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Chapter Three Indices and Surds Definition IWaeR and meN then a” means the product of m factors, each of which is equal o a "=a x aX aX... .tom factors, ‘amis called the mth power of a; m is called the Index or exponent, ant ais the base Laws of Indices ‘Study these worked examples carefully PES SOX IGAIXIXIKD =3x3x3x3 xR x3 KS ¥ (by definition) are PG 144 Bo i pa xd x? ©) "TRIKE RT RT A -4 =a =75 2 34@Pr = (ax a)(ax a (ax a) (by definition) 4 (aby = (ab) (ab) (ab) axbxax dxaxb axaxax bx bx b (assgciatve and commutative laws) = @.b* (by definition) Each of the above i an example of one of the laws of indices, which are: Va, beRand VmneN Tama amen 2@%= ann wot Scary (abym These laws can be proved using only the definition of a and the usual law of numbers For example: Proofof Law 1 am a" = (aX aX 10 m factors) x (ax aX... to mfactors) Fax ax ax (mtn) factors 2" definition) You should try to prove the other Jaws in the sameway, Exercise 1A gives practice in using these las, fan on Us thes tines singh BET were @ EOP aaa set Law) (a x SEF eagonee Laws Land 29) own coe daw’ erage Caw a Exercise 1A seth laws of indies o simpy: Bh n(2s) 32 x.y? e ae 12g eet sy m9 (mt) So 1s Eee 7 ateade 16 Gee ee 7 2Gn be) re GPF) 9 (a2b3y 1B asin? acon? (2) 9 Be ns Exercise 1B Use theta of indies to simpli 1 bibs ee ae or oa step Hea oe 0 eae Hits 1 EL wae 1s eet seee Fave So [Negative and Zero Indices Ieis now interesting to consider whether negative and zero indies can be given useful meaning. This would extend the meaning of a" for me I Obviously the negative and zero indices must obey the laws we already have, since we would not wish to have a situation where one law applied for some integers and ‘nother law for the rest. For this reason we use the laws of indices to find a meaning for 2" when mis negative or ze. ° we use Law 2) t0simplity $5 we gst ot But Law 29 gives ae ona o We therefore define «10 mean which isthe reciprocal of genera: 1 427s the reciprocal of a Also, using Law 1, ada @ ‘This means that os the identity clement for ‘multiplication, which is. Hence: @=1 Another way of seeing tis i t0 remember that the product of reciprocals is 1,and so Buby Law wat soe 2 Examples Questone 1 Simplify SP xd, 2 Ix = 3 ind he vaucof Solutions BH Le gps pret 1S x Bm src = abe a 2 arts ay A) (Note: $18 the reciprocal orf) 48 16 = 0 Rational Indices We now proceed further to see if a meaning can be given to am when me Q,using the laws of indices as before Consider a} Using Law 3, (aly = ab 2p Taking the cube root of each side: ata Similarly team be shown that, Vn © Ny [Now compare the following two worked ‘examples, which each use this new resule and Taw, Ve = (a2) and ai on abe es a 4a = (WAP = ab Ingeneral terms, for p,q €1.4 #0, A ae =o 2 amples Questions: 1 Express at in sur form 2 Simplify y* Solitons: ae ratot =$ we 2a =e ap we = Borsa: Exercise 24, 1 Simp er xt exes (8) ms ne Ga) at = ge () yh yh ot 2 Write with indices @ya- oe wer ) ae Or Overne 3 Wite with positive ines: @y (6) 50 og wee 4. Wiite with positive indices under radical Sens x (oot ©: 5 evita: 4 16 to 2st @ o16 ob Harp oe Gut (© oat Oak, om mm) 162 @) C32 {a} (00081 >= 6 Simpify and express with positive indices, @ aad wet ‘ ye ‘at oe alt) ¥ x (a 1 Evaluate: cee getty ont ©) JecaaeT ) "eT oP Feary © ae 4 Expressaspowersof8 LIMA 32 Ps ob VOR 9 Solve for x ‘o) =a el gas @ares Exercise 2B 1 Simplify: atx at (web Det sa Ooty ae 2 Wite with indies: ava ow wy © a= Over ( Varbncr 3 Write with positive indices: we od o2 @ eee ©) pF a) “or 44 Write with positive indies under the radical sien: a) at © F wnt Evan: Bet ® (ons om Oper @ cm (or ete tint + 2tant9y 66 Simpify and express with positive iniges. «var ) Wey oly (ova x va > (at = (Bey © (BEY ~ Gas) 1 Evaluate: ©) Sphere yo a © geet wee o2g wt osname 8 Express ds powers of BEVIS PVE 9 Solve for « Surds “An ational umber which incorporates the ‘adil sign (y”)isalleda sur, Forexample, GSU and 3-45 are all suds Yris an nth order surd.v/x, which means 9%, isa second order sud, and usually alld a drat sur ‘*'Prom our Knowledge of indices we can prove the following ules for sur. Rutet. — Vab = Vax Ve Vab = (aby* (oy definition) i x bE (Law 4) Ya x UE wy definition) 2s ‘Nore: Similar rules do not apply when surds ace added or subtracted, vat Vb Vaed andVa—Vvb #va—F ‘We can illustrate tis by letting @ = 9and V9 + VE avo abecauses A VIF and VI—V4 4 V9—dbecause | ¥VS Sour working rues for surds are: 1 Vavb=vab 2a fi ve nls Entire surds ike V%, may be simplified by using Rule 1 inthis way: Ve = VEX, Vigxv3 vt ‘We split 48 in thisway because 16 isthe largest ‘perfect square’ factor of 48. surd is said to bein its simplest form when it hs the smallest possible whole number under the radical sign, Examples Questions: 1 Write V130;n its simplest for, 2 Express 7V2as an entire sun. 3 Simplify 4vi2—v98 + V2T Solutions VVID = V2SKE VEX Vb = hve 2NE = Vi xv! VOxT ves 3 AVB—V8R + VI = 42V5— VE + WT WI WE 26 rs we = i» oe © ver (@) YOU @) YT e005 (hy VO9 (a) vz Ae) 2vx_ v7 ) Wee (ce) WF (@) avatb fa) VE (oh V3B0 (a) VIO08 yr +e 4 Express each ofthe following as an entire su, fa) 2 ©) 3¥3 fo) SVT ive © YF o¥ 5 Simpl (vee VIVE VOIR V IT (e) v05 + 2v5) V0 (VSR VIB VB —8—y2 oe © vm Ey ave 9 5% VT VERVE Exercise 3B. 1 Which ofthe fllowingare irrational? rc © vies ovo 2 Square each of the following oie OSE (b) VT (e) e Varro 6 tava 4 Write the following surds in their simplest ‘ovis ovr vs © Ove vee «4 Express each ofthe folowingasan entire suds (a) v2 () 1OvE dv 1s 5 Simply: ovb—VB +VB 7 0) V0 V20— VB vig ~ 390 + 2350, (VIVIAN (©) Wise EVIE Ods+ Expanding ‘Numerals in sur form involving two or more terms may be expanded in exactly the same ‘way as we expand similar expeessions in slgebra Sy Example Question: Simply i) Oat 0 Go) W5EVIWS+5) sate * VF @) lat lat d= & + ad + ab+ bd WOVE EVIVTES) Sab Svih ver sve ©) (vas vee a+ Vova+ VB Sarovavbsb Dee 2Veb Exercise 44, 1 Expand: @ ViVE41) ) ViaWT +» © &yz—3) @ WiGVs—V9, 2 Expand, and siny f@) V2V6—V ©) VULVTES + VD (@) WveTs + V5) @ 4vs2vI—WV5) the surds in each result 13 Expand each ofthese squares. 342? @ evT+ wo d—vae te) G—4V3, (© WS+ VR 0 GV5 + VI 44 Expand and simplify @ W3+ V(VI—VvD SWS +) (©) 2+ vO0—Vv) (@) Gv2—DGv2 4, (© @VT + 3V9AV7—3VD) Expand and simplify @ W3—VDQvI—VI-S) &) WS+1P () (VF4 V24 DVI—VE +3) Exercise 4B 1 Expand: (a) V5V3-42) &) ViBVI— © 6y3—2 (@) 4VIQVS + 2v2) 2 Expang, and simplify the surds in each result G@ ViVvE—VIS) ©) 2VTHVTS + VID B Yavesv8 @ SVBGVT— Iv) 3 Expand each ofthese squares G@) (1+ 3 () GVE+ SP @ B= ve, @ 0—3v5r, WOT VP — @ QVE—3VIF 4 Expand and simplify @) (WS+VIVS—VD @w3+hvi—p © G— VID) + V1) (@ @vS+ 9QVS—9, (@) GVB—SV7}GVE + SV) 5 Expandand simplify @ (VS + 2)VS—VE +3) ) (VIVO © QV3+1—VDOVI +14 VB 2 Conjugate Surds A gurd which contains 10 terms, for example V3+ yTor-8 + 6V3,iscaled a binomial, ‘urd, If wo binomial surds differ only in the_ sign between the terms, for example 8 + VP and 8 — V3, then they are called conjugate surds. The product of to conjugate surds is ‘always arational number; for example 4 VOG— VE 29-2 Rationalising the Denominator tocaloulate you were asked tcleuate mentally, given that V2 = 14414, the question ‘would appear to be very difficult. Few people ‘ould do it in this form. However, the ‘alcuaton an be made very mich simpler by . plying 1 by 1,the identity element, inthe smuliplying by the identity form ¥2 togive ef VEX wt fs From this itis now obvious that 1 isi aI =0707 ‘The calculation was simplified by changing an irrational denominator ito a rational ssenominator. We call this process rationalising {he denominator. ‘Where the denominator isa binomial surd, we rationalise the denominator by multiplying x the fraction by Were Xs the conjugate of the denominator of the faction, Example Question: Express 2 with rational denominater. 28 Solution: 2 xo OHV5* Oy = 2-3 se = =v) 7 3a v5 ib —tVv5 cs Division of Binomial Surds Division of binomial surds involves the same technique, Example ‘Question: Divide 13—2VTby 3— VE IiV2 = 1.414 2136 give the answer correct t sx decimal place. ‘Solution +vF_ VevE-" 9—7 = aE 7, +yE tTaean was 434 Baercise 5A 1 Ratioraliseeach denominator, @ ae @ 2 Ou © ve “ 3 OW Ne 1 og wy @ 3 OW o wis 2 Rationalse each denominator @ 1 iat © © wa © ° ® vi OR gy wee B54 ve gif VE = 14142 and VF = 17% find the ue of the following expressions correct to vo decimal places. (a) v5 ove @ viz vow oy ®) 2+ V3" n OVE ORT 4 Divide (@) 1 3yZby S— VT (N34 2v2 + by V5 + 2VE, ‘Using ‘the values of V2 and “VT given in ‘Question 3, give each answer correct to three decimal places. terse 1 Hatoaseach erie oe os oS ® o 2 Rationalise each denominator. : © aE 3 Ut'v3 = 1 aidand VS = 2236tind the ‘valve ofthe following expressions correct to ‘so decimal places. av ave Ove @ us vsP os we OR 4 Divide: @) 10 2vSby2—V5, ©) VS4 VE+1byVS+VE {etn vats of Band V5 given in uestion 3 Irrational Equations Equations which contain surds are often called {nrational equations although they may notin fact involve any rational sumbers, To solve tne of these equations we need to square both ‘Sides of the equation. This sometimes introduces extra roots which do nt satisify the original equation. For instance, consider the two independent equations veel ad 3—VF=1 ‘When squared, both ofthese sive xbyrt9= thu the root of (1), x = 16, is obviously slferent from the root of 2), = 4. For this reason, all roots must be checked, and those ‘which do not satisfy the original equation rejected Example (Question: Find she solution sts of: (a) x3 = Vr saat T= VIET (x3 = VE 2 Gr + 9 = 44 Squaring each side) = soir 4+9=0 = 91) 9s solution. 1LLHS. RAS. = x= Lisnota solution. “The solution sets therefore (9). GEN +1= Vier Sat 24 2fattti= dost (Saquaring each sic = 2yay2=3a—2 > a+ 2) = Se 12a + 4 (Again squaring © side). = 90 —6a—4 = 0 Sem HoGy a= 0 ‘Checking as before shows that 2 solution but ¢ isnot ‘The solution evis therefore (2) 2» ‘Note: You should look carefully at each equation before you start to solve it to se if Some rearrangement before squaing will make the working any simpler, You can sometimes save yourself a lato! tedious work in this way. Exercise 6A Find the solution set for each ofthe following equations, rare Exercise 6B Find the solution set fr each ofthe following Interest Exercise 3 1 @) The roots ofthe quadratic equation ae three Prove a , Ey thesamot he rotis 2, and the product of the roots is Solve the equation 63° — x— = 0 and check your answer by comparing the sum and product Of the roots withthe equation, using (1) and @) above. (@) Tn Interest Exercise 2, Question 1 (0), you found the imaginary rots of 1224 10 = 0. Adgand multiply these roots to obtain their sum and product, and then by inspecting the equation 37—2r + 10 = Ocheck whether Your roots 2 Solve for veel + VSI Vert vat 30 3 We showed previously that (ar vopeat bt 2vab ‘This pattern enables us to find the square root ‘ofa binomial surd. For example Ip 4V3 = 13422 v3 Beir Bth2viExt ‘This now fits the pater of the RLS. above, where a= I2and b= Hence (13+ 4V3 = VIB + VT 2y3-41 Find the positive square roots of (a) 3+ 2v5, (a) 29 4 VS () 82s fe) 3—30V2 (7s4y¥ M+ i2ve 4 Here i an algorithm for finding square roots Example: Find the square root of 1049 76 Method: () Write down the number, and using commas tivide i into pars of digits starting atthe decimal point and moving to both elt and right ie. 10.49'76, Each pir of digits will give one digit in the answer. Also put a decimal point in the answer space directly above the decimal point in 108976, (2) The first pair of digits is 10,80 find the largest whole number whose square is not beater than 10. This is 3 Write Sabove 10 and 9 (ie, underneath 10, (3) Subract 9 from 10, faving 1, and bring dovin the ext pair of digits 49) 10 give 49, (4) Double the number inthe answer space (which is now 3),and white 6 10 the left of a W. (5) Place'@ digit above 49 and after 6 (inthis ‘ase the digit willbe 2) so that 2 62 i the largest product not greater than 149, Write the product (124) under 149 and subteact giving 2, (6) Bring down the next pair of digits 760 give 276. () Double 32 and write 641 the let of 25.76, (8) Place a digit above 76 and after 64 inthis ‘ase 4) so that 43 644s the largest product not greater than 2576, (®) Write the product, whichis 25.76, lunderneath the 2576 whichis already there and subtrat. In this example theres no remainder. Exercise 1A (Page 23) ie 2 Se 3a, Bx 5b My oo 15 me ve es ay De 3 ab? ee ba 0h ne ut nie 24 ra ue is 1 ber Exercise 2A (Page 24) 1G) xt @) 6, mw? @) ae? (1 2a) af O) FE) Bate) +> H@—at : sokososengs 1 sae ver a OO S@s MS O4 OF OF SF G8 G8 GIS YT WR ("1 Cem 2 (o) 0027 ae Pao saxo loraxe 7 (a) 16 (by14 (©)24)64E) fe (UE 4 99,81 83, 81,84, 81,84, 87.89.84 8 Da@dh)se HOH OHO Exercise 2B (Page 25) Laat @) gto Rare LaUOPOerd xt a—d aiere 1 43k, a ao trsa or Oa eae 4@) WOOT 5 (a) 15 (b)4 (c)+ (a) “3(€) 2) 3() 0-008 thoosasurtan! sa@sobost okere T@GHLOZOIOE OF 391.91 998 91,98 9 9 Io) FAME FEOF Exercise 3A (Page 26) 1). 2 (2) 71) 1214) 80 e)4x(H 9x +9 Qa t @bo) De — 16ey savii2vI@3VE@) VT euv5 ORE @ VFR On 2vT 4 @VBO) VeVi VFO VeB@VE LSP 5 @dv2b VIE VIE VEOH 34 V2 reat mse Exercise 3B (Page 26) Laon 2 (a)S (b) 144 (©) ax + 64) 48) ef (at eesh 3 {a)3VZ()5VF OSV) 24VF(0) VE ons 4 (a) VIB) V2 ©)VFG) VD ot ole S50) 2V5I0 IVITO)SVT oro Exercise 44 (Page 27) 1 @) VB VEC)2VE + SVE CAVE @ovib—2V6 - 2 a) 2Vv3—40)35 (SVT + 9VI0E)2VS—COVS 3 (a)7-4 4VF)3—2VIE)S + 2VIS (37+ VT) B—A0VS, (143 + 42v10 4 fa) 1 )4 ©) 2170094 5 a)8—3VE—SV3 + SVEOVEVS + 16 (ose 4v3e2v2 » Exercise SA (Page 16) 133 2 081,619 3 241041 §721,-027 5 Imaginary. 6 170,070 7 179,-112 8 341,059 Exercise SB (Page 16) 154 27038, 262 3 228,°528 Exercise 6B (Page 17) 1240 2 82,85,88,91 3 9.6yr 4$ 23,33 yr 55.8 6 Ska Exercise 7A (Page 18) By 3. 32o3, $53) Exercise 7B (Page 18) ue Brosesee 9 172,039 10 116,516 M1112, 085 wit 15 656,555 16 0.38,°595, 9 3 56a,-056a 10 065,"022 11140,°535 12 117,192 13:1 75,7475 14 343,223 15 062, 062 167123,°977 7 kits 8 36,45 yr 9 320kmih 1024 atm 535 2 Nnduser a Exercise 8A (Page 18) 3h 3.9="67 Shans fm =a 00-85 Exercise 8B (Page 18) Interest Exercise 2 (Page 19) L@ le VTO123VT6)} 4b VT (ae $vT 2 (a) $= 1-618 (We reject 0618, because 6 isa ratio of lengths, which must be positive), 3 (a)654 min ()20.em (e)20 4) 20,12 days, $104.3 ()0759 517 827 2,0 188089 255 8 (e)0:141 081 338 5,1 166 397 7942 () 0.689 645 383.6, 0659 645 3836 {)"0652 413055 1,-3195 991 2002 (f) 1060 250 052 1.50632 761 035 1 ()"0087 597 541 3,-79912-403 1375 () 1618 033 988 70.618 033988 7 SQA = 6,8 = 20)A @c=sp=2 Revision Exercise 2 (Page 21) ners Baro oars a3 (0) (3d + 48) (4e—a) ane ece meen Ore eres) ese eee eas poe pet, 23 Reeetone eae, . fea 5 2.300434 6 1193,4193 7 (x—8)(x— DHS SE ae ta

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