Java MCQ Set - 1 IX

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Rajsekhar Goswami

Name of the Student: Date: / /2023

1. Adri Goswami is writing an OOP code for items like car, truck, bus etc. These items
under the class vehicle are called _______________________.
a) Methods b) items c) objects d) attributes
2. Name the programming technique that implements programs as an organised
collection of interactive objects.
a) Procedure oriented Programming b) Modular Programming
c) Object Oriented Programming d) None of these
3. Which language was developed as the first purely object programming language?
a) Java b) C++ c) Small talk d) Kotlin
4. A blueprint that represents characteristics and behaviour of a group of entities is
called ____________________.
a) object b) abstraction c) class d) polymorphism
5. Exposing only essential features while hiding unnecessary details is_________.
a) Data hiding b) encapsulation c) modularity d) abstraction
6. An object is a/an _______________________ of a class.
a) Member b) instance c) interface d) alternate name
7. In Object Oriented Programming, the stress is given on:
a) procedure b) methods c) class d) data
8. Name the characteristics of OOP that hides the complexity and provides a simple
a) Encapsulation b) abstraction c) inheritance d) polymorphism
9. Wrapping up of characteristics and behaviour in one single unit is ___________.
a) Encapsulation b) abstraction c) inheritance d) polymorphism
10. Wrapping up of data and associated functions in one single unit is ___________.
a) Encapsulation b) abstraction c) inheritance d) polymorphism
11. What does the object has?
a) Attributes b) State c) Behaviour d) All of the above
12. The programming languages that require knowledge of computer machine’s
architecture and circuitry are known as ________________ languages.
a) High Level b) Low Level c) Machine d) Assembly
13. The programming language paradigm that emphasizes on ‘doing’ or ‘procedure of
doing’ is called ____________________________.
a) High Level b) Low Level c) Machine d) Assembly
14. The programming languages that use objects and classes and others OOP
concepts except Polymorphism are called __________ programming language.
a) Object Oriented b) Object Class c) Object Based d) Simple Object
15. A class inheriting features of another class and adding its unique features to it is
a) Base class b) Super class c) Sub class d) Low class
16. Which of the following principle does not allow to access directly from outside the
class premises?
a) Data hiding b) Encapsulation c) Abstraction d) All of these
17. When an act can be performed in multiple ways by objects and sub classes of a
class, this is known as ______________________________.
a) Encapsulation b) Multiprogramming c) Polymorphism d) Inheritance
18. A ___________ is a set of objects that has common attributes and common
a) Abstraction b) Encapsulation c) class d) function
19. Procedure Oriented Programming mainly uses _______________ approach.
a) Top-down b) Bottom-up c) Both d) None of these
20. Object Oriented Programming mainly uses _______________ approach.
a) Top-down b) Bottom-up c) Both d) None of these
21. Choose the odd one out:
a) Abstraction b) Encapsulation c) Inheritance d) JVM
22. Choose the odd one out:
a) Base class b) Child class c) Sub class d) Derived class
23. Choose the odd one out:
a) Code Reusability b) Efficient Code
c) Duplicate / redundant data d) Modularity
24. Choose the odd one out:
a) Data hiding b) Message Passing c) Data Binding d) Platform independent
25. Choose the odd one out:
a) Compilation b) Bytecode c) Source code d) Abstraction
26. Choose the odd one out:
a) Portable b) Robust c) Procedural d) Platform independent
1. Name four basic principles of Object Oriented Programming?
2. What are the characteristics of Object Oriented Programming?
3. What are the limitations of Object Oriented Programming?
4. What do you mean by Abstraction?
5. What do you mean by Encapsulation?
6. What do you mean by Inheritance?
7. What do you mean by Polymorphism?
8. What are the difference between Source Code and Object Code?
9. What are the difference between Source Code and Byte Code?
10. What do you understand by Platform independent?
11. How is traditional compilation process different from Java compilation process?
12. Mention the combination of both data and the functions that operate on that data
under a single unit.

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