EESA07 Lec Notes 01
EESA07 Lec Notes 01
EESA07 Lec Notes 01
● Water Crisis
○ Scarcity
■ (of water)
○ Pollution
■ 30’s - 60’s industrial waste dumped into great lakes
○ Wasteful use of water
■ In Canada specifically toronto, fresh water is fairly
common. Very cheap as well
● Around 3 dollars for 1m^3 of water (1000L)
○ Environmental degradation
○ Climate change
■ Specifically how temperature affects freshwater
○ Water conflict
■ conflict of water between countries
○ Floods
■ based on the economy of the countries
○ Inadequate human access to safe water and sanitation
■ Access to sufficient clean water, and access to efficient
water cleaning techniques/technologies
● Canadian Water issues
○ “One of the greatest threats to Canada’s supply of fresh water is
our belief in its absolute abundance”
● The Challenge for future sustainable use of the water resources
○ Three questions
■ How much water will we need in the future?
■ WHere will the addition of water come from?
■ How to achieve the sustainable use of water resources?
● Water recycling
● Water origin
○ Outgassing
■ Gases trapped in the planet’s interior were released,
continues today from active volcanoes
■ Gaseous components of modern eruption, water vapor,
carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide