EESA07 Lec Notes 01

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● Focuses on Fresh Water

● Bloodstream of the biosphere

● Water has many parallel functions
○ Health
○ Aquatic ecosystems
○ Erosion, pollutant transport
○ Food, timber, biofuels,
○ Income raising
○ Energy
● Irrigation
○ Water from lakes and stuff, important for construction and shit

● Water Crisis
○ Scarcity
■ (of water)
○ Pollution
■ 30’s - 60’s industrial waste dumped into great lakes
○ Wasteful use of water
■ In Canada specifically toronto, fresh water is fairly
common. Very cheap as well
● Around 3 dollars for 1m^3 of water (1000L)
○ Environmental degradation
○ Climate change
■ Specifically how temperature affects freshwater
○ Water conflict
■ conflict of water between countries
○ Floods
■ based on the economy of the countries
○ Inadequate human access to safe water and sanitation
■ Access to sufficient clean water, and access to efficient
water cleaning techniques/technologies
● Canadian Water issues
○ “One of the greatest threats to Canada’s supply of fresh water is
our belief in its absolute abundance”
● The Challenge for future sustainable use of the water resources
○ Three questions
■ How much water will we need in the future?
■ WHere will the addition of water come from?
■ How to achieve the sustainable use of water resources?
● Water recycling
● Water origin
○ Outgassing
■ Gases trapped in the planet’s interior were released,
continues today from active volcanoes
■ Gaseous components of modern eruption, water vapor,
carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide

■ As earth cooled water vapor condensed to form cloud

and torrential rains began to fill low-laying areas forming
the oceans
● Water environment of early civilization
○ Mesopotamia, 7000 BCE
■ Irrigation canals, small dams, tigris & euphrates rivers
○ Egypt 6000 BCE
■ Herodotus, gift of river
○ India 5000 BCE
■ Irrigators diverted snowmelt waters to fertile floodplains
of the indus river
○ China 5000 BCE
■ Huang He Valley, flooded ~ 1500 times
● Erosion
○ Water washes soil away due to lack of trees and other
preventing factors
● Aqueducts - Greeks and Romans
○ Water transportation
○ Included bridges
● Qanat - Iran
○ Water transportation
○ Underwater
● Higher water elevations will travel to lower elevated waters due to gravity
● Physical aspects of water include,
○ Lakes, rivers, ponds, etc
● Water is the only substance that naturally occurs as a liquid, solid, and a
● Earth contains 1.39 billion km^3 of water
○ 96.5% in oceans (salt water (basically, i think))
○ 1.7% in glaciers, permanent snow, sea ice and polar ice
○ 1.7% in groundwater, rivers, lakes, wetlands and soil (the water
that is available to us)
○ 0.1% in the atmosphere
■ Don’t need to know the #’s
● Earth water distribution
○ Not evenly distributed
■ Water distribution varies from season to season and
year to year
○ 2025, estimated ⅓ human population will live in areas lacking
fresh water
○ 4 billion people (⅔ of human population) lives in locations with ¼
of the world's annual precipitation
○ Examples: India and Amazon River in South America
● Examples of water disparities
○ Asia
■ 69% human population
■ 36% of earths surface water runoff
○ Amazon River
■ 0.4% human population

■ 15% of Earth’s surface runoff

○ India receives 90% of their water from rainfall (runoff?) within a
mere 4 months
● Consequences
○ Water disparities lead to water shortages, and lead to the need
■ Store water in reservoirs during wet periods
■ Rely on groundwater resources if available
■ Transport water supplies great distances

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