Geography (English) One Liner

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Mizoram, Tripura, West
 India is the seventh largest country Bengal, Jharkhand,
in terms of area after Russia, Chhattisgarh, Madhya
Canada, USA, China, Brazil and Pradesh, Rajasthan and
Australia respectively.
 India is the second largest by
population.  According to the below
 India extends between 804' North to mentioned places, Gandhinagar is
3706' North latitudes while the the nearest place from TOC.
tropical zone is located between
23030' north and south latitudes.
 The latitudinal extension of the
whole of India lies between 6045' to
3706' North latitudes.
 820 30' East longitude is used to
determine Indian Standard Time.
 India’s longitudinal extent is 6807'  The TOC is at 230 30' N divides
E to 97025' E. India into almost two equal parts.
 As per Census 2001, area of India

is 3287263 square km. which is
approximately 2.4% of the total
land area of the world, whereas its
total population is 16.7%
 The total number of villages in
India is 6,40,930.

2.Latitudinal & Longitudinal

Expansion  The day length of a place in the
month of June depends on its
 The Tropic of Cancer passes closeness to the Tropic of Cancer.
through the middle of India. The closer the longer will be the
 The latitude of Sikkim passes day.
through Rajasthan.
 700 E longitude passes through
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. 4.Standard Time
 When there is midnight at IST
3.India and the Tropic of meridian, a place observes 6:00 A.M.
So, the place is situated in the east of
Cancer TOC) India. It is because Sun rises early in
 Tropic of cancer passes almost the east. The difference in their
through middle of India. It passes meridian after 6 hours will be 15 x 6
through 8 Indian states, namely = 900 (150 = I hour). Indian Standard

Time (IST) is the time observed
throughout India and is calculated
based on the 82 10/2 East longitude. 6.Bordering
Thus, the place is situated at = 900 +
82 10/2 = 1720 30' East. Countries
 There is approximately 2 hours (118
minutes) between most western
village of Gujarat and the most
eastern village of Arunachal Pradesh.
 Longitude of Jabalpur's location does
not lie between those of Indore and
 Latitude of Aurangabad's location is
between those of Vadodara and
 Bangalore is situated more
southward than Chennai.
 Indian standard time (IST) is 5:30  Composite Dialogue Process between
hours ahead of Greenwich Mean India and Pakistan was in November,
Time (GMT). It passes through 1998, under which 6 issues were
Naini, Allahabad in Uttar scheduled for negotiations, Sir Creek
Pradesh. Sea Treaty, Wullar Barrage/Tulbul
 IST passes through UP, Madhya Navigation Project and deployment of
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha army troops.
and Andhra Pradesh.  Arunachal Pradesh shares maximum
boundary with Myanmar.
 The neighbouring countries of India are
5. Extreme Points Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal,
 Southernmost Point - Indira Point in Bhutan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Sri
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. It is Lanka.
the location of the southernmost point of  India shares the longest land with
India's territory. Bangladesh (4096.7 km) and the
 On the mainland, shortest Land boundary with
1. Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu)- Afghanistan (106 km).
southernmost point
 Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur
2. Indira Col, near Siachen Glacier-
and Mizoram are Indian states which
northernmost point
share border with Myanmar.
3. Guhar Moti (Gujarat)-
 Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan,
Westernmost point
Gujarat share boundary with Pakistan.
4. Kibithu (Arunachal Pradesh)-
easternmost point  Indian states bordering Bangladesh are
Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, Meghalaya
 Kanyakumari, is the place where Bay of
and West Bengal.
Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean
meet.  Boundary between:
 The westernmost point of India is 6807' 1) India and Pakistan- Radcliffe line
E, Gujarat. 2) India and Afghanistan- Durand line

3) Indian and China-McMahon Line 4. Central highland and Deccan Plateau
4) France and Germany-Maginot Line 5. Coastal plains
 The Boundary between India and Pakistan 6. Sea and Islands
is an example of superimposed boundary.  In Uttarakhand, artesian wells are
 Himalaya in the north, Bay of Bengal in mostly found in Tarai Region.
the south-east, Indian Ocean in the south  If there were no Himalaya ranges,
then most geographical part of India
and Arabian sea in the south-west forms
would experience the cold waves
it's natural boundary. from Siberia, Indo-Gangetic plain
 Sri Lanka is separated from India by the would also be devoid of such
Palk Strait which was named after the then extensive alluvial soil and the pattern
governor Madras Robert Palk. of monsoon would be different from
what it is at present.
 The state of Sikkim has borders with
 Meghalaya plateau is in fact an
three countries Nepal, Bhutan and China.
extension of the Indian peninsular
 Tripura is bordered by Bangladesh from
north, west and south. Thus, it has an
 The valley of Kashmir was formed in
international border on three sides.
 The Gangetic plain was formed in a
7.Natural Regions fore deep.
 The Himalayan Mountain range and
of India Tibetan plateau have formed as a
result of the collision between Indian
 The Indian Landmass has moved Plate and Eurasian Plate.
northward. This is evident from the  The Western coastline of India is
paleomagnetic results obtained from formed by submergence and
India. emergence of the land.
 Palaeomagnetism is the study of the  East coast line is coast of Emergence.
record of the Earth's magnetic field in  Gondwana rocks have the largest
rocks, sediment or archaeological reserve of coal in India.
materials.  Himalaya is the newly developed
 According to Tectonic Shift Theory, Fold Mountain.
Indian land mass was part of  Geologically, Peninsular region is
Gondwanaland which included South most ancient part of India.
America, Antarctica, Australia and India.  The Indus valley region (Sindhu area)
 The Gondwana continent eventually split is a desert region located in the North
into Africa, South America, Australia, western Punjab Province (Pakistan).
Antarctica, the Indian subcontinent and the  The origin of the Deccan Traps:
Arabian Peninsula. Cretaceous Eocene
 India is divided into 4 main regions:  Origin of Western Ghats: Late
1. Northern mountainous region Cenozoic period
2. Large plains  Origin of Aravalli Mountain: Pre-
3. Peninsular Plateau Cambrian
4. Coasts and Islands  Narmada-Tapi alluvial deposits:
It is further categorized in six sub physical Pleistocene period
regions –  Thar Desert is the expanse of
1. Northern Mountains Pleistocene and recent deposits.
2. Sindhu-Ganga Plains
3. Thar desert

 Kuttanad of Kerala is famous for its  Shiwalik ranges are composed of
lowest altitude in India. Kuttanad is unconsolidated sediments brought
called Rice Bowl of Kerala. Here down by rivers from the main
farming is (4 to 10 feet) practiced 2.5 Himalayan ranges located at farther
to 4 meters below sea level. north.
 FAO has declared the Kuttanad  Shiwaliks was formed in Pliocene Era
farming system as globally important (Cenozoic period).
Agriculture Heritage System.  Shiwalik range, spread over about
2400 km in the southern range of
Himalaya. Its average altitude is 900-
8.Northern 1200 meter.
Mountainous  Bhabar is Southern region of Shiwalik
is an example of Piedmont area.
Region  The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR)
spreads across 10 states
 The rivers originating from (administrative regions) namely –
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal
Himalayas are perennial because their
Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Sikkim,
source is located in Himalayan
glaciers. Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya,
Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura
 Himalaya receives much of its rain
and Assam and West Bengal.
from south-western monsoon.
 Deep gorges, U turn courses, Parallel
 On the basis of folds and age of
Mountain ranges, Steep gradients
formation Himalayas is divided into
causing landslides are evidences for
four parallel structural areas –
Himalayas being young fold
1. Trans Himalaya
2. Great Himalaya (oldest range)

3. The Middle Himalaya
4. Shiwalik (Newest range)
 The flat plains along the sub-
Himalayan region in North India are
called Bhabar.
1. It is a narrow belt ranging
between 8-10 km parallel to the
2. South of the Bhabar is the Tarai
belt, with a width of 15-30 km where
most of the streams and rivers re-
emerge without having any properly
demarcated channel, thereby, creating
marshy and swampy conditions
known as the Tarai.  The mountain range which runs
parallel between the Shiwalik in the
 The foothills region of Himalaya is
south and the Great Himalayas in
called Shiwalik. These are the outer
north is classified as the Middle
most range of the Himalayas.
Himalayas or Lesser Himalaya or
 Shiwaliks extend over a width of 10-
Himachal or Lower Himalayas.
15 km and have an altitude varying
 The orders of Himalayan Rages in the
between 900 to 1100 meters.
western section from south to north

are: the Shiwalik-Lesser Himalayas- elevation of Mount Everest is 8,848
Great Himalayas. meters.
 The Shiwalik Himalaya are the  Mt. Everest is situated in the
youngest mountain range. It comprises Himalayas on the border of Nepal and
the outermost range of the Himalayas China, which is also known as the
and is also known as outer Himalayas. Sagarmatha Zone.
 Flat scraps, anticlinal crests and  The tree-line is the edge of the habitat
synclinal valleys are the chief at which trees are capable of growing.
characteristics of Shiwalik range.  The value of treeline in eastern
 The Shiwaliks are formed of great Himalaya and Middle Himalaya lies
thickness of Mio-Pleistocene sand, between 3600 to 3800 meters, while in
gravels and conglomerate. These have western or north western region, it
been folded and faulted by the earth declines to 3300-3600 meter.
movements.  In Himalayan Ranges, the types of
 Shiwaliks have different name in vegetation changes with altitude due
different areas like Jammu Hills in to decrease in temperature, changes in
Jammu, Dafla, Miri, Abora and rainfall, unfertile soil, low
Mishmi Hills in Arunachal Pradesh. atmospheric pressure and low air.
 Gondwana Rock System is the latest  Patkoi Range is situated in lower
rock system in India. Gondwana rocks Himalayan ranges.
contain nearly 98% of India’s coal  The Patkai Hills are situated on India’s
reserve. north-eastern border with Myanmar.
 Gondwana coal is of much recent  The Indian states along Patkai Hills
origin than Carboniferous coal. are Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
 Gondwana system is Upper Mizoram and Nagaland.
Carboniferous to the recent.  Garo, Khasi and Jaintia tribes are
 From south to north, the correct found in the western, central and
sequence is: Dhauladhar range, Zaskar eastern part of Meghalaya
Range, Ladakh range, Karakorum. respectively.
 Zaskar Range, Ladakh range,  Naga tribes are found in some
Karakorum are related to trans districts of Manipur and Arunachal
Himalayas. Pradesh also besides Nagaland.
 Dhauladhar and Pirpanjal is related to 
Middle Himalayas. HILLS STATES
 The correct northward sequence of the Garo Meghalaya
relief features is – Pirpanjal Ranges – Miri Arunachal
Zaskar Ranges – Ladakh Ranges – Pradesh
Karakoram Ranges. Kollai Mallai Tamil Nadu
 The Correct sequence of mountain Dalma Jharkhand
peaks from east to west is:
Kanchenjunga, Everest, Annapurna,  PirPanjal is spread in Himachal and
Dhaulagiri. Jammu and Kashmir from south east
 The Annapurna region is an area in to north west.
central Nepal where some of the most  The Kashmir Valley is bounded on
popular treks are located. the south west by Pir Panjal Range
 Kanchenjunga is the third tallest and on the north-east by Great
mountain in the world. Himalayan Range.
 Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in
the world above sea surface. The

 The major natural resources of  Residual mountains are formed from
Western Himalayas are forests. old fold, block or volcanic materials.
 The average height of the Great  Satpura is an example of residual
Himalaya is 6100 meters. mountains.
 Himalayas are spread over Ladakh,  The Aravalli ranges are remnants of
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal early mountain ranges.
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim,  Anaimudi is the highest peak of
Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Southern India and a part of the
Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Western Ghats Mountains, having an
Tripura. Besides these, mountain elevation of 2695 meters (8842 ft).
range of Assam and West Bengal are  Anaimudi is located in the Idukki
also part of the Himalayas. district of Kerala.
 Western Ghats are spread over the  The heights of peaks are given in
states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, below:
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.  Dodabetta - 2637 meters
 Pulicat Lake is second largest (after Amarkantak - 1048 meters
Chilika lake) lagoon in India, Mahendragiri - 1501 meters
straddles the border of Tamil Nadu  KodaiKanal lies in Palani Hills of
and Andhra Pradesh. Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu.

9. Mountain Ranges PEAK
Kerala Anaimudi
and Hills of South Nagaland Saramati
Uttarakhand Nanda Devi
and Central India Tamil Nadu Doda Betta

 The Aravalli Range is a range of  Satpura Range is part of the Deccan

mountains in western India running plateau, in central India. The hills
approximately 692 km in northeast stretch through the states of
direction across the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.
Rajasthan, and Haryana ending in  The Satpura Range means “Seven
Delhi. Folds”, which forms the watershed
 Aravalli ranges are highly eroded between the Narmada (North) and
hills and are found as broken hills. Tapti (South) rivers.
 Aravalli range is the oldest fold  West to eastward sequence of the
mountains of the world. relief features is Mahadev range,
1. It was formed in the Precambrian Maikal range, Chhotanagpur plateau
Era. Its highest peak is Guru and Khasi hills.
Shikhar.  Mahadev and Maikal ranges are the
 The Eastern Ghats are older than eastward extension of Satpura range.
western Ghats.  Chhotanagpur Plateau spread over
 The Vindhyachal Mountain Range is  much of Jharkhand as well as
very old mountain extending in the adjacent parts of Chhattisgarh, Bihar,
states of Gujarat, UP, and MP. West Bengal and Odisha.
 Residual Mountains are remnants of  Nallamalai Hills are situated between
old mountains which have been worn the Krishna River and the Pennar
down by agents of denudation. Hills, stretched from north to south,

parallel to the Coromandel Coast on originates near the town of Nasik in
the Bay of Bengal. Maharashtra, runs parallel to the
 Javadi Hills is located on the Eastern coast and merge with the Nilgiri hill
Ghats in North Arkat district of complex of Tamil Nadu in the south.
Tamil Nadu State. Renowned as These hills cover 1600 km and form
“Queen of Hills”. the catchment area for complex river
 Nilgiri Hills are located at junction drainage systems.
of Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats.  The Western Ghats has a high
 Dodabetta is the highest mountain in altitudinal variation and the average
the Nilgiri Hills at 2637 meters. elevation is 1200 meters.
There are around 15 tribal groups in  The Cardamom Hills or Yela Mela
the Nilgiris. Among them the are southern hills of India and part of
Badagas, Kotas and Todas are the the southern Western Ghats located
main tribal groups of the region. in south east Kerala and south west
 The Anaimalai Hills form the Tamil Nadu in South India.
southern portion of the Western  The western ghats and Periyar sub
Ghats and span up to the border of cluster including the Cardamom
Kerala and Tamil Nadu in southern Hills are UNESCO World Heritage
India. site.
 Anaimudi is the highest peak in the  Shevaroy Hills are located in the
Anaimalai Hills at 2695 meters. Salem town of Tamil Nadu. The
 Nallamalai Hills – Javadi Hills – height of Shevaroy Hills is about
Nilgiri Hills- Anaimalai Hills are 4000 to 5000 feet above sea level. Its
located in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil total area is about 50 square km. The
Nadu and Kerala states in India form famous ‘Yercaud’ hill station is
north to south. situated in these hills.
 Salher is a place located in Satna  The correct location from south to
Tehsil in Nasik district of north of the given hills is: –
Maharashtra. It is the site of the 1. Satmala Hills - Maharashtra
highest fort in the Sahyadri 2. Kaimur Hills - Madhya Pradesh
Mountains and the second highest 3.Naga Hills - Indo-Myanmar Border
peak at 1567 meters. 4.Pir Panjal Rage -Jammu&Kashmir
 Nilgiri Hills are part of Western 5. Mandav Hills - Gujarat
Ghats spread in western Tamil Nadu, 6. Garjhat Hills – Odisha
Karnataka and Kerala in southern 7. Nallamalai Hills- Andhra Pradesh
India. 8. Mikir Hills- North east India
 Ajanta Range: Ajanta Range is  Mahadeo Hills are part of Satpura
located in Maharashtra. It is a Hills. Satpura Mountain Range is
mountain range which is spread over southern of Vindhya Hills and
only one state. Others are expanded parallel to it. It extends from Raj
to more than one state. pipla Hills in the west to the west of
 Satpura Range: The Satpura Range is Chhota Nagpur Plateau in the form
a range of hills in Central India. The of Mahadeo and Maikal Hills.
range rises in eastern Gujarat running  Dhupagarh is the highest peak of the
east through the border of Satpura Range located in
Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to Panchmarhi (MP).
the east of Chhattisgarh.  The hills of Ramgiri are located in
 Sahyadri Range: Sahyadri Mountain Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh.
Range or the Western Ghats

It is part of Eastern Ghat or Nanda 7816 India
Mahendra Parvat. Devi m
 Ramgiri Hills are also located in Godwin 8611 India
Maikal Range of Chhattisgarh. Austin m
Maikal Range is a part of Satpura (K2)
Range. Kanchenju 8598 India/Ne
 Parasnath hill is located in Giridih nga m pal
district of Jharkhand.Shikharji Jain Makalu 8643 Nepal
temple is situated on this hill. m
 Parasnath Hills is one of the most
important pilgrimage centre for Jains  Nanda Devi Peak is part of the
named after Parasnath, the 23rd Greater Himalayas. It is located in
Tirthankara. Uttarakhand. It is the third highest
peak in India. This region has been
declared as Nanda Devi National
10.Mountain Peaks Park. UNESCO recognised it as
World Heritage Site in 1988.
 Mount Everest is the highest peak  The highest peak of Aravalli Range
in the world. It is located in Nepal. is Guru Shikhar (1722 m). It is
It is also known as ‘Sagarmatha’ in located in Sirohi district of
Nepal. Rajasthan.
 Bachhendri Pal was the first Indian  After Guru Shikhar the highest
Women to reach the summit of Aravalli peak is Kumbhalagarh
Mount Everest in 1984. (1244m).
 Junko Tabei, a Japanese  The correct sequence of Himalayan
mountaineer was the first woman to Peaks in the direction east to west
climb Mount Everest on 16 May, is:
1975. She was also the first woman Namcha Banwa (Arunachal – Tibet
to climb the highest peaks of all border), Kanchenjunga (Sikkim),
seven continents. Mount Everest (Nepal), Nanda
 Santosh Yadav is the first woman Devi (Uttarakhand).
in the world to climb Mount  Nanda devi, Kamet and Trishul are
Everest twice. She first climbed the the peaks located in India.
peak in May 1992 and then again in  Gosain Thaan is located in Tibet
May 1993. She is also the second near Nepal border.
Indian woman to climb Mount  Shimla is located in Dhauladhar
Everest. Range.
 The first Indian woman was
Bachhendri Pal who succeeded in
climbing the Everest in 1984. 11. Valleys
 Mount K2 is also known as Godwin
Austin, the highest peak of India  Kullu Valley is situated in
and Second highest peak in the Himachal Pradesh. It is located
world. It is located in Karakoram between Dhauladhar and Pir
Range in Pakistan occupied Panjal Ranges.
Kashmir.  Nelang Valley falls under the
 Gangotri National Park in
Mount 8848 Nepal Uttarkashi district of
Everest m

Uttarakhand (near China Palghat Kerala
border). Pass
Bhorgha Maharashtra
 t
Lipulekh Uttarakhand
Valley State NathuLa Sikkim
Markha Ladakh Shipki Himachal
Dzukou Nagaland La Pradesh
Sangla Himachal Zozila Jammu&Kashmi
Pradesh r
Yumthang Sikkim Niti Uttaranchal
Banihal Jammu&Kashmi
 Yumthang Valley is also r
known as Hot Spring. Jelep La Sikkim
 Dzukou Valley is well known Mana Uttarakhand
for its natural beauty and Kingri- Uttarakhand
seasonal flowers. Wingri
 Sangla Valley is surrounded by Muling Uttarakhand
mountain peaks and Baspa La
 Silent Valley National Park is  Palghat Pass is located between
located in Palakkad/Palghat the Nilgiri Hills to the north
district of Kerala. It is situated and Anaimalai Hills to the
on Nilgiri Hills of Western south. Thalghat, Bhorghat and
Ghats. Palghat are main Passes of
 The Kunthi river originates in Western Ghat. It connects
Silent Valley’s rainforests. Kollam and Madurai.
 Pathrakkadavu Hydroelectric  Bhorghat connects Mumbai and
project was proposed to be built Pune.
near Silent Valley National  Lipulekh Pass is located on
Park. India-China border.
 Zozila Pass is located on the
Indian National Highway 1
12. Passes between Srinagar and Leh.
 The Damodar River valley
 The Passes and their location is along Bihar-West Bengal
as follow: border includes India’s most
important coal and mica mining
Chang Jammu&Kashmi fields.
La r  Nathu La is a mountain pass in
Rohtang Himachal the Himalayan region situated
Pradesh at a height of 4508 m above sea
Bum La Arunachal level. On the Indian side, the
Pradesh pass is 52 km east to Gangtok,
Se La Uttarakhand and opens in Chumbi Valley in
Bomdi Arunachal Tibet. It is situated at the
La Pradesh highest elevation.

 Nathu La is one of the three
open trading border posts
13.Snow Lines and
between India and China. The
others being Shipki La and
 Nathu La pass was reopened in  The altitude at a particular place
2006 following numerous above which some snow remains
bilateral trade negotiations after on the ground throughout the year
1962 Indo-China War. is called a snowline.
 Shipki La is a mountain pass  The average snowline is found
and border post on the Indo- between the heights of 5500-6000
China border. meters in the northern part of
greater Himalayas and between
 Niti is an important pass of
4500-6000 meters in the southern
Himalaya connecting
part of Himalayas.
Uttarakhand to Tibet.

 Mana pass which is also called
Glacier Length
as Chirbitiya la or Dungri La is
located between India and
Tibet. Siachen 70
 Devtal Lake which is the Baltoro 62
source of Saraswati River Chongo Lungma 42
(tributary of Alaknanda) is Biafo 63
situated in Mana pass. Gangotri 26
 Jelep-La is between India and Rundun 19
Tibet. Kanchenjunga 16
 Lipulekh provides entry to Kedarnath 14
Mansarovar Lake through Sasaini 158
Kailash Valley.
 The correct order of mountain  Chaurabari Glacier is located in
passes from west to east is Uttarakhand. The glacier lies in
Shipki La, Lipulekh, Nathu La, north of the Kedarnath Temple.
Bomdi La. Due to melting of glacier, a lake is
formed which is named as Gandhi
Sarovar Lake.
 The rate of melting of Himalayan
glaciers is highest in the world.
The Gangotri Glacier from where
river Ganga originates is melting
very fast, due to which it is
reduced to half of its extension in
last 50 years.
 Milam Glacier is a major glacier of
the Kumaon region in
Uttarakhand. Sharda River (Kali
Ganga) originates from this

 Albama hill is located in south of
14.Plateaus Bijapur upland.

 The origin of rocks of Peninsular

India was formed around 3600
million years ago. In the
Carboniferous era, it was a part of
 In the Carboniferous era, coal was
formed in the Damodar, Son,
Mahanadi and Godavari basins.
During this period, large scale
vulcanicity produced the Deccan
 The Deccan plateau is a part
Indian shield. It is made up of
basaltic lava. The Deccan trap was
originated about 146 million years.
 Meghalaya plateau is in fact an
extension of the Indian peninsular
plateau. It was separated from the
peninsular plateau by Malda Gap.
 Peninsular plateau is triangular in
shape. It extends from plains of
UP and Bihar towards south and
encompasses whole of peninsula.
 Bhuban Hills is a part of Mizo
 Additional peninsular mountains
of India were formed in
Palaeozoic Era.
 Dhanbad comes under Chhota
Nagpur plateau  Malwa plateau covers an area of
 Dhanbad is famous for coal 150000 sq. km. Its northern end is
mining and has some of the largest determined by Aravalli, southern
mines in India. Red soil is found in end by Vindhya range and eastern
most of its region which is not border by Bundelkhand plateau.
useful for agriculture. Availability  Dandkaryanya is part of South
of coal, iron, mica etc is not a India’s peninsular plateau. It
good reason for population extends over an area of
density. approximately 89078 sq. km. in
 Chhota Nagpur plateau covers Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Andhra
much of Jharkhand as well as Pradesh (Eastern Godavari,
adjacent parts of Odisha, West Vishakhapatnam and Srika Kulam
Bengal, Bihar and Chhattisgarh. district).
 Chhotanagpur consists of series of
plateaus at different levels of
elevation. It is a front sloping.

15.Coastal Regions 16. Eastern and
 The mean sea level of India is
Western coast
measured with reference to  “Tharangambadi” a town in the
Chennai coast. Nagapattinam district located at
 Territorial water is the area of the the coast of Tamil Nadu, was a
sea immediately adjacent to the colony of Denmark from 1620 to
shore of a State and subject to the 1845. New Jerusalem Church
territorial jurisdiction of that and Zion Church are among the
State. It is 12 nautical miles. important building made by
 An adjacent area of 200 nautical Danish people. They left this
miles is considered as Exclusive place in 1845 after selling it to
Economic Zone of that country. the British.
 India is surrounded by sea on  The western ghat is a block
three sides. mountain. Its eastern slop is
 The length of its total coastline is gently lowering down plateau.
7516.6 km. Its northern section is covered
by lava (Basalt).
 India’s coastline consists of Bay
of Bengal in the east, Indian  The divisions along India’s
Ocean in south and Arabian Sea coastline indicate underwater
in the west. coastal relief contours. These
show the depth of sea floor. On
 India’s coastline extends to nine
this basis, there are four relief
States and four Union Territories.
zones in the sea region –
These are:
Continental coast, continental
1. Gujarat – 1214.70 km
slope, Deep Sea plains and sea
2. Maharashtra – 652.60 km
3. Goa – 101 km
4. Karnataka – 280 km
5. Kerala – 569.70 km
6. Tamil Nadu – 906.90 km
7. Andhra Pradesh – 973.70 km
8. Odisha – 476.4 km
9. West Bengal – 157.50 km
10. Daman and Diu – 42.20 km
11. Lakshadweep – 132 km
12. Puducherry – 47.60 km
13. Andaman&Nicobar-1962 km
 The length of mainland India’s
coastline is 5422.6 km and
offshore is 2094 km. 
Sea Beach State
 In ancient Indian historical
geography, the Indian Ocean has Digha West Bengal
been named as “Ratnakara”- a Gopalpur Odisha
place where germs and jewels are Calangute Goa
found. Marina Tamil Nadu

 The Coromandel Coast runs

between False Divi Point in south

east (Andhra Pradesh) to the  Total number of islands in Andaman
Cape Comorin in the south and Nicobar is 222 whereas number
(Kanya Kumari). of islands and islets is 572.
 Coastal erosion is caused by  Ten-degree channel separates
ocean waves, tides, currents Andaman group of Island to Nicobar
Tsunami wave etc. Maximum group of Island. The expansion of
erosion is caused by waves the channel is about 150 km. It is
among the options given. parallel to 100 North latitudes so it
 is called 10-degree channel.
Cities Locations  Palk Strait is located between India
Janjira Raigarh and Sri Lanka. It connects Bay of
district of Bengal to Palk Bay.
Maharashtra  Barren Island is located in the
Sindhudurh Sindhudurg Andaman Sea in the Bay of Bengal-
district of 135 kms, North-East of Port Blair. It
Maharashtra is the only active volcano of South
Kannur Kannur Asia. It first erupted in 1787.The last
district of eruptions happened on 2005-07.
Kerala  The western coastal plain is divided
Nagercoil Kanyakumari into 3 regions: The Konkan Coast,
district of The Kanara Coast and The Malabar
Tamil Nadu. coast.
Udupi Karnataka.  The northern portion of west coast is
Tuticorin port city called ‘Konkan’ and southern
located on portion is called ‘Malabar’.
south-east  Sriharikota Island is located near
coast of Pulicat Lake of Andhra Pradesh. It
Tamil Nadu separates Pulicat Lake from the Bay
Auroville Tamil Nadu of Bengal. Satish Dhawan Space
and Centre is located in Sriharikota.
Puducherry  Adam Bridge is also known as
along the “Ram Setu”. It is spread as chain of
Coromandel shoals from Dhanushkodi tip of
Coast. India’s Pamban Island to Sri
Lanka’s Mannar Island.
 Pamban Island is semi connected to
17. Islands Indian mainland by 2 km long
Pamban Bridge.
 The Andaman & Nicobar located in
the Bay of Bengal have around 572
islands and islets, most of these
islands (about 550) are in the
Andaman Group.
18. Island Groups of
 The smallest Nicobar comprises of Arabian Sea
some 22 islands.
 Saddle Peak (732 meters) is the
highest peak in Andaman and  Lakshadweep is a group of Islands
Nicobar Islands. in Arabian Sea. These are scattered

between 80 N – 12 0 N and 710 E-740 Diu Coast of
E. The entire Island group is built Kathiawar
of coral deposits. There are
approximately 36 islands out of  The Kori Creek is a tidal creek in the
which 10 are inhabited. Rann of Kutch region of Gujarat. It
 Minicoy is the second largest is maritime border between India
Island separated from other Islands and Pakistan.
by 900 Channel.  Sir Creek is a disputed area in Rann
 Kavaratti is the capital of of Kutch. It is a 96 km tidal estuary
Lakshadweep. on the border of India and Pakistan.
 The largest Island of Lakshadweep It separates Gujarat state of India
is Andrott. These Islands are from Sindh province of Pakistan.
located at a distance of 280 km –
480 km off the Kerala coast.
 Elephanta Island – It is located at 19. States and UT of
the distance of 10 km from
Gateway of India (Mumbai).
 Nicobar Island - It is located in
south east of Bay of Bengal  “Latur” is a district in Maharashtra.
between 60- 100 north latitude and On September 30, 1993 Latur had
920-940 East latitude. It consists of faced a severe earthquake.
22 Islands.  Vidarbha is north-eastern region of
 Rameswaram Islands- the State of Maharashtra. Presently,
Rameswaram is located in Tamil there are two divisions under this
Nadu. It is separated from mainland region – Nagpur and Amravati.
India by the Pamban channel.  Vidarbha region comprises of
 Salsette Island – It is an Island in Nagpur, Amravati, Chandrapur,
Maharashtra state of India. The Akola, Vardha, Buldhana,
metropolis of Mumbai and the Yavatmal, Bhandhara, Gondia,
cities of Thane are located here Washim and Garhchiroli district of
making it most densely populated Maharashtra.
islands of India.  Pat region is found in the Chota
 Bhatkal, Arnala and Henry come in Nagpur region. High hilly peaks are
the category of peninsular islands. found in this region. The maximum
 India’s largest city on an island is part of Chota Nagpur plateau lies in
Mumbai. The total area of Port the state of Jharkhand.
Blair is greater than that of Mumbai  Jhumri Telaiya is a city in the
however from town ship Koderma district of Jharkhand.
perspective it is lesser.  Andhra Pradesh due to its fertile
terrain is also known as Kohinoor of
Islands Location  Manipur is a landlocked small state
Viyant Gulf of Kutch in north eastern India. The states
Syodhar cover a 22,327 square km area
Piram Gulf of which is 0.7% of the total area of
Combay India. It consists of 1843 square km
(Khambat) of river basin which includes 8% of
the total area of Manipur whereas
Dwarka Coast of
Arabian sea

92% of the area is hilly and  Punjab shares boundary with
mountainous. Rajasthan, Haryana, Himachal
 Phumdi is heterogeneous masses of Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.
vegetation, soil and organic matter  Arunachal Pradesh has two National
at various stages of decomposition Parks: Mouling and Nam Dapha.
often found in Loktak lake. It is  Uttar Pradesh shares boundary with
home to the endangered deer species eight States and one Union Territory
called Sangai in Manipuri language. – Delhi. The eight States are
 Karnataka is known as the 'Silicon Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh,
state of India as it is a hub of Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya
Information and Technology Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand
companies in India. and Bihar.
 The Silicon Valley of India is a  Chhattisgarh shares border with
nickname of Indian city Bengaluru Uttar Pradesh (North), Madhya
which is the capital of Karnataka. Pradesh (North West), Odisha and
 Malnad is a region in Karnataka. It Jharkhand (North East), Andhra
is covered with dense forest. Pradesh (South), Maharashtra
(West) and Telangana.
City State  Assam is surrounded by 7 States
Aurangabad Maharashtra namely West Bengal, Nagaland,
Palanpur Gujarat Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal
Hubli Karnataka Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura.
Guntur Andhra
Pradesh  According to 2011 census:

 The National capital region under State Area

Haryana sub-region includes 13 Madhya 308252sq km
districts: Faridabad, Gurgaon, Pradesh
Mewat, Rohtak, Sonipat, Rewari, UP 240928
Jhajjar, Panipat, Palwal, Andhra Pradesh 160205
Mahendragarh, Bhiwani, Jind, Bihar 94163 sq. km
Karnal. Tamil Nadu 130050
 UP sub-region includes 7 districts: Gujarat 196024
Meerut, Ghaziabad, Bulandshahar, Karnataka 191791
Gautam Budh Nagar, Baghpat, Rajasthan 342239
Hapur, Muzaffarnagar. Maharashtra 307713
 Rajasthan sub-region includes two Chhattisgarh 135192
districts Alwar and Bharatpur. Jharkhand 79716
 The correct sequence of towns/cities Himachal 55673
from west to east is Pradesh
Bikaner(Rajasthan), Aligarh (UP), Uttarakhand 53483
 Madhya Pradesh currently shares  Bihar is 13th largest state by area and
border with five States namely 3rd largest by population as per
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, 2008.
Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra.  Chhattisgarh comes under
 Bhopal is located to the south of peninsular upland.
Tropic of Cancer.

 The altitude (height) of sea level of exceeding 10 years. The de facto
some cities is: capital city of Andhra Pradesh is
1. Bengaluru - 920 m Amaravati.
2. Delhi - 254 m  UP has maximum number of
3. Jodhpur - 232 m districts.
4. Nagpur - 312.42  Sonbhadra was carved out from
 Desert of Rajasthan is the most Mirzapur in 1989.
densely populated desert in the  Sonbhadra borders 4 States:
world, with a population density of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
83 person/sq. km. Jharkhand and Bihar.
1. It is about 4-10,000 years old.  Karnataka shares its boundary with
Here only 40% to 60% of the area six states – Andhra Pradesh,
is suitable for farming. Telangana, Maharashtra, Goa,
 In terms of population, Karnataka Kerala and Tamil Nadu.
stands 8th largest while it is 7th  Kerala shares its border with two
largest state in terms of area in India. states – Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
 Bengaluru lies on the longitude near If the Mahe region of Puducherry is
to Delhi. included, the number of states and
 28 0 North latitude passes through union territories bordering Kerala
Arunachal Pradesh and North will be three.
Rajasthan.  Tamil Nadu shares its border with–
 Arunachal Pradesh has over 80% of Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh
its area under forest cover and over and Puducherry.
12% of the forest is protected area. 
 The seven sister States in Northeast
India consist of Arunachal Pradesh,
Assam, Meghalaya Manipur,
Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura.
 Sundarvan Mangroves are found in
West Bengal in the delta region
formed by Ganga and Brahmaputra.
 In an effort to gain a separate state
based on linguistic basis, Potti
Sriramulu fasted until death in 1952.
 After Shriramulu’s death, the
Telugu speaking areas Andhra State
was carved out of Madras State on 1
October, 1953 with Kurnool as its
capital city.
 In 1956, Hyderabad was made
capital of Andhra Pradesh. Andhra
Pradesh was bifurcated in 2014 and
a separate state of Telangana was
 In accordance with the Andhra
Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014
Hyderabad will remain the de Jure
capital of both Andhra Pradesh and
Telangana for a period not

 The Union Territory of Puducherry
 Jaipur is known as pink city. Hawa consists of four small unconnected
mahal is in Jaipur. districts:
 Telangana is the last state to be 1. Yanam - Surrounded by
formed. Andhra Pradesh
2. Puducherry- Surrounded by
 Chandigarh, Bhubaneshwar,
Tamil Nadu
Gandhinagar are well planned cities.
3. Karaikal - Surrounded by
 According to 2011 census the
Tamil Nadu
percentage of Scheduled Castes in
4. Mahe - Surrounded by Kerala
north eastern states are:
 Lakshadweep is the smallest union
1. Sikkim – 5%
territory of India having an area of
2. Arunachal Pradesh – 0.6%
32 and a population of
3. Nagaland – 0%
4. Manipur – 2.8%
5. Mizoram – 0% 
6. Tripura – 17.4% UT CAPITAL
7. Meghalaya – 0.5% Delhi New Delhi
8. Assam – 6.9% Ladakh Leh
 It is quite evident that the percentage Jammu and Srinagar
of SC in north east is very small. Kashmir (Summer),
 The economy of north east is Jammu (Winter)
predominantly agrarian. However, Lakshadweep Kavaratti
little land is available for settled Puducherry Puducherry
agriculture. Jhum cultivation is also Dadra and Daman
practiced by few indigenous people. Nagar Haveli
 There are total 8 Union Territories and Daman
in India. and Diu
Andaman Port Blair
and Nicobar
Chandigarh Chandigarh

also found in central and south-east
 According to 2011 census Punjab,
Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and
Puducherry have not identified
tribal communities.
 8.6% of the total population of India
are tribal communities with the
maximum population concentrated
in the states of Madhya Pradesh,
 Maharashtra and Odisha.
 According to 2011 census, Tharu
tribe is found in Uttarakhand, UP
and Bihar.
 Kol tribe is found in Madhya
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar,
Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Odisha.
 Munda Tribes is found across much
of Jharkhand as well as adjacent
parts of Odisha, West Bengal,
Chhattisgarh and Bihar,
 Tharu tribe of UP celebrates Diwali
as a sorrow.
20. Species/Tribes  Tharu tribe dwells in the lowland
from Nainital in Uttarakhand to
Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh. They
 Mongoloids, who were originally follow Hinduism.
the inhabitants of America, reside in  Limbu or Yakthung tribe is found in
north east and south east Asia. The Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet.
colour of skin of this race is yellow  Karbi tribe is mainly found in
and they have straight hair. Their Assam and parts of north east India.
oblique eyes are a peculiar feature.  Gaddi tribe lives in the Dhauldhaar
 Mongoloids are the racial groups Range of Western Himalaya which
found in hilly and forest area of extends in Kangra and Chamba
north-eastern India. districts of Himachal Pradesh.
 Tribes like Santhal, Bhil, Yeruva etc  Gaddi Tribe relates themselves to
which forms the population of South the dynasty of Garhwa Rulers of
India, belongs to pre-Dravidian or Rajasthan. This is one of the main
Proto-Australoid race. tribes of Dhauldhaar Range which
 White browed Gibbon found in constitute a population of around 1
India’s northeast is an Anthropoid lakh.
ape of the Indian sub-continent.  The lifestyle of Gaddi tribe is
 The Dravidian races are mainly different from other tribes. Main
confined to South India. This race is tribes of Dhauldhaar Range are
related to Dravidian language Gaddi, Laddakhi Gujjar, Bakarwal,
family that includes Tamil, Kannad, Laholi, Bari etc.
Malayalam, Telugu etc. They are  Santhal tribe is one of the main
tribes of India. Santhals are

indigenous to West Bengal, Bihar, Tuda. They claim to be descendants
Tripura, Jharkhand and Odisha. of Aryans. Their language is known
 Marriage among Santhals is called as Toda. They practise polyandry.
Bupla. There are different types of  Madhya Pradesh has the largest
Bupla such as Sanga Bupla, Kirin tribal group. It has more than 1.6
Bupla, Itut Bupla, Nir Bolok Bupla crore Schedule Tribe population
etc. Generally, bride’s father asks which is 21% of state population
for ‘bride price’ which is called as according to 2011 census.
‘Pon’. Divorce is also a common  Munda tribe is found in Jharkhand,
practice. Both male and female have West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Madhya
equal rights in this regard. Pradesh, Odisha and Bihar. They
 ‘Bitlaha’ is a severe punishment is celebrate many festivals like Mage,
Santhal society. It is a type of social Phagu, Karam, Sarhul and Sohrai.
boycott. Sarhul is celebrated between March
 The chief of Santhal village is and April during spring season with
known as ‘Manjhi’. saal flowers.
 Bhoksas, Jaunsaris and Tharus are  Oraon, Munda and Ho tribes in
permanent settlers. These are all Jharkhand celebrate the “Sarhul
agriculture-based tribes. Festival”. This is celebrated every
 Bhutias are found in frontier areas of year in the Chaitra month of Hindu
Sikkim adjacent to Nepal, Tibet and calendar marking the beginning of
West Bengal. Bhutias practice New Year. Trees are worshipped in
transhumance. They are also known this festival. This shows the
as Lhasa, Palai and Fobetian etc. closeness of tribes and nature.
They use Tibetan language.  As per 2011 census the largest tribe
 Bodo tribe is an ethnic and linguistic of Uttarakhand is Tharu.
group which mainly resides in Garo  In Mizoram, the settlement pattern
hill of Meghalaya. is mostly of linear type along the
 Santhal Pargana is a Santhal ridges because the valleys are cooler
majority division of Bihar. than the ridges.
 Khasi and Garo speaking population  As per 2011 census Tribes and their
is found in the state of Meghalaya, population are:
Assam and Mizoram. 1. Bhotiya – 5149 in UP
 Chemchu tribe is mainly a tribe of 2. Khasi – 14,11,775 in Meghalaya
Nallamalai area of Andhra Pradesh 3. Toda – 2002 in Tamil Nadu
but also found in some parts of 4. Santhal – 27,54,723 in
Kerala. Jharkhand
 Lepcha tribe is found in Sikkim.  The ‘Youth Dormitory’ of Oraon
 Dafar tribe is found in Saurashtra tribe is called Dhumkaria.
region of Gujarat.  Endogamy is prohibited in Oraon
 Dafla tribe is found in Arunachal tribe. Child marriage is not
Pradesh and some parts of Assam. permitted in Oraon society. The
 During 2000, Gond was the largest most common form of marriage in
tribe of India but according to 2011 Oraon tribe is “arranged marriage”.
census, Bhil is the largest tribal The Chief of Oraon village is known
group and Gond is the second as “Mahato” and Panchayat is called
largest tribe. as ‘Panchora’.
 Toda tribe lives at Nilgiri Hills.  States with their festivals:
They are also known as Todi or 1) Assam – Bihu

2) Kerala – Onam  Murias tribes are found in
3) Tamil Nadu – Pongal Chhattisgarh.
4) Punjab – Baisakhi  Indian constitution has not defined
 Major languages spoken in Sikkim the term scheduled tribes.
are Nepali, Bhutia and Lepcha. According to Article 366 (25) of
 Bhotiya tribe found in UP, the constitution Scheduled Tribes
Uttarakhand. are those groups of people who are
 Angami tribe found in Nagaland. notified as per Article 342 of the
 Apatani tribe found in Arunachal constitution.
Pradesh.  Lotha language is spoken in
 Gonds are found in Bihar, West Nagaland.
Bengal, Jharkhand, Maharashtra,  According to 2011 census, the
Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, tribal population in north east is
Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Karnataka, 11.90% including Sikkim.
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and  The Changpa are semi-nomadic
Gujarat. Tibetan people found mainly in
 The word Bhil is derived from the Zaskar region of Jammu and
word Billuwar of Tamil language Kashmir. The main occupation of
which means bow. They belong to this community is animal
proto-Australoid race. They are husbandry or ranching. They can
found in the states of Gujarat, often be seen with yaks and goat
Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, herds in the hilly areas. In 2001,
Maharashtra, Tripura, and they were categorised as STs.
Rajasthan. They are famous for their  Korba tribe is mainly found in
Ghoomar dance. Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.
 In India, Jaunsari, Khas, Toda, Bota,  Lambada tribe moved from
Tian, Irawa and Nayar tribes Afghanistan to Rajasthan and
practise polyandry. spread to Andhra Pradesh,
 Raji tribes are found in Uttarakhand. Karnataka and Maharashtra.
 Birhor tribes are found in  Zulu is a tribe found in South
Jharkhand. Africa.
 Sahariya is one of the main tribes of  The Agarias are one of the major
Rajasthan and is mainly located in tribes of India engaged in the
Baran district. The name Sahariya is production of iron in central. Their
said to be derived from the Arabian main deity God is Lohasur (the god
word ‘Sehara’ or ‘wildernesses. of iron). The Agarias worship
They were in news for deaths due to “Lohasur’ or Kalabhairo as their
starvation. tribal God.
 The criterion followed for the  Chhindwara – Bharia
determination of Tribes is cultural  Mandals – Gond
specification, primitive trait,  Jhabua – Bhil
distinctive culture, geographical  Shivpuri – Sahriya
location.  Shompen - Andaman & Nicobar
1) Pahadi Korba Jashpur  The people of Onge tribe live in the
2) Baiga Mandala west of Little Andaman Island in
3) Maria Patalkot Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
4) Sehariya Gwalior
 Moplah tribes are found in Kerala.

 The Jarawa or Jarva tribe live in Langua L-1 L-2 Total
India’s South Andaman Island ge users
region of Andaman and Nicobar Chines 897071 193880 109095
Islands. They were in news as e 810 00 1810
Court passed an order banning to Spanis 426515 913084 517824
tourist in the areas of Jarwa. h 910 00 310
 Jarawa is the most primitive tribe English 339370 603163 942533
found in Andaman and Nicobar 920 010 930
Islands. Arabic 267092 - -
 Among the 32 tribes of Jharkhand, 450
8 tribes are included in “primitive” Hindi 260123 120490 380613
Tribe Groups’. They are Asur, 420 000 420
Birhor, Birajia, Korawa, Parahiya Portug 202225 120490 208525
(Baiga), Sabar, Mal Pahariya and uese 450 000 450
Sauriya Pahariya. Bengal 189144 192000 192000
 27% population of Jharkhand is i 830 00 000
tribal. Hindi 138000 120000 258000
 According to 2011 Census, (in 000 000 000
population of primitive tribe India)
groups is 2.23 lakh. Hindi 122123 490000 122613
 Manganiyar is a Muslim Abroad 420 420
community in the desert of )
Rajasthan which is famous for its Hindi 122613 NA NA
musical tradition. (Censu 420
 Jhum cultivation or shifting s)
cultivation is practiced by Khasi
 Catechu – Khairwar  The largest linguistic group of India
 Andi and Oportipi of marriage is is Indo-Aryan. This is most
related to Ho tribe. important family of Indian
languages and comprises of all the
principal languages including Hindi,
21. Languages Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi,
Sindhi, Rajasthani, Assamese,
 L-1- People using a language as Oriya, Kashmiri Urdu and Sanskrit.
primary language or mother It is related to 76.87% of the total
tongue. Indian population as per census
 L-2 People using a language as 2001.
second language besides primary
language or mother tongue. The
total numbers of L-1 and L-2
considered as the total number of 22. Drainage System
users of a language.
 According to Ethnologue 7 most  The Ganga is the longest river in
spoken languages of the world are: India (2525 km).
 Ganga rises in western
Himalayas in Uttarakhand.

 In 2017, Uttarakhand High  Rudraprayag is located at the
Court declared Ganga as a legal confluence of the Mandakini
person. and Alaknanda Rivers.
 Alaknanda flows in Chamoli,
 Ganga is joined by Bhilangana Tehri and Pauri district.
in Tehri and Alaknanda in Dev  Badrinath is a Nagar Panchayat
Prayag. Flowing north to of Chamoli district which is
Rajmahal hills at the border of situated at the bank of
Jharkhand, Ganga enters Alaknanda River.
Bangladesh at Farakka in West  Badrinath was established as a
Bengal. Here Ganga is known as major pilgrimage site by Adi
Padma. Ganga merges in the Shankaracharya.
Brahmaputra River in  Kedarnath is known as Samadhi
Bangladesh and further this Sthal of Adi Shankaracharya.
stream merges in Meghna  The Ganga is the most
River. Meghna River finally important River of India. It rises
empties in the Bay of Bengal in Gangotri glacier near
and forms the largest delta. This Gaumukh in Uttarkashi district
delta of Ganga and Brahmaputra of Uttarakhand. Here it is
River is created between known as Bhagirathi. It cuts
Hooghly and Meghna Rivers. through the Central and the
 The Padma is joined by Lesser Himalayas. Bhagirathi
Brahmaputra River and the meet Alaknanda at Dev Prayag,
confluence is known as Jamuna. hereafter it is known as Ganga.
 India’s and Asia’s first Dolphin  Mandakini River originates at
Research Centre are being set Chorabari Taal near Kedarnath
up on the banks of the Ganga in Uttarakhand. It merges with
River at Patna. Kaliganga at Son Prayag.
 Sunderban Delta is the world Further it merges with
largest delta formed by the Alaknanda in Rudra Prayag
River Ganga, Brahmaputra and south of Badrinath.
Meghna.  Alaknanda emerges at
 Two third of Sunderban Delta is Satopanth Peak glacier and
in Bangladesh while rest is in Satopanth Taal located in
India. Alkapuri north east of Shivlinga
 Ganga is the most polluted Peak.
rivers of the world because a  The famous ‘Panch Prayag’ and
large proportion of the polluted Badri Vishal pilgrimage is
water with a high organic load situated on the bank of
of urban areas is dumped in the Alaknanda River.
Ganges.  Mandakini River flows between
 According to Oldham, the depth Kedarnath and Rudra Prayag.
of Gangetic alluvial soil below  Alaknanda proceeds towards
the land surface is about 4000- Devprayag where it joins
6000 meters and according to Bhagirathi River to form the
Glany, it is about 2000 meters. Ganges River.
 Devprayag is located at the  The famous Badrinath temple is
confluence of the Bhagirathi situated near the bank of
and Alaknanda Rivers. Alaknanda River

 Kedarnath Temple is located  Kaimur Ranges forms the
near the banks of Mandakini watershed or divide two major
River in Uttarakhand. rivers of Peninsular India, the
 The Length of flowing Rivers of Son on the south and the Tons
India (Tributary of Yamuna) on the
1. Ganga River - 2525 km north.
2. Godavari River - 1465 km  Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy and
3. Narmada River - 1312 km Mekong Rivers originate in
4. Mahanadi River- 858 km Tibet and flow parallel to
 Bhagirathi emerges from mountain range in upper
Gomukh glacier, 19 km away reaches. Brahmaputra makes a
from Gangotri under the “U” Turn in its course to flow
Shivalinga Peak. into India due to syntaxial
 Siyaganga merges in Bhagirathi bending of geologically young
near Jhala. The joint stream of Himalaya.
Alaknanda and Bhagirathi  Yarlung Zangbo is known as
flowing Dev Prayag onwards is Brahmaputra River in India. It
known as Ganga. originates at Angsi glacier in
 The Gomti River originates western Tibet south east of
from Gomat Taal which was Mount Kailash and lake
formally known as Fulhaar Mansarovar. It is known as
Lake, near Pilibhit district in Jamuna in Bangladesh.
Uttar Pradesh. It is the only  The source of Brahmaputra,
tributary of River which rises in Indus and Sutlej is near
the plains. Mansarovar lake in Tibet.
 Yamuna becomes a dead river  Lohit, Subansiri Rivers flow
between Delhi and Agra most of through Arunachal Pradesh.
the year because of domestic  Barak River flows from its
discharge and industrial waste source in the Manipur Hills,
in Delhi, Ghaziabad, Mathura, through Manipur, Mizoram and
Agra. Assam.
 Ramganga River originates  The Subansiri River originates
from Doodhatoli ranges in Pauri in the Himalayas; it is a tributary
Garhwal, Uttarakhand. It is a of the Brahmaputra River in the
tributary of the river Ganges. Indian states of Assam and
 Chambal, Betwa and Ken are Arunachal Pradesh, and the
tributaries of River Yamuna. Tibet Autonomous Region of
 Yamuna originates from China.
Yamunotri Glacier near  The Lohit River rises in eastern
Bandarpoonch peak. Tibet, in the Zayal Chu Range
 Son is one of the main rivers of and surges through Arunachal
Madhya Pradesh (MP). Pradesh for 200 kilometres
 Betwa river rises in the Vindhya before entering the plains of
Range. It joins Yamuna near Assam. It is also a tributary of
Hamirpur town in UP. the Brahmaputra River.
 The son which originates near
Amarkantak in MP is the main
tributary of Ganga. It merges
with Ganga near Patna.

 Major Rivers of the Peninsular
India originate from Western
Ghats. Eastward flowing
peninsular rivers follow long
route and also form Deltas.
 The Westward flowing
peninsular rivers pass through
tough rocks and follow small
route. This is why these rivers
do not make deltas.
 All major Rivers of Peninsular
India flow into the Bay of
Bengal except Narmada and
 Dibang River flow across Tapti because of the rift valley
Dibang Valley district of course of these rivers. These
Arunachal Pradesh. rivers do not follow the slope of
 Kameng River also flows in the plateau and flow through
Arunachal Pradesh. rift.
 Manas is the tributary of  Narmada River does not form
Brahmaputra River. delta at its mouth. This is
 Brahmaputra is known as Tsang because it flows through rift
Po or Sanpu in Tibet, Dibang in valley and does not deposit silt.
Arunachal Pradesh,  Narmada is the largest river of
Brahmaputra in Assam and Peninsula. It rises near
Jamuna in Bangladesh. Amarkantak range of Maikal
 Left bank tributaries oh mountains in MP.
Brahmaputra: Siang, Dibang,  Narmada falls through Gulf of
Lohit, Burhidihing, Dhansiri, Cambay into Arabian sea.
Kopili. Before falling into the Arabian
 Right bank tributaries oh sea, it flows over a length of
Brahmaputra: Subansiri, 1312 km.
Kameng, Manas, Sankosh,  The west flowing rivers like
Raidak, Jaldhaka, Teesta. Narmada, Tapti and Periyar etc
 The Tibetan Plateau is also do not form delta rather they
known in China as the Qinghai- make estuary. Due to their floe
Tibet Plateau or the Qingzang. through rift valley and high
With an average elevation speed, there is little silt in these
exceeding 4500 meters, the rivers. They do not make delta
Tibetan Plateau is also called at their mouth.
“the Roof of the World”. The  Damodar River is known as the
rivers originating from this 2.5 'Sorrow of Bengal'. It originates
million sq. km. plateau are from Chhota Nagpur Plateau
Yangtze, Huang He (Yellow region in Jharkhand. It is a
River), Mekong, Indus, Sutlej, tributary of Hooghly.
Brahmaputra and Irrawaddy.  Damodar river has a rift valley
Hence it is clear that due to down warping.
Brahmaputra and Indus  Mahanadi river originates in
originate from the Tibetan Chhattisgarh. Hirakund dam,
Plateau. one of the largest dams of the

world is located on this river largest river in India. The major
near Sihava. tributaries of Godavari are: -
 Tapti river originates in MP. 1.Purna
Surat is situated on this river 2. Pranhita
bank. 3. Indravati
 Narmada, Tapti and Mahi are 3 4. Sabari
major westward flowing rivers 5. Pravara
in India. 6. Manjira
 Rapti is tributary of Ghaghara 7. Manair
River which flows North west to  The Godavari River is second
south east direction. largest River in India after
 Tawa River is the longest Ganga and the largest
tributary of Narmada River. It peninsular River of India, about
rises in Satpura range of Betul 1465 km long. It originates at
and flowing north and west Trimbakeshwar near Nasik,
joins Narmada at the village of Maharashtra and flows into Bay
Bandra Bhan in Hoshangabad. of Bengal.
 The River Tapi or Tapti  Godavari drains into Bay of
originates from Satpura Bengal.
Mountains near Multai in the  A river basin is a portion of land
Betul district of Madhya drained by a river and its
Pradesh. It is 724 km long. It tributaries.
drains through Gulf of  There are three east flowing
Khambhat into the Arabian Sea. rivers in Kerala – Kabani River,
It flows through the states of Bhavani River and Pambar
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh River.
and Gujarat. It also forms  The Tapti, Mahi and Narmada
estuary at its mouth. Rivers originate in Madhya
 Cauvery River rises from Pradesh and flow from east to
Brahmgiri Hills in Coorg west and empty into the Arabian
district of Karnataka and flows Sea.
805 km. in the drainage area of  River basin with the largest
87900 sq. km. It empties into the water area: -
Bay of Bengal near 1. Ganga - 861452 sq. km
Tiruchirappalli. This river forms 2. Indus - 321289 sq. km
islands of Srirangapattanam, 3. Godavari – 312812 sq. km
Shivasamudram and Srisangam 4. Krishna - 258948 sq. km
in the Deccan Plateau. 5. Mahanadi – 1,41,600 sq. km
 An estuary is a partially 6. Narmada – 98,796 sq. km
enclosed coastal body where the  Two important rivers, Narmada
river empties into the open sea. and Son, originate from
Estuaries form a transition zone Amarkantak in Madhya
between river environments and Pradesh. Son flows towards
maritime environments. The north and merges with River
world's largest estuary is formed Ganga flowing towards Bay of
by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Bengal.
 Godavari is the largest river in  The quays of Sabarmati and
Peninsular India and second Tapti rivers have a deficiency of

 The Mahanadi rises near Sihava  The Cauvery River rises in the
in Chhattisgarh and flows Brahmagiri hills in Karnataka. It
through Odisha to discharge its is 805 km long.
water into the Bay of Bengal. It  Godavari is also known as the
forms delta near Paradip in the 'Old Ganga' or 'Dakshin Ganga’.
Bay of Bengal. It is 858 Km  The Sutlej originates from the
long. Rakas Lake near Kailash Range
 Mahanadi river makes delta and and Mansarovar Lake. Flowing
falls into Bay of Bengal. in North-West direction it enters
 Son, Narmada and Mahanadi Himachal Pradesh near Shipki
originate from Amarkantak La pass. It forms deep gorge by
plateau. eroding Himalayan ranges in
 The rivers of south India have Himachal region. It has a length
mainly dendritic drainage of 1500 km.
pattern.  River named Doodh Ganga
 A drainage pattern which looks flows in Jammu and Kashmir
like tree branches with lots of and Uttarakhand.
twigs is called dendritic  Ganga, Brahmaputra, Godavari,
drainage pattern. Mahanadi, Krishna, Cauvery,
 The correct sequence of the Pennar, Swarnarekha and
eastward flowing rivers of Brahmani are drainage systems
peninsular India from north to (rivers) which flow into Bay of
south is Subarnarekha, Bengal while Narmada, Tapti,
Mahanadi, Godavari, Pennar, Sabarmati are important rivers
Cauvery, Vaigai. that fall into Arabian Sea.
 The correct sequence of the  Tel is a tributary of Mahanadi
rivers in descending order of River.
their length is Godavari (1465  Major tributaries of Krishna
km), Narmada (1312 km), River are – Koyna, Yerala,
Mahanadi (858 km), Tapi (724 Dina, Varna, Panch Ganga,
km). Ghat Prabha, Bhima and
 Krishna River water dispute is Tungabhadra.
between Andhra Pradesh,  Hagari River originates in
Karnataka and Maharashtra Western Ghats and flows
since 1957. Besides many through Karnataka and Andhra
committees, two separate Pradesh to join Tungabhadra. It
tribunals were set up under the is also known as Vedavathi.
chairmanship of Justice R.S. Veda and Avathi Rivers
Bachhawat and Brijesh Kumar. originate at Sahyadri; join each
 The project to link Godavari and other at Pura and known as
Krishna was completed in 2015. Vedavathi.
16 links for peninsular rivers  Kishanganga is a tributary of
and 14 links for Himalayan Jhelum in Jammu and Kashmir.
rivers are proposed under River Thus, it is the northernmost
Linking Project. among the four. To its south is
 Cauvery is known as the Ganga the Ganga which rises from
of the south. Gangotri glacier in Uttarakhand.
 Painganga and Wainganga, both
are tributaries of Godavari.

 Wain Ganga is located in north  Luni River originates in
and Painganga in south. Aravalli range, south west to
 The Correct order from north to Ajmer. It disappears in the Runn
south of the four Rivers will be: of Kutch traversing a distance of
Kishangana, Ganga River, Wain 320 km. Thus, it does not come
Ganga, Painganga. in contact with the sea.
 Sutlej, Beas, Chenab, Ravi and  Inland Drainage River is that
Yamuna are the main rivers drainage in which River does
which pass through Himachal not reach ocean and falls into
Pradesh (HP). lake or inland sea. The example
 Drainage map of India: of Inland River is Ghaggar,
Mahi, Muni, Rugen, Saraswati,
Banas etc
 The Kosi River has seven
tributaries in which Aruna is
most important. It originates
from north of the Gosainthan
 The Kosi River is known for its
dangerous floods and especially
for maximum shifting of its
course. Thus, it can be said that
the Kosi River changes its
course for maximum times
among all rivers of India.
 Khari river is a tributary of
Chambal River. It falls into Bay
of Bengal.
 Kosi river does not have its
source in glaciers.
 Edon Canal is a 65 km long  Kosi merges with Ganga near
canal taken out from Damodar
River in 1938. It provides
 Triveni canal receives water
irrigation to 10,000 hectares of
from river Gandak.
 Shyok River in known as
 The most polluted river of India
“Yarkandi” in Central Asia and
is Damodar River. The
“River of Death” in Karakoram.
enormous quantity of pollutants
Ancient evidences indicate that
coming out from the mines,
it was also medium of trade
industries, cities and
between Yarkand and Ladakh.
agricultural fields have so much
 Zanskar River flows through
degraded the quality of the river
hard rock and form deep gorge.
water between Giridih and
It originates on the border of
Durgapur that it has virtually
Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh.
become a biological desert.
It flows in north and then flows
 Rajarappa is a Shakti Peeth
in east and joints Indus at Nemu.
temple at the confluence of
 Spiti River originates at height
Damodar and Bhera.
of 16000 ft from Kunzun pass.
It merges into Sutlej River in

Himachal Pradesh after flowing  Kali River rises near Diggi
60 miles. village in Uttar Pradesh Kannad
 Sutlej River rises in Tibet it district of Karnataka. It follows
crosses Great Himalaya and an arch shape course in west
Zaskar range and crosses Indo- direction and flows into the
Tibet border near Shipki La. Arabian Sea. Total length of this
 Spiti River merges in Sutlej River is 184 km.
from north.  Deccan Plateau is extended
 Bist Doab - Between Beas and from Narmada River to Kumari
Sutlej. Island and Arabian Sea to the
 Bari Doab - Between Ravi and Bay of Bengal. Average
Beas. elevation of this plateau above
 Rachna Doab - Between Ravi sea level is 600 meters. Western
and Chenab Ghats parallel to the Arabian
 Chaj Doab - Between Chenab Sea is high mountainous region
and Jhelum. and eastern edge of the Deccan
 The correct order of river from Plateau gently slopes towards
north to south is: Shyok, the Bay of Bengal. All the rivers
Zansker, Spiti, Sutlej. flowing east wards from the
 The Hizla fair is organized on Western Ghats follow this slope
the banks of the Mayurakshi and fall into the Bay of Bengal.
River in Dumka, Santhal  Kapili River is a Tributary of
Pargana. Hizla is located on the Brahmaputra.
banks of the Mayurakshi River.  Kamrupnagar is situated on the
 On 25 August, 2005 a bank of this river.
Memorandum of Understanding  River Tributary
was signed for Ken-Betwa Link Ganga Son
project. It was signed by the Godavari Indravati
then Chief Minister of U.P., Brahmaputra Teesta
Mulayam Singh Yadav, the then Yamuna Chambal
Chief Minister of M.P., Babulal
Gaur and the then Union Water  Luni River originates in
Resources Minister Priyaranjan Aravalli range, passes through
Das Munshi. Thar Desert and disappears in
 Rajghat River valley is a joint the Runn of Kutch traversing a
project of Govt of UP and MP distance of 320 km.
on Betwa River.  Indravati river mainly flows
 Chambal River originates from through Chhattisgarh.
Janapav hills near Mahu in  Bhima river flows through
Madhya Pradesh. It meets river Maharashtra, Karnataka and
the Yamuna near Itawa. Telangana.
 Source River  Ghatprabha flows through
Brahmgiri Hills Cauvery Maharashtra and Karnataka.
Verinag Spring Jhelum  Superimposed stream or river
Mahabaleshwar Krishna does not follow slopes of
Chhota Subarnarekha Bhubaneswar is the capital of
Nagpur plateau Odisha. The famous city of
Odisha “Cuttack” is located on

the bank of Mahanadi River. Odisha “Cuttack” is located on
lithosphere. the bank of Mahanadi River.
 Chambal and Son are best  The list of cities with
examples of superimposed corresponding Rivers on the
rivers. bank of which they are located
 The Sankosh River originate in is as follows:
Northern Bhutan and flows into Cuttack – Mahanadi
Brahmaputra River near the Ludhiana – Sutlej
border of Assam and Nasik – Godavari
Bangladesh It forms the Ujjain – Kshipra
boundary between Assam and  Ahmedabad is located on the
Bangladesh. bank of Sabarmati River,
 The Mahi River originates in Lucknow-Gomti River.
M.P. and enters Rajasthan in the  Betul is a district of Madhya
district of Banswara and then Pradesh. Tapti River originates
flows to the south-west in the Betul district from a place
direction of Gujarat and falls called Multai. It flows from east
into the Gulf of Khambat. to west direction same as River
 The Kishanganga River is a Narmada and Mahi. Its total
tributary of Jhelum. length is 724 km.
 Tulbul Project is built on  Jagdalpur: It is a city in Bastar
Jhelum River. district of Chhattisgarh. It is
 Eastern Dhauliganga is a located on southern bank of
tributary of Kali River. Kali Indravati River.
River originates from Kalapani,  Jabalpur: It is a district of
near Lipulekh pass. Main Madhya Pradesh. It is located
tributaries of Kali River are near Narmada River.
Gori, Sarju, Ladhiya, Lohavati  Ujjain is the oldest city of
etc. Malwa region of Madhya
 Mithi River is originates from Pradesh. It is located on the
Vihar Lake in Mumbai. After eastern bank of “Kshipra”
flowing 2 km, the water of River.
Powai Lake also merges in the  Gaurikund, Rambara and
streams. It traverses over a Guptakashi are located along
distance of 18 km and falls into the Mandakini River.
the Arabian Sea near the Bay of  Govind ghat is located at the
Mahim. confluence of Alaknanda and
 Leh is located on the right bank Lakshman Ganga.
of Indus River in the UT of
 Ludhiana (Punjab) are located
23. Waterfalls and
on the old bank of river Sutlej.
Presently Sutlej River flows 13
km north of these cities.
 Hyderabad is located on the  Hundru fall is located on the
bank of the river Musi (a course of the Subarnarekha
tributary of the river Krishna). River. It is 45 km away from
Ranchi. Its height is 98 m (322
 Bhubaneswar is the capital of
Odisha. The famous city of

 Kapildhara falls is located in Mawsmai Meghal 315 1035 ft
newly created district Anuppur Falls aya m
(Madhya Pradesh) on River Dudhsagar Goa 310 1017 ft
Narmada. Falls m
 Kynrem Falls Meghal 305 1000 ft
Waterfall Rivers aya m
Dudhsagar Mandavi Meenmutty Kerala 300 984 feet
River (On Falls m
the borders Thalaiyar Tamil 297 975 feet
of Goa and Falls Nadu m
Karnataka) Barkana Falls Karnat 259 850 feet
Duduma Machhkun aka m
d (Koraput, Jog Falls Karnat 253 829 feet
Odisha) aka m
Gukak Ghatprabha Khandadhar Odisha 244 800 ft
(Belgaum, Falls m
Karnataka) Vantawang Mizora 229 750ft
Jog Sharavati Falls m m
(Karnataka Barehi Pani Odisha 217 712 feet
) Falls m
Sivasamudra Cauvery Kune Falls Mahara 200 656ft
m shtra m
Chulia Chambal Soochipara Kerala 200 656ft
Dhuandhar Narmada Falls m
Magod Falls Karnat 198 650ft
 Jog fall is the biggest waterfall aka m
(by width) in India. Kunchikal Karnat 193 600ft
 Sivasamudram is the biggest Falls aka m
waterfall (by volume) in India.
 Chitrakoot waterfalls is  Lodh waterfall is situated in
popularly known as Niagara Latehar district of Jharkhand at
Falls of India. It is located near the source of Burha River. This
Jagdalpur, in Bastar district of is a major waterfall of
Chhattisgarh on Indravati River. Jharkhand and ranks 21st
Its height is 29 meters. It is a among the highest waterfalls in
natural waterfall. India. This fall is also called as
 Dhuandhar fall is in Jabalpur. It Budha ghagh falls its height is
is located on Narmada River in 469 feet.
Bhedghat.  Vembanad Lake is the largest
 Nohkalikai and Langshiang are lake of Kerala. Its length is 96
situated in Meghalaya. km and width are 14.48 km. The
 According to the latest world lake is bordered by Alappuzha,
waterfalls data base high water Kottayam and Ernakulam
falls of India are as follows: districts of Kerala.
 Lagoon Lake of Kerala is also
Nohkalikai Meghal 340 1115 ft called as “Kayal”. Some of the
Falls aya m Kayals (lagoon) found in Kerala
are Punnamada Kayal,

Ashtamudi Kayal, Vembanad Lonar Maharashtra
Kayal etc. Nakki Rajasthan
 Lagoon is a stretch of salt water Kolleru Andhra
separated from the sea by a low Ashtamudi Kerala
sandbank or coral reef. Surajkund Haryana
 Periyar lake is spread on 55 sq.
km area. It is an artificial lake. It  KodaiKanal is an artificial water
is not lagoon as it draws water lake in Dindigul district in
from river. Tamil Nadu.
 Ashtamudi lake is a backwater  Roopkund is a glacial lake in
lagoon in Kerala. Uttarakhand. It is famous for
 Chilika Lake is a lagoon on the hundreds of human Skeletons
mouth of River Mahanadi in found at the edge of the lake. It
Odisha. Its maximum length is is called “Mystery Lake” and
29 km and width is 132 km. “Skeleton Lake”. These
 Pulicat lake is a saltwater skeletons were discovered by
lagoon on the border of Tamil H.K. Madhaval in 1942.
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh on  Anchar lake is located in Jammu
Coromandel coast. & Kashmir.
 Pulicat is the second largest lake  Hamirsar lake is in Gujarat.
after Chilika lake. Sriharikota  Chandubi, Chapanala and
separates the lake from Bay of Hafflong are main lakes of
Bengal. Assam.
 Chilika Lake is a lagoon on the  Snow covered Ghepan lake
mouth of River Mahanadi in formed by gradual receding of a
Odisha. Odisha coast is also gigantic glacier is located in
called Northern Circar. Lahaul Valley, Himachal
Karnataka coast is on Pradesh.
Karnataka’s coastal area.
Konkan coast is on
Maharashtra’s western coast
and Malabar Coast is on
Kerala’s western coast.
 Loktak Lake is in Manipur
whereas Didwana and Uday
Sagar lakes are located in
Rajasthan and Kolleru Lake is
located in Andhra Pradesh.
 Gomti River originates from
Fulhar Lake. Which is situated
in Mado Tanda. Pilibhit district
of Uttar Pradesh.

 Lake State
Vembanad Kerala
Loktak Manipur
Dal Jammu &
Pulicat TamilNadu

starts from Kerala and is active
CLIMATE from June to September.
 In summer, the monsoon flows
from South west to North east
24. Monsoon direction.
 In winter, the monsoon flows
from North east to South west
 Leh is the driest place among
Mumbai, Delhi, Leh and
 The south west monsoon is
responsible for the most of the
rainfall in India. It is caused due
to high temperature and low
pressure over the subcontinent
during summer season which
draws air from the Indian
 The January isotherm taken as
 The climate of India is basis for dividing India into
essentially tropical monsoonal. tropical and subtropical zones is
 The lofty Himalayas in the north 180 C.
along with extension acts as an 
effective climate divide. The
towering mountain chain
provides an invincible shield to
protect the sub-continent from
the cold northern winds. The
Himalayas also trap the
monsoon winds, forcing them to
shed their moistures within the
 India is home to diverse
climates. It hosts humid tropical
to temperature zones. Thus,
different geographical regions
experience different
temperature. The map depicts
annual mean temperature.
Northern India is relatively
warmer than south. Similarly,
 Desert areas of Rajasthan have
during winter northern area is
highest daily range of
colder than southern area.
temperature. Daily temperature
 In India, monsoon arrives first
variation is one of the main
in Kerala. India receives 92
features of Desert climates.
percent of its total rainfall from
Desert are hot during day but
south-western monsoon which
cold during night.

 The period of October to  2. The second one after being
December is referred to as North obstructed by Vindhya
East Monsoon season over Mountain causes rainfall in
Peninsular India. It is the period Gujarat, MP and western
of rainfall over South India, Chhattisgarh.
particularly in Andhra Pradesh,  Amritsar (31.640) and Shimla
Rayalaseema and Tamil Nadu. (31.610) are almost on the same
This is the main rainy season in latitude but their climate
Tamil Nadu region. During this difference is due to the
monsoon on 26 December, difference in their altitudes.
2004, Tamil Nadu was struck by Amritsar is located at 768 feet
Tsunami. and Shimla at 7866.10 feet
 Indian monsoon is indicated by above the mean sea level.
seasonal displacement because  Humid South-East climate is
of different temperature of land found in the region of West
and Sea. Some of the important Bengal, Chhota Nagpur, Odisha
concepts about the origin of plain, southern Chhattisgarh and
Monsoon are: Northeast part of Andhra
1. Thermal Concept: It Pradesh. Sub humid transitional
propounds that primary arrival weather extends to central
of the Indian monsoon Gangetic plains (eastern U.P.
circulation is the differential and western Bihar).
heating effect of the land and the  Sub humid littoral weather
Sea. spreads on the coromandel
2. Dynamic Concept: Put region and sub humid
forward by Flohn, according to continental weather spreads to
this concept, monsoon is the upper gangetic plains.
result of seasonal migration of  Kochi and Tejpur experience
planetary winds and pressure more humid climate due to
belts. heavy rainfall. Kochi
 The amount of rainfall experience rainfall up to 3228
decreases from east to west mm. Ahmedabad- 800mm,
owing to the progressive Ludhiana- 730mm and Tejpur-
decrease in humidity of the 1600mm. Compared to
winds. Southern part of India Ahmedabad and Ludhiana,
being near to sea gets rainfall Kochi and Tejpur experience
early and for a longer duration more rainfall which makes their
than the northern parts. climate more humid.
 Chhattisgarh basin is not  When monsoon returns from
affected by the Arabian Sea north, there is slight increase in
branch of monsoon. temperature on Land. The low
 Arabian Sea monsoon is further pressure covers Bay of Bengal
split into two branches being and the sky is clear.
obstructed by the western ghats.  The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)
 1. First branch moves parallel to is also as the ‘Indian Nino’. IOD
Aravalli range causing scanty is an irregular oscillation of sea-
rainfall, further mingles with surface temperature in which
Bay of Bengal. the western India ocean
becomes alternately warmer and

then colder than the eastern part First originates in the Bay of
of the Indian Ocean (not the Bengal causing rainfall over the
tropical eastern Pacific Ocean). plains of the north India. Second
An IOD phenomenon can is the Arabian Sea current of the
influence an El-Nino’s impact. south west monsoon which
 As per Koppen’s classification brings rain to the west coast of
of climate, Humid sub-tropical India. According to data
climate with dry weather (Cwg) provided by Indian
is most suitable for north east Meteorological department for
India including north Bengal, year 2014, south west monsoon
Ganga plain etc. supplies over 90% of India’s
 Westerlies flow between 300 annual rainfall.
and 600 latitudes of northern and  Tamil Nadu, located in south
southern hemisphere. The east peninsular India, receives
western cyclonic disturbances the major part of its annual
enter the Indian subcontinent rainfall during the North East
from the West and northwest monsoon season. Tamil Nadu
during the winter months, receives about 50-60% of its
originate over the annual rainfall during Northeast
Mediterranean Sea and are monsoon.
brought into India by the  Sikkim among the Arunachal
westerly jet stream causes Pradesh, Sikkim, karela and
winter rains in the north and Jammu Kashmir receives the
north western India. They are a highest average annual rainfall.
non-monsoonal precipitation  The highest average annual
pattern driven by westerlies. rainfall occurs in Meghalaya
 Ajmer in Shillong are located
along the same latitude but
25. Rainfall rainfall in Ajmer is less as
compared to that of Shillong.
 During April and May when the  According to Indian
Sun Shines vertically over the Meteorology Station data, the
Tropic of Cancer, the large land average temperature of Chennai
mass in the north of Indian is 240 C in winter whereas 300C
Ocean gets intensely heated. in summer. The average rainfall
This causes the formation of an is 60- 70 cm. The average
intense low pressure in the north temperature of Tamil Nadu for
western part of the subcontinent whole year is 260 C. Its annual
followed by the northward shift rainfall is 63cm and annual
in the position of Inter Tropical range temperature is 90C.
convergence Zone (ITCZ).
 The south west monsoon can be  Place Rainfall (cm) Kochi
seen as the continuation of the 250
southeast trades deflected Kolkata 150
towards the Indian subcontinent Patna 100
after crossing the equator. Delhi 50
 Southwest monsoon enters India  Mango shower is the name of
in two rain-bearing systems. pre-monsoon showers in

Karnataka and Kerala that helps  India’s rainfall range:
in the ripening of mangoes. It is
also known as April rains or
summer showers. The reason of
the Mango showers is the
thunderstorms over the Bay of
Bengal. The shower prevents
mangoes from dropping
 Leh receives least rainfall in
India (9.20 cm).
 Bikaner receives 24.30 cm
rainfall annually.
 Jaisalmer receives 10 cm
rainfall annually (Lowest in
 Cherrapunji receives 1100 cm
of rainfall annually.
 Mawsynram is the place with
highest rainfall in India and the
world according to current data.
 India has an abundant volume of
rainfall but is still regarded as a  According to Indian
thirsty land because rapid runoff metrological department, a day
of water, quick evaporation of is defined as a rainy day when it
rain water, concentration of receives rainfall of 2.5 mm or
rainfall during a few months more in 24 hours.
only.  The monsoonal rainfall
 Rainwater harvesting is the decreases as one goes towards
water management strategy the West and northwest in the
which is cost effective in India Ganga plain. It means rainfall
Tamil Nadu is the leading state increases from West to east
in rainwater harvesting. direction.
 The northern part of Zaskar  The moisture bearing
range in Jammu and Kashmir monsoonal winds go higher as
and western part of Rajasthan one moves up in the Ganga
receives an average annual plain.
rainfall of 200 millimetre.  All India Water Divide map:
 Jharkhand receives its rainfall
during South West monsoon
i.e., June to September.

 Rainfall during winter in
 The climate of Chennai is northern India is due to the
warmer than Kolkata due to western disturbance.
different in latitudes.  Anti-cyclonic conditions in India
 Snowfall occurs in Himalayas already exist and it has nothing to
due to higher altitude. do with winter rains.
 Rainfall decreases from West  Anti-cyclonic conditions during
Bengal to Punjab due to distance winter are formed when the
from the sea and Sutlej-Ganga atmospheric pressure is high and
plain gets some rain in winter temperature is low.
due to western depression.  Winter monsoon winds do not
 The hallmark of watershed cause rainfall as they move from
development in the semi-arid land to the Sea. So, most parts of
regions of India is setting up a India do not have rainfall in the
system of tanks by embanking winter season. However, there
water from seasonal rivers. are some exceptions to it: A – In
Today there are approximately north western India, western
120,000 small tanks irrigating disturbance causes rainfall in
about 4.12 million hectares of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and
agricultural land in semi-arid western Uttar Pradesh.
areas of India.
 The Desert Development
Programme (DDP) was started
in the areas of Rajasthan,
27. Natural Disasters
Gujarat, Haryana, Jammu &
Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh  On 26th December, 2004,
in 1977-78. In 1995-96 the Tsunami originated from Indian
coverage was extended to a few Ocean, worst affected the
districts in Andhra Pradesh and Coromandel Coast of India. The
Karnataka. Coromandel Coast is south-
 Inland waterways are not well eastern coast of Indian
developed in India and one of subcontinent. The coastline runs
the important reasons for that is from False Divi Point in north to
India receives rainfall only for Kanyakumari in the south.
four months in a year.  The Indian Tsunami Early
Warning Centre (ITEWC) is
established at Indian National
Centre for Ocean Information
26.WinterRainfall Science, (INCOIS- ESSO)
 Coastal areas of Tamil Nadu  The Indian Meteorological
receive winter rainfall up to 65- Department was constituted in
75 cm due to retreating North- 1875 under the Ministry of Earth
East Monsoon. and Science headquarter at New
 Punjab also receives winter Delhi.
rainfall due to Western  The headquarters of IMD is in
Disturbances. New Delhi.
 The ‘National Flood Forecasting
and Warning Network' of Central

Water Commission, which Spiralling winds that rotate anti-
comprised of 175 flood clockwise in the Northern
forecasting sites including 15 hemisphere and Clockwise in the
flood-prone States and one Union Southern hemisphere.
territory, maximum in Uttar  Tropical cyclones are
Pradesh (35) followed by Bihar characterised by large pressure
(32). The flood region of Uttar gradients.
Pradesh is divided into high flood  The centre of the cyclone is
prone and low flood prone mostly a warm and low-pressure,
region. 48% of the total flood- cloudless core known as the eye
prone region lies under the high of storm.
flood prone region.  The cyclones affect Bay of
 Preconditions for the emergence Bengal and Arabian Sea.
of a tropical cyclone are: Cyclones get formed in the Bay
1. large and continuous supply of of Bengal due to low pressure,
warm and moist air that can generated by high temperature.
release enormous latent heat,  Eastern coast is more prone to
2. enormous Coriolis force that cyclone in western coast.
can prevent the filling of low  Eastern coast of India lies in the
pressure at the centre, zone of North East trade winds.
3. unstable conditions through  The Koyna region of
the troposphere that creates local Maharashtra is likely to become
disturbance around which a more earthquake prone in near
cyclone develops, future.
4. absence of strong vertical  The Koyna dam is located on an
wind. old fault plane which may get
 The most important factor for the activated more frequently with
tropical cyclone in the month of changes in water level in Koyna
May is local temperature reservoir.
variation.  The intensity of earthquakes in
 The frequency of landslides has different zones:
been increasing in Himalayas. Its 
root cause is increased frequency
of earthquake as well as man-
made activities such as the
construction of road and dams.
There has been large scale done
for the construction of roads,
dams, and minerals in the
Himalayas in recent years.
 The first disaster management
Training Institute of Country has
been established in Latur,
 A cyclone is a large-scale air
mass that rotates around a strong
centre of low pressure. They are
usually characterized by onward

 Cities Seismic Zones

 Bhuj Zone V 28. Black Soil

Hyderabad Zone II
Srinagar Zone V
Chennai Zone II  The black soil is also called
“Regur” (from the Telugu word
Reguda), cotton soils and tropical
 The frequency of floods in north
Chernozen etc. This soil is
Indian plains has increased due to
mainly found in Maharashtra,
deposition of silts. There has
Madhya Pradesh parts of
been reduction in the depth of
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
river valleys due to deposition of
Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.
silts which causes flood in
 Geographically, Black soil is
normal rain.
spread over 5.46 lakh
 Uttar Pradesh is divided into high
 The black soil of the Deccan trap
flood affected, medium flood
affected and low flood affected is also known as Regur or
regions. High flood affected Reguda.
region covers 48% of total flood  The black soil is very suitable for
affected regions of Uttar Pradesh. cotton cultivation. It lacks in
Eastern areas are the maximum phosphorous, nitrogen and
flood affected regions of Uttar organic matter (humus).
Pradesh.  The black soil is rich in alumina,
iron, lime and magnesium
carbonates, potash.
 “Black Cotton Soil” is generally
clayey, deep and impermeable.
They swell and become sticky
when wet, and shrink when dried.
 During the dry season, black soil
SOILS develops wide cracks. Thus,
there occurs a kind of “Self-
 Black soil lacks in phosphorous,
Nitrogen and humus.
 Black soils cover most of the
Deccan trap especially the States
of Maharashtra, Madhya
Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka and some
part of Tamil Nadu.
 Black soils are formed by the
weathering and erosional work of
Basalt Lava.

29. Laterite Soil

 The Laterite soil is red in colour  The widest occurrence of the
due to the wide diffusion of iron Alluvial soils in the Indo-
oxides through the materials of Gangetic plain starting from
the soil. Punjab to West Bengal and
 Generally, Laterite soil is Assam in the East. They are
deficient in nitrogen, lime, also found in deltas of
humus and potash, but rich in Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna
Iron & Aluminium. and Cauvery, where they are
 Typical Laterite soils generally called deltaic alluvium.
lack fertility and are of little use  Along the coast, alluvial soil is
for crop production. Topioca known as coastal alluvium.
and Cashew nuts grow. Some alluvial soils are found in
 Laterite soil are well developed Narmada and Tapi valleys.
in parts of Western Ghats,  Geologically, the alluvium is
Eastern Ghats, South divided into newer or younger
Maharashtra, Parts of Khadar and older Bhangar soils.
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,  Khadar is the new alluvium and
Odisha, West Bengal, Kerala, is deposited by floods annually
Jharkhand, Meghalaya, and which enrich the soil by
Assam. depositing fine silts. They
 The laterite soil is formed under always remain fertile.
conditions of high temperature  Bangar represents a system of
and heavy rainfall with alternate older alluvium deposited away
wet and dry periods, which from the flood plains. Its colour
leads to the leaching of Soil, is pale radish brown and in this
leaving only oxides of iron and nodule are formed at large
aluminium. Humus content of scale.
the soil is removed fast by  Geographically, Black soils are
bacteria that thrive well in high spread over 5.46 lakh
temperature. while the red soils occupy a vast
area of about 5.18 lakh
 Alluvial sand soil has minimum
30. Alluvial Soil water retention capacity
because soil with limited water
 Alluvial Soil is the most fertile holding capacity (i.e., sandy
soil in India. It has less amount loam) reaches the saturation
of Nitrogen. point much sooner than a soil
 Alluvial Soils are formed with a higher water holding
mainly by Himalayan capacity (i.e., clay loam).
sediments and sea retreat.  The water holding capacity of
 Alluvial Soil is the largest and different types of soil in
the most important soil group of descending order is clay > silt >
India. sandy.
 Covering about 15 lakh sq km  Clay soil has the least pore
or about 40% percent of the spaces.
total land area of the country,  Sandy soil have largest pore
these soils contribute the largest spaces.
share of our agricultural wealth.

 Generally, Loam soil has 40% have the largest area under
sand particles, 40% clay forest cover.
particles and 20% silt particles.  Clayey oil has less than 50%
site, 50% clay and some amount
of sad. This soil slows air
ventilation due to which it
sustains water.
 Karewa soil is found in
Kashmir valley and this boost
for growing saffron called
31.Miscellaneous(soil)  The soil pH is a measure of the
acidity or alkalinity in the soil.
 Legume crops enrich the soils The pH below 7 is acidic and
with nitrogen content by above 7 is alkaline.
atmospheric nitrogen fixation.  Soil pH is considered a variable
 Plants contributing to nitrogen in soil as it controls many
fixation are soyabeans, alpha- chemical processes that affects
alpha, lubins, peanuts, pulses, plants nutrient availability by
rooibos etc. controlling the chemical forms
 The crop of Black Gram (Urd) of the nutrient.
is grown for improving the soil  Most nutrients at planet can
fertility. Occasionally, it is also dissolve easily when the pH of
used as fodder. the soil solution is from 6 to 7.5.
 Soils of western Rajasthan have  Lime is used to make acidic soil
high calcium. cultivable.
 Most of the red soils have come  Excessive alkaline or acidic soil
into existence due to is not good for soil health and is
weathering of ancient not used for cultivation of
crystalline and metamorphic common crops.
rocks.  Calcium sulphate (Gypsum) is
 The red soils are short of lime, used to remove salinity or
magnesium, phosphates, alkalinity of soil.
nitrogen and humus, but are  The most alkaline soil is found
fairly rich in potash. In their in UP.
chemical composition, they are  The largest area of solid soil is
mainly siliceous and found in Gujarat.
aluminous.  Soil salinization is often a
 The reason of the red colour of problem in arid regions where
the red soil is presence of ferric ions of soluble salt built up in
oxide. the soil. In these regions, where
 Zinc is the micronutrient that is irrigation is required for plants
maximum deficient in Indian to grow, the processes of
soils in the given options evaporation and transpiration
copper, iron, manganese and leave the salt behind in the soil.
zinc.  Tea is grown in variety of soils.
 The Himalayan soils lack The best, however, is soil
humus while the Himalayas slightly acidic and without

calcium as tea is highly topsoil overlays compact soil or
intolerant to stagnant water. more susceptible to sheet
 Although tea requires heavy erosion.
rainfall for its growth, stagnant  Rill Erosion: a form of water
water is injurious to its roots. erosion in which numerous very
 Tea is therefore, grown on hill small and more or less straight
slopes where water drains away channels are produced, the
easily and water-logging does channels get obliterated by
not place. However, it grows ordinary use. It can be removed
equally well in the valley if the by normal tillage operations.
drainage system is good.  Gully erosion: A form of water
erosion in which gullies are
 The most affected region by soil produced by combination of
erosion in India are badlands of unattended rills.
Chambal and Yamuna rivers,  Stream Channel Erosion:
Western Himalaya (Shivalik Stream banks are eroded by
region), Chota Nagpur plateau, water either flowing over the
Malwa plateau, Black Soil sides of a stream or scouring at
region of Maharashtra, arid the base. It is aggravated by
regions of Haryana, Rajasthan removal of vegetation,
and Gujarat, etc. Ravines of overgrazing or cultivation
Chambal valley are formed by methods near stream banks.
Gully erosion.  Farm land tends to erode most
 The largest area under salt rapidly when planted with
affected soils exist in the state Sorghum while clove causes
of Gujarat, followed by UP, minimum soil erosion.
Haryana and Punjab.  Seed modification method
 Gully erosion is responsible for affects crop production.
the formation of Chambal  Soil fertility can be improved
ravines. by crop rotation, mixed
 In Madhya Pradesh the problem cultivation and multiple
of soil erosion is found in cropping methods.
Chambal valley. Mainly  Crop rotation refers to the
Morena, Bhind, Gwalior and practise of growing different,
Shivpuri have become and types of crops over the same
infertile due to gully erosion. area in different seasons. It
 Splash Erosion: The erosion enriches soil fertility and helps
due to the impact of falling in pest control.
raindrops on soil-surface  The appropriate method for soil
leading to the destruction of the conservation is done by crop
crumb structure is known as the rotation, terracing and
rain-drop or splash erosion. windbreaks.
This is the first stage of erosion.  The destruction of soil cover is
 Sheet Erosion: it is a fairly described as soil erosion. The
uniform removal of soil in thin soil forming processes and the
layers from the land surface erosional processes of running
often costly perceptible water and wind go on
specially when caused by wind. simultaneously. But generally,
Areas where loose, shallow there is a balance between these

two processes. Sometimes, such largest forest area in India.
a balance is disturbed by natural Teak and Sal are significant
or human factors, leading to products of it.
greater rate of removal of soil.  The western Himalayan region
 Deforestation is one of the extends at elevation of 1500-
major causes of soil erosion. 3600 meters. Its temperate
Plants keep soils bound in locks zone is rich in forests of
of roots, and thus, prevents Deodar, Chir, Pine, other
erosion. Terrace farming is a conifers and broad-leaved
method of soil conservation. temperate trees.
Tropical climate is not  The trees of Deodar are
responsible for soil erosion. abundant in temperature zone
of western Himalayas than any
32. Natural Vegetation other plants.
 The Cinchona is an evergreen
 The birch tree is found in the tropical plant.
Himalayas. The white paper  In India, evergreen forests are
like bark of the tree was used in found in Tamil Nadu,
ancient times for writing Karnataka, Kerala,
scriptures and texts. It grows Maharashtra, Assam,
up at elevations up to 4500 Arunachal Pradesh,
meters. Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura,
  The Kattha is obtained from West Bengal and Andaman and
wood of Khair. Kattha is a Nicobar Islands.
white substance found in Khair  Chhattisgarh is suitable for
wood. It grows throughout Tropical dry and monsoon type
India from the Himalayas to the forests.
south of India especially in arid  The Cinchona tree does not
regions. grow in Chhattisgarh. It is
found in Assam, Kerala and
West Bengal.
 Butea monosperma is called
the “flame of the forest”. It is
known as Dhak or Palash also.
Palash (Butea monosperma)
has been declared as the State
Flower of Uttar Pradesh.
 Teak forests have specific
contribution in the economy of
the country.
 Teak, Sal, Shesham,
Rosewood, Deodar, Chir Pine
and Spruce are economically
 Teak is found in total 8.9-
 Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest million-hectare area of India.
occupies the largest area in Total 50% of teak plants area is
India. The tropical moist found in Madhya Pradesh.
deciduous forest is the second

 The fern is vascular plants that where annual rainfall ranges
reproduce by spores and have from 70-100 cm. These are
neither seeds nor flowers. spread from central Gangetic
These plants are seedless. plains to southern India.
 Eastern Himalayas are nearer  Alpine Forest: The Alpine
to the equator and sea coast, the forests grow all along the
snow line in the eastern Himalayas at altitudes ranging
Himalayas is at a higher between 2800 to 4000 meters.
altitude than western The expansion of these forests
Himalayas. As a result of this is found in Arunachal Pradesh.
there is a variation in the height  Tropical Evergreen Forests:
of vegetation in the Himalayas. These are typical rain forests
 Oryx is adapted to live in hot which grow in those areas
and arid areas like Saudi where the annual rainfall
Arabia etc. exceeds 250 cm. The evergreen
 Chiru is adapted to live in forests are found along the
Steppes and semi desert areas Western side of the Western
of cold high mountains. Ghats (The Sahyadri) North-
 Teak: The expansion of Teak East and in the Andaman and
trees is found in Central India Nicobar Islands.
i.e., Madhya Pradesh,  Tropical Forest - Silent Valley
Chhattisgarh and Odisha. Teak  Conifer Forest - Himachal
is found in total 8.9-million- Pradesh
hectare area of India.  Mangroves – Sunderbans
 Deodar: Cedrus deodar is a  Deciduous Forest – Rajasthan
species of cedar native to the  The Sunderbans (largest delta)
western Himalayas at elevation is a mangrove forest in West
of 1500-2500 meters. Bengal.
 Sundari: It is the dominant  Coniferous forest is spread
mangrove trees species of the across Uttarakhand, Himachal
Sundarbans of Bangladesh and Pradesh and Jammu and
India. Kashmir in India.
 Cinchona: The Cinchona is  Silent Valley tropical
plant of Himalayan terai evergreen forest located in the
region. Palakkad district of Kerala.
 Tropical moist deciduous  Dry Deciduous Forest spread
forest: These forests are found across Gujarat, Rajasthan and
in areas of moderate rainfall of Madhya Pradesh.
100 to 150 cm per annum  Lisa is a significant forest
therefore they are known as product obtained from pine
monsoon forests. Such areas trees of Uttarakhand. It is also
include a belt running along the tapped commercially for resin.
eastern slopes of Western On distillation, the resin fields
Ghats, North eastern region of an essential oil, commonly
peninsular India and Bhabar known as turpentine oil and
and Tarai regions. non-volatile erosion which are
 Tropical dry deciduous forest: used in a wide variety of
The dry deciduous forests are industries such as paper, soap,
mainly situated in the area,

cosmetics, paint, varnish,  Mangrove vegetation areas of
rubber and polish industries. Maharashtra: Achra, Ratnagiri,
 Lisa is prime resource of self- Raigad, Devgarh-Vijaydurg,
employment and a base of rural Kundalika Revdanda,
economy of Uttarakhand. Mumbara-Diva, Srivardhan,
 Multipurpose tree used in Vaitarna, Malvan etc.
social forestry is Khejri.  Mangrove vegetation areas of
 Kerala: Vembanad, Kanoor.
Grassland/ Location/  Mangrove vegetation areas of
Hill station State Tamil Nadu: Pichavaram,
Banni Gujarat Muthupet and Ramnad,
Grassland Pulicat, Kajuvelli etc.
Bugyal Uttarakhand  Mangrove vegetation areas of
Grassland West Bengal: Sundarbans
Khajjiar Himachal Mangroves vegetation areas of
Pradesh Odisha: Bhitarkanika, Devi,
Pahalgam Jammu and Dhamra, Chilika etc.

 Originally Mahogany trees are

33. Irrigation and
found in tropical region of Canals
North and South America. This
tree is abundant in West Indies
 One of the major sources of
Central America in South
irrigation practiced in
Peninsular India is pond
 Juniper, Silver fir, Spruce are
irrigation as undulating relief
species of Himalayan
and hard rock makes it difficult
to dig canals and well.
 Tropical dry deciduous forest
 Most of the rivers in peninsular
or subtropical forest expansion
region are seasonal and dry up
is found in most parts of
during summer season. So,
Madhya Pradesh.
they cannot supply water to
 Deodar trees are found at the canals. Therefore, the main
highest elevation of 1500-2500 source for irrigation is tank.
meters above the sea level in
 Fertilizers/nutrients loss can be
western Himalayas.
reduced by micro-irrigation.
 Chir is native to Himalayas and
 In some areas of farming,
found at an elevation of
receding of ground water level
between 900 to 1000 meters.
can be checked by micro-
 Sal is mainly found in sub- irrigation due to limited and
Himalayan region, eastern beneficiary use of water.
region of central India and
 Lifesaving of protective
Tamil Nadu.
irrigation refers to irrigation of
 Open stunted forest with P.W.P. (Permanent Wilting
bushes and small trees having Point). Permanent wilting point
long roots and sharp thorns, is the extent at which the
repeated spines are commonly moisture is no longer available
found in western Andhra in sufficient quantity for plants

to sustain. The irrigation  Major Irrigation Projects:
become compulsory in this Irrigation projects having
situation. culturable Command Area
 Plains across the River Saryu (CCA) of more than 10,000
lack canals. Hence irrigation is hectares each are classified as
this area is done by tubewells. major projects.
 The Garland Canal System in  Triveni Canal is made for
India was proposed by Captain irrigation in north western part
Dineshaw J. Dastur. of Bihar. This canal is related
 The thought of river to Chandan irrigation project.
interlinking was first proposed  The Farakka Barrage project
by irrigation engineer M. with headquarters at Farakka in
Visvesvaraya. West Bengal was designed to
 K.L. Rao also proposed serve the need of preservation
another project of River and maintenance of Calcutta
interlinking. Then, Water port and navigate ability of
Resource Ministry rejected Bhagirath - Hooghly River
both projects (river interlinking system in 1975.
& the Garland canal system).  The Saran irrigation canal is
 Sir Arthur Cotton was a British drawn from the river Gandak.
irrigation engineer who  Triveni canal is made for
devoted his life to the irrigation in north western part
construction of irrigation and of Bihar. This canal is related
navigation canal throughout to Chandan irrigation project.
British India. He is regarded as  Indira Gandhi Canal originates
the Pioneer of irrigation works at Harike Barrage near the
in South India. confluence of Sutlej and Beas
 Minor Irrigation Projects: All Rivers in Ferozepur district of
ground water and surface water Punjab. The total length of
schemes that have a Culturable main canal system is 649 km.
Command Area (CCA) up to  Ganganagar, Bikaner, Jodhpur
2000 hectares individually are and Jaisalmer districts of
classified as Minor Irrigation western Rajasthan are mainly
Schemes. irrigated by Indira Gandhi
 The minor irrigation projects Canal.
comprise all ground water   Indira Gandhi Canal receives
development schemes such as its water supply from Sutlej,
dug wells, private shallow tube Beas and Ravi.
wells, deep public tube wells,  The Beas project is joint
and boring and deepening of project of Punjab, Haryana and
dugwells, and small surface Rajasthan States. Under this
water development works such project, a dam was built on
as storage tanks, lift irrigation Pong River to maintain water
projects, etc. flow in Indira Gandhi canal
 Medium Irrigation Projects: during winter.
Those having a CCA between  Gang canal is one of the oldest
2000 hectares and 10000 irrigation systems in Rajasthan
hectares which was completed in the
year 1927. It is one of the most

well developed and the oldest  The lower Ganga canal starts
canal systems of the world. from Narora (Bulandshahar).
 The Government of India  On January 1, 2015, the
initiated a centrally sponsored Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sichayi
Command Area Development Yojana (PMKSY) was
Programme (CADP) in approved for reducing the
December 1974 to improve dependence of agriculture on
irrigation potential utilisation monsoon and providing
and optimise agricultural irrigation facility to every
production from irrigated land farm. The rural development
through integrated and Ministry of Government of
coordinated approach of India introduced three
efficient water management. In watershed development
tune with objectives of the programmes till April 1, 2008.
programme, a number of These programmes are
components such as integrated - wastelands
construction of field channels Development Programme,
and field drains, enforcement Drought prone areas
of warabandi, land levelling programme and Desert
and shaping, realignment of development programme.
field boundaries/consolidation These programmes were
of holdings, introduction of brought under a
suitable cropping patterns, comprehensive programme
strengthening of extension known as Integrated
services etc. were included in Watershed Management
the programme and three Programme.
projects were launched:  Drip irrigation is a form
 1. Sharda Tributary irrigation that saves water and
 2. Ramganga fertilizer by allowing water to
 3. Gandak drip slowly to the roots of
 Nizam Sagar is situated on the many different plants.
Manjira River. It is a tributary  Advantages of practicing drip
of Godavari. irrigation are: maximum use of
 The tributaries of Godavari available water, maximum
River are Manjra, Penganga, crop yield, reduction in weed,
Wainganga, Wardha, Pranhita, reduction in soil erosion, low
Indravati, Maner and Sabri labour cost, no run off of
river fertilizers, less evaporation of
 “Hariyali” scheme was waters, improved seed
launched by the then Prime germination etc.
Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee
on 27 January, 2003 under
watershed management 34. Multi-Purpose
project. This project is being
run through 2.32 lakh River Valley
panchayats of the country. This
project encourages people of Projects

 Raising the height of Sardar
Sarovar dam is being opposed
by Narmada Bachao Andolan.
 Bhakra Nangal Project is a
joint venture of the Punjab,
Haryana and Rajasthan States
designed to harness the
precious water of the Sutlej for
the benefit of the concerned
States. The project has been
named after the two dams built
at Bhakra and Nangal on the
 Sardar Sarovar Project has Sutlej River.
been established at Narmada  The oldest hydropower plant is
River in Gujarat (138.68 Meter in Darjeeling district in West
height). It will produce 1450 Bengal.
Megawatt of hydro-electricity.  The hydroelectric power
 Beneficiary states of Sardar station near Shivasamudram
Sarovar Project are Gujarat, was set up on the Cauvery
Rajasthan, Maharashtra and River in Karnataka. It is the
Madhya Pradesh. second oldest power station in
 Sardar Sarovar dam project India. It was commissioned in
provides irrigation facility to 1902.
17.92 lakh hectare area of  Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala
Gujarat. and Puducherry are party in
 57% of the total power Cauvery River Water Dispute.
generated through Sardar  The Cauvery Water Disputes
Sarovar dam project is supplied Tribunal (CWDT) came up
to Madhya Pradesh. with its final order in 2013,
 Medha Patekar is a social giving 270 TMC (Thousand
activist who has led the Million Cubic) water to
struggle for people affected by Karnataka, 30 TMC to Kerala,
the Sardar Sarovar Project on 419 TMC Tamil Nadu and 7
the Narmada River in Gujarat, TMC to Puducherry.
India. She founded the  Nagarjuna Sagar Project has
Narmada Bachao Andolan. been built on Krishna River. It
 Bargi, Omkareshwar and was completed in 1969. It is
Indira Sagar dams are among located at the border of
the series of 30 major dams on Telangana and Andhra
Narmada River. Pradesh. The irrigation facility
 Ban Sagar dam is located on has been made available to
Son River. Nalgonda, Prakasam, Khamm-
 Harsud town of district am and Guntur districts
Khandwa of Madhya Pradesh through this project.
was submerged in 2004 due to  Hirakund dam is built across
construction of Indira Sagar river Mahanadi in the State of
Dam. Odisha. Length of the main
dam is 4.80 km, flanked by 21
km earthen dykes on left and

right sides, making a total Jawahar Sagar Das was
length of 25.8 km. constructed 30 km far from
 Hirakund dam has the capacity Kota in Rajasthan.
to irrigate about 10 lakh  Tehri dam has been
hectares of agricultural land. constructed on the Bhagirathi
 Chambal River originates from River in Tehri district of
Janapav hills in Madhya Uttarakhand. Bhilangana River
Pradesh. It merges with river flows into Bhagirathi at old
Yamuna near Itawa, UP. Tehri before the site of Tehri
 Chambal Projects is a joint dam. The major objectives of
project of Rajasthan and the project are to impound
Madhya Pradesh. floodwaters of the Bhagirathi
 Under Chambal project, three and the Bhilangana Rivers into
dams have been constructed – large reservoir behind the dam,
Gandhi Sagar Dam (M.P.), generation of hydroelectricity
Rana Pratap Sagar Dam and irrigation of agricultural
(Rajasthan), Jawahar Sagar land.
Dam (Rajasthan).  Tehri dam project was cleared
 Chambal project supplies by planning commission of
electricity to Gwalior, India in 1972.
Muraina, Bhind, Nagada and  Maithon, Belpahari and Tilaiya
Mandasur districts in Madhya Dams were constructed on
Pradesh and Kota, Jaipur, Barakar River which is main
Ajmer, Udaipur, Alwar and tributary of Damodar River in
Chittorgarh in Rajasthan. Eastern India. These dams
 Mayurakshi project is shared were constructed in the first
by West Bengal and phase of Damodar River
Jharkhand. Valley project.
 Hirakund and Sharavasti  Tilaiya dam is constructed on
projects benefit Odisha and River Barakar in Jharkhand.
Karnataka respectively. This dam helps in irrigation
 Gandhi Sagar Dam project is and hydroelectric generation.
the first among the four  Damodar River was termed as
Chambal valley projects. “River of Sorrow or Sorrow of
 Govind Sagar is a man-made Bengal” because Damodar
reservoir situated in Bilaspur River in its upper reaches flows
district of Himachal Pradesh. It rapidly and in its lower
is formed by the Bhakra- reaches, it runs too sluggishly
Nangal dam. causing major floods in the
 Govind Vallabh Pant Sagar is a area and also the sediments
man-made lake situated in brought by the Damodar
southern region of Sonbhadra creates the problem of
(Uttar Pradesh). sedimentation.
 Gandhi Sagar (Madhya  To control these devastating
Pradesh) and Jawahar Sagar floods Damodar Valley
(Rajasthan) are associated with Corporation (DVC) was
Chambal Valley Project. established to construct the
 Rana Pratap Sagar Dam has Damodar Valley Project.
been established in Rajasthan.

 Damodar Valley Corporation Tarapur Maharashtra
was established in 1948 in Nuclear
accordance with article 12 of Station
Damodar Valley Corporation Kudremukh Karnataka
Act, 1948. hills
 Mettur dam Tamil Nadu
Canal/Dam/Proj River Jawahar Rajasthan
ect Sagar
Midnapur Canal Kangsaba project
ti River
Tawa Project Tawa  Chukka dam project of Bhutan
River was constructed with the help
Mettur Dam Kaveri of India.
Ukai Project Tapi  Chukka dam is established at
Dulhasti Chenab the upper part of Raidak River
Gandhisagar Chambal or Wang Chu River in Bhutan.
dam  Chukka dam project was
Nangal Dam Sutlej handed over to Bhutan in 1991.
Cheruthoni Periyar 70% of the electricity produced
Dam from this project is exported to
Idukki dam Periyar India. It has a capacity of 336
Nagarjuna Krishna Megawatt.
Sagar dam  Telugu Ganga project is the
Almatti Dam Krishna joint venture of Tamil Nadu,
Shivasamudram Kaveri Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra
project and Karnataka.
Jayakwadi Godavari  Mayurakshi river is a tributary
project of Hooghly which rises from
Kaplong Kaplong the Chota Nagpur plateau and
hydroelectric flows through Jharkhand in
project West Bengal.
Farakka Ganga  Mayurakshi project is the
Barrage multipurpose project of West
Ghatprabha Ghatprab Bengal.
hydroelectric ha  Telugu Ganga project provides
project drinking water to Chennai by
Kakrapara Tapti using water of Krishna River.
project  Jawaharlal Nehru called the
Rani Laxmi bai Betwa multipurpose River Valley
project (Rajghat projects as the temple of
dam project) modern India.
Panchet hill Damodar  Nagarjuna Sagar dam is one of
dam the major multipurpose River
Valley projects in Andhra
Haldia West Bengal Pradesh.
Refinery  Matatilla dam is built on the
Betwa River. It is the joint
project of Uttar Pradesh in
Madhya Pradesh.

 Pochampad Project is built on dam is mainly used for
the Godavari River in Andhra irrigation.
Pradesh.  Tulbul navigable project has
 Kaplong hydroelectric power been built at Jhelum River in
project was the first ever Jammu & Kashmir.
hydroelectric power project in  Buglihar dam is built on
the Andaman and Nicobar Chenab River in Jammu and
Islands. Kashmir.
 Rihand dam project (UP) is  Buglihar hydropower project
also known as Govind Ballabh issue was raised by Pakistan
pant Sagar project. before the World Bank.
 Ukai is the multi-purpose  Damanganga hello is located in
project of Gujarat. Gujarat.
 Koyna dam is built across  Girna irrigation project is in
Koyna River in Maharashtra Maharashtra.
 Singrauli small hydropower  Pampa irrigation project is
project is located in Sonbhadra built in karela.
district of Uttar Pradesh.  Tapovan and Vishnugarh
 Govind Sagar lake is on Sutlej hydroelectric projects are built
Himachal Pradesh near Punjab on Alaknanda River in
border. Chamoli district of
 Kolleru lake is located between Uttarakhand.
Krishna and Godavari River. It  Mahakali treaty was signed in
serves as a natural flood 1996 between India and Nepal
balancing reservoir for both the which pertains to sharing of
rivers. water of the river Mahakali or
 Wular lake is situated in Sharda.
Jammu and Kashmir on Jhelum  The kalapassar project
River. envisages building a dam
 Ramganga dam is also known across the gulf of Khambhat for
as Kalagarh dam. It is built tidal power production and
across Ramganga river. establishing a huge freshwater
 Pong dam has been constructed reservoir.
over the Beas River in  Chambal project is related to
Himachal Pradesh. Rajasthan and Madhya
 Tawa reservoir is nestled Pradesh.
between the western boundary  Suil Hydroelectric power
of Satpura National Park and project is built on the river Suil
Bori Wildlife Sanctuary. which is a tributary of Ravi
 Tawa project is located at River.
Hoshangabad district of  Teesta low dam project 1 and 2
Madhya Pradesh on Tawa are related to Sikkim.
River.  Teesta low dam project 3 and 4
 Meja dam has been constructed are related to West Bengal.
on the Kothari River near Meja  Kol dam project has been
village in Bhilwara district of constructed on the river Sutlej.
Rajasthan. Kothari is a  Bhadra reservoir is in
tributary of river Banas. This Karnataka.

 Bhavani Sagar is reservoir in materials of horticultural
Tamil Nadu. crops.
 Gandak project is the joint  There is a demand and supply
venture of India and Nepal. gap regarding the quality
The agreement was signed seeds in case of low value and
between the two countries in high-volume crops.
1959. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh  Govind Ballabh Pant
are participating Indian states. University of Agriculture and
 Babli Project is a highly Technology is the first
disputed project between agricultural university of
Maharashtra and Telangana at India. It was inaugurated by
Godavari River. Jawaharlal Nehru in 1960 as
the Later the name was
changed to “Govind Ballabh
Pant University of Agriculture
35. Agriculture and Technology.
 According to the Food and
 The History of Indian Agriculture organization
Agriculture” is written by standards if staff storage is to
M.S. Randhawa. His full be ensured the moisture
name is Mohinder Singh content of food grains at the
Randhawa. He played major time of harvesting should not
role in the field of agriculture be higher than 14%.
research and Green  According to the data of the
Revolution in India. year 2009-10, the net sown
 According to the National area is 45.82%, forest 22.92%
Bureau of Soil Survey, India and other area is 31.26%.
has been divided into 20  Double cropping in
Agro-Ecological Zones agriculture means raising of
(AEZs). two crops at different times.
 Each AEZ is as uniform as  Mixed farming has equal
possible in terms of emphasis on crop cultivation
physiography, climate, length and animal husbandry. Crop
of growing period and soil rotation and intercropping
type for macrolevel land-use play an important role in
planning and effective maintaining soil fertility.
transfer of technology. Animal like sheep, cattle pigs
 Green Revolution can be and poultry provide the main
brought in dry zones of India income along with the crops.
by providing irrigation  Sikkim is a hilly state in north
facility. Agriculture is the India most of its parts are
base of the economy of these covered by forest.
areas.  In India there is a dominance
 National seed policy 2002 is of small and marginal
in place in India. holdings rather than large
 There is the participation of farms.
private sector seed companies  Overcrowding in agriculture,
in the supply of quality seeds small land holding and
of vegetables and planting traditional agricultural

practices all these are among Guar, Dhaincha, Sunhemp
the main reasons of low and cowpea.
productivity in Indian  Balanced fertilizers are used
agriculture. to increase the production,
 Efficient irrigation, quality improve the quality of food
seeds, use of pesticides, use of grains and maintain the
fertilizers will increase productivity of the soil.
productivity in agriculture.  The high agriculture
 Green revolution technology productivity areas in southern
played a crucial role in India are coastal areas of
gradually transforming Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,
traditional agriculture into area of Surat in Gujarat and
modern scientific agriculture areas of Satara and Kolhapur
with the use of irrigation, of Maharashtra.
specialized seeds, fertilizers,  The richest state in
pesticides and machinery. replenishable groundwater
 Green revolution does not resource is Uttar Pradesh.
involve social and  Punjab is the pioneer in
environmental cost. introducing contract farming
 Pressure of the population on in India.
the land, disguised  Green Agriculture involves
unemployment and small land the adoption of integrated pest
holding are the reasons for management, integrated
low productivity in Indian nutrient supply, scientific
agriculture. water management and use of
 Cooperative farming is one of appropriate crop varieties.
the means of the development  Narsimha Rao Government
of agriculture. Cooperative made major modifications in
farming is farming where each its economic policy in 1991
member farmer is owner of by introducing Globalization
his land, but farming is done in India. It had large impact on
jointly and profit is distributed India Agriculture which
among member farmers. includes emphasis on cash
 The average size of crops, growth of income
operational holdings in India inequality, reduction of
is largest in Rajasthan subsidies and many more.
followed by Punjab.  Sead village concept refers to
 Agriculture in India is a village wherein trained
considered as a means of group of farmers are involved
livelihood. in the production of seeds of
 The two largest consumers of various crops and cater to
chemical fertilizers are Uttar their need of seeds
Pradesh and Maharashtra. themselves, fellow farmers of
 In newly improved arid land, their village and the
Dhaincha is suitable crop for neighbouring village at
the green manure. affordable costs and at
 Cowpea contains the highest appropriate time. The concept
amount of nitrogen among is to increase the seed
production, meet local

demands at a reasonable cost, States of America. He was
self-sufficiency and self- given Nobel peace.
reliance by a trained group of  High yielding varieties
farmers. program started in India with
 Agmark is a quality the help of Rockefeller
certification mark provided by Foundation based in the USA.
the Government of India  High yielding varieties of
which is under agricultural wheat increase the production
produce (grading and to 2.5 times.
marking) act 1937. This act  Wheat is the highest
provides for the grading and beneficiary of green
marking of agricultural and revolution in both production
other produce. This plan is and productivity followed by
being implemented in India rice.
since 1938.  The main crop used in the
green revolution was Mexican
wheat received from
Borlaug’s international maize
and wheat improvement
center based in Mexico.
 The Second Green Revolution
36. Green Revolution in India aims at extending
seed, water, fertilizer and
 Green Revolution started in technology to areas which
7th decade in the year 1966 could not be benefited from
which was its first stage and the Green Revolution and
underwent till 1981. integrating agriculture with
 In the first stage, Haryana, animal husbandry, social
Punjab and Western Uttar forestry and fishing.
Pradesh were included.  High yielding varieties of
 Second stage commenced seed, irrigation, rural
from 1981 till 1995 and third electrification, rural roads and
stage started from 1995, marketing were the
which included all the States components of the green
of India. revolution.
 The term “Evergreen  Regional disparities have
Revolution” was used for aggravated due to green
increasing agricultural revolution.
production in India. It was  Milk Production - White
used by Father of India’s Revolution
Green Revolution, Dr. M.S.  Fisheries - Blue Revolution
Swaminathan. He described (Pisciculture)
“Evergreen Revolution” as  Fertilizers - Grey Revolution
increasing productivity in  Production of Fruits and
perpetuity without ecological Vegetables - Golden
harm. Revolution
 Norman Ernest Borlaug it’s  Production of Eggs/Poultry -
regarded as the father of green Silver Revolution
revolution. He is from United

 Production of Potato - Round crop in India. It is sown in
Revolution October-November last and
 Production of Prawn/Onion - harvested in March-April
Pink Revolution every year.
 Production of Meat/Tomatoes  Major Rabi crops in India
- Red Revolution include Wheat, Barley,
 Petroleum - Black Revolution Mustard, Sesame, Peas, and
 Oilseed - Yellow Revolution Potatoes.
 The concept of rainbow  Zaid Crops: This crop is
revolution is an integrated grown in some parts of
development of crop country during March/April to
cultivation, horticulture, July. Prominent examples are
forestry, fisheries, poultry, Muskmelon, Watermelon,
animal husbandry and food Vegetables of Cucurbitaceae
processing industry. family such as bitter gourd,
 Zero Till Seed cum-Fertilizer pumpkin, ridged gourd etc.
Drill” was developed by G.B.  In India, wheat requires 100 to
Pant University of Agriculture 250 C temperature and 80 cm
and Technology, Pant Nagar. average annual rainfall which
This machine enables to sow can be termed as moderate
directly after paddy harvest temperature and moderate
without prior seedbed rainfall.
preparation.  In Parallel cropping, two
crops are selected which the
different growth habits and
have a zero competition
37.Food Crops & between each other and both
Cash crops of them express their full yield
 On the basis of seasons, the  Wheat with mustard is an
crops in India have been example of parallel cropping
divided into three types:
 Cash crops include
Kharif, Rabi, Zaid.
Sugarcane, Cotton, Jute,
 Kharif Crops: The Kharif crop Tobacco, Banana, Oilseeds
is the summer crop or etc and Wheat, Rice etc. are
monsoon crop in India. Kharif food crops.
crops are usually sown with  Government of India in the
the beginning of the first rains
year 1998 signed an
i.e., in June-July and
agreement with Australia to
harvested in October-
import 15 lab tons of wheat.
November. Major Kharif
 UP>Punjab >Haryana are the
crops of India include Millets
three largest wheat producing
(Bajra & Jowar), Cotton,
Soybean, Sugarcane,
 Mahi Sugandha is a variety of
Turmeric, Paddy (Rice),
Basmati Rice. It has longer
Maize, Moong (Pulses),
grains, and is non sticky
Groundnut, Red Chillies etc.
elongated after cooking.
 Rabi Crops: The Rabi crop is
 Other varieties of rice are:
the spring harvest or winter
Abha (R-155-355) Ajay

(CRHR-7) Akashi, Ambika,  U.P.A.S.-120 is a suitable
Deepti, Divya Gajpati (IET- variety of pigeon pea (Arhar)
13251), Garima Geetanjali which can be used for double
(CRM-2007-1). cropping with wheat. Other
 Butachlor is an herbicide. variety of Arhar are I.C.P.L.-
 Chlorpyrifos and Quinalphos 151, I.C.P.L.-87, Bahar,
are pesticides. N.D.A.-I etc.
 Carbendazim is a fungicide.  Triticale is across hybrid
 According to Economic between wheat and Rye.
Survey 2017-18 UP ranks first  Karnal bunt is a fungal disease
in the production of wheat of wheat. It is caused by
potatoes and sugar cane. Tilletica Indica.
 To increase the possibility of  Rises originated in Southeast
increasing the wheat Asia.
production 5 dwarf varieties  Rice requires temperature
were introduced: Lerma Rojo above 200 C and average
64-A, Sonora-63, Sonora-64, rainfall of 150 cm.
Mayo 64 and S227.  Gram, Pea, bean contain
 Sonora-64 is developed symbiotic bacteria called
through induced mutation Rhizobium within nodules in
exercise at IARI. their root system that help in
 Norin 10 is dwarfing gene of nitrogen fixation.
wheat, Dee-Gee-Woo-Gen is  Paddy cultivation results into
of rice, Opaque 2 is related to emission of methane gas.
maize.  Paddy crop is transplanted.
 The production of macaroni  Transplanting is commonly
wheat is most suitable under practiced as a method of weed
rainfed conditions. control
 Raj 3077 is variety of wheat.  Compared to direct citing the
 Pusa Sindhu Ganga (HD transplanted crops take longer
2967) is a variety of wheat to mature due to
identified by 48th All India transplantation shock.
Wheat and Barley Research  Majority of rice fields in Asia
Workers Meet held at IAREI, are manually transplanted.
New Delhi.  According to economic survey
 Other varieties of wheat are of Indian governance food
Sonalika, Arjun, Amar, crops are rice, wheat, maize,
Bhawani, Chandrika, millets, pulses and cash crops
Deshratna, Kanchan, Girija are groundnut, mustard, cotton,
Gomti, Prabhani. jute, tea, coffee, rubber, sugar
 U.P. 308 is Mexican dwarf cane, tobacco, rapeseed etc
wheat variety. It is mainly used  Rice is the chief food crop of
in Dharbhanga district of India. Wheat is the second
Bihar. most important food crop of
 Wheat is affected by three India.
different types of rust diseases:  In India the largest area under
yellow rust, brown rust, black rice cultivation lies in the UP>
rust. West Bengal > Odisha.

(According to the year 2014- is narrower than the eastern
15) coast and has high altitude
 Delta region of Krishna and mountains.
Godavari is known as rice bowl  The water requirement for the
of India. cultivation of rice is
 Highest productivity of rice in comparatively higher than any
India is in Punjab as per 2014- other growth. Rise is cultivated
15 data. in areas having over 100 cm
 Important varieties of rice are annual rainfall.
Jamuna, karuna, Jaya, kanchi,  UP largest area under hybrid
Jagannath, Krishna, Kaveri, rice cultivation.
Hansa, Vijaya, Padma,  Moong and Urad are the crops
Annapurna, Bala and Ratna. which are mainly grown in the
 Aman rice is harvested irrigated areas during Zaid.
between June-July to  6% of total agricultural land is
November-December (winter used for cultivation of cotton in
crop). India and 75% of total cotton
 Aus or Kar rice is harvested production comes from four
between may-June to States (Gujarat, Maharashtra,
September-October (autumn Telangana and Rajasthan).
crop). Hence North Western and
 Boro or Dalua is harvested Western India produces largest
between November-December amount of cotton.
to March-April (summer crop)  About 80-90% of the area
 Pusa Sugandha-5 is an under cotton in North-West
aromatic variety of rice. India and eastern region of
 Barani deep, Narendra Sankar, Pakistan is under the cotton-
Narendra Shuska Samrat, wealth system.
Lalmati etc are varieties of rice.  According to 2014-15 the four
 Pusa RH-10 is a hybrid variety largest cotton producing states
of Basmati Rice. Other in India are Gujarat,
varieties are PHB-71, Ganga, Maharashtra, Telangana and
Suruchi, KRH- 2, Sahyadri-4 Andhra Pradesh.
etc.  Shajapur and Ujjain are known
 The proper seed rate for as the areas of “White Gold”
transplanting of Basmati Rice because of cotton cultivation.
is 15-20 Kg per hectare.  Black soil is suitable for cotton
 West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, cultivation which covers
Punjab and Odisha account for maximum area in Maharashtra.
more than half of the total rice  Cotton crop is known as White
production in India. Gold in Maharashtra.
 Blue green algae,  Tamil Nadu has the largest
Azospirillum, number of cotton textile mills.
Phosphobacteria, azolla etc.  India is the original home of
are used as biofertilizers for cotton.
rice crop.  Cotton also finds mention in
 The western coast receives Rigveda and Manusmriti.
more rainfall than the eastern  India is also the first country to
coast because the western coast develop a hybrid variety of

cotton which has resulted in  India is the second largest
increased production. producer of sugarcane (after
 Cotton fibres are obtained from Brazil).
seeds.  Sakkarnagar is an important
 Cotton, jute and Sunhemp fall sugar producing centre located
in the category of fibre crop in Andhra Pradesh (now in
 Cotton is facing competition Telangana).
from sugarcane in the region of  UP is known as Sugar Bowl of
black soil in Maharashtra due India.
to expansion of irrigation. This  The first Sugar Mill was set up
region has become more in India in 1903 at Pratappur in
suitable for sugarcane Deoria district of Uttar
cultivation. Pradesh.
 Sugarcane cultivation is more  The factors which facilitated
profitable than cotton crop. the locational shift of the sugar
 According to 2014-15, the industry from North India to
largest area under sugar cane South India are per acre higher
cultivation as in Uttar Pradesh yield of sugarcane, higher
followed by Maharashtra, sucrose content of sugarcane
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and longer crushing season.
Gujarat, Bihar and Andhra  Breeding work on sugarcane is
Pradesh. being done in Coimbatore,
 Molasses is the main by- India. Sugarcane Breeding
product of sugar production Research Institute is a central
process which is used for research institute established in
alcohol production. Coimbatore, India. It was
 Bagasse is used as a fuel to established in 1912 and is
generate steam in sugar mills. affiliated to Indian Council of
 Sugar can not only be produced Agricultural Research.
from sugarcane but also from  Adsali Sugarcane planting is
beet root. mainly followed in low rainfall
 The suitable sugarcane area of Maharashtra. Planting
initiative (SSI) is an innovative is done in the month of July-
set of agronomic practices to August and it takes 18 months
increase cane yields to get ripen.
significantly. This system was  Co. 1148 is an important
initiated in the year 2009 for variety of sugarcane.
improvement in sugarcane  Main oilseed crops produced
agriculture. The initiation of in India are Groundnut,
this method was a joint venture Mustard, Coconut, Soybean,
of ICRISAT and WWF. Castor seeds, Cotton seeds,
 Sugarcane is a tropical plant. Linseed and Sunflower.
The areas having temperature  Groundnut is most suitable
of 200 to 260 C and an average crop dryland farming.
rainfall of 150 cm are suitable  Begging is a useful
for its cultivation. Thus, if frost phenomenon in groundnut.
occurs during the period of  India witnessed record
ripening, the Sucrose content production of oilseeds in 1992-
in the sugarcane decreases. 93.

 According to 2014- 15 the Gram Pant-114,
largest producers of soybean in Gaurav,
India was Madhya Pradesh. Radhe, K-4
 Punjab has low Acreage but Cotton Suvin,
very high per hectare yield of Sujata,
groundnut. (at the time when Desi
this question was asked) Shyamli
 Groundnut is obtained from the Groundnut Chitra-64,
root of the plant while sesame, Chandra,
Castor seeds and mustard are Kaushal
obtained from the flower of the Wheat Kundan,
plant. Kalyan,
 Main oilseed crops produced in Sona,
India are Groundnut, Mustard, Sonalika
Coconut, Soybean, Castor
seeds, Cotton seeds, Linseed  India has to import pulses
and Sunflower. despite being a leading
 According to the figure of producer due to high rate of
2014-15, Rajasthan is first in consumption. Thus, pulses are
Mustard Production in India generally not exported from
and Madhya Pradesh second. India whereas wheat, rice and
 The major varieties of mustard sugar are exported at times.
are pusa gold, Pusa, Jay kisan  In India there is shortage of
and Varuna. Pitambari is a pulses is high due to high
species of yellow mustard demand for pulses. India is
(RYSK-05-02). leading producer of person in
 Mustard is an oilseed. the world.
Pusabold, Jaikisan, Varuna are  According to 2014- 15, the
main varieties of mustard. largest producer of pulses in
 India is Madhya Pradesh,
Crop Oil content Maharashtra, Rajasthan and
Groundnut 48.2% Uttar Pradesh are at second
Soya bean 40% third and fourth place
Sunflower 42% respectively.
Sesame 52%  Legumes are quite unique
among the other crops as they
 Pitambari (RYSK-05-02) is a draw their nitrogen from the
variety of Yellow Mustard. air with the help of a
Maturity period of Pitambari specialized bacteria. So, it is
Mustard is 110-115 days does not require the same
while average production is application of nitrogen
1536 kg/per hectare. fertilizer like other crops.
 Large quantity of gypsum is  Cobalt is known to be
required for groundnut essential for symbiotic
cultivation. nitrogen fixation by
 Rhizobium.
Crop Varieties  Cobalt is also needed in the
synthesis of vitamin. It is
necessary for growth,

photosynthesis and  China is the largest producer
evaporation. of self in the world followed
 Rhizobium is a bacteria found by India.
in the crops of pulses.  As per the star testicle
 Neelam is not the variety of yearbook 2017 Karnataka
Arhar crop. largest producer of silk yarn.
 Surya is a variety of mango, Andhra Pradesh second and
papaya and potato. Assam third largest producer.
 Gram, Pea and Moong have  India has the unique
the capacity of nitrogen distinction of being the only
fixation in the atmosphere. country producing all the five
While it would not be correct kinds of silk namely
to say that Rajma does not do Mulberry, Eri, Muga,
nitrogen fixation at all. Tropical Tasar and
 Red Kidney bean (Phaseolus temperature Tasar.
Vulgari) a king of annual  Silk varieties and their
leguminous crop, native to relation with the States is as
China is locally called Rajma follow:
in Nepal. It is cultivated as a Mulberry Silk - Karnataka
crop or intercropped with (48%),
other crops. It is nitrogen Tussar Silk - Jharkhand
fixing crop with symbiosis of (81%),
Rhizobium. Eri Silk - Assam (62.1%),
 Unlike other pulses Rajma is Moonga Silk - Assam (85.5%)
silk produced by spiders is  Tussar silk also referred as
called inefficient in symbiotic wild silk is obtained from
nitrogen fixation. moth that is yellowish brown
 Nodulation is poor in Rajma. in colour.
 Malaviya Chamatkar is a  Silk produced by spider is
variety of Arhar. Other main called Gossamer silk.
varieties of Arhar are Amar,  Karnataka is the largest
Azad, Malaviya Vikas, Paras producer of silk garments in
and Bahar. India and Assam is the second
 Different crops demand soil largest producer of silk
nutrients in different garments (at the time when
populations. Legumes may this question was asked)
nude nutrients in a ratio of  National horticulture road was
0:1:1, 1:2:2 or 1:2:3. stablished in the year 1984.
 Aparna is a new high-  Hot and humid type of climate
yielding, leaf-less variety of is needed for coffee plants in
pea. tropical regions.
 Karnataka is leading producer  Cultivation of tea can be done
of Mulberry Silk with 48% of in both tropical and
Mulberry Silk production. subtropical regions.
Karnataka also produces 34%  Coffee is propagated by seeds
of total raw silk produced in but tea is propagated by stem
India. cuttings.
 Karnataka is team largest
producer of coffee in India

state produces more than 70%  Andhra Pradesh is the top
of coffee. producer of tobacco. Main
 Chikmangalur district of crop of Chhattisgarh is paddy.
Karnataka is famous for the  Top three Cashew producer
production of Coffee. In India, states of India are -
Coffee was first time grown Maharashtra (269.44
here. thousand ton), Andhra
 Mandya district of Karnataka Pradesh (116.92 thousand
is famous for Sugar. ton) and Odisha (58.59
 The largest producer of tea in thousand ton).
India is Assam.  Black Pepper is also known
 India is the second largest as black diamond.
producer of tea after China.  Black pepper is best grown in a
 India produces more tea than hot and moist climate with at
its need. least 200 cm of annual rainfall
 For the cultivation of tea in the places with sloppy
sloped hills with an annual heights of 1100 to 1300 meters
rainfall of 150-200 cm is and with a range of annual
required. temperature from 150C to
 Grey Gold is a variety of tea. 300C.
 According to the figures of  The top three spice producer
2016 (FAO) India placed states of India are:
fourth in the world in terms of  1. Rajasthan (1391.80
rubber production and second thousand Metric ton)
in rubber consumption.  2. Andhra Pradesh (1099.76
Thailand produces the largest thousand Metric ton)
amount of natural rubber in  3. Madhya Pradesh (1077.89
the world. thousand Metric ton)
 Kerala is the largest rubber  Crops and their leading States:
producing state of India.
 India is 4th largest producer of  Crops States
rubber globally after Kenya,  Jute West Bengal
China and Sri Lanka.  Tea Assam
 Coffee producing States of  Rubber Kerala
India are – Karnataka, Kerala,  Sugarcane Uttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Odisha and some States of  Cloves are the flower buds of
North East India. medium-sized evergreen plan
 Rubber is produced in Kerala, of Eugenia Caryophyllata
Tamil Nadu, Tripura, family. It is a variety of species
Karnataka, Assam, having medicinal significance
Meghalaya, Nagaland, too.
Manipur and few other states.  According to the latest figures,
 Tobacco is produced in clove is produced maximum in
Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, UP, Tamil Nadu (970 Tonnes)
Karnataka, Uttarakhand, followed by Karnataka (170
Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Tonnes), Kerala (80 Tonnes)
Maharashtra and some other

and A & N Islands (10  Jhuming cultivation is
Tonnes). practiced mostly in hilly areas
 Due to cultivation of several of north-eastern States. It is
Spices in 'Kerala', it is also more prevalent in Nagaland,
called as ‘Garden of Spices. Arunachal Pradesh and
 Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Meghalaya. In the hilly regions
Nadu Rd leading producers of of Assam also, Jhum
cardamom. cultivation is practiced by the
 According to FAO (2016) top tribals.
three pepper producing  Jhum cultivation is a problem
countries are Vietnam> in hilly areas of Assam and
Indonesia> India. Bihar (now in Jharkhand).
 Guatemala is the leading  Area Shifting
producer of cardamom and  Cultivation
Indonesia is the leading  Western Ghat Kumari
producer of cloves.  South-east Watra
 According to the Agricultural Rajasthan
Ministry of India, top Coconut  North-east India Jhum
producing states in the year  Madhya Pradesh Dahiya
2017-18 are:  Odisha Pondu
 1. Kerala (35.14%),  Madhya Pradesh Masha
 2. Karnataka (26.8%)  Kerala Poonam
 3. Tamil Nadu (25.3%).  Assam Jhoom
 According to agriculture
ministry, plantation crops  The Chapchar Kut is a festival
include - Coconut, Areca, of Mizoram. It is celebrated in
Cocoa, Cashew and Palm. March after task of Jhum
 According to commerce operation.
ministry plantation crop  Khongjom Parba is a style of
includes Tea, Coffee and ballad Indian from Manipur
Rubber. So, Coconut, Area, using dholak which depicts
cocoa, Cashew, Palm, Tea, stories of heroic battle fought
Coffee and Rubber are by Manipuri’s against the
Plantation crops of India. British Empire in 1891.
 The art of sword and spear is a
traditional martial art of
Manipur in northeast India.

39. Agriculture
 Jhuming is a type of shifting
cultivation which is done by Miscellaneous
the tribes by clearing the forest.
When fertility of the place  Kerala – Topioca
degrades, they shift to other  Gujrat is the leading producer
place and the same procedure is of Cotton. Maharashtra is the
followed again and again. second largest producer of

 West Bengal – Jute and flax  Aphid is the creature which
 Gujarat – Groundnut arms meat as well as other
 UP is the leading producer of cereals and foods.
potato in India.  Ghundi Bag homes rice crop.
 Tamil Nadu is the leading  Top Shoot Borer Moth
producer of coconut in India. destroy sugarcane crop.
 Andhra Pradesh is the leading  Bullworm is harmful to gram.
producer of tobacco in India. 
 Maharashtra is the leading Crop Disease
producer of banana in India. Sugarcane Red Rot
 National Research Center for Paddy Khaira
banana was stablished in 1993 Arhar Wilt
at Trichy Tamil Nadu. Potato Late Blight
 The Periplus of the Erythraean Millet Green Hair
sea is a Greco-Roman Bajra Ergot,
Periplus that describes Smut
navigation and trading Pea Powdery
opportunities between Roman mildew
Egyptian ports. Gram Wilt
 Uttar Pradesh is top food grain Mustard White rust
producing state with a share of Groundnut Tikka
17.83% in total food grain Rice False smut
production of the country. In
this context, Madhya Pradesh
 Rajasthan is the leading
(11.96%) is at second and
producer of mustard.
Punjab (10.15%) is at third
 West Bengal is the largest
producer of rice.
 Gujarat is the leading
 Sultana, Gulabi and Kali
producer of cotton,
Champa are varieties of
groundnut, salt and milk as
per 2014 -15 data in India.
 Sugarcane, beetroot, sweet
 Karnataka is the leading
pea, Gram, Arhar and
producer of black pepper in
Frasbean come under the
category of three plant family.
 West Bengal is the top
 India is one of the leading
producer of pineapple in
fresh fruits producing country
and is placed second after
 Largest producer of wheat in
India is Uttar Pradesh.
 India is the second largest
 Largest producer of coffee in
exporter of tobacco
India is Karnataka.
(manufactured) in the world.
 UP is the largest producer of
 Jute is produced in a loamy
Mentha oil. Mentha oil is also
called mint.
 West Bengal is the major
 Madhya Pradesh is the largest
producer of jute in India.
producer of soybean in India.
 Other jute producing states of
the country are Bihar, Andhra
Pradesh, Odisha,

Maharashtra, Meghalaya and  Shaktiman 1 and Shaktiman 2
Assam. are genetically modified crops
 Jute is called India’s golden of maize.
fibre.  Commercial production of
 Low gangetic plain provides saffron takes place in the state
humid climatic conditions of Jammu and Kashmir.
with high temperature which  Apart from India other
is suitable for production of countries producing saffron in
Paddy and Jute crop. the world are Spain, Iran,
 West Bengal has largest area Greece and Italy.
under jute cultivation.  Crops and their respective
 Maize popularly known as geographical conditions:
corn is one of the most Barley – cold climate with
versatile cash crops having poorer soil.
wider adaptability under Rice - hot and moist climate
varied climatic conditions with rich soil.
which can be grown Millets - hot and dry climate
throughout the year. It is with poor soil.
called queen of cereals Tea – Warm and moist
globally. climate with high altitude.
 Maize oil can be used for  Cotton - Rainfall 500 to 1000
biodiesel. mm, temperature 180 to 220 C.
 Maize is used for the  Flax – rainfall 600 to 800mm,
production of starch powder temperature 50 to 180 C.
in starch products like dextrin  Sugarbeet – Rainfall 500 to
and cyatex. 600mm, Temperature 180 to
 Alcoholic beverages can be 220 C.
produced by using maize.  Jute – Rainfall 1500 to
 Maize is the largest produced 2000mm, Temperature 250 to
and consumed crop after rice 180 C.
and meat in India. Mrs grown  Cultivation of onion is done
throughout the year and in by the first rowing seeds on
almost all the states of the the ground. After rowing
country. The majority period these seeds, small plants are
of maize is usually 90 to 150 grown which later are
days. transplanted.
 C4 plants are the  Paddy, maize and wheat are
economically important crops considered as best crop cycle
of maize, sugar cane etc. for eastern UP.
 Rice, wheat, cotton and  The credit of starting the
tobacco etc are the plants of cultivation of rajma in potato
C3 category. in Bhagirathi valley goes to
 The correct sequence of the Frederick Wilson.
states in descending order of  India ranks second in the
their mass production is world after China in vegetable
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, production.
Rajasthan, Maharashtra.  Coffee board- Bengaluru

 Rubber board – Kottayam Mustard Rajasthan
headquarters. Soya bean Madhya
 Tea board – Kolkata Pradesh
headquarters. Coconut Kerala,
 Tobacco board – Guntur Tamil
headquarters. Nadu
 Sindhu is the only seedless Jute West
mango variety in the world. Bengal
 Amrapali variety of Mango Tea Assam
was developed by the Indian Rubber Kerala
Agriculture research institute Sugarcane UP
Pusa in the year 1971 by  Behar is one of the leading
hybridisation of Dasheri and producers of sugar. The sugar
Neelam variety of Mango. industry is more centralized in
 Lalit and Banarsi are the north Bihar.
advance variety of Guava.  Borlaug award is given in the
 The Dasheri 51 is a variety of field of agricultural science.
mango which is regular crop  The main objective of national
while other varieties of mango food security mission is to
which are regular crop are increase the production of
Bengalora, Neelam, Amrapali rice, wheat and pulses through
etc a expansion and productivity
 Kanchan, Krishna and enhancement in a sustainable
Banarasi are improved variety manner in identifying districts
of Indian Gooseberry (Amla). of the country restoring soil
Vitamin C is abundantly fertility and productivity at
found in it. engine individual farm level,
 Kashi Ganga is the variety of creation of employment
bottle gourd. opportunities and enhancing
 Kashi Madhu is the variety of farm level economy to restore
muskmelon. confidence among farmers.
  Coarse cereals and rice are
Crop Variety mostly produced under
Paddy Govind subsistence farming.
Rice Shusk  This time of ginger which
Samrat grows in the soil and stores
Arhar Paras food is known as Rhizome.
Pea Prakash  Cereal green product, oatmeal
is used as scored by people
 Production of Bajra in top 5 and also as fodder for cattle.
states:  Mandua (Koda) grain
Rajasthan>UP>Gujarat>Hary produced in Uttarakhand is
ana> Maharashtra. exported mostly to Japan.
  Groundnut, bajra and sesame
Crop State are cultivated in dry areas.
Groundnut Andhra Irrigation to these crops is
Pradesh, mostly dependent on rain.

 Cowpea, green gram and  India is team second largest
pigeon pea are used as producer of rice after China in
fertilizers, folder and pulses. the world.
 Arunachal Pradesh has the  There is 20% oil and 40%
most suitable climatic protein in Soybean.
conditions for the cultivation  Dr. B.P. Pal was the first
of large variety of orchids director general of Indian
through the minimum cost of Council of Agricultural
production and can develop an Research.
export-oriented industry in  Major areas of arecanut
this field. It is emerging as a production in India are
major tourist destination. parallel, assam, Karnataka
 Sikkim is the first organic and Tamil Nadu.
state of India.  Major producers of mango are
 Ministry of Commerce has Andhra Pradesh, UP, Bihar,
implemented the national Karnataka, Tamil West,
program for organic Bengal and Maharashtra.
production since 2001.  Canyon is a V-shaped valley
 The program for organic with its depth be larger than its
production agriculture and breath it is formed by the
processed food products weathering and erosion
export development authority activity of the river.
is the implementing agency  Moraines are accumulations
for the National program for of dirt and rocks that are
organic production. falling into the glacier surface
 The northern part of Gujarat is as it moves.
arid in semi-arid and in its  Zeugen and Inselberg are
central part cultivation of formed by winds.
cotton crops is done on large  Inselberg is an isolated hill or
scale. mountain rising abruptly from
 Cultivation of cash crops a plain.
predominant over food crops  Zeugen has a layer of soft
in Gujarat. rocks lying beneath the
 Guar or Cluster bean is an surface layer of more resistant
annual legume and the source roads formed by wind erosion.
of Guar gum. This gum is  According to Indian
used in the extraction of shale horticulture data 2014, India
gas. is the second largest producer
 As for 2015- 16 data leading of fresh fruits with 13.6%
fish producing states in India share in the total fruit
are Andhra Pradesh > West production in the world.
Bengal > Gujarat > Kerala >
Tamil Nadu.
 The Leading state in the
production of marine fish is
40.Animal husbandry
Gujarat. .
 Aman rice is sown during  States and density of number
June-July and harvested in of cattle in their gross

cultivable land is given the
following order–
41. Mineral
Haryana - 25/ square km
UP - 77/ square km
Madhya Pradesh - 106/
square km
Bihar - 183/ square km
 According to the livestock
census 2017 three states with
highest livestock population
are UP, Rajasthan and
Andhra Pradesh.
 Top three Buffalo owner
states are UP, Rajasthan and
Andhra Pradesh.
 Top three sheep owner states
are Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka, Rajasthan.
 Dharwar system is the most
 UP is the largest producer of
important mineralised rock
system in India. These rocs
 Best cow breeds in India are
are economically very
founded in Rajasthan. important as they possess
 Dr. Varghese Kurien was the valuable minerals like high
father of India’s White grade iron-ore, manganese,
Revolution, which helped copper, lead, gold etc.
India emerged as the largest  Dharwar system is region
milk producer in the world. ferrous and non-ferrous
 Operation Flood – milk minerals.
production and Distribution  Vindhya Range rocks are
 National Dairy Research actually sedimentary rocks
Institute in located in Karnal, which were formed by
Haryana. The institute was sedimentary of water
awarded the status of deemed suspended particles. Among
University in the year 1989. these rocks, prominent
minerals are lime stone,
sand, China clay etc.
 Lime stone is the base of
cement industry.
 Gondwana system of rocks
provides about 95% of goal
of India. The important gold
bearing areas of this series
are Raniganj, Jharia,
karanpur and Bokaro of
Damodar basin in Odisha
and the Pench valley in
Chhattisgarh and Madhya

 Largest Minerals resources  Other areas - Andhra
in India are found mainly in Pradesh, Rajasthan, Kerala,
the region from South East to Gujarat, Haryana, West
North Eastern belt Chhota Bengal.
Nagpur plateau,  Nathra-Ki Pal area of
Dandkaryanya plateau and Rajasthan is famous for Iron
Odisha plateau are located in Ore.
this region. Largest mineral  Bailadila mines are situated
resources are located in at Dantewada district of
peninsular region. Plenty of Chhattisgarh. These are
coal, iron, mica, copper and famous for iron-ore.
bauxite etc. are found here.  Bailadila mine of Dantewada
 The maximum prosperity of district of Chhattisgarh.
mineral resources is in  Bailadila is the largest
Karnataka followed by mechanized mine in India.
Kerala Maharashtra and Bailadila Mine is connected
Tamil Nadu according 2014- with Vizag Steel Plant of
15 data. Vishakhapatnam which
 Iron ore in India is found exports iron ore to Japan.
mainly in Dharwar rock  Haematite and Magnetite
system. Dharwar rock Ore is largely found inside
system is the most important Bailadila Mine.
rock system in terms of  Haematite is a high-quality
economic value in India. iron ore. It is mainly found in
 The States which are rich in the states of Chhattisgarh,
Iron Ore in thousand tonnes Jharkhand, Odisha,
(Haematite + Magnetite) are Karnataka, Maharashtra,
as follows: Karnataka> Andhra Pradesh, Goa etc
Odisha>Jharkhand>Chhattis  Magnetite which is
garh. comparatively low-quality
 The availability of Hematite iron ore is found in the states
in Odisha, Jharkhand, of Goa, Karnataka, Andhra
Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Pradesh, Rajasthan, Tamil
Goa etc. While Magnetite is Nadu etc.
found in Andhra Pradesh,  Haematite types of ore has
Tamil Nadu, Goa etc. the largest iron ore reserves
 Kudremukh is famous for in India.
iron-ore main in Karnataka.  Most abundant reserves of
Mostly Magnetite iron-ore is iron-ore are found in
found in Karnataka. Karnataka, Odisha,
 India has four major Iron-ore Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh
producing regions – respectively. In terms of
 North-East region: production, Odisha is at the
Jharkhand, Odisha. first place.
 Central India Region -  India is the fourth largest
Madhya Pradesh, producer of iron ore in the
Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra. world.
 Peninsular Region -  According to Indian mineral
Karnataka, Goa yearbook 2017 silver

reserves are found in  Balaghat is a leading centre
Rajasthan, Jharkhand, for production of copper in
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh.
Madhya Pradesh Kama Sutra  Bauxite containing 15- 25%
con, Odessa, Meghalaya, aluminium is the only order
Sikkim, Tamil Nadu and that is used for commercial
Maharashtra. extraction of aluminium
 Rajasthan is the leading zinc today.
and lead producing State of  In India Orissa is the largest
India. According to latest bauxite producer.
data, Rajasthan has near  Khetri, famous for copper
monopoly in zinc and lead production, is located in
production. Jhunjhunu district of
 Asia’s best zinc and lead Rajasthan. Presently copper
reserves are located in mining in Khetri is done by
Rampur Agacha region of Hindustan copper limited.
Bhilwara district.  53.80% of copper reserve is
 Zinc Limited has established found in Rajasthan. 92% of
a super smelter machine with natural reserves of nickel is
the help of Britain which is found in Odisha. 42% of
used to melt zinc and lead. natural reserves of Tungsten
 Other reserves of zinc and in found in Karnataka.
lead in Rajasthan are – Zawar 
region (Udaipur), Rajpur
Debari region (Udaipur),
Dungarpur, Alwar,
Banswara and Sirohi.
 Copper ore is found in
igneous and metamorphic
rocks. It is a good conductor
of electricity.
 As per Indian Mineral Year
Book 2018, States with
largest reserves of copper ore
are – Rajasthan > Jharkhand
> Madhya Pradesh.  Copper Fields State
 In terms of the production of Chander Pur - Maharashtra
copper concentrate Madhya Hasan - Karnataka
Pradesh is at first place Khamman - Andhra Pradesh
followed by Rajasthan and Khetri - Rajasthan
Jharkhand.  Bauxite is an ore of
 Three important districts for Aluminium. Its colour varies
copper in India are – from white-pink to red
Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan), depending on the quantity of
Balaghat (M.P.) and Poorvi iron content.
Singbhumi (Jharkhand).  As per the figures of the year
Malanjkhand. 2017-18, Odisha is the
largest producer (51%) as

well as the state having  According to the data of
largest reserves of Bauxite. Minerals Year Book-2016,
 Bauxite is found in the mica producing only State is
laterite rocks of the tertiary Andhra Pradesh.
period. It is mainly used in  The state with
the production of Alumina reserves/deposits of Mica are
and Aluminium. Originally as follows:
Bauxite is Hydrated Andhra Pradesh - 41%
Aluminium Oxide. Rajasthan - 28%
 Leading Bauxite producing Odisha - 17%
states as per the figures of Maharashtra - 13%
2017-18 are -  Bihar - 2%
Odisha (11447740 Ton)  India is at first the position in
Gujarat (3101577 Ton) the world in production of
Jharkhand (2590720 Ton) Mica sheet.
Chhattisgarh (2558453 Ton)  Largest Mica belt of India are
Maharashtra (2028422 Ton) found in Hazaribagh, Gaya
 Chhattisgarh has immense and Munger and Koderma
deposits of tin ore. Notably, districts which is known as
Chhattisgarh is the only tin “Capital of Mica”, also come
producing State in India. Tin under this belt. Mica is found
ore is known as cassiterite. as veins of metamorphic
 All companies (1 Public rocks.
sector and 4 private sectors)  Makrana is located towards
related to tin mining are west of Sambhar Lake where
situated in Dantewada. the best quality of marble is
 found. It is also known as
Makrana marble.
 Taj Mahal and Victoria
Memorial (Kolkata) are
made of Makrana Marble.
 Marble is a metamorphic
rock that is formed when
limestone is subjected to heat
and pressure of
Metamorphism. It is
composed primarily of
mineral calcite (CaCO3) and
usually contains clay mineral
such as micas, quartz, pyrite,
iron oxides and graphic.
  According to Indian
Minerals Year Book-2016, 
the State with maximum
resources of Mica is as
follow: Andhra Pradesh
(41%), Rajasthan (28%),
Odisha (17%).

 Three largest coal producing
states in India are
Chhattisgarh > Jharkhand >
 Coal, designated as “Black
Diamond”, is one of the main
sources of energy. It is also
known as “Fuel Mineral”.
Chemically it contains
carbon which gives it not
only colour but also
determine its thermal
 Singrauli region lies in
Sonbhadra district of UP.
 Karanpura is a coal field Deposits of coal are found in
located in the state of this region.
Jharkhand.  Chhotanagpur Industrial
 The coal deposits in India are region is extended in
primarily concentration in Jharkhand, North Odisha and
the Gondwana sediments West Bengal and is famous
occurring mainly in the for its heavy metallurgical
eastern and central parts of industry. Discovery of coal
Peninsular India, although in the Damodar Valley is
Gondwana coal deposits also main reason for the
occur in Assam and Sikkim development of this region.
in north Eastern part of the  Namchik- Namphuk coal
country. fields are situated at
 Indian coal has very high ash Changlong district of
content, which varies from Arunachal Pradesh.
35% to 45% as compared to  Korba coalfield is located in
15% in other parts of the Korba district of
world. Chhattisgarh in the basin of
 Indian coal also has ash the Hasdeo River.
fusion temperature of about  Korba Coalfield covers an
1500 degree Celsius. area of about 530 square km.
However Indian coal has low  Coal has been mined in
sulphur content at about Korba coalfields since 1941,
0.5%. but large-scale production
 99% of coal reserves of India could be initiated only on
are found in Gondwana Rock completion of the Champa-
system. Korba rail link in 1955.
 According to Energy Policy 
report (Planning Coal Coal
Commission), the petroleum producing fields
reserves in India will be areas/ states
depleted in 22 years, Gas Damodar Barakar
reserves in 30 years and Coal valley
reserves in 80 years.
Son Valley Umaria

Godavari Singareni geological processes over
valley thousands of years.
Mahanadi Talcher  Lignite is characterized by
valley high moisture content, low
Jharkhand Rajmahal ash content and low heating
MP Sohagpur value.
Chhattisgar Bisrampu  Bengal-Jharkhand coalfields
h r are major source of coal
West Bengal Raniganj supply to north-western
States and the supply of inter
 Talcher is a prominent coal State coals is handled by
region in Odisha. The Railway. They form a major
management of coal region component of handling inter
in Talcher is in the hands of State traffic.
Mahanadi Coal field Ltd., a  Bisrampur is Surguja district
subsidiary of Coal India of Chhattisgarh is famous for
Limited. coal mining.
 Chhota Nagpur plateau is  Coalfields and their
extended over Jharkhand, respective States:
Odisha and West Bengal. It Karanpura - Jharkhand
has 80% contribution in Singareni - Andhra Pradesh
India’s total coal production. (Now in Telangana)
 Jharia coal field is located in Neyveli - Tamil Nadu
Dhanbad district of Korba – Chhattisgarh
Jharkhand. Most of Coking  Indian steel companies
Coal Reserves are found require a huge amount of
here. coking coal. In order to fulfil
 Jamshedpur is famous for that requirement, huge
Iron/Steel Industry. amount of good quality of
 Lohardaga is famous for coal is imported which is not
production of Bauxite and available in India. Most of
Ranchi is famous for heavy the electric power plants in
machines. India are coal based hence
 Lignite is an inferior variety internal supply of coal is not
of coal containing 35-40 properly fulfilled. This is one
percent of Carbon. Lignite more reason that coal is
coal is mainly produced in imported.
two States- Tamil Nadu and  Coalbed methane and shell
Gujarat. gas are unconventional
 Neyveli is the lignite field sources of energy.
Tamil Nadu and it is the  Coalbed methane is 90%
lignite coal mine of India. more pure methane gas
 Tamil Nadu has largest extracted from the coal seam.
reserves of lignite coal.  Shale gas is extracted from
 Lignite is popularly known fine grained sedimentary
as brown coal. It is formed rocks.
due to decay of vegetation,  Shale gas is not only a
metamorphism and other mixture of propane and
butane but it also contains

more than it is 6% of rocks of the territory period.
methane, 4% of ethane, 1% The estimated reserves are
of propane and various other 30 million tonnes of crude
gases. oil. The total production
 Abundant coal bed methane includes about 15 lakh
sources exist, and also huge tonnes of oil per year and 8-
deposits of shale gas is found 10 lakh cubic metres of
in the Indo gangetic plains, natural gas per day.
assam, Gujarat, Rajasthan  Navgam oil field is located
and coastal region of India. in Gujarat. Other oil field in
 Currently coal industry in Gujarat are Ankleshwar,
India is facing a lot of Kalol, Bakrol, Mehsana.
challenges which are low  In India, first oil well was
quality coal, deficiency in drilled in the area of Makum
full washing establishment, in upper Assam on 26th
high import of cooking coal March, 1867. The depth is
and administered prices etc. 118 feet (35.5 m).
 Digboi, a town area in 
Tinsukia district in the north- Oil Year of
eastern part of Assam, is the Refinery Commissioning
birth place of oil Industry in Digboi 1901
India. It is India’s oldest Koyali 1965
operating refinery and one of (Gujarat)
the oldest operating Haldia 1975
refineries in the world. (West
 The historic Digboi Refinery Bengal)
has been termed as Mathura 1982
“Gangotri” of the Indian (Uttar
Hydrocarbon Sector. Pradesh)
 Digboi Refinery field is part
of Brahmaputra Valley  Barauni oil refinery, is an
Oilfield. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
 Other Refineries in refinery situated in Bihar.
Brahmaputra Valley are:  There is no oil refinery in
Naharkatiya field, Moran Loyna.
Hugrijan field, Rudra Sagar  Mathura oil refinery (Indian
Lakwa and Surma Valley. Oil Corporation Ltd.) is in
 Descending order see UP.
petroleum producing states  Visakhapatnam Oil Refinery
is: Rajasthan, Gujarat, (Hindustan Petroleum
Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Corporation Ltd.) is in
Nadu. Andhra Pradesh.
 Oil-field was commissioned  The Numaligarh Refinery is
in 1958 in Ankleshwar located in Assam.
located about 80 km, south of  Jamnagar is a city located on
Vadodara and nearly 160 km the Western Coast of India in
south of Khambhat. Gujarat in the Gulf of Kutch.
 In Cambay Basin Lunej area, Petroleum Company,
oil is found in sedimentary Reliance Industries has

established the world’s Nadu
largest oil refinery here. 8. Barauni - Bihar
 Following is the list of oil 9. Mangalore – Karnataka
refineries provided by Indian 10. Panipat – Haryana
Bureau of Mines. There are 
23 Oil Refineries namely Oil Established
Barauni, Koyali, Haldia, Refineries
Mathura, Panipat, Digboi, Bina B.P.C. L
Bongaigaon, Guwahati, (M.P.)
Paradip, Mumbai (2), Tatipaka O.N.G.C
Vishakhapatnam, Bhatinda, (A.P.)
Kochi, Bina, Manali, Digbor I.O.C. L
Narimanam, Numaligarh, (Assam)
Tatipaka, Mangalore, Koyali I.O.C. L
Jamnagar (2) and Vadinar. (Gujarat)
 First oil/energy crisis
occurred during the year  The Mangla Bhagyam and
1973 when oil exporting Aishwarya constitute key oil
countries (OPEC) suddenly fields discovered in Barmer-
increased the oil price four Sanchore basin.
times.  The Mangla field considered
 In India, industry and to be the largest on shore
transportation was developed hydrocarbon field in India in
in such a way that demand of more than two decades, was
petroleum was increasing discovered in January 2004.
rapidly. Hence, due to the  Hydrogen Vision-2025 is
rise in petroleum prices, related to warehousing of
there was a huge oil crisis petroleum products.
during 1970-80.  To ensure energy security,
 Noonmati suburb of the city the government of India had
of Guwahati, Assam, is decided to set up 5 million
known for the first oil metric tons of strategic crude
refinery to be commissioned oil storage at three locations
by the then Indian Oil namely Vishakhapatnam,
Company Ltd., Now Indian Mangalore and Padur. These
Oil Corporation, listed as one facilities are being managed
of the fortune 500 by Indian strategic petroleum
companies. Guwahati reserves limited.
Refinery was started on  Oil exploration in India is
January 1, 1962. undertaken by oil India
 Oil Refinery and their limited. In addition to this
respective States – Oil and Natural Gas
1. Haldia - West Bengal corporation is a key player in
2. Jamnagar - Gujarat the field of oil exploration.
3. Kochi - Kerala  Hajira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur
4. Numaligarh - Assam Gas pipeline has been
5. Tatipaka - Andhra Pradesh constructed by Gas authority
6. Koyali - Gujarat of India.
7. Nagapattinam -Tamil

 A huge part of India natural existing rock, in a process
gas production comes from called metamorphism.
Bombay High Complex. The Metamorphic minerals are
onshore fields of Assam, formed under high
Andhra Pradesh, and Gujarat temperature and pressure.
are also major producers oh  Garnet is associated with
natural gas. Metamorphism.
 Bombay high also known as  Quartzite is metamorphosed
Mumbai high is an offshore from sandstone.
oil field 160 kilometres off  Marble is a metamorphic
the coast of Mumbai. The oil rock that forms when
operations are run by Oil and limestone is subjected to heat
Natural Gas Corporation. and pressure of
 The Bombay high field first metamorphism.
discovered by a Russian and  Nickel is being recovered as
Indian oil exploration team. nickel sulphate crystals by
 DG- D6 block is the biggest product obtained during
natural gas reserves in India copper production.
explode by Reliance  Madhya Pradesh is the
Industries in 2002. leading Manganese producer
 Krishna Godavari is a peri in India.
Cratonic passive margin in  Five leading states in
India spread across more Manganese production as per
than 50,000 square km. the figures of the year, 2016-
 Shield gas resources are 17 are: Madhya Pradesh>
found in numerous reasons Maharashtra>Odisha>Karna
with organic rich shales. taka > Andhra Pradesh
 In India for priority basins  Karnataka is the top
are Cambay, Krishna producing state of gold.
Godavari, Cauvery and the  India leads in the production
Damodar Valley. of sheet mica.
 The remains of plants and  China leads in the production
animals body done under the of copper, gypsum, Iron ore.
earth, millions of years ago  Mineral oil – Rajasthan
are called fossils.  Gypsum- Rajasthan
 The only producer of  Bauxite- Odisha
Asbestos as per the data of  Non-metallic mineral
the year 2016-17 is Andhra reserves are phosphorite,
Pradesh whereas its largest dolomite, gypsum, Garnet,
reserve is found in Rajasthan. cadmium, haematite,
 Petroleum and natural gas is Asbestos, Dunite, Zircon,
found in the sedimentary Ochre, etc.
rocks of tertiary plate.  According to T data
 Koderma lies in Jharkhand published by Indian Bureau
and is quite famous for its of mines I just thought this
Mica it is also known as mica leading producer of gypsum
city of India. in India.
 Metamorphic rock is a result  Gypsum is found in large
of the transformation of quantity in Churu-Bikaner

Shri Ganganagar belt. It is a  Nellore (In Andhra Pradesh)
source of environmental is famous for production of
pollution. It is used for mica and copper.
raising soil fertility and also 
used in health and Minerals Mining areas
construction sector. Graphite Rampa
 Diamond – Carbon (Andhra
 Marble – Calcium Pradesh)
 Sand – Silicon L Zawar
 Ruby – Aluminium oxide (Rajasthan)
Salt Didwana
 Minerals Centre (Rajasthan)
Coal Makum Silver Bellary
Iron ore Dallirajhara (Karnataka)
Bauxite Koraput Lead Zawar
Manganese Chitradurg
  Ankleshwar oil field is
Place Mineral located in Vadodara in state
Amguri Petroleu of Gujarat.
(assam) m 
Lanjigarh Bauxite Minerals Production
(Odisha) zone
Kamptee Coal Iron ore Keonjhar
(Maharashtr Copper Khetri
a), Giridih Coal Korba
Bellary Iron ore Mica Kodarma
Badam Iron ore  Kolar of Karnataka is a major
Pahar gold producing mine of the
(Odisha) country.
Kodarma Mica  According to the data
(Jharkhand) published by Indian Bureau
Mosabani Copper of mines in 2017, Odessa
(Jharkhand), continues to be the major
Alwar chromite producing state.
Rava Petroleu  Rock Phosphate – Jamar
(Krishna- m Kotra.
Godavari  Lead & Zinc – Rampura &
basin) Agucha
Dharwar Mangane
 Singhbhum shark and is
known for its iron ore
Jayamkonda Lignite deposit.
 Bailadala – Chhattisgarh
 Kemanagundi – Karnataka
 Noamundi is an iron ore zone
 Mayurbhanj – Odisha
in Jharkhand
 Panna in Madhya Pradesh is
famous for its diamond

Lambapur (Andhra Pradesh),
 Koratpur is famous for Rohail (Rajasthan) and Gogi
Aluminium. (Karnataka).
 Gas plant – Auraiya  Jadugada Mine in eastern
 Aluminium - Korba Singhbhum district of
 Petroleum – Kochi Jharkhand is famous for
 Manganese is mainly found Uranium production.
in Balaghat and Chhindwara  Uranium is mined in
district of Madhya Pradesh Turamdih.
and Bhandara and Nagpur  Bauxite, dolomite, Iron ore,
district of Maharashtra. tin are all found in state of
 Manganese extracted from Chhattisgarh.
Odisha is rich in iron content  India is the third largest salt
and lack in Phosphorus. producing country in the
 Balaghat is an important world after China and USA.
district of Madhya Pradesh in
the perspective of Mineral
resources. The major 42. Electricity
minerals found here are
Kyanite, Manganese, Copper
 Idukki is a hydroelectric
power project which is
 Granite is found in three
situated across the Periyar
districts of UP – Lalitpur,
River in Idukki district
Mahoba and Banda.
 Large reserves of diamond
 Sabarigiri hydroelectric
bearing kimberlite tracts
project is in Kerala.
have been discovered in
 Ghat Prabha is an irrigation
project and Ramganga is
 Uranium is found in Lalitpur
multi-purpose project.
in UP.
 Thermal projects and their
 Fireclay, limestone, China
Location –
clay, dolomite and potash are
 Thermal Project Location
found in Sonbhadra district.
Ukai Gujarat
 Andalusite & Calcite is
Patratu Jharkhand
obtained from Mirzapur.
Pench MP
 The heavy mineral sand
Dabhol Maharashtra
deposits in karela contain an
 Uran (Uran Gas Turbine
assemblage of Ilmenite,
Power Station) is gas-based
Rutile, Leucoxene,
thermal power plant located
Monazite, Zircon and
at Uran in Raigad district
 Monazite is an important or
 Largest source of energy in
for thorium, lanthanum,
India is coal.
uranium and cerium. India,
 The current sequence of
Madagascar and South
energy sources in order of
Africa have large deposits of
their share in power sector in
monazite sands.
India is thermal>hydro
 Uranium production regions
are: Domiasiat (Meghalaya),

 Wanakbori Gujarat
Badarpur Delhi
Harduaganj UP
Utaran Gujarat
Paras Maharashtr

 Descending order of states

with respect to thermal
power capacity:
Maharashtra, Gujarat, UP,
West Bengal.
 Average oil India thermal
plant load factor (PLF) in
 The super thermal electricity recent years have been
plant established by National varying between 70 to 75%.
Thermal Power Corporation  Bokaro Thermal Power
(NTPC) in West Bengal is Station is located at Bokaro
situated at Farakka. district in Jharkhand. Bokaro
 Rajmahal Coal field is open ‘B’ Thermal Power Station
cast project which supplies has installed capacity of 630
coal to the Farakka Super MW. The first unit was
Thermal Power Station and commissioned in March
the 2340 MW Kahalgaon 1986. The station is located
Super Thermal Power on the banks of the Konar
Station. River.
 Neyveli Thermal Power  The now defunct Bokaro ‘A’
Corporation of Tamil Nadu Thermal Power Station
is the first plant of South- which was commissioned in
East Asia-working on 1952 was scrapped. In place
Lignite Coal. Lignite is a of which, one 500 MW unit
tertiary category coal. has been commissioned by
 Ramagundam Super BHEL (Bharat Heavy
Thermal one of the biggest Electrical Ltd.) in May,
thermal power stations in 2016.
India is situated in  Integrated Steel plant in
Telangana. Kalinganagar Industrial
 Obra Thermal Power Station Complex in Jaipur district of
was established in 1971 with Odisha, is working under
the help of Russian Tata Steel.
engineers.  Power point at Jamnagar –
Power State Essar Power.
Station  Nabinagar Power Plant –
Kothagude Andhra Indian Railways
m Pradesh  Kayamkulom Power Plant –
Raichur Karnataka National Thermal Power
Mettur Tamil corporation

2. Tarapur Atomic Power
Station – Maharashtra
3. Narora Nuclear Power
Station - Uttar Pradesh
4. Kakrapara Nuclear Power
Station – Gujarat
 The year of commissioning
of nuclear plants are:
Kota - 1973,
Kakrapara- 1993,
Kiaga – 2000
Kalpakkam- 1984.
 Nuclear energy is a
promising source of future
demand of energy supply in
 Tarapur Atomic Power India.
Station (TAPS) is located in  India has a flourishing and
Maharashtra. It is the first largely indigenous nuclear
Nuclear Power Station of power programme and
India which commenced its expects to have 14.6 GW
commercial operation in nuclear capacity by 2024 and
1969. 63 GW by 2030. It aims to
 Uranium is most significant supply 25% of electricity
nuclear mineral used as from nuclear power by 2050.
nuclear fuel.  Uranium is available in
 Thorium is second important negligible quantities in India.
nuclear mineral. Thorium is  India also signed civil
extracted mostly from nuclear deal with USA.
monazite.  Thal - Maharashtra
 India has estimated thorium  Manuguru - Andhra Pradesh
reserves of 4.5 million  Kakrapara - Gujarat
tonnes. These reserves are  Kaiga – Karnataka
found in monazite coastal  Rawat Bhata – Rajasthan
sand of Kerala, Tamil Nadu,  Muppandal – Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh & Odisha.  Ennore – Tamil Nadu
 Minor occurrences of  Kudankulam nuclear power
Thorium deposits have been plant even nuclear power
noticed in Bihar, Karnataka, station in Tamil Nadu.
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh  An Inter-Government
also. Agreement (IGA) on the
 Indian is self-sufficient is project was signed on 20
supply of Thorium. November 1988 by the then
 Nuclear power stations and Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi
concerned states is as and the then Soviet head of
follows: State Mikhail Gorbachev, for
1. Kota (Rawathbhata) the construction of two
Atomic Power Station - reactors to be installed at
Rajasthan Kudankulam Nuclear Power
Plant in Tamil Nadu. Under

this agreement, Russia is Station is located in the
constructing 2 nuclear Rawathbhata near Rana
reactors from 2002 in India. Pratap Sagar Dam. All the
Russia has agreed to install equipment of this power
six units of nuclear reactors house were imported from
in Kudankulam Nuclear Canada under Colombo Plan.
Power Plant.  Chalkewadi wind energy
 25th Nuclear Power Plant of project in Satara
India is located at (Maharashtra) is developed
Rawathbhata in the State of for generating electricity.
Rajasthan Five hundred wind mills are
 The twentieth nuclear power put up all along the plateau to
station of India is located in generate electricity.
Kaiga, Karnataka. It has four  In the context of wind power
units. All of the four units are generation, Tamil Nadu
small-sized CANDU (7455 MW) is at first
(Canadian – developed, position, after that
pressurized heavy water Maharashtra (3645.4 MW)
reactor used for generating holds second rank.
electric power) plants of 220  India has a long coastline
MW. with the estuaries and gulfs
 Heavy water plants for where tides are strong
atomic energy are located in enough to move turbines for
Hazira (Gujarat), Baroda electrical power generation.
(Gujarat), Kota (Rajasthan),  Total identified potential of
Manuguru (Telangana), tidal energy is about 9000
Talcher (Odisha), Thal MW.
(Maharashtra) & Tuticorin  West Coast Gulf of Cambay
(Tamil Nadu). has production capacity of
 Mithivirdi nuclear plant will 7000 MW, Gulf of Kutch has
be set up in collaboration 1200 MW capacity and
with the United States of Sunderban has the capacity
America. of less than 100 MW.
 Anushakti Vidyut Nigam  India as a result of being
Limited is a major venture of surrounded by sea on three
Nuclear Power Corporation sides has high potential to
of India Limited (NPCIL) harness tidal energy.
which hold 51% Equity share  The three most potential
and National Thermal Power locations in this regard are
Corporation Ltd. Gulf of Cambay (west coast),
 Koyna hydroelectric project Gulf of Kutch (West coast)
is the largest hydroelectric and Ganges Delta,
power plant in India Sundarbans, West Bengal
constructed on the river (East coast).
Kona one is run by  NHPC is related with
Maharashtra state electricity electricity generation. NHPC
board. Limited (National
 The 172 MW capacity Rana Hydroelectric Power
Pratap Sagar Hydel Power Corporation) is an Indian

Hydropower generation unsustainable cross subsidies
company that was etc.
incorporated in the year 1975  State Governments have
with an objective to plan, implemented social subsidy
promote and organize an policies through SEBs in
integrated and efficient agrarian sector.
development of  According to 11th five-year
hydroelectric power in all plan, India has higher
aspects. transmission and distribution
 NHPC expanded its objects losses than other countries.
to include other sources of The great deal of electricity
energy like Geothermal, in remote areas and less
Tidal, Wind etc. The present investment in distribution
installed capacity of system etc. are prime
Hydropower (as on roadblocks to these losses.
31.03.2020) is  The power plant of
approximately 45699 MW Manikaran based on
which is 12.4% of total geothermal energy is located
electricity generation in in the Parvati Valley on river
India. Parvati, is in Himachal
 Gujarat stands first in Pradesh. The area is well
installed capacity and known as for its hot springs.
generation of electricity.  The hot springs in the valley
Whereas Maharashtra ranks temperature ranges between
first in Gross installed 320 C to 960 C.
capacity of electricity.  Jwalamukhi is in Kangra
Present Installed capacity (in district of Himachal Pradesh.
MW) of power utilities in the  Coal, Petroleum and its
states (as on 31.03.2020) is products and Natural Gas are
as follows: conventional sources of
 1. Maharashtra (43496.29) energy also known as non-
 2. Gujarat (35210.58) renewable and traditional
 3. Tamil Nadu (32840.34) resources whereas wind,
 4. Karnataka (29824.81) solar, biomass, geothermal,
 Rampura became the first tidal and hydropower energy
village in India to have its sources are non-conventional
solar power plant, is situated (renewable sources) of
in UP. energy, also known as non-
 There are various loopholes traditional resources.
in the functioning of State  Renewable sources are those
Electricity Boards in India that are recognized by the
and they have faced environment over a relatively
hardships due to short period of time. Solar
administrative deficiencies, energy, wind energy, energy
lack of financial resource, of earth are some examples
wide transmission and of renewable source of
distribution losses, skewed energy.
tariff structure leading to

is prime steel company
43. Industry of India. It was
established in 1907.
 Stainless steel is metal  The steel plant at
alloy, made up of steel Tatanagar (Jamshedpur)
mixed with elements produces four million
such as chromium, tonnes of hot and cold
nickel, molybdenum, rolled flat and long
silicon, aluminium and products. It is eleventh
carbon. Iron mixed with largest steel company of
carbon to produce steel is the world with an annual
the main component of crude steel capacity of
stainless steel. 27.27 million tonnes in
 2018.
 Rourkela Steel Plant, the
first integrated steel
plant in the public sector
of India, was set up with
collaboration of
 Rourkela Steel Plant gets
its supply of iron ore
from Keonjhar.
 Bhilai Steel Plant is the
collaborative project of
Indian Government and
Russia, located in Bhilai
 Some iron and steel in Chhattisgarh. The
plants are planned along plant was commissioned
the western coast of in 1959.
India. The main reason  Bokaro steel plant is the
for locational shift of this fourth public sector steel
industry is occurrence of plant is India built with
high-grade iron ore Soviet (Russia) help. It
deposits in Goa and parts was started in 1965. It
of Madhya Pradesh and was incorporated as a
the comparative ease of limited company on 29
exporting steel. January, 1965 and later
 Iron and steel industry is on merged with SAIL
one of the important (Steel Authority of India
industries of India as Limited). This plant is
India is the third largest removed as first
producer of crude steel Swadeshi Plant.
as per 2015.  Durgapur steel plant in
 The local supply of coal West Bengal was set up
is not available to VSL with the help of United
Bhadravati. Kingdom.
 TISCO (Tata Iron &  Lasundra hot spring is in
Steel Company Limited) Gujarat.

 The main raw materials producing aluminium in
used in Iron and steel 1974.
industry are iron ore,  Hindustan Aluminium
coal, manganese, Company Ltd
limestone, silica, (HINDALCO) is located
chromite, felspar etc. in Sonbhadra district of
Uttar Pradesh.
 Centre Energy  National Aluminium
 Patratu Thermal Company Ltd (NALCO)
 Jhakri Hydel has units in
 Kalapakkam Nuclear Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It
Korba Thermal is Asia’s largest
integrated aluminium
 Various prominent complex encompassing
industrial units are bauxite mining,
situated here which are aluminium refining,
as follows: aluminium smelting and
 Bharat Aluminium casting power
Company Ltd. generation, rail and port
(BALCO), operations.
 Korba Super Thermal  Hindustan Copper Ltd.
Power Plant (HCL) is located at
 Minimata Bango Hasdeo Khetri, Rajasthan. HCL
Project is the only vertically
 BALCO Captive Plant integrated copper
producer in India,
 IBP Explosive Plant
engaged in a wide
 South Eastern Coalfields
spectrum of activities
Limited (SECL)
ranging from mining,
 Hasdeo Thermal Power
Beneficiation, Smelting,
Refining and Continuous
 Bango Hydel Electric Cast Rod manufacturer.
 Tata Engineering and Aluminium & Copper
Locomotive Company, manufacturing company,
known as Tata Motors is a subsidiary of the
Limited now, is the Aditya Birla Group. The
largest manufacturer in Hindustan Aluminium
India automotive Corporation Limited was
industry and commercial established in 1958 by
vehicles. the Aditya Birla Group.
 BALCO is located in  The Indian Aluminium
Korba district of Company Ltd. (INDAL)
Chhattisgarh. It was is an integrated plant
incorporated in the year having three units at
1965 as a public sector different places. Its three
undertaking. It is the first smelting units are
public sector enterprises located at Alupuram
in India which started (Kerala), Hirakund

Odisha, and Belaum tractors, watches under
(Karnataka). its watch division and
 National Aluminium industrial machines and
Company Limited tools mainly under its
(NALCO) has units in Praga division.
Odisha at Angul and  Hindustan machine tools
Damanjodi (Koraput). It limited has its
was incorporated as a manufacturing units in
public sector enterprise Bangalore, Pinjore,
by the Ministry of Hyderabad, Ajmer and
Mines, Government of kalamassery.
India in 1981.  Fertilizer corporation of
 Aluminium State India limited is a private
Plant sector undertaken in
Alupuram Kerala India under the
Angul Odisha administrative control of
Belgaum Karnataka the department of
Korba Chhattisgarh fertilizers, ministry of
 chemical and fertilizers.
Centre Industr It has units in five states
y namely: Sindri in
Kankinara Jute Jharkhand, Gorakhpur in
Virudhnag Cotton UP, Ramagundam in
ar Textile Telangana, Talcher in
Channapat Silk Odisha and Korba in
na Chhattisgarh.
Bhadohi Carpet  Petronet LNG Ltd has set
up its first LNG terminal
 Heavy engineering at Dahej in Gujarat.
corporation limited is  The Head Office of
one of the leading Dredging Corporation of
suppliers of capital India is strategically
equipment in India for located on the eastern
steel, mining, railways, seaboard of India at
power, defence, Space Visakhapatnam. DCI
Research, nuclear and helps to ensure the
strategic sectors. continuous availability
 Heavy engineering of the desired depths in
corporation limited was shipping channels of the
set up in the year 1958 in Major and Minor Ports,
Ranchi. Navy, fishing harbours
 Hindustan machine tools and other maritime
limited it’s a state- organisations.
owned manufacturing  Narwapahar Mine is the
company until the trackless uranium mine
ministry of Heavy located in Jharkhand
Industries and public which is being operated
enterprises in India. The by Uranium Corporation
company manufacturers of India Limited.

 Mon is a district of  Rajasthan is the sole
Nagaland. producer of lead and zinc
 Shangnyu village of ores, calcite, selenite and
Mon has best wooden wollastonite.
architect among Nagas.  The Diesel Locomotive
 Nalbari, Assam is Works (DLW) is located
located near, Guwahati in Varanasi. Founded in
and is famous for 1961. It is the largest
products made bamboo diesel electric
 Pasighat is the oldest locomotive
town of Arunachal manufacturer in India.
Pradesh famous for Lali  The DLW is a
wild life Sanctuary. production unit owned
 Tura is one of the largest by Indian Railways that
towns in Meghalaya in a manufactures diesel-
valley located at the electric locomotives and
foothills of the tura hills its spare parts.
right below Tura Peak.  Indian Telephone
 Kakinada (Andhra Industries Limited,
Pradesh) - Bio Diesel commonly known as ITI
Plant Limited, is a State-
 Dundigal (Hyderabad) - owned manufacturer of
Indian Air Force telecommunication
Academy equipment in India. It
 Margao (Goa) - Skybus was founded in 1948.
Metro rail test-run  Bharat Electronics
 Bhadrachalam - ITC Limited (BEL) was
paper board unit incorporated in 1954.
 Aonla – Fertilizers  Manufacturing cities of
 Modinagar – Rubber BEL are in Bangalore,
 Brabanki – Polyfibres Tamil Nadu, Haryana,
 Kanpur – Explosive Uttarakhand, UP
(Ghaziabad), Pune
 Bhopal - Zari Batua
Telangana and Andhra
 Bhairavgarh - Ujjain
 Handicrafts of Bagh -
 The Mathura Refinery,
owned by Indian Oil
 Sarees of Chanderi -
Ashok Nagar
 Chunar is renowned for
 Sugar industry is more
cement industry.
developed in South
 Cement industry mainly
India. Per hectare
depends on limestone.
production and quantity
 Dalmianagar is one of
of Juice of sugarcane is
the oldest and biggest
higher in the southern
industrial towns of India.
It is situated on the Bank
 Masuria Sari is related to
of stone river in Bihar. It
Kota district of
is famous for cement

 Bhopal is known for  Panki is a significant
pesticide industry. place for the fertilizer
 The shipyard factory was industry.
established at  The rubber industry is
Vishakhapatnam in 1941 located at Panjima in
and was taken over by India.
Government in 1952 and  Centres and their
renamed as Hindustan concerned industries:
Shipyard Ltd. 1. Ramagundam
 Apart from (Telangana) - Fertilizers
Vishakhapatnam, there 2. Chittaranjan (West
are four main centres of Bengal) - Locomotives
shipbuilding industry at 3. Pipri (UP) –
Goa, Kolkata, Kochi and Hydroelectricity
Mumbai in India; all are  Nepnagar is an industrial
public sector Township in Madhya
undertakings. Pradesh. The Township
 The alumina plant is is famous for its
located in Damanjodi newspaper print.
(Odisha), Korba  Phulpur (Allahabad,
(Chhattisgarh), Uttar Pradesh) has
Renukoot (Uttar largest co-operative
Pradesh), Mettur (Tamil fertilizer factory. The
Nadu), Muri (Jharkhand) Phulpur unit of IFFCO
& Belgaum (Karnataka). (Indian Farmers
 At present, most of the Fertilizer Co-operative
vehicles are Limited) was established
manufactured in India. in 1981. The units of
The premier units related IFFCO are at Kalol,
to this industry are Kandla, Aonla and
Hindustan Motors Paradeep.
(Kolkata), Premier 
Automobile Limited Units Industry
(Mumbai), Ashok Brajraj Paper
(Leyland) (Chennai), Nagar
Tata Engineering (Odish
Company Limited a)
(Jamshedpur), Mahindra Kaimu Cement
& Mahindra (Pune), r
Maruti Industries Haldia Petrochemi
Limited (Gurugram) and (WB) cal
Sunrise industries
(Bangalore).  Industry and their States:
 India is the third largest Amlai - Madhya Pradesh
producer of phosphorus Ballarpur - Maharashtra
and nitrogenous Brajrajnagar - Odisha
fertilizers. Rajahmundry - Andhra

 Tamil Nadu is a leading Fort Gloster near
producer of mill-made Kolkata, although this
cotton yarn in the mill was a failure.
country. Presence of  The second cotton mill
numerous spinning which was established
mills, skilled labour by KGN Daber in
force, cheap by Mumbai, 1854 is called
hydroelectricity the true foundation of
availability etc. are main modern cotton industry
factors for good in India. Its name was
production. Bombay Spinning and
 As for the new mining Weaving Company,
law – Mines and Bombay.
Minerals (Development 
and regulation) Industry Centre
amendment act 2015, Silk Mysore
non-coal mines have to Textiles (Karnata
be auctioned by the ka)
respective state Petroche Jawahar
governments. micals Nagar
 Andhra Pradesh and (Gujarat
Jharkhand have gold )
mines. Fertilizer Talcher
 s (Odisha)
 In India, cotton is mainly Pharmace Rishikes
produced in black soils. uticals h
Some of the important
centres such as  Steel Authority of India
Ahmedabad, Solapur, Limited - Delhi
Nagpur, Coimbatore and  Hindustan Zinc Limited
Indore are located in the - Udaipur
areas of large-scale  Heavy Engineering
cotton cultivation. Corporation Ltd. –
 Cotton is a pure raw Ranchi
material, in the sense that  Instrumentation Limited
it does not lose its weight – Kota
in the process of 
manufacturing and slight Location State
loss in weight is more
Koyali Gujarat
than compensated by the
Nagapattin Tamil
use of sizing materials.
am Nadu
 Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Numaligar Assam
Tamil Nadu, Punjab and
Madhya Pradesh etc. are
Manali Tamil
prime centres of cotton
textile centres.
Muri Jharkha
 The first Indian cotton
cloth mill was
Alwaye Kerala
established in 1818 at

Dharmapu Tamil  S. Ramadorai-TCS
ri Nadu  Sunil Arora - Indian
 Atlas Cycle Ltd. is  Vivek Paul - Wipro
located in Sonipat. Technologies
 Bharat Earth Movers 
Ltd. is located in Distingui Organisa
Bangalore. shed tion
 Indian Farmers Lady
Fertilizers Co-operative Amrita National
Ltd. is located in Kalol. Patel Dairy
 National Aluminium Develop
Company Ltd. is located ment
in Bhubaneshwar. Board
 Diamond Park is the Anu Aga Thermax
industrial zones which Limited
have been created to Mallika Tractors
promote manufacturing Srinivasa and Farm
and export of diamonds n Equipme
and synthetic jewelleries nt
and ornaments. Limited
 Granite Polishing Priya Park
Industry of Jharkhand Paul Hotel
state Minerals
Development  Ludhiana in Punjab is
Corporation is located at famous for Hosiery
Pupudana (Ranchi). Industry.
Bishrampur Graphite  The order of the
project is located in industries in terms of
Palamu. water usage is as
 B.V. Rao - Poultry follows: thermal power,
Farming engineering, pulp and
 C.K. Prahalad- paper, and textiles.
Management Science 
 John Kurien- Fisheries Industry Locations
Economy Alumini J.K Nagar
 Kiran Karnik- um
Information Technology Copper Malanjkh
and Software and
 V.R.S. Natarajan - Zinc Tundoo
Bharat Earth Movers Jute Bhatpara
Limited Glass Jaipur
 A.K. Puri-Bharat Heavy Cement Udaipur
Electricals Limited Syntheti Kota
 V. Thulasidas - Air India c silk
 Jagdish Khattar - Maruti Fertilize Srigangan
Udyog Limited rs agar
 C.P. Jain - NTPC

 UP state leather
44. Research
development and
marketing corporation is
Centres of India
located in Agra.
Research Location
 The largest
Centre /
petrochemical factory is
located in Jamnagar in
Gujarat. Central Lucknow
 Kancheepuram in Tamil
Nadu and Chanderi in
Ashok Nagar district of
National Kolkata
Madhya Pradesh is
Atlas and
famous for traditional
sarees/ fabric. thematic
 A graphical indication
(GI) is a name or sign
used on certain products
National Chennai
to the specific
geographical location.
of ocean
 Banarsi Silk and Tirupati
Laddu are registered as
Geographical Indication.
Temperat Shimla
 Kolkata Hooghly region
e forest
– Titagarh.
 Ahmedabad Vadodara
region – Bharuch
Central Hyderabad
 Mumbai Pune region –
 Green garden for
shipbuilders and dryland
engineers limited Diesel agricultur
engine plant is located at e
Ranchi. Hyderabad
 Shivkashi center is Academy
located in Madurai, of
Columbus, Bengaluru agricultur
industrial area. It is al
located in Virudhnagar research
district of Tamil Nadu. It managem
works for fireworks, ent
matchbox industry, print National Jaipur
industry. It was termed Institute
little Japan by Jawaharlal
Nehru. agricultur

Universit Solan, Indian Kanpur
y of Himachal institute
horticultu Pradesh of pulses
re and research
forestry Indian Varanasi
Indian Dehradun, institute
institute Uttarakhand of
of remote vegetable
sensing research
Central Mysuru Central Lucknow
food institute
technolog of
y subtropic
Research al
Institute horticultu
Central Shimla re (central
potato mango
Research Research
Institute Institute)
Central Rajahmundry Central Dhanbad,
tobacco mining Jharkhand
Research Research
Institute Institute
National Nagpur Indian Surat, Gujarat
environm diamond
ent institute
engineeri National Gujarat
ng dairy
National Jhansi Develop
Research ment
for Board
agroforest Indian Jhansi, Uttar
ry grass and Pradesh
Central Cuttack, Odisha fodder
rice Research
Research Institute
Institute National Kanpur
Central Bhopal, sugar
institute Madhya institute
of Pradesh Institute Kamptee
agricultur of
e military
engineeri law
ng Institute Pune
National Karnal, of
dairy Haryana national
Research integratio
Institute n

Indian Lucknow pulses
institute research
of National New Delhi
sugarcane Bureau of
research plant
Directorat Meerut genetics
e of research
farming National Hyderabad
system plant
research protection
Indian Bhopal training
institute institute
of soil National Ghaziabad
science Center for
Central Karnal organic
soil farming
salinity Central Mysore
Research food
Institute technolog
Central Thiruvananthap ical
tuber uram Research
crops Institute
Institute  According to the National
Central Jodhpur Center for Antarctic and
arid zone ocean research, Maitri is
Research dedicated to conducting
Institute researches on diverse
Internatio Manila disciplines including earth,
nal rice science, glaciology,
Research atmospheric science,
Institute communication, medicine,
National Ajmer human Physiology and cold
Research region engineering.
Center on  The 3rd research centre in
seed Antarctica was established
spices in 2015 with the name of
Directorat Hyderabad Bharti.
e of rice  India’s first station in
research Antarctica (South Gangotri
Directorat Karnal 1983) was abandoned in
e of wheat 1988-89 after it was
research submerged in ice. It was
Directorat New Delhi succeeded by the “Maitri”
e of maize which was set up in 1988-89.
research  International Crops
Directorat Kanpur Research Institute for Semi-
e of Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is
an International Non-Profit

Organization that undertakes Indian council of
scientific agrarian agricultural research.
researches for development  Indian meteorological
in South Asia & Sub- department was established
Saharan Africa. in Kolkata in 1875. Its
 ICRISAT has headquarter in headquarters is in New
Patancheru near Hyderabad. Delhi.
 Central Research Institute  The National Museum of
for dryland agriculture is Natural History (NMNH)
under Indian council of established in New Delhi on
agricultural research. 5th June, 1978.
 The headquarter of Central  The NMNH has extended its
institute for arid horticulture geographical range by
is located on National establishing Regional
Highway 15 in Rajasthan. Museums of Natural History
 VV Giri, National Labour (RMNH) in many parts of
institute under Ministry of the Country such as
Labour, Government of Southern Region (Mysore),
India is an autonomous Central Region (Bhopal) and
institute. It is located in Eastern Region
Noida (UP). (Bhubaneswar). Two more
 Central institute of museums are being
agricultural engineering was established in Western
established in 1976 during Region (Sawai Madhopur)
the fifth five-year plan to and North-Eastern Region
address research related (Gangtok).
issues.  Indian farmer fertilizer
 National dairy Research cooperative (IFFCO) is a
Institute has been awarded multi-state corporative
the status of deemed society engaged in the
university in 1989. business of manufacturing
 The headquarters of Indian and marketing of fertilizers.
Bureau of mines is located in Its headquarters is in New
Nagpur. It was established in Delhi. It was started in 1967.
1948. It is not concerned with
 The Indian Diamond exporting of agricultural
Institute is a Government of goods.
India sponsored autonomous
higher school of learning in
the fields of diamonds,
germs and jewellery in India.
It was established in 1978.
 Indian grass and Fodder
Research Institute
established in 1962, is
located in Jhansi, Uttar
Pradesh. It is under
administrative control of

 Delhi Kolkata road is known
45. Transport as NH-2. It is one of the
busiest road networks in
 NH-1 one expands from
Delhi to Amritsar.
 NH-4 links Mumbai to
 NH6 begins from his Hazira
Gujarat and ends at Kolkata.
 NH15 connects Samakhiali
Gujarat with Pathankot in
 According to National
Highway Authority of India,
the highest length of
National Highway is found
in Maharashtra (15136 km).
Thereafter Uttar Pradesh
 At present, the road network (8711 km), Rajasthan (7906
in India is about 59 lakh km km) and Madhya Pradesh
which is the second largest (7854 km) stand at second,
road network in the world. In third and fourth place
the transportation sector, respectively.
67% traffic goods and 90%  Golden Quadrilateral is a
passenger traffic commutes National Highway project
through road networks. which was started in 2001
 India has 151,019 km of connecting India’s four top
National Highways as of metropolitan cities, Delhi,
March 2021. Mumbai, Chennai and
 There are more than 265 Kolkata. Its total length is
National Highways in the 5846 km.
country.  Pradhan Mantri Bharat Jodo
 The longest national Pariyojna is ambitious
highway is NH-7 connecting scheme of Indian
Varanasi and Kanyakumari. Government which is related
 NH-4 (total length is 1,235 to the development of
km) covers the North – highways. Under this
South Corridor (UP, project, tourist places and
Madhya Pradesh, economically important
Maharashtra, Andhra places will be connected by
Pradesh, Telangana, corridors built on (BOT-
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu). Build, Operate, Transfer)
 NH-4 is running over 2,369 principle. This project
kilometres from Varanasi to envisages construction of
Kanyakumari. 4376 km road.
 1375-kilometer-long  East West corridor connects
highway NH-8 connects Silchar to Porbandar and the
Indian capital to Mumbai. north South corridor links

Srinagar to Kanyakumari. Indore-Dhule-Nasik-Thane-
They cross each other at Mumbai.
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh. Jhansi  Pradhan Mantri Gram
is considered as the junction Sadak Yojana was launched
of north South and east West in 2000 as a fully funded
corridor. centrally sponsored scheme
 The North-South corridor is to provide road connectivity
the largest ongoing highway in rural areas.
project in India. It is second  Indian Railways is largest in
phase of National Highway qAsia and 4th largest in the
Development Project world.
(NHDP). It is 4000 km  National Highway are just
connecting NH-1A 2% of the total length of
(Srinagar to Jalandhar), NH- Indian roadways, they cater
1 (Jalandhar to Delhi), NH-2 40 to 45% of the total
Delhi to Agra, NH-3 Agra to transport demand.
Gwalior, NH-75 Gwalior to  Maharashtra has the highest
Jhansi, NH-26 Jhansi to density of the surface road.
Lakhnadon, NH-7  NH-1: Delhi-Ambala-
Lakhnadon-Nagpur- Jalandhar-Amritsar Indo-
Hyderabad-Bangalore- Pak Border.
Madurai-Kanyakumari),  NH – 2: Delhi-Mathura-
NH-47 Salem-Coimbatore- Agra, Kanpur-Allahabad-
Kochi). Varanasi-Mohaniya-Barhi-
 The Mumbai Pune Barthaman-Kolkata.
Expressway is India’s first  Major cities falling on NH-4
six-lane concrete, high are - Thane, Pune, Kolhapur,
speed, access controlled, Chitradurg, Bengaluru,
tolled expressway. It spans Ranipettai-Chennai.
over a distance of 93 km  NH-8 - Delhi, Jaipur, Ajmer,
connecting Mumbai with Udaipur, Ahmedabad,
Pune. Vadodara, Mumbai.
 This six-lane project was  Indian road network of 59
completed under the lakh km, is the second
stewardship of the largest in the world.
Maharashtra State Road  National Highways are
Development Corporation constructed and maintained
(MSRDC) at a cost 16.3
by Public Works
billion (US$ 362 million).
Department (PWD) and
 National Highway Number- national highways authority
3 (total length is 1161 km) of India (NHAI).
passes through, Madhya  NH 1 & NH 2 are
Pradesh (712 km), collectively known as Grand
Maharashtra (391 km), Trunk Road.
Rajasthan (32 km) and Uttar

Pradesh (26 km). Its total
NH Num Len
length is 1161 km. Route of
ber gth
National Highway No-3 is

Agra- 3 116 (I) Meter Gauge- The
Mumbai 1 distance between the two
Chennai 4 123 tracks is 1 meter or 1000mm.
5  (ii) Broad Gauge - The
Kolkata - 6 194 distance between the tracks
Thane 9 is 1.676 m or 1676 mm or
Pune- 9 841 5½ Feet.
Machilip  (iii) Narrow Gauge- The
atnam distance between the two
tracks is 762 mm or 610 m
 National Waterway (NW 1)  Shortest rail route of
is expanded from Haldia to Mumbai from Gorakhpur
Allahabad. runs through Allahabad.
 NH-50 is located between  Former Indian Prime
Nasik & Pune. Minister Manmohan Singh
 Durgapur- Kolkata is approved the plan to
interlinked with Express introduce bullet train
Highway-2. between Mumbai and
 The Headquarter of South- Ahmedabad in 2004. There
Central Railway is situated was an agreement with
in Secunderabad. Japan for this project. Japan
 Jawahar Tunnel or Banihal international cooperation
Tunnel is a road tunnel in the agency submitted a plan for
State of Jammu and bullet train between Mumbai
Kashmir. It is maintained by and Ahmedabad in June
Border Road Organisation 2015.
(BRO).  The headquarter of south
 Analysing the shortest travel eastern railway is located in
by road from Kohima to Kolkata while the
Kottayam, the minimum headquarter of eastern
number of states within coastal railway is located in
India through which one can Bhubaneswar.
travel, including the origin  Headquarter of north
and destination is 7 that is western railway is located in
Nagaland, Assam, West Jaipur.
Bengal, Odisha, Andhra  Indrail pass provides
Pradesh and then through excellent value for money
either Tamil Nadu Kerala or and also enhances the charm
through, Andhra Pradesh to of holidays from abroad. It
Karnataka to Kerala. offers the foreign tourists
 In the tenure of Lord NRI’s to travel as they like,
Dalhousie, country’s first over the entire railways
railway was built by the without any route restriction
great Indian peninsula within the period of validity
railway, opened on 16th of the pass.
April 1853 between Bombay  The fairy queen is the oldest
to Thane. working steam locomotive
 The Indian Railways routes in the world, built in 1885.
are divided into three parts:

 Rail transport in Bihar  Tata engineering and
started in the year 1860-62 locomotive Company
when East India Company limited (Jamshedpur) -
laid the main lines of steam locomotive 1954.
Railway going from banks  Kapurthala of Punjab and
of the Ganges to Kolkata. Perambur of Tamil Nadu are
 Currently Indian Railway the states where passenger
has been divided among 18 rail coaches are
zones (Headquarters). manufactured widely.
Among these only one  The National Academy of
headquarter of Indian Indian Railways formerly
Railway in Bihar is East railway staff colleges a
Central Railway located at centralized training institute
Hajipur. Headquarters for Group A and Group B
started functioning since 1 officers of Indian railway. It
October, 2002. is located in Vadodara.
 Of the 18 railway zones in  Wood of Sal tree is used for
India, the lines of 5 making railway sleepers.
Headquarters’ passing  First CNG train was
through Bihar are as follow: launched on Rewari- Rohtak
1. North East Railway section northern zone. It is
2. Eastern Railway based on the dual fuel
3. South-Eastern Railway system, diesel and CNG.
4. North-Eastern Railway  Gujarat is the first State
5. East Central Railway where the Railway track was
 The headquarter of North made on PPP (Public-
Central railway is situated in Private-Partnership) model.
Allahabad.  The Gandhi Dham- Tuna –
 The headquarter of the North Tekra rail line, built under
Railway Zone is located at PPP model was
New Delhi while the commissioned on 14 July,
headquarter of the Western 2015. It was built by Kandla
Central Railway zones is Port Trust.
situated in Jabalpur.  The Konkan railway Begins
 Per unit (tonne/km) cost of from Roha station of
transport is not cheaper in Maharashtra and ends at
the road compared to rail Mangalore, Karnataka
transport. passing through Madgaon,
 Rail Coach Factory - Goa. It connects entire
Kapurthala Arabian Sea coastline
 Wheel and Axle Plant - featuring major states
Bangalore including Maharashtra Goa
 Diesel Locomotive Works - Karnataka.
Varanasi  Madgaon, Ratnagiri and
 Integral Coach Factory – Udupi are connected by
Perambur Konkan railways.
 Chittaranjan locomotive  The Mountain Railways of
works - Electric locomotive India are outstanding
1947. examples of hill railways.

 The Mountain Railway of tides enables big ships to
India consists of three enter or leave the harbour
railways: the Darjeeling safely. Tides prevents
Himalayan Railway located situation in the harbours.
in the foothills of the Kandla and Diamond
Himalayas in West Bengal harbours are tidal ports.
(Northeast India), the Nilgiri  Shipyards and dockyards are
Mountain Railways located places where ships are
in the Nilgiri Hills of Tamil required and built.
Nadu (South India) and the  Cochin Shipyard Limited
Kalka Shimla Railway (CSL) is one of the major
located in the Himalayan shipbuilding and
foothills of Himachal maintenance facilities in
Pradesh (Northeast India). India. This shipyard was
 The Darjeeling Himalayan incorporated on 29 March,
Railway, the Nilgiri 1972 as a company fully
Mountain Railway and the owned by the Government.
Kalka- Shimla Railway have It started commercial
collectively been designated production in 1976.
as a UNESCO World  Ports State
Heritage Site in 1999.  Kolkata West Bengal
 In November, 2014 Paradeep Odisha
Meghalaya came on the  Kochi Kerala
country’s rail map, when PM  Kandla Gujarat
Narendra Modi flagged off  Kandla port is located in the
the first train from Kandla Creek and is 90 km
Mendipathar, Meghalaya to from the mouth of the Gulf
Guwahati. He also unveiled of Kutch. It is a protected
the plaque for a new rail line natural harbour.
from Bhairabi to Sairang.  Vishakhapatnam is the
 Now, except for Sikkim, the deepest land-locked and
network of railway has protected port.
expanded to all the states of  Chennai has an artificial
India. harbour which is one of the
 Thiruvananthapuram oldest ports of India and the
Rajdhani train (12431/32) second largest port in the
covers the longest distance. country.
 Pir Panjal rail tunnel - 11 km  The Kandla Port is the First
 Karbude rail tunnel - 6.5 km Special Economic zone in
 Nathuwadi rail tunnel - 4.3 India.
km  Kandla Port is a hub for
 Berdewadi rail tunnel - 4 km major imports like
 Kochi-Sea Port (Kerala) is a petroleum, chemical and
graceful natural harbour iron and also exports like
located at Malabar Coast grains, salt and textiles. It is
which is used for the whole natural port and one of the
year. highest earning ports of
 Tides are helpful in India.
navigation and fishing High

 Kandla Port handles highest  India has five liquefied
tonnage of import cargo and natural gas terminals which
export cargo in the year are as follows:
2014. 1.Dahej (Gujarat)
 Paradip port is situated 210 2.Hazira (Gujarat)
nautical miles south of 3.Kochi (Kerala)
Kolkata and 260 nautical 4. Dabhol (Maharashtra)
miles North of 5. Pradip (Odisha)
Vishakhapatnam. It can  Kanyakumari is located at
accommodate vessels up to the southernmost tip of India
60000 DWT. where the three waterbodies
 Paradip port is developed for Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea
reducing the traffic of and Indian Ocean meet.
Kolkata & Vishakhapatnam  Dahej is situated in Gulf of
ports. Khambhat in Gujarat. It is
 Marmugao Sea port is an one of the non-major ports
important port of Goa which is strategically
located at the entrance of situated on an International
Zuari estuary and occupies Maritime route and provides
fifth position in handling the easy access to the dense
traffic. This is a major export industrial hub of Gujarat,
port from where 40% of the Maharashtra and Madhya
total iron is exported from Pradesh.
the country.  There is total 12 major ports:
 Union territory Puducherry, Kolkata, Paradip (Odisha),
has three sub areas in Vishakhapatnam, Chennai,
addition to main area which Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu),
were ruled by French the Kochi, New Mangalore,
areas: Mahe, Karaikal Marmugao, Mumbai,
Pondicherry, Yanam. Jawahar Lal Nehru port trust
 Chennai is the oldest and (Maharashtra), Ennore
biggest artificial harbour of (Tamil Nadu), Kandla Port.
India. It mainly handles  Krishnapatnam Port is
petroleum products, located in Nellore district of
fertilizers, iron-ore, and Andhra Pradesh.
general cargo.  Mumbai port is a natural
 Vishakhapatnam and Kochi deep-water harbour and
are natural harbours. biggest port which lies on
 There are 111 officially the West Coast of India. This
notified inland waterways in port has created significant
India. role in industrial
 National waterway 1 (1620 development of India.
km) – Prayagraj - Haldia  Indian coastline – More than
stretch of Ganga Bhagirathi- 7500 km. One of the biggest
Hooghly rivers. States peninsulas in the world.
covered are UP, Bihar,  India has 12 major sea ports
Jharkhand, West Bengal. and about 187 non-major

 Rajasthan government is Waterways Authority of
exploring a way to develop India at Patna, Bihar.
an artificial inland port in  12th major port coal operator
Jalore by bringing in is built in Ennore near
Arabian Sea water into Chennai. It is the first
Rajasthan through Gujarat. incorporated port of the
 Jawaharlal Nehru Port country.
(Nhava Sheva) port was  With a coastline of more
created to relive pressure of than 7500 km, India forms
Mumbai Port in 1989. one of the biggest peninsulas
 Daman, Janjira and in the world. The Country
Ratnagiri are located on the has 12 major sea port and
Western Coast of India about 187 non-major sea
while Karaikal is located on ports and intermediate ports.
Eastern Coast of India.
 Mundra port is in Gujarat.
 Cochin International Airport
46. Tourism
is the first airport in India
developed under PPP. It has  Chakrata: It is a cantonment
become world’s first fully town in Dehradun.
solar powered airport.  Tiger fall is one of the
 highest direct Water fall in
Shipyard States Uttarakhand.
Garden West  Hafflong is a town and
Reach Bengal headquarters of Dima Hasao
Hindustan Andhra in the state of Assam. It is
Shipyard Pradesh the only hill station in
Mazgaon Maharashtra Assam.
Docks  Kalimpong is a hill station of
Cochin Kerala Darjeeling district in West
Shipyard Bengal.
 Kufri is a small hill station in
Shimla of Himachal
 Chabahar is a city in Sistan
and Baluchistan in Iran.
Chabahar is a free port on  Udvada - Udvada is a town
the coast of Gulf of Oman. in Gujarat, renowned for its
Zoroastrian Fire Temple.
 India signed bilateral
agreement for the  Point Calimere - Point
development of Chabahar Calimere, also called Cape
port in 2015. The port Calimere is located in the
opened new strategic transit Nagapattinam district of the
route between India, Iran State of Tamil Nadu, India.
and Afghanistan. It is the apex of the
 Haldia port, is located 90 km Coromandel Coast.
from Kolkata is a specific  Gulmarg - Gulmarg is a hill
example of ‘Out Port’. station in Jammu and
 The National Inland Kashmir.
Navigation Institute has
been set up by Inland

 Kasauli is a town, located in  Srisailam is in Kurnool
Solan district Himachal district of Andhra Pradesh.
Pradesh.  The Shrine of Lord
 Kyelang is a tourist site of Mallikarjuna and
Himachal Pradesh. Bramaramba Ammavaru is
 Auli is located in picturesquely situated on flat
Uttarakhand. top Nallamalai Hill. It comes
 Chikmangalur in Karnataka in 12 jyotirlingas of Lord
 Ooty is a tourist site of Tamil Shiva.
Nadu.  Omkareshwar is also one on
 Kanha Tiger Reserve is one 12 Jyotirlingas of Lord
the tiger reserves of India Shiva in Khandwa district of
and the largest National Park Madhya Pradesh on an
of Madhya Pradesh. It is the island called Manadhata in
1st Tiger reserve in India to the Narmada River.
introduce a mascot,  Pushkar is also a religious
Bhoorsingh the Brasingha. place in Ajmer district on
 Jaipur, popularly known as Aravalli Hills where only
Pink City and Paris of India. temple of Lord Brahma is
 Udaipur is known as the City situated.
of Lakes.
 Kolkata is known as city of
joy. 47. Miscellaneous
 Ujjain is known as City of
Mahakal.  Biogas is a mixture of
 South Indian temple of Lord different gases produced by
Raganath (also known as the breakdown of organic
Lord Venkatesh) is located matter in the absence of
on Biligiriranga hills oxygen.
situated in South – eastern  Bio gas can be produced
Karnataka. from raw materials such as
 Ministry of Tourism – agricultural waste, manual,
‘incredible India’. sewage, green waste etc. It
 Sabarimala Temple, provides both power and
dedicated to Lord Ayyappa manure.
is the most famous and  The Indian postal department
prominent among all the started the speed post service
Sastha temples in Kerala. on 1st August 1986.
The temple is situated in  India is the second largest
Kerala. It serves as a great producer and consumer of
bridge between the nitrogenous fertilizers in the
followers of Shaiva and world.
Vaishnav sects.
 India is the 3rd largest
 A ghost town is a town that producer of steel.
has been abandoned for
 Locust enters India from
member of reason-natural
calamity, drought, rumours
 At the seashore of Chandipur
in the state of Odissi one can

walk into the beach and the  Indira Gandhi Agriculture
sea water recedes away from University (IGAU) is an
the shoreline during the ebb agriculture University
tide. located in Raipur,
 Sriharikota - Andhra Pradesh Chhattisgarh.
 Thumba - Kerala  Puthukkuli shawls are made
 Bhabha Atomic Research- by Todas of Nilgiri Hills in
Maharashtra Centre Tamil Nadu.
 Pokhran – Rajasthan  Sujani is a form of
 Alibag - is famous for embroidery originating from
Holiday resort. Bihar.
 Balapur - Petro Chemical  Uppada Jamdani Saris is a
complex silk style woven in Uppada
 Nhava Sheva Fully of east Godavari district in
mechanized port Andhra Pradesh.
 Ratnagiri Fishing Centre.  Cairn is one of the world's
 leading oil and gas
Area Important exploration and development
resources company.
Kolhan Mineral  CAIRN has its headquarters
resources in Edinburgh (Scotland). The
Kutch Water company is listed on the
Resources London Stock Exchange.
Malabar Water This company is engaged in
Coast Resources oil production in Rajasthan
Middle Soil
Ganga Resources  Rameswaram is situated in
Plain Madurai district of Tamil
 Thumba is a suburb of  Dwarka is situated Gujarat.
Thiruvananthapuram city,  Sarnath is situated in
capital of Kerala. Varanasi district of Uttar
 Under the leadership of Dr. Pradesh.
Vikram A Sarabai, the Indian  Mahakal Temple is situated
National Committee on in Ujjain district of Madhya
Space Research Pradesh.
(INCOSPAR) decided to  Aish Bagh Stadium – Bhopal
established Thumba  Brabourne Stadium-Mumbai
Equatorial Rocket launch  Green Park - Kanpur
station (TERLS) at Thumba  Eden Gardens – Kolkata
in 1962. Thumba was a  Kolkata metro is the first
unique choice because of its underground metro railway
proximity to the geomagnetic in India.
equator.  Ratnagiri is famous for
 The Himalayan mangoes.
Mountaineering Institute  Aligarh is famous for locks.
(HMI) is located at  Dehradun is famous for rice.
Darjeeling (West Bengal).

 Diamond Harbour and Salt early 1881, Oriental
Lake City is situated in Telephone Company
Kolkata (West Bengal). Limited of England opened
 Dindigul is a district of Tamil telephone exchange at
Nadu. Haider Ali established Calcutta (Kolkata), Bombay
a modern arsenal in Dindigul (Mumbai), Madras
with the help of France. (Chennai) and Ahmedabad.
 The Government of India On 28th January 1882 the
launched its green highway first formal telephone service
(plantation transplantation was established.
beautification and  Iraq replaced Saudi Arabia in
maintenance) policy 2015. August 2018 as the top oil
Its aim is to help the supplier to India.
environment help local
communities, and generate
great employment
planting trees along the
highway. GEOGRAPHY
 Prime Minister Narendra
Modi has laid the foundation
stone of Urja Ganga, the
highly ambitious gas pipeline 1. The Universe
project in Varanasi Uttar
Pradesh in 2016.  The “Big Bang Theory” is
 Moradabad is famous related to the origin of the
worldwide for Brassworks Universe, Milky Way and
and Glassware. Moradabad Solar system.
is also famous by the name of  Big Bang theory was
Peetal Nagri. propounded by Georges
 Chanderi is a town of Lemaitre (1894-96). Later in
historical importance in 1967, Robert Wagoner
Ashoknagar district of explained this theory.
Madhya Pradesh. Chanderi is  According to Big Bang
famous for its hand-woven theory, whole universe was
sarees. concentrated on a hot and
 The kanjivaram silk sarees dense point some 15 billion
are made in Kanchipuram of years ago. Due to high
Tamil Nadu. concentration, there was a
 Jungle Mahal is situated in sudden explosion which was
West Bengal. termed as Big-Bang.
 India’s first nuclear reactor is  According to the theory
‘Apsara’ which started its propounded by Georges
operation at Bhabha atomic Lemaitre, 15 billion years
research centre Mumbai. ago the total cosmic
 In 1850, experimental substance was in the form of
Electric Telegraph started for dense mass which spread to
the first time in India form a number galaxy.
between Calcutta (Kolkata) Infinite group of these
and Diamond Harbour. In swirling galaxies are visible

to us collectively in the form Yellow 6000-4900 K
of Universe. Orange 4900-3500 K
 Every Galaxy is estimated to Red 3500-2000 K
contain 100 billion stars.
 The galaxy in which our  Stars are the most
solar system is situated is fundamental building blocks
known as “Milky-Way”. of galaxies.
 There is various shape of  Stars are formed by nebula
galaxies, for example having ingredient hydrogen
elliptical, spiral, irregular and helium present in the
etc. galaxies.
 Spitzer space telescope in  The limit beyond which stars
2005, produced clear proof suffer internal collapse is
against the preconception called Chandrasekhar limit.
about the shape of Milky  The stages the star will go
Way and made it clear that through and how long it will
the shape of our Milky Way last in each stage depends on
is Barred spiral. the mass.
 Sun is one of the billion stars  Heavy stars evolve quicker
of our galaxy (Milky Way). than light stars. Heavy stars
Every star of the galaxy live shorter lives than the
revolves around the galactic common stars because even
centre and the time taken by though they have a larger
a star in revolving around amount of hydrogen for
this centre depends upon the nuclear reactions their rate of
distance between the galactic consuming their fuel is much
centre and the star. greater.
 Sun is at a 7.9 KPC or 30  Once a star has burned
thousand light years away through all its fuel that is
from the centre and with a hydrogen fuel in its core
speed of 220 km/sec, it takes nuclear reactions can no
22.5 to 25 crore years, to longer continue.
revolve around the centre of  The core begins to contract
the Milky Way galaxy. This within its own gravity. The
period is called “Cosmic advocate temperature and
Year or Galactic Year”. pressure are enough to cause
 The colour of a star indicates fusion around the core. In
its temperature. this stage a star is termed as
 red giant.
Colours Temperature  In this second (maturing)
Range process a star takes millions
Blue 50,000- of years from the beginning
28,000 K of the collapse to adulthood.
Blue- 28,000-  A star of the size of our sun
White 10,000 K requires about 50 million
White 10,000-7500 years to mature and will stay
K in this mature phase for
White 7500-6000 K approximately 10 billion
Yellow years.

 The smallest star known as  It is not possible to observe a
red dwarf may contain as black hole directly with the
little as 10% the mass of the telescope.
sun, while the most massive  The intense gravitational
stars known as hypergiants field of black hole due to
may be 100 or more times high density does not allow
more massive than the sun. any type of radiation. Even
 In the stage of a red giant or light rays cannot escape from
hypergiant a burst of nuclear this.
fusion occurs by which  The presence of black hole is
dwarf may become Nova or a certain by the behaviour of
supernova. After this the stars, gases and masses near
stars, according to their size it with the help of Space
reaches to one of the three Telescope.
stages, Black Dwarf,  Subramanyam Chandra
Neutron star or Black hole, Sekhar was a great scientist
of death. and Noble Prize winner who
 first gave details on Black
Hole theory. He is known for
Chandrashekhar limit.
 Event horizon is the
boundary which defines the
area surrounding black hole
in space.
 Singularity is a place in the
spacetime where the
gravitational area of the
celestial bodies become
 Small Stars Like Sun – If
 String theory states that all
after Novae explosion the
matter in the universe is
remaining Mass is within
composed of tiny one-
1.44 times of solar masses,
dimensional strings, not
the star will become white
point particles.
dwarf and shall reach to
 Supernova is a large
death in the form Black
dwarf. explosion that takes place at
the end of the star’s life
 Stars of Medium Size – If
after Supernovae explosion
 According to International
the remaining mass of star is
Astronomical Union there
within the limit of 1.44 times
are 88 constellations in the
to 3 times of solar masses it
will become Neutron Star.
 Brittle stars are echinoderms
 Stars of Large Size - If after
in the class Ophiuroidea
Supernovae explosion the
closely related to starfish.
remaining mass is more than
These are aquatic creatures
3 times of the Solar masses,
and crawl on the sea surface.
star will become Black hole.

 Pulsar is celestial body  Celestial North and South
emitting very regular pulses poles are straight overhead to
of radio waves. geographical North and
 Quasar is and astronomical South poles.
object of very high  Celestial equator is almost at
luminosity, found in the overhead to the geographical
centres of some galaxies at equator and at 900 to the
distance of billions of light- poles.
years.  Pole star shines in the north
 Constellation is a group of direction. In order to move
stars forming a recognizable towards the east, pole star
pattern. It is traditionally should always be on the left
named after its apparent form side.
or identified with a  Saptarishi is a group of stars
mythological figure. that indicate the direction of
 Betelgeuse is second- pole.
brightest star in the  Byte is a group of binary
Constellation of Orion. It is digits or bits operated on as a
at a distance of 427 light year unit in computer
from the Earth. terminology.
 Betelgeuse was first seen by
Sir John Herschel in 1836,
but in 1995, Hubble Space
Telescope captured its
images. It was the second
star after Sun, whose image
had seen captured.
 Due to the absence of
atmosphere in space, the sky
appears black and stars do
not twinkle.
 Twinkling of stars is caused
by the passing of light  The solar system was
through different layers of formed around 4.568 billion
turbulent atmosphere years ago
similarly it is due to the  Solar system consists Sun
atmosphere that light scatters (star), cosmic dust or masses
to let us see the blue sky. attached with each other by
 Light year is the distance gravitational force, planets,
which light can travel in a dwarf Planets, natural
vacuum in one year with a planetoid, asteroids, comets,
speed of 3×108 m/sec. meteoroid, and cosmic dust.
 Standard Time is not a  In 1514, Nicolaus
natural unit of time. Copernicus propounded the
 Stars move parallel to Heliocentric Theory of the
celestial equator around solar system in his work.
North and South celestial Notably Indian astronomers
poles. Varahmihira propounded the
same theory around a

thousand year before. He Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
mentioned that the moon Earth, Venus, Mars,
revolves around the earth Mercury.
and the Earth Rotate around  Hydrogen, Helium and
the sun. Methane gages are present
 The average density of Earth on Jupiter, Saturn, and
is highest among all the Mars.
other eight planets of our  In Astronomy, the
Solar System. It is 5.515 circumstellar habitual zone
gm/cm3. is called “Goldilocks Zone”.
 The density of other planets It refers to the habitable
is as follows (Unit-gm/cm3) zone around a star where the
Mercury (5.4), Venus (5.27), temperature is just right- not
Mars (3.95), Jupiter (1.33), too hot and not too cold for
Saturn (0.69) Uranus (1.3), liquid water to exist on a
Neptune (1.60). planet.
 The largest constituent  Earth is the only planet
element of earth is Iron situated in the Goldilocks
(35%). zone of the solar system.
 Oxygen (30%) is the second  Moon is a satellite
and Silica (15%) is the third (Natural).
largest element in the  Halley is a comet and
composition of Earth. Mariner is planetoid or
 The Sun comprises of 99.8% artificial satellite.
mass of the solar system.  The temperature of centre of
The diameter of the Sun is Sun is very High (nearly
about 109 times of the 150000000 C) and because
Earth’s diameter. of such a high temperature
 There are total eight planets all the substance present at
in the solar system: the Centre of the Sun are in
1. Mercury - 57.9 million km the form of Gas and Plasma.
2. Venus - 108.2 million km  Plasma is the fourth state of
(Brightest planet) a matter.
3. Earth - 149.6 million km  Nuclear reaction may be
4. Mars - 227.9 million km divided into two categories
5. Jupiter - 778.3 million km namely, Nuclear Fusion and
(Largest planet). Nuclear Fission.
6. Saturn - 1427.0 million  In Nuclear Fission, one
km heavy nucleus divides into
7. Uranus - 2871.0 million two or more nuclei while in
km Fusion process, two or more
8. Neptune - 4497.1 million small nuclei combine
km (Slowest moving planet) together to form a heavy
 Planets are non-luminous nucleus.
body but they shine because  Energy, Heat, and light
they reflect the light of the released by stars is due to
Sun. the nuclear fusion.
 Size of planets in decreasing  The diamond-ring effect
order is as follow: Jupiter, occurs at the beginning and

end of totality during a total visible only to limited
solar eclipse. As the last bits portion of the Earth.
of sunlight pass through the  The Sun’s halo is a circle
valley on the moon’s limb which appears around Sun.
and the faint corona around Whenever Sun rays pass
the sun is just becoming through the ice crystal
visible, it looks like a ring present at the upper level of
with glittering diamond on cirrus clouds, Sun’s halo
it. become visible due to
 A total solar eclipse cannot refraction of rays.
last for more than 8 minutes.  Astronomical unit (AU) is
 A solar eclipse occurs when the mean distance between
the Moon falls between Earth and sun.
Earth and the Sun, and the  1 AU = 149.597 x 106 meter
Moon casts a shadow over 1 AU = 15. 813 x 10-6 light
the Earth. year.
  The distance between sun
and earth is minimum on 3
Jan, this position is called
 The distance between sun
and earth is maximum on 4
July, this position is called
 According to NASA, size of
the Sun is 109.2 times the
 A solar Eclipse can only diameter of Earth. The
take place at the phase of diameter of Sun is 1392000
New Moon (Amavasya), km while the equatorial
when it passes directly diameter of the earth is
between the Sun and the 12756 km.
Earth and its shadow falls  The closer a planet is to the
upon the Earth surface. Sun, the stronger the Sun’s
 A solar eclipse occurs when gravitational pull on it.
the Moon falls between Thus, the planet moves
Earth and the Sun, and the faster.
Moon casts a shadow over  The time taken by all eight
the Earth. In this situation, planets to complete one
the part of earth which is rotation around the Sun is as
towards the Sun receives the follows –
shadow of Moon and also Mercury - 87.96 Days
the Moon’s shadow falling Venus - 224.68 Days
on the Earth is smaller than Earth - 365.26 Days
the cross-section of the Mars - 686.98 Days
Earth. This is the reason that Jupiter - 11.862 Years
the total or full Solar eclipse Saturn - 29.456 Years
in not visible on every part Uranus - 84.07 Years
of the Earth together, but Neptune - 164.81 Years

 There are only two planets  The atmosphere of Venus
in our solar system having mainly contains Carbon
no natural satellite which dioxide (CO2). In addition
are: Mercury, Venus. to this, the surface
 The planet having satellite temperature of Venus is
are as follows – more than 4000 C.
 Earth – 1  The Magellan spacecraft
 Mars – 2 was sent to Venus on
 Jupiter - 67 surface mapping mission. It
 Saturn - 62 was named after Portuguese
 Uranus – 27 explorer Fredined
 Neptune – 14 Magellan.
 The term albedo is  The life of on Earth is
commonly used to possible due to ecology
determine the brightness of present on it. Earth is known
planet. Planet Mercury as Green Planet for the
receive greater sunlight in presence of ecology.
comparison to Earth but its  The equatorial diameter of
albedo is less than that of Earth is 12756 km. and
Earth. The albedo of polar diameter is 12714 km.
Mercury is 0.138 while of  The centrifugal force
Earth, it is 0.367. generated by the Earth’s
 Average temperature of all axis rotation is maximum at
Planet in our Solar System equator. Due to this force,
is as follows – the weight of any object is
Mercury - 452 K (Day+3500 minimum at Equator and
C, Night – 1700 C) maximum at poles and also
Venus - 726 K = 4750 C increases towards high
Earth - 260-310 K = 150C latitude.
Mars - 150-310 K = (-220 C)  The shape of Earth is
Jupiter - 120 K = (-1230 C) nearest to oblate spheroid.
Saturn - 88 K = (-1800 C) This shape is also known as
Uranus - 59 K = (-2180 C) Geoid.
Neptune - 48 K = (-2280 C)  Like the fluid core of the
 Venus is known as the Earth, Moon too has a fluid
Evening Star and also as the core.
Morning Star as it is the  Oxygen is the chemical
brightest planet. Venus is element found in abundance
also called “twin sister” of in the Earth’s crust.
earth.  The percentage of various
 Mars is called the Red chemical elements in
Planet. Earth’s crust is as follows –
 Saturn is one which has Oxygen (O) - 46.71%
rings known as Saturn’s Silicon (Si) - 27.69%
Rings. Aluminium (Al) - 8.07%
 There is evidence of Iron (Fe) - 5.05%
atmosphere at Venus. 90% Calcium (Ca) - 3.65%
of its atmosphere is up to Sodium (Na) - 2.75%
height of 1 km. Potassium (K) - 2.58%

Magnesium (Mg)- 2.08%  The orbital Velocity of
 Radiation from the Sun, other planets is as follows –
which is popularly known 1. Mercury - 47.9 km/sec
as Sunlight, is a mixture of 2. Venus - 35 km/sec
electromagnetic waves. 3. Earth - 29.8 km/sec
 Sunlight takes an average of 4. Mars - 24.1 km/sec
8 minutes and 17 seconds to 5. Jupiter - 13.1 km/sec
travel from the Sun to the 6. Saturn - 9.6 km/sec
Earth. 7. Uranus - 6.9 km/sec
 The sun is the closest star to 8. Neptune - 5.4 km/sec
the earth.  Earth’s equatorial perimeter
 Polaris is at a distance of is about 40,075 km. This
431 light years from the distance is covered by Earth
earth while Sirius is at a in 24 hour and this indicates
distance of 8.6 light years that cruising speed of Earth
from the earth. on its axis per hour is 40075
 Alpha centauri is the nearest km/24 hour = 1670 km/hour
neighbour to the sun with a (approx.). According to this
distance of 4.35 light years calculation the cruising
from the sun. speed per minute is = 1670
 The list of planets in km/60 min = 27.83 km/min.
increasing order of distance  Earth moves around on its
from Earth is – axis with approximately a
 Venus - 41.4 million km speed of 1000 miles per
 Mars - 78.3 million km hour due to its tilt.
 Mercury - 91.7 million km  Earth takes approximately
 Jupiter - 628.7 million km 24 hours to complete one
 Saturn - 1277.4 million km rotation on its axis.
 The Earth rotates about an
 Uranus - 1634.4 million km
imaginary line that passes
 Neptune - 4347.5 million
through the North and South
poles of the planet. This line
 Earth takes earth 365.25
is called axis of the rotation.
Days or 365 Days, 6 hours 9
The Earth axis of rotation is
mins and 9.57 seconds to
always inclined at an angle
complete orbit around the
of 23.50 from the elliptic
Sun. This period is also
known as solar day. The
 The magnetic pole of the
solar day is also known as
earth in northern
the tropical year.
hemisphere is situated at
 Earth revolves around the
Queen Elizabeth Island of
Sun with an average speed
northern Canada.
(orbital Velocity) of 29.8
 Earth’s magnetic equator
km/second (30 km/sec).
passes through Thumba (90
 The orbital velocity in
N, 770E) in South India. This speed is
This is the reason for
comparative to the speed of
establishing Thumba
Equatorial rocket launching
station as it proves to be

suitable place for satellite speed of the earth will
launch. increase.
 The earth magnetic field has  The earth rotates from west
reversed every few 100,000 to east and so the satellite
years. attains the escape velocity.
 The earth is approximately  Desert climate is also
5 billion years old. known as arid climate.
 The Northern end of Earth’s  The perfect climate for the
axis is called North pole. desert is tropical climate
 450 latitude passes from the which is spread mostly
middle of the equator and between 15- 300 latitude.
pole.  There are four main
 When the distance between geographical situations for
the sun and the earth is the formation of desert:
maximum and in this 1. The presence of high
situation of Aphelion, the pressure near 300 latitudes.
cruising speed of course Sahara and Australia desert
goes slow. fall under this climate
 The Earth experiences day 2. The western coastal side
and night as result of Earth of the continent found
rotation on its axis. between 200- 300 latitude.
 When a place on Earth faces Arizona desert, Mexican
Sun it has Day time, when it dessert, Atacama Desert,
faces away from Sun it has Namibia desert come under
night. this climate.
 Aryabhata was the first to 3. Death Valley (North
explain the rotation of the America), Patagonian
earth on its axis accounts for Desert (Argentina) and
daily rising and setting of Peruvian desert are found in
the sun. mountains rain shadow
 The sun rays fall region.
perpendicular at the equator 4. The desert situated in the
twice in a year (on 21 march mid part of the continents,
and on 23 September). On far from humid area. Gobi
these dates, the duration of Desert (Mongolia),
day and night becomes Australian Desert and Great
equal in both hemispheres. Basin Desert.
 The biggest reason for  Most satellites are launched
seasonal changes is earth’s in east direction from Earth
axial tilt by 23.50. to get momentum but not all
 If the distance between sun satellites are launched from
and the earth is reduced by east direction.
quarter to present distance,  Any object thrown out of
then the size of the earth’s artificial satellite will
orbit in which it revolves revolve around like the
around the sun will be satellite.
smaller and the duration of  There is an outer core and
the year would be less than inner core below the mantle
365 days. Due to this the in the structure of our Earth.

 The outer core is about 2260 because of its atmosphere
km thick, and mostly composition. In Mars
composed of liquid iron and atmosphere, it has 95.3%,
nickel. Carbon dioxide, 2.7%
 The Inner core is hot dense Nitrogen, 1.6% Argon,
ball of (mostly) Iron. It has 0.15% Oxygen and 0.03%
a radius of about 1220 km water.
and temperature about  Mars polar ice caps and
52000 C. frozen water is most
 Earth Day is celebrated on relevant for the presence of
22 April every year to mark life on Mars.
birth anniversary of Modern  The average temperature of
environmental movement in Mars (150-310K) is quite
1970. similar to Earth (260-310
 The duration of day on K).
Earth is 23 hours, 56  Europa is one the moons of
minutes 23 second and tilt Jupiter.
of its axis is 23027’.  Voyagers mission was
 The Planet Mars has nearly launched by Europa to
the same value as of Earth research whether life is
for it day duration is 24 possible.
hours, 37 minute 23 second  Europa is frozen and
and Mars tilt of axis is covered with a layer of ice.
23059”. It’s surface seems like the
 The duration of day and tilt frozen Ocean on Earth.
of axis of other planet is as Depth of these frozen ocean
follow: - Uranus - duration are approx. 50 km. If it is
of its day – 11 hours tilt of true, the Europa will be a
its axis- 8205” place in solar system
Neptune - duration of its besides Earth, where such
day – 16 hours tilt of its amount of water is
axis- 28048” available.
Saturn - duration of its day-  Phoenix Mars (information
10 hours 40 minutes tilt of about the presence of ice on
its axis - 26044. the Mars) Lander was
 The time taken by any launched on 4 August, 2007
planet to orbit around Sun and landed on 25 May, 2008
depends on the distance at North Pole on Mars.
between Sun and the planet.  Jupiter is the largest planet
The distance between Sun of the solar system.
and Mars is 227940000 km,  The four largest moons
while the Earth is at (LO, Europa, Calisto,
distance of 149600000 km, Ganymede) are known as
from Sun. Galilean moons as these
 orbital period of Earth is were discovered by Galileo
356.256 days and that of Galilei in 1610.
Mars is 686.98 days.  Planets diameters:
 In beginning, Mars was  Jupiter - Diameter 142, 796
treated equivalent to Earth km

 Saturn - Diameter 120, 660  A day on Uranus is
km approximately 17 hours and
 Uranus - Diameter 51,118 9 minutes.
km  The year is largest on Pluto
 Neptune - Diameter 48, 600 because it is farthest among
km the other celestial objects
 Earth - Diameter 12,756 km from the Sun. Pluto takes
 Venus - Diameter 12,104 the period of 247.7 earth
km year to complete one
 Mars - Diameter 6,787 km revolution around the Sun.
 Mercury - Diameter 4878  From the Mercury up to
km Neptune only 8 planets
 The average density of come into the category of
Jupiter is 1.33 gm/cm3. true planets.
 Jupiter is the planet of Solar  In the 26th General
system which rotates on its Assembly of the
axis with maximum speed. International astronomical
 Jupiter has maximum unit 2006, Pluto was
number of natural satellites removed from the category
or moons. At present total of planets and was assigned
67 moons or satellite of the status of dwarf planet.
Jupiter have been  Neptune is the farthest
discovered. planet from Sun. The
 Jupiter's ring was first temperature of the Neptune
discovered by the Voyager surface is -2200 C and its
1 spacecraft in 1979. These atmosphere is made up of
rings are also known as hydrogen, helium and
Jovian Rings. These rings methane.
are mostly made of silicate.  Pluto has five satellites
 Saturn is probably best (moons). According to the
known for the system of distance from the Pluto
planetary rings. Planetary (from inner to outer side)
rings A, B, D and E of the their names are Charon,
planet Saturn are visible Styx, Nix, Kerberos and
from Earth. Saturn from Hydra.
earth seems yellow.  Charon is biggest satellite.
 On October 15, 1997 the  On 20th July 1969 for the
Cassini spacecraft was first time, man landed on
launched to the Saturn and Moon.
began its revolution around  Three Astronauts sent with
this planet in June 2004. Apollo-11 mission to the
 The Saturn is warmer than moon were Neil
Neptune. Armstrong, Michel Collins
 Titan is the largest moon and Aadvin Aldrin.
(satellite) of Saturn. Among these astronauts
Diameter of Titan is 5150 only Neil Armstrong and
km. Aadvin Aldrin walked on
the surface of the moon.

 On 16 July 1969, initiating
its flight from Florida
(USA) Apollo-11 landed
on the “Sea of
Tranquillity” upon the
Moon on 20 July 1969. On
21 July 1969 it started
return journey from the  Type of lunar eclipse and
Moon towards the Earth its length depends upon the
and finally landed in relative position of the
Pacific Ocean on 24 July, moon and its orbital path.
1969.  A lunar eclipse only occurs
 Area of large black patch on the full moon.
as seen from the Earth is  The main condition
called Lunar Mare of the responsible for greater
“Sea of Tranquillity” brightness of the moon on
which is found on the large the full moon day of 22nd
area of the Moon where December 99’ was
spacecraft Apollo-11 Perigee.
landed in 1969. Neil  When the Moon size is half
Armstrong was the first of the full Moon, the angle
person to touch the surface between the Sun, the earth
of the Moon, followed by and the Moon is 900.
Aadvin Aldrin.  Perigee is the closest point
 Orbit of the Moon around to the earth.
the Earth is elliptical and  Moon is a satellite. It
titled and therefore we can revolves around the Earth.
see only 59% of the  A blue moon is a
Moon’s surface at a time. phenomenon involving
 Moon takes 27 days, 7 appearance of an
hour, 43 minutes to rotate additional full moon within
on its axis. This is also the a given period. Since full
time of one revolution of moon occurs roughly after
the Moon around the Earth. every 29.5 days.
This is the reason why we Therefore, after every
see always the same face of 2.7154 year, an additional
the Moon. duration of 29.5 days
 There is no atmosphere at accumulates in the
the moon. calendar giving way to an
 When the earth comes additional full moon. It is
between the moon and the called blue moon.
sun, the moon gets dark  Weight of any object on
due to obstruction of light any planet is equal to the
rays coming from the sun product of its mass and
by the earth. gravitational acceleration.
 Moon’s gravitational
acceleration is 1/6 of earth.
 When an object is taken to
the moon its weight

decreases to 1/6th of its  Comets are made up of
original weight. ice, dust, and rocky
 Average distance of the material.
Moon from the Earth is  Comets are formed
384400 km. farther from the Sun in
 Minimum distance “Kuiper Belt” and Oort
between the Moon and the cloud.
Earth is 363300 km and  In the outer solar system,
maximum distance is comets remain frozen and
405500 km while average are extremely difficult or
distance is 384400 km. impossible to detect from
 SELENE also known as Earth due to their small
“Kaguya” is an orbiter size.
spacecraft sent to the orbit  As a comet approaches
of the moon by Japan on 14 the inner solar system,
September, 2007. It solar radiation causes of
revolved around the moon the volatile material
for 1 year 8 months within the comet to
successfully and after that vaporize the steam out the
it fell upon the surface of nucleus, carrying dust
the Moon at Gill crater away with them.
voluntarily.  The steams of dust and
 The group of small pieces gas thus released from a
of rock revolving around huge, extremely tenuous
the Sun between the orbits atmosphere around the
of Mars and Jupiter are comet called Coma and
called asteroids. the Force exerted on the
 Asteroids are rocky debris Coma by the Sun’s
of varying sizes orbiting radiation pressure causes
the sun an enormous tail to form,
 Asteroids vary in size and which points away from
some could be of 1000 km the Sun.
diameter.  Hale-Bopp is a long
 Asteroids are found period comet that was
between Mars and Jupiter. discovered in 1995. It was
 Asteroids are generally shining near the orbit of
considered to be made up Jupiter. This comet
of metals and rocky looked 1000 times
material, brighter than that of
 Asteroids are found much Halley Comet although
closer to the Sun. distance of both were
 Asteroids typically nearly the same.
remain much more solid  Comet Shoemaker-Levy-
and self-contained even 9 collided with the
when near the sun. massive planet Jupiter in
1994. In this collision no
harm was done to the
Jupiter. It was first event
of collision of two

components of the solar Upon the Earth all the
system seen from the meridians longitudes and
Earth. the Equator are great
 A meteor is a bright streak circles.
of light in the sky also  Except equator no other
called a shooting star or a latitude is a great circle
falling star but actually it because they are similar
is not a star but just a in comparison to the
small piece of rocks and Equator.
minerals.  The point at which
 Meteor starts glowing Equator (00 latitude) and
because when it enters the Prime Meridian (00
into the Earth’s longitude) intersects has
atmosphere with a very no real significance but it
high velocity it burns due is the Gulf of Guinea in
to heat caused by air the Atlantic Ocean.
friction. Most of the  On the globe the
meteors burn to ashes Northernmost and
before reaching upon the Southernmost position
surface of the Earth. of a place, city and the
country are decided by
2. The Earth  The more the angle of
latitude of a place in
southern or northern
hemisphere will be the
more Southernmost or
Northernmost point,
Position of the following
cities are –
Cities Latitude
Beijing 39055’N
New-Delhi 28038’N
 Latitudes shows the New-York 40045’ N
places towards North Rome 41054’ N
and South of Equator.  Cairo (Egypt) is located
900 Northern latitude is at 3003’ N latitude and
called North Pole while 31014’ E longitude. Time
900 Southern latitude is of Cairo is 2 hours ahead
called South Pole which of Greenwich.
are just points not the Therefore, its position
circle, but other latitudes approximately falls near
on both sides of Equator the 300 East longitude.
are imaginary circles.  The Earth being
East and West of Prime spherical in shape rotates
Meridian are 3600. on its axis by 3600 in 24
 Great circle is that line hours.
which divides a Sphere  Earth’s movements for
into two hemispheres. 10 of longitude takes the

time of 4 minutes. So, it from Royal Greenwich
can easily calculate, that Observatory (London)
in 120 minutes (2 hours) (at 00 meridian).
angle for longitude will  Some countries which
be 300. are away from it also
 When there is mid-day at uses time of GMT as
82030’ E longitude then given here –
6.30 in the morning Iceland - Sierra-Leone
means there is difference Ireland – Liberia
of 5:30 hrs in time. As in Portugal - Ivory Coast
one hour, change in Kinnari Islands -
longitude is 150 therefore Burkina-Faso
82030’ difference in 5:30 Mauritania - Tonga
hours are 82030’- Mali - Ghana
82 30’=0 latitude.
0 0
Senegal – Guinea
 The Prime Meridian is  London, Lisbon and
the Zero-degree line of Accra (Ghana) have
longitude that passes similar times as all three
near London. uses Greenwich time.
 The Prime Meridian was  Addis Ababa, capital of
accepted as Zero degrees Ethiopia is located at
longitude at an 38074’E, whose time is 2
international conference hours, 36 minutes, 26
in 1884. It is also known seconds ahead of GMT.
as Greenwich meridian.  For a ship to travel in the
 Just opposite to 00 least possible time from
longitude there is an one place to another, it
Imaginary line located at must travel with respect
about 1800 E or W as of Meridian.
International Date Line  At 1800 Meridian
which forms great Circle travelling from east to
with Prime meridian west, it gets one day less
along the Globe. in this way while moving
 The first day of sunrise from west to east one day
in India on the occasion increases.
of new Millennium was  The Equator usually
seen upon the castle refers to an imaginary
island near Andaman line, on the Earth surface
and Nicobar Island. It at equal distance from
was seen in 930 30’E the North Pole and South
Meridian of India. Pole, dividing the Earth
 Prime Meridian passes into the Northern
through United Hemisphere and
Kingdom, France, Spain, Southern Hemisphere.
Algeria, Mali, Burkina  The total length of the
Faso, Tonga, Ghana, Equator is 40,075 km
Antarctica. length (approximately
 Greenwich meantime 24,901 miles). 78.7% of
(GMT) is calculated the line passes through

water while 21.3% lies closest to the
passes through land. Equator (00latitude).
 Equator line passes  Singapore is situated
through 13 countries only at distance of 137
which are as follows – km from the Equator.
1. Brazil  Equator, Tropic of
2. Colombia Cancer and Tropic of
3. Democratic Republic Capricorn all the three
of the Congo lines pass though the
4. Equator African Continent.
5. Gabon  Equator and the Tropic
6. Indonesia of Capricorn pass
7. Kenya through the South
8. Kiribati American continent.
9. Republic of the Congo  The winter Solstice falls
10. Sao Tome and around 22 Dec when rays
Princip of sun fall perpendicular
11. Somalia upon Tropic of
12. Uganda Capricorn because Earth
13. Maldives is tilted at its axis by
 Trick to Remember: 23030’.
 When at the Tropic of
Capricorn elevation of
the sun is 900, the
elevation of the sun at
Tropic of cancer will be
900 – 470=430.
 Annual temperature  The difference between
difference at Equator is Tropic of cancer and
minimum throughout the Tropic of Capricorn is
year. Since sun rays fall 470.
perpendicular, there is 
little temperature
fluctuation throughout
the year. There is no
winter season in equator
 The Intertropical
Convergence Zone is a
low-pressure zone
located at the equator.
 Colombo is situated at
6055’30” latitude,
Jakarta at 6 08’ South
 Udaipur in Tripura is the
latitude, Manila at city nearest to the Tropic
14 35’30” latitude and
of Cancer.
Singapore lies at  Jabalpur is nearest city to
1 18’30’’
latitude. Tropic of Cancer among
Therefore, Singapore

Jabalpur, Ahmedabad,
Ujjain, Varanasi.
 Tropic of cancer passes

2. Winter Solstice.
 Tropic of Capricorn
passes through:

 When sun shines

vertically over Tropic of
Capricorn, the north  The Sun reaches at tropic
western part of India of Cancer in the month
becomes colder than of June in Northern
Arabian Sea and high Hemisphere and the
pressure develops over Summer solstice takes
north west India. place and just opposite to
 Day and Night are of it in Southern
equal duration on the day Hemisphere Winter
of Equinox. Solstice takes place.
 Equinox is an  At the time of summer
astronomical event in solstice longest day and
which Sun is vertically shortest night occur in
overhead of the equator, Northern Hemisphere,
which occurs twice each but in the Southern
year, i.e., 21st March and Hemisphere shortest day
23rd September. and largest night occur.
 Day and night are of At the same time there is
equal duration of not much difference in
Equator (12 hours each). days and nights at the
Duration of day and Equator.
night varies in the  The shortest day of the
direction of north or year in Northern
south to the equator. Hemisphere occurs
 There is no winter season during Winter solstice on
on equator. It only 21/22 December.
experienced wet and dry Contrary to it on 20/21
weather. June longest day occurs
 Two types of solstices in Northern Hemisphere
occur in a year during the Summer
1. Summer Solstice solstice. Opposite to it, in
Southern Hemisphere,
shortest day occurs on

20/21 June and longest  Continents rest on
day on 21/22 December. massive slabs of rocks
 On 21 June the shadow called tectonic plates.
at noon is the smallest. These plates are always
 James Jeans is related to moving and interacting
the tidal hypothesis of in a process called Plate
the origin of Earth. tectonic activity.
 F. Hoyal and Littleton  Through tectonic
presented Nova activities, continents
hypothesis shift position on Earth’s
 Otto Schmidt gave the surface.
hypothesis of gas and  By about 175 million
dust for the genesis of years ago the Pangea (the
Earth. Supercontinent)
 Uranium dating method landmass began
is used for determining breaking up due to
the age of Earth. continent drift, theory.
 The Pleistocene Epoch Slowly-slowly it
was the time during separated in pieces and
which extensive ice assumed their position as
sheets and other glaciers the continent we
formed on the landmass. recognize today.
This time period has  In carboniferous period,
been informally referred the whole land mass on
to as the “Great Ice Age” the Earth was unified and
and began about one was named as Pangea.
million years ago or  Pangea Supercontinent
more. was surrounded by a
 Little Ice Age is period super ocean which was
between 1650 A.D. to named “Panthalassa” by
1870 A.D. during which Wegener.
Europe and North  Due to the process of
America were subjected continental drift, the
to much colder winter Pangea splited into
than during the 20th northern most and
century. southern most
 The time of existence of supercontinent.
dinosaurs is estimated 6  The northernmost
Crore 70 lakh years ago. supercontinent was
It is remains were found known as Gondwana
at Ravioli in Kheda land which split into
district of Gujarat and South America,
Barashimla hills of Australia, Africa,
Jabalpur M.P. Madagascar, Antarctica
 The right chronology is: and Peninsular India.
1. Shelled Animals  Gondwana included
2. First insects most of the landmass as
3. First reptiles of today, southern
4. First Mammals hemisphere including

antarctica, South accumulates in low
America, Africa, laying areas like-lakes.
Madagascar, Australia,  Ocean is largely
Arabian Peninsula and responsible for
Indian subcontinent. transporting sediment to
 According to book locations where it
“Bhautik Bhugol Ka accumulates.
Swaroop” written by  The sedimentary
Savindra Singh, the materials may be formed
continental drift and from eroded fragments
glacial cycle both the of other or pre-existing
phenomenon have rocks or even from the
influenced the revolution remains of plants or
of organisms. animals and fossils, most
 Folding is a result of frequently found in
Orogenic forces. sedimentary rocks,
 The first fossil evidence which comes in layers,
of existence of life on called Strata.
Earth dates back to  Rock cycle:
Archean Age approx. 3.5
billion ago.
 The dynamic changes on
the Earth’s surface are
caused by endogenic
 The origin of endogenic
force is due to thermal
asymmetry in the inner  Granite is formed of
part of the Earth and magma from a volcanic
compression and eruption.
expansion of rocks. In  Conglomerate,
addition to these electro- sandstone and shale are
magnetic radiation, examples of sedimentary
gravitational force, rocks.
rotation of Earth and its  “Metamorphic” means
revolution functions are “changing form”.
also liable for changes on  Metamorphic rock is a
the Earth’s surface. rock that has changed
from one type of rock
into another. As a result
of intense heat from
3. Rocks magma and pressure
from tectonic shifting,
 Sedimentary rocks are these metamorphic rocks
formed by the are produced from either
accumulation of Igneous rocks or
sediments. These Sedimentary rock.
sediment or debris  Granite is an Igneous

 The examples of Helium (He) gas is also
Metamorphic rocks found in it.
formed through Igneous  Mountain Cotopaxi is
rocks are as follows – highest volcanic
Granite - Gneiss mountain in the world.
Basalt – Amphibalite  Height of the Mountain
Basalt – Schist Cotopaxi is 5911 m.
 Marble is an example of  The height of Mount
metamorphic rock Pinatubo is (1460 m) and
formed by sedimentary Mount Kilimanjaro
rock. (5897 m).
 The other examples of  Magma is a molten and
Metamorphic rocks semi-molten rock
formed through mixture found under the
Sedimentary rock are as surface of Earth.
follows –  Magma is a very fluid
Shale – Slate and dynamic substance
Limestone – Marble having a temperature
Chalk and dolomite - between 6000 C to 12000
Marble C.
Sandstone – Quartzite  When Magma is ejected
Conglomerate – by a volcano, the
Quartzite material is called Lava.
 Metamorphosed rock Magma on cooling
from of Metamorphic coverts into a solid
Rocks – known as igneous rocks.
Slate - Phyllite  On the basis of silica’s
Phyllite - Schist concentration lava is of
Gabbro – Serpentinite two types –
1. Acidic lava – It
contains large amount of
4. The Volcano Silica, highly viscous.
2. Basic Lave - It
contains small amount of
 The most abundant
silica and is highly fluid.
volcanic gas is water
 Igneous rocks are
vapour (H2O).
formed by cooling and
 Carbon dioxide (CO2)
solidification of erupted
and Sulphur dioxide
(SO2) are two other
 Internal Igneous rocks
important gases present
are of basically two types
in volcanic eruption.
1. Plutonic Rock
 A significant amount of
2. Hypabyssal Rock.
Hydrogen sulphide
 When Magma cools and
(H2S), Hydrogen (H2),
solidifies below the
Carbon monoxide (CO),
Earth’s surface at a great
Hydrogen chloride
depth the “Plutonic
(HCL), Hydrogen
Rocks” are formed.
fluoride (HF) and

 As plutonic rocks are forms igneous rocks
situated deep inside the through erupted lava.
ground, it takes much  The most active volcano
time to cool and hence in the world is Kilauea
their crystals are of on Hawaii Island,
larger size. America. Kilauea is
 The volcanic eruption is followed by Etna in Italy
related to Plate’s edges and Piton de la fournaise
in convergence and and Nyamuragira
divergence area. volcanos on the basis of
 Volcanic Eruptions does eruptions.
not occur in the Baltic  Mount Vesuvius is
Sea. situated at the Bay of
 Mount Etna is an active Naples, Italy.
volcano on the East-  Mount Erebus is an
coast of Mediterranean active volcano on
Sea, Sicily, Italy. Its Antarctica’s Ross Island.
maximum height is  Mount Rainier is in
about 3350 meters. USA.
 Mount Saint Helens is an  Paricutin is situated in
active strata volcano Mexico.
located in skamania  Mount Taal is in
country. Philippines.
 Mauna Loa means Long 
Mountain. It is one of the Volcano Country
active volcanoes. Sabankay Peru
 Washington in the a
Pacific North West Colima Mexico
Region of United States Mount Indonesi
of America. It is also Merapi a
known as the “Fuji of Mount Malaysi
America”. Kinabalu a
 Cotopaxi, Etna, and Elburz Iran
Fujiyama are active Aconcagu Argenti
volcanoes while a na
Aconcagua is a non- Kilimanja Tanzani
volcanic mountain. ro a
Cotopaxi is situated in
Ecuador, Etna in Italy
and Fujiyama in Japan. 5.The Earthquake
 Kilimanjaro is the
highest mountain in
Africa. It is situated in
the North-Eastern part of
Tanzania. Previously it
was known as Kaiser-
Wilhelm-Spitze. It is an
igneous mountain which

to measure seismic
 Rings of fire” is a
region in the Pacific
Ocean influenced by
volcanic activities and
 Approximately 68% of
the world’s earthquakes
 The seismic waves are
occur along the “Ring
generated in 3 Forms:
of Fire”.
 1. P – Primary Waves -
 The region of “Rings of
These waves travel
fire” includes the vast
seismic zone of Chilli,
 2. S – Secondary Waves
California, Alaska,
– These waves cause
Japan, Philippines, New
particles to oscillate.
Zealand, and part of
Bothe P and S waves
Central Ocean.
are called “Body
 There are three main
waves” because they
regions in the Ring of
can travel through the
fire –
interior of the Earth
1. Inter section point of
 3. L – Love or surface
Ocean and Land
Waves – These waves
2. New twisted
arrive after P and S
mountainous terrain
waves, are confined to
3. Volcanic field
surface and cause
 The intensity of
horizontal shifting of
earthquake is measured
the Earth during an
on Richter scale and
Mercalli Scale.
 Earthquakes are
 In 1935, seismologist
vibrations of the earth
Charles Francis Richter
caused by the rupture
developed the Ritcher
and sudden movement
magnitude scale. It is
of rocks that have been
based on logarithmic
strained beyond their
scale which is
elastic limit.
mentioned as 1-10 on
 Focus- the point of
origin off an
 Each number of
Seismograph represents
 Epicentre- The point of
10 times amplitude, 32
Earth’s surface which is
times energy.
directly above the focus
 Seismic wave of
of an earthquake. It is
intensity 1 releases
where seismic waves
energy of 6 ounces of
are recorded first.
 Seismosite is a
 Seismometer is an
scientific instrument
instrument to record
which was earlier used

magnitude and intensity North America -
of an earthquake. 24,256,000 sq. km
 Crescograph is used to South America -
measure the height of 17,819,000 sq. km
trees and cardiogram is Antarctica - 13,209,000
an instrument to sq. km
measure heartbeat. Europe - 9,938,000 sq.
 Tsunami means harbour km
wave arising as a result Australia - 7,687,000
of earthquake. These sq. km
ruptured high waves  According to Phillip’s
may cause substantial Atlas the percentage of
damage to coastal areas. land area of continent in
 Fukushima in Japan has respect of their total
faced major Tsunami land area of earth is as
and Nuclear Radiation follows –
in 2011.  Asia - 29.8%
 Northern-Western  Africa - 20.3%
region of Indian  North America - 16.2%
Subcontinent is  South America - 11.9%
susceptible to  Antarctica - 9.4%
earthquake activities  Europe - 6.7%
because it is situated at  Australia - 5.7%
the border of plates.  Australia has maximum
This area is per capita land among
convergence region of the continents.
Indian Plate and  Antarctica is the
Eurasian Plate. Coral continent with highest
formation activities and mean elevation in the
volcanic activities do world. It is situated
not occur here. around South Pole.
 The number of  Average Elevation of
countries in the continents is as follows:
continents – Antarctica - 1846 m
Africa - 54 North America - 720 m
Europe-51 South America - 554 m
Asia - 48 Asia - 923 m
North America – 23 Europe - 302 m
Australia- 14 Australia - 308 m
South America- 12  Mountain Atlas is
 Asia is the largest situated in north-west of
continent having as area African continent.
of 44,579000 sq. km.  Below is the correct
 The area of other location of other
continents are as geographical areas –
follows – Abyssinian Plateau -
 Africa - 30,065,000 sq. East Africa
km Guiana Highlands -
North western Africa

Okavango Basin -  Himalaya is a young
South-Western Africa folded mountain. Thus,
 Plains largely constitute it is clear that world’s
Europe and South highest peaks are
America however in situated in the young
terms of percentage folded mountains.
Europe has largest  The Andes is the
percentage of plains longest mountain range
compared to its total in the world, located
area. along the entire western
 Gibbon is located on the coast of South America.
West Coast of central  The Andes Mountain
Africa. It is located on range is 7200 km long.
the equator.  Rocky Mountain is the
 Guinea is a West major mountain system
coastal country in West of North America
Africa formerly known extending over 4800
as French Guinea. km.
 Guinea Bissau is  Himalayas is a
country in West Africa. prominent mountain
 Guyana is a country in range in South Asia
South America. situated at the northern
end of India having the
length of approximately
6.The World 
2400 km.
The Alps is the Longest
Mountain Mountain range in
Europe. It is 1200 km
Ranges long.
 Southern Alps
Mountain Range is
situated in South Island,
New Zealand along its
western coast. It rises to
3754 meters at
Aoraki/Mount Cook,
the highest peak of New
 Sea of mountains is an  Great Dividing Range
account of Lord in Australia is 3100 km
Dufferin’s tour through long.
British Columbia in  The Alps is a mountain
1876. range located in South-
 World’s 10 highest Central Europe
peaks including the immediately North of
highest peak Mount the Mediterranean Sea.
Everest are situated in This range is extended
the Himalayas. in France, Austria,

Germany, and  The Black Mountains
Switzerland. located in Carolina state
 Highest peak of Alps of United State of
Mountain Range is Mon America. These
Blanc (4810 m high). Mountains are part of
 Alps mountain is an Appalachian
example of young Mountains.
folded mountain in the  Appalachian Mountain
world. is old mountain range
 White Mountains are belonging to the
situated in California Caledonian period.
State of USA.  The Alps, the Andes
 Burmese Arakan Yoma and the Himalayas are
Mountain Range is in the mountains of
western Myanmar. Its tertiary or Alpine
main hills are Nga, Folded Mountains.
Chin, Lushai and  Pennines (Europe), the
Patkoi. It’s highest peak Appalachians and the
is Mt. Victoria. Aravalli are examples
 Black mountains are of old mountain.
formed when faults or  Drakensberg is a
cracks in the earth’s mountain range
crust force some extended through South
material up and others Africa and Lesotho. Its
down. Black Forest is highest peak is Thabane
located in Germany. Ntlenyana (3482 m)
 Vosges Mountain is in located in Lesotho.
France.  Atlas mountain is
 The highest peak of extended across
Black Forest Mountain Morocco, Algeria and
is Feldberg. Tunisia of Africa
 Rhine river emerges continent.
from Alps Mountain in  Mountain and their
Switzerland and falls countries –
into the North Sea Allegheny - U.S.A
passing through Cantabrian – Spain
Germany and Elburz – Iran
Netherlands. Mackenzie – Canada
 The cities of Bonn and  Mountain peaks and
Cologne are located at their continents:
the banks of the river Kosciuszko – Australia
Rhine. McKinley - North
 The eastern side of the America
Rhine, there is a Black Kilimanjaro – Africa
Forest and on the  Mt. Cook – New
western side of the Zealand
river, the Vosges  Elbruz – Russia
Mountain is stretched.  Mount Titlis –

 Alps- Folded Mountain ash, cinders of lava. It is
 Vosges - Block formed by fragments
Mountain (called eject) thrown up
 Vindhya - Residual (ejected) from a
Mountain volcanic vent, piling up
 Fujiyama – Volcano around the vent in the
Mountain shape of a cone with a
 Mount Titlis is formed central crater.
by the cooling of the  Residual mountain is
lava from a volcano. originally a mountain
 Apennine Mountain but due to erosion work
Range is in Italy. Its they become residual
total length is mountain. In the same
approximately 1350 way erosional waterfall
km. and Monadnock are
 Mount Corno (2914 m) also formed after
is the highest peak of erosional work.
Apennine Mountain
 Pyrenees decides the 7. The Plateaus
boundary of France and
Spain.  Tibetan Plateau or
 Dinaric Alps is Chang Tang is also
expanded through known as Qinghai-
Albania, Bosnia, Tibetan Plateau. Its
Croatia and Jura total area is about 2.5
Mountain is expanded million square km and
in the area of France average elevation is
and Switzerland. more than 4500 m.
 Golan Heights is  Patagonia Plateau is
located in Middle East. called as the store
It is a rock plateau in house of minerals, in
south west Syria. South America.
 Israel occupied Golan  Madrid the capital of
Height from Syria in the Spain is situated on
war of 1967. Israel fully Mesta Plateau in
captured it in 1981. Iberian Peninsula. The
 The Pyrenees is a chain elevation of plateau is
of mountains that forms between 610-760 m.
a natural boundary  The elevation of other
between France and cities are:
Spain. They extended Bucharest (At the
from the Bay of Biscay Bank of Dambovita
to the Mediterranean River) - 55.8 m (about
Sea. sea level)
 Volcanic cone is a basic Jamnagar (Gujarat) -
landform. It is conical 20 m (about sea level)
hill produced by
volcanic eruption of

Singapore (South East National Park of the
India) - 15 m (about Mojave Desert of
sea level). United States of
 The Pamir Plateau or America. This Park is
the “Pamir” is called situated in eastern
the roof of the world California.
because of its high  Death Valley is the
altitude. lowest place of North
 Southern border of America (-86 meter
Central Asia is below the sea level)
determined by Pamir and second lowest to
Plateau. It is Laguna Del Carbon (-
convergence of many 150 meter) of
mountains. Argentina in Western
 hemisphere. During
Plateau Area summer maximum
Coconino 5812 temperature reaches up
sq. km to 1300 F (540 C) in
Aquarius 900 this region. This is the hottest and most arid
Colorado 13000 valley of the USA.
0 sq.  Panjshir Valley
km located in North
Columbi 10000 Central Afghanistan
a 0 sq. about 150 km north of
km Kabul, near the Hindu
Kush Mountain
Range. This Valley
8. The Valleys was one of the main
battle grounds at the
 A rift valley is formed time of Soviet War.
on a divergent plate,  Silicon Valley located
deepened by the forces in the southern portion
of erosion. of the Sun Francisco
 A rift valley is a linear Bay in California,
shaped low land USA. It is famous for
between several large scale
highlands or mountain manufacturing of
ranges created by the computer chips.
action of a geological  The Taylor valley of
rift or fault. Antarctica was
 Death Valley in discovered by Robert
California, USA is an Falcon Scot in the year
example of such a rift 1903. He designated
valley. this valley as the valley
 The Death Valley of Dead.
popularly known as  Great Basin is located
“Devil’s Golf Course” in North America
is in Death Valley (USA). It is bordered

by the Sierra Nevada precipitation is less
Range, the Colombia than 25cm.
Plateau on the North
and Mojave Desert and  Major Deserts of the
Sonoran Desert on the world:
 The Great Artesian
Basin is one of the
largest underground
water reserves in the
world. It occupies an
area over 1.7 million
square km beneath the  The biggest (non-
arid and semi-arid polar) desert of the
region between Great world is the Sahara
Dividing Range Desert. It’s situated in
Mountain and central North Africa and has
elevated land. an area measured at
 Valley of the King or roughly 3.5 million
Wadi-El Muluk is square miles.
located in Egypt.  The Thar Desert is the
 A steephead Valley, or most densely
Blind valley is a deep, populated desert in the
narrow, flat-bottomed world with a
valley with an abrupt population density of
ending. Such valleys 83 people per square
arise in limestone of km whereas other
Karst landscape. deserts have
population density of
7 people per square
9. The Arid km.
 Gobi Desert stretches
Regions/ into northern China
and southern
Deserts Mongolia. This desert
 Gerhard Knies, a is surrounded by Altai
German Particle Mountain.
Physicist, arrived at  Tekla Makan Desert is
the remarkable situated in Xinjiang
conclusion that in just province of China.
six hours, the world’s  Great Victorian desert
deserts receive more is located in South-
energy from the sun west Australia. It is
than human consume the largest desert of
in a year. In this way, Australia. It is spread
deserts can be a source over 424,400 sq. km
of perennial energy. of area.
 Desert is a region  Gibson Desert, an
where annual interim Australian

bioregion is a large region of trade wind
desert that covers a band between 150 to
large dry area in the 300 South or north of
State of Western equator in the western
Australia. side of the continents.
 Dasht-e-Lut is a large  In India, eastern
salt desert in Kerman Himalayan region
province of Iran. receives more rain
NASA’s tests have from the southwest
revealed that it is winds coming from
world’s warmest the Bay of Bengal.
desert. Its temperature  Kalahari is large
was measured 70.70 C desert spreading over
by NASA’s Agua 900000 sq. km in the
satellite in 2005. interior of Southern
 Thar Desert which is Africa. It occupies
also known as “Great Botswana, parts of
Indian Desert”. It is Namibia and South
the largest desert of Africa.
South Asia. It  Most desert regions
stretches across are the result of large
western India to climatic patterns.
South-East Pakistan.  The sub-tropical high-
 Location of deserts is pressure belts are
as follows – adiabatic in nature
Atacama Desert - hence they bring little
Chile rainfall to the African
Colorado Desert - and Eurasian desert
California (USA) region.
Kalahari Desert -  Warm Ocean currents
Botswana, Namibia, are not a necessary
and South Africa condition for the
 Atacama Desert is the desert belt. For
driest place on earth. instance, the Gobi
There are huge cold desert does not
deposits of sodium come under the
nitrate, copper and influence of any warm
other minerals. current.
 Temperate desert is
found between 300 to
600 latitudes.
 Deserts which come
10. The Grasslands
under the category of
temperate deserts are Grassla Contine
Gobi Desert, Ladakh nds nts /
Desert and Patagonia Countri
Desert. es
 Tropical hot deserts
are often found in the

Prairies North These grass fields
Americ spread from Atlantic
a Ocean to Andes
Pampas South Mountains up to
Americ Argentina and
a / Uruguay.
Argenti  Pampas are mid
na latitude or temperate
Steppes Europe belt grasslands of
Veld South South America.
Africa  Pampas has a
Llanos South temperate type of
Africa climate with
Downs Austral precipitation of 600
ia to 1200 mm.
Pustaz Hungar  Llanos grasslands are
y found in Venezuela
while Campos and
 Grass fields their Selvas grass field are
Respective countries: found in South East
Campos - Brazilian, Brazil, Argentina,
Highland and Amazon Basin,
Pampas - Argentina respectively.
and Uruguay  The temperature
Savanna - Eastern grassland in Eurasia
Africa (Kenya, region is Steppes.
Steppes - Western
Russia and Central
11.Countries and
Asia Their Borders
 Savanna is a rolling
Grassland scattered
 China is the largest
with shrubs and
country of the world
isolated trees which
in terms of
can be found between
population. India is
a tropical rainforest
at second place.
and desert biome.
 Russia is the largest
 The savannas are
country in the world
mainly spread over
in terms of area.
East Africa. Savannas

are also found in
Country Total
Brazil, Colombia and
Venezuela and
in sq.
southern parts of
Argenti 27804
 Pampas are the grass
na 00
lands of South
America. These India 32872
plains are very fertile.

Australi 76920
a 24
Brazil 85157
67  Middle east
Maldive 300 countries:
Bhutan 38394
Nepal 14079
Pakistan 79609
Sri 65610
Banglad 14757
esh 0

 India is the7th largest
country of the world
in terms of area. In
this context, the six
larger countries than
India are- Russia,
Canada, China,
America, Brazil, and
 The largest coastline
in the world is of
Canada followed by
Greenland, Russia
and Philippines.
 Bangladesh shares
the longest territorial
border with India
followed by China,
Pakistan, Nepal,
Myanmar and
 Countries sharing
border with Caspian

 Horn Of Africa is a
horn shaped
triangular part in
East Arica. It
consists of Djibouti,

Ethiopia, Eritrea,
 Zambia is
landlocked country 
located in the
African continent.
 Democratic
Republic of Congo is
located to its north,
Tanzania in north-
east, Mail in east,
Botswana and
Namibia in south  There are 14
and Angola in the countries located in
west. the geographical
 Countries sharing group of countries
border with Adriatic designated the name
Sea: Oceania, which are
divided into three
Micronesia, and
Polynesia. Australia
is the biggest
country of this

 Geographically the
 Balkan region map:
peninsula comprises
of Norway, Sweden
and Northern
 Linguistically
comprises of
Sweden, Norway
 Countries bordering and Denmark.
Lithuania:  The bordering
countries of
Afghanistan are
Uzbekistan and
Tajikistan in north,
China and India in
 northeast, Pakistan
in east and Iran in the

 Erik Thorvaldsen
known as Eric the
Red discovered
Greenland. Denmark
captured this
territory in 1380,
since then it is
politically a part of
12.  Greenland is
Dependent considered a part of
North American
territories continent. It is
world’s largest
Island (not
 Martinique Island continent). Almost
having an area of 85% of its area is
1128 sq. km is covered with snow.
located in East of  Aleutian Island-
Caribbean Sea under U.S.A.
the possession of  Bear Island- Norway
France. It is one of  Greenland-Denmark
the 26 administrative  Franz Josef Island –
regions of France. Russia
 Santa Cruz de
Tenerife is a port
city in Spain’s
Canary Islands. 13.The Land
 Greenland is the
world’s largest
Island. It is an
autonomous region
of Denmark.
 Land-Locked
despite being close
Countries are those
to North America,
which do not have a
ethnically it is quite
closer to the
 There is total 45
countries of Arctic
countries in the
 Christians Island is a
world which are:
territory of Australia
1. Afghanistan
located in the Indian
2. Austria
Ocean 2360 km
3. Bhutan
North West of Perth
4. Burkina Faso
in Western
5. Andorra
6. Azerbaijan
7. Bolivia

8. Burundi  Radcliffe line is
9. Armenia boundary between
10. Belarus India and Pakistan.
11. Botswana  Hindenburg line is
12. Central-African between Belgium
13. Chad and Germany.
14. Check Republic  There is no
15. Ethiopia landlocked country
16. Hungry in North American
17. Laos continent.
18. Luxembourg  Hungary bordering
19. Mali countries:
20. Nepal
21. Rwanda
22. Serbia
23. Kazakhstan
24. Lesotho
25. Macedonia
26. Moldova
27. Niger
28. San Marino  Switzerland
29. Slovakia bordering countries:
30. Kirgizstan
31. Lichtenstein
32. Malawi
33. Mongolia
34. Paraguay
35. South Sudan  South Sudan is a
36. Swaziland landlocked country
37. Serbia surrounded by
38. Switzerland Sudan, Ethiopia,
39. Tajikistan Central African
40. Turkmenistan Republic, Kenya,
41. Uganda Democratic
42. Uzbekistan Republic of Congo,
43. Vatican City and Uganda.
44. Zambia  The main river in
45. Zimbabwe South Sudan is
46. Kosovo White Nile and its
47. Rwanda present capital is
 Laos is the only Juba. Its main
landlocked country religion is
in South East Asia Christianity.
bordered by
Myanmar, China
Vietnam, Cambodia,
and Thailand.

 Rhine river forms
14.Old Name the border of France
Of 
and Germany.
Victoria Lake is also
Countries known as Victoria
Nyanza. It is world’s
second largest
freshwater lake by
New Old name surface area.
nam Tanzania, Uganda,
e and Kenya have
Tai Formosa administrative
wan authority over this
Mya Burma or lake.
nma (Union of  Victoria lake forms
r Burma) an international
Thai Siam border between
land Uganda- Tanzania,
Iraq Mesopota Uganda- Kenya and
mia Kenya – Tanzania.
Gha Gold Coast  The 38th parallel
na north forms the
border between
Zim Southern
Rhodesia North and South
Hara Salisbury  The 49th parallel
re north forms the
United States –
Ethi Abyssinia
Canada Border.
Kins Leopoldvil
hasa le 16.Famous Cities
15.International Of the world
Border Lines  Slovenia is a coastal
alpine country
located in south-
 Rio Grande River central Europe.
separates southern Officially it is
border of United known as Republic
States of America of Slovenia. The
from Mexico. It was capital if Slovenia is
identified in 1845. Ljubljana.
The basin of this  Slovenia is bordered
river is spread in
with Italy in the
United States of west, Adriatic Sea in
America and south-west, Croatia

in south and east,  Eri Lake-Detroit
Hungary in north-  Michigan Lake-
east and Austria in Gary
the north.  Ontario- Hamilton
 The former capital of  Superior-Duluth
Australia was  Alaska is in USA
Melbourne. situated in the North
Presently Canberra West extremity.
is the capital of  USA purchased
Australia. Alaska from the
 The former capital of Russian Empire in
Pakistan was 1867.
Karachi. Presently  Santa Rose is a city
Islamabad is the in California, USA.
capital of Pakistan.  The House of
 The former capital of parliament of South
New Zealand was Africa is situated in
Auckland. Presently Cape Town.
Wellington is the  Pretoria is known as
capital of New the administrative
Zealand. capital of South
 The former capital of Africa.
Japan was Kyoto.  The upper and lower
Presently Tokyo is House of parliament
the capital of Japan. of South Africa is
 In 2005, the known as National
administrative Council of provinces
capital of Myanmar and National
was moved to a Assembly
green field near respectively.
Pyinmana. Its former  Kandahar is a city in
capital was Yangon. South Central
It was officially Afghanistan. It is
named “Nay Pyi located on a plain
Taw” on March 27, next to Tarnak river.
 Auroville
situated at the border
17.World Towns of Tamil Nadu.
 Baikonur
Cosmodrome is
 Most of the mega located about 200
cities in the world kilometres to the east
for located in the of the Aral Sea in the
coastal area. This is desert steppe of
due to that they are Kazakhstan.
gateways to  Bandung- capital of
international ocean West Java province
routes. of Indonesia.

 Batticaloa- it is the
capital of the eastern
province of Sri
 Tasmania is an
island in Australia. It
 The midnight sun is
is separated by Bass
the natural
phenomenon that
 Iceland is in the occurs in the places
south of Arctic of Arctic Circle or
Circle. South of the
 The Arctic circle Antarctica circle.
passes through  South American
Finland, Norway, continent is known
Sweden. as continent of
 Sun City in in Birds.
northwest province  Niagara Falls is
of South Africa. located in North
 Toronto is the largest America on the
city of Canada. border of the USA
 Athens is the largest and Canada.
city of Greece.  Finland is often
 Lagos is the largest called the land of
city of Nigeria. thousand lakes.
 Damascus is the  Pamir plateau is
largest city of Syria. known as roof of the
 Davos- Switzerland world.
 Barcelona- Spain  Dark Continent –
 Kandy- Sri Lanka Africa
 The Democratic  Pearls Island –
Republic of Congo is Bahrain.
located in Africa. It  Blue Grass State-
is the second largest Kentucky
country of Africa.  Istanbul is located in
 The small island in the peninsular
country of Malta is area of Turkey
located in southern whose three sides are
Europe. It is situated surrounded by
in the Mediterranean Marmara Sea,
Sea. Bosporus Strait and
Golden Horn. It is
also known as
Gateway to west.
 Thailand is known as
the land of white
 Japanese also called
their country as

Nippon which
means the land of
19. The Hydro-
rising sun. Japan is
also known as the
land of rising sun.
 Venice is known as
 South China Sea is
the city of cities. It is
part of Pacific
one of the most
beautiful cities of the
encompassing an
world. It is also
area from Karimata
known as city of
and Malacca strait to
the strait of Taiwan.
 Golden Gate Bridge
It is 5016 m deep
is located in San
 Bering Sea is 4773
Francisco city and
m deep.
connects both ends
 Mediterranean Sea is
of San Francisco
4632 m deep.
Bay. San Francisco
 Japan Sea is 3742 m
is known as the city
of Golden Gate.
 Around 70% of the
 Osaka (Japan) is
Earth’s surface is
called “Manchester
covered with water.
of the East”.
Historically the trade  Nearest point to the
city Osaka is also centre of the Earth
famous by the name lies near Artic
of “Nation’s Ocean.
Kitchen”.  Datum line is a
 Lake Baikal is the horizontal line from
world’s oldest and where all the
deepest freshwater elevations and
lake. Lake Baikal is depths are measured.
called “Pearl of  The largest part of
Siberia”. our hydrosphere is
 South Korea is Pacific Ocean.
called “Land of  Pacific Ocean -
Morning calm” 165.2 million square
because of its spell km.
binding natural  Atlantic Ocean -
beauty, high 106.4 million square
mountains, clear km.
waters, and its  Indian Ocean - 73.6
splendid tranquillity, million square km
particularly in the  Antarctica Ocean
morning. 2.6-18.8 million
square km.
 Mid oceanic Ridge
encircles the globe in
the length of

approximately than 1% of the total
40,000 miles or water available on
64,000 km, covering earth.
Arctic, Atlantic,  Out of total amount
Indian and Pacific of non-salty water
Ocean. This is the (3%), 68.7% is
single largest found in the form of
geological glaciers and polar
phenomena upon the ice, 30.1% in the
surface of earth. form of underground
 Ninety East Ridge water, 0.3% in the
(900 E Ridge) is the form of surface
name of a ridge water and remaining
located in the Indian 0.9% is found in
Ocean. Located near other forms.
900 east longitudes  Most extensive part
(meridian), this ridge of the oceanic floor
is 5000 km long is “Deep Sea plain”.
parallel to it and  Characteristic by flat
stretched across 330 and rolling
south latitudes to 170 submarine plain it is
northern latitudes the most extensive
with an average relief zone of the
width of 200 km. ocean basins. These
 Gravitational water deep-Sea plains
occupies the larger having the depth of
soil pores (macro 3000 m to 6000 m
pores) and moves cover more than
down readily under 76% of the total area
the force of gravity. of the Ocean basins.
Gravitational water These plains have an
under the surface of extension of up to
soil remains in state 9000,000 square km
of zero or less than in the Atlantic
1/3 of the Ocean.
 97% of the total
water available on
Earth is salt water
found in Ocean.
 Out of remaining 3%
non-salty water,
2.4% is in the form
of glaciers and polar
ice, which is
unusable for us. So,
in this way total
available non-salty
water to use is less

20. Important
Seas of

 Major Oceans and  The Tyrrhenian Sea

Seas: is a part of the
Mediterranean Sea
off the western coast
of Italy. The sea is
bounded by Corsica,
Sardinia, Italy, and
 Turkey Bordering  The Tyrrhenian Sea
Countries: is linked to other
seas of the region
through the Strait of
Messina, Strait of
Boniface, and
Corsica channel.
 Aral Sea:  Red Sea:

 Caspian Sea:  Red Sea is an

example of axial
through which is
located between
Africa and Arab.
This region is
associated with
 magnetic anomalies.
 Sargasso Sea is a It plays a pivotal role
region of the North in trade between
Atlantic Ocean North Africa,
bounded by four Europe, and Asian
currents which form Nations after the
an ocean gyre. It has opening of Suez
been named after Canal.
sargassum seaweed  Jordan is an Arabian
abundantly found in country of South
this region. West Asia which
does not open out to
the Mediterranean

Sea. It is bordered by from Pacific and
Saudi Arabia to East Atlantic Ocean.
and South, Iraq to  Land and monsoon
north-east, Syria to winds have a major
north, Israel, impact on the Indian
Palestine, and Dead Oceanic current. The
Sea to the west, and direction of current
Red Sea to south flow changes twice
west. The capital of in the Northern
Jordan is Amman. Indian Ocean due to
 Mediterranean Sea: the North-East and
monsoon winds
whereas Southern
Indian Ocean
currents have
definite pattern.
 Agulhas current is
the warm water
21.Ocean Currents current which flows
in South Indian
 Agulhas current
generates in such a
way that branch of
South Equatorial
Indian Oceanic
current flows
towards south
 Ocean Current is a through the
continuous, directed southeast coast of
movement of sea Mozambique and is
water generated by known as
forces such as Mozambique current
rotation of earth, which flows 300
wind, temperature South and meets
and salinity with the branch of
difference air South Equatorial
pressure, sea water current flowing
density difference along the East of
etc. Madagascar. So, the
 Revolution of the combined current of
earth does not these two branches
influence the ocean of currents is known
currents. as Agulhas current.
 The ocean currents It flows up to
of Indian Ocean are southern most end of
slightly different Africa and alter it
mixes with west

wind drift by turning Cape Hatteras and
to East. then flows along the
 Northern Atlantic east coast of United
currents generate State of America.
near 450 north  West Wind Drift - A
latitude and 450 slow eastward
West Meridian. movement of water
 North Atlantic over the zone of
current takes away westerly wind.
the water of warm  Peru Current -
Gulf Stream Pacific Ocean
towards, Europe,  West Australian
where Norway, Current - Indian
situated in sub-polar Ocean
region is benefited  North Atlantic
most by this current. current prevents
 In the South Atlantic extreme cold in the
Ocean, there exists a region and also
fixed order of keeps the harbours
complete circular ice-free. As a result,
currents. This order the North Atlantic
emerges from South Warm Current is
Equatorial current. also known as the
After Brazil coast, it 'Blanket of Europe'.
moves towards south  There are two
where it is called Equatorial currents
Brazil current. The flowing from east to
disturbance is West - the north
developed due to the Equatorial current
rotation of the Earth. and the South
equatorial current
 South Atlantic  Earth’s rotation on
Ocean currents: its axis is responsible
for the eastward flow
of Equatorial
counter current.

22. Salinity
 Gulf Stream is a
powerful warm
Of the
current in the North
Atlantic Ocean. It
originates at Gulf of
Mexico as the
 Halocline is a zone
Florida current
in the oceanic water
which merges in
in which salinity
Antilles current and
changes rapidly with
flows through the
depth. So, Halocline

denotes water  Red Sea has the
salinity gradient. highest salinity (37
 Main source of the to 41%).
salinity of sea water  The salinity of Dead
is the land. When Sea is more than that
rivers bring various of Red Sea and
types of salt contents Mediterranean Sea
towards the sea, but it is considered
other factors which as a lake.
regulate the salinity  Caspian Sea is also a
of the sea are lake.
vaporisation, wind,  The Great Salt Lake
river water, rain, located in Utah
oceanic currents, and province of the
the volcanos etc. United States of
Average salinity of America. Salinity of
the sea is about 35%. this lake is 220%.
 Salt with their  Between 00-100
salinity and latitudes in the
percentage in sea Indian Ocean, the
water respectively: salinity is 35.14%
1)Sodium Chloride but in the Bay of
27.213%, 77.8% Bengal, it decreases
2)Magnesium to 30%. At the same
Chloride 3.807%, time salinity of
10.9% Arabian Sea is found
3)Magnesium to be 36% because of
Sulphate 1.658%, comparatively dry
4.7% weather, more
4)Calcium Sulphate vaporization takes
1.260%, 3.6% place and water
5)Potassium brought by rivers is
Sulphate 0.863%, also less.
Carbonate 0.123%, 23. High Tide and
7)Magnesium Low Tide
Bromide 0.076%,
 Salinity in Van lake -
 Salinity in Dead Sea
- 238%
 Salinity in Red Sea -
 Salinity in Great Salt
Lake - 220%
 High Tide/low tide
occur as a result of

force of gravitational or the New Moon
pull between the neap-tide occurs.
Earth and the Moon  Since the Moon is
and the two forces nearer to the Earth in
viz centripetal force comparison to other
and centrifugal force stars, so its
produced upon the gravitational force
Earth. has greater effect
 Ocean water is kept upon the Earth. Due
at equal levels to this effect, high
around the planet by sea waves are
the Earth’s gravity produced in oceans.
pulling inward, but Tide producing
Moon’s power of the moon is
gravitational force is 2.17 times more than
strong enough to the Sun.
disrupt this balance
by accelerating the
water in
hemisphere which
24. The Oceanic
faces the Moon. Trenches
 When the Moon’s
force of attraction is
stronger than the  Trenches and Deeps
centrifugal force of found in the Oceans
the Earth, high tides are as follows:
occur.  Indian Ocean -
 When the centrifugal Sunda Deep and
force is stronger than Dementia Trench
the Moon’s force  North Pacific Ocean
attraction tides - Marina Trench,
(Indirect high tide) Kuril trench,
occur. Aleutian trench and
 Earth experience Japan trench.
high and low tides  South Pacific Ocean
twice in 24 hours. -Tonga trench,
 During the neap tide, Kermadec trench,
high tide remains to Atacama trench.
be 20% less than the  North Atlantic
normal and low tide Ocean - Puerto-Rico
at this time remains trench
to be higher than the
 South Atlantic
Ocean - South
 Spring-tide occurs
Sandwich trench.
in the ocean on the
 Major ocean
day of Full Moon.
 At 7th and 8th day
after the Full Moon

covers distance
about of 4700 km
and it crosses
equator twice during
its flow.
 Mariana Trench is  Mississippi-
the deepest trench in Missouri River
the world. It is system is located in
located in the Pacific North America and it
Ocean east of is the largest River
Mariana Islands. system of North
 Diamantina Trench America. Its length
is the deepest trench is 6275 km.
in the Indian Ocean.  Congo River also
It is located about known as “Zaire
1125 km south west River” is the second
from the Perth longest River after
Basin. Its maximum Nile in African
depth is about 8047 continent. It crosses
meters. the equator twice.
Amazon and Congo
are two river that
25. Rivers of flow out of
The world 
equatorial zone.
Length of Yangtze
river- 6300 km
 Major rivers of the  Length of Yenisei-
world: Angora- Selenge
River- 6300 km
 Length of Indus
river- 2880
  Length of
 South America’s Brahmaputra river-
Amazon River is the 2900 kilometres.
largest River in  Length of Hwang Ho
terms of its volume river- 5464 km.
of flow in the world. 
Its length is  Amazon is the
approximately 6400 longest river of
km. South America.
 In terms of length,  Countries like
largest river of the Burundi, Rwanda
world is Nile which DR Congo, Ethiopia,
flows in East Africa Sudan, South Sudan,
up to the distance of Uganda and Egypt
6650 km. are the part of the
 Congo River flows drainage basin of
in Central Africa and Nile River.

 The Blue Nile River  Lawrence River-
originates from lake This River connects
Tana in Ethiopia. Great lakes to
The upper course of Atlantic Ocean. It
the river is called forms international
Abbey in Ethiopia. boundary between
 Egypt is called the United States of
gift of the Nile America and
River. Canada.
 Nile is an Oasis of  Orinoco River -
the Sahara Desert. Approximately 76.3
 Amur, Lena and Ob percent of this river
rivers flow towards flows in Venezuela
the north from their and remaining in
origin while the Columbia. It’s is
Salween River flows 2410 km long.
towards the South  Lake Michigan is
from its origin. one of the five Great
 Yangtze river is the Lakes of North
longest Asian river. America and the
It flows in China and only one located
falls into the Pacific entirely within the
Ocean. USA.
 Yukon River - It is  Amu Darya and Syr
major North Darya are prominent
American River that rivers of Central
flows through the Asia which fall into
central Yukon the Aral Sea.
Territory of north  Dnieper River - This
western Canada and River rises in the
the central region of west of Moscow and
Alaska State of the flows to the Black
USA. Sea.
 Mackenzie River -  Danube River - It is
Rising out of Great the second longest
Slave Lake, the River of Europe after
Mackenzie River the Volga. It rises in
flows generally Germany and flows
northeast of Canada. for 1770 mile to its
It finally empties mouth on the Black
into the Beaufort Sea.
Sea, part of the  Volga River - This is
Arctic Ocean, the longest River of
through the vast Europe. It rises in the
Mackenzie Delta. Valdai Hills north
1738 km long west of Moscow and
Mackenzie River is merges into the
the longest River of Caspian Sea.
Canada. Saint.

 Ural River - It rises  Sri Lanka is the best
in the Ural example of radial
Mountains near drainage.
Mount Kruglaya and  Mahaweli is the
flows into the largest river of Sri
Caspian Sea. Lanka. It merges
 Lena river empties into Bay of Bengal.
into Arctic Ocean  Mekong is a
 Amur river empties transboundary river
into Pacific Ocean in Southeast Asia. It
 Tigris river empties flows through
into Persian Gulf China, Myanmar,
 Mahi river empties Laos, Thailand,
into Arabian Ocean. Cambodia and
 The Rhine River Vietnam and falls
emerges at the Rhein into South China
Vorderrhien glacier Sea.
and flowing through  Lake Itasca is the
rift valley empties main source of river
into the North Sea. Mississippi. Ohio
 Lop Nor - Lop Nor is Arkansas and Red
saline lake in China. Rive are tributaries
 Amur River - The of Mississippi.
length of the Amur Mississippi flows
River is 2900 km. into the Gulf of
The Amur forms a Mexico.
border between  At the mouth of river
Russia and China. Mississippi, “birds’
 Niger River - The foot” delta is
Niger rises in the formed.
Fouta Djallon
Plateau of Western
Africa and empties
26. Towns and
into the Gulf of Cities along
Guinea. It is related
to Africa. The river
 Tigris River - It rises
in Taurus Mountains Banks
of eastern Turkey. It
meets Euphrates
River in Iraq and  Khartoum (Sudan)-
merges into the Nile River.
Persian Gulf.  New York – Hudson
 Limpopo river of River.
Africa crosses  Berlin – Spree River.
Tropic of Capricorn  Paris (France) –
twice. Seine River.

 Brazzaville (Congo)  Manzanares River -
– Zaire (Congo The Manzanares in
River). one of the main
 Rotterdam rivers in Central
(Netherlands) – Spain which passes
Rhine River. through Madrid.
 Lahore (Pakistan) -  River Huangpu is
Ravi River 113 km long. It
 Rome (Italy) – Tiber flows through
River. Shanghai.
 London (Britain)-  Bangkok - Bangkok
Thames River. is the capital of
 Vienna (Austria)- Thailand which is
Danube River. situated on the west
 Bonn (Germany)- bank of the Chao
Rhine River. Phraya River.
 Cairo (Egypt)- Nile  Phnom Penh -
River. Phnom Penh is the
 Perth (Australia)- capital of Cambodia.
Swan River. It is located on the
 Hamburg- Elbe banks of Mekong
River. River.
 Belgrade- Danube  Hanoi - Hanoi is the
River. capital of Vietnam
 Kiev- Dnieper River. and the city lies on
the right bank of the
 Spree River - It is a
Red River.
tributary of the
 Yangon - Yangon
Havel River and its
was formerly the
length is 403 km.
capital of Myanmar
The Spree flows
(Burma) and lies on
through Saxony,
Brandenburg, and the banks of
Berlin cities of Irrawaddy River the
Germany. longest river of
 Potomac River -
 Iraq- Tigris River.
This River flows
through south west  Antwerp-Scheldt
Maryland and River.
Washington DC and  Rotterdam- Rhine
falls into River.
Chesapeake Bay.  Budapest- Danube
 Seine River - Seine  River.
is the second largest  Washington-
River of France after Potomac River.
Lori River. If flows
in northern France
through Paris.

27. Landforms
28. The Islands
By Rivers
 New Zealand South
 Conditions which Island 151215 sq.
are favourable for km, is the largest in
the formation of the area.
delta:  Java has an area of
 1. The river must 138794 sq. km.
carry a large number  New Zealand North
of sediments. Island 113729 sq.
 2. The slope and km and Newfound
speed of the river land has an area of
must not be strong 108860 sq. km.
enough to remove  The largest Island of
the sediments the world is
deposited by the Greenland.
river.  The ten largest
 3. The slope of the islands of the world
sea floor or lake at are Greenland, New
the river mouth must Guinea, Borneo,
be gentle or flat. Madagascar, Baffin
 4. The lost size and Islands, Sumatra,
volume of the river. Honshu, Victoria
 5. Presence of islands, Great
shallow adjoining Britain, Elesmene
see or continental Islands.
shelf.  Nuuk is the capital
 The greatest delta in and largest city of
the world is the Greenland.
Ganges delta.  Kalimantan is the
 The Ganga delta is a Indonesia portion of
river delta in the Island of Borneo.
Bangladesh and It comprises of 73%
West Bengal, India. of the island area.
It is known as Ganga  Madagascar is an
Brahmaputra delta. island located in the
 The Grand Canyon south west of Indian
is a gorge carved by Ocean. Mauritius is
the Colorado River located to its east
in the states of and Mozambique to
Arizona United its west.
States.  Borneo is the third
 Chispani gorge is largest island in the
located in Nepal and world and the largest
found by the Karnali Island in Asia. The
river. Island is divided

among three east and Tuvalu to
countries - Malaysia the north.
(26%), Brunei (1%),  Fiji is an archipelago
Indonesia (73%). of 322 islands, of
 which the two major
islands, Viti Lavu
and Vanua Lavu, are
inhabited by 87% of
the total population.
 Japan is a group of 4
main Islands:
Hokkaido, Shikoku,
Kyushu, Honshu.
 Melanesia is a sub  Honshu is the largest
region of Oceania island where capital
extending from the Tokyo is situated.
western end of the  Macau lies to the
Pacific Ocean to the west of Hong Kong,
Arafura Sea and which is 60 km
eastward to Fiji. The away. The transfer
following islands of sovereignty of
and groups of Island Macau from the
are traditionally Portuguese Republic
considered as part of to the People’s
Melanesia: Republic of China.
1.Bismarck  The Balearic Islands
Archipelago are an archipelago of
2.Fiji Spain in Western
3.New Caledonia Mediterranean Sea.
4.Solomon Islands
 Majuli is river island
5. Vanuatu
in the Brahmaputra
6. Santacruz
River (Assam). It is
7. New Guinea
the largest river
 Diego Garcia island in the world.
located in the Indian
 Majuli became first
riverine island to be
 The Falkland made a district in
archipelago is in India.
South Atlantic. The
 Australian Continent
main island is
is an island
around 483 km east
continent. It is the
of South American
smallest continent of
the world.
 Fiji is an island
 Grenada is also
country in the South
known as the “Island
Pacific Ocean. Its
of Spice” because of
closest neighbours
the excess
are Vanuatu to the
production of spices.
west, Tonga to the
It is located approx.

100 km North from  Lake Victoria is
Venezuela. located between
Tanzania, Uganda &
Kenya. It has a
29. The Lakes and maximum depth of
Waterfalls 84 m and an average
depth of 40 m.
 The Dead Sea is a
lake lying on the
 Lake Tanganyika is
border Israel,
the world's second
Palestine, and
deepest lake. It is
Jordan. Its average
also the world's
depth is 120 m.
longest freshwater
 On the basis of area
lake (660 km).
and volume, the
 The Great Lakes is a
largest lake is
series of
Caspian Sea. It is a
salt water lake.
freshwater lakes
 Lake Malawi, also
located in North in
known as Lake
North Eastern
America. It consists Nyasa in
Superior, Michigan, Mozambique is an
African great lake
Huron, Erie and
located between
 The correct
Mozambique and
sequence of the
Great Lakes on the
 Finger Lakes are
Canada- US border
small series of Lakes
from east to west is
in north west of New
York, USA.
 The lake according  Finland is a Nordic
to their area in
descending order are  Boiling Lake –
Superior > Victoria Dominica
> Baikal > Great  Five Flower Lake -
Bear. Sichuan, China.
 The largest  Red Lagoon –
freshwater lake in Bolivia
the world is Superior  Great Slave Lake –
Lake. Canada
 The deepest and  Duluth is a seaport
oldest lake in the city on the Lake
world is Lake Baikal Superior.
in Siberia, Russia.  Buffalo city in New
 Lake Titicaca is York is in the shore
located in Peru. of Lake Erie.
 Titicaca Lake-
Bolivia (Peru)

 Lake Urmia – Iran granted UNESCO
 Lake Reindeer - World Heritage
Canada status in 1979. The
 Lake Athabasca - beauty of the
Canada National Park lies in
 The highest its sixteen lakes,
waterfall of the interconnected by a
world is Salto Angel series of waterfalls,
also known as and set in deep
“Angel Fall” which woodland populated
is 979 meters high. It by rare bird species.
is located at Rio  Angel falls located
Caroni River in in Guyana highlands
Canaima National is the highest
Park of Venezuela. waterfall in the
 Tugela Falls is world. Its height is
located at Tugela 979 m.
River in South
Africa. It is 948
meter high.
 Ribbon Falls is 30. The Straits
located in Yosemite
National Park in
California at Ribbon  Strait of Malacca
River. It is 491 meter runs between
high. Indonesia and
 Niagara Falls is Malaysia. The Strait
located at the of Malacca connects
international border Indian Ocean to
between Canada and Pacific Ocean.
the United States on  Between India and
the banks of Niagara East Asia, the
River. It has vertical navigation time and
drop of 55-57 meter. distance could be
 The waterfall greatly reduced by
“Victoria” is opening a new canal
associated with the between the Gulf of
river Zambezi Siam and Andaman
located at the border Sea.
of Zambia and  The Strait of
Zimbabwe in Gibraltar separates
Southern-central Europe from Africa.
Africa. The waterfall It connects the
“Victoria” was Atlantic Ocean to the
declared a UNESCO Mediterranean Sea.
World Heritage site  The Strait of
in 1989. Hormuz is located
 Plitvice Lake between the Persian
National Lake was

Gulf and the Gulf of of England with
Oman. Calois of France.
 Bering Strait  Lombok Strait is a
separates Asia from strait connecting the
North America. It is Java Sea to the
located at eastern Indian Ocean and is
most point of Russia located between the
at 1690 43’ east Islands of Bali and
latitude and western Lombok in
end (Alaska) of USA Indonesia.
at 168005’ west  The Palk Strait lies
latitude. 92 km wide between Sri Lanka
strait connects the and Tami Nadu in
Chukchi Sea (part of India. It connects the
the Arctic Ocean) in Bay of Bengal to the
the north with the Gulf of Mannar. The
Bering Sea (part of Strait is 64 to 137 km
the Pacific Ocean) in wide. The Strait is
the south. named after Robert
 The Ten Degree Palk, who was a
Channel separates Governor of Madras
the Andaman, and Presidency (1755-
Nicobar Islands in 1763) during British
the Bay of Bengal. rule.
The two sets of 
islands together
form the Indian
Union Territory of
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands.
This channel is 150
km wide. It is so
named as it lies on
the 100 northern  The Gulf of Bothnia
latitudes. is situated between
 Dover Strait marks Finland and Sweden
the boundary and Baffin Bay is
between English located between
Channel and North Canada and
Sea. There are three Greenland.
marine tunnels  The Gulf of
through Dove Strait Carpentaria is a
on the eastern part of large, shallow sea
England channel enclosed on three
which connect sides by Northern
England and France. Australia while the
These tunnels Gulf of Tonkin is
connect Falke Stone located between
Vietnam and China.

 Bab El-Mandeb  Panama Canal –
Strait connects the Atlantic Ocean and
Red Sea to the Pacific Ocean.
Indian Ocean. The  The Panama Canal is
Strait of Hormuz major ship canal of
links the Persian Central America. It
Gulf with the Gulf of was constructed by
Oman. The Strait of cutting across the
Malacca connects Isthmus of Panama.
Indian Ocean to It connects the
South China Sea. Atlantic Ocean to the
The Bosporus Strait Pacific Ocean. This
(or Bosporus) canal has
connects the Black significantly
Sea to the Sea of reduced the distance
Marmara. between San
Francisco (on the
western coast) and
31. The Canals New York (on the
eastern coast).
 Soo Canal connects
 The Suez Canal is an two of the five great
artificial sea-level lakes of North
waterway located in America-superior
Sinai Peninsula of and Huron.
Egypt. It connects
 Ludwings Canal is
Mediterranean Sea
used as an inland
and Red Sea.
waterway in
 Tewfik port (Suez Southern Germany.
port) is located to the
 The sault-Sainte
south of Suez Canal
Marie Canal which
and port Said is
was a part of the
located to its north. It
shipping route from
is the largest
the Atlantic Ocean to
artificial canal of the
Lake Superior until
1987 is located in
 Suez Canal reduced Canada.
the maritime
 Volga-Don Canal
distance between
connects two
Europe and India by
important rivers of
7000 km.
Russia i.e., Volga
 Kiel Canal – Elbe River and Don
Estuary and Baltic River.
 White Sea Canal is
 Soo Canal – Lake located in Russia. It
Superior and Lake connects White Sea
Huron. with Lake Onega.
 A lock is a device
used for raising and

lowering boats,  Kariba dam one of
ships, and other the largest dams of
watercrafts between the world, is located
stretches of water of on Zambezi River on
different levels on Zambia - Zimbabwe
river and canal border.
waterways. Locks  The Aswan dam is
are used to make a located in Egypt of
river more easily African continent. It
navigable, or to is built on the river
allow a canal to lake Nile. Its water is
a reasonably direct used for irrigation of
line across land that crops, and to
is not level. generate
hydroelectric power.
 The Zangmu Dam is
32. Dams of the gravity dam on the
World hmaputra River in
Tibet. The dam is
apprehended to
 Itaipu Dam is a joint reduce the flow of
Brahmaputra River.
venture between
Brazil and Paraguay  Hoover Dam also
(both South known as Boulder
American counties) dam is a concrete
at Itaipu of Brazil on arch gravity dam in
the Parana River. the black canyon of
The dam is 196- Colorado River on
meter-high and 7919 the border of U.S.
meter long. states of Nevada and
 The world’s longest
cross sea bridge is
built over Tiaozhan 33. The Coral
Bay. The bridge
spans 42.4 km and Reefs
connects the eastern
coastal city of
Qingdao to the  Most of the world’s
suburb of Huangdi. coral reefs are found
 Colorado – Hoover at eastern and
Dam western coastal areas
 Damodar - Panchet between the tropic of
Hill Dam cancer and tropic of
 Nile – Aswan Dam Capricorn.
 Zambezi - Kariba  Australia’s Great
Dam Barrier Reef is
world’s largest coral
reef. Coral reefs

cover less than 0.1% 100 km, Hydrogen
of our Oceans but up to 125 km.
they contain 25% of  Ozone and other
the world’s marine gases are found at
species. much higher
 The Great Barrier elevation.
Reef is the world’s 
largest coral reef.
The reef is located in
the Pacific Ocean,
off the coast of
Queensland in North
East Australia. There
are over 1500
species of fish, about
400 species of
corals, and  Almost all the
approximate 4000 weather phenomena
species of molluscs. like rainfall, fog and
hailstorm etc. occur
in troposphere. The
34. The Atmos- temperature in this
layer decreases at the
Phere rate of 6.50 C for
every 1000 meters (1
km) height. This is
 The atmosphere is a the most important
mixture of different layer for all
gases, of which 99% biological activity.
are mainly Nitrogen
 The Stratosphere is
(78.08%) and
very dry and air of
Oxygen (20.95%).
this layer contains
little water vapour.
approximately 1%
 Stratosphere is
are Argon, carbon
almost free of clouds
dioxide, Neon,
and associated
Helium, Methane,
Hydrogen, Nitrous
phenomenon. These
Oxide, Ozone,
conditions are ideal
Krypton, Xenon etc.
in order to avoid
 Heavy gases are
disturbances. Jet
found at the bottom
aircraft use to fly in
of atmosphere and
this layer.
light gases are found
 The ozone layer is
at the top.
mainly found in the
 Carbon dioxide is
lower portion of the
found to 20 km
Stratosphere from
above Earth, Oxygen
15-35 km above
and nitrogen up to

 Ozone is a molecule enable us to have
composed of three wireless
oxygen atoms and its communities.
colour is blue.  Geostationary
 Ozone layer absorbs satellites are
UV radiation and positioned at
shields life on the approximately
Earth from an 36000 km height
intense and harmful above the Earth.
form of energy. Exosphere is outer
 UV rays may cause limit of atmosphere
skin cancer. above 640 km from
 Radio waves are the Earth.
reflected by the  The communication
Ionosphere. Other satellite located in
major events that outer most layer of
occur in this region atmosphere is in
are as follows: Exosphere.
Identification of
cosmic rays and
35. The Insolation
observation of
Aurora Borealis and
Aurora Australia  The principal source
of atmospheric and
 Aurora is an
Earth’s surface
incredible light
energy is the Sun.
caused by collisions
between electrically  Insolation is the
charged particles incoming solar
released from the Energy intercepted
Sun that enter the by the Earth.
Earth atmosphere.  The energy radiated
 Aurora occurs in the from Sun is known
Northern as short-wave solar
Hemisphere is called radiation whereas
‘Aurora Borealis’ the energy radiated
and in Southern from Earth is known
Hemisphere is called as long wave
‘Aurora Australis’. radiation.
 Ionosphere is  The long wave
responsible for radiation is absorbed
Aurora Borealis. by the atmospheric
gases particularly by
 Ionosphere is
carbon dioxide and
composed of
the other greenhouse
electrically charged
gases. Thus, the
particles that are
atmosphere is
called “ions”. These
indirectly heated by
particles reflect
the Earth’s radiation.
radio waves back to
the Earth surface and

 Increasing albedo 3-15% and
concentration of Prairie land has
greenhouse gases albedo 10-20%.
such as carbon  More the size of the
dioxide and methane ocean, less the
increases the variation in the
temperature of the annual temperature.
lower atmosphere by More temperature
restricting the variation is found at
outward passage of Atlantic Ocean as
emitted radiation, compared to Pacific
resulting in global Ocean.
warming.  The average,
 Globally Insolation temperature
is the main factor decreases from the
behind the Equator towards the
distribution of higher degree
temperature. By latitude.
absorbing Sun rays,  Cloudy night
the surface of Earth contains more water
gets warmer. This is vapour than clear
the reason why night. The heat
temperature emitted from the
decreases as height Earth’s surface is
increases. At high trapped by the
altitude air density is clouds and emitted
less with little back towards the
humidity. earth. As a result,
 Albedo is the cloudy night seems
fraction of solar warmer than clear
energy (short wave night. If sky is clear,
radiation) reflected heat emitted from
from the Earth back the Earth’s surface
into space. It is a freely escape into
measure of the space, resulting in
reflectivity of the colder temperature.
Earth’s surface.
 Land covered with
fresh snow has a
36. The Cyclones
high albedo (75-
95%), most sunlight
hitting the surface  A cyclone is a large
bounces back air mass that rotates
towards space. around a strong
 The average albedo centre of low
of Earth is 30-35%. atmospheric
Sand desert has pressure. They are
albedo 20-30%. usually
Paddy crop land has characterized by

inward spiralling of China Sea
winds upon the between 100 and
centre of cyclone. A 1800 E longitude.
cyclone centre is the  A tropical cyclone is
area of lowest known by different
atmospheric names in different
pressure. Air parts of the world. It
descends at the is called a
centre of cyclone. “Hurricane” in the
 Tornadoes are USA, “typhoon” in
tropical cyclones. A China. In North and
tornado is a dark North-West
funnel shaped cloud Australia, it is called
that reaches from the Willy-Willy, in
sky to the ground. Philippines, it is
Tornado comes in all called “Baguio” and
tropical and in India it is called
subtropical regions Cyclones.
but the Caribbean  The Saffir Simpson
Sea and American Scale measure the
region are most intensity of
prone to it. hurricane.
 Tornado Alley is an  Wind speed is
area in mid USA that measured on a scale
has a very high of 1-5 to give an
number of estimate of potential
destructive property damage and
tornadoes. Tornado flooding along the
Alley mainly coast.
includes states of  According to IPCC
Mississippi and global warming will
Missouri valley that result in melting of
is Texas, Oklahoma, glaciers, increasing
Kansas and the level of seawater,
Nebraska. floods and droughts
 The Fujita-Pearson will become more
Scale or more severe, the intensity
popularly known as of storms will
the F-scale, is used increase etc.
to measure the  A sudden fall of the
intensity of a Barometer indicates
tornado. The scale westerly winds
was named after Ted followed by a violent
Fujita. storm.
 A typhoon is a  The tropical
mature tropical cyclones Aila, Thane
cyclone that and Neelam affected
develops in the mid India
northern hemisphere

 Nargis cyclones  In summer, humidity
mainly affected the is very high
region of Myanmar. therefore weather is
 The most proximate muggy.
reason for absence of  Absolute humidity is
cyclone in South the weight of water
Atlantic and South vapour per unit
Eastern Pacific volume, usually
region in tropical expressed in grains
latitude is the low per cubic foot.
temperature of sea
38. The Atmosp-
heric Pressure

 The sub-polar low-

pressure belt lies
between 600-650
37. The Humidity latitude in both the
throughout the year
 Water vapour as there is low
present in the air is temperature and low
known as humidity. atmospheric
 Moisture content pressure. Although
decreases with this belt has nothing
increase in latitude. to do with
 Atmosphere temperature.
contains 90%  Low atmospheric
moisture up to 5 km pressure generally
height from the built upon land
ground. whereas high
 Humidity is directly atmospheric
proportional to pressure mostly over
temperature, that is oceans.
at higher  The horse latitudes
temperature air can are located at about
hold more water 300 to 350 north and
vapour than the same south the Equator. In
amount of air at the northern
lower temperatures. hemisphere it is
 The energy in form called as the north
of heat required to sub-tropical high-
convert water into pressure belt and in
vapour or gas, is the southern
known as humid hemisphere it is
heat. known as the south-

tropical high- Earth. They are dark
pressure belt. grey with a ragged
 Air pressure is base. Nimbostratus
defined as the clouds are associated
pressure exerted by with continuous
the weight of air on rain.
the earth’s surface.  Cirrostratus is
 The distribution of highest altitude
air pressure is clouds. These are
influenced by mainly formed at an
temperature of air at altitude of over
a given place. 18000 feet.
 Temperature is  Thunder cloud is a
reversely related process of
with pressure. thunderstorm.
 Due to highest  Thunderstorms are
temperature in local lightning storm
summer, pressure is that develop in hot,
lowest on earth. humid tropical areas
 As altitude increases like India very
the temperature and frequently.
air pressure  The rising
decreases. temperature
 Distribution of air produces strong
pressure is upward rising winds.
influenced by These winds carry
temperature and water droplets
other kinetic factor upwards, where they
(i.e., earth rotation, freeze (condense),
water vapour, and fall down again.
altitude) etc. The swift movement
of the falling water
droplets along with
the rising air creates
39. Clouds lightning and sound.
 During
 Clouds are formed as thunder is the sound
a result of the caused by a lighting
process of discharge.
condensation.  Lightning heats the
 Conversion of water air in its path and
in gaseous state to causes a large over-
liquid of solid state pressure of the air
is called within its channel.
condensation. The channel expands
 Nimbostratus clouds supersonically into
are found very near the surrounding air
to the surface or the as a shockwave and

creates an acoustic active in winter. As
signal that is heard these passes over the
as thunder. sea, these carry
moisture and cause
40. The Winds  Due to lesser
expansion of land is
the southern
 The horizontal hemisphere,
winds near the earth Westerlies become
surface respond to extremely powerful
the combined effect and turn into storm.
of three forces – The  Due to its intensity
pressure gradient in southern
force, Frictional hemisphere, it is
Force, and the called “Roaring
Coriolis force. Forties” at 400
 The rotation of the latitude, “Furious
Earth on its axis fifties” at 500
affects the direction latitude and
of the wind. This “Shrieking sixties”
force is called the at 600 latitudes.
Coriolis force.  Roaring Forties are
 Coriolis force stormy in nature.
deflects the wind to The strong north-
the right (clockwise) west to east air
direction in the currents are caused
Northern by the combination
Hemisphere and to of air being
the left (anti-clock) displaced from the
in the Southern Equator towards the
Hemisphere. South Pole and the
 The westerlies are Earth’s rotation.
prevailing wind  The Roaring Forties
from the west bring overcast skies,
towards the east rains, and cold
between sub-tropical temperature.
high-pressure zone  Chinook means
(300-350) and sub “snow-eater”.
polar low pressure
 Chinook winds are
most common
 Westerlies are more during winter and
complicated in the early spring along
northern hemisphere the eastern slopes of
due to larger the Rocky
expansion of land. Mountains from
 Westerlies are less Colorado (USA) into
active during British Columbia
summer and more (Canada) in north.

 Chinook is a hot of the Alps. It most
wind that blows in influences the
winter and therefore weather of
raises the Switzerland.
temperature within a  Simoom – Strong,
short time. dry wind that blows
 Mediterranean Sea in the desert of
is located between Arabian, Kurdistan
300-400 latitude.  Santa Ana – The
This area is under local wind of
subtropical high- southern California.
pressure dynamic  Zonda – The local
belt. wind blows on the
 Summer trade wind eastern slope of the
and westerly (anti Andes in Argentina.
trade) winter wind  Bora is a dry, cold,
blows from 300-400 and fast blowing
latitudes. It means wind on the eastern
Westerly, blows coast of Adriatic
from these latitudes Sea. The northern
toward the north- part of Italy is
east and trade Wind particularly
flows from these influenced by this
latitudes toward wind.
north-west.  Chinook – It is local
 Monsoon are those wind that blows in
seasonal winds the east of Rockies
whose direction Mountain, USA.
reserves as per the  Sirocco - wind blows
season. For six from the Sahara
months during Desert toward north
summer, these winds east direction of
flow from ocean to Mediterranean Sea
land and during and enters Sicily
winter season, these (Italy), Spain and
winds flow from other European
land to sea. Their countries. When the
direction reserves as red sand falls on
per the changes in earth with the rain
season. drops, it’s called
Blood rain.
 Blizzard – A
41. The Local blizzard is a long-
Winds lasting snowstorm
with very strong
winds and intense
 Foehn- A warm dry snowfall. It flows
through South Pole,
wind blowing down
the northern slopes

Siberia, Canada, and Bolivia, Peru,
USA. Ecuador, Colombia,
 Norwester – It is a Venezuela, Guyana,
local wind of Indian and Suriname.
also called 2. Congo basin-
“Kalbaisakhi”. Democratic
 Sirocco carries dust Republic of Congo,
from Libya to the Cameroon, Central
Mediterranean, African Republic,
Malta, Italy, Croatia, Gabon, Equatorial
Montenegro, Ginny, Congo
Albania, and Greece. Republic.
3. Southeast Asia-
Indonesia and Papua
42. The Forests New Guinea.
 Taiga forests are
characteristic of
 Temperate temperate region.
coniferous forests Taiga Biome is also
cover the highest known for
percentage of forest coniferous forest is
area in the world. boreal forest.
 Bhutan has made  Taiga forest is
constitutional expanded over North
provision for America and Eurasia
maintaining forest to the sub polar
over 60% of its total climate regions.
geographical area.  The Amazon River
 Tropical evergreen Basin is the largest
forests grow in the rainforest on Earth.
regions near the The basin covers 40
Equator (10°N- percent of the South
10°S) and close to American continent.
the tropics. These  Coniferous forest is
regions are hot and found in 50° N to
receive heavy 60°N latitudes that
rainfall throughout lies between the
the year. Tundra to the north
 Tropical evergreen and the deciduous
forests do not shed forest to the south.
their leaves These forests are
altogether. This is found in Canada,
the reason they are Europe, Asia, and
called evergreen. the United States.
 Three major regions  Coniferous forests
of evergreen forest mainly found in the
in the world are: temperate regions of
1. Amazon River the world.
Basin- Brazil,

 Ivory Coast is medium-size trees,
situated in Gulf of these trees are
Guinea. Hot, Humid mainly found in
and dense forests are North and South
found in this region. America, Africa,
 Temperate forests Madagascar, and
are cleared, they can Tropical region of
yield productive South Asia.
farmland.  Some important
 Primary productivity species of Dalbergia
of tropical rainforest are Sesame
is greater than all (Rosewood),
other types of Kingwood,
forests. It is greater tulipwood, money
than temperate bush etc.
forests also.  The smell of sesame
 If tropical rain forest of Rose wood is like
is removed, it does rose, so it is called
not regenerate Rosewood.
quickly as compared
to a tropical
deciduous forest.
The main reason is
43. The World
the deficiency of
nutrients in the soil
of rain forest.
 Cedar Timber –  Earth is tilted on its
axis. Due to which
 Douglas Fir Timber days and nights are
– Mexico. not equal
 Mahogany Timber – everywhere.
Honduras.  Duty revolution of
 Teak Timber – the earth on its axis
Myanmar. variation in the
 Monsoon Forest - length of day and
Teak and Sal night time from
 Equatorial Forest - season to season is
Mahogany and seen.
Rosewood  On equatorial line,
 Mediterranean days and nights are
Forest - Plum and always equal.
Olive  The land gets heated
 Coniferous Forest - rapidly through the
Pine and Spruce. insolation of the sun
 Dalbergia species is whereas water gets
a large group which heated very slowly.
has 600 species. Due to this the
 Dalbergia is a large weather of the
genus of small to coastal areas

remains cold as  Asia is expanded
compared to the from the Equator to
terrestrial regions. the North Pole;
 Latitude is the main hence it is home to
factor which all types of climatic
determines the zones.
climate of any area. 
The major belts of
the climate have
been divided
according to the
different latitudes.
 About one third area
on Earth is covered  Characteristics of
by arid region which warm and dry
is greater than all climate, mild and
other geographical wet winter and
regions. evergreen Oak trees
 The climatic region are related to
of equatorial line Mediterranean
spreads between 5° - region.
10°latitudes in both  Tropical Savannah
the hemispheres. region’s climatic
There are two features are – clear
important features of dry and wet season,
this climatic region: high temperature
(1) Constant high throughout the year
temperature and high insolation.
throughout the year. Average annual rain
(2) Constant high in this region is
rainfall throughout between 500 mm to
the year. 2000 mm and no
 Due to high month of the year
temperature has temperature less
throughout the year, than 20°C.
there is high  In equatorial region,
humidity which constant high
results in temperature and
conventional rains heavy rainfall occurs
mostly in noon. throughout the year.
 Earth is divided into The climate of this
three types of region is not
climatic zones – conducive for
Tropical, temperate, humans, but it is
and cold. These conductive for
spread from the vegetation.
equatorial line to the  Evergreen forests
poles. are found in
equatorial region.

Humidity persists all the major rainfall is
the day and hence received by
the area becomes Monsoon winds. In
prone to disease. Desert regions,
 Mediterranean rainfall is either
climate extends 30° - negligible or
40° latitudes around indefinite.
the Mediterranean  Norway comes
Sea and is under the western
experienced in the European type of
western parts of climate (40° - 65°
continents. These latitudes). In this
areas are: South climatic region
California, Los rainfall occurs in
Angeles in North sufficient and equal
America, Central quantity throughout
Chile in South the year.
America, Cape  China comes under
Town in South China type climate.
Africa & South Here rains occur
Australia. throughout the year,
 In Central Asian but winter season is
Steppes, the climate relatively dry.
is extreme, rainfall is  Most of Italy has
scanty, and the Mediterranean type
people used to be of climate.
nomadic herder.  Sudan has a tropical
 The Mediterranean climate. Summer
Sea climatic region temperature often
receive rainfall in exceeds 43°C in the
winters. Hot, dry desert zones, and
summer, mild and rainfall is negligible.
moist winter and  Savannah type of
seasonal reversal of climate is found in
winds describe the Sudan.
geographical  Iran has a hot, dry
characteristics of climate
Mediterranean characterized by
climate. long, hot, dry
 During winters, summers and short
Mediterranean winters.
region lie in the belt  Chile, situated in
of westerlies. desert zone, is very
 In Equatorial region, hot and humid
convectional rain during summer and
occurs with thunder very cold and dry
in noon almost during winters.
throughout the year.
In Monsoon regions,

 California (U.S.A.) - There is an
Mediterranean emergence of
Climate monsoon winds due
 West Australia - Hot to the shifting of
Desert Climate. atmospheric
 Bangladesh - pressure belts.
Tropical Monsoon  Zaire is a central
Climate. African country and
 Siberia (Russia) - Netherland is a
Cold Temperate Western European
Climate. country.
 Oceanic streams and The sequence of
prevalent winds climatic regions
have considerable while going from
impact over the Zaire to Netherland
temperature of are as follows:
western European 1. Zaire falls in the
climatic regions. equatorial region so
 The expansion of firstly equatorial
Europe is in the belt type of climate.
of westerly winds. 2. Hot desert climate
 In Europe, none of in Sahara Western
the mountain is region.
spread from north to 3. Mediterranean
south Because of no type of climate in the
hurdle in the path Mediterranean Sea
these winds make region.
the temperature 4. Finally enters
mild. Netherland where
 The ports are open there is Western
European type of
throughout the year.
 Mediterranean
 According to
climate and
NASA’s satellite
monsoon climate are
associated with the data (2003 – 09) Lut
transfer of pressure desert in Iran
belts. (highest temperature
70.7°C recorded in
 Sub- tropical high-
2005) is the hottest
pressure belts are
found in the middle
 Originally the term
of 30° - 35°
latitudes. El Nino applied to an
annual weak warm
 Trade winds blow
ocean current that
during summers in
ran southwards
these latitudes
along the coast of
whereas in winters
Peru. It affects the
these high-pressure
Indian monsoon
belts shift towards
rains and causes
the equatorial line.

drought like  Hekistotherms are
situation. plants which grow in
 La Nina is cooling of very low
water in the temperature areas
equatorial Pacific like mountains and
Ocean, which is Alpine forests.
opposite to the El
 El-Nino is related to
44. The Soil
eastern part of the
Pacific Ocean which
increases the  Smaller the pore of
temperature of the the soil, more
surface water. effective is the cell
 La Nine is related to activity
the large pool of  The effectiveness of
warm water in the cell activity in
western Pacific these four soils are
Ocean. as follows: Clayey >
 El Nino has an silt soil > loamy soil
adverse effect on > sandy soil.
south-west Indian  Patpara – Middle
monsoon. Palaeolithic period.
 La Nina, on the  Khetaurhi – Early
western side of Stone Age.
Pacific Ocean,  Baghor – Late
rainfall heavier Palaeolithic period.
which activates the  Sihawal- Early
Indian summer Palaeolithic period.
monsoon also.  Improvement in land
 St. Lawrence type – use is called soil
Rainfall throughout conservation.
the year. But more  The meaning of soil
in summers as conservation is not
compared to winters. only controlling
 Normally rainfall erosion, rather it
occurs throughout aims at maintaining
the year in China high level of
type of climate fertility.
region, but it occurs  Terrarrossa is a type
more during the of red clay soil
summer season. produced by the
 The average weathering of lime
temperature of stone rocks.
China type climatic  Tropical rain forest
region during the regions of the world
summer season is are facing the soil
between 24° - leaching problem

due to heavy rainfall  Spodosols Soil -
throughout the year. Humid cold
 Halophytes grow temperate
well in saline soil.  Laterite Soil - Hot
 Cryophytes grow and humid.
well in cold soil.  Earthworms give
 Plants growing in special contribution
strong rocks are in the formation of
called Lithophyte soil and increase its
and xerophytes grow productivity. They
in tropical desert are called the
areas. ‘ecosystem
 Hydrophytes grow engineer’.
well in water logged  Earthworms
areas. construct pores in
 Edaphic means an the soil through
abiotic factor which water and
relating to the oxygen enters and
physical or chemical carbon dioxide come
composition of the out.
soil, in particular  The wastes of the
area. earthworms are
 Excretion of urea by important for the
animals and dead productivity of the
vegetation are soil. They convert
decomposed by the soil into fine
decomposers. particles and make it
 Contour bunding soft. They act as
method of soil decomposers.
conservation is used
in mountain regions.
Slowing the flow of
45. Major Tribes
water during rain it
checks soil erosion.
Of the World
 Farming on
mountain slopes is  Nomadic herding is
done by contour
a practice of moving
from one place to
 Contours facilitate another with cattle in
easy flow of water search of pasture.
thus reducing soil  Nomadic
pastoralism is
 Podzol Soil - Cold commonly practiced
temperate in regions with arid
 Chernozem Soil - land over the world,
Temperate cold especially in the
steppe steppe lands of the

agricultural zone of index is obtained
Eurasia. more than 80.
 Nomadic herding  Howell & Smith
still exists in the classified the race in
world in the areas of three classes:
Central Asia, Africa, Nordic, Alpine and
and South America. Mediterranean.
 Transhumance is  Original home of the
the seasonal Gypsies was India.
movement of people They are believed to
with their livestock have originated from
from one grazing ‘Dom Caste’.
ground to another, as  Pygmy tribes live in
from lowlands to equatorial rain
highlands, with the forests of Congo
change of seasons. River basin in
Pastoral Africa. It is hunter-
communities gatherer tribe.
 In the Himalayas,  The Pygmy tribe
such as the Bhotiya, traditionally live in
Bakarwal, Gaddi, etc single-family huts
have traditionally called mongulus.
been practicing  Keystone species are
livestock herding by pioneer or basic
migrating to more species. Since
suitable pastures on community life is
seasonal basis in their way of living,
India. they decide the
 Archaeopteryx is ability of other
considered to be the species to persist in
first bird to have the community.
appeared on the  The Eskimos have
earth. It is estimated traditionally
to have developed inhabited in the
150 million years Northern Russia,
ago. Alaska, Canada, and
 Africa continent is Greenland. There are
known as ‘the Cradle 2 groups of Eskimos
of Mankind’. which are: (1) Inuit:
 The Caucasoids are These are
considered as the inhabitants of
largest racial group Canada, Eastern
in the world. Alaska, and
 The colour of eyes, Greenland. (2)
among the Yupik: These are
Caucasoids, is light inhabitants of
blue to dark brown Eastern Russia and
and hair straight to Western Alaska.
wavy. The skull

 There are 2 groups Peninsula
of Eskimos which (Malaysia). They
are: belong to the Negrito
(1) Inuit: These are species.
inhabitants of  Berber Tribe –
Canada, Eastern Morocco.
Alaska, and  Veddas Tribe – Sri
Greenland. Lanka.
(2) Yupik: These are  The Zulu is a tribe of
inhabitants of South Africa.
Eastern Russia and  The Zulus are known
Western Alaska. for their culture and
 Oraon – Oraon is traditions. The
one of the tribal famous war of
communities found Isandlwana was
in Chhotanagpur fought between the
region and Andaman British and the Zulus
Nicobar Island in in 1879.
India.  Central/Eastern
 Lapps – These are Europe &
inhabitants of Western/Central
European Tundra Asia - Alpine Tribal
region. community.
 Bushmen people of  Southeast Asia -
South Africa live in Negrito Tribal
Kalahari Desert. community.
They are found in  Armenia became a
Botswana, Namibia, new country after
Zimbabwe, dissolution of the
Swaziland also Soviet Union in
 Masai Tribe lives in 1991, where Kurdish
Kenya, Northern population is spread.
Tanzania, and  Fulani Tribes - West
Eastern Uganda. Africa
 Bedouin tribe lives  Bantu Tribes - East,
in Saudi Arabia. Central and
 Khirghiz Tribe - Southern Africa
Central Asia.  Nuba Tribes –
 Ainu Tribe – Japan. Sudan.
 Kayak - Narrow  The Sami (Lapps)
hunting boat tribe of Arctic
 Inuit - Snow house Europe lives
 Umiak - Boat for Norway, Sweden,
Transport Finland, and the
 Sledge - Dog pulled Russian Kola
vehicle Peninsula.
 The Semang tribes  The native of North
are inhabitants of the America are related
forests of the Malay to Mongoloid Race.

 The descending
order of beat
46. The Languages producing countries
are China, India,
Russia, USA
 Esperanto is an (According to FAO
International 2016).
auxiliary language  The cultivation of
devised by Dr. hybrid rice is most
Ludwig Lazarus popular in China.
Zamenhof. It is not
 The Rice Gene Bank
official language of
is situated in the
any country.
International Rice
 Spanish is an official Research Institute in
language of Chile, Los Banes,
Colombia & Cuba Philippines.
while it is not in the
 India is the second
Republic of Congo.
largest producer of
 Myanmar - Burmese sugar cane and the
Dialect. largest consumer of
 Indonesia - it worldwide.
Indonesian (official  Brazil is the largest
language), English, producer half sugar
Dutch, Javanese etc cane.
 Mauritius - English,  Ukraine produces
French (official almost whole of its
languages), Hindi sugar production
Urdu, Hakka, from beets only.
Bhojpuri and Creole
 According to recent
 Singapore - Malay data of FAO, China
(National language), is the largest cotton
English, Mandarin seed producer.
and Tamil (all
 India is the top
official language).
producer of cotton
47. Economic  Top five countries
according to cotton
Geography yield: Australia>
 The leading  According to FAO
producer of both 2016, India is the
wheat and rice in the largest producer and
world is China exporter of Castor
according to (FAO oil seeds.
report 2016).  According to FAO
 India is the largest 2016 India is the
area under rice largest producer of
cultivation. banana.

 According to FAO  Yangzi Jian Basin is
2016 the five leading known for rice
producers of coconut production and
in the world are Huang He is known
Indonesia, for Winter wheat
Philippines, India, production
Brazil and Sri  Coffee is cultivated
Lanka. in Sao Paulo region.
 According to FAO  Cocoa – Ghana
data India ranks  Coffee – Ivory
second in the Coast, Colombia
production of fruits  Tea – Kenya
and vegetables.  Sugarcane – South
 According to FAO Africa, Mauritius
2016, largest  Rubber – Malaysia
producer of Jowar is  Olive – Italy
USA followed by  Iron ore – China
Nigeria and Sudan.  Milk – India
 USA is the largest
 Petroleum – Saudi
producer of Arabia.
 Natural Rubber –
 According to 2015 Thailand.
data, Mexico exports
 According to
percentage of sugar
Committee for
production. India is
animal recording,
second place in this
the maximum
production of milk
 Largest rubber
cow was in Denmark
cultivation is done in
in 2017.
 Coffee is grown in
 Country with
the state of Hawaii,
principal primary United States.
 Apple is
 Fazenda is a type of
plantation found in cultivated in
Brazil where coffee
temperate and
is produced in South subtropical regions.
eastern regions of
 Flowers do not grow
in apple trees in
 Top producing tropical regions
countries of coffee because this process
are Brazil, Vietnam, requires cold
Columbia, climatic conditions.
Indonesia, Ethiopia,
 Alley Cropping is
Honduras, India,
planting rows of
Uganda, Mexico,
trees with wide

 Monoculture is a acid, magnesium and
distinct potassium.
characteristic of  Podzol soil is found
commercial grain near 600 N latitudes
farming. in Eurasia and North
 Nitrogen is an America.
essential element for  Mocha coffee disco
for the development in Yemen.
of plant cell and  Tea was first used as
tissue. a medicinal drink in
 Due to deficiency of China.
Nitrogen in plants  According to the
the leaves turn International
yellowish in colour Agreement on
and dry up. Agriculture, a green
 Rhizobium, box is an instrument
Azotobacter, through which
Azospirillum and economic assistance
blue-green Algae are is provided in the
used as Bio- fields of – research
fertilizers for crops. related to control of
 Blue-Green algae is insects and disease,
used in paddy fields, training, general
whereas azotobacter awareness,
is used as a bio- marketing, and
fertilizer for wheat, promotion activities.
maize, mustard,  Heroin Production is
potato, and cotton. obtained from
 Azospirillum is used Opium resin.
for Sorghum, Millet,  Golden Crescent is
Sugarcane, Maize the name given to
etc. one of Asia’s two
 Azolla – Anabaena principal areas of
biofertilizer is used illicit opium
for rice crop production located at
production. central and South
 Alfa-Alfa is a plant Asia.
native to Asia, and is
considered to be one
of the first known
herbs to mankind. It
is naturally high in
many essential
vitamins and  Maize is staple food
minerals including for the people in
A, D, E, K and middle Africa.
family of the  Maize is rich in
vitamin, biotin, folic vitamin A, C & E,

carbohydrates, production and study
minerals and protein. of grapes.
 Sacramento-San  Vegetable
Joaquin Valley is cultivation is called
located in California olericulture.
(USA).  Flower cultivation –
 Sacramento is a Floriculture.
flat/internal valley,  Crops cultivation –
where River San Agronomy.
Joaquin creates  Fruits Cultivation –
inland delta. The Pomology.
valley is world  The largest producer
famous for grapes of silk in the world is
and citrus fruit. China followed by
 Commercial India, Vietnam,
viticulture is specific Turkmenistan,
to Mediterranean Romania, Thailand
region of Europe. and Uzbekistan.
 The major cause of  Mad cow disease
viticulture at large first broke out in
scale is the use of 1980 in Britain. It
85% of grapes badly affected the
production in wine. British beef
 Catechu is obtained industry.
from woos of Khair  Cuba is known as the
tree. Sugar Bowl of the
 Peanuts is the main world because sugar
crop of Gambia. cane is the major
 China is the largest produce of Cuba.
producer of
groundnuts. Ghana
is also one of the 48. The Minerals
leading producers.
 Brazil is considered
the native place of  Based on the
groundnuts. percentage of carbon
 Shahtoosh is a kind present coal is
of shawl which is categorised in four
woven with hair of types:
Tibetan antelope  1. Anthracite - It is
(Chiru). They are the best quality of
found almost coal having a carbon
entirely in China. content of 90%-
 Apiculture is the 95%.
maintenance of bee  2. Bituminous - It is
also called beeking. next to Anthracite in
 Viticulture is the terms of quality
science of having a carbon

content of 70% to  According to the
90%. data provided by
 3. Lignite - Indian Bureau of
Famously known as mines 2017, more
brown coal having a than half of the
carbon content of world’s production
40% – 45%. It is of coal comes from
mostly used in China and USA.
thermal power  Ruhr is a river in
plants. Germany.
 4. Peat -It is low-  The second most
grade coal having a abundant metal
carbon content of found in Earth's core
40% or less. is iron.
 Rock coal is also  Largest producer of
known as Iran over our China,
Anthracite. It is the Australia and Brazil,
highest quality of India.
coal.  Lake Superior
 At present China has region in North
the highest reserves America is famous
of Anthracite. for iron ore reserves.
 Coal, crude oil and  Loraine Iron ore
natural gas are fossil region – France.
fuels.  Midland Iron ore
 Donbass region region – UK.
situated in Ukraine is  Kiruna Iron ore
a major coal region – Sweden.
producing region.  Kokshetau Iron ore
 The North region – Kazakhstan.
Appalachian coal  The top five leading
area is the largest countries in terms of
coal area of USA. copper production
The region produces are Chile, China,
the best quality of Peru, USA.
coal.  Huge deposits of
 Saar region is a Porphyry copper are
forest in found in the
southwestern mountainous region
German state of Andes.
bordered by France.  The Chuquicamata
A large deposit of copper mine of
coal is found here. It Northern Chile is
is situated in this are located in this
Saar River Valley. region. These copper
 Kuznetsk Coalfield deposits are believed
– Russia. to be of North
 Lancashire – U.K Eocene Oligocene

 There is a long comprised of 60% of
copper (reserve) belt copper, 20% zinc
from Zambia to and 20% Nickel.
Katanga (Zaire).  Aluminium is a
 Japan is self- whitish coloured
sufficient in copper metal. Bauxite is the
production. The ore of Aluminium.
production of copper  According to Indian
in Japan is more than Mineral yearbook
its consumption. 2015, the largest
 The largest aluminium primary
producers of gold producers of the
are- China, world are China,
Australia, Russia, Russia, Canada,
America. UAE, India.
 World’s maximum  80% of the world's
gold reserves is tin is found in the
found in Australia. placer deposits.
70% of its gold is  Maximum placer
derived from deposits are spread
Western Australia. across South-East
Two of the important Asia.
gold mines  According to Indian
Kalgoorlie and mineral year book
Coolgardie are 2017 the largest tin
situated in Western producers of the
Australia. world are China,
 Jonesburg is famous Indonesia,
for gold mining. Myanmar, Brazil.
 Switzerland is the  Leading petroleum
largest gold producers are USA,
exporting country to Saudi Arabia,
India. Russia, China.
 Asia’s biggest gold  USA the biggest
market is in China producer of crude
followed by India. oil.
 According to Indian  Saudi Arabia is the
mineral year book largest oil producing
2017 largest country in the West
producers of silver in Asia.
the world are  The largest oil-
Mexico, Peru, producing country in
China, Russia, South-East Asia is
Chile. Indonesia. Sumatra,
 German silver is also Java, Kalimantan are
known as nickel the important oil
silver, Mailechort, producing regions.
New silver, Alpaca  Venezuela in South
etc. It is an alloy America is an

important oil- jatropha are used for
producing country in biofuel production.
the world. Petroleum  Kazakhstan is the
constitutes 80% of largest producer of
the export of uranium.
Venezuela.  Russia possesses
 According to Indian rich reserves of iron
Mineral Year Book- ore, manganese,
2017, the top five chromium, nickel,
leading countries in platinum, titanium,
terms of crude oil copper, tin, lead,
reserves are tungsten, diamonds,
Venezuela, Saudi phosphates and gold.
Arab, Canada, Iran  The largest uranium
Iraq. reserves are found in
 Ras Tanura is the South Australia.
oldest refinery on the  Uranium city
Persian Gulf, located Saskatchewan is a
near industrial port planned community
city Jubail in Saudi located in Canada.
Arabia.  Radium is a
 Gasohol is 90% radioactive element.
Gasoline (Unleaded) It is extracted from
and 10% ethyl uranium ore
alcohol (ethanol). pitchblende.
 Gasoline is a by- 
product mixture of
petrol. 49. Mineral:
 USA is the top
producer and
consumer of
gasohol.  Non-ferrous metals
 Bent crude oil is a are those metals or
major classification alloys, which does
of crude oil. It is not have any amount
sourced from North of iron in them. The
Sea. important non-
 Iran- Pakistan gas ferrous metals are -
pipeline is also Aluminium, Copper,
known as the peace Lead, Nickle, Tin,
pipeline or IP gas Titanium, Zinc,
pipeline. Silver, Gold,
 The first commercial Platinum, Cobalt,
oil well was Mercury, Tungsten,
commercially drilled Beryllium, Cerium,
in Romania in 1857. Cadmium, Gallium,
Germanium etc.
 Sugar cane, corn,
soybean, rapeseed,  Coal – Karaganda

 Gold – Highveld  Nitrate in its natural
 Mineral Oil – San form is found in
Joaquin Valley. Chile and Peru.
 Iron Ore – Krivoi  Atacama Desert
Rog. located in north
 Port Radium is Chile has the largest
located in Canada source of nitrate.
and world-famous  Copper – Cuprite
uranium reserves.  Zinc – Calamine
 In USA copper is  Iron – Haematite
produced in Arizona  Cinnabar is the most
Bingham. common source ore
 Baku is located in for refining
Azerbaijan, on the elemental mercury.
Northern slopes of 
Caucasus Miner Country
Mountains. als
 Baku is world Silver Mexico
famous for Mica India
petroleum. Iron Russian
 Ore Federati
Region Mine on
ral Coppe Chile
Kimberl Diam r
ey ond
Witwate Gold  The leading
rsrand producer of Iodine in
Katanga Copp the world is Chile.
er  Iodine is extracted
Saar Coal from Caliche Ore or
Buttle Silve brines.
r  Commercial sources
of energy consist of
 The discovery of power, coal, oil, gas,
Lithium mineral in hydroelectricity and
Afghanistan mineral uranium.
was compared with  According to the
the discovery of the Indian Bureau of
oil field in Iran. mines, DR Congo is
 China is the leading the biggest producer
producer of in Africa.
 According to IMYB
2017, Australia is
50. The Industries
the leading producer
of Bauxite followed
by China, Brazil,  Centre for Iron-steel:
India. Hamilton – Canada
Birmingham - U.K

Essen – Germany Cotto
Anshan – China n
Yokoha Ship
 Center and ma Buildi
concerned industry ng
are as follows: Housto Oil
1. Pittsburgh - Iron n and
and steel Natur
2. Shanghai - Cotton al Gas
3. Dundee - Jute  Concerned industry
Textile and respective cities:
4. Leningrad - Ship 1. Anshan (China) -
building Iron and steel
 5. Salem - Iron and industry.
steel 2. Havana (Cuba) -
 6. Los-Angeles - Cigar Industry.
Aircraft  3. Detroit (U.S.A.) -
 7. Abadan - Oil Automobile
Refinery  4. Nagoya (Japan) -
 8. Nagoya - Cotton Cotton Textile
Textile.  5. Chelyabinsk
 Aberdeen is often (Russia)- Metallurgy
called as the ‘Oil and Military
Capital of Europe’. Machinery.
The petroleum 6. Milan (Italy) - Silk
industry in Aberdeen textile industry
began with the 7. Moscow (Russia)
discovery of - Metal, Chemical
significant oil and Machinery
deposits in North industry
Sea during the mid- 8. Osaka (Japan) -
20th century. Cotton textile
 Biomass is a 9. Sheffield
renewable source of (England) - Cutlery
energy. industry
 Birmingham is 10. Venice City
located in United (Italy) - Glass
Kingdom. It is industry
famous for its Iron 11. Glasgow
and steel industry (Scotland) - Ship
not for ship building. building industry
 12. Ottawa (Canada)
City Indust - Paper making
ry industry
Osaka Textil  Industrial region and
e respective countries:
Indust 1. Kinki – Japan
ry, 2. Canton – China

3. Lorraine – France located at any
4. Belo Horizonte – location without
Brazil effect from factors
5. Lancashire such as resources or
Region - United transport.
Kingdom  The availability of
6. Ruhr Region - raw material is not
Germany the primary
7. Keihin Region - consideration in
Japan electronics industry.
8. Southern  Bagasse can be used
Appalachian Region as a biomass fuel for
- United States of generating energy
Americas and Molasses of
9. Po Valley – Italy sugarcane may be
10. Kanto Plain - used for the
Japan. production of
 According to data  Poplar is the woody
for year 2011 given raw material used for
by United Nations making paper pulp.
Food and  Osaka (Japan) is
Agricultural known as
Organisation, China ‘Manchester of East’
is at 1st rank in the for production of
production of Wool cotton textile.
Australia, New  Most of the Iron and
Zealand, and United steel production
Kingdom are at centre are located at
second third and southern coastal
fourth place, region.
respectively. At  In eastern Asia,
present (2013) China Japan is at prominent
is member one wool position in ship
(greasy) producer. building, while in
Australia and New Kyushuregion-
Zealand are at fukuoka,
second and third Kitakyushu,
place, respectively. Nagasaki are
 Wuppertal is a City important region for
in North Rhine - automobiles,
Westphalia, chemicals,
Germany. It is a semiconductor
centre of wool industry.
production.  South Korea is a
 Footloose industry is leading country in
a general term for ship building
any industry that can industry.
be placed and

 London is the largest  Trans-Andean
metal trading centre. railway is most
 There are industries important rail route
related to Tyres, of South America. It
Electric Wires, travels from
Battery, Paint, Car Valparaiso to
Machinery, Buenos Aires of
Chemicals, Argentina. The
Computers etc. Trans-Siberian
Ontario situated in railway is the longest
Canada is famous for (9232 kms.) railway
paper industry, in the world.
Texas is famous for  Descending order of
chemical industry the countries in
and Nagoya in Japan terms of railway
is known for motor length in the world
car. are USA, Russia,
China, India,
Canada, Germany.
51. Transport  The Canadian
Pacific Railway
connects Montreal to
 North Atlantic Sea Vancouver.
route connects two  The Delaware
major industrial Aqueduct is the
zones of Europe and newest of aqueducts
North America. It is in the New York
the busiest Sea route City. It takes water
in the World. from the Rondout
 North Atlantic Reservoir through
Ocean Route is the the Chelsea Pump
busiest ocean route. Station, the West
 Major ports of Branch Reservoir,
western Europe i.e., and the Kentico
London, Liverpool, Reservoir, ending at
Hamburg, the Hill view
Amsterdam etc. and Reservoir in
major ports of North Yonkers, New York.
America like The Delaware
Quebec, New York, Aqueduct is the
Boston, Philadelphia world's longest
etc. come under the tunnel.
North Atlantic  The longest rail
Ocean Route. route tunnel of the
 European trans- world, Seikan is
continental railway located in Japan. Its
travel from Paris to length is 53.85 Km.
Warsaw.  2000 km of high-
speed rail network

were in service till  The port of Santos is
September, 2016. located in Brazil.
With this China has  Port Nolloth, a town
the largest high- of South Africa, is
speed rail network in known as Port
the world. Diamond.
 China has started its  The periplus of the
longest Bullet train. Erythraean Sea or
Periplus of Red Sea
is a Greco – Roman
52. The Ports & periplus written in
Harbours koine Greek that
describes navigation
and trading
opportunities from
 The busiest port of
Roman Egyptian
Japan is Yokohama.
It is operated by Port
 Alexandria is the
and Harbour Bureau
second largest city
of the city of
and major economic
Yokohama in Japan.
centre in Egypt,
 Igarka Port - Russia.
extending about 32
 Rotterdam port –
km along the coast
of the Mediterranean
 Montevideo Port –
 Jakarta Port –
Indonesia. 53. Mapping
 The largest
shipbuilder country  An Isopleth map
of the world is South generalizes and
Korea. simplifies data with
 Gwadar is a port in continuous
Pakistan located the distribution. It
Arabian Sea. The shows the data as
port has tactical third dimension on
importance in the map.
region. An  Isopleth maps are
agreement was more common for
signed between mapping surface
Pakistan and China elevation, amounts
for the development of precipitation,
of Gwadar Port. atmospheric
China is also pressure and
building a rail numerous other
network up to the measurement that
Gwadar Port for the can be viewed
smooth transit of statistically as a third
trade activities. dimension. It is an

example of daily continents, the cold
weather map. currents flowing
 An imaginary line or from the polar seas
a line on a map and the warm
joining points on the currents from the
Earth’s surface at low latitudes
which the magnetic converge. Because
declination is the of convergence,
same called, there is strong
isogonal. mixing of ocean
 An imaginary line waters. In such
representing points areas, the nutrients
of depth under water essential for marine
is called Isobath in organisms are in
mapping. abundance. So, the
 Contours are an marine life is rich in
effective device for such areas.
representing relief  Grand Banks portion
on topographic of the North
maps. They can be American
defined as an continental shelf in
imaginary line the Atlantic Ocean
connecting points of lies in Southeast of
equal elevation on Newfoundland
the ground surface. Island, Canada
 When contours are  The cold Labrador
close together, they Current and the
represent a steep relatively warm Gulf
slope, whereas when Stream meet in the
contours are far from vicinity of the Grand
each other, they Banks.
represent a gradual  The mingling of the
slope. cold and warm water
produces favourable
conditions for the
54. Miscellaneous growth of plankton,
on which fish
depend directly or
 At about 40° N and indirectly for their
60°S latitudes on the food supply. It
western margins of consists of a number
the continents, the of separate banks,
cold and warm which are St. Pierre,
Ocean currents Georges Bank, etc.
diverge.  The concept of Neo-
 On the contrary, at Determinism in
the same latitude, geography was
along the eastern advanced by Griffith
coast of the Taylor. This concept

is known as ‘stop- rainfall is known as
and-go determinism’ Isohyet.
or Scientific  Isobar is a line on
determinism. map connecting
 J.E. Spencer and points having the
W.L. Thomas have same atmospheric
divided the world pressure at a given
into 11 cultural time.
worlds in their book  Isotherm is a line on
“Introducing map connecting
Cultural point having same
Geography.” temperature at a
 The Kurd or Kurdish given time.
people are an ethnic  Isohalines are lines
group in the Middle (or contour) that join
East mostly point of equal
inhabiting a salinity in an aquatic
contiguous area of system.
Eastern and South-  A nautical mile is a
eastern Turkey, non-SI unit of
West Iran, Northern distance, set by
Iraq and Northern international
Syria. agreement as being
 Madhesi are exactly 1,852 metres
indigenous ethnic (about 6,076 feet). It
group of Nepal and is generally used by
Rohingya are navigators in the sea,
Muslim of the air and in polar
Rakhine State, exploration.
Myanmar.  The terrestrial mile
 Australia is a federal is a unit of length
State consists New equal to 1,760 yards
South Wales, and standardised as
Victoria, exactly 1,609.344
Queensland, South metres by
Australia, Western international
Australia, and agreement.
Tasmania.  The length of
terrestrial mile is less
than a nautical mile.
 The Harmattan is a
dry and dusty North
Easterly trade wind
which blows from
 the Sahara Desert
 A line on a map or over the West
chart connecting African
areas of equal subcontinent into the
Gulf of Guinea

between the end of  Great Victoria
November and Desert – Australia
middle of March. In  Grand Canyon -
West Africa, it is U.S.A.
known as ‘The  Lake Winnipeg -
doctor’ because of Canada
its invigorating  Southern Alps - New
dryness compared Zealand
with humid tropical  Seikan Tunnel –
air. Japan
 Located on the  Petronas Towers –
Southwestern tip of Malaysia.
the European  Rogun Dam –
Continent, the Tajikistan
Iberian Peninsula,  Peneplains are
includes the formed by rivers.
countries of
Peneplain are almost
Andorra, Portugal featureless gentle
and Spain, and the
undulating plain
British Crown produced by fluvial
Colony of Gibraltar erosion and in course
while Greece & of time reduce the
Albania are not part
land almost to base
of Iberian Peninsula.
level, leaving so
 A pole star is a little gradient that
visible star aligned essentially no more
with Earth’s axis of erosion could occur.
rotation i.e., a star  The Bermuda
whose apparent Triangle is an
position is close to
Oceanic area
one of the celestial
bounded by points in
poles. It lies directly Bermuda, Florida,
overhead North Pole and Puerto Rico in
or South Pole.
the Western part
 Gravitation is a (Miami) of the North
natural phenomenon Atlantic Ocean
by which all things  The Bermuda
with the mass are
Triangle is also
brought towards one
known as the
another and Earth ‘Devil’s Triangle
has gravitational
 Golden Triangle -
Opium producing
 Greenland- is
Area of South East
located between Asia
Arctic and Atlantic
 Rice Bowl of Far
Ocean, Sound is
East - Myanmar
generated by
 Red Basin – China.
 RADARSAT-1, the
satellite of Canada

which helped in the communes, to meet
preparation of a China’s industrial
detailed and and agricultural
complete map of needs.
Antarctica for the  The Chernobyl
first time in 1997. nuclear disaster
 Cape Canaveral, happened in April
located at Florida 1986 in the Soviet
USA, is prime Union and current
Centre of space craft Ukraine.
and satellite launch.  India has the largest
 A geostationary number of Post
satellite is at an Offices in the world
altitude of which is more than 1
approximately lakh.
35,786 km above  Ostrich is the tallest
mean sea level. It is bird but cannot fly.
directly over the Crane is tallest
equator and travels among flyer birds.
in the same direction 
the earth rotates.
 Venice city of Italy,
is known as ‘La
Dominate’ ‘Queen
of the Adriatic Sea’,
“City of Canals”,
“city of Bridges” etc.
 Catalonia – Spain
 Mindanao–
 Oromia – Ethiopia
 The word ‘Kyrgyz’
is derived from Kyrk
which means forty.
Thus, Kyrgyz stan
 Kailash Mansarovar
means country of 40
is located in Chinese
 ‘The Great Leap
 Mount Kailash is a
Forward Policy’ in
peak in the kalash
Chinese history, is
range which forms
the campaign
the part of the trans
undertaken by the
Himalayas and Tibet
Chinese communist
China. It lies near the
party between 1958
source of some of
and early 1960 to
the longest rivers
organize its vast
like Indus, Sutlej,
especially in large-
scale rural

 India’s look East  The SAARC
policy was secretariat is in
developed and Kathmandu, Nepal
enacted during the 
government of PV
Narsimha Rao.
 India’s look East
policy represents its
effort to cultivate
extensive economic
and strategic
relations with the  Headquarters of
nations of Southeast European Union is in
Asia. Brussels in Belgium.
 Duty Geo strategic  University of Tokyo
location of Southeast Atacama,
Asia between Pacific observatory is the
Ocean and Indian world's highest
Ocean it has astronomical
captured the observatory.
attention of global  The age of the tree
community. can be determined
 The headquarters of by counting the
food and agricultural number of rings on
organization is its stem.
located in Rome  Dendrochronology
Italy. is the scientific
 International Red method of dating
Cross society- based on the analysis
Geneva. of patterns of tree
 International Court rings.
of Justice- Hague.  World population
 European Economic th
day- 11 July
Community-  Copacabana beach
Brussels. located in the South
 International zone of the city of
Maritime Rio de Janeiro.
organization is a
specialized agency
of United Nations.
Its headquarters is in

55. Countries & Cameroon Yaoundé
Canada Ottawa
Capitals Cape Verde Praia
Afghanistan Kabul Republic

Albania Tirana (Tirane) Chad N'Djamena

Algeria Algiers Chile Santiago

Andorra Andorra la Vella China Beijing

Angola Luanda Colombia Bogota

Antigua and Comoros Moroni

Saint John's
Barbuda Congo,
Argentina Buenos Aires Democratic
Republic of
Armenia Yerevan
Australia Canberra
Austria Vienna
Republic of Brazzaville
Azerbaijan Baku the
Bahamas Nassau Costa Rica San Jose
Bahrain Manama Côte d'Ivoire
Bangladesh Dhaka (Ivory Coast)
Barbados Bridgetown Croatia Zagreb
Belarus Minsk Cuba Havana
Belgium Brussels Cyprus Nicosia
Belize Belmopan Czech
Benin Porto Novo Republic Prague
Bhutan Thimphu
Denmark Copenhagen
La Paz
Bolivia (administrative), Djibouti Djibouti
Sucre (official) Dominica Roseau
Bosnia and Dominican
Sarajevo Santo Domingo
Herzegovina Republic
Botswana Gaborone East Timor Dili
Brazil Brasilia Ecuador Quito
Bandar Seri Egypt Cairo
Begawan El Salvador San Salvador
Bulgaria Sofia England London
Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Equatorial
Burundi Giteau Guinea
Cambodia Phnom Penh Eritrea Asmara

Estonia Tallinn Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan
Eswatini Kenya Nairobi
(Swaziland) Kiribati Tarawa Atoll
Ethiopia Addis Ababa Kosovo Pristina
Federated Kuwait Kuwait City
States of Palikir
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek
Laos Vientiane
Fiji Suva
Latvia Riga
Finland Helsinki
Lebanon Beirut
France Paris
Lesotho Maseru
Gabon Libreville
Liberia Monrovia
Gambia Banjul
Libya Tripoli
Georgia Tbilisi
Liechtenstein Vaduz
Germany Berlin
Lithuania Vilnius
Ghana Accra
Luxembourg Luxembourg
Greece Athens
Madagascar Antananarivo
Grenada Saint George's
Malawi Lilongwe
Guatemala Guatemala City
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Guinea Conakry
Maldives Male
Bissau Mali Bamako
Malta Valletta
Guyana Georgetown
Haiti Port au Prince Majuro
Honduras Tegucigalpa
Mauritania Nouakchott
Hungary Budapest
Mauritius Port Louis
Iceland Reykjavik
Mexico Mexico City
India New Delhi
Moldova Chisinau
Indonesia Jakarta
Monaco Monaco
Iran Tehran
Mongolia Ulaanbaatar
Iraq Baghdad
Montenegro Podgorica
Ireland Dublin
Morocco Rabat
Jerusalem (very
Mozambique Maputo
international Myanmar
Nay Pyi Taw
recognition) (Burma)

Italy Rome Namibia Windhoek

Jamaica Kingston Nauru No official capital

Japan Tokyo Nepal Kathmandu

Jordan Amman Netherlands Amsterdam

New Zealand Wellington Serbia Belgrade
Nicaragua Managua Seychelles Victoria
Niger Niamey Sierra Leone Freetown
Nigeria Abuja Singapore Singapore
North Korea Pyongyang Slovakia Bratislava
North Slovenia Ljubljana
Macedonia Skopje Solomon
(Macedonia) Honiara
Northern Somalia Mogadishu
Norway Oslo South Africa Bloemfontein,
Oman Muscat Cape Town
Pakistan Islamabad South Korea Seoul
Palau Melekeok South Sudan Juba
Panama Panama City Spain Madrid
Papua New Sri
Port Moresby
Guinea Sri Lanka Jayewardenepura
Paraguay Asuncion Kotte

Peru Lima Sudan Khartoum

Philippines Manila Suriname Paramaribo

Poland Warsaw Sweden Stockholm

Portugal Lisbon Switzerland Bern

Qatar Doha Syria Damascus

Romania Bucharest Taiwan Taipei

Russia Moscow Tajikistan Dushanbe

Rwanda Kigali Tanzania Dodoma

Saint Kitts Thailand Bangkok

and Nevis Togo Lomé
Saint Lucia Castries Tonga Nuku'alofa
Saint Vincent Trinidad and
Port of Spain
and the Kingstown Tobago
Grenadines Tunisia Tunis
Samoa Apia Turkey Ankara
San Marino San Marino Turkmenistan Ashgabat
Sao Tome Tuvalu Funafuti
Sao Tome
and Principe
Uganda Kampala
Saudi Arabia Riyadh
Ukraine Kyiv or Kiev
Scotland Edinburgh
United Arab
Senegal Dakar Abu Dhabi

United States Washington D.C.
Uruguay Montevideo
Uzbekistan Tashkent
Vanuatu Port Vila
Vatican City Vatican City
Venezuela Caracas
Vietnam Hanoi
Wales Cardiff
Yemen Sana'a
Zambia Lusaka
Zimbabwe Harare

UPPSC 2019




6. Telegraph plateau is a part of North Atlantic Ridge.


10. Talcher coal field – Angul District Of ODISHA in Mahanadi Valley.
11. Karanpura coalfield – Jharkhand, Damodar Valley
12. Singrauli Coalfield – spread across sonbhadra and singrauli district of UP & MP, Son Valley
13. Singareni Coalfield – Telangana, Godavari valley
14. Gurla Mandhata peak – Tibetan plateau
15. Kamet is the second highest mountain in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand
17. The winter rains caused by Western Disturbance in North-Western Plain of India gradually
decreases from West to East.
18. In LUNI River, the upper course contains fresh water but saline water flowing at the lower part.
19. Moribund Delta' is a subdivision of Bengal Delta.
20. Sugarcane and sugar production in the U.P. is more than in Maharashtra but productivity is
21. Known as the “Khajuraho of Vidarbha”, the temple of Markandadeo is situated on the bank of
River Wainganga in district Gadchiroli of Maharashtra.
22. Maquis Vegetation - Mediterranean region
23. Fynbos Vegetation – South Africa
24. Matorral Vegetation – Chile
25. Chaparral Vegetation – California
26. Epiphyte Vegetation – Equitorial Region
27. Acacia Tree – Savanna
28. Baobab Tree – Sahara Region
29. Cedar Tree – Mediterranean
30. Pygmy tribe – congo basin
31. Angamis tribe – Nagaland
32. Ainu tribe – Japan
33. Kyrgyz tribe - Kyrgyzstan
34. The correct order of the Central India hills from west to east is Satpura, Mahadeo, Maikal and
35. The highest concentration of Seismic zones lies in Himalayan region in India. There are many
longitudinal thrust zones in Himalayas.
36. Imphal Basin surrounded by Manipur hills is a fine example of Lacustrine plain.
37. The Damodar is famous for its fault valley drainage. The Damodar river rises in the Palamu hills
of the Chota Nagpur plateau in the state of Jharkhand.
38. Savanna or Tropical Grassland regions is known as 'the big game country' or 'a land of safari'.
39. The sedimentary rocks of the greater Himalayas were fossil less. Marine living fossils are
found in the sedimentary rocks of lesser Himalayas. Remains of human civilization are found
in Outer or Shivalik Himalayas.

UPPSC 2020
1. The tribes of the Islands belong to two different races. The Andamanese, Jarawas, Onges and
the Sentinelese living in the Andaman group of islands belong to the Negrito group while the
Nicobarese and Shompens, living in Nicobar Islands belong to the Mongoloid group.
2. Trans-Himalayan Rivers are those rivers that originate beyond the Greater Himalayas. Three of
the major trans-Himalayan rivers are the Indus, the Brahmaputra, and the Sutlej.
3. KHAS Tribe – Uttarakhand, HP, J&K, Assam, Sikkim
4. Birhor Tribe – Jharkhand
5. Todas – TN
6. Sala Lake - Manipur
7. Badkhal Lake - Haryana
8. Loktak Lake - Manipur
9. Kaliveli Lake - Tamil Nadu
10. The Himalayan Mountain is the youngest range of India.
11. Manganese ore, Chitradurga, Karnataka. 2. Iron ore, Ballari, Karnataka.
12. Valley of Kashmir: Between the Pir Panjal and the western end of the Great Himalayan ranges
lies a deep asymmetrical basin called the Vale of Kashmir.
13. The tributaries of Yamuna river from west to east direction - Chambal, Sindh, Betwa, Ken.
14. Darling Range a plateau located in South Western Australia Coast.
15. Currents in the Indian Ocean include the following:

The North-East Monsoon Drift.

The South West Monsoon Drift.

North Equatorial Current (Warm)

South Equatorial Current (Warm)

Somali Current (Cold)

Mozambique Current (Warm)

Madagascar Current (Warm)

Agulhas Current (Warm)

16. Beja people are an ethnic Cushitic people inhabiting Sudan, Egypt, and Eritrea.
17. Jews majorly living in Israel.
18. Teda, also called Toda, Todaga, Todga, Tuda, or Tudaga are people of the eastern and central
Sahara Chad, Niger, and Libya.
19. Lurs or Lurish people are an Iranian people living mainly in western and south-western Iran.
20. Postmasburg and its adjacent areas of South Africa is a major producer of Manganese.
21. Mount Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania.
22. Chimborazo is the highest mountain in Ecuador.
23. Pyrenees is a mountain range straddling the border of France and Spain
24. Atlas Mountains are a mountain range in the Maghreb in North Africa
25. Kinta Valley in Perak, Malaysia, has historically been the most productive tin-producing district
in the world.

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