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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
WAVES: Innovating Wind Energy Solutions For The Maritime Industry (Pratham Pandey, Arpit Sinha, Shreya Tiwari)
WAVES: Innovating Wind Energy Solutions For The Maritime Industry (Pratham Pandey, Arpit Sinha, Shreya Tiwari)
June Week Report
June Week Report
SampleQP MTech ME 01062022
SampleQP MTech ME 01062022
Unit-5 Ventilation
Unit-5 Ventilation
Watch Keeping
Watch Keeping
3 Errors of Sextant
3 Errors of Sextant
7 Autopilot
7 Autopilot
Sot 8801
Sot 8801
Environmental Studies 8801
Environmental Studies 8801
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women