Form 3 Lesson 18

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WEEK: DAY: Choose an item.

DATE: 2 January 2020

FORM/CLASS: 3 CEMERLANG Choose an item.
DURATION: 70 minutes Choose an item.
THEME: People and Culture
FOCUS SKILLS: Writing 3 Textbook
LANGUAGE/ Food related vocabulary and using adjectives
GRAMMAR FOCUS: Choose an item. iTHiNK MAPS:
Main Skill: Writing Bubble
4.1 Communicate intelligibly through print and digital media on
familiar topics CROSS CURRICULAR
STANDARD/S: Global Sustainability
Complementary Skill: Reading
3.1 Understand a variety of text by using a range of appropriate
reading strategies to construct meaning
Main Skill: Writing
4.1.1 Explain simple content from what they have read or heard ASSESSMENT:
LEARNING Written Exercise
STANDARD/S: Complementary Skill: Reading
3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in MORAL VALUES:
longer texts on an increased range of familiar topics Respect
Main Writing
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to explain simple content from
the review that they have read by writing down the answers to 5 questions
in Activity D
Complementary Reading
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to understand specific details
and information in a review by filling in the blanks with the correct
ACTIVITIES : a. Pupils guess what form of the 5 words written on the board is. FA/ Differentiation Strategies
I. PRE LESSON (colourful, tasty, traditional, trendy, brightly-coloured)
b. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation on adjectives I-Think Map: Bubble Map
c. Pupils read the information in the Learning Focus box on ‘ordering
adjectives’ and label the kind of adjectives the 5 adjectives on the
board (opinion: colourful, tasty, trendy, brightly-coloured.
Age: traditional)
II. LESSON d. Pupils work in pairs to complete Activity A. Pupils need to correct the
DEVELOPMENT order of adjectives in the sentences if they are wrongly sequenced FA: Think-Pair-Share
– GIST- TASK e. Pupils underline the adjectives in the sentences and decide what each
adjective is categorized as
f. Pupils correct the order of the adjectives if they are wrong
g. Selected pairs share the answers in class
h. Pupils read the instruction in Activity B
i. Pupils are encouraged to underline words or phrases in the task that
show the information in the true sentences are correct (individual task)
j. Pupils share the answers as a class FA: Lollipop Stick
III. DETAILED TASK k. Pupils read the title of the review in Activity C and tell which words
show that the review will be positive (a good choice) Moral Value: Respect
l. Pupils read the review once without filling in the blanks
m. Pupils answer 3 questions asked by teacher (refer Teacher’s Book)
and then complete the task FA: Pose/Pause/Pounce/
n. Pupils share the answers of Activity C in class Bounce
o. Pupils read questions 1 – 5 in Activity D first to find out what
information in the review they need to focus on
p. Pupils write the answers to the questions (pair work)
q. Pupils underline the relevant information (pair work) FA: Peer Feedback
r. Selected pairs share their answers Differentiation: Fast finishers can
IV. POST-LESSON s. Pupils share one word or expression that they have learnt in the lesson move on to the next activity in the
sequence. After Activity D, fast finishers
can be given activities from the
Vocabulary activities on p.20 and p.24
of the Student’s Book

REFLECTION: Number: ___/___ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives.
Attendance: /
Absent: /
Truant: / Only __/____ were not able to achieve the learning objectives. These pupils will be _________
School Activity: /

Follow-up / Reinforcement: PdPc could not be conducted and will be postponed due to

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