Algorithms Discrimination and The Law

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Algorithms, Discrimination and the Law


Algorithmic decisionmaking has the potential to limit substantially the

bias that influences so many human decisions. And yet the advent of
algorithmic decisionmaking has been met by a torrent of criticism,
particularly among legal scholars who highlight the potential ways in
which algorithms may discriminate and express concern about the
ability of the law to regulate discriminatory algorithms. This Essay
confronts those criticisms and aims to show that algorithms are likely
to be less discriminatory than human decisionmakers and that existing
legal standards should prove adequate to evaluate algorithms. This is
true in part because many algorithms are not the so-called black-box
algorithms the critics focus on, and equally important, the disparate
impact theory provides a critical and adequate vehicle for judicial
review of algorithms, including those black-box algorithms.


I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 405

II. DEFINING ALGORITHMS AND DISCRIMINATION ................................ 413
A. Defining Algorithms ............................................................... 413
B. Defining Discrimination......................................................... 420
III. ALGORITHMS AND THE LEGAL RESTRAINTS.................................... 426
A. The Disparate Impact Theory as Applied to Algorithms ....... 428
1. Establishing Disparate Impact ......................................... 429
2. Justifying the Practice ...................................................... 430
3. Establishing a Lesser Discriminatory Alternative ............ 437
B. The Pattern or Practice Theory ............................................. 438
C. Altering the Algorithms .......................................................... 440
D. Algorithms and Trade Secrets ................................................ 444
IV. CONCLUSION................................................................................... 445


Decisionmaking often involves predicting the future. An employer hiring

an individual from among many applicants is predicting the future success of

* Foundation Professor of Law, Arizona State College of Law. Earlier versions of this
Essay were presented at Arizona State College of Law, University of Pittsburgh Law School
and the Annual Colloquium on Employment and Labor Law. I am grateful for the comments
I received at those presentations as well as comments from Donald Braman, Stephanie
Bornstein, Dimitry Karshedt, Pauline Kim, Mark Patterson, Erin Scharff, Josh Sellers,
Charlie Sullivan, Steve Wilborn and terrific research assistance from Alex Davis and Ava

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the individual, and implicitly, predicting that she would be better than (or at least
as good as) other available applicants. When a financial institution makes a
lending decision, it is making a prediction on whether the individual borrower
will repay the loan. When lawyers accept cases, they are predicting how that
case will likely be resolved. And in setting pretrial terms, a judge is predicting
that the particular amount of bail or certain conditions will encourage an
individual to show up for trial while deterring criminal activity until the trial.
Needless to say, our predictions often turn out to be wrong and our
decisionmaking flawed, for a variety of well-documented and predictable
reasons, ranging from emphasizing the familiar and the most recent data points
regardless of how typical they might be, to making fundamental statistical
mistakes.1 Psychologists and behavioral economists have documented the
systematic flaws in our thinking that can lead us to make poor decisions, often
based on our limited experiences or our proclivities to see the world in limited
Nowhere is this more apparent than when it comes to discrimination. As
almost goes without saying, decades of research have documented
discriminatory results based on race, gender, national origin and other classes in
employment, housing and the criminal justice system, the three areas I will
discuss in this Essay.3 To provide some common indicators: African-American
men have unemployment rates twice that of white men regardless of prevailing
economic conditions and suffer from substantial wage disparities. 4 Virtually

1 An interesting recent article documented how experienced asylum judges, umpires,

and mortgage lenders all fell prey to what is known as the “gambler’s fallacy,” a process by
which individuals mistake the importance of short patterns. In these cases, the authors found
that after granting asylum for several individuals in a row, or calling several strikes in a row,
the individuals would in turn call a ball or deny asylum. See Daniel L. Chen, Tobias J.
Moskowitz & Kelly Shue, Decision Making Under the Gambler’s Fallacy: Evidence from
Asylum Judges, Loan Officers, and Baseball Umpires, 131 Q.J. ECON. 1181, 1181–83
(2016). This is just one illustration of the many ways in which systematic errors occur.
2 The literature is vast, for a sampling see generally JENNIFER L. EBERHARDT, BIASED:
3 See generally Lincoln Quillian, Devah Pager, Ole Hexel & Arnfinn H. Midtbøen,
Meta-Analysis of Field Experiments Shows No Change in Racial Discrimination Over Time,
114 PROC. NAT’L ACAD. SCIS. 10870 (2017) (employment discrimination); RICHARD
SEGREGATED AMERICA (2017) (housing discrimination); Emma Pierson et al., A Large-Scale
Analysis of Racial Disparities in Police Stops Across the United States, 4 NATURE HUM.
BEHAV. 736 (2020) (discrimination in criminal justice).
4 Even during the pandemic when so many jobs disappeared, African-Americans felt
the brunt much more than whites. See Jonnelle Marte, Gap in U.S. Black and White
Unemployment Rates Is Widest in Five Years, REUTERS (July 2, 2020), https://
unemployment-rates-is-widest-in-five-years-idUSKBN2431X7 [].

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every study on mortgage lending—and maybe it is all of them—have

documented persistent discrimination in lending markets, whether it is from
redlining certain neighborhoods, denying African-American borrowers loans
that whites could obtain, or charging higher interest rates to minority
borrowers.5 Our criminal justice system is also rife with racial discrimination.
From the first encounter with a police officer, to arrest, to bail setting, conviction
and sentencing, African-Americans are treated more harshly than whites. 6
As an illustration of how flawed our decisionmaking process can be,
consider the ubiquitous employment interview. Research has shown that many
interviewers make remarkably quick judgments, including assessing social class
based on a brief interaction and placing undue emphasis on hobbies or other
cultural markers found on a resume.7 The unstructured interview—if you were

One of the most famous studies documenting racial discrimination in employment involved
sending out resumes with different names, and those that were intended to be identifiably
Black names (not an uncontroversial proposition) received strikingly fewer callbacks than
those with white-sounding names. See Marianne Bertrand & Sendhil Mullainathan, Are
Emily and Greg More Employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A Field Experiment on Labor
Market Discrimination, 94 AM. ECON. REV. 991, 996–98 (2004). A recent evaluation of
many field studies concluded that racial discrimination in employment had not decreased
much over time. See Quillian, Pager, Hexel & Midtbøen, supra note 3, at 10870.
5 The most prominent article, and one that sparked much of the subsequent research,
originated at the Boston Federal Reserve Bank documenting discrimination in Boston based
on government data. See Alicia H. Munnell, Geoffrey M. B. Tootell, Lynn E. Browne &
James McEneaney, Mortgage Lending in Boston: Interpreting HMDA Data, 86 AM. ECON.
REV. 25, 25–27 (1996). A recent study by Northwestern University scholars found that while
overt discriminatory tactics such as racial steering had declined over the years, mortgage
discrimination had not. See Lincoln Quillian, John J. Lee & Brandon Honoré, Racial
Discrimination in the U.S. Housing and Mortgage Lending Markets: A Quantitative Review
of Trends, 1976-2016, 12 RACE & SOC. PROBS. 13, 24–25 (2020). For an influential history
of the role the federal government played in perpetuating segregation in housing see
generally ROTHSTEIN, supra note 3.
6 For a recent sampling of studies see Pierson et al., supra note 3, at 737–39; David
Arnold, Will Dobbie & Crystal S. Yang, Racial Bias in Bail Decisions, 133 Q.J. ECON. 1885,
1889 (2018) (“We find three sets of facts suggesting that our results are driven by bail judges
relying on inaccurate stereotypes that exaggerate the relative danger of releasing black
defendants versus white defendants at the margin.”); and U.S. SENT’G COMM’N,
(Nov. 2017) (documenting sentence disparities for identical crimes with identical
backgrounds). For a recent gripping overview, see generally PAUL BUTLER, CHOKEHOLD:
7 See Michael W. Kraus, Brittany Torrez, Jun Won Park & Fariba Ghayebi, Evidence
for the Reproduction of Social Class in Brief Speech, 116 PROC. NAT’L ACAD. SCIS. 22998,
22999 (2019) (finding that interviewers often make judgments about social class of those
they interview after even just a few words of speech); Lauren A. Rivera & András Tilcsik,
Class Advantage, Commitment Penalty: The Gendered Effect of Social Class Signals in an
Elite Labor Market, 81 AM. SOCIO. REV. 1097, 1122 (2016) (finding that elite markers on a
resume benefit men but not women); Lauren A. Rivera, Hiring as Cultural Matching: The
Case of Elite Professional Service Firms, 77 AM. SOCIO. REV. 999, 1009 (2012) (finding that

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an appliance, what kind of an appliance would you be kind of question—has

been demonstrated repeatedly to be without any predictive validity and can
actually impede accurate assessments. 8 Evidence has also long been clear that
interviewers often seek to hire people like themselves. 9 Beyond the interview,
references have been demonstrated to often be biased, particularly when it
comes to gender, and the use of job referrals often excludes members of minority
groups.10 As one leading management scholar has recently concluded, when it
comes to hiring, most companies are doing it all wrong.11
Given all that we know about human decisionmaking, particularly its biased
nature, one might expect an eager embrace of alternatives that are designed to
take the biased human out of the process, at least to the extent possible.
Algorithmic decisionmaking is largely an attempt to do just that.12 Algorithms
have infiltrated many parts of our life, especially in consumer decisions with
various nudges by Spotify, Amazon or Netflix designed to prompt us to buy

professional firms frequently treat hobbies listed on resumes as relevant and cultural
8 See Jason Dana, Robyn Dawes & Nathaniel Peterson, Belief in the Unstructured
Interview: The Persistence of an Illusion, 8 JUDGMENT & DECISION MAKING 512, 519 (2013)
(“In addition to the vast evidence suggesting that unstructured interviews do not provide
incremental validity, we provide direct evidence that they can harm accuracy.”); Scott
Highhouse, Stubborn Reliance on Intuition and Subjectivity in Employee Selection, 1
INDUST. & ORG. PSYCH. 333, 333–34 (2008) (documenting inaccuracy of unstructured
interviews despite persistent belief in their efficacy).
9 This has been a widely documented phenomenon for decades. See, e.g., Adam Grant,
What’s Wrong with Job Interviews, PSYCH. TODAY (June 11, 2013), https:// [https://] (“Extensive research shows that interviewers try to hire
themselves . . . .”); Greg J. Sears & Patricia M. Rowe, A Personality-Based Similar-To-Me
Effect in the Employment Interview: Conscientiousness, Affect-Versus Competence-
Mediated Interpretations and the Role of Job Relevance, 35 CANADIAN J. BEHAV. SCI. 13,
21–22 (2003); Thomas M. Rand & Kenneth N. Wexley, Demonstration of the Effect,
“Similar to Me,” in Simulated Employment Interviews, 36 PSYCH. REPS. 535, 541 (1975).
10 Studies have demonstrated that recommendation letters tend to have stronger, more
positive words for men than women. See Toni Schmader, Jessica Whitehead & Vicki H.
Wysocki, A Linguistic Comparison of Letters of Recommendation for Male and Female
Chemistry and Biochemistry Job Applicants, 57 SEX ROLES 509, 513 (2007).
Recommendation letters for women seeking academic jobs tend to be more ambivalent
regardless of the gender of the letter writer. See Juan M. Madera, Michelle R. Hebl, Heather
Dial, Randi Martin & Virgina Valian, Raising Doubt in Letters of Recommendation for
Academia: Gender Differences and Their Impact, 34 J. BUS. & PSYCH. 287, 287, 298 (2019).
It has also long been documented that job referrals from existing employees tend to exclude
individuals of different races. See, e.g., David S. Pedulla & Devah Pager, Race and Networks
in the Job Search Process, 84 AM. SOCIO. REV. 983, 983–85 (2019). Again, this is not a new
observation. See generally Mark S. Granovetter, The Strength of Weak Ties, 78 AM. J. SOCIO.
1360 (1973).
11 See Peter Cappelli, Your Approach to Hiring Is All Wrong, HARV. BUS. REV., May–
June 2019, at 48, 50.
12 See infra notes 22–23 and accompanying text.

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more things and ideally to buy things that we may not have previously
considered.13 The use of algorithms have also grown substantially in mortgage
lending, where a whole new industry known as FinTech has emerged to make
decisions entirely online rather than with any in-person interaction.14 In the
criminal justice system, algorithms are frequently used for pretrial detention and
sentencing determinations and have been used in some form for decades,
depending on how one defines an algorithm. 15 And rather than relying on
resumes or interviews, some employers are also embracing algorithms that
might identify desirable employment characteristics based on piles of collected
data, including from social media posts or from video interviews and games. 16
Although the world has readily embraced algorithmic decisionmaking, legal
scholars have been surprisingly critical of the development.17 In what is now
dozens of articles over the last few years, legal scholars have raised concerns
about the discriminatory potential of algorithmic decisionmaking and relatedly
the impotency of the law to address discrimination in the complex world of
algorithms.18 Both of these propositions seem contestable and I would suggest
generally misguided.

13 Mathias Jesse & Dietmar Jannach, Digital Nudging with Recommender Systems:
Survey and Future Directions, COMPUTS. HUM. BEHAV. REPS. 1–2 (Jan. 13, 2021), [
14 There is a burgeoning literature on FinTech. See, e.g., Sanjiv R. Das, The Future of
Fintech, 48 FIN. MGMT. 981, 981–85 (2019); Andreas Fuster, Matthew Plosser, Philipp
Schnabl & James Vickery, The Role of Technology in Mortgage Lending, 32 REV. FIN. STUD.
1854, 1854–55 (2019); William Magnuson, Regulating Fintech, 71 VAND. L. REV. 1167,
1174 (2018); Rory Van Loo, Making Innovation More Competitive: The Case of Fintech, 65
UCLA L. REV. 232, 238–40 (2018); Douglas W. Arner, Jànos Barberis & Ross P. Buckley,
The Evolution of FinTech: A New Post-Crisis Paradigm?, 47 GEO. J. INT’L L. 1271, 1272–
73 (2016).
15 For a good overview of the use of risk assessments in sentencing see John Monahan
& Jennifer L. Skeem, Risk Assessment in Criminal Sentencing, 12 ANN. REV. CLINICAL
PSYCH. 489, 494–97 (2016).
16 A number of employers have adopted a system created by HireVue that relies on
artificial intelligence to analyze video interviews, including analyzing facial expressions and
word usage. See Rachel Metz, There’s a New Obstacle to Landing a Job After College:
Getting Approved by AI, CNN (Jan. 15, 2020),
job-interview/index.html []. Many employers have also
incorporated games into their hiring process. See generally Lydia Dishman, Can Gamifying
the Hiring Process Make It More Effective?, FAST CO. (May 19, 2017), https://
17 See, e.g., Ifeoma Ajunwa, The Paradox of Automation as Anti-Bias Intervention, 41
CARDOZO L. REV. 1671, 1673–75 (2019).
18 See, e.g., id. at 1673–75; Pauline T. Kim, Data-Driven Discrimination at Work, 58
WM. & MARY L. REV. 857, 860–61 (2017); Solon Barocas & Andrew D. Selbst, Big Data’s
Disparate Impact, 104 CALIF. L. REV. 671, 673–75 (2016); Megan T. Stevenson &
Christopher Slobogin, Algorithmic Risk Assessments and the Double-Edged Sword of Youth,
96 WASH. U. L. REV. 681, 681 (2018); Aziz Z. Huq, Racial Equity in Algorithmic Criminal

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This first concern regarding the discriminatory potential of algorithms has

an obvious component as well as a curious oversight. Many scholars have spent
considerable time documenting the potential for algorithms to lead to
discriminatory results, typically because the data they are based on are biased in
some way.19 This proposition seems entirely unremarkable, unless one thinks of
algorithms as a magical process free of taint. As has been documented
excessively, algorithms, no matter how they are ultimately created, depend on
the data they analyze, and if those data are discriminatory, either by design or
in their results, the ultimate algorithmic product will likely (though not
necessarily) be discriminatory. In old computer lingo, this is known as garbage
in, garbage out, which has more recently been translated to bias in, bias out.20
But again, this should not have been a revelation, and the real question of
interest is not whether algorithms can produce discriminatory results—they
can—but whether those results are likely to be more discriminatory than our
existing systems. This question has been surprisingly ignored in the literature,
and although a number of scholars will note that algorithms might exacerbate
discrimination, most of the claims that algorithms can exacerbate or amplify
discrimination remain more theoretical than real. 21 In contrast, a recent study
regarding mortgage lending found that FinTech lenders led to less

Justice, 68 DUKE L.J. 1043, 1076–78, 1088 (2019); Danielle Keats Citron & Frank Pasquale,
The Scored Society: Due Process for Automated Predictions, 89 WASH. L. REV. 1, 6–8
(2014); Charles A. Sullivan, Employing AI, 63 VILL. L. REV. 395, 395–97 (2018); Joshua A.
Kroll et al, Accountable Algorithms, 165 U. PA. L. REV. 633, 633 (2017); Anya E.R. Prince
& Daniel Schwarcz, Proxy Discrimination in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data,
105 IOWA L. REV. 1257, 1259–61 (2020); Talia B. Gillis & Jann L. Spiess, Big Data and
Discrimination, 86 U. CHI. L. REV. 459, 459–60 (2019); Ignacio N. Cofone, Algorithmic
Discrimination Is an Information Problem, 70 HASTINGS L.J. 1389, 1412 (2019).
MISUNDERSTAND THE WORLD 115 (2018) (“In an unequal world, if we make pricing
algorithms based on what the world looks like, women and poor and minority customers
inevitably get charged more.”); Ajunwa, supra note 17, at 1699 (“Albeit that it is well
documented that humans evince bias in employment decision-making, one cannot overlook
that algorithmic systems of decision-making, too, might enable, facilitate, or amplify such
biases.” (footnote omitted)); Pauline T. Kim, Manipulating Opportunity, 106 VA. L. REV.
867, 869–70 (2020) (“Predictive algorithms . . . are likely to distribute information about
future opportunities in ways that reflect existing inequalities and may reinforce historical
patterns of disadvantage.”).
20 That phrase has found its way into two articles: Sandra G. Mayson, Bias In, Bias Out,
128 YALE L.J. 2218, 2224 (2019), and Ashesh Rambachan & Jonathan Roth, Bias in, Bias
Out? Evaluating the Folk Wisdom 1 (Feb. 11, 2020) (unpublished manuscript), []. Engaging titles are the
coin of the realm, particularly among books that are critical of algorithms. See, e.g., CATHY
21 See Rambachan & Roth, supra note 20, at 1.

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discriminatory results than traditional lenders.22 Similarly, studies have

indicated that judges fare worse than algorithms in bail or sentencing decisions,
and a group of scholars have recently created an algorithm that significantly
decreased discrimination in pretrial detention.23 As a result, between an
algorithm and a human, the smart money is likely on the algorithm.
Most of the algorithm critics readily acknowledge the discrimination that is
rife in human decisionmaking but typically do so only in passing and their
critiques carry a curious nostalgia for a simpler day, when an employer was
willing to give that eager kid a chance, or when the local banker closed a deal
with a firm handshake and a smile, or for that benevolent judge who let a
teenager off with a stern lecture that led to a second chance. Some commentators
are even explicit in their preference for discretion over the application of data
analytics.24 But it is all too easy to forget that those handshakes were typically
among white men and that discretion is frequently a vehicle for discrimination,
so much so that as early as the 1970s, courts began to take judicial notice of the
connection between discrimination and discretion. 25 It should certainly be
grounds for pause when scholars critiquing the discriminatory potential of
algorithms retreat to a primary vehicle for perpetuating decades of
discrimination, namely discretion.26

22 Robert Bartlett, Adair Morse, Richard Stanton & Nancy Wallace, Consumer-Lending
Discrimination in the FinTech Era, J. FIN. ECON. (forthcoming 2021) (manuscript at 26) (on
file with the Ohio State Law Journal).
23 See Jon Kleinberg, Himabindu Lakkaraju, Jure Leskovec, Jens Ludwig & Sendhil
Mullainathan, Human Decisions and Machine Predictions, 133 Q.J. ECON. 237, 240–42
(2018) (detailing algorithmic risk assessment tool that decreased bias); Megan T. Stevenson
& Jennifer L. Doleac, Algorithmic Risk Assessment in the Hands of Humans 1–2 (Hum. Cap.
& Econ. Opportunity Glob. Working Grp., Working Paper No. 2020-055, 2020) (“[W]e find
that racial disparities increased in the subset of courts where risk assessment appears most
influential. This is partly . . . because judges were more likely to sentence leniently for white
defendants with high risk scores than for black defendants with the same score.”).
24 See EUBANKS, supra note 20, at 81 (“Automated decision-making can change
government for the better, and tracking program data may, in fact, help identify patterns of
biased decision-making. But justice sometimes requires an ability to bend the rules.”).
25 Discretion in the form of subjective evaluations have long been linked to
discrimination in the employment context. See, e.g., Robinson v. Polaroid, 732 F.2d 1010,
1015 (1st Cir. 1984) (“[S]ubjective evaluations . . . could easily mask covert or unconscious
race discrimination . . . .” (citing Rowe v. Gen. Motors Corp., 457 F.2d 348, 359 (5th Cir.
1972))); James M. Olson, Robert J. Ellis & Mark P. Zanna, Validating Objective Versus
Subjective Judgments: Interest in Social Comparison and Consistency Information, 9
PERSONALITY & SOC. PSYCH. BULL. 427, 433 (1983).
26 A frequent concern mentioned by critics is that an algorithm is likely to freeze out
certain individuals who might otherwise have a chance in a human-driven process. See
Ajunwa, supra note 17, at 1693 (“Whereas once, an applicant could rely on their
interpersonal skills to make a favorable first impression on the hiring manager, these days
the hiring algorithm is the initial hurdle to clear to gain employment.”). This issue is
discussed further in Part II.

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In addition to demonstrating the potential for algorithmic discrimination,

many of the critics have argued that the law will not be up to the task of
regulating algorithms that produce discriminatory results. 27 Much of the
concern involves the disparate impact theory that is available for challenges to
both employment and lending decisions, though not criminal justice issues, and
it has been argued that the inscrutable nature of algorithms will make any legal
challenge ineffective.28
The concern regarding the limitations of existing legal standards are largely
based on a failure to distinguish between two distinct types of algorithms: the
first, what I refer to as Type 1 algorithms, are those that are understandable and
are based on the vast quantities of available data, while the second kind of
algorithm are variously referred to as inscrutable, opaque, or black-boxes
because they are often difficult for humans to decipher (what I refer to as Type
2 algorithms). The first kind of algorithm presents no significant new problem
for existing legal standards because courts have been adjudicating cases that
involve complicated statistical procedures for decades. 29 When it comes to Type
2 algorithms, and contrary to the current consensus among the critics, I will
demonstrate that it is more likely that defendants will be unable to defend
algorithmic practices than that those practices will automatically be upheld. The
disparate impact theory, which requires defendants to justify their practices
under a business necessity test upon a showing of adverse impact, seems
particularly well suited to adjudicate whether the algorithms survive legal
scrutiny.30 Moreover, the disparate impact framework allows plaintiffs to
propose alternative practices, and here too, many algorithms should readily lend
themselves to alternatives that would reduce disparate impact, and those that do
not will likely not satisfy the prevailing business necessity tests. In other words,
the concerns about the law’s impotency seem overstated.

27 See, e.g., Kim, supra note 18, at 866 (“[A] mechanical application of existing
disparate impact doctrine will fail to meet the particular risks that workforce analytics
pose.”); Gillis & Spiess, supra note 18, at 460 (“[W]e argue that legal doctrine is ill-prepared
to face the challenges posed by algorithmic decisionmaking in a big data world.”); Andrew
D. Selbst, Negligence and AI’s Human Users, 100 B.U. L. REV. 1315, 1372 (2020) (“Because
disparate impact doctrine ties legitimate employment criteria to statistical predictions of
future outcomes, properly executed machine learning models will often pass muster.”); Sonia
K. Katyal, Private Accountability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, 66 UCLA L. REV. 54,
100 (2019) (“[O]ur existing statutory and constitutional schemes are poorly crafted to
address issues of private, algorithmic discrimination.”).
28 The theory was established in the case of Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424
(1971), and will be discussed further in Part III.A.
29 The Supreme Court, in 1977, decided a trio of cases involving statistical analysis of
discrimination. See Castaneda v. Partida, 430 U.S. 482, 485–88, 495–96 (1977) (grand jury);
Int’l Brotherhood of Teamsters v. United States, 431 U.S. 324, 337–42 (1977) (employment
discrimination involving long-haul drivers); Hazelwood v. United States, 433 U.S. 299, 310–
13 (1977) (employment discrimination of teachers).
30 See infra Part III.

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This Essay will proceed as follows. Part Two will explore the nature of
algorithms, explaining why only certain algorithms (Type 2) will pose any
difficulty under existing legal standards and then will discuss the ways in which
algorithms might discriminate, as well as how they also might be made to be
less discriminatory than human actors. The third Part will apply existing legal
standards to suggest that the disparate impact standard can adequately regulate
even opaque algorithms and that some algorithms might even be challenged
under the systemic discrimination model.


A. Defining Algorithms

Although algorithms have only recently captured the attention of legal

scholars, the concept has been a mainstay in computer science for decades, and
courts have been adjudicating cases involving algorithms since at least the
1970s.31 Today many people are familiar with algorithms as a result of the many
consumer companies that rely on them to nudge people towards new purchases,
the way, for example, Spotify seeks to introduce new music to listeners based
on their past preferences as well as the related preferences and interests of other
listeners.32 There is, to be sure, a mysterious quality to algorithms, but in many
ways, Spotify simply acts like a knowledgeable clerk at a record store nudging
you to try new music typically based on the preferences of others with similar
This latter point—the comparison between the Spotify algorithm and a
record store clerk—is important for understanding why it is that the law will
have less difficulty parsing algorithms than is often asserted. Algorithms come
in many flavors, and technically the term simply means a series of steps. 33 That
series can be very basic (a recipe) or, as is increasingly common, can involve

31 See Gottschalk v. Benson, 409 U.S. 63, 65 (1972) (“A procedure for solving a given
type of mathematical problem is known as an ‘algorithm.’”). Most of the early algorithm
cases involved patent issues, particularly eligibility of software and math-type claims for
patenting. See, e.g., In re Application of Sarkar, 588 F.2d 1330, 1335 (C.C.P.A. 1978)
(noting that “[i]f the steps of gathering and substituting values were alone sufficient, every
mathematical equation formula, or algorithm having any practical use would be per se
subject to patenting”).
32 See Jesse & Jannach, supra note 13, at 1–2.
33 This is a common definition within the computer science literature. See, e.g., BRIAN
DECISIONS 3–4 (2016) (“[A]n algorithm is just a finite sequence of steps used to solve a
problem . . . . When you knit a sweater from a pattern, you’re following an algorithm.”).
Similarly, one court has explained: “We note these discussions of the meaning of ‘algorithm’
to take the mystery out of the term and we point out once again that every step-by-step
process, be it electronic or chemical or mechanical, involves an algorithm in the broad sense
of the term.” In re Iwahashi, 888 F.2d 1370, 1374 (Fed. Cir. 1989).

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huge amounts of data that are analyzed in very little time. 34 But the fact that
algorithms often have access to more data does not make them especially
complicated or different from many traditional predictive devices, such as
insurance policies. Insurance companies have always sought to use whatever
relevant and legally permissible data were available to assess risk; the main
difference now is that they have access to more data. 35
Home mortgage lending offers another example. Over the last two decades
mortgage lending has been transformed in two significant ways. First, the
system has become more automated, and among some lenders, fully automated
so that there is effectively no banker or broker shepherding the deal. 36 An entire
industry known as FinTech has arisen that has captured a substantial portion of
the lending market.37 Even more traditional lenders now use automated
underwriting, essentially algorithms that predict whether a borrower is likely to
pay back their loan in a timely manner and to establish pricing based on the
identified risk.38 The mortgage industry is heavily regulated, and it is not
particularly difficult to pierce the algorithms to know what factors are
considered in making loan decisions.39 As discussed in the next Part, litigation
involving these systems has been common for many years, and although the
cases themselves can be complicated, there is nothing particularly complicated
about the way the law analyzes the lending decisions for discrimination. 40
The second way in which the FinTech lenders differ is that they typically
take in more data, and many of these lenders do so as a way of reaching a market
untapped by traditional lenders who often require an extensive credit history that
will disadvantage younger borrowers and those who may have untraditional
financial histories, which until recently included many of those who were self-
employed.41 Because the data are now so readily available, lenders can
incorporate factors such as bill paying that is not generally used by traditional
lenders, and they may also look at information gleaned from social media.42

34 See CHRISTIAN & GRIFFITHS, supra note 33, at 3–5.

35 For an excellent history of risk and its application in the insurance industry see
37 A good overview can be found in id. at 36.
38 Cf. id. at 14–15, 25–27.
39 In their early stages, FinTech lenders listed their algorithms on their websites, and
most of the factors they considered were virtually identical to those considered by traditional
lenders. See id. at 10–11, 17.
40 See infra Part III.A.
41 See Sharon L. Lynch, Self-Employed Turn to Non-Bank Lenders to Crack the
Housing Market, CNBC (Nov. 1, 2017),
bank-lenders-to-crack-the-housing-market.html [].
42 Many FinTech lenders target younger individuals without established credit histories
and will often rely on data culled from social media. See Wang, supra note 36, at 12–13.

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Facebook, for example, has developed a lending program that takes into account
the credit quality of one’s neighbors.43
The important thing to note is that incorporating more data into the
decisionmaking or automating a process does not render these algorithms
incomprehensible or beyond the reach of our existing legal structures. And most
of the algorithms currently in use can be understood or analyzed in a way that
makes them amenable to legal scrutiny. This is true of the very controversial
algorithms currently in use to aid in bail setting and sentencing, algorithms that
were intended in some jurisdictions to displace decades old checklists judges
relied on.44 We know that historically pretrial and sentencing decisions have
been rife with discrimination, and there is some data to suggest that the
algorithms have likewise produced discriminatory results. 45 But understanding
what factors the algorithms take into account to determine whether an individual
should be released before trial or what sentence she should receive is readily
available. Both of the dominant companies in the market have, in fact, published
the factors they consider, none of which is particularly innovative. 46 What the
companies have typically declined to publish is what weights the factors receive,
but in many cases this can be discerned through a process known as reverse
engineering—something that law schools routinely do with the U.S. News &
World Report rankings.47

43 The program, which incorporates the credit ratings and other information from
friends, is discussed in Robinson Meyer, Could a Bank Deny Your Loan Based on Your
Facebook Friends?, ATLANTIC (Sept. 25, 2015),
digital-redlining/407287/ []. I use this example, which is not
currently in use, as an indication of what companies are seeking to do, although obviously,
basing lending decisions on one’s neighbors could have discriminatory results given the
prevalence of segregated housing.
44 A report by ProPublica regarding the discriminatory results of a risk assessment tool
known as COMPAS sparked much of the debate regarding algorithmic discrimination. The
assessment tool was used for sentencing purposes and the analysis by ProPublica was based
on data from Florida. For the initial report see Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu &
Lauren Kirchner, Machine Bias: There’s Software Used Across the Country to Predict
Future Criminals. And It’s Biased Against Blacks., PROPUBLICA (May 23, 2016),
45 The ProPublica article sparked a debate regarding what it meant for an algorithm to
be discriminatory. The for-profit creators of the COMPAS risk assessment tool noted that it
was equally accurate for whites and African-Americans in that it correctly predicted results
about 68% of the time. See id. However, it was also determined that the particular errors
went in the opposite direction—it overpredicted recidivism for African-Americans and
underpredicted it for whites. The dispute over the COMPAS assessment tool has been written
about extensively. For two concise discussions see Katyal, supra note 27, at 86–88, and
Jessica M. Eaglin, Constructing Recidivism Risk, 67 EMORY L.J. 59, 95–98 (2017).
46 See Stevenson & Slobogin, supra note 18, at 690–91 (discussing factors that are
included in risk assessment tools).
47 See Paul Caron, Reverse Engineering the U.S. News Law School Rankings, TAXPROF
BLOG (Apr. 24, 2006),

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What is significant about these algorithms, and what runs contrary to much
of the existing legal criticism, is they are readily amenable to legal scrutiny
under existing standards. Most of those writing about algorithms, both legal
scholars and others, often fail to distinguish among the various kinds of
algorithms. Some even readily acknowledge that they are using the term to
capture all forms of algorithms,48 while others have a more idiosyncratic
definition such as treating automated employment application systems as
algorithms.49 At the same time, the core focus of much of scholarship is on what
are variously labelled black-box or inscrutable algorithms, Type 2 algorithms
which currently comprise a relatively small portion of algorithms that are in
use.50 In the next Part, I will explain why I believe existing legal standards are
adequate to evaluate claims of discrimination even by the black-box algorithms,
but first it is important to explain how they differ from the more common Type
1 algorithm.
To understand how these black-box algorithms differ from something like
a mortgage lending algorithm that analyzes huge amounts of data but in a
decipherable way, we can use the likely familiar example of college admissions.
A distinguishing feature of algorithms is that they are commonly trained on
some past data set.51 A mortgage lender for example will analyze past lending
decisions and borrower behavior to determine what factors are relevant to
[]. USNWR provides numerical factors for its calculations but
schools frequently reverse engineer the results of other schools to see where they might be
able to make up ground in the rankings game. See id.
48 See, e.g., Cary Coglianese & David Lehr, Regulating by Robot: Administrative
Decision Making in the Machine-Learning Era, 105 GEO. L.J. 1147, 1157 n.35 (2017)
(“Although we explain some of these different terms in this Part, for the most part throughout
this Article we use the terms ‘machine learning,’ ‘algorithms’ and ‘artificial intelligence’ for
convenience to capture all possible variations in terms . . . .”). Others have likewise noted
the increasingly liberal use of the term algorithm. See Robin K. Hill, What an Algorithm Is,
29 PHIL. & TECH. 35, 36 (2015) (noting that “we see evidence that any procedure or decision
process . . . can be called an ‘algorithm’ in the press and in public discourse”).
49 Writing about the use of algorithms in employment hiring, Professor Ifeoma Ajunwa
generally treats automatic processes as algorithms. See Ajunwa, supra note 17, at 1673 (“The
automation of decision-making processes via machine learning algorithmic systems presents
itself as a legal paradox.”); see also Ifeoma Ajunwa & Daniel Greene, Platforms at Work:
Automated Hiring Platforms and Other New Intermediaries in the Organization of Work, in
WORK AND LABOR IN THE DIGITAL AGE 61, 62–63 (Steven P. Vallas & Anne Kovalainen
eds., 2019).
50 Even some of the most astute scholars assume that all algorithms are opaque. See,
e.g., Jon Kleinberg, Jens Ludwig, Sendhil Mullainathan & Cass R. Sunstein, Discrimination
in the Age of Algorithms, 10 J. LEGAL ANALYSIS 1, 2 (2019) (“[O]ne cannot determine what
an algorithm will do by reading the underlying code.”); see also Kim, supra note 18, at 881
(“[T]he resulting model is completely opaque, even to its creators.”); Yavar Bathaee, The
Artificial Intelligence Black Box and the Failure of Intent and Causation, 31 HARV. J.L. &
TECH. 889, 892 (2018) (“Put simply, this means that it may not be possible to truly
understand how a trained AI program is arriving at its decisions or predictions.”).
51 See, e.g., Mayson, supra note 20, at 2224.

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predicting repayment.52 An ill-fated Amazon attempt to create an algorithm for

future hires was based on data regarding its existing or past employees and based
on that data the company then sought to identify employee characteristics that
correlated with desirable workplace performance. 53 The project failed, but it
was not a mystery what they were doing; what was a mystery, as discussed more
below, is why Amazon did not anticipate some of the issues it encountered.
College admissions officers seek to accomplish a number of goals,
including providing a meaningful and diverse experience for its students, but
one of the goals is surely to select students who can perform at a high level. To
fill an entering class, a college might rely on just a few factors: high school
grade point average (“HSGPA”) and standardized test scores perhaps. Even
though there would be only two factors, one could still label this selection
process as an algorithm since it would include some formula based around
HSGPA and test scores. In using these two factors, the school would presumably
base its predictions on how past students had performed, something that is both
common and particularly important with respect to HSGPA since it can vary so
much among secondary institutions.54
Rather than just looking at two variables, a college may choose to look at a
large number of factors, which is what many colleges do and more say that they
do.55 These factors might include references, jobs, family income, or other
factors the school deems relevant to academic performance, keeping in mind
that for this example, the school is only trying to predict performance rather than
assemble an interesting class (of course, the two need not be mutually
exclusive). The school might also look at different factors, whether the student
has a presence on TikTok, how many followers on Instagram, that sort of thing,
and one of the critical elements of algorithms is they often will find unexpected
patterns in the data.56 Looking at its past students, a college may find that
52 See, e.g., Wang, supra note 36, at 10.
53 The Amazon story has been oft told but it was originally reported by the news service
Reuters. See Jeffrey Dastin, Amazon Scraps Secret AI Recruiting Tool that Showed Bias
Against Women, REUTERS (Oct. 10, 2018),
women-idUSKCN1MK08G [].
54 High school grades have typically been thought to be less valid predictors of college
performance because of the wide variance among grades at schools, but a recent study
suggested high school grades can be just as good a predictor as standardized tests. See Elaine
M. Allensworth & Kallie Clark, High School GPAs and ACT Scores as Predictors of College
Completion: Examining Assumptions About Consistency Across High Schools, 49 EDUC.
RESEARCHER 198, 201, 209 (2020).
55 For a rare and detailed look at the admissions process at an elite school see the
opinions in the recent case unsuccessfully challenging Harvard’s admission as
discriminatory against Asian Americans, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and
Fellows of Harvard College, 397 F. Supp. 3d 126, 133–54 (D. Mass 2019), affirmed in 980
F.3d 157 (1st Cir. 2020).
56 See Huq, supra note 18, at 1066 (noting that machine learning will “generat[e] utterly
unexpected outcomes”); Rob Kitchin, Big Data, New Epistemologies and Paradigm Shifts,
BIG DATA & SOC’Y 2 (Apr. 1, 2014),

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whether a student had taken a computer science course in high school was
strongly correlated with academic success in college regardless of their major,
or they may find value in something more esoteric such as whether the person
lacked a Facebook page. In a study of employees, for example, it was
determined that there was a correlation between those new employees who
downloaded their own browser when they started employment and workplace
These kinds of algorithms—those that effectively combine big data with
sophisticated statistical techniques—are now ubiquitous in our lives, and they
often seek to find patterns in data that would take humans years to find.
However, and this is important particularly for legal analysis, in most cases, if
they had the time, humans could find the patterns. The mystery is not so much
in the construction of the algorithm but rather the speed at which it is,
constructed. It is also the case that we may not understand why the algorithm
identified the particular pattern or, on first glance, how important that factor is
but with some work, in these circumstances, the underlying construct of the
algorithm can generally be understood, and what will turn out to be important
for legal analysis functions primarily like a regression. 58 Although I will return
to this issue in the last Part, it is perhaps worth noting that courts, including the
Supreme Court, have been evaluating regressions in the context of
discrimination cases for more than forty years.59
There is, however, a kind of algorithm that does prove mysterious and that
may be inscrutable by humans in some circumstances. This is what I am
referring to as a Type 2 algorithm and what is often defined as an unsupervised
machine learning algorithm, although it turns out that terms within computer [
BRV4] (“Big Data analytics enables an entirely new epistemological approach for making
sense of the world [and] rather than testing a theory by analyzing relevant data, new data
analytics seek to gain insights ‘born from the data.’”).
57 See Joe Pinsker, People Who Use Firefox or Chrome Are Better Employees,
ATLANTIC (Mar. 16, 2015),
who-use-firefox-or-chrome-are-better-employees/387781/ [].
Contrary to the headline, the key finding was not which browser someone used for the
assignment but rather that the employees downloaded their own browser rather than using
the default.
58 A number of authors have made the connection between big data algorithms and
regressions. See, e.g., Coglianese & Lehr, supra note 48, at 1156–58 (discussing similarities
between regression equations and algorithms); Bathaee, supra note 50, at 900 (same).
59 See generally Bazemore v. Friday, 478 U.S. 385 (1986) (per curiam) (analyzing
regression equations used in pay discrimination case). The following year, the Supreme
Court also considered a regression analysis in a death penalty case. See McCleskey v. Kemp,
481 U.S. 279, 327 (1987).

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science vary considerably.60 Regardless of the label, the way the algorithm is
constructed can be explained.61
Returning to college admissions, the college will provide all of the data it
has collected and then specify a desired outcome—for example, the college
wants the most academically promising class of 2000 students selected from
among an applicant pool of say 10,000. In addition to all the data on the
applicant pool, the program will also have access to data on past students and
perhaps data on students from other institutions as well. And then, and this is
where the difference with other kinds of algorithms comes in, the college will
effectively tell the algorithm to compile the class. In an unsupervised learning
mode, the algorithm will identify the most promising 2,000 students, but it will
not explain why those students were chosen, and it may be difficult for someone
to understand what the decision process was and why these particular students
were chosen compared to those who were not. In fact, if the algorithm could
talk, and it was asked what the selection process was, it may be unable to
articulate all of the details, though it could likely explain the process.
This is apparently what Amazon sought to create several years ago when it
assembled a group of programmers to create an algorithm that would identify
future successful employees.62 Trying to identify successful employees is a
notoriously difficult proposition and the sheer volume of applications
companies receive make individualized attention all but impossible. As a result,
Amazon wanted to create an algorithm that would identify successful employee
characteristics, and it apparently was planning to use the algorithm to go out and
locate individuals with those traits rather than parsing through piles of
applications.63 The algorithm was trained on data relating to past employees,
both those who had been successful and those who had not, and the algorithm
was then asked to choose among a group of “applicants” based on the
correlations it had discovered in the data.64 Things went seriously wrong for
what should have been a fairly predictable reason: men were overwhelmingly
selected and applicants were apparently penalized for gender specific markers
on a resume such as “women’s chess club.”65
The Amazon story has received widespread attention, but it highlights an
important aspect of algorithms—they are trained on data, they are not magic
formulas, and if the data are skewed in some fashion, the results may be too. But

60 For a discussion of the various terms that are used see ED FINN, WHAT ALGORITHMS
61 For purposes of this Essay, I do not think it is necessary to provide the technical
details of how these black-box algorithms are constructed. For those who are interested there
are many accessible resources both within and outside of law. See generally BROUSSARD,
supra note 19; CHRISTIAN & GRIFFITHS, supra note 33; SEAN GERRISH, HOW SMART
62 See Dastin, supra note 53.
63 Id.
64 Id.
65 Id.

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as discussed in the next Part, even when the training data are biased, that does
not necessarily mean that the algorithm will produce discriminatory results.
Another key and often neglected aspect of the Amazon story is that the company
was presumably able to identify what went wrong in the algorithm, and it
quickly abandoned the project, never using it for actual hiring.

B. Defining Discrimination

The Amazon case reflects how algorithms can discriminate. It does not
appear that anyone at Amazon set out to establish a hiring algorithm that favored
men, but it was instead dependent on the data it had.66 Although the Amazon
example provides a cautionary tale, it should also provide concern to the
critics—the reason Amazon’s algorithm produced discriminatory results was
because Amazon’s hiring practices, run by humans, led to a predominantly male
workforce.67 The humans caused the machine to discriminate. And recent
research has revealed that humans can also likely cause the machine not to
discriminate, an issue I will return to momentarily. 68
Algorithm critics emphasize that discrimination is likely to occur not by
direct means but by proxies.69 Currently, algorithms for employment, lending,
or the criminal justice system omit direct markers of race and gender but there
is a concern that an algorithm might discriminate based on things like addresses
or arrest records that may correlate with race, gender, or some other prohibited
category.70 This, however, seems an unusual critique, and one that overlooks
the long history of litigation challenging the use of proxies in various settings.
One of the reasons the critique seems unusual is that modern discrimination
commonly works through what the algorithm literature now defines as “proxies”
and has for many decades. For example, there were successful challenges to the
use of arrest records in employment beginning in the 1970s when several courts
struck down the use of arrest records because of their unjustified effect on

66 Id. (“In effect, Amazon’s system taught itself that male candidates were preferable.”
(emphasis added)).
67 See id. (“Most [resumes] came from men, a reflection of male dominance across the
tech industry.”).
68 See Rambachan & Roth, supra note 20, at 1.
69 See, e.g., Kim, supra note 18, at 898 (“Because other information contained in large
datasets can serve as a proxy for race, disability, or other protected statuses, simply
eliminating data on those characteristics cannot prevent models that are biased along these
70 See, e.g., id. at 877 (“Data models may also discriminate when neutral factors act as
‘proxies’ for sensitive characteristics like race or sex. Those neutral factors may be highly
correlated with membership in a protected class, and also correlate with outcomes of
interest.”); Barocas & Selbst, supra note 18, at 691 (emphasizing that discrimination can
arise based on “reliable proxies for class membership”); Kleinberg, Ludwig, Mullainathan
& Sunstein, supra note 50, at 4 (noting that discrimination might arise based on “past arrest
records [that] are used to predict the likelihood of future crime”). For a discussion of proxy
discrimination in the insurance context, see generally Prince & Schwarcz, supra note 18.

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African-Americans.71 More recently, many jurisdictions have adopted what are

known as ban-the-box laws, which typically restrict employers’ use of arrest
records in the application phase.72 Address-based discrimination can have a
similar effect. After all, redlining is a form of proxy discrimination when lenders
effectively wall off entire neighborhoods, and residency requirements can be
seen in the same light—they restrict hiring to residents of a particular
municipality while excluding others and, because of our segregated
neighborhoods, such policies can often be discriminatory.73 Just as was true with
arrest records, successful challenges to the residency requirements of majority
white jurisdictions arose in the 1980s and continued for many years thereafter. 74
Similarly, a highly influential study by economists documented that individuals
with identifiably white names on their resumes received substantially more call-

71 Challenges to arrest records originated in the very early days of Title VII. See, e.g.,
Gregory v. Litton Sys., Inc., 316 F. Supp. 401, 402 (C.D. Cal. 1970) (“There is no evidence
to support a claim that persons who have . . . no criminal convictions but have been
arrested . . . can be expected . . . to perform less efficiently or less honestly than other
employees.”), aff’d as modified, 472 F.2d 631 (9th Cir. 1972). Despite the early successful
cases, the challenges continue today, and are also typically successful. See, e.g., Conn. Fair
Hous. Ctr. v. CoreLogic Rental Prop. Sols., 478 F. Supp. 3d 259, 300 (D. Conn. 2020)
(holding that there was no business justification for considering arrest as part of rental
screening process).
72 Thirty-six states have now adopted some form of ban-the-box legislation. See BETH
[]. Ironically, but related to our flawed systems, several
studies have indicated that such legislation can increase discrimination because employers
are likely to assume criminal records for African-American candidates. See, e.g., Jennifer L.
Doleac & Benjamin Hansen, The Unintended Consequences of “Ban the Box”: Statistical
Discrimination and Employment Outcomes when Criminal Histories Are Hidden, 38 J. LAB.
ECON. 321, 321 (2020) (concluding that ban-the-box legislation decreases the probability of
employment by 5.1% (3.4 percentage points) for young low-skilled African-American men);
Harry J. Holzer, Steven Raphael & Michael A. Stoll, Perceived Criminality, Criminal
Background Checks, and the Racial Hiring Practices of Employers, 49 J.L. & ECON. 451,
451 (2006) (finding that employers who conducted criminal background checks were more
likely to hire African-Americans).
73 Prince & Schwarcz, supra note 18, at 1262 (“Indeed, the paradigmatic example of
proxy discrimination by humans involves financial firms that refused to serve predominantly
African American geographic regions, a phenomenon known as redlining.”); see also
NAACP v. N. Hudson Reg’l Fire & Rescue, 665 F.3d 464, 481 (3d Cir. 2011) (explaining
that city’s residency requirement “creates a disparate impact on African American firefighter
74 Many of the cases were brought by the NAACP against jurisdictions in New Jersey.
See, e.g., N. Hudson Reg’l Fire & Rescue, 665 F.3d at 468; Newark Branch, NAACP v.
Town of Harrison, 940 F.2d 792, 794 (3d Cir. 1991); Newark Branch, NAACP v. Township
of West Orange, 786 F. Supp. 408, 411, 434 (D.N.J. 1992). The Civil Rights Division of the
Justice Department also initiated a series of cases in the suburbs surrounding Detroit, all of
which settled but one. See United States v. City of Warren, 138 F.3d 1083, 1088 (6th Cir.

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back offers than those with identifiably African-American names, a finding that
is a form of proxy discrimination.75
What this brief analysis demonstrates is that concern with what the
algorithm literature labels proxy discrimination is neither new nor unique to
algorithms. Human decisonmakers have relied on proxies to discriminate for
likely as long as they have been discriminating. One significant advantage to an
algorithmic process is that the data can be withheld so that an algorithm would
not have access to race, gender, addresses, arrest records or other potential forms
of discrimination.76 This does not mean that an algorithm will never produce
discriminatory results because of tainted variables, but it does mean that, again,
algorithms are unlikely to be more discriminatory than humans, and there is
good reason to believe they will be less.
On the negative side, an algorithm may identify correlations that prove to
be discriminatory, and given the nature of algorithms it may be more difficult,
and with Type 2 algorithms perhaps impossible, to uncover the variables that
are functioning as a proxy for discrimination.77 Given just how racially and
gender stratified our society is, there are many potential factors that could reflect
race and gender and which an algorithm might take into account.78 Both of these
issues will be discussed in the next Part, but for Type 1 algorithms where the
underlying code can be revealed in some fashion, there is nothing distinctive
between an algorithm and other issues that have been litigated under the law in
housing and employment.
The 1986 case of Bazemore v. Friday provides an illustration.79 The case
involved pay discrimination between white and African-American agricultural
extension agents, state employees who helped farmers with their crops. 80 In
many ways the case was a standard pay discrimination case where regression
analyses were used to identify what explained the observed pay differences
between African-American and white agents.81 Initially, all that was known was
that African-Americans were paid less than their white counterparts but it was

75 Bertrand & Mullainathan, supra note 4, at 991. More recently, a similar study found
similar results. See Patrick M. Kline, Evan K. Rose & Christopher R. Walters, Systemic
Discrimination Among Large U.S. Employers 3 (Nat’l Bureau Econ. Rsch., Working Paper
No. 29053, 2021),
76 In some circumstances it may also be possible to keep defining information away
from humans, as ban-the-box statutes attempt to do, and perhaps the best known example of
such an attempt is orchestras moving to hold auditions behind partitions. See generally
Claudia Goldin & Cecilia Rouse, Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of “Blind”
Auditions on Female Musicians, 90 AM. ECON. REV. 715 (2000).
77 See Bathaee, supra note 50, at 891.
78 See, e.g., Kim, supra note 18, at 898.
79 Bazemore v. Friday, 478 U.S. 385 (1986) (per curiam).
80 Id. at 390–91 (Brennan, J., concurring in part).
81 Id. at 398.

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not known why.82 As it turns out, a key explanatory factor was what crop the
agents were responsible for—in particular, those who had responsibility for
tobacco were paid more, something that in a tobacco state like North Carolina
was not all that surprising.83 But it also turned out that virtually all of the agents
who were assigned to the tobacco crop were white, which raised the question
whether discrimination explained either the pay or assignment. 84 In the context
of the litigation, if only whites were assigned to the most valuable North
Carolina crop, then it would not be appropriate to include crop assignment as a
factor in the regression analysis that was designed to analyze the pay differential
because the crop assignment would be a proxy for discrimination, just as
addresses, arrest records or other markers might be. This was not a new issue in
1986 and it is not a new issue now—any variable that is tainted by
discrimination should be excluded (or corrected where possible) from the
A number of scholars have raised a related but slightly different concern,
namely that the use of algorithms as selection devices will overlook outliers,
those who do not fit the characteristics identified by the algorithm.85 In her
important work, Cathy O’Neil noted, for example, that an automated process
might disadvantage those with disabilities, and Professor Pauline Kim has
recently raised concerns that an algorithm might exclude many qualified
individuals from the outset, never allowing them an opportunity to be
reviewed.86 This issue, however, again has little to do with algorithms and all to
do with using data or statistical analyses, which emphasize averages rather than
individual considerations, essentially a variation on the old rules versus
standards debate. The same issue arises with any screening device whether it is
in the form of an algorithm, the use of standardized tests, or even something like
a minimum age requirement. Any and all of these devices will necessarily
82 Id. at 403 (“[P]etitioners presented evidence consisting of individual comparisons
between salaries of blacks and whites similarly situated. Witness testimony . . . also
confirmed the continued existence of such disparities.”).
83 Michael Selmi, Statistical Inequality and Intentional (Not Implicit) Discrimination,
79 L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 199, 214 & n.77 (2016).
84 In the Supreme Court, the Bazemore case involved a number of complicated issues,
including whether the state was obligated to cure discrimination that had occurred prior to
when the statute became applicable to public employers in 1972. See Bazemore, 478 U.S. at
394. The Supreme Court also concluded that the District Court had erred when it rejected
the plaintiff’s regression analyses because they had not considered all possible variables that
might explain the observed salary disparities. Id. at 400. On remand, additional analyses
indicated that crop assignments were a significant explanatory factor, although the case
settled before a retrial.
85 See, e.g., O’NEIL, supra note 20, at 105–12.
86 Cathy O’Neil focuses on a college student named Kyle Behm who had bipolar
disorder and who repeatedly failed the same psychometric screening examination for a low-
level job, adding, “[u]nder the previous status quo, employers no doubt had biases. But those
biases varied from company to company, which might have cracked open a door somewhere
for people like Kyle Behm.” Id. at 112; see also Kim, supra note 19, at 874 (emphasizing
how bias can screen out potential applicants “before they even interact with a hiring firm”).

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exclude some qualified individuals, which can be problematic if the exclusion

is based on a prohibited basis but is less concerning under the law when it does
not. There is also an implicit assumption in these critiques that a non-algorithmic
process would select the outliers even though we know that is unlikely to occur.
Many of the issues relating to the discriminatory potential of algorithms are
not unique to algorithms but are problems that have been a staple of
antidiscrimination law.87 To date, there is little evidence that algorithms are
likely to be more discriminatory than existing systems, although there is some
basis to believe they can be less discriminatory. 88 The way the issue has
unfolded, it seems that the explosion of interest in algorithms over the last
decade did not initially prioritize an antidiscrimination ethic. While most people
within the computer science profession were aware that algorithms might
produce troubling and discriminatory results, they were primarily concerned
with ensuring accuracy rather than equity. 89 In the last few years, that has
changed and today there is essentially a whole subfield devoted to making
algorithms accurate and fair, and ideally, more fair than our existing systems. 90
Two recent articles provide insight into how algorithms can be designed to
pursue equity goals.91 In a recent paper, Professor Bo Cowgill has demonstrated
how it is possible to exploit the noise in algorithms to effectively debias the
underlying data.92 As Professor Cowgill explains and demonstrates through a
theoretical discussion, “[d]epending on the level of noise, an algorithm can
either replicate historical human bias or completely correct it.”93 He later

87 See Arnold, Dobbie & Yang, supra note 6, at 1889 (explaining that “bail judges rely[]
on inaccurate stereotypes that exaggerate the relative danger of releasing black defendants
versus white defendants”).
88 See Rambachan & Roth, supra note 20, at 1.
89 For a discussion regarding the evolution of research see generally MICHAEL KEARNS
DESIGN (2020).
90 See generally id.; Bo Cowgill & Catherine Tucker, Algorithmic Fairness and
Economics (Feb. 14, 2020) (unpublished manuscript),
(on file with the Ohio State Law Journal); Alekh Agarwal, Alina Beygelzimer, Miroslav
Dudík, John Langford & Hanna Wallach, A Reductions Approach to Fair Classification,
W5RJ]; Michael Veale & Reuben Binns, Fairer Machine Learning in the Real World:
Mitigating Discrimination Without Collecting Sensitive Data, BIG DATA & SOC’Y (Nov. 20,
91 See generally Bo Cowgill, Bias and Productivity in Humans and Machines (Upjohn
Inst., Working Paper No. 19-309, 2019),
[]; Rambachan & Roth, supra note 20.
92 Cowgill, supra note 91, at 1.
93 Id. at 2. By noise, Professor Cowgill means the “random extraneous factors in human
decision-making” that by definition “are not predictive of the candidate’s underlying
quality.” Id. at 6–8. The computational means for exploiting the noise is complicated, but
the implication is important—biased data need not lead to biased algorithms. Id.

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concedes that completely correcting the bias in the data is unlikely to be a

realistic goal, but the important point is that it is possible to exploit the algorithm
to reduce bias, largely because the underlying data is likely highly inaccurate. 94
This is just one way researchers are learning to reduce bias with algorithms and
given the interest in the topic, it is likely that other means of reducing bias will
be developed.
Another recent paper offers additional insights that suggest algorithms may
produce less discriminatory results than would arise from human
decisionmaking.95 As an example, two Harvard professors rely on a well-known
phenomenon involving police stops and searches. 96 It has been widely
documented that African-Americans are stopped by police far more frequently
than white individuals but that contraband is found more frequently among those
white individuals who are stopped.97 As a result, an algorithm that was designed
to produce the most effective police stops would encourage the stopping of
fewer African-Americans, thus reducing the discriminatory effect. 98 Similarly,
algorithms designed for an employment setting might also identify
characteristics that are correlated with minority or female employees. In many
predominantly white or male workplaces, the minority or female employees are
likely to be some of the best employees because they will likely have to
overcome institutional barriers that may not be present for white men, and these
individuals may provide a basis for obtaining more minority and female
workers, just as was true in the police searches whereby fewer African-
Americans should be stopped if data guided police behavior.
These insights run counter to the assumption of the critics that biased data
will lead to biased results. On the contrary, the reverse is possible. As the authors

A biased hiring manager applies a higher predicted-productivity threshold for

African Americans than for whites . . . . Thus, the more biased is the hiring
manager against African Americans, the higher will be the algorithm’s
predicted productivity for African Americans and the more African Americans
will be hired by an algorithmic hiring rule.99

In reading this explanation, one might wonder how affirmative action would
affect the analysis, but if one’s first instinct is to assume that African-Americans
hired into a predominantly white workforce are the product of affirmative

94 See id. at 2, 18. For a book length treatment on the concept of noise and how
pervasive it is in decisionmaking see DANIEL KAHNEMAN, OLIVER SIBONY & CASS R.
95 See generally Rambachan & Roth, supra note 20.
96 Id.
97 Studies uniformly show both the more frequent stops among African-Americans and
less frequent hits. I discuss the studies in Selmi, supra note 83, 207–12.
98 See Rambachan & Roth, supra note 20, at 2.
99 Id. at 7.

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action, then one can see how stereotypes affect human decisionmaking in a way
that an algorithm can avoid.
An additional and likely the easiest way to reduce the bias would be to
exclude biased data from the algorithm. As noted previously, this is already
commonly done—race and gender are typically excluded, addresses and arrest
records are likewise often excluded from the data analysis and it would be rather
easy to exclude data that might be serving as a proxy for discrimination. It would
also be possible to correct algorithms after an experimental run, something
along the lines of what occurred with Amazon. If it appears that the algorithm
is producing discriminatory results, it can be altered to address that
discrimination. This may not always be successful but between correcting a
discriminatory algorithm and correcting human biases, again, the smart money
should be on the algorithm.
All of this is to say that although algorithms certainly have the potential to
produce discriminatory results, there is little reason to believe they will be more
discriminatory than our existing systems and there are many reasons to believe
they can be constructed to reduce discrimination. There remains the question of
whether our existing legal structures can ferret out discrimination that arises
through algorithms, the question to which we now turn.


Antidiscrimination law is roughly divided into two broad spheres: (1)

intentional discrimination and (2) unintentional discrimination, what is also
known as the disparate impact theory.100 Intentional discrimination is further
divided into two classes, claims where intent is proved through traditional
means and claims involving systemic discrimination that generally involve the
use of statistics to prove intent.101 The disparate impact theory seems the most
likely means of challenging Type 2 algorithms, though there are also some
scenarios where algorithms might be challenged under the systemic
discrimination prong where intent is an element of the claim. 102
As I demonstrated previously, disparate impact cases can be difficult to
succeed on and most of the case law has developed around written employment
examinations.103 Existing law may prove to be an imperfect fit, but contrary to
the concerns expressed by algorithm critics, it may actually prove difficult for
employers or lenders to satisfy their burdens under that case law, and this will

100 See Michael Selmi, Theorizing Systemic Disparate Treatment Law: After Wal-Mart
v. Dukes, 32 BERKELEY J. EMP. & LAB. L. 477, 478, 481–83 (2011).
101 The two leading Supreme Court cases on systemic discrimination are International
Brotherhood of Teamsters v. United States, 431 U.S. 324 (1977), and Hazelwood School
District v. United States, 433 U.S. 299 (1977).
102 See infra Part III.B.
103 See Michael Selmi, Was the Disparate Impact Theory a Mistake?, 53 UCLA L. REV.
701, 702 (2006).

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be particularly true for those Type 2 algorithms that are difficult for humans to
A number of commentators have suggested that algorithmic
decisionmaking is likely to escape meaningful review under the disparate
impact theory.104 The concern, however, turns primarily on a single assumption,
namely that a court will accept an argument, by an employer or lender, that while
it does not know how the algorithm works, it knows that it does.105 This concern
obviously only relates to the black-box or Type 2 algorithm and even there, I
believe the concern is overstated because allowing such an argument to succeed
would effectively eliminate the possibility of demonstrating that there is an
alternative practice that serves the employers needs with less adverse impact, an
important but underused part of the disparate impact theory.106
Before proceeding to a discussion of systemic discrimination claims, let’s
first put aside potential claims of intentional discrimination, as it seems unlikely,
though not implausible, that a biased programmer might intentionally create a
discriminatory algorithm. This possibility does not seem consistent with what
companies—employers and mortgage lenders in particular—are seeking to use
algorithms for; in fact, algorithms are often employed as a way to diversify a
workforce or to reach new borrowers. 107 To the extent a programmer engages
in intentionally discriminatory practices through, for example, including various
proxies for race or gender (zip codes perhaps), that algorithm would be subject
to the same proof standards that exist for human decisions and should be no
more or less difficult to prove. Again, I should reiterate, discrimination is never
easy to prove but courts have been engaged in identifying intentional
discrimination under Title VII for going on sixty years. 108 The only issue that
may differ with algorithmic decisionmaking is those so-called black-box

104 See sources cited supra note 27; see also Ifeoma Ajunwa, An Auditing Imperative for
Automated Hiring Systems, 34 HARV. J.L. & TECH. 621, 642–46 (2021) (expressing concern
regarding disparate impact model); Pauline T. Kim, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence:
New Challenges for Workplace Equality, 57 U. LOUISVILLE L. REV. 313, 326 (2019) (noting
that “[e]xisting disparate impact doctrine is not equipped to deal with issues like
105 See, e.g., Barocas & Selbst, supra note 18, at 706–09.
106 See Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405, 425 (1975) (“If an
employer . . . meet[s] the burden of proving that its tests are ‘job-related,’ it remains open to
the complaining party to show that other tests or selection devices, without a similarly
undesirable racial effect, would also serve the employer’s legitimate interest in ‘efficient and
trustworthy workmanship.’”).
107 See Cowgill & Tucker, supra note 90, at 22.
108 The Court’s decision in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, issued in 1973, remains
the governing proof structure for individual claims of discrimination based on circumstantial
evidence. See McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green 411 U.S. 792, 802–03 (1973). Similarly,
two decisions issued in 1977 remain the primary authority regarding class claims of
intentional discrimination. See generally Int’l Brotherhood of Teamsters v. United States,
431 U.S. 324 (1977); Hazelwood Sch. Dist. v. United States, 433 U.S. 299 (1977).

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algorithms (Type 2) that are difficult to unravel, an issue where the disparate
impact theory is most likely to be employed.

A. The Disparate Impact Theory as Applied to Algorithms

The identifying characteristic of the disparate impact theory is that it does

not require proof of intent but instead a judicial inquiry is triggered when a
selection device has a substantial disparate effect on a protected group.109 If, for
example, an employer’s hiring practice leads to a predominantly white or male
workplace, one that significantly differs from the group that applied, then under
the theory, the law will require the employer to justify its practice. 110
The Supreme Court established disparate impact liability as part of Title
VII’s statutory mandate back in 1971, and in 2015 the Court interpreted the Fair
Housing Act to encompass disparate impact claims. 111 Although the disparate
impact doctrine is far more developed under Title VII, claims under both statutes
proceed in a three-part format: (1) the plaintiff must establish that an identified
practice has caused a disparate effect; (2) the burden of proof then shifts to the
defendant to justify its practice under what is known as a business necessity test;
(3) if the defendant succeeds in justifying its practice, the plaintiff then has an
opportunity to establish an alternative practice that would serve the defendant’s
needs with a less adverse impact that the defendant refuses to adopt.112 This is,
however, where challenges under the Constitution diverge given that the
Supreme Court long ago held that proof of intentional discrimination is required
and why some of the criminal cases are more complicated because of the
unavailability of the disparate impact theory.113

109 See Selmi, supra note 103, at 745.

110 See Albemarle, 422 U.S. at 432–33 (discussing the business necessity test and what
is required to satisfy that test).
111 The Title VII case is Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971), perhaps the
most famous of Title VII cases. The standard was amplified in a case a few years later. See
generally Albemarle, 422 U.S. 405. The Fair Housing case came much later, although the
disparate impact theory had been recognized in lower courts for many years prior to the
Supreme Court adoption of the theory. See generally Tex. Dep’t of Hous. & Cmty. Affs. v.
Inclusive Cmtys. Project, Inc., 135 S. Ct. 2507 (2015). The disparate impact theory is also
available under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”) and the Americans
with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) but the standards vary, and under the ADEA in particular the
standard is less rigorous than under Title VII. See Smith v. City of Jackson, 544 U.S. 228,
238–40 (2005) (ADEA establishing test of “reasonableness”). Disparate impact claims are
less common under the ADA, in part because of the statutory accommodation requirement.
See Bates v. United Parcel Serv., Inc., 511 F.3d 974, 995 (9th Cir. 2007) (en banc)
(discussing disparate impact standard under the ADA).
112 Albemarle, 422 U.S. at 435 (discussing alternative practice).
113 Washington v. Davis, 426 U.S. 229, 238–39 (1976).

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1. Establishing Disparate Impact

In the first step of the proof process, the plaintiff has the burden (who has
the burden will turn out to be significant) to identify a practice that has caused
a statistically significant disparity based on one of the protected classes. 114
Under Title VII, this has most commonly been a written test, and zoning
decisions have increasingly been the focus of disparate impact claims under the
FHA.115 This first step is purely statistical in nature, and for the most part should
not cause legal concerns for challenges to algorithmic decisionmaking: the
algorithm would be the practice that has disproportionately affected a protected
group. The Amazon algorithm discussed previously—had it been used—would
have likely had a statistically significant disparate effect on women, and at this
first step that is really all that is necessary for a plaintiff to establish. A mortgage
algorithm would be the same—the algorithm would adversely affect African-
Americans or Latinos by denying their loan applications more frequently or
charging them higher rates. 116 This is standard disparate impact fare and is
readily adaptable to algorithmic decisionmaking.
A potential issue may arise if a court were to require the plaintiff to identify
the particular part of the algorithm that is causing the disparate impact. Title VII
requires a plaintiff to identify a particular practice that is causing the disparate
impact, unless in the language of the statute, the “decisionmaking process [is]
not capable of separation for analysis,” in which case, “the decisionmaking
process may be analyzed as one employment practice.”117 If anything qualifies

114 See Ricci v. DeStefano, 557 U.S. 557, 587 (2009) (defining “a prima facie case of
disparate-impact liability” as “essentially, a threshold showing of a significant statistical
disparity”); Fudge v. City of Providence Fire Dept., 766 F.2d 650, 658 & n.8 (1st Cir. 1985)
(holding that a prima facie case of disparate impact can be established where “statistical tests
sufficiently diminish chance as a likely explanation”).
115 On Title VII, see, for example, Johnson v. City of Memphis, 770 F.3d 464 (6th Cir.
2014) (police promotional examinations); Lewis v. City of Chicago, 643 F.3d 201 (7th Cir.
2001) (fire department examination); Bridgeport Guardians, Inc. v. City of Bridgeport, 933
F.2d 1140 (2d Cir. 1991) (police exam); and Griffin v. Carlin, 755 F.2d 1516 (11th Cir. 1985)
(post office promotional examination). On the Fair Housing Act, see, for example, Summers
v. City of Fitchburg, 940 F.3d 133 (1st Cir. 2019) (zoning dispute); Ave. 6E Invs., LLC v.
City of Yuma, 818 F.3d 493 (9th Cir. 2016) (zoning dispute); and Reinhart v. Lincoln
County, 482 F.3d 1225 (10th Cir. 2007) (land use and zoning dispute).
116 This is how mortgage lending cases have proceeded in the past when algorithms were
not in use. See, e.g., City of Los Angeles v. Wells Fargo & Co., 22 F. Supp. 3d 1047, 1051
(C.D. Cal. 2014) (“[A]n African-American borrower was more than twice as likely to receive
a ‘predatory loan’ as a white borrower with similar underwriting and borrower
characteristics.”); Ramirez v. Greenpoint Mortg. Funding, Inc., 268 F.R.D. 627, 630 (N.D.
Cal. 2010) (challenging “policy that led minority borrowers to be charged disproportionately
high rates compared to similarly situated whites”). The Wells Fargo litigation was part of a
series of complicated cases brought by municipalities seeking to remedy the harm that was
done to their communities, and the Wells Fargo litigation was ultimately unsuccessful. See
City of Los Angeles v. Wells Fargo & Co., 691 F. App’x 453, 454 (9th Cir. 2017).
117 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(k)(1)(B)(i).

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as “not capable of separation[,]” it would surely be a Type 2 algorithm, which

by definition is inscrutable and therefore not capable of separation. When
mortgage lending has been challenged, the lending process has been treated as
a single practice and that will likely also be true for challenges to algorithms. 118
As a result, algorithms should not present any unique problems in the first step
of the disparate impact analysis.

2. Justifying the Practice

It is the second step of the proof process where commentators have

suggested the law is likely to come up short. In the second part of a disparate
impact challenge, the burden of proof shifts to the defendant to justify its
practice. Under Title VII, the justification must be “job related and consistent
with business necessity” whereas the standard is a touch more vague under the
FHA where the defendant needs to establish that the challenged policy is
“necessary to achieve a valid interest.”119 A substantial amount of the case law
under Title VII applies to written tests and specific standards have been
developed to determine whether a test is valid, which typically requires proving
that a test provides an employer with valuable information. One method of
establishing validity that will likely be most relevant to algorithms is by
demonstrating that there is a correlation between test scores and some measure
of performance, often in the case of employment tests supervisor ratings of
incumbent employees.120 In this way, there is a statistical demonstration of
whether those who perform well on the examination also perform well in the
workplace. The correlation is rarely perfect (a perfect relationship would be 1.0,
and most employment tests have correlations around .3) but courts almost
always, with the aid of expert witnesses, can assess the quality of the statistical
This takes us to the conundrum algorithm critics have identified. 122 By
definition, an algorithm should have a statistically meaningful correlation to

118 See Montgomery County v. Bank of Am. Corp., 421 F. Supp. 3d 170, 183 (D. Md.
2019); Prince George’s County v. Wells Fargo & Co., 397 F. Supp. 3d 752, 766 (D. Md.
2019); County of Cook v. HSBC N. Am. Holdings, 314 F. Supp. 3d 950, 967 (N.D. Ill.
119 Tex. Dep’t of Hous. & Cmty. Affs. v. Inclusive Cmtys. Project, Inc., 135 S. Ct. 2507,
2522–23 (2015); see also Reyes v. Waples Mobile Home Park Ltd. P’ship, 903 F.3d 415,
419, 424 (4th Cir. 2018) (challenge to policy requiring tenants to demonstrate lawful legal
status); Ellis v. City of Minneapolis, 860 F.3d 1106, 1112 (8th Cir. 2017) (challenge to
housing enforcement policy).
120 See Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405, 431–32 (1975) (discussing
validation effort correlating test scores with supervisor ratings); Ernst v. City of Chicago,
837 F.3d 788, 798 (7th Cir. 2016) (correlating test performance with performance ratings of
paramedics); Lopez v. City of Lawrence, 823 F.3d 102, 119 (1st Cir. 2016) (incumbent
employees took exam and correlated against performance ratings).
121 See, e.g., Ernst, 837 F.3d at 799.
122 See Barocas & Selbst, supra note 18, at 706–09.

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what it is trying to predict.123 After all, the idea behind an algorithm is that it
will scour data to achieve a particular end goal—predicting musical tastes,
borrower behavior, or productive employees. However, contrary to what some
critics have suggested, establishing a meaningful correlation between the
algorithm and employee performance or borrower behavior by itself would not
be sufficient to establish business necessity under Title VII or validity under the
FHA. Under existing law, it is not enough that an employer can establish a
statistically significant correlation between a test and performance. 124 Indeed,
in one of the early cases, the Supreme Court carefully reviewed an employer’s
justification for a written test even though it had established several statistically
significant correlations between the exam and certain aspects of workplace
skills.125 Rather than accepting correlations as proof of business necessity,
courts consistently assess whether the test also provides a basis for
distinguishing among employees, which is particularly important when an
employer intends to use a test to rank order the applicants for promotion or
hiring.126 Most tests, even when there is a statistical correlation between the test
and performance, are simply not able to distinguish between candidates with
modest point differences. 127 And when a practice has a disparate impact, a
defendant will be required to justify the judgments the practice requires.
One reason it is important to analyze the underlying data has to do with the
statistical principle of restriction of range. Although an algorithm might be able
to select quality employees, it might not be able to determine whether other
applicants might perform equally well. 128 This is effectively what is widely

123 Not all algorithms will produce correlations and absent a correlation, my sense is that
an algorithm is not likely to be validated. See id.
124 Id.
125 See Albemarle, 422 U.S. at 432–33 (evaluating and rejecting employer’s evidence
despite the presence of statistically significant correlations on some measures). In a challenge
to a lieutenant’s test where the validity study included a correlation coefficient of .33, the
court engaged in a lengthy analysis of the validity study before upholding the test, suggesting
that courts do not simply accept a statistically significant correlation as proof of business
necessity. See Hamer v. City of Atlanta, 872 F.2d 1521, 1527 (11th Cir. 1989).
126 See, e.g., Ernst, 837 F.3d at 804 (“We recognize that, in itself, there is nothing unfair
about women characteristically obtaining lower physical-skills scores than men. But the law
clearly requires that this difference in score must correlate with a difference in job
performance.”); El v. Se. Pa. Transp. Auth., 479 F.3d 232, 245 (3d Cir. 2007) (“[Title VII]
require[s] that the policy under review accurately distinguish[es] between applicants that
pose an unacceptable level of risk and those that do not.”); Isabel v. City of Memphis, 404
F.3d 404, 414 (6th Cir. 2005) (concluding that there was “clear evidence that the scores from
the written test did not approximate a candidate’s potential job performance”); Bew v. City
of Chicago, 252 F.3d 891, 895 (7th Cir. 2001) (quoting district court approvingly that the
examination “must be scored so that it properly discriminates between those who can and
cannot perform the job well”).
127 See Michael Selmi, Testing for Equality: Merit, Efficiency, and the Affirmative
Action Debate, 42 UCLA L. REV. 1251, 1270–77 (1995).
128 For discussions regarding the principle of restriction of range see generally John E.
Hunter, Frank L. Schmidt & Huy Le, Implications of Direct and Indirect Range Restriction

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recognized as the LSAT problem: a law school might be able to determine that
there is a correlation between LSAT scores and first year grades but without
admitting applicants from a wider range of test scores, a school will not have
evidence that students with lower test scores would not perform comparably
well in school. This is a particular problem when correlations are modest, as is
commonly the case not just with the LSAT but most selection procedures,
including almost certainly most algorithms.129 As a result, the applicants
selected by the algorithm might prove to be valuable employees, but the
algorithm cannot tell us whether those who were not selected would also have
been good employees. This is something the law has always required and there
is no reason to think that courts will now modify decades of law when
confronted with a Type 2 algorithm.130
On the contrary, satisfying the existing legal standards will likely prove to
be a particular problem for defendants to the extent the algorithm falls into the
Type 2 category. In any disparate impact challenge, the defendant would be
expected to explain what characteristics distinguish the selected from those who
were not selected or those who obtained loans from those who did not. In the
case of a Type 1 algorithm, the employer or lender will be able to identify
differences that distinguish the two groups and the parties can then debate

for Meta-Analysis Methods and Findings, 91 J. APPLIED PSYCH. 594 (2006), and Freddie
deBoer, Restriction of Range: What It Is and Why It Matters, FREDDIE DEBOER BLOG (July
24, 2017),
matters []. There are ways to correct for a restricted range but
given the nature of Type 2 algorithms, the corrections are not likely to be applicable. See,
e.g., Marie Wiberg & Anna Sundström, A Comparison of Two Approaches to Correction of
Restriction of Range in Correlation Analysis, PRAC. ASSESSMENT, RSCH. & EVALUATION 1
(2009), [].
129 Alexia Brunet Marks & Scott A. Moss, What Predicts Law Student Success? A
Longitudinal Study Correlating Law Student Applicant Data and Law School Outcomes, 13
J. EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUD. 205, 228 (2016).
130 This is, in part, due to the role validation studies have played in the business necessity
test. Under Title VII, many if not most litigated disparate impact claims have involved
examinations, often in the context of police and fire departments, and the most common way
to determine whether a test satisfies the business necessity standard is through a validation
study. There are two common validation methods: one involves a test that is designed to
measure or assess the content of the job, what is known as a content validation study. This
seems likely to be unrelated to algorithms. The second validation method is known as a
criterion-related study, one that seeks to establish a statistical and meaningful correlation
between a predictor (the test) and some measure of performance, typically supervisor ratings
in the context of a promotional examination. When a criterion-related study is used, there
will typically be a means to determine whether those who performed well on the examination
also performed well on the job and also to see how those who did not perform well on the
examination did in the workplace. Validation studies are not required under the law but they
have been common in Title VII disparate impact litigation. For some judicial discussions see
Hamer v. City of Atlanta, 872 F.2d 1521, 1525–30 (11th Cir. 1989) (criterion-related
validity), and M.O.C.H.A. Society, Inc. v. City of Buffalo, 689 F.3d 263, 281 (2d Cir. 2012)
(content validity).

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whether those differences justify the disparate results. 131 This is how litigation
has proceeded under both statutes for decades. But for the defendant that is
unable to articulate the basis for the selection method, their defense will likely
come up short. After all, the core of a disparate impact claim is that the
defendant’s practice excludes members of a protected group in an unjustified
way, and the only way to determine if it is unjustified is to know what the basis
for the exclusion is.132
But, and this is an important point, if the algorithm demonstrates a
statistically significant correlation with a valid measure of performance, then,
under Title VII, the employer likely has satisfied the second step of the
inquiry.133 Similarly, if a lender can show those with large numbers of friends
on Facebook are more likely to pay their loan on time than those who have fewer
friends, that may suffice to establish a valid justification.134 This assumes, of
course, that the defendant is able to identify the quality that distinguishes the
two groups, that in the language of one court, “distinguish[es] between
applicants that pose an unacceptable level of risk and those that do not.”135 A
defendant has to offer some means to compare those who are selected and those
who are not, or those who obtained loans and those who did not.136 By the same
measure, if African-Americans or another protected group are more commonly
on Instagram, then the lender should also be required to demonstrate the
superiority of a Facebook network in terms of establishing creditworthiness. It
is important to emphasize that there is nothing distinctive about an algorithm in
this context, it is just a function of the legal standard that governs both Title VII
and the FHA. Establishing the validity under the FHA or business necessity
under Title VII is not, I should add, an easy test to meet, and it is not at all clear
that all algorithms could satisfy the existing legal standards but substituting new

131 This is how a typical employment disparate impact challenge proceeds. For example,
in a gender discrimination challenge to a running test used to select transit officers, the
question was whether running a mile and a half in twelve minutes was a reasonable criterion,
which necessarily required analyzing whether those who obtained higher times would have
also been more successful officers. This analysis was done by an expert witness when he
established the time for the running test. See Lanning v. Se. Pa. Transp. Auth., 181 F.3d 478,
484, 489 (3d Cir. 1999).
132 This is consistent with the requirement that employers can only test for minimum
qualifications. See Isabel v. City of Memphis, 404 F.3d 404, 413 (6th Cir. 2005) (noting that
cutoff scores should measure “minimal qualifications”); Lanning, 181 F.3d at 489 (“[A]
discriminatory cutoff score [is impermissible unless shown to measure] the minimum
qualifications necessary for successful performance of the job in question.”).
133 See Lanning, 181 F.3d at 486.
134 Several legal scholars have expressed concern over an algorithm that apparently
identified commuting distance as a key to employee longevity. See Kim, supra note 18, at
863. Although commuting distance could certainly have a disparate impact depending on
where an employer was located, it is also the kind of criteria that an employer may be able
to justify, particularly if employee turnover is an important concern.
135 El v. Se. Pa. Transp. Auth., 479 F.3d 232, 245 (3d Cir. 2007).
136 Id. at 239.

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for old criteria does not necessarily confound the legal analysis, it just requires
an application to a new circumstance.
Consider mortgage lending. Assume a lender’s algorithm has a disparate
effect on African-Americans that leads to more denials on loan decisions and
higher rates when loans are issued. The lender would likely contend that the
differentials are due to higher risks, but it would also have to prove that there
were, in fact, higher risks rather than simply asserting that justification. 137 And
the risks would likely have to be meaningful rather than trivial. This is where
mortgage lending even in the context of algorithms would effectively be
analyzed much like a regression analysis, identifying the factors that went into
the lending decision and assessing whether those factors might be treated
differently for different groups.138 Many existing studies have shown that
African-Americans with similar credit profiles to whites still obtain inferior loan
products,139 what is the essence of discrimination, and if an algorithm produces
similar discriminatory results, the legal analysis will not change.
A defendant is likely to succeed in its justification if it is able to identify
distinguishing features relevant to the identified adverse impact. In the above
example, if it turns out that African-Americans do pose greater credit risks, then
the lender may be able to justify the higher rates it charges but again, those
differences would have to be meaningful and based in data. The real problem
for defendants will arise in those limited circumstances when an inscrutable
algorithm is at issue; yet, contrary to what others have argued, this is more likely
to be a problem for defendants than plaintiffs. If a Type 2 algorithm is
responsible for the challenged decision, the defendant would likely be relegated
to arguing that it does not know why the algorithm made the decisions it did,
but it knows that it works and the reason it knows it works is because that is
what it was designed to do. Sticking with the mortgage example, a lender would
only be able to say that although it is lending disproportionately to white

137 This principle was established in Bazemore v. Friday where the Court held that a
defendant that is challenging a multiple-regression analysis must establish that its critique is
steeped in facts rather than a theoretical concern. See 478 U.S. 385, 400 (1986) (reversing
lower court’s dismissal of plaintiffs’ claim for failure to include “all measurable variables”).
In the various residency cases, courts have required municipalities to come forward with a
demonstrated need for residency rather than just asserting the potential benefits. See, e.g.,
NAACP v. N. Hudson Reg’l Fire & Rescue, 665 F.3d 464, 480–82 (3d Cir. 2011) (rejecting
city’s claim that residency requirement made for quicker response time), cert. denied, 567
U.S. 906 (2012).
138 Mortgage lending cases frequently involve regressions and also are frequently
challenged under an intentional discrimination framework. See, e.g., Ramirez v. Greenpoint
Mortg. Funding, Inc., 268 F.R.D. 627, 632–34 (N.D. Cal. 2010); City of Los Angeles v.
Wells Fargo & Co., 22 F. Supp. 3d 1047, 1051 (C.D. Cal. 2014) (using regressions in
challenge to predatory lending). Regressions have likewise been common in many
employment cases. See, e.g., Moussouris v. Microsoft Corp., 311 F. Supp. 3d 1223, 1229–
31 (W.D. Wash. 2018); Morgan v. United Parcel Serv. of Am., Inc., 380 F.3d 459, 466–72
(8th Cir. 2004).
139 See studies cited supra note 116.

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individuals, and it does not know why, it does know that the algorithm has
determined this is the optimal means of measuring creditworthiness. This is akin
to a plea to trust us, or more accurately, to trust the algorithm, an algorithm the
defendant cannot explain.
This is largely what the argument of the algorithm critics boils down to:
would a court accept this “trust us” defense?140 Based on existing case law, the
answer should be a clear no—there is simply no precedent within the extensive
disparate impact case law for judicial acceptance of such a defense. In no case
has the defendant defended against a disparate impact challenge by arguing that
even though we cannot explain our process, we know it works, and the reason
we know it works is because that is what it was designed to do. Nor does it seem
at all likely that a court would accept such a defense for at least two related
reasons. The first and likely sufficient reason is that the defendant has the burden
of proof on the question of the justification, and accepting a “trust me” defense
would effectively insulate Type 2 algorithms from judicial review, thus
emptying that phrase “burden of proof” of any content.
Although there are currently no cases involving inscrutable algorithms,
there are analogous cases where courts have rejected what might be considered
similar claims made by defendants. For example, in a case involving a running
test for transit police officers in Philadelphia that had an adverse impact against
female applicants, the employer (the very litigious SEPTA) argued that it should
be allowed to establish a high cut score on a running test because being faster
was always better. 141 The court, however, rejected the claim because it was
inconsistent with the governing standards of business necessity and instead
required the employer to show that the adopted standard was necessary to ensure
applicants met the minimum standards.142 Similarly, in an early case that
challenged height and weight requirements for correctional officers, the
Supreme Court rejected an argument that the requirements were related to
strength, which, in turn, was relevant to being a correctional officer.143 Although
courts have frequently found tests or policies to be valid, in no case has a court

140 This is the primary concern raised in the important article by Barocas & Selbst, supra
note 18, at 709 (“[T]here is good reason to believe that any or all of the data mining models
predicated on legitimately job-related traits pass muster under the business necessity
defense.”). In his self-styled “musing” on artificial intelligence, Professor Charles Sullivan
has likewise noted, “[C]ourts have not previously been confronted with the argument that,
however deficient a particular criterion seems to be, it can be empirically shown to be the
best tool available.” Sullivan, supra note 18, at 427; see also Selbst, supra note 27, at 1372
(“Because disparate impact doctrine ties legitimate employment criteria to statistical
predictions of future outcomes, properly executed machine learning models will often pass
141 Lanning v. Se. Pa. Transp. Auth., 181 F.3d 478, 484, 492 (3d Cir. 1999).
142 Id. at 489.
143 See Dothard v. Rawlinson, 433 U.S. 321, 331 (1977) (rejecting state’s argument that
height and weight requirements were related to strength because it failed to show “the
requisite amount of strength thought essential to good job performance”).

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simply deferred to an employer’s judgment.144 Nor have courts accepted

statistically significant correlations as proof of business necessity without
further inquiry.145
As these cases illustrate, the disparate impact theory demands trade-offs. An
employer or lender is free to structure its practices any way that it likes so long
as it does not have a disparate impact, but once that impact is shown, the
defendant must justify its practice as necessary to the business.146 Preferred and
necessary are not equivalents, and the necessary justification always involves
comparisons—can the person who runs a bit slower still function effectively as
a transit officer? Can the person who scores a point lower on a written
examination still be a successful lieutenant in the fire department? Rarely will a
single criterion—a test or an algorithm—predict performance perfectly, in
which case it is necessary to weigh the value of the criterion against its disparate
impact. Under the law going back now fifty years, an employer cannot defend
against a disparate impact by arguing that the challenged practice is what is best
for the business; the law has determined that what is best for society is to balance
a defendant’s own interests with a societal desire to limit discrimination,
whether intentional or not.147
It is true, as some critics have noted, that courts have, on occasion, deferred
to well-constructed professional examinations, and it is possible that a court
would be persuaded about the power of the algorithm simply by the way it was
constructed.148 In the Amazon example discussed earlier, Amazon might

144 As one court noted, “[a] business necessity standard that wholly defers to an
employer’s judgment as to what is desirable in an employee . . . is completely inadequate in
combating covert discrimination based upon societal prejudices.” Lanning, 181 F.3d at 490.
145 For a sampling of cases where courts rejected correlations, typically associated with
criterion-related studies, see Bernard v. Gulf Oil Corp., 841 F.2d 547, 567 (5th Cir. 1988)
(remanding case despite correlations in range of .22 to .51), and Arndt v. City of Colorado
Springs, 263 F. Supp. 3d 1071, 1082 (D. Colo. 2017) (rejecting validity of physical agility
test because correlations were low and cut-off scores arbitrary). See also cases cited supra
notes 125–126.
146 See Lanning, 181 F.3d at 490.
147 See Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424, 430–32 (1971).
148 To the extent courts have deferred to professionally developed examinations, it has
been in the context of public safety jobs. See Johnson v. City of Memphis, 770 F.3d 464, 478
(6th Cir. 2014) (“When the employment position involves public safety, we accord greater
latitude to the employer’s showing of job-relatedness and business necessity.”). A number
of commentators have also raised a concern that courts will defer to algorithms because they
appear to be scientific and objective. See EUBANKS, supra note 20, at 179 (expressing
concern that algorithms are perceived as infallible); BENJAMIN, supra note 20, at 53 (stating
that algorithms have “the allure of objectivity without public accountability”). This is
certainly a possibility, but courts frequently deal with technical issues and to date have had
little trouble analyzing algorithms in various contexts. See Hous. Fed’n of Tchrs., Loc. 2415
v. Hous. Indep. Sch. Dist., 251 F. Supp. 3d 1168, 1180 (S.D. Tex. 2017) (concluding that the
use of a proprietary algorithm to determine terminations violated teacher’s due process);
Chacko v. Connecticut, No. 3:07-cv-1120, 2010 WL 1330861, at *8–9 (D. Conn. Mar. 30,

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explain to the court that it introduced the algorithm to reams of data regarding
its existing workforce, including most likely performance evaluations, and the
algorithm set out to identify characteristics that were indicative of success on
the job. In analyzing the data, the algorithm determined that being a man was a
central criterion. But just stating this argument reveals why it is unlikely to
prevail. Surely, at some point in the litigation, Amazon would be asked to
explain why gender was the important criteria, and they would presumably be
unable to do so. Given the reported facts, they would likely also be asked why
women were penalized for having female indicators on their resumes, and again,
Amazon would be able to do little more than shrug its shoulders and possibly
add that the algorithm determined it was relevant. It is difficult to see a court
accepting such an explanation, particularly when the algorithm may well have
been created on biased data, namely that there were simply few female
employees rather than female employees were less competent than their male
counterparts. On the contrary, as discussed in the next Part, consciously building
an algorithm on biased data would likely be challenged under a theory of
intentional discrimination rather than under the disparate impact theory. 149
The second reason courts are unlikely to accept a simple correlation to
justify an algorithm is directly related to this last point and is perhaps the most
compelling reason the “trust us” defense should fail. The third step of the
disparate impact proof structure allows a plaintiff to prove that there is an
alternative practice that would serve the defendant’s interests while reducing
adverse impact. 150 There is also a safety valve for defendants that allows them
to avoid liability by adopting the proposed alternative, at least under Title VII
and likely to be imported in to the FHA as well.151 But this third prong can only
work if the plaintiff is able to understand the nature of the algorithm and how it
makes its decisions.

3. Establishing a Lesser Discriminatory Alternative

This third prong of the disparate impact theory has generally been
underdeveloped in the case law, but it is likely to play a significant role with
respect to algorithmic decisionmaking because altering the algorithm may
reduce discrimination without significantly affecting the quality of the
decisions. This has been true in a number of testing cases where plaintiffs
propose an alteration of the scoring regime, for example by moving away from

2010) (allowing discrimination challenge to algorithm that assigned work in a hospital to

survive summary judgment).
149 See infra Part III.A.3.
150 See Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405, 425 (1975) (“If an employer
does . . . meet the burden of proving that its tests are ‘job related,’ it remains open to the
complaining party to show that other tests or selection devices, without a similarly
undesirable racial effect, would also serve the employer’s legitimate interests in ‘efficient
and trustworthy workmanship.’”).
151 See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(k)(1)(A)(ii) (Title VII).

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rank order selection to a broader scoring system, and the same could easily be
done with mortgage lending where certain inputs might be weighted
But this third prong is only viable if the algorithm can be revealed and
analyzed. If a defendant were allowed to prevail under a general claim that the
algorithm is inherently accurate though we do not know why, it would be
impossible for a plaintiff to offer any alternative. As a result, not only would
such a defense stretch the concept of the burden of proof, but it would eliminate
the third step in the analysis, a step that has been enshrined in disparate impact
law for nearly fifty years and now safely ensconced in the statutes.
This also creates an interesting legal paradox that has largely escaped
notice: assuming that a court will not accept a defense based solely on a
statistically significant correlation between the algorithm and some meaningful
measure of performance, this likely means that a defendant could not survive a
challenge to a black-box algorithm. It is possible that a defendant would be able
to offer alternative algorithms to show the superiority of its own, though unless
one knows the underlying construct it would be hard to compare the algorithms
and equally difficult to know whether the alternative was used solely to
demonstrate the merits of the company’s algorithm rather than as a true
considered alternative. 153 As more work is done on algorithmic equity, these
issues will likely be overcome or refined, but until then, a challenge to an
inscrutable algorithm that has disparate impact is likely to mean either that the
plaintiffs will always or generally prevail or the defendants will, and under the
terms of the statutes, particularly with the focus on alternatives, if such a choice
needs to be made, it should be in favor of the plaintiffs, otherwise the
defendants’ practices would be effectively insulated from review.

B. The Pattern or Practice Theory

There is one other argument that may be appropriate in certain challenges

to algorithms, and one that has the potential for substantially better remedies. In
addition to the two theories I have already discussed—classic disparate
treatment and disparate impact—there is a third theory that involves class action
intentional discrimination proved through statistical analysis. 154 This theory is

152 See, e.g., Allen v. City of Chicago, 351 F.3d 306, 311–13 (7th Cir. 2003) (proposing
change in process for merit promotions as an alternative); Bridgeport Guardians, Inc. v. City
of Bridgeport, 933 F.2d 1140, 1148 (2d Cir. 1991) (proposing alternative involving a band
of scores); see also Jones v. City of Boston, 845 F.3d 28, 32–34 (1st Cir. 2016) (proposing
alternative drug testing process to replace hair testing).
153 A plaintiff potentially could employ their own machine learning to try to devise an
algorithm with less adverse impact, and this might be one way of searching for substantially
equivalent alternatives but at the same time this would seem to impose a burden, particularly
financially, that exceeds what the law intended as identifying alternative practices.
154 See generally Int’l Brotherhood of Teamsters v. United States, 431 U.S. 324 (1977);
Hazelwood Sch. Dist. v. United States, 433 U.S. 299 (1977).

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known as a pattern and practice claim but is also frequently labelled as involving
systemic discrimination.155 Shortly after the Civil Rights Act of 1991 was
enacted, there was a surge of pattern and practice claims that has since been
tempered somewhat by the Supreme Court’s Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes
decision that was widely perceived to have made class actions more difficult to
certify.156 But the Wal-Mart case only indirectly addressed the legal standard
governing pattern and practice claims, which remain viable and potentially quite
In many ways, the pattern and practice claims mirror the proof process for
disparate impact claims, with three important differences. Although the
statistical proof under both theories is largely the same—a plaintiff must
establish a statically significant disparity against a protected group—in a pattern
or practice claim, the statistics are used to prove intent, to prove in the words of
an influential older case, that discrimination was the company’s “standard
operating procedure.”158 Relatedly, because the case is based on a theory of
intentional discrimination, damages are available whereas under a disparate
impact theory only lost wages and injunctive relief are available.159
Another difference and a key aspect of the pattern-or-practice claim is that
although the cases are steeped in intentional discrimination, it is not necessary
to demonstrate that the defendant adopted the practice so as to exclude women
or minority borrowers. Rather the statistical proof provides evidence of
intent.160 Significantly, and unlike the disparate impact theory, there is also no
business necessity defense available for a claim of intentional discrimination,
an employer is not able to justify its practice as valuable, efficient, or rational.
Rather an employer, or a lender, is limited to challenging the plaintiff’s
statistical proof, which may include providing some alternative explanation to
avoid drawing an inference of discrimination.161 This area of the law is
155 See, e.g., Michael J. Zimmer, Charles A. Sullivan & Rebecca Hanner White, Taking
on an Industry: Women and Directing in Hollywood, 20 EMP. RTS. & EMP. POL’Y J. 229,
262–71 (2016) (discussing systemic discrimination litigation).
156 See generally Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, 564 U.S. 338 (2011).
157 I have previously described the pattern-or-practice claim as “the most potent but least
understood of the various Title VII causes of action.” Selmi, supra note 100, at 478.
158 Teamsters, 431 U.S. at 336.
159 See id. at 382. The damages are capped at a maximum of $300,000 per plaintiff and
as a result, the damages can be substantial depending on the size of the class. See 42 U.S.C.
§ 1981a(b)(3)(D).
160 Id. at 337–39 (relying on statistical and anecdotal evidence in determining that the
government carried its burden of proof in establishing a prima facie case of pattern or
practice discrimination).
161 In one of the more well-known claims of systemic discrimination, the plaintiffs
established that women were largely excluded from the best paying jobs at Sears, to which
Sears successfully argued that women lacked interest in the jobs, many of which paid on
commission. See EEOC v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 839 F.2d 302, 313 (7th Cir. 1988). In the
case, the defendants challenged the meaning of the statistics rather than offering a
justification for its practice. Id. at 313–14. For a more recent case involving salary disparities
see Velez v. Novartis Pharms. Corp., 244 F.R.D. 243 (S.D.N.Y. 2007).

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relatively undeveloped, but it tends to focus on statistical battles over how to

interpret the data. 162 For example, in the Wal-Mart sex discrimination case, the
company argued that decisions should be analyzed at the local—as opposed to
the national—level, and in the mortgage lending cases, the lenders typically
argue that there are many players such as independent mortgage brokers that are
involved and effectively break up the causal chain.163
Although most analyses to date have focused on the disparate impact theory,
mortgage lending cases have often been brought as pattern or practice claims
and the theory seems particularly appropriate when the defendant consciously
relies on data that is known to be biased.164 This likely would have been true in
the Amazon example.

C. Altering the Algorithms

It is easy to forget that a primary interest in algorithmic decisionmaking was

not just to create better decisions but also to reduce the discrimination that
continues to affect so many human decisions. Objective data, it was hoped,
would remove what is often defined as subtle or implicit bias and would root
out any effort to engage in more intentional schemes. 165 But we have quickly
learned that the data are not so objective and discrimination lurks behind or
within many algorithms and the data they are built on. 166 As a result, and
because it is assumed that many employers or lenders would only want to use
algorithms if they were nondiscriminatory, there has been considerable legal
attention paid to whether an employer might be able to alter its algorithm if it
discovers that it has adverse impact. 167

162 See, e.g., Hazelwood Sch. Dist. v. United States, 433 U.S. 299, 306 (1977)
(“[P]etitioners primarily attack[ed] the judgment of the Court of Appeals for its reliance on
‘undifferentiated work force statistics to find an unrebutted prima facie case of employment
discrimination.’”); Sears, Roebuck & Co., 839 F.2d at 312 (“[M]ost of Sears’ evidence was
directed at undermining two assumptions Sears claimed were faulty and fatal to the validity
of the EEOC’s statistical analysis . . . .”).
163 See, e.g., Prince George’s County v. Wells Fargo & Co., 397 F. Supp. 3d 752, 758,
766 (D. Md. 2019) (rejecting defendant’s argument that it was not responsible for all of the
various steps in the process).
164 Most of the wave of cases brought by local governments challenging the lending
practices of banks included pattern and practice claims. See, e.g., Montgomery County v.
Bank of Am. Corp., 421 F. Supp. 3d 170, 178 (D. Md. 2019); County of Cook v. Wells Fargo
& Co., 314 F. Supp. 3d 975, 995–96 (N.D. Ill. 2018); City of Los Angeles v. Citigroup Inc.,
24 F. Supp. 3d 940, 952–54 (C.D. Cal. 2014); Nat’l Fair Hous. All., Inc. v. HHHunt Corp.,
919 F. Supp. 2d 712, 715 n.1 (W.D. Va. 2013). Courts have long borrowed Title VII’s pattern
and practice theory in Fair Housing Act cases. See Gamble v. City of Escondido, 104 F.3d
300, 305 (9th Cir. 1997).
165 See Sullivan, supra note 18, at 399–400.
166 See Barocas & Selbst, supra note 18, at 673–74.
167 See id. at 725–26; Pauline T. Kim, Auditing Algorithms for Discrimination, 166 U.
PA. L. REV. ONLINE 189, 191–93 (2017); Kroll et al., supra note 18, at 694–95.

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Amazon never actually used the algorithm to hire anyone but if it had, and
it found out after it implemented the algorithm, that men were overrepresented
in the group that was hired, could the company alter its algorithm moving
forward, or could it alter it even after its initial implementation as a way of
changing who was hired? These manipulations obviously assume that Amazon
has access to its own algorithm, including the weights various factors are
afforded, otherwise it would run into the same problem that plaintiffs would
have in proposing an alternative to a black-box algorithm. A party could likely
only alter an algorithm that it could understand, though it would clearly be
possible to change the underlying data after seeing the results even if the
algorithm itself proved inscrutable.
One of the reasons this issue has received so much attention is due to a
Supreme Court case that appears to be squarely on point, though there are some
important differences. 168 The case—Ricci v. DeStefano—involved promotional
tests administered by the City of New Haven for various supervisor positions in
its fire department. 169 After administering the tests, it was clear based on the
civil service provisions governing fire department promotions that nearly all of
the promotions would go to white men.170 This was in a diverse city with a
diverse group of firefighters in a department with a long history of
discrimination.171 As a result of the disparate impact, the City effectively
discarded the test results by not certifying them, and they were then sued by a
group of white and Latino firefighters who likely would have been promoted
over the two-year life of the list based on their test scores. 172
The legal challenge was brought under the Equal Protection clause and had
some semblance of an affirmative action case in that the plaintiffs were
challenging the fire department’s race conscious action that was designed to
mitigate the examination’s disparate impact. 173 And that semblance or overlay
led to the Court’s determination that: “We conclude that race-based action like
the City’s in this case is impermissible under Title VII unless the employer can
demonstrate a strong basis in evidence that, had it not taken the action, it would
have been liable under the disparate-impact statute.”174 The altering of an
algorithm to achieve different results from what was originally produced feels
similar to discarding test results, which leads to the question what might

168 Ricci v. DeStefano, 557 U.S. 557 (2009).

169 Id. at 562.
170 Id.
171 In her dissenting opinion, Justice Ginsburg highlighted the fire department’s history
of discrimination including litigation that commenced in the 1970s. See id. at 608–11
(Ginsburg, J., dissenting).
172 Id. at 562–63 (majority opinion).
173 Id. at 563.
174 Ricci, 557 U.S. at 563.

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constitute a “strong basis in evidence” that would justify altering an

Judge Calabresi has provided the most extensive analysis of what the Ricci
Court intended and several subsequent Second Circuit cases have expanded on
that analysis.176 Writing for the court in United States v. Brennan, issued shortly
after Ricci and curiously ignored by the algorithm literature, Judge Calabresi
noted that a strong basis in evidence requires more “than speculation” and “more
than a mere fear of litigation, but less than the preponderance of the evidence
that would be necessary for actual liability.”177 It does not, in other words,
require the employer (or lender) to prove that it would lose any litigation but
rather there has to be “an objectively reasonable basis to fear such liability.”178
This might include evidence of clear disparate impact along with some objective
evidence that the practice may not be justified under the business necessity
test.179 This is not an easy standard to meet, and ultimately the City of New
Haven failed to do so in complicated follow-up litigation.180 But in at least one
case, the Second Circuit upheld the right of the City of Buffalo to use a new test
rather than one with demonstrated adverse impact, even when the city was
motivated by a desire to decrease the racial disparity in the prior test results. 181
How the “strong basis in evidence” standard will play out in the case of
altering algorithms to produce different results will likely depend on the context,
including whether the entity is a public or private actor. The worst case scenario
is likely that which was present in Ricci, where the individuals largely knew
their place on the list and had what might be described as reasonable
expectations of being promoted based on the test results. 182 As Pauline Kim has
recently noted, without that expectation, the situation would have been

175 In Ricci, the Court borrowed the standard from its affirmative action doctrine, though
the phrase remains relatively undertheorized. See id. at 582 (citing Richmond v. J.A. Croson
Co., 488 U.S. 469, 500 (1989)).
176 See, e.g., United States v. Brennan, 650 F.3d 65, 109–14 (2d Cir. 2011); Briscoe v.
City of New Haven, 654 F.3d 200, 205–09 (2d Cir. 2011); Maraschiello v. City of Buffalo
Police Dep’t, 709 F.3d 87, 95 (2d Cir. 2013).
177 Brennan, 650 F.3d at 109–10.
178 Id. at 113.
179 Id. at 109. Ironically, a poorly constructed test may be the best hedge against
discriminatory results.
180 Following the Ricci decision, African-American firefighters sued to challenge the
test as having an unjustified adverse effect. The Second Circuit allowed the case to move
forward but the disparate impact claim was ultimately dismissed by the District Court. See
Briscoe, 654 F.3d at 209–10, remanded 967 F. Supp. 2d 563 (D. Conn. 2013).
181 Maraschiello, 709 F.3d at 95–96.
182 In a strange move that may have exacerbated tensions, the city only published the
race of the test takers, not the names, so people knew that, for example, a white individual
placed in certain position, as the test was designed to be used for rank-ordered hiring. Ricci
v. DeStefano, 557 U.S. 557, 567 (2009). I have previously written about the Ricci case and
at an American Association of Law Schools meeting appeared on a panel with, among others,
the City Attorney for New Haven. See Michael Selmi, Understanding Discrimination in a
“Post-Racial” World, 32 CARDOZO L. REV. 833, 844–54 (2011).

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decidedly different, 183 as evidenced by the fact that the City of Buffalo was able
to move to a new test rather than relying on its past exam. 184 Moreover, in Ricci,
the City was bound contractually to count the written examination as 60% of the
total and the oral portion 40%, so it was not possible to alter that mix, at least
without being sued for breach of contract. 185
For an employer or entity concerned about the potential disparate impact of
its practice, the best approach would be to try out the practice on some group,
most likely incumbent employees but in the case of a machine learning
algorithm, it could also be tested on a potential group of hires. Surely no one
would think what Amazon did—create an algorithm that it never uses for hiring
purposes—was somehow discriminatory, so testing out a practice should be
entirely lawful, and the process I just mentioned seems akin to what the
company Pymetrics has done in creating a hiring game for the law firm
O’Melveny where the company pledged to ensure the game does not have
adverse impact. 186 This is also a significant advantage to algorithms over written
examinations, as it is relatively easy to run different analyses based on varied
data whereas it would be nearly impossible (and administratively cumbersome)
to have individuals retake a test on multiple occasions. It should be noted that
there would be no guarantee that a selection practice that did not have a disparate
impact on a test group would also not have an adverse impact on some other
group such as actual applicants. There may be ways to assess this likelihood187
but it is entirely possible that a practice that was thought to be free of bias in one
algorithmic application would later have a significant adverse effect on another.
At the same time, testing out an algorithm before it is used would surely be
permissible and may provide a means to minimize or even eliminate adverse
Given the previous discussion, the use of an algorithm that has disparate
impact may also have a relatively easy time satisfying Ricci’s “strong basis in
evidence” standard.188 Assuming a defendant will be unable to justify its
algorithm under the business necessity test, then it should have the freedom to

183 Kim, supra note 167, at 199.

184 See Maraschiello, 709 F.3d at 90.
185 Ricci, 557 U.S. at 589.
186 O’Melveny garnered considerable attention when it moved to a game process for
hiring outside of its traditional recruitment process. The company that designed the game
has publicly ensured that its results are nondiscriminatory. See Victoria Hudgins, Diversity,
Metrics Demands Are Pushing Firms to Embrace AI Hiring Tools, LEGALTECH NEWS (Jan.
13, 2021),
pushing-firms-to-embrace-ai-hiring-tools/ (on file with the Ohio State Law Journal).
187 There is considerable research regarding how one might best ensure unbiased
algorithms. See, e.g., Michael Veale & Reuben Binns, Fairer Machine Learning in the Real
World: Mitigating Discrimination Without Collecting Sensitive Data, BIG DATA & SOC’Y
(Nov. 20, 2017),
[]; Kim, supra note 167.
188 Ricci, 557 U.S. at 582 (citing City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 488 U.S. 469,
500 (1989)).

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alter its algorithm because it would have a clear indication that it would likely
lose any litigation regarding the use of the algorithm.
Private employers are also likely to have greater leeway to adjust
algorithms, in part because they are not constrained by civil service rules or the
equal protection clause and will likely have greater flexibility in structuring their
hiring practices. 189 But it may depend on how they go about addressing
disparate impact. If a selection process, like the one Amazon developed, has an
adverse impact on women, some employers might be tempted to go outside the
algorithm to hire more women to balance out the effect of the algorithm. Doing
so, however, would likely run afoul of a principle established by the Supreme
Court many years ago, namely that having a “bottom-line” that is unbiased is
not a defense to a biased employment practice. 190 Moreover, the overt use of
race or gender to address an algorithm’s disparate effect is likely to be seen as a
form of intentional discrimination that might only be justified in the manner
prescribed by Ricci.
Private employers, however, are also likely to have greater flexibility for
another reason—most employees would never know how the employer made its
decisions. Using the affirmative action analogy, private employers are rarely
sued for their voluntary affirmative action programs, and when they are sued,
they generally settle the cases without litigation. In his excellent book After Civil
Rights, Professor John Skrentny documents how employers frequently rely on
various forms of affirmative action that would almost certainly be statutorily
suspect and yet they are rarely, if ever, called on it.191 As a result, private
employers would likely be able to adjust their algorithms to reduce or eliminate
without substantial fear of legal liability.

D. Algorithms and Trade Secrets

One final issue that a number of commentators have suggested may pose
problems for evaluating algorithms is the fact that many private companies treat
their algorithms as a trade secret and may resist revealing even Type 1
algorithms for fear that disclosure might lead to the loss of trade secret
protection.192 In the context of litigation, this is certainly a non-issue. Indeed, if
a party could stymie litigation by asserting trade secret protection, there would
be no litigation regarding trade secrets, including their infringement. In a case
involving an assertion of trade secret protection, the proper approach is for a
court to issue a protective order limiting those who can have access to the trade

189 Kim, supra note 167, at 199.

190 Connecticut v. Teal, 457 U.S. 440, 452 (1982).
192 See, e.g., Kim, supra note 18, at 921 (noting that “the algorithm’s creators are likely
to claim that both the training data and the algorithm itself are proprietary information”).

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secret and limiting the use of any information obtained during the litigation. 193
It is also quite likely that if challenged in court many asserted claims of trade
secret for algorithms would fail, particularly if the algorithm’s code could be
reverse engineered so as to be “readily ascertainable.”194


The novelty and perceived objectivity of algorithms have raised new and
important questions for how the legal system will analyze the algorithms to
ensure consistency with existing antidiscrimination principles. These questions
become easier to address once it is clear that the vast majority of algorithms in
use are not the so-called black-box algorithms but are instead complicated
procedures with identifiable parts that largely resemble complex statistical
models, like regressions, that have been analyzed for decades. And contrary to
the concerns raised by many critics, the black-box algorithms, what I have
referred to as a Type 2 algorithm, are likely to pose more problems for
defendants than plaintiffs under existing case law, which largely mutes the
concerns among the critics that algorithmic decisionmaking will escape
meaningful judicial review.

193 See, e.g., In re City of New York, 607 F.3d 923, 935 (2d Cir. 2010) (“The disclosure
of confidential information on an ‘attorneys’ eyes only’ basis is a routine feature of civil
litigation involving trade secrets.”); Sioux Pharm, Inc. v. Eagle Lab’ys, Inc., 865 N.W.2d
528, 537–41 (Iowa 2015) (discussing provisions for guarding trade secrets). The issue is
discussed fully in Rebecca Wexler, Life, Liberty, and Trade Secrets: Intellectual Property in
the Criminal Justice System, 70 STAN. L. REV. 1343, 1409–34 (2018).
194 Wexler, supra note 193, at 1413–14.

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