This document appears to be a list of store locations for PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk. It includes 116 entries with information about the store name, location type, date opened and other details. The stores seem to be located across Indonesia and represent a variety of store formats including convenience stores, residential stores, and travel centers.
This document appears to be a list of store locations for PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk. It includes 116 entries with information about the store name, location type, date opened and other details. The stores seem to be located across Indonesia and represent a variety of store formats including convenience stores, residential stores, and travel centers.
This document appears to be a list of store locations for PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk. It includes 116 entries with information about the store name, location type, date opened and other details. The stores seem to be located across Indonesia and represent a variety of store formats including convenience stores, residential stores, and travel centers.
This document appears to be a list of store locations for PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya, Tbk. It includes 116 entries with information about the store name, location type, date opened and other details. The stores seem to be located across Indonesia and represent a variety of store formats including convenience stores, residential stores, and travel centers.
NO KODE NAMA TOKO JENIS GO TOKO WILAYAH AC AM SPD 5 V958 RAYA KARANG MALANG RESIDENTIAL 21-Jun-17 KAB BREBES ANJAS YNO 14,157,692 109 V605 SIWULUH YOUNG FAMILY 8-Sep-16 KAB BREBES ANJAS YNO 10,156,996 144 V585 KUBANGWUNGU RESIDENTIAL 15-Apr-16 KAB BREBES ANJAS YNO 6,136,441 JAN- NOV YTD 2021 JAN- NOV YTD 2022 GROWTH GAP STD APC % GM SPD STD APC % GM SPD STD APC % GM SPD STD APC 298 47,431 19.2% 11,250,982 261 43,175 18.9% -20.5% -12.7% -9.0% -1.5% - 2,906,710 - 38 - 4,256 219 46,341 18.7% 9,744,616 191 51,027 19.1% -4.1% -12.9% 10.1% 1.9% - 412,380 - 28 4,686 174 35,363 19.1% 5,959,154 147 40,455 19.5% -2.9% -15.1% 14.4% 2.3% - 177,287 - 26 5,092 AP PROBLEM % GM PEOPLE PRODUK -0.3% ngnya personil toko -kebersihan 0.4%-terdapat personil toko baru yang masih belum paham tentang cara rak dan transaksi kasir danbarang etrans kurang terjaga -adanya hama tikus 0.4% FOLLOW UP PROCESS PLACE -melatih personil baru agar dapat melakukan transaksi kasir -lemotnya komputer pos utama saat -terdapat persaingan kompetitor dan etrana dengan cepat, -membuat jadwal rutinan melakukan transaksi baik etrans maupun sebelah -adanya alfamart baru kebersihan rak -menutup jalan masuknya hama tikus, - pembelian belanja -komputer pos utama luwungragi yang berjarak -+2 km melakukan input HO IT agar segera dapat di perbaiki, - sering ngelag dan keluar sendiri melakukan promosi JSM dan lainnya di grup WA konsumen