ML p4
ML p4
ML p4
Use an appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowl-
edge to classify a new sample.”’
import math import csv def load_csv(filename): lines=csv.reader(open(filename,”r”));
dataset = list(lines) headers = dataset.pop(0) return dataset,headers
class Node: def __init__(self,attribute): self.attribute=attribute self.children=[]
def subtables(data,col,delete): dic={} coldata=[row[col] for row in data]
counts=[0]*len(attr) r=len(data) c=len(data[0]) for x in range(len(attr)): for y
in range(r): if data[y][col]==attr[x]: counts[x]+=1
for x in range(len(attr)): dic[attr[x]]=[[0 for i in range(c)] for j in
range(counts[x])] pos=0 for y in range(r): if data[y][col]==attr[x]: if delete:
del data[y][col] dic[attr[x]][pos]=data[y] pos+=1 return attr,dic
def entropy(S): attr=list(set(S)) if len(attr)==1: return 0
counts=[0,0] for i in range(2): counts[i]=sum([1 for x in S if attr[i]==x])/(len(S)*1.0)
sums=0 for cnt in counts: sums+=-1*cnt*math.log(cnt,2) return sums
def compute_gain(data,col): attr,dic = subtables(data,col,delete=False)
total_size=len(data) entropies=[0]*len(attr) ratio=[0]*len(attr)
total_entropy=entropy([row[-1] for row in data]) for x in range(len(attr)): ra-
tio[x]=len(dic[attr[x]])/(total_size*1.0) entropies[x]=entropy([row[-1] for row in
dic[attr[x]]]) total_entropy-=ratio[x]*entropies[x] return total_entropy
def build_tree(data,features): lastcol=[row[-1] for row in data] if(len(set(lastcol)))==1:
node=Node(””) node.answer=lastcol[0] return node
n=len(data[0])-1 gains=[0]*n for col in range(n): gains[col]=compute_gain(data,col)
split=gains.index(max(gains)) node=Node(features[split]) fea = features[:split]+features[split+1:]
for x in range(len(attr)): child=build_tree(dic[attr[x]],fea) node.children.append((attr[x],child))
return node
def print_tree(node,level): if node.answer!=””: print(” ”*level,node.answer) re-
print(” ”*level,node.attribute) for value,n in node.children: print(” ”*(level+1),value)
def classify(node,x_test,features): if node.answer!=””: print(node.answer)
return pos=features.index(node.attribute) for value, n in node.children: if
x_test[pos]==value: classify(n,x_test,features)
”’Main program”’ dataset,features=load_csv(”4_id3.csv”) node1=build_tree(dataset,features)
print(”The decision tree for the dataset using ID3 algorithm is”) print_tree(node1,0)
for xtest in testdata: print(”The test instance:”,xtest) print(”The label for test
instance:”,end=” ”) classify(node1,xtest,features)