments ≤ 0.001) ADG and better (P ≤ 0.01) FCR than broilers fed SBP or the
used were the same as in Exp. 2. Mung bean waste inclusion in the diet control diet. From 1 to 10 d of age, OH inclusion improved (P ≤ 0.01)
did not affect the digestibility of protein, fat and fiber. In conclusion, ADG (19.5 vs. 16.8 g/d) and FCR (1.215 vs. 1.333) as compared with
incorporation of 7.5% mung bean waste in the nursery to grower pig the control diet. Also, SBP improved FCR in this period but the effects
diets did not showed negative responses to growth performance and disappeared with age. In fact, from 25 to 42 d of age, SBP inclusion
nutrient digestibility. However, low bulk density of mung bean waste reduced (P ≤ 0.05) feed intake with respect to the control diet and feed
mash diet needed to be concerned. intake (P ≤ 0.05) and BWG (P ≤ 0.001) with respect to the OH diet.
The RW of the GIT was higher (P ≤ 0.05) with the SBP than with the
Key Words: pig, mung bean waste, growth performance
control diet with the OH diet being intermediate. Also, the RW of the
gizzard increased (P ≤ 0.001) with fiber inclusion and the effects were
508 Short-term feeding of genetically modified Bt maize (MON810) more pronounced (P ≤ 0.05) with OH than with SBP. Fiber inclusion
to weanling pigs: Effects on gut microbiota, intestinal morphology increased (P ≤ 0.01) TTAR of all nutrients and AMEn of the diet. The
and immune status. M. C. Walsh*1, S. G. Buzoianu1,3, G. E. Gardiner3, improvement in TTAR observed for DM was more pronounced (P ≤
M. C. Rea2, R. P. Ross2, and P. G. Lawlor1, 1Teagasc, Pig Production 0.01) for OH than for SBP. We conclude that OH inclusion improves
Development Unit, Moorepark Research Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork, growth performance at all ages in broilers fed low fiber diets. Also, SBP
Ireland, 2Teagasc, Moorepark Food Research Centre, Fermoy, Co. Cork, inclusion improves growth performance from 1 to 10 d of age but not
Ireland, 3Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland. thereafter. The TTAR of nutrients are improved by fiber inclusion and
the benefits are more pronounced with OH than with SBP.
The objective of this study was to identify any effects short-term (31
d) feeding of genetically modified (GM) Bt (MON810) maize may Key Words: fiber sources, digestive organ size, broiler performance
have on gut microbiota, intestinal morphology and immune status of
weanling pigs. Male pigs (n = 32) were weaned at ~28 d of age, blocked
510 Influence of origin on nutritional and quality parameters
by weight and ancestry and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments;
of soybean meal. G. G. Mateos*1, M. P. Serrano1, S. Sueiro2, M.
non-GM isogenic maize or transgenic MON810 maize. Fecal samples
González2, M. Hermida2, P. G. Rebollar1, and R. Lázaro1, 1Universidad
were collected for microbiological analysis on d −1 and 30. Ileal and
Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Laboratorio de Mouriscade,
cecal digesta and small intestinal tissue were sampled at slaughter (d 31)
Pontevedra, Spain.
for microbiological and histological analysis, respectively. Cytokine pro-
duction from stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) Soybean meal (SBM) is the main source of protein in non-ruminant diets.
was measured on d 0 and 29. All data were analyzed as a randomized Most published tables of ingredient composition for feed formulation
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 495
differentiate 2 types of SBM based on its CP content (regular with 44% 511 Lactose in diet influences the degradation of mixed linked β(1-
CP and high protein with 47 to 48% CP) and do not have into consider- 3;1-4)-D-glucan in the small intestine of pigs. K. E. Bach Knudsen*,
ation the origin or processing method of the beans. However, available Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of
information indicates that processing and origin of the beans might have Animal Health and Bioscience, Tjele, Denmark.
an effect on the nutritional value of SBM. The present research (n = 345)
The objective of the current study was to investigate if lactose in diet
was conducted to determine the influence of origin (USA; Brazil, BRA;
would influence the degradation of mixed linked β(1–3;1–4)-D-glucan
Argentine, ARG) on protein quality and nutrient value of SBM. On DM
(β-glucan) in the small intestine. Β-glucan is an important cell wall
bases, USA meals (n = 139) had more CP (53.8 vs. 52.8 vs. 51.5%; P
(dietary fiber, DF) component of the endosperm of barley and oats.
< 0.001) and less NDF (8.8 vs. 10.7 vs. 12.0%; P < 0.001) than ARG
The digestibility of β-glucan in the small intestine from both cereals is
(n = 121) and BRA meals (n = 85). Sucrose and stachyose content was
among the highest of all DF components, but in one particular study
higher for USA than for BRA with ARG meals being intermediate (8.1
with oat-based diets it was significantly lower than what was found in
vs. 6.7 vs. 7.5% and 6.4 vs. 5.3 vs. 5.5%, respectively; P < 0.001). The
other studies. In this study whey protein containing lactose was used as
USA meals had more phosphorus (0.79 vs. 0.68 vs. 0.74%; P < 0.001)
protein supplement. Lactose is slowly digestible in the small intestine.
than the BRA meals with ARG meals being intermediate. Also, BRA
To investigate if lactose could be causative for the lower digestibility
meals had more Fe (189 vs. 128 and 133 mg/kg; P < 0.001) but less K
of β-glucan in the study with whey protein, it was decided to quantify
(2.3 vs. 2.6 and 2.5%; P < 0.001) than ARG and USA SBM. The USA
the content of lactose in the diets and to analyze for lactose in digesta
meals had higher KOH solubility (87.6 vs. 82.3 and 84.3%; P < 0.001),
samples from the small intestine (the small intestine was divided in 3
protein dispersibility index (19.8 vs. 17.1 and 15.5%; P < 0.001), and
by length equal segments: SI1, SI2, SI3) and ileal digesta along with
trypsin inhibitor activity (3.9 vs. 3.0 and 3.0 mg/g; P < 0.001) than
parameters for organic acids (lactic acids and short-chain fatty acids).
the ARG or BRA meals. The amino acid profile (% CP) varied with
Diets containing lactose were based on oat goats, oat flour, and oat bran
the source of SBM. The content of Lys (6.15 and 6.09 vs. 5.96%; P
(lactose 1.2–3.8% of DM), whereas the reference diets were based on
< 0.001), Met + Cys (2.86 and 2.86 vs. 2.75%; P < 0.001), Thr (3.91
rolled oats, rolled oats and oat bran, wheat flour with added oat bran
and 3.92 vs. 3.83%; P < 0.001), and of 5 key amino acids (Lys, Met +
and wheat flour with added β-glucan (lactose 0–0.1% of DM). Lactose
Cys, Thr, Trp; P < 0.01) were higher for USA and ARG than for BRA
was identified in digesta up to SI2, but disappeared in digesta from SI3
SBM. It is concluded that the nutrient composition and protein quality
and the ileum. There was no difference in the digestibility of β-glucan
parameters favor the utilization of USA meal over the South American
among diets up to SI3, whereas the digestibility in ileum was signifi-
meals in poultry diets.
cantly higher in diets without lactose compared with diets containing
Key Words: soybean meal survey, protein quality, nutritional value lactose. With all diets, β-glucan was virtually completely digested in
the cecum. No difference was found in the concentration of organic
acids between diets either in SI3, ileum or cecum. In conclusion slowly
digestible lactose was the most likely cause of the reduced digestibility
of β-glucan in oat diets containing lactose.
Key Words: β-glucan, digestion, pigs
496 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: Mineral Nutrition
512 Effects of dietary calcium formate inclusion on broiler growth that were thicker than chicks from Control (both by 5%) and High ITM
performance, bone ash, and tibia breaking strength. S. Pohl*, D. (both by 6%) hens. At MEP, chicks from the OTM and High ITM hens
Caldwell, J. Lee, J. Coppedge, K. Stringfellow, S. Dunn-Horrocks, K. had thicker femurs (by 4 and 7%, respectively) than chicks from the
Jessen, and M. Farnell, Texas A&M University, College Station. OTM+ITM group; none of the treatment chicks were different from
the Control chicks. At LEP there was no diet effect on femur and tibia
Calcium formate (CaFo; Rovelan–Lanxess Corporation, Germany) is thickness. Dietary TM affected chick bone thickness at early and mid
a commonly used source of calcium in poultry and swine feed in the hatches even though bone development appeared to decrease with hen
EU. Due to increased cost, US interest in alternate feedstuffs has grown. age. Despite a lower level of supplemental TM, tibia development at
The objective of this study was to evaluate CaFo in broiler diets as an hatch was increased in the OTM group relative to all other treatments
alternate calcium source during a 49d pen trial. A total of 2,160 male at EEP; OTM resulted in greater femur development relative to the ITM
Cobb 500 broilers were randomized and placed in 40 floor pens with and High ITM at EEP, and relative to OTM + ITM at MEP.
50% used litter and 50% fresh pine shavings. Four experimental groups
(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% CaFo) were evaluated with 10 replicate pens per Key Words: broiler breeder age, organic trace mineral, chick bone
treatment. Bulk pen weights were determined at the conclusion of each development
feeding phase (d15, 28, 42, and 49). Additionally, at d15, 28, and 42,
one bird was removed from each pen and tibia removed for determina- 514 Use of the broiler (Gallus gallus) as an in vivo screening
tion of bone strength and ash. At termination (d49) an additional 3 birds tool for Fe bioavailability in maize-based diets. E. Tako*1, M.
were removed from each pen for tibia sampling. Parameters evaluated Lung’aho1, L. V. Kochian2, O. A. Hoekenga2, and R. P. Glahn2, 1Cornell
for each phase included average BW, FCR, bone strength, bone ash University, Ithaca, NY, 2Robert W. Holley Center for Agriculture and
content, and mortality. With regard to BW, significant differences (P ≤ Health, Ithaca, NY.
0.05) were seen at d15 with 1.0% CaFo showing decreased BW. At d28
the 0.5% CaFo diet showed increased BW with respect to the 1.0 and Iron biofortification of staple food crops such as maize (Zea mays), is a
1.5% CaFo diets. At d42 and 49 all diets yielded statistically equivalent strategy that alleviates Fe deficiency. By using in vitro cell culture model,
BW. For the duration of the trial, no differences were observed with 2 maize varieties were developed for high and low Fe bioavailability.
regard to FCR among diets. No significant differences were seen among In vitro observations should be tested in animals before human efficacy
treatment groups with regard to mortality, tibia weight, or bone ash studies. Therefore, the maize varieties were tested for Fe bioavailability
percentage. With respect to tibia breaking strength, a significant increase by using the broiler chicken as a model. Diets were made with 75%
in breaking force was observed in the 1.0% CaFo treatment group in w/w maize of either the low (Low) or high (High) Fe bioavailability
comparison to the control and 1.5% CaFo groups. These data suggest maize; Fe content did not differ between varieties (both 24 µg/g). In
that CaFo may be used as a calcium alternative in broiler diets and may vitro analysis showed lower cellular ferritin formation (ie. Fe uptake,
potentially increase bone strength in larger broilers when included at P ≤ 0.05) in cells exposed to the Low (20 ng/mg) vs. High (37 ng/mg)
the appropriate concentration. diets. One-week-old broiler chicks (n = 6) were fed the maize based diets
for 4 weeks. Hemoglobin (Hb), body weight, feed consumption, liver
Key Words: broiler, calcium formate, bone ash ferritin and gene expression were measured. Duodenal DMT1, Dcytb
and ferroportin were higher (P < 0.05) in the Low group vs. the High
513 Broiler breeder age and dietary Cu, Zn and Mn source affect group, indicating a response to lower dietary Fe availability. Hb con-
chick bone development at hatch. C. A. Torres* and D. R. Korver, centrations, hemoglobin maintenance efficiency, Hb-Fe and liver ferritin
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada. were higher in the High group vs. the Low group (P ≤ 0.05), indicating
greater Fe absorption from the High diet and improved Fe status. We
Organic sources of dietary trace minerals (OTM) can have higher conclude that the in vivo results support the in vitro observations, i.e.,
bioavailability than inorganic sources (ITM). OTM in the hen’s diet the High variety contains more bioavailable Fe than the Low and that
might positively impact bone development in the embryo as Cu, Zn and maize shows promise for Fe biofortification. In addition, the results
Mn are involved in bone development. We investigated the effects of indicate that, the broiler model can serve as an intermediate screening
maternal dietary Cu, Zn and Mn source and level on chick bone traits tool for Fe bioavailability before human efficacy trials.
at hatch from early (EEP; 33 wk), mid (MEP; 46 wk) and late (LEP; 60
wk) hen age. Broiler breeders (n = 18/diet), were housed in individual Key Words: broiler, bioavailability, maize
cages, and fed a basal ration low in Cu, Zn and Mn. Trace minerals
were added as: 1) Control: ITM; mineral sulfates at industrial levels 515 Relationship between expression of sodium-dependent
(100 ppm Zn, 120 Mn, 10 Cu); 2) OTM: Zn, Mn and Cu chelated by phosphate transporter type II-b gene and phosphorus utilization
2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio) butanoic acid (HMTBA) at NRC (1994) levels in broilers. O. A. Olukosi*, S. A. Adedokun, K. M. Ajuwon, and O.
(50 ppm Zn, 60 Mn, 10 Cu); 3) OTM+ITM: Trt 1 plus an additional Adeola, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
40 ppm Zn, 40 Mn and 20 Cu as OTM; 4) High ITM: Trt 1 plus 40
ppm Zn, 40 Mn and 20 Cu as ITM. Weekly egg production, and chick Broiler chicks at 21 d old were used to study the relationship between
bone weight, thickness and length data were analyzed using repeated the level of expression of sodium-dependent phosphate transporter type
measures analysis (PROC MIXED). Total and settable eggs, egg weight IIb gene (NaPi-IIb) in 3 sections of the small intestine (duodenum,
and hatchability were analyzed as a 1-way ANOVA (PROC MIXED). jejunum or ileum) and P utilization. Birds were allocated at 1-d old to 4
Significance was set at P ≤ 0.05. Total and settable egg production, egg treatments in a randomized complete block design, each treatment had
weight and hatchability to 60 wk of hen age were not affected by diet. 7 replicate cages with 8 birds per replicate cage. Corn-soybean meal
Femur weight (with chick weight as a covariate) decreased 12% from diets formulated to meet all nutrients requirements except for P were fed
EEP to LEP. At EEP, chicks from the OTM hens had femurs and tibias throughout the study. The ratio of Ca to total P was kept constant in all
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 497
diets. Non-phytate P levels in the diets were 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 and 5.5 g/kg. 517 Effect of organic zinc supplementation on growth perfor-
Twenty-eight birds, one bird from each cage, with weight closest to the mance and carcass quality of broilers. H. M. Salim*, H. R. Lee, C.
average weight of the cage, were killed at d 21. Mucosa scraping was Jo, S. K. Lee, and B. D. Lee, Chungnam National University, Yuseong,
collected from the duodenum, jejunum and ileum of the selected birds Daejeon, South Korea.
and the expression level of NaPi-IIb relative to GAPDH was determined
The effect of supplementing diets with organic zinc on growth perfor-
by RT-PCR. Ileal digesta was collected on d 21 from the remaining birds
mance and carcass quality of female broiler chickens was investigated.
in the cage. Expression level of NaPi-IIb was negatively correlated with
A total of 3,200 1-d-old female broiler chicks were randomly assigned
P level and total P intake but positively correlated with P digestibility
to 4 floor pens, 800 birds per pen, with 4 replicates (200 birds/replicate).
(P < 0.05) at the jejunum. Correlation of expression level of NaPi-IIb at
A corn-wheat-soybean meal basal diet (Control) was formulated, and
duodenum and ileum were mostly opposite to that at jejunum. Expres-
20 ppm organic zinc (20 OZ), 40 ppm organic zinc (40 OZ), and 80
sion level of NaPi-IIb was similar in duodenum and jejunum but lowest
ppm organic zinc (80 OZ) were added to the basal diet to form 4 dietary
(P < 0.05) at the ileum. Dietary P level had no influence on NaPi-IIb
treatments. During the 5-wk experimental period, feed and water were
expression at any section of the small intestine. Ileal P digestibility was
provided ad libitum. Body weight, feed intake, feed conversion and
not affected by P supply but both total and digestible P intake were
mortality were measured. At the end of the feeding trial, 2 birds per
increased (P < 0.01) with increasing level of P in the diets. The data
replicate pen were selected according to average body weight, slaugh-
indicate that all the sections of the small intestine contribute to prece-
tered, defeathered and carcass evaluation was performed. For histology
cal P disappearance but duodenum and jejunum contribute the most.
analysis, about 1 cm2 of skin samples from the thigh and back region of
In addition, the data indicate that manipulation of NaPi-IIb expression
each bird were collected, embedded, sectioned, stained, and thickness
level especially at the jejunum will strongly influence P utilization and
of skin layers were examined under light microscope. Results showed
excretion in broilers.
no significant difference between the treatments in growth performance.
Key Words: broilers, phosphate transporter, small intestine A significant increase (P < 0.05) of thigh skin epidermis and dermis
thickness were shown in the organic zinc supplementation groups; how-
ever, no effect of the zinc on the thickness of back skin epidermis and
516 Effects of HMTBA chelated zinc, manganese and copper on dermis was found. Collagen content in breast and thigh muscles was not
performance, mineral status and immunity of broilers. Y. Ruang- influenced by organic zinc supplementation but a significant increase of
panit*, S. Attamangkune, S. Rattanatubtimthong, and C. Khomkamon, collagen content was found in the back and thigh skin (P < 0.05). This
Kasetsart University, Nakhon-Pathom, Thailand. increase of collagen content was significantly higher in the back and
Two studies were conducted to investigate the effects of HMTBA che- thigh skin of OZ 80 compare with OZ 20. Shear force of back skin and
lated Zn, Mn and Cu on performance, mineral status and immunity of muscles was not significantly influenced by the dietary supplementation
broilers. In Exp. 1, the effects of HMTBA Zn, Mn and Cu on performance of zinc. Water holding capacity in breast muscle increased significantly
and mineral status of broiler were evaluated. Two thousand, day-old, (P < 0.05) when birds were fed OZ 40 and OZ 80; however, organic zinc
Ross 308 were divided into 2 dietary treatments including, 1) Corn-soy supplementation had no adverse effect on over all consumer acceptability
basal diet containing inorganic Zn, Mn and Cu at the recommended of broiler meat. It has been concluded that dietary organic zinc does not
levels of the Thai standards (ITM) and 2) Corn-soy basal diet containing affect growth performance of broilers but increases collagen content in
HMTBA Zn, Mn and Cu (Mintrex) at 25% of the inorganic levels used skin, thereby improving carcass quality of broilers.
in ITM diet (CTM). Both diets were calculated to be isonitrogenous and Key Words: organic zinc, skin quality, broilers
isocaloric and were offered in pellet form. Each treatment consisted of 20
replications with 50 broilers per replication (25 males and 25 females).
All birds were raised in environmental controlled house for 42 d. At the 518 Effect of dietary copper source and level on GI copper levels
end of the experiment, carcass trail was evaluated. Liver and bone were and ileal E. coli survival in broiler chicks. K. C. Klasing* and A.
collected for mineral analysis. Birds received CTM diet had significantly Naziripour, University of California, Davis.
lower feed intake during 1–17 and18–35 d, and lower body weight gain
Pentahydrate copper sulfate (CS) and tribasic copper chloride (TBCC)
during 1-17 d (P < 0.05). However, no significant difference in overall
are the primary Cu sources fed at high levels to improve the health and
broiler performance and carcass trait were observed. The Zn, Mn and
growth of animals. TBCC is less soluble in water than CS but is more
Cu concentrations in serum at d 20 were similar, but serum Zn and Cu
bioavailable so our goal was to examine their biological properties along
concentrations of birds fed CTM diet were lower at d 42 (P < 0.05).
the GI tract. These 2 Cu sources were fed at 150 ppm to 6 pens per trt
Liver Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations and Zn and Cu concentrations in
of 3 broiler chicks per pen from d 3 to 14 of age. Intestinal luminal
bone were not significant different. However, birds received CTM diet
content was collected to determine total Cu, water extractable Cu, Cu
had lower bone Mn concentrations (P < 0.05). In Exp. 2, the effects
that could be extracted using the strong complexing agent, ethylenebis-
of HMTBA Zn, Mn and Cu on immunity, oxidative stress status and
hydroxyphenylglycine (EHPG), and Cu that could not be extracted
mineral excretion were evaluated. One hundred and twenty, 12 d old,
(presumed to be unavailable for nutritional and microbicidal purposes).
male Ross 308 were assigned into 2 dietary treatments as in Exp. 1. Each
Bacteriostatic activity to E. coli spiked into ileal intestinal contents was
treatment consisted of 6 replications with 10 birds per replication. All
greater for TBCC than for CS (P < 0.05). Total Cu in luminal contents
birds were raised in metabolic cages. Birds fed CTM diet had higher
was not affected by Cu source. CS increased duodenal luminal soluble
secondary IgG responses against 7% SRBC antigen (P < 0.05). Both
Cu and epithelial metallothionein more than TBCC (P < 0.05), indicating
ITM and CTM birds had similar serum MDA concentration. Expectedly,
that it was taken up by epithelial cells at a greater rate in the upper small
broiler fed CTM diet had lower Zn, Mn and Cu excretion (P < 0.05).
intestine, but this effect did not occur in the lower intestines. TBCC
From this study, it can be concluded that chelated trace minerals have
resulted in more EHGP-extractable Cu in all regions of the intestines
higher bioavailability and lower levels can be fed in the diet.
(P < 0.05) and less unremovable Cu (P = 0.05), which may be related
Key Words: broiler, organic mineral, mineral excretion to its greater bioavailability and anti-coli activity.
Key Words: copper, intestines, broilers
498 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
519 Effects of dietary iron and age on cellular copper metabolism ileum was not different between Cu sources. However, pigs fed TBCC
in liver of weanling pigs. R. S. Fry*, J. W. Spears, S. L. Hansen, H. had higher (P < 0.01) Cu concentrations in mucosa of the proximal
C. Liu, and M. S. Ashwell, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. jejunum than CuSO4 fed pigs (44.7 vs. 22.1 mg/kg Cu). In the ileum,
mucosal Cu tended (P < 0.10) to be higher in TBCC vs. CuSO4 pigs. In
Thirty-six weanling, male pigs were used in a 2 × 3 design to determine
conclusion, pigs supplemented with Cu had much higher concentrations
the effect of dietary iron (Fe) and age on hepatic cellular copper (Cu)
of soluble Cu in the digesta and intestinal mucosa than control pigs.
metabolism. Pigs received diets containing 97 mg/kg Fe (control) or 797
Furthermore, Cu source affected Cu uptake differently throughout the
mg/kg Fe (H-Fe) for either 21, 42, or 63 d. On each of these d 6 pigs
small intestine. Markedly lower water solubility of TBCC compared
per treatment were harvested and liver and bile were collected for Cu
with CuSO4 may explain these differences.
analysis and mRNA analysis of hepatic Cu transporters and chaperones.
On the day before harvest jugular blood was obtained for plasma Cu and Key Words: pigs, copper, metabolism
ceruloplasmin (Cp). Liver Cu was not affected by diet, but was affected
by age. Pigs harvested on d 21 had higher (P < 0.01) liver Cu than pigs
harvested on d 42 and 63. Plasma Cu and Cp were not affected by diet 521 Dietary calcium and phosphorous and organic and inorganic
but both increased (P < 0.01) with age. Bile Cu was affected by a treat- trace minerals on nursery pig growth performance. J. S. Jolliff*
ment × day interaction (P < 0.05). On d 21, bile Cu tended to be higher and D. C. Mahan, The Ohio State University, Columbus.
(P < 0.10) in H-Fe vs. control pigs, but did not differ on d 42. However, Dietary Ca and P levels were evaluated for their effect on trace mineral
by d 63, bile Cu tended to be lower (P < 0.10) in H-Fe vs. control pigs. usage as measured by postweaning growth performance and plasma
Messenger RNA of Ctr1, Atox1, and Atp7b were affected (P < 0.05) minerals. Two levels of Ca and P (Ca:P) and 5 trace mineral (TM)
by a treatment × day interaction, and Cp mRNA tended (P < 0.10) to treatments (2 × 5 factorial) were analyzed as an RCB over 6 blocks
be affected by a treatment × day interaction. On d 21 and 63, Ctr1 was with 240 total nursery pigs (6.43 kg BW) for 35 d. The 2 Ca:P levels
not affected by diet, but on d 42 mRNA of this Cu-importer was lower were 0.80% Ca and 0.65% P (Low) and 1.10% Ca and 0.91% P (High).
(P < 0.01) in H-Fe vs. control pigs. On d 21, Atox1, a chaperone that Of the 5 TM treatments, 4 comprised a 2 × 2 factorial between 2 TM
delivers Cu to the Cu-exporter, Atp7b, was markedly higher (P < 0.01) in sources (organic or inorganic) and 2 TM levels. The first TM level (1x)
H-Fe vs. control pigs, but did not differ on d 42 and 63. On d 21, Atp7b provided 15 ppm Cu, 15 ppm Fe, 10 ppm Mn, and 140 pp Zn while the
tended (P < 0.10) to be higher in H-Fe vs. control pigs. By d 42, Atp7b second level (2x) provided twice the amount of TM of the first level.
was lower (P < 0.01) in H-Fe vs. control pigs and was numerically (P = The fifth TM treatment was no TM supplemented to the diet, i.e., all
0.11) lower in H-Fe pigs on d 63. On d 21 and 42, Cp, a Cu-dependent minerals were considered indigenous (basal). Pigs were weighed and
ferroxidase, was not affected by diet, but by d 63 it was lower (P < feed disappearance recorded once per week postweaning. On d 35,
0.05) in H-Fe vs. control pigs. In conclusion, age did not affect mRNA all pigs were bled and hemoglobin, hematocrit, and plasma minerals
of Cu transporters and chaperones. However, high dietary Fe affected were analyzed. TM treatment affected pig BW (P < 0.05) from d 21
bile Cu and Cu transporters and chaperones involved in the secretory onwards with the Basal TM treatment resulting in lighter weight pigs.
pathway of Cu metabolism. These data provide a better understanding Furthermore, pigs fed the Basal TM treatment had lower (P < 0.05)
of how Fe antagonistically affects Cu metabolism. ADG, ADFI, and G:F by 21 d postweaning. Inorganic TM resulted in
Key Words: pigs, copper, iron greater ADFI for the entire 35 d trial. There were Ca:P x TM interac-
tions (P < 0.05) for BW, ADG, ADFI, and G:F in the later half of the
nursery period. TM treatment affected (P < 0.05) pig hemoglobin with
520 Effect of level and source of dietary copper on copper metabo- Basal having the lowest concentrations, inorganic TM having greater
lism in the small intestine of weanling pigs. R. S. Fry*, M. S. Ashwell, concentrations than organic, and the 2x TM level having greater con-
W. L. Flowers, K. R. Stewart, and J. W. Spears, North Carolina State centrations than the 1x level. Pig hematocrit showed a similar pattern
University, Raleigh. to hemoglobin, although TM level had no effect (P > 0.05). Low Ca:P
resulted in greater (P < 0.05) plasma P and Zn than High Ca:P. Pigs
Thirty weanling pigs were used to determine the effect of level and
in the Basal treatment had lower (P < 0.05) plasma P, Fe, and Zn than
source of dietary copper (Cu) on performance and Cu metabolism in the
pigs receiving supplemental TM. There were no Ca:P interactions for
duodenum, proximal jejunum, and ileum. Dietary treatments consisted
any blood constituents. In summary, pigs fed inorganic TM had greater
of 1) control (no added Cu), 2) 225 mg supplemental Cu/kg from Cu
feed intake, hemoglobin concentrations, and hematocrit while High Ca:P
sulfate (CuSO4) or 3) 225 mg supplemental Cu/kg from tribasic Cu
reduced plasma P and Zn.
chloride (TBCC). Feeding regimen consisted of 3 phase diets. Phase 1
diets were fed from d 0 to 6, phase 2 diets were fed from d 7 to 21, and Key Words: pig, calcium, minerals
phase 3 diets were fed for the remainder of the study. Prior to harvest
on d 35 and 36, pigs were fasted for 8 h then re-fed for 8 h. Digesta and
mucosal scrapings were collected from each section of the intestine for 522 Effect of organic and inorganic trace mineral source and
determination of soluble Cu and mucosal Cu concentrations. Digesta pH preslaughter deletion on tissue mineral content of pigs. Y. L. Ma*,
was obtained upon collection. During phase 1, TBCC pigs had higher (P M. D. Lindemann, G. L. Cromwell, and G. Rentfrow, University of
< 0.05) average daily gain and gain:feed than CuSO4 and control pigs. Kentucky, Lexington.
However, overall performance for the 35 d study was not affected by Cu Crossbred pigs weaned at 21 ± 3 d (n = 144; BW = 7.4 kg) were used
level or source. Digesta pH increased (P < 0.01) as digesta descended to assess an organic form (ORG) of several trace minerals to standard
down the small intestine, but did not differ by Cu level or source. Soluble inorganic forms (IN) on tissue mineral content when those minerals were
Cu in the digesta and mucosal Cu in duodenum, proximal jejunum, and deleted for various times preslaughter. Pigs were allotted to 24 pens (6
ileum were higher (P < 0.05) in Cu supplemented vs. control pigs. In the pigs/pen) based on gender and BW and fed a diet containing either IN
duodenum, soluble Cu in digesta tended (P < 0.10) to be lower while (CuSO4•5H2O, ZnO, FeSO4•H2O, MnO) or ORG (Bioplexes; Alltech
mucosal Cu was lower (P < 0.05) in TBCC vs. CuSO4 pigs (104.3 vs. Inc., Nicholasville KY) trace minerals (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn) at the NRC
130.3 mg/kg Cu). Soluble Cu in digesta from proximal jejunum and (1998) requirement for each of 5 dietary phases of BW (equivalent to
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 499
14, 14, 42, 28, 42–d periods). Two pigs were removed from each pen phase 5, increased length of deletion period (from 0 to 6 wk) resulted
at the end of phase 4 (BW = 82.6 kg), and at the end of phase 5 (BW = in a decrease (linear and quadratic, P < 0.01) in liver Zn (ORG – 209.2
126.6 kg) for the collection of tissue samples. After phase 4, 3 pens from to 118.8; IN – 183.8 to 124.8) and an increase (linear, P < 0.01) in heart
each treatment were switched to a common diet without trace mineral Mn (ORG – 0.76 to 1.12; IN – 0.64 to 1.03) and liver Mn (ORG – 8.21
supplementation in 2–wk intervals. This resulted in 4 groups within the to 12.68; IN – 7.27 to 13.23). The only mineral source by deletion
IN and ORG source in which supplementation was deleted for 0, 2, 4, period interaction (P < 0.04) was in LD Zn where increasing deletion
and 6 wk preslaughter. All data are reported on an mg/kg tissue DM was associated with less Zn in IN–fed pigs (63.9, 55.7, 56.8, and 49.8)
basis. At the end of phase 4, ORG Mn content was greater (P < 0.03) in but not in ORG–fed pigs (56.4, 59.5, 56.7, and 62.0). The results dem-
heart (0.77 vs. 0.68), liver (9.46 vs. 8.30), and longissimus dorsi (LD; onstrate differential effects of mineral deletion on tissue mineral content
0.30 vs. 0.23). ORG Cu was greater (P < 0.03) in LD (2.12 vs. 1.89). depending on both mineral assessed and source of the mineral.
ORG Fe was greater (P < 0.03) in LD (21.8 vs. 19.4) but lower in liver
Key Words: trace minerals, pigs
(466.1 vs. 564.4). Zn source did not affect tissue content. At the end of
500 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Physiology and Endocrinology: Animal Physiology
523 The “immunocrit,” a simple measure of passive transfer, is 25.2 ± 0.8 ng/mL). Calm calves had lower EPI (149 ± 18 pg/mL) than
a useful predictor of nursing ability and preweaning mortality of intermediate (203 ± 18 pg/mL) and temperamental calves (P < 0.01;
piglets. J. L. Vallet*, J. R. Miles, L. A. Rempel, and L. A. Kuehn, 381 ± 18 pg/mL). Heifers had greater EPI (P < 0.01; 278 ± 14 pg/mL)
USDA, ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE. than bulls (212 ± 15 pg/mL). Concentrations of EPI decreased from
d-28 (326 ± 20 pg/mL) through d+56 (P < 0.01; 169 ± 22 pg/mL).
Initiation of lactation and newborn piglet nursing ability are 2 factors that
Calm calves had lower concentrations of NE than intermediate and
can influence preweaning mortality. We have developed the “immun-
temperamental calves (P < 0.04; 510 ± 72, 732 ± 74, and 719 ± 72 pg/
ocrit” that can assess both lactation initiation and neonatal piglet nursing
mL, respectively). Concentrations of NE changed over time (P = 0.01)
ability based on the transfer of immunoglobulin G (IgG) from the sow
and were not affected by sex (P = 0.98). Concentrations of IgG were not
to the piglet. To perform an immunocrit, 50 μL serum was mixed with
affected by temperament (P = 0.43) or time (P = 0.22) but tended to be
50 μL 40% ammonium sulfate, the mixture was loaded into a hematocrit
affected by sex with heifers (26.7 ± 2.2 mg/mL) having greater IgG than
capillary tube and centrifuged for 5 min. The result was the ratio of the
bulls (21.6 ± 2.2 mg/mL; P = 0.11). In summary, temperamental calves
mm precipitate to mm solution in the tube. To test the immunocrit, the
have greater stress hormone concentrations. Additionally, cortisol, EPI,
smallest piglet in 205 litters was sacrificed, blood was collected and full
and IgG concentrations can vary depending on sex of the calf.
and emptied stomachs were weighed to obtain the weight of stomach
contents. Blood was analyzed for IgG by precipitation of serum samples Key Words: cattle, temperament, stress
with protein A-Sepharose followed by SDS-PAGE. Densitometry of the
heavy chain of IgG was used to quantify IgG. To test use in cattle, blood
samples from 96 calves were obtained 24 h after birth and IgG was mea- 525 Effect of cytochrome P450 and aldo-keto reductase inhibitors
sured (Bovine IgG radial immunodiffusion kit; VMRD, Inc.). Piglet and on progesterone decay in primary bovine hepatic cell cultures. C. O.
calf blood samples were also analyzed by immunocrit. For piglets, the Lemley* and M. E. Wilson, West Virginia University, Morgantown.
correlation between densitometry and immunocrit values was 0.83. For Progesterone is required for maintenance of pregnancy and peripheral
calves, the correlation between kit IgG and immunocrit values was 0.90. concentrations of progesterone are affected by both production and
Piglet immunocrit values were also correlated (r = 0.44; P < 0.01) with inactivation. Hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) and aldo-keto reductases
stomach contents at 24 h, indicating that immunocrits could be used to (AKR) play a pivotal role in the first step of steroid inactivation. The
screen for piglet nursing ability. To assess the influence of immunocrit current objectives were to discern the proportional involvement of
values on piglet preweaning survival, immunocrits were performed on hepatic progesterone catabolic enzymes on progesterone decay using
every piglet in 48 1st and 68 2nd parity litters and survival to weaning specific enzyme inhibitors. Liver biopsies were taken from 6 lactating
was recorded. Preweaning survival was independently associated (P < dairy cows and dissociated using a non-perfusion technique. Confluent
0.01) with birth weight of the piglet and immunocrit values. Second wells (n = 12/treatment) were preincubated for 4 h with enzyme inhibi-
parity sows had greater litter average immunocrit values compared tor and then challenged with progesterone for one hour. Cell viability
with 1st parity sows (0.133 ± 0.003 and 0.123 ± 0.004, respectively; P was unaffected (P > 0.50) by inhibitor treatment and averaged 84 ± 1%.
< 0.05). These results indicate that the immunocrit is a useful tool to In control wells 50% of the progesterone had been inactivated after a
monitor colostrum intake in piglets and calves. one hour challenge with 5 ng/ml progesterone. Preincubation with
Key Words: colostrum, immunoglobulin, lactation curcumin (CYP and AKR inhibitor), ticlopidine (CYP2C inhibitor) or
naproxen (AKR inhibitor) caused the greatest reduction (P < 0.001)
in progesterone decay compared with controls and averaged 77, 39 or
524 Influence of temperament on stress hormone and IgG con- 37%, respectively. Hydroxylation of 4-nitrophenol to 4-nitrocatechol
centrations in Brahman calves. N. C. Burdick*1, D. A. Neuendorff2, in intact cells was inhibited by 65% (P < 0.001) after treatment with
R. C. Vann3, J. G. Lyons1, T. H. Welsh Jr.1, and R. D. Randel2, 1Texas curcumin or ticlopidine. However, phase II glucuronidation of phenol red
AgriLife Research, College Station, 2Texas AgriLife Research, Overton, or 4-nitrocatechol in intact cells was inhibited (P < 0.01) by treatment
3MAFES, Mississippi State University, Raymond.
with curcumin, dicumarol or naproxen, showing a lack of specificity
in phase I enzyme inhibition (CYP and AKR). The contribution of
This study was designed to determine the influence of temperament on
CYP2C and CYP3A enzymes to progesterone decay in bovine hepatic
cortisol, epinephrine (EPI), norepinephrine (NE), and IgG concentrations
cell cultures appeared to be 40 and 15%, respectively. Depending on
in Brahman calves. Calves from crops in 2006 and 2007 were selected
the inhibitor used it would appear that the AKR enzymes contributed
based on temperament score measured 28 d before and at weaning. Based
40% to the observed progesterone decay; however, a portion of this loss
on temperament score the 10 calm, intermediate, and temperamental
may be due to glucuronosyltransferase (phase II enzyme) inhibition.
calves from each sex (bulls and heifers) were selected from each calf
A greater understanding of these steroid biotransformation pathways
crop (n = 120). Blood was collected 28 d before weaning, at weaning,
in the dairy cow could help researchers modify the bioavailability of
and 28 and 56 d post-weaning to determine serum cortisol and IgG,
and plasma EPI and NE concentrations. Data were analyzed using the
MIXED procedure of SAS specific for repeated measures. Sources of Key Words: cytochrome P450, aldo-keto reductase, progesterone
variation included temperament, sex, day, and year. Cortisol (P < 0.01) decay
was, and EPI tended (P = 0.08) to be, greater in 2006 than 2007. Cortisol
was affected by temperament with calm calves having lower cortisol
(14.4 ± 0.7 ng/mL; P < 0.01) than intermediate (18.6 ± 0.7 ng/mL) and 526 Residual feed intake selection and its effects upon pre- and
temperamental (30.8 ± 0.7 ng/mL) calves. Heifers had greater cortisol postpartum changes in NEFA concentrations and body weight and
than bulls (P < 0.01; 22.9 ± 0.6 and 19.6 ± 0.6 ng/mL, respectively). condition in Brahman females. A. K. Poovey*1,2, A. N. Loyd1,2,
Cortisol increased from d0 (18.5 ± 0.8 ng/mL) through d+56 (P < 0.01; A. W. Lewis1, D. A. Neuendorff1, S. L. Morgan1,2, L. C. Caldwell2,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 501
T. D. A. Forbes3, T. H. Welsh Jr.2, and R. D. Randel1, 1Texas AgriLife (14%) but significant loss of the double emulsion formulation after
Research, Overton, 2Texas AgriLife Research, College Station, 3Texas 18h incubation in rumen, 81% of the initial amount finally reaches the
AgriLife Research, Uvalde. intestine where VA is totally released. Among the sources of vitamin
A being studied, the double emulsion formulation seems to be more
Residual feed intake (RFI) is one method to identify efficient animals
bioavailable to cattle. This should be confirmed later on by a greater
based upon the relationship of predicted to actual individual feed intake.
tissue concentration of VA.
Nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations are the products of
catabolism of triglycerides and are negatively correlated with energy
balance and body weight in females. The objective of this study was to Table 1. VA residues1 at each step of the MNB technique (% of
examine the relationship among RFI status with pre- and postpartum initial content)
NEFA concentrations in beef females. Based upon prior post-weaning 6-h 10-h 18-h
RFI evaluations, Brahman females (n = 93) were classified as having rumen rumen rumen abomasum feces
either a negative RFI (efficient) or a positive RFI (inefficient). Body Microvit A1000
condition score (BCS), body weight (BW), and serum samples were Supra 102l 97l 86ijk 81hi ND
collected at weekly intervals beginning 5 wk before and continuing product A 76ghi 57f 23d 2a ND
through 5 wk after calving. Pre-calving, NEFA concentrations did product B 82hij 72gh 20cd ND ND
not differ between low and high RFI groups (P > 0.3). There was an
product C 70g 45e 10abc ND ND
interaction between NEFA concentrations and prepartum time period
(P = 0.02). However, during this time, RFI (P = 0.8961) and age group product D 26d 6a ND ND ND
(P = 0.11) did not affect change in BW although there tended to be dif- product E 24d 4a ND ND ND
ferences in BW between 2 year old (YO) heifers and cows 4 years and product F 18bcd 18bcd 19cd 7ab 3
older (P = 0.05). Similarly, change in BCS was not affected by RFI (P product G 51ef 20cd ND ND ND
= 0.88); however, age group tended to differ (P = 0.06). Specifically, 2 product H 76ghi 70g 53ef 24d ND
YO cows lost more BCS than 3 YO (P = 0.02) and 3 YO tended to lose 1Values
are LS means; ND: Non Detectable; letters indicate statistical differ-
more BCS than cows 4+ YO (P = 0.07). Postpartum NEFA concentra-
ence within columns (Fisher Test: P < 0.05; α = 5%)
tions changed over time (P = 0.02) and were affected by sampling
week (P = 0.02). Neither age nor RFI influenced changes in BW (P = Key Words: vitamin A formulation, rumen stability, intestinal release
0.75; P = 0.98, respectively) or BCS (P = 0.29; P = 0.79, respectively).
Circulating concentration of NEFA in pre- and postpartum females was
not related to RFI previously evaluated when the females were heifers. 528 Poisson analysis of number of services per conception for
Changes in BW and BCS did not differ due to previous evaluation for Iranian Holstein cows. H. Farhangfar*1 and F. Bahri2, 1Birjand
RFI as heifers during the same peri-partum periods. Age of cow was University, Birjand, Iran,
the only factor found to be related to serum NEFA concentrations or
changes in BW and BCS. 2Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran.
Key Words: feed efficiency, nonesterified fatty acids, peri-partum To evaluate the effects of some environmental factors on the number of
cows services per conception (NSC) in Iranian Holstein cows, a total of 38,074
records obtained from 10,726 cows at different parities (1985–2009)
527 Ruminal degradability and intestinal release of different was utilized. All records were collected from a very large dairy herd
vitamin A formulations. D. P. Preveraud* and P. A. Geraert, Adisseo comprising of 2 separate units. The units were different from each other
France SAS, Antony, France. from dairy farm management point of view. Average number of services
per conception was 2.29 in the whole data set. A generalized statistical
The most convenient way to provide vitamin A (VA) to ruminants is to linear model was applied to analyze NSC. Poisson distribution was
include it with concentrate mixtures. Feed industry usually formulates assumed for NSC and a log link function was applied for the response
a VA ester emulsified into a gelatin beadlet to ensure good stability and variable. In the model, fixed effects of period of years (in 3 levels),
biological availability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the rumen month of insemination, technician, parity and unit were included. Based
degradability and intestinal release of different VA formulations, includ- upon the year of insemination, 3 year periods were defined as follows:
ing the double emulsion (Microvit A1000 Supra, Adisseo), by using a 1985–1990, 1991–2000 and 2001–2009. The statistical model was run
Mobile Nylon Bag (MNB) methodology. Two dairy cows equipped with the use of GLMMIX procedure add in program implemented in
with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a 2-period crossover SAS software. The results indicated that year period and unit were the
experimental design. The 9 tested formulations were incubated in the only significant factors that influenced NSC (P < 0.01). Least squares
rumen in nylon bags (6 replicates) for 6, 10 or 18h and residues from means of NSC (in original scales) were 2.1776, 2.2807 and 2.2805 for
these bags were then incubated in a pepsin HCl solution (38.5°C, pH year periods of 1985–1990, 1991–2000 and 2001–2009, respectively.
2) for 2.5h to simulate abomasal digestion, and finally inserted through The least squares means of NSC (in original scales) of farms units
the duodenal cannula to be recovered from feces after 24h. Nylon bags were obtained to be 2.1707 and 2.3234 for units 1 and 2, respectively
were then analyzed for their VA content and results were expressed as a revealing slightly different reproductive efficiency between 2 units of
percentage of residual VA compared with initial content of non-incubated the dairy herd. Among different parities, the largest and lowest NSC
product (see table). Microscopic photographs were also taken to follow least squares means were found for parity 7 and 10, respectively. How-
the degradation of the different formulations. The overall results of ever, no significant differences were revealed among the parities. From
this experiment indicated that these VA sources could be divided into the results of this research it could be concluded that the reproductive
3 groups according to their rumen stability and in relation with their efficiency of Iranian Holstein cows has been deteriorating over the
formulation: stable (double emulsion, Microvit), intermediate (products past decades suggesting that a sophisticated genetic selection program
A, B, C, G and H) and sensitive (products D, E and F). Despite a low
502 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
should be considered for improving the traits associated with reproduc- the lack of metabolic responses, in contrast with previous responses to
tion performance. daily subcutaneous TNFα injections.
Key Words: Iranian Holstein, Poisson analysis, reproduction perfor- Key Words: dairy, TNFα, gluconeogenesis
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 503
Physiology and Endocrinology: Sperm-Oviduct Interactions
in Livestock and Poultry
531 Evidence that oviduct secretions influence sperm function: a UVJ and SST, and the cellular and molecular mechanisms orchestrating
retrospective view for livestock. G. J. Killian*, The Pennsylvania oviductal sperm selection and storage. These include: the SST numbers
State University, University Park. in different poultry species and lines of high and low fertility; roles
The mammalian oviduct has long been recognized as an organ essen- of the immune system and possibly neuroendocrine-like cells in the
tial to the success of reproduction. Bovine, ovine, porcine and equine vagina in sperm selection and storage; the roles of aquaporins and a
animal models have offered clear advantages for oviduct study related fluid exchange mechanisms contributing sperm release from the SSTs;
to gamete physiology, fertilization and early embryo development. and, gene expression of the SST epithelial cells with or without resident
Livestock species are amenable to surgical alteration of the reproductive sperm. The objective of this presentation is to integrate these observa-
tract, estrous cycle manipulation, gamete cryopreservation, artificial tions into a comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular
insemination as well as in vitro fertilization and embryo production. events influencing the fate of sperm in the hen’s oviduct, particularly in
Although most reproductive technology developed for livestock was the area of oviductal sperm selection and storage.
intended to benefit production animal agriculture, these techniques are Key Words: poultry, reproduction, oviduct
a treasure trove of tools for researchers to better understand how the
oviduct influences gamete function. Oviduct secretions obtained from
in vitro tissue cultures or via indwelling oviduct catheters have been 533 Effect of sperm mobility phenotype on fertility, sperm com-
used for analyses to define the protein, lipid, carbohydrate, enzyme and petition, and in vivo sperm storage in the domestic fowl. D. P.
electrolyte compositions of the secretions during the estrous cycle or Froman*, Oregon State University, Corvallis.
in response to hormone treatment. Oviduct secretions or components
Sperm mobility is a quantitative trait. Phenotype is determined by the
purified there from have also been used in in vitro assays to assess their
extent to which sperm move against resistance at body temperature.
ability to bind to sperm and/or influence on sperm viability, motility,
This ability is measured in vitro by sperm penetration of 6% (wt/vol)
sperm capacitation, the acrosome reaction, sperm-egg binding, egg
Accudenz from an overlaid sperm suspension. The study of sperm mobil-
penetration as well as subsequent embryo development. Compelling
ity has provided: 1) an estimate of heritability, 2) an explanation for
data have emerged which show that the composition of secretions dif-
phenotypic variation based upon properties of individual motile sperm,
fers during the estrous cycle and that their composition differs whether
3) a plausible model that explains why a portion of sperm ejaculated
they originate from the ampullar or isthmic regions of the oviduct. These
by any given male are immobile in addition to why this proportion
differences in composition are functionally relevant and associated with
varies among males, and 4) loci of interest within the fowl genome. The
different responses by sperm. Evidence suggests that oviduct -specific
distinction between sperm motility and mobility is critical. Whereas all
glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans, carbohydrates, norepinepherine,
mobile sperm are motile, not all motile sperm are mobile; for a motile
catecholamines, heat-shock protein and osteopontin are components of
cell must have a velocity >30 μm per second to be mobile in vitro. This
the oviductal milieu which have the capacity to modulate sperm func-
distinction is biologically significant because sperm mobility phenotype
tion. Continued research on the livestock oviduct will likely unravel the
predicts male fertility when hens are inseminated with a fixed number
role that specific oviduct secretions have in modulating sperm function
of viable sperm. Immobile sperm contain dysfunctional mitochondria,
and how these modifications ultimately affect fertilization and embryo
and the time course for mitochondrial failure begins before ejacula-
tion. Percentages of affected sperm appear to range between 10 and
Key Words: sperm, oviduct, secretions nearly 100%. This variation is attributed to a genetic predisposition
that puts sperm cells at risk as they pass through the deferent ducts
of the testis. Sperm mobility is heritable (h2 = 0.30), and phenotype
532 Role of the oviduct in maintaining sustained fertility in is influenced by a maternal additive genetic effect, attributed to the Z
hens. M. R. Bakst*1 and J. P. Brillard2, 1ARS, USDA, Beltsville, chromosome based upon genome-wide SNPlotype analysis. To date,
MD, 2INRA, Tours, France. experiments have been reductionist in nature. Nonetheless, synthesis
In poultry, sperm transferred by natural mating or artificial insemination of experimental outcomes has afforded 4 new insights. These include:
(AI) into the distal end of the vagina immediately begin their ascent 1) how fitness varies among normal, fertile males within a population,
to the utero-vaginal junction (UVJ) located at the anterior end of the 2) a likely mechanism enabling in vivo sperm storage, 3) a quantita-
vagina. During their transport there is an intense sperm selection process tive, gene-based definition of semen quality, and 4) a new approach to
that may reduce the number of sperm initially transferred by as much semen preservation based upon bioenergetic theory. In essence, sperm
as 99.5%. Those “select” sperm reaching the UVJ enter the thousands are self-propelled DNA delivery vehicles. This presentation will explain
of tubular invaginations of the vagina’s surface epithelium located in how the self-propulsive nature of sperm varies among males and how
the UVJ mucosa, collectively referred to as the sperm-storage tubules such variation affects male fitness.
(SST). Sperm residing in the SST lumen are capable of surviving for Key Words: domestic fowl, fertility, sperm
several weeks while retaining their fertilizing capacity. Resident sperm
are released gradually from the SSTs while the hen is in egg production,
ascend to the site of fertilization, and interact with the next ovulated 534 Bovine oviduct-sperm interactions preceding fertilization. S.
ovum. In this manner, given the absence of an estrus to synchronize S. Suarez*, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
ovulation with copulation, poultry, and birds in general, are assured a
The bovine oviduct is not a simple conduit for sperm. The epithelium
population of sperm at the site of fertilization during a daily succes-
and luminal fluids of the oviduct affect the physiological state of sperm
sion of ovulated ova. Over the past decade several new and diverse
and movement of sperm into and through the oviduct. There is evidence
observations have been published addressing the microanatomy of the
that the oviduct is open to sperm for only a limited time after insemina-
504 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
tion; furthermore, sperm may require certain cell surface proteins to Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of CO-Synch + CIDR
gain access. After entering the oviduct, bull sperm bind to the oviductal protocols and timed AI (TAI) in beef heifers typical to the gulf coast
epithelium using 3 proteins in the BSP family (PDC109 or BSPA1/ states. Heifers (n = 239) of 2 breed types were used: Santa Gertrudis
A2, BSPA3, and BSP30K), which are the major secreted proteins of (SG, n = 145) and SG x Red Angus, F1 (SGX, n = 94). Heifers (n = 6,
the seminal vesicles. The BSP proteins coat the heads of sperm when 2.5%) were removed from data set due to lost CIDR or absence at TAI
they come into contact with vesicular secretions at ejaculation. Putative or pregnancy determination. Age was determined from recorded birth
oviductal receptors for the BSP proteins are 4 proteins in the annexin date, and BCS and BW was recorded at CIDR insertion. All heifers
family (ANXA1,2,4,5). Sperm binding to oviductal epithelium results were administered GnRH (100 µg, i.m.) and either a new (n = 121) or
in the development of a storage reservoir of sperm in the lower oviduct. an autoclaved, once-used (n = 118) CIDR insert (1.38 g progesterone) at
There is evidence that binding prolongs the fertility of sperm; that is, random on d 0. CIDR inserts were removed and prostaglandin F2α (PG,
when sperm coated with BSP proteins are incubated with apical plasma 25 mg, i.m.) was administered on d 7 (n = 160) with TAI performed 55
membranes of oviductal epithelium, their motile lives are extended. to 58 h after PG or CIDR inserts were removed and PG administered
Release of sperm is likely a gradual process, with sperm breaking loose twice on d 5 (n = 73) with TAI at 72 to 75 h after PG. All heifers were
and then reattaching several times. The gradual release of sperm would administered GnRH (100 mg, i.m.) following TAI. Pregnancy was diag-
reduce the numbers that arrive at the oocyte at any one time, thereby nosed by transrectal ultrasonography at 34, 35 or 36 d after TAI. Heifer
preventing polyspermy, and would also prolong the arrival of sperm in age, BW, BCS, and TAI pregnancy rate (PR) was 372.0 ± 2.0 d, 331.0
the upper oviduct to ensure that fertilization takes place. Capacitation ± 3.1 kg, 5.6 ± 0.04, and 43.8%, respectively. Chi-squared analysis was
may play a role in sperm release, because the process involves shedding used to determine differences in PR. Overall, PR was greater (P < 0.01)
of BSP protein and reduces bull sperm binding to oviductal epithelium. in SGX (51/92, 55.4%) than in SG (51/141, 36.2%) heifers. Similar (P
Capacitation of bull sperm is enhanced in vitro by heparin and heparin- > 0.1) PR was observed between heifers receiving the once-used or
like glycosaminoglycans have been detected in bovine oviduct fluid. new CIDR (56/115, 48.7% vs. 46/118, 39%), and between heifers on
Considering the role of heparin in capacitation, it is interesting that the 7-d or 5-d CIDR insert (68/160, 42.5% vs. 34/73, 46.6%). SG heif-
both BSP and annexin proteins bind heparin. Differential shedding of ers receiving the 7-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol had lower (P < 0.01)
the BSP proteins and their differing affinities for the 4 annexin proteins pregnancy rate (30/91, 33.0%) than SGX (38/69, 55.0%) receiving the
may result in a gradual and directed release of sperm toward the site same protocol. However, SG and SGX heifers receiving the 5-d CO-
of fertilization. Synch + CIDR protocol had similar (P > 0.1) PR (21/50, 42.0% vs. 13/23,
56.5%, respectively). Heifers with less than 1/4 Brahman influence had
USDA CSREES NRICGP 2008–35203–19031. acceptable PR with the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol, regardless of dura-
tion or CIDR type. The 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR protocol may prove to
Key Words: sperm, oviduct, seminal vesicles
be an acceptable TAI protocol for SG heifers. Other synchronization
of estrus and ovulation protocols are needed to enhance success rate of
535 In vivo imaging of in situ motility of fresh and liquid-stored TAI in cattle adapted to the gulf coast region.
ram spermatozoa in the ewe genital tract. X. Druart*1, J. Cognié1, G. Key Words: heifer, CIDR, synchronization
Baril1, F. Clément2, J.-L. Dacheux1, and J.-L. Gatti1, 1UMR 6175 INRA,
CNRS-Université de Tours-Haras Nationaux, Nouzilly, France, 2INRIA
Paris-Rocquencourt, Le Chesnay Cedex, France. 537 Neither temperament or residual feed intake affect sexual
maturity in Brahman heifers. A. N. Loyd*1, D. A. Neuendorff1,
The fertility of ram semen after cervical insemination is substantially
A. W. Lewis1, T. D. A. Forbes2, and R. D. Randel1, 1Texas AgriLife
reduced by 24 h of storage in liquid form. The effects of liquid storage on
Research, Overton, 2Texas AgriLife Research, Uvalde.
the transit of ram spermatozoa in the ewe genital tract was investigated
using a new procedure allowing direct observation of the spermatozoa Selection of calm and feed efficient cattle based on temperament and
in the genital tract. Ejaculated ram spermatozoa were fluorescently residual feed intake (RFI), respectively may improve the overall prof-
labeled and used to inseminate ewes in estrus either cervically through itability of beef cattle operations. While studies have investigated the
the vagina or laparoscopically into the base of the uterine horns. Four relationships of temperament and RFI with growth parameters, only
hours after insemination, the spermatozoa were directly observed in limited data are available concerning reproductive traits. The objective
situ using fibered confocal fluorescence microscopy. The high resolu- of this study was to evaluate the effects of temperament and RFI on
tion video images obtained with this technique allowed determination sexual maturity of Brahman heifers. Brahman heifers born in 2005 (n =
of the distribution of spermatozoa and individual motility in the lumen 48) and 2006 (n = 54) were evaluated at weaning for temperament using
of the ewe’s genital tract. The results showed a gradient of increasing pen score (PS) and exit velocity (EV). Temperament score was calculated
concentration of spermatozoa from the base of the uterus to the UTJ 4 for each heifer as the average of PS and EV. Heifers (n = 38 in 2005;
h after intrauterine insemination into the base of the horns. The in vitro n = 41 in 2006) were fed a balanced ration at 2.5% BW twice daily at
storage of spermatozoa in liquid form decreased their migration through 0800 and 1600 h in Calan gates. Residual feed intake was calculated
the cervix and reduced the proportion of motile spermatozoa and their from weekly feed intake and BW data collected for 70 d. Following the
straight line velocity at the UTJ and their transit into the oviduct. feeding trial, heifers were allowed to graze coastal bermudagrass pasture
and were exposed to a mature Brahman bull for natural breeding. Age
at calving was recorded and age at sexual maturity was defined as 292
536 Comparison of timed AI pregnancy rates in Santa Ger- d before calving. Weight at sexual maturity was determined from BW
trudis (SG) and SG crossbred heifers following the 7-d or 5-d and ADG data collected every 28 d. For statistical analysis, heifers were
CO-Synch+CIDR protocol. R. L. Stanko*1,3, K. D. Arnold1, J. categorized as calm, intermediate or temperamental based on ± 0.5
R. Ramirez2, S. Moore2, and R. Silguero2, 1Texas A&M University- standard deviation (SD) of both the mean EV and mean temperament
Kingsville, Kingsville, 2King Ranch, Inc., Kingsville, TX, 3Texas AgriLife score. RFI sign was used to categorize heifers as efficient (negative RFI)
Research, Beeville. or inefficient (positive RFI). Heifers were also classified as efficient,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 505
intermediate or inefficient based on ± 0.5 SD of the mean RFI. Using all temperament and RFI classifications. These data suggest that selec-
EV, temperament score, RFI sign, and RFI category as class variables, tion for RFI or temperament should not affect age or weight at sexual
age and weight at sexual maturity were analyzed by PROC GLM. No maturity in Brahman heifers.
differences (P > 0.05) were detected among these parameters comparing
Key Words: heifer, residual feed intake, temperament
506 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Production, Management and the Environment: Environment 1
538 Evaluation of a reproducible model for necrotic enteritis time and location as ammonia measurement. On d 49, all caked litter was
in broilers and analysis of NetB toxin profiles of different field removed from each pen, weighed and sampled. Litter and cake samples
isolates of Clostridium perfringens. S Shivaramaiah*1, J. R. Barta2, were analyzed for total aerobic and anaerobic microbial counts. Paw
S. L. Layton1, M. J. Morgan1, R. E. Wolfenden1, B. M. Hargis1, and G scores were also recorded on d 49 for all birds using a 3-point scale (0,
Téllez1, 1University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2University of Guelph, 1 or 2). Data were subjected to ANOVA using the GLM procedure with
Guelph, ON, Canada. means deemed significantly different at P < 0.05. Percent mortality was
significantly lower for treated pens (2.1%) than control (3.65%), but no
Necrotic enteritis (NE) caused by Type A strains of Clostridium perfrin-
statistical differences were observed for any other parameters measured.
gens (CP) is an economically important disease in commercial poultry
Average ending BW, feed:gain, paw score and cake weight per pen were
production. Eimeria infection is considered an absolute prerequisite to
3.24 kg, 1.74, 0.75 and 128 kg for control pens and 3.19 kg, 1.70, 0.69
cause NE by disrupting intestinal integrity. Several reproducible NE
and 104 kg for treated pens, respectively. Average chamber ammonia
models have used either immunosuppression or dietary modifications
concentrations decreased from 193 ppm at chick placement to 70 ppm at
as common predisposing factors in conjunction with Eimeria infection.
d 21, then increased to 131 ppm on d 49. Based on this experiment, the
Preliminary data from our studies indicated that Salmonella infection
microbial amendment had a positive effect on broiler performance.
early in the age followed by Eimeria and CP challenge accentuated
NE-associated morbidity and mortality. In 2 replicate experiments, Key Words: broiler, litter, amendment
day-of-hatch chicks (n = 25/trt) were randomly assigned as Negative
control (G1), Eimeria + CP (G2) or Salmonella + Eimeria + CP (G3).
Challenge organisms included wild type Salmonella typhimurium (ST; 540 Bacterial content following simulated rainfall on poultry
~2 × 108 cfu/chick) at day-of-hatch, sporulated oocysts of E. maxima waste. J. H. Metcalf*1, P. A. Moore Jr.2, A. M. Donoghue2, I. Reyes-
(4 × 104/chick), at either D18 or D21, and 2 field strains of CP (1 × Herrera1, K. Arsi1, P. J. Blore1, and D. J. Donoghue1, 1Poultry Science
108 cfu/chick), at either D22–23 or D25–26. Body weight (BW) was Department, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2Poultry Production
recorded before Eimeria challenge and at termination (D25 or D28) to and Product Safety Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Fayetteville, AR.
determine weight gain. In addition, total mortality and lesion scores To evaluate potential bacterial runoff from poultry litter, litter was
were evaluated. BW and lesion score data were analyzed using JMP7 applied to test plots and exposed to simulated rainfall. The experiment
while mortality was analyzed using the chi-squared test of independence. consisted of 21 small (100 sq. ft) plots which were subjected to simulated
In both experiments, chicks in G3 suffered reduced (P < 0.05) weight rainfall after litter was applied to the plots. Water runoff samples were
gain as compared with either G1 or G2. In addition, total mortality and tested for Salmonella and Campylobacter, 2 bacterial pathogens associ-
lesion scores were higher (P < 0.05) in G3 as compared with G2. Toxin ated with poultry. Each trial consisted of 7 treatments; 1) controls (no
profiling for challenge strains were evaluated to check for the presence litter) or the equivalent of 2) one ton/acre of normal litter, 3) 2 ton/acre of
of NetB, a toxin which is apparently obligatory for disease. Future normal litter, 4) 4 ton/acre of normal litter, 5) 2 ton/acre of alum-treated
studies are directed toward confirmation of the obligatory role of NetB litter, 6) 2 ton/acre deep stacked litter, and 7) 2 ton/acre composted
in the pathogenesis of NE and the potential of NetB negative isolates litter. Rainfall was applied at the rate of 5 cm/h until the first runoff
to cause NE. The ability of selected probiotics to ameliorate NE is also was observed from each plot (mean 37 min) and then continued for an
currently under investigation. additional 30 min. Rainfall was applied at one, 8 and 15 d after litter
Key Words: Salmonella, necrotic enteritis, NetB application and the trials were replicated 3 times. Data were analyzed by
ANOVA using the GLM procedure of SAS and a probability of P < 0.05
was required for statistical significance. No Campylobacter was isolated
539 Effects of a microbial litter amendment on litter quality and from any of the runoff samples, and most samples tested negative for
broiler performance. M. J. Hinkle*1, S. M. Gottselig1, J. L. McReyn- Salmonella as well. While most samples were negative, Salmonella was
olds2, J. T. Lee1, and C. D. Coufal1, 1Texas A&M University, College recovered from some plots, including the untreated control plots (no
Station, 2USDA-ARS, College Station, Texas. litter). Because Salmonella was recovered from untreated controls, the
Salmonella detected may originate from sources other than the applied
The reuse of litter in broiler production can lead to litter pathogen
litter (e.g., wild birds, rodents, deer).
buildup and high levels of ammonia in broiler housing, thus resulting
in poor broiler performance. This study evaluated the effects of a com- Key Words: Water runoff, Salmonella, Campylobacter
mercially available microbial culture litter amendment product on litter
characteristics, ammonia production and broiler performance. Eight
pens approximately 3 × 3 m each were used to rear broilers to 49 d of 541 Effect of a low sulfur diet on air emissions, nutrient excretion,
age at a density of 743 cm2 (0.8 ft2) per bird. Four pens were treated and performance of laying hens. W. Wu-Haan*1, W. Powers1, R.
with the amendment according to the manufacturer’s specification, and Angel2, D. Karcher1, and T. Applegate3, 1Michigan State University, East
the remaining 4 pens served as untreated controls. Litter that had been Lansing, 2University of Maryland, College Park, 3Purdue University,
used for 14 flocks was obtained from a commercial broiler farm and West Lafayette, IN.
placed into the pens at an average depth of 11 cm. Feed consumption The objectives of the current study were to evaluate the effect of feeding
and mortality were recorded for each pen throughout the experiment. commercial diet (C), reduced S (RedS) diet, and a low S (LowS) diet
Ammonia production was measured by placing an enclosed chamber on air emissions, nutrient excretion, and performance of Hy-line W36
over the litter and sampling the headspace after 20 min with a Drager laying hens from 47 to 50 wk of age (4 environmental rooms/diet; 56
CMS unit. Ammonia measurements were taken one week before chick hens/room). The C, RedS, and LowS diets were formulated to contain
placement, at the time of chick placement, and once per week for the 0.19%, 0.11%, and no supplemental DL-Met. Methionine intake of
remainder of the grow-out. Litter samples were collected at the same 274.7, 361.6, or 406.7 mg/hen/d resulted in increasing egg weights
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 507
of 61.1, 63.9, and 65.1 g (P < 0.01) for the LowS, RedS and C diets. 543 Effects of the removable chicken house on the growth per-
Analyzed S contents (2,602; 2,540; and 2,460 ppm) corresponded to S formance of broilers and indoor environment parameters. A. G.
intakes of 244.6, 236.6, and 217.0 mg/bird/d in hens fed C, RedS and Chen*, Z. Wang, X. M. Wang, Q. H. Hong, and C. M. Yang, Zhejiang
LowS diets (P < 0.01). Egg production (89%) and BW change (18.4 University, Hangzhou, China.
g) were unaffected by diet (P > 0.05) over the study period. A decrease
A total of 880 one-day-old Ling-nan broilers were selected to study the
in daily H2S emission was observed (P < 0.01) as S content in the diet
effects of the removable chicken house on the growth performance and
decreased. Daily H2S emissions from hens fed C, RedS, and LowS
indoor environment parameters. All broilers were raised in the remov-
diets were 0.83, 0.62, and 0.44 mg/bird (P < 0.01). Overall, hens fed
able house during 0–21d period and then were randomly divided equally
LowS diet decreased daily H2S emissions by 46.4% (mg/kg BW basis),
into 2 groups, each with 4 replications, and respectively raised in the
45.6% (mg/kg FI basis), 46.7% (mg/g egg mass basis), 22.9% (mg/kg
removable chicken house (the trial) and in the general fixed one (the
excreta DM basis) and 44.1% (mg/g S intake basis), respectively (P <
control) from 22d to 70d. Both groups of chickens received the same
0.01) compared with hens fed the C diet. Emission factors that resulted
diets include a starter for 0–21d, a grower for 22–49d and a finisher for
from feeding the RedS diet were intermediate to those for the C and
50–70d period, respectively. The growth performance of broilers was
the LowS diets. No significant diet effects on daily emissions of SO2
determined every period and the indoor environment parameters, aver-
(0.35 mg/kg BW), NH3 (480 mg/kg BW), NO2 (3.0 mg/kg BW), CH4
age temperature (AT), average relative humidity (ARH) were measured
(32.4 mg/kg BW), non-CH4 (4.6 mg/kg BW), CO2 (48.8 g/kg BW), and
daily and average ammonia concentration (NH3) was detected at 0800,
O2 utilization (−122 g/kg BW) were observed during the trial period.
1400 and 2000 h every other day. During the entire test period, the
In addition, total DM excretion (20.8 g/bird/d) was unaffected by diet.
average daily gain (ADG) in the trial group was 28.05 ± 7.04g and was
However, S excretion decreased (P < 0.01) from hens fed LowS diet
0.75% (P > 0.05) higher than that in the control, and the feed to gain
(98.6 mg/bird/d) and RedS diet (105.3 mg/bird/d) compared with those
ratio (F/G) 3.10 ± 0.82 was 0.96% (P > 0.05) lower than that of the
fed the C diet (137.6 mg/bird/d). The results of this study demonstrate
control, respectively. The survive rate of the trial group was 94.38%,
that feeding less DL-Met has great potential to reduce H2S emissions and
a little higher than the control′s (93.75%). The incidence of diseases
S excretion from laying hens and reducing DL-Met up to 40% had no
in the removable group was 5.00 ± 0.68% and in the fixed group was
negative impact on hen performance; however, completely eliminating
8.25 ± 1.71%. When the average outdoor temperature was 6.12°C, AT,
DL-Met supplementation resulted in less cumulative egg mass.
ARH and NH3 in the removable chicken house were 11.22°C, 64.67%
Key Words: air emission, egg, sulfur and 2.98ppm, respectively, while in the general fixed one, the data were
9.96°C, 67.60% and 2.70ppm, respectively. The results showed that there
were similar indoor environment parameters and growth performance of
542 Comparison of nutrient balance and performance of laying broilers in 2 types of chicken houses, but the removable chicken house
hens, housed in either enriched or conventional cage systems, over resulted in lowered incidence of diseases.
an entire production. M. Neijat*1, J. D. House1, W. Guenter1, and
E. Kebreab2, 1University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 2University Key Words: removable chicken house, fixed chicken house, environ-
of California, Davis. ment parameters
The move to alternative cage designs for laying hens has the potential
to lead to differences in hen behaviors, with a resultant effect on manure 544 Effect of DDGS and mineral sources on air emissions from
characteristics and estimates of nutrient flow. To this end, an experiment laying hens. W. Li*1, W. Powers1, D. Karcher1, R. Angel2, and T. J.
was conducted to assess nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) Applegate3, 1Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2University of
balances, manure weight and composition, and indices of performance Maryland, College Park, 3Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
of laying hens housed under 2 distinct caging systems. A total of 4,836
The objectives of the current study were to evaluate the dietary effects of
commercial Shaver White hens were caged in either enriched (EC) or
distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and the sources of mineral
conventional (CC) (average floor space per hen of 642.6 and 468.4 cm2
supplement on air emissions from Hy-line W-36 hens from 50 to 53 wk
respectively) under a semi-controlled environment. Enriched cages
of age (3 environmental rooms/diet; 56 hens/room). Diets were arranged
provided hens with a curtained nesting area, scratch pad and perches.
in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Factors were dietary concentration of DDGS
All birds were fed the same standard layer diet for 11 periods in 4 week
(0 or 20% of diet dry matter) and source of minerals (common inor-
intervals. Data, expressed on a hen basis, were analyzed as repeated
ganic sources; In or organic mineral sources from Pancosma, Geneva,
measures using the MIXED model procedure of SAS. Egg production,
Switzerland; Org). Analyzed diets contained 18.31% CP, 0.68% P and
feed conversion ratio, body weight, egg weight and egg mass were not
4.20 Ca. Analyzed S content was 0.25%, 0.26%, 0.30% and 0.31%
significantly different between the 2 systems. Lower feed intake (P <
for the 0In, 0Org, 20In and 20Org diets. Concentration and airflow of
0.01) (92.5 vs. 95.0 g/d DM basis) and manure output (P < 0.01) (79.8
ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane
vs. 91.3 g/d as is basis and 27.0 vs. 28.1 g/d DM basis) were observed
(CH4) and non-methane total hydrocarbons (NMTHC) were measured
in birds housed in EC compared with CC. Manure DM% were 31.0 and
in exhaust air from each room. Egg weight (65.12g) and egg production
34.1 for CC and EC respectively. Overall mean Ca and P excretions in
(88%) were not affected by diet (P > 0.05). Feed intake in hens fed the
manure were significantly (P < 0.01) lower in EC birds (2.11 ± 0.04
0Org (106.88 g/d/hen) was greater than for hens fed any of the other
and 0.619 ± 0.005 g/d respectively) than their counterparts in CC (2.29
treatments (104.29, 104.93 and 103.92 g/d/hen in 0In, 20In and 20Org).
and 0.643 g/d respectively). There were no significant differences in the
Feeding DDGS decreased mass of NH3 emitted daily (592 vs. 512 mg/
amount of manure N excreted by birds in both cage systems (1.94 and
hen/d for 0% and 20% DDGS) and the following emission factors: mg/
1.96 ± 0.02 g/d for EC and CC respectively). Taking into account the
kg BW (by 16%), mg/g N consumed (by 17%), mg/g egg (by 14%).
increasing intensity of poultry production, welfare and environmental
No mineral source effects were observed for NH3 emission variables.
concerns, enriched caging systems may help in reducing Ca and P
Feeding DDGS increased daily CH4 emissions by 13 to 15% (39.3 vs.
excretions, and the total weight of manure.
45.4 mg/hen/d; and 0.70 vs. 0.82 mg/g egg/d; P < 0.05). Daily H2S emit-
Key Words: caging, manure, nutrient excretion ted (0.78 mg/hen/d), N2O emitted (58.6 mg/hen/d), non-methane total
508 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
hydrocarbon (24.4 mg/hen/d) (P > 0.05) were not changed as a result of Energy Systems Simulator (BESS; The BESS
diet fed. Mass of excreta (27.3 vs. 31.5 kg DM) and mass of N excreted model accounts for GHG emissions associated with corn production for
(1.25 vs. 1.52 kg N) from 56 hens over a 3-wk period were increased ethanol and livestock feed, ethanol plant operation based on type of DGS
as a result of feeding DDGS. Diet inclusion of DDGS or organic trace produced, corn, urea, and soybean meal displaced when DGS is added
minerals did not change short-term performance of laying hens. Feeding to livestock diets, differences in feedlot cattle enteric fermentation, and
20% DDGS reduced NH3 emissions, increased CH4 emissions and had feedlot fuel use change due to DGS feeding. Scenario 1evaluated feeding
no effect on emissions of other gases. Substitution of inorganic trace Nebraska wet, modified, or dry DGS to feedlot steers, Scenario 2 evalu-
mineral sources with organic sources did not alter air emissions. ated feeding Midwest dry DGS to beef, dairy, or swine, and Scenario 3
evaluated Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas corn-ethanol-livestock production
Key Words: laying hen, DDGS, organic trace mineral
systems by types of DGS fed to different livestock classes. The DGS
GHG emissions credit from the analyzed scenarios varied by more than
545 Effect of amino acid formulation and supplementation on 2-fold, from 11.5 to 28.3 g CO2e per MJ of ethanol produced, depending
nutrient mass balance and air emissions from turkeys. Z. Liu1, on the fraction of DGS used without drying, the proportion of DGS used
W. Powers*1, D. Karcher1, R. Angel2, and T. J. Applegate3, 1Michigan to feed feedlot cattle vs. dairy or swine, and the location of corn produc-
State University, East Lansing, 2University of Maryland, College tion. Quadratic improvements in DMI (P = 0.01), ADG (P < 0.01), and
Park, 3Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. G:F (P = 0.09) of feedlot cattle fed increasing levels of wet DGS are an
important part of maximizing DGS GHG credits. Regional variability
Nutrient mass balance and air emissions were determined for turkeys in GHG intensity of crop production and future livestock feeding trends
fed 4 diets in a 2 × 2 factorial design to determine the effects of diets will determine the magnitude of DGS GHG offset against GHG emis-
with 100 or 110% of NRC (1994) recommended amino acid (AA) for- sions elsewhere in the corn-ethanol-livestock life cycle. The DGS GHG
mulation and diets containing 2 (Lys and Met) or 3 (Lys, Met, and Thr) credit represents a 19 to 38% offset of total corn-ethanol-livestock life
supplemental AA. Hybrid tom turkeys were raised and monitored in 12 cycle positive emissions and a 41 to 60% reduction in GHG emissions
rooms (3 reps/diet; 20 toms/room at hatch culled to 16 toms/room at 4 of ethanol motor fuel relative to gasoline. The DGS GHG credit was
wk then 12 toms/room at 8 wk of age). All feed and litter entering and optimized when wet DGS was fed to beef cattle.
leaving the rooms were quantified and analyzed for nutrient content.
Air emissions were measured throughout the 20-wk study. Data were Key Words: distillers grains, environment, greenhouse gases
analyzed statistically by ANOVA using the MIXED model procedure of
SAS. The 100% NRC diets contained less N compared with the 110%
547 Methane production, fermentation patterns and protozoa
NRC (2.64% vs. 2.73% during wk 16 to 20). Diets containing 3 vs. 2
numbers In Vitro as related to sources of rumen fluid from different
supplemental AA had less N content (2.61% vs. 2.76% during wk 16
cattle feeding systems and animal waste substrate digestion. C. L.
to 20). Cumulative feed intake (55.67 kg/tom) and BW (19.85 kg/tom)
Ross*, M. A. Froetschel, S. Buaphan, S. Chinnasamy, and K. C. Das,
were not affected by diet. Feeding 3 supplemental AA resulted in lower
The University of Georgia, Athens.
N content in excretion (3.21% vs. 3.50%, P < 0.05) as compared with
feeding 2 supplemental AA and an interaction between the main effects Rumen fluid, collected by stomach tube, from beef cattle grazing pas-
was observed (P < 0.05). The 100% NRC diets resulted in lower emis- ture, lactating dairy cattle fed a total mixed ration, and beef cattle fed a
sion rates of NH3 (1.52 vs. 1.77 g/tom-d), non-methane hydrocarbon feedlot ration were used to determine the influence of different rumen
(0.10 vs. 0.12 g/tom-d) and H2S (3.78 vs. 4.69 mg/tom-d) compared microbial inoculations on In Vitro methane production and fermentation
with the 110% NRC diets (P < 0.05). Feeding 3 supplemental AA of animal wastes, in a 3x3 factorial designed experiment. Broiler litter,
resulted in lower NH3 emission rates (1.23 vs. 1.68 g/tom-d, P < 0.05) dairy and swine manure were used as substrates. A modified Tilley and
as compared with feeding 2 supplemental AA and a significant interac- Terry procedure was used and fermentation gas was collected in sam-
tion was observed (P < 0.05). The 100% NRC diets reduced cumulative pling bags with septum valves. Dry matter and gross energy digestion
NH3 emission by 14% compared with the 110% NRC (187 vs. 218 gN/ and volatile fatty acids and ammonia production and protozoa counts
tom, P < 0.05). The 3 supplemental AA diets reduced cumulative NH3 were measured using standard techniques after 24 h incubations. All
emission by 23% compared with the 2 supplemental AA (176 vs. 230 parameters were corrected with measurements from rumen fluid blank
gN/tom, P < 0.05). Total N emission averaged 217 gN/tom. Across all 4 incubations without substrate. The source of rumen fluid did not affect
diets, N partitioning, as a percentage of inputs, averaged 32%, 58%, 12%, the volume of methane produced (P > 0.3), but the volume of methane
and −2% for retention, excretion, air emission, and unaccounted losses produced in vitro tended to increase by 75% with broiler litter as a sub-
respectively. The results demonstrated the potential of reducing nutrient strate (P < 0.08). Ammonia production increased with rumen fluid from
excretion and air emissions from turkeys through diet modification of dairy and feedlot compared with grazing cattle, several fold especially
AA, and illustrated fate of N, P and S in a turkey production system. with broiler litter as substrate (rumen fluid by substrate interaction P <
0.02). Total VFA produced were 40 to 90% higher with broiler litter and
Key Words: diets, retention, excretion
swine manure as compared with dairy manure (P < 0.01) and IVDMD
was almost 2 fold greater with broiler litter as compared with the other
546 Magnitude and variability of distillers grains greenhouse gas wastes as substrate (P < 0.01). The moles of methane produced per
credits in the corn-ethanol-livestock life cycle. V. R. Bremer*, A. digestible energy fermented was 2-fold greater with rumen fluid from
J. Liska, H. S. Yang, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, D. T. Walters, feedlot cattle (P < 0.08) but there was no difference in efficiency of
and K. G. Cassman, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. methane produced as related to type of animal waste used as substrate.
The methane produced per energy fermented was positively correlated
Feeding distillers grains (DGS) to livestock is an important part of the to protozoa counts (r = 0.58, P < 0.03) and negatively correlated to VFA
greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation benefit due to ethanol production. production (r = 0.70, P < 0.01). Mixed cultures of rumen fluid especially
Three scenarios were used to evaluate the magnitude and variability from feedlot cattle, have potential to enhance animal waste remediation
of DGS GHG emissions credit and GHG balance of ethanol relative and methane generation for bio-fuel production.
to gasoline in the corn-ethanol-livestock life cycle with the Biofuel
Key Words: animal waste, bio-fuel production, methane
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 509
Ruminant Nutrition: Beef: Vitamins and Minerals
548 Trace mineral metabolism in ruminants. T. E. Engle*, Colo- liver samples were collected. Copper supplementation did not affect
rado State University, Fort Collins. ADG (P > 0.35). However, cattle that were supplemented with Cu
had numerically lower DMI than those not supplemented, resulting in
Trace minerals have long been identified as essential dietary components improved feed efficiency (P = 0.03) in cattle supplemented with Cu (G:F
for domestic livestock species. Included in the category of essential = 0.167, 0.177, and 0.177 for 0, 100, and 200 ppm Cu, respectively).
trace minerals (or microminerals) are chromium, cobalt, copper, iodine, There were no treatment effects (P > 0.05) on measured carcass char-
iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc. Numerous acteristics. Cattle supplemented with 100 and 200 ppm Cu had higher
biochemical reactions require trace minerals for proper function. It has liver Cu concentrations (P < 0.0001; mean = 708.24 and 933.32 ug/g,
been well documented that deficiencies of various trace minerals can respectively) than cattle that were not supplemented with Cu (mean
result in metabolic diseases. The interactions between trace minerals = 86.29 ug/g). These data suggest that cattle consuming diets with S
and metabolic processes are extremely complex. Trace minerals have above the maximum tolerable limit may be supplemented with Cu to
been identified as essential components for carbohydrate, lipid, protein, improve Cu absorption and feed efficiency. Effects on S absorption are
and vitamin metabolism, and have been shown to be involved in hor- being pursued.
mone production, immunity, and cellular homeostasis. Past and current
research would suggest that copper (Cu) is involved in lipid metabolism Key Words: DDGS, feedlot cattle, copper
in ruminants. Copper supplemented at physiological concentrations to
beef cattle has been reported to be involved in cholesterol metabolism,
ruminal biohydrogenation, catecholamine production, and lipid metabo- 550 Vitamin A restriction does not improve marbling in Holstein
lism of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Additional impacts of Cu on lipid bulls at the same extent as in Holstein steers. S. Marti*1, C. Realini2,
metabolism and homeostatic mechanisms related to Cu metabolism A. Bach3,1, and M. Devant1, 1Department of Ruminant Production,
are currently being investigated. Recently, we have reported that genes IRTA, Barcelona, Spain, 2Carcass Quality Subprogram, IRTA, Girona,
involved in bovine liver Cu homeostasis, ATP7A, ATP7B and Cox17, Spain, 3ICREA, Barcelona, Spain.
are correlated with CTR1 gene expression in the bovine liver, similar to The aim of the current study was to evaluate if a temporal vitamin A
those reported for non-ruminants. Despite the apparent involvement of restriction could increase marbling and thus could be an alternative
certain trace minerals in animal production and disease resistance, defi- method to castration in Holstein bulls to improve fattening. Forty-
ciencies of trace minerals have not always increased the susceptibility seven Holstein calves, 24 steers and 23 bulls (initial BW = 252 ± 3.5
of domesticated livestock species to natural or experimentally induced kg and age = 187 ± 7.5 d), were randomly allocated to 4 treatments.
infections or decreased performance. There are many factors that could Treatments followed a 2x2 factorial design with gender (bulls vs steers)
affect an animal’s response to trace mineral supplementation such as the and vitamin A level (restricted at 1.3 × 1,000 IU/kg, VAR, vs control at
duration, concentration, and source of trace mineral supplementation, 4.6 × 1,000 IU/kg, CTR). Animals were fed concentrate and straw ad
physiological status of an animal (i.e., pregnant vs. non pregnant), the libitum. Feed consumption and BW were recorded every 28 d. Animals
absence or presence of dietary antagonists, environmental factors, and were slaughtered at 331 ± 7.3 d of life. The LM was removed from each
the influence of stress on trace mineral metabolism. carcass from the 7th to the 13th rib and pH, LM area, instrumental color,
Key Words: trace mineral, beef cattle, copper i.m. fat content, instrumental tenderness, oxidative and color stability,
and purchase decisions were evaluated. Data were analyzed using a
mixed-effects model with repeated measures that included initial BW,
549 Effects of copper supplementation on performance and carcass level of vitamin A, gender, time (month or aging), and the interactions
characteristics of cattle fed diets containing 60% DDGS. T. L. between these factors, as fixed effects, and animal as a random effect.
Felix* and S. C. Loerch, The Ohio State University, Wooster. Steers had a lesser (P < 0.01) final BW, ADG, and HCW compared with
bulls. The i.m. fat was lesser (P < 0.01) in bulls (2.8 ± 0.30%) than in
Dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) are an excellent source steers (4.2 ± 0.30%), and greater (P = 0.05) in VAR (3.9 ± 0.31%) than
of energy and protein for feedlot cattle and their dietary inclusion may in CTR (3.0 ± 0.31%) animals. Vitamin A restriction increased i.m. fat
improve performance and reduce cost of gain. Because of the high from 2.7 to 2.9% (7%) in bulls and from 3.4 to 4.9% (44%) in steers.
S levels, DDGS have not typically made up the majority of the diet Vitamin A did not affect tenderness, but oxidative stability tended (P =
even when it would be economically advantageous to do so. Dietary 0.09) to be greater in meat from VAR than from CTR at 21 d of aging.
S above 0.4% may reduce cattle performance and increase incidence Purchase decision scores were greater (P = 0.05) in VAR (3.35 ± 0.07)
of polioencephalomalacia. Copper binds with S in the rumen to form than in CTR meat (3.16 ± 0.07). Vitamin A restriction does not affect
insoluble copper sulfides. The hypothesis was that including Cu in high animal performance, improves meat oxidative stability, and increases
DDGS diets would bind S, thereby reducing potential toxic effects and i.m. fat; however vitamin A restriction does not achieve the marbling
improving animal performance. The objective of this research was to levels obtained with castration in Holstein bulls.
determine effects of 3 supplemental Cu levels on performance and
carcass characteristics of cattle fed diets containing 60% DDGS (S = Key Words: beef, marbling, vitamin A
0.46%). Angus-cross yearling steers and heifers (n = 87; initial BW =
238 ± 36 kg) were blocked by sex and allocated to 12 pens. Treatments
were: 1) 60% DDGS with 0 ppm Cu supplementation, 2) 60% DDGS 551 Effect of added sulfur on in vitro fermentative activity of
with 100 ppm Cu supplementation, 3) 60% DDGS with 200 ppm Cu ruminal contents from steers fed corn-based diet. S. Uwituze*, L.
supplementation. The remainder of the diet was grass hay (10%) and C. Hollis, and J. S. Drouillard, Kansas State University, Manhattan
a vitamin-mineral supplement (15%). Diets were offered ad-libitum We previously reported that elevated sulfur (S) levels in finishing diets
throughout the finishing phase (168 d). Three randomly selected cattle containing dried distiller′s grains with solubles (DDGS) decreased DMI
from each pen (n = 36) were slaughtered on d 168. Carcass data and and ADG of cattle, but were associated with increased diet digestibility
510 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
in vivo. An in vitro titration study was conducted to investigate effects fluid samples collected during the backgrounding and finishing periods
of added sulfur (S) on IVDMD, VFA profiles, and NH3 production may clarify these differences.
from different substrates by mixed ruminal organisms. The study was
a randomized complete block design with a 2 × 7 factorial treatment Key Words: cattle, magnesium, sulfur
arrangement. Factor 1 consisted of substrate (a 94:4.5:1.5 mixture of
ground corn, soybean meal, and urea [GC-SBM] or a 69.4:30.6 mixture 553 Inclusion of molybdenum and copper with high distiller’s
of ground corn and DDGS [GC-DDGS]), and factor 2 consisted of the grain diets as a strategy to mitigate hydrogen sulfide emissions. L.
level of added S (0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.5; or 0.6% of substrate, DM D. Cross*, S. R. Rust, and W. J. Powers, Michigan State University,
basis) using sodium sulfate as the S source. Basal S levels were 0.18 and East Lansing.
0.28% of DM for GC-SBM and GC-DDGS, respectively. Isonitrogenous
substrates (0.5 g DM) with varying levels of S were combined with a 2:1 A rising concern with feeding high levels of distiller’s grain with
mixture of McDougall′s buffer and strained ruminal fluid from a single solubles (DGS) is its high sulfur content and the effects it might have
donor animal (fed 40% alfalfa and dry-rolled corn) and incubated in on hydrogen sulfide emissions from gas produced in the rumen and/or
triplicate for 24 h at 39C. The study was repeated for 3 d. Concentrations from emissions from excreted feces. A study was conducted with 12
of VFA, NH3, and IVDMD were analyzed using Proc Mixed of SAS with Holstein steers housed in individual environment-controlled rooms to
fixed effects of substrate, S, and substrate × S, and random effects of monitor gas production of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and methane.
day, day × substrate, day × S, and day × substrate × S. Concentrations of Steers (3 treatments, 4 steers/treatment) were assigned to either a con-
NH3, total VFA, individual VFA, A:P ratio, and IVDMD were unaffected trol diet (Trt1): 81% high moisture corn (HMC), 10% corn silage, 4%
by S (P > 0.05) or by the S × substrate interaction (P > 0.05). Cultures mineral supplement, and 5% soybean meal; 40% DGS diet (Trt2): 40%
with GC-DDGS yielded lower concentrations of NH3, propionate, DGS, 46% HMC, 10% corn silage, and 4% mineral supplement; or Trt3
butyrate, and valerate, and had lower IVDMD than GC-SBM cultures which was comprised of Trt2 with an added mineral supplement of 6
(P < 0.05). Substrates yielded marked differences in fermentative end ppm molybdenum (Mo) and 60 ppm copper (Cu). The Cu-Mo mineral
products, but elevated sulfur did not alter in vitro fermentation of these supplement served as a potential strategy to mitigate hydrogen sulfide
substrates by mixed ruminal microorganisms. These data suggest that emissions. Gaseous emissions were monitored for 4 weeks and fecal bags
previous in vivo changes in digestibility associated with high sulfur are were placed on steers the last 6 d to determine what effects separating
likely attributable to host factors, such as feed intake level. urine and feces would have on air emissions. Results demonstrated that
40% DGS diets increased ammonia emission (5.44 g/d vs. 11.73 g/d for
Key Words: sulfur, distillers grains, fermentation the control diet compared with the DGS diets (P = 0.01) and hydrogen
sulfide (16.41 mg/d vs. 183.45 mg/d for the control diet compared with
552 Dietary sulfur negatively affects gain and mineral status in the DGS diets (P = 0.03). The use of 6 ppm Mo and 60 ppm Cu did not
beef steers. E. L. Richter*, M. E. Drewnoski, and S. L. Hansen, Iowa reduce hydrogen sulfide emissions when 40% DGS diets were fed. No
State University, Ames. diet effect was observed for methane emissions (25.04 g/d). Separat-
ing feces from urine reduced ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions
Crossbred yearling steers (n = 96; 321 ± 29 kg BW) were used in a from exhausted room air. Most hydrogen sulfide (>99%) and ammonia
trial to examine the effects of feeding a high sulfur (S) distillers grains (88.2%) emissions were from the manure and not eructated by the
(DDGS) supplement to steers on pasture before moving into the feedlot. animal. Most methane emissions were due to eructation (>99%). Dietary
Steers were blocked by weight and were supplemented with either a low addition of Cu and Mo did not mitigate hydrogen sulfide emissions.
S DDGS (0.3% S; LS; n = 48) or LS DDGS plus 0.3% S from sodium
sulfate (high S; HS; n = 48). During the 35 d backgrounding period Key Words: DGS, hydrogen sulfide, molybdenum and copper
steers were supplemented daily at 1% BW and were stripgrazed weekly
on 2 ha smooth bromegrass pastures (4 pastures per treatment; n = 12 554 The effect of supplemental molybdenum and copper on the
steers per pasture). Mean daily supplement intake was 3.6 kg DM per concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the rumen gas cap and copper
head for both treatments. Daily S intake was greater (P < 0.01) for HS in the liver of yearling steers consuming high sulfate water. R. K.
steers compared with LS steers (23.7 and 14.2 g S, respectively). Forage Peterson*1, J. J. Wagner1, T. E. Engle1, and T. C. Bryant2, 1Colorado
mass offered and grazing residual mass did not differ among treatments State University, Fort Collins, 2JBS Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, Gree-
(P = 0.6 and 0.4, respectively). In vitro dry matter digestibility was not ley, CO.
different between treatments (P = 0.9). Blood samples were collected
on d 0 and 35 for plasma mineral analysis. On d 35 HS steers exhibited Seventy-two crossbred yearling steers (323 kg) were utilized in an
lower (P = 0.05) plasma magnesium (Mg) concentrations (18.4 mg/L) experiment to evaluate the effect of supplemental molybdenum (Mo)
compared with LS steers (19.3 mg/L). Average daily gains for the 35 and copper (Cu) on the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide (HS) in
d period were not different (P = 0.5) due to treatment. On d 35 steers the rumen gas cap and Cu in the liver of feedyard steers. Four dietary
were moved into feedlot pens and housed in groups of 4 by treatment. treatments were utilized: control - 90 mg/kg Cu from copper carbon-
Half of the steers remained on their original S treatment and half were ate; organic Cu - 45 mg/kg Cu from copper proteinate and 45 mg/kg
switched to the opposite treatment, resulting in 4 treatments in total (LS- Cu from copper carbonate (OCu); molybdenum - 90 mg/kg Cu from
LS, LS-HS, HS-LS, HS-HS; n = 24 per treatment). Steer weights were copper carbonate and 100 mg/kg Mo from sodium molybdate (M); and
collected on d 89 of the finishing period (d 124 of the study). HS steers molybdenum plus organic Cu - 90 mg/kg Cu from copper carbonate,
tended (P = 0.06) to have lower ADG compared with steers receiving 45 mg/kg Cu from copper proteinate, and 100 mg/kg Mo from sodium
the LS diet during the finishing period (1.4 and 1.6 kg, respectively). molybdate (MCu). The average HS concentration in the rumen gas cap
In summary, plasma Mg was lower in HS steers and high dietary S was reduced (P < 0.05) from 1200 ± 78 to 951 ± 94 mg/L for steers fed
negatively impacted gain during the finishing period, but did not affect MCu as compared with control. The number of steers with HS concen-
steer gains while on pasture. Microbial population analysis of rumen trations of 500 mg/L and greater was reduced (P < 0.01) from 76.5%
for control to 53.1% for the MCu treatment. The number of steers with
HS concentrations of 1000 mg/L and greater was reduced (P < 0.01)
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 511
from 50.6% for control to 30.2% for MCu. A 19.6 fold increase (P < Center, Marianna, 3Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 4Extension
0.0001) in fecal Mo and a 13.5% increase (P < 0.10) in fecal sulfur Regional Office, University of Minnesota, Hutchinson.
were observed for MCu steers as compared with control. From May 6
To investigate the effects of including 400 ppm manganese (Mn) in
through June 17, liver Cu concentration, on a dry weight basis, increased
low- and high-sulfur (S) finishing diets on performance, pulmonary
(P < 0.06) for control steers from 373 to 472 mg/kg but declined (P <
arterial pressure (PAP), and plasma acute phase protein (APP) response,
0.05) for M steers from 401 to 276 mg/kg. Average daily gain appeared
40 crossbred beef cattle (274 ± 51 kg initial BW; 27 steers, 13 heifers)
higher (P < 0.06) for MCu steers as compared with other treatments.
were assigned in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Treatments were fed for 56-d
These data indicate that the concentration of HS in the rumen gas cap
and included base diets containing either 0.25 (LS) or 0.43% dietary S
can be reduced without adversely affecting performance by feeding
(HS) and 0 (NOMN) or 400 ppm Mn (MN). Base diets contained 65%
supplemental Mo; however, it is not known whether reductions in HS of
rolled corn, 15.5% dried distillers grains plus solubles, 10.5% soy hulls,
this magnitude are physiologically important in reducing the incidence
14.4% CP, and 1.40 Mcal NEg/kg DM. To achieve targeted levels of
of polioencephalomalacia.
S and Mn, calcium sulfate and Mn oxide were added. Plasma blood
Key Words: molybdenum, copper, hydrogen sulfide samples and PAP were collected on all cattle on d 0, 7, 14, 28, and 56.
On d 22, 4 randomly selected steers from each treatment were subjected
to a stress challenge by subcutaneous injection of 2 mL of Mannheimia
555 Effects of supplemental manganese on ruminal pH and hemolytica (One-Shot, Pfizer, Inc.). Blood samples were collected at
hydrogen sulfide concentration in beef steers fed high-sulfur diets −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, and 22-h post-challenge to determine APP
containing distillers grains plus solubles. J. M. Kelzer*1, T. D. response. There was a tendency (P = 0.08) for a MN*S interaction for
Maddock2, M. Ruiz-Moreno1, A. DiCostanzo1, G. I. Crawford3, and DMI. Supplemental MN reduced (P < 0.01) DMI in HS diets (6.46 vs.
G. C. Lamb2, 1University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2North Florida 7.10 kg/d) but not in LS diets (P = 0.62). Compared with LS, HS diets
Research and Education Center, University of Florida Extension decreased (P < 0.01) ADG (0.95 vs. 1.40 kg) and reduced (P < 0.01)
Regional Center, Marianna, 3Extension Regional Office, University of G:F (0.138 vs. 0.176). Supplemental MN tended to reduce (P = 0.07)
Minnesota, Hutchinson. PAP (32.0 vs. 33.7 mmHg), but S had no effect (P = 0.63). Haptoglobin
Effects of including 1000 ppm manganese (Mn; supplied as manganese was similar (P > 0.10) among treatments and averaged 6.6 mg Hbβ/100
oxide) in high dietary sulfur (S) feedlot diets containing distillers grains mL. Ceruloplasmin (CER) was increased (P < 0.01) with LS vs. HS diets
plus solubles on ruminal pH and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration (15.0 vs. 10.3 mg/dL). A MN × S interaction occurred (P = 0.01) for
were examined. Seven ruminally cannulated beef steers (437 ± 61 kg CER area under curve (AUC) in steers subjected to the stress challenge.
initial BW) were assigned randomly to treatments in a switchback design Steers fed MN-HS had lower (P < 0.01) CER AUC than NOMN-HS.
(2, 14-d periods). Treatments included a base finishing diet (65% rolled Low-S treatments were similar (P = 0.50) for CER AUC, and both were
corn, 21% dried distillers grains plus solubles, 8% bahia hay, 15% CP, higher (P < 0.01) than either HS treatment. Supplemental Mn tended to
1.31 Mcal NEg/kg DM, 0.46% S) containing either 0 ppm Mn (CON) decrease PAP and in HS diets, reduced DMI and CER AUC following a
or 1000 ppm Mn (MNO). Wireless sensors programmed to record pH stress challenge, while high-S concentration in finishing diets reduced
every 5 min were inserted into the rumen on d 10. Steers were allowed performance and CER levels in cattle.
access to treatments from 0730 to 1630 daily. Rumen gas samples were Key Words: beef cattle, manganese, sulfur
collected at −1, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 h post-feeding on d 11–12 and analyzed
for H2S concentration. Daily DMI was similar (P = 0.61) across treat-
ments (8.61 vs. 8.91 ± 0.53 kg/d for MNO and CON, respectively). 557 Effects of sulfur content of wet or dry distillers grains in beef
Ruminal pH was higher (P = 0.02) at 1 h before feeding with MNO cattle finishing diets on intake, ruminal pH, and hydrogen sul-
(6.29) vs. CON (6.01). However, no pH differences were observed (P fide. J. O. Sarturi*, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, J. T. Vasconcelos,
> 0.17) between treatments at other time points (5.90 vs. 5.77, 5.81 vs. K. Rolfe, and M. G. Dib, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
5.66, 5.74 vs. 5.62, 5.70 vs. 5.62, and 5.62 vs. 5.61 ± 0.08 for MNO
A metabolism study was conducted to evaluate dietary sulfur (S) in beef
vs. CON at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 h post-feeding, respectively). Ruminal H2S
cattle finishing diets formulated with wet and dry distillers grains with
concentration was similar (P = 0.24) between treatments at all time
solubles (DGS) containing low (0.82%) and high (1.16%) S concentra-
points (0.35 vs. 0.36, 1.55 vs. 1.76, 2.42 vs. 3.16, 2.77 vs. 3.74, 3.59
tion. Six steers with rumen cannulas (BW = 381 ± 31kg) were assigned
vs. 3.63, and 3.98 vs. 4.18 ± 0.31 µg/mL for MNO vs. CON at −1, 1,
to 1 of 5 treatments in an unbalanced Latin square design (6 steers and
2, 3, 4, and 6 h post-feeding, respectively). Cumulative ruminal H2S
5 diets) and fed for 5, 14 d periods. Steers were fed once daily ad libi-
concentration tended to be lower (P = 0.09) with MNO compared with
tum. Treatments were arranged as a 2x2+1 factorial with factors being
CON (6.47 vs. 7.74 ± 0.53 µg/mL). Results suggest including 1000
moisture (wet or dry DGS included at 40% of diet DM), S concentration
ppm Mn in high S finishing diets may initially maintain higher ruminal
(high or low), and a diet containing wet DGS from high S provided at
pH to reduce cumulative ruminal hydrogen sulfide gas concentration
32% of diet DM to match the low S wet DGS. All diets contained 15%
in feedlot cattle.
corn silage, 5% supplement, and a blend (60:40) of high-moisture and
Key Words: feedlot cattle, hydrogen sulfide, manganese oxide dry-rolled corn. Intake and pH (wireless pH probes) were collected on
the last 7 d of each period. Ruminal gas samples were collected 8h post
feeding on the last 3d of each period, and H2S analyzed. Chromium
556 Effects of supplemental manganese on performance and oxide (7.5g) was added into the rumen twice a day, every day, and spot
stress responses in beef cattle fed low- and high-sulfur finishing fecal samples were collected twice daily on the last 5 d of each period
diets containing distillers grains plus solubles. J. M. Kelzer*1, T. for DM digestibility (DMD). Data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX
D. Maddock2, T. N. Holt3, A. DiCostanzo1, G. I. Crawford4, and G. C. procedures of SAS. No interaction (P > 0.16) was observed between
Lamb2, 1University of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2North Florida Research moisture and S for DMI, DMD, or H2S. Steers fed dry DGS had greater
and Education Center, University of Florida Extension Regional DMI (P < 0.01) than steers fed wet DGS (10.6 vs. 9.1 kg/d). Likewise,
steers fed low S DGS consumed more (P < 0.01) than steers fed high S
512 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
DGS (10.4 vs. 9.3kg/d). Greater (P = 0.06) H2S was observed for wet Table 1. Diet, S intake and rumen gas H2S concentrations
DGS (9.33 vs. 2.87 μmol/L gas, SEM = 2.80) compared with dry DGS. % of diet DM S intake, g/d Rumen gas H2S, mg/L
High S DGS tended (P = 0.13) to increase H2S compared with low S d on
DGS. An interaction between moisture and S was observed for average Diet diet Hay DDGS Corn LS HS LS HS
pH (P < 0.01). Steers fed high S wet and low S dry DGS had greater (P Hay +
< 0.01) average pH compared with low S wet and high S dry DGS, but DDGS 10 57 43 0 29.0d 41.1c 1400bc 1733b
these differences were subtle. Greater (P < 0.01) DMI and H2S were TMR 1 7 47 40 13 17.3fg 43.0c 605cd 1283bc
observed when low S DGS at 40% was fed compared with high S at TMR 2 7 32 40 28 18.1f 45.4b 280d 1091bc
32% inclusion (10.0 vs 8.8 kg/d; 1.87 vs. 7.09 μmol/L gas). Sulfur of TMR 3 7 17 40 43 19.4ef 50.8a 644cd 1849b
DGS impacts DMI and ruminal H2S production and wet DGS may be TMR 4 25 10 40 50 20.4e 51.8a 1316b 4964a
more prone to conversion of S to H2S in the rumen. a-gMeans lacking common letters differ (P < 0.05).
Key Words: byproduct, metabolism, sulfur
Key Words: cattle, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 513
Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Forages and Heifers
560 Meta analysis of dairy cow responses to dietary forage correcting for the effect of forage type was: kp (%) = 1.54 + 0.0866 ×
NDF. D. Sauvant*1 and D. R. Mertens2, 1Agroparistech-INRA, Paris, NDFI (g/kg LW) (RMSE = 0.207% and R2 = 0.80). The effect on kp of
France, 2US Dairy Forage Center, Madison, WI. fresh grass (FG), mixes of alfalfa and corn silage(AS/CS) and dry or
ensiled alfalfa as sole forage component (AH/AS) were estimated by
Dietary forage NDF (fNDF) offers the potential of combining fiber
adjusting the intercept in the general equation accounting for forage.
and its particle size influences in a common index. For this reason, it
The adjustment factor on the intercept for FG, AS/CS and AH/AS
may be more precise than dietary NDF or proportion of concentrate
were −0.914, +0.831 and +0.237, respectively. The results from this
to predict dairy cow responses. To evaluate this hypothesis a database
meta-analysis suggested that consistency of ruminal digesta is affected
was compiled from 116 published experiments (n = 289 treatments)
by intrinsic forage characteristics that influence particle passage rate.
where dietary NDF or concentrate varied. Forages were long or coarsely
Further, including an effect of forage type on kp could not be explained
chopped. Dietary NDF averaged 34.4 ± 8.2% of DM while fNDF was
by any of the chemical composition parameters of the diets.
26.2 ± 10.2% (from 11.0 to 59.6). Meta analyses with GLM allowed
to focuse on within experiment regressions. Chewing index (CI; 38.2 Key Words: cattle, forage type, passage rate
± 11.8 min chewing/kg DM Intake) was linearly related to fNDF (CI =
19.8 + 0.70 fNDF, n = 195, nexp = 80, rmse = 2.9). Mastication time
also increased with fNDF, but obtained a plateau of 865 min/d at fNDF 562 Abrupt changes in forage dry matter of one to three days affect
around 52%. Dry matter intake (20.4 ± 3.5 kg/d) was related negatively intake and milk yield in early lactation dairy cows. J. Boyd* and
and curvilinearly to fNDF ( = 22.6 - 0.003 fNDF2, rmse = 1.1), and milk D. R. Mertens, US Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI.
yield (28.3 ± 7.1 kg/d) presented a similar shape ( = 22.6 - 0.005 fNDF2, Our objective was to determine the effects of 1, 2, and 3 d changes in
rmse = 1.4). Opposite responses were observed for milk percentages of forage dry matter on lactating cow performance and yield. Forty-four
fat ( = 2.5 + 0.07 fNDF - 0.00008 fNDF2, rmse = 0.17) and protein ( Holstein cows (22 primiparous and 22 multiparous) averaging 65 DIM,
= 3.3 + 0.001 fNDF - 0.00001 fNDF2, rmse = 0.08). Ruminal pH was 43.3 kg/d of milk, and 574 kg body weight were used in study conducted
positively related to fNDF ( = 5.62 + 0.023 fNDF - 0.00014 fNDF2, from October through December 2009. Within each parity, cows were
n = 145, nexp = 56, rmse = 0.08). Acetate/propionate ratio increased assigned to 1 of 11 blocks based on production and days in lactation and
with fNDF ( = 1.05 + 0.10 fNDF - 0.001 fNDF2, n = 163, nexp = 66, one cow of each parity-block was randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups.
rmse = 0.24). Values of pH = 6.1 and A/P = 3.0 corresponded to fNDF Study design was replicated 2 × 2 Latin squares for each set 1, 2, or 3 d
= 24%. An increase in fNDF significantly increased the rumen liquid treatments. Each period consisted of a 3d pre-treatment, 1 to 3d treat-
load (RLL = 73 ± 11.1 kg, = 53.6 + 1.14 fNDF - 0.014 fNDF2, n = 76, ment, and a 3d post-treatment phase. Diets contained about 18% alfalfa
nexp = 32, rmse = 5.0) and rumen liquid outflow rate. In contrast, fNDF and 36% corn silage (DM basis) and were control (Ctrl) with no water
decreased the organic matter digestibility ( = 74.1 - 0.139 fNDF, n = 186, added and treatment (Trt) with water added to decrease forage DM by
nexp = 73, rmse = 2.3) and the energy balance became negative when 8%-units, which mimicked rainfall events on a bunker silo and feeding
fNDF > 31.5%. In conclusion, most predictions were curvilinear and an imprecise ration based on as-fed ratios of ingredients. Ctrl ration was
fairly accurate. As a measure of fill effect, the minimization of fNDF adjusted daily to maintain DM ratios of ingredients during the study.
enhances the milk performance, however when fNDF is < 20–25% DM Milk yield was recorded daily and component samples were taken 2x
the risk of acidosis increases. daily. Forages, TMR, and refusals were sampled daily and concentrates
Key Words: forage NDF, dairy cow, meta analysis sampled 2x weekly. Chemical composition (DM, CP, NDF) of samples
were determined by NIR. Data was analyzed using Proc MIXED of SAS
with cow within parity-block as a random variable. On day1, DMI was
561 Effect of forage type on passage rate estimated from rumen reduced 2.4 (P < 0.0001), 1.2 (P = 0.0001), and 0.8 kg (P = 0.003), for
evacuation studies. S. J. Krizsan*1, S. Ahvenjärvi2, and P. Huhtanen1, the 1, 2, and 3d treatments, respectively, but DMI recovered during the
1Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Swedish following 1 to 3 d even during Trt phases. Although daily milk decreased
University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden, 2MTT-Agrifood slightly on day1 of each Trt, the decrease was largest on day2: −1.4 (P
Research Finland, Animal Production Research, Jokioinen, Finland. = 0.02), −2.6 (P = 0.002) and −1.9 kg (P = 0.006), for the 1, 2, and 3d
treatments, respectively. Smaller reductions in daily milk occurred on the
A meta-analysis of studies using the flux/compartmental pool method
remaining days of Trt and for 4% fat-corrected milk. We conclude that
with indigestible NDF (iNDF) as internal marker was conducted to study
abrupt changes in forage DM cause economically significant reductions
the effect of forage type on particle passage rate (kp) in cattle. Data were
in daily milk yield, but the duration of the change does not worsen the
comprised of 172 treatment means from 49 studies conducted in Europe
losses if adequate ration amounts are provided.
and in the USA. A total of 145 diets were fed to dairy cows and 27 to
growing cattle. Prerequisite for inclusion of an experiment was that Key Words: dry matter changes, precision feeding, milk yield
DMI, intake of NDF (NDFI), proportion of concentrate (CProp) in the
diets, live weight (LW), and diet chemical composition (concentrations
of CP, NDF, NFC and iNDF) were determined or could be estimated. 563 Effects of corn silage harvested with or without ears on
Mixed model regression analysis including a random study effect was rumen fermentation and milk performance of dairy cows. M.
used to generate prediction equations of kp. Initially 13 different forage Boivin*, R. Gervais, and P. Y. Chouinard, Université Laval, Québec,
types were classified, but when not different (P > 0.10) from grass silage QC, Canada.
the groups were pooled. The best fit model when forage type was not The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of grain fraction
included was: kp (%) = 1.19 + 0.0879 × NDFI (g/kg LW) + 0.792 × in corn silage (CS) on rumen fermentation and milk performance of
CProp (on NDF basis) + 1.21 × iNDF/NDF (RMSE = 0.231%, Akaike’s dairy cows. To reach this objective corn ears were manually removed
information criterion = 199 and R2 = 0.66). The best general equation from half of the plants in the same field. Whole CS and earless CS were
514 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
harvested the day after. Eight multiparous (4 rumen fistulated) Holstein while extent of IVNDFD was greater (79% vs. 56%) for orchardgrass
cows (84 ± 31 DIM) were fed TMR in a double 4x4 Latin square design compared with alfalfa hay. In this study, these alfalfa and orchardgrass
with 21-d periods. Treatments were WCS: 23% whole CS (DM basis), hays supported similar levels of milk production when they replaced
RCS: reconstituted CS with 12.4% earless CS and 10.6% high mois- corn grain in the diet.
ture corn, ECS: 23% earless CS, and GS: 23% grass silage. All TMR
Key Words: dairy nutrition, alfalfa, orchardgrass
contained alfalfa silage, grass hay, ground corn, soybean meal, corn
gluten meal, soy hulls, and corn oil. Contrasts were made to compare
WCS vs. RCS, WCS vs. ECS, and ECS vs. GS. Statistical difference 565 The effect of feed sorting on NDF, starch, and particle
was declared at P < 0.05, and tendency at 0.05 ≤ P ≤ 0.10. DMI did not intake. D. D. Maulfair*, G. I. Zanton, and A. J. Heinrichs, The Penn-
differ between WCS and RCS or between ECS and GS, but was higher sylvania State University, University Park.
for WCS compared with ECS (27.5 vs. 25.2 kg/d). Milk yield was higher
with WCS than ECS and RCS (42.8, 39.0 and 39.5 kg/d, respectively), Ration sorting occurs when cattle selectively consume certain parts
and tended to be higher with GS (40.7 kg/d) than ECS. Milk fat content of their ration, generally sorting for finer particles and against longer
and yield were unaffected by treatments. Milk protein content of ECS particles. Sorting is thought to have negative impacts on cow health and
was lower than WCS (2.94 vs. 3.04%) and tended to be lower than GS production. The objective of this experiment was to study the effects of
(2.99%). Milk protein contents of WCS and RCS were similar. Milk varying TMR particle size on sorting behavior of lactating dairy cows
protein yield was higher for WCS than RCS and ECS, and was lower and to evaluate effects on chewing behavior, milk yield and components,
for ECS than GS (1.30, 1.20, 1.14, 1.21 kg/d, respectively). Rumen pH and rumen fermentation. Eight multiparous, Holstein cows (90 ± 32 d
recorded at 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 h post feeding decreased linearly with time, in milk; 4 rumen cannulated) were randomly assigned to replicated 4
but was not affected by treatments. Mean rumen NH3-N concentrations × 4 Latin squares. Cows were fed diets that varied in chop length of
recorded at the same sampling times were lower with GS than ECS dry grass hay. Diet forages and their percentage of diet DM were: corn
(10.8 vs. 12.6 mg/dl). Mean proportions of acetate were lower and those silage (29.4), haylage (17.6), and grass hay (11.8). The geometric mean
of propionate were higher for WCS than for ECS (59.9 vs. 61.9% and lengths (Xgm) of diets fed were: 4.46, 5.10, 5.32, and 5.84 mm for the
22.1 vs. 19.8%, respectively). Acetate to propionate ratio was greater short (S), medium (M), long (L), and extra long (XL) TMR respec-
with ECS compared with WCS (3.14 vs. 2.74). Under the condition tively. Consumed Xgm for diets after 24 h was 4.44, 4.90, 4.82, and 5.10
of this experiment removing the grain fraction from CS reduced milk mm for the S, M, L, and XL diets respectively. Differences between
production and modified ruminal fermentation without affecting milk Xgm at time of feeding and after 24 h increased with increasing TMR
fat content and yield. particle size. In addition, refusal NDF concentration increased by 10.8
and 1.4%, while refusal starch concentrations decreased by 6.4% and
Key Words: corn silage, corn stalklage, forage-to-concentrate ratio increased by 1.5% throughout the day for the longest and shortest diets
respectively. However, when NDF and starch intake were calculated
after 24 h, mean NDF intakes varied by only 2.3 kg and there were no
564 Comparison of alfalfa and orchardgrass hay as replacements
differences in starch intake. No differences were found in rumen VFA
for grain in lactating dairy cow diets. M. L. Raeth-Knight*1, H. G.
and NH3 and mean rumen pH only varied by 0.13. Milk production and
Jung1,2, P. R. Peterson1, N. B. Litherland1, and J. G. Linn1, 1University
components were also similar between diets. Despite large changes in
of Minnesota, St. Paul, 2USDA-Agricultural Research Service, St.
particle size distribution and NDF and starch concentrations of refusals
Paul, MN.
due to sorting, there were no negative effects on rumen fermentation
A study was conducted to compare lactating dairy cow performance or milk production and components found in this study. Therefore, it
when alfalfa (40% NDF) or orchardgrass (60% NDF) hay replaced is important to calculate the actual consumption of diet components to
corn grain in a corn silage-based total mixed ration. Fifty cows were determine if sorting is a problem, because diet refusals represent only
blocked by sire breed, ranked by DIM and randomly assigned to 1 of 10 a small percentage of total diet intakes.
treatments. Treatments were 5 dietary inclusion levels of either alfalfa
Key Words: chewing, particle size, sorting
(15, 20, 25, 30 and 35% of diet DM) or orchardgrass (10, 15, 20, 25 and
30% of diet DM). Across treatments, cows averaged 86 DIM at study
initiation, and cows remained on their respective treatments for 8 wk. 566 Effects of varying inclusion rates of prairie hay and wet
Feed intake, feed refusals, and milk production were recorded daily, corn gluten feed on productivity of dairy cows. D. J. Rezac*1,
and milk composition was determined weekly. During wk 4 and 8, fecal K. N. Grigsby 2, and B. J. Bradford 1, 1Kansas State University,
grab samples were collected to determine in vivo diet digestibility; and Manhattan,2Cargill Incorporated, Blair, NE.
eating, ruminating and resting time were recorded every 15 min for 24 h.
Within alfalfa and orchardgrass treatments, 3.5% FCM yield decreased Productivity of lactating dairy cows fed diets with wet corn gluten feed
with increasing hay inclusion level (r2 = 0.59). The rate of decline was (Sweet Bran, Cargill Inc.; WGCF) as the primary energy substrate and
similar between hay species with cows averaging 44.6 and 37.3 kg 3.5% prairie hay as the primary source of physically effective NDF (peNDF)
FCM/d at the lowest and highest hay inclusion levels, respectively, was assessed versus a control diet. Forty-eight Holstein cows, 100–250 d
across hay species. When milk production was regressed on diet NDF in milk, were randomly assigned to 1 of 6 pens and pens were randomly
concentration, within hay species, 3.5% FCM yield declined at a faster assigned to treatment sequence in a replicated 3x3 Latin square. Treat-
rate for the alfalfa as dietary NDF concentration increased. Range in ments were a control ration with 18% alfalfa, 18% corn silage, 33%
diet NDF was 29.5 to 35.6% NDF and 29.9 to 39.8% NDF for alfalfa WCGF, and 15% forage NDF (CON); a diet with 20% prairie hay, 46%
and orchardgrass, respectively. With each percentage unit increase in WCGF, and 13% forage NDF (PH20); and a diet with 14% prairie hay,
dietary NDF concentration, 3.5% FCM yield decreased 1.22 kg/d and 56% WCGF, and 9% forage NDF (PH14). However, midway through
0.46 kg/d for alfalfa and orchardgrass, respectively. There was no dif- period 2, PH14 was discontinued due to numerous cases of diarrhea
ference in milk fat (3.8%) or true protein (3.0%) among treatments. Rate among cows on that treatment. Data from period 2 for PH14 pens was
of in vitro NDF digestibility (IVNDFD) was similar (4.6 vs. 5.2%/h), discarded and the pens which had been assigned to PH14 for period 3
were randomly assigned to the other treatments. Data were analyzed
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 515
with mixed models using random effects of period and pen and fixed The objective of this experiment was to assess the optimal levels of
effect of treatment. Dry matter intake was not altered by treatment. Least dietary fiber (DF) incorporated in high concentrate (HC) and low concen-
squares means milk yields were 36.2, 34.6, and 35.6 kg/d for CON, trate (LC) diets for limit-fed dairy heifers. Eight Holstein heifers (335.6
PH20 and PH14, respectively; milk yield was significantly greater for ± 7.41 kg BW) were randomly assigned to 2 levels of concentrate: HC
CON than PH20 (P = 0.03). Milk fat concentration was lowest for PH14 (20% forage) and LC (80% forage) and to a forage type sequence (0%
(P < 0.01), with means of 3.47, 3.40, and 2.82% for CON, PH20, and of forage as corn stover (CT), 100% corn silage (CS); 20% CT, 80% CS;
PH14, respectively. Fat yield was significantly greater for CON com- 40% CT, 60% CS; 60% CT, 40% CS) within forage level administered
pared with PH14 (P < 0.01) but was not different from PH20. Milk urea according to a split-plot, 4 × 4 Latin square design (21-d periods). All
nitrogen was the greatest for PH20 and least for CON (P < 0.01) with diets provided similar intakes of ME and allowed 800 g/d of ADG. DF
PH14 being intermediate, consistent with differences in dietary protein. (NDF and ADF) and non fiber carbohydrates composition were allowed
Efficiencies, expressed as energy corrected milk divided by DMI, were to vary with the dietary ingredients. HC-fed heifers had higher apparent
1.45, 1.40, and1.30 for CON, PH20, and PH14, respectively, and were total tract (TD) digestibility of dry matter (DM; 72.6 vs.64.9 ± 0.52%;
not significantly different. These data suggest that PH14 did not provide P ≤ 0.01) than LC. Increasing DF level by increasing the amount of
adequate peNDF to support normal rumen function in midlactation dairy CT in the diet resulted in a linear decrease of DMTD (73.3, 71.5, 66.2
cows; however, PH20 offered a feasible diet for use on dairies where and 63.9 ± 0.51%, respectively; P ≤ 0.01). Organic matter TD followed
high-NDF grass hay and WCGF are available. the same pattern as DMTD. LC diets had higher NDF (P ≤ 0.01) and
tended to have lower ADF TD than HC diets (P = 0.06). As level of DF
Key Words: non-forage fiber, physically effective fiber, wet corn
increased, NDF and ADF TD had a cubic response with 20% CT diets
gluten feed
having the highest values. HC diets decreased fecal output on DM and
wet-bases, and DF had a decreasing linear effect on these parameters (P
567 Fiber digestion kinetics in muskoxen. E. M. Ungerfeld*2, R. ≤ 0.01). Urine volume excretion tended to be higher for HC-fed heifers
J. Forster2, P. B. Barboza1, M. B. Leigh1, and C. Glover1, 1University (16.2 vs. 7.7 ± 2.51 kg/d; P = 0.06) and increasing level of DF tended
of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, to decrease urine output (P = 0.10). Total purine derivatives did not
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. differ between treatments or CT level, but uric acid tended to be higher
in HC-fed heifers (P = 0.06), and tended to decrease linearly (P = 0.10)
The objective of this study was to examine fiber digestion in the muskox when levels of DF increased. We conclude that CT decreased DM, and
rumen as a potential source of enzymes and microbes for biofuel pro- OM TD linearly while NDF, and ADF TD were maximized when 20%
duction from fibrous biomass. We measured the kinetics of ruminal CT was added to HC and LC diets; HC diets were more digestible and
digestion in situ for triticale straw (low quality diet) and brome hay generated less fecal output, but total manure was not different between
(medium quality diet) in a 2-period crossover design (n = 4). Each period HC or LC diets.
consisted of 3 weeks adaptation to diets, after which pairs of polyester
bags containing triticale straw or brome hay ground through 1mm mesh Key Words: high concentrate diet, fiber, limit-feeding, dairy heifer
were placed in the rumen for 24 to 120 h. Negative exponential regres-
sions were fitted to calculate fractional rate and extent of digestion of
569 Dietary starch level and dose response of Saccharomyces cer-
cellulose (defined as ADF – lignin), hemicellulose (NDF – ADF) and
evisiae for limit fed-dairy heifers. G. J. Lascano*1, J. M. Tricarico2,
lignin for each animal-diet-substrate combination. Responses were
and A. J. Heinrichs1, 1The Pennsylvania State University, University
initially modeled as functions of animal (random), period (random),
Park, 2Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY.
diet, substrate, animal × substrate (random), period × substrate (random)
and diet × substrate. Interactions were not significant for any response The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of 2 levels
variable and were dropped from models. Cellulose digestion rate of both of dietary starch and the dose at which the effects of Saccharomyces
substrates was greater (P = 0.004) in animals fed straw than in those cerevisiae (Yea-Sacc1026, Alltech Inc.; YC) are maximized based on
fed hay, indicating dietary induction of cellulotyic activity. Cellulose nutrient total tract digestibility (AD), rumen fermentation, microbial
digestion rate was similar between substrates (P = 0.69) even though protein synthesis, and N utilization of limit-fed dairy heifers. A split
more cellulose was digested from hay than from straw (P < 0.001). Diet plot design with starch level as the whole plot and YC dose as sub-plot
did not affect the rate (P = 0.86) or extent (P = 0.24) of hemicellulose was administered in a 4 period (21 d) 4 × 4 Latin square. Eight Holstein
digestion from either substrate. Hemicellulose digestion rate was greater heifers (432.49 ± 6.81 kg BW) were allocated to 2 starch treatments
(P = 0.033) in straw than in hay substrate, but its extent of digestion (30% starch: HS; 15% starch: LS) and to a sequence of YC doses (0,
was greater (P = 0.001) in hay. Small values for lignin digestion at 120 10, 30, and 50 g/d). DM (P = 0.98) and NDF (P = 0.28) AD were not
h were greater for hay as substrate (P < 0.001) and for straw as a diet different between HS and LS; however, HS decreased ADF and increased
(P = 0.012). Results suggest that, for the substrate processing used, cel- hemicellulose AD (48.5 vs 44.9 ± 1.38 and 45.0 vs. 56.4 ± 3.20% respec-
lulose digestion rate, but not extent, was limited by microbial enzymatic tively). YC dose increased DM AD quadratically (68.6, 68.8, 71.3, and
activity, whereas hemicellulose digestion rate and extent was limited by 69.8 ± 0.47%; P < 0.01). NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose AD increased
surface available for microbial colonization and digestion. Muskoxen or tended to increase quadratically with increasing YC dose (P = 0.03,
consuming low quality forages may induce cellulolysis and could be a 0.06, 0.10 respectively). No significant effects were noted on fecal or
potential source of useful fibrolytic microbes and enzymes. urine output. Mean ruminal pH was higher for LS treatment (6.18 vs.
6.05 ± 0.06), and there was a trend (P = 0.09) for YC dose and starch
Key Words: muskox, rumen, digestion
interaction. The highest pH for LS and HS diet were at 0 and 50 g/d
respectively. Total volatile fatty acid concentration was not different
568 Nutrient utilization of different levels of dietary fiber in dairy among YC doses or starch level. Concentrations of propionate, iso-
heifers limit-fed high and low concentrate diets. G. J. Lascano* and butyrate and iso-valerate were higher for HS than LS. Isovalerate was
A. J. Heinrichs, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park. reduced linearly with increasing addition of YC and acetate: propionate
responded quadratically to YC addition with 10 g/d having the lowest
516 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
value. Estimated microbial N outflow was not different among starch SE = 2.0; P = 0.1). The results suggest that provision of straw as a
treatments or YC doses. We conclude that starch level did not affect DM choice, alongside a limit-fed ration, will allow heifer growth rates to
AD, but influenced ADF and hemicellulose AD. YC dose had a greater be targeted, as well provide a suitable foraging source that heifers can
effect on DM, NDF, ADF, and hemicellulose AD when added at 30 g/d. use to satisfy their natural feeding behavior patterns.
Fermentation parameters were not different among dietary treatments,
Key Words: limit-feeding, dairy heifer, feeding behavior
but rumen pH was higher for LS diets.
Key Words: yeast culture, starch, limit-feeding, dairy heifer
571 Evaluation of potential carry over effects associated with limit
feeding gravid Holstein heifers. K. A. Kruse*, N. M. Esser, P. C.
570 Effects of limit-feeding on the feeding behavior of dairy heif- Hoffman, and D. K. Combs, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
ers. B. L. Kitts*, B. W. McBride, I. J. H. Duncan, and T. J. DeVries,
To evaluate potential carry over effects associated with limit feeding
Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph,
dairy heifers 96 Holstein heifers (400 ± 6 kg, 15.2 ± 0.1 mo) including 9
Kemptville Campus, Kemptville, Ontario, Canada.
heifers with ruminal cannula were fed one of 3 dietary treatments for 180
Limit-feeding replacement dairy heifers has been shown to control ± 8 d in a randomized replicated pen design. Treatment diets included
growth, while reducing feed costs and increasing efficiency; however, a control diet (C100) and 2 limit fed (LF) diets. The LF diets were for-
it also poses behavioral concerns. The objective of this study was to mulated to provide similar nutrient intakes to C100. One LF diet (L85)
determine if these concerns are mitigated by providing straw alongside was fed at 85% of C100 intake, and the other contained an ionophore (I;
a limit-fed ration. Twenty-four Holstein dairy heifers (187 ± 11.3 d of 325 mg/hd/d of Lasalocid) and was fed at 80% of C100 intake (L80+I).
age, 231.1 ± 12.0 kg), divided in groups of 4, were exposed to each Heifers were evaluated for growth, rumen digesta volume, nutrient
of 3 treatments in a replicated Latin square design with 28-d periods. excretion and lactation performance. Data were analyzed using SAS
The treatment rations were: 1) TMR, 2) TMR with straw (2kg/d/heifer) proc mixed procedure with the replication of pen being the experimental
offered as a choice (TMR-C) and 3) TMR with straw (2kg/d/heifer) unit. The LF heifers consumed less DM, NDF, and had greater ADG
mixed in (TMR-M). The TMR was fed at a restricted level (2.02% of (0.96, 0.89 vs 0.81 kg/d), and lower feed:gain ratios (9.1, 9.3 vs. 13.0
BW) and contained (DM basis) 19.0% haylage, 21% corn silage, 45% kg/kg) as compared with heifers fed C100. No differences in rumen
high moisture corn, and 15% protein supplement. Feeding behavior was pH, NH3-N, or VFA concentrations were observed between C100 or
recorded for the last 14 d of each period. Standing time was recorded LF heifers. Limit fed heifers tended to excrete less DM (3.9, 3.2 vs 4.3
for the last 7 d of each period. Rumination behavior was recorded twice kg/d), whereas N and P excretion values were not different. Apparent
weekly in the last 14 d of each period. BW was recorded weekly and N retention was improved in LF over C100 heifers (84.1, 96.8 vs. 77.1
group DMI was recorded daily. Data were averaged per treatment per g/d). Limit feeding did not alter rumen digesta volume, weight or density
group, and analyzed in a GLMM with treatment, period and square as (P > 0.05). No differences were observed for dystocia index (≤1.0), calf
fixed effects and group within square as a random effect. DMI was lowest BW (40.6 kg), or 7 d postpartum BW (566 kg) between LF and C100
for the TMR treatment compared with the treatments with straw (5.7 fed heifers. After parturition, all heifers were fed a common high fiber
vs 7.3kg/d; SE = 0.02, P < 0.001). Heifer ADG tended to be lower on diet. Lactation BW (551 kg), DMI (19.9 kg/d), and feed efficiency (1.6
the TMR-M compared with the TMR and TMR-C treatments (0.78 vs kg/kg milk) were similar between treatments at 45 or 90 DIM. Milk
0.94kg/d; SE = 0.04, P = 0.1). Feed efficiency (DMI/ADG) improved yield (33.2 kg/d), milk fat (3.70%) and milk protein (2.90%) also were
(SE = 0.01, P < 0.001) on the TMR (6.3) compared with TMR-C (7.8) similar. At 45 DIM, rumen digesta volume was greater (99.1 vs. 66.1
and TMR-M (9.9). Daily feeding time differed (SE = 6.6; P < 0.001) L) for cows fed L85 as compared with cows fed L80 + I as heifers, but
between TMR (76.1 min/d), TMR-C (206.9 min/d), and TMR-M this effect was not observed at 90 DIM. Rumen digesta volume, lacta-
(279.2min/d). Inactive standing time differed between treatments (SE tion DMI, and milk yield of LF gravid Holstein heifers for 180 d did
= 6.4; P < 0.001); with TMR being the highest compared with TMR-C not result in negative carryover affects.
and TMR-M (556.4 vs 409.9 vs 340.1 min/d). There tended to be fewer
Key Words: limit feeding, heifers, ionophore
heifers ruminating on the TMR compared with TMR-M (14 vs 21.9%;
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 517
Small Ruminant Symposium: Going, going, gone! How Curtailment of
Livestock Grazing on Federal Lands Could Alter the US Sheep Industry
572 How curtailment of livestock grazing on public lands could Preservation, conservation, and antiagriculture groups that are opposed
alter the US Sheep Industry. J. B. Taylor*, USDA, Agricultural to the use of federal lands for agricultural purposes have initiated spe-
Research Service, Dubois, ID. cies- and process-based litigation and other tactics to advocate removal
of sheep grazing from public lands. For example, litigation that relates
This symposium will demonstrate how the potential curtailment of
to Federal Land Policy and Management Act, Endangered Species Act,
livestock grazing on federal lands will alter the US sheep industry,
National Environmental Policy Act, and National Forest Management
and what policies, perceptions, and biases are being used to challenge
Act has been initiated to limit or restrict grazing access to federal lands.
the use of federal lands for agricultural production. Five speakers will
Furthermore, a variety of nonlegal tactics have been employed that result
demonstrate the influence of land management policies and other related
in unbearable fiscal, management, or labor burdens for sheep owners
legislation, judicial decisions, and nonlitigation activities on availability
using federal lands. These antigrazing actions have resulted in closure
of federal lands for sheep grazing, and detail the potential economic
of some federal lands to sheep grazing and(or) producers forfeiting
impact on the US sheep industry if livestock grazing is prohibited on
grazing leases. Ultimately, closure of federal lands to sheep grazing
federal lands in the future. The overall goal of the symposium is to
may set precedents for removal of all livestock grazing, including beef
challenge attendees to consider where to best place their information
cattle, on federal lands.
dissemination and research efforts in light of current policies, judicial
decisions, and events that threaten the continued availability of federal Key Words: grazing, litigation, public lands
lands for livestock production.
Key Words: public lands, sheep, symposium 575 Economic considerations of sheep grazing on federal and
public lands. N. R. Rimbey*1 and L. A. Torell2, 1University of Idaho,
Caldwell, 2New Mexico State University, Las Cruces.
573 The future of livestock grazing on federal lands: Opportunities
for change. J. Kaiser*, USDA, Forest Service, Washington, DC. Dependency of the western livestock industry on federal lands varies
widely. Federal lands administered by the US Department of Agriculture,
The regulatory, environmental, social, and judicial aspects of grazing
Forest Service and the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Man-
livestock on federal lands are duplicative, complicated, and litigious.
agement contribute significant portions of the annual forage base for
Environmental laws and policies are enacted with good intentions, but
sheep and cattle in the western United States. These lands also provide
often take a short-term approach to save a species without consideration
critical habitat for wildlife and recreational opportunities to the public.
of long-term effects, which may result in the demise of that same species.
Conflicts over the use and management of federal lands have greatly
The threat of disease transmission from domestic to wild species has
influenced development of grazing regulations and policies, which
alarmed the public and various land-management agencies. A conse-
significantly impact the availability of federal lands for grazing. Rela-
quential reaction to this threat has been to completely separate domestic
tively low grazing fee levels contribute to the image that federal-land
and wild species. For example, management decisions were instituted
grazing is heavily subsidized. These real and perceived subsidies have
that resulted in removal of domestic sheep from federal lands that wild
led to the development of asset values of federal grazing permits and of
sheep inhabit. Although seemingly prudent for the short-term, such
livestock enterprises that hold these permits. Therefore, administration
action fails to address long-term management needs and simultaneously
of grazing regulations and policies that affect the availability of federal
threatens the vitality of sheep enterprises dependent upon federal lands.
grazing permits directly influence the overall worth and viability of
Land management policies and resulting actions must be based on sound
many western sheep enterprises. The focus of this presentation will be
science and a ′′balance of harms′′ approach, which takes the long-term
to discuss historic legal and regulatory basis for managing federal land
view. The challenge is to override perceptions and deliver credible
grazing resources, methods for estimating grazing-use dependency,
information that forms sound policy and drives workable solutions.
how the federal grazing fee formula is derived from federal and private
To successfully develop sound policies, one should consider relevant
grazing costs, the role that grazing permit value plays in the grazing
regulatory, environmental, social, and judicial aspects of federal-land
fee debate, and policy-based alternatives related to the future of federal
grazing; understand ′′balance of harms′′ approach for managing federal
land grazing management.
lands; and be aware of perceptions that drive policy related to separation
of domestic and wild species using the same federal lands. Ultimately, Key Words: grazing permit, public lands, sheep
policy should enable management that sustains healthy federal lands
that provide habitat for thriving and diverse populations of wildlife and
forage for productive sheep enterprises. 576 Impact of reduced federal and public land grazing on viability
of the US sheep industry. D. P. Anderson*, Texas A&M University,
Key Words: policy, public lands, sheep College Station.
The sustained viability of the US sheep industry is linked to grazing on
574 The future of livestock grazing on federal lands: Real and federal lands. As of January 1, 2010, the 11 western Public Land States
perceived threats. W. G. Myers*, Holland & Hart LLP, Boise, ID. contained 46 percent of the US mature ewe flock. Many of those sheep
spend some portion of their lives on federal lands, which are mainly
Various special interest groups want to nudge federal lands out of reach
administered by the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service and
of livestock producers. In the 11 western Public Land States, federal
the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management. Loss of access
lands that are administered by the US Department of Agriculture, Forest
to federal lands for grazing purposes would have a negative impact that
Service and the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management are
is beyond the sheep enterprises that are dependent upon these lands. For
an important and sustainable source of forage for many sheep enterprises.
example, factors that further aggravate the long-term decline in US lamb
518 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
inventory could be enough to reduce the US sheep industry to levels public land-management agencies, groups who oppose livestock graz-
below a critical mass for industry infrastructure, e.g., meat packers and ing, and experts in the process of complying with the various laws and
wool warehouses, to survive. In addition to lambs from the western regulations, to identify critical research needs; 3) convert critical needs
Public Lands States, many meat packers also process a significant into focused research; 4) conduct statistically valid research to provide
number of lambs and goats from non-public land states (e.g., Texas, unbiased tests of null hypotheses and robust data; and 5) publish timely
the largest sheep producing state) to maintain a critical volume that is articles in well-known peer-reviewed journals that are organs of highly
essential to keeping the plant operational. This presentation examines respected scientific organizations. In their publications, scientists should
the economic impact of the loss of federal land grazing on the US sheep discuss and cite the “best available” published data that bear on the
industry. Components of the US sheep industry that will be discussed topic of their research. They should also describe the shortcomings of
are regional flock inventory in the US, lamb packing capacity, seasonal poorly designed research that appears in recognized scientific journals,
lamb production affecting packing capacity, regional wool production and of bad science, phony science, and pseudoscience that appears
and quality effects, regional lamb prices, and import levels. in gray literature aimed at supporting a cause. Unfortunately, some
Key Words: economic viability, public land, sheep industry Federal judges and key decision makers in land-management agencies
may not be able to distinguish between outstanding “real” science and
bad science, phony science, or pseudoscience. In some cases, there is a
577 So what? What is a scientist supposed to do? G. S. Lewis*, dearth of “real” science, and land-management decisions are not science
C. A. Moffet, and J. B. Taylor, USDA, ARS, U.S. Sheep Experiment based. Thus, scientists should develop close working relationships with
Station, Dubois, ID. public land managers and become trusted scientific advisors. However,
scientists must understand that aesthetic, historical, and recreational
Scientists can do what they do best: research and publish. But, if that is considerations, rather than sound science, may dominate public land
where it starts and ends, the publications are not likely to be focused on management decisions and policies. Nevertheless, scientists must
issues that matter to Federal regulatory processes. Scientists interested remain committed to the process and to the idea that sound science will
in conducting research pertinent to laws and regulations governing live- eventually lead to policies that permit the continuation of appropriate
stock grazing on public lands should 1) understand applicable laws and livestock grazing on public lands.
regulations; 2) work with stakeholders, including livestock producers,
Key Words: livestock grazing, public lands, research
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 519
Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education Symposium: Surviving
Promotion and Tenure with a Teaching Appointment
578 Going beyond the minimum for promotion: Building a toolbox editorial boards and individual reviewers. Although reliance on original
for documenting teaching effectiveness and a pathway to improv- (quantitative or qualitative) data collected to address a hypothesis is a
ing teaching. D. R. Mulvaney*1,2 and J. E. Groccia3, 1Coll. of Ag., common standard of publication, sharing cumulative years of teaching
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2Dept. Anim. Sciences, Auburn, AL, experience as a memoirs has been recognized also as a form of scholar-
3Biggio Teaching Center, Auburn University, Auburn, AL.
ship. Unfortunately, in spite of a call by national leaders to encourage
teaching publications within the discipline, teaching-related articles in
For the professional scientist in academia, failure to document effec-
the animal sciences are rarely published in the main disciplinary journals.
tive teaching practices beyond that which is minimally required by the
A search of the Agricola database revealed that in the last 25 years, 39 of
institution can lead to underrepresentation of a faculty member’s effort
the 39,502 articles in JDS, JAS, or Poultry Science included the words
and expertise. Consistent with national trends and demands of accredit-
undergraduate or higher education in the text. In contrast, the same
ing bodies for accountability to the profession and public sectors served
words were in 27% or 304 of the 1135 articles published in The North
by our programs, the need for documentation of teaching practices and
American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Journal and
learning outcomes has never been higher. Departments and institu-
the Journal of Natural Resources and Life Science Education (JNRLSE),
tions vary in the minimum amount and type of information required
the 2 most common venues for publications in the Food and Agricultural
to document teaching. Our objectives are to illustrate approaches for
Sciences. Another option is to publish in journals outside of the discipline
documenting teaching expertise, analyze the key components of teaching
but dedicated to SoTL. A list of 26 non-discipline-based SoTL journals
portfolios, and summarize factors in standard evaluations most closely
can be found at:
related to student learning outcomes. Teaching portfolios are a collec-
index.cfm?a1 = search .
tion of materials reflecting one’s professional strengths as a teacher
and can be useful in formative and summative evaluation processes. Key Words: scholarship of teaching
From student course evaluations, surveys, mid-semester evaluations,
restructured course evaluations, student focus groups and many more
examples of classroom assessment techniques, we include innovative 580 In the same boat—Facing the challenges of tenure and promo-
and proven examples of generating objective information toward one′s tion. O. U. Bolden-Tiller*, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL.
teaching for use by departments, programs, and institutional assessment Getting the big job is all one may think about upon completing gradu-
groups. Participants of the session will be challenged and stimulated ate and postdoctoral training and moving into the professional arena
to consider simple yet novel approaches to documenting their effective of academia. Only to find that once there, another hill, promotion and
practice of teaching. tenure, must soon be scaled. Many arguments surrounding tenure and
Key Words: teaching effectiveness, learning outcomes assessment, promotion have abounded since the practice was first instituted decades
teaching animal sciences ago. Whether one is for or against promotion and tenure, it remains a
reality if one is committed to academia, as tenure is alive and well at
most institutions and of the utmost importance to faculty, particularly
579 Getting scholarly teaching projects published. M. A. Wat- junior faculty. Overall, the expectations seem clear, but once in the boat,
tiaux*, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison. many unexpected challenges arise. How does one identify the best course
to address the challenges, including balancing service, teaching and
In spite of a diversity of intentions and forms of expression, abstracts,
research, all of which are critical to a successful promotion and tenure
portfolio, online educational resources, book chapters, textbooks and
based on one’s appointment? This seminar will highlight some of the
peer-reviewed journal articles are examples of teaching publications
challenges junior faculty currently face in various academic settings,
because they represent various forms of documentation and dissemi-
including a small liberal arts college, a minority serving institution, and
nation of a teaching-related scholarly activity. According to a recent
a research intensive university, on their road to tenure. How does one
survey, animal science faculty believe that authorship of peer-reviewed
prepare for tenure? From institution to institution, what is the same and
publications is currently over-emphasized as an indicator of excellence
what is different? How can the tenure process be used to one′s benefit?
in teaching. However, the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)
Lastly, with changes in teaching delivery systems, such as distance
is based upon the premise that one can assemble sufficient evidence
education, which often utilizes faculty in a part-time or adjunct position,
to provide generalizable knowledge to improve teaching and learning
the question ‘’Does tenure really matter, especially to a junior faculty
within a discipline. There is a great variety of expectations among
person”? will also be addressed.
journals, but the project design, the mode and rigor in data collection,
and the methods of analysis provide the basis for the scope of infer- Key Words: promotion, tenure, junior faculty
ence and frequently set the suitability for publication as determined by
520 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Animal Behavior and Well-Being: Poultry 2: Broilers
581 The effect of lighting regimen on broiler behavior and < 0.05) between behavior and time within the photoperiod for percent
health. R. A. Blatchford*, G. S. Archer, and J. A. Mench, University inactive resting (27 d - 14, 17L; 42 d - 14, 20L),where the lowest values
of California, Davis. occurred at the start and just before the end of photophase; walking (27
d - 14, 17L), standing (27 and 42 d - 14, 17L, ln 20L), feeding (27 d - 14,
Although long dim photoperiods are commonly used in commercial
17L), and drinking (27 d - 14, 17, 20 L), with peaks at start and end of
broiler production, evidence suggests that moderate-length photoperiods
photophase; and finally preening (27 d - 14, 17L), and dustbathing (27
with brighter light intensities could be beneficial for broiler welfare.
d - 14, 17, 20L), with the peak toward the center of the photophase. No
We evaluated the effects of long (20L:4D) and moderate (16L:8D)
relationships between behavior and time were noted for birds under 23
photoperiods at dim (1 lx day, 0.5 lx night) and bright (200 lx day, 0.5
h day length. The melatonin and behavioral data in this work strongly
lx night) light intensities on the behavior and health of broilers (n =
suggest that flocks raised under 23 h do not develop synchronized cir-
1004; 6 replicate pens/treatment). General activity was measured using
cadian rhythms. Sleep fragmentation, a form of sleep deprivation, may
passive infrared detection, and feeding activity measured by the amount
result from the unsynchronized behavioral activity.
of feed consumed per hour during one 24-h period per pen each week.
Broilers were gait scored using a 0–5 scoring system, weighed, and Key Words: circadian rhythm, melatonin, behavior
killed at 6 weeks of age. Eyes were dissected from 30 birds/treatment
and measured for size and weight. Behaviors and performance were
analyzed using a general linear model, gait score using a Kruskal-Wallis 583 The effect of providing lighting during incubation on stress
test, and eye measures using a MANOVA. There were no differences responses of broiler chickens post-hatch. G. S. Archer* and J. A.
in feed conversion ratio (mean = 1.63 ± 0.01 kg feed/kg body weight), Mench, University of California, Davis.
however 1 lx broilers (2.79 ± 0.01kg) were slightly heavier (P = 0.02) Lighting conditions during incubation affect brain development and
than 200 lx broilers (2.72 ± 0.01 kg). The 200 lx broilers were more hormone regulation in chickens, thus potentially affecting the stress
active during the day (P = 0.03), but less active at night (P = 0.02), than response. We examined the effects of 4 lighting conditions during incu-
those reared with 1 lx. They also fed more (P = 0.001) during the day bation on stress responses of broilers post hatch. Throughout incubation,
but less at night (P = 0.0001) than those reared with 1 lx. Similarly, Cobb broiler eggs were provided with either 0, 1, 6, or 12 h of 550 lx
broilers reared with 16L:8D fed more (P = 0.007) at night than those full-spectrum fluorescent light daily. Each treatment was divided over
reared with 20L:4D. The 200 lx broilers had the best (P = 0.0002) gait 3 incubators and was replicated once in time. Broilers were housed in
scores, although treatment differences were small. The 1 lx broilers had pens with others from their own incubator. Post-hatch, broilers were
greater side-to-side (18.86 ± 0.11 mm vs. 17.63 ± 0.11 mm, P < 0.0001) subjected to an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge (n =
and back-to-front (13.39 ± 0.09 mm vs. 12.89 ± 0.09 mm, P = 0.0002) 12 per treatment) and a stress test (1 h of crating, n = 24 per treatment,
eye diameters, as well as heavier eyes (2.42 ± 0.03 g vs. 1.99 ± 0.03 g, treatments were equally distributed across crates) at 4 weeks of age.
P < 0.0001) than those reared with 200 lx. These results show that light Half of the crated broilers had blood collected via brachial vein (1.5 to 2
intensity, rather than photoperiod, is the major factor affecting broiler mL) pre- and post-crating to determine the effect of crating on corticos-
behavior and eye health. Light intensity of 1 lx dampens behavioral terone levels, while the other half were challenged with keyhole limpet
rhythms, with possible physiological effects such as the observed dif- hemocyanin (KLH). Bilateral traits (middle toe length, metatarsal width
ferences in eye health. and length) were also measured in 60 broilers per treatment to assess
Key Words: broiler, lighting, behavior developmental asymmetry at 6 weeks of age. There was no difference
(P > 0.05) between treatments in the corticosterone response to ACTH
challenge (18.1 ng/mL). However, 12L broilers had lower (P < 0.05)
582 Effect of daylength on physiological and behavioral rhythms corticosterone concentrations after crating (0.31 ng/mL) than 0L (0.64
in broilers. K. Schwean-Lardner*1, B. I. Fancher2, and H. L. Clas- ng/mL) broilers. The 12L broilers also had higher (P < 0.05) anti-KLH
sen1, 1University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 2Aviagen, IgG titers (93295 U/mL) and lower (P < 0.05) composite asymmetry
Huntsville, AL. scores (0.92) than the 0L broilers (62239 U/mL, 1.21). Broilers provided
with 12 h of light during incubation were thus less affected by stressors
The impact of day length (14, 17, 20 and 23 h) on melatonin and behav-
post-hatch, as indicated by corticosterone and IgG concentrations and
ioral rhythms was studied in Ross × Ross 308 male broilers. Blood
composite asymmetry score.
samples were collected 6 times (n = 6) over 24 h at 21 d of age to provide
serum for RIA melatonin analysis. Behavior was recorded with infrared Key Words: incubation, light, stress
cameras for 24 h per replicate (2 per trial) in trial 1 (27–28 d of age (d
27)) and 2 (42–43 d (d 42)) in one pen of 53 male broilers (30 kg/m2).
The recordings were observed using scan sampling (10 min intervals) 584 The effect of providing light during incubation on fear
for the full 24 h. Data were analyzed with Proc Reg and RSReg of SAS responses of broiler chickens post-hatch. G. S. Archer* and J. A.
to determine if relationships existed between the variable and time of Mench, University of California, Davis.
day. Serum melatonin in birds raised on 14, 17 and 20 h day length Lighting conditions during incubation affect brain development and
showed quadratic (Q) relationships with time of d, with high and low hormone regulation in chickens, thus potentially affecting post-hatch
values during the scotophase and photophase respectively, suggesting behavior, including fear-related behavior. We examined the effects of
flock synchrony. No relationship was found for birds raised under 23 4 incubation lighting conditions on the fear responses of broilers post-
h, suggesting unsynchronized free-running rhythms. No scotoperiod hatch. Throughout incubation, Cobb broiler eggs were provided with
activity occurred except in birds raised under 14 h day length, where either 0, 1, 6, or 12 h of 550 lx full-spectrum fluorescent light daily.
stretching and feeding occurred before the photophase. Regression Post-hatch, the broilers (n = 60 per treatment) were subjected to the
analyses revealed quadratic (or linear (ln) where noted) relationships (P following fear tests: chute/emergence test (3 weeks of age), approach/
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 521
isolation test (3 weeks of age), tonic immobility test (5 weeks of age), Light provision can influence broiler performance and also impact bird
and inversion after catching test (6 weeks of age). All data were ana- welfare. Therefore, understanding how much light, and in what pattern
lyzed using GLMs differences were considered when P > 0.05. During it is given, is required to provide guidance to organizations responsible
all tests, the responses of the 12L broilers indicated that they were less for codes of practice. The objective of this research is to establish the
fearful than broilers in other treatment groups. During the chute test, impact of 9 h of darkness provided in one (9 h), trt 1, 2 (2 × 4.5 h), trt
12L broilers emerged faster from the darkened start box (28.9 ± 3.3 s, 2, and 3 (3 × 3 h), trt 3, periods on the welfare of broiler chickens as
P < 0.05) than broilers from all other treatments. During the approach assessed by bird behavior. Each lighting treatment was replicated 3 times
test, 12L broilers vocalized less (179 ± 9 times), were less active (28 ± and behavior was recorded over a 24 h period in one room per treatment
2% of the time), and spent more time in the area closest to the observer (12 pens per room each with 50 birds at housing) with a different room
(63 ± 3% of the time) than the 0L broilers (211 ± 10 times, 35 ± 3% of at each of 32, 33 and 34 d of age using infrared cameras. Behavior was
the time, 51 ± 4% of the time, P < 0.05). During the tonic immobility quantified by instantaneous scan sampling at 10 min intervals over a
test, 12L broilers had shorter (P < 0.05) latencies to first head move- 24 h period and compared between treatments over 24 h, overall photo-
ment (26 ± 3 s) and to right (120 ± 17 s) than 0L (57 ± 14 s, 201 ± 25 and scotoperiods, and within treatments between individual photo- and
s) and 1L (51 ± 9 s, 213 ± 22 s) broilers. During the inversion test, 0L scotoperiods. Comparisons between the 3 treatment means by ANOVA
broilers wing-flapped more intensely (5.5 ± 0.1 flaps/sec, P < 0.05) indicate lighting treatment had little to no effect on feeding, drinking,
than broilers in all other treatment (5.9 ± 0.1 flaps/sec). These results resting, standing, walking, running, foraging, stretching, dust bathing,
indicate that providing 12 h of light during incubation reduced the fear wing flapping and feather ruffling behaviors (P > 0.10). Preening (mean
response of the broilers when compared with the broilers incubated in trt 1 = 4.74, trt 2 = 3.48, trt 3 = 3.33; P = 0.03) and comfort behaviors
complete darkness. (meant trt 1 = 5.25, trt 2 = 3.86, trt 3 = 3.71; P < 0.01) show a reduc-
tion when the scotoperiod is increased from one to more. Behavioral
Key Words: fear, incubation, lighting
expression over time was examined within major photoperiods using
regression analyses to determine rhythms and patterns of activity. Qua-
585 Impact of light intensity on broiler biological rhythms and dratic patterns were seen for feeding (P < 0.05) and drinking (P < 0.05)
welfare. A. Deep*1, K. Schwean-Lardner1, T. G. Crowe1, B. I. with peaks at the initiation and end of the day. Dust bathing occurred
Fancher2, and H. L. Classen1, 1University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, consistently at mid-day for all treatments, indicating the presence of
Canada, 2Aviagen, Huntsville, AL. a biological rhythm. The reduced proportion of broilers partaking in
comfort behaviors alone does not clearly indicate a reduction in welfare
Light intensity (LI) manipulation is an important management tool for broilers exposed to multiple scotoperiods in comparison to those
affecting broiler behavior and physiology but still there is debate regard- given one longer period.
ing the optimum level to be used. Two trials were completed to study
the impact of light intensity (LI) within the practical levels in confine- Key Words: broilers, lighting, behavior
ment barns (1, 10, 20 and 40 lx) on biological rhythms and welfare of
broilers raised to 35 d of age. In each trial, 950 Ross × Ross 308 chicks
587 Heat and moisture production in broilers during simulated
were housed per room with replication of individual LI treatments in 2
winter transport. J. M. Watts*, L. J. Graff, M. L. Strawford, T. G.
environmentally controlled rooms. Within each large room, a small pen
Crowe, N. A. Burlinguette, H. L. Classen, and P. J. Shand, University
with 25 male and 25 female chicks was used for recording behavior.
of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Data were analyzed as a randomized complete block design with trial
serving as a block. All chicks were provided with 40 lx intensity and 23 To ensure broiler welfare during winter transport it is necessary to
h light until shifting to treatment LI and 17 h day length at 7 d of age. manage heat and moisture accumulation within transport vehicles. Heat
For each replicate, behavior was recorded for a 24 h period, starting at production (HP) and moisture production (MP) in broilers are affected
16 or 17 d of age. At 23 d of age, 3 birds per room were bled at the start, by many factors, both intrinsic and environmental. Hence, it is neces-
middle and end of light and dark periods for melatonin estimation using sary to determine HP and MP rates under representative conditions.
RIA. Skeletal and foot pad, and ocular health were monitored at 31 and A transport simulation chamber containing 1 or 2 standard transport
32 d of age, respectively. When summarized over the 24 h observation drawers was used in 2 configurations. (Divided: 2 drawers were each
period, birds exposed to 1 lx rested more and had reduced expression of partitioned into 15 small compartments, each containing 1 bird and
foraging, preening, dust-bathing (P = 0.09), stretching and wing-flapping stacked together in the chamber; Grouped: a single drawer contained
(P = 0.07) behaviors in comparison to other light intensities. Diurnal 15 birds able to move and huddle together). Cold air was drawn into
rhythms of serum melatonin were unaffected by LI. Broilers exposed the system, at 0.35 m3/s, from outside the building. A control system
to 1 lx had heavier and bigger eyes as compared with other treatments. operated a heater to warm the air to the desired temperature before it
LI had no effect on skeletal health but deep ulcerative foot pad lesions passed through the drawer(s) and was exhausted from the building.
decreased linearly with increasing LI. In conclusion, despite having Broilers were fasted for 7 h, placed into the chamber, and exposed to
prominent melatonin rhythms, broilers exposed to 1 lx demonstrated test conditions for 3 h. Air temperature and relative humidity (RH) were
reduced welfare as indicated by altered behavioral expression, and measured upstream and downstream of the insulated bird compartment
increased foot pad lesions and eye size. at -min intervals. Differences in the paired temperature and RH values
were a result of metabolic activity and were used to calculate a mean
Key Words: broiler, light intensity, welfare
HP and MP value for the 3 h, per unit of bird weight, for n = 36 trials
(12 Divided, 24 Grouped). The effects of temperature (−4, −5, −8,
586 Broiler behavior under lighting programs with a sectioned −10, −12, −15, −17, −18 or +20°C) and bird age (5 or 6 weeks) were
dark period and its welfare considerations. C. Raginski*1, K. V. studied. Drawers were balanced for numbers of male and female birds.
Schwean-Lardner1, H. W. Gonyou1,2, and H. L. Classen1, 1University At 20°C, HP was 6.1–8.1W/kg and MP was 3.6–5.7g/h-kg (n = 3). In
of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, 2Prairie Swine Centre, both configurations HP and MP tended to increase with each colder
Saskatoon, SK, Canada. temperature increment. Pooled observations between −4 and −18°C
522 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
were categorized by bird age and confinement type. Younger Grouped electrical head-only prong at 40V/7s (HEAD). There were 2 replications
birds (n = 9 trials) had mean HP of 73.1W/kg (range 59.1–87.5) and of treatments. Necks were cut immediately after all methods. Body
MP of 20.5g/h-kg (range18.4–21.1), older Grouped birds (n = 11 trials) movements were scored by 2 workers during bleeding with a 4-point
41.4W/kg (range 35.5–46.8) and 12.8g/h-kg (range 5.5–14.1), younger scale (1 = mild; 4 = most severe), and measured in 3 phases (0–10, 10–60,
Divided birds (n = 5 trials) 24.0W/kg (range 16.5–27.3) and 4.26g/h-kg and 60–120 s) post stun/kill. Carcasses were evaluated for hemorrhage
(range 3.1–7.1) and older Divided birds (n = 5 trials) 19.5W/kg (range and broken bones. When comparing the treatments to the control NS,
15.8–22.2) and 3.54g/h-kg (range 2.9–4.5). blood loss was lower in DIS birds, probably due to internal tearing of
vessels, and higher in LOW and HEAD birds, because low-voltage
Key Words: broiler, heat production, cold weather transport
stuns help provide uniform heartbeat and facilitate bleeding (P < 0.05).
Under Chi Square analysis, distributions of body movement scores dif-
588 Humane slaughter methods for small- and mid-scale poultry fered significantly (P < 0.05). NS and DIS treatments displayed intense
operations. V. B. Brewer*1, A. C. Fanatico2, W. J. Kuenzel1, C. M. motor contractions early in the post stun/kill period: 44% and 95% of
Owens1, V. A. Kuttappan1, and A. M. Donoghue2, 1University of Arkan- NS birds had Level 4 uncontrolled muscle contractions in phases 1 and
sas Department of Poultry Science, Fayetteville, 2USDA Agricultural 2, and 100% and 85% of DIS birds. Contractions in HIGH birds were
Research Service, Poultry Production and Product Safety Research, Level 1 in phases 1 and 2, presumably due to immediate death. Muscle
Fayetteville, AR. contractions of LOW birds were also minor at first and increased in phase
3 where 16% experienced Level 3 movements. Wing hemorrhage was
Interest is growing in humane handling of poultry and other livestock. higher in DIS birds and broken wings were higher in NS compared with
Due to the cost of humane slaughter devices, small-scale poultry produc- other treatments (P < 0.05), probably due to increased wing flapping.
ers may cut birds necks without prior stunning. With the objective of Cervical dislocation, while a low-cost kill method for small numbers
determining low-cost humane slaughter methods, a trial was conducted of birds, resulted in poor bleedout and wing hemorrhage. In conclu-
to evaluate impact on blood loss, bird reactions, and carcass quality. sion, hand-held electrical stun devices can be effective methods used at
Groups of slow-growing hybrid broilers (n = 20) were assigned to stun/ low and high settings and warrant additional research for best welfare
kill treatments: no stun (NS; control); cervical dislocation (DIS); elec- practices for small broiler operations.
trical knife at 40V/7s (LOW); electrical knife at 50V/7s (HIGH); and
Key Words: poultry, stun, welfare
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 523
Animal Health: Management, Disease, and Performance
589 Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the prevalence of lenge compared with heifers with NoDNAm heifers (40.92 and 39.93
mastitis in dromedary camels. S. Ahmad*1,2, M. Yaqoob1,2, M. Q. ± 0.07°C, respectively) and greater concentrations of cortisol at 2.5
Bilal1,2, G. Muhammad1,3, A. Iqbal1,2, and M. K. Khan1,3, 1university (281.5 vs. 267.7 pg/mL, respectively) and 3 h (252.2 vs. 215.2 pg/mL,
of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan, 2University of Agriculture, Fais- respectively) post LPS compared with NoDNAm heifers. NoDNAm
alabad-Pakistan, Department of Livestock Management, 3University heifers had greater (P < 0.05) concentrations of IFNγ 2 h post-LPS
of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan, Department of Clinical Medicine compared with DNAm heifers for IMFD (17.2 ng/mL and 11.4 ng/
and Surgery. mL, respectively). No differences (P > 0.05) were observed between
groups of heifers for IL-6 concentrations; however, NoDNAm heifers
The present study was designed to determine the prevalence and asso- had greater (P < 0.05) sustained IL-6 responses over time. These results
ciated determinants (age, parity, stage of lactation, season and breed) suggest that there is a difference to an LPS challenge in heifers with
of mastitis in the camel of Thal areas of Pakistan. Based on multistage genotypic variation in intramuscular fat deposition.
cluster random sampling, 200 she-camels were screened for subclini-
cal mastitis. Milk samples from each quarter of selected animals were Key Words: pro-inflammatory, GeneSTAR, Angus
collected and analyzed using Surf Field Mastitis Test (SFMT). Overall
prevalence of subclinical and clinical mastitis was 38% (304/800) and
591 Impact of vaccination on the incidence of liver abscesses in
28% (224/800), respectively. Age, parity, stage of lactation, season and
natural-fed finishing cattle. J. T. Fox*1, D. U. Thomson1, N. N.
breed were found significantly associated (P < 0.05) with the prevalence
Lindberg2, and K. Barling3, 1Kansas State University, Manhattan,
of mastitis in she-camels. The prevalence of mastitis was significantly 2Progressive Beef Consulting Service, Great Bend, KS, 3Novartis Animal
higher (P < 0.05; 60%) in camels of 5–7 years of age (1st and 2nd pari-
Health, College Station, TX.
ties) compared with that of 14 to 16 years of age (5th and 6th parities)
(26.67%). Samples collected in winter showed significantly (P < 0.05) A blinded clinical trial was conducted with the objective of deter-
higher (48%) prevalence of mastitis as compared with summer samples mining the ability of vaccines to reduce liver abscess incidence in
(28%). Stage of lactation significantly affected (P < 0.05) the prevalence natural-fed cattle as well as evaluating the impact of liver abscesses
of mastitis being highest during the last 2 mo (10–12 mo) (50%) followed on performance and carcass characteristics. Feedlot cattle (n = 1,307;
in order by initial stage of lactation (0–1 mo) (45.45%) and mid stages initial body weight (BW) = 279 ± 32 kg) were randomly assigned to
(1–3 and 3–10 mo) of lactation (0% and 25%, respectively). According 1 of 3 treatments. Treatments were control (no vaccine), vaccination
to breed of camels, the prevalence of mastitis was significantly higher (P with a Fusobacterium necrophorum bacterin or vaccination with an
< 0.05) in crossbred (45.83%) followed in order by mareecha (35.29%) Arcanobacterium pyogenes-Fusobacterium necrophorum toxoid. Vac-
and desi (22.22%). The present study may provide baseline data for cines were administered to animals in accordance with label directions.
the researchers and veterinarians to plan mastitis control program in Cattle were fed a series of 4 step-up diets and a finishing diet consisting
camels of Pakistan. of 73% steam-flaked corn and 13% roughage (as-fed basis). Cattle were
selected for harvest on a weekly basis based upon phenotypic evaluation
Key Words: prevalence, mastitis, associated determinants, camels,
of finish. At harvest, livers were scored following the Elanco system:
thal, Pakistan
0, no abscesses evident; A-, 1 or 2 small abscesses or scars; A, 2 to
4 well-organized abscesses less than 2.5 cm in diameter; or A+, 1 or
590 Use of a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge to evaluate the more large active abscesses greater than 2.5 cm in diameter. Incidence
innate immune response of Angus heifers with genotypic differences of liver abscesses (56%) and severe (A and A+ scores) liver abscesses
in GeneSTAR Markers for intramuscular fat deposition. J. O. (39%) was relatively high in this study. Data were analyzed with either
Buntyn*1, J. A. Carroll2, T. Smith1, S. M. Falkenberg1, J. D. Rivera3, C. general linear or general linear mixed models. No differences were
Collier2, and T. B. Schmidt1, 1Department of Animal, Mississippi State observed (P > 0.60) between treatments with regard to the incidence
University and Dairy Sciences, Mississippi State, 2Livestock Issues of liver abscesses, incidence of severe liver abscesses, or liver abscess
Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Lubbock, TX, 3South Mississippi Branch score. Initial BW, 60-d BW, 60-d average daily gain, total days on feed
Experiment Station, Mississippi State. (DOF), hot carcass weight (HCW), yield grade and quality grade were
not different (P > 0.10) among treatments. Liver abscess present at
Due to increased nutritional requirements during an immune challenge, harvest increased (P = 0.02) total DOF, but this difference (2 d) was
intramuscular fat (IMF) can serve as an energy reserve for cattle. Cattle somewhat minor. Severe liver abscesses reduced (P < 0.01) HCW and
with a genotypic variation in DNA markers (DNAm) for IMF may have increased the number grading USDA Select instead of USDA Choice
an altered response to an immune challenge. The objective of this study (P = 0.01). In conclusion, we did not observe any treatment differences
was to evaluate the innate immune response of Angus heifers selected in liver abscess incidence or severity. We did identify some important
for genotypic variation in intramuscular fat deposition (IMFD). Geno- differences in performance and carcass parameters between cattle with
typic variation (QG1 and QG2) in heifers was determined by presence and without liver abscesses at harvest.
or absence of DNA markers for IMFD. Twenty-three heifers (223 ± 44
kg) were sorted into 2 treatment groups based upon DNAm; heifers Key Words: natural-fed cattle, liver abscesses, vaccines
with no DNAm for IMFD (n = 11; NoDNAm), and heifers with one
or more DNAm for IMFD (n = 12; DNAm). Prior to challenge (24
592 Physiological responses of heat tolerant and sensitive Bos
h), indwelling jugular catheters and indwelling rectal thermometers
taurus breeds of cattle to different levels of heat stress. D. E. Spiers*,
were inserted. Blood samples were collected at 30-min intervals and
H. L. Vellios, P. A. Eichen, B. Scharf, J. S. Johnson, D. K. Kishore, and
rectal temperatures (RT) at 1-min intervals from −2 to 8 h relative to
E. A. Coate, University of Missouri, Columbia.
the immune challenge (LPS: 0.25 μg/kg BW) at time 0. Heifers with
DNAm displayed greater (P < 0.05) RT temperature 2 h post LPS chal-
524 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Bos taurus cattle from different regions of the US may differ in their component analysis techniques may be able to assist early diagnosis and
response to heat stress. In the present study, Angus steers from Okla- postoperative of cow mastitis using a little milk sample.
homa (OK; n = 6) and Missouri (MO; n = 6) were compared against This work was supported by National Key Technology R&D Program
Romosinuano (heat tolerant) cattle (RO; n = 5) from Florida in the in the 11th Five year Plan of china (Grant No. 2008BAK42B05).
University of Missouri Brody Environmental Center to identify specific
Key Words: dairy cow, mastitis, metabolomics
differences in thermoregulatory responses to thermal conditions above
thermoneutrality. Animals were fed ad libitum, and intake was recorded
daily. Rectal temperature (Tre) and respiration rate (RR) were measured 594 Clinical trial to evaluate the effect of ceftiofur intramammary
6 times daily. Initially, animals were exposed to a constant 20°C (TN) treatment on non-severe clinical coliform mastitis. Y. H. Schuk-
for 8 d, followed by 2 cyclic heat stress periods that consisted of 28°C ken1, G. J. Bennett1, B. J. Rauch1, H. L. Sharkey1, and R. L. Saltman*2,
(night) to 38°C (day) daily cycle for 8 d (HS1), followed by a greater 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2Pfizer, Inc., New York, NY.
heat stress of 30°C (night) to 40°C (day) for an additional 8 d (HS2).
Feed intake rapidly decreased by ~2 kg/d for all breeds during HS1, The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment
with partially recovered after several days. No differences were found of non-severe, clinical coliform mastitis with intramammary ceftiofur
across breeds in feed intake/kg BW (P = 0.16). Tre for all breeds at TN (Spectramast LC). Particularly, the cure rates and clinical symptoms of
increased from 1100 (38.8°C) to 2100 (39.0°C), with RO being 0.3°C cows treated with Spectramast LC were compared with those of control
below OK. In contrast, RR of RO was less than Angus (19 bpm; P ≤ cows that were not treated with antimicrobials (negative controls). In a
0.05) at TN. RR for all breeds increased (33 bpm; P ≤ 0.05) during controlled clinical trial we enrolled 104 cows from 5 New York dairy
HS1 and again during HS2 (11 bpm; P ≤ 0.05), with RO maintaining herds with non-severe gram-negative clinical mastitis. Cows were either
a lower level (19 bpm; P ≤ 0.05) than Angus. Tre for RO was below treated for 5 d with once a day intramammary Ceftiofur or received no
Angus throughout (1.0°C; P ≤ 0.05), with no increase during either HS1 treatment in the control group. Post treatment milk production, somatic
or HS2. Both Angus groups increased Tre from TN to HS1 (0.9°C; P cell counts, clinical cure and bacteriological cure were evaluated. The
≤ 0.05), with partial recovery, followed by a second increase to HS2 continuous data (somatic cell count (after transformation to linear score)
(0.6°C; P ≤ 0.05) for MO steers. This study identified the time-related and milk production) was analyzed using a linear mixed model, while
differences in thermoregulatory ability of Angus and Romosinuano the discrete data (clinical and bacteriological cure rates) was analyzed
breeds of cattle that were unrelated to feed intake. using a generalized linear mixed model. For both models, treatment was
considered a fixed effect and herd was also treated as a fixed effect. For
Key Words: cattle, heat, breed all of the outcome variables, treatment was compared with the control
group using one-sided tests with 5% significance level. Treatment of
non-severe clinical gram-negative mastitis with 5 days of Spectramast
593 Early stage diagnosis of mastitis of dairy cows using 1H
LC resulted in a significant increased bacteriological cure compared to
NMR–based metabolomics. Y. Lv and Q. Z. Li*, Key Laboratory of
non-treated control animals (73% versus 38%), particularly in animals
Dairy Science of Education Ministry, Northeast Agricultural University,
infected with E. coli or Klebsiella species. Cured animals also showed
Harbin, China.
a lower loss in milk production (6 kg per day), improved SCC (1 LS
Mastitis is one of the main diseases in dairy cows worldwide with unit) and higher clinical cure compared to non-cured cows. Clinical
considerable economic consequences, mainly due to reduced milk pro- cure was notably improved in Ceftiofur treated cows with a Klebsiella
duction, discarded milk, an increased culling rate and higher treatment infection. In treated Klebsiella cows 62% clinically cured while 42% of
costs. Most mastitis cases are subclinical or chronic mastitis with little control cows showed clinical cure. However, the differences between
inflammation, but many of these infections eventually develop into clini- the treatment groups in production, SCC and clinical improvement were
cal mastitis. Clinical mastitis is easy to detect for veterinarians whereas not statistically significant. In conclusion, intramammary Ceftiofur treat-
the detection of subclinical mastitis cases can be a challenge. Nuclear ment of non-severe coliform mastitis resulted in a significant improved
magnetic resonance (NMR) based metabolomics, combined with multi- bacteriological cure and numerically improved clinical parameters.
variate statistics, assessment of a biological system by means of global
Key Words: mastitis, coli, clinical trial
and non–targeted metabolite profiling, is a powerful tool to analyze the
small molecule composition. Many metabolomics applications exist for
finding biomarkers and could assist diagnosis and prognosis of disease. 595 Cytological and clinical endometritis in dairy cows. J.
In this study, several constituents in cow milk were identified through 1D Dubuc*1, T. F. Duffield1, K. E. Leslie1, J. S. Walton2, and S. J. LeBlanc1,
and 2D NMR experiments. A pilot study analyzed whey samples from 1Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Guelph,
several cows with mastitis and normal control individuals to identify Ontario, Canada, 2Department of Animal and Poultry Science, Uni-
characteristic changes of metabolites profiles in cows with mastitis. Mul- versity of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
tivariate data analysis using SIMCA software differentiated these whey
1 H NMR spectra identifying any discriminating metabolite patterns. We The objective of this study was to compare cytological and clinical
found distinct metabolic change in milk between subclinical mastitis endometritis. Data from 2178 Holstein cows (6 herds) enrolled in a
cows and healthy cows. Our results indicated the metabolic change in randomized clinical trial were used. Cows were followed from parturi-
milk of cows with subclinical mastitis and healthy cows. Compared tion until 300 d after parturition (dap). Data on periparturient disease
with healthy cow milk, especially lower levels of lipid (mainly very incidence, calving history, and body condition score (BCS) at parturition
low density lipoproteins), phosphatidylcholine/choline and lactate in were collected. Serum BHB, NEFA and haptoglobin were measured at
milk of cows with subclinical mastitis, might be one pathogenesis of 4, 11, and 18 (±3.5) dap. Examination for endometritis was performed
early stage mastitis of cows. The present study demonstrated that PCA 35 (±3.5) dap and the voluntary waiting period for breeding was 60
results of milk CPMG spectra are clearly different in subclinical mastitis d. Endometritis was diagnosed cytologically (cytobrush technique)
cows and healthy cows. Milk NMR spectra combined with principal and clinically (Metricheck technique and score, and cervical diameter
by transrectal palpation). Diagnostic criteria for endometritis were
determined based on impaired subsequent reproductive performance.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 525
Statistical analyses were performed using Cox proportional hazard 597 Evaluation of the hand-held Precision Xtra system for diagnos-
models and logistic regression models in SAS, accounting for the effects ing ketosis in early lactation dairy cows. G. R. Oetzel*, University
of treatments and herd clustering. Cytological endometritis (CYTO) of Wisconsin, Madison.
was defined as ≤ 6% polymorphonuclear cells in endometrial cytology.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity,
Clinical endometritis (CLIN) was defined as the presence of mucopu-
and repeatability of a hand-held meter (Precision Xtra System, Abbott
rulent or purulent vaginal discharge. Prevalence of CYTO and CLIN
Laboratories) for cowside diagnosis of ketosis in early lactation dairy
were 20% and 16%, respectively. Among cows with CLIN, only 38%
cows. Experimental cows were 753 early lactation cows in 5 different
had CYTO. Risk factors for CYTO were hyperketonemia during the
commercial dairy herds. Each herd was visited twice and all cows in
first 7 dap (≥1100 μmol/L; OR = 1.4; P = 0.03), hyperhaptoglobinemia
the herd between 5 and 25 d in milk were tested at each visit. Blood
during the first 7 dap (≥0.8 g/L; OR = 1.5; P < 0.01), and thin BCS at
samples were collected from the tail vein of each cow. A drop of whole
parturition (≤2.75; OR = 1.9; P = 0.03). Risk factors for CLIN were
blood was applied to the Precision Xtra meter and analyzed for BHBA
twins (OR = 2.2; P < 0.01), dystocia (OR = 2.1; P < 0.01), metritis (OR
concentration. The remainder of the blood was allowed to clot. Serum
= 2.3; P < 0.01), and hyperhaptoglobinemia during the first 7 dap (OR
was later separated and analyzed for BHBA concentration at a com-
= 2.0; P < 0.01). Cytological endometritis and CLIN increased median
mercial laboratory (Marshfield Clinic Veterinary Diagnostic Services)
time to pregnancy (Unaffected: 132 d; CYTO: 156 d; CLIN: 168 d; P <
using an automated chemistry analyzer. For a subset of 71 cows, 2
0.01). Their impacts were additive in cows affected by both conditions
additional blood samples were collected to evaluate the repeatability
(BOTH: 193 d; P < 0.01). These findings suggested that CYTO and
of both the serum and whole blood BHB tests. Serum chemistry was
CLIN represent 2 different conditions. The source of vaginal discharge
the gold standard test, with BHBA ≥1.4 mmol/L classified as ketosis.
is unclear. It is proposed that uterine health status should be described
Serum BHBA concentrations ranged from 0.2 to 5.4 mmol/L, and 76
as unaffected, CYTO only, purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) only,
cows (10%) were classified as ketotic. Herd prevalence of ketosis ranged
and BOTH.
from 7 to 31%. BHBA concentrations determined by the meter were
Key Words: dairy cow, uterine disease, endometritis highly correlated to serum chemistry results (R2 = 0.86, P < 0.01). A
threshold of ≥1.3 mmol/L using the meter resulted in the best combina-
tion of sensitivity (98.7%) and specificity (98.4%) compared with the
596 Impact of postpartum uterine diseases on milk production gold standard of ≥1.4 mmol/L serum BHBA. Coefficient of variation
and culling in dairy cows. J. Dubuc*1, T. F. Duffield1, K. E. Leslie1, was 4.3% for repeated serum laboratory BHBA results and 10.9% for
J. S. Walton2, and S. J. LeBlanc1, 1Department of Population Medicine, repeated whole blood BHBA results using the meter. Repeated testing
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 2Department of Animal of cows using the meter resulted in no changes in ketosis classification.
and Poultry Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Results indicate excellent usefulness of the Precision Xtra hand-held
The objective of this study was to quantify the impact of postpartum meter for cowside diagnosis of ketosis in early lactation dairy cows
uterine diseases on milk production and culling. Data from 2178 using whole blood samples collected from the tail vein.
Holstein cows (6 herds) enrolled in a randomized clinical trial were Key Words: BHBA, ketosis, hand-held meter
used. Data were collected from parturition until 300 d after parturition
(DAP). Metritis (MET), retained placenta (RP), displaced abomasum,
and culling data were recorded by farm managers. Milk production data 598 Effect of 1 or 2 dose circovirus and mycoplasma vaccines and
were retrieved from DHI test-day records. Metritis was defined as rectal day of vaccination on growth performance of nursery pigs. K. L.
temperature ≥ 39.5°C and a foul-smelling discharge occurring ≤ 15 Saddoris-Clemons*, S. B. Wiliams, N. D. Paton, and D. R. Cook, Akey,
DAP; clinical endometritis (CLIN) as mucopurulent or purulent vaginal Lewisburg, OH.
discharge (Metricheck device); and cytological endometritis (CYTO)
880 nursery pigs (PIC genetics) with an initial BW of 6.1 kg were utilized
as ≥ 6% polymorphonuclear cells in endometrial cytology (cytobrush
to determine the effects of circovirus and mycoplasma vaccines timing
technique). All cows were examined for endometritis 35 (±3.5) DAP.
and number of doses on feed intake, weight gain, and BW. Pens (22
Milk production and culling were considered as outcomes. Statistical
pigs/pen) were randomly assigned to one of 5 treatment groups: Unvac-
analyses, accounting for the effects of treatments, were performed using
cinated (NC), 1-dose early (d 0), 1-dose late (d 14), 2-dose early (d 0
linear mixed models and logistic mixed models for milk production and
and 14), 2-dose late (d 14 and 28). The vaccine products tested were 2
culling, respectively. Primiparous and multiparous cows were mod-
doses (2 mL/dose) of Circumvent PCV (Intervet) and Respisure (Pfizer)
eled separately for milk production. Milk production of primiparous
or 1 dose (1 mL/dose) of Circoflex (BI) and Mycoflex (BI). Pigs were
cows was unaffected by uterine diseases. The impact of MET and RP
allowed ad libitum access to a commercial nursery diet and water. Feed
on milk production was additive in multiparous cows. The impact of
intake was determined daily from d 1–7, 15–21, and 29–35 and weekly
MET on milk production was variable over time in multiparous cows,
from d 8–14 and 22–28. Pigs were weighed weekly. Cumulative ADFI
as it reduced the milk production per cow by 3.7 kg at first DHI test
from d 1–7 tended to be higher (P < 0.10) for vaccinated pigs compared
on average (P < 0.05), but was not significantly different at later tests.
with unvaccinated pigs, however, ADG, and G/F were not different (P
Retained placenta reduced milk production by 2.6 kg/day in multiparous
> 0.10). Following d 14 vaccination, vaccinated pigs had a lower (P <
cow, which was consistent through the first 4 DHI tests. The projected
0.05) d 15–21 ADFI compared with NC pigs. Pigs vaccinated with 2 dose
impact of MET and RP in multiparous cows was a reduction of 259 kg
products tended to have a lower (P < 0.10) ADG for d 15–21 than pigs
and 753 kg over 305 d, respectively. Endometritis (CYTO and CLIN)
vaccinated with 1 dose products. Vaccinating pigs for the second time on
had no effect on milk production. Culling risks at 63 and 300 DAP were
d 14 with 2 dose products decreased ADFI compared with vaccinating
not affected by uterine diseases, after accounting or not for pregnancy
pigs for the first time on d 14 with either 1 or 2 dose products (time ×
status, parity, and milk production level. Overall, these findings sug-
dose, P < 0.05). From d 29–35, vaccinated pigs had a lower ADFI (P
gested that although uterine diseases have negative impact on milk
< 0.01) and tended to have a lower final BW (P < 0.10) compared with
production and reproduction, they did not influence the culling risk of
NC pigs. Vaccinating on d 28 with 2 dose products resulted in lower
affected cows up to 300 DAP.
ADG, ADFI, and poorer feed efficiency compared with pigs vaccinated
Key Words: dairy cow, uterine disease, impact
526 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
on d 0 and 14 with 2 dose products or vs. pigs vaccinated with 1 dose 600 Development of an inflammation model for use in the com-
products on either d 0 or 14 (time × dose, P < 0.05). Overall, vaccinated mercial duck. P. Cotter*1, T. Applegate2, R. Murdoch3, K. Daugherty3,
pigs tended to have a lower (P < 0.10) ADG, ADFI, and 0.53 kg lower and M. Turk3, 1Cotter Laboratory, Arlington, MA, 2Purdue University,
final BW compared with NC pigs. Additionally, pigs given the 2 dose West Lafayette, IN, 3Maple Leaf Farms, Milford, IN.
vaccination products tended to have a lower (P < 0.10) overall ADFI
The response to injection with E. coli LPS was tested as a means to
compared with pigs given the 1 dose vaccination products, regardless
assess the effects of inflammation on performance of young commer-
of the timing. Vaccination tended to reduce growth performance of
cial ducks. Inflammation was measured by temperature changes, feed
nursery pigs and effects were greater with 2-dose vaccines given late
consumption, and body weight. Natural antibody titer and comple-
in the nursery period.
ment activity were used as immunity measures. It was determined by
Key Words: vaccination, nursery, pigs a preliminary trial that of 3 doses (n = 4 per dose) of LPS, 0.1, 1, and
5 mg/kg BW only the high dose (5 mg/Kg) resulted in fever (+ 1 C
increase in cloacal temperature). A second trial using 6 ducks at each
599 The effect of breeder source flock age on 7- and 14-day turkey of 4 injection treatments: none, non-pyrogenic saline, 5 mg LPS, and
poult mortality. B. J. Wood*, D. R. McIntyre, and G. Norwell, Hybrid Riemerella anatipestifer bacterin (RAB) given on day of age 21 and 23
Turkeys, Kitchener, ON, Canada. was conducted. Pre-injection measurements obtained at d 18 compared
There are many factors that affect early mortality in turkeys such as with post injection measurements through d 25 indicated that both
breeder flock age, genetics, hatchery and management. With multifacto- LPS and RAB were associated with reduced feed intake (P = 0.008),
rial problems quantifying individual effects in an observational study is reduced BW gain: 0.73Kg (LPS) 0.86Kg (RAB) 0.95Kg (no inj.) 1Kg
difficult; consequently, little has been published on poult mortality under (saline)(P = 0.06); but only LPS caused fever (P = 0.001). Immunity
commercial conditions. This study quantifies the effect of breeder flock was measured by comparing natural (anti-rabbit erythrocyte) agglutinins
age on poult mortality at 7 and 14 d of age. Mortality data over a 10-yr and lysins. Four parameters: HA1, HA2 (agglutination), L100, L50
period was used in which flocks were placed at biweekly intervals with (lysis) assessed agglutination and complement activity in serum at d
each flock composed of poults from breeders varying in age from 29 to 25. As C′ activity was anticipated to be an important component of the
56 weeks. All flocks were ring and conventional brooder stove brooded. inflammatory response serum diluents were (PBS) supplemented with
Each flock had a minimum of 3 and up to 5 contributing breeder flocks Ca, Mg, or both. HA1 (IgM type) agglutination (log 2 titer) was not
with each of the 245,000 poults having a wing band to identify dam affected by injection treatments but HA2 (IgG type) agglutination was
origin. Contributing breeder flocks had a distinct age class compared lower in LPS (7.0) and saline (7.7) (vs. 8.4 no injection, and 9.7 RAB
with other contributing flocks. Average mortality was 2.2%, 3.1% for injection treatments) when assessed with Ca or Mg supplemented PBS
hens and 4.4% and 5.3% for toms, at 7 and 14 d respectively. The table (P < 0.02) but not when assessed with un-supplemented PBS. More C′
shows within flock tom poult mortality and standard errors (SE) against activity was detected using diluents supplemented with both Ca and
breeder age. Relative mortality against flock age decreased sharply from Mg than with either alone. Ca supplemented lysis of rabbit cells (L50)
30 to 38 weeks of age, leveled and rose again late in lay. Female poult was lowered by RAB injection more than by LPS (P < 0.002). This
mortality showed a similar proportional mortality pattern. Poults from duck inflammation model appears useful and might have application
breeder flocks 32 weeks of age and under were approximately 2 times in testing the effectiveness of dietary products designed to modulate
more likely to record a mortality compared to breeders between 38 and immunity in this species.
52 weeks of age. This shows the approximate change in mortality that Key Words: ducks, inflammation, LPS
can be expected based on the relative differences in breeder source flock
age accounting for other early mortality factors.
601 Comparison of water-based foam and inert gas mass emer-
gency depopulation methods of turkeys. M. K. Rankin*, E. R.
Table 1. Tom poult mortality at 7 and 14 days against breeder source
Benson, R. L. Alphin, D. P. Hougentogler, and P. Mohankumar, Uni-
flock age
versity of Delaware, Newark.
Flock age (weeks) 7d mortality (SE) 14d mortality (SE)
≤ 30 10.9 (0.89) 12.2 (0.94) Current control strategies for avian influenza (AI) and other highly
32 6.6 (0.38) 7.7 (0.41) contagious poultry diseases include surveillance, quarantine, depopu-
34 4.7 (0.29) 5.7 (0.35) lation, disposal, and decontamination. Selection of the best method of
36 4.1 (0.31) 5.1 (0.33) emergency mass depopulation needs to maximize human health and
38 3.4 (0.31) 4.4 (0.33) safety while minimizing disease spread and animal welfare concerns.
40 3.4 (0.32) 4.2 (0.35) The method used must be compatible with species, age, housing type,
42 3.4 (0.40) 4.2 (0.42) and disposal options. Research has shown differences in gassing and
44 4.2 (0.60) 5.0 (0.61) foam depopulation procedures when comparing time to and consistency
46 3.7 (0.66) 4.6 (0.67) of time to brain death. Unconsciousness precedes terminal convulsions.
48 3.8 (0.61) 4.4 (0.65) The objective of this study was to compare the time to death and other
50 3.2 (0.48) 3.6 (0.49) physiological markers for water based foam and CO2 gas depopulation
52 2.6 (0.60) 3.1 (0.64) methods. An experiment was conducted individually comparing the
≥ 54 5.2 (1.88) 5.5 (1.88) use of water based foam and CO2 gas for depopulation of turkeys. The
SE = standard error. time to death of the birds was evaluated using electroencephalogram
(EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG) and motion cessation. Each bird was
Key Words: early mortality, liveability, turkeys instrumented with a surgically implanted EEG transmitter and an exter-
nal accelerometer and ECG pads. Eighteen turkeys, aged 14–26 weeks,
were individually depopulated per treatment. The EEG results showed
that foam caused more rapid brain death (mean of 190 s (foam) versus
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 527
a mean of 242 s (CO2 gas)) and the differences were statistically signifi- Additional analysis of brain activity before and during treatment was
cant. Although ECG results showed that foam caused more rapid cardiac also conducted. The use of water based foam depopulation results in
suppression (200 s (foam) versus 220 s (CO2 gas)), the differences were more rapid brain death than available gassing procedures, reducing the
not statistically significant. Onset of terminal convulsions occurred at time that the bird is conscious and aware during depopulation.
similar times (166 s (foam) and (174 s (CO2 gas)) for both treatments.
Key Words: foam, depopulation, EEG
528 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ASAS-ADSA Cell Biology Symposium: Receptors and Signaling
602 The GnRHR: GPCR trafficking in health and disease. P. M. 604 Insulin signaling is a modulator of muscle growth. T. A.
Conn*1,2 and J. A. Janovick1,2, 1Oregon Health and Science University, Davis*, A. Suryawan, R. A. Orellana, and M. L. Fiorotto, USDA/ARS
Portland, 2Oregon National Primate Research Center, Beaverton. Children’s Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor
College of Medicine, Houston, TX.
The GnRH receptor (GnRHR) is a heptahelical G protein coupled
receptor (GPCR) found in gonadotrope cell plasma membrane. GnRHR The growth rate of skeletal muscle during the neonatal period is higher
mutants from patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism are fre- than at any other stage of postnatal development and is driven by an
quently misfolded and mislocalized proteins, retained in the ER by the elevated rate of protein synthesis. The high rate of muscle protein syn-
cell’s quality control system (QCS). The vast majority of these mutants thesis in neonatal mammals is in part due to a marked stimulation of
(16 of the 19 point mutations reported from patients) can be restored to protein synthesis after feeding. This response to feeding is, in part, due
function by peptidomimetic antagonists, acting as pharmacological chap- to an enhanced sensitivity to the postprandial rise in insulin. The effect
erones or “pharmacoperones.” Pharmacoperones are a newly appreciated of insulin on protein synthesis is most pronounced in skeletal muscle.
class of drugs, made up of small, target-specific molecules that diffuse The decline with age in the response of muscle protein synthesis to
into cells and serve as folding templates to cause otherwise misfolded insulin parallels the developmental decline in the rate of muscle protein
proteins to fold in a manner that is acceptable to the QCS. Accordingly, synthesis. The high rate of protein synthesis in neonatal muscle is in
these drugs rescue misfolded proteins, restore them to the correct loca- part due to an enhanced activation of the insulin signaling pathway.
tion in the cell and allow normal function.It has become obvious that Thus, the postprandial rise in insulin activates in muscle the insulin
many protein mutants retain or regain their fundamental properties as receptor, insulin receptor substrate 1/2, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase,
ion channels, enzymes or receptors when re-routed correctly and so, the phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1, protein kinase B, mammalian
use of pharmacoperones has general application. Among the diseases target of rapamycin, ribosomal protein S6 kinase-1, eukaryotic initiation
caused by misfolding (which may benefit from this approach) include factor (eIF) 4E-binding protein 1, and eIF4E associated with eIF4G and
cystic fibrosis, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, nephrogenic diabetes these responses decrease with development. The reduced activation of
insipidus, retinitis pigmentosa, hypercholesterolemia, cataracts, neu- negative regulators of insulin signaling also contributes to the high rate
rodegenerative diseases (Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s), of neonatal muscle protein synthesis. These include protein tyrosine
cancers and digestive disorders. It is fair to say that virtually every person phosphatase 1B, phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromo-
will be affected by protein folding diseases during his or her lifetime, some 10, protein phosphatase 2A, tuberous sclerosis 2, and proline-rich
either directly or due to the illness of a loved one. This presentation will Akt/PKB substrate 40 kDa. These studies demonstrate that the high rate
provide an overview of the GnRHR, emphasizing its role as a model of protein synthesis and rapid gain in skeletal muscle mass in neonatal
for protein folding and mutant rescue. Among the topics that appear pigs are in part modulated by changes in the activation of components
to have general application are the interaction and molecular mecha- in the insulin signaling pathway.
nism of action of pharmacoperones, the “dominant negative” effect,
Key Words: muscle, protein synthesis, insulin
whereby oligomerizing GnRHR (WT and mutants) cause the retention
of WT-mutant hetero-aggregates because the oligomer is recognized as
misfolded and the mechanism by which the cells protects itself against 605 Imaging the organization and trafficking of lipolytic proteins
constitutively active mutants. in adipocytes. J. G. Granneman*, Wayne State University School of
Medicine, Detroit, MI.
Supported by: HD-19899, RR-00163, and HD-18185. Growing evidence indicates that hormone‐stimulated lipolysis involves
protein kinase A (PKA)‐regulated protein trafficking at the surface of
Key Words: g-protein coupled receptors, protein trafficking, pharma- lipid droplets and that perilipin A (Plin), a lipid droplet scaffold protein,
coperone plays an essential role. We investigated mechanisms whereby Plin
regulates hormone stimulated lipolysis with a panel of fluorescently-
tagged proteins and novel protein-protein interaction assays that allow
603 Function and regulation of the toll-like receptor family. G.
monitoring of dynamic interactions in live cells. Our data show that Plin
M. Barton*, University of California, Berkeley.
regulates lipolysis by direct and indirect means. First, Plin directly regu-
The toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a family of innate immune receptors lates HSL activity by providing a docking site for phosphorylated HSL
that have evolved to recognize conserved features of microbes. These to bind and gain access to triglyceride substrate. Second, Plin indirectly
receptors link the recognition of invading microbes to induction of regulates the activity of adipose triglyceride lipase (Atgl) by controlling
innate and adaptive immune. Accordingly, TLRs have been implicated in the availability of its coactivator, Abhd5, in a manner that requires Plin
immunity to many pathogens. Inappropriate activation of these receptors phosphorylation. Our results demonstrate that Plin binds Abhd5 in the
can also lead to autoinflammatory or autoimmune disorders. Our group basal state which greatly inhibits Abhd5/Atgl interactions and reduces
has been studying the regulatory pathways responsible for maintaining basal lipolysis. PKA activation leads to rapid release of Abhd5 from Plin.
the balance between immunity and tolerance. In this presentation I will We identify the PKA phosphorylation sites on Plin that are necessary
provide an overview of TLRs and will highlight our recent work on the both for releasing Abhd5 from Plin and promoting its interaction with
regulation of these receptors in immunity and autoimmunity. Atgl. Finally, we show that the PKA‐dependent interaction of Abhd5
and Atgl occurs mainly on lipid droplets containing Plin.
Key Words: toll-like receptors, innate immunity, autoimmunity
Key Words: lipolysis, perilipin, adipocytes
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 529
Bioethics Symposium: Should Animal Welfare be Law or Market Driven?
606 Bioethics symposium introduction: Should animal welfare be slaughtered in the U.S. for export. In 2007, the three equine slaughter
law or market driven? C. C. Croney*, The Ohio State University, plants operating in the U.S., located in Illinois and Texas, closed fol-
Columbus. lowing state legislation that banned the slaughter of horses for human
consumption. In their final year of operation, these plants processed
In recent years, concern about the welfare of food producing animals
102,260 horses. Since 2007, questions have been raised about whether
has provided the impetus for greater regulation of US animal production
the closure of the slaughter plants has in fact improved horse welfare.
practices and policies. Annual polls conducted within the United States
In 2009, there were an estimated 170,000 unwanted horses. Approxi-
indicate strong and consistent public support for such regulation. Inten-
mately 100,000 of these horses were exported to Mexico or Canada for
sive confinement of animals, relief of animal pain, humane handling of
slaughter in plants not regulated by USDA inspectors.
animals and timely and appropriate euthanasia remain high on the list
Currently there is no federal legislation banning domestic horse
of concerns articulated by consumers, animal activists, scientists and
slaughter for human consumption. However, USDA inspectors are
other key stakeholders. Consequently, the rate of passage of state legisla-
prohibited from inspecting horse meat slaughtered in U.S. plants for
tion of farm animal production has escalated. Concurrently, most food
human consumption, effectively barring horse slaughter plants from
retailers have adopted some form of animal welfare assurance scheme
operating. As a result, a national debate regarding horse slaughter
and audit program to meet consumer expectations relative to animal
continues. The proposed Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act seeks to
welfare. Despite these efforts, frequent undercover exposés depicting
ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the export of horses for slaughter.
treatment of farm animals that is socially unacceptable or question-
A competing bill, the proposed Humane and Optimal Restoration and
able, and occasionally, clearly abusive suggest some need for greater
Sustainability of Equines Act (HORSE), seeks to reopen slaughter
regulation. However, hastily regulating farm animal welfare may have
plants within the U.S. by removing the regulatory roadblocks to
unforeseen consequences, including negative implications for animal
USDA inspection of horse meat.
producers, food prices, concerned citizens and the animals themselves,
and these should also be considered. All of this suggests the need for
thoughtful debate about whether protection of farm animal welfare in the Key Words: horse, slaughter, welfare
US should be legislated, voluntarily regulated by the animal industries,
or driven simply by market demands.
609 Should animal welfare be law or market based? B. Rollin*,
Key Words: ethics, regulation, animal production Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
Between 1976 and 1985, a group of people at Colorado State Uni-
607 Should we legislate farm animal welfare? J. C. Swanson*, versity engaged the task of writing federal animal welfare legislation
Michigan State University, East Lansing. for research animals. Between us we had over 50 years of experience
in animal research. We were particularly concerned about the lack of
In the last 5 years successful state citizen initiatives and legislation
knowledge of analgesia and pain control in research. Not only was there
has created a patchwork of farm animal welfare regulation across the
virtually no use of pain management in invasive research protocols,
United States. Consequently, some states have responded with defensive
there was not even literature on the subject. Yet the knowledge existed
measures such as creating state livestock care boards or advisory coun-
in the research community that the failure to control pain and distress
cils charged with promulgating standards for the care of livestock and
skewed key variables being studied. In other words, pain control should
poultry within the state. Although recent citizen initiatives and state bills
have been a matter of rational self-interest, assuring that one’s results in
begin with similar themes, during the legislative process deals are struck
experimentation were as accurate as they could be. Even self-interest
and the enacted laws often differ. Implementation periods, minimum
could not override widespread ideological agnosticism about animal
space requirements, and noncompliance penalties are negotiated areas
pain and consciousness rife in the scientific community, nor could it
that create subtle yet important differences. Similar issues could erupt
override ignoring ethical questions occasion by animal research. When
between state livestock care boards. As more states opt to regulate, it
we did successfully legislate pain control for research animals in 1985,
will eventually force a discussion about the federal regulation of farm
both knowledge and use of analgesia in research proliferated. From a
animal care. This presentation will explore whether farm animal welfare
total absence of papers on pain control in animals in 1982, there now
ought to be legislated.
exists an estimated 10,000 such papers. In other words, legislation was
Key Words: animal welfare, legislation, regulation essential to incorporating into animal research what should have been
ethically presuppositional to its activities. If self-interest did not lead
researchers to control pain, it is clear that market options would have
608 Impact of slaughter bans on horse welfare. D. L. Gies*, done so. Fulfilling one’s ethical obligation attendant upon using animals
Animal Assistance Foundation, Denver, CO. for human benefit should not be a matter of choice of the sort that market
This session will provide attendees with an historical perspective of options provide. The animal agricultural industry knows full well that
horse slaughter in the United States and the effects of slaughterhouse the public often chooses the cheaper product even when expressing a
closures on horse welfare from both a scientific and non-scientific per- commitment to animal welfare or environment friendly products. This
spective. It will provide up-to-date information on the status and detail does not prove the weakness of these commitments, it rather shows
of the competing horse slaughter legislation and will discuss the ongoing what ancient Stoic philosophers call akrasia, or weakness of the will.
efforts of the horse community to measure horse welfare. Many animal That is why repeated polls have demonstrated that fully 75% wish to
and horse welfare organizations have raised concerns for years about see farm animal welfare encoded in legislation. Honoring basic moral
the slaughter of horses for human consumption. Specifically, groups obligations should not be left to market choices, but should be presup-
stated that the horse slaughter process was inhumane, that horses should positional to such choices.
not be processed for human consumption and that horses should not be Key Words: pain, research animal law, market
530 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
610 Should euthanasia and pain management be mandatory? and distress-free as possible. Euthanasia techniques should result in
Veterinary viewpoint. G. C. Golab*, American Veterinary Medical rapid loss of consciousness, followed by cardiac or respiratory arrest
Association, Schaumburg, IL. and the ultimate loss of brain function.
The AVMA believes animal pain and suffering are clinically important
conditions adversely affecting quality of life, and encourages veterinar- Key Words: pain management, euthanasia
ians to make every attempt to prevent and alleviate pain in animals.
Because animals vary considerably in their response to stimuli, pre-
ventive and therapeutic strategies for managing pain must be tailored 611 Consumer preferences for market and regulatory responses
to individuals. Pain management protocols must be flexible and allow to farm animal welfare concerns. F. B. Norwood* and J. L. Lusk,
professional judgment in their application. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
Considerations in managing pain include species, type/breed, Consumers can pursue changes in how farm animals are raised by pur-
age, procedure performed, extent of tissue trauma, behaviors, chasing products differentiated by the level of animal welfare provided,
degree of pain, health status, and availability of techniques and or by seeking regulations forcing farmers to adopt certain production
pharmaceuticals. Pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic approaches practices. The desirability of market or regulatory responses depends on
should be considered. Pharmacologic approaches include appropriate the extent to which animal welfare is considered a private or public good.
selection and use of sedatives/tranquilizers, anesthetics, and The greater extent to which people care about the animals producing
analgesics. Consideration should be given to multimodal approaches, other peoples’ food, the more animal welfare resembles a public instead
as these may improve analgesia, allow reductions in dose of drugs, of a private good. Consumer experiments were conducted to measure
and minimize adverse effects. Nonpharmacologic approaches include the private and public good component of livestock welfare. Over 300
nutritional support, good husbandry practices, and positive owner individuals from 3 cities were educated about the farm animal welfare
interactions. It may not be possible (or desirable) to completely avoid issue, and were presented with 4 different systems for producing pork
or eliminate pain in animals. In such cases, veterinarians should and eggs. These individuals then submitted bids in a real auction to mea-
pursue strategies that improve an animal’s ability to cope with pain, sure the extent to which they will pay premiums for animal-friendly pork
allow the animal to engage in as many normal activities as possible and eggs. The auctions were specifically designed to measure welfare
(e.g., eating, sleeping, ambulating, socializing with conspecifics and/ concerns for the animals producing their personal food and the animals
or people), and avoid suffering. When suffering cannot be avoided, producing other peoples’ food. The results suggest that approximately
and resolution of the condition leading to suffering is unlikely, one-third of Americans do not value welfare improvements, many con-
euthanasia should be considered. Delaying euthanasia, when sumers posses a relatively high value on the private good component
euthanasia is the appropriate choice, is unacceptable in terms of risks of animal welfare, but that the public good component for the average
to animal well being and human ethical responsibilities. Euthanasia is American is small. The results suggest markets may address animal
the act of inducing humane death. Veterinarians have a responsibility welfare concerns better than regulations.
to ensure that if an animal′s life is taken, it is done with the greatest
degree of respect and with an emphasis on making its death as pain- Key Words: consumer experiments, consumer preferences, farm
animal welfare
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 531
Breeding and Genetics: Whole Genome Selection
612 Utility of genomic relationship matrix to identify genotyping treated as validation population. The average accuracies of the valida-
errors. R. Simeone*1, I. Misztal1, and I. Aguilar1,2, 1University of tion population with BLUP for BW, US, and LEG were 0.46, 0.30, and
Georgia, Athens, 2INIA, Las Brujas, Uruguay. < 0 with SUB and 0.51, 0.34, and 0.28 with FULL. With SSP, those
accuracies were 0.60, 0.34, and 0.06 with SUB and 0.61, 0.40, and 0.37
The purpose of this study was to use the genomic relationship matrix (G) with FULL, respectively. Accuracies with BayesA were similar to SSP
as an indicator of genotyping or other analysis problems in a single-step with SUB. Accuracies in lines 1 and 2 were similar for US but different
genomic evaluation procedure. Data was obtained from Cobb-Vantress for BW and LEG. For traits with high heritability, the accuracy of the
and consisted of body weights for 183,784 broiler chickens over 3 evaluation using the genomic information and only records of genotyped
generations with pedigrees on 186,222 animals. Of these animals 3,284 animals may be higher than that using the complete data and BLUP.
were genotyped for 57,636 SNP. Loci with no variation or minor allele The opposite is likely for traits with lower heritability, many missing
frequency <0.02 were removed from the data, leaving 48,006 loci for records, or undergoing pre-selection. An optimal genomic evaluation
analysis. Construction of G used current allele frequencies. Theoreti- would be multi-trait and would involve all traits and records on which
cally, the mean of the diagonal elements in both relationship matrices the selection is based.
should be the same. The mean of the diagonal elements of G was 1.03
± 0.16, however, the distribution of these elements showed 3 peaks: Key Words: chicken, genetic evaluation, genomic prediction
3,195 in the range from 0.54 to 1.19, 88 in the range from 1.73 to 2.09,
and one with a value of 3.12. Animals with a diagonal element >1.2
were assumed to have abnormal genotypes. Genetic predictions were 614 Scaling the genomic relationship matrix for single-step evalu-
computed by a single-step procedure (SSP) that combined phenotypic, ation using phenotypic, pedigree and genomic information. S.
pedigree and genomic information. This procedure was applied with all Forni*1,2, I. Aguilar3,2, I. Misztal2, and N. Deeb1, 1PIC/Genus Plc,
genotypes or with abnormal genotypes removed and with all phenotypes Hendersonville, TN, 2University of Georgia, Athens, 3INIA, Las Brujas,
or only with phenotypes of genotyped animals. Accuracies were com- Uruguay.
puted by dividing the predictive ability by the square root of heritability. Data included litter sizes for 338,346 PIC sows, of which 1,919 had
Removing genotypes causing abnormal diagonals increased the accuracy genotypes using the porcine 60k SNP chip. Genotypes were also avail-
from 0.648 to 0.657 when all phenotypes were used and from 0.584 able for 70 sires. Analyses involved a complete data set or a subset of
to 0.586 when only phenotypes of genotyped animals were used. The genotyped animals and their parents (n = 5,090). A genomic relationship
difference between predictions obtained with and without the abnormal matrix was constructed using equal (G05) or observed gene frequen-
genotypes was distributed close to normal but with longer tails. Analysis cies (GOB). Additional relationship matrices were the pedigree-based
of diagonals in G may serve as a diagnostic tool to identify erroneous relationship matrix (A) and a combined pedigree-genomic matrix (H).
genotypes. Very large diagonals suggest an analysis problem; explana- For genotyped animals, the mean of diagonal elements in A (G05, GOB)
tions may be presence of animals of another breed, allele frequency was 1.00 (1.25, 0.94). The mean of off-diagonal elements was 0.03 (0.59,
shifts or a genotyping error. Removing suspected genotypes is likely 0.00). A normalized matrix (GN) was obtained by multiplying GOB by a
to improve accuracy of genetic evaluation, especially for animals with constant to achieve an average diagonal of 1. Using A and the complete
suspected genotypes or their progenies. data set, the estimate of the additive variance was 1.26(±0.03). With H
Key Words: genomic relationship, genotyping error, single-step pro- that included G05, GOB or GN the additive variance estimates were
cedure 1.28(±0.03), 1.28(±0.03) and 1.27(±0.03), respectively. Using A and the
subset of the data, the estimate of the additive variance was 2.28(±0.52).
With H that included G05, GOB or GN the additive variance estimates
613 Genetic evaluation including phenotypic, full pedigree, and were 3.43(±0.56), 2.42(±0.39) and 2.25(±0.36), respectively. Accura-
genomic information: An application in broiler chickens. C. Y. cies for the complete data set were estimated by inversion. The average
Chen*1, I. Misztal1, I. Aguilar1,2, S. Tsuruta1, T. H. E. Meuwissen3, S. E. accuracy for genotyped animals using A, G05, GOB and GN were 0.23,
Aggrey4, and W. M. Muir5, 1Department of Animal and Dairy Science, 0.38, 0.31, and 0.30, respectively. When the genomic relationship matrix
University of Georgia, Athens, 2Instituto Nacional de Investigación has a different scale than the pedigree-based matrix, the estimates of
Agropecuaria, Las Brujas 90200, Uruguay, 3Department of Animal the additive variance may be biased especially for small data sets. Also,
and Aquacultural Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, estimates of the accuracies of evaluation obtained by inversion may be
NO-1432 As, Norway, 4Department of Poultry Science, University of inflated. One solution to normalize the genomic relationship matrix is
Georgia, Athens, 5Department of Animal Science, Purdue University, by using realized gene frequencies and scaling this matrix to obtain an
West Lafayette, IN. average diagonal close to 1.
A complete phenotypic data set (FULL) consisted of 183,784 and Key Words: genomic selection, swine, single-step evaluation
164,246 broilers for 2 lines across 3 generations. Genotyped subset
(SUB) consisted of 3,284 and 3,098 broilers in lines 1 and 2 with 57,636
SNP available. Traits were body weight at 6 weeks (BW), ultrasound 615 Accuracies of direct genomic breeding values estimated in
(US), and binary leg defect score (LEG). Some records were missing for dairy cattle with a principal component approach. N. P. P. Mac-
US. Heritability with FULL were 0.17–0.20 for BW, 0.30–0.35 for US, ciotta*1, M. A. Pintus1, R. Steri1, C. Pieramati2, E. L. Nicolazzi3, E.
and 0.09–0.11 for LEG. Genetic evaluation was performed by regular Santus4, D. Vicario5, J. T. van Kaam6, A. Nardone7, A. Valentini7, and
BLUP, by a single-step procedure (SSP) that combined relationships P. Ajmone-Marsan3, 1Università di Sassari, Sassari, Italia, 2Univer-
based on pedigree and the SNP data, and by Bayes A procedure. While sità di Perugia, Perugia, Italia, 3Università di Piacenza, Piacenza,
BLUP and SSP could use the complete data set, Bayes A could use Italia, 4ANARB, Bussolengo, Italia, 5ANAPRI, Udine, Italia, 6ANAFI,
only the genotyped subset. Genotyped animals in generation 3 were Cremona, Italia, 7Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italia.
532 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
A severe risk of overfitting due to the huge asymmetry between number too large. The scale of A22−1 (parameter ω), which is associated with
of markers and phenotypes usually represents the main constraint for parental index based on genotyped bulls, has a large impact on inflation
the implementation of genomic selection in livestock species. In the of genomic predictions.
present work, the number of predictors for calculating direct genomic
Key Words: genomic relationships, single-step evaluation, inflation
breeding values (DGV) is reduced by using principal component (PC)
analysis. Sires of 3 dairy cattle breeds farmed in Italy were genotyped
with the 54K Illumina beadchip: 863 Holstein (H), 749 Brown (B), and 617 Improved reliability approximation for genomic evaluations
479 Simmental (S). SNPs retained after edits were 40,658, 37,254, and in the United States. G. R. Wiggans* and P. M. VanRaden, Animal
40,179 and the number of PC extracted 2,564, 2,257, and 2,476 for H, B, Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD.
and S respectively. Effect of PC on polygenic EBV was estimated in the
reference population with a BLUP model. Traits considered were milk For genomic evaluations, the time required to calculate the inverse of
yield, protein percentage, udder score and economic index. To create the coefficient matrix for the mixed-model equations increases cubi-
reference and validation population, bulls were tagged either by birth cally as the number of genotyped animals increases, and an approxi-
year or randomly. Accuracies were calculated as correlation between mation became necessary for estimating US evaluation reliabilities.
DGV and polygenic EBV in validation bulls. High DGV accuracies are The original approximation method used the same contribution to
obtained with reference animals selected at random (Table 1). When reliability from genomics for all animals. That method was improved
older animals are used to predict younger bulls, DGV accuracy drops by using a weighted sum of the genomic relationships of an animal
dramatically for milk yield, especially for B and H, while it remains with predictor animals (ΣGW), which allowed for individual animal
almost unchanged for udder score, protein percentage in B and milk differences. Because calculation time for the genomic relationship
yield in S. matrix only increases quadratically and is routinely available, the sum
of relationships of an animal with predictor animals can be obtained.
Those relationships were weighted by reliability of the traditional
Table 1. evaluation after removing the contribution to reliability from parent
Random By Year average by first converting both reliabilities to daughter equivalents
(DE). Reliabilities from August 2009, the last genomic evaluation for
Trait Holstein Brown Simmental Holstein Brown Simmental
which the coefficient matrix was inverted, were decomposed to extract
Milk yield 0.62 0.82 0.72 0.21 0.18 0.46
the genomic contribution in terms of DE calculated with an error-to-
Protein sire variance ratio of 14. Of 28,047 genotyped Holsteins, 8,353 bulls
percentage 0.52 0.58 0.32 0.37 0.54 0.36
and 3,559 cows had genomic evaluations and 16,135 animals did not.
Udder score 0.63 0.64 0.58 0.61 0.52 0.46 Regression of DE on ΣGW was calculated for those 3 groups. Goodness
Economic index 0.67 0.84 0.64 0.44 0.33 0.28 of fit was assessed by plotting predicted values against mean DE for
Key Words: genomic selection, principal components, dairy cattle ΣGW groups, where groups were by 10. A straight line through the origin
provided a good fit except for low ΣGW. A floor of 30 DE was adopted
to improve evaluation accuracy for animals with low ΣGW. The slope
616 Choice of parameters for single-step genomic evaluation was 0.0584 for evaluated bulls, 0.0557 for evaluated cows, and 0.0506
for type. I. Misztal*1, I. Aguilar1,2, A. Legarra3, and T. J. Lawlor4, for animals without evaluations. The higher slope for bulls resulted in
1University of Georgia, Athens, 2INIA, Las Brujas, Uruguay, 3INRA, a higher reliability for the same ΣGW. The improved approximation
Toulouse, France, 4Holstein Association, Brattleboro, VT. method increased accuracy of genomic reliabilities, particularly when
comparing animals with different countries of origin and bulls with only
In a single step procedure, the pedigree-based matrix A is replaced by a genomic evaluations with progeny-test bulls.
matrix H that blends pedigree and genomic relationships. The inverse of
matrix H involves an expression G−1 – A22−1, where G is a genomic rela- Key Words: reliability, genomic evaluation, genomic relationships
tionship matrix and A22 is a pedigree relationship matrix for genotyped
animals. Two modifications to that expression: (α G + β A22)−1 - A22−1
and τ (0.95 G + 0.05 A22−1 – ω A22−1 were investigated with regard to 618 Cow adjustments for genomic predictions of Holstein and
accuracy and scale of genomic predictions. While the first is equivalent Jersey bulls. G. R. Wiggans, T. A. Cooper*, and P. M. VanRaden,
to assuming a genomic and polygenic effect for genotyped animals, the Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Beltsville,
second is equivalent to assuming a double prior for the additive effect. MD.
Data included final scores recorded from 1955 to 2009 for 6.2 million Genomic evaluations are calculated by using values that have been
Holsteins, pedigrees for 10.5 million animals, and SNP50 genotypes for deregressed from traditional PTAs estimating single nucleotide poly-
6,508 bulls. Analyses used a repeatability animal model. Comparisons morphism (SNP) effects. Previous research indicates that including cow
involved R2 and regression coefficients (REG) based on 2004 predic- genomic data to calculate SNP effects does not increase reliabilities of
tions of young bulls and their 2009 daughter deviations. REG below 1.0 genomic evaluations of yield traits. Upward bias in traditional PTA of
indicate inflation of genomic predictions. The initial expression yielded genotyped cows may be the reason for this. The direct genomic value
R2 = 0.41 and REG = 0.75. With the first modification, varying α from (DGV) is the sum of an animal’s SNP effects. It should be consistent
0.6 to 1.2 decreased R2 less than 0.01 and decreased REG from 0.81 to with traditional PTA and is for bulls. For cows, however, the traditional
0.71. Increasing β from 0 to 0.6 decreased the R2 and REG by 0.02 or PTA is higher. To make the cow PTA more like those of the bulls for
less. With the second modification, varying τ from 0.6 to 1.5 increased the yield traits (milk, fat and protein), mean and variance adjustments
R2 by about 0.02 and increased REG by 0.02 (ω = 0) to 0.15 (ω = 1.0). were calculated. Evaluations were stratified by reliability so cow PTA
Decreasing ω from 1.0 to 0 decreased the R2 by 0.03 and increased REG could be adjusted to be similar to bulls with the same reliability. The
from 0.2 (τ = 1) to 0.3 (τ = 0). Parameters τ = 1.5 and ω = 0.4 yielded variance adjustment was the SD of deregressed Mendelian sampling
R2 = 0.40 and REG = 1.0. While the scale of G (parameters α and τ) within reliability group for bulls divided by the value for cows. The
has a small effect on R2 and REG, matrix G as used here is about 50% mean adjustment is the difference between bull and cow evaluations
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 533
after variance adjustment. Deregressed Mendelian sampling values were had 500,000 markers genotyped for 3,515 young bulls and 3,883 bulls
adjusted, and then the deregression was reversed to obtain the corrected with > 90% reliability and 50,000 markers genotyped for the remaining
PTA. To determine gains in reliabilities, predictions were made for bulls 26,016 animals. This data set had 70% missing genotypes; however,
with current evaluations that did not have evaluations in August 2006. after imputing from haplotypes, only 4% of genotypes were missing,
The predicted values were compared with the bull’s actual evaluation and average reliability was 83.1%. Two other mixed-density data sets
from January 2010. For Holstein bulls, predictions using cows’ adjusted had 50,000 markers for cows and progeny-tested bulls but only 5,000
data were 2.5, 2.8 and 2.1 points higher than those from data without or 500 markers for young animals. Reliabilities averaged 79.6% for
adjustment for milk, fat and protein respectively. Jersey bulls also benefit young animals if 5,000 markers were genotyped and the other 45,000
from cow adjustments with an increase in gains in reliability over parent imputed. At 500-marker density, inheritance probability was computed
average of 3.9 points for milk, 5.6 points for fat and 3.5 points for protein. for each marker instead of simply assigning either parental haplotype;
Brown Swiss adjustments could not be evaluated due to low numbers of reliabilities averaged 70.3% when young animals were genotyped for
genotyped cows. Genomic evaluations for Holsteins and Jerseys will be 500 markers and both parents were genotyped for 50,000. Very high
more accurate by better using the information from cows. marker density can increase reliability slightly (1.4%), whereas low
marker density allows breeders to apply cost-effective genomic selec-
Key Words: genomics, prediction, evaluation
tion to many more animals.
Key Words: reliability, marker density, genomic evaluation
619 Investigating bull dam bias in national genetic evaluations. F.
Canavesi* and R. Finocchiaro, Associazione Nazionale Allevatori
Frisona Italiana, Cremona, Italy. 621 Accuracy of direct genomic values derived from imputed
single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes in Jersey cattle. K.
Parent averages (PA) are used in combination with direct genomic
A. Weigel*1, G. de los Campos1, A. I. Vazquez1, G. J. M. Rosa1, D.
values to predict genomic breeding values (GEBV). Studies conducted
Gianola1, and C. P. Van Tassell2, 1University of Wisconsin, Madison,
in Germany (2009) showed that classic PA making use of sire and dam 2USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD.
EBV deviates from expected contribution to the EBV of sons. This is
due to overestimation of bull dams for production traits if compared The objective of the present study was to evaluate the predictive ability
with a trait like somatic cell score where selection and commercial of direct genomic values for economically important dairy traits when
interests play a minor role. The objective of this study was to investigate genotypes at some single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci were
the relationship between PAs and realized EBVs in the Italian genetic imputed, rather than measured directly. Genotypic data consisted of
evaluation system for progeny test bulls. A total of around 800 EBV of 42,552 SNP genotypes for each of 1,762 Jersey sires. Phenotypic data
bulls born between 2001 and 2003 were used to analyze the relationship consisted of predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) for milk yield, pro-
between their EBV in January 2010 and their PA in 2004 for produc- tein percentage, and daughter pregnancy rate from May 2006 for 1,446
tion, conformation and somatic cells traits. Regression coefficients of sires in the training set and from April 2009 for 316 sires in the testing
sire and dam, EBV used to predict realized 2010 EBV were examined. set. The SNP effects were estimated using the Bayesian least absolute
Results show that both production and conformation traits deviates from selection and shrinkage operator (LASSO) with data of sires in the
expected values while somatic cell count are close to expected contribu- training set, and direct genomic values (DGV) for sires in the testing
tion of 0.50 for both EBVs of sire and dam respectively. In agreement set were computed by multiplying these estimates by corresponding
with the German study the use of male pedigree information resulted genotype dosages for sires in the testing set. The average correlation
in values close to expected and therefore would be the preferred choice across traits between DGV (before progeny testing) and PTA (after
in the prediction of GEBV. progeny testing) for sires in the testing set was 70.6% when all 42,552
SNP genotypes were used. When genotypes for 93.1, 96.6, 98.3, or
Key Words: parent average, future predictions, bulldam bias
99.1% of loci were masked and subsequently imputed, mean correlations
between DGV and PTA were 68.5, 64.8, 54.8, or 43.5%, respectively.
620 Gains in reliability from combining subsets of 500, 5,000, When genotypes were also masked and imputed for a random 50% of
50,000 or 500,000 genetic markers. P. M. VanRaden and M. E. sires in the training set, mean correlations between DGV and PTA were
Tooker*, Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS, USDA, 65.7, 63.2, 53.9, or 49.5%, respectively. Results of this study indicate
Beltsville, MD. that a low density chip comprised of 3,000 equally spaced SNPs can
provide approximately 95% of the predictive ability observed with the
More genetic markers can increase both reliability and cost of genomic BovineSNP50 Beadchip (Illumina, Inc., San Diego, CA), but if fewer
selection. Fewer markers can be used to trace chromosome segments than 1,500 SNP are genotyped the accuracy of DGV may be limited by
within a population once identified by high-density haplotyping. Com- errors in the imputed genotypes of selection candidates.
binations of marker densities can improve reliability at lower cost. As of
January 2010, 33,414 North American Holsteins had been genotyped for Key Words: genomics, imputation, Jersey
50,000 genetic markers. Genotypes for 500,000 markers were simulated
using pedigree data for this same population. Linkage was introduced
622 Filling in missing genotypes using haplotypes. P. M. Van-
among base alleles to make correlations among simulated genotypes
Raden*1, J. R. O’Connell2, G. R. Wiggans1, and K. A. Weigel3, 1Animal
similar to actual. Reduced subsets were examined using every 10th,
Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD,
100th, or 1000th marker. In marker regression models, polygenic vari- 2University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, 3University of
ance was 70, 30, 10, and 0% of genetic variance with 500, 5,000, 50,000
Wisconsin, Madison.
and 500,000 markers, respectively. Respective reliabilities obtained as
squared correlations of estimated and true breeding values averaged Unknown genotypes can be made known (imputed) from observed
across 5 replicates were 39.4, 70.2, 82.6, and 84.0% for 14,061 young genotypes at the same or nearby loci of relatives using pedigree haplo-
bull predictions. At highest density, one processor required 2.5 d to typing, or from matching allele patterns (regardless of pedigree) using
complete 150 iterations for the 5 replicates. A mixed-density data set population haplotyping. Fortran program findhap.f90 was designed to
534 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
combine population and pedigree haplotyping. Each chromosome was chromosome. Haplotypes were imputed for 43,385 actual markers of
divided into segments of about 100 markers each. Each genotype was 3,765 Jerseys using the Fortran program findhap.f90, which combines
matched to the list of currently known haplotypes sorted from most population and pedigree haplotyping methods. Longer chromosomes
to least frequent for efficiency. If a match was found (no conflicting had more distinct haplotypes, ranging from 7,287 for Bos taurus auto-
homozygote), any remaining unknown alleles in the found haplotype some 1 (BTA) to 2,460 for the X chromosome. This is expected because
were imputed from homozygous genotypes. The individual’s second longer chromosomes undergo recombination more often than shorter
haplotype was obtained by subtracting its first from its genotype, and ones. Mendelian sampling (MS) variances were calculated for genotyped
the second was checked against remaining haplotypes. If no match was animals as the sum of squared haplotype differences for each chromo-
found, the new genotype (or haplotype) was added to the list. After some in the genome. The distribution of MS variances had a heavy right
completing population haplotyping, pedigrees were examined to resolve tail (skewness = 0.276), with a mean of 49,290 ± 13,981. Genotypes for
conflicts between parent and progeny haplotypes, locate crossovers each chromosome were constructed from pairwise combinations among
that created new haplotypes, and impute haplotypes of nongenotyped the top 5% of haplotypes based on the sum of marker effects for lifetime
ancestors from their genotyped descendants. One processor took 2 h to net merit (NM) for each chromosome. Correlations among raw and
find haplotypes for 43,385 actual markers of 33,414 Holsteins. For the adjusted values in the top group ranged from 0.897 on BTA12 to 0.998
same population, time increased only to 2.5 h with 500,000 simulated on the X chromosome. Selection of the best unadjusted haplotypes for
markers but with 500 markers per segment. Computing time increased each chromosome results in an animal with an EBV of +$5,243 for NM.
much less than linearly because most haplotypes were excluded as not Adjusting for inbreeding resulted in a slightly lower EBV of +$4,496.
matching after just the first few markers. Genotype storage required 13 Haplotype values were adjusted to account for changes in homozygosity
GB for 500,000 markers, but haplotype storage required only 2.5 GB. by adding or subtracting 6% of an additive genetic standard deviation
Shared haplotypes were stored just once, and only index numbers were per 1% decrease or increase in homozygosity. The top Jersey bull, ALL
stored for individuals instead of full haplotypes. Paternal alleles were LYNNS RESTORE VERNON-ET (29JE03647), had an EBV NM of
determined correctly for 95% of heterozygous markers, and linkage +$1,180 in the January 2010 evaluation. For 11 chromosomes (BTA 4,
was determined correctly for 98% of adjacent pairs of heterozygous 9, 13, 15, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, and X) the best genotype after adjusting
markers in simulated data. Population haplotyping correctly filled 95% for inbreeding consisted of 2 copies of the same haplotype. Differences
of missing high density marker genotypes. Pedigree haplotyping can fill between the best and poorest haplotypes ranged from a maximum of
missing genotypes efficiently for nongenotyped ancestors or progeny $65 for BTA1 to a minimum of $12 for BTAX. Selecting animals rather
with lower marker density. than chromosomes may result in slower progress, but limits may be
the same because most chromosomes will become homozygous with
Key Words: haplotyping, marker density, imputation
either strategy. Selection on functions of MS could be used to change
variances in later generations.
623 Use of haplotypes to predict selection limits and Mendelian Key Words: genetic gain, haplotyping, mendelian sampling
sampling. J. B. Cole*, Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory,
ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD.
Limits to selection and Mendelian sampling terms can be calculated
using haplotypes, which are sums of individual additive effects on a
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 535
Dairy Foods Symposium: Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Probiotic
Function in Man and Animals
624 Application of “omic” tools to understanding probiotic oligosaccharides as a sole carbon source. Mass spectrometry-based gly-
action. T. R. Klaenhammer*1,2, 1North Carolina State University, coprofiling has revealed that numerous B. infantis strains preferentially
Raleigh, 2Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center, Raleigh, NC. consume small mass oligosaccharides, abundant in both human and
bovine milks. Genome sequencing showed that B. infantis possesses a
Lactic acid bacteria are associated with various plant and animal niches
bias toward genes required to utilize mammalian-derived carbohydrates.
and play a key role in the production of fermented dairy foods and
Many of these genomic features encode enzymes that are active on milk
beverages, with some species also exerting probiotic properties. As
oligosaccharides including a novel 40-kb region dedicated to oligosac-
generally recognized as safe (GRAS) organisms, they have been orally
charide utilization. Biochemical and molecular characterization of the
ingested safely by humans over the centuries, often at levels exceeding
encoded glycosidases and transport proteins have further resolved the
100 million per gram of food. Genome sequencing of ~30 LAB and
mechanism by which B. infantis selectively imports and catabolizes milk
probiotic species has revealed a path of evolution toward specialized
oligosaccharides. Expression studies indicate that many of these key
habitats that are nutritionally rich. Comparative genomic analyses of
functions are only induced during growth on milk oligosaccharides and
lactobacilli occupying either food/dairy systems, or the intestinal tract
not expressed during growth on other prebiotics. In addition, key cell
(probiotic species), have identified both conserved and unique gene sets
surface oligosaccharide binding proteins in B. infantis bind both milk
important for food/dairy fermentations, but recently have also identi-
oligosaccharides and epithelial cell surface glycans. Moreover, growth
fied key genes likely involved in functional roles that impact health.
on milk oligosaccharides results in significant increases in binding of B.
Functional genomic analyses using “omic” technologies have identified
infantis to intestinal cells in vitro. Additional sequencing of numerous B.
systems responsible for acid and bile tolerance, prebiotic utilization
infantis genomes has confirmed that these features are common among
and revealed several cell surface proteins and structures on probiotic
the infantis subspecies and likely constitute a competitive colonization
microbes that interact with host epithelial and immunomodulatory cells.
strategy employed by these unique bifidobacteria. Through detailed
Among these are lipoteichoic acids, surface layer proteins, and mucus
characterization of the molecular mechanisms responsible for bifidobac-
binding proteins. Alteration of the cell surface display of such structures
terial enrichment in the gastrointestinal tract of breast fed infants, these
can dramatically alter dendritic cell binding and cytokine signaling
studies provide a conceptual framework for enhancement of probiotic
and promote inflammatory or anti-inflammatory responses. Employ-
persistence and host-interaction through delivery in animal milks.
ing genomic tools for gene cloning, expression, and inactivation, the
field is uniquely positioned to investigate mechanisms through which Key Words: probiotics, milk oligosaccharides, bifidobacteria
probiotic microbes interact with the intestinal mucosa, compete with
pathogens and impact health.
627 Assessing and maintaining probiotics in food. T. Hornbaek*,
Key Words: probiotic, lactic acid bacteria, genomics Chr. Hansen A/S, Hoersholm, Denmark.
Dairy products, and specifically yogurt-like products, form the larg-
625 The gastrointestinal microbiome and probiotics: Effects on est segment by far in the market for probiotic foods. Dairy products
intestinal physiology and mucosal inflammation. J. Versalovic*, are excellent vehicles for delivering useful probiotic bacteria such
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. as Bifidobacteria and introducing them into the gastrointestinal tract.
Increased consumer awareness of the health benefits of probiotics has
The human gastrointestinal microbiome is composed of many bacte-
led to numerous new probiotic product launches both in the market
rial species that may affect signaling pathways in intestinal epithelial
for fermented milk products as well as other food categories. In the
cells, stem cell compartments and mucosal immune cells. Differences
development of new probiotic food products, there are several factors to
in microbial composition may affect the intestinal mucosa in terms of
consider including: 1) the documentation of the probiotic strain; 2) the
effects on cell proliferation, apoptosis, antibody and cytokine production,
ability to produce the probiotic strain in large scale; and 3) successful
and cell migration. Direct effects by microbial and probiotics-derived
application in the food product. This presentation will focus on the last
signals on specific mammalian cell signaling pathways may explain
aspect: how to obtain successful probiotic food applications. Challenges
mechanisms of mucosal immunity. The gut microbiome may affect the
with respect to sensory impact and survival of probiotics in different
biology of innate and adaptive immune responses in the gut mucosa.
food applications will be discussed. Recent work will be presented to
Specific components of the microbiome may have net anti-inflammatory
illustrate various ways of increasing probiotic cell counts and stability
or pro-inflammatory effects, and the relative balance of microbes may
in dairy as well as non-dairy applications. Ways to circumvent the lack
result in different patterns of mucosal inflammation. Differences in
of important nutrients and the potential negative effect of different
patterns of inflammation and immune responses to the gut microbiome
processing conditions will be discussed, also in relation to the use of
and probiotics may determine, in part, differences in the risk of immune-
adjunct cultures.
mediated disorders and infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
Without having bio-markers related to probiotic effects, the best way
to ensure the probiotic properties of a food product is by measuring
626 An evolutionary link between bifidobacterial probiotics and probiotic cell counts throughout shelf life. Our newest findings will
milk. D. Mills*, University of California, Davis. be presented on the correlation between traditional plate counting
methods and novel probiotic cell count methods such as qPCR and
Bifidobacteria are commonly used as probiotics in dairy foods. Select flow cytometry. Furthermore, a dynamic, multi-compartmental model
bifidobacterial species are also early colonizers of the breast-fed infant system will be presented which provides the ability to estimate survival
colon, however the mechanism for this enrichment is unclear. We rates of probiotics delivered in different food vehicles on their way
have previously shown that Bifidobacterium longum ssp. infantis is a through the stomach and small intestine.
prototypical bifidobacterial species that can readily utilize human milk
Key Words: probiotic, food, survival
536 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
628 Translating the science into efficacy claims on probiotic or 629 Strategic application of direct-fed microbials to livestock
prebiotic products in the US market. M. E. Sanders*, Dairy & Food for growth efficiency and production. E. Davis* and T. Rehberger,
Culture Technologies, Centennial, CO. Dansico, Waukesha, WI.
The US marketplace is home to an increasing number of food products The establishment of the commensal microbiota in the gastrointestinal
labeled “probiotic” or “prebiotic.” Although the scientific definitions of tract of the neonate is the impetus for the development of a functional
these terms are clear, they lack legal definition in the US. Responsible immune system, with ramifications on metabolic functions related to
companies seek scientific substantiation for claims. Translating sci- subsequent growth in later production stages. The administration of pro-
ence into product claims starts with conducting research on endpoints biotics, termed direct-fed microbials (DFM) when delivered to livestock,
that are compatible with the category of product. A product claiming affords an opportunity to dictate a portion of the microbial consortia and
to cure, treat, mitigate or prevent disease is a drug, not a food. Claims thereby exert a positive influence on production efficiency and health.
stating the effect of the product on the normal structure or function of With the use of culture-independent molecular techniques, microbial
the human body (structure/function claim), or on reducing the risk of a diversity in the intestinal tract of neonatal pigs has been assessed and
diet-related, chronic disease (health claim) are allowed for food. How- members of the intestinal microbial population identified that were
ever, many studies comprising the body of research on probiotics and positively correlated to specific immune cell phenotypes and growth
prebiotics would be considered drug studies by the FDA, and therefore performance traits. The administration of a Bacillus-based DFM to sows
would not be suitable as primary substantiation for a structure/function enhanced specific Lactobacillus populations in piglets at 3 and 10 d of
claim. Endpoints such as prevention of allergy, reducing the incidence of age compared with pigs born to unsupplemented sows, with differences
intestinal or respiratory infections among healthy children or managing also observed in nutrient composition and immune cell phenotypes
symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are seen by the FDA as drug uses. within colostrum, piglet growth, and immune cell populations in the
Securing public funding to conduct such research might trigger a request gastrointestinal tracts of piglets. Although early delivery of a DFM may
to file an Investigational New Drug Application with the FDA. Such be ideal to influence early microbial colonization, administration of
a process – especially for a study recruiting healthy subjects - seems microorganisms in later production stages can still elicit improvements in
like an unnecessary burden for researchers with no intention to market production efficiency. Administration of Propionibacterium strain P169
a drug. Endpoints such as modulation of immune system function and to dairy cows during late gestation and early lactation altered ruminal
alteration of colonizing microbiota fall under the structure/function metabolism toward increased propionate, resulting in increased milk
claim rubric, but the consumer benefit from such endpoints is not always production without increasing DMI. Host-microbial interactions during
obvious. The arena of crafting “truthful and not misleading” product early post-natal development and in later production stages indicate that
claims that accurately reflect scientific substantiation is a challenge. In strategic applications of DFM to livestock can positively impact growth
addition to compliance with regulatory statutes, claims are scrutinized efficiency and production.
by other audiences, such as: consumers, healthcare professionals, media
Key Words: probiotics, swine, cattle
professionals, consumer watchdog organizations, advertising watchdog
organizations (e.g., the National Advertising Division of the Better
Business Bureau), and litigious elements in society.
Key Words: probiotic, prebiotic, claims
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 537
Forages and Pastures: Environmental Impact of Forage-Based Livestock
Production Systems
630 Compatibility of beef cattle management with multiple use Even though strategic livestock grazing can benefit wildlife habitat, the
values on western rangelands. T. DelCurto* and P. Kennedy, Eastern scope and vagaries of the ESA and Federal judicial process, combined
Oregon Agricultural Research Center, Union Station, Oregon State with institutional opinions of “antiagriculture” groups that livestock
University, Union. grazing is always detrimental, prevents scientists from conducting the
well-designed research needed to develop site-specific livestock grazing
Beef cattle production in the western United States is dependent on
plans for conserving endangered species habitat. Our presentation will
systematic approaches that maintain the biological diversity of native
include discussions of these issues and suggestions for how scientists
rangelands. In addition, the continued use of these rangelands may
can provide robust data for developing livestock grazing plans that will
depend on our ability to demonstrate that domestic livestock produc-
conserve endangered species habitat.
tion can be compatible with multiple uses that not only include native
vegetation/wildlife diversity, but also focus on water quality, fisheries, Key Words: Endangered Species Act, livestock grazing
and recreation/esthetic values. The purpose of this paper is to quantify
research that has evaluated the impact of beef cattle grazing on big
game habitat, riparian areas critical to fish habitat, vegetation diversity, 632 Economic and environmental issues associated with confine-
logging/grazing interactions, and, although information is limited, ment and pasture-based dairy systems. D. A. Clark*1, S. F. Ledgard2,
insect and bird diversity/abundance. Over 20 years of research will be P. Gregorini1, and C. A. Rotz3, 1DairyNZ, Hamilton, Waikato, New
summarized in respect to the interaction of beef cattle grazing and deer/ Zealand, 2AgResearch, Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand, 3USDA-
elk big game herds in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. This research Agricultural Research Service, University Park, PA.
represents decades of collaborative research between the USDA FS Milk is produced in a continuum of dairy systems from full confinement
Starkey Experimental Forest and Range and Oregon State University. to full pasture grazing. Climate, available feeds, and milk price: feed
In addition, research focused on the management of beef cattle relative cost ratio influence the preferred system. All dairy systems have an envi-
to riparian areas that provide habitat to threatened and endanger fish will ronmental impact and inputs to maximize profit may lead to pollution
be discussed. Finally, a new generation of research will be discussed levels unacceptable to society. There is vigorous debate concerning the
that uses a food web approach to enumerate the impact of beef cattle trade-off between dairy farm profit and air and water quality impacts.
grazing on soils, vegetation, insects that feed on the vegetation, insects Reasoned debate requires good information on the key production,
that prey on other insects, and ground nesting birds that need the vegeta- economic and environmental parameters associated with different dairy
tion for cover as well as use insects for their primary food sources. This systems and an agreement on the boundaries of each system. We provide
type of research is difficult and often necessitates the need to develop a summary of literature on experiments and modeling of confinement
multi-disciplinary and, in some cases, multi-agency teams. However, and pasture-based dairy systems as a framework for future analysis and
this type of research approach may be critical to addressing public debate. There are few published experimental comparisons of confine-
concerns about the long-term sustainability of beef cattle production ment and pasture-based systems that account for both production and
on western rangelands. environmental parameters, so we make extensive use of modeling
Key Words: beef cattle, rangelands, multiple use studies (e.g., life cycle assessment, Integrated Farm System Model,
DairyNZ Whole Farm Model and OVERSEER). Where possible we
use experimental data to evaluate model predictions. We compare a
631 Livestock grazing and endangered species habitat. G. S. subset of possible dairy systems for both economic and environmental
Lewis*, C. A. Moffet, and J. B. Taylor, USDA, ARS, U.S. Sheep Experi- performance and identify areas of high sensitivity to factors such as input
ment Station, Dubois, ID. costs or environmental pollutants. Strengths and weaknesses of differ-
ent systems are identified and we highlight opportunities for economic
Livestock grazing can improve wildlife habitat, including critical habi-
and environmental improvements by both component technologies and
tat for species listed as endangered. However, that assertion presumes
system redesign. Stored feed systems need to reduce their production
that appropriate and unbiased data have been used to define critical
costs and environmental footprint. Pasture-based systems need to reach
habitat; an appropriate recovery plan has been approved with clear
the energy intake levels associated with TMR, and reduce the nitrate
and firm objectives that can be used to develop grazing strategies for
and N2O losses associated with urine patches in grazed pasture. Dairy
habitat conservation; and legal challenges do not result in significant
systems research must ensure that advances in animal and plant breeding
and frequent changes in the recovery plan. The Endangered Species
lead to simultaneous economic and environmental benefits.
Act (ESA) of 1973 defines endangered species as one that is “in danger
of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range, and a Key Words: dairy production systems, confinement feeding, grazing
threatened species as one that is “likely to become an endangered spe-
cies within the foreseeable future.” The ESA and amendments “provide
a means whereby the ecosystems upon which endangered species and 633 Forages and livestock production with declining water
threatened species depend may be conserved, provide a program for the resources and a changing agricultural industry. V. G. Allen*, C.
conservation of such endangered species and threatened species, and take P. Brown, R. L. Kellison, P. N. Johnson, and C. J. Zilverburg, Texas
such steps as may be appropriate to achieve the purposes of the treaties Tech University, Lubbock.
and conventions set forth” in the ESA, including “esthetic, ecological, Agriculture is undergoing radical change driven by continued global
educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value.” Also, the ESA population growth, a fossil fuel-based energy system, unstable econom-
describes the process of listing species, determining critical habitat, ics and policies, depletion of natural resources, environmental concerns,
developing a recovery plan, and delisting species. Nearly 1,900 species and dependence on irrigation. Agriculture is the biggest single user of
have been listed and <50 species have been delisted under the ESA. water, largely for irrigated crop production, and demands continue to
538 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
escalate. Urban expansion and conversion of prime agricultural land to precipitation runoff. Risks of loading streams with these pollutants may
non-agricultural uses force crop production into more marginal environ- be increased by biotic and abiotic factors that encourage congregation
ments resulting in increased resource inputs to ensure production. Such of cattle near streams. Congregation of cattle near pasture streams may
inputs frequently include water for irrigation at non-sustainable rates be discouraged by management practices that control the temporal\
of use. The semi-arid Texas High Plains is one of the most intensive spatial distribution of grazing cattle. Restricting stream access of beef
agricultural areas in the US and is a model for factors driving change. cows either to stabilized crossings in continuously stocked pastures or
Agriculture conservatively accounts for over 40% of the regional to riparian paddocks grazed to a minimum sward height of 10 cm in
economy but depends heavily on water for irrigation from the Ogallala rotationally stocked pastures reduced the proportion of time that cattle
aquifer. Recharge is negligible, and water demand is expected to exceed spent in and within 33.5 m of the pasture streams by 81% in compari-
supply within the next 10 to 20 years. About 30% of the cotton (Gos- son to continuous stocking with unrestricted stream access. Providing
sypium hirsutum L.) and 25% of the cattle on feed in the US are located off-stream water or shade may alter the temporal\spatial distribution
here primarily in monoculture systems. Recently, the dairy industry and of cattle in pastures, but efficacy of management practices to alter the
an emerging renewable fuel industry have entered this region placing distribution of grazing cattle is dependent on pasture size and shape
increased demands on soil and water resources and influencing cropping and climatic conditions. The proportion of time that cattle spent in and
decisions. Impending water depletion, evolving water policies and laws, within 30.5 m of a stream (streamside zone) in pastures with different
and volatile commodity and input prices are contributing to destabiliz- areas was more highly related to the proportion of pasture area in the
ing agriculture. A 10-year replicated comparison of an integrated crop/ streamside zone than pasture shade distribution or botanical composi-
forage/beef stocker steer system and a monoculture cotton system tion. In pastures with comparable areas, the proportion of time that
demonstrated (P < 0.05) that the integrated system required about 25% cattle spent in the streamside zone was highly related to the proportion
less irrigation water, 40% less nitrogen fertilizer, improved soil organic of total pasture shade in the streamside zone in the spring and fall, but
carbon and microbial activity, reduced erosion, and was as profitable as not in the summer. Stream bank erosion and total coliform concentra-
the cotton monoculture. Monitoring of 27 producer systems in the Texas tions in stream water were not affected by stocking density or grazing
High Plains continues to demonstrate water conservation and economic management. Reducing pasture stocking density or restricting stream
opportunities through integrating forages and livestock into cropping access to stabilized crossings or riparian paddocks limit the risk of
systems but long-term field-scale systems research is essential. Lessons sediment, nutrient, and pathogen loading of streams by reducing the
learned here have global significance. proportion of bare and\or manure-covered ground and precipitation
runoff in streamside zones.
Key Words: water, grazing systems, integrated systems
Key Words: grazing, water quality, beef cattle
634 Pasture management strategies to minimize the impacts of
grazing on water quality of surface water resources. J. R. Russell*1,
D. A. Bear1, K. A. Schwarte1, and M. M. Haan2, 1Iowa State University,
Ames, 2Michigan State University, Hickory Corners.
Sediment, nutrient, and pathogen loading of pasture streams result
from stream bank erosion, direct manure deposition, and\or transport in
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 539
Growth and Development: Early Development and Fetal Programming
635 Evaluation of the NCAPG I442M locus, a major gene for Preadipocyte factor-1 showed increased expression in fetal LM (P <
bovine prenatal growth, for effects on postnatal development 0.05) of HIGH fetuses as compared with INT and LOW. Peroxisome
compared to a disruptive mutation in the myostatin encoding gene proliferator-activated receptor gamma and C/EBPα did not differ as a
GDF8. C. Kuehn*, P. Widmann, R. Pfuhl, and R. Weikard, Leibniz result of dietary treatment. However, LOW fetuses showed increased
Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Dummerstorf, Germany. C/EBPβ expression as compared with INT (P < 0.05). Collectively
these results suggest that fetal growth characteristics are not affected
Recently, we identified the I442M mutation in the bovine non-structural by maternal nutritional manipulation during mid-gestation in beef cows.
maintenance of chromosomes condensin I complex, subunit G (NCAPG) However, differences in expression of fetal genes regulating adipose
gene affecting bovine prenatal growth in an F2 resource population. tissue growth and development could lead to differences in composition
Due to consistent application of embryo transfer during generation of of growth and warrants further investigation.
the resource population, the direct genetic background of divergent
postnatal growth dissected from putatively persistent maternal allelic Key Words: adipose tissue, beef cattle, fetal programming
effects could be addressed. In addition to the NCAPG I442M locus,
also the disrupting mutation Q204X of the growth differentiation factor
637 Lipid accumulation and fibrosis in skeletal muscle of offspring
8 (GDF8) segregated in our resource population. Thus, the effects of
born to obese dams. X. Yan*1, Y. Huang1, M. J. Zhu1, N. M. Long1, A.
both loci could be evaluated on an identical genetic background. For
B. Uthlaut1, R. J. McCormick1, S. P. Ford1, P. W. Nathanielsz2, and M.
our study, male calves were fed a milk replacer/hay/concentrate diet
Du1, 1Department of Animal Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie,
until d 121 followed by a semi ad libitum feed ration of concentrates 2University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio.
and chaffed hay. Body weight was recorded monthly until 18 mo of
age. All P0, F1 and F2 individuals were genotyped for NCAPG I442M Enhancing adipogenesis in muscle increases intramuscular adipo-
and GDF8 Q204X. Association analyses were performed with a single cytes, while increasing fibrogenesis would affect meat tenderness.
locus and a 2 locus model fitting a fixed effect of the year of birth, an The objective was to evaluate the effects of maternal obesity on the
additive genetic SNP effect and an infinitesimal polygenic animal effect. intramuscular fat and collagen content of offspring muscle. Multiparous
The NCAPG 442M allele that had been associated with increased birth ewes (Rambouillet/Columbia cross) were fed a control diet (100%
weight, showed a significant effect (P = 0.0001) increasing body weight energy requirement, Con, n = 8) or an obesogenic diet (150% energy
at 18 mo of age. The locus explained 9.3% of the variance in the model. requirement, OB, n = 9) from 2-mo before pregnancy to parturition.
The effect of the loss-of-function allele GDF8 204X on body weight was Then, offspring lambs were fed commercial feeds to 22 mo old. The
also significant (P = 0.006). The difference between alleles amounted to Longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle (2g) was biopsied at the left 12th rib
25.4 kg (std. err. 6.34 kg) for NCAPG I442M and 30.0 kg (std. err 12.5 for histochemical examination, mRNA and protein expression analyses
kg) for GDF8 Q204X, respectively. For the 2-locus model, effects of and collagen content assessment. Mean ± standard errors of means are
essentially the same magnitude were obtained. In conclusion, both, the reported. No difference was observed in maternal body weight (68.3
NCAPG I442M locus and the GDF8 Q204X locus, exhibit significant, ± 2.9 kg vs. 71.6 ± 3.2 in Con and OB) or body condition score (4.9 ±
independent effects on postnatal growth. 0.4 in Con and 5.0 ± 0.3 in OB) before dietary treatments. Following 2
mo treatment (before mating), both maternal body weight (73.1 ± 4.0
Key Words: postnatal growth, cattle, NCAPG
vs.108.8 ± 3.1 in Con and OB, P < 0.05) and maternal body condition
score (4.9 ± 0.3 vs. 8.6 ± 0.2, P < 0.05) were higher on OB compared
636 Maternal nutrition differentially influenced gene expression with Con diet. More intramuscular adipocytes were observed in OB
responsible for fetal bovine adipocyte development. T. D. Jennings*, offspring muscle compared with Con muscle; the mRNA expression
K. R. Underwood, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and A. D. Weaver, South Dakota of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) γ, an adipocyte
State University, Brookings. marker, was 33.6 ± 15.6% higher (P < 0.05) in OB, and the protein
content was 51.1 ± 5.1% greater (P < 0.05), consistent with the 32.1 ±
Maternal nutrition during mid-late gestation influences adipose develop- 9.8% higher intramuscular triglyceride content in OB compared with
ment in the fetus of various species, however bovine research is limited. Con muscle (P < 0.05). The mRNA and protein contents of fatty acid
The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of maternal transport protein 1 (FATP1) were increased in OB group by 61.8 ± 24.8%
nutrition on the expression of genes in bovine fetal tissues. Genes of and 40.8 ± 9.3% (P < 0.05) respectively. We also detected 39.4 ± 8.8%
interest were selected because each has been demonstrated previously higher mRNA expression for fatty acid translocase (FAT)/CD36 (P <
to influence body composition. Twenty-two Angus cross-bred heifers 0.05). In addition, 50.6 ± 15.3% higher collagen content was detected
(BW = 527.73 ± 8.3 kg) were assigned randomly to 3 dietary treatments. in OB compared with Con offspring muscle (P < 0.05). In conclusion,
Maternal dietary treatments were formulated and intake was controlled maternal obesity increases intramuscular fat and collagen contents in
to provide 150% (HIGH; n = 7), 100% (INT; n = 7), and 80% (LOW; offspring muscle, which results in changes of skeletal muscle composi-
n = 8) of maintenance energy requirements for growing pregnant heif- tion and might affect the quality of resulting meat.
ers. Heifers received dietary treatment from d 85 to d 180 of gestation,
at which time fetuses were removed via cesarean section and muscle, Key Words: maternal obesity, collagen, muscle
subcutaneous fat, and liver samples were collected. At trial initiation,
dam BW was similar among treatment groups. Final BW was lowest
638 Enhanced transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling
for the LOW dams (P < 0.05), however final BW for INT and HIGH
and fibrogenesis in ovine fetal skeletal muscle of obese dams at late
were similar. Ribfat thickness increased in the HIGH treatment group
gestation. Y. Huang*1, X. Yan1, M. J. Zhu1, R. J. McCormick1, S. P.
compared with LOW and INT dams (P < 0.05). Thus, dam growth was
Ford1, P. W. Nathanielsz2, and M. Du1, 1Department of Animal Science,
influenced by diet during the treatment period, however dietary treat-
University of Wyoming, Laramie, 2University of Texas Health Science
ment did not influence fetal weight, crown rump length, or liver weight.
Center, San Antonio.
540 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Maternal obesity is increasing at an alarming rate. The objective was to to the fetus, accelerating its growth, and possibly causing metabolic
evaluate the effect of maternal obesity on fibrogenesis in fetal skeletal problems in postnatal life.
muscle at late gestation when ovine fetal muscle matures. Non-pregnant
Key Words: maternal nutrient restriction, placental nutrient transport,
ewes were assigned to a control diet (Con, fed 100% of NRC nutrient
recommendations, n = 6) or obesogenic diet (OB) fed 150% of NRC
recommendations, n = 6) from 60 d before conception, and fetal semi-
tendenosus (St) muscle was sampled at 135 d of gestation (term 148 d). 640 Effect of grouping calves post-weaning according to pre-
The total concentration and the area of collagen in the cross-sections grouping feed intake on animal performance. C. M. Matuk*1,
of muscle increased by 27.0 ± 6.0% (P < 0.05) and 105.1 ± 5.9% (P M. Chahine1, A. Bach2,3, B. Ozer1, M. E. de Haro Martí3, J. B. Glaze
= 0.05) in OB compared with Con group. The expression of precursor Jr.1, T. Fife1, and M. Nelson1, 1University of Idaho, Twin Falls, 2IRTA,
TGF-β was 177.3 ± 47.6% higher (P < 0.05) in OB fetal muscle. The Caldes de Montbui, Spain, 3ICREA, Barcelona, Spain, 4University of
concentration of phospho-p38 was 74.7 ± 23.6% higher (P < 0.05) Idaho, Gooding.
in OB group. An increase of 327.9 ± 168.0% (P < 0.05) and 188.9 ±
82.1% (P < 0.05) respectively for the mRNA expression of Smad7 and The effect of grouping calves post-weaning according to pre-grouping
fibronectin was observed in OB compared with Con samples. In addi- feed intake on animal performance was evaluated using 752 replace-
tion, enzymes involved in collagen synthesis, including lysyl oxidase, ment Holstein calves raised on a large operation in southern Idaho. In
lysyl hydroxylase 2b and prolyl 4-hydroxylase α1 were increased by 4 different periods, individual feed intake was recorded 4 times a week
350.2% ± 90.0% (P < 0.05), 236. Five ± 25.2% (P < 0.05) and 82.0 ± during the last 3 wk that calves were individually hutched (56 d of age).
36.2% (P = 0.05) respectively in OB muscle. In conclusion, maternal Calves were classified as ′high eaters′ (highest feeding level quartile) and
obesity enhanced fibrogenesis in fetal muscle at late gestation which ′low eaters′ (lowest feeding level quartile). When leaving the individual
was associated with upregulation of TGF-β/p38 signaling pathway. hutches in each period, calves formed 6 groups: 20 animals randomly
Because muscle fibrosis is a hallmark of aging, enhanced fibrogenesis chosen without considering their level of feed intake (Control), 20
at such an early stage of development is expected to negatively affect calves within the highest quartile of feed intake during the 3 wk prior
the properties of offspring muscle. leaving the hutches (HH), 20 within the lowest quartile (LL), 5 calves
from the lowest and 15 from highest feeding level (LHH), 15 calves
Key Words: collagen, TGF, muscle from the lowest and 5 from highest feeding level (LLH), and 10 calves
from the highest and 10 from lowest feeding level (HL). Thus, out of
752 initially-tracked heifers, 480 heifers were chosen to form the 20
639 Up-regulation of nutrient transporters in the placenta of nutri-
groups (6 groups per period) that were studied. Pen feed intake was
ent restricted pregnant ewes. Y. Ma*1, M. J. Zhu1, P. W. Nathanielsz2,
recorded during the first 4 wk after grouping. After grouping, calves
and S. P. Ford1, 1Center for the Study of Fetal Programming, Univ. of
received a TMR composed of 95% starter and 5% alfalfa. Final weight
Wyoming, Laramie, 2Center for Pregnancy and Newborn Research,
was recorded at the end of the 12 wk of study. Pen was the experimental
Univ. of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio.
unit. Data were analyzed using a mixed-effects model with repeated
In sheep, maternal:fetal exchange occurs in placentomes, comprised of measures accounting for the random effect of period and pen and the
uterine caruncular and placental cotyledonary (COT) tissues. Glucose fixed effects of treatment, intake level class, time of measurements,
transporters (GLUT) and fatty acids transporters (FATP) in COT deliver and their 2-way interaction. Average DMI after grouping was greatest
glucose and long chain fatty acids (LCFA) to the fetal compartment. We (P < 0.05) in HH (2.24 kg/d) and HHL (2.15 kg/d) followed by HL
have reported that fetuses from ewes fed to 50% NRC recommendations (2.07 kg/d), Control (2.06 kg/d), LLH (1.92 kg/d) and LL (1.77 kg/d).
from 28 to 78 d of gestation (dGA; nutrient restricted, NR) weighed Similarly, ADG was greatest (P < 0.05) in HH (694 g/d) and HHL (658
~30% less than fetuses gestated by control ewes (C, 100% of NRC) at g/d) than in HL (584 g/d), LLH (571 g/d), Control (546 g/d), and LL
78dGA. In contrast, NR fetuses exhibited a marked increase of LCFA (531 g/d). The coefficient of variation of final BW (at 84 d of age) was
storage in their lung, liver and muscle. When NR ewes were re-alimented lowest (P < 0.05) for HH (9.3%) and LL (11.7%), followed by Control
to a C diet from 78dGA, their fetuses exhibited weights similar to C (12.9%), LLH (15.8%), HHL (13.5%), and HL (17%). Grouping calves
fetuses by 135dGA. COT tissue collected on 78 and 135 dGA was used according to pre-weaning intake improves overall animal performance
to investigate GLUT and FATP systems via Realtime PCR and Western and diminishes variation.
blot. Ewes assigned to C (n = 5) and NR (n = 6) groups were necropsied
Key Words: calves, heifers, intake
on 78dGA, while 6 C and 7 NR-realimented ewes were fed the C diet
from 78 to 135dGA before necropsy. At 78dGA, COT GLUT1 mRNA
and protein levels were greater (P < 0.05) in NR than C ewes. Similarly, 641 Evaluation of serum protein-based arrival formula and serum
COT FATP4 mRNA and protein levels were greater (P < 0.05 and P protein (Gammulin) on growth, morbidity, and mortality of stressed
= 0.06, respectively), and CD36 mRNA and Protein levels tended to dairy calves. A. Pineda*1, J. K. Drackley1, and J. M. Campbell2,
be greater (P = 0.06) in NR versus C ewes. At135dGA, COT FATP4 1University of Illinois, Urbana, 2APC, Inc., Ankeny, IA.
mRNA and protein levels tended to remain elevated (P = 0.06 and P
= 0.09, respectively) in NR-realimented versus C ewes. CD36 and Appropriate nutrition is a crucial factor to decrease morbidity and
GLUT3 protein levels also tended to remain elevated (P = 0.08 and P < mortality of pre-weaning dairy calves. Several nutritional additives are
0.05, respectively) in NR-realimented versus C ewes on 135dGA. The available that may help to achieve this goal; however, their effective-
increased COT GLUT and FATP expression in NR versus C ewes at ness is uncertain. The objective of this study was to evaluate a serum
78dGA is consistent with increased placental efforts to increase maternal protein-based arrival formula (AF) and use of a commercial serum pro-
nutrient transfer to the fetus. The continued elevation in COT GLUT3, tein supplement (G; Gammulin, APC Inc.) in milk replacer for stressed
FATP4 and CD36 expression after realimentation of NR ewes, would (transport, cold) male calves on performance, morbidity, and mortality.
facilitate delivery of the increased blood levels of maternal nutrient Ninety-three male Holstein calves were stratified by arrival BW and
plasma protein, and then randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups:
Treatment A = AF, milk replacer without G (n = 22); Treatment B =
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 541
control electrolyte, milk replacer without G (n = 25); Treatment C = AF, S. E. Higgins, and T. E. Porter, University of Maryland, Department of
milk replacer with G (n = 22); and Treatment D = control electrolyte, Animal and Avian Sciences, College Park.
milk replacer with G (n = 24). At arrival, calves were fed either AF or
The anterior pituitary gland (AP) plays an important role in the regulation
a control electrolyte solution. At the next feeding, all calves received
of many physiological processes in vertebrates. Formation of Rathke’s
either a commercial calf milk replacer (20% CP, and 20% fat; no G
pouch (RP), the precursor of the AP, involves invagination of the oral
supplementation) or the same milk replacer supplemented with G (50 g/d
ectoderm (OE) and a multi-step process regulated by cell interactions,
during the first 14 d only). Feed offered and refused was recorded daily.
signaling pathways and transcription factors. In contrast to mammals,
Calf health was assessed by daily assignment of scour and respiratory
the molecular mechanisms underlying development of the AP in birds
scores. Body weight, withers height, body length, heart girth, hip height,
are poorly understood. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate
and hip width were measured weekly. Calves remained in the experiment
tissue-specific gene expression patterns in the developing chicken AP.
until d 56. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS (v.
OE/RP and the adjacent neuroectoderm (NE) were collected by laser
9.2). Results indicated that, during the first 2 wk of dietary treatment,
capture microdissection from 60 paraffin-embedded chicken embryos
calves fed AF had significantly greater hearth girth (P = 0.05) and body
at 12-h intervals from embryonic day (e) 2.5 to e7 (n = 3 replicates).
length (P = 0.03), while G supplementation resulted in greater BW (P =
After RNA isolation and amplification, quantitative real-time PCR was
0.05). In addition, a significant (P = 0.03) interaction of G × week was
performed to determine RP- and NE-specific gene expression. RP was
observed for ADG. Mortality was greater (P = 0.007) for calves that
formed by invagination of OE around e2.5, and by e6-e6.5 RP lost its
did not receive G. Addition of a serum protein product improved early
connection with the oral cavity and proliferated to form the AP. Among
growth and decreased mortality in transported male calves.
genes involved in early pituitary organogenesis, Pitx1, Pitx2 and Hesx1
Key Words: calves, serum protein, Gammulin showed high expression at e2.5 in RP that decreased during develop-
ment (P < 0.05). Expression of pituitary cell lineage specification and
differentiation genes (Pit1 and Tbx19) increased gradually, reaching
642 The effect of maternal exercise on gestating gilts on neonatal the highest level by e7 and e6.5 in RP, respectively (P < 0.05). Alpha-
piglet organ weight. E. K. Harris*, K. A. Vonnahme, J. D. Kirsch, GSU, encoding a common glycoprotein subunit of gonadotropins and
J. D. Magolski, T. L. Neville, and E. P. Berg, North Dakota State Uni- thyrotropin, showed increasing mRNA expression from e4 (P < 0.05).
versity, Fargo. BMP4, BMP2, Wnt5a, Isl1 and Noggin were expressed in both RP and
To determine the effects of maternal exercise of gestating gilts on fetal NE, while Nkx2.1 showed NE-specific expression during AP formation.
piglet development and growth, Yorkshire gilts (n = 8), bred to a common Taken together, we present a gene expression profile of the developing
boar, were placed in individual gestation stalls at d 30 of gestation. Treat- AP in the chicken. Our results will be helpful in better understanding the
ments were assigned and initiated at d 40 of gestation. Exercise gilts functional development of this gland, which is critical for controlling
(EX) were housed in individual gestation stalls but were individually animal growth, reproduction, metabolism, and stress responses.
exercised 3 times per week for 30 min until d 105 of gestation. Control Key Words: Rathke’s pouch and neuroectoderm, pituitary develop-
gilts (CON) remained in gestation stalls for the duration of gestation. All ment, chicken embryo
farrowings were attended. Within 12 h of completion of farrowing, the
lightest (LWT) and heaviest (HWT) male and female from each litter,
excluding piglets <800 g, were selected for necropsy. Adrenal glands, 644 Effects of in ovo feeding of carbohydrates and arginine on the
brain, digesta, heart, kidneys, intestines, liver, lung, pancreas, spleen, energy metabolism, protein status and perinatal growth in Pekin
stomach, gonads, semimembranosus (SM) and semitendinosus (ST) ducks. M. Tangara*, W. Chen, F. R. Huang, and P. Jian, Laboratory
were dissected and weighed. Organ weights (g) and organ weight/live of Animal Molecular Nutrition, Department of Animal Nutrition and
BW (g/g) were analyzed by PROC MIXED. Live weight of necropsied Feed Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei, P.
piglets was greater in offspring from EX gilts (P = 0.03; 1282.06 and R. China.
1698.70 ± 125.40 g). Piglets from EX gilts had larger adrenal glands
The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of in ovo
(g) (P < 0.01), kidneys (g) (P < 0.01), liver (g) (P < 0.01), and stomach
feeding of exogenous nutrients on the glycogen reserves, protein status
(g) (P < 0.01) than CON gilts. Piglets from EX gilts had a tendency
and early growth of Pekin ducks. To this end, based on randomized
(P < 0.10) to have more digesta (g), heavier hearts (g), intestines (g),
completely block design, 750 fertile eggs were divided into following
spleen (g), and SM (g/g). The brain and pancreas were the only organs
5 groups of 150 eggs: 1) Uninjected; 2) 0.35% sodium chloride (NaCl);
not affected by treatment. Treatment by weight interaction occurred in
3) 2.5% sucrose + 3% maltose (CHO); 4) 0.22% arginine (Arg); and 5)
liver (g/g) (P = 0.05), ovaries (g) (P = 0.02), and uterus (g/g) (P < 0.01).
2.5% sucrose + 3% maltose + 0.22% arginine (CHO+Arg). At 23 d of
Light weight EX offspring had larger liver (g/g) (P < 0.001) compared
incubation, 1.2 mL of each solution was injected into amniotic fluid of
with LWT CON offspring but were not different compared with HWT
each group using a 22-gauge needle. Ten eggs/ducklings per treatment
CON and EX treatments. LWT CON livers were also smaller than HWT
were sampled at 25 d of incubation, hatch, 3 and 7d of age to determine
EX (P = 0.01) but not different than HWT CON livers. Ovaries (g) were
liver and muscle glycogen, glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P) activity and
lightest in gilts from LWT CON gilts compared with all other treatment
different protein expression including S6K1 (S6 kinase1), phosphory-
groups (P < 0.05). Light weight CON offspring had heavier uteri (g/g)
lated S6K1 and phosphorylated adenosine monophosphate-activated
compared with all other treatment groups (P < 0.05). Maternal activity
protein kinase (AMPK) using iodine reduction test, colorimetric
during mid to late gestation influenced the developmental composition
oxidase test and Western blot, respectively. Maximal hatchability was
of the neonate.
found in the group (P < 0.05) fed with CHO+Arg (94%) followed in
Key Words: neonatal offspring, organ weights, pigs order by Arg (90%), CHO (89%), uninjected control (85%) and NaCl
(80%). All the ovo fed ducklings improved BW at hatch, 3, 7, 14, 21,
28 and 35 d of age related to uninjected (P < 0.05). Arg and CHO+Arg
643 Changes in gene expression during pituitary morphogenesis had significantly enhanced the liver glycogen by 188% and 249%,
and organogenesis in embryonic chicks. M. Proszkowiec-Weglarz*, respectively at hatch (P < 0.01) compared with that of uninjected group.
542 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
CHO and CHO+Arg significantly increased muscle glycogen level (P temperatures to maintain eggshell temperature (EST) at 37.5°C. The
< 0.01) by 22% and 42%, respectively at 25 d of incubation over the second profile (LH) was similar to what one observes when eggs are
uninjected group. CHO and Arg had significantly decreased (P < 0.01) in a multi-stage incubation system, the first 7 d EST was maintained at
G6P by 41% and 30%, respectively at 25 d of incubation, whereas 36.5°C EST, during the second 7 d at 37.5°C EST and the remaining
NaCl and CHO+Arg increased G6P by 30% and 20%, respectively at days at 39°C EST. At hatch, a random sample of 8 chicks per treatment
hatch in comparison with the uninjected group (P < 0.01). At 25 d of were collected, weighed, sacrificed, and residual yolk determined. Both
incubation, hatch, 3 and 7d posthatch, greater values of S6K1 and S6 legs were dissected and shank and femur weights, lengths, and thick-
phosphorylation were observed in duck embryos and neonates fed with ness were obtained. Relative asymmetry and weight relative to BW
Arg and CHO+Arg. The activation of AMPK was also detected in the without yolk (%) of each leg section were calculated, and bone density
group fed with Arg and CHO+Arg. The present results indicated that in estimated as g/mm. A total of 288 chicks were randomly placed in 48
ovo feeding CHO and Arg may improve glycogen storage and muscle battery cages and raised until 21 d. Bones were collected again at 14
protein deposition in ducks and 21 d and similar parameters evaluated. Data were analyzed as a 2x3
factorial design considering incubation profiles and genetic strain as
Key Words: in ovo feeding, energy, protein, metabolism, growth,
main factors. No consistent interactions were observed. Chickens from C
group were heavier than B chickens only at hatch. The B group had the
shortest bones and the lowest femur density. The C group was heavier at
645 The effect of induced moisture loss on embryonic develop- 14 d, but no other effects of epigenetics were observed. The LH profile
ment of pekin ducks. C. Noonan* and M. S. Lilburn, Ohio State reduced yolk absorption, and weight, length, width and density of all
University/OARDC, Wooster. bones at hatch. Similar effects of incubation were observed at 14 and
21 d of age. The LH profile caused shorter bones, with lower density,
Moisture loss in commercial Pekin duck eggs during incubation is often and higher asymmetry independently of the genetic group. These results
variable and accelerated moisture loss may contribute to excessive indicated that incubation profiles may have more importance on bone
hatchling dehydration and adversely effect later developing systems development than the genetic background, and the epigenetic effects of
such as the intestine. Two experiments were conducted to determine parental feed restriction were only observed at hatch.
the effect of induced moisture loss on embryonic development. In both
experiments, commercial duck eggs were individually weighed at set. Key Words: bone development, incubation, epigenetics
At 12 d, all eggs were reweighed and randomly allocated to one of 4
treatments consisting of 0, 1, 2, or 3 holes (Experiment 1; n = 40 per
647 Effect of in ovo selenium injection on chick embryo viability
treatment) or 0, 1 or 2 holes (Experiment 2; n = 120 per treatment). The
and tissue selenium levels. L. M. Macalintal*, A. H. Cantor, A. J.
holes (<1 mm) were drilled above the air sac. All eggs were reweighed
Pescatore, M. J. Ford, H. D. Gillespie, J. L. Pierce, K. A. Dawson, and
at approximately 2-d intervals. All data was analyzed by ANOVA using
R. F. Power, Alltech-University of Kentucky Nutrition Research Alli-
the PROC Mixed program (SAS Inc.) and least squares means were
ance, Lexington.
separated using LSD. In Experiment 1, there were no differences in
initial egg wt or moisture loss (4.67%; P > 0.05) at 12 d. On D 14 and The effect of injecting graded levels of selenium (Se) as selenomethio-
all sample days thereafter, there were incremental increases in moisture nine (SeMet) or sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) into the yolk of incubating
loss with each additional hole (P < 0.01). At D 19, the range was 7.35% eggs on embryo viability and liver Se levels was studied. Fertile eggs
(0-hole) to 20.86% (3-hole) and the experiment was terminated. In were obtained from white shell laying hens (Hy-Line W-36) that were
Experiment 2, the range was from 5.32% (0-hole) to 7.34% (2-hole) on fed a low Se corn-soybean meal diet. On Day 10 of incubation, eggs
D 14 (P < 0.01) and 8.03% (0-hole) to 15.15% (2-hole) on D 19. On Day were candled to ensure embryo viability. The shell surface was disin-
20, a sample of embryos from each treatment (n = 25) was broken out fected with alcohol and a small hole was drilled over the air cell. The
for embryo weight determination. Wet embryo weight was heavier (P yolk of each of 30 eggs per treatment was then injected with 0.1 mL
< 0.01) in the 1-hole treatment (36.7 g) compared with the 0-hole (33.9 of a phosphate buffered saline solution providing 0, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20 μg
g) and 2- hole (31.8 g) treatments. The same pattern was observed for Se as either SeMet or Na2SeO3. In a control group of eggs holes were
dry embryo weight. There was a progressive decrease in hatch weight drilled in the shell, but no injection was administered. The holes were
(P < 0.05) as moisture loss increased (0-hole, 55.3 g; 1-hole, 53.6 g; sealed with glue and eggs were returned to the incubator. On Day 20 of
2-hole, 52.3 g) but no effects on intestinal measures (villus height; crypt incubation, eggs were candled to determine viability. Viable embryos
depth). In conclusion, major differences in moisture loss during incuba- were then killed to obtain tissue samples. Liver samples were analyzed
tion in Pekin duck embryos have only a small effect on body weight or for Se using fluorometric analysis following digestion in nitric and
physiological status at hatch. perchloric acids. Embryo viability values for the non-injected eggs and
eggs injected with buffer without Se were 100% and 94%, respectively.
Key Words: Pekin, embryo, incubation
Viability values for eggs injected with 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 μg Se as SeMet
were 97, 94, 90 and 83%, respectively, while the respective values for
646 Bone development of three breed crosses of broilers is affected eggs treated with Na2SeO3 were 87, 94, 74 and 87%. Injecting graded
by incubation profiles. E. O. Oviedo-Rondón*, M. J. Wineland, C. M. doses of Se resulted in linear increases (P < 0.001) in liver Se. However,
Ashwell, and P. R. Ferket, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. the regression coefficient for Na2SeO3 was greater than that for SeMet
(0.059 vs. 0.014). The results indicate that in ovo injection of Se as
Genetics, maternal nutrition, and incubation conditions affect bone SeMet or Na2SeO3 at levels up to 20 μg does not have a detrimental
development in broilers. One experiment was conducted to observe effect on embryo viability. The effects of the SeMet and Na2SeO3 on
epigenetic effects of 2 incubation temperature profiles on bone develop- liver Se concentrations suggests that the compounds are metabolized
ment in 3 groups of broilers (A, B, C) differing in genetic background differently by the chick embryo.
and maternal nutrition. Group A was the final cross of this strain; and
B and C were the progeny of the male line either feed restricted or with Key Words: in ovo injection, selenium, embryo viability
no feed restriction. The first incubation profile followed standard (SS)
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 543
Immunology and Pathology: Poultry Immunology and Diseases
648 Testosterone exposure alters embryonic bursal gene expres- 650 Development and characterization of mouse monoclonal
sion in chicken lines selected for differential antibody response. R. antibodies reactive with chicken CD80. S.-H. Lee*1, H. Lillehoj1,
L. Taylor, Jr.*1, T. Burks1, C. Timmerman2, P. B. Siegel3, and C. M. M.-S. Park1, K.-W. Lee1, C. Baldwin2, D. Tompkins2, B. Wagner3, U.
Ashwell2, 1University of New Hampshire, Durham, 2North Carolina Babu4, and E. Del Cacho5, 1Animal and Natural Resources Institute,
State University, Raleigh, 3Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. ARS-USDA, Beltsville, MD, 2University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
3Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 4Food and Drug Administration, Laurel,
Chicken B cells mature in the bursa of Fabricius (BF) microenviron- MD, 5University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain.
ment producing antibody diversity through their V-gene repertoire.
Testosterone propionate (TP) exposure on d 3 of incubation severely The CD80 (B7.1) is a molecule found on monocytes providing a
impairs BF development, elevates IgM, lowers IgG and causes bursal signal necessary for T cell activation and interferon-γ production. The
epithelial cell proliferation. From a common founder population, White characteristics of this molecule have been studied in human, swine,
Leghorn lines selected for high (HAS) or low (LAS) antibody produced ovine, feline, and canine. However, information about CD80 and its
5 d after a 0.25% SRBC suspension (0.1 mL) injected intravenously, antibodies (Abs) in chicken has not been reported. To develop immune
have a several fold difference in anti-SRBC antibody titer. Eggs from reagents for chicken CD80 (chCD80), we have immunized mice with
the 34th selected generation were dipped in a 2% TP ethanol solution recombinant chCD80, and hybridomas producing monoclonal Abs
or ethanol alone for treatment and control groups, respectively. We against chCD80 were produced. Recombinant chCD80/IgG4 fusion
examined gene expression in bursal tissue collected from 4 embryos protein was expressed in mammalian cells and chCD80 was purified and
of each line and treatment (HAS, HAS TP, LAS, LAS TP) at 15, 18, used to immunize mice. In this study, 158 hybridomas were screened
and 21 d of incubation. Tissue samples were held in RNALater at −80 and 3 mAbs with high binding specificity against chCD80-transfected
C until RNA was extracted followed by reverse transcription to cDNA. cells were selected by flow cytometric analysis. Western blot showed a
Individual cDNA samples, labeled indirectly with Cy3 or Cy5 fluores- 80 kDa protein against chCD80. Monoclonal Abs to chCD80 showed
cent dyes, were hybridized including a dye swap to a 320 gene focused staining of chicken macrophage cell line (HD11), bursa, and spleen.
microarray. Each gene, represented by a 70-mer oligonucleotide, was Taken together, mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for chicken CD80
spotted 12 times in a single array enhancing sensitivity to detect sample have been developed and these immune reagents will be useful tools
group differences. Fluorescent intensity data were transformed via log2, to analyze CD80 activity during infections and to do basic and applied
normalized by weighted regression, and analyzed by a mixed-model research for poultry.
ANOVA. Pathway, process and networks were evaluated using the This project was funded by USDA-CSREES proposal 2005–01812
Metacore database. Growth hormone (GH), growth hormone receptor and carried out as part of the US Veterinary Immune Reagent Network,
(GHR), thyroid hormone receptor α, and hemoglobin rho expression
was higher in Line LAS controls than Line HAS controls. TP treatment Key Words: chickens, CD80, monoclonal antibody
in Line LAS elevated GH and GHR genes as well as interleukin(IL)-1
whereas Line HAS TP embryos had higher fibroblast growth factor 1 and
endothelin receptor expression. Network analysis identified biomarkers 651 Suppressive properties of chicken CD25+ cells during lipopoly-
associated with pathways for immune response IL-1, immune response saccharide injection. R. Shanmugasundaram1,2 and R. K. Selvaraj*1,2,
1Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, 2The
NK2g, and developmental growth hormone signaling. Real-time PCR
confirmed gene expression differences found on the microarray. Ohio State University, Wooster.
Key Words: immune response, microarray, bursa of Fabricius Suppressive properties of splenic chicken CD25+ cells were evalu-
ated during in vivo lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection. One-week-old
649 Limiting dilution studies to detect avian influenza viruses chickens were injected with 0 or 100 µg of LPS/kg body weight. Spleen
from questionable allantoic fluid samples. T. V. Dormitorio* and J. CD4+8–25+ cell percentage increased from 8% to 24% at 4 d post-LPS
J. Giambrone, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. injection. Spleen CD4+8–25+ cell percentage decreased to 11% at 5 d
post-LPS challenge, but remained greater than the 0 µg LPS control
Detection of avian influenza viruses (AIV) from wild birds can be group until 12 d post-LPS injection. Suppressive properties of CD25+
complicated when there is the presence of other hemagglutinating cells were determined by naïve cell proliferation suppression assay. At
agents, including some avian adenoviruses, mycoplasma, Newcastle CD25+:T responder cell ratio of 1:1, CD4+8–25+ cells collected at 5
disease virus (NDV), and other paramyxoviruses (APMV). Moreover, and 12 d after 100µg LPS injection were suppressive while CD4+8–25+
dual isolations of influenza virus and APMVs are not unusual. Limit- cells collected at 2 d after 100 µg LPS injection were not suppressive.
ing dilution studies were conducted using fecal swab samples collected CD4+8–25+ cells collected at 5d after LPS injection had a greater sup-
from wild birds, which were determined to be AIV positive by real-time pressive potential in the 100 µg LPS group than CD4+8–25+ cells from
RT-PCR (rRT-PCR), but had high crossing point (Cp) values (>32). The the 0µg LPS group. At 5 d post LPS injection, CD4+8–25+ cells from
NVSL failed to isolate AIV from 2 of these samples, but instead they 100 µg LPS injection were suppressive at CD25+:T responder ratio of
reported the presence of APMV-1 and APMV-4. Results showed that 0.25:1, while those from 0 µg LPS injection were suppressive only at
AIV positive samples, with high Cp, had either AIV, APMV, or both. Treg:T responder ratio of 1:1, but not at 0.25:1. It could be concluded
The effect of egg passage on AIV detection by rRT-PCR had lowered that in vivo LPS treatment alters the suppressive properties of chicken
Cp, indicating that there was an increase in the detectable virus. When CD25+ cells.
there was a mixed infection, several dilutions and passages were needed
to separate the viruses. Moreover, the presence of APMVs may have Key Words: T regulatory, suppression, LPS
interfered with AIV detection, and thereby produced false positive AIV
rRT-PCR results.
Key Words: avian influenza virus, avian paramyxovirus, real-time
544 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
652 Expression profile of cytokines in cecal tonsils of broiler birds had significantly better feed conversion (1.859) and average live
chicks challenged with Clostridium perfringens. Y. O. Fasina*1, weight (1.985 kg) than non-vaccinated challenged (1.954 and 1.857 kg,
H. S. Lillehoj2, M. S. Park2, and D. E. Conner1, 1Auburn University, respectively). However, the gel sprayed birds had significantly lower
Auburn, AL, 2USDA-ARS-ANRI-APDL, Beltsville, MD. performance than the non-vaccinated non-challenged birds. Efficacy
of the gel spray vaccination was indicated by the reduction in lesion
Necrotic enteritis is an economically important enteric disease of poultry
scores and improvements in performance when compared with those
that is caused by Clostridium perfringens (CP). Understanding the role
of the non-vaccinated challenged control.
of cytokines in modulating intestinal innate immune response to CP
will facilitate the design of effective non-antibiotic control measures Key Words: coccidia, vaccine, chicken
such as vaccines. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect
of CP infection on the expression of selected T helper type 1 (Th1 -
inflammation-inducing) and T helper type 2 (Th2 - antibody-inducing) 654 A mixture of capsicum and turmeric oleoresins improve perfor-
cytokines in the cecal tonsils of broiler chicks. Chicks (400) obtained mance of vaccinated broilers challenged or not with coccidiosis. V.
from a commercial hatchery were randomly assigned to 4 treatments. Brito*1, C. Moynat2, A. Casarin3, M. Forat3, and D. Bravo2, 1Euronutec,
Treatment 1 (CX) consisted of chicks fed unmedicated corn-soybean Querétaro, Mexico, 2Pancosma, Geneva, Switzerland, 3Instituto Inter-
meal (SBM) diet. Treatment 2 (MX) consisted of chicks fed corn-SBM nacional de Investigacion Animal, Mexico.
basal into which bacitracin methylene disalicylate antibiotic was added Capsicum (CA) and turmeric (TU) positively impact innate immunity.
at 0.055g/kg. Treatments 3 (PCX) and 4 (PMX) consisted of chicks Their combination should improve performance of birds. Vaccines
fed diets similar to those given to CX and MX, respectively, and were induce acquired immunity and are efficient in case of challenge. So
additionally challenged with 3.5 mL of CP inoculum (108 CFU/mL) on d combining CA, TU and vaccination should improve performance of
14, 15, and 16 of experiment. At 1 and 7 d post-challenge, intestinal CP birds infected by Eimeria. The objective was to evaluate the effect
levels were estimated. Cecal tonsils were also collected and subjected to of a mixture of CA and TU oleoresins (PF = Proflora/XT 6986) on
quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) performance of vaccinated broilers challenged with coccidiosis, and
to determine the expression levels of cytokine genes. From results, PCX non-challenged non-vaccinated birds. One-day-old broilers were allot-
and PCM (3.04 to 3.68 log10 CFU/mL) had higher CP levels (P < 0.05) ted to the following treatments (48 birds × 10 cages/treatment), doses
compared with control CX and MX (1.12 to 1.70 log10 CFU/mL), thus in ppm, with Bacitracin (BA), Nicarbazin (NI), Salinomycin (SA).
confirming an established infection in PCX and PCM chicks. RT-PCR T1b and T1a acted as positive controls either challenged or not (T1a =
results showed upregulation of genes of several Th1/proinflammatory 125 NI + 55 BA from d1 to 28, 125 NI + 55 BA from d29 to 52; T1b =
cytokines (interleukin [IL]-1β, IL-12, and lipopolysaccharide-induced T1a + challenge to Eimeria spp. at d14). T2a tested the effect of PF on
TNF-associated factor], and to a lesser extent Th2 cytokines such as non vaccinated and non challenged birds (T2a = 50 PF from d1 to 42,
IL-13 in PCX and PCM (P < 0.05), compared with control CX and MX. 100 PF from d42 to 52). T2b tested the effect of PF on vaccinated and
There was no difference in anti-inflammatory IL-10 among treatments. It challenged birds (T2b = T2a + coccidiosis vaccine at d1 and challenge
was concluded that cytokine response to CP infection in the cecal tonsil to Eimeria sp. at d14). BW, BWG and FCR were recorded. Data were
is more of a Th1 type which promotes cell-mediated immunity. analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS. Pre-challenge, T2a and T2b
Key Words: Clostridium perfringens, cytokines, broiler chickens performed better (P < 0.01) than T1a and T1b for BWG (+8.2%), FCR
(−5.5%) and BW at d14 (+6.9%), showing the positive effect of stimu-
lating innate immunity on performance. T2a and T2b had similar (P >
653 Gel spray as a viable method to apply a coccidia vaccine to 0.1) BWG, FCR and BW, confirming that vaccination was not affecting
chickens. G. F. Mathis*1, E. H. Lee2, T. Cosstick2, and B. Lumpkins1, performance without challenge. After d14, T2a and T2b exhibited same
1Southern Poultry Research, Inc., Athens, GA, 2Vetech Laboratories, BWG, FCR and final BW (P > 0.7), as well as T1a and T1b (P > 0.5). This
Inc., Guelph, Ontario, Canada. demonstrated that PF with vaccination can maintain the performance
of challenged birds at the same level as non challenged birds. Finally,
On day of hatch, chicks are routinely administered uniformly low doses
BW in T2a and T2b was 3.7% higher than in T1a and T1b (P < 0.03),
of live coccidia oocysts to aid in the development of immunity against
suggesting that using PF during the whole growing period improved
coccidiosis. Two studies were conducted to examine the novel approach
final BW of birds.
of using a spray gel to orally deliver the oocysts to the chicks through
mutual preening. In both studies, chicks were vaccinated with Immu- Key Words: essential oils, coccidiosis, vaccination
cox, a coccidia vaccine. In study 1, on d 21 chicks were individually
weighed and challenged with field isolates of Eimeria (E. acervulina
(EA), E. maxima (EM), E. tenella (ET), or E. necatrix (EN)). Individual 655 Cinnamaldehyde and a blend of capsicum and turmeric
bird weights and coccidia lesion scores were recorded on d 26 (6 d post oleoresins improve performance of vaccinated broilers subject
challenge). EA, EM, ET, and EN lesion scores were significantly lower to coccidiosis. C. Moynat*1, V. Brito2, A. Casarin3, M. Forat3, and
(greater than 1.5 score reduction for each species) and weight gain D. Bravo1, 1Pancosma, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Euronutec, Queretaro,
during the challenge period was significantly better than non-vaccinated Mexico, 3Instituto Internacional de Investigacion Animal, Mexico.
challenged and equal to the non-vaccinated, non-challenged controls. Cinnamaldehyde (CI), capsicum (CA) and turmeric (TU) positively
Study 2 examined performance of non-vaccinated non-challenged, non- impact innate immunity. The combination of these 3 products should
vaccinated challenged and Gel sprayed challenged. To represent a natural positively affect immunity and improve performance of birds infected
coccidiosis challenge, on d 28 all birds in the challenge groups were by Eimeria. The objective was to evaluate the effect of a mixture of CA
orally dosed with a mixture of EA, EM, and ET. Feed conversion and and TU oleoresins (PF1 = Proflora / XT 6986) and a product with CI
weight gain were determined on d 21 and at market weight (d 42). On d (PF2 = Proflora Plus / XT 6987) on performance of vaccinated broilers
21, weight gain was not significantly different among treatments. There challenged with coccidiosis. Broilers vaccinated against coccidiosis at
was significantly higher feed conversion in the gel spray treatment birds d 1 were allotted to 5 treatments and challenged at d 14 with Eimeria
than the non-vaccinated treatment birds. On d 42, gel spray treatment sp. (40 birds * 12 cages/treatment). The treatments were set as follow,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 545
doses expressed in ppm, with Bacitracin (BA), Nicarbazin (NI), Sal- in young chicks. J. C. Rodriguez-Lecompte*1, J. Brady1, G. Camelo-
inomycin (SA): T1 = un-supplemented. For starter diet (d 1 to 14): T2 Jaimes2, S. Sharif3, G. Crow1, G. O. Ramirez-Yañez1, W. Guenter1,
= 55 BA; T3 = 100 PF1; T4 = 100 PF1 + 10 PF2; T5 = 10 PF2. For and J. D. House1, 1University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
grower diet (d 15 to 42): T2 = 55 BA + 50 NI + 30 SA; T3 = 100 PF1 Canada, 2ADYZYME, Bogota, Cundinamarca, Colombia, 3University
+ 50 NI + 30 SA; T4 = 100 PF1 + 5 PF2 + 30 SA; T5 = 100 PF1 + 10 of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
PF2 + 30 SA. For finisher diet (d 43 to 52): T2 = 55 BA + 50 NI + 30
The present study was conducted to characterize the effect of Lactobacil-
SA; T3 = 100 PF1 + 50 NI + 30 SA; T4 = 100 PF1 + 2.5 PF2 + 30 SA;
lus acidophilus, Streptococcus faecium, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
T5 = 100 PF1 + 5 PF2 + 30 SA. BW, BWG and FCR were recorded.
and organic acids (e.g., sorbic acid and citric acid) on intestinal morphol-
Data were analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS. Pre-challenge, there
ogy, immunological parameters, and nutritional associated-genes. One-
was no difference between treatments in BW, BWG, FCR (P > 0.1).
day old chicks were randomly allocated to one of 3 treatments: treatment
Post-challenge, FCR of T1 was deteriorated (+4.3%, P < 0.01) showing
1 (T1) consisting of chicks not receiving either probiotic or organic acids;
the positive impact of supplementations on vaccinated birds subject to
chicks in treatment 2 (T2) orally received probiotics and organic acids
coccidiosis. No difference between supplementations was observed for
for 7 consecutive d; and treatment 3 (T3) chicks receiving probiotics and
FCR (P > 0.1). Final BW of T1 was lower (P < 0.01) than T2 (−4.2%),
organic acids for 14 consecutive d. The study lasted 21 d. On d 11 and
T3 (−4.8%) and T4 (−16.4%), and tended to be lower than T5 (P =
21 (4 and 7 d after finishing T2 and T3 respectively), intestinal sections
0.08). A higher inclusion of PF2 post-challenge is not beneficial for the
from duodenum (distal), jejunum (proximal to Meckel’s diverticulum),
supplementation program. These results show that a mixture of CA and
ileum (proximal to ileo-cecal junction), and cecal tonsils were collected
TU oleoresins alone or combined with adequate doses of CI can be used
and analyzed by histology, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reac-
with vaccination to maintain broiler performance.
tion (RT-PCR), and quantitative RT-PCR. T2 and T3 decreased (P <
Key Words: essential oils, cocciodiosis, vaccination 0.05) villous height and width, crypt depth in the jejunum area during
the first 7 d. At d 21, T3 affected increasing crypt depth and the number
of goblet cells/mm2 in the jejunum and ileum area (P < 0.05). Regard-
656 Ileal and cecal microbial populations and coccidia infection less of the treatment at d 0, 11 and 21, there was only avian β-defensin
in broilers given probiotics and essential oil blends. M. E. Hume*1, (AvBD)3 mRNA expression in the crop, proventriculus, duodenum,
E. O. Oviedo-Rondón2, N. A. Barbosa2,3, N. K. Sakomura3, M. C. jejunum, ileum, cecal tonsil and bursa; however, cathelicidin B1 was
Jenkins4, and S. E. Dowd5, 1USDA, ARS, FFSRU, College Station, present in the bursa in all treatments after d 7. Interestingly, AvAng4 was
TX, 2Department of Poultry Science, North Carolina State Univer- not affected either by treatment or time. In the ileum area, only mRNA
sity, Raleigh, 3Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP-Jaboticabal, levels of interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-12 were affected by T2 and T3 at d
Brazil, 4Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory, USDA, ARS, Beltsville, 22 (P < 0.05). In cecal tonsils, IL-6 and IL-12 were affected by T2 and
MD, 5Research and Testing Laboratories, Medical Biofilm Research T3 at d 11 (P < 0.05); however, there was a significant downregulation
Institute, Lubbock, TX. of IL-12 and upregulation of interferon-γ at d 22 (P < 0.05). GHR and
A protective digestive microflora helps prevent and reduce broiler infec- GHSR mRNA expression was detected in all the groups at d 11 and d
tion and colonization by enteropathogens. Some feed additives (FA) 22. In conclusion, probiotic and organic acid effects on chick’s intestine
promote healthy and protective microbial populations (MP) and could include triggering sensor molecules of the innate immune system, which
be used as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters. In the current may produce antimicrobial proteins and peptides.
experiment, broilers fed corn-soybean meal diets with inclusion of 5% Key Words: probiotic, defensin, cytokines
DDGS and supplemented with essential oil (EO) blends and probiotics
were infected with mixed Eimeria spp. to determine effects of these
FA and Eimeria infection on ileal and cecal MP. The 8 treatments (Trt) 658 Probiotic, prebiotic and yeast supplementation in broiler
included 4 controls: Uninfected-Unmedicated (UU), Unmedicated- diets from 1 to 42 days of age: 2. Immune response and slaughter
Infected (UI), BMD+Coban as positive control (PC), and ionophore traits. H. M. Safaa*1, S. A. Riad1, F. R. Mohamed1, S. S. Siam2, and H.
(Coban) as negative control (NC). The 4 Trt included FA: 2 probiotics, A. El-Minshawy3, 1Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agricul-
BC30, and Calsporin; and 2 EO, Crina POULTRY Plus (CPP) and Crina ture, Cairo University, Giza 12613, Giza, Egypt, 2Breeding Department,
PoultryAF (CPF). Day-old male Ross broilers were raised to 14 d and Animal Production Research Institute, Dokki, Giza, Egypt, 3Ministry of
inoculated at 15 d with E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. tenella. Ileal Agriculture, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.
and cecal samples were collected at 14 and 22 d (7 d post-infection).
A total of 630 Arbor Acres broiler chicks at one-day old was used to
Digesta DNA was PCR-amplified at the 16S rDNA V3 region and ana-
study the effect of probiotic, prebiotic and/or yeast supplementation on
lyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to generate
the immune response and slaughter traits. Chicks were divided randomly
% similarity coefficients (%SC) on band pattern dendrograms. Coccidia
into 6 treatments and housed at deep litter in an open house system.
infection, probiotic, and EO changed MP from those seen in UU ilea.
The 6 treatments, each replicated 3 times (35 chicks/replicate), were
Treatment with CPF greatly altered cecal MP. UU ilea MP had about
as follows: T1 (control; chicks fed corn-soy basal diet), and the other
60%SC to those in other treatment groups. While CPF cecal MP at
treatments diets were supplemented with 1g probiotic/kg diet as Lacto-
pre-challenge had 77.7%SC with other groups, there was a decreased
bacillus acidophilus (T2), 1g yeast/kg diet as Saccharomyces cerevisiae
to 54%SC at post-challenge. There were expected changes in pre- and
(5x1012 CFU/g; T3), 1g prebiotic/kg diet as mannan-oligosaccharide
post-challenge ileal and cecal MP, respectively, with CPF having the
(T4), 1g probiotic+1g prebiotic/kg diet (T5), or 1g yeast+1g prebiotic/
greatest treatment effect on digestive MP.
kg diet (T6). Basal diet contained 23.1% CP and 3,103 kcal AME/kg for
Key Words: coccidia, probiotic, essential oil the starter diet (0–21 d) and 20.0% CP and 3,207 kcal AME/kg for the
finisher diet (21–42 d). Results indicated that, all biological additives
increased the total count of white blood cells, the antibody titer against
657 Effect of microbial-nutrition interaction on chicken immune sheep red blood cells and the relative weights of immune organs (bursa,
system after the early administration of probiotic with organic acids spleen and thymus) at 42 d. However, heterophils/lymphocytes ratio was
546 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
not affected by any treatment. In addition, carcass, giblets and edible the biological additives to broiler diet from 0 to 42 d of age as mentioned
relative weights at 42 d of age were improved by using the biological above because it improves the broiler immunity and slaughter traits.
feed additives. For all traits, the best values were obtained in T6 fol-
Key Words: probiotic, prebiotic, yeast, broiler immune response,
lowed by T5. It could be recommended from this study to supplement
slaughter traits
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 547
Graduate Student Paper Competition: National ADSA Production PhD Oral
659 Forage concentration and dried distillers grains with solubles PMNL whereas 50 μg/mL of LPS enhanced intracellular ROS in
in diets for lactating dairy cows. S. D. Ranathunga*, K. F. Kalscheur, non-stimulated and stimulated PMNL by 184 and 145%, respectively.
A. R. Hippen, and D. J. Schingoethe, South Dakota State University, Non-stimulated PMNL incubated with 25 and 50 μg/mL of LPS both
Brookings. had a 105% increase in NETs. LPS had no effect on subsequent PMNL
chemotaxis or killing of S. aureus. To examine the effect of LPS on the
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of concentra-
expression of genes involved in PMNL function, mRNA was purified
tions of forages and dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) on
from PMNL isolated from midlactation (143 ± 5.6 d postpartum; n =
production of lactating dairy cows. Twelve Holstein cows were assigned
5) and early lactation cows (7 ± 0 d postpartum; n = 5), after a 120-min
randomly to replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares in a 2 × 2 factorial arrange-
incubation with 0 or 50 μg/mL of LPS. Amounts of interleukin-8 (IL-8),
ment of treatments. Diets were formulated containing low forage (LF;
tumor necrosis-α (TNF-α), bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein
41% of diet DM) or high forage (HF; 60% of diet DM) and DDGS at
(BPI), myeloperoxidase (MPO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), cytosolic
0 or 18% of diet DM. Forage consisted of 80% corn silage and 20%
NADPH oxidase (p67-phox), flavocytochrome b (p22-phox), histone
alfalfa hay (DM basis). Ground corn and soybean feeds were partially
H2A.1 (H2A.1) and histone H2B-like (H2B) mRNA were determined
replaced by DDGS from 0% DDGS diets to formulate 18% DDGS diets.
by real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR. LPS increased IL-8,
Average DMI was not affected by diets (Table 1). Milk yield was greater
TNF-α and SOD mRNA expression in PMNL isolated from all cows
when cows were fed LF compared with HF regardless of the addition
(7.9, 21.5 and 2.1 fold change relative to β-actin, respectively) whereas
of DDGS (43.3 vs. 41.5 kg/d). Milk fat concentration (3.03 vs. 3.38%)
only PMNL collected from midlactation cows had higher p67-phox and
were lesser for cows fed LF compared with HF, whereas protein con-
flavocytochrome mRNA expression when incubated with LPS (2.10 and
centration (3.11 vs. 2.98%) and yield (1.34 vs. 1.24 kg/d) were greater
2.06 fold change relative to β-actin, respectively). LPS had no effect on
for cows fed LF compared with HF. Yields of fat, total solids (TS), and
MPO, H2A.1 and H2B mRNA levels. These results suggest that LPS
4% fat-corrected milk (FCM) were not affected by diets. Cows fed HF
primes the neutrophils toward enhanced immunity by increasing the
had greater feed efficiency FCM/DMI) compared with cows fed LF (1.50
generation of ROS and expression of NETs along with elevated expres-
vs. 1.43). Overall, there were no interactions of forage and DDGS for
sion of genes encoding inflammatory mediators and enzymes involved
any of the measures. Results suggest that the concentration of forage in
in the production of ROS.
diets influences the performance of cows, but not the addition of DDGS.
Consequently, partially replacing starch from ground corn and protein Key Words: neutrophils, lipopolysaccharide, reactive oxygen species
from soybean feeds with DDGS at either 41 or 60% of forage in the diet
did not affect the production of lactating dairy cows.
Table 1. 661 Expression analysis of genes of sialic acid metabolism in tran-
sition and late lactation Holstein cows using microarrays and RNA
Low forage High forage
sequencing. S. Wickramasinghe*, S. Hua, G. Rincon, A. Islas-Trejo,
Item 0DDGS 18DDGS 0DDGS 18DDGS SE Pa C. B. Lebrilla, and J. F. Medrano, University of California, Davis.
DMI, kg/d 25.6 26.1 25.1 25.1 0.56 NS
Milk, kg/d 42.8 43.7 41.7 41.2 1.31 F
Recent studies on sialylated milk oligosaccharides demonstrated ben-
eficial effects to the suckling neonate. However, the concentrations of
Fat, % 3.07 2.99 3.42 3.34 0.25 F
sialylated oligosaccharides are low in cow milk and it is important to
Protein, % 3.09 3.13 3.00 2.96 0.05 F identify a genetic strategy to optimize the content of sialylated oligo-
Fat, kg/d 1.30 1.30 1.43 1.37 0.08 NS saccharides because cow milk based formula is the first choice as a
Protein, kg/d 1.32 1.36 1.25 1.22 0.04 F substitute for human breast milk. The objective of this project was to
TS, kg/d 5.17 5.26 5.12 4.96 0.15 NS identify and characterize the genes involved in sialic acid (Sia) meta-
4% FCM, kg/d 36.6 37.0 38.1 37.0 1.32 NS bolic pathways in milk in transition and late lactation cows. Expression
FCM/DMI 1.43 1.42 1.52 1.48 0.04 F analysis of genes in Sia metabolism was conducted by microarrays and
RNA-sequencing (RNaseq) in milk cell samples collected from Holstein
F = Forage effect (P < 0.05); NS = No significant effect of forage, DDGS cows. Gene expression results from microarrays and RNaseq were in
levels, and forage*DDGS interaction.
good agreement. However, RNaseq offered a larger dynamic range and
Key Words: distillers grains, starch, forage provided a detailed characterization of genes by identifying alternative
splice forms and abundant single nucleotide polymorphisms. Twenty
genes in Sia metabolic pathway had low or medium levels of expres-
660 In vitro effects of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide on sion in milk and were categorized as genes involved in Sia synthesis,
the function and gene expression of neutrophils isolated from the conjugation, transport and breakdown. Eighteen genes showed increased
blood of dairy cows. X. S. Revelo* and M. R. Waldron, University levels of expression in late lactation. ST8SIA1 which regulates synthe-
of Missouri, Columbia. sis of GD3, the most abundant ganglioside in early lactation showed
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Escherichia a higher expression in transition milk, and ST35Gal5 that regulates
coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the function and gene expression synthesis of GM3, a prominent ganglioside in late lactation, had high
of bovine neutrophils (PMNL). PMNL from midlactation cows (161 expression in late lactation milk. Among the genes in conjugation, α-2,3-
± 15 d postpartum; n = 7) were incubated with 0, 1, 25 and 50 μg/ sialyltransferases showed higher levels of expression at the 2 stages of
mL of LPS for 120 min and the generation of reactive oxygen species lactation than α-2,6-sialyltransferases, that is characteristically more
(ROS), PMNL extracellular traps (NETs), chemotaxis and killing of active in human milk. Sialidases and Sia transporters showed a higher
Staphylococcus aureus were determined. Incubation with 25 μg/mL of activity in late lactation milk indicating an increase in synthesis and
LPS increased intracellular ROS by 79% in non-mitogen-stimulated breakdown of sialylconjugates in late lactation. These findings agree
with published research on bovine milk oligosaccharide profiles and
548 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
variation in type and amount of sialylconjugates, and provide a detailed 56 d of age at enrollment and were re-weighed at 98, 180, 271 and 381
characterization of the expression of genes determining oligosaccharide d of age. The effect of BRD and experimental treatment on the ADG of
content in cow′ milk. calves that were retained in the herd (n = 1,271) was evaluated between
each time period using a mixed model, controlling for source farm and
Key Words: milk, sialic acid, gene expression
enrollment cohort. Between 56 and 98 days of age, TUL calves had
an ADG of 0.90 ± 0.02 kg/day compared to TET calves with an ADG
662 Incidence and risk factors of bovine respiratory disease in of 0.82 ± 0.02 kg/day (P < 0.001). After 98 days of age, there was no
dairy heifer calves in Ontario and Minnesota. C. Windeyer*1, S. difference in ADG. However, the initial advantage in ADG resulted in
J. LeBlanc1, K. D. Lissemore1, D. C. Hodgins1, S. M. Godden2, and K. TUL calves weighing 3.7 kg more than TET calves at 180 days (P <
E. Leslie1, 1University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 2University of 0.05). Calves with BRD in the 60 days following enrollment gained
Minnesota, St Paul. 0.15 ± 0.02, 0.06 ± 0.01 and 0.03 ± 0.01 kg/day less than non-BRD
calves between 56 and 98, 98 and 180, and 180 and 270 days of age,
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) during calfhood has substantial respectively. BRD did not have a significant effect on ADG after 270
impacts on the growth, survival and profitability of replacement heif- days of age. At 381days of age BRD calves weighed 18kg less than
ers. One objective of this study was to evaluate risk factors for BRD non-BRD calves (P < 0.001).
in dairy heifers until 4 mo of age. A total of 2882 heifer calves from In this population of calves, who remained in the herd for over a
15 herds in Ontario and 4 herds in Minnesota were examined at 1–7, year, BRD in the 60 days following first movement to group housing
15–21, 35–42, and 84–112 d of age. Height, weight and body tempera- continued to affect the ADG until 9 months of age.
ture were measured and health scores assigned using a standardized
system. Serum total protein was assessed to evaluate passive transfer,
with values less 5.2 g/dL considered failure of passive transfer (FPT). Key Words: respiratory disease, dairy heifers, tulathromycin
Farm personnel maintained birth, treatment and death records. Mortality
was 2.9% overall (4.4% in Ontario and 1.5% in Minnesota) with herd
664 Effects of glucose and essential amino acids on phosphory-
mortality risk ranging from 0 to 9.5%. FPT occurred in 11.3% of calves,
lation of signaling proteins for protein synthesis in bovine mam-
but varied by farm (0 to 53.5%). In Ontario, 19.1% of calves had FPT
mary epithelial cells. J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy*1, J. Escobar2, and
compared with 4.1% of calves from the herds in Minnesota. Overall,
M. D. Hanigan1, 1Department of Dairy Science, Virginia Polytechnic
19.4% of calves were treated for BRD (range: 0 to 36.7%). Mean age
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 2Department of Animal and
at first diagnosis was 33 d. Similar proportions of calves were treated
Poultry Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
for BRD in Ontario (21.9%) and Minnesota (17.1%). Significant risk
factors as determined by a generalized linear mixed model for BRD
were FPT, season of birth and assistance at calving, controlling for Protein synthesis responds to nutrient signals such as amino acids and
clustering by farm. Calves with FPT had 1.9 times (CI: 1.4–2.7) the energy supply which involve AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK),
odds of BRD compared with calves with successful passive transfer. tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2), mammalian target of rapamycine
Odds ratios of BRD for calves born in winter versus fall and summer, (mTOR), ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6), and eukaryotic elongation factor
and spring versus summer were 2.1 (CI: 1.2–3.5), 2.7 (CI: 1.7–4.2), 2.1 2 (eEF2). Increasing phosphorylation (PhS) of AMPK, TSC2, and eEF2
(CI: 1.5–3.0), respectively. Assistance at calving increased a calf’s odds impair protein synthesis while increasing PhS of mTOR and rpS6 stimu-
of BRD 1.6 times (CI: 1.0–2.7). FPT, season of birth and assistance at late it. Our objective was to investigate the individual and interactive
calving significantly affect the odds of BRD. The age of onset of BRD effects of essential amino acids (EAA) and glucose on PhS of AMPK,
may be earlier than traditionally expected. The variation by farm in FPT, TSC2, eEF2, mTOR and rpS6 in MAC-T cells. Cells were deprived of
incidence of BRD and mortality warrants further investigation. serum, EAA, and glucose overnight and then incubated in complete or
EAA-deprived DMEM/F12 with and without glucose (3.51 g/L) in a
Key Words: calf, respiratory disease, passive transfer
2 × 2 factorial design for 1 h. Cell lysates were subjected to Western
immunoblotting with antibodies against total and phosphorylated mTOR
663 Effect of antibiotic treatment at post-weaning movement (Ser2448), rpS6 (Ser235/236), eEF2 (Thr56), AMPK (Thr172), and
and BRD on growth at multiple time points in commercial dairy TSC2 (Thr1462). The PhS of each signaling protein was determined as a
calves. A. L. Stanton*1, S. J. LeBlanc1, D. Kelton1, S. T. Millman2, J. ratio of the phosphorylated to total forms. Glucose and EAA deprivations
Wormuth3, and K. E. Leslie1, 1University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, increased (P < 0.10) PhS of TSC2 (47 and 85%) and AMPK (29 and
Canada, 2Iowa State University, Ames, 3CY Heifer Farm, Elba, NY. 28%), and reduced (P < 0.01) PhS of rpS6 (31 and 58%). Deprivation
of EAA alone reduced (P = 0.02) PhS of mTOR by 31% and increased
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is common following weaning and (P = 0.01) PhS of eEF2 by 20%. Interactive effects between glucose and
movement of calves from individual to group housing. The objective EAA for PhS of AMPK, TSC2, and eEF2 were significant (P < 0.06)
was to evaluate the effects of single injection of tulathromycin admin- but that for mTOR and rpS6 were non-significant (P > 0.51). Glucose
istered at post-weaning grouping of calves, and the effect of BRD in and EAA availability appear to synergistically modulate PhS of AMPK,
the 60 d following grouping on the growth of dairy calves at multiple TSC2 and eEF2. Regulation of rpS6 by EAA appears to be mediated by
time points. The study was conducted at a custom heifer raising facility mTOR (Ser2448), but regulation by glucose occurred through an alter-
in New York State. 1,367 weaned dairy calves were randomly assigned native mechanism in MAC-T cells. The effects of EAA on mTOR and
to receive either tulathromycin (TUL) or oxytetracycline (TET), once rpS6 and the effects of glucose on rpS6 are supportive of independent
at the time of first movement to group housing. The incidence of BRD effects of energy and EAA on protein synthesis.
was 8% and 13% in the TUL and TET groups. A total of 248 heifers
were identified and treated for BRD in the 60 d following movement. Key Words: energy, amino acid, cellular signal
Post-weaning BRD events were recorded by trained barn staff. Weights
and heights were measured at strategic points throughout the growing
period based on movement through the facility. On average, calves were
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 549
665 Prevention of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis 666 Effects of varying DCAD and Na:K on production, rumen
(MAP) infection in Balb/c mice by feeding probiotic Lactobacillus and urine parameters in lactating dairy cows. K. E. Cowles* and
acidophilus NP-51. M. A. Osman*1, J. R. Stabel2, J. M. Hostetter3, M. R. Murphy, University of Illinois, Urbana.
D. S Nettleton4, and D. C. Beitz1,5, 1Department of Animal Science,
Six multiparous Holstein cows, fitted with rumen cannulas, averaging
Iowa State University, Ames, 2US Department of Agriculture, ARS,
122 ± 31 d in milk were randomly assigned to 6 treatments allocated in
National Animal Disease Center, Ames, IA, 3Department of Veterinary
an equiradial (pentagonal) second-order response surface design with
Pathology, Iowa State University, Ames, 4Department of Statistics, Iowa
a center point to examine the effects of dietary cation-anion difference
State University, Ames, 5Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and
(DCAD) and Na:K on lactating dairy cows. Replication of treatments
Molecular Biology, Iowa State University, Ames.
within a 6 × 6 Latin square minimized the potential effects of outliers
The objective of this study was to examine effects of feeding Lactoba- and allowed a surface covering a 3 × 3 matrix of DCAD and Na:K com-
cillus acidophilus strain NP51 to mice challenged with Mycobacterium binations to be examined. Ranges in DCAD and Na:K were chosen to be
avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of Johne’s equally spaced on logarithmic scales; tripling each time from 0.25 for the
disease. We hypothesized that feeding NP51 would increase Th-1 former, and 1.5-fold each time from 25 mEq/100 g DM for the latter. The
responses and decrease progression of MAP infection in mice. Thus, response surface was centered on a molar Na:K of 0.75 (0.60% Na and
Balb/c mice were randomized to treatment groups in a factorial design 1.37% K in DM) and a DCAD of 37.5 mEq/100 g of DM. The other 5
including mice either fed heat-killed or viable NP51and challenged treatments were: 1.63, 50.0 (Na:K, DCAD); 0.46, 53.8; 0.25, 35.2; 0.63,
with either heat-killed or viable MAP. Mice were fed 1 × 106 CFU of 25.1; and 2.00, 31.2. Percentages of Na and K in DM of the TMR for
either heat-killed or viable NP51∙mice-1∙day-1 along with normal mouse vertices of the pentagon were calculated as 1.05, 1.10; 0.56, 2.08; 0.27,
chow until the end of the study. On d 45, mice were challenged with 1.84; 0.44, 1.17; and 0.84, 0.72. Diets were based on corn silage and
1 × 108 CFU of heat-killed or viable MAP injected intraperitoneally. corn-based grain mix. The Na:K ratios were varied with NaHCO3 and
Ten mice from each group were killed on d 45, 90, 135, and 180. At K2CO3. Periods were 14 d. Daily feed intake of each cow was recorded
each sampling period, tissues were excised from mice and cultured for during each period; samples of feed and orts were collected daily. Milk
MAP. Splenocytes were cultured in vitro with either MAP antigen or production was measured daily; samples were collected weekly and
concanavalin A and examined for proliferation of T cells subpopulations. analyzed for components. Rumen and urine samples were collected and
Overall, feeding NP51 to mice (either heat-killed or viable) significantly analyzed for pH on the last 3 d of each period. The MIXED procedure
increased the frequency of CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in spleens of mice of SAS was used for ANOVA. There were no response surface effects
infected with viable MAP. Most importantly, MAP burden was decreased of treatment on milk production and components, and DMI (P < 0.05).
in the mesenteric lymph nodes, livers, and spleens of mice fed the NP51 A linear relationship (r2 = 0.15, P < 0.022) between mean rumen pH
compared with the MAP-infected controls on d 135. These results sug- and mean urine was found. A quadratic effect of Na:K (P < 0.01) and
gest that feeding NP51 modifies the immune responses and prevents interaction of DCAD (P < 0.003) indicated that urine pH was maximal
progression of MAP infection in Balb/c in mice. (8.24 or above) at high DCAD and low Na:K. Linear (P < 0.05) and
quadratic effects (P < 0.05) of DCAD on rumen pH were indicated. In
Supported in part by the Nutrition Physiology Corp. conclusion, relationships exist among rumen pH and urine pH. Urine
pH was maximized when diets had high DCAD and low Na:K. Rumen
Key Words: MAP, Johne’s disease, Lactobacillus acidophilus
pH responded quadratically to DCAD.
Key Words: DCAD, rumen pH, urine pH
550 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: DDGS
667 Increased AME and growth performance in broiler chicks 80% (20 min) and 79% (40 min). The effect of 20-min treatment of
fed a high DDGS diet supplemented with a mixture of NSPase. H. DDGS was significant for 11 out of 17 AA studied (P < 0.001). It was
B. Lee*, K. L. Price, M. D. Utt, and J. Escobar, Virginia Polytechnic concluded that extreme conditions in feed conditioning will reduce AA
Institute and State University, Blacksburg. digestibility greatly. The magnitude of the effect depends on the origin
of the protein in the diet.
High-fiber content of distillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS) is
partially responsible for its low ME, which may be increased with Key Words: amino acid digestibility, broiler, heat treatment
dietary inclusion of non-starch polysaccharidase (NSPase). Broiler
chicks (7-d-old, 6 chicks/pen, 6–7 pens/diet) were randomly allotted to
4 treatments with free access to feed and water. Corn and DDGS (20%) 669 High dietary inclusion of dried distillers grains with solubles
diets were supplemented or not with a proprietary mixture of NSPase. in broiler chick rations in combination with AllzymeSSF enzyme—
DDGS diets were formulated to be deficient only in ME (90% of corn Effects on yield and endogenous enzyme levels. M. K. Masa’deh*1,
diets). In wk 2, average weekly weight gain (AWG), gain:feed, and C. A. Fassbinder-Orth2, and S. E. Scheideler1, 1University of Nebraska-
apparent ME (AME) of the chicks receiving corn diets were higher (P Lincoln, Lincoln, 2Creighton University, Omaha, NE.
< 0.001) than DDGS diets. DDGS+NSPase increased (P < 0.08) AME A study was conducted to test the effects of feeding high levels of dried
by 9.4% but had no effect on AWG. In wk 3, AWG and gain:feed were distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in combination with AllzymeSSF
higher (P < 0.001) in chicks receiving corn diets compared with DDGS enzyme on production parameters and endogenous enzyme activity in
diets. NSPase inclusion improved (P < 0.04) AWG in both corn (312 broiler chicks. 480 d-old broiler chicks were divided into 8 diets (15
vs. 338 g) and DDGS (262 vs. 283 g) diets. DDGS+NSPase increased chicks per pen) with 4 replicate pens from day-old to 43 d. Chicks
(P < 0.007) AME by 11.7%, which made this diet comparable in energy were fed 4 DDGS levels (0, 10.0, 20.0, or 30.0%) and 2 levels of the
to both corn diets. However, AWG of chicks fed DDGS+NSPase was enzyme AllzymeSSF (0, or 0.02%) having activities of phytase, pro-
lower (P < 0.005) than chicks eating the corn diets, regardless of NSPase tease, pentosanase, pectinase, cellulase, beta-glucanase, and amylase
inclusion. The main effect of NSPase inclusion during the 2-wk assay in 4 × 2 factorial design. All diets were formulated to be isocaloric and
was an increase in standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of all amino isonitrogenous with the enzyme treatments replacing 75 kcal/kg ME,
acids (P < 0.003). Overall energy restriction reduced SID of Pro, Leu, 0.1% Ca, and 0.1 P. All diets were fed a phase-feeding program, starter
Phe, and Ala (P < 0.05). Regardless of diet, age increased (P < 0.05) (0–15 d), grower (15–30 d), and finisher (30–43 d). At 43 d, 2 birds
amino acid SID except for Ser, His, Thr, Val, and Ala. Results indicate per pen were selected for yield %, parts yields and enzyme activities
the ability of a mixture of NSPase to increase AME of ME-deficient of amylase, maltase, aminopeptidase, trypsin and chymotrypsin from
diets containing 20% DDGS. Further, a lag in AWG response at equal intestinal and pancreatic tissues. The dietary enzyme by DDGS interac-
AME suggests a metabolic adaptation in birds to the use the reducing tion was not different (P > 0.05) for production parameters, mortality,
sugars freed by NSPase for growth. yield % and tissue enzyme activities. Percent carcass yield (P > 0.05)
Key Words: non-starch polysaccharidase, apparent metabolizabe was no different between treatments. Parts yield were not affected (P >
energy, amino acid standardized ileal digestibility 0.05) by dietary treatments except for breast yield as a % of carcass wt
(P < 0.05) with the highest yield for broiler fed 10% DDGS. Endogenous
enzyme activity levels in the intestine and pancreas were not different (P
668 Effects of heat treating soybean meal and DDGS on ileal amino > 0.05) between DDGS levels. However, AllzymeSSF enzyme increased
acid digestibility in broilers. A. Helmbrecht*1, H. Kluth2, A. Lemme1, endogenous amylase activity (P < 0.1) in the enzyme treatments com-
M. S. Redshaw1, and M. Rodehutscord3, 1Evonik Degussa GmbH, pared with non-enzyme treatment. In summary, feeding DDGS at higher
Hanau, Germany, 2University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle-Wittenberg, levels, up to 30% in combination with AllzymeSSF enzyme, did not
Germany, 3University Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. negatively affect production parameters or % yield compared with the
basal diet. Exogenous enzyme supplementation appears to positively
The objective was to study effects of extreme feed conditioning on influence endogenous enzyme activity. Feeding DDGS at 30% had
ileal amino acid (AA) digestibility of protein sources in broilers. Soy- an economical benefit on average of $60/ton compare with the basal
bean meal (SBM) and corn DDGS were subjected to heat (135°C) in diet (0% DDGS). In addition, feeding the AllzymeSSF enzyme has an
combination with steam in an autoclave system for 20 or 40 min. Each economical benefit of $14/ton.
of the untreated and treated ingredients was included at 0, 10 or 20%
into a basal diet at the expense of corn starch. Ileal AA digestibility Key Words: DDGS, AllzymeSSF, amylase
both of SBM and of DDGS were finally calculated by linear regression
analysis resulting in digestibility coefficients which are independent
of endogenous losses. Ileal AA digestibility was studied in 2 experi- 670 Effect of exogenous enzyme supplementation on performance
ments utilizing 3-week-old broilers and using TiO2 as the indigestible and carcass characteristics of broilers fed distillers dried grains with
marker. Each dietary treatment was allocated to 6 pens of 10 birds each. solubles (DDGS). B. Jung*1, A. B. Batal1, and R. Mitchell2, 1University
Feeds and water were offered for ad libitum intake for 5 d. For SBM, of Georgia, Athens, 2Perdue Farms, Inc., Salisbury, MD.
the 20-min heat treatment caused a significant reduction in digest- An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of supplementing
ibility of all AA, and the 40-min treatment caused a further significant with exogenous enzymes on performance, gastrointestinal tract weights
reduction in digestibility for 6 out of 17 AA studied (P < 0.001). Mean and carcass characteristics of broilers fed diets containing distillers dried
digestibility of Arg, His, Ile, Leu, Lys, Met, Phe, Thr, Trp and Val wa grains with soluble (DDGS). In a 3 × 2 factorial design 1,920 one-day-old
reduced from 82% (control) to 68% (20 min) and 62% (40 min). For male Heritage broilers were randomly assigned to the 6 dietary treat-
DDGS the treatment effects were not as great as for SBM. However, ments; Corn-soybean meal (SBM), Corn-SBM + Hemicell, Corn-SBM +
the mean digestibility of the aforementioned AA was 85% (control), Avizyme 1510, 12% DDGS, 12% DDGS+ Hemicell, and 12% DDGS+
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 551
Avizyme 1510. Eight replicate pens containing 40 chicks were fed each The effects of diets containing 15 or 23% distillers dried grains with
experimental diet from 0 to 50 d of age. The diets were formulated to solubles (DDGS) with and without a naturally occurring enzyme com-
be isocaloric and isonitrogenous and to meet the bird′s digestible amino plex (Allzyme SSF, Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY) on performance and
acid requirements. Performance was evaluated at 14, 21, 36 and 50 d egg quality of laying hens was evaluated during 36 weeks of production.
of age, gastrointestinal tract weights were measured at 21 and 50 d of At 17 weeks of age, 420 Hy-Line W-36 hens were randomly assigned to 5
age, and carcass characteristics were measured at 51 d of age. From 0 treatments with 7 replicate groups of 12 hens each. Treatments consisted
to 36 d of age the inclusion of 12% DDGS in the diets decreased (P < of feeding the following diets: 1) positive control (corn-soybean meal),
0.05) BW gain and feed efficiency (gain: feed). The supplementation of 2) 15% DDGS, 3) 15% DDGS + enzymes, 4) 23% DDGS, and 5) 23%
enzymes (Hemicell and Avyzime) to the corn-SBM and 12% DDGS diets DDGS + enzymes. Diets containing DDGS had reduced levels of ME
increased (P < 0.05) BW gain and feed efficiency. The birds fed the diets (2800 vs. 2877 Kcal/kg), Ca (4.1 vs. 4.2%) and available P (0.17% for
with DDGS had significant heavier (P < 0.05) relative proventriculus 15% DDGS or 0.2% for 23% DDGS vs. 0.29%), compared with the
and small intestinal weights, but the supplementation with enzymes did control diet. Six eggs were randomly collected from each replicate every
not affect the relative gastrointestinal tract weights at 21 d of age. There 4 weeks to determine egg quality. Feed intake was significantly (P <
was no interaction between DDGS and enzymes on performance and 0.05) decreased by DDGS during wk 9–12, 17–20 and 25–28. During
gastrointestinal tract weights. The carcass data are being conducted. the 36 weeks of production Allzyme SSF reduced feed intake by 2.6
Careful consideration should be given when 12% DDGS is fed to broil- g/hen/d. Hen-day production was lower for DDGS + enzymes during
ers due to negative effects on performance and the addition of enzymes wk 29–32. There was no effect of treatments on feed efficiency. Egg
to the DDGS diets may overcome this negative effect. weight at wk 8, 12, 16 and 20 and shell weight at wk 12 were decreased
by 23% DDGS. The diet with 15% DDGS + enzymes increased yolk
Key Words: distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), broilers,
weight at wk 12 and 16 and % yolk at wk 16. Albumen weight was
significantly increased by 15% DDGS at wk 8 and 16. Hens fed 15 or
23% DDGS +/− enzymes, had lower yolk lightness (L*) vs. hens fed
671 Effects of varying levels of DDGS on broiler growth and intes- the control diet. Hens fed 23% DDGS had higher yolk redness (a*) and
tinal content characteristics at 28 days post-hatch. R. E. Loar II*, yellowness (b*) values vs. hens fed 15% DDGS or the control diet, indi-
J. R. Donaldson, and A. Corzo, Mississippi State University, MS. cating a darker yolk color. The current study suggests that DDGS can
be included in the diet up to 23% with minimal effects on performance
A study comprised as a factorial arrangement of treatments consisted and egg quality and can be used to improve yolk color. Using Allzyme
of a starter (0 vs. 8%) and grower (0, 7.5, 15, 22.5, 30%) feed phases SSF in DDGS diets with lower nutrient density can reduce feed intake.
with various DDGS inclusion levels that served as the factors evalu- Feeding diets with 15% DDGS plus Allzyme SSF increased yolk weight
ated. 1,350 Ross × Ross 708 male chicks were placed in floor pens (15 and percent yolk.
birds/pen) and randomly assigned to a starter phase diet from placement
until 14 d of age, and subsequently a grower phase diet (14–28 d). Birds Key Words: DDGS, yolk color, egg quality
were collectively weighed at d 0, 14 and 28 d. Feed consumption and
mortality were monitored throughout the study. At the conclusion of
673 Effects of high concentrations of distillers dried grains with
the grower phase, the cecal contents from one randomly selected bird
solubles on long-term laying hen performance. J. Green*, D. U.
were analyzed for Clostridium perfringens and Escherichia coli growth
Ahn, and M. E. Persia, Iowa State University, Ames.
through both selective media and real-time PCR. Two additional birds
were randomly selected from each pen, their liver weights determined, A 28-week study was conducted with 240 Hy-Line W-36 laying hens
and their ileal contents measured for viscosity. Our results indicated that to investigate the effects of long-term feeding of high concentrations
DDGS levels had no effects during the starter phase. Birds exhibited of corn distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) on hen performance
a linear decrease in BW gain (P < 0.0001) and liver relative weight (P (egg production, feed intake). The experimental treatments consisted of
< 0.0004) as dietary DDGS were increased in the grower phase. Feed 10 replicate groups of 6 hens housed in 2 hens per cage in 3 consecutive
conversion and mortality were unaffected by DDGS grower phase level. cages. The 4 dietary treatments consisted of increasing percentage of
A DDGS starter × grower phase interaction (P < 0.05) was observed DDGS (0, 17%, 35%, and 50%) formulated into a corn-soybean meal
for feed consumption during the grower phase, where birds that con- (SBM) based diet. The DDGS were obtained from a local ethanol plant
sumed no DDGS during the starter phase exhibited a decrease in feed and all diets were formulated to be isocaloric and to meet or exceed
consumption at 22.5 and 30%, while birds that received 8% DDGS industry based nutrient requirements. Crude protein content of the
during the starter phase were unaffected by DDGS during the grower diets was allowed to increase with increasing dietary concentrations
phase. Broilers were unaffected by DDGS grower phase levels for ileal of DDGS. Hens were secured from a local commercial facility at 72
viscosity, and cecal C. perfringens and E. coli concentrations. Results weeks of age after having gone through a molt period. Hens were started
from this study suggest that young broilers remain susceptible to high on 12 h of light with a half-hour increase weekly until hens reached
levels of DDGS inclusion during the 14 to 28 d feeding period. 16 h of light daily. Hens were fed corn-SBM diets for 2 weeks before
being stair-stepped up to 50% DDGS diets after a 2-week adjustment
Key Words: DDGS, broiler, PCR
period to higher DDGS diets. Egg production and mortality data were
collected and recorded daily, feed intake and egg production were
672 Effect of distillers dried grains with solubles and enzyme analyzed weekly, while body weight gain was determined monthly.
supplementation on production performance and egg quality of After 24 of 28 weeks on the 0, 17, 35 and 50% DDGS diets, total egg
laying hens through 36 weeks of egg production. P. Rossi*, A. J. production was 89.2, 84.0, 86.8 and 63.5%, respectively. Feed intake
Pescatore, A. H. Cantor, J. L. Pierce, T. Ao, L. M. Macalintal, M. J. for this period mirrored egg production at 104.1, 101.7, 105.4, and 91.6
Ford, W. D. King, and H. D. Gillespie, Alltech-University of Kentucky g of feed intake per hen per day for the 0, 17, 35 and 50% DDGS diets,
Nutrition Research Alliance, Lexington respectively. The reduction in feed intake and egg production with the
50% DDGS diet is most likely due to a methionine deficiency. Longer
552 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
term laying hen performance is possible with diets formulated to contain ments (P < 0.02). Extruding the DDGS did not affect ADG or G:F (P
higher concentrations of dietary DDGS, but care must be taken to ensure > 0.11) and there were no differences in growth performance among
adequate amino acid utilization when including this highly variable feed pigs fed the DDGS extruded with low- vs. high shear (P > 0.2). Overall,
ingredient into laying hen diets. ADG was 526, 507, 472, and 493 g/d, ADFI was 784, 741, 682, and
707 g/d, and G:F was 671, 684, 692, and 697 g/kg. Our results indicate
Key Words: laying hen, DDGS, egg production
that feeding nursery pigs diets with 30% DDGS decreased ADG and
ADFI with no affect on G:F. Extruding the DDGS did not ameliorate
674 Effects of high concentrations of dried distillers grains with this loss in performance in nursery pigs.
solubles on intestinal structure and nutrient and endotoxin transport Key Words: nursery pigs, DDGS, extrusion
of laying hens. K Gudenkauf*, M Jeffrey, N. K Gabler, D. U Ahn,
and M. E Persia, Iowa State University, Ames.
676 Belly firmness and bacon quality from finishing pigs fed
The objective of this research is to determine the effects of high con-
DDGS with various withdrawal times and with added tallow. M.
centrations of dried distillers grains with soluble (DDGS) on nutrient
C. Ulery*1, G. L. Cromwell1, G. Rentfrow1, M. D. Lindemann1, and M.
and endotoxin transport of laying hens. Second-cycle laying hens were
J. Azain2, 1University of Kentucky, Lexington, 2University of Georgia,
fed corn-soybean meal based diets containing either 0 or 50% DDGS
for one month. Both diets were formulated to meet minimum total
amino acid requirements regardless of crude protein content and equal An experiment involving 168 pigs (6 reps of 3 or 5 pigs/pen) was con-
energy concentrations. Eight hens per dietary treatment were sacrificed ducted to evaluate belly firmness and bacon quality of pigs fed a high
and intestinal tissue samples were collected from the duodenum loop level of DDGS followed by varying withdrawal periods before slaughter,
(duodenum) and the midpoint between Meckel’s diverticulum and the and to see if adding a more saturated fat (tallow) to diets containing
ilio-cecal junction (ileum). Fresh segments of ileum were collected and DDGS would alter belly firmness and bacon quality. Treatments (Trt)
mounted in modified Ussing chambers to measure mucosal to serosal were (1) a corn-soy diet or (2) a diet with 45% DDGS fed to term (121
glucose, glutamine, phosphate, lysine, and methionine (met) transport kg) or removed during the final 2, 4, or 6 wk (Trt 3, 4, 5). Trt 6 and 7 were
rates. The changes in electro-physiology for each tissue were calculated the same as 1 and 2 except 5% tallow was added. Belly flex measures
after each nutrient challenge. Furthermore, permeability and tight (Abstr. 159, Midwest Section ASAS, 2010) indicated that bellies were
junction integrity were also assessed by measuring the transepithelial softer in pigs fed DDGS, but firmness increased linearly (P < 0.01) with
electrical resistance (TEER). Statistical analysis was carried out using increased withdrawal time; tallow addition did not improve firmness.
ANOVA. In general, nutrient transport was unaltered by diet although Backfat (inner and outer) and belly fat were analyzed for FA. PUFA
met transport rate tended to be increased by the 50% DDGS diet (P = (mean of the 3 fat depots) increased when DDGS was fed (P < 0.01), and
0.10), likely due to met deficiency in the 50% DDGS diet. No differ- the changes were moderated (linear, P < 0.01) with DDGS withdrawal
ences were noted in TEER. Lastly, ileal and colon samples were also time (Trt 1–5: 12.6, 24.9, 21.6, 18.8, 17.0% of total FA). Iodine values
mounted in modified Ussing chambers and mucosal to serosal endotoxin (IV) followed similar trends (62.0, 78.2, 74.1, 69.7, 67.7). Tallow addi-
transport rates were determined using fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled tion had little effect on PUFA (Trt 6–7: 13.4, 23.3%) and IV (66.5, 78.7),
lipopolysaccharide. The diet did not alter ileum endotoxin transport, but particularly in pigs fed DDGS. Bellies from 3 reps were pumped with
the 50% DDGS diets resulted in a significant decrease in colon endotoxin brine, smoked, and sliced (9 slices/2.54 cm) at a commercial plant. Bacon
transport (P ≤ 0.05). These data may indicate that the increased fiber slices (10/slab) were scored for shatter; fried and scored for distortion,
in the DDGS diet is stimulating colon health resulting in decreased cook loss, and shrink; and evaluated by an 8-member trained sensory
endotoxin transport. panel. DDGS inclusion did not affect bacon yield but it improved shat-
ter scores (P < 0.01). Greater distortion, cooking loss, and shrink (P <
Key Words: DDGS, laying hen, endotoxin transport
0.05) occurred in fried bacon from pigs fed DDGS with withdrawal time
having no effect. Tenderness and flavor of bacon was not affected by
675 Effects of extruding DDGS at high and low temperatures on DDGS. Tallow did not consistent affect any of the measures. The results
nutritional value of diets for nursery pigs. S. M. Williams*, J. D. indicate that withdrawal of a high level of DDGS from the finishing diet
Hancock, S. Issa, C. B. Paulk, and T. L. Gugle, Kansas State University, for 6 wk partially restores belly firmness, but addition of a harder fat
Manhattan. does not overcome softer bellies. Except for an improvement in shatter
scores and increased cooking loss, most of the other traits and eating
A total of 224 nursery pigs (112 barrows and 112 gilts with an average quality of bacon were not affected by DDGS.
initial BW of 8.4 kg) were used in a 21-d experiment to determine the
effects of extrusion processing on the nutritional value of DDGS. The Key Words: pig, DDGS, bacon
pigs were weaned, blocked by weight, and allotted by sex and ancestry
with 7 pigs/pen and 8 pens/treatment. All pigs were fed a common diet
677 Effects of co-products inclusion on growth performance and
for 11 d post weaning and the experimental treatments for the next 21
carcass characteristics of grower-finisher pigs. R. Jha*1, J. K.
d. Treatments were a corn-soybean meal-based control and 3 diets for-
Htoo2, M. G. Young3, E. Beltranena1,4, and R. T. Zijlstra1, 1University
mulated with 30% DDGS. For the DDGS treatments, the DDGS were
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Evonik Degussa GmbH, Hanau,
not extruded, extruded with the barrel configured for processing cereal
Germany, 3Gowans Feed Consulting, Wainwright, AB, Canada, 4Alberta
grain (to generate less shear and temperature rise), and extruded with
Agriculture and Rural Development, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
the barrel configured for processing soybeans (to generate more shear
and temperature rise). Orthogonal contrasts were used to separate treat- Using co-products (Co-P) while balancing on the basis of NE and
ment means with comparisons of: 1) the control vs. DDGS treatments; standardized ileal digestible (SID) AA provides opportunities to reduce
2) untreated DDGS vs. extruded DDGS; and 3) low shear vs. high shear pig feed costs. In a completely randomized design, effects of increas-
extrusion of the DDGS. For d 0 to 21, ADG and ADFI were greater for ing (from 2.0 to 12.5, 25.0, 37.5 and 50.0%) levels of Co-P (identical
pigs fed the corn-soy control compared with pigs fed the DDGS treat- ratio of co-extruded flaxseed and field pea, canola meal, wheat/corn
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 553
DDGS (1.5:1.0:2.5) on growth performance, carcass quality, and feed E. Beltranena1,4, and J. K. Htoo5, 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB,
cost indices were evaluated. Diet 6 supplemented SID AA 10% above Canada, 2Gowans Feed Consulting, Wainwright, AB, Canada, 3Iowa
the 37.5% Co-P diet to overcome potential ADFI reductions. In total, State University, Ames, 4Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development,
1056 pigs (initial BW 29.5 kg) were fed 1 of 6 isocaloric and iso-lysinic Edmonton, AB, Canada, 5Evonik Degussa GmbH, Hanau, Germany.
dietary regimens in 4 phases (2.40, 2.35, 2.30, and 2.30 Mcal NE/kg
The use of supplemental AA and co-products (Co-P) provide opportu-
and 3.96, 3.62, 3.22, and 2.83 g SID Lys/Mcal NE for d 0 to 19, d 20 to
nities to reduce feed costs. Co-extruded flax-field pea Co-P may also
38, d 39 to 56, and d 57 to 97, respectively) with 22 pigs per pens and
enhance pork ω-3 fatty acid content, especially α-linolenic acid, and
8 pen replicates per regimen. After slaughter at constant BW (118 to
thereby add pork value attributes. In a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement,
120 kg), carcasses were characterized for all pigs. During the entire 97
effects of 2 levels of dietary CP (N-CP: normal, without restriction)
d, increasing Co-P did not affect ADFI (2.90 kg), ADG, (1.01 kg) and
and reduced CP (R-CP: 3%-unit reduction in CP plus supplemental
G:F (0.35). For d 0 to 56, feeding 50% Co-P diet but not at or below
AA), and 3 levels of Co-P (low, without Co-P; medium, 30% Co-P;
37.5% Co-P inclusions, reduced (P < 0.05) ADG and ADFI, however,
and high, 40 to 50% Co-P) on growth, carcass, and feed cost indices
G:F was not affected. Increasing dietary Co-P levels decreased (P < 0.05)
were explored. In total, 1056 pigs (initial BW 35.4 kg) were fed 1 of
dressing percentage and loin depth, but carcass weight was not affected.
6 isocaloric (2.40 Mcal NE/kg) and iso-lysinic (SID Lys:NE (g/Mcal);
Increasing Co-P from 2 to 50% decreased (P < 0.01) feed cost/unit BW
4.00, d 0 to 25; 3.63, d 26 to 50; 3.25, d 51 to 71; 2.92, d 72 until end)
gain by 7%. Supplementing extra 10% SID AA to 37.5% Co-P did not
diet regimens, in pens of 22 pigs for 8 pens per regimen. At slaughter
affect performance, increased (P < 0.01) carcass lean, but decreased (P <
(118 kg BW), the carcass was characterized for all pigs and jowl fat
0.01) dressing percentage and backfat compared with 37.5% Co-P diet,
was sampled on 2 pigs per pen. Overall (d 0 to 86), increasing Co-P
indicating that dietary AA supply did not limit BW gain. In conclusion,
decreased (P < 0.001) ADFI and consequently ADG, and BW at d 86,
using feed formulation to balance for identical NE and SID AA content,
but did not alter G:F. Decreasing CP did not affect ADG, ADFI, and
Co-P can be included up to 50% in grower-finisher pig diets to reduce
G:F. Increasing dietary Co-P at the highest level increased (P < 0.001)
feed costs without affecting growth performance.
jowl α-linolenic acid by 82%, decreased (P < 0.001) carcass weight
Key Words: carcass quality, co-products, pig and backfat, and reduced (P < 0.001) feed cost/unit BW gain by 15%.
Decreasing CP did not affect jowl α-linolenic acid content, loin depth,
and feed costs, but increased (P < 0.01) backfat content. In conclusion,
678 Effects of dietary crude protein and inclusion of co-products increasing dietary Co-P above 30% may reduce growth performance
on growth performance and carcass characteristics of grower- of pigs via reduced ADFI, but will drastically reduce feed costs while
finisher pigs. R. T. Zijlstra*1, R. Jha1, M. G. Young2, J. F. Patience3, enhancing carcass ω-3 fatty acid profile.
Key Words: co-product, omega-3 fatty acid, pig
554 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: Energy and Dietary Fat
679 Effects of dbcAMP on the proliferation, differentiation and ~26.17% (P = 0.06). Supplementation with 10 mg/kg dbcAMP elevated
adipogenesis-related genes of porcine adipocytes. L. Wang*1,2, Z. significantly AC activity, and MyoD, α-actin, MHC mRNA expression
Y. Jiang1, Y. C. Lin1, X. Y. Ma1, and X. G. Lei2, 1Institute of Animal in LDM (P < 0.05). These results indicated that supplementation with
Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou, dbcAMP in the diet could promote muscle growth and increase protein
Guangdong, China, 2Department of Animal Science, Cornell University, deposition in finishing pigs.
Ithaca, NY.
Key Words: dbcAMP, protein deposition, finishing pigs
We investigated the roles of dbcAMP (N6, 2′-O-dibutyryl adenosine
3′, 5′ cyclic monophosphate) on adipogenesis of porcine adipocytes.
Adipocytes were derived from freshly dissected back subcutaneous fat 681 The impact of dietary long chain fatty acids on bone and
of 7-d Duroc × (Large White × Landrace) crossbred pig and incubated cartilage in swine. C. I. O’Connor-Robison*1, J. D. Spencer2, and
for 1d to 6d in DMEM/F12 media containing 10% fetal bovine serum M. W. Orth1, 1Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2JBS United,
and dbcAMP (0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1000 μmol/L). The pro- Inc., Sheridan, IN.
liferation and differentiation of adipocytes were measured by the MTT Dietary long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) including
assay and Oil Red O staining, respectively. The mRNA expression of arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosa-
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 (PPARγ2), adipocyte fatty hexaenoic acid (DHA) can regulate the production of certain inflam-
acid binding protein (A-FABP) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein matory mediators. The objective of this study was to characterize the
α (C/EBPα) were measured by semiquantitative RT-PCR using β-actin effects of dietary LCPUFA on cartilage fatty acids and bone density
as an internal standard. All data were analyzed by ANOVA using the and morphology. Sows and gilts were fed either control corn/soybean
GLM procedure of SAS 8.2. Supplementation with dbcAMP inhibited meal based diets, or the control diet supplemented with 1.0% protected
porcine preadipocytes proliferation in a dose-dependent manner with LCPUFA from Fertilium (JBS United, Sheridan, IN). Sows had com-
significance (P < 0.05) reached at 1000 μmol/L. The differentiation of pleted an average of 5.5 parities while gilts reached an average BW of
porcine preadipocytes changed quadratically with increasing concentra- 111 kg at time of slaughter. The cartilage was biopsied from the right
tion of dbcAMP, and minimal differentiation at 0.1 or 1 μmol/L (P < and left humeral-ulnar joints of 14 sows (7/trt) and 16 gilts (8/trt) within
0.05). PPARγ2 and A-FABP mRNA expression were decreased signifi- 30 h of slaughter for fatty acid analysis. The right fused radius/ulna was
cantly (P < 0.05) by supplementation with 1000 μmol/L dbcAMP, while saved for analysis via computerized topography (CT). Cartilage was
C/EBPα mRNA expression was unchanged. Above-mentioned results pulverized in a freezer mill then fatty acids were extracted, methylated,
indicated dbcAMP supplementation in porcine preadipocytes inhibited and analyzed by GLC. Bones were cleaned and then analyzed with CT
proliferation and differentiation. where 1 cm slices were acquired through the distal radius, central radius,
Key Words: dbcAMP, adipocytes, adipogenesis and proximal ulna. Cortical width and density were measured and trabe-
cular density was measured at the distal radius. Sows fed LCPUFA had
increased DHA (P < 0.01), decreased C20:1 (P < 0.01), and an overall
680 DbcAMP increased lean percentage and protein deposition in decrease in the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio (P < 0.05) in cartilage. Gilts
finishing pigs. Z. Y. Jiang, L. Wang*, Y. C. Lin, C. T. Zheng, and X. fed LCPUFA had increased EPA (P < 0.10), DHA (P < 0.01), C22:1 (P
Y. Ma, Institute of Animal Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural < 0.01), and C22:5 (P < 0.10) in cartilage. CT scans of the radius/ulna
Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. from gilts revealed no differences for cortical width and bone density.
Sows fed LCPUFA had greater cortical width of the proximal ulna (P
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dbcAMP (N6,
< 0.05) and decreased cortical width of the distal radius (P < 0.05).
2′-O-dibutyryl adenosine 3′, 5′ cyclic monophosphate) on growth
Although the LCPUFA diet did increase omega-3 incorporation into
performance and muscle growth in finishing pigs. Seventy-two Duroc
chondrocytes the biological significance is unclear since concentrations
× (Landrace × Large White) barrows (57.3 ± 0.6 kg) were randomly
of AA were at least 9-fold higher than EPA or DHA. Also, bone density
allotted to 3 treatments with 6 replicate pens (4 pigs per pen). The pigs
was not affected by a LCPUFA enriched diet. Changes in cortical width
were fed corn-soybean diets containing 0 (control), 10 and 20 mg/kg
were interesting but cannot be explained at this time. Thus, if omega-3
dbcAMP (purity, 98%), respectively, and allowed ad libitum access to
fatty acids can mitigate inflammation in joints, the benefit would likely
feed and water, until the final slaughter weight of approximately 90
be the result of systemic changes in inflammatory mediators.
kg. Lean percentage was calculated by dissecting lean, fat and bone.
Cryostat sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to determine Key Words: swine, omega-3, cartilage
fiber diameter and density of longissimus dorsi muscle (LDM). The
concentration of cAMP (3′, 5′-cyclic adenosine monophosphate) and
activities of cAMP dependent protein kinase A, adenylate cyclase (AC) 682 Cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) antagonist, SR141716
in LDM were measured by ELISA. The mRNA expression of myogenic suppresses hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) gene
determinative factor (MyoD), myostatin, α-actin and myosin heavy chain expression in rat. T. Wu*, Z. Yuan, and Y. Wang, Institution of Feed
(MHC) were measured by semiquantitative RT-PCR using β-actin as an Science, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China.
internal standard. All data were analyzed by ANOVA using the GLM SR141716 is the antagonist of cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1). The
procedure of SAS 8.2. The ADG were 808, 836 and 832 g/d separately, study was conducted to investigate the effects of SR141716 on body
but there were no significant differences among treatments (P > 0.05). weight gain, hepatic fat deposit and carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1
Lean percentage in pigs fed 10 mg/kg dbcAMP was 5.64% greater (P (CPT1) expression in obese Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats induced by
< 0.05). No difference in fat percentage, bone weight percentage and in high fat diet (HFD). Twenty-four SD rats were randomly allocated
fiber density of LDM were detected (P > 0.05) among treatments. Com- to 3 groups: the normal diet (ND) as control group, the high fat diet
pared with the control, fiber diameter of LDM tended to increase 8.61 (HFD) and SR141716 treated HFD-diet (SFD) animals as experimental
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 555
groups. Plasma was collected immediately for following plasma indexes of feedstuffs. This approach is based on a quasi-steady-state system
determination. Liver samples were flash frozen in liquid nitrogen and which measures reactants and products in major metabolic pathways
stored at –80°C until use for following experiments. Compared with for carbohydrates, protein and fats. The input variables were digestible
the ND group, HFD significantly increased the body weight gain (ND: carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids and the output variables
158.5 ± 4.14g, HFD: 173.8 ± 2.58g, P ≤ 0.05), total viscera fat pad (ND: were 1) estimated net energy needs for maintenance and 2) net energy
2.38 ± 0.14 g/100g BW, HFD: 2.52 ± 0.11 g/100g BW, P ≤ 0.05) and for tissue gain. Adenosine triphosphate was used to quantify the energy
hepatic triglyceride (TG) (ND: 5.74 ± 0.58 mg/100g tissue, HFD: 10.71 from chemical reactions obtained from oxidative metabolism of nutri-
± 1.05 mg/100g tissue, P ≤ 0.05) in rats, while SR141716 significantly ents and then utilized for maintenance and gain by anabolic reactions.
suppressed these effects (154.6 ± 5.96g; 2.04 ± 0.10g/100g BW; 7.76 ± Simulations of a basal diet and 10 experimental diets (basal + feedstuff),
0.52mg/100g tissue, P ≤ 0.05). Furthermore, hepatic CPT1 mRNA level were formulated to estimate their NE values. For each diet an estima-
was significant decreased by HFD (24.78%, P ≤ 0.05). Hepatic CPT1 and tion of NE value was simulated and then calculated for each feedstuff.
PPARgamma mRNA level were significantly suppressed by SR141716 The simulated NE values for each feed ingredient were compared with
accompanied with a decrease in expression of CB1 mRNA (19.52%, P determined NE values of feedstuffs reported by past studies. A high
≤ 0.05). The results indicated that SR141716 can significantly suppress correlation was observed between simulated and determined NE values
the excess hepatic adipose deposit induced by HFD in rats. During this for feed ingredients. The data indicates that the proposal model can be
process, the pivotal role of CB1 in hepatic fat deposit may be due to used to predict net energy values of feed ingredients.
modulation of CPT1 expression through PPARgamma. However, the
Key Words: broiler, net energy, biochemical reactions
accurate mechanism remains to be elucidated in the future.
Key Words: SR141716, Hepatic fat deposition, CPT1
685 Energy determination of corn co-products fed to broiler chicks
from fifteen to twenty-four days of age and use of composition analy-
683 Is the effect of dietary energy levels on feed intake of broiler sis to predict AMEn. S. J. Rochell*1, B. J. Kerr2, and W. A. Dozier,
chickens affected by bird age? M. Cho*1, R. L. Payne2, and H. L. III1, 1Auburn University, Auburn, AL, 2USDA-ARS Agroecosystems
Classen1, 1Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Research Unit, Ames, IA.
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2Evonik-Degussa
Fifteen co-products collected from various wet and dry milling plants
Corporation, Kennesaw, GA.
were fed to broiler chicks to determine AMEn and to generate an equation
It is historically known that chickens are able to adjust their feed intake to predict AMEn based upon each ingredient′s chemical composition.
according to the dietary energy content. However, broiler chickens may Co-products included: DDGS (6), high protein dried distillers grain (HP-
not be able to adjust their feed intake due to intense genetic selection DDG) (2), dehydrated corn germ (2), corn germ meal, corn bran, corn
and/or limited gut capacity at a young age. Hence, 2 experiments were gluten meal, corn gluten feed, and dehulled degermed corn. A control
conducted to clarify the relationship between dietary energy level and diet was fed containing corn, soybean meal, dextrose (15%), dicalcium
feed intake in broiler chickens and how it is affected by bird age. Trial phosphate, limestone, salt, vitamins, and trace minerals. Test diets were
1 was conducted to determine the AME of Western Canadian feedstuffs formulated by mixing the control diet with 15% of a co-product at the
using 5 and 21 d old broilers. Differences were found between 5 and 21 d expense of dextrose. Nineteen hundred and 20 Ross × Ross 708 chicks
old chickens for AMEn of some ingredients and therefore the determined (10 per pen; 5 males and 5 females) were randomly assigned to 15 dietary
values were used to formulate diets for trial 2 using age appropriate treatments (12 replicate pens). Broilers were fed experimental diets from
values. Trial 2 was conducted to investigate the effect of age on the 15 to 22 d of age followed by a 48 h total excreta collection period.
feed intake response of broiler fed diets with a range in dietary energy Ingredients were analyzed for GE, CP, DM, crude fat, crude fiber, ash,
content (2700, 2833, 2966 and 3100 kcal/kg). Diets in this energy range total dietary fiber, NDF, and ADF, and hemicellulose was determined
were fed for the entire experiment (SGF), for the grower and finisher by difference. Gross energy was determined on the feed and excreta to
periods (GF) or only in the finisher period. (F). Starter, grower and fin- calculate AMEn for each ingredient. The corn-soybean meal portion of
isher diets were fed from 0 to10, 11 to 25 and 26 to 35 d, respectively. the basal diet averaged 3,037 kcal AMEn/kg DM, with dextrose having
Amino acid levels in diets met or exceeded the primary breeder recom- an assumed value of 3,640 kcal/kg DM. For the 6 samples of DDGS,
mended values. Overall, birds did not adjust their feed intake based on AMEn ranged from 2,146 to 3,098 kcal/ kg DM, averaging 2,676 kcal/
the energy level of the diet. Switching from 3100 kcal/kg diets to lower kg DM. The AMEn values for dehydrated corn germ, corn germ meal,
energy had no impact on feed intake when started at the grower phase. HP-DDG, corn gluten meal, corn gluten feed, corn bran, and dehulled,
A similar switch at the finisher phase caused a temporary (25 to 30 d) degermed corn were 3,308, 1,991, 2,820, 3,182, 1,746, 3,030, and
decrease in feed intake and consequently growth rate. Growth rate of 3,442 kcal/kg DM, respectively. Stepwise regression resulted in the
birds fed the 2700 kcal/kg diet was lower than other treatments. The equation: AMEn, kcal/kg DM = 3,517 + (46.02 × % crude fat, DM
data suggest that modern broilers do not or cannot change feed intake basis) – (82.47 × % ash, DM basis) – (33.27 × % hemicellulose, DM
in response to dietary energy when dietary amino acid requirements are basis) (R2 = 0.89; SEM = 191; P ≤ 0.01). These results determined that
met and this response is relatively consistent through-out the broiler wide variability exists among corn co-products produced from dry and
growth period. wet milling plants, and that the best predictors of AMEn are crude fat,
ash, and hemicellulose.
Key Words: nutrient density, poultry nutrition, AME
Key Words: corn co-products, metabolizable energy, chicks
556 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Rogiewicz*, B. A. Slominski, W. Jia, C. M. Nyachoti, and K. M. Wit- digestibility are not in agreement between the chicks and roosters in
tenberg, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. these studies, analysis of the data indicates that Nutridense corn has
higher metabolizable energy than the control corn.
In Exp. 1, the apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) contents of 2
samples of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS), 3 samples Key Words: Nutridense, corn, ME
of wheat-corn DDGS, and 3 samples of corn DDGS were determined.
A total of 225 broiler chickens were assigned to 9 dietary treatments,
each consisting of 5 pens of 5 birds each, and were fed a basal starter 688 Evaluation of energy digestibility among and within feedstuffs
diet or the basal diet plus 30% of DDGS from 14 to 19 d of age. All for swine using an in vitro digestibility technique. L. F. Wang*1,
diets contained titanium dioxide (0.3%) as an indigestible marker. On P. R. Regmi1, N. S. Ferguson2, A. Pharazyn2, and R. T. Zijlstra1, 1Uni-
average and in comparison with corn DDGS, wheat DDGS had lower versity of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Nutreco Canada, Guelph,
AMEn content (2,872 vs. 3,177 kcal/kg DM) which is a reflection of its ON, Canada.
lower fat (4.5 vs. 10.7% DM) and carbohydrate (7.1 vs. 10.5% DM), The DE content of feedstuffs varies; thus, rapid and accurate evaluation
including residual starch (1.6 vs. 6.6% DM), contents. The wheat-corn of apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of energy is required for
DDGS samples had intermediate values for AMEn contents which aver- accurate swine feed formulation. Previously, a 3-step in vitro energy
aged 2,975 kcal/kg DM. As blending of wheat and corn is a common digestibility technique using pepsin, pancreatin and Viscozyme predicted
practice in bio-ethanol production in western Canada, a prediction ATTD of energy accurately among single samples of 8 feedstuffs (R2
equation for energy availability was developed and demonstrated a = 0.97). Within feedstuff variability was predicted well for grains and
strong relationship between the amount of wheat and corn grain used poorly for canola meal and corn DDGS. The objective was to expand the
and the AMEn content (R2 = 0.95). The AMEn values corresponded well feedstuff matrix to multiple samples of corn, pulse crops, soybean meal
with the TMEn values, which averaged 3,160 for wheat DDGS, 3,238 and wheat; and to compare the accuracy of predicting ATTD of energy
for wheat-corn DDGS, and 3,488 kcal/kg DM for corn DDGS. In Exp. between in vitro digestibility and data from proximate analyses (fiber,
2, the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) was ether extract, CP). The ATTD of energy was determined for 60 samples
determined for 2 wheat DDGS, 6 wheat-corn DDGS and 4 corn DDGS of 7 feedstuffs using 148 grower pigs with the indicator method. For
samples. A nitrogen-free diet was used to determine endogenous AA multiple samples per feedstuff, in vitro energy digestibility was the best
losses. The SID values averaged 59.0, 59.6 and 62.7% for Lys; 82.7, single predictor (R2 = 0.71) compared with proximate analyses (R2 =
79.8 and 82.7% for Arg, and 70.6, 64.4 and 68.3% for Thr, respectively, 0.63). Prediction accuracy of the in vitro technique was similar to using
for wheat, wheat-corn and corn DDGS (P > 0.05). The SID for Met proximate analyses (R2 = 0.71 vs. 0.75; SE of prediction [SEP] = 5.5
was lower (P < 0.05) in wheat-corn DDGS (73.3%) compared with vs. 5.0; respectively). The prediction residuals from both methods were
wheat DDGS (81.2%) or corn DDGS (81.3%). Overall, there was no highly correlated (r = 0.88); the SEP for in vitro was highest for corn
conclusive relationship between the SID of amino acids and the type (5.1), then pulse (4.0), soybean meal (4.2), and lowest for wheat (1.3).
of DDGS used. Among feedstuffs, combining in vitro digestibility and proximate data
Key Words: DDGS, AMEn, amino acid digestibility reduced the error (SEP = 4.6). However, within feedstuff, the SEP of in
vitro digestibility data was higher than for multiple chemical data (corn,
2.8 vs. 0.9; pulse crops, 2.6 vs. 1.7; soybean meal, 2.3 vs. 0.6; wheat,
687 Use of the precision-fed rooster TME assay and chick AME 1.4 vs. 0.1). In conclusion, in vitro energy digestibility and proximate
assay to quantify the energy value of Nutridense corn. T. Loeffler*, analyses resulted in similar prediction accuracy for the ATTD of energy
D. A. Neves, and A. B. Batal, University of Georgia, Athens. among feedstuffs. In contrast to grains, other feedstuffs revealed dif-
ficulty in achieving an accurate prediction of ATTD of energy within
To determine the energy value of Nutridense corn, 2 precision-fed
feedstuff using current procedure of in vitro energy digestibility.
rooster TME assays and 2 conventional chick AME digestibility trials
were conducted. The TME and AME values were compared within each Key Words: energy digestibility, in vitro, pig
experiment for both the Nutridense corn and the control corn, and the
same experimental design was used for each study. The rooster assays
were traditional precision-fed rooster assays in which 10 birds per diet 689 The ontogeny of intestinal carbohydrate digestive, absorp-
were fasted for 24 h, crop intubated with 35 g of the test diet containing tive and nutrient sensing proteins in pigs. M. Al-Rammahi*1, A.
92.25% control corn or 92.25% Nutridense corn, and excreta was then Moran1, D. Batchelor1, P. Sangild2, C. Ionescu3, D. Bravo3, and S.
collected for 48 h. For the chick studies, 288 one-day-old Cobb 500 by Shirazi-Beechey1, 1University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, 2Univer-
product male broiler chicks were placed in Petersime battery brooders sity of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 3Pancosma, Geneva,
with raised wire floors. There were 12 replications of 12 chicks per Switzerland.
replication assigned to the 2 corn diets. Chicks were fed a standard corn- In the small intestine, dietary carbohydrate is hydrolysed ultimately
soybean meal starter diet until 13 d of age, and on d 14, the chicks were by intestinal brush border membrane hydrolases, sucrase, lactase and
allowed ad libitum access to the corn diet. Excreta were collected on maltase, to glucose, galactose and fructose. Glucose and galactose are
d 17, dried, weighed, ground and analyzed for gross energy and crude transported across the luminal membrane of enterocytes by the Na+/
protein. The determined AME values were 3.1% higher in study 1 (3096 glucose cotransporter 1, SGLT1, which is upregulated by luminal sugars
vs. 3003 kcal/kg) and 2.3% higher in study 2 (2974 vs. 2907 kcal/kg) via the sweet taste receptor, T1R2/T1R3, expressed in enteroendocrine
for the Nutridense as compared with the control corn. The determined cells. Na+-independent transporters, facilitate transport of fructose
TME values were also higher for the Nutridense corn as compared across the luminal membrane (GLUT5) and all 3 monosaccharides
with the control corn; 2.2% increase (3463 vs. 3390 kcal/kg) and 1.2% across the basolateral membrane (GLUT2). Aim: To determine the
increase (3446 vs. 3404 kcal/kg) for study 1 and 2, respectively. There developmental profile of these key carbohydrate digestive-related gut
was a larger difference in the ME values between the rooster TME and functions in pigs before and after birth. Methods: Intestinal tissues were
chick AME for study 1 than for study 2, but the Nutridense always removed from pre-term (fetal age 105 d, n = 4), full-term (115 d, n =
had a higher ME than the control corn. Although the results for energy 4), suckling (15 d, n = 4) and weaned (28 d, n = 8) piglets following
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 557
euthanasia under ethical approval. Results: By immunohistochemistry, meal. Camelina meal is a rich source of essential n-3 and n-6 fatty acids
we showed presence of SGLT1 (on enterocytes luminal membrane), that can be incorporated in laying hen diets to enrich eggs with n-3 fatty
GLUT2 (on enterocytes basolateral membrane) and the glucose sensor acids. In this study, the effects of feeding camelina meal to commercial
(in enteroendocrine cells) both before and after birth; GLUT5 protein laying hens on egg production, egg quality characteristics and fatty acid
was only present after weaning. By functional assays and qPCR, we composition of eggs was determined. Twenty-nine-week old Lohmann
demonstrated highest expression of SGLT1 in weaned animals (on White Leghorn hens were randomly allocated to 3 dietary treatments
60% carbohydrate diet). The expression level of SGLT1 was weaned > (n = 25 per treatment) and data collected over a 12 week production
suckling > term > pre-term. A similar pattern of expression was observed period. All the treatment groups were fed a corn soy based experimental
for sucrase and maltase, while the developmental profile of lactase diets containing 0% (CON), 5% (CAM5) and 10% (CAM10) extruded
expression showed maximal levels in suckling animals. The presence camelina meal. Feed and water were offered ad libitum. There were
of carbohydrate digestive/absorptive and nutrient sensing proteins in no significant differences in % hen day egg production among the
the intestine during pre-natal life indicates that a pre- programming of treatment groups. Egg weight was significantly lower in CAM5 (58 ±
intestinal functions occurs before birth to prepare the gut for its post- 4 g) relative to CON (60 ± 4 g), whereas no significant difference was
natal functional demands. A better understanding of both ′hard wired′ detected between CAM10 (60 ± 5 g) and control. Egg shell strength
and diet- induced functions of the gut in early life allows the design of (Instron) was significantly higher in CAM5 (5.0 ± 1.1 kg) and CAM10
rational and innovative approaches to formulate feed and feed additives (4.7 ± 1.1 kg) than in CON (4.5 ± 1.0 kg). Total cholesterol content
to ensure the health and well-being of the young animal. in the yolk was unchanged between groups. Total egg n-3 fatty acid
content was nearly doubled in CAM5 (117 ± 24 mg/yolk) and tripled
Key Words: gut development, sugar transporters, disaccharidases
in CAM10 (161 ± 20 mg/yolk) when compared with CON (60 ± 8 mg/
yolk). The n-6 to n-3 ratio was significantly different between groups,
690 Quality characteristics and fatty acid composition of eggs from 12.4 ± 0.8 (CON), 6.0 ± 0.2 (CAM5), and 4.3 ± 0.1 (CAM10). There
hens fed Camelina sativa (camelina meal). R Kakani*1, A Haq1, J were no detectable glucosinolates in the eggs of CAM5 and CAM10
Fowler1, E Murphy2,3, T Rosenberger3, M Berhow4, and C. A. Bailey1, treatment groups. Significant accretion of n-3 fatty acids was observed
1Texas A&M University, College Station, 2University of North Dakota, in the yolk of hens fed 5% and 10% camelina meal. These results indi-
Grand Forks, 3Agragen, LLC, Cincinnati, OH, 4National Center for cate that camelina meal is a viable dietary source of n-3 fatty acids for
Agricultural Utilization Research, USDA, Peoria, IL. poultry and its inclusion results in eggs enriched with n-3 fatty acids,
including a 2.5-fold increase in DHA.
Camelina sativa or false flax is an oilseed producing plant rich in essen- Funded by Great Plain Oil and Exploration
tial omega-3-fatty acids. Camelina meal is the by-product of oil extrac-
tion, and has a crude protein content (40%) similar to that of rapeseed Key Words: camelina meal, egg quality characteristics, n-3 fatty
558 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition Symposium: Models for Disease × Nutrition Evaluation
and the Impact of Nutrition on Health, Disease, and/or Recovery
691 Possible nutritional interventions to improve intestinal using a basic challenge such as co-inoculation, we usually progress to
health. J. Escobar*, M. A. Ponder, K. L. Price, and H. B. Lee, Virginia more complex models. As an example, we have simulated contaminated
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. trailers or holding pens by inoculating small groups of seeder animals
and then introducing unrelated treated and non-treated animals to the
In sick animals, the anorectic response is part of a series of complex but contaminated pen. These models, also used by other groups with Salmo-
coordinated physiological and behavioral adaptations to recover from nella and other foodborne pathogens, attempt to more closely mimic the
a disease episode. Thus, it is not surprising that animals appear to have quantities and routes of exposure that the animal might encounter under
a physiological preference for using endogenous nutrients over dietary a production setting in effort to better understand on-farm transmission
supply, particularly during acute immune activation. Because survival and effectively reduce pre-processing pathogen loads in food animals.
and recovery have utmost nutritional priority, sick animals usually
exhibit reduced growth performance, and nutritionists commonly rely Key Words: foodborne pathogens, Salmonella
on non-productive outcomes to determine the benefits of nutritional
interventions. The effect supplementing diets with several nutrients and
feed additives on intestinal health have been evaluated in various animal 693 Nutritional modulation of the gastrointestinal barrier and its
models using a wide variety of single immunological challenges. Our role in gut health and disease. A. J. Moeser*, North Carolina State
laboratory is currently using both Salmonella- and lipopolysaccharide- University, Raleigh.
challenged pigs to determine how immune activation alters nutrient Enteric disease is a major cause of mortality and production inefficien-
utilization as well as the contribution of prebiotic supplementation on cies in swine. Environmental factors such as stress and nutrition have
intestinal health and recovery from an enteric infection. Results from our a profound influence on gut health and can triggers the onset of enteric
studies indicate increased amino acid catabolism during acute experi- disease but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Our studies have
mental sepsis and impaired amino acid digestibility during a bacterial focused on elucidating how production stressors and nutritional factors
infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Further, inclusion of a yeast- influence the intestinal barrier, a critical line of defense against patho-
derived prebiotic in the diet of Salmonella-challenged pigs appears to gens and antigens residing in the intestinal lumen. We have shown that
improve fecal beneficial bacteria and intestinal morphology, which were stressors associated with current weaning practices have a deleterious
associated with an enhanced growth performance during the recovery impact on intestinal barrier function measured by increased intestinal
phase. The appropriateness of the animal model and the immune chal- permeability and mucosal inflammation. Furthermore, it was shown
lenge, however, must be carefully considered when making intestinal that weaning age is an important factor in determining the severity and
health inferences of nutrients and supplements to be implemented in duration of weaning-induced intestinal barrier dysfunction as incre-
commercial animal production systems, which are usually affected by mentally increasing weaning age from 16 to 23 d of age led to graded
diseases of complex etiology. improvements in post-weaning mucosal barrier function. Mechanisms
Key Words: disease, intestine, amino acids underlying this weaning event were shown to be mediated through
peripheral stress signaling pathways and innate immune cell dysfunc-
tion. Recent experiments with weaned pigs showed that early weaning
692 Challenge models to study foodborne pathogen transmission exacerbated clinical disease and intestinal injury in response to an E.
and test intervention strategies. P. Ebner*, Purdue University, West coli challenge. Furthermore, it was shown that increasing weaning age
Lafayette, IN. from 18 to 20 d of age ameliorated enteric disease E. coli challenged
pigs. Given the important role of the intestinal barrier in gut health, we
Foodborne illnesses are continually associated with the consumption have begun studies investigating nutritional factors that can regulate
of contaminated animal products (among other foods). As most of the the intestinal barrier. Beneficial results were shown with supplemental
more notable bacterial foodborne pathogens have reservoirs in at least plasma protein into post-weaning diets specifically ameliorating a por-
one livestock species (e.g., Campylobacter in poultry, Salmonella in tion of the barrier dysfunction and intestinal inflammation and diarrhea
pork, E. coli O157:H7 in beef cattle), preharvest or on-farm intervention that is associated with early weaning. In summary, the integrity of
strategies aim to improve food safety by decreasing the amount and types intestinal mucosal barrier is critical to pig health and can be influenced
of pathogens that animals bring with them into the processing facility. by production stress and nutrition. Identifying strategies to enhance
Various challenge models have been used in assessing the efficacy of intestinal barrier health in the pigs will be important to promote optimal
these different strategies. Foodborne pathogen infection models present pig health, performance, and well-being.
some special challenges as the organisms are, in many cases, among the
normal microbiota of the animal. In addition, many of these organisms Key Words: intestine, stress, weaning
are seemingly ubiquitous within livestock facilities and are regularly
isolated from the general environment. Such epidemiological factors
should be taken into account when assessing the value of a certain 694 Is immunomodulation good? K. C. Klasing*, University of
infection model. Nutrition and management factors must also be taken California, Davis.
under consideration with foodborne pathogen challenge models to Nutrients, pharmacological agents, and immunogens are often adminis-
varying degrees depending upon the organism. We have experimented tered to animals for the purpose of immunomodulation, which is defined
with different models to study Salmonella infections in livestock. A as shifting the immune systems response to pathogens or other triggers.
major focus of our laboratory currently is the development of different The underlying principle is that the immune system can be improved
methods to limit Salmonella infections associated with transport and by an informed intervention. Implicit in the idea of immunomodulation
lairage due to contaminated post-farm environments (e.g., contaminated is that an animals immune system is mal-regulated or mal-designed as
trailers, crates or holding pens). Once a treatment has proven effective the result of improper genetics or environment and we know how to fix
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 559
it. Several examples of immunomodulation from the nutrition literature same immunomodulation may impair the protective response to other
indicate that immunomodulation is situation dependent: improving pathogens with different pathogenicity mechanisms. Thus, the value
disease resistance against some pathogens while impairing it against of immunomodulation appears to be context specific. When a single
others. An understanding of the polarized response of the immune pathogen is dominant in a production system and the type of protective
system in context of the optimal protective immune response helps immune response is clearly understood, an immunomodulator that is
explain this dichotomy. Pathogens often subvert the immune system known to shift the immune system in the protective direction is good
to marshal a vigorous, yet counterproductive response. Modulation of for that pathogen; but not necessarily for others.
the immune system in a more protective direction helps. However, this
Key Words: nutrition, immunity, modulation
560 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Nonruminant Nutrition: Vitamins and Management
695 Functional characterization of folic acid transport in the and folacin supplementation with the values being higher at 1000 ppm
intestine of the laying hen. G. B. Tactacan*, W. Guenter, and J. D. of choline and 4 ppm of folacin. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) showed a
House, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. significant increase (P < 0.0001) with added levels of choline, folacin
or vitamin B12 with subsequent reduction in phosphatidylethanolamine
The deposition of dietary supplemented folic acid (FA) into the chicken
(PE). The average value of PC (mg/g of egg yolk) at 500 and 1000 ppm
egg is likely regulated by its absorption in the intestine. Therefore,
of choline was 152.61 and 164.53 mg respectively. Similarly, the average
factors affecting the intestinal transport of FA in the laying hen may
values for PC at 2 and 4 ppm of folic acid and 0.01 and 0.02 ppm of
influence the level of egg folate concentrations. To this end, a series of
vitamin B12 were 153.06, 164.07, 155.68 and 161.46 mg respectively.
experiments using intestinal everted sacs were conducted to characterize
Results indicate that choline, folacin and vitamin B12 positively affect
the different aspects of the intestinal FA absorption process in laying
yolk wt. and egg yolk phospholipid composition in laying hens.
hens. Effects of naturally occurring folate derivatives (5-methyl and
10-formyltetrahydrofolate) on FA absorption were also investigated. Key Words: choline, folacin, vitamin B12
Folic acid absorption was measured based on the rate of uptake of
3H-labeled FA in the everted sac from various segments of the small
and large intestines. Folic acid concentration, incubation length, and pH 697 Effects of canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on
condition were set to optimum before the performance of the uptake reproductive aspects of roosters. A. P. Rosa*1, P. Ferreira1, A. Scher1,
experiments. The distribution profile of FA transport along the intestine R. P. Ribeiro1, G. Farina1, and J. O. B. Sorbara2, 1Universidade Federal
was highest in the upper half of the small intestine. Maximum uptake de Santa Maria - Animal Science Department - Poultry Laboratory,
rate (nmol•100 g tissue-1•min-1) was observed in the jejunum (22.3 ± Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, 2DSM Nutritional Products, São Paulo, SP,
2.0) and duodenum (20.6 ± 1.9) and decreased significantly (P < 0.001) Brazil.
in the ileum (15.3 ± 1.1) and cecum (9.3 ± 0.9). Transport characteristic Avian spermatozoa are characterized by high concentrations of fatty
of FA in the jejunum demonstrated a pattern of saturation, exhibiting acids within their phospholipids and are susceptible to lipid peroxida-
decreased uptake rate with increased FA concentration. Transport tion considered a problem in poultry reproduction. Antioxidant system
increased proportionately (P < 0.002) between 0.0001 and 0.1 µM FA is based on interactions of various antioxidants and the carotenoids are
but showed a trend toward saturation in excess of 0.1 µM FA. Folic acid an essential part of that system. Among the carotenoids, canthaxanthin
uptake in the jejunum showed greater transport at lower pH, exhibiting is characterized by its relatively high antioxidant activity. 25-OH-D3
highest uptake at pH 5.5–6.0 but decreased (P < 0.009) at higher pH (25-hydroxycholecalciferol) is an intermediary between the vitamin D3
(7.5). Presence of 5-methyl and 10-formyltetrahydrofolate impeded and the active form of this vitamin. The aim of the present study was
FA uptake, reducing intestinal FA absorption by 21.9 and 14.9%, to evaluate the effects on the reproductive performance and seminal
respectively, when added at concentrations ranging from 0 to 100 µM. characteristics of roosters, fed diets with ROVIMIX MaxiChick (6
Overall, these data indicated the presence of a FA transport system in ppm Cantaxantina + 69 µg/kg of diet 25-OH-D3). This experiment was
the entire intestine of the laying hen. Uptake of FA in the cecum raises conducted at the Poultry Laboratory of Animal Science Dept. at The
the likelihood of absorption of bacterial-derived folate. Federal University of Santa Maria-Brazil. Forty White Plymouth Rock
Key Words: folic acid, everted sac, laying hen roosters from 40 to 59 weeks of age were used. The males were submit-
ted to T1 = control diet or T2 = control diet + MaxiChick. A completely
randomized design was used with 2 treatments with 20 repetitions (one
696 Effect of choline, folacin and vitamin B12 on egg components male each). The experimental phase was divided into 5 periods of 28
and egg phospholipid composition in laying hens. P. Krishnan* and d. The parameters evaluated were: body weight and feed intake, motil-
S. E. Scheideler, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln. ity, vigor score, sperm concentration and morphological anomalies.
The data were transformed to adjustment the normality and then they
Choline, folacin and vitamin B12 are essential nutrients for all animals
were subjected to ANOVA. The differences between treatments were
and a required dietary supplement for poultry. This study was designed
compared by Duncan test at 10% significance level. The addition of
to determine the effect of added choline, folacin and vitamin B12 to a
ROVIMIX MaxiChick in the diet improved the sperm concentration
corn-soy diet on egg production, egg quality and egg yolk phospholipid
from 4.40 to 5.91*108/ml (P = 0.0001), motility improved from 91.40
composition. A corn-soy basal diet was formulated with 2 levels supple-
to 92.80 (P = 0.0071) and sperm vigor score from 4.38 to 4.57 (P =
mental choline (500 and 1000 ppm) 2 levels supplemental folacin (2 and
0.0296) and contributed to reduce the morphological anomalies from
4 ppm) and 2 levels supplemental vitamin B12 (0.01 and 0.02 ppm) in a
21.90 to 16.70% in the semen (P = 0.0001).
2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement along with a control (no supplementa-
tion) group. The 9 experimental diets were arranged in a randomized Key Words: vitamin, D3, reproduction
complete block design with 6 replicate cages and 4 birds per cage for
a total of 54 cages and fed for 6 wks. Percentage egg production, daily
feed intake and body wt gain did not show any significant difference 698 Supplementation of canthaxanthin and 25-OH-D3 to broiler
between experimental treatments as well as with the control. There breeders diet on broiler chick hatchery parameters and egg yolk
was a significant (P < 0.05) effect of folacin on yolk wt with the wt. TBARS. A. P. Rosa*1, A. Scher1, L. Boemo1, T. N. N. Vieira1, J. A.
increasing at 2 ppm of folacin supplementation. Yolk wt also showed G. Ferreira Jr.1, and J. O. B. Sorbara2, 1Universidade Federal de Santa
a significant (P < 0.05) 3 way interaction between choline, folacin and Maria - Animal Science Department - Poultry Laboratory, Santa Maria,
vitamin B12. There was a significant difference in yolk wt between RS, Brazil, 2DSM Nutritional Products, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
experimental treatments with the highest yolk wt being observed with The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the supple-
choline, folacin and vitamin B12 at 1000, 2 and 0.01 ppm respectively. mentation of Rovimix MaxiChick to broiler breeders diet on hatchery
Albumen wt. showed a significant difference (P < 0.05) with choline parameters and the antioxidant potential. The experiment was carried
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 561
out at The Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. Twenty incubations 700 Effect of percentage pellet fines and house-walking schedule
were carried out with eggs from 360 females Cobb 500 with 45 weeks of on broiler growth performance. W. J. Pacheco*, R. D. Malheiros, C.
age. The experimental design was in a CRD with 2 treatments, control R. Stark, P. R. Ferket, and J. Brake, North Carolina State University.
and Control + Rovimix MaxiChick (6ppm canthaxanthin + 69mcg/kg
Feed accounts for around 65–75% of total broiler production costs. Pel-
of diet 25-OH-D3) and 6 replicates of 30 females and 3 males each.
leted feed has been shown to reduce feed wastage and improve growth as
The eggs were incubated following standard incubation procedures,
it encourages broilers to eat feed faster. The objective of the study was to
and at 21 d the hatchability parameters were assessed. To evaluate the
evaluate the effect of quantity of pellet fines and house-walking schedule
antioxidant potential of Rovimix MaxiChick, eggs were stored at 0,
on broiler growth performance. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial of
4, 8 and 12 d. After storage period the yolk was collected for TBARS
pellets fines (0% or 50% fines) and house-walking (1 or 3 times daily).
analysis. During incubation yolks or viteline sacs of embryos were
A total of 1,024 male 1-d-old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to
collected at 0, 7, 14 and 18 d of incubation for TBARS analysis. When
2 different blocks and 2 treatments with 8 replicate pens per treatment
MaxiChick were supplemented, Hatchability improved from 83.03% to
in each block and 32 birds per pen. The starter diet was fed in crumbled
87.35% (P < 0.0001); Hatchability of fertile eggs improved from 91.30
form to 21 d while the grower and finisher diets were in pelleted form.
to 93.97 (P < 0.0001); Fertility improved from 90.94% to 92.95% (P =
The 0% fines diet was created by screening the pellets and the 50% fines
0.0017); Total Embryo Mortality during incubation reduced from 5.46%
diet was created by re-combining the screened pellets with the fines.
to 3.46% (P = 0.0002). TBARS (MDA mg1 protein) of egg yolks during
Body weight (BW) and feed consumption were determined at 21, 42,
different storage time reduced from 13.53 to 10.82 (P = 0.0355); from
and 49 d of age and feed/gain ratio (FCR) was calculated. The fines in
20.87 to 15.04 (P < 0.0001); from 20.73 to 12.96 (P < 0.0001); and from
the 0% and 50% treatment grower diets was found to be 20% and 62%,
28.97 to 20.90 (P < 0.0001) at 0, 4, 8 and 12 d of storage, respectively.
respectively, while the finisher diets contained 3% and 54%, respectively.
TBARS (MDA mg1 protein) of egg yolks during different incubation
No pellet fines by walking treatment interaction effects were observed.
time reduced from 21.14 to 12.12 (P < 0.0001) at 0 d of incubation and
The 50% fines treatment decreased 42 d BW (2,848 g vs. 2,998 g, P <
from 16.69 to 14.67 (P < 0.0001) at 7 d of incubation. At 14 and 18 d
0.0001) and increased 1–42 d FCR (1.74 vs. 1.70, P < 0.05) relative
of incubation no statistical response were detected. The supplementa-
to 0% fines. The 50% fines treatment continued to adversely effect 49
tion of Rovimix MaxiChick in the broiler breeders diet improved all
d BW (3,637 g vs. 3,774 g, P < 0.0001) but not on 1–49 d FCR (1.84
hatchability parameters evaluated in this trial. An antioxidant effect was
vs. 1.82). House walking 3 times daily decreased BW at 42 d (2,891 g
observed in eggs from birds fed with MaxiChick.
vs. 2,954 g, P < 0.005) without affecting FCR. There were no walking
Key Words: antioxidant, breeder, 25-hydroxycholecalciferol treatment effects observed at 49 d. This experiment demonstrated the
adverse effects of fines in pelleted feed on growth performance of broil-
ers, regardless of whether they were encouraged to get up by walking
699 Sparing vitamin E effects of a synthetic antioxidant blend in the pens more frequently. Indeed, entering the pens 3 times per day may
broilers. J. Zhao*, M. Vazquez-Anon, R. J. Harrell, J. D. Richards, have disturbed eating and resting behavior before 42 d.
F. Yan, T. Wineman, and S. Carter, Novus International Inc.
Key Words: broilers, feed fines, growth performance
A total of 720 ROSS 308 female broilers were used to determine vita-
min E sparing effects of a synthetic antioxidant blend (AOX, Novus
International Inc., St Louis, MO). The trial was a 4 × 2 factorial design 701 The effects of feeder-trough space and gap setting on growth
with 4 levels of vitamin E (5, 15, 30, and 60 IU/kg) with or without performance of finishing pigs. A. J. Myers*, R. D. Goodband, M.
antioxidant (AOX at 0.025%). Birds were randomized into 8 treatments D. Tokach, S. S. Dritz, J. R. Bergstrom, J. M. DeRouchey, and J. L.
with 9 replicates per treatment and 10 birds per pen. Oxidized soybean Nelssen, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
oil was added in all diets to provide peroxide value of 6mEq/kg in the
A total of 288 pigs (initial BW 41.3 kg) were used in a 91-d study to
final diet. Without AOX, quadratic vitamin E response was observed on
evaluate the effects of feeder trough space (4.45 vs. 8.9 cm/pig) and
weight gain (P = 0.04) and feed intake (P = 0.07) with the maximum
minimum feeder gap opening of 1.3 cm (narrow), vs. 2.5 cm (wide) on
response between 15 and 30 IU/kg. AOX tended to improve feed effi-
finisher pig performance. Our hypothesis was that at minimal feeder
ciency regardless of dietary vitamin E levels (P = 0.07). A significant
trough space (4.45 cm/pig), feeders should be set at a wide gap open-
2-way interaction of dietary vitamin E and AOX was observed on body
ing to not limit feed intake and ADG. The feeders were adjusted to the
weight and weight gain (P = 0.05) in that AOX improved gain at the low
minimum gap setting but the agitation plate could be moved upwards to
vitamin E but not at high vitamin E diets (interaction, P = 0.05). Weight
a maximum gap opening of 1.9 or 3.2 cm, respectively. The treatments
gain for the 21 d growth period was 699 and 791 g at 5 IU/kg, 783 and
were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial with 6 replications per treatment.
773 g at 15 IU/kg, 788 and 777 g at 30 IU/kg, 775 and 762 g at 60 IU/
All pens had the same feeder with 2 35.6 wide by 11.4 cm deep feeder
kg dietary vitamin E without and with AOX, respectively. Similar to
holes. Feeder trough space was adjusted by having pens of either 8 to
weight gain, birds fed AOX ate more feed and had better feed efficiency
16 pigs per pen. Gating was adjusted giving each pig 0.74 m2 of floor
at 5 IU/kg dietary vitamin E compared with birds fed non-AOX diet (by
space. Pigs had ad libitum access to feed and water. A corn-SBM based
contrast, P < 0.05) but the benefits were not observed at high vitamin E
diet containing 20% DDGS was fed in 4 phases to all treatments. Pen
diets. Plasma and liver vitamin E were linearly increased with increased
weights and feed disappearance were measured every 2 wk. Overall (d
dietary vitamin E (P < 0.05) regardless of AOX. In addition, plasma and
0 to 91) there were no trough space × feeder adjustment interactions
liver vitamin E concentration increased with AOX addition regardless of
observed (P > 0.10). However, there was a tendency (P = 0.08) for
dietary vitamin E levels (P < 0.05). Liver vitamin E were 8.7 and 11.1
increased ADG as feeder trough space increased from 4.45 to 8.9 cm/
ug/g at 5 IU/kg, 18.1 and 21.4 ug/g at 15 IU/kg, 27.8 and 36.2 ug/g at
pig. Pigs fed with the wide feeder gap setting had increased (P < 0.01)
30 IU/kg, and 51.1 and 59.4 ug/g at 60 IU/kg vitamin E without or with
feed disappearance and decreased (P < 0.01) G:F compared with pigs
AOX. In summary, AOX spared vitamin E based on performance and
with the narrow feeder gap setting. These results suggest that regardless
tissue vitamin E concentration, and can be used to spare dietary vitamin
of feeder trough space, pigs with the wide feeder adjustment appeared
E as an antioxidant in broiler diets.
to waste more feed as evidenced by the poorer G:F.
Key Words: antioxidant, vitamin E, broiler
562 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Table 1. Effects of feeder gap setting and feeder space on finisher pig lipid turnover than males (P < 0.01). A 3% increase in dietary nutrient
performance, (d 0 to 91) density tended to result in increased feed efficiency (P = 0.08), mostly
4.45 cm 8.9 cm because of increased protein deposition in viscera (P = 0.05). The vari-
ability in final BW and feed efficiency of commercial turkey flocks at
trough space trough space P-value
Item Narrow Wide Narrow Wide Space Adjustment 18 wk of age was due to a variation from 95 to 105% of average feed
ADG, kg 0.99 1.01 1.02 1.03 0.08 0.33
intake. The calibration on experimental data enabled the model to be
used as a predictor of nutritional responses of turkey populations grown
ADFI, kg 2.99 3.16 3.04 3.24 0.18 <0.01
in commercial conditions.
G:F 0.33 0.32 0.34 0.32 0.90 <0.01
Key Words: turkey, model, growth
Key Words: finishing pigs, feeder gap, feeder space
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 563
Physiology and Endocrinology: Neuroendocrinology
and Hormone Receptors
704 Chicken Pit-1 isoforms: Expression, nuclear localization, and (pGL3–2kb) and 4kb (pGL3–4kb) of the 5′-flanking region and cultured
involvement in growth hormone promoter activation. M. Mukher- in the presence or absence of CORT (n = 3). Under basal conditions,
jee* and T. E. Porter, University of Maryland, College Park. pGL3–2kb was activated 40-fold over an empty reporter vector (P <
0.05), indicating that the most proximal Pit-1 site may be responsible
A POU-Homeodomain transcription factor, Pit-1, is expressed in lac-
for basal promoter activity in embryonic pituitary cells. Mutagenesis of
totrophs, thyrotrophs and somatotrophs of the anterior pituitary gland.
this site in pGL3–2kb substantially reduced basal promoter activity (P
Pit-1 regulates expression of Prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone
< 0.05), confirming that this Pit-1 site is necessary for full activation of
and growth hormone (GH). Multiple isoforms of Pit-1, differing from
the promoter. CORT treatment had no effect on pGL3–2kb activity, but
each other primarily in the N-terminal transactivation domain, have
increased activity of pGL3–4kb 5-fold (P < 0.05). Surprisingly, muta-
been reported. In chickens, 4 Pit-1 mRNA isoforms have been reported,
genesis of the potential GR binding sites did not affect CORT induction,
Pit-1α, Pit-1β1, Pit-1β2 and Pit-1γ, but functional assays of these iso-
indicating that neither putative GR binding site is necessary for CORT
forms have not been completed. This study aimed at characterizing
stimulation. In conclusion, Ras-dva is a novel glucocorticoid-regulated
each isoform in its ability to translocate to the nucleus and regulate the
gene in the developing pituitary that is expressed in cells of the Pit-1
chicken GH gene. We hypothesized that the isoforms will differ in their
lineage, including GH- and PRL-producing cells.
ability to translocate to the nucleus and/or regulate the GH gene, due
to the presence of different transactivation domains. Expression of all Key Words: growth hormone, prolactin, corticosterone
isoforms from recombinant expression plasmids in HEK-293 cells was
confirmed by Western blotting using antiserum against rat Pit-1. Pit-1α
and Pit-1β2 were found to activate the GH promoter, while Pit-1γ had 706 Hypothalamic galanin-like peptide and kisspeptin may regu-
no effect. Interestingly, the level of expression of Pit-1γ was consider- late the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in the Mallard duck
ably lower than the other isoforms. Nuclear localization of the isoforms (Anas platyrhyncos). G. S. Fraley*, Hope College, Holland, MI.
was tested in HEK-293 cells using immunofluorescence localization of The Mallard duck is a seasonal breeder and an excellent model for
expressed proteins. All isoforms except Pit-1γ showed efficient nuclear studying the neural mechanisms that regulate the activation of the
localization. To eliminate the possibility that lower expression of Pit-1γ hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPG). Recently, 2 neuropeptides
was due to translational inefficiency, N-terminal HA- and c-myc-tagged have stood out as important modulators of the mammalian HPG, namely
proteins were expressed in HEK-293 cells. All tagged isoforms, except kisspeptin (KP) and galanin-like peptide (GALP). The goals of these
Pit-1γ were detected using antibodies directed against the tag, indicating studies were to determine (a) if KP and GALP regulate the avian HPG,
that reduced expression of Pit-1γ was not due to inefficient translation. A (b) if KP and GALP are expressed in the mallard brain, and (c) if KP
remaining possible explanation for the reduced Pit-1γ levels observed is and/or GALP are co-localized with aromatase in the avian brain. Central
proteolytic degradation of an unstable Pit-1γ, a hypothesis that we will administration of both KP and GALP significantly (ANOVA; P < 0.01)
test empirically using inhibitors of protein degradation pathways. Future increased plasma luteinizing hormone, an effect blocked by pretreatment
work will focus on elucidating potential physical interactions between with the GnRH antagonist, acyline. Kisspeptin and aromatase immuno-
the isoforms and their ability to interact with other transcriptional co- reactive (ir) cell bodies were observed in the medial preoptic nucleus
activators involved in regulation of Pit-1 regulated genes. (POM) and in fibers throughout the anseriforme brain. Virtually all POM
Key Words: transcription factor, anterior pituitary, growth hormone kisspeptin-ir soma also expressed aromatase, suggesting that autocrine
mechanisms may predominate in the interaction between steroid provi-
sion and kisspeptin expression. No colocalization was observed between
705 Ras-dva is a novel Pit-1 and glucocorticoid regulated gene kisspeptin-ir and GnRH-ir, although the respective fibers were in dense
in the developing avian pituitary gland. L. E. Ellestad* and T. E. close proximity throughout the tuberoinfundibular area. GALP cell
Porter, Department of Animal and Avian Sciences and Molecular and bodies were observed in the tuberoinfundibular nucleus and GALP-ir
Cell Biology Program, University of Maryland, College Park. fibers were observed in close proximity to both GnRH- and KP-ir cell
bodies and fibers. Taken together, these data suggest that estradiol
Corticosterone (CORT) initiates growth hormone (GH) and prolactin
synthesized by aromatase- and kisspeptin co-expressing POM neurons
(PRL) expression during embryogenesis. Microarray screens identi-
may regulate the HPG via an effect on GnRH secretion. Furthermore,
fied Ras-dva as a glucocorticoid-induced gene that may play a role in
as is observed in mammals GALP is anatomically positioned to regulate
regulating GH and PRL expression. The objective of this study was to
the HPG via interactions with both GnRH and KP. These observations
characterize tissue-specific and glucocorticoid regulation of Ras-dva
suggest a conservation of HPG regulation in birds and mammals.
expression in the developing chick embryo. Pituitary Ras-dva mRNA
increased from embryonic day (e) 10 to a maximum just before hatch, Key Words: luteinizing hormone, KiSS1
then decreased post-hatch (P < 0.05; n = 3). Ras-dva mRNA was highly
enriched in the pituitary relative to other tissues (P < 0.05; n = 3). CORT
increased Ras-dva mRNA in mid- and late-stage embryonic pituitary 707 Gene expression profiling of dopamine-melatonin neurons in
cells, both in the presence and absence of a protein synthesis inhibitor (P the avian premammillary nucleus. S. Kosonsiriluk*, S. W. Kang,
< 0.05; n = 3), suggesting it may be a direct target of the glucocorticoid L. J. Mauro, J. R. Garbe, S. C. Fahrenkrug, and M. E. El Halawani,
receptor (GR). We identified 5 putative Pit-1 binding sites (−0.35, −2.2, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
−2.5, −3.2, and −3.4kb) and 2 putative GR binding sites (−2.1 and −4kb) Dopamine-melatonin (DA-MEL) neurons of the hypothalamic premam-
within the 5′-flanking region of the chicken Ras-dva gene that may be millary nucleus (PMM) are proposed as a site for photoperiodic time
responsible for pituitary specificity and glucocorticoid regulation. E11 measurement regulating reproductive seasonality in birds. Gene expres-
pituitary cells were transfected with reporter constructs containing 2kb sion profiles of PMM DA-MEL neurons from photosensitive long day
564 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
(LD; n = 4 pools with 6 birds/pool) and short day (SD; n = 4 pools with Supported in part by National Research Initiative Competitive Grant No.
6 birds/pool) turkey hens were determined at circadian time 14 (CT14). 2005–35203–15850 from USDA Cooperative State Research, Education
The chicken 20.7k long oligo microarrays purchased from the University and Extension Service and NSF Grant 0842937.
of Arizona were validated and used for this study. After hybridization
Key Words: Fos protein, bed nucleus of stria terminalis, arginine
and image acquisition, fluorescence intensities were extracted and
graded using BlueFuse software (BlueGnome Ltd., Cambridge, United
Kingdom). Microarray data was processed and normalized using JMP
Genomics (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Expressed probes were 709 Various social behaviors induce differential activation of aro-
identified as those whose median signal intensity was brighter than the matase neurons in the brain of male broilers. J. Xie*, W. J. Kuenzel,
99th percentile of negative control expression values. Significance of and A. Jurkevich, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
gene expression was determined by ANOVA. P-values were adjusted
for a false discovery rate controlled P-value threshold of 0.05. The Several steroid-sensitive nuclei in the brain form a network regulating
results from expression arrays confirmed expression of clock genes in various social behaviors. The medial preoptic area (POM) and the medial
PMM DA-MEL neurons. The upregulation of Per3, Cry2 and Bmal1 portion of bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BSTM) are important compo-
was observed in SD birds (CT14, dark phase). In contrast, Cry1, Per2, nents of this network. Our previous study demonstrated that the POM
Bmal2 and Clock were upregulated in LD birds (CT14, light phase). is activated following male sexual behavior and intermale conflict. The
In addition, expression of photopigment molecules was observed in subnucleus 2 of BSTM (BSTM2) was specifically activated by appetitive
PMM DA-MEL neurons including rhodopsin, panopsin and melanopsin. sexual behavior. The objective of this study was to investigate the activa-
Upregulation of the rhodopsin gene was also observed in LD birds, as tion of aromatase-immunoreactive (ARO-ir) neurons in the POM and
compared with SD birds, along with the genes encoding rod cGMP- BSTM using dual immunolabeling for ARO and immediate early gene
specific phosphodiesterase 6B (PDE6B) and retinal pigment epithelium- product, Fos. Males were subjected to a 20-min non-contact interaction
specific protein (RPE65). This interesting expression shift following with a female (M-FN), or contact interaction with a female (M-FC) or
photostimulation implies possible light perception. The expression of another male (M-M). Handling (HC) and open-field (OF) groups were
photopigments, signaling molecules, and clock genes in PMM DA-MEL used as controls. In the POM, intermale interactions decreased the total
neurons provides additional support for this hypothalamic region as a number of ARO-ir cells, while M-FN had more ARO+Fos-ir neurons
site of photoreception and photoperiodic time measurement. than other groups. The lateral portion of POM had more ARO+Fos-ir
Supported by National Research Initiative Competitive Grant no. cells than the medial portion. In the BSTM1, M-FN had a higher per-
2007–35203–18072 from USDA Cooperative State Research, Education centage of ARO+Fos-ir cells than HC and M-M groups. In the BSTM2,
and Extension Service. social interactions resulted in a decrease of ARO-ir cells with lowest
number of ir cells in the M-FC group. M-FN had significantly more
Key Words: birds, circadian rhythm, photoreception ARO+Fos-ir cells than any other treatment group. In the lateral POM,
ARO+Fos-ir cells positively correlated with the frequency of waltzing
toward a female (courtship), while waltzing toward a male (agonistic
708 Septal and hypothalamic structures activated following sexual
display) negatively correlated with ARO-ir cell counts in the medial
and agonistic encounters in male broiler breeders. W. J. Kuenzel*,
POM. In the BSTM1 and 2, positive correlations were found between
J. Xie, and A. Jurkevich, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
ARO+Fos colocalization and waltzing toward a female, while chasing
Induction of Fos protein, an indicator of neuronal activation, was utilized and waltzing frequency in intermale interactions negatively correlated
to identify groups of neurons activated by either sexual or aggressive with ARO-ir cell counts in the BSTM1 and 2, respectively. The findings
interactions in roosters. Experimental groups included handled controls, suggest that activation of different ARO-ir cell groups may underlay
non-contact interaction with a female (M-FN), or contact interaction the roles of POM and BSTM in distinct behaviors.
with a taxidermy female (M-FT), a live female (M-FC) or a live male Supported by USDA-CSREES NRI Competitive Grant 2005–35203–
(M-M). Eight brain areas were examined and 6 will be discussed. 15850 and NSF Grant 0842937.
Results showed that the medial portion of the bed nucleus of stria
Key Words: neuroendocrine regulation, mating, aggression
terminalis, subnucleus 2 (BSTM2) was activated solely by appetitive
sexual behavior (M-FN). Consummatory sexual behavior (M-FT and
M-FC) resulted in significantly higher Fos protein counts in the medial 710 Fos protein induction in vasotocinergic neurons of male broil-
preoptic nucleus (POM), lateral septum (SL), paraventricular nucleus ers following different social contexts. A. Jurkevich*, J. Xie, and W.
(PVN),ventral lateral thalamic area (VLT) and bed nucleus of the pallial J. Kuenzel, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.
commissure (NCPa). Aggressive behavior (M-M) resulted in activation
of the POM, SL, PVN, VLT and NCPa. It is seen that 5 neural structures Vasotocin (VT) in avian species and its mammalian counterpart vaso-
were activated for both sexual and aggressive behavior suggesting that pressin are important peptidergic regulators of social behavior. The
the same neural structures are utilized for functionally distinct behaviors. medial portion of the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BSTM) of chickens
The most pronounced increase in Fos counts due to agonistic behavior contains parvocellular neurons producing VT in a sex dimorphic pattern
was seen in the PVN and dual immunocytochemical studies showed with males having abundant VT cells and projections and females virtu-
that induced Fos protein occurred in magnocellular arginine vasotocin ally devoid of VT in this location. In males, these cells also express gala-
(AVT) neurons. Since magnocellular AVT neurons project directly to nin, corticotropin-releasing hormone and estradiol-producing enzyme
the posterior pituitary, it suggests that the stress response depends upon aromatase suggesting important roles of this relatively small neural
peripheral release of AVT independent of the established peptide release system in neuroendocrine regulation. The aim of this study was to reveal
into the median eminence and portal system for activating ACTH secre- vasotocinergic neurons activated in roosters following different social
tion from the anterior pituitary. In summary, results demonstrate that encounters using Fos protein as an indicator of metabolic stimulation.
use of Fos protein is effective for elucidating differential sets of neurons Individual roosters were placed in an observation pen where they were
involved in specific behaviors of chickens. provided with restricted or unrestricted access to a female (groups M-FN
and M-FC), unrestricted access to a male (group M-M) or were exposed
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 565
to an empty pen (open field control, OF). After completion of tests, Fluoxetine (a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; FLX) has been
neurons immunolabeled for VT and Fos were quantified in 2 portions of shown to cause a delay in the onset of lactogenesis stage II when taken
the BSTM. In the dorsolateral subnucleus of the BSTM (BSTM1), male- during pregnancy and/or lactation. A study was conducted to evaluate
female or male-male interactions did not change the total number of VT if ewes would be an appropriate model to determine the effects of FLX
cells or percentage of VT cells co-expressing Fos. In the ventromedial on milk production. Twenty-nine ewes (85 ± 12 kg; body condition
subnucleus of the BSTM (BSTM2), there was a significant increase score 2.6 ± 0.3) in late gestation were used in this study. Ewes allotted
(P < 0.05) in percentage of VT cells co-expressing Fos in males that to treatments were stratified by fetal numbers and breeding date. Ewes
had non-contact interactions with females (group M-FN, 49.2 ± 4.8) as were orally dosed daily with an empty capsule for controls or a capsule
compared with control males exposed to an empty pen (group OF, 29.4 containing 40 mg of FLX. Dosing began on about d 121 of gestation
± 7.1). Same-sex interactions resulted in lower percentage of VT and and continued until lambing. Ewes were dosed every morning at 0700
Fos co-expressing cells in BSTM2 than opposite-sex interactions (P < h. Following parturition and before nursing, milk and blood samples
0.05). The findings demonstrate that vasotocinergic neurons in BSTM2 were collected from each ewe and her lamb(s). The first milk yield was
of males are preferentially activated following opposite-sex interactions measured 8 h after birth and subsequent milkings were conducted at
and confirm our previous observations regarding a key role of BSTM2 1500 and 1800 h every other day for 9 d. Milk letdown was induced by
in control of male sexual behavior in roosters. a 1 mL intravenous injection of oxytocin, 1 min before milking. Milk
Supported in part by NRI Competitive Grant 2005–35203–15850 from yields were measured over a 3 h period when lamb(s) were removed.
the USDA CSREES and NSF grant 0842937. We observed a treatment by parity interaction, as ewes with multiple
lambs treated with FLX had greater (P = 0.01) milk yields than treated
Key Words: broiler breeders, mating, aggression
or control ewes giving birth to single lambs and control ewes giving birth
to multiple lambs. Lambs were weighed at birth (d 0) and following the
711 Effects of RFamide-related peptide-3 (RFRP-3) on secretion milk yield study (d 9). We observed no differences (P > 0.05) in either
of LH in ovariectomized prepubertal gilts. N. L. Heidorn1, C. R. birth weight or d 9 weights. Lamb gain over the 9 d milking period
Barb2, C. J. Rogers1, G. J. Hausman2, and C. A. Lents*1, 1University of was similar among treated and control ewes (P > 0.05). No interactions
Georgia, Athens, 2USDA-ARS Richard B. Russell Agriculture Research were observed between parity and treatment in lamb weights or gain.
Center, Athens, GA. Fluoxetine treatment during late pregnancy resulted in greater milk
production in ewes giving birth to multiple lambs. However, FLX had
Pulses of LH are suppressed before puberty in the gilt. RFRP-3 is no effect on lamb weights or lamb weight gain.
proposed to be a hypophysiotropic hormone in mammals. A series of
experiments (EXP) were conducted to test the hypothesis that RFRP-3 Key Words: fluoxetine, lactation, sheep
inhibits LH release in ovariectomized (OVX) prepubertal gilts. All gilts
were OVX at least 2 weeks before being fitted with indwelling jugular
714 Cloning and characterization of chicken galanin and galanin
catheters for the collection of serial blood samples. In EXP I, blood
receptors. J. C. W. Ho*1, Y Wang2, and F. C. Leung1, 1The Univer-
samples were collected every 15 min for 6 h. Commencing at 120 min
sity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HKSAR, China, 2Sichuan University,
after the start of sampling, all gilts (n = 3) received a loading dose of
Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
1 mg of RFRP-3 followed by repeated injections of 40 μg of RFRP-3
every 5 min for 2 h resulting in a total infusion of 2 mg of RFRP-3. Galanin is a neuropeptide of 29 to 30 amino acids, widely distributed
All injections were administered by hand in 2 mL of 0.9% saline. Area in the mammalian nervous systems and peripheral tissues. It exerts
under the curve (AUC) was determined in each of 3 periods; 1 h before multiple physiological functions including modulation of cognitive
treatment (period 1), the first h of treatment (period 2), and the second h functions and hormones release through the interaction with at least 3
of treatment (period 3). In EXP II, blood samples were collected every known G protein-coupled receptors (GalR1, 2 and 3), which have only
15 min for 8 h. Commencing at 240 min after the start of sampling, been identified in mammals. In the present study, 4 transcript variants of
animals received intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of 10, 50, galanin prepropeptide precursor (cGAL), 3 galanin receptors (cGalR1,
or 100 μg of RFRP-3 in 0.9% saline (n = 6/group). Control animals 2 and 3) and 2 additional receptors with considerable homology to
received 0.9% saline alone (n = 7). AUC was determined for each of cGalR1 and cGalR2, thus herein designated cGalR1-L and cGalR2-L,
2 periods (4 h before and 4 h after i.c.v. treatment). Mean LH (1.33 ± were cloned from chicken whole brain and intestine tissue respectively.
0.13 ng/mL), number of LH pulses (2.0), or pulse amplitude (1.32 ± Four variant cDNAs for chicken galanin prepropeptide, resulted from
0.25 ng/mL) was not different during the 2-h treatment period when alternative splicing, encode precursor peptides of 88, 117, 141 and 150
compared with 2 h pre- or the 2 h post-treatment. However, there was amino acids respectively, while the 5 cloned receptors are ranged from
a tendency (P = 0.09) for total LH release, as indicated by AUC, to be 357 to 405 amino acids in lengths, sharing considerable amino acid
reduced in period 3 compared with periods 1 or 2. In EXP II, central sequence identities (50% to 86%) to their mammalian homologs. Using
administration of 10 μg of RFRP-3 yielded an apparent suppression in reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cGAL and
area under the curve (59.4 ± 20.91% of the pre-i.c.v. value), but this did its receptors were found to be widely distributed in the 12 adult chicken
not reach significance (P = 0.27). We conclude that RFRP-3 does not tissues and different regions of oviduct examined, with particularly high
act to inhibit the pulsatile release of LH in prepubertal gilts. abundances in brain, small intestine, ovary and pituitary, except for
cGalR3 in which its expression was restricted to ovary. Using different
Key Words: GnIH, RFRP-3, LH
luciferase reporter systems, we also demonstrated that chicken galanin
peptide was capable of altering luciferase activities, in dose-depending
712 The effects of fluoxetine on lactation and lamb growth in manners, in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing each cloned
sheep. P. L. Black*1, R. A. Halalsheh1, L. M. Lankford1, M. M. Mar- receptor, thus suggesting the differential functional couplings of each
ricle1, M. M. Christiansen1, M. M. Scroppo1, L. L. Hernandez2, and receptor to various classes of G proteins. The characterization of chicken
T. T. Ross1, 1New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, 2University of galanin receptors would provide a better understanding to the physi-
Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. ological functions of galanin in avian species.
Key Words: chicken, galanin, galanin receptor
566 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Production, Management and the Environment: Dairy 1
715 Influence of dairy herd longevity and productivity on lifetime following lactation (P = 0.62). Within the SDP MGMT strategy, DP ≤
N use efficiency. J. M. Moorby*, Institute of Biological, Environmental 28d decreased incidence of ketosis (P = 0.01), but increased incidence
and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth, UK. of RP (P = 0.01). DP ≤ 28d also decreased average ECM yield compared
with DP ≥ 29d (P = 0.01). No effect was observed on dystocia, displaced
Excretion of excess dietary N from dairy cows contributes to environ- abomasum, metritis and milk fever in either MGMT group. DPxParity
mental pollution, with ammonia, nitrate, and nitrous oxide being the was not significant. Results suggest a minimal DP of 29d is required to
major pollutants. Apparent efficiency of feed N use for milk protein maximize milk yield and facilitate transition when a MGMT of 35d of
production is typically about 25%, depending on diet. However, there pre-calving ration is used. Further analyses on reproduction and total
are long periods when a dairy cow is not productive (during heifer lactation milk and component yields are required to formulate adequate
growth and when dry) which reduce lifetime apparent N use efficiency recommendations.
(NUE) because the animal excretes N with little useful output at these
times. This situation is exacerbated as cow longevity decreases, and the
ratio of non-productive to productive periods of life increases. A simple Table 1. DP groups according to MGMT
modeling exercise was carried out to investigate the effect of dairy cow CDP MGMT
productivity and longevity on lifetime NUE of a dairy herd yielding an ≤42d 43-49d 50-56d 57-63d 64-70d ≥71d se P(DP) P(Parity)
assumed fixed quantity of milk. Opportunistic losses in milk production N 59 63 112 107 48 163
caused by disease and infertility were included to take into account the DP, d 41.9a 50.6ab 58.2c 65.1c 69.5c 105.8d 3.9 0.01 0.2
number of extra animals required for target herd milk yield. N losses ECM, kg/d 29.5 32.5 31.9 30.9 31.5 31.2 1.0 0.6 0.01
during growth (including heifer mortality), pregnancy, and culling were Ketosis,% 13.5a 33.0ab 31.5ab 34.8ab 33.4ab 41.0b 7.9 0.07 0.04
included. With an assumed baseline NUE largely determined by nutrition RP,% 27.6b 16.1ab 13.9ab 13.2ab 8.3a 8.5a 7.2 0.09 0.3
(e.g., 25%) herd longevity of milking cows with a mean lactation yield of
7,500 kg resulted in lifetime NUEs of 11.8, 18.6, 21.0, 22.1 and 22.7%
≤28d 29-35d 36-42d ≥43d se P(DP) P(Parity)
for lactations 1 to 5 respectively. The response was well described (R2
N 100 132 106 74
= 0.99) by a general saturation curve model (Morgan-Mercer-Flodin).
DP, d 22.3a 31.8b 38.3c 56.9d 1.7 0.01 0.5
For a fixed herd milk yield, increased individual animal productivity
ECM, kg/d 29.8a 31.8b 32.5b 31.5ab 0.7 0.01 0.01
resulted in better lifetime NUE because of fewer cows in the herd (e.g.,
19.7, 21.0, 21.8% for 5,000, 7,500, and 10,000 kg cows completing 3 Ketosis,% 7.8a 25.3b 15.6ab 27.3b 7.6 0.01 0.02
lactations). This equates to less N excretion per kg milk produced by RP,% 34.6b 17.4a 11.7a 8.7a 6.6 0.01 0.05
higher yielding cows. However, this assumes rates of disease incidence Key Words: dairy cow, dry period length, transition
and longevity are unaffected by productivity, which may not be achieved
in practice. In conclusion, for herds with very high replacement rates,
overall lifetime NUE is significantly affected by animal longevity. 717 Effect of dietary phosphorus amount on milk production of
For animals surviving for about 3 lactations or more the major factor dairy cows in China. Z. Liu1, C. Wang*1, J. X. Liu1, D. M. Wang1,
determining lifetime NUE efficiency is nutrition, and the unproductive and Z. Wu2, 1Institute of Dairy Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
periods of the cow’s life have a relatively minor influence. 310029, P. R. China, 2University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary
Medicine, Kennett Square.
Key Words: dairy cows, longevity, N use efficiency
The effect of reducing dietary phosphorus (P) on milk production of
dairy cows in China was determined using 45 multiparous Holsteins over
716 Optimal dry period length and management to maximize a full lactation period. Animals were blocked into 15 groups according
production and health. D. E. Santschi*1, C. L. Girard2, R. I. Cue3, to milk production of previous lactation and parity, and allocated to
D. Pellerin4, and D. M. Lefebvre1, 1Valacta, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, treatments randomly within each group. Diets contained 0.37, 0.47, or
Qc, Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Sherbrooke, Qc, 0.57% P (DM basis), based on NRC guidelines, the level recommended
Canada, 3McGill University, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Qc, Canada, 4Uni- by the Chinese feeding standard, and the amount currently fed by most
versité Laval, Québec, Qc, Canada. producers, respectively. Milk yield was recorded and milk composition
The objective of this study was to determine optimal dry period (DP) analyzed monthly. Blood samples were collected on d −6, −3, 0, 3, 6
length to maximize milk production and facilitate transition according to relative to calving and then monthly throughout the experiment. Feces
management (MGMT) used. Data were obtained from a previous study and urine were analyzed in wk 12, 24, and 36. All data were analyzed
comparing effects of short (SDP; 35d dry; pre-calving ration only) and using the MIXED procedure of SAS software system with cow as the
conventional DP (CDP; 60 d dry; dry-off ration until d-21 and 21d of repeated subject using the covariance type AR (1). The model included
pre-calving ration). The current data set included information on 964 phosphorus level, time, and interaction of phosphorus level × time.
cows managed with either 21d (CDP) or 35d (SDP) of pre-calving Neither DMI nor milk yield was affected by dietary P content (see
ration. Optimal DP length was determined within each MGMT group. Table 1). Milk fat was slightly higher for 0.37% P than for the other 2
Fixed effects of the model were DP, parity, block, herd and DP*Parity dietary P concentrations. Serum P did not reflect dietary P amount, and
in Proc GLIMMIX (disorder incidences) or Proc MIXED (other vari- there was no influence of dietary P on serum Ca concentration. Fecal P
ables). For both MGMT groups, previous lactation ECM yield was not excretion was reduced by 25% when 0.37% P was fed compared with
different among DP length groups (P ≥ 0.18). Within the CDP MGMT 0.57% P. Urinary P reached a maximum concentration for all groups
strategy, DP ≤ 42d tended to lower incidence of ketosis but to increase during peak lactation. Reducing dietary P from 0.57 to 0.37% did not
incidence of retained placenta (RP) compared with the other DP lengths negatively affect milk production, while P excretion was significantly
(P ≤ 0.09). However, DP length did not affect average ECM yield in the decreased.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 567
Table 1. Milk performance and serum Ca and P pre- and post-partum Rural Buildings, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp,
influenced by dietary P amount in dairy cows Sweden, 2Estate Office, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Dietary P, % Uppsala, Sweden.
0.37 0.47 0.57 SEM P There are many strategic decisions for the milk producer. The Swedish
Milk yield, kg/d 21.5 20.7 22.0 1.00 0.63 milk producers, as well as many others, have increased herd sizes and
Milk fat, % 3.71 3.41 3.61 0.10 0.05 have increased use of technologies which mainly improve precision and/
Milk protein, % 3.33 3.30 3.28 0.05 0.77 or are labor saving. The aim of this investigation was to explore how
Serum Ca, mM different biological or technological factors influence productivity in
dairy farms. Eight dairy farms in southern Sweden were selected as they
Prepartum 2.05 2.06 2.06 0.27 0.92
participated in economic extension service. Detailed economic results
Postpartum 2.03 2.04 2.00 0.13 0.87
from book-keeping were used in the analysis together with data from
Serum P, mM milk recording scheme and data from enquiries. Different milking sys-
Prepartum 1.21 1.22 1.28 0.04 0.33 tems were also considered for the selection of farms. On farms, technical
Postpartum 1.25 1.23 1.18 0.07 0.60 level were registered as milking systems and number of milking units,
milking frequency, number of free-stalls and type of feeding systems.
Key Words: dietary phosphorus amount, milk production, phosphorus
Biological factors as production level, calving age, calving interval,
replacement rate and causes for replacement and health on herd level
and calf mortality. Data was compiled in Excel and regression coef-
718 Voluntary use of showers: Effects on behavior and physiology ficients determined in Minitab. Herd sizes were 97 to 550 cows with
of dairy cattle in summer. A. L. Legrand1,3, K. E. Schütz2, and C. an average of 266. Average milk production was 9775 kg (SD. 1640).
B. Tucker*1, 1Department of Animal Science, University of California, Increasing herd size was associated, but not significantly, with lower
Davis, 2AgResearch Ltd, Hamilton, New Zealand, 3Division of Animal production. Herds with herring bone or parallel milking systems had
Health & Welfare, University of Edinburgh, Roslin, UK. production of about 10 500 kg milk while the herds with robotic and
carousel milking had a production of about 8500 kg. Milking frequency
Water is often used to cool dairy cows in summer. There is limited influenced only slightly production (R2 24%; P = 0.218). Occupancy
evidence that cattle find water cooling aversive and may avoid wetting rate (cows per free-stalls) showed a positive relationship in milk per
parts of the body, such as the head. Our objective was to understand cow (R2 40%; P = 0.091). Increasing herd size reduced working hours
whether dairy cattle will voluntarily use water located away from other per cow (P = 0.049), but reduction was most evident below 260 cows
resources, such as feed and lying areas, and if usage affects behavioral per herd. Higher milk revenue minus feed costs was correlated with
and physiological indicators of heat stress. Twenty-four dairy cows higher production levels. The complexity of milk production on the farm
were used, half of which had access to a cow shower that consisted of level makes it also difficult to fully acquire reliable empirical data for
a pressure-sensitive platform fitted with 2 shower heads; water flowed analysis in how different factors influence profitability. However, our
when the cow stepped on the platform. Internal body temperature and data show that within the herd sizes investigated, work hours per cow
behavior were recorded 24h/d for 5d during summer, and respiration and year is less likely to go below 26 h in herds larger than 260 cows
rate and skin temperature were recorded during the day. Cattle spent 3.0 but further studies have to confirm that.
± 2.1h/d in the shower, and there was considerable variability between
animals (0 to 5.8h/d). Cows preferentially used the shower during Key Words: profitability, milk production
the daytime, with 89 ± 12% of use between 10:00–19:00h. Shower
use increased with warmer weather by 0.3h for every 1°C increase in
720 Management-driven heterogeneity in the relationship between
air temperature. Respiration rate and skin temperature did not differ
milk production and reproductive performance of dairy cows. N.
between treatments (t-test; 53 ± 3.7 vs. 61 ± 4.3 breaths/min and 35.0
M. Bello*, J. P. Steibel, R. J. Erskine, and R. J. Tempelman, Michigan
± 0.3 vs. 35.4 ± 0.4°C in shower and control, respectively, P ≥ 0.16). In
State University, East Lansing.
contrast, cows provided with a shower had lower (t-test; 0.2 ± 0.1°C)
body temperature than control cows in the evening (P ≤ 0.05); peak Although research on the relationship between milk production and
body temperature occurred at this time. Weather affected cattle time reproduction of dairy cows has been extensive, many studies are conflict-
budgets and physiological responses in both treatments, as assessed with ing. Much work is characterized by a common under-appreciation of the
regression. Cows spent less time lying when heat load index (HLI; a relative importance of the within-herd (cow-level) component versus
composite measure of air temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar the between-herd (herd-level) component of this relationship, and how
radiation) increased (P < 0.01), but the total time spent lying, standing, these may depend upon herd management. We recently developed and
and feeding did not differ between treatments (t-test; P > 0.32). Cows validated a bivariate hierarchical Bayesian approach to model multifac-
also had higher respiration rate, and skin and body temperature as HLI torial sources of heterogeneity for these 2 components of variances and
increased (P < 0.01), regardless of treatment. These data suggest that covariances. The objective of this study was to apply this methodology
most cattle will make considerable use of water cooling in summer, and, to evaluate various herd management factors as sources of potential
as expected, this alleviated some of the effects of heat load in summer. heterogeneity on variances of and covariance between milk production
There is, however, considerable individual variation in use of water and reproductive performance of Michigan dairy cows. Data consisted
and further work is required to understand the implications of these of 124,079 lactation records from 541 Michigan dairy farms. The means,
differences in a production setting. variances, and covariances between cumulative milk yield at 305 DIM
(305MILK) and calving interval (CI) were modeled as a function of
Key Words: heat stress, behavior, physiology
management practices; significant herd management factors influencing
the relationship between the 2 traits were selected using the Deviance
719 The influence of technological and biological factors on pro- Information Criterion. The production-reproduction relationship at the
ductivity in dairy farms. A. H. Herlin*1 and K. Bäckman2, 1Dept. herd level was generally favorable with average herd CI estimated to
568 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
decrease 0.13 ± 0.06 d for every 100 kg increase in herd 305MILK. free stalls in a 4-row free stall barn. The low pressure mister system
However, for within-herd relationships, higher producing cows had (Arato Dairy Cooling System, Aratowerk GmbH & Co. KG, Germany)
poorer reproductive performance (0.50 ± 0.03 d longer CI per 100 kg operated at an average line pressure of 3.4 bar (50 psi) whereas the
increase in 305MILK) than lower producing herdmates. This unfavor- high pressure system operated at an average line pressure of 12.4 bar
able relationship was, nevertheless, alleviated by ~12% in herds with (180 psi). The fans were set to operate when the ambient temperature
a high level (>50% cows) of bST supplementation. Significant random inside the barn exceeded 22.2 C (72 F) and the mister systems operated
herd-specific sources of heterogeneity in the magnitude of the cow-level anytime the fans were on and the relative humidity was less than 85%.
production-reproduction relationship suggest further investigation of Conditions within the free stall barn were continuously monitored using
additional management practices. Understanding the conditions under a Hobo ProRH/Temp data logger. Each replicate of the trial consisted of
which milk yield and fertility express different associations is critical 3 wk and there were 2 replicates. For each replicate, the body tempera-
to help guide management decisions to optimize dairy cow and herd ture of 10 lactating Holstein cows each in 2 groups was continuously
performance at its dual production-reproduction core. recorded every 5 min for 3 d using a water probe placed in the vagina
each wk. Water usage for each system was measured during the second
Key Words: dairy cow, production-reproduction relationship, manage-
replicate using inline water meters. Environmental conditions inside
the free stall barn were characteristic of chronic heat stress in that the
temperature-humidity index was greater than 72 throughout the trial.
721 Milking frequency and milk production in pasture-based The body temperature of the cows cooled with the low pressure and
lactating dairy cows. A. G. Rius*, J. K. Kay, C. V. C. Phyn, S. R. high pressure systems were similar (P = 0.69) and averaged 38.794
Morgan, and J. R. Roche, DairyNZ, Hamilton, New Zealand. and 38.789 C (101.83 and 101.82 F), respectively. No differences (P =
0.58) were observed in respiration rates of cows which averaged 61.0
The objective of this study was to test the effect of modified milking and 62.5 breaths per min for low pressure and high pressure systems,
frequency (MF) during early lactation on milk production in grazing respectively. The low pressure mister system used 43% less water per
dairy cattle. Multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 150) were ran- day than the high pressure system. Results of this trial indicate that a
domly assigned to one of 5 treatments at parturition: milked once daily low pressure mister system that uses less water can be used to provide
(1X) for 21 d (1X21), milked 1X for 42 d (1X42), milked twice daily supplemental cooling of lactating dairy cows housed in a free stall barn
(2X), milked thrice daily (3X) for 21 d (3X21), and milked 3X for during chronic heat stress conditions.
42 d (3X42). All cows were milked 2X post treatment until wk 24 in
lactation. Animals were offered a generous allowance of fresh pasture Key Words: heat stress, evaporative cooling, dairy cows
and supplemented with 4 kg DM/d of concentrate during the first 16
wk in milk and 2 kg DM/d for 8 wk thereafter. Effects of MF, duration
723 A point-in-time comparison of the environmental impact of
of MF, and interactions during treatment and post treatment periods
Jersey vs. Holstein milk production. J. L. Capper*1 and R. A. Cady2,
were tested using mixed models (GenStat 12.1). During the treatment 1Department of Animal Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
period, a MF x duration interaction was detected for milk, protein, and 2Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN.
fat yields. Relative to 3X21, 3X42 failed to increase milk production
further. However, 1X42 had lower (P < 0.05) milk (2.4 kg/d), protein This study investigated the environmental impact of producing 500,000
(0.10 kg/d), and fat (0.12 kg/d) yields compared with 1X21 during the MT of cheddar cheese using either Jersey or Holstein cow populations.
treatment period. Relative to 2X, 3X cows produced more milk (1.5 kg/d; The model used current DRMS DairyMetrics population data for milk
P < 0.05), however, protein and fat yields were not different during or yield and composition (Jersey: 20.9 kg/d, 4.8% fat, 3.7% protein; Hol-
after the treatment period. There was no MF x duration interaction post stein: 29.1 kg/d, 3.8% fat, 3.1% protein), age at first calving, calving
treatment. An adverse effect in production occurred for 1X in the post interval, and culling rate. Each population contained lactating and dry
treatment period; however, 3X cows failed to sustain increased produc- cows, bulls and herd replacements for which rations were formulated
tion compared with 2X. Relative to 2X, 1X cows had lower yields of fat according to NRC at breed-appropriate bodyweights. Resource inputs
(0.1 kg/d; P < 0.01) and protein (0.05 kg/d; P < 0.05) post treatment. included feedstuffs, water, land, fertilizers and fossil fuels. Waste outputs
Body weights were reduced in 2X cows compared with 1X during the included manure and greenhouse gas emissions. Cheese yield (kg) was
treatment (476 vs. 484 kg; P < 0.05) and post treatment periods (500 calculated according to Van Slyke (1949). Increased daily milk yield in
vs. 512 kg/d; P < 0.01). In summary, 1X for the first 21 or 42 DIM Holstein cows reduced the population size required to produce 500,000
impaired milk production and the losses continued for the remainder of MT of cheese by 8.5%. The potential magnitude of the difference in
the lactation. Relative to 2X, 3X in early lactation did not improve milk population size was mitigated by the earlier age at first calving and
production beyond the period of increased milking frequency. shorter calving interval of Jersey cows, which reduced replacement
heifer and dry cow numbers respectively. Despite the increase in total
Key Words: milking frequency, duration, milk production
animal numbers, decreased bodyweight of individual Jersey animals
reduced the total body mass of the Jersey population. In consequence,
722 Water use and effectiveness of a low pressure mister system maintenance energy was reduced by 21%, water use by 27% and crop-
for cooling lactating dairy cows during chronic heat stress. J. K. land use by 23% per unit of cheese. Fossil fuel use was reduced by
Bernard*1, D. R. Bray2, N. A. Mullis1, and C. P. Rowe1, 1University of 21% per unit of cheese made using milk from the Jersey population.
Georgia, Tifton, 2University of Florida, Gainesville. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions associated with cheese produced
by the Jersey population were reduced by 18% and 7.1% respectively.
A replicated switchback design trial was conducted during June and The carbon footprint (total CO2-equivalents) was reduced by 18% per
July, 2009 to determine the effectiveness of a low pressure mister system unit of cheese in Jerseys compared with Holsteins. Results demonstrate
for providing supplemental evaporative cooling compared with a high that reductions in environmental impact conferred by the ‘dilution of
pressure mister system. Both mister systems were mounted to the face maintenance’ effect are not simply mandated by changes in milk pro-
of 91.4 cm high speed fans spaced every 18.3 m over the feed alley and
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 569
duction, but are also markedly affected by the interplay between animal the forage:concentrate ratio. Feed and water intake, milk yield, and rectal
bodyweight and nutrient density of milk. temperature and respiration rate at 8, 12 and 17 h were recorded daily.
Milk and blood samples were collected weekly. Blood samples for acid-
Key Words: environmental impact, carbon footprint, dilution of
base balance indicators (d 25), as well as feces and urine for digestibility
and N balance (d 31 to 35) were also collected in each period. Rectal
temperature (38.7 vs. 39.2°C), respiration rate (34 vs. 82 per min), water
724 Bio-economic value of extended lactations in Italian Holstein intake (5.5 vs 11.1 L/d) and evaporation (1.1 vs. 3.3 L/d), were greater
farms. A. S. Atzori*, R. Steri, C Dimauro, A. Cannas, and G. Pulina, in HS (P < 0.001) than in TN, while feed intake (2.0 vs. 1.6 kg/d) was
Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecniche, University of Sassari, Sassari, lower (P < 0.001). Blood NEFA (37 vs.12 mmol/L) and haptoglobin
Sardinia, Italy. (0.134 vs. 0.105 ng/mL) were greater (P < 0.05) in HS than TN only
at d 7. Despite the lower feed intake of HS goats, milk yield (1.23 L/d)
The extension of lactations over the standard 305 DIM might be suitable did not vary, but milk of HS goats contained less (P < 0.05) protein
due to the low feeding cost in late lactation and the negative effect of (3.36 vs. 3.84%) and casein (2.84 vs. 3.21%) than TN goats. Panting
pregnancy on milk yield. About 50% of the > 1,000,000 heads of Italian decreased blood CO2 (21.9 vs. 25.7 mmol/L; P < 0.01) in HS goats, but
Holstein cows (about 9000 kg of milk/y per cow) became pregnant after they maintained blood pH at a similar value to TN goats by lowering
143 DIM and had a mean calving interval (CI) > 450 d. Farmers usually HCO3– (20.9 vs. 24.6 mmol/L; P < 0.01) and increasing Cl– (109 vs.
try to inseminate the cows as early as possible to achieve a short CI to 107; P < 0.05) in blood. Digestibility of DM, OM, and ADF tended (P
maximize daily milk yield. Unfortunately, higher milk yields tend to < 0.15) to be greater in HS goats, which partially compensated for the
reduce cow fertility in early lactation due to genetic and management reduction in feed intake. In conclusion, late lactating dairy goats were
constraints, reducing the economic benefit of the farm plan. A bio- able to adapt to severe heat stress conditions maintaining milk yield but
economic model was developed in Excel to assess possible advantages with reduced milk protein content.
of extended lactations. The model accounted for feeding, reproductive,
milking, culling and replacement costs, based on data from farm surveys Key Words: heat stress, dairy goat, nutrition
or Italian literature if needed. Total feeding costs, expressed as cost of
total energy requirements at each lactation stage, were calculated per
726 Impact of evaporative pads and cross ventilation on core body
energy unit (€/Mcal) and decreased from early lactation to dry (<120,
temperature and resting time of lactating cows. J. F. Smith1, B. J.
120–250, > 250 DIM and dry). Income came from the selling of milk
Bradford*1, J. P. Harner1, K. Ito2, M. vonKeyserlingk2, C. R. Mullins1,
and live animals. The model assumed a fixed number of lactations per
J. C. Potts1, and M. W. Overton3, 1Kansas State University, Manhat-
productive life, which increases proportionally to CI. The annual gain
tan, 2University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 3University
per cow when first insemination was delayed, voluntarily or not, from
of Georgia, Athens.
85 to 285 DIM was calculated. To quantify the effect of pregnancy on
milk yield, the estimates of Genizi et al. (1992) were used. The model A trial was conducted to determine the impact of evaporative pads (EP)
showed that: 1) the annual gain per cow increased by 6.7% as lactation on core body temperature (CBT), time spent lying and number of lying
length increased voluntarily from 305 to 385 DIM and then decreased bouts of Holstein cows housed in cross ventilated freestall facilities. Two
due to higher culling and cost of Mcal in short lactations; 2) the annual facilities were used; 1 with EP and 1 without evaporative pads (NP). Each
cow gain was reduced, due to infertility costs, by 2.9% and 5.6% for facility had 4 pens, 1 baffle/pen and a nominal width of 122 m. Cows (n
lactation of 385 and 505 DIM, respectively, in relation to voluntarily = 143) were fit with data loggers (HOBO Pendent G) to determine resting
delayed insemination. The application of this model indicated the need activity and 87 cows were fit with data loggers (HOBO U12) attached
for testing it in a wide range of dairy farms taking into account the milk to blank CIDRs to determine CBT every 5 min. Ambient conditions
yield level, to ascertain the effect of peak of lactation on economic were collected every 15 min on both sites. Individual cow CBT and
results. activity data (9 d/cow) were analyzed to determine the amount of time
CBT was above 38.9 and 39.2°C, time spent lying, and lying bouts/d.
Key Words: extended lactation, economic value, model
These variables were analyzed using pen as the experimental unit, with
cow and day as random effects. Parity, reproductive status, and days in
725 Physiological and nutritional changes of dairy goats for milk were tested as covariates in each model but removed if they did not
maintaining milk yield during extreme heat stress conditions at late contribute significantly to the prediction equation. Average maximum
lactation. S. Hamzaoui, A. A. K. Salama*, G. Caja, E. Albanell, C. temperatures were 25°C. Lying times and lying bouts were similar for
Flores, and X. Such, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, both treatments; means for lying time and bouts were 666 min/d and
Barcelona, Spain. 12.0/d for EP and 654 min/d and 12.9/d for NP. CBT was above 38.9°C
for 566.3 and 704.5 min/d for EP and NP, respectively (P = 0.06), and
Eight Murciano-Granadina dairy goats (43.5 ± 2.6 kg BW; 194 ± 3 above 39.2°C per day for 321 and 378 min/d for EP and NP (P = 0.06).
DIM) kept in metabolic cages were allocated in 2 balanced groups and Despite the cool ambient conditions, cows in NP tended to have CBT
randomly assigned to 2 climatic treatments according to a crossover above 38.9°C for 2.3 more h/d and CBT above 39.2°C for 1.0 more
design (35 d periods). Treatments were (temperature, °C; humidity, %; h/d. These trends were evident even though the stocking density of the
THI, Thorn heat index):1) thermal neutral (TN, 15 to 20°C and 35 to freestalls in EP was higher than NP (123.4% vs. 113.1%). These results
45%; THI = 59 to 64), and 2) heat stress (HS, 12 h/d at 37°C and 40%, indicate that CBT tends to be reduced even under relatively mild ambient
and 12 h/d at 30.5°C and 40%, THI = 85 and 77, respectively). Goats conditions when EP are used in cross ventilated facilities.
were fed daily 0.8 kg concentrate, 0.65 kg alfalfa pellets, and dehydrated
fescue ad libitum. Concentrate was adjusted daily to maintain constant Key Words: heat stress, lying behavior, evaporative cooling
570 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ruminant Nutrition: Beef: Proteins and Carbohydrates
727 Evaluation of triticale dried distillers grain as a barley silage dietary treatments. Dendrogram representation of the cluster analysis
substitute in feedlot finishing diets. K. T. Wierenga*1, T. A. McAl- showed no divergence between the 2 treatments based on the banding
lister2, D. J. Gibb2, A. V. Chaves2, E. K. Okine1, K. A. Beauchemin2, and patterns of each sample. Diversity profiles of the liquid and solid frac-
M. Oba1, 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2Agriculture tions of digesta also showed a low level of similarity (37.0%), however
and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada. clustering within liquid and within solid samples was visible. Daily range
in ruminal pH, pH at time of sampling or nadir did not appear to alter bac-
The objective of this study was to assess the value of triticale dried
terial diversity as determined by cluster analysis. These results indicate
distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) as a substitute for barley silage
that the detectable bacterial community structure in the rumen is highly
in a dry-rolled barley (DRB) grain-based feedlot finishing diet. The trial
diverse and influenced by a variety of environmental and host factors.
used 144 intact (478 ± 84 kg) and 16 rumen cannulated (494 ± 50 kg)
Animals fed high concentrate feedlot rations maintain similar bacterial
crossbred yearling steers arranged in a complete randomized design and
profiles despite a wide divergence in forage to concentrate ratio.
a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design, respectively. Steers were housed
in 16 pens; 8 pens with 10 intact steers / pen, and 8 pens equipped with Key Words: DGGE, rumen microbial diversity, pH
the GrowSafe system housing 8 intact and 2 rumen cannulated steers /
pen. Steers were fed one of 4 diets (DM basis): 1) 85% DRB and 10%
barley silage (CON); 2) 65% DRB, 20% triticale DDGS, and 10% barley 729 Longitudinal gene network and pathway analysis in skeletal
silage (D-10S), 3) 65% DRB, 25% triticale DDGS, and 5% barley silage muscle from early-weaned Angus steers fed high-starch or low-
(D-5S), and 4) 65% DRB, 30% triticale DDGS (D-0S). Ruminal pH starch diets during the growing phase. S. J. Moisa*, D. E. Graugnard,
was measured with indwelling electrodes over 4 7-d periods. Steers fed L. L. Berger, D. B. Faulkner, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas, R. E. Everts, H. A.
D-10S had less variation in mean ruminal pH (P = 0.008) and DMI (P Lewin, and J. J. Loor, Department of Animal Sciences, University of
= 0.009), and tended to have higher DMI (P = 0.08), but similar ADG Illinois, Urbana.
and gain:feed ratio (G:F) as compared with those fed CON. In addition, Metabolic regulation in complex organisms relies partly on transcrip-
steers fed D-10S tended to have increased back fat (P = 0.10), and lower tional control of gene networks as a long-term mechanism affecting the
dressing percentage (P = 0.06), rib eye area (P = 0.10) and meat yield (P level of expression of several key enzymes. Objectives were to evaluate
= 0.06) compared with those fed CON. Severity and number of abscessed temporal gene expression profiles in longissimus lumborum (LL) of
livers was higher (P = 0.006) in steers fed D-10S as compared with CON. early-weaned (155 ± 10 d age at weaning) Angus steers (n = 7/diet) fed
Replacing barley silage with triticale DDGS linearly decreased mean a high-starch (HiS, NEG = 5.98 MJ/kg diet dry matter) or low-starch
ruminal pH (P = 0.006), while duration (P = 0.006 and P = 0.01) and (LoS, NEG = 4.97 MJ/kg) diet for 120 d, at which point all steers were
area (P = 0.02 and P = 0.05) below pH 5.5 and 5.2 linearly increased, switched to a common feedlot diet until slaughter. LL biopsies for
and tended to linearly decrease DMI (P = 0.10) and increase (P = 0.06) transcript profiling and blood for metabolite analyses were collected
G:F. Although mean ruminal pH decreased as triticale DDGS replaced at 0, 56, 112, and 224 d of feeding. A 13,257 bovine oligonucleotide
barley silage, the trend for improved growth performance suggests that (70-mers) array was used for transcript profiling. Functional analysis
lower ruminal pH did not affect animal performance; however a dietary was performed by means of Ingenuity Pathways Analysis and DAVID.
additive for liver abscess control is advised. Analysis of variance using a false discovery rate <0.01 revealed ca.
Key Words: triticale DDGS, finishing diet, cattle 5,000 differentially expressed genes (DEG) due to time alone. During
the growing phase, the most striking differences occurred at 60 vs. 0
d when a total of 1,471 DEG were observed. The number of DEG due
728 Examination of rumen bacterial community changes in to time, however, was 3,702 at 224 vs. 0 d. Within the 1,471 DEG, the
feedlot cattle. R. M. Beliveau*1,2, W. Z. Yang2, R. J. Forster2, J. J. functional analysis revealed >45 enriched canonical pathways (e.g.,
McKinnon1, and T. A McAllister2, 1Department of Animal and Poul- acute phase response signaling, fatty acid metabolism, ERK/MAPK
try Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, signaling). However, initial analysis based on expression pattern (i.e.,
Canada, 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Center, Leth- up- or downregulation) of the genes within pathways indicated that
bridge, Alberta, Canada. the putative function of most of those was inhibited. Fewer canonical
pathways were enriched within DEG at 224 vs. 0 d. These included
A feeding trial was conducted to determine the effects of 2 finishing
oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and LPS/IL-1
rations on rumen fermentation conditions and the diversity of rumen
Mediated Inhibition of RXR Function. Expression patterns of genes
bacterial populations. Eight animals used in a concurrent replicated 4 × 4
within these pathways revealed an overall activation. Results revealed
Latin square feeding trial were sub-sampled over 4–21 d periods. The 2
marked adaptations in networks and pathways during rapid growth of
diets representing extremes in forage to concentrate ratio were a typical
skeletal muscle.
finishing ration (85% barley, 10% silage, 0% DDGS) and an atypical
ration containing no forage (60% barley, 0% silage, 35% DDGS). Rumen Key Words: systems biology, transcriptomics, energy
digesta was collected one hour before- and 3 h post-feeding on d 14 of
each period. Samples were divided into liquid and solid fractions and
bacterial DNA was extracted. Continuous in-dwelling pH measurements 730 Carbohydrate-responsive element binding protein (MLXIPL)
were averaged over 5 d (d11 – d16). PCR-DGGE profiles were created and PPARγ gene network expression in longissimus lumborum of
using universal bacterial 16S rDNA primers and analyzed using Dice early-weaned and normal-weaned Angus steers fed a high-starch
coefficients to obtain percent similarity between branch clusters using diet during the growing phase. S. J. Moisa*, D. W. Shike, D. B.
UPGMA in BioNumerics software. Cluster analysis showed high levels Faulkner, and J. J. Loor, University of Illinois, Urbana.
of similarity (90.6%) between pre and post-feeding samples, however Our previous work indicated precocious upregulation of adipogenic gene
there was low similarity (≤40%) in banding profiles within each of the networks in longissimus lumborum (LL) of early-weaned Angus steers
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 571
fed a high- vs. low-starch diet during the growing phase (Graugnard These data provide a foundation for further investigations into possible
et al., 2009; Br. J. Nutr. Dec. 21 [E-pub ahead of print]). Further, data application of fructose-based supplements to prevent acidosis when
provided evidence of metabolic imprinting effects of high-starch on cattle are transitioned from forages to concentrate-based diets.
the transcription factors sterol regulatory element-binding transcrip-
Key Words: fructose, lactic acid, acidosis
tion factor 1 (SREBF1) and carbohydrate responsive element binding
protein (MLX interacting protein-like, MLXIPL), both of which had
greater expression in the early-weaned/high-starch-fed group after 120 732 Effects of corn steep liquor in low-moisture blocks processed
d of feeding a common finishing diet. To examine the effect of weaning under vacuum or at atmospheric pressure on performance of grow-
age on transcriptional networks associated with adipogenesis due to ing heifers fed forage-based diets. K. A. Miller*, G. L. Parsons, L. K.
high-starch, 7 early-weaned (EW, 163 ± 17 d old) and 7 normal-weaned Thompson, and J. S. Drouillard, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
(NW, 213 ± 17 d old) calves were used and managed to receive a corn-
based creep supplement (NW) or a high-starch diet (EW). For the ~100 A study was conducted to evaluate a novel process for manufacturing
d treatment period, EW calves remained in the feedlot and NW calves low moisture supplement blocks containing corn steep liquor (CSL)
nursed their dams while on pasture. NW calves were weaned ca. 230 d and effects on growing heifer performance. Crossbred heifers (n =
postpartum and joined the early-weaned calves at the feedlot at which 359; BW 236 ± 8.9 kg) were utilized in a randomized complete block
point both groups were fed a common finishing diet until slaughter. design. Heifers were fed a basal diet containing (DM basis) 44% corn
LL biopsies were collected at 0 (early weaning), 25, 50, 100 (normal silage, 29% corn stalks, and 27% alfalfa hay, along with no supplement
weaning), mid-way through finishing, and 1 wk before slaughter for (CON), blocks containing 15% CSL processed at atmospheric pressure
transcript profiling using quantitative PCR. Preliminary results from the and high temperatures (HT-15), blocks processed under vacuum at low
treatment period showed that expression of both PPARG and MLXIPL temperatures (LT-15), or blocks containing 40% CSL and processed
was greater (ca. 2.5- and 3-fold, P < 0.05) in NW vs. EW steers at the under vacuum at low temperatures (LT-40). Heifers were fed their
start of the study. However, EW steers had gradual increases (diet × respective treatments 84 d, then fed a common diet 14 d to minimize
time P < 0.05) in both PPARG and MLXIPL such that at the end of the differences in gut fill. Supplementing LT-15 or LT-40 blocks increased
treatment period their expression averaged 3.4- and 5-fold relative to ADG over non-supplemented CON and HT-15 supplemented heifers
start of treatments. During that time-frame, expression of both genes (P < 0.05), but ADG were similar between the CON and HT-15 groups
averaged 1.3-fold of the expression at the start of treatments in NW (P > 0.8), as well as for LT-15 and LT-40 treatments (P > 0.6). Forage
steers. Results indicated a marked pro-adipogenic response of high- DMI was similar among treatments (P > 0.1). Daily consumption of
starch feeding at an early age. block supplements was greater for heifers fed LT-15 and LT-40 com-
pared with those fed HT-15 (P < 0.01), but daily intakes of LT-15 and
Key Words: adipogenesis, nutrition, transcriptomics LT-40 blocks were not different (P > 0.2). Total intake (block intake +
forage intake) was greater for heifers fed LT-15 and LT-40 blocks than
non-supplemented heifers (P < 0.05). Total intakes of heifers fed HT-15
731 Effects of fructose-based block supplement on ruminal
were intermediate and not different from CON or other block treatments
concentration of lactate and growth of lactate-utilizing bacteria in
(P > 0.2). Feed efficiency was not different among treatments (P > 0.2).
forage-fed cattle. K. A. Miller*, G. L. Parsons, M. J. Quinn, and J.
Supplementing blocks containing CSL processed at low temperatures
S. Drouillard, Kansas State University, Manhattan.
improves performance over non-supplemented heifers. However, when
Acidosis is common among cattle as they are transitioned from for- processed at high temperatures and at atmospheric pressure, adding
ages to concentrates due to accumulation of lactate and other organic CSL to low-moisture blocks yields no discernable benefit to cattle fed
acids. This study was conducted to determine if supplementation with a forage-based diets. This study reveals limitations in using heat sensitive
fructose-based supplement could stimulate ruminal production of lactic ingredients in block supplements.
acid and subsequent growth of lactate-utilizing bacteria in forage-fed
Key Words: low-moisture blocks, vacuum processing, condensed corn
cattle. A mixture of fructose corn syrup and vegetable oil (4%, DM
fermented extractives
basis) was dehydrated in a steam-jacketed kettle (121°C), subjected to
a vacuum, discharged into containers, and cooled to form a hardened,
amorphous mass. Ruminally fistulated heifers (n = 12) were blocked 733 Relationship between eating pattern and performance of
by BW (535 ± 54 kg), placed into individual pens, and randomized Holstein bulls and steers fed high-concentrate rations using a com-
to CONTROL (no block) or BLOCK (fructose block fed at 0.9 kg/d) puterized concentrate feeder. M. Devant*1, S. Marti1, and A. Bach2,1,
treatments. Heifers had ad libitum access to prairie hay and salt for 10 1Department of Ruminant Production, IRTA, Barcelona, Spain, 2ICREA,
d, after which supplement was offered to cattle in the BLOCK treat- Barcelona, Spain.
ment for 3 d by dosing directly into the rumen via the fistula at 0700
h. Ruminal digesta was sampled after 1 and 3 d of supplementation A total of 132 animals (initial BW = 220 ± ± 22 kg and age = 172 ±
every 30 min for 8 h post-feeding to determine effects on ruminal pH, 0.4 d) were used to study the relationship between feeding pattern and
lactate, and VFA. Anaerobic cultures containing lactic acid as substrate performance. Animals were randomly allocated in 6 pens with 2 pens
were inoculated with strained ruminal fluid, and turbidity changes were for each treatment: 44 intact bulls, 44 steers castrated at 3 mo of age
monitored for 24 h as an indicator of capacity for lactate utilization. (CAS3), and 44 bulls castrated at 8 mo of age during the study (CAS8).
Ruminal pH was lower (P < 0.01) for the first 3 h after administration The study finished at 285 d of life. Each pen had one computerized
of the block. Ruminal concentrations of lactate (3.38 mM versus 0.66 concentrate feeder (GEA WestfaliaSurge, Germany), one straw feeder,
mM) and butyrate (6.6 versus 4.0 mM) were greater for BLOCK heifers and one drinker. Concentrate and straw were offered ad libitum. Animals
compared with CONTROLS (P < 0.01). Incubation of ruminal contents were weighed every 14 d and concentrate eating pattern (daily mean,
in lactate media revealed greater (P < 0.05) capacity for lactate utilization CV, minimum and maximum) was averaged for each 14-d period.
in BLOCK heifers. Feeding fructose-based blocks increased ruminal The relationships between each eating pattern parameter and ADG or
lactate production and subsequent growth of lactate-utilizing bacteria. concentrate efficiency were evaluated by regression analyses using a fit
model procedure of JMP with animal as random effect. Overall, average
572 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
BW was 305 ± 58.3 kg, ADG 1.4 ± 0.53 g/d, feed efficiency 22 ± 9.1%, An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of ruminal aci-
daily intake 6.3 ± 1.01 kg/d (21 ± 0.5% CV), daily feeder visits 6.3 ± dosis challenge on ruminal temperature of beef steers. Twelve ruminally
1.29 /d (28 ± 1.0% CV), meal size 1.1 ± 0.25 kg (63 ± 1.3% CV), meal cannulated steers with ruminal temperature monitoring devices which
duration 10.2 ± 2.20 min (59 ± 1.2% CV), inter-meal time 244.8 ± 55.38 recorded current temperature every 2 min were fed a 63% concentrate
min (59 ± 0.7% CV), and eating rate 112 ± 16.9 g/ min (32 ± 2.1% CV). diet at 1.6% BW and randomly assigned to one of 3 challenge treat-
In bulls, as CV of daily intake increased (P < 0.001, r = −0.40) ADG ments: no dietary change (CON), half of diet replaced with cracked corn
decreased. In addition, in bulls as maximum daily intake increased (P (HALF), or all of diet replaced with cracked corn (CORN). Acidosis
< 0.001, r = −0.34) efficiency decreased. In steers CAS8 as CV of daily challenge was initiated by ruminally dosing steers with their daily allot-
intake increased (P < 0.001, r = −0.36) ADG decreased. In steers CAS3 ment of challenge treatment diets. Ruminal pH and rectal temperatures
as mean daily intake and maximum daily intake increased (P < 0.001, were recorded every 3 h for 72 h. All steers were offered CON diets
−0.53 and −0.55, respectively) efficiency decreased. In addition, in at 24 and 48 h after challenge. Effects of treatment, day, hours since
CAS3 steers as mean and minimum eating rate increased (P < 0.001; r challenge/feeding, and all interactions were determined using the
= −0.47 and r = −0.37, respectively) concentrate efficiency decreased. MIXED procedure of SAS. Relationships between ruminal and rectal
Also in steers CAS3 as mean and maximum meal size increased (P < temperatures and pH were measured using the CORR procedure of SAS.
0.001; r = −0.33 and −0.33, respectively) efficiency decreased. Bulls and Ruminal pH showed a treatment × d effect, as pH of CORN steers was
steers have different relationships between feeding pattern parameters lower (P < 0.05) than CON and HALF steers by 0.44 units on d 1, 0.67
and performance. units on d 2, and 0.34 units on d 3. Treatment did not affect (P > 0.05)
rectal temperatures. There was a treatment × hours since feeding effect
Key Words: beef, monitoring, eating pattern
for temperature change since initial ruminal temperature (P < 0.05).
At time of feeding 24 and 48 h post-challenge, ruminal temperatures
734 Effect of supplemental protein source during the winter on of CON and CORN steers were 0.04°C less than initial temperature,
pre- and postpartum glucose metabolism. F. W. Harrelson*1, S. L. while those of HALF steers were 0.21°C greater (P < 0.05) than initial
Ivey1, S. H. Cox1, R. L. Dunlap II1, J. T. Mulliniks1, B. H. Carter1, C. A. temperature. CORN and HALF steers exhibited a 0.21°C greater (P
Löest1, and M. K. Petersen2, 1New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, < 0.05) increase in ruminal temperature than CON steers 9 h after
2USDA-ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory, feeding. Rectal temperatures were correlated (P < 0.05) with ruminal
Miles City, MT. temperatures for all treatments. Ruminal and rectal temperatures were
negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with pH in HALF and CORN steers,
Circulating serum glucose concentrations as well as glucose utiliza- but not in CON steers (P > 0.05). A 1.44 unit decrease since initial pH
tion have been shown to be affected by forage quality. Supplemental in CORN steers was correlated (P < 0.05) with a 0.14°C increase since
protein provided to grazing range cows while consuming low quality initial ruminal temperature, but changes in these measurements were not
forage may improve glucose metabolism. The objective of our study correlated (P > 0.05) in HALF or CON steers. Decreasing pH associated
was to determine the effects of winter protein supplement strategy on with acidosis results in a rise in ruminal temperature.
serum glucose half-life, insulin response, as well as identify the effects
of previous gestational protein supplementation on mid lactation milk Key Words: beef cattle, acidosis, body temperature
yield. The study was conducted 2 consecutive calving seasons utilizing
5-yr old Angus and Angus crossbred cows (n = 8/trt each yr, 530 kg
736 The influence of dietary protein regimens on crude protein
average BW). Cows were supplemented until calving with 1) a control
and dry matter apparent digestibility in steers fed a steam-flaked
36% CP (35% UIP of CP) cottonseed meal based cube (CON), hand-fed
corn based diet. E. C. Westover*1, J. J. Wagner1, T. E. Engle1, T. C.
at 454 g/d delivered 3d/wk ($16/45.4 kg), or 2) a self-fed 50:50 loose
Bryant2, S. L. Archibeque1, and J. Ham1, 1Colorado State University,
mineral and fishmeal 33% CP (60% UIP of CP) small supplement (SSP),
Fort Collins, 2JBS Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, Greeley, CO.
formulated for a targeted consumption of 113g/d ($52/45.4 kg). After
calving, cows were supplemented similarly (CON at 908 g/d offered 3 Four hundred crossbreed steers (330 kg ± 0.8 initial BW) were used to
d/wk). Supplemental protein source affected (P = 0.03) glucose half-life, investigate the effects of dietary protein regimens on dry matter (DM)
whereby the SSP cows had a lower half-life compared with CON (62 and and crude protein (CP) digestibility, using acid insoluble ash (AIA) as
85 min respectively). Supplement also influenced insulin area under the an indigestible indicator substance. Cattle were randomly assigned to
curve (AUC; P < 0.01) with CON having a larger area compared with the following treatments that were applied to a 91% concentrate (steam-
the SSP treatment (95.18 ± 4.9 and 75.02 ± 4.8 respectively). Prepartum flaked corn based) diet: 1) High CP (HCP; 13.5% CP), 2) Oscillating
glucose AUC (P = 0.10) and insulin half-life (P = 0.75) were unaffected CP (OCP; 11.62% CP diet fed Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday and
by supplement treatment. Milk yield or components was not affected (P the HCP diet fed Monday, Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday), 3) Interme-
> 0.05) by supplement; however year showed a significant (P < 0.05) diate CP (ICP; 12.56% CP), and 4) Low CP (LCP; 11.62% CP). Urea
effect on these parameters. Milk yield was decreased from 7531 g ± was used to modify dietary CP concentrations. At the initiation of the
299 in yr 1 to 4328 g ± 293 in yr 2, possibly due to lower forage quality experiment, steers were implanted with controlled release implant
(~3% CP vs. ~8% CP in yr 1). These results suggest that supplemental containing 200 mg trenbolone acetate and 40 mg estradiol. Steers were
undegradable intake protein, during times of low quality forage, may weighed every 28 d throughout the experiment and fecal grab samples
improve glucose clearance. were obtained over 2 d (d73 or d74; from 12 of pens per treatment) and
frozen immediately. Weekly feed samples were collected, frozen, and
Key Words: beef cattle, glucose, supplementation
then composited monthly. Feed and fecal samples were analyzed for DM,
N (conversion factor = 6.25), and acid insoluble ash. Treatment tended
735 Ruminal and rectal temperatures during acidosis challenge (P < 0.06) to be a significant source of variation for CP digestibility.
in beef cattle. J. L. Wahrmund*, J. R. Ronchesel, C. R. Krehbiel, Steers receiving HCP diet had similar CP digestibility relative to steers
and C. J. Richards, Oklahoma State University, Department of Animal receiving OCP and ICP diets. However, steers receiving the LCP diet
Science, Stillwater. had higher (P < 0.04) CP digestibility when compared with steers fed
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 573
HCP. Treatment was a significant (P < 0.001) source of variation for
DM digestibility. Dry matter digestibility tended (P < 0.06) to be higher Table 1. Effects of METHIOPLUS supplementation for 56 days on
in OCP fed steers and was higher (P < 0.001) in LCP steers compared performance of growing feedlot heifers
with HCP fed steers. Acid insoluble ash has been documented to be an METHIOPLUS, g/d P-value
accurate prediction of digestibility of DM and CP; however digestibility Item 0 7.5 15.0 22.5 SEM Linear Quadratic 0 vs suppl
can be overestimated due to low AIA content in feed and feces samples.
DMI, kg/d 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.7 0.11 0.59 0.02 0.09
These data indicated that DM and CP digestibility can be influenced by
dietary CP concentration. ADG, kg/d 1.48 1.55 1.57 1.55 0.045 0.02 0.06 <0.01
G:F 0.192 0.198 0.199 0.200 0.0027 0.04 0.47 0.04
Key Words: protein, digestibility, acid insoluble ash
Key Words: methionine, supplement, cattle
574 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Ruminant Nutrition: Dairy: Rumen Metabolism
739 Effects of lauric and myristic acids on ruminal fermentation, Milk fat percent and yield decreased progressively from d 1 when fed the
production, and milk fatty acid composition in lactating dairy MFD diet and were significant by d 3 (P < 0.05) and 7, respectively (P
cows. A. N. Hristov*1, C. Lee1, T. Cassidy1, M. Long1, K. Heyler1, < 0.05). After switched to the recovery diet, milk fat concentration and
and B. Corl2, 1Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 2Virginia yield progressively increased from d 1 and were the same as control on
Tech, Blacksburg. d 19 and 11, respectively. Milk protein percent increased progressively
when cows were on the MFD diet and was significantly different from
The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of lauric control after d 11 (P < 0.001 from d 11 to 21), reaching a plateau on
and myristic acids on ruminal fermentation, production, and milk fatty d 13. Milk protein percent was 6% higher on average for dMFD vs.
acid (FA) profile in lactating dairy cows. The experiment was conducted control cows between d 11 and 21. Milk protein yield was not affected
as a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square. Six ruminally-cannulated cows (95 by treatment. Our data shows that recovery from diet induced milk fat
± 26.4 DIM), were subjected to the following treatments: 240 g/cow/d depression occurs progressively with a very short lag when dietary NDF
of each, stearic (SA, control), lauric (LA), or myristic (MA) acids. The and polyunsaturated fatty acid concentration are corrected.
basal diet contained (DM basis) 15.2% CP and 33.9% NDF. Experimen-
tal periods were 28 d and cows were refaunated between periods. LA Key Words: milk fat depression, dairy cows
reduced (P < 0.001) protozoal counts in the rumen by 96% (no effect
of MA), acetate, total VFA, and ammonia concentrations, and microbial
N outflow from the rumen (by 32%; P = 0.002), compared with SA. 741 Meta-analysis to calculate volatile fatty acid production in the
Ruminal methane production was not affected by treatment. DMI was rumen of cattle. D. Sauvant*1 and P. Noziere2, 1AGROPARISTECH-
severely depressed (P < 0.001) by LA (18.6) compared with SA (26.7) INRA MoSAR, Paris, France, 2INRA-URH, 63122 St Genes Champan-
and MA (24.7 kg/d), which decreased (P = 0.017) milk yield (35.8 and elle, France.
43.6 kg/d, LA and SA, respectively). Feed efficiency, however, was The estimation of the production of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the
the highest (P = 0.008) for LA (1.91), followed by MA (1.81), and SA rumen remains a limit for diet evaluation and formulation. To prog-
(1.63 kg/kg). Milk fat content was also severely depressed (P = 0.021) ress on this topic, a meta-analysis of published data where apparently
by LA (2.59) compared with SA (3.42%). Treatment had no effect on digestible organic matter in the rumen (ADOMr) and VFA profiles were
milk protein content. Milk N efficiency was greater (P = 0.022) for documented was performed. A database was compiled from 237(nexp)
LA (34.9) than SA (30.6%). Concentration of milk FA < C16 was 20% experiments (599 treatments, tr), 59% being conducted on lactating
lower (P = 0.011) for LA than MA. Concentration of C12:0 was more cows. Most were focused on the effects of dietary protein (32%), starch
than doubled (P < 0.001) by LA and C14:0 was increased by MA (by (23%), NDF (18%), or particle size (11%). There were large variations
45%; P < 0.001), compared with SA. LA resulted in lower (P = 0.027) of dry matter intake (2.7 ± 0.8%LW), dietary NDF (37.4 ± 12.0%DM) or
C16, but greater (P = 0.014) long-chain FA, compared with SA and MA. concentrate (CO, 46.8 ± 22.8%DM). The OM digestibility in the whole
Concentrations of trans C18:1 and cis-9, trans-11 CLA were doubled tract (OMDt), and intake of ADOMr were 70.3 ± 6.7% and 10.6 ± 3.7
(P < 0.01) by LA compared with SA and MA. In conclusion, LA had g/kgLW, respectively. The ADOMr represented 61.6 ± 15.4% of OM
profound effects on ruminal fermentation, mediated through inhibited digested in the whole tract. The molar percentages were 62.9 ± 5.7 for
microbial populations, and decreased DMI, milk yield, and milk fat acetate, 21.4 ± 5.0 for propionate, 11.7 ± 2.0 for butyrate, and 3.8 ± 1.6
content. Both LA and MA modified significantly milk FA profile. for minor VFA. ADOMr being considered as the OM recovered as VFA
Key Words: lauric acid, myristic acid, dairy cow and gas, it was interpreted as C flows, assuming 37 and 45 mmol of C
per g of carbohydrate and protein, respectively. Production of VFA was
calculated from C flows and VFA profiles assuming 0.33, 0.0, 0.33, 0.15
740 Time course of recovery from diet induced milk fat depression mol of C as gas per mol of C as acetate, propionate, butyrate and minor
in dairy cows. D. E. Rico* and K. J. Harvatine, The Pennsylvania VFA, respectively. The calculated production of VFA was 121.2 ± 42.7
State University, University Park. mmol/kgLW, i.e. 7.1 ± 1.8 mmol/g OM digested in the whole tract. The
% of C as VFA in C from ADOMr was 74.2 ± 1.5. This ratio increased
Nine ruminally cannulated cows were randomly assigned to treatment with the % CO (73.0 + 0.02%CO, R2 = 0.82, RMSE = 0.8, nexp=43).
sequence in a Latin Square designed for analysis of recovery from diet- For 513 of the tr, the true DOMr (TDOMr) was also measured, and the
induced milk fat depression (dMFD). A control diet with 32% NDF ratio VFA/TDOMr was 8.3 ± 1.2 mmol/g TDOMr. This is close to the
was fed during the Control and Recovery periods. A low fiber and high value obtained by other approaches. Thus, Noziere et al. (2010, Animal,
oil diet containing 27% NDF and 3.0% soybean oil was fed during the in press) obtained a ratio of 8.0 ± 0.6 with a database of VFA produc-
diet-induced MFD period (dMFD). Treatment periods were 21 d in tion measured in vivo with labeled VFA. In conclusion, it is possible
length. Milk yield and DMI were measured daily. Milk samples were to interpret experimental data on ADOMr and VFA profile to calculate
taken every other day and milk was analyzed for fat and true protein. realistic values of production of VFA from ADOMr.
Data was analyzed using the repeated measures statement of Proc
Mixed (SAS Institute); the model included period, sequence, and cow Key Words: volatile fatty acid, rumen, meta-analysis
nested in sequence as random effects, and treatment, day on diet and
the interaction of treatment and day on diet as fixed effects. Day was
the repeated variable and the heterogeneous autoregressive covariance 742 Forage physically effective fiber source alters ruminal pH and
structure was used. Denominator degrees of freedom were adjusted by site of digestion. M. B. Hall*, U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center,
the Kenward Rogers method. DMI progressively decreased when cows USDA-ARS, Madison, WI.
were switched to dMFD and was significantly different from control The study objective was to evaluate the effects of physically effective
after d 6 (P < 0.05). Intake recovered after d 15 of the recovery period. fiber source (peNDF) and starch sources with different rates of fermen-
Milk yield was not affected by treatment and averaged 32.5 ± 2.1 kg. tation (ST). Thirty-two lactating Holstein cows (8 cannulated) were
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 575
used in an incomplete Latin square design with 3 21-d periods. Dietary peptide concentration linearly increased (P < 0.05) as HMBi replaced
treatments were inclusion of chopped wheat straw (WS) or ensiled Met. Correspondingly, the bacterial N derived from ammonia increased
corn stover (ES) to provide 10% of diet DM as NDF, and inclusion of (P < 0.05) with increasing HMBi. Preformed Met was transferred
dry ground corn (DC) or high moisture shelled corn (HC) as the starch extensively into bacterial Met (25% for Met and 48% for the dl-Met/
sources. Diets were formulated to contained similar concentrations of HMBi mix). The HMBi washout from the fermenters [kp/(kd+kp)] aver-
starch, N, and NDF. DMI was not affected by treatment. Time per day aged 62%, although there likely would be significant absorption from
spent ruminating did not differ by diet, but time spent eating tended to the rumen. HMBi that did not pass out of the fermenters was readily
be greater for cows with DC than for HC. At 2 h post-feeding, ruminal converted to Met, which accumulated in the free Met pool, with only
digesta DM% was greater with WS than ES. Rumen digesta DM kg did 5% transfer into bacterial Met. Future research is evaluating if HMBi is
not differ by treatment. Ruminal digesta liquid kg tended to be greater converted to d-Met, which would accumulate if mixed bacterial cultures
with DC than HC on ES diets, but HC was greater than DC on WS diets. lack sufficient racemase activity.
Ruminal pH was lower with WS than ES. In contrast, fecal pH was lower
Key Words: HMBi, methionine, bacterial protein synthesis
with ES than with WS. Neither pH was affected by ST. Lower ruminal
pH and higher fecal pH with WS suggests that WS retained more feed
to be digested in the rumen, whereas the reverse response with ES sug- 744 Ruminal degradability of forages and diets in lactating dairy
gests that this peNDF source allowed more fermentable carbohydrate cows fed a hemicellulose extract. K. J. Herrick*1, M. Abdullah2, A.
to pass from the rumen to ferment in the hindgut. Forage peNDF source R. Hippen1, D. S. Schingoethe1, K. F. Kalscheur1, and R. S. Patton3,
may affect passage of carbohydrate. 1South Dakota State University, Brookings, 2University of Veterinary
576 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
performance. Eight lactating dairy cows were used in a replicated 4 × pHCON. The results show that increasing K in the diet has effects on
4 Latin square design with 28-d periods (20 d of dietary adaptation and shifting fermentation and biohydrogenation pathways, which can only
8 d of measurements). Four cows in one Latin square were ruminally partially be explained by elevation of pH.
cannulated for measurement of ruminal fermentation characteristics and
Key Words: potassium, biohydrogenation, rumen
total tract nutrient digestion. Cows were fed either a standard barley
silage–based TMR containing CM as the major protein supplement
(control) or rations formulated to contain 10, 15 and 20% WDDGS (DM 747 Methane production, fermentation patterns and protozoa
basis). Wheat-based DDGS replaced CM. Inclusion of WDDGS linearly numbers In Vitro as related to source of rumen fluid and feed as
increased DMI (P < 0.01; 29.5, 31.2, 30.2 and 31.9 kg/d for 0, 10, 15 and substrate from different cattle feeding systems. M. A. Froetschel*,
20% WDDGS diets, respectively; n = 8). Ruminal VFA concentrations C. L. Ross, S. Buaphan, S. Chinnasamy, and K. C. Das, The University
were unaffected, except that the inclusion of 20% WDDGS resulted of Georgia, Athens.
in a decrease (P < 0.01) and a tendency (P = 0.09) for a decrease in
molar concentrations of isobutyrate and total VFA, respectively. There Rumen fluid, collected by stomach tube, and samples of diet of beef
were no differences (P > 0.05) among treatments for ruminal pH and cattle grazing pasture, lactating dairy cattle fed a total mixed ration,
ammonia concentrations, and apparent total tract nutrient digestibilities. and beef cattle fed a feedlot ration were used to determine the influ-
Urinary excretion of purine derivatives (PD) was not different (P = 0.20) ence of substrate and rumen microbial population on In Vitro methane
among diets; consequently, microbial N supply, estimated using urinary production and fermentation in a 3x3 factorial designed experiment. A
PD excretion, was not affected (P = 0.19). The addition of WDDGS modified Tilley and Terry, procedure was used and fermentation gas was
in place of CM resulted in a quadratic change (P < 0.01) in milk yield collected in sampling bags with septum valves. Dry matter and gross
(42.8, 42.2, 43.6 and 40.5 kg/d for 0, 10, 15 and 20% WDDGS diets, energy digestion and volatile fatty acids and ammonia production and
respectively; n = 8). There were no differences (P > 0.05) among treat- protozoa counts were measured using standard techniques after 24 h
ments for concentrations and yields of milk fat, protein, and lactose. incubations. All parameters were corrected with measurements from
These data indicate that WDDGS can substitute for CM in dairy cow rumen fluid blank incubations without substrate. Rumen fluid from
diets without a negative impact on ruminal fermentation characteristics, feedlot and dairy cattle produced 32.8% more methane volume (P <
microbial N supply and animal performance. 0.01). Dairy and feedlot substrate produced 60% to 116% more methane
volume than grazing substrate (P < 0.01). Although rumen fluid source
Key Words: wheat-based DDGS, nutrient supply, milk production from dairy and feedlot cattle increased moles of methane per digestible
energy fermented by 70.5% as compare with that from grazing cattle (P
< 0.05), methane production per energy fermented was not influenced by
746 Shifts in fermentation and intermediates of biohydrogenation
substrate. Methane production efficiency was positively related to VFA
induced by potassium supplementation into continuous cultures of
production (r = 0.98, P < 0.01) and the molar percentages of propionate
mixed ruminal microorganisms. T. C. Jenkins*1, E. Block2, and J.
and butyrate but negatively related to the molar percentage of acetate
H. Harrison3, 1Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 2Arm and Hammer
(r = 0.92, P < 0.02). Protozoa counts in rumen fluid from feedlot and
Animal Nutrition, Princeton, NJ, 3Washington State University, Puyal-
dairy cattle were several-fold higher than that from grazing cattle but
numbers decreased dramatically in vitro after 24 h. These results imply
Recent studies have reported increased fat percentages in milk of lactat- that the methane production is more related to the level of energy fed
ing dairy cattle when diets were supplemented with potassium carbonate. than the pattern of rumen fermentation.
Because milk fat yield has been associated with ruminal production of
Key Words: rumen fermentation, methane, digestible energy
certain conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers, this study was conducted
to determine if increasing K exposure to ruminal microorganisms alters
biohydrogenation and CLA production. Five dual-flow continuous 748 Time course of changes in ruminal chemistry and bacterial
fermenters were fed 60 g/d of a 1:1 forage (10% alfalfa hay and 90% community composition following exchange of ruminal contents
corn silage) to concentrate mix in 2 equal portions at 0800 and 1600 between lactating Holstein cows. P. J. Weimer*1,2, D. M. Stevenson1,
h for 10-d periods (n = 4). Three of the 5 fermenters were injected H. C. Mantovani3, and S. Man2, 1USDA-ARS, Madison, WI, 2University
just before each feeding with a 10% (w/w) stock potassium carbonate of Wisconsin, Madison, 3Universidade Federale de Viçosa, Viçosa,
solution to provide the equivalent of 0.6 (K1), 1.2 (K2), and 1.8 (K3) MG, Brazil.
g K/d. One of the remaining fermenters received no injection (K0) and
the last fermenter (pHCON) was injected with adequate NaOH stock The purpose of this study was to examine the stability and host specificity
solution (10%, w/w) to match the pH observed for the K3 treatment. of a cow’s ruminal bacterial community following massive challenge
pH and acetate/propionate in fermenters increased (P ≤ 0.05) linearly with the ruminal microflora from another cow. In each of 2 experiments,
for K0 to K3. pH was the same but acetate/propionate was lower (P one pair of cows was selected on the basis of differences in ruminal
≤ 0.05) for pHCON compared with K3. Losses of oleic, linoleic, and bacterial community composition (BCC), determined by automated
linolenic acids averaged 216, 872, and 125 mg/d, respectively and were ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis, a culture-independent “community
not affected by treatment. Stearic acid production changed (P = 0.14) fingerprinting” technique. Each pair of cows was then subjected to a
from K0 to K3 (397, 449, 562, and 316 mg/d), but K3 and pHCON one-time exchange of > 95% of ruminal contents without changing the
(206 mg/d) did not differ. Production of trans-10 C18:1 declined (P ≤ composition of a corn silage/alfalfa haylage-based TMR. In experiment
0.05) and trans-11 C18:1 increased (P ≤ 0.05) linearly from K0 to K3, 1, the 2 cows differed (P < 0.01) in pre-feed ruminal pH (mean = 6.88
but pHCON and K3 were the same for both C18:1 isomers. The cis-9, vs. 6.14) and pre-feed total VFA concentration (mean = 57 vs. 77 mM),
trans-11 and trans-9, trans-11 isomers increased (P ≤ 0.05) linearly from averaged over 3 d. Following exchange of ruminal contents, ruminal
K0 to K3, but K3 and pHCON did not differ. There was a numerical pH and total VFA concentration in both cows returned to their pre-
decrease in production of trans-10, cis-12 from K0 to K3 (11.4, 11.5, exchange values within 24 h. Ruminal BCC also returned to its original
7.9, and 8.5 mg/d), but its production remained high (13.2 mg/d) for profile, but this change required 14 d for one cow and 61 d for the other
cow. In experiment 2, the 2 other cows differed (P < 0.01) in pre-feed
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 577
ruminal pH (mean = 6.69 vs. 6.20) and total VFA concentration (mean acute phase protein response in dairy heifers. The magnitude of
= 101 vs. 136 mM). Following exchange of ruminal contents, the first the response was dependent on the feeding of the animals before
cow returned to its pre-exchange pH and VFA values within 24 h; the overload. This difference might be due to specific adaptation of the
second cow’s rumen rapidly stabilized to a higher pre-feed pH (mean ruminal flora and mucosa to the carbohydrate substrate supplied
= 6.47) and lower pre-feed VFA concentration (mean = 120 mM) that in the feed. Although the acute phase response is nonspecific,
was retained over the 62 d test period. Both cows reached somewhat measurement of acute phase proteins may be used to monitor the
different BCCs than before the exchange. However, the BCC of both inflammatory reaction occurring in bovine ruminal and systemic
cows remained distinct and were ultimately more similar to that of the acidosis.
pre-exchange BCC than of the donor animal BCC. The data indicate
that the host animal can quickly re-establish its characteristic ruminal
pH and VFA concentration despite dramatic perturbation of its ruminal Key Words: ruminal acidosis, acute phase proteins, oligofructose
microbial community, and that ruminal BCC displays substantial host overload
specificity that can re-establish itself when challenged with a microbial
community optimally adapted to ruminal conditions of a different host 750 Redox potential measurement: A new way to explore ruminal
animal. metabolism. C. Julien*1, J. P. Marden2, R. Moncoulon1, and C. Bay-
Key Words: rumen, ruminal bacterial community ourthe1, 1Université de Toulouse, INRA, UMR 1289 INRA/INPT/ENVT
TANDEM, 31326 Toulouse, France, 2Lesaffre Feed Additives, 59520
Marquette-Lez-Lille, France.
749 Acute phase protein response during acute bovine ruminal
acidosis. A. M. Danscher*1, M. B. Thoefner1, P. M. H. Heegaard2, Microbial metabolism is thermodynamically driven by numerous
C. T. Ekstroem1, P. H. Andersen1, and S. Jacobsen1, 1University of biochemical reactions that can be assessed either by free energy (ΔG)
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Technical University of Denmark, Copenha- calculation or redox potential (Eh) measurement. Recent studies reported
gen, Denmark. that positive Eh values recorded in a buffered sterile rumen fluid, i.e.,
deprived of any living organism, revealed oxidative conditions (+270
The aim was to describe the acute phase protein response during acute mV). On the contrary, in vivo Eh values ranged generally between –220
oligofructose-induced ruminal acidosis. Two experiments involved and –110 mV which confirmed that ruminal reducing conditions directly
oral oligofructose (OF) overload (17g/kg BW) to non pregnant Danish originated from microbial activity. Furthermore, considering that the
Holstein heifers. Trial 1 included 12 heifers (8 fed grass hay and 4 evolution of pH with time around meal reveals ruminal metabolism,
barley silage) sampling was done in a 3 d control period before overload the simultaneous Eh evolution seemed to reflect the varying energetic
(baseline) and 9 d after overload. Trial 2 included OF overload in 10 transfers involved. Therefore, ruminal metabolism could be associated
heifers and 6 control heifers receiving tap water. Blood samples (6–48 to a redox equilibrium also expressed by means of Clark′s exponent (rH)
h intervals) were analyzed for serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin which combines both Eh and pH measurements. Several experiments
and fibrinogen. Heifers receiving OF generally developed a profound revealed that Eh and rH equilibrium varied with diet composition in
ruminal and systemic acidosis. In Trial 1, SAA concentrations exceeded lactating dairy cows. For example, ruminal Eh and rH were significantly
baseline on all time points from 6 to 216 h (P < 0.001). Heifers fed hay different in cows receiving a corn silage-based diet complemented with
had higher SAA levels (max. 290 ± 151 mg/L) than heifers fed silage different degradable protein sources: –166 mV and 6.36 for soybean
(max. 225 ± 137 mg/L, P < 0.001). In Trial 2, SAA concentrations in OF meal and –147 mV and 7.48 for tanned soybean meal, respectively.
heifers were higher than controls on all time points from 6 to 72 h (max. To go a step further, live yeast used as ruminant feed additive proved
325 ± 149 mg/L, P < 0.05). In Trial 1, haptoglobin concentrations in hay to be a potent modulator of Eh and rH equilibrium in rumen. Recent
fed heifers exceeded baseline on all time points from 36 to 168 h (max. studies showed that live yeast significantly improved ruminal reducing
3449 ± 1702 mg/L, P < 0.05). Heifers fed silage had lower haptoglobin power in dairy cows fed a high concentrate diet: –115 mV and 8.05
concentrations than heifers fed hay at 60, 72 and 120 h (max. 1802 ± for the control diet and –149 mV and 7.31 for the yeast diet. Even if
950 mg/L, P < 0.05). In Trial 2, haptoglobin concentrations in OF heif- ruminal Eh is not easy to assess in field conditions, it proved to be an
ers were higher than controls on all time points from 18 to 72 h (max. endogenous parameter as meaningful as ruminal pH or fermentative
4226 ± 924 mg/L, P < 0.001). In Trial 2, fibrinogen concentrations in profiles, allowing a different focus on rumen metabolism. It should be
OF heifers were higher than control heifers at all time points from 36 considered as a precious and interesting tool for future investigations
to 72 h (max. 12.2 ± 3.3 g/L, P < 0.01). in ruminant feeding.
Acute ruminal acidosis caused by OF overload resulted in a distinct
Key Words: ruminal redox potential, metabolism, microflora
578 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Small Ruminant: Sheep and Goat Production 2
751 Live and carcass leg characteristics in terminally sired any of the RTU traits measured. Linear regression to predict BCS was
lambs. M. R. Mousel*1, T. D. Leeds2, D. R. Notter3, H. N. Zerby4, developed using a stepwise selection. The first variable added in the
S. J. Moeller4, and G. S. Lewis1, 1USDA, ARS, U.S. Sheep Experiment model was uRUMP accounting for 21% of the variation. HH entered
Station, Dubois, ID, 2USDA, ARS, National Center for Cool and Cold next in the model, accounting for an additional 6% of the variation. The
Water Aquaculture, Leetown, WV, 3Virginia Polytechnic Institute and full model included BW, uLMA and uRUMP and accounted for 35%
State University, Blacksburg, 4The Ohio State University, Columbus. of the variation in BCS. When evaluating sheep for BCS, evaluators
should palpate the rump area to get a better assessment of total body fat
Live and carcass leg characteristics of F1 wether lambs were investigated of sheep. These results show that RTU and BW can be used to predict
to determine whether there were terminal-sire breed differences. Over a BCS in ewes. However, more research needs to be done to ensure the
3-yr period, Columbia, MARCIII, Suffolk, and Texel rams were mated accuracy of the model.
with mature Rambouillet ewes to produce the lambs (n = 521). Lambs
were finished in a feedlot to a mean BW of 61.9 kg (SD = 9.5 kg) and Key Words: ultrasound, body composition, sheep
harvested at comparable ages. Before transport to slaughter, width of
hind legs was measured at the widest point of the hind legs above the
twist and BW was recorded for all lambs. For each carcass, weight 753 Redberry juniper as a roughage source in lamb finishing
and leg width were measured and a subjective leg score was assigned. rations: wool and carcass characteristics, meat fatty acid profiles,
Carcasses were fabricated into subprimal cuts, which were weighted. and sensory panel traits. T. R. Whitney* and C. J. Lupton, Texas
Live leg width (LLW), carcass leg width (CLW), leg score (LS), bone-in AgriLife Research, San Angelo.
leg weight (BIL), and boneless leg weight (BLL) were described using This study was used to determine if dry redberry juiper leaves can
mixed models that included fixed effects of breed of sire (breed), year replace cottonseed hulls in lamb finishing rations without negatively
of birth (YR), age of dam (ADAM), and type of rearing (TR) to wean- affecting wool and carcass characteristics and meat fatty acid profiles
ing (i.e., single or as twins) and random effects of sire and maternal of Rambouillet ram lambs (n = 24, initial BW = 28.6 ± 4.9 kg). In a
grandsire. The ADAM was not significant in any model, but YR and study with 2 feeding periods (Period 1 = 65% concentrate ration, 28 d;
TR affected (P < 0.01) LLW, CLW, BIL, and BLL. The TR, but not YR, 5-d transition; Period 2 = 85% concentrate ration, 49 d), lambs were
affected (P < 0.01) LS. Leg widths, scores, and weights were greater individually fed ad libitum diets containing cottonseed hulls (control;
for single-reared than for twin-reared lambs. Breed affected (P < 0.01) CSH), half of the cottonseed hulls replaced by dry juniper leaves (CSHJ),
LLW, CLW, and LS. Texel-sired lambs had the greatest leg widths, and or all the cottonseed hulls replaced by dry juniper leaves (JUN). Lambs
MARCIII-sired lambs had the least. Texel-sired lambs had the greatest were completely shorn on d −1 and 83 and wool characteristics were
LS, and Columbia-sired lambs had the least. The BIL and BLL differed evaluated. Lambs fed CSH, CSHJ, and JUN grew the same amount of
with breed (P < 0.01). Suffolk-sired lambs had the heaviest weights and wool when measured as greasy fleece (P > 0.18), clean fleece (P > 0.45;
MARCIII-sired lambs had the lightest. Even though breed of terminal 0.85, 0.88, 0.81 kg ± 0.06), and clean wool production per unit of BW
sire affected F1 lamb live and carcass leg traits, breeds that excelled (P > 0.54;15.2, 15.8, 16.0 g/kg of BW ± 1.0). Average fiber diameter
for progeny leg shape differed from those that excelled for progeny leg measured on mid-side samples quadratically decreased (P = 0.04; 20.6,
weights. With this information, producers could select a terminal sire 20.8, and, 19.7 μm ± 0.28) as percentage of juniper increased in the
breed that would fit their production system to improve market lamb diet. On d 86, 6 lambs per treatment were randomly selected, humanely
leg shape or weights. slaughtered and evaluated for carcass characteristics and meat fatty acid
Key Words: lamb, leg traits, terminal sire profiles and sensory panel traits of the LM. Carcass characteristics were
not affected (P > 0.16) by diet, but myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, CLA
(18:2 cis-9,trans-11; 0.59, 0.64, and 0.81% ± 0.08), and arachidic fatty
752 The relationship of real-time ultrasound body composition acids increased (P < 0.09) as percentage of juniper increased in the
measurements, body weight and hip height with body condition diet. Sensory panel traits were similar (P > 0.36) among lambs, except
score in mature Suffolk x Hampshire ewes. J. A. Carter*, C. A. for off-flavor linearly increasing (P = 0.02) as percentage of juniper
Hughes, K. N. Gates, and F. R. B. Ribeiro, Texas A&M University- increased in the diet. Results suggest that replacing cottonseed hulls
Commerce, Commerce. with dry juniper leaves can reduce fiber diameter and negatively affect
meat flavor, but can increase CLA.
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between
real-time ultrasound (RTU) measurements of body composition, BW, Key Words: carcass characteristics, juniper, wool
and hip height (HH), with body condition score (BCS) in mature Suf-
folk × Hampshire ewes (n = 48). BCS was assessed visually using a 1
to 5 scale. The body composition traits measured by RTU were 12–13th 754 Evaluating roughage level in lamb finishing diets containing
rib longissimus lumborum muscle area (uLMA, mean = 11.75 cm2), 40% distillers dried grains: Carcass characteristics, meat fatty acid
12–13th rib fat thickness (uBF, mean = 0.28 cm), and ultrasound rump profiles, and sensory panel traits. T. R. Whitney*, M. G. Williamson,
fat thickness (uRUMP, mean = 0.24 cm). Ultrasound measurements and J. K. Mceachern, Texas AgriLife Research Center, San Angelo.
were taken using an Aloka 500 with a 12 cm 3.5 MHz transducer, each Cottonseed hulls are a common roughage source used in lamb finish-
animal′s wool was clipped to no longer than 0.64 cm, and vegetable ing diets, especially in Texas, because of their high concentrations of
oil was used as a coupling agent to enhance image quality. Data were NDF and ADF. Cottonseed hulls also contain condensed tannins, which
analyzed using the Proc CORR and Proc REG procedures of SAS. BW can reduce rumen solubility and degradability of protein. Effects of
was correlated (P < 0.05) with BCS and HH (−0.33 and 0.60, respec- increasing concentrations of cottonseed hulls in diets containing high
tively). BCS was correlated (P < 0.05) with HH, uLMA and uRUMP concentrations of DDG on carcass characteristics, meat fatty acid
(−0.33, 0.32, and 0.46, respectively) and HH was not correlated with profiles, and sensory panel traits are unknown. Rambouillet wether
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 579
lambs (n = 33 ± 2.3 kg) were individually fed ad libitum pelleted diets 756 Using FAMACHA and alternative dewormers to manage
for 100 d containing 40% distillers dried grains and other ingredients, gastrointestinal nematodes in a dairy goat herd. S. P. Hart*1 and
with 10% (CSH10), 20% (CSH20), or 30% (CSH30) cottonseed hulls L. J. Dawson2,1, 1E (Kika) de la Garza American Institute for Goat
replacing an increasing amount of ground milo. On d 100, 8 randomly Research, Langston University, Langston, OK, 2Oklahoma State Uni-
selected wethers per treatment were humanely slaughtered and evalu- versity CVM, Stillwater.
ated. Quadratic trends (P < 0.07) were observed for hot carcass weight
Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are the greatest health problem in
(27.7, 29.3, and 27.4 kg ± 1.56) and body wall thickness (1.5, 1.8, and
goat production. FAMACHA eye color scores have been developed
1.4 cm ± 0.04) as percentage of cottonseed hulls increased in the diet.
for selective treatment of animals to reduce the rate of development of
The LM area was similar (P > 0.59) among lambs. Quadratic trends (P
anthelmintic resistance. Alternative anthelmintics generally are only
< 0.05) were also observed for oleic acid, CLA cis-9,trans-11 isomer
moderately effective (40–60% fecal egg count reduction; FECR) which
(0.19, 0.26, and 0.27% ± 0.01), CLA isomers other than cis-9,trans-11
may not be adequate for use with FAMACHA. The purpose of this
(0.13, 0.13, 0.12% ± 0.01), myristic acid, palmitoleic acid, arachidic
study was to test the use of alternative anthelmintics in a FAMACHA
acid, and arachidonic acid as percentage of cottonseed hulls increased
program. Lactating Alpine dairy goats (n = 91) were FAMACHA scored
in the diet. The cis-vaccenic acid linearly decreased (P = 0.04) as per-
at 2 wk intervals from June 10 to October 15. Does with FAMACHA
centage of cottonseed hulls increased in the diet. Sensory panel traits
scores of 4 were administered one of 3 alternative anthelmintics and
were similar (P > 0.13) among lambs except for initial juiciness and
those with FAMACHA score of 5 were treated with levamisole HCl
sustained tenderness linearly decreasing (P < 0.05) as percentage of
at 12 mg/kg BW (L). Fecal samples were taken for fecal egg counts
cottonseed hulls increased in the diet. Results suggest that increasing
(FEC) and blood samples were taken for packed cell volume (PCV)
percentage of cottonseed hulls in lamb finishing diets affects some car-
and serum total protein (TP). The 3 alternative anthelmintics were: 1)
cass characteristics, meat fatty acids, and sensory traits and can increase
2.0 g of copper oxide wires in a gelatin capsule (W), 2) 2.0 mL of a 4%
meat CLA concentrations.
solution of copper sulfate per 4.5 kg of BW as an oral drench (S), and
Key Words: roughage level, distillers dried grains, carcass charac- 3) 4.0 g of cayenne pepper in a gelatin capsule (P). At least 3 animals
teristics in each period that had FAMACHA score of 3 were used as controls.
FECR was low and not significantly different (P > 0.10)among anthel-
mintics (35, 52, 3, 1, and −11% for L, W, P, S, and C, respectively).
755 Accuracy of the FAMACHA system for estimating degree of FAMACHA score was improved (P < 0.05; except for treatment P) by
Haemonchus contortus induced anemia in Hampshire, Polypay and administering an anthelmintic (−0.48, −0.41, −0.16, −0.37, and +0.67,
percentage White Dorper ewes. D. K. Aaron*, M. M. Simpson, D. for L, W, P, S, and C, respectively). TP was improved (P < 0.01) by
G. Ely, E. Fink, B. T. Burden, M. E. Hoar, and J. Farris, University of administering an anthelmintic (0.45, 0.10, 0.08, 1.20, and −0.96 for L, W,
Kentucky, Lexington. P, S and C respectively). PCV was improved (P < 0.05) by administering
The FAMACHA system is designed to provide sheep producers with an anthelmintic (−1.2, 1.0, 0.3, 1.6, and −2.4% for L, W, P, S and C,
a tool for on-farm detection and treatment of Hemonchus contortus respectively. Most anthelmintics improved physiological values above
infection. The objective of this study was to evaluate accuracy of the the control, but W appeared superior to other alternative anthelmintics
FAMACHA system for categorizing ewes on the basis of severity of and comparable to L and would be the alternative anthelmintic of choice
anemia as measured by packed cell volume (PCV). A total of 1,507 to use with a FAMACHA program.
records was collected on Hampshire (H; n = 414), Polypay (PP; n = 385) Key Words: anthelmintic, alternative dewormer, gastrointestinal
and percentage White Dorper (WD; n = 708) ewes from 2005 through nematodes
2009. Eyelid scores based on color of the ocular conjunctiva (1 = red,
healthy to 5 = white, anemic) were assigned by the same trained tech-
nician using the FAMACHA card. Blood samples were collected and 757 Effects of garlic supplementation on nematode parasite infec-
PCV were determined using a digital microhematocrit reader. Percent- tion in grazing goats. Z. Wang*, A. L. Goetsch, G. D. Detweiler, S.
ages of eyelid score values in each category (from 1 to 5) were 19, 38, P. Hart, and T. Sahlu, American Institute for Goat Research, Langston
31, 10 and 2%, respectively. PCV decreased linearly as eyelid scores University, Langston, OK.
increased; however, the magnitude of change (percentage of red cells
Effects of garlic supplementation on internal parasitism and perfor-
per unit change in eyelid score) was dependent upon breed (H: −2.26 ±
mance of lactating meat goat does grazing grass/forb pastures in the
0.28, PP: −4.06 ± 0.22, WD: −3.69 ± 0.18; P < 0.01). Similarly, strength
summer were determined. Forty multiparous Boer does (2 to 5 yr of
of the linear association between PCV and eyelid score varied among
age) naturally infected with nematode parasites, mainly Hemonchus
breeds (H: −0.388, PP: −0.671, WD: −0.610; P < 0.01 as per Chi-squared
contortus, were used in the 84-d experiment. Litter size was 1 or 2, with
test of homogeneity). Across breeds, measured PCV were higher than
kids 1 to 4 mo of age when the experiment began. Five does with their
expected within each eyelid score. Percentages of PCV exceeding the
kids grazed each of the 8 0.4-ha pastures. Treatments were control and
expected upper limit of the eyelid score category (from 1 to 5) were 93,
garlic, with 4 pastures per treatment. Control does received 80 g/d of
80, 92, 91 and 78% (P < 0.01). Few PCV were below the expected lower
a mixture of 25% molasses and 75% ground corn. Does on the garlic
limits in any eyelid score category. These data confirm the FAMACHA
treatment received the same supplement plus 20 g/d of garlic powder.
system will allow detection of anemic animals. However, if ewes with
A loose mineral-vitamin supplement was available free-choice. Means
eyelid scores of 3, 4 and 5 are considered anemic, many non-anemic
were separated by LSD. Initial mean fecal egg count (FEC; number
ewes will be treated for parasite infection. Also, the association between
per gram) of does was 448 (range of 0 to 1,450) and 500 (range of 0
eyelid score and PCV may be influenced by face color.
to 2,450) for control and garlic, respectively (SEM = 119; P > 0.05).
Key Words: anemia, Haemonchus contortus, sheep On d 42, doe FEC was less (P < 0.06) for garlic vs. control (2,837 and
6,105, respectively; SEM = 927). Does with high FEC and appreciable
BW loss were treated with Levasole on d 42. Thereafter, FEC of the
garlic treatment remained steady and tended to be lower compared
580 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
with the control (1,739, 1,689, and 1,303 for garlic and 1,532, 2,340, orally to individually penned animals every other day starting at d 0 and
and 1,967 for control at d 56, 70, and 84, respectively; SEM = 280, ending on d 40. All treatment groups received a 15% CP meat goat feed
517, and 340, respectively). Doe BW was similar between treatments daily fed at approximately 3% of their BW daily and BW and blood
(P > 0.05). These data suggest that garlic supplementation of lactating and fecal samples were collected weekly throughout the study period.
meat goats grazing grass/forb pastures in the summer can lessen level Blood PCV were measured using microhematocrit tube centrifugation
of nematode parasitism. and FEC were determined using the Modified McMaster’s technique
(reported as eggs per gram; epg) with a sensitivity of 50 epg. Data for
Key Words: garlic, goats, internal parasitism
FEC were log-transformed for analysis but actual means ± SEM are
reported. Goat BW were influenced by day, increasing over time such
758 Efficacy of ginger and pumpkin seeds in controlling internal that d 42 BW (20.1 ± 0.6 kg) were greater (P < 0.01) than d 0 BW (17.6
parasites in meat goat kids. D. J. O’Brien1, M. C. Gooden2, J. C. ± 0.6 kg). Goats in the CON group had greater (P < 0.05) FEC than
Warren*1, E. K. Crook1, J. E. Miller3, N. C. Whitley4, and J. M. Burke5, both the PUM and GIN groups (4,683 ± 483 epg, 3,409 ± 404 epg, and
1Delaware State University, Dover, 2University of Maryland Eastern 2096 ± 572 epg, respectively). Goat FEC were also influenced by day
Shore, Princess Anne, 3Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 4North with d 0 (6194 ± 750 egg) and d 7 (3749 ± 750 epg) FEC greater (P <
Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, 5USDA, ARS, Dale Bum- 0.01) than d 35 (661 ± 750 epg) and d 42 (1308 ± 750 epg). Treatment
pers Small Farms Research Center, Booneville, AR. influenced PCV with PCV for GIN (31.4 ± 1.2%) treated animals being
greater than that of both CON (25.2 ± 1.0%) and PUM (27.4 ± 0.9%)
Twenty-two naturally infected Boer crossbred kids (mixed sex), averag- treated animals. In conclusion, under the conditions of this study, addi-
ing 144.4 ± 1.1 d of age and 17.6 ± 0.6 kg were used to determine the tional research using ginger and pumpkin seeds are needed to further
effect of 2 possible natural dewormers on BW, packed cell volume (PCV) evaluate the efficacy of these natural dewormers in controlling internal
and fecal egg counts (FEC). Goats were randomly assigned to treatments parasites in goats.
of water (CON; n = 7), 170 g pumpkin seed drench/34.0 kg BW (PUM;
n = 10) or 3 g ginger/kg BW (GIN; n = 5). Treatments were administered Key Words: parasite, pumpkin, ginger
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 581
Swine Species
759 Casein glycomacropeptide (CGMP) in the diet of early weaned intakes of 7.5 – 19.3 g/d in early- and 8.1 – 23.7 g/d in late-gestation.
piglets reduces the Escherichia coli attachment to the intestinal Oxidation of the indicator amino acid L-[1-13C]-phenylalanine (Phe)
mucosa and increases lactobacillar numbers in digesta. R. G. during a primed-constant oral infusion was measured. The average
Hermes*, F. Molist, J. F. Pérez, A. G. de Segura, M. Ywazaki, and S. M. number of piglets born alive was 13.7 ± 1.9, but ranged from 4 to 20.
Martín-Orúe, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. The average piglet birth weight was 1.5 ± 0.1 kg. Sows gained 600 g/d
from breeding and weighed 258.8 ± 8.3 kg before farrowing. Break-
Adherence of bacteria to the intestinal mucosa is considered a prerequi-
point analysis of Phe oxidation indicated that the lysine requirement of
site step for the colonization of pathogens. In this study we evaluated if
2nd parity sows was 13.1 g/d and 18.7 g/d in early- and late-gestation,
CGMP in the diet can reduce the attachment of E. coli to the intestinal
respectively. For 3rd parity sows, the dietary lysine requirement was 8.2
mucosa of oral challenged animals by enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
g/d and 13.0 g/d for early- and late-gestation, respectively. The dietary
K88. The experiment included 72 piglets (24 ± 3 d old) with an aver-
requirements for lysine in early- and late-gestation were greater than
age BW of 6.9 ± 0.46 kg, divided into 4 treatments according to a 2
previously reported by NRC (1998). Growing evidence indicates that
× 2 factorial design (2 diets including or not 1.5% of CGMP; ETEC
phase feeding of sows would be economically advantageous by reducing
challenged or not). Four days after a single 2-mL oral dose (10 CFU/
feed costs and maximizing lifetime productivity.
ml) of the ETEC, 24 animals were killed and ileal (digesta and tissue)
and colonic samples (digesta) were collected. Enterobacteria and lacto- Key Words: sow, gestation, lysine
bacilli were quantified in digesta by real time PCR (using SYBR green
dye). Attachment of E. coli to ileal mucosa was monitored by FISH
(fluorescent in situ hybridization) staining technique using EC1531 761 A wheat bran extract shows a high attachment to K88 Escheri-
oligonucleotide probe, specific for E. coli and labeled with cyanine 3). chia coli in vitro. F. Molist, R. G. Hermes*, J. F. Pérez, and S. M.
The data were analyzed using the GLM procedure of SAS (1999), with Martín-Orúe, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
factorial ANOVA design (P = 0.05). The ETEC challenge produced a The aim of this study was to elucidate in vitro the ability of wheat bran
mild diarrhea with increases in enterobacteria in ileal (9.2 vs. 8.4 log of (WB) and other fiber sources to bind K88 E. coli as a likely blocking
16S rDNA copies/g, P = 0.033) and colonic digesta (11.2 vs. 10.2 log mechanism of its attachment to the intestinal mucosa. The in vitro
of 16S rDNA copies/g, P = 0.004), and E. coli attachment to the ileum adhesion test was done in polystyrene 96-well plates using WB, rice
mucosa (34.6 vs. 8.6% of villi with bacteria adhered, P = 0.031). The hulls, soybean hulls, cereal straw, sugar beet pulp, pea hulls and oat
inclusion of CGMP did not produced significant changes in the animal hulls as possible blocking agents and 2 E. coli strains (K88 and non-
performance. However, it increased the lactobacilli in the colonic digesta fimbriated), isolated from the feces of post-weaning piglets. The fiber
(11.7 vs. 10.9 log of 16S rDNA copies/g, P = 0.007) and reduced the sources were diluted in phosphate buffer (PBS, 4%, w/v), sonicated 3
ileal enterobacteria, especially in the challenged animals (8.3 vs. 10.1 times and centrifuged. The supernatant was introduced in the plate and
log of 16S rDNA copies/g, P interaction = 0.006). The CGMP most incubated at 4°C overnight. After that, the plate was washed with sterile
relevant result was observed on the reduction of E. coli adhered to the PBS and the non-specific adhesion sites blocked with 1% BSA. The test
ileal mucosa (10.9 vs. 32.4% of villi with bacteria adhered, P = 0.034), of adhesion started when E. coli strains were inoculated at a concen-
although it was not observed significant interaction. Our results suggest tration of 108 CFU/mL and allowed to adhere during 30-min at room
that the inclusion of 1.5% of CGMP in piglet diets modify the intestinal temperature. Finally the plate was washed with sterile PBS to remove
microbial populations and impair the E. coli attachment to the intestinal the non-attached bacteria and Luria Broth media was added to promote
mucosa after an ETEC oral challenge. the growth of the attached bacteria. Plates were incubated at 37°C/10
Key Words: casein glycomacropeptide, Escherichia coli, piglet h in a spectrophotometer where the optical density (OD, 650 nm) was
recorded every 10 min. All OD data were processed using the PROC
NLIN of SAS. The parameters thus obtained were used to calculate tOD
760 Early- vs. late-gestation dietary lysine requirement of young = 0.05 (delay time (h) for the cultures to reach an OD of 0.05 at 650nm).
sows. R. S. Samuel*1, S. Moehn1, P. B. Pencharz1,2, and R. O. Ball1,2, Analysis of variance of the OD = 0.05 values was done using the PROC
1Department of AFNS, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
GLM of SAS. Results showed that the non-fimbriated E. coli adhered
Canada, 2Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, less to the fiber substrates compared with the K88 (3.14 vs. 2.72h,
Ontario, Canada. P = 0.001) which indicates that the presence of fimbria (F4) play an
important role in the interaction bacteria-fiber substrate. Regarding the
Pregnant sows are traditionally fed a single dietary formulation during
fiber sources, more bacteria bind to the WB (0.94 and 2.73 h for K88
the entirety of gestation. The optimal feeding strategy should account for
and non-fimbriated, respectively, P = 0.001) compared with the other
changing dietary requirements due to the linearly increasing growth rate
fiber sources (average 2.97 and 3.20 h). Our results suggest that WB
of fetuses during the last third of gestation and the development of the
could act as an anti-adhesive ingredient against pathogenic E. coli and
mammary gland close to parturition. Young, rapidly growing sows might
improve the animal health in the post-weaning period.
be expected to have greater requirements than older, slower growing
sows. The objective of this study was to determine the lysine require- Key Words: wheat bran, E. coli, adhesion
ment of a population of 2nd and 3rd parity sows in early- (d 24 – 45)
and late- (d 86 – 110) gestation. Pregnant Hypor Hybrid (Hypor Inc.)
sows (n = 7; 185.7 ± 9.6 kg BW) were adapted to individual intakes of 762 Effect of a softer surface in the farrowing crate on feed intake
a semi-synthetic diet containing 14.0 MJ ME/kg. Each sow received 6 of lactating sows. A. Da Silva*, S. S. Anil, J. Deen, and S. K. Baidoo,
different test diets, in random order. These ranged from 60 – 150% and University of Minnesota, Saint Paul.
from 60 – 185% of the requirement suggested by NRC (1998) in early- Lameness in swine herds is both an economic and welfare concern. The
and late-gestation, respectively. These were equivalent to dietary lysine pain associated with lameness may decrease lactation feed intake. An
582 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
important cause for lameness has been suggested to be claw lesions. 764 Analysis of the association between lameness and claw lesions
Claw lesions in pigs are the result of the interaction between claw and in stall-housed gestating sows. A. Da Silva*, S. S. Anil, J. Deen, and
the floor surface. However, the effect of floor type on lameness and its S. K. Baidoo, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul.
effects on feed intake of sows are poorly understood. The present study
aimed to explore the effect of providing rubber mats in farrowing crates Lameness in sows has both economic and welfare implications. Severe
as a measure to minimize the adverse effects of lameness on feed intake claw lesions can cause lameness in pigs. Not all claw lesions may lead
of lactating sows. This study involved 70 lame and 70 non-lame gestating to lameness in pigs. Housing conditions and management practices may
sows (gestation stall n = 63 and group pens with ESF n = 77) identified be associated with the development of claw lesions. An evaluation of the
based on their ability to bear weight on all limbs without favoring any association between claw lesions and lameness would provide strategies
particular limb, on d 109 of gestation when they were moved from the to minimize the incidence of such lesions and reduce removal of sows
gestation housing systems to farrowing rooms. Equal numbers of sows for lameness. The objective of this study was to analyze the association
were randomly allocated to farrowing crates with cast iron total slatted of lameness with different types of claw lesions in sows. Claws of 63
floor or to crates with rubber mats on the cast iron total slatted floor stall-housed sows (parities 1 to 8) in a breeding herd at the University
in the posterior half. Sows in farrowing crates were hand-fed twice of Minnesota, Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca, MN
daily weighed amount of feed which was recorded. Feed consumed were individually examined for lesions on d 110 of gestation when sows
was assumed to be equal to that fed if the feeder was empty. Orts were were in the farrowing crates, before farrowing. Lesions included ero-
weighed on weaning day to estimate feed intake during the lactation sions, cracks, and overgrowths. Areas in the claw were categorized as
period. The frequency of the number of lactation days was calculated side wall, heel including overgrown heel, sole, heel-sole junction, white
for all sows using daily feed intake (d 2 to 14 of lactation) category of line and overgrown dew claw and toe. Lesions were scored on a scale
0 to 5 lbs (2.27 kg). The feed intake of lame and non-lame sows with of 0 (no lesion) to 3 (severe lesion). The total score for each claw area
and without rubber mats were compared using separate models for each was obtained by adding the scores for that area in the lateral and medial
category, controlling for the effect of housing system (Proc Genmod, claws of front and hind limbs. The level of lameness in these sows was
SAS v 9.2). The number of days sows consumed less than 5 lbs (2.27 assessed when they were moved to the farrowing crates, based on their
kg) was 42% higher in lame sows and 30% lower in stall housed sows ability to bear weight on all 4 limbs without favoring any particular
(P < 0.05 for both). Rubber mat was not found to be associated with limb. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed (Proc
feed intake in this study. Logistic, SAS v 9.2) to assess the association of lesion scores of different
claw areas with lameness (lame vs. non-lame). Lesions on the heel and
Key Words: lameness, sow, feed intake the white line were associated with lameness. Total heel lesion score
was negatively associated with lameness (odds ratio 0.65, P < 0.05).
For every unit increase in total white line lesion score, the likelihood
763 Effect of P.G. 600 on estrous cycles in gilts. M. J. Estienne* of lameness increased by 31% (P < 0.05). The likelihood of lameness
and R. J. Crawford, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, increased with an increase in the severity of lesions in other claw areas
Blacksburg. as well, though the associations were not statistically significant.
A combination of eCG (400 IU) and hCG (200 IU) (P.G. 600, Intervet/ Key Words: claw lesions, lameness, gestation stall
Schering-Plough Animal Health, De Soto, KS) is labeled for stimulating
first estrus in prepubertal gilts. Variation exists among farms, however,
in the estrual response. Perhaps at least some of the variation is due to 765 Design of porcine lactoferricin-based antimicrobial peptides
inadvertent treatment of gilts that are already cycling. The objective with improved activity. F. F. Han*, Y. F. Liu, Y. G. Xie, Y. H. Gao,
was to determine the effect of i.m. P.G. 600 on estrous cycle length. and Y. Z. Wang, Feed Science Institute of Zhejiang University, Hang-
Prepubertal gilts (110 kg BW and 175 d of age) were checked for estrus zhou, Zhejiang, China.
in the presence of a boar daily throughout the experiment. Gilts in Treat-
ment (TRT) 1 (n = 16) received P.G. 600 at the onset of boar exposure. Structure-function relationships in antimicrobial peptides have been
Gilts in TRT 2 – 5 (n = 16/TRT) were allowed to express a natural first extensively investigated to obtain improved analogs. In the present study,
estrus and were then treated with P.G. 600 as follows: TRT 2, at d 6 ; a series of synthetic derivatives of porcine lactoferricins were prepared
TRT 3, at d 12 ; and TRT 4, at d 18 of the cycle. Gilts in TRT 5 received with an aim to understand the structural basis of activity as well as
no P.G. 600. More (P < 0.05) gilts in TRT 1 (43.8%) were in estrus by improve its activity. We found that the 20-residue porcine lactoferricin
d 7 of the experiment compared with gilts in TRT 2 – 5 (20.3%), and (LP20) and its derivatives LF2A, LF-1, LF-3 displayed antimicrobial
for gilts in estrus by d 7, the interval from the start of the study was activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Salmo-
lesser (P < 0.01) for TRT 1 compared with TRT 2 – 5 (4.7 ± 0.3 vs. 6.1 nella choleraesuis, and Salmonella typhimurium. The minimal inhibitory
± 0.3 d). Gilts displaying estrus during the entire experiment (97.5%) concentrations of LP20 ranged from 64 to 128Î1/4g/mL; LF2A, LF-1 and
was not affected by treatment (P = 0.28). Gilts that displayed a normal LF-3 were 2–8 times more effective than LP20. The studies demonstrate
estrous cycle (17 – 24 d) was greater (P < 0.05) for TRT 4 (100%) that replacing the Cys with Ala not only increased the activities against
and 5 (100%) compared with TRT 1 (73.3%) and 3 (60%), with TRT gram-negative bacteria but also decreased hemolytic activity. Replacing
2 having a value (87.5%) that was not different from the other groups. the Ile with Trp both increased the antimicrobial and hemolytic activity
Abnormal cycle lengths were 37.0 ± 9.4 d for TRT 1, 23.7 ± 13.2 d for at 4, 32, 64, 128, and 256 Î1/4g/mL (P < 0.05). The cytotoxic potential
TRT 2, and 32.5 ± 7.6 for TRT 3 (P < 0.75). The percentages of gilts of LP20 analogs were quantified by colorimetric WST-1 and LDH
that expressed a first estrus but then were anestrus for the remainder of assays in PBMC. LF2A, LF-1 and LF-3 increased cell proliferation and
the experiment was 6.7 for each of TRT 1 and 3, and 0 for TRT 2, 4 and viability in a dose dependent Fashion. Compared with LP20, 25–200
5 (P < 0.23). Although mechanisms responsible for these effects must Î1/4g/mL LF-1 improved the cell proliferation significantly (P < 0.05),
be further scrutinized, the results demonstrate to swine producers the while 400 Î1/4g/mL LF-1 decreased the cell proliferation (P < 0.05).
need to correctly classify replacement gilts as prepubertal or cycling Both 200Î1/4g/mL and 400Î1/4g/mL LF-1 induced an increase (P <
before administering P.G. 600. 0.05) in LDH release from PBMC whereas 25–50Î1/4g/mL decreased
the LDH release (P < 0.05). Moreover, LF-1, LF-3 able to disrupt the
Key Words: P.G. 600, estrous cycle, gilts
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 583
cytoplasmic membranes at relatively low concentrations. In contrast,
LP20 and LF2A had more-modest antibacterial activities, a lesser ability
to depolarize the cytoplasmic membrane.
Key Words: porcine lactoferricin, antimicrobial peptide, cytotoxic
584 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
ADSA Production Division Symposium: Dairy Products
and Human Health: The Facts
766 Dairy products and human health: The facts. D. I. Givens*, shown a positive association between increased milk consumption and
University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom. prostate cancer but the increased risk is small and not consistent across
studies. It should however not be ignored. Set against the proportion of
Increasing obesity and an aging population increase substantially the
total deaths attributable to the life-threatening diseases in the EU i.e.
risk of chronic disease and its associated cost. Diet is a modifier of risk
vascular disease, diabetes and cancer, the available data provide evidence
and since milk and its products are staple components of most Western
of an overall survival advantage from the consumption of milk although
diets providing key nutrients, it is very important to understand whether
the situation with other dairy foods is much less clear and needs urgent
these foods also increase or decrease the risk of chronic disease. This
clarification. For milk in particular there appears to be an enormous
paper will assess the current evidence available. A recent meta-analysis
mismatch between both the advice given on milk/dairy foods items by
(Elwood et al., 2008) showed the relative risk of stroke and/or heart
various authorities and public perceptions of harm from the consumption
disease in subjects with high milk or dairy consumption was 0.84 (95%
of milk and dairy products, and the evidence from long-term prospective
CI 0.76, 0.93) and 0.79 (0.75, 0.82) respectively, relative to the risk in
cohort studies. These foods do however supply a sizeable proportion
those with low consumption. Four studies reported incident diabetes
of dietary saturated fatty acids in many countries but simply reducing
as an outcome, and the relative risk in the subjects with the highest
milk consumption to reduce saturated fatty acid intake is not likely to
intake of milk or diary foods was 0.92 (0.86, 0.97). The World Cancer
produce benefits overall though the production of dairy products with
Research Fund (2007) report confirmed that increased milk consumption
reduced saturated fatty acid contents is likely to be helpful.
will probably decrease the risk of colorectal cancer. Some studies have
Key Words: milk, health, epidemiology
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 585
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Animal Health: Probiotics and Diet
W1 Improved health status of newborn calves from dairy cows culture (Lactobacillus sakei FUA 3089, Pediococcus acidilactici FUA
treated intravaginally with probiotic bacteria. Q. Zebeli*, S. Iqbal, 3140, and P. acidilactici FUA 3138) dissolved in 1 mL reconstituted skim
S. M. Dunn, and B. N. Ametaj, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, milk (TRT). The control cows (CON) received 1 mL of reconstituted
Canada. skim milk only. Infusion was carried out by an insemination pipette at
−2 and −1 wk prepartum and at +1, +2, +3, and +4 wk postpartum. Urine
Improving cow’s reproductive health during the transition period might
and vaginal pH were measured before the culture administration. Cows
be beneficial for the health status of newborn calves. We recently devel-
were monitored daily for incidence of disease, starting from −2 wk up
oped an intravaginal probiotic treatment to prevent uterine infections in
to +8 wk postpartum. Data were analyzed statistically by chi-squared
dairy cows. This study sought to evaluate the effects of probiotic treat-
test with SAS. Results showed that TRT cows had lower incidence of
ment of dairy cows on selected plasma variables and the incidence of
lameness (56.1 vs. 34.2%; P = 0.04) and susceptibility from more than
diarrhea in newborn calves. Nineteen dairy calves coming from control
one disease such as metritis, pyometra, and mastitis (27.5 vs. 15.9%; P <
(CTR; n = 10) or cows administered intravaginally with a probiotic
0.01). Treatment tended to lower the number of medications (7.3 vs. 4.5
culture (PRO; n = 9) at −2 and −1 wk prepartum as well as at +1, +2,
medications/cow; P = 0.09) throughout the experiment in multiparous
+3, and +4 wk postpartum were used in this study. A total of 1010 to
cows. Also, multiparous TRT cows showed greater urine pH (7.9 vs.
1012 cfu of a probiotic culture consisting of Lactobacillus sakei FUA
8.2; P = 0.03). Vaginal pH was affected only by day of sampling being
3089, Pediococcus acidilactici FUA 3140, and P. acidilactici FUA 3138
the lowest at −3 d before parturition (P = 0.02). Data showed that 51.9%
was dissolved in 1 mL reconstituted skimm milk. Calves were supplied
of multiparous CON cows had a strong (>25%) day-to-day variation
with 4 kg colostrum/d up to 3 d after birth, and blood samples were
of feed intake, whereas this variable was 21.4% in the TRT cows (P
collected from the jugular vein on d 3 and 10. The incidence of diarrhea
= 0.02). In conclusion, results indicated that intravaginal treatment of
was monitored daily in all calves up to 2 wk. Blood data were submitted
the pregnant cows with commensal lactobacilli improved health status
to repeated measures ANOVA, whereas the incidence of diarrhea was
of transition dairy cows.
analyzed by chi-squared test with SAS. Significance and tendency levels
were considered at P < 0.10 and P < 0.15, respectively. Data indicated Key Words: dairy cow, metabolic disorder, intravaginal lactobacilli
that PRO calves showed greater concentration of glucose (89.4 vs. 101.5,
± 4.6 mg/dL), but lower lactate (5.7 vs. 4.3, ± 0.5 mmol/L) in the plasma
(P < 0.10). Also, concentrations of haptoglobin (444 vs. 347, ± 60.1 μg/ W3 Intravaginal administration of commensal lactobacilli modu-
mL) and β-hydroxy-butyrate (125 vs. 107, ± 6.9 μmol/L) in the plasma lated plasma metabolites and innate immunity in periparturient
tended to be lower in the PRO calves (P = 0.11). There was no effect dairy cows. S. Iqbal, Q. Zebeli, S. M. Dunn, and B. N. Ametaj*,
of treatment on calf’s body weight at birth, plasma non-esterified fatty University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
acids, and cholesterol (P > 0.15). Frequency tables revealed that 6 out of Dairy cows experience a high incidence of uterine infections after
10 calves (60%) pertaining to the CTR group were affected by diarrhea, parturition which initiates major changes in metabolism and activation
whereas the PRO calves showed lower (P = 0.09) incidence of diarrhea of an acute phase response. The objective of this study was to test the
(2 from 9; 22.2%). In summary, results suggested that intravaginal treat- effects of an intravaginal infusion of a mixture of lactobacilli around
ment of the pregnant cows with probiotics during the transition period parturition on selected plasma metabolites and innate immunity in transi-
enhanced the metabolic health status of newborn dairy calves. tion dairy cows. Eighty pregnant Holstein heifers and dairy cows were
Key Words: probiotics, dairy calf, plasma metabolites randomly assigned to one of the following treatments: 1) intravaginal
administration of 1 mL of carrier alone (reconstituted skim milk) for
the control cows, or 2) intravaginal administration of 1010-1012 cfu of
W2 Infusion of commensal bacteria intravaginally improved probiotic bacteria dissolved in 1 mL of reconstituted skim milk. The
overall health status of transition dairy cows. Q. Zebeli*, S. Iqbal, probiotic preparation contained a mixture of Lactobacillus sakei FUA
S. M. Dunn, and B. N. Ametaj, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, 3089, Pediococcus acidilactici FUA 3140, and P. acidilactici FUA
Canada. 3138 isolated from the vaginal tracts of healthy cows. Probiotics were
applied intravaginally with a sterile syringe and insemination pipette
Transition period is associated with high incidence of metabolic and
once during wk −2, −1, +1, +2, +3, and +4 relative to parturition. Blood
infectious diseases in dairy cows. Because commensal lactobacilli
samples were collected from 15 cows per group (5 heifers and 10 cows)
exert immune-stimulating properties, we hypothesized that intravaginal
to be analyzed for β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), non-esterified fatty acids
administration might promote health status of the transition dairy cows.
(NEFA), glucose, lactate, and haptoglobin (Hp). Results showed lower
This study sought to evaluate the effects of intravaginal administration
concentrations of BHBA (647 vs. 846 μmol/L; P < 0.05) and greater
of commensal lactobacilli on the incidence of metabolic diseases in
plasma NEFA (266 vs. 136 μEq/L; P < 0.01) in primiparous cows of
transition dairy cows. Eighty Holstein cows were blocked by parity and
treatment group. These cows also showed an interaction between treat-
incidence of disease in the previous lactation, and randomly allocated to
ment and wk of sampling for NEFA which were higher on wk +1, +2,
1 of the 2 different treatment groups. Forty cows (incl. 12 primiparous
and +4 (P < 0.05), and tended to be greater on wk +6 (P = 0.11). Also, an
cows) were administered intravaginally with 1010 to 1012 cfu bacterial
586 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
interaction between treatment and time of measurement for cholesterol cus acidilactici FUA 3140, and P. acidilactici FUA 3138 prepared with
in multiparous cows (P = 0.13) was obtained. Interestingly, the overall commensal bacteria isolated from the vaginal tracts of healthy cows.
analysis showed an interaction between treatment and wk of measure- Probiotic bacteria were applied intravaginally with a sterile syringe and
ment for plasma Hp which was lower in the treatment group on wk −1 insemination pipette once during wk −2, −1,+1, +2, +3, and +4 around
(P = 0.05) and tended to be lower on wk +2 (P = 0.07). In summary, calving. Rectal temperatures were taken during +2 wk before and +3 wk
intravaginal administration of lactobacilli modulated plasma metabolites after calving, whereas milk production and feed intake were collected
and improved innate immunity in periparturient dairy cows. starting from +2 wk before until +8 wk after calving. Multiparous cows
tended to have greater feed intake (32 vs. 28 kg/d; P = 0.08) associated
Key Words: dairy cow, intravaginal probiotics, plasma metabolites
with higher milk production (37 vs. 34 kg/d; P < 0.01). The cumulative
analysis of milk data demonstrated a trend for higher milk production in
W4 Intravaginal treatment with probiotics decreased the incidence the treatment group (P = 0.14). The overall analysis also showed a trend
of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. S. Iqbal, Q. Zebeli, S. M. Dunn, for feed intake to be greater (32 vs. 28 kg/d; P = 0.10) in treated cows.
and B. N. Ametaj*, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Interestingly, treatment did not influence feed intake or milk produc-
tion in primiparous cows (P > 0.05). Treatment also had no effect on
The decrease in milk production and high culling rate associated with body condition score (P > 0.05). Results showed an interaction between
mastitis are major concerns of the dairy industry. The aim of this study treatment and day of measurement for rectal temperature in multiparous
was to evaluate the effect of an intravaginal administration of a probiotic cows during wk +2 (P = 0.02). In summary, intravaginal administration
preparation around parturition to prevent development of subclinical of commensal Lactobacilli improved feed intake and milk production
mastitis in dairy cows. Eighty pregnant Holstein cows were randomly in postpartal multiparous dairy cows.
assigned to one of the 2 treatment groups: 1) intravaginal administra-
tion of 1 mL of carrier alone (reconstituted skim milk) for control Key Words: dairy cow, intravaginal probiotics, milk production
cows, or 2) intravaginal administration of 1 mL of reconstituted skim
milk containing 1010 to 1012 cfu of probiotic bacteria. The probiotic
W6 Effect of medicinal plants on immune system of broilers. A.
preparation contained a mixture of Lactobacillus sakei FUA 3089, P.
Naghizadeh, S. Rahimi*, S. Askari Rankouhi, K. Gharib Naseri, M.
acidilactici FUA 3140, and Pediococcus acidilactici FUA 3138 isolated
Lotfi, and M. Rezaei, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Tehran,
from the vaginal tracts of healthy cows. Probiotic bacteria were applied
intravaginally with a syringe and a sterile insemination pipette once
during wk −2, −1 and +1, +2, +3, and +4 around calving. Milk samples This study was carried out to investigate the effects of dietary admin-
were collected from 15 cows (5 heifers and 10 cows) per group to be istration of some medicinal plants to improve immune responses effi-
analyzed for different milk variables. Results of the overall ANOVA ciency in broilers. Total of 180 d-old broilers (Arbor Acres Plus) were
showed that treatment lowered SCC (85,000 vs. 236,000 cells/mL; P = randomly distributed in 6 dietary treatments as follow: control; 4 groups
0.02); whereas, there was a tendency for higher protein yield (1.06 vs. of medicinal plants (dried powder of peppermint; thyme; basil and garlic
0.91 kg; P < 0.10), as well as lactose content (4.37 vs. 4.30%; P = 0.12), at 1.5%); and one group fed diets containing antibiotic (15 ppm). Each
and yield (1.59 vs. 1.35 kg; P < 0.10). Data also indicated higher milk treatment was replicated 3 times. Blood samples were collected from 3
lactose yield (1.74 vs. 1.39 kg; P = 0.04) in multiparous cows treated birds at random from each group on d 25 and 46 of the experiment for
with probiotics. The latter cows showed tendencies for lower SCC evaluation of immune responses, including humoral immune response
(73,000 vs. 235,000 cells/mL; P < 0.10), fat content (4.24 vs. 4.82%; P to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and Newcastle disease vaccine (ND)
< 0.10), fat to protein ratio (1.48 vs. 1.69; P < 0.10) and solid non fats and cellular immune response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Results
(1.48 vs. 1.69 kg; P < 0.10), but higher for protein yield (1.14 vs. 0.93 showed that supplementation of broilers diets with garlic and pepper-
kg; P < 0.10) and lactose content (4.37 vs. 4.26%; P = 0.10). Data also mint increased humoral immune response significantly (4.33 ± 0.07
demonstrated that the total solids tended to be higher (13.4 vs. 12.6%; and 3.99 ± 0.03 for garlic and peppermint groups vs. 2.33 ± 0.11, 2.66
P = 0.15) in primiparous cows. In conclusion, intravaginal probiotic ± 0.08, 3.00 ± 0.13 and 3.33 ± 0.06 for control, antibiotic, basil and
administration lowered the risk of sub-clinical mastitis and modulated thyme treatments respectively) (P < 0.05). There were no significant
several milk components in postpartal dairy cows. differences among the treatments on cellular immune response. Also
there were no significant differences in Newcastle disease antibody titer
Key Words: dairy cow, probiotics, somatic cell counts
(HI) except garlic treatment (P > 0.05). Results indicated that use of
medicinal plants as dry powder, had no significant effects on humoral
W5 Improved feed intake and milk production in transition dairy immune responses, except for garlic and peppermint. However, garlic
cows treated intravaginally with probiotic bacteria. S. Iqbal, Q. supplementation to broiler diets caused significantly higher HI titers
Zebeli, S. M. Dunn, and B. N. Ametaj*, University of Alberta, Edmon- against Newcastle disease at 46d compared with 25d.
ton, AB, Canada. Key Words: medicinal plants, immune system, broilers
The transition period is critical for the health and productivity of dairy
cows due to major changes in the dietary composition and physiological
W7 In vitro effects of plant and mushroom extracts on immuno-
state. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of an intra-
logical function of chicken lymphocytes and macrophages. S.-H.
vaginal administration of a mixture of lactobacilli around parturition
Lee*1, H. Lillehoj1, Y.-H. Hong1, S.-I. Jang1, E. Lillehoj2, and D. Bravo3,
on health status and milk production of dairy cows. Eighty pregnant 1Animal and Natural Resources Institute, Agricultural Research Service,
Holstein primiparous and multiparous dairy cows were assigned, 2
USDA, Beltsville, MD, 2Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine,
wk before the expected day of calving, to one of the following groups
University of Maryland, Baltimore, 3Pancosma S.A., Grand Saconnex,
receiving either 1) intravaginal administration of 1 mL of carrier alone
Geneva, Switzerland.
(controls), or 2) intravaginal administration of 1 mL of reconstituted
skim milk containing 1010 to 1012 cfu of probiotic bacteria. The probiotic The present study was conducted to examine the effects of 4 different
preparation was a mixture of Lactobacillus sakei FUA 3089, Pediococ- plant extracts from milk thistle (Silybum marianum), turmeric (Curcuma
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 587
longa), reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) and shiitake mushroom (Lentinus The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of a feed addi-
edodes) on innate immunity and tumor cells. The innate immunity was tive, OmniGen-AF, on 1) neutrophil expression of immunomodulatory
measured by splenocyte proliferation, NO production by an established genes including interleukin-8 receptor (IL-8r), L-selectin (L-SEL), and
avian macrophage cell line, HD11, and the inhibitory effect on a chicken interleukin converting enzyme (ICE), and 2) production performance
B-cell tumor cell line, RP9. Cytokine transcript levels (IFN-α, IL-1β, and milk composition during the early postpartum period in dairy cows.
IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-18, TNFSF15) in the HD11 treated with turmeric Holstein cows were blocked by parity and randomly assigned to one of
or shiitake mushroom were also measured by real time RT-PCR. In vitro 2 treatments: OmniGen-fed (n = 11) and control-fed (n = 11). All cows
culture of splenocytes treated with milk thistle, turmeric, or combined received a standard dry ration before calving and were switched to a
extract of shiitake plus reishi induced significantly higher cell prolifera- lactation ration after parturition either supplemented with OmniGen-AF
tion compared with the control (P < 0.01). Stimulation of macrophages (220 g/d of an inert additive containing 56 g OmniGen-AF) or received
with milk thistle or combined extract of shiitake plus reishi (P < 0.001), the same ration with inert additive but without OmniGen-AF. Cows were
but not turmeric, resulted in robust NO production. All extracts inhib- individually fed using Calan gates, and feed intake and milk yield were
ited the growth of RP9 cells at the dose ranges of 6 to 100 μg/mL (P < determined daily. Blood samples were obtained on d 28 and 7 before
0.001). Finally, the levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, IL-18, and TNFSF15 expected calving date and on d 9, 19, and 28 postpartum. Blood neutro-
mRNAs were enhanced in HD11 that were treated with turmeric or phils were isolated and analyzed for mRNA expression of IL-8r, L-SEL,
shiitake mushroom compared with the untreated control (P < 0.01). and ICE by rt-PCR. Populations of white blood cells were determined
These results show that plant extracts used in this study activate innate by flow cytometry in a subset of samples (n = 3/treatment), and milk
immune system and are cytotoxic against an avian tumor. composition was determined by a certified DHI laboratory. Data were
analyzed by SAS in the mixed model procedure. No significant treatment
Key Words: innate immunity, phytonutrients
effect was detected on feed intake, milk yield, or milk composition.
Populations of leukocytes, granulocytes, T-cells and B-cells were also
W8 Yeast autolysate combined with probiotic strains: Investigation not different (P > 0.05) between treatments. Neither SCC nor neutrophil
of health effects in vitro and ex vivo. A. Ganner*1, S. Masching2, expression of immunoregulatory genes tested differed significantly
N. Reisinger1, G. Schatzmayr1, and T. Applegate3, 1BIOMIN Research between treatments. However, mRNA expression of IL-8r decreased as
Center, Tulln, Austria, 2BIOMIN Holding GmbH, Herzogenburg, Aus- parturition approached, and increased beyond the initial level during the
tria, 3Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. postpartum period (P = 0.008). Downregulation of IL-8r in the present
study may explain, in part, the immunosuppression evidenced in peri-
Yeast derivates have been proposed to improve animal health by pre- parturient dairy cows. Further studies are needed to clarify the specific
venting infectious diseases, by modulating the immune system and roles of OmniGen-AF on mammary gland health in dairy cows.
by controlling pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics have been described as
being capable of protecting the intestinal mucosa by being antagonistic Key Words: dairy cow, neutrophil, OmniGen-AF
to undesirable microorganisms. The study was conducted to evaluate
a product, consisting of yeast autolysate, lactobacilli, Enterococcus
W10 Potential of Metharrizium anisopliae as biological mean to
sp., Pediococcus sp. and bidifobacteria, on jejunal structure, apoptotic
control Boophilus microplus in tropical dairy farms. E. Maldonado-
enterocytes, blood profile and health status of broilers. To exclude
Siman*1, P. Martinez-Hernandez1, E. Galindo-Velasco2, M. Alonso-
weakening effect of live probiotic components, the yeast autolysate was
Diaz3, and R. Rodriguez-DeLara1, 1Animal Science Department, Uni-
examined in vitro for its capacity to bind Lactobacillus sp., Enterococcus
versity of Chapingo, Texcoco, Mexico, Mexico, 2University of Colima,
sp. and Bifidobacterium sp. with a microplate assay by measuring the OD
Tecoman, Colima, Mexico, 3Autonomous National University of Mexico,
as growth parameter of adhering bacteria. In a 35 d study, 300 broilers
Martinez de la Torre, Veracruz, Mexico.
were distributed into 2 groups: control and trial group (0.1% autolysate
+ probiotic mix of 108 CFU/kg feed). On d 35, parts of distal jejunum Biological control of tick (Boophilus microplus) infestations in tropical
were collected from 8 birds per group. Villi length and goblet cells were dairy farms can be a feasible alternative to chemical control. The aim
examined by Schiff and hematoxylin staining. Apoptotic enterocytes of the study was to determine the tick load on dairy cows sprayed with
were examined with DeadEnd TUNEL. Blood samples were analyzed Metharrizium anisopliae (entomopathogenic fungus) in the summer.
by flow cytometry. No binding was detected between autolysate and Field work was carried out in a certified organic dairy farm in Vera-
selected probiotics. A clear positive influence could be observed by the cruz, Mexico. Two treatments were evaluated: spraying cows with M.
test product on weight d 14 and daily weight gain (DWG) 1–14 (P = anisopliae strain Ma34 at a concentration of 1 × 108 conidia/ml every
0.0001); slight improvement weight d 35 and DWG 1- 35 (P = 0.08). other week and no-spraying (control). Control cows were sprayed with
The goblet cell number was also increased by test diet with 126/villus water every time treated cows were sprayed. A completely random
(control 98/villus, P = 0.1). Villus height, crypt and apoptotic cells were experimental design with 21 replicates was used. The experimental unit
not affected. Heterophils (P = 0.08) and lymphocytes (P = 0.004) were was a cow. Experiment lasted 16 weeks (May to August). All cows had
enhanced in the trial group. Our results indicate that the product consist- the same management except at the spraying time. Ticks were counted
ing of yeast autolysate and probiotics is able to improve gut health, to every week; the first count was just before the first spraying. Treatments
modulate immune cells and to enhance bird performance. were compared every week. All cows showed a same initial tick load (50
ticks/cow). Afterward, in 10 out of the 15 weeks, cows sprayed with the
Key Words: autolysate, probiotic, jejunum, performance
fungus showed from 34 to 78% lower (P < 0.05) tick load than control
cows, the largest difference in tick load was found in the last 2 weeks
W9 Effects of a feed additive on neutrophil expression of immu- of the experiment. It was concluded that M. anisopliae represents a
nomodulatory genes and production performance in periparturi- potential biological control of ticks.
ent dairy cows. R. D. Schramm, S. L. Shields*, D. L. Sevier, M. A. Key Words: biological control, ticks, tropical dairy
McGuire, and P. Rezamand, University of Idaho, Moscow.
588 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
W11 Effects of Globigen egg protein on calf health and perfor- ences in carcass characteristics and fat pad, but small intestinal weight
mance. D. Wood*, R. Blome, and J. Sowinski, Animix, Juneau, WI. differed among treatments. Animals supplemented with virginiamycin
had the lowest average small intestinal weight (2.29 ± 1.2), and control
Study objective was to evaluate effect on calf health and performance
animals had the highest (2.84 ± 1.4) (P < 0.05). Relative weight of bursa
of supplementation of Globigen egg antibody preparation (AB). Auc-
Fabricius to body weight in the garlic group showed a significant increase
tion sourced Holstein bull calves (n = 150; ~1 wk of age) were shipped
compared with other groups, but relative weight of spleen to body weight
to the facility and randomly placed in individual raised, slatted stalls.
was unaffected by treatments. Cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity
Calves were assigned to receive 1) calf milk replacer (CMR, 22% C.P.
response (to phytohemagglutinin injection) and antibody response to
20% fat) n = 75, or 2) same formula +AB at 1 g/calf/fdg wk 1, 2 g/
sheep red blood cells (SRBC) was higher in coneflower group (P <
calf/fdg wk 2 and 1 g/fdg wk 3, total AB 56 g/calf, n = 75. No differ-
0.05). Garlic (Allium sativum) significantly reduced the serum levels
ences were noted in individual serum total protein (P ≤ 0.22). Total 21
of cholesterol, LDL, and triglyceride and significantly increased the
kg CMR was fed over 42 d starting at 362 g/calf/day stepping up to
level of HDL. E. coli in ileo-cecal digesta of birds in the blend group
682 g/calf d 16. Calves in every-other-stall in the barn received AB.
was significantly lower compared with control group. However, there
Manufacturer detected anticipated presence rotavirus and coronavirus
was no difference in E. coli counts between blend group and other treat-
titer in AB fed. Both formulas contained plasma (5%), mannanoligo-
ment groups (this excludes the basal diet). Lactic acid bacterial counts
saccharides and chlortetracycline. Neomycin was administered in both
were higher in the thyme group compared with the other groups except
formulas d 1–14. Starter grain (18% CP) was introduced d 14 at 113
coneflower (P < 0.05).
g/calf, increased to 227 g/d d 21 and to 454 g/day d 34. Orts were not
measured. There was no effect on gain during any period of the study. Key Words: thyme, coneflower, garlic
Data was analyzed using F-test for variances and student t-test compar-
ing 2 means. Five fecal samples from scouring calves in both groups
were analyzed for presence of rotavirus and coronavirus using real-time W13 Omega-3 fatty acid enrichment of chicken meat by using fish
PCR assays. Strong positive was detected in 5/5 and 4/5 fecal samples oil. H. Saleh1, S. Rahimi*1, M. A. Karimi Torshizi1, and A. Rahimi2,
1Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2Islamic Azad
for coronavirus and rotavirus respectively in both groups. Number of
calves treated during peak scours (wk 2) was 33% and 37% for control University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
and AB respectively. Total number of calves treated was 56% and 59% A 42-d study was conducted to evaluate the influence of fish oil inclusion
for control and AB respectively (P ≤ 0.74). Total number of treatments on performance parameters, serum lipid content, antibody responses
week one were reduced 33% in AB (P ≤ 0.62). Avg med $/calf was $2.53 to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) antigen and meat fatty acid composi-
control and $2.01 AB and AB cost $9+/calf. Both mortalities were not tion in broilers. Two hundred and sixteen 1-d-old broiler chicks from
disease related. In conclusion, under conditions of this study AB had a commercial hybrid (Cobb 500) were randomly allocated to 4 groups
no effect on gain or morbidity despite presence of target pathogens and comprising of 0.0, 1.5, 3.0 and 6% fish oil, according to a completely
incidence of FPT exceeding 50%. Calves receiving AB may have been randomized design (CRD). The differences among the groups were
continually re-infected from neighboring calf not receiving AB, due to significant regarding the performance, so that low level of fish oil (1.5%)
every-other-calf study design. were led to the higher feed intake and improvement of feed efficiency
in comparison to control group (P < 0.01). The result of omega-3 fatty
Table 1. Calf Performance acid evaluation indicated significant differences among groups (P <
0.01) and the birds in 6% fish oil fed group had the highest level of
Control AB P-value
n-3 fatty acid in meat. N-6/n-3 ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids
Initial Wt, kg 46.4 46.5 ≤0.87 was lower in fish oil fed groups compared with the control group (P <
21 d ADG, g 244 231 ≤0.43 0.01). Broilers fed diets rich in omega-3 fatty acid had higher levels of
21–42 d ADG, g 685 675 ≤0.69 anti-SRBC titer and lower levels of serum cholesterol and triglyceride
42 d ADG, g 465 453 ≤0.50 than those fed control diet (P < 0.05). In conclusion, administration of
Mortality 2 0 3% fish oil in broilers diet can improve the performance and immune
response in these birds.
Key Words: calf, egg, antibody
Key Words: performance, immune response, broiler meat
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 589
21 of age (P < 0.05). In yeast, lab- made and monostrain groups ileum, W16 Effects of short-term tocopherol (T) feeding on nitric oxide
villus length (P < 0.01) and apparent villus surface area were more than production and protein nitration following endotoxin (LPS) chal-
control and other probiotic groups (P < 0.01).The highest number of rows lenge in beef calves. S. Kahl*1, T. Elsasser1, J. Shaffer1, C. Li1, K.
were observed in control group and the lowest number was in lab-made, Lebold2, M. Traber2, and S. Block3, 1USDA, Agricultural Research
and yeast group in duodenum in 35 d of age (P < 0.05). Crypt depth in Service, Beltsville, MD, 2Oregon State University, Corvallis, 3Archer
jejunum was more in monostrain group in duodenum in 35 d of age. Daniels Midland (ADM), Inc., Decatur, IL.
Tongue shaped villi in multispecies, lab-made, multistrain, yeast and
Posttranslational protein tyrosine nitration (pTN) contributes to func-
monostrain groups were more than control group in 49 d of age. Leaf
tional tissue damage during pro-inflammatory stress. With regard to
shaped villi in multispecies, multistrain, lab-made; yeast and monos-
chemical reactivity, α-T has a greater antioxidant potential while γ-T
train groups were less than control group in d 49 (P < 0.05). Regard-
has greater ability to inactivate reactive oxynitrogen species potentially
less of sampling age and site, lab-made group had the highest percent
involved in pTN formation. Our objective was to determine the effects
of tongue shaped villi and the lowest percent of leaf shaped villi (P <
of 5-d feeding of supplemental α-T (A, Novatol 1490, ADM; T content
0.05). Mortality rate, fecal moisture, blood hemoglobin concentration,
(%): α = 98.2, γ < 1) or γ-T (G, Decanox MTS-90 G, ADM; T content
serum cholesterol, relative weight of digestive organs, relative length
(%): α = 10, γ = 69) on the generation of key biomarkers of pTN during
of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, percent of convolute, bridge and finger
pro-inflammatory episodes initiated with LPS (0.25 μg/kg BW, i.v., E.
shaped villi, villi length to crypt depth ratio, villi number per view field
coli 055:B5). Beef calves (n = 21; 211 ± 6 kg) were group penned in
were not influenced by probiotics (P > 0.05).
equal numbers across 3 test diet assignments: control (C, no supplement),
Key Words: broiler, probiotic, performance A, or G. A growth diet was fed daily in all pens at 90% mean group ad
libitum intake and top-dressed with a premix containing the treatments
(daily intake/calf: Novatol = 1.25 g; Decanox = 3.85 g). Blood samples
W15 Subjective assessment versus objective measurement of were obtained at 0, 7, and 24 h, and liver biopsy samples at −24 and
FAMACHA and hematocrits in sheep and goats fed herbs and 24 h relative to LPS injection. At LPS challenge, liver [γ-T] was: G >
ivermectin as dewormers under natural grazing conditions. H. C or A (P < 0.01) while [α-T] was: A > G > C (P < 0.01). In all calves
A. Swartz*1, C. Clifford-Rathert1, A. N. Stewart1, D. K. Sommerer1, mean plasma concentrations of xanthine oxidase (XO, a superoxide
F. P. Wulff1, K. Schmidt1, and M. R. Ellersieck2, 1Lincoln University, anion producer, P < 0.05) and nitrate+nitrite (NOx, an estimate of NO
Jefferson City, MO, 2University of Missouri, Columbia. production, P < 0.01) increased after LPS. For XO no differences were
Paramount in sheep and goats in hot summer months are internal para- observed between treatments but the increase in NOx was attenuated
site losses. The objective of this study was to determine the validity of in both A (45.7%) and G (46.3%) as compared with C (P < 0.05). The
applying a color chart, FAMACHA, (FAM) a subjective measurement generation of pTN (measured by quantitative immunohistochemical
(S) to hematocrits (HEM), an objective measurement (O) looking at localization of nitrotyrosine pixel density) 24 h after LPS was lower in
the effects of Hemonchus contortus, that kills many sheep and goats A (24.4%) and G (27.4%) than in C (P < 0.01). Results indicate that a
from anemia. This trial compared ivermectin, a commercial dewormer, 5-d feeding of vitamin E isoforms differentially affects the generation
commercial herbs, herbal plants fed and a control groups receiving no of mediators of pTN but both significantly decrease overall pTN.
treatment. Fecal egg counts (FEC) were measured in each collection Key Words: cattle, endotoxin, vitamin E
period. The study was conducted in May, June, July, August, September
and October 2009 with collection every 4 weeks. There were 4 treatment
groups: 1) control, 2) ivermectin, 3) greenhouse Artemisia absinthium W17 Interactive effects of active Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its
and (4) a commercial herbal dewormer. The control groups received no cell wall material on intestinal microbial ecology during the receiv-
treatment, the ivermectin groups were treated monthly and the herbal ing period of stressed beef cattle. C. T. Collier1, J. A. Carroll*1, J. R.
groups were fed the herbs weekly. The McMaster FEC was used over Corley2, A. G. Estefan2, D. N. Finck3, and B. J. Johnson3, 1ARS-USDA,
the 6 mo period. The FAM subjective assessment ranged from 1 to 5 Lubbock, TX, 2Lesaffre Feed Additives, Milwaukee, WI, 3Texas Tech
examining the ocular conjunctiva eyelid. The score of 1) bright red, 2) University, Lubbock.
less red, 3) pink, 4) pale pink and 5) white indicating high to low HEM.
The effects of active Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) addition and/or its
Measurement of FAM, HEM and FEC were collected in Dorset (D) (n
cell wall (CW) on hindgut microbial ecology were evaluated in receiv-
= 39), Katahdin (K) (n = 40) and Boer (B), (n = 41) divided into the 4
ing beef cattle (203+1.45 kg). Cattle were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment
groups. Correlations coefficients over the 6 mo period used the Pearson
groups; with SC (n = 5); with CW (n = 4); with SC and CW (n = 6) and
correlation in statistics for S and O: 1) FAM-1 vs. HEM-1, r = −0.33 (P
without (control; n = 5). The cattle were fitted with indwelling jugular
≤ 0.01), FAM-2 vs. HEM-2, r = −0.224 (P ≤ 0.01), FAM-3 vs. HEM-3,
catheters after 38d on feed. At 39d, E. coli-derived lipopolysaccharide
R = .-.33 (P ≤ 0.0003), FAM-4 vs. HEM-4, r = −0.36 (P ≤ 0.0001), FAM
(0.25 μg/kg BW) was administered via jugular catheter. After 24h, fecal
−5 vs. HEM-5 r = . < 0.37 (P ≤ 0.0001), FAM-6 vs. HEM-6, r = −0.53
samples were collected from the rectal probes inserted ~27 cm. Nucleic
(P ≤ 0.0001). These results were analyzed using the Pearson correla-
acids were isolated from the fecal samples then PCR amplified using
tion coefficient. The McMaster FEC showed differences within breeds
16S-V3-specific primers. Denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis was
and months using the SAS Proc MIXED statistical procedure on the
used to separate the resultant unique bacterial amplicons. Band numbers
FEM, HEM and FEC. All treatments differed within breeds and months
(bacterial species) were counted and banding patterns analyzed via
from May to October and were highly significant at the P ≤ 0.000l. In
Sorenson’s pairwise similarity coefficients (C(S)); an index measuring
this study, herbs and ivermectin were effective in controlling internal
common bacterial species between samples. Band numbers (23.5+1.3
parasites in K, D and B.
vs. 29.6+0.8, respectively) and band intensity were greatest (P < 0.05)
Key Words: FAMACHA, hematocrits, sheep and goats in SC-treated cattle when compared with CW-treated cattle suggesting a
more species- and numerically-dense microbial profile. Intra-treatment
band number variations were greatest (P < 0.05) in control (+3.6
bands) and SC/CW-treated (+5.5 bands) cattle when compared with
590 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
SC- (+1.6 bands) and CW-treated (+2.5 bands) cattle. Intra-treatment Mitochondrial ATPase/Complex-V (MCV) is an electron transport chain
C(S) values were high, ranging between SC/CW (68.3+1.2) and SC (ETC) component needed for ATP synthesis. The ETC, exquisitely
(75.6+0.8). Inter-treatment C(S) comparison values were lower (P < sensitive to proinflammatory mediators (PIM), generates oxynitrogen
0.05) than intra-group values. Cumulatively, the C(S) values indicate reactants leading to pTN formation as mitochondrial membrane leakage
homogenous microbial profiles within treatments that were unique from occurs. Immunohistochemical localization (IHC-L) of pTN (a biomarker
each other treatment. These results suggest that potential performance of pTN damage to proteins) in liver following LPS suggests that pTN
and immunological modulation of SC- and CW-treated cattle may responses to PIM are not uniform across liver structures. Furthermore,
partially be the result of modifying the intestinal microbial ecology. As because of their respective oxynitrogen reactivities, α-T and γ-T may dif-
the dynamic nature of the hindgut microbiota is typically resistant to ferentially affect pTN formation in cells. Our objective was to determine
protracted treatment-induced alterations, the sustained altered microbial the effects of 5-d feeding of supplemental α-T (A, Novatol 1490, ADM;
profile observed here indicates that supplementation may select for a T content (%): α = 98.2, γ < 1) or γ-T (G, Decanox MTS-90 G, ADM; T
beneficial persistent microbiota. content (%): α = 10, γ = 69) on the nitration of MCV in central venous
(CV), portal triad (PT), and hepatocyte/paranchymal (HP) areas of the
Key Words: cattle, 16S-V3, ecology
liver after LPS challenge (0.25 μg/kg BW, i.v.). Beef calves (n = 21;
211 ± 6 kg) were penned and fed in equal numbers one of 3 test diets:
W18 Effects of ochratoxin A on performance of broilers and the control (C, no supplement), A (Novatol = 1.25 g/calf/d), or G (Decanox
efficacy of a mycotoxin detoxifying product. U. Hofstetter*1, R. = 3.85 g/calf/d). Liver biopsy samples were obtained at −24 and +24 h
Borutova1, V. Starkl1, I. Rodrigues1, and C. W. Kang2, 1Biomin Holding relative to LPS injection. The MCV was measured by quantitative IHC-L
GmbH, Herzogenburg, Austria, 2Animal Resources Research Center, and MCV nitration analyzed by proximity ligation assay (PLA, Olink
College of Animal Bioscience and Technology, Konkuk University, Biosciences, Sweden). After LPS, MCV staining increased 4-, 3.4-,
Seoul, Korea. and 2-fold (vs. pre-LPS) in C, A, and G, respectively (P < 0.05, effect
of T). By structure, MCV intensities (pixels/cell) were: HP < PT < CV
Aim of the study was to investigate the effects of various levels of (P < 0.05). With CV as the target structure, PLA demonstrated a 5-fold
ochratoxin A (OTA) on broilers and to evaluate the effect of a mycotoxin increase (P < 0.05) in colocalized pTN signals associated with MCV
deactivator. 200 d-old male broiler chicken were divided into 20 groups after LPS with decreasing (P < 0.05) nitration of MCV in samples where
and fed 5 different diets for 5 weeks. Group 1: control (OTA free); G < A < C. The data are consistent with MCV as a target for nitration
group 2: 1mg/kg OTA; group 3: 1mg/kg OTA with 0.2% mycotoxin after LPS and a protective effect of T against this nitration.
deactivator ; group 4: 2mg/kg OTA; group 5: 2mg/kg OTA with 0.2%
mycotoxin deactivator. The statistic method used was General Linear Key Words: endotoxin, mitochondria, vitamin E
Model (SAS, 2002) for dispersion analysis and when there were statis-
tically significant differences Duncan’s multiple range test was used.
W20 Reserpine-induced changes of the small intestinal histology
As dietary OTA increased, feed intake and weight gain significantly (P
and the expression of genes relative to mucosal immunity in rat. X.
< 0.05) decreased. The relative weights of liver and kidneys and the
Zhu*1, K. Guo2, F. Liu2,3, J. Yu2, A. Lu2, N. Zhang1, G. Cheng2,3, P. Yin1,
activities of glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic-pyruvic
N. Wang2, and J. Xu1, 1TCVM Laboratory, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching
transaminase in the groups fed diets containing OTA alone were signifi-
& Research Team, College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural
cantly higher (P < 0.05) compared with the control group. The level of
University, Beijing, China, 2Department of Animal Science and Tech-
total serum cholesterol was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) by feeding
nology, Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China, 3Beijing Key
OTA contaminated diets. As dietary OTA increased, the levels of OTA
Laboratory of TCVM, CAU-BUA TCVM Teaching & Research Team,
in liver and kidney tissue were significantly increased (P < 0.05). The
Beijing, China.
presence of a mycotoxin deactivating product in contaminated diets
significantly decreased (P < 0.05) the OTA accumulation in organs. Clinical and experimental evidence indicates that damage to the
Moreover the fecal excretion of OTA and the metabolite OTα were intestinal surface structure can significantly impair intestinal epithelial
significantly increased (P < 0.05) by feeding the mycotoxin deactivator. integrity, as well as the stability of the mucosal immune system. The
This increase of fecal excretion of OTA was attributed to the bentonite aim of this study was to investigate the changes of the small intestinal
which is one component of the feed additive whereas the increase of fecal surface structure and the gene expression profile caused by reserpine
excretion of OTα was attributed to the yeast strain T. mycotoxinivorans, treatment. Rats were randomly divided into two groups: the control
which is able to biotransform OTA into this non-toxic metabolite. In groups (C) and the reserpine treated group (Res), 6 rats each group.
conclusion, these results indicated the harmful effects of dietary OTA on The control rats and the Res rats were administered with Salt solution
broiler performance. Adversary changes of physiological responses were 0.9% and reserpine subcutaneously 0.5 mg/kg respectively for 7 days.
observed in broilers. Feeding a mycotoxin deactivating feed additive At the end of the experimental period, the duodenum, jejunum and ileum
ameliorated the OTA organ accumulation and OTA-induced performance were sampled for morphology structure examination and microarray
reduction. Moreover levels of OTA in liver and kidney were found to analyses. Structural changes of the mucosa in Res included atrophy
be a better biomarker of intoxication than OTA in blood. of villi and reduction in crypt size, indicating significant injury to the
small intestinal mucosa. DNA microarrays were employed to examine
Key Words: ochratoxin A, broilers
the gene expression profile in the jejunum of Res versus C. According
to the GeneSpring GX 10.0 analysis, twelve genes (Log2Ratio < −1.0)
W19 Effects of short-term tocopherol (T) feeding on structure- related to mucosal immunity were down-regulated and confirmed by
localized protein tyrosine nitration (pTN) patterns of mitochondrial real-time PCR. Genetic network of toll-like receptor 2 (Tlr2), toll-like
ATPase following endotoxin (LPS) challenge in beef calves. T. receptor 4 (Tlr4), complement component 3 (C3), myxovirus (influenza
Elsasser*1, S. Kahl1, J. Shaffer1, R. Castellano-Perez1, C. Li1, and S. virus) resistance 1 (Mx1) and myxovirus (influenza virus) resistance 2
Block2, 1USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD, 2Archer (Mx2) was performed by GeneSpring GX 10.0 software. Results showed
Daniels Midland (ADM), Inc., Decatur, IL. that genes associated with TLR2, TLR4 by a variety of mechanisms. The
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 591
lower levels of TLR2 protein in the jejunum of Res were in concert with the stomach (P < 0.05). The conclusion is, enzyme activities of serum
previous findings that the mRNA levels of TLR2 were significantly lower and gastrointestinal motility were disordered as reserpine induced rat
in the Res. Immunohistochemistry results suggested that most TLR2 FGID. The stomach is a sensitive part of GI hormones VIP and GAS.
deposited from the epithelial cells of the rats jejunum brush border and The abnormal expression of GAS is one of the important factors.
submucosa. Rats treated with reserpine can induce down-regulation in
Key Words: reserpine, gastrointestinal motility, GI hormones
gene expression relative to the innate mucosal immunity of the small
intestine, as well as the TLR2 protein expression.
Key Words: reserpine, gene expression, small intestinal mucosa W22 Effects of medicinal plants on broilers performance, organs
weight, small intestine morphology and GIT microflora. A. Niknam,
S. Rahimi*, J. Azimi, M. Hoseinzadeh, M. Moradi Nejad, and K. Seifi,
W21 Gastrointestinal motility and gastrointestinal hormones VIP Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
and GAS expression in reserpine-induced FGID rats. G. Jingyi1,
The objective of this study was to compare the effects of medicinal
Z. Xiaoyu1, C. Fei1, C. Guilin2,3, L. Fenghua2,3, and X. Jianqin*1,
1China Agricultural University China Agricultural University, Beijing, plants on some broilers characteristics. A total of 420, d-old male broilers
(Arbor Acres) were randomly allocated into 7 groups with 5 replicates in
China, 2Beijing University of Agriculture, Beijing, China, 3CAU-BUA
a completely randomized design. The treatments were control, dry pep-
TCVM Teaching & Research Team, Beijing, China.
permint (Mentha piperita) (15kg/ton), thyme (Thymus vulgaris) (15kg/
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of reserpine-induced ton), basil (Ocimum basilicum) (15kg/ton) or garlic (Allium sativum)
rat functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) on the gastrointestinal (15kg/ton), Virginiamycin (150g/ton) and Primalac (1kg/ton). On 42
motility, gastrointestinal hormones VIP and GAS expression. The rats d of experiment 15 birds from each group were sacrificed. The garlic
were randomly assigned to 2 groups: Reserpine-treated group (RG) increased (P < 0.05) body weight (BW) and feed conversion ratio (FCR)
and Control group (CG), 12 rats each group. RG was intraperitoneally during d 0 to 28. There were no significant differences between groups
injected with reserpine 0.5 mL/kg; and CG with normal saline 0.5 mL/ in BW and FCR from d 28 to 42, total FCR and relative weights of giz-
kg, once daily for 7 consecutive days separately. Six rats were chosen zard, liver, neck and back muscle. However, the relative weight of the
randomly from each group. Gastric emptying rate and intestinal propul- breast muscle and thigh were increased for peppermint and garlic-fed
sive ratio were detected by administration trophism semisolid. Collect broilers, respectively (P < 0.05). Birds in the thyme and basil groups
serum and detect for the Amylase (AMS) and Lipase (LPS) activities had highest villus height (VH) in duodenum and ileum, respectively (P
were determined by kit manuals. Total RNA was isolated from stomach < 0.05). Also, peppermint diet significantly increased duodenal absolute
and small intestine using Trizol reagent. RT-PCR detected VIP and and relative length, and ileal villus width (VW), crypt depth and relative
GAS mRNA expression. VIP and GAS protein contents were assayed weight (P < 0.05). The only change found in the jejunum was an increase
by ELISA with according to the kit instructions. The surplus 6 rats of in the VW in birds given Primalac. Villus height to crypt depth ratio only
each group were determined gastric myoelectrical activity with Pclab- increased at the ileum for virginiamycin-fed broilers (P < 0.05). Crop
UE Systems. The statistic analysis were performed using ANOVA of contents of garlic and peppermint treatments had highest and lowest
SPSS 12.0. The results showed: compared with the control groups, number of lactobacillus (5.88 vs. 3.68 Log10 cfu/g), respectively (P <
serum amylase activity had significantly decreased (P < 0.05), while 0.05). There was no significant difference in coliforms number in crop,
the lipase activity obviously increased (P < 0.05); gastric emptying rate while highest number of total aerobic bacteria observed for control treat-
was highly significantly lower (P < 0.01), and the intestinal propulsion ment (5.69 Log10 cfu/g), respectively (P < 0.05). Supplementation of
ratio had improvement significantly (P < 0.01); both of the frequencies diet with garlic increased number of lactobacillus in ileum (8.76 Log10
and amplitudes of gastric electrical ware had decreased obviously (P cfu/g) compare with other groups (P < 0.05), and Primalac increased
< 0.05). VIP mRNA expression in the reserpine-treated groups was both coliforms and total aerobic bacteria in ileum higher than other
significantly lower in the duodenum and jejunum (P < 0.05). GAS treatments (P < 0.05). In present study, effectiveness of medicinal plants
mRNA expression had improvement significantly in the stomach and in broiler performance demonstrates their use a potential alternative for
ileum, and obviously decreased in the duodenum and jejunum (P < antibiotic as growth promoters.
0.01). VIP sharply decreased and GAS increased significant degree in
Key Words: medicinal plants, broiler performance, GIT microflora
592 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Breeding and Genetics: Dairy Cattle
W23 Identification of small heat shock proteins in the bovine were obtained when unknown SNP were chosen evenly spaced along the
genome. S. Schepis and M. Worku*, North Carolina Agricultural & chromosome and all 5,865 individuals in the REF population were used.
Technical State University, Greensboro. In this case, the mean correlation between actual and predicted data was
Protein-damaging stresses, including heat shock, cold, altered pH and 97%. As the size of REF population decreased to 2,000 individuals, the
oxygen deprivation induce the expression of a subgroup of molecular mean correlation reached a value of 94%. Therefore, if an adequately
chaperones, called heat shock proteins (Hsp), which consist of several large REF population is used, the PLSR technique is able to predict
protein families designated by their molecular weight, such as the Hsp90, with high accuracy the missing SNP in other animals genotyped with a
Hsp70, Hsp60, and the small Hsp (sHsp) families. Small heat shock LDM platform. This research was funded by FAR 2008.
proteins (sHsp) with a molecular mass of 15–30 kDa are ubiquitous and Key Words: PLSR, SNP
conserved. This large family of proteins is present within the prokary-
otic and eukaryotic cell as large oligomeric complexes, ranging in size
from 200 to 800 kDa. Unlike the high molecular weight Hsp, which W25 Multiple trait genetic evaluation of linear type traits using
are involved in protein folding in vivo, under normal conditions, sHsp genomic and phenotypic information in US Holsteins. S. Tsuruta*1,
play an important role in protecting organism from stress. The sHsp I. Aguilar1,2, I. Misztal1, A. Legarra3, and T. J. Lawlor4, 1University of
share an evolutionarily conserved sequence of 80–100 amino acids, Georgia, Athens, 2INIA, Las Brujas, Uruguay, 3INRA, Castanet-Tolosan,
located in the C-terminal region, and called “alpha-crystallin domain.” France, 4Holstein Association USA Inc., Brattleboro, VT.
Ten active genes for sHsp have been identified in the human genome.
Genetic evaluation was conducted for linear type traits using combined
This project focused on 10 α-crystallin related Hsps belonging to the
genomic and phenotypic data in US Holsteins. Single nucleotide poly-
sHsp molecular chaperone family: HspB1- HspB10. It is anticipated that
morphism (SNP) markers from the Illumina BovineSNP50 genotyping
the recently completed annotated sequence of the cattle genome will
Beadchip, consisting of 38,416 SNP on 30 chromosomes, were used
lead to identification of genes for disease resistance and higher quality
available for 6,931 bulls. A unified approach proposed by Aguilar et
meat. The purpose of this project was to determine if genes coding for
al. (2010) was used to estimate genomic evaluations with single trait
human sHsp are found in the bovine genome, and if so, how highly
(ST) and multiple trait (MT) models. Three analyses of 5 linear type
the sequences were conserved across the 2 species. The NCBI search
traits (stature, strength, body depth, dairy form, and rump angle with
engine, BLAST, and CLUSTALW on Biology Workbench were used.
heritabilities 0.45, 0.27, 0.34, 0.30, and 0.34) were conducted, utilizing
Homologs of 10 α-crystallin human small heat shock protein (sHsp)
8,865,120 records in 2009 and 7,715,925 records in 2004. The EBV were
molecular chaperone family (HspB1- HspB10) were found within the
calculated using 2009 and 2004 data sets with phenotypes (traditional
bovine genome and single nucleotide differences identified in silico.
genetic evaluation) and a 2004 data set with phenotypes and genotypes
The sequence for human sHspB9 expressed exclusively in the testis and
(unified approach). Coefficients of determination (R2) and regressions
cancerous tissue did not identify related sequences in the bovine.
on 2004 genomic EBV were calculated for 1,307 young bulls with at
Key Words: heat shock protein, bovine, human least 50 daughters in 2009 using daughter deviations from 2009 MT
traditional evaluations. The EBV for 2004 traditional evaluation were
parent average (PA). The R2 from regressing daughter deviations on ST
W24 Use of partial least-square regression to predict SNP when PA, MT PA, ST genomic, and MT genomic predictions were 0.34, 0.34,
some animals are genotyped with low density marker panels. C. 0.54, and 0.54, respectively, for stature. Corresponding R2 for strength
Dimauro*, G. Gaspa, R. Steri, S. Sorbolini, E. Pintus, and N. P. P. Mac- were 0.25, 0.29, 0.40, and 0.44, respectively. In general, R2 for ST and
ciotta, University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy. MT genomic models were 13-19% and 14-18% higher, respectively,
Genome wide selection exploits information from dense marker plat- than those of PA (28-42%). The regressions with MT were slightly
forms (usually 50K-60K) to predict genomic breeding values (GEBV) (0.01-0.02) higher than those with ST, indicating less bias. The genomic
for livestock. However, costs of analysis are expensive for high den- evaluation by MT is more accurate for selected traits than by ST. The
sity marker (HDM) platforms, allowing the genotyping of only a few improvement in accuracy from ST to MT in genomic predictions follows
thousand animals. A decrease in costs could be reached by using low a similar improvement in PA. Preliminary results show that, with a small
density marker (LDM) chips, but, in this case, a unavoidable reduction modification in the unified approach, bias can be essentially eliminated
in GEBV accuracy is expected. An alternative could be the use of both at the cost of a small reduction in R2.
reference (REF) and prediction (PRED) populations of animals geno- Key Words: genomic selection, linear type traits, US Holsteins
typed with HDM and LDM chips, respectively. Missing genotypes in the
PRED population could be reconstructed using a suitable mathematical
model which exploits information from REF population. In this work W26 Genotype by environment interaction: Effects of nutritional
the partial least square regression (PLSR) is used at this purpose. A management on production traits. M. W. Dekleva*1, C. D. Dechow1,
data set, generated for the XII QTLs-MAS workshop, which simulated J. M. Daubert1, S. Bauck2, J. W. Blum3, and G. A. Varga1, 1The Pennsyl-
a genome with 6 chromosomes and 6,000 equally spaced biallelic SNP vania State University, State College, 2IGENITY Livestock Production
for 5,865 animals, was used. It was split into 2 data sets, the REF with Business Unit, Duluth, Georgia, 3University of Bern, Switzerland.
4,665 animals and 6,000 SNP and the PRED with 1,200 individuals and
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nutritional
3,000 SNP. The PLSR, applied separately for each chromosome, was
management factors on the level of genetic expression for milk, fat,
used to predict the 3,000 missing SNP in the PRED population. Differ-
and protein yield. Intakes of dry matter, crude protein and net energy of
ent scenarios of missing SNP sampling in PRED and decreasing size of
lactation (NEL) in addition to 305 d yield were available for 970 cows
REF population were tested. Goodness of prediction was evaluated by
from 11 tie-stall herds in Pennsylvania. All herds were visited monthly
calculating correlations between actual and predicted data. Best results
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 593
to measure 24-h intake. Feed samples were collected on each visit and to estimate (co)variance components and breeding values. Phenotypic
analyzed for dry matter percentage, crude protein percentage and NEL AFC averaged 788 ± 89 d, and ranged from 540 to 1095 d. The model
(MCal/kg) content. Sire PTA for yield was available for all 970 cows, included random animal and residual effects, and a fixed herd-year-
while 881 cows were genotyped and received an Igenity Profile Score season (HYS) of birth effect. Herd-year-season of birth was included
(IS) for milk, fat, and protein where 1 corresponds to the lowest, and 10 to avoid confounding between sires and period-of-birth, and groups
corresponds to the highest genetic potential for yield. Multiple regression were required to include at least 10 observations. The 4 seasons were
models were fit for 305 d milk, fat and protein yield. Fixed effects were defined as: December to February, March to May, June to August, and
herd averages for kg of dry matter refusals (DMR), ration crude protein September to November. Heritability averaged 0.027 ± 0.003 across the
percentage (CP), NEL and the interactions of these herd averages with 6 data sets, which is lower than some literature estimates, and consistent
PTA or IS, herd-year-season, and lactation. Permanent environment was with earlier, unpublished studies on US Holsteins. Predicted transmitting
included as a random effect. For daughters of bulls that differed in PTA abilities for AFC of active bulls ranged from −13 to +14 d, and aver-
for milk by 500 kg, there was a 151.5 kg difference in milk yield at the aged −1.9 ± 3.6. Correlations were calculated among sire PTA for bulls
tenth percentile for DMR compared with a 584.8 kg difference for cows with reliabilities of lifetime net merit (NM$) of at least 90%. Age at
at the ninetieth. A difference of 25 kg for sire PTA fat corresponded to a first calving had favorable (negative) correlations with milk (−0.22), fat
difference of 17.9 kg of fat yield for herds in the tenth percentile for CP (−0.18), and protein yield (−0.23), SCS (−0.05), productive life (−0.01),
and 51.5 kg for herds in the ninetieth. A change of one unit in Igenity NM;(−0.18), heifer conception rate (HCR; −0.18), and persistency of
Score corresponded to a difference of 1.87 kg of fat yield for cows at milk (−0.12), fat (−0.13), and SCS (−0.02). Unfavorable (positive)
the tenth percentile for NEL., compared with a 6.91 kg difference for correlations were found with cow conception rate (0.04) and protein
cows at the ninetieth percentile. The results indicate that response to persistency (0.04). Daughter pregnancy rate (DPR) was uncorrelated
selection was reduced in herds that did not provide cows with adequate with AFC (0.001; P > 0.05). Excessive AFC has a negative effect on
intakes of dry matter, crude protein and NEL. yield and lifetime profitability, which is reflected in these correlations.
Genetic trend was estimated by regression of sire PTA for AFC on
Key Words: genotype, environment, production
birth year, and was slightly negative, decreasing by −0.09 d per year
(P < 0.01). Routine genetic evaluation of AFC is desirable because it
W27 Evaluation of the effect of inbreeding on age at first calving provides dairy producers with an additional tool for managing repro-
in Holstein cattle. J. Bezdicek* and J. Riha, Agrovyzkum Rapotin duction in their herds.
s.r.o., Rapotin, Czech Republic. Key Words: age at first calving, fertility, genetic evaluation
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of inbreeding
depression on age at first calving (d) in Holstein cows. The databases
W29 Relationship of reason for lactation termination with genetic
included cows (173,000) that calved in the years 1995–2006 at farms
merit of Holsteins in the United States. H. D. Norman, J. R. Wright,
in the Czech Republic. Inbred cows were matched with their outbred
and S. M. Hubbard*, Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS,
contemporaries (n = 811) based on sire, farm of first calving, year and
USDA, Beltsville, MD.
period of calving (±2 mo), and dam’s breeding value for milk production
(±5%). Inbred cows and their matched outbred contemporaries were Reasons that producers report to 4 dairy records processing centers for
subsequently divided according to inbreeding coefficients of the inbred why individual cows exit the herd (lactation termination codes) were
cows (Fx = 1.25%; Fx = 12.5%; Fx = 25%, and other). The data were examined for 6.2 million US Holsteins with lactation records that ended
analyzed with StatSoft Inc. Statistica 8 using descriptive statistics and in 2007 and 2008 to determine their relationship to genetic merit. The
paired t-tests. The GLM procedure of SAS Inc. was used to analyze the most frequent termination reasons were lactation ended normally and
effects of inbreeding depression. Age at first calving increased when the cow stayed in the herd (68%), cow died (5%), and cow was sold for
level of inbreeding increased. Within the observed groups (Fx = 1.25%; low production (4%), reproductive problems (4%), or mastitis (4%) or
Fx = 12.5%; Fx = 25.0% and all animals), the average age at first calving for dairy purposes (3%); 9% of lactations had no reason specified. For
for inbred cows (for their outbred contemporaries) was 820 (818); 835 cows with normally ended lactations, mean predicted transmitting abil-
(822); 844 (822) and 832 (820) d. In the groups Fx = 25% and other, ity (PTA) and standard deviations (SD) were 135 ± 271 kg for milk, 5
differencies between inbred and outbred cows were highly significant ± 10 kg for fat, 4 ± 8 kg for protein, 2.95 ± 0.38 for somatic cell score
(P < 0.001). There was also greater variability for groups of inbred cows (SCS), 0.8 ± 1.4 mo for productive life (PL), 0.1 ± 0.9% for daughter
(sx = 83.2 d) compared with groups of outbred contemporaries (sx = 63.4 pregnancy rate (DPR), and net merit (NM) was $115 ± 132; correspond-
d). Inbred cows also had significantly (P < 0.01) lower breeding values ing means and SD for parent averages (PA) were 117 ± 219 kg milk,
for milk (20.8 kg) than in outbred contemporaries (63.6 kg). Overall, 4 ± 8 kg fat, 4 ± 6 kg protein, 2.95 ± 0.37 SCS, 0.6 ± 1.3 mo PL, 0.1 ±
this study confirmed an increase in age at first calving in inbred cows 0.9% DPR, and $98 ± 111 NM. Mean PTA and PA for all yield traits
compared with their outbred cohorts. and PL as well as NM generally were lower for cows that did not end
their lactations normally; lowest means were 18 kg for PTA milk, 1 kg
Key Words: age at first calving, inbreeding, Holstein
for PTA fat, 1 kg for PTA protein, 0.2 mo for PTA PL, $37 for NM, 74
kg PA milk, 3 kg PA fat, 2 kg PA protein, 0.3 mo for PA PL, and $62
W28 Age at first calving in Holstein cattle in the United States. J. for NM for cows sold for low production and –0.2% for PTA DPR and
Cole and D. Null*, Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, ARS, –0.1% for PA DPR for cows sold for reproductive problems. Cows
USDA, Beltsville, MD. that aborted had the highest mean PTA for all yield traits (159 kg for
milk, 5 kg for fat, and 5 kg for protein) and PA milk (125 kg). For SCS,
Heifer rearing costs account for 15 to 20% of the total expense of milk PTA and PA were highest for cows with normally ended lactations and
production, and the decline in fertility of US Holsteins is well docu- lowest (2.80 for PTA SCS and 2.81 for PA SCS) for cows that died;
mented. Earlier age at first calving (AFC) may improve profitability and cows sold because of mastitis had mean PTA SCS of 2.91 and mean PA
fertility. Records for 400,000 U.S Holstein cows born on or after Janu- SCS of 2.90. Across termination categories, SD were similar for each
ary 1, 1997 were selected by random sampling of herd codes and used
594 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
trait except SCS. In general, cows with lactations that ended normally 112) were also developed within parity-MINT-DIM classes (2 × 7 ×
were genetically superior for all traits except SCS. 8) [Method 3] to jointly account for MINT and DIM. Separate factors
were derived for milking 1, 2, and 3 for each trait in L1 and L2. Method
Key Words: lactation termination, genetic merit, Holstein
3 resulted in consistently strongest correlations between estimated and
actual yields, and smallest variances of estimates, and root mean squared
W30 Comparison of Holstein service-sire fertility for heifer and errors (rMSE) for all components in milkings 1, 2, and 3 in L1 and L2.
cow breedings with conventional and sexed semen. H. D. Norman*, Method 3 resulted in rMSE of 0.14 (F, L1), 0.22 (F, L2), 0.09 (P, L1),
J. L. Hutchison, and P. M. VanRaden, Animal Improvement Programs and 0.14 (P, L2) kg for milking 1; compared with rMSE of 0.18, 0.27,
Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD. 0.12, and 0.16 kg from current factors for the same traits in L1 and L2.
Differences in rMSE were similar for F and P for milking 2 and 3 and
Sire conception rate (SCR), a service-sire fertility evaluation imple- for SCS for all milkings. Work is ongoing to determine whether equa-
mented in August 2008, is based on up to 7 conventional-semen breed- tions from Method 3 will allow accurate estimation of daily milk, F, P,
ings for parities 1 through 5 (Ccow). The same procedure was used to and SCS when applied to other herds.
derive SCR for other types of breedings: sexed semen for cows (Scow) and
conventional semen and sexed semen for primiparous heifers (Chfr and Key Words: milking interval, adjustment factor, milking frequency
Shfr, respectively). For all 4 breeding types, SCR were based on breed-
ings from 2006 through 2009. Service-sire age groups were consolidated
W32 Derivation of factors to estimate daily milk yield from one
for sexed-semen breedings because of a limited number of bulls. Only
milking of cows milked three times daily. M. M. Schutz*1, J. M.
artificial-insemination Holstein bulls with ≥ 300 breedings overall and ≥
Bewley2, and H. D. Norman3, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
100 matings during the last 12 mo in ≥ 10 herds were included. Number 2University of Kentucky, Lexington, 3USDA-ARS Animal Improvement
of bulls evaluated was 2,309 for Ccow breedings, 270 for Chfr breedings,
Programs Laboratory, Beltsville, MD.
25 for Scow breedings, and 114 for Shfr breedings; respective mean SCR
reliabilities were 79, 82, 73, and 75%. Mean SCR for all breeding types The objective of this research was to derive factors to predict daily
was near 0, and standard deviations were 2.21% for Ccow, 2.57% for milk yield when milk is sampled once per d for cows milked 3 times
Chfr, 2.39% for Scow, and 4.34% for Shfr breedings. Correlation between (3x) per d. Milk weights for all 3 milkings were recorded automatically
Ccow and Scow SCR was 0.18, which resulted in a genetic correlation (rg) by 8 herds and collected by Dairy Herd Improvement supervisors on
for true SCR of 0.24; corresponding correlations for heifer breedings test-day. Following edits, 196,725 daily milk weight records of 2235
also were low: 0.08 and 0.11, respectively. Correlation between Ccow first lactation (L1) cows and 346,508 records of 3385 later lactation
and Chfr SCR was 0.67 (rg of 0.82); correlation between Scow and Shfr (L2) cows remained. Factors currently in use to adjust single milking
SCR was 0.75 (rg of 1.02). Among artificial-insemination organizations, yields for milking interval (MINT) were applied. Also, 3 methods were
absolute differences between mean SCR for conventional and sexed- compared with estimate factors or equations to predict daily milk yield.
semen breedings ranged from 1.44 to 4.52% for cows and 0.87 to 6.78% First, factors were estimated as the ratio of the sum of daily yield to
for heifers. Bull age effects were quite large for conventional semen but the sum of partial yield within a parity-MINT class (13 intervals in 2
small for sexed semen. Results suggest that fertility rankings for sexed parities) [Method 1] or as the sum of the ratios of daily yield to partial
semen differ markedly from those for conventional semen and separate daily yield for each cow-day divided by the number of cow-days within
SCR are needed. Combining cow and heifer inseminations together in parity-MINT class [Method 2]. Resulting factors from both methods
some manner would seem to be advantageous. were smoothed, applied to data, and residuals were regressed on days in
milk (DIM). Regression equations (n = 112) were also developed within
Key Words: sire conception rate, bull fertility, sexed semen
parity-MINT-DIM classes (2 × 7 × 8) [Method 3] to jointly account for
MINT and DIM. Separate factors were derived for milking 1, 2, and 3
W31 Derivation of factors to estimate daily, fat, protein, and for each trait in L1 and L2. Method 3 resulted in consistently strongest
somatic cell score from one milking of cows milked three times correlations between estimated and actual yields, and smallest variances
daily. M. M. Schutz*1 and H. D. Norman2, 1Purdue University, West of estimates, and root mean squared errors (rMSE) for milkings 1, 2, and
Lafayette, IN, 2USDA-ARS Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, 3 in L1 and L2. Method 3 resulted in rMSE of 3.12 (Milking 1, L1), 3.26
Beltsville, MD. (Milking 2, L1), 3.25 (Milking 3, L1), 4.52(Milking 1, L2), 4.72 (Milk-
ing 2, L2)and 4.57 (Milking 3, L2) kg; compared with rMSE of 3.58,
The objective of this research was to derive factors to predict daily 3.66, 3.59, 5.13, 5.41, and 5.09 kg, respectively, from current factors for
fat (F) and protein (P) yield and somatic cell score (SCS) when milk the same milkings for L1 and L2. The multiple regression methodology
is sampled once per d for cows milked 3 times (3x) per d. Daily milk (Method 3) appears to provide the most accurate prediction of daily milk
weights were recorded automatically and samples were collected from weight from a single milking for herds milking 3x daily.
8 herds for each milking on test-day by Dairy Herd Improvement per-
sonnel. Following edits, 1721 records of 1236 first lactation (L1) cows Key Words: milking interval, adjustment factor, milking frequency
and 2704 records of 1940 later lactation (L2) cows remained. Factors
currently in use to adjust single milking F and P for milking interval
W33 Genetic relationship between milk urea nitrogen and milk
(MINT) were applied. No adjustments are currently in use for SCS.
constituents in Holstein dairy cows. N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh*1 and
Also, 2 methods were compared with estimate factors or equations to
M. Ardalan2, 1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
predict daily F, P, and SCS. First, factors were estimated as the ratio of
University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran, 2Department of Animal Science,
the sum of daily yield to the sum of partial yield within a parity-MINT
University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University
class (13 intervals in 2 parities) [Method 1] or as the sum of the ratios
of Tehran, Karaj, Iran.
of daily yield to partial daily yield for each cow-day divided by the
number of cow-days within parity-MINT class [Method 2]. Resulting The objectives of this study were to estimate the heritability of milk
factors from both methods were smoothed, applied to data, and residu- urea nitrogen (MUN) concentration and describe the genetic and pheno-
als were regressed on days in milk (DIM). Regression equations (n = typic relationship between MUN and other milk constituents in Iranian
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 595
Holstein dairy cows. Lactation records including MUN data obtained respectively. To analyze the data, a fixed statistical linear model was
from 57301 dairy cows on 20 large dairy herds in Iran between Janu- used. In the model, fixed effects of herd, year and season of calving,
ary 2005 and June 2009. Genetic parameters were estimated using an time of milking as well as covariables of Holstein gene percentage, first
animal model with covariates for days in milk and age at first calving, calving age and days in milk were included. In the model, 2-way interac-
fixed effects for season of calving and effect of lactation number, and tions between season of calving and time of milking and between year
random effects for herd-test day, animal, permanent environment, and of calving and time of milking were also taken into account. For fitting
residual error. Coefficient of variation for MUN was 38.76%. Estimated the model General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SAS program
heritability for MUN was 0.14. Phenotypic trend of MUN increased was applied. Results indicated that all effects except days in milk had
significantly over the years. Also, phenotypic correlations of MUN with statistically significant (P < 0.01) influences on milk samples at peak
milk production traits were close to zero. The genetic correlation was time. Morning sample milk yield was revealed to be significantly dif-
close to zero for MUN and lactose percentage (- 0.07); was moderately ferent from night sample (P < 0.05) while no significant difference were
positive for MUN and net energy concentration of milk (0.24), fat found between morning and noon and between noon and night milk
percentage (0.23), protein percentage (0.34), total solids (0.29), solids- samples. Linear regression analysis of adjusted milk sample yields on
not-fat (0.31), and milk yield (0.25), and was negative for MUN and year of calving (R2 = 0.974) showed a positive significant (P < 0.001)
somatic cell score (- 0.14). Herd-test day explained 52% of the variation phenotypic trend of 0.168 kg for sample milk yield over the period of
in MUN, which suggests that management adjustments at herd-level can time. As the phenotypic trend consisted of genetic (resulted from genetic
reduce MUN. This study shows that it is possible to influence MUN by selection for high producing cows) and environmental trends (good dairy
herd management and by genetic selection. herd management practices such as appropriate ration formulation, and
good animal health), further research is needed in future to be carried
Key Words: milk urea nitrogen, dairy cattle, milk traits
out to estimate genetic part of phenotypic improvement of sample milk
yield in Iranian Holsteins.
W34 Genetic relationship between milk urea nitrogen and repro- Key Words: Iranian Holsteins, phenotypic trend, milk sample
ductive performance in Iranian Holsteins. N. Ghavi Hossein-
Zadeh*1 and M. Ardalan2, 1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran, 2Department of Animal W36 REML estimates of heritability and repeatability for monthly
Science, University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, test day milk yield of primiparous Iranian Holsteins. A. Seyed
University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran. Dokht*1, H. Farhangfar2, A. A. Aslami Nezhad1, and M. Tahmorespour1,
1Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran, 2Birjand University,
The objective of this study was to describe the genetic and phenotypic
Birjand, Iran.
relationship between milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and reproductive traits
in Iranian Holstein dairy cows. Lactation records including MUN data In this research, a total of 634,949 monthly test day milk records col-
obtained from 57301 dairy cows on 20 large dairy herds in Iran between lected from 72,523 Iranian Holstein first lactation cows calving between
January 2005 and June 2009. Genetic parameters for MUN and repro- 1999 and 2008 were utilized to estimate heritability and repeatability
ductive traits were estimated with an animal model using ASREML. using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) statistical approach. The
Herd-test-day or herd-year-season along with age at calving and days records were obtained from 724 herds over 19 provinces in the country.
in milk were included as fixed effects in all models. Heritabilities for All monthly test day records were obtained from 3-times a day milking
MUN and reproductive traits were estimated separately for first lactation, cows. The average monthly test day milk yield in the whole data set was
second lactation, and third lactation. Estimated heritabilities for MUN 29.11 kg (SD = 7.07 kg). A repeatability test day animal model was used.
varied from 0.18 to 0.21. Heritability estimates were low for reproductive In the model, fixed contemporary group (combining province-herd-year
traits and ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 for different traits across parities. of recording-season of recording), stage of lactation (10 stages), and
Except for days open, phenotypic and genetic correlations of MUN with covariables of Holstein gene percentage, days in milk nested in the stage
reproductive performance traits were close to zero. Genetic correlations of the lactation, and age of cow at recording (in month) were included.
between MUN and open days were 0.22 in first lactation, 0.33 in second The random part of the model consisted of additive genetic, permanent
lactation, and were 0.46 in third lactation. On the other hand, phenotypic environment and residual effects. The total number of animals (including
correlations between MUN at different parities were moderate (0.29 to daughters, sires and dams) in the pedigree was 101,601. DMU software
0.34), but genetic correlations between MUN at different parities were was run in a Pentium 4 computer with 4 gigabyte memory to fit the
high and ranged from 0.84 to 0.97. This study shows that it is possible animal model. Additive genetic, permanent environment and residual
to influence MUN by genetic selection. variance estimates were 4.352, 13.494 and 15.335 kg2 respectively.
The results revealed that heritability and repeatability of monthly test
Key Words: milk urea nitrogen, dairy cow, reproductive traits
day milk yield were 0.131 and 0.537 respectively. Low heritability of
monthly test day milk yield obtained in this study indicates major part
W35 Adjusted phenotypic trend estimation for peak milk yield of the phenotypic variation for the trait under consideration is resulted
of Iranian Holsteins milked three times daily. H. Farhangfar*1, from the temporary environment and model unexplained variation
M. Bashtani1, and J. Modarresi2, 1University of Birjand, Birjand, revealing that genetic selection based upon test day milk records may
Iran, 2Agricultural Jihad Organisation, Birjand, Iran. not be as cost effective as the traditional lactation model for which there
is usually a higher heritability.
The main aim of this study was to estimate adjusted phenotypic trend for
sample milk yield at peak time of thrice a day milking Iranian Holstein Key Words: Iranian Holsteins, genetic parameters, test day milk
cows. A total of 212,889 sample milk yields (at third month of lactation) yield
collected from 70,963 Iranian first lactation Holstein cows calving from
1997 to 2008 were used. All cows were milked 3 times a day: morning,
W37 Correlation between milk components with regard to the
noon and night. The number of herds was 739. The average milk samples
season in Iranian dairy herds. A. Laki*, S. Babaei, N. Hedayat-
were 10.792, 10.366 and 10.310 kg for morning, noon and night milking
596 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Evrigh, M. Dehghan-Banadaky, and K. Rezayazdi, Department of (0.936) between predicted breeding values (PBV) which was statisti-
Animal Science, Campus of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Karaj, cally significant (P < 0.001). Averages PBV of progeny were found to be
Tehran, Iran. −0.209 and −0.037 gr for fixed and random regression test day models,
respectively which were not significantly different from each other. It
Previous studies showed a positive correlation between somatic cell
can therefore be concluded that fixed regression test day model could
count (SCC), fat and protein, and a highly significant negative cor-
be used instead of random regression test day model in genetic evalua-
relation between SCC and lactose content. The aim of this study was
tion of Iranian Holsteins for protein test day records in particular where
to determine the correlation between milk components in different
computational capacity is limited for running a random regression test
seasons in Iranian dairy herds. All test-day data (n = 126,357), includ-
day model at the national scale.
ing milk composition measured by infrared test method at the Tehran
milk quality laboratory, were collected from 124 commercial Holstein Key Words: Iranian Holsteins, test day protein yield, random regres-
dairy herds in the State of Tehran during a 4-year period (2004–2008). sion
Overall means for fat, protein, SCC, lactose, total solids, solids-not-fat,
and milk urea nitrogen were 3.54%, 3.15%, 424,370 cells/ml, 4.54%,
11.52%, 9.12% and 17.43 mg/ml respectively. The data showed a sta- W39 Estimation of udder composite in the Holstein population of
tistically significant (P < 0.01) positive correlation between SCC and Iran. M. R. Bakhtiarizadeh*, M. Moradi Shahr Babak, and A. Pakdel,
fat (0.04) and protein content (0.11), and between fat and protein (0.17); University of Tehran, Karaj, Tehran.
and a highly significant negative correlation between SCC and lactose The objective of the present study was to estimate the weights of udder
content (−0.26). With regard to season, the correlation between fat and type traits in udder composite (UC) of Holstein cattle in Iran. Records
protein was lowest in spring (0.11) and highest in fall (0.188). Also the generated for first lactation Holstein dairy cows from 1991 to 2007 over
correlation between lactose and SCC was lowest in summer (−0.23) and 220 herds. The genetic parameters and relationships between udder
highest in fall (−0.28). The correlation between protein and SCC was traits and functional traits (milk yield, longevity, and somatic cell score
the lowest in spring and the highest in fall (Table 1). (SCS)) were estimated and data (included udder type traits (udder depth
(UD), fore udder attachment (FU), rear udder width (RUW), rear udder
Table 1. Correlation coefficients between milk components in height (RUH), fore teat placement (FTP), rear teat placement (RTP),
different season suspensory ligament (SL)), milk production, SCS and pedigree) were
used by Animal Breeding Center in Iran. The genetic parameters were
Fat & Fat & Fat & Protein & Protein & Lactose &
estimated by ASREML software and also SelAction software was used
Season Protein Lactose SCC Lactose SCC SCC
for estimating coefficient importance of functional traits. The equation
Spring 0.11b −0.02 a 0.05 b 0.04 b 0.09 b −0.26 b
Y = Rg*v was used for estimating UC. In this equation, Y is weight of
Summer 0.187 b −0.08 b 0.06 b −0.08 b 0.11 b −0.23 b udder type traits in UC trait, Rg is the genetic correlation between the
b b b b b −0.28 b
Fall 0.188 −0.10 0.04 −0.14 0.13 udder type traits and functional traits and v is importance coefficient of
Winter 0.16 b −0.03 b 0.03 b −0.05 b 0.11 b −0.27 b functional traits that were estimated from SelAction software. Herita-
asignificant at (P < 0.05); bsignificant at (P < 0.01). bility estimates for the udder type traits ranged from 0.1 (FU) to 0.19
(RTP). Heritabilities were 0.05, 0.07, and 0.28 for longevity, SCS and
Key Words: correlation coefficient, milk composition, season milk production, respectively. The genetic correlation among udder type
traits and longevity ranged from 0.41 (UD) to −0.33 (RTP), among udder
type traits and SCS ranged from 0.85 (RUW) to −0.6 (FU), among udder
W38 Comparison of fixed and random regression test day models
type traits and production ranged from 0.34 (RUW) to −0.31(UD). The
in genetic evaluation of Iranian Holsteins for protein yield. M.
importance coefficient of functional traits were 0.55, 0.38 and −0.07 for
Bashtani*, H. Farhangfar, H. Naeemipour, M. R. Asghari, A. Arab, and
milk production, longevity and SCS, respectively. Finally the UC trait
M. Jafari Tarbaghan, Birjand University, Birjand, Iran.
has been shown as follows (PTA is predicted transmitting ability):
The main objective was to compare 2 test day models (with fixed or UC= (−0.091*PTAfu)+(0.015*PTAruh)+(−0.035*PTAruw)+(−0.
random regressions) applied for genetic evaluation of protein yield trait 015*PTAsl)+(0.134*PTAud) +(0.69*PTAftp) +(−0.015*PTArtp).
in Iranian Holsteins. The data were 57,551 protein test day records from In this study breeding goal was to decrease SCS and increase milk
7036 first parity Holstein cows calved between 2003 and 2006. Total production and longevity by applying the UC trait. Consequently,
number of herds (located in Razavi Khorasan province), sires, dams and each trait that has a desirable relationship with functional traits in the
animals in pedigree file were 138, 590, 6091 and 13117 respectively. breeding goal has a higher coefficient in UC trait.
Contemporary groups were defined based on combining herd - year -
season of production - milking times (HYSM). The response variable
Key Words: udder composite, type traits, genetic parameters
was test day protein yield for which there was an average 918 gr (SD =
225.8 gr) in the whole data set. In fixed and random regression test day
models, HYSM (fixed effect), calving age (linear and quadratic cova- W40 Bayesian estimates of genetic parameters for cystic ovarian
riables), Holstein gene percentage (linear and quadratic covariables), disease, displaced abomasum and foot and leg diseases in Iranian
and random effects of additive genetic and permanent environment Holsteins via Gibbs sampling. N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh*1 and M.
were included. To take account of the shape of the lactation curve at Ardalan2, 1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Uni-
phenotypic, genetic and environmental levels, orthogonal Legendre versity of Guilan, 2Department of Animal Science, University College
polynomials were also included in the models so that the order of the of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran.
Legendre fit was level and cubic for fixed and random regression test
day models, respectively. Fixed and random regression test day models The objective of this study was to estimate heritability and genetic cor-
were run using WOMBAT and DXMRR software, respectively. The relations between cystic ovarian disease (COD), foot and leg diseases
results indicated there was a very high rank correlation coefficient (FLD), and displaced abomasum (DA) within the first 3 lactations of
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 597
Holstein dairy cows. The records of 57,301 dairy cows on 20 large dairy covariate effect of age at calving, and the random direct genetic effect
herds in Iran between January 2005 and June 2009 were analyzed with of animal. Posterior means of heritability for liabilities in first, second,
univariate and bivariate threshold animal models, using Gibbs sampling and third lactations were 0.06, 0.08, and 0.09, respectively, for CM;
methodology. The final model included the fixed class effects of herd- 0.10, 0.12, and 0.11 for MF; 0.09, 0.07, and 0.10 for MET, and 0.07,
year, season of calving, parity of dam, the linear covariate effect of age 0.08, and 0.08 for RP. Posterior means of genetic correlations between
at calving, and additive direct genetic effect of animal. Posterior means disease liabilities were low or moderate (from −0.01 to 0.26). The results
of heritability in first, second, and third lactations were 0.14, 0.18, and of this study indicated the possibility of considering health traits in the
0.20, respectively, for FLD; 0.08, 0.10, and 0.11 for COD; 0.05, 0.06, and selection index of Iranian Holstein dairy cows.
0.08 for DA. Posterior means of genetic correlations between diseases
Key Words: Bayesian methods, clinical mastitis, metritis
were low (from 0.02 to 0.12), within lactations; the largest estimates
were for FLD and DA, and the lowest involved FLD and COD. Positive
genetic correlations between diseases suggest that some general disease W42 Genetic relationships between somatic cell count, milk pro-
resistance factor with a genetic component exists. The results of this duction and udder conformation traits in Iranian Holsteins. M.
study indicated the importance of health traits for considering in the R. Sanjabi*1, A. Gholibaigi Fard2, R. Vaez Torshizi2, A. Lavaf2, and A.
selection index of Iranian Holstein dairy cows. H. Ahadi1, 1Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology,
Key Words: Bayesian methods, cystic ovarian disease, displaced Tehran, Iran, 2Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
abomasum Heritabilities and genetic correlations between milk yield (MY), fat
percentage (FP), protein percentage (PP), somatic cell count (SCC) and
udder type traits in 10 dairy Holstein herds near Tehran on 3500 lacta-
W41 Bayesian estimates of genetic parameters for metritis,
tions were evaluated. The DFREML software was used for calculation
retained placenta, milk fever, and clinical mastitis in Holstein
of variance components and heritabilities of individual traits, and genetic
dairy cows via Gibbs sampling. N. Ghavi Hossein-Zadeh*1 and
correlations were estimated using Harvey’s software. Heritabilities were
M. Ardalan2, 1Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
low for SCC (0.04), moderate for MY (0.19) and FP (0.24), and high for
University of Guilan, 2Department of Animal Science, University College
PP (0.48). For type traits, heritability estimates ranged from 0.04 to 0.55.
of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran.
The estimated genetic correlation between SCC and udder type traits
The objective of this study was to estimate heritability and genetic cor- varied from −0.78 to 0.51 and estimated genetic correlations between
relations between the liabilities of clinical mastitis (CM), milk fever SCC and MY, FP and PP were 0.15, 0.03, and 0.04, respectively. In
(MF), metritis (MET), and retained placenta (RP) within the first 3 general, the cows with shallow and tightly attached udders and closer
lactations of Holstein dairy cows. The records of 57,301 dairy cows teat placement had lower somatic cell count and lower risk of mastitis.
from 20 large dairy herds in Iran between January 2005 and June 2009 In summary, it appears that selection for improved udder conformation
were analyzed with univariate and bivariate threshold animal models, will reduce SCC and clinical mastitis among cattle selected for high
using Gibbs sampling methodology. The final model included the fixed milk production.
class effects of herd-year, season of calving, parity of dam, the linear
Key Words: dairy cattle, genetic parameters, somatic cell count
598 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Dairy Foods: Microbiology
W43 Microbiological quality of pasteurized milk from Minas in uninfected halves late in lactation may also influence the ability to
Gerais state, Brazil. E. H. P. Andrade, M. O. Leite*, M. R. A. Moura, produce and market grade A milk.
T. Roza, C. F. A. M. Penna, M. M. O. P. Cerqueira, L. M. Fonseca, and Key Words: milk, bacteriology, quality
M. R. Souza, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte,
Minas Gerais, Brasil.
W45 Biodiversity of enterococci in Egyptian dairy products. S.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the microbiological quality
Awad*1, C. Snauwaert2,3, P. Vandamme3, A. El Attar1, and M. El Soda1,
of pasteurized milk from different regions of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, 1Department of Dairy Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture,
from 2006 to 2008, to verify compliance with Brazilian standards.
Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt, 2BCCM/LMG Bacteria
This state is the largest dairy producer region in Brazil, with about 7
Collection, Ghent University, K.L. Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Ghent,
million metric tons of milk production for the year 2008. The analyzed
Belgium, 3Laboratory of Microbiology, Ghent University, K.L. Lede-
parameters were: aerobic mesophilic microbial counting, total and
ganckstraat 35, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
thermotolerant coliforms, Salmonella spp. presence and Staphylococcus
coagulase positive counting. It was observed that 42 (70%) of the 60 Egyptian dairy products are generally produced under artisan condi-
samples were in disagreement with Brazilian microbial standards with tions from raw milk without using industrial starter cultures. The main
at least one parameter not in compliance with the requirements. Only traditional cheeses are Ras (hard type), Domiati (soft type), and Mish;
18 (30%) was in accordance to the legal requirements for all parameters and the main fermented milk products are Zabady and Laban Rayeb. The
evaluated. Of the total of samples used in this study, 18 samples (30%) quality of these products is strictly dependent on the microbial associa-
presented more than the maximum allowance for aerobic mesophilic tions responsible for the fermentation, and the biodiversity of lactic acid
microbial counts, 35 (58.3%) were in disagreement for total coliforms, bacteria. Enterococci are ubiquitous bacteria present in the environment
with 23 samples (38.3%) above the limit for thermotolerant coliforms, and in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy animals and humans. To study
and 2 samples (3,3%) with Salmonella contamination. the biodiversity of enterococci strains of the Egyptian Dairy products,
364 samples (raw & fermented milk and cheeses) were collected from
Key Words: milk quality, microbiology
farm houses, traditional cheese making factories and local markets in
the Delta region, Egypt, and enterococci were isolated. All isolates were
W44 The relationships between somatic cell count and bacteriol- tested for their Gram reaction, catalase activity, and morphology. API
ogy on milk quality and production in dairy goats. K. N. Baker*, and SDS-PAGE were used for identification of 784 isolates. Rep-PCR
S. D. Horner, D. K. Rucker, L. C. Nuti, and G. R. Newton, Prairie View fingerprinting technique with the (GTG)5 primer and, in some cases
A&M University, Prairie View, TX. pheS and 16S rRNA genes sequencing were also used to confirm the
identification. These results confirm the importance of using molecular
Somatic cell count (SCC) in milk is an indicator of mammary infections methods for exhaustive and precise identification of the microbial flora
and a barrier for production of grade A milk. The relationships between occurring in artisanal cheeses.
mammary infection and SSC are not clear in goats. Two experiments
were conducted to evaluate the incidences of sub-clinical mastitis on Key Words: Egyptian dairy products, (GTG)5-PCR, lactic acid bac-
mammary health and milk production. The effects of a protective teat teria
dip and intra-mammary infusion of antibiotics on milk production,
composition, SCC and bacteriology were evaluated in a 2 by 2 facto-
W46 Identification, characterization, and differentiation of bifido-
rial design. At dry-off and on d 3–5 of the next lactation, goats (n =
bacteria obtained from Ukraine. L. Tmanova*, A. Onyenwoke, and
50) were screened for the presence of intra-mammary infections. At
R. F. Roberts, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
dry-off 80% of the halves sampled were negative for bacteria. This
percentage increased to 84% at the start of the next lactation. Mammary Speciation of bifidobacterial isolates using traditional biochemical and
treatments did not influence the incidence of mammary infection at the phenotypic methods is tedious and often provides inconclusive results.
start of lactation when compared with halves receiving no treatments. DNA-based methods often yields clearer results. Ten freeze-dried bifi-
Content of milk fat (5.77 ± 0.5%), protein (3.92 ± 0.04%), lactose (6.06 dobacterial strains used as probiotics in Ukraine and identified by the
± 0.07%) and SCC (721 ± 302/ml) were not affected by mammary treat- supplier as Bifidobacterium adolescentis (2), Bifidobacterium bifidum
ments. Next, milk was collected from goats (n = 65) once a month from (2), Bifidobacterium longum (4), Bifidobacterium animalis (1), and
March through November to evaluate the relationships between milk Bifidobacterium infantis (1) were characterized using polymerase chain
production, SCC and bacteriology. SCC in uninfected halves displayed reaction (PCR), pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and allelic pro-
a curvilinear increase (P < 0.01) with lowest values recorded in March filing. After anaerobic growth on MRS-cysteine (MRS) at 37°C for 72
(260 ± 11.1/ml) and highest values observed in November at the end of h, single colony isolates were picked and evaluated using PCR primers
lactation (2075 ± 11.1/ml). SCC in infected halves did not differ during specific for the genus, relevant species and for B. animalis ssp. lactis.
the sampling period (P > 0.1) and was consistently higher than samples All 10 isolates were identified as members of the genus Bifidobacterium.
from uninfected halves. In March SCC was 1242 ± 556/ml in infected However, species-specific PCR revealed all 10 isolates were B. animalis
halves. Values remained elevated through out the sampling period, reach- ssp. lactis. Further evaluation using PFGE to assess strain relatedness
ing a peak in November (3158 ± 556/ml). Milk production by infected showed all 10 isolates gave PFGE patterns identical to the type strain
and uninfected halves did not differ. Production was highest in March DSMZ 10140T when digested with SpeI. When digested with XbaI, 9
(1.18 ± 0.03 L/half) and steadily declined to a nadir in November (0.48 of the isolates gave patterns identical to DSMZ 10140T. One strain,
± 0.03 L/half; P < 0.01). Therefore, sub-clinical mastitis contributes RT09, had one extra band when digested with XbaI. Allelic profiling
to elevated SCC levels through out lactation. However, elevated SSC of the Ukrainian bifidobacterial strains, revealed 4 distinct groups.
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 599
Interestingly, 6 (60%) of the isolates fell into the same cluster as that suspensions were obtained by serial plating dilutions. A combination of
containing the common commercial probiotic strain BB-12. Our results conventional microbiological cultivation, polymerase chain reaction-
demonstrate the conventional phenotypic methods used to characterize denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing was
these isolates were sufficient to assign the correct genus, but not the used to identify microorganisms and study their microbial dynamics.
correct species. These findings highlight the importance of employing Identification results indicated that Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris and
molecular methods when typing bifidobacterial isolates. Leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides were the major LAB in
TRSM. Interestingly, three groups were identified as Lactococcus lactis
Key Words: Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis, allelic profiling,
ssp. cremoris using r16S DNA sequencing, but they showed different
DGGE patterns and assimilation of carbohydrates. In addition, the
microbial dynamics study in different fermentation stages demonstrated
W47 Buffering capacity affects starter bacteria in nonfat probiotic that Lc lactis ssp. cremoris was the most dominant bacterial species in
yogurt. M. Michael, R. K. Phebus, and K. A. Schmidt*, Kansas State the samples, followed by Leu. mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides with
University, Manhattan. no differences among the fermentation stages. Finally, the microbial
distribution profiles showed that the microbial ecology was different in
Sodium acetate has been reported to increase acid production and growth bovine, caprine and reconstituted milk, which might further affect the
yield of some lactic acid bacteria in the growth medium predominately characteristics of the product. In this study, we demonstrated that Lc
due to its buffering capacity. A buffering agent in yogurt mix may lactis ssp. cremoris and Leu. mesenteroides ssp. mesenteroides were the
counteract the lethal effect of acid accumulation on starter and probiotic major LAB in Taiwanese ropy fermented milk. The percentages of the
bacteria resulting in greater microbial counts at the end of fermentation. prevalent LAB populations present at different stages during the sample
The objective of this study was to determine if changes in yogurt mix’s fermentation were similar. we also showed that the type of milk had a
buffering capacity could enhance starter and/or probiotic counts at the great influence on the microbial ecology.
end of fermentation. Four nonfat yogurt mixes were prepared with
0.25% sodium acetate (SA) and 4 with no supplement (NS). Mixes were Key Words: ropy fermented milk, microbial ecology, DGGE
inoculated with yogurt starter alone or yogurt starter and B. animalis, L.
acidophilus or both probiotics, and fermented in a bioreactor at 40°C
W49 Summary of a 2-year study involving screening, characteriza-
until pH 4.50. Buffering curves of mixes were generated and pH, titrat-
tion, and environmental scanning of bacteria with the potential to
able acidity (TA) and microbial enumeration were done on an hourly
produce ropy milk in a farm. A. Laubscher*1, H. Guo1, K. White1,
basis during fermentation. Two replications were done and differences
B. Rossi Paneto1, A. Cano1, R. Cano2, and R. Jiménez-Flores1, 1Dairy
in means were determined using LSD at α = 0.05 with SAS. Results
Products Technology Center, California Polytechnic State University,
showed that SA-supplemented mixes had greater buffering capacity
San Luis Obispo, 2Biological Sciences Department, California Poly-
at pH <6.00 than that of NS mixes. At the end of fermentation, SA
technic State University, San Luis Obispo.
supplementation resulted in greater S. thermophilus counts (~4 to 5%)
in yogurts fermented with starter and B. animalis or L. acidophilus, and Prevention of microbial contamination in raw milk is an important
greater L. bulgaricus counts (~6%) in yogurts fermented with starter objective in farms where value added is tied with quality. Recent reports
and B. animalis as compared with NS yogurts. B. animalis growth was of ropy milk have made us aware again of the problem. Ropy milk is
not affected by the supplementations or fermentation bacteria. No sig- characterized by its viscosity and tendency to form a slimy thread. The
nificant differences in L. acidophilus counts were observed at the end viscous character of the milk is produced by a complex oligosaccharide
of fermentation based on supplementation or fermentation bacteria. At present in the capsule of different microorganisms. Over 250 raw milk
pH 4.50, SA-supplemented yogurts had greater TA compared with NS samples were received from plants throughout the southern states. Of
yogurts. In general, fermentation time was longer for SA-supplemented the 5 types of colonies observed, only one appears to have the “ropy”
mixes or mixes fermented with L. acidophilus. These results suggest characteristic of mucoid. Isolated mucoid strains were tested for ropy
that SA supplementation increased the buffering capacity of yogurt milk production by inoculation in UHT milk and incubation at 25°C for
mix which improved the starter bacteria counts at the end of fermenta- 36 h. The “ropy test” proved successful with 100% reproducibility, but it
tion; however, further research should address if SA supplementation was discovered that not all mucoid isolates produce a positive RM test.
of yogurt mix could improve the viability of starter and/or probiotic Using API biochemical identification tests, over 80% of the 160 positive
bacteria in yogurt during storage. “ropy tests” are in the Klebsiella species. This result gives us the belief
that the presence of ropy milk can be correlated to coliform counts.
Key Words: yogurt, probiotics, buffering capacity
The objectives were to identify high-risk areas for contamination of the
responsible bacteria, the correlation with coliform and Escherichia coli
W48 Identification of lactic acid bacteria in Taiwanese ropy fer- (E/C) counts, and development of a subjective or quantitative method
mented milk and evaluation of their microbial ecology in different to evaluate the risk of finding ropy milk producing bacteria. Ten loca-
milk. K. N. Chen1, S. Y. Wang2, and M. J. Chen*2, 1Tungnan Univer- tions were examined on the Cal Poly Dairy Farm, with bedding having
sity, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. the highest E/C counts and the most probable source for ropy-causing
bacteria contamination on the farm. The threshold for the enumeration
Taiwanese ropy fermented milk (TRFM) is a domestic fermented milk. of ropy-causing bacteria was determined to be only 2.5 CFU/10 mL
Its real original is unknown, but it has spread from family to family in in a sterile milk sample was enough to turn the milk ropy. With tests
northern Taiwan. TRFM has a stringy texture, a good diacetyl flavor performed in triplicate, the threshold of the ropy-causing bacteria is
and a pleasant taste. The purpose of this study was to identify species much higher in the presence of typical raw milk microorganisms, sug-
of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in TRFM and to study their microbial gesting a poor competitive nature. Our results indicate that “ropyness”
dynamics during the fermentation process. The effects of different is a result of a presumptive Klebsiella oxytoca/pneumoniae (coliform) a
type of milk on the microbial ecological profiles were also investi- poor-competing bacteria and ubiquitous under poor sanitary conditions,
gated in this study. Ten grams of TRFM starters were homogenized in in particular those associated with biofilm formation.
a laboratory blender. Concentrations of the viable LAB and yeasts in
Key Words: milk quality, Klebsiella, ropy milk
600 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
W50 Screening of Lactobacillus casei strains for the application of study provides evidence that the gut microbiota could be modulated
yogurt starter and probiotics. J. K. Choi*, J. H. Im, and G. B. Kim, by dietary intenvention such as yogurt ingestion and further studies
Department of Animal Science & Technology, Chung-Ang University, should be done to better understand the modulation of the gut
Anseong 456-756, South Korea. microbiota associated with health attributes in well-defined human
clinical studies.
Lactobacillus casei is one of the most important probiotics, and it is
widely used in functional foods and dairy products. As a trial for the
development of a new starter culture, more than 200 lactic acid bacteria Key Words: yogurt, pyrosequencing, microbiota
strains were isolated from raw milk and healthy human feces. The strains
showing excellent growth and acid production ability in the 10% skim
milk media were selected and identified as Lactobacillus casei by the W52 The effect of fermented yogurt on the prevention and treat-
result of API carbohydrate fermentation pattern and 16S rDNA sequence ment of diarrhea in animal models. J. H. Im*1, J. K. Choi1, M. H.
analysis. Among the selected strains, L. casei CU2604 and CU3204 were Lee2, J. H. Sim2, C. S. Huh2, and G. B. Kim1, 1Department of Animal
further investigated for their physiological characteristics as a starter Science & Technology Chung-Ang University, Anseong 456-756, South
culture comparing them with a commercial strain, L. casei Shirota. Korea, 2Research and Development Center. Korea Yakult Co., LTD.,
Both CU3204 and CU2604 strains showed good acid production and Yongin 449-901, South Korea.
growth characteristics in milk, which are comparable with those of L. Constipation is the most prevalent health condition in the world.
casei Shirota strain. However, L. casei CU2604 was the only selected Common symptoms are difficult stool passage, infrequent stools, or
strain that had a similar sugar fermenting pattern and PFGE band pat- both. Dairy products such as milk and yogurt improve intestinal func-
tern compared with L. casei Shirota. Furthermore, CU2604 showed tion. The objective of this study was to investigate the improvement of
better tolerance to bile and to pH than L. casei Shirota. In addition, to intestinal function, the prevention of constipation, and the curative value
assess the effect of L. casei strains in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), of supplying fermented milk products to mice and rats. Constipation
the inhibitory effect of the selected strains against nitric oxide (NO) was induced by oral administration of loperamide and experiments were
production of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells executed for 5 consecutive days. All experiments separated research
was measured. Among the tested L. casei strains, L. casei MCL was subjects into 3 groups; the control, the treatment of loperamide alone,
observed to have the greatest NO inhibitory activity. Based on these and the treatment of low, medium, and high levels fermented milk.
results from this study, we anticipate the possible use of L. casei MCL The results showed that the effects varied significantly among different
strain as a new probiotic and CU2604 as a new starter culture. levels of doses in that: 1) The digestive tract transfer rate showed that
Key Words: Lactobacillus casei, yogurt starter, probiotics the control 44.2%, low levels 51.7%, medium levels 67.4%, high levels
67.7%; 2) Constipation preventive effect showed that the water and food
intake, and the amount and number of feces decreased significantly with
W51 Effect of yogurt consumption on the human intestinal micro- loperamide alone, low, medium levels (P < 0.001, P < 0.05, P < 0.01).
biota. H. J. Kim*1, S. J. Eom1, Y. T. Ahn2, J. H. Lee2, C. S. Huh2, and However the treatment of loperamide with fermented milk increased the
G. B. Kim1, 1Department of Animal Science and Technology, Chung-Ang number of feces significantly at high level (P < 0.05), amount of feces
University, Anseong 456-756, South Korea, 2Research and Development increased significantly at low, high levels (P < 0.05, P < 0001), also
Center. Korea Yakult Co. Ltd., Yongin 449-901, South Korea. water contents increased. 3) Effective treatment of constipation showed
that the water and food intake decreased significantly; the number of
In this study we investigated the effect of consumption of yogurt on
feces increased significantly at medium level (P < 0.001), weight of
the fecal microflora of 40 healthy volunteers. The subjects were ran-
feces showed similar results. Water contents increased significantly at
domly divided into experimental (n = 20) and control (n = 20) groups
medium, high levels (P < 0.05, P < 0.001). These results suggest that
for a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical study. The experimental
the repetitive ingestion of fermented yogurt is effective to prevent and
group consumed yogurt 2 times a day (150mL each) for 3 weeks and
treat constipation in animal models.
the control groups consumed the same amount of milk acidified with
lactic acid. Fecal samples at defined time points before, during, and Key Words: animal trials, fermented yogurt, constipation
after the period of yogurt ingestion were collected and analyzed. The
fecal population of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria was determined by
culture-based methods using Rorosa SL agar and TOS-propionate agar W53 Effect of milk fermented by Lactobacillus rhamnosus on
media, respectively, and subsequent colony PCR for the confirmation an experimental infection with Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica
of the target Genus. The comprehensive dynamics of intestinal micro- serov. Typhimurium in gnotobiotic and conventional mice. A. H.
biota in response to yogurt consumption was analyzed using a bacterial Mendonça1, M. M. O. P. Cerqueira*2, J. R. Nicoli2, M. O. Leite2, M.
barcoded pyrosequencing. R. Souza2, L. M. Fonseca2, R. M. N. Drummond2, R. M. E. Arante2,
The population of bifidobacteria in the fecal sample of experimental and C. F. A. M. Penna2, 1Ministry of Agriculture, Brasília, Distrito
group increased from 9.65±0.56 to 10.20±0.41 (log10 cells/g wet Federal, Brasil, 2Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte,
feces, mean ± SD) during the ingestion of yogurt, but it tended to be Minas Gerais, Brasil.
normalized (9.67±0.84) when they stopped the ingestion. The similar An experimental infection with Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica serov.
tendency was observed in the population of lactobacilli during the Typhimurium was evaluated in gnotobiotic (GN) and conventional (CV)
experiment; however, there were no significant changes in the control mice previously treated or not with milk fermented by a Lactobacillus
group. Molecular analysis of the human fecal bacterial populations by rhamnosus strain isolated from healthy human newborn. Conventional
pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA tags revealed that yogurt consumption mice received 0.1 mL probiotic milk (8.0 log CFU) daily, 10 d before the
induced significant alterations of the gut microbiota. The ratio of oral pathogenic challenge (5.0 log CFU). Then, probiotic treatment was
Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes was 1.23, 0.59, and 2.01 at the time points continued until the end of the experiment. Probiotic treatment in germ-
before, during, after the period of yogurt ingestion, respectively. This free mice consisted of a single dose at the beginning of the experiment
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 601
and a challenge 10 d later (3.0 CFU). Protective effect was observed in Results showed: top 3 GOS production prebiotics were Bifidobacterium
both GN and CV animals in terms of histopathology and morphometric bifidum BB03, Bifidobacterium bifidum BB02 and Lactobacillus del-
data but in different anatomical site. This protection was observed in liver brueckii ssp. bulgaricus with the production of GOS at 201.8 g/L100g,
and intestines, respectively for GN and CV mice. However, Salmonella 160.1 g/L and 129.4 g/L, respectively. The optimal production conditions
enterica ssp. enterica serov. Typhimurium populations were similar in of Bifidobacterium bifidum BB03 were as follows: 0.20 g freeze-dried
the feces of both treated and control GN mice. Concluding, a protective cells were transferred into a flask with 50 mL of lactose aqueous solu-
effect by L. rhamnosus against experimental Salmonella enterica ssp. tion (473.4 g/L), shaken at the speed of 150 rpm and cultured at 37
enterica serov. Typhimurium was observed. This protection was not due centigrade for 8h. The fractions of GOS in this product were proved to
to the reduction of the population of pathogens in the intestine. be with 197.7 g/L dimer GOS and 4.1 g/L tetramer GOS. In addition, the
production of galactose, glucose and the residual lactose in the product
Key Words: fermented milk, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, probiotic
were presented to be 1.9 g/L, 94.3 g/L and 1.3 g/L, respectively.
Key Words: galacto-oligosaccharides, probiotic, HPAEC-PAD
W54 Influence of bovine and caprine caseinomacropeptide on
the viability of E. coli and L. rhamnosus in acidic conditions. G.
Robitaille*, C. Lapointe, D. Leclerc, and M. Britten, Food Research and W56 Characterization and partial purification of antimutagenic
Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, St-Hyacinthe, peptide produced by Lactobacillus plantarum CNU 2116. J. W.
QC, Canada. Jeong*1, B. H. Yoon1, D. J. Park3, Y.-S. Son2, and S. Oh1, 1Division
of Animal Science, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South
Caseinomacropeptide (CMP) is a 7-kDa phosphoglycopeptide fragment
Korea, 2Division of Bioscience & Technology, Korea University, Seoul,
released from κ-casein during chymosin-induced renneting of milk.
South Korea, 3Korea Food Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do, South
Bovine CMP differs from caprine CMP by 19 substitutions, 2 insertions,
by glycosylation extent and the level of phosphorylation. The objective
of the study was to analyze the effects of pepsin-treated CMP (CMPpt) on Intestinal lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are closely associated to the host’s
the survival of E. coli and L. rhamnosus in acidic conditions. To induce health because the presence of LAB are an important bio-defense factor
acid shock, bacterial cells were incubated at 37°C in PBS with or without in preventing colonization and subsequent proliferation of pathogenic
additive (CMPpt, non-glycosylated CMPpt (aCMPpt) and glycosylated bacteria in the intestine. Some probiotics such as Lactobacillus spe-
CMPpt (gCMPpt) isoforms) from bovine and caprine. Viability (CFU/ cies can intoxicate the carcinogens including chemical mutagens. The
mL) was determined at 0, 15, 30, 60 and 90 min. As expected, E. coli antimutagenic activity of 24 LAB strains was investigated using 3
was sensitive to low pH. The bacterial viability decreased by more than mutagens (4-nitroquinoline-N’-oxide, 4-NQO; N-methyl-N’nitro-N-
1.5 log within 15 min at pH ≤3.0. At pH 3.5, it took about 90 min to nitrosoguanidine, MNNG; and 2-amino-3- methylimidasol quinoline,
reach a similar decrease. When added to the media, CMPpt was bac- IQ). In the Ames test, dose-dependent activity was exhibited significantly
tericidal in a dose dependent manner, reducing survival by more than against 4NQO, MNNG, and IQ. Lactobacillus casei KCTC 13086 and
90% within 15 min at ≥0.25 mg/ml. This indicates that the encrypted L. plantarum strains showed the highest anti-4NQO activity (62.1%)
bioactive peptides within CMP are released by pepsin proteolysis and among the tested strains of LAB. The active substance was found to
are bactericidal against E. coli at low pH. Moreover, the effectiveness be sensitive to trypsin (71500 units/mL). This indicates that antimuta-
of CMPpt to kill E. coli at pH 3.5 was not significantly affected by the genic substance is proteinaceous in nature. The molecular weight of
presence of linked oligosaccharides or by the origin of the milk. This the antimutagenic peptide was estimated as an approximately 762 Da
suggests that the active peptide is located in the N-terminal portion of the using tricine-SDS-PAGE. N-terminal amino acid residue sequence from
polypeptide, a region of high homology between species that does not the purified peptide was identified as NH 2 -Xaa-Leu-Glu-Xaa-Lys-
carry any phosphate or oligosaccharide. Survival of L. rhamnosus at pH Lys-Ala-Glu-Xaa-Ile-Thr-Thr. Compared with other sequences in the
2.9 decreased to about 5% within 60 min. Supplementation with bovine NCBI database using Blast program, we found no significant sequence
or caprine CMPpt has an inverse effect. It increased viability to values as similarity to previously reported antimutagenic peptides.
high as 50%, with similar efficiencies for aCMPpt and gCMPpt. These
Key Words: antimutagenic activity, lactic acid bacteria, characteriza-
results suggest that peptic digests of bovine and caprine CMP may act
as antimicrobial agents against E. coli in a gastric context without any
deleterious effect on the resistance of a probiotic to gastric pH.
Key Words: caseinomacropeptide, bacterial growth, gastric pH W57 Characterization of microorganisms isolated from biofilms
formed on whey reverse osmosis membranes. A. C. Biswas*, M.
Avadhanula, S. Anand, and A. Hassan, Midwest Dairy Foods Research
W55 Screening of β-galactosidase-containing probiotic for the Center, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State University,
production of galacto-oligosaccharides and its optimal preparation Brookings.
conditions. Y. Gao, X. Mi, L. Feng, R. Zhong, B. Qian, and S. Zhang*,
Microbial biofilm is a complex structure made up of organisms embed-
Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture and
ded in polymeric matrices of biological origin attached to a substratum.
Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China.
The present investigation was undertaken to characterize the multispe-
As β-galactosidase carriers, whole probiotic cells were screened out cies microbial consortia isolated from reverse osmosis (RO) membranes
for the production of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and the optimal drawn from active industrial whey filtration process at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,
production conditions were investigated in this study. In this process, 12, and 14 mo of age. The ability of the different bacterial isolates to
probiotics including 2 strains of Bifidobacterium bifidum, 2 strains of produce capsule and slime, and increase whey viscosity as indications of
Lactobacillus helveticus and one strain of Lactobacillus delbrueckii exopolysaccharides (EPS) production was also studied. Results showed
ssp. bulgaricus were employed. A high-performance anion exchange that Bacillus sp. was present on almost all RO membranes from 4 to
chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) 12 mo. Enterococcus, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Micrococcus,
was utilized for the sugar composition analyses in the prepared products. Aeromonas, Corynebacterium, and Pseudomonas species were also
602 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
encountered frequently. Escherichia coli and Klebsiella oxytoca were media for the enumeration of Staphylococcus spp. in 36 samples of raw
detected only on 8, 12 and 14 mo old membranes. Among all isolates, milk. The experiment was designed in random blocks and the media
about 25% did not produce capsules or slime, or increased viscosity of were compared by the t-test. Mean Staphylococcus spp. count obtained
whey, which indicated lack of EPS production. This reflects that strains by PSE (2.50 Log10 CFU/mL) was lower (P < 0.05) than those by BP
not producing EPS can also be involved in biofilm formation. However, (4.12 Log10 CFU/mL) and RPF (3.86 Log10 CFU/mL), being the latter
since the EPS production was only tested in planktonic cells, there is still 2 values considered similar (P > 0.05). The results showed viable the use
a possibility that they produce EPS in biofilm matrices. Interestingly, the of RPF, but not PSE, replacing BP for Staphylococcus spp. enumeration
EPS production was more pronounced in isolates from older (8 to 14 mo without altering the accuracy of the analysis.
old) as compared with newer (2 to 6 mo old) membranes. Studies also
Key Words: Staphylococcus, culture media, raw milk
confirmed the ability of individual isolates to form biofilms under static
in vitro conditions. Predominance of Escherichia coli and Bacillus sp.
was observed during the reproduction of mixed species biofilms. The W60 Influence of low pressure homogenization on growth of Strep-
study provides useful information on the predominant bacterial species tococcus thermophilus. T. Muramalla1 and K. Aryana*1,2, 1Louisiana
in biofilms formed on whey processing membranes. This will help in State University, Baton Rouge, 2Louisiana State University Agricultural
developing more effective cleaning and sanitation regimens. Center, Baton Rouge.
Key Words: biofilm, exopolysaccharides (EPS), RO membrane The objective was to study the effect of low pressure homogenization on
growth of Streptococcus thermophilus. Fat free milk was sterilized by
autoclaving, chilled to 4°C, inoculated with Streptococcus thermophilus
W58 Transcriptional analysis of a very broad spectrum lantibiotic
and homogenized at 0, 3.45, 6.90, 10.35, 13.80 MPa for 5 continuous
produced by Bifidobacterium longum DJO10A. J. H. Lee*, X. Li,
passes. The control (0 MPa) and homogenized (3.45, 6.90, 10.35, 13.80
and D. J. O’Sullivan, University of Minnesota, St Paul.
MPa) samples were individually inoculated in Lactobacilli MRS broth.
Lantibiotics are bacteriocins produced by some gram-positive bacteria Samples were plated in duplicate at 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 h using the
with a very broad antimicrobial spectrum. A reverse genomic analysis pour plate technique. During 10 h incubation period the broth samples
of B. longum ssp. longum DJO10A revealed the potential to produce were kept at 37°C and plates were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 3
a lantibiotic and subsequent analysis revealed it produced a small (<5 d. Entire experiments were replicated 3 times. Data were analyzed using
kDa) peptide, only on agar media, with an antimicrobial spectrum that proc mixed of SAS. The interaction effect of pressure x time was not
included gram-negative bacteria. To further understand the regulation for significant. Both main effects pressure and time were significant (P <
production of this lantibiotic a full-genome microarray analysis with total 0.0001). The homogenized samples (6.90, 10.35, 13.80 MPa) were not
RNA from both agar and broth cultures was conducted. This revealed significantly (P < 0.05) different from each other but exhibited counts
a very different expression pattern between agar and broth cultures, significantly (P < 0.05) higher than control (0 MPa). The homogenized
including the lantibiotic-producing genes which were expressed much samples treated to pressures of 6.90, 10.35, 13.80 MPa exhibited average
higher in agar. Interestingly, the expression of the 2-component regula- counts of 11.84, 11.85, 11.83 log CFU/ml and control (0 MPa) had an
tory genes in this operon, were relatively constant in both conditions, average count of 11.70 log CFU/ml. The low pressure homogenization
suggesting it should be functional in broth cultures. To further inves- at 6.90, 10.35, 13.80 MPa had a slight yet positive significant effect on
tigate this, a real-time PCR procedure, with a specific TaqMan probe growth of Streptococcus thermophilus.
targeting the lanA gene, was developed. This confirmed the broth and
Key Words: dairy, culture, bacteria
agar differential expression of lanA in different media, with MRS agar
showing the highest gene expression. To obtain some crude lantibiotic
compound, it was extracted from MRS agar using 95% methanol and W61 Influence of mild pulsed electric field conditions on the growth
partially purified via size fractionation with filtration systems. Differ- of Streptococcus thermophilus. N. Najim1 and K. Aryana*1,2, 1Loui-
ent concentrations of this partially purified lantibiotic were used to siana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, 2Louisiana
investigate the expression of lanA in broth cultures. Strikingly, lanA State University, Baton Rouge.
gene expression was drastically increased in a dose dependant fashion
in broth cultures, confirming that increasing the external signal in broth Pulsed electric field (PEF) processing involves the application of pulses
cultures allows the expression of the lantibiotic production genes, thus of voltage for less than one second to fluid products placed between 2
facilitating lantibiotic production in broth. electrodes. Streptococcus thermophilus is an important bacterium used
for the production of fermented dairy products. Objective of this study
Key Words: bifidobacteria, lantibiotic, microarray was to determine the influence of a mild PEF condition on the growth
of Streptococcus thermophilus. A range of mild pulsed electric field
conditions were earlier screened by the authors to arrive at an optimum
W59 Comparison of the Baird-Parker agar, Baird-Parker-RPF
overall mild pulsed electric field condition for various probiotic charac-
and Petrifilm Staph Express in the detection and enumeration of
teristics. Freshly thawed Streptococcus thermophilus was suspended in
Staphylococcus coagulase positive in raw milk. A. K. R. Santos, M.
0.1% w/v sterile peptone water and treated in a pilot plant PEF system.
O. Leite*, L. M. Fonseca, M. O. P. Cerqueira, M. R. Souza, C. F. A. M.
The treatment was a mild PEF condition of positive square unipolar
Penna, and M. R. A. Moura, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo
pulse of 3 μs, pulse period of 0.5 s and voltage of 1kv/cm. Control was
Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil.
run through PEF system but without receiving any pulsed electric field
The reference methodology for Staphylococcus spp. enumeration recom- condition. Control and treated sample flow rates were kept constant at
mends the use of Baird-Parker agar (BP); however, other culture media 60 mL/min. Samples were individually inoculated in lactobacilli MRS
may produce results in shorter time, as Baird-Parker - RPF agar (bio- broth. Samples were plated in duplicate. Pour plates were incubated
Mérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France) and PetrifilmTM Staph Express Count aerobically at 37°C for 3 d. Growth was determined hourly for 20 h.
Plate - PSE - (3M Microbiology Products, St. Paul, USA). Thus, this Experiments were replicated 3 times. The control and mild PEF treated
work was carried out to compare the efficiency of the forecited culture samples had the same counts of 10.97 (+/− 0.25) log cfu/mL at 0 h. The
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 603
mild PEF treated samples reached the log phase an hour earlier than The homogenized samples treated to pressures of 3.45, 6.90, 13.80 MPa
control. Although at most time points, counts were within the same log exhibited average counts of 10.72, 10.79, 10.81 log CFU/mL compared
cfu/mL for the control and treated samples, the mild PEF treated samples with control (0 MPa) which had an average count of 10.60 log CFU/
had significantly (P < 0.05) higher counts compared with control for mL. The low pressure homogenization at 3.45, 6.90, 13.80 MPa had a
most of the time points over the 20 h of growth. The mild PEF condition slight yet positive significant effect on bile tolerance of Streptococcus
enhanced growth of Streptococcus thermophilus. thermophilus.
Key Words: pulsed electric field, nonthermal, culture Key Words: culture, homogenization, bacteria
W62 Effect of mild sonication on the growth of Streptococcus W64 Acoustical emissions generated by bacteriophages sk1 and
thermophilus. M. Moncada*1,2 and K. Aryana1,2, 1Louisiana State ml3 using Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis C2 host. A. K. Wardani1,
University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, 2Louisiana State Uni- C. L. Hicks*2, and J. M. Stencel3, 1University of Brawijaya, Malang,
versity, Baton Rouge. Indonesia, 2University of Kentucky, Lexington, 3Tribo Flo Separations,
Lexington, KY.
Mild sonication (20–40% amplitude) conditions have been reported to
increase the transport of small molecules in solution enabling bacterial Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis C2 bacteria in M17 medium, at 26°C for
cell growth. Streptococcus thermophilus is an important lactic acid bac- 8 h were infected with phages sk1 or ml3, and monitored using contact
terium used for the production of some fermented dairy products. The piezoelectric sensors attached to the sides of the growth vessel. The 2
objective was to study the influence of mild sonication on the growth sensors (5 to 50 kHz range) had individual characteristic and internal
characteristics of Streptococcus thermophilus. Freshly thawed culture amplification mechanisms that were calibrated and adjusted to mini-
was suspended in 0.1% peptone water and 18 mL of sample was soni- mize background noise. After the sensors had been calibrated, the M17
cated using horn (diameter 13 mm) set at a maximum acoustic power medium was inoculated with L. lactis ssp. lactis C2 culture (1 × 109 cfu/
output of 750 W, frequency 24 kHz. The treatments were amplitudes of mL), stirred for 1 min, and allowed to grow for approx. 90 min before
21, 27, 33 and 39%. In all treatments energy input into the system was infection (stirred for 1 min) with phages sk1 or ml3. Infection time was
kept constant at 1500 J. The control was sample not treated with mild set to correspond with the start of the log growth phase. Infection level
sonication. Samples were inoculated in lactobacilli MRS broth. Samples was 105 pfu/mL for both phages sk1 and ml3. Sound intensity from the
were pour plated in duplicate. During 12 h incubation period the samples growth chambers was measured in attojoules (aJ = 10−18 Joules) and
were kept at 37°C. Pour plates were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 3 plotted as the energy rate-per-detected acoustic wave. Acoustic peaks
d. Growth of control and treated samples were determined hourly over considered significant and beyond internal or external generated noise
12 h. Three replications were conducted. Data were analyzed using the were those having greater than ± 3 times the sigma value of the general
PROC GLM of the Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS). The control variation in acoustic intensity over the entire data set of each test. Energy
and samples treated with 21% amplitude exhibited average counts of rate data from control tests in which L. lactis ssp. lactis C2 was grown
14.55 and 15.01 log CFU/mL respectively at the end of the 12-h incu- without phage sk1 or phage ml3 infections contained no acoustic peaks
bation. Similar increases in counts were observed in samples treated with intensities that exceeded the ± 3 sigma standard whereas phage
with 33% amplitude compared with control in which average counts sk1 or ml3 infected L. lactis ssp. lactis C2 culture contained multiple
at the end of the 12 h were 14.58 and 14.26 log CFU/mL respectively. acoustic peaks with intensities that exceeded ± 3 sigma. The first peak
With an increase in amplitude of mild sonication the counts declined for phage sk1 appeared at 33.2 ± 4.4 min whereas the first peak for
but maintained higher than the control. It is concluded that the lowest phage ml3 appeared 40 min. Thus, the acoustic data from phage sk1
sonication intensity studied (amplitude of 21%) had the best effect on or phage ml3 infected L. lactis ssp. lactis C2 were considered to be the
increasing Streptococcus thermophilus counts. result of phage infection. The timings of the acoustic peaks from phage
sk1 were sufficiently different from phage ml3, that these 2 phage could
Key Words: sonication, culture, growth
probably be distinguished by acoustic emission monitoring during phage
infection of the bacteria.
W63 Low pressure homogenization effects on bile tolerance of Key Words: acoustic emission, bacteriophage, Lactococcus
Streptococcus thermophilus. T. Muramalla*1 and K. Aryana1,2,
1Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 2Louisiana State University
Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge. W65 Viability of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in skim milk
with shiitake mushroom extract during refrigerated storage. O.
The goal was to determine the influence of low pressure homogeniza-
Hassan*1, O. S. Isikhuemhen1, S. A. Ibrahim1, A. AbuGhazaleh2, and D.
tion on bile tolerance of Streptococcus thermophilus. Fat free milk was
Song1, 1North Carolina A &T State University, Greensboro, 2Southern
autoclaved, chilled to 4°C, inoculated with Streptococcus thermophilus
Illinois University, Carbondale.
and homogenized at 0, 3.45, 6.90, 10.35, 13.80 MPa for 5 continuous
passes. The control (0 MPa) and homogenized (3.45, 6.90, 10.35, 13.80 Probiotics, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, have been demon-
MPa) samples were individually inoculated in Lactobacilli MRS broth strated to help establish and support strong immune systems. A key
with oxgall bile. Samples were plated in duplicate at 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, growth source for these bacteria are certain carbohydrates, so food rich
and 10 h. During 10 h incubation period the broth samples were kept in these food components would presumably help probiotics to thrive.
at 37°C. Pour plates were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 3 d. Entire Shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes) contains antitumor oligosaccha-
experiments were replicated 3 times. Data were analyzed using proc rides and polysaccharides which could enhance probiotics growth. The
mixed of SAS. The interaction effect of pressure × time was not sig- objective of this study was to exam the viability of selected probiotic
nificant while both the main effects pressure and time were significant cultures in skim milk in the presence of different levels of Shiitake
(P < 0.0001). The homogenized samples (3.45, 6.90, 13.80 MPa) were mushroom extract during refrigerated storage. Lactobacillus reuteri
not significantly (P < 0.05) different from each other but exhibited CF2–7F, L. reuteri DMS 20016, Bifidobacterium breve and B. adoles-
counts that were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than control (0 MPa). centis were individually inoculated into skim milk supplemented with
604 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
different concentrations of mushroom extract (0%, 1%, 2%, and 4%) with a mean count of 2.1 log cfu/mL. Our results confirmed that there is
and stored immediately at 4°C for 4 weeks. Aliquots were withdrawn at potential health risk with the consumption of dairy protein supplements
one-week interval to determine bacterial population, pH and titratable sold in Saudi Arabia. There is a need to develop a monitoring system
acidity of the milk samples. Results showed that the viability of tested to check the microbiological quality of dairy protein supplements on
strains was significantly higher in milk supplemented with Shiitake market to assure them safe to use.
mushroom extract (P < 0.05) compared with the control sample. All
Key Words: microbiological quality, dairy protein supplements
tested strains demonstrated culture stability upon refrigerated storage
and exhibited no significant loss of viability during storage conditions
for 2 weeks. After 4 weeks of storage, 2 log reduction of viable cells W67 Antimicrobial activity and composition of oregano essential
from an initial mean of 109/ml was observed. Samples had a mean oils from different climate zones of Colombia. L. Betancourt*1,3, R.
initial pH of 6.5 and titratable acidity of 0.16. Both pH and titratable Patiño2, V. Phandanauvong2, C. Ariza-Nieto2, and G. Afanador-Téllez3,
acidity showed negligible change at 4°C during 2-week storage. Our 1Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia, 2CORPOICA, Bogotá,
results suggest that shiitake mushroom extract can be used as a natural Colombia, 3Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
additive in dairy products to improve the viability of probiotics during
refrigerated storage and to improve consumer health. The antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oils has been showed in
the literature; however, composition and antibacterial activity of oregano
Key Words: bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, mushroom essential oils (OEO) from different climatic zones of Colombia have not
been studied. The aim of this study was to characterize 4 chemotypes of
OEO, Origanum majorana (OM), Origanum vulgare L (OVL), Lippia
W66 Microbiological quality of dairy protein supplements sold in
origanoides (LO) and Origanum vulgare H. (OVH, from Greece).
Saudi Arabia markets. S. O. Aljaloud*1, D. Song2, A. M. Fraser1,
Composition was analyzed by GC/Ms and its antibacterial activity
and S. A. Ibrahim2, 1Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 2North Carolina
through minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Lactobacillus
Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro.
acidophilus, Bifidobacterium breve, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella
Whey proteins are becoming popular dietary supplements here in the typhimurium and Escherichia coli by broth dilution method. OVH from
US and around the world. However, these ingredients are typically not Greece presented the highest carvacrol content (90%), while the highest
sterile. There is need to investigate the microbiological safety of these thymol was found in LO from Colombia (79%). OM was rich in Sabinyl
products. The objective of this study was to determine the microbiol- compound (24%). OVL presented high thymol content (21%) and low
ogy quality of whey protein supplements sold in Saudi Arabia. Twenty carvacrol (4%). The best carvarol: thymol ratio was for OVH (25) and
different dairy protein supplements were purchased from local stores in LO present the most very low (0.01). The amount of lowest precursors
Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. These products ranged from whey (gamma terpinene+para-cymene) was for LO (9%), but varieties of
protein concentrate (5), whey protein isolate (4), why protein hydrolyzed oregano produced in greenhouse conditions at high altitude (Savannah
(2), whey protein concentrate lactose free (3), whey protein concentrate of Bogotá, 2650 AMSL)) had highest precursors content, 17% for OM
mineral free (2) and casein isolates (4). Samples were analyzed for and 41% for OVL. Carvacrol, OVH and LO showed the same MIC
several microbial quality attributes including aerobic total plate count values against S. enteritidis (0.098 mg/ml). Carvacrol had better MIC
(ATPC), psychrotrophs (PC), Enterobacteriaceae, total coliforms, and against both S. typhimurium (0.098 mg/mL) and E. coli (0.0061 mg/mL),
fecal coliforms. The presence of selected pathogens such as Staphylococ- followed by OVH and LO. The lowest MIC against beneficial bacteria
cus aureus and Salmonella were investigated. Our results showed that the was for OM (6.25 mg/mL) against L. acidophilus and LO (50 mg/mL)
average bacterial population for ATPC, PC and Enterobacteriaceae, were against B. breve. These results clearly showed that OEO rich in thymol
4.1, 2.1, and 1.2 log cfu/mL, respectively. Coliform groups were found could have a desirable antibacterial effect on gastrointestinal tract.
in 29% of samples while 10% were fecal coliform positive as revealed
Key Words: Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Salmonella
by the MPN method. S. aureus was located in at least 25% of samples,
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 605
Dairy Foods: Processing
W68 Effect of processing on the milk fat globule membrane Table 1. Significant changes observed in the particle size of the
constituents. X. Elías-Argote* and R. Jiménez-Flores, California samples after 3 months storage
Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. Powder Changes observed P-value
The milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) proteins have been studied Nonfat dry milk no vacuum > before packaging 0.03
extensively using proteomic techniques to characterize them and to find Whole milk 1 bar vacuum > before packaging 0.02
out their structure within the membrane. The MFGM constituents have Whole milk 0.7 bar vacuum > before packaging 0.00
the potential to offer excellent health benefits; however, few studies Whole milk 0.4 bar vacuum > before packaging 0.00
have highlighted the effects of processing on the MFGM constituents
Whole milk no vacuum < before packaging 0.00
and the repercussion it may have on their functionality. In this study,
Whole milk no vacuum < 1 bar vacuum 0.00
we have analyzed milk throughout traditional processing. These include
collection, refrigeration, and 2 types of commercial pasteurization. In Key Words: vacuum packaging, dry dairy powders, physical proper-
addition, this work also includes a potential pasteurization method using ties
pulsed light treatment. Milk was collected before reaching the storage
unit and kept at 37°C. Samples were processed at storage temperature
(4°C), batch and high temperature short time (HTST) pasteurizations, W70 A new cold gelation method for producing calcium-fortified
and by pulsed light treatment. The cream was separated, and milk fat whey protein gels. Y. C. Tseng and C. L. Hicks*, University of Ken-
globule size distribution was determined using laser light scattering in tucky, Lexington.
the skim milk and cream fractions of the 4 treatments. The MFGM was Whey proteins, with versatile functionalities and excellent nutritional
then extracted and analyzed using 2D-PAGE and LC-MS. Microscopic values, are widely utilized in food applications. In the presence of cal-
evaluations were performed using confocal microscopy. As the heat cium ions or an acidulating agent, preheated whey proteins form gels
treatment increased, more casein and whey proteins were absorbed at ambient temperature. However, to obtain a good texture, currently
onto the membrane and observed in the final product. The particle size cold-set calcium-induced whey protein gels are prepared by introducing
reflects small diameter globules remaining in the skim milk and greater Ca2+ into a whey protein solution through dialysis, which is an inconve-
variability in the size distribution with heat treatments. We observed that nient and time-consuming process. Thus, the objective of this research
MFGM proteins, especially adipophilin and butyrophilin, are affected was to develop a new procedure for making homogeneous calcium-
differently by processing. Their concentration in the MFGM decreases fortified cold-set whey protein gels. Whey protein isolate suspensions
as pasteurization temperature increases. (7% w/v, pH 7) were prepared with distilled water and heated at 80°C
Key Words: MFGM, proteomics, protein interactions for 30 min. After cooling to room temperature, calcium carbonate was
added to the protein solutions at various concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15
mM). Gelation was induced by adding 30 mM glucono-delta-lactone
W69 Evaluation of vacuum packaging on particle size, particle (GDL) to the protein solutions at 24°C. The kinetic profile of the gell-
density and solubility of dry dairy powders. H. Eshpari* and P. S. ing system was studied using a Bohlin VOR rheometer. Finished gels
Tong, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. were subjected to textural profile analysis and measurements of water
holding capacity, pH and color. Within 2 h after the addition of GDL, all
Dry dairy ingredients can have a long shelf life if packaged and stored
samples were shown to have significant increase in storage modulus (G’),
properly. Vacuum packaging can be an attractive method for keeping
indicating the formation of a viscoelastic gel network. Homogeneous
quality and provides added value; because of the inherent compact-
cold-set gels were obtained from all treatments 5h after the initiation
ness of the products. Vacuum packaged dry dairy ingredients may also
of gelation. Calcium level (0–15 mM) was shown to affect (P < 0.05)
have added ease of handling for end users. However little is known
the pH, L value (lightness), and textural profile of the final gels. As
about the impact of vacuum packaging on the properties of dry dairy
Ca2+ increased, final pH values of the gels increased from 4.7 (calcium
ingredients. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of
free samples) to 5.8 (samples w/ 15 mM CaCO3) while the respective
vacuum packaging on particle size, particle density and solubility of 4
L values reduced from 72.4 to 70.8. Gel breaking strength was greatly
types of dry dairy ingredients. Commercial samples of nonfat dry milk
reduced as calcium level increased, with values ranging from 595g to
powder, whole milk powder, buttermilk powder, and milk protein Isolate
349g, respectively. Results indicate that GDL combining with calcium
were repackaged in duplicate using multi-wall foil side gusseted bags
carbonate can be utilized as an effective coagulating agent for making
under varying degrees of vacuum (1, 0.7, 0.4 bar) and a control with no
cold-set whey protein gels having fortified calcium levels, less cooked
vacuum, and then stored for 3 mo at 37°C and 60% relative humidity.
flavors and homogeneous texture, which may expand future food appli-
Each powder was sampled and analyzed in duplicate for particle size,
cations of whey proteins.
particle density and solubility upon receiving and after 3 mo storage.
After 3 mo storage there were no significant differences in solubility Key Words: cold gelation, whey proteins, calcium-fortified
and particle density of the powders, regardless of the vacuum level, but
some significant differences in particle size of the powders (Table 1).
Moreover, the trend of change in particle size is different for different W71 Use of caseinomacropeptide quantification by high perfor-
powders. The data suggest that the proposed vacuum packaging method mance liquid chromatography to estimate cheese whey addition in
may be beneficial to maintain the quality of the powders studied. fermented milk beverages. E. H. P. Andrade, M. O. Leite, M. R.
Souza, L. M. Fonseca*, M. M. O. P. Cerqueira, C. F. A. M. Penna, T.
Roza, and N. M. A. Silva, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo
Horizonte, Brasil.
606 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
The objective of this study was to evaluate quantification of caseino- Table 1. Solubility and Measurements of Denaturation in Whey
macropeptide (CMP) as a method to estimate cheese whey addition in Powder
fermented milk beverages. Samples of fermented milk beverages were Fluorescence BCA- Insolubility
prepared in laboratory with 4 levels of whey (0, 10, 20 and 40%) and Spectroscopy- %Soluble @ Index- mL
fermented with yogurt culture. After refrigerated storage (8–10°C) at Treatment Peak Intensity pH 4.6 Insoluble
different times (0, 7, 14, and 21 d) the samples were analyzed by high Low Heat/Freeze Dry 173.85 93.24 0.587
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) according to official Bra- Low Heat/Spray Dry 169.40 93.93 0.878
zilian method used to detect whey in milk and milk powder, based on High Heat/Spray Dry 225.65 56.08 0.820
caseinomacropeptide quantification. When the whey levels were ana-
lyzed along the storage time, there is no difference (P > 0.05) between Key Words: whey protein, denaturation, solubility
fermented milk (0% of whey) and the fermented milk beverages added
with 10 and 20% of whey for 0, 7, 14 and 21 d in refrigeration. However,
W73 Whey protein fractionation with supercritical CO2: Pro-
for fermented milk beverage added with 40% of whey and stored by 21
cess optimization. L. M. Bonnaillie* and P. M. Tomasula, USDA,
d, the CMP concentration was higher than expected compared with the
Agricultural Research Services, Eastern Regional Research Center,
times before (P < 0.05). This increase in CMP quantity can be due to
Wyndmoor, PA.
nonspecific proteolysis promoted for culture bacteria, especially Lacto-
bacillus. Thus, it is possible to use CMP detection by HPLC according Supercritical CO2 (SCO2) fractionation of commercial whey pro-
to official Brazilian method used to detect cheese whey in milk and tein isolates (WPI), containing 20% α-lactalbumin (ALA) and 55%
milk powder as a method to quantify whey added to fermented milk β-lactoglobulin (BLG) protein (w/w), into 2 fractions enriched with
beverages until 14 d of refrigerated storage. either ALA or BLG, generates new whey protein ingredients with
enhanced functional and nutritional properties. For example, ALA-rich
Key Words: fermented milk beverages, whey, high performance liquid
protein products have improved nutritional properties for use in infant
and geriatric foods, while BLG-rich products have enhanced gelling
properties. Prefatory studies with HCl showed that ALA formed aggre-
W72 Comparison of solubility with methods for determining dena- gates under acidic conditions at 50–70°C, while BLG remained mostly
turation in whey protein. M. D. Allen* and P. S. Tong, California soluble. The separation of aggregated ALA was optimized around pH
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. 4.2 and 60°C where the difference between the rates of aggregation of
ALA and BLG was maximized. SCO2 dissolved in concentrated WPI
Functional properties of whey proteins are very important for ingredi- solutions in a high-pressure 1-L reactor generates carbonic acid that
ent selection when incorporating in a food system. Solubility is one of causes the selective precipitation of ALA, without tainting the 2 protein
the most important functional properties to consider when selecting a fractions with residual acid (pH 6) after depressurization. A turbine
whey protein ingredient, especially for beverage systems. Processing impeller ensured fast thermodynamic equilibrium. Solution pH was
parameters are known to have an effect on protein solubility and are lowered with increased pressure, P, and reduced WPI concentration, C,
often manipulated in efforts to improve solubility. Protein structures of according to extensive calibration performed with 1–28% (w/w) WPI
whey proteins are considered to have an effect on solubility. Specifically, solutions up to 14 MPa and extrapolated to 2–10% WPI solutions up to
the degree of denaturation of whey proteins is thought to play a role in 34 MPa (pH 4.2–5). The kinetics of aggregation of ALA and BLG were
solubility. Previous studies concluded that bicinchoninic acid (BCA) followed for up to 4 h as a function of time, T, C and pH. A systematic
assay and fluorescence spectroscopy are two relatively economical kinetic study and modeling of the SCO2-induced precipitation of both
analytical methods that can be used to quantify denaturation of whey proteins in the multi-parameter process enabled the optimization of
protein in liquid whey. The purpose of this current research is to com- processing conditions to both maximize ALA aggregation while keeping
pare these methods of quantifying denaturation to functional solubility BLG precipitation low, and the optimization of protein recovery and
of whey protein. A split plot experimental design was utilized with purity in both fractions. In the 60–65°C range, up to 60%-pure ALA
complete randomization. Raw bovine milk was skimmed and enzyme and 80%-pure BLG were obtained, with total protein recoveries of up
coagulated at natural pH to separate the whey. Liquid whey was then to 98% and 90%, respectively. ALA purity is limited due to a noted
split into three plots and each received one of the following treatments: increase in BLG precipitation at high SCO2 pressure compared with
mild heat/ freeze dry, mild heat/spray dry and high heat/spray dry. Heat HCl-treatment, caused by possible pressure and/or anti-solvent effects.
treatment was applied to liquid whey prior to a concentration step. Heat Kinetic models will be useful to design scaled-up batch or continuous
treated whey samples were then concentrated and dried accordingly. versions of the WPI/SCO2 fractionation process.
Powders were analyzed for denaturation using BCA and fluorescence
spectroscopy and for solubility using an Insolubility Index. Statistical Key Words: whey protein, fractionation, carbon dioxide
analysis of data indicates that there are differences among the three treat-
ments for fluorescence spectroscopy, BCA and insolubility index, shown
W74 Effect of applying power ultrasounds during the thermal
in Table 1. Peak intensity increases with denaturation in fluorescence
denaturation of whey proteins in the presence of buttermilk. M.
spectroscopy, percent soluble at pH 4.6 decreases with denaturation
Saffon*1, M. Britten2, and Y. Pouliot1, 1STELA Dairy Research Center,
in BCA analysis and mL soluble increases with denaturation by the
Institute of Nutraceuticals and Functional Food (INAF), Université
insolubility index.
Laval, Québec, QC, Canada, 2Food Research and Development Center
(FRDC), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, St-Hyacinthe, Québec,
The use of ultrasound treatments in food processing has been considered
as an emergent potential alternative to heat treatments. It was hypoth-
esized that power ultrasounds could affect heat-induced denaturation by
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 607
favoring aggregates remodeling or rearrangement during the aggregation W76 Measurement of pH and ionic calcium at high temperatures
process. Cheese whey and buttermilk were concentrated by ultrafiltration and their effect on the heat stability of milk supplemented with cal-
up to 9.5% (w/v) protein content. Mixtures with various whey to but- cium chloride. N. On-Nom*, M. Lewis, and A. Grandison, University
termilk protein ratios were adjusted to pH 4.6 and heated to 90°C for 25 of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, UK.
min (including come-up time). Power ultrasounds (20 kHz probe) were
Calcium chloride was added to milk in the range (0 - 20 mM Ca)
applied for the last 15 min of the thermal denaturation treatment. After
with no pH adjustment. These milk samples where then subjected to
cooling, mixtures were homogenized 5 times at 9500 psi. Aggregated
in-container heating in the range 60 to 120°C for 1 h. Dialysis was
material was separated by centrifugation at 15000g for 20 min. Protein
performed on these samples during heating to estimate pH and ionic
aggregation, water holding capacity (WHC), consistency index (k) and
calcium at each heating temperature. Dialysis bags were removed as
flow behavior index (n) were performed on the homogenized mixtures.
soon as possible after the heat treatment. The heat treated samples were
All the experiments were repeated 3 times, statistical analysis of the
inspected to assess their heat stability and those which had coagulated
data was performed using ANOVA and the results were considered
were centrifuged to produce a coagulum and supernatant. The results
significantly when P < 0.05. The use of power ultrasounds significantly
showed that calcium addition decreased pH and increased ionic calcium
increased the protein aggregation and this effect depended on the propor-
and that further reductions in both pH and ionic calcium occurred as
tion of buttermilk protein in the mixture. The highest protein aggregation
temperature increased. Coagulation was observed to take place at
was obtained with 25:75 whey-buttermilk fractions (78.5% ± 1.8 and
lower calcium additions as the temperature increased. Furthermore, no
87.0% ± 1.2 with ultrasound). Ultrasound treatment had no significant
coagulation took place if the pH was maintained above 6.30 and ionic
impact on the WHC of the aggregates and only a slight decrease (0.12
calcium was below 0.46 mM, respectively, both measured at the heating
g water/g protein) was associated with increasing the buttermilk protein
temperature. However, when the milk samples cooled, pH and ionic
ratio. The use of ultrasound treatment significantly increased the k and
calcium recovered, but not quite to their original value. Dialysis allows
decreased the n of the homogenized aggregate mixtures. The highest k
measurement of pH and ionic calcium at the heating temperature, which
was obtained with aggregates from 25:75 whey-buttermilk ratio (0.94
should improve understanding of their role in heat stability. Analysis
Pa.s ± 0.10 and 1.12 Pa.s ± 0.10 with ultrasound), which also displayed
of supernatants from coagulated milk samples heated at 115°C showed
the lowest n (0.36 ± 0.04 and 0.30 ± 0.05 with ultrasound). Our results
that over 90% of the milk protein coagulated, with only small amounts
suggest that heat-denaturation in the presence of power ultrasounds may
of whey protein and soluble casein remaining in the supernatant.
have affected the shape and size distribution of protein aggregates.
Key Words: heat stability, calcium, dialysis
Key Words: whey, buttermilk, aggregation
608 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Dairy Foods: Protein
W78 The effect of lysine and methionine on milk protein mRNA in whey protein patterns during the transition from colostrum to milk
expression of bovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro. X. Y. Li, have been reported to date. This study separated whey proteins from d
J. Q. Wang*, D. P. Bu, H. Y. Wei, H. Hu, and L. Y. Zhou, State Key 1, day3, d 7 and d 21 after calving using 2-dimensional electrophore-
Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese sis. Differentially expressed proteins in different collection time were
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. identified using high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of lysine and methi- spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and validated by enzyme linked immuno-
onine supplementation on milk protein of bovine mammary epithelial sorbent assay (ELISA) to understand the developmental changes in the
cells in vitro. The lysine was added to the DMEM/F12 culture medium bovine whey proteome during the transition from colostrum to milk.
containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at concentrations of 0, 0.05, Whey proteins from d 1 and d 3 were found to be the same except for
0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8, 25.6 mmol/L and the methionine was immunoglobulin G. Seven proteins were found to be lower in d 7 and
also added to culture medium at concentrations of 0, 0.025, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, d 21 milk whey, including immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M,
0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8 mmol/L. The cell proliferation and milk protein albumin, and lactotransferrin, which are involved in immunity and
mRNA expression were detected by MTT colorimetric assay and RT- molecule transport. These proteins were detected using an advanced
qPCR. Experiment with 48 h. This experiment was repeated 2 times. proteomic method, 2-dimensional electrophoresis coupled with LC/
Within each experiment were repeated 3 replicates for each treatment MS/MS, which confirmed that the changes in the differential expression
.The results showed that 0.8 to 1.6 mmol/L lysine and 0.4 to 0.8 mmol/L proteins of bovine whey fraction did occur with increased concentrations
methionine at 48 h significantly improved the proliferation of bovine of serum protein in colostral whey.
mammary epithelial cells (P < 0.0001), the mRNA expression level Key Words: bovine milk whey protein, colostrum, mass spectrom-
of αs1-casein, β-casein were all significantly higher than other group etry
at these concentrations. Thus, the lysine and methionine may improve
milk protein synthesis.
W81 Formation of nanofibers and hydrogels from a milk-derived
Key Words: lysine, methionine, bovine mammary epithelial cells peptide. M.-M. Guy1, N. Voyer2, S. F. Gauthier1, and Y. Pouliot*1,
1STELA Dairy Research Center, Institute of Nutraceuticals and Func-
W79 Identification of bovine casein phosphorylation using TiO2 tional Foods (INAF), Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 2Department
enrichment in combination with nano-ESI-MS/MS. S. S. Li, Y. X. of Chemistry and PROTEO Protein Structure, Function and Engineering
Yang, J. Q. Wang*, D. P. Bu, H. Y. Wei, L. Y. Zhang, and L. Y. Zhou, Research Network, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, It has been previously shown that the N-terminal fragment of
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. β-lactoglobulin, namely β-LG f1–8, isolated from a flocculated tryptic
Protein phosphorylation is an important post-translational modification peptide mixture of whey protein isolate, undergoes self-assembly by a
that regulates milk protein structure and function. The objective of this secondary structure transition to β-sheet conformation at basic pH. The
study was to analyze the presence of phosphorylated casein. Bovine milk objective of the present work was to investigate the physicochemical
proteins were first separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate PAGE. After conditions that trigger self-assembly of peptide β-LG f1–8 and there-
in gels digestion and extraction, phosphorylated peptide were enriched fore lead to nanofibers and hydrogel formation. Nanostructures formed
by titanium dioxide and identified by ultra performance liquid chroma- by self-assembly of peptide β-LG f1–8 in the pH range of 2.0 to 11.0
tography coupled with nano electrospray ionization tandem mass spec- were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hydrogel
trometry. This method ensured the identification of 20 phosphorylated formation was studied as a function of pH and results evidence a link
peptides, including 7 phosphorylated forms of αs1-casein, 8 αs2-casein, between hydrogel formation and charge distribution carried by the
and 5 β-casein. Eight phosphorylated sites derived from 3 αs1-caseins, peptide structure. Finally, circular dichroism (CD) spectropolarimetry
3 αs2-caseins and 2 β-caseins were also identified. Phosphates group was used to characterize the effects of peptide concentration (0.4 to
were localized on residues Ser61, Ser63 and Ser130 in αs1-casein; Thr145, 2.0 mg/mL), temperature (20 to 80°C), and ionic strength (0 to 1 M
Ser146 and Ser158 in αs2-casein; and Ser50 and Thr56 in β-casein. These NaCl) on the secondary structure of peptide β-LG f1–8. Hydrogels were
findings provide valuable information for the investigating of the bovine obtained at peptide concentrations above 2.5 mg/mL. Peptide concentra-
milk casein phosphorylation. tion and pH adjustment were shown to trigger self-assembly of β-LG
f1–8 whereas temperature and ionic strength had only limited effects.
Key Words: bovine milk casein, phosphorylation, mass spectrometry Overall, results emphasize the role of particular molecular interactions
in β-sheets self-assembly of peptide β-LG f1–8 and pH-dependent
electrostatic interactions occurring between β-LG f1–8 units explain its
W80 Developmental changes in the bovine whey proteome during
propensity to self-assembly and flocculation in complex media such as
the transition from colostrum to milk. L. Y. Zhang1,2, J. Q. Wang*1,
whey protein tryptic hydrolysates.
Y. X. Yang1, S. S. Li1, D. P. Bu1, and L. Y. Zhou1, 1State Key Laboratory
of Animal Nutrition, Institute of Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Key Words: whey peptide, hydrogels, nanofibers
Agriculture Science, Beijing, China, 2Department of Animal Science,
College of Agriculture, Hebei University of Engineering, Handan,
Bovine milk whey proteins in colostrum are of more significance for
newborn than whey proteins in milk, but no studies on the difference
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 609
Extension Education
W82 Assessing learning outcomes: A comprehensive dairy cattle other electronic equipment. The research will show if a secondary
nutrition curriculum for practicing veterinarians. G. M. Schuen- transmission system will be needed to intercept the initial transmission
emann*, M. L. Eastridge, W. P. Weiss, J. D. Workman, S. Bas, and P. to have the information downloaded at a central computer receiving
Rajala-Schultz, The Ohio State University, Columbus. station. With encrypted information for data privacy and its ability to
harness energy from solar, thermal, and vibration energy the RFID ear
The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of a team-based
tag would bring major impact in national economy as well as impact on
educational program designed to enhance the flow of applied, research-
the animal industry both in the United States and internationally.
based, nutrition information to dairy veterinarians. A comprehensive
dairy cattle nutrition curriculum was developed and participants from Key Words: RFID, smart tag, tracking
11 veterinary practices located in 5 states (IN, NY, PA, NM, and OH),
serving an estimated 186,150 dairy cattle in 469 herds, attended the
2 advanced nutrition modules (~2.5 d each and ~40 h of learning) in W84 Impact of the 2009 economic crisis on Idaho dairies. M.
2009. Nutrients, feeding transition cows, calves, and heifers (ration Chahine*1, G. E. Shewmaker1, R. J. Norell2, and C. W. Gray1, 1Univer-
formulation/interpretation), dry mater intake, feed storage, metabolic sity of Idaho, Twin Falls, 2University of Idaho, Idaho Falls.
diseases, evaluating cows (BCS, manure and lameness), metabolic blood A mail-in survey was conducted to evaluate the impact of the 2009
profiles, record-keeping systems and feeding behavior were discussed. economic situation on Idaho dairies and to identify trends in forage
Educational materials were delivered through in-class lectures followed use. The survey was mailed to every dairy producer registered in the
by case-based learning and group discussions. A farm visit and an out- state of Idaho (n = 518). The PROCSURVEYMEANS of SAS (SAS
of-class assignment were implemented. Attendees were assessed using Inst. Inc., Cary, NC) was utilized to produce estimates of survey pro-
pre- and post-tests of knowledge to determine the level of knowledge portion in each category. Dairies were categorized as small (n ≤ 200
gained in both nutrition modules. Participants evaluated the program cows; 48.8%), medium-sized (n = 201 to 1000 cows; 30.2%) or large
and provided feedback at the conclusion of each module. Veterinarians (n ≥ 1000 cows; 21.0%). Of the 518 surveys mailed, 98 surveys were
(100%) reported that the overall program, presentations and discus- returned for a response rate of 19%. The largest number of survey par-
sions were useful. Attendees found the presented information relevant ticipants represented small (48.8%) dairies followed by medium-sized
for their work (agree = 60% and strongly agree = 40%) and of great (30.2%) and large (21.0%) dairies. Small dairies averaged 87 cows,
immediate use to them (neutral = 6.5%, agree = 56% and strongly agree medium-sized dairies averaged 518 cows, and large dairies averaged
= 37.5%). The presented materials and the implemented educational 1697 cows. All respondents were dairy owners that used alfalfa hay in
delivery methods substantially increased the knowledge level of the their lactating cow′s ration. Twenty-six percent of respondents indicated
attendees (16.9% points increase from pre-test to post-test scores; P < that cost and/or price limited the use of alfalfa hay on their dairies. A
0.05). Importance of feed particle size, ration evaluation, interpreting smaller percentage of respondents cited quality (14%), constraints from
feed analysis, carbohydrate components, and metabolic profiling in fresh nutritionists (14%) and supply (9%) as important factors. During the
cows were listed as learned concepts that participants could apply in their crisis, 35% of respondents reduced the amount of alfalfa hay stored on
practices. Results suggested that both nutrition modules were relevant their dairy. No significant reduction was encountered in the amount of
and effective, offering new information with immediate field application. alfalfa hay used in the ration while minerals, vitamins, additives, grains,
This program has important implications for dairy veterinarians since and protein supplements were reduced. Dairies economized by culling
they are a vital source of information for dairy producers. heavily, eliminating new equipment purchases and capital expenditures
Key Words: dairy cattle nutrition, veterinary, CE that do not have short-term pay offs, lowering medication costs, pur-
chasing cheaper semen, trimming labor, reducing employee benefits,
purchasing cheaper teat dips and keeping low inventory of supplies. We
W83 A self-powered smart wireless identification and tracking conclude that during the crisis, dairy producers reduced the inventory
sensor prototype for production agriculture applications. K. of alfalfa hay stored on their facilities but did not decrease the amount
Dhakal*1, J. F. Keown1, and H. Sharif2, 1Department of Animal Sci- included in the ration. Other components of the ration were, however,
ence, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2Department of Computer and reduced. Dairy producers implemented a wide range of cost savings
Electronics Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. techniques. Most dairy producers are still worried about the future of
the dairy industry.
There is a need for animal identification (ID) and disease traceability
for proper livestock health and its management. An innovative solu- Key Words: dairy, economic crisis, forages
tion, radio frequency identification (RFID) ear tag, has been developed
to meet the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) animal
disease traceability requirement. The RFID ear tag supports animal W85 Nuisance fly production capacity of three types of manure
identification, data management and real-time health monitoring within a handling systems. G. E. Higginbotham*1, A. C. Gerry2, C. C. Collar3,
reasonable distance. The prototype ear tag is a self–powered and capable and L. D. Reed4, 1University of California Cooperative Extension,
of complete identification and tracking functions within a mile. It also Fresno, 2University of California, Riverside, 3University of California
possesses an integrated health sensor to monitor real time temperature Cooperative Extension, Hanford, 4513 Fortuna Ave., Modesto, CA.
and pulse rate. Information on animal health, breeding and vaccination As dairy farms grow larger, producers struggle with handling large
records can also be retrieved from these small, economical and remotely volumes of manure. Most manure handling systems include solids
accessible tags. Research is currently being conducted on the distance separators to remove fibrous particles from water used to flush alleys in
that animal ID can be transmitted under differing weather conditions, cow housing areas. Inclined screens or settling basins are most common.
topographic features, interference from other radio transmissions and Conventional settling basins have earthen or solid concrete sides and
610 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
a wood slatted weir at one end for particle separation. A novel settling C. S. Wilcox1,2, J. A. Bridges1, M. H. Rostagno2, S. E. Charley1, M. J.
basin design called a weeping wall has 214 cm high sides constructed Grott1, R. E. Williams1, and M. M. Schutz1, 1Purdue University, West
with slotted steel hog flooring panels secured into reinforced concrete Lafayette, IN, 2USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit, West
pillars. Slot spacing is 10 mm allowing effluent to weep from the slots Lafayette, IN.
while containing fibrous particles. Composting manure solids is an
Dairy calf hutches are often bedded with straw (STR), but sand (SND)
increasingly common practice on dairies. In this study, production of
and wood shavings (SHV) are becoming more common. The objective
larval flies in manure compost piles (CP), conventional settling basins
was to compare 3 beddings for presence of flies and measures of innate
(SB), and weeping wall basins (WW) were compared at 6 dairies (3 SB
immunity and behavior of calves. Hutches were blocked by location
and 3 WW) in the Central Valley of California. Two of the WW dairies
and each of 3 hutches in a block was randomly assigned 1 of 3 treat-
used duplicate WW basins and one of the SB dairies used a duplicate
ments; SND, STR, or SHV. Twenty-eight heifer calves in the study
SB. The other 3 dairies used a SB system. During the fly breeding
were assigned sequentially by birth date to the next available hutch. The
season from June–August, manure samples (>20; 4 L total) from each
study was during a moderate summer (June to September 2008) at the
system were collected weekly near inflow and outflow sections. Manure
Purdue Dairy Research and Education Center. Calves were observed
samples were washed thru a 16 mesh screen with larvae collected and
twice weekly from birth until being weaned at approximately 8.5 wk
identified. The most abundant fly species for all systems was the false
of age. Blood samples were taken weekly and leukocytes analyzed for
stable fly (Muscina stabulans), however each system also produced
phagocytic function, CD14 (part of the LPS receptor) and CD18 (adhe-
house flies (Musca domestica) and stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans).
sion molecule) surface expression. Twice weekly, flies were counted
There was no difference (P > 0.1) in larval fly abundance of either SB
manually on inside surfaces of hutches and counted on each leg of the
or WW. Of the 3 systems, manure compost piles produced fewer total
calf after rising immediately before behavior observations. Bedding
flies (P < 0.0001), as well as fewer house and stable flies (P < 0.01).
samples were collected to measure the presence of immature flies. Sta-
For all dairies, neither overall fly production nor production of house
tistical models for fly counts and blood samples considered week and
and stable flies was different (P < 0.05) between SB with or without a
treatment. The percentage of cells that phagocytized beads, was least
WW. The use of a WW did not result in an increase in the production
in wk 6 and 8 (P < 0.05). The percentage of cells expressing CD14 or
of nuisance or biting flies.
CD18 increased over time (P < 0.001) and STR bedding resulted in
Key Words: house fly, manure, dairy more fluorescence of CD18 than did SHV (P < 0.04). Hutch fly counts
were lowest (P < 0.02), but larvae counts were highest (P < 0.02) in
hutches bedded with STR. It appears SND, STR, or SHV are acceptable
W86 Examining the dairy workforce in order to improve labor bedding materials during moderate summer conditions in the Midwest,
efficiency. L. A. Holden*, R. E. Bechtel, and G. A. Varga, Penn State but fly larvae counts must be managed with STR.
University, University Park.
Key Words: bedding, calf, immunology
This research was part of a larger project examining the needs of the dairy
workforce. The objective of this research was to determine the labor
efficiency and key practices in a sample of Pennsylvania dairies to rec- W88 Management practices utilized by high-producing Kentucky
ommend strategies for improving workforce needs and labor efficiency. dairy herds. C. O. Coombs and J. M. Bewley*, University of Ken-
Data was gathered via a mail survey with a small monetary incentive tucky, Lexington.
for return and a series of survey mailings, postcard reminders, second
Dairy producers often make decisions based on what other producers in
survey mailings and final postcard reminders. Surveys were sent to 881
their region are doing. The objective of this research was to summarize
dairies representing approximately 15% of the largest dairies that were
management practices utilized by Kentucky Holstein herds with rolling
most likely to have hired labor in Pennsylvania. The response rate was
herd average milk production greater than 10,000 kg per cow (n = 21)
296 usable surveys plus 86 returned that indicated no longer in dairying
using records obtained from the Dairy Herd Improvement Association.
for a usable response rate of 33.6%. All respondents had a herd size of
Interviews were conducted on-farm and over the phone. Herd size
at least 50 cows and average herd size was 259 ± 165.0 (n = 278). The
ranged from 25 to 1590 lactating cows with a mean (±SD) of 186.54 ±
average number of acres rented was 358 ± 277.1 (n = 251) and acres
317.22. Daily milk production per cow ranged from 25.95 to 39.59 kg
owned was 356 ± 210.3 (n = 264). Cows per worker was 41 ± 15.5 (n
with a mean (±SD) of 32.56 ± 3.44. Test day somatic cell count ranged
= 205) and pounds of milk sold per worker was 807,277 (n = 174). The
from 102,000 to 432,000 cells per ml with a mean (±SD) of 256,140 ±
average compensation for milkers was reported as $9.98/hr ± 1.69 (n
56,170. Average days in milk ranged from 132 to 260 with a mean (±SD)
= 188) and for managers was $13.23/hr ± 3.16 (n = 79). When asked
of 212.38 ± 29.7. Days to first service ranged from 69 to 150 with a
about new milkers hired in the past 5 years only 13.13% of dairy owners
mean (±SD) of 103.04 ± 23.56. Pregnancy rate ranged from 9% to 20%
were very satisfied with the quality of applicants and only 7.0% were
with a mean (±SD) of 13.6% ± 2.80%. The most common management
very satisfied with the skill level of new milkers. Only 15.48% (n = 239)
practices utilized by these producers were regular forage testing (100%),
indicated that milkers had written job descriptions and only 21.67% (n
regular utilization of veterinary services for reproductive management
= 96) indicated that workers received a monetary bonus. Survey results
(100%), fans or sprinklers (90%), artificial insemination for genetic
indicate opportunities exist for improving workforce practices such as
improvement of lactating cows (86%), artificial insemination on heifers
written job descriptions, standard operating procedures and training for
(86%), annual ration balancing (81%), annual hoof trimming (81%),
new workers as well as overall labor efficiency to increase cows per
sexed semen (71%), separate far-off and close-up dry cows (67%).
worker and milk sold per worker.
The most common mastitis prevention methods utilized were drying
Key Words: dairy workforce, labor efficiency teats before attaching milking units (100%), dry treating all quarters at
dry-off (100%), pre-dipping (95%), post-dipping (95%), gloves worn
by employees (81%), and automatic take offs (81%). When asked to
W87 Effect of bedding material on flies, and behavior and innate identify the management practice that contributed the most to their milk
immunity of calves reared in hutches. K. D. Gay*1, S. D. Eicher2, production level, the most frequently cited reasons were (1) quality for-
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 611
ages (n = 4), (2) paying attention to detail (n = 4), (3) cow comfort (n the same trait was 0.73 for milk, 0.79 for fat, and 0.69 for protein for
= 3), and (4) balanced rations (n = 3). Generally, farmers in this study 8,257 Holstein herds and 0.79, 0.72, and 0.73 for 441 Jersey herds.
achieved high milk production levels by following recommended best The majority of individual herd regression coefficients for yield traits
management practices, paying attention to detail, and striving for optimal were between 0.3 and 1.0; their standard deviations were between 0.38
nutrition, milk quality, and cow comfort. and 0.47. Regression coefficients may have been < 1.0 because PA was
based on all-parity yield whereas phenotypic yield was only from first
Key Words: best management practices, high milk yield, dairy
parity or because the heritability assumed for calculating PTA was too
high. Mean regression coefficients for somatic cell score, productive
life, and daughter pregnancy rate were 0.82, 0.65, and 0.81, respectively,
W89 Organic milk production in Maine: Attributes, costs, and for Holsteins and 0.65, 0.56, and 0.85 for Jerseys; their corresponding
returns. P. S. Heacock*, A. L. Cook, G. K. Criner, and L. A. Bragg, standard deviations were 0.66, 0.75, and 1.07 for Holsteins and 0.77,
University of Maine, Orono. 0.80, and 1.14 for Jerseys. Mean coefficients for regression of sire PTA
on phenotypic performance ranged from 0.53 to 0.80; mean regression
Nearly one quarter of all commercial dairy farms in the state of Maine coefficients for dam PTA ranged from 0.43 to 0.86. Although standard
are certified organic producers. The objective of this study was to assess errors were large, response to genetic selection on a within-herd basis
the current management and financial status of organic producers in the could be demonstrated, which should help increase confidence in
state. Management and financial information was collected from 30 national genetic evaluations.
organic dairy producers that completed the 2007 dairy cost of produc-
tion survey implemented by the University of Maine and the Maine Key Words: herd prediction, yield, fertility
Milk Commission. Summary descriptive statistics were calculated by
herd size. The farms were divided by herd size into 3 groups, small,
W91 Winter feeding strategies for lactating organic dairy cows. P.
medium and large with 9, 10, and 11 farms in each group respectively.
S. Heacock*, D. P. Marcinkowski, G. W. Anderson, M. R. Stokes, and
The mean herd size was 30, 55, and 100 for the small, medium, and
R. Kersbergen, University of Maine, Orono.
large farms with annual milk shipped of 130,780 kg, 341,755 kg, and
607,834 kg respectively. This equates to annual milk shipped per cow In northern climates, the highest feed costs for organic dairies are
of 4,359 kg, 6,213 kg, and 6,087 kg for the small, medium and large seen during the non-grazing season. The objective of this project was
farms. All farms relied primarily on family labor however the medium to examine the effects of different forage and concentrate systems on
and large farms also had a substantial amount of hired labor. Full-time the nutrition, production and economics of winter-fed, organic dairy
labor equivalents (FTE) for the farm size groups were 1.5, 3.0, and 3.2, cows. Two organic forage systems were compared, the first consisting
with a mean cows per FTE of 20, 18, and 31 for the small, medium and entirely of grass haylage (GH) and the second consisting of grass hay-
large farms. Annual revenue per cow was $2,801, $4,269 and $4,565 for lage and corn silage with other summer annuals (CS). Two concentrate
the 3 farm sizes. Purchased concentrate was the largest expense for all supplementation methods were also compared, the first consisting
3 farm sizes, however there was little difference between the 3 groups, of a commercially available pellet (P) and the second a mixture of
ranging from 35 to 37% of total annual costs. Annual operating costs on homegrown grains and commodities (C). Four rations were developed
a per cow basis were $1,963, $2,757, and $2,682 with annual overhead to support 31.75 kg of milk/day. Each ration consisted of one forage
costs per cow of $824, $769, and $829 for the small, medium and large and one concentrate option. Twenty-eight Holstein cows were divided
farms respectively. The return to family labor and ownership per cow into 4 groups and fed the 4 rations in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. All
was $13, $743, and $1,054 for the 3 farm sizes. Milk production per of the feeds fed were organically certified and the cows were managed
cow was highly correlated with profitability. Results showed that the organically for the duration of the project. Few production differences
larger organic dairy farms in Maine are benefiting from economies of were found between the treatments. Daily energy-corrected milk (ECM)
size while the smaller operations rely on on-farm diversification and was similar, averaging 28.25 kg for the GH-C, 28.04 kg for CS-C, 27.31
off-farm income to remain viable. kg for GH-P and 26.80 kg for the CS-P (P > 0.05). Milk fat was lower
with the CS-C ration and there was a difference in milk urea nitrogen
Key Words: organic, finances, herd size
(MUN) between all 4 treatments with 17.27 mg/dL for the GH-P, 14.80
mg/dL for the GH-C, 12.52 mg/dL for the CS-C and 11.20 mg/dL for
W90 Effectiveness of genetic evaluations in predicting daughter the CS-P ration. Feed costs and income over feed costs (IOFC) varied
performance in individual herds. H. D. Norman1, J. R. Wright*1, C. greatly between the treatments. Daily feed costs averaged $9.18, $9.03,
D. Dechow2, and R. C. Goodling Jr.2, 1Animal Improvement Programs $7.87 and $7.25 for the CS-P, CS-C, GH-P and GH-C respectively. IOFC
Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD, 2Pennsylvania State University, was $7.47, $8.47, 9.08 and 10.27 for the CS-P, CS-C, GH-P and GH-C
University Park. respectively. Organic dairy producers have fewer feeding options so
they must rely on high quality forages and homegrown grains for the
Response to genetic selection has been demonstrated nationally for majority of their nutrient needs. Results showed a financial advantage
US dairy cattle, but producers are more likely to appreciate the value to haylage diets when compared with corn silage diets due to the high
of genetic selection if trends within their own herds can be shown. cost of organic protein sources.
Responses from 2004 through 2008 in individual herds by Holstein
and Jersey cows were documented for yield (milk, fat, and protein), Key Words: organic, nutrition, feed cost
somatic cell score, productive life, and daughter pregnancy rate. Sire
and dam predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) or parent average (PA)
W92 A milker’s school for international refugees resettled in
from evaluations before first calvings were the independent variables,
Idaho. J. C. Dalton*1, K. S. Jensen2, R. Manzo3, and L. Whit-
and phenotypic performance (standardized first-parity yields, somatic
eford3, 1University of Idaho, Caldwell, 2University of Idaho, Owyhee
cell score, lifetime days milked, and days open) was the dependent
County, 3International Rescue Committee, Boise, ID.
variable. Minimum number of cows with usable records per herd was
50. Mean coefficients for regression of standardized yield on PA for
612 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Each year approximately 1,000 documented, work-authorized refugees and M. L. Eastridge1, 1The Ohio State University, Columbus, 2Monash
are resettled in Idaho. These refugees originate from over 20 different University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
countries, and speak more than 27 different languages. At the request
Farm animal welfare has long concerned animal scientists, social scien-
of the International Rescue Committee in Boise, Idaho, University of
tists, and the food animal industry. However, relatively little is known
Idaho Extension developed an introductory-level milker’s school for
about the US population’s recent views regarding farm animal welfare.
international refugees resettled in Idaho. The program consisted of 4 h
Much of our knowledge is based on case-studies or other research with
of classroom teaching, and was held in Caldwell, Idaho. Topics included
limited generalized inferences. Among the questions consistently raised
udder anatomy, cow preparation and sanitation, milk letdown, milk
by analysts is the relationship between the public’s knowledge of farm
removal and milking unit handling, mastitis, prevention of antibiotic
animals and their attitudes and food consumption behavior. Our research
residues in bulk tank milk, milking systems, and the role of the dairy
addresses the gap in the literature by examining the public’s knowledge
industry in Idaho’s economy. All material was presented in English and
of farm animals, as well as other key covariates and their relationship to
translated for refugees from Burma, Somalia, Eritrea, Uzbekistan, Nepal,
attitudes and food consumption behavior. Data are from a large, random
Iraq, Afghanistan, Togo, and Bhutan. In 2009, 4 milker’s schools were
sample of the Ohio population (N=1,000) and a comparative smaller
conducted, with 128 refugees attending. A certificate of completion was
nationwide sample taken during 2007. Along with variables measuring
awarded to all participants at the conclusion of the program. Sixteen
knowledge about farm animal production, we evaluated the relevance
refugees are currently working at a dairy in Oregon. In anticipation of
of key demographic variables, such as rural-urban residence, gender,
emergence from the economic recession and stabilization of the dairy
income, and ethnicity. Multiple regression models using different depen-
economy, further educational opportunities are planned, including calv-
dent variables of animal welfare attitudes and behavior were employed.
ing management and artificial insemination schools, to provide refugees
These models explained about 20% of the variance in attitudes, similar
with additional marketable skills necessary to secure employment on
to studies of general attitudes. Across these models, the most consistent
dairies. The delivery of this program provided: 1) an educational oppor-
correlates of greater concern with farm animal welfare were gender
tunity for international refugees resettled in Idaho, 2) participants the
(women) and urban residence, with standardized betas values ranging
knowledge and skills necessary to succeed as dairy employees, and 3)
from (−0.130 to −0.207) for gender and from (−0.003 to −0.146 for
increased the diversity in University of Idaho Extension programs.
urban residence). Based on these and other control variables of income
Key Words: milker, refugee, dairy and ethnicity, knowledge of farm animal production had little impact on
attitudes and behavior. These results suggest that educational outreach to
improve knowledge of farm animal production may have limited impact
W93 Limitations and opportunities of beef and dairy operations on attitudes and behavior relating to farm animal welfare.
for the use of ethanol co-products. J. I. Navarro*1, L. J. Snyder1,
R. P. Lemenager1, and S. L. Lake2, 1Purdue University, West Lafayette, Key Words: farm animal welfare, attitudes, behaviors
IN, 2University of Wyoming, Laramie.
A survey instrument was developed to assess the attitudes and the W95 Reproductive indicators in dairy cattle enterprises with
potential for bio-fuel co-products use among beef and dairy produc- different technological level. A. Pacheco Cervantes, D. V. Mariscal
ers. The main objective was to inventory resources that currently offer Aguayo*, H. Estrella Quintero, M. Huerta Bravo, R. Rangel Santos,
challenges and opportunities for the utilization of bio-fuel by-products and R. Núñez Domínguez, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Jalisco,
by small and medium-sized beef and dairy producers. The survey was México.
distributed at 10 of the Regional Beef meetings during the winter of
The objective of the study was to assess the reproductive behavior of
2006–2007 and at 5 of the Regional Dairy meetings during the spring
family dairy enterprises that used Chapingo-Agropec Star, the techno-
of 2007 organized by Purdue University Extension. Participants repre-
logical development model for advice and consulting. The farms were
sented 414 different operations. The instrument contained 22 questions
stratified in 2 technological levels, transition and business, based on
related to demographic characteristics, resources available, average
the following components: education, bovine equivalent, equivalent
production characterization, production goals, management practices,
irrigation area, and production technology. The information used for the
soil quality and environmental concerns. Some of the most evident
study was obtained from the general report generated by Agropec Star
limitations identified by the survey participants were size of the opera-
software which was captured by advisors of the farms. The database
tion, storage facilities and equipment required. An additional analysis of
was made up of 17 enterprises with a total of 2,041 Holstein cows from
the 13 ethanol plants across Indiana and the location of the participants
1996 to 2008. Age at first parturition (EPP), interval from calving to first
operation were performed to identify possible links between the avail-
estrus (IPC), interval from calving to first service (IPS), services per
ability of distiller’s grains and the willingness use these as alternative
conception (SPC), days open (DA), and calving interval (IEP) were the
feeds. The survey results indicated that the majority of the participants,
evaluated variables. Effects in the statistical model included technologi-
75% of the beef and 84% of the dairy operations, have considered using
cal level (NT), number (NP), year (AP), and season (EP) of calving, and
bio-fuel co-products as a source for livestock feed. This data suggests
significant interactions (P < 0.05). The technological level affected (P
that there is an opportunity for the use of co-products to lower feed
< 0.05) IPS and IPC. Furthermore, the technological level interaction
cost and improve profitability in the beef and dairy industries if viable
by year of calving not only affected these 2 variables (IPC and IPS) but
methods were implemented for small and medium-sized producers to
also influenced EPP. Intervals at first estrous and first service interval
utilize ethanol co-products.
presented at the technological business level (63.8 ± 6.2, 75.7 ± 5.5)
Key Words: cattle producers, ethanol co-products, feed alternatives were lower than the transitional technological level (90.8 ± 2.7, 91.1 ±
2.3). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found for DA; however
there was a tendency (P > 0.08) for an improvement in the reproductive
W94 Farm animal welfare: Assessing public concern and atti- behavior of the family business system.
tudes. D. R. Deemer1, J. A. Pempek*1, L. M. Lobao1, G. J. Coleman2,
Key Words: farms, Holstein, stratification
J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1 613
W96 Case study: Characterization of lying behavior in dairy W97 Composting school: An educational tool to bring together
cows transitioning from a freestall barn to a compost bedded pack dairy producers and other community members. M. E. de Haro
barn. C. Gravatte*, C. Coombs, and J. Bewley, University of Ken- Martí*1 and J. A. Robbins2, 1University of Idaho, Gooding, 2University
tucky, Lexington. of Idaho, Jerome.
Cows devoid of ample lying time exhibit both physiological and behav- Composting organic waste is an environmentally sound technique used
ioral signs of stress. Some dairy producers have begun using a new hous- around the world. Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of
ing system, called a compost bedded pack barn. The key component of a compost as soil amendment, sustainable waste treatment, and sound
compost bedded pack barn is an open resting area generally bedded with agricultural practice. In fall 2008 a unique “Composting School” pro-
sawdust, dry fine wood shavings, or other organic materials. Compared gram was held at the Gooding County Extension Office in response
with freestalls, cows have more room for movement and are able to lie to stakeholder’s questions and to teach them composting techniques
down in a more natural manner. Our hypothesis states lying times would and use. The program included 2 sessions that were conducted at the
increase in a herd transitioning from a freestall barn to a compost bedded Gooding County Extension Office in late summer and early fall 2008.
pack barn. The lying times of 11 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows were Two novelties made this program different from others offered in
measured using an activity monitor in a commercial dairy herd. Cows Idaho. First, the targeted audience was very heterogeneous including
were divided among 3 milk production categories (high, medium, and dairy producers, home owners, small farmers, and owners of horses,
low). An IceTag animal activity monitoring sensor (IceRobotics Ltd., llamas, hogs, and sheep. The second idea included a hands-on section
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK), which measures posture (lying versus stand- addressing composting techniques. After receiving theoretical training
ing) and steps, was attached to a hind leg of each cow above the fetlock. about composting, participants had the opportunity to build different
The MIXED procedure of SAS was used to fit a model describing the systems for on-farm, home, and worm composting on site. During the
differences in hours lying between the 2 housing systems. Because of second session, participants received a deeper overview of on-farm com-
a delay in barn construction, more days were recorded (n = 872) for the posting including mortality composting and compost use. Participants
freestall barn than the compost bedded pack barn (n = 212). LSMeans continued with the hands-on section by turning the piles and analyzing
for hours lying were 9.7 ± 0.4 h/d and 13.5 ± 0.5 h/d for cows housed the performance of the different composting techniques built during the
in the freestall barn and compost bedded pack barns, respectively (P first session. The performance analysis detected a significant difference
< 0.0001). Older cows (Parity 2) spent significantly more (P < 0.01) (P < 0.01) in temperature between the on-farm composting techniques
time lying (12.7 0.6 h/d) than younger cows (parity 1) cows (10.5 0.4 and the home techniques. None of the 6 home composting units reached
h/d). Additionally, lying times were significantly shorter for cows with temperatures required by the Processes to Further Reduce Pathogens
a locomotion score of 3 (10.5 0.5 h/d) than for cows with a locomo- (PFRP). All 3 on-farm composting units reached PFRP. Forty-two par-
tion score of 1 (12.2 0.7 h/d, P < 0.05) or 2 (12.2 0.0.7 h/d, P < 0.05). ticipants attended the program. The program evaluations demonstrated
Although other factors may have affected lying behavior as the cows that 50% of the respondents learned “a great deal,” and 88% indicated
progressed through lactation and environmental conditions varied, they would adopt 2 or more techniques not used before attending the
lying times were significantly longer after the cows were housed in the school. A permanent composting facility display remains at the Gooding
compost barn. These results are representative of one dairy operation, Extension Office and is used with new programs.
though the significant increase in lying time demonstrates a need for
Key Words: composting, waste management, extension
further research.
Key Words: precision dairy farming, compost bedded pack barn,
lying time
614 J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88, E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1/Poult. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1
Food Safety 2
W98 Efficacy of ultraviolet light systems for control of microor- percentage to chloramphenicol. S. aureus showed the highest percentage
ganisms in poultry and beef brine and marinade solutions. K. L. to antibiotic resistance.
Beers*, P. E. Cook, C. W. Coleman, and A. L. Waldroup, MCA Services,
Rogers, AR. Key Words: antimicrobial, susceptibility, enterotoxigenic Staphylo-