Pre APhysics Required Practicals
Pre APhysics Required Practicals
Pre APhysics Required Practicals
Date: ________________________
Time: 57 minutes
Marks: 57 marks
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A student carried out an investigation to determine the elastic limit of a spring.
The diagram shows two stages of the investigation.
(a) Give two safety precautions the student should take when doing the investigation.
1 _________________________________________________________________
2 _________________________________________________________________
(b) Plan the investigation the student could carry out to determine the elastic limit of the spring.
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(c) Explain why it was not possible for the student to repeat the investigation with the same
Before the limit of proportionality was reached, the spring stretched by 60 mm when a force
of 3.0 N was applied.
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A student carried out an investigation to determine the refractive index of glass.
The student measured the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of refraction (r).
Angle of Angle of
incidence in refraction in
degrees degrees
10 7
20 14
30 20
40 26
50 32
60 37
70 40
80 43
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(a) Describe how a student could take measurements to obtain the results in the table.
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(b) The student calculated the sine of each angle given in the table above.
Figure 1
The gradient of the graph gives the refractive index of the glass.
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(c) A ray of light passes from air into glass.
Figure 2
Explain why the light refracts as it passes from air into glass.
(Total 12 marks)
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Stearic acid is a solid at room temperature.
(a) Stearic acid changes state to a liquid when heated.
Which of the following shows the arrangement of particles in stearic acid when it is a liquid?
The student wanted to plot a graph of temperature against time for liquid stearic acid as it
Describe how the student could use the equipment shown below to collect the data.
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(c) Determine the time taken from when the liquid begins to change state until it is
completely solid.
(d) Determine the energy transferred from the liquid stearic acid in the first 100 seconds.
A student investigated how the current in a resistor varies with the potential difference across the
4. resistor.
Figure 1
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(a) Plan an investigation to determine how the current in a resistor varies with the potential
difference across the resistor.
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(b) Figure 2 is a graph of current against potential difference for a resistor.
Figure 2
A Hz Ω V
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(c) Figure 3 shows how current varies with potential difference for a resistor at constant
temperature and a filament lamp.
Figure 3
Use Figure 3.
(Total 13 marks)
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A student is investigating the strength of electromagnets.
Figure 1 shows three electromagnets.
Figure 1
No more paper clips can be hung from the bottom of each line of paper clips.
(a) (i) Complete the conclusion that the student should make from this investigation.
Increasing the number of turns of wire wrapped around the nail will
(ii) Which two pairs of electromagnets should be compared to make this conclusion?
(iii) Suggest two variables that the student should control in this investigation.
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
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(b) The cell in electromagnet A is swapped around to make the current flow in the opposite
direction. This is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
What is the maximum number of paper clips that can now be hung in a line from this
(c) Electromagnet A is changed to have only 10 turns of wire wrapped around the nail.
Suggest the maximum number of paper clips that could be hung in a line from the end of
this electromagnet.
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Mark schemes
(a) any two from:
• wear safety goggles
• place a cushion under the slotted masses
allow any reasonable object for cushion
• use a g-clamp
• stand up
allow position equipment to minimise risk from falling masses
(b) Level 2: The design / plan would lead to the production of a valid outcome. All
key steps are identified and logically sequenced.
Level 1: The design / plan would not lead to a valid outcome. Some relevant
steps are identified, but links are not made clear.
No relevant content.
Indicative content
• measure the original length of the spring with a ruler
• add a known mass
• add a slotted mass of 10 / 100 g
• use a top pan balance to measure mass to be added
• calculate the weight / force applied to the spring
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(d) e = 0.060 (m)
an answer of 50 scores 4 marks
3.0 = k × 0.060
allow a correct substitution of an incorrectly / not converted value of
50 (N/m)
allow a correct calculation using their value of extension
(a) Level 3: The design would lead to the production of a valid outcome. All key steps
2. are identified and logically sequenced.
Level 2: The design would not necessarily lead to a valid outcome. Most steps are
identified, but the plan is not fully logically sequenced.
Level 1: The design would not lead to a valid outcome. Some relevant steps are
identified, but links are not made clear.
No relevant content
Indicative content:
• draw around the glass block (when placed on a piece of paper)
• use a protractor to measure an angle of 90° to the side of the glass block
• draw the normal line
• use a ray box to produce a ray of light
• use a protractor to measure angle of incidence
• draw the ray of light entering the glass block
• draw the ray of light emerging from the glass block
• draw the path of the light through the glass block
• use a protractor to measure the angle of refraction
• repeat for different angles (20, 30, 40, etc)
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n = 1.45
allow a correct answer consistent with their readings
n = 1.5
allow a calculated value correctly rounded to 2
significant figures
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(b) Level 3: The design / plan would lead to the production of a valid outcome. All
key steps are identified and logically sequenced.
Level 2: The design / plan would not necessarily lead to a valid outcome. Most steps
are identified, but the plan is not fully logically sequenced.
Level 1: The design / plan would not lead to a valid outcome. Some relevant steps
are identified, but links are not made clear.
No relevant content.
Indicative content
• Put stearic acid into a test tube.
• Boil the water in the kettle.
• Pour the boiling water into a beaker.
• Place the test tube of stearic acid into the beaker.
• Leave until the stearic acid melts.
• Take the test tube out of the hot water.
• Place the thermometer in the stearic acid.
• Record the temperature every 30 seconds for 20 minutes (or suitable time).
• Stir the stearic acid during experiment.
allow 750 or 800 if consistent with acceptable values read from
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(d) m = 0.015 kg
Δθ = 6.0 (°C)
allow tolerance of 5.8 − 6.2
E = 50 (J)
allow 50.4 (J)
(a) Level 3: The plan would lead to the production of a valid outcome. All key steps are
4. identified and logically sequenced.
Level 2: The plan would not necessarily lead to a valid outcome. Most steps are
identified, but the plan is not fully logically sequenced.
Level 1: The plan would not lead to a valid outcome. Some relevant steps are
identified, but links are not made clear.
No relevant content
Indicative content:
• resistor connected to battery
• variable resistor connected in series
• variable resistor or variable power supply used to vary the potential difference
• ammeter connected in series
• voltmeter connected in parallel
• change the value of the variable resistor or variable power supply
• use the ammeter to measure the current (through resistor)
• use voltmeter to measure the potential difference (across resistor)
• take readings as the value of the variable resistor is changed
• plot a graph of current against potential difference
• graph should be a straight line through the origin
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(b) 10 = 0.40 × R
3 calculation marks can be gained by using any pair of
readings from the line in Figure 2
the resistance of the filament lamp increases (as the temperature increases)
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(a) (i) increase
5. 1
(ii) A and B
B and C
both required for the mark
either order
• size of nail
nail material
allow (same) nail
• current
allow (same) cell
allow p.d.
same amount of electricity is insufficient
• length of wire
accept type / thickness of wire
(b) 4
B picks up the same number as C, so this electromagnet would pick up the same
number as A
direction of current does not affect the strength of the electromagnet
allow it has got the same number of turns as A
(c) 2
allow 1 or 3
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