NWO-Summary Final
NWO-Summary Final
NWO-Summary Final
Summary Whitepaper
JULY 1, 2022
Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
Elements of the NWO ............................................................................................ 3
Cashless Society .................................................................................................. 3
UNSDP 2030 (Agenda 21 on steroids) ................................................................. 4
Global Pandemic Treaty ...................................................................................... 8
ID4D/ID 2020-Digital Identity Alliance ................................................................ 9
Geoengineering ................................................................................................ 12
The Economic Crisis Agenda to bring in the NWO ............................................. 14
Engineered Food Crisis and push towards Synthetic/GMO food ....................... 19
How to defeat the NWO ...................................................................................... 21
NWO Summary Whitepaper
A terrible war has been unleashed on the world, an unprecedented assault which requires an
unprecedented response from ‘We the people’ who are at the crosshairs of this assault. This war is dubbed
by many, who are aware of the global happenings of our day and age, as the coming of the New World
Order (NWO). Simply put, the NWO is a plan for full spectrum dominance and control of the entire
humanity on this planet. The New World Order is referred to with other phrases too such as Agenda
ID2020, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, The Great Reset, The Global Reset, One World Order,
One World Government, One World Currency, One World Religion, Sustainable development, the Fourth
Industrial Revolution and Build Back Better. These euphemisms hide the true agenda of a global take over
by the elite group consisting of big corporates, the technocrats, the big funding houses, and the banking
families working through world bodies such as UN, WHO, WEF, WTO and others, their heads, few multi-
billionaires like Bill Gates & his foundation, George Soros, US politicians and officials and the corrupted or
puppet government heads and policy makers of all other countries. This isn’t just a conspiracy theory
concoction as MSM would have you believe, there are innumerable and palpable mentions of NWO in
mainstream media and politics, globally -
"There seems to be nothing to prevent the transnational corporations taking possession of the planet and
subjecting humanity to the dictatorship of capital....In order to crush any thought of organized resistance
to the supporters of the new world order, tremendous police and military forces are being used to
establish a doctrine of repression..."
"The plan is for the United States to rule the world. The overt theme is unilateralism, but it is ultimately a
story of domination. It calls for the United States to maintain its overwhelming superiority and prevent
new rivals from rising up to challenge it on the world stage. It calls for dominion over friends and enemies
alike. It says not that the United States must be more powerful, or most powerful, but that it must be
absolutely powerful."
"International order is created by force, preserved by force and backed by the threat of force...questions
about whether it is legal or not seem, at this stage in world history, at least, merely pedantic."
~ Tony Blair's diplomatic representative Robert Cooper, New Statesman, September 9 2002
"If democracy is ever to be threatened, it will not be by revolutionary groups burning government offices
and occupying the broadcasting and newspaper offices of the world. It will come from disenchantment,
cynicism and despair caused by the realization that the New World Order, means we are all to be managed
and not represented."
"The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the single most significant
component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its
"Finally, history has shown that all opposition to entrenched oligarchy arises from the middle classes, who
have the surplus of funds needed to challenge the ruling classes. The New World Order will have to, indeed
already is, following the same model. If the general population only has enough to pay for the next day's
rent and food, they will do as they are told."
~ Michael Rivero
"There is no such thing as the United Nations. There is an international community that can be led by the
only real power left in the world, and that is the US, when it suits our interests and when we can get others
to go along."
“National Socialism will use its own revolution for the establishing of a new world order”
~ Adolf Hitler
“Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to
build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge,
I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
~ (US billionaire David Rockefeller, in his Memoirs)
“India has a big role to play in the emerging new world order after COVID 19”
~ Narendra Modi
The implications from these quotes lend a sinister overtone to the New World Order, which is nothing but
a complete overthrow of sovereignty of nation states and full spectrum dominance of all human beings
of this planet with complete takedown of inalienable human rights, leading invariably to a one world
socialist cum technocratic government aka prison planet.
Cashless Society
It is rightly said that “Cash is King” since the Empire can’t really track and trace cash usage. Electronic
money or a cashless society is perhaps the most direct means of the NWO to control humanity via its
financial system. As Kissinger mentioned “Who controls food, controls the people; who controls energy
controls entire continents; and who controls money controls the world”. It is not mere happenstance that
the western US dollar based monetary system, with its center as the Federal Reserve (FED) was created
at the onset of WWI in 1910 when a few top Wall Street bankers travelled in disguise to Jekyll Island,
where they concocted the concept of modern FED. The FED, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
as well as the related dollar machine are all privately owned, with the Rothschild and Rockefeller clans on
the top of the pyramid. The next move in this regard is the “global currency reset” i.e. the collapse of the
old dollar-centric Bretton Woods system and the rise of a new international monetary order, being
orchestrated by the same clans at the top of the pyramid. This move will entail the creation of a cashless
society wherein central banks will be issuing national digital currencies and tracking every single
transaction in the economy in real time. The kingpin in this game is the launch of the WEF supported
“Digital Dollar”, which would then eventually lead to all other countries launching their own
national digital currencies, which would ultimately be pegged to a proposed FED run central bank
cryptocurrency called Fedcoin.
The cashless society is about so much more than just how we pay for things at the store. Tied into a system
of persistent technological surveillance, it represents the ultimate control over our lives. In a cashless
society, the government can virtually dictate what you can or cannot pay for, and if you don’t agree with
the government diktats, your accounts can be frozen in no time (remember the frozen bank accounts of
people who merely crowdfunded the truckers convoy to Ottawa in 2022). Can there be any doubt as to
why the World Economic Forum and the Bank for International Settlements are working in concert with
the central banks of the world and organizations like the Bill Gates-co-founded Better Than Cash Alliance
to pave the way for this nightmare to become a reality?
India has been an active experimenter of the cashless society and belongs to a very small list of countries
that engaged in a sudden and widespread demonetization (of 500 and 1000 rupee notes back in Nov
2016), with an intention of throttling down the untaxed untraced cash, under the euphemistic guise of
cracking down on “black money” and “terror funding”. The push for a cashless society (aka
demonetization) and the shove towards biometric registration (aka AADHAR) of the populace are
intricately related in the sense that they complement and supplement the end goal of full spectrum
dominance on all aspects of life. Once the economy is nudged and directed towards cashless transactions,
a digital rupee is launched (already in place for a 2022-2023 launch as announced by FM Nirmala
Sitharaman on Feb 1, 2022) and all user access to it controlled by their AADHAR information, imagine how
difficult it would be to criticize the government or arrange for demonstrations/civil disobedience in the
face of tyranny, without getting cut-off from your e-wallet!
Translation: Put everyone on government welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies and handouts that
make them obedient slaves to global government. Never allow people upward mobility to help
themselves. Instead, teach mass victimization and obedience to a government that provides monthly
"allowance" money for basic essentials like food and medicine. Label it "ending poverty."
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Translation: Invade the entire planet with GMOs and Monsanto's patented seeds while increasing the
use of deadly herbicides under the false claim of "increased output" of food crops. Engineer genetically
modified plants to boost specific vitamin chemicals while having no idea of the long-term consequences
of genetic pollution or cross-species genetic experiments carried out openly in a fragile ecosystem.
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Translation: Mandate 100+ vaccines for all children and adults at gunpoint, threatening parents with
arrest and imprisonment if they refuse to cooperate. Push heavy medication use on children and teens
while rolling out "screening" programs. Call mass medication "prevention" programs and claim they
improve the health of citizens.
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities
for all
Translation: Push a false history and a dumbed-down education under "Common Core" education
standards that produce obedient workers rather than independent thinkers. Never let people learn real
history, or else they might realize they don't want to repeat it.
Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Translation: Criminalize traditional religion, marginalize heterosexuality, demonize males and promote
the LGBT agenda everywhere. The real goal is never "equality" but rather the marginalization and shaming
of anyone who expresses any male characteristics whatsoever. The ultimate goal is to feminize society,
creating widespread acceptance of "gentle obedience" along with the self-weakening ideas of communal
property and "sharing" everything. Because only male energy has the strength to rise up against
oppression and fight for human rights, the suppression of male energy is key to keeping the population in
a state of eternal acquiescence.
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Translation: Allow powerful corporations to seize control of the world's water supplies and charge
monopoly prices to "build new water delivery infrastructure" that "ensures availability".
Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Translation: Penalize coal, gas and oil while pushing doomed-to-fail "green" energy subsidies to brain-
dead start-ups headed by friends of the ruling party who all go bankrupt in five years or less. The green
start-ups make for impressive speeches and media coverage, but because these companies are led by
corrupt idiots rather than capable entrepreneurs, they always go broke. (And the media hopes you don't
remember all the fanfare surrounding their original launch.)
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all
Translation: Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages that
bankrupt entire sectors of the economy. Force employers to meet hiring quotas of LGBT workers while
mandating wage tiers under a centrally planned work economy dictated by the government. Destroy free
market economics and deny permits and licenses to those companies that don't obey government dictates
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster
Translation: Put nations into extreme debt with the World Bank, spending debt money to hire corrupt
American corporations to build large-scale infrastructure projects that trap developing nations in an
endless spiral of debt. See the book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins to understand
the details of how this scheme has been repeated countless times over the last several decades.
Translation: Punish the rich, the entrepreneurs and the innovators, confiscating nearly all gains by those
who choose to work and excel. Redistribute the confiscated wealth to the masses of non-working human
parasites that feed off a productive economy while contributing nothing to it, all while screaming about
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Translation: Ban all gun ownership by private citizens, concentrating guns into the hands of obedient
government enforcers who rule over an unarmed, enslaved class of impoverished workers. Criminalize
living in most rural areas by instituting Hunger Games-style "protected areas" which the government will
claim are owned by "the People" even though no people are allowed to live there. Force all humans into
densely packed, tightly controlled cities where they are under 24/7 surveillance and subject to easy
manipulation by government.
Translation: Begin levying punitive taxes on the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity, forcing people
to live under conditions of worsening standards of living. Use social influence campaigns in TV, movies
and social media to shame people who use gasoline, water or electricity, establishing a social construct of
ninnies and tattlers who rat out their neighbors in exchange for food credit rewards.
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Translation: Set energy consumption quotas on each human being and start punishing or even
criminalizing "lifestyle decisions" that exceed energy usage limits set by governments. Institute total
surveillance of individuals in order to track and calculate their energy consumption. Penalize private
vehicle ownership and force the masses onto public transit, where TSA grunts and facial recognition
cameras can monitor and record the movement of every person in society, like a scene ripped right out
of Minority Report.
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
Translation: Ban most ocean fishing, plunging the food supply into an extreme shortage and causing
runaway food price inflation that puts even more people into economic desperation. Criminalize the
operation of private fishing vessels and place all ocean fishing operations under the control of government
central planning. Only allow favored corporations to conduct ocean fishing operations (and make this
decision based entirely on which corporations give the most campaign contributions to corrupt
Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage
forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Translation: Roll out Agenda 21 and force humans off the land and into controlled cities. Criminalize
private land ownership, including ranches and agricultural tracts. Tightly control all agriculture through a
corporate-corrupted government bureaucracy. Ban woodstoves, rainwater collection and home
gardening in order to criminalize self-reliance and force total dependence on government.
Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to
justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Translation: "Inclusive institutions" means granting favorable tax structures and government grants to
corporations that hire LGBT workers or whatever groups are currently in favor with the central planners
in government. Use the ED/CBI and other government agencies to selectively punish unfavorable groups
with punitive audits and regulatory harassment, all while ignoring the criminal activities of favored
corporations that are friends of the political elite.
Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable
Translation: Enact global trade mandates that override national laws while granting unrestricted
imperialism powers to companies like Monsanto, Dow Chemical, RJ Reynolds, Pfizer, Coca-Cola and
Merck. Pass global trade pacts that bypass a nation's lawmakers and override intellectual property laws
to make sure the world's most powerful corporations maintain total monopolies over drugs, seeds,
chemicals and technology. Nullify national laws and demand total global obedience to trade agreements
authored by powerful corporations and rubber-stamped by the UN.
This plan, if executed, will amount to total enslavement and full spectrum dominance of the planet by
2030. 1984 has finally arrived. And of course, it's all being rolled out under the fraudulent label of
"progress”, “sustainability” and “safety”.
The WHO, during a Special Session of the World Health Assembly, with unanimous agreement among its
194 member nations, decided to kickstart a global process to draft and negotiate an agreement to
strengthen Pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. This Agreement is referred to as the Global
Pandemic Treaty.
The Global Pandemic Treaty, proposed by the WHO, is another attack by the Globalist Cabal to monopolise
health systems worldwide. The Treaty is a direct threat to the sovereignty of member nations. Such a
treaty would not only empower the WHO to mandate Covid vaccines and vaccine passports globally but
also dictate healthcare policy Worldwide.
Under the guise of improving Global Pandemic response, the plan is to allow the WHO to seize executive
governance power over their member states in the case of a Pandemic. Granting Government powers to
non-elected body is the exact opposite of democratic recourse and takes away any possibility to hold
officials accountable. This amounts to no less than disenfranchising the people.
The prospective Public Health Bill (PHB) also couples itself with the proposed Pandemic Treaty of the
WHO. The WHO intent is to be in control of a global government on health. It is the only institution in the
world empowered to declare a “pandemic” or Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC),
an event determined, as provided in International Health Regulations (2005) of the WHO.
As stated above, the WHO intent is to be in control of a Global Government on Health. In line with its
changed definition of ‘Pandemic’, the WHO can call a pandemic at any time based on its whims and
fancies. For example, the 2009 “Swine flu” outbreak should never have been called a pandemic. Yet,
several countries spent billions of dollars on swine flu vaccines they did not need and did not work, to
fight a “pandemic” that resulted in fewer than 20,000 deaths. Many of those responsible for this wrong
advice to declare the ‘pandemic’ were later shown to have financial ties to vaccine manufacturers. On this
evidence alone, India must distance itself from any influence of the WHO. Unfortunately, the grave
Conflict of Interest that mires the WHO means it drives the interests of pharmaceutical companies. For
example, the Gates Foundation and the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine promotion alliance, contribute over
$1 billion a year.”
The WHO had intended to amend the International Health Regulations (2005) during the General
Assembly in May 2022 which has failed. The amendments were for 13 IHR articles: 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
15, 18, 48, 49, 53, 59. The amendments did not find support of 47 AFRO members as the African countries
were concerned that there was inadequate consultation amongst member states, and the process was
being rushed. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia also had reservations over the
changes and were not in support of them.
While these amendments did not go through, they may be brought back for deliberation either as
modified amendments or in the form of a Pandemic Treaty currently being drafted and scheduled to be
ready by 2024, with a working draft to be presented during the World Health Assembly in May 2023. The
above-mentioned proposed amendments are reason for grave apprehensions. As we have stated earlier,
such a Treaty hands supranational powers to a foreign and unelected body which overrides India’s
Constitutional safeguards. It must be rejected.
Under this treaty, we can expect even greater censorship than what we’ve experienced so far. Tech
companies have already proven where their allegiance lies, and it’s not with the public. Google, Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram and others have de-platformed just about everyone who posts health information that
runs counter to what the WHO is saying, real-world data and verifiable facts be damned. Financial
platforms have also banned people for the same reason. Now imagine there being a binding international
law that makes all that censorship mandatory.
1. The WHO would reserve the right to decide what constitutes a pandemic and have already
changed the definition of the term. "It could be the flu."
2. Treaty would give the WHO the power to name the new disease and decide what quarantine
measures are needed on a global scale.
3. The WHO would control over who gets to develop the new treatments and decide whether they're
4. They would be given the authority to determine who gets quarantined and locked down.
5. The WHO would decide over vaccine mandates for each country.
6. The WHO would decide what information is True, misleading, or False and essentially label all
views opposing their own as either Misinformation or Conspiracy.
ID2020 is a global public private partnership founded in 2016 by Gavi, The Rockefeller Foundation,
Accenture, Microsoft and IDEO with other high profile members such as Mastercard and Mercy Corps.
Facebook has recently joined the alliance. This was founded in service of the United Nations
2030 Sustainable Development Goal of providing a unique legal identity for every individual, including the
world's most vulnerable populations and under-served groups like refugees.
Manifesto of ID2020 - Alliance partners share the belief that identity is a human right and that individuals
must have “ownership” over their own identity.
The proponents offer to provide a unique identification to every individual that inhabits this planet by
electronically collecting their biometric and demographic credentials. For individuals, digital identity
would allow for secure and unique authentication of a person’s identity without reliance on paper-based
credentials, thereby conferring access to a range of services. The under-privileged can gain inclusivity in
society and access to various services provided by governments worldwide. For governments and
businesses, digital identity would facilitate electronic delivery of services and modernization of processes.
Digital ID systems that frequently collect biometric data — such as fingerprints, iris or other facial feature
recognition — are being adopted to replace or complement non-digital government identification
Governments around the world have been investing heavily in digital identification systems, often with
biometric components.
Aadhar was rolled out in India in 2009 under a similar scheme. It was then, the largest program run to
gather biometric and demographic information of around 1.2 billion citizens.
While on-paper Aadhar is voluntary, one can increasingly experience the obligatory nature of it being
unfolded. Practically every service in India has been linked to or will likely be linked to Aadhar in the near
future. This includes opening a bank account, admitting a child to school, buying a mobile phone or a SIM
card, Voters ID, Drivers license, Passport, Electricity, Gas and many more. People with critical illnesses like
AIDS and tuberculosis are required to produce Aadhar in order to avail of the treatment. Aadhar is
required for various subsidy schemes like food and fertilizer.
The proponents intend to further this to every aspect of your existence.
We need to consider a few questions and points here.
1. Who else will have access to the data you have provided?
A: The proponents themselves.
The “ultimate objective” of digital ID systems is to “facilitate economic transactions and private
sector service delivery while also bringing new, poorer, individuals into formal economies and
‘unlocking’ their behavioral data.”
“These systems focus on fueling digital transactions and transforming individuals into traceable
data. They often ignore the ability of identification systems to recognize not only that an individual
is unique, but that they have a legal status with associated rights.
5. Surveillance: Linking every aspect of a human life to the Digital ID puts us in a dangerous position
where we will be deprived of any sort of privacy. Every move and every transaction will be
monitored. Our lives can be easily controlled by rationing and denial of services depending on our
compliance to the laws created by them.
6. We are all stakeholders: While the World Bank presents itself as a respected advisor to
governments who should be allowed to shape and create governments’ digital ID policies, it is
only one actor.
The design and possible implementation of a digital ID system needs to be thoroughly discussed
in democratic forums, including public media and Congress or parliaments. It is important to
realize that, ultimately, everyone has a stake in systems of identification, digital or otherwise,
which are essential to recognize individuals and effectuate their human rights.
7. Micro chipping: The ultimate goal of this endeavor is to microchip the entire world population
with an RFID chip that contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained
in an external database, such as personal identification, law enforcement, medical history,
medications, allergies, and contact information. This invasive technology has the potential to be
used by governments to create an 'Orwellian' dystopia. In such a world, self-determination, the
ability to think freely and all personal autonomy would be completely lost; human beings would
be essentially digital slaves to governments, corporations or networks that owned the micro
chipping technology. Thousands of people have already implanted the tiny devices under their
skin to be able to have simpler access to facilities. Every human will be put into a digital prison
using Artificial Intelligence. This will put an end to human freedom and autonomy.
As one might be already aware, Technocracy is indeed a cornerstone of the NWO. Technocracy is a
movement started in the 1930s by engineers, scientists, and technicians that proposed replacement of
capitalism with an energy-based economy. George Orwell believed that Technocracy would result in a
Scientific Dictatorship. Technocrats seek to control all facets of global life through policies and
technological methods. Geoengineering is one such tool in the toolbox of the technocrats to control life
on this planet, through overt and covert means. By definition, Geoengineering is the deliberate attempt
to control weather by creating rainfall, drought, hurricanes, steering atmospheric river, hailstorms or
changing the Jetstream flow pattern, artificially. Carbon dioxide based anthropogenic Climate change,
which in itself is a topic that the scientific community has hard forked upon, is the pretext which is used
to justify Geoengineering. As per the prevalent narrative in academia and mainstream media,
Geoengineering is the antidote to anthropogenic climate change. Under this pretext, the definition of
Geoengineering has been limited to Solar Radiation Management (SRM), a technique by which the albedo
or reflectivity of the planet is enhanced to reduce sunlight reaching the surface and subsequently, the
Greenhouse Effect. This change in radiative balance of Earth is proposed to be executed via a combination
of Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), Marine Cloud Brightening, Space Based Solar Geoengineering,
Surface Based Solar Geoengineering and Cirrus Cloud Thinning. Even though this basic premise of man-
made climate change is a potential hoax (remember Climategate), weather manipulation is as real as taxes
and as serious as a heart attack and is visibly being executed like a clockwork daily - globally. Global
warming alarmists and climate scientists would have you believe that the latest extreme weather events
can surely be blamed on rising CO2 levels while never mentioning the effects of daily weather experiments
overhead. If one has ever wondered why there are so many white lines in the sky these days across the
plant, and why the clouds of today, being a white haze spread like a blanket across the sky, are so different
than the billowing clouds from a few decades ago, one needs to dive deep into the world of
Geoengineering to get the answers. Some prevalent methods of Geoengineering today are – aerosol
sprays (chemtrails), cloud seeding, water sprouting (to create weather systems like hurricanes, flash
floods etc. that need copious amounts of water), HAARP (reverse of a high power radio antenna that
manipulates the Ionosphere to artificially create weather events and possibly even earthquakes), Doppler
RADAR ( to create forced vortex and resultant wavefront of moisture which can manifest as hurricanes
,tornadoes and storm systems) and cloud ionizers (for electric rainmaking). Mainstream media and
scholars will make you believe these are just theoretical simulation models, when the truth is these
mechanisms have been active and been modifying our weather for atleast 3 decades. The endgame with
Geoengineering, like all other agendas of the NWO, is full spectrum dominance of the planet and the
people. Geoengineering has been, and will be used for depopulation via extreme weather events (creating
flash floods, tornadoes, cloudbursts and mega storms etc.), by manipulating and eventually destroying
the natural water cycle and atmospheric river which will decimate agriculture in targeted regions, while
move more than usual moisture to the advantage of Geoengineers, and by spreading diseases via
chemtrails (as has been reported with Morgellon’s disease and neurodegenerative disorders caused by
aluminium and other heavy metals in chemtrails). The extreme weather events caused by Geoengineering
will then be used as an example of Carbon dioxide based climate change to clamp down harder on the
general populace via the UNSDP 2030 agenda targets, we are seeing that already in the form of carbon
tax and fertiliser reduction targets in countries like Canada, Netherlands and Ireland, which will have
devastating impact on the food security and is a roadmap to further the Orwellian agenda of the NWO.
India has all the usual fingerprints of Geoengineering as seen in other NATO countries like USA, Canada,
UK, and France which are generally the most Geoengineered of all. It is worthwhile to mention there is
palpable evidence of Geoengineering in countries like Russia and China, which many believe are resisting
the unipolar NWO, which makes one wonder if that is really the case. India is one of the very few countries
on this planet which houses a HAARP like facility (under the guise of National MST Radar Facility) at
Gandaki, Andhra Pradesh. Indian skies are increasingly getting decorated by the chemtrails lines, and India
is also ramping up its fleet of weather RADARs, and all happening at the same time when an increasing
trend of freak weather incidents like flash floods, cloud bursts and tornadoes, are being recorded across
the country. One of the earliest recorded Geoengineering experiment, Project Gromet, was carried out
on India soil and airspace, by US, in 1967. Even today, India is complicit in Geoengineering and causing
climate events against its own citizens. Is it a mere coincidence that the only Indian Politician, Anil Dave
(erstwhile Minister of Environment) who wrote to Rajya Sabha that HAARP like technologies are probably
responsible for global warming and dying crops, met with sudden demise soon after?
The way for us out of the Geoengineering nightmare is same as the way out of the other agendas – united
non-compliance. We need to create massive awareness campaigns with the masses as most are blind to
the existence of it. The government must be held accountable for allowing such heinous experiments to
be carried out on its own soil and air. We need to ask our democratically elected leaders - why is India
investing in Geoengineering/Weather Manipulation/HAARP like technologies when it is yet to feed
millions and provide basic amenities like toilets to 60% of its populace? From a legal standpoint, there are
steps that can be taken in accordance with the ENMOD agreement, that India ratified on December 15th,
1977, which clearly states “Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or
any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe
effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party”. Clearly, there has been a
blatant breach of the same, and perpetrators of same should be brought to justice.
Creating debt traps, pushing tyrannical measures for both pandemics and climate change break the
economies. Generalized vaccination is used to create biometrically linked digital identities (along with
AADHAR and Aarogya Setu apps in India) for surveillance through 5G networks of smart cities. Everyone
is put on government welfare, food stamps and housing subsidies to make them dependent obedient
slaves to a global government’s monthly allowance of a universal basic income for basic essentials like
food and medicine. This is labeled as "ending poverty" and “saving the earth”
Through The World Bank (WB), The International Monetary Fund (IMF) nothing but poverty and wealth
gap increase have happened whilst corporate profits have soared. Whilst the Global GNP rose 40% from
1970 to 1985 those in poverty increased by 17%. From 1985 to 2000 those living in less than a dollar a day
increased by 18%. In late 1960s when the World Bank intervened with large loans to Ecuador, in next 30
years its poverty grew by 50 to 70 % unemployment by 15% to 70 %, its public debt by 240 million to 16
billion and the resources to the poor went from 20% to 6%. By 2000 50% of the national budget was being
used for paying its debts
The World Bank is a US bank supporting US interests and is the largest provider of capital that is made of
thin air by the fractional reserve banking system. The US holds the veto power for its decisions.
Out of the richest 100 economies as per annual GDP, 51 are corporates and 47 of them are US based.
These world monopolies Walmart, General Motors and Exxon are more economically powerful than many
countries. Profit over human life is the mantra. Protective trade barriers are broken down Currencies are
tossed together and manipulated in floating markets. State economies are overturned in favour of open
competition and global capitalism and so this corporate empire expands. To disguise this expanding
inequality and corruption, terrorism was brought in!
The strategy: First economic hitmen identify resource rich countries and deceive or corrupt the
government into debt, which if it does not happen, then the jackals are sent to overthrow the government
and then finally to take out the leader by sending in the military and then get lucrative reconstruction
deals for what they have destroyed.
1. The debt trap mafia threats: Huge loans are arranged from the World Bank or its sister concerns
such as IMF that goes to the big corporations to build infra structure projects in it like power
plants, industrial parks, ports, things that benefit a few rich people and don’t help majority of the
2. Take-over bargains, conditionalities and structured adjustment policies for the debts by
predator countries & corporates
a) Currency devaluation making resources available to predator countries at a fraction of the cost
leaving people vulnerable to exploitation.
b) Bargains to profit predator countries /corporates can be either sell the resource at a cheaper
price, create a military base in that country, send your troops in support of ours, or vote with us
in the UN.
c) Push Privatization of a country’s important public sector utility companies such as the water,
sewage, school, penal, insurance systems that would then be regulated by US corporations or
some multinational company. In 1999 the World Bank advised that the Bolivian government to
sell its water system to the third largest corporate dealing with water Bechtel and then water bills
got inflated with skyrocketing prices. The Bechtel contract was nullified when the people
3. Refinance the debt to further take-over with more of the same measures shared above
4. Vilify a non-cooperative leader, overthrow the government or assassinate the leader and bring in a
puppet leader: In 1950 Iran’s Mossadegh was replaced with the Shah of Iran, Gautemala’s Jacobo Arbenz
Guzman was portrayed as a Soviet backed communist and taken out, and the new leader supported
United Fruit Corporation. Other countries where leaders have died under mysterious circumstances or
been assassinated and replaced are Ecuador, Panama’s Omar Torrijos, Venezuela’s Chavez, Iraq’s Saddam
Hussein, Tanzania’s John Magufuli, Haiti’s Jovenel Moise, Burundi’s Pierre Nikurunziza, Ivory Coast’s
Hamed Bakayoko, Madagascar’s Didier Ratsiraka, Swaziland’s Ambrose Diamini, Japan’s Shinzo Abe (the
latter all opposed the covid and vaccine mandates)
Corporatocracy coupled with the WB & IMF conditionalities are creating more slavery in the world
Corporates control politicians, finance their campaigns, control the media and are not elected nor report
to anyone, their goal is to maximize profits regardless of social or environmental costs. The Revolving Door
Strategy helps to get policies to suit corporates. So we don’t know if a person is working for government
or the corporate as it is a constant revolving door Trade liberalization, opening of an economy so there is
no restriction for foreign trade and transnational corporations can bring in mass produced cheap
products undercutting and ruining indigenous production ruining local economies e.g. Jamaica lost its
largest cash crop markets due to western imports, making local people out of work. Numerous seemingly
unnoticed unregulated inhumane sweatshop factories are created taking advantage of the imposed
economic hardship. Production deregulation and environmental destruction is perpetual as a country’s
resources are exploited by indifferent corporations who also output large amounts of deliberate pollution.
E.g.: The Largest environment law suit today has been brought against Texaco now Chevron for its waste
disposal pollution in Eucador.
Sri Lanka a case to demonstrate the global takeover strategy and India is not far behind in getting
trapped in debt and privatizing everything.
The collapse of Sri Lanka’s economy follows the globalists’ playbook of Problem Reaction Solution.
Sri Lanka’s collapse, a clue for other nations. Your government will artificially restrict supplies of basic
goods in the name of appeasing the weather gods aka globalists, collapse the economy on purpose, and
then use that collapse as a pretext for carrying out even more stringent technocratic controls. Restrictions
and cuts are being implemented in country after country after country, from the
Netherlands to Ireland to Poland to Italy to Canada to Argentina to Sri Lanka and think that it’s all just an
amazing coincidence? “While the notion of a pollution-free world is an attractive one, ultimately, the
Green Agenda isn’t about the environment — it’s about creating a control system in which the world’s
resources are owned by the richest.”
The Complexity Tactic here is that every country being forced to take these same steps is for apparently
slightly different agreements, commitments and treaties with different organizations. Be it for nitrogen
management or a methane pledge or what the Paris agreement mandates, or the UN agenda for
sustainable development or The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funding early warning systems for
climate change, livestock diseases and digital services that connect farmers. Though it is one plan there is
no easily identifiable treaty nor organization to pinpoint this to. The one thing in common is the farmers’
protests happening in solidarity to the Dutch farmers worldwide being joined by the German, Italian,
Polish farmers and now from Spain, Panama, Argentina and Canada for freeing humanity collectively.
Cryptocurrencies as decentralized platforms and blockchain-based are designed to be free from
government manipulation and control and has the potential to disrupt the existing financial order and
democratize finance. Although most of the world's governments are actively fighting against the rise of
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, each country is considering its own. India has already announced the
launch of a digital Rupee, following the footsteps of a digital Dollar and digital Yuan. It is important to
understand these digital currencies are Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) with a central authority
owning the keys to the blockchain, as opposed to a publicly owned transparent blockchain like Bitcoin,
which is in some sense an alternative to the globalist scheme of economic takedown and currency
In the context of the Ukraine Russia conflict there is a coordinated global challenge taking place to the
U.S. dollar from Russia and China with the BRICS countries of which India is a part, who are working on
creating an international reserve currency as Russia has been cut off from the SWIFT system for
international payments. These nations have been in the midst of a multi-decade-long plan to de-dollarize.
Russia and China may even challenge the dollar’s reserve status which is absent.
Presently the currencies are in trouble with inflation and the world is swallowed in debt. Yet the economy
is flooded with more dollars to fund the pet projects, Ukraine, a green economy and the inflation bubble
is covered up. It seems that the financial elitists are likely creating a controlled demolition of the economy
so they can clear the way for the new economic world order, firstly destroying their old one.
The covid scare and its tyrannical measures of the constant testing, quarantining and the lockdowns were
all designed to bring in economic crises in each country, break down small and medium businesses,
impoverish the low- and middle-class income earners and facilitate the transfer of wealth to the big
corporates such as Amazon, the technocracies. The medical expenses of governments and individuals for
testing and vaccinating are again a wealth transfer to big pharma apart from being a depopulation
agendas. Climate change diktats penalizing coal, gas and pushing difficult “green energy” are similarly
meant not to save the world but to create an economic crises and food shortage as we have seen in Sri
Lanka and as has happened in Ghana too. Regulate small business out of existence with government-
mandated minimum wages and other difficult requirements for licenses and permits to bankrupt entire
sectors of the economy.
Privatization of all public utilities and services is a doorway for foreign control of these which would lead
to monopolistic prices and a way to impoverish people and bankrupt local economies Allow powerful
corporations to seize control of the world's water supplies and charge monopoly prices to "build new
water delivery infrastructure" that "ensures availability." India has been systematically selling its public
sector utilities to private sector players.
Debt/GDP Ratio for India
India’s national debt has almost doubled from 1.5 trillion USD in 2017 to 2.977 trillion USD in 2022 (source
– Statista). These numbers can be further sliced and diced into Public Debt/Government Debt, External
Debt and Internal Debt. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a tremendous increase in debt levels for India
across all categories. India's national debt hit almost 89.6 per cent of GDP in 2020-21, government debt
touched 70 per cent of GDP. Corporate debt levels went up to 47 per cent by 19-Jan-2022. It is a matter
of serious concern that India’s public debt level is among the highest in emerging economies while the
country’s debt affordability is among the weakest. Generally, the average threshold limit prescribed for
public debt-to-GDP ratio is 77 percent with each additional percentage point of debt costs 0.017
percentage points of annual real growth. The effect is even more pronounced in emerging markets where
the threshold for debt-to-GDP ratio is preferred at 64 percent. India recorded a government debt-to-GDP
ratio at 73.95 percent in 2020. According to Moody’s Investor Service, “with the exception of Chile, most
of the 11 emerging markets have weak government effectiveness, suggesting potential risks executing
fiscal reforms or consolidation plans.” The global rating agency further states that India’s (rated Baa3
negative) debt affordability is among the weakest alongside Ghana. “Across the 11 emerging markets,
India, South Africa and Ghana have the highest public debt and weakest debt affordability,” the agency
added. Moody’s assessment of India’s debt affordability may be debated by official economists. But few
can contest the basic logic, linking government debt serviceability with the state of the economy. Some
may cite that China’s debt is over 250 percent of its GDP, higher than that of the United States and lower
than Japan, but it is in some sense an apple to oranges comparison, as the debt calculation methodology
is not same and India’s debt seems to have been distributed across multiple buckets which makes it
challenging to get a clear picture of the indebtedness. Public borrowing itself is not a big issue as long as
a country’s economy is vibrant and grows well in the right direction. High borrowing has not been a
concern for governments of countries such as Japan, the US and China. India is not anywhere near that
league. India’s debt affordability is poor as regarded by all global sovereign rating agencies.
Few will disagree that the current government has failed to help improve the situation in the last four
years. The government’s so-called ‘Make-in-India’ campaign has failed to achieve a boisterous economic
growth and contain imports and trade gaps, which reached record levels last year. The Rupee is constantly
weakening. On the other hand, RBI has totally failed to contain inflation, protect the purchasing power of
Rupee and its exchange value vis-a-vis popular hard currencies such as US$, Euro and Japanese Yen. Both
the government and RBI seem to be ignoring the fact that high debt-to-GDP ratios — above 64 percent in
emerging economies — can actually hinder economic growth under debt service pressure. It can put a
country at risk of defaulting on debts, creating havoc on its economy and financial markets. India must
create enough wealth to improve its debt affordability, and that cannot happen under the threat of
constant lockdowns under the guise of a pandemic or climate emergency, both of which are a farce as has
been elaborated upon already.
Engineered Food Crisis and push towards Synthetic/GMO food
Global Synthetic Food Market is expected to surpass USD 20 billion by 2024; according to a new research
report by Global Market Insights, Inc. It is important to note that synthetic chemicals/vitamins are made
by humans using methods in a laboratory, different than natural processes. For example: The majority of
vitamin B-12, also known as cyanocobalamin, is synthesized from hormone and pesticide-laden
conventional cow’s liver or activated sewage sludge. Similar to synthetic vitamins we have other
components as well such as HEK293 which translates to human embryonic kidney cells and is taken from
aborted foetal tissue. Senomyx is the company that has developed HEK for use in products like Pepsi,
Nestle and it’s labelled as natural flavouring. Another significant problem we have in food chain is
microplastics as synthetic clothing materials made from microplastics are ending up in the ocean and in
the food chain.
U.S. firm, BIOMILQ, is artificially producing human breast milk and claims that it’s “better for the
environment.” Bill Gates, alongside other investors, helped BIOMILQ raise $21 million in October 2021.
Interestingly in 2022, in addition to the food supply shortage triggered by the Russia Ukraine conflict,
major food processing plants in North America have caught fire and are not generating output.
Meanwhile, Bill Gates is buying a significant portion of the U.S Farmland nearly 270,000 acres in 19 states
(largest private farm land owner) while insisting, we should be eating Synthetic Food. Is this all a
coincidence? DARPA is funding the creation of 3D printed food from “mixed waste,” to be served “when
traditional food is unavailable.” Companies like San Francisco-based Memphis Meats are developing cell-
based meat that doesn't require animals. There is no medium- or long-term studies that consumption of
synthetic food by humans poses no health or DNA alterations.
The vast majority of GMO crops being grown right now actually use massive amounts of herbicide, often
glyphosate, the prime ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup Ready. This corporation also has many patents
on GMO crops. Farmers spray this on GMO crops only. It causes soil erosion and runoff, affecting soil
biodiversity and allows greenhouse gasses to escape from the soil. Glyphosate is now being linked to Leaky
Gut Syndrome and other serious impacts on gut flora and therefore digestion. The main genetically
modified crop in India is Bt Cotton. This crop contains pesticides within the plant. Indian farmers have
reported instances in which their sheep have grazed on the Bt Cotton fields after the cotton was harvested
and thousands of their sheep died as a result. Thirty-eight (38) countries worldwide have officially banned
the cultivation of GM crops and only 28 actually grow GM crops. India also signed up for Biofortified crops
which are developed using transgenesis, mutagenesis and genome editing. Hybrid forms of biofortified
crops can displace local varieties which destroys local food systems. This will make farmers dependent
and monopolize seed development. Interestingly, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds Harvest Plus
which is catalysing commercial markets for biofortified seeds.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), mealworms, crickets,
and grasshoppers contain high levels of protein. Many insects also contain high levels of healthy
polyunsaturated fats, minerals, and essential amino acids. As part of the 2017 Foodstuffs Act, Switzerland
has loosened its food safety laws to allow the sale of insects in grocery stores. It is the first country in
Europe to pass such a law. WEF is social engineering to prepare the population for the food shortages
they themselves are causing.
In the Netherlands, the Dutch government wants to cut nitrogen emission by 50%. This nitrogen policy,
said to prevent climate change and reduce nitrogen pollution, will force many Dutch farmers to stop their
livestock activities, putting them out of business, thus cutting the food production and supply. This is
connected to UN sustainable development plan goal 2. In accordance with goal no 2 Canada, Netherlands,
Ireland are forced to reduce N2 emissions.
Public food production around the world is now collapsing due to fertilizer costs, shortages, diesel price
inflation, export bans. Ukraine and Russia also combine to produce 1/4 of world-wide exports and they,
along with Hungary and some South American countries have all said they won't be exported grains and
other food stuff this year. We can consider the example of Sri Lanka which adopted similar policy and they
So basically, we see another step of the European Union, as they have been slowly but steadily set since
its foundation: Small and medium-sized businesses are being made unprofitable and driven to ruin or at
least closure by more and more regulations. Thus, food supply is under attack and massive disturbances
are happening. Where will our food come from? Will we eat synthetic food now or insects?
There’s a host of companies working in this area which are going to measure CO2 emissions. So now we
have a credit card that “might” stops people from buying things, not based on how much money they
have, but how much carbon emissions their purchases have contributed to. Norway is going to connect
payment details done with card payments and grocery store receipts to figure out exactly what kind of
food people are buying, and who is buying it. In other words, Norway will track exactly what kind of food
citizens are buying. Further, they say that this payment information can be used to get statistics about
which citizens use private healthcare and how much money they spend on it. This is paving the way for a
total control society. The only way out of this is cash, but for how long as the cashless society is being
pushed more and more.
How to defeat the NWO
In this summary so far, we have focussed on some of the most pertinent agendas playing out before us
now. That doesn’t translate into other agendas being not sinister or relevant, and we will be covering
those in a longer form whitepaper which will be published post this. The broad theme of the NWO is clear
– total domination of the people, planet, and its resources via overt and covert means, and subsequently
depopulation, under the euphemism of sustainability. We are being continuously and iteratively nudged
towards an Orwellian dystopia where there is no free trade, no free speech, no freedom of movement
and structures of public service transforming into instruments of public oppression. But there is hope. The
elites may be planning for a “Great Reset”, we need to show the world a better plan, a greater reset where
human life, civil rights and freedoms are respected. The empire may want us to think it is all powerful but
that is not entirely the case, they may have the forces, but we, the people, have the real power. The
empire is in-fact collapsing on itself as it lacks ideology to unite people, it is merely a barren, empty tomb
of greed, power, lust, and war madness. The world will be united by universal values of brotherhood,
peace, love, compassion and a true spiritual revolution. Our generation is at the cusp of this great
transition, and we will end the NWO and its entire enslavement system of banks, corporations and
propaganda machines. That is our challenge and our mandate.
We will achieve our mandate by means of co-operation, united we are a dragon, divided we are merely a
pack of wild dogs. If we want to unleash the wrath of the dragon on the NWO, we MUST be organised and
united, nationally and internationally. As a united front, we can dissolve boundaries of caste, creed,
religion, sect, sex and color. We can organise grassroots level movements to expose the machinations of
the NWO and take actions like increasing public awareness, refusing to comply with draconian legislation,
challenging them in courts of law, taking control of our mental and physical health from the profiteering
companies, choosing natural organic foods over GMO and synthetic foods that make us sick, and
eventually filling up the vacuum of genuine authentic leadership. The revolution has already begun, and
AIM is spearheading it in India. Join us in this fight against NWO, to create, and be on the right side, of
“There are two primary forces in this world, fear and faith. Fear can move you to destructiveness or
sickness or failure. But faith is a much greater force. Faith can drive itself in your consciousness and set
you free from fear forever” – Norman Vincent Peale.