DrugStudy Razadyne

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Name of the Patient: Mr. Macario Age: 72-year-old Sex: Male Name of Student: Marc William Caballero__________
Civil Status: Religion: Rm/Bed No. ________ Area: __________________________ Level/ Block: III-B
Address: Date Submitted: ____________________________________
Date of Admission: Diagnosis: Rating: ________________________________________

MEDICATION Classification/ Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing
Generic name: Drug Classification It is used for the This is CNS:  CNS: Aggression, BEFORE:
Pharmacologic Class: treatment of contraindicated to  Headache asthenia, depression,
Galantamine mild to the following:  Fever dysgeusia,  Verify the doctor’s
Hydrochloride Cholinergic moderate of  Patients with  Dizziness hypersomnia, order regarding the
Alzheimer’s hypersensitivity to  Fatigue insomnia, lethargy, medication.
Brand name: Therapeutic Class: dementia galantamine hydro- GI: malaise, somnolence,  Observe the ten
bromide or its  Nausea stroke, suicidal rights of
Razadyne Anti-Alzheimer’s components  Vomiting ideation, syncope, medication
agents  Diarrhea tremor administration.
 Patients with severe
Usual dosage/ frequency: SKIN:  CV: AV block,  Obtain a general
hepatic or renal
PO (Adults): Drug Action:  Skin rash bradycardia, chest medical history
pain, MI, myocardial from patient’s
ischemia significant other.
Adults. Initial: 4 mg - It is thought to
twice daily. Dosage enhance cholinergic  EENT: Blurred vision,  Inform the client
rhinitis and SO about the
increased by 8 mg daily function by increasing
 GI: Abdominal pain, medication’s
every 4 wk., if tolerated. acetylcholine level in
anorexia, elevated indication,
Maximum: 12 mg twice the brain by slowing the
liver enzymes, contraindication,
daily. degradation of
flatulence, and possible side
Usual route Therapeutic Effect: GI bleeding, hepatitis, effects in simple
Antidepressant effect. indigestion and layman’s term.
Oral  GU: Hematuria,  Inform the client and
Pharmacokinetics: incontinence, renal SO on when, where,
Drug order: Absorption: Well failure or and how to call for
absorbed from the insufficiency, UTI immediate attention
Razadyne 8 mg PO/ gastrointestinal tract.  HEME: Anemia when side effects
prolonged and needs
once a day Distribution: Volume
for further
of distribution: 175 L.
Protein binding: 18%.
 Asses vital signs.
 Monitor patient’s CV
status closely
metabolized in the liver because
Excretion: Via urine cholinesterase
Half- life: inhibitors like
About 7 hours galantamine may
have a depressive
Pharmacodynamics: effect on sinoatrial
Route: PO and AV nodes and
Onset: Unknown may lead to
Peak: 1hour bradycardia and AV
Duration: Unknown block.
 Monitor patient for
deterioration of
mental status
because drug is less
effective as
Alzheimer’s disease
progresses and intact
cholinergic neurons
 Give drug with food
and antiemetics, and
ensure adequate
fluid intake to
decrease risk of
nausea and vomiting.
 Instruct patient and
caregiver to give
regular-strength drug
with morning and
evening meals.

 Inform patient and
SO that drug isn’t a
cure for the disease.
 If therapy is
interrupted for
several days, expect
to restart drug at
lowest dose.
 Advise patient not to
drive or perform
activities requiring
alertness because
drug may cause
dizziness and
 Do proper
Bs, R. K. J., RPh, & Ccrn, H. K. R. B. (2020). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2021, 1e (1st ed.). Saunders. (pp. 451-451)

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