DrugStudy Razadyne
DrugStudy Razadyne
DrugStudy Razadyne
Name of the Patient: Mr. Macario Age: 72-year-old Sex: Male Name of Student: Marc William Caballero__________
Civil Status: Religion: Rm/Bed No. ________ Area: __________________________ Level/ Block: III-B
Address: Date Submitted: ____________________________________
Date of Admission: Diagnosis: Rating: ________________________________________
MEDICATION Classification/ Action Indications Contraindications Side Effects Adverse Effects Nursing
Generic name: Drug Classification It is used for the This is CNS: CNS: Aggression, BEFORE:
Pharmacologic Class: treatment of contraindicated to Headache asthenia, depression,
Galantamine mild to the following: Fever dysgeusia, Verify the doctor’s
Hydrochloride Cholinergic moderate of Patients with Dizziness hypersomnia, order regarding the
Alzheimer’s hypersensitivity to Fatigue insomnia, lethargy, medication.
Brand name: Therapeutic Class: dementia galantamine hydro- GI: malaise, somnolence, Observe the ten
bromide or its Nausea stroke, suicidal rights of
Razadyne Anti-Alzheimer’s components Vomiting ideation, syncope, medication
agents Diarrhea tremor administration.
Patients with severe
Usual dosage/ frequency: SKIN: CV: AV block, Obtain a general
hepatic or renal
PO (Adults): Drug Action: Skin rash bradycardia, chest medical history
pain, MI, myocardial from patient’s
ischemia significant other.
Adults. Initial: 4 mg - It is thought to
twice daily. Dosage enhance cholinergic EENT: Blurred vision, Inform the client
rhinitis and SO about the
increased by 8 mg daily function by increasing
GI: Abdominal pain, medication’s
every 4 wk., if tolerated. acetylcholine level in
anorexia, elevated indication,
Maximum: 12 mg twice the brain by slowing the
liver enzymes, contraindication,
daily. degradation of
flatulence, and possible side
Usual route Therapeutic Effect: GI bleeding, hepatitis, effects in simple
Antidepressant effect. indigestion and layman’s term.
Oral GU: Hematuria, Inform the client and
Pharmacokinetics: incontinence, renal SO on when, where,
Drug order: Absorption: Well failure or and how to call for
absorbed from the insufficiency, UTI immediate attention
Razadyne 8 mg PO/ gastrointestinal tract. HEME: Anemia when side effects
prolonged and needs
once a day Distribution: Volume
for further
of distribution: 175 L.
Protein binding: 18%.
Asses vital signs.
Monitor patient’s CV
status closely
metabolized in the liver because
Excretion: Via urine cholinesterase
Half- life: inhibitors like
About 7 hours galantamine may
have a depressive
Pharmacodynamics: effect on sinoatrial
Route: PO and AV nodes and
Onset: Unknown may lead to
Peak: 1hour bradycardia and AV
Duration: Unknown block.
Monitor patient for
deterioration of
mental status
because drug is less
effective as
Alzheimer’s disease
progresses and intact
cholinergic neurons
Give drug with food
and antiemetics, and
ensure adequate
fluid intake to
decrease risk of
nausea and vomiting.
Instruct patient and
caregiver to give
regular-strength drug
with morning and
evening meals.
Inform patient and
SO that drug isn’t a
cure for the disease.
If therapy is
interrupted for
several days, expect
to restart drug at
lowest dose.
Advise patient not to
drive or perform
activities requiring
alertness because
drug may cause
dizziness and
Do proper
Bs, R. K. J., RPh, & Ccrn, H. K. R. B. (2020). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2021, 1e (1st ed.). Saunders. (pp. 451-451)