Engg Hydrology Lecture 2

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• Infiltration is the downward

entry of water into the
immediate surface of the soil
and is influenced by texture,
structure, bulk density, and the
type and connectivity of
• Soils with a high infiltration
rate are resistant to erosion
because there is little runoff.
Factors Affecting Infiltration
** Remember: Infiltration means to sink into. **
Ex: Watering a plant

• Slope of the Land • Sorting

• Degree of Saturation • Shape

• Porosity • Capillarity
• Permeability • Vegetation
• Packing • Land Use
Factors Affecting
Water Movement
in Soils
Horton’s Equation of Infiltration (Capacity)
The infiltration capacity of a soil is high at the beginning of a storm and has an
exponential decay as the time elapses.

It is observed that the value of infiltration rate (f) starts from a maximum
fo at the beginning of the rainfall ( high rate 20 to 25 cm/hr) and decreases
rapidly at first, to finally approach a low constant rate, fc, as the soil gets
saturated ( as the rain continues called the ultimate fc= 1.25 to 2.0 cm/hr)
Horton suggested a mathematical equation for infiltration
rate and rainfall duration.
The infiltration rate (f) at any time t is given by Horton’s

fc = final constant rate of infiltration at saturation

k= a constant depending primarily upon soil characteristics and vegetation cover
e = base of the Napierian Logarithm
t = time from beginning of the storm ( any intermediate time 0 < t < te)
Horton’s Equation of Infiltration
The infiltration rate (f) at any time t is given by Horton’s equation

The infiltration takes place at capacity rates only when the intensity of rainfall
equals or exceeds fp; i.e., f = fp when i ≥ fp;
but when i < fp, f < fp and the actual infiltration rates are approximately equal to
the rainfall rates.
Horton’s Equation
• Horton: The infiltration capacity decreases
exponentially with time and ultimately reaches a
constant rate
• Infiltration capacity
• Where ft is the infiltration rate at time t;
• f0 is the initial infiltration rate or maximum infiltration
rate at time t=0
• fc is the constant or equilibrium infiltration rate after the
soil has been saturated or minimum infiltration rate;
• NOTE e is a number, ~ 2.718
• k is the decay constant specific to the soil.
• the f’s have units in/hr and k is a time constant hr -1
Horton infiltration method Horton method estimates infiltration with an
exponential-type equation that slowly declines in time as rainfall continues and is
given by
f= fc + (fo – fc) e-kt ( when rainfall intensity i>f)

where f = infiltration capacity (in./hr) fo = initial infiltration capacity (in./hr) fc = final

infiltration capacity (in./hr) k = empirical constant (hr-1)

Ø index method It is the simplest method and is calculated by finding the loss
difference between gross precipitation and observed surface runoff measured as a
Horton’s Infiltration Model for soil capacity

Infiltration starts at a constant rate, f0, and is decreasing exponentially

with time, t. After some time when the soil saturation level reaches a
critical value, the rate of infiltration will level off to the rate fc.
The infiltration curve expresses the
rate of infiltration cm/hr as a
function of time in hr.

The area between the rainfall graph cm

and the infiltration curve represents /hr
the runoff or rainfall excess, while
the area under the infiltration curve
gives the loss of rainfall due to
infiltration or basin recharge or
storm loss
The rate of loss is greatest in the
early part of storm, but rate
decreasing with time, until a hours
minimum rate of infiltration is
reached. Infiltration Capacity & Runoff
Infiltration Indices
We know that infiltration rate “f” is high in the
beginning of storm, and it undergoes an
exponential decay with elapse of time as
shown by infiltration curve.
More over, infiltration rate is an important
parameter for runoff calculations.
Hence in hydrological calculations involving floods,
it is found convenient to use a constant value
of infiltration rate for the duration of the
Estimates of runoff volume from large areas
having heterogeneous infiltration and rainfall
characteristics are made by the uses of
infiltration indices.
Infiltration indices are based on the assumption
that for a specific storm with given initial
conditions the rate of basin recharge remains
constant throughout the storm period.
Infiltration Index
The average infiltration rate is called infiltration index and two types of indices
are in common use for computation of infiltration rate from the rainfall runoff
Infiltration index is the average rate of loss such that volume of rainfall in
excess of that rate will be equal to direct runoff.

Total rainfall = Rainfall excess + Storm losses

Precipitation = Runoff + Infiltration +Interception + Depression storage
✓ Infiltration indices:-
▪ It is more convenient to use an average constant value of
infiltration rate called infiltration index.

Infiltration indices
The two commonly used infiltration indices are the following:
φ – index
W – index

P- R / te = Infiltration / te = Basin recharge / te

3. Wmin-index:
▪ it is the minimum rate of infiltration when a uniform stage
after stabilization is attained.

Wmin-index = K.Φ-index
where K will be always less than one
φ – index

• The φ – index is the average infiltration rate

above which the rainfall volume is equal to the
observed runoff volume.
• The average rate of rainfall ( rainfall intensity)
above which the volume of rainfall equals to the
volume of the observed runoff
• and equal to the total basin recharge divided by
the duration of rainfall during that the rainfall
intensity is continuously in excess of this index is
termed as φ – index
φ – index Conti…..
This is defined as the rate of infiltration above which
the rainfall volume equals runoff volume, as shown in
φ – index = Basin recharge
Rainfall duration
φ – index calculation by trial assuming Te Or Duration of rainfall , provided
Rainfall intensity (i) > φ index
throughout the storm
P = Total rainfall OR Total area enclosed by bar graph (Hyetograph)

R= Surface runoff resulting from the storm OR Rainfall Excess OR Area enclosed by
Bar graph above φ – index line.

Te = Effective time duration OR Time duration when excess rainfall is available

The φ – index is derived from the rainfall hyetograph with the knowledge of the
resulting runoff volume.
φ – index Conti…..
➢The initial loss is also considered as
➢The φ – index value is found by treating
it as a constant infiltration capacity .

➢If the rainfall intensity i < φ – index ,

then infiltration rate (f) = rainfall
intensity (i)

➢However, if the rainfall intensity i > φ –

index , then the difference between
rainfall and infiltration in an interval of
time represents the runoff volume.
( Figure )

➢The amount of rainfall in excess of the φ

– index is called rainfall excess.
φ – index Conti…..

➢The φ – index thus accounts for the

total abstraction ( interception,
depression storage & infiltration ) and
enables runoff magnitude to be estimated
for a given rainfall hyetograph.

➢ The evaluation of the infiltration

process is necessarily less precise for large

➢The data are never sufficient to derive

an infiltration curve under the
circumstances, the φ – index is the only
alternative to predict the infiltration
from the storm.
φ – index Conti…..
• The method to determine the φ – index would usually
involve some trial.
• Since the infiltration capacity decreases with a
prolonged storm, the use of an average loss rate in the
form of φ – index is best suited for design storms
occurring on wet soils in which case the loss rate
reaches a final constant rate prior to or early in the
• Although the φ – index is sometimes criticized as
being too simple a measure for infiltration, the
concept is quite meaningful in the study of storm
runoff from large watersheds.
• The evaluation of the infiltration process is less precise
for large watersheds.
• The data is never sufficient to derive an infiltration
• Under the circumstances, the - index is the only
feasible alternative to predict the infiltration from the
W – index
• An attempt to refine the φ – index , the initial losses
( interception & depression storage ) are separated from the total
abstractions and an average value of infiltration rate is called the W –
• During the time rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity rate
i.e. total infiltration.
• W – index = P – R- Ia
P= total storm precipitation or Rainfall ( cm)
R= total storm runoff or surface runoff(cm)
Ia = Initial losses(cm) effective surface retention by interception& depression
storage in depth units
Te = Duration of the rainfall excess, i.e the total time in which the rainfall intensity
is grater than W (in hours)
W – index= Average rate of infiltration cm/hr
Since Ia values are difficult to obtain, the accurate estimation of the W – index is
rather difficult.
W – index is considered as an improvement over φ – index in the sense that surface
storage and interception losses are considered in its computation
W – index Conti…
• The W – index
• This is the average infiltration rate during the time when the
rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration rate.
• The initial losses are separated from total abstractions ( basin
recharge) and an average value of infiltration rate called the
W – index
• W – index attempts to allow for depression storage, short
rainless periods during a storm and eliminates all rain periods
during which i < fc thus the
• W – index = P-R - Ia
Te Te
• W – index = φ – index - Ia
• W – index is essentially equal to the φ – index minus the
average rate of retention by interception and depression
storage, i.e. W – index < φ – index
W – index Conti…
• The W – index
• This is the average infiltration rate during the time when
the rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration rate.
• Thus, W may be mathematically calculated by dividing the
total infiltration (expressed as a depth of water) divided
by the time during which the rainfall intensity exceeds the
infiltration rate. Total infiltration may be fund out as
• Total infiltration = Total precipitation – Surface runoff –
Effective storm retention
• The W – index can be derived from the observed rainfall
and runoff data. It differs from the - index in that it
excludes surface storage and retention.
• The index does not have any real physical significance
when computed for a multiple complex watershed. Like
the phi-index the W - index, too is usually used for large
W – index Conti…
• Both the W – index and φ – index vary from storm to storm
• Information of infiltration can be used to estimate the runoff
coefficient k in computing the surface runoff as a percentage
of rainfall i.e.
• R= K X P
• Where k = i- W index
R= Surface runoff
P= Total rainfall
K= runoff coefficient
i= Average precipitation rate or rainfall intensity cm/ hr
W index= W index in cm/hr
In a few minutes we will do an example using Horton’s
Equation using an average rectangle estimate to the area under
the curve.
Estimates : F index

Infiltration Volume = total rainfall volume – runoff volume as

measured in the rain gages and at the outlet gage, respectively.
F assumes infiltration volume resulted from a constant infiltration
rate. It assumes a high initial infiltration is balanced by a low later
Example: Guessing F

We will find F in this problem by guessing a value for F ,

calculating the total runoff that would result, and comparing our
answer to the known runoff.
What you have learnt
• Infiltration Index: for determination of loss of
rainwater due to abstraction. Method
• constant value of infiltration capacity (for the
full duration of storm)
• Ф - index: Average abstraction of rainfall
• w-index: Considers initial abstractions; very
difficult to determine correct values of initial
Infiltration Characteristics

• Infiltration is
influence by:
– Rain intensity,
– Soil type
– Disturbance.
– Crust
– Soil cover
- etc.
Soil Type Effects on Infiltration
• Sand soils have the highest infiltration rates
• Clay soils have the lowest infiltration rates.
• High organic matter improves infiltration rates.
Soil Infiltration Rate vs. Constant Irrigation
Application Rate
Infiltration Rate vs. Time
For Different Soil Textures
• Infiltration rate f (t )
– Rate at which water enters the soil at the surface (in/hr
or cm/hr)
• Cumulative infiltration
– Accumulated depth of water infiltrating during given
time period
F (t ) =  f ( )d

dF (t )
f (t ) =
Infiltration Estimation
• Number of methods to estimate infiltration.
• Important methods:
• Horton equation;
• Green- Ampt eqn.;
• Philips eqn.;
• Darcy’s eqn.;
• SCS eqn.;
• Holtan eqn.;
• Kostiakov eqn. etc.
Infiltration by Horton’s method

f = f c + ( f 0 − f c )e − kt
Horton’s Equation Derivation Conti….
Horton’s Equation Derivation Conti….
Horton’s Equation Derivation

Time (Hr) Infiltration f- fc log10 (f-fc)

Rate (cm/hr) (cm/hr)
0.25 5.6 4.6 0.663
0.50 3.2 2.2 0.342
0.75 2.1 1.1 0.041
1.0 1.5 0.5 -0.3010
1.25 1.2 0.2 -0.699
1.50 1.1 0.1 -1.00
1.75 1.0 0.0 ∞ infinity
2.0 1.0 0.0 ∞ infinity

Here from the data, the infiltration rate is constant at time 1.75 hr and 2.0. hr.
So that final infiltration rate after it becomes constant i.e. fc is 1 cm/hr, i.e. two reading
of “f ” is same
fc = 1.0.cm/hr , (constant value)
Infiltration Methods
• Horton and Phillips
– Infiltration models developed as approximate
solutions of an exact theory (Richard’s Equation)
• Green – Ampt
– Infiltration model developed from an approximate
theory to an exact solution
Infiltration Conti…..

• The infiltration depends upon

• intensity and duration of rainfall,
• weather (temperature),
• soil characteristics, vegetal cover, land use, initial
soil moisture content (initial wetness),
• entrapped air and depth of the ground water
• The vegetal cover provides protection against rain
drop impact and helps to increase infiltration.
Determination of Infiltration OR
Methods of Determining Infiltration
1) Placing a catchment basin below a laboratory
2) Observation in pits and pounds i.e.
Measurement of subsidence of water level in a
large basin
3) Hydrograph Analysis
4) φ – index and W- index method
5) Flooding type infiltrometer
6) Rainfall simulator OR Artificial rain simulators
How do we measure infiltration?
• Measurement of Infiltration
• For a given soil, in order to obtain f, infiltration rate
corresponding to various time is required.
• Information about the infiltration characteristics of
the soil at a given location can be obtained by
conducting controlled experiments on small areas.
• The experiments set – up is called an infiltrometer
• Infiltrometer is a device by which rate and amount
of water percolating into the soil is determined.
There are two kinds of infiltrometer

INFILTROM ➢In practical purpose, mainly

ETERS flooding type Double cylinder
infiltrometer is used
TYPE SIMULATOR ➢Rainfall simulator type is
used for precise work in

Single Ring Double Ring

• Principle :
Infiltration characteristics of soil may be
determined by pounding water in metal
cylinder installed in the field and observing
the rate at which the water level is lowered in
Types of Infiltrometer

1. Single cylinder infiltrometer

(unbuffered type )
2. Double cylinder infiltrometer
(buffered or concentric type )
➢This is a simple instrument consisting
essentially of a metal cylinder, about 30
cm (OR 22.5 CM OR 25 CM ) diameter
and 45 to 60 cm long, open at both

➢Cylinder covered with steel plate and

installed in to ground keeping vertical
using a falling weight type hammer
striking on steel plate

➢Or by light blows with an ordinary

hammer using short wooden plank to
prevent damage of edge of the metal

➢The cylinder is driven into the ground

to a depth of 30 to 45 cm OR about
half its height, taking care that cylinder
remains vertical.
• 30 cm diameter, 25 to 40 cm height
• Open at top and bottom, circular in cross- section
• 2 mm thick rolled steel
• Installed at depth of 10 cm into soil
• Driving plate - wooden plank or steel plate
10 to 15 mm thick, 5 to 10 cm more than
diameter of cylinder
• Driving by (a) Falling weight type hammer striking on
wooden plank or
(b) Light blows with an ordinary hammer
Installed on ground surface ,driven by
human effort vertically downward
• Average depth of water in cylinder – 7 to 12cm , approxi.
Equal to water level expected in border or basin irrigation
• Plastic sheet placed before stating observation , skipped off
when experiment to be started
• Point gauge used to measure the rate of lowering water level
in cylinder
• Data shows high degree of variability due to uncontrolled
lateral movement of water from cylinder
• Limitation overcome by pounding water in one more
cylinder which acts as buffer cylinder
Single ring infiltrometer
Infiltrometer ring Constant head (ponded depth)
Results tend to be higher than
that due to rainfall
Point scale

Procedure: Single Cylinder infiltrometer
• Before filling the water in the cylinder, the surface of the soil is usually
protected by a perforated disk or by a piece of folded jute matting to
prevent formation of turbidity and sealing of the soil surface
• Water is poured into the top part of cylinder to a depth of 7 cm to 12
cm , depth expected during border or basin irrigation
• A point gauge or hook gauge is set to measure the water level
• To measure initial water level, a plastic sheet or water proof
membranes or plastic cover is laid/ speeded at the bottom of the
infiltrometer on soil surface such that it also covers walls of cylinder
before adding water to cylinder
• After taking initial reading with the hook gauge or point gauge, the
plastic sheet or cover is removed quickly but gently ( taken out)
Procedure: Single Cylinder infiltrometer Conti…
• Recording this instance as the initial time & infiltration
process is initiated, then readings of water level at
different period of time intervals are taken
• As the infiltration proceeds, the depth of water
decreases in cylinder
• When the water level drop by 4 to 5 cm , then refilling is
done to regain or replenish water level in cylinder by
adding known volume of water
• Hence the hook gauge reading that is to be adjusted can
be noted
• Next gauge reading minus this reading is the depth of
water infiltrated in this time interval
• The experiment is continued, till a constant rate of
infiltration is obtained
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

t in min cm h cm h cm (6/3) * 60 cm/hr

8.30 -

8.32 2

8.34 2

The plot of infiltration capacity V/S time is obtained

The experiments are continued till a uniform rate of infiltration is obtained and
this may take 2 to 3 hours
Procedure: Single Cylinder infiltrometer Conti…

• Second way of taking observations

• The other way is to set pointer to mark the water
• Refilling cylinder to a constant water level
• As infiltration proceeds, the volume is made up
by adding water from a calibrated burette i.e. to
keep the water level at the tip of the pointer
• Knowing the volume of water added at different
time intervals, to maintain a constant head
indicates directly the rate and amount of
Disadvantage of Single Cylinder Infiltrometer
• The major objection to the simple infiltrometer is that the
infiltrated water spreads radially outward from periphery of
cylinder at the outlet from the tube cylinder
• Therefore area in which infiltration takes place is more than
area of cylinder
• To overcome this a ring infiltrometer ( Double cylinder
infiltrometer) of a set of two concentric rings is used

• When lateral movement of water minimized

by ponding water in cylinder around first
cylinder, which acts as buffer/ guard cylinder,
the method of installation is called as Double
cylinder infiltrometer
Double Ring Infiltrometer
Infiltration Measurement For Flooded
• For Flooded irrigation (border strip and basin), a double
infiltrometer is normally used.

• This consists of two concentric cylinders, the inner about 0.3

m diameter, the outer 0.6 m.
• Water is maintained at the same level in each cylinder, 25
mm above the soil surface, or more if the water level is likely
to be higher during irrigation.
• The water infiltrating from the outer ring prevents lateral
seepage by the water from the inner cylinder.
• By measuring the rate at which the water is added to the
inner cylinder, the infiltration rate can be found.
This is a modification over single
cylinder type.

It consist of two concentric cylinders of

same height

The cylinders are usually about 25 cm

deep and are formed of 2mm thick ( 14
gauge) rolled steel plate or metal plate.

The inner cylinder , from which the

infiltration measurements are taken is
usually 30 cm in diameter

The outer cylinder, which is used to

form the buffer pond is about 60 cm in
The cylinders are installed about 10 cm
in the soil
Point gauge is fixed in the centre of the
inner cylinder
• The cylinders are driven into the ground by light blows with an
ordinary hammer and using wooden plank to prevent damage
to the metal cylinder or falling weight type hammer striking on
a wooden plank placed on the top of the cylinder.
• The inner cylinder is driven 10 cm vertically downward by
judging the alignment frequently during installation by eye and
spirit level or by making the outside of the cylinders at 10 cm
level and driving the cylinders up to this mark.
• Then the buffer or outer cylinder is set 10 cm into the ground.
• Care is taken to keep the installation depth of the cylinders
same in all experiments by marking the outside of the cylinders
at required level for correct driving.
• Note : The cylinder installation site should be free from stones
which might damage the cylinders and form cracks that might
give non representative readings.
• Before filling the water in the cylinder, the surface of the soil
is usually protected by a perforated disk or by a piece of
folded jute matting to prevent formation of turbidity and
sealing of the soil surface i.e. plastic sheet spread at the
bottom of the infiltrometer before filling it with water
• Water is poured into the top part of cylinder to a depth of 7
cm to 12 cm , depth expected during border or basin irrigation
• A point gauge or hook gauge is set to measure the water level
• After taking initial reading with the hook gauge or point
gauge, the plastic sheet or cover is removed quickly but gently
( taken out)
• The rate of lowering of water level in the inner cylinder
indicates directly the rate and amount of infiltration during
the time interval.
First way of taking observations
• The changes in water levels are measured by a hook gauge at
periodic time intervals of
• 2 to 5 minutes at the start of the test,
• 10 to 30 minutes after 5 measurements
• and 45 to 60 minutes after about 2 hours.
• When the water level drop by 4 to 5 cm the initial water level
is approximately refilled or regained by adding known volume
of water from which depth of water added and hence the
hook gauge reading that is to be adjusted can be calculated.
• The next gauge reading minus this adjusted reading is the
depth of water infiltrated in this next time interval.
Second way of taking observations
• In a different procedure water is added quickly after each
measurement so that a constant average infiltration head could be
• Point gauge readings are taken before the water level recedes more
than 1 cm.
• Second way is refilling cylinder to a constant water level by
calibrated burette.
• Reading of burette at successive time intervals to maintain a
constant head in the inner cylinder, directly the rate and amount of
• The data are tabulated in standard form as shown in table.
• Cylinder infiltrometer thus measures primarily the rate of vertical
movement of water into the soil surface from the enclosed pond.
Second way of taking observations Conti…

• Water infiltration through buffer zone flows radially outward

into soil and thus provides a water jacket for water infiltering
through inner cylinder which is maintained vertical between
area equivalent to inner cylinder.
• Hence accuracy of this is higher compared to single cylinder
• However measurement of depth of water by point gauge is
done only for inner cylinder.
• Infiltration rates observed by cylinder infiltrometer are
influenced by the
• cylinder diameter, thickness of the cylinder, beveling of the
cylinder bottom, the method of driving into the soil and the
installation depth.
Disadvantages of flooding type infiltrometer

1) The raindrop impact effect is not simulated

2) The driving of the tube or rings disturbs the
soil structure
3) The results of the infiltrometer depend to
some extent on their size. With the larger
meters giving less rates than the smaller
ones, this is due to the border effect.
Measurement of Infiltration
This is, a simple instrument consisting essentially of a metal
cylinder, 30 cm diameter and 60 cm, open at both ends. This
cylinder is driven into the ground to a depth. Water is poured
into the top part to a depth of 5 cm and a pointer is set
to mark the water level.

As infiltration proceeds, the volume is made up by adding water

from a bucket to keep the water level at the tip of the pointer.

Knowing the volume of water added at different time

intervals, the plot of the infiltration capacity vs time is

• Two cylinder driven into ground uniformly without tilt or

undue disturbance of soil
• Point gauge fixed in the centre of ring
• Water poured into cylinder to maintain desired depth (2.5 to
15 cm)
• Water added to maintain original constant depth at regular
• Results plotted as infiltration rate cm/hr or volume/sec v/s
time in min
• Purpose of outer cylinder to prevent water within inner
space from spreading over large area below bottom of
1. Inner cylinder
2. Outer cylinder
3. Driving plate
4. Driving hammer
5. Point gauge
6. Container of known
7. Graduated jar
8. Stop watch

• Metal cylinder of 30 cm diameter, 25 to 40 cm

• Formed of 2 mm thick rolled steel
• Thickness should not exceed 2mm unless
sharp cutting edge provided
• Used to measure infiltration rate

• 60 cm diameter used to form buffer pond

• Installed about 10 cm deep in soil
• Depth of installation kept same in all experiments by
marking 10 cm level and driving cylinder up to that
marking only

• Wooden plank or steel plate atleast 10 to 15 mm

• Used to drive cylinder into ground
• Typical square plate 5 to 10 cm more than diameter
of cylinder
• Driving by Falling weight type hammer striking on
wooden plank or Light blows with an ordinary

1. Site selection
2. Location of cylinder
3. Driving cylinder
4. Filling cylinder
5. Measurement of infiltration

• Select possible location for 3 to 5 cylinders and

examine site carefully for signs of surface
disturbance, animals burrow, stones might
damage cylinder
• Avoid area affected by unusual disturbance or
machine traffic

• Individual cylinder used for single test should

be set close to each other, so that can be seen
simultaneously and conveniently
• Normally should be set within 0.2 hectare

• Set cylinder in place and press it firmly into soil

• Place driving plate over cylinder and tamp with
driving hammer until cylinder driven to desired
• Level of cylinder should be checked frequently to
keep it properly oriented
• Spread plastic sheet to prevent puddling and sealing of surface
• Water added into inner cylinder from container of known volume
• Total quantity of water added to inner cylinder determined by
counting full number of containers of water & fractional volume
of water in jar added last
• Care taken to fill container completely each time before adding
water to cylinder
• Average depth of water maintained in cylinder – 7 to 12 cm
approxi equal to water level in border or basin irrigation
• Immediately outer cylinder filled with water
• Water level in both cylinder kept approximately same

• Water level read with point gauge set at desired

level to which water is added
• Stop watch used to note instant at which water
is added and when water reach at desired level
• Water added to maintain constant infiltration
Infiltration Rate Decreases with Time

1) Changes in Surface and

Subsurface Conditions

2) Change in Matrix
Potential and Increase in Soil
Water Content and Decrease
in Hydraulic Gradient

3) Overtime - Matrix
Potential Decreases and 4) Reaches a steady-state condition
Gravity Forces fc – final infiltration rate
Dominate - Causing a
Reduction in the Infiltration
• Cumulative infiltration: Total volume of water
infiltrated per unit area
of soil surface during a specified time period.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


t in min cm h cm h cm (6/3) * 60 cm/hr

How do we measure infiltration?
• Rainfall simulators
– Needle drip systems
– Stand pipes
– Sprinkler nozzles
– Rotating boom

• All measure input of water and output of water (runoff)-

difference is the amount infiltrated
• Plot scale
• Need lots of water, vehicles, plot boundaries
Cumulative Infiltration Depth vs. Time
For Different Soil Textures

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