Cheney 2013 Comprehensive Guide To Tracking Skills
Cheney 2013 Comprehensive Guide To Tracking Skills
Cheney 2013 Comprehensive Guide To Tracking Skills
to Tracking Skills
The Comprehensive Guide
to Tracking Skills
How to Track Animals and Humans by Using
All the Senses and Logical Reasoning
Cleve Cheney
To my dear family:
my wife, Bernice; son Hunt;
and daughters Jess, Tamaryn, and Ami;
sons-in-law Rudi, George, and Earle;
daughter-in-law Lizanne; and my grandchildren
Ben, Ethan, and Bella.
You give meaning to life.
I love you all dearly.
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I want to say a
special thank you
to Ringane for the
unforgettable days
we shared as we
walked side by side
through thousands
of kilometers of
bush—a country
Author and Ozias Cubai
that we both love so
dearly. I still see you in my mind’s eye as you stand resolutely
next to me, unmovable and dependable, as we faced charges
time and again from some of Africa’s most feared wild animals.
I think back with nostalgia to the hundreds of campfires we
shared with quiet companionship. Thank you for being my
teacher and friend.
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Chapter 1
racking principles are universal. Because they are consistent, the principles you will learn in this
book can be applied anywhere in the world. The species of animals might differ, but the way that
soils, substrate, and vegetation responds will be the same. All animals have behaviour patterns—they
mark territories, they vocally advertise their presence, To make good observations and draw sound
they use shelter, and they utilize game paths. Birds, conclusions in the natural environment, one must be
invertebrates, and mammals of any given system interact very familiar with what is “normal” in the particular
with one another; therefore, the one can give clues natural system where one is operating. Deviations from
about the other. the normal are then easier to detect.
The Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Skills
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What is Tracking?
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have a broad-based understanding criminal investigations, and in A nt ipoach i ng operat ions
and knowledge of all aspects of the searching for f ugitives or lost incorporate aspects of both military
natural world. persons. and criminal tracking but because
In the military context, trackers of its specific nature can be regarded
are sometimes also referred to as as a field of its own. Antipoaching
Man Tracking scouts, ”recces,” or “point men.” t rac k i ng i nvolves all a spec t s
Human presence and activity, It is their responsibility to search relating to the identification and
like that of animals, presents for, identify, and interpret signs interpretation of signs associated
or leaves behind evidence. It is left behind by the enemy to warn with poaching activities as well
possible, therefore, to also identify of their presence, help locate their as follow-up operations aimed at
and interpret human sign for some whereabouts, establish what they are apprehending poachers.
specific purpose. up to, and in some instances to avoid The third type of man tracking
the enemy or to make it difficult for is the one associated with the
Man tracking is the identification, the enemy to follow. search for missing persons.
interpretation, and follow-up of Criminal tracking would include It must be understood that
signs present or left behind by all aspects of forensic investigations at although one makes a distinction
the human. crime scenes as well as following signs between wildlife and man tracking
left behind by a criminal intending a nd al so bet ween d i f ferent
In this context man tracking to evade capture. This can include t y pes of ma n t rack i ng, t here
would be included in mil itar y the physical tracking of a suspect or a re com monal it ies a s well a s
activities, antipoaching operations, escaped fugitive from the law. differences.
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Chapter 2
e evaluate what is going on around us through
sensory input. If we do not regularly exercise our
muscles, they atrophy and become weak. The same
can happen if we do not train our senses. They can become
lazy and operate at suboptimal levels. This will mean that
we will not be as aware of what is going on around us as
is possible, and we will lose a lot of potentially valuable,
even lifesaving, information.
What Is Sign?
The tracker’s source of information is sign. What is sign? Wild creatures live in association with, not in
isolation of, their environment. As they are going about their daily activities, they are constantly leaving
behind evidence of having been there.
A sign includes anything that can be produced or left behind by living creatures and that can be perceived
by our five senses.
We could, therefore, list signs as things that can be perceived by our sense of sight, those that we can hear, and
those that we can smell, touch, feel, or taste.
Visual Sign
A visual sign is one that can be
detected using eyesight. There are
many examples.
A track or spoor refers to
impressions left by feet, paws,
claws, hands, or other body parts
(e.g., an elephant’s trunk dragging)
on the substrate. See Figure
A lot of information can be
obtained from tracks: when the
track was registered, the age of the
Figure CCCH.02.02.01: Tracks are important sources of information to the tracker.
animal (adult/subadult/young),
the group composition (single/
pair/herd), the size, the speed, and
direction of travel, the condition
of the animal, the sex, and the
This refers to scat (droppings/
feces), urine, and saliva. See Figure
Scat and urine can also provide
useful information. By determining
the age of the sign, it is possible to
figure out how long ago the animal
was there. The scat’s shape, colour,
and configuration can identify the
species. The content and consistency
of the scat can indicate the diet
and often also the condition of the Figure CCCH.02.02.02: A scat is a source of
animal. The distribution pattern very useful information.
can show whether the species is
territorial or not.
The way the scat is deposited
can also give an indication of the Figure CCCH.02.02.03: Flies (top right) and
species involved and the gait of the dung beetles (bottom right) can draw the
animal at the time the droppings trackers’ attention to scat in the vicinity.
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Teaching Yourself to Track
were deposited. Is it spread out (the
animal was moving), broken up and
scattered (hippo, black rhino), in a
pile (the animal was stationary), or
buried with soil (steenbok)?
S c at a nd u r i ne a re of ten
indicated by the presence of flies
and the noisy flight of dung beetles.
The presence of f lies and dung
beetles will indicate to the tracker
that fresh scat is close-by. See
Figure CCCH.02.02.03.
The relative position of urine
to the scat can sometimes indicate
the sex of an animal. See Figure
CCCH.02.02.04. Figure CCCH.02.02.04: In this photograph the relative position of the scat pellets to the patch
of urine indicates that a female impala deposited it.
Figure CCCH.02.02.05: Examples of a feeding sign are when cud was dropped from the mouth of an herbivore during rumination (left), seeds
were dropped by feeding vervets (middle), and broken vegetation was left behind by feeding elephants (right).
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The Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Skills
Feeding and Drinking
Animals leave signs when they
feed. See Figure CCCH.02.02.05.
Scat content that can indicate
whether the animal is a browser,
grazer, mixed feeder, carnivore,
omnivore, or insectivore. Scat
will also give evidence of how the
food was procured, handled, and
disposed of, and it can indicate
the species involved, preferred
habitat and diet, and when the
animal was there.
Examples of feed ing signs
include saliva, gnawing marks on
trees, a clearly defined browse line
in preferred habitat of resident
Figure CCCH.02.02.08: Elephants digging for water in a dry riverbed.
browsers, cud (chewed vegetation)
dropped f rom the mouth, the
rema i ns of a n i mal s k illed by
predators, grass cropped close to
the ground by grazing animals,
broken vegetation, stripped bark,
and so on. Places where animals
drink are a mine of information.
See Figure CCCH.02.02.06. Many
animals will dig for water in dry
riverbeds. See Figure CCCH.02.02.07
and Figure CCCH.02.02.08. Smaller
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Teaching Yourself to Track
species w ill then make use of
these “wells.” Drops of water can
spill from an animal whilst it is
drinking or moving away from a
watering point. Sometimes the
evidence of feeding is obvious;
often it is more subtle and requires
greater powers of observation.
Figure CCCH.02.02.13: This nyala bull is horning the ground and will leave clear sign of having done so.
Figure CCCH.02.02.14: A white rhino midden (left) and an impala midden (right).
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The Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Skills
Figure CCCH.02.02.15: Animals wallow to help cool themselves and to help rid themselves of external parasites. Buffalo wallowing (left)
and warthog (right).
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Teaching Yourself to Track
you see a warthog heading for a mud
wallow, take the time to stop and watch.
It will be most entertaining. Watch as it
slithers this way and that in the oozing,
gooey, sticky mud. You will almost feel
so inclined as to want to join in the
fun. Animals wallow also as a means
of thermoregulation, which is a means
of controlling body temperature. Most
species that wallow are dark-skinned.
Buffaloes, rhinos, blue wildebeests,
elephants, and warthogs are addicted to
wallowing. See Figure CCCH.02.02.15. Figure CCCH.02.02.18: Signs left behind from an animal walking away
from a mud wallow include bits of mud on the ground. The amount
Because they are dark-skinned, they tend to absorb of mud sign decreases the farther the animal moves away from the
radiant (light) energy, and this can cause them to overheat wallow. On the right, notice how the mud was scraped off onto a bush
when temperatures hit the midthirties (Celsius) or higher. as the animal walked past.
Rolling in mud cools the skin and helps to keep an animal’s
body temperature within normal limits.
Thirdly, when mud hardens, it entraps external
parasites. When the animal rubs this mud off onto trees,
rocks, or termite mounds, the entrapped parasites are
dislodged. See Figure CCCH.02.02.16.
Certain wallows become very popular, and their long-
term use can cause them to deepen and develop into
semipermanent water holes. Each time an animal wallows
in a water hole, it becomes deeper because some mud
adheres to and is carried off by the animal.
From a tracking perspective, following mud sign is
exciting and fun. It is fairly easy to follow and find an
animal that has been wallowing.
It is fairly obvious to see when a mud wallow has
recently been used. See Figure CCCH.02.02.17. It will be
churned up and the exit point will be quite obvious.
The body of the animal often leaves an impression in
the mud, making it easy to identify which animal has
been wallowing. Muddy footprints will lead away from
the wallow and bits of mud will begin dropping off
the animal as it moves away into the bush. See Figure
Not only will bits of mud drop off, but mud will be
scraped off on surrounding vegetation as well. The trail
left behind is fairly easy to follow, but the amount of mud
sign decreases the farther the animal moves away from the
wallow. See Figure CCCH.02.02.18. The amount of moisture
retained in mud can also give the tracker a good indication
of how far behind the animal he is.
Mud tracking is a good opportunity for someone
learning to track because it is relatively easy to follow,
and the tracker is often rewarded with a sighting of the
animal being tracked. Following an animal that has been
wallowing is fairly simple even on substrate where other
signs (such as tracks) do not show up well.
The height of the mud adhering to vegetation when
passing by or when rubbing will indicate the size of the Figure CCCH.02.02.19: The height of mud scraped or rubbed off will give
animal and the degree of moisture retention the age of the an indication of the type of animal: an elephant rub on tree (top)
sign. See Figure CCCH.02.02.19 and Table 2.1. and warthog rub on a small termite mound (above).
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The Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Skills
Table 2.1
Elephant 2.5–3.4 m
White rhino 1.8 m
Black rhino 1.6 m
Buffalo 1.4 m
Warthog 65 cm
Rolling in sand or dust is also a Figure CCCH.02.02.20: A zebra dust bath (left) and a favourite dust bath area used after a
grooming activity often practiced by shower of rain (right).
zebras and wildebeests. This is usually
seen as a dusty, bare patch where the
substrate has been disturbed. See
Figure CCCH.02.02.20.
Figure CCCH.02.02.22: Rubs are convenient objects against which animals will rub themselves
Figure CCCH.02.02.21: Because animals will to relieve an itch. This photo illustrates where a buffalo (left) and a warthog (right) have
seek out shade and cover, these are good rubbed themselves against tree trunks.
areas in which to look for sign.
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Teaching Yourself to Track
CCCH.02.02.22 and CCCH.02.02.23. Warthogs are very
partial to this activity as are rhinos and elephants.
Elephants strip bark from trees to supplement their diets.
See Figure CCCH.02.02.24.
Game paths are usually most distinct around water
holes and favourite feeding areas. Well-utilized paths
often have a layer of fine soil covering them as a result
of hoofs breaking down coarser soil. This is conducive
to leaving distinct spoor impressions that can help to
identify which species were present.
Active game paths can have a wide variety of tracks
and sign, both fresh and old. The super imposition of
tracks upon one another can also give an indication
of sequence of events and the age of tracks. Figure
Figure CCCH.02.02.24: During the dry season, elephants will often
Bedding Areas, Burrows, Nests, and strip and eat tree bark to supplement dietary needs.
Some animals will be continually on the move
choosing different resting and sleeping sites. Others black-backed jackals. Figure CCCH.02.02.26. An occupied
will make use of holes or burrows to which they will burrow will usually have some sign of occupation, such
return on a regular or irregular basis. The species that as the presence of flies, bones scattered around the
make use of underground burrows include porcupines, entrance, spoor leading into and out of the hole, freshly
aardvarks, aardwolfs, warthogs, springhares, dwarf excavated soil, and so on. The shelters or bedding sites
mongooses, wild dogs, bat-eared foxes, Cape foxes, and of animals, which do not use burrows, will often be seen
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The Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Skills
as flattened grass or vegetation,
or body impressions left on soft
substrate. See Figure CCCH.02.02.27.
These bedding areas will usually be
found in shade or areas providing
cover from the elements.
Blood Sign
The abil it y to follow a nd
correctly interpret blood sign is an
important tracking skill.
The colour and amount of blood
can indicate whether bleeding is
from an artery, vein, or capillary.
Figure CCCH.02.02.28. The clotting
process of blood can give the tracker
a good indication as to the age of the
blood sign. Following a blood trail
is important when trying to locate a
wounded animal or human.
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Teaching Yourself to Track
Olfactory Sign
Olfactory sign is that which
can be detected using our sense of
smell. Some animals have a very
characteristic smell and emit odours
specific to the particular species. An
example is an elephant in musth. The
author, as an exercise, once tracked
a bull elephant in musth for about
two kilometers by following the
lingering smell of musth in the air
and surrounding vegetation. Another
example is the buffalo, which have
the typical bovine odour of cattle.
Then there is the goatlike odour of
waterbuck, which can sometimes
be smelled from a distance. Dung
and urine also have characteristic
odours. The smell of smoke can warn
the tracker of an oncoming bushfire,
or the presence of a poacher’s camp.
The smell of rain in the distance can
give the tracker warning of a possible
flash flood, giving him time to move
out of drainage lines.
Sound Sign
Most emphasis is placed on the
visual aspects of tracking. That is
logical because we make the most
use of sight to search for visual clues
or sign.
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Teaching Yourself to Track
Behaviour of Other
Animals and Birds
The behav iour of other
inhabitants of the bush can often
be of assistance to the tracker, and
sometimes a hindrance. Birds like
red-billed oxpeckers and cattle egrets
can warn you of the presence of
animals such as impalas, buffaloes,
giraffes, elands, kudus, and rhinos.
See Figure CCCH.02.02.31. They
can also warn these animals of
your presence. Even if you are not
tracking these species in particular,
it is important for the tracker from
a safety perspective to be aware of
the presence of these animals.
Ground birds such as francolin,
quail, and guinea fowl, flushing
up from under the feet of animals
can warn you of their presence and
whereabouts. Francolin and guinea
fowl are often very vocal and noisy
when flushed and can be heard a
long way off. Fork-tailed drongos
frequently hang around grazing
animals. As the animals move along,
they flush up insects from the grass.
The drongos then swoop down to
catch the insects. Gray louries emit a
raucous call when observing humans
and predators. Other bird species
such as double-banded sand grouse
can lead you to water. See Figure
Carrion-eating birds such as
vultures can lead the tracker to sites
of kills or warn them of the presence
of large predators. Vultures, kites, Figure CCCH.02.02.31: Cattle egrets (top) and red-billed oxpeckers (above) can indicate the
marabou storks, and some eagles are presence of animals, including dangerous species such as buffaloes, rhinos, and hippos.
Figure CCCH.02.02.32: The behaviour of birds such as fork-tailed drongos (left), guinea fowl (centre), and double-banded sand grouse (right)
can warn of danger or the presence of animals, humans, and snakes. They can also help the tracker find food or water.
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