Cea Guidelines - On - Design - Construction - Om
Cea Guidelines - On - Design - Construction - Om
Cea Guidelines - On - Design - Construction - Om
June 2023
Issued by:
These guidelines have been prepared solely for the benefit of thermal power plants in
India. No liability is accepted with respect to its use. This disclaimer shall apply
notwithstanding that these guidelines may be used by other persons for any application.
CPCB and CEA extends thanks to all the power utilities and the thermal power stations
for furnishing the data and information for bringing out these guidelines on ash ponds
and their annual certification.
Useful definitions/Explanation 1
1 Introduction 2-8
Ash: All the coal or lignite ash generated at TPP, such as ESP Ash
(Electro Static Precipitator), dry Fly Ash, Bottom Ash (BA), Pond Ash and
Mound Ash for the purpose of utilization.
Fly Ash: Ash Extracted from flue gases by any suitable process.
Bottom Ash: Ash collected separately at the bottom of the boiler furnace.
Pond Ash: Fly ash or bottom ash or both mixed in any proportion and
conveyed in slurry / paste form and deposited in pond / lagoon.
Mound Ash: Fly ash or bottom ash or both mixed in any proportion and
conveyed in dry form and deposited dry.
Legacy Ash: The ash stored in all the ash ponds or dykes other than
operational ash pond or dyke designated for temporary storage of ash
before 1st April 2022.
Ash Dyke: Ash Dyke/Ash ponds are well engineered structures used for
storage of bottom ash and fly Ash generated at Thermal Power Stations.
A single ash dyke/ash pond may contain multiple lagoons for ash storage
based on operational requirements, and other associate structures such
as Overflow lagoons/Silting basins etc.
1. General
Presently in India, more than 40,000 hectares of land is occupied for
storage of this huge quantity of ash. Over a period of time, the fly ash
disposal can cause problems like large surface setting lagoons for
storage, infiltration of transport of water from deposit to soil, dust
carryover in wind from dried lagoons and leads ecological and
environmental imbalances if proper safeguards are not taken in their
design, construction, operation and maintenance.
Environmental pollution by the coal based thermal power plants are cited
to be the major source of pollution affecting the general aesthetics of
environment in terms of land use, health hazardous and air, soil and
water in particular and thus leads environmental dangers. Safe disposal
and gainful utilization are the prime concerns to safe guard the interest
of environmental system
In India about 73% of the total electrical energy is generated from coal-
based source. Annually about 271 million tons of Ash as solid waste/ by
product being released during the process of generation of electricity by
combustion of pulverized bituminous, sub bituminous, and lignite coal.
Indian coal has low calorific value (3500 Kcal/kg), and results 30-60% of
ash content. India’s major source of power, even in the near future, is
going to remain coal based thermal power plants hence, Ash disposal
would continue to be a subject of priority since environmental issues
holds greater importance in this century.
As per the ASTM standards India bituminous and sub bituminous coal
results class F ash and lignite coal ash is class C type having high degree
of self-hardening capacity.
Particle size of Ash varies widely from 0.1 μm to 900 μm with specific
surface area greater than 0.1038m2 /gm. Fly Ash is a non-degradable,
non-perishable, inert material. Typical properties of Ash are represented
in table-1 below:
Ash Dykes Ash Dyke/Ash ponds are well engineered structures used for
storage of bottom ash and fly Ash generated at Thermal Power Stations.
A single ash dyke/ash pond may contain multiple lagoons for ash storage
based on operational requirements, and other associate structures such
as Overflow lagoons/Silting basins etc. At the disposal areas, storage
space is created by constructing ash dyke embankments all around,
within which ash particles will be allowed to settle and the decanted
water is allowed to escape though outlet structure.
been generally using ash as the main construction material for
subsequent dyke raisings, over the ash dyke to reduce cost. Over the ash
core in raising dyke, a layer of earth (generally>500mm thick) is laid to
protect ash from erosion due to wind and water since ash is a light
material compared to earth. For the purpose of design and construction
of embankment with ash, and the principles of Soil Mechanics are
applied. Typical section of ash dyke is shown below in figure 2
The notification mandates 100% ash utilization. The relevant clauses of
the notification after incorporation of amendments are reproduced here
for reference:
A(4) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall be responsible
to utilise 100 per cent ash (fly ash and bottom ash) generated during that
year, however, in no case shall utilisation fall below 80 per cent in any
year, and the thermal power plant shall achieve average ash utilisation of
100 per cent in a three years cycle:
Provided that the three years cycle applicable for the first time is
extendable by one year for the thermal power plants where ash utilisation
is in the range of 60-80 per cent, and two years where ash utilisation is
below 60 per cent and for the purpose of calculation of percentage of ash
utilisation, the percentage quantity of utilisation in the year 2021- 2022
shall be taken into account as per the table below:
Provided also that 20 per cent of ash generated in the final year of
compliance cycle may be carried forward to the next cycle which shall be
utilized in the next three years cycle along with the ash generated during
that cycle.
Provided also that new thermal power plants commissioned on or after the
date of publication of this notification shall follow the first compliance cycle
similar to the compliance cycle specified for thermal power plants having
utilization per cent less than 60 per cent. as specified in the table.
Note: The utilization targets as per the applicable compliance cycle shall
commence from 1st April, 2022.
(5) The unutilised accumulated ash i.e. legacy ash, which is stored before
the publication of this notification shall be utilised progressively by the
thermal power plants in such a manner that the utilization of legacy ash
shall be completed fully within ten years from 1st April, 2022 and this will
be over and above the utilisation targets prescribed for ash generation
through current operations of that particular year:
Provided further that the legacy ash utilisation shall not be required where
ash pond or dyke has stabilised and the reclamation has taken place with
greenbelt or plantation or solar power plant or wind power plant as per the
guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) as
specified in sub-para (6) and the concerned State Pollution Control Board
shall certify in this regard. Stabilization and reclamation of an ash pond or
dyke including certification by the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or
Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall be carried out within a three years
from 1st April, 2022. The ash remaining in all other ash ponds or dykes
shall be utilised in progressive manner as per the above mentioned
Note: The obligations under sub-paragraph (4) and (5) above for achieving
the ash utilisation targets shall be applicable from 1st April, 2022.
Provided that ash stored in all ash ponds or dykes other than operational
ash pond or dyke designated for temporary storage of ash as specified in
sub-para (6) shall constitute the legacy ash and either to be reclaimed or
stabilised or utilised.
(6) Any new as well as operational thermal power plant may be permitted
operational ash pond or dyke for temporary storage of ash within an area
of 0.1 hectare per Mega Watt (MW). Technical specifications of operational
as well as stabilized and reclaimed ash ponds or dykes shall be as per the
guidelines of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) made in
consultation with the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) and these
guidelines shall also lay down a procedure for annual certification of the
operational as well as stabilized and reclaimed ash pond or dyke on its
safety, environment pollution, available volume, mode of disposal, water
consumption or conservation in disposal, ash water recycling and green
belt, etc. and shall be put in place within three months from the date of
publication of this notification:
Provided that up to two operational ash ponds or dykes for thermal power
plants commissioned before 31st December, 2021, having installed
capacity less than or equal to 1600 MW, and up to four operational ash
ponds or dykes for thermal power plants having installed capacity more
than 1600 MW, having multiple lagoons, within the specified area from the
existing ash ponds or dykes, may be designated with clear demarcation
along with coordinates, and shall inform to Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB) and concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution
Control Committee (PCC) by 31st March, 2023:
Provided further that one ash pond or dyke shall be permitted in case of
new thermal power plants or expansion of existing thermal power plants
commissioned on or after 31st December, 2021, which shall inform the
details of demarcation along with coordinates to Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) and concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or
Pollution Control Committee (PCC) within 3 months from the date of
commissioning of thermal power plant or by 31st March, 2023, whichever
is later Provided also that coal and lignite based thermal power plants
shall not be allowed to further establish or designate any new operational
ash pond or dyke:
Provided also that specification of 0.1 hectare per Mega Watt (MW) of an
operational ash pond or dyke shall not be applicable for the thermal power
plants commissioned before 03rd November, 2009.
(Siting, Design and Engineering Standard for
New Ash Ponds)
The unutilized ash may be disposed-off using mainly three types of ash
disposal systems:
a. Wet Disposal in lean slurry form into ash dyke/ mine voids
b. Dry Disposal in Ash Mound form
c. Wet Disposal in High Concentrated Slurry form into ash dykes
The details of all the above systems are described in the following
Ash Water Recirculation System (AWRS) for reuse in ash disposal system.
A photograph of a typical lean slurry is shown in figure 3.
Fresh deposits of ash are in the form of marsh. However, over a period of
time, especially when overlain by several layers, these ash deposits get
consolidated into high density layers with little or no free water. This
system has following limitations:
This is an advance system of wet disposal with fly ash concentration of 60% to
70% of ash by weight. Due to high concentration of ash, it is pumped through
high pressure slurry pumps to disposal area and needs steel pipes for
conveying slurry. Flexible pipes are used at disposal area. Centrifugal pumps
have also been tried for conveying high concentration slurry to long distance
in one plant and reported to be working satisfactorily.
Figure 4: High Concentration Slurry Flowing on Slopes which dries out by the
time it travels 30-40 m from the source
High Concentration Slurry Disposal (HCSD) system has the following
advantages and limitations.
This system is entirely different from the wet disposal system. In the dry
ash disposal system, furnace bottom ash (FBA) and pulverized fly ash
(PFA) are transported in moistened form from Hydro bins and Silos
respectively to ash mound site on fixed belt conveyors in enclosed
gantries. In the ash mound area ash is disposed of by various types of
equipment like fixed, extendable, shift able and mobile belt conveyors, a
crawler mounted boom spreader, a crawler mounted bucket wheel
reclaimer and a variety of wheeled and crawler mounted mobile
equipment. At present, it is being used at only one station – National
Capital Thermal Power Station at Dadri.
Dry ash Disposal has several advantages over the above two systems:
1. New plants shall use high concentration slurry disposal system for ash
2. The Existing plants shall carry out feasibility study to switch over to
high concentration slurry disposal system and submit the report and
time bound action plan for construction to SPCBs.
3. In case of ash mounds, dry ash disposal system which is a requirement
of the process shall be used.
3. General
(1) Dry Disposal: Ash collected in the ESP Hoppers is removed in dry form
by using either vacuum system or pressure system and is conveyed to
a buffer hopper. The ash is transported in dry form by pneumatic
conveying to the storage site. Ash is spread in layers which are
amenable to adequate compaction. To facilitate compaction additional
water is added into the ash.
(2) Wet Disposal: Fly and bottom ashes are mixed with suitable proportion
of water and pumped out from the TPPs as slurry in the ash pond. It
is the most commonly used as it is less expensive ash management
practice worldwide. The mixed fly and bottom ashes in ash pond is
called pond ash.
Ash ponds are engineered dam and dyke facilities used for storage of
bottom ash and Pulverized Fly Ash (PFA) generated at Thermal Power
Stations. Ash ponds are also used to enable water to separate from the
fly ash slurry. Water from the Ash ponds is recycled back, reducing the
use of fresh water. Ash ponds use gravity to settle out large particulates
(measured as total suspended solids) from the thermal power plant.
The quantity of Ash produced in a power plant will depend upon the
ash content in the coal and total quantity of coal used by thermal
power stations.
3.2.2 Storage Volume
In-situ dry density of pond ash varies from 0.78 to 1.05 gm /cc,
specific gravity refer table 1 chapter-1 page 4 of the guidelines. In
absence of the site specific data, average density of 1.00 tons/m3
may be taken for storage volume calculations in wet disposal
system. The design life of the ash pond varies from plant to plant
and based on site conditions and ash utilization rate in view of latest
notification for ash utilization.
The ash dyke shall be designed for ultimate heights (starter dyke and
subsequent raisings) based on ground topography, foundation soil,
availability of construction materials etc. The minimum height of ash
dyke is finalized based on natural ground level in ash pond area, High
Flood Level (HFL), ash water recirculation requirements and free
board requirements as per IS code. In general, starter dyke height of
the storage lagoon is made in the range of 10m-15m. The ash dyke
embankments are to be analyzed and designed as water retaining
structures conforming to IS: 7894, IS:12169 & IS:9429.
dyke construction. In such cases expert advice shall be obtained for
taking precautions design. However, below HFL, ash shall not be
used as fill. The raising of ash dyke may be done using ash with a
minimum 500 mm thick earth cover subject to satisfying the stability
criteria as laid down in IS 7894. However, the thickness of earth cover
may be increased based on expert advice depending upon site and
geology, rainfall etc. Internal drainage shall be as indicated in the
construction drawing.
The main aspects to be considered are the distance to the ash dyke,
properties of coal, topographical conditions, geological locations,
meteorological conditions etc. To protect the environment due to ash
disposal various site-specific studies like topographical survey,
earlier land use map, drainage pattern, environmental impact
assessment, archives, meteorological data, hydrological studies,
geotechnical investigations are carried out at the proposed site.
ii) The ash ponds should be located at least 500 m away from the
HFL/ FRL of the Rivers/ Reservoirs
3.6 Configuration
The scheme for ash disposal generally envisages two lagoons for
bottom ash (BA) with one common over flow lagoon (OFL) and one
lagoon for fly ash (FA) with one silting basin. The silting basin is to
be used for collecting excess rainwater to ensure dyke safety. The
dykes are planned with various numbers of raisings depending on
maximum height of starter dyke, capacity requirement and
foundation conditions. Well type water escape structure with flexible
opening are envisaged for decanting water from storage lagoon to over
flow lagoon for recirculation through Ash water recirculation system
(AWRS). Spillways shall also be envisaged for discharging excess
rainwater from storage lagoons/OFL. BA Storage lagoon and OFL are
necessarily to be provided with impervious liner using bentonite-
blended soil or equivalent to ensure no ground water contamination.
coarseness of particle size and perviousness towards the outer slope.
For this type of embankment, it is essential that materials of different
size ranges should be available either in different borrow areas or at
different levels in the same borrow area.
Over flow lagoons are provided with overflow type spillway with stilling
basin. The capacity of overflow spillway is decided based on the water
used in making slurry and flow generated by rainfall over the pond area.
maintain optimum water cover over the deposited ash in the lagoon
under charge to prevent any fugitive dust emission from storage lagoon.
Any pipe embedment inside the dyke body is a vulnerable point from the
dyke safety point of view and extreme care shall be taken. Preferably a
single pipe shall be provided in case of new construction of Ash dyke
However the actual requirement of number of pipes shall be as per
detailed design. Cut off collar and diaphragm, filter may also be provided
in the pipe embedment inside the dyke body.
Draw off pipes shall be provided from the water escape wells such that
their outlet level is 0.25 m above the maximum water level in the overflow
lagoon. If the pipes are to be kept above ground level, suitable earthen/
ash embankment shall be provided along the pipe routed to support the
pipes. The size of well/wells shall be sufficient to also draw out the
rainwater collected within the ash pond in addition to the decanted water
from the ash slurry.
National Green Tribunal (NGT) & State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)
have issued directive for zero discharge from Plant and prohibiting any
discharge of liquid effluent from ash dyke into the river or any surface
water body.
Accordingly, the toe drain water from the ash dykes is not to be
discharged into the nearest river/ water body and needs to be
recirculated. In recent projects, the above aspect is taken care during the
engineering of the AHS/ Ash dyke package where in toe drain water is
envisaged to be pumped back into ash dyke for recirculation.
3.11 Requirement of inspection road for dyke and ash/ash water pipe
1) Inspection/ Service and dyke top road all along the periphery of ash
dyke may be provided.
2) The WBM road on the dyke shall be designed for heavy loads at least
40 MT as per IRC guidelines.
3.12 Slurry discharge points for Lean slurry disposal
Multi point discharge shall be adopted to (i) achieve more or less uniform
ash filling within the lagoon, (ii) completely utilize the available storage
capacity and (iii) maintenance of water cover throughout to avoid island
formations of ash within the lagoon leading to fugitive dust problem.
Ash slurry shall be discharged in a lagoon starting from the areas near
the well and progressively shifting from the well area to the areas away
from the well. No discharge shall be allowed on the slopes. A minimum
of 5H (H is the Height of the embankment) shall be maintained from the
heel of the embankment. The discharge shall also ensure that ash surface
is not exposed anywhere above the water level.
Just downstream each T the piping should also be isolated from the
slurry flow in order to avoid clogging of this pipe by slurry.
4. General
In general, for Ash disposal, Starter Dyke of height 10-15m height and
subsequent raisings of 3-5m height each (effective height) for future
storage are considered. The stability analysis is to be performed for
starter ash dyke without raising and with each subsequent raising
separately for static and seismic cases as per IS 7894. The starter dyke
to be constructed first and subsequent raisings to be constructed in
stages after the starter dyke is filled with ash to its capacity.
Homogeneous embankment is generally preferred using earth for starter
dyke and ash in dyke raisings with 500mm(min) thick earth cover.
Typical section of Ash Pond with upstream raisings is shown below fig 12
The topography of the proposed ash dyke area shall be evaluated. The
top levels of dyke in different lagoons are to be decided based on the
ground topography, ash characteristics, ash disposal system and
foundation conditions.
4.1 Stability
The Criteria for safe design of earthen dyke should be in line with
IS:12169 (Criteria for Design of Small Embankment Dams) and
IS:8826 (Guidelines for Design of Large Earth & Rock-fill Dams) as
3) The seepage line should not cross the downstream face above one third
height of the dyke. This is to prevent “sloughing” of the face and
possible failure. If the seepage line meets the downstream face, the toe
softens by saturation and due to adverse seepage forces, a local failure
at the toe may occur. This is avoided by the provision of internal
drainage arrangement in the dyke. In case of no data, the top seepage
line (phreatic line slope may be taken as 1(V):6(H), sloping down wards.
layers left loosely compacted, through holes made by rats or animals
or those left by rotten roots of dead trees etc. Once a concentrated leak
starts, it is almost impossible to avoid failure. Precautions have to be
taken against all these eventualities.
9) Both the upstream face and the downstream face should be properly
protected against wave action and rain cuts.
a. Collection of disturbed and undisturbed samples and conducting
Standard Penetration Test in Boreholes.
b. Collection of undisturbed samples from trial pits.
c. Conducting field permeability test in bore holes by pumping in/out
tests depending upon the position of Ground Water Table and in trial
pits by percolation test. Packet tests in rock.
d. Laboratory tests to determine
1) Bulk density and moisture content
2) Grain size analysis
3) Liquid limit and plastic limit
4) Shrinkage limit
5) Specific gravity
6) Unconfined compression test
7) Tri-axial test - U-U test, C-U test and C-D test on undisturbed
8) Compressibility of foundation material
The following laboratory tests on sand/ bottom ash (filter material) are
required to be carried out. Further analysis regarding suitability of
sand/ bottom ash as filter media w.r.t. base material of ash dyke
For defining the profile of the phreatic line across the dyke section, a
comprehensive seepage analysis shall be done for the ultimate height of
the dyke, with full water inside and tail water (if any due to H.F.L.), on
outside of the dyke, before doing the stability analysis. The slope stability
analysis of the dyke for ultimate stage shall be done for steady seepage
condition both for static and dynamic (earthquake) cases as per IS. 7894
-Code of Practice for Stability Analysis of Earth Dams. Dyke shall be
designed as per best engineering practice including IS and studies by
reputed institutions. The design is done for the ultimate height and the
unutilized ash to be stored on temporary basis/ emergency use. Base
should have required liner system and Ash Water collection system to
prevent infiltration. Design should ensure run-on control and runoff
collection and disposal. HCSD system is designed to be operated
generally at an ash concentration of 55 to 65%. This ensures drying of
HCSD slurry within short period of time. Hence no liner is necessitated
in HCSD System.
VI Earthquake condition:
a) Steady Seepage Downstream As given in case IV R S+ 1.0$
b) Reservoir full Upstream As given in Case II + 1.0$
R S+
Case Loading Condition of Slope Most Pore Pressure Type of Minimu
No. Dam Likely to be Assumptions Shear m
Critical Strength Desired
Test to Factor
be of
Adopted Safety
*Where the reservoir is likely to be filled immediately after completion of the dam,
construction pore pressure would not have dissipated and these should be taken into
+This is to be adopted for failure plane passing though impervious foundation layer.
+ S test may be adopted only in cases where the material is cohesion less and free draining.
Note: These factors of safety are applicable for the methods of analysis
mentioned in this standard.
a) Lagooning system
The water from the storage lagoons shall escape to the overflow lagoon
(OFL) through RCC water escape well type structures and RCC hume
pipes of suitable diameter. These hume pipes shall be encased with a
rectangular RCC section, with minimum lining thickness of 250 mm at
bottom & 150 mm on all other sides.
The water from the OFL shall escape through a RCC box culvert
spillway. The outfall structure shall have stair-way type energy
dissipating devices on the downstream slope of the dyke.
b) Design of Embankment
Select a trial embankment section incorporating the available materials,
with the following parameters.
ii) Free board - 1.5 metre minimum. Higher free board shall be provided
if required from the anticipated wave height and from
run up point of view.
iv) Impervious - Bottom of all the pond shall be provided with a Liner
minimum of 300 mm thick Impervious Liner (bentonite
mixed soil or HCSD layer)/LDPE/HDPE liner.
suitable thickness, depending upon the wave height likely to act on
the slope, in the region from below the toe of the dyke embankment
1.5 metre above the maximum water level to 1.5 metre minimum
water level.
iii. On the upstream slope, dry fly ash brick packing (brick on flat) shall
be provided for the top portion or use sand bags, tyres (or any other
method if lining is provided) for a vertical height of 3 mts from the
dyke top considering 1.5 m free board.
iv. On the top of the dyke, Water Bound Macadam surfacing shall be
made for movement of vehicles, which will also give protection to the
earth surface against rain and wind erosion.
d) Cut-off trench
e) Instrumentation
The material for blanket, chimney and sand filters shall consist of
clean sound and well graded coarse sand. The materials shall be free
from debris, wood, vegetable matter and other deleterious matter. The
gradation of sand material/bottom ash shall meet the requirements as
per IS 9429.The filter materials shall be suitably compacted to a firm
condition to achieve a relative density of 70%. Bottom ash meeting filter
criteria shall be used in lieu of sand as filter material based on
5. Embankment Material
Earth embankments can be built with all kinds of materials ranging from
broken rock to silty soils, clays and ash. For a homogeneous section,
materials of low permeability and low plasticity are preferable. In zoned
section, two broad categories of materials may include many grades of
permeability. Even random materials can be accommodated in non-
critical portions of the section. The following materials are suitable for
homogeneous dykes, considering their permeability, shear strength,
compressibility and workability.
The embankment fill material for dyke shall belong to any one of the soil
classification namely ‘CH’, ‘CI’, ‘CL’, ‘CI-CL’, ‘MH’, ‘MI’, ‘ML-CL’, or ‘SC’.as
per IS 1498-1970
Impervious Pervious
Core Core
Poor - ML,MI,MH - -
Not - OL,OI,OH,Pt - -
Cut of trench filling to be done using above fill materials and prepared by
blending the soil, with minimum 4 percent bentonite to achieve a
permeability not more than 1X10-6 cm per second.
The above fill material should be free from logs, stumps, roots, rubbish
or any other ingredient likely to deteriorate or affect the stability of the
For the earth cover (minimum 500 mm) to be provided over ash core, in
the case of ash embankments, the soil shall consist of sandy loam free of
admixtures of stiff clay, refuse, stumps, roots, rock, brush, weeds or
other material which would be detrimental to the proper development of
the vegetation growth. The earth should meet following grading analysis.
Sand 20% to 75%
Silt 10% to 60%
Clay 5% to 30%
The following information on the Fly Ash to be used for dyke raising
should be evaluated before commencement of work:
5.2 Drainage/Filter Material
Drainage Filter:
Filters are extremely important in ash dykes and are used to prevent
piping and erosion of foundation materials. Filters are constructed in
layers, each of which is coarser than the one below it, and for this reason
they are often referred to as reversed filters. A filter must comprise
granular material fine enough to prevent soil particles being washed
through it and yet coarse enough to allow the passage of water and shall
be designed as per IS 9429
(The above equation ensures that the filter layer has permeability
several times higher than that of the soil it is designed to protect)
v. The gradation curve of the filter material shall be nearly parallel to the
gradation curve of the base material.
vi. The filters shall not contain more than 5% by weight of materials finer
than 0.075 mm size.
vii. The sand filter layer shall be considered as the base material for
coarser filter layer.
ix. In addition to the above, the provisions for filter as given in "IS: 9429-
Code of practice for drainage system for Earth and Rock Fill dam", also
shall be followed.
For sand- material, the grading shall be decided as per filter criteria
specified above, so that the embankment fill material is prevented from
being carried away through the blanket, chimney and filters.
The rock material used for the rock toe shall satisfy the following
a) Specific gravity shall not be less than 2.50 (As per IS 1122)
b) Sulphate soundness- Less than 10% loss of weight after 5 (Five) cycles
(As per IS 1126)
c) Aggregate Impact value shall not exceed 30% (As per IS 2386)
e) In slake durability test (as per IS 10050), the percentage retain after
two ten (10) minutes cycles shall be more than 85 %.
Rock toe shall be formed with rock material consisting of sound, durable
and well graded broken rock obtained from approved quarries and shall
be of approved quality prior to being transported to the area of deposition.
The materials shall range in size from 10 to 45 cm. All brush, roots or
other perishable materials shall be removed from rock-fill during
spreading and shall be transported to a disposal area.
Similarly, rock materials for rock toe satisfying the quality requirements
specified above can also be obtained from rock available within the land
acquired for construction of ash pond divide bund, if it is found suitable.
The rock will be broken to required size and shape and will be cleaned
before utilized.
v. The geo-membrane shall be free from dirt, oil, foreign matter, scratches,
cracks, creases, bubbles, blisters, pits, tears, holes, pores, pinholes,
voids, un dispersed raw material, any sign of contamination or other
defects that may affect serviceability, and shall be uniform in color,
thickness and surface texture.
vi. The geo-membrane shall be capable of being seamed in the field to yield
seams that areas resistant to waste liquids as the sheeting.
vii. HDPE/LDPE material to be used shall meet the minimum requirements
of GRI Standard GM13.
Apparent opening size 85 micron EN ISO 12956
Permeability 45 l/m2. sec EN ISO 11058
iii) Physical
Mass per unit area 150-300 g/sq.m.
Thickness 1 to 2 mm
Note: Above properties are indicative and for guidance purpose only.
6. Introduction
Construction is a critical phase in achieving a safe dyke. Modern
construction equipment permits to achieve speed with quality. Generally,
a starter dyke is constructed and subsequent raising is done by either
upstream / inward raising or downstream/ outward raising.
In d/s method the volume of ash to be handled is more. This may add to
ash utilization. Depending upon the seismic zone the method of
construction may be finalized. In seismic zone V d/s method appears to
be a better option than u/s construction. The various methods are shown
below in figure 13.
All trees, stumps, etc., falling within fill area should be cut to at least 500
mm below ground level and pits shall be filled with suitable material and
compacted thoroughly so as to make the surface at these points conform
to the surrounding area.
The entire area meant to receive the ash and earth filling shall be stripped
to a depth of minimum 150 mm. The exact depth of stripping shall be
depending upon the nature of topsoil and the vegetation present.
When constructing embankment using ash, the top soil from all areas to
be covered by the embankment foundation should be stripped to
specified depth not exceeding 300 mm and stored in stock piles of height
not exceeding 2 m, for use in covering the fly ash embankment slopes (if
soil is suitable), cut slopes and other disturbed areas where revegetation
is desired. Top soil should not be unnecessarily trafficked either before
stripping or when in stockpiles. Also, these shall not be surcharged or
otherwise loaded and multiple handling should be kept to minimum.
6.1.4 Dewatering
Compaction of fill material at around optimum moisture content should
be ensured. If the foundation of the embankment is in an area with
stagnant water, it is feasible to remove it, the same should be, and the
area of the embankment foundation should be kept dry. Care should be
taken to discharge the drained water so as not to cause damage to works,
crops or any other property
6.1.5 Leveling
All existing undulations, holes, cavities, excavations made for plate load
rests and other soil investigations, etc. shall be filled with pond ash
having requisite moisture content. The ash thus filled shall be compacted
with the help of vibratory rollers so as to achieve Dry Density of not less
than 95% of Maximum Dry Density at optimum moisture content as per
IS – 2720 (Part-VII). This would result in a levelled surface upon which
layer wise filling and compaction of ash can be done.
All areas required for borrowing shall be cleared of all trees and stumps,
roots, bushes, rubbish and other objectionable material. Particular care
shall be taken to exclude all organic matter from the material to be placed
in the fill. All materials thus cleared, which can be burnt shall be
completely burnt. Balance shall be disposed off as specified. The cleared
areas shall be maintained free of vegetation growth during the progress
of the work.
6.2.2 Stripping
in the borrow areas during excavation operations, drainage ditches from
borrow areas to the nearest outlets shall be excavated so as to obtain
homogeneous mix. In general, all materials from a particular borrow area
shall be a mixture of materials obtained for the full depth of cut.
The cut off trench shall be filled up in layers not exceeding 300mm in
compacted thickness using impervious soils CL or CI type having
permeability less than 1 x 10-6 cm/sec, to be obtained from approved
borrow area. The suitability or otherwise of the material shall be
determined by laboratory tests. In case clayey soil of the specified quality
is not available, alternatively manufactured impervious soil by blending
required quantity bentonite (not less than 4 percent) to available soil to
achieve the specified permeability also can be used. Blending of bentonite
with earth shall be done in dry form in a concrete mixer. Each layer of
earth deposited shall then be compacted to have a dry density not less
than 98% of the maximum dry density (standard proctor) for the soil with
suitable tractor drawn heavy sheep foot tamping rollers or by any other
method. The compaction shall 'have to be uniform throughout the length
and breadth of each layer. The roller should be made to travel over the
entire section of each layer so that the earth is fully compacted and the
roller leaves no visible marks on the surface.
The spreading of the next layer shall be carried out only after the
underlying layer has been approved. The impervious core of the dyke
shall be made with approved clayey soil brought from elsewhere and I or
with manufactured soil by blending the available sandy silty soil with
bentonite (not less than 4 per cent by volume) to achieve the permeability
not more than 1 x 10-6 cm/sec. The procedure for laying and compaction
shall be the same as specified for the shells of dyke.
When compacting the fill material against steep rock abutment or walls
or masonry or concrete structure the construction surface of
embankment shall be sloped away from rock or masonry or concrete
structures for a distance of 3 m to 4 m at an inclination not steeper than
6 horizontal to 1 vertical. If the foundation surface is too irregular to allow
the use of a large roller directly against a structure rock outcrop, the
roller shall be used to compact the fill material as close to the structure
or the outcrop as possible and the portion of the embankment directly
abutting against the rock or the structure shall be compacted with
pneumatic hand compactors/tampers in thin layers. The moisture
content of the fill material placed against the rock or the structure shall
be high enough to allow it to be compacted into all irregularities of the
rock or the structure. Care shall be taken in placing the first layer of the
fill so that no damage is caused by the hauling machinery to the base
grade as this may get concealed by the spread layer or fill. Sheep foot
roller shall not be employed for compacting till the thickness of the layers
already compacted by other means is greater by 30 cm than the depth of
the feet on the roller drum. The material for the first layer shall be at
moisture content sufficient to enable bonding of the fill with the rock
6.4.3 Degree of Compaction
6.5.1 Rolling
6.5.2 Tamping
used shall be subject to approval based on evidence of actual
performance. The moisture control and compaction shall-be equivalent
to that obtained in the fill material actually placed in the dyke
6.6 Liner
The compacted thickness of liner shall not be less than 300 mm. The
suitability or otherwise of the material shall be determined by laboratory
tests. In case clayey soil of the specified quality is not available,
alternatively soil blended with required quantity of bentonite (not less
than 4 percent by volume) to achieve the specified permeability also can
be used with the same specified procedure for laying and compaction.
Blending shall be done by suitable means. Layer of liner laid shall be
compacted to have a dry density not less than 90% of the maximum dry
density (standard proctor) for the soil with suitable rollers.
The work broadly involves laying of clayey soil (or) mix of soil & bentonite,
mixing of soil & bentonite, spreading the mix, compacting & Testing of
two passes of 8 Ton - 10 Ton roller and slope shall be maintained to
For mixing of soil & bentonite, any of the following method can be chosen Mix In Place: Alternatively soil shall be spread in layers and the
required bentonite shall be spread over the soil surface. The bentonite
shall be spread uniformly across the accepted subgrade surface at the
specified application rate. The bentonite shall be thoroughly mixed and
compacted to get each compacted layer thickness not more than 300mm.
a) General Requirements:
The placement procedure used for the geo-membrane liner shall include
the conditions listed below.
i. Weather: Geo-membrane shall not be placed when the air
temperature is above 40oC or below 5oC unless it can be by
trial welds that acceptable welds can be made at the
prevailing temperature. Geo-membrane shall not be placed
when there is any rainfall or snowfall, in the presence of
excessive moisture due to fog or dew, in ponded water, on
a frozen subgrade, or during high winds.
b) Field Seaming:
type of resin as the geo-membrane. The use of solvents or adhesives is
not permitted.
viii. The length of double wedge fusion welded seams shall be a
minimum of 10 feet (3 m) long.
ix. The length of an extrusion welded seam shall be a minimum of 4
feet (1.2 m) long.
e Seaming:
6.7.2 Non-Destructive Field Testing :
i) General
a. All non-destructive field testing shall be performed and
documented by the Geo-Membrane Contractor.
b. The QC & QA Geo-membrane Inspector shall observe all
non-destructive test procedure one hundred (100)
percent of the seam length shall be tested using
nondestructive procedures to check the continuity of the
field seams.
c. Non-destructive testing is not meant to qualify seam
d. Air pressure testing shall be performed in accordance
with ASTM D5820 and GRI GM6.
e. Vacuum Box testing shall be performed in accordance
with ASTM D5641 and as specified herein.
f. Continuity testing shall be performed as seaming
progresses or as soon as a suitable length of seam is
available, not at the completion of all field seaming.
6.7.3 Destructive Testing :
i) Testing:
i) Patching
Figure 14: Typical detail showing LDPE/HDPE liner works
1) Panel Layout:
2) Packaging
i. Manufacturer
ii. Product Identification, which can be traced back to the
origin of the base material (resin supplier’s name, resin
production plant, resin brand name type, resin brand
number, and production date of the resin).
iii. Date of manufacture of the geotextile.
iv. Roll identification number.
v. Geotextile thickness and type.
vi. Roll dimensions (length and width)
vii. Batch number
viii. Order number
ix. Panel number
3) Handling of Rolls
The method of off-loading the geotextile at the project site shall not
cause any damage.
The rolls shall be placed on a smooth surface free of rocks and standing
The Geotextile shall be laid over a 150 mm thick layer of natural sand/
manufactured crusher sand/ bottom ash. The material shall be clean
with little or no fines conforming to IS 1498 unless specified otherwise.
The thickness and other arrangement shall be as per the details given
in the drawing.
General Requirements:
The placement procedure used for the geotextile liner shall include the
conditions listed below.
i) Weather:
Geotextile shall not be placed when the air temperature is above 40oC
or below 5oC unless it can be demonstrated by trial welds that
acceptable welds can be made at the prevailing temperature. Excessive
moisture due to fog or dew, in ponded water, on a frozen subgrade, or
during high winds.
a) Only the panels that can be anchored and seamed together in one
shift shall be unrolled.
b) Unroll and layout panels in as close to the final position as
possible. Pulling geotextile panels should be minimized to reduce
the chance of permanent tension.
c) The methods and equipment used to deploy the panels shall not
damage the geotextile or the supporting surface. Wrinkles shall
be minimized. However, enough slack shall be provided in both
directions so that there will be no tension in the geotextile at the
lowest expected operating temperature.
v) Other Precautions to Prevent Damage:
The geotextile liner shall be anchored in anchor trench at the top and
bottom of the slope and at berm locations as shown on the Design
Drawings. The excavation for anchor trench shall be done by the
contractor to the lines and widths shown on the drawings prior to
placement of the liner. Excavated anchor trench shall be filled with fly
ash bricks or crushed aggregates carefully so that sufficient anchorage
is ensured while laying the HDPE membrane.
Filter material shall be laid in layers not exceeding 500 mm. Water as
necessary shall be sprinkled before compaction. Care shall be taken to
ensure that materials of different layers do not get mixed, both at the
time of placing and during compaction.
Extreme care shall be taken when placing materials in the zone to obtain
a fill free from lenses, layers and streaks of segregated materials. After
the layers of filter blanket material and intermediate sand layer materials
have been laid and compacted earth fill material shall be laid.
The sand filter underneath the rock-toe and between rip rap and the
bund shall closely follow the levels of the embankment in the area. Sand
filter shall be laid subsequent to stripping of foundation and/or trimming
of slope of compacted bund. The excavated earth shall be removed from
the working area and stockpiled at a place. The surface to receive the
sand filter shall be properly cleaned before laying of filter material. The
sand filter shall be laid in layers; the thickness of the layers shall not be
more than 500 mm. Water as necessary shall be sprinkled before
compaction. The sand layer shall be well watered and rammed. Care
shall be taken that materials of different layers do not get mixed, both at
the time of placing and during compaction. The sand filter material shall
be clean, sound, durable and well graded. No debris, wood, deleterious
material etc., shall be permitted. Accumulations of soil caused by
contamination shall be removed. Refer figure 15 for typical details below.
Fig 15 Typical detail of Sand filters
The rock material used in the aggregate filters shall satisfy the following
a) Specific gravity shall not be less than 2.50. (As per IS: 1122)
b) Sulphate soundness less than 10% loss of weight after 5 (As
per IS: 1126) (Five) cycles
c) Aggregate Impact value shall not exceed 30%(IS 2386)
d) Water absorption shall not exceed 2.5% (As per IS: 2386)
e) In slake durability test (as per IS: 10050), the percentage
retained after two ten (10) minutes cycles shall be more than
The rock material used for the rock toe shall satisfy the quality
requirements. Rock toe shall be formed with rock material consisting of
sound, durable and well graded broken rock obtained from approved
quarries and shall be of approved quality. The materials shall range in
size from 10 to 45 cm. All brush, roots or other perishable materials
shall be removed from rock-fill during spreading and disposal.
The rock available from the excavation of water escape structure1
stripping drain channel etc. which satisfy the quality requirements
specified and found suitable for construction of rock toe may be used.
These shall be washed, cleared, and broken into required size and
stacked separately.
Similarly, rock materials for rock toe satisfying the quality requirements
specified can also be obtained from rock if any available within the land
acquired for construction of earthen dyke, if it is found suitable. The
rock shall be broken to required size and shape and will be cleaned
before utilized. Typical section of rock toe is shown below fig 16.
The stone pieces shall be hand placed to obtain a stable, well graded
and free draining fill. The rock toe shall be constructed in layers so that
the smaller rock fragments shall be placed adjacent to the filter of
embankment and the large rock fragments near the outer edge of the
rock toe. The rock fill shall be hand placed spread and roughly levelled
in layers not greater than 30 cm in thickness in order to maintain a
reasonably uniform surface and ensure that the completed fill will be
stable and do not contain any voids having least dimension larger than
50 mm.
Contamination of the rock with finer materials from any other zones
shall be avoided. Accumulations of soil caused by contamination shall
be removed. Rock materials shall not be dumped directly but shall be
hand placed in layers.
Rip rap shall be hand placed on the upstream slopes of the dam
embankment as per IS: 8237 "Code of practice for Protection of slope
for reservoir embankments". The thickness of the riprap layer shall be
as indicated in the drawings. The thickness shall be measured normal
to slope of the embankment. The rock materials used for rip-rap shall
satisfy the quality requirements specified.
The rip-rap material shall consist of the most durable rock fragments
or approved quality selected for the purpose. The quality of individual
rock fragments shall be dense, sound and resistant to abrasion, and
shall be free from cracks, seams, shale partings, conglomerate bands
and other defects that would tend to increase unduly their
susceptibility to destruction by water and weathering action. The shape
of the individual rock fragment shall be angular. Fragments having
thickness less than 50% of their maximum dimensions shall not be
used as rip rap. The stones shall be evenly distributed over the paved
area. The average weight of stones shall be 15 Kgs. for 300 thick rip rap
and 50 Kgs. for 600 thick rip rap.
required to be conducted on fly ash to be used as borrow material for
embankment are indicated IN Quality Assurance checklist table
provided. The frequency of testing indicated refers to the minimum
number of tests to be conducted. The rate of testing must be stepped
up as found necessary, depending on the compaction methods
employed at the project IS Heavy Compaction Test.
A) In-Situ Once for every 2,000 IS:2720 Not less
Dry M3 or part thereof of (Part-II than 95%
Density ash & earth in each &XXIX) of Standard
layer Proctor Dry
B) Moisture -do-
Content IS:2720 As per
(Part-II) specification
This section of the guidelines outlines the activities for operation and
maintenance, and periodic inspection programs which will ensure safe
operation of the dyke.
The slurry discharge near the water escape structure shall be done in
the initial stages and after filling the area near the wells slurry shall be
discharged at other locations.
Only where the wells are provided with precast slabs, the raising of
spilling level may be feasible by inserting slabs. However, where the
spilling level is fixed at FRL in the beginning itself, there is not scope
for raising the spilling level.
7.3. Maintenance of Ash Dyke
ii. Top width: The top width of the dyke shall be as per drawings.
In case of any deficiency, the same shall be made up
viii. Rock toe, toe drain, berm, rock pitching and etc.
Rock toe, toe drain, berm, rock pitching and etc. shall be
maintained as per the drawings. Dislodgements/defects if any
shall be corrected immediately.
ix. Instrumentation
If the wet patches found to appear on the slopes, the area adjacent to
downstream of the rock toe shall also be inspected. Corrective measures
shall be taken immediately.
Frequency of inspection
All the operating and non-operating dykes shall be
inspected practically after events like earthquake, cyclone,
heavy rains, high flood in the river, etc. and a report
prepared based on the observation, if any damage is
noticed, the same shall be rectified as per the maintenance
guidelines. If no suitable guidelines are found for the
nature of the damage, the designer of the dyke shall be
consulted immediately.
i) Breach:
(a) Ensure that future (next) lagoon shall be kept ready before
the ash level reaches the maximum design fill level.
(a) Compaction to the specified density both in the
levelled portion of the dyke as well as on slopes.
Piping or sand boiling is one of the main cause for excessive settlement
or instability of the dyke. There are several reasons for this, however
one of the main causes is improper drainage. This is primarily due to
filter material not meeting the Filter design criteria.
Other causes may be due to use of oversized borrow material in the fill,
insufficient cover or turfing, improper slope protection on the upstream
slopes, encroachment into free board, rat holes etc.
probable causes for seepage and piping. To prevent seepage and piping,
the following shall be ensured:
(a) The filter material shall satisfy the filter design criteria.
(c) The invert of the toe drain should be below the blanket drain.
(e) The cross-drain pipes from the toe drain shall be clear of all
Providing relief wells near the affected area for safe exist of the seepage
water. Observe the condition and monitor the outflow from the relief
wells. A register shall be maintained recording rate of flow from each
relief well. Such measurements shall be taken at a frequency of 15 days.
If any of the discharge pipes from the relief well is found to have been
blocked, the same shall be cleared for effective relief of the seepage
(vi) Gulley formation
During inspection, if any rat holes or animal burrows are noticed, the
same shall be plugged immediately using sand compacted by rod and
then plug at the top with earth. The holes shall be filled and covered
with grass turfing.
ii) Site/operation shall maintain record of total inflow into the ash
dyke thorough various discharge pipes by suitable measuring
iii) For routine maintenance works of ash dykes like repair of rain
cuts/rat holes/gulley’s/plugging of wet spots/cleaning of rock
toe & peripheral drains, each station shall have Annual
maintenance contract for ash dykes.
a) Settlement gauges along the top and slopes of dyke.
i. Toe drain and surface drain shall be kept clean for smooth water
flow and shall be inspected for non- choking at least once in
ii. Unauthorized entry into ash pond area shall be prohibited and
display boards shall be installed at prominent locations. To avoid
sabotage security guards for vigilance of the ash dyke area round
the clock is preferable.
iv. Flood lights on the dyke area as required may be provided for
inspection purpose. These lights need to be turned on only in
case of inspection during night and during emergency.
It is desirable to have an ash management group responsible for
inspection and monitoring of the ash dyke and take corrective
and preventive measures where required.
for uniform ash deposition, in the ash deficient pockets. The discharge
points may be shifted /extended before the ash emerges out of the
design water surface depending on availability of safe access. The
lighter and flexible pipes may also be used for the farther extensions,
deep into the lagoon for which floating supports, made of any lighter
material may be explored for such pipes, so that the discharge pipe may
float just on the ponded water surface. Maintenance of water cover will
also eliminate fugitive dust emission from the ash lagoons. Free board
is kept from various design considerations and it should meet the IS.
Freeboard as mentioned in the design shall be maintained. The
operative lagoon is designed in such a way that decant water, before
escaping, should cover entire ash surface in the lagoon, by ponding and
by maintaining the design freeboard.
The construction activities for raising of dykes and borrowing of ash will
usually be going on near the periphery. Hence in the central region of
the lagoon and some of the peripheral areas with no construction
activities, the ash surface may be rolled and compacted which will
reasonably stop the ash particles being lifted away by the mild wind
flow over the surface. Rolling and compaction of ash surface with
occasional wetting as per requirement, is techno-economically a better
option for such undisturbed areas. However, during strong summer
winds, the dust emission can be controlled, in such areas, through
occasional and controlled slurry/water discharge, so that the ash
surface is kept just wet. In such areas, covering the ash surface with
thin layer of earth is also an alternative solution but it will not be
effective without any proper compaction of the overlaying earth.
Even in the non-operative lagoon, had the ash filling been stopped
before the design freeboard is encroached, the dust emission from the
ash dyke could be minimized by occasional slurry/water discharge, at
a low discharge rate (i.e., by slow filling) into the non-operative lagoon
to just wet the ash surface. The non-operative lagoon shall not be kept
dry for long time and raising to be effected at the earliest. And since the
ash surface will be below the designed level, major area of the ash
surface can easily be made wet. In case, local ponding is required in
some areas, small ponds may be created using small height ash bunds
confined with empty cement bags filled with ash.
For the borrow area, used for borrowing ash for dyke construction
during ash dyke raising, the dust emission, may be controlled locally
by sprinklers, etc and these measures in the borrow areas may also be
suitably included in the scope of the contractor, for dyke raising.
b) Temporary sumps on the ash pond, where the slurry is not being
discharged, shall be constructed out of brick masonry of 10 m
dia. and 1.5 m depth, in which the water shall be pumped. The
size of the sump may vary depending on the site requirement.
Near these sumps, pumps of adequate pumping capacity and
head may be installed to meet sprinkling requirement. The pipe
network shall be made using used ash disposal pipes.
c) Power supply for the pumps, may be taken from the nearby
source. Flexible portable Sprinkling system with suitable pumps
may also be adopted as a convenient dust suppression technique
from embankments under raising, inoperative lagoons & also on
localized high deposition of ash in operative lagoons. A typical
sketch showing the schematic arrangement for the sprinkling
system is shown below Figure 17
Fig 17: Typical sketch showing the schematic arrangement for
the sprinkling system
It has been observed that to utilize the lagoon storage capacity to the
maximum possible extent, some of the project sites tend to overfill the
ash ponds upto levels more than the design fill levels.
During intermediate stages for raisings, overfilling does not enhance the
overall storage capacity of the ponds, except that it creates problems of
ash flying, as the ash emerges out in the freeboard area above the
design water level. These higher spots, where the ash has emerged
above the water surface, contribute to the dust emission, even in the
operative lagoon and it will be difficult to wet these higher spots
e) Whether any wet spots/areas are
i) Downstream slope
ii)On the foundation very near to the
downstream toe:
f) Whether any longitudinal cracks are
observed on:
i) On the top of dyke
ii) The upstream slope
iii) The downstream slope
g) Whether any transverse cracks are
observed in:
i) On the top of dyke
ii) The upstream slope
iii) The downstream slope
h) If any cracks are observed on the tip
and the slopes
i)Whether the cracks on the top &
Slopes are continuous.
ii) Whether the cracks are lengthening
with time
iii) Whether the cracks are widening
with time if seepage is observed on the
slope or near the d/s toe.
1: 2
Testing Round the clock inspection by Ash Handling Maintenance
Frequency Yearly by O&M-Civil Ash Handling Maintenance in
association with Operation Safety and Fire
RECORDS a) Mock drill report available with safety, fire
b) Actual occurrence report available
c) Records as per testing requirement available
8. General
Coal used in coal fired power plant in India has low calorific value
(3500Kcasl/kg) and resulting high ash content.
This occupies large area of useful land for its storage and followed by
polluting the atmospheric environment.
Since fly ash does not contain any unburnt carbon, it should be treated
as separate commodity because the presence of carbon in bottom ash
affects its pozzolanic activity if mixed with fly ash. Further, the
pozzolanity of the freshly formed dry ash particles is seriously affected,
once the particles get moistened with water.
Ash disposal in setting pond or land fill may influences the aquatic
ecosystem through surface runoff and seepage nearby that area and
finally result in contamination of ground water by leaching of heavy
metals from the CCRs.
The water discharged from the ash pond is likely to contaminate the
quality of river, channel, nallah water nearby that area eventually thus
contaminating the ground water. Some of the heavy metals, released
from ash disposal, become detrimental to plant life.
No discharge of liquid effluent from ash dyke into the river or any
surface water body to be done. The supernatant from the ash dykes are
to be recycled back to the plant to ensure 100% recirculation of ash
pond overflow and underflow. Further, the water entrapped in
deposited ash is to be collected through dyke embankment by
intercepting through chimney/blanket filters, in to a toe-drain all
around the dyke and recirculated back to the plant through toe-drain
water recirculation system.
Dry fly ash is readily lifted up by wind due to less cohesive force in the
fine solid particles. One of the conditions stipulated by MoEF&CC in
environmental clearances is to control fugitive dust emission. The
fugitive dust emission could be either from ash pond from
a) operating lagoon,
b) non-operating lagoon
c) abandoned ash pond.
a) Safe Disposal for Control of Fugitive Dust with Sprinkler
During transportation of ash, the truck mounted water sprinklers may
also be used, if fugitive dust emission occurs along in the working areas.
At the time of finally abandoning the ash dyke, to control the dust
emission, the final ash surface may be covered with 300 mm thick soil.
Apart from controlling the dust emission this would also assist in the
growth of vegetation over the abandoned ash dyke area. Depending
upon site requirement, the abandoned ash pond area may be used for
planting trees or may be put for some other use as per latest fly ash
utilisation notification. The final abandoned pond level however should
be sufficiently lower than the top level of the peripheral ash dyke. So
that the area can be properly drained towards the existing water escape
c) Prevention of Ground Water contamination
Fly ash disposal poses problems in the form of land use, health hazards,
and hazard to entire ecosystems. Toxic trace metals present in the ash
may leach out of the ash ponds and contaminate the soil, ground water
and surface water, limiting the survival and growth of plants and
microbial population. Medical studies have proved adverse effect on
human health due to presence of respirable particulate matter <10 μm
in size. Finer particles <2.5 μm have much greater impact as they can
penetrate deeper into the respiratory system Dispersion of particulate
matter to the surrounding environment takes place, especially when
ash-handling activities on dumping sites are in progress. The air borne
fly ash particles deposit on surfaces of materials and plants.
In the context of environmental pollution abatement, green belt has
been defined as “a strip of trees of such species, and such a geometry,
that when planted around a source, would significantly attenuate the
air pollution by intercepting and assimilating the pollutants in a
sustainable manner.” However, green belts also include other
vegetation especially shrubs, but still the trees are the mainstays of
green belts and often green belt plantation is simply referred as ‘trees’
Plants filter pollutants from the air in three ways, viz. absorption by the
leaves, deposition of particulate and aerosols on leaf surface, and fallout
of particulate on the leeward (downwind) side of the vegetation because
of the slowing of the air movement.
Some plants can be incorporated in the green belts near the thermal
power plants so that these serve as filters and remove airborne fly ash
9. General
5. Certifying Expert shall submit the report which shall cover the
following: -
9.2 Annual Compliance Audit of Ash Generation and Utilization
& Disposal
Year wise targets for utilization & disposal of ash in the permitted
avenues has detailed in the Ash Notification 31.12.2021 separately for
current ash generation from implementation date 01.04.2022 onwards
and for legacy ash stored as on 31.03.2022 in Para A(4) and A(5)
9.3 Check List for Annual Certification of Ash Ponds and Dykes
(for the period 1st April-31st March) to be submitted on or before
30th April
Sr No Component Observations/Remarks
1. Name of Power Plant
2. Name of the company
3. District
4. State
5. Postal address for
6. E-mail:
7. Power Plant installed
capacity (MW):
8. No. of units generated
9. Total area under power
plant (ha):
(including area under
ash ponds)
10. Method of slurry .
water consumption or
conservation in disposal,
ash water recycling
11. TSS of decant Water
(Going outside/for
12. Maintenance of Dyke.
Sr No Component Observations/Remarks
1. Top Width
2. Top level of dyke
3. Adequate Spillway
4. Free board
5. Available volume
6. Earth covering and
7. U/S slope protection
8. WBM Road
9. Rock Toe, toe drain,
berm, rock, pitching
10. Dyke compaction
11. D/S erosion control
13. Instrumentation
a) Piezometer,
b) surface settlement
14. Wet Patches/softening on .
down Slope
15. Gully Formation
16. Rat holes/ animal
Sr No Component Observations/Remarks
monitoring reports
2. Dyke slopes should
be examined for
irregularities in
alignment and
variances from
smooth uniform
slopes, unusual
changes from
original crest
alignment and
elevation, evidence
of movement at or
beyond the toe, and
surface cracks
which indicate
25. Condition of Drainage
26. Condition of Slope
27. Environmental Pollution
28. Green belt
29. Any other information:
Soft copy of the annual
compliance report, and
shape files
of power plant and ash
ponds may be e-mailed to:
- moefcccoalash@
30. Signature of Authorized
9.4 Check List for Annual Compliance Audit for Ash generation
and utilization & disposal (for the period 1st April-31st March) to
be submitted on or before 30th November.
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
1. Name of Power Plant
2. Name of the company
3. District
4. State
5. Postal address for
6. E-mail:
7. Power Plant installed
capacity (MW):
8. Plant Load Factor (PLF):
9. No. of units generated
10. Total area under power
plant (ha):
(including area under
ash ponds)
11. Quantity of coal .
consumption during
reporting period (Metric
Tons per Annum):
12. Average ash content in
percentage (per cent):
13. Quantity of current ash
generation during
reporting period
(Metric Tons per Annum):
Fly ash (Metric Tons per
Bottom ash (Metric
Tons per Annum):
14. Capacity of dry fly ash
storage silo(s) (Metric
Tons) :
15. Details of utilization of .
current ash generated
during reporting
(a) Total quantity of
current ash utilized
(MTPA) during
reporting period:
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
(c) Quantity of fly ash
utilized (MTPA):
Avenue wise break up
(separately for fly ash and
bottom ash):
(i) Fly ash based products
(bricks or blocks or tiles or
fibre cement sheets or
pipes or boards or panels)
(ii) Cement
(iii) Ready mix concrete:
(iv) Ash and Geo-polymer
based construction
(v) Manufacturing of
sintered or cold bonded
(vi) Construction of roads,
road and fly over
(vii) Construction of
(viii) Filling up of low lying
(ix) Filling of mine voids:
(x) Use in overburden
(xi) Agriculture:
(xii) Construction of
shoreline protection
structures in
coastal districts;
(xiii) Export of ash to other
(xiv) Others (please
(c) Quantity of bottom ash
utilized (MTPA):
(i) Fly ash based products
(bricks or blocks or tiles or
fiber cement sheets or
pipes or boards or
(ii) Cement
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
(iii) Ready mix concrete:
(iv) Ash and Geo-polymer
based construction
(v) Manufacturing of
sintered or cold bonded
(vi) Construction of roads,
road and flyover
(vii) Construction of
(viii) Filling up of low lying
(ix) Filling of mine voids:
(x) Use in overburden
(xi) Agriculture:
(xii) Construction of
shoreline protection
structures in
coastal districts:
(xiii) Export of ash to other
(xiv) Others (please
specify), if recommended
by the Committee and
added in notification as
per para A (3):
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
16. Percentage utilization of
current ash generated
during reporting
period (per cent):
17. Details of disposal of ash
in ash ponds
(a) Total quantity of ash
disposed in ash pond(s)
(Metric Tons)
as on 31st March
(excluding reporting
(b) Quantity of ash
disposed in ash pond(s)
during reporting
period (Metric Tons):
(c) Total quantity of water
consumption for slurry
into ash ponds during
reporting period (m3):
(d) Total number of ash
(i) Active:
(ii) Exhausted (yet to be
(iii) Reclaimed:
(e) total area under ash
ponds (ha):
18. Individual ash pond
Ash pond-1,2, etc. (please
provide below mentioned
separately, if number of
ash ponds is more than
(a) Status: Under
construction or Active or
Exhausted or Reclaimed
(b) Date of start of ash
disposal in ash pond
(c) Date of stoppage of ash
disposal in ash pond after
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
completing its capacity
(Not applicable for active
ash ponds)
(d) area (hectares):
(e) dyke height (m):
(f) volume (m3):
(g) quantity of ash
disposed as on 31st
March (Metric Tons):
(h) available volume in
percentage (per cent) and
quantity of ash
can be further disposed
(Metric Tons):
(i) expected life of ash
pond (number of years
and months):
(j) co-ordinates (Lat and
(please specify minimum
4 co-ordinates)
(k) type of lining carried in
ash pond: HDPE lining or
LDPE lining or clay lining
or No lining
l) mode of disposal: Dry
disposal or wet slurry (in
case of wet
slurry please specify
whether HCSD or MCSD
or LCSD)
(m) Ratio of ash: water in
slurry mix (1:_____ ):
(n) Ash water recycling
system (AWRS) installed
functioning: Yes or No
(o) Quantity of wastewater
from ash pond discharged
into land
or water body (m3):
(p) Last date when the
dyke stability study was
conducted and
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
name of the organization
who conducted the study:
(q) Last date when the
audit was conducted and
name of the organization
who conducted the audit:
19. Quantity of legacy ash
utilized (MTPA):
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
added in notification as
per para A(3):
as on 31
March both
Legacy ash The ash
stored in Total
all the ash (depleted)
ponds or quantity of
dykes legacy ash
other than stored (MT)
operational as on 31
ash pond March:
or dyke
storage of
21. Any other information:
Soft copy of the annual
Sr Component Observations/Remarks
compliance report, and
shape files
of power plant and ash
ponds may be e-mailed
to:- moefcccoalash@
22. Signature of Authorized
Despite best efforts during the last few decades’ huge quantity of fly ash
is disposed of in ash ponds which is posing a serious problems of land
An ash pond of 10 KM2 size for a 500 MW power plant gets filled up
with Ash up to 10m height within a period of 5 years. In many ash
ponds the total depth of ash has crossed over 30 metres. These ash
ponds are subsequently abandoned. It is estimated that about more
40,0000 hectares of land is under the cover of abandoned fly ash ponds
in the country. These abandoned ash fly ashes are generally left as such
with suitable soil cover. There is a strong need to develop reclamation
for such abandoned fly ash ponds.
10.1. Preconditions for abandoning:
1. Complete dewatering
cavities and excavations made for plate load rests and other soil
investigations, etc. shall be filled with pond ash having requisite
moisture content. The ash thus filled shall be compacted with the
help of vibratory rollers so as to achieve dry density of not less
95% as per I.S–2720 (Part-VII). This would result in a levelled
surface upon which soil cover can be done.
selected carefully from the following groups for quick
reclamation under the guidance of a taxonomist:
Tree species for fuel wood and timber
Forestry type tree species.
Tree species with dense foliage for shade.
Native species.
30th December, 2022 which allows reclamation of ash pons by green belts
/ plantations or solar power plant or wind power plant.
Proper measures shall be taken to prevent surface erosion and air and
water pollution. To facilitate drainage, surface slope and surface water
drains shall be provided to carry the surface run off away from the ash
pond / dykes.
भाग II—खण्ड 3—उप-खण्ड (ii)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)
प्राजधकार से प्रकाजित
का.आ. 5481(अ).—के न्दरीर् सरकार ने भारत सरकार के तत्कालीन पर्ाावरण और वन मंत्रालर् क अजधसूचना
सं. का.आ. 763 (अ) तारीख 14 जसतम्बर, 1999 द्वारा कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस से तीन स
दकलोमीआर के जवजनर्िाष्आ ्र्ास के भीतर टोआस के जवजनमााण के जलए उपिाम जमटी ी के उत्खनन को प्रजतबंजधत करने के जलए
और भवन जनमााण सामग्री के जवजनमााण में और संजनमााण दिर्ाकलाप में फ्लाई-राख के उपर्ोग को बढावा िेने के जलए
जनिेि िारी दकए हैं;
और, प्रिूषणकताा भुगतान जसद्ांत (पीपीपी) के आधार पर, ऐसा करके कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत ताप
जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस द्वारा फ्लाई-राख का 100 प्रजतित उपर्ोग सुजनजित करते हुए और फ्लाई-राख प्रबंधन प्रणाली क
संधारणीर्ता के जलए पूवोक्त अजधसूचना को और अजधक प्रभावकारी ंंग से कार्ााजन्दवत करने हेतु, कें रीर् सरकार ने
म िूिा अजधसूचना क समीक्षा क ;
और प्रिूषणकताा भुगतान जसद्ांत के आधार पर पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर जनधााररत दकए िाने क आवश्र्कता ह;
और, जवजनमााण को बढावा िेकर तथा जनमााण कार्ा के क्षेत्र में राख आधाररत उत्पािस तथा भवन जनमााण
सामजग्रर्स के प्रर्ोग को अजनवार्ा करके उपिाम जमटी ी को संरजक्षत करने क आवश्र्कता ह;
और, सड़क बनाने, सड़क एवं फ्लाई ओवर के रे ललंग बनाने, तआरे खा क सुरक्षा का उपार् करने, अनुमोदित
पररर्ोिनाओं के जनचले क्षेत्रस को भरने, खजनत स्ट्थलस को दरर से भरने में जमटी ी क सामजग्रर्स से भरने के जवकल्प के ूपप में
राख उपर्ोग को बढावा िेकर उपिाम जमटी ी और प्राकृ जतक संसाधनस को संरजक्षत करने क आवश्र्कता ह;
और, पर्ाावरण को सुरजक्षत करना तथा कोर्ला अथवा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्त्र
ं स से सृजित फ्लाई
राख के जनक्षेपण तथा जनपआान क रोकथाम करना आवश्र्क ह;
और, उक्त अजधसूचना में िो ‘राख’ िब्ि का प्रर्ोग दकर्ा गर्ा ह उसमें कोर्ला र्ा जलगनाइट आ आधाररत ताप
जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस से सृजित फ्लाई-राख और बॉआम-राख िोनस िाजमल हैं;
और, कें रीर् सरकार प्रिूषणकताा भुगतान जसद्ांत के आधार पर, पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर क प्रणाली सजहत राख के
उपर्ोग के जलए एक ्र्ापक ंांचा लाना चाहती ह;
अत: पर्ाावरण (संरक्षण) जनर्म, 1986 के जनर्म (5) के उप-जनर्म (3) के खंड (घ) के साथ परित पर्ाावरण
(संरक्षण) अजधजनर्म, 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उप-धारा (1) और उप-धारा (2) के खंड (v) द्वारा प्रित्त
िजिर्स का प्रर्ोग करते हुए, भारत सरकार के पर्ाावरण एवं वन मंत्रालर् क अजधसूचना िो का.आ. 763 (अ) तारीख 14
जसतम्बर, 1999 द्वारा भारत के रािपत्र, असाधारण भाग ।।, खंड 3, उप खंड (i) में प्रकाजित का अजधिमण करते हुए,
कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाईआ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस द्वारा राख के उपर्ोग के संबंध में प्राूपप अजधसूचना िो सा.का.जन. 285
(अ) तारीख 22 अप्रल, 2021 द्वारा भारत के रािपत्र, असाधारण, भाग-2, धारा 3, उप धारा (i) में प्रकाजित क गई थी
जिसमें उन सभी ्र्जिर्स से जिनका इट ससे प्रभाजवत होना सामान्दर् ह उस तारीख से, जिसको उक्त प्राूपप उपबंधस क
िासक र् रािपत्र में अंतर्वाष्आ प्रजतर्ां िनता को उपलब्ध करा िी गई थी, साि दिनस के अवसान से पूवा आक्षेप और सुझाव
आमंजत्रत दकए गए थे।
और उक्त प्राूपप अजधसूचना के संबंध में उससे संभाजवत त र पर प्रभाजवत होने वाले सभी ्र्जिर्स से प्रा्त
आक्षेपस और सुझावस पर कें रीर् सरकार द्वारा सम्र्क ूपप से जवचार कर जलर्ा गर्ा ह;
अत: पर्ाावरण (संरक्षण) जनर्म, 1986 के जनर्म (5) के उप-जनर्म (3) के खंड (घ) के साथ परित पर्ाावरण
(संरक्षण) अजधजनर्म, 1986 (1986 का 29) क धारा 3 क उप-धारा (1) और उप-धारा (2) के खंड (v) द्वारा प्रित्त
िजिर्स का प्रर्ोग करते हुए और अजधसूचना का.आ. 763 (अ) तारीख 14 जसतम्बर, 1999 का उन बातस के जसवार्
अजधकांत करते हुए जिन्दहें ऐसे अजधिमण से पूवा दकर्ा गर्ा ह र्ा करने का लोप दकर्ा गर्ा ह, के न्दरीर् सरकार कोर्लस र्ा
जलग्नाईआ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस से राख के उपर्ोग के संबंध में जनम्नजलजखत अजधसूचना िारी करती ह, िो इट स
अजधसूचना के प्रकािन क जतजथ से प्रवृत्त होगी, अथाात
क. फ्लाई-राख और बॉआम-राख का जनपआान करने हेतु ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस (आीपीपी) के उत्तरिाजर्त्व.-
(1) प्रत्र्ेक कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र (जिनमें कज्आव और/र्ा सह-उत्पािन कें र िाजमल हैं र्ा
िोनस) क र्ह प्राथजमक जिम्मेिारी होगी दक वह अपने द्वारा सृजित राख (फ्लाई-राख और बॉआम-राख) का उप परा (2) में
दिए गए पारर-अनुकूल तरीके से 100 प्रजतित उपर्ोग सुजनजित करे ;
(2) कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस से सृजित राख का उपर्ोग के वल जनम्नजलजखत पारर-अनुकूल
प्रर्ोिनस के जलए दकर्ा िाएगा, अथाात:-
(i) फ्लाई राख पर आधाररत उत्पाि अथाात: टोआ ब्लॉक आाइट ल, राइट बर सीमेंआ िीआ, पाइट प, बोडा, पनल का
(iii) सड़क जनमााण और फ्लाई-ओवर के रे ललंग का जनमााण, राख और जिओ-पॉलीमर आधाररत जनमााण
(3) अध्र्क्ष, कें रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (सीपीसीबी) क अध्र्क्षता में एक सजमजत गरित क िाएगी जिसमें
पर्ाावरण, वन और िलवार्ु पररवतान मंत्रालर् (एमओईएरसीसी), जवयुतुत मंत्रालर्, खान मंत्रालर्, कोर्ला
मंत्रालर्, सड़क पररवहन और रािमागा मंत्रालर्, कृ जष अनुसंधान एवं जिक्षा जवभाग, सड़क कांग्रेस संस्ट्थान तथा
राष्रीर् सीमेंआ एवं भवन सामग्री पररषि के प्रजतजनजधर्स को सिस्ट्र्स के ूपप में िाजमल दकर्ा िाएगा, जिसका
प्रर्ोिन राख के उपर्ोग के पारर-अनुकूल त र-तरीकस क िांच करना, उनक समीक्षा एवं अनुिंसा करना तथा
प्र युतोजगक र् जवकासस तथा पणधारी से प्रा्त अनुरोधस के आधार पर उप-परा (2) में र्थोजल्लजखत ऐसे त र-
तरीकस क सूची में सजमजत द्वारा सुझाए गए त र-तरीकस को िाजमल करना र्ा दकसी त र-तरीके को सूची से
हआाना र्ा उसमें संिोधन करना ह। िब भी इट स प्रर्ोिन के जलए अपेजक्षत हो, र्ह सजमजत राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण
बोडा र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत, ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र और खानस के प्रचालकस को आमंजत्रत कर सकती ह। इट स
सजमजत जसराररि के आधार पर, पर्ाावरण, वन और िलवार्ु पररवतान मंत्रालर् ऐसे पारर-अनुकूल प्रर्ोिन
प्रकाजित करे गा।
(4) प्रत्र्ेक कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र उस वषा के ि रान सृजित राख (फ्लाई-राख और बॉआम-
राख) का 100 प्रजतित उपर्ोग करने हेतु उत्तरिार्ी होगा; तथाजप, दकसी भी जस्ट्थजत में, दकसी वषा में राख का
उपर्ोग 80 प्रजतित से नीचे नहीं होगा और साथ ही, उस ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र को तीन वषा क अवजध में 100
प्रजतित औसत राख के उपर्ोग का लक्ष्र् प्रा्त करना होगा :
परं त,ु र्ह और दक पहली बार के जलए लागू तीन वषा के चि को ऐसे ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस, िहां राख का उपर्ोग
60-80 प्रजतित के बीच होता ह, एक वषा के जलए और ऐसे संर्ंत्रस, िहां राख का उपर्ोग 60 प्रजतित से कम ह,
िो वषा के जलए बढार्ा िा सकता ह, और राख के उपर्ोग क प्रजतितता क गणना के प्रर्ोिन के जलए वषा
2021-2022 में उपर्ोग क प्रजतित प्रमात्रा को नीचे िी गई ताजलका के अनुसार ध्र्ान में रखा िाएगा:
तापीर् जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस के 100 प्रजतित उपर्ोजगता प्रा्त 100 प्रजतित उपर्ोजगता प्रा्त करने के
उपर्ोग क प्रजतितता करने के जलए प्रथम अनुपालन चि जलए जद्वतीर् अनुपालन चि
परन्दतु, ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस के जलए 80 प्रजतित न्दर्ूनतम उपर्ोग प्रजतितता, िमि: 60-80 प्रजतित और <60
प्रजतित क उपर्ोजगता क श्रेणी के तहत आने वाले ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस के जलए प्रथम अनुपालन चि के पहले वषा
और पहले िो वषों पर लागू नहीं होगी।
परन्दतु, अनुपालन चि के अंजतम वषा में सृजित 20 प्रजतित राख को अगले चि में भी ले िार्ा िाएगा जिसका
उपर्ोग उस अनुपालन चि के ि रान सृजित राख के साथ अगले तीन वषों में दकर्ा िाएगा।
(5) अप्रर्ुक्त संजचत राख अथाात लीगेसी राख, जिसका इट स अजधसूचना के प्रकािन से पहले भंडारण दकर्ा गर्ा ह, को
ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र (आीपीपी) द्वारा इट स रीजत से िजमक ूपप से उपर्ोग में लार्ा िाएगा, दक लीगेसी राख को इट स
अजधसूचना के प्रकािन क जतजथ से िस वषों के भीतर पूरी तरह उपर्ोग कर जलर्ा िाएगा और र्ह उस जवजिष्आ
वषा के चालू संचालनस के माध्र्म से राख उत्सिान के जलए जनधााररत उपर्ोग लक्ष्र्स से अजतररक्त होगा।
परन्दतु, जनम्नजलजखत प्रजतितताओं में र्था उजल्लजखत लीगेसी राख क न्दर्ूनतम मात्रा का उपर्ोग तास्ट्थानी वषा के
ि रान कर जलर्ा िाएगा और लीगेसी राख क न्दर्ूनतम मात्रा क ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र क संस्ट्थाजपत क्षमता के
अनुसार वार्षाक राख उत्सिान के आधार पर क िानी ह।
प्रकािन क जतजथ से वषा पहला िूसरा तीसरा-िसवां
लीगेसी राख का उपर्ोग कम से कम 20 कम से कम 35 कम से कम 50 प्रजतित
प्रजतित प्रजतित
(वार्षाक राख क प्रजतितता)
परन्दतु, र्ह और दक लीगेसी राख का उपर्ोग वहां अपेजक्षत नहीं ह, िहां राख के तालाब र्ा डाइट क जस्ट्थर हो गए हैं
और हररत पटी ी के जनमााण र्ा प ध रोपण से पुनूपद्ार दकर्ा गर्ा ह और संबंजधत राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा इट स
संबंध में प्रमाजणत करे गा। दकसी राख तालाब र्ा डाइट क के जस्ट्थरीकरण और भूजम-उद्ार का कार्ा, जिसमें के न्दरीर्
प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा र्ा राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा द्वारा प्रमाणन िाजमल ह, इट स अजधसूचना के प्रकािन क
तारीख से एक वषा के भीतर दकर्ा िाएगा। अन्दर् सभी राख के कुं ड र्ा डाइट क में िेष बचे राख का उपर्ोग मपर
उजल्लजखत समर्-सीमाओं के अनुसार िजमक ूपप से दकर्ा िाएगा।
रआ्पण: राख के उपर्ोग के लक्ष्र्स को हाजसल करने के जलए उप परा (4) और (5) के अधीन िाजर्त्व 01 अप्रल,
2022 क तारीख से लागू हसगे।
(6) दकसी भी नए तापीर् जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र (आीपीपी) में 0.1 हेक्आेर्र प्रजत मेगावाआ (एमडब्ल्र्ू) क्षेत्ररल के साथ
आपातकालीन र्ा अस्ट्थार्ी राख कुं ड क अनुमजत िी िा सकती ह। राख के तालाब र्ा डाइट कस का तकनीक
जवर्नािेि, के न्दरीर् जवयुतुत प्राजधकरण (सीईए) के परामिा से के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा द्वारा बनाए गए
दििाजनिेिस के अनुसार होगा और र्े दििाजनिेि राख के कुं ड र्ा डाइट क के संबंध में इट सक सुरक्षा, पर्ाावरणीर्
प्रिूषण, उपलब्ध प्रमात्रा, जनपआान का तरीका, जनपआान में िल क खपत र्ा संरक्षण, राख िल पुनचािण और ग्रीन
बेल्आ आदि के वार्षाक प्रमाणन के जलए कार्ाजवजध भी जनधााररत करें गे और इट स अजधसूचना के प्रकािन क तारीख
से तीन महीनस के भीतर प्रस्ट्तुत दकए िाएंगे।
(7) प्रत्र्ेक कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाईआ आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र र्ह सुजनजित करे गा दक राख क लिाई, उतराई, ंु लाई,
भंडारण और जनपआान पर्ाावरणीर् िृजि से अनुकूल रीजत से दकर्ा गर्ा ह और वार्ु और िल प्रिूषण क रोकथाम
के जलए सभी ऐजहतर्ात दकए गए हैं और इट स संबंध में जस्ट्थजत क सूचना इट स अजधसूचना में संलग्न अनुबंध में
संबंजधत राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी) को िी िाएगी।
(8) प्रत्र्ेक कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत तापीर् जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र, संस्ट्थाजपत क्षमता पर आधाररत राख के कम से कम
16 घंआस के भंडारण के जलए समर्पात िुष्क फ्लाई राख साइट लोस प्रजतष्िाजपत करे गा, जिनके पास पृथक पहुंच मागा
हसगे, जिससे दक राख पहुंचाने के कार्ा को सुगम बनार्ा िा सके । इट सक सूचना संबंजधत राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण
बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी) को उपाबंध में िी िाएगी और के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 5
बोडा (सीपीसीबी) र्ा राज्र् के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत द्वारा समर्-
समर् पर जनरीक्षण दकर्ा िाएगा।
(9) प्रत्र्ेक कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाईआ आधाररत तापीर् जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र (जिसके अंतगात कज्आव र्ा सह उत्पािन के न्दर भी ह र्ा
िोनस), वास्ट्तजवक उपर्ोगकताा (उपर्ोगकतााओं) के जहत के जलए के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा के वेब पोआाल र्ा
मोबाईल रोन ए्प का ललंक उपलब्ध कराकर ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र के पास राख क उपलब्धता के वास्ट्तजवक आंकड़े
प्रिान करे गा।
(10) राख के 100 प्रजतित उपर्ोग का वधाजनक िाजर्त्व, िहां भी लागू हो, जवजध में बिलाव के ूपप में माना िाएगा।
(1) ऐसे सभी अजभकरण (सरकारी, अद्ासरकारी और जनिी), िो सड़क जबछाने, सड़क और फ्लाई ओवर के दकनारस,
तआीर् जिलस में तआरे खा क सुरक्षा संरचनाओं और जलग्नाईआ र्ा कोर्ला आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र से 300
दकमी के भीतर बांधस िसे जनमााण संबंधी कार्ाकलापस में लगे हुए हैं, इट न कार्ाकलापस में अजनवार्ा ूपप से राख का
उपर्ोग करें गे :
परं तु इट सको पररर्ोिना स्ट्थल पर जनिुल्क पहुंचार्ा िाए और पररवहन लागत, ऐसे कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाईआ
आधाररत ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस द्वारा वहन क िाए।
परं तु र्ह और दक ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र पारस्ट्पररक सहमत हुई ितों के अनुसार राख क लागत और पररवहन के जलए
िुल्क ले सकता ह उस मामले में िहां ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र अन्दर् माध्र्म से राख का जनपआान करने में समथा ह और र्े
अजभकरण इट सके जलए प्रथााना कर सकते हैं और जबना लागत और जबना पररवहन िुल्क के राख उपलब्ध कराने के
प्रावधान तभी लागू हसगे र्दि उसके जलए ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र उस जनमााण अजभकरण को नोरआस िारी करता ह।
(2) उक्त कार्ाकलापस में राख का उपर्ोग भारतीर् मानक ब्र्ूरो, भारतीर् रोड कांग्रेस, के न्दरीर् भवन अनुसंधान
संस्ट्थान, ूपड़क , के न्दरीर् सड़क अनुसंधान संस्ट्थान, दिल्ली, के न्दरीर् लोक जनमााण जवभाग, राज्र् लोक जनमााण
जवभागस और अन्दर् के न्दरीर् और राज्र् सरकार के अजभकरणस द्वारा जनधााररत दकए गए जवजनिेिस और दििाजनिेिस
के अनुसार दकर्ा िाएगा।
(3) तापीर् जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र क 300 दकलोमीआर क पररजध के भीतर अवजस्ट्थत सभी खानस के जलए जवस्ट्ताररत उत्पािक
उत्तरिाजर्त्व (ईपीआर) के तहत खुली आवता खानस में राख का पृष्ि भंडारण करना र्ा अजधक भार के ंेरस के
साथ राख का जमश्रण करना बाध्र्कारी होगा। सभी खान के स्ट्वामी र्ा प्रचालक (चाहे सरकारी, सावािजनक और
जनिी क्षेत्र के हो) कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाईआ आधाररत तापीर् जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस से तीन स दकलोमीआर (सड़क द्वारा) के
भीतर, महाजनिेिक, खान सुरक्षा (डीिीएमएस) के दििाजनिेिस के अनुसार ओवर बडान के बाह्य जनक्षेप खान क
बकदरललंग अथवा स्ट्आोलवंग (प्रचाजलत र्ा छोड़ी गई खानस, िसा भी मामला हो) के जलए उपर्ोग क गई
सामजग्रर्स के भार-िर-भार के आधार पर कम से कम 25 प्रजतित राख को जमजश्रत करने के जलए उपार् करें गे :
परं तु ऐसे तापीर् जवयुतुत के न्दर जन:िुल्क राख प्रिान करके और पररवहन क लागत को वहन करके र्ा पारस्ट्पररक
सहमत हुई ितेों पर जलए गए जनणार् के अनुसार लागत र्ा पररवहन ्र्वस्ट्था करके राख क अपेजक्षत मात्रा क
उपलब्धता को सुकर बनार्ेंगे और खानस के खाली स्ट्थानस और ंेरो में अजधकभार के साथ राख को जमजश्रत करना,
सृजित अजधभार के जलए इट स अजधसूचना के प्रकािन क जतजथ से लागू होगा और उक्त कार्ाकलापस में राख का
उपर्ोग, कें रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा, महाजनिेिक खान सुरक्षा और भारतीर् खिान ब्र्ूरो द्वारा जनधााररत दििा-
जनिेिस के अनुसार दकर्ा िाएगा।
स्ट्पष्आीकरण .- इट स उप-परा के प्रर्ोिन के जलए र्ह भी स्ट्पष्आ दकर्ा िाता ह दक लागत मुक्त राख और
जन:िुल्क पररवहन के उपबंध के वल तभी लागू हसगे र्दि ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र इट सके जलए खान माजलक को नोरआस िेते
हैं और अजधभार वाले ंेर के साथ जमजश्रत करने और खान में खाली स्ट्थान को भरने के जलए राख के 25 प्रजतित
जहस्ट्से के उपर्ोग का अजधिेि तब तक लागू नहीं होगा िब तक दक ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र द्वारा खान माजलक को
नोरआस न दिर्ा गर्ा हो।
(5) (i) सभी खान माजलकस को खान में खाली स्ट्थानस में राख को समार्ोजित करने के जलए खान बंि र्ोिना (प्रगामी और
अंजतम) तर्ार करनी होगी और खान में खाली स्ट्थान में राख के जनपआान और अजधभार वाले ंेर के साथ राख को
जमजश्रत करने के जलए खान र्ोिनाओं को संबंजधत प्राजधकारी अनुमोदित करे गा। पर्ाावरण, वन और िलवार्ु
पररवतान मंत्रालर् द्वारा ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस और कोर्ला खिानस क पर्ाावरणीर् मंिूरी क अपेक्षा से छू आ िेने के
साथ-साथ ऐसे जनपआान के जलए अपनाए िाने वाले दििाजनिेिस के संबंध में तारीख 28 अगस्ट्त, 2019 को
दििाजनिेि िारी दकए गए।
(ii) मंत्रालर्, के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा, महाजनिेिक, खान सुरक्षा (डीिीएमएस) और भारतीर् खान ब्र्ूरो
(आईबीएम) के साथ परामिा करके , खानस में खाली स्ट्थानस में राख के जनपआान करने तथा अजधभार वाले ंेरो में
इट से जमजश्रत करना सुगम बनाने के जलए समर्-समर् पर आगे भी दििाजनिेि िारी कर सकता ह और र्ह खान
माजलकस क जिम्मेिारी होगी दक वे ऐसी खानस को अजभञातात करने क जतजथ से एक वषा के भीतर जवजभन्दन
जवजनर्ामक प्राजधकरणस द्वारा िारी क गई अनुमजतर्स में आवश्र्क संिोधन र्ा पररवतान प्रा्त करें गे।
(6) (i) पर्ाावरणीर् प्रिूषण के संिभा में सुरक्षा, ्र्वहार्ाता (आर्थाक ्र्वहार्ाता नहीं) और पहलुओं क िांच सजहत राख
से खान में खाली स्ट्थान को वापस भरने/अजधभार वाले ंेर के साथ राख को जमजश्रत करने के जलए खानस क
पहचान करने के जलए पर्ाावरण, वन और िलवार्ु पररवतान मंत्रालर्, जवयुतुत मंत्रालर्, खान मंत्रालर्, कोर्ला
मंत्रालर्, महाजनिेिक खान सुरक्षा और भारतीर् खान ब्र्ूरो से प्रजतजनजधर्स को िाजमल करते हुए अध्र्क्ष, के न्दरीर्
प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (सीपीसीबी) क अध्र्क्षता में एक सजमजत का गिन दकर्ा िाएगा और र्ह सजमजत पणधारी
मंत्रालर्स र्ा जवभागस के जलए अजभञातात खानस (भूजमगत और खुली, िोनस) के संबंध में तर्ार क गई जतमाही
ररपोआों को अयुततन करे गी और र्ह सजमजत, इट स अजधसूचना के प्रकािन के तुरंत पश्चात उपर्ुक्त खानस क
पहचान करना आरं भ करे गी।
(ii) ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र र्ा खानें, उपरोक्त अनुसार अजधिेजित उपर्ोग लक्ष्र्स को पूरा करने के जलए उपर्ुाक्त सजमजत
द्वारा पहचान दकए िाने तक राख के जनपआान हेतु प्रतीक्षा नहीं करें गी।
(7) राख से जनचले क्षेत्र को भरने का कार्ा, अनुमोदित पररर्ोिनाओं के जलए राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा क पूवा
अनुमजत से और के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा द्वारा जनधााररत दििा-जनिेिस के अनुसार दकर्ा िाएगा और राज्र्
प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत द्वारा अनुमोदित स्ट्थलस, अवस्ट्थान, क्षेत्र और अनुमत मात्रा को
अपनी वेबसाइट आ पर प्रजतवषा प्रकाजित दकर्ा िाएगा।
(8) के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा, संगत पणधारी के साथ जमलकर, राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा
प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी) द्वारा अनुमजत प्रिान करने के जलए समर्बद् ऑनलाइट न आवेिन प्रदिर्ा प्रस्ट्तु त
करने के साथ-साथ इट स अजधसूचना के अधीन पररकजल्पत सभी प्रकार के कार्ाकलापस के जलए एक वषा के भीतर
दििाजनिेि प्रस्ट्तुत करे गा।
(9) कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत तापीर् मिाा संर्ंत्र से तीन स दकलोमीआर के िार्रे में जस्ट्थत सभी भवन जनमााण
पररर्ोिनाएं (कें रीर्, राज्र् और स्ट्थानीर् प्राजथकरणस सरकारी उपिमस, अन्दर् सरकारी अजभकरणस तथा सभी
जनिी अजभकरणस) राख क ईआस, आाईल्स, धातुमल राख अथवा अन्दर् राख आधाररत उत्पािस का उपर्ोग करें गी
बिते दक वे वकजल्पक उत्पािस क क मत से अजधक क मत पर उपलब्ध न हो।
(10) राख आधाररत उत्पािस के जवजनमााण और ऐसे उत्पािस में राख के उपर्ोग में भारतीर् मानक ब्र्ूरो, भारतीर् सड़क
कांग्रेस और कें रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा द्वारा जनधााररत जवजनिेिस और दििाजनिेिस क अनुपालना होगी।
ग. गर-अनुपालन के जलए पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर .-
(1) तीन वषा के चि के प्रथम िो वषों में, र्दि कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत तापीर् मिाा संर्ंत्र (कज्आव और/ र्ा
सह-उत्पािक स्ट्आेिनस र्ा िोनस सजहत) ने कम-से-कम 80 प्रजतित राख (फ्लाई-राख और बॉआम-राख) उपर्ोग नहीं
क ह तो ऐसे गर-अनुपालन ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस पर प्रस्ट्तुत क गई वार्षाक ररपोआों के आधार पर जवत्तीर् वषा के
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 7
अंत में अप्रर्ुक्त राख पर 1000 ुपपए प्रजत आन क िर से पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर लगार्ा िाएगा और र्दि र्ह तीन
वषा के चि के तीसरे वषा में 100 प्रजतित राख का उपर्ोग करने में असमथा रहता ह, तो वह अप्रर्ुक्त मात्रा पर
1000 ुपपए प्रजत आन क िर से पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर के भुगतान का पात्र होगा, जिस पर पहले पर्ाावरणीर्
प्रजतकर नहीं लगार्ी गर्ी ह।
परं तु पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर को परा क के उप-परा (4) में उजल्लजखत जवजभन्दन उपर्ोगी श्रेजणर्स के अनुसार प्रथम
अनुपालन चि के अंजतम वषा के अंत में अनुमान लगार्ा िाएगा और अजधरोजपत दकर्ा िाएगा।
(2) अजधकाररर्स द्वारा एकजत्रत पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर को के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा के जनर्िाष्आ खाते में िमा दकर्ा
(3) लगेसी राख के मामले में, र्दि कोर्ला र्ा जलग्नाइट आ आधाररत तापीर् मिाा संर्ंत्र (कज्आव र्ा सह-उत्पािक
स्ट्आेिनस र्ा िोनस सजहत) ने स्ट्थाजपत क्षमता पर आधाररत उत्पन्दन राख का कम-से-कम 20 प्रजतित (प्रथम वषा के
जलए), 35 प्रजतित (जद्वतीर् वषा के जलए), 50 प्रजतित (तीसरे से िसवें वषा तक) उपर्ोग के बराबर लक्ष्र् प्रा्त
नहीं दकर्ा ह तो उस जवत्तीर् वषा के ि रान अप्रर्ुक्त लगेसी राख पर 1000 ुपपए प्रजत आन क िर से पर्ाावरणीर्
प्रजतकर लगार्ा िाएगा और र्दि 10 वषा के अंत में लगेसी राख का उपर्ोग नहीं दकर्ा िाता ह तो 1000 ुपपए
प्रजत आन क िर से िेष अप्रर्ुक्त मात्रा पर पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर लगार्ा िाएगा जिस पर पहले पर्ाावरणीर्
प्रजतकर नहीं लगार्ा गर्ा ह।
(4) अजधकृ त खरीििारस र्ा उपभोक्ता अजभकरणस तक राख भेिने क जिम्मेिारी पररवाहकस र्ा वाहन माजलक क
जिम्मेिारी ह और र्दि इट सका अनुपालन नहीं दकर्ा िाता ह, तो अनजधकृ त उपर्ोगकतााओं अथवा गर-अजधकृ त
उपर्ोगतााओं को ऐसी मात्रा गलत तरीके से जवतररत करने पर 1500 ूपपए प्रजत आन क िर से पर्ाावरणीर्
प्रजतकर लगार्ी, इट सके अजतररक्त राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी)
द्वारा गर अनुपालनकताा पररवाहकस पर अजभर्ोिन लागू होगा।
(5) इट स अजधसूचना के परा ख में जवजहत पर्ाावरण अनुकूल तरीके में राख के उपर्ोग क जिम्मेिारी खरीििार र्ा
उपभोगकताा एिेंजसर्स क ह और ऐसा नहीं करने पर के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण
जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी) द्वारा 1500 ूपपए प्रजत आन क िर से पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर लगार्ा िाएगा।
(6) र्दि उपर्ोगकताा अजधकरण परा ख के अधीन जनधााररत सीमा तक अथवा परा घ के उप-परा (1) के अधीन, दिए
गए नोरआस के माध्र्म से सूजचत क गई सीमा, इट नमें से िो भी कम हो, तक राख का उपर्ोग नहीं करती ह, वे
अजतररक्त राख क मात्रा का 1500 ूपपए प्रजत आन क िर से भुगतान करने के जलए उत्तरिार्ी हसगी।
परं तु भवन जनमााण के संबंध में पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर जनर्मात क्षेत्र के 75 ूपपर्े प्रजत वगा र आ क िर से वसूल दकर्ा
(7) (i) ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस अन्दर् बकार्ािारस से के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा द्वारा लगार्ी गई का पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर
उपर्ोग अप्रर्ुक्त राख के सुरजक्षत जनपआान हेतु दकर्ा िाएगा और राख आधाररत उत्पािस सजहत राख के उपर्ोग
के संबंध में और अजधक अनुसंधान करने के जलए भी जनजध का उपर्ोग दकर्ा िा सकता ह।
(ii) अप्रर्ुक्त मात्रा पर लगाए गए पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर के पश्चात भी राख के उपर्ोग का उत्तरिाजर्त्व ताप जवयुतुत
संर्ंत्रस क होगी और र्दि पश्चातवती चिस में पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर लगाने के पश्चात ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र, दकसी
जविेष चि क राख के उपर्ोग के लक्ष्र् को प्रा्त करता ह तो अगले चि के ि रान अप्रर्ुक्त मात्रा पर एकत्र क
गई पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर में 10 प्रजतित कआ ती के पश्चात उक्त रकम ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र को वापस कर िी िाएगी
और पश्चातवती चिस में राख के उपर्ोग के मामले में एकत्र क गई पर्ाावरणीर् प्रजतकर क 20 प्रजतित, 30
प्रजतित और उसी िम में कआ ती क िानी ह।
(4) ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस और राख के उपर्ोगकतााओं र्ा राख आधाररत उत्पािस के जवजनमााताओं के बीच के जववाि का
समाधान करने के प्रर्ोिन से राज्र् सरकारें र्ा संघ राज्र्क्षेत्र क सरकारें इट स अजधसूचना के प्रकािन क तारीख
से तीन माह के भीतर राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी) क
अध्र्क्षता में एक सजमजत का गिन करें गी जिसमें जवयुतुत जवभाग के प्रजतजनजध और एक प्रजतजनजध उस जवभाग का
होगा, िो जववाि वाले संबंजधत अजभकरण का कार्ा िेख रहे हैं।
(5) के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (सीपीसीबी) द्वारा प्राजधकृ त लेखा परीक्षकस द्वारा ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस और
उपर्ोगकताा अजभकरणस द्वारा दकए गए राख के जनपआान क अनुपालन लेखा परीक्षा संचाजलत क िाएगी और
लेखा परीक्षा क ररपोआा प्रत्र्ेक वषा 30 नवम्बर तक के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (सीपीसीबी) और संबंजधत राज्र्
प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी) को प्रस्ट्तुत क िाएगी। के न्दरीर् प्रिूषण
जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (सीपीसीबी) और संबंजधत राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बोडा (एसपीसीबी) र्ा प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत
(पीसीसी) लेखा परीक्षा क ररपोआा प्रा्त होने के पंरह दिनस के भीतर अनुपालन न करने वाले ताप जवयुतुत संर्ंत्रस
के जवूपद् कारा वाई प्रारं भ करे ग।ें
31 मई तक अथवा उससे पहले प्रस्ट्तुत क िाने वाली राख संबंधी उपबंधस क अनुपालन ररपोआा (01 अप्रल से 31 माचा क
अवजध के जलए) ।
ि.सं. ब्र् रा
1. जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र का नाम
2. कं पनी का नाम
3. जिला
4. राज्र्
5. पत्राचार के जलए डाक का पता :
6. ई-मेल :
7. जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र क संस्ट्थाजपत क्षमता (मेगा वॉआ) :
8. संर्ंत्र लोड रक्आर (पीएलएर) :
9. उत्पादित र्ूजनआस क संर्ा (एमडबल्र्ूएच) :
10. जवयुतुत संर्ंत्र के अंतगात कु ल क्षेत्र (हेक्आेर्र)
(राख कुं डस के अधीन क्षेत्र सजहत) :
11. ररपोर्आिंग क अवजध के ि रान कोर्ला खपत क मात्रा
(प्रजत वषा मीररक आन) :
12. औसत राख सामग्री प्रजतितता में (%) :
13. ररपोर्आिंग क अवजध के ि रान वतामान में उत्पादित राख क मात्रा
(प्रजत वषा मीररक आन) :
फ्लाई राख (प्रजत वषा मीररक आन) :
बॉआम राख (प्रजत वषा मीररक आन) :
14. ड्राई फ्लाई राख भंडारण गड्ढा (गड्ढस) क क्षमता (मीररक आन) :
15. ररपोर्आिंग क अवजध के ि रान वतामान में उत्पादित राख के उपर्ोग का ब्र् रा:
(क) ररपोर्आिंग क अवजध के ि रान वतामान में उपर्ोग क गई राख क
कु ल मात्रा (एमआीपीए) :
(ख) उपर्ोग क गई फ्लाई राख क मात्रा (एमआीपीए) :
i. फ्लाई-एि आधाररत उत्पाि (टोआ र्ा ब्लॉक र्ा आाइट ल्स र्ा राइट बर
सीमेंआ िीआ र्ा पाइट प र्ा बोडा/पनल) :
ii. सीमेंआ जवजनमााण :
iii. रे डी जमक्स कं ि आ :
iv. राख और िीओ-पॉजलमर आधाररत जनमााण सामग्री :
v. लसंआडा र्ा कोल्ड बॉन्दडेड राख एग्रीगेआ का जनमााण :
vi. सड़कस, सड़क और फ्लाई ओवर के पुश्तस का जनमााण :
vii. बांधस का जनमााण :
viii. जनम्न भू-क्षेत्र का भराव :
ix. खजनि क्षेत्रस का भराव :
x. अजधभार वाले डम्पस में उपर्ोग :
xi. कृ जष :
xii. तआीर् जिलस में तआरे खा सुरक्षा संरचनाओं का जनमााण :
xiii. अन्दर् िेिस को राख का जनर्ाात :
xiv. अन्दर् (कृ पर्ा जवजनर्िाष्आ करें ) :
ख) ररपोर्आिंग क अवजध के ि रान राख कु ण्ड (कु ण्डस) में जनपआान दकए गए
राख क मात्रा (मीररक आन):
ग) ररपोर्आिंग क अवजध के ि रान राख कु ण्डस में गारा जनस्ट्सरण हेतु खपत
हुए िल क कु ल मात्रा (मी3):
घ) राख कु ण्डस क कु ल संर्ा:
(i) सदिर्:
(ii) खाली दकए गए (पुन: भरा िाना ह)
(iii) पुन: भरे गए:
ड.) राख कु ण्डस के अधीन कु ल क्षेत्र (हेक्आेर्र):
18. अलग-अलग राख कु ण्ड का ब्र् रा
राख कु ण्ड 1,2 आदि (र्दि राख कु ण्डस क संर्ा एक से अजधक हो, तो कृ पर्ा
जनम्नजलजखत ब्र् रा अलग से उपलब्ध कराएं)
क) जस्ट्थजत: जनमााणाधीन र्ा सदिर् र्ा खाली दकर्ा गर्ा र्ा पुन: भरा गर्ा
ख) राख कु ण्ड में राख का जनपआान िुूप करने क तारीख/महीना/वषा र्ा
ग) राख कु ण्ड क क्षमता पूणा दकए िाने के पश्चात उसमें राख जनपआान रोकने
क तारीख
(तारीख/महीना/वषा र्ा महीना/वषा ):
(सदिर् राख कु ण्डस के जलए लागू नहीं)
ग) क्षेत्र (हेक्आेर्र):
घ) डाइट क क मंचाई (मी.):
घ) आर्तन (मी3):
ड.) तारीख 31 माचा तक जनपआान दकए गए राख क मात्रा (मीररक आन):
च) उपलब्ध आर्तन का प्रजतित (%) और आगे जनपआान दकए िा सकने वाले
राख क मात्रा (मीररक आन):
छ) राख कु ण्ड के भरे िाने क अनुमाजनत अवजध (वषों और महीनस क
ड.) जनिेिांक (अक्षांि और िेिान्दतर):
(कृ पर्ा न्दर्ूनतम 4 जनिेिांकस को जवजनर्िाष्आ करें )
ि) राख कु ण्ड में क गई लाइट लनंग का प्रकार: एचडीपीई लाइट लनंग र्ा
एलडीपीई लाइट लनंग र्ा क्ले लाइट लनंग र्ा कोई लाइट लनंग नहीं
छ) जनपआान क जवजध: िुष्क जनपआान र्ा नम गारा (नम गारा के मामले में
कृ पर्ा जवजनर्आाष्आ करें दक क्र्ा एचसीएसडी र्ा एमसीएसडी र्ा
एलसीएसडी ह)
ि) राख का अनुपात: गारा जमश्रण में िल (1:____):
झ) संस्ट्थाजपत और कार्ािील राख िल पुनचािण प्रणाली (एडब्ल्र्ूआरएस):
हां र्ा नहीं
ञ) िमीन के अंिर र्ा िल जनकार् में राख कु ण्ड से जनस्ट्सररत अपजिि िल
क मात्रा (मी3):
आ) डाइट क क जस्ट्थरता का अधर्र्न कराए िाने क जपछली तारीख और उस
संगिन का नाम जिसने अध्र्र्न दकर्ा:
ि) लेखा-परीक्षा दकए िाने क जपछली तारीख और उस संगिन का नाम
जिसने लेखा-परीक्षा क :
19. उपर्ोग दकए गए पुराने राख क मात्रा (एमआीपीए):
i. फ्लाई-एि आधाररत उत्पाि (टोआ र्ा ब्लॉक र्ा आाइट लस र्ा राइट बर
A. Responsibilities of thermal power plants to dispose fly ash and bottom ash.—
(1) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive or co-generating stations or both) shall be
primarily responsible to ensure 100 per cent utilisation of ash (fly ash, and bottom ash) generated by it in an
eco-friendly manner as given in sub-paragraph (2);
(2) The ash generated from coal or lignite based thermal power plants shall be utilised only for the following
eco-friendly purposes, namely:-
(i) Fly ash based products viz. bricks, blocks, tiles, fibre cement sheets, pipes, boards, panels;
(ii) Cement manufacturing, ready mix concrete;
(iii) Construction of road and fly over embankment, Ash and Geo-polymer based construction material;
(iv) Construction of dam;
(v) Filling up of low lying area;
(vi) Filling of mine voids;
(vii) Manufacturing of sintered or cold bonded ash aggregate;
(viii) Agriculture in a controlled manner based on soil testing;
(ix) Construction of shoreline protection structures in coastal districts;
(3) A committee shall be constituted under the chairmanship of Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB) and having representatives from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC),
Ministry of Power, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Institute of Road Congress, National Council for
Cement and Building Materials, to examine and review and recommend the eco-friendly ways of utilisation
of ash and make inclusion or exclusion or modification in the list of such ways as mentioned in Sub-
paragraph (2) based on technological developments and requests received from stakeholders. The committee
may invite State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control Committee, operators of thermal power plants
and mines, cement plants and other stakeholders as and when required for this purpose. Based on the
recommendations of the Committee, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) may
publish such eco-friendly purpose.
(4) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall be responsible to utilise 100 per cent ash (fly ash and
bottom ash) generated during that year, however, in no case shall utilisation fall below 80 per cent in any
year, and the thermal power plant shall achieve average ash utilisation of 100 per cent in a three years cycle:
Provided that the three years cycle applicable for the first time is extendable by one year for the
thermal power plants where ash utilisation is in the range of 60-80 per cent, and two years where ash
utilisation is below 60 per cent and for the purpose of calculation of percentage of ash utilisation, the
percentage quantity of utilisation in the year 2021- 2022 shall be taken into account as per the table below:
Provided further that the minimum utilisation percentage of 80 per cent shall not be applicable to the
first year and first two years of the first compliance cycle for the thermal power plants under the utilisation
category of 60-80 per cent and <60 per cent, respectively.
Provided also that 20per cent of ash generated in the final year of compliance cycle may be carried
forward to the next cycle which shall be utilised in the next three years cycle along with the ash generated
during that cycle.
(5) The unutilised accumulated ash i.e. legacy ash, which is stored before the publication of this
notification, shall be utilised progressively by the thermal power plants in such a manner that the utilization
of legacy ash shall be completed fully within ten years from the date of publication of this notification and
this will be over and above the utilisation targets prescribed for ash generation through current operations of
that particular year:
Provided that the minimum quantity of legacy ash in percentages as mentioned below shall be
utilised during the corresponding year and the minimum quantity of legacy ash is to be calculated based on
the annual ash generation as per installed capacity of thermal power plant.
(6) Any new as well as operational thermal power plant may be permitted an emergency or temporary ash pond
with an area of 0.1 hectare per Mega Watt (MW). Technical specifications of ash ponds or dykes shall be as
per the guidelines of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) made in consultation with Central Electricity
Authority (CEA) and these guidelines shall also lay down a procedure for annual certification of the ash pond
or dyke on its safety, environmental pollution, available volume, mode of disposal, water consumption or
conservation in disposal, ash water recycling and greenbelt, etc., and shall be put in place within three
months from the date of publication of this notification.
(7) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall ensure that loading, unloading, transport, storage and
disposal of ash is done in an environmentally sound manner and that all precautions to prevent air and water
pollution are taken and status in this regard shall be reported to the concerned State Pollution Control Board
(SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) in Annexure attached to this notification.
(8) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant shall install dedicated silos for storage of dry fly ash silos for
at least sixteen hours of ash based on installed capacity and it shall be reported upon to the concerned State
Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) in the Annexure and shall be
inspected by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution
Control Committee (PCC) from time to time.
(9) Every coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive or co-generating stations or both) shall
provide real time data on daily basis of availability of ash with Thermal Power Plant (TPP), by providing link
to Central Pollution Control Board’s web portal or mobile phone App for the benefit of actual user(s).
(10) Statutory obligation of 100 per cent utilisation of ash shall be treated as a change in law, wherever applicable.
B. For the purpose of utilisation of ash, the subsequent sub-paras shall apply.—
(1) All agencies (Government, Semi-government and Private) engaged in construction activities such as road
laying, road and flyover embankments, shoreline protection structures in coastal districts and dams within
300 kms from the lignite or coal based thermal power plants shall mandatorily utilise ash in these activities:
Provided that it is delivered at the project site free of cost and transportation cost is borne by such coal or
lignite based thermal power plants.
Provided further that thermal power plant may charge for ash cost and transportation as per mutually agreed
terms, in case thermal power plant is able to dispose the ash through other means and those agencies makes a
request for it and the provisions of ash free of cost and free transportation shall be applicable, if thermal
power plant serves a notice on the construction agency for the same.
(2) The utilisation of ash in the said activities shall be carried out in accordance with specifications and
guidelines laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards, Indian Road Congress, Central Building Research
Institute, Roorkee, Central Road Research Institute, Delhi, Central Public Works Department, State Public
Works Departments and other Central and State Government Agencies.
(3) It shall be obligatory on all mines located within 300 kilometres radius of thermal power plant, to undertake
backfilling of ash in mine voids or mixing of ash with external Overburden dumps, under Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR). All mine owners or operators (Government, Public and Private Sector) within three
hundred kilometres (by road) from coal or lignite based thermal power plants, shall undertake measures to
mix at least 25 per cent of ash on weight to weight basis of the materials used for external dump of
overburden, backfilling or stowing of mine (running or abandoned as the case may be) as per the guidelines
of the Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS):
Provided that such thermal power stations shall facilitate the availability of required quantity of ash by
delivering ash free of cost and bearing the cost of transportation or cost or transportation arrangement
decided on mutually agreed terms and mixing of ash with overburden in mine voids and dumps shall be
applicable for the overburden generated from the date of publication of this notification and the utilisation of
ash in the said activities shall be carried out in accordance with guidelines laid down by the Central Pollution
Control Board, Director General of Mines Safety and Indian Bureau of Mines.
Explanation.- For the purpose of this sub-paragraph, it is also clarified that the provisions of ash free of cost
and free transportation shall be applicable, if thermal power plants serve a notice on the mine owner for the
same and the mandate of using 25 per cent of ash for mixing with overburden dump and filling up of mine
voids shall not be applicable unless a notice is served on the mine owner by thermal power plant.
(4) (i) All mine owners shall get mine closure plans (progressive and final) to accommodate ash in the mine
voids and the concerned authority shall approve mine plans for disposal of ash in mine voids and mixing of
ash with overburden dumps. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has issued
guidelines on 28th August, 2019 regarding exemption of requirement of Environmental Clearance of thermal
power plants and coal mines along with the guidelines to be followed for such disposal.
(ii) The Ministry in consultation with Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Director General of Mine
Safety (DGMS) and Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) may issue further guidelines time to time to facilitate ash
disposal in mine voids and mixing with overburden dumps and it shall be the responsibility of mine owners
to get the necessary amendments or modifications in the permissions issued by various regulatory authorities
within one year from the date of identification of such mines.
(5) (i) There shall be a committee headed by Chairperson, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) with
representatives from Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ministry of Power, Ministry of
Mines, Ministry of Coal, Director General of Mine Safety and Indian Bureau of Mines for identification of
mines for backfilling of mine voids with ash or mixing of ash with overburden dump including examination
of safety, feasibility (not economic feasibility) and aspects of environmental contamination and the
committee shall get updated quarterly reports prepared regarding identified mines (both underground and
opencast) for the stakeholder Ministries or Departments and the committee shall start identifying the suitable
mines immediately after the publication of this notification.
(ii) Thermal power plants or mines shall not wait for disposal of ash till the identification is done by the
above mentioned committee, to meet the utilisation targets mandated as above.
(6) Filling of low lying areas with ash shall be carried out with prior permission of the State Pollution Control
Board or Pollution Control Committee for approved projects, and in accordance with guidelines laid down by
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the State Pollution Control Board or Pollution Control
Committee (PCC) shall publish approved sites, location, area and permitted quantity annually on its website.
(7) Central Pollution Control Board after engaging relevant stakeholders, shall put in place the guidelines within
one year for all types of activities envisaged under this notification including putting in place time bound
online application process for the grant permission by State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) or Pollution
Control Committees (PCCs).
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 17
(8) All building construction projects (Central, State and Local authorities, Govt. undertakings, other Govt.
agencies and all private agencies) located within a radius of three hundred kilometres from a coal or lignite
based thermal power plant shall use ash bricks, tiles, sintered ash aggregate or other ash based products,
provided these are made available at prices not higher than the price of alternative products.
(9) Manufacturing of ash based products and use of ash in such products shall be in accordance with
specifications and guidelines laid down by the Bureau of Indian Standards, Indian Road Congress, and
Central Pollution Control Board.
(1) In the first two years of a three years cycle, if the coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive
or co-generating stations or both) has not achieved at least 80 per cent ash (fly ash and bottom ash)
utilisation, then such non-compliant thermal power plants shall be imposed with an environmental
compensation of Rs. 1000 per ton on unutilised ash during the end of financial year based on the annual
reports submitted and if it is unable to utilise 100 per cent of ash in the third year of the three years cycle, it
shall be liable to pay an environmental compensation of Rs. 1000 per ton on the unutilised quantity on which
environmental compensation has not been imposed earlier:
Provided that the environmental compensation shall be estimated and imposed at the end of last year of the
first compliance cycle as per the various utilisation categories as mentioned in sub-paragraph (4) of Para A.
(2) Environmental compensation collected by the authorities shall be deposited in the designated account of
Central Pollution Control Board.
(3) In case of legacy ash, if the coal or lignite based thermal power plant (including captive or co-generating
stations or both) has not achieved utilisation equivalent to at least 20 per cent (for the first year), 35 per cent
(for the second year), 50 per cent (for third to tenth year) of ash generated based on installed capacity, an
environmental compensation of Rs. 1000 per ton of unutilised legacy ash during that financial year shall be
imposed and if the utilization of legacy ash is not completed at the end of 10 years, an environmental
compensation of Rs.1000 per ton shall be imposed on the remaining unutilised quantity which has not been
imposed earlier.
(4) It shall be the responsibility of the transporters or vehicle owner to deliver ash to authorised purchaser or user
agency and if it is not complied, then an environmental compensation of Rs. 1500 per ton on such quantity as
mis-delivered to unauthorised users or non- delivered to authorised users will be imposed besides prosecution
of such non-compliant transporters by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee
(5) It is the responsibility of the purchasers or user agencies to utilise ash in an eco-friendly manner as laid down
at para B of this notification and if it is not complied, then an environmental compensation of Rs. 1500 or per
ton shall be imposed by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC).
(6) If the user agencies do not utilise ash to the extent obligated under para B or the extent to which they have
been intimated through Notice(s) served under sub-paragraph (1) of para D, whichever is lower, they shall be
liable to pay Rs. 1500 per ton of ash for the quantity they fall short off:
Provided that the environmental compensation on building constructions shall be levied at Rs.75/- per square
feet of built up area of construction.
(7) (i) The environmental compensation collected by Central Pollution Control Board from the thermal power
plants and other defaulters shall be used towards the safe disposal of the unutilised ash and the fund may also
be utilised for advancing research on use of ash including ash based products.
(ii) The liability of ash utilisation shall be with thermal power plants even after imposition of environmental
compensation on unutilised quantities and in case thermal power plant achieves the ash utilisation of any
particular cycle after imposition of environmental compensation in subsequent cycles, the said amount shall
be returned to thermal power plant after deducting 10 per cent of the environmental compensation collected
on the unutilised quantity during the next cycle and deduction of 20 per cent, 30 per cent, and so on, of the
environmental compensation collected is to be made in case of utilisation of ash in subsequent cycles.
(1) The owner of thermal power plants or manufacturers of ash bricks or tiles or sintered ash aggregate shall
serve written notice to persons or agencies who are liable to utilise ash or ash based products, offering for
sale, or transport or both.
(2) Persons or user agencies who have been served notices by owner of thermal power plants or manufacturers of
ash bricks or tiles or sintered ash aggregate, if they have already tied up with other agencies for the purpose
of utilisation of ash or ash products, shall inform the thermal power plant accordingly, if they cannot use any
ash or ash products or use reduced quantity.
(1) The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or
Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall be the enforcing and monitoring authority for ensuring compliance
of the provisions and shall monitor the utilisation of ash on quarterly basis. Central Pollution Control Board
shall develop a portal for the purpose within six months of date of publication of the notification. The
concerned District Magistrate shall have concurrent jurisdiction for enforcement and monitoring of the
provisions of this notification.
(2) (i) Thermal power plants shall upload monthly information regarding ash generation and utilisation by 5th of
the next month on the web portal. Annual implementation report (for the period 1st April to 31st March)
providing information about the compliance of provisions in this notification shall be submitted by the
30th day of April, every year to the Central Pollution Control Board, concerned State Pollution Control Board
or Pollution Control Committee (PCC), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), and concerned Integrated
Regional Office of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change by the coal or lignite based thermal
power plants. Central Pollution Control Board and Central Electricity Authority shall compile the annual
reports submitted by all the thermal power plants and submit to Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change by 31st May.
(ii) All other user agencies shall submit consumption or utilisation or disposal of ash and use of ash based
products as mandated in this notification in the compliance report of Environmental Clearance (EC) issued by
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change or State Level Environment Impact Assessment
Authority (SEIAA) or Consent to Operate (CTO) issued by State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or
Pollution Control Committee (PCC), whichever is applicable. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
or State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall publish annual report
of ash utilisation of all other agencies except thermal power plants to review the effective implementation of
the provisions of the notification.
(3) For the purpose of monitoring the implementation of the provisions of this notification, a committee shall be
constituted under the Chairperson, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), with members from Ministry of
Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ministry
Road Transportation and Highways, Department of Heavy Industry as well as any concerned stakeholder(s),
to be nominated by the Chairman of the committee. The committee may make recommendations for effective
and efficient implementation of the provisions of the notification. The committee shall meet at least once in
six months and review annual implementation reports and the committee shall also hold stakeholder
consultations for monitoring of ash utilisation as mandated by this notification by inviting relevant
stakeholder(s) at least once in six months. The committee shall submit the six monthly report to Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 19
(4) For the purpose of resolving disputes between thermal power plants and users of ash or manufacturer of ash
based products, the State Governments or Union territory administration constitute a Committee within three
months from the date of publication of this notification under the Chairman, State Pollution Control Board
(SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) with representatives from Department of Power, and one
representative from the Department which deals with the subject of concerned agency with which dispute is
(5) The compliance audit for ash disposal by the thermal power plants and the user agency shall be conducted by
auditors, authorised by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and audit report shall be submitted to
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution
Control Committee (PCC) by 30th November every year. Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and
concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) shall initiate action
against non-compliant thermal power plants within fifteen days of receipt of audit report.
Ash Compliance Report (for the period 1 st April-31st March) to be submitted on or before 31 st May.
(k) Last date when the dyke stability study was conducted and
name of the organisation who conducted the study:
(l) Last date when the audit was conducted and name of the
organisation who conducted the audit:
19. Quantity of legacy ash utilised (MTPA):
i. Fly ash based products (bricks or blocks or tiles or
fibre cement sheets or pipes or boards or panels):
ii. Cement manufacturing:
iii. Ready mix concrete:
iv. Ash and Geo-polymer based construction material:
v. Manufacturing of sintered or cold bonded ash
vi. Construction of roads, road and flyover embankment:
vii. Construction of dams:
viii. Filling up of low lying area:
ix. Filling of mine voids:
x. Use in overburden dumps:
xi. Agriculture:
xii. Construction of shoreline protection structures in
coastal districts;
xiii. Export of ash to other countries:
xiv. Others (please specify):
20. Summary:
Details Quantity generated (MTP) Quantity utilised Balance quantity (MTP)
(MTP) and (per cent)
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Date: 2022.01.01 16:45:39 +05'30'
रजिस्ट्री सं. डी.एल.- 33004/99 REGD. No. D. L.-33004/99
भाग II—खण्ड 3—उप-खण्ड (ii)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)
प्राजधकार से प्रकाजित
1. पैरा क में, -
(i) उप पैरा क (4) में, तीसरे परं तुक के पश्चात जनम्नजलजखत परन्तुक अंतविवा दकर्ा िाएगा, अथाात् :
‘‘परन्तु, र्ह भी दक इस अजधसूचना के प्रकािन की तारीख कग अथवा उसके पश्चात् स्ट्थाजपत नए ताप जव्ुत
संर्ंत्र सारणी में र्था जवजनर्िा 60 प्रजतित से कम ताप जव्ुत संर्ंत्र के जलए जवजनर्िा अनुपालन चक्र के
समान प्रथम अनुपालन चक्र का अनुसरण करें गे।
र प्पण : लागू अनुपालन चक्र के अनुसार उपर्गग के लक्ष्र् 1 अप्रैल, 2022 से प्रभावी ह गे।’’
(ii) उप पैरा 5 में, -
(क) आरं जभक पैरा में, "इस अजधसूचना के प्रकािन की तारीख" िब्ि के स्ट्थान पर "1 अप्रैल, 2022" उ्त अक्षर और िब्ि
रखे िाएंग;े
(ख) िूसरे परं तुक में, -
(i) ‘’हररत पट्टी र्ा पौधरगपण’’ के पश्चात, “र्ा उप पैरा (6) में र्था जवजनर्िा के न्रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बगडा
(सीपीसीबी) द्वारा िारी मागाििी जसद्ांत के अनुसार सौर ऊिाा संभव र्ा पवन ऊिाा संर्ंत्र ” िब्ि कगिक और अक्षर कग
अंत:स्ट्थाजपत दकए िाएंग;े
(ii) ‘’के न्रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बगडा (सीपीसीब) र्ा” िब्ि कगिक और अक्षर ह ा दिर्ा िाएंगे।
(iii) "एक वषा" िब्ि के स्ट्थान पर "तीन वषा" िब्ि कग रखा िाएगा।
(iv) "इस अजधसूचना के प्रकािन की तारीख" िब्ि के स्ट्थान पर "1 अप्रैल, 2022" उ्त अक्षर और िब्ि रखे िाएंग;े
(ग) िूसरे परं तुक के पश्चात जनम्नजलजखत उपलब्ध अंत:स्ट्थाजपत दकर्ा िाएगा, अथाात् :
"परं तु दक पैरा क (6) में र्थाजवजनर्िा राख के अस्ट्थार्ी भंडारण हेतु अजभहीत दकए गए संचाजलत राख कुं ड र्ा डाइक के
जसवार् सभी राख कुं ड र्ा डाइक में संग्रहीत राख में पुरानी राख एकजत्रत हगगी और र्ा तग इसे पुनःप्राप्त र्ा जस्ट्थर र्ा
उपर्गग करना हगगा।”
(iii) उप पैरा (6) के स्ट्थान, उप पैरा रखा िाएगा, अथाात:्
“(6) दकसी भी नए और साथ ही चालू थमाल पावर प्लां कग 0.1 हे् ेर्र प्रजत मेगा वा (मेगावा ) के क्षेत्र में राख के
अस्ट्थार्ी भंडारण के जलए पररचालन राख तालाब र्ा डाइक की अनुमजत िी िा सकती है। के न्रीर् जव्ुत प्राजधकरण के
परामिा से बनाए गए के न्रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बगडा (सीपीसीबी) के दििा-जनिेि के अनुसार पररचालन के साथ-साथ जस्ट्थर
और पुन: िावा दकए गए राख तालाब र्ा बांध की तकनीकी जवजि तां के अनुसार ह गे और र्े दििाजनिेि वाविषाक
प्रमाणन के जलए एक प्रदक्रर्ा भी जनधााररत करें गे। पररचालन के साथ-साथ राख तालाब र्ा डाइक कग उसकी सुरक्षा,
पर्ाावरण प्रिूषण, उपलब्ध मात्रा, जनप ान के तरीके , पानी की खपत र्ा जनप ान में संरक्षण, राख िल पुनचाक्रण और हररत
पट्टी, आदि पर पररचालन के साथ-साथ जस्ट्थर और पुन: प्राप्त दकर्ा िाएगा और इस अजधसूचना के प्रकािन की तारीख से
तीन महीने भीतर रखा िाएगा :
परं तु दक 31 दिसंबर, 2021 से पहले चालू दकए गए ताप जव्ुत संर्ंत्र के जलए 1600 मेगावा से कम र्ा उसके बराबर
स्ट्थाजपत क्षमता वाले िग पररचालन राख तालाब र्ा डाइक तक और 1600 से अजधक स्ट्थाजपत क्षमता वाले ताप जव्ुत
संर्ंत्र के जलए चार पररचालन राख तालाब र्ा बांध तक MW, मौिूिा राख तालाब र्ा बांध से जनर्िा क्षेत्र के भीतर
कई लैगून हगने पर, जनिेिांक के साथ स्ट्प सीमांकन के साथ नाजमत दकर्ा िा सकता है, और के न्रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बगडा
(सीपीसीबी) और संबंजधत राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बगडा (एसपीसीबी)/प्रिूषण कग सूजचत करे गा। जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी)
31 माचा, 2023 तक :
परं तु आगे दक नए थमाल पावर प्लां र्ा मौिूिा थमाल पावर प्लां के जवस्ट्तार के मामले में के वल एक ि प ड र्ा डाइक
की अनुमजत िी िाएगी 31 दिसंबर, 2021 कग र्ा उसके बाि, िग के न्रीर् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बगडा (सीपीसीबी) और संबंजधत
राज्र् प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण बगडा (एसपीसीबी)/प्रिूषण जनर्ंत्रण सजमजत (पीसीसी) कग कमीिन की तारीख से 3 महीने के भीतर
जनिेिांक के साथ सीमांकन के जववरण की सूचना िेगा। थमाल पावर प्लां र्ा 31 माचा, 2023 तक, िग भी बाि में हग :
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 3
परं तु र्ह और दक कगर्ला और जलग्नाइ आधाररत तापीर् जव्ुत संर्ंत्र कग आगे दकसी भी नए कार्ािील राख कुं ड र्ा
डाइक कग स्ट्थाजपत करने र्ा नाम जनर्िा करने की अनुमजत नह िी िाएगी।
परं तु र्ह और दक कार्ािील राख कुं ड र्ा डाइक की 0.1 हे./मेगावॉ (एमडब्ल्र्ू) का जवजनिेिन तारीख 3 नवम्बर, 2009
से पूवा चालू तापीर् जव्र्ुत संर्ंत्र पर लागू नह ह गे।”
2. पैरा ख में, -
(i) उप पैरा (1) में, “300 दक.मी. के भीतर” िब्ि कगिक और आंक़ों के स्ट्थान पर “300 दक.मी. के रे जडर्स के भीतर”
िब्ि कगिक और आंक़ों े रखें िाएंगे।
(ii) उप पैरा (8) में, उच्चतर “वैकजल्पक उत्पाि के मूल्र् से अजधक” िब्ि के स्ट्थान पर “के न्रीर् लगक कार्ा जवभाग
(सीपीडब्ल्र्ूडी) र्ा संबंजधत लगक कार्ा जवभाग (पीडब्ल्र्ूडी) द्वारा जवजनर्िा िर की अनुसूची में उजल्लजखत मूल्र् र्ा िर
की अनुसूची के अधीन जनधााररत न हगने परल वैकजल्पक उत्पाि का मूल्र्” िब्ि रखे िाएंगे।
3. पैरा घ में, -
(i) उप पैरा (2) के स्ट्थान, उप पैरा रखा िाएगा, अथाात्:
‘’(2) जिन व्र्जतियर् र्ा उपर्गगकताा र्ा एिेंजसर् कग थमाल पावर प्लां के माजलक द्वारा नगर स दिर्ा गर्ा है, अगर वे
राख के उपर्गग के उद्देश्र् से पहले से ही अन्र् एिेंजसर् के साथ करार कर चुके हं तग थमाल पावर प्लां कग तिनुसार सूजचत
करें गे और र्दि वे उपर्गग नह कर सकते हं कगई राख र्ा कम मात्रा का उपर्गग कर सकता है।‘’
(ii) उप-पैरा (2) के पश्चात्, जनम्नजलजखत उप-पैरा अंत:स्ट्थाजपत दकर्ा िाएगा, अथाात:्
“(3) जिन व्र्जतियर् र्ा उपभगकता अजभकरण कग, र्दि वे राख आधाररत उत्पाि के उपर्गग के उद्देश्र् से अन्र् अजभकरण
के साथ पहले से िु़ों े ुएए हं, ि जि्स र्ा ाइल्स र्ा िंसं डा ि ग्रीगे र्ा अन्र् राख आधाररत उत्पाि के जवजनमाातां
के द्वारा नगर स दिर्ा गर्ा है तग उन्हें ि जि्स र्ा आइल्स र्ा िंसं डा ि ग्रीगे र्ा अन्र् राख आधाररत उतपाि के
जवजनमाातां कग सूजचत करना हगगा, तद्नुसार, र्दि वे राख आधाररत उत्पाि का उपर्गग नह कर सकते र्ा कम प्रमात्रा
में उपर्गग कर सकते हं।”
2. र्ह अजधसूचना रािपत्र में प्रकािन की तारीख से प्रवृत हगगी।
[फा. सं. एचएसएम - 9/1/2019- एचएसएम]
नरे ि पाल गंगवार, अपर सजचव
र प्पण : मूल अजधसूचना भारत के रािपत्र, असाधारण, भाग-II, खंड 3, उप-खंड (ii) सं. एस 5481(अ) तारीख
31 दिसम्बर, 2021 के द्वारा में प्रकाजित की गई।
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) and clause (v) of sub-section
(2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) read with of sub-rule (1), (2) and
(4) of rule (5) of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986, the Central Government hereby makes the
following amendments in the ash utilisation notification namely:-
In the ash utilisation notification,-
(1) in paragraph A,-
(i) in sub-paragraph (4), after the third proviso, the following shall be inserted, namely,-
“Provided also that new thermal power plants commissioned on or after the date of publication of this
notification shall follow the first compliance cycle similar to the compliance cycle specified for thermal
power plants having utilisation per cent. less than 60 per cent. as specified in the table.
Note: The utilisation targets as per the applicable compliance cycle shall commence from 1st April, 2022.”.
(ii) in sub- paragraph (5),-
(a) in the opening paragraph, for the words “the date of publication of this notification”, the figures,
letters and word “1st April, 2022” shall be substituted;
(b) in the second proviso, -
(i) after the words “green belt or plantation”, the words, brackets, letters and figure “or solar
power plant or wind power plant as per the guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) as specified in sub-para (6)” shall be inserted,
(ii) the words, brackets and letters “Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or” shall be
(iii) for the words “a year”, the words “three years” shall be substituted,
(iv) for the words “the date of publication of this notification”, the figures, letters and word
“1st April, 2022” shall be substituted.
(c) after the second proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted, namely:
“Provided that ash stored in all ash ponds or dykes other than operational ash pond or dyke
designated for temporary storage of ash as specified in sub-para (6) shall constitute the legacy ash
and either to be reclaimed or stabilised or utilised.”.
(iii) for sub- paragraph (6), the following sub-para shall be substituted, namely,-
“(6) Any new as well as operational thermal power plant may be permitted operational ash pond or dyke for
temporary storage of ash within an area of 0.1 hectare per Mega Watt (MW). Technical specifications of
operational as well as stabilised and reclaimed ash ponds or dykes shall be as per the guidelines of the
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) made in consultation with the Central Electricity Authority (CEA)
and these guidelines shall also lay down a procedure for annual certification of the operational as well as
stabilised and reclaimed ash pond or dyke on its safety, environment pollution, available volume, mode of
disposal, water consumption or conservation in disposal, ash water recycling and green belt, etc. and shall
be put in place within three months from the date of publication of this notification:
Provided that up to two operational ash ponds or dykes for thermal power plants commissioned before 31 st
December, 2021, having installed capacity less than or equal to 1600 MW, and up to four operational ash
ponds or dykes for thermal power plants having installed capacity more than 1600 MW, having multiple
lagoons, within the specified area from the existing ash ponds or dykes, may be designated with clear
demarcation along with coordinates, and shall inform to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and
concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) by 31st March,
Provided further that one ash pond or dyke shall be permitted in case of new thermal power plants or
expansion of existing thermal power plants commissioned on or after 31st December, 2021, which shall
inform the details of demarcation along with coordinates to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and
concerned State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or Pollution Control Committee (PCC) within 3 months
from the date of commissioning of thermal power plant or by 31st March, 2023, whichever is later:
[भाग II—खण्ड 3(ii)] भारत का रािपत्र : असाधारण 5
Provided also that coal and lignite based thermal power plants shall not be allowed to further establish or
designate any new operational ash pond or dyke:
Provided also that specification of 0.1 hectare per Mega Watt (MW) of an operational ash pond or dyke
shall not be applicable for the thermal power plants commissioned before 03rd November, 2009.”.
(2) in paragraph B,-
(i) in sub- paragraph (1), for the words, figures and letters “within 300 kms”, the words, figures and letters
“within a radius of 300 kms” shall be substituted,
(ii) in sub- paragraph (8), for the words “higher than the price of alternative products”, the words, brackets
and letters “more than the price mentioned in the Schedule of Rates as specified by Central Public Works
Department (CPWD) or concerned Public Works Department (PWD) or price of alternative products, if not
mentioned in the Schedule of Rates.” shall be substituted.
(3) in paragraph -D, -
(i) for sub- paragraph (2), the following sub- paragraph shall be substituted, namely,-
“(2) Persons or user agencies who have been served notice by owner of thermal power plants, if they have
already tied up with other agencies for the purpose of utilisation of ash, shall inform the thermal power
plant accordingly, and if they cannot use any ash or may use reduced quantity.”.
(ii) after sub- paragraph (2), the following sub-para shall be inserted, namely,-
“(3) Persons or user agencies who have been served notice by manufacturers of ash bricks or tiles or
sintered ash aggregate or other ash based products, if they have already tied up with other agencies for the
purpose of utilisation of ash based products, shall inform the manufacturer of ash bricks or tiles or sintered
ash aggregate or other ash based products, accordingly, and if they cannot use ash based products, or may
use reduced quantity.”.
2. This notification shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
[F. No. HSM-9/1/2019-HSM]
Note : The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3,
Sub-section (ii), dated the 31st December, 2021, vide number S.O.5481 (E), dated the
31st December, 2021.
Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.
18) Green Belt Requirement for New and Expansion Projects for
Obtaining Environmental Clearance in India -V.Vijay Kumar,
S.Swathy, R.Radhika, M.A.Fasi Khan and Dr.B.Chakradhar-
International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences
ISSN 0973-6077 Volume 14, Number 5 (2019), pp. 475-487 ©
Research India Publications.