Bja Senior Kyu Grade Syllabus 2010 - Version 5

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Novice to 6th KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus Fundamental Skills:

Ushiro Ukemi Backward breakfall

Yoko Ukemi Side breakfall

Mae Mawari Ukemi Front rolling breakfall


Osoto-otoshi Major outer drop

De-ashi-barai Advancing foot sweep

Uki-goshi Floating hip

Performance Skills:

Kesa-gatame Scarf hold

Mune-gatame Chest hold

Kuzure-kesa-gatame Broken scarf hold

Bridge-roll escape Terminology + Ukemi Breakfalls Dojo Judo hall Personal choice: Demonstrate Judogi . two tachi-waza and two osae-komi-waza. Judo kit The correct tying of the obi. Zori The correct wearing of the Judogi. Foot wear The correct bowing procedures. Hajime Tachi-rei and Za-rei Start Standing bow Kneeling bow Tachi-rei Who invented modern Judo Dr. Jigoro Kano Standing bow In which country was Judo devised ? Japan Leg trap escape Combination Transitions: 1. Osoto-otoshi into Kesa-gatame. 2. De-ashi-barai into Mune-gatame. 3. Uki-goshi into Kesa.gatame.

Sit-push escape Explain their meaning Matte Stop Rei Bow Obi Judo belt Osae-komi-waza Hold down technique Toketa Hold down broken TachiWaza Standing technique

6th to 5th KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus



Hand throw body drop

Ippon-seoi-nage One arm shoulder throw

O-uchi-gari Major inner reaping


Yoko-shiho-gatame . Side four quarters hold

Tate-shiho-gatame Lengthwise four quarters hold


Upper four quarters hold


Escape from Kami-shiho gatame using action and re-action (right-left twitch)

Escape from Tate-shiho-gatame using bear hug roll (clamping and roll)

Escape from Yoko-shiho-gatame using trap bridge and roll

Combination Transitions:
Tai-otoshi into Yoko-shiho-gatame Ouchi-gari into Tate-shiho-gatame Ippon-seoi-nage into Kami-shiho-gatame

Mae Ukemi Front breakfalls

6th to 5th KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus Ne-waza:

Turnover into Kesa-gatame (uke in all fours position)

Turnover into Mune-gatame (uke in all fours position)

Turnover into Yoko-shiho-gatame


Demonstration of Nage-komi in light Randori with a co-operative partner approximately two minutes with each judoka throwing alternatively.

Terminology and supplementary knowledge:

1. Right and left standard grip 2. Alternatives to standard grips e.g. Candidates are required to: 1. Know the common English translations and meaning of all Japanese terminology used in this section. 2.Give two examples of actions against the contest rules.

3. Right versus left grip 4. Double lapel 5. High collar grips.

.BJA Technical Syllabus Two tachi-waza and Two osae-Komi-waza

Personal choice: .Demonstrate from

TachiWaza Standing technique Osae-komi-waza: Pinning (holding) technique Ukemi Breakfalls Ne-waza: Ground work technique Randori: Free practice Kumi-Kata: Method of gripping Kesa-gatame: Scarf hold Mune-gatame: Chest hold Uke: The person who receives the technique

5th to 4th KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus


Drawing hip


Major hip


Shoulder drop


Two handed shoulder

O-soto-gari Major outer reaping

Ko-uchi-gari Minor inner reaping

Ko-soto-gake Minor outer hook

Ko-soto- gari Minor outer reaping

Combination Transitions:

O-uchi-gari into Ko-uchi-gari Ko-uchi-gari into Osoto-gari or Osoto-gake Ko-uchi-gari into Morote-seoi-nage Ippon-seoi-nage into Ko-uchi-gari


Any technique as combinations with: Counter Techniques:

O-uchi-gari counterd by Tsuri-komi goshi Tai-otoshi counterd by Ko-soto-gare

Demonstrate the Referees signals for:

Mate Osae-komi Toketa Adjusting the Judogi

Terminology: Shido penalty Hantei Decision request Hiki-wake Drawn contest Hansoku-make Loss of contest through forbidden action/s Waza-ari-awasete-ippon 2nd Waza-ari making Ippon (10) Uke The person who receives the technique Tori The person who does the technique

Demonstrate the proper procedure for coming onto and leaving the mat during a contest .Give two examples of actions (not grips) against the contest rules .Give two examples of grips against the contest rules for negative or safety reasons .Candidates are required to: Select and demonstrate three waza (two tachi-waza and .one ne-waza) from the Technical Grading Syllabus and demonstrate them as a .combination, a counter and a transition into ne-waza. .Randori is introduced for this grade. It is to be demonstrated in the form of light randori of .approximately three minutes duration. The examiner will expect to see a variety of waza and kumi.kata and, if possible throws to both right and left side.

5th to 4th KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus

Ne-Waza: Escape from:

Escape from Kesa-gatame bridge escape

Escape into Kesa-gatame through Ukes legs

Escape into Yoko-shiho-gatame

Ne-waza: Arm rolls /turnovers:

Arm roll with Uke at side of Tori

Arm roll from the front of Uke

Turn over into Tate-shiho-gatame

4th to 3rd KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus






Sweeping hip

Inner thigh

Spring hip

Knee wheel

Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi Propping drawing ankle

Okuri-ashi-barai Double foot sweep

Morote-eri-seoi-nage Two handed lapel shoulder throw

Ne-waza: Introduction to Kansetsu-waza Armlocks techniques

Ude-gatame Arm lock

Waki-gatame Armpit lock

Hiza-gatame Knee arm lock

Juji-gatame Cross arm lock

4th to 3rd KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus

Performance Skills: Kansetsu-waza entries: Armlocks techniques

Juji-gatame sit back entry Cross arm lock

Juji-gatame roll over entry Cross arm lock

Juji-gatame over the shoulder entry

Cross arm lock

Juji-gatame entry from beneath Cross arm lock

Demonstrate e.g. Kumi-kata, Renzoku-waza, Renraku-waza and Kaeshi-waza.


Personal choice:

Select and demonstrate four techniques and demonstrate them individually and then as a series of combinations.

3rd to 2nd KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus





Hip wheel

Valley drop

Side wheel

Tomoe-nage Circle throw

Kata-uchi-ashi-dori Single inner leg grab

Soto-kibisu-gaeshi Outer heel trip

Kata-guruma Shoulder wheel

Morote-gari Double leg grab

Soto-ashi-dori-ouchi-gari Outside leg grab major inner sweep

Uchi-kibisu-gaeshi Inner heel trip

3rd to 2nd KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus

Ne-waza: Kan-setsu-waza:

Ude-garami Entangled armlock

Okuri-eri-jime Sliding collar strangle

Juji-jime Cross strangle

Gyaku-jiji-jime Reverse cross strangle

Nami-juji-jime Normal cross strangle

Performance Skills:

Knowledge of selected performance techniques

Yoko-kata-guruma-otoshi Side shoulder wheel body drop

Ude-garami from Entangled armlock from

Kuzure-kesa-gatame Broken scarf hold

3rd to 2nd KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus

Performance Skills:

Knowledge of selected performance techniques

Koshi-jime as Uke makes Seoi-otoshi (or any dropping attack) Hip strangle Shoulder drop

Okuri-eri-jime as Uke makes Seoi-otoshi (or any dropping attack) Sliding collar strangle Shoulder drop

Kata-te-jime (Uke on all fours) Single hand strangle

3rd to 2nd KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus

Performance Skills:

Knowledge of selected performance techniques

Nami-juji-jime and Gyaku-juji-jime (Uke on top between Toris legs options) Normal cross strangle and Reverse cross strangle

Knowledge of performance gripping skills

Kumi-kata (gripping skills)

Against right handed opponents

Against left handed opponents

Randori light free practice with co-operation 4 minutes

Personal choice 1 Demonstrate four techniques from BJA Technical Grading Syllabus individually and then as series of combinations; Personal choice 2 Demonstrate two sets of any of the following Katas: Nage-no-kata, Katame-no-kata, Go-no-sen-kata.

2nd to 1st KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus


Sode-tsuri-komi-goshi Sleeve lift pull hip

Uki-otoshi Floating drop

Ushiro-goshi Rear hip

Ura-nage Rear throw

Ryo-hiza-seoi-otoshi Two knee shoulder drop

Sumi-gaeshi Corner throw

Yoko-gake Side hook

Te-guruma Hand wheel

Soto-makikomi Outside winding

Ko-uchi-gake-mata- makikomi Minor inner hook thigh winding throw

Kata-hiza-te-ouchi-gake-ash-dori Single Knee hand major inside hook

Yoko-tomoe-nage Side circle throw

2nd to 1st KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus

Ne-waza: Shime-waza (strangles) basic forms:

Hadaka-jime Naked strangle

Kata-ha-jime Single collar strangle

San-gaku-jime Triangular strangle

Kata-te-ashi-koshi-jime Single hand leg hip strangle

Performance Skills:

Hadaka-jime (Uke is prone) Naked strangle

Kata-ha-jime (Uke is on all fours) Single collar strangle

2nd to 1st KYU Grade Promotional Syllabus

Performance Skills:

Complex entry into San-gaku-gatame, San-gaku-jime and San-gaku-osae-gatame (not all variations illustrated)

Demonstrate a selection of performance forms of throws including two performance variations of Sumi-gaeshi (for example, Hikikomi-gaeshi).

Randori light free practice with co-operation 4 minutes.

Personal choice 1 Demonstrate four techniques from BJA Technical Grading Syllabus individually and then as series of combinations and counters.

Book available from club 15.00 Personal choice 2 Demonstrate any three sets of Nage-No-Kata, or the complete Katame-No-Kata, or the complete Go-No-Sen-Kata. Contest Rules Give three examples of any of the penalties in Article 27.

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