3-10-2021 Receipt Notice I-765 Hilda
3-10-2021 Receipt Notice I-765 Hilda
3-10-2021 Receipt Notice I-765 Hilda
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any relevant documentation) according to the mailing preferences you chose on Form G-28, Notice
of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative. This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice.
Your EAD card is proof that you are allowed to work in the United States. Show the card to your employer to verify your authorization to work during the
dates on the card. You cannot use this approval notice as proof of your employment authorization.
When you receive your EAD card, please check that all the infoirnation on the card is correct. If you need to change any information on the card, please
mail all of the following to the office listed below:
If your EAD card expires before we make a final decision on your Form 1-485, you may apply for a new EAD card.
NOTICE: Although this application or petition has been approved, USCIS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this
information before and/or after making a decision on your case so we can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other
legal authorities. We may review public information and records, contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and
residences, or use other methods of verification. We will use the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we
find any derogatory information, we will follow the law in determining whether to provide you (and the legal representative listed on your Form G-28, if you
submitted one) an opportunity to address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start proceedings.
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Sei vices
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any televanl documentation) accoidmg to the mailing pieleiences you chose on Eoim G-28, Notice
of Fntiy ol Appeaiance as Attorney oi Acciedited Repiescntative This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice.
We have approved youi application for employment authorization. We will send youi Employment Authonzation Document (FAD) (also known as an
EAD caid oi Eoim 1 766) to you sepaiately
Yom EAD caid is piool that you aie allowed to woik in the United States Show the caid to your employe, to vettfy youi authonzation to woik dunng the
dates on the caid You cannot use this appioval notice as pioof of youi employment authonzation
When you teceive youi EAD caid, please check that all the inf oi mation on the caid is collect If you need to change any inloi mation on the caid, please
mail all of (he following to the oilice listed below
II youi PAD caid expnes bcloie we make a Imai decision on youi Eoim 1 485, you may apply loi a new PAD caid
NOTICE: Although this application oi petition has been appioved USCIS and the U S Department ol Homeland Secunty icseive the light to venfy this
inloimation beloie and/oi altei making a decision on youi case so we can ensme that you have complied with applicable laws, mles, legulations, and othei
legal authorities We may lev lew public inloimation and iccoids, contact otheis by mail, the internet oi phone, conduct site inspections ol businesses and
ievidences, oi use othei methods ol ven beat ion We will use lhe inloimation obtained to deteimme whcthei you aie eligible foi the benefit you seek II we
find any deiogatoiy inloimation, we will follow the law in deteimining whethei to piovide you (and the legal lepiesentative listed on join Eoim G 28, il you
submitted one) an opportunity to addiess that inloimation beloie we make a loimal decision on youi case oi start pioceedmgs
Please see the additional inloimation on the back You will be notified sepaiately about any othei cases you filed
If this is an intei view or bionieh ics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for impoi tant information. FoimI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-797C, Notice of Action
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any relevant documentation) according to the mailing pieferences you chose on Form G-28, Notice
of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice.
Your complete Foim 1-589 Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal was leceived and is pending as of 02/24/2021 You may lemain in the
U S until your asylum application is decided If you wish to leave while your application is pending, you must obtain advance paiole from USCIS If
you change your addiess, send wntten notification of the change within 10 days to the Asylum Office at the below address or using the USCIS Online
Change of Address system at https //egov uscis gov/coa/displayCOAForm do You will leceive a notice informing you when you and those listed on your
application as a spouse or child dependents must appear at an Application Support Center for biometrics collection You will also receive a notice informing
you when you and those listed on your application as a spouse or dependents must appear foi an asylum intei view Those notices will contain instructions
for what to bring to your ASC appointment and what to bring to your asylum interview
WARNING Failuie to appear at the ASC foi biometrics collection or for youi asylum interview may affect your eligibility for employment authorization,
and may also lesult in the dismissal of your asylum application or refen al of youi asylum application to an immigration judge
Please see the additional infoi mation on the back You will be notified separately about any othei cases you filed
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. Form I-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-797C, Notice of Action
We have received the application or petition ("your case") listed above. This notice shows that your case was fded on the "Received Date" listed
above. It does NOT grant the beneficiary any immigration status, and it is not evidence that your case is still pending. We will notify you in writing when
we make a decision on your case or if we need additional information.
Please save this and any other notices about your case for your records. You should also keep copies of anything you send us, as well as proof of delivery.
Have these records available if you contact us about your case.
T/U Filings - If you were still in valid U or T nonimmigrant status on the date your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form
1-485) was received, that status is extended until a decision is reached on your Form 1-485. If your status was no longer valid by the date your Form 1-485
was received, you will need to file the Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status (Form 1-539) with this office to request an extension of your
nonimmigrant status.
Affidavit of Support - If a Form 1-864, Affidavit of Support, is required for your filing, please understand that it is a contract between your sponsor and the
government of the United States. This means that your sponsor is telling the government that he/she is willing and able to financially support you if needed.
It may also make you ineligible for certain Federal, state, or local means-tested benefits, because he/she has indicated that they will support you. If you
do receive any means-tested benefits, section 213A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that the benefits-granting entity shall request
reimbursement from your sponsor.
You are authorized to work in the United States while your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form 1-485) is pending.
You may apply for work authorization by submitting an Application for Employment Authorization (Form 1-765), pursuant to Title 8 Code of Federal
Regulations (8 CFR), section 274a. 12(c)(9), to this office. If you have already filed this application, the decision on your application will be sent under
separate cover.
If any of the information in your notice is incorrect or you have any questions about your case, you can connect with the USCIS Contact Center at
www.uscis.gov/contactcenter or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request. You will need your Alien Registration Number (A-Number) and/or
the receipt number shown above.
You can receive updates on your case by visiting www.uscis.gov/casestatus to get the latest status or you can create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and
receive email updates for your case.
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-797C, Notice of Action
Biometrics - We require biometrics (fingerprints, a photo, and a signature) for some types of cases. If we need biometrics from you, we will send you a
SEPARATE appointment notice with a specific date, time and place for you to go to a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for biometrics processing.
You must wait for that separate appointment notice and take it (NOT this receipt notice) to your ASC appointment along with your photo identification.
Acceptable kinds of photo identification are:
Return of Original Documents - Use Form G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents, to request the return of original documents submitted to
establish eligibility for an immigration or citizenship benefit. You only need to submit one Form G-884 if you are requesting multiple documents contained
in a single USCIS file. However, if the requested documentation is in more than one USCIS file, you must submit a separate request for each file. (For
example: if you wish to obtain your mother's birth certificate and your parents' marriage certificate, both of which are in the USCIS file that pertains to her,
submit one Form G-884 with your mother's information.)
NOTICE: Under the INA, the information you provide on and in support of applications and petitions is submitted under the penalty of pequry. USCIS
and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making a decision on your case so we
can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other legal authorities. We may review public information and records,
contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and residences, or use other methods of verification. We will use
the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we find any derogatory information, we will provide you and
the legal representative listed on your Form G-28 an opportunity to address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any relevant documentation) according to the mailing preferences you chose on Form G-28, Notice
of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative. This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice.
We have received the application or petition ("your case") listed above. This notice only shows that your case was tiled on the "Received Date"
listed above. It does NOT grant you any immigration status or immigration benefit, and it is not evidence that your case is still pending. We will notify you
in writing when we make a decision on your case or if we need additional information.
Please save this and any other notices about your case for your records. You should also keep copies of anything you send us, as well as proof of delivery.
Have these records available when you contact us about your case.
If any of the information in your notice is incorrect or you have any questions about your case, you can connect with the USCIS Contact Center at
www.uscis.gov/contactcenter or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request. You will need your Alien Registration Number (A-Number) and/or
the receipt number shown above.
You can receive updates on your case by visiting www.uscis.gov/casestatus to get the latest status or you can create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and
receive email updates for your case.
Automatic 180 day Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Extension - This notice, by itself, does not grant any immigration status or benefit,
nor is it evidence that this case is still pending. However, if:
• You have timely filed to renew your current Form 1-765 EAD; and
• Your EAD renewal is under a category that is eligible for an automatic 180 day extension (see www.uscis.gov/I-765 for a list of categories); and
• The category on your current EAD matches the "Class Requested" listed on this Notice of Action (Note: If you are a Temporary Protected Status
beneficiary or applicant, your EAD and this Notice must contain either the Al 2 or C19 class, but they do not need to match each other.) and
• You do not receive your renewal EAD before your current EAD expires;
• Then this Notice of Action automatically extends the validity of your EAD for up to 180 days from the expiration date printed on the face of the
card. If all of the above conditions apply with respect to your EAD renewal application, you may present this Notice of Action with your expired
EAD to your employer for employment eligibility verification (Form 1-9) purposes. If your renewal application is denied, the automatic extension
immediately terminates, and you may not provide this Notice of Action with your expired EAD for Form 1-9 purposes. If your EAD is a combo
card, the automatic extension does not apply to advance parole. For more information, please visit our website at www.uscis.gov/I-765.
• Visit www.uscis.gov/processingtimes to see the current processing times by form type and field office or service center.
• If you do not receive an initial decision or update within our current processing time, you can try our online tools available at www.uscis.gov/tools
or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request.
• When we make a decision on your case or if we need something from you, we will notify you by mail and update our systems.
• Visit the Case Status Online website at www.uscis.gov/casestatus . Provide your receipt number and get the latest update on your case.
• Create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and receive email updates on your case.
Biometrics - We require biometrics (fingerprints, a photo, and a signature) for some types of cases. If we need biometrics from you, we will send you a
SEPARATE appointment notice with a specific date, time and place for you to go to a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for biometrics processing.
You must wait for that separate appointment notice and take it (NOT this receipt notice) to your ASC appointment along with your photo identification.
Acceptable kinds of photo identification are:
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fleldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
If you receive more than one ASC appointment notice (even for different cases), take them both to the first appointment date.
If your address changes - If you move while your case is pending, please visit www.uscis.gov/addresschange for information on how to update your
address. Remember to update your address for all your receipt numbers.
Return of Original Documents - Use Form G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents, to request the return of original documents submitted to
establish eligibility for an immigration or citizenship benefit. You only need to submit one Form G-884 if you are requesting multiple documents contained
in a single USCIS file. However, if the requested documentation is in more than one USCIS file, you must submit a separate request for each file. (For
example: If you wish to obtain your mother’s birth certificate and your parents’ marriage certificate, both of which are in the USCIS file that pertains to her,
submit one Form G-884 with your mother’s information.)
NOTICE: Under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), the information you provide on and in support of applications and petitions is submitted
under the penalty of perjury. USCIS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making
a decision on your case so we can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other legal authorities. We may review
public information and records, contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and residences, or use other methods of
verification. We will use the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we find any derogatory information, we
will follow the law in determining whether to provide you (and the legal representative listed on your Form G-28, if you submitted one) an opportunity to
address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start proceedings.
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U S Citizenship and Immigiation Sei vices
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any relevant documentation) according to the mailing preferences you chose on Form G-28, Notice
of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice.
We have received the application or petition ("your case") listed above. This notice shows that your case was filed on the "Received Date" listed
above. It does NOT grant the beneficiary any immigration status, and it is not evidence that your case is still pending We will notify you in writing when
we make a decision on your case or if we need additional information
Please save this and any other notices about your case for your records You should also keep copies of anything you send us, as well as proof of delivery
Have these records available if you contact us about your case
T/U Filings - If you were still in valid U or T nonimmigrant status on the date your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form
1-485) was received, that status is extended until a decision is reached on your Form 1-485 If your status was no longer valid by the date your Form 1-485
was received, you will need to file the Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status (Form 1-539) with this office to request an extension of your
nonimmigrant status
Affidavit of Support - If a Form 1-864, Affidavit of Support, is required for your filing, please understand that it is a contract between your sponsor and the
government of the United States This means that your sponsor is telling the government that he/she is willing and able to financially support you if needed
It may also make you ineligible for certain Federal, state, or local means-tested benefits, because he/she has indicated that they will support you If you
do receive any means-tested benefits, section 213A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that the benefits-granting entity shall request
reimbursement from your sponsor
You are authorized to work m the United States while your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form 1-485) is pending
You may apply for work authorization by submitting an Application for Employment Authorization (Form 1-765), pursuant to Title 8 Code of Federal
Regulations (8 CFR), section 274a 12(c)(9), to this office If you have already filed this application, the decision on your application will be sent under
separate cover
If any of the information in your notice is incorrect or you have any questions about your case, you can connect with the USCIS Contact Center at
www uscis gov/contactcenter or ask about your case online at www uscis gov/e-request You will need your Alien Registiation Number (A-Number) and/or
the receipt number shown above
You can receive updates on your case by visiting www uscis gov/casestatus to get the latest status or you can create an account at my uscis gov/account and
receive email updates for your case
If this is an inteiview oi biometiics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice foi impoitant information. FoimI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldofflces for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
Biometrics - We require biometrics (fingerprints, a photo, and a signature) for some types of cases. If we need biometrics from you, we will send you a
SEPARATE appointment notice with a specific date, time and place for you to go to a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for biometrics processing.
You must wait for that separate appointment notice and take it (NOT this receipt notice) to your ASC appointment along with your photo identification.
Acceptable kinds of photo identification are:
If you receive more than one ASC appointment notice (even for different cases), take them both to the first appointment date.
If your address changes - If you move while your case is pending, please visit www.uscis.gov/addresschange for information on how to update your
address. Remember to update your address for all your receipt numbers.
Return of Original Documents - Use Form G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents, to request the return of original documents submitted to
establish eligibility for an immigration or citizenship benefit. You only need to submit one Form G-884 if you are requesting multiple documents contained
in a single USCIS file. However, if the requested documentation is in more than one USCIS file, you must submit a separate request for each file. (For
example: if you wish to obtain your mother’s birth certificate and your parents' marriage certificate, both of which are in the USCIS file that pertains to her,
submit one Form G-884 with your mother's information.)
NOTICE: Under the INA, the information you provide on and in support of applications and petitions is submitted under the penalty of petjury. USCIS
and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making a decision on your case so we
can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other legal authorities. We may review public information and records,
contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and residences, or use other methods of verification. We will use
the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we find any derogatory information, we will provide you and
the legal representative listed on your Form G-28 an opportunity to address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any relevant documentation) according to the mailing preferences you chose on Form G-28, Notice
of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative. This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice.
We have received the application or petition ("your case") listed above. This notice oniy shows that your case was filed on the "Received Date"
listed above. It does NOT grant you any immigration status or immigration benefit, and it is not evidence that your case is still pending. We will notify you
in writing when we make a decision on your case or if we need additional information.
Please save this and any other notices about your case for your records. You should also keep copies of anything you send us, as well as proof of delivery.
Have these records available when you contact us about your case.
If any of the information in your notice is incorrect or you have any questions about your case, you can connect with the USCIS Contact Center at
www.uscis.gov/contactcenter or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request. You will need your Alien Registration Number (A-Number) and/or
the receipt number shown above.
You can receive updates on your case by visiting www.uscis.gov/casestatus to get the latest status or you can create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and
receive email updates for your case.
Automatic 180 day Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Extension - This notice, by itself, does not grant any immigration status or benefit,
nor is it evidence that this case is still pending. However, if:
• You have timely filed to renew your current Form 1-765 EAD; and
• Your EAD renewal is under a category that is eligible for an automatic 180 day extension (see www.uscis.gov/I-765 for a list of categories); and
• The category on your current EAD matches the "Class Requested" listed on this Notice of Action (Note: If you are a Temporary Protected Status
beneficiary or applicant, your EAD and this Notice must contain either the A12 or C19 class, but they do not need to match each other.) and
• You do not receive your renewal EAD before your current EAD expires;
• Then this Notice of Action automatically extends the validity of your EAD for up to 180 days from the expiration date printed on the face of the
card. If all of the above conditions apply with respect to your EAD renewal application, you may present this Notice of Action with your expired
EAD to your employer for employment eligibility verification (Form 1-9) purposes. If your renewal application is denied, the automatic extension
immediately terminates, and you may not provide this Notice of Action with your expired EAD for Form 1-9 purposes. If your EAD is a combo
card, the automatic extension does not apply to advance parole. For more information, please visit our website at www.uscis.gov/I-765.
• Visit www.uscis.gov/processingtimes to see the current processing times by form type and field office or service center.
• If you do not receive an initial decision or update within our current processing time, you can try our online tools available at www.uscis.gov/tools
or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request.
• When we make a decision on your case or if we need something from you, we will notify you by mail and update our systems.
• Visit the Case Status Online website at www.uscis.gov/casestatus . Provide your receipt number and get the latest update on your case.
• Create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and receive email updates on your case.
Biometrics - We require biometrics (fingerprints, a photo, and a signature) for some types of cases. If we need biometrics from you, we will send you a
SEPARATE appointment notice with a specific date, time and place for you to go to a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for biometrics processing.
You must wait for that separate appointment notice and take it (NOT this receipt notice) to your ASC appointment along with your photo identification.
Acceptable kinds of photo identification are:
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. Formore information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
If you receive more than one ASC appointment notice (even for different cases), take them both to the first appointment date.
If your address changes - If you move while your case is pending, please visit www.uscis.gov/addresschange for information on how to update your
address. Remember to update your address for all your receipt numbers.
Return of Original Documents - Use Form G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents, to request the return of original documents submitted to
establish eligibility for an immigration or citizenship benefit. You only need to submit one Form G-884 if you are requesting multiple documents contained
in a single USCIS file. However, if the requested documentation is in more than one USCIS file, you must submit a separate request for each file. (For
example: If you wish to obtain your mother’s birth certificate and your parents’ marriage certificate, both of which are in the USCIS file that pertains to her,
submit one Form G-884 with your mother’s information.)
NOTICE: Under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), the information you provide on and in support of applications and petitions is submitted
under the penalty of perjury. USCIS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making
a decision on your case so we can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other legal authorities. We may review
public information and records, contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and residences, or use other methods of
verification. We will use the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we find any derogatory information, we
will follow the law in determining whether to provide you (and the legal representative listed on your Form G-28, if you submitted one) an opportunity to
address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start proceedings.
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
We have received the application or petition ("your case") listed above. This notice only shows that your case was filed on the "Received Date”
listed above. It does NOT grant you any immigration status or immigration benefit, and it is not evidence that your case is still pending. We will notify you
in writing when we make a decision on your case or if we need additional information.
Please save this and any other notices about your case for your records. You should also keep copies of anything you send us, as well as proof of delivery.
Have these records available when you contact us about your case.
If any of the information in your notice is incorrect or you have any questions about your case, you can connect with the USCIS Contact Center at
www.uscis.gov/contactcenter or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request. You will need your Alien Registration Number (A-Number) and/or
the receipt number shown above.
You can receive updates on your case by visiting www.uscis.gov/casestatus to get the latest status or you can create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and
receive email updates for your case.
Automatic 180 day Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Extension - This notice, by itself, does not grant any immigration status or benefit,
nor is it evidence that this case is still pending. However, if:
• You have timely filed to renew your current Form 1-765 EAD; and
• Your EAD renewal is under a category that is eligible for an automatic 180 day extension (see www.uscis.gov/I-765 for a list of categories); and
• The category on your current EAD matches the "Class Requested" listed on this Notice of Action (Note: If you are a Temporary Protected Status
beneficiary or applicant, your EAD and this Notice must contain either the A12 or C19 class, but they do not need to match each other.) and
• You do not receive your renewal EAD before your current EAD expires;
• Then this Notice of Action automatically extends the validity of your EAD for up to 180 days from the expiration date printed on the face of the
card. If all of the above conditions apply with respect to your EAD renewal application, you may present this Notice of Action with your expired
EAD to your employer for employment eligibility verification (Form 1-9) purposes. If your renewal application is denied, the automatic extension
immediately terminates, and you may not provide this Notice of Action with your expired EAD for Form 1-9 purposes. If your EAD is a combo
card, the automatic extension does not apply to advance parole. For more information, please visit our website at www.uscis.gov/I-765.
• Visit www.uscis.gov/processingtimes to see the current processing times by form type and field office or service center.
• If you do not receive an initial decision or update within our current processing time, you can try our online tools available at www.uscis.gov/tools
or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request.
• When we make a decision on your case or if we need something from you, we will notify you by mail and update our systems.
• Visit the Case Status Online website at www.uscis.gov/casestatus. Provide your receipt number and get the latest update on your case.
• Create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and receive email updates on your case.
Biometrics - We require biometrics (fingerprints, a photo, and a signature) for some types of cases. If we need biometrics from you, we will send you a
SEPARATE appointment notice with a specific date, time and place for you to go to a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for biometrics processing.
You must wait for that separate appointment notice and take it (NOT this receipt notice) to your ASC appointment along with your photo identification.
Acceptable kinds of photo identification are:
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldofflces for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
If you receive more than one ASC appointment notice (even for different cases), take them both to the first appointment date.
If your address changes - If you move while your case is pending, please visit www.uscis.gov/addresschange for information on how to update your
address. Remember to update your address for all your receipt numbers.
Return of Original Documents - Use Form G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents, to request the return of original documents submitted to
establish eligibility for an immigration or citizenship benefit. You only need to submit one Form G-884 if you are requesting multiple documents contained
in a single USCIS file. However, if the requested documentation is in more than one USCIS file, you must submit a separate request for each file. (For
example: If you wish to obtain your mother’s birth certificate and your parents’ marriage certificate, both of which are in the USCIS file that pertains to her,
submit one Form G-884 with your mother’s information.)
NOTICE: Under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), the information you provide on and in support of applications and petitions is submitted
under the penalty of perjury. USCIS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making
a decision on your case so we can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other legal authorities. We may review
public information and records, contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and residences, or use other methods of
verification. We will use the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we find any derogatory information, we
will follow the law in determining whether to provide you (and the legal representative listed on your Form G-28, if you submitted one) an opportunity to
address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start proceedings.
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S, Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-797C, Notice of Action
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any relevant documentation) according to the mailing preferences you chose oh Form G-28, Notice
of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative. This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice.
We have received the application or petition ("your case") listed above. This notice shows that your case was filed on the "Received Date" listed
above. It does NOT grant the beneficiary any immigration status, and it is not evidence that your case is still pending. We will notify you in writing when
we make a decision on your case or if we need additional information.
Please save this and any other notices about your case for your records. You should also keep copies of anything you send us, as well as proof of delivery.
Have these records available if you contact us about your case.
T/U Filings - If you were still in valid U or T nonimmigrant status on the date your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form
1-485) was received, that status is extended until a decision is reached on your Form 1-485. If your status was no longer valid by the date your Form 1-485
was received, you will need to file the Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status (Form 1-539) with this office to request an extension of your
nonimmigrant status.
Affidavit of Support - If a Form 1-864, Affidavit of Support, is required for your filing, please understand that it is a contract between your sponsor and the
government of the United States. This means that your sponsor is telling the government that he/she is willing and able to financially support you if needed.
It may also make you ineligible for certain Federal, state, or local means-tested benefits, because he/she has indicated that they will support you. If you
do receive any means-tested benefits, section 213A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that the benefits-granting entity shall request
reimbursement from your sponsor.
You are authorized to work in the United States while your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form 1-485) is pending.
You may apply for work authorization by submitting an Application for Employment Authorization (Form 1-765), pursuant to Title 8 Code of Federal
Regulations (8 CFR), section 274a. 12(c)(9), to this office. If you have already filed this application, the decision on your application will be sent under
separate cover.
If any of the information in your notice is incorrect or you have any questions about your case, you can connect with the USCIS Contact Center at
www.uscis.gov/contactcenter or ask about your case online at www.uscis.gov/e-request. You will need your Alien Registration Number (A-Number) and/or
the receipt number shown above.
You can receive updates on your case by visiting www.uscis.gov/casestatus to get the latest status or you can create an account at my.uscis.gov/account and
receive email updates for your case.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-797C, Notice of Action
Biometrics - We require biometrics (fingerprints, a photo, and a signature) for some types of cases. If we need biometrics from you, we will send you a
SEPARATE appointment notice with a specific date, time and place for you to go to a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for biometrics processing.
You must wait for that separate appointment notice and take it (NOT this receipt notice) to your ASC appointment along with your photo identification.
Acceptable kinds of photo identification are:
If you receive more than one ASC appointment notice (even for different cases), take them both to the first appointment date.
If your address changes - If you move while your case is pending, please visit www.uscis.gov/addresschange for information on how to update your
address. Remember to update your address for all your receipt numbers.
Return of Original Documents - Use Form G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents, to request the return of original documents submitted to
establish eligibility for an immigration or citizenship benefit. You only need to submit one Form G-884 if you are requesting multiple documents contained
in a single USCIS file. However, if the requested documentation is in more than one USCIS file, you must submit a separate request for each file. (For
example: if you wish to obtain your mother's birth certificate and your parents’ marriage certificate, both of which are in the USCIS file that pertains to her,
submit one Form G-884 with your mother's information.)
NOTICE: Under the INA, the information you provide on and in support of applications and petitions is submitted under the penalty of petjury. USCIS
and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making a decision on your case so we
can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other legal authorities. We may review public information and records,
contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and residences, or use other methods of verification. We will use
the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we find any derogatory information, we will provide you and
the legal representative listed on your Form G-28 an opportunity to address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Biometrics - We require biometrics (fingerprints, a photo, and a signature) for some types of cases. If we need biometrics from you, we will send you a
SEPARATE appointment notice with a specific date, time and place for you to go to a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for biometrics processing.
You must wait for that separate appointment notice and take it (NOT this receipt notice) to your ASC appointment along with your photo identification.
Acceptable kinds of photo identification are:
If you receive more than one ASC appointment notice (even for different cases), take them both to the first appointment date.
If your address changes - If you move while your case is pending, please visit www.uscis.gov/addresschange for information on how to update your
address. Remember to update your address for all your receipt numbers.
Return of Original Documents - Use Form G-884, Request for the Return of Original Documents, to request the return of original documents submitted to
establish eligibility for an immigration or citizenship benefit. You only need to submit one Form G-884 if you are requesting multiple documents contained
in a single USCIS file. However, if the requested documentation is in more than one USCIS file, you must submit a separate request for each file. (For
example: if you wish to obtain your mother's birth certificate and your parents' marriage certificate, both of which are in the USCIS file that pertains to her,
submit one Form G-884 with your mother's information.)
NOTICE: Under the INA, the information you provide on and in support of applications and petitions is submitted under the penalty of perjury. USCIS
and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this information before and/or after making a decision on your case so we
can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and other legal authorities. We may review public information and records,
contact others by mail, the internet or phone, conduct site inspections of businesses and residences, or use other methods of verification. We will use
the information obtained to determine whether you are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we find any derogatory information, we will provide you and
the legal representative listed on your Form G-28 an opportunity to address that information before we make a formal decision on your case or start
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
U S Citizenship and Immigiation Services
We have received the application or petition ("your case") listed above. This notice shows that your case was filed on the "Received Date" listed
above. It does NOT grant the beneficiary any immigration status, and it is not evidence that your case is still pending We will notify you in writing when
we make a decision on your case or if we need additional information
Please save this and any other notices about your case for your records You should also keep copies of anything you send us, as well as proof of delivery
Have these records available if you contact us about your case
T/U Filings - If you were still in valid U or T nonimmigrant status on the date your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form
1-485) was received, that status is extended until a decision is reached on your Form 1-485 If your status was no longer valid by the date your Form 1-485
was received, you will need to file the Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status (Form 1-539) with this office to request an extension of your
nonimmigrant status
Affidavit of Support - If a Form 1-864, Affidavit of Support, is required for your filing, please understand that it is a contract between your sponsor and the
government of the United States This means that your sponsor is telling the government that he/she is willing and able to financially support you if needed
It may also make you ineligible for certain Federal, state, or local means-tested benefits, because he/she has indicated that they will support you If you
do receive any means-tested benefits, section 213A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) states that the benefits-grantmg entity shall request
reimbursement from your sponsor
You are authorized to work in the United States while your Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status (Form 1-485) is pending
You may apply for work authorization by submitting an Application for Employment Authorization (Form 1-765), pursuant to Title 8 Code of Federal
Regulations (8 CFR), section 274a 12(c)(9), to this office If you have already filed this application, the decision on your application will be sent under
separate cover
If any of the information in your notice is incorrect or you have any questions about your case, you can connect with the USCIS Contact Center at
www uscis gov/contactcenter or ask about your case online at www uscis gov/e-request You will need your Alien Registration Number (A-Number) and/or
the receipt number shown above
You can receive updates on your case by visiting www uscis gov/casestatus to get the latest status or you can create an account at my uscis gov/account and
receive email updates for your case
Please see the additional information on the back You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed
If this is an inteiview oi biometiics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice foi impoi tant infoi mation. FoimI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Welcome to USCIS!
Thank you for your recent submission. We have created a USCIS Online Account for you. With this account you can:
• check the status of your case.
• sign up to receive email notifications and text messages.
• manage your account preferences and contact information.
Please see the additional information on the back. We will notify you separately' about any other cases you have filed.
Texas Service Center lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illi Illi lllll Hill Illi Illi
6046 N Belt Line Rd., STE 110
Irving TX 75038-0012 |
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
January 28, 2021 75 Lower Welden St.
St. Albans, VT 05479
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration
TOWSON, MD 21204
On September 15, 2020, you filed a Form 1-765, Application for Employment Authorization under
Title 8 Code of Federal Regulations (8 CFR), section 274a. 12(c)(14). This Form 1-765 is based on
your claim that your case was administratively placed in deferred action based on your Form 1-918,
Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status being placed on the wait list for a U nonimmigrant visa.
An alien who has been granted deferred action, an act of administrative convenience to the
government which gives some cases lower priority...
On January 5, 2021, your Form 1-918 was approved which included an Employment Authorization
Document under 8 CFR 274a.l2(a)(19). Since you now have U-l status, your deferred action has
been terminated. As you no longer have deferred action, you are not eligible for work authorization
under 8 CFR 274a. 12(c)(14).
This decision may not be appealed. However, if you disagree with this decision, or if you have
additional evidence that shows this decision is incorrect, you may submit a motion to reopen or a
motion to reconsider by completing a Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion. A motion to reopen
must state the new facts to be considered and must be supported by affidavits or other new
documentary evidence. A motion to reconsider must show that the decision was legally incorrect
according to statute, regulation, and/or precedent decision.
The motion must be filed within 33 days from the date of this notice. You must send your completed
Form I-290B and supporting documents with the appropriate filing fee to:
To obtain the Form I-290B, visit www.uscis.gov/forms. For the latest information on filing location,
fee, and other requirements, refer to the Form I-290B instructions; review 8 CFR 103.5; call our
USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283; or visit your local USC1S office.
Laura B. Zuchowski
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration
TOWSON, MD 21204 EAC2031850356
On September 15, 2020, you filed a Form 1-765, Application for Employment Authorization under
Title 8 Code of Federal Regulations (8 CFR), section 274a.l2(c)(14). This Form 1-765 is based on
your claim that your case was administratively placed in deferred action based on your Form 1-918,
Petition for U Nonimmigrant Status being placed on the wait list for a U nonimmigrant visa.
An alien who has been granted deferred action, an act of administrative convenience to the
government which gives some cases lower priority...
On January 5, 2021, your Form 1-918 was approved which included an Employment Authorization
Document under 8 CFR 274a.l2(a)(19). Since you now have U-l status, your deferred action has
been terminated. As you no longer have deferred action, you are not eligible for work authorization
under 8 CFR 274a. 12(c)(14).
This decision may not be appealed. However, if you disagree with this decision, or if you have
additional evidence that shows this decision is incorrect, you may submit a motion to reopen or a
motion to reconsider by completing a Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion. A motion to reopen
must state the new facts to be considered and must be supported by affidavits or other new
documentary evidence. A motion to reconsider must show that the decision was legally incorrect
according to statute, regulation, and/or precedent decision.
The motion must be filed within 33 days from the date of this notice. You must send your completed
Form I-290B and supporting documents with the appropriate filing fee to:
To obtain the Form I-290B, visit www.uscis.gov/forms. For the latest information on filing location,
fee, and other requirements, refer to the Form I-290B instructions; review 8 CFR 103.5; call our
USCIS Contact Center at 1-800-375-5283; or visit your local USC1S office.
Laura B. Zuchowski
This is in reference to the 1-765, Application for Employment Authorization, you submitted. Your 1-765, fees, and any
supporting documentation is being returned to you for the following reason(s):
The payment amount is incorrect, or has not been provided. Please review the Form Instructions for fee information.
Please resubmit the application/petition package with the appropriate fees to the address listed on the bottom of this
Please be sure to complete the application fully, submit the appropriate fees, and include all required supporting
If you submitted a G-1450 Authorization for Credit Card Transaction, your submitted G-1450 has been destroyed.
If you are applying for an initial or renewal employment authorization based on a pending asylum application, you may be
exempt from the requirement to submit biometric information and the related fee, as well as from certain other requirements.
Please see www.uscis.gov/i-765 for further information.
If you have questions, please visit the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter to connect with a live USC1S
representative in English or Spanish.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this notice or the status of your case, please contact the USCIS Contact
You will be notified separately about any other case you may have filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Dear Sir/Madam:
(ESPANOL ABAJO) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is returning your Form 1-765,
Application for Employment Authorization. We have included a Form 1-797 return notice that describes
the reason(s) we could not accept your application. You may file your application for employment
authorization again with a properly completed form.
USCIS is including this notice to inform you that the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland
issued a preliminary injunction on September 11, 2020, in Casa de Maryland, Inc., et. al. v. Chad Wolf,
et. al., 8:20-cv-02118-PX (D. Md.) that may exempt you from paying the biometric services fee, as well
as from certain other requirements.
This preliminary injunction provides limited injunctive relief to members of two organizations, CASA de
Maryland (CASA) and the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP), who file Form 1-589 and Form
1-765 as asylum applicants. Specifically, the court preliminarily enjoined USCIS from enforcement of the
following regulatory changes for CASA and ASAP members:
• Removal of the 30-day adjudicatory period for Form 1-765, Application for Employment
Authorization, based on an underlying asylum application;
• The requirement to submit biometric information as part of the filing of a Form I-
765 based on an asylum application;
• The 365-day waiting period for Employment Authorization Document (EAD) eligibility
based on an underlying asylum application;
• The bar on EAD eligibility for asylum applicants subject to the one-year filing bar for
applicable to a Form 1-765 based on an asylum application filed on or after Aug. 25, 2020;
• The discretionary review rule, providing that the agency has discretion as to whether to
grant a Form 1-765 based on an asylum application; and
• Removal of the rule deeming a Form 1-589, Application for Asylum andfor Withholding of
Removal, complete if USCIS does not reject it within 30 days of receipt.
You may file your request for employment authorization again. If you refile your Form 1-765, you must
include the biometric services fee or a fee waiver request as required in the form instructions with your
submission unless you are a member of CASA or ASAP.
Please place the evidence of your CASA or ASAP membership immediately behind your Form 1-765.
Members of CASA or ASAP who have further questions should contact CASA or ASAP directly to ensure
USCIS is able to process their applications in accordance with the court’s order. Contact information for
CASA can be found at www.wearecasa.org and for ASAP at www.asylumadvocacy.org.
If you submit a properly completed Form 1-765 with evidence of your CASA or ASAP membership, USCIS
will accept your application without the biometric services fee. Further, USCIS will not require you to
attend a biometric services appointment in conjunction with your Form 1-765 application. However, USCIS
will require you to attend a biometric services appointment in conjunction with your Form 1-589,
Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, if you have not already. Finally, USCIS will
adjudicate your Form 1-765 application in accordance with the preliminary injunction order issued in Casa
de Maryland Inc., et. al. v. Chad Wolf et. al.
Thank you,
Si es miembro de CASA o ASAP, puede volver a presentar su Formulario 1-765 sin la tarifa de servicios
biometricos segun la orden judicial preliminar de Casa de Maryland, Inc., et. al. v. Chad Wolf, et. al. Para
presentar su Formulario 1-765 sin la tarifa de servicios biometricos, tiene que incluir una de las siguientes
pruebas de su membresia en CASA o ASAP: (1) una copia de su tarjeta de membresia o (2) una carta de
CASA o ASAP que certifique su membresia. Los ninos menores de 21 anos pueden presentar la prueba de
membresia de sus padres junto con una prueba que demuestre la relacion entre padre e hijo, como por
ejemplo, una copia del acta de nacimiento del nino. Debido a que USCIS no revise todas las solicitudes
para determinar si inclulan prueba de membresia, usted tiene que volver a entregar este formulario con
su prueba de membresia, inclusive si incluyd esta evidencia anteriormente con el formulario que se
le devolvid.
This is in reference to the 1-765, Application for Employment Authorization, you submitted. Your 1-765, fees, and any
supporting documentation is being returned to you for the following reason(s):
The payment amount is incorrect, or has not been provided. Please review the Form Instructions for fee information.
Please resubmit the application/petition package with the appropriate fees to the address listed on the bottom of this
Please be sure to complete the application fully, submit the appropriate fees, and include all required supporting
If you submitted a G-1450 Authorization for Credit Card Transaction, your submitted G-1450 has been destroyed.
If you are applying for an initial or renewal employment authorization based on a pending asylum application, you may be
exempt from the requirement to submit biometric information and the related fee, as well as from certain other requirements.
Please see www.uscis.gov/i-765 for further information.
If you have questions, please visit the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter to connect with a live USCIS
representative in English or Spanish.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this notice or the status of your case, please contact the USCIS Contact
You will be notified separately about any other case you may have filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration
Dear Sir/Madam:
(ESPANOL ABAJO) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is returning your Form 1-765,
Application for Employment Authorization. We have included a Form 1-797 return notice that describes
the reason(s) we could not accept your application. You may file your application for employment
authorization again with a properly completed form.
USCIS is including this notice to inform you that the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland
issued a preliminary injunction on September 11, 2020, in Casa de Maryland, Inc., et. al. v. Chad Wolf,
et. al., 8:20-cv-02118-PX (D. Md.) that may exempt you from paying the biometric services fee, as well
as from certain other requirements.
This preliminary injunction provides limited injunctive relief to members of two organizations, CASA de
Maryland (CASA) and the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP), who file Form 1-589 and Form
1-765 as asylum applicants. Specifically, the court preliminarily enjoined USCIS from enforcement of the
following regulatory changes for CASA and ASAP members:
• Removal of the 30-day adjudicatory period for Form 1-765, Application for Employment
Authorization, based on an underlying asylum application;
• The requirement to submit biometric information as part of the filing of a Form I-
765 based on an asylum application;
• The 365-day waiting period for Employment Authorization Document (EAD) eligibility
based on an underlying asylum application;
• The bar on EAD eligibility for asylum applicants subject to the one-year filing bar for
applicable to a Form 1-765 based on an asylum application filed on or after Aug. 25,2020;
• The discretionary review rule, providing that the agency has discretion as to whether to
grant a Form 1-765 based on an asylum application; and
• Removal of the rule deeming a Form 1-589, Application for Asylum andfor Withholding of
Removal, complete if USCIS does not reject it within 30 days of receipt.
You may file your request for employment authorization again. If you refile your Form 1-765, you must
include the biometric services fee or a fee waiver request as required in the form instructions with your
submission unless you are a member of CASA or ASAP.
Please place the evidence of your CASA or ASAP membership immediately behind your Form 1-765.
Members of CASA or ASAP who have further questions should contact CASA or ASAP directly to ensure
USCIS is able to process their applications in accordance with the court’s order. Contact information for
CASA can be found at www.wearecasa.org and for ASAP at www.asylumadvocacy.org.
If you submit a properly completed Form 1-765 with evidence of your CASA or ASAP membership, USCIS
will accept your application without the biometric services fee. Further, USCIS will not require you to
attend a biometric services appointment in conjunction with your Form 1-765 application. However, USCIS
will require you to attend a biometric services appointment in conjunction with your Form 1-589,
Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, if you have not already. Finally, USCIS will
adjudicate your Form 1-765 application in accordance with the preliminary injunction order issued in Casa
de Maryland Inc., et. al. v. Chad Wolf et. al.
Thank you,
Si es miembro de CASA o ASAP, puede volver a presentar su Formulario 1-765 sin la tarifa de servicios
biometricos segun la orden judicial preliminar de Casa de Maryland, Inc., et. al. v. Chad Wolf, et. al. Para
presentar su Formulario 1-765 sin la tarifa de servicios biometricos, tiene que incluir una de las siguientes
pruebas de su membresia en CASA o ASAP: (1) una copia de su tarjeta de membresia o (2) una carta de
CASA o ASAP que certifique su membresia. Los ninos menores de 21 anos pueden presentar la prueba de
membresia de sus padres junto con una prueba que demuestre la relacion entre padre e hijo, como por
ejemplo, una copia del acta de nacimiento del nino. Debido a que USCIS no reviso todas las solicitudes
para determinar si incluian prueba de membresia, usted tiene que volver a entregar este formulario con
su prueba de membresia, inclusive si incluyo esta evidencia anteriormente con el formulario que se
le devolvio.
Part i. Information About Attorney or Part 2i, Eligibility Information for Attorney or
Accredited Representative Accredited Representative__________________
1. USCIS Online Account Number (if any) Select all applicable items.
► i a.
l. [x] I am an attorney eligible to practice law in, and a
member in good standing of, the bar of the highest
courts of the following states, possessions, territories,
Name ofAttorney or Accredited Representative
commonwealths, or the District of Columbia. If you
2.a. Family Name Canto need extra space to complete this section, use the
(Last Name) _______________________________________ space provided in Part 6. Additional Information.
2.b. GivenName Katherine
Licensing Authority
(First Name) _______________________________________
District of Columbia Court Appeals
2.c. Middle Name
b. Bar Number (if applicable) ___________________
Address ofAttorney oy AccreditedRepreseiitative 1004844
a. [x] U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) 12. Email Address (if any)
1. b. List the form numbers or specific matter in which
appearance is entered.
1-765 Mailing Address of Client
2. a. QJ U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) NOTE: Provide the client's mailing address. Do not provide
the business mailing address of the attorney or accredited
b. List the specific matter in which appearance is entered.
representative unless it serves as the safe mailing address on the
application or petition being filed with this Form G-28.
-i i n i h i 11 rm
5. I enter my appearance as an attorney or accredited
representative at the request of the (select only one box):
[X] Applicant Q Petitioner Q Requestor
Q Beneficiary/Derivative Q Respondent (ICE, CBP)
Page Number 5.b. Part Number 5.c. Item Number
3.d. 6,a. Page Number 6.b. Part Number 6.c. Item Number
0 Authorization/Extension
For Valid Through
Alien Registration Number A- ] 1 j
To be completed by an attorney or [x] Select this box if Form G-28 Attorney or Accredited Representative
is attached. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)-
.5 accredited representative (if any).
► START HERE - Type or print in black ink. Answer all questions fully and accurately. If a question does not apply to you (for
example, if you have never been married and the question asks, “Provide the name of your current spouse”), type or print “N/A”
unless otherwise directed. If your answer to a question which requires a numeric response is zero or none (for example, “How
many children do you have” or “How many times have you departed the United States”), type or print “None” unless otherwise
a. In Care Of Name (if any)__________________
NOTE: If you answered “No” to Item Number 14., skip
Law Office of Katherine Canto to Part 2., Item Number 18.a. If you answered “Yes” to
Item Number 14., you must also answer “Yes” to Item
b. StreetNumber 22 w Pennsylvania Avenue Number 15.
ann IxJam/a •*
15. Consent for Disclosure: I authorize disclosure of
information from this application to the SSA as required
for the purpose of assigning me an SSN and issuing me a
Social Security card. fx] Yes [J No
b. Provide your Social Security number (SSN) (if known).
finformation About Your East Arrival in the 28. c. Employer's E-Verify Company Identification Number or a
Valid E-Verify Client Company Identification Number
21.a. Form 1-94 Arrival-Departure Record Number (if any)
► n o n e i 29. (c)(26) Eligibility Category. If you entered the eligibility
category (c)(26) in Item Number 27., provide the receipt
21.b. Passport Number of Your Most Recently Issued Passport number of your H-1B spouse's most recent Form 1-797
Notice for Form 1-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant
21.c. Travel Document Number (if any) ► none
3O.a. Have you EVER been arrested for, and/or charged with,
21.e. Expiration Date for Passport or Travel Document
and/or convicted of any crime in any country?
(mm/dd/yyyy) 10/17/2027
| | Yes |X] No
22. Date of Your Last Arrival Into the United States, On or
NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to Item Number 3O.a.,
About (mm/dd/yyyy) Io3/O4/2O19
refer to Special Filing Instructions for Those With
Pending Asylum Applications (c)(8) of the Form 1-765
23. Place of Your Last Arrival Into the United States________
Instructions for information about providing court
Hidalgo TX dispositions.
24. Immigration Status at Your Last Arrival (for example, 3O.b. Did you enter the United States lawfully through a U.S.
B-2 visitor, F-l student, or no status) port of entry and were you inspected and admitted or
EWI paroled after inspection by an immigration officer? (If
you answer “Yes,” you MUST provide evidence of your
25. Your Current Immigration Status or Category (for example, lawful entry.)
B-2 visitor, F-l student, parolee, deferred action, or no | | Yes [x] No
status or category)
3O.c. If you answered “No” to Item Number 3O.b., did you
No status present yourself to the Secretary of Homeland Security or
his or her delegate (DHS) within 48 hours of entry or
26. Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
attempted entry AND express an intention to seek asylum
(SEVIS) Number (if any)
within the United States or express a fear of persecution
► N- none or torture in your home country? ,—, m ,
3 U Yes No
3O.f. Country of claimed persecution________________________ NOTE: Select the box for either Item Number 1.a. or l.b. If
N/A applicable, select the box for Item Number 2.
a. [2] I can read and understand English, and I have read
3O.g. Provide an explanation for why you did not enter the
and understand every question and instruction on this
United States lawfully through a U.S. port of entry. If
application and my answer to every question.
you need extra space to complete this item, use the space
provided in Part 6. Additional Information. 1. b. [3 The interpreter named in Part 4. read to me every
question and instruction on this application and my
answer to every question in
a language in which I am fluent, and I understood
Miguel Cordero
prepared this application for me based only upon
information I provided or authorized.
NOTE: Refer to the Special Filing Instructions for Those
With Pending Asylum Applications (c)(8) section of the Form
Applicant's Contact Information
1-765 Instructions for more information.
3. Applicant's Daytime Telephone Number
31. (c)(35) and (c)(36) Eligibility Category. If you entered
the eligibility category (c)(35) in Item Number 27., please
provide the receipt number of your Form 1-797 Notice for 4. Applicant's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
Form 1-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker. If you 2406430753
entered the eligibility category (c)(36) in Item Number
27., please provide the receipt number of your spouse's or Applicant's Email Address (if any)
parent's Form 1-797 Notice for Form 1-140. [email protected]
► none
6. | | Select this box if you are a Salvadoran or Guatemalan
31. If you entered the eligibility category (c)(35) or (c)(36) in national eligible for benefits under the ABC
Item Number 27., have you EVER been arrested for settlement agreement.
and/or convicted of any crime? | | Yes | | No
NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to Item Number 31.b., Applicant's Declaration and Certification
refer to Employment-Based Nonimmigrant Categories,
Copies of any documents I have submitted are exact photocopies
Items 8. - 9., in the Who May File Form 1-765 section of
of unaltered, original documents, and I understand that USCIS
the Form 1-765 Instructions for information about
may require that I submit original documents to USCIS at a later
providing court dispositions.
date. Furthermore, I authorize the release of any information
from any and all of my records that USCIS may need to
determine my eligibility for the immigration benefit that I seek.
2) All of this information was complete, true, and correct 3.d. State MD 3.e. ZIP Code 21204
at the time of filing.
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information in 3.f. Province
my application and any document submitted with it were
provided or authorized by me, that I reviewed and understand 3.
g. Postal Code
all of the information contained in, and submitted with, my
3.h. Country
application and that all of this information is complete, true, and
correct. USA
b. Date of Signa mm/dd/yyyy) 5. Interpreter's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
2.0 2/
NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: If you do not completely fill
out this application or fail to submit required documents listed 6. Interpreter's Email Address (if any)
in the Instructions, USCIS may deny your application. miguelcordero@cantolegal .com
3.f. Province Preparer's Signature
3.h. Country
USA 8.b.
3.a. Page Number 3.b. Part Number 3.c, Item Number 6.a. Page Number 6.b. Part Number 6.c. Item Number
3.d. 6.d.
4.a. Page Number 4.b. Part Number 4.c. Item Number 7.a. Page Number 7.b. Part Number 7.c. Item Number
4.d. 7.d.
Full Name
Evelin Yojana '
Leon Martinez
6906 Beacon Pl
Riverdale; MD 20737
DOB ■$
Issue bate
id#; 344822
i .866.765.2272
www.wearecasa.org lllllllllllllllllll
Law office of
February 9, 2021
Attn: 1-765
P.O. Box 650888
Dallas, TX 75265-0888
The Law Office of Katherine Canto has been retained to represent Mrs. Evelyn Yojana Leon
Martinez in her application for her employment authorization document based on Asylum
application (category C08). Enclosed please find the following documents in support of this
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me by phone at 667-308-2264 or 443-845-9879 or by e-mail at [email protected].
(gj) www.cantolegal.com
22 W. Pennsylvania Ave. /q) 8121 Georgia Ave. Suite 806,
T syity SOO; Towstpy.MD 202 (IT
N 00ATuvetsI)ricfeht1 ? 022G2I
~~ Td [email protected]
1-765 Applicant: Evelyn Yojana Leon Martinez
Alien number: A# 203-470-112
We have mailed an official notice about this case (and any relevant documentation) according to the mailing preferences you chose on Form G-28, Notice
of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative. This is a courtesy copy, not the official notice,
Your complete Form 1-589 Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal was received and is pending as of 03/03/2020. You may remain in the
U.S. until your asylum application is decided. If you wish to leave while your application is pending, you must obtain advance paiole from USCIS. If
you change your address, send written notification of the change within 10 days to the Asylum Office at (he below address or using the USCIS Online
Change of Address system at https://egov.uscis.gov/coa/displayCOAForm.do . You will receive a notice informing you when you and those listed on your
application as a spouse or child dependents must appear at an Application Support Center for biometrics collection. You will also receive a notice informing
you when you and those listed on your application as a spouse or dependents must appear for an asylum inteiview. Those notices will contain instructions
for what to bring to your ASC appointment and what to bring to your asylum interview.
WARNING: Failure to appear at the ASC for biometrics collection or for your asylum interview may affect your eligibility for employment authorization,
and may also result in the dismissal of your asylum application or icferral of your asylum application to an immigration judge.
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
I 1 Hl 1 l I
1525 Wilson Boulevaid, Suite 300 I
Arlington VA 22209 1
USCIS Contact Center: www.uscis.gov/contactccnter »
If tills is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important Information. Form I-797C 04/01/19
, : I 1 ■ '1 ' ! ' . ! ' , ‘ 1 . 1 , 1 ' ; . . I ■
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
This is in reference to the 1-765, Application for Employment Authorization, you submitted. Your T-765, fees, and any
supporting documentation is being returned to you for the following reason(s):
The payment amount is incorrect, or has not been provided. Please review the Form Instructions for fee information.
Please resubmit the application/petition package with the appropriate fees to the address listed on the bottom of this
Please be sure to complete the application folly, submit the appropriate fees, and include all required supporting
If you submitted a G-1450 Authorization for Credit Card Transaction, your submitted G-1450 has been destroyed.
If you have questions, please visit the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter to connect with a live USCIS
representative in English or Spanish.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this notice or the status of your case, please contact the USCIS Contact
You will be notified separately about any other case you may have filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. Form I-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Form I-797C, Notice of Action
This is in reference to the 1-765, Application for Employment Authorization, you submitted. Your 1-765, fees, and any
supporting documentation is being returned to you for tne following reason(s):
The payment amount is incorrect, or has not been provided. Please review the Form Instructions for fee information.
Please resubmit the application/petition package with the appropriate fees to the address listed on the bottom of this
Please be sure to complete the application fully, submit the appropriate fees, and include all required supporting
If you submitted a G-1450 Authorization for Credit Card Transaction, your submitted G-1450 has been destroyed.
If you have questions, please visit the USCIS Contact Center at www.uscis.gov/contactcenter to connect with a live USCIS
representative in English or Spanish.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this notice or the status of your case, please contact the USCIS Contact
You will be notified separately about any other case you may have filed.
If this is an interview or biometrics appointment notice, please see the back of this notice for important information. FormI-797C 04/01/19
If you are visiting a field office and need directions, including public transportation directions, please see
www.uscis.gov/fieldoffices for more information.
If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon as you receive your appointment notice. The more
advance notice we have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be and less likely we will need to
reschedule your appointment. For more information about accommodations, visit uscis.gov/accommodationsinfo.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration
If you do submit your benefit request again, please enclose this letter with
your submission.
Notice of Entry of Appearance DHS
as Attorney or Accredited Representative Form G-28
OMB No. 1615-0105
Department of Homeland Security Expires 05/31/2021
c. I (select only one box) [x] am not am
subject to any order suspending, enjoining, restraining,
disbarring, or otherwise restricting me in the practice of
law. If you are subject to any orders, use the space
provided in Part 6. Additional Information to provide
an explanation.
1. d. Name of Law Firm or Organization (if applicable)
Law Office of Katherine Canto
a. 0 U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) 12. Email Address (if any)
2. a. | | U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) NOTE: Provide the client's mailing address. Do not provide
the business mailing address of the attorney or accredited
b. List the specific matter in which appearance is entered.
representative unless it serves as the safe mailing address on the
application or petition being filed with this Form G-28.
5.a. Page Numbei 5.b. Part Number 5.c. Item Number
| | Authorization/Extension
For Valid Through
Alien Registration Number A- 1 J i |
To be completed by an attorney or [x] Select this box if Form G-28 Attorney or Accredited Representative
is attached. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA)-
accredited representative (if any).
► START HERE - Type or print in black ink. Answer all questions fully and accurately. If a question does not apply to you (for
example, if you have never been married and the question asks, “Provide the name of your current spouse”), type or print “N/A”
unless otherwise directed. If your answer to a question which requires a numeric response is zero or none (for example, “How
many children do you have” or “How many times have you departed the United States”), type or print “None” unless otherwise
Other Information
8. Alien Registration Number (A-Number) (if any)
Your Country or Countries of Citizenship or
► A- 078949325
9. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
List all countries where you are currently a citizen or national.
► If you need extra space to complete this item, use the space
provided in Part 6. Additional Information.
10. Gender Male Female
18.a. Countiy
11. Marital Status Ecuador
Single [X] Mamed Divorced Widowed
18.b. Country
12. Have you previously filed Form 1-765?
Yes No
13. a. Has the Social Security Administration (SSA) ever
officially issued a Social Security card to you?
|x] Yes No
13. Provide your Social Security number (SSN) (if known).
► 152577766
Page 2 of7
Form 1-765 Edition 08/25/20
Illi II
Part 2. Information About You (continued) Information About Your Eligibility Category
27. Eligibility Category. Refer to the Who May File Form
Place of Birth 1-765 section of the Form 1-765 Instructions to determine
the appropriate eligibility category for this application.
List the city/town/village, state/province, and country where
Enter the appropriate letter and number for your eligibility
you were born.
category below (for example, (a)(8), (c)(17)(iii)).
19.a. City/Town/Village of Birth c )( 18 )(
28. (c)(3)(C) STEM OPT Eligibility Category. If you
19.b. State/Province of Birth____________________________ entered the eligibility category (c)(3)(C) in Item Number
Canar 27., provide the information requested in Item Numbers
28.a. - 28.c.
19. c. Country of Birth
28.a. Degree ||
28.b. Employer's Name as Listed in E-Verify
20. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 08/30/1976
Information About Your Last Arrival in the 28.c. Employer's E-Verify Company Identification Number or a
Valid E-Verify Client Company Identification Number
United States
21.a. Form 1-94 Arrival-Departure Record Number (if any)
► N / A 29. (c)(26) Eligibility Category. If you entered the eligibility
category (c)(26) in Item Number 27., provide the receipt
21.b. Passport Number of Your Most Recently Issued Passport number of your H-1B spouse's most recent Form 1-797
N/A Notice for Form 1-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant
21.c. Travel Document Number (if any)
30. (c)(8) Eligibility Category If you entered the eligibility
21.d. Country That Issued Your Passport or Travel Document category (c)(8) in Item Number 27., provide the
N/A information requested in Item Numbers 30.a. - 30.g.
30.a. Have you EVER been arrested for, and/or charged with,
21.e. Expiration Date for Passport or Travel Document
and/or convicted of any crime in any country?
(mm/dd/yyyy) N/A
| | Yes | | No
22. Date of Your Last Arrival Into the United States, On or
NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to Item Number 30.a.,
About (mm/dd/yyyy) |o4/22/2O15
refer to Special Filing Instructions for Those With
Pending Asylum Applications (c)(8) of the Form 1-765
23. Place of Your Last Arrival Into the United States________
Instructions for information about providing court
Rio Grande, Texas dispositions.
24. Immigration Status at Your Last Arrival (for example, 3O.b. Did you enter the United States lawfully through a U.S.
B-2 visitor, F-l student, or no status) port of entry and were you inspected and admitted or
EWI paroled after inspection by an immigration officer? (If
you answer “Yes,” you MUST provide evidence of your
25. Your Current Immigration Status or Category (for example, lawful entry.)
B-2 visitor, F-l student, parolee, deferred action, or no Yes No
status or category)
30.c. If you answered “No” to Item Number 30.b., did you
Order of Supervision present yourself to the Secretary of Homeland Security or
his or her delegate (DHS) within 48 hours of entry or
26. Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
attempted entry AND express an intention to seek asylum
(SEVIS) Number (if any)
within the United States or express a fear of persecution
► N- N/A or torture in your home country? .—. .—.
l. [J I can read and understand English, and I have read
30.g. Provide an explanation for why you did not enter the
and understand every question and instruction on this
United States lawfully through a U.S. port of entry. If
application and my answer to every question.
you need extra space to complete this item, use the space
provided in Part 6. Additional Information. 1. b. [x] The interpreter named in Part 4. read to me every
question and instruction on this application and my
answer to every question in
g,p?) nNb
a language in which I am fluent, and I understood
2. [x] At my request, the preparer named in Part 5.,
IPMUdlWttf HflrOlk
prepared this application for me based only upon
information I provided or authorized.
NOTE: Refer to the Special Filing Instructions for Those
With Pending Asylum Applications (c)(8) section of the Form Applicant’s Contact Information
1-765 Instructions for more information.
3. Applicant's Daytime Telephone Number
31.a. (c)(35) and (c)(36) Eligibility Category. If you entered 4432240714
the eligibility category (c)(35) in Item Number 27., please
provide the receipt number of your Form 1-797 Notice for 4. Applicant's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
Form 1-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker. If you
entered the eligibility category (c)(36) in Item Number
hU ~~
27., please provide the receipt number of your spouse's or 5. Applicant's Email Address (if any)_____________________
parent's Form 1-797 Notice for Form 1-140.
► N/A
6. | | Select this box if you are a Salvadoran or Guatemalan
31.b. If you entered the eligibility category (c)(35) or (c)(36) in national eligible for benefits under the ABC
Item Number 27., have you EVER been arrested for settlement agreement.
and/or convicted of any crime? | | Yes | | No
NOTE: If you answered “Yes” to Item Number 31.b., Applicant’s Declaration and Certification
refer to Employment-Based Nonimmigrant Categories,
Copies of any documents I have submitted are exact photocopies
Items 8. - 9., in the Who May File Form 1-765 section of
of unaltered, original documents, and I understand that USCIS
the Form 1-765 Instructions for information about
may require that I submit original documents to USCIS at a later
providing court dispositions. date. Furthermore, I authorize the release of any information
from any and all of my records that USCIS may need to
determine my eligibility for the immigration benefit that I seek.
Page 4 of 7
Form 1-765 Edition 08/25/20
Illi II
Part 3. Applicant's Statement, Contact Part 4. Interpreter's Contact Information,
Information, Declaration, Certification, and Certification, and Signature
Signature (continued)
Interpreter's Mailing Address
I understand that USCIS may require me to appear for an
appointment to take my biometrics (fingerprints, photograph, 3.a. Street Number 8121 Georgia Avenue
and/or signature) and, at that time, if I am required to provide and Name
biometrics, I will be required to sign an oath reaffirming that: 3.b. Apt. [X] Ste. Fir. 806
1) I reviewed and understood all of the information
contained in, and submitted with, my application; and 3.c. City or Town Silver Spring
Preparer's Signature
8.a. P
/\ a ft /y\a j
s PM *
ii: te of SignaturLJmm/dd/yyyy)
8.b. E /' Z#L!
Page 6 of 7
Form 1-765 Edition 08/25/20
mi in
Part 6. Additional Information 5.a. Page Number 5,b. Part Number 5.c. Item Number
3.a. Page Number 3.b. Part Number 3.c. Item Number 6.a. Page Number 6.b. Part Number 6.c. Item Number
3.d. 6.d.
4.a. Page Number 4.b. Part Number 4.c. Item Number 7.a. Page Number 7.b. Part Number 7.c. Item Number
4.d. 7.d.
0 *00 < 10 —
Tip C / C
Uw office of
Personal Injury
l Canto
February 1,2021
Attn: 1-765
P.O.Box 650888
Dallas, TX 75265-0888
The Law Office of Katherine Canto was retained by Mr. Manuel Ignacio Maurizaca Yupa (G-28
attached) in his application to renew his employment authorization document, based on his
current Order of Supervision (category Cl 8). Enclosed please find the following documents in
support of his application:
Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact me by phone at 667-308-2264 or 443-845-9879 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Name: MA URIS AC A-YUP A, Manuel Ignacio. File No: A078 949 325
- Date: April 22,2015
Because the Service has not effected your deportation or removal during the period prescribed by law, it is ordered that you be placed under
supervision and permitted to be at large under the following conditions:
[7 That you appear in person at the time and place specified, upon each and every request of the Service, for identification and for
deportation or removal.
17 That upon request of the Service, you appear for medical or psychiatric examination at the expense of the United States Government.
|7 That you provide information under oath about your nationality, circumstances, habits, associations, and activities and such other
information as the Service considers appropriate.
17 That you do not travel outside Baltimore Field Office for more than 48 hours without first
(Specify geographic limits, if any)
having notified this Service office of the dates and places of such proposed travel.
[7 That you furnish written notice to this Service office of any change of residence or employment within 48 hours of such change.
17 That you report in person on May 6, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. to this Service office at:
31 Hopkins Plaza, Suite 620 Baltimore, MD 21201' Telephone: 410-637-4000
unless you tire granted written permission to report on another date. f ,/>
|7 That you assist the Immigration and Naturalization Service in obtaining any necessary travel documents.
I hereby acknowledge that I have (read) (had interpreted and explained to me in the Spanish language),
the contents of this order and addendum, a copy of which has been given to me. I understand that failure to comply
with the terms of this order and addendum may subject me to a fine, more restrictive release conditions, detention,
criminal prosecution, and/or revocation of my employment authorization document.
Please note that all references in this order/addendum to "INS" or "Service" should now be considered to refer to U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Form I-220B (Rev 4/1/97) N
U. S.. Department of Homeland Security
Imrhigration and Customs Enforcement Order of Supervision - Addendum
>■111111'1 II III I If I > ...................................................................................................................... . iniMllmi umiau
Name: MAURISACA-YUPA, Manuel Ignacio File No: A078 949 325 ___
Date: April 22, 2015
[7 That you do not associate with criminals or members of a gang that are known to be involved in criminal
r That you register in a substance abuse program within 14 days and provide Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) with written proof of such within 30 days. The proof must include the name, address,
duration, and objectives of the program as well as the name of a program counselor.
F That you register in a sexual deviancy counseling program within 14 days and provide ICE with written
proof of such within 30 days. You must provide ICE with the name of the program, the address of the
program, the duration and objectives of the program, and the name of a program counselor.
r That you register as a sex offender, if applicable, within 7 days of being released, with the appropriate
agency/agencies and provide ICE with written proof of such registration within 10 days.
That you do not commit any crimes or be associated with any criminal activity while on this Order of
F That you report to a parole or probation officer as required within 5 business days and provide ICE with
written verification of the officer’s name, address, telephone number, and reporting requirements.
r You must follow all reporting and supervision requirements as mandated by the parole or probation
F That you continue to follow any prescribed doctor's orders whether medical or psychological, including
taking prescribed medications.
[7 That you make good faith and timely efforts to obtain a travel document and assist ICE in obtaining a
travel document.
|7 That you submit a complete application for a travel document to all appropriate Embassies or
Consulates, including those representing the countries of Ecuador You must present
ICE with evidence that each Embassy or Consulate to which you apply has received your request and all
required documents. This may be done, for example, by mailing your application(s) with a request for
return receipt and providing the signed return receipt to ICE, by obtaining a tracking number when you
mail your application(s) and providing the number to ICE, or by submitting written confirmation of
receipt issued by the Embassy or Consulate.
F That you submit your application(s) for a travel document to all appropriate Embassies or Consulates and
provide proof of receipt to ICE on or before.
17 That you provide ICE a copy of your application^) for a travel document that you submit to any Embassy
or Consulate, including all supporting documents, photos, and other items provided to the Embassy or
Consulate to support your application(s).
Please note that all references in this order/addendum to "INS" or "Service" should now be considered to refer to U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ,
' . I--,
U. S. Department of Homeland Security ,
Immigratiori and Customs Enforcement Order of Supervision - Addendum Continued
P That you provide ICE a copy of all correspondence related to your travel document application(s) that you send to, or
receive from, an Embassy or Consulate.
P That you contact the Embassy or Consulate within 21 calendar days of making your application(s) to confirm that the
information you provided is sufficient.
P That you comply with any requests from an Embassy or Consulate for an interview and make good faith efforts to
submit further documentation if required by the Embassy or Consulate.
P Every time you report in person under this order of supervision, you must inform the local ICE office of all actions you
have taken to obtain a travel document. You must provide any available written documentation to ICE regarding these
actions and the status of your travel document application(s).
P That you provide ICE, upon request, with any and all information relevant to application(s) for a travel document. This
may include, but is not limited to, information regarding your family history, including dates of birth, nationalities,
addresses, and phone numbers as requested for such persons, whether in your country of nationality and/or citizenship
or elsewhere, and your past residences, schools attended, etc.
P You will participate in a supervised release program, as described in the attached document. You will comply with the
rules and requirements of this program, and cooperate with its administrators.
I agree to comply with the rules, requirements, and administrators in the supervised release program described in the
attached document.
Any violation of any of the above conditions may result in a fine, more restrictive release conditions, return to detention,
criminal prosecution, and/or revocation of your employment authorization document.
I hereby acknowledge that I have (read) (had interpreted and explained to me in the Spanish language
the contents of this order and addendum, a copy of which has been given to me. I understand that failure to comply
with the terms of this order and addendum may subject me to a fine, more restrictive release conditions, detention,
criminal prd^cution, and/or revocation of my employment authorization document.
J. Salinas '■—47 —
---------------------------------- 1—L------------------------------------- -— —r
April 22,2015
—— --------- ------
(Signature of ICE official serving order)....................... (Signature of alien) (Date)
Please note that all references in this order/addendum to "INS" or "Service" should now be considered to refer to U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Updated 4/25/2005
U. S.’,Department of Homeland Security,
Injimgiation and Customs Enforcement Continuation Page for Form : Release on Order of Supervision I-220B
Atien’s Signature
Alien’s Address
Signature Title
/ Your submission is being returned for the reason(s) indicated. No record has been made of this
correspondence and should you write again concerning this same matter,
please return this notice along with your correspondence.
□ No Proof of Service.
Proof of service on the opposing party is required for ALL submissions to the Board of Immigration
Appeals - including correspondence, forms, briefs, motions, and other documents. If you are the
Respondent or Applicant, the “Opposing Party” is your local office of the Chief Counsel for DHS. Your
certificate of service must clearly identify the document sent to the opposing party, the opposing
party’s name and address, and the date it was sent to them. Any submission filed with the Board
without a certificate of service on the opposing party will be rejected.
□ Cbther.:
I Motion to Withdraw at Immigration Court must be processed at Immigration Court.
In the Matter of: )
CASTENADA-ALVAREZ, Jesus ) File Number: A#077-861-299
) ~
Respondent ) < i i
\ ro
_________________________________________________ )
For the reasons set forth below, Katherine Canto, Counsel of record for Respondent, Jesus < J
1. The Law Office of Katherine Canto was retained by the Respondent to represent him
3. Respondent has not retained undersigned council for any further representation
concerning his Removal Proceedings before the Immigration Court. For such
the Respondent was notified about the (a) pending deadlines; (b) the date, time,
and place of the next scheduled hearing; (c) the necessity of meeting deadline and
appearing at scheduled hearings; and (d) the consequences of failing to meet
5. Additionally, a copy of this motion has been mailed to respondent at her last known
Respectfully Submitted,
c- i
I 5
In the Matter of: )
CASTENADA-ALVAREZ, Jesus ) File Numbers:A#077-861-299
In removal proceedings )
_____________________________________________ )
Upon consideration of the Respondents Motion for Withdrawal as Counsel it is hereby
□ A response to the motion has not been filed with the court.
□ The court agrees with the reasons stated in the opposition to the motion.
□ Other:
U. S. Immigration Judge
Falls Church, VA
Certificate of Service
This document was served by: [ ] Mail [ ] Personal Service
To: | ] Alien c/o Custodial Officer [ ] Alien’s Atty/Rep [ ] DHS
Date:By: Court Staff:
- H-
In the Matter of: )
CASTENADA-ALVAREZ, Jesus ) File Numbers: A#077-861-299
In removal proceedings )
_____________________________________________ )
a true copy thereof, personally delivered to the person at the address set
forth below.
I DECLARE under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on
In the Matter of: )
CASTENADA-ALVAREZ, Jesus ) File Number: A#077-861-299
Respondent )
For the reasons set forth below, John T. Hayes, Counsel of record for Respondent, Jesus
1. The Law Office of Katherine Canto was retained by the Respondent to represent him
3. Respondent has not retained undersigned council for any further representation
concerning his Removal Proceedings before the Immigration Court. For such
4. Pursuant to Immigration Practice Manual Section 2.3 (i)(iii), On September 11, 2020
the Respondent was notified about the (a) pending deadlines; (b) the date, time,
and place of the next scheduled hearing; (c) the necessity of meeting deadline and
- 2-
appearing at scheduled hearings; and (d) the consequences of failing to meet
5. Additionally, a copy of this motion has been mailed to respondent at her last known
Respectfully Submitted,
* : cr? '
111, ... i • -
rnU co
Upon consideration of the Respondents Motion for Withdrawal as Counsel it is hereby
□ A response to the motion has not been filed with the court.
□ The court agrees with the reasons stated in the opposition to the motion.
□ Other:
U. S. Immigration Judge
Falls Church, VA
Certificate of Service
This document was served by: [ ] Mail [ ] Personal Service
To: [ ] Alien c/o Custodial Officer [ ] Alien’s Atty/Rep [ ] DHS
Date:By: Court Staff:
In the Matter of: )
CASTENADA-ALVAREZ, Jesus ) File Numbers: A#077-861-299
In removal proceedings )
_____________________________________________ )
a true copy thereof, personally delivered to the person at the address set
forth below.
I DECLARE under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on
Name: BRITO-BRITO, SUSAW? A 206-146-271
Alien's original due date: 2/1/2021 DHS' original due date: 2/22/2021
o The request by the alien for an additional amount of time to submit a brief, which was received on
1/21/2021 , is GRANTED.
o The alien's brief must be received at the Board of Immigration Appeals on or
before 2/22/2021
o The DHS' brief must be received at the Board of Immigration Appeals on or
before 3/15/2021
WARNING: If you indicate on the Notice of Appeal (Form EOIR-26) that you will file a brief or
statement, you are expected to file a brief or statement in support of your appeal. If you fail to file a
brief or statement within the time set for filing in this briefing schedule, the Board may summarily
dismiss your appeal. See 8 C.F.R. § 1003.1 (d)(2)(i)(E).
An extension has been granted in this case. Because the Board generally does not grant more than
one extension per case, the parties should assume no further extensions will be granted. Each party's
current due date is stated above.
If you file your brief late, you must file it along with a motion for consideration of your late-filed brief.
There is no fee for such a motion. The motion must set forth in detail the reasons that prevented you
from filing your brief on time. You should support the motion with affidavits, declarations, or other
evidence. Only one such motion will be considered by the Board.
IMPORTANT: Briefs and other submissions should always be paginated. Parties must limit
the body of their briefs or motions to 25 pages. If a party believes it cannot adequately
dispose of the issues in the case within the page limit, the party should file the brief along with
• a motion to increase the page limit. See Chapter 3.3(c)(lii) (Number of pages) and 4.6(b) (Brief
y, writing guidelines) of the Board's Practice Manual.
The Board of Immigration Appeals has included two copies of this notice. Please attach one
copy of this notice to the front of your brief when you mail or deliver it to the Board, and keep
one for your records. Thank you for your cooperation.
If you have any questions about how to file something at the Board, you should review the Board's
Practice Manual at www.iustice.gov/eoir.
Proof of service on the opposing party at the address above is reguired for ALL submissions to the
Board of Immigration Appeals -- including correspondence, forms, briefs, motions, and other
documents. If you are the Respondent or Applicant, the "Opposing Party" is the District Counsel for
the DHS or the Director for HHS/ORR at the address shown above. Your certificate of service must
clearly identify the document sent to the opposing party, the opposing party's name and address, and
the date it was sent to them. Any submission filed with the Board without a certificate of service on
the opposing party will be rejected.
Melody Brukiewa NON-DETAINED
Chief Counsel
Nicole Barmore
Assistant Chief Counsel
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Fallon Federal Building, Room 1600
31 Hopkins Plaza
Baltimore, MD 21201
In removal Proceedings
COMES NOW the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), by and through undersigned
counsel, and requests that the Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) summarily affirm the decision
of the Immigration Judge dated May 13, 2019, pursuant to 8 C.F.R. § 1003.1 (e)(4)(i).
The Immigration Judge (IJ) reached the correct decision; therefore, any errors that do exist
are harmless or immaterial, and the respondent’s appellate arguments are not so substantial that the
case warrants the issuance of a written opinion. See 8 C.F.R. § 1003.1 (e)(4)(i)(B).
The IJ correctly determined that the respondent failed to establish past persecution on account
of a cognizable particular social group. Specifically addressing the asserted particular social group
Guatemalan women victims of domestic violence by former partners, the IJ appropriately analyzed
whether the respondent was a member of the group as she had not had contact with her former partner
for several years after she obtained a restraining order from the government. Moreover, the IJ used
the appropriate factors in identifying the group as asserted in this case as too amorphous, without
particular boundaries for when and where persecution by former partner begins and ends. See Matter
ofM-E-V-G-, 26 I&N Dec. 227 (BIA 2014), Matter ofS-E-G-, 24 I&N Dec. 582 (BIA 2008).
The IJ further correctly determined that the respondent failed to establish past persecution on
account of the particular social group Guatemalans who resist extortion. The IJ correctly analyzed
the country conditions in the record of proceedings and determined that the criminal organizations
target large portions of the population to further their criminal enterprise. Therefore, the respondent
was not targeted based on her membership in a particular social group. See Matter ofS-E-G-, 24 I&N
The issues on appeal are squarely controlled by existing Board or federal court precedent and
do not involve the application of precedent to a novel factual situation. See Matter of Mogharrabi,
19 I&N Dec. 439 (BIA 1987); Matter ofAcosta, 19 I&N Dec. 211 (BIA 1985); Matter ofS-M-J-, 21
I&NDec. 722 (BIA 1997); Matter of 0-D-, 21 I&NDec. 1079 (BIA 1998); INSv. Cardoza-Fonseca,
480 U.S. 421 (1987); INS v. Elias-Zacharias, 502 U.S. 478 (1992); Gandziami-Mickhou v. Gonzales,
Because the factual and legal issues raised on appeal have been resolved in the aforementioned
precedent decisions, disposal of the appeal through the mechanism of summary affirmance is
appropriate. Accordingly, the DHS moves the BIA to summarily dismiss the respondent’s appeal
and affirm the decision of the IJ. In the alternative, should the BIA determine that summary
affirmance of the IJ’s decision is not appropriate, the DHS submits that none of the six circumstances
warranting review by a three-member panel are present in this case, and that the IJ’s decision should
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Barmore
Assistant Chief Counsel
Melody Brukiewa
Chief Counsel
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
John T. Hayes
22 W. Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 500
Towson, MD 21204
Assistant Chief Counsel