JE Works
JE Works
JE Works
Forwarded to:
Signature of the Immediate Supervisor
(With office seal)
[Supervisor will send the application to the Personnel Department within 3 days of acknowledgement]
Certified that the service particulars have been verified from Service Record & eligibility for GDCE certified in respect of Item No. 1(b), 2, 3
& 4 of the notification.
[Personnel Department should forward in lots every week without waiting for the closing date.]
(Item No. 1 to 14 are mandatory fields) Signature of the Officer-in-charge of the Unit
(With office seal)
Received application from (Name)_______________________, (Designation)____________ for the post of JE(P.Way), JE(Works), JE(TMO)
through GDCE on ___/___/ 2017.
Registration No.
Date of Registration: Signature of Controlling Supervisor