Bulk Upload Template

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UserID CourseID CompletionDate ContentType Provider

Completions File

Use this template to add verified user completions to content items.

Filed Name Required Max Length

UserID Y 255

CourseID Y 2000

CompletionDate N Date

ContentType Y -

Provider N -

File Format and Considerations

The file is supported in either .XLSX format or delimited text. If delimited text, need to specify the delimter used.
Column headings MUST be included in the file. Headings don't have to be an exact match or in a specific order, but once configured they must be consistent from that point forward.
Field values (for example, Y vs. Yes) can also be determined at configuration. But, once set, they must remain consistent.
File naming format is: {Client}_Completions_File_YYYYMMDD. File name must be unique. If multiple files are generated on the same day, minutes (MI) and seconds (SS) can be added to the date stamp.
letions File

pletions to content items.


The unique identifier from the client system. Typically, this is a unique client or employee ID value.

Unique identifier for the content completed by the user.

• Typically this is the Customer ContentID provided through the content API or previous File Upload
• If a unique Customer ContentID was not provided during content creation, use the content URL in this field

Date in which the user completed the content.

• Format is YYYYMMDD (DD is optional)
• If record of completion already exists in Degreed, but the completion date in this field is different, the date will be updated

Note: If left NULL (blank), content will be marked as completed with no completion date assigned.

Type of content completed.

Acceptable values (in bold):

• Article
• Video
• Book
• Course
• Podcast
• Assessment
• Event

WARNING: if this field left NULL (blank), the Degreed process will assume a ContentType of Course.

This field is used to designate a specific Provider for a piece of content.

• In most scenarios this is not needed, but can be used if there are content items with matching CourseIDs in the catalog
• If used, the Provider Code must be used in this field
• If you don't know your provider codes, please consult with your technical support team

or delimited text. If delimited text, need to specify the delimter used.

file. Headings don't have to be an exact match or in a specific order, but once configured they must be consistent from that point forward.
so be determined at configuration. But, once set, they must remain consistent.
ns_File_YYYYMMDD. File name must be unique. If multiple files are generated on the same day, minutes (MI) and seconds (SS) can be added to the date stamp.

12345 or [email protected]





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